DSN Code Black Review

About DSN Code Black

It’s no secret that getting old really sucks.  For most men, it’s usually a lack of testosterone that is the culprit.

When Testosterone Replacement Therapy isn’t an option, a fair number of guys turn to over the counter remedies to help “fix” their problem.

I get it, testosterone replacement is expensive and quite frankly, even if it were cheaper, a lot of people would have some hang ups and feel uncomfortable with going ahead and trying it out as it is pretty expensive.

To this extent, DSN Code Black promises to deliver a combination of all natural ingredients that have been shown to be somewhat effective at helping to improve muscle mass, increase sex drive, increase strength, and improve hormone production.

dsn code black reviews

All you have to do is take 2 capsules daily, and within a few weeks your body will be transformed.  DSN Code Black claims you may “unleash your inner beast” with their patented blend of all natural ingredients.

But is DSN Code Black really a “safe way to support your body’s natural production of testosterone”?

Here’s what we found out while researching their pills.

What’s The Deal With Testosterone Decline?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

They correctly mention numerous times throughout their site that, as a man ages, his testosterone levels start to decline.

I can attest to this fact.

I’m about to turn 37 this Friday, and I could sense a drop in my testosterone levels right around the age of 35 or so.

For some, this drop can occur much sooner.

According to medical research, most men begin to experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels right around the age of 30.

testosterone decrease by age

The causes are wide ranging, and include things like:

  • Ageing
  • Primary Hypogonadism:  This includes things like undescended testicles, klinefelter’s syndrome, and even physical injury to the testicles.
  • Secondary Hypogonadism: This includes things like pituitary disorders, Kallmann syndrome, obesity, and medications.

You can learn more about the causes of Low Testosterone here.

According to some reports, it’s been cited that as much as 1 in 4 men over the age of 30 suffer from low testosterone.

That makes for a big market.

Ingredients In DSN Code Black

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

According to the products website, DSN Code Black contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin D3 1000 IU
  • Zinc 30 mg
  • T-365 Complex: Which includes epimedium sagittatum, Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Terrestris, Saw Palmetto, and Stinging Nettle 880 mg

What is T-365 Complex?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

There’s several mentions of T-365 complex throughout both the products official website, as well as their marketing materials.

It appears that T-365 is the proprietary blend of ingredients that DSN Code Black uses to help boost your testosterone.


Despite the marketing claims, most of these ingredients have not been shown effective at helping to increase testosterone in humans.

For example, time and time again, the ingredient Tribulus Terrestris has been proven ineffective at increasing testosterone levels in men.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

The ingredient Horny Goat Weed has been shown to produce phosphodiesterase type 5 effects. (Source)

With that said, there has been no conclusive evidence supporting the claim that it can help with testosterone function.

If it does at all, the effect is minimal.

One study did show that Horny Goat Weed can mimic the effects you would get with increased testosterone, but no actual serum testosterone level increases were noted.

Similarly, the ingredient Saw Palmetto has been shown to help with symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH).

However, it also hasn’t been shown to have any noticeable effect on serum testosterone levels in healthy male adults when compared to a placebo.

DSN Code Black Mixed Online Reputation With Consumers

Despite the mixed clinical evidence supporting their claims, there are some consumers that have reported good results.

With that said, positive anecdotal reports are few and far between.

For example, on Amazon the average star rating is 2.3 out of 5 stars.

This is only based on a total of 8 reviews, which is hardly conclusive proof as to whether or not DSN Code Black works.

Some users report that it’s a “decent product“, while others call it a “huge waste of money and time“.

There was one review posted on Youtube, where the user claims that “he feels so much energy” and “is always happy”.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2WfMNum440]

It’s unclear if he’s talking about DSN Code Black specifically, but some of the comments seem to dispute that notion.

To be frank, this “review” seems to be a paid endorsement of the product and nothing more.

The reviewer doesn’t talk about any other benefits he may have received from the product, apart from the increase in energy.

DSN Code Black Reviews On 3rd Party Sites

Unfortunately, there aren’t many other reviews specifically from individuals that have actually tested the product.

A simple search for something like “DSN code black real reviews” turns up a mix of “review sites” who simply posted a research-based review of it.

None of them appear to have actually used the product itself.

DSN Code Black Pricing & Refund Policy

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

If purchased directly from the manufacturer, a one-time order of DSN Code Black retails at $102 plus $6.95 S&H.

Alternatively, you can enroll in their free trial program, which allows you to try the product for 14 days are a modest cost of $4.95 for shipping.

The official terms and conditions state that the trial period does not begin until 3 days after ordering.

This will allow the product to be shipped to you, and ensure that you have a full 14 days to try it.

Keep in mind that the manufacturer will charge you the full price for the product 18 days after ordering if you do not call to cancel.

This is a common complaint of many users of DSN Code Black.

They incorrectly assume that they are receiving a free sample of the product.

In reality, they will be charged the full price of $89.88 for the pills.

Additional, you will be shipped a fresh bottle of the pills every 30 days until you call to cancel.

Special Note About Free Trials

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

Based on my personal experience, you should avoid getting involved with free trials.

As mentioned earlier, they usually rely on the consumer thinking that they are just receiving a sample of the product.

Oftentimes, consumers find out the hard way when they go to check their credit card statement and see they’ve been charged the full price for the product.

We talk about this pretty extensively in our guide to free trials here.

If you or someone you know feels they have been cheated by a free trial, click here to see your best course of action.

Note:  You can completely avoid dealing with the potential downfalls to free trials by simply ordering the one-time purchase of DSN Code Black on their official site or on Amazon.

At $102 it’s not cheap, but at the very least you won’t have to worry about getting charged down the road.

As of this review, it’s not sold in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS.  I will update this review accordingly if that ever changes.

Shady Marketing Behind These Pills

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

Dyna Storm Nutrition has used deceptive marketing techniques in the past.

In a post we published just a couple of years back, it was asserted that DSN pre workout was used by NBA player Lebron James.

This is not the first time we’ve seen Lebron James’ likeness being used to promote supplements like this.

Throughout our investigation, we noted numerous discrepancies between what DSN was claiming, and what was actually true.

It looks like they are continuing on this trend.

For example, I recently came across an ad that looked like this:

ad for dsn code black on adult site

Upon clicking on the ad, we were led to a page which appeared to be posted on the CNN website.

There are numerous claims made on this website, but the most striking one is the claim that DSN Code Black will increase your penis size.

dsn code black increase in size claim 1

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/dsn claim

They claim that it does this by making the 2 erectile chambers leading in to the penis (collectively known as the Corpora Cavernosum) longer and wider.

It’s also claimed that this increase in size may be achieved in as little as 4 weeks after starting DSN Code Black usage.

dsn code black increase in size claims

However, the simple truth behind these claims cannot be substantiated.

As we’ve discussed several times in previous articles, penis size cannot be permanently increased through pills alone.

Additionally, the article in question is a fictitious marketing ploy to try to get you to believe that their product was featured on CNN.

This is simply not the case…

Why Is This DSN Code Black Ad Fake?

First off, there is no “Laura Elassar” that works at CNN.

laura elassar cnn

There’s a journalist named Alaa Elassar who contributes to CNN, but this is not the same person.

Second, this is not the CNN website.

You can verify this by simply looking at the url address.

fake cnn website

Additionally, you’ll see that Dr. Oz is quoted as saying “anybody can last 2 hours in bed with this pill”.

dr oz dsn code black

Yet, if you search for this exact quote, it’s nowhere to be found.

Does DSN Code Black Really Work?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/38462436_2141318649517979_8190462776175493120_n

I actually ordered a bottle and will be testing it out soon.

However, despite the fancy marketing, it’s hard to believe that DSN Code Black will do what the manufacturer claims.

There is some evidence that certain ingredients may help with your overall sex drive.

But the claim that it will grow you any significant size is just downright ludicrous.

Never in a million years could any supplement like this one provide you with actual big size gains because it just does not work that way, so try not to get your hopes up when you see claims like that.

Couple this with the fact that the vast majority of real reviews don’t paint a very good picture, the product is severely over-priced, and they use deceptive marketing to sell their product, we say take a pass.

Have You Used DSN Code Black? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testofuel Warnings – Updated By A Licensed Pharmacist

Testofuel is the best testosterone booster we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested dozens.

With that said, like any other supplement it does have to potential to cause some interactions with prescription medications.

We had our in-house pharmacist go over the formula, and here are his findings.

Can I take TestoFuel if I have high blood pressure?

  • There are no direct contraindications for taking TestoFuel if you have high blood pressure. Use caution if you have high blood pressure and are taking medications for it.

Can I take TestoFuel if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • There are no direct contraindications for taking TestoFuel if you have low blood pressure.

Can I take TestoFuel if I have diabetes?

  • Some of the ingredients may alter blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may alter blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with TestoFuel?

  • You should avoid TestoFuel if you have an allergy to plants in the Fabaceae family: soybeans, peanuts, and green peas might also be allergic to fenugreek.

Can I take TestoFuel with alcohol?

  • Alcohol can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Siberian ginseng might also cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Taking large amounts of Siberian ginseng along with alcohol might cause too much sleepiness.

Can I take TestoFuel if I am taking anti-depressants?             

  • There appear to be no contraindications for taking this supplement if you are taking antidepressants. Please check the list below.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • It is best to avoid this supplement if you have a bleeding disorder or taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may alter your body’s clotting ability. If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with caffeine or other stimulants?

  • There appear to be no major contraindications for using caffeine while taking Test Fuel.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Testofuel?

Do not take Testofuel if you have:

  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Heart Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)/AIDS:
  • High blood pressure Mental conditions such as mania or schizophrenia:
  • Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis)
  • Histoplasmosis
  • High levels of calcium in the blood
  • Over-active parathyroid gland (hyperparathyroidism)
  • Over-active parathyroid gland (hyperparathyroidism)
  • Kidney disease
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Tuberculosis

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions

Moderate Interactions

  • Antibiotics
    • Quinolones
      • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
      • enoxacin (Penetrex)
      • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
      • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
      • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
      • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
    • Tetracyclines
      • demeclocycline (Declomycin)
      • minocycline (Minocin)
      • tetracycline (Achromycin)
    • Aminoglycosides
      • amikacin (Amikin)
      • gentamicin (Garamycin)
      • kanamycin (Kantrex)
      • streptomycin
      • tobramycin (Nebcin)
      • and others.
    • Bisphophonates
      • alendronate (Fosamax)
      • etidronate (Didronel)
      • risedronate (Actonel)
      • tiludronate (Skelid)
      • and others.
    • Blood Thinners
      • Aspirin
      • clopidogrel (Plavix)
      • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
      • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
      • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
      • dalteparin (Fragmin)
      • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
      • heparin
      • warfarin (Coumadin)
      • and others.
    • Sedatives
      • clonazepam (Klonopin)
      • lorazepam (Ativan)
      • phenobarbital (Donnatal)
      • zolpidem (Ambien)
      • and others.
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Medications metabolized by the liver:
      • Liver Enzyme 2C9
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • diazepam (Valium),
        • zileuton (Zyflo)
        • celecoxib (Celebrex)
        • diclofenac (Voltaren)
        • fluvastatin (Lescol)
        • glipizide (Glucotrol)
        • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
        • irbesartan (Avapro)
        • losartan (Cozaar)
        • phenytoin (Dilantin)
        • piroxicam (Feldene)
        • tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
        • tolbutamide (Tolinase)
        • torsemide (Demadex)
        • warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
      • Liver Enzyme 1A2
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • haloperidol (Haldol)
        • ondansetron (Zofran)
        • propranolol (Inderal)
        • theophylline (Theo-Dur, others)
        • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, others)
        • and others
      • Antihypertensives
        • Thiazides
          • chlorothiazide (Diuril)
          • hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, Esidrix)
          • indapamide (Lozol
          • metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
          • chlorthalidone (Hygroton)
        • Calcium Channel Blockers
          • nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
          • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
          • diltiazem (Cardizem)
          • isradipine (DynaCirc)
          • felodipine (Plendil)
          • amlodipine (Norvasc)
          • and others.
        • Potassium Sparing Diuretics
          • amiloride (Midamor)
          • spironolactone (Aldactone)
          • and triamterene (Dyrenium)
        • Muscle Relaxants
          • carisoprodol (Soma)
          • pipecuronium (Arduan)
          • orphenadrine (Banflex, Disipal)
          • cyclobenzaprine, gallamine (Flaxedil)
          • atracurium (Tracrium)
          • pancuronium (Pavulon)
          • succinylcholine (Anectine)
          • and others.
        • Other
          • Digoxin
          • Lithium
          • Cisplatin (Platinol-AQ)
          • Penicillamine
          • Aluminum
          • Calcipotriene
          • Diltiazem
          • Varapamil
          • Amiodarone (Cordarone)
          • Phenobarbital (Luminal)
          • Phenytoin (Dilantin)


  1. https://www.selfhacked.com/blog/d-aspartic-acid/
  2. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-985/ginseng-siberian
  3. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-733/fenugreek
  4. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-982/zinc
  5. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-929/vitamin-d
  6. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-983/vitamin-k
  7. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-934/pyridoxine-vitamin-b6
  8. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-998/magnesium#

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Red PCT 2.0 Review

What is Red PCT 2.0?

Developed and marketed by a company called Red Supplements, Red PCT 2.0 is the follow up formula to the original Red PCT.

red pct 2.0 review

It’s primary use is as an anti-estrogen supplement, and it may help control estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels in healthy males.

For those of you who didn’t see my Red PCT review, click here to check it out.

Basically, I loved the original Red PCT and it delivered on its promises in a way that not all similar supplements for men wind up doing.

It’s legit one of the best all natural testosterone boosters I’ve ever tested, and that means a lot coming from a guy who’s tested dozens of them.

Before we dive in to exactly what Red PCT 2.0 does, let’s first discuss exactly what a PCT is used for.

What Is A PCT?

PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy, which is a way of restoring hormonal imbalances that occur after steroid use.

PCT’s are generally taken in 2 different forms:

  • Drugs:  While traditionally used to treat infertility in women, medications like Clomid have found their use as a PCT for quite some time.
  • Supplements:  A new breed of supplements has popped up in the last few years, promising to have similar effects to PCT drugs.

Red PCT 2.0 neatly falls into the second category.

We have personally researched several PCT based compounds, including Arimistane, Forma Stanzol, and Novaplex.

Each of them work to varying degrees of effectiveness, but Arimistane is quite possibly the only proven post cycle therapy that truly can work.

PCTs work by inhibiting an enzyme called Aromatase, which is responsible for converting androgen to estrogen.

By suppressing this enzyme, in theory your testosterone levels should increase fairly dramatically.

What’s The Difference Between The Original Red PCT and Red PCT 2.0?

The original Red PCT formula contained a healthy amount of Arimistane, which was divided up into 3-1 capsule doses throughout the day.

It also contained ingredients like N-Acetyl L-Cysteine and Chlorophytum Borivilianum, both of which are claimed to be potent testosterone boosters.

I reached out to Red Supplements to ask them why they removed the original version from the shelves, but have yet to receive a response.

Since Arimistane is in a little bit of legal-limbo at the moment, I’m guessing they did this for legal purposes.

The “new and improved” Red PCT 2.0 formula contains all natural ingredients that are supposed to mimic the testosterone-boosting effects of the original formula.

The full ingredients list includes the following:

  • Diindolymethane
  • Luteolin
  • Acacetin
  • Grape seed extract
  • Resveratrol
  • Agaricus Bisporous
  • Apigenin
  • Bioperine

Here’s a snapshot of the Red PCT 2.0 label:

red pct 2.0 ingredients label

Now that you know what the formula is, let’s talk about each one of these ingredients individually to give you a better sense of what you can expect.


Sometimes referred to DIM for short, this compound is a natural substance that is generated by the body after cruciferous vegetable consumption.

Those vegetables include things like:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Radishes

According to Verywellhealth.com, DIM is reported to “produce changes in estrogen metabolism”.

It also has numerous other claimed benefits, and has been researched in it’s therapeutic potential of:


Another one of the key ingredients in Red PCT 2.0 is Luteolin, a naturally occurring flavinoid that has potential anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (Source)

According to the manufacturer, Luteolin has recently been “studied for its ability to inhibit estrogen biosynthesis by decreasing aromatase expression and destabilizing aromatase protein”.

In that study, which was conducted in 2012, it was recommended that Luteolin undertake additional investigation to prove these claims.

Unfortunately we were unable to identify any more recent studies involving Luteolin.


This particular ingredient can be found in a wide array of supplements, including anti-aging supplements like Mitoboost, testosterone boosters like Test Freak, and even joint-relieving supplements like Instaflex Advanced.

According to WebMD, Resveratrol is part of a group of compounds call polyphenols.

Polyphenols are essentially micro nutrients that we get from plant-based foods like strawberries, blackberries, apples, and beans.

Some of the claimed benefits include things like:

One study, which was published in 1997, showed that Resveratrol is an agonist for the estrogen receptor.


Acacetin is another flavanoid with anti-inflammatory properties.

Otherwise known as Chrysin, Acacetin has found it’s use in bodybuilding as a effective inhibitor of aromotase.

Again, the theory is that inhibiting aromotase, it can be effectively used to reduce estrogen levels and boost testosterone.

According to WebMD, Chrysin has numerous benefits, including:

  • Treating anxiety
  • Gout
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Baldness
  • Cancer prevention

Grape seed extract

If it wasn’t obvious from the name, grape seed extract is exactly what it sounds like…the extract from grape seeds.

