Primal Growth Pills Review: Miracle Supplement Or Hoax?
By: Rob Miller
What is Primal Growth
Primal Growth Ingredients
Primal Growth Reviews
So it’s Monday afternoon and I’m lazily scrolling through my Yahoo news feed after a somewhat boring day, when I came across yet another ad proclaiming that some “Miracle Testosterone Pill Nets Biggest Deal In Shark Tank History”.
The name of that pill is none other than Primal Growth, which sounds like it should be the title of a cheesy Jean Claude Van Damme movie.
Never mind the fact I already completely debunked the whole “Shark Tank Testosterone Booster” thing, which many of you have probably never seen (that is of course, unless you saw this already).
The title of the ad that’s being plastered all over Yahoo proclaims “No Longer An Embarrassing Issue For Men Anymore”, with the subtitle mentioning that millions of American men are being cured of some “important issues”.
What could be this embarrassing issue they speak of?
Decreased libido or stamina?
Small penis size, maybe?
Once I clicked the ad (grudgingly), the first thing that’s plastered across my screen is a woman grabbing some dudes (rather large by all accounts) junk, and for about a split second what looked like the Fox News logo.
Throughout the article, they talk about how Primal Growth WILL:
- PERMANENTLY cure erectile dysfunction
- Fix low libido issues
- Increase stamina
- Help with premature ejaculation
- Increase Penis Size
All with just 1 pill a day.
If alarm bells aren’t going off in your head just yet, read on.
What is Primal Growth?
According to the official website, Primal Growth is a medical strength male enhancement supplement that’s designed to:
- Create bigger and longer lasting erections
- Give you a surge in sex drive and energy
- Increase your sexual confidence
A bit different from the claims we’re seeing on this supposed “Fox News” article, but that’s not surprising. We’ll get into that later.
Primal Growth boasts that it’s now available without a prescription, front and center right at the top of their website.
However, I couldn’t seem to find any information on it that suggested it ever WAS a prescription.
If you do a search on, which literally lists every single prescription medication that ever existed, you won’t see Primal Growth.
In fact, you won’t even see the individual words “Primal” or “Growth” mentioned on the site at all.
Is It A Testosterone Booster OR A Male Enhancement Pill?
This is the million dollar question.
In the “Fox News” article, it’s called a revolutionary testosterone booster.
On their website, it’s called a a medical strength male enhancement supplement.
On the label, it says it’s a testosterone booster.
One thing is for sure though, it was DEFINITELY seen on TV shows like The Doctors, CNBC, CNN, USA, and Mens Health.
It says so right here on the website:
So let’s jump on over to Google and see what these sites were saying about it.
How about CNN?
Hmmm, that’s odd.
Let’s try the CNN website…
Nothing there, very strange.
Maybe CNN retracted their story about it, let’s try Mens Health:
Are you beginning to see a pattern here??
I thought so.
There was no “As seen on” anything for Primal Growth. This is a sales tactic to help build the credibility of the supplement.
They (whoever is behind the marketing of Primal Growth) is banking on the fact that you’ll see the words CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, whatever, and automatically assume that it’s legit.
As you can see, of course, it’s not!
Primal Growth Ingredients?
According to the official site, the ingredients in Primal Growth include:
- Boron
- Saw palmetto extract
- Orchic substance
- Horny Goat Weed
- Tongkat Ali
- and Nettle extract.
It should be noted that this EXACT same ingredient formulation can be found in numerous other supplements, including Cianix, Zyntix, and Clemix.
And when I say exact same formula, I’m not talking about them just sharing the above ingredients.
I’m saying that they LITERALLY only contain those ingredients, and nothing else.
Not only that, but take a look at the Primal Growth website and compare it to the websites for some other products.
Here’s Primal Growth:
Here’s another supplement called Clemix:
And here’s yet ANOTHER supplement called Primal-X:
That’s right, they ALL look EXACTLY the same.
That’s because they’re ALL made by, and / or promoted by, the exact same company.
Primal Growth Reviews
If you run a search on google, you’re bound to come up short in this department.
Practically every single site that wrote about it is either promoting it as an affiliate, or have no real credible info.
Take the ever-popular website healthy order dot org, which ranks in the #2 spot when you search “primal growth reviews”.
What does this pinnacle of health information have to say?
Here’s an exact quote from the first paragraph: “Anyways, all the fingers are not equal and even all the supplements are not scam”.
Well, that’s good to know…
I was beginning to think all the fingers were equal!!
He goes on, under the “personal experience” section: “Now, I have been spending a happy and full of feelings like and even feel that I have become very young by the use of this supplement.”
Well, sign me right up!
All kidding aside, this entire “review” is nothing more than a 2500 word nonsensical, irrational, and poorly written post that is literally just trying to rank in google by looking like some sort of “authority” when it comes to supplements.
In fact, it’s not the only site that looks like this when you’re searching for anything related to Primal Growth, including the side effects, ingredients, whether or not it works, and where to buy.
Practically ALL of the sites that show up when you run a google search for anything related to the supplement end up looking like this.
Where To Buy Primal Growth?
So it looks like the only place you can buy Primal Growth is on their official website. You won’t find it in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, so don’t even bother trying.
How much does it cost?
I mean, if it’s going to grow your penis, improve your stamina and confidence, and boost your erection quality, what would it be worth to you?
$50? $70?Maybe even $100?
How about, FREE?
That’s right, for a limited time only the guys behind Primal Growth are giving away their product completely free!
And when I say “limited time only”, I mean it!
All you have to pay for is the low price of $4.97 to take care of the shipping and handling, and they’ll send a bottle straight to your door.
18 days later, they’ll charge your credit card the low price of only $87.41 unless you call to cancel.
Wait, WHAT?
WTF are you talking about, Rob?
Who’s going to charge me $87.41?
Well, Primal Growth is, dummy…
Didn’t you see it right here in the terms in conditions in the REALLY small font at the bottom of the page?
Seriously dude, DON’T feel bad.
You don’t know how many guys I talk to every single day that get caught into these free-trial, auto-rebill supplement scams.
Run. Run as fast as you can from this!
This kind of shit happens all the time, and it’s been nearly impossible for me to keep up with it. Just as soon as I write about one scam product like Primal Growth, another 5 pop up in its place.
You’ll see these same types of Shark Tank scams popping up all over the place as well.
I’ve written articles on weight loss pills that were apparently seen on shark tank, testosterone boosters, and more.
In one case, they we actually pitching a damn wrinkle cream!
Most guys think they’re getting a free sample when they fork over the credit card info, but as you can tell from above, this is simply not the case.
Have You Used Primal Growth Pills? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
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User Questions and Answers
Yes I want to order Primal Growth testosterone Booster but I can not find the sit to order the pills -Bill Lance
It used to be available through their official website, but I don't see it anymore. It was probably discontinued. - Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I’m suprised the first ingredient wasn’t bacon, HA!