Somaderm HGH Review

Aging sucks. Big time.

There are a gazillion so-called homeopathic products on the market that claim to be the fountain of youth — including Somaderm HGH gel.

Reverse-aging, anti-aging, youthification… you name it and these companies have coined a term to catch your attention.

In this billion dollar industry, some products rise to the top, while 99.9% of all other products fade away like a bad dream.

And it’s really no surprise.

Special Note!!

If you’re looking for a truly effective HGH releaser, we recommend you check out a product called HyperGH 14X.

hypergh 14x

It’s a highly-effective Somatropin HGH alternative, and is by far the best I’ve ever tested (and I’ve tested literally DOZENS!).

Click Here to learn more about HyperGH 14X in my comprehensive review.

Why? Because there is no such thing as a fountain-of-youth product that can reverse the aging process.

Turning back the clock is unfortunately just not possible, which doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can do to make it go smoother, but reversing aging is impossible.

I mean, last I checked, 10 out of 10 people die in the end.

There are a lot of anti-aging products like Somaderm HGH, but everyone dies in the end

Ouch, right? :-/

But it’s not all doom-and-gloom. Some products DO help to “manage” and perhaps “slow down” the aging process. Some even do a pretty good job at boosting energy, helping you to lose weight, improve sleep, etc.

So when I recently received an email from a guy asking if I’ve ever tried New U Life Somaderm HGH gel, I just had to dig in and take a good look at it.

I received an email from a guy trying to get me to review Somaderm HGH

I must say, there’s something different about this dietary supplement. It contains Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which we’ll learn more about in a bit.

But does it really work? Is it a great opportunity or big scam? And is it right for you and your health goals? Let’s find out!

Jump To A Topic

What is Somaderm Gel?
Who makes it?
NewULife Compensation Plan / Residual Commission
What are the ingredients?
What are the side effects?
My Personal Results

How do I use it?
Where can you buy it?

What is Somaderm HGH?

According to the makers of the product, “New U Life’s SOMADERM Gel is the only transdermal, FDA registered product, containing Homeopathic human growth hormone.”

Let’s stop right there.

FDA Approved Vs. FDA Registered

You should know that “FDA registered” is NOT the same as “FDA approved.” (Source)

Somaderm is FDA registered, not FDA approved

Almost anyone can “register” a product, but the Food and Drug Administration will only put their stamp of approval on products that are proven to be safe.

Anyhow, you apply the skin cream to the skin (Captain Obvious here), and it goes directly into your bloodstream.

Check out the Somaderm promotional video…

somaderm youtube video

Why the bloodstream? Isn’t that a little… much?

The makers of the product claim that pills and sprays are ineffective, and injections are invasive and can cause serious side effects. Hence the cream, and hence the bloodstream.

The idea is that when it hits the blood, it slowly elevates HGH levels in the human body.

Somaderm HGH works by entering your bloodstream
Just your average bloodstream. Image:

For as much as they praise the HGH hormone as “highly-studied and well-documented,” they don’t say what it is, how it works, and why we should care about it.

But don’t worry… that’s what I’m here for.

Who makes Somaderm gel?

We’ll dig into the ingredients in just a bit. But first, it’s important you learn about the company behind the product, and whether or not they can be trusted.

Welcome to New U Life…

New U Life is the company that makes Somaderm HGH gel for the skin

When you first land on the company’s official website, you get the impression that it’s a small outfit, selling just one product: Somaderm.

Alex Goldstein is at the helm of the ship, and from what I can tell, he seems like a decent guy.

Alex Goldstein is the founder of the MLM that sells Somaderm HGH gel

But here’s the kicker. With just a little digging, you learn what it’s really all about.

You see, on their ‘Mission & Vision’ section of the website, I came across this…

New U Life Mission and Vision

Alright, hold the phone!

It says, “We believe that your financial freedom is the byproduct of hard work and loving what you do every day.”

My ‘Financial Freedom’? I thought this was an anti-aging cream? What’s this talk about making money and hard work?

And just like that, you feel the cold fingers of a multi-level marketing company tugging at your pocketbook or purse.

Welcome to New U Life…

What is New U Life MLM?

It’s just that, a multi-level marketing (MLM) company that you — YES YOU! — can be a part of.

Oh joy.

New U Life, the makers of Somaderm gel, is a MLM company

If you don’t know what an MLM company is, just think Mary Kay, Amway, or Arbonne. Yeah, it’s one of those.

Does this mean it’s a scam or some pyramid scheme that you should look out for?

Well, we’ll get to that. But for now it’s important you know the backstory of the company.

NewULife Compensation Plan

Like Most Ponzi Scheme / MLM-type programs, the compensation plans are very difficult to understand.

If you want a thorough explanation of the compensation plans, you should watch this video below:

new u life compensation plan youtube video

He does a pretty good job of breaking it all down in an “easy to understand” format.

If you just want the key takeaways about their network marketer compensation plans, here they are:

Retail Commissions

If you sell 1 bottle of Somaderm HGH at a retail cost of $169.99 to retail customers, you make $45 per bottle.

Retail customers are defined as customers that have not signed up for a membership.

Autoship Customers

Autoship customers pay a slightly lower price of $149.99 per bottle of Somaderm Gel.

For each customer that you sign up for the program, you’ll earn a retail commission of $25 per customer per month.

As an example, if you were to recruit and maintain 12 autoship customers in one calendar month, you will earn a total of $300 in retail commissions.

If all of these customers re-order the same quantity every month, you will continue to earn $300 a month in retail commissions.

This is what’s known as a residual commission.

There are several other ways to earn with New U Life, including a recruitment commission, hitting Coach rank, Life Coach rank, Ambassador, and Diamond Ambassadors levels.

Some affiliates earn as much as $6,000 a month with the program as a network marketer.

They even have a car bonus for qualified affiliates.

Joining Newulife

When you enroll, you have 4 options:

Executive Pack ($999):  Which includes 8 bottles of Somaderm Gel, 1 year membership, replicated website, and access to their training materials.

Pro Pack ($559):  Includes 4 bottles of Somaderm Gel, 1 year membership, Replicated website, and access to training materials.

NewU Pack ($199):  1 bottle of Somaderm, 1 year memebership, replicated website, and access to training.

Distributor Starter Pack ($59):  No product, 1 year membership, replicated website.

Let’s dive further into the actual product, because believe me, it’s an eye opener.

RELATED: Best HGH Supplements at GNC and Vitamin Shoppe

What are the ingredients in Somaderm HGH?

Somaderm’s human growth hormone gel contains three active ingredients:

  • Glandula Suprarenalis Suis
  • Thyroidinum
  • and Somatropin

And a whole boatload of inactive ingredients…here’s the label:

somaderm gel ingredients label

Allow me to put some meaning behind all these big words.

The National Drug Codes List says that Glandula Suprarenalis Suis is just a generic name for HGH. Source

Thyroidium is a thyroid stimulating hormone that is said to help with thyroid problems. One study claims that it has beneficial effects when it comes to weight loss and symptomatic relief. Source

Finally, Somatropin 30X is yet another name for growth hormone. It is most often injected into the skin, to “treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone.” Source 

According to the certified homeopath site, the 30X in this homeopathic solution simply means that the original substance has been diluted by 1 followed by 30 0’s.  Source

The makers of Somaderm HGH claim that the ingredients are ethically sources, raw and 100% safe

And of course, the makers of the product claim that the ingredients are 100% safe and natural.

So What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?

Somaderm HGH is a human growth hormone gel that you apply to the skin

All of these ingredients point to the human growth hormone that, some say, helps to:

  • Improve bone and joint health
  • Increase muscle
  • Reduce body fat
  • Improve sleep
  • Strengthen the immune system

It’s also used for a wide variety of medical condition, including:

  • Turners Syndrome
  • Prader-Willi syndrone
  • Chronic Kidney disease
  • HGH deficiency
  • Muscle wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS(Source)But here’s the thing…

Growth hormones have a long history of abuse, especially in the world of sports.

One only has to recall the golden years of baseball that were marred by excessive doping. Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco… these household names became synonymous with “juicing” for top-shelf performance.

Although Somaderm HGH is not a steroid, people often abuse HGH like on

While HGH is not a steroid (it’s actually a protein-based hormone that’s made naturally by our pituitary gland), many people use and abuse HGH supplements and injections for similar performance-enhancing reasons.

For instance, Harvard conducted a study on HGH, and the preliminary commentary is pretty telling.

Harvard conducted a study on HGH, the active ingredient in Somaderm HGH

And here’s the irony. From outside-looking-in, HGH works pretty damn well. But, upon closer investigation, you’ll find it’s mostly smoke and mirrors.

Athletes who take HG “try to benefit from the known anabolic action of the drug, to increase their muscle mass and power.” Source

While there is evidence that they do work, have a look at the findings of Harvard’s research on the efficacy of HGH on athletes….

“After receiving daily injections for an average of 20 days, the subjects who received GH increased their lean body mass (which reflects muscle mass but can also include fluid mass) by an average of 4.6 pounds. That’s a big gain — but it did not translate into improved performance. In fact, GH did not produce measurable increases in either strength or exercise capacity. And the subjects who got GH were more likely to retain fluid and experience fatigue than were the volunteers who got the placebo. Source

Not so good.

“Right,” you might say, “…but I’m NOT an athlete, I’m a 69-year-old couch potato looking for a little extra somethin’.”

Well, to that I say…

The Harvard researchers conducted an almost identical study of the effectiveness of HGH on 69-year-old couch potatoes. 😉 content/uploads/2018/09/untitled design

And the results? Not. So. Good.

Instead of improving things like cholesterol, triglycerides, bone density, blood sugar and insulin levels — the growth hormone recipients “experienced a high rate of side effects.” Source

Which brings me to my next point.

What are the side effects of Somaderm HGH?

Leanbean has very few side effects

According to WebMD, the side effects of HGH might include:

  • Nerve, muscle, or joint pain
  • Swelling due to fluid in the body’s tissues (edema)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Numbness and tingling of the skin
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Hot flashes

But keep in mind Somaderm HGH is a homeopathic dietary supplement and packs a much lower dose than your typical HGH injection, so if you do experience these side effects, they will likely be minimal.

Nevertheless, from the research I’ve read, HGH has varying results for those who take it.

It should also be noted that if you are suffering from a medical condition like high blood pressure, you should check with your doctor before using Somaderm Gel.

Is it a scam?

Is Pharmacy RX One a scam?

Well, it is an MLM company pushing the product. And we have seen just how ineffective — and perhaps dangerous — HGH can be. So I’ll let you put two-and-two together.

User reviews

YouTube is filled with “honest reviews” of Somaderm HGH. But I’ll tell you what… I trust them about as far as I can throw them.

I don't trust Somaderm HGH

The reviews I found we’re unabashedly made by New U Life members, and they come across as blatant advertisements. So I won’t even bother sharing them with you.

With that said, I wasn’t able to find any unbiased user reviews of Somaderm HGH. This, too, is rather telling.

My Personal Results

somaderm gel

So my wife and I decided to try a bottle of Somaderm Gel out for one month, and I have to say I’m a little disappointed at the lack of results.

It comes in a pump bottle that stands about 8 inches high, and depending on how often and how much you’re pumping, can last for as long as 2 months.

The directions on the label state that you should apply one full pump in the morning and 1 full pump in the evening.

Since my wife and I were sharing the bottle, we did about a 1/2 pump each twice a day.

I will say this, the gel is pretty easy to apply.

You essentially have to rotate around your body to various spots where there is thin skin with visible veins.

That means spots like under your eyes, under your palms, on your wrists, inner elbow, behind the knees, and even the top of your feet.

I did this 2 times a day on a 5 day on, 2 day off basis, as instructed.

First, the pros…

On the very first night, I had one of the most vivid dreams I had in a long time.  As I mentioned in the comments below, I was shaking off a two-day hangover.

So sleep was something I desperately needed…

Were these vivid dreams the result of applying Somaderm?

I don’t know.

Healthline claims that vivid dreams may have something to do with the brain trying to eliminate any unnecessary information or memories, while processing and storing what’s important. (see that article here)

In any event, I was actually a bit excited that I had these vivid dreams because I had read several posts of people who’ve used Somaderm experience the exact same thing.

On the second day, I would say that I felt a bit more energetic.

Maybe it was placebo effects, maybe it was the Somaderm, I just don’t know.

But I could definitely sense something.

Further along in the test, is where things started to fall apart.

I can say with 100% certainty that I did not experience any of the benefits that the people who have used Somaderm claim.

There was no better quality sleep, no decreased body fat, no increase in lean muscle, and no relief from joint pain.

In short, there was virtually nothing.

My 30 day honest assessment shows that it just didn’t work.

With all of that said, I actually DO think the product has some potential.

I mean, there’s 100’s of reviews scattered throughout the internet claiming that it’s changed their life for the better.

In fact, my wife just so happens to be one of those people.

She’s going to be posting her Somaderm review on her blog, and as soon as she does I will link to it.

Somaderm FAQ’s

How do I use it?

As I mentioned earlier, the directions on the label state that you should apply one full pump in the morning and 1 full pump in the evening.

how to use somaderm gel

You pump the gel onto the thinnest layers of your skin, where you can see your veins.

These areas include:

  • Armpits
  • Forearms
  • Wrists
  • Behind the knees
  • etc.
Apply Somaderm HGH gel to the thin areas of skin

Where can I buy it?

You can only purchase Somaderm HGH from the New U Life website:

Because of the MLM business structure, it is not available at physical or online retailers.

How much is it?

You can score a bottle of the stuff for one easy payment of $149.99.

Somaderm HGH is very expensive

Wait… what?! $149.99 for a bottle of gel? And that’s if you ARE a member of the scam, I mean club. If you’re not a member, you’ll have to fork over $169.99!

I literally just lost a year off my life from sticker shock alone, thus negating any potential anti-aging benefits from the product itself. One step forward, two steps back. Damn.

This is starting to sound like one of those pyramid schemes…

Up to this point, I tried my best to give Somaderm HGH the benefit of the doubt. But this ridiculous price tag is the nail in the coffin.

Somaderm HGH is very expensive and does not offer a guarantee

Is there a guarantee?

Nope. As far as I can tell, Somaderm HGH does not come with any guarantee.

The whole ‘risk vs. reward’ scale is definitely weighing heavy on the ‘risk’ end.

In other words, I will NOT jump at the chance to pay $160 for a bottle of gel that a) I’m not sure even works, b) Has done nothing to earn my trust (no testimonials, reviews, etc.) and c) Doesn’t come with a money-back guarantee.

Nope. Nuh uh. No way, Jose.

Bottom Line

After finally having tested Somaderm Gel out, I’m still a bit on the fence.

I can tell you this, I’ve personally used real hgh in the past, and it didn’t even come close.

There’s plenty of people who sell the product trying to call B.S. on my review. (see the comments below)

What can I say?

I gave it a fair shake, and it didn’t work for me.

What do you want me to say?  That it did?  That it works like real human growth hormone gel?

Well, I’m not gonna do that, not for this or any other homeopathic product.

I have somewhat of a reputation to uphold, and if you’ve read any of my other reviews, I do one thing and one thing only:

Tell it like it is.

I could just as easily lie to my readers and say it’s the best thing since sliced bread, and earn a commission on selling the product.

I can’t in good faith put myself in the corner of a product that just did not do the trick for me personally and still sleep well at night.

My visitors rely on me providing my HONEST assessment of a products worth, and no commission is worth that trust.

Again, that’s just not how I roll.

Personally speaking, I actually DO think that Somaderm Gel works for a vast swath of people.

Based on the reviews I’ve read, it may certainly help with weight loss, reduced body fat, and possibly even increase hgh levels.

However, like with any supplement, there will be a certain percentage of the population that are “non-responders”.

I’m 37 years old, and the vast majority of the other reviews I’ve read seem to be posted by men and women in their 40’s and older.

THESE are the people that it seems to work for, not necessarily a younger generation.

Have you tried Somaderm HGH? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

BoomBod Review

1. Boombod 7-Day Achiever Review

Amber Rose. When you think of her, you probably think, killer curves.

amber rose whoa

She looks good, doesn’t she?

Well, she is also the ambassador for Boombod.

The makers of Boombod and some Boombod reviews claim that when you use the product, you will look like the celebrity.

boombod 7 day weight loss

While there has been a lot of fanfare around Boombod, there is no concrete evidence as to whether it is an efficient fat burner.

On the one hand, it has Konjac Fiber that has an association with weight loss. But on the other hand, the other ingredients in this product do not seem to have much evidence to support them.

There are many questions consumers have, for instance, what are my Boombod results likely to be? Is Boombod safe? Is it a scam?

This Boombod 7-day achiever review will help you find the answers to your questions.

Let’s find out if this celebrity appetite suppressant is worth the fuss…

2. How to mix Boombod – is it safe?

When you receive your boombod package, you are going to find 21 sachets, 3 for every day you will use it.

You should use each sachet 30 minutes before a meal.

According to the use directions, all you need is a medium sized glass.

Empty one sachet into the glass, add water that fills a quarter of the glass, stir and drink. Easy right?

We only have one problem with these directions. Words like medium-sized and ¼ full are vague. I would have preferred it if they had used exact measurements.

When it comes to safety, Boombod has a pretty clean track record. Nothing serious has been reported so far.

However, some customers have suffered side effects from Boombod such as bloating, some stomach discomfort, flatulence and even diarrhea.

What is crazy is that it is supposed to help reduce bloating but in some cases seems to cause it instead.

If you are on any medication, you should also not try Boombod before talking to your physician.

3. Boombod, 7-day achiever, does it work faster than the competition?

Boombod is a new product, but we have already seen similar supplements a lot in the past. They sell weight loss miracles and in the case of Boombod you will apparently start seeing weight loss results in 7 days.

However, they go further and say that for you to become skinny, you will have the product for four consecutive weeks.

The truth about weight loss is that it takes time, and often you may need to change your lifestyle to get the right results.

The sellers of Boombod claim that once you start using it, you no longer crave fast food and you end up eating less of other foods as well.

While this might help in the beginning, there isn’t much SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCRE to show that simply eating less leads to weight loss.

The biggest problem with this theory from my standpoint is that the body gets used to a routine. Even when you exercise to lose weight, you have to change up and increase the intensity of the exercises otherwise they cease being effective.

The other thing to consider is your metabolism and after analyzing the 7 day achiever we can’t see anything in particular that would help you torch that fat.

4. The ingredients: Is Boombod more than just a weight loss supplement?

The main ingredient used in Boombod’s marketing is Glucomannan. It is the main ingredient for weight loss and this one is believed to offer some benefits.

Once ingested, Glucomannan turns into a gel that lines the stomach lessening the space food can take. This makes you eat less and ultimately lose weight.

Boombod also claims to pass through the digestive tract gathering food particles, and other toxins.

And it cleanses the body without a laxative effect.

There is also biotin which is a Vitamin B complex that helps convert food into energy. The body produces enough biotin to cater to its needs already.

The other thing to remember is that is also water soluble and passes out in urine when ingested which makes ingesting it as a supplement counterproductive.

Boombod also contains iron that is not pivotal to weight loss but can improve the process. It gives you energy. Most times when people do not eat properly, they end up with an iron deficiency which makes them feel fatigued and lethargic all the time.

Magnesium is the other significant mineral in this product. While it is beneficial for overall health, it has no connection whatsoever to weight loss. It is mostly important for building bones by increasing the body’s capability to absorb calcium.

It aso contributes to the production of testosterone in men and would be better suited in a MALE SUPPLEMENT than a weight loss one.

5. Boombod cost: miracle fat burner or a waste of money?

A pack of 21 sachets goes for $35. Yes that’s right, $35 for a one week supply! From time to time they do offer promotions and let’s face it at that price you’re going to need one.

We saw earlier that you need to use it for four weeks to get to your ideal weight.

The problem with this is that they do not offer specifics. It would feel like a worthy investment if they at least had a rate.

Boombod is not exactly a fat burner. It only makes you eat less when you take it before meals. There are also just three for a day.

It can also be quite a hassle to use it in situations where you aren’t at home or in the office, like when you travel or are at a function.

You could argue that a fat burner would work better because you can take it anywhere and simply pop a pill to keep your intake consistent and at the correct times of the day.

Overall we don’t think it would be prudent to spend $140 on a 4 week supply of Boombod until there are studies that show precisely how it works and who it works for.

That is a lot of money to shell out on a product that has counterparts that are cheaper, more researched and easier to look to for information about than Boombod.

6. Leanbean Vs Boombod – Which one wins?

Leanbean is a women’s fat burner. Unlike Boombod, Leanbean has been uses by professional athletes rather than celebrities.

You are advised to use it in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. The product comes in capsule form rather than shots.

The two supplements do have one similarity, they both contain Glucomannan and SUPPRESS APPETITE.

But other than that, Leanbean goes further and also addresses toning of the body, increased metabolism, and detoxification.

Regarding ingredients, while they share Glucomannan, Leanbean seems to have more of them geared towards weight loss.

For instance, it has turmeric which contains an antioxidant called curcumin. This powerful ingredient increases body temperature which increases the metabolism which is excellent for weight loss.

Leanbean also has Green tea, as we know this is a super antioxidant and clean stimulant that aid fat burning.

When it comes to price, Leanbean definitely wins. While Boombod gives you just a week’s supply for $35, Leanbean offers a month’s supply for only $59.

With regards to customer service, Boombod seems to take the medal. Leanbean struggles as customers complain about shipping takes longer than the brand’s promise.

The Leanbean website does not state any side effects. However, it is not type of product that you should take whilst pregnant. No weight loss supplement is!

It was a close call, but if you want to lose weight realistically, Leanbean would be the ideal choice.

7. Boombod customer reviews – Is it living up to the scrutiny on Amazon and Youtube

Boombod has had celebrities with killer figures, and this has sparked a lot of interest in Boombod, and we all know when products are sold online, there are reviews.

So what are the people saying?

There are a few positive comments about Boombod. One customer said they loved the product as she had been struggling to lose weight, but with Boombod had shed 1.3 Kgs.

Another one on her second box had already lost weight, had a lot of energy, she also said she had no cravings and loved the taste.

But there are also negative Boombod reviews.

A lot of people who used the product did not see any results.

Once customer said the product was all hype and NO RESULTS. She also said the lunctime sachet made her feel bloated.

We would advise that you read reviews other than those on the website because they are all suspiciously positive. No product has ever had 100% approval.

8. Boombod – The result

There has been a lot of buzz around Boombod; it claims to be a revolutionary product but ultimately we just couldn’t figure out what it was trying to achieve. Weight loss? Healthier skin and nails? Or just better health overall?

This appetite suppressing drink should yield some benefits when it comes to reducing your hunger pangs. However, we think it falls short of our favorite female fat burner overall.

That’s because it misses out the key benefits of a top metabolism boosting pill thanks to its failure to include some of the most effective natural stimulants and thermogenic ingredients. Not to mention the fact it is eye-wateringly expensive.

Many of their claims are simply impossible to back up in any real, meaningful way and for the price, there is not enough to justify giving it a try and throwing down that much money.

Have You Used Boombod?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Synbiotic 365 Review

Note: This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Synbiotic 365 website.

3 Fast Facts About Synbiotic 365:

  1. It’s a probiotic that was created by Dr. Vincent Pedre
  2. It’s not available on Amazon, so don’t bother looking.
  3. It DOES work but NOT for everyone.

Now with that out of the way…

What Do You Want To Know About Synbiotic 365?

What are Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics?

What is Synbiotic 365?

What are the ingredients in Synbiotic 365?

Does Synbiotic 365 work?
Who is Dr. Vincent Pedre?

User Reviews of Synbiotic 365

Frequently Asked Questions


Like a lot of people, I get my news from Yahoo.

The other day I was scrolling through the 400 stories about Trump when I came across this ad…

synbiotic 365 ad on yahoo

I’ve never been a big fan of vegetables to begin with, but it sparked my curiosity.

I clicked on the ad and it took me to a video sales page that looked something like this…

video sales page for synbiotic 365

Yup, it’s a sales video for a product called Synbiotic 365.

Now, I hate these things for a few reasons.

  1.  I’d rather just read an article about something, rather than watch a video on the topic.
  2. Usually videos like this are long-winded and “salesy.”
  3. All-too-often they’re click-bait and a HUGE waste of time.

Sales videos like Synbiotic 365 are often just click bait

However, I decided in the interest of my visitors that I would sit through the whole thing.

Here’s what I found…

Gut health.

It’s a BIG problem in today’s society. And a fella by the name of Dr. Vincent Pedre narrates the epidemic.

