Pro JYM Review – Should You Use It?

Pro JYM Overview

Supplementing protein is almost a no-brainer whether you’re working out for bulk, strength, or weight loss. Protein builds muscle, period. So when you’re working out, you’ll need it for that muscle growth and development, again whether your using that muscle to be strong and bulky or to lose weight. You might think “protein is protein” so I’ll just get the cheapest one, but if you do, you probably won’t be doing your body any favors. The trick is to find a quality, good tasting protein at a value price-point, one that meets and exceeds your needs and expectations.

Pro JYM is a protein supplement made by JYM Supplement Science, a boutique supplement line made by bodybuilding enthusiast/Exercise Physiology PhD, Jim Stoppani. He’s partnered up with, and his supplements are getting a lot of positive word of mouth. Pro JYM is a complete protein powder that seems to be passing the test with almost all of its customers.

Pro JYM ReviewPro JYM Ingredients and How They Work

Each serving of Pro JYM contains 24 grams of protein, and here’s something different: Pro JYM lists the amounts of each different type of protein that goes into making up the 24 g. This is basically unheard of in the industry, and it shows just how deeply Jim Stoppani takes his principle of full ingredient disclosure.

The 24 grams includes:

  • 7.5 g Whey Protein Isolate
  • 7 g Micellar Casein
  • 2.5 g Egg Albumen
  • 7 g Milk Protein Isolate (5.5 g casein, 1.5 g whey)

They break it up by category as well, and it falls out like this:

  • 9 g Whey Protein
  • 12.5 g Micellar Casein
  • 2.5 g Egg White Protein

The reason for the different types of protein largely comes down to absorption rates. If you don’t want spikes and dips, you want several different kinds metabolizing at several different rates. Whey is fast digesting, so you need the slow digesting protein in Casein and the medium digesting protein in Eggs.

Pro JYM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pro JYM

  • The Pro JYM reviews I’ve seen mostly very positive.
  • It uses different protein sources for different rates of absorption.
  • There’s no money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Pro JYM

  • Some say it’s gritty (though there are also plenty of raves about the taste).
  • It’s more expensive than a lot of proteins.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Pro JYM through The 23 serving tub sells for $32. The flavors are Vanilla, S’mores, Cookies & Cream, and Chocolate Cookie Crunch.


If you’re in the market for a new protein powder and you’re curious about what the difference between ordinary and quality might be, pick up a tub of Pro JYM and check it out. It may be worth the few extra bucks.

Have You Used Pro JYM? Leave Your Review Below!

Post JYM Review – Should You Use It?

Post JYM Overview

Post JYM is a post workout supplement from JYM Supplement Science. It’s a small company with a relatively small stable of products, founded and run by Dr. Jim Stoppani. Stoppani has a PhD in exercise physiology and a passion for fitness and working out. He developed his line of products to ensure that he, and everyone, could get all the correct ingredients, in all the correct doses, to achieve the best results from their hard work and effort at the gym. The line includes a pre workout, a post workout, and a protein, along with a few others. We took a look at the post workout, and here’s what we found.

Post JYM ReviewPost JYM Ingredients and How They Work

One of the founding principles of JYM Supplement Science is that they use full dosing for all their ingredients. This is a big sticking point for Dr. Stoppani, and who can blame him? All these supplement companies use “proprietary formulas” so they can hide the tiny amounts of active ingredients they use. Not Post JYM. Everything is listed and everything is fully dosed. There’s:

  • Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) at 6 grams. These are Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. Leucine is the most important and present at a 3:1:1 ratio to the other two. They stimulate muscle protein synthesis so your muscles are able to recover and rebuild faster and more completely.
  • Creatine HCL at 2 grams. Creatine has been shown in numerous studies to be safe and effective for building muscle strength and power. Creatine HCL is more soluble than other forms.
  • CarnoSyn Beta Alanine at 2 grams. It forms carnosine which then increases muscle strength and power, endurance and recovery.
  • Carnipure L-Carnitine L-Tartrate at 2 grams. Studies show this to enhance recovery. It increases androgen receptors in muscles, which means more testosterone is being used to build your muscle.
  • Glutamine at 3 grams. This is a very important amino acid for muscle recovery and growth. It also boosts your immune system.
  • Betaine at 1.5 grams. This is a modified version of Glycine which can improve the production of strength and power in muscles. With more muscle power, you’re doing heavier weights and more reps, reaching greater results. It also increases protein synthesis post workout so you’re getting better muscle growth.
  • Taurine at 1 gram. This increases muscle endurance and nitric oxide. Since you lose Taurine during exercise, it’s important to replace it with your post workout supplement.

Post JYM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Post JYM

  • The Post JYM reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
  • It’s a complete, unabbreviated formula.
  • It reportedly tastes good.

Disadvantages of Post JYM

  • While JYM Supplement Science seems like a good company, it’s small and doesn’t work out of a certified facility.
  • There’s no listed money back guarantee.

Where to Buy

You can purchase the 30 serving tub for $35. Post JYM comes in two flavors – Fruit Punch and Watermelon.


Post JYM has the ingredients and the positive reviews we look for in a post workout supplement. It’s definitely a product and company backed by the passion and knowledge of its founder and creator. If you get a chance to try Post JYM, I would go for it.

Have You Used Post JYM? Leave Your Review Below!


Pre JYM Review – Does It Work?

They’re calling it a “Scientifically Advanced All-In-One Formula for Improved Workouts.” It’s Pre JYM from Jim Stoppani of JYM Supplement Science. If you haven’t heard of him, he’s a scientist who’s been working out since he was 11 years old. He’s got a website, he was a Senior Science Editor at Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and he works with, and he’s basically pretty serious about what it takes to perform, succeed, and excel. He runs his company very closely, even taking questions directly come customers through Twitter and Facebook.

Pre JYM ReviewPre JYM Ingredients and How They Work

Pre JYM is a comprehensive pre workout supplement, and in some cases, comprehensive can mean that there are lots of different ingredients for lots of different benefits, but the amounts of each ingredient are so small as to not really have any effect in the end. This is something that Pre JYM, and JYM Supplement Science, pushes back against pretty hard. This supplement uses full, effective dosing for all of its ingredients, and no proprietary blends. Everything is fully disclosed.

The formula is divided up into several matrices:

  • The Power/Strength Matrix includes Creatine and Beta Alanine which both increase the strength and power of your muscles for more intense lifting.
  • The Maximal Pump/Vascularity & Energy Amplifier includes Citrulline Malate which will increase the amount of nitric oxide in your system, opening up your blood vessels and allowing increased blood to make it to your muscles for that pump you want.
  • The Fatigue Fighting Anabolic Activator includes BCAAs L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine to ensure a quick and complete post workout recovery. If you can’t go back to the gym the next day, then you need BCAAs.
  • The Focus & Drive Intensifier uses Caffeine and Huperzine A to increase energy and mental clarity and focus so your eyes stay on the prize and you have the energy, will, and stamina to see it through.

Pre JYM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pre JYM

  • It’s a complete and well rounded formula.
  • It contains full doses of the ingredients.
  • There are tons of favorable Pre JYM reviews.
  • People say it tastes great.

Disadvantages of Pre JYM

  • It’s kind of expensive.

Frequently Asked Questions We Get

Does it have any side effects?

After pouring through countless customer reviews, it looks like the most common we’ve seen is instance of bloating, a strong “tingly” feeling, and insomnia.  Obviously you can prevent the insomnia issue by taking it as early as possible in the day before your workout, but that’s not always possible for many who have a late day workout routine.

Is there a Pre Jym pre workout available without caffeine?

At this time no, however, the owner has explicitly stated that there is a caffeine free version of the product available called Post JYM (which is a post workout supplement).

How do I take it?

The instructions on the label say to mix one scoop of Pre JYM with 14 oz of water about 30-45 minutes prior to your workout.  It’s not stated whether or not you should take it on an empty or full stomach, however, it is recommended that you start with half a scoop to assess your tolerance.

What are the reviews saying?

Check out a couple of popular Pre JYM reviews we found on Youtube:


Where to Buy

Pre JYM is sold through The 20 serving tub sells for $35.  It doesn’t appear to be sold on Amazon, and currently no brick and mortar stores like CVS, Walgreens, or Walmart carry it.


With a well rounded formula, fully dosed ingredients, and rave reviews, I would say go for Pre JYM, with just a couple reservations. 300 mg of caffeine is a lot, so some people might find that to be too much. Also, the price is a little steep, but not too awfully bad. If the big dose of caffeine doesn’t bother you, give Pre JYM a try.

Have You Used Pre JYM? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Nitro Shred Review – Does It Really Work?

Nitro Shred Overview

Having the energy to get through your day and still have enough left over for the gym can be tough. Thankfully, the supplement world has provided an easy and quick solution: the pre-workout formula. The best pre-workout supplements give us long-lasting energy while helping to avoid catabolic states and promote post-workout recovery. What’s more, the true pre-workout formula will also be categorized as a nitric oxide booster.

Nitro Shred claims to be just that: an advanced pre-workout supplement that provides you with more than just a heightened sense of focus and energy. It helps to burn fat, allowing you to attain that cut and defined look, all while enhancing your post-workout recovery. Best of all, it’s an N.O. booster. That’s a tall order for one supplement. Let’s see if it can hold up upon further research.

Ingredients in Nitro Shred

Beet Root Extract & Red Beet Juice Extract

  • Beet Root has become one of the latest super foods to sweep the health and fitness world. As the taste of a beet can be less than desired, supplementation is an obvious choice. With its high nitrate content, Beet Root Extract has been suggested to improve muscle oxygenation during exercise.

    This is important, especially during long-term or high intensity workouts because your body will be able to better handle the workload without entering a catabolic state. Reliable clinical trials have not been conducted but based on proven studies using beet roots, this is a valuable ingredient to have in your pre-workout supplement.

Nitro Shred reviewSodium Nitrate

  • Belonging to a class of salts, much like table salt, Sodium Nitrate is supplement form has been suggested by many advocates to enhance endurance during exercise. Although you may find Sodium Nitrate in a number of new pre-workout formulas, there is no evidence to suggest that it has any impact on exercise performance. One recent study tested 13 trained athletes in a randomized, double-blind, crossover study.

    The athletes performed a 40-minute workout after supplementation with sodium nitrate. The results: “Sodium nitrate supplementation did not improve a 40-min distance-trial performance in endurance athletes.” (“Sodium nitrate supplementation does not enhance performance of endurance athletes.” 2012. Para 1.)


  • When pre-workout supplements first swept over the industry, most contained Niacin, otherwise known as vitamin B3. Niacin provided that characteristic flush feeling when you first took it. While some loved that feeling, others did not. This prompted the industry to create a non-flush Niacin. That’s how Niacinamide was born. It was said to contain all of the benefits of Niacin without that frustrating flush. As research now points out, Niacinamide is far more trouble than it’s worth.

    Many advocates of Niacin are protesting the use of Niacinamide, calling it an anti-Resveratrol. One study discovered that “nicotinamide can inhibit Sir2 enzymes, even in noncycling cells, and raise the concern that there may be deleterious consequences of long term nicotinamide therapy in humans.” (“Inhibition of Silencing and Accelerated Aging by Nicotinamide, a Putative Negative Regulator of Yeast Sir2 and Human SIRT1” 2002. Para. 23)

Melon Juice Concentrate

  • Certainly, the odd ball in the list of common pre-workout ingredients, Melon Juice Concentrate should not be overlooked. Studies have shown that it has a positive effect on the body during times of stress and fatigue. While it hosts other benefits such as anti-aging and anti-inflammation properties, its ability to reduce the stress response is very important. It can help the body to avoid potentially harmful catabolic states that occur intra or post workout, depending on your experience, health state, and gender.


  • L-Arginine is a free-form amino acid that is found in many pre-workout supplements. It is considered semi-essential because the body may not be able to produce enough of it on its own. If you are especially active then supplementation is always a great idea. L-Arginine has been shown to be beneficial in a number of duties including energy production, urea removal, protein synthesis, and nitric oxide production.

