Neuro Nectar Review – Does It Work?

Neuro Nectar Overview

Brain Boosting supplements are popping up all over the place. The idea that you can get smarter, pay better attention, have sharper focus and a more clear memory is pretty enticing. Some products market themselves with flashy promises reminiscent of the Bradley Cooper move, Limitless. But some are more low key, positioning themselves more as multivitamins with an added brain benefit. Neuro Nectar belongs to the second category. It’s been around for years, so it’s not a fly-by-night kind of product, just trying to capitalize on the latest trend. That’s a plus, but what really matters is how well it works. So let’s take a closer look and see if we can determine something about that.

Neuro Nectar ReviewNeuro Nectar Ingredients and How They Work

Neuro Nectar provides a complete ingredient list along with amounts, so that’s a plus. Lots of supplements of this kind don’t offer up that level of ingredient detail. Along with B-Vitamins for energy and overall health, the vegetarian and gluten-free formula contains nootropic ingredients such as:

  • Phosphatidyl Serine which is thought to improve memory and learning, especially in older adults.
  • Phosphatidyl Choline which is a pre cursor to the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine which carries messages between nerves.
  • Pyroglutamic Acid which passes through the blood-brain barrier to stimulate cogitive workints.
  • Choline which enhances memory and learning.
  • DHA which helps strengthen the brain and its functions.
  • DMAE which can improve cognitive function.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which is thought to improve memory by increasing blood flow to the brain.

The recommended dose is 2 tablespoons of Neuro Nectar taken once a day with a meal. The recommendation is that you mix it with juice and drink it that way.

Neuro Nectar Pros and Cons

Advantages of Neuro Nectar

  • The formula is all natural, gluten-free, and vegetarian friendly.
  • It comes in liquid form which is convenient for anyone who doesn’t like to take pills.
  • There are lots of favorable Neuro Nectar reviews from customers who’ve used it and said it really helps clear brain fog and bolster concentration.
  • It’s available through several online retailers.

Disadvantages of Neuro Nectar

  • Some say the taste is pretty bad.
  • It contains a lot of sugar.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Neuro Nectar through several different online retailers, including Amazon and You’ll typically pay about $25 for a bottle that should last 3-4 weeks.


If your new to brain boosting supplements and you’re more curious than anything else, Neuro Nectar may be a good place to start. It’s not incredibly innovative, but it does contain some of the ingredients we look for in this sort of thing. And the price point is low enough that you’re not taking too much of a financial risk.

Have You Used Neuro Nectar? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Geniux Review – 5 Shocking Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy It

We’ve been focusing a lot on nootropics, or so-called Brain Pills, lately.

As they’ve struck my personal interest, they’ve also become more ad more popular, with more and more offerings. As we know by now, in the supplement business, when something gets popular, the marketplace gets flooded with products, a lot of them junk.

Recently, I was asked by a visitor to check into Geniux.

I did, and here’s what I found.


What is Geniux?
False and Deceptive Advertising Claims
Ingredients and How They Work
User Reviews / Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy it in stores?
Was it really featured on Dr. OZ, Forbes, Etc?
Are their any side effects?
Can I get a refund if it doesn’t work?
Pros and Cons

What Is Geniux

The official Geniux website calls it “the ultimate smart pill.”

It is not the only nootropic boasting effects that are seemingly similar to the film Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and the appeal of them is that they are safer, easy to obtain ADD and ADHD medication alternatives.

It’s an all natural collection of nutrients your brain needs to unlock your brain and unleash more of its full potential. By taking just one pill with water in the morning, you’ll find yourself with sharper focus and clearer memory, along with cognitive and physical energy.

geniux claims

Sounds great to me!

In essence, pills like Geniux are marketed as healthy, all natural alternatives to drugs like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin that are available over the counter.  Do they work as effectively as those drugs though?

Usually not…

The fact of the matter is that those drugs are prescription only for a reason and their formulas cannot really be matched in over the counter supplements and be expected to be just as effective, for the most part.

The one pill a day is the standard dose, and it works fast (within 15 minutes). But you can take another if you’re heading into a situation where you think you’ll want it. By combining 50 years of cognitive research with modern gel capsule technology, Geniux believes it’s found the holy grail of brain supplements.

This is not the first time I’ve heard claims like this.  In many of the previous nootropic supplements I’ve reviewed like Addium, Alpha ZXT, and Cogniq, they’ve all made the claim at one point or another that their product is the real “Limitless Pill” from the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper.

As you’ll see in my own personal experiments with those supplements, however, that usually isn’t the case.

False and Deceptive Advertising…

I actually came across a few ads for Geniux on Facebook, with one saying recent clinical studies have shown ways to unlock the important parts of our brains quickly.  The ad features a headline proclaiming “The FDA approves the first brain super drug”.

geniux ad

Of course, we all know this is b.s. because natural supplements like Geniux don’t require approval from the FDA to be sold.  Only prescription pharmaceuticals do.