You see, turns out a lot of problems start in our gut. Our “gut flora” plays a key role in keeping us healthy. In this “internal garden,” we have good bacteria and bad bacteria. Dr. Pedre says “When the bad bacteria takes over, your gut becomes a war zone.”

Synbiotic 365 seeks to restore the gut by adding good bacteria to your gut flora

This doctor, who claims to be New York’s leading gut health authority, blasts certain vegetables (one in particular) for wreaking havoc on our bodies.

He says “odds are you’ve eaten this in the last 5 days.” And of course, the discovery will upset us, as it’s nothing short of “shocking.” This dramatic build-up goes on for 25 minutes before he actually shares this forbidden vegetable.

Which is…


Dr. Pedre, the maker of Synbiotic 365 claims that corn is bad for gut health

Yup, corn.

Looks tasty to me. But because corn is doused with endless pesticides, Dr. Pedre says it’s become a “gut disruptor.” And the solution? Synbiotic 365.

Eating foods doused in pesticides can cause everything from nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, to abdominal pain and dizziness.

Before we dive deeper into Synbiotic 365, let’s talk more about probiotics and their importance to our health.

RELATED: BioX4 Reviews By Nucific – Is It Worth $1000 A Year?

1.  What are Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics?

Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics are good for gut health and constipations

Alright, let’s break this down real quick. Here’s what you need to know…

  1.  According to WebMD, Probiotics are “live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system.” Probiotics are often found naturally in foods (like yogurt) and we can safely take them as supplements. Source
  2. Prebiotics are typically high-fiber foods that are taken to “feed” the probiotics, and they help to maintain the balance of gut bacteria. Source
  3. And finally, Synbiotics are foods or supplements that combine both probiotics and prebiotics in a sort of “synergism.” These are taken to “selectively stimulate the growth and by activating the metabolism of one or a limited number of health-promoting bacteria, thus improving host welfare.” Source
Your crash course on probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics

All together, these “biotics” promote overall integrative health.

Boom! That’s your crash course in Pro- Pre- and Synbiotics.

2.  What is Synbiotic 365?

Synbiotic 365 was created by the company United Naturals to help restore gut health. 


Synbiotic 365 gut health packaging

The sales video and advertisement link to the company’s website, but there really isn’t much information about the product listed on the site.

Here’s what it does say…

United Naturals Synbiotic 365

Of course, poor gut-health can leave us suffering with a host of symptoms. But the Synbiotic 365 video really hones in on one symptom in particular: obesity caused by overeating.

It’s the pain-point of SO many Americans. It’s true… if you can speak to our weight-gain, and convince us you have the solution, then you’re pretty much guaranteed to get rich.

Synbiotic 365 leverages the pain point of obesity and weight loss

So naturally, Synbiotic 365 really focuses on the weight-loss benefits of their product. But does it really work? And if so, how?

To answer that, let’s have a look at the ingredient profile.

3.  What are the ingredients in Synbiotic 365?

Synbiotic 365 is loaded with vitamins, which is never a bad thing. But if you wanted a vitamin, you’d go buy a vitamin. You’re here for the biotics.

As for the Probiotic Blend, it contains 30 billion CFU.

Look, I might not be the leading-authority on gut health and probiotics… but I’m a pretty smart guy, so I’ve done the research and here’s what you should know about CFU’s, or “colony forming units.”

Probiotics like Synbiotic 365 are measured in CFU, or colony forming unit

Alright, so Synbiotic 365 contains 3 billion of these guys in one serving (1 capsule), which should be more than plenty for your needs.

And the probiotic blend consists of the following good bacteria:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium lactis
  • Lactobacillus paracasei
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Lactobacillus salivarius
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Saccharomyces boulardii

See below for the full ingredient list for Synbiotic 365

Synbiotic 365 ingredient list

4.  Does Synbiotic 365 work?

And now… the moment of truth.

Does this supplement work to radically improve your mood, aide in digestion, help you to get better sleep, melt away those unwanted pounds, AND deliver on the handful of other benefits it promises?

The short answer is “Maybe.”

Does Synbiotic 365 work for better gut health?

Hear me out…

First off, according to one study, “Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics have systemic effects on the host’s health metabolism and immune system.” Source

OK, that’s a good start, but what kind of “systemic effects” do they have?

Well, they’ve been found to help with many maladies, including diarrhea, constipation, inflammation, and have even been shown to alleviate symptoms of allergy, cancer, AIDS, and respiratory and urinary tract infections. Source

There are many benefits of probiotics like synbiotic 365

Seems legit.

But what about reversing the effects of obesity and aiding in weight loss?

According to the study above…

“A breakthrough paper published in Nature reported that microbial population present in the gut is different for obese and lean people, and that when obese people lost weight their microflora resembled to that of lean people. Diets containing high fibers typically have lower degrees of fat and energy density, and helpful for reducing the risk of obesity by promoting satiety and weight loss.”

Probiotics and synbiotics were studied and published in Nature journal

So it’s true that “the introduction of probiotics, prebiotics, or synbiotics into the human diet is favourable for the intestinal microbiota.” And thus it may help with obesity, along with a number of other conditions.

We can also include on the long list of benefits the potential to “treat irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, bacterial infections, various gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhoeas… and lactose intolerance.” Source

Finally, one study is even looking at evidence for the use of supplementation with probiotics, prebiotics, or synbiotics “for the prevention and treatment of dermatological diseases in adults.” Source

Some researchers are studying whether or not probiotics, like Synbiotic 365, can help with skin conditions

Phew! That’s a good handful of scientifically-backed reasons to start using probiotics. Like yesterday.

However, with all that said…

Synbiotic 365 contains many of the same ingredients as other products sold on the market. There’s really nothing special about it. So if you do notice positive results by taking this supplement, you’d likely get the same results by using other synbiotics.

RELATED: Peptiva Review

5.  Who is Dr. Vincent Pedre?

Dr. Vincent Pedre is the brains behind Synbiotic 365.

Dr. Vincent Pedre is the creator of Synbiotic 365

A graduate of Cornell, Dr. Pedre is New York’s self-proclaimed leading authority on all things gut health. He’s the resident Doctor at United Naturals, and also runs Pedre Integrative Health in NY.

He was even featured on CBS…


He’s written books on gut health and the GTI, including “Happy Gut.”

So from what I can tell, Dr. Vincent Pedre is the real deal when it comes to learning how to restore your gut health.

6.  User reviews of Synbiotic 365

Reading through user reviews can tell us A LOT about the efficacy of a product, and what to experience while taking it. Reviews also help to take the edge off the purchase.

Positive reviews = street cred. Negative reviews = steer clear.

But what happens when there are NO reviews at all?

Synbiotic 365 does not have any user reviews yet

Well, it should cause us to stop and ask some questions.

Is the product brand new? Has anyone even tried it yet? Why isn’t it sold on Amazon? Was it so bad (or so good!) that people don’t even bother reviewing it?

In my experience, the more positive reviews a product has, the more we can trust it.

With that said, I searched high and low for user reviews of Synbiotic 365, and I came up bone dry. So if you decide to try this product, just know that it might not be super effective.

Our Personal Test Results

We sent a free box of Synbiotic 365 to one of our site visitors via our STEPuP program.

synbiotic 365 reviews - kathleen

Her name is Kathleen, and she’s been using it for the last 10 days.

Watch her video review below or scroll down to read more.


Here are her thoughts so far:

9/28/18 – Day 1

As a result of being prescribed 5 days of Prednisone combined with a prescription for antibiotics (for a sore throat), I developed a yeast infection in my mouth.  I was then prescribed Nystatin to combat the thrush. After 28 days on Nystatin the yeast is still there. It seemed to get a little better while taking the Nystatin, but when I stopped taking the Nystatin it came back.  So, I decided to see if Synbiotic 365 would help with this condition. Today is my first day of taking this product and so far, I don’t see any difference, but I think it’s too early to tell yet.

Day 2:  No noticeable difference regarding my thrush condition or otherwise.

Day 3:  Again no noticeable difference in any way.

Day 4:  No noticeable difference with the thrush.  As a side note, I do seem to be having more bowel movements than I normally do.

Day 5:  Still no noticeable change regarding the thrush.

Day 6:    Same as day 5.

Day 7:  It seems like that thrush condition might be beginning to lessen slightly. I don’t notice quite as much of a cotton-like feeling on my tongue and there doesn’t seems to be as much of it on my tongue.  More of a spotty look than a solid covering.

I am not currently taking any other course of action so that I can measure the effectiveness of this product for this condition, except that I do try and stay away from sugar so as not to feed the yeast.

Day 8:  Same as yesterday.

Day 9:  Same as day 7.

Day 10:  I can still see areas of yeast overgrowth on my tongue, especially in the morning, but it does seem to be less noticeable than when I started, especially in terms of that horrible cotton like feel that thrush gives you.

Day 11:  Nothing has changed since yesterday.  I still notice areas of yeast on my tongue.

Day 12:  Same as day 11

Day 13:  Not better or worse for the past several days.

Day 14:  Unfortunately I am not noticing any further improvement in my condition.  I am thinking that this may be effective for some other issues but not really for thrush.  I seem to be in a holding pattern where my symptoms are not getting worse, but they are not really getting any better either.

Day 15:  I forgot to take the probiotic today, but things seem the same as it has been for about the past week.

Day 16:  Still no change

Day 17:  Still no change either way.  It seemed to get better up to a point and then stop – but it hasn’t gotten worse.  This product may be better used for maintenance rather than cure.

Overall:  Since I don’t really have digestive issues I don’t know how effective it actually is for that, but I think for my purposes it seems like it could only do so much.  I did notice some improvement overall, but not a complete eradication of the yeast.

Synbiotic 365 FAQ’s

7.  Is it safe to take?

Synbiotic 365 is safe to use

This supplement is safe to take, as it contains mostly vitamins and “good” gut bacteria.

We’ll discuss this more in the “Side Effects” section, but generally speaking, users of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics do not experience any unwanted effects.

8.  Where can I buy it?

As far as I know, you can only purchase the supplement from the official United Naturals website.

You can buy Synbiotic 365 from United Naturals website

This isn’t really cause for concern, as many companies like the control of only selling their products through their own website.

9.  How much is it?

Synbiotic 365 costs $45 per box. And I believe each box comes with 30 capsules. And the more boxes you buy, the more you save.

Synbiotic 365 price

As far as probiotics go, this price is pretty standard.

10.  Is there a guarantee?

Yes, the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on the gut health supplement.

Synbiotic 365 comes with a 30-day guarantee

11.  What are Prebiotics side effects?

Generally speaking, you shouldn’t notice side effects from taking this type of supplement. However, one study claims that some prebiotics side effects include bloating and gaseousness, and abdominal pain and diarrhea with larger doses. Source

12.  Do probiotics make you poop?

Synbiotic 365 is a probiotic that might help you poop and alleviate constipation

Yes, probiotics make you poop. Well, they help your good gut bacteria to survive and thrive, which helps to regulate bowel movements. If you’re looking for the best probiotic for constipation, I can’t say for sure this is the one, but you might give it a try.

13.  Does this probiotic help with yeast infections?

Probiotics may help with yeast infections, but the jury is still out

While some women claim that probiotics help with yeast infections, the jury is still out whether or not probiotics, prebiotics, or synbiotics help to alleviate the symptoms of this type of infection. Synbiotic 365 probably does not help yeast infections.

14.  Recommendations

My personal opinion on Synbiotic 365 has shifted a bit.  At first, I was a little concerned about Kathleen’s lack of results.

However, I think that her overall experiment was just way too short to draw any real conclusions.

I plan on testing it out personally soon, and will report my full results here once testing is complete.

In the meantime, if you would like to try out Synbiotic 365 yourself, pick up a a few bottles on their official site here:

I’d also suggest reading this review on Probiotics Pills Sold in Stores (GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and more)

It details some of the more effective probiotics and synbiotics you can find in stores, should you not feel comfortable about buying online for one reason or another.

Have you tried Synbiotic 365? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Why There Is No Such Thing As A ‘Permanent Enlargement Pill’

I’ve been running for about 7 years now, and I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been posed the following question:

What male enhancement pill will give me permanent results?

I get it in the comments section of my site.

permanent enlargement comment 1

permanent comment 2

I get emails about it… content/uploads/2018/09/permanent

I’ve even had a few guys call me (when I had my phone number posted on the site), asking about it.

It’s gotten to the point where I actually have a pre-crafted response to the subject that I use for these comments and emails.

pre crafted penis enlargement question email

That’s how often I’m asked this question!

Why Do I Get This Question So Often?

For starters, there is an ENORMOUS amount of misinformation being spread on the internet regarding this topic.

Google certainly hasn’t been doing a good job of “weeding out” the culprits, either.

For example, just run a google search for the term ‘permanent penis enlargement‘.

permanent penis enlargement google search

The first 2 results (Mayo Clinic and WebMD) are legit.

They tell it EXACTLY like it is, i.e. permanent enlargement pills simply do NOT exist.

Here’s Mayo Clinics’ take on it:

mayo clinic penis enlargement

And here’s WebMDs’ take on it:

webmd penis enlargement pills

But the next search result is what really caught my eye.

They start off talking about a legit method of gaining size (penile extenders), but then things start to go off the rails.

For example, check out this part about penis enlargement pills.

penis enlargement misinformation

And this part: content/uploads/2018/09/enlargement

The whole site is completely RIFE with false information about the various pills that will supposedly enlargement your penis.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Further down the google results, we have this site: content/uploads/2018/09/more

Just like with the other site, they start off talking about how extenders are perfect for permanent enlargement.

This is true, and I’ve actually personally used a wide variety of extenders that WILL do this.

However, just like with the other site, the lies start popping up left and right. content/uploads/2018/09/no side content/uploads/2018/09/false

What happens when we try a different google search result, like “permanent enlargement pills“?

If you scroll down a bit to the 4th and 6th listing (just under the video carousel), you have these 2 sites:

google search result for penis enlargement pills

Let’s try the first one.

First off, the website that I clicked on completely redirected to a totally different site. content/uploads/2018/09/clicked content/uploads/2018/09/took me

When I tried to click the back button to return to the google search, it wouldn’t let me.

It just kept redirecting to all these different offers on how to make money from home. content/uploads/2018/09/same

And then I “won” some free survey. content/uploads/2018/09/g search is

How about that other search result I was talking about…

Let’s try clicking on that one and see what happens.

The exact, same, thing.

Thanks Google!!

Pills Claiming To Be Permanent

Then you have ALL of these products making the claim that by taking their pills, it will result in permanent enlargement.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the simple truth is this.

There is NO permanent enlargement pill on the market.

How do I know this?

Because I’ve tested practically ALL of them, and not ONE has ever given me permanent results.

For example, I once came across an ad that looked like this on a porn site.

xanogen ad

It talked up a big game about how, by taking 2 pills called Xanogen and HGH Factor, you’ll grow 3 inches in 3 weeks!

HGH Factor Xanogen Blog 2

Well, I tested it out, and sure as shit, NOTHING HAPPENED!

Click Here to read my full review of that one.

Another product that promised permanent enlargement is NeoSize XL.

They pull all sorts of marketing stunts, including flat out stating that THEIR product is the “safest option for penis enlargement”.

neosize xl website claims

And you can increase penis length by 3 inches and girth by 1 inch.

neosize xl claims penis enlargement

So, I tested it.

neosize xl reviews

And what was the result?

Jack. Freaking. Squat. content/uploads/2018/09/jack
I miss Chris Farley

Click Here to read my full review of Neosize XL.

Again, Google is NOT doing us any favors here.

If you google permanent enlargement pills, what do you see at the very top?

neosize xl is listed as a permanent enlargement pill

That’s right, NeoSize XL.

It’s literally a NEVER-Ending stream of pills that claim these, including:

If you’re ever unsure about whether a product works or not, just click here to contact me.

I can usually tell you in about 5 minutes whether or not the pill can REALLY do what it claims.

Why Isn’t There A ‘Permanent Enlargement Pill’?

The simple truth is, the penis is CANNOT grow permanently from taking a pill.

First let’s explain what happens during an erection.

Step 1:  It all starts in your head, literally.

You get erect from seeing a hot girl walking down the street, smell a perfume that reminds you of a previous girlfriend, or heard the sound of a blowjob happening across your dorm room.

Step 2:  When one of these senses (or a combination of them) is triggered, it signals a chemical reaction that messages the veins in your penis to full up with blood.

Step 3:  As the blood is rushing to your penis, the arteries relax to allow for the blood to flow in.  Once blood is in the penis, it’s essentially “trapped” within the corpora cavernosa.

Your penis expands and holds the erection (but of course not for everyone).

At a maximum erection, you’re basically at your maximum size.

So How Come I Can’t Make That Bigger?

According to Dr. Thomas J. Walsh, who was interviewed by the magazine Mens Health, it comes down to one issue and one issue only: stubborn erectile tissue.

Remember that during an erection, the two cylinders that full with blood are called the Corpora Cavernosa. (Source)

corpora cavernosa
The Corpora Cavernosa is where the blood flows during an erection

According to Dr. Walsh, “these fibrous cylinders are fixed to the pelvic bone, and by virtue of being fixed to the pelvic bone, they are not easily manipulated”.

corpus cavernosa fixed to pelvic bone

He goes on to add, “they are fixed in place, and for most men, the length of the penis that they achieve through puberty becomes their maximum length.”

The only thing pills do is help with blood flow, which in theory will help allow you to have the biggest erection possible.

However, that erection is short-lived.  It’s not “permanent”.

So What CAN Give Me Permanent Results?

When it comes to permanent enlargement, you actually DO have some options.

Just not with pills…

I’ve personally used these 3 options below, and can tell you from personal experience that they really do work!

Option #1 – Penile Pumps

Despite some sites claiming that penis pumps don’t work, I can tell you from personal experience that they actually DO.

My personal favorite is a pump called the Bathmate.

bathmate hydromax pump

I was introduced to the Bathmate about 5 years ago, and it’s been on of the most effective penis enlargement methods I’ve tested to date.

In a nutshell, what the Bathmate Hydromax does is create an erection using suction.

As you draw blood into the corpus cavernosa, the penis becomes erect. 

So what’s the difference between this and pills?

Unlike with pills, the longer you use the Bathmate, the bigger your blood vessels in the corpus cavernosa become.

bathmate blood flow

In short:

Pills:  WILL fill the penile with more blood, but will NOT increase the size of the erectile tissue.

Bathmate:  WILL fill the penis with more blood, AND increase the size of the corpus cavernosa.

This will result in larger erections over time, giving you both bigger girth AND length.

It’s actually one of the reasons why I recommend combining the Bathmate with a pill like Vigrx Plus.

male enhancement products for size
Bathmate and Vigrx Plus

Because of this increase in erectile tissue size, taking the Vigrx Plus pills will ensure that you have the biggest erection possible.

The great thing about the Bathmate is, unlike extenders like the Phallosan Forte, you only need to use it for 10 – 20 min. a day, max.

It’s comfortable, can be easily used in the shower or bathtub, and can give you GREAT results, especially in the girth department. 

Click Here to read my full review of the Bathmate.

Option #2 – Penile Extenders

The other option is via the use of a penile extender, sometimes called a “traction device”.

My personal favorite is an extender called the Phallosan Forte.

Phallosan forte review

The Phallosan Forte is a medically certified penis extension device that is endorsed by Penis enlargement surgeons around the world as an alternative to enlargement surgery.

The Phallosan Forte uses the theory of traction to gradually pull on the corporosa cavernosa.

This pulling gradually creates microscopic, non-painful, tears which divide and replicate, cause the penis to slowly gain an increase in size over time.

how penis enlargement works

Users of the Phallosan Forte can attest to these results, and so can I!

If you take a look at my Phallosan Forte review, you will learn about my specific results from using it, and 3 reasons why I think it’s the best.

I’ve used ALOT of extenders over the years, and one thing is for certain…

If the device is not comfortable, you will simply NOT want to wear it, period!

The Phallosan Forte is the most comfortable, well-built, and effective extender I’ve used to date.  So comfortable, in fact, that after a few days you start to forget you’re even wearing the thing.

Click Here to read my full review

Option #3 – Penile Enlargement Exercises

The 3rd, and cheapest, option would be through the use of penile enlargement exercises.

This literally involves using your hands to do basically the same things that the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte do.

I won’t get into the details here, but you can sign up for my free “Enlargement Exercises” ebook below.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

It outlines everything you need to know about these exercises, including how they work, how to do them, and what the result will be.

I also include plenty of video demonstrations on how to perform the exercises, as well as some other free bonuses.


Don’t believe the hype, guys.

There is NO such thing as a permanent enlargement pill.

If there was, I would have tested it by now and would be preaching it to the masses.

I routinely test out new supplements all the time, and if I EVER come across something that REALLY does work the way they say it will, you’ll definitely hearing about it from me!

In the meantime, save your hard-earned cash for something more useful.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Tenga Flip Zero Review

I recently stumbled across the most peculiar sex toy for men. Seriously, its space-age design is akin to what you’d find in Elon Musk’s portfolio of inventions. You gotta see this thing.

It’s called the Tenga Flip Zero, and it’s a male masturbator.

Yup, if you haven’t heard, women have vibrators and dudes have “masturbators.” (Oh, the company we keep.)

Anyhow, Tenga brings the real deal with this one… and it seems to be light-years ahead of its competition in both form and function.

The Tenga Flip Zero seems like it's light years ahead of the competition

At least, that was my first impression of the device.

But does it really work like everyone says it does? And if so, is it worth the money? Or… are there more pleasure-inducing devices in which to invest your sex-toy-fund?

I’m gonna answer all of your burning questions about the Tenga Flip Zero in this here review. So strap in fellas!

1.  How I learned about Tenga Flip Zero

I may or may not have been perusing an adult film site when I came across an advertisement for the product. In either case, the ad caught my attention right away.

Ad for Tenga Flip Zero male sex toy masturbator

To be honest, I was so intrigued that I HAD to click through. I mean, it says “electronic vibration,” but it looks nothing like a vibrator. And the marketing copy reads “Ready to Rumble,” which is definitely for dudes. So my curiosity got the best of me.

The advertisement took me to Tenga’s official website.

And there they hit me again with another ad for the product… along with a bunch of other sex products for both men and women.

Tenga Flip Zero sex toy website

I’m typically very skeptical of ads. I mean, I’ve tried TONS of sexual enhancers. From pumps and pills, to toys and creams. So typically it’s hard to shock me or impress me enough to hold my attention.

But with that said, I had never before seen a Tenga Flip Zero…

2.  What is it?

Well, there’s a couple different options.

The standard Tenga Flip Zero, which comes in both black and white color schemes, is a no-frills portable masturbator with a silicon interior.

Photo of the standard Tenga Flip Zero male masturbator

And then you’ve got the Tenga Flip Zero EV (Electronic Vibration), which is double the price of the standard device… but offers so much more.

Image of the Tenga Flip Zero EV male sex toy

We’ll get into the specifics of the Flip Zero’s in just a bit. But for now, let’s just cover the basics.

And if you’ve never heard of these products, you’re not alone. You essentially lube up the inside of the device, insert your schlong, and go to town. Weird, I know. But to each their own.

3.  Who makes the Flip Zero?

The company behind the Flip Zero is… you guessed it… Tenga.

(Now, you can skim this section if you wish, but if you keep reading I promise you’re in for a treat. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill sex toy company.)

Tenga New Adult Concepts is all about “Revolutionizing sexual pleasure,” and “bringing sexuality to the forefront, for all to enjoy.”

Tenga New Adult Concepts is the maker of Tenga Flip Zero EV and this is their mission

They’re the ones who invented and popularized “the egg,” a female vibrator that just so happens to be celebrating its 10th birthday…

Tenga invented and popularized the egg female vibrator

In the research I’ve done of this company, they seem super legit. Tenga puts a lot of focus on research and development, always pushing the boundaries with new technology to create new products and improve upon existing products.

Check it out… on their website’s ‘About’ page, they have an in-depth interview of the company’s President and chief inventor Koichi Matsumoto.

This guy…

Tenga inventor and President is Matsumoto is the brainchild behind the Flip Zero EV

He’s like the Thomas Edison of personal pleasure items.

Matsumoto got his start years ago, tuning up Ferrari’s and Lambo’s. (Yup, from supercars to sex toys.) He moved onward and upward from there, always sharpening his engineering chops.

The inventor says, “I never lost the taste of creating. As I said before no two cars were alike when I was assembling and tuning them. My heart told me that I wanted to create new things, things that don’t exist, things that people need. I didn’t have a particular idea in mind, I just wanted to create.”

Koichi Matsumoto talks about the start of Tenga sex toy company

And so he kept on creating.