Nitro Shred Side Effects

While the product label claims that there are no side effects associated with Nitro Shred, it is important to break down all of the ingredients (as I’ve done above) and see if any interfere with allergies you have or medications you may currently be on.

Aside from Niacinamide already being the subject of debate, it may also affect those with high blood pressure. In fact, as this is a nitric oxide booster, I would not recommend taking this product if you are on any type of anti-nitrate medication.

Pros and Con’s

Advantages of Nitro Shred

The supplement has a decent selection of ingredients that have been shown to support workout performance. It seems to focus on those vitamins that are quickly depleted during exercise such as vitamin B3 and it may also support a non-catabolic environment.

Disadvantages of Nitro Shred

The biggest issue I have with this supplement is that it’s currently utilizing the ingredient, Niacinamide, which is the subject of much debate in the supplement industry. The concern about long-term effects of using Niacinamide are enough for me to look elsewhere for a pre-workout. The cost is also a huge disadvantage, especially for a product that does not contain any ground-breaking ingredients. The selection is decent but not worth the amount you’ll pay via the official website.

Nitro Shred Reviews and Complaints

Finding legitimate reviews for this product is tough. A simple search and you’ll come up with pages of obviously sponsored websites dedicated to providing a “trusted” review. The product is not for sale on Amazon, where you may actually be able to find people who have used the product. The product doesn’t even have a video review from a reliable source. A reputable brand should provide easy access to consumers to be able to review their product and this is not something you will find with Nitro Shred.

Where To Buy

You can buy Nitro Shred from the official website for $79.97 plus the cost of shipping and handling. If you opt to take advantage of the trial membership, be aware that’ll you will be signed up for an auto-ship service. The following statement is directly from the manufacturer’s website:

“By clicking rush my order, you agree to be enrolled in the 14 day trial offer for $6.95 which is the cost of shipping, and after the trial expires, you agree that your card will be charged $79.97 for you Nitro Shred as part of our exclusive member auto ship program. Your monthly member autoship will recur at $79.97 plus $6.95 for shipping and handling every month from the time your trial expires until you cancel. If you choose to opt of the Risk Free Trial, all product shipments must be returned at the customers expense and return the used or unused product to avoid being charged for the month supply already shipped to you.”


From the lack of superior ingredients to the absence of trusted reviews, Nitro Shred has bad news written all over it. Don’t get me started on the price of this supplement. For the same $80 you would spend on this, you can buy WHOLE bottles of each ingredient from trusted companies. Do yourself a favor and avoid this one.

Have you used Nitro Shred? Leave your review below!


1. Bescós, R. “Sodium nitrate supplementation does not enhance performance of endurance athletes.” 2012. Web.

2. Bitterman, Kevin. “Inhibition of Silencing and Accelerated Aging by Nicotinamide, a Putative Negative Regulator of Yeast Sir2 and Human SIRT1” 2002. Web.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Scitec Attack 2.0 Review- Should You Use It?

Scitec Attack 2.0 Overview

Pre workout supplements can be divided into several different categories, and sometimes they can overlap into several categories at once. There are pre workouts that contains stimulants and those that don’t. There are pre workouts that contain some post workout ingredients and there are those that don’t. And there are pre workouts that contain creatine and those that don’t. There are plenty of pros and cons with each category and each overlap. Which one you choose really comes down to personal preference.

Scitec Attack 2.0 definitely has some category overlap. It doesn’t contain stimulants, and it does contain creatine. So let’s take a look at what that means. Scitec Attack 2.0 is a European product. You can buy it online in the States, but it’s far more popular in Europe. It’s a pre workout powder that provides energy and pumps through the pathway of nitric oxide, and it also gives you that boost in muscle energy that you get from loading your body up with creatine.

Scitec Attack 2.0 ReviewScitec Attack 2.0 Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredient profile of Scitec Attack 2.0 is pretty extensive, so let’s dive right in.

Some of it you may recognize from plenty of other workout formulas, but there are some that even surprised me.

  • It starts off with 5 different kinds of creatine for a total of 5 grams per dose. It includes:  Creatine Monohydrate (the most common form), MicronTec Micronized Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Pyruvate, Creatine Citrate, and Creatine Phosphate. What creatine does is boost your muscles performance in short-term, high intensity exercise (like lifting weights). When your muscles put out that energy burst at just the right time, you have more power to lift more weight, and your results show it. Research shows that you’ll get results with 3 grams daily, so 5 grams is plenty.
  • Next is L-Arginine for the nitric oxide boost. NO is a vasodilator which means that your blood vessels open up, allowing more blood to flow through more freely. This means not only better pumps when you lift, but also more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles right when they need them, giving them energy and power.
  • Finally, there’s an amino acid complex for protein synthesis and post workout recovery. They’re called BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), and they support a quick and complete post workout recovery. If you’re not sore the next day, you can work out harder and get better, faster results.

Scitec Attack 2.0 is called a pre workout supplement, but the instructions say that you can take it pre, post, or half an hour before a meal. As long as you’re feeding these components to your body daily, you’re getting the support you need.

Scitec Attack 2.0 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Scitec Attack 2.0

  • Its reasonably priced.
  • It’s a fairly complete workout formula.
  • The Scitec Attack 2.0 reviews I’ve seen are favorable.
  • It’s non-stimulant.
  • Disadvantages of Scitec Attack 2.0

There isn’t a whole lot of customer feedback available online.

Where to Buy

You can find Scitec Attack 2.0 for sale online. The 320 gram tub (which is about 32 servings) sells for
about $20.


Scitec Attack 2.0 looks like a good multipurpose pre workout formula. My one concern would be that it tries to do too much, but at least judging by the few online reviews I found, it seems to be working. So, for the price, I say give it a shot.

The nitric oxide boosting properties contribute to good and effective blood-flow through the extremities which helps a lot in workouts, especially resistance training, and the formula overall is full of ingredients proven to be effective in workouts.

Have You Used Scitec Attack 2.0? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Alpha Fuel XT Review – 3 BIG Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It

Note:  If you’re looking for our Alpha X Boost review then click here.  This is a totally different product.

Research has shown that when a man hits the age of 30, his testosterone levels begin to make a gradual decline. The quality of his health and lifestyle will determine the rate of decline. A proper diet, vigorous exercise, and supplementation all play a vital part in keeping a man’s testosterone levels high. Alpha Fuel XT claims to be one of the most potent supplements available on the market for boosting testosterone levels. Let’s review this new supplement to see if it can hold up to its claims.


Ingredients in Alpha Fuel XT
Reviews and Complaints
Potential Side Effects
My Personal Results
Where To Buy

How You Probably Originally Found Out About Alpha Fuel

Most guys learn about Alpha Fuel (and others like Apha Cut HD, Alpha Muscle, etc.) by coming across what appears to be an ESPN or Mens Health article.

Does this look familiar?

espn alpha fuel

I thought so.

So throughout this article it says that celebs like Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Gerard Butler, even Colin Kaepernick are using supplements like Alpha Fuel to completely transform their bodies.

alpha fuel the rock

They are doing this with none other than Alpha Fuel and some other supplement like Alpha Cut.

Telling guys that these supplements have virtually been banned from the shelves of GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS, they go on to say that you can get these 2 controversial supplements by simply paying for the shipping cost.

The page looks legit, but I’m here to tell you that it’s NOT at all.

First off, if you look at the web address, this is NOT the REAL Mens Health website.


And you’ll also see a big ADVERTISEMENT notice pinned to the top of the page.

If that wasn’t enough, if you scroll to the bottom of the page you’ll see a big disclaimer that reads like this:


All BS aside, do these products really even work?

Well let’s take a quick look at the ingredients and reviews on the Alpha Fuel website before we start making any accusations.

Ingredients in Alpha Fuel XT

Long Jack Root

  • Chances are if you’ve looked up various testosterone boosters, then you’ve seen the ingredient eurycoma longifolia. This ingredient is more commonly known as Tongkat Ali and, to a lesser extent, as Long Jack Root. Clearly, a great marketing choice on the part of the Alpha Fuel XT, Long Jack Root is one of the few proven testosterone-boosting ingredients that you can purchase over the counter.  It’s found in numerous other testosterone boosting supplements, including Virectin, Blackcore Edge, and Spartagen XT.
    Studies have shown that Long Jack Root, or Tongkat Ali to stimulate release of free testosterone.It also improves your sex drive and overall well-being while reducing fatigue. (“Tongkat Ali” June 25, 2014. Para. 1)

alpha fuel xt reviewNettle Root

  • Sometimes referred to as Stinging Nettle Root, this is an ingredient that is featured in many testosterone boosting supplements but the jury is still out on whether or not it truly contributes to a direct increase in testosterone.That’s not to say that it doesn’t have great medicinal benefits. Nettle Root protects and promotes proper prostate health. It’s also great for inflammation as it has been shown to relieve pain in muscles and joints.Some advocates claim that it does promote a healthy increase in testosterone; however, as mentioned before, the evidence is lacking.Regardless, this is a terrific ingredient to have because, despite the unproven possibility of it boosting your testosterone levels, it has been proven to be a great post-workout recovery ingredient.

Tribulus Terrestris

  • This is an herbal remedy that has been around for a very long time. Primarily used in ancient cultures, Tribulus Terrestris was a daily part of life for many citizens of China and India as an alternative medicine for various ailments. Today it remains an alternative solution to conditions relating to the cardiovascular system.It’s also taken to help with performance in the bedroom. Tribulus Terrestris didn’t make its way to the center of the supplement world until reports of its testosterone boosting effects began popping up.Now it’s hard to miss this ingredient in any supplement geared toward men.  It’s found in literally thousands of other supplements, including ones we’ve tested like Nugenix, T90 Xplode and Testadrox.  Despite its popularity, Tribulus Terrestris does not have sufficient evidence as a testosterone booster or performance enhancer.

Piper Nigrum

  • More commonly known as Bioperine, this ingredient is an extract of black pepper. Much like Nettle Root, there is no evidence that Piper Nigrum has any direct testosterone boosting effects but it is certainly a valuable ingredient.It has been shown to enhance the absorption of other nutrients. Essentially, whatever you eat or ingest prior to or while you take Piper Nigrum will have a greater absorption rate.This is very important, especially for those with poor or lacking digestive systems.Again, evidence does not support this as a direct testosterone booster; however, it can certainly aid in the absorption of ingredients that do amplify testosterone production.  Other supplements containing Bioperine include Virectin, Vigrx Plus, and one of my top testosterone boosting choices, Prime Male.

Mucuna Pruriens

  • Also known as Cowhage, this ingredient comes from a bean-like plant that is native to tropical regions such as India, Bahamas, and southern Florida.Like other ingredients on this list, the evidence for the testosterone boosting properties of Mucuna Pruriens is not sufficient.The very limited studies that have been conducted concluded that it was an effective ingredient for infertile men in raising free testosterone levels.The problem is that it is not known whether it is effective for average, healthy men with normal or just below normal levels of testosterone.

Avena Sativa

  • Avena Sativa, also known as Oat Straw, is as simple as it sounds. This ingredient is made from un-ripened oat straw and is sold under a number of names with Avena Sativa being the most common.  I have personally used supplements containing Avena Sativa, including Force Factors Test X180 Ignite.Avena Sativa has been tested for a number of benefits including increasing cognitive function, and some even claim that it’s a potent poor mans over the counter viagra. However, the studies are not as abundant for its effect on testosterone.

    One study, performed at a graduate school in San Francisco, California, claims that Avena Sativa is able to increase free testosterone levels.It does so by helping testosterone compounds release themselves from other compounds in the body. While this study produced seemingly good results, a large-scale study has yet to be conducted. (“Avena Sativa (Green Oats) Extract, Benefits, Sex Drive Support” N.D. Para. 1)


  • What could just be another bright orange weed growing in your backyard has been reported to have testosterone boosting properties. Ashwagandha was the center of a study in which testosterone levels were checked before and after supplementation.Accordingly to the results, the data from these 46 men indicated that daily supplementation of Ashwaganda for 90 days increased testosterone levels by 17%.The catch is that the study was conducted on men who had low fertility rates. Just like Mucuna Pruriens, this ingredient may be great for men who have very lower levels of testosterone and it may be complete ineffective for those men who are healthy. (“Ashwagandha may promote healthy testosterone production in men: Clinical data” May 23, 2014. Para. 2)


  • Commonly known as DIM, this ingredient has been getting a lot of media attention lately for its supposed antioxidant benefits. This phytonutrient has been recommended as a daily supplement as it can help reduce inflammation and fight different types of cancer in the body. What about testosterone?DIM has been shown to help promote a healthy hormonal balance and when taken regularly, it can actually prevent testosterone from being converted into estrogen. This is definitely an ingredient you would want in an effective testosterone booster.

