LifeForce (LF) T-Boost Review – Does It Really Work?

In an effort to gain lean muscle mass, men in their 20’s and 30’s have been turning to over the counter testosterone supplements to “get their mojo back”.  There’s certainly no shortage of these testosterone boosters, and we have even personally tested dozens of them.  One recent one that I came across is called LifeForce T-Boost, that of which you may have come across on either yahoo or your Facebook news feed.  The product is supposedly a testosterone booster, and is said to help provide numerous benefits.

So what is this supplement all about and, more importantly, does it really work?  Read our review to find out more.

What is LifeForce T-Boost?

According to the products own official website, LifeForce T-Boost will support your bodies own natural ability to enhance free testosterone levels.  It stops short of saying how much, but I would surmise that it supposedly raises them enough to make an impact on lean muscle growth and libido levels.

lifeforce t-boost reviewThe primary benefits of the supplement include a dramatic boost in energy levels, increased strength and endurance, and faster recovery times.   Luckily, LifeForce T-Boost provides us with a list of ingredients in their product, which include:  Tribulus Terrestris, Maca Powder, L-Arginine, Oat Straw, Ginseng, Cnidium Monnier, Epimedium, Chinese Dodder, Catuaba Bark extract, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Saw Palmetto, Ashwagandha Root, Licorice, and Velvet Bean.

There is “some”evidence that some of the above ingredients “may” help to mimic the effects of increased testosterone levels.  For instance, the presence of Maca, Tribulus Terrestris, and Saw Palmetto all indicate that they can help for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.  While they don’t ACTUALLY increase testosterone levels, they can at least give you the feeling that your free testosterone has increased.

What’s interesting to note, however, is that one of the reviews on the LifeForce T-Boost page actually says that he experienced a surge in testosterone levels.  They even provide the results in a picture, which does in fact show a huge spike in free and serum testosterone levels.

The majority of the other ingredients appear to be fillers to me, not really having any impact on your overall T #’s.

Where To Buy, How To Take, And Other Fun Stuff

From what I can tell, the only place you can buy LifeForce T-Boost is on their official website.  As a matter of fact, there really is no way to just “buy” it, as the only way you can obtain it is through a free trial (more on that later).  There’s no information on the label that says exactly how you should take it, but my guess would be that you need to take it everyday (even your off days) for it to be effective.

A serving size consists of 3 capsules, and there are 30 servings per bottle.  Finding credible reviews of this supplement was tough.  There’s no talk on any of the major bodybuilding forums or discussion groups, and the youtube videos I’m seeing are rather useless.  There are a few reviews on the products official site, but there is no mention of them being paid testimonials or endorsements.

I came across an ad on Yahoo that led to a page that initially looked like the Mens Health website.  It talks about how celebrity’s have been using a combo of Xtreme Muscle Pro and LifeForce T-Boost, and have been getting insane results.  The whole article is basically an advertisement, and you can learn more about this deceptive type of marketing in my article here.

Our Problem With LifeForce T-Boost

Remember that free trial I was talking about earlier?  Well, this is one of the biggest gripes we have about this supplement.  You see, what you think you are getting is a free sample of the product.  You pay maybe $4 or $5 for the bottle, and you figure if it works great, if not I’m only out $5.  Well…..guess again!

What you are actually signing up for is what’s known as an auto-rebill auto-shipment program.  “What’s that?” you ask?  Well, when you go through the process of filling out the order form, it leads you to the page where you input your credit card information.  If you probably didn’t notice (which 99% of guys usually don’t), just below all of the fancy “Guarantees” and “secure ordering” garble, you’ll see this little blurb.

That’s right….what you are signing up for is actually a “trial”, NOT a “sample”.  After 14 days, they end up charging your credit card close to $90 for the bottle.  To make things even more interesting, they enroll you into an auto-shipment program.  This means that every 30 days they will send you a new bottle, and every 30 days they will charge your credit card $90!!

I’ve had guys who’ve signed up for many of these other free trials come to me and say they’ve been charged as much as $500 without even realizing it.

Updated 3/28/2020: It appears that Lifeforce T Boost is no longer for sale, at least not from a simple google search.

If anyone has seen it for sale somewhere else, please leave a comment below and let us know!


I’ll get some guys that come to this review and are probably thinking “ok, so the free trial is a little misleading, but does LifeForce T-Boost actually work??”  Well let’s put it this way.  Out of the dozens (if not hundreds) of reviews I’ve written about these supplements that offer free trials, I would guess that about 1% or less of guys that actually left a review had nothing but positive things to say about it.

In fact, many of these supplements that offer free trials as the ONLY way to get their product typically go out of business in 6 months or less.  And they are not going out of business because they are not making enough money…they are our of business because they BILKED several thousand guys out of MILLIONS of dollars, and the “jig” is up.  They know there are dozens of guys complaining online on sites like the Better Business Bureau and Mens Health, so what do they do?

They slap a new label on a completely new product, build a new website, get a new merchant account, and start the process ALL OVER AGAIN.  Don’t be a statistic guys…If I were you, I would completely avoid LifeForce T-Boost at all costs.  It could end up costing you more than it’s worth.

Have You Used LifeForce T-Boost?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cellucor Super HD Review – Should You Use It?

Cellucor Super HD Overview

Did you ever think you could feel good while dieting? That’s what Cellucor Super HD says it can do for you. They call it “The Feel Good Weight-Loss Product” because it combines fat burning with appetite suppression, and adds a nootropic effect to improve your focus and mood. If it works like they say it does, Cellucor may be on to something with this fat burner. And with Cellucor being such a well-liked supplement company along with the many positive reviews we’ve seen, the may just be. even voted Cellucor Super HD the “Fat Loss Supplement of the Year” in 2012, the year it was released. They chose it because of it’s combined focus on:

  • Thermogenics
  • Nootropics
  • High Powered Energy
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Better Appetite Control.

Cellucor Super HD Ingredients and How The Work

cellucor super hd reviewOkay, so we know the promises, but can the Cellucor Super HD formula deliver? Let’s look at the highlights to see. There’s:

The Nootropic and CNS Support Blend which includes Caffeine for energy and Huperzine A which is a powerful nootropic that maximizes the Acetylcholine in the brain so your neurons are firing on all cylinders, improving focus, concentration, and mood.

The ThermoSculpting Blend which includes:

    • IFAS503 which helps regulate insulin and glucose, reduces the body’s ability to store fat, and supports appetite control.
    • Capsimax which burns fat.
    • Rhodiola which promotes mental energy and focus.
    • Yohimbe Extract with supports vasodilation and increases the adrenal response.

The B Vitamin Blend which includes:

    • Niacinamide which supports joint health and nervous system function.
    • Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate which is the active form of Vitamin B6 and supports several bodily functions including metabolism and muscle repair.
    • Vitamin B12 which supports cellular metabolism and blood formation.

It is recommended that you start of slow with Cellucor Super HD by taking one pill in the morning and 1 a little later in the afternoon. After a few days assessing your tolerance, you should be ready to up the morning dose to 2 pills. They also recommend that you cycle it for 8 weeks before taking at least a 4 week break.

Cellucor Super HD Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cellucor Super HD

  • There are tons of favorable Cellucor Super HD reviews from customers who use it successfully to lose weight.
  • You can find it for a reasonable price.
  • It’s award winning.

Disadvantages of Cellucor Super HD

  • There are some very negative Cellucor Super HD reviews from customers who don’t like how speedy it makes them feel.

My Personal Results With Cellucor Super HD

I finally got a chance to try out Super HD, and I have to say I was indeed impressed.  First off, it doesn’t present a HUGE surge in energy, which was something I sort of expected going into testing.  It only contains 160 mg of caffeine, which is like a really strong cup of coffee, and although it does contain yohimbe, I didn’t get that “sick to my stomach” feeling I typically get with supplements containing yohimbe.

Taste:  Doesn’t apply here because they come in capsule form, at least the version I got.  The capsules are quite large though, and some guys have talked about breaking open the capsules and mixing into a drink (which I never recommend doing).

Effects:  As mentioned earlier, Super HD didn’t really come on too strong, but I definitely started noticing the effects within 45 min. or so.  I could feel my energy levels start to increase, to the point where doing chores like laundry and cleaning was actually kind of fun.

I attribute that to the to it’s energy and focus component, almost feeling like I took a nootropic supplement.

Result:  After taking it for about 2 weeks, I lost about 6 lbs.  Not a huge amount by any stretch, but I really DIDN’T need to lose that much to begin with.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Cellucor Super HD at GNC and through several online retailers. The price is generally between $25 and $40 for 60 capsules, which would last you 3 to 4 weeks.

I just took a look at the Vitamin Shoppe website, and it appears that they are selling a 60-ct. bottle for $29.99, and a 120 ct. bottle for $49.99.

Of course, those prices are subject to change, so don’t quote me on that!


If you like the speedy kind of weight loss supplements, then Cellucor Super HD is for you. It combines the thermogenic type properties that you’ll find in alot of other, more expensive fat burners, but without the steep price tag.

With that said, it does contain a hefty amount of stimulants, so use it with caution.

All in all, if you’re on the fence about trying Cellucor Super HD I say go for it!

