Prosolution Plus Review and Results

By: Rob Miller
4 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 1-23-2025
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While the majority of guys coming to this website are simply looking to get bigger, a good portion are looking for help with premature ejaculation issues.

In fact, I conducted a poll on my site a couple of years ago, and nearly 27% reported suffering from premature ejaculation.

premature ejaculation poll conducted by supplement critique

While I haven’t tested too many premature ejaculation supplements , I’ve done a shit ton of research on the subject.

One popular supplement I came across was Prosolution Plus, a once daily formula designed to help men suffering from premature ejaculation.

However, there’s a $1 Million question: Does it really work?

I’ve done the research, and even had someone who does have PE test the supplement out.

What Is Prosolution Plus?

prosolution plus

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Prosolution Plus website.

Prosolution Plus is a medically endorsed supplement that is designed to help promote sexual support and function, as well as help you last longer.

In a clinical trial conducted by an independent test panel, researchers noted:

1.) A 64% improvement in premature ejaculation

2.) A 67% improvement in erectile quality, and

3.) A 78% improvement in overall sexual satisfaction when compared to a placebo group.

prosolution plus study results

You can read the full details of the study here.

The formula includes a natural blend of ingredients, including:

  • Tribulus Terrestris: Which has been shown in related studies to help improve sexual function. (Source)
  • Withania Somnifera: Which has been in clinical studies to help aid in the management of pschyogenic erectile dysfunction. (Source)
  • Asparagus Adscendens: Helps to enhance cognition, as well as reduce stress. (Source)
  • Mucuna Pruriens: Has many uses, including providing neuroprotective benefits, anti-microbial properties, and even acts as a potent antibiotic. (Source)
  • Asteracantha Longifolia: In some limited studies, Asteracantha Longifolia has been shown to help with improving sexual behavior. (Source)
  • Curculigo Orchioides: This Ayurvedic preparation has numerous health benefits, including aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, and hepatoprotective qualities. (Source)
  • Asphaltum: Also known as Shilajit, this herbal remedy has been shown to help improve physical performance and energy. (Source)

Here’s a picture of the Prosolution Plus label:

prosolution plus label

I’m not going to get into exactly how each of these ingredients work, as there are plenty of other places you can turn to for that.

Related Article: What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

2. Prosolution Plus Vs. Original Prosolution

The makers of Prosolution Plus came out with this formula to specifically help with men suffering from premature ejaculation.

In your researching online, you may see alot of info about their original product Prosolution Pills.

So what’s the difference between Prosolution Plus and the Original?

The main difference between the two is their formulation, and what they are intended to do.

Prosolution Pills contain a number of different ingredients, including Butea Superba, Cordyceps, Drilizen, and Solidilin.

prosolution plus vs the original prosolution

Prosolution Pills are meant to help:

  • Improve sexual motivation
  • Help men with erectile dysfunction
  • Improve Libido
  • Possibly aid in restoring normal testosterone production

while Prosolution Plus pills are designed to:

  • Reduce the symptoms of premature ejaculation
  • Help you relax
  • Maintain erectile function
  • Make it easier to climax

3. Prosolution Plus Vs. Vigrx Plus

A lot of guys ask me what the major differences between Prosolution and Vigrx Plus (which is my #1 overall choice), so I figured I’d include a blurb about it here.

differences between vigrx plus and prosolution plus

1.) Ingredients

The first, and most obvious, difference is the ingredients.

As you’ll see in the labels below, the only common ingredient the 2 share is Tribulus Terrestris.

Vigrx Plus contains 150 mg of Tribulus, while Prosolution Plus contains 100 mg of Tribulus.

Not a huge difference, but a difference nonetheless.

2.) Pricing

Prosolution Plus takes the edge here, rounding out at about $69.95 for a one months supply, while Vigrx Plus will run you $76.99 for a 1 month supply.

The price on a per box basis goes down when placing larger orders of 3, 6, and 12 months supply, but Prosolution Plus is cheaper no matter how you cut it.

3.) Which One Should I Take?

The biggest difference is what they’re intended to help with.

In short, Vigrx Plus is designed to primarily help with erectile dysfunction (ED) issues.

With that said, it CAN help with some minor PE issues.

And Prosolution Plus is designed to help with premature ejaculation (PE) issues, although it CAN help with some minor ED issues.

What I would recommend:

If you’re having problems getting it up AND keeping it up, I would recommend you get Vigrx Plus (

If you have no issues getting it up, but blow your load WAY too quickly, then go with Prosolution Plus (

Can I use both at the same time?

Some guys have asked me if they can use both at the same time, and I see no reason why you can’t.

As a matter of fact, I’ve done this in the past and the effects seemed to be amplified BIG time.

4. Our Personal Test Results

Like I stated earlier in the review, I don’t suffer from premature ejaculation issues.

As a result, I wouldn’t consider myself as the best candidate for the job.

However, I did reach out to some of my website followers to see if anyone would be interested in testing it out.

I received a number of responses, and chose a candidate based on 4 factors:

  • Not taking any medications that would cause premature ejac.
  • Has had PE issues for at least a year
  • Would use the product for at least 3 months before coming to a conclusion
  • The person would agree to leave a review at the end of testing

For purposes of anonymity, we will refer to the candidate as Russell. Just to be clear, we did not pay for Russell to write this Prosolution Plus review.