Then one day, he found himself in an adult toy store. Admittedly, he felt a certain discomfort as he browsed the products. They all lacked something…

But what?

At first he couldn’t put his finger on it, then he realized it was an intangible virtue… a little something he calls “security.”

That is, he didn’t have any confidence or assurance in the products on the shelves. And seriously… who could blame him?

Most sex toys are scary, unlike Tenga Flip Zero
According to Tenga’s President Matsumoto, most adult sex toys don’t inspire confidence or assurance.

In the interview, Matsumoto goes on to say:

“In our daily lives we text on Apple smartphones, watch Sony TVs, run in a pair of NIKE shoes, and go out with LOUIS VUITTON bags. All these products are very high in quality but more importantly they all have a sense of security that comes with the brand’s label: the company’s belief in their product integrity and their liability.”

Tenga Flip Zero is backed by a company with a big vision

And that, my friends, is why this isn’t just another sex toy company. There’s a good amount of substance in how they operate. And their vision for the future of personal pleasure is, dare I say, admirable.

4.  Flip Zero vs. Flip Zero EV

So what’s the difference between the Flip Zero vs. the Flip Zero EV?

According to the makers of the product, the Flip Zero is “a step-up in stimulation, bursting with even stronger sensations.”

The internal structure of the device is quite complex, and includes:

  • A strong material blend “which provides maximum squeeze and suction.”
  • An insertion point which creates better suction and helps to reduce lubrication leaks.
  • TENGA’s FLIP-style design allows for easy washing and drying clean up.

Here’s what the Tenga Flip Zero (Black) looks like inside…

Tenga Flip Zero has a complicated inside of silicone for better feeling

And it also features a unique suction mechanism.

This allows for a tighter feel, and the pressure pad allows you to regulate the intensity of the ‘vacuum’.

I know, I know, it might sound a little sketchy… but we both know this isn’t the first time you got your trouser snake stuck in a vacuum.

The Tenga Flip Zero features a unique suction mechanism

Afraid you won’t fit? Fear not! The thing is 180 mm deep… which is just a hair over 7 inches. That’s plenty of room for ‘Uncle Reamus.’

Here’s the specifications of the Tenga Flip Zero Black:

Tenga Flip Zero Black male masturbator specifications

5.  Alright, this brings us to the Flip Zero EV (Electronic Vibration)

So what makes this model TWICE the price of the regular Flip Zero?

Well, it’s made of the same material blend on the inside, and it features the same suction mechanism as its predecessor.

But it brings a little rumble in the jungle with not one, but TWO “Vibrating Cores” that are housed inside the sex device.

According to the makers of the product, “Rumbling vibrations from within the elastomer sleeve bring a sensation from another world to your hands.”

Tenga Flip Zero EV male masturbator features two vibrating cores for increased pleasure

The vibrating motors are powered by something called a “Deep Impact Engine.” Seems legit, and just what you’d expect from the former supercar mechanic Matsumoto.

The Deep Impact Engine moves the “Disk Gate,” which is the gauntlet of “thick elastic discs that rumble across your shaft upon insertion.”

You can think of the Disk Gate as a very soft and gentle meat-grinder. On second thought, maybe don’t think of it like that. :-/

The Tenga Flip Zero EV interior vibrating mechanisms

The flip-open design allows for easy cleaning, just like the other Flip Zero. And you’ll be happy to know that it comes with a charging-station base, so it’ll dry and charge at the same time. Your disco stick will thank you for the efficiency.

The Tenga Flip Zero EV has a flip-open design which allows for easy cleaning and it comes with a charging base

The Flip Zero EV measures the same size as its counterpart, just over 7 inches deep. It’s a tad heavier, at 530 grams. But at this point, your forearm is more than up to the task.

Like grandpa’s old massage chair, the Flip Zero EV has 5 modes of vibration: Low, High, Pulse, Alternating, and Random.

The Tenga Flip Zero has several modes of vibration

The device takes approximately 90 minutes to fully charge, and you’ll get a solid 40 minutes of rumbling from there.

Included in the box, you’ll get:

  • Product Body
  • Slide Arms
  • Clear Case
  • Charging Base
  • USB Cable
  • Two pouches of HOLE LOTION Real (2x10ml)
  • User Manual

6.  How do I use it?

How to use the Tenga Flip Zero sex toy

I’m including this section for one reason only: when I first saw the device and began reading about it, it took me a good 30 minutes before I realized it was a masturbator and not some newfangled cigar holder or portable speaker.

So I’m here to ease you over the learning curve. Here’s how to use the Tenga Flip Zero… in a nutshell.

Step 1: Fully lubricate the inside with a water-based lubricant.

Step 2: Close the device so that both locks click shut.

Step 3: Slide on the side arms

Step 4: Lubricate the insertion point.

Step 5: Send in your cave hunter and enjoy.

Here's how to use the Tenga Flip Zero male masturbator

7.  User reviews of Tenga Flip Zero

This is where the rubber hits the… yeeeah.

So far we’ve learned about the background of the company, and the ridiculously high standards of Tenga’s President/Inventor. But what are people saying about the Tenga Flip Zero?

I searched the interwebs high and low, and I found a TON of user reviews for this male masturbator. And for the most part, they’re overwhelmingly positive.

Let’s begin with Amazon.

The Flip Zero Black gets a modest 3.4 stars out of 5 on Amazon.

Tenga Flip Zero Black reviews on

The 5-star reviews really emphasize the pleasure and versatility of the device. It seems like a lot of the reviewers have also tried several other similar products, and most prefer the Flip Zero over the competition.

One guy says that the usability of the product is incredible. And he was really happy with the easy cleanup and super-discreet design.

tenga flip zero review on amazon

Another reviewer goes into graphic detail of exactly what to expect from the Tenga Flip Zero. But first he breaks down why this product is superior to other masturbators on the market.

tenga flip zero positive review

This fellow has used the Tenga Flip Zero 60+ times now, and he says it’s still going strong. He warns though, that one should be careful with frequency of use.

He says, “This toy an actually make you crave its use over and over again. It will control your life for the first two weeks so be careful if your work requires 100% of your brain to complete your tasks.”

Which is a little bit weird. I mean, dude, are you taking this thing to work with you?

As for the negative user reviews, they can be summed up with this: beautiful but broken. That is, many experience malfunction of the product. In fact, for some it’s broken on the third go-around…

negative review of tenga flip zero

Overall, the men seem to like how it feels, but some aren’t so happy about the construction.

One guy takes a jab at the product’s name in his review…

Not everyone is pleased with the functionality of the Tenga Flip Zero male masturbator

The official Tenga website has loads of positive reviews, as you’d expect. I won’t share those here, but feel free to browse those at your leisure.

I also found a couple of videos online. Here is the product video made by the company. It’s actually pretty well-produced. Also, notice how they position the product with the narration. They’re definitely going for a rocket science vibe.


As far as video reviews go, there’s only one legitimate vid review out there. It’s made by a strapping young fella.

He says this masturbator is a “very, very, very good one.” Here, have a look….


He says it’s definitely an improvement on the original Tenga, showing how the insert hole is fully seamless on this one, which doesn’t allow for any leakage of lubricant.

Then he shows how to use the product, without actually showing how to use it. That’d just be gross.

“You just put your penis inside, and I promise you it’s a really, really nice feeling.”

Tenga Flip Zero review

The Tenga Flip Zero has many uses. For instance, this reviewer in the video uses it alone for solo-play, and he uses it with his partner as well. Overall, he gives it 10 out of 10 stars. Not too shabby.

Tenga Flip Zero FAQ’s

8.  How much is it?

The Tenga Flip Zero Black costs about $100. Remember, that’s the one without the twin-turbo, fuel-injected engine. 😉 It’s the standard, non-vibrating Flip Zero.

The Tenga Flip Zero Black costs $100

If you want to the rumble in the jungle version, the Flip Zero EV (Electronic Vibration) will put you back $200. Twice the price, but supposedly, twice as nice.

The Tenga Flip Zero EV costs $200

9.  Where can I buy it?

You can buy the original product on, but Amazon doesn’t carry the EV version.

You can buy Tenga Flip Zero on

And of course, you can purchase both products on the company’s website. They sell them for the same price as Amazon, which is impressive. And right now they’re offering free shipping for all orders of $50 and up.

Tenga Logo

Finally, you can buy this masturbator at various online retailers, everywhere from Ebay to The Fetish Academy… and even Dildopolis. Seriously, that’s a thing. You might even find the Flex Zero at a physical location near you.

10.  Is there a guarantee?

As far as I know, the Flip Zero Black does not come with a guarantee. However, the Flip Zero EV comes with a one-year warranty from the date of purchase. Not bad.

The Tenga Flip Zero EV comes with a one-year guarantee

But keep in mind, some men have complained that the device just doesn’t last after lots of use. So plan on replacing it after a while.

11.  Pros and Cons

Pros of the Tenga Flip Zero

  • It’s easy to clean
  • Good suction
  • It has a discreet design
  • Good sensations
  • Elegant look
  • Cool President/Inventor

Cons of the Tenga Flip Zero

  • Takes long to dry
  • The outer-case can get sticky after use
  • It does not come with a mount
  • Can break more easily than other products
  • Needs to be replaced after excessive use
  • It’s a bit pricey

12.  Recommendation

I guess if I were to recommend a sex toy, this would be the one.

There’s literally TONS of sex products on the market, and they all promise the world.

Most of them don’t do very much to function differently or even look unique when compared to their competitors from what I have seen.

But Tenga seems like a breath of fresh air in a crowded space. The President/Inventor of the product seems to really care about quality and design — which is unique to the adult industry, and long overdue.

Tenga Flip Zero might be considered a breath of fresh air

The Tenga Flip Zero has a certain technological appeal to it. So if you have a discerning eye for design, and you like interesting contraptions, this might be a good bet.

The price is a little steep, but maybe the old adage applies here: you get what you pay for.

As far as I can tell, most men who use the product are happy with the experience. So maybe it’s worth a shot… if you know what I mean.

It is pretty cool that male masturbatory devices have caught up with and even quite possibly surpassed female vibrators as far as design and technology goes and as far as such products go, it seems like Tenga Flip Zero is almost like the Cadillac or Rolls Royce of its kind, and that is even reflected in its high price tag.

Have you tried Tenga Flip Zero? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha Lean 7 Review

Alpha Lean 7 Review

All weight loss and fat burner manufacturers will claim that their product is capable of delivering the best results. Of course, Alpha Lean 7 is no exception to this rule.

The manufacturers claim that this product is capable of annihilating your body fat for good. To top it off, they even go as far as to say it should be used by experienced exercisers only.

Obviously, none of these claims are unusual when it comes to the supplement world.

I do not recommend Somaderm HGH

But we still wanted to know how effective Alpha Lean 7 really is when it comes to showing results. So we threw ourselves into the deep end to find out all we could about this product, its ingredients, the company behind it, and whether or not it’s right for you.

In this review, we examine whether Alpha Lean 7 is truly able to achieve for you what it claims, or if it’s just another scam product trying to take your money.

RELATED: Try our Calorie Calculator

1. What is Alpha Lean 7?

alpha lean 7 reviewAlpha Lean 7 is a supplement used for burning fat. Its manufacturer, Hard Rock Supplements, claims that it helps in boosting thermogenic activities. Hence promoting weight loss.

The company also says this “blowtorch” for fat reduces food cravings and thus limits daily calorie intake.

Cited benefits include:

  • Enhances the metabolism, hence promoting faster calorie burn.
  • Aids in reducing water retention.
  • Boosts mental focus and concentration to help you work out efficiently.
  • Helps elevate the mood.

2. How Does Alpha Lean 7 work?

How to use the Tenga Flip Zero sex toy

We are told Alpha Lean 7 is able to provide these benefits due to the ‘coordinated effects of its primary ingredients’.

That might sound pretty fancy to the average customer. We’ve heard it all before however.

So in this section, we take a close look at each component of the formula and whether or not there is any basis to what the manufacturers are saying.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine Anhydrous powder is found in Alpha Lean 7 fat burner

This powder is commonly found in almost all fat burners, due to its stimulant properties. It increases the production of lipolysis, which leads to the burning of fat as fuel.

Caffeine also suppresses the appetite, thus limiting the hunger cravings.

Besides this, caffeine is known to increase mental focus as it directly affects the central nervous network, brain, muscles, and heart.

brain power

Dandelion Powder

This powder works as a diuretic to prevent redundant storage of water in the body. While this may reduce the number on your bathroom scale temporarily, it is not a healthy—or effective—way to lose weight.

Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE)

This ingredient, also called DMAE, supposedly helps generate acetylcholine in the body, which is a neurotransmitter that improves concentration and focus.

Alpha Lean 7 contains DMAE

According to WebMD, “it is also used for improving memory and mood; boosting thinking skills and intelligence; and increasing physical energy, oxygen efficiency, athletic performance, and muscle reflexes… and even extending life span.” (Source)

Betaine Anhydrous

Betaine anhydrous helps improve your liver function. Research has also indicated that it can help reduce appetite, cut body fat, promote lean muscle growth, and maintain healthy body composition.

Alpha Lean 7 Review

In fact, one study highlighted the benefits of this ingredient and found that six weeks of supplementation with Betaine anhydrous “improved body composition, arm size, bench press work capacity… and tended to improve power but not strength.” (Source)

Green Tea Extract

Here is another popular ingredient that has been used for improving health and encouraging weight loss.

green tea extract
Green Tea Extract – Source:

Green tea extract’s primary compound, Epigallocatechin or EGCG helps elevate oxidation of fat present in the body. On top of this, green tea is useful for enhancing metabolism and preventing the further development of fatty cells.


L-carnitine is an important compound that moves body fat to the cells so that it can be utilized as fuel. It can also promote mental focus. This Alpha Lean 7 bodybuilding ingredient is popular with weight lifters.

L-Carnitine is found in Alpha Lean 7 fat burner

A study in the US National Library of Medicine claims that “During the past 30 years, dietary supplementation with carnitine has been widely used in order to enhance lipid oxidation and increase exercise performance.” (Source)

Alpha Yohimbine

Alpha yohimbine comes from an evergreen tree in western Africa and is believed to reduce the storage of body fat by improving the mobilization of fatty acids.

And according to WebMD, people also take it to help with “athletic performance… exhaustion, chest pain, high blood pressure, low blood pressure that occurs when standing up, diabetic nerve pain, and for depression along with certain other medications.” (Source)

Yohimbe is a strong stimulant ingredient and is found in Alpha Lean 7 for weight loss

However, Yohimbe also has its dark side, as we’ll discuss in the Side Effects section below.

3. Aside from Those Ingredients, What Else Is in Alpha Lean 7?

Apart from the above key ingredients, we also found the following included in the Alpha Lean 7 formula:


This alkaloid compound was traditionally used as a flavoring agent, but is now known for its stimulating properties. It comes as an extract from the orchid species Eria jarensis, and is a common ingredient used in pre-workout and fitness supplements. (Source)

This ingredient, eria jarensis, found in Alpha Lean 7 is originally sourced from an orchid species

Cissus Quadrangularis

This plant extract is popular for its medicinal properties that promote bone and joint health. In fact, it’s the most widely used medicinal plant in all of Thailand. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits and antioxidants, which can reduce pain after workouts. According to WebMD, this ingredient “is also used in bodybuilding supplements as an alternative to anabolic steroids.” (Source)

Cissus Quadrangularis is an ingredient contained in the Alpha Lean 7 formula

Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract

This root extract is popularly known as the African snakeroot. It tends to help the user treat fever, diabetes, sleeplessness, arthritis, skin infections, and a rise in blood pressure.

While this ingredient “is used in some workout supplements… countries including Canada and others have banned supplements containing Rauvolfia vomitoria extract from the market… because some extracts contain high levels of chemicals that are prescription drugs.” (Source)

Theophylline Anhydrous

One ingredient in Alpha Lean 7 supposedly helps with breathing

This ingredient is classified as a xanthine drug, which is known to control the breathing passages in the body for treatment of bronchitis, asthma, and COPD. Since it’s meant to open up the airway for better breathing, we can only assume it is included in the formula to improve stamina. (Source)

Synephrine HCl

Alpha Lean 7 fat burner contains Synephrine

We could not find this ingredient printed on the label of the container, but the official website mentions its presence in Alpha Lean 7, so we decided to include it. Synephrine HCl works as a stimulant to increase metabolism and excellerate fat burning.

It is a powerful stimulant which mimics the effects of the banned substance ephedrine. In fact, says of this ingredient: “It appears to be a less potent fat burner relative to ephedrine.” (Source)

Alpha lean 7 review

Anyone who is sensitive to stimulants should be careful with this ingredient.

All these ingredients are included as part of a proprietary blend. Proprietary blends usually limit the strength of a supplement. They also beg the question as to why the individual ingredient doses are hidden.

RELATED: 8 Best OTC Phentermine Alternatives for Weight Loss

In our opinion, there are some effective ingredients—but also some perplexing ingredients—included in Alpha Lean 7.

One of the best ways to know if it really works is to find out what real customers are saying.

4. What Do the Reviews Say? content/uploads/2018/06/service user reviews
Image cred:

The official reviews do not talk much about the adverse effects of the product. Customers who have claimed to use it, mostly said they felt powerful effects.

Here are some snapshots from the reviews on the official Alpha Lean 7 website.

alpha lean 7 testimonials

Some customers do mention that Alpha Lean 7 did cause them to sweat a lot.

Many users of the fat burner Alpha Lean 7 complain of excessive sweating

Even the company claims this side effect to be normal while taking it. This sounds a little concerning to us.

alpha lean 7 reviews

Overall, all the reviews here were positive, which is hardly a surprise!

capsiplex pros and cons

Unfortunately we struggled to find any Alpha Lean 7 before and after reviews which seemed genuine.

We also couldn’t find Alpha Lean 7 listed for sale on any other renowned e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon.

But there are a few user reviews on YouTube. While I can’t trust them as totally unbiased (most are just affiliates trying to sell the product), I do like to pop in the comments section to see what people are saying. Usually the YouTube comment section is a dumpster fire, but in this case it’s helpful.

I searched YouTube comments to find unbiased information about Alpha Lean 7 fat burner

These two fellas below seem to both like it. The first guy is pumped about the increased energy without the jitters. Nevermind the mild sweating, so far he likes it and plans on continuing use.

While the second guy says this fat burner is “stronger than any other.” He says it feels like it has ephedrine in it… and if you recall the ingredient I discussed earlier (Synephrine HCl), you’ll know exactly where he’s coming from. content/uploads/2018/09/untitled design

5. Frequently Asked Questions

Who makes it?

Apparently a company called Hard Rock Supplements makes this product. But you can search the web high and low for their website and still come up dry.

Hard Rock Supplements makes Alpha Lean 7 fat burner

Are There Any Side Effects?

Hard Rock Supplements recommends that only advanced users should use this product. This is due to the possibility of side effects for those who are new to the world of fat burning supplements.

The combination of synephrine HCl and caffeine is noted to be potentially dangerous. Synephrine alone is capable of increasing blood pressure and heart rate, even in people who do not smoke.

Taking Performix SST at night is like chugging 2 cups of coffee before bed.

Theophylline can also cause side effects like:

  • Increased urination
  • Restlessness
  • jitters
  • stomach pain
  • nervousness

As mentioned previously, quite a few customer reviews mentioned extreme sweating when taking Alpha Lean 7.

Also, the product contains Yohimbe, which according to WebMD can increase blood pressure even when taken in small amounts. In larger amounts it can cause dangerously low blood pressure. (Source)

I never died from taking yohimbe, so I got that going for me which is nice

It would be wise to make sure you are staying hydrated if you take this product, especially as it uses diuretic ingredients.

If you are asking yourself the question “is Alpha Lean 7 safe?”, it may be better to get the opinion of your health practitioner before you take it.

Is it a good fat burner for bodybuilders?

Well, from the looks of how the company markets the product, it’s absolutely geared toward bodybuilders and others who are already in extremely good shape.

Alpha Lean 7 markets their fat burner to bodybuilders and the physically fit

And remember, according to the makers of the product, this “Fat Incinerator” is for “Experienced Users Only.”

But… aren’t these just words and marketing hype? A fat burner is a fat burner is a fat burner. In other words, sometimes they include few stimulants, and sometimes they come packed with stimulants… but they ALL work pretty much the same way.

So when Hard Rock Supplements say Alpha Lean 7 is for experienced users only, what they mean is you better have the correct physiology and body chemistry to stomach the stimulants. Enough said.

dangerous weight loss pills

How Do I Take It?

Take one capsule in the morning before breakfast. After that, you may take another pill six to eight hours later.

Hard Rock Supplements recommends that you start the dosage with just one capsule daily, so that you can evaluate your tolerance to its side effects.

Can Women Use It?

Yes, women can also take this supplement. But you might be better off looking into Fitmiss Tone or better yet Lean Bean, both are decent fat burner / weight loss solutions for women.

HerSolution positive reviews

RELATED: 11 Best Female Fat Burners

Where Can I Buy It?

You can purchase Alpha Lean 7 from the official website (which might be difficult to find) and other various online sports stores. Alpha Lean 7 Amazon listings do not seem to exist.

The supplement is priced at $34.95 for 90 capsules. If you reside in Canada or the USA then fast shipping is available for an extra cost.

Is there a guarantee?

Alpha TRT Review

As far as I know, the company does not offer a money-back guarantee on the product.

Alpha Lean 7 vs Hydroxyelite?

Alpha Lean 7 vs. Hydroxyelite

Hydroxyelite is another ‘Extreme Diet Aid’ packed with intense stimulants.

According to the makers of the product, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Hydroxyelite is great for:

  • High Intensity Training
  • Improving Your Weight Loss
  • Clean Usable Energy
  • Increased Energy – Strong, But Not Too Long
  • Improving Mental Acuity

However, unlike Alpha Lean 7, Hydroxyelite fat burner doesn’t contain either Yohimbe or Synephrine HCl — two stimulants that can potentially do a lot of damage.

But it contains a different stimulant called Garcinia Cambogia.

Garcinia Cambogia is found in Leanbean and should not be taken by pregnant women

This is a mainstay in many fat burner supplements, and is somewhat effective. Unfortunately, it’s not much safer than Yohimbe or the stimulants found in Alpha Lean 7. In fact, WebMD shares that the FDA warned against using supplements with Garcinia as it may cause liver problems. The research is still out on this. (Source)

A 90-capsule bottle of Hydroxyelite will cost you double the price as Alpha Lean 7 at about $70 a pop.

If you are torn between these two, we’d have to recommend avoiding both of them. We don’t feel either offer value for money. Leanbean is our preferred weight loss aid for women and Instant Knockout is in our opinion the best fat burner for men.

instant knockout for women

6. Recommendation

Alpha Lean 7 claims to incinerate and blowtorch away your excessive body fat. But, does it genuinely stay faithful to this claim?

At a price of $34.95, we find this hard to believe. The price tag is simply TOO CHEAP for a high quality fat burner.

Alpha Lean 7 is cheap and you get what you pay for

The company claims it is designed for advanced users, but we do not buy this argument. Weight loss is the same for everyone regardless of how skilled you are in the gym, this makes us question the integrity of some of Hard Rock Supplements’ claims.

Moreover, the addition of proprietary blends and stimulating ingredients, such as synephrine HCl, is not recommended. Excessive stimulant consumption can only lead to adverse effects for users, whether they lose weight or not.

This made us question whether Alpha Lean 7 is safe.

Alpha Lean 7 might not be safe as a fat burner

Alpha Lean 7 may have used these stimulants in their formula to promote clarity, mental focus or boost energy; but these ingredients may induce side effects and are not proven to aid fat burning.

The negative side effects that come from too many stimulant heavy ingredients can affect all aspects of your day and are really not worth all of the trouble.

Overall, we would recommend choosing a fat burner that is more TRANSPARENT about the doses of ingredients it contains.

RELATED: Fit Affinity Review

Additional References


Have You Used Alpha Lean 7?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Arthrozene Video Review

Thinking about trying Arthrozene?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, my results, and more.

I go over what it is made of, how it works and why and whether or not it is really worth testing out for yourself.

If you would like to read my written Arthrozene review, click here.

Studies mentioned in the video:

Chicken Comb study –

ApresFlex study –

B2 Cool study –

Video Transcription

Hey guys, Rob here again with, and in todays review we’re going to be talking about a joint relieving supplement called Arthrozene.

I’m going to talk a little bit about the product first before I dive into my personal results, but if you’d like to jump straight to my results than just scroll below this video. I have a link that jumps down to my personal results, and it tells you all about how my experiment with Arthrozene went.

