Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge Review – Miracle or Myth?

Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge Overview

I swear it’s getting to be a daily occurrence. A new miracle supplement combo that all the celebrities are using to get lean, ripped, and cut. It’s almost to the point of comical. They use the same fake “article” every time. They just switch out yesterday’s products and replace them with the flavor of the day. What’s today’s flavor? Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge. And since we try to look at all the supplement options out there for you guys, we’re diving into this one today.

Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge ReviewWhat is Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge?

If you believe the “advertorial” (a made up word meaning advertisement/editorial), Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge is an amazing supplement stack with special powers to make you lean, cut, ripped, and strong. They each do their part individually, but the total result is far greater than the sum of it’s parts.

Testocore Advanced is the testosterone boosting part of the combination. Its ingredients include:

  • Zinc which the body needs for the reaction that naturally produces testosterone in the body.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which signals the body to increase its testosterone production.
  • Vitamin B6 which is a precursor to testosterone.
  • D-Aspartic Acid which has been shown to increase testosterone levels.

These are decent ingredients for a natural testosterone boosting supplement. The problem is that the formula is proprietary, which means that the ingredient amounts are not disclosed. But judging from the total mg of the proprietary formula, we can tell that the individual ingredient levels must be far too low to be effective.

Looking at the amount of each ingredient is just as important if not more important than what the formula is made of and makes all the difference in how effective a supplement is.

NO2 Surge is the pre workout part of the combination. It’s ingredients include:

  • Three kinds of L-Arginine which is a precursor to Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a vasodilator which means that it widens blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to your muscles, delivering more of the oxygen and nutrients your muscles need when you work out, so they can both work harder and recover faster. L-Arginine may also contribute to an increase in Human Growth Hormone levels.
  • L-Citrulline which increases muscle energy an improves muscle recovery.

Why Should You Use Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge?

Stacking a pre workout with a testosterone booster is actually a great technique. You take the testosterone booster (Testocore Advanced) daily as directed, and you take the pre workout (NO2 Surge) before workouts or before a meal on non-workout days. The increased testosterone and nitric oxide levels do indeed help you have better workouts, better recoveries, and better overall results.

Why Should You NOT Use Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge?

Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge are both on the right track in terms of what supplements you need to help build a better body. But their product formulas are limited and their prices are insane. Here’s how it works… You sign up for a free trial of each, Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge. They each charge you a nominal shipping fee and send you out the product. 14 days after the initial orders, if you haven’t called to cancel and shipped back the unused portion of product, they will each charge your credit card the ridiculous amount of $160 and $120 respectively.


Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge are okay, but they are simply not worth this kind of money, or the hassle involved in (often unknowingly) being signed up for a trial you didn’t intend to sign up for. Absolutely, think about using a testosterone booster/NO booster stack,but Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge is not the one.

If you do decide to give it a shot, look out to make sure that you are not signing up for anything that you didn’t mean to and aren’t being billed accordingly.

Have You Used Testocore Advanced and NO2 Surge? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Ultimate Muscle Black Edition Review – Does It Work?

Ultimate Muscle Black Edition Overview

If you’ve been involved in the bodybuilding community for any amount of time, you know that supplements are a big part of the culture. There are plenty of guys who juice, but more and more, they see the drawbacks and decide that the gains may just not be worth it. But they still want something to take them to the next level, so they search for the ultimate supplement, the one that can give them strength and energy, motivation and power. I recently had a reader ask me to take a look into a pre workout supplement called Ultimate Muscle Black Edition to see if it could fit the bill.

Ultimate Muscle Black Edition is available online, and the official product website is where you can find most of the information you need to make an informed decision. They start with the promises which are indeed very promising. By using Ultimate Muscle Black Edition, you’ll:

  • Boost your energy and endurance.
  • See a great increase in strength.
  • Reduce body fat by preventing fat from being stored on your body.
  • Increase metabolism.
  • Build lean muscle.
  • Improve sex drive and performance.

Sounds great for sure. So the next thing we’ll do is take a look into the formula to see if it backs up the promises.

[vimeo 141957143 w=500 h=281]

Ultimate Muscle Black Edition Ingredients and How They Work

Ultimate muscle black reviewHere’s where things start to fall apart… quickly. There is no definitive ingredient information to be found online. They vaguely talk about natural ingredients with no toxins, but that’s as far as they go. Or is it? If you dig deeply, you find one specified ingredient called Creatine MagnaPower, which is a combination of creatine and magnesium. Creatine provides strength to muscles so you work out harder, gaining better results. Magnesium is an important nutrient for maintaining muscle mass. The magnesium also causes the creatine to be better and more easily absorbed, so it can be more effective.

That’s it, though. We can guess that Ultimate Muscle Black Edition contains L-Arginine to boost nitric oxide and maybe a testosterone boosting herb or two to increase strength and virility, but we do not have actual knowledge that these are used.

I finally got around to buying a bottle, and here’s the full list of ingredients:  BCAA blend, which is comprised of L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine.  It also contains 100 mg of D-Ribose, click here to see a picture of the Ultimate Muscle Black Edition label.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase Ultimate Muscle Black Edition through its official website or one of its affiliates. There is a 14-day free trial option, but it involves signing you up for automatic monthly shipments for $89.43 each starting just 14 days after you place your initial free trial order. We don’t recommend signing up for these trial, and we talk about how deceptive they are in our “1 Weird Tip To Boost Muscle” article.

The terms are usually quite difficult to find, and they are extremely difficult to adhere to. Ultimate Muscle Black Edition also allows you to buy bottles outright. A one month supply is $89.99, but you can get 3 bottles for $114.99, just $25 more.

Ultimate Muscle Black Edition Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ultimate Muscle Black Edition

  • There’s a money back guarantee, and a free trial is not the only ordering option.

Disadvantages of Ultimate Muscle Black Edition

  • It is pushed as a free trial offer that lock you into monthly shipments at $90 a pop.
  • The ingredient list is not disclosed.
  • It’s very expensive, unless you buy multiple bottles at once. Then it becomes quite a bit cheaper.
  • There are no Ultimate Muscle Black Edition reviews from customers which is always a red flag. If this stuff is so great, customers would be saying so on websites and forums.


There are some quality bodybuilding supplements to choose from. And then there are marketers looking to make quick buck in this multibillion dollar industry. Ultimate Muscle Black Edition belongs to the second category. There’s no reason to spend $90 or even $10 on a product like Ultimate Muscle Black Edition that doesn’t disclose its ingredient list, at least not until you buy it!

I recommend that everyone stick with products that put their ingredients list on front street so that you can decide for yourself and do your own research into the formula before deciding whether or not you should throw down your hard earned cash.

There is no telling whether or not you are allergic or intolerant to a product, or that it is not going to interact with medications that you are currently taking unless you are able to clearly see everything that it is made of for yourself before ingesting it on your own.

Have You Used Ultimate Muscle Black Edition? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean Review

Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean Overview

If one latest miracle weight loss product is good, then two miracle weight loss products together must be better, right? Well, not so fast. As I’m sure you know, every so often – pretty frequently actually – an incredible new discovery is made in the world of weight loss supplementation. Sometimes is a natural ingredient that’s been around for centuries and just now having all it’s benefits discovered and put to use by modern science. And sometimes it’s more of a technological advance or scientific breakthrough that’s responsible for the new wonder product. This time, we’re talking about two weight loss fad products, and they both fall into the natural category.

Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean are each becoming very popular in their own rights. And they both owe a lot of their publicity to Dr. Oz, who has touted their benefits individually on his show. Each in their own way, it would seem that Green Coffee Bean and Garcinia Cambogia can contribute to your weight loss efforts.

What is Simply Green Coffee Bean?

Simply Green Coffee Bean comes from the unroasted coffee been. Recently its derivative underwent a small study that demonstrated that with no change in diet and participating in a moderate exercise program, people taking green coffee bean lost more weight than people taking a placebo. On top of that, people taking a higher dose of it lost more weight than those taking a lower dose. The study was small, but it definitely shows some promise.

garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean reviewIt’s the Chlorogenic Acid in the beans, and what it does is slow the absorption of glucose, which allows the body to more efficiently use fat and glycogen stores for energy. It’s also a powerful antioxidant to help prevent cellular damage. Once the coffee beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acid is essentially gone, and contrary to what a lot of people believe, it’s not caffeine that makes Green Coffee Bean work. In fact, most supplements of this kind only have about 15 mg of caffeine per serving.

What is Simply Garcinia?

Simply Garcinia comes from the Tamarind fruit and it’s known for containing Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) HCA is an effective appetite suppressant and it also prevents the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. Another benefit of Simply Garcinia is increased serotonin levels, which helps with both appetite suppression and motivation.

Garcinia Cambogia has been taken for centuries, but it hasn’t really undergone much in the way of clinical testing.

Should You Take Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean Together?

One of the most common misconceptions about supplements is that if they’re natural, they must be safe. This is just not true. There are plenty of natural substances that are poison. Take arsenic for example. So it’s important to understand that there are risks that may come with taking supplements, especially when you combine them.

That being said, Garcinia has been used for many many years and the most commonly cited side effect is stomach upset, and it’s pretty mild. GCBE has been studied a bit and determined to be safe, but the studies have only been done on a short term basis, so long term effects are not known. As far as taking Green Coffee Bean and Garcinia Cambogia together goes, they are different enough in ingredient and effect to be used together to effectively help you lose weight.

Our Problem With This Combo

While the combo itself might actually work, it’s the marketing behind it that has me a little fumed.  You likely have been seeing all sorts of ads on Yahoo and other places saying that celebrities ranging from Usain Bolt, Lebron James, and even Jonah Hill talking about this supposed “miracle combo”.  When you click on the ad it takes you to a page that seemingly looks like the ESPN website.

I say “seemingly” because it’s not actually the REAL ESPN website.  What do I mean by this?  Well, try to click around on this “ESPN” site…if you don’t have the page open anymore (which I’m guessing is the case), here’s a quick youtube vid I made about it:


Are Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean the new miracle cure for fat? No. The only way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you use. This means you need to eat less and exercise more. Everything else is must an add on. But supplements are great for helping you get motivated or to get past a plateau, and the combination of Green Coffee Bean and Garcinia Cambogia may indeed be useful.

Have You Used Simply Garcinia and Simply Green Coffee Bean? Leave A Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Phentramin D Review – Does It Work?

Phentramin D Overview

When a weight loss product available only by prescription becomes very well known for its effectiveness and real results, there will be supplement companies offering up the closest thing they can that doesn’t require a prescription. It happens all the time, and they usually give their product a name very similar to the prescription product’s name. Phentramin D is no exception. Made by Lazarus Labs, Phentramin D promises to be every bit as effective as Phentermine, but in a “barely legal” formula that allows it to be available over the counter.

