GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Review – Does It Work?

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Overview

If you’ve ever gone to Amazon.com looking for a supplement, you know there are too many to count. Some are legit products that you can also buy in GNC or Walmart. (Not that that makes them necessarily effective, but it does give them some credibility as legitimate). And some others seem to be nowhere else besides Amazon. This is the case with GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout. It’s made by a company called BioBro, but we could find very little additional information on the product or the company. In this review, we’ll share with you everything we found.

The promise of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is that it’s the best pre workout supplement for building muscle fast. It starts working quickly to increase your energy and pumps so you’re pushing harder and getting better results.

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout ReviewGoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Ingredients and How They Work

This is where we ran into a little trouble finding information, and that’s because there is none. GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout doesn’t reveal its formula, not even the highlights. The closest thing we get to information is that it’s based on the formula of the original GoBRO2 with an added “O2 performance booster.” But without knowing what was in the original formula or what O2 performance enhancer they added, we’re really left knowing very little.

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Here’s where we lay out the good and the bad that we know about the supplement that we’re reviewing. A comparison of the two sides helps a lot when figuring out where we land.

Advantages of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout

  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout

  • We have no idea what’s in it.
  • We have no idea how many pills to take and when. There are 30 capsules in a bottle, but without knowing the recommended dose, we don’t know how long the bottle will last.
  • Even though its sold on Amazon, there are very few customer reviews (only 2, and they are favorable.)

Where to Buy

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is available at Amazon.com. A bottle of 30 capsules sells for $25 which is cheap if the bottle lasts the whole month. There’s a 100% money back guarantee.


We talk a lot about the fact that there are so many pre workout supplements on the market. The great thing about that is that none of us has to settle for something inferior, sketchy, or unknown. Judging from the lack of information out there, I’d say GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is all of those things, and because of that, we don’t recommend you bother with it.

Have You Used GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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The Curse Review – Should You Use It?

The Curse Overview

The Curse is a pre workout powder made by Cobra Labs. They say if you mix 1 or 2 scoops of this stuff with 4-8 ounces of water, about 30 minutes later, you’ll be heading to the gym ready to tear it to pieces. The promise of this stuff is everything you want in an energy packed pre workout:

  • Intense mental focus.
  • Massive energy increase.
  • Aggressive desire to push past your limits.
  • When you use The Curse, you Unleash Hell!

The marketing is definitely aggressive. Now let’s see if the formula follows suit.

The Curse ReviewThe Curse Ingredients and How They Work

One scoop of The Curse contains a 3,000mg Energizing Muscle Fuel Blend, a 1,000mg Blood Flow Amplifier Blend, and 147mg of the Mind Control Matrix. Here’s what goes into them:

  • Energizing Muscle Fuel Blend

 Beta Alanine for muscle endurance. This is what gives you that tingly feeling in your skin. What it does for your workouts is reduce the buildup of lactic acid so your muscle go harder for longer. (The label says that the tingly feeling “confirms successful DNA mutation” but it’s just the Beta Alanine.

Creatine Monohydrate which increases muscle energy so you push more weight and build more muscle.

  • Blood Flow Amplifier Blend

L-Citrulline and L-Arginine which increase the presence of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator which means that it opens up your blood vessels so more oxygen and nutrients make it to your muscles when they need it to keep going, keep pushing, and keep pumping.

  • Mind Control Matrix

Caffeine and Olive Leaf Extract to give you that energy and focus boost to help keep you motivated.

You can use 1-3 scoops of The Curse depending on how you’re affected.

The Curse Pros and Cons

Advantages of The Curse

  • It can be pretty inexpensive depending on how much you use.
  • There are lots of positive reviews for The Curse that talk about pump, focus, and taste.
  • The formula is well rounded for a pre workout.

Disadvantages of The Curse

  • Several people complain that the tingly feeling from the Beta Alanine is too strong, much stronger than in other products, and that the energy was too low.

Where to Buy

You can find The Curse through a few different online retailers. It comes in a bunch of different sizes. The 50 serving container costs about $30. There are several different flavors, including Green Apple, Lemon Rush, Tropical Storm, Watermelon, and Blue Raspberry Ice.


The Curse gets lots of great reviews and comes in at a good price point, so it’s clearly a solid pre workout choice. The only thing I would caution you about is if you’re someone who doesn’t like the Beta Alanine tingles, you’ll want to go with something else.

Have You Used The Curse? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Endurance Review – Does It Work?

Ultimate Endurance Overview

Sometimes it might feel like finding the right pre workout supplement is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There are so many choices, it can get a little overwhelming. In order to make it more simple, you might try breaking it down a list of benefits you want and then taking it from there. Some pre workouts include stimulants, some don’t. Some pre workouts include creatine, some don’t. Some pre workouts include post workout support. Some don’t. So start by figuring out what you’re looking for. Then, once you’ve got a more narrow set of options, you can choose something from there.

Ultimate Endurance is a pre workout supplement from Transform Nutrition. It was formulated by Dr. Ian Stern, an athlete himself, because he wanted something that could deliver long lasting, natural energy for better workouts for himself and his athletic patients. The main goal of Ultimate Endurance is natural energy with no crash. Let’s take a look at the formula and some reviews to see if he achieved it.

Ultimate Endurance ReviewUltimate Endurance Ingredients and How They Work

They call the Ultimate Endurance formula a “dual action energy and endurance blend.”

  • For the energy portion, there’s Yerba Mate, Vitamin B12, and Ginseng. Yerba Mate is basically a natural source of caffeine. They don’t say how much caffeine there is, but since they promote the fact that there’s no crash, there’s probably not much more than a single cup of coffee. Vitamin B12 is well known to provide a natural energy boost. Ginseng is also a natural source of boosted energy.
  • For the endurance portion, there’s Beta Alanine and Citrulline Mallate. Beta Alanine reduces lactic acid buildup in your muscles so you can work harder and longer without having to give up. Citrulline Mallate increases nitric oxide which widens blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to your muscles during workouts. This also helps you push yourself harder and longer without muscle fatigue begging you to quit.

Ultimate Endurance Reviews

Amazon is the major supplier of Ultimate Endurance, so there are plenty of customer reviews. They’re almost all positive, which may be a good thing, but is also a little suspicious because not all Amazon reviews are legit. Here’s what people have to say. I’d take it with a grain of salt:

“I took this product upon my daughter’s recommendation and LOVE IT! It provides a great kick of energy.”
“I have only been using these for 2 weeks and I love them. Nice to finally take something without all the side effects most of these other endurance supplements give you.”

Ultimate Endurance Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ultimate Endurance

  • There’s a lifetime money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The amount of caffeine is very low, so if you’re sensitive to stimulants, you should be fine.
  • Ultimate Endurance is vegan friendly.

Disadvantages of Ultimate Endurance

  • The amount of favorable reviews on Amazon may indicate that some of them are fake.

Where To Buy

You can purchase Ultimate Endurance on Amazon.com. The 90 capsule bottle sells for $28.05 and there’s a lifetime money back guarantee.


If you look at the price, the ingredients, the reviews, and the guarantee, it’s a pretty easy decision. Ultimate Endurance is probably not the best supplement choice for power lifters and serious bodybuilders. But for people who want the energy and motivation to stick with their fitness programs, Ultimate Endurance is a good choice.

Have You Used Ultimate Endurance? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Rhino 7 Review – Is It Safe and Effective?


What Does Rhino Pills Do To You?
My Personal Results
Did It Make Me Grow Bigger?
FDA Warning
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Strongest Rhino Pill?
Where can I buy it?
Pros and Cons
Note:  We are NOT affiliated with Rhino 7 in any way, and we were NOT paid to write this review.

Not to be confused with a totally different supplement called Purple Rhino, Rhino 7 is a fast acting male enhancement supplement that claims to support all the many facets of sexual performance.

Just one capsule as needed or every 7 days, and you’ll experience:

  • Better ejaculation control, maximizing the duration of everyone’s pleasure.
  • Increased ejaculate volume for better, more intense orgasms.
  • Increased penile thickness.
  • Rock hard erections on demand.
  • Maximized sexual confidence.
  • No headaches!

Sounds like everything anyone would want in a sexual performance enhancement supplement, right?

In fact, I would say that they are pretty much telling guys that Rhino 7 is a very effective over the counter viagra alternative.

So let’s take a look at the formula to see if it supports the claims.

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What Are The Ingredients In Blue Rhino 7?

The formula is a proprietary 1250 mg blend of ingredients that include:
  • Goji Extract
  • Deng Sen Extract
  • Atractylodes
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Dismutase
  • Cuscuta
  • Licorice
  • Condonopsis
  • Cordyceps Sinensis
  • Rubus
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Puereria Lobata
  • Superoxide Dismutase

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

rhino 7 label

I have to admit, the first time I saw this label I was like “WTF, I’ve never heard of practically ANY of these ingredients.”

Sure, some of them are familiar and are used in several of the male enhancement pills we’ve researched and tested.

But none of these on its own is powerful enough to make much of a difference.

These are all usually supporting ingredients, but no main event.

So it wouldn’t seem from this list that you’ll get much in the way of help from Blue Rhino pills.

The caution statement on the website includes that you should not take Rhino 7 if you’re using anything with nitrates in it, or if you have heart problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

These are warnings generally associated with prescription ED medications.


Update (8/28/2018):  See a full list of prescription medication interactions with the Rhino 7 ingredients here.

This, as well as the comments and reviews you’ll see towards the bottom of the page, leads me to believe they “might” be spiking the supplement with Sildenafil.

Of course, without actually testing the contents of the pills there’s no way to tell for sure that this is the case, but that is my nagging suspicion.

That being said, the reviews I see here on Amazon are very positive, with most consumers reporting increased erections, better sex drive, and lower instances of premature ejaculation.

From what I understand, Rhino 7 is not intended to give you some sort of increase in size, unlike the hundreds of other supplements (like Rock Hard, Titanax, and others) that claim to do so.

My Personal Results

After taking 1 capsule of Rhino 7 I can confirm that it DEFINITELY seems to contain an ingredient like sildenafil (active ingredient in Viagra).  Within 10 – 15 minutes of taking it I could feel alot hornier, and within 30 minutes I had a fully sustained erection without any stimulation.

Sex felt great on it, and I lasted normally then I longer do, which is normally pretty long to begin with.

However, like some of the others noted later on (like an hour or two later) I started to get a dizzying headache and sort of a blurred out vision.  This didn’t persist for more then a few hours but the effect was definitely noticeable.

One thing I will say is that I was ROCK HARD for like 3 days on this stuff, which was almost kind of annoying.  Imagine having a hardon when trying to do day to day tasks, tucking your boner into your pants and hoping it doesn’t just pop out unexpectedly.

If you think my boners were great on Rhino 7, you should SEE what they did while I was on Blue Chew.

blue chew review

Click Here to read my review of that one.

Did It Make Me Grow Bigger?

If you’re talking about strictly about erection size then yes, I did get bigger.

HOWEVER, if you’re talking about overall size then no, I didn’t get any bigger.

There are literally 100’s of supplements out there, including Evoxa, Xanogen, and Virectin, that promise ENORMOUS size gains.

And most of the time, nothing happens.

The truth is there really isn’t any supplement on its own, including Rhino 7, that will give you substantial gains in penis size.

I could definitely see, however, how pairing something like Rhino 7 with penis enlargement exercises could definitely pose significant gains as far as erections goes, but alas not permanent.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

However, you do have some options.

The first would be to combine Rhino 7 with a product called the Bathmate.

bathmate hydromax pump

The Bathmate is a water based penile enlargement pump that is REALLY easy to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 minutes per day, and it’s relatively inexpensive.

The great part about the Bathmate is you’ll quite LITERALLY start seeing size gains after your very first pumping session.

Of course in order to get permanent size gains you need to consistently use it over a period of several months, but it’s WELL worth it in my opinion.

Click Here to read my review of the Bathmate.

The other option is a extender device called the Phallosan Forte.

Phallosan forte review

While the Bathmate has a focus on girth (and to some extent, length), Phallosan Forte is a length-driven device called an extender.

I’ve personally gained 1.5 inches in length with the Phallosan Forte, and can say with relative certainty that it’s one of the BEST PE products I’ve ever tested.

I won’t get into any more details here, but Click Here to read my full review of the Phallosan Forte.

Lastly, an inexpensive alternative to these would be a product called Magnum Rings.

magnum rings review

Magnum Rings use the theory of “clamping” to create micro-tears in the tissue in the penis.

This is virtually the same process that products like the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte do, but in a different way.

However, Magnum Rings are WAY cheaper than either one of those.

Again, I won’t get into the details here because it will distract from the purpose of this article (Rhino 7).

However, click here to read my full Magnum Rings review to learn more.

Update (9/17/2017):  My Suspicions Are True

They ARE putting sildenafil in this stuff.

I just came across an FDA post which says that they tested it and lab analysis confirmed that they are illegally injecting the ingredient Sildenafil into their product.

If you weren’t already aware, Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra.

It’s dangerous to take sildenafil if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease, and there’s a reason you need to be properly evaluated by a doctor before taking it.

It’s not clear whether the FDA has issued a mandatory Rhino 7 recall, but I would imagine they will likely do so in the near future.

There’s another guy on Youtube who posted his results, and it seems like I’m not the only one who experienced the same results:
rhino pills review on youtube

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy it?

You can purchase Rhino 7 online. At Amazon, you can buy 6 pills for $36, and one pill sells for a staggering $8.50 (this includes the cost of shipping).