So anyways, I actually came across Arthrozene while I was skimming through one day this past summer. I saw an ad that kind of caught my eye, so I decided to click on it and it took me to a page that talked about how great Arthrozene is for helping to relieve joint pain.

It went through to their website, and according to them Arthrozene is an all natural joint relief supplement that is designed to attack joint pain and stiffness at the root.

Those root causes include things like Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Gout, and Osteoarthritis, and as anyone suffering from these conditions can tell you, it’s not fun.

According to them, the ingredients in Arthrozene have been clinically tested to help decrease imflammation, slow down cartiledge degradation, and increase lubrication of the joints.

Their full ingredients is actually surprisingly short, and only contains 3 ingredients:

You have ApresFlex – which is essentially a trademarked version of Boswellia Serrata, a tree found native in India.

ApresFlex has been clinically studied as an anti-inflamatory agent, amongst other benefits like an improvement in repiratory and digestive function.

Another unique ingredient is Chicken Comb extract, which is apparently included in the formula because of it’s high content of Hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid has numerous health benefits, but it’s included in the Arthrozene formula because it’s been clinically studied to help relieve joint pain in people with osteoarthritis.

There’s actually been specific clinical studies conducted for Chicken comb extract that have shown a remarkable improvement in the quality of life when it comes to relieving joint pain, and I’ll put a link to that study below the video here.

Next up on our ingredients list is B-2 Cool, which is a natural ingredient supplying native type II collagen.

B2Cool is used to help improve tissue strength in your joints, and has been shown in two studies to reduce pain and imflammation, as well as imrpove mobility of joints in those with osteoarthritis.

Again, I’ll put a link to that study below if you’re interested in reading more on that.

So ever since I initially wrote my preliminary review of Arthrozene, I’ve had a ton of people come to me and ask whether or not Arthrozene will help with a host of conditions.

These conditions range from knee pain cause by knee replacement, joint pain caused by surgeries, and even people with hip replacement pain.

The problem is, we really don’t know if Arthrozene can help specifically with issues like this, mainly because the manufacturer hasn’t claimed that it will.

With that said, we have had numerous people come to the site and leave a review and the vast majority of them are very positive.

For example, Lori writes the following:

The vast majority of the Arthrozene reviews posted on our site have echoed the same sentiment, and I have to say after personally testing it out, I can tell you that it does actually seem to work fairly well.

At least for a little bit.

For those of you that haven’t been following my reviews, I’m an avid beach volleyball player that competes at the semi-pro level.

I’ve been playing since I was probably around 14 years old, and I can’t begin to tell you what kind of an impact the sport has on your joints.

The constant sprinting and jumping can really start to wear you down, especially if you’re doing it all in deep sand 4 – 5 days a week.

This wasn’t a problem when I was in my early 20’s, but we all know how that goes.

I received a 30 count bottle of Arthrozene about a month ago, and I’ve been taking it on an empty stomach everyday.

For the first few days I didn’t really notice much of anything.

I generally will take 2 advil upon waking up, and 2 about an hour before bed to aid with some of the pain.

Within about a week of taking Arthrozene, I started to notice that I really didn’t need that evening dose.

I didn’t even realize it until one night I was reading and realized that I hadn’t taken any Advil, but didn’t really have the usual aches and pains.

Skipping my advil dose that night, I wanted to see if I woke up with more pain than usual.

When I got up, I felt a little bit of aches and pain, but nowhere NEAR what I normally do.

I didn’t skip my morning advil dose, but I could tell that my aches were significantly reduced from what they normally are.

And this is where the apparent benefits seemed to taper down for some reason.

Fast forward to weeks 3 and 4 of my test, and for whatever reason the effects seemed to start wearing off.

It’s almost like I was back where I started. I needed to start taking my twice a day advil dose, as the Arthrozene just wasn’t cutting it any longer.

I have no idea what could be causing it.

The only thing I can think of is that my body may have built up a sort-or “immunity” to the ingredients.

In conclusion, from having testing it out for just about a month, I’m still kind of torn on making a recommendation.

The reviews that have been pouring in have been nothing but stellar, but I’m a little surprised that it didn’t work just as well for myself.

With that said, Arthrozene does seem to work for about 90% of the people that have tried it, so I would defintely recommend giving it a shot if you’ve been on the fence.

Anyways, that’s all I have for Arthrozene.

If you have any questions on the product for me, you can leave it in the comments section towards the bottom of this page, or send me an email to contact at, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

That’s all for now, and I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

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#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

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#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

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Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 Pill Review

Sorry guys… turns out size does matter.

In a recent poll, 75% of sexually active people said penis length and penis girth is important. When asked if they’ve ever refused sex or broken up because of the size of the package… get this… 61% said YES because it was way too small. And only 4% said YES because it was way too big. (Source)

Size matters to your partner

Uh huh.

Of course, there’s no need for a foot-long schlong (diminishing returns). BUT, for the sake of better sex and increased confidence in the bedroom, you’re gonna want to show up with something — anything! — bigger than a Tic-Tac or a toothpick.

male enhancement products for size

But you know this.

And hey, you might be on the market for a decent sex pill that actually works. Something that will help with ED and maybe even give you some size down there.

If so, you’re in good hands, as I’ve tested hundreds of male enhancement products — from pumps to pills and everything in-between.

So naturally, my curiosity was piqued when I heard about the Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 pill.

Titanium 4000 promises big things for those who suffer from sexual dysfunction, but does it deliver?

This sex pill packs some serious hype. It promises BIG things — like an increase in penis size, better ejaculation control, and explosive orgasms.

But does it really work? And if so, how does it work, and is it safe to use?

Let’s get to the bottom of Titanium 4000 and find out if it’s the right male sex enhancer for you and your needs.

What is Rhino 12 Titanium 4000?

Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 sex pill packaging

The pill claims to get you “Bigger, Stronger, Longer” and helps with:

  • Longer period of intercourse
  • Prevent premature ejaculation
  • Better ejaculation control
  • Maximize volume of ejaculation
  • Increase penile thickness and length
  • Improve stamina
  • Experience harder erections
  • Maximize sexual confidence
  • Experience intense, explosive orgasms

Yup, that’s a mouth full, in more ways than one.

In other words, the Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 pill pretty much transforms you into John Rambo between the sheets. And they claim that one pill lasts up to 8-days.

That’s a boner for every day of the week…PLUS ONE!

Titanium 4000 claims to last up to 8 days

Not a bad deal, if it really works. And that’s a big IF.

We’ll dig into the efficacy of the pill in just a minute, but there’s another growing concern I wanna bring to your attention.

SO many over-the-counter sex pills contain a hidden ingredient they do NOT want you (or the FDA!) to know about. It’s a little something called Sildenafil.

Sound familiar? That’s because it’s the active ingredient in Viagra.

Lots of companies are illegally injecting counterfeit Sildenafil into their OTC products.

Many companies illegally inject Sildenafil, the main ingredient in Viagra, into their sex pills

At this point, I can’t say for sure that Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 is pumping their pills with this hidden ingredient, but I will explore this in-depth in the FAQ’s section below.

Who makes Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 pill?

The packaging says “Distributed by Rhino 12 Titanium 4000.” But I’ve been doing this a long time, so I’ve learned there’s always more to the story.

While I’m not 100% sure who makes it, I do have my suspicions. I’m pretty sure Rhino Platinum is behind this one.

You know, these guys…

Rhino Platinum 7 might make Titanium 4000 male sex enhancer

In my research, I clicked through an image for Rhino 12 Titanium 4000, and I was taken straight to the Rhino e-commerce site. Pretty telling.

Also, if you look at the marketing copy for these (and other) Rhino products, you’ll find it reads strikingly similar to the Titanium marketing — “no headaches, long-lasting, time, size, stamina,” etc. So yeah…

What are the Ingredients in Rhino 12 Titanium 4000?

Erectify Ultra has all natural ingredients

Ah yes, now the fun part!

The ingredients section tends to be the “moment of truth” for these supplements. We get to learn what’s in the stuff, and then match-up the ingredients with the claims to find out if it’s worth your time.

So without further ado, here are the main ingredients in Rhino 12 Titanium 4000:

  • Goji extract is a natural libido-enhancer that may have a positive effect on erectile dysfunction via its antioxidant effects (Source)

Goji berries are found in Titanium 4000 ingredients

  • Licorice is a natural herbal aphrodisiac that may be useful in managing ED (Source)
  • Cordyceps is a mushroom with therapeutic effects, and has been traditionally used to enhance sexual potency and desire (Source)

Cordyceps are a mushroom ingredient found in Titanium 4000 sex pill

  • Cinnamon bark has a long history as a traditional medicine and has been proven effective at managing sexual dysfunction in aged rats (Source)

Other ingredients include: Deng Sen extract, Atractylodes, Dismutase, Cornus, Cuscuta, Dang Gui, Condonopsis, Panax ginseng, and some other stuff you and I have never heard of.

Typically, male enhancement pills contain ingredients like Tribulus terrestris, Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, and other vasodilators that improve blood flow to the penis.

Erectify Ultra will not make your penis bigger

Which makes sense. More blood flow = bigger erections. But Titanium 4000 seems to take a different approach.

As you might recall, the product claims to help treat everything from premature ejaculation to low-libido, and even make your penis bigger!

I can’t say for sure that it’s ineffective at getting these results (I haven’t tested the product), but the formula certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 FAQ’s

Titanium 4000 frequently asked questions

Will it make my penis bigger?

Probably not.

Best-case-scenario is that you experience bigger and harder erections, which might make it seem like your penis is bigger.

But remember what your mama taught you: a boner is only temporary.

That’s right, a bigger boner is not the same thing as gains in overall size.

Titanium 4000 will not make your penis bigger

And to be honest, although I’ve come close, I haven’t come across any miracle supplement that increases penis size all on its own. It takes a feat of modern ingenuity at its finest if you want to measure up in this department.

Is Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 safe?

Define safe. 😉

Let’s give it the benefit of the doubt, and say that it only contains the ingredients listed on the packaging. In that case, you’ll probably be just fine.

I mean, it’s just a boner pill, right? The worst that could happen is you poke someone’s eye out. Ouch!

A boner could theoretically poke someone's eye out


You could be taking a pill with a mystery ingredient that can definitely prove harmful.

The FDA warns of companies injecting fake Sildenafil into their products

According to the FDA, this “emerging trend” of lacing products with “untested and unstudied pharmaceutically active ingredients” is becoming a huge problem… especially in products promoted for sexual enhancement. (Source)

RELATED: Rhino 69 Review – One BIG Reason to Beware

You’re just looking for a little help with erectile dysfunction and getting an erection, so the last thing you want is to take a pill that can potentially hurt you.

But if my suspicions ARE true, and Rhino IS the company behind Titanium 4000, then you might be up Sh*%$ creek. Yup, the FDA has busted them in the past.

Rhino has been busted by the FDA for illegally injecting products with Sildenafil

Look at the name of the product! Rhino 12 Titanium 6000! Hmmmm… what are the chances?! The word ‘Titanium’ followed by a round number in the thousands. Makes you wonder.

Anyhow, the crime is illegally pumping counterfeit Sildenafil (Viagra) into their pills.

Titanium 4000 might illegally inject Sildenafil, the main ingredient in Viagra, into their pills

And here’s why this is dangerous: “This undeclared ingredient may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs such as nitroglycerin and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates.” Source

Now, even the most astute boner-pill-busting-enthusiast — like myself — can be wrong at times.

So maybe Rhino doesn’t make Titanium 4000. And maybe it doesn’t contain illicit Sildenafil. Hey, I’m just here to give the facts… do with them what you wish. 🙂

RELATED: Closest Thing to Viagra Over the Counter (OTC)

Are there any side effects with Rhino 12 Titanium 4000?

Regardless what the label says, don’t be too surprised if you experience headaches, decreased blood pressure, nausea, and the like.

Despite what the label says, Titanium 4000 might give you a headache as a side effect

How do I take it?

According to the label, you take one pill one hour before sex to help with energy, libido, and sexual performance. It says it’s best to take it one hour apart from taking any other supplements for optimal effectiveness.

How to take Titanium 4000 male sexual enhancer

So in this way, it’s an on-demand sex pill.

However, the label says it can also be used on a regular basis to maintain optimal readiness before sex. But do not take more than one pill every 60 hours.

Where can I buy it?

You can buy it from the Rhino Platinum 7 website. Boom. The cat’s outta the bag. It looks like Rhino does in fact make this sex supplement.

You can buy Titanium 4000 from the Rhino website

A single serving will cost you $11, which is pretty steep compared to other male enhancement pills.

You can also buy Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 on Ebay and Amazon.

You can buy the Titanium 4000 product on

The best deal I found was on Amazon — $60 for a dozen pills. That works out to about $5 per pill, which isn’t so bad.

Unfortunately, the makers of the product do not offer a money-back guarantee.

RELATED: Male Enhancement Pills Sold in Stores (OTC)

Can I take it with alcohol?

There is no warning against using Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 with alcohol, but sometimes you never know until it’s too late.

Taking Titanium 4000 sex enhancer with alcohol might not be a good idea, but you have options

So if you’re looking for a solid erection, without having to sacrifice a few drinks, check out my review of fast-acting male enhancers you can take with alcohol.

User reviews

There aren’t many reviews for this product to be found online. But I did churn up a few.

The product’s website lists some reviews, which of course are all glowing testimonials of how Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 improved their sex life beyond imagination. But that’s to be expected.

Then I found what I believe to be unbiased reviews on an Ebay listing. The product gets an impressive 4.5 stars, with 16 out of 20 users giving it excellent marks.

Titanium 4000 user reviews are mostly positive

One guy says that it works just as well as “certain” prescription products [Mmmhmm], but without the nasty headaches.

Titanium 4000 positive review

Another guy claims it’s the best on the market… nevermind the “very bad heartburn.” I guess for some people that’s a small price to pay.

Another positive user review for the Titanium 4000 sex pill

However, it doesn’t seem to work so well for others.

This next dude was just “experimenting,” but will now take his money elsewhere after a failed experiment with the Titanium 4000 pill.

Here is a negative review for the male enhancer Titanium 4000

And finally, this fellow calls BS on the product, claiming that it’s nothing more than a sugar pill!

One negative user review claims that Titanium 4000 pill is a sugar pill

Duly noted, my friend. Duly noted.


I’m torn on recommending the Rhino 12 Titanium 4000 pill. Although the user reviews seem mostly positive, there’s just too many yellow flags in the mix.

The ingredient profile isn’t anything to write home about, and we’re still unsure if it contains illegally injected Sildenafil. I’m assuming it does, as the fine folks at Rhino (who make this product) have been busted by the FDA for this very same offense.

I do not highly recommend Titanium 4000 sex pill

While you might experience moderate improvement in areas like enhanced libido, erection quality, and orgasms… it won’t add overall size to your penis. So if you decide to try this product, just go in with managed expectations.

Perhaps if they had marketed it more as a bit of an overall male sex drive and sexual performance supplement the waters would be a little less cold around it for me, but because they promise size gains I have to dock them some points in that department.

At the end of the day, the product will probably not live up to the marketing hype behind it.

Have you tried Rhino 12 Titanium 4000? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Over The Counter Anxiety Medication

Over The Counter Anxiety Medication Alternatives

Like most people, I suffer from a bit of anxiety here and there.

It’s never usually anything serious, but I have my days.

For random bouts of anxiety, my doctor has prescribed me Ativan to take on an “as needed” basis.

It’s pretty rare that I take it, but when I do it knocks the hell out of any anxiety I may be experienced.

For a little bit at least…

One of the biggest problems with anxiety medications is that they normally end up making your anxiety worse in the short and long-term.

For example, when I take Lorazepam, the anxiety is completely gone for around 24 hours.

However, undoubtedly 12 hours after that I’ll start to see a surge in my anxiety levels, worse than they were before.

This is no way to treat the underlying cause of anxiety…

It’s like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. content/uploads/2018/10/band aid bullet
Image credit: Sherwood Forlee

Luckily, there are some OTC options that DO work, and will not skyrocket your anxiety levels when you stop taking it.

The medications and herbal alternatives I’ll be talking about below are all some that I have personally have tested.

While they’re not exactly the best anxiety relieving products on the market, they can help.

And consequentially, you don’t need to jump through hoops (ie a doctor and a prescription) to get them.

I’ve divided up these anxiety alternatives into herbal alternatives and over the counter medications.

Some are only available online, some are only available in stores, and some are available both online and in stores.

I note that at the end of each section.

OTC Anxiety Herbal Alternative #1: Phenibut

I’ve been talking about Phenibut for years at this point, it’s that good.

I’ve used it in conjunction with Extenze to help with sexual libido and power.

I’ve used in it combination with supplements like Optimind to help with focus, concentration, and mental stamina.

And I’ve even used it with pre workout formulas like 4 Gauge to help dial down the anxiety I get from all of the caffeine they pump in the stuff.

What is Phenibut?

According to WebMD, Phenibut is a a chemical similar to a brain chemical called gama-aminobutyric acid (or GABA for short).

It’s actually prescribed as an anti-anxiety drug in Russia, which is where it was first discovered.

So How Does Phenibut Work?

Phenibut works on the GABA receptors in the brain, more specifically the GABA-b receptors.

These are the receptors in the brain that are activated when you drink alcohol or take an anxiety medication like Xanax or Ativan.

Unlike with prescription anxiety drugs, however, Phenibut in large part does not affect motor coordination and function.

That is, at the right doses.

If you take a large dose (1+ grams), it can and will make you tired.

However, at small doses (200 – 700 mg), it will not.

the effects of phenibut in minutes

What it will do is severely diminish your anxiety, as well as:

  • Decrease social anxiety
  • Increase alertness
  • Give you a moderate increase in cognitive processes
  • Increase confidence and pro-social behavior
  • Increase sexual performance and pleasure

How To Take Phenibut

Unlike the other anxiety relief medications below, Phenibut is not so simple to take.

The reason behind this is that doses affect individuals in very different ways.

For example, a 500 mg dose may be just right for you, while it may not do anything for someone else.

When it comes to phenibut for anxiety, it’s all about playing with the dosage.

Take a look at the infographic below to determine the most effective dose for anxiety.

how to take phenibut infographic

Where To Buy Phenibut

Unlike most of the other anxiety medications on this page, you won’t find Phenibut in your local CVS or Walgreens.

In fact, it’s almost strictly sold online.

My preferred vendor for Phenibut is Absorb Your Health, which sells a 50 gram batch for as little as $29.99.

50 Grams will last you a VERY long time if you’re dosing as often as I suggest.

You can pick it up at their website here:

Phenibut Warnings

So it may sound like Phenibut is a sort of “wonder medication for anxiety”.

The biggest downside to Phenibut is that you should not take it everyday.

Let me explain why:

Because Phenibut has such a long half-life, it’s effects can last for as much as 2 days.

On that note, the effects also seem to build a tolerance VERY rapidly.

So rapidly that before you know it, you’ll start needing to take a higher dosage just to get the same effect.

Don’t do this…!

Try to limit your dose to just one or two times a week, with at least a 3 – 4 day break in between.

Taking any more than that can result in withdrawal, which is not pleasant.

Use the other over the counter anxiety medications and herbal remedies on this page on the days you don’t use Phenibut.

OTC Anxiety Herbal Alternative #2 – L-Theanine

L-Theanine has been one of my go-to over the counter anxiety remedies for years at this point.

I like to combine 200 mg along with 80 mg of caffeine on days where I’m trying to get a lot of stuff done.

It’s actually been clinically studied and proven effective that way. (Source)

Basically, L-Theanine helps to curb an anxiety you may get from the caffeine.

So How Does It Work?

Well, L-theanine promotes relaxation and can help to induce sleep by influencing 3 processes.

Boosts GABA Production, Increases Serotonin, and Increases Dopamine

The brain is basically comprised of excitatory neurotransmitters, called Glutamate, and inhibitory neurotransmitters, called GABA.

Glutamate production is increased from stimulants, including illegal ones like PCP and Cocaine, and legal ones like Caffeine. (Source)

GABA production is increased by things like alcohol consumption, tranquilizers, and even some foods. (Source)

Research has shown that Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA for short) can help block brain signals that contribute to anxiety. (Source)

L-Theanine has also shown effective at increasing serotonin and dopamine, both of which have an effect on mood and anxiety levels.

Where to buy L-Theanine

Unlike with Phenibut, L-Theanine is freely available over the counter, and often very cheaply.

For example, the average price of Theanine at Walmart hovers somewhere around $25 for a month supply.

Additionally, you can find it at CVS and Walgreens for about the same price.

L-Theanine does not have abuse or addiction potential, so you can take it everyday for all sorts of anxiety, including OCD behavior, Social anxiety, and even panic disorder.

OTC Anxiety Herbal Alternative #3 – Valerian Root

Valerian Root has been around for 100’s of years, and has been shown effective at helping with both improved sleep quality and anxiety issues.

You’ll find Valerian root in several over the counter anxiety medications, including Somnapure, Restalex PM, and Alteril.

How does Valerian Root help with anxiety?

While studies are still limited, it is thought to work by increasing levels of GABA in the brain.

This is similar to most other anxiety-relieving products, although the exact process is still unknown.

The nice thing about Valerien root is, unlike with Phenibut, you can take it everyday without having to worry about any rebound effects.

With that said, the effects are way less pronounced then with Phenibut.

Where To Buy Valerian Root?

You can find Valerian Root practically everywhere.

Amazon sells a 100 count bottle of Natures Way brand Valerian root for as little as $8.

Similarly, you can buy a bag of fresh valerien root to dip in hot water for maximal absorbency.

For example, a 1 lb. bulk bag of cut and sifted valerien sells for just under $17.

Alternatively, you’ll find it in stores like:

  • CVS: Where the average price is around $10.
  • Walgreens: Average price is around $9.
  • Walmart: Where the avg. price is about $7.

If you’re looking for the fastest anxiety-relieving effects, I would recommend getting a tincture of anxiety.

Because of the nature of how you’re supposed to take it, it will kick in way quicker vs. pill form.

Other Honorable OTC Anxiety Medication Herbal Alternative Mentions

While the 3 above work the best for curbing your anxiety, there are a few others I’d like to point out.

They include:


For me, Magnesium seems to be hit or miss.  It actually seems to be more of a muscle relaxer more than anything else.

With that said, there has been plenty of clinical evidence supporting it’s use at helping with anxiety relief.

One study noted inconclusive evidence that Magnesium had any effect on anxiety symptoms.

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

From my personal experience, GABA doesn’t seem to do much to curb anxiety.

With that said, some studies suggest otherwise.  GABA actually plays a critical role in anxiety disorders, and using GABA itself as a supplement has shown some promise.


Kratom (pronounced Kray-Tom) is another OTC alternative.  I’ve talked about Kratom several times on this site before, and specifically have an article which outlines exactly how it works for helping with anxiety.

Click Here to check it out.

OTC Anxiety Medication #1 – ZZZQuil (Diphenhydramine HCL)

I discovered ZZZQuil when I was talking to a buddy of mine who was experienced significant bouts of insomnia.

He was going through a divorce, things were rough at work, and his life was generally a mess.

He said ZZZQuil was an absolute godsend for helping him fall asleep and stay asleep.

Having a bout of insomnia myself, I decided to try it out as well.

The first thing I noticed is that it doesn’t really “knock you out” the way a traditional sleep aid would.

Rather, it seemed to work VERY well at simply relieving my anxiety.

After taking 2 pills, I could almost feel the thoughts and stresses of the day literally escape my mind within 15 min.

Mind you, I would always take the ZZZQuil about 20 min. before lights out.

One particularly stressful day, I decided to take 1 pill of ZZZQuil early afternoon to see if it would have any impact on my anxiety.

And sure as shit, within 30 min. of taking that pill I felt calmer, more relaxed, and most importantly, it didn’t make me super tired.

How Come ZZZQuil Is An Effective OTC Anxiety Alternative?

The secret to ZZZQuil is in the sauce.

The active ingredient in ZZZQuil is a chemical called Diphenhydramine HCL, which is a powerful anti-histamine.

According to Mental Health Daily, “low doses of diphenhydramine acts as an inverse agonist at central and peripheral histamine receptor sites”.

AS a result, users report a drastic lessening of anxiety, and feel calmer and more relaxed.

In fact, one study comparing Diphenhydramine HCL to 0.5 mg and 1 mg of Alprazolam respectively found that it can lower the startle response by as much as 50% when compared to a placebo.

diphenhydramine vs alprazolam for anxiety

When Should You Take ZZZQuil?

In my personal experience, it makes sense to take ZZZQuil at night, several hours before bed.

Since it’s originally intended to help with sleep, there’s a good chance that it will make you….well, tired.

When Should You NOT Take ZZZQuil?

