iForce Nutrition Max Out Review – Does It Work?

iForce Nutrition Max Out Overview

iForce Nutrition Max Out ain’t what it used to be. According to iForce, it’s better. They took the old product off the market, reworked it, reformulated it, and re-released it. And now, it’s being touted as the super-intense pre workout powder to make all others obsolete. So let’s dive right in and see what this stuff has to offer.

iForce Nutrition Max Out ReviewiForce Nutrition Max Out Ingredients and How They Work

The iForce Nutrition Max Out formula is divided into 4 maxed out complexes:

ADRENAPLEX – Unlimited Energy – provides that immediate rush, forcing your body to step up to the plate with long lasting, no jitters energy. To that end, it contains:

  • Phenethylamine HCL to enhance mood and focus while reducing fatigue.
  • Caffeine – 300 mg for sustained energy through your workout.
  • Synephrine HCL for energy and breaking down stored fat.

NITROPLEX – Power and Strength – helps you push harder so you develop and grow your muscles and their capacity to work with every push. It contains:

  • Glycerol Monostearate which shuttles water to muscles for extreme pumps and lifting power.
  • Potassium Nitrate which provides a nitric oxide boost bigger than what you’ve ever had before.

COGNIPLEX – Laser Focus – for getting you in the zone with the kind of extreme focus where you can’t think about anything but the task at hand. It contains:

  • Rhodiola Rosea which helps your body adapt to physical stressors by releasing serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • DMAE which produces more acetylcholine for better mood, focus, concentration, and memory. It also improves sleep which is key for muscle recovery.
  • Huperzine A which is a nootropic that helps your mind focus more accutely.

HYDRAPLEX – Performance and Hydration – for keeping you at peak form so you can kill it at your workout. It contains:

  • Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate, and Magnesium Phosphate which are all the important electrolytes your body needs for allowing your brain to communicate effectively with your muscles, making you the best performing athlete you can be.

The recommended serving size is 1 scoop taken with water or another beverage about half an hour before your workout.

iForce Nutrition Max Out Pros and Cons

Advantages of iForce Nutrition Max Out

  • It addresses, energy, pumps and focus.
  • According to iForce Nutrition Max Out reviews, the taste is good and it mixes well.
  • It provides electrolytes.

Disadvantages of iForce Nutrition Max Out

  • It contains a lot of caffeine, so if you’re sensitive, it may not be for you.
  • There are very few user reviews to help us know how well it actually works.

Where to Buy

You can buy iForce Nutrition Max Out online. The 10 serving size sells for about $12, or you can get the 30-serving tub for about $45.


They reformulated iForce Nutrition Max Out, and it looks pretty decent, but it’s not knocking my socks off. If you see a deal, go for it. But I don’t think it will end up being the best pre workout you’ve ever tried.

Have You Used iForce Nutrition Max Out? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Optimal Garcinia Cambogia and Absolute Coffee Cleanse Review

For years I’ve been writing about supplement combos.  Most of the time, it’s a combo offer that appears on a apparently legit Mens Health website, and inevitably talks about some miracle supplement celebrities have been secretly using to shred off excessive pounds and pack on lean muscle.  But todays supplement combo is different….today, it’s on a page that looks just like the GQ website.  And today, the storyline is a bit different.  In this article I’m reading here, the authors / editors of GQ magazine are apparently testing out a combo called Optimal Garcinia Cambogia and Absolute coffee cleanse.

According to them, tons of athletes have been using this supplement combo, including Lebron James, Reggie Bush, and Colin Kapernick, and have been getting INSANE results with them.  I know “the King” lost a bunch of weight recently (like 45 lbs.), but did he really use Optimal Garcinia Cambogia and Absolute Coffee Cleanse.  While I don’t know Lebron personally (sure wish I did though), I’m willing to bet that no, he did not use them.

What you’re about to read will delve a bit into deception, and expose what a flat out scam this probably is.  But first, let’s explore what these products are intended to do.

What is Optimal Garcinia Cambogia?

optimal garcinia cambogia reviewBased on the notion that Garcinia Cambogia, which has been featured very heavily in the media for its purported weight loss benefits, Optimal Garcinia Cambogia is just that….a garcinia cambogia supplement.  According to various sources, this extract contains a key ingredient called HCA (or Hydroxycitric Acid) which is extracted from the fruit of rind.

Basically, HCA is a derivative of citric acid, which has been shown in studies of RATS to suppress epididymal fat accumulation. (more on this below)  However, their is no conclusive evidence that shows that HCA has ANY weight loss benefits in humans.  The official Optimal Garcinia Cambogia cleanse website features numerous benefits with their supplement, including:

  • Suppressed appetite

Well, that’s literally it….the only benefit they mention is suppressed appetite.  So how does it do this?  Well, according to them Garcinia Cambogia helps prevent fat from being made and moving towards glycogen, which is an energy sources that helps burn more fat.  The simple truth to the matter is this though…you can’t just starve the body until submission.

What happens when you starve  the body of food is it essentially “shuts down”, to help preserve itself.  It doesn’t know you’re on a diet, it just thinks that there is no food coming in and it doesn’t know when to expect the next meal.  So, instead of “burning fat” it starts to attack muscle deposits first.  After all the muscle has been depleted, it then moves to fat, but only after practically all of your muscle is gone.  Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients and how they are supposed to work before we draw any conclusions.

Optimal Garcinia Cambogia Ingredients and How They Work

Just how does it do this? HCA suppresses appetite by boosting serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a “happy” chemical. The higher the levels of serotonin in the brain, the happier you feel. Ever hear the term “emotional eater?” Low levels of serotonin are directly linked to depression. With that depression comes the need to attain comfort and satisfaction, usually through food. HCA boosts your serotonin levels, theoretically ending that vicious cycle of overeating.

Now, as to the fat blocking abilities: Proponents of Garcinia Cambogia claim that HCA can inhibit a key enzyme that is responsible for converting carbohydrates into fat. That fat is then stored for later use. By blocking this enzyme, HCA effectively reduces the fat creation process.

Studies have proven the benefits of appetite suppression and fat blocking via HCA; thereby, leading to a successful weight loss. So if your weight loss goal is entirely achievable through the use of Garcinia Cambogia, then what is the catch? These studies were performed on rats, not humans. In animal trials, the supposed “holy grail” of weight loss did, indeed, suppress epididymal fat accumulation. The rats in these studies showed a remarkable improvement in total body fat reduction. (“Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of hydroxycitric acid or Garcinia cambogia extracts in humans.” 2012. Para. 1)

When it comes to human trials; however, there is no conclusive evidence that shows Garcinia Cambogia as an effective means for noticeable weight loss. In fact, in several of the studies that were performed on humans, the placebo group ended up losing more weight than the group that was supplementing with Garcinia Cambogia. Now, even if you leave the results of those few studies to chance, no study has confirmed a significant impact on human weight loss via the supplementation of Garcinia Cambogia. (“Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of hydroxycitric acid or Garcinia cambogia extracts in humans.” 2012. Para. 1)

What is Absolute Coffee Cleanse?

absolute coffee cleanse reviewFinding info on the Absolute coffee cleanse was a bit more difficult than Optimal Garcinia Cambogia.  There’s no mention of the exact ingredients, only the “fact” that it contains healthy all natural ingredients.  I don’t know about you, but when I am taking a supplement I want to know exactly what I am putting into my body. My best guess is it literally only contains the one ingredient…and that would be green coffee bean.

What we do know is there are TONS of before and after pictures from supposedly “real guys” who have taken this supplement, and they do look quite amazing.  But are they really real?

One thing that caught my eye about Absolute Coffee Cleanse was that they say “credible sources have been talking about Green Coffee’s ability to boost metabolism, lower cholesterol, and improve your immune system”.  There is “some” truth to this statement.  After researching a bit, I did see WebMD talking about some light research that indicated taking green coffee bean for a period of 12 weeks could result in modest weight loss over a period of 12 weeks. (3)

However, the findings are still VERY preliminary, and their is no “hard” evidence that this is truly the case.  Let’s dive into these ingredients a bit more and see how they are REALLY supposed to work.

Absolute Coffee Cleanse Ingredients and How They Work

As mentioned above, the ingredients are a mystery, so I am going off of the assumption that, as this is a coffee cleanse, that the supplement contains the green coffee bean extract. So what is a green coffee bean? Chances are you’ve seen one after it’s been roasted. The little bean that is ground up to make your morning cup of coffee is the green coffee bean after it’s been put to the fire. When taken in its original form, the green coffee bean has been touted to pack quite the punch. One thing that caught my eye about the Absolute Coffee Cleanse was that the main page makes reference to the credible sources promoting the use of the green coffee bean.

The potential benefits of the green coffee bean include the ability to boost metabolism, lower cholesterol, and improve your immune system. These claims do hold weight. Studies have shown the benefits of the green coffee bean when it comes to overall health, especially with weight loss. Several clinical trials have reported that the group supplementing with green coffee bean extract showed a remarkable improvement than those taking the placebo. Still, some of these studies have been called into question for authenticity, calling for more rigorous research standards. (“The Use of Green Coffee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials” 2012. Para. 1)

Although major clinical trials are still pending, the green coffee bean has been cast in a positive light, compared to a more powerful green tea (but we’ll see about that). If that isn’t enough, just remember that Dr. Oz recommends it. He was also brought to trial by Congress for making exaggerated claims about dietary supplements so best to stick to the research.

Our Problem With Optimal Garcinia Cambogia and Absolute Coffee Cleanse

Although credible reviews are lacking amongst supplement blogs and on the actual website, it turns out that GQ put out a “study” on the supplement combo. Apparently, several dozen volunteers were provided with this weight loss duo and the results were astounding. There’s just one simple problem: It never really happened.

GQ magazine never sponsored an official study. Celebrities such as Lebron James and Colin Kapernick took no part in using either of these supplements. And the astounding results are nothing more than made up. While GQ never sponsored an official study, they did sponsor an advertisement, adding to the already over exaggerated marketing of the product. Everything about the page, including the comments, the before and after pictures, and the reporter is completely fabricated.