Have You Used Cellucor Super HD? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

iForce HemaVol Review – Should You Use It?

iForce HemaVol Overview

Pre workout supplements can easily be divided into two basic categories – those with central nervous system stimulants and those without. It’s really a matter of personal preference. Some guys like that stimmy feeling and find it necessary to get them going hard during their workouts. Some guys (myself included) would rather not feel that jittery feeling followed by the inevitable crash. Still other guys may be using a fat burner with a stimulant and don’t want to add fuel to that fire. So for whatever reason, if you’re looking for a non-stimulant pre-workout, iForce HemaVol may deserve your attention.

iForce HemaVol doesn’t actually call itself a pre workout supplement. They say it’s a Plasma Volumizer. That’s basically the same thing. It uses the power of nitric oxide to provide vasodilation so you get great energy and insane pumps, all leading to better, more productive workouts.

iForce HemaVol ReviewiForce HemaVol Ingredient and How They Work

The most important information about iForce HemaVol can be found in its ingredient list. Thankfully, iForce provides a full list, complete with amounts. The highlights include:

  • Niacin which has its own positive effect on blood flow. You may have heard of the “niacin flush”. That’s when you get a rush of blood to your face after taking it.
  • Vitamin B12 for a natural energy boost.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which is a form of Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide.
  • Citrulline Malate which is an amino acid that delays the onset of fatigue during workouts.
  • Glycerol Monostearate which improves the effects of other ingredients in the formula.
  • Norvaline which is a BCAA that increases the presence of nitric oxide in the blood.
  • Epimedium which is a natural herbal ingredient that works a lot like L-Arginine to increase nitric oxide in the blood.

As a “plasma volumizer,” you should take iForce HemaVol only on workout days, about 30-45 minutes before. You can use it alone, or because it contains no stimulants, you can combine it with another pre workout formula, the idea being that iForce HemaVol feeds your muscles, and you may or may not want something additional to feed the rest of you.

iForce HemaVol Pros and Cons

Advantages of iForce HemaVol

  • It comes in several flavors as well as capsule form.
  • There are lots of positive iForce HemaVol reviews from actual guys who’ve used it, and very few negative ones.
  • Talk about the flavors is pretty positive.
  • There are no stimulants to make you jittery or cause a crash.

Disadvantages of iForce HemaVol

  • For anyone who likes stimulants in their pre workout, iForce HemaVol isn’t for you.

Where to Buy

There are several online sources for iForce HemaVol. Whether you’re looking for powder or pills, a month’s supply goes for about $50, on average of course.

You can also find it on the Vitamin Shoppe website for around $39, but it’s currently out of stock.

What’s interesting to note is that it’s actually NOT available on Amazon.

Not quite sure why this is the case, but it’s very possible that the manufacturers of Hemavol simply want to avoid the high cost of doing business.


As far as non-stimulant pre workouts go, iForce HemaVol is a good option. According to almost all the reviews I’ve seen, the results are good whether you use it alone or stack it.

With that said, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to take.

Have You Used iForce HemaVol? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Omega Sports Ultima Review – Does It Work?

Omega Sports Ultima Overview

Omega Sports Ultima is simply the best pre-workout supplement ever created! That’s what is says on the product web page, so we definitely sat up and took notice. With hundreds, even thousands, of contenders, that’s a pretty strong statement of confidence. Could this product (could any product) actually live up to this kind of hype? Well, let’s see.

Omega Sports Ultima is the culmination of 3 years of intense research and ingredient sourcing by clinicians who were also licensed sports nutritionists. They set out to make something different, something that would do exactly what all the other products just say they do. Omega Sports Ultima claims it gives you incredible focus and energy, both mental and physical, so your workouts are simply off the hook.

Omega Sports UltimaOmega Sports Ultima Ingredients and How They Work

Every ingredient is listed on the product page at Omega Sports. It’s a complete list, and very long, so we’ll just hit the highlights:

It starts off with a Vitamin B Complex to get your energy going, along with Zinc, Magnesium, and Selenium to keep your bodily chemical reactions functioning smoothly. After that, there are 7 blends, including:

  • The EnduraMax Performance Blend with glucose for energy.
  • The Trinitine Plus Performance Blend with creatine for muscle energy.
  • The Performenhance Performance Blend with amino acids to improve blood flow.
  • The TripHasic Performance Blend with Beta Alanine for muscle energy.
  • The CogniFive Performance Blend to improve focus and cognitive function.
  • The Trilateral Bio-Buffers Performance Blend to improve the absorption and efficiency of the other ingredients.
  • The Methyl 8-R Performance Blend.

Instructions are to take 1 scoop of Omega Sports Ultima with water about half an hour before working out. Advanced users are given the option of mixing an additional scoop with water and using as an intra-workout supplemental drink. There are no stimulants in Omega Sports Ultima so there’s no worry about taking it too late in the day.

Omega Sports Ultima Pros and Cons

Advantages of Omega Sports Ultima

  • It contains no stimulants so there’s no jitters and no crash.
  • It’s got a well-rounded formula, including a nootropic blend to improve alertness and focus.
  • There are some very favorable Omega Sports Ultima reviews from customers who’ve used it.

Disadvantages of Omega Sports Ultima

  • Some reviewers complain that it tastes horrible. Others say the taste “isn’t bad” so it’s probably not very tasty.
  • Some guys who like stimulants in their pre-workouts will be disappointed.

Where to Buy

You can get Omega Sports Ultima through a few different online vendors. The 40 serving tub sells for about $45.


If you’re looking for a pre-workout in powder form that doesn’t use stimulants to provide energy, Omega Sports Ultima is a viable option. The biggest drawback seems to be the taste.

Have You Used Omega Sports Ultima? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Beyond Human Testosterone Review – Does It Work?

Beyond Human Testosterone Overview

It’s no secret that once you get beyond a certain age, the amount of testosterone your body naturally produces starts to decline. Really, you’re at your peak in your late teens and early twenties, but when you start hitting those mid thirties, it starts to get noticeable. You get put on fat and get tired more easily, you lack energy to get through the day and motivation to get things done. Workouts that used to produce results just don’t have the same effect they used to. And the one symptom you probably never saw coming – your sex drive plummets.

None of this necessarily indicates a need for serious hormone replacement therapy. It’s just the natural course of things. But that doesn’t mean you want to take it lying down. That’s where natural testosterone boosters come in, and I was recently asked to take a look into Beyond Human Testosterone as a possibility. Beyond Human Testosterone is only available online through an informative, yet very hard-selling website. The claim is basically that while taking Beyond Human Testosterone, your body will start the production process back up and reverse the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

Beyond Human testosterone reviewsBeyond Human Testosterone Ingredients and How They Work

Included in the informative website is a list the two main ingredients in the Beyond Human Testosterone proprietary formula. They are:

  • Cordyceps Sinensis which is known as a “magic mushroom” with aphrodisiac properties that transform sexual thoughts into hormonal impulses. A recent clinical test in Japan showed that use of Cordyceps improved the situation for 64% of the impotent men who used it.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which provides energy by increasing your body’s own natural production of testosterone. It signals the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of luteinizing hormone, which then signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone. Studies have indicated that the use of Tribulus provides and improvement in both energy and libido, both direct results of an increase in testosterone.
  • Zinc plays a major role in helping to produce more testosterone, and is naturally found in many of the foods you eat everyday.
  • Fenugreek Seed Extract, which is actually commonly used to help with symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men, has also been shown anecdotally to help increase testosterone levels in healthy men.

Click Here to see a photo of the label.

Beyond Human Testosterone Pros and Cons

Advantages of Beyond Human Testosterone

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • Your order may come with free gifts.

Disadvantages of Beyond Human Testosterone

  • The ingredient list is very small.
  • The claims are extremely exaggerated.
  • There are no independent Beyond Human Testosterone reviews, unrelated to the website, to help give an indication of how this stuff is working for real guys.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Beyond Human Testosterone through the website. There are a number of different packages available. If you just want a one month supply, it will cost you $67, but you’ll pay $199.80 for 4 bottles. Both orders come with free men’s health ebooks. The money back guarantee is explained in 2 very conflicting ways. It’s advertised as a 90 day money back guarantee that includes an extra $100 just for trying, but the terms and conditions page of the website explains that you must call and return your product within 30 days, you’ll be charged a $10 restocking fee, and there’s no mention of the $100.


We’d all like to find that fountain of youth, and the people that sell products like Beyond Human Testosterone know this. That’s why they make exaggerated claims in the hope of luring you in. Don’t be fooled. This 2-ingredient concoction is not likely to boost your testosterone production, and the confusing terms don’t instill a sense of trust.

Have You Used Beyond Human Testosterone? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

XPI 3-DFB Review – Should You Use It?

XPI 3-DFB Overview

First of all, let’s just get it out of the way that XPI 3-DFB stands for XPI’s Three Day Fat Burner. It works on the premise that the reason you’re fat is that your body is holding onto and storing toxins that are slowing down your system. Your metabolism is sluggish, you have no energy, you even crave unhealthy foods all in large part because of the toxins in your body. If you can flush them out, you’re on your way to a brand new start, fresh with energy and motivation to carry you through.

This is not a long term weight loss solution. There are other products you can use for that. It’s a quick jump start for those of us who could use a little help in the motivational department. If you’ve ever done a detox or cleanse, you know how light and energetic they can make you feel. XPI 3-DFB claims to give you that in just 3 days.

XPI 3-DFB ReviewXPI 3-DFB Ingredients and How The Work

The ingredient in the XPI 3-DFB formula are all natural detoxifiers, including:

  • Dandelion Root which is a diuretic and digestive aid that cleanses the liver and kidneys for thorough detoxification. Because it’s a diuretic, it also flushes excess water from your system.
  • Glucomannan which is a soluble fiber that suppresses your appetite by forming a gel-like coating on your stomach lining, signaling to your brain that you’re full.
  • Uva Ursi which is also a diuretic that’s been commonly used for urinary tract infections while flushing the body of toxins.
  • Senna Leaf which is a laxative for cleansing your intestines of impurities that prevent you from properly burning fat.
  • Buchu which is an antiseptic and diuretic, working on both toxins and excess water.
  • Alchemilla Vulgaris, OleaEuropaea L 3:1, Cuminum Cyminum, Mentha Longifolia, a combination of herbs proven to increase weight loss by stimulating metabolism and suppressing appetite.

