Pure For Men Review

Such is the case that some guys want to be clean, inside and out.

You know, to stay normal, regular, ready for anything and everything.

Traditionally this has meant going through the tedious ritual of douching and other prep work. But as you know, this kills any chance of spontaneity, and throws a wet blanket on a potentially raging fire.


But recently, companies have been creating and marketing innovative products that meet the demand for ’round-the-clock cleanliness for men.

And the product we’re reviewing today is easily one of the most popular in a line of products that promises to “keep your runway clear for landing.”

Ummmm. Yeah.

It’s called Pure For Men. And it comes with its fair share of BOLD claims, not to mention a strong contingency of fanboys.

Pure For Men review
Pure For Men fiber supplement. amazon.com

But what is it? How does it work? And how does it measure up to the hype?

In this review, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about Pure For Men and whether or not it’s right for you.

1.  What is Pure For Men?

Pure For Men helps men stay clean
Image: pureformen.com

The company has a super-sleek website and gets an A+ for design and branding. They market Pure For Men alongside of other products like Pure For Her, and t-shirts, hats, and other swag.

You can definitely see how it can pull you in and it definitely contributes to building trust with the product.

At first look, you’d think the product is just another fiber supplement for men who want to stay regular with their bowel movements and fortify their digestive system.

Pure For Men is not your average fiber supplement
Image: pureformen.com

They even position the product as a natural supplement for weight loss, heart health, and hangover prevention…

Pure For Men review
Image: pureformen.com

Ah, but they can’t fool us!

The messaging becomes a little less subtle the longer you spend on their site.

Pure For Men helps men stay clean
Image: pureformen.com

And that’s what this fiber supplement is all about.

It’s marketed MUCH differently than your typical run-of-the-mill, 70-somethings fiber supplement to help with constipation and passing turds.

By simply changing up the language and throwing together a sleek and sexy marketing interface, it appears to be a totally different type of supplement than it actually is.

It’s for a much younger crowd, and for a much different purpose. Here’s a sampling of Pure For Men’s target demographic…

Pure For Men users
Image: pureformen.com

Fine looking fellas.

As for the product itself, it comes in either capsule or powder form, and is meant to be taken as a daily dose. Yup, it’s a daily pill regimen of dietary fiber that’ll pass through your system and supposedly get you clean as whistle.

Pure For Men is a dietary fiber supplement that supposedly helps to clean your digestive tract
Image: pureformen.com

Here’s what the company has to say about their product, and dietary fiber in general:

Pure For Men is dietary fiber that supposedly eliminates the need for douching
Image: pureformen.com

Also, apparently Pure For Men is doctor recommended. The website proudly displays a photo of Dr. Marcus Tellez, DO, MPH. And he gives a primer on ‘Gay Sex 101’… you know, in case you’re into that sorta thing.

Pure For Men is doctor recommended
Dr. Tellez. Image: pureformen.com

But to really understand the supplement, we have to learn a bit about how it works, as well as the ingredients it contains.

2.  How does Pure For Men work?

It works like a sponge for your bum! Or so they say.

Here’s a short video I found on their website on how Pure For Men works.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIP27aU1_4g]

The video doesn’t give a whole lot of detail, so let me give you a quick rundown.

Alright, you’re going to take the pill twice daily, and the ingredients inside the capsules “swell to form a soft-but-solid mass.”

This mass then goes through your digestive tract like a street sweeper, in a sense.


The fiber binds to food particles and other miscellany in your system and acts like a sponge to clean you through and through.

According to the makers of the product, this process provides “an excellent medium to help maintain the flow of elimination and keep your runway ‘clear for landing.'”

For good measure, here’s the logistics of taking the product… but we’ll cover this in detail in a later section.

Here's how Pure For Men works
Image: pureformen.com

3.  What are the ingredients in Pure For Men?

All-natural ingredients in Pure For Men

Pure For Men contains 750 mg of pure fiber, in three main ingredients. Nothing fancy, just:

  • Chia
  • Flaxseed
  • and Psyllium Husk
Ingredients in Pure For Men
Image: pureformen.com

Cha-cha-cha-chia! It’s well-known that chia seeds are ultra-healthy and are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium (Source).

Then you’ve got the Flaxseed that’s packed with essential omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and you guessed it, fiber! (Source).

And finally, The Psyllium Husk is probably a new one for you. This guy is “a form of fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds,” and it acts as a natural laxative to ease constipation. (Source).

Ingredients found in Pure For Men fiber supplement
Image: amazon.com

So as you can see, the formula is all-natural, and fairly straightforward.

Pure For Men FAQ’s

4.  How do I take it?

Step 1: Take 2-3 capsules twice daily with a full glass of water, and remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Step 2: Take a warm shower and clean yourself as usual.

Step 3: Go into ‘play time’ with confidence.


You can take it before, during, or after meals. It really doesn’t matter, and according to the makers of Pure For Men, “either approach should deliver the same results and have little to no impact on your overall experience.”

5.  How long does it take to start working?

So how fast do you get your return on investment? Good question. And the makers of the supplement say… it depends.

It depends on your digestive system (which is quite complex) and how consistently you’re taking the pills.

Pure For Men works quickly, but it depends on your digestive system

But if you count yourself among the ‘majority’, here’s what you can expect:

“No two people have the exact same digestive system but the majority of customers report being ‘good to go’ within a day or so after they start using Pure for Men. Many regularly take 2-3 capsules with breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.”

6.  How do I know if it worked for me?

Another great question. According to the folks at Pure For Men, the proof is in the pooping, if you will. Check it out…

How to know if Pure For Men worked for you
Image: pureformen.com

7.  Are there any side effects?

It’s just fiber, so the side effects should be minimal if any.

But if you’re not drinking enough water and staying hydrated, or you take more than the recommended dose, you could be in for a few surprises…

Pure For Men side effects
Image: pureformen.com

And according to WebMD, you can add a little stomach cramping to that list…

Pure For Men side effects include stomach cramping
Image: webmd.com

8.  User reviews of Pure For Men

Alright, now the fun part.

Lots of guys have tried Pure For Men, and most of them seem to like it. I found user reviews on Amazon.com, and there’s loads of testimonials on the Pure For Men Website. But we’ll get to those last, as there’s no telling how legit they are.

So, the Pure For Men user reviews on Amazon are overwhelmingly positive. The fiber pill gets 4.3 out of 5-stars.

Positive reviews for Pure For Men fiber product

It seems to do the trick no matter your sexual orientation or the type of extracurricular activities you find yourself partaking in.

This guy is experiencing “more solid lubricated stools,” and he’s “getting less cramps and feeling more healthy all around” with Pure For Men.

Positive straight guy user review of Pure For Men
Image: Amazon.com

This next fella is really particular about keeping a clean bottom, and so he uses this product to stay squeaky clean…

Good review for Pure For Men
Image: Amazon.com

Others are less-than-satisfied with Pure For Men and not getting those regular, solid bm’s as promised…

Negative reviews for Pure For Men
Image: Amazon.com

And, as I mentioned, the product website lists hundreds of user testimonials. Of course, these reviews are going to be glowing across the board, so take ’em for what they’re worth…

Pure For Men testimonials
Image: pureformen.com

9.  Where can I buy Pure For Men?

You can buy it straight from the company’s official website.

Where to buy Pure For Men
Image: pureformen.com

But options are nice, right? You can also purchase this fiber supplement on Amazon.com and a few smaller online retailers.

The best deal by far is found on Amazon, but you’ll soon see why Amazon isn’t the best place to purchase it.

10.  How much does it cost?

On the Pure For Men website, you can get a bottle of 120 capsules for $26.99.

You can also buy it in non-capsule, powder form for $34.99. This is a good option for those who don’t enjoy taking pills, but do enjoy drinking delicious smoothies. Just stir it in and you’re good to go.

Pure For Men powder
Image: pureformen.com

The best price I found was for Amazon Prime members. They can score a bottle of 120 capsules for only $24.99, which breaks down to 21 cents a pill. Not bad. The powder form is also sold on Amazon, but it’s listed at the same price as it is on the website.

The best price for Pure For Men is on Amazon

11.  Is there a guarantee?

You’ll be glad to know Pure For Men offers a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee… IF you buy the product directly through their website.

Pure For Men offers a money-back guarantee if you buy the product through their website
Image: pureformen.com

If you buy it on Amazon or elsewhere, they will not grant the 100% satisfaction guarantee, and you must comply with that specific retailer’s return policy. Sorry Charlie.

Here’s how the refund works according to the Pure For Men’s Return Policy:

“If you are not completely satisfied with our supplements, you may return (a) one opened bottle and (b) any unopened bottles to us for a full refund within 60 days of receipt…


“You do not need a return number or authorization to send in a return but you do need to notify us by email at admin@pureformen.com with the following information:

(a) the original name of the purchaser and the ship-to address (so we can assure that the refund or replacement is handled accurately)

(b) the number of bottles being returned (opened or unopened)

(b) whether you want a refund or replacement

(c) the reasons (if any) for a refund or replacement.”

12.  Recommendations

Is Pure For Men worth it?
Image: https://www.google.com/url

This seems like a decent fiber supplement. But then again, you have to ask, what makes one fiber formula better than another. Because after all, there are boatloads of fiber products on the market, and many of them have similar ingredient profiles and promises.

Here are a few things I like about Pure For Men…

  • Their branding and messaging is on-point. They know their market and are reaching them in textbook fashion.
  • Ingredient
  • Side effects
  • Testimonials
  • The price isn’t bad
Things I like about Pure For Men
Image: youtube.com

And here’s what I don’t like…

  • You really have to load up on the supplement. I mean, 4-6 pills every day is a lot of pill-poppin’.
  • It has a simple ingredient profile, but they market it as some revolutionary concoction
  • There are fiber pills you can buy for MUCH cheaper out there

Fiber pills are cheap

But when the dust settles, I say Pure For Men is worth a shot if you want to stay clean and regular.

And if you buy through their website, you really have nothing to lose, as you can always cash in on their money-back guarantee.

Finally, if the product really does live up to the hype — which it seems like it might — then it’s probably a good bet for a clean system.

Have you tried Pure For Men? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Libido Max For Women Review

When it’s hot, it’s hot. But when it’s cold… got libido?

Low-libido affects approximately 70% of all women. Yup, 70%! Source

So if it’s an uphill battle just to get in the mood for sex, let alone enjoy sex… you are NOT alone. There are plenty of women on that boat… and many are on the hunt for a solution.

Libido Max For Women is supposed to help with low sex drive in women
Image: hgha.com

But is there a solution? Do libido-boosters really work? And if so, how do you rise above the marketing noise and find the right one for you?

All great questions!

And today, we’re gonna dive into one female sex drive enhancer in particular to see how it works, and whether or not it will work for you.

Welcome to Libido Max For Women.

Libido Max For Women Review

This isn’t just a sex pill to combat low-libido and lackluster sex. It also promises to reinvigorate your sex life through and through.

This claim sounds pretty loaded, I know, but for many women, the chance to get such great results is enough to make them jump at a product.

Whether or not it delivers on its promise is to be determined. So let’s jump right in!

What is Libido Max For Women?

Libido Max For Women sex pill review

The supplement is made by a company called Applied Nutrition.  They make a number of other products for men, including the original Libido Max and their Libido Max red version.

libido max red and the original

I’ve actually personally tested both, with mixed results.

This particular version of their product comes in liquid soft-gels, and it’s designed to be taken as a daily-dose sexual enhancer for women.

Applied Nutrition is the company that makes Libido Max For Women
Image: appliednutrition.com

Now, you might come across a product called ‘Libido Max Pink’, but it’s the same exact formula as Libido Max For Women, just slightly different packaging and branding.

The products claims to make sex more enjoyable by promoting relaxation and by providing a ‘slow-build sensation’ (who invited Barry White?). It sounds nice and all… but how?

Libido Max For women claims to enhance enjoyment, promote relaxation, and increase pleasure with a slow build sensationWell, the magic is (or isn’t!) found in the ingredient profile. So let’s have a look…

What are the ingredients in Libido Max For Women?

The all-natural ingredients found in Libido Max For Women are really nothing new… which can be a good thing. The combination of herbs and spices are found in similar female sex pills that get rave reviews.

The “Sensual Warming Blend” consists of the following active ingredients:

  • Maca Root is a natural aphrodisiac that improves sexual function in women, supports mood, and normalizes menopause symptoms (Source)
Maca Root is found in Libido Max For Women
Image: healthranks.org
  • Damiana Leaf is another aphrodisiac used for sexual stimulation and to increase energy, which is thought to help restore libido and desire (Source)
  • Sensoril Ashwagandha is an herb used for fertility problems in men and women, as well as to boost sexual desire (Source)
Ahwagandha is included in the list of ingredients for Libido Max For Women
Image: rareseeds.com
  • L-Theanine is a compound naturally found in tea and is shown to have a relaxing effect and reduces stress and anxiety (Source)
  • Asian Ginseng Extract helps to balance hormone levels in menopausal women, as well as fights stress and trauma (Source)

While the “Arousing Spice” portion of the formula helps to increase circulation and blood flow to the vagina.

Libido Max For Women contains spices to promote blood flow to the vagina
Image: tasteforlife.com

The spices include:

  • Cayenne Pepper
  • BioPerine Black Pepper Extract
  • and Ginger Extract

Overall, the formula is pretty clean, and a lot of the ingredients are shown to be effective at increasing libido and sexual pleasure in women.

While there’s nothing in the ingredient profile to really write home about, there’s also nothing to be concerned about as far as side effects go.

Libido Max For Women FAQ’s

How do I take it?

It’s a daily-dose sex pill, so you’re going to take them daily for optimal effectiveness. After all, when you invest in your sex life, you invest in YOU.


According to the packaging, women will “Take two (2) liquid soft-gels twice daily. For a more immediate response prior to intimacy, take four (4) liquid soft-gels one hour before activity.”

Yup, did you catch that? For “immediate response” take four pills before sex. I can’t say for sure what four pills will do to you, so maybe ease into it.

Libido Max For Women can be a fast acting sex pill
Image: peposevision.com

But the fact remains, Libido Max For Women claims to offer the best of both worlds: long-term libido, or rapid-response-let’s-get-it-on-libido.

How long does it take to start working?

If you daily-dose it, be patient and don’t expect results overnight. It’s a slow-acting sex pill (like HerSolution and Provestra), so it might take up to 3-months before you see real results.

Be patient when taking sex pills like Libido Max for Women
Image: about.rrofficesolutions.com

Related Article: Provestra Female Sex Enhancer Review

However, some women feel the effects within a week, and still others don’t feel any difference at all when taking it. So it all depends on how your body reacts to the pill.

Now, if you want a super-fast acting female libido and sex enhancer, have a look at our recent Vigorelle review. It’s a creme, and it does the trick. 😉


Are there any side effects?

Because Libido Max For Women contains all-natural ingredients, and in reasonable amounts, you shouldn’t experience any terrible side effects.

But with that said, one reviewer wrote:

“I took this but all it did for me was make my heart race a bit. I didn’t like the feeling. I’m not saying it doesn’t work for some people, it just didn’t for me.”

Also, WebMD says taking the ingredient Sensoril Ashwagandha in large amounts could bring on stomach problems. (Source)

Libido Max For Women contains Ashwagandha, which in large amounts could cause stomach problems

But I’m pretty sure Libido Max For Women doesn’t contain bucket-fulls of the Ashwagandha (in fact, it’s only 8% of the formula). So you should be just fine.

Finally, this female sex enhancer comes with the following warning:

Libido Max For Women usage warning
Image: appliednutrition.com

User reviews of Libido Max For Women

The user reviews for this product are all over the map. I mean, we’ve got everything from 1-star reviews to 5-star reviews, and everything in between.

Libido Max For Women user reviews
Image: walmart.com

The pills seem to help this lucky lady (a woman of many words) with getting in the sexual mood…

Positive Libido Max For Women review
Image: walmart.com

While the product seems to ‘fan the flames’ for this woman’s libido…

Another positive user review for Libido Max For Women
Image: walmart.com

But not everyone gets stellar results when taking this sex pill. Some women think it should be a tad bit stronger…

A less-than-stellar review of Libido Max For Women
Image: walmart.com

While other women think they should be MUCH stronger…

Negative user review of Libido Max For Women
Image: walmart.com

Also, I found a video review during my research. The woman is reviewing something called ‘Female Libido Max’. But since there isn’t a product by that name, I’m almost certain she’s referring to ‘Libido Max For Women’.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-kSwiQ4sEs]

She complains that she’s not getting results from the product. Maybe someone should tell her that Libido Max For Women is a slow-acting libido booster, and it takes some time to kick in. Day 2-3 lady? No wonder you’re still ‘not in the mood’.

Where can I buy it?

You can buy Libido Max For Women straight from the company’s website. Don’t be scared away if they call it ‘Libido Max Pink’. Remember, it’s the same formula.

You can also get the product at several retailers, online and off…

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/untitled design

How much is it?

Expect to pay about $22-$24 for 40 gel-caps.

Libido Max For Women costs about $22 for 40 gel caps
Image: appliednutrition.com

But keep in mind, your daily dose is 2 pills, thus 40 pills will only give you 20-days worth of libido. So realistically, you’re looking at about $30 for a one-month’s supply of Libido Max For Women.

The cheapest I found this pill is $20 for 40 gel-caps. You can get it for that price at iotcmeds.com.

Libido Max For Women is pretty inexpensive for a female libido booster
Image: iotcmeds.com

Which is not a bad deal. In fact, the going rate for a decent, all-natural female version of viagra is somewhere in the ballpark of $40-$60 per month. So $20-$30 is a steal… if it works.

Is there a guarantee?

And if it doesn’t work…? Well, you’re S.O.L. 

As far as I know, the company doesn’t stand behind this product with a guarantee of any kind.

Libido Max For Women does not have a guarantee
Image: twitchy.com

This raises a red flag in my book, as there are plenty of female libido-enhancers on the market (Like HerSolution) with generous 60-day 100% money-back guarantees. So it’s something to think about.


I’m a bit torn on giving this product my full blessings.

The ingredient profile is nothing special, but it does contain many herbs and spices that seem to help with low libido and sexual pleasure.

I also like the “immediate response” option of doubling the dose an hour before sex. But, at the same time, this ‘double-dosing’ also comes with its concerns.

The user reviews don’t inspire a whole lot of confidence. In fact, overall they make me have my doubts.


OK – but the price is right at $20 a box. I mean, that really is a good price for a sex pill. But… on the other hand, that’s $20 down the drain if it doesn’t work at all, because again, you’re up the creek without a guarantee.

Sure $20 is  not a whole lot of money, but that is $20 that could be better spend on another sexual enhancing supplement that will get your libido where it needs to be as promised unlike this one.

These are all things to weigh and decide if it’s worth it for you.

I say your money is better spent elsewhere, on products that we’ve found to really deliver on their promises.

Have you tried Libido Max For Women before? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lipo 6 Black Hers Review

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate Overview

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is an extreme fat loss supplement that is targeted towards the female market.

lipo 6 black hers reviews

We’ve actually already reviewed their flagship product, a male fat burner called Lipo 6 Black.

The manufacturers, Nutrex, claim that it is the most potent product that they have ever created – so powerful that users must never take more than one pill a day.

It is important to note, that this supplement is a newer, and apparently more intense product than its popular predecessor, the original “Lipo 6 Black Hers”.

The new version is supposedly so concentrated, that we are advised to use “extreme caution” when using.

A statement like that is guaranteed to pique our interest.

So, with all the hype surrounding this supplement, we just had to find out whether it really is as powerful as we are told it is.

What Is Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is the latest and strongest version of the original Lipo 6 Black Hers.

This new formula utilizes a blend of extreme metabolism boosting ingredients in a liquid formula, helping women shed fat fast.

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate says it uses specific ingredients that encourage intensive thermogenic action to achieve incredible results.

They claim that the full benefits of Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate are:

  • Rapid fat loss
  • Increased, long-lasting energy
  • Sharper mental alertness

As we know well, the backbone of all supplements lies with their ingredient list.

So let’s dive in and find out whether the ingredients can really backup these extreme claims.

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate Ingredients:

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate includes the following active ingredients:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic Acid
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Theobromine Anhydrous
  • Citrus Aurantium
  • Yohimbine
  • Rauwolscine

Here’s what the label looks like:

lipo 6 black hers ingredients label

The first point that immediately leaps out at us is the use of a proprietary blend for the “Ultra Concentrated Fat Loss Support Complex”.

Proprietary blends are always a disappointment, as they make an informed judgement regarding a product’s effectiveness very difficult.

However, we are given the quantities of folic acid and vitamin b12 that are used.

This is an unusual choice, as those ingredients are very unlikely to be the reason that someone would purchase this product.

While we cannot know the exact concentrations used in the “Ultra Concentrated Fat Loss Support Complex”, we can still investigate the general benefits attributed to each ingredient.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in many of the foods we eat.

It is necessary for the adequate absorption of nutrition from the diet. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can negatively affect energy levels due to a lack of nutrition.

This vitamin is also beneficial in maintaining a correct hormonal balance, which is essential to keeping a normal metabolic rate.

Folic acid (Folate)

Required for healthy nervous system, and especially important for women of childbearing age to prevent birth defects.

While it is true that women need more folic acid than men – this ingredient has no effect upon weight loss or fat burning whatsoever.

In our opinion, it is simply included to help justify being female specific.

Caffeine anhydrous

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that many people will consume in some form on a daily basis.

It works to increase energy levels and stamina by inhibiting the part of the brain that is responsible for the feeling of sleepiness and fatigue.

This action also contributes to a boost in metabolism, encouraging the body to burn through more calories and fat to supply the required amount of energy.

Some people can react negatively to caffeine if they are very sensitive to its effects.

In fact, the warning label states that Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate contains 200 mg of caffeine per serving.

In our opinion this is far too high a dose for a female supplement.  To put it in perspective, a typical cup of coffee contains about 150 mg.

caffeine content per beverage
Caffeine content per common beverages. Image courtesy of Tealife.com.

Theobromine anhydrous

Theobromine is a stimulant found in chocolate that has similar effects to caffeine.

However, scientific research has found that the benefits of theobromine last longer and with less unpleasant side effects than caffeine.

With this in mind, we are unsure as to why Nutrex chose to use both ingredients in their blend.

Citrus aurantium

Citrus aurantium is sometimes referred to as ‘bitter orange’.

The active compound in citrus aurantium is called “synephrine”.

It is derived from the peel of this fruit, and has very similar chemical structure to that of the banned stimulant ephedrine.

Citrus aurantium is a strong stimulant and an effective metabolism booster and fat burner. It efficiently elevates the amount of calories the body burns without any additional effort.

However, because of its potency and similarity to a banned substance, it can also be very dangerous in large doses.

Most commonly, citrus aurantium causes jitters and irregular heartbeat in users.

Therefore, due to the high probability of dangerous side effects, citrus aurantium is not a great choice of ingredient.

Yohimbine HCI

Yohimbine is generally used in the manufacture of prescription drugs for sexual dysfunction, mostly erection problems.

Related Article:  Yohimbe Bark Extract Benefits And Uses In ED

It is sometimes also used to decrease fatigue and help improve energy levels when dieting, but there is little evidence to support this.

Yohimbine can also cause many concerning side effects, such as high blood pressure and anxiety.

As far as we are concerned, yohimbine isn’t particularly effective for weight loss and is an unnecessary inclusion in this formula.


Rauwolscine is another stimulant that acts in a very similar way to yohimbine, so much so that it is known as “alpha yohimbine”.

The benefit of rauwolscine is that it has fewer side effects to yohimbine, while also being more potent.

In our opinion, we think that if the only benefit of rauwolscine is that it isn’t yohimbine – then it is a redundant ingredient that will not have any benefits when combined with the rest of the formula.

What Do The Reviews Say About Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

As with most weight loss products out there, the reviews can vary widely.

The best places to look for genuine reviews are third party sites and online stores such as GNC and Amazon.

It simply goes without saying that unbiased opinions are more likely to be found away from sites that have a reputation to maintain.

On our journey to find out what real customers had to say, we started at GNC.

Reviews on GNC website

On the GNC listing for Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate, the reviews were predominantly positive.

Out of 50 reviews in total, 28 came up as a five star.

Many of the positive reviews commented upon the energy increase they experienced upon using Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate.

positive lipo 6 black hers reviews on gnc

Others said that they had lost an incredible amount of weight in a short time period.

lipo 6 black hers positive review on gnc website

At the other side of the scale though, we found reviews which demonstrated our concerns regarding dangerous side effects.

negative reviews of lipo 6 black hers on gnc

The GNC reviews certainly helped us to see a bigger picture of how people were reacting to Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate.

But in order to get an even wider perspective, we headed over to Amazon to see what was being said there too.