As far as I can tell it is not available in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens/CVS, but you might be able to find it in a local sex shop or gas stations like Shell, BP, Exxon, or Mobil (which is where most others seemed to have bought it).

In fact, the closest store near me that sells Rhino 7 is an Exxon gas station.

The Rhino brand also makes a bunch of other alternatives, including Rhino 69 5000 and 9000, Rhino 12, as well as Rhino platinum. You can find these relatively cheap on Amazon, with the average price being about $8 for one pill.

I have not had a chance to personally try those out yet, but I would suspect that they probably contain some illegal ingredients in them.

One other thing I would like to note is the prevalence of Rhino 7 counterfeits that are floating around.

I’ve had a few guys come to me (specifically in the reviews section below), stating that they felt absolutely no effect from the pills whatsoever.

Knowing what we know now (that it contains sildenafil), it’s VERY likely that they received a counterfeit version of the product.

Viagra works in like 99.99% of all guys, and I’ve had like 10 – 20 % of guys come to me and said it did nothing for them.

I find it VERY hard to believe they are / were using the real thing.

Rhino 7 Alternatives

Ever since Rhino 7 was found to contain illegal ingredients, it’s been REALLY tough trying to find the legit original pills.

The reason why is because, in an effort to keep making money, companies like Rhino 7, Blue Rhino, Black Rhino, etc., will piggyback off of their prior success by selling a RIDICULOUSLY watered-down version of their product.

As a result, it doesn’t work NEARLY as well.

So guys have been asking me what is a suitable alternative that works just as well as the original.

hardon helper reviewIf this is you, check out a supplement called Hardon Helper.

I had a chance to test it out a few months back, and it works INSANELY well when compared to Rhino pills.

As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that it works nearly IDENTICAL to the original Rhino 7 , but without the side effects.

It also costs around the same price, making it a very suitable alternative.

You can read all about it in my review here.

Are there any Rhino 7 side effects?

Yes, there are several of them.  In short, the most common adverse effects you’ll see include:

  1. Headaches
  2. Decreased blood pressure
  3. Nausea
  4. Blurred vision
  5. Nasal congestion
  6. Flushing in the face, neck , or chest

Here’s the reasons why:

Does it have any effect on blood pressure?

Well, now that we know it contains Sildenafil, yes.

Sildenafil enhances the process known as Vasodilation, which is a fancy way of saying it relaxes the blood arteries and vessels, which increases blood flow to the penis.

A common side effect of this is decreased blood pressure. (Source)

If you’re already taking medications that lower blood pressure, this may cause it to fall to dangerous levels.

What can I do about the headache I’m getting with Rhino 7?

Despite them clearly saying “NO HEADACHE” right on the front of the label, anyone that has taken this supplement KNOWS that you’re going to get a headache.

rhino 7 no headache

This caused by the sudden change in blood flow from the increased levels of nitric oxide.

Is there anything you can do about it?

There’s really only 2 things you can do to help lessen the headache:

Step 1

Take less of it.  Literally break open the capsule, pour a little bit of it into a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese, and eat it.

You can even break it open and dump some of it into a glass of water, mix it, then throw it down the hatch.  I’ve never actually done that before, but I’ve heard it works.

The nice thing is that you really don’t NEED a full dose to get the full effects.

I’ve personally taking half a dose and it provided a REALLY nice erection, without a headache.

Step 2

Take it on a semi-empty stomach.  Typically you’ll see the fastest (and best) results with Rhino 7 when you take it on an empty stomach, but the headache will be at it’s worst.

By taking it on a semi-empty stomach (think like 2 – 3 hours after eating), you should still get some REALLY good results, and the headache will be lessened by a decent amount.

Step 3

Don’t drink alcohol when you’re taking it.

I know half of you (probably more than that actually) are rolling your eyes right now, saying something like “WTF, man?  That’s exactly when I need to take this stuff?  When I’m limp from drinking.”

Well, that’s fine, you can do it, but you can expect the headache to likely be that MUCH worse.

I know from experience.

Plus, chronic alcohol abuse has been linked to a reduction in testosterone levels.

This is bad because it will absolutely KILL your libido.

Step 4

Take a pain killer like advil or tylenol the same time you take the Rhino 7.  Trust me on this one, it works!

I’ve taken full doses of Rhino 7, 51, and others with a decent dose of advil, and didn’t get a headache at ALL.

I would also suggest you chug a bunch of water, as that seems to alleviate the symptoms as well.

Will it show up on a drug test?

Unless they’re testing for Viagra in the lab your getting tested in, no.

Do I need to take it on an empty stomach?

The directions on the Rhino 7 label don’t really specify that, but if you’re looking to get the full effects than I would recommend doing so.

Can I buy it in bulk anywhere?

Unless you can get the hook up with a local distributor, that’s unlikely.

What other Rhino Pills work?

Practically all of them are pumping illegal ingredients into them, so more or less all of them ‘work’.

Here’s a few others you may find in stores:

  • Rhino 7000
  • Rhino 17
  • Rhino 99
  • White Rhino

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rhino 7

  • It’s a fast acting supplement so you don’t have to remember to take it every day.
  • It DEFINITELY works, and I’m not the only one saying it.

Disadvantages of Rhino 7

  • There aren’t very many Rhino 7 reviews out there, but one stands out as significant. The reviewer states that he had a great erection, but serious side effects, like headache, nausea, and blurred vision. These are side effects that generally appear when using prescription ED medication.  It’s funny too because, yet the label specifically makes the claim “no headache”, that’s one of the primary complaints about the supplement.


If you look at the formula than compare it to the caution statements and the reviews, it just doesn’t add up. Often, a fast acting male enhancement pill will be found to have undisclosed, prescription strength ingredients making them effective but not necessarily safe, and after personally testing it I definitely feel this is the case.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this was banned from the shelves within a year, maybe less.

The only way I think this would be worth buying is if it would be safe for you to take a prescription ED medication, which is something you’d have to get diagnosed with by your doctor.  With that being said, if it does work exactly like a prescription ed medication, then why not just pick up the real thing?

Update:  I recently tested out a product called Hardon Helper that provides VERY similar effects to that of Rhino 7 (and other Rhino pills) and defintely does NOT contain any illegal ingredients in it.

How do I know this? 

Because I didn’t get ANY side effects from it whatsoever.

All of these pills that contain sildenafil (active ingredient in Viagra) ALWAYS give me horrendous side effects, but that was not the case with Hardon Helper.  Check out my review here, you won’t regret it:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/hardon-helper-review-dr-seltzers-awesome-formula-and-my-results/

Have You Used Rhino 7? Leave Your Review Below!

Other References:









Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

RexaVar Review – Should You Use It?

RexaVar Overview

Rumor has it that RexaVar used to be an underground male enhancement favorite of porn stars and celebrities and now it’s available to everyone. I suspect this is just a marketing ploy as I don’t see how an herbal supplement would become an underground product. But that’s okay, we’re used to getting the hard sell for male enhancement pills. This one even claims to grow your penis, which if you’ve read many of my other reviews, you know is simply not true. But we’ll take a look at RexaVar anyway, because we want to know how effective it is in the area of sexual performance enhancement.

Here’s what RexaVar promises on the official website:

Only the strongest potency herbs are used in the formula.
It triggers the two known penis size increasing factors (testosterone and nitric oxide)
RexaVar is used by sex professionals more than any other supplement.

RexaVar ReviewRexaVar Ingredients and How They Work

Next, let’s look at the formula to see what we can find out about how RexaVar works. The centerpiece ingredient is Tongkat Ali, but not just any Tongkat Ali, super potent Tongkat Ali. It increases free testosterone by 72% by binding itself to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin molecules so they can’t bind themselves to testosterone. Supporting the Tongkat Ali are:

Tribulus Terrestris which increases your body’s natural testosterone producing mechanism.
L-Citrulline which signals the release of nitric oxide to widen blood vessels, allowing blood to flood into the penis for super hard erections.
LongPepper to help the other ingredient to be better absorbed and more readily used.
L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide that works even better when used with L-Citrulline.
Maca Root and Muira Puama which are both herbal aphrodisiacs for increasing your sex drive.

RexaVar Pros and Cons

Advantages of RexaVar

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The website provides complete information on ingredients and how it works.
  • There are several positive testimonials on the RexaVar website.

Disadvantages of RexaVar

  • The marketing claims it will increase penis size, which is just won’t do.
  • RexaVar reviews found anywhere but on the official website are very mixed, with plenty of guys claiming they got no results.

Where to Buy

You can purchase RexaVar through the official website or on Amazon. The website sells a single bottle for $39.95. You’ll save if you buy multiple bottles at once. There’s a 90 day money back guarantee, but it’s unclear as to how many bottles qualify.


RexaVar is decent but doesn’t really stand out above the rest. Add that to the over-the-top marketing that talks about an underground porn star market and penis enlargement, and I’d say go with something that walks the walk more than talks the talk.

Have You Used RexaVar? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally: The ULTIMATE Guide

Testosterone Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Getting bombarded with ad after ad about low testosterone, but still have alot of questions?  We don’t blame you!!  This section is a recap of many of the questions we get on this site. It is intended to help you understand everything there is to know about testosterone, including the causes, remedies, and more.

Note:  Most of this information was pulled directly from our FREE “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” ebookClick Here to sign up for it and have it sent to your inbox to read at your leisure.


What is Testosterone?
The Causes of Low Testosterone
The Symptoms of Low Testosterone
What Can I Do About It?
Supplements That Can Help
7 Foods That Increase Testosterone

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the Androgen group that is found in both men and women.  In men, testosterone is produced in the testicles, and it plays a crucial role in energy levels, mood, sexual desire and libido, as well as muscle and bone mass.

What is “Low-T”?

Low testosterone, or “Low T” is what happens when the body starts to see a decline in testosterone production.  This typically starts to happen around the age of 30, and the decline usually progresses at a rate of 1% per year.

testosterone decrease by age

What cause low testosterone?

Note:  Click Here for our full in-depth article on the causes of Low Testosterone.

There are a wide number of things (other then age) that can lead to low testosterone levels, so taking the time to learn what these are and then what you can do to make sure they aren’t influencing you will be pivotal to overcoming this problem.  Some of the most common causes of Low-T are:

  • Lack of exercise –  A lack of exercise can play a pivotal role in decreased testosterone production.    While scientists and researchers are not completely clear as to the cause, it has been noted in several reputable clinical studies that showed a direct correlation of increased testosterone levels in men who exercised regularly, as opposed to those that didn’t.
  • Lack of Sleep / Insomnia – When you aren’t sleeping enough, you will suffer from a lower level of immunity, poor recovery from your workout sessions, increased cortisol (which prompts muscle mass loss and belly fat storage), as well as the hormonal shift that leads to low testosterone.
  • Chronic Liver or Kidney diseases – If you are currently suffering from kidney or liver disease, chances are good that your doctor has likely discussed the potential side effects with you, and has probably included low testosterone levels as one of those side effects.
  • Obesity / Diabetes – If you’re someone who is suffering from a body weight problem, this could be what’s causing lower levels of testosterone to develop.  Those who are over fat (not just overweight with extra muscle mass, but overweight with extra fat mass) will not naturally produce as much testosterone as they should, so this can influence your health in a number of ways.
  • Alcohol Intake – Heavy alcohol consumption has shown a direct correlation to low testosterone production.
  • Chronic Dieting – If you’ve been on a low calorie diet for any length of time, there’s a good chance that your testosterone levels are probably lower than they should be.
  • Insufficient Dietary Fat – Believe it or not, dietary fat is highly correlated with the development of steroidal hormones, including Testosterone.  A lack of the CORRECT dietary fats (poly unsaturated, mono unsaturated, etc.) could be wreaking havoc on your testosterone production.
  • Eating Foods That Lower Testosterone
  • Avoiding Foods That Actually HELP Boost Testosterone
  • Chronic Stress – Among other symptoms like low energy and headaches, chronic stress has been directly shown to reduce testosterone function.
  • Lack of Orgasmic release

The Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Now that you have an understanding as to the causes of low-t, let’s walk you through the signs and symptoms of low testosterone so that you can pinpoint better whether this is actually impacting you.

There are many signs of low testosterone that will show up in many areas apart from the gym, so let’s look at each one individually.

Think you may have low T?  Take our 2 min. quiz and find out!

Athletic Performance

The very first area where you will be influence by low testosterone levels are the most commonly noticed, in the gym – or with your athletic performance.  Whether you play recreational team sports, are a competitive athlete, or are just a weekend warrior who goes out for athletic ventures for longer periods of time during your days off from work, if you are low in testosterone, this is going to show up as you go about doing these activities.

The first thing that you’ll notice is that your strength level is lower than it has been in the past.  If you’re in the weight room, you may find that you just can’t lift as much weight as you used to, or you may also notice that you don’t have the muscular endurance that you typically would.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2014/11/struggling to

You may gas out after just 5-8 reps, whereas before you could easily hit 10-12 at that given weight level.  You may also notice that your cardiovascular performance is impacted as well.


While earlier you may have been easily able to run a mile without hardly feeling winded, now you feel like you’re running a marathon to get that mile done (okay, it may not be that bad, but you get the point).

Problems With Recovery

The other area that you will see a significant change when you’re suffering from low testosterone is with your recovery ability.  Earlier you may have found that you were easily able to bounce right back after your workout sessions, feeling strong shortly after each workout.

