Prolong Ejaculation Device Review
By: Rob Miller
I visit a lot of porn sites, but not for the reason most of you do.
Instead of going there for the videos (ok, sometimes I do), I actually will check through some of the major ones like PornHub, Xvideos, and RedTube to learn about new penis enlargement products being peddled to the masses.
Believe it or not, porn sites are some of the best places to get a good idea of the current and latest trends in the adult male sexual enhancement world.
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I’ve found several that way over the years, including Nitridex and Phalogenics.
I did a quick check today, and instead of the usual “Your wife will never find out!” or “Better Than Tinder” ads, I ran across one I’ve never seen before.
It was for a climax control device called Prolong.
This device is apparently FDA cleares, has zero side effects, and produces fast results.
All of this according to them, at least.
1. What is Prolong?
Prolong is a “climax control training program” that is designed to help you last longer, for longer.

This isn’t your typical B.S. premature ejaculation pill.
It’s not even a premature ejaculation cream like Stud 100, Enlast, or Procomil.
This is a clinically tested, FDA cleared device that really can help with premature ejaculation issues.
It’s essentially a vibrator, but not the kind you’re thinking.
2. How does it work?
According to their website, it uses a recommended method called the “Start-Stop technique” in conjunction with the Prolong device.
On a video posted to their Youtube Page, they give you step-by-step instructions on how to use it.
It essentially works like this:
Step 1: Apply a small amount of lube under the head of your penis.
Step 2: Turn the device on.
Step 3: Place it in your hand with the studded side facing up.
Step 4: Hook your thumb around your penis, and position the Prolong device just below the head on the underside.
Step 5: Masturbate like you normally would.
Step 6: When you feel like you’re about to climax, remove the device. (This is what’s known as the Start-stop technique)
Step 7: Repeat this process 3 times in total, then on the 3rd time you can bring yourself to a full orgasm.
They recommend that you do this 3 times per week, for 6 weeks.
3. How do I know if this really works?
While I can’t speak to the validity of the Prolong device itself, I can tell you from experience that the “Start-Stop technique” really does work.
With that said, will a $300 device really make a difference.
According to Smiling Dick, they have the science to back up their claims.
4. Prolong Device Clinical Studies
They cite several clinical studies, one of them noting a 3.5X increase in results with using their device.
Specifically this one:
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (2013): Evaluation of a behavioral treatment intervention for premature ejaculation using a hand-held stimulating device, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy.
The theory is that by using a vibrating device along with the Start-Stop technique, your results will be amplified.
Here’s a summary of that study:
Premature ejaculation affects up to 30% of men, and hence their lives.
Treatments can be done with or without medications.
Medications didn’t always work, often have uncomfortable side-effects and many men choose not to continue with them.
Behavioral training using a vibrator was first introduced in 1956 and there had been very little reliable research on its effectiveness, especially in the long run after the training.
This study’s training used a vibrator for stimulation but stop just before ejaculation, repeated 2 more times before ejaculation, done 3 times per week for 6 weeks in total.
The time it takes for ejaculation scored based on 2 different methods was longer following the training, and this improvement was still there when checked 6 months later, all without any side-effects.
5. Where Can I Buy It?
From what I can tell, the only place that sells the Prolong Device is their official website,
The retail price is $299, and includes the device itself and a water-based lubricant.
All sales are handled by Paypal, so you know it’s protected by a 6 month money back guarantee.
6. Recommendation
Is the start-stop technique effective at helping to alleviate premature ejaculation issues?
Will the Prolong Device programme give you better results?
Is it worth the $300 price tag?
That’s up to you to decide.
Based on everything I’m seeing, it’s hard to justify paying so much for a small little vibrator.
You could just as easily invest the same amount of money or much less in a product that produces more pronounced results.
But if it means a 3.5 X increase in your lasting ability, it might be worth it.
Have You Used The Prolong Device? Leave Your Review Below!
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