The biggest issues with Benadryl is the fact that it can make you sleepy.

So for example, you wouldn’t want to take Benadryl first thing in the morning and then drive your kids to school.

In fact, you wouldn’t want to drive at ALL after taking diphenhydramine.

Where To Buy Diphenhydramine HCL?

You can find diphenhydramine in over the counter medications like ZZZQuil, Advil PM, and Benadryl. (Source)

They sell it virtually everywhere, including CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and Rite Aid.

Depending on what size box you get, it can retail for as little as $4.44 for 24 tablets, to as much as $27 for a 4-pack.

Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety

There are plenty of non-medication ways to relieve your anxiety.

  1. Get Plenty Of Exercise

This one has been mentioned on 1,000’s of other sites, but it bears repeating.

Exercise is, and has always been, one of the best anti-anxiety alternatives available.

There’s no if’s and’s, or buts about it.

It’s been proven both in clinical studies, and from my own personal experience.

In fact, according to the ADAA, even just taking a 10 minute walk has shown to decrease stress and anxiety at insane levels.

We have plenty of exercise resources here on, and you can find all of them on this page.

2.  Meditation

I don’t have too much experience with Meditation, but I’ve done a lot of research on the subject and it appears to be great at relieving anxiety.

One study noted that mindfulness meditation may help to relieve symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and may also help improve stress reactivity.

Another study, which was conducted on persons suffering from a wide range of conditions like depression, cancer, and GAD, showed moderate improvement in anxiety symptoms.

I don’t have a specific mindfulness-meditation program that you should use, but a simple google search will show some near you.

3. Lifestyle Changes

The saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is very true when it comes to anxiety.

There are many causes of anxiety, ranging from:

  • Excessive stimulant consumption
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • An unhealthy diet

The key here is to identify what exactly is causing your anxiety.

Answer the following questions honestly:

“Do you drink alcohol in excess?”

If so, this could be the source of your anxiety.  While it may lessen your anxiety in the short term, it can skyrocket it in the long-term.

Put down the bottle and try some tea with L-theanine to help you wind down after a particularly stressful day.

“Do you smoke cigarettes or use nicotine products?”

While you may think that nicotine is helping you relax, nothing could be further from the truth.

Research has shown that nicotine, the addictive chemical in cigarettes, can actually increase anxiety and tension.

“Do you have a poor diet?”

If the answer is yes, than you’re not alone.

Statistically, an unhealthy diet contributes to 678,000 deaths annually in the US.

Additionally, it has been proven to cause a wide range of health issues, including…you guessed it, and increase in anxiety.

There are plenty of online resources to help with diet, but take a look at our “Big List Of Foods You Can Eat“.

It’s packed with tons of info on the “right” types of foods you should be eating.


Anxiety is no laughing matter.

Millions of Americans suffer from it on a routine basis, and as shown above, there are ways to help relieve that anxiety.

If you’re looking for an effective over the counter anxiety medication, these alternatives can help.

As always, if you have any questions just leave them in the comments section below, or email me here!

Top 3 Stress ReliefAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Phenibut

#1 - Phenibut

Phenibut is by FAR the most effective stress relief product Ive ever come across.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Kratom

#2 - Kratom

Kratom acts as an effective pain reliever AND can also help with anxiety dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kava Kava

#3 - Kava Kava

This particular brand of Kava is EXTREMELY effective at helping you calm down.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nugenix Warnings

Nugenix is a very popular testosterone booster that you can find both in stores and online.

I get a lot of medical questions from people who are thinking about taking this supplement.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered these questions below.

Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take Nugenix if I have high blood pressure?

  • There are no known contraindications for taking this supplement with high blood pressure.

Can I take Nugenix if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • There are no known contraindications for taking this supplement with low blood pressure.

Can I take Nugenix if I have diabetes?

  • Some of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Nugenix?

  • As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions. People who are allergic to plants in the Fabaceae family, including soybeans, peanuts, and green peas might also be allergic to fenugreek which is found in this supplement.
  • Avoid if you have an allergy or sensitivity to cobalt or cobalamin.

Can I take Nugenix with alcohol?

  • As it is best to avoid alcohol when taking supplements, there is no known interaction between alcohol and the ingredients in this supplement.

Can I take Nugenix with Viagra / Cialis?

  • There appear to be no contraindications for taking either of these medications with this supplement.

Can I take Nugenix if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

  • There are no known interactions between this supplement and anti-depressant medications.

Can I take Nugenix if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood). If you do choose to use this supplement monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with Caffeine or other stimulants?

  • There are no known interactions between this supplement and caffeine and other stimulants.

Can I take this medication if I am pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • The ingredients in this supplement are POSSIBLY SAFE for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Nugenix?

  • Do not take this medication if you:
    • Are taking Cyclosporine or any medications for organ transplant,
    • Have HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)/AIDS – Zinc use has been linked to shorter survival time in people with HIV/AIDs,
    • Have Leber’s disease, a hereditary eye disease: Do not take vitamin B12 if you have this disease. It can seriously harm the optic nerve, which might lead to blindness,
    • Have abnormal red blood cells (megaloblastic anemia),
    • Have high numbers of red blood cells (polycythemia vera),
    • Have cancer,
    • Or have received post-surgical stent placement.
  • You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions


  • Mental Health
    • Lithium
  • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets
    • NSAIDS
      • ibuprofen
      • naproxen
    • Aspirin
    • Coumadin (warfarin)
    • Plavix (clipidogrel)
  • Antidiabetic medications
    • glimepiride (Amaryl)
    • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
    • insulin
    • pioglitazone (Actos)
    • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
    • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
    • glipizide (Glucotrol)
    • tolbutamide (Orinase)
    • and others
  • Certain Antibiotics
    • Quinolones
      • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
      • enoxacin (Penetrex)
      • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
      • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
      • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
      • grepafloxacin (Raxar).
    • Tetracyclines
      • demeclocycline (Declomycin)
      • minocycline (Minocin)
      • tetracycline (Achromycin).
    • Cancer Treatment
      • Cisplatin
    • Other
      • Penicillamine
      • Amiodarone
      • Phenobarbital
      • chloramphenicol


Erectify Ultra Review

Lots of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. It’s just a fact of life.

As men age, our testosterone plummets, and suddenly we’re left wondering what the hell happened to our sex drive and those rock hard erections we used to get.

And to be honest, it’s not just older men who are affected by ED, it’s the young guns too! One study found that one in four men who went in for ED treatment was under the age of 40. Source

So naturally, guys are out looking for a quick fix. . . or any fix. And there’s no shortage of male sexual enhancement products on the market.

In fact, I’ve tried over 100 of them, so I know a little something about what’s worth your time, and what’s a big fat waste of money.

Today we’re gonna have a look at Erectify Ultra, a new sex pill that claims to be medical strength, yet 100% all-natural. And it promises to give you “longer stamina, harder erections, and stronger performance.”

Does it stack up and deliver on its promises? Or is it yet another sex supplement scam in a sea of scams? Let’s have a look.

1. Fake marketing behind Erectify Ultra

Here’s how it works. You’ll be searching the web, minding your business, and all of the sudden you’re looking at an advertisement that says (in so many words) “Buy this product and it’ll fix your d*#k!”

Next thing you know, you’re on the product sales page that looks a whole lot like this…

Yep, that’s Erectify Ultra, the male sex enhancer that’s in the hot seat today.

Now if you follow my site, the sales page for Erectify Ultra should look awfully familiar to you.

Why? Because it’s pretty much the SAME EXACT design and copy as Verutum RX…

And let’s not forget Climadex…

And I could go on and on about the scam ED products that I’ve busted over the years. Welcome to erectile dysfunction junction!

But what I’m getting at is this: there seems to be one company that’s creating one bogus product after the next, using the same marketing tactics, all in hopes of bilking you of your hard-earned money. Not cool.

They even claim the products have been featured on legit media outlets like CNBC, CNN, Men’s Health, etc.

Well I searched “Erectify Ultra CNN” and got nothing. A big goose egg.

And you won’t find so much as a mention of the product on any other reputable news source either.

So let’s get to the bottom of this.

2. What IS Erectify Ultra?

It’s a male sex enhancer made by a company called Healthy Male Concepts, which we’ll get to in a bit.

Let’s give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s a real product. And let’s assume that once you give your credit card number, they’ll actually ship the real product to your door.

Best. Case. Scenario.

You open the package and there it is in all its glory. Emblazoned across the bottle is the big bold promise…

Supercharge my sex life? Mind blowing orgasms for him and her? Uh, yes please. But how?

Here’s how:

  • Get long-lasting erections that are almost too hard
  • Turbo-charge your stamina for increased libido
  • Reclaim your sexual confidence

Don’t get me wrong, there are products on the market that are somewhat effective at giving results like these. In other words, these claims aren’t so different than what I’m used to seeing.

But there’s one more we need to examine. That is, Erectify Ultra says it will make your penis bigger. Seriously, the claim is that it “may add inches to your penis size, both length and girth wise.”

Right… and I can ball like Lebron James and run faster than a cheetah.

Scam sex pills like Erectify Ultra will promise the world. But all it takes is a little intentional research to blow their cover.

So let’s have a look at what this pill is made of, and whether or not the ingredients have been shown to be effective in these areas.

3. What are the ingredients in Erectify Ultra?

In all honesty, this product has all the makings of a half-decent sex pill. The ingredient profile is all-natural, as they claim, and made up of mostly herbal and fruit extracts like…

  • Horny Goat Weed is an herb that has been traditionally used in China for centuries to help with low libido and erectile dysfunction (Source)
  • Turnera Diffusa, also called Damiana, is a small perennial plant used by the ancient Mayan civilization as a natural aphrodisiac (Source)
  • Avena Sativa appears to be effective at treating impotence and premature ejaculation in men (Source)
  • Cayenne Fruit is a pepper that may help with weight loss, improved sexual function, and digestive health (Source)
  • Tribulus terrestris, according to a well-known study, is a hardy plant that may be useful in mild to moderate cases of ED (Source)
  • Muira Puama is a tree native to Brazil that is said to help increase blood flow to the penis for improved libido and harder erections (Source)
  • Saw Palmetto is likely most effective at treating the psychological component of erectile dysfunction (Source)

Looking at the Erectify Ultra formula, there’s really nothing to write home about. Most of the ingredients need further study to determine if they’re actually effective for treating low libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.

But remember, the makers of this product said it may add inches to your penis size. Well, I looked at the ingredients individually, and found nothing that supports this claim.

In fact, when you come across a product (any product!) that says it will make your penis bigger, be VERY skeptical.

I’ve been doing this a loooong time, and I’ve yet to find a pill that delivers in the area of penis enlargement (not that I need it, but you know). 😉

4. How I know it doesn’t stack up

There’s a little link at the very bottom of the Erectify Ultra site. Click on it and you arrive at the Terms & Conditions page. Boy was this a circus to get through.

I’ll highlight just a few of the most absurd terms that I came across, starting with this one…

Apparently the company, Healthy Male Concepts, is “not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement” written on their Erectify Ultra site.

What in the world?! Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Next we have the refund policy. And some refund policy it is! Needless to say, if you’re looking to get your money back, you’re up shits creek without a paddle. Here’s the Erectify Ultra Refund Policy, in its entirety

I mean, c’mon. That doesn’t even make any sense.

Which brings us to the warranty, another gem courtesy of Erectify Ultra…

I’m sure you get the picture by now. The makers of the product won’t touch a refund or warranty with a ten-foot pole. And they pretty much absolve themselves of any misinformation or downright lies written on their site.

Is this legal? No way! But who’s gonna stop them?

5. Erectify Ultra User Reviews

I searched all over to find a single solitary review (good or bad!) of this male sex enhancer. And I came up bone dry.

That, my friends, is a tell-tale sign to steer clear of a product. And this is a good rule of thumb: if you can’t find peoples’ opinion, it’s likely the product doesn’t really exist.

With that said, you can hop on YouTube and find BS videos of people (perhaps unwittingly) promoting the Erectify scam. Like this one…

Obviously, it’s not a review at all. It’s an advertisement for you to buy the product through their link. Be very wary of these videos that offer no substance and all sales… they’re everywhere.

Erectify Ultra FAQ’s

6. Who makes it?

The makers of this sex pill are Healthy Male Concepts, LLC. They show their hand on the Terms & Conditions page, where they imply that they are based out of Las Vegas, NV.

Just to be sure, I dug a bit deeper and found that the company is indeed based in Las Vegas (sin city, go figure). And it was formed in January of this year.

Other than this small window into the company behind Erectify Ultra, there really is no other information on the web about them. I do suspect they’re the ones behind many of the recent sex pill scams I’ve busted.

I won’t go into further detail about the company, but I will say, you can find anything online these days.

7. Is it a scam?

You might think my answer to this question is a resounding ‘YES’! But first, let’s take a moment to review.

Erectify Ultra says it can increase libido and help with erectile dysfunction. Perhaps it can, as it contains ingredients that may help in these areas.

But then it claims to grow you inches in size, which it cannot possibly do with the ingredients it lists.

So yes, they use false advertisement to get you to buy a product that isn’t effective. They swindle and fraud you out of your hard-earned money. This is the very definition of a scam.

And as you might recall, we gave Erectify Ultra the benefit of the doubt and assumed it IS a real product.

But what if it isn’t?

I’ve come across reviews for similar product scams where men have complained they NEVER received a single shipment, yet their credit card continues to get charged month after month. When they try to call in or write to the company, they get the run-around, or worse, they get silence.

To sum it up, I believe this one’s definitely a boner-fied scam.

8. What’s a good alternative?

So you want bigger, harder erections and increased libido. Overall, you want to be a beast in the bedroom again. I get it.

Although I’ve yet to come across a miracle pill that delivers in all these areas, I have come close.

One of my highest reviewed male sex supplements is Dr. Seltzer’s Hardon Helper.

It’s an affordable OTC alternative to Viagra or Cialis, and one that I experienced some pretty epic results from using. I won’t go into detail, but you can read all about it here.

Or… if you’re looking to increase your penis size, you’ll never get results with all-natural herbal extracts. It just ain’t gonna happen. So I encourage you to read this review of products that might actually help you gain size.

9. Recommendations

It goes without saying that I do NOT recommend this product.

I showed you how strikingly similar the marketing behind Erectify Ultra is to scams like Climadex and Verutum RX, just to name a couple.

RELATED: Climadex Review

This, to me, is pretty convincing evidence that the same company is behind this rash of scam products hitting the market.

We talked about the ingredients, which cannot possibly deliver on the product’s promises… especially of adding inches to your penis size.

Then I went into some detail about their Terms and Conditions, which are downright scary.

In the end, nothing good can come of purchasing this sex enhancer.

But the more important point is this: do your homework before you whip out your credit card to buy any product — especially a penis pill.

Scams like these are a dime a dozen. They prey on men who are at an all-time low in the confidence department.

They exploit your weakness, promise the world, manipulate you into buying, and at the end of the day, you’re holding a limp dick (excuse my French) and wondering why you’ve only got $5 bucks in your bank account.

So hopefully this review tipped you off to some of the most common tricks, traps, and trends that these shady companies use to swindle you good.

It’s a scary world out there. Do your best to stay smart and stay safe.

And in the meantime, steer clear of Erectify Ultra, and maybe try one of the alternatives that I provided above. There’s hope for us yet.

Have you tried Erectify Ultra? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Noxitril Warnings

Possible Prescription Drug Interactions and Medical Warnings For Noxitril

Noxitril is a very popular testosterone booster that has been on the market for several years now.

I get a lot of questions regarding whether or not you can take it with various medical conditions and prescription medications.

We’ve partnered with a pharmacist who has answered these questions below.

Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take Noxitril if I have high blood pressure?

  • There appear to be no negative interactions with the medications themselves for those with high blood pressure, but some ingredients may lower blood pressure. If you are taking blood pressure medications, use caution, as this supplement may also lower blood pressure.

Can I take Noxitril if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • It is advised to avoid this supplement if you have low blood pressure as some of the ingredients may decrease blood pleasure leading to an unsafe drop in blood pressure.

Can I take Noxitril if I have diabetes?

  • Many of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Noxitril?

  • As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions. With this supplement the L-arginine can cause an allergic response or make swelling in the airways worse. If you are prone to allergies or asthma use with caution.

Can I take Noxitril with alcohol?

  • As it is best to avoid alcohol when taking supplements, the only known interaction is with the Ginseng. Ginseng may increase how fast your body breaks down alcohol. Use caution when consuming alcohol.

Can I take Noxitril with Viagra / Cialis?

  • Noxitril may cause a decrease in blood pressure due to the effects of L-arginine. This interaction is moderate compared to Hawthorne Berry which is a major interaction.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

  • Some ingredients in this product may increase nervousness, jitters and possibly induce hypomania in those patients with mental disorders. Avoid use of this product if you are taking MAOI’s: phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate), and others.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood). If you do choose to use this supplement monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with Caffeine or other stimulants?

  • A few of the ingredients in this supplement may stimulate the nervous system. Taking in combination with caffeine and other products including pseudoephedrine may increase jitteriness, nervousness, increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take this supplement?

  • You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.
  • People who have herpes should avoid this supplement as it may aid in the proliferation.
  • If you have Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency you should avoid this product due to your body’s inability to convert arginine to creatine.
  • If you have kidney problems, it is best to avoid this product as it may increase urine output.

Possible Drug Interactions:


  • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets
    • NSAIDS
      • ibuprofen
      • naproxen
    • Aspirin
    • Coumadin (warfarin)
    • Plavix (clipidogrel)
  • Nitrates
    • Nitrostat
    • Imdur (isosorbide)
  • Mental Health
    • Lithium
    • Zoloft (sertraline)
    • Lexapro (escitalopram) and other SSRI’s
    • phenelzine (Nardil)
    • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
    • and others
  • Sedatives
    • Clonazepam (Klonopin)
    • lorazepam (Ativan)
    • phenobarbital (Donnatal)
    • zolpidem (Ambien)
    • and others
  • Antidiabetic medications
    • glimepiride (Amaryl)
    • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
    • insulin
    • pioglitazone (Actos)
    • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
    • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
    • glipizide (Glucotrol)
    • tolbutamide (Orinase)
    • and others
  • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
    • azathioprine (Imuran)
    • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
    • mycophenolate (CellCept)
    • tacrolimus (Prograf)
    • sirolimus (Rapamune)
    • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
    • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
    • and others
  • Medications metabolized by the liver:
    • Liver Enzyme 2D6
      • amitriptyline (Elavil), clozapine (Clozaril), codeine, desipramine (Norpramin), donepezil (Aricept), fentanyl (Duragesic), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), olanzapine (Zyprexa), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
    • Others
      • Theophyline


Vigrx Plus RX Interactions And Frequently Asked Medical Questions

Possible Prescription Drug Interactions and Medical Warnings For Vigrx Plus

Vigrx Plus is one of the most popular supplements we’ve reviewed on

I get dozens of questions every month from a wide variety of visitors asking about potential prescription drug and medical interactions.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered these questions below.

Click Here
for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take Vigrx Plus if I have high blood pressure?

  • There appear to be no negative interactions for those with high blood pressure. If you are taking blood pressure medications, use caution, as this supplement may also lower blood pressure.

Can I take Vigrx Plus if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • Many of the ingredients in this supplement may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure for those already with low blood pressure.

Can I take Vigrx Plus if I have diabetes?

  • Many of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Vigrx Plus?

  • As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions. There are no allergic reactions that stand out with this combination.

Can I take Vigrx Plus with alcohol?

  • As it is best to avoid alcohol when taking supplements, the only known interaction is with the Ginseng. Ginseng may increase how fast your body breaks down alcohol. Use caution when consuming alcohol.

Can I take Vigrx Plus with Viagra / Cialis?

  • This may cause an unsafe decrease in blood pressure.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?

  • Some ingredients in this product may increase nervousness, jitters and possibly induce hypomania in those patients with mental disorders. Avoid use of this product if you are taking MAOI’s: phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate), and others.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • A few of the ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood).

Can I take with Caffeine or other stimulants?

  • A few of the ingredients in this supplement may stimulate the nervous system. Taking in combination with caffeine and other products including pseudoephedrine may increase jitteriness, nervousness, increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

Possible Drug Interactions:


  • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets:
    • NSAIDS
      • ibuprofen
      • naproxen
    • Aspirin
    • Coumadin (warfarin)
    • Plavix (clipidogrel)
  • Seizure medications
    • Dilantin (phenytoin)
    • carbamazepine,
  • Cardiac Medications
    • digoxin,
    • beta blockers
      • metoprolol
      • propranolol
    • calcium channel blockers,
      • Norvasc (amlodipine)
      • diltiazem
    • Nitrates
      • Nitrostat
      • Imdur (isosorbide)


  • Mental Health
    • Lithium
    • Zoloft (sertraline)
    • Lexapro (escitalopram) and other SSRI’s
  • Anti-Seizure (or medications that lower seizure threshold)
    • Phenobarbitalprimidone
    • Depaken (valproic acid)
    • Neurontin (gabapentin)
    • Tegretol (carbamazepine)
    • Dilantin (phenytoin)
    • Propofol
    • Mexiletine
  • Certain Antibiotics
    • Penicillin
    • cephalosporins
  • Antidibetic medications
  • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
  • Medications metabolized by the liver:
    • Liver Enzyme 2C19
      • amitriptyline (Elavil), carisoprodol (Soma), citalopram (Celexa), diazepam (Valium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec), phenytoin (Dilantin), warfarin (Coumadin), and many others.)
    • Liver Enzyme 2C9
      • amitriptyline (Elavil), diazepam (Valium), zileuton (Zyflo), celecoxib (Celebrex), diclofenac (Voltaren), fluvastatin (Lescol), glipizide (Glucotrol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), irbesartan (Avapro), losartan (Cozaar), phenytoin (Dilantin), piroxicam (Feldene), tamoxifen (Nolvadex), tolbutamide (Tolinase), torsemide (Demadex), warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
    • Liver Enzyme 2D6
      • amitriptyline (Elavil), clozapine (Clozaril), codeine, desipramine (Norpramin), donepezil (Aricept), fentanyl (Duragesic), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), olanzapine (Zyprexa), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
    • Liver Enzyme 3A4
      • amitriptyline (Elavil), clozapine (Clozaril), codeine, desipramine (Norpramin), donepezil (Aricept), fentanyl (Duragesic), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), olanzapine (Zyprexa), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
    • Liver Enzyme 3A6
      • lovastatin (Mevacor), clarithromycin (Biaxin), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), diltiazem (Cardizem), estrogens, indinavir (Crixivan), triazolam (Halcion), and others.
    • Others
      • Trazadone


Rhino 7 Warnings

Rhino 7 Drug Interactions and Warnings


There are many possible drug interactions that can occur with Rhino 7, as well as potential interactions with certain medical conditions.

rhino 7 no headache

We have listed all of the ingredients below, and there potential warnings.

Note:  This list is NOT comprehensive.  You should still check with your doctor before taking Rhino 7 or any other supplement.

Goji Extract

Potential Disease State Interactions:

Allergic reactions:  Goji might cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to tobacco, peaches, tomatoes, and nuts.

Diabetes: Goji might lower blood sugar. It might cause blood sugar to drop too much if you are taking medications for diabetes. Monitor your blood sugar levels carefully.

Low blood pressure: Goji might lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is already low, taking goji might make it drop too much.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Goji extract is metabolized by enzymes in your liver. Taking Goji berry extract may slow the down the speed at which other medications are broken down by your liver. Some drugs include: amitriptyline (Elavil), diazepam (Valium), zileuton (Zyflo), celecoxib (Celebrex), diclofenac (Voltaren), fluvastatin (Lescol), glipizide (Glucotrol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), irbesartan (Avapro), losartan (Cozaar), phenytoin (Dilantin), piroxicam (Feldene), tamoxifen (Nolvadex), tolbutamide (Tolinase), torsemide (Demadex), warfarin (Coumadin), and others.

Goji extract might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking Goji along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.

Goji extract may reduce blood pressure. If you are taking current medications for high blood pressure, monitor your blood pressure closely at the start. Some medications for high blood pressure include captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), diltiazem (Cardizem), Amlodipine (Norvasc), hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDiuril), furosemide (Lasix), and many others.

Goji may slow down the rate at which your blood clots. Use caution when taking this extract with blood thinners (warfarin) as it may lead to increased bruising and risk of bleeds. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly. The dose of your warfarin (Coumadin) might need to be changed.

Deng Sen Extract

Potential Disease State Interactions:


Potential Drug Interactions:



Potential Disease State Interactions:


Potential Drug Interactions:


Cinnamon Bark

Potential Disease State Interactions:

Diabetes: Cinnamon bark might lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use cinnamon bark.