The recommended way to take XPI 3-DFB is 5 capsules with at lease 16 ounces of water about 30 minutes before breakfast, and the same again before lunch. That means a bottle of 30 capsules lasts for 3 days. After the 3 day detox, maintain a clean, healthy diet for 7 days before using XPI 3-DFB again if you feel you need it.

XPI 3-DFB Pros and Cons

Advantages of XPI 3-DFB

  • It’s a quick way to get motivated to lose weight.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s fairly inexpensive.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of XPI 3-DFB

  • I found no XPI 3-DFB reviews from customers so there’s no good way to tell what kind of results real people are getting.

Where to Buy

You can purchase XPI 3-DFB through the XPI website of a few other online supplement retailers. The 3 day supply sells for $19.95 on the official website, though I’ve seen it for as little as $14.95 elsewhere. Look around for your best deal.


The internet and stores are crawling with detox plans and products. XPI 3-DFB may be helpful, but if you’re looking to try something in this area, there are products with a lot more science, information, and known results that you would probably be better off trying first.

Have You Used XPI 3-DFB? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

XPI Androshred Review – Does It Work?

XPI Androshred Overview

It’s a fact that most fat burning supplements are targeted toward women. It makes sense because that’s who buys them most. But that’s not the entire market. Bodybuilders use fat burners to turn their massive gains into the ripped and cut physique they ultimately want. Everyman kind of guys use them too, to jump start their programs so they can see results quickly and stay motivated.

XPI Androshred is a fat burner designed specifically for men. It uses a precise combination of fat fighting and testosterone boosting components to work directly with the way your body functions so you loose weight quickly and easily.

XPI Androshred ReviewXPI Androshred Ingredients and How They Work

The XPI website does a great job of explaining what XPI Androshred does and how it works. The ingredients in focus include:

  • Green Tea which contains polyphenols that burn fat without adding caffeine.
  • Creatine HCL which works as well as Creatine Monohydrate for giving your muscles energy, but it’s more water soluble which means you don’t need to use quite as much.
  • Fenugreek which has been shown to raise both testosterone levels and libido.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which is often used to increase nitric oxide levels for better blood flow, which means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles for workouts. It also increases testosterone levels.
  • Boron which has been shown to have a significant effect on testosterone levels.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous which stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which both work together to convert fat into energy.
  • Zinc which is a key component in the body’s testosterone production process.
  • Vitamin B12 which improves cell reproduction, the metabolism of carbohydrates, and the formation of red blood cells.

Instructions are to take 2 XPI Androshred capsules once per day before breakfast. It’s recommended that you start out with one pill before breakfast, then move it up to 2 when you’ve assessed your tolerance.

XPI Androshred Pros and Cons

Advantages of XPI Androshred

  • It’s got a well-rounded, well-described formula.
  • There’s a 90 day money back guarantee.
  • The XPI Androshred formula is designed for the needs of men.
  • It builds muscle, burns fat, and boosts libido, all in one product.

Disadvantages of XPI Androshred

  • There aren’t many XPI Androshred reviews to help determine if it works.

Where To Buy

You can purchase XPI Androshred through the XPI website and a few other online retailer outfits as well. One bottle of 60 capsules sells for $49.95, and you’ll get discounts if you buy more than one bottle at a time.


If you’re a guy and you’re looking for a fat burner that’s tailor made for you and your needs, XPI Androshred is a good product to try. I’m not so sure it knocks it out of the park, but you’ll undoubtedly get some degree of benefit. If not, you’ve got 90 days to get your money back.

Have You Used XPI Androshred? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

XPI OxyPump Review – Should You Use It?

XPI OxyPump Overview

Probably the most basic, necessary workout supplement in your arsenal is the pre workout supplement. Getting pumped and ready to go so you can take every rep like it’s the most important thing you’ll do that day is key to your success, and finding the pre workout that makes you feel that way is what’s gonna get you there. Recently, I was asked to take a look at XPI OxyPump to try to determine if it’s something that might be worth taking.

The claims are that XPI OxyPump intensifies and energizes your gym performance, helps you build and maintain strength and lean mass, and gives you laser-like focus so you’ll keep your eye and your will firmly set on your goals. Judging from most of the XPI OxyPump reviews I’ve seen from customers who’ve used it, XPI OxyPump may indeed have what it takes.

XPI OxyPump ReviewXPI OxyPump Ingredients and How The Work

One thing can be said about most of the supplements from XPI. They use well-rounded formulas that try to cover all the bases. The ingredient list for XPI OxyPump is no exception:

  • Vitamin B6 helps synthesize protein so you’re building and repairing muscle.
  • Vitamin B12 helps form new red blood cells to carry oxygen and nutrients to your muscles during workouts.
  • L-Arginine is a pre cursor to nitric oxide which opens up blood vessels to improve circulation which boosts endurance and helps with a speedy recovery.
  • Creatine Monohydrate which helps replenish ATP to fuel your muscles so they can push harder.
  • DiCreatine Malate which combines creatine with malic acid which also produces ATP.
  • Creatine Ethyl Ester which absorbs very quickly so the ATP it produces gets to work right away.
  • Beta Alanine is an amino acid that lengthens muscle endurance for harder work. It creates carnosine which thickens muscle fibers so they’re not affected by lactic acid. Without the effects of lactic acid dragging them down, your muscle work longer without getting fatigued.
  • Citrulline Malate is an amino acid that converts to Arginine which then converts to nitric oxide for better circulation.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.

What’s interesting to note is that Labdoor, which is a company that evaluates supplements, gave Oxypump a score of 75.1 out of 100.

They listed the label accuracy as 0 out of 100, which is NOT good.

XPI OxyPump Pros and Cons

Advantages of XPI OxyPump

  • It comes in 3 flavors – pink lemonade, blue raspberry, and fruit punch.
  • The XPI OxyPump reviews I’ve seen have all been very positive, mainly talking about how the energy is immediate and clean.
  • There’s a mone;y back guarantee.

Disadvantages of XPI OxyPump

  • I’ve seen some minor complaints about the taste.
  • Some reviewers say the scoop is too big to fit in the tub until it’s almost empty.

Where to Buy

You can purchase XPI OxyPump through the XPI website and a number of other online retailers. The price for one tub of 45 servings is $39.95. You can save some money if you by multiple bottles at once.

As of March 2020, it doesn’t appear that Oxypump is currently for sale anymore.


The ingredient profile and the reviews are great. And the price is pretty middle of the road. If you still haven’t found your go-to pre workout powder, you may want to give XPI OxyPump a shot at it.

Have You Used XPI OxyPump? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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XPI Testosyn Review – Does It Work?


Testosyn Ingredients and How It Works
Testosyn Vs. Testofuel
Pros and Cons
Where To Buy
If you don’t know yet why you need to have enough testosterone in your body, let me spend just a minute helping you out with that. Testosterone is the very important male sex hormone that keeps you functioning healthily in so many ways:
  • It helps your body burn more fat and preserve more lean muscle.
  • It increases your sex drive and improves your sexual performance.
  • It keeps your energy and mood up.
  • It gives you an added boost in strength and endurance.
  • It provides an overall boost in male health.

Unfortunately, as we get older, our bodies produce less and less testosterone, and eventually at around 30-35, we start to see it’s effects.

testosterone decrease by age

We’re tired, lethargic, fat, lazy, and uninterested. This may be a bit of an exaggeration for most, but the point is that the effects do indeed become noticeable, and they are not pleasant. The problems aren’t usually severe enough to warrant actual hormone replacement therapy, but a natural boost is most definitely in order. That’s where XPI Testosyn comes in. It’s the testosterone boosting entry for XPI, and it’s getting some pretty good word of mouth, so let’s see what we found out about it.

XPI Testosyn Ingredients and How They Work

The XPI Testosyn formula contains several of the most common natural testosterone boosting ingredients, including:

  • Testofen which comes from Fenugreek seeds. It’s been shown in a double blind placebo controlled study to increase levels of free testosterone in 8 weeks.
  • D-Aspartic Acid which is known for a very successful study where it increased testosterone by 42% in just 12 days.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is also though to increase testosterone levels and has actually been proven to boost libido.
  • Horny Goat Weed which increases Nitric Oxide levels for better workout and bedroom performance.
  • Maca Root which is said to improve mood and may help boost testosterone levels.
  • Mucuna Pruriens which boosts libido and may encourage the production of both testosteroxpi testosyn reviewne and Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
  • Eurycoma Longifolia which increases levels of free testosterone by inhibiting the action of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which would otherwise render some of your testosterone bound and unavailable for use.
  • Boron which also decreases the level of SHBG in your body.
  • Bioperine, which is derived from black pepper, helps the other ingredients in the formula to be more efficiently available for use.

Click Here to see a picture of the ingredients label.

How should I take it?

The recommended dose on the directions label is 3 XPI Testosyn capsules a day.

Testosyn Vs. Testofuel

There’s some pretty big differences (as well as some similarities) between Testosyn and my top choice for testosterone boosters, Testofuel.


Both of them contain D-Aspartic Acid, with Testosyn topping it off at 1500 mg per serving while Testofuel has 2300 mg per serving.

The effective dose range for D-AA is between 2,000 and 3,000 mg, which they both fall into because with Testosyn you have to take 2 servings per day.

With Testofuel, you can opt to take 1 dose of 4 capsules once a day, or spread it out by taking 1 capsule 4 times a day.

I prefer the former rather than the latter.

Common ingredients between both include:

  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Fenugreek Extract

While they do share these ingredients, Testosyn also contains Boron, Tribulus Terrestris, Eurycoma Longifolia, Maca Root extract, and Bioperine.

testofuel vs testosynTestofuel doesn’t contain ANY of these.

However, it DOES contain essential t boosting ingredients like Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Siberian Ginseng, and Oyster extract.

