TestoGen Review – Should You Use It?

The sheer number of natural testosterone boosters available on the internet will make your head spin.

I know, because I’ve personally reviewed over 250 of them.

I’ve also tested over 30 of them. and can tell you from experience that the vast majority of them don’t really do what they say.

Their popularity has exploded in the last several years, and there are good reasons for that. When we’re young, our bodies produces loads of the stuff – more than we need. But as we age, production levels drop off dramatically.

testosterone decrease by age

By the time you’re in your late 30s/early 40s, you start to notice the symptoms.

They include:

  1. Getting tired more easily
  2. You start putting on weight around your middle section.
  3. Workouts that used to get you in shape fast, or don’t have the same effect they used to.
  4. You get irritable.
  5. You can even lose your desire for sex.

Natural testosterone boosting supplements can help reverse some of these effects.

The trick is finding the right one.

I recently became aware of a product called TestoGen.

testogen reviews

It’s got nice slick marketing that’s informative and not too over the top in terms of hype. That’s a good start. But of course the real test is what’s in the product and whether or not it actually works. So that’s what I looked into next.

TestoGen Ingredients and How They Work

TestoGen takes almost a kitchen sink approach to boosting testosterone naturally.

Most of the testosterone boosters I’ve used in the past have used either Tribulus Terrestris, DHEA, or Zinc as their primary ingredients.

What I like about Testogen is they took it a step further, and added a BIG dose of D Aspartic Acid and other important nutrients.

The formula comes at the problem from several different angles, some proven and some anecdotal. There’s:

  • D-Aspartic Acid which helps increase the release of Luteinizing Hormone which in turn encourages the production of increased testosterone. It’s been clinically tested and shown to increase testosterone levels by up to 42% in just 12 days.
  • Ginseng which is an aphrodisiac that also supports testes health and boosts mood.  (Source)
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may be the most common ingredient found in these products. It’s also thought to boost the release of Luteinizing Hormone.
  • Vitamin D3 which may increase levels of free testosterone and slow down the rate of conversion to estrogen.
  • Fenugreek which is thought to increase testosterone and vitality and to increase insulin release. It’s been clinically shown to help maintain healthy hormone levels, although some evidence disputes that claim.  (Source)
  • Selenium which helps facility many bodily processes.
  • Vitamin B Complex which increases energy and maintain appropriate levels of serotonin.
  • Zinc which is an essential mineral involved in the testosterone production process.

Check out a photo of the label below:

testogen ingredients label

Instructions are to take 2-4 TestoGen capsules per day. It’s recommended that you space out your doses and that you take them after eating.

My Personal Results

I’ve already tested over 30 different testosterone boosters over the years, and I was pretty confident I’d be able to tell if Testogen was going to work within the first few days.

For me, the first thing that seems to be impacted during testing is sleep quality and libido.

One thing is for sure, when I get a shitty nights sleep, I am pretty freaking miserable the next day.

This was not the case when I was taking Testogen.

Within a few days of taking Testogen, I started to notice that I was sleeping about an extra hour a night (total of abut 8 1/2 hours).

By the end of the first week, I could definitely sense a change in libido.

I’ve been laughed at before for saying this, but I started waking up with a morning wood.

It’s all fun and games when you’re like 23 years old and reading that, but trust me…

Once you stop getting those morning boners, it starts to have an impact on your overall mood and confidence.

About the second week in, I started noticing an improvement in my overall energy levels and stamina.

Typically I’ll hit the gym for about an hour, with the first half of my workout dedicated to lifting, and the 2nd half dedicated to cardio.

Usually towards the end of it I’m pretty damn wiped, and I’ll struggle to get that last mile in on the treadmill.

This wasn’t the case while I was taking Testogen.

I felt like I was getting huge bursts of energy, and also felt like I could push through my workout with ease.

These effects seem to last for about 3 weeks or so, and then as I got towards the end of my testing, it seemed to wear off a bit.

TestoGen Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoGen

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • Some of the ingredients have been tested and shown to improve testosterone levels.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The website is complete and informative.

Disadvantages of TestoGen

  • Ingredient amounts are not revealed so it’s tough to tell if the levels are high enough to be effective.
  • We haven’t seen any TestoGen reviews from actual customers to help us reach an informed conclusion.

Where to Buy

TestoGen is available through the product website. A single bottle contains 120 capsules which will last a month even if you take it at the highest recommended dose. It costs $52.95, but there are discounts available if you buy in bulk.


When I first took a look at Testogen, I was sort of on the fence.  On the one hand, they weren’t being completely transparent as to the doses of each ingredient that they were pumping in the stuff.

And they’re still not, and that’s not helpful when you’re trying to determine whether or not it may be right for you.

However, I can say with 100% confidence after testing it out for the last 4 weeks, Testogen is DEFINITELY a superb product.

If you’re looking for an all around effective testosterone booster, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Have You Used TestoGen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack Review

Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack Overview

There’s no question that whether you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle, if you’re working out you should be using protein. The next question of course is which protein should you use. Then it’s what to take along with your protein. Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack wants to be your answer. It’s a stack that increases the absorption and effectiveness of your protein.

Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack ReviewProtein Factory is a company that prides itself on providing high quality, lab tested supplements. They see their third party lab testing as a key part of why their customers trust them and keep coming back. And they push this in all aspects of their marketing. Ironically, there’s some talk about how additional independent testing done by a completely outside entity showed that Protein Factory doesn’t have what it claims to have.

The product we’re talking about today is the Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack. It’s made up of 3 individual products designed to work together to increase protein absorption and improve post workout muscle repair.

We’ll take the 3 supplements one by one:

Unleashed is known as the testosterone releasing formula. It stimulates your body to produce more of its own natural testosterone, and more importantly, it increases free testosterone levels since testosterone needs to be free in order to be used by the body.
It does this by decreasing the amount of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG is an enzyme that latches onto testosterone, making it bound and unusable. The less SHBG the more free testosterone you have to build muscle, improve mood, and boost libido.

Ingredients in Unleashed include Trimethylglycine, Avena Sativa, Ashwagandha, Muira Puama, Stinging Nettle, and Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa.

Depo-Nitrolase supports the activity of the enzyme that facilitates protein synthesis and decreases muscle breakdown. It basically makes the protein you consume work better and more efficiently to build muscle.

You take one capsule for every 25 grams of protein immediately before consuming your protein.

Oxy-Nitrolase works toward rapid post workout recovery, even for your most intense workouts. It acts as an anti-catabolic agent to prevent muscle breakdown. Its primary target is cortisol, the stress hormone that acts to break down muscle.

Ingredients in the Oxy-Nitrolase formula include systemic enzymes that work in the blood stream to break down toxic particles and improve cardiovascular and liver function.

Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack Pros and Cons

Advantages of Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack

  • It works on several levels to improve the effectiveness of your protein and your hardest workouts.
  • The products in the Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack have been lab tested.

Disadvantages of Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack

  • It’s expensive, and it’s meant to be used in addition to protein and a pre workout.
  • Protein Factory products have been shown in outside independent tests not to contain what they say they do. It wasn’t the products in the Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack, but it was Protein Factory products.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack at the Protein Factory website. The stack costs $119.99.


I’m not particularly impressed with what I see in Protein Factory or more specifically Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack. They put so much emphasis on the fact that these things are lab tested, but very little attention is paid to what they do and whether and how they work. I’ve also been unable to locate any independent Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack reviews from customers who’ve used it and had success. The world of bodybuilding supplements is confusing enough as it is. The Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack products just add to the noise.

Have You Used Protein Factory Alpha Male Stack? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testosteroxn Real Review and Results

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Testosteroxn website.

We all know by now that testosterone plays a crucial role in everything from muscle mass / size to libido, and there’s certainly no shortage of supplements out there promising to increase your testosterone levels by X amount.  We know because we’ve personally tested dozens of them.  But can a supplement REALLY boost your testosterone levels enough to make a difference?

One supplement I got a chance to personally test out recently is called Testosteroxn, which is made by a company called Crazy Mass.  They promise that it can and WILL promote huge muscle gains, increase sex drive, lower stress, and increase strength, stamina, and recovery.  But does it really work?

Read more in my official review below. Click Here to skip ahead to my results.

What is Testosteroxn?

crazy mass testoroxyn reviewAs implied by the name, Testosteroxn is an all natural supplement that is designed to help boost your bodies all natural testosterone production.  It does this through the use of effective ingredients, with the primary one being DHEA.  For those of you who are unaware, DHEA is a hormone produced by your body’s adrenal glands, and acts as a precursor to testosterone both in men AND women. (Source: 1)

With regular DHEA supplementation, studies have shown increases in testosterone which has led to increased bone density, energy levels, weight loss, and improved libido.The REAL benefits from Testosterone Max come from the combination of DHEA and the other ingredients in their formula, including: Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, Tribulus Terrestris Extract, and Vitamin E.

I’m not going to go into a detailed explanation of what each ingredient is supposed to do, however, I will touch briefly on each one:

Alpha Lipoic Acid –  This vitamin like chemical is essentially any antioxidant.  It’s been shown to prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and also restores vitamin levels in Vitamins C and E. (Source: 2)

L-Carnitine – This amino acid is responsible for helping the body turn fat into energy.  Some studies have shown that Carnitine  reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. (Source: 3)

Tribulus Terrestris –  I have personally used Tribulus Terrestris in many different supplements, and can attest to it’s effectiveness.  Studies have shown that the administration of Tribulus Terrestris extract can produce statistically significant increases in levels of testosterone. (Source: 4)

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. (Source: 5)

My Personal Results With Testosteroxn

I originally received my order of Testosteroxn when I was testing the Crazy Mass cutting stack, so at the time I did NOT take it independently.  However, in the interest of learning whether or not this supplement ALONE could work well, I decided to order another bottle 6 months after finishing my cutting stack cycle.