Related Article:  8 BEST Over The Counter Phentermine Alternatives

The Phentramin D webpage on the Lazarus Labs website explains that Phentramin D, even though it takes it name from just one, it is actually is modeled after fully 3 effective weight loss products. By taking it, you’ll suppress your appetite, increase your energy, boost your metabolism, and burn more fat than you previously though possible. So what exactly is in this stuff?

Phentramin D ReviewPhentramin D Ingredients and How They Work

The Phentramin D formula is a proprietary blend that includes:

  • Phenylethylamine (PEA) which can actually break down fat cells so they can be used for energy. This makes it powerful for both burning fat and providing energy.
  • 1,3,7 Trimethylxanthine
  • Hordenine
  • Synephrine which is a stimulant similar to ephedra. It suppresses your appetite and gives you energy and motivation through the day.
  • Yohimbine which is also a stimulant for that metabolism boost and extra motivation.

The recommended dose is 1 Phentramin D pill with 8 ounces of water about 20 minutes before breakfast and one pill with 8 ounces of water about 20 minutes before lunch or sometime in the early afternoon. Because of the stimulants, you should avoid taking it too late in the day. And while the ingredients are thought to be generally safe, you should not take it if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or are taking any prescription medications.

Phentramin D Pros and Cons

Advantages of Phentramin D

  • Phentramin D reviews show that it does work to boost energy and suppress appetite, and there aren’t too many complaints about side effects like there are with some other weight loss products.
  • There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.
  • There are plenty of appetite suppressing ingredients.
  • The price is within the normal range.

Disadvantages of Phentramin D

  • Some people may find it to have too many stimulants.
  • It contains Yohimbe, which the FDA recommends against because it can cause dangerous side effects including a severe drop in blood pressure, especially in people with certain conditions. The label warns against using Phentramin D if you have any of these conditions, and recommends that you discuss it with your doctor if you take any prescription medications.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Phentramin D online through the Lazarus Labs website. A one month supply of 60 pills sells for $67.


Phentramin D is an effective appetite suppressant/fat burner for people looking to lose significant amounts of weight. If you do choose to use it, I would recommend that you only use it short term, and that you start with maybe half a pill to see how well your body tolerates it.

Have You Used Phentramin D? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Zantrex Black Review – The Best Zantrex Yet?


Side Effects
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Zantrex Black Overview

Zantrex is a very popular, yet controversial weight loss supplement made by Zoller Labs.

First there was the original Zantrex 3 in the red bottle, which we’ve actually tested.

zantrex 3 red bottle

The side effects of the red bottle were just too much for some, and here’s just a sample of some of them that were left on our site back in 2015.

zantrex 3 side effects

Then there was Zantrex 3 Blue which was the company’s answer to complaints of side effects caused by original.

zantrex 3 blue bottle

The blue bottle is a GREAT fat burner, and is actually one of the best fat burners for women we’ve ever tested.

Now there’s Zantrex Black, the Accelerated Rapid Release Formula.

zantrex black review

All three of the products in the line have the same stated goals, which are to:

    • Burn fat
    • Decrease appetite
    • Give you energy
    • Help you lose weight

But they each approach it in a different way. We’ve reviewed Red and Blue in the past.We’ve even compared them.

zantrex red vs blue bottles
So this time, we’re primarily dealing with Zantrex Black.

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Zantrex Black, as stated above, is the option for people who want a fast acting weight loss supplement that they can use in conjunction with any sensible weight loss product. The focus is on the quickness of both the initial energy boost, and the weight loss. So if you’re looking for instant gratification, Zantrex Black is the one to choose.

Zantrex Black Ingredients and How They Work

Of course, the most important factor in whether or not a supplement works is the formula, so let’s get right to it.

Here’s a quick look at the label:

Zantrex Black Ingredients

The Zantrex Black formula includes:

  • Niacin which increases blood flow. It’s actually known to sometimes cause a warm “niacin fliush” where your skin gets a little red and tingly from the blood rushing through the blood vessels.
  • Protein:  I’m not even sure why they included this as an ingredient in Zantrex Black, mainly because it only contains 0.5 grams.  This dose is nowhere close to making any sort of reasonable difference.

The Zantrex Black Proprietary Blend which provides several sources of caffeine including:

  • Green Tea which also provides fat burning, antioxidant ECGCs which have been shown to burn fat.
  • Guarana Seed Extract:  Commonly found in many other fat burners like Slim Trim and 1 M.R., Guarana is basically a stimulant that contains chemicals similar to caffeine.
  • Yerba Mate Leaf Extract:  Another stimulant which is actually rich in antioxidants due to its high concentration of polyphenols.
  • Black Tea Leaf Extract
  • Kola Seed Extract
  • Trimethylxanthine (which is the chemical name for pure caffeine).

And other ingredients including:

  • Maca Root Extract which increases the release of dopamine from the brain. This improves mood and motivation to curb emotional eating.
  • Asian Ginseng Root which also improves blood flow to supply more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles while working out.
  • Damiana Leaf Extract which elevates mood and suppresses appetite. It may also inhibit the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
  • Schizonepeta Flower Extract which is commonly used for colds and sore throats, but doesn’t seem to have a connection with weight loss that I’ve been able to find.
  • Black Pepper which helps increase thermogenic activity in the body.
  • Rhodiola Crenulata Root Extract which relieves anxiety and helps burn fat.
  • Cacao Seed Extract which can reduce the production of fat cells.

Clearly, the formula is very caffeine heavy, but because it’s all couched within a proprietary blend, we don’t know any real numbers or actual amounts.

The whole blend totals 1,160 mg, and about half the ingredients are basically caffeine, but since they don’t reveal the amounts, we don’t know how much caffeine they’re putting in Zantrex Black.

Given that this is a Zantrex product, famous for being pretty speedy, my guess is it’s a lot.

How To Take Zantrex Black

The recommended dose is 2 softgels taken about 15 minutes before main meals.

zantrex black directions

You can take 1 or 2 as needed for energy, but it is not recommended that you take more than 6 in one day.

There is also a recommendation that you avoid additional caffeine when taking Zantrex Black. I would also add another caution against taking Zantrex Black too close to bedtime. I would imagine it would interfere with a good night’s sleep.

Zantrex Black Reviews

Next to the formula, which we now know is extremely stimulant-heavy, the second most important factor in determining whether or not Zantrex Black is any good is what kind of feedback it gets from actual customers.

We’ve actually had about 40 people leave reviews of Zantrex Black on our site.

On the one had you have the positive experiences, like this one:

zantrex black review

And this one:


And on the other hand, you have the NEGATIVE experiences that some have encountered:

zantrex black bad review

And this one:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2014/06/negative

The positive Zantrex Black reviews outweigh the negative ones at about a 10:1 ratio, but I mean come on…

We’re not talking about people just saying things like:

  • It didn’t work for me
  • I didn’t feel any effects
  • Doesn’t work

Instead we’re seeing things about blood pressure skyrocketing and near death experiences.

Since Zantrex Black is sold at Amazon.com, there are dozens of reviews to look at, and the opinions are widely varied when compared to the reviews on our site.

There are almost as many 1-star reviews as there are 5-star ones.

customer reviews of zantrex black on amazon average rating

First here are a couple of the raves, all from verified purchases:

amazon 5 star review of Zantrex Black


And here’s some of the feedback from unhappy customers:

negative reviews of zantrex black on amazon

As mentioned earlier, we actually have about 40 customer reviews posted below, and the vast majority reflect those on Amazon.

Something important to make note of in the reviews is that even people that like Zantrex Black mention the side effects. It’s mainly a matter of degree of tolerability that determines whether or not the reviews are good or bad. There seems to be little question that Zantrex Black can increase your energy, and that’s the primary benefit users talk about. But for some, the side effects are too much.

Zantrex Black Side Effects

There’s a lot of caffeine in Zantrex Black, so anyone who’s sensitive to the stuff should beware. If you want to avoid jitters, a racing heartbeat, and sleeplessness, you may want to start out with just one pill at first. That way, any side effects you do face will be mild and hopefully won’t last as long. You’ll also want to stay away from additional sources of caffeine, such as coffee and soda.

The other common side effect is known as “The Niacin Flush”, which we talked about earlier.

The Zantrex Black formula has 30 mg, which is 150% of the daily recommended amount.

This much niacin often makes your skin red and makes you feel like your skin is burning up. The feeling should only last a few minutes, but it can be very unpleasant, and even a little scary for some people. Some users expect it, and just let it happen, knowing it will pass. For others, it’s too uncomfortable and turns them away from the product altogether.

Zantrex Black Pros and Cons

Advantages of Zantrex Black

  • It’s affordable.
  • Just about every Zantrex Black review from a customer that I’ve seen says it works as a great appetite suppressant. Most people say it practically eliminates their appetites.

Disadvantages of Zantrex Black

  • It’s got a boatload of caffeine, though we don’t know exactly how much because each of its caffeine sources are included in the proprietary blend that doesn’t offer amounts.
  • Lots of people get side effects like stomach aches, headaches, and dizziness.
  • You need to eliminate other sources of caffeine while you’re taking it.

Zantrex Black Compared With Zantrex Red and Zantrex Blue

Almost nobody questions whether or not each of these products woks for energy and appetite suppression. They all work. So we move on to side effects. People who are sensitive to stimulants will have about an equal (and not pleasant) reaction to the Red and the Black. And they both work very well. Zantrex Blue works as well, but seems to come with fewer problems.

Where to Buy

You can buy Zantrex Black in stores  like Walmart, Target, and CVS or online directly through the product site or through sites like Amazon.com. A bottle of 84 softgels sells for about $25 or less depending on where you go.

This is pretty low compared to similar products, but if that deters you, it shouldn’t necessarily because it is pretty effective in the short term.

Prices don’t vary too much so where you choose will come down to a matter of convenience.


Zantrex Black works. But anyone who doesn’t react well to caffeine or isn’t fond of the jittery feeling that certain stimulants cause will not feel good taking Zantrex Black. Even for people who don’t mind the feeling, I would recommend you treat Zantrex Black as a short term supplement to boost your efforts or push you through a stubborn plateau.

It’s not the kind of supplement you want to be taking month after month. The heavy stimulant effects will probably keep you from wanting to take it month after month anyway, that is.

And if you do decide to try it, do so with caution. Start with just one pill so you can experience any side effects more mildly. Be prepared for the Niacin Flush. Drink a good amount of water and wait it out. It shouldn’t be long, then you’ll be left with the energy and appetite suppression you’re looking for.

