Vanaphase Review

Vanadium is a mineral and the foundational ingredient in Vanaphase. Specifically, Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium is an organic complex of glycine and vanadium, and it’s designed specifically to be absorbed efficiently.

Using Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium as a supplement is different from many of the other products we review. We decided it would be a good time to take a look at Vanaphase. What are the claims? Is there anything to know about Vanaphase and its possible side effects?

What is Vanaphase?

vanaphase reviewsSo, first things first. What is Vanaphase?

Basically, it’s a pre-workout product that uses Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium to improve performance. The Humanix Nutritionals company sells Vanaphase. The company is in Massachusetts.

The Humanix company says they work to offer supplements that increase strength and endurance. Their products also aim to improve muscle-building and support weight loss.

Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium, the active ingredient, may help support healthy glucose and blood sugar levels.

General things Vanaphase may help with include developing fuller, harder muscles and a leaner body. The company that markets Vanaphase said using it can help improve pump and vascularity as well. It may help the body more productively and efficiently utilize carbohydrates.

What Does Vanaphase Do?

Specific claims you’ll see from the creators of Vanaphase include:

  • Vanaphase can help maintain optimal insulin levels. This increases the storage of muscle-building nutrients. These nutrients include glycogen and amino acids.
  • Having the right insulin levels can improve the transport of glucose and amino acid into the muscles.
  • Vanaphase may help prevent the breakdown of nutrients.
  • The makers claim with healthy insulin levels the body has an optimal environment to build muscles.
  • Vanaphase may help with overall body fat management. This theoretically occurs when glucose goes to muscle cells instead of fat cells.

As we mentioned at the start of this post, the primary ingredient in Vanaphase is called Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium. Generally, Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadiumacts similarly to insulin in the body. It stimulates the uptake of glucose and oxidation of glucose in the cells. Sometimes Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium is used as a supplement to help lower blood sugar. It may also increase insulin sensitivity and lower LDL cholesterol.

Regarding helping control blood sugar and manage diabetes, there’s a lot of research about Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium. In terms of helping with muscle growth, not as much.

In Vanaphase there’s a combination of vanadium as well as glycine. The name of the formulation is Bis-Glycinato Oxo-Vanadium.

Once you get past the long name, this is just something that helps improve the absorption of the vanadium. Bis-Glycinato Oxo Vanadium alone isn’t great when it comes to absorption. This is a common issue with a lot of supplements. The use of glycine is meant to promote optimal absorption and utilization.

What Do the Reviews Say?

One of the biggest issues with Vanaphase right now is the lack of reviews. It’s a relatively new product, and it’s tough to find any outside information about it. We checked out Amazon, and the product is listed, but there aren’t any reviews.

If you search Vanaphase on Facebook, some influencers have recently mentioned Vanaphase. They do say they’ve seen results with the product, but these aren’t necessarily unbiased reviews. The company does offer various affiliate programs with Vanaphase.

On Instagram, some people have recently mentioned Vanaphase or tagged it, but again, there aren’t any reviews.

My Personal Results

I plan on testing this at some point, so check back regularly for updates!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Side Effects?

A lot of times when we’re reviewing supplements we might learn about side effects from other people who have used the product. Since there aren’t any reviews for Vanaphase that we could find, we looked at the primary ingredient—vanadium.

Some researchers have theorized vanadium or its derivatives could contribute to symptoms of depression or bipolar disorder at very high doses. Sometimes doctors will recommend a low vanadium diet for people who struggle with bipolar disorder. However, there aren’t any credible, supported scientific links between the two right now.

Supplementing with vanadium shouldn’t theoretically be a problem for someone with depression. Even so, you may want to speak to your doctor if this is a concern for you.

We did some further research and vanadium is listed as likely safe in adults, if they use less than 1.8 mg a day. At higher doses side effects are possible. Side effects of high doses can include abdominal pain, nausea, gas, and diarrhea. There have also been reports of a green tongue developing, low energy and nervous system problems.

In very large doses and when used for extended periods of time, it may cause kidney damage.

Since the research is fairly limited, it’s tough to determine what is considered a high dose.

Vanadium might interact with blood clotting and diabetes medicines as well.

How Do I Take It?

Alright, if you’re still interested in taking Vanaphase, how do you use it?

Instructions direct taking one capsule, three times a day. Use it with your three daily meals. So, you take one with breakfast, one with lunch and one with dinner. Don’t take it on an empty stomach.

Can Women Use It?

Sure if you want to use Vanaphase, there’s no reason a woman can’t use it as well as a man. Some of the people on social media advertising Vanaphase are women, in fact. If you’re pregnant or nursing you should talk to your doctor first.

Where Can I Buy It?

You can buy Vanaphase directly from the Humanix website. They donate a percentage of all purchases to veterans, which can be a plus for some buyers.

If you buy it directly from the Humanix site, it’s $46.99 for a 30-day supply, which is 90 capsules. If you spend more than $100, shipping is free.

You can buy it on Amazon as well. The price is the same, and you can take advantage of free two-day Prime delivery.


It’s tough to make a recommendation about Vanaphase right now. It would be useful to see more reviews from users, but overall it may be worth trying. The key ingredient which is a derivative of vanadium has been shown to have positive health benefits. Namely, it can promote healthy blood sugar levels. It may be valuable as a pre-workout supplement as a result.

One thing to be aware of, however, is how much you’re using. As long as you aren’t using an excessive amount, Vanaphase may be safe. At higher doses, you could experience side effects.

I have Vanaphase on my list of supplements to test, so I should be updating this review within a month or so.

Have you tried Vanaphase? Let us know what you think

ActivatedYou Probiotic Review

Update! (8-19-2018):  We have someone in the process of testing ActivatedYou probiotic right now. 

We’ll be posting her daily updates on this page, click here to follow
along on her progress!

One minute. Just ONE minute…

Would you set aside one minute every day to promote total health & wellness of body and mind? I would.

And that’s exactly  what ActivatedYou Probiotic promises to do. But do they deliver on that promise? Does ActivatedYou really work? Or is it just another empty promise promoted by a Hollywood star?

Let’s find out!

So I recently came across THIS AD….

activatedyou ad on yahoo

I couldn’t help myself, so I clicked in to find an infomercial for an ‘Advanced Restorative Probiotic’ called ActivatedYou Probiotic. The infomercial was super well produced, and I have to admit, it was quite convincing.

The video is narrated by big-time actress/model/activist Maggie Q. (pictured above and below).  While it’s an obvious advertisement (she’s a partner in the company after all), she does sound super genuine, as if this product really did revolutionize her life and health.

So I cozied up and tuned in. And I have to say, I learned a boatload about gut health and how our bodies digest food. And. . . how they often FAIL to digest food, leading to tons of health problems.

In the very long video, Maggie Q. shares openly about her struggles with chronic sickness and being unable to find answers from doctors, health coaches, dietitians, or really anyone.

(Sound familiar? Yup, that’s because most Americans are drifting aimlessly on this very same boat.)

Then one fateful day, Maggie Q. met Dr. Edison de Mello, or ‘Dr. D.’

Dr. Edison de Mello, founder and director of Akasha Center for integrative medicine. Image:
Dr. Edison de Mello, founder and director of Akasha Center for integrative medicine. Image:

Maggie Q. talks about this Doc like he’s the gut-guru to end all gut-gurus.

As they continued to meet, she learned that her body wasn’t breaking down the foods she was eating, let alone absorbing them.

It didn’t matter that she was eating healthy, as the food and nutrients were not being assimilated into her body.

Maggie Q talks about ActivatedYou Probiotic
Maggie Q talks about ActivatedYou Probiotic

And all the while she was suffering. . . bad. She had distension, fatigue, puffy eyes, and a “swollen bloated belly” — all of which robbed her of her confidence. I mean, you name it and she had it.

And all she wanted was answers and relief. . . and to know what the heck was happening inside of her body.

Well. . . turns out she had a bacterial imbalance. content/uploads/2018/06/bacteria 1

Fungi, yeasts, bacteria. . . these guys all live in our gastrointestinal tract.  They help to regulate our bodies and our health. But some of these are definitely not helpful, as they often steal the good nutrients from our system. This causes us to become hungry and overeat, among a slew of other accompanying symptoms.

And Maggie Q. quickly found she wasn’t alone. . .

Dr. D shared with her a study conducted by Rice University. Researchers found that upwards of 70% of the American population struggles with low energy, poor digestion, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, low libido, etc. content/uploads/2018/06/symptoms of poor gut

And part of the problem? A little something called “gut bombs.”

Gut bombs are foods and drinks that are marketed as ‘healthy’, but are actually terrible for our bodies. These include things like green juices, protein bars, fat-free yogurt, etc.

Maggie Q. and Dr. D. are emphatic when they say we need to eliminate these so-called gut bombs from our diet, and start taking probiotics.

They argue that by fixing our digestive problems, we’re fixing our body’s fuel tank, and we’ll feel better in every way.

So, if poor digestion is the problem, ActivatedYou Probiotic is the answer. . .

. . .Or is it?

Let’s not get too carried away until we learn what this probiotic is all about.

As for Maggie Q., once she found answers and finally started treating the problem, her digestive system started running smoothly, and she was still able to eat the tasty treats she loves.

So, is ActivatedYou Probiotic worth your time? If you have stomach or digestive problems, I’d say definitely keep on reading.

About the Company

ActivatedYou Advanced Restorative Probiotic is just one product line under the ‘Akasha Naturals’ name. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 1.43.26

The practitioners at Akasha Naturals, under the direction of Dr. de Mello, have treated countless Hollywood stars over the years. . . hence the partnership with Maggie Q.

The company is located in Santa Monica, California.

As far as I can tell, ActivatedYou (or Akasha Center) seems like a legitimate company run by professionals. And Maggie Q’s involvement seems like way more than just another celebrity endorsement to push a product and make a buck. After all, she’s a philanthropist and activist in her own right. So I’m inclined to trust this duo. . . so far. But let’s dig a little deeper into the product itself. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 1.34.46
ActivatedYou founders. Image:

What is ActivatedYou Probiotic?

activated you review

Overall, digestive health is absolutely crucial to feeling healthy and well. It’s a highly-studied, scientific fact of life.

And that’s where probiotics come in. Probiotics are meant to infuse good, healthy, beneficial bacteria back into your gut where they belong. (Source)

According to the makers of ActivatedYou Probiotic, it’s “medically formulated to revolutionize your health from the inside out.”

It supposedly does this by providing your digestive system with loads of healthy bacteria (from 30 different strains) that puts your body and mind at peak performance, day after day.

Why target the digestive system?

Because that’s where most of our bodies’ healthy (and unhealthy!) bacteria lives. These bacteria help us to absorb and digest food, create essential vitamins, and ensure our immune system and cognitive faculties are in tip-top shape. Source

When this bacterial balance is off in our gut, and when too much bad bacteria moves in, we complain of being sick and tired. The crappiest part of it all is that we can’t put our finger on the source. And you can’t treat what you can’t detect!

The makers of the product argue that it’s “one of the most potent probiotic formulas on the market today.” And here’s how they claim ActivatedYou Probiotic helps with overall gut health: content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 2.02.42

What are the Ingredients in ActivatedYou Probiotic?

The formula contains a blend of 30 different strains of bacteria. Now, I’m no expert when it comes to distinguishing one bacteria strain from the next.

But. . .

I do know that the Global healing Center has compiled a list of the best probiotic strains for your gut, and almost every single one of them is found in the ActivatedYou Probiotic. Yup, they did their homework in making this supplement.

Here are the ingredients contained in ActivatedYou Probiotic:

activatedyou ingredients label

ActivatedYou Probiotic FAQ’s

How do I take it?

Simply take one of their “easy-swallow, 100% vegetarian capsules each day, with a full glass of water.” And for optimal results, you’ll want to take the daily-dose probiotic with a meal.

how to take activatedyou probiotic

How long does it take to start working?

ActivatedYou Probiotic, like all probiotics, is a long-term solution to a chronic problem. Every strain “colonizes” your gut at a different rate, or speed. Some are quick to colonize, while others take longer.

I hesitate to geek out about this, so we’ll just leave it at this: you can expect to notice results as soon as 2-3 weeks from when you start taking the product. Source

Are there any side effects with ActivatedYou Probiotic?

I can almost hear the concern: “So wait, you’re telling me to eat massive amounts of bacteria and let them colonize in my digestive system.” It does sound like the making of a Frankenstein-esque film. But trust me, it’s pretty dang safe.

See that? Any side effects, IF they occur, will be pretty mild. Remember, while it is bacteria, it’s healthy bacteria. So fear not my friends.

While there isn’t much information out there about potential side effects for this specific probiotic, I did find a lot of info about side effects from probiotics in general.

HealthLine writes: “Probiotics are safe for the majority of the population, but side effects can occur.”

Here are the potential side effects that HealthLine cites:

  • May cause unpleasant digestive symptoms
  • ‘Amines’ may trigger headaches
  • Some strains can increase histamine levels
  • Some strains may cause adverse reactions (think lactose- or gluten-intolerance symptoms)
  • They can increase infection risk for some.

They go on to write, “Overall, probiotics are a beneficial addition to most people’s diet or supplement regimen, with relatively few and unlikely side effects.” Source

In my opinion, especially compared with the many benefits that come from taking probiotics, any side effects are worth the risk.

I’ll leave you with this. . . ActivatedYou Probiotic is relatively safe to use.

Can I take it with a medical condition? content/uploads/2018/07/untitled

Well, it depends on the medical condition. Let’s say you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). That’s definitely a medical condition. Taking a probiotic like ActivatedYou is likely going to help you, not hurt you. Nice, right?

However, you shouldn’t take probiotics if you have certain medical conditions.

Dr. Hibberd of Harvard University says, “If someone has an immune system weakened by illness (i.e. cancer) or medication, that person could get sick from probiotics.” And she warns, “Don’t start taking probiotics without talking to your doctor or pharmacist about whether probiotics might help you.  Source

Finally, you should steer clear of all probiotics if you’re pregnant or have a child with short bowel syndrome.

Can I take this Probiotic with Alcohol? content/uploads/2018/07/untitled

Well, it looks like lots of people are asking this question. . .

If you insist on drinking, know that it’s not doing your gut any favors.

In other words, drinking alcohol (especially in excess) promotes all sorts of bad bacteria in the gut, and is proven to destroy the liver. So taking a probiotic like ActivatedYou, at least in theory, should actually help to replace the bad bacteria with good bacteria, and give your well-worn liver some much needed relief.

In an ideal situation, total avoidance of alcohol while taking a probiotic is going to have the most ideal effects on your gut, but continuing to drink alcohol in moderation while taking Activated You is not the end of the world.

Our Personal Results content/uploads/2018/07/untitled

We sent a bottle free of charge to Syndey K., who’s been keeping a daily log of her results with ActivatedYou.

Follow along with her progress below:


Two soft medium bowel movements.  Full, bloated stomach at bedtime but no pain.  All low FODMAP foods except for small dairy serving at night.


Two soft medium bowel movements.  Full, bloated stomach at night but no pain.  All low FODMAP foods except for 1/4 cup beans in salad.


Bloated upon waking upon small soft bowel movements in the morning.  Medium bowel movement and cramping during lunchtime. Very bloated and swollen at night with cramping and gas, but not horribly painful.  This my be due to consumption of ice cream (may be lactose intolerance kicking in here)


Large, soft bowel movement in the morning upon waking up (after most of the bloating from the previous night had subsided).  After coffee and breakfast stomach feels good! No upsets or bloat 🙂


Large bowel movement in morning upon waking up.  No bloating and flat belly even after breakfast (oatmeal and coffee).  All low FODMAP foods except for dairy at night. Full bloated belly, but not as bad as usual. No pain.


Medium, very soft bowl movement upon waking up. Moderate gas. Very soft stool in afternoon ( this could be from anxiety/nerves due to an exam).

Very bloated and full (sick full) before bed after dairy consumption. Woke up with night sweats.


Woke up and bloat was mostly gone!  Was able to eat breakfast (coffee and oats) and belly was happy full with no pain! Slightly constipated throughout day.  No bowel movements.


Large, soft bowel movement in the morning after breakfast. Flat belly all day. All gentle foods but had dairy at night (ice cream!) . Bloated but no pain.


Very gassy ( probably from the dairy last night). Very soft bowel movement upon waking up. Consistent gas throughout morning. Gas still present at lunch.  Stomach gurgling and bubbling (intense).  No pain but discomfort present. Excess gas.  Bubbling decreases as more gas is passed. Gassy throughout rest of day. Woke up in middle of night and had to get water.


Same as previous day. Very gassy and stomach is gurgly and irritated. Small bowel movement near lunch. A bit disappointed as I thought the probiotic was really helping me 🙁


Belly feeling a bit better. Medium bowel movement. No pain.


Same as previous day. Small, hard  bowel movements throughout day accompanied by gas.


Bloated in morning and only small, hard bowel movements throughout day. (Stomach was offset from nerves from two exams). Felt better at night


A little bit bloated upon waking up. First medium bowel movement in a few days!


Tiny, skinny bowel movements throughout day, nothing substantial. Stomach feeling ok


Very gassy throughout day and small/ medium multiple bowel movements accompanied by gas. Very bloated at night- looked pregnant! This could be due to dairy consumption. Hope to resolve in the morning, let’s see


Gassy and bloated in morning. Large, soft bowel movement accompanied by gas. Much of bloat resolved after though! Still a little gassy and gurgly but better than last night!


Large, soft bowel movement upon waking up and gassy throughout day. Large,soft bowel movement in afternoon. Maybe my body is purging from the dairy consumption? No pain though, feel better as more gas is passed. Tummy troubles subside as day progresses. No dairy or high FODMAP foods consumed. All gentle like oatmeal, pure pumpkin or strawberries


No bowel movements as of morning to afternoon. No bloat, no gas ( perhaps because I made yesterday a completely dairy free day). Maybe no bowel movements because yesterday I went so much and my system cleaned itself out?

Dairy serving at night.


Gas throughout day but not horrible like before.

Small bowel movement in morning and small bowel movement near noon. Stomach is bubbling and gurgling though. No pain, just weird feeling. Could be compounded by nerves due to an exam.


No bowel movements. Regular eating as in all gentle, low FODMAP foods except for some dairy at night. Stomach cramping began around 6 pm, which is new. Bloat and bubbles are regular but his is the first time in a while that I’ve actually had PAIN. Hard swollen belly at night.


Woke up several times from cramps and woke up very bloated in the morning( I am usually able to “sleep off” my bloat and have a relatively flat tummy in the morning). Pain continues throughout morning and afternoon but is relieved as gas is passed. One small, hard bowel movement near noon.  Took a gas x in morning but it didn’t really have a significant effect. Appetite is poor. A bit concerned as the cramps are a new symptom! Hopefully this won’t be frequent.


Feeling better. Large bowel movement in morning and then I felt GREAT! Nice to feel cleansed out and pain free. Small dairy serving at night.


Feeling decent especially given that I ate dairy previous night. Normal bowel movement around noon. Gassy throughout day but No complaints bc no pain!


Bloated in morning, but relieved after  medium bowel movement. Feeling alright.


Pretty normal day. Small bowel movements throughout day. Not too hard or soft.


Same as previous day. Cramping but probably due to exam nerves. Treated self to dairy at night tho!


VERY gassy. Multiple soft small bowel movements throughout day.


Still very gassy. Pretty much same as previous day.


Large bowel movement near noon and feeling great! I guess the gas built up from a few days ago and released.


Not gassy but bloated. Multiple small bowel movements throughout day.


No gas and minimal bloat, but stomach is unsettled due to nerves about upcoming exams. Feeling queasy but not due to ibs or food consumed.


No gas and no bloat. Small, skinny firm bowel movements throughout day. Big exam day, so stomach was in knots. Again, not due to any foods consumed.

Here’s her overall ActivatedYou review / Recommendation

At first I did think that these supplements were helping me with my bloating and irregular bowel movements due to digestive issues and ibs.
I would still bloat but it would subside much faster than before I had began the ActivatedYou.
As time passed, it seemed as though I began to grow immune to the supplement, as it did not affect me to the same degree that it initially had.
Not quite sure if this was mind over matter though. I had some regular days, some horrible days, and some days where my system completely purged everything that had been backed up.
Consistency was hard to reach, but when when my digestive system was operating smoothly, it was quite enjoyable.
Unfortunately, ActivatedYou was not a savior or cure all for me, so I will continue to try out other probiotics to see what works best for me.

User Reviews of ActivatedYou Probiotic content/uploads/2018/07/untitled

I searched the web high and low to see what people are saying about this probiotic. Alas, the only reviews I found were listed on the company’s official site.

They have 27 pages of mostly glowing reviews (go figure). I would say most of the feedback is 5 stars, with a few 4-star reviews interspersed here and there for a realistic effect. 😉 content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 8.38.04

On the other hand, maybe ALL of the reviews are legitimate, but they decided not to include bad reviews. . . and who can blame ’em? At any rate, here’s what the reviews say:

This woman is getting her money’s worth. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 6.00.15

A lady named Brenda writes in another 5-star review for ActivatedYou Probiotic. Although she felt a little “squeptical” at first, she’s since taken the probiotic and has seen some amazing results. . . not the least of which include a flatter stomach, less gas and stomach growling, and even smoother skin. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 6.02.38

Here is a 4-star review from a woman who has experienced less bloat and is more “regular.” content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 6.11.14

Overall, the main benefits seem to be relief from IBS, bloating, and other stomach issues. Other users were pleasantly surprised with the boost in energy they noticed while taking ActivatedYou Probiotic.

Where to Buy ActivatedYou Probiotic?

Currently, you can only buy the product on the ActivatedYou website.

You’ll notice on their ‘Products’ page, they’ve broken down their products into different categories. Right now they have a grand total of 6 products to choose from, but this feature will become helpful as the company adds supplements to their lineup.

How Much does it Cost?

You have three different options to choose from:

  • One bottle of ActivatedYou Probiotic is $69.99
  • Three bottles is $188.97 (save 10%)
  • Six bottles is $356.95 (save 15%)

Each bottle comes with 30 capsules, and you’ll be happy to know it’s free shipping & handling across the board.

So. . . is this a good price for a probiotic? Well, to be honest, it’s a little steep. You can find LOTS of products on the market in the $25-$55 range that get great reviews. For instance, a quick Google search gave me this lineup (below), with the most expensive probiotic costing less than $50. Yup, if you’re doing the math, that’s $20 cheaper than ActivatedYou Probiotic. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 6.33.45

With that said, there are also more expensive products. So if ActivatedYou gets the job done, I’d say it’s worth the investment, or at least worth a try. And heck, if you’re not happy, you can get your money back. . .

Is there a Guarantee?

Yes. Darn skippy there’s a guarantee. If you’re not happy with the probiotic, just send it back for a full refund. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 30 at 6.40.28

Obviously, most supplements on the market offer some sort of guarantee, it’s just good business. But a 90-day money-back guarantee is pretty generous, and I have to say it’s great business. They say you can return the product, for any reason, used or unused, with no questions asked. Gee thanks ActivatedYou (no, seriously, thank you).


So now that you’ve gotten a crash course on probiotics, specifically the ActivatedYou Probiotic, and what it can do for your gut health, where do you  go from here. Well, here are my recommendations.

I’d say I’m on the fence, but maybe it’s worth a shot.

Here’s why. . .

I’m a bit hesitant to give this probiotic (or any probiotic) my 100% approval. The reason is because there’s just not enough conclusive evidence and/or studies that show this type of supplement can really deliver on what they promise.

For every study that argues they are effective at promoting gut health and overall health, there’s a study that shows they aren’t effective at all in healthy people.

Ah, but there’s the difference. From what I’ve found, if you already have gut problems, taking a probiotic like ActivatedYou could give you relief. However, if you’re already healthy in the gut, probiotics might be a big waste of money.

Consider this story published by Scientific American. . .

So while I do recommend trying it if you suffer from digestive issues, I’d advise you to not fall victim to the “fad-iness” and marketing-hype surrounding this and other probiotics.

With that out of the way, if you do suffer with certain gut or digestive problems, here’s why I would try ActivatedYou. . .

  1. Dr. de Mello really seems to know his stuff
  2. Maggie Q. is pretty, and knows her stuff
  3. Remember Global Healing Center’s list of top-10 healthiest gut bacteria, and how most of them are found in ActivatedYou Probiotic? Yeah, that.
  4. It’s an easy, once-a-day pill/dose
  5. Not only can you take it with alcohol, you should! Kidding, but it could help negate some of the harm you’re doing to your body by drinking.
  6. The reviews, if legitimate, are super solid across the board
  7. There’s a 90-day money-back guarantee
  8. What else are you gonna do with your disposable income? Buy more video games, or shoes you know you don’t need? 😉

Related Article:  Gut health, Soy, and Testosterone: Myths and Half Truths

Have you used ActivatedYou Probiotic? Leave your review below!

5 High Testosterone Foods You Must Be Eating

Awhile back I wrote a post about 63 foods that boost testosterone naturally.

It took a great deal of time to write that post, and I spent countless hours researching the various foods you should be eating to get the biggest bang for your buck.

However, not that many people have been reading it.

I attribute this to the fact that it would probably take you 2 and a half days to read the whole thing, mainly because it’s one of the biggest posts I’ve ever written.

high testosterone foods

Looking through the post recently, I started to think that this list of testosterone boosting foods is not very practical for most guys.

If you bought every one of these foods on the list your grocery bill would likely come to about $500, which ain’t cheap!

I decided to write this post to trim things down a bit.

If you’re looking to boost your testosterone naturally, then these are 5 high testosterone foods you must be eating.

#1 High Testosterone Food – Tuna

Tuna is in the somewhat unique position among animal products of being able to increase testosterone while reducing body fat.

tuna for high testosterone

It’s loaded with testosterone boosting nutrients like Vitamin D (one serving provides an entire day’s worth) and a form of Selenium that not only boosts testosterone but also provides antioxidant protections for your cells. (Source)

While at the same time, most of its calories come from protein, making it a great choice for a diet meant to reduce fat while building muscle.

#2 High Testosterone Food – Pomegranate

pomegranate for testosterone function

There’s been a HUGE explosion of products selling pomegranate powders, pills, and even juices.  The most famous one that comes to mind is POM wonderful, which hit the market back in 2002.

And there’s a reason why this is the case.

Pomegranate has NUMEROUS health benefits, including increased testosterone.