It may have taken an hour or so to regain your strength and feeling good, but it came back fast and you were able to get on with your day.  Now however, you’re so completely exhausted after a workout session and more than anything, you just want to take a nap for a couple hours to recover.

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Furthermore, even during the next day you just don’t find you feel as strong as you used to, so you may need to take more days off total throughout the week to sustain the desired rate of recovery that you’re after.  This too is going to contribute to slower results in the gym because the more down time you have to take off, the slower progression tends to be.

If you’re taking two days off between workouts to recover compared to someone who only needs one day off, well, they are essentially doing almost twice the work over a period of time as you are, thus their results may be two times greater (all things being equal).

If you’re playing sports, you’re also going to notice your speed and quickness declining as well.  You may not be as fast on your feet and your reaction time may be slower. This decreases sports performance and makes you a less proficient athlete.

Finally, the obvious – you won’t be building up muscle mass as easily either. As we mentioned in the introduction, there can be a number of reasons why you may not be putting on more muscle weight and for many men, diet is often the missing link causing them a set-back, but for those who are sure that their diet is on the mark yet they still aren’t building lean muscle mass, low testosterone may be the cause.

One good sign to watch for that would indicate this is if you’re gaining more fat mass than lean muscle mass.  Since it does take a calorie surplus to put on any body weight, if you are gaining body fat, this clearly illustrates that you are in that surplus you need to be in, but rather than generating lean muscle mass as a normal male who’s training would, you’re generating fat mass because of the lack of testosterone present.

This causes frustration to set in and may be one of the primary reasons why you are reading this book here today – you are unable to pack on lean muscle mass as you desire.

Now let’s look at the next place where testosterone exerts an influence.

Body Composition

The second area where you will see testosterone causing a problem is with your body composition.

low testosterone and body composition

While there a multitude of factors that impact your metabolic rate, testosterone is one of them, especially in males, so if your testosterone is low, you can expect to see a less than favorable change to your overall body composition.

Those who are suffering from this problem will find that they have a greater tendency to be packing on body fat without gaining lean muscle mass, or worse yet, they may be losing lean muscle mass, meaning their body fat percentage is increasing at the same time.

This is a very bad situation to be in because you’re basically going directly against where you want to be going.  You want to be building lean muscle mass and burning body fat, but instead, you’re doing the opposite.

You’re burning lean muscle mass and building body fat.

This will only intensify as you follow that higher calorie diet in effort to build lean muscle.  It’s a very bad situation to be in, yet one that men face each and every day.  If you notice your stomach is getting bigger than your chest and arms, you may very well have a problem on your hands.

Bedroom Activities

The next area where you are going to see the impacts of low testosterone levels is with your bedroom activities.  First, and what may be most noticeable to you, is that your desire will be very low. Your libido levels will have seem to have dropped off a cliff and you’ll find you’re hardly in the mood any more –even if your wife for girlfriend appears in some sexy lingerie.

low libido from reduced testosterone

And even if you do manage to get yourself worked up and in the mood a bit, you’ll find that it takes you much longer to get an erection and you may not sustain it nearly as well as you did in the past, therefore your sexual performance is going to take a severe decline.

Lower Testosterone = Lower Sperm Count

On the less noticeable scale, you will also be producing less sperm than you normally would, so if you are trying to get pregnant with your significant other, you may find that this becomes a real struggle.

how testosterone affects sperm count

Far too many people often blame the female for the reproduction problems a couple is facing when in reality, it is the man who is having the issues.

Recovery after an orgasm is also going to be slower when your testosterone levels are low.

While earlier you may have very easily been able to go in for round two without a struggle, now you may only be a once-per-day sort of man.

That is indicative of declining testosterone levels – and also, a zinc deficiency, which we’ll get to shortly.  So if you suspect you have low testosterone levels because of your lack of muscle building in the gym, look closely at bedroom activities to see if there has been a chance there.  If there has, that is often the telltale sign that it isn’t an issue with your diet or workout causing the problems, it is an issue with your testosterone levels.

If you’re looking for an all natural supplement to help with low libido and stamina, check out our top 3 choices for male enhancement.

Day To Day Lifestyle

Moving along, the next area where you may find you notice some impacts of low testosterone is with your day to day lifestyle.  You may find that you just don’t quite feel like your usual self any longer.

While earlier you may have been more of a go-getter and someone who was aggressive in daily life (maybe not so much physically aggressive, but you went after what you wanted), now that may not be the case.  You may be laid back and more interested in just taking it easy rather than attacking your goals head on.

You may also find that you’re getting more emotional than normal as well. Ass odd as it may be to hear, many men who are suffering from very low testosterone levels will find that they take on more female-like characteristics, since after all, they are lacking the hormone that makes them a man.  Women are notoriously much more emotional than men are and you likely don’t need me to tell you that, so that is another area where you may see change occurring.

You might find that you’re far more likely to get upset easily and just suffer from greater swings in emotions throughout the day.  Your energy levels overall may also start declining. You might find that you’re physically exhausted when you get home from a busy day at work, whereas before you were fine to get home and go out and run errands, hit the gym, or just do whatever you pleased.

Now, the couch is more your style.

Some men who are impacted by low testosterone may also find that they start suffering from feelings of depression as well. Your mood may be impacted and you may find you feel far less like yourself and far more down in the dumps on a regular basis – even if there is no reason for you to be feeling like this.  Your concentration may also be influenced, so if you typically find it easy to concentrate at work but now you’re struggling to just to stay focused for a few short minutes, this too could be a sign of low testosterone.

Another place where testosterone is going to influence you is with your sleep habits.  Those who are suffering from low testosterone will find they aren’t sleeping as deeply, as long, or as regularly as they used to, thus wake up feeling un-refreshed and tired all the time.

This is a double-whammy against the problem because testosterone is released during the sleep hours to a great extent (along with growth hormone), so if you’re not sleeping enough, this may only make the problem that much worse.  So as you can see, there are many areas in your day to day life that may be influenced by low testosterone as well.

Taking note of these changes can help you assess just how significant of a problem this is becoming for you.

Health Conditions

Next we move onto health conditions that may occur when you are suffering from low testosterone levels.  There are many health conditions that are correlated with low testosterone levels and if they aren’t present now, if your levels continue to stay low, they will be present in the future.

For instance, low testosterone levels in a male can increase your risk of heart disease as well as cancer, so those are two big ones that you definitely need to be concerned over.  Low testosterone can also increase your risk of developing diabetes, especially if you are noticing that you are gaining more body fat than usual as well.  Low testosterone will also lead to reduced bone density as well, so this could increase your risk of developing osteoporosis or stress fractures down the road as well.

One area that many men are very concerned with when it comes to low testosterone is the development of gynecomastia, which is the development of breast tissue in men.  While you’d have to experience very low levels of testosterone for a much longer period of time, and usually couple this with a high calorie diet so body fat is gained to see female-breast-like tissue forming, men who are experiencing this problem do notice a slight increase in the size of their nipple area and may notice more breast-like tissue forming.

Men who are suffering from low testosterone may also find that their hair, especially facial hair, isn’t growing as fast and isn’t as course or thick as normal as well, both of which would indicate that testosterone levels are lower than they typically are.

So as you can see, there are plenty of healthy effects beyond just your ability to build lean muscle mass that you need to take into account.  Low testosterone levels are going to impact you in a major way so it’s an absolute must that you are giving this problem the attention that it deserves.

So to wrap up and assess whether you have low testosterone or not, click here to take a brief quiz to see if you may be suffering from low-t.

How Do I Know For SURE I Have Low Testosterone?

The only true way to find out if you have below average testosterone levels for your age would be to go to your doctor and get a blood test taken.

The test involves extracting a blood sample and sending it to a lab to get analyzed.

The report will include both your Total (Serum) testosterone levels, as well as your Direct (Free) testosterone levels.

an example of lab corp testosterone test results

Some resources tell you that the only number that counts is the Free testosterone levels, but that’s B.S.

The Total testosterone levels are just as important as the free testosterone levels when diagnosing low testosterone.

One alternative to getting a blood test is through the use of Testosterone Home Test Kits.

Home Test Progene at Home Testosterone Test Kit Image

These at home test kits basically involve either a saliva swab test, or a blood spot collection done by using a finger prick.

You collect the sample, and then mail it in to them.

Within a week or so, you should have your results.

I’m unsure how accurate these at-home tests are, but I plan on trying a few out in the near future and will report my results here.

Read more about Testosterone Home Test Kits here.

What can I do about it?

There are several prescription medications, all natural alternative supplements, and lifestyle changes you can choose from to help you get your old life back.  We’ll talk about each briefly to give you an idea of what’s out there, but ultimately the decision on which course to take rests with you.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

testosterone replacement therapyTestosterone replacement therapy will be the medical form of treatment that is often recommended if you are showing clinical signs of being low in testosterone and if this is really impacting your day to day life, especially when it comes to your ability to have a baby.  It should be noted however that testosterone replacement therapy does not come without risks.

This type of therapy can increase your risk for experiencing prostate cancer and some men also will notice that they seem some breast tissue enlargement as well.  So while low testosterone can cause breast tissue to enlarge, so might the therapy to treat this.

In addition to that, the treatment may also increase his red blood cell count, so that’s yet another problematic factor that need to be considered if it’s going to be impacting you in a negative way.

The methods in which testosterone replacement therapy is typically given is either through injection, in patch form placed on the skin, or else as a gel that is rubbed into the skin instead.  The injections do tend to work the best as they will be fully absorbed into the body immediately, however many men do prefer the patch or gels instead as they can be more convenient to use.


The next treatment for low testosterone is supplements that are aimed to increase your body’s production of testosterone naturally. I’ve personally tested DOZENS of these products over the years, and more or less know what works and what doesn’t.

Some supplements, like Nugenix and Test Freak, worked awesome.

Others, like Troxyphen and Alpha Monster Advanced, didn’t do much.

Common Ingredients You’ll Find In OTC Testosterone Boosters

Here’s a few ingredients that you’ll commonly find in testosterone boosting supplements:

  • D-Aspartic Acid – This amino acid is found in the cells of a wide range of mammals, including humans.  D-AA exhibits its effects on the pituitary gland, which causes a natural release of hormones, including GH.Read our in-depth report on the benefits of D-Aspartic Acid here.
  • Tribulus Terrestris – Tribulus is one of the most popular compounds that you’ll find in over the counter testosterone boosting supplements.  The reason behind this is that it’s actually been shown in a limited amount of clinical studies to have a positive effect on testosterone.However, some of those studies have been disputed.
  • Fenugreek – This substance has actually been used medicinally for 1,000’s of years, and has been shown to help lower cholesterol, increase appetite, and relieve symptoms of menopause.  It’s also been shown to improve libido DRAMATICALLY, and some have suggested that it plays a key role in the production of testosterone.Read our in depth report on the effects of Fenugreek on Testosterone here.
  • Zinc – Another one of the most common ingredients you’ll find in natural testosterone boosting supplements, Zinc is more commonly combined with Magnesium and Vitamin B6, in a stack typically referred to as ZMA.It’s been used in bodybuilding circles for decades, and has been proven to work.
  • Magnesium – Several studies have demonstrated the link between increased magnesium intake and increased testosterone, and I can personally attest to its effectiveness.  As mentioned above, it’s commonly paired with other ingredients like Zinc to help improve muscle recovery and sleep quality, as well as increase testosterone.Read our in depth report on the effects of Magenisum and testosterone here.

Our Top Testosterone Boosting Choice – Testofuel

testofuel mediumOne particular product that you may want to look into especially is Testofuel, which combines a number of ingredients together to create a more powerful, natural way of elevating testosterone levels.  This product contains oyster extract, which is rich in the zinc content naturally, but then in addition to that, also combines a number of herbs that have been shown to elevate natural testosterone release such as Ginseng and Fenugreek.

Then in addition to that, it also provides you with a good dose of vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B6, as well as D-aspartic acid, all of which will help you see improved muscle building and testosterone release.  It’s hard to find such a powerful combination in testosterone boosting products, which is why this one tends to come out above the rest.

Click Here To Read My Official Review of Testofuel

We have also tested DOZENS of other testosterone boosting supplements, including notable ones like Spartagen XT, Elite Test 360, and Test X180 Ignite.  Many were complete duds, but there are a decent amount out there that can actually work to help boost your bodies own natural production of testosterone.

There’s also a wide variety of testosterone boosting supplements found in stores like GNC, however, it should be noted that they don’t actually refer to them as “Testosterone boosters”.

Rather, you’ll find them classifed as “Hardcore supplements”.

Click here to see our top 3 choices and how they stack up to Testofuel.


Finally, the last thing that you can do to help boost your testosterone levels is form a proper exercise program.  As we mentioned earlier, lack of exercise is one of the biggest reasons why low testosterone may result, but in addition to that, too much of the wrong exercise may also contribute to the problem.

For best results, you want to be performing exercises that strengthen the testosterone release system and since testosterone itself is highly correlated with muscular power and strength, this means turning toward exercise varieties that help to enhance these elements of your fitness program.

There are two main forms of exercise that you should be taking into account to help elevate natural testosterone release. These include strength training as well as sprint/interval cardio training.  Let’s look at each one individually.

Sprint Training

If you are going to be performing any sort of cardio training, sprint training is the variation to be doing.  Sprint training is going to cause a very similar hormonal and metabolic response in the body as intense weight lifting is as they are both short duration, maximum capacity forms of exercise that will rely on the CP-ATP system to be utilized (anaerobic metabolism).

marathoner vs sprinterTo illustrate the powerful impacts of sprinting, all you really need to do is look at a sprinter’s body versus a marathon runner’s body.  Who is the more muscular of the two?