However, when I clicked on the ad above it took me to a page that looked like the CNN website.  Featured on the hit TV show “The Doctors” they were calling Geniux ‘Viagra for the brain’, labeling it as the most powerful brain enhancer in the world.

The simple fact is that this is not the real CNN website.  I know this because if you look at the url in the address bar, it says boosting mental, not

Check it out:

geniux cnn

This B.S. article is further boasted by the fact that they also credit the supplement as the inspiration behind the movie Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper.

geniux limitless movie

Never mind the fact that Geniux really wasn’t the inspiration behind the movie, as is noted in the real tweet from their official twitter page.

geniux limitless real

It’s pretty clear that this ad is a complete fake, and I have to admit it’s pretty cleverly put together.  If I were reading this a few years ago when I didn’t know any better I likely would have ordered it.

However, in the past 6 months or so I’ve seen literally DOZENS of companies pulling the same trick, including Adderin.

All false and deceptive marketing aside, does Geniux really even work?

geniux review

Geniux Ingredients and How They Work

Here’s where things start to break down. Nowhere on the website do they list any ingredients at all. The only direct words on the subject are that Geniux contains 20 ingredients. Well that’s great (maybe), but we need to know what they are in order to know if this stuff has a shot at working. The only hint we have is a list of citations at the bottom of the web page.

A few reports seem to be about Bee Pollen and how it fights poison in rats, while there’s also one about Makuna Honey and Propolis. A few of the studies cited are about how nootropics in general may or may not work, but they don’t concentrate on specific ingredients. There is one potential useful piece of ingredient information we found in the citations, and that is that is the presence of Tyrosine.

Thankfully, after digging through countless websites, I was able to find the full ingredients list.  It’s surprisingly short, literally only containing 4 ingredients:  500 mg bee pollen, caffeine, Eleuthero Extract, and Gelatin.

Update 10/1/2015 – They must have changed up their formula, because when I visited the official website recently I found the following ingredients:  Tyrosine, GABA, Bacopa Monnieri, Alpha GPC, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A.

However, this is completely different from what it says on the label I have here.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Through my research, I had a VERY hard time coming across legit reviews for Geniux.  For example, I found a youtube video by a guy who calls himself Tyler, who talks about his experience with this supplement.  Here it is below:


Note at the very beginning of his review he says the following: “I’m just your average guy, NOT a paid actor….”

Well, that’s very interesting because looky what we have here:

geniux fake review

That’s right ladies and gent’s…he isn’t “really” just your average guy, but rather a paid endorser of the product.

The fact that he even says it in the review makes it suspicious, but as you can see, my research confirms the B.S.  You can find guys (and girls) like this on a website called Fiverr.

Essentially, the average every-day Joe or Jane can advertise their services (including paid testimonials) for as little as $5 a vid!

This actually leads me to my next discovery, the reviews on the actual Geniux website.  If you visit their “success stories” section, you’ll see about half a dozen reviews from satisfied customers.  Well, a couple of those reviews appear to be using the very same people from Fiverr, who’s images are being used.

Here’s a couple:

  • “Mandy” on their website:

geniux review mandy

and here’s “Mandy” advertising her services on Fiverr…

geniux mandy fiverr small

Here’s “George” on their website…

geniux george site small

and here’s “George” on Fiverr…

boost ultimate review

The list go’s on and on, but I’m assuming at this point you get the jist.  If you actually visit the official site and try to click on the videos for these testimonials they don’t even actually play.

So either they (the makers of Geniux) scraped their image off of Fiverr, or they had a video in the past but choose not to show it anymore.

I checked around on a few other sites that seemed to have credible reviews, and the vast majority were terrible.  Reviewers on Amazon talked of a wide range of side effects with Geniux including heart palpitations, insomnia, loss of balance, and headaches (likely from the caffeine content).

Even the positive reviews on Amazon looked suspicious, with many of the reviewers having Geniux as literally the only product they have ever reviewed.

My Personal Results

With only 3 ingredients, one being caffeine, I didn’t have much of an expectation with this one.  The directions on the label say that you should take 1 capsule twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

I took one first thing in the morning and waited….and waited….and waited…and….nothing happened.  The only thing I felt was a slight boost in energy, which seemed like it was provided by the caffeine.

Other than that, there was no sense of clarity or “mind-blowing” focus.  I didn’t feel sharper, or able to complete tasks at a much faster rate.  And as far as I could tell I didn’t see an improvement in memory, although I only took it for about a week so I’m not sure whether this is supposed to be a long term effect.

According to them, the effects should be felt in a matter of minutes (possibly even seconds).

how long does geniux take to work

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I buy it in stores

As far as I can tell Geniux is only available on their official website,   It’s not cheap, with a one month supply coming in at $47 per bottle, plus $4.95 for shipping.

You can get it cheaper on a per bottle basis by ordering a larger supply.  For example, if you buy 3 bottles you get 2 free, effectively lowering the price per bottle to $19.