We simply provided him with a 3 months supply of the product for testing, with nothing in return.

Here were his specific results with Prosolution Plus:

“I’ve been suffering from premature ejaculation symptoms for as long as I can remember. There is nothing more embarrassing then “blowing your load” way too quickly, and I’ve tried many other supplements that promise to help with PE in the past, with very little results.

It usually would take me about 2 – 3 min. to orgasm, and I think it had alot to do with my ridiculous porn habit (at the time).

Rob Miller from reached out to me to see if I would be interested in taking Prosolution Plus, and I figured it would be worth a shot. He sent me out 3 boxes of the stuff, and I started taking it right away. For the first few days, I have to be honest and say I really didn’t notice anything.

About 2 weeks in is where I saw some real results.

I felt like I was lasting longer, without having to think about something else during sex. And by longer I mean somewhere of the range of 5 – 10 minutes. A pretty big improvement, but I wanted to last longer than that.

About 2 months in, it was like a switch was flipped on. Not only was I lasting much longer (like 30 min. on average), but I was getting horny as hell really easily. I started to feel super horny in the morning, and then again in the afternoon. I had never really experienced that before, at least not without some sort of visual stimulation (like porn haha)

Visit the official Prosolution Plus website here:

At the end of the 3 months, I would say that I pretty much felt the same as I did during the 2nd month, maybe lasting a bit longer. I didn’t notice any side effects from Prosolution Plus, and at no time did it feel like it wasn’t working anymore.”

5. Combine With Vigrx Delay Spray For The ULTIMATE Experience

vigrx delay spray and prosolution plusI recently got a chance to test out a premature ejac. spray called Vigrx Delay Spray, which on it’s own works very well.

However, I decided to try combining it with Prosolution Plus and the effects were ENORMOUSLY better.

So what makes Vigrx Delay Spray so effective?

The key thing behind Vigrx Delay sprays effectiveness is an ingredient called Benzocaine. Benzocaine is actually a local anesthetic that essentially numbs the penis so that it’s desensitized a bit.

But, it’s only desensitized to the point of helping you last longer.

It doesn’t completely eliminating any feelings, like you get with 99% of the other delay sprays on the market.

Why is that the case?

The reason why is that most other premature ejaculation sprays use an ingredient called Lidocaine, a very powerful local anesthetic. content/uploads/2014/08/super dragon 6000 uses
Such as Super Dragon 6000

The problem is, it’s a bit TOO powerful when it comes to helping with premature ejaculation.

In fact, it will numb your penis to the point where you will basically not feeling ANYTHING.

I know this because I’ve tried several PE products that contain lidocaine, including stud 100 and procomil spray.

Good for when you get a cavity filled at the dentist, but not so good for helping with premature ejaculation.

Visit the official Vigrx Delay Spray site here:

6. What About Prosolution Gel? Should I Use That As Well?

The makers of Prosolution original and plus came out with a gel about 8 years ago, literally called Prosolution Gel.

prosolution gel

I’ve personally used it in the past, but never got around to publishing a review of it unfortunately.

For me, the results seemed to be mixed.

Sometimes it worked REALLY well, sometimes it worked just a LITTLE bit, and sometimes it seemed like it didn’t work at all.

In my personal experience, Prosolution Gel seems to help MORE with giving you thicker / fuller erections, than it does for helping you last longer.

If you’re still considering the use of a gel or oil to help you last longer, I would STILL recommend you use Vigrx Delay spray over Prosolution Gel.

But here’s the prosolution gel website in case you’re interested:

7. How do I take Prosolution Gel?

To get the best results, typically you apply 2 sprays to the penis and gently message it in (you can even have your partner do it, if you’re so inclined 😉

It literally takes just a couple of minutes to kick in, and once it does it will leave you lasting for a REALLY long time.

Check out my full review of Vigrx Delay spray here, or visit their website at

8. Where To Buy Prosolution Plus

Prosolution plus can be purchased on their official website, which is recommended because of numerous counterfeit products floating around.

It’s a bit on the expensive side, with a one month supply costing about $70.

The price point on a per box basis is significantly lowered when ordering larger quantities, with an avg. price per box of $36. Since it generally takes about 3 months to see the best results, we recommend you order at least a 3 months supply.

It’s also backed by a 67 day money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work out you can always send it back for a full refund.

Visit the official website here:

FYI, you won’t find prosolution plus in stores like Walmart, GNC, or even Amazon for that matter.

Related Article: 16 BEST Male Enhancement Pills Over The Counter In Stores

I’ve seen it for sale on sites like eBay, but again, you run the risk of ordering a fake version of it when you order on there.

9. Pro’s

  • Dr. recommended and approved
  • Positive clinical testing
  • Good results from our tester
  • All natural ingredients
  • Conveniently available online
  • Does not require any type of lubrication
  • Established brand

10. Con’s

  • It’s not a cure…you need to keep taking it to see results
  • It’s expensive
  • Not sold in stores

11. Prosolution Plus Recommendation

If you’ve been suffering from premature ejaculation, than I think Prosolution Plus could be the answer to your problems. It’s one of a kind formula has been shown not only in clinical testing, but also in our own personal testing, to effectively help reduce the symptoms of premature ejaculation. While it is a bit on the expensive side, keep in mind that it is alot more convenient than using some sort of desensitizing cream to help you control your orgasms.