The answer is very, VERY clear. Sprints are typically extremely muscular, extremely lean, and more than likely, have the precise body type that you are going for.  In contrast, if we take a look at the marathoner’s body, we see someone who often possess very little muscle mass, is quite gaunt looking, and definitely doesn’t look so strong.

They may look fit as they too can be very lean (at more advanced levels), but they don’t have the full, muscular look, but rather than thin, wiry look to them.  This is the power that testosterone can have along with the variation of exercise you’re doing.

So to set up your cardio program to help you best build muscle mass and boost your testosterone levels, sprint training is what you want to do.  This means you’ll begin with a five minute warm-up and then go on to alternate between 15-60 second ‘sprint’ intervals and then active rest periods that are about 2-3 times as long.

Use the following structure for your interval and rest ratio lengths, depending on how long those intervals are.

15 second sprint – 45-60 second active rest
20 second sprint – 60 second active rest
30 second sprint – 60-90 second active rest
45 second sprint – 45-90 second active rest
60 second sprint – 30-60 second active rest

You’ll notice that as the sprint time increases, the active rest period gets shorter in proportion to that sprint time and as in the case of 60 second intervals, can actually be shorter in duration, which his opposite the protocol of the shorter sprint intervals.

This is simply because of the fact that as you approach 60 second intervals, you won’t be pushing yourself to quite the same capacity as you will be when you’re doing 15 second sprint intervals, therefore you won’t need quite as much rest time for recovery purposes.

You should repeat this sprint/active rest protocol for a total of 6-10 times per session before taking 5 minutes to cool down afterwards.  Keep in mind that since these workouts are so intense, you don’t want to be doing them every day either. Two to three times per week is plenty sufficient, especially if you’re also doing resistance training.

One thing to keep in mind is that while the exercise variations we’re talking about right now will do a very good job at boosting your testosterone levels, if you do too much exercise of any variety and start to overtrain, that will sap your testosterone release faster than anything else.

And by nature, the more intense an exercise is, the more likely it is to release testosterone, but by the same regard, the more likely it is to lead to overtraining as well.  So it’s a fine line that you’re walking and you must make sure that you are monitoring your recovery at all times to ensure that overtraining doesn’t begin to set in.

If you start to notice a decline in your performance on any of your workouts at all as you move through the program, this is an immediate sign that you should be backing off slightly as you are doing too much.

So now that you know the interval sprint side of the story, let’s look at strength training.

Quick Tip: Sign up for our free “Get Ripped” ebook to learn more about various exercises and foods you should be eating to attain peak physical condition. Just like this one, it’s completely FREE!

Strength Training

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Ok…That’s a little ridiculous… 🙂

Of all the exercise varieties that you could be doing to boost your testosterone level, strength training may just be the most beneficial overall.  Nothing improves testosterone quite like a properly designed strength training workout, so this is where you want to put your effort.

Furthermore, this is also the type of exercise that is best going to build lean muscle mass as well, so clearly it’s the one to focus on.  Now, when designing a strength training program to boost testosterone levels, there are a few requirements that you’ll want to ensure that you do have in place.

Let’s look at what they are.

Full Body Approach

The very first thing that you want to be doing is utilizing a full body approach. The full body approach is very beneficial for boosting both testosterone as well as strength because you will be working every single muscle group in one workout session.

The more muscles you can work in any given workout, the greater the testosterone release will be.  Use these over body part splits that so many men seem to love. They are not the course to higher testosterone levels.

Compound Heavy Lifting

Next, you also want to make sure that you’re using primarily compound exercises as you develop this workout routine. Here again, compound movements allow you to work more muscle fibers at once, which means you’ll get a greater metabolic and hormonal response from the exercise.

Plus, with more muscle fibers behind you working hard, you’ll be able to lift more weight as well, which further increases testosterone release.  The top compound moves to include are:

  • Bench press
  • Bent over rows
  • Shoulder press
  • Pull-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Step-ups
  • Leg press

Do these more often than your isolation exercises such as curls, lateral raises, and so on.

In all actuality, you don’t even really need to be getting those exercises in the program if you want to see results – you can simply do the compound ones and you’ll be just as well off in most cases.

Shorter Rest Periods

One thing that you will want to note is that using slightly shorter rest periods can also increase the overall level of testosterone release that you experience.

This is a double-edged sword however. You don’t want to take the rest periods so short that you can’t lift heavy enough weight to get that testosterone release or that you risk injury due to poor form, but at the same rate, you don’t want to rest so long you lose the hormonal and metabolic response from the exercise.  Aiming for around 90-120 seconds will work best for most people and allow you to be in the sweet spot you need for optimal results.

Proper Rep Range

Reps are going to factor in as well. Ideally you’ll want to lift in the 5-8 rep range for most exercises.  This will allow you to sustain a heavy weight, but still be using enough total time under tension with each set that will produce the testosterone release that you’re looking for.

While going lower can be okay in some cases, avoid going much higher than 8 reps or you will have to lighten the weight too much to produce the desired results.

Downtime For Recovery

Finally, last but not least, make sure that you have enough time for recovery. This cannot be stated enough. If you aren’t recovering between workout sessions, you will sap your testosterone level almost immediately, so you need to be recovered before hitting the gym.

Most men will do fine with one day between sessions, but some may need two. Monitor your body and adjust accordingly.  So there you have the in’s and out’s on how to exercise to boost your testosterone levels.

Now that we’ve covered the most significant things that you can do to elevate your hormonal release, let’s finish up by talking about 7 must-have foods to get into your diet as well that will speed up the process.

7 Foods That Boost Testosterone Naturally

foods that support testosteroneNote:  This is just a fraction of foods that help boost testosterone levels, learn more here.

The last place that you need to be concerned with if you’re hoping to boost your testosterone as high as possible is your diet.

Eating the right foods on a day to day basis is not only going to be essential to provide your muscles with the proper nutrients they need to grow and develop more muscle tissues, but in addition to that, in order to help sustain higher testosterone on a day to day basis.

Let’s walk you through seven food choices that should be making a regular appearance in your diet protocol.


The first food that you’ll definitely want to focus on taking in is salmon. Salmon is very powerful source of both protein as well as healthy fats, so is a great food for not only boosting testosterone, but enhancing your health as well.

Salmon should be consumed at least twice per week to reap all the benefits it has to offer.


oystersOysters, as noted above, are high in zinc and zinc is a requirement in order to generate sufficient testosterone levels on a day to day basis. Start eating more oysters on a regular basis and you will notice the difference.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the next healthy food that you should be getting into place with your program. This food is a great source of healthy saturated fat, which as we mentioned before will help to elevate your natural testosterone levels.

In addition to that, it can also help to improve heart health, boost your skin and nail health, and help to provide a good usable source of fuel since it’s a medium chain triglyceride.

These forms of fats are slightly different than typical fats in that they can be used instantly by the body for energy purposes.


The next source of healthy fats is avocados. Rich in dietary fiber, high in vitamin E, and a great way to enhance the taste of any meal you serve it with, make sure that you aren’t missing out on the good nutrition that avocados have to offer.


Pomegranate is one ‘superfruit’ that is often touted in today’s world quite often as being one of the healthiest fruits that you can consume.  Available most commonly in supplement or juice format, it’s a good one for enhancing your testosterone levels.

Pomegranate is going to help naturally elevate testosterone levels and can also help to fend off impotence, so is a great food to be getting in if you deal with that issue as well.

Cottage Cheese

cottage cheeseCottage cheese is another food to consider taking in to help elevate your natural testosterone release. The nice thing about cottage cheese is that it’s a form of casein protein, which will break down and digest more slowly in the body so that you get a steady release of amino acids over time.

Because of this, your body will be better primed to continually keep releasing testosterone and moving forward with the muscle building and repair process.


Finally, a last form of healthy fats to be consume, nuts are great for enhancing your testosterone level as well. Not only will these help ensure you meet your total fat intake for the day, but in addition to that, they also are rich in arginine, which can improve blood flow throughout the body.

One of the best nuts for this are actually Brazil Nuts, and this is because of their high selenium content.

If you are having issues getting an erection due to the fact that you suffering from low testosterone, these can really help you solve this problem.

Remember that you should be making all these changes to your diet as well as making sure that you are choosing foods that are low in sugar, as unrefined as possible, and that contain as little trans fats as possible.

If you eat foods that are made naturally in nature, you will be doing your best to both enhance natural testosterone release as well as support good health and muscle building.

Scams To Avoid

I’ve been researching and testing testosterone boosters for several years at this point, and it never ceases to amaze me at the claims made by some of these companies.

Here’s some of the most common scams you’ll come across, which you should COMPLETELY avoid at all costs.

#1:  The Testosterone Booster Featured On “Shark Tank”

Many of you have seen “Shark Tank”, the hit ABC tv show starring Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Daymond John, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, and Robert Herjavec.

If you haven’t, basically the show features investors that listen to aspiring entrepreneurs who pitch the “Sharks” on their business plan, hoping to earn an investment from one (or more) of the sharks.

This latest scam involves a mock-up of the Fox news website, and starts off with the headline “Miracle Testosterone Pill Nets Biggest Deal In Shark Tank History”.

It talks about how Angela and Yoojin Kim (collectively known as the “Kim sisters”), scored the biggest investment on the show, raking in a cool $2.5 million in investment funding from all 5 sharks.

Their claim to fame is that they developed some miracle testosterone booster that CURES erectile dysfunction.

The problem is, this is complete and utter B.S.

You can read more about this in my official report.

#2:  Lebron James, Conor McGregor, and The “Banned” Supplement

You may have come across one of these while browsing through your Facebook Feed or Twitter profile.

It usually starts like this:


While there are a few ingredients in testosterone boosters that are banned by the NCAA, NBA, etc., the individual supplements themselves are not.

But that’s not what you’ll be told when you come across an ad like this:

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Penimaster Pro Review – Is It Better?

I get a lot of guys asking me which pills they should take to get a bigger penis. Well, the unfortunate answer is always the same. No pill will make you have a bigger penis. It is true, however, that some supplements can increase your sex drive and overall performance – but none of them will have an impact on the physical size of your penis.

For that, you need to do exercises (like the time-tested jelqing stretching) or even better, use an extender device. Extender devices definitely work and have been used in clinical settings for years. For many men, though, the time investment associated with these devices is a major problem; You have to wear them for several hours a day and use them for months and months to get the kind of results most guys want. But, if you really want a bigger johnson, you’re going to have to work for it.

Since you have to wear these devices for so many hours a day, finding something comfortable is extremely important. Of course, companies know this and they all claim to be comfortable and pain-free. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always turn out to be true. With that said, some are more comfortable than others, and the one we’re talking about today – Penimaster Pro – claims to be right up there at the top.

How Penimaster Pro Works

Penimaster Pro ReviewThe basic mechanism of the Penimaster Pro is the same as all extender devices. It provides a pulling tension to the penis. When this tension is applied for long stretches of time over many days, weeks, and months, it forces the penis to produce new cells to accommodate the “new” size from the stretching. This stretching is a basic and proven feature of the human body. Think about a pregnant woman’s belly, or the various cultures that enlarge their necks, lips and earlobes. In fact, some cultures have actually used this same principle to enlarge their penis for centuries.

All this shows that prolonged stretching causes an increase in size. And this is exactly the principle by which Penimaster Pro – and any extender device – works. It takes time and commitment, but in the end, it produces results.

What’s Different About Penimaster Pro?

Penimaster Pro was designed in Germany so right away that’s a plus since we’ve all heard about the superiority of German engineering. Obviously, though, this may not be a very strong selling point for everyone.

The biggest difference we seen in the Penimaster Pro, however, is in how it actually adheres to the penis. Whereas most extender devices use a “noose” or “strap” fixation method that holds the device to the penis for the extended amount of time needed, Penimaster Pro uses a vacuum fixation method. This method is more convenient and much more comfortable. It doesn’t create friction like the noose or strap do, and it stays securely attached to the head for hours at a time.

At this time, the Penimaster Pro is the only product that uses the vacuum fixation method.

In fact, the original model of the Penimaster uses the traditional noose method. For the most past, this is the major difference between the two models. Although they both come in different kits (which I’ll detail next) the original Penimaster costs about $170 while the Pro will run a much higher $305.

Your Options

The original Penimaster strictly uses the noose along with a system of tension rods to achieve the desired the results. With the Pro, however, you have some options.

First, you can simply purchase the suction piece for about $194. This is a good choice for men who had previously purchased the Penimaster and would like to upgrade. If you don’t have the rods, though, this piece alone won’t do you much good.

The next decision you’re going to have to make is in regards to the tension system you want to use. The Penimaster Pro can use either a rod or belt assembly to provide pulling force. The belt is designed to be smaller, more discreet and easier to travel with. According to the company, the belt can be worn around your shoulders, your hip or even your knee which allows you to hide it under a variety of clothing. The company also claims that they belt allows so much natural motion that you can even wear it while jogging or cycling. This added convenience is a nice touch and could make this product easier to use than it’s competitors.

The rod assembly, on the other hand, will provide a higher degree of tension that is also easier to control. While the belt uses the tension of the fabric itself to pull on the suction device, this system includes spring-loaded rods with easily adjustable lengths to create more steady tension. Even though it sacrifices some easy-of-use, the rod system will give you more control and faster results.