Have You Used Zantrex Black? Leave Your Review Below

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Reveal Accelerator Review – Should You Use It?

Reveal Accelerator Overview

Reveal Accelerator is a weight loss supplement offered by Complete Nutrition. They make lots of weight loss products, and sometimes it’s a challenge to find the unique selling point of a particular product when a brand has so many. Reveal Accelerator is part of a 3 part weight loss system that includes The Toner and The Night Time Formula as well. For this review, we’re just taking on the Reveal Accelerator.

Reveal Accelerator is the standard appetite suppressant, fat burner, energy booster part of the Reveal Extreme Program. You take it daily in the morning to give you energy for workouts and help with eating less throughout the day. It also helps your body burn energy so it doesn’t get stored on your body as fat.

Reveal Accelerator ReviewReveal Accelerator Ingredients and How They Work

The Reveal Accelerator formula contains:

  • Caffeine, a stimulant commonly found in weight loss supplements for its ability to increase energy, metabolism, and fat burning in your bodu.
  • Ashwagandha Extract which combats anxiety that can lead to emotional eating.
  • White Willow Bark Extract which is similar to aspirin in that it is an anti-inflammatory.
  • Synephrine which is a stimulant similar to Ephedra but not at this time banned. It suppresses appetite and increases fat burning.
  • L-Tyrosine which is an amino acid that helps maintain lean muscle mass.
  • Yohimbex which is a stimulant that increases heart rate and energy.
  • Vinerol which is an antioxidant.
  • Thyrostim which encourages the activity of the thyroid gland for maintaining and regulating metabolism

Reveal Accelerator Pros and Cons

Advantages of Reveal Accelerator

  • The ingredients are all disclosed.

Disadvantages of Reveal Accelerator

  • The formula contains several stimulants, which could lead you to becoming overstimulated with symptoms such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, jitters, and dizziness.
  • There really aren’t postive Reveal Accelerator reviews floating around out there.
  • You cannot purchase it through the Complete Nutrition website. You have to find it in a store.

Where to Buy

Most Complete Nutrition products are available to be purchased online through their website. This is not the case with Reveal Accelerator. The entire Reveal Extreme program must be purchased in a store that carries it. You can check where these stores are located through the Complete Nutrition website.


All those stimulants are probably just going to be too much for some people. Given that, and the difficulty involved in tracking it down, I would recommend that there are far better options for weight loss than Reveal Accelerator and the program it comes with.

Have You Used Reveal Accelerator? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Mega Shred Review – Does It Work?

Mega Shred Overview

Every time you turn around, there’s a new and/or different weight loss supplement that catches your attention. You hope there’s something different about it, something that sets it apart. Sometimes there is, and sometimes there isn’t. That’s why it’s nice to have a place like this where you can come to see what’s out there and which ones a worth looking at and using and which ones you ought to just leave on the virtual shelf.

Mega Shred is from Complete Nutrition which is a company with a pretty impressive stable of nutritional supplements. They’ve got supplements from weight loss through body building to joint relief and everything in between. Generally, this is a good thing for customers. It means they want to maintain a positive reputation with their customers, so they have to produce decent products and they have to maintain a certain level of customer service as well. With that in mind, let’s dive right in and look at what Mega Shred does.

Mega Shred ReviewMega Shred Benefits

Mega Shred is not your typical weight loss supplement, and it’s not your typical bodybuilding supplement either. It’s kind of a hybrid of the two. The promise of Mega Shred is that you’ll maintain lean muscle mass, enhance muscle definition and reduce your body fat for a fitter, healthier looking you.

These promises are not that much different than just about any weight loss supplement despite the fact that they claim to be quite unique, so let’s see what it is made out of and whether or not that is enough to set it apart from the competition.

Mega Shred Ingredients and How They Work

The Mega Shred formula consists of 2 proprietary blends that combine to make this a pretty unique weight loss product.

The MimiCarb Anti-Catabolic Complex gives you a healthy energy source so you have a direct source of energy that won’t end up left on your body as fat. The result is fat burning with no muscle loss. It’s made up of:

  • Medium Chain Triglycerides
  • Lauric Acid
  • Oleic Acid
  • Muristic Acid
  • Linoleic Acid
  • Caprylic Acid
  • Capric Acid

The Liqui-Lean Muscle Cutting Blend reduces the amount of fat transferred from the blood stream to fat cells, which then stimulates the breakdown of stored fat. It includes:

  • Omega 3, Alpha Linoleic Acid
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Gamma Linoleic Acid

Instructions are to take 2 liquid soft gels in the morning and another 2 before working out.

Mega Shred Pros and Cons

Advantages of Mega Shred

  • It encourages fat loss and muscle retention if you work out.
  • There are no harsh stimulants.
  • It’s made by Complete Nutrition, a company with a reputation to protect.

Disadvantages of Mega Shred

  • There are plenty of negative Mega Shred reviews from customers who say it did absolutely nothing.
  • It’s expensive and recommended as part of a stack, not really meant as a standalone product.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Mega Shred through the Complete Nutrition website.  The 90 count bottle costs $49.99.


When something so expensive gets more bad reviews than good, it becomes a tough supplement to recommend. Mega Shred is unique in its approach, and that can be a good thing, but only if it actually works. This doesn’t seem to be the case with Mega Shred.

Have You Used Mega Shred? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Mental Bright Review – The Ultimate Nootropic Supplement?

There has been an explosion of all natural supplements for men and women suffering from ADD/ADHD related issues in the last 5 years, and there is no sign of things slowing down. One recent supplement we had a chance to test is called Mental Bright. This all natural formula boasts a number of benefits including increased concentration and focus, improved memory, and cognitive enhancement. But can an over the counter remedy really work as effectively as a prescription drug that is used to treat the same illness. Below is our complete and comprehensive review of Mental Bright, and how it may be the healthier alternative to treat your ADHD symptoms.

Want to skip through the fluff?  Click Here to see our personal test results with Mental Bright.  Note:  I received this bottle of Mental Bright free of charge, but I was not compensated for this review.

What is Mental Bright?

Mental Bright supplement reviewWhen it comes to “brain altering” supplements like this one, we always keep a keen eye on the ingredients and the claims. After all, we are dealing with your mental health here, and practically none of these supplements have been tested in a clinical setting, so it’s wise to approach with caution.

Mental Bright uses all natural ingredients like GCP Choline, DL-Choline Bitartrate, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A. To the ill-informed consumer, this ingredient list may sound a bit intimidating, especially given the fact that many of the ingredients are relatively unheard of.

I’ll attempt to give a short breakdown of what each of these ingredients are supposed to do below:

GPC Choline (50%): Otherwise known as Alpha-GPC, GPC Choline is a natural compound found in the brain that has actually been clinically studied in patients who have suffered a stroke or have Alzheimer’s disease. (Source: 1) In the study, patients were given a dose of 1000 mg of the substance per day for a period of 30 days, then increased the dosage to 1200 mg per day for 5 months.

The results were statistically significant because it showed over time that memory capacity and permanency could be restored to a significant degree. 1 capsule of Mental Bright contains 250 mg of GPC Choline, and you’re supposed to take 2 capsules 1 – 2 times per day, which would fall into the realm of the study mentioned above.

Vinpocetine: Vinpocetine is actually used as an anti-inflammatory and is widely known in the bodybuilding community to act as a potent vasodilator. Basically what this means is that it helps to increase blood flow to the brain, helping improve memory and cognition. None of these statements have been proven in a double blind clinical setting, so the claims are merely anecdotal in nature. (Source: 2)

Huperzine A: Huperzine A is another ingredient that is being studied in the treatment in Alzheimers disease, as well as helping with memory and learning enhancement and age related memory impairment. (source: 3)

Who Makes It?

Mental Bright is made by a company called Mental Sharp, LLC, and is registered in Texas. Lawson Gow, who is one of the co-founders of the company, developed this product as part of a final project for his business degree at Rice University in Houston, Texas.

They have enlisted the help of Dr. Darin Mitchell in the formulation of their product. Dr. Mitchell is a chiropractor who practices in the greater Houston area, and graduated Summa Cum Laude (with very great honor) from Texas Chiropractic College in 1997.

Reviews, Side Effects, Where To Buy, and More

Since this supplement is very new to the nootropics scene, there are practically no reviews (other than their website) online. It is not sold on amazon or ebay, and the only place we could find it available was on their official website, mentalbright.com.

One bottle of Mental Bright costs around $42.95, with a discount of about $6 if you order 2 bottles. They recommend that you take the supplement for at least 2 weeks before asking for a refund, and the product is guaranteed for 60 days.

The only downside to their guarantee is that you have to return the unused portion back to receive it, and refunds generally take about a week to be processed.

I went through all the ingredients, and the risk for side effects is quite low in my opinion. The only ingredient that I would hold caution against is caffeine, which for obvious reasons can cause a range of side effects. But it only contains about 75 mg of caffeine, which is equal to about 1 cup of coffee.

Our Personal Test Results

I had one of our staff members, Tracy, take Mental Bright for a period of 3 weeks to assess it’s effectiveness. Tracy is a college student who gets average grades, but does not suffer from ADD/ADHD, at least not in a clinical sense.

Below are the results of her experience with Mental Bright:

“The directions on the label said to take 2 capsules 1 to 2 times per day. I started taking 1 capsule first thing in the morning to see how that would affect me, and after about an hour I noticed a bit of an increase in energy, but not so much in focus.

By the 4th day I could start to feel a noticeable difference in my ability to focus on the dull things in my classes. I am currently taking a summer course in biology, and anyone who has ever taken a similar course knows it can be pretty boring.

After struggling with the course for the first few weeks, I started to feel like I was grasping the concepts a bit easier. My quiz results were starting to improve modestly by the end of the first week, and I could definitely feel like I was more “interested” in the class.

By the end of the 2nd week, I felt a bit of a difference remembering simple, but arbitrary things, like what I had for dinner the previous week. I could definitely sense a difference in my memory, both short and long term.

After 3 weeks of taking Mental Bright, I would definitely say that this has the potential to work for anyone who is looking to improve their ability to focus/concentrate on dull tasks, and also help to improve memory.

I personally did not get any negative side effects from taking Mental Bright.”


There are a lot of nootropic supplements on the market that claim to be the best. It’s hard to classify a supplement that has only been around on the market for 6 months as being “the best”, but Mental Bright sure has potential.

Based on our test result findings and research, I personally think that Mental Bright can work to not only help improve your ability to focus, but also the ability to give you the edge you’ve been looking for.

Have You Used Mental Bright? Leave Your Review Below!