I searched through my local GNC, and even called a Vitamin Shoppe and CVS nearby.

Neither carried it, much less even heard of it.

Was it really featured in Forbes, Dr Oz, etc

So many of you have probably gotten to this page after apparently seeing Geniux featured in what appeared to be a Forbes article.  The truth is, it’s NOT really the Forbes website you are looking at.

Rather, it’s a page deliberately designed to look like the Forbes site.  I’ve seen several other supplements claim the exact same thing, including addium, brainstorm elite, and adderin.

As far as being on Dr. Oz, highly unlikely.  I searched through various search engines, as well as the official Dr. OZ website and couldn’t find any mention of him talking about this supplement.

They also mention that it’s been seen on several major media outlets like The New York Times, NBC, CNN, The Chicago Tribune, and USA Today, although we couldn’t find any truth to back up these claims.

geniux on forbes, cnn, usa today, and others

Are there any side effects

There are very limited testimonials from people who’ve taken Geniux, so finding negative effects was tough.  That said, any supplement has the potential to produce side effects, and this one if no different.

I always suggest that you take your first dose on a full stomach and evaluate how you feel.

If you don’t notice any adverse effects, then take it on an empty stomach.

Can I get a refund if it doesn’t work for me

They do have a 30 day money back guarantee.  The only downside is that you have to send the bottle back (whether it’s empty or not), and YOU have to cover the cost of shipping.

All returns should be sent to 6100 Oak Tree Blvd c/o Geniux, Independence, OH 44131.  I would suggest that you add a signature and delivery confirmation should you decide to return it, so they can’t claim they never received it.

It should also be noted that several people have claimed it was VERY difficult to get a refund.  Whenever they called to obtain an RMA # (return merchandise authorization), they felt pressured to keep the bottles and were offered various discounts.

One customer reported that he was charged a $5 “restocking fee” to return the product, in addition to the shipping and handling he paid.

geniux money back guarantee

Geniux Pros and Cons

Advantages of Geniux

  • There’s a money back guarantee (albeit it not a very good one).
  • Apparently made in an FDA cGMP facility, which is no surprise because practically every supplement in the US is.
  • The ingredients are said to be all natural.
  • There are some Geniux reviews from customers to look at. That’s the good news. The bad news is that about half of them are negative, saying this stuff does nothing.

Disadvantages of Geniux

  • Relatively expensive
  • Not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, or Rite Aid

Where to Buy

You can purchase Geniux through their official website or on Amazon. If you buy a single bottle, it costs $47. If you buy in bulk, your per bottle cost can get as low as $20. On Amazon, a bottle sells for $56, which includes free shipping.

Should you order it on their official site, they DO say they offer a 20 day money-back guarantee.  What’s not so evident is the fact that in order to receive you’re refund of Geniux, you have to send the bottle back to them at your own expense, PLUS pay a $5 restocking fee.

That’s what their terms and conditions page says, but I’ve heard some guys say they’ve been charged as much as $35 for the restocking fee!


I highly doubt that Geniux works as well as they say it does, but in the interest of fairness I’ve ordered a bottle and will be updating this review soon.  Based on the fake reviews and testimonials I’ve come across, coupled with the fact that it only contains 4 of the most basic ingredients found in any nootropic supplement, I would say take a pass on this one.

Have You Used Geniux? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Winnie Flex Review – Should You Try It?

Winnie Flex Overview

Winstrol is a popular steroid used by bodybuilders during their cutting cycles. It helps you get shredded and vascular without losing muscle mass or strength, so it’s used commonly to get ready for competitions. But Winstrol is illegal and banned, so if you’re going or staying natural, you need to find effective alternatives that don’t put your wallet, your reputation, or your freedom in jeopardy.

Winnie Flex is a natural alternative from a company called Top Legal Steroids. They offer 3 products in their Anabolic Stack: GH Flex, Test Flex, and Winnie Flex. The stack is endorsed by several competitive bodybuilders, and Winnie Flex is the one we’re looking at today. It’s designed to mimic the effects of Winstrol, yet it’s completely legal and safe. By all accounts, their new formula is supposed to be just as good as the old one, but let’s see for ourselves. Let’s take a closer look at the formula to see if it’s likely to deliver.

Winnie Flex ReviewWinnie Flex Ingredients and How They Work

The Winnie Flex formula consists of:

  • An Amino Acid Complex to support protein synthesis and improve post workout recovery.
  • Apis Melifica which comes from bees, and is used for treating hives.
  • Arnica Motana which is a flower used for swelling and sore throats.
  • Fucus Vesiculosus (Bladderwrack) which is a type of seaweed used to counteract an underactive thyroid.
  • Gambogia which is used for gastrointestinal disorders and drowsiness.
  • Liver Extract which is a rich source of iron and several vitamins.
  • Phosphoricum Acidum which is used to treat stress.
  • Pituitary which can be used to treat thyroid disease.
  • Thuja Occidentalis which boosts your immune system.
  • Thyroid Extract which helps you maintain your weight.

