Roaring Tiger Max Review – Does It Work?

Roaring Tiger Max Overview

A reader recently asked me to look into a product called Roaring Tiger Max. It’s a daily male enhancement supplement that promises to provide better erections, more stamina and improved performance, better orgasms, and a temporary gain in penis size. The company behind it is Roaring Tiger, and they’ve been in the male enhancement supplement business for quite a while. Their reputation is kind of spotty, so we set out to determine two things for this review. First, is the product any good, and second, can the company be trusted?

The company website unfortunately doesn’t contain much information about the Roaring Tiger Max product itself. It just basically states the promise that it increases blood flow to the penis for better erections, and that by taking it, you’ll have more satisfying orgasm due to an increase in sexual sensitivity.

Roaring Tiger Max ReviewRoaring Tiger Max Ingredients and How They Work

Since the Roaring Tiger Max web page doesn’t contain any details regarding the formula, we tried to track that information down wherever we could. We eventually found an incomplete list on a review website. While we cannot verify the authenticity of this list, here’s what we found:

LJ100 which is basically Tongkat Ali. Tongkat Ali increases the amount of free testosterone in your body. It does this by binding itself to SHBG, or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. SHBG tries to bind itself to testosterone molecules, causing them to be ineffective. So when Tongkat Ali binds itself to SHBG, it prevents it from binding to testosterone.
L-Arginine which increases the amount of nitric oxide in your body which opens up blood flow to the penis for better erections.

Instructions are to take 1-2 Roaring Tiger Max capsules each day. If you are planning a sexual activity, take 2. Otherwise, take just 1.

Roaring Tiger Max Pros and Cons

Advantages of Roaring Tiger Max

  • The ingredients are said to be all natural.

Disadvantages of Roaring Tiger Max

  • There is very little information provided by the company website.
  • It would seem that in the past, there were lots of complaints about the Roaring Tiger’s customer service. They used to offer a free trial which lead people to unknowingly sign up for monthly billing.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Roaring Tiger Max through the Roaring Tiger website. A one-month supply of 48 pills sells for $39.95 with discounts for buying multiple bottles at once.


There’s just not enough information to recommend buying or using Roaring Tiger Max. There’s a lot of competition in the male enhancement supplement game, which means that it’s a buyer’s market. When a company withholds information that other products provide, they’re putting themselves at a disadvantage. That, and the negative customer service reputation, make Roaring Tiger Max a product we don’t recommend.

Customer service goes a long way in reflecting the true integrity of a product and unfortunately, the lack thereof is usually far more than enough for me to indicate that the product in question whether it be Roaring Tiger Max or any number of similar supplements.

Have You Used Roaring Tiger Max? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

NO2 Blast and T-90 Xplode Review


What is NO2 Blast
What is T-90 Xplode
Our Problem
What Are Your Options
User Reviews

Lean muscle in a bottle?  6 Pack Abs in 1 Month!  I keep seeing this same headline popping up all over Yahoo and other news feeds, and it always leads me to the same place.  The ad, which features a headline screaming “The Rock Loves Early Morning Workouts”, leads you to an article that talks about these 2 supplements that ALL of the major Celebs are using.  This supposed “article” in Men’s Life and Fitness brags about a miracle stack of supplements called No2 Blast and T-90.

The meat and potatoes of the article goes into how various A-list celebs are using this stack to get insane results, shedding as much as 40 lbs of fat and gaining 20 lbs. of muscle in less then a month.  It also chronicles the monthly transformation that one of their chief editors, a guy who gos by the name of Bryan Stevens, and his amazing results with these two supplements.

However, there is a much more “seedier side” to this that most of you probably aren’t aware of.  Well get to that later, but let’s take a look at each of these supplements individually to get a better understanding of what they’re supposed to do.

What is NO2 Blast?

no2 blast reviewI have reviewed and tested literally DOZENS of pre workout supplements in the past, but have NEVER heard of NO2 Blast.  After a little bit of research, I found out that this supplement is relatively new to the market, and they claim it will “completely revolutionize the industry”.  Among other claims, they say that by taking NO2 Blast you can expect:

  • Increased Muscle Mass and Stamina
  • Extreme Fat Loss
  • Increase Energy and Endurance
  • Increased Libido

I see claims and advertising like this all the time when it comes to pre workout supplements.  Companies like Xtreme Nitro, Alpha Fuel XT, and Biomuscle XR make lots of claims like this, without usually backing them up.

Their sales page is littered with photo’s of ripped, jacked, young guys complete with their biceps bulging out and 6 packs so defined they rival even the best bodybuilders physiques.    “Sounds good, sign me up!”, you’re probably thinking, right?  Not so fast!   It’s important to first understand what is in the supplement before we can come to any conclusions, and here’s where things start to fall apart.

I searched far and wide for a list of ingredients in NO2 Blast, but unfortunately they have done a really good job of keeping them a secret.  Why you ask?  Well, they might be protecting their proprietary formula from competitors.  They could be putting synthetic ingredients in their pills which may be illegal.  They could even be putting sugar in their pills and calling it the next best thing to sliced break, we simply don’t know.

Click Here Now to see one of my top pre workout picks, Nitrocut.

Fortunately, I reached out to my visitors and asked around to see if anyone had ordered it AND if they could see pictures of the labels of both of these supplements.

It turns out that the ingredients in NO2 Blast are the following:

  • L-Arginine A-AKG, L-Arginine A-HCL, and L-Arginine A-KIC
  • Dicalcium Phosphate, Dipotassium Phosphate, and L-Citrulline

Click here to see a picture of the label.

There’s nothing really “revolutionary” about this supplement.  Many of these same ingredients can be found in literally HUNDREDS of other pre workout supplements, albeit in different dose amounts.

If you’re looking to find NO2 Blast in stores, you’re gonna be a bit out of luck.  I checked with all of the local retailers near me, including GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and others, and none of them carry it.  For now, it appears the only place you can buy it is on their official website.

What is T-90 Xplode?

t-90 xplode reviewT-90 Xplode is a testosterone boosting supplement, similar to supplements like Testofuel, Andro 400 and Test X180, that claims many of the same benefits NO2 Blast does above.  But, instead of being a pre workout (or post workout) supplement, it is rather a “testosterone boosting supplement” which promises to increase your free testosterone levels.  If you weren’t already aware, decreased testosterone typically starts at around the age of 30, and declines at a rate of 1% per year.

Symptoms include fatigue, decreased libido, increased fat retention, and muscle loss, amongst other ailments.  T-90 Xplode promises to change all of that with their unique and proprietary formula, and claims to start doing so within a matter of weeks.  Just like NO2 Blast, T-90 Xplode benefits include:

  • Unstoppable Energy
  • Reduced Body Fat
  • Staggering increases in sex drive
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increased confidence

They also claim that they have recently been seen on many major news outlets, including USA Today, Fox News, and CNBC.  However, when I reached out to the advertising and editorial departments of these publications, they said they never heard of them.  In addition, T-90 Xplode doesn’t list their ingredients list, which makes it very difficult for us to qualify it as a safe and side effect free supplement.

However, just like with NO2 Blast above, someone gratefully sent us a picture of the label.

The ingredients in T90 Xplode include the following:

  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Fenugreek Extract
  • Eurycoma Longifolia
  • Trimetyhhlxamine (basically caffeine)
  • Coleus Foskholii

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

Unlike NO2 Blast, this is actually a pretty decent ingredient profile for a testosterone booster, although the addition of caffeine into the product is pretty unusual.

Regarding side effects of T90 Xplode, I did a bit of research and found that MANY guys were reporting adverse effects like itching, sweating, and hot flashes.  There are some anecdotal reports that Eurycoma Longifolia is the culprit here, but that’s never been proven in a clinical study.

Click Here Now to see my top testosterone booster pick, Testofuel.

I also talked to the reps at GNC, Walmart, and Vitamin Shoppe about T-90 Xplode, and none of them have heard of the supplement.

Our Problem With These 2 Supplements

So now that we’ve given you a relative idea of what NO2 Blast and T-90 Xplode are supposed to do, we figured we would shed some light on some of the issues we have with them.  First off, that ad that you saw with the rock, which you probably expected to be some tips about working out early in the morning, is deceiving.  Deceiving in a way that you think you are going to a legit post by Muscle and Fitness, but instead leads you to some bogus page about these 2 supplements.

No big deal I guess, but let’s take a quick look at the supposed magazine editorial for a minute.  The first thing you probably missed was the fact that this is and advertisement.  “What do you mean advertisement?”, you’re probably asking yourself right now.  Well, if you look in the upper left hand corner just below the “Men’s Life and Health” logo, you will see something that says “Advertorial”.  Here’s a screenshot in case you missed it:

no2 blast and t-90 advertorial small

Another thing that makes it blatantly clear that this is an ad and not an actual Mens Health article is the fact that, no matter what link or part of the page you click on, you always end up getting redirected to the NO2 Blast website.  Check it out for yourself:

[vimeo 133501120 w=500 h=281]

I think it’s pretty clear that it’s not the legit Mens Life and Health website, but I just wanted to point it out to you.  Second, there is no reporter named Bryan Stevens that works for Mens Life and Health.  This is not the first time I heard that name tossed around, there are several other of these scams that said he used some miracle stack of supplements to completely transform his body (including Ripped Muscle X and Elite Test 360).