Reviews on Amazon

The first impressions were quite similar to the overall GNC ratings.

average rating of lipo 6 black hers on amazon

Out of 19 reviews in total, the most popular rating was a 5 star review.

Some of these reviews are suspiciously vague, which made us wonder if they were genuine or not.

positive review of lipo 6 black hers on amazon

vague review of lipo 6 black hers on amazon

But others went into detail and described how impressed they were with the results, even if they experienced some side effects.

4 star review of lipo 6 for women

rave review of lipo 6 black hers

However, the negative reviews shed light on more concerning effects. Some customers complained of stomach pains, dizziness and unpredictable heart rhythms.

negative reviews of lipo 6 black hers on gnc

It seems that across these polarized reviews, it really depends on your own biological sensitivities as to whether you will feel good on this supplement or not.

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate FAQs

How Do I Take Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

The instructions state that one capsule is to be taken in the morning, and another capsule to be taken in the afternoon.

For the best results, take the capsules 30 minutes before a meal.

Due to the stimulant levels, never take more than two capsules in a 24 hour period.

This product can interfere with your sleep if you take within 6 hours of your bedtime.

You must not take for longer than 60 days at a time. Have a 15 day break before continuing use.

Avoid all other stimulants when using Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate.

What Are the Differences Between Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate and Lipo 6 Black Hers?

The main differences between Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate and Lipo 6 Black Hers lie with the ingredient choices and serving sizes.

Below is a picture of the label for Lipo 6 Black Hers:

lipo 6 black hers original ingredients label

As you can see, not only does the old formula inform us of the ingredient concentrations, it also includes slightly different ingredients, and more vitamins and minerals.

Bacopa monnieri is an ingredient that is useful for anxiety and PMS symptoms.

Vinpocetine is good for blood circulation and zingerone is beneficial for energy and immunity.

Lipo 6 Black Hers includes the same amount of caffeine as the Ultra Concentrate version.

This tells us that Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate has probably got a higher dosage of citrus aurantium per serving.

Are There Side Effects and Is It Safe?

There are many potential side effects from the use of Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate.

Due to the high quantity of stimulants used in the formula, those with sensitivities should avoid this product.

Citrus aurantium can cause dangerous side effects, especially in high doses. Users have reported experiencing jitters, diarrhea and irregular heart rates while using this supplement.

Caffeine can interfere with sleep and cause insomnia if taken within 6 hours of bedtime.

Those who are sensitive to stimulants should contact a physician before use.

Can Women Use Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

Yes, Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is designed and marketed as a women’s fat loss supplement.

Can I Take Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate With Alcohol?

No. You must not drink alcohol when using this supplement.

Where Can You Buy Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate can be purchased via their official website, GNC, Amazon and other online and store retailers.


Now we have reached the end of our review; we need to decide whether Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is really the best choice of fat loss supplement for women.

From what we have seen, this product is pretty intensive for a female fat burner.

The ingredients list reads much more like a male supplement, packed with stimulants that have the potential for dangerous and unpleasant side effects.

In our opinion, this product isn’t well designed for women. The inclusion of folic acid seems to be a token addition in a very male formula.

If you are hardy when it comes to stimulants then give this a try.

But if you want to lose weight without potentially feeling terrible; there are better female oriented supplements out there (such as Lean Bean).

Have You Used Lipo 6 Black Hers? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Female Viagra Pills Review

Let’s be real. Men have it pretty good when it comes to sexual dysfunction. I mean, obviously the dysfunction part sucks, but there’s TONS of products on the market to help ‘fix the flaccid’ and put the “life” back in his sex life.

Just do a simple search and you’ll go cross-eyed at all the options…

There are lots of options for men, and only recently viagra for women pills

There’s pumps and there’s pills, and there’s even special chewing gum and injections.

And then there’s Viagra — the gold standard that’s been changing lives for 2o years now.

I’ve even tested close to 100 Viagra alternatives over the years, and some of this stuff REALLY does work!

But what about viagra for women?

Where do women turn to solve their sexual dysfunction issues? They certainly can’t take Viagra, as it just doesn’t work on women. And as far as I know, there’s not a ‘blue pill’ for females.

Viagra does not work for women
Image: thestar.com

Or is there..?

As more women open up about their issues in the bedroom, a whole industry has developed to meet their demand for solutions.

Of course, these ‘issues’ range from low-libido, to vaginal dryness, and everything in-between. Really, it’s quite complex.

Viagra pills for women could help to treat sexual dysfunction symptoms
Image: slideshare.net

But as a surge of female Viagra alternatives flood the market, women are faced with a new challenge. A little something called ‘paralysis by analysis’, or straight-up ‘overwhelm.’

There’s just TOO many choices already. And each new product promises to restore your sex life once and for all.

But women just want the truth. What works the best? Where to buy it? How to use it?


And they want what’s best for them, not the girl next door.

Needless to say, I get women asking us every day what supplement is the best female alternative to Viagra or Cialis. They want something that’s all-natural, available over the counter, is reasonably priced, and won’t give them side effects.

So here you go!

I’ve done the research, we’ve tested the products, and I’ve written down everything you need to know about which female version of Viagra is right for you.

So buckle up and let’s get to the bottom of these sex pills!

I share with you all-natural viagra for women
Image: dribbble.com

In this review, I will tell you:

  • The specific pills and creams you can use as a womens’ version of Viagra
  • What’s in them
  • How to take them
  • EXACTLY what to expect
  • My personal experience
  • Where to buy them
  • And how much they cost

So… without further ado, here is our definitive top-5 rundown of the best female Viagra pills (and creams!) that should work for you.


#1: HerSolution Pills

#2: Provestra

#3: Vigorelle

#4: Virmax For Her

#5: Gold Max Pink

Our #1 Choice – Her Solution Pills

hersolution pills is our #1 choice for Viagra alternative for women

Visit the official site here:  www.HerSolution.com

Her Solution pills is one of the most popular sex pills for women… and for good reason.

This daily-dose natural women’s sex supplement doesn’t just restore lost libido, it also promises to increase sexual fantasies, improve sexual pleasure, and bring about more intensified orgasms.

HerSolution is our #1 choice for Viagra for women
Image: hersolution.com

And it works… really well. (You can read our in-depth review of HerSolution here.)

It works by itself, but we’ve found it delivers a nice one-two punch when used with HerSolution Libido Enhancing Gel.

HerSolution gel works with Hersolution pills for our #1 choice of a female version of Viagra

HerSolution Pills (and gel) work for women similar to the way Viagra works for men. That is, the key ingredient L-Arginine opens up, or dilates, blood vessels downstairs to help increase blood flow to the clitoris.

The more blood flow, the better the sex feels. It’s science. (Source)

In fact, HerSolution got a spot on ‘The Doctors’ TV show to highlight exactly how it combats low sex drive and improves sexual pleasure in women.

While the doctor really emphasizes the active ingredient L-Arginine, the formula brings more to the table than just blood flow.

According to the makers of HerSolution, it contains “a very precise blend of herbals, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that work.”

Here are the ingredients in HerSolution

  • Niacin
  • Hops Extract
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Epidmedium (Horny Goat Weed)
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • DHEA
  • and Melatonin

Hersolution is a great OTC alternative for womens viagra

This is a powerful formula that has everything needed for increased libido, vaginal lubrication, better orgasms, and with the addition of Melatonin, even improved sexual performance. (Source)

How to take HerSolution pills and what to expect

Take one tablet daily with a glass of water.

Her Solution is a slow-acting sex pill, so don’t expect results overnight. For some women, it can take up to three months to really start working.

The ingredients are all-natural, so if you experience any side effects, they should be pretty mild.

However, because of the niacin in the formula, you may experience face-flushing. While this might be concerning, you should know that it’s totally harmless.

HerSolution female viagra contains niacin, which can cause harmless face flushing

User reviews of HerSolution

Overall, women are giving this natural female Viagra pretty high praise.

For example, Tory from West Virginia writes…

“I am enjoying sex again and I think this saved my marriage.”


And Mary from Florida writes…

“My 30’s were great, but once I got into my mid-40’s I started feeling like I wanted sex less and less… I came across HerSolution… and I decided to give it a try. I started noticing an immediate change in my mood, and I felt like a new woman!”

Our experience with HerSolution

I have my wifes full review posted here, but here’s a short snippet:

At 46 years old, I don’t need to tell most women that my sex drive has been dwindling down year after year.

While I’m not quite at the dreaded menopause stage, I know it’s right around the corner.

This is not an easy thing to live with, especially considering my husband is 10 years younger than I and has the sex drive of an 18 year old!

Continue reading here…

Where to buy Her Solution pills

*Note about HerSolution Pills* There are counterfeit pills floating around that are NOT the real thing. Check it out…

Beware of fake HerSolution Viagra for women

So with that in mind, we recommend buying straight from the company’s website (www.HerSolution.com)

A one-month supply of the product will cost about $60. And believe us, you’ll (most likely) get your money’s worth. And heck, if they don’t work for you, just cash in on the 60-day money-back guarantee.

HerSolution is an affordable Viagra alternative for women

Our #2 Choice – Provestra

female viagra alternative

Visit the official site here:  www.Provestra.com

While Provestra might not be the most popular female viagra pill on the market, it’s definitely rising in the ranks and worth a good look.

Similar to HerSolution, Provestra claims to have the perfect blend of herbs, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that’ll make you howl for sex and leave you ultra-satisfied with that ‘Big O’ you’ve always dreamed of.

Provestra female Viagra sex pills for women says "feeling sexy starts on the inside."
Image: provestra.com

But what differentiates Provestra from many products on the market is that it seeks to balance your hormones. When your hormones are naturally in-line, or balanced, you’re at a BIG sexual advantage. (We talk more about this in our full review of Provestra here).

As you know, sex for women isn’t just a physical endeavor like it can be for men. Nope! It’s physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual.

So Provestra aims to center your hormones over time, while simultaneously boosting libido and increasing blood flow down there.

Women have to be in the mood for sex, a female version of Viagra could help with that
Image: picturequotes.com

Here are the ingredients in Provestra

  • L-Arginine 
  • Ginger Root
  • Red Raspberry
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Theobromine
  • Indole-3-Carbinol 
  • Damiana Leaf 
  • Black Cohosh Root 
  • Licorice Root 
  • And a bunch of vitamins

The hormone-balancing ingredients are the Red Raspberry and the Indole-3-Carbinol. They specifically work to balance excess estrogen produced by your body.

Red Raspberry is a hormone balancing ingredient in women sex pills
Image: exportersindia.com

This is crucial, because when estrogen levels are out of whack, you become susceptible to symptoms that range from bloat, to mood swings, and even depression. (Source)

How to take Provestra and what to expect

This is another one of those daily-dose sex enhancers. So you’ll take one tablet daily with water.

Similar to HerSolution, don’t expect to be hungry for sex the very night you start taking the pill. Instead, be patient and give it time to activate in your body.


Some women notice results within one week of taking Provestra, but it’s more likely that it will take 1-3 months to really start working.

For optimal effectiveness, Provestra needs to remain in your system week after week and month after month. In this way, think of it as an investment. The small daily contributions (you taking the pill) add up over time into quite the asset (you wanting and enjoying sex again).

User reviews of Provestra

Overall, ladies seem to be enjoying the results they get with Provestra. There aren’t a whole lot of user reviews out there yet… but here’s one I came across of someone using this womens viagra pill in combination with Vigorelle sex cream.

In the video, the woman mentions forgetting to take the pill from time to time. But no biggie… as she still notices a difference. She reports that’s it’s easier to sleep at night and that she feels better rested.

But what about the libido department?

Well, it seems to work for her…

“As far as libido… Yes. I have noticed an increase… I certainly feel like I want to be closer to my man and I’m feeling more ‘lovey-dovey’. No complaints from me.”

She’s also more motivated to get out, exercise, and eat healthier since taking Provestra.

Our experience with Provestra

Will be posting our experience soon, stay tuned!

Where to buy Provestra

You can buy Provestra womens viagra pill from the company's website
Image: Provestra.com

Sure, you can probably buy Provestra from various online retailers. But just like with HerSolution, we recommend buying straight from the Provestra website (www.provestra.com) to ensure you get the actual product and not some fake, counterfeit sugar pills.

If you’re one to shop in person, you might find the product at major retailers like Walmart or Walgreens.

No matter where you buy the pills, you’ll have money to spare, as a one-month supply of Provestra costs only $49.95 from the company’s website.

Provestra female version of Viagra costs $49.95 for a one-month supply
Image: provestra.com

And if you’re not happy with the product or the results, you’ll be glad to know that you’re covered by their 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Our #3 Choice – Vigorelle

Visit the official site here:  www.Vigorelle.com

Vigorelle promises “Better Sex Guaranteed.”

Vigorelle sex cream is a great choice for a female version of Viagra
Image: Vigorelle.com

But can it deliver? We say YES, and here’s why…

Vigorelle is a sex-enhancing cream that’s similar AND way different from the pills we’ve been discussing.

How so???

Well, first off, it’s similar in how it works. That’s because the active ingredient in Vigorelle is our much beloved L-Arginine, that amino acid that brings on the blood flow for good vagina vibes.

Review of Vigorelle sex enhancing cream

Vigorelle sex cream is meant to bring about the same results as female viagra pills like HerSolution and Provestra… But it differs drastically in application and how long it takes to work. (Check out exactly how it works in our full review of Vigorelle here).

Here’s what I mean…

While the slow-acting pills can take up to 3-months to really kick in, Vigorelle is your bedside companion and is designed to be used for ‘spontaneous combustion’, if you catch my drift.

You can buy Vigorelle on the company's website
Image: vigorelle.com

Yup, it’s totally topical, and it’s super fast-acting for that once-in-a-bedtime, heat-of-the-moment opportunity. 🙂

Here are the ingredients in Vigorelle

  • L-Arginine
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Wild yam
  • Damiana Leaf
  • Suma Root
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • And a cocktail of healthy vitamins

Yup, Vigorelle offers an all-natural formula for when it matters the most. Other than the L-Arginine, the one ingredient that stands out to me in this formula is the Peppermint Leaf.

Peppermint is a natural aphrodisiac found in some female versions of viagra pills

According to Everyday Health, Peppermint Leaf is a natural aphrodisiac, and “it’s cooling effect increases sexual pleasure and intensity.” It has even been known to make women ‘multi-orgasmic.’ Whoa! (Source)

How to use Vigorelle and what to expect

It’s time to pop the proverbial hood.

You’re gonna apply Vigorelle just under the ‘clitoral hood’, or clitoral membrane. Use enough to make it count, but a little goes a long way.

Vigorelle sex cream is like viagra for women

To really kick things off, you can have your partner ‘apply’ the cream for you. Obviously, this will only help you to ‘get in the mood’ and accelerate Vigorelle’s lubricating properties.

You can expect to feel a warming, tingly feeling right away. And as you embark on your journey of sexual intimacy, this warming will only increase and build throughout your sexcapades. 😉

Vigorelle's warming sensation increases the longer you have sex, making it a good alternative to viagra for women
Image: cosmopolitan.com

Here’s what the makers of the product say:

“You’ll get immediately increased sensations. Even better, most women find that responses improve progressively through three or more successive uses of Vigorelle™ for Women. It just gets better!”

One nice thing about this sex cream for women is that the formula doesn’t remain in your system like the pills do. So you really shouldn’t experience any side effects at all.

Vigorelle sex cream is like viagra for women but with little-to-no side effects
Image: vigorelle.com

We personally tested the product, and we’re happy to report that side effects were non-existent. It was easy-street for us, and considering the all-natural (topical) formula, I have to imagine your results would be similar.

User reviews of Vigorelle

This product gets pretty rave reviews as far as we’ve seen.

Vigorelle is a pretty good women's version of the blue pill
Image: manishamelwani.com

One woman said, “It’s given me so much confidence and I’m trying new things in the bedroom, and trying new things on him, which he enjoys.”

Another woman credits Vigorelle for replenishing her with passion. She says, “Instead of not wanting to have the experience, I have the desire, the want to actually have sex instead of the desire to avoid it completely.”

And check out this video review of Vigorelle…

Our experience using Vigorelle

Will be posting our experience soon, so stay tuned!

Where to buy it

You can probably find and buy Vigorelle through online retailers like Walmart.com or Amazon.

But again, purchasing the product straight from the company’s website, www.vigorelle.com, is your best bet. That way you know exactly what you’re getting, and you’ll be covered by their 60-day money-back guarantee.

Vigorelle sex cream is like Viagra for females and offers a 60-day money-back guarantee
Image: vigorelle.com

The sex cream comes in a pump bottle, which contains about 30-40 pumps. This one-month supply costs about $60, which is pretty steep, but worth it.

Vigorelle female version of viagra cream costs $59.95 for a one-month supply
Image: vigorelle.com

Our #4 Choice – Virmax For Her

Virmax For Her is a good female alternative to Viagra or Cialis
Image: virmaxinfo.com

Alright, we’re going back to the pills and back to the basics with Virmax For Her. This female Viagra sex pill claims to increase sexual desire, heighten sensation, and improve overall sexual pleasure.

Much like HerSolution and Provestra, this slow-acting formula will take time to work through your system for real results. Yup, that can mean 1-3 months, or even longer.


But… that’s if you’re taking one pill per day. I’ve heard that if you take 2 pills before sex, then you’ll get all the benefits (raging libido, sensation, pleasure, all that jazz) without having to daily-dose it. If it’s true, then this pill really does offer the best of both worlds.

Read it Here: Full Review of Virmax For Her

The ingredients in Virmax For Her

OK – before I list ’em out, I want you to notice how similar this ingredient profile is to other natural female viagra pills on the market (and in this review!). Yup, nothing groundbreaking here.

  • Horny Goat Weed
  • L-Arginine
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Kudzu Root
  • Hawthorne Berry
  • And other natural ingredients

The main thrust, if you will, behind Virmax For Her’s marketing is that their products are all based on some ‘Nobel-Prize winning discovery’ on blood vessel dilation and blood flow.

Virmax For Her, a contender for all-natural viagra pills for women, claims to be based on Nobel-Prize winning research on blood flow
Image: desicomments.com

But this is just a new way to praise the same ol’ L-Arginine that we’ve been talking about all along. Let this be a reminder not to put too much stock in a company’s marketing or advertising copy.

How to take it and what to expect

Like the other all-natural female sex pills in this review, you’ll take one Virmax tablet once a day with a tall glass of water.

How to take Virmax for Her female viagra pills
Image: virmaxinfo.com

Yeah, but what about that thing I said? That you can get short-term results without having to take the pill over the long-haul?

Well, as much as we all want that to be true, I cannot substantiate this claim. It’s something I’ve heard and even read in a review, but I’ve found nothing to back it up. Sorry ladies.

User reviews of Virmax For Her

The user reviews I was able to dig up For Virmax are fairly positive. Women mostly praise it for its ‘mood-enhancing’ qualities (obviously), but also for helping to balance hormones like estrogen, and even for regulating menopause symptoms.

One woman had a life-changing encounter with Virmax…

Positive review for Virmax For Her female viagra alternative

But it doesn’t work for everyone, obviously…

Positive review for Virmax For Her female viagra alternative

Alright, take this last review with a grain of salt. I have a personal philosophy that anyone who writes in ALL CAPS is not to be trusted. 😉

Where to buy it

You can buy the product straight from the company’s website, www.virmaxinfo.com, as well as through certain online retailers like Amazon and Walgreens.

Viagra for women, Virmax For Her, can be purchased on the company's website and at various online retailers
Image: https://virmaxinfo.com/

Walmart used to carry Virmax For Her, but no longer does.

And yep, no matter where you buy the stuff, you should be able to get it on the cheap. I’m talkin’ $15 for a one-month-supply cheap. This product is one of the least expensive sex pills for women on today’s list.

Our #5 Choice – Gold Max Pink

Last but not least (well, I suppose it is least), we’ve got Gold Max Pink in the house!

Gold Max Pink is a slight deviation from our slow-acting pills like HerSolution, Provestra, and Virmax.

Gold Max Pink is female viagra
Image: goldmaxpink.com

This little female viagra pill is fast and furious, promising an “increase in orgasm strength and sexual stamina thanks to ingredients like Panax or Siberian Ginseng and Radix Angelicae Sinensis.”

The makers of the product say that it will increase blood flow to ‘sexual organs’ while simultaneously stimulating your brain.

And… they say it’ll all happen in 30-45 minutes from the moment you take the pill!

Ingredients in Gold Max Pink female sex pills

  • Panax Ginseng 115mg
  • Radix Angelicae Sinensis 88 mg
  • Cistanche Deserticola 85mg
  • Fructus Lycii 60.4mg
  • Labisa Pumila 50mg
  • Radix Astragali 33.6mg
  • Rhodiola and Rosea 18mg


Now, I have two things to say about this formula. First, while this might seem like a small thing, I like that the company is transparent about the ingredient amounts, because 99% of the products out there don’t want you to know how much of what you’re getting in their pills. Sad.

Second, some of these ingredients are new to me, and I can hardly even pronounce others. So I did my homework, and here’s what I found…

Cistanche Deserticola (also known as desert-broomrape. Yikes!) originates in Japan, and is thought to be a powerful, fast-acting natural aphrodisiac, while Radix Angelicae Sinensis is a Ginseng that promotes blood flow.

Cistanche Deserticola is an ingredient found in Gold Max Pink, a viagra pill for women

Fructus Lycii is just a fancy name for Goji Berry, but according to WebMD it  can help with circulation problems and sexual problems. Source

And the last ingredient I want to mention is the Labisa Pumila, which has been traditionally used by some women to maintain healthy reproductive systems, and is also thought to alleviate symptoms experienced by post-menopausal women. Source

female viagra review
Image: wikipedia.org

Now, while the Gold Max Pink formula sounds promising, most of these ingredients have not been studied enough to confirm their effectiveness. So bear that in mind.

How to take Gold Max Pink

It’s pretty simple, actually. And remember, this isn’t a daily-dose sex pill that must remain in your system to be effective.

According to the Gold Max Pink website…

“This supplement is strictly designed for ease of use prior to sex. Unlike other formulation, you do not need to consume pills daily, just take a pill 45 minutes before sexual activities with plenty of water.”

User reviews of Gold Max Pink

I searched all over and couldn’t really find unbiased user reviews on this product. This is a bit of a red flag.

Where to buy it

As far as I know, you can only buy Gold Max Pink from the company’s website, www.goldmaxpink.com.

Gold Max Pink is a popular female version of Viagra
Image: goldmaxpink.com

You can expect to pay about $5 per pill if you buy in small quantities, but the more you buy, the more you save.


First, I hope this in-depth rundown of the best female version of Viagra pills was helpful. By now you should know exactly what type of pill (or cream!) is best suited for your sexual needs.

My recommendation will change depending on what you’re looking for in a product, and more specifically, how long it will take to start working.

If you want a slow-acting (but highly effective) sex pill, then I recommend both HerSolution and Provestra.

Hersolution is our top pick for viagra for women
Image: Hersolution.com

Like I said, we’ve tried both of these pills and experienced positive results across the board. From increased libido, to pleasure enhancement and even vaginal lubrication, these both did the trick.

If I had to choose between the two, I’d go with HerSolution. I think the difference is in the Melatonin that HerSolution puts in their product.

But both are reasonably priced for what they bring to the table. And don’t forget, you’ve got that 60-day money-back guarantee to take the risk out of your purchase.


Now, if you want something more fast-acting, Vigorelle is a sure bet. If you remember, that’s your sex cream that you keep in the nightstand drawer for those spontaneous love-making extravaganzas. It’s there when you need it.

At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong with any of these products. But hopefully now you’re equipped with all the wisdom necessary to narrow it down to the sex pill (or cream!) that’s best for you!

Have you tried any of these female versions of Viagra? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Accelleral Review

Imagine popping one ‘smart pill’ and suddenly becoming the most productive person at your job.

Within a few weeks of taking the pill you get a promotion…

Then a month later you get another promotion.

Your co-workers start calling you ‘Superman’, and before you know it you’re running the joint.


That’d be nice. Right? Well, that’s essentially what the product Accelleral promises to do for you.

This ‘Breakthrough Brain Enhancing’ pill is being sold as a fast-acting ‘Adderall replacement’.

Check out this advertisement I recently came across.

Accelleral scam is said to be an adderall replacement

But is Accelleral legit? Or is it just another bogus product being marketed in the scammiest way possible?

I’m gonna share everything you need to know about Accelleral, and blast it for what it is. So hang tight, we’re gonna have a little fun.

What is Accelleral?

Accellerol cognitive brain formula

Supposedly it’s a memory enhancer brain-booster that will change your life on a dime if you’ll only give it a try.

According to a breaking ‘news story’ about Accelleral…

The fake brain booster Accelleral promises to boost memory and concentration

Fake marketing behind Accelleral

Just the other day I was served an advertisement that looked a helluva lot like breaking news from a reputable site.