The ingredients combine to improve both thyroid function and metabolism so you get ripped while maintaining muscle mass. It also reduces excess fluid so you look as shredded as possible. The recommended dose is 2 sprays under the tongue, three times a day.

Winnie Flex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Winnie Flex

  • The ingredients are all natural, legal, and not banned substances.
  • The spray bottle formula is fast-absorbing and convenient for people who don’t like taking pills.
  • You can use it alone or as part of the Anabolic Stack along with GH Flex and Test Flex.
  • It’s used and endorsed by bodybuilding professionals such as USA Light Heavyweight Champion Fakhri Mubarak.

Disadvantages of Winnie Flex

  • It’s expensive.
  • There are no clinical tests showing that it’s effective.
  • Most of the ingredients are unproven.I found no independent Winnie Flex reviews from customers who’ve used it successfully. The “celebrity” endorsements and website testimonials are good, but it’s always better to get some outside independent feedback.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Winnie Flex through the Spray Flex webiste. A single bottle should last a month and costs $89.95. You can save quite a bit if you buy in bulk. There’s also a discount if you buy it as part of the Anabolic Stack with GH Flex and Test Flex.


As a standalone product, I’m not convinced Winnie Flex is your best bet. The ingredients don’t seem geared toward cutting for the most part. But oftentimes, a well formulated stack is your best hope for getting great results. The bodybuilding professional endorsements are pretty convincing that Winnie Flex and the Anabolic Stack may be worth a try.

If you don’t want to have to take an extra supplement to get the most out of it, that is understandable, but when it comes to workout supplements, that often times is the case.

Have You Used Winnie Flex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 – Keto OS

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Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Test Flex Review – Should You Use It?

Test Flex Overview

These days, unless your levels are severely low and you’ve been diagnosed with clinically low testosterone, you really shouldn’t need to consider actual hormone replacement therapy. There are so many natural testosterone boosting supplements available that really your only struggle should be deciding which one to use. And that’s a pretty good problem to have.

The appeal of a natural testosterone booster is that you don’t have to go through the time and hassle of having to deal with getting approved for hormone replacement therapy which can get to be quite expensive and is not without side effects.

Test Flex is a spray formula made by Top Legal Steroids. You can use it individually or as part of their Anabolic Stack, and it’s primary purpose is to boost your natural testosterone levels. They claim their formulas have been clinically tested and their stack is responsible for may pro bodybuilders’ physiques. More directly though, the benefits they claim Test Flex can provide are:

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Bolstered strength
  • Improved athletic performance and endurance
  • Boosted libido and sexual performance
  • Increased energy
  • Better mental focus and concentration
  • Decreased fatigue

Test Flex ReviewTest Flex Ingredients and How They Work

Testosterone boosters are common so it’s important to take a look at the formula for help figuring out the likely success of a product. In the case of Test Flex, the formula contains:

  • Avena Sativa which increases free testosterone levels.
  • Damiana which is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Pituitary Extract which improves hormonal response.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports prostate health.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases total testosterone levels by increasing the release of Luteinizing Hormone which signals for an increase in testosterone production.

It’s a decent mix of some of the more common natural testosterone boosting ingredients available. The recommended dose is 2 sprays, 3 times a day. This enables the ingredients to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, which means quicker and more efficient results.

Test Flex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Test Flex

  • It’s used and endorsed by several bodybuilding professionals, like 5 time NPC Team Universe Weight Class Champion, Chris Faildo.
  • You can use Test Flex alone or as part of the Anabolic Stack.
  • The spray formula means it acts more quickly and efficiently than tablet or capsule formulas.

Disadvantages of Test Flex

  • It’s expensive.
  • The formula isn’t anything special, especially considering the price. There are so many natural testosterone boosters available that it seems unnecessary to spend this much on Test Flex.
  • I was unable to find independent Test Flex reviews from customers who’ve used it (except testimonials on the website which you should always take with a grain of salt.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Test Flex through the SprayFlex website. A single bottle should last a month with regular use, and it costs $89.95. If you buy the stack or buy in bulk, you can save some money on your per bottle cost.


As a standalone testosterone booster, I wouldn’t highly recommend Test Flex. It’s similar to a lot of other products, yet it’s more expensive than most. On the other hand, if you want to go with the stack, Test Flex is an integral part of it, and the convenience of getting all three product in spray bottle formulations from the same place may be worth it.

If having to take it in a stack to get the best results is off-putting to you, I can understand that, but to some, that may be well worth it once the positive effects kick in.

Have You Used Test Flex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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GH Flex Review – Does It Work?