Alpha Fuel XT Reviews and Complaints

When searching for Alpha Advanced Testosterone Booster reviews, you’ll come across a lot of dead links, or pages that once existed but are now unavailable. Most of the reviews you find on a typical search will also present a number of obviously sponsored reviews.

Some are even contradictory, i.e. the following:

alpha fuel xt fake review

Keep looking and you’ll eventually find actual reviews. All of which agree that the benefits of Alpha Fuel XT are not felt until your second or third bottle.

Some of these reviews even highlighted the fact that they needed to double the dosage as they were very active athletes. That turns your one-month supply into a two-week supply. Overall, it appears to be a product that has worked for those that have tried it but only after allowing the body to adjust during a 60 to 90 day time frame.

Since Alpha Fuel XT is sold on Amazon, there are a few reviews on there as well.  Something seems quite suspicious about them, however, because noone really seems to elaborate on their results.  They simply use words like “awesome product”, “it works wonderful”, and “really good stuff”.



Noone seems to detail how it made them feel, whether or not the lost weight or built muscle with it, or if it actually increased their testosterone.  One negative review even called it ‘snake oil’, and plenty of others had nothing good to say about it.



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Video Reviews

One interesting thing to note is one of the video reviews of Alpha Fuel XT I came across seemed pretty legit at first.  This guy talks alot about how great this supplement worked for him, and how well it could potentially work for you as well.  Check it out below:

What’s interesting to note though, is that this guy is a paid actor!!  How do I know this?  Check out what I found on a website called Fiverr (it’s where actors solicit their reviews and testimonials)…

alpha fuel xt review small

This practice is actually illegal, because the FTC requires that anyone being financially compensated to disclose their connection.  It’s clearly not happening in this case, but doesn’t surprise me at all.

Another video I cam across was this one:

His name is Dr. James Vanderloop, a chiropractor practicing in Houston, Texas.

Now, just to be clear, he’s NOT a practicing physician.  There’s some very big differences between the 2.

For instance, doctors have to complete a 4 year medical degree, do 1 year internships, 2 – 8 years of residency depending on their specialty, and they can prescribe medications.

Chiropractors on the other hand only require a 4 year chiropractic degree and then they are licensed to practice chiropractic manipulation.

I say this so that you take his words with a grain of salt.  I’m not saying he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, just that there are some major differences between doctors and chiropractics.

The video is a bit hard to understand because of the quality, but essentially Dr. Vanderloop has treated (in the homepathic sense) patients suffering from reduced testosterone levels.

Since he can’t write a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy, he’s forced to make recommendations for herbal supplements like Alpha Fuel XT.

He talks about studies involving eurycoma longifolia, black pepper, tribulus terrestris, and their effects on testosterone production.

He also talks about the dangers of testosterone replacement therapy, which I tend to agree with.

Long story short, he basically says that he can’t find anything wrong with Alpha Fuel XT, as far as it’s potential to work well at helping restore natural testosterone levels.

Alpha Fuel XT and Orvigomax

One of my visitors recently contacted me and asked whether or not the combination of Alpha Fuel XT and Orvigomax will help you grow your penis.  At first I kind of laughed it off, but when that very same person sent me a link to a page that made that very same claim, I was flabbergasted.

I wrote up a big review on this, check it out here.

What About Alpha Muscle?

alpha muscle reviewJust when I think I’ve written about practically every combo out there, I run into this one.  Apparently there is some blog that’s been pushing the combo of a supplement called Alpha Muscle along with Alpha Fuel.

According to the official site, it looks like Alpha Muscle is an all natural testosterone booster that’s designed to increase sex drive, skyrocket your stamina and endurance, and grow muscle fast.

As usual, though, I can’t seem to find any info on the ingredients, it’s potential side effects, or even where to buy it.  I would be very wary of buying a supplement like this, as it’s nearly impossible to tell if it will work.

I plan on doing more research on this particular supplement in the future, so be sure to check back soon.


Alpha Fuel XT Side Effects

Although each of these ingredients has not been associated with any direct side effects when taken alone, you must always check with your doctor if you are currently on any type of medication. Herbal remedies, while safe, may interact with certain ingredients within prescription medication.

So which ingredients in Alpha Fuel XT have the potential to cause side effects?

The short answer is they ALL have the potential, but it’s highly unlikely based on the ingredients list I’m looking at.

My Personal Results

I got a chance to try out a one month supply of Alpha Fuel XT, and I have to say I didn’t see much in the way of results.  The directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules daily with a meal, which I did.

Now, I didn’t take a blood test or anything to determine what my actual T levels were before I started.

It sounds stupid, but to be honest it’s not really “practical” for me to take a blood test every time I take a testosterone booster.

However, I do base my experience largely in part to how it makes me feel, and if the claims on their website / the bottle match my exprience with it.

The Alpha Fuel XT official website describes the feelings of increased testosterone production, including increases in muscle size and strength, reduce body fat, and increased energy.
Well, I took it for about 2 weeks and to be honest didn’t notice any of these feelings.  There was no surge in energy, no gains in muscle mass / size, and certainly no reduced body fat.

If anything, I would say that I felt maybe a bit of an increase in libido, but nothing to write home about.

Pros and Con’s


Alpha Fuel XT has a solid line up for a testosterone-boosting supplement. Although not every single ingredient has passed numerous clinical studies with proven effects on testosterone production, it is still a supplement with an impressive amount of researched ingredients. Even the ones that are lacking in evidence for testosterone production are still beneficial in some way relating to health and fitness.


One of the biggest disadvantages is the cost: For a one-month supply, Alpha Fuel XT will set you back $89.95 plus shipping and handling. Another disadvantage is buying it directly through the website due to the auto-ship program that you are enrolled in. Please see the “Where to Buy” section for further explanation.

3 BIG Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It

  1. They use FALSE and DECEPTIVE advertising to try to get you to buy the product.
  2. I personally didn’t see any results from it.
  3. It’s SUPER expensive, especially when compared to most other testosterone boosters.

Where To Buy

You can purchase Alpha Fuel XT directly from the manufacturer’s website. When you do so, you are given the offer to receive a “free” bottle of the product. Be aware that signing up for this bottle signs you up for the auto-ship program. The following is directly from the official website:

“To receive a 30 day supply of AlphaFuel XT you must pay a shipping and handling fee of $5.95($7.95 Canada). You can try the product Risk Free for 14 days. After the 14 day trial period has ended you will be charged our regular price of $89.95. If you decide to cancel during the 14 day trial period, you will be required to return the bottle at your expense via an RMA number issued by customer service. If you choose not to cancel, you will be enrolled in our membership program and receive a fresh 30 day supply every 30 days for the same low price of $89.95 until you cancel.”

You can avoid this completely by purchasing it on Amazon.  They sell it there for about $50 per bottle, which includes free shipping.  I would actually recommend buying it there to take advantage of the buyer protection they offer.

As far as I can tell they don’t sell Alpha Fuel XT in any stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS.


The fact that they have to resort promoting their product via a free trial leads me to believe it’s not as effective as you think.  What really irks me is the fact that they are KNOWINGLY using paid actors to promote their supplements, but pawning these actors off as real people.

Is Alpha Fuel a scam?  It’s tough to tell.

It might work, but with so much conflicting information out there it’s hard for me to recommend this to any guy looking for a solid quality supplement.

Have you used Alpha Fuel XT? Leave your review below!


Daniells, Stephen. “Ashwagandha may promote healthy testosterone production in men: Clinical data” May 23, 2014. Web.

Green, Dusty. “Avena Sativa (Green Oats) Extract, Benefits, Sex Drive Support” ND Web.

Wong, Cathy. “Tongkat Ali” June 25, 2014. Web.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Spartagen XT Review – 3 Big Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy

The last time I checked, we had a total of 273 reviews of testosterone boosters  here on

39 of which we’ve actually personally tested.

One of my readers asked me if I’d ever heard of Spartagen XT, and at that time I hadn’t.

spartagen xt real review

But once I had heard of Spartagen XT, I knew I needed to check it out.

My first impressions were that Spartagen XT is fairly typical for a supplement of its kind.

Among other reported benefits, the manufacturer (Edge Bioactives), claim that it can help to:

  • Boost your sex drive
  • Increase free testosterone
  • Promote stamina

So does Spartagen XT really work?

Well, I personally tested it and you’re about to find out.

Spartagen XT Review Contents

Ingredients and how it works
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I take it?
How long does it take to start working?
Are there any side effects?
Where can I buy it?
Is it available in Canada, Australia, and the UK?
Will it cause me to fail a drug test?
My Personal Results
What the reviews are saying
Pro’s and Con’s

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

Spartagen XT Ingredients and How They Work

To put things in perspective, here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

spartagen xt ingredients label

The Spartagen XT formula includes:

  • Tongkat Ali which comes from Malaysia and has been used to increase free testosterone levels by binding itself to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) so the SHBG can’t bind itself to the testosterone molecules, making them useless.
  • Tribulus Terrestris increases testosterone by signaling for the release of increased Luteinizing Hormone.  Tribulus Terrestris can literally be found in HUNDREDS of other testosterone boosters, including Super Male Vitality, Alpha Fuel XT, and Asox9.tribulus terrestris infographic
  • Chrysin which supports muscle growth by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
  • Korean Red Ginseng which improves mental health and physical performance while increasing testosterone levels.  The root has also been believed to boost the immune system, improve circulation and heart health, increasing energy, and treating symptoms of ED.
  • Maca, which is another primary ingredient in Spartagen XT, is a Peruvian aphrodisiac that also prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
  • Zinc which is essential to the natural testosterone production process, and can also be found in supplement like Nugenix.

It also contains common vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin D, E, and B6, as well as magnesium.

You can use Spartagen XT anytime or you can specifically choose to use it for post cycle therapy to get your natural testosterone production going again.

Quick Tip:  Think you have low testosterone?  Click Here to take our quiz!

Spartagen XT FAQ

How Do I Take Spartagen XT?

According to the product label, you’re supposed to take 2 capsules daily with food.

how to take spartagen xt

In addition, they recommend that athletes, bodybuilders, and men over 50 consider taking a dose of 4 capsules a day.

Because Spartagen XT naturally enhances your bodies production of testosterone, there is no need to cycle it.

It’s also recommended that you check with your physician prior to taking it to avoid any counteractions from medicines you may be prescribed.

How long does it take to start working?

They don’t specifically mention how long Spartagen XT takes to start feeling the effects.

My guess would be you should wait AT LEAST a week or two before deciding on whether or not it’s working for you.

Is this something for a guy in his 20’s?

They specifically seem to state that their product is intended more for guys in their 30’s and above, so I would recommend you stay away from it if you’re younger then that.

If you’re a young guy that’s looking for a great testosterone booster, check out my Testofuel review here.

Any Spartagen XT side effects?

Like any supplement, there is definitely the potential for side effects, and Spartagen XT is no different.

In fact, they even warn about exceeding the recommended dose right on the label.

spartagen xt side effects

Here are the most common ones:

  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite

However, if you follow the manufacturers recommendation as far as dosing, and clear things with your doctor, you should be good to go.

I would also recommend that you avoid taking it if you’re under the age of 18, and if you’re a pregnant woman (or even just a woman at all, it won’t have any effect).

I also recommend that you take your first dose of Spartagen XT on a completely full stomach, and half the dose, to figure out how your body will respond to it.

Furthermore, any instance of adverse reactions can be severely minimized by simply sticking with a low dose.

Where can I buy it?