Low blood pressure: Cinnamon bark might lower blood pressure. Taking cinnamon bark might cause blood pressure to drop too low in people who already have low blood pressure.

Surgery: Cinnamon bark can affect blood pressure and blood sugar levels and might interfere with blood pressure and blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop taking cinnamon at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Cinnamon bark might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking cinnamon bark along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed. Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.

Dismutase and Superoxide Dismutase

Unknown. Clinical effectiveness has only been shown via injection.


Potential Disease State Interactions:


Potential Drug Interactions:



Potential Disease State Interactions:

Heart disease: Licorice can cause the body to store water, and this can make congestive heart failure worse. Licorice can also increase the risk of irregular heartbeat. Don’t consume licorice if you have heart disease.

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Licorice might act like estrogen in the body. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use licorice.

High blood pressure: Licorice can raise blood pressure. Don’t consume large amounts of it if you have high blood pressure.

A muscle condition caused by nerve problems (hypertonia): Licorice can cause the level of potassium to drop in the blood. This can make hypertonia worse. Avoid licorice if you have hypertonia.

Low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia): Licorice can lower potassium in the blood. If your potassium is already low, licorice might make it too low. Don’t use licorice if you have this condition.

Kidney disease: Overuse of licorice could make kidney disease worse. Don’t use it.

Sexual problems in men: Licorice can lower a man’s interest in sex and also worsen erectile dysfunction (ED) by lowering levels of a hormone called testosterone.

Surgery: Licorice might interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery. Stop taking licorice at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. The body breaks down warfarin (Coumadin) to get rid of it. Licorice might increase the breakdown and decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). Decreasing the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin) might increase the risk of clotting. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly. The dose of your warfarin (Coumadin) might need to be changed.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) interacts with licorice. Large amounts of licorice can decrease potassium levels in the body. Low potassium levels can increase the side effects of digoxin (Lanoxin).

Licorice may interact with medications used for hypertension by altering the level of potassium levels in the body as well as increasing blood pressure. Some medications used for hypertension include ethacrynic acid (Edecrin), furosemide (Lasix), chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, HydroDIURIL, Microzide), captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), diltiazem (Cardizem), amlodipine (Norvasc), and others.

Medications changed by the liver (Cytochrome P450 2B6, 2C9 and 3A4 substrates) interact with licorice. Licorice might decrease how quickly the liver breaks down some medications. Taking licorice along with some medications that are broken down by the liver can increase the effects and side effects of some medications. Before taking licorice talk to your healthcare provider if you take any medications that are changed by the liver.  Some of these medications changed by the liver include ketamine (Ketalar), phenobarbital, orphenadrine (Norflex), secobarbital (Seconal), dexamethasone (Decadron), celecoxib (Celebrex), diclofenac (Voltaren), fluvastatin (Lescol), glipizide (Glucotrol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), irbesartan (Avapro), losartan (Cozaar), phenytoin (Dilantin), piroxicam (Feldene), tamoxifen (Nolvadex), tolbutamide (Tolinase), torsemide (Demadex), warfarin (Coumadin), lovastatin (Mevacor), ketoconazole (Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox), fexofenadine (Allegra), triazolam (Halcion), and many others.

Medications for inflammation (Corticosteroids) interact with licorice. Some medications for inflammation can decrease potassium in the body. Licorice might also decrease potassium in the body. Taking licorice along with some medications for inflammation might decrease potassium in the body too much. Some medications for inflammation include dexamethasone (Decadron), hydrocortisone (Cortef), methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisone (Deltasone), and others.

Condonopsis (Dangshen)

Potential Disease State Interactions:

Bleeding disorders: Codonopsis might slow blood clotting and increase bleeding. In theory, taking codonopsis might make bleeding disorders worse.

Surgery: Codonopsis might slow blood clotting. In theory, taking codonopsis might increase the risk for bleeding during and after surgical procedures. Stop using codonopsis at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Potential Drug Interactions:


Cordyceps Sinesis

Potential Disease State Interactions:

“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Cordyceps might cause the immune system to become more active. This could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using cordyceps.

Bleeding disorders: Cordyceps might slow blood clotting. Taking cordyceps might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

Surgery: Using cordyceps might increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. Stop taking cordyceps 2 weeks before surgery.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Cordyceps might increase the immune system. By increasing the immune system, cordyceps might decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune system. Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), prednisolone, prednisone and others.


Potential Disease State Interactions:


Potential Drug Interactions:


Panax Ginseng

Potential Disease State Interactions:

“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Panax ginseng seems to increase the activity of the immune system. It might make auto-immune diseases worse. Don’t use Panax ginseng if you have any auto-immune condition.

Bleeding conditions: Panax ginseng seems to interfere with blood clotting. Don’t use Panax ginseng if you have a bleeding condition.

Heart conditions: Panax ginseng can affect heart rhythm and blood pressure slightly on the first day it is used. However, there are usually no changes with continued use. Nevertheless, Panax ginseng has not been studied in people with cardiovascular disease. Use Panax ginseng with caution if you have heart disease.

Diabetes: Panax ginseng might lower blood sugar. In people with diabetes who are taking medications to lower blood sugar, adding Panax ginseng might lower blood sugar too much. Monitor your blood sugar closely if you have diabetes and use Panax ginseng.

Organ transplant: Panax ginseng might make the immune system more active. This could interfere with the effectiveness of medications that are given after an organ transplant to reduce the chance that the organ will be rejected. If you have received an organ transplant, don’t use Panax ginseng.

Schizophrenia (a mental disorder): High doses of Panax ginseng have been linked with sleep problems and agitation in people with schizophrenia. Be careful when using Panax ginseng if you have schizophrenia.

Organ transplant: Panax ginseng might make the immune system more active. This could interfere with the effectiveness of medications that are given after an organ transplant to reduce the chance that the organ will be rejected. If you have received an organ transplant, don’t use Panax ginseng.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Alcohol interacts with Panax Ginseng. The body breaks down alcohol to get rid of it. Taking Panax ginseng might increase how fast your body gets rid of alcohol.

Caffeine interacts with Panax Ginseng. Caffeine can speed up the nervous system. By speeding up the nervous system, caffeine can make you feel jittery and speed up your heartbeat. Panax ginseng might also speed up the nervous system. Taking Panax ginseng along with caffeine might cause serious problems including increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Avoid taking caffeine along with Panax ginseng.

Insulin and medications for diabetes interact with Panax ginseng. Panax ginseng might decrease blood sugar. Insulin is also used to decrease blood sugar. Taking Panax ginseng along with insulin might cause your blood sugar to be too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your insulin might need to be changed. Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.

Medications changed by the liver interacts with Panax ginseng.  Some medications are changed and broken down by the liver. Panax ginseng might decrease how quickly the liver breaks down some medications. Taking Panax ginseng along with some medications that are changed by the liver can increase the effects and side effects of your medication. Before taking Panax ginseng talk to your healthcare provider if you take any medications that are changed by the liver. Some medications that are changed by the liver include amitriptyline (Elavil), clozapine (Clozaril), codeine, desipramine (Norpramin), donepezil (Aricept), fentanyl (Duragesic), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), olanzapine (Zyprexa), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), trazodone (Desyrel), and others.

Medications for depression (MAOIs) interacts with Panax ginseng. Panax ginseng might stimulate the body. Some medications used for depression can also stimulate the body. Taking Panax ginseng with these medications used for depression might cause too much stimulation. This might cause side effects such as anxiousness, headache, restlessness, and insomnia. Some of these medications used for depression include phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate), and others.

Medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interacts with Panax ginseng. Panax ginseng increases the immune system. By increasing the immune system, Panax ginseng might decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune system. Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), and others.

Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with Panax ginseng. Panax ginseng might slow blood clotting. Taking Panax ginseng along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others.

Stimulant drugs interacts with Panax ginseng. Stimulant drugs speed up the nervous system. By speeding up the nervous system, stimulant medications can make you feel jittery and speed up your heartbeat. Panax ginseng might also speed up the nervous system. Taking Panax ginseng along with stimulant drugs might cause serious problems including increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Avoid taking stimulant drugs along with Panax ginseng. Some stimulant drugs include diethylpropion (Tenuate), epinephrine, phentermine (Ionamin), pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), and many others.

Blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin) interact with Panax ginseng. Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. There is some concern that Panax ginseng might decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). But it’s not clear if this interaction is a big problem. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly. The dose of your warfarin (Coumadin) might need to be changed.

Puereria Lobata

Potential Disease State Interactions:

Bleeding or blood clotting disorders: Puereria lobata might slow blood clotting. It might make bleeding and blood clotting disorders worse, and it might also interfere with medications used as treatment.

Cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) conditions: There is a concern that Puereria lobata might interfere with cardiovascular treatments. Puereria lobata seems to lower blood pressure and affect heart rhythm in animals.

Diabetes: Puereria lobata might affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use Puereria lobata.

Liver disease: There is some concern that taking Puereria lobata might harm the liver. In theory, Puereria lobata might make liver diseases, such as hepatitis, worse. People with liver disease or a history of liver disease should avoid Puereria lobata.

Surgery: Puereria lobata might affect blood sugar levels and might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop taking Puereria lobata  at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interact with Puereria lobata. Puereria lobata might slow blood clotting. Taking Puereria lobata along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others.

Methotrexate (MTX, Rheumatrex) interacts with Puereria lobate. Puereria lobata might decrease how fast the body gets rid of methotrexate (Rheumatrex). This might increase the risk of methotrexate side effects.

Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with Puereria lobate. Puereria lobata might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking Puereria lobata  along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed. Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.


Elevacity PURE Review – Heavy Metal Detox Drops

Elevacity PURE 2.0 Review

How to Detox from Heavy Metals – 5 drops a day for 90 days

elevacity pure heavy metal detoxWhat prompted me to write this review of Elevacity Pure? Because staying healthy in a world full of toxins can be challenging!

Just think of all that we’re exposed to in our water, air and food.

Throw in some 40+ year old cavity fillings (which leak), cooking with aluminum foil for years (guilty because I don’t want to clean a pan), and using deodorant with aluminum that plug the very sweat ducts that are made to release the toxins from my body!(even though I’ve known for a decade that it’s bad for me)!

And did I mention beauty products? Many lipsticks and other cosmetics contain lead, and anything with added fragrance is made up of 1,000’s of chemicals, not to mention the parabens and phthalates used as preservatives.

This is what got me thinking about my own health and is exactly why I decided to try PURE.

I wanted to give myself that needed boost to rid some of those toxins from my body that I’ve been slowly exposing myself to over decades.

The truth is, many people may have alarming amounts of heavy metals stored in their body which could be contributing to health issues that you’re not even aware of.

So far I’m 30 days in to my 90 day PURE detox. If you told me how energized it would make me feel, I don’t think I would have believed you!

What is Elevacity PURE?

PURE is a Magnetic Ionic Mineral Blend

PURE is a patented dietary supplement in a tincture form that is designed to help remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.PURE is made from an extract called “mica” which is part of the zeolite family of minerals.

In a nutshell, a zeolite has a natural (-) negative charge and is shaped like an absorbent honeycomb. When it’s ingested into the body, it attracts and removes all the (+) charged heavy metals and toxins, and these harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite and flushed out of the body. Good bye toxins!

Its particles are microscopic so its able to permeate fat cells where toxins are stored in our body. And yes, we’re also talking some fat blasting of cells here, so there can be a “fat flushing” side effect!

PURE also revs your metabolism so weight loss may be a side effect. However if weight loss is your main concern, Elevacity is the maker of Smart Coffee aka Happy Coffee everyone raves about, specifically “The D.O.S.E.” which is a nootropic stack.

Something that pairs nicely with the Smart Coffee or the Pure is Elevacity’s new Hemplevate Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (CBD Oil).

Hemplevate helps relax you for more restful sleep and promote homeostatis within the body and with our endocannibinoid system.

Benefits of Elevacity PURE

PURE may safely help with the following things:

  • Removing heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, uranium and others from your cells, tissues and brain
  • Removing bio-toxins such as Lyme spirochetes and black mold spores
  • Removing environmental toxins such as fluoridated, chlorinated and brominated compounds and pesticides
  • Increase the absorption of essential nutrients and minerals from foods, essential oils and herbs
  • Increase cell membrane efficiency, cell hydration, energy and vitality!
  • Reduce body fat and increase metabolism and lean mass
  • Inhibit the replication of rapid abnormal cell production
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Increase of mental focus and energy
  • Promote restful sleep
  • Memory improvement

Elevacity PURE Ingredients

elevacity pure directions


Micronized clinoptiolite suspension extract, ascorbic acid, citric acid, magnesium citrate, potassium sorbate.

How to Use Elevacity PURE

Shake bottle gently. Add 5 drops per 8 oz glass, 20 drops per quart or 1 teaspoon per gallon of water.

For contaminated water, shake/stir well and let stand for 60 minutes.

Elevacity PURE Testimony – My Experience

Let’s get to the fun stuff! The first day I tried it, I added 5 drops to the half cup of water I had leftover on my nightstand from the night before. I just said to myself, let’s do this!

My last sip I could taste a hint of something sweet, but it vanished. Then I read the directions again, you’re supposed to add 5 drops to 8 oz of water – whoops! So I just drank some additional water…no big deal.

Once I started adding the 5 drops to 8 oz water, I couldn’t taste anything, it’s just like you’re drinking fresh water. So anyone with issues of taste, you will have no issues!


What surprised me most about starting the PURE was the energy I felt, which started the very first day. I thought to myself that it MUST be a placebo effect.

But the energy has been there every single day! It’s almost like I can “feel” my metabolism being revved up!

Normal things like getting laundry done, dishes, cleaning bathrooms – I am getting it all done earlier in the day instead of procrastinating.

I have energy to make my husband dinner without it feeling like such a chore and cleaning up without slugging through it!


Another thing I’ve noticed is an increase in mental focus and less brain fog. I’m a blogger so obviously my job is to write, but sometimes I just don’t have the motivation or the focus to sit down and do it!

I’ve noticed it’s much easier to sit down, put my phone aside and just have the brain energy and focus to get things done.

Not only just for writing, but for getting bills paid, taxes worked on – all that stuff that is normally a hinderance has been easier.

As the days go by (as I mentioned I’m on day 30 of 90) my increase in productivity has definitely been a nice side effect!


I’ve been sleeping very well this past month. I have not woken up in the night like I sometimes do, or have trouble falling back asleep.

I also haven’t had any major night sweats. Could be unrelated to the PURE but it’s just something I’ve noticed.


elevacity pure reviews

Well, this would be hard for me to quantify, because I never had any heavy metals testing done prior to starting the PURE.

I just had the belief that since I’m 46 years old and have been exposed to so many things over the years and on a daily basis, what could it hurt?

I’ve spent many years using toxic underarm deodorant with aluminum, used beauty products loaded with toxics, drank and stored foods in plastics, used toxic sunscreens, eaten plenty of non-clean foods, the list goes on.

Our environment is full of toxics and pollutants, so I feel like  it’s been beneficial so I have no regrets! I’m all about health and wellness and love to cleanse the body when I can.

There are some at home tests you can buy to test your levels, or you can visit your Dr. and get a blood test.

Elevacity PURE – Should you Try it?

I have had bouts in the past where I’ve felt sluggish, lethargic, sometimes some feelings of depression but nothing major, all of which “could” be a sign of toxic buildup.

Frequent headaches can also be another sign of toxicity and I do get those  sometimes.

Using something to help rid you of these ailments is something that I highly recommend and you will be glad to have tried something.

This is just one of those things where you could be having health issues that you don’t even realize, and exactly why I wanted to give this product a try – to create a PUREified environment!

I’ll come back after my 90 days is up and let you know the rest of my detox story!

Where to Buy PURE and How Much Does it Cost?

A 2.0 ounce glass bottle of PURE contains 240 servings and costs $60. If you do smartship, it’s only $40.

What I’ve been doing is just changing my smart ship product each month so I can try more of Elevacity’s products at the discounted price.

Their most popular product is the Elevate Brew Smart Coffee for weight loss, and they also have some fun skin care!

So far I’ve tried both the Timeless Serum (which is an awesome tightening serum and you only need a little), the Elier Cream for moisture and brightening, and the Elier High Organic mud mask – my sister and I LOVE these!

Thank you for reading my Elevaticy PURE review, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend this product if you’re looking to detox your body!

Visit the Elevacity Website

who is elevacity?


Verutum RX Review

Maybe you frequent adult film sites. Or, maybe you don’t…

Hey, I’m not judging.

But here’s the thing, there’s a TON of scams going around on these sites, and I want YOU to stay safe out there.

Today I’m going to expose the old “get a bigger penis” scam. And really, it’s happening everywhere, on and off adult film sites.

You might be searching for erectile dysfunction pills, or how to get rock hard boners on command, or where to go for the best pizza in town…

And Blam! Suddenly you’re caught in their web of lies.

So let’s have a look at Verutum RX and learn exactly how they prey on men when they’re at their most vulnerable.

Marketing Tactics of Verutum RX

Fake scam products and companies like Verutum RX are notorious for marketing that is 100% shameless.

And here’s how they hook you:

1. When You Least Expect it!

You’ll be surfing the web, minding your own business (or not), and before you know it you’re looking at an advertisement that promises to give you a Moby Dick, if you will.

Related Article: No Terry Bradshaw Did NOT Create Verutum RX

Now obviously, the more ludicrous the ad, the better it performs. So don’t be too surprised if you only have to “take 1 pill” for “extreme penis growth.” And of course, you get to try it “risk free!”

Pro tip: if it sounds too good to be true, then just don’t click.

2. The BIG BOLD Claims 

If (and when) you DO click on the ad, you’re taken to a super-vulgar sales page.

I mean, it’s an all out phallic farm. Some of the biggest darned penises you every feasted your eyes upon. A cornucopia of cocks of every shape and color. It was all too much for me.

The sales page promises things like:

“Verutum RX increases penis size by 1.5 inches every week!” And “Grow a porn-star like penis!” And other ridiculously awesome claims. 

I’m gonna spare you the trauma and not show the page… so hopefully I painted a good enough image in your mind.

3. The Awkward Verutum RX Sales Page

Anyhooters, moving right along. Now that super-vulgar sales page I mentioned above is only meant to ‘fluff’ you up, because ultimately it leads to the Verutum RX website.

Which looks something like this…

If you haven’t had a boner in years, I can see how these claims would pull you in like a tractor beam. This so-called ‘miracle pill’ can supposedly do it ALL.

  • Increase sex drive and libido
  • Bigger, harder erections
  • Longer staying power
  • Increased penis length and girth

To make matters worse, they really play to our pain points. Because when you can’t get your soldier to stand at attention, you’re bound to be ‘Frustrated, Embarrassed, and Stuck’. No doubt.

But have no fear, Verutum RX is here. And guess what… it’s backed by real (fake) science and a real (fake) doctor. Check it out below, he even has a microscope!

Alas, while these scams are quick to talk a big scientific game and claim things like “#1 Doctor Recommended,” they rarely (if ever) cite their sources or studies.

Verutum RX is no exception. Nowhere does it say who this bespectacled doctor is, or the so-called science that went into the sex pill.

This isn’t our first rodeo here at Supplement Critique. I’ve exposed similar scams in the past. And that’s where things get really interesting.

You see, the makers of Verutum RX could very well be the makers of Climadex or Vandexafil or Nitridex… or any of the hundreds (possibly thousands) of scammy ED pills out there. They all use similar marketing materials and bogus promises.

For instance, note the similarity with Climadex here

And Vandexafil…

It’s all the same.

It’s quite the predictable formula. A beautiful younger woman hanging on an older man. Slap a ‘Made In America’ stamp on the thing and tell ’em it’s free. Seriously, it’s that easy. Or should I say, it’s that sleazy!

RELATED: Nitridex Review

What are the ingredients in Verutum RX?

But for now, let’s look past the marketing hype and dig into the ingredients to see what it’s made of.

The male enhancement pills are allegedly a concoction of three ancient herbs. That’s right, Verutum is essentially saying that if you consume a few plants you’re gonna grow 1.5 inches week after week. Riiiiight. 

What exactly are these miracle ingredients? Glad you asked!

And we’re in luck. Thankfully, the makers of the product decided to be “completely transparent” and tell us what’s in the stuff.

The funny thing is, what they figured would help increase sales (being transparent with the ingredients!) is the very ammunition I needed to show how bogus Verutum RX really is… and how it WON’T grow your penis like it promises. Oh the irony.

Here is the full ingredient profile:

Here’s How it Can’t Possibly be Legit 

We’re going to take a quick look at the real science behind these ingredients, and put it next to the Verutum RX claims to show how it can’t possibly deliver on its promise. Not even close!

So let’s have a look at the three main ingredients, Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, and Saw Palmetto.

Horny Goat Weed

According to WebMD, some men use Horny Goat Weed for sexual dysfunction issues like erectile dysfunction because it “might” help increase blood flow (Source). More blood flow to the penis equals bigger, harder erections.

And the folks at Verutum RX tout this ingredient as a natural aphrodisiac that’ll boost stamina, staying power, and orgasms.

But what does the science say about Horny Goat Weed? Is it possible that this ingredient can help you to grow 1.5 inches week after week?

One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that Epimedium species — aka Horny Goat Weed — can in fact improve “penile function” in rats. Source

OK, but check it out… improved penile or erectile function is NOT the same thing as penis growth. While certain ingredients like Horny Goat Weed might help to promote blood flow to your penis, you have to know this is only temporary.

You may feel like you’re getting bigger erections (in girth at least), but believe me, it will go away. Horny Goat Weed will not help you to grow 1.5 inches every week.

In fact, another study found Horny Goat Weed among the 4 ingredients to watch out for due to potential adverse psychological effects. Source

Tongkat Ali

Not to be confused with the distant cousin of Mohammad Ali, Tongkat Ali is a shrub that grows in Southeast Asia.

According to WebMD, it has been used for centuries by men to help improve ‘sexual abilities and virility.’ In fact, Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) is now considered a protected species because, allegedly, dudes just can’t get enough of it. Source

Alright, but again, ‘sexual abilities’ is a whole different animal than full-on penis growth. Let’s not forget, Verutum RX claims you’ll experience an increase in size AND a drastic improvement in libido.

So I looked at the scientific studies, and again, it just didn’t add up.

For instance, I read through one study titled ‘Efficacy of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) on Erectile Function Improvement.’ And I found nothing that suggested this ingredient works for penis enlargement.

The study concludes with this: “Based on current evidence, the herbal extract of Tongkat Ali may have clinical effect on erectile function. However, more efficacy trials are warranted to further support current evidence.” Source

Yup, 1.5 inches per week? Not likely.

However, another study did find that the ingredient may help by “shielding the body from the detrimental effects of ‘modern’ chronic stress.” Source But last time I checked, “stress relief” and “a bigger schlong” are apples and oranges.

Busted again.

Saw Palmetto

The final ingredient I want to discuss is Saw Palmetto, which is found in the fruit of a small palm tree.

Can it help with massive growth?

According to Everyday Health, this ingredient is not effective at treating ED or an enlarged prostate. The evidence just isn’t there. Source

However, one clincial study came to the following conclusion: “[Saw Palmetto] may have potential application value for the prevention or treatment of erectile dysfunction through an increase in iNOS mRNA expression [nitric oxide]…” Source.

Now, to break that down, Saw Palmetto might help with nitric oxide production, which is a vasodilator and helps promote blood flow to the penis, ultimately causing improved erections.

Alas, ‘improved erections’ is a fundamentally different claim than saying your product will cause 6 inches of penis growth in one month!

Verutum RX FAQ’s

Will it make my penis bigger?

No. It certainly will NOT grow your penis. And I’m terribly sorry about that.

Who makes it?

That, my friends, is a mystery. At the bottom of the product website is a ‘Contact Us’ page, where you will find very little info about the company.

There’s no physical address (only a PO box), and the email and phone number are both generic.

Are there any side effects?

Well, let’s have a quick look at those ingredients again.

Horny Goat Weed side effects: Too much of this guy may cause “dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, thirst, and nosebleed. Taking large amounts of horny goat weed might cause spasms and severe breathing problems.” Source

Tongkat Ali side effects: WebMD says that it’s ‘possibly’ safe to take this for up to 9 months, so this ingredient shouldn’t cause any harm. Source

Saw Palmetto side effects: For the most part, Saw Palmetto side effects are fairly mild. But according to WebMD, “Some people have reported dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. Some people have reported that saw palmetto causes impotence.” Source

Can I take it with Alcohol?