It’s specifically derived from the ground up seeds of red wine grapes, and is used to treat a number of diseases.  (Source)

With that said, there hasn’t been a lot of evidence supporting the claim it’s an effective estrogen inhibitor.

For example, one recent study involving 39 postmenopausal women concluded that there was no effect on plasma estrogens or precursors of androgens.

With that said, one study published in 2006 did show some promise in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.

The end result is that further research is necessary.

Agaricus Bisporus Extract

Sometimes consumed as a food or tea, Agaricus Bisporus Extract is a fungus that originates from Brazil. (Source)

It’s used in Red PCT 2.0 as a possible natural aromatase inhibitor, and several studies have supported this claim. (Study 1, 2)


A potent inhibitor of the enzyme CYP2C9, Apigen is a flavone that has numerous health benefits, including:

  • A reduction in anxiety
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Anti-bacterial and antiviral activities


Bioperine is used in numerous other supplements we’ve personally tested, including MaxGenics and Zyalix.

It’s actually one of the only ingredients in Red PCT 2.0 that has no effect as an aromotase inhibitor, and is simply included in the formula for it’s supposed “bioenhancing” qualities.

It’s a branded extract of black pepper, making up about 95% piperine.

Is Red PCT 2.0 Safe?

While the official website claims that there are no side effects with Red PCT 2.0, some of the research suggests otherwise.

For example, Livestrong.com lists the following potential side effects with Diindolymethane:

  • Darkening of the urine
  • Increased bowel frequency
  • Headaches
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

Additionally, supplements containing Resveratrol may interact with blood thinners like Coumadin, as well as otc pain medications like aspirin and ibuprofen.

Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions with Resveratrol.

Does this mean that Red PCT 2.0 will cause adverse effects?

Not in the least.

But just like with any other supplement, you should always use caution and consult with your physician first.

How To Use Red PCT 2.0

Just like with the original formula, this supplement is designed to be take 3 times a day.

It quite simply breaks down like this:

Morning: One capsule

Afternoon:  One capsule

Evening:  One capsule

The manufacturer states that you can take with or without food, but I can tell you from experience that supplements like this seem to work better on an empty stomach.

Unlike with the original formula, you can take Red PCT 2.0 longer than 4 weeks.

In fact, the suggested time-frame states that you can take it for 8 – 12 weeks at a time before cycling off.

Red Supplements recommends that you run a full cycle of Red Growth for 4 full weeks first, and then take their PCT 2.0 formula.

What do the Red PCT 2.0 Reviews Say?

So far, there hasn’t been any reliable feedback on this supplement published.  I attribute that to the fact that it was literally just released less than 2 weeks ago.

As reviews start to come in, we will update the review to reflect what consumers are saying about it.

My Personal Results

I have a bottle of Red PCT 2.0 on the way, and will begin testing it shortly.

Check back for updates.

Where To Buy Red PCT 2.0

The only place you can find Red PCT 2.0 for sale is on their official website, www.redsupplements.com.

It retails at $49.99, and they routinely offer discounts and special offers.

Interestingly enough, it’s a bit difficult to find Red PCT 2.0 as a stand alone product.

If you search their site, you’ll initially think that you’re required to buy both the PCT formula and their Red Growth supplement, at a total price of $99.99.

can i buy red pct 2.0 by itself

Red Supplements recommends that you run a full cycle of Red Growth, and then follow up with a cycle of Red PCT 2.

We talked about exactly how to take it above.


I’ve taken several of the Red Supplements line of products, and can state with complete confidence that Red PCT 2.0 is likely a winner.

It has a solid lineup of ingredients, a fair price, and has the potential to be a game changer in the world of testosterone boosters.

Its benefits to several aspects of male health in general as well as boosted athleticism and performance potential, Red PCT 2.0 carries several benefits that make it worth trying out.

Do I think it will work better than the original?

I’m a bit torn on that…

Arimistane is a powerful supplement, and I’m not sure if DIM and some of the other ingredients can essentially “replicate” those kinds of results.

The only way I’ll now for sure is by personally testing it, which I plan on doing shortly.

Have You Used Red PCT 2.0? Leave Your Review Below!

Evolution Lean Keto Review

What is Evolution Lean Keto?

Developed by a company called Keto diet supplements, Evolution lean keto is a natural supplement that promises to burn fat, and put your body into a state of ketosis.

According to the manufacturer, Evolution Lean Keto is a safe and simple way to achieve ketosis without the negative side effects often associated with a traditional ketogenic diet.

evolution lean keto reviewsIn order to accomplish this, Evolution lean keto claims to use health, all-natural ingredients in their formula to help you achieve this.

On top of this, the manufacturer claims that you only need to take 2 capsules daily with water, and before long you’ll experience increased energy and focus.

Looking at the website, you may think Evolution Lean Keto is your ticket to getting rid of unwanted fat and looking better overall.

But does it really work? Let’s walk you through it all.

What Is The Keto Diet And Does It Work?

Keto diets are nothing new.  They’ve actually been around for several decades, but have begun to make a resurgence thanks to multiple companies selling keto-related products.

A Ketogenic diet (shortened to just Keto Diet), is essentially a low carb, high-fat diet that apprently offers numerous health benefits.

One of those benefits is, as you might have guessed, weight loss.

There’s mixed evidence on whether or not keto diets are truly effective.

For example, there have been numerous studies that have been conducted showing that keto diets can plat a role in helping to improve sleep, cognition, thyroid function, and even cardiovascular health. (Source)

However, other studies have concluded that keto-related diets may only work for obese patients. (Source)

Furthermore, it’s been shown in related studies that a keto diet may provide beneficial effects in the long term. (Source)

The key phrase here, however, is “a keto diet”…

Does that mean that a keto supplement can replicate the same effects?

Not much is known in that regard.

We have personally tested a few supplements in this niche, including Keto OS.

What Are The Ingredients In Evolution Lean Keto?

The manufacturer doesn’t explicitly list or state what the ingredients are, only that it “contains ingredients to keep you in ketosis”.

Well, that’s not very helpful for us, is it?

A quick search for the ingredients list also led us to come up short.

Are the people behind Evolution Lean Keto trying to hide something from us?

Well, it turns out that the answer to that question is likely “yes”.

If you can’t find the ingredients list from a simple Google search or directly from the manufacturer, typically speaking, something is up.

Was Evolution Lean Keto On Shark Tank?

Short answer, no.

The long answer requires a bit of explaining.

You see, I originally learned about Evolution Lean Keto while browsing through my Yahoo news feed.

I came across an advertisement that stated “I tried keto for just one month and this happened.”

evolution lean keto ad on yahoo

When I clicked on the ad, it led me to a page that looked like the “Entertainment Today” website.

evolution lean keto on entertainment today

Throughout this article, they claim that the product itself landed a multi-million dollar deal from the investors on the hit TV show “Shark Tank”, in exchange for 25% of their company.

Evolution Lean Keto was apparently created by Anna and Samantha Martin, two sisters from the US who developed it as a substitute for their keto diets.

However, this story is completely fake.

If you read this article, you’ll see that Anna and Samantha Martin are fictitious characters that were created to make you believe they were seen on Shark Tank.

There’s been several other supplements that have pulled a similar fast one, including a testosterone booster and another weight loss pill called Slimfit 180.

Where To Buy Evolution Lean Keto

The only place you can buy their pills is on their official website, which I’m not going to link to for various reasons.

The primary reason I refuse to do so is that they are scamming people with their free trial.

Going back to this supposed “Shark Tank” article, you’ll see that they are offering a “free” bottle of Evolution Lean Keto.

free bottle of evolution lean keto

However, it’s not actually free.

When you fill out your information on their site, you’re led to a final checkout page where the truth emerges.

At first glance, it looks like you only have to pay a small shipping charge of $4.95 to get your free bottle.

But if you look closely, there’s some fine print that you likely missed.

It says the following:

We take great pride in the quality of our products and are confident that Evolution Lean Keto is the most effective and powerful dietary supplement on the market today. If for any reason you do not find this product is right for you please contact us immediately. By placing an order you will be enrolled in our refill membership program. This program will charge $89.95 for your trial of Evolution Lean Keto on the 14th day and ship a full-size bottle every 30 days thereafter until you cancel. You can cancel or modify your membership anytime by calling 855-511-6309.

So essentially you’ll be charged the full price for the product just 14 days after ordering Evolution Lean Keto.

This is a very common tactic to get people to sign up for a free trial.


If I were you, I would run for the hills.

Not only does this Evolution Lean Keto likely not work, but they’re clearly not interested in selling you a halfway decent product.

Even if it did work, the fact that they use deceptive marketing (the Shark Tank article) to sell their product should be enough to keep you from ordering it.

The fact that they would be willing to get involved in such a sketchy marketing technique should be enough to tell you that they are not to be trusted.

If you’re looking for a real product that will give you great results, click here to email me.

We’ve personally tested 100’s of fat burners and weight loss supplements that actually do work, and can lead you in the right direction.

Have You Used Evolution Lean Keto? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Kognizen Review

Note: I was provided 1 free bottle of Kognizen from the manufacturer, but I am not affiliated with them in any way.

All of my thoughts on this product are from my own personal testing and research.

I was recently approached by a company called MX Nutraceuticals about reviewing their supplement.

It’s been awhile since I tested out a nootropic supplement, so I figured it was high-time I gave one a shot.


What is Kognizen?
What are Nootropics?
A Clinical Look At The Kognizen Ingredients
My Personal Kognizen Review
Pros and Cons
Where To Buy

What is Kognizen?

Created by MX Nutraceuticals, Kognizen is a supplement that promises to boost your energy, focus, mood, and memory.

Unlike several other Nootropic formulas like Mind Lab Pro and Accelleral, their formula is apparently designed to start working on your very first use.

Additionally, the manufacturer claims that with just 3 capsules you’ll realize an increase in alertness, short term memory retention, and reduced stress.

What Are Nootropics And Do They Really Work?

Nootropics are a class of supplements that are taken by individuals to help improve things like learning ability and memory, safeguard the brain against physical and chemical injury, and assist the brain in operating in unsettling conditions.

They include chemical compounds like Bacopa Monnieri, Panax Ginseng, L-Theanine, and Caffeine.

They’re a bit controversial in the sense that they are a bit understudied, and even have the potential to affect brain plasticity.

I’m not going to get into a full discuss of what Nootropics are here, but if you’d like to learn more about what they are, what they’re designed to do, and the science behind them, click here to read our full guide.

A Clinical Look At The Kognizen Ingredients

According to the product label on the Kogizen website, the only ingredients contained in the supplements are:

  • L- Theanine:  300 mg
  • Caffeine: 150 mg
  • Ginkgo Biloba: 180 mg
  • Ashwaghanda Root Extract: 450 mg
  • Korean Panax Ginseng: 360 mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea: 435 mg
  • Vitamin B1: 9 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 9 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 6 mg
  • Folic Acid: 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B12: 0.1 mg

Click Here for a full size picture of the ingredients label.

At first glance, Kognizen looks like a simple L-Theanine and Caffeine combo.

I’ve used this specific combo numerous times in the past, and typically it works great.

In fact, the effects of l-theanine and caffeine have been well documented in numerous clinical studies, and have been show to help:

  • Improve alertness
  • Visual information processing
  • Attention switching
  • Word recognition
  • Improve mood

Source: (1, 2)

A typical effective dose of caffeine and l-theanine is around a 160 mg / 200 mg ratio.

Kognizen has a 150 mg / 300 mg caffeine to l-theanine ratio, which is close to the suggested dose.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herb that, among other things, may help with memory disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. (Source)

So what makes Ginkgo Biloba so effective, and why is it included in the Kognizen formula?

Researchers believe that it’s health benefits stem from the fact that Ginkgo is an effective antioxidant.

It contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, 2 chemical compounds that have impressive antioxidant effects. (Source)

In a study conducted with 260 men and women over the age of 60, Gingko Biloba was shown to improve certain neuropsychological/memory processes. (Source)

My Personal Results With Kognizen

(Click Here
 to read my “This is too long, just give me the summarized version” of this)

As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, I was provided a bottle of Kognizen free of charge to test it out.

kognizen reviews

As soon as I saw the formula, I knew this was going to work.

The only question in my mind was, “how well and for how long”.

The directions on the Kognizen label state that you should take 3 capsules per day in the morning or early afternoon.

This is good advice, because unless you plan on pulling an all-nighter, it’s not a good idea to take a supplement like this too late in the day.

If you do, you may find yourself staring at the ceiling counting sheep to try and fall asleep.

When I test out a supplement, I normally only take the smallest dosage possible so that I can keep any potential side effects at bay.

However, since the formula looked very familiar, I decided to throw caution to the wind and just went with 3 capsules first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

That last part of the sentence above is crucial…

Whenever you take a nootropic supplement such as Kognizen, it’s absolutely essential that you take them on am empty stomach.

There’s such a huge difference between taking them on a empty vs. full stomach.

In most cases, it can be as much as a 90% difference in effectiveness.

On the first day I used Kognizen, I had a particularly challenging task ahead of me.

I was updating an article that I had written about 3 years back that needed a bit of a refresh.

The specific type of supplement that I was writing about is not a very familiar subject for me.

In fact, it’s the only review of it’s category that I have on the site, so it took a TON of extra research to make sure I was writing factual information.

Usually when I update articles like this it can take me as much as 2 or 3 days to get all the information down.

This was not the case on this particular day…

I was able to add a good 1,500 words of rich content to the review in under 3 hours, and I can completely attribute this to the Kognizen.

The words were just flowing on to the page with ease, and I was able to disseminate the information I was reading quickly and effectively.

After I was done pumping out the changes in that review, I then decided to hit the gym.

When it comes to my workouts, sometimes I take a pre workout and sometimes I don’t.

It really depends on how I’m feeling that day, and what I’m looking to accomplish.

If I know I’m in for a particularly challenging workout, I’ll take either a couple of pills of a fat burner called Instant Knockout, or a powdered pre-workout called 4 Gauge.

On this particular day, I wanted to see if the Kognizen alone would help me power through my workout.

After all, most of the pre workouts I take do essentially the same thing as the fast-acting nootropics do.

Although I don’t recommend this to the average individual, I took 1 additional capsule of Kognizen about 45 min. prior to my workout.

On the drive to the gym, I could sense it was kicking in.

What followed was one of the most intense workouts I’ve had in a really long time.

By the end of the day, I could tell that it was starting to wear off, but not in a bad way.

For example, when I took a supplement called Addieup, it actually worked about the same as Kognizen.

However, at the end of the day I experienced this really bad come down, which left me basically feeling like shit.

This was not the case with Kognizen.

The effects seemed to just wear off gradually, and I felt totally fine when it was all said and done.

I continued taking Kognizen for the next 10 days, and for the first half of the week it was still working as well as it did on that very first day.

My motivation was kicked in to high gear, I was getting things done very quickly, and even noticed I was sleeping better.

However, it was towards the end of the first week that I began to notice the effects starting to wear off.

I’m not sure if it was because of the supplement itself, but I didn’t seem to be getting that laser-like focus that I’d been getting every morning.

It was then that I realized something…

I looked at the label and saw this:

kognizen directions for use

For optimal results, the manufacturer specifically notes that you should take Kognizen on a 5 days on / 2 days off basis.

I was on day 7 when I realized it stopped working.

It’s for this reason that I would suggest you follow their recommendations, they ARE there for a reason!

In Summary

Kognizen definitely works, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

It helped me both with writing about boring topics, as well as my gym workouts.

With that said, follow the directions on the label.  I went against their recommendations and took it for about 10 days straight.

As a result, I noticed I started to build a tolerance.

They recommend that you take it on a 5 days on / 2 days off schedule.

This will help to reduce any potential tolerance build-up, as well as keep it working the way it’s intended to.

Pros and Cons


  • Works fast
  • I didn’t notice any side effects with Kognizen
  • They ship worldwide
  • Relatively inexpensive when comapared to various other nootropic supplements


  • Will build a tolerance if you take it everyday for too long
  • Not available in stores

Where To Buy

You can find Kognizen for sale on their official website, www.Kognizen.co.uk.

One bottle will run you approximately $52.86, and they also offer a monthly subscription that is way cheaper.

For example, if you sign up for the monthly subscription, instead of paying the full price, you’ll only pay $26.50 for the first month, and then $39.65 for each bottle afterwards.

If you’re on the fence about committing to something like that, just go with one bottle to start.

Once you see it’s working for you, you can always switch over to the monthly auto-rebill option.

Of course, you can cancel the monthly option anytime by simply emailing them.

As of this review, Kognizen is not sold in stores like CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, or Amazon.

If this ever changes I’ll be sure to update it here.


If you’re looking for an effective Nootropic supplement, Kognizen would definitely be towards the top of my list.

In fact, if I had a Top 10 it would almost certainly be on there.

Maybe even a Top 5 front-runner.

With that said, be sure to follow their dosing recommendations.  I was stupid enough to continue taking it past the 5 day break date, and was scratching my head as to why it stopped working.

It was only then that I realized that you need to cycle nootropics like this to avoid building a tolerance.

Lesson learned, although I’ve already been taught this lesson 🙂

Have You Used Kognizen?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Probiotic Warnings – A Licensed Pharmacist Shares His Thoughts

Probiotics Overview

Over the past decade there has been a very clear trend towards the use of probiotics. Bacteria live in our gut in a natural balance and directly affect the functioning of the human body.

The theory of probiotic use relates to the idea that a triggering event – antibiotic use, poor diet, infection – can knock this gut flora out of balance and putting the proper healthy bacteria into our bodies can restore that balance.