Just in case that’s a little hard to believe, here’s the proof:

optimal garcinia cambogia and absolute coffee cleanse small

That’s right guys…it’s not some test GQ ran through.  It’s an ad that someone created to make it appear that it’s a legit GQ article.  Everything about the page, including the comments, the before and after pictures, even the reporter is flat out fake.  So, why would they do something like this?

The Free Trials of These 2 Supplements

You see, these supposed free trials are just that….trials.   You can use it for a specific period of time, usually around 14 days after ordering, and then your credit card will be billed a VERY hefty amount.  For example, the upfront charge for Optimal Garcinia Cambogia is $4.95….however, 14 days down the road they will bill you $79.95 for the product.  Bet you didn’t expect that, did you?

It’s no different with the Absolute Coffee Cleanse.  There’s a $4.95 upfront charge, but what they hide in the fine print is that you will be charged $78.85 on day 15, and then $78.85 on day 30 and every 30 days after until you cancel.  Trust me guys, 95% of people totally skip over that part.  I mean really, who reads the terms and conditions of everything they are signing up for?

As I have mentioned in several of my other reviews, there are literally thousands of people across the country that are sucked into ads like this.  They promise instant weight loss without having to diet and exercise, and it can be REALLY tempting to believe.  The true story is that they are more interested in getting your credit card info so they can bilk you out of $100’s of your hard earned money, and can likely care less whether or not you ACTUALLY lose weight from using their supplements.


The short answer is: I would absolutely NOT recommend this brand of Garcinia Cambogia and Green Bean Coffee combo.

Now for the longer answer: There are several, very obvious, reasons why I would advise any smart consumer to steer clear of this brand of supplement:

First and foremost would be the cost and the contract. $80 for a one month supply of a supplement that has very little science backing its use for weight loss is absolutely ridiculous. Even more so if one were to buy both! The fine print contract locks you into a process of an expensive monthly auto-ship. While it may be easy to sign up, chances are the procedure to cancel is anything but.

Even if price were not an issue, the results that you’re promised have never been proven. The brand relies on vague and false advertising to make itself more appealing to a gullible public. Stock photos and a few cliche lines of dialogue and all of a sudden you have “credible” testimonials. This brand is far from celebrity endorsed so the hype is just that: hype.

Lastly, the science for either supplement just isn’t that impressive. Sure, rats have had success losing weight but when’s the last time you were jealous of a rat on the beach, showing off its new bikini. For the outlandish price of these supplements, the science simply doesn’t justify it.

With that said, while I may not recommend this particular brand of Garcinia Cambogia and Green Bean Extract, that doesn’t mean I am advising not to try it at all. There are several supplement options out there, particularly on the Amazon website that have spectacular reviews at a fraction of the cost without the worry of a hidden contract. Since the science shows promise, I would recommend trying out Garcinia Cambogia and/or Green Coffee Bean Extract as a part of a healthy supplement plan. Make sure the Garcinia Cambogia has at least 60% HCA content. Anything lower is laughable and ineffective.

As always, remember that each person is different. While some may swear by a supplement, others may claim it to be completely useless. Experiment with a month supply and decide on your own if the supplement is worth incorporating as a permanent part of your weight loss and general health maintenance program.

Have You Used Optimal Garcinia Cambogia and Absolute Coffee Cleanse? Leave Your Review Below!


  1. Márquez, F. “Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of hydroxycitric acid or Garcinia cambogia extracts in humans.” 2012. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22530711. Web.
  2. Onakpoya, Igho J. “The Use of Green Coffee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials” 2012. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/grp/2011/382852/abs. Web.
  3. Green Coffee Bean – http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1264-green%20coffee.aspx?activeingredientid=1264&activeingredientname=green%20coffee

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Olympus Labs Ep1c Review – Does It Work?

Olympus Labs Ep1c Overview

In keeping with their theme of ancient Greece and Greek myths, Olympus Labs claims to make products that turn men into demigods. Mostly, they offer prohormones, and the one we’re looking at today is called Olympus Labs Ep1c. It mainly functions as a Myostatin inhibitor, and by using it, you’ll see extreme size, muscle, and strength gains. Some of the benefits you can expect are:

  • Inhibition of myostatin.
  • Increased strength.
  • Increased follistatin.
  • Decreased LDL (bad) cholesterol.
  • Increased stamina.
  • The ability to demolish plateaus.

Olympus Labs Ep1c Ingredients and How They Work

Olympus Labs Ep1c contains L-Epicatechin. Each capsule provides a full 300 mg of this natural ingredient that’s been shown to reduce myostatin and increase muscle mass. The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken twice a day. According to reviews and forum discussions, these guidelines work pretty well, with only a small percentage of guys saying that they use bigger doses. Because Olympus Labs Ep1c is not suppressive of your own hormone production process, you can use Olympus Labs Ep1c on its own or as part of your PCT.

Olympus Labs Ep1c is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18, specifically because it could negatively affect your growth plates. It’s also not recommended for women. Anyone with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, any serious medical condition, or anyone taking prescription medications should also avoid Olympus Labs Ep1c.

Olympus Labs Ep1c Pros and Cons

Advantages of Olympus Labs Ep1c

  • It contains the highest dose of the active ingredient L-Epicatechin available.
  • Most of the Olympus Labs Ep1c reviews I’ve seen from guys who’ve used it are very favorable.
  • It contains no fillers.

Disadvantages of Olympus Labs Ep1c

  • It’s a bit expensive, especially considering that it’s likely to be used as a stack.
  • There are lots of restrictions about who can use it.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Olympus Labs Ep1c through lots of online retailers. The 60-count bottle sells for $49.99 just about everywhere.


Olympus Labs Ep1c is a solid product that fills a very specific need. If you need a prohormone that’ll deliver myostatin inhibition as well as big muscle gains, you’ll want to check this product out.

Have You Used Olympus Labs Ep1c? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Legal Steroids at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart and More

If you’ve been taking supplements for any length of time, you know they can’t work miracles.  While many of them boast about being the next best thing to steroids, often they can provide very little in the way of results.

REAL Legal Steroids, on the other hand, CAN and WILL produce rapid results.

If you can get your hands on them, of course.

Special Update!! The Most Effective Legal Steroids

If you’re looking for an effective and LEGAL alternative to steroids, you need to check out our review of Chemyo here.

Chemyo is a company that sells a therapeutic compound called SARMS, which are well known to be highly effective steroid alternatives.

chemyo testolone
An example of a SARM sold by Chemyo.

The best part about SARMS is the fact that they are nearly side-effect free, making them a highly desirable alternative to dangerous steroids.

Click Here to read our full review and learn more.

If you already know what you’re goal is, click on the below links to see my ultimate recommendations:

Click Here if you’re looking to shed excess fat and build lean muscle (i.e. Cutting)

Click Here if you’re looking to build muscle mass and strength (i.e. Bulking)

Click Here if you’re looking to bulk first, then cut

Unless you live on the border of Mexico, it’s unlikely that you’ll find them very easily.

I’ve had a few guys ask me whether or not I knew of any legal steroids for sale in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and other stores, so I decided to do a little research.

I decided to visit a few GNC and Vitamin Shoppe stores and interview some of their employees to see what they would recommend.

The first store I visited I got a pretty blunt answer, and that was “we don’t sell legal steroids”, plain and simple.

I can’t say I was surprised to hear this.

Why Doesn’t GNC sell legal Steroids?

The obvious answer is…they can’t.

Because they are not a pharmacy, and because to obtain real steroids you need a prescription, GNC and other stores cannot legally sell them.  Additionally, you can’t even legally buy anabolics, as most of them have been banned for use in the US since 1990 when the Anabolic Steroids Control act was passed.

They do have some products that are marketed as steroid alternatives, but they are not ACTUALLY the real deal.

In general, avoiding products that claim to be steroids when they really are not is a good practice and one that I would highly recommend.

Most of them are simply just mass gainers, amino acids, and protein shakes, but they seem to do a pretty good job of promoting them as legal anabolics.  Here’s a couple of them they recommended as the closest thing to legal steroids at GNC:


#1 – GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX
#2 – Growth Factor 9
#3 – Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer
What about Legal Steroids in Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart?
#4 – APE Alpha Performance Enhancer
#5 – HGH Dopa
What are my online alternatives?
Testosterone Boosters
HGH Releasers
Final Thoughts

#1 – GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX

legal steroids at GNCThis is basically a powder that contains a MASSIVE amount of protein (50 grams per serving) as well as a number of other ingredients like creatine, Beta Anhydrous, L-arginine, L-Glycine, and L-Methionine.

The few reviews I got from the rep told me that the vast majority of guys using Amplified Mass XXX were getting great results from it, but a number of them noted that the taste was, at best, TERRIBLE.

After browsing around the forums and reviews, I noted the most guys saw significant increases in muscle gain, faster recovery times, and increased energy.

As far as side effects, a few guys reported acne breakouts, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and the fact that it was hard to gulp it down.

It’s also not cheap…a 6 lb tub will run you $76.99, with discounts of about $12 if you are a gnc member.

They offer some coupons from time to time, but you can expect to pay top dollar for it.

Related Article:  Best Testosterone Boosters at GNC

#2 – Growth Factor 9

growth factor 9 at gncGrowth Factor 9 is a VERY highly rated steroid alternative at GNC that utilizes the power of synthetic HGH production to help increase endurance, stamina, and lean muscle mass.

While Growth Factor 9 is not actually a steroid (or real HGH for that matter), it CAN help to mimic the effects of real HGH.

In fact, it’s actually been clinically tested here in the US, and the science shows that it can support mean, serum blood growth hormone levels.

Study:  https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01540773

Manufactured and sold by a company called Novex Biotech, Growth Factor 9 uses a blend of ingredients like L-Lysine, L-Arginine, and L-Glutamine to help promote better sleep, which in turn will help improve your recovery times.

You can read more about how it works in my full review here.