Accelleral faked a news story on Business Insider

So I did what most people would do, I clicked in to read the news. And here’s what I saw…

Accelleral fake news story


At first glance, it looks harmless enough. But I’ve been doing this long enough to know better. This is just the tip of the ‘scam-berg’, if you will.

This is becoming a HUGE problem. So many good people are being scammed out of their hard-earned money by fake products that don’t work.


AARP is one of many reputable sources now warning their readers of this possibility. (Ironically enough, I’ve been served ads by AARP for similar product scams… but that’s neither here nor there).

FDA warns of scams like Accelleral
Image: aarp.org

But what should you be looking out for? And how do you know Accelleral is one of these scams?

Well, let’s take a closer look at the Accelleral advertisement and have a look at some common themes you’ll find in fake articles, or ‘Farticles’.

Common themes to look out for in scams like Accelleral

#1 – Notice that fake URL? TodaysBigDeals.com? Go ahead and type it in your browser, it’ll take you nowhere. That’s because it’s not a news site at all, it’s simply a landing page that cannot be tracked to an owner.

#2 – Very ‘newsy’ headline in look and tone. Accelleral uses the tried-and-true scam-tactic of name-dropping prominent figures to catch our attention, and a little mystery to keep us reading. What IS Carson’s discovery?! And damn right I should have access to it!

Scams like Accelleral use fake headlines promising the world

#3 – A picture of Ben Carson himself. We’ll see this scam-tactic used all throughout the ‘news story’.

#4 – More BS to keep us on the edge of our seats. Ben Carson is a doctor after all, so if he says it’ll be ‘the biggest event in human history’, we should listen up!

#5 – Ben Carson now credits his incredible focus to a specific brain booster. What ever could it be? 


By this point, we’re hooked. What is this breakthrough brain booster? What is Ben’s discovery? And how can I get MY hands on it?

They pull us deeper into the story, dropping even more celeb names (this time Bill O’Reilly) and even include a super-generic video about brain pills that says nothing about Accelleral.

Accelleral exposed

As we read on we come across even more name dropping, this time accompanied with BOLD claims about the product’s effectiveness.

The ‘news story’ says…

“Everyone that has taken this, from athletes like Tom Brady to actors like Robert De Niro have nothing but praise for the brain booster, which doubles IQ, skyrockets energy levels and connects areas of the brain not previously connected. Accelleral works so well for these guys, we had to ask… Is it safe?”

Hell no it’s not safe! (But we’ll get to that in a bit).

Sheesh, these claims are so ridiculous that I wonder how anyone falls for it. I mean, Tom Brady and Robert De Niro?

It’s like they just Googled “famous celebrities and sports stars” and pulled from the top of the list. So little effort. Tisk, tisk. 

Accelleral exposed as a scam. Tom Brady does not take the brain boosting pill.

BUT… people are falling for it.

Because it’s human nature to strive to be smarter, more focused, more energized, and better all around. In other words, we want everything that Accelleral is selling. We want it to be true.

Moving right along…

At this point, I’m sure you’re wondering who’s the brainchild (or brainchildren) behind this miracle pill?

Well Harvard Scientists of course!

Accelleral claims Harvard Scientists created this brain booster

They go on to add a few fake testimonials for fake social proof. Works every time. Then, why not add an image of a couple more celebrities for good measure?

Accelleral exposed

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this pill does NOT work for an ordinary person like me.

Also, thanks Accelleral for doing me a solid and updating the story on July 14… AKA the VERY DAY I’m reading it!

Seriously, check it out… some may call it a coincidence. I call it a scam-wincidence.

Oh, and btw, Denzel Washington endorses the product too. Go figure.

Accelleral fake news exposed

Also, they claim “CNN broke the news first and uncovered that Accelleral raises levels of focus and performance every day by 300%.”

Ha! Well, I took the liberty to do a quick search for “CNN + Accelleral.”

CNN never wrote about Accelleral. It's a lie

And guess what? I got NO results. Zip, zero, zilch, nothing!

OK, well I did get something… I got this Forbes article all about how fake news articles are using billionaires to market their products. Talk about Irony! (Forbes has served me similar ads in the past, too).

Forbes writes an article about how Fake News articles and lies are used to market iffy products like Accelleral
Image: forbes.com

The ad goes on to show a photo of Stephen Hawking, who supposedly has “admitted to using Accelleral to triple his memory.”

What’s that I smell? Is that some more Accelleral bullshit?

Accelleral is not endorsed by celebrities like Stephen Hawking because it is a scam

As we scroll down toward the bottom of the ad, fake Bill O’Reilly shares his fake experience taking Accelleral. He gives us a play-by-play of his 14-day experience with the product, which is 100% glowing of course. And sums it up by saying…

Accelleral claims that Bill O'Reilly tried the product, but he did not

Riiiiiight. Thanks Billy.

I mean, seriously, who do they think they are fooling?

I am sure some people fell for it and believed Bill O’Reilly actually endorsed the product, but using a little deductive reasoning should tell you that he probably has bigger fish to fry and wouldn’t put his name on something like that.

Now the moment of truth. They try to sell us on a ‘Risk Free Trial’ of the fake brain-booster supplement… Will we bite?

Accelleral exposed as a scam

Didn’t think so.

Related Article:  How To Cancel A Supplement Free Trial (and get a refund)

Accelleral Reviews

You can search to your heart’s content looking for real user reviews for Accelleral, but you won’t find a damn thing.

However, in the fake news story, they really lay it on heavy with the ‘social proof’. That’s right, at the very bottom of the ‘news story’ you’ll find a whole thread of Facebook comments praising the supplement. #bogustestimonials #faketestes

Accelleral fake user reviews

Yup, just like everything else in the advertisement, THESE ARE NOT REAL! Seriously, try to leave a comment of your own and you’ll see it doesn’t work. Scam-tastic!

Accelleral FAQ’s


Who makes Accelleral?

That’s the million-dollar question. Or one of them at least.

Probably some shady, off-shore factory. I did a search for the makers of the product, and I came up bone dry. But after scrolling down the page some, I found a company called ‘Excelerol.’

Notice the difference in spelling…

In searching for Accelerol, I found Excelerol
Image: excelerol.com

Now I doubt this is the same company/product as Accelleral, but you never know. It is a “brain health supplement” after all. At least Excelerol has a legitimate website.

What are the ingredients in Accelleral?

Let’s be real…

It’s a mystery cocktail of who-the-heck-knows?! If they go this far to scam people into buying the product, who’s to say the formula is legit. I can almost guarantee it’s not.

In the advertisement, the only mention of ingredients is this…

Accelleral is a scam brain booster

“Natural vitamins and minerals.” Gee, thanks.

Accelleral side effects

The side effects of Accelleral include everything up to and including:

  • You flushing your hard-earned money down the toilet
  • So just don’t do it
  • Seriously
If you buy Accelleral you will be flushing your money down the toilet.
Image: greenlivingideas.com

If you DO buy the stuff, the best case scenario you can hope for is that you a.) actually get a bottle in the mail, and b.) don’t die.

Well OK, in all fairness, while the product might not be harmful (I honestly can’t say either way), I’m almost certain it won’t increase your memory or focus by 300% as it claims to.


I think by now you know where I stand on this product. Accelleral is definitely a no-go and not worth it.


Unfortunately, good people are getting scammed left and right by fake news stories selling fake products like this one. So I hope I was able to shed some light on what to look out for, and how not to get duped.

If for some reason you do happen to get scammed, AARP educates us on how to possibly recoup our losses.

They say…

Here's what to do if you get scammed by a product like Accelleral
Image: aarp.org

Anyhow, best of luck out there in the wild west of the interwebs, and happy hunting for a brain booster supplement that actually works.

There are so many good brain boosters out there that don’t rely on robbing you blind and not thinking twice about it.

Have you tried Accelleral? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Virmax For Her Review

Alright, I know what you’re thinking…

Virmax?! Sounds like a poison for pesky varmint!

But I can assure you, it’s quite the opposite.

Virmax For Her is actually a female pleasure enhancer that claims to get women all squirrely for sex.


And the timing has never been better.

Why? Well, men get all the attention when it comes to low libido, erectile dysfunction, and the like.

But it’s coming to light that women struggle just as much as men — if not more so! — when it comes to low-libido and sexual dysfunction. Source

So naturally, products like Virmax For Her are popping up left and right. But how do you know if a product like this is worth your time… or not worth a dime?

Is Virmax For Her worth it?
Image: nytimes.com

Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to share everything you need to know about Virmax For Her, and whether or not this sex enhancer for women is right for YOU!

Related Article: Female Viagra Alternatives That Work!

What is Virmax For Her?

Virmax for her is a pleasure enhancer for women
Image: amazon.com

Virmax For Her is a daily dose sex pill that claims to:

  • Boost desire
  • Increase sensation
  • And enhance sexual pleasure

The company that makes the product has been around for 10+ years, and the products they make are “based on a Nobel Prize-Winning discovery on the body’s regulation of blood vessel dilation and flow.”


Yep, blood vessel dilation and flow is how the whole thing works. We’ll talk about the ingredients that make this possible in just a bit.

But there’s one thing that sets Virmax For Her apart from other female sex enhancers. You see, slow-acting daily dose pills (like this one) need to stay in your system and take up to 3-months for results.

BUT… Virmax For Her supposedly offers a fast-acting, quick-fix option for sexual spontaneity.

Virmax For Her can be taken before sex
Image: antanosolar.com

They say if you take 2 tablets 30-45 minutes before sex, you should be good to go. So this product offers the best of both worlds — constant libido, or libido-on-demand.

What are the ingredients in Virmax?

The product contains many of the same ingredients that you’d find in other sex pills for women. The formula includes:

  • Horny goat weed is said to be a natural aphrodisiac and also ‘appears to encourage blood flow’ to the vagina, which heightens sensation. Source
Virmax For Her contains Horny Goat Weed
Image: tinderbox.com.au
  • L-Arginine is an amino-acid that produces nitric oxide, and nitric oxide ’causes blood vessels to open wider’ for increased blood flow. Source
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a natural extract that ‘when combined with sex therapy, but not alone, significantly increases sexual desire and contentment in women’. Source
  • Kudzu Root, in some research is shown to ‘reduce hot flashes and improve vaginal dryness in women going through menopause’. Source
Virmax For Her ingredients include Kudzu Root
Image: fineskybiotech.com
  • Hawthorn Berry is thought to ‘increase sexual sensitivity and response in women’ by promoting blood flow to female genital area. Source
  • And other natural ingredients

Here is the full list of ingredients found in Virmax For Her:

Virmax For Her ingredient label
Image: virmaxinfo.com

Now, there really is nothing out of the ordinary with this formula. And it’s important to note that the evidence is inconclusive as to whether or not certain ingredients in Virmax For Her are as effective as they claim to be.

Virmax For Her FAQ’s

How do I take it?

Again, you have two options for taking this sexual enhancer. The label says to take 1 tablet daily.

How to take Virmax for Her
Image: virmaxinfo.com

But again, I’ve also heard that (instead of daily-dosing) you can take two tablets 45 minutes prior to sex and it should do the trick.

How long does it take to start working?

There’s very little information online about how fast you can expect to see results with Virmax For Her. However, if you opt for the daily dose, you should be seeing results within 1-3 months.

Why so long? Well, these types of slow-acting sex enhancers need to remain in your system for optimal effectiveness.


But if you’re one of the lucky few, you might see results as soon as the first or second week of taking it.

Finally, some women who take these sex pills see no results at all.

Are there any side effects with Virmax For Her?

Typically, the side effects that come with these female libido enhancers are pretty mild.

With that said…

Because the formula contains L-Arginine, and other vasodilators, WebMD says you could potentially experience anything from abdominal pain, to allergies, to low blood pressure.

Potential side effects with Virmax For Her sex pill for women

User reviews of Virmax For Her

Unfortunately, I searched high and low and came up pretty dry as far as user reviews go. The product is sold on Amazon, but nobody has written a thing about it… yet.

No Amazon reviews of Virmax for HerBut fear not! Virmax makes a whole bunch of other products that actually get decent reviews. So I imagine Virmax for Her would get similar marks, but don’t take my word for it. As ladies share their experience with the product, I’ll be sure to circle back and update you.

Where can I buy Virmax?

Other than the company’s official site, Virmaxinfo.com, I’ve found Virmax for sale at online outlets like Amazon.com and Walgreens.com.

Virmax For Her is sold on Amazon

Walmart no longer carries the product.

How much does Virmax For Her cost?

The cheapest I’ve found this sex pill is $15 (30-day supply) for Amazon Prime members.

But if you shop Walgreens or the Virmax website, you’re only looking at $20 per box. This is relatively cheap, as a quick Google search for ‘women sex enhancers’ brings back prices averaging out at $45.

Female sex enhancers can get expensive

Is there a guarantee?

No… which is sad. As far as I know, Virmax For Her does not come with any guarantee at all.

Most legitimate products that I’ve reviewed not only offer a guarantee, they offer a generous 100% money-back guarantee… sometimes up to 60-90 days!

So offering no guarantee tells me they don’t believe their product gets results, which is definitely a red flag.


I have mixed feelings about Virmax For Her.

On the one hand, it’s affordable at $15 for a one-month supply. And I haven’t heard any reports of negative side effects from women taking the product.

Virmax is cheap, but you get what you pay for

But on the other hand, I haven’t heard ANY reports of ANY women taking the product, period. There aren’t any user reviews, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if women are getting results, you better believe they’ll take a few minutes to write about their experience.

In other words, sometimes silence is not golden.

I do not find it easy to believe that any women have even tried this and if they have, I find it hard to believe that they were thrilled with their results, or lack thereof.

The ingredient profile is fairly standard, so nothing groundbreaking there. But again, the company doesn’t stand behind this product with a money-back guarantee.

Virmax For Her does not offer a guarantee

Finally, the name is just weird. I don’t know if I’d wanna ingest anything called Virmax.

All in all, this product doesn’t quite stack up to the recent female libido enhancers we’ve tested.

There are too many good and reputable female sexual enhancers out there that I cannot recommend this one as going with any number of alternatives is probably going to yield much better results and save you some money.

Have you tried Virmax For Her? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Vigorelle Review

Note: This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Vigorelle website.

It’s a cold hard fact. There are more female sex enhancers on the market than we can shake a stick at.

Related Article: Female Viagra Alternatives That Work!

I mean, you’ve got pills and creams and lotions, oh my!

To further complicate matters, each product guarantees to put the spark back into your sex life.


But the truth is, some work, while others are a BIG waste of money.

So when we recently came across Vigorelle, a sex cream that claims to put “Great sex back in your bedroom,” we couldn’t help but try it.

Review of Vigorelle sex enhancing cream

Alright, so the product is marketed toward women who have either lost interest in sex, or who simply want to spice it up in the bedroom.

As you might know, low libido and just ‘not being into it’ can bring a host of self-esteem issues, for both you and your partner.

Vigorelle helps to combat low libido in women
Image: dailymail.co.uk

To which the makers of Vigorelle say:

“Now’s your chance to feel sexy and alive again! To be an extraordinarily SEXUAL woman. AND to have the BEST sexual experiences of your life!”

But… does it really stand up to the test? Does Vigorelle deliver on its promises? Or is it just another flop product in an industry that’s notorious for selling snake oil?

Is this sex creme the real deal?
Image: thriveglobal.com

Well, today you’re gonna learn everything you need to know about this sex enhancement cream, and whether or not its right for you.

What is Vigorelle?

Vigorelle review

Vigorelle is a body cream — ahem, Crème — that’s used by women for enhanced sensation during sex.

According to the makers of the product, Vigorelle is applied to the genital area, and “specifically the underside of the clitoral hood.” (You know what they say, ‘ain’t no hood like the clitoral hood’).

Moving right along…

Vigorelle sex creme review

Now here’s where the magic happens. The active ingredient (L-Arginine) encourages blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels around the clitoris, which is said to bring about heightened sensations downstairs.


And natural lubrication occurs as you “respond to the beautiful feeling of Vigorelle Crème.”

Then, as physical intimacy and touch increases, the tingly warming effects of the creme build and build until…



So obviously, this product is different from the slow-acting (but highly effective) pills that we’ve recently reviewed.

Vigorelle is a fast-acting topical enhancement cream that you can keep by your bedside and use at a moment’s notice.

What are the ingredients in Vigorelle?

According to the makers of Vigorelle, the product contains pure botanical extracts and all-natural ingredients.

Vigorelle contains all-natural ingredients

The ingredients found in Vigorelle include:

  • L-Arginine is an amino acid that works to increase blood flow to the area applied for heightened sensitivity
  • Gingko Biloba helps with vaginal lubrication and has a positive effect on sexual desire, especially in menopausal women (Source)
  • Wild Yam is thought to help regulate and balance hormones in women
  • Damiana Leaf is traditionally used to treat low libido in men and women
  • Suma Root has been used as a natural aphrodisiac for centuries (Source)
  • Peppermint Leaf is another natural aphrodisiac that may help women to become ‘multi-orgasmic’ (Source)
  • And a number of healthy vitamins
Vigorelle ingredients are all-natural and effective

As you can see, the formula is clean and seems to be loaded with all-natural ingredients for a toe-curling good time between the sheets.

Vigorelle FAQ’s

How do I take it?

Women will apply Vigorelle to the underside of the clitoral membrane, or clitoral ‘hood’.

Apply Vigorelle to the clitoral hood

No need to stress about how much to rub in, just apply enough so that you feel comfortable going into sexual intimacy.

Also, you could have your partner rub it in for you. This will likely only help with arousal and vaginal lubrication.

How long does it take to start working?

Vigorelle should start working immediately.

Within seconds after application, you’ll start to feel that tingly feeling. And as you engage in foreplay and sexual intimacy, the product will continue to warm up and drive you into that sex-machine you always knew you were. Hey, it could happen.

Or, as the Vigorelle website says…

Vigorelle sex enhancing creme works immediately

Are there any side effects with Vigorelle?

Nope. You shouldn’t experience any negative side-effects with Vigorelle.

When we personally tested the product, it was smooth sailing for us, with no side effects whatsoever.

Our experience with Vigorelle was positive
Image: refreshleadership.com

The makers of the product echo this sentiment:

“Vigorelle has no reported side effects. Our product is 100% all natural with no Propylene Glycol or Metha Paraban substances.”

But of course, everyone reacts differently to topical creams, so there’s always the potential to come across issues.

My personal results with Vigorelle

So my wife finally got a chance to try Vigorelle out, after much pestering from my end 🙂

Here’s what she had to say:

Rob is always trying to get me to try out supplements, especially ones that help with libido.

I was a little surprised when he plopped the Vigorelle down on my desk.

At first I thought it was some kind of skin cream, but when I started reading the label I knew exactly what he had in mind.

Anyway, to make a long story short, it worked fantastic!

It seemed like it took a few minutes to kick in, but it was this weird (but good) sort of rush that made me feel both warm down there and aroused at the same time.

We’ve used a handful of these types of gels, creams, and ointments in the past (KY intense comes to mind), and most of them didn’t really do anything.

I was more than pleasantly surprised with Vigorelle.

So much so that I forced him to order another bottle!  Give it a try ladies, it’s Rachel tested and Rob approved!

User reviews of Vigorelle

Vigorelle user reviews
Image: donnacarter.org

From what we’ve read, women seem to love this sex creme. In fact, it gets 5-stars on Amazon.com. Of course, there’s only one review for the product on Amazon, but that’s one HAPPY lady. 😉

Vigorelle reviews

In my searching, I came across several women who openly talk about their positive experience with Vigorelle.

One lady says…

“You’re working and tired all day, and you’d rather sleep when you get home… but Vigorelle changed everything. Our overall relationship is completely different. He’s happier because I’m happier.”

Another woman says…

“It’s given me so much confidence and I’m trying new things in the bedroom, and trying new things on him, which he enjoys.”

Finally, Vigorelle put the passion back in this woman’s sex life…

“Instead of not wanting to have the experience, I have the desire, the want to actually have sex instead of the desire to avoid it completely.”

Here’s a video review that highlights the power of Vigorelle sex creme…

Where can I buy Vigorelle?

While you can find the product for sale at various online retailers (like Walmart.com and Amazon.com), it’s smart to buy Vigorelle straight from the company’s website, www.Vigorelle.com. By doing so, you can be sure you’re going to get the real cream, instead of some counterfeit formula.

You can buy Vigorelle on the company's website
Image: vigorelle.com

You’ll also get discreet shipping from the company, without any indication there’s a sex enhancer packaged within. This is standard nowadays, but always nice to remember.

Finally, buying from the Vigorelle website means you’ll be completely covered by their guarantee, which we’ll talk about in just a bit.

How much does it cost?

A one-month supply of Vigorelle, which amounts to about 30-40 pumps of the creme, costs about $60.

Vigorelle costs $59.95 for a one-month supply
Image: vigorelle.com

They also offer 2, 3, 6, and 12-month supplies of the product. When you buy these larger packages, you’ll not only save money, you’ll also get a free ‘One-touch mini bullet’ vibrator. Score!

Is there a guarantee?

Yep, Vigorelle comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Needless to say, they take most of the risk out of your buying decision.

Vigorelle has a 60-day money-back guarantee


Well, we shook a stick at it, and it didn’t flinch. Not one bit.

Instead, Vigorelle went the distance to bring the passion back into the bedroom for us, so I’m guessing it’ll do the same for you.


I’m impressed with the all-natural formula, and with a reasonable price tag and a money-back guarantee, I just couldn’t pass it up.

Vigorelle is a pretty safe bet if you’re looking for a fast-acting sex enhancer to fan the flames between you and your partner again.

Also, say it with an Italian accent…


What more do you want in a sex creme?

And if you’re looking for something for your significant other, check out these over the counter viagra alternatives.

You’ll both be having GREAT sex in no time!

Have you tried Vigorelle? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Provestra Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Visit the official Provestra website here: www.Provestra.com

Sexual dysfunction in women? Is it really a thing?

You bet it’s a thing.

In fact, it’s a serious problem that effects nearly 43% of all women, opposed to 31% of men. Source

Provestra claims to help to cure sexual dysfunction in women
Image: healthsocho.com

So as female sex enhancers start flooding the market, we’re gonna have to weather the storm and really look closely at the claims to find out what’s worth your time, and what’s not worth a dime.

Recently we came across a sex pill for women that’s gaining some serious traction.

Welcome to Provestra…

Provestra is taking the female sexual enhancer scene by storm

Supposedly this little pink pill already has a cult following of women who swoon over its sex-enhancing effects. Increased libido, a boost in sexual arousal, and improvement in overall pleasure and performance is all in a day’s work with Provestra. Or so they say.

But what is it? And can it really put the LIFE back in your sex life?

What is Provestra?

Provestra sex pills for women says "feeling sexy starts on the inside."

At its core, Provestra is an all-natural formula made up of herbs, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that supposedly gives women “a passionate sex life, filled with intense desire, uninhibited pleasure, exquisite sensations, and easily achieved orgasms.”


This sex pill claims to balance hormones, which in turn puts women in the right physical, mental, and emotional space to want sex — and more importantly — to actually enjoy sex. Source

Orgasm much? If not, no worries. Provestra’s “two-step approach to sexual wellness” has your back…

Provestra claims to help women have better orgasms

The female sex pill is also said to eliminate vaginal dryness by increasing lubrication for intense sexual sensations.

Alright, these are some bold promises. But how can you know for sure that it’s just what the doctor ordered for your sexual dysfunction.

Well… have a look.

Provestra claims its 100% safe and doctor endorsed.

Now let’s not get too carried away. These doctors are most likely affiliated with Provestra’s success in one way or another, so take it for what it’s worth. But here’s what one doctor said about the product.

“Rather than suffering through the negative effects of absent sexual desire, women can begin to experience the best sex of their lives with the help of Provestra. Each ingredient serves its own unique purpose.” – Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD, MSM

Doctors recommend Provestra sex pills for women
Image: viadine.com

OK — so what exactly are these ingredients, and what unique purposes do they serve?

What are the ingredients in Provestra?

What we put into our bodies matters, so here’s the full ingredient profile found in Provestra:

All-natural ingredients in Provestra

  • L-Arginine is an amino acid that gets the blood flowing down there for intensified sensations
  • Theobromine is a stimulant that boosts energy and helps you to relax at the same time for all-around good vibes
  • Indole-3-Carbinol helps to balance the hormone estrogen
  • Damiana Leaf helps with vaginal lubrication and muscle contractions, and might also help to keep hot flashes at bay
Damiana Leaf is found in Provestra
Image: eclatlab.com
  • Black Cohosh Root balances hormones, and is thought to relieve menstrual cramps, heavy periods, and hot flashes
  • Licorice Root helps battle depression and regulates mood swings, while detoxifying the liver so that your body can better process sex hormones
  • Ginger Root intensifies sensations by boosting blood flow
Provestra sex pills for women all-natural ingredients include ginger root
  • Valerian Root has a calming effect that helps to reduce stress
  • Kudzu contains estrogens that balance the key hormones related to overall sexual health
  • And a whole bunch of Vitamins (A, C, E, B-complex, folic acid, calcium and iron)

    Provestra FAQ’s


How do I take it?