The Biggest Issue We Have

Apart from the fake article, and the fake story line behind “Bryan Stevens” miracle transformation, there is another HUGE problem we have with NO2 Blast and T-90.  When you go to click on one of the links that takes you to the 2 products, you’ll see that the buttons say “Claim Your Free Bottle”.  That would imply that you are getting a free sample of NO2 Blast and T-90 Xplode, right???  Well, not quite…

When you get to the official pages for NO2 Blast and T-90 for example, you are prompted to put in your shipping info.  Once you click submit, you are then taken to a page that asks you to put in a credit card number so you can pay the modest $4.95 shipping fee.  Not a big deal, right?  Well, if you forgot to scroll down a bit you will see the following for NO2 Blast:

no2 blast terms small

And this for T-90…

t-90 terms small

If you can’t read them very well, I’ll spell it out for you.  When you submit your credit card info to NO2 Blast, you have 14 days from the day you ordered it to try it out.  After those 14 days are up, THEY WILL CHARGE THAT VERY SAME CREDIT CARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $89.41!!

The same goes for T-90, relatively speaking.  With them, you also have 14 days to try the product, and if you don’t cancel, they will also CHARGE YOUR CREDIT CARD $82.61!!

I don’t know about you, but when I see the words “Claim Your Free Bottle”, I expect to get just that…a FREE bottle.  Not a period of time to use it, not “Oh let me spend $4.95 and then get charged some ridiculous price 2 weeks from now”…I expect, FREE!!

I’ve seen literally HUNDREDS of other supplements that pull this trick, including Megadrox and TestadroxSpartagen XT, and Blackcore Edge Max.

They pull you in with the allure of a free sample, when indeed nothing could be further from the truth!

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!!

What Are Your Options??

Well, if you have already ordered NO2 Blast and T-90, the good thing is you’re not completely screwed.  First, if you just ordered it and you are 100% sure you don’t want it after reading this, you can give them a call to try and stop the order.  They will probably tell you that it’s been shipped already, and that’s OK.  Once you do receive the bottles in the mail, which will probably be about 4 – 5 days after you order, immediately call them up and tell them you want to cancel.

They will try EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN to try to get you to extend you trial, or even buy it for a lower fee.  That decision is completely up to you, but if you like you can simply tell them (politely of course!) that you don’t want the product and that you intend on definitely sending it back.  They will issue you what’s known as an RMA, or Return Merchandise Authorization #, which you will have to label clearly on the outside of the return package.

Make SURE that you add delivery confirmation and tracking to your return order to be sure that they received the returned product, otherwise they will probably just throw it away and say that they never received it.

If you got here after the trial period has ended, you still have options.  First, don’t call them up and start screaming at them that you never signed up for it in the first place and ask for a refund.  This will likely get you nowhere, as their reps are very good at watching the TV or reading a magazine as you are shouting at them.

Instead, tell them that you will report them to your states attorney general office, as well as file complaint with the Better Business Bureau.  The threat that you will contact your attorney general is MORE then enough to have them refund your payment, AND you won’t even have to send it back. 


We see these fake ads and articles constantly.  It’s always some staff reporter called Bryan Stevens, it’s almost ALWAYS the fake media site “Mens Life and Health”, and it’s always the same runaround with the free trials.  The only difference is the products…they change on a continual basis, and we do our best to keep you up to date on all of the latest scams like this.

Whatever pretty face it may put on or what package it will disguise itself as, a scam is a scam and hopefully knowing what one looks like is enough to teach people what to look out for and avoid in the future.

The question on everyone’s mind is still probably, “well, does NO2 Blast and T-90 testosterone booster really work?”  Well, what do you think?  Would a respectable company that sells a legit product jump through hoops like they did above to try and get your business?  Or did they try to separate you from your money.

It is not unlike a laundry list of similar supplements to come and go that fell because of their shady business practices and overall lack of an effective product.

My guess is that both of these supplements will be long gone sooner rather then later, and many of you will be wishing you never ordered them in the first place.  Buyer Beware!!

Have You Used NO2 Blast and T-90 Testosterone Booster?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Bali Mojo Review – Safe and Effective?

Bali Mojo Overview

Lots of guys write to me asking about fast-acting male enhancement formulas. These are your “Viagra alternatives,” the ones that you take only when you’re expecting to need them. I totally understand the desire to find this elusive all natural alternative to the prescription stuff, but unfortunately, I haven’t really found many that live up to their promises and work as you would hope, safely and effectively. Lots of them just simply don’t work. And then there are the ones that contain hidden ingredients they don’t disclose. These hidden ingredients are actually the same ones found in the prescription medications, and this could cause serious side effects for guys who think that what they’re taking is a safe, all natural supplement.

The fast acting male enhancement supplement I’m looking at today is Bali Mojo. It promises that just 1 or 2 pills taken about half an hour before sexual activity will get you:

  • A major increase in libido.
  • A boost in your testosterone levels.
  • Increased semen volume and ejaculation power.
  • Harder erections.
  • A longer, thicker penis.
  • Stamina and endurance.

Bali Mojo ReviewBali Mojo Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredients listed on the package and the website are all natural and include:

  • Eurycoma Longifolia which increases the presence of free testosterone in your body.
  • Testosterone needs to be free in order to be useful.
  • Saw Palmetto which is an aphrodisiac that also supports the health of your prostate.
  • Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa which makes erections last longer.
  • Epimedium which increases blood flow to the penis for harder erections.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.
  • Cnidium Monnier which is an all natural aphrodisiac that increases nitric oxide levels.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases your body’s own natural production of testosterone.

But in early 2014, the FDA, in a routine check, found that Bali Mojo contains one of those undisclosed ingredients we were talking about earlier. In this case, it’s Tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis. Bali Mojo is still available however, so it is unclear whether or not this ingredient remains in the formula.

Instructions are to take 1-2 Bali Mojo capsules about 30 minutes before sexual activity. The results are said to last up to 3 days.

Bali Mojo Pros and Cons

Advantages of Bali Mojo

  • There’s a 12 month money back guarantee.
  • You only have to take it when needed, not every day.

Disadvantages of Bali Mojo

  • It’s been found to contain undisclosed ingredients. The problem with this is that some people can’t take this ingredient due to high blood pressure, a heart condition, or certain medications. Guys in this situation often turn to “natural” supplements when they can’t take the prescription stuff. If any of these guys takes Bali Mojo, there could be serious and dangerous consequences.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Bali Mojo online. A single pack of 10 capsules costs $40. If you buy 3 packs at the regular price, you’ll get a third one free. The money back guarantee extends to 12 months.


Unfortunately, Bali Mojo doesn’t change the story of fast acting male enhancement supplements. In this case, it was found that it contains an undisclosed prescription ingredient. It’s unclear whether or not the formula has been updated since the warning, but at this point, there’s no way to know for sure.

Have You Used Bali Mojo? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Enlarge Quick Review – Should You Use It?

Enlarge Quick Overview

Most male enhancement formulas come in the form of pills. Generally speaking, the ones that promise actual penis enlargement are taken every day so your penis grows over time. Enlarge Quick Extra Strength Liquid Male Enlargement is a little different in that it comes in the form of a liquid. The advantage here is that the ingredients begin to absorb into your blood stream almost immediately through your mouth, then continue the process quickly as the liquid moves through your digestive system.

Successful and speedy delivery is important, but what really matters is results, so let’s talk about what Enlarge Quick promises in terms of results. As the name suggests, the primary promise is that this formula will grow your penis. They say you will see up to 4 inches in length increase and that this length increase will actually be permanent. They also promise an increase in libido, stamina, erection strength, and performance ability, but the main reason for using Enlarge Quick is clearly the size gains. Next, we’ll look at what’s in that Enlarge Quick formula.

Enlarge Quick ReviewEnlarge Quick Ingredients and How They Work

The primary ingredient in focus is Yohimbe. What Yohimbe does is enlarge the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis during an erection. The more blood that flows into your penis, the bigger, harder, and stronger your erection is. The idea of permanent enlargement comes from the notion that if your penis is consistently being forced to hold more blood, it will grow to accommodate this increase. Unfortunately, this method of enlargement is unproven and pretty much thought to be false. Another thing to note about Yohimbe is that the FDA recommends against using it and some countries have banned it because it can cause some pretty serious side effects, mainly for people with high blood pressure or heart conditions.

Other ingredients in the Enlarge Quick formula include:

  • Epimedium for more increase in blood flow.
  • Cnidium Monnieri as an herbal aphrodisiac to boost libido.
  • Tribulus Terrestris to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone.
  • Ginkgo Biloba to improve circulation throughout the body and brain.

Directions for use are to ingest half a dropper-full daily.

Enlarge Quick Pros and Cons

Advantages of Enlarge Quick

  • It comes in the form of a liquid which has two advantages. People who have trouble swallowing pills can use it, and it absorbs more quickly.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It contains ingredients to increase blood flow for better erections.

Disadvantages of Enlarge Quick

  • It promises permanent penis growth which is just not supported by the evidence. Enlarge Quick can probably improve your erection and your sexual performance, but it won’t give your penis a permanent size increase.
  • It contains a significant amount of Yohimbe, which could be dangerous for some guys.
  • I haven’t been able to track down any Enlarge Quick reviews written by actual customers.

Where to Buy

Enlarge Quick is available online. A single 2 ounce bottle should last about a month and costs just about $50.


When a product’s primary promise is something that you know it just can’t do, it’s hard to get behind that product and choose it as a viable option, especially when there are so many others out there to choose from. Add in the fact that it relies on Yohimbe as its main ingredient, and I would not recommend using Enlarge Quick.