Growth Factor 9 retails at GNC for about $100 a box, with a $5 discount applying to those with a membership card.

#3 – Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer

bodybuilding supplements that work like steroidsThis was another protein supplement that is heavily marketed as a mass / weight gainer.  Unlike the AMP Amplified Mass XXX, it contains dozens of different ingredients (too many to list here) that are supposed to help deliver essential nutrients, amino acids, and carbohydrates to give you a massive energy boost both before, and after your workouts.

There was a very limited amount of reviews on this one, but the vast majority of them (think 95%) said nothing but good things about the Pro complex gainer.

However, it should be noted that this supplement is used to help gain mass and strength only.

It will not help you shred down (Check out Instant Knockout fat burner here to do that) and it certainly will not give you overnight results.

Just like the above products, it also comes in at a hefty price of $136 for a 10 lbs. bag.

The available flavors include Double rich chocolate, banana cream pie, strawberry cream, and vanilla custard.

What about Legal Steroids in Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart?

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Same deal with these stores, guys.  I spoke with reps at both Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart, and got the same answer that I got with GNC…”we don’t sell legal steroids, period”.  I got a few recommendations from them as far as steroid alternatives, much like the ones I got from the GNC rep.

Related Article:  14 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart

Unlike the GNC reps, though, I was heavily recommended the use of a wide variety of testosterone boosters and HGH supplements instead of weight gainers.  Just like the supposed bodybuilding supplements that work like steroids at GNC, these testosterone boosters and hgh products do not ACTUALLY increase testosterone or growth hormone.

Rather, they are intended to produce a “similar” effect as if you were taking the real thing.

Here’s a couple I was recommended:

#4 – APE Alpha Performance Enhancer

ape athletic performance enhancerThis is actually a supplement I’ve taken in the past, with modest results.  Alpha Performance Enhancer promises a 22% greater increase in free testosterone in only 12 hours, but does that even make a difference.  For instance, free testosterone only accounts for 2% of your total testosterone, which means that only 2% is available to help in the muscle building process.

My results with this supplement were mixed.  On the one hand, I actually felt a little more energetic, and definitely felt like I had gained a bit of size / mass.  However, for me this came at a cost.  For some reason, I had a really hard time falling asleep while I was taking Alpha Performance Enhancer.  I looked over the ingredients to try and pinpoint which one was keeping me up at night, but I was at a loss.

There are no stimulants like caffeine or yohimbe in it, so my best guess was it is probably the Fenugreek that was the culprit.

#5 – HGH Dopa

Another one I was recommended was a supplement called HGH Dopa.  This supplement apparently uses only one ingredient, called Mucuna Pruriens, to help stimulate the secretion of growth hormone released by the pituitary gland.  I’ve never actually used HGH Dopa, but I have used supplements that contain Mucuna Pruriens with satisfactory results. 

Most of the reviews on the Vitamin Shoppe website are VERY favorable, with many noting increases in strength and mass, as well as improved sleep.  It should be noted that while Mucuna Pruriens contains L-Dopa, which is a precursor to dopamine, it has not been successfully shown to cross the blood brain barrier. (1)  This essentially means that any increased in dopamine will likely not result in any significant clinical changes.

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!!

What are my online alternatives?

crazy mass cutting stack reviewWell, there are some supplements on the market that can actually help to “mimic” the effects of steroids, without actually being one.  These legal steroids are NOT sold in GNC, Walmart, or Vitamin Shoppe, but you CAN find them for sale online.

For example, the Crazy Mass line sells a number of different stacks that work very similarly to legal steroids, but uses healthy all natural ingredients instead of pharmaceutical compounds.

I have actually personally tested many of these, including their Bulking Stack and Cutting stack, and they both worked great.  If you are a guy that’s struggling to pack on weight (hard gainer) then I would definitely recommend you check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack.  It’s packed with 4 different supplements that help ectomorphs like yourself gain the necessary amount of mass and strength.

Read my review of the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack here:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-bulking-stack-review/

If you’re a guy that’s looking to trim down, then I definitely recommend you check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack.  Unlike the bulking stack, this stack works to help guys that are having a hard time melting off the excess weight, as well as retain lean muscle.

Read my review of the Cutting Stack here:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

Testosterone Boosters

testofuel reviewsI’ve personally used dozens of testosterone boosters over the years, and can tell you with absolute certainty that the vast majority of them are shit.

Almost ALL of them claim that they will make you huge overnight, and you won’t have to even lift a weight.

Of course, that’s complete B.S., but some guys fall for it.

With that said, some of them show real promise.

For example, my top choice Testofuel gave me amazing results, in terms of lean muscle growth and fat reduction.

I’ve actually proven that it works by getting my testosterone checked with a home test kit.

Testofuel uses a combination of steroid like ingredients such as D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek extract, and Oyster extract that have been proven in clinical studies to act on male hormones.

I personally used Testofuel for a period of 6 months, and packed on some HUGE gains.  Check out my review here:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/my-personal-testo-fuel-review-and-results/


nugenix reviewAnother very powerful testosterone booster I’ve personally used is Nugenix.

You’ve probably seen some of the ads, and you may have even tried it.

Nugenix takes a slightly different approach to boosting free testosterone levels.  Instead of using the traditional herbs and extracts like D-Aspartic Acid and Boron, it’s comprised of a blend of ingredients which include a patented version of Fenugreek extract called Testofen.

Made by a company called Gencor, Testofen has been clinically proven to to increased muscle building when combined with exercise.

On top of that, it’s also a VERY powerful sexual enhancer, which is a nice “side effect” to have.

Click Here to read my full Nugenix review.

HGH Releasers

If you’ve been doing any research about steroid like supplements, you undoubtedly have come across something called Human Growth Hormone (HGH for short).

I actually talked about it briefly above, but it warrants a bigger discussion.

Commonly also called Somatotropic, HGH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_hormone)

In short, it’s the real deal.

It will get you big, REALLY fast.

However, just like with steroids, it’s illegal to use them unless you have a valid prescription.

hypergh14x reviewWith that said, there ARE supplements available online that can help to mimic their effects.

One of the closest over the counter steroid alternatives I’ve EVER used is a product called HyperGH 14X, which is FAR more powerful than Growth Hormone 9 OR HGH Dopa.

HyperGH 14X uses a potent blend of safe, LEGAL amino acids and peptides to help LEGALLY maximize pure muscle gains.

No trips to the doctors office, no painful injections, and it’s totally legal.

Check out my review of HyperGH 14X here:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/hypergh-14x-real-review-and-results/

Final Thoughts

Using steroids is potentially very dangerous, and I never recommend that you use them in the first place.

They carry a slew of potential side effects that in all honesty are more likely to set you back further than you originally started leaving you worse off than in the first place.

That being said, there are millions of guys out there that will continue to search for legal steroids in an effort to get an edge on the competition.  As noted above, however, there are some decent legal steroid alternatives out there that can give you similar results, without all of the nasty and unwanted side effects.

As always, if you need a specific product recommendation by all means shoot me an email and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.


Mucuna Pruriens – http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1020-mucuna%20pruriens%20(cowhage.aspx?activeingredientid=1020&activeingredientname=mucuna%20pruriens%20(cowhage

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Olympus Labs Elim1nate Review – Does It Work?

Olympus Labs Elim1nate Overview

We all know that strong testosterone levels are an extremely important component in getting to the right hormonal balance to take our efforts (both in the gym and in the bedroom) to the next level. Unfortunately, with increased testosterone levels comes increased estrogen levels, and that’s not such a good thing. See, testosterone converts to estrogen, so when we increase those T levels, the raised estrogen level isn’t far behind. That’s why any testosterone increasing protocol will benefit from an anti-aromatase (aromatase is what it’s called when testosterone converts to estrogen) protocol as well.

After all, estrogen is the female sex hormone so it stands to reason that combating aromatase is a key factor in having and maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

Olympus Labs Elim1nate offers that protocol, and they say they’re the number one product in the field. We’ll take a look at the formula a little later, but for now, we’ll look at the benefits. You can take Olympus Labs Elim1nate along with your T boosting therapy, or you can take it on it’s own. Either way, you’ll find yourself with:

  • Less fat.
  • Less water retention.
  • Boosted testosterone as compared with estrogen.
  • Lean, hard, dry muscle (a function of less water retention).

Olympus Labs Elim1nate ReviewOlympus Labs Elim1nate Ingredients and How They Work

There is only one ingredient in Olympus Labs Elim1nate. It’s 25 mg of Androsta-3,5-Diene-7,17-Dione. That’s a prohormone that blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Most other brands that even contain this ingredient have it at much lower levels. It’s the large amount found in Olympus Labs Elim1nate that makes it work as well as it does.

Instructions vary slightly depending on whether or not you are on or off a testosterone boosting cycle. If on-cycle, take 3 Olympus Labs Elim1nate capsules a day. If off-cycle, take 4 capsules per day.

Olympus Labs Elim1nate Pros and Cons

Advantages of Olympus Labs Elim1nate

  • It addresses the problem of aromatase, which is important when you’re increasing your testosterone levels.
  • It contains the prohormone ingredient at a higher level than other products.
  • There are some favorable Olympus Labs Elim1nate reviews from customers who’ve had success controlling estrogen with this product.

Disadvantages of Olympus Labs Elim1nate

  • Some customers have been very dissatisfied with their results, saying they noticed nothing.
  • As will all pro-hormones of this type, it’s only meant for men, over the age of 21.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Olympus Labs Elim1nate through several online supplement stores. The 120 count bottle sells for about $25 at most stores.


Olympus Labs Elim1nate is very specific product with a very narrow focus of eliminating estrogen from the equation, whether you’re boosting testosterone or not. If you find that your suffering from the effects of testosterone being converted to estrogen, Olympus Labs Elim1nate may be able to prevent it.

Add to that the fact that it is very cheap for a supplement of its kind and you’ve got a supplement that is worth trying.

Have You Used Olympus Labs Elim1nate? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

GAT Testagen Review – Does It Work?