One thing I do want to note is that because Testosyn contains Tribulus, if you’re a college or professional athlete this may be a problem.

Tribulus is banned by most sports organizations, and it may show up on a drug test if they’re checking for it.


Price-wise, they’re pretty close to each other.  Testosyn costs $59 for one bottle, while Testofuel costs $65 for one bottle.

However, once you start to order larger quantities, this is where the price starts to diverge.

For example, if you buy 2 boxes of Testosyn, it will cost you $110 total.  That includes a free bottle of their Xtreme ZMA, whish is short for Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6.

If you order 2 boxes of Testofuel, it will run you about $130.  Both offer free shipping in the US for orders of this size.

If you want to save like $1, you can opt to order Testosyn on Amazon.


While I haven’t had a chance to personally test out Testosyn yet, it does look promising.  Out of the 180 reviews on Amazon, a good majority of guys have rated it 4 stars or better.

Of course, reviews on Amazon are not always that accurate, but it’s at least a start.

Out of the 3 dozen or so testosterone boosting supplements I’ve tested thus far, Testofuel has so far been the best.  You can read more about in my experience in my review here.

I plan on trying out Testosyn very soon, and will come back and update my results once I’ve done so.

XPI Testosyn Pros and Cons

Advantages of XPI Testosyn

  • The formula is very complete and well-rounded.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The XPI Testosyn reviews I’ve seen have all been favorable.
  • Some of the ingredients have been clinically proven to work.
  • A bottle can last up to 60 days.

Disadvantages of XPI Testosyn

  • The 3 capsule dose can be a little tough.

Where to Buy

You can purchase XPI Testosyn online through XPI or Amazon. The official website has a 60 day supply selling for $59.95. If you buy multiple bottles, you’ll get a small discount as well as a free gift. Amazon also sells XPI Testosyn. Their price is $49.95 per bottle.

Unfortunately, as of this review it doesn’t appear that they sell Testosyn in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or Vitamin Shoppe.

It does appear that they sell it worldwide, including countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.


XPI Testosyn looks like a solid product with a nice, complete formula, good reviews, and a money back guarantee. It’s also an added bonus that a bottle lasts a full 2 months. If you’re in the market for testosterone booster, XPI Testosyn is a good choice.

Have You Used XPI Testosyn? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Elite Test 360 Review – Should You Use It?


What Is Elite Test 360?
Fake Advertising
Fake Reviews And Testimonials
The “Free Trial” Isn’t So Free
Elite Test 360 Ingredients
What About Ripped Muscle X?
My Results
Pros And Cons
Where To Buy?

If you’re looking for our review of Elite Gain 350, this isn’t it.  Click Here to read about that supplement.

One of the bodybuilding supplements that has been popping up all over the internet lately is called Elite Test 360.

Like many similar products, its focus is on naturally boosting your testosterone levels which could have all sorts of benefits including increased strength, athletic performance, body composition and sex drive. Which would explain why Elite Test 360 bills itself as “Your Secret Weapon in the Gym.”

Of course, it’s our job as responsible, unbiased reviewers to be skeptical about the supplements out there, so we’re going to take a closer look.


Watch My Video Review Below Or Scroll Down To Read About My Results

What Is Elite Test 360?

Shortly after Elite Test 360 popped up on my radar, I did a quick Google search as per my usual practice. Immediately, I was inundated with a bunch of “reviews” using broken English and very odd phrasing to discuss how fabulous and wonderful Elite Test 360 is for anyone wanting to look and feel at the top of their game.

On reviewer, for instance, gave this high praise: “I found it 100% edgy supplement for making the looks fantastic.” And, of course, we ALL want to make the looks fantastic.

Another glowing commentary states that “Elite Test 360 is a fantabulous supplement for building your muscles enlarge and ripped.” So that’s convincing…

Elite test 360 reviewFortunately, I also noticed that it’s available for sale on Amazon which means Amazon customer reviews.

Taking a look at those was very revealing – and refreshingly honestly. I was not entirely surprised to see that the reviews were almost exclusively negative.

The majority of customers on Amazon gave Elite Test 360 a measly one star based on three key complaints:

  1. It does nothing.
  2. It’s crazy expensive.
  3. The side effects are TERRIBLE.

I didn’t even realize how bad and nasty they could be until I started reading through some of these reviews.  One user complained of stomach pains, dry mouth, and a constant headache.

He even mentioned it actually DECREASED his testosterone levels, literally doing the opposite of how it’s supposedly intended to work.

elite test 360 side effects

Even the positive reviews of Elite Test 360 (yes, there are quite a few of them) look suspect.  For example, one reviewer who goes by the name of “Jesse Castillo” says nothing but great things about the product.

elite test 360 review on amazon

However, if you visit Jesse’s profile you’ll see that Elite Test 360 is literally the ONLY product he has reviewed.

jesse castillo

Still, that’s not direct evidence that it’s fake, and we like to be thorough.

So we kept looking.

To better understand these specific complaints let’s really examine what’s in the bottle.

Fake Advertising

What Got You Here In The First Place…
So, like many of you reading this now, you probably stumbled across an ad about something Usain Bolt, Lebron James, The Rock, or Laron Landry takes to get absolutely massive and strong.

The ad usually involves some before and after photo showing insane results, but sometimes it gets changed up.  One thing is for certain, you’ll almost ALWAYS see it on Yahoo.

elite test 360 ad

When you click the ad it takes you to a page that “seemingly” looks like the ESPN website.  The article chronicles the transformation of several notable celebrity’s, including Dwight Howard, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Pratt, and many others, who ALL achieved their body transformations through the use of two supplements….Ripped Muscle X and Elite Test 360.

At first glance, it’s pretty convincing….

There are tons of before and after photos showing a fat and flabby Chris Pratt:

chris pratt elite test

a skinny Dwight Howard who is suddenly big and muscular, and a before and after photo of a guy named “Ryan Hasman”, who is apparently a staff writer over at ESPN.

He apparently “put the combo of Elite Test 360 to the test”, and chronicles his transformation over a 4 week period.

The problem here is this….this isn’t the REAL ESPN website, it’s one designed to look like it.  Not sure what I mean?  If you are still on the site, try clicking around on the other links (links like NBA, MMA, or any of the links to “headlines” or “articles” on the right hand side).

Where does it take you? 

Well, it CERTAINLY doesn’t take you to another page on the ESPN site…that’s right…every click takes you to the ripped muscle x sales page.

If you don’t have the page open anymore I made a quick screencast showing you what I’m talking about below…

As you can see, its not the real site, just one designed to look like one.  I also reached out to the editors of ESPN and NONE of them have ever heard of a Ryan Hasman…go figure…

Fake Reviews and Testimonials of Elite Test 360

Another thing I noted in my research was the sheer amount of fake reviews and testimonials of Elite Test 360 scattered throughout the internet.

Many so called “blogs” are nothing more than blogs setup by the company and/or their affiliates, with funky sounding names like and…Their sole intended purpose is to get you to believe that this supplement is a “miracle” and can work for anyone.

Don’t be fooled…

I searched around on Amazon and found a ton of reviews on there as well, with the vast majority being overwhelmingly negative.  In fact, even the reviews that were positive seemed suspicious to me, mainly because the persons reviewing it literally had Elite Test 360 as their only review.

This leads me to believe that many of them are simply fake.

One other very prominent scam I noticed was fake youtube reviews….One of them, which actually ranks on the first page of google, shows a guy who is talking up Elite Test 360 BIG TIME…check it out below:

After I did some research on a website called Fiverr, I noticed that this very same guy advertises his services as a paid actor for reviews and testimonials...check it out below…

(NOTE:  Fiverr is a website where normal people advertise a wide range of services, from creating fake video reviews, all the way to design work for literally…you guessed it…FIVE DOLLARS)

elite test 360 fake reviews

Here’s another one I found in case you were curious…

and here’s his gig on Fiverr…

elite test 350 fake testimonial

Deceptive Billing and “Free” Trial…

The biggest issue we have is with their deceptive billing and free trial.  You see, in the ad the “editor” talks up that the product is complete free, all you have to do is pay a modest shipping charge, and this is where they get you…

When you go to the order pages for both of these supplements, you are prompted to enter your address so they know where to send the bottle.

It then redirects you to a page where you put in your credit card info for that shipping charge I was telling you about above (which is just a modest $4.95 for each bottle).

What you probably didn’t notice was the fine print just below that says this for Elite Test 360…

elite test 360 free trial

and here’s the “free” trial of Ripped Muscle X…

ripped muscle x free trial

That’s right guys...this supposed “free” trial is not actually a free SAMPLE, but rather a time period in which you can use the product.  At the end of 14 days from the time you order, you will be billed $89 for your “trial” of Elite Test 360, and $87.63 for your “trial” of Ripped Muscle X.  Most guys don’t realize it until it’s too late, and this can end up costing you Hundreds or even THOUSANDS of $$$ if you’re not careful…

Elite Test 360 Ingredients and How They Work

Elite Test 360 has only two active ingredients:

  • Tribulus Terrestris standardized for 45% saponins. An herb with a long history of use as an aphrodisiac, Tribulus – or puncture vine – is generally thought to increase the body’s own natural production of testosterone. The results seen from taking Tribulus are more likely due to the effect that it has on a hormone called Luteinizing Hormone (LH), produced in the pituitary gland.Once the levels of this hormone rise, the LH signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone. Anyone in the know will tell you that more testosterone is great for better workouts and results, but there is some dispute about whether or not Tribulus Terrestris actually does the trick.There seems to be no doubt that it increases your libido, but the part about lifting T levels is still under debate.The majority of quality laboratory studies, however, have all come up negative – including this one from the October, 2005 edition of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. That study also mentioned that Tribulus, in addition to having no direct impact on testosterone levels had no indirect influence on the hormone either. Essentially, this means that the herb does not even significantly increase the levels of a substance that could later turn in to testosterone.
  • Alpha KetoGlutarate (AAKG). This is a form of L-Arginine, the amino acid that acts as a precursor to nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator, so your blood flows more freely to your muscles during workouts. This means more oxygen and nutrients transported for better pumps and better overall workout results.Unfortunately, NO is a gas and cannot be directly supplemented. The only solution, then, is to take one of the several substances that your body converts into NO. While AAKG is one of the more popular choices, recent studies have found it to be one of the least effective when it comes to actually increasing NO.In fact, one study found that taking AAKG supplements for one week did increase levels of arginine more than placebo.Unfortunately, this did not translate into more NO. Exactly why the arginine was not converted into NO is not fully understood.Frustratingly, this kind of confusing and unreliable result is a common theme of research into AAKG and arginine. It should be noted, though, that L-Arginine is also part of the testosterone production process. Again, however, studies have not shown that arginine supplements actively increase testosterone levels.I feel like I should also mention that – even if AAKG were undeniably proven to help in this application – the dosage in Elite Test 360 are insanely low. The dose generally used in studies, which produces minor improvements, is about 37.5 times larger than the dose found in Elite Test 360.