Both kits include the actually suction piece. The belt will cost roughly $280 as opposed to the $305 for the rod system.

According to the manufacturer, both of these systems can be discreetly worn under your clothes – which is important feature when you consider the time required with this type of device.

Penimaster Pro Reviews

Almost everyone who’s used it seems to claim that it’s more comfortable and easier to wear than other devices. And because you can wear it longer and more frequently, you’ll get better results and you’ll get them more quickly.

As mentioned, the chief concern with these devices is the commitment that it takes and this may simply not be practical for some men.

Penimaster Pro Pros and Cons

Advantages of Penimaster Pro

  • It’s more comfortable than other devices.
  • It’s got positive reviews.
  • Several kit options
  • Proven technique

Disadvantages of Penimaster Pro

  • It’s expensive (though that’s the case with all extender devices)
  • It takes real commitment to see results (but again, that’s true of all devices)
  • The company website is a little tricky to navigate.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Penimaster Pro online from the company website. I do feel like it’s worth noting a few things about the website, however, since I think that’s usually a good way to get a first impression of the company. For one thing, the landing page isn’t the most impressive thing that I’ve ever seen and doesn’t exactly build confidence in the product. That being said, the Penimaster Pro does have solid technology behind it and good reviews, so don’t let the website chase you away.

Expect to be redirected to several different pages that have totally different looks as you go from the home page to the product catalog and, finally, the purchasing section. Again, this is a little off-putting but doesn’t necessarily reflect on the product. The prices are also given in Euros initially, but a conversion chart is provided.


The only way to reliably increase the size of your penis is through steady, regular tension. The technique has been used all over the world for generations to increase the size of a number of body parts. And modern medicine continues to use it. The technology behind the Penimaster Pro, then, works.

An added benefits of the Penimaster Pro – and the advantage it has over other similar systems – is the use of suction. This approach creates much less friction on the penis and should offer a more reliable, comfortable fit than the traditional strap method. Having the option of both a rod and belt system is also a nice touch. Since both systems are designed to be worn under your clothes, wearing the kit for the required hours each day is a little more realistic than it would be otherwise.

While the price may be a little bit of a shock at first, this is roughly what you would pay for most systems like this. Remember, though, that the Penimaster Pro is the only extender that we’ve seen to use suction to offer a high degree of comfort. If it ends up being on the higher end of the market, it seems like it might be worth it. You will be spending a lot of time with this device, after all, so it’s worth investing in something that you will be comfortable in.

Real, effective penis enlargement requires a lot of determination and dedication. Extender systems are generally a fairly costly purchase, too. Unfortunately, there is no quick-fix or magic pill. If you’re willing to make the investment, then your best success will come with a product that’s safe, convenient, and comfortable to use. Penimaster Pro appears to be all of these.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Focus Factor Review – Should You Use It?

I get more and more requests from readers to look into nootropic supplements. These are the ones that boost your brain power, improve your memory and focus, and help keep you motivated to perform at your peak. If you haven’t heard about them yet, don’t worry, you will. They’re becoming all the rage and as such, more and more of them are popping up on the market. One option that you can pick up at a local drugstore is called Focus Factor, and that’s the one we’re looking at today.

Focus Factor approaches brain health maintenance from a wide perspective that includes vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega-3 oils, and botanical extracts. By using this approach, the benefits they say you can achieve include support for memory, concentration, and focus.

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to jump to our personal review of Focus Factor.

Focus Factor Ingredients and How They Work

The first part of the formula resembles a multivitamin and includes:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamins B6 and B12
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Chromium
  • Iron

focus factor reviewsThe part of the formula devoted to brain health is proprietary, meaning they don’t share the ingredient amounts. It includes:

  • Bacopin which has been shown to improve memory in healthy adults.
  • Phosphatidyl Serine which has also been shown to improve memory, but studies have only included patients with dementia up till now.
  • Choline which is a neurotransmitter that provides the means of communication between different parts of the brain.
  • Huperzine A which has also been studied and shown to improve memory in dementia patients.
  • Vinpocetine which is another ingredient common in nootropic supplements for its ability to boost cognition.

Let’s talk a bit about what EXACTLY each of of these ingredients apparently do.

Vitamins B6 and B12

There have been a wide range of studies on vitamin B12, as it plays a crucial role in myelin sheath formation.  Most people can obtain sufficient vitamin B12 levels from food alone, however, overall absorption reduces significantly as we age.  This is why older adults need to either consume more vitamin B12 or receive a vitamin B12 shot.

In one study, it was shown that older adults with deficient levels both vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 experienced depression and suffered from attention issues.

There is also some speculation that a lack of vitamin B6 can promote Alzheimer’s, although there is no direct, definitive proof behind this theory.  Either way, adults who consume more vitamin B6 have lower rates of Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin D3

There is a great deal of attention placed on vitamin D3 lately, as adequate levels are being correlated to good health overall.  Since many adults and children alike don’t receive enough sunlight in order to adequately produce vitamin D3, supplementation is the next best option.

Low levels of vitamin D have been shown to result in memory issues and supplementation of about 800 IU have been shown to make a huge improvement.  However, FOCUSfactor only contains 100 IU of vitamin D, not likely enough to promote a dramatic improvement.

Proprietary Formula

The proprietary formula weighs 692 mg which includes, DMAE, L-Glutamine, Bacopin, L-pyroglutamic acid, Phosphatidylserine, DHA, Choline, Inositol, N-Acetyltyrosine, Bilberry Fruit Standardized Extract, GABA, Grapeskin Extract And Activin (Grapeseed Extract), Vinpocetine, Trace-Lyte, Huperzine A, Boron Citrate, and Vanadium.


DMAE, otherwise known as dimethylaminoethanol, has been studied in a wide variety of experiments related to brain and memory function.

These studies go all the way back to 1977 and all the way up to 2011, however, the consensus is that it doesn’t appear to have a positive effect on memory.

Based on these studies, including DMAE into a brain enhancement formula isn’t likely to show significant results.


People who are deficient in glutamine can benefit from supplementation, however, almost everyone receives sufficient amounts of this amino acids.  In most cases, only vegans and vegetarians who undergo intense exercise end up deficient in L-Glutamine.

Bacopin (Bacopa Extract)

Bacopa, long used in Indian medicine, has been shown to improve cognitive function in humans.  In one study in 2001, 300 mg a day improved learning and brain function after 12 weeks.

In addition, another study in 2010 demonstrated that Bacopa is effective in improving memory retention.

L-Pyroglutamic Acid

L-Pyroglutamic acid has been shown to improve memory in rats exposed to scopolamine, however, there isn’t much research on its effectiveness in humans.

Phosphatidylserine (PS)

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid that is typically found in the brain and has been shown to be especially important in proper cognitive function.  Typically found in fish, supplementation has been shown to improve memory in elderly individuals.  In addition, PS has been shown to lower cortisol levels, thus reducing stress.

Generally, 300 mg a day, split up into three different doses has been shown to prevent cognitive decline.  In addition, mental processing speed, accuracy, and attention span have been shown to improve with PS supplementation.

Not only that but, PS has been shown to increase anaerobic running capacity, meaning that it could show promise in improving athletic performance.


DHA is one of the most highly sought after fish oils, as it has been shown to improve memory and reaction time in a 2013 study.  However, in this study, 1.16 g were consumed every day for six months, while FOCUSfactor only has 692 mg in total in its proprietary blend.  Therefore, people who consume FOCUSfactor aren’t consuming the amount of DHA that was shown to exhibit impressive results in regards to brain function.


Choline has been shown to increase cognitive function by providing the building blocks needed to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with learning.

Choline is found in egg yolks so most people who eat eggs on a regular basis won’t have to supplement with it.  However, its use in the FOCUSfactor formula makes sense from a learning and memory standpoint.


Inositol is primarily a dietary supplement that has been used to increase fertility in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).  Inositol has also been shown to reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

Some studies have even shown that Inositol is able to reduce depression, acne, and bodyweight.

Due to the number of positive effects that Inositol has been shown to offer, it is being used in supplements with greater frequency.


N-Acetyltyrosine has been shown to increase cognition in a couple of studies.  It also reduces stress, improves working memory, and improves well-being.

Bilberry Fruit Standardized Extract

Bilberry fruit has been shown to be effective as a neuroprotective agent.  Since Bilberry Fruit Extract has been shown to reduce neurodegenerative diseases, its use in this formula makes sense.  The reason why Bilberry is so effective in protecting brain tissue is due to its anti-inflammatory nature that reduces reactive oxygen species.  In other words, Bilberry contains strong antioxidants that are beneficial in cognitive enhancement supplements.


GABA, a neurotransmitter, has been shown to allow the brain to move oxygen and nutrients more efficiently.  In addition, GABA plays a role in memory formation and may make FOCUSfactor more effective.

Grapeskin Extract And Activin (Grapeseed Extract)

Grapeseed extract is a common ingredient in a wide range of supplements due to its overall health benefits.  Grapeseed extract contains a huge amount of antioxidants and has been shown to increase blood circulation.


Vinpocetine has been shown to improve blood flow in the brain.  Oftentimes, people who are suffering from dementia don’t have adequate blood flow so they aren’t able to move nutrients and oxygen into their brain cells.  Through this method of action, Vinpocetine has been shown to improve memory.

In a 1987 study, 5 to 10 mg of Vinpocetine were shown to improve cognitive function when compared to the placebo.


Trace-Lyte consists of water and a combination of minerals.  Since many people are mineral deficient in today’s world, including minerals in any type of supplement is likely to offer benefits.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is an ingredient that is growing in popularity in memory enhancement formulas.  Since 100 µg of Huperzine A has been shown to improve memory in adolescents in one study in 1999, it is a logical addition into this supplement.  In another study in 1995, 200 µg of Huperzine A per day was shown to improve memory in people who have Alzheimer’s.

Boron Citrate

Including boron citrate makes sense because many people are deficient in boron, a crucial mineral.


Vanadium is a trace element that is required by the body and according to new research, plays a role in brain function.  In addition to treating Diabetes Mellitus, vanadium has been shown to improve learning and memory in rats.

The recommended dose is 4 Focus Factor tablets taken in the morning, with the option to take more as needed later in the day.

Focus Factor Side Effects

In one study on DMAE in Alzheimer’s patients in 1981, subjects showed confusion, drowsiness, and had an increase in blood pressure.  People who are considering consuming DMAE should be aware of the potential side effects associated with it.

Huperzine A is not advised for those with heart disease, ulcers, emphysema, asthma, and epilepsy.  The reason for this is because Huperzine A reduces the heart rate.

Bacopa also slows down the heart rate and shouldn’t be consumed by people who have asthma or emphysema.

Vinpocetine thins the blood, causing potential complications for people who are using other blood thinning agents.

Anyone who is thinking about taking Focus Factor should first consult with their doctor, especially if they have existing medical conditions.

Focus Factor Is Clinically Validated?

According to the company, Focus Factor is, “clinically shown to improve memory, concentration, and focus.”

So let’s take a closer look at this study that Focus Factor bases all their selling points on.

According to the company website, there is a clinical research study directly on Focus Factor, although this study is sponsored by the company.

In this study, 98 subjects, all healthy adults, took Focus Factor or a placebo for six weeks and were then tested on memory, concentration, and focus.  The study came to the conclusion that the experimental group that took Focus Factor had improved capabilities across the board.

Since this study is not publish, not peer reviewed, and is clearly biased from the beginning, as it is sponsored directly by the company, how much weight does it really hold?

For a popular supplement like this, more peer review studies are certainly in order so accurate conclusions can be drawn and safety can be assessed.

Focus Factor Pros and Cons

Advantages of Focus Factor

  • It can be used as a “multivitamin-plus” if you’re concerned about maintaining a high level of cognitive function.
  • It’s available to pick up in stores.
  • It’s very inexpensive compared to most nootropic formulas.

Disadvantages of Focus Factor

  • The amounts of effective nootropic ingredients are not listed, and are probably quite low, given the price.
  • Focus Factor reviews from customers are very mixed, and it seems like the happiest customers are the ones who went into it with low expectations.

Our Test Results

We had a guy named Steve Cronin, who tests out a wide variety of nootropic stacks and supplements, try Focus Factor.   Below is what he had to say:

Other Customer Reviews

On Amazon, Focus Factor has a 3.9 out of 5 star rating.  With over 582 customer reviews, it is safe to say that this rating is justified.

51% of reviewers gave Focus Factor a 5 star rating, while 13% gave this supplement a 1 star rating.

focus factor amazon reviews

People who gave Focus Factor a 5 star rating claimed that they were able to remember names better and stated that their memory improved.  Others are giving this supplement to children with ADHD, with great results.

Many say that Focus Factor has cleared up their brain fog so it certainly might be worth a try for almost anyone who is looking for optimal mental function.

On the other hand, people who are giving Focus Factor a 1 star rating claim that it simply doesn’t work or makes them feel jittery.

Other people believe that Focus Factor is simply a placebo and some have even stated that this product causes severe headaches.

In addition to headaches, others claim that they don’t like the smell of this supplement and state that it gives them stomach aches.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Focus Factor at stores like Costco, GNC, and Walmart, or online through several retailers. The price for the 150-count bottle is anywhere from $15-$30 so make sure you look around for your best option.


The idea of a multivitamin that also boosts your brain health seems like a no-brainer (pardon the pun). But only if it performs both functions well. If you’re just looking for a little mild support, Focus Factor may be perfect for you. Just don’t expect to see major changes.