GAT Testagen is advertised as the testosterone booster for guys who don’t think testosterone boosters work. It’s for anyone who’s skeptical about the possibility that you can boost your body’s own natural testosterone to enough of a degree to actually make a difference in workout and sexual performance. It’s designed to be fast acting, and to increase your size, power, strength, determination, and focus, as these are all things that improve with increased testosterone levels. And if does this without the need for prescriptions and without the side effects, like the dreaded increase in estrogen that prohormones will produce.

That is, after all, the appeal of an over the counter testosterone booster.

The benefits you can expect to find when using GAT Testagen are:

  • Increased testosterone levels.
  • Boosted libido.
  • Improved sexual performance.
  • Greater gains in the gym.
  • More energy.
  • Improve mood.

GAT Testagen ReviewGAT Testagen Ingredients and How They Work

The GAT Testagen formula boasts 29 nutraceuticals on its ingredient list.

  • It starts off with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E and B6 and Zinc. Zinc is crucial to the body’s testosterone producing process while B vitamins providing lasting energy with no crash.
  • The Mass, Strength, and Size Blend starts with prohormones – 3b-Hydroxy-5-Androsten-17 ONe and 3-(1Hindol-3-Yimethyl)-1H-Indole, and goes on to include Beta-Sisterol, Maca, Ginseng, Arctic Root Extract, Tribulus Terrestris, Mexican Wild Yam, Cnidium Monnieri, Mucuna Pruriens, Fenugreek, and Beta-Alanine.
  • The Absorption Blend contains Flaxseed, Ginger, Long Pepper, Fenugreek, and Bioperine.

The big news here is the prohormones. These are not exactly steroids, but they can come close to providing similar benefits as steroids.

  1. The first (3b-Hydroxy-5-Androsten-17 One ) is alternatively known as Epiandrosterone. It can convert to DHT. And unlike other androgens, won’t convert to estrogen and in fact contains anti-estrogen properties. Epiandrosterone doses are usually in the range of 300-400 mg per day range, so the 20 mg in GAT Testagen may not have much of an effect.
  2. The second – 3-(1HIndol-3-Yimethyl)-1H-Indole –  is also known as DIM which is thought to be an estrogen inhibitor, but the research in inconclusive.

After that is the long list of herbal ingredients that may have a positive effect on testosterone as well as other anabolic advantages. Here’s a brief rundown for some of them:

  • Beta Sisterol blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT and supports prostate health.
  • Tribulus Terrestris is believed to increase strength and stamina, effects which may be due to increased testosterone.
  • Mexican Wild Yam can balance your sex hormones, estrogen v testosterone.
  • Mucuna Pruriens and Cnidium Monnieri are aphrodisiacs that boost libido as well as sexual stamina.

Instructions are to take 2-3 GAT Testagen tablets with breakfast and another 2-3 tablets with lunch. You should cycle on for 6 weeks, take a month off, then repeat the 6 weeks again. Because of the prohormones in the formula, it’s important to cycle off. There’s no mention of PCT, but never a bad idea after a prohormone cycle.

GAT Testagen Warnings

On the GAT Testagen label, you’ll find a long list of warnings about who shouldn’t use this stuff and why. Warnings on supplement labels are pretty common. Usually you see them cautioning to keep it out of the reach of children and not to use if you have medical conditions. But the warnings for GAT Testagen go way beyond that.

The first warning is that you shouldn’t use this if you are drug tested for performance enhancing drugs. They don’ t say which ingredient is involved, but they say it may cause a false positive. And that’s just the beginning. GAT Testagen is not for use by anyone under the age of 18. (One source says it’s not for use by anyone under 40, but that’s only one source, and I haven’t seen an actual label to verify). 

Here’s what appears to be an image taken from the actual GAT Testagen label:


GAT Testagen Warning image


In case anyone being treated for anything can’t read that fine print, it excludes everyone being treated for high blood pressure, kidney, thyroid, or psychiatric diseases, anxiety, depression, seizures, stroke, anyone with diabetes or high cholesterol, inflammatory disease, or immune issues. It’s not for use by women, women who are pregnant, or anyone who’s ever had cancer.

I’m used to warnings on labels, and this is one of the most comprehensive. Tons of people who use supplements have diabetes and/or high blood pressure, but GAT Testagen is off limits to all of them.


GAT Testagen Reviews and Customer Feedback

GAT Testagen is sold online through a bunch of different retailers. The good thing about this for our purposes is that it means there’s lots of real customer feedback to be found online. We love this because customer feedback is a great indicator of how well a supplement is working for actual people in the real world.

The consensus on GAT Testagen is that there is no consensus. There are plenty of really positive reviews, but on the flip side, there’s no shortage of negative reviews. To illustrate the point, a the time of this writing, this is what the reviews stack up to look like on Amazon.com:


GAT Testagen Amazon Review Ratings


It looks like the majority of reviews are positive, and they are, at 58%. But you’d be missing an important component if you didn’t take note of the 20% of reviews that only give 1 star. That’s one out of five reviewers giving it the lowest possible rating, and that’s significant.

Here are a few examples from both sides of the coin.

5-Star Reviews:

Getswole says It: “works well to help you gain size and strength without worrying about any side affects that you would get from most prohormones, No PCT needed but I have used their Testrol after the cycle just to make sure”.

Joe says: “Gave Testagen a try and had some pretty solid results with it, Used it as a PCT and was able to keep the gains I had, Great product and solid estrogen control”.

Joe makes an important point, that because of the estrogen control, you could use GAT Testagen as PCT after a steroid cycle.

Generally speaking, the 5-star reviews don’t get very specific in their praise. They just simply say it works.

And here are a few examples of the 1-Star Reviews:

Juan says: “No effects at all… Placebo perhaps, I was really hoping to see/feel results but I did not, lots of good reviews but no effect on me”.

D Nix says: “I have taken several different products over the years looking for that edge in lean muscular development; I have had positive gains from a few but not Testagen; It just did not impress me; I lift in a variety of sets and weights, also varying reps, I cannot see where this product helped improve my lean mass in any way”.

David says: “I have no idea what this is, and after research it doesn’t look like anyone else does either; I noticed nothing from it”.

GAT Testagen Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT Testagen

  • There are several positive GAT Testagen reviews from customers who find it helps them in the gym.
  • It supports sexual health as well.
  • It claims to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
  • It’s made by a reputable company.

Disadvantages of GAT Testagen

  • You cannot take GAT Testagen if you get tested for banned substances. They don’t tell you which substances, but they do warn against taking it if you get drug tested.
  • There are plenty of GAT Testagen reviews from customers saying it doesn’t work.

Where to Buy

You can purchase GAT Testagen through the GAT website. A 120-count bottle which will last you 30 days if you take 2 tablets twice a day, costs $62.99. If you go through one of the online supplement retailers, you can pick up that same bottle for have the price.


I like most GAT products, but I’m not impressed by this one. I just don’t see the super enthusiastic reviews that I would need to see to convince me that this testosterone booster is superior to the rest. The prohormones could be a powerful force for those willing to use them, but at such low doses, it’s probably not worth even taking them at all. Add that to the fact that you have to worry about drug testing, and I just don’t find a reason to recommend GAT Testagen.

There are more powerful sources of prohormones to be found over the counter and as far as testosterone boosters go, GAT Testagen does not do enough to warrant a glowing recommendation.

Have You Used GAT Testagen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

GAT JetMass Review – Does It Work?

GAT JetMass Overview

Some bodybuilders don’t like taking pre-made supplements. They prefer to do their research, come with a protocol they like, and buy each individual component at their researched-derived amounts, remaining in total control of everything they put in their body. I understand this way of thinking. Bodybuilders can be hardcore, and they can be very particular about what they put in their bodies. But most of us prefer to have a good idea about what we want, then find a supplement or stack that provides most of it. We care about what goes into our bodies too, but let’s face it, we don’t have the kind of time it takes to basically design and develop our own personal supplements.

That’s where a product like GAT JetMass comes in. If you’re wanting to bulk up, add a few pounds of lean muscle, or just get bigger and stronger, German American Technology has put together something worth looking at. It’s a multifaceted post workout formula that promises to be the fastest working, most complete muscle volumizing formula you’ve ever seen. When you take GAT JetMass post workout or before bed, you can expect to:

  • Expand muscle fiber size.
  • Increase your muscle-building strength.
  • Increase muscle cell production.
  • Get the most out of recovery time.
  • Maximize anabolic growth.

GAT JetMass ReviewGAT JetMass Ingredients and How They Work

The GAT JetMass formula is proprietary and includes:

  • Several different kinds of creatine to increase your muscles’ capacity to work. By increasing ATP in your muscles, the onset of fatigue will be delayed, you’ll work harder, lift more, do more reps, and build muscle faster.
  • L-Argnine AKG to increase the flow of blood (and with it oxygen and nutrients) to your muscles for greater recovery.
  • Electrolytes to restore hydration and balance.
  • BCAAs like Taurine, Glutamine, Valine, and Leucine) to give muscles what they need to rebuild and recover after workouts.
  • Alpha GPC to increase focus and concentration.

Instructions are to take 1-2 scoops of GAT JetMass with water or another drink after workout or before bed.

GAT JetMass Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT JetMass

  • There are some very positive GAT JetMass reviews from customers who find it’s helped them gain good, quality, lean mass.
  • It dissolves really well and tastes great.

Disadvantages of GAT JetMass

  • None.

Where to Buy

You can purchase a 40 serving tub of GAT JetMass from the GAT website for $67.99, but it sells for much less at other online retailers.


GAT JetMass is a good, solid post workout formula that tastes great, mixes well, and could possible help you take your efforts to the next level. Remember, though, GAT JetMass doesn’t do the work for you. It helps you have the ability and motivation to work harder, which is what produces the better results in the end.

If you want to squeeze the absolute most out of your workouts and see the best results when it comes to your down time and recovery, then I would say that you cannot go wrong when it comes to taking GAT JetMass and I recommend it.

With that said, I would suggest that you get it through online retailers to ensure that you wind up spending less money and getting the best value in general.