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-GPC#Efficacy
2. http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-175-vinpocetine.aspx?activeIngredientId=175&activeIngredientName=vinpocetine
3. http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-764-HUPERZINE%20A.aspx?activeIngredientId=764&activeIngredientName=HUPERZINE%20A

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testo XL Review – Combine With HGH XL?

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the muscle building industry, you know all too well that when it comes to gaining size and strength, testosterone is a major game player.

Your testosterone levels are going to not only impact the strength and size increases you see from the gym, but will also influence how you feel on a day to day basis as well. Men who have declining testosterone levels, start to notice lack of aggressiveness, feelings of weakness, trouble sleeping, sexual dysfunction, as well as body fat gain.

Not a good picture at all.

This can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including increased alcohol consumption, insomnia, marijuana use, and even a lack of exercise.

Fortunately, with the right products, you can combat this. A properly formulated testosterone booster can increase the total concentration of this anabolic hormone in the body, yielding you far better results.

This said, one product you may come across is the Testo XL testosterone booster. Before you rush out to pick this one up however, let’s walk you through some of the key facts to know.

Up against high competition with other testosterone boosters on the market, you don’t want to use one that doesn’t compare.


What is Testo XL?
How To Take / Side Effects
Testo XL reviews
Where To Buy
What is HGH XL?
Pro’s and Con’s

What is Testo XL?

TestoXL is a relatively simple product that has one main mission: boosting your testosterone levels. Unlike some other boosters on the market that aim to accomplish many things at once (Nugenix comes to mind on that), this one doesn’t divide it’s attention and attacks the single most important factor driving muscle growth.

testo xl reviewThis product doesn’t contain any form of stimulatory ingredients, so everything is only focused on stimulating greater hormonal release. If you are looking for a pre-workout product or any form of energy enhancement, you will need to consider stacking this product with another to reap those benefits.

Because of the fact it doesn’t contain stimulants however, your risk of side effects from using TestoXL are relatively low.  It’s also going to be safe to pair up with a pre-workout product, or even a creatine based product if you prefer. Doing this could help you see even stronger results from this product because of the fact you will not be putting in more effort during that workout session, which also assists with producing a spike in testosterone, therefore leading to stronger benefits while using the product as well.

There are also numerous blogs (fake ones, at least) out there that say if you combine Testo XL with HGH XL, you will see massive results in a very short period of time.  This is complete BS, and you should not fall for it.  Basically what they do is lure you in with the promise of a free sample, when it is indeed a free trial that will end up costing you hundreds.  Learn more in our related article here.

The Ingredients in Testo XL

When we assess the ingredient line-up, we do see that each ingredient is listed in its dosage. This is good news as that allows you to easily compare it to other products that contain full dosage information or to single-ingredient supplements you could take on your own.

You’ll come to find that this product contains 4 mg of Vitamin B6, 100 mcg of magnesium, and 20 mg of zinc. The ZMA combination is a very popular one as far as testosterone boosting is concerned, but you should note that this product does contain a lower dosage level than what you will find elsewhere.

Because of this, the benefits are going to be lower.

In addition to ZMA, you’ll also take in D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), which has been shown in clinical studies to help cause a release of hormones, including luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and growth hormone. (Source: 1)  Another supposed test booster you’ll find in TestoXl is tribulus terrestris, which is said to not only enhances testosterone production, but also offers strong libido support benefits.

However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that certain types of Tribulus (most notably Bulgarian Tribulus) have no noticeable effects.

Once again though, the total concentration of these two ingredients is on the lower side of things.  Click Here to see a photo of the Testo XL label.

How To Take and Potential Side Effects

You’ll take in two capsules per serving, which is nice for those who dislike taking pills. With some products, dosing can run upwards of four capsules per serving.
Makers of this product claim that within a day or two, you should start to be feeling the effects taking place, noticing not only enhanced muscle strength, but also improvements in your sexual performance as well.

Because of the ZMA combination, you should also notice nice benefits in terms of sleep quality as well. Better sleep quality can then lead to superior recovery ability from your intense sessions, meaning further progress because of this as well.

Not only that, but two other big benefits that come with enhanced sleep quality include the growth hormone release you get during sleep (and the deeper, better quality the sleep is, the higher the spike in natural HGH you see), as well as the insulin sensitivity boost you’ll gain.

The more sensitive you are to insulin, the more likely you will be to gain muscle rather than body fat in the face of a higher calorie intake.   Zinc supplementation is important for any man as he’ll lose some zinc each time he ejaculates, so this product can help replace the lost nutrient.

As far as side effects from Testo XL are concerned, I didn’t hear of anyone getting any, but there is always the potential for it so it’s best to consult with your physician before starting any supplement regiment.

Reviews of Testo XL

Finding reviews of Testo XL was like finding the holy grail…you know it exists, but despite how hard you look you never find it.  Such was the case here.  I searched through forums, message boards, yahoo answers, Youtube, Amazon, and many other outlets but couldn’t find any indication of anyone using it, much less posting their results.

In fact, Youtube was a mishmash of worthless videos that literally just looked like some guy put together a bunch of useless clips and added some stupid music.  Case in point, check out the video below:

If you’re asking yourself “what the hell was that all about?”, you’re in good company.  It looks more like a trailer for a bad B horror movie coupled with big ripped guys then an actual testimonial of the product.

Where to Buy

As expected, Testo XL is not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, or Walmart, so getting it right away is not an option.  The only place I found it available for sale was on their official website, and the only way you can get it is by signing up for their free trial.  For about $6, you can get a bottle shipped to you within a few days.  There’s an up, and a downside to this.  The upside (if you want to call it that) is that you will conveniently receive it in the mail.

The downside to this, however, is that you will be enrolled in an monthly auto-rebill, reshipment program which will end up charging you close to $130 for the supplement 2 weeks after ordering.

What’s The Deal With HGH XL?

HGH xl and Testo XLSo there’s a few blogs out there reporting that guys are getting great results combining Testo XL with HGH XL, so I decided to take a look and see what all the fuss was about.  Finding info on HGH XL was a bit of a mystery as well, and even the own products official website doesn’t provide any evidence of how it works.  What’s even more of a mystery is the product itself…the label doesn’t even have the name HGH XL on it, but rather says “Flex HGH”.

What we do know is that, judging strictly by it’s name, that it’s most likely an all natural HGH releaser.  What we also know is that the ingredients include branched chain amino acids, l-ornithine, l-arginine, astralagus, and panax ginseng.  As far as the quantities, we have no clue.

Just like Testo XL, this supplement also ends up putting you into a free trial auto-ship, auto-rebill program that can end up charging your bank account a LOT of money.  That’s assuming you can even buy it at this point.


• Can help to increase your metabolism, speeding the rate of fat burning
• Should boost stamina in most people, so can be beneficial for athletes in particular
• Assists with the formation of lean muscle mass
• Improves day to day energy level
• Increases sexual performance and desire levels
• Do not need to cycle this product
• Should notice benefits within a few days of starting the product
• Comes with a money back guarantee


• Provides little in the way of post workout recovery support
• Doesn’t enhance energy levels prior to the workout session
• Is lacking in vitamin D, which is also important for testosterone support
• Doesn’t have as high of concentrations of the active ingredients as other products on the market do
• Is on an auto-ship program so you will need to cancel your subscription to avoid added billings if you aren’t satisfied

My Recommendation

All in all, this product isn’t a bad option if you want some light testosterone support and want to keep your product selection all natural. Since it contains no other stimulants or pre-workout support ingredients, you should find it very easy to take, with no unwanted side effects.

That said, this product is relatively weak in terms of the concentration of the ingredients it contains, therefore if you are looking for the most powerful product you can use, this is not it.  Couple this with the fact that you can only buy it via their free trial, and we say take a pass. Others on the market simply offer a more concentrated ingredient listing, so would provide results over and beyond what this one will.

Have You Used Testo XL?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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OsteoJuv Review – Does It Work?

OsteoJuv Overview

It seems like once you reach a certain age, just about everyone you know complains of having some sort of joint pain. It’s your sister who played tennis in high school. It’s the biggest guy in the gym wincing in pain when he lifts the bar over his head, Or it’s your Uncle Joe who just attributes his aching knee to age. The point is, it can and does strike everybody.

If joint pain strikes you too, it may be time to look into an over-the-counter product called OsteoJuv. It promises to stop joint pain from interfering with the important things in your life like:

  • Performing at your peak level in sporting activities.
  • Participating in your favorite past times for more and a few minutes.
  • Working out and exercising.
  • Doing your job without discomfort and pain.
  • Enjoying your young family and friends.
  • Feeling better and more agile.

It certainly sounds good, but if you have joint pain, you’ve no doubt tried other products that promised the same thing. So next we’ll take a look at the ingredient list to see if OsteoJuv lives up to its claims.

OsteoJuv ReviewOsteoJuv Ingredients

The OsteoJuv formula includes:

  • Hyaluronic Acid which lubricates and cushions your joints. It’s what joint fluid is made of so it’s found naturally in the body already. There’s no chance of rejection and it helps reduce inflammation.  You’ll find Hyaluronic Acid in several dozen other joint health supplements, including Instaflex Advanced.
  • Glucosamine which is used to rebuild and bolster cartilage.
  • Chondroitin which works increases Glucosamine’s ability to create new cartilage.
  • Collagen which buffers and cushions the joints.
  • White Willow Bark which is used for pain relief.

The OsteoJuv claims to be about more than just the ingredients. It’s about how they’re put together in just the right combinations and amounts to get the results you need. OsteoJuv contains more Hyaluronic Acid than any other joint supplement.

The recommended dose is just two OsteoJuv capsules each morning when you wake up for all day relief.

OsteoJuv Pros and Cons

Advantages of OsteoJuv

  • It uses not only the right ingredients but it uses them in the right proportions to get the best possible results.
  • It lubricates joints with more Hyaluronic Acid than other supplements.
  • The combination of Glucosamine and Chondroitin is very effective at reducing joint pain.

Disadvantages of OsteoJuv

  • Some OsteoJuv reviews reveal that it doesn’t work for everyone.

Where to Buy

You can purchase OsteoJuv online through the OsteoJuv website. There are a couple different ways you can go. You can try it at a discounted price of $19.99 for a month supply. If you choose this method, you’ll be signed up for monthly shipments along with payments of $57.99. Otherwise, you can buy a one time bottle outright for $64.99 or 2 bottles outright for $99.99. These options won’t trigger monthly payments and shipments. If you go for the deeply discounted bottle, be sure you’re aware of the terms and know when you need to call if you don’t want to continue on the autoship plan.