Have You Used Enlarge Quick? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Review – Does It Work

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Overview

Male enhancement pills generally fall into two categories. Some are there for you to take as you need it, a lot like the little blue pill. When you want a boost in libido and erection power, you pop the supplement and you’re good to go. Others are meant to be taken every day so they build up in your system, and you’re ready whenever the opportunity arises, so to speak.

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is in a whole other category completely. It’s mean to be used for just 30 days to fix what ails you. So if you’re feeling like your erections are weak, your libido is sagging, and your general virility is down in the dumps, take Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme for a 30 day cycle and you’ll increase your libido, achieve and sustain harder erections – basically, you’ll get your mojo back.

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme ReviewColossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Ingredients and How They Work

Although the marketing of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is a little different with its focus on the 30 day cycle, the formula is pretty familiar. There’s:

  • L-Arginine as a precursor to Nitric Oxide which dilates your blood vessels so more blood can flow through, helping you achieve better erections.
  • Horny Goat Weed which also increases blood flow to the penis through the mechanism of nitric oxide.
  • Yohimbe which maximizes blood flow to the penis is much the same way as Viagra. (You have to be careful with Yohimbe though. The FDA recommends against using it because it could potentially cause serious and dangerous side effects).
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases your body’s production of testosterone.
  • Maca Root which is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac from Peru.
  • Ginseng which increases energy.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which is yet another vasodilator for better blood flow to the penis.

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme instructions are to use it every day for 30 days, prior to sexual activity if you have that planned, or just once a day anytime if you don’t. They go on to say that you can use it for 90 days before cycling off for a week and starting a new cycle.

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme

  • It’s inexpensive.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The website provides complete product and contact information.

Disadvantages of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme

  • It contains Yohimbe which could be dangerous for some guys.
  • There are no Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme reviews from customers to illustrate how well it’s working for real guys.

Where to Buy

Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is available online through the Colossal Labs website and a number of other online retailers. The 30 day supply sells for about $22. If you buy straight from the website, you’re covered by a 30 day money back guarantee.


If you feel comfortable with taking Yohimbe, Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme looks like a good, affordable option for a short term sexual performance boost.

Have You Used Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Rizer XL Review – Should You Use It?

Rizer XL Overview

With the market as flooded as it is, a male enhancement supplement needs to have something really special about it in order to stand out. Some use flashy or racy websites. Some are recommended by doctors. Some are super cheap. The best have clinical studies backing up their claims. What Rizer XL uses to set itself apart is their promise of 10 direct benefits, which are:

  • Rock hard erections.
  • An end to premature ejaculation.
  • Bigger erections.
  • Herbal treatment of erectile dysfunction.
  • Increased stamina and endurance.
  • Mind blowing orgasms.
  • Increased ejaculate amount.
  • Supercharged libido.
  • Irresistible confidence.
  • Healthy prostate support.

Rizer XL ReviewRizer XL Ingredients and How They Work

Promises are one thing, and Rizer XL certainly doesn’t leave anything out on that front. But what really counts is whether or not this product can deliver. One of the best ways to figure that out is by taking a look at the formula. In the case of Rizer XL, that includes:

  • Niacin which opens up blood vessels to allow more blood to flow through, causing firmer erections.
  • Epimedium Sagittatum which increases libido and improves erectile dysfunction.
  • Hawthorne Berry which improves cardiovascular functioning.
  • Damiana which is an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Muira Puama which comes from the Brazilian Amazon and boosts sexual stamina.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which increases blood flow to the brain to energize the central nervous system.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases natural testosterone production.
  • Saw Palmetto to support prostate health.
  • Catuaba which is another Brazilian aphrodisiac.
  • Inosine which alleviates fatigue.
  • L-Arginine which increases nitric oxide which in turn increases the flow of blood to the penis for better erections.
  • Oat Straw which increases tactile sensitivity.
  • Sampro-Soy Isolate Protein which can increase ejaculate fluid, strengthening your orgasms.

Rizer XL Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rizer XL

  • The ingredients are all natural and explained on the Rizer XL website.
  • It’s a comprehensive formula, hitting all the male enhancement angles.
  • There are positive Rizer XL testimonials on the website.
  • There is a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Rizer XL

  • Ingredient amounts are not disclosed, and with as many on the list as there are, the worry is that they are each present in such small doses that they just can’t be effective.
  • There are no independent Rizer XL reviews from customers.

Where to Buy

Rizer XL is sold on the official Rizer XL website. A one month supply sells for $49.93, and you can save by purchasing supplies for multiple months at once.

Giving it a try might seem like a lot to ask for to many customers given the pricey one month supply, but if you wind up liking it then buying it in bulk is probably going to be your best bet of getting the most bang for your buck.


Rizer XL promises just about everything but the kitchen sink, and I’m sure you’ll get some benefit out of it if you choose to use it. But it just doesn’t stand out above the rest in terms of formula, reviews, or research. For that reason, I’ll say that Rizer XL isn’t your best choice.

Have You Used Rizer XL? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Brain Power Basics Review – Does It Work?

Brain Power Basics Overview

We talk a lot about how our bodies produce less and less testosterone as we age, making us weaker, softer, and less virile. But what about what happens to our brains as we age? Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia are scary to think about, but even if our issues don’t reach that level, we can all expect some degree of drop-off in mental capacity.

Dr. Daniel Amen is a renown research psychiatrist, and he’s put together a supplement system called Brain Power Basics that he claims can support and improve your brain health, short term memory, focus, sleep, and energy. Using clinically researched ingredients and combining them with the overall health and brain support of a multivitamin and fish oil, the Brain Power Basics system promises to improve the way your mind works.

Brain Power Basics ReviewBrain Power Basics Ingredients and How They Work

The Brain Power Basics system includes 3 different supplements, and each twice daily dose is packaged in a convenient pouch so you know you’re getting just what you need for optimal improvement. The three supplements are:

  • NeuroVite Plus which is a multi-vitamin and antioxidant blend which also includes enzymes to improve digestion. In total, it includes more than 50 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
  • Omega 3 Power which offers 1600 mg of Omega 3 Fatty Acids which have been shown in numerous studies to improve both brain and heart function.
  • Brain & Memory Power Boost which is the heart of this brain boosting system. It contains N-Acetyl-Cysteine – the powerful antioxidant, Phosphatidylserine to improve the heath of cell membranes, Huperzine A and Acetyl-L-Carnitine for neurotransmitter support, as well as Vinpocetine and Ginkgo Biloba to improve blood flow to the brain for better overall functioning.

As I mentioned, taking 1 Brain Power Basics packet twice a day will provide your brain with the healthy support it needs to continuing functioning in peak form as you move through the years.

Brain Power Basics Pros and Cons

Advantages of Brain Power Basics

  • It’s a brain-focuses daily nutritional supplement system that supports both brain and overall health.
  • It’s been designed by a psychiatrist based on his research efforts.
  • There are several positive Brain Power Basics reviews on Amazon.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Brain Power Basics

  • It’s expensive.
  • You have to continue taking it to maintain the benefits, and they ask that you try it for 6 weeks at least.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Brain Power Basics through Dr. Amen’s website. A 30 day supply comes with 60 individual packets and sells for $99. It’s also available through some third party websites for the same price.


It all sounds very scientific, but $99 is a lot to spend on your monthly supplements for the rest of your life. It’s good that there’s a money back guarantee, but it’s only for 30 days, while they ask that you try for at least 6 weeks to assess whether or not it works. If Brain Power Basics looks good to you, I recommend you try it for about 3 weeks before making your decision about whether or not to return it. You should have a fairly good idea by then.

Have You Used Brain Power Basics? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nitrean + Review – Worth the Price?

Nitrean + Overview

If you spend any time at the gym, working out at home, trying to build muscle, or trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to use a protein powder supplement. In other words, just about everyone can benefit from using a protein powder. The big question is “which one?” A lot of factors go into this choice. If you break it down to its most simple components, there’s price, quality, and taste, and then then you have to weigh those against your particular goals and needs to come up with the best overall choice in your case.

Nitrean + is made by Atlarge Nutrition. It’s hugely popular with serious body builders and it is in fact Atlarge’s best selling product. So we decided to take a look into exactly why this is such a popular protein choice.

Nitrean+ ReviewNitrean + Ingredients and How They Work

You may think “protein is protein,” so what does it matter? But it actually there are real differences. Most protein powders use mainly or only whey protein. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with that, but it’s not the whole story, and depending on how you use your protein powder, you may be missing out on some key benefits, mainly in terms of speed and efficiency of absorption.

Nitrean + uses 3 kinds of protein:

  • Whey which is fast acting. The benefit here is that the quick absorption allows it to get to work promoting protein synthesis very quickly. The drawback is the protein is not retained so the effect is not sustained. It also doesn’t prevent catabolism, which is the breakdown of protein.
  • Casein which is the other form of protein found in milk. It’s slow acting. It absorbs more slowly, has far better retention properties, and it both promotes protein synthesis and prevents protein breakdown.
  • Egg Protein lies somewhere in the middle between the other two. It’s got mid-rate absorption and it work both for synthesis and against breakdown.

A brief overview of the supplement facts, Nitrean + provides: 110 Calories, 23g protein, 1g fat, 3g Carbs – including 1g sugar.

Nitrean + Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nitrean +

  • It provides 3 different kinds of protein with different functions and absorption rates.
  • There are tons of glowing Nitrean + reviews out there on websites and in forums.
  • It’s received Men’s Heath’s Best Protein award 5 times.
  • Most people say it tastes pretty good.

Disadvantages of Nitrean +

  • It’s expensive.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Nitrean + online through the AtLarge Nutrition website. The cost for a 4 1/2 pound tub is $72.95.