First off, I must say that my natural testosterone levels are on the higher end for my age group (I’m 33), so I didn’t really NEED a supplement to boost my testosterone.  That said, I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have an increase in testosterone, even it it was only a negligible amount.

I started taking the Testosteroxn about 4 weeks ago and just finished up the bottle.  I didn’t feel much for the first few days, but right around day 4 or 5 is when I started to feel the libido enhancing effects.  At 33 years old I more or less have not been waking up with a “morning wood” on a regular basis.  That wasn’t the case with Testosteroxn….almost EVERY SINGLE morning I woke up with a raging hardon.

The type of hard-on where you have to pee so bad but have to wait until the erection subsides before you can even push your d$%k down towards the toilet 🙂

I also noticed towards the end of the same week that I was feeling alot more energetic, and seemed to be sleeping better.This led to more enhanced workouts where I didn’t feel like I was getting as tired as usual.  Typically I’m pretty exhausted after the gym, but 2 weeks in I wasn’t feeling that tired.

By the end of the month I could DEFINITELY feel the difference.  Not only was I FEELING better, I was LOOKING better.I was getting compliments from my girlfriends friends who noted that I looked like I leaned out a bit.  Some of her very HOT friends I might add 😉

Click Here to visit the official Testoroxyn website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between Testosteroxn and Testofuel and Prime Male?

The most notable difference between Testofuel and Testosteroxn is the formula.  Testofuel uses D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), Fenugreek, Oyster extract, Magnesium, and Zinc as their primary ingredients, while the principle ingredient in Testosterone Max is DHEA and Tribulus.

The price is a bit different as well, with Testofuel coming in at $70 for a one month supply, while Testosteroxn is $59.  As far as which one works better, I personally think BOTH can work extremely well.  However, the downside to Testosteroxn is the fact that DHEA has been banned by certain sports organizations, so not EVERYONE can take it (more on that below).

More or less the same applies to the contrast between Prime Male and Testosteroxn.

Can Women Take It?

It’s not suggested that women take a supplement containing DHEA, as it has the potential to produce unwanted side effects in females.

Will it flag a blood test?

Because it contains DHEA, it is banned by some sports associations, including the NCAA.  From the research that I gathered, however, the use of DHEA or any of the other ingredients listed in Testosteroxn are NOT banned from use in the military and will not cause a false positive on a work related drug test.

How long do I need to take it to see the best results?

It looks like the best results from Testosteroxn are achieved by taking it on a continual basis, with brief break periods in between.  I would suggest a period of 2 months on, with a 1 – 2 week off period to normalize.

I do recommend that you take it as part of an overall “stack” to see the best results (more on this below in “My Recommendation”).

How do I take it?

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily with meals.

Where can I buy it?

Testosteroxn is available on their official website, CrazyMass.com, at a price of $59.99 for a one month supply.  It is NOT available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, or Amazon as of this review.

My Recommendation

Personally speaking, I still think Testofuel is a superior testosterone booster when it comes down to results.  Testosteroxn is missing a few crucial ingredients in my opinion, namely D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek Extract, and Zinc.  HOWEVER, Testofuel does NOT contain DHEA, and in my opinion DHEA is a very potent testosterone booster.

I think Testosteroxn produces the most EFFECTIVE results when stacked with some of their other supplements, including their stacks.  All in all, I think this supplement is a VERY potent one, and can help just about any guy looking for increased energy, libido, and muscle enhancement.

Have You Used Testosteroxn?  Leave Your Review Below!


1.  DHEA Supplements – http://www.webmd.com/diet/dhea-supplements

2.  Alpha Lipoic Acid – http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-767-alpha%20lipoic%20acid%20%28alpha-lipoic%20acid%29.aspx?activeingredientid=767&activeingredientname=alpha%20lipoic%20acid%20%28alpha-lipoic%20acid%29

3.  Carnitine (L-Carnitine) – http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/carnitine-lcarnitine

4.  Tribulus Terrestris Benefits – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris

5.  Vitamin E – http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002406.htm

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testogen XR Review – Should You Use It?

Testogen XR Overview

Ronnie Coleman is an 8 time Mr. Olympia winner, and now he’s got a line of bodybuilding supplements called Ronnie Coleman Signature Series. One of the most popular products in the bunch is their Testogen XR. It’s a hybrid testosterone booster/pre workout, so its goal is to help you get both big and ripped, while providing pump and vascularity at the gym.

When we looked around for word of mouth on Testogen XR, we found some interesting feedback. We’ll get more into that a little later. But first, let’s start with the Testogen XR formula.

Testogen XR ReviewTestogen XR Ingredients and How They Work

As a testosterone booster, Testogen XR relies on D-Aspartic Acid as its primary component. DAA has been proven to increase free testosterone by over 40% in just 12 days. It may also support healthy cognitive functioning by preventing the breakdown of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. This will help with clarity, focus, and mood.

The supporting cast of ingredients includes:

  • Agmatine which increases nitric oxide. This is where you get your pump. NO increases vascuarity so blood flows freely to your muscles delivering much needed oxygen and nutrients.
  • Horny Goat Weed which is an aphrodisiac that also improves blood flow.
  • Astragin which is a combination of Astragalus and Panax Ginseng. It helps with the absorption of the other ingredients, making them more effective.
  • Nettles Root which supports a healthy balance between testosterone and estrogen by helping prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate which supports healthy metabolism and fat burning.

The recommended dose is 1 scoop mixed with water before either your first meal of the day or on workout days, before your workout. They also recommend that you mix in half a scoop of their MyoBlitz product before workouts.

Testogen XR Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testogen XR

  • There are plenty of Testogen XR reviews from customers who are happy with how it works.
  • The ingredients are all natural and listed.
  • It covers two birds with one stone by increasing testosterone and providing a nitric oxide boost.

Disadvantages of Testogen XR

  • There’s a disturbing trend in several Testogen XR reviews. A significant number of users say it gave them diarrhea. It’s by no means everyone, but it’s lots.
  • Several reviewers complain about the taste being bad and the consistency not blending well.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Testogen XR through the Ronnie Coleman website as well as other online retailers. The 30 serving tub sells for $59.99 on the website, but we’ve seen it as low as $39.99 so you would want to shop around.


The idea is good and the formula seems decent. But it’s hard to get past the fact that Testogen XR might just do more for you in the bathroom than it will in the gym. As we always say, you have so many choices when it comes to both pre workouts and testosterone boosters. Why settle on something that may not work, or even worse may cause problems all on its own.

Have You Used Testogen XR? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract Review

Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract Overview

One of the hottest supplements these days is the holy grail that comes from the fuzz that grows on the antlers of young deer. It’s called deer antler velvet, and the good stuff that comes from it is called IGF-1. According to its proponents, deer antler velvet is capable of improving your health and your life in several ways. Taking it daily is almost like drinking from the fountain of youth. You’ll see:

  • Improved athletic performance.
  • Better sleep.
  • Decreased anxiety and stress.
  • Fewer wrinkles in your skin.
  • Support for healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Higher energy levels.
  • Increased libido.
  • Boosted mood.

As this stuff becomes more an more popular, more and more products step up to fill the growing need. The one we’re looking at today is called Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract. It combines the power of deer antler velvet with another extract to knock it out of the park in terms of benefits.

Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract ReviewAvinobolic Deer Antler Extract Ingredients and How They Work

The Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract formula contains 2 key ingredients. There’s:

  • IGF-1 from the deer antler velvet. This is the magic elixir that has been used for centuries in herbal medicine to heal almost everything from failure to thrive in children to poor eyesight in adults. IGF-1 is an important growth factor to multiple body processes and cellular functions. Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract comes in 3 strengths: 100 mcg, 150 mcg, and 300 mcg.
  • Tribulus Terrestris. Also known as Puncture Vine, Tribulus has long been used to increase testosterone levels naturally. It causes an increase in the release of Luteinizing Hormone. When this happens, the additional LH signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone. With greater testosterone comes greater vitality, strength, and sexual vibrancy.

Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract Pros and Cons

Advantages of Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract

  • It focuses on simplicity and potency with high concentrations of IGF-1.

Disadvantages of Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract

  • It’s very expensive.
  • We were unable to find any Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • There used to be a product website, but it’s no longer active. This could mean it’s no longer being made or that it’s on its way off the market.

Where to Buy

Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract is available mainly through eBay. A bottle of the 100 mcg version sells for $134.99. The 150 mcg version goes for $206.99. And the 300 mcg version comes in at $305.99. Presumably, a bottle contains a one month supply.


The jury’s still out on deer antler velvet, but there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that the stuff can be very beneficial to overall health and well being. Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract presents itself as a top of the line product, and charges accordingly. For something as unproven as this, the price is just too high.

If there was more information about it or more verifiable user reviews, I might feel better about giving it a full recommendation.

There is also the issue of price, because Avinobolice Deer Antler Extract is just so much more expensive than a lot of its competitors that seem to be better than it or at the very least have a lot of information and reviews available online.

Have You Used Avinobolic Deer Antler Extract? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Prevagen Review – Should You Use It?

For years now, there’s been growing interest in supplements that may help improve and maintain healthy brain function.

This is true of all age groups. Students and young professionals want energy and edge.

Aging baby boomers want to keep the sharpness of focus that they’ve always enjoyed.

As a result, business is booming for supplements that can support brain function in any way.

Most of what we see are nootropics that work with neurotransmitters and their components to improve focus, clarity, and memory.

The product we’re looking into today, however, is similar but also different.

Prevagen is marketed toward the older population, and it’s primary goal is to preserve as well as improve healthy brain activity.

Prevagen ReviewPrevagen Ingredients and How They Work

The single active ingredient in Prevagen is Apoaequorin.  We are going to take a look at what exactly this is and any scientific research that is pertinent to the topic at hand.  Since the entire functionality of this supplement is based on one ingredient exclusively, it must certainly be novel.