Have You Used Focus Factor? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Ultra GHT Male Review – Should You Use It?

Ultra GHT Male Overview

You’ve heard of natural testosterone boosters. Your familiar with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) boosters. Now what if you could combine the two? That’s what Nature’s Plus does with their Ultra GHT Male product. And they add the benefits of a “mini” multivitamin as well, so if you’re a man over 40, this could work as your go-to daily supplement. If it works, that is.

The benefits Ultra GHT Male claims to provide are many, and include:

  • Antioxidant protection against free radicals
  • Supercharged L-Dopa levels for improved mood
  • Freeing of fatty acids.
  • Improved blood sugar regulation.
  • Increased insulin-like growth factor 1
  • Enhanced muscle gene expression.
  • Reduced stress and stress-related chemicals.
  • Improved cellular energy delivery system.

By boosting both testosterone and HGH, you see and improvement in sleep, energy, mood, overall brain function, body composition (muscle to fat ratio), sex drive, and overall youthfulness.

Ultra GHT Male ReviewUltra GHT Male Ingredients and How They Work

The Ultra GHT Male formula start off with a vitamin and mineral profile that provides significant amounts of Vitamins C, D3, E, and B6 as well as Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, and Chromium.

The herbal components include:

  • Fenugreek Extract, Tribulus Terrestris, and Boron for boosting testosterone levels.
  • Amino Acids to support protein synthesis for muscle growth and repair.
  • Glutathione, Velvet Bean, and Red Palm Oil for booting the release of HGH.
  • Grape and Apple extracts and Resveratrol for antioxidant protection.
  • Ashwagandha to support healthy hormone levels and ratios.

Ultra GHT Male tablets are bi-layered, Gluten-Free, and Vegetarian. How you take them depends on your primary goals, and you can experiment if you want. The daily recommended dose is 3 tablets. If you’re looking to boost testosterone levels, take all three tablets before bed. If HGH is your main focus, take 1 pill with each meal.

Ultra GHT Male Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ultra GHT Male

  • It contains several vitamins and minerals for overall health.
  • The ingredients are all natural, vegetarian, and gluten-free.
  • It’s designed to be an all-around daily vitality supplement with several distinct benefits for men.
  • You can find some very positive Ultra GHT Male reviews from customers who’ve used it.

Disadvantages of Ultra GHT Male

  • It’s kind of expensive.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Ultra GHT Male online through several different retailers. The 90 count bottle sells for anywhere from $52-$75 so make sure you shop around.


Ultra GHT Male is a good product to replace or supplement your daily vitamin as you get older. You’ll always need the nutrients provided by a multivitamin, and as you age, your need for more testosterone and HGH only increases. Ultra GHT Male is a decent way to take care of 3 birds with one stone.

Of course it is not a miracle cure and will affect all people differently, but it is definitely worth checking out especially if you are able to find it at the lower price range that you can find online.

Check with your doctor to make sure that it does not interact with any medications or supplements that you are currently taking as well as that you are not allergic to anything in it.

Have You Used Ultra GHT Male? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Review – Does It Work?

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Overview

If somebody told you that there’s one simple thing you could do that would improve your mood, your strength, your weight training efforts, your weight loss efforts, and even your sex life, you’d probably dismiss them as a snake oil salesman and be on your way. And that would be the logical way to react. But in this case, you’d be wrong. There is such a miracle substance out there, and it’s called testosterone. We’ve all got some, but as we get older, we have less and less. The trick is finding a way to get some of it back, but without all the expense and side effects of using actual synthetic testosterone in the form of injections or gels.

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster is a natural testosterone boosting supplement from Kettle Ball Challenge and Strength Training Instructor, Mike Mahler. If you’ve looked at these kinds of supplements before, you know that they mostly use the same several ingredients, with a few minor differences to try to distinguish themselves. But Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster is actually pretty different. Let’s take a look and see if it works differently as well.

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster ReviewAggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Ingredients and How They Work

There are only 3 ingredients in the 650mg per serving Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster formula: Stinging Nettle, ProLensis, and Mucuna Pruriens.

  • The big gun in this case is ProLensis Bulbine Natalensis. It comes from South Africa, and it’s been studied on rats and shown to increase testosterone by 347% while decreasing estrogen by 35%. When you increase testosterone, you also inadvertently increase estrogen because testosterone converts into estrogen. But ProLensis works as an aromatase inhibitor, meaning that it blocks this conversion.
  • Stinging Nettle Root increases your level of free testosterone. It does this by binding itself to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG, when unbound, will bind itself to testosterone and DHT, making them essentially useless.. Stinging Nettle prevents this by binding to SHBG first. Stinging Nettle also blocks conversion to estrogen and supports prostate health.
  • Mucuna Pruriens increases the release of dopamine to support improved mood, energy, and drive. It also increases the release of Luteinizing Hormone which signals the body to produce more testosterone and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

The recommended dose varies depending on your weight. If you’re under 180 lbs, take 2 Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster capsules per day. From 180-240, use 3 caps per day. If you’re over 240 lbs, your dose is 4 capsules per day. You should take Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster for a 4 or 8 week cycle, then break for 2-4 weeks before starting again.

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Pros and Cons

Advantages of Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are tons of very favorable Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster reviews on the website from guys who claim that blood tests confirm significant testosterone level increases.

Disadvantages of Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster

  • The precise amount of ingredients is not shared.
  • The only testimonials I found come from the product website, so they may not be as objective of those you’d find elsewhere.
  • The studies performed on ProLensis involved rats, not humans.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster through the Mike Mahler website. A one month supply (if you weigh 180-240) costs $49.95, and you can save money by buying several bottles at a time. There’s a 30 day money back guarantee available to new customers.


The formula is definitely bare bones and not what we’re used to seeing. The rat study looks good, but then again, it’s a rat study. The thing that really makes you stand up and take notice is the testimonials from guys who say their blood work has improved. If you’re intrigued by the possibility, give Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster a try, but be prepared to take advantage of the money back guarantee if you don’t get the results you’re looking for.

Have You Used Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

OverSize Review – Does It Really Work?

OverSize Overview

OverSize is a penis enhancement formulation made by Quantum Natural that promises enlargement as well as performance enhancement. When you take this daily supplement, the benefits you can expect include:

  • An average increase of 31% in penis size, both length and girth.
  • Firmer erections.
  • Long lasting stamina.
  • Control over when you ejaculate.
  • Enhanced results from doing penis stretches and exercises.
  • More intense orgasms due to increased semen volume.

Most of these claims are doable. Herbal male enhancement pills have come a long way, and you really can get some nice performance improvements out of them. But the talk about the 31% size increase is a bit sketchy. For one thing, they don’t provide any information on where that number comes from. But even more importantly, you’re just not going to get penis size increases by doing nothing but taking a pill.

OverSize ReviewOverSize Ingredients and How They Work

In order to make an educated assessment of whether or not OverSize works in the performance department, we’ll take a look at what goes into the formula:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which may help naturally boost testosterone levels by signaling the release of Luteinizing Hormone. LH then tells the testes to produce more testosterone.
  • Catuaba is an herbal aphrodisiac from Peru. It’s been used for centuries to boost libido and blood flow for better erections.
  • Damiana is also an ancient herbal aphrodisiac. It too boosts libido and erection quality as a result.
  • Muira Puama is one more herbal aphrodisiac for good measure.
  • Ginseng improves blood flow to the penis for stronger, firmer erections.
  • Horny Goat Weed also improves blood flow to the penis. In fact, it works similarly to Viagra, but it’s all natural.
  • Cuscuta increases sperm count and semen volume so your orgasm or not only more intense, but also more impressive.

OverSize is a daily supplement. You’re instructed to take 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night so you’re ready to go anytime.

OverSize Pros and Cons

Advantages of OverSize

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are lots of OverSize reviews from customers who say it helps with better erections.

Disadvantages of OverSize

  • Its main advertised feature is size increases, but that’s where it just doesn’t deliver.
  • There are lots of reviews from guys who were looking for size increases, but got none.

Where to Buy

You can purchase OverSize at the Herballove Shop online. A one month supply of 60 pills costs $55.78 which puts it pretty much in the middle of the pack in terms of price.


OverSize would get a higher recommendation from me if it weren’t called “OverSize.” The name, the premis, and the advertising are misleading. Judging by the reviews, it’s a good performance enhancement formulation, but if you’re looking for size increases, you’re going to need more than a pill.

Have You Used OverSize? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Brainstorm Elite Review – Does It Really Work?

A couple of months ago I reviewed a product called Neuro 3x, which was being advertised on major media outlets like Yahoo and Facebook as being a new “wonder drug” for the brain.  We ordered it, tested it, and reviewed it, and it didn’t work…Now it seems that either the makers of Neuro3x have changed up the label of their product and are now calling it Brainstorm Elite.  All the marketing is relatively the same, the whole sales page is the same, but there are a few catches to this that make it a bit different.  This review will attempt to clarify those changes.

What is Brainstorm Elite?

According to the manufacturer, Brainstorm Elite is a once daily supplement that is used to help improve focus, memory, and energy.  It does this through the use of an all natural and proprietary formula that was apparently designed by top researchers.  That formula includes the likes of Panax Ginseng (400mg), Vinpocetine (10 mg), and Vitamin B-6 (10 mg), as well as some fillers like gelatin, rice flour, magnesium, and dextrin.

brainstorm elite reviewsThere has been research on the ingredients Ginseng and Vinpocetine regarding their cognitive enhancing effects, but the research is still limited.  I actually used to take Ginseng (along with Ginkgo Biloba) quite regularly back in the day and it did seem to help a bit with short and long term memory as well as cognitive performance.

The dosing schedule on the label calls for one capsule daily between meals with at least 8 ounces of water, or as directed by a physician.

Lies and Deception

The marketing approach to Brainstorm Elite is a bit different then the approach used with Neuro 3x.  Instead of Will Smith apparently using this supplement, now it’s Leonardo Dicaprio.

It says so right in the ad, quoting him as saying “Nothing expands your mind and gets you in the zone like Brainstorm Elite“.  I searched the interview with Leo, which happened to be an interview about his experience on the set of “The Wolf of Wall Street), and listened to the entire 16:40 clip.  Check it out below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mlgcXJVNd4]

Did you hear him say anything about Brainstorm Elite?  I didn’t hear him once talk about taking some brain enhancing pill to give him extreme mental clarity and ambition.  Clearly they are using his name and likeness illegally, and of course, deceptively.

Deceptive advertising aside, does Brainstorm Elite even really work?  Well, the ad clearly states that it does, and chronicles the experience of a senior chief editor at Discovery Magazine who go’s by the name of Alan Frasier.  He tested it, and he says it worked great.  The problem is this…there is no chief editor at Discovery Magazine named Alan Frasier.  We looked it up, and even contacted them.  In fact, if you look very carefully, this isn’t even the real Discovery Magazine site.  The site is intended to “look” like Discovery Mag, but try to click around on the navigation bar and see if you can go to another page.  I’ve provided a screencast below in case you don’t have the page open any longer…

[vimeo 133501119 w=500 h=281]

That’s right…every single link redirects to the Brainstorm Elite website.  It doesn’t matter what you click on, you ALWAYS end up on their site.  Even if you try to click the social sharing icons, like the facebook, twitter, youtube, or google+ icons, they don’t even work.  It even clearly states “Advertorial” right underneath the Discover logo if you look very carefully.  Red Flag #1…

Red Flag #2 is the fact that they say that their supplement has been seen on CNNHealth.com, ABC News, and Men’s Health.  Well, I reached out to the editors at these media outlets and none of them had ever heard of Brainstorm Elite.  They even contacted their advertising departments to see if they placed ads in their publications, and they too said they never heard of it.

Red Flag #3 is the reference to an apparent tweet by the movie limitless, who called Brainstorm Elite the inspiration for the movie.  In case you haven’t already seen the movie, Bradley Cooper plays a disheveled writer who can’t focus or concentrate on anything.  He is introduced this pill called NZT, which can make you rich and powerful beyond your wildest dreams.  It works to enhance your perception, cognition, memory, focus, drive, everything you need to perform at beyond ordinary levels.

You can see that reference below:

brainstorm elite limitless small

And then, here’s the real Limitless movie tweet that was posted that day…

limitless tweet small

Big Surprise, right???  You can see the real tweet here.  Not once does it mention that Brainstorm Elite was the inspiration behind their movie.  And even if it was, that movie was made well before Brainstorm Elite ever even existed, so how could it be the inspiration??

This is not the first time I’ve seen this, as you will see in this related article here.

My Results With Brainstorm Elite

In order to give the most fair and impartial review of Brainstorm Elite, it makes sense that we should probably test it.  I ordered a one month supply and decided to give it a try recently.

Now keep in mind, as mentioned previously the marketing behind the supplement says that it works very quickly and gives a “600% increase in IQ in minutes”.  Well, If that’s the case then I must straight up be a moron, because I didn’t feel ANYTHING like that.

Did it give me a boost in focus and concentration?  Maybe.  I felt a tiny bit of increase in focus like 2 hours after taking it, but it wasn’t some miracle “eye opening” experience.  It certainly didn’t feel anything like taking Aderral or Vyvans, and the effects didn’t seem to linger for very long (assuming it wasn’t a placebo in the first case).

I kept taking it for about a week and literally noticed no difference at all.  On the upside, I didn’t experience any side effects, which I didn’t really expect anyway due to the small ingredient list.

Frequently Asked Questions about Brainstorm Elite

How Do I Take It?