For a lot of people, protein is protein. A simple, less expensive, decent tasting whey protein is good enough. But if you want to see what next generation protein can do, you may want to look into picking up some Nitrean +.

Nitrean+ is definitely a great source of protein, but it is more of a question of whether or not its high price tag is worth it when there are so many protein sources out there that are pretty great at half the price.

I can’t give it a full recommendation because of that, but I will say that it is a good source of protein and certainly won’t hurt when it comes to bulking up, but it might just hurt your wallet a little bit.

Have You Used Nitrean +? Leave Your Review Below!

Real Man Male Enhancement Review – Does It Work?

Real Man Male Enhancement Overview

You might say that testosterone is the key to being a man. But the problem with saying that is that our bodies produce less and less of it as we get older. So our “essence of manhood” peaks at 18 years old and goes steadily downhill from there? That can’t be right. Unfortunately, in some ways it is. While we may get wiser, more mature, and more able to handle life situations as we age, we also get fatter, softer, slower, and less able to please our partners.

In the past, there were only two options to fight against this tide. You could go to your doctor for supervised injections or gel hormone replacement. But this options isn’t really available to everyone. It’s reserved for guys with actual testosterone deficiencies, not just guys who wish they had more juice. Or you could go to the black market and get injectable anabolic steroids to boost your levels that way.

Now there’s a third option in the form of testosterone boosting supplements. They use natural ingredients to work with your body, helping it to produce and access an increased amount of testosterone. Real Man Male Enhancement is one of these natural supplements.

Real Man Male Enhancement ReviewReal Man Male Enhancement Ingredients and How They Work

What’s different about Real Man Male Enhancement is that is comes in the form of a liquid. The advantage here is that presumably the ingredients are absorbed more quickly so they can get to work faster. Unfortunately, Real Man Male Enhancement doesn’t tell us what those ingredients are, so we have no way of knowing if they do any good even when they are absorbed quickly.

So while Real Man Male Enhancement tells us that it’s 80% more effective than pills, that it increases your size and stamina, and makes you feel like a “real man,” there are absolutely no facts to back that up.

Not only are there no facts to back up that Real Man Male Enhancement can boast those effects, but there are without a doubt zero facts to support that just about any male enchantment option is actually going to increase your penis size unless it is paired with a good extender or exercises that are practiced routinely and safely.

Real Man Male Enhancement Pros and Cons

Advantages of Real Man Male Enhancement

  • It comes in the form of a liquid, which would make it beneficial for someone who can’t swallow pills.

Disadvantages of Real Man Male Enhancement

  • No ingredients list is provided.
  • There are no Real Man Male Enhancement reviews even though it’s sold on Amazon, where most products have lots of reviews.
  • There’s no indication of how long a bottle will last.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Real Man Male Enhancement through A bottle costs $29.95, but since there’s no information on how to use it, we don’t know how long a bottle will last.


With no ingredients and no reviews, you’d basically be buying Real Man Male Enhancement blind. With so many good products out there willing to disclose all their information, why would you buy something you know virtually nothing about?

Have You Used Real Man Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Throb Male Enhancement Pills Review – Does It Work?

Throb Male Enhancement Pills Overview

Judging by the name of the product and the statement on the bottle calling it an “All Natural Male Enhancement Aid” it’s pretty clear that Throb Male Enhancement Pills are supposed to actually be used to improve a man’s sexual performance. And it this would be true. Mostly. Most of the marketing claims for this product available through Amazon imply an improvement in your bedroom performance. But if you read the entire product page, you’ll see that Throb Male Enhancement Pills can also be used as an excellent pre workout pill as well. Is this some great new hybrid product that turns you into a superman in all areas of life? Or is this just a case of marketing overreach, trying to catch as many guys as they can in their very huge net? I have my opinion, but I’ll let you read on for a few minutes to let you draw your own conclusions.

The benefits promised by Throb Male Enhancement Pills are:

  • Size increases with hard work and regular use.
  • Explosive results.
  • Increase in testosterone levels.
  • Increased energy and focus
  • Lean Muscle Mass increase.
  • Fat Loss.
  • Great pre workout supplement.

These are not really specifically male enhancement benefits for the most part. Usually we see talk about libido, erections, and endurance, but there’s really none of that here.

Throb Male Enhancement Pills ReviewThrob Male Enhancement Pills Ingredients and How They Work

The next step is to look at what the ingredients tell us about what Throb Male Enhancement Pills can do. There’s:

  • Tongkat Ali for increasing free testosterone.
  • Niacin for better blood flow.
  • L-Arginine also for better blood flow through the pathway of increased nitric oxide.
  • Ginseng for increased energy.
  • And a proprietary blend a herbs, mainly with aphrodisiac properties.

So the ingredients list mainly supports a male enhancement purpose. L-Arginine is present in lots of pre workout formulas too, but I don’t see this as enough to support its pre workout claim.

Throb Male Enhancement Pills Pros and Cons

Advantages of Throb Male Enhancement Pills

  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s affordable.

Disadvantages of Throb Male Enhancement Pills

  • The marketing is jumbled and misleading, calling it a male enhancement product, then sort of throwing out all sorts of mixed up benefits it’s supposed to provide.
  • While there are some favorable Throb Male Enhancement Pills reviews on Amazon, there are also several stating that it does absolutely nothing.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Throb Male Enhancement Pills on The one month supply sells for $21.99 and comes with a money back satisfaction guarantee.


It seems reasonable to believe that you really can never tell about a supplement until you try it yourself. But when you’ve been researching and taking supplements as long as I have, you learn to get a pretty good idea from the marketing material what kind of product you’ll likely to be dealing with. Judging by the lack of clear focus in this one, I would not recommend Throb Male Enhancement Pills.

Have You Used Throb Male Enhancement Pills? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

SwollEZ Review – Should You Buy It?

SwollEZ Overview

To say that natural testosterone boosters have become pretty popular these days would be a huge understatement. The market for these pills has soared and so has the number of different products trying to fill the growing need. There are a few different reasons for this surge. For one thing, with health care costs growing more out of control each year, people are looking for alternatives. For another thing, advances is science and research has made these supplements better and better to the point where people are actually finding they can rely on them. But even with all this technological advancement, there are some products that just don’t cut it.

Today, we’re looking at SwollEZ to see if it’s one of the better natural testosterone boosting options or one of the duds. You’ll find it for sale at Amazon for a pretty good price, and it makes all the familiar promises of increased energy and muscle mass as well as a boost in libido and sexual performance. There are lots of very favorable SwollEZ reviews to be found. So the next thing we do is examine the formula.

SwollEZ  ReviewSwollEZ Ingredients and How They Work

The SwollEZ label includes ingredients such as:

  • Epimedium Sagittatum which increases blood flow for better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles during workouts. It also provides the benefit of sending more blood to the penis for better erections.
  • Tongkat Ali which increases free testosterone by disabling SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which would otherwise bind to testosterone, making it unusable.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports the health of your prostate.
  • Wild Yam which supports a healthy hormone balance.
  • Orchic Substance which is thought to increase testosterone.
  • Boron which has been shown to increase testosterone.

Instructions are to take 2 SwollEZ capsules per day and you should start seeing results in a few weeks.

SwollEZ Pros and Cons

Advantages of SwollEZ

  • It’s very affordable to try.
  • The formula is fairly complete.
  • There are lots of positive SwollEZ reviews on Amazon.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a 100% money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of SwollEZ

  • The reviews on Amazon are almost too good. You’re probably aware that not all Amazon reviews are written by real customers. I don’t know for sure, but given the extremely favorable tone of almost every review, I have my suspicions.
  • The ingredients are listed, but the amounts are not. For this price, it may be that the levels are too low to have any real effect.

Where to Buy

You can purchase a one month supply of SwollEZ on Amazon for $14.95. That’s on the very low end of the pricing scale for this kind of product. There’s even a money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.


SwollEZ looks like a pretty standard issue natural testosterone booster. The ingredient profile is pretty good, but we don’t know how much of each ingredient is used, so we don’t know if they are at effectie levels. The price, however, is so low that there’s really very little risk in trying it. So if you keep your expectations on the low side, you may find that SwollEZ is just what you need.

Have You Used SwollEZ? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Sustain Male Enhancer Review – Is It Safe

Sustain Male Enhancer Overview

If you’ve read many of my reviews of male enhancement products, you probably know that I’m not a big fan of the fast acting, take as you need pills. I prefer the kind of results I get from taking a dose each day, so I’m prepared and ready for anything. I see the benefits of a take only needed pill though, and I completely understand why someone would be drawn to them.

Sustain Male Enhancer is one of those take as needed options, and it’s available through Amazon. Let’s take a look at what it promises, and what we think it might deliver. Then we’ll be able to come to an educated conclusion about whether or not it’s something you want to use.

Sustain Male Enhancer promises to be an all-natural, safe, and effective male enhancement, testosterone, and libido booster that helps you get better erections, increased control, and quicker recovery. It even lasts 3-4 days at a time. It also promises not to cause headaches, like the prescription brands can do.

Sustain Male Enhancer ReviewSustain Male Enhancer Ingredients and How They Work

There is a list of formula ingredients provided on the Amazon website. In a GMP Certified lab, they use:

  • Ginkgo Biloba for improved blood flow throughout the body.
  • Ginseng Root Extract for a libido and energy boost.
  • Eurycoma Longfolia to increase free testosterone for better desire and performance.
  • Epimedium for better blood flow.