Couple this with the fact that they offer a 67 day money back guarantee, and I see no reason why it’s not worth trying out yourself.

That is quite possibly far and away the most generous money back guarantee that I can remember coming across in recent years and gives more than enough opportunity to decide whether or not it is for you.

If I were you, I would also recommend combining it with a spray like Vigrx Delay Spray.

On it’s own, Prosolution Plus works great.However, I can tell you that, when combined with Vigrx Delay spray, the effects are enormous.

Visit to learn more.

Have You Used Prosolution Plus? Leave Your Review Below!

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Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Prosolution Plus

#1 - Prosolution Plus

Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigrx Delay Spray

#2 - Vigrx Delay Spray

Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – VigRX Plus

#3 - VigRX Plus

Vigrx Plus was designed to not only help with ED, but also premature ejac. problems.

Click Here To Learn More »

User Reviews

Have you used this supplement?

2 stars

By Andrew,  May 26, 2017

I've tried the Prosolution plus, and this is my advice for others. The pill wont naturally increase the penis size.  It will only give you the hardest erections you could ever get. So if you always thought that your penis size is 6" when erect, this pill will make you realize that it's actually 6.1" or 6.3".  Do not buy the pills thinking it will give you an extra inch or two.

In terms of premature ejaculation. The pills may only give you an extra 2 minutes.  But it will keep you turned on and give you the ability to go again after the first ejaculation.

Here is some personal advice. Do not buy thinking it will increase your penis size by an inch or two.  Do not buy if your single because it's a sex pill that's made to make you have better sex. Do not buy thinking that it will give you an extra 10 minutes till your first ejaculation.  It will only keep you turned on and give you very hard erections and thats about it.

I hope this will help.

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49 out of 54 people found this review helpful.

Rob Miller: Yeah they're not intended to help you gain size, just for performance issues. Thanks for your review!



Siva's Review

By Siva,  Jun 10, 2015

I had got pro solution plus for one month.
I started taking this pill from 28th May 2015, today 2 weeks passed.
I could notice a major difference, not only with PME but also erection quality.
Earlier I used to ejaculate within 5 strokes from insertion, now I could do up to 20 strokes, though it is not enough to satisfy my wife, am happy that I could see 4 folds improvement within 2 weeks.
Am expecting to last at least 2 to 3 minutes (at the end of 2 months from taking this pill) so that I could satisfy my wife at least once in past 4 years of marriage.

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31 out of 35 people found this review helpful.

Well worth the price

By Tim,  Apr 6, 2016

I've had premature ejaculation problems for as long as I can remember. I've tried some of the gels and oils out there, but usually, they left me feeling too numb to feel anything.  I have to say, this stuff works great. Overall I saw a really big increase in performance and I feel like I'm lasting much longer.

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14 out of 15 people found this review helpful.

Shahid's Review

By Shahid,  Nov 25, 2015

I just want to let everyone out there know that there is no side effect for me in Prosolution plus after taking it for a couple of days. There is still no noticeable change in my PE problem..  Good luck to everyone that is trying this product.

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13 out of 15 people found this review helpful.

Visit the official Prosolution Plus website here

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User Questions and Answers

What is the correct dosage to take of Prosolution plus? -Ram Vohra

The recommended dose for Prosolution Plus ( is 2 tablets per day taken with a meal. You can also take 1 additional tablet prior to sexual activity, but you shouldn't take more then 3 pills in any 24 hour period. - Rob

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3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.

What's the difference between Prosolution Plus and the original Prosolution? -Mike

That's a great question, and one that I should have mentioned earlier in my review.  The main difference is in the formula's...With the exception of Curculigo root, the Prosolution + formula contains a whole new set of ingredients / extracts that include Withania root, asparagus adsendens root, asphaltum exudate, mucuna pruriens seed, asteraantha, and it's chief ingredient Tribulus Terrestris. The original Prosolution pills were designed to help men get you hard and keep you hard, while putting less of an emphasis at helping with premature ejaculation issues.  The Prosolution Plus formula is intended to do the exact opposite. It's designed to help men suffering from premature ejaculation issues, with less of an emphasis on helping improve sexual libido and enhancement.- Rob

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9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.

Once you see results of Prosolution Plus do you have to keep on taking it if you want results at all times. Or can you back off of it little by little? -Brett

You might be able to cut back a little, but you have to keep taking it if you want to keep getting the effects.- Rob

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11 out of 14 people found this question helpful.

Does Prosolution Plus have gelatin in the non-medical ingredients, and if it does what animal is the gelatin made from? -Shahid

Nope, they use cellulose for their capsules, so it's 100% vegan friendly.- Rob

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7 out of 7 people found this question helpful.

Approximately, how many users have given you positive feedback about the effectiveness of ProSolution plus in solving PE? -Baba

I don't keep a count, but I'd say dozens. It's also been clinically proven to help with PE.- Rob

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7 out of 8 people found this question helpful.

Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

151 comments on “Prosolution Plus Review and Results”

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    1. Yup, I saw that yesterday. Two things:

      1. That’s not Prosolution Plus, which is the one I recommend.
      2. Look at the first paragraph. It says “an examination of international mail shipments”.

      Real Prosolution Plus is shipped out of the US, so it wouldn’t have been discovered that way. Long story short, it’s a counterfeit.

      prosolution counterfeit

    1. Hey John,
      Yeah you can certainly do that. In some cases, I actually recommend it.

      What’s your primary issue? PE or ED?