Apoaequorin is a calcium binding protein that was originally discovered in jellyfish.  This protein has been shown to improve memory, but doesn’t have a great deal of research regarding its safety over the long-term.

It is believed that issues with calcium regulation in the brain play a substantial role in memory induced problems as we age.  Since Apoaequorin is similar to calcium binding proteins in the brain, the idea is that Apoaequorin can step in and fill the same role.

By binding to calcium, Prevagen is able to reduce overall active calcium levels in the brain and therefore, improve short-term memory.

While Apoaequorin was originally found in jellyfish, the active ingredient is produced in a Wisconsin laboratory that is cGMP compliant and NSF certified.  In other words, the makers of Prevagen aren’t slaughtering millions of jellyfish in order to extract Apoaequorin.  However, according to the FDA, this also means that Apoaequorin is a synthetic protein, meaning that it is not an acceptable ingredient in a dietary supplement.

Side Effects of Prevagen

The company states that, Apoaequorin is generally recognized as a safe food ingredient, according to an “independent panel of experts.”  However, the FDA has thousands of user complaints that suggest otherwise.

In a 2012 FDA warning letter to Quincy Bioscience Manufacturing, there is a reference to more than 1,000 side effects reported by individuals who took this product.  In that same letter, it is stated that the clinical studies conducted on Prevagen didn’t report side effects like fainting, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, and vertigo.  In addition, some of the reported user side effects include dizziness, headache, and nausea, while others claim that their memory became increasingly worse, had a difficult time sleeping, and experienced anxiety while using this product.

Another concern regarding Prevagen, is the long-term safety, as there aren’t any long-term studies on this supplement.

There is one study on rats that indicated that Apoaequorin, even in large doses, does not appear to have toxic side effects.  So at least this protein doesn’t cause acute toxicity, meaning that it appears to be safe over the short-term.

In another study in 2014, Prevagen wasn’t shown to cause an allergic reaction and is easily digested by pepsin, a protein digesting enzyme.  Again, this should be reassuring to people who are worried about short-term exposure and allergic potential.

Prevagen Is Clinically Validated?

A number of clinical studies on Apoaequorin have been performed.  The first is the The Madison Memory Study.  In this study, 218 adults were either given a placebo or 10 mg of Apoaequorin daily.

At the end, all were assessed using a variety of memory tests and the determination was that Apoaequorin improved memory.  In fact, the experimental group that received Apoaequorin showed an 11.9% improvement over baseline.

However, an in-depth look at this study shows that this improvement was only experienced in people who didn’t have memory problems to start with, while subjects who had memory issues didn’t notice an improvement at all.  Since the people who are interested in taking this product likely have memory problems to begin with, is this supplement likely to offer any relief?

In another study displayed on the company website labeled, The Impact Of Prevagen On Memory, 56 healthy subjects took it over a three-month period.  According to the results, subjects reported that their memory was better after this time period.  However, a study like this doesn’t really add a whole lot of value, as this experimental group knew that they were receiving a memory enhancement supplement and any improvement could be attributed to the placebo effect.

In a third study provided by the company, The Impact Of Prevagen On Sleep Quality, 55 healthy people were given Prevagen over the course of 90 days.

The results showed that people receiving Prevagen were able to get more sleep at night.  Again, this study was not peer-reviewed and the results could be attributed to the placebo effect.

Unfortunately, this is about as far as clinical studies go and there aren’t any long-term studies on the safety of this product.

Looking back at the 2014 study that determines Apoaequorin is digested by pepsin, we have to wonder if this supplement even has the potential be effective?  Since Apoaequorin is hydrolyze by pepsin, an enzyme in the stomach, it is likely to be fully digested into amino acids before being absorbed by the intestines.  Based on this knowledge, consuming amino acids are likely to offer the same results, but for far less money.

In fact, there is a lawsuit in 2015 against the makers of Prevagen that specifically target this concern.

Accordingly, the lawsuit states that, “Apoaequorin is completely destroyed by the digestive system and transformed into common amino acids no different than those derived from common food products such as chicken, cold cuts, hamburgers, etc.”

The company that makes Prevagen disagrees completely and says that this does not happen.  However, when doing so, they completely turn a blind eye to the study that specifically says that Apoaequorin is digested by pepsin.

Even if Apoaequorin was injected directly in the body, it is questionable whether it would pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

However, since consuming certain amino acids have an effect on improving short-term memory, this is likely the result of using this product.

Customer Reviews of Prevagen

On Amazon, Prevagen has received 3.8 stars out of 5 stars.  50% of all reviews are a 5 star rating with only 17% of participants giving this product a 1 star rating.  While it would appear that such an overwhelming number of 5 star reviews make using this product a “no brainer”, some of the negative ratings discuss terrible side effects that should give potential consumers a reason to pause.

People who gave Prevagen a 5 star rating had rave reviews saying that their ability to recall thoughts has improved and their overall memory was significantly better.  In addition, many claimed that they slept better at night.  Since sleeping well during the night has the potential to improve short-term memory throughout the day, these aspects could be interrelated.

While many note the high price as a deterring factor, many users reveal that Prevagen cleared their thinking and a gave them a sharper mind.  Others claim that they were less stressed out and more focused.  With all of these positive attributes, it may be hard to believe that some people had negative things to say about this product.

Of the many people that gave Prevagen a 1 star review, some touted that their memory did improve, a positive aspect, however, the side effects of taking this supplement were awful.  One reviewer states that her focus was three times worse than before she took this product.  In addition, the same reviewer said that she would all of a sudden black out and have no idea where she was even when she was driving!

Others claim to have withdrawal like effects after stopping this product.  For instance, one person claimed that after not taking this product for a week, she was unable to stay focused and wasn’t able to remember basic things.

Other simply state that this product did not work, even after using it for three months and many point out that the company that makes Prevagen is being sued by federal agencies.  If this FDA is looking into the validity of this product, it would make sense that consumers should be concerned.

With even a small percentage of people claiming to have terrible side effects, consuming this product may be a difficult choice for individuals who are looking for something safe and effective.  People who are having a problem recalling items may be able to benefit by using Prevagen, as many clearly have, but should realize that some users had horrible side effects that made their mental acuity even worse than before they took it.

Prevagen and the FDA

Back in 2011, Quincy Bioscience ran into trouble with the FDA for some of their advertising claims and manufacturing practices. Basically, the FDA found Prevagen to be making claims that it cured or prevented disease (Alzheimer’s). A product that claims to be a dietary supplement cannot also claim to cure or prevent disease. Only drugs can do that. But if your product is a drug, it is heavily regulated by the FDA and requires years of expensive development and testing before it can be brought to market.

It appears as though Prevagen has straightened out its problems with the FDA by changing its advertising and straightening out its manufacturing and record keeping processes.

Prevagen Pros and Cons

Advantages of Prevagen

  • There are lot’s of favorable Prevagen reviews from customers who’ve use it, far more than the occasional negative review.
  • It’s made by a reputable and successful company.
  • The company has put Prevagen through some clinical testing and it’s been shown to be effective.

Disadvantages of Prevagen

  • It’s expensive.
  • The company did run afoul of the FDA by making unsubstantiated claims, and that leads to a bit of mistrust.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Prevagen online or in stores like Walgreens. It comes in 4 forms: regular, extra strength, professional strength, and chewable. 30 capsules of the regular strength costs $40 and lasts a month at the recommended dose.


Based on the limited long-term clinical studies on this product and thousands of side effects reported by users, it may be best to search for a memory aid that has more research behind it.

When actually looking at the research regarding Prevagen, it appears that the active ingredient is entirely digested in the stomach, rendering it into basic amino acids.  Since certain amino acids offer benefits to people who are suffering from short-term memory loss, it makes sense that this product would provide relief to some individuals.

Based on the 2015 lawsuit that discusses the breakdown of Apoaequorin in the stomach, it is safe to say that people are paying an extraordinarily high price for amino acids in a novel form.

Since amino acids provide a wide range of benefits, consider consuming them in their original form instead of taking this overpriced supplement.

People who consume amino acids for memory assistance should also consider consuming B vitamins, ginkgo biloba, and omega-3 fatty acids, before resorting to synthetic proteins that have been reported to cause countless side effects in individuals taking this product.

With any novel products like Prevagen, people should approach them with a degree of caution, as their long-term safety hasn’t been determined.

Have You Used Prevagen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testosterone Boosters We’ve Tested

Below you’ll find a short list of the many testosterone boosting supplements I and my colleagues have tested over the years.  They are all listed ALPHABETICALLY, and in no particular order as far as effectiveness or results.