Since this is a daily supplement, you will take one pill every day. Provestra needs to remain in your system over the long-haul for it to be most effective.

How long does it take to start working?

Some women feel the positive effects of Provestra within the first 7 days of taking it, but it can take up to 3 months to work for other women. Finally, the product has little-to-no effect on a small group of women.

It can take 3 months for Provestra to really start working

According to the makers of this sex pill…

“Provestra is designed to help your body recover from nutritional deficits and hormonal imbalances that are created over time, from ongoing stress, neglect, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and more… So it only makes sense that it takes a little time and patience to restore this natural balance!”

In other words, you gotta be in it to win it!

Provestra sex pills for women can take up to 3 months for results

Are there any side effects with Provestra?

We personally didn’t experience any negative side effects while testing the product.

The company prides itself on the all-natural ingredients contained in Provestra. And they claim that because of their high standards, you will experience “NO unpleasant side effects” with this sex enhancer.

Provestra claims no side effects

But everyone reacts differently to supplements, so your mileage may vary. In my searching I did come across one woman who complained of dizziness and nausea while taking the pill.

My personal results with Provestra

Will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

User reviews of Provestra

For the most part, women are getting great results with Provestra. They mostly praise it for its libido enhancing powers.

Provestra user reviews

One woman said, “I want to be closer to my man now. I feel more ‘lovey-dovey’ and romantic. And it’s easier to reach orgasm… I’m certainly getting some ‘nookie’.”

The same woman goes on to say in another video that she doesn’t feel she needs the pills anymore because she’s horny all the time… but this is likely due to the fact that the Provestra pills are really doing their job.

She mentions having vivid dreams and increased energy throughout the day. She’s also more motivated to get out, exercise, and eat healthier since taking Provestra.

Again, for a small minority of women, the pill seems to have no effect at all. And obviously for them it’s not worth the money. But hey, they can always cash in on the money-back guarantee.

Where can I buy Provestra?

You can buy Provestra from the company's website

You can buy this women’s libido booster at various online retailers. But it’s best to buy straight from Provestra.com. This way you’re guaranteed to get the actual product, instead of some fake knock-off. You might also find Provestra at the major retailers like Walmart.

How much does Provestra cost?

It’s relatively cheap, actually. You can buy a one-month supply from the Provestra website for $49.95.

Provestra costs $49.95 for a one-month supply
Image: provestra.com

The more you buy the more you save. For instance, get a six-month supply of Provestra and you’ll save $75 and get a free bottle of Vigorelle.

Provestra sex pill for women review
Image: provestra.com

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, the product comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Provestra pills come with a 60-day money back guarantee

The website says, “Please try our product for 60 days and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied simply return the unused portion in the original container within 67 days of receiving your order (60 day trial + one week return shipping), and we will refund you 100% of the product purchase price, excluding shipping & handling.”

That’s a pretty legit guarantee as far as guarantees go.



Provestra gets our vote.

I mean, this pill is like Viagra for women, who could pass it up? We’ve seen positive results in our testing, and SO many other women have too.

The ingredients in Provestra are all-natural, and it really does work as a female libido booster and overall sexual enhancer. The doctors even give it a two-thumbs up.

Provestra sex pills for women really work
Image: blog.jgs4x4.co.uk

There doesn’t seem to be any unpleasant side effects, and even if there were, you can always get your money back through the guarantee program.

Also, the price is pretty competitive as far as sex pills go. And who can put a price on amazing sex anyways?

But remember, it does take some time to start working. So if you buy Provestra, just remember that patience is a virtue. We say it’s well worth the wait to put some serious fire back in your sex life.

And if you want something for your husband / boyfriend, check out these AWESOME Viagra alternatives.

They’ll be sure to shake things up in the bedroom!

Have you tried Provestra? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

HerSolution Pills Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official HerSolution Pills website.

Men aren’t the only one’s who benefit from sex enhancers. I mean, women have needs too!

Maybe there are less female sexual enhancement products out there, or at least less of them that get a lot of attention, but nonetheless women are just as much in need of a little bit of help in the bedroom as men are without a doubt.

And they just might be in luck, as today we’re gonna have a look at one of the most popular female libido and sexual arousal pills on the market — HerSolution.

HerSolution helps improve libido in women
Image: ayurvedicsextreatment.com

Of course, when I come across a company or product that promises the best sex you’ve ever had… well, I’m gonna take a closer look. Sometimes I find it’s just marketing hype, and other times I find a true diamond in the rough, a product that really works.

So let’s take a closer look and find out where HerSolution pills lands on this spectrum.


What is HerSolution?
What are the ingredients in HerSolution Pills?
How do I take it?
How long does it take to start working?
Are there any side effects?
Can I take it with alcohol?
Our Personal Results
Where to buy

What is HerSolution?

HerSolution Review

Think of it as Viagra for women… but with a heavy helping of burning passion in her loins.

Nevermind that I said loins. HerSolution asks the million dollar question of women everywhere:

“Would you like the ability to have spontaneous sex, and enjoy a noticeable – and daily! – increase in sexual thoughts and fantasies?”

Ummm… Yes please.

And vaginal dryness? More like vaginal goodbye-ness!

That’s supposedly what they bring to the table with this all-natural herbal and botanical formula that’s reported to:

Her Solution promises that it increases a woman's desire for sex
Image: leadingedgehealth.com

From our experience, the sex pills work best in tandem with the HerSolution Libido Enhancing Gel, which is rubbed just under the clitoris, and is used on an as-needed basis.

HerSolution sex pills for women work best with HerSolution gel

HerSolution featured on ‘The Doctors’

The product was featured on The Doctors, where one doc highlights the ingredient L-Arginine which “actually dilates the blood vessels around the clitoris the same way [the ingredient] dilates blood vessels in the penis.” The result? Overall improved sexual performance.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI9mQGfxCGw]

What are the ingredients in HerSolution?

The formula isn’t exactly earth-shattering, but it does contain everything that is known to be effective for better sex. In fact, most of these ingredients can be found in the best sex pills for men. Have a look.

HerSolution Ingredients

You’ve got your Niacin, Hops Extract, Tribulus Terrestris, Gingko Biloba, Epidmedium (Horny Goat Weed), Cayenne Pepper, DHEA, and Melatonin.

I mean, there’s no sense reinventing the wheel, right?

But… there’s always room to improve the wheel. And that’s exactly what HerSolution attempts to do by adding one key ingredient into their formula.

HerSolution sex pill for women contains melatonin
Image: easy-immune-health.com

Hellooooooo Melatonin!

Yup, HerSolution contains a healthy dose of Melatonin — you know, the hormone that’s proven to enhance sexual behavior. Source

HerSolution FAQ’s

How do I take it?

HerSolution is a daily-dose sexual enhancer, so you’ll take one tablet with a tall glass of water every day. It’s one of those pills that has to stay in your system for it to be most effective.

Take HerSolution once a day
Image: pregnancybirthbaby.org

How long does it take to start working?

According to the makers of the product, HerSolution is all about “Long-term sexual fulfillment.” So if you’re looking for a quick fix, then this probably isn’t the supplement for you.

How fast will you feel results with HerSolution?
Image: hersolution.com

But if you’re willing to make the investment in your future sex life, then HerSolution might very well be your solution.


Some women notice results in the first couple weeks of taking it, and for others it takes up to 3 months for optimal effectiveness.

After all, good things come to those who wait.

Are there any side effects with HerSolution?

HerSolution has very little side effects
Image: baby-pedia.com

The ingredients are all-natural with no artificial additives. So if you do experience any side effects while taking HerSolution, they’ll likely be mild.

Some have complained of face flushing due to the niacin in the formula. While this symptom can be scary, it’s completely harmless.

A harmless 'Niacin flush' may occur while taking HerSolution

Otherwise, I read through a lot of reviews and didn’t come across many complaints at all. It’s a fairly straight-forward sex pill for women, and we did not experience side effects while testing the product ourselves.

Can I take it with alcohol?

Taking HerSolution with alcohol is not recommended
Image: cookinglight.com

You can probably take HerSolution with a glass of wine and be just fine.

But with that said…

The formula does contain vasodilators which cause your blood vessels to relax and widen. Since alcohol does the same thing at “intoxicating levels,” you could risk a negative reaction when mixing the two. Source

My personal results with HerSolution

My wife has been using Her Solution pills on and off for the last few years, and it’s quite literally one of the only ones that works consistently for her.

While it takes a few weeks for it to fully kick in, once it does the effects are enormous.

Her review follows:

At 46 years old, I don’t need to tell most women that my sex drive has been dwindling down year after year.

While I’m not quite at the dreaded menopause stage, I know it’s right around the corner.

This is not an easy thing to live with, especially considering my husband is 10 years younger than I and has the sex drive of an 18 year old! LOL

He’s given me a bunch of these female sex enhancers to test over the years, and while some of them worked the vast majority do not!

I remember the first time he showed me the Her Solution pills and thought, “yeah ok, I’m sure this one will work”.

Sarcasm runs in the family 😉

I decided to give it a shot, and was pleasantly surprised when I noticed a few weeks later I was actually INTERESTED in having sex.

I even found myself getting horny at just the thought of getting naked with my husband, something that hasn’t happened in a really long time.

It’s sort of hard to describe the feeling, but sex started to feel more enjoyable, and not some inevitable thing that I had to just “put up with”.

I would definitely recommend this to any woman who has been in my shoes, this stuff really works!

User reviews of HerSolution

The user reviews of HerSolution that I’ve come across are mostly positive.


For example, Tory from West Virginia writes…

“I am enjoying sex again and I think this saved my marriage.”

And Mary from Florida writes…

“My 30’s were great, but once I got into my mid-40’s I started feeling like I wanted sex less and less… I came across HerSolution… and I decided to give it a try. I started noticing an immediate change in my mood, and I felt like a new woman! Every woman that is looking for something to help them out in the sex department should try this!”

HerSolution positive reviews
Image: heatherdane.com

OK, but ladies, beware of counterfeit HerSolution pills. They’re floating around out there, and it’s actually beginning to tarnish the real product’s reputation.

In fact, one Amazon reviewer wrote:

“I found the product on Amazon for cheaper, so I purchased it. The Amazon product looked exactly the same. Appeared to be the same packaging and pills, but did nothing for me. I then purchased more from the HerSolution company and their product worked.”

Which brings me to my next point.

Where can I buy HerSolution?

Leading Edge Health is the company that makes HerSolution

We highly recommend buying the product straight from the company’s website (www.HerSolution.com). This way, you’re guaranteed to get the real stuff and not some bogus knock-off.

I would avoid buying HerSolution Pills on sites like Amazon or eBay.  The price may look tempting, but in many cases you’re not actually getting the legit stuff.

Beware of fake HerSolution sold on Amazon
Image: https://www.conservativedailynews.com

How much does HerSolution cost?

A one-month supply of HerSolution costs about $60.

HerSolution sex and libido enhancer for women costs about $60 for a one-month supply
Image: leadingedgehealth.com

If you buy their ‘Gold Package’ you get a 2-month supply AND the HerSolution Gel. That’s a pretty good deal, as you save about $30.

Her Solution review
Image: leadingedgehealth.com

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, the company offers a pretty generous guarantee. In fact, they have a whole ‘Guarantee’ page on their website that explains the terms in good detail.

HerSolution offers a 67-day money-back guarantee on their sex pills for women

They say…

“Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).”

67-day 100% money-back guarantee. Not bad at all.

Also, they allow returns on unopened products. So you can always take advantage of the bulk discount pricing without any risk at all.


HerSolution is like ‘Viagra for women’, and I have to say it held its own in almost every category.

HerSolution sex pill for women is like Viagra for women
Image: ladiesliveandlearn.com. Text overlay mine.

I like the fact the ingredient profile is all-natural and contains familiar herbs and botanicals. Especially for a daily-doser, as you don’t wanna be stuffing your body with questionable chemicals and additives. So the formula brings that much needed peace-of-mind.

Also, the side effects are almost non-existent, so you shouldn’t worry about negative reactions.


The user reviews are pretty good overall, and the price isn’t too bad. Perhaps best of all is that money-back guarantee. It shows the company stands behind their products.

HerSolution doesn’t give immediate results, but if you’re the patient type and want to experience a potentially life-changing improvement in your sex drive and overall sexual pleasure, then this pill might be a good bet.

Because of the money back guarantee, it is a bit of no brainer to at least try it out if you think that everything else about it is enticing and by most accounts it is worth a chance.

Also, check out these Over The Counter Viagra alternatives for your husband, specifically Hardon Helper.

I know, I know, the name is a bit vulgar.

However, he’ll be getting rock hard erections to the point where you’ll have to start taking a few days off from sex to recover!

Have you tried HerSolution? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lean Belly Breakthrough Review

Most of us want to lose fat and keep it off. So when a new weight-loss program like Lean Belly Breakthrough comes a-knockin’ at our door to sell us a sexy body, it’s SO easy to take the bait.

“Just do this two-minute ritual and watch the fat melt away!”

Yeah, right.

Lean Belly Breakthrough promises to help us burn fat and lose weight
Image: mysimpleremedies.com

But. . . what if? What if there was a health hack (in this case engineered by a German doctor) that actually worked to blast away our belly fat?

Is it possible? I mean, don’t we need exercise and a healthy diet to truly lose weight and become our best selves?

Well the short answer is YES! Diet and exercise are the key to losing weight.


But there’s a longer answer too. . .

You see, if you’ve got diet and exercise under control, you just might benefit from a weight loss program like Lean Belly Breakthrough.

So let’s break it down and see if it’s worth it to help you to burn fat fast.

What is the Lean Belly Breakthrough Secret?

Lean Belly Breakthrough 2-minute ritual review
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

I recently came across this sales page for Lean Belly Breakthrough, and my curiosity got the best of me.

The page is extremely looooong (and used-car-salesman-sleazy), so I went ahead and distilled it down to everything you need to know about Lean Belly Breakthrough.

Boom! The moment you hit the page, you see their “promise” emblazoned across the top.

Lean Belly Breakthrough 2 minute ritual
Image: https://www.leanbellybreakthrough.com/index2.html

Then it goes into a (real or totally fake?) story of this guy’s father-in-law, Dan, who had a heart attack on a plane, which somehow lead him to a medical doctor in Germany and the discovery of a “2-Minute Ritual.”

Dan got some serious weight-loss wisdom from the German doctor, applied it to his life, and supposedly lost 9 pounds of belly fat in just 3 days. . . and then another 30 pounds one month later. Seriously?!

Just when the sales page was getting good, they hit us with some horrendous copywriting. Seriously, have a look, it reads like one of those super-scammy emails from a “Nigerian Prince.”

Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
Text taken from: leanbellybreakthrough.com

But we’ll let it slide. Because the promise is just too good. They say you can burn a pound of fat every single day with. . .

  • No strenuous exercise
  • No pricey supplements
  • No special gadgets

And best of all, it’s “scientifically proven” to work, although they don’t exactly share this “science.”

Lean Belly Breakthrough is supposedly scientifically proven to help you lose weight
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

Meet Bruce Krahn, the guy who created Lean Belly Breakthrough. . .

Bruce created Lean Belly Breakthrough
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

The sales page says Bruce is the trainer of celebrities like Nelly Furtado and Criss Angel.

Lean Belly Breakthrough review
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

But wait a tick. How do we know this is legit and not some BS sales copy?

Well, I did a little investigative work, which led me to this page. . .

Bruce Krahn of Lean Belly Breakthrough
Text taken from: ebodi.com

OK Bruce, you’re a real dude. We’ll give you that. And apparently a pretty solid trainer.

But what results can we realistically expect from your Lean Belly program?

He says, “When combined with 5 specific natural body movements we have proven this breakthrough can. . .

  • Prevent arteriosclerosis
  • Prevent lower blood pressure
  • Reverse diabetes
  • Improve circulation while causing rapid fat loss — especially from the abdominal area — at a rate of one pound per day.”


And while Bruce has packaged and is now marketing the actual program, the “wisdom” itself is the brainchild of none other than. . .

Drum roll please. . .

Dr. Heinrick! (Pictured below)

Dr. Heinrick is said to have invented the 2-minute ritual for Lean Belly Breakthrough
Image: lifehacker.com

We’ll talk more about this (non) fella in a bit, but for now, just know that Bruce got a hold of this “secret” that saved his father-in-law’s life, and was inspired to make the Lean Belly Breakthrough program that:

  • Outlines the simple ritual and lists of foods
  • Includes the list of a dozen natural herbs and spices and nutrients that work to ‘eliminate the underlying cause of diabetes, heart disease and even arthritis.’
  • Reveals a list of heart-attack warning signs
  • Shows foods that can trigger a heart attack at any time
  • Includes a day-to-day blueprint to turn on “dead” metabolisms
  • And a bonus “special” ritual to help burn fat

Alright, before we move on, I just have to share one last image from the Lean Belly Breakthrough sales page. You know, for shits and gigs.

Dr. Heinrick of Lean Belly Breakthrough
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

I’m sorry, but I literally laughed out loud when I saw this. You had me at “TOP SECRET!” 😉

How does Lean Belly Breakthrough work?

Great question! Unfortunately, the sales page gives *very* little info about how it actually works. So I bought the product myself to try it out for you guys.

Once I go through the program, I’ll circle back to this and update with my personal experience.

But I did look through the materials, and here is my understanding of the Lean Belly Breakthrough program and how it might (or might not) help us to burn fat and lose weight fast.

Lean Belly works by leveraging a very unusual trifecta of:

  • Special foods
  • Herbs and spices
  • And 5 natural body movements

According to the sales page. . .

Here's how Lean Belly Breakthrough works
Image from: leanbellybreakthrough.com with my edits.

Wait. . . does this sound like the fabled ‘Fountain of Youth’ or what?

Once you purchase the program, you get immediate access to the following:

  • Belly fat melting rituals
  • Emergency Fat Loss Guide
  • Diabetes and heart disease reversing recipes
  • Easy to follow heart attack prevention method
  • Delicious metabolism boosting meal plan
  • Detailed instructional videos
  • and more


Lean Belly Breakthrough order process

As you get deeper and deeper into the sales page, you’ll see two different Call-to-Actions. One for men, and the other for women.

Lean Belly Breakthrough is for men and women
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

Click on either and it’ll take you to this sales order page. . .

Lean Belly Breakthrough order page
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

Once you fill out the order form, get ready for an upsell extravaganza.

Yup, they try to upsell you like crazy.

Welcome to upsell #1

It’s for 2 Minute Lean Belly Smoothies, Recipes & and Video Coaching Lessons. Who doesn’t love a good smoothie? Needless to say, I couldn’t help myself, and I went for this upsell.

Lean Belly Breakthrough Smoothie upsell

Supposedly, there’s over 100 belly-fat burning smoothie recipes in this “VIP” upsell.

That’s a $776 value for only $67?! Who could resist? 😉

Lean Belly upgrades

Here’s everything you get in Upsell #1:

  • Smoothie recipes
  • Belly-fat targeting lunch recipes
  • Fast belly-fat targeting dinner recipes
  • Ab-friendly fat-burning dessert recipes
  • Estrogen-balancing meal plan
  • Thyroid balancing meal plan
  • Testosterone balancing meal plan
  • Ab-toning exercise video demonstrations
  • A one-on-one email consultation with Mr. Bruce Krahn himself

Lean Belly Breakthrough one-on-one email consultation with Bruce

Introducing upsells #2 and #3

I wasn’t very excited about these next two upsells, so I didn’t buy them. And I won’t bore you too much about the details.

But in the second upsell, the folks at Lean Belly offer you a “Hormone-balancing handbook.” They say it’s a $45 value, but are willing to let it go at $25. How generous.

Lean Belly Hormone Balancing handbook

And the third upsell allows you to become a card-carrying member of the Lean Belly Breakthrough Success Academy. This gets you:

  • Personalized recipes and menu plans for your calorie requirements
  • Personalized shopping lists
  • Personal diet analysis
  • Fully personalized exercise plan
  • Fully personalized supplement recommendations
  • And a fully-personalized goal setting plan

Lean Belly Breakthrough review

Dang, talk about getting personal. You get a lifetime membership to the Success Academy, a $147 value for only $15. I thought it was too good to be true, so I passed.

Finally, once they’re done selling you everything but the kitchen sink, you now have access to the Lean Belly Breakthrough digital downloads. . .

What’s in the Lean Belly Digital Downloads?

Those nifty spiral-bound books that you get. . . yeah you actually don’t get those. Instead, these books are only available in digital download. Yup, it’s a PDF! The old bait and switch.


Anyhow, here are the downloads in a nutshell:

  • Main manual – Lean Belly Breakthrough
  • Tracking Sheets
  • Libido-boosting foods
  • Fat-burning desserts
  • Emergency fat-loss guide
  • Body fat and hormones
  • Recipes and metabolism boosting meal plans

These are pretty self-explanatory, so I’m not going to dive deep into them. But after skimming through the material, I can honestly say that nothing here is groundbreaking. Not even close.

In fact, one of the daily rituals is “floss your teeth.”

Daily Ritual for Lean Belly Breakthrough is "Floss your teeth."
Image: dentalguideaustralia.com

I kid you not. Floss your teeth! What are we in grade school again?

The rest of the info throughout the downloads seems to be general health tips and tricks, which you can get anywhere online. . . for free.

Alright, who is this Dr. Heinrick?

Will the real Dr. Heinrick please stand up?

Good ol’ Dr. Heinrick is the mastermind behind the Lean Belly Breakthrough. Remember, he was the German doc who revealed his weight-loss secrets to Bruce’s in-laws.

Dr. Heinrick of Lean Body Breakthrough probably doesn't exist.
Lean Belly Marketing tactics. Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

But. . . is Dr. Heinrick a real dude?

Well, if he really is as amazing as Bruce makes him out to be, you’d think he’d be all over the internet. Or at least somewhere on the internet.

But alas, he’s nowhere to be found. 🙁 And I’m still searching for Dr. Heinrick.

No information about Dr. Heinrick of Lean Belly Breakthrough anywhere on the market

So either a.) Bruce did us dirty, OR b.) there’s a world-class doctor somewhere out there with the most amazing credentials but with ZERO internet clout. Which is more likely? I’ll leave that judgement to you.

User reviews of Lean Belly Breakthrough

The user reviews for Lean Belly Breakthrough are all over the map. Some say it’s a scam, while others praise the real breakthroughs they’ve experienced. The tough part is knowing which to believe.

User reviews for Lean Belly Breakthrough

Obviously, the creator of the program, Bruce Krahn, has his own video that pops up first in the YouTube search. . .

But you’ll want to look past these blatant advertisements to see what people really think about the program.

This next one is an objective, unbiased review from a young guy who purchased the program and was extremely disappointed. Here’s why. . .

He searched high and low through the Lean Belly Breakthrough materials, and nowhere did he find the 2-minute ritual. You know, the 2-minute ritual that the ENTIRE program is supposedly built upon!

Now, this next one below isn’t a review at all, just some guy showing some extremely basic stretches, which I guess are the super secret special “movements” in the program. He’s obviously just trying to sell the product.

I was unable to find a single person who genuinely went through the whole program and had good (or bad) things to say about it.

But again, bookmark this page, as I plan on going through the program in its entirety and filling you in on my experience soon.

Where can I buy it?

As far as I know, you can only buy Lean Belly Breakthrough on the program’s sales page. If you search for it on Amazon, you get random booklets that are not made by Bruce himself.

Lean Belly Breakthrough is not sold on Amazon

Also, don’t mistake Lean Belly Breakthrough for Lean Belly Prescription. They’re two totally different products/programs.

How much does it cost?

The $297 value for Lean Belly is sold for one low-price of $27. And. . . you get what you pay for.

Lean Belly Breakthrough costs $27
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com

That’s if you don’t spring for those juicy upsells, which total about $100 when all is said and done.

Is there a guarantee?

Yep, there is. Which is definitely a saving grace of the Lean Belly Breakthrough program. If you buy it and don’t get the results, or you think it’s totally bogus and not worth the money, just get your money back. No questions asked.

Or, as the sales page sells it: “Your tiny investment today is backed by a 100% 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee.”

Lean Belly Breakthrough offers a money-back guarantee
Image: leanbellybreakthrough.com


Run for the hills. Kidding. Sorta.

I suppose if you really followed everything in the digital downloads, you’ll probably see weight-loss results. The information in the Lean Belly Breakthrough program isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just so general that you could find it anywhere, for free. So why pay $27?