Have You Used GAT JetMass? Leave Your Review Below!


GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 Review – Does It Work?

GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 Overview

Creatine is one of the most widely used and tested bodybuilding supplements around. Its benefits are undisputed. Of course, there are some guys that just don’t like it. Mainly it’s the bloat that they don’t like. So you look for a creatine product that gets you the benefits you’re looking for, but leaves out the sides. GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 may just be the one.

GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000, made by German American Technologies, uses the most widely tested form of Creatine ever known. That’s Creatine Monohydrate. It’s been shown time and time again to increase the work output of your muscles during workouts. That means more reps, heavier weights, and delayed fatigue, all leading to bigger, stronger, and harder muscles. That’s what creatine does. Let’s look at what makes GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 unique.

GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 ReviewGAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 Ingredients and How They Work

Really there’s only one ingredient in GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000. Each serving contains 5 grams of HPLC Pharmaceutical Grade Micronized Creatine Monohydrate. Nothing else. This creatine is 99.9% pure, with no fillers. The fact that it’s micronized means that it’s as fine as powdered sugar, so it mixes perfectly. It also has no taste, so you can add it to any drink or shake without worries. And studies show that supplementation with Creatine Monohydrate improves your high intensity workout performance, helps your workouts put on more muscle mass, and produce more strength and stamina.

GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 Pros and Cons

We always like to take a look at what’s good and what’s bad about a supplement. That way, we know we’ve covered all the bases and can come to the most accurate conclusion possible.

Advantages of GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000

  • It’s 99.9% pure.
  • It contains no fillers or additives.
  • Every GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 review that I’ve seen has been favorable.
  • It mixes really well and has absolutely no taste so can be mixed with anything.
  • It’s the most tested and used form of creatine.
  • It’s well-priced.
  • Most reviewers comment that it doesn’t cause bloating, like other creatines do.

Disadvantages of GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000

  • Some people don’t like to use any creatine because of the potential for bloating.

Where to Buy

You can purchase GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 at the GAT website. You’ll pay $39.99 for a 200 serving tub. If you go through some other online retailers, you’ll pay as little as $24 for the same tub.


GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000 is a nice, pure, effective creatine monohydrate product you can get for a great price. What’s not to love about that?

Have You Used GAT Creatine Monohydrate 1000? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 CreatineAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Muscle Advance

#1 Rated - Muscle Advance

Muscle Advance creatine is probably the most effective creatine product we have come across.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Body Fortress

#2 Rated - Body Fortress

Body Fortress high performance creatine is another highly rated creatine supplement used by many of our users.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Creatine X3

#3 Rated - Creatine X3

Creatine X3 is often taken as a post workout creatine that helps repair broken muscle tissue.

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GAT Supertein Review – Should You Use It?

GAT Supertein Overview

Whether you’re cutting or bulking, gaining or losing weight, you should be using a protein powder. Whether you’re a man or a woman, getting enough protein is one of the most primary necessities in any program where you’re trying to improve your physique. The reason is that it’s a building block for lean muscle mass, and lean muscle mass boosts your metabolism. You won’t find too many people arguing that you shouldn’t use protein. But you’ll find lots of disagreement about which kind is best.

One of the contenders is called GAT Supertein. Made by German American Technologies, it goes a bit beyond standard protein, with digestive enzyme support and antioxidants, to be your full-service post-workout, go-to formula. They even claim it tastes good! So let’s take a peak into the ingredient profile to see what we can find out.

GAT Supertein ReviewGAT Supertein Ingredients and How They Work

GAT Supertein is mainly Whey Protein, but it uses a blend so it’s got both Whey Concentrate and Whey Isolate. Added in for post workout support are Free-Form Amino Acids – Glycine, Taurine, Glutamine, Leucine, and Valine. To top it off, the formula also includes Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Insulin.

There’s plenty of Vitamin and Mineral support that includes Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium for better overall health.

A serving size is 1 scoop, and that contains 23 grams of protein.

GAT Supertein Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT Supertein

  • It’s got both fast and slow digesting proteins.
  • Most GAT Supertein reviews show a devoted following and talk about how it tastes surprisingly good and mixes well too.
  • It comes in 3 flavors – Vanilla, Chocolate, and Peanut Butter.

Disadvantages of GAT Supertein

  • It’s got a 190 calories and a relatively high amount of carbs, though only 2 grams of sugar.
  • Some say that though it mixes fairly well with a shaker or blender, it leaves some powder unblended.

Where to Buy

If you buy GAT Supertein at the GAT website, you’ll pay $89.99 for the 5 pound tub which contains about 50 servings. At some other retailers, like bodybuilding dot com and Amazon, you’ll pay much less.


GAT Supertein is a solid quality protein that mixes well and tastes great. If you pay the lower price for it, it’s well within your average price range. If you’re in the market for a new protein powder, GAT Supertein is certainly worth a look.

Have You Used GAT Supertein? Leave Your Review Below!

GAT JetFuel Pyro Review – Does It Work?

GAT JetFuel Pyro Overview

German American Technologies (GAT) set out to solve all the problems that can be inherent in fat burners. Problems like energy ups and downs, mood swings, unexplained cravings, and uneven appetite. And let’s face it, it’s hard to find an effective fat burner or weight loss pill. Any company that recognized these problems and attempts to address them is worth looking at. And when it’s GAT, it’s even more potentially impressive, since they’ve got such a great reputation for making quality products. So we’re taking a look at GAT JetFuel Pyro, the “research-driven, feel good thermogenic”.

GAT JetFuel Pyro uses components that burn fat, decrease appetite, provide energy, and improve mood and clarity. The idea is that just as much as the technical help, you need motivational help and mood support if you’re going to stick with your program and reach your goals.

GAT JetFuel Pyro ReviewGAT JetFuel Pyro Ingredients and How They Work

The GAT JetFuel Pyro formula is split up into several “blends,” each designed to provide targeted advantage. There’s:

  • The B-Vitamin Blend which includes B12, B6, and B3 to provide energy and metabolic support.
  • The Jetfuel Rapid Energy and Thermogenic System which includes caffeine, Ginseng, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Guarana, Grapefruit, Vinpocetine, Raspberry Ketones, and Citrus Aurantium. That’s about everything you need for serious energy.
  • The Jetfuel Super Uplifting Serotonin/Dopamine/Anti-Stress System which includes 5-HTP, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, Olive Extract, Chamomile, and PEA.
  • The Jetfuel High ORAC Cascading Antioxidant System for Metabolic Protection, which includes Acai Berry, Mangosteen Extract, and Maca Extract.

Then there’s the Jetfuel Bio-Accelerating Maximum Absorption System which contains Bioperine, which increases the bioavailability of the other ingredients so they work quickly and efficiently.

Instructions are to start with 1 capsule in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, and another half an hour before lunch. Once you assess your tolerance, you can adjust your dose upward toward 2-3 capsules before each of the 2 meals.

GAT JetFuel Pyro Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT JetFuel Pyro

  • The majority of GAT JetFuel Pyro reviews from customers are favorable, citing the clean energy and mood enhancements.
  • It contains ingredients that focus on several aspects of weight loss.
  • It’s made by GAT, a well-respected company.

Disadvantages of GAT JetFuel Pyro

  • Some reviewers claim they got no help from GAT JetFuel Pyro.
  • A bottle only lasts 20 days if you take 3 pills twice a day as directed.

Where to Buy

You can purchase GAT JetFuel Pyro through the GAT website or a number of other online retailers. Directly from GAT, you’ll pay $59.99 for a 120-count bottle. At some of the other retailers, you’ll pay less than $40 for the same bottle.


There are enough positive GAT JetFuel Pyro reviews to cause me to recommend it if you’re looking for a fat burner that’ll help carry you through your weight loss program, even when you’re motivation starts slipping. Just make sure to shop around for your best price.

Have You Used GAT JetFuel Pyro? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

GAT JetFuel T-300 Review – Does It Work?

GAT JetFuel T-300 Overview

If you’re a man over 35 and you’re looking to lose weight, it’s a good idea to consider taking a natural testosterone booster to go along with your fat burner for several reasons. For one thing, when you cut calories, you can cause your testosterone levels to drop. When your testosterone levels drop, your body has a harder time taking off fat and putting on muscle. GAT JetFuel T-300 combines both benefits in one by providing fat burning with testosterone boosting, and according to most of the reviews I’ve read, it’s working.

GAT JetFuel T-300 ReviewGAT JetFuel T-300 Ingredients and How They Work

The primary ingredients in the GAT JetFuel T-300 formula are divided into 2 blends.

The Thermogenic Support Blend includes:

  • Caffeine which provides energy and burns fat.
  • Acacia Rigidula Leaf Extract which increases your metabolic rate
  • Rauwola Canescens Root Extract
  • Capsicum Annum which is a proven fat burner

The Testosterone Production Blend includes:

  • Ania Somnifera Root
  • Boron which has been clinically shown to increase testosterone levels significantly.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases the release of luteinizing hormone, which increases the production of testosterone.
  • Ashwagandha

Together, the fat burners and testosterone boosters keep your fat burning high and your muscle loss low.

Instructions for the first day are to take 1 GAT JetFuel T-300 capsule before breakfast and another before lunch. After assessing your tolerance, you should up that dose to 2 or 3 capsules before your first 2 meals of the day.

GAT JetFuel T-300 Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT JetFuel T-300

  • It addresses an important factor in weight loss for men that is often neglected by other supplements.
  • Most of the GAT JetFuel T-300 reviews I’ve read are very favorable.
  • It’s made by GAT, a very well-respected company.
  • Some of the key ingredients have been clinically tasted.
  • It stacks well with other JetFuel supplements.

Disadvantages of GAT JetFuel T-300

  • It’s much cheaper than most fat burners.

Where to Buy

You can purchase GAT JetFuel T-300 at the GAT website. The 120-count bottle which should last about a month sells for $60. Bodybuilding.com and Amazon sell it for much less, about $30 from either.