Click Here to see the top 3 we’ve tested.

ageless male reviewAgeless Male

Ageless Male is an all natural supplement that claims it can boost testosterone and reduce the amount of testosterone that is converted to estradiol and DHT.

alpha king testosterone reviewAlpha King

Made by the same company that brought you the TestX 180 line of supplements, Alpha King is the newest addition to the family.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/alpha monster advancedAlpha Monster Advanced

I actually came across this supplement on an ad on my Facebook feed, and just had to try it out.  We discuss the “science” behind this product in this comprehensive review.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/andro 400Andro 400

Heavily advertised on radio stations across the US, Andro 400 promises a lot of benefits, including increased energy, endurance, and libido.  Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to happen for me.

bpi sports ahd reviewBPI Sports A-HD

BPI Sports has a reputation for making hardcore bodybuilding supplements, and BPI Sports A-HD is no exception. The focus of the supplement is to increase your testosterone levels while blocking its conversion to estrogen.

cybergenics iso test reviewCybergenics ISO Test

Cybergenics ISO-TEST is a natural formula designed to provide the male body with the means to kick-start testosterone production. Cybergenics ISO-TEST is supposed to work in order to treat erectile dysfunction and the wide array of problems caused by the decline in testosterone production.

extenze ht reviewExtenze HT

I was a little surprised when I looked at the Extenze HT label and didn’t see the usual testosterone booster suspects. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. It all depends on what works, right?

niwali advanced testoboost reviewNiwali Testoboost

Niwali Advanced Testoboost is an all natural product manufactured by a company of the same name.  It promises to help men everywhere “feel superhuman” with their proprietary and unique formula, which is said to start working in a matter of weeks.

nugenix reviewNugenix

Nugenix is a testosterone boosting supplement that supposedly helps to increase sex drive, enhance muscle mass, and boost free testosterone levels.  It has been heavily advertised on the internet for the last few months, and is distributed by the same company that sells Instaflex and Lumiday.

prime male testosterone reviewPrime Male

One of our top choices for testosterone boosters, Prime Male packs a whopping amount of D Aspartic Acid (D-AA) into their formula, as well as many other ingredients to help “mimic” the effects of increased testosterone, without actually increasing your t levels.

pro testosterone reviewPro Testosterone

Pro Testosterone is a cutting edge testosterone boosting formula designed to help alleviate some of the symptoms of lowering testosterone in men.  The only ingredient is actually Fenugreek extract (600 mg), but a VERY high quality source of Fenugreek is used, hence the high price tag.

six star testosterone booster reviewSix Star Testosterone Booster

Six Star Testosterone Booster is offered by Six Star Pro Nutrition.  They say it’s been clinically tested and shown to increase testosterone levels after just 7 days of use.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/spartagen xtSpartagen XT

Spartagen XT uses Tribulus Terrestris as one of it’s primary ingredients, and also funnels guys into an auto-rebill, auto-shipment program.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/status testosterone boosterStatus Testosterone Booster

This supplement promises a 178% increase in free testosterone levels, and is made by a company called Blue Star Nutraceuticals.  I have to admit, it’s a pretty decent product.

steelcut testosterone reviewsSteelCut Testosterone

This supplement promises increased lean muscle, improved focus and retention, increased fat burning, and an increase in sex drive.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/super male vitalitySuper Male Vitality

Promoted heavily by radio show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Super Male Vitality is a liquid natural testosterone boosting supplement that apparently works faster than traditionally used pills.

tadvancebtlT Advance

Marketed and sold as a natural testosterone enhancer, T-Advance uses all natural ingredients to supposedly help maximize lean muscle mass, enhance performance, boost your libido, and increase your energy.

testofuel reviewsTestofuel

Our #1 choice for testosterone boosters for a couple of years now, Testofuel contains ingredients like Fenugreek, D-AA, Ginseng, Oyster extract, and more to help make it a VERY effective muscle builder and libido enhancer.

testogen reviewsTestogen

This particular testosterone booster uses a very effective, but sometimes controversial, substance called D-Aspartic Acid to naturally raise testosterone levels.  Does it really work?  Find out here.

testomax200 reviewTestomax 200

TestoMAX200 claims to restore your sex drive, help you achieve harder and longer lasting erections, boost your energy and mood, help you think better, and improve your lean muscle mass to fat ratio in terms of body composition.

testomenix reviewTestomenix

This supplement claims it was seen on the hit TV show “Shark Tank”, but you won’t believe what we found out when we started digging.


The Testoril formula is a unique blend of premium ingredients, and all natural vitamins and minerals that have been proven to increase testosterone levels dramatically.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/testoroxynTestoroxyn

This particular testosterone booster takes a rather unique approach to it’s formulation.  It also happens to be one of the BEST I’ve ever used.

testotek testosterone booster reviewTestoTEK

Manufactured by a company called TEK Naturals, TestoTEK promises to do all of the things you would expect a testosterone booster to do.  But does it really work?

testovox reviewTestovox

I recently came across a supplement called Testovox on Amazon.com. It didn’t take much to find out that it has its own website and is also available through other online retailers, so I decided to go ahead and take a closer look.

testoturbo x3 reviewTestoturbo X3

Testoturbo X3 is an over the counter dietary supplement that reportedly helps boost testosterone levels naturally by using ingredients which have been proven in clinical studies.

testrol reviewTestrol

Testrol, made by GAT is a dual purpose testosterone booster. They call it an Anabolic and Potencyy Activator, and its dual purposes are muscle growth and improved sexual performance.

testro x reviewTestro X

Testro-X, made by Truth Nutraceuticals, claims they have spent 10 years researching and formulating their supplement.  I was actually very impressed overall with my results with this one, read more.

test worx reviewTestworx

TEST WORx approaches the natural testosterone boosting business a little differently than most of its competition. Not only does it boost production, but it also frees up testosterone that’s been bound to fat cells by Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG.

test freak reviewTest Freak

Test Freak, one of many within a whole collection of other bodybuilding supplements by Pharma Freak, calls itself a hybrid pro-testosterone stimulator. It supposedly uses high dosages of clinically proven testosterone boosters as well as several testosterone friendly ingredients that are not as well known within the supplement market.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/test reloadTest Reload

This supplement is endorsed by none other than Mike Chang of Six Pack Shortcuts, and it actually worked.  The problem was, it did NOT work for very long.

Test stack no 17 reviewTest Stack NO. 17

Formulated as an all natural testosterone booster, Test Stack NO 17 is a pharmaceutical grade supplement designed to help build lean muscle and strength.

test x180 smallTest X180

Manufactured by the same guys that brought you the Force Factor line of supplements, Test X180 promises to help men with decreased libido, low energy levels, decreased strength, and depression.

test x180 alpha reviewTest X180 Alpha

Made by the same guys that brought you the original Test X180 and Test X180 Ignite, this supplement is the latest edition to their product line.

test x180 igniteTest X180 Ignite

Test X180 Ignite is an all natural dietary supplement that is designed to help burn fat and build muscle, as well as increase sex drive, libido, and performance.  It does this through a proprietary blend of ingredients that is broken up into 2 parts.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/03/test x coreTest X Core

The advertisements behind Test X Core said that Tom Brady was under investigation for using this “controversial” supplement.  It turns out, this was NOT the case.

troxyphen reviewTroxyphen

Is it a testosterone builder or is it a weight loss pill for men?  Well when it comes to Troxyphen, the answer is both.  TruDERMA, the makers of Troxyphen, have put together this combination because for a lot of men, low testosterone is the reason for their weight gain and/or their difficulty taking the weight off.

ubervita ubertest reviewUbervita Uber Test

Ubervita Ubertest promises to boost your free testosterone levels in as little as 3 days. They say that you’ll notice that increase in energy and that improvement in mood that you need that quickly as well.



Additional Resources:

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cardio Cuts Review – Does It Work?

Cardio Cuts Overview

Most of the time, when we think of a pre workout supplement, we think of lifting, not running. True, you can use your pre workout powder before your cardio workout, but it’s not typically how we think. Cardio Cuts from NDS Nutrition changes all that. It claims to be the first Pre-Cardio supplement powder and at first glance, it makes a lot of sense. Hardcore cardio requires energy and stamina, and just like lifting, the more you can put in, the more you can get out. With a product like Cardio Cuts, you’ll be getting: energy, endurance, recovery, and increased thermogenics with every workout. With that in mind, let’s break it down and see what’s in this possibly revolutionary pre workout.

Cardio Cuts ReviewCardio Cuts Ingredients and How They Work

When talking about the Cardio Cuts formula, there are a lot of ingredients, so we’ll break it down by function and talk about the key ingredients in terms of how they support each:

  • For Energy, there’s Caffeine, Amla, Citrus Aurantium, Guarana Extract, and Green Tea Extract. These are all typically found in fat burning supplements, and you’ll find some of them in your average pre workout as well. They don’t list amounts, but that’s potentially a lot of stimulant. There’s also L-Arginine, which as a pre cursor to Nitric Oxide, can open up blood vessels, allowing a greater amount of blood to flow to muscles, delivering oxygen and nutrients.
  • For Endurance, there’s Beta Alanine. What this does is fight off muscle fatigue so you can work out harder for a longer period of time. While exercising, your muscles experience a build up of lactic acid, which makes them feel tired and like they can’t push on. Beta Alanine delays that build up so you go longer without experiencing that fatigue.
  • For Recovery, the Cardio Cuts formula uses BCAAs. These Branched Chain Amino Acids go to work repairing muscles after you’ve broken them down with your workout. These include L-Glutamine, L-Histidine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, and L-Valine.
  • For Fat Burning, in addition to the stimulants like Caffeine, there’s Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Medium Chain Triglycerides to target fat loss and promote toning.

Instruction vary depending on your ultimate goal for using Cardio Cuts. As a pre cardio supplement, mix 1-2 scoops with 8-24 ounces of water about 30 minutes prior to your workout. As a weight loss aid, mix 1 scoop with 8-12 ounces of water and drink with breakfast. Then do that again at lunch time. It’s recommended that you not take it within 6 hours of bedtime.

Cardio Cuts Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cardio Cuts

  • It fits a semi-unique niche of pre-cardio workout needs.
  • It contains several fat burning ingredients as well as those for energy.
  • We found several positive Cardio Cuts reviews from customers who like the energy it gives.

Disadvantages of Cardio Cuts

  • It’s expensive.
  • We don’t know how much caffeine there is, but it’s likely quite a bit.
  • It’s pretty easy to develop a tolerance.

Where to Buy

Cardio Cuts is available online, or you can pick some up at GNC. A tub with 40 scoops sells for $69.99.


While Cardio Cuts tries to position itself as something special and unique, we’re not sure it actually lives up to that positioning. It’s a decent fat burning pre workout, but probably not worth paying a premium for.

Have You Used Cardio Cuts? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts Review

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts Overview

There are a few different kinds of fat burners out there. Some are made for and marketed to people on diets trying to lose weight. Others are made for bodybuilders and serious fitness folks looking to cut and shred that last bit of fat off their otherwise fine physique. As you can tell from the name, Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts belongs to the second category.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts part of the Arnold Schwarzenegger line of supplements made by Muscle Pharm. They call it their 3-in-1 Fat Metabolizing and Cutting Agent. The 3 components are:

  • Increased thermogenics so you’re body is burning more calories.
  • Greater muscle hardening and sculpting.
  • Support for balanced and healthy estrogen and cortisol levels.