Probiotics Studies

There is mounting research to back all of this up. Studies have shown that probiotics are effective in treating the following:

  1. Probiotics may reduce the incidence of antibiotic-related diarrhea.
  2. Probiotics may reduce the duration and severity of all-cause infectious diarrhea.
  3. Probiotics may reduce the severity of pain and bloating in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. Probiotics may reduce the incidence of atopic dermatitis in at-risk infants. There is preliminary support for treatment of symptoms.

In addition to these, certain gut bacteria species and levels have been correlated with mental and brain health, body weight, mental clarity, and on and on. There is no doubt that the use of probiotics can be highly beneficial and we will continue to see abundant research in this area.

Potential Downsides To Probiotics

Now for the current drawbacks with probiotic therapy. The research is still very young. There are thousands of strains of bacteria living inside of us and the numbers are in the billions and billions. We have been able to correlate different strains with different disease processes, but we still have a long way to go. Because we don’t know the specific balance and there is significant difference from person to person, it is unknown whether the same strains and amounts are the best for everyone.

Another challenge is that many of the claims are anecdotal and haven’t been tested in appropriate double blind studies. Probiotics have the potential to be very beneficial, but they aren’t a panacea or a cure all. Many people have very health guts, good diets and eat plenty of food with live cultures and have absolutely no need to add probiotics to their regimen.

There are thousands of probiotics that are hitting the market. If I were to select a probiotic I would stick with a larger brand name and specifically one that has been clinically tested.

Probiotics Precautions and Contraindications:

By and large, probiotics have very few side effects. The most common would be flatulence or mild abdominal discomfort. If a quality probiotic, from a reputable manufacture is selected the chance of a pathological infection is extremely rare. That being said, there are people at higher risks for more serious adverse effects (see below) and probiotics should be avoided.

Do not take this medication if you have:

  • Weakened Immune System
  • Short Bowel Syndrome
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Damaged Heart Valves
  • Severely Ill
  • Immunocompromised


Taking antibiotics along with probiotic can reduce the effectiveness of the probiotic. To avoid this interaction, take probiotic products at least 2 hours before or after antibiotics

Can I take Probiotics if I am pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • Probiotics are listed as POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately while pregnant and breastfeeding. Probiotics have been used safely in pregnant and breast-feeding women, but not all strains have been tested.

Moderate Interactions

  • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
    • azathioprine (Imuran)
    • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
    • mycophenolate (CellCept)
    • tacrolimus (Prograf)
    • sirolimus (Rapamune)
    • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
    • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
    • and others


  1. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-790/lactobacillus
  2. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/1101/p1073.html
  3. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/719654_14
  4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213453015000300

Denzel Washington & Dr. Phil Did NOT Develop Some ED Pill

Have you seen this ad?

denzel washington ed pill ad on yahoo

I was scrolling through my Yahoo news feed yesterday, like I do every morning, when I stumbled across it.

After I clicked on it, it led to a page that screamed the following headline:

Denzel Washington’s ED Cure Has Experts In Awe & Big Pharma Is Terrified

It’s not the first time I’ve seen an ad like this on yahoo.

In fact, just last week I posted an article that took down the claim that Morgan Freeman developed some cure for ED as well.

morgan freeman supposed gq article

And in an article I published back in early September, I broke down another similar scam with a supplement called Alpha TRT.

This particular page is claiming that Denzel Washington, in conjunction with Dr. Phil, developed some revolutionary new pill called Vigatron that literally cures ED.

Now of course, it should be glaringly obvious that a succesful actor such as Denzel Washington should not need to be involved in erectile dysfunction remedies, but alas, apparently people are believing this and have been falling for it hook line and sinker.

They quote him as saying the following:

Dr. Phil and I have done our research, and spoken to industry insiders.  And they helped us create this product Vigatron and boy can I tell you, this stuff is potent.  I’ve tried Viagra, I’ve tried Red Ginseng, I’ve tried Cialis. Vigatron blow them all away.

Pretty amazing, right?  I mean, a “cure” for ED!?

That would be one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of modern times.

The simple fact is, this entire story is completely fictional.

Much like many similar scams that have come before it, the folks behind this one are preying on people’s familiarity with certain celebrities and using bold language to draw them in and ultimately, take their money.

And I’m going to prove it to you here.

Red Flag #1: This is NOT The Daily News Website

Despite looking like it, this is not in fact the Daily News website.

Need proof?

Look at the url in the address bar, and tell me what it says.

fake denzel washington ad

That’s right.  It doesn’t say “DailyNews.com”, but instead says “e-newsworthy.com/denzel”.

Want more proof?

Here’s a cool trick…

Change the “denzel” at the end of that url to “zuck-o” and watch what happens.

I’ll do it for you to save some time.

It’s amazing, isn’t it.

The website just magically changed from “Daily News” to “Entertainment Today” with the click of a mouse.

That’s because this entire Denzel Washington ED pills article is a complete scam.

Here’s some more proof.

Red Flag #2: The name of the product keeps changing

When I originally clicked on the ad yesterday, the whole article was talking about a pill called Vigatron.

fake vigatron ad

Yet, when I went back to the exact same page this morning, it show a completely different product called Alpha TRT.

fake alpha trt ad

Same exact copy, but completely different product.

I can almost 100% guarantee you that, if you go back to this page right now, they’ll be a completely different product being pushed.

But wait, there’s more!!

Try googling something like “Denzel Washington and dr. phil e.d pill“, and this is what you get.

denzel washington and dr phil ed cure

The only legit article you’ll come across here is the first one from Fatherly.com.

They briefly mention the fact that Denzel Washington’s name has been used to push supplements like this before.

We’ve outed nearly all of them, including Alpha ZXT, Brain Plus IQ, and Formula Focus.

denzel washington formula focus

If you click on any of the other results of the search, again the name keeps changing.

For example, the 3rd result claims that Denzel developed a product called Testo Rev.

dr phil testo rev

Further down the search results we see that the name of the miracle cure is actually Apexatropin, a scam we outed awhile back.

dr phil apexatropin scam

And on and on it goes.

Red Flag #3:  Denzel Washington Hasn’t Ever Been On Dr. Phil

I just tried searching for an episode where Denzel Washington was on the Dr. Phil show, and unsurprisingly, couldn’t find anything.

First I tried searching the Dr. Phil website to find the exact episode.

denzel washington was never on dr phil

Then I tried a quick google video search:

denzel washington on dr phil google search

Again, no results showing he’d ever even been on the show, much less was pushing some type of “ed cure”.

“But what about that first result in the search, Rob?”

first result in google search for denzel washington on dr phil

Ok, let’s click on it.

When you do, this is what you see.

dr phil on youtube

When you click on it, this is what you get.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avZAfIswFTU]

So clearly not what you were looking for.

This whole video is basically some guy who took soundbites of Dr. Phils voice and used them to ‘have a conversation’ with some male enhancement company.

It’s not even really that funny, but, that’s what it is.

So What’s The Purpose Of This Whole Thing?

You’re probably wondering why would someone bother doing all of this, right?

I mean, why lie and say that Denzel Washington created some crazy good ED pill.

Well, it all boils down to one thing and one thing only….money. (big surprise there, huh?)

Let me explain…

If you revert back to the article, you’ll see Denzel Washington is quoted as saying that they’re offering samples of their product to the public.

vigatron free samples

If you click on the link, it takes you to a page telling you that you need to pay just a small shipping fee of only $4.89.

vigatron free trial

$5 for a free bottle of supplements!? What could go wrong!?

Well, it turns out a lot more than you bargained for.

If you scroll down a bit, you’ll see the real truth behind this supposed “free sample”.

vigatron terms and conditions

You’re reading it right…

They’re going to bill you the full price of the product 18 days after you order, in this case $97.49.

What’s even worse is that, if you don’t call to cancel, they will continually bill you every 30 days and send you another bottle of the pills.

This is what’s known as an “auto-rebill” program, and believe it or not, it’s perfectly legal.

Is it moral?  Not a chance.

But do you think the guys that are getting rich off of you care about that? Fat chance…


These scams never cease to amaze me how many people get sucked into them.

I get SO many emails from people saying stuff like “I can’t believe Denzel Washington put his name behind this product!”.

Or, “I saw this pill being advertised on CNN, they should be ashamed of themselves for promoting such a scam!”.

The simple truth is, Denzel Washington didn’t create some cure for ED.

Neither did Morgan Freeman, Tim Allen, or any other celebrity for that matter.

The entire scam is designed to get you to do one thing and one thing only…

Sign up for a free trial, which ultimately 90% of people signing up won’t realize that they’ll be billed some astronomical price 14 days later.

What can I do if I’ve been scammed by this already?

All hope is not lost.  Your best option is to call to cancel your trial of whatever product you signed up for right away.  If you’re persistent enough, you might even be able to get your money back.

I wrote an entire article on how to do this, click here to check it out.

The second thing you should do is share this article on Facebook and Twitter.

The more people that know about this scam, the less people that will be able to get scammed by it.

Click Here to share it on Facebook, and click here to share it on Twitter.

Lastly, leave a comment below and let us know if you see any other ads like this popping up.

Afinil Express Review

Afinil Express Intro

Ever since the movie Limitless came out back in 2011, people have been intrigued at the possibility of a ‘limitless drug‘.

Drugs like Adderall and Vyvanse have been the go-to study drug for millions of college students in the US.

Related Article: 5 Best Over The Counter Adderall Alternatives

With that said, many have been turning to alternative drugs that can produce the same results without the side effects.

Enter Modafinil, sometimes called by its original name ‘Provigil’.

modafinil vs adrafinil

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting agent that is used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by diseases like narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift-work disorder. (Source)

Off label, it’s been used by college students, corporate executives, and biohackers alike to help them perform better in the classroom and boardroom.

A lot of people see it as a safer and more available alternative to some “stim-heavy” prescription drugs and over the counter alternatives that have the potential for some hefty side effects.

One popular Modafinil vendor found online is Afinil Express, which is the focus of this 2018 review.

What is Afinil Express?

For the longest time, the only legit source for Modafinil online was Modafinil Cat.

the original modafinilcat website screenshot

I never posted a review of them, but I did buy many of their products and was surprised at how effective it was.

Fast forward 2 years and, for whatever reason, Modafinil Cat went out of business.

As a result, a bunch of guys were coming to me asking if I heard of a legit alternative to them.

It took about 7 months for me to find one, but luckily I did.

It’s called Afinil Express…

afinil express website screenshot

Afinil Express, as the name implies, sells various brands of Modafinil.

These include:

  • Modalert
  • Modvigil
  • Waklert
  • Artvigil

Let’s talk briefly about each of these so you can get an idea of how they’re supposed to help you.

What is Modalert?

Modalert 200 is basically the generic form of Modafinil.  It’s manufactured by a company called Sun Pharmaceuticals, which is located in Mumbai, India.

sun pharmaceuticals sells modalert

The company itself has been around for a long time, establishing itself as a low-cost pharmaceutical company in 1983.

One pill of Modalert contains 200 mg, which can be broken in half (or even quarters) if a full pill comes on too strong.

afinil express modalert 200 review

I prefer to take the whole pill, as a half dose just doesn’t seem to cut it.

Modalert is essentially the same exact thing as Modafinil, with a couple of small tweaks in its onset of action.

A typical dose will kick in about 2 hours after taking it, and the effects will peak about 6 hrs in.

modalert 200 effects timeline chart
Source: AfinilExpress.com

The nice thing about Modalert is, unlike with Adderall, there’s no sudden or huge crash at the end of the day.

It’s a very slow comedown, which in many cases you won’t even notice.

This also means that while it is tapering off, you are still somewhat experiencing the positive effects while slowing slipping back into how you are accustomed to feeling.

What is Modvigil?

Modvigil, which is manufactured by a completely different pharmacy called HAB Pharma, is another brand of generic modafinil.

hab pharmaceuticals modvigil 200

Hab Pharmaceuticals is another Indian pharmaceutical company that has been in business since 1980, and is a leading provider of a wide variety of generic medications.

Again, Modvigil is nearly identical to that of Modalert.

The only noticeable difference is that Modvigil hits its peak in about 5 hrs., vs. 6 hours with Modalert.

modvigil 200 effects chart

That’s at least what the manufacturer has to say.

I’ve noticed in my own personal testing that Modvigil seems to last way longer than that, with the effects tapering off at around the 8 hour mark.

Just like with Modalert, there’s no crash.

What is Artvigil?

Just like Modvigil, Artvigil is also manufactured by HAB Pharmaceuticals.

artvigil from afinil express

Artvigil is actually a generic version of modafinil called Armodafinil, which is also a wakefulness promoting agent and cognitive enhancer.

Long story short, it gets you awake and keeps you awake.

On average, Artvigil shares the same effects timeline of Modalert.

artvigil effects timeline chart

The same core mechanism of action exists between both of them.

They work on the brain in a number of ways, by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, increasing norepinephrine, elevating histamine, and causing orexin activation.

So what’s the main difference between Armodafinil and Modafinil?

armodafinil vs modafinil

Modafinil exists as two enantiomers, which are basically just different configurations of the molecule. There’s an R and an S enantiomer, with the former being being more active than the latter.

When you use Modafinil, you’re using a racemic mixture, which means that 50% of the drug is R-modafinil and the other 50% is S-modafinil.

However, with Armodafinil, there is no mixture. (Source)

You’re only getting the R-enantiomer configuration of the molecule.

Translation: It’s a WAY stronger version.

I can concur with this, as you’ll learn in my review below.

What is Waklert?

Wakalert is the same thing as Artvigil, but it’s made by Sun Pharmaceuticals.

waklert from afinil express

It has the same mechanism of action that Armodafinil dose, and the dose is exactly the same (150 mg).

However, unlike the rest of these the onset of action is about an hour longer, it lasts about 2 hours longer, and drops off 1 hour less.

waklert 150 effects timeline chart

So which one should I use?

The answer to this is, it depends.

In my personal experience, they all work very well.

If you help a gun to my head and told me I could only choose 1, I would say Modalert 200 would be the way to go.

If you asked me to rank them in order of most effective to least effective, I would rank them like this:

#1:  Modalert
#2: Wakalert
#3:  Modvigil
#4:  Artvigil

Again, they are all very effective.

With that said, in my experience there were some subtle differences.

Differences In Effects Timeline

Officially, there isn’t a huge difference in how long each of these work for.

modvigil vs modalert vs waklert vs artvigil effects timeline chart

Unofficially, I experience some differences than the chart above would suggest.

For example, Modalert works for about 8 hours for me, and doesn’t come on too strong.

On the other hand, Artvigil comes on a bit too strong, and most times lasts way into the night.

If I take a dose of Artivigil any time past noon, I’ll literally be staring at the ceiling until 2 in the morning.

Modalert allows me to get a solid 5 hours of work in, completely uninterrupted, and doesn’t give me any sort of crash at the end of the day.

In my personal experience, I think it’s best that you go with the trail pack that Afinil Express offers.

It will allow you to try all 4 of them, without having to fork over a ton of cash.

You get 10 pills of each one, and it will only run you about $75.

You can pick it up on their site here – www.AfinilExpress.com

Frequently Asked Questions


Is Modafinil Safe?

Generally speaking, yes.

It’s been determined that the median lethal dose for Modafinil in lab rats is 1250 mg/kg. (Source)

To put that in perspective, in theory a 170 lb human would have to consume 96,250 mg of it to overdose.

That translates to 481 pills to cause a fatal overdose.

One study examined an unsuccessful suicide attempt by a 15 year old kid who tried to OD on Modafinil.

She took 5000 mg (50 pills) of Modafinil, and despite suffering from some headaches, nausea, and abdominal pain, survived the event with no deterioration of kidney or liver functions, and no change in blood count or BP. (Source)

According to this 2018 reddit page, a user got scammed.

With all this said, there are some potential adverse effects.

What are the side effects?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/05/untitled

Since they’re all basically the same thing, they share nearly the same adverse effects.

I’m not gonna sugarcoat things and tell you that they’re completely side effect free, because they’re not.

Some of the more common side effects you may experience with Modafinil include:

  • Headache
  • Insomnia (especially if taken too late in the day)
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach

Here’s a breakdown by %:

modafinil side effects infographic
Data Source: NIH.gov

Is This Even Legal?

Technically speaking, no.

Legally, you’re supposed to be diagnosed with a disease like Narcolepsy, Shift-work sleep disorder, or sleep apnea, and receive a prescription from a licensed physician.

With that said, there has only been one case involving modafinil possession and possession alone that resulted in an significant punishment.

In that case, the defendant had a fairly lengthy criminal record.

That was nearly the only one we could find.

If you don’t believe me, visit this article and scroll down to the “Legal Risk” section.

The author of this article did extensive research of law journals, Lexis Nexis, Google Scholar, and state-level court case searches and found no evidence of anyone who has ever been busted for possessing Modafinil alone. (other and the Missouri case)

Every instance involved possession of some other substance, and in one case the dude who was possessing Modafinil tried pushing some woman on to the train tracks!

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/untitled

Moral of the story?  Don’t try and push someone on to the train tracks when you have a bottle of Modafinil on you.

There are certain countries where ordering Modafinil via Afinil Express is just not gonna happen.

They include the following:  Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates.

If you live in one of these countries, or are afraid of breaking any local laws, I would recommend you pick up a substance called Adrafinil.

Specifically, I would recommend you get the Nootropics All-Star Pack from Absorb Your Health.

nootropics all star pack

It contains 4 powerful supplements, including Adrafinil, which is virtually the same thing as Modafinil.

And it’s fully legal in almost every country*.