So how does it do this?

For starters, Pomegranate is an antioxidant rich food that was shown in a study in rats to greatly reduce testicular oxidative stress, as well as increase testosterone levels by 22%.  (Source)

While the study also involved olive and nigella sativa oils, the results proved without a doubt that pomegranate on it’s own is a great testosterone rich food.

Furthermore, pomegranate was also shown to raise the bodies antioxidant status, which in turn results in improved production of testosterone.

You can pick up a bottle of POM wonderful for as little as $1.99 at your local convenience store, or save even more by buying it in bulk on Amazon.

#3 High Testosterone Food –  Shellfish


Shellfish, including Crab, is another great testosterone booster from the sea, for just as many reasons as the rest.

crab for high testosterone

Crab is loaded with Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Protein, B Vitamins, and even dietary cholesterol.

As we’ve mentioned before, dietary cholesterol is a good thing when it comes to increasing testosterone levels, but there’s a downside as well, especially if you are already flirting with elevated blood cholesterol levels. (Source)

So include Crab in your diet, but don’t rely on it as your main source of T boosting nutrition.


Lobster is quite similar to Crab in its nutritional profile and how it benefit, providing Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Protein, B Vitamins, Omega-3s, and dietary cholesterol.

lobster for high testosterone

Serve it with a side of Butter from Grass Fed Cows for the saturated fat that’s not provided. (Source)

Of course, Lobster is expensive so that should keep Lobster off most of our weekly menus, but definitely considering adding it on occasion knowing that it’s a T boosting powerhouse.


No doubt you’re familiar with the notion that oysters make you horny, but did you know that they got that reputation because of their testosterone boosting properties?

oysters for high testosterone

Oysters are the richest known food source of Zinc, offering in just one serving 6 times the recommended daily allowance, and research shows the more Zinc we have, the more Testosterone we have as well. (Source)

Add a complement of other T boosting nutrients including Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Selenium and it’s not wonder Oysters are the stuff of legend.


Add shrimp to the list of Testosterone boosting seafoods because it offers just as many benefits as salmon.

shrimp for high testosterone

At 24 grams per serving, Shrimp provides plenty of protein, while adding very little fat but plenty of dietary cholesterol.

As for vitamins and minerals, there’s an abundance of both, namely Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamin D, which though researchers haven’t quite figured out why yet, has been concluded to have a definite correlation with testosterone levels.

#4 High Testosterone Food – Beans

White Beans

white beans and testosterone increase

White Beans (a category that includes Great Northern or Navy Beans and Cannellini Beans) are a low fat alternative to meat for getting the amount of protein you need in your diet.

In a one cup serving, you’ll get 17 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of fat, in 250 calories, with a significant portion of calories coming from dietary fiber.

There is some conflicting information on how legumes like White Beans affect testosterone.

On the one hand, some studies have shown that diets high in fiber lower testosterone intake, but these studies don’t isolate the fiber intake, instead only distinguishing between a vegetarian diet and a carnivorous one. (Source)

Of course there are contributing factors other than fiber intake that cause a vegetarian diet to result in lower testosterone levels, but this is not accounted for by the fiber naysayers.

In addition to the protein that builds both muscle and testosterone, white beans contain a significant amount of zinc, which we know is necessary for testosterone production.

Kidney Beans

kidney beans boost testosterone

Kidney Beans offer similar testosterone boosting benefits as White Beans.

The nutritional profile for these red and dark red legumes consists of about 225 calories, 15 grams of protein, less then 1 gr2am of fat, and 11 grams of dietary fiber per 1 cup serving.

Above and beyond what’s listed already, Kidney Beans (and other types of beans for that matter) contain plenty of magnesium which, just like zinc, is a necessary component to the testosterone making process in your body. (Source)

As is the case with other types of beans as well, because of the low fat content, Kidney Beans alone won’t do the trick. You need a well rounded nutritional intake that includes many of the testosterone boosting foods we discuss.

It’s looking like a nice pot of Sunday chili might be just what the trainer ordered.

#5 High Testosterone Food – Nuts

If there’s 1 food out of the 5 High Testosterone Foods You Must Be Eating, it would be nuts.

Any kind of nuts will do, but I would specifically pick up cashews, almonds, and brazil nuts.


Cashews provide an abundance of the nutrients necessary for testosterone production.

They’re no slouch in the fat department. Just a quarter cup serving contains 3 grams saturated, 9 grams monounsatuarated, and 2.5 grams polyunsaturated fats, that’s 12 grams well suited for testosterone production. (Source)

Add Zinc (more than any other nut), Magnesium, Selenium, and you’re well on your way to testosterone superfood status.


Almonds are popular and included in all kinds of health conscious diets for their protein, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and rich vitamin and mineral content.

It turns out they’re also good for your T levels as well. (Source)

Just a quarter cup of Almonds provides a majority of the Vitamin E you need for the entire day, and there’s Zinc, Magnesium, and fat as well, making it an all around beneficial snack choice.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts might just be the best kept secret in testosterone boosting foods.

It’s got more Selenium than just about any other food (1 or 2 nuts give you a whole day’s worth), it’s packed with cell protecting antioxidants, it’s high in saturated fat, and it’s got zinc, magnesium, and B & E vitamins. (Source)

They even contain L-Arginine for boosting Nitric Oxide, which doesn’t actually increase testosterone levels, but does help build muscle with improved blood flow.

Bonus High Testosterone Food!


Eggs are a big testosterone booster, but I didn’t include them on the list because some people get an allergic reaction to them.

They also got a bad rap back when everyone was worried about cholesterol and no one knew yet how to control it naturally.

But now we know that fat and cholesterol are necessary for increased testosterone, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Eggs also contain Calcium, Vitamin D, and even Aspartic Acid, and amino acid that has been shown to significantly increase T levels. (Source)


Next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up these 5 high testosterone foods.

They’re relatively inexpensive, and certainly WAY cheaper than Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

If you don’t enjoy any of the foods on this page, you should consider picking up a testosterone booster like Testofuel or Prime Male.

They both contain all the essential nutrients that these foods have in them naturally, and can make life a lot easier.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments section below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testopump Review

Testopump Overview

Nutritional supplements are very much prevalent in the America society, and the numbers are set to increase as people take more supplements to provide extra nutrients in the body. These supplements are manufactured from foods sources which guarantee users of their safety. Supplements are found in classes of food such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.

Many people in the society take supplements to add to what they get from food. A prescription can either be made individually or from a specialist to add to what is lacking in the body.

1. What is Testopump?

testopump reviewsTestopump is one of the nutritional supplements on the market which is meant for sex and muscle-boosting. The supplement is intended for individuals keen on having a masculine body with the right shape. The supplement controls the hormonal changes in the body, and this makes the body strong with improved energy. Mostly, a Testopump user must take two pills for the changes to be realized.

Who Makes Testopump?

Just to be clear, we’re not talking about the Testopump that is made by a company called Scitec Nutrition.

testo pump
“Testo Pump”, a completely different product.

Their supplement is totally different, and is actually spelled “testo pump”.

According to several sources, this particular product is made by a company called AZEC Retailers, located in Mahwah, NJ.

There’s not a ton known about this particular company, however, there are several complaints on both the BBB website and

2. Ingredients in Testopump

Testopump is made up of different ingredients well mixed to ensure it offers wholesome benefits to the user. Some of the ingredients are listed below.

  • Gelatin: Helps the body absorb nutrients that you are taking. This helps the body to utilize all nutrients for maximum gainfully.
  • Gingko Biloba: This is meant to enhance your libido levels in the body by stimulating the supply of enough blood to the sexual organs.
  • Muira Puama Extracts: These extracts help in providing harder erections to ensure proper performance.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is a vital component in the testosterone functions.
  • Dipotassium Phosphate
  • L-Arginine: This ingredient enhances blood flow in the body which leads to improved sexual function in the body. Other essential nutrients are Dicalcium Phosphate and Microcrystalline Cellulose.
  • Nettle Root Extract: This root extract is well known for libido increase. It is known for testosterone increase and thus saving it for better use in the bedroom.
  • Horny Goat Weed: This extract is used to treat erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and high blood pressure. This leads to improved sexual performance as a result of increased testosterone in males
  • Tongkat Ali Root: The root extract provides enhanced energy levels in the users. It is also responsible for hard erections in men guaranteeing improved performance with your partner.

3. Key Benefits of Testopump

This supplement is made to provide three critical features in the body of the user which are explained below

  • Development of Muscles

The development of muscles is a crucial factor in the Testopump. The increase in testosterone levels in the body leads to increased muscle development in the body due to a speedy mix of proteins and amino acids in the body.

  • Sexual Stamina

Sexual stamina is enhanced by the use of Testopump by stimulating vasodilators and thus allowing the flow of more blood to the sexual organs. This leads to the improved sexual stamina of the user.

  • Release of Hormone

Testopump helps in hormone release when regularly used by the user. It allows the timely release of testosterone hormone in the body which is a critical factor in muscle development of an individual.

4. How to use Testopump

The recommended dosage for taking Testopump is two tablets per day. You should also take lots of water after taking the supplement. The recommended method is taking the capsules taking one in the morning on an empty stomach and another one 30 minutes before a workout session.

5. Does Testopump work?

Testopump is designed to for natural male performance enhancement. It works by stimulating the production of testosterone which is a critical component in the performance boost. The Supplement increases sexual urge and stamina and thus help you in providing satisfaction to your partner.

6. Are there side effects with Testopump?

No side effects have been reported from users who have used the pills. The ingredients have been tested and have proven to offer the best performance to the users.

7. Is Testopump Safe?

Testopump is safe to use supplement for all the users due to the use of natural ingredients. However, the supplement is only allowed for persons above 18 years which is the legal age.

8. Is it FDA Approved?

Testopump is FDA approved meaning it has passed all the mandatory approval tests, making it safe to use.

9. Where can I buy Testopump?

It can be bought through numerous online platforms, and you can be guaranteed of its delivery to your preferred place.

10. Conclusion

From the above review, Testopump is manufactured to boost testosterone levels naturally. The supplement is made from natural ingredients making it a safe to use product. Numerous clinical tests have also been done, giving users assurance that the product is safe to use.

As sexual power declines in men due to old age, due to low testosterone, it is advisable to get a product such as Testosterone to continue performing well in your sexual activity which can otherwise lead to frustration to you and your partner as well.

This particular supplement can be bought from various online stores saving you the stress of physically looking for it. Through online stores, you will be able to specify the quantities you need therefore getting them all at once and delivered at your preferred location.

The benefits provided by Testopump include; strengthening of the entire body, provides a muscular body, helps in increase of testosterone levels in the body, it enhances the sex life between you and your partner.

It is therefore critical to understand your body needs by purchasing performance-enhancing drug such as Testopump to boost your sex life and also help in building your confidence levels.

Have You Used Testopump?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Burn TS Review

Update! We had someone test out Burn TS to see if it really works as well as they say it does.

Click Here to read
her full review, complete with before and after pics and a daily log of her results!

There are countless fat burners on the market, but it can still be an uphill battle trying to find fat burners that work. That’s why I’ve written this in-depth fat burner review on a new product called Burn TS that promises to help you lose weight and decrease BMI. content/uploads/2018/06/607d4e761073df7f66ae7beb98bbca3a_xl
Shed those pounds! Image:

So you’re in the right place if you want to know EXACTLY what Burn TS can really do for you on your weight loss journey.

And SO many of us are on this journey. Especially when the summer months come around and we want to lose weight for the beach, or an upcoming wedding, or whatever the occasion.

Maybe you’ve tried all the fad diets and natural fat burners and exercise programs, but nothing seems to stick. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 3.31.59

You just want a weight loss supplement that works. One that you can take to the bank and finally stand behind.

You’ve probably found that many of the fads and trends simply do not work for you in the way that the hype surrounding them would suggest, and that is okay.

So whether you’re a bodybuilder looking to trim around the edges and get cut, or you’re trying to shed some serious pounds and lose those pesky love handles. . . let’s find out if Burn TS fat burner is right for you.

Related ArticleInstant Knockout Fat Burner Review

About the Company content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 3.28.45
Image cred: is the company that makes Burn TS. The company was formed back in 2008, and since then they’ve become a trusted source for all things health & wellness and sustainable weight-loss.

They’re located in Coral Gables, FL. And they’ve built up quite the team over the years. content/uploads/2018/06/49a87d99 e999 4bde b790 ef32015c107d

I’m always wary of companies that don’t list contact details or anything about their operations, so I was happy to learn that Diet Spotlight is pretty much an open book.

For instance, they list their entire team on their ‘About’ page, from the top executives down to contributing writers. That’s good business. Here are the head honchos. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 10.50.27
Image cred:

All in all, Diet Spotlight is a reputable company that mostly does weight-loss supplement reviews. But they’ve also rolled out a few supplements of their own.

One nice thing is that they don’t bombard you with their products as soon as you land on their website. Instead, they position themselves as a trusted authority in the health, wellness, and dieting space. content/uploads/2018/06/picture 211
Diet Spotlight doesn’t pressure their site visitors to buy products. Image:

Now that you know about the company behind the product, what is Burn TS and does it really work? Well, let’s dig in!

What is Burn TS?

Burn TS is a dietary supplement marketed as an “Advanced Weight Control Formula” that will help you to:

  • Burn Fat
  • Lose Weight
  • Boost Energy

Simple enough, right?

burn ts reviews

The product is different than most other weight loss supplements on the market because of the ingredients it contains. So let’s find out what’s in it.

What are the Ingredients in Burn TS?

The ingredients in Burn TS, while similar to other fat burners, are different because of the dosing.

burn ts ingredient label

Burn TS ingredients include:

  • Meratrim 400mg
  • Green tea extract 200mg
  • Chromium ChromeMate 100mcg
  • Caffeine 75mg

Catch that? 75 mg of caffeine. That’s on the low end for most fat burners. You’ll find tons of fat burners on the market with 200-300+ mg of caffeine. Talk about a kick in the pants!

75 mg of caffeine is less than you’d find in your typical cup of coffee. This is a manageable amount of an otherwise intense stimulant when taken in higher concentrations.

At 75 mg of caffeine, Burn TS has less caffeine than your typical cup of coffee.
At 75 mg of caffeine, Burn TS has less caffeine than your typical cup of coffee.

And according to the makers of the product, this amount of caffeine is “enough to stimulate the metabolism of fatty acids, but without an unpleasant jittery feeling.”

And as for the rest of the Burn TS formula, here’s what each of the ingredients do to support weight loss. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 11.08.53
Image cred:

ChromeMate is said to support healthy glucose and blood-sugar levels. [1] And Green tea extract is found in many fat-burners, and when combined with healthy eating and exercise, is shown to help with moderate weight loss. [2, 3]

Now, the main ingredient Meratrim is worth taking a closer look at.

What is Meratrim and how does it help with weight loss?

Meratrim is a non-stimulant weight loss formula in itself. It was created by researchers from InterHealth, a California-based outfit founded in the 1980’s. content/uploads/2018/06/2016_08_interhealth_addon_group_small_no_ni

The proprietary Meratrim formula is essentially an herbal blend extracted from a flower and a fruit. The flower extract is Sphaeranthus indicus, and Garcinia mangostana is the fruit extract.

OK, so what’s that have to do with weight loss?

Well, there have been several studies about the efficacy of Meratrim when it comes to burning fat. For instance, wrote an entire piece called “Meratrim, a Weight Loss Supplement that Seems too Good to be True.” Source

But hold on Eeyore. . .

In the article, they highlight a study where 100 obese people were split into two groups, with one group taking Meratrim and the other group taking a placebo.

And here’s what they found. . .

“[The Meratrim group] lost a total of 11 pounds (5.2 kg), while the placebo group lost only 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg). The Meratrim group also lost 4.7 inches (11.9 cm) off of their waistlines, compared to only 2.4 inches (6 cm) in the placebo group.” Source

Not bad, Meratrim, not bad.

Additionally, an analysis of the safety and toxicity of meratrim found that it was safe when taken in normal quantities. [4]

If that’s not enough, another study involving 60 obese participants found meratrim caused statistically significant reductions in body weight. [5]

In the end, Healthline found that Meratrim is actually pretty darn effective as a fat-burner, and perhaps not too good to be true (cheer up Eeyore!).

Also, here’s an informative video all about Meratrim, the main ingredient in Burn TS, and what it can do for those looking to lose weight:

does meratrim work

Burn TS FAQ’s

Burn TS could potentially interact with certain medications or medical conditions.

Use caution and speak to a doctor before using it.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered many of the most common questions we get.  Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

*  Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Is Burn TS safe to take if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

It is best to avoid use of Burn TS when pregnant or breastfeeding. Chromium, found in this supplement, is only recommended at the level of adequate intake (AI). The AI for pregnant women 14 to 18 years-old is 29 mcg daily. For pregnant women 19 to 50 years-old, it is 30 mcg daily. The dose in this supplement is 100 mcg and exceeds the AI levels by more than 3 times. The AI for breast-feeding women 14 to 18 years-old is 44 mcg daily. For breast-feeding women 19 to 50 years-old it is 45 mcg daily. The dose in this supplement exceeds the AI level for breast feeding women by 2 times.

Burn TS also contains caffeine, which is best to moderate when pregnant or breastfeeding. Caffeine easily passes the placenta in women who are pregnant, but is generally less a concern in breastfeeding mothers.

Additionally, a few of the ingredients in Burn TS do not have reliable evidence in those that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How do I take it?

According to Diet Spotlight, you’ll “take one capsule in the morning and another in the afternoon, 30 minutes before meals.” content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 3.54.26

You will get a one-month supply of 60 capsules in the bottle.

How long does it take to start working?

Again, while the product seems promising, it isn’t a magic-fat-burning-bullet, so you’ll want to give it some time. Patience is a virtue when it comes to weight loss.

Within the first couple of weeks you might notice moderate results, but if you continue taking the supplement over time, cycling it appropriately while exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, you’ll likely experience results in months, not days or weeks. It’s just the nature of the beast.

Remember, the journey IS the destination. You’ve got this. 😉

Do I need to Eat Healthy and Exercise while Taking Burn TS?

Yes indeed. This isn’t some miracle pill that’ll burn the fat while you sit around eating donuts all day.

As with any fat-burner, you’re gonna get the most optimal results if you combine it with an all-around healthy lifestyle of good eating habits and daily exercise. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 4.00.32

Don’t skimp here. If you want real weight-loss results, you have to make real sacrifices and put in the work.

Are there any side effects?

Good question. We’ve heard horror stories of certain fat-burners and people who abuse them.

But according to the makers of the supplement, “The product is all-natural and over 7 years and 400,000 customers we haven’t found any mentions of serious side effects.” Source

While this does inspire some confidence, we weren’t born yesterday. Just because they “haven’t found any,” doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Burn TS has potential Drug and medical condition interactions.  Click Here to read some frequently asked questions we get regarding this, as well as  a full list of prescription drug interactions. Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

So again, let’s have a quick look at the ingredients to see what you could potentially experience for side effects:

  • Meratrim: Remember that HealthLine article and the study they cited? Well, they say that, “There were no side effects or adverse reactions noted in the study. Meratrim appears to be safe and well tolerated.” Source
  • Chromium ChromeMate: WebMD says “Some people experience side effects such as skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, mood changes and impaired thinking, judgment, and coordination.” Source content/uploads/2018/06/campbell031218 400x250
  • Green Tea extract: It’s 200 mg so it shouldn’t be overwhelming, especially if you’re taking it before a meal as directed. However, according to Diet Spotlight, “those who do take this natural stimulant can experience anything from insomnia, high blood pressure, tachycardia, and anxiety.” Source content/uploads/2018/06/anxiety charlie brown
  • Caffeine: With only 75 mg of the stuff, you shouldn’t react too negatively, if at all. However, the company does have a disclaimer on their Amazon page:”NOTE: Please do not take if you have a sensitivity to caffeine. Do not take with caffeinated drinks like coffee or tea.” Source

From what I know of these ingredients and this formula, you shouldn’t be too concerned about negative side effects.

But everyone’s body and tolerance level is different, so your mileage may vary. If you’re truly concerned you may react negatively, you can consult with a medical expert before taking Burn TS.

Can I take Burn TS if I Have High Blood Pressure?

It’s generally a good rule of thumb to steer clear of fat burners if you suffer from high blood pressure. But. . . that’s typically the case because so many of them are super heavy on stimulants. content/uploads/2018/06/why_stimulants_are_the_third_most_abused_class_of_prescription_drugs
Many fat-burners are loaded with stimulants. Not so with Burn TS. Image:

Not so with Burn TS. Remember, the main ingredient Meratrim isn’t a stimulant at all, and the caffeine and Green tea extract in the formula probably isn’t enough to increase your blood pressure any significant amount.

But again, it’s always best to consult a medical expert if you’re concerned how you might react to a supplement.

Can I take Burn TS if I have LOW blood pressure?

There appear to be no direct interactions or concerns for taking this supplement if you have low blood pressure.

Can I take Burn TS if I have diabetes?

Some of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Burn TS?

Those with a Chromate or leather contact allergy should avoid this supplement.

Can I take Burn TS with Viagra / Cialis?

There appear to be no specific interactions between this supplement and Viagra or Cialis.

Can I take Burn TS if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

It is best to use caution when taking caffeine with any mental disorder. Do not take this supplement if you are taking MAOI’s for depression. (See below.)

Can I take Burn TS if I have a bleeding disorder?

It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with caffeine or other stimulants?

It is best to avoid stimulants while taking this supplement as there is already caffeine in this product.

Is Burn TS FDA approved?

Since supplements don’t fall under scrutiny by the FDA, no.  [6]

However, they do occasionally test out supplements to see if they’re injecting any illegal substances in them.

It’s HIGHLY unlikely that Burn TS is doing this, but stranger things have happened.

Can I take Burn TS with alcohol?

Looks like you’re not the only one who’s looking to get tossed AND lose weight at the same time. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 12.31.22

I talk in-depth about mixing fat burners with alcohol in this review, but here’s the thing. . . many fat burners have upwards of 500+ mg’s of straight stimulants. Mix stimulants with a night of heavy drinking and you’re gonna pay the consequences.

Fortunately (and I hate to beat a dead horse) Burn TS is not a stimulant-heavy supplement, so you probably shouldn’t worry too much if you want to have a couple of drinks while taking the product. But again. . . I’m no doctor.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Burn TS?

Do not take this medication if you have:

  • Bleeding Conditions
  • Behavioral or psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia
  • Heart Conditions
  • Liver Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • IBS
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions


  • Stimulants
    • ephedrine
    • amphetamines
    • diethylpropion (Tenuate)
    • epinephrine
    • phentermine (Ionamin)
    • pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
    • phenylpropalamine
    • and many others.


  • Mental Health
    • MAOI’s
      • phenelzine (Nardil)
      • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
      • and others
    • Blood Thinners
      • Aspirin
      • clopidogrel (Plavix)
      • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
      • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
      • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
      • dalteparin (Fragmin)
      • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
      • heparin
      • warfarin (Coumadin)
      • and others.
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Antibiotics
      • Quinolones
        • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
        • enoxacin (Penetrex)
        • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
        • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
        • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
        • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
      • Estrogens
        • conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin)
        • ethinyl estradiol
        • estradiol
        • and others
      • Others
        • levothyroxine (Synthroid)
        • Adenosine
        • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
        • Clozapine (Clozaril)
        • Dipyridamole (Persantine)
        • Disulfiram (Antabuse)
        • Fluvoxamine (lantsLuvox)
        • Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
        • Riluzole (Rilutek)
        • Theophylline
        • Verapamil (Calan, Covera, Isoptin, Verelan)

Burn TS Reviews

There are a number of Burn TS user reviews out there. I’ve picked the most helpful of them all and compiled them here. Let’s dive in with the positive reviews first.

Overall, you’ll see the reviews are mostly glowing, with 85% of users loving the supplement to the tune of 5-stars. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.18.43

One user was pleasantly surprised with how Burn TS gave her a boost in energy and curbed her appetite. She also mentions the whole caffeine aspect and not getting all jittery, even after drinking her morning coffee. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.21.12
Positive review of Burn TS on

Another user of the supplement says that it really helps to reduce food cravings, but don’t take before bed time! content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.25.07
Another satisfied user of Burn TS on

It just works. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.28.58
Positive review of Burn TS on

And what’s a fat burner without results? Check out the weight-loss results in this review. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.27.59
Positive review of Burn TS on

But you can’t please everyone. In fact, it seems to be one of those love-it-or-hate-it supplements. I came across a few 1-star reviews, with the biggest complaint being that it made people sick and/or didn’t help at all with weight loss.

One suspicious reviewer says she felt “duped.” Here’s what she had to say: content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.36.16
Negative review of Burn TS on

Now whether these reviews are real or fake is up for debate. I can’t make that call. Perhaps it’s still too early in the game for Burn TS. Time will tell as more people try the product. But the funny thing is, this woman admittedly hasn’t even tried the product. So I’d take her negative review with a grain of salt.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any Burn TS before and after pictures, but I plan on updating this review as they come up.

Our Personal Results

As part of our STEPuP program, we sent a free bottle of Burn TS to one of our visitors to test out.

We’ll be posting her daily log and final results below, as well as before and after pictures documenting her progress.

Bookmark this page to follow along with her experiment!

STEPuP Tester:  Mindy W.

Burn TS Results – Week 1

I began a healthy lifestyle about 15 years ago around 30.  I lost weight quickly and easily just cleaning up my diet and working out.  I was able to easily maintain my weight 113-115 until the last 2 years which I would go up and down 120-126 no matter what I did: zero carbs, low calories, upping my workouts.

I went through menopause in my mid 30’s (extremely early) so I had finally given up and figured my hormones were preventing me from getting back to my usual weight.  My energy was OK – not as great as it has been but not terrible. I had been looking at another “green drink” to boost my energy and help with appetite and all reviews kept mentioning BURN TS as being a good alternative so I started checking out the BURN TS reviews.

I felt like I just needed something to break through this plateau because nothing I was doing was working.  Nothing that had worked in the past seemed to help. Given that, I did not have high expectations. I have tried lots of supplements for various things.  I have tried many supplements to help with sleep, supplements to try to reverse my early menopause and balance my hormones, after getting sick with MRSA (cut my leg at the gym), supplements to help reduce stress and just for general well being.  I never really noticed any difference with any of them except for in my bank account! So I wasn’t very confident in this produce either even though it kept popping up as very well rated.