The product’s site does not answer this question. However, if you’re looking for an ED pill that you can take with alcohol, I offer great recommendations (Like Hardon Helper shown above) in my article Male Enhancement Pills that Work Immediately (And You Can Take With Alchohol). Check it out.

Where can I buy it?

As far as I know, you can only buy Verutum RX through the official/unofficial website.

And after reading this, I’m sure you’re just chomping at the bit to get your hands on this product. 😉

What’s a Good Alternative?

I don’t blame you if you’re wary of pills that promise the world and just don’t deliver. So if you find yourself needing a solid solution, but you’re not sure where to start… check out this article: Male Enhancement Products to Help Gain Size.


Don’t buy Verutum RX, as it’s definitely a scam. These guys will put you on an auto-recurring debit cycle, where you’ll be charged month after month for a crappy product… or no product at all!

If you need to sink to such lows as actually lying to potential customers in your ads, then I am going to avoid your product at all costs, period.

What they promise in the advertising are flat-out lies. This product will not increase the size of your penis. At the very most, it might help like other erectile dysfunction pills and help you get it up and keep it up. But that’s best-case-scenario.

Making such bold claims and engaging in such shady business practices only serves to make me question the integrity of the ingredients they choose to put in their supplements too, and I don’t take chances when it comes to my health.

At the end of the day, it’s just not worth it. These shady companies are all about preying on men who are looking for a real solution to a real problem. It’s pretty sad, and they’ll pay in the end.

RELATED: 6 Male Enhancement Scams and How to Avoid Them

So next time you’re surfing the web and see an advertisement for this ED pill, or ANY sex pill, take a close look at what the product is promising, and then have a look at the science behind the ingredients to see if it adds up. In this case, it fell WAY short.

So steer clear of Verutum RX.

Have you tried Verutum RX? If so, write your review in the comments below.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Pharmacy RX One Review

Prescription meds. The two words that strike fear into the heart of SO many Americans.

It’s why fake online pharmacies are spreading like wildfire, and why countless innocent people are getting scammed out of their money for counterfeit prescriptions.

Fake Pharmacies are spreading like wildfire

Today we’re gonna dig deep into one of these pharmacies (Pharmacy RX One) so that you can learn the tactics and exactly what to look out for when shopping online for libido-enhancing pills, erectile dysfunction meds, or really any type of medication.

It’s high-time we sniff out these fake pharms and expose ’em for what they are…


But first, what’s enabling these ‘rogue’ pharmacies to crop up so fast and furious?

Well, you and I both know prescription medication is too damn expensive.

Every year, we spend boatloads of money treating our conditions, diseases, sicknesses, etc. From diabetes to erectile dysfunction, and everything in between.

And it’s draining our pocketbooks. FAST. 

Americans are seeking medication from abroad because of the high prices at home

But how can the drug companies keep raising prices? I mean, aren’t there any checks and balances in place to keep them from bending us over year after year?

The short answer is… NOPE.

According to the Director of Health Services Research for the AARP, there is really nothing keeping the drug companies in check. It’s BIG business folks. Source

There is nothing to stop drug companies to continue raising prices. That's why fake online pharmacies are popping up everywhere

In fact, check this out… Drug companies are spending upwards of $6.5 BILLION every year to advertise to us. The result of this is that we’re dropping at least $457 BILLION on prescription drugs per year. Talk about a return on investment! Source

The real reason why prescriptions cost so much and people are turning to fake online pharmacies

And it’s not getting any cheaper. As you can see from the image above, in less than 10 years, popular brand name drugs (think Viagra, Cialis, etc.) spiked in cost over 200%.

Who can afford it?!

So here we are, in desperate need of our precious meds, and nowhere to turn.

Well, to be fair, some of us are going the natural route…

Out-of-pocket spending is much higher for prescription drugs and is why so many people are turning to online pharmacies

But those seeking natural treatments (less than 25%) are definitely still in the minority. Source

Long story short, drug prices are at an all-time high, and they show no signs of getting any cheaper. And in today’s world of online shopping, you better believe we’re scouring the web looking for a deal.

Unfortunately, the “deal” in this case is coming from God knows where, it contains God knows what, and it’s coming at the detriment to our health and well-being.

1. What is Pharmacy RX One?

Pharmacy RX One is it legitimate

They’re a dime-a-dozen, sites like Pharmacy RX One.

In fact, the National Association Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) did a study on rogue pharmacies and found that of 8,300 pharmacies reviewed, “just over 3-percent seemed to be sound.” Source


In that same study, the NABP also dredged up these staggering statistics:

  • 6,812 (nearly 85%) don’t require a valid prescription from the customer’s doctor
  • 3,687 offer foreign drugs or ones not approved by the FDA
  • 2,100 have a physical address outside of the U.S.
  • 2,878 have servers located in foreign countries

So naturally, you’re bound to come across fake pharms on your hunt for cheap medications. Or simply if you spend time on adult sites… as these guys are notorious for their ubiquitous advertisements.

RELATED: Male Enhancement Pills That Work Immediately (And You Can Take With Alcohol)

As for me, I was served their ad while doing my thing on the interwebs. It looked something like this:

Pharmacy RX One advertises on adult video sites

We’ll discuss more about what they sell in just a bit, but I’m sure you’re wondering if it’s even legal to buy products from sites like these.

Yes, Pharmacy RX One is (sorta) legal for you to by products from. They even list that on their FAQ page.

It is legal to shop for medications on Pharmacy RX One

But… that doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest.

Sure you can score some super-cheap pills for ED and other conditions, but you know what they say… you get what you pay for.

2. The Medications Pharmacy RX One Sell

They sell stupid-cheap male enhancement pills. I mean, we’re talkin’ 60 cents for a dose of “Viagra.” (Yup, note the quotes.)

They also sell pretty much everything for every ailment. Blood pressure pills, antacids, herpes meds, pain pills, skincare, you name it.

Pharmacy RX One sells a lot of different fake prescription pills

But let’s focus on the ED pills for now. And let’s use some common sense to break it all down.


Pfizer’s Viagra costs about $70 per pill. And for the past 20 years, there was no getting around this. Then just last year in 2017 Pfizer announced the release of a generic version of Viagra for half the price.

Pfizer announced a generic version of Viagra for half the price

And every penis jumped for joy.

I’m no mathematician, but half of $70 is $35.

So riddle me this… if the cheapest most generic version of Viagra costs $35 a pop, how in the world can a “pharmacy” sell it for 60 cents and stay in business?


That’s a trick question. They can’t.

Instead, pop-up-shops like Pharmacy RX One are selling you a bill of goods. A fake product. A bogus erection.

If you buy Viagra or Cialis from fake pharmacies like Pharmacy RX One, you might not get any results

Best-case-scenario, these online pharmacies are selling counterfeit Viagra or Cialis pills that are illegally injected with Sildenafil or Tadalafil. Worst-case-scenario is that you’re getting a completely fake sugar pill with nothing in it at all. (Actually, worst-case-scenario is that you die) :-/

RELATED: The Closest Thing to Over the Counter Viagra (OTC)

Pharmacy RX One Red Flags

Companies like Pharmacy RX One put on a good front.

I mean, the very word “Pharmacy” is in the name! And they proudly display photos of smiling doctors and pharmacists to gain your trust.

Pharmacy RX One has photos of doctors on website

Already you can see how easy it is to dupe someone into thinking they’re shopping with a legitimate pharmacy.

These sites even link to clinical studies to show authority.

Rogue pharmacies like Pharmacy RX One links to clinical trials to build authority and trust

But alas, they lack what matters most for a legitimate pharmacy, including:

  • They don’t require a prescription or need proof of your condition to sell you any of their medications
  • They don’t have the badges that show they’re approved by the NABP, and don’t have the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites symbol (VIPPS)
  • The site is functioning one day, and then down the next
  • They don’t list any address or contact info whatsoever, so you don’t know what country they’re operating out of

Here’s what I found out about Pharmacy RX One

On my quest to learn how to tell a rogue pharmacy from a legitimate pharmacy, I came across this insightful article published by Consumer Reports. published a great article about illegitimate pharmacies and how to tell if they're real or fake

In the article, the author highlights a simple framework to vet an online pharmacy.

So we’re going to follow these measures to see whether or not Pharmacy RX One is the real deal.

Step 1 — Is it associated with a legitimate walk-in store?

Pharmacy RX One is not affiliated with CVS, Walgreens, or RiteAid

The answer is NO. Nowhere on the website does it mention anything about CVS, Target, Walgreens, etc.

Step 2 — Does it have the VIPPS symbol?

Pharmacy RX One does not have the VIPPS symbol on their website so it cannot be trusted

I briefly mentioned this above, but I found out that virtually ALL legitimate pharmacies proudly wave the VIPPS banner on their website.

The rogue pharmacy called Pharmacy RX One does not have the VIPPS logo

It’s a badge of honor, and it tells the consumer they’re in good hands.

So does Pharmacy RX One have a VIPPS banner? The answer is NO. This means their products probably cannot be trusted, as they are not FDA-approved prescription medications.

Step 3 — Keep digging! Try another source.

You can vet pharmacies like Pharmacy RX One by typing the URL into

So, there’s this neat tool called that you simply test the online pharmacy’s URL in.

LegitScript has no record of Pharmacy RX One

Well, I tried it, and I came up bone dry again.

“Sorry, we don’t have any info on in our database.”

So far that’s 3-strikes for Pharmacy RX One.

via GIPHY also offers a cool service called ‘Investigative Analysis’ that’ll help you win a litigious claim against a rogue pharmacy if you happen to fall victim.

So is it a scam?

They’re not certified, which means they’re not safe. But…

Is Pharmacy RX One a scam?

Well, it’s a.) an illegal operation that is b.) selling you name brand counterfeits that you believe to be the real deal. So yes, it is a scam.

They are far from the only ones doing it and it is thoroughly and utterly wrong.

Use your better judgement and bring a scrutinizing eye to the party when looking into products as sometimes, as in this case, they are practicing some pretty shady business routines that do not have your health and best interests in mind at all.

And remember, it’s rampant. More often than not, when searching for prescriptions online, you’re likely to land on a rogue pharmacy website. WebMD warns that ‘most’ are fake. Source

FDA warns that most online pharmacies are fake

Many of these bogus online pharmacies position themselves as ‘Canadian Pharmacies’, so it’s especially important to look out for those.

Do a simple Google search and you’ll see what I mean…

Many fake pharmacies pretend that they are from Canada

How it impacts YOU

Check this out.

The Editor-in-Chief of, Harold E. Cohen, puts this whole debacle in poignant words. He writes…

“Despite the FDA’s critics, there is a high assurance factor that every prescription drug submitted to the FDA for approval gets the same close scrutiny. I know that I sleep better at night knowing my prescription medication has gone through the FDA’s rigorous approval process.” Source

Pharmacy RX One is not approved by the FDA

I think most would agree that the FDA plays an important role in keeping us safe. So it’s unfortunate to learn that the FDA’s hands are tied when it comes to rogue pharmacies like Pharmacy RX One.

The Consumer Reports article states:

“The FDA doesn’t have the authority to regulate foreign versions of medicine purchased by people over the Internet, so their ingredients might be unknown. Also, the drugs may not have been approved by the FDA…”


Yup. This impacts you greatly. When you pop that ED pill, you have no idea what you’re putting into your body. And this also goes for women looking for female viagra pills. The companies might say they are legit meds, but how can you trust them?

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Remember, if you follow the Consumer Reports measures listed above, you should have no problem in detecting the BS online pharmacies.

And there’s another solution…

Try an herbal supplement for ED


No… not that kind of herb.

Instead of getting a mystery erectile dysfunction pill from some bogus online pharmacy (that’s probably located somewhere in Uzbekistan), you might want to try an herbal sex enhancer that straight up works.

hardon helper review

I’d be remiss not to share this with you in light of our conversation today. Because this pill called Hardon Helper really does get results.

I know, I know… weird name.

But it’s cheap. It’s safe. And the makers of the product are completely transparent about the ingredients it contains.

In fact, here they are:

  • 120 mg of Epimedium Leaf
  • 70 mg of Red Ginseng
  • 70 mg American Ginseng
  • 40 mg of Wild Yam
  • 40 mg of Wolfberry Fruit
  • 30 mg of Rou Cong Rong
  • 30 mg of Chinese Raspberry
  • 20 mg of Gordon Euryale Seed
  • 20 mg of Schisandra Fruit
  • 15 mg of Poria
  • 15 mg of Longan Aril
  • 30 mg of Xylitol

This product is not FDA approved. But that’s because it’s an herbal supplement, NOT a prescription medication. So it doesn’t have to be, nor does it need to be.

Yeah, but how effective can an herbal supplement really be? Good question.

Hardon Helper is a good Viagra alternative

I tested this product myself, and the results I got were impressive to say the least. I noticed a boost in testosterone and better erections. It was super-fast acting, and I didn’t experience a single side effect.

So out of the hundred-plus male sex enhancers I’ve tried, I first recommend this product to any man suffering from low libido or ED.

I've tried hundreds of Viagra alternatives

Read my full Hardon Helper review here. You can thank me later. 😉

Or try a trusted web startup ED pharmacy

Of course, then you have startup ED pharmacies like Get Roman and Blue Chew. These are also a good Viagra alternative, although the process can be more intimidating… as you can’t just click ‘buy now’.

What can Get Roman do for your erectile dysfunction?

Also, these tend to be more expensive than herbal supplements like Hardon Helper, but cheaper than your traditional Viagra or Cialis prescription.

RELATED: Best Sex Pills

With these options, you’ll fill out a profile and actually have an appointment with a doctor over the phone, from the comfort of your home.

Get Roman is a good Viagra alternative

The doctor prescribes you either Sildenafil or Tadalafil, depending on your personal needs. Then, it’s shipped discreetly to your door.

If this seems like something you might be into, feel free to check out my full reviews of Get Roman and Bluechew.


Look, I get it. Sometimes we reach our wits end searching for a fix. Often, we find that what we need is either too expensive, or too questionable to take.

So when we come across ‘pharmacies’ like Pharmacy RX One that seem legit at first glance, and they seem to sell exactly what we need at dirt-cheap prices… we’re all-too-quick to pull out our wallets.


But I recommend not to!

We’ve seen that there are WAY too many rogue pharmacies just waiting to shake you down for everything you’re worth.

So first, do your homework. I showed you how to detect the BS, now take the online pharmacy through the vetting process as we discussed.

If they’re selling brand names like Viagra for 70 cents a pill, you can guarantee it’s counterfeit. And remember, this matters to you and your health.

You get what you pay for with fake online pharmacies

Instead of buying these mystery pills from these mystery pharmacies, I suggest trying a fast-acting herbal supplement like Hardon Helper.

I found Hardon Helper to be a really good OTC alternative to Viagra. I’ve tested it myself and experienced impressive results. So maybe you will too.

If that doesn’t work for you, maybe give Get Roman or Bluechew a shot. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Your solution is out there.


And remember, before buying from online pharmacies, be sure to do your due diligence. You owe it to yourself.

Have you used Pharmacy RX One or a similar online pharmacy? If so, write your review in the comments below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Brickhouse Nutrition Review

If we learned anything from the 3 Little Pigs, it’s that we should build our house out of bricks.

One supplement company heeded that timeless advice.

The name is BrickHouse Nutrition. And their mission, as far as I can tell, is to “stay on the cutting edge of nutraceutical innovation.”

Brickhouse Nutrition review

Today’s post is a roundup of the Brickhouse supplement line. I’m gonna share everything you need to know about the company’s products, so you can make a smart decision on what’s best for you and your goals.

The fact is, we can’t expect every supplement that comes along to be a shining example of good manufacturer practices and we definitely should not trust every one that comes along.

And like always, I’m gonna call ‘bullshit’ if and where I smell it, while shedding light on the facts and exactly what you can expect from these supplements.

I detect bullshit. We'll see if Brickhouse Nutrition stacks up.

Because my B.S. detector is strong. And you deserve it. You deserve to know what’s marketing hype, and what will get you real results.

So without further ado… welcome to the unofficial, official Brickhouse Nutrition supplement roundup!


The Brickhouse Nutrition Product Line

Dawn to Dusk

Field of Greens


Essential Amino Acids


1.) About Brickhouse Nutrition

A fella by the name of Myles Grimard seems to be at the helm of the company, which he operates with his unnamed brother, the physician.

On the official Brickhouse Nutrition website,, you’ll find funny avatars and a thorough rundown of their “dream team.”

Brickhouse Nutrition team

There you can also shop products, read their blog, and explore the science behind the supplements.

But wait… who is Dan Bongino?!

When you search Brickhouse Nutrition on the web, a dude by the name of Dan Bongino pops up first. Who is this ‘renegade republican’, and why is he NOT mentioned anywhere on their website? Hmmmm…

Dan Bongino might work for or own Brickhouse Nutrition

Alright, well, some of you may know this political pundit and former secret service agent. But why does he have a cult following of customers singing his praises.

Does Brickhouse Nutrition sponsor him? I’ll do some more investigating on this and let you know.

*EDIT* YES, it looks like Brickhouse Nutrition does in fact sponsor or partner with Dan Bongino, and perhaps others too!

Dan Bongino is sponsored by Brickhouse Nutrition

Moving right along…

The company is based out of Columbus, Ohio. And they operate out of a 100,000 square foot facility, which according to the site, “includes an amazing gym for all employees, as they like to practice what they preach.”

Damn. You guys hiring? Kidding.

But… they do say “If you are ever in the area, please feel free to stop by and workout with us!”


To which I say, “Thanks for the offer, Brickhouse, but you can’t handle these guns.” *flexes muscles and cramps up*

Anyhow, let’s jump right into the products.

2.) Dawn to Dusk

No, Dawn to Dusk isn’t the next novel in the ‘Twilight’ saga. It’s an extended-release energy supplement that claims to give you a much-needed kick in the pants.

Dawn to Dusk review

According to the makers of the product, the energy pill stimulates your body, brain, and cells… for up to 10 hours.

Dawn To Dusk energy supplement stimulates your body, brains and cells

It also promises to heighten mental focus and improve your mood.

So if you’re on the market for more energy and the mental stamina to make it through a long day of work, or yet another brutal study session, this supplement could be a good bet.

But what’s in it? Good question…

The ingredient profile seems pretty solid, and the active ingredients include:

  • PurEnergy 200mg (blend of caffeine and pTeroPero)
  • Teacrine 100mg
  • Caffeine anhydrous 100mg
  • Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract 50mg
  • Huperzine A 100mcg

In researching the main ingredient PurEnergy, I found that it just might have the edge on the caffeine that you ordinarily get from coffee.

PurEnergy, the active ingredient in Brickhouse Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk, supposedly performs better than caffeine

Also, I’ve heard positive user stories/anecdotes of the effectiveness of Teacrine and caffeine on focus and energy. And I’ve found this to be the case in my own personal experience.

Now, to take the supplement, the website suggests:

“Take one or two capsules once daily. Start with one capsule to assess your tolerance. Do not take this product within 6 hours of bedtime.”

And I couldn’t agree more.

Because of the stimulants Dawn to Dusk contains, it’s best to ease into it by taking only half the dose. You can always take more in the future. But damn, if you overdo it out of the gates, you might come to regret your life decisions. Just saying.


As far as side effects go, you may get the jitters and notice an increase in blood pressure. But if you do experience these symptoms, they should be manageable, especially if you start out with a smaller dose.

The 100mg of caffeine is about the equivalent you’d get from a cup of coffee.

The amount of caffeine in Brickhouse Nutrition Dawn to Dusk is about the same as in a cup of coffee

The rest of the caffeine is slow-release throughout the day, so if you don’t experience side effects right away, you should be good to go.

Overall, the user reviews of Dawn to Dusk are glowing. But… the only reviews I could find are the ones listed on the product’s website. So, take ’em with a grain of salt.

Overall, people seem happy with Dawn to Dusk by Brickhouse Nutrition

Here’s what people are saying:

Brett says it delivers the goods when it comes to focus and energy…

Positive user review of Brickhouse Nutrition Dawn to Dusk energy supplement

And R.J. was able to drop his coffee habit like a… bad habit?

Another positive user review of Brickhouse Nutrition Dawn to Dusk

But not everyone loves the product.

For instance, TD claims that it didn’t work for him… but hey, TD, you got a little brown on your nose there bud.

Negative review for Brickhouse Nutrition Dawn to Dusk

And a few other users complained about the price point. All in all, Dawn to Dusk gets good grades as far as I’m concerned.

You can buy Dawn to Dusk straight from the company website. And as far as I know, that’s the only place you can purchase the product.

It costs $49.95 for a bottle of 30 capsules. So, if you only take 1 per day, you’ve got yourself a 30-day supply. I’m a math-magician.

Dawn to Dusk costs $49.95 for 30 capsules

Also, the company offers a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with the results. With that said, they don’t explain the terms of the guarantee anywhere on the website.

3.) Field of Greens

Not to be confused with the late-80’s blockbuster hit ‘Field of Dreams’. Sorry ladies, no Kevin Costner in this one.

Field of Greens, on the other hand, is Brickhouse Nutrition’s take on an all-natural, all-healthy, all-treehuggin’ superfood.

Field of Greens is a Brickhouse Nutrition superfood

It contains the essential greenery and doesn’t stop there. The website claims it also “delivers a full-spectrum of colors with fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, and more to support and improve well-being.”

Field of Greens by brickhouse nutrition is an all-natural superfood

The makers of the product suggest you take 1 Serving (which is one scoop) and mix with 8 oz or more of water.

Taking this product, or a similar product, is a good step toward holistic health. I mean, c’mon it’s jam-packed with fruits and veggies. Welcome to antioxidant city, population you.

Users of Field of Greens (or FoG as the cool kids call it) give it positive reviews for the most part…

Brickhouse Nutrition Field of Greens positive user review

However… some think it’s too sweet, while others think it’s overpriced for what you get.

And really, there’s nothing groundbreaking about the formula. You can buy similar powders at your local Trader Joe’s for cheaper.

But if you want Brickhouse Nutrition’s one-and-only Field of Greens, you can buy the stuff on the company’s website for one easy payment of $57.95. (Damn, that IS expensive for a 300g tub of pulverized veggies). But hey, if it works, it works.

Field of Greens, by Brickhouse Nutrition, is pretty expensive

4.) Foundation

What’s a Brickhouse without a strong foundation? See what I did there? OK, OK, I’ll stop.

Foundation is the next product in the Brickhouse Nutrition lineup. This creatine + ATP is built around a little something called ‘muscle excitability’. This buzzword is all the rage these days.

Brickhouse Nutrition makes Foundation for muscle building and recovery

But ‘exciting’ the muscles, according to the folks at Brickhouse, is “the key to fighting muscular fatigue.” They go on to say, “Increases in muscular excitability lead to an increase in the intensity of muscle contractions.”

And more muscle contractions = you get shredded or jacked or whatever you wanna call it.

Here’s what the makers of this ‘physician formulated’ product promise…

Brickhouse Nutrition Foundation creatine promises to excite muscles

But really, it’s just a straight-up Creatine Monohydrate blend, with some PEAK ATP thrown in for good measure. Nothing fancy, just the tried-and-true stuff that works to build muscle and helps you recover faster.

Brickhouse Nutrition creatine blend is called Foundation

To take the product, you simply swallow 4 capsules with water on the daily, 30-60 minutes before exercising for optimal results. And according to the site, “On non-training days, consume one serving approximately 20-30 minutes prior to breakfast.”

All fairly standard as far as creatine goes.


Now, the user reviews for this product are super-positive across the board, of course. But I’m not gonna share them with you, as I’m getting the sense they’re fake AF. I mean, what product in the WORLD gets 97% 5-star reviews?!

Finally, you can purchase Foundation through the company’s website for $44.95 for 120 capsules.

Foundation creatine by Brickhouse Nutrition price

5.) Essential Amino Acids

According to, amino acids “help your body with various processes such as building muscle and regulating immune function.” Source

Brickhouse Amino Acid supplement, Amino acids are important and found naturally in meats

Sure, amino acids are found naturally in proteins like meat and eggs, but sometimes that’s not enough. That’s why amino acid supplements are  super-popular, especially in the bodybuilding world.

So Brickhouse Nutrition came out with their own version called Essential Amino Acids…

brickhouse essential amino acids helps to build muscle

Just how essential are they? Well, according the company’s website, these amino acids have your back…

  • Essentials + POOL EAA(TM)
  • Assist Muscle Growth
  • Optimize Training Recovery
  • Reduce Muscle Soreness

It comes in powder form, and you “take 1 scoop daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare provider.”