Also, Bruce tells us to “Do this 2-minute ritual to lose 1 pound of belly fat every day.” But he doesn’t share anything that could possibly bring about those results that only takes two stinkin’ minutes a day. So that’s a bit disappointing.

But with that said, I never thought for a second that a 2-minute ritual could do much of anything when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.

I’m a firm believer that it takes a holistic lifestyle overhaul to get real results. This means adequate exercise, healthy eating habits, and potentially the use of weight-loss supplements.

But two minutes? C’mon.

Finally, the bill of goods he sells is based 100% on some German doctor’s teachings. But if you recall, we couldn’t find Dr. Heiny anywhere. Does he even exist? If he doesn’t, then the whole program folds like a house of cards.

My final verdict: It’s a no-go. But again, I’m gonna go through the program and circle back to tell you all about my experience, good or bad.

Have you tried Lean Belly Breakthrough? If so, write your review in the comments below!

How Do Porn Stars Last So Long?

Warning: Some of this content is Not Suitable For Work (NSFW).  Viewer discretion is advised!

It’s no secret….

A lot of guys envy porn stars.  I mean, how cool would it be to have sex with hot women, AND get paid to do it?!

I’m not an avid watcher of porn, but I’ll occasionally watch a couple videos if the Mrs. either isn’t in the mood.

Or is out of town 😉

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/wife out of

I was watching a video recently, and what struck me the most was simply how long this dude was lasting.

I mean, he was pounding away for a good 30 minutes!

That’s not normal, at least not for me.

So it got me thinking, how come these porn stars last so long?

So I decided to do a bit of research….

I searched through dozens of interviews with porn stars, read countless articles, and even interviewed a doctor to get the skinny on why porn stars last as long as they do.

Update! If You Want To Last Like A Porn Star, Use This…

If you’re looking for an all natural supplement to help give you porn-star quality erections and lasting power, look no further then Prosolution Plus.

Prosolution Plus sex pill review

It’s by FAR the best premature ejac. supplement I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 of them.

Click Here to read my full Prosolution Plus review.

#1 Porn Stars Use Distraction Techniques

This has been a staple of premature ejaculation remedies since the dawn of time.

Quite simply, during the act of sex you basically just think about something mundane (like multiplication tables).

porn stars use distraction techniques to last longer

You would do this about 1 – 2 min. before you’re about to cum.

The idea being that taking your mind of the glorious goods will prolong the ultimate payoff.

Us guys are visual….

We get turned on by big titties and / or a nice round ass.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/perfect

Next time you think you’re about to blow your load, just close your eyes and think about something boring.

Like gasoline prices….

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/gas

Or traffic…


Or even dealing with Comcast customer service….

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/comcast customer

Literally think of ANYTHING that will get your mind off of it.

#2 -Porn Stars Do Penile Exercises

I’ve been preaching the use of enlargement exercises for god knows how long at this point.

Techniques like jelqing, wet and dry milking, and kegels should be a staple in every guys life.

Unfortunately, this is usually not the case.

Some people are put off by actually having to do exercises and put in a little bit of work, but the best results are simply not possible with a little elbow grease, so to speak.

The absolute BEST exercise to help you last longer would be kegels.

It’s sort of hard to describe how to do them, but here’s the jist of it:

How to Kegel step-by-step:

  1. EQUIPMENT:  Sit in a chair, preferably a hard chair.
  2. STARTING POSITION:  Sit up straight with your hand in your lap.
  3. EXERCISE:  Contract the PC Muscle (see above to locate the PC muscle)
  4. Basically you’ll be pretending that you’re about to fart, and then do what you would normally do to “stop” the fart.

Note:  You shouldn’t feel your stomach contract.

I also have a great video demonstrating this, check it out below:

Not only will kegels help you last longer during sex, but they can also help with male urinary incontinence.

There are a ton of other exercises you can (and SHOULD) be doing to help you last as long as a porn star.

Too many to list here…

Click Here to sign up for my free “Enlargement Exercises” ebook below!

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

#3 – Porn Stars Use Pills

It’s a simple fact that some porn stars use a wide variety of pills and supplements to help them last longer.

“Which ones?”, you may ask….

Well, the answer to that is it depends on the situation.

Pills For Huge Loads

If a guy is looking to blow a huge load, he’ll likely use a volume enhancer.

These typically involve the use of proven ingredients like zinc, L-Carnitine, and L-Arginine.

I’ve personally used supplements containing these ingredients, with some really surprising results.

Take Volume Pills or Semenax for example.

Volume Pills Vs. Semenax Comparison.

Volume Pills were one of the first volume enhancing pills I ever used, and I was VERY skeptical that they would do anything.

The first week, I didn’t really notice much.

But after about 3 weeks, I was shooting a MINIMUM of twice the amount of sperm that I normally did.

Not only was I shooting bigger loads, but I also noticed my orgasms were WAY more intense than they ever had been.

You can read my full Volume Pills review here to learn more.

Pills To Last Longer

It’s no secret that a lot of porn stars use Viagra to help them get the best erection possible.

However, not every guy can use Viagra.

Sometimes it’s because they have a heart condition, and other times they just don’t want to deal with the side effects.

viagra side effects statistics by percentages

I have personally tested well over 100 different Viagra alternatives.

If you’re looking for something that works similarly to Viagra, but without the side effects, then you NEED to read this article.

Alternatively, there are some supplements that can help you last as long as a porn star.

The best one I’ve personally used would be Prosolution Plus.

prosolution plus

It contains a number of ingredients that REALLY do work to get rid of premature ejaculation.

You can read my full Prosolution Plus review here.

#4 Porn Stars Use Desensitizing Creams

An often overlooked remedy for premature ejaculation is the use of desensitizing creams.

These work EXACTLY how they sound…

They desensitize the stimulation of the penis.

One Ask Me Anything (AMA) I read on Reddit from an anonymous porn star actually recommended it as one of the best ways of helping him last longer for sex.

There are all sorts of creams, oils, and gels on the market that can do this.

In stores, you’ll see products like KY duration spray, Stud 100, and Mandelay.

I’ve actually used several of these, with modest results.

ky duration for men walgreens

Online, you have a TON of alternatives.

For example, the best desensitizing cream I’ve ever used was Vigrx Delay spray.

vigrx delay spray

It uses a specific ingredient called Lidocaine, which is a topical anaesthetic.

Once applied, it virtually eliminates all sensation in the penis, allowing you to last for as long as you want to.

You can read more about that in my full Vigrx Delay spray review.

#5 Porn Stars Use Penile Pumps

One interview I read specifically mentioned the use of pumps.

porn stars use pumps to last longer
An example of a penis pump, the Bathmate.

Traditionally, pumps are used to help you get bigger (especially in the girth department).

However, a side effect (if you want to call it that) of using pumps is that they can actually help you last longer in bed.

They do this for 2 reasons:

  1.  You’re essentially creating an erection each time you pump, but without reaching a climax.
  2. You’re literally “training” your penis to be ready for sex.

With consistent pumping, you’ll be lasting just as long as porn star within 1 month (maybe less).


I realize that this whole article looks like one huge sales letter for the various products on the market.

Guys, this is no B.S.

These techniques and products REALLY do work.

Porn stars are not some super-human beings that can control their orgasms at will.

They’re just like the rest of us, and don’t naturally last longer without having to do something about it.

Use any of these techniques, products, or tricks above, and before you know it you’ll be lasting just as long or longer!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Boner Pills That Really Work, From A Guy Whose Tested 100+

Jump To A Topic

* This is NOT a sponsored post.  I wasn’t paid to write it, at all!  Click Here to learn more.

Best Boner Pills For Men (Online Only)

#1: Hardon Helper
#2: Vigrx Plus
#3: Extenze Plus
#4: Prosolution Plus

Sex Pills For Women (Online Only)

#1: Hersolution
#2: Provestra

Best Boner Pills For Men (In Stores)

#1: Zyrexin
#2: Ageless Male
#3: Libido Max
#4: Extenze Liquid Shot

Best Sex Pills For Women (In Stores)

#1: Libido Max For Women
#2: Virmax For Her

If you’re on the market for a boner pill that’ll knock your socks off, then you’re in damn good hands today. I’ve taken the time to highlight the best sex pills for men (and women!) and compiled it ALL into one quick-reference post for you.

Also, I separate them into two main categories:

  • Boner Pills that you can only buy online.
  • And boner pills that you can only buy in stores.

Because it matters. And you probably have a preference.

Some guys wanna run to the nearest store and buy something in-person, that way they can read the labels, compare and contrast, and get home and get it on.

The downside to this is that many of them contain dangerous ingredients that could potentially cause some serious side effects.

Others prefer the more discreet route, and don’t mind waiting a day or two. Buying sex pills online eliminates that embarrassing encounter with the checkout lady at the store.

Also, buying online allows you to read through user reviews and often get a better price.

But to each his own! So without further ado, let’s start with the best boner pills you can buy online.

Online Only

#1 Boner Pill – Hardon Helper

hardon helper review

What is Hardon Helper?

It’s magic. That’s what it is. No but seriously, when I was first contacted by a rep from Dr. Seltzer’s Hardon Helper, I was reluctant to try it.

email from hardon helper
Email from Hardon Helper

After all, I’ve tried hundreds of male enhancement pills over the years, and to be honest they’re mostly crap.

male enhancement pills ive tested

Long story short, I wasn’t expecting such ridiculously amazing results. But I bit the bullet and tried it, and let’s just say the rest was history. Because of the ingredient profile, this is easily the best fast-acting boner pill I’ve ever tried.

hardon helper boner pill ingredients label

We’re talkin’ rock hard erections for 2 days.

I was wishing for 3, but after I read this I was a bit relieved that the boner only stuck around as long as it did!

Read my full review of Hardon Helper, and see for yourself the massive-erection-giving-capabilities of this beautiful little boner pill.

What can I expect with Hardon Helper?

The label says that 1 capsule will start working within 1 – 2 hours, and they say it’ll last for days. Once you take it, the pill is super fast-acting, even compared to Extenze (as you’ll read about).

Hardon Helper is a very fast-acting sex pill
Image: animalark.org

Also, as far as I know, they don’t pump illegal ingredients (like fake Sildenafil!) into the product.

This is important, because countless

The makers of the sex pill are transparent about the formula, and break down every ingredient amount right there on the label.

This is just good business, but unfortunately SO many others don’t do this.

As for side effects, you probably won’t experience any with this supplement. Well, I didn’t anyway, but your mileage may vary.

It’s shipped discreetly with “Dr. Seltzer LLC” on the return address.

dr seltzers hardon helper is shipped discreetly

And the price is right. . .

Hardon Helper is an affordable sex pill
Image: askdrseltzer.com

A single pack costs $10.99, and they offer discounts for larger orders:

  • 6 Pack for $52.99, which breaks down to $8.83 each
  • 8 Pack for $61.99, which breaks down to $7.74 each
  • 12 Pack for $79.99, which breaks down to $6.66 each

If you’re looking for a perfect Viagra substitute, this is it!

#2 Boner Pill – Vigrx Plus

Vigrx Plus is one of the best sex pills you can buy online

What is Vigrx Plus?

Where Hardon Helper is my #1 pick for fast-acting boner pills, Vigrx Plus gets my vote for best slow-acting (but highly powerful) sex enhancer.

The product is legit, with 100% all-natural ingredients that are designed to promote sexual stamina and vigor, while boosting your libido.

vigrx plus label show ingredients that make a good sex pill

The company claims that the best results are achieved after about 3 months, but you need to continue taking the product to maintain results.

Also, one of the great things about this product is that they don’t make claims like it’ll give you a 12-inch penis. Because it won’t. Too many companies make these bogus, unrealistic claims. So I was glad to see Vigrx Plus taking the high road here.

VigRx Plus is the real deal, and is endorsed by leading physicians, like the acclaimed physician Dr. Steven Lamm, who’s often featured on ABC’s The View.

It’s also one of the only products in its category to be clinically studied by a leading research lab.

What to expect with Vigrx Plus sex pills?

Vigrx Plus is a great sex pill based on science
Image: targetcareers.co.uk

Well, it’s science really. According to their website, “Its proprietary formulation has been scientifically shown to help inhibit the Rho-kinase enzyme, in turn increasing blood flow, leading to harder, longer lasting erections.” And that’s exactly what happens.

When I took Vigrx Plus (read the full review), my erections were stronger than what I got from taking other sex pills, and my sex drive was out of this world.

I also felt bigger, as if there was a lot more blood flowing to my penis than normal. And I’m pretty sure there was.

When taking the OTC sex pill Vigrx Plus I noticed more blood flow to penis
Image: adsoftheworld.com

But don’t expect this pill to work overnight. Like I mentioned before, Vigrx Plus is your go-to, slow-acting sex pill for the long-game. Like a slightly more kinky version of the tortoise and the hare.

Where can I buy Vigrx Plus?

You can buy Vigrx Plus on the company’s official website, where it’s reasonably priced. A one-month supply costs $76.99. And you can save money when you buy the product in bulk.

You can buy the sex pill Vigrx Plus online

Oh, and one last note about Vigrx Plus. . . beware of counterfeit fakes! You can read more about that in my full product review.

#3 Boner Pill – Extenze Plus

extenze plus is another male sex pill you can only buy online

What is Extenze Plus?

The makers of Extenze updated their old formula, added new ingredients, and overall made a product that gives you bigger, better erections, stamina and control.

They had to do this because, let’s call it ‘issues’, of the way they were promoting their supplement.

extenze website in 2003
Extenze website in 2003

This new Extenze Plus formula also comes in time-release gel-cap form. The gel-cap is great, as the effects of it come on slower and are thus more manageable.

original extenze vs extenze plus sex pills

The ingredients are similar to what you’d find in other male enhancement pills, and include Tribulus terrestris, Korean Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed, Ginseng, DHEA, Velvet Bean Extract, Niacin, Yohimbe, and Tongkat Ali.

Extenze Plus sex pill review
^ The “new and improved” Extenze label

Since the time-release function means you’ll absorb it slowly, you likely won’t notice any side effects, but don’t be so surprised when you experience longer lasting erections.

What to expect with Extenze Plus boner pills?

Unlike daily-dose boner pills like Vigrx Plus, Extenze works on an as-needed basis.

If you do notice any side effects, it could be from the Yohimbe. (Source)

But I’ve found a cool hack to cut these side effects (especially the anxiety) by taking Phenibut at the same time. You can read more about that in my full Extenze Plus review.

extenze and phenibut as an alternative to viagra

Now, Extenze Plus won’t make your penis bigger, per se, but the temporary blood flow will likely enable your penis to swell to a larger girth, leaving you feeling bigger, like the beast you are.

Where can I buy Extenze Plus boner pills?

You can buy Extenze Plus on the company’s official website.

A one-month supply costs $59.95 and increases from there depending on the the quantity you purchase.

You can also buy it on Amazon, although I don’t necessarily recommend it because there are a TON of fakes floating around on there. . .

Where to buy Extenze Plus

#4 Boner Pill – Prosolution Plus

Prosolution Plus sex pill review

What is Prosolution Plus?

I don’t personally suffer from premature ejaculation, but I know A LOT of men do. In fact, I took a reader poll and found that nearly 30% of my readers struggle with blowing their load too early during sex.

premature ejaculation poll conducted by supplement critique
Poll we conducted several years back

And from what I hear, it’s pretty damn embarrassing.

Fear not! Welcome to Prosolution Plus, an all-natural longer boner pill that promises to give you the goods to go the distance in bed.

This once daily formula was made with early shooters in mind. And it works. Like really, really well. In fact, the formula has gone through a rigorous clinical trial where researchers found:

1.) A 64% improvement in premature ejaculation
2.) A 67% improvement in erectile quality
3.) And a 78% improvement in overall sexual satisfaction when compared to a placebo group

Prosolution Plus is a sex pill that helps with premature ejaculation
Image: prosolutionplus.com

Dang! Talk about results.

What to expect with Prosolution Plus boner pills?

I invite you to read my in-depth review of Prosolution Plus. In it I share a story of one of my readers named “Russell” who took the formula for a test drive and found that within 2 weeks he was lasting up to 5 times longer during sex.

At the two-month mark Russel was lasting upwards of 20 minutes on average, and was pleasantly surprised by a noticeable boost in libido too.

To top off his positive experience, Russel didn’t experience any side effects while taking Prosolution Plus. Not bad.

Where to buy Prosolution Plus?

You can buy Prosolution Plus on the company’s official website.

If you choose to get it elsewhere, be careful.  Just like with Vigrx Plus and Extenze, there are lots of counterfeits out there.

Prosolution Plus sex pill
Image: prosolutionplus.com

I won’t lie, it’s a bit pricey, with a one-month supply running $69.95. But hey, can you really put a price on finally being able to go the distance? Also, the more you buy, the more you save.

And seeing that it takes approximately 3 months to get the best results, why not buy in bulk and spend as low as $36 per box? If it doesn’t work for you, just cash in on their 67-day money-back guarantee.

Sex pills for women you can only find online

#1 Female Sex Pills – HerSolution

female sex pills - hersolution

Yep, there are sex pills for women, like HerSolution. It’s like Female Viagra, in the sense that it promises to increase libido and enhance overall sexual performance and feeling.

According to the makers of the supplement, the formula “contains a very precise blend of herbals, nutrients, and aphrodisiacs that work.” You can buy a one-month supply of HerSolution on their website for $59.95.

Many of these herbs, like Tribulus Terrestris, have been clinically studies to help in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in women. (Source)

#2 Female Sex Pills – Provestra

provestra reviews

Provestra is another female sex pill that women are swooning over.  According to the company, “Provestra is a 100% safe, doctor-endorsed daily supplement designed to dramatically increase a woman’s desire for sex.” Well, alright. You can buy a one-month supply of Provestra on their official site for only $49.95.

Read our full Provestra review here.

In stores

#1 Boner Pill – Zyrexin

zyrexin sex pill review

What is Zyrexin?

Welcome to the “World’s strongest sexual enhancer.” Or so it claims to be. I tried this product, and while I don’t think it’s the “world’s strongest,” it’s definitely one of the best over the counter boner pills I’ve ever tried.

Zyrexin sex pill for men
Image: walmart.com

The makers of the product really play up the fact that Zyrexin is the only sex pill to be covered with a U.S. patent as well as international patents. They also heavily promote that it’s fast-acting, and will give you a massive erection in under an hour.

Finally, as you’ll soon see, the price is right for this boner supplement.

What to expect with Zyrexin boner pills?

When I took Zyrexin, I felt extremely alert and noticed a huge increase in stamina.

zyrexin review

This came as a breath of fresh air, as many sex enhancers leave me feeling sick, or tired, or with bouts of sporadic energy.

You can read my full Zyrexin review here, but I’ll just say that my erection came on fast and hard. Like rock hard.

Zyrexin Plus sex pill gives rock hard erections
Image: imgur.com

With that said, others might not have the same positive experience, as the formula does contain Yohimbe.

According to WebMD, Yohimbe has the potential to increase blood pressure and heart rate, and bring on a host of other side effects like dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and fever like symptoms to name a few. Source

With this in mind, I suggest taking half the dose to start, just to see how your body reacts.

Where can I buy Zyrexin?

You can buy Zyrexin at most major retailers, including CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, GNC, Target, and Rite Aid. On average, you can buy a 10-count of this sex enhancer for about $18. Pretty dang cheap.

#2 Boner Pill – Ageless Male

ageless male sex pill review

What is Ageless Male?

Ageless Male is a testosterone booster, or T-booster, through and through. But some have praised its libido-increasing powers, so I’m including it in this list of best sex pills over the counter.

The product’s website states that it has the potential to:

  • boost energy production
  • increase sex drive
  • promote lean muscle mass
  • and give users a more positive mood

And the key ingredient in Ageless Male, Fenugreek, has been medically shown to help men increase strength and maintain adequate testosterone levels (Source). Here is the full list of ingredients. . .

ageless male sex pill ingredients label
ageless male ingredients label

What to expect with Ageless Male boner pills?

The user reviews are all over the map for this OTC boner pill. Some say they noticed no results at all, while others say they did experience results, like improved libido, but not until the one-month mark. Still others were left with minor side effects like gas and upset stomach.

I tried Ageless Male, and my libido freakin’ skyrocketed for the first 4-5 days. I felt like such a boss.

I felt like a boss when I first started taking Ageless Male sex pill and t-booster
Image: wallpaperup.com

And then suddenly it plummeted. I also felt aggressive and hostile, but this could have been an indicator that my testosterone was really spiking.

You’ll read in my full review of Ageless Male that I was torn on giving it a positive recommendation.

It just seemed too much, too soon. And it ultimately left me feeling worse off than before.

Where can I buy Ageless Male? 

You can buy Ageless Male at major retailers like GNC, Walmart, and Walgreens. If you buy it through their websites, you’ll have to fork out about $40 for a one-month supply. Or you can get a 3 month supply for $79.90 plus S&H.

#3 Boner Pills – Libido Max

libido max as an over the counter viagra replacement and sex pill

What is Libido Max?

The name says it all. . . or does it?

Sure enough, the key ingredients Horny Goat Weed and Tribulus terrestris will likely boost your libido, and the L-Arginine will help with blood flow to give you better erections.

But then you’ve got Yohimbe. And a whole lot of it. . .

yohimbe bark tree, yohimbe is found in sex pills

What to expect with Libido Max Boner pills?

This was one of the very first sex drive pills I ever tried. I just wanted to dip my toes in, so I only took 2 gel-caps instead of the recommended 4.

The first 15 minutes were mellow, and then it hit me like a freight train.

If you read my full review of Libido Max, you’ll know I have never been so horny and so sick. . . at the same time. Yeah, you can just imagine the fun that was. Ugh. Not to mention my heart was hammering full speed and it felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest.

And I only took half the recommended dose! Damn Yohimbe. Needless to say, I’d suggest taking 1 pill to start, instead of the recommended 4 pills. I think if I hadn’t got sick, the horny-ness would’ve been worth it.

Where can I buy Libido Max?

You can buy Libido Max at retailers like Walmart, Target, CVS, Rite-Aid, and Walgreens.

On average, you’ll spend about $17 for 75 liquid soft-gels, or $11 for a 30-count bottle. Now, if just one soft-gel does the trick, that’s a helluva deal!

#4 Boner (NOT) Pills Extenze Liquid Shot

boner juice

What is Extenze Liquid Shot?

Don’t be fooled, while Extenze Liquid Shot looks similar to a bottle of 5 Hour Energy, you’re gonna get a 5-hour boner instead. Well, sorta.

This male enhancement supplement is all about boosting libido and sexual arousal. And I’ve personally found it to work. . .  very, very well.

Sex pills review
Image: greenrushdaily.com

It’s got your typical sex enhancement ingredients like L-Arginine, Maca Root, Yohimbe, and Horny goat weed, among others. But it’s the L-Arginine and Yohimbe combo that really drives results. Source

What to expect with Extenze Liquid Shot?

I was hesitant to test this little guy, as my experience with Extenze’s original formula took a turn for the worse and had me feeling pretty damn nauseous. However, with this new and improved Extenze Liquid shot, I didn’t experience any negative side effects.

In fact, I can honestly say it’s one of the best sex enhancers I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried over 100 to date! You can read my full review of Extenze Liquid Shot here.

When I took the shot, I noticed a little tingling in my pants. 30 minutes later I was really feeling the effects of sexual arousal. It peaked at the one-hour mark (welcome to boner-city), and maintained its effects for about 3-4 hours.

Because it’s got Yohimbe, I suggest to take it slow and maybe shoot just 1/4 of the bottle to start, and go from there.

Where can I buy Extenze Liquid Shot?

extenze liquid shots at Walgreens and CVS

It’s your gas-station sex pill special. No but seriously, you can pick it up at many gas stations, as well as most major retailers like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and even 7-11.

sex pills for women

The average retail price is $8.50 for a 2-pack, which isn’t bad considering the going price for erection pills is way up there.

In Stores

#1 Female Sex Pills – Libido Max for Women

Libido Max women is a good sex pill for women
Image: cvs.com

Female sex pills are really growing in popularity. Libido Max for Women is one of the best sex enhancers for women that you can buy in stores.

It works to “enhance enjoyment and “promote relaxation,” while giving her that “slow build sensation.”

And this new formula by Libido Max contains a patented ingredient called Sensoril (derived from the herb Ashwagandha) which is supposed to be toe-curling effective.

You can buy Libido Max for Women at most retailers, including Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. The product costs about $21.95 for a 40-count bottle, check out our complete Libido Max For Women review here.

#2 Female Sex Pills – Virmax for Her

Now, I know what it sounds like. But this isn’t some new-fangled vermin repellent.

virmax for her female sex pills
Image: virmaxinfo.com

In fact, it’s quite the opposite! According to the makers of this female sex pill, women can now “take their pleasure to the max” with Virmax for Her. It’s for women of all ages, and supposedly “boosts desire, increases sensation, and enhances sexual pleasure.”