GH Flex Overview

If you want to get big, use steroids. Right? Well, sure, if you also want to spend all your money on either doctor shopping or the black market. And if you want roid rage and bitch tits. And if you want to lose all your gains when you realize you can’t keep taking steroids forever. But we live in an age where natural components can work if not as well as steroids, then pretty close. It’s just a matter of finding the right ones. There are several companies out there that call their products “legal steroids,” and the name can be confusing. Guys ask me all the time if these products are steroids or not, will they pop on a piss test of not. The answer to both questions is no. (Well, there are different standards for different testing organization, but generally these legal steroid products don’t contain banned substances).

There’s a company called Top Legal Steroids that makes a few of these products, 3 to be exact. You can stack them together or use them individually, depending on your needs. The one we’re looking at today is GH Flex.

GH Flex ReviewWhat is GH Flex?

GH Flex is an alternative to getting HGH (Somatropin) injections. The older we get, the less HGH our bodies produce. HGH keeps us young, it keeps out muscles lean, and it keeps our metabolism running high. It stimulates growth in kids and repair and rejuvenation in adults. GH Flex claims to give you the same benefits of HGH injections, but without the extreme cost and inconvenience of doctors and injections Those benefits include:

  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increased strength
  • Improved recovery
    Better sleep
  • More skin elasticity
  • Boosted sex drive

Sounds pretty great, but let’s take a look at the formula to see if it’s likely Top Legal Steroids can deliver.

GH Flex Ingredients and How They Work

The formula for GH Flex is all natural and includes Arnica Montana, Carduus Marianus, Liver Extract, Korean Ginseng, Phosphoricum Acidum, Pituitary. Unfortunately, the official product webpage doesn’t explain how each of these ingredients work individually, but they mention that there have been several clinical studies performed on them, showing that they provide a perfect environment for muscle growth.

GH Flex comes in a spray bottle and recommends a dose of 2 sprays, 3 times a day. Using a spray under the tongue allows the ingredients to be absorbed quickly and directly into the bloodstream, so you get the full benefit, without losing a significant percentage of effectiveness to your digestive system.

GH Flex Pros and Cons

Advantages of GH Flex

  • The ingredients are all natural, yet they provide similar benefits to Somatropin injections.
  • GH Flex is endorsed by several professional bodybuilders, like USA Heavyweight Champion Will Harris and USA Lightweight Champion Erik Bui. According to the website, these athletes turned pro only after using GH Flex and the other products in the stack.
  • You can stack it with the company’s other products, Test Flex and Winnie Flex for best results.

Disadvantages of GH Flex

  • The ingredient list is full of a lot of unfamiliar ingredients and while the website is very informative in many ways, it doesn’t shed any light on how they work. This is usually a red flag.
  • I couldn’t find any GH Flex reviews from regular customers besides the testimonials on the website, another red flag.
  • They mention clinical studies on the website, but don’t provide details or links so we can check them out ourselves.
  • It can get pretty expensive, especially when you’re using the stack.

Where to Buy

GH Flex is available on the Sprayflex website. One bottle is meant to be a one month supply and costs $89.95. You can spend as little as $59.95 per bottle if you buy in bulk.


GH Flex makes a lot of promises, but I’m not convinced by the formula. It also raises some suspicions when they claim there are all these studies done on the ingredients, but can’t point to them directly. With that said, I’ve been skeptical and proven wrong before, so it’s certainly possible this could happen with GH Flex too.

If you want to try GH Flex, the one month supply is pretty expensive so you may want to go with the bulk supply to save some money.

Red flags aside, GH Flex certainly has the possibility to have good effects, I am just not totally sure if it is enough to justify its high price.

Have You Used GH Flex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Rhodiola 110 Review – Should You Use It?

Rhodiola 110 Overview

Everybody could use more energy these days. And with the current focus on natural supplements, we’re taking a look at Rhodiola 110 from Nutrilite. The promise is more physical as well as mental energy, an energy that’s clean and long lasting throughout the day. And while customer reviews of Rhodiola 110 are pretty scarce, they seem to be mostly favorable, enough so that we decided it’s worth a closer look.

The promised benefits of Rhodiola 110 are maximized mental and physical performance in times of exercise and stress. It may even shorten post workout recovery times by optimizing your body’s response to stress.

Rhodiola 110 ReviewRhodiola 110 Ingredients and How They Work

Clearly, the primary ingredient in Rhodiola 110 is Rhodiola, a common ingredient found in fat burners like GOLO and GAT Jetfuel Pyro. It’s an herb mostly grown in colder climates and it’s primarily known as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body respond better to times of stress. It also may increase energy by acting as a vasodilator. This means is relaxes blood vessel walls, allowing a greater amount of blood to flow through. Better blood flow means better oxygen and nutrient delivery, which leads to increased energy. It is thought to provide additional benefits as well, like preventing the common cold, anti-aging properties, improvements in hearing, and enhancing immunity.

The Rhodiola 110 formula also contains 75 mg of caffeine from Green Tea Extract, 30 mg of Vitamin C, and Spinach and Cherry Extract.