And, contrary to Elite Test 360′s claim that it is “an excellent source of vitamins,” those two ingredients are all there is. There are no vitamins, just Tribulus Terrestris and AAKG. Don’t believe me??  Here’s a picture of the label:

elite test 360 ingredients label

This may be fine for a minimal workout aid, with potential to increase vascularity and endurance during a strength workout. But it is by no means a cutting edge formula, and it doesn’t contain vitamins like the manufacturers claim.

Much of the promotional material also tends to stress the important role that “amino acids” play in the amazing results that Elite Test 360 is supposed to give you. But AAKG (arginine) is the only amino acid in the formula.

And, while AAKG, does seem to have some potential it’s usefulness here is woefully hyped up. In fact, “hype” is the main issue that Elite Test 360 struggles with. Unfortunately, it doesn’t live up to the hype.

Then there’s the issue of price, which is not justified by this bare-bones formula. In fact, plain old arginine supplements are usually some of the cheapest you can pick up. When you consider the fact that neither of these ingredients are even all that effective, Elite Test 360 just isn’t worth the inflated price tag.

Stacked With Ripped Muscle X

The manufacturer of Elite Test 360 also produces another supplement called Ripped Muscle X that they shamelessly encourage you to stack. In fact, when Elite Test 360 gets negative reviews, supporters usually say it’s because the complainer didn’t following the instructions properly by combining these two products.

Since this review is about Elite Test 360, we won’t go into a ton of detail on Ripped Muscle X, but here’s a basic rundown of the ingredients:

  • Arginine – You know what this does and, taken with Elite Test 360, you might actually feel some difference.
  • Citrulline – Another NO precursor, citrulline has been shown to be significantly more effective than arginine and AAKG
  • Acai – This fruit became a buzzword a few years ago and just won’t go away. Ultimately, the berry doesn’t do much of anything and really has no purpose in this formula.
  • Beta Alanine – An amino acid that is converted to carnosine, Beta Alanine has been shown in reliable studies to improve muscular endurance by buffering lactic acid build up.
  • Zinc – A fairly common mineral, zinc plays an important role in men’s health and testosterone production.
  • Creatine – One of the most popular and well-studied supplements out there, creatine can increase both strength and endurance.
  • Green Tea Extract – Some studies have shown that green tea has potential to decrease body fat.

Honestly, Ripped Muscle X seems pretty solid at preliminary glance. The problem is that you shouldn’t need to take another supplement to make Elite Test 360 work.

My Results

So I finally got around to testing out Elite Test 360 for myself, and as expected, I didn’t get any results.  At all!  Considering it literally only contains 2 ingredients, I wasn’t surprised.

The directions on the label state to take 2 capsules once in the morning, and I expected it might take a few days to kick in.  After 3 or 4 days of feeling nothing at all, I said “enough is enough”, so I decided to cancel my trial.

The cancellation process is, how do I say….nearly IMPOSSIBLE!  The first time I called I was put on hold for about 10 min., with the usual hold music playing throughout the entire time.  Then all of a sudden the hold music stopped, COMPLETELY!

I wasn’t disconnected because the time kept going on my iphone, so I decided to hang up and try again.  Second time around, I was placed on hold again, but after 10 minutes someone eventually picked up.

They offered me a discounted rate of 1/2 off to keep the bottle I have, or I could just send it back to them and prevent any billing.  I opted to just send back the remaining portion and be done with it.

Elite Test 360 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Elite Test 360

  • There is a product website with most of the necessary information, including ingredient details.
  • Full company contact information is given, including address, phone number with customer service hours, and email.

Disadvantages of Elite Test 360

  • It’s expensive.
  • It’s only got 2 ingredients, and when compared with the expense, it doesn’t add up.
  • The company pushes you to stack Elite Test 360 with another product called Ripped Muscle X in order to get the full effect.
  • Most of the Elite Test 360 reviews we’ve seen say it does nothing.
  • Some users have had issues with the “free trial” turning into a billing nightmare with surprise charges.
  • The company is not registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Where to Buy

You have a few choices when it comes to purchasing Elite Test 360 – if you do decide to do so. Through the official website, you can either by it straight out or you can sign up for a free trial period.

If you buy it straight out, you’ll pay $89.99 for a single month supply and there are discounts for buying in bulk. If you sign up for the “free” trial, you pay only shipping, and they send you a one month supply. If you do nothing within 14 days of your order date, you’ll be charged the $89.99 and signed up for monthly shipments costing you $89.99 a piece.

Some customers have complained that it is unreasonably difficult to get out of this arrangement but, since the company is not registered with the Better Business Bureau, it’s hard to find any clear reports.

Alternatively, you can buy it from Amazon for $38.14 and avoid all that hassle. Even at that price, though, Elite Test 360 is still outrageously expensive. By way of comparison, you could buy these two ingredients separately for about $15 total and just stack them. If you decide to go that route, you can pick these supplements up just about anywhere supplements are sold.


Frankly, there’s really very little to redeem Elite Test 360. The ingredients used are on the dubious side of things, with little quality science to back up their use here. Even if the ingredients were solidly backed by research, the dosages are way too low to deliver the sort of results that Elite Test 360 promises. It certainly is no “Secret Weapon.”

But what really does this product in for me is the company behind it. Not only is Elite Test 360 laughably expensive, the company uses the infamous “free trial” combined with an auto-shipping arrangement. These practices are usually the calling card of a less-than-trust-worthy operation.

If you really want to take tribulus and AAKG just go pick some up yourself for a fraction of the price. The truth, though, is that there are plenty of other products making similar claims that actually follow through on their promises.

Have You Used Elite Test 360?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex Review

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex Overview

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex says it was created for serious bodybuilders, designed for the guy who is always pushing himself past his limits, trying to find new barriers to cross. Totally safe and legal, Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex gives your body the support it needs to bulk up beyond your wildest imagination. Body Fortress is a subsidiary of Muscle Tech. They sell lower end, cheaper alternatives, but if it works it works. So let’s see if it works.

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex ReviewBody Fortress Test Pro-Complex Ingredients and How They Work

The Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex formula is divided into 3 complexes:

  • The Pro-Test Complex is the cornerstone. It contains Tribulus Terrestris standardized for 45% Saponins. Saponins signal to the pituitary gland that it’s time to release more Luteinizing Hormone. More LH tells the testes to release more testosterone. More testosterone means more energy, strength, and stamina for harder, more results oriented workouts. This complex also contains Horny Goat Weed which increases the flow of blood to the muscles during workouts, so they’re getting more of the oxygen and nutrients they need to work harder.
  • The Flavone Complex includes Chrysin and Indole-3-Carbinol for excellent fat burning properties.
  • The Balancing Complex contains Beta Sisterol, Campesterol, and Stigmasterol to maintain proper hormone levels, making sure the extra testosterone doesn’t convert to estrogen.

The recommended dose is 1 Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex caplet a day.

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex Pr os and Cons

Advantages of Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex

  • It’s got wide availability.
  • It’s super cheap.
  • There are plenty of favorable Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex reviews on Amazon.

Disadvantages of Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex

  • The ingredient list is very limited compared to the promises it makes.
  • There’s very little information provided, even on the Body Fortress website.
  • There are reasons to think the positive reviews are suspicious and there are a significant number of reviews saying it does nothing.

Where to Buy

Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex is available online through Amazon, but you can also pick it up at Walmart. The one month supply sells for $7.98.


I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying that “you get what you pay for.” Sometimes you get lucky and find a real bargain on something that gives you just what you need. Is this the case with Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex? Probably not. But if it gives you a libido boost and a little extra energy at the gym, it may be worth it to pick up some Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex at your local Walmart.

Have You Used Body Fortress Test Pro-Complex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

BRO NO PreWorkout Review – Does It Work?

BRO NO PreWorkout Overview

If I had a nickel for every pre workout supplement there is, well, I’d have a lot of nickels. I’m not kidding, every time I turn around, there’s a new one. Sometimes the companies go all out with state of the art websites complete with full scientific explanations of how their product works. Sometimes the information is adequate but not excessive. And sometimes, you get almost nothing other than a way to buy the product.

This brings us to a product called BRO NO PreWorkout. I found it when I was looking to see if Amazon was selling anything new. Because it was a pre workout, naturally I was interested, so I started to dig in. It wasn’t long before I knew which category BRO NO PreWorkout belonged in. I found next to nothing in terms of information on what this stuff is or how it works. Yet there were lots of positive reviews, which is a little fishy, especially since it seems this stuff has only been around a short while.

Well, let’s go over what we do know so you can make the most informed decision possible.