Sex pills for women review
Image: naukrinama.com

You can buy a bottle of Virmax for Her over the counter at Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid for about $20 for a 30-count bottle. The product is no longer sold at Walmart.

Read our full Virmax For Her review here.


Well, if you’re the type to buy your OTC boner pills in-person at a big-box retailer, then Zyrexin gets my vote. In all honesty, it was one of the best boner pills for men I have ever tested.

Sex pills review
Image: fasthorseinc.com

BUT. . . if you’re like the rest of us, and you value the discreet, private approach of buying your male enhancement supplements online (from the comfort of your own home!), then in my humble opinion Hardon Helper is easily your best bet.

It stands out for a number of reasons and because the price is fair and it is so easy to come by, absolutely no pun intended, I can’t help but recommend it.

Of course you should always double check the formula to make sure that you are not allergic to anything that is in it and that it does not interact with any medications that you are currently on.

Alternatively, Vigrx Plus is also a great product for bigger, better erections. And the nice thing with this pick is that it’s super-fast acting. I mean, we’re talking from flaccid-to-boner in no time at all.

Have you tried any of these boner pills? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Climadex Review

Update (8-22-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Climadex!

The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

Contact Us here to learn more!

If you suffer with erectile dysfunction, then you know there’s a million products on the market promising bigger and longer lasting erections, a boost in sex drive and energy, and overall increased confidence in the bedroom.

Yeah, and only a small fraction of these products actually deliver. Others fall WAY short of the mark. And still others are complete scams that will take your money and leave you worse off than before.

Climadex scam

Here at Supplement Critique, it’s all in a day’s work to blast the scammers, thereby allowing you to keep your money and your confidence.

The fact is that it is easy to bust the scammers because many of them use the exact same tactics and try to appeal to men who feel vulnerable because of their shortcomings in the bedroom and so they simply swoop in and try and relieve them of their hard earned cash using the same age old tricks as the last scheme before them.

Because let’s face it, when you have ED you’re genuinely looking for a male enhancement product that works. You don’t have the time or money to be led astray and get distracted with crap supplements that flat out don’t work.

You need a sex enhancer that actually delivers on its promises. Something that’ll get the job done, so you can perform in the bedroom like never before.

Climadex claims to help with erectile dysfunction
Image: ijoobi.com

So. . . when I came across a questionable advertisement for a product called Climadex, I couldn’t help but take a closer look.

Here’s what I found. . .

1. Fake marketing behind Climadex

When I stumbled across this article on Yahoo, I said to myself. . . “I know that tons of men struggle with getting an erection, so maybe this ‘crazy invention’ is for them.”

Climadex scam

But as I clicked in I remembered one trick in the scammers toolkit. They make fake articles that are actually ads. The ads lead to fake sales pages, and ultimately sell people on terrible products.

Take a closer look at this so-called article. . . and note the ‘sponsored’ tag.

Climadex scam uses fake articles in their marketing

Now, when I clicked in I was led to an article that was supposedly published by GQ.

Yeah, right.

Fake GQ article to promote Climadex
Fake GQ article to promote Climadex

OK, first of all, you can tell this isn’t the real GQ website (above). Because this is the real GQ website header (below).

The real GQ website that Climadex tries to counterfeit
Image: gq.com

Notice the branding and color scheme is way different, but also notice how the fake ad rips off GQ’s navigation menu: Style, Grooming, Best Stuff, Culture, Video, etc. It’s almost exactly the same!

OK, so we know it can’t be the real GQ. It’s a counterfeit. This has to be illegal, if not highly unethical.

So let’s move on to the actual content of the advertisement, and the Climadex claims.

2. Did the founder of Viagra really create Climadex?

Not a chance.

But. . . there it is, front and center. The headline says the founder of Viagra, Robert Furchgott, has recently rolled out his “inexpensive, non-prescription erectile dysfunction pill on Dr. Phil Show.”

The absurdity of this claim boggles my mind, and for one simple reason.

It’s so absurd I feel like I need a drumroll to introduce the absurdity.

Here it is: Robert F. Furchgott, the founder of Viagra, passed away. . . almost a whole DECADE ago!

Climadex falsely claims the founder of Viagra created the special erectile dysfunction pill

Did he come back from the dead to sling some counterfeit Viagra on the Dr. Phil Show? Of course not!

Not only is it false advertising, it’s highly immoral and downright disgusting.

Robert F. Furchgott did this world a whole lot of good, and he was even awarded a Nobel Prize. How a “company” like Climadex can tell a bald-face lie and use such an influential figure to manipulate suffering men into buying their crappy product is beyond me.


Anyhow, the Climadex ad claims that Furchgott came out of retirement and invented this special erectile dysfunction pill as a way to “give back.”

The sleezebuckets at Climadex include photos of Furchgott and Dr. Phil side-by-side.

Climadex fake advertising scam

In the fake article, Furchgott supposedly says that “I have done the research, tested and tested, and I have finally come up with something that’s safe for men and just as effective as the prescription product I invented years back.”

To which the fake GQ reporter writes:

“Dr. Furchgott’s words coupled with online reports of amazing results got us here at GQ curious about Climadex so we did some research — here’s what we found. Is Climadex right for you? The quick answer is Yes.”

I can almost see Furchgott just rolling in his grave!

Climadex lies to sell their products

Towards the bottom of the sales page advertisement, Climadex includes a call-to-action to buy their erectile dysfunction product. You can “take advantage of the exclusive link” and claim your “free bottle of Climadex.”

Climadex claims you can have a free bottle of the erectile dysfunction supplement

No thanks.

Finally, just to put the Furchgott thing to rest, just do a simple Google search for “Furchgott + Climadex” and you’ll find absolutely nothing published ever. Because there never was an affiliation between the two.

Climadex is a scam

3. So what is Climadex?

Climadex packaging

Even if you tried, you couldn’t find much about the company or product online. Climadex.com doesn’t exist, nor is there an official web page for the product.

This was the closest I came to finding the company (below), but alas, it’s actually a third-party site just trying to sell the product. . .

Climadex is a scam and cannot be found on the internet

With that said, don’t be fooled. I’m sure there are several Climadex sales pages floating around on the web, just waiting to hook unsuspecting men. That’s how these things work.

4. What are the ingredients in Climadex?

From what I can tell, the ingredients are what you’d find in many other erectile dysfunction supplements sold on the market.

The formula is nothing out of the ordinary or groundbreaking. In fact, it’s pretty run-of-the-mill.


Climadex (supposedly) contains the following core ingredients:

Horny goat weed, this medicinal herb allows blood to fill the arteries and the three cylinders in the penis to create an erection. Source

Fenugreek extract, supposedly fenugreek is a natural testosterone booster, with compounds called steroidal saponins that can play a key role in boosting testosterone levels. Source

Climadex contains fenugreek extract
Image: arjunanatural.com

Tribulus terrestris, while this herb may enhance libido in men, unfortunately it does not boost testosterone as once thought. Source

L-Arginine, this amino-acid may help arteries relax and improve blood flow, and therefore it may also help with erectile dysfunction in men. Source

Ginseng, this popular herbal ingredient is said to increase energy and cognitive function. Source

Muira Puama, this herb improves libido and the ability to sustain an erection, and supposedly improves erection strength and overall stamina. Source

Muira Puama is found in Climadex
Image: nutrawiki.org

Maca Root, this ingredient allegedly serves as an aphrodisiac, although the scientific evidence surrounding this claim is still pretty limited. Source

5. Climadex Reviews

I was unable to find any Climadex user reviews on the internet. Often the more legitimate male enhancement supplements are sold on Amazon, where you can read unbiased reviews of real people who have used the product.

But that’s not the case with Climadex.

When I found their sales page, I also found fake reviews that have scam written all over them. . .

Fake Climadex reviews

Climadex FAQ’s

6. Is it Climadex or Vandexafil? (or Anamax?)

So get this. In my searching I finally come across a company that sells the supplement. And that company is called Friendo Health.

Climadex or Vandexafil?

And apparently they’re selling the supplement for $4.95 for 60 capsules.

Climadex Vandexafil scam

Pretty good deal right? Maybe too good to be true? Well, I thought so. When you click the order button it takes you to a sales page with THIS URL. . .

Is Climadex a scam?

Vandexafil! What in the world is Vandexafil?

I’ll tell you what it is. . . it’s the same ol’ Climadex with a fancy new name.

Look familiar?

Vandexafil is the same thing as Climadex

That’s because it’s the same thing as Climadex (below)! The only difference is the color scheme and the box. They didn’t even bother to change up the marketing or copy. Pretty sad.

Climadex scam

Needless to say, Climadex became Vandexafil because of the bad rap it was getting. And sure enough, Vandexafil will soon switch to yet another name for the same reason.



7. Who makes Climadex / Vandexafil?

You won’t find any information online about the “company” that makes either Climadex or Vandexafil.

However, at the bottom of the Vandexafil sales page you can find a “Contact” link. When you take the link you get this. . .

Climadex male enhancement scam

You can have at it, but they won’t answer your call or return your emails. You can also try sending them some snail mail. They say they’re located in Ontario, but next week they’ll be located somewhere else. That’s how it goes.

Vandexafil scam

8. Are there any Climadex side effects?

To be honest, you don’t really know what scammers like this are putting in their supplements. So there’s really no way of telling. I mean, if they’re willing to weave a web of lies just to get you to buy the product, who’s to say what’s listed on the ingredients label is what’s actually in the formula?

With that said, the ingredients listed in the ‘Ingredients’ section mostly come with mild side effects, if any.

However, according to Healthline.com, erectile dysfunction supplements can give you the following side effects. . .

Climadex or Vandexafil side effects

9. Where can I buy Climadex?

I’ve only found the product for sale on the Vandexafil sales page. But if I were you, I wouldn’t buy the product. That probably goes without saying, but you never know.

You might get a free trial bottle, but there’s a good chance you’ll be thrown into their automatic billing cycle, which can be a nightmare to escape from.

If you’ve gotten sucked into that, click here to see how to get out of it.

Climadex scam

10. Recommendations

Steer clear from both Climadex and Vandexafil.

Really, it’s sad that a company would stoop so low as to use a deceased scientist to market their product.


While the ingredients list seems pretty straightforward, you can never know what the supposed erectile dysfunction pill actually contains.

That is a red flag and a huge no-no because you should never ingest something if you are unaware of what it is made out of.

Your money is much better spent elsewhere. You’ve been warned.

Have you tried Climadex or Vandexafil? If so, write your review in the comments below.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Thermakor Review

Finding the perfect weight loss supplement can feel truly overwhelming.

With so many products on the market screaming for attention, it is easy to lose hope you will ever be able to decide which is the right choice.

This issue is compounded by the fact that the great majority of these products all claim to achieve exactly the same results…

Look, even those new to the realm of health and fitness will know that only a few supplements will actually achieve what they say they can.

But you don’t need to worry any further. You have found the right place if you want to know the truth about which supplements are worth your time, and which ones are not!

In this review, I am going to be examining the ins and outs of Thermakor – a thermogenic fat burner that claims to help melt away those excess pounds fast.

It doesn’t matter if you are trying to tone up for beach season, or if you are just looking to drop a size or two – it’s time to find out if Thermakor is the answer to your weight loss prayers.

1. What Is Thermakor?

Thermakor touts itself as an “advanced thermogenic fat burning formulation”. That is quite a mouthful but what does it mean?

thermakor review

Well,we know they use a liquid formula in their capsules to accelerate absorption.

Thermakor also claims it can skyrocket metabolism, burn fat, elevate your energy levels, boost muscle mass, keep mental focus and cut your appetite.

Wow. Sounds like a magic pill, huh?

As always, these incredible claims and promises mean absolutely nothing, if the ingredients cannot stand up to scrutiny.

This is where it gets interesting. Thermakor includes a whopping 24 different herbal ingredients in its formula.

It initially looks like they are going for the “quantity over quality” method here.

These numerous ingredients are divided into three proprietary blends: “Heat Blend”, “Muscle Blend” and “Energy Blend”.

Personally, I do not like proprietary blends…

How on earth am I supposed to make an educated judgement regarding a supplements’ effectiveness, if I cannot find out how strong the ingredient doses are?

Nevertheless, at least we can actually see what’s used in the blends. The very worst pills hide this information too.

Some of the easily recognized ingredients used in Thermakor are:

  • Green tea
  • Yohimbe
  • Caffeine

All of these ingredients are known for being stimulating. Research has proven that they can help to elevate the metabolic rate and provide an energy boost.

But the problem remains that we do not know how strong, and therefore how effective, the dosages are.

2. How Do I Take It?

Thermakor directs users to gradually increase their dosage from one capsule, twice a day to two capsules twice a day.

This is in order to assess your caffeine tolerance.

Doses should be taken between meals, and never less than 6 hours before bedtime to lessen the chances of insomnia.

3. Stacking Thermakor With Other Supplements

Because Thermakor contains so many ingredients, but at hidden doses, it is pretty hard to determine whether this supplement should be stacked or not.

It could be that Thermakor has many ingredients at weak doses. In fact, that is most certainly going to be the case here.

But, the main problem is, we just don’t know how high the doses of stimulants are in this product.

This is a big downside…

Especially, if you have negative reactions to caffeine, as it could be a bit risky to take this fat burner due to possible side effects.

So, the best advice if you are looking at stacking supplements would be to start slowly and see how you feel.

Thermakor does include lots of stimulating ingredients, we know that for sure. This doesn’t totally guarantee weight loss however.

On the flipside, you may feel like Thermakor isn’t having much of a stimulating effect at all. As it is quite possible the doses are very low. We really are completely in the dark on this!

If you are unsure then we would recommend choosing a fat burner that clearly marks the doses of each ingredient on the bottle.

In my opinion, a supplement like Thermakor, which has one of the craziest amounts of ingredients I have seen for a long time – is unlikely to be very powerful due to low doses overall.

However, you should listen to your body and stack your supplements according to your own circumstances and eventual goals.

4. Where Can I Buy It?

Thermakor is available to order directly from their official sales website.

There is also an Amazon listing for Thermakor, but it is currently out of stock with a message telling us that it may or may not be available again.

Aside from this, I wasn’t able to find Thermakor available for sale anywhere else online.

The list price for Thermakor ranges from $69 for a one month supply to $177 for their biggest option.

However, these prices were discounted when I visited the site.

A one month supply was priced at $59.00, while a three month supply was $117.00.

This makes me a little skeptical of these so-called “list prices”. It seems to me that they deliberately tell you the price is normally higher even though the lower price is probably available year round.

You will likely find the discount price is still there when you visit next time!

Unfortunately, because the Amazon listing is not active, we cannot know how much Thermakor was listed for on that platform.

A few things I like however:

Shipping is free if you were to order more than two bottles (two month supply) at a time.

They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the first purchase. It’s always nice to see supplement manufacturers offering this kind of protection to the buyer.

All you need to do is return Thermakor within 30 days, including your name and order number/date within the package.

5. Reviews of Thermakor

It wasn’t that easy to find independent reviews of Thermakor online.

In the end, I referred to the expired official Amazon listing to see what genuine customers had reported.

The Amazon listing currently has 13 reviews at the time of writing. As mentioned previously, we don’t know if Thermakor will ever be available on Amazon again.

The average Amazon star review is 3 out of the potential 5 stars.

average thermakor rating on amazon

23 percent of reviewers rated Thermakor as 5 star.

However, the vast majority of the reviews, 31 percent, rated Thermakor as only 1 star.

negative thermakor reviews on amazon

So, it’s certainly not looking good on the customer review side of things…

Many customers complained that they did not experience any positive effects from using Thermakor, saying that there was a non-existent energy boost and no weight loss results.

At the other end of the scale, there were customers who said that they had lost weight and felt more energetic after using Thermakor.

From these reviews, it is still hard to determine whether Thermakor is really effective or not.

Those few customers who experienced an energy and weight loss boost could be particularly sensitive to the stimulants used in Thermakor, which accounts for why most people felt no effects.

As far as I am concerned, the only real way to find out is to try it personally.

Here is what happened.

6. Our Results With Thermakor

I have a little weight I wouldn’t mind losing, so I only ordered one bottle of Thermakor.

I figured a month was a good length of time for me as I only needed to lose a couple of pounds.

The thing is, I try to exercise regularly, even if it’s just a brisk walk every day.

The first thing I noticed is that I had a funny after taste with these capsules. That is probably due to the vast amount of different herbs that are crammed into them.

I didn’t really feel any energy boost, but then it usually takes quite a strong coffee to get me going in the morning.

On that basis I don’t think Thermakor is particularly high in caffeine, although it could affect other people differently to me.

However, one of benefits I noticed was that I didn’t feel I needed to eat quite as much as usual.

This could be because I have been very busy,

Equally, I didn’t often get far into the afternoon without feeling hungry.

In fact, sometimes I would get to lunch time and be so hungry that I’d fall off the wagon and binge on carbs.

Not exactly what I’m after when I’m trying get fit for summer…

By the end of the month I had at least lost a couple pounds, however I feel like it could have been so much better!

It is possible that Thermakor helped a little by decreasing my appetite, but aside from this – I didn’t really notice any effects.

All in all there are definitely better weight loss solutions out there. And if a transparent approach to ingredients and doses is important to you then I’d suggest picking a different diet pill.

7. Recommendation

In my opinion, Thermakor simply includes too many ingredients in its blends to be truly effective.

The phrase “quantity over quality” really sums up the issue I have with this product.

While we obviously do not know the individual doses – I think we can all agree it is pretty likely they are going to be in lesser amounts due to there being a massive 24 ingredients.

Any supplement where the doses are not clear makes me a little suspicious about the product’s effectiveness.

The fact is:

Any supplement that focuses upon including lots of stimulants is not a good choice for women, or those with a sensitivity.

Overall, Thermakor may help you staunch your appetite or provide a slight energy boost. But if you are looking for an effective weight loss supplement, there are much better choices out there.

Have You Used Thermakor?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Fit Affinity Firm Body Sculptor Review

Over the past few weeks I have been receiving many emails from readers asking me what the deal is with Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity.

Firm Body Sculptor is marketed as a fat burner and appetite suppressant for women. It is manufactured by a company called ‘Fit Affinity’.

The thing is:

I had heard about Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity, but hadn’t been initially too excited by it, so simply hadn’t got around to reviewing it until now.

This female fat burner claims to help you get the “very best results” from your training, but do these pretty pink pills really pack a punch?

As always, the only way to find out if it’s worth it is to get out there and try it. So that’s exactly what I did.

But before we dive into the blow by blow account the Firm Body Sculptor results, let me explain how it works, what it contains and how to use it!

1. What is Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity?

Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity is heavily marketed as a female fat burning and weight loss supplement.

The website claims that these diet pills will prevent you from gaining fat, while helping you burn away inches and stick to your diet.

fit affinity firm body sculptor review

It all sounds very promising…

But then name me a supplement that doesn’t look good to begin with.


One look at the label list gave me a pang of disappointment – we certainly cannot call the formula rich in ingredients.

Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity only contains the grand total of five ingredients; which in the world of supplements is not particularly impressive.

Specifically, the formula contains:

  • garcinia cambogia
  • green tea leaf extract
  • acetyl l-carnitine HCI
  • raspberry ketone powder
  • conjugated linoleic acid powder.

One good thing about this formula is that they are upfront about the individual ingredient dosages.

Those of you who visit my site regularly will know how little time I have for supplements that hide the strength of their formula from users.

But are the ingredients any good?

Garcinia cambogia is widely used as an appetite suppressant across many of the supplements I have investigated.

It is definitely effective at encouraging and prolonging the feeling of satiety, helping users to control their hunger and food consumption…

Green tea is another popular ingredient for fat loss and increasing the metabolic rate.

There has been many studies that prove the benefits of green tea for weight loss –  so I am happy to say this is a good choice of ingredient.

Raspberry ketones are an effective ingredient which have been the buzz of the weight loss world for a little while now.

Clinical trials have shown that they assist with increasing calorie burn and the use of body fat for energy.


That is where this rather thin list of ingredients ceases to be promising.

The remaining ingredients:

  • conjugated linoleic acid powder
  • acetyl l-carnitine

Are in my opinion neither very impressive nor effective. The dose of conjugated linoleic acid is far too low to have an real effect, whereas the amino acid acetyl l-carnitine is a weak ingredient for weight loss with little research to back it up.

Not only that…

You likely consume a healthy amount of both conjugated linoleic acid and acetyl l-carnitine anyway, simply by eating a normal diet!

2. How Do I Take It?

Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity capsules state that they should be taken three times per day.

One capsule is to be taken at:

  • breakfast
  • lunch
  • and dinner.

As always, never exceed the stated dose and discontinue use should you feel unwell.

3. Stacking Firm Body Sculptor With Other Supplements

There are many online forums chattering about the many ways in which supplements can be “stacked” for optimal results in a shorter time.

For those who are not familiar with the term, “stacking”, this refers to using different supplements together in order to enhance their effects.


It is certainly true that combining the right selection of supplements into a carefully constructed routine is a great way to fast forward your success.

But not all supplements are a good, or safe, choice for stacking. It really depends on the ingredients and the strength of the formula.

As far as we can tell Firm Body Sculptor is safe to be used with other supplements. In fact, it is specifically designed to be used alongside other Fit Affinity supplements in the same range.

Here’s the thing:

Fit Affinity push a trilogy of supplements on their website, this includes Firm Body Sculptor, as a solution to female weight loss and building muscle mass.

These three supplements also include a fat burner and a digestive aid which they say takes a multilevel approach covering all female body concerns.

Whilst this might seem like it’s a benefit it does rather suggest that the Firm Body Sculptor product isn’t enough to get the job done on its own.

As these extra supplements likely pick up some of the slack left by the weak formula in Firm Body Sculptor.

If you are looking for noticeable results, you are probably going to have to pair Firm Body Sculptor with a more powerful fat burner. This arguably defeats the object of buying it in the first place.

4. Where Can I Buy It?

After trawling the web, it appears to me that Firm Body Sculptor is only available to purchase from their official website, or on Amazon.

The website states the standard retail price is $95.00 for 90 capsules, but when I looked this had been slashed to $37.99 with an option to subscribe to the sale price.

What’s more…

In my honest opinion, I would be surprised if Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity was ever really sold for $95.00 a bottle.

I think that’s just a sales ploy to get people to snatch a subscription thinking they are saving a ton of money.

This subscription gives you a new delivery of Firm Body Sculptor every 6 weeks. I have never been a fan of auto-ship supplements, as more than likely you will forget to cancel and end up losing money!

If this product has ever been genuinely priced at $95 for 90 capsules – it is a colossal waste of money and one of the most expensive supplements I have seen.


The Amazon price is $29.98, sold by “Fit Affinity” and NOT listed as a special sale price.

I think that tells us all we need to know about the supposed special subscription offer, don’t you?

5. Reviews of Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity

Because Firm Body Sculptor is only available on Amazon and their own official website, I only really had Amazon as a source of genuine reviews.

With that in mind, I went over to Amazon to see what real people were saying about Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity.

Well, the average score of the Firm Body Sculptor reviews was markedly disappointing.

Amazon has an average star rating of just 2.9 stars out of 5 for Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity.

Many of these reviews are by people severely disappointed with the results achieved with this supplement.

One reviewer said that Firm Body Sculptor made her look and feel worse than before.

Another simply exclaimed it was “a total waste of your money!”

fit affinity body sculptor reviews

In my opinion, the best way to tell a genuine review is that they have a story attached to them.

It seems to me, that most of the 5 star Amazon reviews are a little dubious.

A lot of them have no customer name, or simply say “amazing” or ”perfect” in the review body.

firmbody reviews

Who reviews a product with one word?  They’re ringing the fake alarm over here.

That said, there were a couple of reviewers that seemed to be genuinely satisfied with this supplement.

But in those cases they are talking about using it in combination with other Fit Affinity products – which doesn’t really tell us much about the effectiveness of Firm Body Sculptor alone.

positive firmbody review

6. Our Results With Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity

With all these murky reviews, the only way to know the truth was to try the product ourselves.

Our small team are fortunate in that none of them need to lose much weight, but that’s not to say we have no fat on our bodies whatsoever.

My wife likes to work out and is always trying to remember to cut out unhealthy snacks. She was curious to see whether Firm Body Sculptor would intensify her results at all.

The first thing she noticed was a very slight boost in energy. Nothing major, but just enough to see a difference.

This is likely down to the caffeine in green tea leaf extract…

Aside from this, there wasn’t a noticeable decrease in appetite between meals.

Whilst she may have gone a little longer between meals, she still ate the same quantity of food overall!

And after one month…

The energy boost wasn’t anywhere near a noticeable. More than likely because her body got used to the ingredients.