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts reviews I’ve seen from customers are generally pretty good, so lets see what the formula has to tell us about this stuff.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts ReviewArnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts Ingredients and How They Work

In line with the 3-in-1 designation, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts formula is divided into 3 separate proprietary blends:

The Thermogenic and Fat Metabolizer boosts your metabolism, provides energy, and helps with the fat burning process. It uses ingredients like L-Carnitine Tartrate, Green Tea, Caffeine, Ginseng, Vinpocetine, and Evodiamine to support the process. As a proprietary blend, we don’t know how much of each ingredient is included, but the dosage instructions say not to take Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts within 6 hours of bedtime, so the caffeine content must be fairly high.

The Muscle Building Maximizer helps ensure that you’re staying strong and building muscle while your shredding the fat. It includes ingredients like Maca, AminoShield, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Boron Citrate, Fenugreek, and Pumpkin Seed.

The Estrogen and Cortisol Metabolizer attempts to keep your hormone levels in the optimal balance needed to reduce fat while preserving muscle. Too much estrogen and maintaining muscle is difficult. Too much cortisol will hold on to fat. This blend includes Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Diindolylmethane DIM, Cinnamon Bark, Banaba Leaf Extract, Corosolic Acid, Chromium Picolinate.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts is designated for use by adult males 21 years and older. You should take 3 capsules with your first meal. If you’re involved in an intense training program, take another dose with lunch or in the early afternoon.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts Pros and Cons

Advantages of Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts

  • There are great Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts reviews from customers who’ve had real success using this stuff.
  • Reviewers talk about feeling clean energy and experiencing solid weight loss without strength loss.
  • The 3-pronged approach works for that last bit of shredding you need.

Disadvantages of Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts

  • The proprietary blends mean that we don’t really know how much of each ingredient is included.
  • You need to be a 21 year old male or older to use Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts.

Where to Buy

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts is sold online through several retailers. The 90 capsule bottle sells for between $30 and $40 depending on where you look.


If you’re just starting out your fitness routine, Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts isn’t for you. But if you’re heading into a cutting phase once you’re already in good solid shape but need that bit of fat gone, Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts may be just the thing.

Have You Used Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Cuts? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

How To Spot A Fake Supplement Review On Amazon

Millions of people around the world turn to Amazon everyday to purchase practically anything and everything.  Due to their extremely low prices, excellent buyer protection, secure transactions, and very user friendly design, it’s quickly become one of the most convenient and trustworthy places to buy from.

However, there is a shadier web of lies, deceit, and blatant false advertising that, to the untrained eye, you could completely overlook when buying something on Amazon.  By this, I am talking about fake reviews, and it’s something so prevalent I’ve heard as many as 60% of ALL reviews on Amazon are fabricated in one way, shape, or form.

Types of Fake Reviews

There are basically 2 types of fake reviews of supplements you’ll find on Amazon, the good AND the bad.  The good reviews will be glowing with high praise, recommending the products to their friends and family.  The bad will be completely bashing a supplement, calling it worthless and saying it did nothing.

That’s obvious, right?  Well, sometimes those “glowing” good reviews were planted by the company making the supplement, and sometimes the ridiculing bad reviews are simply a competitor who is trying to paint a VERY bad picture of a competing supplement.

Why Does This Happen?

fake amazon reviewsIt really comes down to 2 reasons…1.) Positive reviews lead to more sales and 2.) More sales equal a higher ranking when you search for a particular type of supplement.  Typically, when a vendor introduces a product onto the Amazon marketplace, they will be ranked very low (like page 10) until they build up a reputation.

That reputation is determined by a number of factors, including the products conversion rate, price point, and customer reviews / feedback.

Once the supplement has been introduced to the Amazon marketplace, they typically will have no reviews.  No reviews means they will rank poorly, and anyone coming to buy their product (if they can even find it) will be left questioning whether or not the supplement even works.

There are literally THOUSANDS of supplements that do this, including Geniux, Alpha Fuel XT, and Spartagen XT.

Use these simple tips to identify fake Amazon reviews:

1.  Check out the other reviews the “reviewer” has written

In an effort to convince you that their supplement works, vendors will hire friends, family, or even complete strangers to setup an Amazon account for the sole purpose of leaving a good rating and positive testimonial.  You can typically identify these when you look to see what other reviews the individual has written.

Often times you’ll find that literally the vendors product is the ONLY review they have written.  In some cases you’ll see that while they have reviewed one product quiet favorably, they have reviewed many other competing supplements VERY unfavorably.

You can check this easily by simply clicking on the “See all of my reviews” link just to the right of their username in the review.

2.  See if there are alot of reviews written in a very short period of time

Following the above, when you check the “See all my reviews” link and see that they reviewed a bunch of different products in a very short period of time, this may also be a red flag.

In an effort to make the username appear more “legit” they will often write a bunch of reviews in a short period of time in case you check to see how many other reviews they have written.

3.  Read the comments on the review

Alot of times people can sniff out a fake review on Amazon, and they will call out the specific reviewer in the comments section of that particular review.  Take a very good look at the responses.  If someone tries to call out the review as fake, does the reviewer go “above and beyond” to try and protect the validity of their review?

This is a sure sign that the “reviewer” probably has some sort of connection, whether financial or otherwise, to the company making the supplement.

4.  Don’t always trust the “Amazon Verified Purchase”

While it’s true that the person writing the review may have “purchased” the product, the product may have been purchased by the company itself only to give the impression that it’s an independent review.

5.  Sometimes “Short” reviews speak volumes

Typically if a “planted” review is just trying to affect the star rating average, you will find very brief feedback on the supplement in question.  There might be only 1 or 2 sentences, and the review could be very vague.

6.  Consider the Ratio of Good and Bad reviews

It’s more or less a proven fact that not EVERY supplement works for every person.  However, GOOD supplements tend to have a higher then normal 4 and 5 star ratings, with very few 1 or 2 star ratings.

If you see a VERY close number of 5 star and 1 star ratings (think 12-5 star ratings and 11-1 star ratings), there is a GOOD chance that many of the 5 star reviews are fake.

Companies that plant reviews will essentially try to “offset” the bad reviews by making up good ones.


It sucks to think that many of the Amazon reviews you’ve read in the past were probably fake, but it’s the truth.  Many companies will stop at nothing to give their product an upper hand on Amazon, and creating fake reviews is just the icing on the cake.

Use these tips and strategies to identify the warning signs and red flags of fake reviews, and pass it off to your friends so they know about it too!

Male Drive Max Review – Does It Work?


Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Male Drive Max Overview

When it comes to male enhancement supplements, we have tons of choices. Generally speaking, that’s a good thing, a great thing even. But it does mean that there’s a lot of junk out there we have to weed through to get to the good stuff. One of the most frustrating thing is when products just don’t provide the information we need in order to make an educated choice. We’ve gotten to the point where we pretty much dismiss products like those pretty quickly and move on. We were recently asked by a reader to look into a product called Male Drive Max, and we were pleased to see right off the bat that this isn’t one of those products. The product has a dedicated website that provides just about all the information we need to know.

Male Drive Max is the kind of male enhancement supplement you take daily so the ingredients build up in your system over time. But its use is pretty flexible. You can also take an additional dose when you need a little something extra. The kinds of benefits you can expect from Male Drive Max are:

  • Increased sex drive.
  • Better erections.
  • Greater stamina.
  • More pleasure for both parties.
  • Decreased incidence of premature ejaculation.

Male Drive Max ReviewMale Drive Max Ingredients and How They Work

The Male Drive Max formula starts off with a list of minerals and antioxidants that boost both sexual and general health. This list includes:

  • Zinc and Copper which are essential for the body’s natural testosterone boosting process. As we age, our bodies don’t produce as much of the male hormone as they used to. Zinc helps remedy that issue.
  • Resveratrol and C0Q10 which are antioxidants. These protect our aging bodies against free radical damage to our cells caused by environmental and aging factors.

The rest of the formula is a proprietary blend of herbal aphrodisiacs, testosterone boosters, and blood flow enhancers. These include:

  • Horny Goat Weed which increases blood flow to the penis for better erections.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports prostate health.
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide (a vasodilator that improves blood flow to the penis.
  • Pine Bark which increases the effectiveness of L-Arginine.
  • Tongkat Ali which helps increase free testosterone levels.  You can find tongkat ali in literally hundreds of other supplements, including Zyntix.
  • Damiana which is a very popular herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Butea Superba which is another very popular herbal aphrodisiac.

Male Drive Max Pros and Cons

Advantages of Male Drive Max

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It includes ingredients to help with general health.
  • There’s a great money back guarantee that includes shipping and handling as well as a bonus just for trying.
  • The Male Drive Max reviews we found from customers were all favorable.

Disadvantages of Male Drive Max

  • The ingredients are mainly included in a proprietary blend, so we don’t know how much of each ingredient is used.
  • There aren’t many customer reviews out there to help us know how well it actually works.
  • There’s some confusion about how many capsules you can get for what price.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Male Drive Max through the product website as well as a few other online supplement retailers and some health food stores. The 60 capsule bottle sells for $30. But there are other sites that advertise a 30-count bottle and a 90-count bottle for basically that same price. This can be confusing, and it’s definitely something I would recommend you get straightened out before completing an order.

Male Drive Max offers a pretty stellar money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, you can return your unused portion for a complete refund, plus shipping and handling, plus an extra $20 just for trying. I haven’t seen too many guarantees this good.


The formula looks pretty standard and decent, nothing too very special, but it probably works. The best reason for trying Male Drive Max is that, because of the great money back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose. For that reason, if you’re interested, I would go for it.

If anything, it is a fairly vanilla, albeit potentially effective male enhancement supplement that has ingredients and effects that are likely familiar to you if you have tried many of them like me or if you pay attention to the labeling.