My goal is to get close to my previous weight of 115 and get my energy back up.

Weight: 120.8
Height: 5’2”

Aug 30th PM – Before pics taken

burn ts before picture - back      burn ts before picture - front close up

burn ts before picture - front

Aug. 31 – Weight 120.6

I did notice a good deal more energy and decrease in my appetite.  I usually come home and raid the fridge minutes after I get home. I did out of habit but after a little bit of food, I felt uncomfortably full which is something I very rarely ever fee.  Even though I eat very healthy, I am a volume eater and never feel full. I usually have no problem eating when not hungry.

I still wasn’t very hungry by dinner but ate a little, again I got full very quickly.  But I did start to get hungry by bedtime and I was pretty tired again.

Sept. 1 – Weight 118.8

Pretty impressed but my weight can fluctuate 1 to 2 pounds per day so skeptical.

Again noticed pretty good decrease in my appetite which really helped curb my eating.

Sept. 2 – Weight 118.2

So far so good.

Well today was a tough one.  Out for Labor Day parties and didn’t have the best choices of food available.  Even though I still feel a good decrease in my appetite, my food options were not helpful and not nearly as clean as I usually eat.

Sept. 3 – Weight 120.6

I bit bummed but not surprised with the weight gain given the day before.  Unfortunately I had more Labor Day events today but I was able to bring side dishes that were pretty healthy.  Seeing good energy in the day with a bit of late afternoon dip.

Sept. 4 – Weight 120

Consistent with appetite control and energy.   Decided to start taking the second pill later in the day and that kept my appetite controlled all day and I wasn’t too hungry in the evening.  Still seeing an energy in the evening but a quick 15 minutes easy treadmill workout got my energy back up.

Sept. 5 – Weight 118.8

Consistent appetite control.  Continuing taking the second pill later in the afternoon.  Still a bit of energy slump after work but again a quick elliptical workout did the trick.  

Sept. 6 – Weight 118

Pretty much consistent with before, pretty optimistic that I will be below 118 in the morning.

Sept. 7 – Weight 117.2

Pretty impressed.  No other changes to note.

After Photos – Week 1

burn ts after picture - week 1 back     burn ts after picture - week 1 front

Week 2 Results

Sept 8 – Weight 117.6

Good appetite control all day.  I did not have a noticeable boost in energy today and felt a bit tired.

Sept 9 – Weight 116.8

Not as great in the energy department as I would have liked again.  

Sept 10 – Weight 120.2

Yikes – disappointed in the scale this morning.  No difference in diet or exercise.

Good appetite control.  Continuing to take second pill a bit later or ward off after work snacking and to try to increase afternoon energy.

Sept 11 – Weight 119.6

Consistent appetite control.  Energy boost continues to be a bit lower in the late afternoon compared to the initial week but a quick 10 minutes on elliptical helps.  Possibly due to the later pill dose.

Sept 12 – Weight 118

No difference in appetite or energy levels. I may try taking the second dose earlier as recommended to see if that helps with my afternoon energy.

Sept 13 – Weight 117.8

Consistent results as previous days.

Sept 14 – Weight 117.2

Consistent results as previous days

Week 2 After Pics

burn ts week 2 results    burn ts results week 2 front

Week 3 Results

Sept 15 – Weight 117.6

Sept 16 – Weight 117.8

Sept 17 – Weight 119.7

Sept 18 – Weight 119.2

Sept 19 – Weight 117.4

Sept 20 – Weight 117.4

Sept 21  – Weight 117

Weekly summary:

No changes to report this week.  Appetite suppressant has been consistently good.

Not a great increase in energy.

No other side effects from the supplement.

This week I did go back to taking the second supplement at the recommended time which does help curb my afterwork munchies and lasts long enough in the evening.

Overall, happy with the results this week even though there wasn’t much loss.  It has been much easier to keep the numbers lower and I am very close to my goals.  I am very optimistic that I may reach my goal of 5 lbs in the 30 days!

Week 3 Photos

burn ts after photo - week 3 back  3 week photo - burn ts front

Week 4 Results

Sept 22 – Weight 116.4

Sept 23 – Weight 116

Sept 24 – Weight 117.6

Sept 25 – Weight 117

Sept 26 – Weight 117.2

Sept 27 – Weight 117.4

Sept 28  – Weight 116

Sept 29 – Final Weight

AM Weight 116.6

Final summary:

Total weight loss in 30 days was 4.2 lbs

Overall I am extremely pleased with the results.  I made no changes to my diet or workout routine but I eat healthy and work out regularly. I just did not find myself snacking or overeating at meals.  Appetite control was great. I never felt hungry and when I did eat I quickly felt very full. I think that I probably snacked more than I realized and I know that I would eat even when not hungry because it took a lot to make me feel full.

As far as having a boost in my energy level, not very impressed in that area.  No consistent change to my energy level but I am a caffeine drinker and the amount of caffeine is not very significant.  

I did not experience any side effects from the supplement.

I definitely plan to order Burn TS for the holiday season and my typical winter weight gain!  My husband was so impressed that he plans to order some as well. Great product with the results to prove it.  

Week 4 Photos

burn ts final after picture

after photo burn ts week 4

Where can I buy Burn TS? content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.47.07 pm
You can buy Burn TS at Image cred:

You can only buy Burn TS on and right now (and Ebay, but don’t be weird).

The folks at Diet Spotlight are currently giving away a free 15-day trial to those who qualify. I’m not sure of the exact parameters they use to qualify people, but either way, you’ll have to fill this out first. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.43.31 pm
Image cred:

You’ll also have to pay the small shipping & handling fee, and after the first 30 days the company puts you on an ‘autoship’ program. This means you’ll be billed automatically and then shipped a bottle of Burn TS month after month.

Technically you’re getting a “sample”, but you’ll end up paying for it in the long run.

You can always cancel this at any time if you so wish, and they make it easy to do so.

Burn TS is not sold in stores like costco, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or GNC, so don’t bother looking there.

How Much is Burn TS?

A one-month supply of Burn TS will run you approximately $60 on Amazon. Through the company’s autoship program you might pay an even steeper cost of up to $89.95 per month. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 2.56.57

This is a bit expensive from what I’m used to seeing for fat burners. You can usually find a weight-loss supplement / fat burner that works for under $40. With that said, if Burn TS really works for you, it’s definitely worth the extra $20 or so. And if you buy it and don’t see the results you were expecting, well, just send it back! Which brings me to my next point.

Is there a Guarantee?

Yup. The company offers a 100% money-back guarantee on the product, but they don’t share the details of this guarantee so readily. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 29 at 3.12.13
Image cred:


Burn TS seems like a fat-burner that gets the job done, but without going heavy on the stimulants and additives. I think it would be a great choice for anyone who is sensitive to caffeine.

If you happen to have a higher caffeine tolerance, say if you are a coffee hound, then it may have slightly less pronounced effects but should be effective nonetheless.

The company is legit, and really stands behind their products. And shoot, the reviews seem mostly positive, which can be hard to find in a fat burner supplement.

What I like most about this supplement is the main ingredient Meratrim, and it’s ability to support weight loss without taking you down with a ton of side effects.

That’s the thing with fat burners, you have to be really careful and walk cautiously into using them, as some people can have crazy reactions to certain ingredients.

Finally, if you can get over the initial sticker shock, I do recommend giving Burn TS a try.

Have you tried Burn TS? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Viantis Advanced Blend Male Enhancement Review

Have you seen this ad for Viantis?

viantis ad

I did too.  I was browsing through an “ahem” adult film site when I came across it.

When I clicked on it I was led to an article on CNN that said the following:

“How To Become a Sex God And Add 3.6 Inches To Your Penis In Just 6 Weeks Without Any Pumps, Or Bullshit!”

That’s a pretty bold claim now, isn’t it?

Personally speaking, I’ve tested about 50 different pills that claimed to increase my penis size.

And wouldn’t you know it?

Not one of them worked the way they said it would.

Shocker, right?

Well, is Vyantis any different?  Let’s find out.

1. What is Viantis?

viantis advanced blend male enhancementViantis Control Max Male Enhancement is a quick remedy for men experiencing low libido and low testosterone levels. Notably, the aforementioned booster integrates nutrients and minerals that play a critical role in increasing sexual power and nourishing lean penis. The working principle behind Vantis is that it increases blood flow to the penis leading to erection and increasing sexual desire. Furthermore, the booster helps to increase the hormone testosterone, which offsets the male sexual characteristics. According to a rumor that has been making rounds on the social media, Viantis advanced blend causes bulging of muscles. According to the experts opinion, the booster increases sexual stamina and makes you become a pro in the bedroom not to mention giving your partner sexual gratification.

2. How Does Viantis Advanced Blend Work?

The booster works in two unique mechanisms namely hormonal regulation and increasing testosterone levels. To understand the hormonal regulation concept we should first have a peek at the erection process in details.

  • The first step the body relays a message to the brain when you are sexually aroused
  • The brain then responds by sending another signal to the body to increase the flow of blood.
  • Blood is pumped towards the penis
  • The blood is accommodated by special tissues in the penis known as erectile making the penis bulge and erect.

Notably, Viantis pills increase the level of blood flowing to the erectile tissues by increasing the quantity of nitric oxide in the body.

The second mechanism, the booster has unique supplements that increase testosterone levels in the body. The supplements send an explicit signal from the body to the brain that the body requires more testosterone. The brain sends a signal to the organs that produce it, leading to the release of more testosterone. Notably, this hormone greatly influences sexual drive and makes men last longer in bed.

3. How to Use Viantis Male Enhancement?

You should make sure you take two pills in the morning and evening and continue until you get positive results. Importantly, if you experience some allergic reactions you should contact your doctors for more directions. Viantis is a sure bet when it comes to healthy sex life.

4. Ingredients In Viantis

Many people are always curious to know the composition of anything before they take it. Some of the sexual boosters have been attributed with detrimental side effects such as causing prostate cancer. Below we have prepared a short ingredient list of items present in Viantis.

  • Saw Palmetto Berry– A palm tree that grows in warm climate—southeast US coast to be precise. Saw Palmetto extract is an herbal solution obtained from its berries and believed to have effects of increasing testosterone. Additionally, it helps to reduce stress, since the latter condition is a sex inhibitor.
  • Tongkat Ali– Before civilization Tongkat root was used as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual-related disorders. Also known as Eurycoma Longifolia, this remedy increases testosterone levels in the blood. According to a study conducted on animals, Tongkat Ali has given conclusive results in increasing sexual libido. The most comforting fact about the remedy is that it has been there since the ancient times.  You’ll find Tongkat Ali in numerous other supplements, including Super Male Vitality, Adams Secret, and Viritenz.
  • Arginine– Arginine is a crucial compound in the human bodies. Its functions include facilitating cell division, healing wounds, eliminating ammonia, and not to mention helping in the release of hormones. Importantly, the hormone helps in the production of energy. Probably, you know that sex is a very physical activity and involve a lot of energy consumption. The ingredient helps to replenish energy giving you maximum stamina in bed.
  • Ginseng Extract– Notably, there two types of this species the American and the Asian. The most important thing is that both of them help in cholesterol elimination and reduction of stress. Of course, we mentioned earlier that stress as a negative impact on sexual libido.
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract– The hilarious name goes without saying about the function of the extract. If this extract is not used to the required ratios it can have a detrimental effect on human health. It is in this regard that Viantis control max as gone through the required standards to make sure that the extract does not affect your normal. Moreover, the extract will give you the sexual drive that you require to live a healthy sexual life.

5. Viantis Advanced Blend Side Effects

Even the moon has a darker side. When using sexual boosters you should be aware, many of them have both long-term and short-term effects. Most of the boosters if used for a long time they can cause some irreversible damages at the end—not the nicest fact to know. Viantis Advanced Blend comes in handy because it is made from natural extracts. The combination is tested and proven by doctors that are good for sexual health. Nonetheless, the formula has some shortcoming such as

  • If you are allergic to one of the ingredients in the compound, you can end up having a very bad reaction.
  • If not controlled you might fail to function without using it.
  • Cannot be used by people with the cardiovascular condition because it increases the flow of blood.

Therefore, before you embark on a journey to use Viantis male enhancement, you should seek advice from your doctor for further directions.

6. Does Viantis Work?

Of course, if you have been paying attention to the composition of the remedy and their functions then you probably know that Viantis works. The formula has been tested on rodent and indicated conclusive results of its functionality. Additionally, the doctors have given positive feedback on the patients they have put under the medication. The most important thing you should note before using it is that you need doctor’s direction just like any other prescription drug. With Viantis, you will bid goodbye to the days of premature ejaculation and lack of sexual libido.

7. Was Viantis seen on Shark Tank?

The answer is hell no. probably; you might have read some fake news of people insinuating how Shark Tank featured some Testosterone boosters. The fact is that there is no possibility that one of those boosters could have been Viantis Male enhancement. Additionally, I have followed the show up to season 9 and I have never come across Viantis.

You can read more about these types of scams in the following articles:

Shark Tank Testosterone Booster Scam

Shark Tank Weight Loss Pill Scam

Anna And Samantha Martin

8. Where to Buy Viantis

The booster is available in a risk-free trial. Notably, the conditions that come with the free trial include

  • Only one order per household
  • You can only order directly from the Viantis male enhancement website
  • They don’t ship outside the US
  • You’ll be billed an exorbitant amount 14 days after ordering

If you have finished your free trial, you should visit their website, fill information about yourself, choose the bottle size, and place the order.

9. Who Should Use Viantis?

  • Individuals above the age of 18 years should use the formula.
  • People with heart conditions should refrain from using the formula.
  • If you experience premature ejaculation and lack of libido then the booster comes in handy.

10. Conclusion

That being said, sexual health in men is of the essence in maintaining a relationship. Many women will probably dump a great guy if they do not give them sexual gratification.

There is enough about Viantis to point to it having potential to boost numerous aspects of male sexual health, and in general it does not seem to have that many side effects that would deter someone from giving it a chance or two.

Viantis control max is a great formula made from natural extracts to help in boosting sexual libido and lasting longer in bed. However, it is important to seek a physician help before using the formula. Change your sexual life for good with Viantis male enhancement.

Have You Used Viantis?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Snore-B-Gone Review

Update (10-14-2018):  We had one of our site visitors test out Snore B Gone to see if it really works.  Click Here
to read his full review.

snore b gone review

The statistics are staggering. . .

Nearly 40 million adults suffer from chronic snoring in America alone. For some it has reached a fever-pitch, as snoring causes everything from poor sleep quality, to relationship problems, and even serious health issues like heart disease. Source

So when I recently came across an advertisement for a product called Snore-B-Gone that promises to eliminate snoring immediately, I couldn’t help but be curious. So I took a closer look.

Now, I typically tune out ads, but this one had some substance to it. And I know that many of my readers suffer from snoring, so I wanted to share an in-depth review of the Snore-B-Gone snore guard. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 9.17.01

Alright, the ad starts with a video clip that NBC Nightly News produced (see screenshot above). They found a man who snored so much that he was constantly tired throughout the day, he was experiencing mental and physical problems, and it got so bad that his wife kicked him out of the bedroom for it.

This must happen A LOT more than couples want to admit.

The guy tried three different snoring treatments. A snoring chin strap, a snoring pillow, and *supposedly*, the Snore-B-Gone mouth guard. They filmed him during his sleep, trying each of these products. content/uploads/2018/06/alone bed bedroom 271897

Here’s what they found. . .

The sleep pillow just flat out didn’t work, and the chin strap had spotty results.

But when he allegedly tried Snore-B-Gone, his sleep was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

But wait. . . I say “allegedly” because the guy never actually tried Snore-B-Gone.

In fact, Snore-B-Gone wasn’t even one of the featured products on the NBC piece. NOPE! The scammers at Snore-B-Gone just overlaid a picture of their product onto the original video!

Here’s the REAL clip. . .

Snore-B-Gone was NEVER featured on NBC Nightly News.

Their ad then goes into another man’s testimonial, who was headed down the dreaded CPAP road when he found Snore-B-Gone. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 9.16.08
Image cred:

To be honest, I don’t know if it’s a legit testimonial, as it sounds a bit scripted. I mean, who speaks in bullet points? Here’s what ‘David Smith’ says. . .

“I found out that snoring isn’t just a little problem, it’s a big health concern. Snoring is an indicator of OSA (Obstructed Sleep Apnea), which leads to all manner of health problems, like:

  • Acid reflux
  • Frequent nighttime urination
  • Memory loss
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack

Alright Mr. David Smith, everything you say is true, so we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Needless to say, Snore-B-Gone was the miracle answer that fixed everyone’s snoring problems. Of course it did, as it was their ad!

Now, I won’t disqualify a potentially wonderful product simply because of scammy advertising. It’s not my style. Instead I want to get into the nitty-gritty mechanics and design of Snore-B-Gone to see if it works, and how it works, to stop snoring in its tracks. content/uploads/2018/06/snoring is forbidden
Stop snoring in its tracks! image cred:

But first. . .

1. What is Snore B Gone?

At its most basic level, Snore B Gone is a light-weight mouth piece that supports the jaw and keeps the airway open and unrestricted throughout the night. Thus, no more snoring.


snore b gone anti snoring device

The product’s website, Snore B, does a pretty good job of selling the benefits of the device. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 9.50.38 am
Snore-B-Gone Marketing. Image cred:

The website puts a ton of emphasis on the science behind the product, and how it’s medically proven to stop you from snoring and improve your sleep. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 9.56.58
Image cred:

They even go so far as to say it’s “The #1 Doctor Recommended Anti-Snoring System.” BUT. . . they don’t go out of their way to share these so-called clinical or scientific studies.

I had to really dig around to find the study they referenced, and even when I found it (tucked away at the very bottom of the website), I’m pretty sure the study was simply about the effectiveness of snore guards in general. Makes you wonder. content/uploads/2018/06/untitled design

2. How does Snore B Gone Work?

According to the website, the Snore B Gone mouth piece “puts the lower jaw in an upward/forward position.” This position supposedly increases the “three-dimensional space in the airway,” which slows the air velocity and the soft-tissue vibration. Seems legit.

In other words, it clears your blow-hole so that you can finally sleep like a lamb.

They have a nifty illustration on their site of what this looks like in action. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 10.08.23
Image cred:

Snore B Gone FAQs

3. Does it really work to eliminate snoring?

I can’t say definitively if it works or not.

However, from what I gather from the sheer mechanics of the device, and the results that the guy experienced on the NBC Nightly News video clip (yeah, right!), I would venture to say maybe it’s worth a try.

As you’ll see, I come across another similar product with essentially the same design, and it gets rave reviews. So I can imagine Snore B Gone really does work to eliminate snoring.

4. Does Snore B Gone help with sleep apnea?

Well, snoring does point to other more serious sleep disorders, like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 10.18.17

And according to WebMD, the causes of sleep apnea are exactly what Sleep-B-Gone looks to correct, a blocked airway. . .

“In adults, the most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is excess weight and obesity, which is associated with soft tissue of the mouth and throat. During sleep, when throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed, this soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked.” Source

Obviously, it’s best to treat the source of the problem, rather than simply treating the symptoms. So if your snoring (and your sleep apnea) is caused by obesity, or perhaps smoking, then you should consider trying to lose weight by eating healthy and exercising.

And quit smoking while you’re at it. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 2.33.31

In the meantime, it does seem like Snore B Gone could help with sleep apnea. Now I wouldn’t set off for the nearest pawn store looking to get rid of your CPAP machine, as Snore B Gone is probably not a good substitute.

Related Article: How a Lack of Sleep Can Affect Your Weight Loss

5. What else does Snore B Gone help with?

When you’re losing sleep or having your sleep disrupted by chronic snoring, you’ll likely experience a range of symptoms. Some of these symptoms are more serious than others. But all of them can be corrected if only you could stop snoring.

The Snore B Gone website promises to. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 12.20.51
Image cred:

6. What is Snore B Gone made of?

Unfortunately, the official website doesn’t disclose any information about what materials the product is made of.

7.  How Do I Put It On?

Thanks to Sean for this!

1) Remove mouthguard from all packaging.
2) Get 2 containers. Place the mouthguard in 1 and fill the other with cold water. I threw some ice cubes in to make the water really cold.
3) Boil water. Boil enough water to cover the mouthguard.
4) Pour boiling water into the container with the mouthguard until the mouthguard
is completely submerged.
5) Leave mouthguard in boiling water for about 25 seconds.
6) Carefully remove mouthguard from boiling water and place in mouth.
7) Bite down firmly for about 10-15 seconds to make an impression in the mouthguard. Don’t bite too hard so that you would damage the mouthguard.
8) Remove the mouthguard from your mouth and place in the cold water for one minute.
9) Remove from the cold water.

Our Personal Results

So we had a gentleman named Sean test out Snore B Gone as part of our STEPuP program.

Watch Seans Youtube Review Below Or Scroll Down To Read More

snore b gone video review

His review follows below:

I have been searching for a product to help with my snoring and decided to give Snore B Gone a try. I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea a little over 10 years ago. Ever since then I have been sleeping with a cpap. The cpap works great, but there have been times that I have gone on trips and forgotten it at home and wished I had some product to help me sleep because I do not sleep without my cpap. I have seen over stop snoring devices in the past and figured I would give Snore B Gone a try.

Initial thoughts: Snore B Gone looks like a mouth-guard.

snore b gone mouth guard

One of the things I did notice is that there is a gap between the top and bottom rows of teeth to help you breathe if you sleep with your mouth open.

The instructions are not good. Example:

Step 1) Gather two small containers. Fill one with hot water and one with cold water.

Step 2) Place entire mouthpiece into one container and add hot water until the mouthpiece is submerged (DO NOT BOIL MOUTHPIECE IN POT).

What?! You never say to boil water.

You tell me to fill 2 containers with different temperature water and then tell me to put the hot water over the mouthpiece, so which is it?!

Luckily, my wife has some experience with mouth-guards and she told me to boil water first, then pour the boiling water over the mouth-guard.

That worked.

Other then the instructions being less then stellar, the product looked great. It comes in a hard-plastic case and the mouth-guard itself is plastic wrapped.

snore b gone hard plastic case     snore b gone plastic coating

Now for the real test, sleeping with the mouth-guard.

I have slept with Snore B Gone for 4 nights. The first 2 nights, I slept for about 3 hours before waking up. Wasn’t sure if the device wasn’t working or if I was just in my head. I asked my wife if she hear me snoring at all and she said she did not.

On the third night, my wife did wake me up and told me I was snoring. When I asked her about it the next day she told me it was just a light snore. Nothing like what I used to do. On the fourth night I slept well for several hours before waking up. I do have a sleep tracker that I wear, and it doesn’t show any large amounts of awake time or movement while I was wearing the Snore B Gone vs. the cpap.

The only issue I seemed to have is that the longer I would wear the device, the more it seemed to hurt my bottom row of teeth. Not a huge deterrent if the options are sleep or no sleep.

In Conclusion: I feel that the Snore B Gone would be beneficial to try if you are having problems snoring. Obviously if you have a medical condition like sleep apnea, this may not fix the problem, but it definitely helped me sleep. I will still use my cpap the majority of the time, but if I ever lose power I will be glad that I have the Snore B Gone.

8. Snore B Gone Reviews

When you’re shelling out money for a product that promises to give you better sleep, you want to be sure it works. One way of knowing if it’ll work for you is finding out if it works for other people. That’s why reviews and testimonials are so important. . . but they have to be real. content/uploads/2018/06/service user reviews
Image cred:

I cannot say the Snore B Gone reviews I came across are 100% legitimate. Since the product is not sold on third-party sites like or, we don’t have access to all the juicy reviews.

Of course, you’ve got the reviews from the Snore B Gone website. . . but even if they are real, why would they share anything other than glowing reviews? content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 10.55.51
Image cred:

Then I went searching for video reviews, to see if people were getting real results from the product. Here’s what I found. . .

snore b gone commercial

Yup, it’s obviously a video made by Snore B Gone, as it comes from the product’s own YouTube channel. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 11.05.06

But the crazy thing is that the supposed “reviewer” wasn’t even talking about the Snore B Gone device. Instead, he was talking about something called ‘Sleep Solutions Bogo’, whatever that is.

It gets even weirder. . .

There are several of these same exact videos on YouTube. Each one has a different person introducing and leading into the same video review over and over: content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 11.02.38

Alright, alright. It’s clear that the company is trying some interesting (and rather shady) tactics to score web traffic. And I’m left high and dry looking for actual reviews from actual people.

9. Is Snore B Gone the best snore guard?

I wanted to compare Snore B Gone against one of the best-selling and highest reviewed snore guards on the market. After all, there are A TON of choices out there, so which one is right for you? content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 11.21.44

The one product I came across that really caught my interest was the P&J Health Snore Stopper Mouth Piece. The price tag is a very reasonable $26.95, and it can be found on with some pretty impressive reviews.

P&J Health Snore Stopper Mouthpiece is sold on
P&J Health Snore Stopper Mouthpiece is sold on

The P&J snore guard works the same way that Snore-B-Gone does, but it also addresses the problem of teeth grinding at night, known as bruxism. And they offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the results.

10. Where can I buy Snore B Gone?

Right now, you can only buy the product on the official website, And you can’t simply select to purchase the device, you first have to give your personal shipping information, along with phone number and email to even get access to the order page. This is becoming pretty standard though.

11. Snore B Gone Price

It looks like you can finally say goodbye to snoring for a total of $129.94. And right now they’re offering a ‘buy one get one free’ deal. So technically you’re spending only $64.97 per snore guard. Still pretty dang expensive. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 12.04.08
Image cred:

12. Is there a guarantee?

Yep. There is a 100% money-back guarantee on Snore B Gone. They don’t say anything about the time-frame, so I’m assuming they’ll grant it into perpetuity (forever).

For some strange reason, they don’t actually have the guarantee written anywhere on the main sales-page/website. You don’t even learn about it until you get through to the order page. They should really fix this, because guarantees are a big deal, and they eliminate the buyer’s risk. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 28 at 12.10.11 pm

13. Recommendation

Look, snoring is a serious problem. It really can affect your relationships, your sleep, and even your health.

And men especially have to watch out for the consequences of poor sleep. It’ll cause everything from testosterone levels to decrease, to heart disease and even heart attack.

So I wanted to dig deep into the Snore B Gone snore guard to see if it could be the solution that SO many people so desperately need. What I found was a sleek website, but not much of anything to really back it up. . . leaving me with some unanswered questions.