You can read my full review of it here:  Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack Review

and here’s a link to the All-Star pack:  https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349

Where To Buy

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/untitled

You can buy Modafinil online from Afinil Express on their official website, www.AfinilExpress.com.

Their prices are very competitive, and from all accounts they ship very quickly.

You can pay for it via credit card, Bitcoin, or Alt Coins (Bitcoin cash, Litecoin, Dashcoin, and more).

If you’re still new to Modafinil, I would definitely recommend you pick up the trial pack to start.

It contains 10 pills of each of their product offerings, and will allow you to see which one is right for you without breaking the bank.

How long will it take to get to me?

This varies widely depending on where you live.

Here are the suggested shipping times based on country:

United States: 7 – 10 days
United Kingdom: 7 – 10 days
Australia: 10 – 14 days
France: 7 – 12 days
Italy: 7 – 12 days
Mexico: 10 – 14 days

 * Note: These shipping times are a suggestion and are subject to change.


https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/untitled

Afinil Express is actually one of the only legit Modafinil providers available on the internet, and I’ve purchased from several of them.

If the potential side effects scare you off,  or the legal consequences of buying Modafinil online concern you, then go with the Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack.

It’s completely legal in nearly every country, and will produce nearly the same result.

Additionally, there are several other potent modafinil alternatives available over the counter.

Click Here to read my full article on that.

If you or someone you know has been having a hard time staying awake, staying focused, and staying motivated to get stuff done, this stuff will help you.

Have You Used Afinil Express?  Leave Your Review Below!

* Check with your local laws to be completely sure first.

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

RX Max Force Review

One of my visitors asked me if I’ve ever heard of a supplement called RX Max Force.

rx max force email

I can already tell from the minute I ran a google search that this product is going to be a complete flake.

rx max force review

Not only is there hardly any information on it, but the information that is available is next to worthless.

Unfortunately, if I don’t post even the slightest blurb about it now, my RX Max Force review will be banished to the depths of google hell.

Buried by 1000’s of websites with the sole purpose of trying to get you to buy the product.

rx max force website

They’ll also be claiming s#$t like “it’s side effects free”, even though that’s a load of crap.

Every supplement I’ve ever tested, even the ones I personally recommend, are not free of side effects.

They’ll be telling you how great these pills are, without:

  • Ever having used it
  • What’s on the label
  • Ever having even seen what the bottle looks like
  • Knowing who sells it
  • Where it’s shipped from
  • Knowing if it really does work

They’ll be posting some article that was written either by a computer generated machine, or a writer in the Philippines who barely speaks a lick of English.

It happens constantly, and in the end, guys who are looking for a legit supplement review are left scouring through pages and pages of search results trying to find something legit.

My advice? Don’t buy it (for now).

I’ll have a full review posted within a day or two, I just wanted to get this out there before the tsunami of crap review sites roll through with their “reviews” of RX Max Force.

Updated Review – What is RX Max Force?

So I was feeling a little frisky last night when I posted everything above, mainly because I’ve been very frustrated with the lack of legit supplements hitting the market.

Anyway, I had a chance to dive into what RX Max Force is, and this is what I found out.

When you google the product, there’s virtually nothing showing up.

By nothing I mean there’s basically a bunch of random forums that are showing urls that appear to have a “review” of the pills.

rx max force forum

What happens when you go in to these forums?

I just clicked on the first one (mtgsalvation dot com) and this is what showed up:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/nothing showing

Like I said, nothing credible.

The only page that had any semblance of information on it was the one I took a screenshot above of.

They provide a bunch of useless information that it’s not even worth repeating.

The only good thing that came out of that site was that they linked to the official website for the supplement (rxmaxforce dot com).

So what the heck is it?

At first glance, I wasn’t actually sure if this was characterized as a male enhancement supplement or a testosterone booster.

I mean, it says “male enhancement complex” right on the label.

rx max force male enhancement

But when you start reading their website copy, they specifically mention the following:

RX Max force is a dietary health supplement which may help support testosterone levels in the male body.

Ok, so it’s a testosterone booster then.

So what’s in this testosterone booster that makes it so effective?

What’s In RX Max Force?

The ingredients label lists the following:

  • Epimedium extract
  • Eurycoma Longifolia
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Bovine Orchic Substance
  • Wild Yam Extract
  • Sarsaparilla Root Extract
  • Nettle Root Extract
  • Boron Amino Acid Chelate

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

rx max force ingredients label

What we do know is that it contains a 1,489 mg blend of all of these ingredients.

What we do not know is, like with so many other supplements, what the exact amounts of each ingredients are.

This is not good for 2 reasons:

  1. It may be significantly under-dosed.
  2. It may cause side effects that you weren’t expecting.

Take Saw Palmetto extract for example.

The effective dose for helping with BPH is around 320 mg, taken over the course of 4-6 weeks. (Source)

But how much saw palmetto is in RX MaxForce?

We just don’t know.

Another interesting thing to note is that none of these ingredients are really suitable as testosterone boosters.

I mean, Horny Goat Weed had literally one rat study that showed a positive effect on testosterone levels. (Here’s that study)

It involved injecting rats with a rather large dose of 10 mg per kg of body weight.

To put that in human terms, a 170 lb guy would have to consume 810 mg of Horny Goat to get the same dosage.

How To Buy RX Max Force

You can only find this supplement on their official site, and there’s only two ways to buy it.

  1.  A one-time purchase, which is $89.63
  2. A trial purchase, which is $4.69

If you decide to go with the trial, you need to be crystal clear about what’s going to happen.

That $4.69 price may sound very appealing, but they’re going to end up billing you the full price for the product just 14 days later.

It’s all right here in the terms and conditions, which many unfortunately don’t read very carefully.

rx max force terms and conditions

If you want to cancel your trial and not get billed, you need to call them before the 14 days are up.

Here’s their customer service phone number: 844-388-6965


Who knows, maybe this supplement will actually be worth it.

My instincts tell me that, like so many others, it’s going to be a dud.

Until we start getting feedback from real users of RX Max Force, we’ll be left to ponder if it actually works as well as they say it does.

Until then, hold on to your credit cards, because the supplement free trial vacuum is about to be turned up to high.

For those that have already been caught up in their free trial and want to cancel, click here.

It will tell you exactly what you need to do to get out of the free trial, and may even help you get your money back if you go about it the right way.

If you’re looking for a real sexual enhancer that actually works, click here.

If you’re looking for something that can help you get bigger ‘down there’, click here.

Have You Used RX Max Force?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Anna And Samantha Martin Were NOT On Shark Tank

I was skimming through my Facebook feed the other day when I came across the following post:

facebook shark tank weight loss ad

I clicked it, and couldn’t believe my eyes…

It was the EXACT same thing I saw just a few months back.

The short answer is this:  Anna and Samantha Martin are not real people, and were never on Shark Tank.  While it may appear legit, the article you were just reading is a complete fabrication.  It was designed to trick you into thinking that whatever weight loss supplement, wrinkle cream, or keto pill they were promoting landed  “the biggest deal in Shark Tank history”.  The simple truth is, there isn’t any.

Here’s the long version…

Before you scroll down, let me make a couple recommendations for supplements that actually do work.

Click on the corresponding link below to see my top suggested supplements: 

I’m a guy looking to lose weight / get shredded 

I’m a gal looking to lose weight

I’m looking for an effective OTC Viagra alternative

I’m looking for the best all-natural sex pill

I’m looking to get bigger ‘down there’

I’m looking for the best all-natural testosterone booster

I’m not looking for any of these. (In that case, click here to email me and tell me what you’re looking for!)

Watch Our Video On This Below

Shark Tank Weight Loss Episode 2018

Back in late July, I posted an expose on how there was no such thing as some miracle weight loss pill seen on Shark Tank.

The jist of it went like this…

Anna and Samantha Martin, 2 sisters from Skokie, Illinois, appeared on an episode of Shark Tank in 2018 to pitch their product “SlimFit 180”.

shark tank martin sisters

The Shark Tank panel of judges was so impressed, that they offered the Martin sisters a $5 Million offer for 42% of their company.

They happily agreed to the offer, and everyone lived happily after ever.

Or Did They…

Back to the ad I just saw.

When I clicked on it, it took me to a page that looked eerily similar to the one I was talking about back in July.

Same picture of the Martin sisters at the top of the page, but this time they were saying they invented some moisturizer.

moisturizer or weight loss pill

So which one is it?

Well, the answer to that question is…


That’s right folks, this entire blog post is a fake.

I’ve already explained this in pretty good detail in this post, but I’ll touch on a few things here.

Anna And Samantha Martin Part 1

The first thing that may not be so obvious to the casual reader is the url of each of these websites.

At first glance, each page looks like the Entertainment Today website.

However, if you look closely, you’ll see that the urls for all of these just don’t match up.

the real etonline site

The other dead giveaway is the side by side pics they show on the right hand side of the page.

They use the exact same name (with different before and after photos), but for completely different products.

lacey brown montgomery alabama

andrea taylor manitoba and maine

How I Know Anna And Samantha Martin Weren’t On Shark Tank

Back to the sisters in question.

If you google their names, the first thing that shows up is this playlist on Youtube.

anna and samantha martin on youtube

However, if you actually watch the video, this is not the sisters you were looking for.

anna and samantha martin on shark tank

This is a completely different pair of women who appeared on Shark Tank pitching a completely different product called Tippi Toes.

They are, in fact, sisters.  But their names aren’t Anna and Samantha Martin.

They’re Sarah Nuse and Megan Reilly, and they ultimately landed a deal with Mark Cuban for 30% equity in exchange for $100,000.

Unfortunately for them, like so many others that have been on Shark Tank, the deal ultimately fell through.

Further down the search results we see a Facebook post by someone asking about a face cream called Allegro.

allegro face cream

It’s not until we get a bit further down the results until we see the real truth.

This article, which was originally published on the UK Mirror site, shows that con men have been using Sandra Bullocks name to pitch a wide variety of products.

In fact, Sandra Bullocks image has been used in several of these deceptive ads.

sandra bullock shark tank

The story is always the same, but the names of the products change on a continual basis.

The UK Mirror site specifically calls out the fact that Anna and Samantha Martin are actually two sisters named Shelly Hyde and Kara Haught.

shelly hyde and kara haught

They developed a moms swimwear product line, and consequently landed a deal with Barbara Corcoran.

You can watch the full shark tank episode below.

anna and samantha williams shark tank episode


Clearly this is scam designed to trick you in to thinking that some revolutionary skin care product, weight loss pill, or face cream landed some huge deal on Shark Tank.

It didn’t…

And Anna and Samantha Martin?

They don’t exist…

Well, at least not by those names.  Keep in mind that there are literally dozens of products that have been claiming they were seen on Shark Tank.

The moral of the story is that people will go to great lengths to try to dupe you into falling for their product, and if something seems suspicious, it’s probably just too good to be true.

Here’s a list of all of the ones I’ve come across in the past few months:

Keto Genesis Advance
Organa Keto
DX Lean Diet
MomenTrim Keto
KetoGen RX
Keto 180 Diet
Total Fit Boost Forskolin
Keto Factor Forskolin
Keto Pro X
Rapid Trim 24/7
Super S Keto
Keto Advanced Weight Loss
Ingredient Science Keto Formula
Keto Power
Safe Meds Keto
Keto Advantage
Maximum Strength Forskolin
Keto Zen
Keto X Factor
Keto 800 BHB
NutraSurreal Keto Diet pill
Keto Pure
Keto Flex
Keto Life
Keto Shred
K2 Slim Keto
Miraculous Ketone
Keto Burn Xtreme
Keto Hack
Ketogenix Max
Keto Prime
Biorganic Forskolin / Keto
Alkatone Keto
Keto BHB
Vital Slim Keto Genesis
Keto 6
Pure Life Keto
Keto Slim 7
Keto Fuel
Marathon Keto
Green Vibe
Slim Tone Keto
Keto Buzz
Keto Lit BHB
Holistic Bliss Keto
Keto XS
Keto Supreme Forskolin
Keto Kandy

I’ve seen this exact type of scam pop up for a wide variety of other types of products, including Testosterone Boosters / Mens Health pills.

If you come across one of these ads while browsing Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media, email us the link here.

We’re paying up to $100 for tips on the latest Shark Tank scams just like this, and it will help others save their hard earned cash.

Have You Been Scammed By This?  Leave Your Comments Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nugenix Side Effects: I Read 1,045 Reviews, Here Are The Most Common

Nugenix is one of the most popular testosterone boosters we’ve ever personally tested.

As a result, I get a LOT of guys asking me about what the potential side effects are.

I’ve talked about it briefly in my original review, but I wanted to created this post to go into more depth about what (and what NOT) is possible.



If you’re looking for the best testosterone booster on the market, check out a product called Testosil.

does testosil testosterone booster really work

It’s by far the best testosterone booster I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 of them.

Click Here to read my full review.

First off, What’s In Nugenix?

We can’t determine what the side effects will be without knowing first what’s in the formula.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

nugenix label

Now, side effects can loosely be defined into 2 categories:

  1. What the anecdotal reports (customer reviews) say.
  2. What the medical literature says.

Let’s start with Nugenix reviews.

I went through all the reviews on Amazon (yes, all 1,000+ of them), to get an idea of what the most common side effects were.

I read through every nugenix review I could find

It took me almost 2 hours, but I got through all 105 pages.

The vast majority (about 60% of them) were not comprehensive at all, and just said things like “didn’t work“, “OK“, or “it works“.

However, some of the more informative ones were pretty detailed in their assessment.

Especially when it came to problems they had with it.

Below is the breakdown in side effects that I saw (listed in order from most common to least common):

  • Increased blood pressure: 10
  • Nausea / Vomiting: 9
  • My urine smells bad (I can confirm this, it’s the fenugreek extract): 8
  • Upset Stomach:  7
  • Increased heart rate / heart palpitations: 4
  • Headaches: 4
  • Burping with a bad aftertaste: 3
  • Indigestion / Heartburn: 3
  • Diarrhea: 3
  • Decreased blood pressure: 2
  • Jitters: 1
  • Flatulence: 1
  • Body itching: 1
  • Hot Flashes: 1
  • Burning urination: 1
  • Intestinal bleeding: 1
  • Fatigue: 1
  • Agitation: 1
  • Anxiety: 1
  • Stomach Pain: 1
  • Abdominal Cramps: 1
  • Changes in vision: 1
  • Constipation: 1
  • Vivid Dreams: 1

Total reviews where side effects were reported: 36

*Some of these are combined.  If a guy had headaches AND nausea, I counted his assessment in both categories.

Keep in mind that this is what guys REPORTED while taking Nugenix, and not necessarily CAUSED by it.

For instance, you can have a headache without taking a supplement, right?

There’s really no way to tell if Nugenix was the culprit.

Some of the stories I read were horrible:

One guy said that he experienced every single side effect had, he came down with.

nugenix side effects

On guy said he ended up in the ER all day because his blood pressure shot up to 170 / 110.

nugenix emergency room visit

Yet another reviewer mentioned that he had some serious side effects from it, including shaking, sweating, and feeling very ill.

nugenix adverse reaction sweating

To me, that simply sounds like he either had an allergic reaction to it, or it could have been food poisoning from something he ate earlier in the day.

Same with this guy:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/10/nugenix horror

What does the medical literature have to say?

First off, here’s a chart with every ingredient in Nugenix and their corresponding side effects.

IngredientPotential Side EffectsSource
Zinc - 5 mg
  • Nausea / Vomiting

  • Stomach Pain / Diarrhea

  • Flu-Like Symptoms

  • Lowered HDL Cholesterol

  • Copper Deficiency
  • Healthline.com
    Vitamin B6 - 2 mg
  • Nausea / Vomiting

  • Stomach Pain

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Headache

  • Tingling

  • Sleepiness
  • WebMD.com
    Vitamin B12 - 50 mcg
  • Headache

  • Itching

  • Swelling

  • Nervousness / Anxiety

  • Uncontrollable Movements
  • Everydayhealth.com
    Fenugreek Extract - amount unknown*
  • Diarrhea,

  • Upset Stomach

  • Bloating / Gas

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Maple syrup odor in urine

  • Nasal Congestion

  • Coughing / Weezing
  • WebMD.com
    L-Citrulline - amount unknown*
  • No Reported Side Effects
  • WebMD.com
    Tribulus Terrestris - amount unknown*
  • Stomach Pain

  • Cramping

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea / Vomiting

  • Constipation

  • Excitation

  • Insomnia
  • WebMD.com
    * Part of a proprietary formula.

    As you’ll see, the most common adverse effects are things like nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach.

    What was interesting to note was, despite several men complaining about increased blood pressure, none of the ingredients list that as a common side effect.

    In fact, several of the ingredients (most notably Tribulus, L-Citrulline, and Fenugreek) have actually been shown to lower blood pressure. [Source: 1, 2, 3]

    So what can be causing all of these instances of increased BP?

    This can only lead me to believe that their increase in blood pressure was either the result of excitation or anxiety that may have been caused by the Nugenix, or an outside factor completely independent of the supplement.

    With that said, several men did not that their blood pressure returned to normal by either lowering the dose, or abstaining from the product altogether.

    What About Medical Conditions?

    We had our in-house pharmacist go over the formula, and he found that in general Nugenix is safe to take.

    There are no known contraindications for taking this supplement with:

    • High or low blood pressure
    • Anti-depressants
    • Caffeine

    With that said, you should NOT take Nugenix under the following conditions:

    • Are taking Cyclosporine or any medications for organ transplant.
    • Have HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)/AIDS – Zinc use has been linked to shorter survival time in people with HIV/AIDs.
    • Have Leber’s disease, a hereditary eye disease: Do not take vitamin B12 if you have this disease.  It can seriously harm the optic nerve, which might lead to blindness.
    • Have abnormal red blood cells (megaloblastic anemia).
    • Have high numbers of red blood cells (polycythemia vera).
    • Have cancer.
    • Or have received post-surgical stent placement.