BRO NO PreWorkout ReviewBRO NO PreWorkout Ingredients and How They Work

Like I said, very little information. And as you might suspect, that means no ingredient list. But since we’ve been around and researched these kinds of supplements for quite some time now, we can make a few educated guesses. BRO NO PreWorkout is a pre workout supplement, and its name references NO, or nitric oxide. So I’m assuming that the primary mechanism of action is increasing nitric oxide in your body. What nitric oxide does is widen the blood vessels to allow more blood to flow through. This mean more blood delivering more oxygen and more nutrients to your muscles while you’re working out. The result is energy and strength to push through to new levels during and to recover faster after your workouts.

Again, with no ingredient list, we can’t be sure, but most pre workout supplements focused on NO use L-Arginine in some form or another. L-Arginine is an amino acid that acts as a precursor to nitric oxide. The theory goes that the more L-Arginine in your system, the more NO is created.

The BRO NO PreWorkout bottle comes with 60 capsules and calls that a one month supply, so that makes the recommended dose 2 capsules per day.

BRO NO PreWorkout Pros and Cons

Advantages of BRO NO PreWorkout

  • There are lots of positive BRO NO PreWorkout reviews on Amazon.
  • It’s pretty cheap as far as pre workout supplements go.

Disadvantages of BRO NO PreWorkout

  • There’s very little BRO NO PreWorkout information available, and nothing about the manufacturer.
  • The many positive reviews on Amazon are all very recent, and a large number are from women talking about how their husbands take it. This all seems a bit suspicious.

Where to Buy

BRO NO PreWorkout is available on Amazon. A 60 count bottle which is a one month supply costs $19.97, through they indicate that the retail price is $49.99.


BRO NO PreWorkout puts up a lot of red flags that make me hesitant to recommend it. There are very good options from reputable companies that have been making supplements for a lot of guys for a long long time. Skip what seems to be the fly by night BRO NO PreWorkout, and use one of those instead.

Have You Used BRO NO PreWorkout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Titanium Muscle Gain Review – Should You Use It?

Titanium Muscle Gain Overview

Looking for supplements on Amazon is definitely a mixed bag. You’ll find some well known, popular, and legit options. And you’ll find some straight-up crazy shit as well. Part of our job is to sift through and let you know which is which. Not too long ago, I noticed a product called Titanium Muscle Gain. It’s made to be professional strength yet formulated for the recreational bodybuilder as well. And in addition to Amazon, you can find it for sale at a few different retailers. So, what does this product promise, and does it deliver? We found out and are ready to reveal the answer.

Titanium Muscle Gain promises to improve your athletic performance as well as increase your muscle mass and density. They say that if you combine a daily one capsule dose of Titanium Muscle Gain with a regimen of proper eating and lifting hard, you’ll grow muscles like you’ve never been able to before. So those are the promises, pretty straight forward and to the point. Now let’s see if the facts back them up.

Titanium Muscle Gain ReviewTitanium Muscle Gain Ingredients and How They Work

Titanium Muscle Gain doesn’t actually publish its ingredients, which is something we never take as a good sign. If you can’t tell us what’s in it, how are we supposed to be able to tell if it works? Luckily, we tracked down a list anyway, and it includes:

  • Vitamin B6 which facilitates several bodily functions.
  • Zinc which is essential for the body’s testosterone producing process. There is a direct correlation between lowered zinc levels and lowered testosterone levels.
  • Magnesium which is also important for testosterone production.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which signals the body to increase its production of testosterone. Increased testosterone leads to more strength and energy, as well as increased libido and better mood.
  • DHEA which is a powerful male hormone.
  • Deer Antler Powder which may help increase growth factors.
  • Tongkat Ali which increases the amount of free testosterone available to be used by the body.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which is a fat burner.

The recommended dose is only 1 capsule per day, and it’s recommended that you take it for 2 months.

Titanium Muscle Gain Pros and Cons

Advantages of Titanium Muscle Gain

  • It’s affordable.
  • It’s safe and legal.
  • There are tons of favorable Titanium Muscle Gain reviews on Amazon.

Disadvantages of Titanium Muscle Gain

  • The company doesn’t disclose the ingredients.
  • There’s no clinical evidence that it works.
  • There’s no money back guarantee.
  • The number of positive reviews on Amazon is suspicious.

Where to Buy

You can buy 3 bottles of Titanium Muscle Gain, a 3 month supply for $46.99.


With so many bodybuilding supplements on the market, you don’t have to settle for a product that decides not to tell you what’s in it. Even though we were able to find that ingredient list, it’s still disconcerting that Titanium Muscle Gain doesn’t release it willingly. Go with an above board, trustworthy product, and skip the Titanium Muscle Gain.

Have You Used Titanium Muscle Gain? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Crazy Mass Bulking Stack Review and Results

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What is the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack
Where To Buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here To visit the official Crazy Mass website.

There’s guys that want to get ripped like Brad Pitt in fight club, and then there’s guys that are looking to pack on muscle like “The Rock”. Whatever your motivation may be, your probably looking for a supplement to help give you faster results. Well, if you are looking for a supplement that is designed to help give you massive gains in muscle mass and strength, then the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is exactly what you need.

I’ve been reviewing alot of “steroid” alternatives recently, and came across this one after writing a review of their cutting stack. Unlike the cutting stack, which is designed to help you get shredded and lean out, the bulking stack is primarily geared towards the “serious” bodybuilder / weight lifter who’s looking to get huge. So what is it that makes this stack so effective? Well, we’re going to give you a detailed review of the Bulking Stack so that you can find out if it’s right for you.

Keep in mind that I’ve personally been using Crazy Mass products for years at this point, which says a lot more than the dozens of other ‘reviews’ you’ll come across.

Most of those so-called ‘reviewers’ have never even taken the supplement, much less have any idea on how it’s supposed to work.

Clearly this is a problem if you’re looking for honest and reliable feedback.

crazy mass bulking stack reviewWhat is the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack?

Just like the name implies, the stack is a combination of 4 different supplements that are designed to help you bulk up. The 4 different supplements include Dianobal, Testosterone-MAX, Deckadrolone, and T-Bal 75.

Don’t let the names fool you, these aren’t the “real” steroids like Dianabal or Decadron, but rather they are all natural formula’s that are intended to help “mimic” the effects of steroids, without all of the nasty and harmful side effects. I’ve been studying alot of these so called “steroid replacements”, but this is probably the first one I came across that actually is legit.

So how exactly do these supplements work? Well, let’s take a look at each one individually so we can give you a clearer picture about how they’re supposed to work in combination, as well as why you should take all of them instead of just one or two.


crazy mass bulking stackDianobal is a muscle and strength agent which is designed to help guys that are “hard muscle gainers” get the size they are looking for. The real Dianabol (or D-Bol for short) has been used bodybuilders and celebrities looking for a short cut to get bigger in a very short period of time. However, D-Bol has been banned for use in bodybuilding in the US since 2001 (1), and unless you live in Mexico, you can’t get it without a prescription.

For those of you looking for something that will mimic the effects, Dianobal is the all natural alternative to this. It’s made up of clinically tested ingredients that works to increase strength and stamina, as well as rapidly increase lean muscle mass. Just to be clear, THIS IS NOT A STEROID. Rather, it is a safe and effective alternative to the real deal.

Dianobal is best taken both as a stack with the other supplements, and should be cycled on a 2 months on / 1.5 weeks off basis.

testosterone maxTestosterone-MAX

Testosterone-MAX is Crazy Mass’ formula which features the testosterone boosting power of Tribulus Terrestris. It’s geared towards helping to not only promote strength gains, but also to help reduce stored body fat. Not only that, but Tribulus has been shown to be very effective at helping men suffering from erectile dysfunction. (2) Even if you don’t have ED, it still works great at producing rock hard erections.

Just like Dianobal, it is not “real” testosterone replacement therapy (like Androgel or similar), but rather uses a complex blend of ingredients to help your body pump out more of it’s own testosterone. It actually stacks well with both the cutting AND bulking stack, but in my personal opinion it works best with the cutting stack.

It’s also recommended that you take Testosterone-MAX for at least 2 months to see the best results.


deckadroloneDeckadrolone, not to be confused with Deca Durabolin, is a safe and legal alternative to help you recover quicker. Unlike the other parts of this stack, it is primarily used to help you recover from very intense workouts, and help you blast past plateaus. Because of this, it is intended to be taken both on your workout days, as well as your off days.

One of the ways it helps with rest and recovery is by increasing protein synthesis, which leads to a reduced instance of Muscle Hypertrophy. It also helps to improve collagen synthesis, which leads to reduced inflammation of the joints, allowing you to get back in the gym faster.

It is recommended that you take Deckadrolone along with the other supplements in this stack for increased results.

trenbalone reviewTren-Bal Elite Series

Tren-Bal elite series uses an all natural and proprietary blend of ingredients to help aid in increased nitrogen retention and release free testosterone. One of it’s key ingredients is colostrum, which contains the growth hormone IGF-1. When you are looking to cut up, you generally lower your caloric requirements. When you do this, IGF-1 levels can fall off dramatically, making you lose many of the gains you’ve made over a certain period of time.

By taking colostrum you are helping your body to retain your IGF-1 levels, and prevent yourself from losing strength and mass gains. (3)

Where To Buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack

At this time, the only place you can buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is on their official website. It retails at around $179, and they offer free shipping to customers in the US.

Keep in mind that this stack will last you 1 month, so if you plan on running through a few cycles, you might want to order more than 1.


If you’re looking to pack on some serious muscle, then the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is right for you. All of these supplements in combination have been shown very effective at not only helping to increase muscle mass and strength, but also aid in recovery. As mentioned earlier, it can also help for me suffering from low libido, and can even help you sleep better.