The recommended dose is 1 or 2 tablets per day.

Rhodiola 110 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rhodiola 110

  • The ingredients are all natural, so if you’re looking for a natural energy boost, this may be it.
  • There are several positive Rhodiola 110 reviews on Amazon, mainly praising its energy boost, both in physical and mental terms.
  • The energy is long lasting and not jittery.

Disadvantages of Rhodiola 110

  • It’s pretty expensive.
  • It acts as a stimulant so you should be careful not to use too much or combine it with other stimulant products.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Rhodiola 110 online through a few different retailers. The 60-count bottle will last from one to two months depending on whether you take 1 or 2 per day, and it costs $35-$45 depending on where you buy.


If you’re looking for an alternative to loading up on caffeinated drinks all day just to stay alert and motivated, Rhodiola 110 could be a good choice. It may also work as a pre workout supplement providing the mental and physical boost you need to power through. If you do try, make sure you start with just 1 pill to assess your tolerance before upping the dose.

Have You Used Rhodiola 110? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Test Reload Review – Does It Work?


Who is Mike Chang
Consumers Saying
My Personal Results
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Test Reload Overview

Getting older can really suck. Once you hit 30 and beyond, every year you lose more and more testosterone, making everything from losing fat to building muscle to getting an erection harder and harder to do. Luckily, there are ways around the problem, and even more luckily, some of them don’t involved prescriptions, injections, or nasty side effects. Natural testosterone boosters have become as popular as they have for a reason.

They’re effective and they’re safe. Now the only problem is choosing the right one.

Test Reload comes from Mike Chang of Six Pack Short Cuts. It’s the testosterone booster that he recommends so we decided to take a look. The stated benefits are pretty much what you usually find in natural testosterone boosters and include:

  • Increased testosterone without chemicals.
  • Enhanced muscle mass.
  • Pumped up sex life.
  • Increased overall strength.

Let’s take a look at the ingredients and decide if Test Reload can walk the walk as well.

Test Reload Ingredients and How They Work

There are four key ingredients in the Test Reload formula:

  • Fenugreek helps boost testosterone levels by helping to keep free testosterone molecules free. There’s an enzyme called Sex Hormone Binding Globuline (SHBG) that tries to lock down free testosterone so your body can’t use it. Fenugreek works to prevent that from happening.
  • D-Aspartic Acid has been shown in clinical tests to increase your body’s testosterone production. It does this by increasing the release of luteinizing hormone, which in turn signals the testes to release more testosterone.
  • Maca Root which increases testosterone and sperm production. It’s also been known for centuries to increase libido.
  • White Button Mushroom Extract which may support healthy estrogen levels in men by preventing some of the natural conversion process of testosterone to estrogen.

Click Here to see a picture of the Test Reload label.

The formula is rounded out with Beta Alanine for workout endurance, Mucuna Pruriens for libido support, and Boron Citrate which may increase testosterone levels as well.

There’s plenty of other supplements on the market that basically share this very same ingredients makeup, including Andro 400, Spartagen XT, and even Nugenix.

Who is Mike Chang and Should You Listen To Him?

As mentioned earlier, Mike is a fitness consultant, coach, and founder of the Six Pack Shortcuts system.  According to his bio, in his youth he was not exactly the specimen of health and fitness that he is today.

He was relatively out of shape, snubbed by women, and lacked confidence.  Taking a new approach to dieting, exercise, and life, he ended up losing weight and getting a six pack, totally changing his life.

He started out as a Youtube phenomenon after posting videos of his workouts back in 2010.  The results were extraordinary…

With over 400 youtube videos, 222 million views, and 2 million subscribers, he is argument-ably one of the most influential people in the dieting / fitness niche online.

However, recently he announced that he would no longer be posting Youtube videos, as he has decided to basically retire from the business.

You can find out why in the following vid:

But, Can You Believe Him?

I did a lot of research on Mike Chang and the results were not so appealing.  There’s talk on forums like and Reddit, and they don’t paint a very good picture of him.

Most call out the fact that his Six Pack Shortcuts program is nothing really “revolutionary”, and frown on his claims of how easy it is to develop a six pack.

So What are Consumers Saying About Test Reload?

Reviews seem to be mixed, but a good portion are not very good.  For example, the product has an average rating of 3 out of 5 stars on Amazon.

Not good, but not terrible either.

The negative reviews speak for themselves.  Many said the supplement simply did not work for them, while others are claiming side effects that would make you think twice before ordering.

test reload review on amazon

negative review of test reload

Some of the positive reviews look a bit suspicious as well.

For example, the following user states the he gained 15 lbs. in the first month.

positive review of test reload on amazon

But if you look at some of the other products he’s reviewed on Amazon, you’ll see it’s just Test Reload and another supplement made by Mike Chang called “Six Pack Sleep”.

six pack sleep reviews

Companies that sell stuff on Amazon have a tendency to create fake accounts, but the product, then leave a glowing review for their supplement, but don’t leave reviews for any other products.