      Let me know what you’re looking for and I’ll steer you in the right direction.
      1. Well, both, I also saw on the website VigFX would that be better instead just buying the Prosolution Plus and Vigrx plus?
        1. I gotcha. Vigfx – there’s literally no difference between Vigfx and Vigrx Plus. The only difference is that Vigfx can be purchased via a free trial (which I don’t recommend), and Vigrx Plus you just pay for straight up. The ingredients and their dosage are exactly the same.

          If I were you, I would just stick with taking Vigrx Plus. It will definitely help with the ED issues, and will most likely help with the PE issues as well. Make sure you buy it on their official website, as there are a lot of fakes floating around. Here’s a link –
      1. Hi Rob,

        I sent an email to Prosolution Plus’ official site, and I asked them if I could buy original Prosolution Plus from this site buysafehealthstore.
        I asked if he can he provide me with original Prosolution Plus in India.

        If I buy this product on your site than I pay huge amounts of customs duty in India.
        Ian Wright(fraud manager leading-edge health company) replied in an answer by an email.

        This is his answer: “Yes they are an official reseller of our products” Thanks. What do you say Rob?

        Could I buy Prosolution Plus on that site?

        Please reply
  1. Sorry for asking you another question. Bathmate company don’t provide the pump in India.

    So how can I order Bathmate Hydromax pump in India?
    Can I buy this original product another site?

    Please reply. Thanks

  2. I have PE problem. I am going to marry soon.

    Can I start using pro solution plus a few weeks before getting married? Like if I’ll not be having sex for few weeks, can I still take these?

      1. I have got my parcel of Prosolution Plus. Do I need to change my diet plan in any way to get maximum benefits?

        I experienced calmness and improved sleep after taking this. Is it normal?

        1. Hey Rasmus,

          It’s a good idea, of course, to eat healthily, but there are no special dietary requirements with Prosolution Plus. I haven’t noticed particular calmness or sleepiness, but one of the ingredients, Withania Somnifera, is often used to fight anxiety, so it could be causing your response.

          1. Hi Rob,

            Can we use any product with Prosolution Plus for increasing sperm count and ejaculation volume? If yes then which product do you recommend?

            Thanks in advance
  3. Hi Rob,

    Great review of the product, I found it a lot more useful than some of the other reviews out there that seem to lack objectivity and justification.

    I’ve been suffering from PE for as long as I can remember and I decided to give Prosolution Plus a try since I really have nothing to lose. But I just have one question.

    I’m thinking about using Prosolution Plus with some kind of topical delay cream or spray to maximize the effect.

    I know you recommended Vigrx Delay Spray, but I’m wondering if the cream from Climaxagen might also be a good choice? I’m not sure if you’ve done any reviews on it, but the reason I’m thinking about opting for the Climaxagen cream is because I think it only uses natural ingredients instead of any anesthetic substance, which would help ensure that it doesn’t numb my partner as well.

    So I guess what I want to know is, do you know anything about the product and whether it’s effective?
    Thanks in advance.

      1. Thanks Rob,

        I did a bit more digging around and decided it wasn’t worth the price. The reason is considering that it won’t be nearly as effective as delay products that use anesthetics.

        So now I’m debating between what you recommended (Vigrx delay spray) and Promescent.

        Can you maybe outline a few differences between the two products and why you recommend one over the other?

        Also, like I mentioned before, one of the things I try to consider is how prone it is to transfer the numbing sensation to my partner. I’ve read a few reviews saying Promescent’s formula has great absorption so that it won’t affect my partner as much as some of the other products.

        How does Vigrx delay spray perform in this respect?
        1. Hey Steve,

          I’ve used both, and I have to say I prefer the VigRx Delay Spray. The numbing ingredient it uses is Benzocaine, which does the trick without going too far with the numbing, ie, you still feel the sensation, but it’s lessened so you can control your response better. Promescent uses Lidocaine, which in my opinion is too strong. For me, it removed pretty much all feeling.
    1. Hey Kalen,

      It would be safe to take them together, but i haven’t tried it so I can’t speak to it’s effectiveness. Be sure to let me know how you make out if you try the stack.

  4. The Prosolution Plus sounds great used with Vigrx Plus. However, once I start using these products as mentioned it takes about 2-3 months to really work.

    Does this mean you have to take it regularly for life? I would not mind this.

    Do you stop taking these after the three months time? Can I also mix a low dose of viagra as well, or will there be no need for the viagra anymore?

    Thank you so much for your feedback.
    1. Hey Justin,
      Yeah neither Vigrx Plus ( or Prosolution ( are cures. Meaning, you would have to keep taking them to get the desired result.

      As far as mixing in a low dose of Viagra, I would use caution on that.

      There may be some unknown interactions that could screw things up.

      Just try the Vigrx and Prosolution first, and if you think you still need it, maybe put in a tiny dose of Viagra to get that extra kick.

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. Hi Rob,

    I am 28 and I only last about 3 mins but sometimes after the first round I find it very hard to have an erection again. Please, can you recommend the best supplement for me and if possible I want a permanent cure.

    Is there any cure you have come across during your years of research? Thanks

  6. Am 26 years old. I have been suffering from PE.

    Can I take this Prosolution? Does it has any side effects?