Any adult male looking to lose weight would do well to add a testosterone boosting supplement to the mix of supplements. GAT JetFuel T-300 makes it easy and convenient by combining the two. Considering that it’s made by GAT and looking at all the favorable reviews, it’s easy to recommend using it.

Have You Used GAT JetFuel T-300? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Omega Sports Burn24 Review – Does It Work?

Omega Sports Burn24 Overview

There are as many weight loss supplements on the market as there are theories about how to lose weight. In other words, there are a lot, tons you might say, and it seems like they each use their own theories about how weight comes off to inform their formulas and their mechanisms of action. Some are all about the stimulants to give you energy and burn fat. Some block fat and carbs from being absorbed and stored by the body. Some use fiber fillers to make you feel full. Some try to combine all these tactics and more.

Omega Sports Burn24 works on the theory that insulin resistance, actually insulin “super resistance,” is what’s making you fat and keeping you fat. With insulin resistance, your body goes into fat storage mode, you’re hungry all the time, and almost everything you eat gets stored as fat. Omega Sports Burn24 claims to have the solution so you can get back on track and lose the weight.

Omega Sports Burn24 ReviewOmega Sports Burn24 Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredients in Omega Sports Burn24 restore a normal insulin response so your body gets back to the business of burning fat instead of storing it. They do this by helping your muscle cells become more efficient at absorbing the nutrients they need so there’s less need for insulin. This leads to more fat burning as well as better appetite control. The ingredients also help direct nutrients to muscle cells and away from fat cells, inhibiting new fat cell growth.

These ingredients include:

  • Green Coffee Bean Extract which has been shown to reduce body fat.
  • Bergenin which makes it harder for your body to create and store fat.
  • GS4 Plus (Gymnema Sylvestra) which supports insulin production and release.
  • Berberine HCI which improves insulin sensitivity by increasing the number of insulin receptors.
  • Momordica Charantia Extract which stimulates the release of thyroid hormones.
  • Cissus Quadrangularis which can improve body composition by promoting the growth of new lean muscle tissue.

Omega Sports Burn24 contains no stimulants, and the instructions are to take 2 capsules, 20-30 minutes before meals, 3 times daily. It is important that you don’t take it without eating shortly thereafter.

Omega Sports Burn24 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Omega Sports Burn24

  • It contains no stimulants so you can take it any time of day.
  • The majority of the Omega Sports Burn24 reviews I’ve come across are positive.
  • For a weight loss supplement, it’s pretty inexpensive.

Disadvantages of Omega Sports Burn24

  • It’s difficult to remember to take 2 pills 3 times a day.
  • Some reviewers have stated that it has no effect.

Where to Buy

There are a few different online retailers where you can purchase Omega Sports Burn24. The 180-count bottle which should last a month costs about $40 anywhere you look.


If you’ve tried stimulant fat burners and haven’t gotten the results you want, insulin resistance may be what’s holding you back. Try Omega Sports Burn24 as an alternative with the potential to get you past those plateaus.

Have You Used Omega Sports Burn24? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Omega Sports T-Force Review – Something Different?

Omega Sports T-Force Overview

There is little doubt that as your testosterone levels begin to fall, you start to notice all sorts of unwanted effects. These include lethargy, mood deflation, lack of libido, loss of strength and motivation, and increased fat gain. Nothing life threatening maybe, but certainly nothing pleasant. There are lots of natural testosterone boosters on the market to help counter these effects which makes choosing the right one quite difficult. Lots of them use very similar ingredients in their formulas, which may make the choice even harder.

Omega Sports T-Force is a bit different, using a more unique formula. Yet the expected benefits are the same and include:

  • An increased sense of well-being.
  • Improved sexual health including desire and performance.
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Decreased body fat.

Omega Sports T-Force ReviewOmega Sports T-Force Ingredients and How They Work

We mentioned that the Omega Sports T-Force formula is different from most other natural testosterone boosters. Now let’s take a closer look. There is only one active ingredient, and it is called Fadogia Pure Fadogia Agrestis. It’s an herb that contains a full spectrum of alkaloids, saponins, anthraquinones, and flavonoids which all work to improve your body’s own natural production of testosterone. It does this by improving the functioning of the testes by increasing testicular cholesterol (which is necessary to the production of testosterone.) By not involving the pituitary gland (the way most natural testosterone boosters do) both total and free testosterone levels are improved.

The recommended dose is 1 Omega Sports T-Force capsules taken 4 to 5 times daily, spread out over the day as evenly as possible. It is not for women or for anyone under 21.

Omega Sports T-Force Pros and Cons

Advantages of Omega Sports T-Force

  • There aren’t too many Omega Sports T-Force reviews out there, but the ones that I could find were generally very positive, with “this is my favorite natural testosterone booster” a common comment.
  • It’s reasonably priced.
  • Some clinical testing has been done.

Disadvantages of Omega Sports T-Force

  • Remembering to take a pill 4 to 5 times a day can be difficult.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Omega Sports T-Force online through the Omega Sports website and a number of other retailer sites. The 120 capsule bottle sells for anywhere from $23 to $33 so shop around for your best price.


Getting older is hard enough. Once it starts, it’s almost like you wake up every day with a new nagging sign or symptom. Decreasing testosterone levels have a lot to do with that. Finding the right natural testosterone boosting supplement can be the easiest, most cost effective solution around. If you don’t mind taking a pill 4 or 5 times a day, Omega Sports T-Force is a good choice.

Have You Used Omega Sports T-Force? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Omega Sports Trinitine Review – Discontinued?

Omega Sports Trinitine Overview

It’s a pretty undisputed fact that creatine helps you build muscle. What it does is increase the amount of work your muscles can do, so you lift more weight and can still work out longer than you could without it. Over the years, creatine has become the most tested workout supplement ingredient ever known, and the results are clear – it’s safe and effective. But that’s not to say that creatine is perfect. In fact, plenty of people don’t like to use creatine because it can cause unpleasant side effects.

Omega Sports Trinitine is a form of creatine that attempts to solve that problem. By using it, you get all the benefits of your standard creatine monohydrate (maybe even more), but you don’t need ot deal with any of the negative aspects you’ve come to expect.

Omega Sports Trinitine ReviewOmega Sports Trinitine Ingredients and How They Work

Omega Sports Trinitine blends a special form of creatine with electrolytes so your body uses the creatine more effectively and efficiently. One of the biggest complaints about using creatine is that it causes bloating, water retention, and digestive discomfort. The primary reason is that it doesn’t get absorbed well enough and quickly enough. Omega Sports Trinitine solves that problem by using a patent-pending form of creatine called MagnaPower Magnesium Creatine Chelate. It has been shown in tests to delay the onset of muscle fatigue and enhance strength and energy levels. Then Omega Sports Trinitine uses electrolytes to further enhance the absorption rate of the MCC, eliminating any feelings of bloating or discomfort.

The recommended dose is 3 Omega Sports Trinitine capsules a day with 16 ounces of water, 30 minutes prior to your workout on workout days, and any time on non-workout days.

Omega Sports Trinitine Pros and Cons

Advantages of Omega Sports Trinitine

  • It’s more convenient to take than creatine powders.
  • There are lots of favorable Omega Sports Trinitine reviews from customers who’ve used it.

Disadvantages of Omega Sports Trinitine

  • It has apparently been discontinued.

Where To Buy

According to most of the retailers who used to carry it, Omega Sports Trinitine is no longer being produced by its manufacturer. At this time, I was unable to find a source for purchasing it.


Omega Sports Trinitine really received some very positive reviews, which makes it difficult to understand why it’s been discontinued. But apparently it has, so in spite of the fact that it may have been promising, Omega Sports Trinitine is off the market.

Have You Used Omega Sports Trinitine? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 CreatineAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Muscle Advance

#1 Rated - Muscle Advance

Muscle Advance creatine is probably the most effective creatine product we have come across.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Body Fortress

#2 Rated - Body Fortress

Body Fortress high performance creatine is another highly rated creatine supplement used by many of our users.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Creatine X3

#3 Rated - Creatine X3

Creatine X3 is often taken as a post workout creatine that helps repair broken muscle tissue.

Click Here To Learn More »

Mr Hyde Review – Does It Work?

Mr Hyde Overview

If you like stimulant-based pre workout supplements, then Mr Hyde, made by Pro Supps, may be something you’re interested in. They say it’s been formulated to be extreme, so you can power through the toughest, stickiest plateaus and reach your goals quickly and effectively. It gives you energy and focus so you work out at your hardest. It gives you vasodilation for your best pumps. And it helps you fight against muscle fatigue and breakdown so you’re getting the kinds of results you know you want.

Mr Hyde ReviewMr Hyde Ingredients and How They Work

The formula for Mr Hyde is divided into 3 separate matrices:

The Strength Matrix which includes:

  • Beta Alanine to fight against muscle fatigue
  • Creatine Hydrochloride which is a more soluble form of Creatine which provides energy to your muscles so they can work harder.
  • L-Leucine which is great for muscle recovery after workouts.
  • Citrulline which converts to Arginine which is a precursor to NO for better blood flow delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.

The Caffeine Matrix which includes 419 mg of different versions of caffeine. This is a lot of caffeine. It’s comparable to almost 4 cups of coffee. While you’re using Mr Hyde, you would definitely want to eliminate other sources of caffeine you take in during the day.

The Intensity Matrix which includes:

  • Pikatropin which is a a nootropic ingredient that helps increase focus.
  • Tyramine which releases dopamine and adrenaline.
  • Yohimbe which is a stimulant that also increases vasodilation.

Instructions are to take 1 scoop of Mr Hyde with 8 ounces of water about 15-30 minutes before working out. They warn against taking more than 1 scoop at a time, and against taking it within 4 hours of bedtime.

Mr Hyde Pros and Cons

Advantages of Mr Hyde

  • It focuses on both overall energy and muscle energy.
  • It’s pretty affordable.
  • There are lots of Mr Hyde reviews from customers who like it.