Spartagen XT is only available online from what I can tell.

Related Article:  7 AMAZING Testosterone Boosters At GNC

A one month supply sells for $70, and you can save if you buy in bulk. For instance, a 6 month supply costs $294 which is less than $50 per month. They also include 5 free bonuses with your order, which all look to be ebooks.  They are:

  • Kama Sutra – The Lost Chapter
  • Spartan 300 Top Secret Workout
  • Healthy, Happy and Hung
  • Superstar Stamina
  • 33 Innocent Words Turn Her On

Unfortunately, when I purchased Spartagen XT I didn’t see any of these.  I’m not sure if I should be expecting it in my inbox or what, but I haven’t seen anything.

I searched around on various other brick and mortar stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens, and none of them said they carry it.

It used to be sold on Amazon, but as of this review it is currently out of stock and it’s unclear as to when they will be selling it again.

Is Spartagen XT available in Canada, Australia, and The UK?

For whatever reason, I was under the impression that Tribulus Terrestris (a primary ingredient in Spartagen XT) was banned on those countries.

This is NOT the case.

From what I can tell on their website, they DO ship to the UK, Canada, Australia, and about 30 other countries.

Will it cause me to flag a blood / drug test?

There aren’t any ingredients in Spartgen XT that are banned by WADA or any professional sports agencies.

Consequently, nothing in it should cause a false positive on a drug test.

Is It FDA Approved?

No, and consequently it doesn’t need to be.

While the FDA routinely tests supplements out to make sure they are not adulterated, supplements do not require the same stringent testing that is done on pharmaceutical products.

Who makes Spartagen XT?

It’s made by a company called Edge Bioactives, but I couldn’t find a ton of info about them.

We know they’re located in Edgewater, NJ, and the address they have listed on their site is Suite 108, 725 River Road Edgewater, New Jersey, 07020.

Most noteworthy, it looks like it’s an office building with several other tenants.

edge bioactives physical location google maps

The company that makes Spartagen XT (Edge Bioactives) is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau, but there are 2 resolved cases on there involving Advertising / Sales and Billing / Collection issues.

spartagen xt complaints

This is no doubt in part due to their free trial setup, which some may deem as sort of deceptive.

What I do know is that they also have several other supplements that they sell, including Rail male enhancement and the Peruvian brew system. both of which I’ve personally tested.

rail male enhancement reviewperuvian brew real review

My Personal Results

spartagen xt reviewSo alot of guys have been asking me to take this, and I finally got a chance to finish it up.  I must say, the first few weeks I could definitely feel a little bit of a difference in my energy and libido. I felt like I was sleeping better, had a better overall mood, and my energy levels felt like they had increased.

However, after the first few weeks were up I could honestly say that the effects were essentially completely gone and I returned to my normal “baseline”.  Compared to many other testosterone boosters I’ve test, Spartagen XT was definitely one of the stranger supplements.

Simply put, usually a product will either work or not work

It won’t just work for a couple of weeks and then stop working completely, which was the case here.

One thing that REALLY caught me off guard was their deceptive auto shipping billing feature.  When you go to order, it appears as though you’re making a one-time purchase.  There’s nothing on the Spartagen XT sales page (at least from what I could tell) indicating that there’s any sort of recurring subscription or billing setup.

So about 2 weeks later I login to my bank account and I see a charge from a company called EMMHELP.COM in the amount of $79.99.  I looked it up and wouldn’t you know it?  EMMHELP.COM is the customer support website for Spartagen XT!

When you visit that site, and click any of the links that say things like “create a new ticket” or “check ticket status”, it redirects to the Edge Bioactives website.

spartagen xt - edge bioactives

They billed me $79.99 2 weeks after my original order, and I had NO CLUE I was even getting rebilled for another box of the stuff.  What’s WORSE is I didn’t even RECEIVE another box of Spartagen XT, they just flat out billed me and never shipped it.

I usually NEVER fall for stuff like this…typically I’ll read the terms and conditions very carefully so I know what I’m getting myself into.  Several other supplements I’ve tried in the past, including Test X180 Ignite and Bio Testosterone XR, all have free trials but make it very clear that they will be billing you.

But in this case, Edge Bioactives did a VERY good job at concealing this auro-rebill, auto-shipment program, and buried it VERY deeply on their terms and conditions page.

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What Others Are Saying About It…

I searched around for various other Spartagen XT reviews online, but it was tough to find legit ones.

On Amazon there were 3, with 2 noting dramatic differences from taking Spartagen XT, while 1 said it was completely useless.

The other sites that popped up were saying great things about it, but there was no REAL indication that they really used the product.  Most of their review was just mindless text that made no sense in a lot of places.

The official site has plenty of good reviews, which is no surprise.  I searched around on youtube and found a few credible looking vidoes.

For example, this guy says that he bought 4 boxes of Spartagen XT.


In reality this isn’t really a “review”.

He doesn’t mention taking it, he more or less just goes over what’s in it and reads everything off of the box.

In my opinion, it actually sounds more like an advertisement more than anything else.

I’m not the only one, as someone in the comments section pointed that out as well.

fake testimonial of spartagen xt

Another video looks like it was recorded by a doctor:


Well, it turns our this “doctor” is nothing more than a paid actor who advertises his services on a website called Fiverr.

As of March 2018, we’ve had 15 guys leave a Spartagen XT review on our site.

The reviews are literally split right down the middle, with about 1/2 of them rating it 5 stars and the other half rating it 1 star.

Tough to draw a conclusion by any stretch of the imagination.

One guy who said he has diabetes claimed Spartagen XT helped him reclaim his manhood.

spartagen xt for diabetics

Another one said noted that he’s seen an extreme boost in stamina and muscle growth, as well as improved sleep quality.

Yet on the opposite end of the spectrum, some guys report zero effects with Spartagen XT.

One guy even attempted to “call me out” on my review, claiming that I work for the manufacturer even though I rated the supplement 2.5 out of 5 stars.

You can read all of these reviews here if you’re interested.

Spartagen XT Pros and Cons


  • The ingredients are all natural and fairly common in these kinds of supplements.
  • There is a money back guarantee.
  • Cheaper than many competing testosterone boosters.
  • Made in the USA


  • There’s nothing to really make it standout.
  • There’s only one Spartagen XT review from customer that I’ve seen, and it’s not favorable. The guy simply says this stuff doesn’t work.
  • It’s a little more expensive than comparable supplements.


Spartagen XT seemed to work for me for the first few weeks, and then it just dropped off completely.

Whether or not that was a fluke or was indicative of what should be expected with this product is not something that I know, but I do know that I was disappointed when I first noticed the drop off.

Does that mean you’ll get the same results?


Everyone responds different to various supplements, and you’ll likely get different results (either good or bad).

Our bodies are all different, but the fact of the matter is that when something is a dud for me, I am done with it for good and have no desire to put it back down my gullet.

Couple that with a high price tag, hidden charges, and a lack of REAL customer reviews, I would therefore say take a pass!

Have You Used Spartagen XT? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10 Review

It’s no secret that celebrities like The Rock, Hugh Jackman, Chris Helmsworth, and Mel Gibson probably have a wealth of trainers, chef’s, and nutritionists at their disposal.   Their bodies are their brands, and like any good brand it takes alot of work to maintain the appeal of that brand.  They don’t just get jacked from sitting around on their asses all day eating cheesy puffs.  They put the work into it, and as a result often have the bodies we dream of.

But, do they also use supplements to help them achieve that “hollywood body” they need to keep securing work?  Well, one recent “Mens Health and Life” blog post I was just reading reports just that.  According to them, celebrities have been using a secret combination of supplements called Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10, which apparently has been gaining popularity amount hollywood trainers.

But, there is a shocking “truth” behind this combo that they don’t really want you to know about.  I’ll dive into that a little bit later, but let’s examine the claims made by NitroShred and Alpha T-10 before we draw any conclusions.

What is Nitro Shred?

Nitro Shred reviewNitro Shred is reportedly a pre workout nitric oxide booster that claims a number of benefits, including improved focus, sustained energy, stronger lists, and decreased muscle breakdown.  Their proprietary blend is made up of a number of all natural ingredients which include Beet root extract, Ascorbic Acid, Melon Juice, and L-Arginine HCL.  L-Arginine is more then likely the primary ingredient here, and basically works as a vasodilator which in theory is supposed to help improve blood flow, allowing for more efficient nutrient delivery.

On their official website they note that they are advertised on Men’s Health Magazine, Maxim, Playboy, and Mens Journal, but I reached out to the advertising departments of each and none of them said they have even heard of Nitro Shred.  This supplement is only sold on their official website, and as of this review it’s not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart and others.

What is Alpha T-10?

Alpha T-10 is apparently an HGH releasing supplement that works to help boost your endurance threshold, increase energy levels,  reduce body fat deposits, and increase lean muscle.  While they don’t clearly state exactly what’s in their supplement, from some of the official sites literature we can see that it contains DHEA, L-Arginine, and IGF-1.  IGF-1 (or Insulin Like Growth Factor) is a hormone similar in molecule structure to insulin, and plays an important role in childhood growth as well as having anabolic effects in adults. (1)

Just like Nitro Shred, Alpha T-10 says that they are advertised on several major media outlets like NBC, Men’s Health, and ESPN.  However, just like with Nitro Shred, I checked with all 3 of these media publications and none of them have heard of Alpha T-10.  This supplement is also not available in stores, and can only be found on their official website.

What Got You Here In The First Place?

What probably got you to this article was that you probably were browsing through your Facebook news feed and came across an ad that looked alot like this.  I’ve seen dozens of ads similar to this one before….sometimes they use a picture of The Rock, sometimes Hugh Jackman, and sometimes it’s just some random dude.  The promise is always the same though….it’s always some “Shocking Secret” that celebs are using to get massive and cut up.

Once you click the ad, it takes you to a page that looks like this.  It looks alot like the Mens Health website, doesn’t it?  It’s complete with links to other parts of their site like the Sex & Love section, Weight Loss, Yoga, and even a newsletter signup.  But, what your probably didn’t notice was that if you try and click on these links it doesn’t actually take you to the section you were thinking it would.  Let me show you a quick example in this video below:

As you can see, EVERY SINGLE link you click on go’s to the NitroShred official website.  It doesn’t take you to the Sex and Love section, you can’t search for anything on the men’s health website, and you certainly can’t like it on Facebook.  So, what’s up with that?!?

Well, if you probably didn’t realize, this is not a legit Men’s Health blog post.  In fact, it’s not even a legit article by a Mens fitness website.  Instead, it is a flat out advertisement.  You probably missed it, but it’s posted very clandestine-like in the upper right hand corner of the page, check it out.  That’s red flag #1….

Our Problem With NitroShred and Alpha T-10

All of the above aside, it really boils down to whether or not the products work, right?  Unfortunately, finding credible reviews of Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10 was practically impossible.  If you run a quick google search for reviews, you are bombarded by sites that are clearly setup by the company or their affiliates to help sell the product.

Finding reviews on Youtube was equally as worthless, as you’ll see in the videos below:




That’s red flag #2….if you can’t find any credible info about a supplement in forums or discussion boards, then how can you tell if it even works?? Red Flag #3 is the deceptive billing they use to end up charging your credit card a hefty amount at the end of your supposed free trial.

What do I mean by this? Well, when you go to checkout with your orders of Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10, your prompted to enter your credit card info to pay for shipping. It’s only a modest amount of $4.95 for each supplement, but what you may NOT have noticed was the “30 day money back guarantee” at the bottom of the Alpha T-10 page….check it out:

alpha t-10 terms and conditions small

That’s right….If you don’t cancel your trial within 14 days they end up billing that very same credit card for close to $80, all when you thought you were getting it free of charge.  Things are even worse for Nitro Shred….they don’t even list their terms and conditions on the order checkout page.  If you click on the terms link at the bottom of the page though, you’re told the following:

“By clicking rush my order, you agree to be enrolled in the 14 day trial offer for $6.95 which is the cost of shipping, and after the trial expires, you agree that your card will be charged $79.97 for you Nitro Shred as part of our exclusive member auto ship program. Your monthly member autoship will recur at $79.97 plus $6.95 for shipping and handling every month from the time your trial expires until you cancel.