People with joint pain tend to want to try anything that might possible help. I would say there are enough positive reviews to indicate that OsteoJuv has indeed helped lots of people. If you’re looking for a daily supplement that can provide relief, OsteoJuv is most certainly worth a look. Just be sure you know what the terms are if you go for the $19.99 challenge.

Have You Used OsteoJuv? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

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#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

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Andractim DHT Gel Review – Should You Use It?

Andractim DHT Gel Overview

Most of the time, we talk about natural supplements that more or less try to mimic the effects of stronger, prescription medications. The general idea is that not everyone has a medical need for, say, extra testosterone, but they want a boost in strength and virility so they go with a natural supplement that can help.

Today is a little different. We’re looking at Andractim DHT Gel, a topical gel version of a prescription medication. It’s available online without a prescription at a concentration of 2.5% (whereas the prescription version is a 10% concentration). It works to restore the proper balance of male and female hormones so you are functioning in top form, whether it be in the gym, the bedroom, or the office.

By using Andractim DHT Gel, you’ll achieve all the benefits of testosterone, including boosted sex drive, increased lean muscle mass, and improved mood, without the drawbacks, like man-boobs and prostate growth. And bonus – Andractim DHT Gel is though to possibly cause penis enlargement, so there’s been a lot of buzz about that lately. DHT Creams and Gels are actually used by transgender men (female-to-male) to help with their post surgery genital growth.

Andractim DHT Gel ReviewAndractim DHT Gel Ingredients and How They Work

Most of the topical treatments (in cream or gel form) are made with synthetic testosterone. Andractim DHT Gel is actually DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. DHT is a metabolite of testosterone and actually more powerful in that androgen receptors are many times more receptive to DHT than they are to testosterone.

Andractim DHT Gel Side Effects

Because Andractim DHT Gel balances hormones, the side effects are different than they are with testosterone. The most concerning side effect is hair loss, especially when used by men already prone to male pattern baldness.

Andractim DHT Gel Pros and Cons

Advantages of Andractim DHT Gel

  • It’s available withuot a prescription.
  • It balances female and male hormones.
  • It can cuase penis growth.
  • It may correct gynomastia.

Disadvantages of Andractim DHT Gel

  • It could cause hair loss.
  • You have to be careful not to let the treated area touch other people or family members.
  • It’s not as strong as what you can get with a prescription.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Andractim DHT Gel online. 2 tubes, which is the minimum you can purchase, will cost you about $215. I did not find evidence of a money back guarantee.


If you choose to try Andractim DHT Gel, I would caution you to be careful and pay attention to whatever side effects may be showing up. I would also recommend that you use it only in the short term because long term effects haven’t been studied. Myself, I’d stick with the herbal stuff.

Herbal remedies still can produce some unwanted side effects that nobody is brimming with excitement to get, but even still, they usually have less of a chance of producing them and more often than not they will at the very least put what should be expected on front street.

Have You Used Andractim DHT Gel? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Plexus Slim Review – Should You Use It?

Plexus Slim Overview

Can this really be it? The end all be all weight loss supplement? The only one you’ll ever need again? I don’t know for sure, but that’s definitely what Plexus Slim wants you to believe. Plexus Slim is not a pill, but a powder that you mix with water to create a “pink drink” you take before meals to suppress your appetite so you eat less and lose weight. Sounds simple enough, but is it too simple? Does it really work? Let’s take a closer look.

Plexus Slim ReviewPlexus Slim Ingredients

The ingredient list in Plexus Slim has recently been changed to become more streamlined. Making the cut are:

  • Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee Extract) which has been shown to block fat absorption and boost metabolism.
  • Garcinia Cambogia which prevents the body from storing energy as fat. It also helps you feel full which is why it’s so effective as an appetite suppressant.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which converts glucose to energy, boosting metabolism
  • Beet Root Extract which acts as a detoxifier for the blood. (It also provides most of the pink color to the “pink drink.”
  • Chromium which is known to burn fat and prevent its storage on your body.

How To Use Plexus Slim

Plexus Slim comes in packets that you mix in with 12 ounces of water and drink about 15 to 30 minutes before eating a meal. The recommended frequency is once per day, and they say it takes about 2 weeks to start seeing real results.

Where to Buy

Plexus Slim is sold through the Plexus Worldwide Company. It’s a multilevel marketing program with “ambassadors” that sell a line of weight loss and health products as they grow their branches of ambassadors. The price is about $85 for a month’s supply and there’s a 60 day money back guarantee. It is kind of annoying, though. When you go to buy online, you have to search for an ambassador to go through. That in itself is enough to put some people off.

Plexus Slim Pros and Cons

Advantages of Plexus Slim

  • There are a lot of favorable Plexus Slim reviews.
  • It uses natural ingredients.
  • Plexus Slim reviews from customers seem to run the gamut

Disadvantages of Plexus Slim

  • It’s sold through a multilevel marketing scheme. It’s likely that if you want to buy Plexus Slim, you’ll be given the hard sell to become an ambassador.


The reviews for Plexus Slim are all over the place. Some people are in love with the stuff and some people think it’s completely ineffective. My biggest problem with it is the MLM setup it uses to sell itself. If you’re just looking for a weight loss product, not a home-based business, there are better, cheaper, and easier choices than Plexus Slim.

Have You Used Plexus Slim? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Tranquilene Review – Should You Use It?

Tranquilene Overview

If you suffer with anxiety, you know it. We’re not talking about the kind of worry that you feel when preparing to give a presentation or wondering if you packed everything you’ll need for your 2-week trip. We’re talking about the near constant feeling that something’s just not right, and you can’t relax because you have to figure out what it is and solve it. Obviously, there are almost as many forms of anxiety as there are people that have it, but they all stem back to the feeling of unease that follows you through daily life.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

There are lots of ways to try to overcome it. Some people do well with talk therapy, some respond best to cognitive behavioral methods. Some people take SSRIs or other medications prescribed by their doctors. Some find that none of this helps and makes them feel the way they long to feel. For this reason, Tranquility Labs offers Tranquilene. It’s an all natural supplement that works with your body and your brain to offer you a sense of peace and calm that you’ve been unable to sustain until now. This is what they say on their website. But of course, it’s our job to dig in and determine if there’s any truth to it.

Click Here
to jump to my personal review of Tranquilene.

tranquilene reviewTranquilene Ingredients and How They Work

The formula contains vitamins and minerals as well as a proprietary blend of herbal ingredients, many of which have been shown to improve symptoms of anxiety:

  • B-Complex Vitamins which provide the correct environment for the brain to function properly. The B vitamins can also help the brain produce serotonin which helps you feel positive and confident. It’s been shown that low levels of Vitamin B can cause anxiety, restlessness, and fatigue.
  • L-Theanine which is an amino acid that increases GABA activity to induce relaxation.
  • GABA which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps relieve muscle tension and it stimulate the release of dopamine.  Gaba is actually naturally produced in the brain, but often in small and unnoticeable quantities.
  • Ashwagandha which relieves anxiety and depression.
  • Bocopa which is a mild sedative that relieves temporary emotional stress.
  • Tryptophan which fights stress and anxiety by converting into 5-HTP and then to Serotonin, which improves mood.  Yup, the same stuff that you’ll find in your thanksgiving turkey.
  • Passion Flower which lowers anxiety levels and promotes a peaceful mind.
  • Magnesium which has been shown to have a negative correlation with anxiety. People with low magnesium levels tend to have more anxiety and depression.
  • Niacin which helps the body convert Tryptophan to 5-HTP.

Instructions are to take 1 Tranquilene capsule in the morning and another at night to maintain even levels of the ingredients in your body throughout the day. Some customers say they feel relieve immediately (20 to 30 minutes). But consistent improvement is supposed to be achieved after about 2 or 3 months.

Tranquilene Pros and Cons

Advantages of Tranquilene

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are plenty of positive Tranquilene reviews from customers who’ve found it helpful.

Disadvantages of Tranquilene

  • The primary complaint is that Tranquilene sort of works, but not as much as many would like.

Where to Buy

If you go to the Tranquilene website, you can buy the product, but only by joining their monthly shipping program. It’s not shady like those free trial programs that are all over the internet these days. It’s a straight forward program that you join to have Tranquilene delivered each month for a discounted price of $34.95. If you don’t want to join, you can buy Tranquilene through Amazon for $42.50 for a month’s supply.

My Personal Results With Tranquilene

I’ve never been the anxious type, but like most people I do have days where things seem a bit “edgy” or “off”.  I reserved taking Tranquilene for those days, and I have to say it does seem to live up to its promises.  First off, I definitely do NOT recommend taking this first thing in the morning, at least if you have a decent amount of things to get done throughout the day.

It’s packed with plenty of “sleep inducing” ingredients that will essentially make you want to lay around on the couch all day. The first time I took it I followed the instructions on the label that said to take 2 capsules daily, and up the dosage by one more capsule if your feeling extra anxious.  Within a couple of hours I felt very calm and relaxed, but also very sleepy.  Even drinking 2 very large cups of coffee didn’t seem to have much of an effect at waking me up.

As far as side effects, I didn’t seem to have any.  I woke up the next morning feeling relatively refreshed, and didn’t have any sort of afterglow or rebound anxiety.

Of course, that does not mean that you won’t have the possibility of some form of side effects, so always pay attention to your body when taking a new supplement that you are not used to.

Now, when compared to other stress relievers like Phenibut XT, I don’t think it’s nearly as effective.  For one, while it does contain GABA, it is unable to pass through the blood brain barrier, while Phenibut does.  Second, while it does contain L-Theanine, my guess is it doesn’t contain more then 200 mg of the stuff.  For me, I need about 400mg of L-Theanine to start “feeling it”, so upping the dosage was necessary for me in this case.

I would actually recommend something like this to someone experiencing Phenibut withdrawals.


There are different levels of anxiety and tons of underlying causes. I believe Tranquilene can help people with mild symptoms feel a bit better. That seems to be the impression given by most reviews I’ve read, and was confirmed by my own personal test results. Now, is it a miracle anxiety relief supplement?  In my opinion, no.  But, if you’re looking for a great substitute to your nightly cocktail or whatever else you use to take the edge off, then I think Tranquilene would be a great fit.  Just be sure to start off with only one capsule to assess your tolerance, and I only recommend you take it a few hours before bedtime.

Have You Used Tranquilene? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Stress ReliefAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Phenibut

#1 - Phenibut

Phenibut is by FAR the most effective stress relief product Ive ever come across.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Kratom

#2 - Kratom

Kratom acts as an effective pain reliever AND can also help with anxiety dramatically.

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#3 – Kava Kava

#3 - Kava Kava

This particular brand of Kava is EXTREMELY effective at helping you calm down.