I’m hoping to soon find other customer reviews of the product, so I can get a good, well-rounded understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

As for the price, it’s a bit steep at $129.94 for two snore guards.

But then again they do offer a money-back guarantee, so I suppose maybe there’s not much to lose and a great nights’ sleep to gain.

Have you tried Snore B Gone? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Bluechew Review

You chew, I chew, we all chew with Bluechew.

OK — every now and then a product hits the market and disrupts the status-quo. Shakes things up a bit. . . in a good way. Changes the game.

Bluechew just might be that service. And for those of you who suffer from ED, this could be the answer.

There just may be a good reason as to why it has garnered so much attention and praise, and it’s not just because of the catchy title.

But first, let’s dig into this erectile dysfunction chewable and see what it’s all about. After all, Bluechew has quite the marketing game, but just because a brand has curb-appeal doesn’t mean the product is legit.

Update! 3-15-2021

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a pill called ForHims.

forhims ed review

It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

What Do You Want To Know About Bluechew?

What is Bluechew?
Is Bluechew Legal?
Does Bluechew Really Work?
Where Can I Buy Bluechew?
How Do I Cancel Bluechew?
I Want To Know Something Else

As you might know, I’ve tried nearly 100 different male sex enhancement products over the years. So I know a thing or two about what works for erectile dysfunction and what doesn’t, and what to straight-up stay away from.

So in this Bluechew review, we’ll get to the bottom of this little blue chewy that promises to put the “life” back in your “sex life.” Is it a good alternative to Viagra or Cialis? Or is it all hype?

What is Bluechew?

Boom! You land on the Bluechew website and you’re welcomed with music to your ears. No waiting rooms? Yes please. No expensive doctor visits? Sounds good. Prescription treatments sent to your door, discreetly? Sign me up! Well. . . let’s hold off on that for now.

Welcome to Bluechew
Welcome to Bluechew. Image cred:

Bluechew is fundamentally different than most other erectile dysfunction products because it attempts to meet you where you’re at. What I mean is that they offer a “customized” treatment plan based on your individual needs.

It’s not just some pill in crappy packaging that you can buy at the local gas station.

And even on their site, you can’t just go to a “Products” page and click ‘buy now.’ You first have to go through a pretty thorough consultation.

This is not only a welcome change in the world of erectile dysfunction supplements, but it is a more than welcome and personal addition to buying products online.

About the Company

You can find Bluechew on the company’s official website, In fact, I think that’s the only place you can get the product. And when you land on their site, you can’t help but be impressed.

Bluechew(rightly) believes the healthcare system is “broken” and needs to be “re-imagined” to put the focus back on the patient.

So Bluechew created a service which puts “patients” on a prescription treatment that is right for them.

It’s really pretty ingenious.

From what I gather, BlueChews’ mission is to “help people get access to convenient, affordable, chewable tablets for more confidence in bed.”

OK — you might be saying to yourself “good for this company for creating a gold-mine of a product/service. . . but does it work?!”

To answer this, we have to understand Bluechew for what it is.

What are the Ingredients in Bluechew?

Bluechews ingredients are simple, yet powerful. They contain the same active ingredients found in Viagra and Cialis. These are Sildenafil and Tadalafil respectively.

If you go with the Sildenafil (Viagra ingredient), then you’ll get 30 mg or 45 mg chewables. And if you choose Tadalafil (Cialis ingredient), you’ll get 6 mg or 9 mg chewables.

Sildenafil vs. Tadalafil. . . what’s the difference?!

Great question. And the Bluechew website does a pretty darn good job of explaining this.

bluechew website

The main difference is how long each will last. For instance, Sildenafil should improve your erection and last for about 4-6 hours, whereas Tadalafil can last in the 24-36 hour range.

The folks at Bluechew have a helpful guide on this called. . .

“The 4 things you should know when making your decision.”

Which includes:

  • Consider your plans – Don’t take either if you plan on a night of dinner and drinks, as both ingredients require an empty stomach to get optimal results.
  • Timing is everything – As mentioned, each ingredient offers a different window of opportunity, if you will. If you’re not exactly sure when you’ll get intimate, Tadalafil is your best bet, as the window of opportunity is wide open (up to 36 hours!). With Sildenafil, you only get a handful of hours, so make them count.
  • Daily dosing or on demand – Similar to the last point, Sildenafil is on-demand, while Tadalafil is daily dosing. Which do you prefer?
  • Cost is always a factor – The higher the dosage, the higher the price.

Also, you might consider the results of one study, where it was found that the “sexual-desire domain” showed no significant difference in men who took Sildenafil, but the difference was found to be “highly significant” in men who took Tadalafil. Source

Is Bluechew Legal?

The short answer, yes.

The long answer, it depends.

Ok, So What “Depends”?

Well, for starters, it depends on where you live.

Bluechew is NOT available in the following states:

  • Alabama, Idaho, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, Canada or Internationally.

If you’re in any of those states, unfortunately you’re shit out of luck.

If you live in one of these states, check out a supplement called Hardon Helper.

It’s by FAR the best fast-acting herbal equivalent to Viagra, and is legal in ALL 50 states.

Click Here to read my review of that one.

The second “depends” is if you have certain specific medical conditions or are taking specific medications, they cannot LEGALLY sell Bluechew to you.

Those caveats include:

  • If you’re taking certain medications (like Nitrates, Ritonavir, etc.)
  • Cases where ED isn’t present
  • Cases of recreational drug or excessive alcohol use
  • If you’re not healthy enough for sexual activity
  • Specific allergies

It will all depend on how you answer their questionnaire, and if the doctor who is prescribing it has any concerns.

If he / she does, you will likely NOT be prescribed Bluechew.

Bluechew User Reviews

There’s really no way of getting completely unbiased user reviews at this point in time, as the product hasn’t hit the shelves of third-party sites like Amazon or And don’t expect it to. The nature of the custom, prescription-based service doesn’t lend well to being sold on these sites.

With that said, here are some of the reviews from the Bluechew website. Take ’em for what they’re worth.

blue chew reviews
Image cred:

And while I didn’t come across any legit video reviews of Bluechew, I did find a video that includes the thoughts of “real” Bluechew users. Again, take it with a grain of salt. They may or may not be entirely legitimate. . . (The video has been removed from YouTube)

Naturally, the men only have glowing things to say about Bluechew, including:

  • I’ve tried Cialis, I’ve tried Viagra, Bluechew works the best and it’s a fraction of the cost
  • Bluechew definitely gets the job done
  • It allowed me to have more sexual freedom because it kicked in and worked faster
  • Everything about Bluechew is fast, except how long you’ll spend in bed
  • It’s the future of manhood
  • etc.

My Personal Results

So I finally got a chance to try BlueChew out, and as expected the results were awesome!

The makers of Bluechew were kind enough to send me a sample supply of 5 Sildenafil 5 mg chewable tablets, free of charge.

5 pills of blue chew

I’m not ridiculously embarrassed if my mail man sees a package of sexual enhancers being sent to my door.

I get sent products like this all the time, so it’s nothing new.

With that said, it’s worth noting that it was delivered in a discreetly marked envelope that said “Custom Medical Group” on the return address.

blue chew is shipped discreetly
Bluechew is shipped discreetly

Now, 30 mg is the lowest dose that you can get with Bluechew (or Viagra in general).

viagra dose chart

Most men are typically prescribed about 50 mg to start, and your doctor will make adjustments from there.

I don’t really suffer from ED, so 25 mg is MORE than enough to get the job done.

The first thing I noticed was the chewable blue pill itself is actually a little big, but still less than the size of a dime.

blue chew pill size compared to a dime

Not a huge deal, and you can actually cut them in half if you prefer to take a lower dose.

Now, I’ve taken Viagra in the past, and typically it takes about 30 minutes to fully kick in.

This was not the case with Bluechew…

I started chewing the tablets and it was like a fire hose of blood rushing to my d$%k within 5 min.

I attribute this to the fact that the medicine was absorbed into the blood stream very quickly via sublingual use.

When you take a drug, your body breaks it down through a process called ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion).

The Result?

It works!  I mean, if you’ve every taken Viagra before, you know its the s#$t!

The only side effect I can report is a bit of facial flushing.

This seems to happen to about 18% of guys that use Viagra, so my guess is those statistics will remain true with BlueChew as well.

Is it worth it?  Hell yeah!

Where to buy Bluechew?

Currently, Bluechew is only available on the official Bluechew website,

Bluechew is only allowed to be sold in certain states at this early stage in their company’s history. I believe they currently have the green-light to sell to customers in a total of 39 states.

If you don’t live in one of the lucky states, maybe instead of saying so, they just ask you to opt-into their email list so they can reach out when they’re finally allowed to sell in your state. But that’s just one theory.

Here’s how it works…

At the top of the Home page, you’ll click on “Get Started.” There you’ll set up a profile, where you’ll be asked to answer several questions. Questions like:

Bluechew profile setup for a custom treatment plan
Bluechew profile setup for a custom treatment plan. Image cred:

They will ask for your Treatment History as well, which will include questions like:

  • Are you currently taking any medication for ED?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Are you able to walk 1 mile on a flat surface in 20 min.?
  • Do you have any other medical conditions or surgeries?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to tell the doctor?
  • etc.

Did you catch that? “Is there anything else you’d like to tell the doctor?” Yeah, they really try to give off that professional vibe. It’s like you’re in a virtual doctor’s office and in the care of a medical expert. Pretty cool.

At this point you’re asked to ‘Create Your Account’ by submitting your email and creating a password.

What are the Bluechew Plans?

Once you fill out your profile and create an account, you can have a look at the Bluechew plans and find the right one for your needs.

Blue chew plans
Bluechew plans. Image cred:

If you choose the Sildenafil formula (which we’ll get to), you have a few different options to choose from depending on how sexually active you are. content/uploads/2018/06/bluechew sildenafil plans on their
Bluechew Sildenafil plans on their website. Image: BlueChew website

Same goes for Tadalafil, only you’ll notice that the quantity of chewables are fewer across the board. Again, we’ll cover why this is in the Sildenafil vs. Tadalafil section below. content/uploads/2018/06/bluechew tadalafil plans on their
Bluechew Tadalafil plans on their website. Image: BlueChew website

Related Article: Male Enhancement Pills Sold In Stores (OTC)

How much does Bluechew cost?

You’ll recall that the prices start at $20 per month, which requires you to get on a recurring monthly plan. Once signed up, you’ll receive your product each and every month without having to think about it, but they’ll also debit your bank account without you having to think about it. No worries, you can cancel at any time, as there are no contracts.

    • Active plan: $20 per month for the smaller dosage, or 30$ per month for the higher dosage.
    • Busy plan: $30 per month for the smaller dosage, or 45$ per month for the higher dosage. 
    • Popular plan: $50 per month for the smaller dosage, or 65$ for the higher dosage.
    • Pro plan: $90 per month for the smaller dosage, or 120$ for the higher dosage.

Does Bluechew offer a guarantee?

They don’t accept returns, but they will give you your money back (within 30 days) if you’re unsatisfied with the results.

bluechew website
Image cred:

How Do I Cancel BlueChew?

If you’re thinking about cancelling your trial / auto-shipment of Bluechew, they actually make it easier than you think.

Simply login to your account at Bluechew, and you’ll automatically be redirected to your account.

Right below your plan details you’ll see a button that says “Put on hold”.

cancel blue chew

Once you click that your account will be deactivated and you will not be charged anything moving forward.

You can also change your plan so that you’re receiving more (or LESS) product on a monthly basis.

how to change your blue chew plan

Lastly, you can also choose to change your plan to a more frequent (or LESS frequent) order schedule.

change blue chew order frequency


How do I take Bluechew?

The Bluechew website doesn’t really give any information on this. I imagine it’s given during a ‘virtual’ consultation from your ‘virtual’ doctor before you receive the product.

But from what I’ve gathered, you’ll take one chew on an empty stomach.

how to take blue chew

And remember, Sildenafil is all about on-demand, while Tadalafil is daily-dosing.

Here’s what I found on how to take Sildenafil. . .


As for how to take Tadalafil. . .

bluechew website

How long does Bluechew take to start working?

Both versions of Bluechew are fast-acting and should only take about 30 minutes to start working.

Are there any side effects?

Bluechew adds the possible side effects to the FAQ, in the General medical question section.

The main ingredients are highly studied, so you don’t have to look too far to learn about any potential effects.

According to WebMD, Sildenafil users may experience a range of side effects. These might include:

“Dizziness, headache, flushing, or stomach upset may occur. Vision changes such as increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision, or trouble telling blue and green colors apart may also occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.” Source

If you go with the Tadalafil version, the folks at write:

“Commonly reported side effects of tadalafil include: back pain, dyspepsia, headache, limb pain, myalgia, nausea, and flushing. Other side effects include: upper respiratory tract infection, cough, and nasal congestion. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects.” Source

Can I take it with a medical condition?

It depends on which version you’re taking. According to MedlinePlus, if you have certain health conditions or are taking certain meds, it shouldn’t be a problem, but your doctor may advise you to take it less frequently. Source

Also, WebMD argues that if you’ve got high blood pressure or prostate problems, you shouldn’t be taking either of the ingredients found in Bluechew.

In fact, don’t take Sildenafil or Tadalafil if you “take nitrate drugs (for chest pain), had a heart attack or stroke in the past six months, have kidney or liver disease, or have retinitis pigmentosa (an eye disease).” Source

They even list this right on the packaging.

do not take blue chew if you take nitrates

If you want to be sure either way, I always recommend seeking expert medical advice.

Can I take it with Alcohol?

Ever heard of “whiskey-dick?” (Excuse my French).

Well, it’s what can happen when you drink alcohol while trying to get it on. And if you really get smashed, you might as well kiss your erection goodbye (metaphorically speaking, of course).

bluechew website

However, if you insist, it shouldn’t be a health problem if you decide to drink a little while using the Sildenafil version from Bluechew. Source

Not so with the Tadalafil version. . .

In fact, claims, “Tadalafil can lower blood pressure, and combining it with alcohol may further increase this effect. You may be more likely to experience symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, flushing, headache, and heart palpitations. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with tadalafil, and use caution when getting up from a sitting or lying position.” Source

Again, if you’re really concerned, I recommend seeking expert medical advice.

In the meantime, have a look at these male enhancement pills that work immediately and you can take with alcohol.

Will I get bigger by taking it?

Sure do buckaroo! Well, sorta. The active ingredients in Bluechew help to increase blood flow to the penis. With increased blood flow, the penis swells in size (mostly girth) and appears larger. Now, don’t go expecting Ron Jeremy-esque results, but yes, you might notice your penis getting bigger.


I’m really impressed with what Bluechew brings to the table. Although it contains the same active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis, it doesn’t require a potentially embarrassing doctors visit.

There are several other companies that have dove head-first into this market, including Get Roman and ForHims.

Could it be the future of healthcare? Perhaps so. Or perhaps it’s still too early to tell.

bluechew website
Is bluechew the future of healthcare?Image:

I also really like the branding and marketing, and the overall intention that went into Bluechew. They really make it seem like a premium product, which is what we all want at the end of the day. Also, the things are chewable, and who wouldn’t rather chew than swallow?

That might have sounded weird. 

In any event, I finally got a chance to test it out and can say conclusively that it works!

In many ways, it even works better than just taking a traditional Viagra pill.

The simple fact of chewing it makes it kick in that much quicker, which has it upsides and downsides.

I’m giving it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The only thing stopping me from giving it a 5 star review is the fact that you have to sign up for a monthly auto-shipment.

It would be nice if they gave the option to just have a one-time only shipment, but it’s still cheap enough to justify paying for it monthly.

Have you used Bluechew? Leave Your Review Below!

Other References

Top 3 Viagra AlternativesAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Vigrx Plus

#1 - Vigrx Plus

Vigrx Plus takes longer to kick in, but once it does the effects are ENORMOUS. Vigrx Plus has been my go-to supplement since 2012.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Erectin

#2 - Erectin

Erectin is a clinically-tested formula that helps increase erections, stamina, and overall libido.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Viasil

#3 - Viasil

Viasil is a powerful supplement that can improve sexual performance like you never imagined.

Click Here To Learn More »

XXXplosion Review

With a name like Xxxplosion, you probably expect some pretty huge results. It’s a product claiming to deliver sexual enhancement and longevity.

It’s subtly described on Amazon as a “sex pill” and “sex supplement.”

We had to go ahead and check it out ourselves, and see what the reviews are. We found some pretty surprising information floating around about Xxxplosion in the process. In particular, the FDA recently announced a warning against it.

So what’s the reality with this product?

1. What Is Xxxplosion?

Xxxplosion is a supplement marketed as a sexual enhancer for men.

xxxplosion review

Some of the other claims used on Amazon include:

  • 100 percent natural
  • No side effects
  • Works within 20 minutes
  • Creates a strong erection
  • Delays ejaculation
  • Improves energy

These are big claims. The Amazon product description also highlights that it lasts for 72 hours. However, we’re not necessarily sure how this is a benefit when it comes to a sexual enhancer.

2. Ingredients in XXXplosion

It was actually tough to find the ingredients. We ended up finding a photo of the packaging and other than that, there wasn’t much out there.

xxxplosion ingredients label

Based on the packaging, there are only a few ingredients. First,  there’s epimedium. Epimedium is a fancy name for horny goat weed. If you’ve done research into herbal sexual enhancers, you’ve probably come across this one quite a bit.

Epimedium aka horny goat weed might help improve blood flow and sexual function. Some users claim it helps with the physical aspects, but also with improving desire.

Also listed is Rehmannia root. This one’s common in Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine.

With this one, we’re not entirely sure of the benefits, at least not sexually. It seems more beneficial for conditions like diabetes and anemia.

Stinging nettle root is an ingredient also included in the mix. Stinging nettle is in a lot of herbal supplements. Some of the issues it may help with are an enlarged prostate and urination problems.

XXXplosion FDA Warning

Now, for the bad news the makers of Xxxplosion are currently facing. A few days ago the FDA issued a warning about the purchase of XXXplosion. They cited that lab analysis showed it contained sildenafil. This is the active ingredient in Viagra.

The risks the FDA mentions in their warning is the potential interaction between this and other drugs. Namely, sildenafil can dangerously interact with blood pressure medicines and nitrates.

3. What Do the XXXplosion Reviews Say?

Next, what do the reviews say? Mixed might be a good way to put it. Checking out the few reviews on Amazon, they’re not great.

xxxplosion average review rating on Amazon

Some buyers felt duped by not getting the products with the sildenafil. If you read one of the most recent reviews on Amazon, the buyer wanted the product the FDA warns about.

negative review of xxxplosion on amazon
Why not just get a prescription for Viagra?

There seems to be inconsistency in whether products with sildenafil are sent out or not. Customers on Amazon describe some discrepancies between orange and yellow pills.

They say the orange pills work and the yellow don’t.

Some reviews on Amazon describe the product as an overall waste of money and ineffective.

A couple of Amazon reviews are favorable. For example, one review says the product works well especially with nitric oxide boosters.

positive review of xxxplosion on amazon

Another reviewer said it works quickly and lasts a couple of days.

eBay reviews are more positive overall.

Out of the 220 XXXplosion reviews on there, the vast majority of them give it a 4 – 5 star rating.

For example, one reviewer says it’s a really good product, but it does cause a headache after using it. Another person said something similar. The reviewer said it works well, but also can cause a slight headache.

Frequently Asked Questions

4. Are There Any Side Effects?

Based on what we could find, the primary side effect of Xxxplosion is probably a headache. Some people reviewing the product online recommended using only half a pill to reduce that somewhat.

headaches are common with xxxplosion

Horny goat weed products shouldn’t be used long-term. In the short-term, they’re probably not unsafe. Long-term use can lead to side effects like dry mouth, vomiting, and dizziness. High doses of horny goat weed can cause breathing problems and spasms.

Rehmannia side effects can include changes in blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should consider this before using Xxxplosion.

Stinging nettle root has possible blood sugar effect. It might also cause kidney problems in some users.

Keep in mind, users should be cautious regarding the FDA warning. It doesn’t seem like all the batches of Xxxplosion sent out contain the ingredient the FDA warns about. However, if you do take certain medications, it can interact with some batches of Xxxplosion.

5. How Do I Take It?

Okay, if you’re still interested in Xxxplosion how do you take it? Instructions indicate all you need to do is take it 20 minutes before you’re planning to engage in sexual activity.

xxxplosion directions

The effects last for 72 hours if that’s something you’re looking for.

The instructions indicate it can be used with alcohol, although that’s something that’s up to you.

6. Can Women Use It?

There’s probably not much of a reason for women to use Xxxplosion. Some sexual enhancers on the market have herbal ingredients that can be beneficial for men and women. Xxxplosion isn’t necessarily one of those.

7. Where Can I Buy It?

We found Xxxplosion on Amazon and eBay. It may be available on some other third-party sites as well. Be aware, however, that since the FDA just issued its warning, it may be tough to find it soon.

8. Conclusion

In all honesty, some things might give you pause if you’re thinking about Xxplosion. Some people who have given it good reviews may have gotten the product with sildenafil. They seem to prefer that because it’s the active ingredient in Viagra and they’re purchasing it online.

There are risks with products that have hidden ingredients, however.

Related Article:  Closest Thing To Viagra Over The Counter

You never know how you’re going to respond to those ingredients. You also don’t know the interactions certain ingredients might have with other medicines you use.

The fact is that the reasons why prescription medications that actually are supposed to contain sildenafil have such a long list of side effects is because they have many interactions with medications, specifically nitrates and other heart medications and the side effects can be quite severe.

It may be best to steer clear of Xxxplosion for now. Effectiveness seems inconsistent between batches at a minimum. Beyond that, you may have reactions you don’t expect because of ingredients not listed.

Have you tried Xxxplosion? Let us know what you think

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Kangaroo Pills Review

Who wants an erection? We do!

When do we want it? Now!

That’s the rally cry for millions of men. In fact, upwards of 52% of men aged 40-70 suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. Source content/uploads/2018/06/ed 50

And it sucks. All you want to do is manifest a boner and put it to work. But maybe you just can’t get it up, or if you do, maybe it’s not rock hard like it used to be.


If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

According to WebMD, “No matter how often you experience ED, it can affect your relationship and cause issues with self-esteem.” Source content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 25 at 11.23.56

Alright. . .

Maybe you’re OK in the erection department, but you want to increase the size of your penis and even improve stamina during sex.

Can Kangaroo Pills get you there?

I’m here to break it down for you and share the truth about this supplement. We’ll see if they really have what it takes to put the bounce in your pounce, so-to-speak, or if they’ll fall flat on their promises.

But first. . . who makes Kangaroo Pills?

Kangaroo Pills packaging
Kangaroo Pills packaging. Source:

1.  About the Company

Typically I’m able to do a web search of any given male enhancement product and find the manufacturer’s website, or at least the product website. Not so with Kangaroo Pills. I searched high and low, and there’s almost nothing about the product on the web. So I did a little detective work.

On the Kangaroo Pills packaging, it says “Distributed by: Kangaroo Co.” So I performed a web search and found a company out of Encino, CA called Miracle Leaf, which I believe is the manufacturer of Kangaroo Pills.

Kangaroo Pills packaging does not give much (if any) info about the manufacturer
Kangaroo Pills packaging does not give much (if any) info about the manufacturer

What’s funny though, is that on some of the packaging (see above) it actually says “Distributed by 2K co.” So I’m not 100% sure who’s behind the product. Needless to say, the makers of Kangaroo Pills don’t make it easy to find them. But shoot, if the stuff really works, maybe we can let is slide?

2.  What are Kangaroo Pills?

The pills are marketed as a multi-functioning sexual enhancer. The supplement’s slogan is “Easy to be a Man,” Or. . . for the women’s product, “Easy to be a woman.”


For men, they promise to “increase stamina,” give you a “stronger erection,” while “increasing size,” and enabling you to “last longer.”

Ummmm. . . yes please.

But a LOT of products promise this. While some actually deliver, like Hardon Helper, others are all talk. Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of K-pills in short order.

3.  What are the different types of Kangaroo Pills?

For men, Kangaroo Pills offer their standard 2K pill (pictured above), as well as a formula called Mega 3000 Kangaroo (pictured below). They market the latter as their “limited edition extended formula.” content/uploads/2018/06/41mvacs6pwl._sy450_

For the purposes of this review, we’ll be covering the Kangaroo 2K version, as it’s the more popular of the two.

For women, they’ve got two choices as well: Kangaroo Ultra 3000, and Kangaroo Miracle G Tonic. There’s not much info about these products out there, but from what I gather both of ’em are meant to improve sex drive in women and give them more intense, longer-lasting orgasms.


4.  What are the Ingredients in Kangaroo Pills?

The Kangaroo 2K formula is a 1,000 mg “proprietary blend” and contains the following ingredients:

  • L-Lysine
  • Ginseng extract
  • Gingko Biloba Leaf extract
  • L-Arginine
  • Green tea
  • Chinese Aweto
  • Tian Shan
  • Xue Lian
  • Icariin
  • Snow Lotus Flower

This cocktail of ingredients is 100% herbal, with no synthetic additives. That’s a good thing for keeping it clean and keeping any potential side effects to a minimum.

5.  Kangaroo Pills FAQ’s

6.  How do I take it?

According to the instructions on the product label, men should take one tablet with 16 ounces of water, approximately 20 minutes before having sex. It says “Do NOT take more than 1 tablet within 48 hours.” content/uploads/2018/06/its just too
Image cred:

7.  How long does it take to start working?

The product claims that it’ll start working in as little as 20 minutes. But here’s the thing, just because you pop a tablet doesn’t mean you’re going to get a massive erection right away. In fact, it doesn’t even activate and begin to work until “physical stimulation occurs.”

So don’t worry about the prospect of having to deal with an unsolicited boner. You know, the ones that pop up at the most inopportune times. . . like when you’re standing at the end of the high-dive at the public pool, or waiting in line at the hot dog stand. It’s the worst. I mean, I don’t know personally, but you could imagine. 😉


OK — now, once it kicks in, Kangaroo Pills are supposed to last up to 72 hours. Is it true? We’ll cover that in our review section down yonder.