The amounts are proprietary, but the amount of everything combined is 510 mg, which is actually quite a small dose. The recommended use is 1 to 2 capsules about half an hour before sexual activity.

Sustain Male Enhancer Pros and Cons

Advantages of Sustain Male Enhancer

  • You only have to take Sustain Male Enhancer as needed, which can be more convenient than having to take a pill or two every day.

Disadvantages of Sustain Male Enhancer

  • There are lots of Sustain Male Enhancer reviews that talk about headaches and stuffy noses. This is the primary reason I don’t usually recommend fast acting male enhancement supplements. Over the years, the FDA has conducted random formula tests and found that many fast acting supplements are using undisclosed ingredients that require a prescription to use. These “all natural” supplements may actually contain the active ingredient in Viagra, but just not tell you. This can be dangerous because there are some people (mainly those on medication for a heart condition) that cannot safely use these ingredients. A discussion with their doctor will illuminate the situation, but if the customer is unknowingly using the ingredient, he could get very ill and not know why. I do not know that Sustain Male Enhancer contains any of these ingredients, but there are indications that it may. The active prescription ingredient in Viagra causes headaches and stuffy noses, and Sustain Male Enhancer does too. Most purely natural male enhancement supplements do not.

Where To Buy

Sustain Male Enhancer is available through Amazon. A 10 capsule package costs $37.95. You can also get a 4-Capsule Trial pack for $17.


Sustain Male Enhancer may work perfectly fine for you, but I wouldn’t risk it. The disclosed formula looks pretty weak, so if it’s working, and it’s causing side effects, that’s enough of a red flag for me to recommend that you try something else instead.

There is also somewhat of a lack of information about it and considering that its ingredients are nothing to write home about and there are potential side effects that are unfavorable, it simply is not worth it.

There are a lot of other male enhancement supplements that do what this one promises much better and quite frankly I would take a hard pass and check out another one.

Have You Used Sustain Male Enhancer? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

LongerecXX Review – Should You Use It?

LongerecXX Overview

Most guys, if they’re being honest, will admit that they wish they had a little more to offer in the penis department. They want more size. It doesn’t matter if he’s average, smallish, or even big. Most of us want bigger. Companies know that, so they offer us products that claim to give us just exactly what we want. Enter LongerecXX. This is a product available on Amazon. It’s a liquid that comes with an eye dropper dispenser that promises to be more effective and deliver better results than pills, and at a better price. With LongerecXX, you’ll quickly and easily gain inches in both length and girth, or so they say. We are very skeptical of products that make these kinds of claims. So we took a closer look, and we’re ready to share what we found.

LongerecXX ReviewLongerecXX Ingredients and How They Work

Well, it turns out we didn’t find much at all. LongerecXX talks a lot about what it can do. It’s absorption rate is 80% instead of the 20% you get with pills. It heightens your sex life. It makes sure you can please your partner over and over again. It increases the size of your penis “rapidly yet gradually” so you won’t fall down due to lack of blood to your brain…. or something like that.

If you’re noticing a little sarcasm, you’re right. I am being sarcastic. LongerecXX makes these silly claims and comparisons, but backs them up with nothing. They don’t even tell you what’s in this stuff. Not one work about the ingredients that go into the formula.

LongerecXX Pros and Cons

We like to give every product a fair shot. Some of them we try out ourselves. Some we research and come to an educated opinion of what you can expect. So in all our reviews, we like to list what we find that’s good and what we find that’s not so good, so we know we’re getting a clear picture of the product.

Advantages of LongerecXX

  • None.

Disadvantages of LongerecXX

  • No ingredients are listed.
  • It promises penis growth, which it cannot deliver.
  • They talk about how LongerecXX is 80% more effective but don’t show or even cite the evidence.
  • There are complaints in LongerecXX reviews where customers say it’s nothing more than water and it doesn’t even come with instructions.

Where to Buy

LongerecXX appears to only be available through Amazon. The bottle costs $30, but we don’t know how long it will last.


LongerecXX seems to be nothing more than snake oil. I would just skip right over it if I were you.

Have You Used LongerecXX? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

AlphaMALE XL Review – Should You Use It?


My Personal Results
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

The bad news is that there are a lot of negatives associated with getting older. You get tired more easily, you get fat, your muscle turns to mush, you get cranky, you even lose interest in sex. A lot of this can be attributed to the natural decline in testosterone levels that occurs as you age. The good news is that there’s something you can do about it. If your issues are serious, you may talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy. But if you’re like most guys, it’s not that serious, but you still want help. That makes you a candidate for a natural testosterone booster. There are tons of them out there, and we’ve got reviews on a substantial amount. The one we’re looking into today is called AlphaMALE XL.

AlphaMALE XL (not to be confused with Alpha Fuel XT, a totally different supplement) is advertised not only as a testosterone booster, but also an over the counter viagra alternative. According to the sales pitch, not only will you see a tremendous boost in libido, but you can also gain up to 3 inches of permanent size increases after using AlphaMALE XL for only 60 days.

That’s pretty amazing if you believe it.

So let’s take a look at this magical formula and see if it’s got what it takes.

alpha male xl reviewAlphaMALE XL Ingredients and How They Work

The list of the ingredients in the AlphaMALE XL formula is pretty standard fare. You’ll find:

  • Horny Goat Weed which increases nitric oxide which is a vasodilator so more blood flows to your penis for better erections.
  • Maca which is an ancient Peruvian aphrodisiac
  • Mucuna Pruriens which is also an aphrodisiac to boost your libido.
  • Yohimbe Bark which increases blood flow to the penis for better erections. It’s also been recommended against by the FDA because if its potential to cause serious side effects.
  • Saw Palmetto which is thought to improve prostate health.
  • Muira Puama which is yet another herbal aphrodisiac.
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide so it helps increase blood flow to the penis.
  • Ginseng which also improves blood flow and increases energy.

The recommended dose is 2 AlphaMALE XL pills taken once a day. If you want faster results, you should take 2 pills twice a day.  Click Here top see a photo of the label.

My Personal Results From AlphaMale XL

So I decided, in the interest of fairness and at the request of one of my readers, to give Alpha Male XL it’s fair try and see if it really does work as well as they say it does.  I took it EXACTLY as the directions explained, and have to be honest, I didn’t really notice anything.  After a couple of days I felt like MAYBE I felt a bit of an increase in sex drive and performance.

But as far as size, I did NOT notice any changes.  The makers of AlphaMale XL state that they’ve noticed their product only works for about 80% of men, so I guess I fall into the 20% of men it doesn’t work for.

AlphaMALE XL Pros and Cons


  • The formula is pretty comprehensive for a performance enhancement pill.
  • It’s pretty cheap.
  • Theres thousands of positive customer reviews.


  • I didn’t see much in the way of results.
  • It promises permanent penis growth which just isn’t possible from a pill.
  • The amounts aren’t given so there’s no way of knowing if they’re using effective doses.
  • It contains Yohimbe which can be dangerous for some, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or take other medications.
  • It’s only available online.

Where to Buy

AlphaMALE XL does not appear to have an official website, but it is available through The 1 month supply costs about $31, and includes free shipping and is backed by the Amazon price guarantee.  Also, I noticed that in almost every single negative review posted on Amazon, the retailer offered a full 100% refund to anyone who didn’t get a favorable response from it.

This is something VERY rare in the industry, and I actually applaud them for being so upfront with their customers.

I called a few local retailers like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe, and none of them said that they carry the product.


I’m a bit torn on Alpha Male XL…on the one hand their are literally THOUSANDS of 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon.  On the other, it’s hard to tell whether or not these reviews are actually legit.  Some are so glowing that it’s hard to believe it worked as well as it did, and some are so brief that it’s tough to tell what facet of their life it actually helped them in.

As far as my personal results, I didn’t see much if anything.  Was there a bit of an increase in energy?  Maybe.  Did I experience a boost in sexual desire and libido?  A little bit I guess. But did I grow 3 inches in 60 days?  Absolutely NOT.

If you’re looking for penis enlargement, you won’t get that from any pill, despite what some, including this one, will tell you. If you’re looking for performance enhancement, AlphaMALE XL might actually be able to help. Just be careful with the Yohimbe. Take a half dose to start, assess your tolerance, and go from there.

Have You Used AlphaMALE XL? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance Review – Does It Work?

Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance Overview

Some bodybuilders are known to have very complicated supplement routines. They put a lot of time into their workout routines, and it seems like they spend a near equal amount of time figure out which supplements to take when, how to cycle them, and when to switch things up. These are definitely not “low maintenance” guys. But not everyone is like that, and there’s lately been a push by some back to simplicity.

When it comes to workout supplements, Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance, fits right in with the goal of simplicity. It’s nothing fancy, just what works. Just core ingredients, proven to be effective, with no bells and whistles added to muddy up the waters. So let’s take a look at what those core ingredients are and whether or not Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance may be on to something good.

Tier 1 Preworkout Performance ReviewTier 1 Preworkout/Performance Ingredients and How They Work

There are only four ingredients in Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance. Two are for providing your pre workout energy, and two are there to improve your general strength and performance.

  • Caffeine is the most common stimulant used in both pre workout and fat burning supplements. The dose in Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance is fairly low, so you won’t feel jittery or be set up for a crash.
  • L-Tyrosine is also for providing energy. It works synergistically with the caffeine as a precursor to adrenaline and dopamine.
  • Creatine is included for its value to improving athletic and strength performance. Taken every day, it builds up in your system and causes your muscle to have more energy. This allows you to lift harder and longer, leading to better overall results.
  • Beta Alanine is also included for its performance aspects. When your body is saturated with Beta Alanine, you produce enough carnosine, which increases strength and endurance of your muscles by reducing muscle fatigue.