If you choose to opt of the Risk Free Trial, all product shipments must be returned at the customers expense and return the used or unused product to avoid being charged for the month supply already shipped to you. You must call 866-641-1487 at least 24 hours prior to the date that your next monthly delivery order is shipped from our warehouse.”

So, here we are with close to $160 in charges that most of you probably weren’t even aware of.  The FTC posted a great video on these sorts of scams, and what you can do to avoid them, check it out below:

The FTC makes a number of key points that you should take away from the video…

1.  Do the research and look for complaints.  I’ve already done this on the Better Business Bureau and other community message boards, but came up short on complaints.  But don’t worry, once guys start reading this review of Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10 it will only be a matter of time before complaints from guys who got sucked into this start popping up in the comments section below.

2.  Uncheck pre checked boxes.  It’s funny here because when you get to the order page for each supplement, they don’t even have a pre checked box, even though they are supposed to.  Further evidence they are trying to bilk you out of your money.

3.  Mark the cancellation date on your calendar.  I can’t stress this one enough!!!  Even though this is a free trial and you only have 14 days to try it, some guys may want to go ahead and give them a shot anyway.  If you do, please, PLEASE, mark your calendar so that you are aware of when you need to cancel your trial by.  I would also suggest you make a note of the companies contact info in case you can’t seem to find it in the future.


We come across these supposed miracle offers constantly, and try to warn as many guys as possible as to what they are getting involved in.  It’s pretty clear to me (and should be to you by now), that taking the combo of Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10 will probably NOT get you the results they were promising.  There are plenty of other legit supplements out there that will not enroll you in a scam free trial, auto-rebill program, and ones that likely work MUCH better then these two.

Have You Used Nitro Shred and Alpha T-10?  Leave Your Review Below!


1.  Insulin-like Growth Factor:

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Natubolic Growth Fuel Review – Should You Use It?

Natubolic Growth Fuel Overview

One of the most important things you can do to help keep your lean muscle mass and body fat ratios in check is balance your hormones. Not only do you need plenty of testosterone, but you also need to keep your estrogen and cortisol levels in check. One way to do that is with Natubolic Growth Fuel from Maxgenics. They call it a “hormone and muscle growth optimizer” because it claims to do just that – balance hormones and improve muscle growth. The logic is there, but now we need to look at the actual product to see if it delivers in the real world.

Natubolic Growth Fuel ReviewNatubolic Growth Fuel Ingredients and How They Work

When Maxgenics talks about the ingredients that make up the Natubolic Growth Fuel formula, they kind of work backwards from the effect. This supplement works obtaining the optimal balance of 5 hormones, and they explain each of the ingredients in terms of these hormones:

  • Testosterone is increased by the use of Fenugreek Seed, DHEA, and L-Dopa
  • HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is increased using Colostrum
  • Insulin Sensitivity is increased using Alpha Lipoic Acid.
  • Estrogen is decreased using Resveratrol, DIM, and Indiole -3-Carbinol
  • Cortisol is reduced with Rhodiola Root Extract and Ashwagandha Root Extract.

There’s also a performance boosting element that includes L-Glutamine, L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, and Dindolymenthane.

Instructions are to mix one scoop with water or another beverage and drink it once a day. It’s recommended that you take Natubolic Growth Fuel for a 4 week cycle, take one week off, then start again.

Natubolic Growth Fuel Pros and Cons

We look at both sides of every product, making sure we factor in everything we can before making a decision.

Advantages of Natubolic Growth Fuel

  • The formula is based on solid science.
  • There are lots of favorable Natubolic Growth Fuel reviews on the Maxgenics website talking about energy, gains, and improvements in focus and clarity.

Disadvantages of Natubolic Growth Fuel

  • It’s expensive.
  • There are not many independent reviews touting its benefits.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Natubolic Growth Fuel through the Maxgenics website. The 28 serving tub which would take you through one 4-week cycle costs $99.


The biggest drawback of Natubolic Growth Fuel is that it’s expensive. On top of that, there aren’t really any independent customer reviews to rely on for feedback. I’d say keep your eye on Natubolic Growth Fuel. Wait for more feedback to come in, and if it’s positive, this could be a great product.

Have You Used Natubolic Growth Fuel? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Diesel Test Hard Core Review – Does It Work?

Diesel Test Hard Core Overview

With all the testosterone boosting supplements available on the market, it’s tough to decide which one may be right for you. So you start researching them, and before long, your head is spinning because you just don’t know what to believe anymore. They’re all going to turn you into superman, so we might as well just pick one. Well, before you do, take a look at our reviews, and this in particular, to see which one might actually be right for you.

Diesel Test Hard Core is made by Get Diesel, and promises to cover all the bases when it comes to natural testosterone boosters. With this product you’ll:

  • Increase free testosterone levels.
  • Improve muscle strength and hardness.
  • Increase sex drive.
  • Decrease estrogen
  • Improve erections.
  • Increase semen volume.
  • Prevent cortisol production.

That’s basically the gamut of benefits you can get from a testosterone booster, so let’s take a look at how Diesel Test Hard Core does it.

diesel test reviewsDiesel Test Hard Core Ingredients and How They Work

The Diesel Test Hard Core formula starts off with Zinc, Selenium, and Copper to support the testosterone boosting properties of the rest of the ingredients, which include:

  • Tribulus Terrestris for signaling the increased release of Luteinizing Hormone which then calls for the production of increased testosterone.
  • Epimedium and L-Arginine which increases nitric oxide for better erections.
  • Muira Puama, Cnidium Monniere, and Mucuna Pruriens which are all natural aphrodisiacs.
  • Avena Sativa and Tongkat Ali which both free up bound testosterone that is otherwise useless.
  • Nettle Root for prostate health.
  • Guarana and Capsicum for energy.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

Instructions are to take 6-10 capsules a day for 5 to 6 days a week. Take 2-4 in the morning, 2-4 in the afternoon, and 1 or 2 before bed. On workout days, make sure one of your doses is taken 45 minutes prior to your workout.

Diesel Test Hard Core Pros and Cons

There is good and bad in just about everything. We like to consider both when reviewing supplements.

Advantages of Diesel Test Hard Core

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s affordable (when you can find it).
  • The ingredient profile covers a lot of bases.

Disadvantages of Diesel Test Hard Core

  • The claims seem to be a bit over the top when compared to the ingredient list.
  • It looks like lots of retailers are out of stock, indicating that it may not be being made anymore or available for long.
  • The dosing instructions are very cumbersome, needing to take 6 to 10 tablets a day.

Where to Buy

You can currently find Diesel Test Hard Core for sale at several online supplement retail sites. The 200 tablet bottle sells for just under $40.


There are so many testosterone boosting supplements out there, you can hardly blame Diesel Test Hard Core for making outrageous claims in order to set itself apart. It just doesn’t seem like the ingredient profile can back up those claims.

Have You Used Diesel Test Hard Core? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

MuscleTech Clear Muscle Review – Does It Work?


Clinical Study
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

MuscleTech Clear Muscle Overview

MuscleTech has a reputation for making pretty wild claims and pissing off customers when those claims don’t materialize. Over the years, they’ve tried to tone things down a bit, and they have, but they’re definitely no shrinking violet when it comes to promoting themselves. Not too long ago, they came out with a new product called MuscleTech Clear Muscle. The claim is that this clear capsule will help you put on an insane amount of muscle over a 12 week period, and that you’ll lose fat at the same time.

Muscle Tech Clear Muscle ReviewMuscleTech Clear Muscle Ingredients and How They Work

There is really only one active ingredient in MuscleTech Clear Muscle, and it’s called BetaTOR. Or Free Acid Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate. That makes it a new kind of HMB made to increase muscle and strength. Most HMB that we know is bound to calcium. BetaTOR is free which makes it that much more easily absorbed.

MuscleTech Clear Muscle Clinical Study

At Tampa University, the main ingredient in MuscleTech Clear Muscle was put to the test with a 12 week double blind placebo controlled trial. There were two groups of experienced lifters, all using the same hardcore lifting routine, one group taking BetaTOR, the other taking a placebo. The BetaTOR group gained 16 pounds of lean muscle over the 12 week period while the placebo group gained 6.

On the MuscleTech website, you can download the exact workout routine that was used in the clinical trial, so you can see how your results might stack up against the clinical trial.

MuscleTech Clear Muscle Pros and Cons

Advantages of MuscleTech Clear Muscle

  • Its main ingredient has been clinically tested and shown to work.

Disadvantages of MuscleTech Clear Muscle

  • It’s pretty expensive.
  • A lot of MuscleTech Clear Muscle reviews come from unsatisfied customers that didn’t get the results they were hoping for.

Where to Buy

You can purchase MuscleTech Clear Muscle online or at GNC. The one month supply costs about $80, though I saw it at bodybuilding-dot-com for $70.


I’m not sure what to think. The clinical results look like what we all want. But the actual MuscleTech Clear Muscle reviews from customers tell a different story. I would say wait a while on this one. It’s still pretty new and word keeps trickling in. If you do decide to use it, take into consideration that this is MuscleTech, so you’ll want to keep your expectations in check.

As a rule of thumb for me personally, I tend to stay away from supplements whose manufacturers have a history of rubbing customers the wrong way with their practices and prefer to stick with companies that I know are going to put their best foot forward with products that can be trusted.

Have You Used MuscleTech Clear Muscle? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure Review – Should You Use It?

Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure Overview

A lot of the most serious bodybuilders use single ingredient formulations so they know exactly what they’re putting in their bodies. Instead of ready-made formulations, they make combine what they know to be best for their bodies during any given period or cycle. Carnitine is one of the more popular ingredients they look for, and Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure provides it.

Gaspari Nutrition was started by legendary bodybuilder Rich Gaspari, and it’s made quite a name for itself as a company. They’ve gained the trust of those serious guys we were talking about, and that goes a long way toward credibility and trust that what they put out actually works. So if you’re looking for something to add to any cycle that will help use fat as energy and improve your post workout recovery, take a look at Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure.

Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure ReviewGaspari Nutrition Carnipure Ingredients and How They Work

There’s only one active ingredient in Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure, and that’s 1 gram of Carnitine Tartrate per serving. One of the great things about Carnitine is its wide range of benefits. If you’re cutting or dieting, use Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure to facilitate your body in converting fat to energy. You want to burn fat, not muscle, and carnitine helps make that happen. And the increase in conversion means more energy throughout the day. Carnitine also has post workout recovery benefits.

The recommended dose varies depending on how you want to use Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure. You can take one scoop mixed with water as a pre workout or 1 or 2 scoops as an intra workout drink or throughout the day. The idea is not that you’ll feel explosive effects. It’s more that you’ll have more steady energy throughout the day and realize weight loss benefits over time.

One of the biggest complaints about Carnitine powders is that they don’t taste very good. This doesn’t seem to be the case with Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure. It comes in Watermelon and Pineapple flavors, and almost all the reviews I’ve seen rave about the taste of both.

Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure Pros and Cons

Advantages of Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure

  • It tastes great.
  • It’s a pure, single ingredient supplement.
  • It provides all day energy.

Disadvantages of Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure

  • For someone who wants a more complete supplement, Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure doesn’t provide enough breadth of benefits.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure online. The 80 serving tub sells for about $25 to $30.


If you’re only going to go with one supplement, I wouldn’t think Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure would be it. It’s great for what it is – a great tasting carnitine powder – but there are other products with benefits you would look for first. But if you know what you’re looking for, and it’s carnitine, go with Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure.

Have You Used Gaspari Nutrition Carnipure? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry Review – Does It Work?

Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry Overview

If you feel sluggish and old, the culprit might be low testosterone or an incorrect hormonal balance in general. Here’s how it works. When we get older, our bodies produce less testosterone. It’s just a fact of life. There’s plenty to go around when we’re young. We have lots of energy, muscle comes and fat goes easily, and our sex drives are through the roof! As you start to round past 35 or 40 or so, that all starts to change. Your body produces less natural testosterone and you start to feel less energy, less sex drive, and your body has a harder time putting on lean, hard muscle.