She hadn’t lost any weight either, but did feel a little more lean.

Here’s the kicker:

She couldn’t really attribute the benefits to Firm Body Sculptor. At best she felt the product worked as a placebo with any benefits coming from her regular workouts and improved diet.

Overall, Firm Body Sculptor does include some good ingredients. But the formula is just too weak to pack a real punch on its own.

7. Recommendation

That closes our Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity review, in our honest opinion this is not the best choice if you are serious about losing weight.

If you are looking for a supplement that can be used to complement another fat burner or pre-workout, it could be useful as a gentle energy booster.

It is not quite as effective of a workout enhancer as you might expect given the way that Firm Body Sculptor Fit Affinity may have you believe based off of their testimonials and the promises that they make, but there is enough about it that makes trying it low risk if not very promising.

Basically, Firm Body Sculptor is a mildly effective diet aid, that isn’t powerful enough to generate results by itself.

Have You Used Fit Affinity Firm Body Sculptor?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Penomet Vs. Bathmate

Over the years, I have used numerous PE devices.

You name it, I’ve probably used it at one point or another.

Just the other day I had a site visitor ask me what the difference was between the Penomet and Bathmate.

I was actually surprised that no one had asked that very question in the several years I’ve been writing about these products.

So I figured I would write this Penomet Vs. Bathmate review so you can make an informed decision on which one to buy.

First off, let me explain both devices so you get a feel for how they work.

What is The Bathmate?

The Bathmate is a medically approved, doctor recommended device that uses suction therapy to expand the penile tissues within the corpora cavernosa.

penomet vs bathmate
The Bathmate

The corpora cavernosa is basically what makes the penis erect when your stimulated sexually, and all of the products we’re going to talk about in this article have some sort of influence on it’s size.


Bathmate has a GREAT video explaining exactly how it works, check it out below:

Note:  if you can’t watch it because you’re at work or something, I have a detailed description in writing of how the Bathmate works here.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOSJv2zZ6D4]

How Long Until I Can Expect Results?

With consistent use, you can expect to gain about 2 – 3 inches in girth and 1 inch in length after about 6 months.  I personally have used the Bathmate in the past and gained about 1 inch in girth and 0.5 inches in length.

This was just after 1 MONTH of daily pumping, you WILL see better gains if you use it for longer.

That means that sticking with the Bathmate for a long time is likely going to give you some pretty significant gains if that is what you are looking for, and let’s be honest, who isn’t.

Where To Buy?

I personally recommend that should you decide to order the Bathmate, you order it from their official website www.OfficialHydromaxPump.com.

However, Be WARY of Fakes

Due to it’s ever increasing popularity, there are literally DOZENS of knockoffs of the Bathmate being sold in sites like Amazon and eBay.

While generally cheaper than the official Bathmate website, these cheap knockoffs break VERY easily, and are not covered by the manufacturers warranty.

So if it breaks and you did NOT buy it from the official site, you’re shit out of luck…

Fake versions of the Bathmate tend to have poor construction, and you’ll see a metal spring at the top of them.


The REAL Bathmate is owned and operated by a company called DX Products a British company.

What is The Penomet?

Note: Click Here to read our full review of the Penomet.

Similar to the Bathmate, the Penomet is a water based penis pump that helps you gain girth, as well as a bit of length.

penomet review

It’s a scientifically proven device that is actually certified by several agencies, including a CE marking (kind of like the FCC’s Declaration of Conformity), and SGS certified, which basically means it is compliant with regulations and standards.

So what does all this mean?

Well, essentially it means that the Penomet is built to a certain level of quality, something you won’t find in practically any other pump.

It works virtually identical to the Bathmate, but a little later on I will take about the major differences between the 2.

The Penomet was marketed and is owned by a company called Arctic Sea Limited, an Iceland based company.

Bathmate Vs. Penomet – Some MAJOR Differences

Out of all of the devices on this page, the Bathmate is closest in both design and operation to the Penomet.

penomet vs bathmate

They’re both pumps.

They both use suction therapy to draw more blood into the penile chambers, allowing for increased girth gains.

They both offer a 60 day money back guarantee.

AND, they both WORK.

However, that’s where the similarities end.

There are some notable differences between the Bathmate and the Penomet, including:


The original Bathmate (Hercules version) retails at $110.

bathmate price

While the Penomet equivalent (the standard pump) sells for $127.

penomet price

As you can see, not a huge difference.

The Penomet Extra, which has 3 different gaiters (more on this below), costs $197, which  is substantially cheaper then the Bathmate Xtreme Series.

The Xtreme Series X50 version costs $349.


The Premium Penomet version comes with 5 different gaiters, which are the accordion looking things at the base of the pump.

penomet gaiters

As you go up in “force” the suction created in the pump becomes stronger, which allows for increased blood flow and bigger gains.

The downside (and sometimes an upside depending on who you talk to) to having these gaiters is that you have to continually switch them out as you progress to larger sizes.

I can tell you from experience that it’s NOT very easy to do this sometimes.  I’ve had to use knives and other long objects to pry the gaiters off, and in some cases it caused the gaiters to be damaged.

In addition, if you don’t clean them correctly the warranty is basically voided.


Not good.

With the Bathmate you don’t have to worry about switching out gaiters, because it only comes with one.

However, as you do get larger in size you will ultimately have to “upgrade” to a larger Bathmate with a larger gaiter.  This could prove not very cost effective in the long run.


After personally using both devices, I can say that there really is no difference in comfort between the Bathmate and Penomet.  They both provide a good bit of suction, but they don’t feel any different.

Money Back Guarantee

As far as the money back guarantee, both the Penomet and Bathmate give you 60 days to try it out.  If for any reason whatsoever you’re not completely satisfied, you can simply contact them and send the used pump back to them for a full refund.

Size Gains

The million dollar question of course is which one will give you the bigger size gains.

In my personal experience, I think the Bathmate has a significant advantage here.

Because it already has the strongest suction built in to it, you’ll definitely see faster results.

With faster results, comes bigger results over time.


Both the Penomet and Bathmate work, there’s no denying that.

Most people think the only difference is the price, when this is just simply not the case.

If I were you, I would stick with the Bathmate.  It’s the first of it’s kind, they’ve been in business for longer, and I’ve personally seen better results with it.

Of course everyone is different and Penomet may work even better for you, but in my own experience, the Bathmate is a bit of a godsend.

Here’s a link to their site:  www.OfficialHydromaxPump.com

If you have any questions just leave them below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Get Roman Review

What Do You Want To Know About GetRoman?

Who makes it?
How does it work?
Is GetRoman Legal?
What do the reviews have to say?
GetRoman Vs. For Hims
Something else.

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a new wave of erectile dysfunction brands sweeping the male enhancement market.

I recently wrote an in-depth ForHims review, and now there’s another guy on the scene that’s kicking arse and taking names. And that product, my friends, is GetRoman.

Have a look at their hilarious advertising. . .

get roman commercial

Today you’re gonna learn everything you need to know about Get Roman, or just ‘Roman’, and whether or not it’s right for you. So buckle in and let’s get this thing started.

Alright, just a few days ago I stumbled upon THIS ad. . .

getroman ad on facebook

It might seem simple, but there’s an important message for ALL men here. That is, only 30% of us who have ED are seeking treatment. That’s nuts!

But. . . that’s exactly what these new sex enhancement brands are all about. They want to eliminate the potential embarrassment of you having to pull out your wang at the doctors, and instead offer a totally discreet, online (cloud) pharmacy for men who suffer with erectile dysfunction. . .

Get Roman wants to change the fact that only 30% of men with ed get treated
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Which, by the way, happens to be upwards of 50% of all men*Gasp*

Yeah. Needless to say, companies like Bluechew, For Hims, and Get Roman are probably here to stay.

So what is GetRoman, and what can it do for YOU?

What can GetRoman do for your erectile dysfunction?
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out the guys over at Hims.

bluechew vs forhims

They sell a highly effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

1. About GetRoman 

The official GetRoman website (GetRoman.com) waxes poetic about their mission.

They say, “Men’s health, and more precisely the relationship men have with their health, is broken: how we diagnose it, how we talk about it, how we feel about it, how we communicate it, how we suffer with it, how we ignore it, and how we deal with it.”

And here’s what they’re trying to do about it. . .

“So we’re fixing things. Because, as society has proclaimed, men like fixing things.”

About Get Roman, a treatment for erectile dysfunction
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Like SO many startups, the company is headquartered in New York City. They were founded just last year in 2017, so they’re a new fish in a BIG pond. But that’s not stopping them from trying to take over the ED scene.

GetRoman is located in New York and was founded in 2017

Here are the founders of Get Roman. . .

GetRoman founders
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Now, these fellas don’t exactly have proper medical backgrounds. Rather, their past lives seem to have been mostly in entrepreneurship and marketing. It’s no wonder the GetRoman branding and advertising is on point.

As for the medical side of things, they’ve covered their bases and brought a legitimate team of doctors into the mix. . .

GetRoman medical team
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

And yes that lady’s name is Dr. Pepper (best. name. ever.). They go on to list 7 more pretty high profile doctors, mostly urologists. In what capacity do these doctors actually serve or guide the company? Unfortunately, it doesn’t say.

Finally, they have a certain style of communicating with their audience. They’re taking a straight-line, serious approach and not pandering to a younger (hipper) crowd.

In fact, according to Racked, “In a revolt against overly chummy copywriting. . . Roman has an entire page in its style guide dedicated to names it won’t call its customers: dude, homie, champ, hotshot, duke, chief, bro.”

First off, who calls anyone ‘duke’?

Also, I guess this next article wouldn’t fly. . .

Get Roman review

Overall, the company seems pretty legit. I’m sure they already have tons of funding and a deep roster in every department. Good for them, but will all of this give you bigger, better erections? Let’s find out.

2. What is GetRoman and how does it work?

While there is a lot to know about GetRoman, the concept is really quite simple. In a nutshell, here’s how GetRoman works. . .

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/screenshot 2018 07 05 at 2.33.48
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Step 1: Medical History and Symptoms

First, they run you through the gauntlet, asking every conceivable question about your medical history, allergies, sexual activity, etc. We’ll talk more about this rigorous (and perhaps necessary) on-boarding process in a bit.

Step 2: Prove Your Identity

You’ll have to take a photo of yourself and then show your photo ID. Better hope they match!

You have to show GetRoman your photo ID
Image: funnyjunk.com

Step 3: Doctor Visit with a Real Doctor

This happens fast! A U.S. licensed physician will go through your profile, and within two hours you’ll be talking to them “via secure chat, phone, or video.” At which point they’ll write you a prescription of GetRoman if it’s “safe and appropriate.”

Step 4: Free Meds Delivery

Once you complete the online visit, and are prescribed a medication, the Roman Pharmacy Network will “ship your medication in [their] discreet packaging and refill automatically monthly or quarterly.” You pick your pharmacy.

3. Is GetRoman even legal?

In a nutshell yes, but not everywhere. 

Basically it works like this:

In order to prescribe medicine, a doctor HAS to be licensed in the state where you’re located.

So for example, if you live in Florida and they don’t have an online doctor that can prescribe ED meds, you will NOT be able to get it.

With that said, if you DO live in a state where they have a prescribing physician, they CAN prescribe you ED meds.

Here’s a list of states where GetRoman is NOT available:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont

There are several other companies that have jumped at the opportunity to ship ED meds right to your door, including ForHims.

Click here
to see a list of states where GetRoman is available.

4. What’s with the GetRoman online doctor’s visit? 

getroman questionnaire
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

As I mentioned, the Get Roman on-boarding process is quite rigorous. But it’s also streamlined through a well-designed app.

I went through the ENTIRE process for you. So here’s what you can expect…

The online visit only costs $15, which is fairly cheap considering.

It costs $15 for a GetRoman online visit
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC
Roman online visit for erectile dysfunction
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

But wait! First make sure you have everything in the following checklist.

Required checklist for GetRoman
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

And now you have to legally consent to the online visit. . .

GetRoman consent form
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

And enter all your juicy personal info, like age, birthday, email, and gender. But don’t worry, your answers will only be reviewed by a licensed physician.

Then they ask how often you’ll be having sex. . . now be honest.

GetRoman wants to know how often you want their product
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

And then it’s time to pick your poison, er, medication! Do you have a preference?

GetRoman medication
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Note how much cheaper the generic “Sildenafil” is compared to the Viagra and Cialis formulas. We’ll get to the reason behind this. It’s important.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/screenshot 2018 07 04 at 1.08.59
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Then you get to choose how often you want your medication shipped. You can save money by going with quarterly billing and shipping instead of monthly.

GetRoman shipping and delivery options
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

At this point in the process, they tell you a GetRoman licensed physician will be reaching out within 2 hours for your online visit.

GetRoman licensed physician
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

They go on to ask you things like “Have you ever been treated for ED?
Do you have a problem getting or maintaining an erection? And if so,
how did it begin?”

GetRoman asks if you have ever been treated for ED
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Now the sorta uncomfortable questions, like “when do you get erections?” And “what are your erections like?” Awwwwkward. Hey, but at least it’s an online form and not a real-life, face-to-face with a doctor.

GetRoman asks about your erections
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

They also want to know about any recent physical exams or checkups, and what those were like. . .

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/07/screenshot 2018 07 04 at 1.17.26 pm
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

This next series of questions I found to be really telling of the professionalism that Get Roman brings to the table. They genuinely seem to care.

GetRoman asks about blood pressure
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

You get the sense they’re not just trying to make a buck. Unlike SO many companies out there, they want to be sure that prescribing you erectile dysfunction meds is safe and appropriate.

OK — moving right along. Now, how about your libido?

Roman wants to know about your libido before they prescribe ed pills
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

The next series of questions covers any preexisting conditions, prior surgeries, allergies, etc. Yep. . . very “doctor-appointment-like.”

GetRoman asks about medical history
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

To round out the on-boarding process, they ask about any medications you’re taking that might interfere and/or react with Get Roman ED meds. And of course, nitrates top the list, as this can be a deadly combination according to WebMD. Source

GetRoman potential downsides

Some medications you can't take with Get Roman ED
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Oh, and let’s not forget that you cannot take recreational drugs and Get Roman erectile dysfunction medication at the same time! As death may occur here too. [1]

You can't take recreational drugs like cocaine, poppers, or rush and Roman ED at the same time
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

They’ll ask if you’d like to share anything else not covered in the on-boarding questions. And you will need to confirm your pharmacy.

Get Roman pharmacy
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Finally, why not disclose some more personal info for good measure?

Get Roman required personal info
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

You can see what I mean when I say Get Roman puts you through the gauntlet just to get in the game. BUT. . . I think it’s a good thing, and certainly no more of a hassle than seeing a doctor at a physical location.

Alright, at this point, hold tight and they’ll ring your phone soon enough.

GetRoman response time for online visit
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

GetRoman FAQ’s

5. What are the ingredients in GetRoman? 

GetRoman Ingredients for erectile dysfunction
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Depending on your needs, Roman will contain the following ingredients:

  • Sildenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • and Vardenafil

I really go into detail about these different ingredients, how they work, and their side effects in our Bluechew review. But let’s do a quick recap.

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra. [2]  While it’s fast-acting, its effects begin to fade 2-3 hours after taking it, so you have a pretty small window to get it on. The good thing is it doesn’t remain in your system all the time.

Sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra, is found in GetRoman
Image: ibtimes.com

Tadalafil is the active ingredient in Cialis. It’s also fast-acting, but is meant to be taken daily and has a much bigger window of effectiveness (up to 24-36 hours). This one remains in your system. [3]

Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra. It takes 30 minutes to kick in like the others, and will last approximately 5 hours, which is just a touch longer than Sildenafil on average.

Vardenafil is significantly more potent that sildenafil, but sildenafil is still considered more effective overall. [4]

Now, remember how Roman offers a “Sildenafil” as low as $6 bucks per dose?

Get Roman offers Sildenafil at $6 per dose
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Well, that’s because last year Pfizer gave one company the rights to make generic Viagra (Sildenafil). [5] And so now they can do it on the C.H.E.A.P.

On a related note, many companies are now illegally injecting counterfeit Sildenafil into their “all-natural herbal supplements,” including XXXplosion, Rhino 69, and Black 3K. . . just to name a few.

And guess what, upwards of 80% of all “Viagra” bought online is counterfeit! 80%! So going with a legitimate erectile dysfunction treatment like GetRoman is a good alternative to buying Viagra online.

6. How do I take it? 

Some say to take it one hour before sex, but 30 minutes should do the trick. This goes for all three medications (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil).

how to take getroman

7. How long does Roman take to start working? 

As touched on above, you should experience an erection (if aroused) within 25-30 minutes after taking GetRoman or similar male sexual enhancers.

8. Are there any side effects with Roman? 

According to Healthline.com, the most common side effects of erectile dysfunction medications like Roman are:

  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness
  • Vision changes
  • Flushes
  • Congestion
  • Severe side effects
Healthline covers the 7 most common side effects of erectile function meds like Get Roman
Image: healthline.com

9. Can I take it with alcohol? 

To answer this, we have to look at the individual ingredients in Get Roman.

You shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking Sildenafil, as “alcohol thins the blood, and can lead to [Sildenafil] being broken down faster than normal.” Source

Get Roman review

Same goes for Tadalafil. In fact, Drugs.com says, “Tadalafil can lower blood pressure, and combining it with alcohol may further increase this effect.” Source

And finally, you shouldn’t mix Vardenafil with ‘excessive’ alcohol. The folks at Everyday Health say, “When taking Levitra [Vardenafil], you should not drink alcohol excessively. Too much alcohol can increase the risk of side effects such as headache, dizziness, and low blood pressure.” Source

Sorry gents, the prognosis isn’t good if you’re a heavy drinker. . .

BUT. . . if you really want a male enhancement pill that works immediately and one that you can take with alcohol, check out this article.

10. GetRoman reviews 

I wasn’t able to find any reviews outside of their official website.

When searching on YouTube for real user stories, you’ll come across blatant advertisements and sponsored videos like this one.

get roman review on youtube

And then you’ll find videos like the one below, which is an unbiased and legit review. . . of the on-boarding process. . . which we already went over in detail!

C’mon people, tell us about your erections already.

getroman review youtube

Which brings us to the reviews listed on the company’s website. I always like to include these user reviews, but with the usual disclaimer of ‘take them with a grain of salt.’ They probably are real reviews, but there’s always the chance they’re not.

Roman ed user reviews
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

This fellow is enjoying sexual intercourse for the first time in years. PS — who says “sexual intercourse?” That’s just uncomfortable for everyone.

A positive user review of Get Roman
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Roman has got this guy having sex several times a day. . .

Roman user reviews
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

This guy is cancelling his subscription, but only because Get Roman was so awesome and helped him to get where he’s at today. 😉

Another positive user review of Get Roman
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

And. . . ’nuff said.

Good review of Get Roman
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

But at the end of the day, I would imagine most men are enjoying the privacy and convenience of Roman’s online pharmacy. And if they have a solid understanding of the different ingredients, there’s really not a whole lot to complain about.

11. GetRoman vs. For Hims 

For Hims offers erectile dysfunction treatment, but is much different than GetRoman
Image: thedieline.com

So there’s another company called For Hims that people want to know about. So what’s the difference between Roman and Hims?

Which is better for erectile dysfunction?

Well, it’s really apples and oranges. I may do a thorough review on Hims pretty soon, because it is for some men, but it’s probably not for you.

Get Roman vs. For Hims
Image: forhims.com

First off, For Hims doesn’t specialize in erectile dysfunction like Roman does. In fact, Hims sells everything from hair, to skin, to sex, to mouth merchandise. They even sell shirts and candles and matchbooks. Weird.

Also, Hims is clearly going after a younger audience. Just have a look at their messaging and imagery. . .

Get Roman vs. For Hims ED
For Hims markets to a younger audience than Get Roman does. Image: forhims.com

But what really differentiates the two companies is that Hims allows you to drop your (probably generic) Sildenafil into your cart before going into your online doctor’s visit.

Very much UNLIKE Get Roman, this makes you feel like they’re just trying to sell you something, whether or not it’s right for you.

Also, who knows what this “doctor’s visit” even entails?! At any rate, Hims seems only a fraction as professional as Get Roman.

Hims is not as professional as Get Roman
Image: forhims.com

12. Where to buy GetRoman?

You can only buy Roman erectile dysfunction medication on their official website. Also, because GetRoman doesn’t have a ‘Roman licensed physician’ in every state just yet, it’s not available in some states.

Get Roman is not available in every state
Get Roman is available in these states. Image: getroman.com

Here is the full list of states that GetRoman is currently available in (as of July 2018):

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

If it’s not available in your state yet, fear not.  The company says, “If we’re not available in your state, please email support@getroman.com and we’ll put it on the top of our list.”

13. How much does GetRoman cost? 

The cost will depend on which medication the doctor deems right for you. It can range from $8-$300 per month, after the $15 online visit.

The cost of Get Roman for male sexual enhancement
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

To give you a better idea, here is the price breakdown depending on which product is a good fit for your needs. It’s very affordable.

Get Roman pricing
Image: Roman Health Medical LLC

Also, Roman is not covered by insurance.

14. Does Roman offer a Guarantee? 

Well, since Roman is less of a product, and more of a service, they don’t really offer a guarantee. At least I didn’t see anything about it on their website and in my searching.

Which. . . is a bummer.

I mean, I get that they wouldn’t accept returns, as it is prescribed medication. But they could at least offer your money back if you’re dissatisfied with the results. Bluechew does this, which is nice.

15. Recommendation 

The bottom line is, GetRoman is NOT a scam.

Everything they do is 100% legal, and in my opinion is worth giving a shot.

Compared to other similar products that don’t offer much of anything for results, GetRoman is highly effective especially considering that it is over the counter and easy to get.

Overall, I like what GetRoman is doing for men with erectile dysfunction. I would say it’s a good alternative to going to the doctors’s for Viagra or Cialis. Not to mention it’s much less embarrassing.

If you don’t want to have to have an awkward talk at the doctor’s office or if you don’t want to jump through the hoops of getting a prescription, then GetRoman is a high quality alternative to one of those elusive medications.

But. . . it is quite the production. So I would say if you have the patience to get past their (ridiculously thorough) on-boarding process, then it’s definitely worth a try.

Here’s what I really like about GetRoman:

  • It’s cheaper than going to the doctor’s and getting a prescription
  • You can do it from the comfort of your own home
  • Their branding is awesome
  • Although the onboarding takes patience, it really shows they care about getting you the right erectile dysfunction meds for your specific needs

Have you tried GetRoman? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Additional References








Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Res-Q Prime RX Review

Just came across another one of those ads promising to be a HUGE move in the male enhancement industry.

res-q prime rx

The product is called Res-Q Prime RX, and it totally looks like a scam.

I guess I will not fully go out on a limb here, but let me just say that in my experience it usually winds up being the case that if something looks like a scam, it usually is in most cases.

Red flags are red flags and when they are raised, you are typically justified in feeling so and trusting your gut is the best possible practice.

I don’t have the time to post a full review today, mainly because it’s the 4th of July.

But I do plan on looking into it a bit more tomorrow and Friday, so I should have a full review up by then.

In the meantime, some initial thoughts.

What is Res-Q Prime RX?

According to their site, it’s everything a man could want.  They claim that by taking their pills, you’ll experience:

  • Boosted testosterone levels
  • Prostate support
  • Increased libido and energy
  • Improved focus and endurance

How does it do all of this?

The ingredients list in Res-Q Prime RX is pretty extensive, and includes the following:

  • Ashwagandha Root extract
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Saw Palmetto berry
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Jiaogulan
  • Epimedium extract
  • L-Arginine
  • L-Carnitine
  • Boron
  • Vitamin D

They claim Res-Q Prime RX is free from side effects, but we all know that can be hard to prove.

Where to buy

You can find Res-Q Prime RX on their website, www.myresqproducts.com.

It retails for around $64, and includes an auto-ship feature in case you wnat to keep buying it.

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LIIFT4 Review

Lift. HIIT. Rest. Repeat.

That’s the mantra of Beachbody on Demand’s newest exercise program called LIIFT4.

“It’s like shampooing your hair,” says the creator of the program Joel Freeman, “but for your body and muscles…”

LIIFT4 creator Joel Freeman.
LIIFT4 creator Joel Freeman. Image: youtube.com

It’s all about lifting for lean muscle and working up a sweat with high-impact interval training to get in the best shape of your life.

Because look, we all want that lean, chiseled beach body. BUT. . . we also want to live a semi-normal life and not become a slave to the gym. It’s a delicate balance.

Well, the new Beachbody LIIFT 4 program promises to be the solution we’ve all been looking for.


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But does it stack up? Can we really build muscle, burn fat, and lose weight working out only 4 days a week for 8 weeks total?