It’s recommended that you take Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance with water about half an hour before your workout. On non-workout days, you should make sure to take creatine and beta alanine to keep your levels steadily up. You can do this by taking Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance, or by using a bulk source instead.

Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance Pros and Cons

Advantages of Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance

  • It contains no fillers.
  • It’s reasonably priced.
  • It contains both pre workout and performance ingredients.
  • Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance reviews from customers are mainly positive.

Disadvantages of Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance

  • It’s advised that you use another source of creatine and beta alanine on non-workout days.

Where to Buy

Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance is available online. A one month supply sells for just under $30.


In this world of marketing hype, it’s definitely refreshing to see a product that basically says, “Here’s what’s in it. Take it or leave it. Simple as that.” Add to it the fact that the customer reviews are so overwhelmingly positive, and Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance is a product worth trying.

Have You Used Tier 1 Preworkout/Performance? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout Review -Does It Work?

Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout Overview

If you’re health conscious at all these days, you no doubt know about the push toward eating clean for better health and fitness. After years of back and forth about which is the cause of the obesity epidemic in US – fat or sugar, it turns out the culprit is more likely to be food technology. If you want your body to be in the shape it’s meant to be, you need to eliminate all the junk and processed garbage that most of us eat on a daily basis. Get back to natural, clean, healthy food prepared in a natural, clean, and healthy way. And if you carry this philosophy through all aspects of your life, you need to include the supplements you take as well. Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout claims to fit into this philosophy better than any other product.

Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout promises all the benefits of the pre-workout you’re currently taking, but without artificial ingredients, fillers, or dangerous substances. You’ll achieve clean energy for your workout with no crash, more muscle endurance, increased mental focus, delayed muscle fatigue, and quicker recovery after intense exercise. And in addition to all of this, the clean ingredients of Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout help support proper weight management and a healthier body composition.

Pure PUmp Natural Pre Workout ReviewPure Pump Natural Pre-Workout Ingredients and How They Work

The bulk of the Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout formula includes Vitamins and Amino Acids. Some of the highlights:

  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant that improves cellular energy production in conjunction with the B Vitamins.
  • Acetyl -L-Carnitine increases the production of energy within your cells while it fights against free radical damage.
  • Beta Alanine helps to synthesize carnosine for greater muscle endurance and delayed muscle fatigue.
  • BCAAs (or Branched Chain Amino Acids) which improve muscle recovery after workouts.
  • L-Arginine which increases blood flow during exercise for better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.
  • Creatine which increases ATP which improves short term, fast twitch muscle strength.
  • L-Citrulline which converts to L-Arginine to help boost NO levels.
  • B and C Vitamins to support energy.
  • Caffeine for energy, mental clarity, and focus.

Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout is certified Paleo and certified Vegan and contains no sugar, salt, starch, wheat, yeast, gluten, corn, soy, milk, shellfish, or preservatives.

Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout

  • It’s safe for just about anyone to take, regardless of their sensitivities.
  • The vast majority of Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout reviews I’ve seen have been favorable, saying that it really works.
  • It’s one of the few options for people who want only clean, natural ingredients in their pre workouts.

Disadvantages of Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout

  • According to most reviewers, it tastes pretty horrible. It’s unflavored, so it’s advised that you take it with juice or a protein shake to mask the flavor.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout online. A 30 day supply costs about $40.

This is a fairly reasonable, if average price for a pre-workout solution and is not too bad.


By most accounts, Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout works. So if you are trying to maintain a clean, healthy diet and you need a pre workout formula, definitely give this a try. Just make sure you realize that it’s unflavored, so you’ll probably want to mix it with something tasty, but clean, like apple juice or a fresh fruit flavored protein shake.

If you are sensitive to or are not a big fan of stimulant heavy pre-workout supplements then you may have a hard time dealing with Pure Pump because of the caffeine but it is not in such a high dose that it will have your heart racing from what I can tell.

Have You Used Pure Pump Natural Pre-Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout Review

Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout Overview

The two most important things most guys want from their pre workout powders are energy and pumps. Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout claims to provide them as well as other key elements that will take your workouts to the next level and beyond. Using a few key complexes, Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout makes the mind-body connection necessary for pushing through every workout, getting you the best results. Customer reviews are generally very favorable, so let’s take the next step by looking at whether or not the formula has what it takes.

Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout ReviewEvlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout Ingredients and How They Work

When explaining the ingredients, Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout divides it up into 3 separate matrices:

The Mind-To-Muscle Matrix is there to help you achieve the will that’s necessary to achieve great success. It includes:

  • Pikatropin (a proprietary ingredient) which supports mood, cognitive function, and blood flow to the brain.
  • Huperzine A which supports concentration and focus so when you’re training, you’re completely present.
  • Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine which provides a source of choline for higher brain functioning.
  • Caffeine to provide energy and delay fatigue till after your workout.
  • Choline Bitartrate to support muscle and brain activity.
  • L-Tyrosine to support focus and enhance mood.

The Strength and Endurance Matrix for optimal performance includes:

  • Beta Alanine which delays muscle fatigue so you can work harder and longer, and supports recovery so you can do it all again tomorrow.
  • Creatine which supports muscle energy and fast twitch muscle action so you lift more, gaining better results more quickly.
  • Agmatine Sulfate to help produce nitric oxide so you get better oxygen and nutrient delivery to your muscles and better pumps.
  • Betaine which supports muscles strength during your workout.

The Vitamin Complex which includes:

  • Niacin for increasing carbohydrate metabolism for greater energy.
  • Vitamin B6 to support protein synthesis and metabolism.
  • Vitamin B12 to help turn carbohydrates into energy and improve endurance.

The recommended dose is one scoop mixed with water, taken about 15 minutes prior to your workout. Because of the caffeine, it’s not recommended that you use Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout if you’re hoping to go to sleep within 4 hours.

Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Advantages of Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout

  • Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout reviews from customers are overwhelmingly positive, saying the energy is clean with no crash.
  • It comes in Blue Raz, Green Apple, Orange Dream, Watermelon, Fruit Punch, and Furious Grape.
  • You can get it for pretty cheap.

Disadvantages of Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout

  • Some reviewers complain that they really didn’t get the energy they were looking for.
  • The amount of caffeine is not disclosed.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout online or at GNC. At GNC, a 30-serving tub sells for $37, but you can find that same tub online for $30.


My biggest problem with Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout is that they don’t tell you how much caffeine it has, so it’s tough to get an idea before trying it how much energy you’ll feel. With that said, the reviews are good, so I would say Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout is worth trying.

It’s worth noting that Evlution Nutrition Leanmode, which is their fat burner, is HIGHLY rated on several 3rd party sites.

So you know it’s backed by a reputable company.

Have You Used Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout? Leave A Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix Review – Does It Work?

Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix Overview

Muscle Pharm has been making supplements for this community long enough to know just what its customers want. When it comes to a fat burner, we want it all. We want energy without jitters. We want several fat burning mechanisms. We want an end to cravings. We want motivational support. And we’ve probably tried about a million other supplements before getting to this one. So Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix had better be good. The promises definitely are. Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix promises to be the most powerful fat loss system on the market with its unique 8 Stage Fat Loss System that uses multiple energy pathways to mobilize and use stored fat as the body’s primary source of fuel.

Promises aside, the customer reviews I’ve seen are very mixed, so let’s dive into the formula and see what we can find.

Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix ReviewMuscle Pharm Shred Matrix Ingredients and How They Work

The formula’s focus is on the 8-Stage Weight Loss Proprietary Blend which includes:

Stages 1 & 2: Energy and Fat Metabolism.

  • This stage several different forms of caffeine as well as Green Tea Leaf Extract and Cayenne Pepper.

Stages 3 & 4: Appetite Balancing and Weight Management Control.

  • This stage uses White Kidney Bean Powder, Glucomannan, and Raspberry Ketones.

Stage 5: Anti-Stress Mood Balancing Matrix.

  • This stage uses Ginseng Root Powder and Griffonia Simplicifoloia Seed Extract for its mood enhancing 5-HTP content.

Stage 6: Brain Power Matrix

  • This stage uses Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Vinpocetine to improve cognitive function.

Stage 7: Diuretic Complex.

  • This stage uses Uva Ursi and Dandelion Root Extract to combat bloating and water retention.

Stage 8: Sugar Stop and Enzyme Aid Matrix.

  • This stage uses Apple Pectin, Amlase, Lactase, Diastase, Peptizyme SP, and Glucoamylase to improve digestion.

Instructions are to take 3 Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix capsules twice a day, once before breakfast and once before lunch. You shouldn’t take it within 6 hours of bedtime if you want to sleep.

Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix Pros and Cons

Advantages of Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix

  • There are plenty of favorable Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix reviews from customers who saw results quickly.
  • It fights fat through s different pathways.

Disadvantages of Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix

  • Since the ingredient amounts are proprietary, we really have no idea how much caffeine each serving contains, which is could be a problem for people who are caffeine sensitive.
  • It’s expensive to use over time.
  • There are lots of negative reviews saying that it doesn’t work or that it gets you pretty wired or that they didn’t feel a thing.
  • You have to take 6 capsules a day.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix online or at GNC. At GNC, a 20 day supply of 120 capsules goes for $42. Online, I’ve seen that same amount for less than $25.


I wouldn’t expect much in the way of results from Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix. It looks like it works well for some, and not at all for others. If you can get it at the cheaper price, I’d say it’s probably worth giving a shot. Who knows? You might be one of the lucky ones.