Disadvantages of Mr Hyde

  • It’s got a whole lot of caffeine, and some Yohimbe on top of that. Yohimbe has been recommended against by the FDA, so it doesn’t seem wise to mix it with this much caffeine.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Mr Hyde online through several website. A 40 serving container sells for about $30-$40 which makes it pretty affordable.


I’m not a big fan of stimulant-based pre workouts, so personally I wouldn’t choose to use Mr Hyde. But if caffeine is your thing, you’ll like Mr Hyde and its price. Just be careful not to use too much and too avoid other caffeine sources throughout the day.

Have You Used Mr Hyde? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Instant Knockout Fat Burner Review


What is Instant Knockout?
Are There Any Side Effects?
My Personal Results
Quick Tip
Where Can I Buy It?
How Do I Take It?
Can Women Take Instant Knockout Too?
Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Instant Knockout website.

Achieving a rock hard body is never easy.  It takes a healthy diet, dedication to workouts, and the right mindset to keep yourself from “cheating” with 3 slices of pizza.  Another important aspect to getting a ripped physique is taking the right supplements.  One such supplement I recently got a chance to personally test out is called Instant Knockout, which is a fat burner designed to help you shed away that stubborn layer of fat from the hard to target areas.

So what is it about this formula that makes it so effective.  I’m going to talk a little bit about how the supplement works first, but if you would like to skip ahead to my personal results then you can click here

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is Instant Knockout?

Instant Knockout is an all natural fat burning supplement that aims to help not only suppress appetite, but also target unwanted fat deposits.  It does this through the use of a proprietary formula which includes the following ingredients:  Vitamin B6 and B2, Zinc, GTF Chromium, Green Tea extract, Green Coffee bean extract, Cayenne Pepper, Glucomannan, Caffeine, and Bioperine (black pepper extract).

Now. instant knockout contains 300 mg of caffeine, so it’s not for the faint of heart.  To give you an idea of how much caffeine that is, a typical cup (8 oz) contains about 150 mg of caffeine.  The combination of caffeine, green tea, chili pepper, and glucomannan (1800 mg) will definitely help you shred up quick.

Click Here for a picture of the label.

If you didn’t already know, chili pepper has been studied for it’s weight loss properties.  It actually works in 2 ways…for one, it has the ability to heat up your body, which helps you burn calories. (1)  Second, it also helps to make you feel fuller, longer, which helps control your appetite.

Glucomannan also happens to be a dietary fiber, which also works to suppress appetite by acting as a thickener. (2)  Any guy that is looking to lose weight knows that it really boils down to calories in, and this ingredient will keep you from stuffing your face next time you sit down for dinner.

Green tea has been featured for it’s weight loss benefits on numerous media outlets, including Dr. Oz, Oprah, and “The Doctors”.  While research is still in the infancy stages, Green tea has been shown to act as a potent antioxidant, and can help to boost metabolism and remove fat from fat cells. (3)

The Instant Knockout bottle is actually pretty clever and unique, and you’ll see on the right hand side of this page that it is literally in the shape of a fist.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Anyone who tells you that a supplement is completely side effect free is full of s$%t, and obviously Instant Knockout is no different.  The most notable side effect would be from the caffeine, which can cause a range of side effects including insomnia, irritability, headaches, and drowsiness.

This is exactly why I recommend starting off with the lowest possible dosage at first, so you can assess how well you respond to the supplement.

If you are someone that has been a caffeine addict like myself for any length of time, you would probably be ok taking a full dosage.  As always, it’s best to speak with your doctor before starting any supplement regiment.

My Personal Results With Instant Knockout

instant knockout reviewThe summers down here in south Florida can be pretty brutal.  Brutal to the point where you just don’t feel like going outside…at all!!  It’s kind of like how people in the rest of the country feel in the winter months.  It’s just hard to drag your ass out and do something when it’s so cold (except here, it’s so hot)  As a result, in the summers I tend to gain a little bit of unwanted fat, especially around the gut.  This past summer, I gained about 8 lbs…not good.

I got 3 bottles of Instant Knockout last month to get me started for the beach volleyball season down here.  The bottle says you should take 1 capsule, 4 times a day with meals, but I decided to take 2 capsules at once to really get that kick in the ass.  Because I personally think it’s a good idea to workout first thing in the am on an empty stomach, I usually do a 20 – 30 min round of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) about 45 min after I wake up.  My usual routine for HIIT is this:  a brief 5 min. job and stretch routine, followed by 10 minutes of karaokes, side steps, lunges, and fast hopping on one foot for 30 ft (each foot).  Then, the real fun begins…

I’ll do a course I’ve developed somewhat that goes like this:

1.  Bounding leaps for 40 ft, jog back to starting position / rest 20 seconds

2.  Full sprint for 40 ft.,  jog back / rest 20 seconds

3.  10 Box jumps, rest 20 seconds

4.  10 squats in place, followed immediately by 10 jumping my highest in place, followed immediately by squatting as low as I can in place for 10 seconds.

5.  10 Burpees, 20 second rest

Once I finish this round I’ll take a 2 min. rest, then repeated it all 3 times…with a 20 lb. weight vest on the whole time.  If it sounds like a lot…it is 🙂  Now, typically the only pre workout I will have with this is Nitrocut and coffee, but to be honest I can’t drink too much coffee beforehand otherwise I feel like I’m going to throw up halfway through the routine.

So, instead on this morning I didn’t drink any coffee and instead popped 2 capsules of Instant Knockout.  45 min later I could feel this HUGE surge in energy, and was rearing to go.  Normally I am completely wiped at the completion of my HIIT exercises, but today was different.  I was still tired, but not to the point where I felt like I needed to lay around the rest of the day.

So far I’m seeing a VERY big reduction in my fat deposits.  I was looking a bit “puffy” when I first started, but could now finally start to see my abs coming out (not completely, but it was there).  Bathing suits that I used to not be able to fit in are actually fitting pretty nicely at this point, but I want more!  I’m going to continue taking it and update the review accordingly.

Note:  If you’re looking to burn some SERIOUS fat, then I would recommend you take Instant Knockout (www.InstantKnockout.com) with either a testosterone booster called Testofuel, or a pre-workout supplement called Nitrocut.

Quick Tip!! Use IKO in Combo With Phenibut As an Effective Pre-Workout

Since I’ve written this review, the chief complaint behind Instant Knockout seems to be the caffeine content.  While it’s true that enormous amounts of caffeine like this can give you a huge spurt of energy, it can also cause a jittery, anxious, and uncomfortable feeling.

About 6 months ago I tested out a substance called Phenibut, which is used to help give you a calm, relaxed feeling and quell any anxiety.  It also works AMAZING for sleep.

I used Phenibut in low doses (250 – 750 mg) along with Instant Knockout during one of my recent workouts, and the results were truly AMAZING.

Not only did I get the full fat-burning and energy producing effects from the Instant Knockout, but the Phenibut completely eliminated any anxiety I was experiencing from caffeine overload.

This combo would be especially helpful for guys that work out later in the day after work, who need a good boost in their workouts but are concerned about any anxiety and insomnia creeping into their sleep patterns.

One thing I want to note is that should you decide to stack Phenibut with Instant Knockout, that you do so only 1 – 2 times per week, with at least a 3 – 4 day break in between doses.

Phenibut has a tendency to build up a tolerance quite rapidly and can be habit forming if taken more often than this.

If you decide to stack this, follow these directions exactly:

1.)  Take a low dose of Phenibut (about 250 – 500 mg) on a COMPLETELY empty stomach about 1 – 2 hours before your planned workout session.  It literally takes that long to kick in.

2.)  Take 1 – 2 capsules of IKO 30 – 45 min.. prior to your workout.

3.) Enjoy 🙂

You’ll feel the effects kick in dramatically after dosing with the IKO, and you will have one of the best workouts of your life.  Trust me!!

I’ve tried many brands of Phenibut, and the most effective one BY FAR was the AbsorbYourHealth brand (www.AbsorbYourHealth.com)  It comes in powder form, so it’s easy to mix into practically anything, although I suggest you mix with a low calorie juice or sports drink.

Where Can I Buy It?

As of this review, the Instant Knockout fat burner will only be available online on their official website, www.instantknockout.com.  The price for a 1 month supply is $59, and they do have promotions like buy 3 get 1 free bottle, which is backed by a 90 day guarantee.

I asked the owner of Instant Knockout if they had any plans to sell it in any retail stores like GNC, Walmart, CVS, Amazon, etc. but there doesn’t appear to be any plans to do so in the near future.  Generally speaking, companies that put their product in large retail stores suffer a big loss in their margins, so I can imagine why they would be reluctant to do this.

How Do I Take It?

According to the label, Instant Knockout is designed to be spread out throughout the day, taking 1 capsule 4 times per day.  Because it contains so much caffeine, I recommend that you take it on a full stomach at first to assess your tolerance.  I would also recommend that you take the last capsule no later than 6 hours before bed to prevent insomnia or restlessness.

Can Women Take Instant Knockout Too?

Absolutely.  Alot of women come to my site and think that many of these products are geared towards just men, BUT Instant Knockout is NOT one of them.  It is 100% tailored to help both men AND women achieve their fat loss gains.

Click Here to learn how Instant Knockout can work for women as well.

Alternatively, you might want to check out a supplement called Lean Bean female fat burner.

It’s the best diet pill for women we’ve ever tested, and we’ve personally tested dozens of them.

Click Here to read my full review of Lean Bean.


Instant Knockout is one of the few fat burning supplements that REALLY does work in my opinion.  You still have to put in the work, but it does a very good job at motivating you for the gym, as well as burning away that excess fat.  I highly recommend it to any guy looking to lose weight, as well as help solidify their bodies.

I have found that when combined with your usual workout routine, or bet yet if you want to beef up your routine, that it is going to have the most desirable results and as with any health related supplement, you are going to have to put in just a little bit of effort before it can do its magic.

Have You Used Instant Knockout Fat Burner?  Leave Your Review Below!


1.  Hot Peppers – Top Fat Burning Foods: Health.com

2.  Glucomannan Fiber: Shape.com

3.  Green Tea Health Benefits: WebMD.com

Additional References








GAT Nitraflex Review – Does It Work?