8.  Are there any side effects while taking Kangaroo Pills?

You won’t find much info about the side effects out there. But I do know that L-Lysine, one of the main ingredients in Kangaroo Pills, has been known to mess with the GI tract. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 25 at 12.01.32

As one Amazon reviewer said: “. . . It causes stomach ache. Not like diarrhea but a cramping ache in your gut.” Another reviewer mentioned headache, but overall, most men do not seem to suffer from negative side effects.

9.  Can I take Kangaroo Pills if I have high blood pressure?

As for the warnings and precautions, here is what the Kangaroo Pills 2K label says, which is pretty standard. . . content/uploads/2018/06/183177566

“Use only as directed. Do not take this product if you have consumed any other medications within the last 12 hours. Do not use this product if you have [a] serious medical condition or use prescription medications, particularly if they contain nitrates. Do not use this product if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure. Discontinue the use of this product if you have any signs of shortness of breath, or heart irregularity.”

10.  Can I take Kangaroo Pills with Alcohol?

The product instructions don’t warn against taking the pill with alcohol. And you’ll probably be OK if you have a couple drinks, but you should consult with a medical professional if you’re really concerned about how you might react.


As a quick rule of thumb: consuming alcohol doesn’t help the cause of getting and maintaining an erection, so keep that in mind if you’re in this for the boner.

11.  Will I get bigger by taking it?

There is no evidence (credible or otherwise) that taking Kangaroo Pills will make your penis larger. With that said, there’s one ingredient that has the potential to align the stars in your favor. And that is L-Arginine. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 25 at 12.27.17

L-Arginine enables your body to produce more nitric oxide, that magical amino acid that improves blood flow to the penis. And that’s right, the more blood flow, the bigger the erection. Source

how l arginine works to produce nitric oxide

Can someone say ‘penis enlargement’? Well, not so fast.

I wouldn’t count on growing inches per se, but don’t be too surprised if it rises to the occasion faster, and you notice a modest increase in girth. content/uploads/2018/06/jackson_on_the_rise_445x300
Image cred:

12.  Kangaroo Pills Reviews

There are a ton of Kangaroo Pills for her posted on Youtube, like the ones below:



On the female side, clearly these work.

Related Article:  Female Viagra Pills That Actually Work!

But, do Kangaroo Pills really work for men?

Are they noticing bigger, better erections with more stamina?

I poured through the reviews on my quest to answer this question. So here goes. . .

The only reviews out there are on And for the most part, the reviews are positive. Well, if you look at the numbers below, you’ll see that it’s a love-it-or-hate-it kinda supplement, with most people loving it.

Kangaroo Pills gets 3.7 out of 5 stars. . . Not too shabby. reviews of Kangaroo Pills. reviews of Kangaroo Pills.

One man told a story about his first time taking Kangaroo Pills. When he and his “friend” were getting it on, he took a quick glimpse down there at himself, and he recalls “It caught me off guard! For a moment, I remember thinking, ‘Whoa’.”

The pills make another guy feel young again. . .

Positive review of Kangaroo Pills on Amazon
Positive review of Kangaroo Pills on Amazon

Works ‘like a charm!’. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 25 at 1.18.34

One man compared it to prescription-strength enhancement pills, and while the Kangaroo Pills aren’t quite as strong, he did notice them “getting close.” And, perhaps the best part about it, he says that with Kangaroo Pills you don’t get nearly as many side-effects as you do with the prescriptions… content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 25 at 12.48.56

Of course, we have to take the good with the bad. As for the not-so-savory reviews, I didn’t really notice a common theme other than some of the men feeling the product didn’t work at all.

Negative reviews of Kangaroo Pills on Amazon
Negative reviews of Kangaroo Pills on Amazon

13.  Where to buy Kangaroo Pills?

Obviously, you can buy Kangaroo Pills on They run $24.50 for 6 pills, which is about $4 per pill. also sells them, but it’ll put you back $14.99 for just 2 pills. That’s a whopping $7.50 per pill, almost double the Amazon price.

14.  Recommendations

I plan on taking Kangaroo Pills very soon, just as soon as I can get them in my pouch. That might have been the worst joke ever. But anyway, these little pills are offered at a great price-point.


When looking at the reviews, the general consensus is that they work really well. But if you’re among the unlucky minority who gets no results whatsoever, at least you can rest easy knowing that it didn’t break the bank, or give you some wicked side effects.

I also like that the supplement kicks in FAST. I mean, 20 min. is pretty quick.

Related Article:  4 BEST Male Enhancement Pills That Work Fast

Generally speaking, you have at least a 20-minute window between the time you think you might score until the time you actually score.

In the world of male sexual enhancers, a 20-minute onset window is a pretty quick come up for effects to begin compared to some others out there.

Finally, the herbal ingredients give you that peace-of-mind that you’re not putting some really weird stuff in your body. All-in-all, I like the prospects of Kangaroo Pills.

Have You Used Kangaroo Pills?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Folsac Review

There’s an endless variety of male enhancement products being touted on the internet.

You’ll find things like:

SO many options for male enhancement products!
SO many options for male enhancement products!

One often ignored category of products in this niche is volume enhancers.

Volume enhancers work to improve the quantity (and quality) of your sperm volume.

The theory behind them is that, the bigger the load, the more explosive the orgasm.

This may not seem like it is conducive to a stronger orgasm or that the two are correlated, but in my experience, they are.

I can tell you from experience that that actually DO work. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 1.53.08

Well, some of them…

One recent one I came across is called Folsac when a representative from their company reached out to me.

folsac reviews

About the Company

There’s not a whole lot of info about the company on the web. On their official website ‘About’ page, they don’t share much about who they are or where they’re located.

This can raise a red flag, BUT, unlike many supplement companies, at least Folsac lists a contact email and customer service phone number. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 11.10.02
Image cred: Folsac

Also, their site is a simple built website, so perhaps the name of the company is just Folsac Climax Enhancers. Or. . . perhaps not. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.24.12I did a little more digging through their web pages and found that Folsac is a product of HillTrust Health. But really, there is zero info on the web about HillTrust Health, other than a YouTube Channel that houses three videos. A little more sleuthing and I found instructions on return shipping, to a Raleigh, NC address.

What is Folsac?

Well, in so many words, Folsac gives you massive semen loads and enables you to shoot for the stars and feel like a young buck again. It’s also said to improve the quality of semen, upping sperm count to almost double.

Folsac is a 'Climax Enhancer.'
Folsac is a ‘Climax Enhancer.’ Image cred:

The company markets the product as something that will give you:

  • Intense, toe-curling orgasms.
  • Enhanced semen production.
  • With no side effects.

Well, that sounds like quite the promise. But how can you be sure you’re stepping into “the future of orgasms?

Here’s how. The company hails a clinical study that was conducted on the “cocktail” of ingredients contained in Folsac back in 2002. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 11.23.23

And yes, I looked into it, and the study does in fact prove that men experience a “significant” 74% increase in total normal sperm count. Source

One study shows the positive effects folic acid and zinc sulfate have on sperm count
One study shows the positive effects folic acid and zinc sulfate have on sperm count

While it might give you more substantial loads and increase semen amount, you’ll see that Folsac, and other products like it, cannot promise a “beneficial effect on fertility.” According to the study, that “remains to be established.” So if you’re looking to get your lady pregnant, I’m sorry but this isn’t the product for you.


 What are the ingredients in Folsac?

According to the product label (click here to see it), Folsac contains the following “special blend of vitamin and herbal” ingredients:

  • Folic acid: 2000 mcg DFE
  • Vitamin B6: 2 mg
  • Vitamin D2: 30 mcg
  • Zinc: 50 mg

It also should be noted that it is NOT vegan friendly, as the capsules are made of gelatin.

Here’s how Folsac Climax Enhancer markets the ingredients. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.33.52
Image cred: Folsac

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

According to the directions on the label, you should take 1 capsule of Folsac daily, preferably with or after a meal.

In my experience, supplements like this take a few weeks to kick in. So don’t expect an overnight miracle.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that the makers of the product say it’s best to take it on a regular basis for optimal results.

How long does it take to start working?

Again, I’ve found that it can take up to three weeks to notice real results with products like Folsac. However, since many of these volume enhancers have slightly different ingredients and potency, and since everyone responds differently to supplements, your mileage may vary. The Folsac website says this about uptake. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 11.43.29

Results in 24 hours? That’d be nice, but don’t count on it 100%. Instead, give it time. Patience is the name of the game, young grasshopper.

Are there any side effects with Folsac?

Honest question. And I get it, you just wanna know how to increase your semen volume and sperm count, without having to deal with any pesky side effects.

Since Folsac is not sold on Amazon (yet), we can’t read through all stories — good or bad — of what it’s like taking the supplement and the accompanying side effects. Bummer, right?


OK but seriously. . . considering the formula (it’s vitamin-based with no synthetic additives), you shouldn’t expect to experience any gnarly side effects like headaches, insomnia, vomiting, ears growing on your chest, or the like.

With that said, a quick Google search will show that some people do have difficulty taking Folic Acid and Zinc, two of the main ingredients of Folsac.

Here’s what the makers say: content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.10.43
Image cred: Folsac

Finally, the makers of the product try to instill a bit of trust by stating: “Produced in a GMP Certified Facility, Folsac supplements are produced under strict, regulatory conditions, ensuring that all products are made in a safe, sterile environment.” So there’s that.

Can I take Folsac with Alcohol?

For the most part, the ingredients in Folsac do not react negatively with consumption of alcohol. But there is the folic acid to look out for. Remember, Folsac has 2,000 mcg (micrograms) of folic acid, and it’s said that you can drink alcohol while taking a modest amount of folic acid. Source content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 11.55.37

So how much is 1 mg of folic acid? content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 11.51.30

The answer is 2, which is double the recommended amount of folic acid that you should consume alcohol with. Is it a HUGE deal and will you die? No. Well, most likely not. 😉 But if you’re really concerned about taking the product with alcohol, it might be best to consult a medical professional.

The other ingredients shouldn’t concern you if you want a few drinks. In fact, if you happen to be a heavy drinker, taking a bit of zinc could probably help. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.05.08

Will I get bigger from taking it?

Nope. Sorry. This product is only for increasing semen volume and sperm count, and enhancing orgasms.

If you’re looking for something that’ll give you size, you’ll need either a pump device like the Bathmate, or an extender like the Phallosan Forte.

The fact of the matter is that unfortunately pills themselves simply cannot increase penis size, even though a shocking amount of them make that claim.

On the flip side, if you’re battling erectile dysfunction, check out Hardon Helper. It’s easily one of the best, fast-acting sexual enhancers I have ever tried (and I’ve tried close to 100 different products!).


Folsac Reviews

What are the users saying? Do they feel like Folsac is worth it? Does it really increase ejaculate and enhance climax?

It’s nice when I can scour the web and find all the juicy reviews for you guys. But in the case of Folsac, there really isn’t much out there. It’s not sold on Amazon or really any place besides their official website. This could be because it’s a newer company/product. At any rate, here’s what I did find.

On the product site, they display LOADS (pun intended) of positive testimonials. Take this for what it’s worth, as there’s no way of establishing these are legitimate reviews. So I’ll just share this one with you. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.53.34

Also, there are a few YouTube videos about Folsac, but it’s pretty obvious they’re promotional content made by the company. Remember, HillTrust Health is the company that makes the product.

Promotional "customer reviews" of Folsac
Promotional “customer reviews” of Folsac

My Personal Results

As I mentioned earlier in the review, the makers of Folsac reached out to me in early May asking if I would be interested in trying it out.

Since I already had several other products in the pipeline for testing and research, it took me a few weeks to really dive in and learn what it was all about.

I decided to take Folsac for 2 weeks to see what the results would be, and I have to say I’m actually REALLY impressed.

My load size could be described as “average” at best, but it’s never been something I’ve been overly concerned about.

Really I just wanted to try it out to see it’s impact on orgasm intensity.

Within a few days of taking it, I could already feel a surge in my orgasms.

I wouldn’t characterize it as “toe curling”, but feel like if I took it for another couple of weeks that could certainly be the case!

My orgasms were DEFINITELY more intense and longer-lasting, and I noticed my loads were DEFINITELY bigger.

In short, Folsac works! (no side effects either)

Where To Buy Folsac?

At this point in time, you can only buy Folsac through the official Folsac Climax Enhancer site. They offer different sizes — 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 capsule counts. And the prices range from $7.49 for the 5-pack, to $124.35 for the 100-pack.

The company does offer worldwide, international shipping on Folsac. And they also promise discreet packaging. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 22 at 12.34.11
Image cred: Folsac

While they do offer a “100% money-back guarantee” if you’re unhappy with the pills, I’m not sure if they grant this guarantee on products that have been opened. If they did, you’d think they’d promote this guarantee on the website’s Home page, but they don’t. It’s hidden at the bottom of the site in a small link called “Refund policy.”


If you’re looking to increase your semen volume load, Folsac is hands-down one of the best I’ve ever tried.

While I haven’t tried a TON of these, the vast majority of the ones I have tested simply don’t work.

This is not the case with Folsac.

It works EXACTLY as described, and I would highly recommend it.

If you’re looking to spice things up in the bedroom, give it a shot!

Have you Tried Folsac Climax Enhancer? If so, leave a review in the comments below!

Super Fat Burning Gummies Review

Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint Review Overview

Super Fat Burning Gummies are manufactured by Skinny Mint, who are most well known for their weight loss tea range and Instagram marketing.

super fat burning gummies by skinny mint

We actually just reviewed one of their other products called Skinny Fit Detox Tea, which is one of their flagship products.

Now, Skinny Mint have expanded their product range to include these gummies, that can be used alone or in combination with their other products.

We were rather intrigued by the idea of a fat burning gummy; so we decided to write this Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint review to find out whether they really can help you to lose weight.

In this review, we will examine the proposed benefits and ingredients offered by Skinny Mint Super Fat Burning Gummies in detail. We will then move on to consider customer reviews before deciding if they are a good choice of weight loss supplement or simply a fad.

What are Super Fat Burning Gummies?

It seems like everyone is searching for an easy way to lose weight nowadays. New products are springing up faster than ever – all claiming to be the magic solution to your fat loss woes.

One of the latest weight loss formulas to be released by the popular detox tea brand “Skinny Mint” is their new “Super Fat Burning Gummies”.

Super Fat Burning Gummies aim to help you achieve the figure you desire, while feeling like you are treating yourself to a sweet treat.

They are provided in a two bottle pack of different gummy flavors; ‘Step One – Power Up’ and ‘Step Two – Hunger Buster’.

Power Up has an espresso flavor. It is to be taken first thing in the morning to boost your energy levels.

Hunger Buster tastes like sweet pineapple. It must be taken in the afternoon to prevent cravings after lunchtime.

When used in combination, Skinny Mint claims that their Super Fat Burning Gummies drive accelerated weight loss and can even reduce fat absorption.

But do they really work?

It’s time to find out.

Do Super Fat Burning Gummies Work?

The convenience of taking a sweet, chewy gummy and losing weight is an attractive prospect.

However, when considering whether a supplement is likely to work, we have to understand the science of weight loss in at least basic detail.


Healthy people gain weight when they consume more calories than they use up on a daily basis. (1)

The good news…

All of us will burn a set amount of calories every day even if we stay lying in bed, doing nothing.


Well, because it’s not just exercise that burns calories. Your body needs energy for every function it undertakes just to keep you alive. Everything from breathing, to your heartbeat, uses up some energy!

The total of this basic daily energy requirement to stay alive is known as the ‘basal metabolic rate’ or ‘BMR’.

This is the amount of calories you burn without any extra exercise and will vary widely between individuals. (2)

So, if you don’t work out, and eat more calories than your BMR, your body has excess calories that it needs to deal with.

Almost always, these are stored as body fat to be used as an energy source another time.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you must consume less calories than you use up – forcing the body to use stored fat for fuel.

Yup, it really is as simple as that when it comes down to it.

Super Fat Burning Gummies claim to help you avoid having a calorie excess in two ways: boosting metabolism and curbing hunger.

Step One:

Power Up claims to get your day off to a good start and raise your metabolism. The problem is it only includes one ingredient: Green Coffee.

Whilst we rate Green Coffee as a good ingredient for fat burning, we think Power Up would work better with a more varied range of ingredients.

Step Two:

Hunger Buster uses an appetite suppressant with the aim of making it easier for you to avoid snacking and overeating in the afternoons. The problem is it also tastes sweet which means that the product has to include some form of carbohydrate or sugar.

Not the best for a weight loss product!

An examination of the ingredients will give us a bit more of a read on whether Super Fat Burning Gummies actually work at all.

So, let’s take a closer look.

Ingredients In Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint

Super Fat Burning Gummies by Skinny Mint contain only two active ingredients.

‘Power Up’ contains green coffee bean, while ‘Hunger Buster’ contains garcinia cambogia.

Below are the respective ingredient labels:

Power Up

super fat burning gummies power up ingredients label

Hunger Buster Label

skinny mint hunger buster

Green Coffee Bean – 400 mg

This is a popular ingredient in the weight loss world right now.

Green coffee, as the name suggests, is simply normal coffee but pre-roasting.

Believe it or not, coffee beans are green before they are roasted and processed ready for your coffee grinder.

Not only does the roasting process change their color, it also destroys much of the good stuff present in the beans.

Coffee beans are naturally packed full with antioxidants and weight loss boosting compounds, which are sadly lost during processing.

This is why green coffee is often used in health supplements.

It contains two active ingredients which are particularly beneficial for those wishing to slim down: caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid works to encourage the body to use up it’s fat stores as a primary source of energy. (3)

Basically, this means you burn fat as a priority over other sources.

Meanwhile, caffeine boosts the metabolism and increases the amount of calories you use as standard. (4)

Green coffee is a good choice of fat busting ingredient that has much clinical backing. We’d still like to have seen it paired with other effective metabolism boosters such as Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric.

Garcinia Cambogia – 500 mg

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that looks a little bit like a pumpkin.

It is also popular in weight loss supplements and is also taken as a standalone supplement in its own right. The active compound in garcinia cambogia is called ‘hydroxycitric acid’ or ‘HCA’ for short.

The number one benefit of garcinia cambogia is its ability to suppress the appetite.

It is believed to have this effect due to the manner in which it interacts with levels of the ‘satisfaction hormone’ serotonin.

Garcinia cambogia appears to elevate levels of serotonin after consumption, leaving the user feeling satiated and less likely to want to eat. (5)

This is great for those who struggle to stick to a calorie controlled diet due to battling with cravings.

Furthermore, garcinia cambogia may actually reduce further storage of body fat. Thus helping you to stay slim too. (6)

Overall, Super Fat Burning Gummies do contain two of our favourite ingredients, but we feel like they could have expanded on the formula to make it really effective.

Both of these ingredients do have clinically proven weight loss benefits, but we are not convinced the dose is high enough to provide the full potential like a top fat burner.

How do I take it?

Super Fat Burning Gummies by Skinny Mint are taken twice a day.

Two Power Up gummies should be taken in the morning with breakfast, although Skinny Mint also suggest taking them an hour before working out for an energy boost.

Hunger Buster is designed to be taken in the afternoon as a sweet treat that also helps to keep the cravings at bay. Directions state that you should take two gummies when desired.

Side Effects Of Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint

There is not any information on the Skinny Mint website regarding side effects, so we did our own research.

Caffeine has the potential to cause side effects such as: headaches, insomnia, anxiety, jitters, shakes and stomach upsets.

This is especially likely in those who have a caffeine sensitivity.

Where To Buy Super Fat Burning Gummies

Super Fat Burning Gummies by Skinny Mint are available to purchase via their official website with worldwide delivery.

The official website price for a one month supply is $49.90, but you can make savings by purchasing in bulk.

User Reviews Of Super Fat Burning Gummies

Super Fat Burning Gummies by Skinny Mint have a number of reviews on the official Skinny Mint website.

We were not shocked to see that all the reviews displayed here were over 4.5 stars.

Most customers were raving about the Skinny Mint gummies results:

skinny mint fat burning gummies reviews

As you can see, many people are saying that they experienced a fat burning and hunger reducing effect from using Super Fat Burning Gummies.

Of course, we are not suggesting that these are fake reviews, just that in our opinion it would have been better to see video and pictures to back up the results.

Reviews on Amazon

We tried to find Skinny Mint Fat Burning Gummies on Amazon, but it appears they are not available at the moment. We don’t know if they are currently out of stock, or if they are yet to list the product on Amazon.

It’s also not available in stores.

However, there are other GREAT fat burners available in stores like GNC, Walmart, and others, so don’t get discouraged.

Super Fat Burning Gummies Recommendation

Overall, Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint look like a fun and novelty product.

The idea that you can chew on a tasty gummy sweet and conveniently burn away fat is obviously a lovely thought.

Super Fat Burning Gummies Skinny Mint do contain ingredients that are well known in the weight loss world, but not at a quantity or concentration that we believe to be especially effective.

For example, garcinia cambogia has shown to be effective for weight loss but we think it would be more likely to produce results alongside other well known ingredients like Konjac Fibre.

We think that Super Fat Burning Gummies could be mildly useful as an addition to an already healthy, low calorie diet and regular exercise program.

However, there are definitely better fat burners out there that get the job done without the novelty of being available in gummy form.

Have You Used Super Fat Burning Gummies?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Does Yohimflame Deliver As a Topical Fat Burner?

Most of the fat burners and supplements we try and review are capsules or pills. You might also get the occasional shake, or something that’s dietary based, which is why we admit, we were intrigued by the idea of Yohimflame.

Yohimflame is a topical liquid spray. The idea is that you apply it directly to the skin and it’s supposed to help cut out some of the extra fat in these areas. For example, you might apply the solution to your belly, the backs of your arms or your thighs let’s say.

It’s basically marketed as a spot reducer for fat in hard-to-tone areas, and it’s one of the few if maybe any fat reducers that aren’t used orally.

We decided to look into it on our own and see what the truth is about Yohimflame and it’s unique fat-busting approach.

1.  What Is Yohimflame?

yohimflame reviewSo, besides being a topical spot reducer for stubborn fat, what is Yohimflame?

It’s made by a company called “Need To Build Muscle.”

Need To Build Muscle offers other supplements along with this topical product.

Some of their products include bodybuilding stacks, fat burners, and cycle support.

2.  How Does Yohimflame Work?

The idea behind the creation of Yohimflame is that it’s a transdermal fat loss product, as it’s described by Need To Build Muscle.

The concept behind the creation of the product is that unwanted fat (both visceral and subcutaneous) accumulates in certain areas of the body.

where belly fat accumulates
Where belly fat accumulates. Source:

This is very commonly caused by the hormone estrogen, which can also cause a wide variety of other issues.

high estrogen levels in men symptoms

Estrogen, according to the science behind Yohimflame, increases the number of Alpha2 adrenoceptors and then activates the receptors to encourage fat burning. Estrogen theoretically makes these receptors stop burning fat, and Yohimflame is intended to combat that effect.

To simplify it all—Yohimflame is supposed to block Alpha2 adrenoreceptors through a combination of two primary ingredients which are Yohimbe and alpha-Yohimbe.

When the ingredients are ingested orally, they would be metabolized in the liver, and then would activate the central nervous system. This would occur instead of blocking the Alpha2 receptors. So, along with providing localized fat loss, there would be fewer side effects using a topical product as compared to an oral supplement, at least according to the people at Need To Build Muscle.

What The Heck Is Yohimbe?

Yohimbe, which is the primary ingredient in this formulation, is a naturally-derived ingredient. It comes from Yohimbe bark, but it’s then concentrated and standardized into a chemical form when it’s used in products like Yohimflame.

yohimbe bark tree

Yohimbe is used quite a bit in products for erectile and sexual dysfunction, and can even work well if your drinking alcohol.

Other uses of Yohimbe have traditionally included helping with fatigue, heart issues, and high blood pressure. It’s also used in different products to improve athletic performance and weight loss, including Quadralean and Lean Fire XT.

Alpha-Yohimbe is another dietary supplement that is supposed to act as an antagonist of the adrenergic receptors.

3.  Aside from those ingredients, what else is in Yohimflame?

There are a few other ingredients including some additives like water and isopropyl alcohol as well as:

  • 7-Keto-Dhea: This is something used by people to speed up their metabolism and help with weight loss. Some users also believe it helps increase lean body mass, build muscle, improve the thyroid functionality, and give the immune system a boost.
  • Synephrine: Synephrine is somewhat similar to ephedrine but less potent. It’s also called bitter orange, and it’s in quite a few products claiming to help with fat-burning and circulation.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine might sound like an odd addition to a topical fat-burner, but in reality, it’s used in quite a few skincare products. Specifically, there’s some belief topically applied caffeine can help improve circulation.
  • Raspberry Ketone: This ingredient is a naturally-derived chemical that’s often taken orally as a way to try and lose weight. It was made popular when it was promoted by TV diet guru Dr. Oz. Some animal research has shown it might boost metabolism, and it can affect a hormone called adiponectin. Adiponectin can increase how quickly the body burns fat, although evidence in these areas is very limited.

4.  What Do the Reviews Say?

While the concept of Yohimflame can seem intriguing, the reviews aren’t positive for the most part. The consensus among reviewers on Amazon is that the product is ineffective altogether.

yohimflame average review rating on amazon

Along with ineffectiveness of the product, there seem to be quite a few complaints about the packaging and the spray nozzle malfunctioning when people use it. Most Amazon reviewers describe it as “junk,” and a “scam.”

negative review of yohimflame on amazon

There are more in-depth reviews on certain forums. One reviewer said something similar to the Amazon reviews in that the bottle didn’t work well, and it seemed to be ineffective for them.

Some reviewers say they’ve seen benefits, but they add that they were also careful with their diet and training, so it would be tough to know what to attribute the benefits to.

If you’re relying on online reviews of Yohimflame to make a decision, you’re not going to find a lot of positivity surrounding the product.

5.  Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Side Effects?

If you’re looking around online and going through reviews to find out about potential side effects of Yohimflame, you won’t find a lot of information, beyond overall dissatisfaction with the product.

Looking at the main, individual ingredient Yohimbe, some people may experience side effects, however. According to WebMD the use of Yohimbe can lead to relatively mild side effects like rash, anxiety, insomnia, increased heartbeat, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

yohimbe side effects infographic

Related Article:  Yohimbe Bark Extract Benefits, Side Effects, and Uses in ED

The side effects of other ingredients like raspberry ketone, caffeine, and synephrine are all pretty similar in their possible side effects.

Some users may be more sensitive to these side effects than others, but it’s likely that since this is applied topically, the side effects would be more minimal than taking these ingredients orally.