If you use testosterone replacement therapy (like Androgen gel), you run the risk of also increasing estrogen. This is because testosterone converts to estrogen. So your best bet is to use something that boosts testosterone while countering the conversion to estrogen. That something could be Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry. The idea behind this product is that it helps you get leaner and harder past the point where fat burners and diets can get you. So if you’re someone who wants to get shredded beyond where you’ve reached so far, Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry may be able to help.

Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry ReviewJay Cutler Signature Series Dry Ingredients and How They Work

The Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry formula is a proprietary blend called the Dry Hormone Modulating matrix. It’s 500 mg that includes:

  • Corydalis Yanhusuo
  • Isodon Excisus
  • Citrus Retiulata
  • Lontarus Domestica

None of these ingredients are explained by Cutler Nutrition in terms of what they actually are and how they actually work. This is disappointing because the claims so strongly and precisely say what you can achieve, but there’s no information at all on how this product will really help.

The recommended dose is 1 Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry capsule taken daily in the morning on a full stomach. You should use it for one or two cycles (4 or 8 weeks) before taking 4 weeks off.

Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry Pros and Cons

Advantages of Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry

  • The ingredients are natural.
  • There are some positive Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry reviews especially when used in combination with the Cutler Testosterone Booster.

Disadvantages of Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry

  • There’s no explanation of how it works or what the ingredients do.
  • There are lots of negative reviews from customers saying it did nothing or actually made them feel more lethargic.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry online. A 28 capsule bottle would last a month, and it costs around $30.


There just isn’t enough information about or explanation of how Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry works to make us think it’s worth trying. None of the ingredients are familiar, and we’ve looked at a lot of testosterone boosters and estrogen suppressors. Given the mixed reviews on top of the lack of information, we advise that you look elsewhere.

Have You Used Jay Cutler Signature Series Dry? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Jay Cutler Signature Series King Review – Does It Work?

Jay Cutler Signature Series King Overview

Who better to put his name on a line of bodybuilding supplements than a 4-time Mr. Olympia. That’s what Jay Cutler is, and that’s what he’s done. Along with entries like Amino Pump and Dry, there is Jay Cutler Signature Series King, the mass builder of the bunch. Taking King will get you big with its focus on growth factors, myogenic regulators, and increasing muscle fibers. Jay Cutler Signature Series King claims to reign supreme among anabolic supplements.

Jay Cutler Signature Series King ReviewJay Cutler Signature Series King Ingredients and How They Work

The Jay Cutler Signature Series King formula uses new, but tested technology to increase your muscle mass. The Glycoprotein Muscle Growth Blend is proprietary, but contains:

  • MTor (Phosphatidic Acid) which activates signaling pathways that control protein synthesis.
  • Dactylorhiza Hategirea
  • Fructus Ligustri
  • Berberis Thunbergii (Berbamine HCL)
  • Naigen (Nicotinamide) which increases metabolism and replenishes ATP levels in muscles which is provides energy and endurance.

In addition, the formula contains significant amounts of Vitamins D3 and K2. It is important that you take Jay Cutler Signature Series King as directed, which is 1 capsule 3 times a day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. This is a supplement that should be used during a bulking cycle and not for more than 8 weeks at a time.

Jay Cutler Signature Series King Pros and Cons

We always take an even-handed look at what’s good and what’s not so good about each product we review. That way, you can be sure it’s been looked at from all angles.

Advantages of Jay Cutler Signature Series King

  • It uses cutting edge muscle building technology.
  • They say you can achieve a 37% increase in squat strength, and 55% increase in bench press strength, and 26 fold increase in lean mass versus taking a placebo.
  • The one Jay Cutler Signature Series King review I found from a customer was favorable, saying it lives up to the hype.
  • The doses used are the same as what’s been tested.

Disadvantages of Jay Cutler Signature Series King

  • There are not many customer reviews to help determine whether or not it works in the real world.
  • Jay Cutler Signature Series King is no longer displayed on the Jay Cutler website and some vendors are out of stock, so it may not be being produced any longer.

Where to Buy

At this time, there are still some online vendors selling Jay Cutler Signature Series King. The 90 capsule bottle which is a one month supply runs around $35 to $45 depending on where you look.


Even though Jay Cutler Signature Series King claims to have been tested, the results are not presented in a clinical way so we’re a little skeptical. Without customer feedback, it’s tough to tell whether or not it works. Either way, for some reason, it appears that Jay Cutler Signature Series King won’t be available for long, so you may want to look for something else for your bulking stacks.

Have You Used Jay Cutler Signature Series King? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate Review

Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate Overview

For a lot of guys, a protein shake post workout is enough. But if you’re really pushing it, straight up protein may not be enough. That’s when you look to your heavyweight recovery products like Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate. It restores glycogen, promotes rapid repair, and provides the nutrients and electrolytes as well as the proper delivery mechanisms for your best growth and repair.

Its all-in-one nature may definitely appeal to some who are looking to streamline their supplements.
It sounds great, and almost all of the Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate reviews I’ve seen are in agreement, so the next step is to break down the formula to see if it supports the claims.

Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate ReviewBeast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate Ingredients and How They Work

  • The Vitamin and Mineral profile is extensive with nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, several B Vitamins, Calcium, Zinc, and Potassium. Without this kind of nutritional support, your muscle buildign is going nowhere.
  • Glycogen gets replenished with a carbohydrate blend that includes Glucose Polymers, Palatinose, and Waxy Maize.
  • Fast acting Hydrolyzed Whey and BCAAS support muscle building and repair.
  • Electrolytes restore balance and hydration.
  • Insulinogenic Co-Factors keep insulin levels steady with no spikes or dips.

The recommended dose is 1-2 scoops mixed with 8 ounces of water and taken after workouts.

Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate Pros and Cons

Looking at both sides is a sure way to know that you’re making a smart decision about whether or not to buy something.

Advantages of Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate

  • There are lots of favorable Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate reviews. Specific highlights include taste and a lack of soreness the day after tough workouts.
  • Beast Sports Nutrition is a reputable supplement company.
  • It’s reasonably priced.

Disadvantages of Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate

  • By most accounts, it doesn’t mix well.

Where to Buy

Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate is available online. The 30 scoop tub of Orange Creamsicle sells for under $40.


Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate approaches recovery with a broad perspective. It’s got your whey isolate and your BCAAs, but it also focuses on Glycogen restoration, insulin balance, and re-hydration. If you can get past the grittiness due to lack of mixability, Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate may be a good post workout choice, especially if you’re looking for one product that can deliver on a number of needs.

Have You Used Beast Sports Nutrition Re-Animate? Leave Your Review Below!

M.P.S. Muscle Builder Review – Does It Work?

M.P.S. Muscle Builder Overview

Whether you’re cutting or bulking, it’s bound to happen. You’ll see results fairly consistently for a while, then all of a sudden it stops. Well on the bulking side of things, Dymatize thinks it has the solution in M.P.S. Muscle Builder. The M.P.S. Stands for Muscle Protein Synthesis, and that’s the basic idea. This bodybuilding supplement supports your efforts so you can see real results of all your hard work. With M.P.S. Muscle Builder as your post workout, you’ll:

  • Support muscle build up.
  • Prevent muscle breakdown.
  • Improve muscle recovery time.

So let’s break it downs and see if this stuff really does what it says it does.

M.P.S. Muscle Builder ReviewM.P.S. Muscle Builder Ingredients and How They Work

The M.P.S. Matrix is the formula’s foundation. It contain:

  • Chain-Sol, a proprietary bleind of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) to improve muscle recovery and repair.
  • Additional BCAAs L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine, the real keys to trigger muscle protein synthesis and prevent breakdown.
  • Whey Protein Isolate to provide the building blocks needed to make muscles grow and support proper insulin levels.
  • L-Alpha-Hydroxyisocaproic Acid Calcium and L-Alpha-Ketoisoaproic Acid Calcium. These are metabolites of L-Leucine and they help minimize muscle soreness and support lean muscle mass while increasing the speed of recovery.

The recommended dose is one scoop mixed in 10 ounces of water and taken post workout and/or as needed.

M.P.S. Muscle Builder Pros and Cons

Advantages of M.P.S. Muscle Builder

  • It comes in Fruit Punch, Orange, and Lemon Lime flavors as well as unflavored in case you prefer to add it to your protein shake.
  • The ingredients and explanations of how they work are provided by Dymatize.
  • It mixes easily and absorbs quickly.

Disadvantages of M.P.S. Muscle Builder

  • There are no M.P.S. Muscle Builder reviews from customers to help sort out whether or not it works.
  • It’s not cheap.

Where to Buy

You can buy M.P.S. Muscle Builder online. The 20-serving tub sells for about $30.


The ingredients are solid and Dymatize does a good job at explaining how they help. The biggest thing holding back a full recommendation here is the fact that there are no customer reviews. That makes it tough to tell whether or not this stuff is working out in the real world. That said, I would go ahead and try M.P.S. Muscle Builder if you have the chance.

Have You Used M.P.S. Muscle Builder? Leave Your Review Below!

BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex Review – Does It Work?

BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex Overview

What do you want out of your pre workout powder? That’s easy, right? Strength, energy, muscle, and endurance – basically everything. And that’s what BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex claims to give you. When you take this revolutionary next big thing in pre workouts, you’ll notice the difference right away with more energy, power, and strength than you’ve ever experienced. Those are the claims, and they’re pretty bold. Now it’s our job to figure out if the claims match the results. So the first thing we’ll do is look at the formula.

BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex ReviewBPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex Ingredients and How They Work

The BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex formula is mainly a proprietary blend called FULL SPEED VORTEX MATRIX. The fact that it’s proprietary means that we know what’s in it, but we don’t know how much. That can be a little concerning with products that contain stimulants because some people are more sensitive to stimulants than others. Some people love the way they make them feel. Some can’t stand it. So it would be nice to know what to expect, but with BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex, we don’t. Another thing BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex doesn’t think we need to know is how the ingredients work. They talk about 3 unique ingredients, and we got a list of names, but they don’t provide any information on how these 3 unique ingredients will benefit you.

The proprietary blend contains;

  • Caffeine Anhydrous for energy and focus
  • Glycerol Monostearate which transports water to cells for more pump and bulk.
  • Yohimbe which is another stimulant that also increases blood flow.
  • Indigo Pulchra
  • Ceylon Leadwort
  • Securinega Suffruticosa

The recommended dose is 1-2 scoops mixed with water and taken 15-20 minutes before working out.

BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex Pros and Cons

Advantages of BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex

  • There are lots of favorable BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex reviews from guys who’ve used it.
  • Most think the taste is pretty good.
  • The price is right.

Disadvantages of BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex

  • Lots of guys said you need to take 2 scoops to feel anything.
  • The ingredient amounts are not listed, which makes it hard to know what you’re getting.
  • It contains Yohimbe which is recommended against by the FDA because it could potentially cause dangerous side effects.

Where to Buy

You can get the 50-scoop tub of BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex online or at GNC for less than $35.


BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex is alright, but I don’t see any reason to run out and get it. It’s mainly focused on energy, and I would be cautious because of the Yohimbe, but it can be a good, affordable pre workout as long as you start off slow, noting its effect on you.

Have You Used BPI Sports 1.M.R. Vortex? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

iForce Nutrition Compete Review – Should You Use It?

iForce Nutrition Compete Overview

iForce Nutrition Compete is the next great thing in intra-workout supplementation. (At least, that’s what iForce would like you to believe). Instead of using creatine or BCAAs, iForce Nutrition Compete takes things in a new direction and hopes you’re willing to follow them. Some of the benefits you’re promised if you do are:

  • Increased mental focus.
  • Improved physical performance.
  • Better, easier, more complete recovery.
  • More complete intra-workout hydration.