    Here’s a complete list of potential drug interactions that our pharmacist identified:


    • Mental Health
      • Lithium
    • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets
      • NSAIDS
        • ibuprofen
        • naproxen
      • Aspirin
      • Coumadin (warfarin)
      • Plavix (clipidogrel)
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Certain Antibiotics
      • Quinolones
        • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
        • enoxacin (Penetrex)
        • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
        • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
        • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
        • grepafloxacin (Raxar).
      • Tetracyclines
        • demeclocycline (Declomycin)
        • minocycline (Minocin)
        • tetracycline (Achromycin).
      • Cancer Treatment
        • Cisplatin
      • Other
        • Penicillamine
        • Amiodarone
        • Phenobarbital
        • chloramphenicol

    Click Here to read his full report.

    Is Nugenix REALLY Safe?

    Despite everything you read above, I personally believe that Nugenix is a completely safe supplement.

    The fact that only 36 men out of the 1,048 that left reviews of it mentioned anything about side effects is pretty telling.

    I mean, that’s a little over 3%. 

    That may sound like a lot, but considering some supplements have a side effect ratio approaching 15% and above, I think it’s pretty good.

    I’ve personally used it as well, and didn’t note ANY side effects with Nugenix.

    Click Here to read my full review.

    What Does Rhino Pills Do To You?

    What Does Rhino Pills Do To You?

    They get you hard!!

    Seriously, I don’t even understand why this question is asked as often as it is.

    Anyone that is asking what rhino pills do to you maybe shouldn’t be taking them in the first place.

    That’s the TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) summary.

    Now for the more “enhanced” explanation.

    How Do Rhino Pills Work?

    Since we know that the vast majority of pills with the name “Rhino” in them contain Sildenafil (source, source, source, source, source, source, source), we can explain exactly what happens when you take one of their pills.

    It’s basically a matter of blood flow…

    Let’s first explain why erectile dysfunction happens in the first place

    The penis has arteries and blood flows through these arteries. When a man becomes aroused, this blood fills the spongy tissue inside the penis to cause an erection.

    corpora cavernosa
    The Corpora Cavernosa is where the blood flows during an erection

    Sometimes a health problem like high blood pressure or diabetes can keep blood from flowing properly through the arteries of the penis.

    When this happens, a man can have problems getting or maintaining an erection.

    Drugs like Sildenafil (which are found in most Rhino Pills) not only helps men achieve an erection, but also maintain it.

    It works by increasing blood flow to the penis.

    Rhino pills are only supposed to work when they’re need to, when you’re sexual aroused.

    Key word, “supposed to”.

    This wouldn’t explain why I’ve gotten random boners walking down the street while on the stuff, but that’s a whole other matter.

    What Else Rhino Pills “Do To You”

    Unfortunately, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

    There are some SERIOUS side effects that can come from taking Rhino pills, including:

    Flushing:  Basically what happens here is your face and neck will get really hot and tingly, and make you feel weird.  It’s usually short-lived in my experience, and goes away in about an hour or so.

    Headache – I can’t even begin to describe how bad the headaches from Rhino Pills can be.  Think of your head being squeezed in a vice and you get the picture.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/charlie
    I still can’t believe he was protecting that piece of s#$t Charlie M.

    Runny or stuffy nose – I never really got a runny nose from Rhino pills, but I definitely get a stuffy nose.

    Not the kind of runny / stuffy nose where you pop some dayquil to get rid of it, but a stuffy nose nonetheless.

    Abnormal VisionTranslation:  You’ll see weird traces of light.

    It’s almost like your in a ray gun battle scene from star wars, without the whole getting shot at with a particle laser beam.

    rhino pills traces of light

    Sleep Problems – If you take it late at night (when most sex occurs, I guess?), it might keep you up.  No idea why it does that, but it does.

    Bottom Line

    If you’re looking for Rhino pills to do to you what you think they’ll do to you, then give them a try.

    They really do work, I can tell you from experience.

    But seriously, if you suffer from ANY sort of medical condition whatsoever, or are taking any medications, go to your doctor first.

    There could be some SERIOUS interactions with Rhino pills that they don’t exactly warn you about on the packaging.

    rhino 8 headaches

    Like headaches!

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

    #1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

    Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

    #2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

    The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

    #3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

    What Is The Strongest Rhino Pill? A Purveyor Of D$&K Pills Answers

    Rhino sex pills are some of the finest sexual enhancers that gas stations have to offer.

    rhino pills in gas stations

    You can usually find them conveniently in the “latex condoms, caffeine pills, and energy vitamins” section of nearly every gas station, including Mobile, Sunoco, Exxon, and even your local Chevron.

    Because of how widespread and easy to find they are, tons and tons of people try them out, possibly even more so than other male enhancement supplements because you typically are not going to come across them in such recognizable places alongside essentials for some people.


    If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

    vigrx plus medium
    Read my full review here.

    It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

    Click Here to read my full review.

    Just the other day I had one of my site visitors ask me which rhino pill is the best.

    what is the strongest rhino pill email I got

    Knowing that I’ve tested practically all of them, I decided to do this short post to help anyone else out with the same question.

    So Which Rhino Pill Works The Strongest?

    In my personal experience, and this comes from testing nearly EVERY Rhino pill on the market, the strongest one would have to be Rhino 69 9000.

    In fact, it came on so strong that I nearly busted a nut in my pants about a half hour after taking it.

    Mind you this was WITHOUT sexual stimulation.

    It was just a random, rock-hard boner that literally came out of nowhere.

    When I finally got a chance to put that boner to work, it was indeed one of the most pleasurable sexual experiences I can recall.

    And that’s saying a lot from a guy who tests out penis pills for a living!

    I also had a friend of ours, a guy who we’ll call “Jeff”, test it out as well.

    strongest rhino pill

    As you’ll see in Jeffs review here, he’s also tried several other Rhino pills, including:

    • Rhino 69 3000
    • Rhino 6000
    • Rhino 9000 and 12000
    • Rhino 69 22000

    He said, and I quote:

    With the Rhino 69 Extreme 9000 i was so hard i could have used my johnson as a sledge hammer.

    Here’s the best part…

    After we did it the first time, within 20 minutes i was ready to go again.

    I don’t mean she had to work hard to make him stand at attention but i mean frickin hard as a rock like i was a teenager again at just the thought of doing it again.

    The 2nd time was just as awesome as the first with a massive hard boner and it took forever for me to finish which i got zero complaints for.

    She thought we were done after 2 times but i kept getting hard.

    In total we did it 4 times and stayed up most of the night doing it like young people with endless libidos.

    It was awesome!  The only complaint was that even if i wanted to sleep i was a little wired from the capsules and the other was the final time we did it i was not able to finish.

    A tough problem to have after a glorious night of sweaty lovin and probably attributed to an empty nut sack as opposed to the capsules.

    Where Can I Buy It?

    This question is nearly impossible to answer, mainly because every gas station is different.

    Some will carry the Rhino 7 line of pills, some carry Rhino 17, and some carry Rhino 10K.

    Literally the ONLY way to tell is to hop in your car or bike and drive on down to your local gas station.

    Luckily, it’s also available online.

    I’ve personally bought it on eBay for as little as $7, which is actually cheap for a Rhino pill.

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

    #1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

    Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

    #2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

    The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

    #3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

    Best Kratom For Sleep

    Like many other people, I’ve suffered through random bouts of insomnia.

    It could be the fact that sometimes I drink a cup of coffee a little too late in the day.

    It could also be the fact that sometimes I just have a lot on my mind and just can’t get to sleep.

    In any event, I started researching various types of over the counter sleep aids when I came across a substance called Kratom.

    For those of you who aren’t aware, Kratom is somewhat of a controversial substance.

    Some, like the FDA, say it poses a significant health risk and MUST be withdrawn from the market.

    They call it an opioid, even though it technically isn’t one.

    Related Article:  Best OTC Oxycodone Alternatives

    Others, like the 1,000’s of anecdotal stories, paint a very different picture.

    The purpose of this post is not to talk about the morals of Kratom consumption, but rather to help you identify a kratom strain that works best for sleep.

    These are the ones I’ve personally tested that have worked best.

    #1 Kratom Strain For Sleep – Kali Red Horn

    I’ve personally been using kratom for about 2 years now, and this is my go-to for nights that I’m having a particularly hard time falling asleep.

    As you may have already guessed, horned kratom is named that because of the way it looks.

    horned kratom for sleep

    The shape of the lead is sort or “horny”, for lack of a better word.

    Why is it great for sleep?

    I’m not entirely sure, but for me, Kali Red Horn kratom seems to work the best at helping me fall asleep, as well as stay asleep.

    How should I take Kali Red Horn Kratom for sleep?

    Generally speaking (and this goes for nearly all strains of kratom), the bigger the dose, the more the sedation.

    That’s not to say you should be downing 10 grams of the stuff an hour before bed.

    But a good rule of thumb is to take about 2 – 3 grams to start, and evaluate how you feel.

    Some will start to feel drowsy from as little as 2 grams, while others may require as much as 5 grams to get the sedative effects of kratom to kick in.

    Here’s a handy chart to give you an idea of the types of sleep-inducing effects by dosage:

    kratom dosage guide

    Where can I get Red Horned Kratom?

    My personal favorite is Top Extracts Kratom.  I’ve personally used a wide variety of brands, including Happy Hippo, Kraken Kratom, and Phytoextractum, and it seems to provide the most effective results.

    Here’s a link to their page on Kali Red Horn kratom: www.TopExtracts.com/product/kali-red-horn/

    #2 Kratom Strain For Sleep – Red Bali

    Bali kratom is actually the most common strain in the world, and consequently, is often the cheapest.

    The first strain of Red Bali I tested was actually the Top Shelf Bali from Happy Hippo Herbals.

    A small 3 gram dose had me dozing off within about 45 minutes, and gave me some of the most restful and recuperating sleep I’ve ever experienced.

    However, that effect was a bit short lived, which is why I don’t note it as the best kratom for sleep.

    Why is Red Bali kratom good for sleep?

    The biggest thing I noticed with Red Bali kratom as it pertains to helping with insomnia is it’s anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.

    I take Bali on the nights that I’m having a significant amount of anxiety, and it seems to literally just melt it all away.

    Usually this is after a particularly stressful day, where my mind is sort of racing.

    The Red Bali kratom essentially slows your mind down and allows for a more peaceful and restorative sleep.

    On it’s own it doesn’t seem to be a particularly great at helping you fall asleep, but it DOES seem to help KEEP you asleep for a longer period of time.

    How should I take Bali kratom for sleep?

    Just like the the other strains on this page, the bigger the dose the better.

    HOWEVER, like I mentioned earlier, you need to be responsible with this.

    As mentioned earlier, start with a lower dose and work your way up.

    If there’s one thing with kratom it’s this…

    You can always take more, but you can never take less.

    Again, I would recommend the Bali kratom over at Top Extracts, here’s a link: www.TopExtracts.com/classic-red-bali/

    It’s one of the best I’ve ever used, and kicks in fast!

    #3 – White Borneo

    White Borneo has actually been a go-to for me at helping with both insomnia AND sleep.

    Found almost exclusively in the island of the same name, White Borneo has been one of the most effective strains I have ever used.

    Not only does it help with sleep and insomnia, but it can also help:

    • Improve attention span
    • Increase focus
    • Act as a potent muscle relaxer
    • Sedation (an almost ‘Xanax-like’ feeling)

    Keep in mind that this is all dose dependent.

    Lower doses will give you the kind of clarity and focus to help get stuff done, while the higher doses will help with improved sleep and lowered anxiety.

    Again, Top Extracts sells White Borneo at a reasonable price.

    Here’s a link to their site: www.TopExtracts.com/product/white-borneo-powder/

    Best way to use kratom for sleep

    If you’re a beginner to kratom, here’s a few tips that will give you the most benefits from using it to help get a better nights sleep.

    Tip #1 – Don’t take a big dose too early in the day

    While low doses of kratom tend to be more stimulating, high doses have the opposite effect.

    If you end up using a big dose too early, you may end up on your couch a bit earlier than expected.

    Tip #2 – Try To Avoid Taking The Same Strain Everyday

    Kratom tolerance is a real thing, and it can be a bit frustrating to find that out the hard way.

    If you take the same kratom strain everyday, you’ll notice that you need more of the powder to get the same result.

    You can almost completely avoid this by rotating through the strains on a daily basis.

    Tip #3 – Don’t combine with alcohol or Drugs

    The safety profile of kratom is still VERY under-studied, and as a result, the effects of combining kratom and alcohol and / or drugs are still unknown.

    If you’re looking to safely consume kratom for sleep, then it’s best to avoid mixing it with alcohol.

    Tip #4 – Don’t Take It Everyday

    As tempting as it may be, you’re best bet is to reserve your kratom use for the days that you’re having the hardest time falling asleep.

    Additionally, if you know you have a particularly important day ahead and NEED a good nights sleep, then it’s perfectly fine taking it.

    You may want to consider throwing in a substance like Phenibut on your off days.

    On it’s own, Phenibut is VERY effective at helping with sleep.

    With that said, it’s important that you only take it like 1 or 2 times a week.

    Taking any more can result in some serious tolerance and dependency issues.

    Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 – Top Extracts

    #1 - Top Extracts

    Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 – Happy Hippo

    #2 - Happy Hippo

    Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 – Kraken Kratom

    #3 - Kraken Kratom

    We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    How To Cancel A Supplement Free Trial (And Get A Refund)

    It happens suddenly and unexpectedly….

    You log in to your credit card or bank account to pay your bills, when all of a sudden you see a charge you don’t recognize.


    You run a quick google search for the merchant, and then you realize…

    You’ve just been charged for a supplement you “thought” you were getting for free.

    In a lot of cases, our site gets mixed up with a lot of these scam free trials.

    You may google something like “jacked antler website” and come across our site in the search results.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/jacked antler website

    People will see our site, click on it, and then full out the contact form telling us they want their money back.

    jacked antler cancellation email

    Even though we put “3 BIG Reasons To Avoid Jacked Antler” right in the title…

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/dont buy jacked

    People somehow still think we’re associated with them.

    I get about 2 dozen of these emails per week, and it’s beyond frustrating sometimes.

    I’ve decided to create this post to help eliminate (or at the very least, reduce) the amount of these emails I get.


    I’ve also decided to write it because, like you, I’ve been scammed by free trials in the past.

    I know what it feels like to have your hard earned money ripped out of your bank account and into the account of a scammer.

    I’m going to show you how to F#$K them (not literally, of course)

    Here’s what you need to do to cancel your supplement trial (and possibly get a refund).

    Step 1:  Identify Who Exactly Charged You

    This can be accomplished in a number of ways.

    The first way is to check out free list of free trial cancellation phone numbers.  We have customer service phone numbers for close to 100 supplement free trials and counting.

    If you don’t see the phone number listed there, or the number we have listed doesn’t work…

    Google the name of the supplement + website

    This is not as easy as just googling the name of the supplement + phone number.

    Let’s take the male enhancement supplement Nitridex as an example.

    Look what happens when you google “nitridex phone number“.

    nitridex phone number

    You have to google the name of the supplement and then the term website to get the closest possible match.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/nitridex

    Oftentimes you won’t actually get the ACTUAL website, but you’ll get an affiliate site that’s promoting it.

    Just click on one of the banners or links that say “Rush My Trial” and it will take you to their website 50% of the time.

    affiliate site promoting zyntix

    Look on your credit card statement

    Sometimes this requires a little digging.

    Start by going to the email you might have used and search for the name of the supplement.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/search for

    If that doesn’t work, search something like “Customer Support”, and look for an email that doesn’t look “normal”.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/customer

    Once you do that, open the email and look at the date you ordered the product.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/date i

    Now, go back to your credit card statement and look for your transactions on that date.

    Specifically, you’ll be looking for a charge that’s somewhere near $5, so:

    • $4.95
    • $4.99
    • $4.97
    • etc.

    Now, with Wells Fargo (my bank) you’ll see that they actually list the phone number in the transaction itself.

    leanfire xt phone number on cc statement
    Note the phone number: 877-492-7243

    At first glance it doesn’t exactly “look” like the phone number, but trust me, it is.

    If none of the above works…Call your bank

    If you’ve tried everything listed above and you STILL can’t find the phone number, call your bank.

    You can easily find this number on the back of your credit card.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/credit card number on back of

    If you can’t seem to find your card, here’s a list of customer service phone numbers for some of the bigger branches:

    Wells Fargo:  866-867-5568
    Bank Of America: 888-809-7321
    JP Morgan:  800-935-9935
    Citibank:  800-627-3999
    PNC Bank:  888-762-2265
    Capitol One:  800-955-7070
    BB&T:  800-226-5228
    Sun Trust:  800-786-8787
    HSBC:  800-975-4722
    TD Bank:  800-937-2000

    Note:  If your bank isn’t listed here, click here for a full list of 1-800 numbers of all major banks.

    Once you get through to them, you’ll want to say something like this:

    Hi There, my name is So and So.  I was looking over my credit card statement and noticed a suspicious transaction on (insert whatever date the transaction occurred).  Can you help?

    Not only will the bank operator be able to give you the actual number of the supplement in question, but they may even offer to put you through on a 3-way call.