This appears to be a once a day supplement that has a cumulative effect over time.  The serving size is 1 capsule, and it is not recommended to exceed 2 capsules per day.  It’s also not recommended to take Brainstorm Elite if you rare pregnant, nursing, have hypertension, or are taking and prescription medications.

Are There Any Side Effects?

At this point it’s a bit unknown.  Side effects are always possible with supplements, so it’s best to check with your doctor to see if you are healthy enough to take it.  However, some of the ingredients do have the potential for side effects.  For example, the primary ingredient Panax Ginseng lists a common side effect as insomnia, although I have never experienced insomnia from it.

WebMD lists the long term side effects of Panax Ginseng as creating possible hormone-like effects that could be harmful with longer then 6 months of use.

Who Makes It?

This is a bit of a mystery as well.  I looked up the address that was provided on their contact us page, and it shows a UPS store in Las Vegas.  It’s obviously a small operation intending to look like a big one, and I searched around on the governments trademark search pages and came up short.

If you can’t even get a solid answer as to who is behind any given supplement, then it really serves to make you wonder if there is much of anything that can be trusted about it, such as its actual efficacy.

Does Brainstorm Elite Work Like Adderall?

If you read through their claims, it might be tempting to think that this supplement works very similarly to prescription medications like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin.  However, since there are no known all natural herbs that COMPLETELY mimic the effects of these drugs, it’s highly unlikely that Brainstorm Elite could be classified as an adderall substitute.

Are There Any Clinical Studies on This?

As far as I can tell, this supplement has not been clinically studied.  Some of the ingredients have been included in studies, but not the proprietary formula itself.

Where To Buy?

The only place Brainstorm Elite is apparently available for sale is on their official website.  A one month supply will run you $53.98 a piece, and they do offer discounts for larger orders.  I looked through their site to see if there was some sort of money back guarantee, and it looks like they offer a 30 day refund policy from the date of order.  However, it does appear that you have to send the bottle back (and it cannot be empty) to them in order for them to honor this guarantee.

I checked with Amazon, GNC, Walmart, CVS, and many of the other physical retailers out there, and none of them appear to sell Brainstorm Elite.  However, Amazon DOES sell a similar sounding supplement which is also called Braintstorm, which is sold by a completely different company called Allergy Research Group.

Are There Any “Real” Reviews or Testimonials?

If your looking for honest and credible reviews of this supplement, you likely wont find any…there are a few “salesy” type sites that talk the product up, but noone has appeared to use it.  A quick search on youtube and yahoo answers also turned up nothing, other then people asking whether or not it really works.

Does Leonardo Dicaprio Really Take It?

Very unlikely…I reached out to his pr rep and even tweeted Leo himself (not that I’m expecting a reply :), but so far no response.  I would consider it HIGHLY UNLIKELY that he in fact did use Brain Storm Elite, but I guess anything is possible…


The marketing behind this product is clearly deceptive, and they are erroneously using Leonardo DiCaprios name to promote it. 

He undoubtedly is probably not aware of it, but I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say he doesn’t support it.

You will likely even see other false advertisements saying that Dr. Oz recommends it, it was featured on Ellen, Tony Robbins uses it, or even “The Rock” used it for peak mental function.

Don’t believe it…

It’s all a clever deceptive marketing campaign to separate you from your wallet.

How do I know this? 

Because I have seen this EXACT type of deception used to market several other products, including Addium, Cogniflex, Brain Plus IQ, Intelligex, and many others.

I could literally go on and on with the sheer amount of supplements making these claims.

Everyone says they have the “real limitless pill”, but the vast majority are complete junk.

In fact, I would say they are nothing more than a caffeine pill mixed with L-Theanine, which in an of itself is a mildly powerful nootropic stack.

And I would know because I’ve personally tested DOZENS of these supplements.

From my personal experience taking Brainstorm Elite, it didn’t really seem to have any effect on cognitive performance.  However, it must be noted that everyone responds differently to supplements like this, so in your case it may be completely different.

With that said, there are still far and away too many things that make me lean towards it being a sketchy and untrustworthy Nootropic that only stands out from its competitors in that it is extremely shrouded in mystery.

Click Here to sign up for my FREE “Complete Guide To Nootropics” ebook, which reveals POWERFUL supplements that really do work.

Have You Used Brainstorm Elite?  Leave Your Review Below!


1.  Hypericum Perforatum – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum_perforatum

2.  Acetyl L-Carnitine – http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-834-acetyl-l-carnitine.aspx?activeingredientid=834&activeingredientname=acetyl-l-carnitine

3.  DMAE Bitartrate – http://wholehealthchicago.com/3378/dmae-dimethylaminoethanol/

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

EnhanceRX Review – Should You Use It?

EnhanceRX Overview

We talk a lot on this website about penis enlargement and about the fact that pill just simply can’t do it. Pills can give you a bigger erection, they can increase your libido, they can help you last longer and perform better, but they can’t make you’re penis grow. Any time you see an advertisement for a pill that makes your penis grow, just know that it’s an exaggeration. They can make your erection harder and even possibly slightly bigger. But they can’t make you wake up in the morning with a johnson that’s longer and/or thicker than it was the night before.

EnhanceRX is one of those supplements that make guys think differently. In the big, bold print, they talk about “size increases” and “penis enlargement”, but if you read more closely, you see that in the finer print, the actual explanations of things, they say things like “enhance your erect penis size with the combination of an exercise program”.

Yeah, that sounds more like it because let’s be honest, there is not a single supplement that makes your penis bigger, but either way clarifying it in small print does not make them honest, they still tried to trick you with their bold print claims.

So whether or not EnhanceRX makes your penis bigger (it doesn’t), it may be a fine performance enhancement supplement. So let’s take a closer look and see what we can find out.

EnhanceRX ReviewEnhanceRX Ingredients and How They Work

Probably the most important thing to look at is the formula. For EnhanceRX, we find:

  • L-Arginine HCL which is a precursor to nitric oxide for opening up blood vessels and allowing more blood to flow through.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases testosterone levels.
  • Catuaba, Muira Puama, and Maca Root to increase libido
  • Ginkgo Biloba for increasing blood flow to the brain for more energy, stamina, and clarity.
  • Ginseng also for energy.
  • Saw Palmetto for prostate support.
  • Bioperine to increase absorption rates of the rest of the ingredients to make them more effective.

After taking EnhanceRX for 2-4 weeks, you can expect an increase in erection thickness. After 5-8 weeks, you’ll see longer erections. And after 9 weeks, your penis will be longer, thicker, harder, and healthier.

EnhanceRX Pros and Cons

Advantages of EnhanceRX

  • The formula is well rounded and likely capable of improving performance.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are lots of favorable testimonials.

Disadvantages of EnhanceRX

  • They try to tell you EnhanceRX will increase your penis size, but then walk that back in the fine print.

Where to Buy

EnhanceRX is available online through the official website. A one month supply sells for $57, and you can save by buying more than one bottle at a time. There’s a 180 day money back guarantee that applies to 2 opened and any unopened bottles you may have, so you can take advantage of the volume discounts that also come with free ebooks included.


EnhanceRX is a fine male performance enhancement supplement. If you use it along with exercises, you may actually see some real growth.

However, taking it or any other similar supplement on its own is simply not going to cause growth, unless you are referring to an erection but as far as permanent growth, you won’t be getting that here or with any pill. Period.

Have You Used EnhanceRX? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Virility Pills VP-Rx Review – Does It Work?

Virility Pills VP-Rx Overview

At seven years and counting, Virility Pills VP-Rx is practically an old granddaddy of male enhancement supplements. It’s been around for quite a while, and it’s enjoyed a certain degree of popularity all along the way. The website and marketing are pretty low-key and talk about doctor recommendations and herbal formulations more than they show hot sweaty chicks drooling over chiseled young studs. So they’re choosing to present a more professional image than a titillating one. That’s okay, what we’re really interested in is what Virility Pills VP-Rx promises and whether or not it can deliver.

Virility Pills VP-Rx is a daily supplement. 2 pills a day and you should be ready to go whenever opportunity strikes. You’ll experience increased desire, improvement in erections size and performance, boosted energy, and intense pleasure. That’s the promise. Now let’s check out the formula to see if it supports those promises.

virility pills vprx reviewsVirility Pills VP-Rx Ingredients and How They Work

The Virility Pills VP-Rx website provides complete ingredient information including amounts and brief descriptions of the benefits of each. There’s:

  • Niacin for opening up blood vessels, providing better blood flow.
  • Vitamin E for cell membrane protection against free radicals.
  • Horny Goat Weed to improve blood flow to the penile chambers for better erections.
  • Catuaba Bark as a highly effective herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Saw Palmetto for prostate support.
  • Muira Puama which is another herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Ginkgo Biloba for increased blood flow to the brain which means more energy.
  • Ginseng for fighting against generalized weakness.
  • Damiana, yet another herbal aphrodisiac for good measure.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may help increase testosterone.

Virility Pills VP-Rx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Virility Pills VP-Rx

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The promises aren’t over the top.
  • The Virility Pills VP-Rx reviews I’ve seen are pretty favorable.

Disadvantages of Virility Pills VP-Rx

  • Depending on where you look, there may be some confusion about what the ingredients actually are. There are a couple of different lists floating around. The one we provided here comes straight from their website, so it should be correct.
  • Some website promoting Virility Pills VP-Rx claim that it works toward permanent penis enlargement, but this is just not true. No pill can enlarge your flaccid penis, which is what permanent enlargement means.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Virility Pills VP-Rx online. A single bottle sells for $49.95, and you can get discounts if you buy multiple bottles at once. They offer a 67 day money back guarantee that applies to the first to used (even empty) bottles as well as any unused bottles you may have. This way, you can take advantage of the special volume pricing and still be covered by the guarantee.


Virility Pills VP-Rx is a good solid male enhancement supplement. It’s safe, it’s effective, and it comes with a money back guarantee that actually gives you some time to try it out. If Virility Pills VP-Rx has caught your eye, I recommend you go with it.

Have You Used Virility Pills VP-Rx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Pro Peptide R22 Review – Does It Work?

Pro Peptide R22 Overview

For some people, picking a protein powder is just a matter of what’s cheapest, or what has the fewest calories if you’re trying to lose weight, or what has the most calories if you’re trying to gain weight, or what tasted the best. They figure “protein is protein” so they pick the one that has the one particular aspect they care most about. But for others, picking the right protein is like a science. They want just the right combination of just the right proteins and other attributes that their painstaking research has revealed them to need.

Pro Peptide R22 would fall mainly in the category of proteins used by the second group of people. Made by Captain Anabolic, it’s heavily marketed toward bodybuilders and serious gym rats. With 40 grams of protein per serving and including a healthy dose of BCAAs for post workout recovery, we can see why. They wanted to take the guesswork out of choosing a protein by providing everything you could need. But does Pro Peptide R22 deliver all it claims to?

Pro Peptide R22 ReviewPro Peptide R22 Ingredients and How They Work

Looking at the nutrient profile is a the first thing you want to do when you’re thinking about a protein powders. Here’s what’s in Pro Peptide R22 from Captain Anabolic:

  • Protein: 41.5g
    Total Carbs: 3.1g
    Sugars: 1g
    Total Fat: 1.3g
    Saturated Fat: 0.6g

The list of amino acids included is impressive. There’s L-Argnine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Lysine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glutamine, L-Tyrosine, and many many more. So when it comes to Branched Chain Amino Acids, which you need for optimal post workout recovery, Pro Peptide R22 has you covered.

How Does Pro Peptide R22 Mix and Taste?

As part of being your one “go-to” protein, Pro Peptide R22 claims to have great mixability. Just use a shaker cup and some water or mild. They promise it’s got low froth and no clumps, and that it tastes great. The flavor options include Banana, Chocolate, and Vanilla, and it is said to be light on your stomach – ie no bloating.

Pro Peptide R22 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pro Peptide R22

  • It packs a whopping 41.5 grams of protein in every serving.
  • It mixes well even with just water.
  • It contains 10 grams of BCAAs for recovery.
  • It’s endorsed by quite a few Australian professional bodybuilders.
  • It’s affordable.

Disadvantages of Pro Peptide R22

  • The only Pro Peptide R22 reviews I’ve seen are the professional testimonials.
  • They don’t tell you what kind of protein is used in the formula.

Where to Buy

Pro Peptide R22 is an Australian product. You can get it at MuscleBeach locations or online. The 80 serving tub sells for about $62.

Buying it online can also rack up a lot in shipping, especially if you are buying it internationally.


Pro Peptide R22 is a good option for a high-protein protein powder. I wish there were more reviews available from regular guys, but the word of the professionals will have to do. If you’re in Australia, I’d say it’s a no brainer. But if you’re half way around the world, I’m not sure it’s with the hassel.

Have You Used Pro Peptide R22?? Leave Your Review Below!

Virility Patch Rx Review – Does It Work?

Virility Patch Rx Overview

How would you like to increase the size of your penis without pills, pumps, exercises, or devices? Sounds great, right? The makers of Virility Patch Rx certainly hope you feel that way. Not only will these patches increase your size, but they’ll also boost your libido, give you harder erections, and improve your sexual performance so when she comes back for more (and she will) you’ll be ready.

But is it possible? Virility Patch Rx claims to provide all these improvements without even having to take a pill. You simply place the Virility Patch Rx patch directly onto your skin and replace it every three days. And the results are a bigger penis and a better sex life.