So let’s take a look at what’s in this revolutionary new product.

iForce Nutrition Compete! ReviewiForce Nutrition Compete Ingredients and How They Work

The iForce Nutrition Compete formula is divided in to several Matrices:

  • The Athletic Enhancement Matrix uses amino acids L-Carnitine Fumarate and L-Tartrate to increase athletic endurance by increasing our ATP stores for lasting cellular energy.
  • The Endurance Enhancement Matrix contains Citrulline Malate to increase nitric oxide levels and reduce muscle fatigue.
  • The Anti-Catabolic Matrix contains Whey Protein Hydrolysate which is an easily absorbed form of protein, great for intra-workout use. It prevents the breakdown of your muscles and increases the rate of repair, so you can remain in your peak form throughout your workout.
  • The Performance Enhancing Elyctrolyte Matrix contains Sodium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, and Calcium Aspartate to keep your body hydrated and running smoothly. This means keeping the lines of communication between brain and muscle open and functioning smoothly.
  • The Mental Edge Enhancement Matrix uses Rhodiola Rosea to help you remain calm and relaxed even while under the physical stress caused by your workout and Vinpocetine to improve focus, concentration, and memory.
  • The Natural Energy/Antioxidant Matrix uses Vitamin C as an antioxidant to protect cell health and Vitamin B12 to provide an energy boost.

Recommended use is 1-2 scoops mixed into ice cold water to taste and taken as sips throughout your workout period. It is meant to completely replace water during your workout.

iForce Nutrition Compete Pros and Cons

Advantages of iForce Nutrition Compete

  • It’s pretty affordable.
  • There are lots of great iForce Nutrition Compete reviews where guys talk about how it keeps them hydrated and it tastes great.

Disadvantages of iForce Nutrition Compete

  • It could use some BCAAs. In trying to be something totally new and fresh, they may have left out some important components.

Where to Buy

You can purchase iForce Nutrition Compete online. The 50 serving tub goes for under $35.


If you want to get more out of your intra-workout water, give iForce Nutrition Compete a try. It provides just what you need for better energy and recovery without bloat. From what I hear, you’ll want to go with the Lemon Drop flavor.

Have You Used iForce Nutrition Compete? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn Review – Should You Use It?

iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn Overview

Whether it’s time to cut or shred for competition or just lose those extra holiday pounds, it’s time for an effective fat burner. But the competition is stiff, so finding the right one is a bit like finding that old needle in the haystack. Recently, iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn caught my eye, and the reason I took notice was because almost every single customer review I saw was over-the-moon favorable. People – men and women both – seem to really love this stuff. That’s definitely a great start. But let’s take this process to the next step and see what’s in the formula that might be causing all the great buzz.

iForce Nutrition ThermoxyniForce Nutrition Thermoxyn Ingredients and How They Work

iForce likes to use “Plexes” (or complexes) in their formulas. It’s just a fancy way of categorizing the ingredients based on their primary function and benefit. In the case of iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn, you’ll find:

ADRANAPLEX which is where you get the energy enhancing ingredients like:

  • Caffeine for that immediate high-energy rush.
  • Acacia Rigidula which keeps pushing you forward hours after the caffeine has worn off. This is where you find the motivation to keep up, active, and focuses on your goal all day long.

THERMOPLEX which is the fat burning complex. It produces heat in the body, which raises your metabolism and burns more calories. It includes:

  • Citrus Aurantium which contains Synephrine which targets beta-3 adrenergic receptors for increasing thermogenesis and lipolysis.
  • Raouwlfia Serpentina which prevents fat storage, allowing it to be burned for energy instead. It tells your body enough fat has been stored so it’s time to burn it.

RETAINPLEX which helps preserve muscle even when you’re taking in a caloric deficit, so your body burns fat, not muscle. It uses:

  • Lemon Verbena which is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals produced when we burn fat cells. It preserves lean muscle mass.
  • Respberry Ketones which increase metabolism and support the breakdown of fat through increased fatty acid release.

METAPLEX which increases your base metabolic rate or BMR with:

  • Olea Europa Leaf which increases levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline for increased metabolic burn.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract which burns calories more efficiently. Studies have shown it increases weight loss even without a change in diet or exercise.
  • Garcinia Cambogia which increases metabolism and fat burnng as well as improving athletic endurance.

It’s recommended that you start with 1 iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn capsule at a time, once before breakfast and once before lunch. As you assess your tolerance, you can raise that up to 2 capsules at a time, but no more than that, and not within 4 hours of bedtime.

iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn Pros and Cons

Advantages of iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn

  • All the iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn reviews I’ve seen are positive, with particular praise for the clean feeling energy.
  • The price is reasonable.
  • It’s designed for both men and women.

Disadvantages of iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn

  • With proprietary complexes, you can’t tell how much of each ingredient is in there, and that can be difficult for someone with sensitivity to stimulants.

Where to Buy

You can purchase iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn online. The 120 count bottle, which is a month’s supply, sells for just under $40.


iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn is looking like a good, effective fat burner. I suggest you start off slow with a half dose to assess your tolerance, before jumping in head first.

Have You Used iForce Nutrition Thermoxyn? Leave Your Review Below!


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Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme Review

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Bathmate Hydromax website.

And click here to jump straight to my results with the Bathmate.

In the male enhancement world, there is certainly no shortage of pills, pumps, extenders, and even ointments that promise permanent penis enlargement.

I’ve personally tested over 100 of them.

male enhancement pills ive tested

It’s no surprise that there is a such a huge abundance of them, being small down there can be pretty embarrassing.

For a long time we focused mainly on reviewing pills / supplements that are supposed to get the job done.

However, if you’ve already poured through our reviews, you’ll probably see that there aren’t too many of them out there that ACTUALLY work.

Were taking a bit of a left turn today.

Instead of talking about a specific supplement, were going to talk about a penis pump that I recently got a chance to personally review.

It’s called the Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme, and no joke, it actually can permanently increase your size.

Click Here to jump straight to my results and see

Bathmate Review Contents

What is The Bathmate Extreme?
Difference between the Original, Xtreme and X Series
How do I use it?
Does it really work?
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I use it with an erection?
Can I use it if I’m uncircumcised?
Does it help with ED?
What’s the difference between the Batmate and a regular air pump?
How long do I have to use it?
How big can I get?
My Personal Results

Which One Should I Get?
Where can I buy it?
My Recommendation

What is the Bathmate Xtreme?

bathmate hydromax X30 review

Based on the success many users were getting from the original Bathmate series, the Bathmate Xtreme was developed with up to 35% more power than the original, and has the capability to be used with a hand ball.

This product is a class 2 medical device that is considered a ‘penile rigidity device’.

It works by essentially drawing blood into the veins of the penis, creating a full on erection.

What’s the difference between the Original Bathmate, The X Series, and The Xtreme versions

bathmate original pump

This is a question that I get a lot.

Originally, the X-Series was built with the intention of producing up to 35% more power than the original.

They did this by using different materials in the construction, which allowed for increase pressure to build up.

So what’s the difference between the Bathmate Xtreme and X Series?

The Xtreme Series is essentially the SAME THING as the X Series as far as pressure / results, with a few notable improvements.

bathmate x30 vs Xtreme series

The most notable improvement was they added a handball pump that you attach to the top of the device to produce the pumping effect.

Bathmate hand pump

In the past, you could only pump the device by literally pushing it up and down against your penis, which would sometimes prove to be a little irritating.

This new feature allows you to quickly and easily pump, while preventing water leakage.

The Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme also contains numerous different bonuses that are not included with the original, including:

bathmate carry case with security lock
Carry case with security lock.
bathmate measuring device
Measuring gauge to track your progress.
bathmate cleaning kit and lube
Cleaning kit, comfort pad, and a water based lubricant.

Is the Bathmate good for beginners?

Yes.  If you have no experience using a pump before then I highly recommend you get this.

In fact, the Hydromax Xtreme was specifically made to address many of the common problems that guys were getting with the original Bathmate hydro pump.

It’s very easy to use, and it comes complete with an instruction manual that is impossible to not understand.

How do I use the Bathmate?

The directions for using the Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme are very clearly illustrated in the user manual.

bathmate user manual

You can either use it in the shower or in the bathtub (recommended by personal experience), and the directions are very similar for each.

Here’s a quick video demonstration for how to use it:

how to use the bathmate youtube video

Does the Bathmate REALLY work?

Absolutely, it will increase the size of your penis.

I’ve personally used it, and gained close to 1 inch in length and 1.5 inches in girth in just a couple short months. (more on that below)

How big can I get?

There’s 2 types of gains you’re going to get from this:

  1. Immediate Gains.

    You’ll literally see gains in both length and girth IMMEDIATELY after pumping.

    After you use it for the first time, you will definitely see an impact on your size, and in particular, in your girth.

It will increase from as little as a 1/2 inch, to as much as a little over 1 inch.

For length it’s a little less dramatic in the short term, probably about a 1/4 – 1/2 inch, it really varies on a number of factors like how much pressure you use, etc.

Those gains will go away after a few hours, however.

  1. Permanent Gains

    The more permanent gains will be seen from using the Bathmate over a period of several months.

    We’ll talk more about a survey that was conducted on this below.

Are the gains from Bathmate permanent?

As far as permanent gains, the Bathmate Hydro will definitely give this to you.

In a survey conducted on April 2020, most Hydro users report size gains after 2 months.

As long as you use it on a consistent basis, which basically means every day or every other day, you will see results.

You really just need to be consistent with it, but if you are, those temporary gains will indeed become permanent.

Can I see permanent gains by just using the Bathmate Xtreme, or do I need to combine it with PE exercises, Pills, Extenders, etc. to get the best results?

The simple answer to this is, yes. 

By just using the Bathmate Hydro Pump Xtreme and nothing else, you should definitely see increases in both length and girth.

HOWEVER, if you do combine it with an extender like the Phallosan Forte, or manual exercises like jelqing, you will likely see faster results.

Vigrx plus and Phallosan Forte
^ The Phallosan Forte and Vigrx Plus

I also recommend taking a supplement like Vigrx Plus along with the use of the bathmate for a couple of reasons:

1.)  What good is having a bigger penis if you can’t hold an erection?

2.)  The improved blood flow will mean MORE sex, MORE frequently

3.)  I seemed to have noticed considerably larger erections combining the two.

Watch this short video below to learn exactly how the Bathmate works:

how the bathmate works youtube video

Click Here To Visit the Official Bathmate Website

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Use Bathmate With An Erection?

This is another common question I get.

To be honest, If I were you and you had ABSOLUTELY no experience with penile enlargement (whether it be extenders, exercises, whatever), I would say for the first few weeks you should use the Bathmate Hydro pump Xtreme with no erection at all.

After those 3 weeks have passed, I would then progress to using it with a partial erection, so somewhere in the range of 50 – 70% but no greater.

During the first month, I would say you should only use it for about 10 – 15 min., max.

After the first month, I would suggest you use a full erection because it works REALLY well when you have a full erection.

That’s basically when you get the full pressure around the veins, and as a result you start to see results much faster.

Can I Use It If I’m Uncircumcised?

Yes.  While I am not uncircumcised, I’ve done plenty of research on it and I’ve read threads on countless guys that are uncircumcised and used the Bathmate successfully.

Should I Get The Bathmate Or Just Do Exercises?

Personally speaking, I would combine the Bathmate Xtreme with exercises for a number of reasons.

If you do jelqing and stretching and use the Bathmate AFTERWARDS (only about 10 minutes) you will definitely see much better results.

Also, because the Bathmate has a focus on helping with girth gains more then length gains, I think it’s pretty necessary to jelq to help you get the length gains you’re looking for.

Bathmate Recommended Usage

Use the Bathmate for up to 15 min. a day, broken down as follows:

1.) Pump for 2-3 minutes, followed by a 2 minute massage.

2.) Repeat for a maximum of 2 more times.

3.) Do not exceed 15 minutes of total pumping time in a 24-hour period.

4.) Do not use the pump while erect.

You would do this every day that you use the Bathmate, and only take off on doing the exercises on the days you don’t pump.

Again, you can probably do alright with just getting the Bathmate itself, but I highly recommend the use of exercises as well to get the biggest bang for your buck.

Click Here for my free “Enlargement Exercises” ebook, which details jelqing as well as other manual techniques you can use for enlargement.