    I’ve had this done in the past with a supplement company that was giving me the run around.

    Step 2:  Call Them To Cancel Your Trial And Get A Refund

    So now that you have the phone number, it’s time to call them up and see what the deal is.

    It’s important that you try to remain as calm as possible.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/keep calm

    Shouting and / or cursing at them over the phone isn’t going to help your cause.

    I know you’re pissed off that you’ve been charged, but trust me on this.

    Calling and speaking to them in a pleasant, but firm, tone will give you the best odds at getting a refund.

    Here’s how you should proceed with the call:

    Tip #1:  Tell them that you’re recording the phone conversation for your own records.

    There’s 2 ways to go about this:

    1.  You really CAN record the phone call, or
    2.  You bluff that you are

    If you want to REALLY record the phone call (which isn’t completely necessary), there are several apps that can help you.

    If you have an iPhone, here’s a couple (all free):

    If you have a Samsung, here’s a free one available on google play:

    Even if you’re not recording the conversation, this will immediately put them on the hook.

    If they even THINK you’re recording the conversation, they’ll be less likely to try and up-sell you and / or try to get you to keep the product.

    It will make the call MUCH shorter, trust me.

    Tip #2:  Immediately ask to speak to a manger.

    The simple fact is this…

    The first person you get on the phone is some low-level customer service rep that couldn’t give 2 shits that you’ve been charged.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/call
    Hi there….”John”?

    They’re provided with a script to try and get you to keep the supplement, and / or will just offer you a discount.

    Be polite, but firm…

    Tell them that you would like to speak to their manager because you have a specific complaint that needs to be addressed.

    Tip #3:  Tell them you spoke with your bank and they noted similar complaints from other customers.

    Once you get the manager on the phone, now it’s go-time.

    Just like with the customer service rep, you need to be calm, cool, and collected.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/calm cool and

    Shouting at them will just put them on the defensive, and make them not want to honor any of your requests.

    Remind him or her that the conversation is being recorded for your own records.

    You’ll want to make it clear to them that you’ve spoken to your bank and they have noticed similar transactions coming from their company, and that they are involved in multiple disputes.

    Again, this may not necessarily be true, but it will plant the seed in the managers head that you’ve done your research and you mean business.

    Tell them that you had no idea you were going to be charged the full price for the supplement, and you would like a full refund.

    Tip #4:  If the manager won’t budge…

    This is where the gloves may have to come off.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/gloves come

    Tell them that you will report their company to your states attorney generals office and the FTC.

    Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, scares these guys more than the feds. (except maybe the credit card companies)

    Pitch it like this:

    “Ok (managers first name), here’s what I’m going to do.  Since you won’t offer me a refund for this, I’m going to contact my state attorney generals office and tell them about this.  Then, once I get off the phone with him, I’m going to call the FTC.  I’m sure they would love to know that you’ve been hiding your terms and conditions in very fine print at the bottom of the order page.”

    That last part is key because in 99% of the cases, this is true.

    The FTC requires that merchants make it CRYSTAL CLEAR how much they’ll be charging you, when they’ll be charging you, and how OFTEN they’ll be charging you.

    Slapping the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page in a very light grey font and making it nearly impossible to read isn’t considered “crystal clear”.

    By the way, this threat is 100% legit.

    If they don’t offer you a refund I REALLY would contact your state attorney generals office and the FTC.

    It’s not as scary as it sounds, here’s links to both:

    List of states attorney generals:  www.Naag.org 

    FTC:  Submit a complaint

    90% of the time, just the mere threat of running to the FTC and States Attorney is enough for them to relent and give you a refund.

    Sometimes they will offer to just give you 50% of your money back, or extend your trial by another month.

    Stick to your guns!

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/stick to your

    Tell them this charge was completely unexpected, the product did NOT work for you, and you want a full refund.

    They may still require you to send the unused product back (which is legal), but you won’t be on the hook for the $100’s you may have possibly been already charged.

    Click Here to find out what you should do if you have to send the product back.

    Common Problems You May Encounter Along The Way

    Problem #1:  They won’t put you on the phone with a manager

    This is usually the first problem that you’ll encounter.

    They’ll say things like:

    “Our manager is busy / unavailable / not here at the moment, how can I help?”

    Just tell them you’ll wait.

    If they put you on hold, give them 5 minutes.

    If 5 minutes passes and you’re still not on the phone with the manager, hang up and call back.

    In the case where they’re “unavailable” or “not here”, give them your phone number and tell them they expect a call by the end of the day.

    Tell them that if you don’t hear from them by the end of the day, you’ll be contacting the FTC and State Attorney General.

    Once you utter those words, 95% of the time the manager will mysteriously become available.

    Problem #2:  The manager won’t budge

    Sometimes these companies are located in countries like Panama, Costa Rica, or El Salvador, where the words “FTC” don’t resonate.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/who

    They don’t give 2 shits about the FTC, or any other government organization for that matter.

    In that case, you’re going to have to tell them that you’ll just handle the matter with your bank. (See below on how to do this)

    Give them a second to respond, and if they shrug it off then you’ll proceed to the next step.

    How To Get Your Money Back From Your Bank

    In the HIGHLY unlikely event that you have a company that refuses to cancel your trial and/or give you a refund, you may have to get your bank or credit card company involved. (for real this time)

    In this scenario, you would simply call your bank or credit card company and explain the situation to them.

    You would say something like this when you called:

    “Hi, my name is (Whatever your first and last name is), I placed an order for a sample of (insert name of supplement here) on (insert date you ordered it) and have contacted for a refund.  I would like to file a dispute for this transaction.”

    It would also be helpful to have the information on the transaction handy, including:

    • The exact amount you were billed and on what dates
    • The name of the transaction
    • The website url for the company (this can be used to prove that they’re hiding their free trial terms and conditions in very fine print)

    If you have any questions on any of this, or need help with cancelling a specific supplement, I’m always here to help.

    Just contact me here and I’ll do what I can.

    What To Do If You Have To Send The Product Back

    In probably close to 70% of the supplement free trials I’ve ordered over the years, I’ve been required to send the remaining or unused portion back to the company I’ve ordered it from.

    They will make it explicitly clear when you call to cancel on whether or not you need to do this.

    If you have to send it back…

    You’ll receive what is called an RMA #, which is short for Return Merchandise Authorization.

    This is a series of digits that you WILL have to write on the outside of the package that your sending the supplement back in.

    write the rma number on the package

    When you’re sending it back, make sure you:

    • Use FedEx, UPS, or USPS.  The smaller delivery couriers can be notoriously slow to deliver and / or may get lost in transit.
    • WRITE THE RMA # on the outside of the box, preferably in more than one spot.

    This last step ensures that the supplement company can’t pull a fast one and say they never received the package, and therefore, won’t give you a refund.

    If you do NOT have to send it back…

    Congratulations….you got yourself a legit free sample of a supplement 🙂

    You can toss it in the trash, give it to a friend, take the rest of it, or use the bottle as a stand for your desktop camera like I do.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/alpha fuel xt on a supplement

    Just use the experience as a lesson that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…

    How To Fight Back!

    If you followed all the steps above, there’s a 9o% chance that you’ll get your money back.

    If you’re still looking to stick it to them, there’s a few other things you can do:

    Contact The Better Business Bureau

    The better business bureau offers a wealth of resources to fight back against scammers like this, including:

    Contacting your bank is still your best bet if you want to get your money back, but the BBB can help lessen the financial pain by giving you peace of mind that you are helping to protect others from falling in to the same trap.

    Leave A Comment On Our Site

    We have reviews of 1,000’s of products, and many of them are free trials.

    Use the search function below and look for the company that charged you.

    Once you get to the page, scroll down to the bottom or click “Comments” to leave your experience.


    Contact A Lawyer

    This is usually only reserved for cases where you may have been charged $1,000’s for a supplement.

    It’s extremely rare, but it DOES happen.

    Keep in mind that contacting a lawyer can be a VERY expensive and time consuming process, and should only be reserved for the worst of the worst cases.


    Like the old saying goes….

    Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    That certainly rings true when it comes to free trials.

    If you REALLY want to get your money back, follow the steps above and leave a comment below to let us know how it went!

    Anamax Review

    Don’t Buy Anamax, Trust Me!

    The statistics on men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) are flat out staggering. The question is no longer “if” but “when.”

    Unfortunately, it is just a part of life for us men, and most of us would do just about anything to get our “mojo” back and have as strong of erections as when we were in our 20s.

    When will our penis decide to wave the white flag? When will we no longer be able to satisfy our partner?

    For many men, it’s happened already.

    Take one quick look at the graph below and you’ll see that you’re not alone.

    Anamax is an erectile dysfunction (ED) pill scam
    Image: vacumed.com

    For most older men (and many younger men) it can feel like the hole is already in the boat. Now it’s time to salvage the ship and keep what’s left of your sex life.

    And, with such a large market of men with ED, there’s bound to be sky-high demand for sex pills and supplements.

    I’ll tell you what — the demand is alive and strong. And so is the supply! It seems like everyone’s trying to cash in on this 21st century gold-rush of sexual dysfunction.

    Tons of products like Anamax and companies are trying to cash in on the erectile dysfunction gold rush
    Image: healingmnstories.wordpress.com

    You’ve got the good guys, offering up products that actually work. And the bad guys that go to great lengths to bend you over and take every last dime you have. And just about everyone in-between.

    They all make enticing claims that are aimed at catching the eye of any man who has had some trouble performing when the time comes in the bedroom and often times they have catchy names or slogans that make you look past whether or not it is legit.

    So if you’re on the market for a real solution to treat erectile dysfunction, be VERY careful.

    I feel like every time I turn around, there’s another male sex enhancer scam trying to drain us of our money, our dignity, and our hope for a better boner.

    Alpha TRT supposedly helps to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
    Image: www.erectiledysfunction.com

    Today we’re gonna dig into a product called Anamax that I recently came across.

    What you’re about to learn will make you think twice before dealing with certain companies, and it might even save you time, money, and a whole lotta headache.

    What is Anamax?

    So I was scrolling through a news feed when I came across this most eye-catching advertisement. Ahem, please pardon the vulgarity…

    Anamax ED advertising is vulgar

    For whatever reason, the box says “VCor” but the link took me straight to the Anamax sales page. And sure enough, the contents of the Anamax page (which is disguised as a news story) are just as vulgar as their ads.

    The headline reads: “How My Hubby F$#ks Me for 2 Hours Using His ROCK HARD Dick WITHOUT Cumming!”

    Super professional, right?

    The Anamax ad and sales page are absolutely tasteless
    Image: imdb.com

    If you can stomach the fake news sales page, and find yourself trapped in their web of lies, you will end up clicking through to the product page… which tries to sell you on their ED pill that is guaranteed to revolutionize your sex life by:

    • Improving your libido
    • Increasing your staying power
    • Giving you bigger, longer, harder erections
    • Improving your sexual confidence
    • And increasing your penis size

    They attempt to get you signed up for a “Free Trial,” with no-strings attached.

    Anamax ED scam offers a free trial

    If it sounds too good to be true, just keep reading. You’re about to see their creative scumbaggery in full effect.

    Bogus Advertising Behind Anamax

    Bogus isn’t even the word for it. It’s downright disgusting the way they manipulate people into buying their product.

    So here’s the sales page.

    Anamax sales page is filled with lies to sell their erectile dysfunction pills

    Obviously, as far as “news stories” go, this one falls in the “NSFW” category. But looking past the tasteless salesmanship, we begin to see the deception.

    First off, have a look at the header: FOX News.

    When was the last time you saw a news story of this angle on ANY legitimate news channel website?


    And this isn’t FOX News, either. Have a look at the URL and the other tell-tale signs of a scam…

    Anamax tells many lies on their sales page to sell ED product

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    A leisurely scroll down the sales page leads you through a whole forest of dishonesty! And remember, the people surfing these sites genuinely have a problem (ED!) that they’re desperately trying to solve. So you can see how one might fall into the traps.

    This next scam-tactic breaks my heart.

    You see the lovely couple there off to the side.

    Amadex uses an elderly couple as a fake testimonial to sell their male sex enhancement pills

    Yeah, that’s some unsuspecting elderly couple who have NEVER even heard of Anamax, let alone endorse it. That fellow in the picture… that’s NOT John of Nacogdoches, TX.

    How do I know? Well, I did a search for that image online. And sure enough, I found a YouTube video of the real couple.

    Here they are, talking about Scrabble… SCRABBLE people!

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdVpa7mLEIA?rel=0]

    The scumbags at Anamax simply took a random image off the web and played it off as their own happy customers. (Look closely and you can even see the scrabble tiles on his hat in the sales page image!)

    This happens ALL the time with these types of scams.

    Moving right along…

    Further down the sales page, they pull out the “Breaking News!” bit, which is hard to believe anybody would fall for. But they do.

    Amadax pretends to be featured on Fox News to sell their scam ED pill

    Which brings us to good ol’ Hef.

    Yup, Hugh Hefner himself makes a cameo in the “news story” to rave about the Anamax product… of course.

    Hugh Heffner does not endorse Amadax scam

    Hefner supposedly says “Anybody can last 2 hours in bed with this pill.” Before explicitly endorsing Anamax…

    Anamax lies and says that hugh heffner endorsed their scam product

    Hey, if it’s good enough for Hugh, it’s good enough for you!


    I’m 99.9999% sure that Hugh Hefner has never heard of Anamax either. A simple Google search of Hugh Hefner + Anamax brings back ZERO results.

    Hugh Hefner has never heard of Anamax

    Finally, a word of caution for women.

    It seems this advertisement is geared mostly toward women to coerce them into buying the product for their husband. Most of the stories, anecdotes, and many of the fake testimonials are women praising the product for turning their husband into a sex-machine.

    So ladies, beware.

    The Big Bold Anamax Promise

    We briefly covered the promises and claims of Anamax ED.

    They mostly look like this…

    Anamax promises bigger, harder, longer erections

    Mixed in with a little bit of this…

    Anamax claims you will have increased sexual confidence

    And a whole lot of this…

    The Anamax ED scam claims to revolutionize your sex life

    And in the sales page, they talk a LOT about boosting testosterone in men.

    But the BIG BOLD promise that really got me in stitches was this one…

    You can find it tucked in one of the testimonials on the sales page. A true diamond in the rough.

    The Anamax ED pills supposedly last a lifetime, which is not possible

    Yes, you read that right. The sales reps at Anamax say, and I quote, “the entire course of six months provides life time results and there is absolutely no need to buy more.”

    Are. You. Kidding. Me.

    This is simply NOT possible in the time-space continuum which we currently occupy. Even after taking the best products on the market, you wouldn’t come close to achieving “life time results” after a 6-month regimen.

    Anamax claims are impossible to deliver
    Image: 123rf.com

    RELATED: 5G Male Review – 3 Big Reasons for Caution

    What are the ingredients in Anamax?

    • L-Arginine is an amino acid that promotes the relaxation of blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis to aide in sexual function (Source / Source)
    • Horny Goat Weed is an herb traditionally used in China to help treat low libido and erectile dysfunction (Source)
    Virmax For Her contains Horny Goat Weed
    Image: tinderbox.com.au
    • Ginkgo Biloba is another Chinese herb that helps to improve cognitive function and may help increase blood flow for better erections (Source)
    • Asian Red Ginger may help to treat erectile dysfunction, but the science is still inconclusive (Source)
    • Muira Puama is a tree native to Brazil that is said to help increase blood flow for increased libido and harder erections (Source)
    Muira Puama is found in Climadex
    Image: nutrawiki.org
    • Saw Palmetto is thought to help relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to penis, but is likely only effective at treating the psychological part of ED (Source)

    Anamax contains all-natural ingredients that cannot possibly give the results it claims to

    These ingredients are all-natural, clean, and what you’d find in many ED pills on the market. That said, there’s no way they could deliver the results that Anamax claims to deliver.

    Are there any side effects?

    Sure thing. The biggest side effect you might develop is a rare condition called “I lost all my money and still can’t get an erection-itis.”

    The biggest side effects from Anamax are you losing all your money and still not having an erection
    Image: he.memegenerator.net

    But let’s say you actually receive the product, here’s what the ingredient profile suggests when it comes to potential side effects.

    A little dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, thirst, headache, and throw in some some diarrhea and nosebleed from the Horny Goat Weed and the Saw Palmetto (Source / Source).

    Despite what the label says, Titanium 4000 might give you a headache as a side effect
    Image: menshealth.com

    Also, you wouldn’t want to take this ED pill if you’re taking anti-hypertension (low blood pressure) medication, or if you’re currently taking nitrates. The L-Arginine could cause a serious reaction. (Source)

    Anamax user reviews

    You won’t find a single user review for Anamax anywhere on the web, mostly because it’s a total scam and probably not even a real product.

    But check this out…

    On the product sales page, they actually created a bogus comments section, where various people chime in about their experience.

    Anamax includes fake testimonials on their sales page for the ED pill

    There’s many more where that came from, but I refuse to give these so-called “testimonials” the time of day. Also, some include images that are straight pornographic in nature. So, yeah.

    And don’t be fooled, this is NOT a legitimate comment thread. I tried to write a comment/testimonial of my own, but the page would not allow it.

    This tactic is another dead giveaway with these types of scams.

    Anamax FAQ’s

    nootropics frequently asked questions

    Who makes it?

    Great question.

    My best guess is some super shady dude with daddy issues, who wears sunglasses even when he’s indoors, and hasn’t been laid in… forever.

    It takes a special kind of scumbag to con innocent people out of their hard-earned money. And whoever makes this product — it isn’t their first rodeo.

    Watch this.