Is this “hit it and quit it” exercise program really the fitness breakthrough that it’s hyped up to be?

And if it is. . . is LIIFT4 right for you and your fitness goals?

These are important questions, as the program releases to the public in a few short months (October 1st!), with early access beginning in July.

So let’s dig in and get some answers. Let’s see what LIIFT4 is all about, and if it really works.

What is LIIFT4?

LIIFT4 is the newest exercise program soon-to-be released by fitness giant better known as Beachbody.

LIIFT4 Review
Image: beachbodyondemand.com

And the program itself is the brainchild of “super trainer” Joel Freeman.

Joel Freeman is the super trainer of LIIFT4
Image cred: beachbodyondemand.com

In typical Beachbody style, the program is live-filmed so that you get the sense you’re actually in the studio with the trainer. Joel keeps it fun and interactive, as if he’s your own personal trainer to keep you motivated.

The program is challenging, yet simple. Joel takes what would typically eat up an hour-plus in the gym and packs it into a 30-minute workout that spans just 4 days of your week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday).

Yup, it’s 4 days on and 3 days off. This is a pretty flexible and forgiving fitness schedule for almost. And it’s becoming  a well-known fact that working out 4 days a week can bring better results than working out 5 or 6 days per week. Source

Overview of LIIFT4 exercise program
Image: beachbodyondemand.com

It’s a moderate-to-advanced program due to the fast pace, but the three rest days are designed to let you rebuild and re-energize so you come back stronger than before.


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One attractive thing about LIIFT4 is that you never do the same workout twice. So if you’re one to get bored with your exercise routine or workout plans, this might be just the program for you.

It also includes a detailed nutrition plan, and the program is designed around the Beachbody Performance supplements (surprise, surprise).

Beachbody Performance Supplements with LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

The nutrition plan is manageable, and actually allows for a cheat day once a week. Because we all need a cheat day.

Alright, without further ado, here’s the LIIFT4 plan in a nutshell. . . 

On any given training day you’ll isolate and work the following muscles:

  • Back and biceps
  • Chest and triceps
  • Shoulders
  • HIIT & legs

Every single training day also includes a core workout. It’s OK, you’ve got this. . . now you can get those chiseled, rock-hard abs you’ve always wanted.

Otherwise, the program is super diverse and always changing to keep you (and your muscles!) on your toes.

For instance, some days you’ll only do the LIIFT portion. Other day’s you’ll do a little bit of everything. And still other days you might just do the HIIT exercises. We’ll talk more about why this is so important in just a bit.

LIIFT4 workout plan

You can get details of LIIFT4 on the official beachbody website
Image: beachbodyondemand.com

You’ll have to be a card-carrying member of Beachbody on Demand to access the LIIFT4 introduction and the nutrition plan on their website. But lucky for you, you’ve got me!

So here’s a detailed list of what you need for LIIFT4:

3 sets of dumbbells (or bands) for light, medium, and heavy reps. And that’s it. Seriously.

Although the program hasn’t released yet, I found a free preview of LIIFT4 on YouTube, and here’s the lowdown on LIIFT4. . .

I found a free preview of LIIFT4
Image: beachbodyondemand.com

Overall it was a great workout, pretty high intensity, with a fun and light-hearted flavor. At the end of the preview, Joel runs a pretty cool live-streamed Q&A session.

LIIFT4 lasts 60 days and comes with a nutrition plan.
Image: Beachbodyondemand.com

Now, since the exercise program hasn’t released yet, there’s not a TON of information about the actual schedule. But I think the preview workout is a pretty good window into what you can expect with Beachbody LIIFT4. So let’s have a look.

Joel called it the “50-50 workout,” and sure enough it was 50% LIIFT, 50%  HIIT. . .

And 100% “what the hell have I gotten myself into?!”

It started with a cardio warmup, then went into LIIFT first, HIIT second, then core, and finally light stretching for a warm-down.

By the way, here’s the video if you want to give it a shot!

liift4 workout preview

The workout was fast-paced, as expected. And we started off with chest press and triceps. We did a few sets of 10 reps, while focusing on isolating the muscles and performing effective movements. There was a (short) 30 second rest between each set.

I immediately liked the simplicity of the workout. I mean, just dumbbells? Who doesn’t have those laying around? (If you don’t, now’s the time!)

We then went into shoulder press and reverse flyes, again doing three sets of 10 reps apiece.

Reverse flyes during LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Then we mixed in some rows for good measure. . .

Doing rows in LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Finally, to round-out the LIIFT portion of the workout, we did two sets of front-loaded squats, followed by bicep curls.

Throughout the workout, Joel really emphasized weight control and good form. After all, there’s no reason to risk injury this early in the game. . . or ever. According to Health & Style, “Chronic injury can come about when, after a time, your body becomes slightly misaligned from repeatedly practicing poor form.” Source

Then Boom! Welcome to HIIT my friends.

Yup, after the weight training session, we went straight into the HIIT portion of LIIFT4. And I have to say, it was a beast.

With the World Cup in full swing, why not start things out with 30 seconds of soccer runs?!

Soccer runs during LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Followed by the next exercise, good ol’ “catchers.”

Doing catchers during the LIIFT4 exercise program
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

If I’m being honest, I was straight-up pooped by the time we finished catchers and started with these things, whatever they were. . .

LIIFT4 review
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Now, if you find any of these exercises too hard for you, don’t worry, Joel encourages modifications. In fact, he shows you exactly how to modify each of the HIIT exercise if needed. And with the LIIFT portion, they’ll actually have a split-screen option so those with bands can follow along. Pretty dang cool.


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Never be afraid to modify your exercises. According to Ace Fitness, “If you do not modify your exercise routine, you reach a plateau because your body has adapted to the repetitive training stimulus.” Source

Alright, we finished both the LIIFT and HIIT portions at about the 2o-minute mark, and went right into the core component.

The core exercises consisted of reaching sit-ups for 30 seconds. . .

Reaching sit-ups during LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

And bicycles for 30 seconds. . . (Yay. I had almost forgotten how much I hated bicycles).

Bicycles during LIIFT4 exercise program
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Form, form, form. Do the move clean, no using momentum. In so many words, Joel says “do it right or don’t do it at all.” And I think this constant reminder is much-needed nowadays.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ultimate Abs Stimulator Review: Is It REALLY Worth It?

Finally we warmed-down with some light stretches, had our recovery mix, and called it a day.

Ah, but not before Joel engaged his live-stream audience in a pretty solid Q&A session, where he answered all (ok some) of our burning questions.

Q&A about LIIFT4
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3rLnbvXjY

Philosophy behind LIIFT4

If you strip it back to its core, you’ll find that LIIFT4 is all about compromise. And it seems to be driven by a “work hard, play hard” mentality.

In the preview workout video, Joel says something that really resonated with me. He said, “Your life doesn’t revolve around this program, instead this program fits into your life.”

LIIFT4 fits into your schedule
Image: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/clairecook37/wise-yoda/

At 30 minutes per day, four days per week, it’s just enough to whip you into shape, but without dominating your life.

And guess what? According to the brainiacs at Harvard, 30 minutes of exercise a day is just what the doctor ordered. Source

Joel talks a lot about how to enjoy your rest days, and that one cheat day every week. I mean, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t enjoy exercising and still get amazing results. Right?

Another related philosophy that seems to drive LIIFT4 is the incredibly diverse approach to the exercises.

LIIFT4 has a variety of exercises so you don't get bored.

Really, no two exercises are the same throughout the whole program. They’re constantly changing it up for optimal muscle activation.

I’m not sure how they do it, but if you’re the type of person who loses interest with repetition, you might be in good company with Beachbody LIIFT4.

Pros of Beachbody LIIFT4

Pro #1: First off, LIIFT4 really seems to be for (almost) everyone. During the live-stream preview video, Joel had a 70-year-old woman calling in, and even an 11-year-old kid. So it’s a great fit for all ages. With that said, it’s not a program for complete beginners, as you’ll want to have a bit of stamina to keep up.

Pro #2: Next, the program is realistic and sustainable. Remember, 4 days on and 3 days off. Who wouldn’t love that?

Pro #3: It’s challenging, but modifiable. They do a split screen option to accommodate those using bands instead of weights. Pretty cool.

Pro #4: Beachbody LIIFT4 really highlights the importance of good nutrition. According to Joel, the nutritional portion is simple and based on the highly-studied but basic macro-nutrient diet (Source). So you can expect meal plans that are 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.

LIIFT4 Nutritional plan
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

Joel says, “It’s nutrition 101. You clean it up for 6 days per week, and the 7th day is a cheat day. . . Cheat day is meant for you to ‘mentally loosen the reigns.’ ”  Which brings us back to the philosophy of getting real results without sacrificing too much of what makes you happy.


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Pro #5: It’s digital! So no fumbling around with DVD’s.

Pro #6: They offer a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t dig it.

Cons of Beachbody LIIFT4

To be honest, I can’t find too many downsides to this workout plan. But, since you asked. . .

Kidding, it doesn’t suck. But here’s what I’ve got. . .

Con #1: It won’t be in DVD format. Now, I know I listed this as a ‘Pro’, but I also understand that many people still like having physical DVD’s. This is the new trend with Beachbody. They say they can offer a better price if they don’t have to go making physical copies of every program. Seems legit.

Con #2: You won’t get jacked with LIIFT4. But that’s not really a con if that isn’t your goal in the first place. Also, if you’re looking to get jacked, you probably haven’t read this far anyway.

Con #3: You have to actually exercise.

Con #4: They spelled ‘Lift’ wrong. 😉

LIIFT4 Review
Image: https://jennifersharpfitness.com/2018/06/06/liift4-results/

My experience with LIIFT4

Obviously, the full program hasn’t released yet and doesn’t come out until October 1st (when it releases, I do plan to try it). But hopefully you got a pretty good taste of what it’s all about.

LIIFT4 releases Oct. 1
Image: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/programs/liift4

I definitely found the free preview workout of LIIFT4 to be highly effective. I could see myself doing it four days per week for eight weeks, and I can almost visualize the results.

Another cool thing about these Beachbody programs is that you can cycle them in the future, running through the workouts two to three times throughout the year. So if you get results, you can maintain the results.

Get results with LIIFT4 by Beachbody Review
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

LIIFT4 Reviews

There aren’t many unbiased user reviews just yet. But the site does have some before and after photos of LIIFT4 users. Obviously, you have to take ’em with a grain of salt, as they’re put out by the company that makes the product. Like this one. . . Meet Laura, an employee of Beachbody.

Beachbody FIIT4 results
Image: beachbodyondemand.com

But. . . you can also find real LIIFT4 transformation videos on YouTube. Here’s an inspiring video of a one-month transformation of a “Test Group” participant. . .

liift4 results

The woman hopped right on board when Beachbody corporate asked her  and her husband to join the test group.

Right away she was happy with the nutritional portion. She says, “Luckily we get to eat a lot on this meal plan.” Also, it’s important to know that throughout the program she was taking the Performance line of Beachbody supplements.

Week 1 — Throughout the first week, as expected, her body was pretty sore. At one point in the video when she was wrapping up ‘leg’ day, she said “That was the most intense HIIT ever.”

Week 2 — After week two she was settling into the program and noticing she wasn’t nearly as sore. “Get in, get out, work hard, sweat hard,” she said with high spirits.

Week 3 — By week 3 she had lost 7 1/2 pounds, but still eating a ton of food. Some days she woke up sore, but she attributed this to increasing the weights bit by bit on the LIIFT portion.

Week 4 — During week 4 she was feeling super strong, and seeing major changes in her body. She even began to see her abs peaking out. Because of the structure of the program, she said she was getting better results than when she was working out 5 days a week. Not bad.

LIIFT4 User Review
Image: memegenerator.net

Finally, she expressed that she feels like Joel is right there in the living room with her, which only helps with getting (and staying!) motivated.

Now meet Kelsey, another Test Group user of LIIFT4. She gives a nice intro to the program, but it sort of comes across like an advertisement.

She says, “This one is going to be a game-changer. It’s going to change SO many people’s lives.” But she stops short of sharing if/how it changed her life.

liift4 experience

Also, you can see quite a few before and afters pictures in this video, but again, it’s an advertisement for LIIFT4. . .

liift4 coming soon

Like this one. . .

Before and after transformation picture of a LIIFT4 user
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

And this one. . .

Before and after transformation picture of a LIIFT4 user
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

And this one here. . .

Before and after transformation picture of a LIIFT4 user
Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1RzwOvzRVY

Who will benefit from LIIFT4?

Well, what are you fitness goals? If you want to get jacked and put on some serious muscle mass, this probably isn’t the program for you. You’ll likely build muscle, but it’ll be lean muscle.

There is nothing wrong with lean muscle and it is the goal of many exercise hungry people out there, but it is not going to contribute to bulky tree trunk arms.

But if you’re looking to shape up fast, with a very minimal time commitment, LIIFT4 could be the answer.

I would say this program is for all types of people, including:

  • Women who want to lose 5-15 pounds and tone up
  • Men who want to turn flab into fab (and by fab I mean lean muscle)
  • Anyone who wants to get in shape and feel all-around fit
  • Those who prefer classic, simple exercises over complex ones
  • Anyone who usually gets bored during their workouts


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Well, I guess I like it.

I’m fairly confident that anyone who sticks to the program (including the nutritional plan) will get results.  After all, if you’re exercising day in and day out, and eating healthy all the while, you’re bound to see changes in your body.

I recommend trying LIIFT4 by Beachbody
Image: memesguy.com

I like the simplicity of the workouts, and the fact that you really only need a few sets of dumbbells to get going.

If you are like me and sometimes enjoy a program that leaves you with ample rest time and doesn’t eat a lot of the day, then you will probably appreciate this one.

But most of all, I really for me like the 4 days on and 3 days off regimen. I feel like it’s totally sustainable, especially if I’m only going for 60 days. I can make that sacrifice, and I well intend to.

All in all, I’d say give LIIFT4 a try!

RELATED ARTICLE: Shortcut To Size Review: Will Jim Stoppani’s Get You JACKED?

Have you tried LIIFT4? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Alpha TRT Review

Update (9-24-2018): Morgan Freeman did NOT use Alpha TRT.

Were you just browsing through Yahoo and came across this:

morgan freeman ed pill

If so, you’re luck you found this page.

Because all of it is ONE BIG LIE.

Click Here to find out why.

Are you one of the millions of men who suffers from erectile dysfunction? Or maybe you’re just feeling the effects of low testosterone? Either way, you seriously don’t have time to beat around the bush.

You don’t want to waste your time going back and forth between sub-par male enhancement supplements when you could be taking one that is going to give you maximum results.

You need help, fast! But is Alpha TRT the right male enhancement supplement for you? That’s exactly what we’re going to answer in this review.

Alpha TRT helps to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
Image: vacumed.com

Unfortunately, there’s a gazillion products on the market that’ll bend you over, take your money, and call it a day. Believe me, I do reviews all the time for these things.

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Alpha-this, Alpha-that. Seriously, most testosterone/ erectile dysfunction products play to this desire in men to be the “alpha-male,” the man with the strength and stamina, the man who can make his lady howl till the wee hours of morning.

Don’t believe me? Check it out. . .

You’ve got Alpha King, Alphaviril, AlphaMALE XL, X180 Alpha, and the list goes on and on.

But are testosterone boosters even worth your money? If so, how do you find one that really works to give you bigger, better erections? And is Alpha TRT an effective solution for low-T?

So many questions and so little time! But before we jump in, I want to share the (very strange) story on how I stumbled across Alpha TRT.

I recently came across this ad on AARP. . .

Ad for Alpha TRT
Ad for Alpha TRT

So I clicked in and found a sales page for the Alpha TRT supplement, that started like THIS. . .

Sales page for Alpha TRT
Sales page for Alpha TRT

Ok, so Mark Harmon apparently teamed up with Dr. Phil to create Alpha TRT.

Or did he???

An hour later I came across THIS ad. . .

Alpha TRT ad that says Denzel Washington created the product.
Alpha TRT ad that says Denzel Washington created the product.

Which brought me to THIS sales page. . .

Alpha TRT ad that says Denzel Washington created the product.
Alpha TRT ad that says Denzel Washington created the product.

What the heck? Something smells a little bull-shitty. It’s the SAME ad! All they did was switch out the supposed “creators” of the “cure.”

Related Article:  Denzel Washington And Dr Phil Did NOT Develop Some ED Pill

But Wait, There’s More!

Now they’re saying that legendary football pro Terry Bradshaw created Alpha TRT!

fake verutum rx ad

Click Here to read how I dissected the hell out of that one.

And then just the other day I saw them claiming that another NFL hall of famer, Howie Long, uses it.

howie long alpha trt

And today it’s Michael Strahan…

michael strahan ed pill

What About Jimmy Kimmel?  Did He Create Alpha TRT?

jimmy kimmel alpha trt

What do you think?!  Of course not!

In this particular case, they’re claiming that Jimmy Kimmel is actually losing his show because of all of the backlash…

What a crock of s#$t!

I don’t believe that any of these celebrities created Alpha TRT. It’s probably just some skeevy marketing ploy that crashed and burned on this discerning reviewer. Is it really so hard to tell the truth?

Alpha TRT review.
Image: me.me

But let’s put down the pitchforks for the time-being, and let’s have a look at Alpha TRT as objectively as possible to find out if it will really get the job done.

1. About the Company

Alphentyx Health is the maker of Alpha TRT
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

Alphentyx Health is the company that makes Alpha TRT. They include contact information (email and shipping address) on their website, which is always good business. Looks like they’re based out of Chandler, AZ. Or maybe not, as it’s just a PO Box.

Alphentyx Health, makers of TRT, contact info
Alphentyx Health contact info. Image: alphentyxhealth.com

Alphentyx Health currently makes and sells three products, which are marketed as a “three-step male enhancement system.” They say when used together, the system “may help you enjoy improved vitality, virility, vascularity, and vigor.”

Alphentyx Health makes Alpha TRT and two other products.
Image: https://www.alphentyxhealth.com/index.php

What is Alpha TRT?

Alpha TRT marketing.
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

Alpha TRT is a dietary supplement that’s sold as an over the counter alternative to prescription drugs like Viagra or Cialis.

While OTC products like Alpha TRT are said to boost testosterone and energy, most men are really in the market for improved erections. I mean, let’s be real. Erectile dysfunction sucks!

Alpha TRT supposedly helps to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
Image: www.erectiledysfunction.com

But. . . according to the Alphentyx Health website, Alpha TRT is a “medical strength male enhancement,” that promises to:

  • Work synergistically to ramp up sexual stamina
  • Increase staying power
  • And boost sexual confidence

2. What are the ingredients in Alpha TRT? 

The Alpha TRT formula is all-natural and “free from any artificial fillers, binders or harmful synthetic chemicals.”

Alpha TRT contains all-natural ingredients
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

The 700 mg proprietary herbal blend contains following ingredients:

  • Damiana, which is historically used to increase sexual desire. Source
  • Tribulus terrestris, a botanical that increases sexual function and libido. Source
  • Horny goat weed, an herb that helps to increase blood flow to the penis and improve sexual function. Source
  • Eurycoma Longfolia, is shown to increase testosterone and strength. Source
  • Ginseng, is used to boost energy and manage sexual dysfunction in men. Source
  • Muira Puama, helps to improve physical and sexual performance. Source
  • Yohimbe, used to arouse sexual desire and help with erectile dysfunction. Source

Most of these ingredients are found in many other testosterone formulas, including supplements like Viantis and 5G Male. So there’s nothing out of the ordinary (or special) about this formula. Here’s the Alpha TRT ingredient label. . .

Alpha TRT Ingedients
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

Alpha TRT FAQ’s

3. How do I take it? 

The makers of Alpha TRT stress that the product is for “Adult men only.” Adult men will take 2 capsules by mouth once per day. You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough exercise and eating healthy for optimal results.

How to take Alpha TRT testosterone booster
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

4. How long does Alpha TRT take to start working? 

You might notice the effects of Alpha TRT within weeks, if not days. However, it’s said that for some men it may take upwards of 6 months to see an improvement in erections and/or ejaculation. Source

And if you’re wondering how long testosterone pills like Alpha TRT will last, you might get a solid year out of the products before the effects finally peak.

Alpha TRT Review

5. Are there side effects with Alpha TRT?

Taking any testosterone pill comes with its fair share of potential issues. While most men can take T-boosters without experiencing side effects, the folks at WebMD claim that others will have to look out for. . .

  • Sleep apnea
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Mild fluid retention
  • Increased risk of prostate abnormalities
  • Risk of blood clots
  • And even breast enlargement :-/

WebMD recently published another article titled TRT: Myths and Facts. In this piece they detail other more serious side effects that could result from taking testosterone supplements.

Potential side effects when taking testosterone boosters like Alpha TRT

And finally, as a last word of caution, the Alpha TRT label says to steer clear of the product if you fall into any of the following categories:

Alpha TRT caution and warning

6. Can I take Alpha TRT with alcohol? 

You probably shouldn’t take Alpha TRT, or any testosterone-booster with alcohol. Here’s a video that explains why. . .

alcohol and testosterone effects

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but facts are facts.

You can't take testosterone pills with alcohol. Alpha TRT Review.

I know, I know. You’re probably feeling a bit like this guy right about now. . .

Alpha TRT Review. Don't take it with Alcohol.But seriously, there is a TON of evidence that drinking alcohol is only serving to lower your testosterone, and destroy your liver.

7. User reviews of Alpha TRT

Amazon is a good place to find tons of (generally unbiased) user reviews. Unfortunately, although Alpha TRT is sold on Amazon, there aren’t any user reviews for it yet.

Currently, there are no Alpha TRT reviews on Amazon.com

So I searched high and low, and all I found were these pathetic “reviews.”

The following YouTube videos don’t say a damn thing about the product, but offer you a link to buy. I mean, c’mon people.

alpha trt youtube review

And this one. . .

alpha trt video review

8. Where to buy Alpha TRT?

You can buy Alpha TRT on the official Alphentyx Health website, and you can also get it on Amazon.com as mentioned.

As far as I know, those are the only two places you can get your hands on the product.

You can buy Alpha TRT on Amazon.com
Image: bgr.com

9. How much does Alpha TRT cost? 

The supplement is sold in a 60 capsule quantity. And a bottle of the stuff will run you a whopping $97.23 from the Alphentyx website. God almighty.

But rest your loins my friend. . .

You can find it for half the price on Amazon, where you’ll only pay $49.97 for the product. Not bad.

Alpha TRT Review

They also offer a free trial, which I IMPLORE you to completely avoid at all costs.

Click Here to find out why.

If you’ve already been sucked in to their free trial offer, and are looking to get out of it, check out this article.

It will show you exactly what you need to do to cancel, and possibly even get a refund.

10. Does Alpha TRT offer a Guarantee? 

Alright, this is where Alpha TRT really falls short.

First of all, they claim to stand behind the product by offering a “100% Risk Free Satisfaction Guarantee.”

Alpha TRT Review. The company doesn't really stand behind the product.
Image: alphentyxhealth.com

Well, what exactly does that mean?

I went searching the site for their refund policy, which I found a tiny link for at the very bottom of their website.

Here’s how their 100% Risk Free Satisfaction Guarantee actually works. . . And yeah, it’s total crap.

OK — so they will credit “one returned unopened product per customer.” Yup, unopened. How can you “use with confidence” if they only accept returns on unopened bottles?

The return package must be postmarked within 30 days of your original order and has to include “a RMA number obtained from customer service.” They go on to say no returns will be granted after 30 days of your order.

Alpha TRT Review
Image: risk.net

It gets better. Once you jump through their hoops, you’re gonna have to fork out the shipping and handling on the return order.

And finally, you’ll have to pay “a small $9.95 restocking fee.”

I’d almost rather set myself on fire than go through all the hassle. Almost.

11. Recommendations 

To be honest, I wanted to like this supplement. I really did. But here’s why I don’t.

First of all, remember their shady advertising and how they tried to tell us the product was created by different celebrities? Yeah, not cool.

Alpha TRT is not the best choice for a testosterone booster
Image: menshealth.com

If you need to craft a false story of celebrity endorsements in order to generate interest in your brand, chances are there are more red flags to follow.

Second, the formula is pretty run-of-the-mill and doesn’t offer anything that you can’t get in a much cheaper t-booster.

There aren’t any real reviews for the product. The makers don’t even list reviews or testimonials on their website, which is strange. At least make some up (kidding, don’t).

At nearly $100, it’s pretty damn expensive.

If I’m gonna drop a Benjamin for bigger, better erections and improved vitality, it better be backed up with rave reviews, AND a real guarantee.

But alas, the guarantee doesn’t inspire any confidence in the product whatsoever.

Womp, womp. 

So my final recommendation. . . is to try a testosterone booster that actually works.

Have you tried Alpha TRT? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

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