      1. Hi Rob,
        Am based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Here so many Drugs are banned and not allowed bring in Saudi Arabia.So i would like to know that ” Does this Prosolution+ in that list?”.

        I even having NIGHT FALLS every alternate day. Some thing 2 times in 1 night and at average 3 times per week.

        Does this Problem can be solved with Prosolution+?.

        When ever i trying to have sex within 30 seconds am ejaculating.after this ejaculation i wont have sexual libido for few days and after passing some days i slowly started to have libido.

        Does all the above problems can be solved with PROSOLUTION+ ?

        Thanks ROB !!!!!!!
        1. Hey Syed,
          Glad I could help! Prosolution + is PERFECT for this, and is completely legal in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Here’s their website –

          You may also want to consider an oil called Vigrx Delay Spray ( You can read about it in my review here, but basically you spray it on, rub it in, and it will help you last for a REALLY long time.

          It’s also available in Saudi Arabia. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
          1. HI Rob,

            Many thanks for your supports. I really appreciate it!

            How long do I continue to take this Prosolution Plus Pills? As I know, it’s an Ayurvedic Pills.

            Most Ayurvedic leaves permanent results right? Does Prosolution Plus increase sperm count, quality, quantity, and thickness?

            Does Prosolution Plus increase penis size?
          2. Hey Syed,

            As is generally the case with supplements, you’ll only experience the benefits as long as you’re taking the pills. These do not give any permanent results.

            The same is true for penis size. It can help you have bigger better erections, but it won’t increase your size in any permanent way.

          3. HI Rob,

            Once again Thanks a lot! Does Prosolution Plus increase sperm count, quality, quantity, and thickness?

            Does Prosolution have any side effects if I continue using it?
          4. Hey Syed,

            Glad to help. Prosolution Plus won’t have much if any effect on sperm count, quality, quantity, or thickness, and there are no major side effects reported.

            No guarantee, of course, that you won’t experience anything at all, but if so, it would be minor, like headaches or nausea if one of the ingredients doesn’t sit well with you.
          5. Hi Rob,

            You only suggested for me to go with Prosolution Plus. I am suffering from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

            So for these two problems, which one is the best either Prosolution Plus or Vigrx Plus. Please Suggest a product for me.

          6. Hi Rob,

            I have started taking Prosolution Plus for about the last month. I see a bit better erection but I don’t see much difference in ejaculation, it’s still quick.

            As its been just 1 month due to that. After how many months will I see a real difference with Prosolution Plus.

            Please respond.

          7. Hey Syed,

            I’d give it another month, and if you see no improvement by then, let me know. ProSolution Plus might not be the right answer for you.

          8. Hi Rob,

            You only referred me to go with Prosolution Plus, as I have been suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Now it’s been 1 month since I started taking Prosolution Plus.

            Based on your recommendation I started using Prosolution Plus. In your previous reply, you said Prosolution Plus is not meant for me.

            Shall I continue taking Prosolution Plus, or should I stop? Do you suggest something else?

            Kindly clarify please.
          9. Hey Syed,

            Sorry for the confusion. Keep taking ProSolution Plus for another month to give it a chance to affect the premature ejaculation.

            If you don’t get any benefit at that point, let me know, and I’ll recommend something else for you to try.
  7. Hello Rob,

    I am a 31 year old virgin and I am about to get married. I have suffered from PE during masturbation.

    I climax too quickly then as well as when I am making out with my fiance and she starts to grind. I know I am about to pop.

    I am currently taking Testofuel and Nitrocut.
    I have been taking these supplements for about a week and a half so far.

    I was wondering if I could also use Prosolution Plus safely. I notice that they really don’t have the same ingredients, but I wanted your opinion.

    Also based on your review of Vigrx delay spray, I was thinking about using that as well for sensitivity. What are your thoughts?

    1. Hey Daniel,
      Yeah I don’t see any issues adding Prosolution Plus to the mix. As for the Vigrx Delay spray, it can definitely help as well. I’m not sure of the extent of your PE, but combining Prosolution Plus ( and Vigrx Delay spray ( is by far the best combo I’ve ever seen.

      If you decide to try it out be sure to come back and let me know your results!
  8. I have both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and my penis size is 4 inch in erection. Which is good for me, Vigrx Plus or Prosolution Plus?

    1. Yeah both Vigrx Plus ( and Prosolution Plus ( will help with PE and ED problems.

      In my personal opinion (and from experience), Prosolution Plus seems to help better with PE / helping you last longer, and Vigrx Plus seems to help better with getting you hard / keeping you hard.

      So it’s really a matter of which one (PE or ED) is bothering you the most.

      As for size gains, I would recommend you check out either an extender device called the Phallosan Forte or a water based pump called the Bathmate. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate.

      It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. per day (as opposed to 4 – 6 hours a day with the Phallosan), and it’s cheaper. Check out my reviews of each below:

      Phallosan Forte –

      Bathmate –
          1. I have a premature problem. Can I get a permanent result by prosolution plus for my problem? or please suggest to me that which would give me permanent result in PE.

          2. Hey Tanvir,

            There is no supplement that can permanently cure premature ejaculation, but ProSolution Plus will work as long as you’re taking it.
  9. Hi! How do I spot real of fake Prosolution Plus?