Click Here To Learn More »

Adams Pride Patch Review – Should You Use It?

Adams Pride Patch Overview

We’ll start right off with the promises of Adams Pride Patch. This revolutionary penis patch promises to:

  • Enlarge your penis is both length and girth.
  • Improve your sexual performance in terms of libido, erection quality, and staying power.
  • Increase your penis strength and power.
  • Attract the opposite sex.

What set’s Adams Pride Patch apart right off the bat of course is the fact that it’s a patch, not a pill. This makes it more of a convenient option for some guys. So let’s dive in and learn more about it before coming to our final conclusion.

Adams Pride Patch ReviewAdams Pride Patch Ingredients and How They Work

Despite the fact that Adams Pride Patch is a patch, it uses many of the same ingredients we normally find in male enhancement pills. There’s:

  • Ginseng as a source of energy for the entire body, including sexual energy.
  • Fo-Ti which has the ability to rejuvenate you and restore youthfulness.
  • Gotu Kola which fights against impotence by fighting fatigue and building strength and stamina. It also improves memory as well.
  • Saw Palmetto which is supports male reproductive health, particularly prostate health.
  • Damiana which is an aphrodisiac that boosts libido.

Adams Pride Patch, as the name implies, is a male enhancement patch. There are a few advantages to this mechanism of ingredient delivery. Certainly, it provides an alternative to anyone who cannot or doesn’t want to take pills. But beyond that, it’s a very efficient way to deliver ingredients to the blood stream. By bypassing the digestive system, dosing can be more accurate.

You apply an Adams Pride Patch to a new area of your body every three days. It’s preferred that you choose a spot with no hair if possible, to avoid irritation. After a few different areas, you can go back to previously used spots. You just want to put a few days in between.

Adams Pride Patch Pros and Cons

Advantages of Adams Pride Patch

  • Some guys might find a patch more convenient than taking a pill every day.
  • The dosing is more precise than what you find in pills.
  • It’s on the lower end of the typical price range.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Adams Pride Patch

  • There are no independent Adams Pride Patch reviews from customers.
  • The ingredient list is pretty sparse, with nothing to improve blood flow for better erections.

Where to Buy

You have to purchase Adams Pride Patch through their website. A one month supply sells for $24.95, and there are discounts offered when you buy more than one month at a time. Adams Pride Patch also offers a 90 day satisfaction guarantee.


I like the idea of a patch, but I’m not so sure Adams Pride Patch is the one you want. The ingredient list doesn’t contain anything like L-Arginine to improve erections, and there’s nothing for increasing testosterone levels either. If you think a patch is the way for you to go, I’d look for something with a little more comprehensive ingredient profile than Adams Pride Patch.

Have You Used Adams Pride Patch? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Supplement Illegally Using Will Smiths Likeness

Celebrity testimonials are great…they bring awareness, credibility, and a certain sex appeal to a product, even supplements.  Well, recently we came across an ad on Yahoo that proclaimed that Will Smith is using some mind altering supplement to help “get him in the zone” and skyrocket his energy levels.  Apparently, in a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show”, Will broke his silence on this supplement that literally doubled his IQ in minutes.

The name of that supplement is none other than Neuro 3X, a nootropic based supplement that claims it is the REAL Limitless pill….

This was also apparently featured in this “Discover Magazine” article, which talks all about how great this supplement is and even go’s through a testing phase with the editor, James Rickman.  There’s ton’s of other supporting evidence that Neuro3X is the real deal, with references on Twitter from the official Limitless movie account, features in Forbes magazine, and even other celebrities who’ve “broken their silence” on this amazing pill.

Well, we did a bit of research and the truth was SHOCKING!  Not only did Will not talk about this supplement in a recent interview, but the whole page is completely FALSE.  Will Smith (as well as every other celebrity who’s cited) did NOT use this supplement…they simply used his name and likeness (illegally, of course) to sell more of their product.

There’s literally TONS of other evidence that this product is a  SCAM, way too many to list here.   Click Here to read our full report and learn the TRUTH behind Neuro 3X.

Premium Garcinia Extract Review

Premium Garcinia Extract Overview

Ever get the feeling that every new diet solution claims to be the one you’ve been waiting and hoping for. Yep, me too. It would be nice if they would just come out and tell you what’s good about it, the kinds of results people are getting, and something about the formula. But I guess it just doesn’t work that way. They have to convince you that THIS product is the one that will finally do what all the dozens of others you’ve tried have failed at. This is the one that will get the weight off. It makes sense, though. Weight is such an emotional issue. Of course weight loss products would try to appeal to those emotions in order to get you to buy.

Enough with the market psychology rant, and let’s get to the job at hand. We need to talk about a particular product called Premium Garcinia Extract. Its formula and benefits are based on the latest diet craze ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia. When you take Premium Garcinia Extract, you lose weight faster because not only does it suppress your appetite, but it also prevents your body from storing excess calories as fat.

Premium Garcinia Extract ReviewPremium Garcinia Extract Ingredients and How They Work

The primary ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia, comes from the Tamarind fruit found in Indonesia. The beneficial component is called HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), and it’s found in the rind. You’ve probably heard of it,it’s been heavily featured by Dr. Oz as a revolutionary weight loss aid because of its dual abilities to suppress appetite and prevent fat from being stored by your body. Instead of extra calories turning into fat, they get converted to energy and used. A third benefit of this ingredient is that it also has the potential to improve your mood, which can curb that dreaded emotional eating.

Additional ingredients include Calcium which can help curb appetite and Chromium which is popularly used as a fat burner.

Where to Buy Premium Garcinia Extract

At this time, the only way to purchase Premium Garcinia Extract is through their “discounted trial” offer online. It works like this: You pay only a shipping charge and they send you a month’s supply of Premium Garcinia Extract. 14 days after you place your original order, you get charged the full price of $89.95. At that time, you are also signed up for their monthly auto-shipment program. You receive a new 30 day supply every 30 days and get charged $89.95 for it. If you do not want to get on this program or be charged the full $89.95 for your “discounted” trial bottle, you need to call before your 14 day trial period is up and tell them why you were not satisfied. It’s not clear whether or not you need to return the product in order not to be charged.

Premium Garcinia Extract Pros and Cons

Advantages of Premium Garcinia Extract

  • It uses one of the hottest diet ingredients on the market today.

Disadvantages of Premium Garcinia Extract

  • The jury is still out on the effectiveness and safety of Garcinia Cambogia. It’s also not clear yet what is the best and safest dose to take.
  • There are far cheaper options if you want to try Garcinia.
  • The “discounted trial” offer is the only way to order Premium Garcinia Extract, and that creates an ongoing commitment that is likely to be difficult to get out of.
  • Though you can find lots of reviews saying that Garcinia works, I haven’t found any independent Premium Garcinia Extract reviews saying as much.


I’m still not sure if Garcinia Cambogia is all it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard not to be skeptical after you’ve seen “THE” ultimate weight loss miracle product come and go about a dozen times over the years. There may be something to it, I’m just not sure. But what I do know for sure is that Premium Garcinia Extract is not the way to go if you want to try Garcinia. There are much cheaper, more straight forward options that don’t set you up for monthly charges you don’t want. Go with one of those.

Have You Used Premium Garcinia Extract? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

MAXED Review – Does It Work?

MAXED Overview

One of the most popular strategies companies use to market a supplement is to say that it’s modeled after a super powerful steroid or other banned anabolic substance, and that it works just as well and gets you the same results. Thi s is how Red X Labs approaches MAXED, their cutting and bulking supplement that promises to surpass your expectations and get you into the kind of shape you never thought possible. MAXED definitely falls into that “sounds too good to be true” category. So lets take a look and see whether or not it can live up to its own standards.

MAXED is designed and touted to recreate the effects of the European steroid, Masteron. At one time, Masteron was collected and held closely by European bodybuilders because they never wanted to be caught without it. Like nothing else, it made you not only bigger, but ripped and shredded with zero water retention and a cut, chiseled physique. And now that Masterdon has long been banned, MAXED is here to replace it by providing similar effects.

MAXED ReviewMAXED Ingredients and How They Work

After reading that MAXED was an effective substitute for Masterdon, I was excited to find out what was in the formula. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out that Red X Labs doesn’t see fit to disclose its ingredients. Here’s what we’re told, that the scientists that made MAXED “created it to work along the same physiological pathways… theoretically never convert to estrogen.” Not much to go on, is it. So I guess they’re saying that MAXED raises testosterone levels without causing it to covert to estrogen. They also say that tis very androgenic, meaning that it gives you that hard-charging attitude you need to be aggressive in the gym.

But unfortunately, all this talk comes with no mention of what is actually in MAXED.

The recommended dose is 1 to 3 MAXED capsules 3 times a day. The 90 capsule bottle will last a month if you take 3 a day, but only 10 days if you take 9 a day.

MAXED Pros and Cons

Advantages of MAXED

  • There are some favorable MAXED reviews from satisfied customers.

Disadvantages of MAXED

  • The ingredients are not listed.
  • How MAXED works is not really explained.
  • It can get very expensive

Where to Buy

You can purchase MAXED through a couple different online supplement retailers. The 90 capsule bottle costs between about $75 and $85. If you need the max dose, that’s more than $200 a month.


Always be wary of a supplement that promises the moon and tells you nothing about how it delivers. They are simply banking on the hope that enough people will get excited at the prospect of using something as good as Masteron that they’ll forget to care about what’s in it. Don’t be one of those people.

Have You Used MAXED? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix Review

Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix Overview

More and more these days, we’re seeing these “articles” about how this latest supplement combination is taking the world by storm. The articles will be on sites called something like “Men’s Life and Health”. These sites are meant to fool you into thinking they’re legitimate magazines, but really they are just marketing ploys to sell these two “wonder supplements” together, because why sell you just one when they can sell you stack at twice the price?

One of the latest combinations I’ve seen is Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix. It was on Facebook,a dn the link took me to the fake magazine article, claiming to be what all the celebrities use to get ready for their next action films. The funny thing is, it’s the same exact article that they use for all the other supplement combos. They all say these were the products Gerard Butler used to get ready for 300. The funny thing is, these supplements probably didn’t even exist when Gerard Butler was filming 300. So ignoring the ridiculous marketing scheme, lets figure out if Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix even work.

Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix ReviewPure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix Ingredients:

In Pure Muscle Pro you’ll find 2 kinds of L-Arginine, L-Norvaline, Citrulline Malate, Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Histidine, and Niacin. In other words, it’s a nitric oxide booster. This is good as a pre workout because it increases vasodilation. With more blood flowing through your blood vessels, more nutrients and oxygen are delivered to where they’re needed for increased energy during your workout and improved recovery after.