    I present to you, Climadex

    Climadex scam

    Look familiar?

    How about Vandexafil…

    Who makes Anamax ED is a mystery

    Then we’ve got the penis pill called Nitridex. I wrote an in-depth review on this one… slightly different ingredients, same shitty scam.

    I could go on and on about these identical products that surface, seemingly every single week.

    And for good measure, the latest in the lineup, Anamax…

    Anamax scam

    Whoever makes these ED pills is pumping them out, one after the next. Just as soon as people catch on to one product, they unroll another one. Same packaging, marketing, and sleazy tactics. Just with a different name.

    One day the sales page is functioning, the next day it’s gone. Vanished. Replaced with another ‘hook’ and just waiting for the next hungry fish to swim by. No doubt these guys make A LOT of money.

    Anamax scam is like fishing for people to take their money
    Image: https://wtop.com

    That’s how it goes. And it’s nearly impossible to track them down to bust them for good. But I’ll continue to do my small part in creating these reviews to warn unsuspecting buyers. If nothing else, it helps me sleep at night. 🙂

    Where can I buy it?

    You can only purchase the product through the actual sales page. It isn’t sold anywhere else online.

    But just in case you’ve skimmed this entire article, and landed on this small section… DON’T buy this product!

    How much does it cost?

    Well, they don’t say how much the pills cost. Which is nothing short of frightening.

    Amadax is frightening because they don't tell you the price of the product
    Image: bestproducts.com

    This means that once your “Free Trial” is over, they can essentially charge your credit card for whatever amount they want. $50 a bottle? $250? $500? How could you even dispute such a thing? Where would you even start? :-/

    The Anamax Scam

    Is Pharmacy RX One a scam?
    Image: beststayhomejobs.com

    Just to be clear.

    Anamax is a scam through and through.

    Now I want to quickly get to the brass tacks of the scam itself, and how they get you.

    And it starts with the “Free Trial” offer. Just one click and they’ll send you a no-obligation, one-month supply of the finest ED supplement on the market.

    Once you’re in, you’re in. I’ve heard SO many horror stories about how these companies continue to bill your credit card, month after month after month.

    Is Erectify Ultra a scam?
    Image: npr.org

    And don’t be too surprised if there’s no cancellation. As far as I know, it’s impossible to get their “customer service” on the phone, let alone have a productive conversation that results in you getting your money back.

    Maybe you’ll receive a mediocre product in the mail (containing the forgettable ingredients discussed above), but it’s more likely you won’t ever get a package at your door.

    You might not be able to cancel Anamax and get your money back
    Image: steemit.com

    Long story short… anytime you see “Free” anything on the internet (especially penis pills!), think twice before you pull out your pocketbook. It could save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars.


    I highly suggest you steer clear of Anamax and any product that even closely resembles it.

    We’ve seen how they craft BS half-truths and downright lies to get our money. Everything about the company and the product is a big fat scam.

    Anamax is filled with lies
    Image: workplacepsychology.net

    Even if you did receive the product, you would not experience the results they claim (bigger penis, life-time results, etc.). The herbal ingredients just don’t pack that kind of punch.

    In fact, nothing packs that kind of punch. I hate to say it, but that miracle pill does not exist.

    Hopefully this review sheds some light on the common tricks and traps these guys use. And maybe, just maybe it’ll make someone stop in their tracks before clicking that “BUY!” button and losing their money on a bogus product scam.

    Hey, it could happen.

    RELATED: VXL – PXL Male Enhancement Video Review

    Have you tried Anamax? If so, write your review in the comments below!

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

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    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

    For Hims ED Review

    Note: This is just a review. Visit the official ForHims website here: www.ForHims.com

    Question: What are the two letters of the alphabet that strike FEAR into the hearts of men everywhere?

    Answer: E.D.

    Yup, erectile dysfunction — or ED as the cool kids call it — is a cruel joke played on many unsuspecting men. One year we’re getting it up like a bull in a boner shop, the next year we’re wondering if our erections have gone extinct forever.

    Many men have erectile dysfunction problems, but is For Hims the best solution?
    Image: imgur.com/

    Well, good news… they haven’t.

    In fact, one company is saying “ED is now optional.”

    It’s a new male sex pill called For Hims. And I’ll tell you right now, it’s not for everybody.

    For Hims is the younger men's solution for erectile dysfunction and hair loss
    Image: forhims.com

    But… it is for somebody. Like, say, Snoop Dogg for example (don’t worry I’ll explain).

    So let’s dig right in and learn about For Hims.

    Jump To A Topic

    What is ForHims?
    About The Company
    Potential Side Effects
    Is For Hims Legal?
    ForHims ED Reviews
    ForHims Vs. GetRoman
    Frequently Asked Questions

    We’ll find out if it’s a good alternative to Viagra, and whether or not it’s the right erection pill for you. We’ll even put it toe-to-toe with other ED brands on the market, so to lay your options on the table.

    What is For Hims?

    I first stumbled across For Hims by way of some rather interesting advertisements.

    For Hims advertisements

    I knew right away we weren’t in Kansas anymore.

    Here’s just a taste of what they’re all about…

    For Hims is a male sex pill for erectile dysfunction
    Image: forhims.com

    If Kendrick Lamar and Zac Effron had a lovechild, it would look something like the For Hims brand. Young, hip, cool. Full of promise and zeal.

    Needless to say, For Hims isn’t your grandpa’s ED pill.

    Instead, it’s geared toward the younger generation. You can read it in the product marketing, and see it in every image on their website.

    And what they offer is… Sildenafil! That much beloved ‘S’ word that “significantly improves satisfaction and quality of life for both patients and partners.” Source

    The company is fast-growing and has positioned itself as the #1 solution for young men who suffer from ED…

    And hair loss…

    For Hims also sells hair loss products for men
    Image: forhims.com

    And skin blemishes…

    For Hims offers acne treatment for men
    Image: forhims.com

    And cold sores…

    For Hims sells cold sore treatments for men
    Image: forhims.com

    And sweaters and candles and matchbooks…

    For Hims sells all sorts of merchandise for men
    Image: forhims.com

    And you get the picture.

    Unlike 99% of the company’s and products I review, For Hims is a smorgasbord of tonics and treatments for every condition under the sun!

    Now, this doesn’t mean we write them off as a Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. I mean, maybe everything they sell is gold. But then again, maybe not.

    Let’s find out. And let’s focus on their ED offering to see if it’s worth a damn.

    For Hims sells erectile dysfunction pills, shampoo, hair products, mouth products and skin products

    RELATED: Take Our Erectile Dysfunction Quiz!

    About the Company

    Hims definitely seems to care about their customers, both potential and current.

    About For Hims, a solution for young men suffering with ED
    Image: forhims.com

    The makers of the product have this refreshing message emblazoned across their ‘About’ page.

    “We hope to enable a conversation that’s currently closeted. Men aren’t supposed to care for themselves. We call bullshit. The people who depend on you and care about you want you to. To do the most good, you must be well.”

    I can get behind that. Men should put ‘self care’ a bit higher on the priority list.

    And guess what… it doesn’t have to be embarrassing.

    According to For Hims ED, seeking help for erectile dysfunction doesn't have to be embarrassing
    Image: forhims.com

    We can start to get a sense of the company’s philosophy and mission.

    But there really isn’t a whole lot of information to be found about the team of employees, the founder, or any of that good stuff.

    So I did some sleuthing. And found this guy to be the founder of the company.

    For Hims ED Founder Andrew Dudum in a Fast Company interview
    Andrew Dudum. Founder of For Hims. Image: fastcompany.com

    The strapping young man, Andrew Dudum, is all of 30-years-old. He founded For Hims just last year (in 2017), and they’re currently based out of San Francisco.

    For Hims ED pills for men is located in San Francisco
    Image: forhims.com

    Mr. Dudum doesn’t exactly have a medical background that led him into the erectile dysfunction market (almost nobody does these days).

    But he’s certainly been busy over the years on quite the entrepreneurial streak, For Hims being the latest in his portfolio of (very) profitable ventures.

    What are the ingredients in For Hims?

    For Hims contains Sildenafil, the main ingredient in Viagra
    Image: forhims.com

    Boom! There it is… Sildenafil.

    Sound familiar? That’s because it’s the main ingredient in Viagra.

    Doctors have been prescribing Viagra to men for the past 20 years. Because it works… like a charm.

    For Hims contains Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra
    Image: forhims.com

    Of course, it’s not exactly the little blue pill. But products containing the generic form of Sildenafil are often just as effective at giving you that erection of a lifetime.

    Now before you get too excited, you should know that For Hims puts you through a doctor consultation (over the phone for $5) before you can sign-up for the product plan.

    The doctor will determine the dosing according to your needs.

    For Hims doctor consultation
    Image: forhims.com

    Shopping for boner pills from the comfort of your own home? This is the future.

    And to be honest, the simple fact that For Hims contains only Sildenafil is a breath of fresh air. It’s almost a daily occurrence that I come across a new penis pill that promises the world, but delivers only shitty side effects.

    For Hims contains just one ingredient — and one that’s stood the test of time! — instead of the typical laundry-list of ingredients that you’ve never heard of.

    Are there any side effects?

    nugenix side effects

    Sildenafil is generally safe to use, and “most continuing participants were satisfied with sildenafil treatment for their ED” (Source).

    However, it has been known to cause side effects in some men. According to the makers of the product, these side effects might include:

    • headache
    • facial flushing
    • upset stomach
    • abnormal vision
    • stuffy or runny nose
    • back pain
    • muscle pain
    • nausea
    • dizziness 
    • and rash 
    Despite what the label says, Titanium 4000 might give you a headache as a side effect
    Image: menshealth.com

    And as it turns out, Sildenafil can cause serious side effects too. It’s rare, but here are a few to look out for…

    • Vision loss
    • An erection that lasts more than 4 hours
    • Heart attack symptoms
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Shortness of breath

    Source:  EverydayHealth.com

    Finally, you do NOT want to take Sildenafil while taking other nitrates. WebMD says this makes for a nasty cocktail, and could potentially turn deadly. Source

    Is For Hims legal? 

    Yes, Hims is perfectly legal… for now. Technically you’re seeing a virtual doctor to prescribe you the right dose/quantity/etc.

    “If you are interested in a prescription, Hims will match you with an independent physician who will evaluate whether or not you are an appropriate candidate for the prescription product and if appropriate, may write you a prescription for the product.” -For Hims

    Sildenafil is not sold OTC, so you can expect to jump through a few hoops to get your hands on the stuff.

    For some men, this might feel like a big pain in the arse. As you’ll need to create an account, setup a profile, and essentially become a member of the monthly subscription plan.

    For Hims requires men to setup an account and become a member before they can receive the Sildenafil
    Image: forhims.com

    If that sounds like more than you bargained for, you might be interested in a product called Hardon Helper, a highly-effective OTC sex pill that should do the trick.

    User reviews

    Well, it’s not everyday that I can share THIS kind of development.

    But it looks like the one and only Snoop Dogg endorses the product. And he seems to really dig the stuff…

    snoop hims review

    He says in the video…

    “Yo hims. Man these vitamins is the truth, homie. For real. These vitamins is the truth — I tell you no lie. They’re good for hair loss, ED, I know you don’t want to talk about that. But some of you have ED. And Hims is perfect for that. Don’t be embarrassed, come on out of the closet, I’m fittin’ to take mine now.” -Snoop Dogg

    I found lots of reviews for Hims hair-growth products, and even for Hims skin care, but there really aren’t many unbiased reviews on the Hims erectile dysfunction pills.

    But c’mon. Snoop shared his thoughts on the matter. What more do we need? How about something slightly more official? Check out this For Hims commercial.

    forhims snoop commercial

    For Hims Vs. Get Roman

    Not so long ago I wrote an in-depth review on another ED startup called Get Roman.

    Get Roman, an online pharmacy for men who suffer with ED
    Get Roman, an online pharmacy for men who suffer with ED. Image: getroman.com

    Get Roman and For Hims are really apples and oranges. And if I were to recommend one over the other… well, we’ll get to that.

    For Hims is a good choice because:

    • It’s affordable (dirt cheap) at $30/mo
    • They market to a younger audience, thus filling a hole in the market
    • The buying process/onboarding is less intimidating than Get Roman’s
    • It’s a generic form of Viagra, so it’s likely gonna work for you
    • Snoop Dogg uses it, ya dig?

    And Get Roman is a good choice because:

    • The company comes across as much more professional than For Hims
    • The onboarding is a bit tedious, but you can tell it’s because they care
    • They offer Tadalafil (the main ingredient in Cialis) instead of just Sildenafil
    • Their branding is awesome and helps build trust
    • They have a full medical leadership team
    • It’s more expensive, but maybe because they offer a purer form of the pill?
    Get Roman is a good Viagra alternative
    Image: getroman.com

    Here’s what I would say…

    If you’re an older guy who suffers from chronic ED, and you don’t mind spending a little time/money/effort up-front for a long-lasting fix, then go with Get Roman.

    But if you’re a younger guy and just want to see if these generic Viagra pills are worth your time, try For Hims, as the onboarding experience and price are much more reasonable.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/06/instagram 38e9d9
    Image: me.me/t/erectile-dysfunction

    Also, neither of these products are covered by health insurance plans or offer a money-back guarantee.

    For Hims FAQ’s

    Titanium 4000 frequently asked questions
    Image: chatbotslife.com

    How do I take it?

    Take For Hims (one Sildenafil pill) an hour before having sex. If you take it 30 minutes before sex, you should be just fine.

    How long does it take to start working?

    Sildenafil is fast-acting, so you should plan on getting that erection (if aroused) within 25-30 minutes after taking For Hims.

    So be ready.

    Sildenafil, the main ingredient in For Hims ED, is fast-acting
    Image: mememaker.net

    Will I get bigger taking it?

    Temporarily, yes.

    However, you will not gain permanent length or girth in your penis from taking For Hims. Sorry guys.

    You see, Sildenafil promotes blood flow to the penis through a process called vasodilation.

    how vasodilation works
    ^ How vasodilation works. Source: MayoClinic.com

    And when you’re (temporarily) engorged with blood down there, you’ll seem bigger for the time being. But this will go away when the erection subsides. Bummer.

    Can I take it with alcohol?

    It is not recommended to take Sildenafil with alcohol.

    Here’s why. According to the UK Health Center, “Alcohol thins the blood, and can lead to [Sildenafil] being broken down faster than normal.” Source

    Also, it would be a bit counter-productive, as alcohol actually decreases blood flow to the penis, while the Sildenafil tries to increase blood flow to the penis. That’s one step forward and two steps back.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/06/766x415_acetaminophen_and_alcohol

    Now, if you really want to get your drink on, check out my review of male enhancement pills that work immediately and you can take with alcohol.

    Where can I buy it?

    For Hims requires a virtual “doctor’s visit” of its members, so the product is only sold through the company’s official website.

    Check it out here: www.ForHims.com

    How much is it?

    For Hims pricing structure is simple and affordable. It’s $30 per month.

    Your first purchase will come out to $35 after a small medical fee.

    For Hims costs $30 per month
    Image: forhims.com

    It is a monthly subscription service, so your credit card will be charged monthly, and you’ll continue to receive the product until you cancel.

    Is there a guarantee?

    Unfortunately, For Hims does not offer a guarantee on the product. But this is typical with these online “prescription-based” ED companies.

    Alpha TRT Review
    Image: risk.net


    Well, it is Sildenafil, and it’s pretty darn cheap. It might be worth a try if you’re not having any luck with OTC sex pills.

    Also, if you’re not the patient type, For Hims seems to get you in and out and on with your life. Other companies like Get Roman or Blue Chew, while great for other reasons, have an onboarding process that can be a big turnoff.

    Snoop Dogg is a For Hims representative
    Image: http://fanworld.co

    Unfortunately, there aren’t many online reviews from satisfied users of Hims ED. But Snoop Dogg gave it (his most likely paid) two thumbs up, so there’s that for whatever it’s worth.

    With that being said, there is enough going for it within its ingredients and overall formula to suggest that it is actually likely effective and the for the most part reasonable price tag, I would say that it is worth testing out.

    Also, I’m not too troubled by the fact that the company offers several different products. As far as I can tell, it seems like they have a high standard for each of their lines.

    At the end of the day, you don’t have much to lose, so why not give it a whirl?

    RELATED: Closest Thing to Viagra Over the Counter (OTC)

    Have you tried For Hims ED? If so, write your review in the comments below!

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

    #1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

    Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

    #2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

    The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

    #3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan Review

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan Review

    unico nutrition vulcan fat burner review

    We often come across fat burning supplements that claim to help with building muscles and cutting fat fast. Unfortunately, not all are true to their claims.

    There are some products out there that play on the nations’ wish to lose weight fast but don’t actually deliver any results.

    They usually make quite the case for themselves and really try to sell you on how what their product has to offer is miles ahead of the competition, whether this is true or not.

    One way to choose an effective supplement is by selecting a brand that has a good reputation among consumers.

    Unico Nutrition is a well-known supplement company that is prominent on Facebook and Instagram. It claims to deliver excellent products and high-quality results to its customers. Given the distinctive design and fresh visuals it seems Unico are marketing themselves as a company for millennials and young people. It even has a swag section on its website selling tank tops and caps…

    But can the Unico Nutrition Vulcan Advanced Muscle Toner stand up to the claims it makes?

    Let’s find out in my Unico Nutrition Vulcan review.

    How to Use Unico Nutrition Vulcan – Is it Safe?