How Do I Take It?

With this transdermal fat reducing product, users just spray it directly to the parts of their body they see as problem areas. It’s supposed to work locally when it’s applied right on the skin.

The makers do issue the standard warnings about keeping it out of the reach of children and consulting a physician before using it if you have any preexisting conditions or take medications.

Can Women Use It?

There’s no reason women couldn’t use it, and many of the ingredients are included in supplements that are primarily marketed toward a female demographic.

Where Can I Buy It?

You can buy Yohimflame directly from the manufacturer’s website (, although it’s currently out of stock. It’s $64.99 on the manufacturer website for an 8 oz. bottle.

It’s also listed on Amazon, but also is out of stock on that site currently as well.

6.  Conclusion

While Yohimflame seems like an interesting idea, it’s probably not much more than that. Spot-reducing fat is something that’s almost impossible, and it’s not likely that a topical spray is going to do much to help that.

The idea of any spray-on solution really being able to target fat effectively isn’t based on much in the way of scientific evidence, and reviews for the product seem to support the fact that Yohimflame isn’t effective.

It should come as no surprise however, as if there really was a product that actually did provide that significant of results it would be a household name by now, no doubt.

With that being said, that is not to say that it is 100% without effect, it is just more than likely not worth its price tag.

While you may not experience any major side effects, it’s an expensive product especially considering the negative reviews around the internet. Used orally the ingredients in Yohimflame might help with overall fat or weight loss, but as a way to hyper-target certain areas of the body topically you’re not likely to notice results.

Have you tried Yohimflame? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Adam’s Secret Review

All it takes is a simple Google search of “sexual enhancers,” and BAM! You’re flooded with millions of results. 7.8 million results to be exact.

There are too many male enhancers on the market to even count
There are too many male enhancers on the market to even count

To make it even more complicated, they all claim to be the best. “Just pop a pill and get bigger, better, faster, stronger. . . and make her howl through the night!” The sheer amount of promises will make your head spin. So where do we turn when we REALLY need something to work. And how can we tell apart marketing hype from a quality sexual enhancement supplement that will actually deliver results?

Fantastic questions! If you’re looking for a totally unbiased, objective review of a handful of sexual enhancers that make BIG claims — well, you’re in the right place.

Because you don’t have to end up like this guy. . .


I’ve tried SO MANY male sexual enhancers over the years (my all-time favorite is Hardon Helper) so I like to think I know my junk, if you know what I mean. I’ve got a solid handle on the different ingredients and formulas, and how they each deliver different results. . . or no result at all.

And. . .

You’ve got male enhancement supplements for EVERYTHING. From erectile dysfunction and libido, to stamina and semen load volume. Yep, even semen volume enhancers. Then there’s premature ejaculation supplements and supplements for better orgasms. Shoot! Where do you even begin? content/uploads/2018/06/instagram
Image cred:

Don’t worry. You’re in good hands. Take a deep breath, and let’s dig into a supplement line called Adam’s Secret. I’ve personally tried, or will try, each of the supplements in this review. So you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the products and whether or not they’re right for you.

Before we jump in though, here’s a little background on the makers of Adam’s Secret. . .

1.  About Adam’s Secret

I did a lot of sleuthing around the internet to see what I could find on the company. Where they’re located, how long they’ve been in business, etc.

And I came up pretty dry. I’m always a bit wary of supplement brands that don’t freely display this info on their website, so I looked even deeper. Eventually I found out the company is located in New Jersey. . . I think.

Adam's Secret is located in New Jersey, I believe.
Adam’s Secret is located in New Jersey, I believe.

But here’s the thing, their official site at doesn’t list this info. I have to assume it’s the same company as above, just with a shiny new website. With that said, I can’t be too sure about the company’s whereabouts, how long they’ve been in business, or really any info about them. That’s an automatic red flag — or at least a yellow flag — but it’s not bad enough to be a deal-breaker in my opinion.

2.  Adam’s Secret product line overview content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 20 at 1.39.16
image cred:

Adam’s Secret 1500 is marketed as an all-natural libido performance enhancer for men and promises to deliver:

  • Harder erections that last
  • More intensified orgasms
  • Increased stamina, strength, vitality, and sex drive
  • Noticeable results in 2 hours that can last up to 4 days!
  • All-natural ingredients made in the U.S. of A.

Adam’s Secret 3000 is marketed as a male-enhancement supplement that’s fast acting and promises to:

  • Boost stamina and size of erections
  • Make ’em “rock hard”
  • Get results in 2 hours that can last up to 4 days

(Note – You won’t find either of these products above for sale on Adam’s Secret website).


There are a few other products in their lineup. These include. . .

  • Adam’s Secret Red
  • Adam’s Secret Platinum
  • Adam’s Secret RockSteady

While the three mentioned above can be found on their official website, there’s very little info about them other than price. I even looked for other reviews out there, checked Amazon, and still came up with nada.

So let’s jump into what we DO know about Adam’s Secret, like what’s in the stuff.

3.  Adam’s Secret Ingredients

According to the company’s site, Adam’s Secret is “the new solution to enhance your sexual abilities and confidence.” They go on to tout the product as a “stronger, cheaper, simpler solution” than the alternatives on the market.

Adam's Secret marketing.
Adam’s Secret marketing. Cred:

Does it live up to the hype? I’ll go into detail about my personal experience soon, but first let’s talk about what’s in it. Their site lists a handful of ingredients, but they don’t say exactly which version of their product contains these ingredients. I’m assuming at least most of the following ingredients are found in each of their formulas:

  • Horny Goat Weed. Surprise, surprise. I guess a dash of “horny” does a sex drive good. This leafy plant supposedly increases nitric oxide levels which in turn promotes blood flow to your penis. More blood flow results in bigger, harder erections. And according to the publication New Scientist, “Horny Goat weed could be better than Viagra.” Source
Horny Goat Weed.
Horny Goat Weed. Cred:
  • Maca. Not a whole lot is known about this root plant, but according to Health Line, it’s highly nutritious, increases libido in both men and women, can improve your mood, and may boost energy and performance. Another study showed that Maca does in fact improve sexual desire. Source
  • Tribulus. Otherwise known as Tribulus terrestris, this vine is a pretty powerful aphrodisiac. And according to the Adam’s Secret ingredients page, “Tribulus is most often used for infertility, erectile dysfunction, and low libido.” But does it work? Well, just last month Psychology Today ran this article. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 20 at 1.49.53

  • Catuaba. This is another aphrodisiac that’s also reported to give you bigger erections that last longer. ’nuff said.
  • L-Arginine. This amino acid is found naturally in our meat and dairy. But an extra serving of this nitric-oxide enhancer means bigger boners for you. The Adam’s Secret website also claims some “evidence that L-Arginine may benefit men with erectile dysfunction.”
  • Ginko. This medicinal plant is used in all sorts of natural remedies and treatments. It’s said to thin the blood and fortify blood vessels for enhanced blood flow. Needless to say, this ingredient might contribute to the triple bottom line: bigger, better, boners.
  • Damiana. You guessed it, another aphrodisiac . The folks at WebMD say that. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 8.42.18
      Damiana according to WebMD
  • Tongkat Ali. Adam’s Secret describes this native tree of Southeast Asia as an ingredient that “increases sexual desire, libido, sexual performance, and treats erectile dysfunction.” Well, is it true? Although I couldn’t find any definitive studies on these specific claims, the Global Healing Center highlights this ingredient’s potential to increase testosterone levels in men. Source

    4.  What is Adam’s Secret 1500?

    For some strange reason, this product is not listed on the company’s website anywhere. Not sure why. I did however find it on Amazon, where there was a bit of info and some reviews. So. . .

    What’s in it?

    The “1500” is in reference to the 1500 mg in the formula. It has all of the ingredients listed above, with a few others sprinkled in (Zinc, Sting Nettle, Saw Palmetto, etc.)

    How do you take it?

    The suggested use is to take one capsule with water 90 minutes before “go” time. Well, that’s the instructions on the label anyway, but on the website it tells a different story. . .

    How to take Adam's Secret
    How to take Adam’s Secret

    5.  Adam’s Secret 1500 Reviews

    The product gets a decent 3.5 stars on For the most part, people seem to be getting positive results. But there’s always a group who either a.) don’t notice any effects at all, or b.) experience some concerning side effects. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 5.50.18
    Adam’s Secret 1500 reviews on

    One 72-year-old guy said he got better results from Adam’s Secret than he did Viagra or Cialis, so much so that. . . well, you can read it for yourself.

    One man's positive review of Adam's Secret
    One man’s positive review of Adam’s Secret

    And here’s a review from a woman on behalf of her husband. Yup, if the wife goes out of her way to leave a review on a sexual enhancer, you’d be wise to hear her out. . .

    A woman's review on behalf of her husband.
    A woman’s review on behalf of her husband.

    Of course, as you might expect, there are some bad reviews as well. Most of them complained of “no effect,” while a few complained of sickness and headache after taking Adam’s Secret.

    A negative review of Adam's Secret
    A negative review of Adam’s Secret

    And here’s another bad experience. . .

    Another negative review of Adam's Secret
    Another negative review of Adam’s Secret

    As of yet, there are no video reviews on YouTube talking about any of the Adam’s Secret products.

    6.  Adam’s Secret 3000

    Just like the 1500 version, the 3000 formula is not listed on their site. But you can score the stuff on Amazon, and Walmart, and. . . well I think that’s it.

    What’s in it?

    Think Adam’s Secret 1500, but double the punch with 3000 mg.

    Here are the ingredients in the 3000 formula. . .

    Adam's Secret 3000 ingredients
    Adam’s Secret 3000 ingredients

    You can compare that with the ingredients in the 1500 formula below. . .

    Adam's Secret 1500 ingredients
    Adam’s Secret 1500 ingredients

    How do you take it?

    Just like with the 1500, you take one capsule 90 minutes prior to your “workout,” if you know what I mean. And if you don’t know what I mean, I mean you take it 90 minutes before sexual activity, with a full glass of water of course.

    However, the Adam’s Secret website says to take it 45-60 minutes before sex. So maybe split the difference and take it 65-70 minutes before you turn out the lights? Or better yet, consult with a medical expert.

    Also, the label says NOT to take more than one capsule every 60 hours. That’s a good 2 1/2 days. I’d heed to this advice. The last thing this world needs is more Godzilla boners wreaking havoc on our cities. 😉

    via GIPHY

    What do the reviews say?

    Similar to the 1500 product, on Amazon the scale balances out at 3.7 stars, with two-thirds of the users loving it, and the rest hating it. And almost nobody in the middle.

    Amazon reviews for Adam's Secret 3000
    Amazon reviews for Adam’s Secret 3000

    One guy said the supplement had him doing “multiples.” To which I say, “multiples of what?” Ohhhhhhh. . . right.

    Positive review of Adam's Secret 3000
    Positive review of Adam’s Secret 3000

    Another fella says it works as advertised, but to take it 30 minutes before business time for optimal results. . .

    Another positive review of Adam's Secret 3000
    Another positive review of Adam’s Secret 3000

    Remember the one-third who thought less highly of the product? Well, they had this to say. . .

    A negative review for Adam's Secret 3000
    A negative review for Adam’s Secret 3000

    And this. . .

    Another negative review for Adam's Secret 3000
    Another negative review for Adam’s Secret 3000

    7.  Adam’s Secret Red, Platinum, and RockSteady

    Alright, I couldn’t find any info about these other formulas. Do they even exist? Have you heard of them or used them? OK, in all fairness I did find RockSteady on the Adam’s Secret website and on Amazon, BUT there was zero info about the product other than the price ( $89.95 for 30 capsules if you’re wondering), and no reviews. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 6.41.15

    Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted on these three Adam’s Secret formulas as I learn more about them and try them for myself.

    8.  Adam’s Secret FAQ’s

    How long does it take to start working?

    Well, it shouldn’t take any longer than 90 minutes to kick in. If you’re one of the lucky two-thirds, once it does kick in you better hold on. You might have a boner for up to 3-4 days! Could you imagine all the glasses you’ll knock off of countertops?!

    OK, that’s not exactly how it works. Let’s bust that myth right now. The Adam’s Secret website answers that question succinctly: content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 9.34.59

    Can I take Adam’s Secret with alcohol?

    You probably shouldn’t. In fact, the makers of the product say that it’s “not recommended as alcohol diminishes the effectiveness. . . However, if you know you will be drinking alcohol, it is recommended that you take Adam’s Secret several hours before drinking.”

    If you’re really concerned about drinking and enhancing, check out this review I wrote all about male enhancement pills that work immediately AND you can take with alcohol.
    Image cred:

    Will it make my penis bigger?

    Ah, the million dollar question. Brace yourself for bad news my friend. While increased blood flow might contribute to girth and even make your erections stronger, the makers of the product say don’t count on it. Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.

    But for what it’s worth, they do say it will “help you reach your potential.” Whatever that means.

    Can I take it if I’m under 18?

    Shouldn’t you be in school? Kidding. The makers of the product have this to say about it. . . content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 20 at 1.59.40

    Are there any side effects?

    We read in the reviews that some men experienced mild to severe headaches. Others felt sick and nauseous after taking the supplement. But these were the minority, as it seemed that most men who took Adam’s Secret didn’t experience any side effects. Of course, on their website, the makers claim that because they use all-natural ingredients, there are no side effects.

    The makers of Adam's Secret say there are no side effects.
    The makers of Adam’s Secret claim there are no side effects.

    A potentially good side effect, however, is a boost in the ol’ testosterone.

    A potentially good side effect of taking Adam's Secret
    A potentially good side effect of taking Adam’s Secret. Image cred:

    Now, if you break down the formula, you’ll see that the supplement does contain ingredients that can (and do) cause side effects. Such as. . .

    L-ARGININE (Source WebMD) content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 7.17.53

    GINKO (Source content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 7.18.31

    MACA (Source content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 7.19.29

    Ummm. . . vaginal dryness? This is a very serious matter.

    TRIBULUS (Source content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 7.21.24Finally, at the very bottom of the FAQ page on the Adam’s Secret website you’ll find a section on warnings. Some of these are serious, so pay attention here. . .

    Warnings for Adam's Secret.
    Warnings for Adam’s Secret. Image cred:

    9.  Where to buy Adam’s Secret?

    You can buy the 1500 formula on both ($35.99 2-pack) and for a bit cheaper ($29.99 2-pack). But you can only find the 3000 product on Amazon ($79.99 for 10 capsules). Remember, neither of these two formulas are sold on the Adam’s Secret website.

    You can buy RockSteady on both the Adam’s Secret site ($89.95) as well as on Amazon ($89.95 ). As for Adam’s Secret Red and Platinum, I’ve only found them sold on their website for $40 and $45 respectively.

    Currently, the makers of the product do not ship internationally. Also, they do not have a money-back guarantee, which is kind of a bummer. And you can only exchange/return products that have not been opened. content/uploads/2018/06/screenshot 2018 06 19 at 7.36.46
    image cred: Adam’s Secret

    10.  Recommendation

    As I try more of these products I will update this post and let you know my final verdict. As of now, the formula seems pretty solid, and the reviews don’t reveal anything alarming.

    Like I mentioned though, I am a little bit wary that I can’t find any information about the company, so I’ll be looking further into that as well. Otherwise, the price is right and most of the men who’ve tried Adam’s Secret have experienced positive results. So I look forward to digging in and giving it a shot!

    As always and with any supplement that you are going to ingest, make sure that it does not interact with anything that you are currently taking, and if so, avoid taking it or consult with your doctor about how to proceed.

    Always take supplements as recommended and do not exceed the recommended maximum daily dose, and hopefully you will enjoy the positive results that they have to offer.

    Have You Used Adam’s Secret? Leave Your Review Below!

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

    #1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

    Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

    #2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

    The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

    #3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

    Arthrozene Review

    Update (9-14-2018):  We had a gentleman named Jim O’Donnell test out Arthrozene.

    Click Here
     to follow along on his daily results diary.

    There’s no doubt about it, joint pain sucks.

    It’s inevitable as we age, and only seems to get worse as the years tick by.

    There’s certainly no shortage of joint relief supplements flooding the market, some of which we’ve actually tested.

    Some, like Instaflex, actually worked really well.

    instaflex review
    My brother-in-law tested Instaflex. 2 thumbs up from him

    Others, not so much.

    I first came across Arthrozene when I was scrolling through my Yahoo news feed.

    arthrozene ad - it's like wd-40 for your knees

    I, in fact, do have joint pain, so whenever I see an ad like this I usually click.

    It took me to a page on the Arthrozene website that suggested most people are making a mistake when it comes to joint pain.

    What’s the #1 mistake?

    Trying to “mask” the pain by just simply popping an Ibuprofen or Advil.

    I tend to agree with them on this point.  Most Americans (myself included) tend to treat a problem by simply popping a pill, rather than trying to identify the root cause and fix it.

    Not only does long term use of Ibuprofen and other medications cause potential liver and gut issues over time, it is essentially putting a band aid on something that will not get better without proper help.

    But will this pill tackle the root cause of your joint pain?

    And if it does, how does it do it?

    Let’s find out.

    Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More


    1.  What is Arthrozene?

    There are a wide variety of root causes of joint pain, including:

    • Arthritis
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Gout
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Tendinitis

    According to the products website, Arthrozene is a 3-step solution that attacks those root causes.

    2.  How does Arthrozene work?

    Details are a bit vague, but according to them their formula is designed to do 3 things:

    1. Decrease inflammation
    2. Slow down cartilage degradation
    3. Increase lubrication

    It does this through the application of their all-natural formula, which we’ll discuss in detail below.

    3.  What are the ingredients in Arthrozene?

    Most joint supplements contain one ingredient and one ingredient only, and that’s Glucosamine.

    This one is different…

    According to the label, Arthrozene contains 3 key ingredients.  These include:

    • ApresFlex Boswellia Serrata Extract
    • Mobilee Naturak Chicken Comb extract
    • B-2Cool Native Collagen type II

    Click Here to see a snapshot of the label.

    Since I haven’t done a tone of research on joint pain / relief pills in general, I actually had to dig in a bit to find out what these ingredients were all about.

    ApresFlex Boswellia Serrata

    This is essentially a trademarked version of Boswellia Serrata, a type of tree found in India and Arabia.

    There’s a type of sap that seeps out from openings in the bark, which is called Indian Frankincense.

    It’s been clinically studied as an anti-inflammatory agent, among other things.

    You can read the details of one such clinical study here.

    Mobilee Naturak Chicken Comb Extract

    This is another clinically tested substance that’s been designed to help specifically with joint pain.

    Since Chicken Combs contain high amounts of Hyaluronic Acid, it’s been shown to act as an all natural lubricant for joints.

    As a result, it can provide significant pain relief, especially for those suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis.

    B-2Cool Native Collagen type II

    The third ingredient in Arthrozene, B-2Cool Native Collagen type II, basically acts to improve tissue strength in your joints, as well as tensile strength.

    According to published research, native Collagen type II has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms of osteoarthritis.

    What does this mean?

    Well, it will help to repair cartilage as well as make it stronger.

    4.  Are there any side effects?

    As with any supplement, side effects are possible.

    For example, Boswellian Serrata has been shown to cause adverse effects in some people.

    As reported by WebMD, these include:

    • Stomach pain
    • Nausea
    • Diarrhea

    HOWEVER, it should be noted that these side effects are VERY RARE, and are only reported in a small percentage of people that have taken the extract.

    From what I’ve researched, the 2 other ingredients in Arthrozene do not cause any adverse effects to be worried about.

    If you’re thinking about taking this supplement, I would of course advise you consult with your doctor first.

    There may be some drug interactions that I’m not aware of, and only he / she would know for sure.

    5.  Who Makes Arthrozene?

    According to their contact page, it’s made by a company called Fisico Inc.

    Located in Westford, Massachusetts, they make numerous other brands, including:

    • The Cruise Control Diet
    • SlimBiotine
    • Cerebra

    I’ve never heard of these other supplements before, so I can’t comment on them.

    They have a A rating with the BBB, with mostly positive reviews.

    6.  What do the Arthrozene Reviews have to say?

    Since we initially wrote this review, we’ve had 17 people leave their Arthrozene review on our site.

    Click Here to read them.

    7.  STEPuP Program Test

    As part of our STEPuP program, we currently have a gentleman named Jim testing out Arthrozene. content/uploads/2018/06/jim testing

    He’s a 66 year old man that has been involved in sports all his life.  See his story below:

    I would be interested in testing Arthrozene. I am 66 and have been involved in sports all my life. Both knees are worn.  Close to bone on bone on one knee and the other is not far behind. Have had 1 or 2 shots and have talked to stem cell people. Would like to avoid knee surgery as much as I can. Just reduced swelling and a little more flexibility would allow me to ride my bike again which could/would help to build the leg muscles back up. Sounds like Arthrozene might be an option. I could certainly give you a day by day. Thanks.

    And here’s his daily results so far:

    12-Sep:  Received and took first pill Wednesday night 9/12.
    13-Sep:  No change.
    14-Sep:  As of Friday – do not seem to see any results.
    15-Sep:  Normal discomfort – no change. Kneecaps are tender.
    16-Sep:  Seems to be slightly more discomfort than normal. Kneecaps are tender – could be due to use on Saturday.
    17-Sep:  No better than normal discomfort.
    18-Sep:  Hoping for improvement but cannot feel it yet.
    19-Sep:  First notice that discomfort might be better then normal, but stiffness in right knee continues. Tenderness in kneecaps seems less.
    20-Sep: Knees seem to be slightly better, almost as if receiving a pain killing shot.
    21-Sep: Knee is OK but stiffness and swelling remains.
    22-Sep: Tenderness in kneecaps returns after being much less since Wednesday.
    23-Sep: Knees are close to what they had been in last 3- 4 weeks, tenderness in kneecaps and general soreness in knees.
    24-Sep: Knee caps and knees are tender and sore this morning. Left knee is loose when crossing knees at work.
    25-Sep: Knees remain tender, stiff and normally unstable. Sleeping uncomfortably seems to be better.
    26-Sep: No noticeable change.
    27-Sep: Lot of stairs at work today. Stiffness and flexibility are not getting any better/maybe worse.

    Final thoughts

    I was optimistic about Arthrozene and hoped/wished that it would delivery what was being suggested.  I took the pills religiously and as I mentioned about 8-9 days in I seemed to feel less discomfort.  But when the next weekend came I went back to my old condition and it never changed or improved from then to the end of the product.  Because I had not monitored myself as closely as I did during these 30 days I may have not noticed that due to less usage of my legs/knees during the week I felt better during that time but then felt more discomfort on the weekends when I used my legs/knees more.   This may have lent to the improvement I seemed to feel after 8 – 9 days.  I cannot rule out that Arthrozene may have prevented my knees from getting worse during this time, but I truly did not see any noticeable improvement.

    7.  My Personal Results

    arthrozene review

    So I finally got a chance to try out Arthrozene for the last 2 weeks, and I have to say I actually think it’s working.

    For those of you that haven’t been following my reviews, I’m a 36 year old amateur professional beach volleyball player.

    I’ve been playing since I was about 14 years old, and I can’t begin to tell you what kind of an impact the sport has on your joints.

    The constant sprinting and jumping can really start to wear you down, especially if you’re doing it all in deep sand 4 – 5 days a week.

    Wasn’t a problem when I was in my early 20’s, but we all know how that goes 🙂

    I received a 30 count bottle of Arthrozene about 10 days ago, and I’ve been taking it on an empty stomach everyday.

    For the first few days I didn’t notice much of anything.

    I generally will take 2 advil upon waking up, and 2 about an hour before bed to aid with some of the pain.

    Within about a week of taking Arthrozene, I started to notice that I really didn’t need that evening dose.

    I didn’t even realize it until one night I was reading and realized that I hadn’t taken any Advil, but didn’t really have the usual aches and pains.

    Skipping my advil dose that night, I wanted to see if I woke up with more pain than usual.

    When I got up, I felt a little bit of aches and pain, but nowhere NEAR what I normally do.

    I didn’t skip my morning advil dose, but I could tell that my aches were significantly reduced from what they normally are.

    Do think it’s the best joint relief supplement out there?

    The jury is still out.

    I think I’m going to take the remainder of the bottle and come back here to update my Arthrozene review in another 2 weeks.

    Update 8/30!

    Sorry about the lateness!  I meant to update this review a few weeks back, but got tied up with other stuff.

    So anyway, I continued taking the Arthrozene until I finished out the bottle, and I have to admit it seemed to start wearing off.

    It wasn’t the kind of “wearing off” that happened overnight.

    It just gradually seemed to lose it’s potency over time.

    By the end of the month, if I had to rate it on a 1 – 10 scale (1 being the worst, 10 being the best), I would rate Arthrozene as follows:

    Week 1: 6

    Week 2: 9

    Week 3:  8

    Week 4: 6

    It’s almost like I was back where I started.  I needed to start taking my twice a day advil dose, as the Arthrozene just wasn’t cutting it any longer.

    As far as why the effects of Arthrozene seemed to taper off, I have no idea what could have caused that.

    The only thing I can think of is that my body may have built up a sort-or “immunity” to the ingredients.

    Tolerance can set in with just about any supplement that is taken over a long period of time, and while it may not always happen, I can’t blame Arthrozene for that.

    This has happened to me in the past, but it’s actually VERY rare.

    Nonetheless, if you read many of the reviews below, you’ll see that the vast majority of people writing in their Arthrozene reviews are seeing good (and stable) results.

    8.  Where to buy

    Arthrozene is only available on their official website

    The pricing breaks down as follows:

    • 1 bottle:  $49.95
    • 3 bottles:  $44.95 per bottle
    • 6 bottles:  $39.95 per bottle

    They do offer a money back guarantee, which is good for 90 days from the date you originally ordered.

    arthrozene money back guarantee

    At this point, you won’t be able to find Arthrozene in stores like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or GNC, but I will update this review when it becomes available.

    9.  Conclusion

    After finally having tested Arthrozene, I’m still a bit baffled.

    As you saw in my personal results, it seemed to work great for the first 2 – 3 weeks.

    After that, the effects seemed to almost completely wear off.

    With that said, since I wrote my original review we’ve had 15 others leave a review as well.

    Literally only 2 of them have left a 1 star rating for it, and the other 13 have rated Arthrozene 4 stars or above. (Click Here to see those reviews)

    Based on that alone, I’m upping my original 3 star rating to a 4 star.