In Alpha Genix you’ll find Tribulus Terrestris, Vitamin D3, L-Arginine, Togkat Ali, Vitmain B-12, Magnesium Aspartate, Cordyceps Sinensis, Rhodiola Rosea, Siberian Ginseng, Fenugreek, Vitamin B6, Zinc, and Boron. So Alpha Genix is basically a testosterone booster. This is good because increased testosterone means better ability to lose fat and gain muscle, increased energy, and even a better mood.

Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix Together

According to the ingredient profiles, Pure Muscle Pro is a nitric oxide booster and Alpha Genix is a testosterone booster. But according to the article, Pure Muscle Pro is a muscle gaining supplement and Alpha Genix is a cleansing detoxifier. For me, that clinches the fact that this combo is BS, plain and simple. They don’t even seem to care what information is out there and whether or not it’s true. That’s an indication that these are companies you can’t trust and don’t want to deal with.

They didn’t even take the time to fact check themselves, so it makes you wonder what other key steps they decided to skip out on and whether or not it is worth the risk of finding out.

Where to Buy Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix

Both Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix are only available through “free trial” offers online. You sign up to get what you think is a free trial, but it’s anything but. For each product, you pay a small shipping fee and they send you a month’s supply. But your trial is only for 14 days. If you don’t call and cancel in time, they bill you for the “free” bottles, and start sending you a new one at full price each month for forever (or until you cancel). Countless guys have been scammed out of lots of money by these free trial offers, and we do our best to get the word out so guys know the deal BEFORE they get caught up in it.


You would probably get a small benefit from using Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix. But the benefit is nowhere near worth the expense and the hassle of getting caught up in not one but two of these scammy free trial offers. There are better supplements to help you get ripped, and most of them cost a lot less in dollars, time, and hassle.

You could walk through a supplement store and get a combo of vitamins and supplements and make your own stack for a fraction of the cost that would more than likely be twice as effective as either of these.

Have You Used Pure Muscle Pro and Alpha Genix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Neuro3x Review – Too Good to be True?

Update!! (10/16)  We finally finished our initial 1 week test results of Neuro 3X,  Click Here
to skip ahead to our preliminary review.

There was a movie a few years back called “Limitless”. You may have seen it. It was about a guy who took a pill that made him crazy smart and super productive. I may be a little fuzzy on the details but I think he wrote a novel in a night and made millions in the stock market the next day. It’s a movie, of course, but is there such a pill? Neuro 3x says there is. This is a nootropic available on the internet that makes some pretty out there claims. Let’s see, Neuro 3x:

  • Increases focus and concentration by 200%.
  • Increases your IQ by up to 77% in just minutes.
  • Boosts memory.
  • Improves intellectual skills.
  • Helps you efficiently store learned information.

If you think this all sounds a bit over-the-top, I agree with you. There are nootropic supplements that can help improve your cognitive functioning, but the idea of a 77% improvement in IQ is a little ridiculous. So if you start out with an IQ of 100, Neuro 3x will make it 177. That’s higher than Einstein’s IQ!

So does Neuro 3X really work the way they say it does?  Well, we recently got a chance to dive into everything there is to know about this supplement, read more below.

What Got You To This Review

While I was browsing through yahoo.com, I came across an ad that said Will Smith reveals the One key to a limitless mind.  Intrigued (like many of you), I clicked on the ad and it took me to a page that seemingly looked like the Discover magazine website. (see below image)


On that page, it talks about a supposed interview with Will Smith that reports him saying he takes a brain booster that doubled his IQ in minutes.  This so called “miracle pill” has been seen on CNN health, ABC News, and Men’s Health, and is apparently the “real life” limitless pill.

The editor of the story, who gos by the name of James Rickman, said he decided to take the supplement and evaluate it’s effectiveness.  He chronicles his testing over a period of 3 – 4 weeks, and talks about the numerous benefits he saw from it.  Improved clarity and focus, longer attention span, and an increased memory are all mentioned.

When you scroll around you will see comments towards the bottom where guys and girls are talking about taking Neuro 3X, and confirming the great results.  Seems a bit fishy to me, so I decided to look into this alot further.

So What’s Our Problem With Neuro 3X?

When I dove into the nitty gritty details, I found some shocking evidence…Red Flag #1: there is no reporter at Discover magazine named James Rickman.  I checked with them and they never heard of him, and certainly never heard of Neuro 3x.  Also, this apparent article is not REALLY a Discover magazine article.  I you try to click around on links in the article like “Brain Foods” or “Yoga”, it automatically redirects to the Neuro3X official website.  Check out this screencast below:

You can’t even click on the social sharing icons like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, much less “subscribe” to their magazine.

Red Flag #2:  Will Smith did not talk about taking any brain boosting supplement (including Neuro 3x) on the Tonight Show interview.  I watched the entire 3:29 interview, and not once does he mention that he takes any supplement to help motivate him to work.  Don’t believe me?  Watch the youtube clip below:

As you can see, he never talks about any kind of supplement.  I wonder if Mr. Smith knows his name is being used to promote this supplement???

Red Flag #3:  As you will see in the image here, the Discover magazine article shows a tweet from the official Twitter account for the Limitless Movie.  It clearly shows them thanking Neuro3X for the inspiration behind the movie. However, if you visit the REAL official twitter page, you’ll see no mention of Neuro 3x on their March 19, 2011 tweet.  Check it out below:

limitless tweet small

Red Flag #4:  Within the supposed “Discover Magazine” article, they also mention that Neuro3X was given an honorary mention in Forbes printed and online magazine, touting it as a pill that can turn you into “the quickest thinker on the planet”.  They even go so far as to call it “Viagra for the brain”.  Here’s a quick screenshot of what they have posted below:

forbes small

However, if you visit the REAL Forbes article online, there is absolutely no mention of Neuro 3X.  They (whoever is advertising this) clearly photo shopped in the part about Neuro 3x being some “previously banned genius pill that is stronger, safer and more like to be banned again”!!

They did the same type of deception with a few other supplements, including Alpha ZXT.

Update – Now They’re Using Tony Robbins!!

So when I originally saw the first ad, it was just Will Smith.  Now, as I browse through my Yahoo stories, I see that Tony Robbins now is touting this is the “ultimate secret to unlocking your mind and achieving laser like focus.”  The storyline is relatively the same as the above, with them making claims that Neuro3X will increase concentration by up to 32% and skyrocket your IQ.

They quote Tony Robbins as saying “Neuro 3x has the potential to completely transform your life and future success.”  While I can’t find any proof that he said this, my guess is it’s just as fictitious as the Will Smith ads, but with a different twist on it.  Check out the ad below:


Neuro 3x Ingredients and How They Work

Crazy advertising schemes aside, we want to know if Neuro 3x works. And one of the best ways to find out is to look at the formula, and give the product a shot.  The ingredients on the label include St. Johns Wort, Glutamine, Phosphatidylserine complex, Bacopa Monnier, Acetyl L-Carnitine, DMAE Bitartrate, Gingko Biloba, and Vinpocetine.  Let’s go over a few of these ingredients in detail, as well as their quantities, so you can see what you’re getting yourself into:

The primary ingredient in Neuro 3X, Phosphatidylcholine (125 mg), is said to stimulate the growth of new brain cells.  It is also used as a naturopathic treatment for ADHD sufferers, as well as helping to prevent exercised-induced stress and improved athletic performance. (1)

St. Johns Wort has long been studied for its ability to help treat symptoms of depression, as well as its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. (2) Neuro 3X contains about 250 mg of Hypericum Perforatum, which is a very modest amount.

DMAE Bitartrate (50 mg), or just DMAE for short, is actually produced in the human brain, albeit at very low levels.  DMAE was actually almost released as a medication for ADHD symptoms, but was later classified as a supplement because the substance is commonly found in fish. (3)

Gingko Biloba (50 mg) is a very popular supplement for men and women suffering from Alzheimer disease, and is said to help with short and long term memory.  Not much is known exactly about how Ginkgo works, but some studies suggest it may be effective for patients with mild to moderate dementia.  (4)

You should also avoid taking it if you are under the age of 18, are pregnant or nursing, or are taking ANY prescription medications.

Reviews Of Neuro3x On The Internet

I think it’s worth taking a few minutes talking about the various “reviews” and “testimonials” on the various websites I’ve been seeing out there.  When I first wrote about Neuro 3X just a few weeks ago, I was surprised at the lack of “talk” I was seeing about this product.  There was noone posting in any forums or discussion boards about the supposed benefits of this product, no Youtube video reviews from anyone, and certainly no legit reviews popping up.

Then, in the last couple of weeks or so, I noticed a common (and worrisome) trend starting to arise…I started seeing websites with names like “Neuro3xadvice.com” and “Musclegainhelp.com” start talking about the supposed benefits they got from taking this supplement.  Here’s a quick blurb from one of them, who says he got a chance to test it out (verbatim):

“It is the my final opinion after the great description that this Neuro 3x is the magical supplement that increase cells production for brain performing and it make my mind cool and relax. I am more wise and intelligent now with the using this Neuro 3x brain booster hence before use it I was very dull and was very upset due to my aggressive behavior, people often stay away from me and no one was like to talk me even I tried a lot to stay cool and positive but it was not in my control so I became too much irritated but after use this brain booster supplement my all the worries and irritations just disappear from my mind and now I am cool minded with the great power of decision so this Neuro 3x is the best supplement according to my opinion.”

WHAT….THE…F$%K IS THIS GUY TALKING ABOUT???  This was clearly, I mean CLEARLY, not written by someone in India….No, No, No, this was written by someone in the United States or some other native English speaking country accounting for his experience with Neuro 3x.

It’s almost quite comical that there are websites out there that are even like this, but it’s certainly not the first time I’ve seen this.

Youtube Videos of Neuro 3X

Finding credible Youtube Video reviews of Neuro 3X was also equally useless.  EVERY, SINGLE, video I found was simply some weird sales type video with a bunch of graphics added to it, some eerie music added to the background, and photo clips taken off their website which made absolutely no sense at all.  Check a couple out below to see what I’m talking about:

As you can see, even though these 2 videos are trying to pawn themselves off as “reviews”, they are nothing more then a big garbled sales pitch, if you even want to call it that.  In fact, the only credible Youtube video I found was this guy below, who does a pretty good job of outing Neuro3X as a scam:

Neuro 3x Pros and Cons

Advantages of Neuro 3x

  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Neuro 3x

  • The advertising is misleading and unbelievable.
  • Will Smith didn’t really use it.
  • It was not seen on TV.
  • The full ingredient list is not disclosed.
  • There are no Neuro 3x reviews from actual customers.