    I bought one from a UK site, but I am not sure if it is real or fake. Thanks.

    1. Hey Bryan,
      Send me a link to the site you ordered from and I’ll try to do some research on whether it’s real or fake Prosolution Plus pills.
        1. I’m not really sure to be honest. It looks legit, but the only way you’ll know for sure is once you start taking it.

          1. Hi. Thanks Rob.

            I was wondering if you know if I will need to pay taxes in the UK when I get Prosolution Plus from the website? Do you know of anyone selling it in the UK?

            Thank you so very much.
          2. Hey Bryan,
            I’m not sure. you’ll have to check when you place your order. Again, to be sure it’s the real thing, you’ll want to order directly from the website.

  10. Rob, I am trying Vigrx Plus. Just one week has passed.

    I have PE and erection problems. Just give me a good idea if you would, which will be best for me.

    Vigrx Plus or Prosolution Plus?
    1. Hey Buddy,
      Well, practically speaking Vigrx Plus will help more for erection problems, and Prosolution Plus ( will help more with premature ejaculation problems. They both can work to help either problem, it’s just a matter of which problem is affecting you the most.
  11. I have been taking Prosolution Plus for a few weeks now. I don’t have a PE problem.

    I just realized I should have bought the original Prosolution. I only have a hard time having erections and maintaining them.

    Usually, they’re like 80% percent hard. I want to order the original, but can I use both simultaneously, or should I stop the Prosolution Plus.

    Please advise me.
    1. Hey Peter,

      You can use them both together. It might bolster the effects of each, though I haven’t tried it myself so I don’t know for sure.

      Another alternative, since you’ll have both, is to switch off, one day using Original, next day using Plus. Although the Plus pills are geared toward resolving premature ejaculation, they do help with the other aspects of performance as well.

    1. Hey Joe,

      It doesn’t have an effect on fertility one way or the other.

    1. Hey Amen,

      It would likely be safe, but depending on your goal, it might not be the most effective stack. You may want to take one either ProSolution Plus or Vigrx Plus stacked with a testosterone booster like Testofuel instead, again depending on your goal.

  12. Sir, please be honest. I just want to know will Pro Solution make semen increase?

    Will it control climax? I have been using some pills like volume pills, after taking my multivitamins and herbal supplements immediately after I have a three hour feeling of a headache in my forehead and I feel my head is weighted down.

    I just want to try Prosolution. What can I do if I feel a headache after taking Prosolution?

    Is there any customer feedback on such side effects being a possibility. I am awaiting your honest reply.

    Please answer me as my elder brother. I will pray for you.

    1. Hey Samad,

      I haven’t heard of ProSolution Plus causing headaches. Of course that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed not to get them.

      There may be something in these herbal pills that doesn’t agree with you.

  13. Which is the most effective among Prosolution pills, Prosolution gel, and Prosolution Plus? If I have a weak erection and take high blood pressure pills, and I am fine, does it help with that?

    I smoke one pack of cigarettes on a daily basis, does it matter? How long should I have to wait to see good results?

    One of the reasons I have a weak erection is psychological. I have no desire, even with my wife, does this formula give the same results?

    1. Hey Raja,

      The pills are the best choice and will help with your erection, but you’ll have to check with your doctor about the high blood pressure, especially if you take medication for it. Smoking shouldn’t interfere with the effectiveness of the pills, but it’s not helping your erections any.

  14. Hi Rob,

    I have been using Prosolution Plus for 6 weeks now, but I have not had any improvement whatsoever. Is this a normal occurrence, or is it a sign that it won’t work for me?

    Could you kindly advise me?
    1. Hey Buddy,

      It is unusual that you haven’t had any improvement in erection quality, libido, or ejaculation control in 6 weeks of use. You should have started seeing initial results in 3-4 weeks, with full results coming in around the 3-6 month mark.

      It is possible that you’re one of the unlucky few that Prosolution Plus just doesn’t work for. I would finish out the supply you have, and if you still haven’t seen results, it may be time to look for something else.


  15. Rob would Prosolution Plus and Shilajit be a good combination. I’m just asking I haven’t tried it.

    What do you think?
  16. Hi, Rob! as I have promised see my first report:
    7 weeks having prosolution plus pills and I have improved erection and sexual function and satisfaction, but, my main Focus is EP. and in this subject, so far, i didn’T have any improvement. Do you think i have to continue because it is still in he beginning or this is a signal that for me it won’T work.
    rgds, H.K

    1. Hey Herman,

      7 weeks should be enough to know or at least pretty close. Since it’s working so well with everything else, take it to 12 weeks.

      If it doesn’t help, you may want to see your doctor to rule out any medical issues.

  17. I have ordered a 4 month supply of Prosolution plus after seeing your reviews. I received the product on November 19 and started to take it immediately.

    There was no improvement in the first couple of days for me. I know it takes time.

    I am just informing you. I wanted to ask if I can take both daily doses at one time, or should I take one in the morning and one at night.

    Is it good to have 12 hours gap in between taking the two pills. Please let me know.

    I want the best results. I will keep updating my results on a weekly basis, and notify you at the first sign of improvement.

    Thank you.
    1. Hey Buddy,
      Doesn’t make a difference how you take it, because it gradually takes time to build up in your system. If you’re looking to increase your sexual performance, what you should be doing along with the Prosolution Plus is performing kegels and exercising the PC muscle.