Now, Crazy Mass bulking stack is not a miracle pill. You can’t expect to pop a bunch of these pills and get jacked in a few weeks, all while sitting around on your ass. But, if you put the time and effort into the gym and eat a solid diet, you WILL see results with this stack.

In all likelihood, you’ll probably start seeing results in as little as 2 weeks.

The best results are generally seen during the 6 – 8 week mark, which is why I typically recommend that you buy more than 1 stack.

You might also want to consider cycling it with some of the other Crazy Mass product lines, including the strength stack and cutting stack.

If you’re unsure of what to buy, simply leave a comment below and I’ll guide you in the right direction.

Have You Used the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack? Leave Your Review Below!





UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator Review

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator Overview

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator is targeted at the serious resistance athlete and trainer who wants to take gains to the next level, but do it safely and legally. It’s been around since 1996 and has developed a considerable following since then. It’s available through several online retailers, and it’s supposed to help you get significantly bigger and stronger. There are UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator reviews all over the internet with satisfied customers talking about how it helps them push harder in workouts, recovery better afterward, and even sleep better at night. So what exactly is in this stuff and how does it make you bigger and stronger?

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator ReviewUltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator Ingredients and How They Work

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator information isn’t hard to come by. Most of the retailers that sell it even disclose the entire ingredient list. But there isn’t a lot of explanation about how the ingredients work. UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator basically works as an HGH Secretagogue. That means that it encourages your body to naturally release more Human Growth Hormone, or HGH. HGH is the a hormone naturally present in abundance when we’re young. It helps bone and muscle tissue to grow through adolescence. But as we age, our bodies don’t make as much as they used to. We get tired, old, soft, and worn out, and our bodies just aren’t able to make muscles or lose fat as easily as they used to.

Certain amino acids are pre cursors to HGH, so increasing your levels of these helps your body make and release more. With more HGH, you’re stronger, you feel better and more agile, you can push harder, recover faster, and feel better rested than you had in years. Some of the amino acids included to help stimulate HGH production are Leucine, Isoleucine, and Glutamine.

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator has additional ingredients to bolster your workout efforts. These include

  • Dopamine and Acetylcholine which both work to improve your mood and your alertness.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases your natural production of testosterone to also help make you stronger, leaner, and more confident.
  • Yohimbe which is a stimulant that also helps improve blood flow so your muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients when you’re working out.

How To Use UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator is a liquid serum. The recommended dose is 3 sprays taken under the tongue 3 times a day. You hold it for a minute, then swish and swallow. This makes the ingredients available both immediately as well as over time. The best times to use UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator are before or after workouts and at bedtime. If you’re not working out on a particular day, just spread the 3 doses out over the day. The bottle contains enough servings for a 6 week cycle.

UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator Pros and Cons

Advantages of UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator

  • It’s completely safe and legal.
  • There are tons of favorable UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • It’s great for people who don’t like to or cannot take pills.
  • It’s reasonably priced.

Disadvantages of UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator

  • There are no clinical studies showing it to be effective.
  • There is no explanation of how the ingredients work.

Where to Buy

You can purchase UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator through several online retailers. The 2 ounce spray bottle which lasts for a 6 week cycle costs anywhere from $25 to $40 so make sure you look around for the best price.


The science really isn’t in on whether or not these HGH supplements are actually effective. But it’s hard to deny the anecdotal evidence provided in the many many reviews. With so many guys using it and having success, you can probably expect some fairly decent results from UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator.

Have You Used UltraLab The Beast Anabolic Activator? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testovox Review – Does It Work?

I recently came across a supplement called Testovox on It didn’t take much to find out that it has its own website and is also available through other online retailers, so I decided to go ahead and take a closer look.

Because of the name Testovox, I immediately thought it was a testosterone booster. But it turns out that’s not really the main focus. It’s an all around formula made for bodybuilders – professional and recreational alike – that helps to burn fat as well as build muscle so you not only get great gains, but also have the lean, cut physique to show it off. That’s what they say, and there are actually quite a lot of positive Testovox reviews from customers saying it works, so we decided to take a look into the formula to see how likely it is to work.

Testovox Ingredients and How They Work

The Testovox formula does indeed contain a combination of ingredients focused on a few different aspects of getting you lean and strong. It stars off with a big dose of Vitamin B12 which facilitates communication between the brain and the muscles along with helping the body to better absorb and use the food and nutrients you take in. The rest of the formula includes:

  • testovox reviewChromim Picolinate which works with insulin to transport glucose throughout the body to produce energy. It speeds up fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which contains saponins that increase the body’s own natural production of testosterone.
  • DHEA which is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. It promotes weight loss and bone and muscle strength while improving cardiovascular health and sexual performance.
  • Alpha Ketoglutarate helps maximize the use of creatine in your muscles while reducing the chances of ammonia toxicity. The result is the ability to push through lifting plateaus so you gain more muscle.
  • L-Arginine which is a pre cursor to nitric oxide which is a vasodilator that increases the flow of blood to the muscles while you work out. This provides more oxygen and nutrients when and where you need them.  L-Arginine is actually more commonly found in other testosterone boosters like Diesel Test and Andro 400, but you’ll also find it in a wide variety of other supplements like male enhancers and pre workout supplements.

The recommended dose is 2 Testovox capsules taken twice a day, once with breakfast and once with lunch. They recommend that you use Testovox for 2 month cycle, which comes out to 4 bottles. (Click Here for a picture of the label)

Testovox Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testovox

  • The formula is simple but comprehensive, including ingredients to burn fat, increase energy, and improve your muscle building capacity.
  • Testovox contains no central nervous system stimulants.
  • There are tons of favorable Testovox reviews on Amazon.

Disadvantages of Testovox

  • There’s no money back guarantee.
  • A significant number of reviewers found it to not work at all.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Testovox through the official website or a few other online retailers. A 60-count bottle costs about $22 and lasts for half a month when used as directed. The recommendation is that you use it for 2 months. That means 4 bottles for a total cost of about $100.


Looking at the formula and the reviews, I would say Testovox is a good product with a solid chance of helping you achieve your goals.

Of course as with many similar products, the results will vary from person to person with some people getting little to no effects and others raving about their gains.

Remember though that it is still a supplement, and you’ll need to eat well and work out hard to get the best possible results.

It is low risk and has a good chance of helping you yield some noticeable results if you are sticking to a good workout regiment.

Have You Used Testovox? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Red Leaf Pre Workout Review – Does It Work?

Red Leaf Pre Workout Overview

If you’re working out, and you can only take one supplement, chances are it should be a pre workout. That’s because lots of the products give you the energy and support you want going into your workouts, as well as nutritional and recovery support for the whole day. So if you can find the right one, a good pre workout can sometimes be all you need. I recently came across a product called Red Leaf Pre Workout, and I decided to check it out to see if it would qualify as the kind of pre workout that could give you all the benefits you’re looking for.

Red Leaf Pre Workout is made by ISN, that’s Integrated Sports Nutrition. Right off the bat, they claim to combine the fitness enhancing benefits with a healthy energy formula to help you push through your workout as well as get the most out of it.

Red Leaf Pre Workout ReviewRed Leaf Pre Workout Ingredients and How They Work

Red Leaf Pre Workout comes in a Cranberry-Lime flavored powder that you want to mix with water or other beverage and take before working out.

For energy and general health, Red Leaf Pre Workout contains:

  • Cranberry Extract for antioxidant protection.
  • Green Tea extract for antioxidant protection as well as fat burning enhancement.
  • Raspberry Ketones to burn fat.
  • Caffeine for energy.

For supporting your workout efforts, Red Leaf Pre Workout contains:

  • Beta Alanine to reduce muscle fatigue so you can work out harder and longer.
  • L-Arginine AKG which is a precursor to nitric oxide, a vasodilator that increases blood flow to your muscles so they get more of the oxygen and nutrients they need for maximum workout effectiveness.
  • L-Glutamine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine which are branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) that improve post workout recovery so you can work out hard and still recover quickly for the next day and the next workout.

The recommended dose is 1 scoop mixed with water or other beverage, and they say you can take it as many as 4 times a day.

Red Leaf Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Advantages of Red Leaf Pre Workout

  • It doesn’t contain harsh stimulants. A serving contains 40 mg of caffeine which is not very much at all.
  • It cheaper than a lot of pre workouts.
  • It’s sort of pushed as a the pre workout for women, but anyone can use it.
  • There are lots of positive Red Leaf Pre Workout reviews on Amazon.

Disadvantages of Red Leaf Pre Workout

  • It’s not very strong, kind of like a beginner’s pre workout.

Where to Buy

You can find Red Leaf Pre Workout for purchase online at the ISN website or Amazon. The ISN website sells the 30 serving tub for $29.99 which is the same price you’ll find at Amazon.


If you’re looking for a mild pre workout that also helps with recovery, Red Leaf Pre Workout is probably a good choice. For more experienced gym rats needed to add that next edge, it’s best to look elsewhere.

Have You Used Red Leaf Pre Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Alpha Cut HD Review – Scam or Legit Supplement?


What is Alpha Cut HD
What About Combining It With Other Products
Our Main Problem with Alpha Cut HD
User Reviews

Sometimes when I look at all of the pre workout supplements that are out there, it makes my head spin.  So many that make claims like “it’ll get you ripped” or “promotes strength, muscle growth, and reduces fat” end up being nothing more than duds.  We know because we have personally tested alot of them and they acted nothing more than a multivitamin (albeit an expensive one!), which is why we are so critical of these supplements in our reviews.

When I came across Alpha Cut HD I approached it with the same skepticism.  This product claims to do everything under the sun, and they are even giving away a free bottle of the stuff.  How nice of them?? 🙂  We’ll, there’s a catch, and you’re about to find out why.