Frequently Asked Questions We Get About Neuro3X

How long is it supposed to take to start working?

That depends on who your asking…the ad that I saw said that Neuro3x is supposed to start working within minutes, even as much to say that it will boost your IQ 200% in an hour.  If you go to their website though, it paints a completely different picture.  They say that with continued use, you should start to see gradual effects from their supplement.

Is Neuro3X FDA approved?

No, and it doesn’t have to be.  Because it’s a dietary supplement and not a pharmaceutical drug, Neuro3x falls outside of the realm of FDA compliance and testing, therefore, is not subject to scrutiny by the FDA.

Did Will Smith really use it?

Most likely NOT.  I tried reaching out to Will Smith’s agent / publicist, but unfortunately could not get through.  I only wish he (Will Smith) knew what was going on and helped to do something about it.

Do they offer any free trial / sample of their product?

At the time of this review, I could not find any evidence of a free trial or sample of Neuro 3X available.  This is actually a GOOD THING, because typically these trials end up funneling you into a costly auto-rebill, auto-shipment program that may end up costing you hundreds of $$.

How do I take it?

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule daily 30 min. before you morning meal with an 8 oz glass of water.  They also recommend that you do not exceed 2 capsules per day.

Is Neuro3X anything like Adderall or Ritalin?

From my experience, it is in NO WAY an otc adderall equivalent.  With adderall, the effect comes on quickly and you can feel it working within 15 min. or so.  With Neuro 3X, as you can see from our testing below, it does not work even close to that.

Will it cause any side effects?

From our personal testing, Neuro 3X did not cause any side effects.  However, if you read the label it does mention that you should discontinue use if you feel nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness.  It’s also recommended that if you are pregant, nursing, or if you have any known medical condition like hypertension, pre-hypertention, diabetes, cardiovascular disorder, heart disease, hypothyroidism, or are taking antidepressants that you refrain from using Neuro3X.

Was it really seen in the news?

I checked with the various news outlets that Neuro 3X claimed to be in, including CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and others, and NONE of them has ever heard of it.  This was direct contact with the advertising agencies for these companies.

Where to Buy

Neuro 3x is only available through its official website. A single bottle with a one month supply sells for $49.85. If you buy more than one at a time, you’ll pay a discounted price. Buying 3 bottles will get you 2 for free, leaving you with a $29.99 per bottle cost. There is a 60 day money back guarantee on the product.  If you try to click out of the site after visiting, I also noticed that they have a “limited time offer” where they are offering free shipping on any size order.

Our Personal Results – UPDATE 10/16/2014

We ordered a bottle of Neuro 3X last week (monday Oct. 6) and our product tester John has been trying it out for the last 7 days or so.  Here’s his initial thoughts:

neuro3x review“I started taking Neuro3x about a week ago, and I have to say I don’t see any noticeable improvements in memory, focus, or concentration thus far.  The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule 30 minutes before your morning meal, and I did just that.  In the ad that Rob noted in his review, apparently this stuff is supposed to start working in minutes.

Well, I took the pill at exactly 8:00 am the first day, and then just waited…As the minutes ticked by, I wasn’t feeling any surge in energy or focus, not like I would with a prescription drug like Adderall.  There wasn’t any sudden moments of clarity, and I wasn’t able to focus on my usual routine in a more productive way.

After about an hour or so, I DID start to feel a little bit different.  I felt a small increase in my attention, and felt like I was thinking a little bit more clearly.  It wasn’t anything “mind-bending”, and I certainly didn’t feel like my IQ had jumped 200%, but it was noticeable to the point that I could report feeling “different”.  I don’t know if it was a placebo effect or what, but there was a noticeable change.

As far as side effects, I didn’t notice any, but the label does warn you to immediately discontinue use if you experience nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness. 

I will continue taking Neuro 3X for the next several weeks to see if there will be any long term differences.”

Update (11/20) – Full Month Of Testing Complete

John finally got a chance to finish up the full bottle of Neuro3X, here is what he had to conclude with:  “Well, I can’t say I really feel anything different.  If anything I feel like the product may have worn off a bit, because to be honest I haven’t noticed any changes at all.  I’m beginning to think that any initial reaction I had to it was simply a placebo effect.

My advice??  While I can’t speak for everyone, I certainly would not pay $50 for this if I knew that this would be the end result.   Skip it.”


It’s clear from the above review that Neuro 3X is “probably” not the miracle brain boosting supplement they promise it to be.  While there was some minor differences in attention and focus, our testing indicated that it was relatively minor in nature, and not the immediate effects that the company promises.

Everybody’s looking for an edge these days. Lives are busy and complicated, and anything that can help you get more out of your day is a welcome addition to your routine. That’s why nootropics are becoming so popular. But it’s also why there are products like Neuro 3x making hyped up over-the-top promises they can’t keep.

We’re going to continue testing over the course of the next 3 weeks, with weekly updates so stay tuned!

Have You Used Neuro 3x? Leave Your Review Below!


1.  Phosphatidylserine:  Uses, Side Effects, Interactions – webmd.com

2.  Hypericum Perforatum – Wikipedia.org

3. DMAE – wholehealthchicago.com

4. Ginkgo Biloba – Wikipedia.org

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Addyzoa Review – The Natural Fertility Option

Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Addyzoa!

The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

Click Here to learn more!


Frequently Asked Questions
Natural Ways To Boost Your Sperm Count
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Addyzoa is a little different than most of the supplements we cover. Instead of erectile dysfunction or low libido, it treats a low sperm count for the purpose of increasing male fertility. Based on the Ayurvedic tradition of healing herbs, Addyzoa is based on the principle of natural herbs realigning the systems of your body to function at their peak form, and providing antioxidant protection for healthy sperm.

The benefits you can expect from taking Addyzoa are:

  • Boost sexual desire.
  • Increase sperm count.
  • Improve sperm health and movement.
  • Increase the chances of pregnancy.

Up next is a look into the formula to see how well we can expect Addyzoa to work.

Addyzoa ReviewAddyzoa Ingredients and How They Work

The primary mechanism of action in Addyzoa is antioxidant protection. The antioxidants in Addyzoa hunt down free radicals and protect sperm cells from their damage. By reducing oxidative stress, the herbal antioxidants keep sperm healthy and abundant. Some of the key ingredients are:

  • Shilajit and Kapikachchhu which improve sperm count.
  • Guduchi and Amalaki which protect sperm from oxidative damage.
  • Ashwagandha which is an antioxidant for increasing sperm count and motility, and is also found in many over the counter viagra alternatives.
  • Shatavari which helps generate healthy new sperm cells.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

The recommended dose depends on how low your sperm count is. If it’s 5-10 million/ml, take 2 Addyzoa capsules twice a day. If it’s more than 10 million/ml, take only 1 capsules twice a day. In both cases, a course of treatment is 90 days.

You should also avoid drinking alcohol while taking Addyzoa (more on that below).

Does it help with Premature Ejaculation?

Theoretically speaking, Addyzoa should have no effect on your stamina or help with premature ejaculation issues.

If you’re having problems with premature ejaculation, you might want to check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus.

It’s the most effective premature ejaculation supplement we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested DOZENS.

Are there any side effects?

As with any supplement, side effects are possible.  For example, one of the main ingredients in Addyzoa is Tribulus Terrestris, which has a long list of potential adverse effects.

For example, it has been shown in some limited clinical studies to aggravate BPH symptoms, and increase prostate weight.  Obviously this is not good if you’re trying to get your wife / partner pregnant.

Another potential side effect of Tribulus is that it may decrease blood sugar to dangerously low levels.

Obviously you’re really only at risk of getting side effects like these if you overdose and take too many Addyzoa capsules.

Does it really work?

If you’re looking for success stories from men who’ve used Addyzoa, you’re likely to come up short.  Since I originally published this, we’ve only had 1 review posted.

As you’ll see, the results look promising.  But 1 review is hardly enough to come to a decent conclusion.

In general, a wide variety of reviews from both critics as well as your everyday verified customer is a good litmus test as to whether or not a supplement is going to work well for you, but of course everyone is different.

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Sperm Count

Let’s face it.  Youre interested in Addyzoa for it’s supposed increase in sperm benefits.  It may work, but the bottom line is it’s not the only thing you can do to increase sperm production.

Here’s a few other helpful tips to get you started:

1.)  Do Kegels / PC muscle exercises. 

While there is no direct correlation between exercising the PC muscle and sperm production, doing these exercises WILL help you shoot loads much further.  VERY important when trying to get pregnant.

I have a detailed guide explaining how to perform these exercises in my free “Natural Enlargement Exercises” eBook, click here to sign up for it (completely FREE).

2.)  Try some other supplements. 

Our biggest gripe with Addyzoa is it is clearly lacking some KEY ingredients that can help with sperm production.  For example, the amino acids L-Carnitine, L-Lysine, and L-Arginine have both been shown to increase both sperm speed AND production.

Check out a supplement called Semenax.

It contains ALL of the above ingredients, and then some.  Check out my review here to learn more.

3.)  Drink Less

It has been clinically studied that drinking just 5 drinks per week can reduce the quality of your sperm.  Most guys know this, but some don’t.

You’re wife will have to stop drinking for 9 months if she gets pregnant, you should have no problem doing so for a few months to increase your chances.

4.)  Refrain from masturbation

The more times you have an orgasm / ejaculate, the less thick your sperm becomes.  Limit masturbation to just once a week, and have sex more often.

5.)  Improve your diet

Did you know that processed meats can actually be VERY bad for sperm count?  Try to eat less processed foods, skip the cheeseburger, and eat more lean proteins like fish.

Addyzoa Pros and Cons

Advantages of Addyzoa

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It comes in 20-capsule strips so you can order just what you need based on your sperm count.
  • There are no reported side effects.
  • Clinical testing shows that Addyzoa improves sperm motility.

Disadvantages of Addyzoa

  • There are no Addyzoa reviews from customers letting us know whether or not it helped them.
  • It’s not available in stores.

Where to Buy

There are plenty of online retailers that sell Addyzoa. One 20-capsule strip sells for $8.95. If you need the lower dose, you’d need 3 strips per month for a total of about $27 a month. If you need the higher dose, you’d by 6 strips for a total of $54 a month.

As of this review, Addyzoa is not sold in stores.


If you are truly having trouble conceiving, you should discuss treatment options and other alternatives with your doctor. But if you’re not ready to go down that road just yet, trying Addyzoa could help. If you are already working with a doctor, talk to him or her about the possibility of using Addyzoa.

Have You Used Addyzoa? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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