Pinealtonin Review – A Different Approach?
By: Rob Miller
Pinealtonin Overview
Pinealtonin is a male (and female) enhancement product that takes a somewhat different approach than most of the others we see out there. It’s made by the Lin Institute.
We’ve looked at some other products from this manufacturer, and to tell you the truth, they’re all a bit out of the ordinary.
The idea behind Pinealtoninis that it regulates your Circadian rhythms so you get a more restful sleep.
And because you’re getting better sleep, you feel better, you’re in better health, and you’re less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
The product page on the Lin Institute website also talks about reducing excessive vaginal wetness and minimizing pre-cum as well.
Pinealtonin Ingredients and How They Work
As I mentioned earlier, Pinealtonin attempts to solve your sexual problems in a more holistic method than most.
This is made clear by the ingredient list, which is primarily made up of cognitive and mood enhancers.
There’s the vitamin and mineral base of the product which includes:
- Niacin
- Vitamin D
- Vitamins B6 and B12
- Folic Acid
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Magnesium
And there’s the mood/relaxation component that includes:
- 5-HTP which has been shown to increase the production of the mood enhancing Serotonin.
- Inositol which is sometimes used for depression.
- GABA which is a neurotransmitter that improves cognitive ability.
- St. John’s Wort which is used to improve mood.
- Valerian Root which helps you relax.
- Green Tea which protects you against the damages of free radicals with its antioxidant properties.
The recommended dose is 1 Pinealtonin capsule taken 2 or 3 times daily.
They make it very clear that Pinealtonin is not to be taken with alcohol and that you should put at least 2 or 3 hours between the time you take the pill and when you drink alcohol.
Pinealtonin Pros and Cons
Advantages of Pinealtonin
- It approaches erectile health with overall health improvement in mind.
- It contains vitamins and minerals.
- It can be used by men and women.
- Disadvantages of Pinealtonin
- There is no money back guarantee.
- Some of the information given on Pinealtonin and the Lin Institute is rather odd.
- It lacks nearly all the ingredients we expect in a male enhancement supplement.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Pinealtonin through the Lin Institute and a few other online retailers.
A bottle containing 90 capsules sells for $28. I am not aware of any money back guarantee.
Pinealtonin seems like it’s more of a sleep and mood aid than a sexual enhancement.It’s not a leap, however to think that improving overall health and mood will lead to an improvement in sexual performance.
For that reason and for the fact that it’s affordable, I would say it’s worth trying if you find yourself intrigued.
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User Questions and Answers
i want to buy pinealtonin online?pls help me? -ajsagulhameed
You can purchase it through the Lin Institute website or The Herbal Love Shop.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Vaginal wetness where can i get pinealtonin -Thandeka
It's sold at Herballove shop.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.