ProLab N-Large 3 Review – Mass Gains?
By: Rob Miller
ProLab N-Large 3 Overview
I get a lot of emails from hard gainers, guys who have trouble putting on weight.
These guys have high metabolisms that burn up everything they eat just about as fast as they can eat it.
While there are several diet and workout related things they can do to try to improve the situation, it’s also a good idea to use a mass gainer product to help things along.
These products usually contain a bunch of calories, proteins, amino acids, and other muscle and mass building components to supplement the diets and efforts of guys who need it.
ProLab N-Large 3 recently came to my attention as a product used by lots of guys in the Bodybuildingdotcom forum. The reviews are decidedly mixed, so lets start with the a look at what’s in it.
ProLab N-Large 3 Ingredients and How They Work
A serving of ProLab N-Large 3 contains a full 600 calories to help you add to your daily intake.
Included in that are 45 grams of protein which should be a significant step toward your daily requirement for putting on muscle.
It uses Whey Isolate for immediate absorption and protein synthesis as well as Whey Concentrate for ongoing rebuilding.
The addition of Micellar Casein which digests slowly provides the ongoing support you need to make significant gains.
The carbs in ProLab N-Large 3 are complex which means that the calorie energy you get lasts and lasts, and the fatty acids are Medium Chain Triglyerides and Safflower Oil so stored glycogen and amino acids don’t get pulled from lean muscle tissue.
In simple terms, this means lean muscle preservation.
The serving size is 4 scoops, and you can mix it with water or another beverage.
It comes in Vanilla Creme, Milk Chocolate, and Wild Strawberry flavors.
They recommend that you use it between meals and/or after workouts to help with recovery.
ProLab N-Large 3 Pros and Cons
Advantages of ProLab N-Large 3
- It contains a full 600 calories and 45 grams of blended protein.
- There are plenty of favorable ProLab N-Large 3 reviews and discussions from guys who say it helped them gain pounds of lean muscle.
One of the most common comments is that it did not cause digestive distress.
Disadvantages of ProLab N-Large 3
- There are just as many negative reviews for ProLab N-Large 3 as there are positive ones.
Some say it tastes awful, some say it doesn’t mix well, and others say it just didn’t help them gain weight. - The 4 scoop serving size almost ensures difficult mixability, and also makes it turn out more expensive than some other options.
Where to Buy
You can find ProLab N-Large 3 at several online supplement retailers.
The 4 lb tub sells for under $20 while the 10 lb tub comes in at about $50.
Choosing a mass gainer really comes down to personal preferences.You want something that mixes well, tastes good, makes you feel good, and most importantly you want something that works.
For a lot of guys, ProLab N-Large 3is the one.
The ingredient profile is good, so really the only way to know if it’s the one for you is to give it a shot.