Have You Used Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Alpha JYM Review – Does It Work?

Alpha JYM Overview

Testosterone is the most important male hormone for feeling your best. You need it for energy, for lean muscle growth and maintenance, fat loss, and sex drive. Basically, you need it to be a man. Problem is that you lose it as you you age. For that reason, a testosterone booster is an excellent dietary choice. They’re meant to jump start your body’s natural testosterone production process and put you back on top of your game. I’m always on the look out for a great testosterone booster. If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’ve seen just how deceiving a t-booster can be, depending on the brand. Whether its flashy marketing or a no-gain formula, it can be frustrating to find one to meet your needs. Let’s take a look the Alpha JYM formula and see how it does.

Alpha JYM Ingredients and How They Work

Alpha JYM caught my eye because the brand seemed to be very concerned with the idea of proper dosing and full disclosure. That’s important as many testosterone boosters out there will make big promises but cut you short on the proven dosages needed to achieve the full effect. In keeping with the company philosophy of full dosing and full disclosure, Alpha JYM lists all of the ingredients and amounts. That means there’s no guesswork, which is common with proprietary blends.

Alpha JYM ReviewFenugreek Extract (1,000 mg per serving)

  • Alpha JYM plainly lists the potential benefits of Fenugreek Extract on their website, which includes boosting the body’s natural testosterone production by increasing free and available testosterone levels. It is also is said to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and DHT. The problem with the first claim is that it is unfounded. No current studies exist to support the idea that Fenugreek is a potent testosterone booster.As for Fenugreek blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT, it has been shown to do just that. What you are left with is an ingredient that is going to be a potential troublemaker. Since it doesn’t promote testosterone production but does block DHT, a testosterone by-product, it is opening the floodgates for your estrogen to be left unchecked. DHT, while receiving a bad name due to its association with hair loss, is a necessary androgen as it helps to regulate your estrogen levels. When estrogen increases in your body and testosterone decreases, you will begin to notice undesirable side effects such as the dreaded “man boobs.”

Ashwagandha Extract (1,000 mg per serving)

  • Used within many libido boosters, Ashwagandha is one of the few natural ingredients that has shown promise as a testosterone booster. Ashwagandha is a shrub that has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years. Hosting an impressive resume with its antioxidant properties, this extract has been demonstrated to prevent oxidative damage to the cells that produce testosterone.In fact, one study showed a 17% increase in testosterone production over the course of 90 days. (“Clinical Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of the Root Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Oligospermic Males: A Pilot Study” November 2013. Para. 1)

Damiana Extract (1,000 mg per serving)

  • Again, another shrub that is more commonly found within libido enhancers, Damiana has been a hot topic ingredient in the supplement industry as of late due to its reported estrogen blocking properties. Although studies are lacking, evidence is slowly growing to support the idea of Damiana as an estrogen stabilizer. One study involving mice showed positive results with Damiana significantly suppressing aromatase activity. (“Anti-aromatase activity of the constituents from damiana (Turnera diffusa))” December 2008. Para. 1) Damiana has also been shown to promote healthy levels of nitric oxide, which makes it ideal for increasing libido and enhancing workout performance.

DIM (500 mg per serving)

  • Found within super vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, Diindolylmethane, or DIM, features a number of anticarcinogenic properties. This supplement has become newsworthy in the realm of cancer research and, more recently, for men looking to boost their testosterone. Although studies are difficult to come by, DIM has been reported by users to be an excellent estrogen reducer. Essentially, DIM takes strong estrogen and converts it to weaker forms of estrogen to do less damage.

Eurycoma Longfoli (200 mg per serving)

  • Also referred to as Tongkat Ali, Eurycoma Longfol is a native tree to Malaysia and Thailand. Like many of the ingredients on this list, Eurycoma Longfol is found within many libido boosters. One of the few trusted testosterone boosting supplements, Eurycoma Longfol has the science to back it up. It has been shown to increase testosterone levels. Several studies have shown that t-levels improve significantly when adding in Eurycoma Longfol to a healthy supplement plan. (“Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects” 26 May 2013. Para. 3)

Quercetin (500 mg per serving)

  • Found in red wine, Quercetin does something remarkable with testosterone; so much so that the World Doping Agency is considering adding the tableside alcoholic beverage to the list of banned substances. The Quercetin found in red wine helps to prevent testosterone loss by blocking signals to excrete the free testosterone in your body. Several studies have confirmed this and there is even a warning for women who thoroughly enjoy a glass a night. For men, this news couldn’t be better but you can avoid the extra calories simply by taking it in supplement form.

How To Take Alpha JYM

One bottle contains 180 capsules. Assuming you follow the instructions as stated, Alpha JYM provides a full month supply. You are recommended to take 3 capsules twice per day. On training days, take one hour before your workout and another in the morning or night. On non-training days, follow the simple one in the morning, one at night method.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha JYM

  • Very cost effective ($30 per bottle plus shipping and handling)
  • No mystery label: The ingredients and amounts are fully disclosed and explained
  • It works on all aspects of boosting testosterone, including production, freeing it up, and keeping it from converting to estrogen.

Disadvantages of Alpha JYM

  • Includes the ingredien Fenugreek Extract, which has been shown to block DHT, an estrogen stabilizer
  • Sold through second party websites; therefore a traditional money back guarantee is not available
  • Quality, in-depth reviews are lacking

Reviews for Alpha JYM

Alpha JYM has received predominately favorable reviews upon the website. If you scan through these reviews; however, credibility may become an issue. A lot of these reviews seem to be from fan boys of Dr. Jim Stoppani, the man behind the product. One comforting discovery is that, like many marketing driven t-boosters, Alpha JYM does not have a collection of clearly biased and paid for reviews. The reviews you find, while low in spelling quality, present the idea of being genuine.

Where to Buy

The best place to purchase Alpha JYM is on the website. It is sold for $30 plus the cost of applicable taxes and shipping and handling.


Overall, Alpha JYM is worth a try. You have a testosterone booster that features six ingredients, five of which have impressive resumes. With a 2 month supply at only $30 (plus taxes and shipping and handling), you cannot beat this price. Even if boosting your age declined testosterone levels isn’t your priority, I believe that Alpha JYM would also be a great addition to any type of muscle building program. The natural formula will support healthy lean muscle mass in men.

The only thing that disappoints me with Alpha JYM is the use of Fenugreek Extact. It’s not enough to trust an ingredient that has been plastered on the message boards of bro science majors. You need to check the research and the fact is that there are no clinical trials proving the benefit of fenugreek for testosterone boosting. In fact, it may cause just the opposite as it blocks the production of the estrogen stabilizer, DHT. Thankfully, the dose of the Fenugreek Extract in this product is lower than if you were to take it as a stand alone supplement.

Considering the low cost and proven formula, I would recommend Alpha JYM to anyone looking to boost their testosterone or simply supplement healthy t-levels.


  1. Ambiye, Vijay R. “Clinical Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of the Root Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Oligospermic Males: A Pilot Study” November 2013. Web.
  2. Talbott, Shawn. “Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects” 26 May 2013. Web.
  3. Zhao, J. “Anti-aromatase activity of the constituents from damiana (Turnera diffusa))” December 2008. Web.

Have You Used Alpha JYM? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Shred JYM Review – Does It Work?

Shred JYM Overview

Over the years, I have probably tested about 70+ different weight loss pills, fat burners, and pre workout supplements. content/uploads/2014/04/pre
^ Small sample of some of the supplements I’ve tested

The first time I came across Shred JYM was actually the first time I came across the name Jim Stoppani.

I don’t follow too many (if at all) workout “gurus” on Twitter or Instagram.

Most of the time (like with Abs After 40), they’re simply pushing their product.

Sometimes, they’re posts are just straight up annoying. content/uploads/2014/10/instagram
^ Except Maybe These 🙂

This was actually NOT the case with Jim Stoppani, which was actually quite refreshing.

Jim Stoppani has a number of online fitness programs available on his website and, including:

He also has a broad supplement line that includes a pre workout supplement called Pre JYM, a post workout appropriately called Post JYM, and a testosterone booster called Alpha JYM.

Shred JYM is their fat burning and weight loss offering.

shred jym review

The claim is that when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise, you’ll see the fat come off, whether it’s for competition, those last few pounds, or whatever your goal is. So lets take a closer look at what goes into Shred JYM and how the product works.

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to read about my personal results.