There aren’t any user reviews for this product… yet. So I’m assuming it’s either a.) A new supplement recently added to their line, or b.) The company hasn’t paid for positive reviews for this one just yet. Yup, I said it.

Brickhouse Nutrition review of essential amino acids

Essential Amino Acids by Brickhouse Nutrition costs $59.99 for a one-month supply. This price seems pretty steep to me, as essential amino acids typically run between $10 – $30 for a month’s supply.

6.) Premium Grass Fed Protein

Grass fed protein by Brickhouse

I don’t know about you, but for me just lookin’ at this bottle of protein makes me feel like I’m gonna start packing on the bulk.

Look at it, just sitting there all squat and sturdy… the perfect balance of mass-to-height ratio. I mean, that’s one good looking container!


Anywho… welcome to Brickhouse Nutrition’s Premium Grass Fed Protein.

This all-natural protein product promises to:

  • Speed recovery
  • Assist Weight Loss
  • And support Ideal Body Composition

The container is sexy, we’ve established that. But I’m not exactly sure what’s so special about the protein itself, as it seems fairly run-of-the-mill. But it is a milk-based protein, which means you’ll get a more natural, neutral taste.

Brickhouse protein is milk based

The cost is on-par with the rest of Brickhouse Nutrition’s supplements. That is, it’s on the steep end. But if you’ve got $80 bucks layin’ around, it might be worth a shot.

Review of Brickhouse protein

7.) Recommendations

Well, Brickhouse Nutrition seems like a legit company with products that work.

There’s nothing shocking in any of the ingredient profiles. Rather, they seem to keep it clean with all of their formulas.

I think Dawn to Dusk is definitely worth a try if you’re looking for an energy booster and all-around focus pill. The price is right, and if it doesn’t work, you can always cash in on the 100% money-back guarantee.


As for the other products, well, they seem to be lacking in the ‘damn I need this now’ department.

Even if you’re on the market for those types of supplements (whether it be a superfood, creatine, amino acids, or protein), I just think you’d be wise to shop around, or have a look at products we’ve reviewed that get great marks all around.

But I will say this to wrap things up… be smart. If you do try one of Brickhouse Nutrition’s products and you experience good results, then of course, try other supplements in their lineup. It only makes sense.

Choose your Brickhouse products wisely

So I hope this has helped you to gain a better understanding of the company behind the products. In the end, I do think Brickhouse Nutrition is worth your time, if only for one go ’round.

Giving anything a small chance or a few doses for a try is not really going to do you any harm, but I would still recommenced using your own judgement and paying attention to the language used by a manufacturer as well as the track record that it holds before consuming anything.

Have you tried Brickhouse Nutrition products? If so, write your review in the comments below!

No, Shark Tank Did NOT Feature Some Weight Loss Pill

It can sometimes feel like we’re swimming in a sea of scammers. Uphill, both ways. People selling bogus supplements using fake advertisements to shamelessly swindle you out of your hard-earned money.

This makes it not only hard to trust actually reputable products that come along, but it also builds up a thick skin in the consumer and hopefully serves as a time for us to learn the difference between the real and the fake.

And they’re absolutely relentless… even to the point of using the hit TV show Shark Tank as the platform to sell their pills. Well, not the real Shark Tank, as we’ll soon find out.


If these guys would harness that tenacity and entrepreneurial drive for the betterment of society, imagine the world we could live in! *sigh*

But alas, I’ve got yet another BS product to put on blast today.

It’s for a weight-loss supplement called Slimfit 180. And while the advertisement promises results like “lose 21 pounds in 1-month and keep it off!” it’s all smoke and mirrors.

Slimfit 180 shark tank

But… I can see why it works on some people. What I found was shocking, to say the least.

So today, I’m going to methodically show you exactly why (and how) Slimfit 180 is a big fat FRAUD.

First, we’re gonna look at Slimfit 180’s super-sneaky ‘Shark Tank’ advertisement, and call out the common tactics so you never fall into one of these scams while buying online.

Then I’m going to show you proof that this product is totally bogus.

The Hook

Here’s how they get ya.

You’re minding your business, surfing the internet. All of a sudden you scroll across a ‘news story’ for a ‘miracle supplement’ that catches your eye.

These fake news stories are crawling everywhere on the web. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your Google feed, and even your email.

It’s gotten to the point where the bogus news stories on the web touting fake products are just as common as the real deal, and it is frustrating.

Nothing is sacred.

shark tank weight loss ad

So… you’ve been on the market for a fat burner, and this one seems to work FAR better than anything you’ve researched.

“Lose 97 pounds in two months!” Right.

Of course, the less gullible among us turn and run, knowing it’s too good to be true. But others want a solution SO bad that they take the bait and click in.

And here’s what they find…

Another fake Shark Tank ad, this time for Slimfit 180

I’ll get back to this. But first, meet the Williams sisters, Anna and Samantha.

(Or is it Anna And Samantha Martin??)

Apparently, this revolutionary weight loss supplement called Slimfit 180 took the Shark Tank panel by storm, causing each investor to back it… to the tune of $1.3 million each!

anna and samantha williams sisters on shark tank

In fact, when Slimfit 180 came on the scene, it made for “the most-watched episode in Shark Tank history.”

Yup. It would be funny if it weren’t for all the innocent people getting scammed left and right.

OK — let’s look past the bogus ad for just a minute, and let’s turn our attention to the product itself. Or should I say the ‘products’ themselves. Have a look…

Slimfit 180 and friends

And friends? Yup… let me explain.

So these scams are nothing more than a revolving door of shit products being sold the same way, over and over.


One day the link will take you to Slimfit 180, and the next it’s for a product called Turmeric Diet Forskolin. A few days later you’ll get Thermo Burn, and on and on.

And they each pretend to be published on some reputable blog or website.

Take Slimfit 180 for instance…

The shark tank scam for slimfit 180 pretends to be published on reputable blog

And next we have Thermo Burn.

Similar product, same scam…

Ad for Thermo burn on fake shark tank

And finally we have Turmeric Diet Forskolin…

Turmeric Diet Forskolin Shark Tank scam

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what they’re up to. Also, did you notice those URL’s? They’re all fakes too, as they don’t link to the real publications.

Alright, in the interest of time, I’m going to expose just ONE of these scam products today. Let’s stick with Slimfit 180 so you can see how this whole thing works.

The Big Claims of Slimfit 180

This is the slimfit 180 bottle

According to the ‘news story’, the Shark Tank judges were amazed at how Slimfit 180 does all of the following:

  • Helps Stop Fat Product (Ummm, that’s not even English)
  • Get Rid of Cravings
  • Speeds Up Metabolism
  • Increases Serotonin Levels For Emotional Eaters
  • Increases Energy Levels
  • Improves Sleep
  • Made From 100% Garcinia Cambogia

But how does the product work? Like a dream of course…

Slimfit 180 scam promises you will lose weight fast

Look, there’s no pill on Earth that can give you those results if you don’t make major changes to your lifestyle and eating habits. Period.


“The pair are the first contestants in the show’s long duration to ever receive a standing ovation and offers of investment from all five panel members. The sisters said they celebrated the success with champagne and cake when the episode wrapped.”

They say it’s 100% Garcinia Cambogia, which is just lazy. At least throw a couple more ingredients in there to make it believable.

WebMd on Garcinia Cambogia, an ingredient in Slimfit 180

Weight loss supplements almost always have this one ingredient. Nothing fancy, nothing groundbreaking. Tell us more about your miracle weight loss pill that got backed $5+ million by the sharks on shark tank!

They even include fake ‘Before & After’ photos and testimonials.

Like this one…

A fake testimonial and before and after of slimfit shark tank scam

And this one…

Another fake before and after of slimfit Shark Tank weight loss scam

And for good measure, this one too..

One lady claims to have lost several pounds on slimfit 180

How to KNOW it’s Complete B.S.

Red Flag #1 – The Shark Tank episode doesn’t exist

First off, in all of my searching, I couldn’t find this Shark Tank episode anywhere online.

I Googled Shark Tank + Slimfit 180 and got nothing…

The Slimfit 180 Shark Tank episode doesn't exist because it's a scam

I also searched for Williams sisters + Shark Tank and came up dry…

The Williams sisters were never on Shark Tank to pitch slimfit 180

Hmmm… something smells a little fishy.

So I did some more investigative work and found the REAL ‘Williams sisters’. Here’s a video of the actual Shark Tank episode.


Their names are actually Shelly Hyde and Kara Haught, and coincidentally, they are sisters.

I even found their Instagram account! (That’s not weird, right? Hey, don’t judge me, someone’s gotta do it.)

The real williams sisters did not pitch Slimfit 180 on Shark Tank

They run a company called Raising Wild, and they sell swimsuits, NOT Slimfit 180 weight loss supplements.

The real williams sisters sell swimsuits, not Slimfit 180

Red Flag #2 – Fake Before & After photos

Remember those Before and After photos that I shared above? Well, I ran a quick ‘Reverse Image Search’ on Google and here’s what I found…

Fake before and after testimonials for Slimfit 180

No, not Slimfit 180.

How about this one…

Another fake testimonial for slimfit 180

Nope, that one seems to be for a product called 1-month weight loss.

Well, maybe this one?

Fake Slimfit before and after image

Trim Biofit is definitely NOT Slimfit 180.

Anyhow, I’m sure you get the picture (no pun intended).

Unfortunately, this is a common tactic of supplement scammers. They take any ol’ before & after photo found online, and they play it off as if their customers got those results.

When in reality, their ‘customers’ are sitting at home, as overweight as ever, wondering how they got stuck in this vicious cycle of recurring payments for a product that doesn’t even exist!

Can you tell I’m upset?


Red Flag #3 – Fake Facebook comments

Now, what ‘news story’ would be complete without absolutely glowing social media comments? Well, glowing, but bogus.

To add a little ‘street cred’ to their offer, the Slimfit 180 advertisement includes a big fat list of Facebook comments. Check it out…

Slimfit 180 scam includes fake facebook comments

Fake-tastic. How do I know? Well, these are the same exact comments listed on SO many supplement scams.

Also, don’t they just sound fake? I mean, c’mon… “Thank you for sharing this tip! I just ordered Slimfit 180.” Barf.

But more to the point, if you try to add a comment of your own, it doesn’t let you. That’s because it’s not a live-feed of comments. Nope. It’s just an image of a bunch of fake posts.

Slimfit 180 includes fake facebook comments in the shark tank scam

The best (worst?) scams play to this desire… that is, the desire we have for our decisions to be validated by others. If so-and-so got results, dang right I can get results too! This is a common tactic to look out for.

Red Flag #4 – Never pay for a ‘free trial’!

So you’re scrolling down through the ‘news story’, and at the bottom of the page there’s the Call-to-Action to buy the product.

Wait a minute. Red flag city, right? I mean, why would a ‘news story’ try to sell you anything? It wouldn’t.

But in the alternate universe that is Slimfit 180… it does.

So here you are, chomping at the bit to buy this miracle pill that will melt away your body fat quick. And heck, it’s a ‘free trial’ so what could go wrong? All you have to do is pay a measly $4.95 for shipping and handling.

Slimfit 180 scam offers 'free trial' of fake product

It’s a good deal all right… but I can assure you, it’s a deal with the devil. And you know what mama says about making deals with the devil.

Anytime a company/product asks you to pay S&H for a ‘free trial’, just don’t. If you do, you’ve not only taken the bait, you’re now reeled in and flopping around on the scammer’s boat.

Here’s what I mean. Somewhere in the super-fine print, probably hidden on another page, they’ve written that your credit card will be charged each month for another bottle at full price. Month after month after month.


Of course it might say you can cancel at anytime. But good luck with that one. Like everything else, the customer service number is fake. And even if you do get someone on the phone, I can guarantee they’ll give you the runaround all day long, and you will likely never see your money again.

Long story short, whenever you’re tempted to pull out your credit card for a fat burner pill that promises the world (for $4.95!), just remember it’s probably a S.C.A.M. which stands for ‘Shit, Can I have My Money Back?’ Well, not really, but you get my point.

Do not pay for a free trial with scams like Slimfit 180

Another Common Scam Tactic

At this point, we’ve seen Slimfit 180 try just about everything in the book to bilk you of your hard-earned money. Surprisingly though, they didn’t do a whole lot of this next tactic.

Fake celebrity endorsements.

And I’m not talking about washed up celebrities like that one guy from ‘Who’s the Boss’. I’m talking A-list celebs like Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah. Freeking. Winfrey.

Supplement scammers like Slimfit 180 use fake celebrity endorsements

While this celebrity endorsement is for Turmeric Diet Forskolin, remember it’s all the same thing. See the URL? Just another fake Shark Tank story.

Not into Oprah? How about Melissa McCarthy of ‘Brides Maids’ fame? The once super-sized superhero dropped a ton of weight… all thanks to Slimfit 180! 😉

Melissa Mccarthy never endorsed slimfit or any weight loss product

OK — while she did lose a bunch of weight, it was probably because she started exercising and eating healthy. So good on you, Melissa. Lookin’ great.

And last but not least… they did the unthinkable… they even put words in Sandra Bullock’s mouth. Bastards.

Sandra Bullock did not endorse slimfit 180, it's a scam

Of course, this HAS to be fake. Since when did Sandra Bullock ever need to lose weight? Pshhh. She’s always had the perfect body. And that’s just the fact of the matter.

The lesson here is that supplement scammers will go to ANY length to earn your trust. In fact, I recently exposed a product that used a dead guy (who happened to be a Nobel-prize winner) to push their products. How low can you go?

Here’s the truth

Beware of Fake Shark Tank success stories of weight loss supplements

It’s a scam, we’ve established that. But it’s important to know your fate if you ever fall victim.

Here’s what people are saying about these fake Shark Tank scams

Sandra below is red in the ears, and she already has her pitchfork in hand! She says we should take it up to the Attorney General. Good idea, but the problem is these scam artists really know how to cover their tracks.

Slimfit 180 is a scam that's affecting many people

One guy was so pissed that he got scammed that he vowed to never watch Shark Tank again. Little did he realize, Shark Tank has almost nothing to do with these scams. This goes to show just how confusing it all can be, and the toll it takes psychologically.

Shark Tank has nothing to do with the Slimfit 180 scam

Here’s another one for you. Different product, same scam. Notice a theme? Everyone is absolutely shocked and aghast at the deplorable ‘techniques’ of the scammers.

Slimfit 180 scam review

But wait… is their day of reckoning coming???

Slimfit is allegedly getting sued by Shark Tank investors

That would be Shark Tank investors Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban he’s referring to. And perhaps it’s true, as Mr. Cuban has said in the past that he would ‘crush’ scam artists. Source


It’s probably VERY obvious by now how I feel about these fake products taking people’s money.

Slimfit 180 is most certainly a bonafide scam. There is no such thing as the Williams sisters Shark Tank episode, it never happened.


In fact, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen the Shark Tank name being used to deceptively promote products.

I’ve seen testosterone boosters like Test X Core being pitched the EXACT same way.

Slimfit 180 weight loss supplement is pulling no punches when it comes to skeevy ways of scamming innocent people. They use fake headlines and bogus news stories, fraudulent celebrity endorsements, fake before & after photos, and even made-up Facebook comments/testimonials.

It’s really pretty scary, so I hope this article really educated you on what to look out for so that you don’t get shark bit!

I hope this article educates you on the fake shark tank scams

If you want to save others from falling for this scam, I IMPLORE you to PLEASE:

Share / Like this page on Facebook. Tweet it to your friends. And email it to everyone you know.

Resources To Use if you’ve been scammed by the shark tank weight loss pills scheme:

Report them to the FTC – If you want to file a complaint, simply visit the FTCs’ website and let them here your story.

Report them to the FDA here – While they won’t be able to do much to help you get your money back, they CAN get the pills pulled off the market so that they can’t get anyone else sucked in.

Get in touch with your states attorney general – You may be able to get the guys responsible for putting up these fake ads about shark tank weight loss pills.

Leave a comment below – The more people that know about this scam the better!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Fitmiss Tone Review

There seems to be a million fat burners and weight loss pills out there to choose from.

For those of you who are tirelessly searching for the best supplement for the job; it can feel like an endless struggle.

It’s because I understand the woes of locating a effective fat burner, that I have written this review about Fitmiss Tone. This product claims to help you slim down and tone up fast.

So, relax. You are in safe hands here…

I am going to tell you all you need to know about Fitmiss Tone, so you know whether or not this is a contender, or simply a waste of everyone’s time.

Let’s face it. No one has the time to waste when it comes to getting in shape.


Your reason for wanting to drop those excess pounds doesn’t matter. It could be a school reunion or an upcoming prom, either way the end goal is the same.

To look as fit and hot as possible.

fitmiss tone for women

So many people have tried those useless starvation diets, cabbage soup and juices for a month or whatever.

And, yeah. Of course you lose weight when you are just eating cabbages.

But it doesn’t last, does it? It never does.

What you really need is a product that can have your back. One that can help you melt away that unsightly fat and keep it off. For good this time.

Basically, you want to get your hands on a fat burner that actually does what it promises to do.

Not much to ask, right?

I don’t think so.

So, regardless of your reasons for wanting to slim down – let’s find out whether Fitmiss Tone can walk the talk.

Fitmiss Tone is made by a company who call themselves “Muscle Pharm”.

Kinda catchy I guess.

They are based in sunny California.

According to their website, they are known as “the athletes company” within the sports nutrition world.

We are not sure that is true, but we guess it doesn’t matter.

Their products are sold in over 100 countries globally, which is pretty impressive.

They have a male centric product range, as well as the female centric range “Fitmiss”.

Of course, this is where our subject for the day, Fitmiss Tone, finds itself.

The company website is a little garish, lots of acid greens and bright pinks, depending on which range you are viewing.

To be honest, it started to give us a bit of a headache.

But it’s time to move on anyway.

Let’s dive in and find out what exactly Fitmiss Tone is and whether it can help you lose weight!

What Is Fitmiss Tone?

Fitmiss Tone is a fat burning supplement which is marketed exclusively toward women.

fitmiss tone reviews

It claims to be able to help you:

  • Burn fat
  • Maintain lean muscle mass
  • Charge up metabolism

Sound familiar?

Of course it does, this is what every other supplement you have looked at say’s it can do!

Related Article:  11 BEST Fat Burners For Women


By now, you should know that, just like superheroes, a supplements’ real power comes from within.

It’s what’s inside that counts – the formula.

It doesn’t matter what these pills say they can do. They must have the ingredients to back themselves up.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s take a look at what is inside Fitmiss Tone.

What Are The Ingredients In Fitmiss Tone?

The blend of ingredients in Fitmiss Tone are quite unusual.

They are:

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Avocado Oil


Two of those ingredients are fats, right?


But, the immediate problem we come up against is that Fitmiss Tone use what is known as a “proprietary blend” called “CLA Fit Blend”.

Essentially, they list the ingredients under one dosage, so we have no idea how much of each one we are getting.

Yeah. We don’t like proprietary blends all that much, but that’s not to say we haven’t seen any good supplements which use them.

We are told that the CLA Fit Blend of the above ingredients totals 1000 mg altogether.

Of course, that could be 900 mg of olive oil for all we know.

Olive oil is an unusual ingredient in a fat burner. But after a little research, we found that olive oil contains oleic acid, which is known to help prevent hunger pangs and burn away belly fat.

fitmiss tone helps you lose weight

Then we have avocado oil. This is another healthy fat which has numerous health benefits, but not much that we could see regarding fat loss.

Finally that brings us to Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

What is Conjugated Linoleic Acid and how does it help with weight loss?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA is a popular supplement with bodybuilders looking to cut those last shreds of fat.

In fact, we’ve reviewed several CLA products, including FDS 3000 and CLA Extreme.

Studies have shown that this fatty acid can stimulate fat loss while also protecting lean muscle from being burned as an energy source.

This is super important if you are dieting and restricting calories.

Several studies have backed up the effectiveness of CLA for fat loss.

For example, one study with Chinese participants found that CLA supplementation over 12 weeks reduced BMI and body fat percentage with no adverse effects. Source

Another study showed that CLA over 6 months could reduce body fat and reduce the amount of weight gained over the holiday season. Source

This does sound appealing.


The big problem is that we can’t see how much CLA is in this supplement, there could be next to none of it for all we know.

Fitmiss Tone FAQs

How Do I Take It?

Fitmiss Tone should be taken three times per day; morning, noon and night. One capsule with a glass of water and a meal is the best method.

There are 60 capsules in each bottle, which means you will have a month supply.

How Long Does It Take To Start Working?

It is pretty impossible to say how quickly you will see results with Fitmiss Tone.

Just like any supplement, everyone is different and will see different results.

As always, you will see better results if you stick with it for a month or two and take good care of yourself.

We know being patient is tough, but seriously, you need to give these things time to see the rewards!

Do I Need To Eat Healthy and Exercise While Using Fitmiss Tone?

Do you really need to ask that question?

The answer is; of course!!

No fat burner in the universe is going to give you your dream body if you sit on your butt and eat pizza all day.

Be mindful of what you eat, get your heart rate up regularly and you are sure to see results.

Are There Any Side Effects?

That is certainly an important consideration when choosing a supplement.

However, we are dealing with a pretty un-threatening supplement here.

Fitmiss Tone contains no nasty chemicals or heart racing stimulants.

Aside from the food oils, there is only CLA left.

CLA is a relatively low dose such as this is very unlikely to cause you any issues.

In fact, the only side effect you may experience is finding it easier to go to the bathroom – due to all those slippery oils.

Can I Take Fitmiss Tone If I Have High Blood Pressure?

Because Fitmiss Tone is stimulant free, you should be all good with taking this product. However, as always, have a chat with your doctor first.

Better safe than sorry.

fitmiss tone blood pressure

The Fitmiss Tone ingredients list is very short and tame. Therefore, we think you needn’t worry about this too much.

Can I Take Fitmiss Tone With Alcohol?

Well, yes, you could.

But is that really gonna help you slim down?

Probably best to keep the alcohol consumption on the down low while you are trying to cut fat.

Fitmiss Tone Reviews

There are a good few Fitmiss Tone reviews on the internet.

I decided to grab a couple of the best ones and put them in this part of my review for you.

So, let’s take a look at the happy customers first.

fitmiss tone average amazon rating

As you can see, Amazon has an average star rating for Fitmiss Tone as 3.2 out of 5 stars.

Not mind blowing to be honest.

Here’s our first positive review.

positive review of fitmiss tone on amazon

This user was pleased with the results, but made clear that you need to work out too if you want the best results.

Just like we told you.

Then we have this reviewer, who has a pretty similar opinion.

another good review of fitmiss tone on amazon

In terms of the negative reviews, we found a few people who said they didn’t see any results at all…

negative fitmiss tone reviews on amazon

So, overall, it seems like you need to shed some sweat and take care of your diet if Fitmiss Tone is going to take care of you. We have to say there are quite a number of supplements with better reviews than fitmiss tone.

Where Can I Buy Fitmiss Tone?

Fitmiss Tone can be purchased on their official website, as well as on Amazon. Some other comparison websites may sell it, but it’s unlikely it will be from their own stock.

Amazon is a good and convenient option because of their fast shipping policies. We checked, and the listing on Amazon is an official one by Fitmiss brand themselves.

How Much Is Fitmiss Tone?

A one month supply of Fitmiss Tone will set you back $18.99 from the official website.

On Amazon, the price varies from $14.57 up to $17.00. Either way, Amazon is cheaper at the time of writing.

This is a very affordable supplement if you are new to the world of weight loss aids and want to give it a try without spending lots of money.

But it is worth bearing in mind that Fitmiss Tone is cheap because of a lack of ingredients.

Is There A Guarantee?


There is no guarantee to speak of on the Muscle Pharm or Fitmiss website. However, you are allowed to return the product within 90 days of purchase, so long as it is not more than 75% used.


Fitmiss Tone appears to be a lightweight fat burner which can help you burn a small amount of weight, but only if you put some effort in.

Being completely stimulant free, it is a good choice for women who tend to be more sensitive to those kind of ingredients.

The company is well respected and has a large number of products behind it.

Customer reviews were inconsistent so it is impossible to tell whether it will work for you or not.

I like the use of CLA as  the active ingredient. There are definitely harder hitting ingredients out there, but CLA is proven to help with fat loss. The problem is we don’t know how much CLA Fitmiss includes.

The other big fault with Fitmiss Tone is that it only includes 3 ingredients in total and avoids a whole host of the most proven fat loss ingredients out there.

Overall, Fitmiss Tone is a safe fat burner for females. It is also cheap!


If you want a weight loss pill which will give you results with less effort, you are probably better off going for one of the more premium fat burning supplements.

Have You Used Fitmiss Tone?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

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