    Arthrozene does seem to work, and if you’ve been suffering from chronic arthritic pain I would recommend giving it a shot!

    If you’re interested, you might want to check out a supplement called Instaflex Advanced.

    It’s a bit more expensive that Arthrozene, but in my personal experience was the best joint relief supplement I’ve EVER tested.

    And I’ve tested dozens.

    You can read more in my full review here.

    Have You Used Arthrozene?  Help Us and Others Thinking About Trying This Product Out By Leaving Your Review Below!

    Additional References

    Pryazine Review

    Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Pryazine!

    The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

    Click Here to learn more!

    In the quest of outing male enhancement scams, it never ceases to amaze me at how many are out there.

    That’s why when I came across Pryazine, I actually initially thought it was a drug.

    Not to be confused with the organic compound, Pryazine is once daily male enhancement pill that’s designed to improve your virility, vitality, and vigor.

    Does it really work?  Let’s find out.

    1.  What is Pryazine?

    pryazine male enhancement reviewsAccording to their official website, Pryazine is a medical-strength sexual enhancement pill that’s designed to:

    • Improve erection quality and timing
    • Increase sex drive and energy
    • Improve your sexual confidence

    It uses a dual action formula that is designed to help target the root cause of your issue, rather than just applying a band-aid to the problem.

    2.  How does Pryazine work?

    Pills like this one are designed as an all-natural over the counter alternative to prescription ED medications.

    To understand how Pryazine works, you first have to understand the root cause of erectile dysfunction.

    What causes ED?

    There are numerous causes to erectile dysfunction, but the most common ones involve:

    • Heart disease
    • High cholesterol
    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Clogged blood vessels (atheroscelrosis)

    Think you may have ED?  Take our 2 minute quiz and find out!

    All of the above cause constriction of the blood vessels, which destroys the body ability to provide blood to the male organ during erection.

    Pryazine pills work to change all of that.

    They work by improving blood flow, which in theory should allow for a more sustained erection.

    There are 2 different categories of supplements that work to help relieve symptoms of erectile dysfunction:

    1.  Fast-acting pills:  These include supplements like Hardon Helper, which are designed to be taken on an “as needed” basis.
    2. Slow-acting pills:  These include supplements like Vigrx Plus, which are the opposite.  You take these types of pills everyday, and over time the effects gradually build up in your system.

    Pryazine appears to be in the latter category.  We’ll talk more about that in a minute.

    3.  What are the Pryazine Ingredients?

    Like most other pills like this, it achieves this through the use of a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes:

    • Nettle extract
    • Tongkat Ali
    • Orchic Substance – which is ground up cattle testicles of all things
    • Horny Goat Weed extract
    • Saw Palmetto

    All of these ingredients in Pryazine are well known aphrodisiacs, and can be found in numerous other supplements like King Size male enhancement, 5G male, and Super Male Vitality.

    Do they actually work to help one achieve a more balanced erection.

    In some cases, yes.

    In many other cases, no.

    It all depends on the quantity of each ingredient, which of course they do not mention at all.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    4.  Are there any side effects with Pryazine?

    The makers of this pill will tell you know, but that’s a bit misleading.

    Literally ANY supplement, including the ones I recommend, have the potential for side effects.

    With Pryazine specifically, some adverse effects include:

    • Headaches
    • Insomnia
    • Diarrhea
    • Dizziness
    • Constipation
    • Vomiting

    Some people have even reported impotence from consuming drugs containing saw palmetto, although it should be noted that these effects do not seem to occur any more frequently than with those taking a sugar pill.

    5.  How do I take it?

    The directions on the Pryazine label indicate that you should take 2 capsules daily, or as directed by your physician.

    It’s best to consume it on an empty stomach, as the ingredients will be absorbed more freely.

    You should also consult with your physician prior to using Pryazine, and if you observe any adverse effects report them immediately.

    Additionally, you should avoid taking this supplement if you are under the age of 18.

    6.  Will I get bigger from taking Pryazine?

    While some of the Pryazine reviews you may read do mention increased size as a result from taking this pill, it’s HIGHLY unlikely it will do this.

    Moreover, the thought that it will cause any PERMANENT gains is highly suspicious.

    I’ve personally tested dozens of products that claim this, and none of them have worked as intended.

    Click Here to find out why there is no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

    7.  Where can I buy it?

    Pryazine is only available on their official website,

    The only way you can acquire it is via their free trial, which is a bit of a scam in my opinion.

    While you only have to pay $4.95 for shipping and handling, what they don’t tell you is that you’ll be charged an arm and a leg 14 days later.

    You can cancel this trial by called their customer service phone number at 855-804-6598.

    This is very typical of supplements like this, and there’s a good chance that you won’t see Pryazine being sold for much more than a few months at best.

    If you are looking for a suitable alternative that’s available in stores like Walmart, GNC, Walgreens, and CVS, then check out this article.

    8.  Conclusion

    There’s really nothing about Pryazine that gives me any clear indication it’s any different from the vast amount of other sexual enhancers on the market.

    Sure, it contains a few key ingredients that have been clinically studied.

    However, that doesn’t mean the exact formula in Pryazine has been studied itself.

    It just means a few of the ingredients have.

    The fact of the matter is, even the presence of tested or recognizable ingredients is not really enough to point to whether or not a sexual enhancer is going to be good as some formulas have insufficient amounts of them or maybe the combination is off.

    When the product itself is tested on a whole, that is when it becomes easier to trust.

    Have You Used Pryazine?  Leave Your Review Below!

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    Skinny Fit Detox Tea Review

    Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Skinny Fit Detox Tea!

    The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

    Click Here to learn more!

    Why the Hype Over Detox Teas?

    Detox is a buzzword right now, and companies are capitalizing on consumers’ desires to feel refreshed, cut bloating, flush toxins and lose weight. One popular type of product is the detox tea, like Skinny Fit Detox Tea.

    skinny fit detox tea review

    These teas aren’t necessarily a new concept. They’ve often been used in alternative medicine and available at health food stores, but they’ve become more mainstream. If you use social media, you’ve more than likely seen celebrities or influencers touting the benefits of these teas.

    selling detox tea on social media

    So what’s the deal? Do detox teas work, and specifically, what about Skinny Fit Detox Tea? Along with whether or not they’re effective, a lot of people wonder if they’re safe, so we put together a rundown of what exactly Skinny Fit Detox Tea is, its ingredients, and whether or not it’s potentially safe or effective.

    Do Detox Teas Really Work?

    As we touched on, the idea of detoxing is a popular one right now. People are willing to pay to feel like they’re detoxing their body, or essentially removing the buildup of all the bad stuff in their system. They’ll buy fresh juices, dietary supplements, and of course, teas.

    Some companies have taken the idea of the tea detox or cleanse, and they’ve branded it into specific products. content/uploads/2018/06/do detoxs
    Image courtesy:

    A lot of detox teas will have natural ingredients that are believed to help with detoxing like dandelion, milk thistle, ginger, and lemongrass.

    lemongrass detox tea
    An example of Lemongrass detox tea

    Some of these products also have herbal laxatives like senna.

    detox teas that contain senna

    Some people may drink the tea in addition to following their normal routine, while others may only drink tea for a period of time to lose weight quickly.

    Benefits promoted by makers of tea detox products include the weight loss, as well as feeling lighter, and having a flatter stomach. Most tea detox products also claim users will experience less belly bloat, and there are some claims it can make the liver and kidneys healthier.

    yogi tea for liver and kidney function

    Some people do lose weight using these products, but it’s not all it might seem to be. Health professionals, by and large, do not recommend tea detox products, and clinical studies point to the fact that commercial detox diets don’t have many positive effects. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, which is part of the NIH, is skeptical of any detox or cleanse claims. According to this organization, there’s no convincing evidence that detox diets or products promoting a cleansing of the body have any effect on the body or health.

    Some of the side effects of tea detox products and programs can include complications in bowel health and even a slowed metabolism, which is quite the opposite of the desired effects.

    Furthermore, some of them have even went so far as to inject dangerous and illegal chemicals into their product in an effort to make them work.

    fda toxin tea notification

    What Is Skinny Fit Detox Tea?

    Skinny Fit Detox Tea is one of the most widely promoted tea detox products on social media platforms like Instagram. You’ll often see celebrities and reality stars posing with the tea product, and showing how flat their stomach is as a result.

    skinny fit detox tea instagram

    The Skinny Fit company makes skinny Fit Detox Tea. They describe the Skinny Fit Detox Tea as a natural, simple product that can boost metabolism, alleviate boating, and remove toxins from the body.

    skinny fit detox tea benefits

    The claim is that this tea is made up of 13 superfoods, which include separate teas as well as herbs and berries. content/uploads/2018/06/canva photo editor content/uploads/2018/06/canva photo editor

    Specific benefits named on the Skinny Fit website include helping with healthy digestion and losing body weight, relieving gas, and providing antioxidants. Other big claims you’ll spot on sites selling Skinny Fit Detox tea include the promotion of healthier, glowing skin, increased energy, reduced inflammation and colon cleansing power.

    The tea is designed to be a daily drink, and while people use it, the makers recommend eating a healthy, whole food diet.

    Ingredients In Skinny Fit Detox Tea

    Skinny Fit Detox Tea doesn’t include the senna laxative. The tea does contain caffeine. Ingredients in the product include:

    • Dandelion
    • Ginseng Leaf
    • Goji Berries
    • Sencha Green Tea
    • Matcha Green Tea
    • Oolong Tea
    • Guarana
    • Milk Thistle
    • Yerba Mate
    • Nettle Leaf
    • Lemongrass
    • Peach Powder
    • Stevia leaf

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Do the Reviews Have To Say About Skinny Fit Detox Tea?

    We’re living in the age of the review, and let’s face it—that’s how most of us make the majority of our daily buying decisions. So what are reviewers on Amazon saying about Skinny Fit Detox Tea? This is a polarizing product. There’s almost an equal number of consumers on Amazon who gave it five stars as opposed to one star.

    We’ll start with the positive reviews.

    Some of the things people who gave it five stars noted include:

    • “I’ve always had a problem with bloating, but this has gotten rid of my bloating in just a couple of days.”
    • “It’s been a week, and I’ve already lost a few pounds.”
    • “This detox tea is a great way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle.”
    • “Works on bloat.”
    • “I’ve been drinking this in the morning instead of my regular coffee, and it has energized me without the crash.”
    • “I have a lot more energy, and I feel good about myself.”

    positive review of skinny fit detox tea on amazon

    5 star review of skinny fit detox tea on amazon

    So, next for the bad. What do reviewers who gave the product one star have to say?

    Some quotes from customers on Amazon include:

    • “I finished the whole bag, and it didn’t do anything to me at all, haven’t lost any weight and not helping with my bloat.”
    • “Do not waste your money. Product doesn’t work, too expensive for a tea.”
    • “This product was very disappointing.”
    • “Total scam, they even deleted me on Facebook.”
    • “Biggest waste of money.”
    • “After using the product for almost one month, I did not notice ANY difference.”

    Youtube Reviews

    There is no shortage of YouTube reviews floating around out there for every tea product on the market including Skinny Fit’s detox tea. One reviewer who hosts Andrea’s Kitchen created a pretty in-depth video, where she says she enjoys the product.

    According to her review, she’s used it for around three weeks at the point she shares her results, and she’s experienced energy without a crash, and what she describes as a “nice clean feeling.”

    How Do I Use It?

    The instructions for Skinny Fit Detox tea include having it each morning about 30 minutes before eating breakfast. Users should pour eight ounces of water that’s just come to a boil over a single tea bag, and let it steep five to seven minutes. Users can also have a second cup later in the day if they choose, such as before working out.

    It’s meant to be a daily drink, and according to the makers, the effects are best when it’s used consistently.

    Along with using it as instructed, the Skinny Fit company recommends eating a healthy diet while using it.

    Does It Contain Caffeine?

    Skinny Fit detox tea does contain caffeine. It contains 1.798 mg of caffeine per tea bag. This is compared to a cup of green or black tea, which can have 30 to 50 mg of caffeine, or a cup of coffee, which can have 95 mg of caffeine per cup.

    caffeine content per beverage
    Caffeine content per common beverages. Image courtesy of

    Are There Any Side Effects?

    One of the primary side effects that people experience with tea detox products is diarrhea, and the uncontrollable need to go to the bathroom. Since Skinny Fit doesn’t contain senna, this isn’t likely to be a side effect of this product.

    There is the potential for this tea to cause you to feel jittery, or to have higher blood pressure levels than normal, but this can happen with any tea or product containing caffeine. Another possible side effect of this product is gastrointestinal discomfort, but again if you’re drinking a lot of pretty much anything, this can be a side effect. Examples of gastrointestinal discomfort can include gas and flatulence. You may experience nausea as well, and this is something people experience with green tea alone.

    Some users say they experienced side effects after stopping the tea. For example, one person on Amazon said that she ran out and then started having stomach burning, bloating, excessive gas and general discomfort after she stopped using it.

    Is It Suitable For Both Men and Women?

    According to the makers of Skinny Fit detox tea, anyone who wants a healthier lifestyle can use it. It can be used by men or women, although the marketing is directed primarily at women.

    How Does It Taste?

    Asking how Skinny Fit Detox Tea tastes is subjective, but for the most part, users seem to think it has a good taste. Even people who say it did not affect them regarding things like weight loss do note that they found the taste to be pleasant.

    Will It Help Me Go to the Bathroom?

    As we touched on earlier, a lot of the tea products on the market have laxative ingredients in them. This can make people feel like the product is working, or like they’re losing weight or bloat, but it can also cause complications like diarrhea.

    Skinny Fit doesn’t have a laxative in it, including the natural laxative senna. It shouldn’t make a drastic change in your routine as far as going to the bathroom, but you could notice some increases in bathroom visits just because you’re adding more liquids to your diet. The green tea and some of the other ingredients can stimulate the gastrointestinal system a bit as well.

    Is It Safe?

    For the most part, Skinny Fit Detox Tea is probably safe, although anyone using it should speak to their healthcare provider first. Also, when you’re using this tea or any other tea product, it’s important to eat, drink enough water and maintain a diet that’s healthy. One of the biggest risks with a lot of tea detox products is that people will stop eating or drinking on them altogether in an attempt to lose weight quickly. That can cause serious health effects. Skinny Fit Detox Tea doesn’t recommend that users do this, but instead the company recommends eating a healthy diet.

    If someone is pregnant, breastfeeding, or under the age of 18, they shouldn’t use this product without consulting a healthcare provider. The same is true of people with pre-existing health conditions.

    Where Can I Buy Skinny Fit Detox Tea?

    If you decided it’s worth giving Skinny Fit Detox Tea a try, where can you buy it? Most people go directly to the manufacturer’s website. They offer this particular tea blend along with some of their others, and you can make a one-time purchase for $69.95 (it’s an expensive tea). There’s also an option to subscribe, and that brings the price down to $59.95. However, if you do subscribe, some people complain that it’s very difficult to then cancel that subscription.

    There are terms and conditions listed on the site regarding subscribing to receive the product monthly and be automatically charged, so if you’re thinking about going with this option, read the fine print. If you want to cancel a subscription you’re supposed to do so 24 hours before your next bag of tea would ship out. To cancel, the company tells customers to call 1-888-862-1758 or email them at

    You can also buy it on Amazon or Walmart’s website, however right now both seem to be out of stock of the product.

    As far as guarantees, Skinny Fit doesn’t make any. They don’t issue refunds for someone not experiencing the desired results of the product. However, they tell customers to email them if they do not see effects and they may be able to offer them tips. After an order is shipped, there are no refunds, returns or exchanges.


    Okay, so here we have it—what are our final thoughts? Skinny Fit Detox Tea has ingredients that individually may help you feel less bloated, help you lose water weight, or provide you with more energy. If you watch your diet while using it, you may also lose weight. However, there are no guarantees.

    The people who seem to have the most benefits at least as far as weight loss from using SkinnyTea seemed to have paired it with a healthy diet and exercise.

    It’s an expensive product, and you’re probably best off if you try one bag before subscribing, since there isn’t a money-back guarantee. SkinnyFit Detox Tea may be a better tea option than some of the other similar products since it doesn’t contain a laxative, but as with anything like this, consult with your doctor before trying it.

    Have You Used Skinny Fit Detox Tea?  Leave Your Review Below!

    Reseña Testo Ultra– 5 GRANES razones para no usarlo

    Testo Ultra es un suplemento potenciador masculino relativamente nuevo que busca posicionarse como la solución para todo hombre que quiera tener un desempeño como si se hubiere tomado una pequeña píldora azul, pero sin el costo y la molestia adicional de tener que ir al doctor, obtener una receta médica y preocuparse si es o no cubierto por su seguro médico.

    Comenta que cuando usted use Testo Ultra su libido crecerá exponencialmente, teniendo erecciones más duras que incluso cuando usted era un adolescente, pudiendo durar en el acto todo el tiempo que una mujer desee, todo para darle la confianza de saber que usted es exactamente lo que una mujer necesita para que le satisfagan.

    El sitio web de Testo Ultra definitivamente no se guarda nada y le dice exactamente cómo usted puede beneficiarse al tomar el producto.

    Habla mucho sobre todo el sexo que usted podrá tener una vez que tenga el efecto de su gran poder potenciador.

    Todo eso suena muy bien, pero nos preocupan más los resultados posibles que el marketing que hace alguien que quiere vender un producto, por lo que decidimos dar un vistazo más de cerca sobre cosas como sus ingredientes, estudios clínicos, retroalimentación de los clientes y su valor general.

    Queríamos saber si Testo Ultra funciona o si es solamente una estafa.

    Haga clic aquí para leer esta publicación en inglés

    Como funciona Testo Ultra

    testo ultra resenaHay dos formas en las que Testo Ultra promete mejorar su vida sexual.

    Primero, contiene afrodisiacos para mejorar su libido, y mientras más tenga, más listo estará para que el resto de sus mecanismos sexuales se activen.

    El mecanismo más importante es, desde luego, el flujo sanguíneo hacia sus genitales.

    Algunos de los ingredientes en Testo Ultra mejoran la forma en que esto sucede, permitiendo que más sangre fluya hacia el cuerpo cavernoso, que son las cámaras en el pene que reciben el flujo de sangre cuando usted se excita y obtiene una erección.

    Testo Ultra incrementa el flujo sanguíneo y permite que el cuerpo cavernoso acepte más sangre, brindándole erecciones más grandes y fuertes que duran más tiempo.

    Otro beneficio que afirman es que usted, con el paso del tiempo, al poder aceptar un mayor flujo sanguíneo para mejores erecciones, esto forzará a su tejido a crecer para poder aceptar más sangre, lo cual eventualmente le permitirá tener un crecimiento permanente en su pene.

    Muchos productos afirman brindar este beneficio.

    Por desgracia, la ciencia no apoya esta afirmación, y aunque hubiere algún beneficio de crecimiento con este tipo de mecanismo, el mismo sería a lo mucho mínimo.

    Ingredientes de Testo Ultra

    Ya hemos mencionado como el sitio web de Testo Ultra habla a detalle sobre los beneficios que supuestamente brinda, pero no podemos decir lo mismo sobre la fórmula del producto.

    donde comprar testo ultra en mexico

    No proporciona una lista complete de ingredientes ni menciona la cantidad que se usa de los ingredientes individuales.

    Esto es lo que sí conocemos. La fórmula contiene:

    Proviene de Brasil y puede incrementar el flujo sanguíneo a los genitales para producir mejores erecciones que son más fuertes y más duraderas.

    De hecho funciona de forma similar al ingrediente activo en el Viagra.

    También funciona como afrodisiaco para incrementar su libido.

    • Tongkat Alique usualmente se utiliza para potenciar la testosterona libre.

    Logra esto al inhibir la acción de la  Globulina Fijadora de Hormonas Sexuales (SHBG).

    La SHBG se fija a las moléculas de testosterona libre, lo cual hace que dejen de ser libres.

    Una vez fijadas, son en sí inútiles y no pueden ser utilizadas por su cuerpo.

    El Tongkat Ali bloquea la actividad de la SHBG, por lo que más testosterona permanece libre para ser usada.

    • Serenoaque mejora la libido y ayudan a tener una próstata sana.
    • Ortigaque también actúa para tener una próstata sana y también puede incrementar los niveles de testosterona al inhibir la conversión de testosterona en estrógeno. Normalmente la testosterona en exceso se convierte en estrógeno, pero la ortiga interfiere con el proceso para que más testosterona permanezca como testosterona.

    Esta es toda la información en línea sobre los ingredientes del producto, aunque seguramente hay más elementos en esta fórmula.

    Cómo tomarlo

    La dosis recomendada es de 2 tabletas tomadas una vez diaria.

    Para un empuje extra cuando lo necesite, puede tomar una píldora extra alrededor de 30 minutos antes de tener sexo.

    ¿Tiene algún efecto secundario?

    Los fabricantes de Testo Ultra dicen que no hay efectos secundarios reportados por usuarios saludables, pero los niños, las mujeres embarazadas y las mujeres que están amamantando, o cualquier persona con alguna condición (en especial una que requiera de algún medicamento),  no deben usar el producto a no ser que le sea autorizado por su médico.

    Estudios clínicos

    Aunque usted pudo observar algunos estudios cuando mencionamos los ingredientes de la fórmula, estos son estudios sobre los ingredientes en sí y no sobre la fórmula de este producto.

    Estos estudios bien pueden ser informativos, pero no cuentan toda la historia.

    1. En primer lugar, el ingrediente es tomado por si solo o bajo circunstancias controladas para el estudio, por lo que los resultados pueden ser muy diferentes cuando se usa como parte de una fórmula más amplia.
    2. En segundo lugar, Testo Ultra no revela la dosis en la que se usan los ingredientes en la fórmula, por lo que no podemos comparar los resultados de la prueba a lo que usted obtendrá de la fórmula como tal.

    Lo que sería útil es un estudio sobre el suplemento, pero esto rara vez se lleva a cabo.

    Testo Ultra afirma que se llevó a cabo un estudio.

    testo ultra mexico

    El problema es que no proporcionan nada de información más allá del “hecho” de que involucró a “expertos” y a más de 4,000 hombres. Incluso los supuestos resultados del mismo son un tanto ambiguos pues afirman que “verificó un incremento en el poder y deseo sexual”.

    Buscamos en el sitio web del producto y realizamos búsquedas en Google para tratar de encontrar el estudio o alguna referencia válida al mismo, pero no pudimos encontrar algo.

    ¿Quién fabrica Testo Ultra?

    Testo Ultra es fabricado por una compañía llamad BioTrim Labs, quien también fabrica otros suplementos.

    Incluso hemos reseñado algunos de ellos y puede leer más sobre ellos en las ligas de abajo:

    Brain Plus IQ

    Anabolic Rx24

    BioTrim Labs se ubica en Lake City, Utah.

    Yo revisé la compañía en el sitio web del Better Business Bureau, y lo que encontré no fue bueno:

    testo ultra bbb

    Una calificación de “F” nunca es algo bueno y, en el caso de BioTrim Labs, es debido a las quejas que ha recibido el BBB sobre la compañía. De acuerdo con el sitio web, ha habido 15 quejas en contra y la compañía solamente ha dado respuesta  dos de ellas. Usualmente el Better Business Bureau es muy generoso con las compañías que trabajan con sus clientes para resolver cualquier problema que pueda surgir.

    Parece ser que BioTrim Labs no es una de esas compañías.

    Las quejas se dividen en problemas de cobros y entrega y el funcionamiento de sus productos.

    Abajo está el ejemplo de la transcripción de una queja que menciona un par de los problemas de los que están quejando sus clientes, y parece ser en específico sobre Testo Ultra y no de otros productos de BioTrim Labs:

    Problemas de Cobro


    Estoy muy enojado sobre cómo opera esta compañía. Primero, usaron el mensaje de email de una amiga para promocionar el producto. Yo llamé a mi amiga y ella no sabía nada sobre el producto. Ellos literalmente robaron su dirección de email de mi lista de contactos. Aun así decidí comprar el producto en línea a un precio de $29 y ellos cobraron $72 en mi tarjeta de crédito, incluyendo productos adicionales que yo no ordené. Yo pedí que cancelaren mi orden y subscripción a productos adicionales, pero se rehusaron a hacerlo. Ahora me van a enviar productos y me dijeron que me iban a cobrar una cuota de manejo y envío y una cuota del 15% de reabastecimiento si regresaba el producto. Yo planeo regresar el producto por correo certificado cuando llegue aquí. Yo también enviaré todos los emails sobre BioTrim Labs a la compañía que proporcionó mi tarjeta de crédito para su Departamento de Investigación de fraudes. ¡Cualquier consejo que tengan será bienvenido! Esta compañía no debería de poder hacer negocios. Están promocionando el producto usando el rostro del Dr. Oz como si recomendará que las personas compren el producto. Me sorprende que estas prácticas comerciales sean permitidas. Siempre refieren a las personas la letra pequeña y dicen que todo es legal.

    Resolución Deseada

    Reembolso completo de $78… que sean cubiertos los costos por regresar la orden. La compañía se rehusó a cancelar la orden dentro de las 24 horas posteriores a la orden inicial y enviaron el producto de todos modos. Están solicitando que yo pague el reenvío y dijeron que tenía que ser regresado a BioTrim Labs, P.O. Box 1201 en… Singapur 118118. ¿Por qué no tendría que regresar el producto a Salt Lake City? Pagar un reenvío a Singapur me costaría una fortuna. Me dijeron que solamente reembolsarían el 85% de los $72 debido a una cuota de reabastecimiento del 15%. ¿Tengo que regresarlo a Singapur o a Salt Lake City?

    Y cuando estas quejas se presentan, BioTrim Labs no responde ni trata de arreglar las cosas.

    Reseñas de Testo Ultra

    Yo siempre revise las reseñas de los clientes de un producto en sitios como Amazon o vendedores ajenos a la compañía, pues al final eso es lo que importa para saber cómo funciona un suplemento.

    El problema con Testo Ultra y con otros productos similares, es que no son vendidos a través de terceros, por lo que no hay reseñas independientes.

    La única opción para encontrar reseñas de clientes es lo que decide publicar la compañía que fabrica y vende el producto en su sitio web, lo cual puede ser problemático pues claramente están tratando de controlar el mensaje y solamente publican lo que consideran será bueno para ellos.

    Yo investigué durante un par de días para presentar en esta reseña lo que encontré.