Shred JYM Ingredients and How They Work

The Shred JYM formula feature 6 ingredients at fairly large, but well-tested dosages. They are:

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine (1.5 grams) to transport fat to the mitochondria where it’s burned as energy. This particular form of carnitine has the added benefit of containing acetyle groups which enter the brain and improve cognitive function, mood and energy. (Source)
  • Green Tea Extract (500 mg) to increase your metabolic rate which burns more calories and fat. Specifically, green tea extract contains large quantities of a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which prevents the breakdown of norepinephrine. Among it’s many important functions, norepinephrine keeps your metabolism fast and especially increases fat burn. (Read the study here)
  • Caffeine (200 mg) to release fat from you fat cells so it can be burned as fuel. Studies have also shown that caffeine increases your metabolism as a whole and total calories burned, especially when combined with Green tea. (Read that study here) Caffeine helps with fat lose by suppressing appetite, as well. Everyone’s favorite stimulant will also increase energy and brain functions, too.
  • L-Tyrosine (500 mg) works in conjunction with caffeine to increase alertness, energy, focus and mood. Primarily, this boost is a result of the increased levels of dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine that tyrosine causes. Each of these neurotransmitters work toward improving your brain function and mood. As far as weight loss goes, tyrosine also impacts the concentration of thyroid hormones which in turn speed up your metabolism. (Read the study here)
  • Capsimax (50 mg) is a patented form of capsaicin – the substance that makes hot peppers hot. Capsaicin has been shown through numerous trials to both suppress appetite and increase metabolism. (Read one of those studies here) The issue is that many people cannot tolerate the heat associated with the substance. To get around this, the makers of Capsimax ( created small capsules that each contain huge amounts of capsaicin. These tiny pods pass through your mouth, throat and stomach without touching your taste buds and are finally released in your intestines. This specialized delivery method not only gives you a larger-than-normal dose of capsaicin, but does so without any heat.
  • Advantra Z (20 mg) is a patented form of the popular weight loss supplement synephrine – an extract of bitter orange. Chemically related to the infamous ephedrine, synephrine is slightly less potent but also less risky. This patented form of the substance delivers it in a safe, effective dose that can be readily absorbed. Numerous studies have shown the synephrine is a powerful stimulant, fat burner and appetite suppressant. (Source)

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

shred jym ingredients label

How Shred JYM Works

These ingredients are designed to all work together in three distinct stages that ultimately contribute in improved body composition.

Stage 1:  Reduce the amount of fat your fat cells store.

Stage 2:  Get your fat cells to leave.

Stage 3:  Burn the fat off.

How does it do all of this?

Essentially, the blend of ingredients force fat to migrate out of your fat cells and into your mitochondria, where it can be burned for fuel. Once it’s there, the ingredients in Shred JYM increase your metabolism and not only destroy the fat, but use it to produce energy that improves your athletic performance.

How To Take Shred JYM

Something especially interesting about Shred JYM is that the serving size is an enormous four pills. While this may not seem like a great feature at first, it is designed that way to make sure that you are getting effective dosages of each ingredient.

Very often, supplements tout a long list of thoroughly studied ingredients to quickly gain your confidence.

This is actually VERY common in the male enhancement industry, even though the vast majority of the time they’re completely full of shit.

So what’s the big deal?

To cut costs however, these ingredients exist in ridiculously small dosages and as therefore incapable of producing the desired results. Most of the time, companies will use proprietary blends to get around this since this legal loophole means that they do not have to disclose all of the ingredient’s names or quantities.

A lot of times, people will see an ingredients list and recognize a formula that has proven to be great in other similar products, but that does not mean that it is in the right levels and concentration in the supplement in question.

As part of their company policy, JYM does not use proprietary blends and is very transparent when it comes to their ingredients. So, while throwing back four pills might seem like a hassle, you can be sure that those pills are actually going to do what they promise.

My Personal Test Results

I decided to try Shred JYM for one week just to get a gauge on how effective of a fat burner it might be.  I really only need to lose like 10 lbs. to reach my “fighting weight”, but figured it could possibly work well as a pre workout as well.

The directions on the label stats that you should take 6 capsules 1 time per day with or without food.

directions for shred jym

Since I’m particularly sensitive to caffeine, I NEVER go with a full dose the first time around.

Typically I’ll cut the dose in half (3 capsules in this case), but since it contains SO many other stimulants, I pushed that down to just 2 capsules on day 1.

Here are my general Shred JYM results:


You can definitely feel a kick off of Shred JYM, especially with a 4 capsule dose on an empty stomach.  The energy boost seems to last a few hours and then starts to wear off, which is probably the reason why they recommend you take it 2 – 3 times per day.


I did feel an increase in focus / concentration, especially during my workouts.  But it wasn’t anything more then a potent caffeine pill might do.

Appetite Suppressant

The one huge thing I noticed was that my appetite was way less then normal, which I can attribute to the cayenne pepper.

Side Effects

The only side effect I noticed was a little bit of insomnia if I took it too late in the day.  They recommend you don’t take any 6 hours prior to bedtime, and I recommend you heed that warning.  That said, Shred JYM contains about 500 mg of green tea extract, which may be a problem for some if they decide to take it on an empty stomach.

Weight Loss

After about a week I noticed I had lost about 3 lbs., but I’m not sure if it was water weight or fat.  I definitely looked “leaner”, and fit into board shorts that I haven’t fit into in a couple of years.

Shred JYM Reviews From Other Customers

The majority of reviews on Shred JYM are positive, with customers saying that it helped them to lose weight quickly and increased their energy. As with any supplement, it seems like there are some non-responders out there who saw no benefits, but Shred appears to work for most people.

For example, on the average rating was 8.6 out of 10 stars as of this review.

shred jym review rating on bodybuilding

The positive Shred JYM reviews report things like increased energy for workouts, suppressed appetite, and increased focus.

Here’s a few of the positive experiences:

shred jym positive review 1

shred jym positive review 2

Of course, there are those that mentioned they didn’t see any effect whatsoever from the pills.

Here’s a few of those:

shred jym negative review 1

shred jym negative review 2

By and large, the vast majority of positive reviews overwhelms the negative ones.

Many of the same sentiments were shared on other sites, including GNC.

The average rating for Shred JYM on GNC was 4.4 out of 5 stars, actually making it one of the most highly rated hardcore thermogenics on their site.

shred jym reviews on gnc

Related Article:  11 BEST Fat Burners At GNC

Shred JYM Side Effects

Very few user reported any negative side effects from taking Shred JYM. Those that did have complaints, seemed to have encountered the issues one would normally expect from this type of supplement. Namely, skin flushing, increased body temperature, jitters and stomach discomfort.

Because of the side effects, you should never exceed the maximum recommended daily dose and if you feel as though you are starting to experience any ill effects, monitor them closely and get in touch with your doctor if need be.

This is likely a result of all of the stimulants they’re pumping in to the Shred JYM ingredients list.

Shred JYM Warnings

They do make a number of warnings pretty crystal clear on their label, including things like:

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dose.
  • Avoid combining with other caffeinated / stimulant beverages or sources.
  • Refrain use after 8 weeks.
  • Don’t take it within 6 hours of bedtime, maybe more if you’re especially sensitive to caffeine.
  • Consult with your physician prior to using Shred JYM.

Shred JYM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Shred JYM

  • It uses 3-Stage fat loss plan so your fat comes off most efficiently.
  • The Shred JYM reviews are very positive.
  • It’s less expensive than most JYM products.
  • JYM is a highly reputable company.

Disadvantages of Shred JYM

  • There’s no money back guarantee.
  • 8 capsules per day is an inconvenient dosage size.

Where to Buy Shred JYM

You can purchase Shred JYM through The 240-count bottle will last for 30 days, and costs about $35. Compared to most other supplements in the weight loss, fat burning class this is relatively inexpensive.

Outside of that, I haven’t been able to find Shred JYM for sale in any stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, or CVS.

Even the link of JYM’s company website brings you to This isn’t necessarily anything to be worried about, though. is a reputable store that generally has decent prices and Stoppani has been associated with them for a long time.

About Jim Stoppani and JYM Supplement Science

Jim Stoppani is one of the worlds most foremost leaders in fitness and wellness.

If you’ve ever done any research online on any fitness or nutrition topic, you’re likely familiar with Stoppani. The man is a renowned expert and the JYM line of supplements represents the results of his experience.

According to his profile on, Stoppani holds a doctorate in exercise physiology and a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut.

He’s written 1,000’s of articles and co-authored several notable books such as:

  • Stronger Arms and Upper Body
  • LL Cool J’s Platinum 360 Diet and Lifestyle

What about JYM Supplement Science?

What’s different about JYM Supplement Science is that they believe in full disclosure.

That means when you buy something from them, you’ll know just what you’re getting and how it works.

In fact, when you reach out to JYM for customer service the company website very proudly tells you that you know exactly who you’ll be dealing with: Dr. Jim Stoppani.

You can visit his twitter profile and see for yourself that he actually answers any product related questions himself.

I just went there and saw that he answered 2 of them today:

jim stoppani answers questions on twitter

Pretty cool, and something you don’t normally see from a supplement company!


In general, JYM is an excellent line of products created by a highly respected fitness and nutrition expert. The company as a whole practices a refreshing degree of honesty and the ingredients included in Shred have been tested in both the lab and the real world. As a whole this lends considerable credibility to Shred JYM.

What about the formula?

Looking more closely at the Shred formula, it’s actually pretty standard. What really makes this product unique, though, is that the unusually large serving size that make sure you’re getting dosages that will actually work.

The inclusion of designer forms of capsaicin and synephrine is also an interesting choice. While Capsimax could cut down on any unpleasant side effects associated with large capsaicin doses, the information is a little vague regarding Advantra Z and what makes it so special. This is necessarily a bad thing, but I’m not convinced that it’s totally needed either.

Biggest problem I have with Shred JYM

The major downside that keeps coming up in my research into this product is the serving size. Many people complain that it is simply difficult to take 8 to 12 pills every day. On the other hand, if the product works well for you it’s really not a terrible trade-off. Would you rather take two pills that do nothing or 12 that do exactly what you expected?

Ultimately, I see no reason not to give Shred JYM a try if you’re looking for a boost to your weight loss goals. In addition to helping you lose fat, several of the substances found in the supplement can help to improve your energy and mood which can always be helpful. Even though there is nothing really new or surprising in the ingredients list, that’s probably not a bad thing. The stuff packed into that handful of pills has been proven to work time and again. On top of that, Shred JYM is cheaper than many competitors.

Have You Used Shred JYM?  Leave Your Review Below!

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