      I have detailed instructions on how to do this in my free “Natural Enlargement Exercises” ebook, check it out here.

      1. Hi Jake,

        I am on the end of my fourth week of taking Prosolution Plus. There is no improvement on my PE, or other sexual function as it promises.

        Since I ordered 4 months of the product, I will still continue as some results may show after the second month. I will keep you updated if there is an immediate improvement.

        At the moment there is no such improvement on anything Prosolution Plus promises.
  18. I have premature ejaculation problems. I would like your free offer of Pro-solution to try for three months and give you my review.

    Please consider me.
    1. Hey Shahid, is a review website. We don’t sell ProSolution Plus. I’m not aware of a promotion where they give it to you to try for 3 months, but you can check with the company directly. I do know they have a 67 day money back guarantee, so that may be a way to make sure you only pay for it if you like it.

  19. I have two problems. One is penis size, and the other is premature ejaculation.

    Can I take both Prosolution Plus and Vigrx Plus
    1. Hey Waseem,

      Take ProSolution Plus for the premature ejaculation. It’ll also help with better erections and overall performance. But no pill will give you permanent penis size. For that, check out an extender device, like Phallosan Forte.

    1. Hey Jake,

      Anything that came in specifically as a review would already be posted to the page. Unfortunately, I recently switched my email server and lost a lot of my email history.

      I’ll be sure to post anything that comes in from now on.

  20. If I want to which one can I increase, the girth and length (say 5 now to min 7 in). I’d also like to increase stamina and duration and also maintain a good erection.

    Will I have to take it continously for ever?
    1. Hey Rajesh,

      Pills can help with erection size and hardness, as well as stamina and overall performance. But no supplement can permanently increase the size of your penis. For that, you’ll need an extender device like SizeGenetics (best for length) or a pump like Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme (best for girth). As far as performance pills go, VigRx Plus is the best. But supplements only work for as long as you use them.

  21. It would be nice if you can upload some of the customer reviews on Prosolution plus while still protecting the identity of the customers. I see just two customer reviews on your website.

    1. Hey Eddie,

      I only know it to be sold online, though you should be able to have it sent to you in Europe.

      1. Hi Rob,

        I used one capsule of Testofuel and started to experience a severe headache that will not go away and a general feeling of illness. I could not take another capsule within the day.

        It seems there is an adverse reaction with my system. My goals are to boost testosterone, improve energy, memory, mood and muscles, in that order.

        What should I do please?
        1. Hey Richard,

          Try again tomorrow, making sure to take it with a light meal. It would be very unusual (though not impossible) for Testofuel to cause these symptoms, so give it another shot. If you get the same symptoms, discontinue taking it, and try Testosterone Max from Crazy Mass.


          1. Hi Rob,

            Please inform me of how I can get supplies of Testosterone Max from Crazy Mass. Which do you recommend.

            Can I use Prosolution Plus in place of it?
          2. Hey Richard,

            You can order Testosterone Max through the Crazy Mass website here. ProSolution Plus won’t boost your testosterone. It’s a very good male enhancement supplement, especially when it comes to premature ejaculation. But it won’t take the place of a tesosterone booster.

  22. Hello sir. My size is a little small.

    I am 4.6 inches. I want to be bigger.

    I’d like to be 6 or 7 inches. Which supplement will help me.

    Pro Solution Plus, or Vigrx? Please tell me.

      1. Rob,

        Thanks for your numeral contributions and advice for Men sexual health and improvement. I am currently reading your ebook on enhancement which is very interesting.

        I am planning on buying Vigrx Plus and also wanted to get an extender. What’s your advice and which extender would you recommend?

        Sizegenetics or Bathmate?
        1. Hey Austin,

          That’s a great question. If length is your main concern, use SizeGenetics. Length is really the biggest advantage for this kind of device. If girth is what you’re after, go with Hydromax Xtreme from Bathmate. Pumps are best at adding girth.


  23. Hi Rob

    I hope you are well. If I take Vigrx, Prime Male and Prosolution Plus together, what will be the results.

    Cost is not the problem for me.

    As you recommend Extenze to me sorry. Yohimbe products are not allowed in Australia.

    Does Zenerx give quick results means if I take it 20 minutes before sex.

    1. Hey Ricky,

      Zenerx is pretty good at giving immediate results without the Yohimbe. As for taking VigRx Plus, Prime Male, and Pro Solution Plus, I think it would be overkill. Take Prime Male with either of the other two. If you have a problem with premature ejaculation, take ProSolution Plus. If not, VigRx Plus is the better choice.

  24. Hello Sir,
    I got the prosolution+ from (url removed), you told us in your blog that they are selling genuine product but Sir, I am little bit worried as I got the pill box which is not sealed ( price is also not mentioned in the box anywhere)and then when i took out a pack of tablet , where they only mentioned lot no and expiry date. I took out one pill from the kit, i could’t find any initial or any mark on the pill.

    Sir, you have seen it already , can u tell me its original

    1. Hey Yug,
      I asked the manufacturer directly and they told me that the website you mentioned is a legit reseller of their product. Email me a couple of pictures of the label and pills and I’ll take a look at it.

  25. Hey Rob,

    I have a PE problem. When my wife and I wanted to go for a second round it took me a while to get erect.