    A container of Unico Nutrition Vulcan Muscle Toner contains 60 servings.

    unico nutrition vulcan dosage

    Unico recommends taking two Vulcan Nutrition Toner capsules twice daily, at least 20 to 30 minutes before having a meal. So, this means that one $49 bottle will last you one month.

    It is also apparently possible increase the dosage up to four capsules twice a day (so eight capsules per day). That sounds quite excessive to us, if you were to select this product we would advise to start with four pills in total per day, in order to check your tolerance levels.

    What Is Unico Nutrition Vulcan?

    four main functions of Unico Nutrition Vulcan

    Unico Nutrition Inc. has been active for more than five years now, producing weight loss and bodybuilding supplements which it says are pure and highly effective.

    Its products aim to help users reduce fat stores and rapidly tone the muscles, without having to spend hours in the gym.

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan Advanced Muscle Toner is one of their products that aims to deliver impressive results, quickly and naturally.

    Unico claims that the Vulcan Nutrition Toner provides four main functions:

    • Rapid fat burning
    • Improved carbohydrate digestion
    • Boosted focus and increases thermogenic energy
    • Extra muscle growth and healthier joints

    This is rather an impressive list but just like many weight loss products it could be that these benefits are overstated.

    In the following sections, we will examine the formula and ingredients, investigate the company behind this product, and have a look at what real customers are saying.

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan – What Ingredients are in the toner capsules?

    First things first. Let’s briefly summarize the product formula by breaking it down into each individual ingredient and how they are meant to work.

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl (625 mg)

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl and improved blood flow

    This compound is an amino acid that helps improve the blood flow in the body. Due to this property, it can help reduce muscle soreness post-exercise and enhance recovery. It also assists in the transportation of fat from bodily stores, to be burned as a fuel source.

    Not a bad ingredient, if we were being picky we’d say 625 mg seems to be rather a high dose and could be stealing space from other, more effective ingredients.

    L-Tyrosine (250 mg)

    L-Tyrosine and increased attention

    Tyrosine is a dietary supplement that aids in increasing attention, alertness and focus. It helps the central nervous system function more actively. This is a capable ingredient to counter stress and anxiety that can otherwise limit productivity.

    Whilst L-Tyrosine is undoubtedly effective it is the type of substance more commonly found in pre-workouts, not female fat burners.

    Green tea leaf extract (250 mg)

    Green Tea extract leaves

    Green tea contains a compound called “epigallocatechin” (EGCG). This compound is known for its capacity to increase the rate of fat burning in the body. Furthermore, green tea can boost calorie burn by elevating the metabolism.

    Caffeine Anhydrous (75 mg)

    Caffeine Anhydrous and increased focus and energy

    This common stimulant is in the form of dehydrated powder. Caffeine has been clinically proven to boost the metabolic rate, as well as increase focus and energy. We wouldn’t usually endorse articicial caffeine in a female supplement, but 75mg is a low dose.

    Gymnema Leaf Extract

    Gymnema Leaf Extract helps reduce cravings for sugar

    GS4 Plus is one of the primary ingredients in the Vulcan Advanced Muscle Toner that provides this supplement with its unique properties.

    This natural herb supposedly helps reduce cravings for sugar, decreases absorption of glucose, increases insulin generation, regulates cholesterol levels, and ultimately aids with weight loss.

    ActiCissus (25 mg)

    ActiCissus and fighting joint pain

    This is a branded ingredient which consists of cissus quadrangularis. This plant is popular with bodybuilders as it helps fight joint pain and protects against injury. It can also promote fat loss and preserve muscle mass.

    Cayenne pepper extract (25 mg)

    Cayenne pepper extract and improved metabolism

    This natural extract helps improve metabolism, thus burning calories faster and releasing the energy throughout the body. It can also reduce hunger cravings.

    Synephrine (10 mg)

    Powerful stimulant Synephrine

    This extract helps increase metabolic rate, energy levels and rates of fat burning. It is a powerful stimulant that is chemically similar to ephedrine. This ingredient should be treated with caution as it has been known to cause side effects when used at high doses.

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan Side Effects

    Insomnia caused by Unico Nutrition Vulcan

    While Unico Vulcan does not list any possible side effects related to the product, there may still be some, based on the various ingredients present in the supplement.

    For instance, caffeine anhydrous has been known to be a potent stimulant.

    The FDA claims that a spoon of this powder is equal to almost 28 cups of coffee. Thus, this supplement may cause sleeplessness, crash, and jitters.

    It is also not recommended for pregnant women as, in rare cases, it can lead to complications.

    Unico claims the product to be “low-stim,” which means that the caffeine content is low. However, it still can be harmful for some who are sensitive to caffeine.

    This also contradicts the use of synephrine in this supplement. Combining synephrine and caffeine can be dangerous in high doses or to sensitive individuals. Synephrine can increase blood pressure and elevate heart rate to concerning levels.

    You can also face side effects from acetyl-l-carnitine HCl, as this is known to cause nausea and dry mouth.

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan Reviews

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan user reviews

    As the company only sells Unico Nutrition Vulcan Advanced Toner through its official website, we could only find product reviews there. Most Unico Nutrition reviews 2018 were positive about the supplement.

    Many users mentioned that this supplement helped them manage their cravings, thus limiting their fat intake and promoting weight loss.

    On the contrary, other customers indicated they didn’t notice any difference in terms of weight loss, but they did feel less hungry.

    A few customers complained that they experienced dry mouth. To counter it, they recommended drinking lots of water. Others felt sick for the first few days, but they adapted to the pills in later stages of its daily dosage.

    Some customers even mention in their reviews that the supplement did not show any results whatsoever. Others mention feeling energetic due to the thermogenic features of the product, but felt that their weight did not reduce at all.

    We find it hard to come up with a proper conclusion based on these reviews, as they were all present on the official website and not from 3rd party sources. There were also no before and results displayed for the product which we found disappointing.

    This was the same for their other products, independent feedback when it came to the Unico Nutrition Athena reviews and Unico Yumino reviews was scarce!

    The lack of photographic evidence means  we cannot be sure whether these reviews are genuine and unbiased.

    Where to Buy It?

    The official website of Unico Nutrition Vulcan

    If you are wondering where to buy Unico Nutrition Vulcan, it is only available on the official website. We were surprised to find it absent from online stores such as Amazon, but perhaps it will be listed in the future.

    Currently, Unico are offering a discounted price of $49.99, with an additional offer that earns 2,500 ‘Sparkling Unicorn Points” for the customer.

    These points contribute towards discounts for other purchases available on their official website.

    Who Makes Unico Nutrition Vulcan?

    Unico Nutrition Inc. company

    Unico Nutrition Inc., located in New Hampshire, United States, manufactures Vulcan Advanced Muscle Toner and other supplements for burning stored body fat and increasing muscle productivity.

    Unico Nutrition Inc. comprises of professional bodybuilders, physical trainers, and other spokespersons, who are experienced in the field of weight loss and muscle toning.

    The company aims to provide quality products, without adding any risky ingredients.

    We found a couple of complaints related to the company products, but they seem to have resolved most of these at the time of writing.

    Pros and Cons

    pros and cons of unico nutrition vulcan


    • Ingredients focus on reducing body fat, dividing carbs and strengthening joints and muscles.
    • Boosts the central nervous system to promote focus.
    • Supports digestion.


    • Only available on official website.
    • Not suitable for all consumers, as some of them did not witness any changes to their body.
    • Contains highly stimulating ingredients.
    • Official reviews are not supported by photos.

    The Bottom Line

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan weight loss supplement

    Unico Nutrition Vulcan does contain certain ingredients known to be capable of encouraging weight loss. There are still some key ingredients missing though.

    But it is hard to tell whether this product really works as there is a major absence of before and after pics from users. The high quantity of stimulants in a supposedly “low-stim” product also troubles us.

    If you are sensitive to stimulants then maybe it is not a good choice for you, but then again that may also be why it could yield results for you as well.

    Our advice is, if you want to try it out, then make sure to use the lower recommended dosage in the beginning.


    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649093/
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5608989/
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4477151/
    4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4573476/
    5. https://www.fda.gov/food/dietarysupplements/productsingredients/ucm460095.htm

    Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Instant Knockout

    #1 Rated - Instant Knockout

    Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

    #2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

    HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Keto OS

    #3 Rated - Keto OS

    Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    No, Morgan Freeman Did NOT Use That ED Pill

    So I’m lazily scrolling through my Yahoo feed, like I do every morning, when I stumbled upon this sponsored ad:

    morgan freeman ed pill

    Normally I don’t click on these, but my second cup of coffee hadn’t kicked in yet, so I figured I’d click around to read the B.S. articles before I got my day going.

    When I clicked on the ad, it took me to a page that seemingly was the website “GQ”.

    morgan freeman supposed gq article

    The title of the article stated the following:

    Morgan Freeman Enters Male Vitality Market With New Supplement, Finds Cure For ED & Male Aging Issue

    Right away I was skeptical….

    Morgan Freeman…the actor???

    morgan freeman the actor

    Surely they can’t be serious?!

    Last One, I promise!

    So this whole article goes through this big long discussion of how he teamed up with researchers and scientists to develop some new miracle breakthrough in male vitality.

    The name of this breakthrough is none other than Alpha TRT, a product I wrote about way back in July of 2018.

    There’s just one problem…

    This entire article is one big pile of horseshit…

    How do I know this?

    Red Flag #1 – This is NOT The Real GQ Site

    You may have missed it (most people do), but if you look at the URL in the address bar, you’ll see that this is not the REAL GQ website.

    fake gq site

    You’ll see that it says “trendteam365.com”, NOT GQ.com.

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/09/real gq

    This is further supported by the fact that, no matter WHAT link on the page you click on, it takes you to a 400 error (bad request).

    Watch the video below to see what I’m talking about:

    Red Flag #2 – The Product Keeps Changing

    So when I originally clicked on the ad, it was telling me that Morgan Freeman developed / uses Alpha TRT.

    alpha trt 1

    20 Minutes later, I go back to the ad and now it says he developed a pill called RX1.


    So if it’s true, then which one is it?

    Red Flag #3 – The “All In With Chris Hayes” Interview

    So this article goes on to say that Freeman mentioned this new breakthrough in erectile dysfunction on an interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC.

    Well, I just watched the entire 7 min. segment, and not ONCE did he mention anything about Alpha TRT OR RX1.

    Here’s the clip if you don’t believe me:

    Red Flag #4 – A “Life Changing” Product

    Throughout this article, they note that Freeman has been talking about Alpha TRT or RX1 in numerous interviews, gushing about how great of a product it is.

    morgan freeman phone interview cnbc

    Yet, if you google things like “morgan freeman interview cnbc alpha trt” or “morgan freeman interview cnbc rx1“, you’ll come up short.

    alpha trt phone interview freeman

    There’s one reason and one reason only for this…

    Because Morgan Freeman did NOT talk about either one, nor does he have any association with them.

    Red Flag #5 – Facebook Comments

    If you scroll to the bottom of this ad, you’ll see a bunch of Facebook comments talking about how great “these pills” are.

    fake comments on facebook

    They don’t exactly mention the product by name, but who’s kidding who…

    It could be any pill at this point.  These are ALL FAKE comments, guys.


    I think it’s pretty clear that this entire Morgan Freeman ed pill thing is a complete hoax.

    Whoever is behind it is making a TON of money, all at the expense of you.

    They put up ads like this to make you THINK that it has some credibility, but nothing could be further from the truth.

    If you’re looking for a REAL supplement that can help you with things like ED, low-testosterone, or even something to help lose weight, shoot me an email.

    I can recommend products that REALLY do work, and don’t run scammy advertisements that try to bilk you from your hard earned money.

    If you ever come across a supplement claiming that Morgan Freeman (or ANY celebrity for that matter) endorses it, send me an email with the link and I’ll take a look.

    I’ll be able to tell you within 5 min. whether or not it’s legit.

    Virility Intense Review

    So many male enhancement supplements to write about, so little time.

    I recently had someone ask me if I have ever heard of a supplement called Virility Intense.

    I get these types of requests all the time, and usually I do a quick google search to see if anyone has ever written about it.

    What struck me about Virility Intense was the fact that, when I ran a google search, there was almost NOONE that has written a review on it.

    In fact, nearly every result that came back was for a completely different product called Virility Ex.

    Nonetheless, I wanted to learn more about it, so I started digging.

    1. What is Virility Intense?

    Usually when I research a supplement or pill out, there’s no shortage of information available on it.

    virility intense review

    Everything from who makes it, to what ingredients it has, to how much it costs, is readily available.

    This was not the case with the Virility Intense male enhancement formula…

    There’s literally NO official website for them, no listing on Amazon, and no one talking about them.

    So where am I getting all of these requests to review it?

    What’s drumming up all of the interest?

    My first thought is that they are sending out a bunch of mailers.

    There’s a bunch of other companies I’ve seen doing this in the past.

    Supplements like Eroxin send out these REALLY lewd mailers, complete with pictures of big d$%ks, women longing after them, etc.

    eroxin magazine ad cover

    Evoxa was another one, as well as All Weekend pill.

    If you try searching for either one of those pills in google, you’re likely not going to find much about it.

    2. What are the ingredients in Virility Intense?

    Luckily, and after a whole lot of digging, I came across this eBay listing.

    All of the info on it is in what looks to be Spanish, but the label itself is in English.

    Here’s a snapshot of the label:

    virility intense ingredients label

    It’s kind of hard to see, so here’s the full list of ingredients in Virility Intense:

    • Niacin
    • Zinc oxide
    • Muira Puama
    • Tribulus Terrestris
    • Kola Nut
    • Maca
    • Eleuthero Extract
    • Catuaba bark extract
    • Avena Sativa
    • Nettle Root
    • Pumpkin seed
    • Ginger
    • Sarsaparilla
    • L-arginine
    • Barren Wort
    • Korean Ginseng
    • American Ginseng
    • L-Citrulline
    • Orchic Substance
    • Boron Citrate

    3. Are there any side effects?

    Side effects are always possible with ANY supplement, including the ones I personally recommend.

    On the side of the product label, they do mention that you should discontinue using if you experience any adverse reactions.

    how to take virility intense

    They also mention that you should not exceed the stated dose, which is 2 capsules daily with an 8 oz glass of water.

    From the formula, some of the more common side effects you may experience with Virility Intense include:

    • Flushing of the skin, caused by the Niacin content. (Source)
    • Lowered blood pressure, caused by the L-Arginine. (Source)
    • Cramping, diarrhea, and nausea, all caused by Tribulus Terrestris. (Source)

    Clearly the formula may cause some issues, but the bottom line is this: does it REALLY work?

    Well, that’s a bit unknown.  Here’s why…

    4. Virility Intense Reviews

    As I mentioned prior, finding reviews for this male enhancement supplement was nearly impossible.

    If you run a search on google for the term “Virility Intense reviews”, this is what you see:

    no reviews for virility intense

    All of the results listed are talking about Virility Ex, NOT Virility Intense.

    There could be one of 2 things going on here:

    1. Since no one has written anything about Virility Intense, googles algorithm is just using the term that’s most closely related to it.
    2. Google REALLY wants you to buy Virility Ex 🙂

    I can’t imagine the second part would be true, but I guess stranger things have happened.

    So who the hell makes it?

    This is where things start to get a bit interesting.

    When I was looking at the label of Virility Intense, I noticed a little thing about the bottom about the distributor.

    who makes virility intense

    It says the following…

    Distributed by:  Probiotic Force
    Capital Plaza Tower, Floor 19, Office 19A, Costa del este, Panana City 0808, Panama.

    When I googled the address, this Trip Advisor post was the first thing to come up.

    virility intense discussion on trip advisor

    As you can see, there are a TON of complaints about these guys ripping off unsuspecting customers.

    Their modus operandi is not much different than many other similar scams, let’s say, and it seems as though Virility Intense fits the same bill.

    I suspect the case is the same for this pill.

    5. Will Virility Intense increase my penis size?

    I’m not even sure if they are claiming this, but the simple answer is NO.

    There is NO pill that will do this, despite the dozens claiming to do so.

    Click Here to read why permanent enlargement is just not possible with pills alone.

    6. Where can I buy Virility Intense?

    The only place I saw Virility Intense for sale was the eBay listing I mentioned earlier.

    At the time of this review, it was selling for $13.95.

    Keep in mind, however, that once this listing expires, there will be virtually no other places to buy it.

    If it ends up on shelves of CVS, Walmart, or even Amazon, I’ll be sure to update this review.

    7. How can I cancel their free trial?

    I’m guessing that these guys are running some sort of free trial of Virility Intense, mainly because I’m seeing a lot of guys searching for things like “virility intense customer service” and ” virility intense phone number”.

    Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any of those details, but I hope to find out soon.

    If that is concerning to you and raises a red flag, well, it should; if you sign up for a “free trial” or need to contact a business, it should be nothing but easy to do so if you need anything cleared up or to cancel services.

    If you or someone you know has used Virility Intense pills, please have them contact me here.

    8. Recommendation

    Like a lot of other supplements we’ve reviewed in the past, there’s just WAY too little to go on to make a recommendation here.

    Sure, the ingredients list is pretty good.

    But there are too many questions that are left unanswered, like:

    Where is their website?

    Where can I buy it?

    Why can’t I find any reviews on it?

    The fact that the name of the company that distributes it is returning negative feedback about their business should definitely raise a few red flags.

    I suspect that they are scamming people with a free trial, and I’ll continue digging to see if I can find out anything else about them.

    Have you used Virility Intense?  Leave your review below!

    Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

    #1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

    #1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

    Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

    #2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

    The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    #3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

    #3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

    Click Here To Learn More »

    Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

    https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

    Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

    Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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