GAT Nitraflex Overview

The main draw for GAT Nitraflex is that it’s an insanely strong and effective pre workout powder. GAT stands for German American Technologies, so if you know anything about German engineering, you know that these claims have a strong chance of being true. The Germans are notorious for making solid products that work. But it’s our job to find out if this is indeed the case with this one.

GAT Nitraflex promises to turn up the volume on your workouts so you can generate new muscle at an anabolically-expedited rate with an intensity you’ve never seen. The combination of powerhouse ingredients in the formula cover all the bases for effective pre-workout performance. So let’s see what those ingredients are.

GAT Nitraflex ReviewGAT Nitraflex Ingredients and How The Work

The GAT Nitraflex formula is made up of proprietary blends which each focus on a unique aspect of workout intensity:

  • The Vasoactive Arginase-Regulating NO Precursor Complex is made up of certain amino acids, like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline that convert at varying rates to Nitric Oxide. NO is what gives your muscles energy by increasing vasodilation and thereby increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles when they need them.
  • The Acute Energy, Focus, Intensity, Neuromodulating, Endurance Complex also uses amino acids to provide increased energy through vasodilation. It also contains herbal ingredients known to increase energy, like Rauwolscine.
  • The Clinically Studied Testosterone-Enhancing Complex contains Boron which has been shown to increase testosterone levels in healthy men.
  • Beta Alanine which provides energy directly to your muscles. It may give you a slight tingly feeling which lets you know it’s working.

GAT Nitraflex is marketed to experienced lifters, and it is recommended that you start out with a dose of ½ a scoop at first, building up to a whole scoop when you know your tolerance.

GAT Nitraflex Pros and Cons

Advantages of GAT Nitraflex

  • It’s made by a reputable company.
  • There are tons of GAT Nitraflex reviews out there from novices and experienced bodybuilders alike, and they are overwhelmingly positive, with most commenting on how the energy is strong and focuses, not jittery and short-lived.
  • You only need one scoop, and some people need even less.
  • It comes in several different flavors, and I haven’t seen a lot of complaints about the taste.

Disadvantages of GAT Nitraflex

  • None that I can find.

Where to Buy

You can purchase GAT Nitraflex online or at GNC. The 30 serving tub (which may last as long as 2 months if all you need is ½ a scoop, sells for anywhere from $32 to $48. I’ve seen it pretty cheap at Amazon, but be careful. I’ve seen some reviews over there talking about getting expired product.


For anyone in the market for a new pre workout powder, give GAT Nitraflex a look. It’s been clinically tested, shown to work, and the customer reviews are hard to beat.

Have You Used GAT Nitraflex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Nutrition Tools, Ebooks, and Calculators

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Knowing how many calories you should be consuming is absolutely VITAL when trying to lose or gain weight.  Checkout this easy to use Calorie calculator, which takes into account your current weight, activity level, and weekly weight loss/gain goals. Click here to learn how to add this calculator on your website.

protein, carbs, fat calculatorCalculate Your Protein, Carbs, and Fat Ratio

Knowing how many calories you need is great, but it’s also equally important to know what ratio of protein, carbs, and fat you should be taking in as well.  Use this calculator to help break down exactly how much of each you need per day.Click here to learn how to add this calculator on your website.

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Looking to lose weight, but still build up lean muscle.  Then you need to be sure you’re doing the RIGHT workouts, AND keeping track of your progress.  Use this nifty workout log to record your daily exercise goals so that you can push the boundaries even further.

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Looking to bulk up instead of slim down.  Use this workout log to help keep track of your exercise regiment, as well as help you further in your goals.  This is specifically tailored for hard gainers that have a hard time packing on muscle mass.

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Looking to lose weight but don’t know where to start?  Use these sample meal plans to help determine what, and WHEN, you should be eating throughout the day.  Broken down by weight range.

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Looking to pack on solid muscle mass and strength?  Then this is the ebook for you.  It’s packed with tons of tips on getting jacked, all while helping reduce unwanted and hard to target fat deposits.



Olympus Labs Tr3n Review – Should You Use It?

Olympus Labs Tr3n Overview

You pronounce it “Tren,” but technically its name is Olympus Labs Tr3n. It uses a prohormone called Trendione as its main ingredient, and boasts that its got the highest quantity available. Using Olympus Labs Tr3n will increase the strength and size of your muscles, and it will also reduce the unwanted fat that blankets those muscles. So to summarize, the benefits you get include:

  • Extreme gains in strength.
  • Phenomenal gains in size.
  • Fuller muscles.
  • Effective fat burning
  • Dry, hard muscles.

Olympus Lab Tr3n ReviewOlympus Labs Tr3n Ingredients and How The Work

The Olympus Labs Tr3n formula contains one active ingredient: Estra-4, 9, 11-Triene-3, 17-dione (otherwise known as Trendione). What’s so special about this product is the amount. Most pills containing Trendione have up to 10 mg, but Olympus Labs Tr3n uses 30 mg of Trendione, so it’s 3 times as powerful as its competitors.

As a prohormone, what it does is convert to Trenbolone and allow you to amp up your cycle with pumps, strength, muscle gain and fat loss. It’s recommended that if you’re in a cutting cycle, you stack Olympus Labs Tr3n with Olympus Labs Ep15tane, and if you’re in a bulking phase, stack it with Olympus Labs Stenabol. It works well in both situations.

The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken twice a day with food. As with most prohormones of its kind, it is recommended that Olympus Labs Tr3n only be taken by healthy adult males over the age of 21, and that you follow standard Post Cycle Therapy protocols to return hormone production back to normal when you’re through with your cycle.

Olympus Labs Tr3n Pros and Cons

Advantages of Olympus Labs Tr3n

  • It’s got more Trendione than its competitors.
  • It stacks well for both cutting and bulking cycles.
  • There are several positive Olympus Labs Tr3n reviews from customers who’ve used it.

Disadvantages of Olympus Labs Tr3n

  • Most successful users seem to use double or more than the recommended dose in order to get the great results they want.
  • Using a double dose makes Olympus Labs Tr3n get pretty expensive.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Olympus Labs Tr3n at the Olympus Labs website or other online retailers. I’ve seen prices range from $43 to $70, so you’ll want to shop around for your best deal.


If you want to go with prohormones, you can get good results from an effective stack. There are a few things to remember, though. With a product like Olympus Labs Tr3n, you are affecting your hormone balance, and you’ll need to do post cycle therapy. But if you know what you’re doing, you can get great results with Olympus Labs Tr3n.

It is all about getting and maintaining long lasting positive effects, so keeping up with the proper dose and other supplements and health boosters you are more likely to get the maximum results.

Have You Used Olympus Labs Tr3n? Leave Your Review Below!

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Olympus Labs Ep15tane Review – Is It Safe?

Olympus Labs Ep15tane Overview

First, let’s just get the pronunciation thing out of the way. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is pronounced Olympus Labs “Epistane”. In fact, you’ll see some web pages writing it that way to make reading it easier. I’m not sure why a company would give a product an unpronounceable name, but that’s not the issue at hand. Whether or not it’s effective and worth your time and money is.

Olympus Lab Ep15tane is a prohormone used to enhance your cutting cycle. Among it’s benefits:

  • You’ll quickly increase strength
  • You’ll see fuller and harder muscles.
  • It will be a lean and dry gain in muscle mass.
  • You’ll see an increase in sex drive.
  • Estrogen levels will decrease
  • Muscle Endurance will increase.
  • You won’t retain water or experience bloat.

Sounds perfect for your cutting cycle, so let’s look at the formula.

Olympus Lab Ep15tane ReviewOlympus Labs Ep15tane Ingredients and How They Work

There’s only one ingredient in the Olympus Labs Ep15tane formula, and that is Epistane (2a,3a-epithio17a methl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane). It’s a prohormone which means it increases testosterone levels in your body. A real increase in testosterone levels can indeed lead to all the benefits claimed by Olympus Labs Ep15tane. The typical problem with prohormones, however, is that they tend to cause an increase in Estrogen as well. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is different. It is actually anti-estrogenic, which means it not only doesn’t convert to estrogen, but it also blocks estrogen, actually decreasing it.
This is how you end up with dry gains, no bloat, no water retention, and no lethargy.

Olympus Labs Ep15tane Precautions

The warnings on the Olympus Labs Ep15tane label are worth mentioning here because they are more strict than most over-the-counter supplements. First of all, Olympus Labs Ep15tane is not recommended for anyone under the age of 21. This is because it can interfere with bone growth. It is also strongly recommended that women do not use it. Other precautions exist for anyone with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or anyone taking additional supplements or medications. Finally, you are advised to seek the advice of your doctor if you’re planning on taking Olympus Labs Ep15tane.

If you do choose to use Olympus Labs Ep15tane, it’s recommended that you use a liver support supplement during your cycle and post cycle therapy to boost your natural testosterone back up after you’re done.

Olympus Labs Ep15tane Pros and Cons

Advantages of Olympus Labs Ep15tane

  • It’s powerful enough to produce great results during your cutting cycle.

Disadvantages of Olympus Labs Ep15tane

  • There are several precautions and stipulations making us wonder if Olympus Labs Ep15tane is worth the trouble.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Olympus Labs Ep15tane at the Olympus Labs website or a number of other online supplement retailers. The 120 capsule bottle sells for about $50.

Olympus Labs Ep15tane Conclusion

They make Olympus Labs Ep15tane sound like it’s the best thing going and that it’s sure to get you massive, dry gains. But when considering all the warnings and the lack of favorable reviews, I just don’t see that it’s worth the trouble.

No matter what the product is, a manufacturer is going to do all that they can to grab your attention, pull you a little closer and say “spend your money on me”, but doing a little bit of homework can usually spare you from wasting your money.

Luckily, we have saved you that time with this one and I would just simply say to go ahead and skip it and go with one that has a better track record than Olympus Labs Ep15tane.

Have You Used Olympus Labs Ep15tane? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

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Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

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