    Should I combine Prosolution and Viagrx Plus or which one should I take?
    1. Hey Mace,
      No need to combine Prosolution and Vigrx Plus, either one will get the job done for you. Personally speaking, I got the best results from Vigrx Plus, but if premature ejaculation is your issue then I would recommend you go with the Prosolution instead.

  26. Sir, what should be the daily dosage of Prosolution Plus? I’m suffering from P.E. and my age is 26.

    In the website I think it is not mentioned.
    1. Hey Yug,

      The recommended dose is 2 tablets per day, taken with a meal. You also have the option of taking an additional pill for a little extra help about half an hour before engaging in activity.

      1. Thank you sir. I have one more question for you.

        I am married so can I continue to have sex while taking this pill. Will it be ineffective if I am having sex regularly.

  27. Dear Rob,

    I have the same question asked by Fahad from Pakistan. I am from India. I wanted to know how to test and find the original Pro Solution Plus. I need to test the genuine product.

    Since I am in India, ordering the pills will make an additional custom duty which is more in India so I googled for Pro solution plus availability in India and came across a site called

    I heard these guys are ordering bulk from the US and then they sell the product in India. If that is the case and I just wanted to buy it once since it will not added extra cost in the name of custom duty ( I had already order Semenax from US and costume duty was huge). Now I wanted to buy from this local website but wanted to make sure it is genuine. Please advise.
    1. Hey Siva,

      I just checked in with the folks over at ProSolution. The product at is legitimate.

      They are licensed to sell ProSolution Plus, so you can feel comfortable buying from them.

      1. Thanks a lot Rob. You are very quick in replying.

        I never expected a reply so soon.

        Thanks again for checking in with prosolution plus folks.
  28. Hi Rob,

    You said : “Unfortunately, the results of supplements are not permanent. So Prosolution Plus will work for as long as you’re taking it."
    So does that mean after you stop taking it, all the effects are gone like before taking it?

    1. Hey Ries,

      Yes, that’s correct, and it’s the case with all supplements. Supplements are not like antibiotics or other medicines that cure an infection or other disease.

      They’re more like vitamins that work while they’re in your system, but don’t do any good once you’re not taking them anymore.

  29. Hi Rob

    I got a problem with PE. I was wondering can one drink Prosolution Plus and only use the Bathmate instead of manual exercise for a bit of girth?


  30. Hi Rob,
    I have been looking at trying Arginmax from GNC. Do you have any input about that product?

    Would It be a good product to add to a Prosolution Plus regimen? I mostly suffer from PE and i am getting ready to try Prosolution Plus.

    1. Hey Brian,

      I like ArginMax. I’ve got a review up for it here. If PE is your main issue, ProSolution Plus is definitely the right choice, and I think ArginMax would a good addition for general sexual well being.

  31. Thanks for great reviews! Do I need to keep using Prosolution Plus after three months of use to solve PE issues?

    Can I stop taking them after three months?

    Also, does Prosolution Plus work for penis enlargement, like vigRX Plus does? If not, should I be taking both Prosolution Plus and vigRX Plus?

    I would love to solve Premature ejaculation, as well as increase my penis size!
    1. Hey Nas,

      Unfortunately, the results of supplements are not permanent. So Prosolution Plus will work for as long as you’re taking it. It also has performance enhancing qualities similar to Vigrx Plus, so if you’re taking Prosolution Plus, you won’t need Vigrx Plus as well. I should let you know, though, that neither pill will actually grow your penis. They’re performance enhancers, not penis enlargers. No supplement can grow your penis. For that, check out my free penis enlargement ebook. It’s got a great exercise plan that will help you get the results you’re looking for.

      1. How would you compare and contrast Prosolution Plus with Vigrx Plus? I’ve been taking Vigrx Plus for about 4 or 5 months now and it’s helped with ED.

        However, I also have difficulty with premature ejaculation, so when I read that Prosolution Plus helps with that I ordered some. I read online that they shouldn’t be taken together because of long-term side effects, but they didn’t elaborate.

        I assume the writer means codependency or worsening the condition. How would you advise the situation?

        Should I alternate between the two every other day or month, or only use one over the other?

        I also got some Prosolution Plus Gel. It does assist in erection but needs to be massaged for the effects to work.

        In other words, if you apply the gel and sit there, nothing happens. Also, the menthol ingredient is weird and kind of burns in a rubbing alcohol sort of way.

        But I think the menthol is the lead ingredient that causes the gel to work, otherwise why would it be there?
        1. Hey JT,

          Have you tried the ProSolution Pills yet? I ask because it should help address your ED issues as well as the premature ejaculation. If it does, then you could drop the VigRx Plus altogether and just use the ProSolution Plus. VigRx Plus is still my number one recommendation for ED, but when there’s PE involved, the other is the better answer.


    1. Hey Jason,

      Yeah, that’s not a problem. If you link to their website from the review and place your order, you’ll see they ship to the United Kingdom.

    1. Hey Ned,

      You can combine them without any problems, there’s very little ingredient overlap. But you probably don’t need to.

      1. Hey Rob,

        When you say I don’t need to, which do you suggest I use? I have both problems keeping an erection and premature ejaculation.

          1. Hi. I hope that you are having a good day.

            I am in Pakistan. I want to buy Prosolution Plus but here the Pro Solution Plus is made in China.

            How do I get the original Pro Solution plus? Please help and thank you.

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