Virility Patch Rx ReviewVirility Patch Rx Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredients in the Virility Patch Rx formula are provided on their official website, but it doesn’t include ingredient amounts. There’s:

  • Ginseng which provides energy and sexual stimulation.
  • Fo-Ti which is used to restore youthfulness.
  • Gotu Kola which prevents impotence, and builds stamina.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports the health of your prostate gland.
  • Damiana which is known to be an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Yohimbe which increases the flow of blood to the penis.
  • Menthol is an alcohol that comes from the peppermint plant. It’s used in this formula to prepare the skin for absorption of the other ingredients.

Instructions are to place one Virility Patch Rx patch onto clean skin. The ingredients are delivered transdermally, so they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin. Every 3 days, remove the current patch and apply a new one to a different area of skin, letting the previously used area of skin recover.

Virility Patch Rx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Virility Patch Rx

  • The patch system may be more convenient for someone who cannot or will not use pills.
  • The all natural ingredients should provide a libido and performance improvement.

Disadvantages of Virility Patch Rx

  • There are no Virility Patch Rx reviews from actual customers that we can use to gauge its success.
  • It contains Yohimbe which could be dangerous to some users, and has been banned in several countries.
  • The exaggerated claims of big penis growth with no exercises or devices just makes us lose trust in Virility Patch Rx.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Virility Patch Rx online through a number of retailers. A box of 10 patches costs anywhere from $20 to $50 depending on where you buy it, so make sure you shop around if you’re interested.


A male enhancement patch is a good alternative for anyone who isn’t able to take pills but still wants the benefits of an herbal formulation. But it doesn’t appear that Virility Patch Rx is your best option. With no customer reviews, exaggerated claims, and widely varying prices, I’d say it’s best to skip over Virility Patch Rx.

Have You Used Virility Patch Rx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Excitol Review – Does It Work?

Excitol Overview

With the male enhancement supplement market flooded with options like it is, a product really needs to stand out if it wants to grab a piece of that pie. Excitol chooses to try by making the claim that it’s a fast-acting supplement that uses only safe, natural ingredients that do not include Yohimbe. If it works, this would indeed stand out because fast-acting supplements don’t really have a reputation at theis point for being both safe and effective. It’s generally one or the other. Either a product contains unsafe, undisclosed, prescription-reqiring ingredients, it contains Yohimbe which is natural but potentially unsafe as well, or it just doesn’t work. So let’s see what’s different about Excitol.

As far as claims go, you’ll find that Excitol:

  • Increases erection hardness.
  • Improve stamina.
  • Enhances sexual stimulation.
  • Works in 30 minutes.
  • Boosts sexual sensitivity and pleasure.
  • Increases orgasm intensity.
  • Lasts up to 24 hours.

Excitol ReviewExcitol Ingredients and How They Work

The Excitol website provides a list of included ingredients and gives a brief explanation of how they each work. Amounts are listed for some of the ingredients, while others are in a proprietary blend. There’s:

  • EpimediumGrandiflorum improves erections through increased blood flow.
  • Rhodiola Root fights fatigue and improves mood.
  • Maca increases overall sexual health and functions as an aphrodisiac.
  • Muira Puama is a Brazilian aphrodisiac.
  • L-Arginine increases nitric oxide which widens blood vessels, allowing greater blood flow to the penis for better erections.
  • Eurycoma Longfolia increases free testosterone levels.
  • Oyster Extract for its concentration of zinc which improves libido and overall health.
  • Damiana boosts libido.
  • Licorice Root balances hormone levels.
  • Korean Ginseng increases stamina and libido.

The recommended dose is 2 capsules about half an hour before sexual activity. The effects should last up to 24 hours.

Excitol Pros and Cons

Advantages of Excitol

  • The ingredients are all natural and safe.
  • A volume discount is provided.

Disadvantages of Excitol

  • There are no Excitol reviews from customers to show if real guys are finding this to work.
  • The ingredients with listed amounts are fairly low in concentration, so they’re likely not to be effective.
  • There’s no money back guarantee.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Excitol through its official website. A single bottle contains 30 capsules. That’s 15 doses which is what they call a one month supply. The cost is $39.95 for a single bottle. If you buy 2 bottles, you’ll get 2 free.


Safety is important, but if a product doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how safe it is, people won’t use it. With a weak formula and no customer reviews telling us otherwise, we just can’t recommend Excitol as an effective product.

Have You Used Excitol? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

ASP For Men Review – Should You Use It?

ASP For Men Overview

The ASP in ASP For Men stands for Advanced Sexual Performance. It’s a daily male enhancement supplement that promises:

  • Better, firmer erections.
  • More intense orgasms.
  • Greater sexual stamina.
  • A return to intimacy and pleasure.

One of the main focuses for ASP For Men is that it’s natural and safe. Not only does it not contain harsh prescription ingredients, but it also doesn’t contain Yohimbe which, though natural, can cause dangerous side effects in some men, similar to the ones you may get with prescription ED medications. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the formula.

ASP For Men Ingredients and How They Work

The ASP For Men website provides information on which ingredients are included and adds a little blurb about whey each is included. There’s:

  • Horny Goat Weed which increases blood flow to the penis for better erections.
  • Korean Ginseng which increases libido.
  • L-Arginine which increases blood flow to the penis by increasing nitric oxide, a vasodilator.
  • Longjack Root which increases free testosterone for better erections and performance.
  • Maca Root which is an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Muira Puama which also supports libido.
  • Pygeum Africanum which supports the health of your prostate.
  • Stinging Nettles which improves reproductive health.

Instructions are to take 1 ASP For Men capsule per day to improve your sexual performance and experience.

ASP For Men Pros and Cons

Advantages of ASP For Men

  • The ingredients are all listed and all natural, and don’t include Yohimbe.
  • It’s sold for a reasonable price.

Disadvantages of ASP For Men

  • The amounts of each ingredient in the formula are not listed, so it’s tough to tell if it would be effective.
  • Most of the ASP For Men reviews I’ve found basically say that it does nothing – has no negative effect and no positive effect.

Where to Buy

You can purchase ASP For Men through the official website. A single bottle sells for $42.95, but if you buy 2 you’ll get one for free.


I like the fact that it’s all natural and safe, but judging by all the negative reviews of the stuff, I have to conclude that ASP For Men just doesn’t really work. But there are plenty of male enhancement supplements that do, so I would recommend going with one of those.

Have You Used ASP For Men? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Aspire 36 Review – Aspire 36 Recalled?

Aspire 36 Overview

Everybody wants that magic pill that’s natural, safe, effective, and you only have to take it when you think you’ll be needing it. That’s why I get asked over and over to recommend a fast-acting male enhancement pill. Who wouldn’t want a pill that he can take a few minutes before having sex that would make his erection harder and his performance better than anything his lady has every seen or experienced? Well, this fast acting superstar product is hard to find. In fact, it may just not exist. But we keep looking so if it does, we’ll find it.

Aspire 36 claims very clearly and boldly that this is the one you’ve been looking for. You only take it when you’re expecting activity, it makes you horny, it makes you hard, and you’ll be able to go again and again for up to 36 hours.

Aspire 36 ReviewAspire 36 Ingredients and How They Work

According to the official Aspire 36 information we found, the ingredients list is all natural and includes:

  • Oleic Acid
  • Mineral Oil
  • Ophiglossum Thermale Extract
  • L-Arginine CHL
  • Huang Qi
  • Schizandra
  • Danshen
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C

These are actually pretty uncommon ingredients for a male enhancement formula. Not at all what I would expect to see.

Aspire 36 Reviews

There are lots of positive Aspire 36 reviews out there from customers who’ve had great success with it. But a common theme among these positive reviews is a complaint of headaches. When it comes to fast acting male enhancement pills, this is a red flag because headaches are a side effect often caused by prescription ED medication. Over the years, there have been several fast-acting male enhancement pills recalled by the FDA for containing these prescription medication. The FDA does random formula testing, and pretty frequently, they find these undisclosed, potentially dangerous, ingredients.

Aspire 36 Recall

Unfortunately, Aspire 36 was one of those supplements. The FDA issued a recall because Aspire 36 contained an undisclosed ingredient that requires a prescription. The problem here is that guys with heart conditions, high blood pressure, and guys who take medications to control these conditions may experience dangerous side effects when they use these prescription medications. So it’s unethical to say the least to put these medications in their “natural” product and not tell anyone. It puts their customers in danger.

Aspire 36 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Aspire 36

  • None.

Disadvantages of Aspire 36

  • It was recalled by the FDA and is no longer on the market.


The fact that so many fast-acting male enhancement pills get recalled for containing undisclosed ingredients is really strong evidence that it’s difficult to make a natural fast-acting pill that competes with the prescription stuff. Unfortunately, Aspire 36 is just another example of this failure.

Have You Used Aspire 36? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

SPS Precursor Pre Workout Review

Most of the well known pre workout supplements on the market come packed with tons of stimulants like caffeine, yohimbe, and others to give you that huge boost of energy to get you amped for the gym.  I’ve been seeing alot of ads for SPS Precursor pre workout supplement recently, so I decided to take an in depth look into it to see what all the fuss is about.  This supplement claims to be different by offering a completely stimulant-free pre workout mix, but does it really work as well as they say it does?  Read more to find out.

What is SPS Precursor?

Developed by a company called Science Powered Supplements, SPS Precursor is a powder based pre workout supplement that is stimulant free.  This is a good thing, and a bad thing.  Most effective pre workout formulas I’ve come across contain AT LEAST some sort of stimulant to help get your ass in gear.  However, it does contain a number of essential amino acids that may help to give you an overall boost in energy.  Those ingredients include:

  • sps precursor reviewL-Citrulline Malate – This amino acid is naturally produced in the body, and can also be found in foods like Watermelon, onions, garlic, and chick peas.  While there is still insufficient evidence supporting it’s use in enhancing exercise performance, some studies suggest that it may actually help improve erection quality in men suffering from erectile dysfunction. (1)
  • L-Ornithine HCL – L-Ornithine HCL is also an amino acid that has been studied for its anti-fatigue fighting properties.  However, there are some downsides to this ingredient, including side effects ranging from gastrointestinal upset to insomnia. (2)
  • Beta Alanine – This NON ESSENTIAL amino acid actually has been shown to increase physical performance, to a degree.  It is specifically shown to help during High Intensity Interval and strength training, and is a very common ingredient found in several other pre workout supplements.
  • L-Tyrosine – This is another amino acid that is commonly found in meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and beans. (3)  Tyrosine is used for a wide variety of ailments, including Narcolepsy, ADHD, as well as PMS, and has also been shown effective at reducing stress levels.
  • Grape Seed Extract – This derivative of grape seeds is said to have numerous potential benefits, including improved circulation and lowering cholesterol.
  • Agmatine Sulfate –  Both in vitro and in vivo studies of Agmatine Sulfate have shown promise of cardiovascular as well as neurotransmission benefits, although it’s not yet conclusive.

A Little Bit About Science Powered Supplements

The company that makes SPS Precusor is located in South Salt Lake, Utah, and according to trademark records is owned by Direct Digital LLC.  As far as I can tell, they don’t make any other supplements other then Precursor, which they’ve been selling for a couple of years now.

The Better Business Bureau shows a rating of “C” for the company, which was due to a complaint about their free trial billing procedure.  The company did offer a refund to the customer, and the case was resolved.

Where To Buy

You can purchase SPS Precursor both on their official website, as well as in your local GNC, but is not available on Amazon.  A one month supply retails at around $65, and there doesn’t appear to be any discounts for ordering larger quantities.  They also offer a free 14 day “sample”, but you should be careful with this one.  What ends up happening is you pay the $4.99 shipping charge, and if you don’t cancel within 18 days they end up charging you the full price for the product (which again is $65).

They also will enroll you into what’s called an auto-rebill, auto-shipment program and will continually send you the product and bill your credit card.  Some guys may find this quite convenient, as it keeps them from having to keep ordering it.  However, most guys think they are getting a free SAMPLE, when indeed it’s just a free TRIAL.  Check out a snapshot of their terms and conditions below:

sps precursor trial small

The upside to this is you get to try the product out for a period of time to see if it’s right for you.  The downside, however, is should you choose to cancel you have to send the unused portion back, at your own expense.

User Reviews and Testimonials of SPS Precursor

The majority of the reviews I came across did not shed SPS Precursor in a very positive light.  For example, on GNC’s website the phrases “zero increase in productivity” and “garbage” popped up.  There was even a guy that said he experienced severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after taking it, although there is no conclusive evidence that the supplement is what caused this.

However, there was a few reviews that did seem to support their claims.  One reviewer stated that he felt a difference from the product almost immediately, and felt like it lasted throughout his entire workout.  My guess is, just like any other supplement you use, results will indeed vary.

There were no reviews on Youtube or any of the other discussion boards I searched.


While being stimulant free does have it’s advantages, there is nothing “award winning” that I see about SPS Precursor.  In a forest of pre workout supplements, in my opinion this is just another powder that can give you a bit of an energy boost for your workouts, but nothing spectacular.  The price, when compared to similar pre workout powders, is also very expensive.  But if it indeed does work the way THEY say it does, then it just might be worth it.

Have You Used SPS Precursor?  Leave Your Review Below!


1.  Oral L-Citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21195829

2. Side Effects of L-Ornithine HCL: http://www.livestrong.com/article/538806-l-ornithine-hcl-side-effects/

3.  Tyrosine – http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1037-tyrosine.aspx?activeingredientid=1037&activeingredientname=tyrosine

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

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