Have You Used Male Drive Max? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Jacked Muscle Extreme Review – Does It Work?

Jacked Muscle Extreme Overview

If there’s one truth about bodybuilding supplements, it’s that there are lots of them to choose from. And it seems like there’s a new one practically every day. Some are made by well established supplement companies with other products in their line. And some are stand-alones, made by companies with only one purpose – to sell to you. Jacked Muscle Extreme is one of those stand-alone products. It promises to raise your fitness to the next level by helping you shred more fat at the gym. But with all the choices out there, what is it that makes Jacked Muscle Extreme the best?

Jacked Muscle Extreme ReviewJacked Muscle Extreme Ingredients and How They Work

Here’s the thing. When supplements make the claim that they’re the best there is, the first thing we want to do is take a look at the formula. That’s how we know whether or not they can back up those claims. When we tried to find an ingredient list for Jacked Muscle Extreme, we learned that this information is not disclosed. They claim that their super secret formula is the one you need, but they’re not letting us in on their super secret.

Fortunately, we were able to find the information through a third party. It’s possible that it’s not 100% correct, but since Jacked Muscle Extreme isn’t talking, we have to go with what we have. With that said, the Jacked Muscle Extreme formula contains:

  • Indole-3 Carbinol which may support a healthy hormone balance and immune system.
  • Dinndolymethane which may also balance hormone levels.
  • Curcumin which may delay cognitive decline.
  • Chrysin which may also increase testosterone levels.

Again, we don’t know for sure if this is the correct or complete list, but it’s what we have. The recommended dose of Jacked Muscle Extreme is 2 capsules a day, presumable shortly prior to your workout.

Jacked Muscle Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of Jacked Muscle Extreme

  • I cannot see any.

Disadvantages of Jacked Muscle Extreme

  • It’s primarily available through a “free trial” offer.
  • The only Jacked Muscle Extreme reviews from customers I could find were negative, saying it does absolutely nothing.
  • The ingredient list doesn’t seem to contain anything that would work particularly well in a pre workout.

Where to Buy

Jacked Muscle Extreme is available online. You can choose to buy it outright, in which case a one month supply costs $89.99. Or you can sign up for a free trial. You pay only shipping and handling up front. Ten days after you receive your bottle, if you do nothing, you’ll be charged $89.99 and you’ll receive a new bottle every 30 days for the same price. If you’re not satisfied, you must call and cancel your subscription.


I see no compelling reason at all to try Jacked Muscle Extreme. There are tons of other workout options available. There’s no need to settle for this one.

Have You Used Jacked Muscle Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Rage DNA Review – Does It Work?

Rage DNA Overview

When I first looked at Rage DNA, I couldn’t initially tell what it actually is. What they promise is “Enhanced Performance, Intensified Passion, and Maximized Muscle Mass”. But a ton of supplements promise that. So what is this stuff and what exactly does it do? Well, it’s a muscle building pre workout that helps you maximize the production of muscle cells, increase fat burning enzymes, and hydrate blood cells.

Again, since this is what most workout supplements promise, we’ll take a look at the formula next.

Rage DNA ReviewRage DNA Ingredients and How They Work

We were able to track down a Rage DNA label that includes the entire ingredients. On it, we found:

  • Beta Alanine. This is the stuff that gives you that tingly feeling to let you know it’s working. It helps fight off muscle fatigue by delaying the buildup of lactic acid. When lactic acid builds up, that’s when you get that feeling in your muscles like you can’t go on. Beta Alanine puts that feeling off so you can work harder for longer.
  • Creatine. Creatine gives your muscles the ability to work harder so you can get better results. It’s the most well-tested bodybuilding supplement ingredient there is.
  • Taurine. It can help mitigate muscle cramps.
  • Caffeine. This is of course for energy, focus, and stamina.
  • Guarana Extract, which is also a stimulant to help you get going in your workout.

The recommended dose is 3 capsules taken about 30 minutes before starting your workout.

Rage DNA Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rage DNA

  • All the ingredients are listed.
  • Most of the Rage DNA reviews I found were positive, referring mainly to stamina and endurance.
  • The ingredients are all natural.

Disadvantages of Rage DNA

  • It’s expensive.
  • The amount of creatine is really too low to have any real effect.
  • It’s expensive for what it is.
  • Several links that should lead to an opportunity to order a free trial of Rage DNA actually lead to a different product.

Where To Buy

At one point, the primary way to purchase Rage DNA was through their free trial offer on the internet. You may be familiar with these offers. They’re very common in the world of supplements. You pay only shipping up front, and they ship you a full sized bottle. If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days, you’ll be charged the full amount for the original bottle, and you’ll be signed up to receive and pay for a new supply each month. These free trials are widely considered to be scams, mainly because it’s all explained in the very fine print.

But at this time, the only way to buy Rage DNA seems to be through Amazon. A one month supply of 90 capsules costs $63.80.


Despite the positive reviews on Amazon, it’s pretty clear that there’s nothing special about Rage DNA. When most if not all the links to a product are broken or lead to something else, it’s a pretty good indication that this has become an “orphan” product and that the manufacturer has moved on. We suggest you do the same.

Have You Used Rage DNA? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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TestoStorm Review – Should You Use It?

TestoStorm Overview

TestoStorm is another one of those “free trial” products that we talk so much about. To be clear, the fact that it’s available through one of these free trial offers (we’ll talk more about it later if you’re not familiar) doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It just helps us form the opinion that we ultimate end up having regarding the product. One of the advantages of TestoStorm over some of the others is that you don’t have to use the free trial offer. You can buy this stuff outright as well. So let’s take a look on the merits.

TestoStorm is a natural testosterone booster made by a company called FutureDNA. As men age, we produce less and less testosterone on our own. The result is a greater tendency toward fat gain and muscle loss, not to mention a declining libido. When your levels are real low, a doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy, but most of us don’t have levels that low. We just have levels dropping off as expected with age. A natural testosterone booster like TestoStorm can help reverse that trend, hopefully enough to notice the difference in terms of energy, stamina, libido, and strength.

TestoStorm ReviewTestoStorm Ingredients and How They Work

There are hundreds of natural testosterone boosters available on the market. What differentiates them is their individual formulas. What you’ll find in TestoStorm is:

  • Testofen which comes from the Fenugreek seed and has been shown to be effective in boosting free testosterone levels.
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. With increased nitric oxide, your blood vessels open up, allowing more blood to flow freely through. This increased blood flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to muscles and extremities as needed.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases the release of Luteinizing Hormone by the pituitary gland. This in turn signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which is known to be an ayurvedic remedy for fatigue.
  • Vitamin B6 which helps provide general energy.
  • Zinc which is essential for the body’s natural testosterone production process.

The recommended daily dose is 2 TestoStorm capsules per day. On workout days, you should take one with breakfast and one about 30 minutes before working out. On non-workout days, take one with breakfast and one with lunch.

TestoStorm Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoStorm

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.
  • There are some positive TestoStorm reviews from customers who use it.
  • You don’t have to buy it through the free trial offer.

Disadvantages of TestoStorm

  • There are very many negative reviews from customers who say it did absolutely nothing.
  • The dosing amounts of active ingredients are very low.

Where to Buy

TestoStorm is available through a free trial offer. These offers are all over the internet. You pay only for shipping up front. Then if you don’t call and cancel within 14 days of when you placed your order, you get charged the full amount for the product. In this case, it’s actually higher than the regular per bottle price. It’s $74.98 instead of the regular price of $69.00. The terms are specified in the fine print, but you really have to go searching to find them. TestoStorm is also available for regular purchase with the one month supply costing $69.


The TestoStorm formula has some decent ingredients, but the amounts are just too low to affect any real or meaningful change. The fact that they offer the free trial is shady. It’s mitigated some by the fact that you aren’t forced to use the free trial, but our preference would be for a product that doesn’t even go there at all. On top of that, there are just too many unsatisfied TestoStorm customers out there for us to recommend it.

Have You Used TestoStorm? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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HGH Elite Series Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official HGH Elite website.

One of the most important aspects of any workout regiment where you’re looking for enhanced muscle growth and/or weight loss involves the recovery period.  This is often overlooked by guys looking to bulk up / slim down because they tend to over-train the muscles, which could actually lead to NEGATIVE results.

There’s a wide variety of supplements out there that can help aid in the recovery process, and one such product we recently had a chance to test out is called HGH Elite.  This all natural HGH releaser is designed to help your body repair broken muscle tissue and aid in recovery.  But what makes it so effective when compared to the rest?  Read on to learn more.

What is HGH Elite?

Classified as a human growth hormone supplement, HGH Elite is made up of an all natural and proprietary formula which help to boost the recovery process dramatically.  It does this by helping to “mimic” the effects of the steroid Somatropin through the use of all natural ingredients.

hgh elite reviewThe primary ingredient, Deer Antler Extract, on its own has been widely studied and found to contain substances that can help with boosting strength and endurance, improve the immune system response, counteract stress, and promote rapid recovery.

However, the real key to success with this formula is the combination of Deer Antler Velvet extract along with a few other key ingredients, which include L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, and whole pituitary gland.  This combination has been shown to help improve athletic performance, reduce stress levels, and even improve eyesight and hearing.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

Just to be clear, HGH Elite is NOT actual HGH and is NOT a steroid.  The real deal is only available via a prescription, and is typically hard to get unless you have a serious medical condition.  Additionally, REAL HGH can often produce a wide array of side effects, so it’s not really recommended you even try to obtain it.


  • Safe AND Effective all natural formula
  • Great for aiding in the recovery process
  • Increases Focus and Drive
  • Perfect for both bulking and strength cycles
  • 100% legal
  • Does NOT require a prescription
  • Free shipping


  • Only available online
  • Not Cheap…$62 for a one month supply

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

According to the label, you’re supposed to take 2 tablets of HGH Elite on an empty stomach.  You should avoid eating 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking the dose, and it’s preferable to take it at night.