I’m not saying this is 100% the case here, but these are things should be noted.

My Personal Results

test reload reviewAt the request of many of my visitors I finally got a chance to try out Test Reload.

For me, the first week I basically didn’t feel anything.  No increase in energy, no enhanced libido, and certainly no increased strength.

However, by the end of the second week I started to notice a few things.

  1. I started sleeping better.  Typically I get about 6 – 7 hours of sleep a night, and occasionally I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss.  This was not the case here.  I was getting about 7 – 8 hours of SOLID, uninterrupted sleep.
  2. Libido started to pick up.  I’ve never really had any major issues with libido, but I definitely felt an increase in my overall sexual stamina and hardness.
  3. Improved recovery times.  Typically when I get a good workout session in, especially during leg day, I’ll end up being sore for a few days afterwards.  I started to notice that my recovery times seemed to be shortened.  I felt like I could go all out in my workouts the next day, instead of my usual 70 – 80 % effort.

The downside is this only seemed to last about a week, and I’m not totally sure that it was a result of taking Test Reload.  In any case I gave it a shot and didn’t experience any side effects, so that’s always a plus.

Test Reload Pros and Cons

Advantages of Test Reload

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s a bit on the expensive side.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are some very positive Test Reload reviews from customers on Amazon, with particular focus on energy and stamina for workouts.

Disadvantages of Test Reload

  • The ingredients list is a little short, and they don’t reveal ingredient amounts, which is pretty important information when deciding whether or not a supplement will be effective.
  • Some question Mike Changs claims and marketing tactics.
  • My personal results were less than stellar.
  • They funnel you into an auto-rebill offer, which can be costly.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Test Reload through their official SixPack Shop website or additional retailers like Amazon. On the Six Pack shortcuts website they sell it for the “reduced price” of $67 (original price is $100), BUT, they charge almost $15 for shipping.

where to buy test reload

That’s just straight up ridiculous.  They’re sending you a supplement bottle, not a TV.

Another thing I noticed (barely) was that if you buy it on the official Six Pack shortcuts website, they end up putting you into what’s known as an auto-rebill, auto-shipment offer.

What that basically means in lamens terms is that they will continually send you a new bottle of Test Reload every 30 days, AND continually bill you the full price of $67 plus shipping.

You can see it all right here in the terms and conditions (which most guys skip over):

test reload terms and conditions

A TON of guys usually miss this, and when they start seeing credit charges popping up they’re usually clueless as to what to do.

Luckily they make it relatively easy to cancel your order (and any future orders) of Test Reload by simply sending them an email at

Alternatively, you can call them at 1-800-655-8576 to cancel.

Things You Can Do To Help Boost Your Testosterone

As most of us know, supplements alone will not give you some sort of magical increase in testosterone.  While they can help, they’re not the end all be all” to boosting testosterone.

However, there are a few things you can do to naturally stimulate your bodies natural production of testosterone.

boost t levels lightbox ebookFor one, exercise is crucial.  However, you need to be doing the right types of exercise to take advantage of your bodies ability to pump out more testosterone.

For example, it’s been clinically proven that performing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can increase your testosterone naturally in just a few short weeks.

I talk about this, and other things you can do, in the following article.  Check it out if you have time.

You can also sign up for my free “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” ebook, and get GREAT tips on diet, exercise, and supplementation that will safely boost your testosterone DRAMATICALLY.


After trying it out for a full month, I have to admit I wasn’t very impressed with Test Reload.  They make a lot of promises, but I only seemed to get some minor benefits for about a week.

Should I have take it for longer?  Maybe.

Would I have gotten better results if I did?  Again, maybe.

But at almost $100 a bottle (a bit cheaper on Amazon), I was definitely expecting more.

It’s expensive, but if you’re still interested in trying it, at least there’s a money back guarantee, so you’ll be covered if it doesn’t turn out to work for you.

Just keep in mind that you need to buy it through the official Size Pack Shortcuts website to take advantage of that.

Have You Used Test Reload? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Arginine Cardio Review – Does It Work?

Arginine Cardio Overview

A lot of the supplements we look at use L-Arginine as one of their primary ingredients. That’s because it’s long been accepted that increased nitric oxide makes your workouts better, and l-arginine helps cause that increase you need. But what about L-Arginine and for overall better health? The idea is gaining some traction, and a supplement called Arginine Cardio is potentially ready to lead the way.

Let us get a little closer and take a look at Arinine Cardio, what it’s made out of and how it works.

Arginine Cardio ReviewWhat is Arginine Cardio?

Arginine Cardio was developed by Dr. Rainer Boger to be the only pharmaceutical grade l-arginine/l-citrulline supplement to give you high nitric oxide levels all day, every day.

While most NO pre workout supplements boost your levels just before your workout so you get the benefits while you need them for building muscle, Arginine Cardio boosts levels all day so you get its cardiovascular benefits all day long.

