Primal Grow Pro Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob Miller
It was only a few years ago that male enhancement supplements were a touchy subject.
Men used to be shy about the topic due to an unspoken taboo.
Simply put, male enhancement supplements were the elephant in the room.
Nobody likes to put their problems on front street, especially when they feel most vulnerable.
Sexual health is a sensitive topic, and for the longest time, men had to decide if they wanted to have an awkward doctor’s visit and pay $15 a pill for something that could be dangerous, or simply do nothing and continue to deal with erectile dysfunction.
Now, however, we are in a completely different time.
Erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health topics are far from taboo and bringing it up at the right time is not something to be ashamed of anymore.
That is largely due to how many male enhancement supplements and products are out there now.
They have become so commonplace that nobody even bats an eye when they see one, unless they need it, that is.
Whether it be at the vitamin store, online or on the shelf at your local gas station, male enhancement supplements are everywhere.
One recent male enhancement supplement to make somewhat of a splash is Primal Grow Pro.
Overly flashy and salesy language and claims on their site aside, they are mostly just a male enhancement supplement to help with ED.
There seems to be claims of increasing size, but that is impossible despite many supplements making the claim.
Either way, Primal Grow Pro has some ingredients that are interesting and takes its own unique approach to the male enhancement supplement game.
Let’s take a closer look at Primal Grow Pro.
What is Primal Grow Pro?
Primal Grow Pro is a male enhancement supplement that uses a wide range of herbal ingredients.
If you go to their website there are some truly wild claims that I doubt anyone would take seriously, but that is par for the course with male enhancement supplements.
They make claims of using “banned African penis rituals” and other wild stuff, but the core of it is that it is an herbal ED remedy.
If you cast aside every male enhancement supplement that makes wild claims, you’d be left with none, so I never let that play a factor in the beginning.
How Does Primal Grow Pro Work?
Primal Grow Pro uses an herbal remedy to treat several factors in ED.
It addresses blood flow which is essential for a male enhancement supplement.
Blood flow, or the lack of blood flow, is what causes erections and helps you keep them.
Some of its herbal ingredients also have anti-anxiety effects which is known to relieve erectile dysfunction.
Another big part of sexual dysfunction is mental factors.
Stress, anxiety and even depression are at the root of many men’s erectile dysfunction, and treating it can often improve problems in the bedroom.
As you will see, some of the ingredients in Primal Grow Pro are aimed at taking care of stress so that you can get in the mood, so to speak.
By looking at the ingredients, you can understand exactly how Primal Grow Pro works and why it affects people the way that it does.
What Are Primal Grow Pro’s Ingredients?
St. John’s Wort
It can give relief to people dealing with anxiety or depression. (Source)
It is an amino acid that can open up the red blood vessels which increases blood flow throughout the body and to the penis. (Source)
Similar to L-arginine, it is also an amino acid and plays a role in blood flow and has potential to enhance athletic performance. (Source)
Gingko Biloba
It can be used to relieve inflammation, boost circulation and heart health, enhance focus and cognitive function, and treat erectile dysfunction. (Source)
It is effective in boosting the immune system, recovering from a workout, enhancing athletic performance and building muscle mass. (Source)
Unusual for a male enhancement supplement, Vinpocetine can help people that are recovering from a stroke and can boost cognitive ability to help stave off memory loss. (Source)
Do Any of These Ingredients Have Side Effects?
St. John’s Wort can cause nausea, dizziness, vivid dreams and headache. (Source)
L-arginine can cause gout, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and bloating. (Source)
L-carnitine may cause heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, headaches or dizziness. (Source)
Ginkgo Biloba can interact with blood thinners and other medications, as well as cause rash, stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting among other side effects. (Source)
L-Glutamine has been found to have no direct side effects, although taking it regularly may affect the way that your system deals with amino acids. (Source)
Does Primal Grow Pro Really Work?
It does not work in every single way that they claim it works, but it does work in some ways definitely.
There is zero chance that it can have any effect on penis size as that is impossible for any supplement to do.
What it does do, however, is increase sexual desire and ultimately help to achieve and maintain an erection.
I pin that on certain ingredients such as L-arginine and Ginkgo Biloba.
Those two ingredients in particular are very effective in treating erectile dysfunction, and when they show up in a male enhancement supplement, it is typically a pretty good sign.
Of course, ingredients are ingredients, but what really counts is how they are concentrated in the formula.
From what I can tell, the ingredients that matter are in a high concentration at least.
Some of the ingredients that show up in Primal Grow Pro are confusing and I wonder why they are even in there, but who knows, maybe that is why it is effective.
How to Use Primal Grow Pro
Be patient, because Primal Grow Pro is a daily male enhancement supplement.
Sticking with the same dose around the same time every day is the best way to see results out of it that really count.
Don’t get too stir-crazy waiting for the effects to kick in.
Stay active during that time and maybe focus on activities such as cardio or weight training that can also help with erectile dysfunction.
According to Primal Grow Pro, you have to wait a full 30 days to see effects working, so try not to get antsy; it will work eventually.
They say that you should take it with food in the morning, so if you are not a breakfast person, consider becoming one to make sure you get the most out of each dose of Primal Grow Pro as possible.
Where Can I Buy Primal Grow Pro?
You can buy Primal Grow Pro directly from the source.
It is nice to be able to buy male enhancement supplements straight from where it came from.
The fact is, there is a ton of counterfeiting and scamming going on online and in the world of male enhancement supplements.
Not just with supplements, but with anything that you can buy online.
Buying a supplement from the manufacturer does not entirely guarantee that you won’t get scammed in some way, but it the best way to avoid it.
Not only that, it is nice to support manufacturers if you find that their supplement helps you.
That is how you keep it all going and keep the supplement community strong.
Pros +
- Uses entirely natural active ingredients in the formula
- Available straight through their own website
- It does not have a lot of side effects
Cons –
- It makes some wild claims that are not true
- They do not provide a lot of information about the product, and piecing it together is tricky
- It is a bit pricey
I do not think that it would hurt.
That is not a glowing recommendation, however because it does not deliver on all of its promises.
For one thing, it definitely cannot increase penis size in any way at all.
Besides just that, there is an overwhelming number of ridiculous claims to be found on their website.
I mean, truly, check it out for yourself if you are curious.
Primal Grow Pro does seem to be a good aphrodisiac however and I do believe it has some good effects as far as providing relief from ED goes.
Because of that, I think that it is definitely worth giving a shot if you have the means to do so.
There is no such thing as a male enhancement supplement that has the same effect on everyone.
Results vary from person to person based on hundreds of factors, so any given supplement affects you differently than it would your neighbor.
If you are patient and wait out the 30 days, you can see for yourself if Primal Grow Pro works for you.
Check in with your doctor to see if there is anything in Primal Grow Pro that causes a bad interaction with medications or supplements that you are currently taking.
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