How long does it take to start working?

Generally speaking, you’ll start to see results within a couple of weeks.  One of the first things you will probably notice is better quality sleep, as well as less soreness from your previous workouts.  Over time you should start to see an increase in focus and drive, as well as enhanced results in size and strength.

Should I take it with anything else?

It’s recommended that you stack HGH Elite with Winnidrol, Clentrimix, and Dianobal for the best results.  Just to be clear, you would take all of these at the same time, not one after another.

Is this stuff a steroid?

No, this supplement is not a steroid.  As mentioned previously, it contains ONLY all natural ingredients that are completely legal, do NOT require a prescription, and will not flag a blood test.

Are there any side effects?

I did not experience any side effects from HGH Elite, and the formula is all natural so there shouldn’t be a problem.  That said, there is the potential for ANY supplement to produce side effects, so it’s best to check with your doctor to be absolutely sure.

Where To Buy

You can order HGH Elite off of the official Crazy Mass website.  A one month supply will run you about $62, and they do have a “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” offer available.  All shipping is discreet, so noone will know what you are ordering.


If you’re looking for a high quality supplement to help you recover from your workouts, then HGH Elite is a great choice.  Not only will it help you see explosive gains in both strength and mass, but it can also reduce your recovery times dramatically.  I have tried alot of these HGH supplements over the years, and HGH Elite is the real deal.

Have You Used HGH Elite?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Review

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Overview

Hydroxycut products have been around a long time and have become pretty popular in the weight loss supplements game. I figured it was about time we had a review up on the site. Since we’re only doing one at this point, I decided it should be Pro Clinical Hydroxycut. It’s the most general product, and it’s big draw is that its primary ingredients have been clinically tested and shown to work.

I’ll mention here that back in 2009, most if not all the Hydroxycut products were recalled by the FDA. Several people using the recommended doses experienced liver damage. It was apparently never determined which ingredient or ingredients caused the problem. Very shortly afterward, Hydroxycut came back with all new formulas. In fact, the only overlapping ingredient was caffeine, which can of course be found in probably the majority of weight loss supplements.

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut promises to promote weight loss thereby reducing your BMI, and to boost your energy so you’ll have better motivation to keep up the good work by continuing to eat right and exercise. In fact, there are clinical tests to prove it. We’ll talk a little about those later, but first, let’s take a look at the current formula.

hydroxycut pro clinical at GNCPro Clinical Hydroxycut Ingredients and How They Work

The Pro Clinical Hydroxycut formula is divided into 3 proprietary blends:

  • HydroxyBoost is really just made up of Caffeine for energy and fat burning (though it doesn’t specify how much)
  • Hydroxyprovia contains the clinically studied combination of Lady’s Mantle, Wild Olive, Komjin, and Wild Mint.
  • Hydroxagen contains Acerola, Goji, Blueberry, Pomegranate, and Bilberry.

It’s recommended that you take 1 Pro Clinical Hydroxycut caplet about 30 minutes before a meal 3 times a day for a total of 3 caplets a day. This is the dose for the first 3 days while you’re assessing your tolerance. Starting on Day 4, increase your dose to 2 caplets 3 times a day.4

According to the Hydroxycut website, in two clinical tests, the Hydroxyprovia blend was proven to help the test subjects lose an average of 16.5 pounds over 8 weeks and almost 21 pounds over 12 weeks.

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pro Clinical Hydroxycut

  • The formula is all natural.
  • There’s wide availability.
  • There are tons of great Pro Clinical Hydroxycut reviews from customers who’ve gotten great results.

Disadvantages of Pro Clinical Hydroxycut

  • There are lots of negative reviews citing side effects like really bad headaches and stomach discomfort.
  • It gets expensive since you basically have to use 3 bottles in a month.

Where to Buy

Hydroxycut products including Pro Clinical Hydroxycut are available in most drug stores and big box stores, as well as online. A 72-count bottle will last 12 days and costs $20-$30 depending on where you look.

The cheapest place I found it available for sale is Walmart, which retails it at $19.88 for a 60 count.

Based on most of the reviews I’ve seen, it’s actually one of the best weight loss supplements available at Walmart.


Pro Clinical Hydroxycut is loved by many. The positive reviews totally outweigh the negative ones. The problem is, once a product is recalled for being potentially dangerous, you may not want to go there again. Even though they changed the formula almost completely, it’s hard to have full faith and confidence that Pro Clinical Hydroxycut is now safe. It may very well be, but with people talking about the side effects they’ve gotten, I’d be leery to use it.

Have You Used Pro Clinical Hydroxycut? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nitrovit Review – Does It Work?

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

In today’s competitive world, it’s important to have an edge. Students and professionals alike are all looking for the same thing – something that can give you that edge. Thousands are using ADHD medications for just that purpose. It’s called off-label, and it means using a prescription medication for something other than what’s it’s meant to be used for. I’ve experienced it myself.

You take Adderall and find yourself extremely focused and able to accomplish way more than you usually can in the same period of time. But taking drugs off label isn’t the best long term solution for most people. That’s why we have nootropic supplements, which are basically all natural adderall substitutes.

Nitrovit is an example of a nootropic supplement. Archie Marks, the creator of Nitrovit, first made it for his own use. It’s actually pretty common for people to combine several different nootropic ingredients on their own, experimenting and figuring out what works best. This is what Archie Marks did. Then, when his formula was so successful, he decided to share it with the world.

The primary benefits Nitrovit claims to provide are many. It improves memory and recall, fine tunes focus, concentration, and clarity, and increases motivation. In addition, you’ll find yourself with elevated mood, increased sexual function, improved sleep, and slowed cognitive decline.

Nitrovit ReviewNitrovit Ingredients and How They Work

The Nitrovit ingredients are broken down into 3 categories, a Vitamin Stack, A Nitro Stack, and a Mojo Stack.

The Vitamin stack is made up of Vitamins B6 (20 mg) and B 12 (150 mcg), and is found commonly in a wide variety of nootropic supplements.

The Nitro Stack is comprised of 975 mg of the following:

  • Mucuna Pruriens is a good source of L-Dopa, which is a precursor to the brain chemical dopamine.  Dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure derived from things like food and sex.  It also acts to help increase motivation on otherwise boring tasks.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine which, with its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, can enhance alertness and mental energy. It’s also able to fight against age related cognitive decline.
  • Alpha GPC which is very bio available and able to enhance memory and information recall.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which boosts metabolism and increases energy, while it also fights against age related cognitive decline.
  • Bacopa Leaf which can improve memory over the long term while it improves mood with an increase in dopamine and serotonin.
  • Huperzine A which is used for memory support and cognitive performance.
  • Phosphatidylserine is a chemical that can be made in the body, but we more commonly get it from the foods we eat.  Phosphatidylserine has been shown in clinical studies to possibly help those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, as well as ADHD symptoms.

The Mojo Stack is comprised of:

  • Caffeine – The worlds most popular drug, Nitrovit contains 50 mg of caffeine per serving.  This is about half as much as you would find in a small cup of premium coffee.
  • Huperzine A – This substance is used for helping patients with Alzheimers disease, memory and learning enhancement, and age-related memory improvement.  It can commonly be found in a host of other nootropic supplements, including ones we’ve personally tested.
  • Noopept – Noopept is a very powerful substance that has similar effects to another nootropic called Piracetam.  The effective dose range of Noopept is anywhere between 10 and 30 mg.  Nitrovit contains 25 mg in just one dose.

Nitrovit does not contain any stearates, dioxides, flow agents, colors / dyes, and is vegan friendly.  It’s recommended that you take 2 Nitrovit capsules per day.

Nitrovit Reviews and Testimonials

The reviews that I’m looking at here are overwhelmingly positive.  For example, if you watch the following video review on Youtube, you’ll find that it appears to be one of the better nootropic supplements on the market.

And if you look at the comments below the video, you’ll see things like “those products give me so much energy and focus!” and “without a doubt the best noot (nootropic) I have tried.

nitrovit review on youtube

another nitrovit review on youtube

In fact, this guy (who goes by the name of Jeff) followed up with a 4 month later review which you’ll find below.

Basically, he notes that it:

  • It allows you to get shit done.
  • Increases focus and concentration.
  • Music felt more rich (he plays the guitar).
  • Increased motivation.

You’ll also find legit reviews of Nitrovit on sites like Highya.com and focushereandnow.com, with most users noting that they would recommend it to a friend.

Some even likened it to a supplement called Provasil, although I am unsure why because the 2 formulas ate very different.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it cause me to fail a drug test?

Unless your employer (or whoever) is testing for any of these substances, taking Nitrovit will not cause you to flag a false positive on a drug test.

How should I take it?

As with any supplement, generally speaking I like to start off with the lowest possible dose.  In this case, that would be 1 tablet.  I would suggest taking it on a completely empty stomach, first thing in the morning, and assess your tolerance from there.

It’s also suggested that you don’t drink alcohol while taking it, as it can negate the effects.

How long does it take to start working?

This is really on a case by case basis.  For some guys, you may start seeing effects in as little as 20 min.  With others, it may take several hours.

It all depends on the individual and your own tolerance to the herbs and ingredients in Nitrovit.

When it does start working, what can I expect to feel?

According to the manufacturer, the primary benefits of Nitrovit include:

  • Increase concentration and focus
  • Enhanced memory retention
  • Improve alert times and mental clarity
  • Better quality sleep and improved mood
  • A slowing of cognitive decline

I haven’t tried it out yet, so I can’t tell you for certain if you’ll see all of these benefits.  But based on the formulation there’s a good chance you will.

Can I take it if I have any medical conditions?

This is a question best reserved for your doctor.  Despite the fact that Nitrovit contains all natural ingredients, some of those ingredients could cause side effects in people with high blood pressure or even diabetics.

As with any herbal preparation, check with your doctor to be sure.

My Personal Results

Coming soon, stay tuned!

