Prematrol Review – Is Prematrol Discontinued?
By: Rob Miller
Prematrol Overview
Prematrol is a male enhancement supplement designed to address the problem of premature ejaculation, which affects a significant number of men, young and old. Prematrol is made by Zurich Medical Labs as a “synergistic herbal formula to support ejaculatory timing”. This product was recommended by customers and endorsed by doctors. Additionally, many of the active ingredients had been clinical studied and shown to be effective.
Unfortunately, Prematrol seems to no longer be available, and Zurich Medical Labs has disappeared as well. There used to be a website, and now there is none. Amazon used to sell Prematrol, but now states that it is unavailable, and unsure as to whether or not it’s coming back. There is a good chance you might find Prematrol available somewhere, so we’ll tell you what we know about it.
Prematrol Ingredients and How They Work
When the website was operational, it had a very thorough section on the formula’s ingredients and how they worked to prevent premature ejaculation.
The primary mechanism of action was to relive anxiety and relax the nervous system.
Passiflora, Vitamin B6, and Folic Acid performed this function. Next the product attempted to boost mood and confidence with 5-HTP which increases the amount of free serotonin. Then Prematrol increased the flow of blood to the penis with L-Arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide. Other pro-sexual herbs, like Saw Palmetto, Gnseng, Royal Jelly, and Hawthorne Berry rounded out the formula for better overall sexual health and performance.
Prematrol Pros and Cons
Deciding whether or not to purchase a product can be made easier by listing the positive and negative aspects side by side.
Advantages of Prematrol
- Prematrol was doctor recommended.
- Ingredients are all natural.
- Some of the ingredients have been clinically tested.
Disadvantages of Prematrol
- It is no longer available.
- There is no information on what happened or if it will be available again, whether as Prematrol or under a different name.
Where to Buy
We were unable to find an online source for Prematrol.
Prematroldid actually seem promising, so it is a mystery to us why it’s no longer around. It could be anything really from losing their herbal ingredients source to poor advertizing or customer service. Ultimately, however, the fact that the product and company are now defunct makes our recommendation very easy. If you find Prematrol, leave it on the shelf and choose something you know has plans to stick around.
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Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure
Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.
Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.
Vigrx Plus was designed to not only help with ED, but also premature ejac. problems.