Should I Buy All of The Accessories With The Bathmate or Just The Pump?

This is entirely up to your personal preference.

I used mine in the bathtub, so I didn’t see the need to have a shower strap, cleaning towel (I have my own towels), lubricant (can just use Vaseline), or carrying case (I don’t plan on bringing this to my parents house for the weekend 🙂

That being said, if you don’t have a bathtub than I would definitely recommend that you at LEAST order the shower strap to go along with it.

bathmate shower strap

Can I Have Sex Or Masturbate After Using the Bathmate Xtreme?

In general, I would say yes.  You should have no problems having sex or masturbating after using the Bathmate.

I actually kind of encourage having sex afterwards because you will tend to feel meatier and heavier, and your partner will probably be pleasantly surprised.

Can the Bathmate cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Absolutely not.

Does it help with ED?

Absolutely.  Whether you have a condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or have even had prostate removal surgery, it can DEFINITELY help in this department.

It’s really all about blood flow.  The more blood flow you have, the better your erection quality.

It’s that simple.

Because decreased blood flow is often a common cause of ED, the Bathmate works to reverse this by improving the overall blood flow throughout the penis.

It does this because you’re essentially “exercising the penis” each and every time you pump.

Using The Bathmate To Get (and KEEP) An Erection

Alternatively, you can use the Bathmate to help you create a somewhat “artificial erection”.

What I mean by that is, instead of obtaining an erection the typical way (i.e. physical stimulation), you would use the Bathmate.

Instead of pumping for the typical 10 – 15 min. that you would if you were looking for size, you would simply pump until you achieved a full erection.

Once you reach a full erection, you would take the pump off and place a penis ring to the base of your penis.

ring with bathmate for sustained erection

The ring will help to essentially “trap” the blood in the penis, allowing for a sustained erection.

You can pick up a cheap ring on eBay or the Adam and Eve website, check out the following below:

Adam and Eve –

Are there any side effects with the Bathmate?

The ONLY side effect that I noticed was a bit of skin discoloration, almost like a black and blue mark.

There was no pain from it, but it definitely did not look right.

I researched it a bit more and it looks like this is a very common problem, and is likely caused from over pumping.  But not to worry, this is not permanent, and the discoloration will go away over time.

What’s The Difference Between The Bathmate and A Regular Air Vacuum Pump?

Air based pumps and water based pumps (like the Bathmate) work basically the same.

HOWEVER, water based pumps distribute the pressure more evenly then air pumps, which causes less “edema” build up.

Edema is basically a fancy word for the accumulation of fluid under the skin.

Air pumps tend to have an unequal amount of pressure that is not evenly distributed.

With air pumps, typically you need to use some sort of lubricant.

With water based pumps, you don’t.  This makes for an easy cleanup.

Can I Use A Traditional Acrylic Air Pump in Water?

You can.  However, the construction and durability of air pumps are made to withstand air pressure, and not necessarily that of water.

This may cause the air pump to break, which may also void any guarantees or warranties.

Can I Travel With It?

Yes, it does come with a handy-dandy carrying case.  HOWEVER, I can’t promise that this won’t happen to you should your bag get opened at customs 🙂

How Long Do I Have To Use It For?

It really depends on your commitment to using it.

If you are consistently using the Bathmate Xtreme everyday, then I would say your best results will probably be in the 2 – 4 month range.

You can use it for longer, but you’ll start to see that you may actually be getting TOO big for the device and may need to step it up a notch and order the Goliath version.

Like I mentioned previously as well, you should only use it for about 10 – 15 minutes per day.

How big can I get?

While the official website doesn’t actually state how big you can get with the Bathmate, generally speaking you can see size gains of as much as 1 – 2 inches in girth.

There are literally DOZENS of reviews from other guys on the Bathmate website that talk about their size gains, here’s just a few of them:

Note: You can read all of the reviews directly on the Bathmate website here.

bathmate real testimonial

bathmate real review - matthew

paul j bathmate results

You may also see length gains of as much as 1 inch, but the Bathmate is primarily a girth driven device.

My Personal Results

my personal results with the bathmate explained

Strapping something like this onto my penis was by far one of the weirdest feelings I have ever experienced.

I got the Bathmate Hydromax X30 thinking that I would probably use it once and then not feel comfortable using it again, but I was wrong.

I filled up my bathtub and tried “warming up” a bit before I got started, which is something the manufacturer recommends.

Warming up really just means sitting in the tub with warm water for a few minutes prior to use to get the blood flowing, which I don’t even really do anymore.

Starting Size (*This is how big I was before starting w/ Bathmate)

  • Length = 6.5″ (or about 16.51 for you Euro guys)
  • Girth = 5.5″ (or about 14 cm for you Euro guys)

Weeks 1 – 2

In my first session, I submerged the pump under water and, just like the directions said to do, placed my penis into the open end and pushed against my groin area.

I pumped VERY slowly at first because I had heard of some guys doing it to fast and ended up breaking the damn thing.

I could feel the pressure gradually building and when I felt like there was a sufficient amount (maybe 90% vacuum pressure?), I let go….

It definitely felt a little weird at first. 

I could see my penis start to get bigger, albeit a bit slowly, and finally reached partial erection after 30 seconds or so.

I sat there in the tub for about 3 minutes and then decided to release the pressure.

At the top of the cylinder there is a little switch/valve that you press that instantly shoots the water out.

I looked down at my penis to make sure it was still there and not deformed and saw no issues.

So I again followed the procedure above, and massaged my penis for 2 minutes.

Bathmate recommends that you only use it for a maximum of 15 min., so I figured 10 min was enough.

I took a quick length and girth measurement to see if there was any noticeable size gain, and I found that I had gained about 1/4 inch in length and just over a 1/4 inch in girth.

Several hours later I decided to do another quick measurement, and noticed that the size gain I had achieved had actually gone away.

I was back to my original size, but honestly wasn’t surprised.

I continued using it every day for about 2 weeks, taking off only one or two days the whole time.

After those two weeks I had actually gained about 1/2 inches in girth and 1/4 inch in length, but this time it appeared permanent.

I would show you guys before and after pics, but this is supposed to be a family friendly site and don’t think it’s responsible to do that here.

At the end of the first 2 weeks, my total gains were as follows (consecutive):

  • Length: 1/4″ (0.63 cm)
  • Girth: 1/2″ (1.27 cm)

And here was my overall size (cumulative) at the end of 2 weeks:

  • Length = 6.75″ (17.14 cm)
  • Girth = 6″ (15.24 cm)

Weeks 2 – 4

Continuing on the above regiment, I pumped with the Bathmate everyday for around 10 – 15 minutes.

Instead of taking measurements everyday, I decided to only measure once a week every Sunday evening.

To my surprise at the end of Week 3, I noticed I had gained just under another 1/4 inch in girth, and a slight increase in length.

Now I was getting excited.

By the end of Week 4, I had gained an additional 1/2 inch in girth, and just under 1/4 an inch in length.

While the length gains were minimal (but still noticeable), the girth gains were out of this world!

At the end of the month, my total gains were as follows (consecutive):

  • Length: 0.25″
  • Girth: 0.50″ (so about 3/4 of an inch, or 1.9 cm for you Euro guys)

And here was my overall size (cumulative) at the end of the month:

  • Length = 7″ (17.78 cm)
  • Girth = 6.5″ (16.51 cm)

Weeks 4 – 8

At the beginning of month #2, I was completely surprised at the progress I made the previous month.

It only provided more motivation to pump on consistent basis, and even tempted me to increase the pumping time to 30 min. (which I didn’t do BTW)

I simply followed the same regiment that I did in the first month.

I pumped almost everyday, typically taking off 1 – 2 days a week (usually the weekends).

Instead of taking a measurement at the end of each week, I decided to wait until the end of the month.

After weeks 5 – 6, I could DEF tell that I was getting even bigger, even without taking measurements.

My girlfriend at the time (now wife) could also notice the difference.

She commented several times after sex that I just felt so much more ‘full’ and ‘hard’, and was certainly impressed to say the least!

At the end of the month, it was measurement time. (Drum-roll please…)

Here were my total gains after 2 months:

  • Total Length: 3/4″ (1.9 cm)
  • Total Girth: 1.5″ (3.81 cm)

And here was my finishing size at the end of 2 months:

  • Length = 7.25″ 
  • Girth = 7 inches!

I was absolutely floored at my results with the Bathmate.

I had gained just under 1 inch in length, and slightly over 1.5 inches in girth!

I mean, I figured I would see some changes…

With that said, I wasn’t expecting a growth of 1.5 ” in girth!

Click Here to visit the official Bathmate website.

Which One Should I Get?

This is probably the most common question I get.  So if you visit the official Bathmate website, you’ll see 3 different versions available:

  • Original Bathmate
  • Hydromax X-Series
  • Hydromax Xtreme Series

Fortunately, the people over at Bathmate have made it easy to determine which one to get.

Bathmate Original – The original version is basically your cheapest option, and will get you solid results.

It comes in two different sizes (Hercules and Goliath), and you can determine which one to get by looking at their chart below:

bathmate hercules vs goliath

Click Here to visit the original Bathmate website.

If you’ve used ANY pump in the past (either air or water based) then you should choose one of the more advanced Bathmate Versions.

They have both the X-Series and the Xtreme-Series, with the difference between the 2 being primarily about pumping power.

For example, the X-Series uses a higher suction rate than the original version, but the Xtreme-Series uses up to 35% more suction power, allowing for increased gains.

Personally speaking, if you can afford it, I would go with the Hydromax Xtreme Series.

It’s MUCH easier to pump because of the handball pump that comes with it.

What does this mean?

Well, instead of manually pushing the pump up and down to build up suction, all you have to do is use the handball pump and it does the rest for you.

It also has up to 35% more power than the original Bathmate, as well as a measuring gauge, cleaning kit, water based lubricant, and a comfort insert pad.

Just like with the original, the X Series provides a handy chart you can use to determine which size to get:

bathmate x series size guide chart

Click Here to see the X-Series page.

and so does the Xtreme Series:

bathmate xtreme series size guide

Click Here to visit the Xtreme Series page.

Where Should I Buy It

You’ll find the Bathmate Xtreme sold on a number of different retailers, including Ebay, Amazon, and even in some local stores.

My advice is that if you are considering on buying it, that you buy direct from the manufacturer at

There’s a lot of fake versions of the Bathmate out there, and when I originally tested out the first version of it they were literally the only ones.

Now, due in part to overseas counterfeiting, there are numerous fake versions floating around on the internet.

They basically repackage a similar looking device in a fancy box, call it a bathmate, and then sell it for dirt cheap.

The main problem with this is that many of these fake versions are made of cheap material, and either break very easily or start to leak.

By break I mean that the rubber portion on the bottom (referred to as the gaiter), will literally fall off.

Without the gaiter there is no suction, and without suction, you will not see any results.

Another problem with ordering a Bathmate (or counterfeit Bathmate) is that the customer service that you’ll get from the company you buy it from will literally be non existent.

They have no legal boundaries in countries like Thailand, China, and others that offer any sort of customer refunds or cancellations, and in many cases they wont even return your emails.

The ones you’ll find on eBay are often sold by guys that used it in the past and are just looking to get rid of it.

I don’t know about you, but I would find it pretty disgusting to be sticking my thing in another Bathmate Xtreme that someone else was using haha.

My Recommendation

I can say with 95% confidence that if you are truly looking to increase the size of your penis, then the Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme is right for you.

Of course it will yield different effects from person to person, but there is enough about it to give me good faith that it is going to have a good effect on just about anyone who tries it out.

It’s one of the only pumps on the market that truly DOES work, and backs that by offering a 60 day iron clad money back guarantee.

I’ve used the Bathmate in the past, and it is one of the ONLY devices that I’ve used that actually did produce permanent results from daily usage.

In fact, that claim is supported by the results of a survey conducted in April of 2020, where most users reported size gains after 2 months.

Always be careful, exercise caution and if you experience any discomfort or pain then stop right away and see about what you may possibly be doing wrong.

Visit the official Bathmate site here:

Have You Used The Bathmate Xtreme?  Leave Your Review Below!

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