    Cuando comencé, estas son las reseñas que mostrada el sitio web de Testo Ultra: testo ultra funciona

    Lo raro es que mientras que Testo Ultra es promovido exclusivamente como un potenciador sexual masculino, dos de las tres reseñas hablan sobre un aumento muscular. Esto me hizo pensar sobre cómo en ocasiones se encuentra exactamente la misma reseña para productos, lo cual prueba que son falsas.

    Yo investigue más y encontré exactamente la misma reseña usando fotos diferentes para otro producto de BioTrim: AnabolicRx24.

    testo ultra comentarios

    Alguien en la página de BioTrim se debe haber dado cuenta de esto pues para el día siguiente toda la sección de reseñas había sido cambiada a esto:

    testo ultra opiniones reales

    Ahora todas las reseñas hablaban sobre una mejora en el desempeño sexual y, en base a mi investigación, parecen por lo menos solamente aparecer para Testo Ultra – por lo menos hasta ahora.

    El problema con las reseñas en el sitio web de un producto es que es difícil saber si se puede confiar en ellas.

    Las compañías pueden y usualmente solamente comparten lo que quieren y en muchos casos simplemente inventan las reseñas.

    En este caso, es muy obvio que no son reales pues usaron exactamente las mismas reseñas para dos productos diferentes.

    Es cierto que el nombre de Testo Ultra hace pensar que el producto es un potenciador de la testosterona. De hecho, la botella misma dice que es un “Potenciador de Testosterona” lo cual ayudaría a incrementar la musculatura.

    Pero todo el marketing le identifica  estrictamente como un potenciador del desempeño sexual. Algo me dice que la compañía pensó que si la compañía considera en algún momento que vendería más unidades si se considerare como un potenciador de testosterona, cambiarían el marketing sin pensarlo dos veces.

    Dónde comprarlo

    Tal vez ha escuchado de todas las estafas con “pruebas gratuitas” que hay en el mundo de los suplementos en línea.

    Si no ha leído sobre ello, revise mi artículo, Estafas con pruebas gratis de suplementos – La fea verdad para conocer más sobre ello.

    Testo Ultra no presenta una estafa con una prueba gratuita, pero eso no quiere decir que usted pueda bajar la guardia.

    Cuando hace clic a la página para ordenar en el sitio web, se le presentan algunas opciones para ordenar.

    El “Starter Package” es la cantidad más pequeña que usted puede comprar e incluye 2 botellas, equivalente a una dotación para 2 meses, a un precio de $54.95 por botella, para un total de $109.90.

    El paquete que promueven como la mejor opción se llama el “Pro Results Package”. Este incluye 6 botellas a un costo de $28.95 cada una, para un total de $173.70. También cuentan con un paquete “Pump Up Package” que es de 4 meses con un costo de  $13.95 al mes.

    La página para ordenar es un tanto ambigua sobre lo que se incluye y como se aplica la compra.

    Esto es lo que le muestran:

    Testo Ultra donde comprar en mexico

    La descripción más clara parece ser de un beneficio incluido que es el envío gratuito para su orden actual.

    Los otros dos beneficios son un tanto ambiguos.

    ¿Qué muestras gratuitas recibirá con una membresía y cada cuánto tiempo?

    Yo revisé los Términos y Condiciones para obtener más información, pero la Membresía Premier no es mencionada para nada.

    Eso no es una buena señal.

    El documento, sin embargo, menciona que al realizar su compra, se está registrando par su programa de cobro automático mensual y que estará recibiendo una dotación  nueva cada mes al mismo precio de su pago inicial.

    Esto es un gran problema.

    Suena igual a una estafa con una prueba gratis, excepto que ni siquiera se molestan en presentar una prueba gratis durante 14 días.

    Y si usted ordena una dotación para 6 meses, ¿entonces le mandarán más botellas el siguiente mes aunque se supone que usted no necesitará más botellas hasta dentro de 6 meses?

    Estas son preguntas que no tienen respuestas en el documento.

    Además, al igual que las estafas con prueba gratis, a usted se le registra por default.

    La mayoría de los clientes ni siquiera saben que se están registrando para algo hasta que se dan cuenta de que la tienen esa transacción en su tarjeta de crédito o en su estado de cuenta bancario

    Pros y Contras de Testo Ultra

    Ventajas de Testo Ultra

    • Si usted piensa en alguna, no dude en hacérmelo saber.

    Desventajas de Testo Ultra

    • Dicen que es un potenciador de la testosterona, pero las descripciones de los beneficios son todas sobre una mejora en el desempeño sexual, particularmente en el flujo sanguíneo para mejores erecciones.

    Mejores erecciones en verdad son un beneficio de un aumento en la testosterona, pero es solamente uno de varios.

    • No se muestra toda la lista de ingredientes, ni la cantidad incluida de cada ingrediente.
    • No hay reseñas independientes sobre lo que los clientes están diciendo del producto, por lo que usted no podrá saber si Testo Ultra le ha funcionado o no a quienes le han comprado.
    • BioTrim Labs, la compañía que lo fabrica, tiene una pésima reputación por brindar productos y servicios malos.
    • Al realizar una orden, usted es registrado de forma automática para cobros mensuales, y no es claro si esto incluye botellas adicionales.


    Testo Ultra es otro producto de BioTrim Labs en una larga lista de suplementos mediocres con términos engañosos.

    Por todo lo antes mencionado, yo no puedo recomendarlo pues usted perderá su tiempo y dinero con este producto.

    ¿Ha probado Testo Ultra? ¡Deje su reseña abajo!  

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    Performix SST V2X Review

    Performix SST V2X Overview

    At one point we reviewed one of the more popular weight loss products on the market—Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic.

    Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic Review

    The product’s makers claim it will help you burn fat, while improving energy and focus. It’s a popular option in the bodybuilding community because it helps competitors get as cut as possible, at least based on the claims surrounding the product.

    Performix SST is unique in that it features something called Terra extended-release technology. The active ingredients are released over time, theoretically.

    With that being said, we were interested when we heard about a newer version of the product, Performix SST V2X. This product takes some of the elements of the popular original supplement and builds on them, but there are differences as well.

    performix sst v2x review

    So what’s to know, and is Performix SSST V2X living up to the hype of its predecessor?

    What Is Performix SST V2X?

    Performix SST V2X is a new take on the original Performix thermogenic. It’s described as a formula that will dramatically boost energy. The objective of this product, based on the ingredient formulation, is to promote thermogenesis and stimulate the burning of calories, along with giving you more energy.

    Instructions for Performix SST V2X indicate it should be used along with a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

    The reported Performix SST V2X benefits include:

    • Terra Time-Release Technology is designed to continue the stimulant effects of this supplement throughout multiple phases, ensuring ongoing benefits.
    • The product aims to boost the metabolism of users to help burn fat and lead to the development of lean muscle.
    • Performix SST V2X may help improve cognition and alertness because of certain ingredients like caffeine and Teacrine. The goal is an increase in energy in a smooth, sustained way.

    Some of the main, active ingredients in Performix SST V2X include:

    • Caffeine Anhydrous
    • P-Synephrine
    • Yohimbine HCL
    • BioPerine Black Pepper Extract
    • Medium Chain Triglycerides
    • Safflower Extract
    • D-Limonene

    Here’s a snapshot of the label:

    performix sst v2x ingredients label

    Performix SST V2X Works In 4 Phases:

    Phase 1

    Caffeine provides mental stimulation, and physical stimulation as well. This ingredient can help prevent fatigue and ensure that the user continues to work out with plenty of energy. Mental clarity and focus can be improved during phase 2 as well.

    Phase 2

    There is a release of the p-Synephrine, which is also referred to as bitter orange. Bitter orange is like a less powerful version of the diet drug ephedrine. P-Synephrine is supposed to help boost energy and metabolism, and improve weight loss.

    Phase 3

    Ingredients including yohimbine and Bioperine are activated. These ingredients can help improve aerobic performance. BioPerine is often included in supplements as a way to help other ingredients be more readily absorbed in the body.

    Phase 4

    The proprietary oil blend found in Performix SST V2X are supposed to start taking effect. Medium chain triglycerides, safflower extract, and d-limonene are all types of oils that are used in this product, and they may help burn fat.

    On the ingredients label for Performix SST V2X, the last three ingredients listed above that are the oils are described as the “Performix SST Oil Diffusion Carrier Mix.”

    All of the active ingredients are encased in a special shell, which is how they’re released over time.

    The appeal of extended release supplements is that you get a more subtle yet longer acting flow of the active ingredients into your body and bloodstream throughout the day.

    What Do the Reviews Say About Performix SST V2X?

    Much like the previous Performix version, reviews tend to be polarized for this product. People tend to say it’s great, or they didn’t like it at all.

    Reviews on the official Performix Website

    On the Performix website, some users say it’s a great product and the best of the SST thermogenics.  However, they also correctly point out that you need to also watch your diet and exercise if you want to see the best results.

    performix sst v2x positive review

    Another user on the Performix website pointed out that they have followed instructions, and they haven’t had any positive benefits. They report having adverse side effects, however. These, according to this reviewer, include feeling nauseous, jittery, unfocused and more tired than usual in the gym.

    performix sst v2x negative review

    I actually applaud the makers of Performix for allowing this review to actually stay up.

    I can’t tell you how many companies I’ve reviewed that blatantly remove reviews like this in an effort to trick you into thinking their product works for everyone!

    Reviews on the GNC Website

    On the GNC website, Performix SST V2X has an overall rating of four out of five stars. Many of the reviewers had favorable and positive things to say about the product including that it worked as it said it did, and that it improved their energy. Some buyers did say it was expensive, but that they felt it was worth it to them.

    Specific things cited on the GNC site from reviewers that were positive included:

    • Fast weight loss
    • Significantly improved energy levels
    • Most effective energy supplement taken
    • Good for losing weight without having to significantly increase exercise levels

    Here’s a snapshot of a few of them:

    performix sst v2x gnc positive reviews

    Of course, as was touched on already, this is a product where people either seem to rave it about it and think it’s amazing or they hate it.

    Negative things highlighted in GNC reviews include that it isn’t effective, or that it creates uncomfortable side effects such as muscle spasms or severe headaches.

    performix sst v2x headaches

    Some users do describe it as a waste of money.

    is performix sst v2x worth it

    Some reviewers also said they liked the original formulation of the product better than this one.

    Even for people who really like this product, the high price tag and high caffeine content is frequently cited as a drawback.

    performix sst v2x caffeine content

    Reviews on Amazon

    The breakdown of the reviews on Amazon for Performix SST V2X are pretty similar to reviews other places.

    For example, it has 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Around 64 percent of the reviews on Amazon are five-star.

    average rating of performix sst v2x on Amazon

    The following are some of the highlights from the five-star Amazon reviews:

    • The product is very effective, but some users do highlight the importance of following instructions, both for effectiveness and to prevent side effects like nausea and vomiting
    • Good pump at the gym along with a significant energy increase without a subsequent crash
    • Good for weight loss
    • Improves mental clarity

    Now for the negative Amazon reviews:

    • Some users said they gained weight while using the supplement
    • The biggest complaint is not noticing any effects
    • Side effects occur, such as the nauseousness mentioned in other reviews, as well as extreme sweating
    • Inconsistency in the potency of tablets in a single bottle

    negative reviews of performix sst v2x on amazon

    There are also YouTube reviews on the product, and one, in particular, gives a bit more of an in-depth overview of what it’s like to take this product.


    The reviewer says that some of the things she likes about Performix SST V2X are that it gives her an immediate rush and boost of energy, or at least within 10 minutes after taking it.

    She said that she also likes it only has to be taken once a day.

    Related Article:  11 Best Female Fat Burners

    According to this same YouTube reviewer, the two downsides in her opinion are the fact that it’s expensive, and it can cause excessive sweating.

    Performix SST V2X FAQs

    How Do I Take Preformix SST V2X?

    According to the instructions on the product label, Performix SST V2X should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

    performix sst v2x directions

    The standard serving is two capsules. However, the manufacturers recommend taking one capsule to start, to see how they react to it.

    Then, if the user doesn’t experience any serious or negative side effects, they can move up to two capsules, taken once a day.

    Performix shouldn’t be used with other caffeine-containing products or stimulants, and it shouldn’t be used any sooner than six hours before someone plans to go to bed.

    What Are the Differences Between Performix SST and Performix SST V2X?

    The overall way that the two products work are similar to one another, but there are a few differences.

    performix sst vs sst v2x

    The original Performix has some different ingredients than the original version. For example, you won’t see niacin and cayenne pepper in SST V2X. Other ingredients that are in SST and not SST V2X also include Sensoril Ashwagandha, Huperzine A, and Mucuna pruiens.

    Newly added ingredients in SST V2X not in SST include something called evodiamine, the p-Synephrine, rosemary extract, and the D-limonene or orange peel extract. For the most part, the ingredients added to the newest version of this supplement are more powerful, and there’s also more caffeine.

    Beyond that, the biggest ingredient difference is the fact that SST V2X has p-Synephrine, which is believed to be a powerful fat burner.

    Another difference you’ll see is in the price. For 120 capsules of the original SST, the price on the manufacturer’s website is $109.99 before factoring in shipping and taxes. For a 120 capsule bottle of SST V2X, the price is 128.99, before taxes and shipping.

    Overall, most users agree SST V2X is a more potent product, and it has more intensity regarding the increased energy levels it delivers.

    Are There Side Effects and Is It Safe?

    When we talk about research related to SST V2X, we’re talking about research that’s been done on individual ingredients. The specific formulation behind SST V2X isn’t approved by the FDA, although this is common with dietary supplements.

    If we want to look at possible side effects and safety risks, you have to simply rely on what’s available for each ingredient as well as consumer reviews and reports. For the most part, SST V2X seems to be fairly safe.

    However, some side effects are possible.

    performix side effects

    The side effects of SST V2X are pretty standard with most stimulant dietary supplements. For example, people report feeling jittery, nauseous, or sweating more than normal. Some people say they have side effects like a headache and sleep disturbances as well.

    High blood pressure and digestive problems may occur with the use of SST V2X, especially because of the ingredient yohimbine. Since p-Synephrine is related to ephedrine, there can serious side effects related to this ingredient also.

    If you’ve ever had blood pressure or cardiovascular problems in the past, you might be cautious about using this supplement.

    Can Women use Performix SST V2X?

    There’s no reason women can’t use Performix SST V2X. The manufacturers of the product do have some products geared toward men specifically, but this isn’t one of them.

    Can I Take Preformix SST V2X with Alcohol?

    It’s not recommended you mix this supplement with alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant, while Performix is a stimulant. Combining the two can heighten the side effects of both, and can increase the likelihood of adverse effects like nausea and vomiting, headaches, or dizziness.

    Where Can You Buy Preformix SST V2X?

    There are various options if you want to buy Preformix SST V2X. You can go directly to the Performix website, where they offer the option to make a one-time purchase, or subscribe for monthly delivery and save 10 percent. You can order either a 60-count bottle or a 120-count bottle. On the Performix website, there is free shipping, and they have a 30-day return policy. content/uploads/2018/06/canva photo editor

    You can purchase Preformix SST V2X on Amazon from different retailers. It does seem to be significantly cheaper on Amazon. Some retailers have a 60-count bottle for less than $40 and a 120-count bottle for less than $80. If you order from Amazon, you can subscribe and save either 5 percent or 15 percent, depending on the plan you choose. You also get free shipping if you’re a prime member, and it can be automatically delivered to your home every month if you choose.

    If you buy from GNC, you can get 60 capsules for $75.99, although it’s currently sold out. When the product is back in stock, free shipping is available through GNC for orders of more than $49. As with the other retailers, you can set up an auto delivery plan and save 10 percent. content/uploads/2018/06/canva photo editor


    So—what’s the consensus? Is Preformix SST V2X good, or not so much?

    Based on our research and the number of positive reviews, there’s a good chance you can see results from using it. If nothing else, most people who use it say they have increased energy levels and mental clarity. There are quite a few reviews out there that also talk about some pretty significant weight loss.

    You may experience some symptoms, but from what we can tell it’s probably not going to be much more than you would any other stimulant.

    It’s not cheap, but if you’re willing to spend the money, you may see that it works well.

    Sometimes, you have to take a bit of  a gamble when it comes to supplements as one may work great for one person and be a total dud for another as we are all different.

    I must say that all the time now in the world of male enhancement supplements, yohimbe is being pointed at as being a severely dangerous and even potentially deadly ingredient that some are saying should be avoided, despite its presence in countless similar products.

    Have you used Preformix SST V2X?

    Leave your review below

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    #1 Rated - Instant Knockout

    Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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    Supreme Alpha For Her Review

    Supreme Alpha For Her Overview

    It is almost impossible to research supplements online without being plagued with images of unrealistic physiques.

    Every guy has a “8 pack” and massive shoulders, while the ladies have perfect rounded glutes and pinched waistlines.

    female abs
    via GIPHY

    Can you really look like that just from taking a few pills?

    In many cases, the shortest answer is “no”.

    But that’s not to say that there are not genuinely effective supplements out there that do provide results.

    It is just a case of finding the right ones. Those that are serious about their ingredients, realistic about the weight loss process and have science backing them up.

    Supreme Alpha For Her is a weight loss and fat burning supplement that is created specifically for the female market.

    supreme alpha for her review

    It claims to help you lose weight and cut fat by:

    • Boosting metabolic rate
    • Elevating fat burn
    • Reducing appetite
    • Improving energy and mood

    So, can this supplement really help you change your body for the better?

    Let’s take a closer look and find out.

    1.  Supreme Alpha For Her Benefits

    Supreme Alpha For Her is manufactured for the female body.


    Women and men have different requirements when it comes to fitness and a lean physique.

    That is just a fact of life.

    Supreme Alpha For Her allegedly works alongside and in balance with female biology, helping ladies carve the body of their dreams.

    It does this by:

    • Boosting the metabolic rate and calorie expenditure.
    • Increasing fat burning levels
    • Elevating energy to improve your workouts
    • Decreasing your appetite and curbing sweet cravings
    • Helping to preserve and build lean muscle
    • Protecting against low mood

    Well. At least this is what Supreme Alpha For Her claims it can do.

    If we have any chance of discovering the truth, we need to examine the ingredients ourselves.

    2.  Supreme Alpha For Her Ingredients

    The Supreme Alpha For Her Label splits the ingredients into two sections.

    Here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

    supreme alpha for her ingredients label

    At the top, they list the ingredients ‘Biotin’ and ‘Chromium’, alongside their respective dosages.

    Underneath, they then list the ingredients in their ‘proprietary blend’.

    Proprietary blends are always a disappointment.

    If you are not sure what they are, proprietary blends give an overall dosage, but do not disclose how much of each ingredient in the blend is used.

    This means that reviewers like us and customers like you, find it pretty hard to determine how powerful the formula really is.

    Although, at least they have listed the ingredients. The worst pills don’t even do that.

    So, let’s have a look at each ingredient in turn to see what it can do for you.

    Supreme Alpha For Her formula includes:

    Chromium (100mcg)

    Chromium is an element that is found in numerous other weight loss supplements and fat burners, including Instant Knockout and Lean Bean.

    It’s particularly useful for weight loss in a couple of ways.

    1. It is a key player in the management and regulation of levels of insulin in our bodies.

    This is important for maintaining balanced blood sugar levels; thus preventing diabetes, sustaining energy and also controlling food cravings.

    2.  Chromium is believed to help lower cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood stream.

    Biotin (5000mcg)

    Biotin is a type of B vitamin, otherwise known as ‘vitamin B7’.

    It is used in the process of converting food and nutrients into a usable form of fuel for bodily functions.

    If we fail to consume enough biotin, we can suffer from dips in our energy levels and potential metabolic issues which can lead to weight gain.

    Biotin is also important for the breakdown and application of glucose, which helps to keep sugar levels under control and prevent unhealthy imbalances.

    However, considering this is one of only two ingredients that we know the concentration of – we are pretty disappointed to see biotin in the ingredients list.

    It is extremely rare that you would not get enough biotin from your regular diet, even if you were not eating especially healthy choices.

    For this reason, we feel that the inclusion of biotin doesn’t add much value.


    L-carnitine is a form of amino acid usually associated with bodybuilding supplements.

    It helps to raise energy levels and cut body fat by bringing fatty acids to the cells that burn them up for fuel.

    L-carnitine therefore enhances the rate and proportion of fat that your body uses when manufacturing energy.

    Furthermore, l-carnitine helps to protect lean muscle mass from being used as a fuel source during exercise.

    Citrus Aurantium

    Citrus aurantium is the more formal name for what is more often referred to as ‘bitter orange’.

    This ingredient is used in weight loss pills because it contains a chemical called ‘ synephrine’.

    This chemical is similar in molecular structure and function to ‘ephedrine’, a banned stimulating substance.

    Synephrine raises the metabolic rate, resulting in a higher calorie burn at rest.

    Caffeine Anhydrous

    Probably the greatest known stimulant, widely consumed on a daily basis, caffeine is also a useful weight loss ingredient.

    Unsurprisingly, it assists in the increase of energy levels, keeping you going through the day.

    Caffeine also elevates the metabolism and can help boost the rate of fat burning.


    Cocoa is the raw, unprocessed powder that comes from the ‘cacao tree’.

    In this form, it is not loaded with any of the fats or sugars that you find in chocolate. All that bad stuff is added later.

    Cocoa contains a chemical called ‘theobromine’. This is what gives dark chocolate a bitter taste.

    Theobromine is a stimulant much like caffeine. It works to raise the metabolism and boost focus and concentration.

    Whilst there is some evidence that cocoa can help with weight loss, we feel it is more of a ‘fad’ ingredient.

    There has not been many human scientific trials studying its effectiveness, so for that reason we think it could be replaced with a higher quality metabolism booster.

    Green Tea

    Green tea is found in almost everything nowadays.

    This power packed tea contains both metabolism boosting caffeine and antioxidants that help to diminish fat stores.

    These antioxidants are plant based compounds called ‘catechins’ and they are exclusively found in teas.

    Catechins encourage the body to burn fat stores for fuel.

    They are especially efficient at reducing the fat that is stored around the abdomen and inner organs.


    L-theanine is another kind of amino acid.

    Whilst it doesn’t help you to lose weight or burn fat, l-theanine supports the right frame of mind for a tough workout.

    It promotes stress relief and sharpens focus, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed and wanting to give up when it gets tough.

    3.  Clinical Studies

    So we have taken a look at the ingredients and claims behind their inclusion, but do they really work?

    The only way to find out is to locate official scientific research studies that have been undertaken for these ingredients.

    We started out at the top, searching for evidence that the ingredients are effective for weight loss.

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    With regard to Biotin, there is plenty of clinical evidence that supports the role it plays in energy production but not much to suggest that supplementing with it is necessary.

    I also found several studies that mentioned the effects of skin conditions in dogs of all things.

    However, nothing regarding weight loss.

    L-Carnitine has evidence that backs up its use as a performance enhancer for athletes.

    One study in particular found that 4 grams of L-Carnitine increased running speed, reduced heart rate and extended the period of time before exhaustion set in.

    Another study remarked that L-Carnitine is an effective fat burner.

    Of course, this isn’t much use to us as we don’t know how much is used in the proprietary blend.

    The effectiveness of Caffeine has been studied numerous times for its health benefits.

    We located many studies that had proven the ability of between 4 mg / kg of body weight and 8 mg / kg of body weight of caffeine to elevate the metabolism and increase fat burn. (Source)

    Again, we do not know how much caffeine is used in Supreme Alpha For Her so cannot compare with the study.

    Green Tea is another ingredient that has been extensively researched.

    We found a study that discovered 690 mg of catechins reduced body fat over a 12 week period.

    It is a shame we cannot be sure what concentration of most of the ingredients is used in this product.

    4.  Supreme Alpha For Her Reviews

    Thus far, we have examined the ingredients and discussed the availability of clinical studies that back-up their effectiveness.

    The formula looks promising, but our biggest issue has been the lack of transparency about the dosage included.

    We know we keep going on about it, but it really upsets us when we see proprietary blends.

    In our opinion, the best supplements are open about their formula and have nothing to hide.

    That said, now we must turn our attention to what the users are saying about Supreme Alpha For Her.

    We can pick apart the formula as much as we want.

    But, the most important thing is, are customers seeing results?

    We searched the internet to see what people were saying about Supreme Alpha For Her.

    Here’s what some happy customers had to say:

    “This is a great product that works well. It gives me more energy to push myself during my workouts and burn more calories.”

    “This is one of the best fat burners available. My partner lost weight using it and now I have bought some too!”

    Of course, there are some negative reviews too. These customers felt they had wasted money:

    “Based on what I had read about Supreme Alpha For Her, I was expecting awesome results. Instead, all that happened was it made me feel sick!”

    “I was excited to try Supreme Alpha For Her after reading all these great reviews, but it is complete rubbish. It had no effect at all, I am starting to think those reviews might have been fake.”

    5.  Where To Buy

    Previously, Supreme Alpha For Her could only be purchased on, although they seem to be out of stock at the moment.

    We did a little research, and it appears that Supreme Alpha are launching a new website soon, so you may be able to purchase from their new site directly once it is up and running.

    A bottle of Supreme Alpha For Her was previously priced at $34.99 on Amazon.

    6.  Supreme Alpha For Her Pros and Cons

    Advantages of Supreme Alpha For Her

    • Wide selection of ingredients in the formula
    • Includes ingredients to boost the mood and improve focus

    Disadvantages of Supreme Alpha For Her

    • Use of proprietary blend, so we cannot know how strong the formula really is.
    • Some users indicated side effects or reported that they didn’t see any results at all.

    7.  Conclusion

    It is possible that Supreme Alpha For Her could help you lose weight and cut down on fat, but the extent to which is hard to say.

    The formula uses ingredients we would expect to see in a fat burner, green tea, caffeine and l-carnitine are all popular and effective choices.

    The biggest problem with this product is the lack of information.

    How are we supposed to make a judgement on effectiveness if we are not told exactly how strong the formula is?

    In our opinion, you could see some weight loss from combining Supreme Alpha For Her with diet and exercise, but this will be mainly the result of your hard work.

    If you are looking for a fat burner that packs a punch, there are better options out there than Supreme Alpha For Her.

    Have You Used Supreme Alpha For Her?  Leave Your Review Below!

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    Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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    #3 Rated - Keto OS

    Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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