What is Alpha Cut HD?

Alpha Cut HD asks the question Are you feeling low on energy, tired, exhausted or drained?  Well, of course I am…sometimes.  Everyone gets tired, and if you don’t feel drained after a workout then you are probably not pushing yourself hard enough.  Well, the makers of this supplement promise that your body will be “flooded” with explosive energy.  It boasts numerous claims like reduced puffiness and bloating, shredded muscle and definition, enhanced muscle growth, and increased male energy and function.

alpha cut hd reviewSo you’re probably wondering how it does all that, right?  We were too, so I took an in depth look at their website to try and shine some light on the issue.  Luckily for us, the makers of Alpha Cut HD have provided us with a list of ingredients, which include Indole 3 Carbinol, Diindolymethane, Curcumin, Chrysin, Bioperine, and Vitamin E.

The ingredient that sparked my interest the most was Indole 3 Carbinol, which up until this point I have never heard of.  The official site of Alpha Cut HD says that it is found in cruciferous vegetables, and it contains anti-estrogen properties that are used to balance hormone levels, detoxify the intestines and liver, and support the immune system.

I took to the internet to research it, and there is “some” truth to this statement.  Some studies have suggested that Indole 3 Carbinol can act as a anti-oxidant, as well as inhibit the transcription of estrogen-responsive genes stimulated by 17beta-estradiol. (1)  The other ingredients, like diindolymethane and curcumin, also reportedly help with balancing estrogen levels.  However, the claim that Alpha Cut HD is side effect free is false, as the ingredient Indole-3-carbinol has been showing to cause balance problems, tremor, and nausea in high doses.

But my real question is this…which ingredient is supposed to give me this massive increase in energy?  None of these ingredients are energy boosters, so is it the supposed increase in testosterone that is supposed to give me this explosive energy or what?

What About Combining It With Other Products

There’s alot of talk out there that combining Alpha Cut HD with other products like Pure Nitrate, Amino Muscle, and Muscle King Pro can apparently have a huge impact on your muscle growth and fat burning.  However, I did a ton of research on the subject but couldn’t find any info on these stacks.

My best guess is that it is simply another one of those fake Men’s Health articles designed to get you to believe you’re reading about some miracle combination of supplements that celebrity’s are using.  I detail this pretty thoroughly in my 1 Weird Tip To Boost Muscle” article, check it out here.

Our Main Problem with Alpha Cut HD

We have some major issues, other than their formula, with Alpha Cut HD, and that is their supposed “free trial”.  You see, that free trial you’re looking at is just that…a trial.  Once your trial is up they bill you for the full price of the product, which is about $90.  Now I don’t know about you, but paying $90 for ANY supplement is just downright ludicrous.

But it’s not the price that kills me, its the method in which they deceive guys like me an you into getting billed in the first place.  The allure or promise of a free trial is very similar to that of a sample.  Most guys that come to me think that they are signing up for a sample bottle of Alpha Cut HD, when in fact they will be charged the full price just 14 days down the road.  It’s all right here in the fine print guys, in case you didn’t believe me.

If they sold the product in a store like GNC or even Amazon it might be worth it, but it certainly isn’t worth signing up for this trial. 

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The Alpha Cut HD formula, coupled with the fact that there are NO credible reviews or testimonials of their product online leads me to one of 2 conclusions.  1.)  This supplement is too new and likely hasn’t been tried by enough guys to determine whether or not it really works, and 2.)  It’s a scam supplement that is designed to “trick” you into thinking your signing up for a free bottle of the stuff, when indeed they will bill you the full purchase price just 14 days down the road.  My gut instinct tells me it’s probably the former rather than the latter.

The only reason I gave it a 2 out of 5 stars is because according to their website there is a 30 day money back guarantee.

Have You Used Alpha Cut HD?  Leave Your Review Below!




Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Optimum Nutrition HMB Review – Does It Work?

Optimum Nutrition HMB Overview

You put in all the work at the gym and you eat all the right stuff, and you’ve got the results to show for it. You take care of your body, and it shows. Now, what are you going to do to protect and maintain what you’ve achieved. Obviously, you’re going to keep working out, but another thing you can do is supplement with HMB, or Hydroxy Methylbutyrate. And if you want the proper dose, Optimum Nutrition HMB says it has it.

By supplementing with Optimum Nutrition HMB, you’ll recover faster, feel better and less sore, and get more out of your workouts by being able to push yourself harder each day, knowing that your muscle is protected and safe. Optimum Nutrition HMB is not a pre workout, so you probably would include it in a stack instead of taking it solo, but when you do, according to ON and a lot of their customers, you’ll be happy you did.

It should also be noted that Optimum Nutrition is a very reputable supplement manufacturer that has been in business for quite sometime now.

Optimum Nutrition HMB ReviewOptimum Nutrition HMB Ingredients and How They Work

There is only one ingredient in Optimum Nutrition HMB, and that’s HMB, or Hydoxy Methylbutyrate. Each capsules contains 1 gram of the stuff, and the recommended dose is 1 capsule 3 times a day. The reason for this is that 3 grams of HMB daily is the dose clinically proven to support muscle growth and strength retention. The studies show that HMB at the proper dose (3 g per day) helps prevent the breakdown of protein in highly trained muscles, helps muscles repair after tough workouts, and supports an increase in muscle endurance.

The way it works is that HMB is a metabolite of the branched chain amino acid, L-Leucine which is already known to provide effective support for muscle recovery.

It’s recommended that you take your 1 Optimum Nutrition HMB capsule 3 times a day with a meal containing protein.

Optimum Nutrition HMB Pros and Cons

Advantage of Optimum Nutrition HMB

  • It’s based on clinically tested scientific studies showing the effectiveness of HMB for muscle protection and repair.
  • There are tons of favorable Optimum Nutrition HMB reviews all over the internet.
  • It’s made by ON, a respected supplement manufacturer.

Disadvantages of Optimum Nutrition HMB

  • You can use Optimum Nutrition HMB alone, but it’s best used in a stack which can get expensive.
  • Because it’s usually used in a stack, lots of people have been unable to tell if it works because it’s difficult to distinguish which supplement is having which effect.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Optimum Nutrition HMB online and in stores. The 90 capsule bottle is a month’s supply and costs $55 on the Optimum Nutrition website, but we found it for $30 at

Amazon sells a 90 cap bottle that currently retails for $37, which is a reasonable price.

Make sure you look around for your best price, which goes without saying.


If you have or will take your bodybuilding and workouts to the next level, try adding Optimum Nutrition HMB to your routine. A lot of guys are having great success with the stuff.

If you need something to help with recovery, this appears to be a great product for that.

Have You Used Optimum Nutrition HMB? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

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Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Legion Pulse Review – Is It Any Good?

Legion Pulse Overview

Trying to pick the right pre workout supplement can sometimes feel like trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack. There are so many options, it’s really hard to know which one is going to be right for you. And just when you think you’ve got a handle on it, a new one comes along and you’re intrigued. That’s what happened when I saw that Legion Pulse came out a little less than a year ago. It looked good, but I thought I’d let a little time go by and see what other guys had to say before I dove right in. Well, the word is in, and guys really seem to like it. So I decided it was time to take a look.

Legion Pulse promises to get you pumped for your workout and give your body, mind, and muscles the energy, motivation, and stamina they need to get you going and keep you going at the gym. And they give you two reasons to believe that it works: that all the active ingredients have been clinically tested with their results published in scientific journals, and that all those ingredients are present in clinically effective doses. That second part is key because that’s where most other supplements get you. They tell you about all the great ingredients they use, but what they don’t tell you is that the amount they use wouldn’t benefit a mouse.

It also should be noted that Legion is a very reputable supplement brand that has been in business for quite sometime.

So just what are these ingredients?

Legion Pulse ReviewLegion Pulse Ingredients and How The Work

The Legion Pulse label clearly displays the ingredients along with their amounts:

  • 350 mg Caffeine is present as a stimulant and to increase your muscle strength and endurance.
  • 350 mg Theanine to boost your mental alertness and relieve physical stress. It helps your body produce more nitric oxide for increased vasodilation, which allows more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to your muscles during workouts.
  • 8 g Citrulline Malate which works a lot like L-Arginine but it’s better absorbed and has been shown to actually increase L-Arginine more than supplementing with L-Arginine itself. It improves muscle endurance and aerobic performance while relieving sore muscles.
  • 2.2 g Ornithine which is an amino acid which helps reduce fatigue in longer workouts, increases your body’s fat burning capacity, and increases growth hormone production.
  • 4.8 g Beta Alanine which reduces muscle fatigue, improves your capacity for anaerobic exercise, and increases the amount of weight you can lift, leading to better results.
  • 2.5 g Betaine which comes from beets and improves muscle endurance, increases strength, and helps the body produce more growth hormone.

It’s recommended that you start off with a ½ dose of one scoop of Legion Pulse powder mixed with water or other beverage to test your tolerance. Once you’re comfortable, you can increase it to the regular dose of 2 scoops.

Legion Pulse Pros and Cons

Advantages of Legion Pulse

  • It’s formula uses the clinically studied doses of all its primary key ingredients.
  • There are tons of positive Legion Pulse reviews from guys who’ve used it.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There’s no rush, jitters, or crash.

Disadvantages of Legion Pulse

  • The tub only contains 21 servings.
  • Some people don’t like the tingle they get from the Beta Alanine.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Legion Pulse through the Legion website or a couple of other retail websites. The 21 serving tub costs $39.97 the website and $43.99 at Amazon.

It should also be noted that the reviews on Amazon are very positive, with an average rating of 4.2 based on over 5,900 reviews.


If you do well with caffeine, Legion Pulse looks like a quality pre workout product. Next time you find yourself in the market for a new one, give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Have You Used Legion Pulse? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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