Nitrovit Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nitrovit

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are no known side effects.
  • The reviews of Nitrovit are overwhelmingly positive.

Disadvantages of Nitrovit

  • Not available in stores.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Nitrovit through the website. A one month supply costs $58.97. If you buy several bottles at a time, you’ll save a bit on the per bottle cost.

For example, a 3 month supply will run you a total of $124, giving you a savings of $84.94, and brining the price per bottle down to $41.66.

A 6 month order will entitle you to even bigger savings, with a total price per bottle rounding out at $38.33.

3 and 6 month orders come with free shipping in the US, and all orders are backed by an iron-clad 1 year money back guarantee, one of the best I’ve ever seen in the industry.

The only thing you need to do is return the unused portion back to them, and cover the cost of return shipping.

The one downside is that Nitrovit is not available on sites like Amazon and eBay, solely because it’s listed by them as an “unapproved new drug”.

Additionally, you won’t find Nitrovit in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and Walmart for the very same reason.


Nitrovit looks like a decent nootropic formula, and with plenty of very positive reviews, likely works well. They seemed to have pumped some thought into their formula, and the fact that it’s backed by a 1 year guarantee (almost unheard of in the industry) are serious about giving customers the value they’re looking for.

I plan on testing out a bottle soon, and will update this article soon once I’ve gotten a chance to do so.

Have You Used Nitrovit? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

NooBrain Review – Should You Use It?

NooBrain Overview

A company called Luciminal has put together several different nootropic formulas that they say can help your brain function better. That means clearer focus, more intense concentration, increased cognitive capacity, and quicker memory and recall. If you’ve ever seen the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, this is the kind of thing we’re talking about, only these are real. They don’t make you write a novel in a night and make millions in the stock market by the end of the day, but they can possibly help you focus and concentrate better and remember things more easily.

NooBrain is one of the formulation made by Luciminal. It combines mood elevation with cognitive support so you end up with more motivation and a better ability to actually get things done quickly and effectively. Memory, confidence, and competence. Those are the promises of NooBrain. Let’s look at the formula to see if it lives up to them.

NooBrain ReviewNooBrain Ingredients and How They Work

The NooBrain formula is disclosed on the website, and it also includes pretty thorough descriptions of each of the primary ingredients. It includes:

  • Mucuna Pruriens which has long been used in indigenous cultures as an herbal remedy for several ailments. It raises dopamine levels which lifts you to a sense of well-being, and increases focus and energy.
  • Huperzine A which slows down the breakdown of acetylcholine, leaving more of this neurotransmitter necessary for memory, cognition, and motor skills more available to be used. Huperzine A is one of the most popular nootropic ingredients in use today.
  • Alpha-GPC which protects cell membranes. It’s a source of choline, and it may also increase the production and release of growth hormone.
  • Choline which is important for athletic performance as well as brain health. It’s necessary to take Choline when taking racetams to accommodate for the extra that gets used.
  • Vinpocetine which increases blood flow to the brain which increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients it gets. It functions a lot like Ginkgo Biloba, just better according to some.

You should take one NooBrain capsule about an hour before engaging in anything that requires enhanced focus and cognitive ability. Once you determine that you respond well with no side effects, you can up your dose to 2 and even 3 capsules at a time.

NooBrain Pros and Cons

Advantages of NooBrain

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula contains several ingredients we look for in a nootropic supplement.
  • It doesn’t contain any stimulants.
  • NooBrain reviews on Amazon are positive.
  • It boosts mood as well as cognitive function.

Disadvantages of NooBrain

  • It could get expensive if you take 3 at a time and you take it every day.
  • Some people could experience side effects, like headaches, from the Alpha GPC, but they would be generally mild.

Where to Buy

You can order NooBrain through the Luciminal website. A bottle of 30 pills will cost you just under $30. Depending on how you use it, that bottle can last you between 10 and 30 days.


NooBrain uses a good formula, and enjoys some pretty positive reviews. There is a small potential for side effects, however, so you’d want to proceed with that in mind, starting the the lowest dose and going from there.

Have You Used NooBrain? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

NooDay Review – Does It Work?

NooDay Overview

Just like a lot of things in life, once you hear about nootropics, supplements that say they can actually make you smarter, you start to see them everywhere. They’re becoming all the rage, and it’s pretty easy to see why. Competition is fierce these days. Getting into a great college, acing it once you get there, beating out the other applicants for your dream job, and finally being the one who gets that big promotion. Everybody needs an edge, and if your edge can be a natural supplement that gets your brain functioning at a higher level, then you’re going to want that pill.

NooDay is an example of a popular nootropic. There are several commonly used ingredients. NooDay uses a a handful of the good ones. That’s encouraging, but let’s take a closer look to see if NooDay can support crystal clear thinking like they say it can.

NooDay ReviewNooDay Ingredients and How They Work

The creators of NooDay came up with this formula after much experimenting. While there are lots of different nootropic ingredients you can use, the ones chosen to be included in this supplement are:

  • Noopept which is easily able to cross the blood-brain barrier, is a racetam, which is the group most able to increase cognitive abilities. One of the reasons it’s popular is the tiny dose needed to be effective. What you can expect is a greater capacity for learning as well as better recall.
  • Aniracetam which increases your ability to learn and think clearly. With it, you can focus more readily on the task at hand. Aniracetam works better at lower doses than its predecessor, Piracetam due to the fact that it’s fat soluble.
  • Choline which is a building block of acetylcholine, one of the most important neurotransmitters to better cognition and memory. It also increases the efficiency and effectiveness of racetam.
  • NAL-Tyrosine (N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine) which is used to synthesize proteins, and also as a precursor to dopamine, which elevates the mood and improves emotional intelligence, especially under stressful conditions.
  • Sulbutiamine which is basically a fat soluble form of Vitamin B1 (or Thiamine). It can regulate stress and bolster the immune system. Because it’s fat soluble, it readily crosses the blood-brain barrier to improve memory.

It’s recommended that you start with one NooDay capsule taken with some fat-containing food shortly before you require some “heavy lifting” from your brain. Once you know you won’t be hit with strong side effects, you can up the dose t 2 or 3 capsules a day, either all at once or throughout the day.

NooDay Pros and Cons

Advantages of NooDay

  • It’s made by a company that’s very interested in the development of nootropics.
  • We’re kind of in the “Wild West” time period for these supplements. This means that there’s a lot of diversity and experimentation. There’s a good chance you can find something that really works.
  • The formula has some good nootropic ingredients.

Disadvantages of NooDay

  • I was not able to find any independent NooDay reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • It’s currently not available.

Where to Buy NooDay

Normally, you would purchase NooDay through the official website. At this time, however, it is showing up as “out of stock” and “not currently available.” No explanation or time frame is given.


Like I hinted at above, it’s early days for nootropic supplements. A lot of experimenting is going on, and there are some good products being developed. But that means things are pretty untested too, and there could be negative effects that we just don’t know about yet. NooDay looks good, but for some reason, it’s not available right now. It could just be that demand outpaced supply and they’re on backorder. Or it could be that something isn’t right and they’ve pulled it from the shelves. At this point, time will tell.

Have You Used NooDay? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Jalkoy Review – Should You Use It?

Jalkoy Overview

It’s hard to keep up with all the new male enhancement supplements that come out all the time, but we certainly try. I recently had a reader ask me about one that we hadn’t gotten around to yet. It’s called Jalkoy, and it’s the one we’ll talk about today. They claim that it can help with erectile dysfunction so you can get those rock hard erections back. In addition, it boosts your stamina, but the clear focus is on erectile dysfunction and how Jalkoy an solve that problem.

Jalkoy is made by a London based company called Stillbloom LTD. The website provides full contact information, which is becoming more and more rare in this business. So that starts us off with an air of trust. Let’s take a look at the formula to see if that trust carries over to considering this to be an effective product.

Jalkoy ReviewJalkoy Ingredients and How They Work

There are 4 primary ingredients in the Jalkoy formula, each of which has a benefit that’s described by the website:

  • Maca is the key ingredient in focus. It comes from a plant in the Andes, and it’s been well studies and shown to have a positive effect on sexual desire and function in men.
  • Then there’s Fenugreek which has been shown to increase the libido. It is also thought to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is also included for its positive effect on all 4 stages of sexual response, which includes drive, arousal, erection, and orgasm.
  • Finally, there’s Korean Ginseng which has been shown to be effective in fighting against erectile dysfunction.

There are a few additional ingredients that fill out the formula, including Asparagus as an aphrodisiac and Oat Straw as a testosterone booster.

Jalkoy is a daily supplement. You should take 2 capsules daily for best results, and you should start to see those results within about 2-3 weeks.

Jalkoy Pros and Cons

Advantages of Jalkoy

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.
  • Some of the ingredients have been clinically tested and shown to work.
  • There are no reported side effects.

Disadvantages of Jalkoy

  • There are no independent Jalkoy reviews to help us figure out how people who’ve actually used about it feel.
  • There is no ingredient to address blood flow, which is what will really help erections.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Jalkoy through the official website. A one month supply costs $69.95, but you will be enrolled in a monthly shipping program where you’ll receive a new supply for that same price (plus shipping) each month. This is mentioned in the fine print, so you’ll need to look for it.


The Jalkoy formula is pretty mediocre, not particularly good or particularly bad. As far as male enhancement supplement ingredients lists go, Jalkoy is made up of fairly standard and often found ingredients.

It is also more so directed at heightening your overall sex drive and less so much at the physical aspects of getting and maintaining an erection, i.e. circulation and blood flow which is more of a safe bet with male enhancement supplements.

My biggest problem with it really is that ordering a one month supply gets you automatically signed up for ongoing payments, and they’re not very upfront about letting you know how this works. There are better supplements with longer money back guarantees, and that don’t lock you into ongoing payments. Skip the Jalkoy, and go with one of those.

Have You Used Jalkoy? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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