And the benefits can be many. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator. It relaxes blood vessel walls so more blood can flow more freely through your body. It also signals the cardiovascular system to repair itself, cleaning plaque from arteries so blood flows even more freely. When your system doesn’t have to work so hard to move blood throughout, there are a number of benefits like:

  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Better, more restful sleep.
  • Harder erections.
  • More effective weight loss.
  • Decreased joint pain from arthritis.

Arginine Cardio Ingredients and How They Work

The primary ingredient in Arginine Cardio is of course L-Arginine, which is an amino acid that converts to nitric oxide in the body. What’s different about Arginine Cardio is the amount and what it’s combined with. The Arginine dose is pretty high (it’s measured in grams, not milligrams), but more important is the fact that it also contains the best ratio of l-arginine to l-citrulline to make the increase in nitric oxide last all day.

The formula is then rounded out with some antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals to support overall health and body processes.

Arginine Cardio Pros and Cons

Advantages of Arginine Cardio

  • The scientifically studied formula contains the appropriate ratio of l-arginine to l-citrulline to provide an all day NO increase.
  • You can take fewer doses to achieve the same results as other products, making it cheaper.
  • There are lots of positive testimonials on the Arginine Cardio website.
  • It’s less expensive than some of the other options.

Disadvantages of Arginine Cardio

  • There doesn’t appear to be a money back guarantee.
  • It’s not a substitute for seeking medical attention for heart and/or cardiovascular symptoms.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Arginine Cardio through the official website. A single bottle sells for $59.95, but if you buy 3 or 6 jars at a time, you’ll get a $10 discount on each bottle.


If you’re looking for a daily NO boosting supplement for overall health and cardiovascular wellness, Arginine Cardio is a good pick. The only drawback I really see is that there’s no stated money back guarantee. So if you’ve got $60 to try on a new supplement, Arginine Cardio may be worth the try.

It has several ingredients that contribute to all around good health in general, so it serves as a good part of a dietary regimen on its own without the workout benefits that it provides.

Have You Used Arginine Cardio? Leave Your Review Below!

ProArgi9+ Review – Should You Use It?

ProArgi9+ Overview

You probably know by now that increased nitric oxide is good for your workouts and gives you that great pumped, vascular look. But there are actually several benefits to having more NO working in your cells. Improving blood flow has benefits for your blood pressure, your cholesterol, your energy, your sex life, and much much more. ProArgi9+ is a supplement that capitalizes on these benefits. It’s not really a bodybuilding supplement. It’s meant to be used daily by anyone who wants the many benefits of increased blood flow.

ProArgi9+ ReviewProArgi9+ Ingredients and How They Work

L-Argnine is the primary ingredient in ProArgi9+. There a a full 5 grams in the formula. This is because L-Arginine is a direct precursor to NO. NO is a gas that’s created in your cells. As a gas, it doesn’t stay stable for long. By providing your body with this much L-Arginine, you will able to continue to produce more. With more NO, you’ll be maintaining cardiovascular health by ensuring proper bloodflow, blood pressure, and blood thickness.

Added to the ProArgi9+ formula are:

  • L-Citrulline that is actually a precursor to L-Arginine, allowing for even more in your body.
  • Resveratrol which is an antioxidant to protect the heart and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Vitamin D3 which helps the body absorb calcium and improves cardiovascular function.

ProArgi9+ comes in the form of a powder. Mix one scoop with water and take once or twice daily.

ProArgi9+ Pros and Cons

Advantages of ProArgi9+

  • The formula is all natural.
  • It contains a good dose of L-Arginine
  • It comes in several sugar-free flavors including Grape, Citrus Berry, and Mixed Berry.
  • Its focus is on overall cardiovascular health.

Disadvantages of ProArgi9+

  • It’s pretty expensive.
  • We found no ProArgi9+ reviews from customers.

Where to Buy

You can purchase ProArgi9+ through the official Synergy WorldWide website. A single canister which contains 30 servings sells for $75. If you take it twice a day, that’s an outlay of $150 each month. But if you buy multiple bottles at once, you’ll save at least a little.


ProArgi9+ may have benefits to your overall health, but it comes at a pretty steep price. It might be a better idea to check in with your doctor to see if there’s something medically wrong first, then go from there.

Have You Used ProArgi9+? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

X FORCE NO2 Review – Does It Work?

X FORCE NO2 Overview

A word of caution. As you go about your search for the best workout supplement to support your hard work and bring you to amazing results, know that there are A LOT of scams out there. When the online supplement market started to explode a number of years ago, unscrupulous companies were quickly formed to capitalize on guys’ desires to get ripped without using steroids. There are reputable companies and products too, but you definitely have to do your homework to find those and avoid the scammers. That’s one of our primary focuses on this website, separating the good from the bad, the legit from the fakers.

X FORCE NO2 is a pre workout supplement that relies mainly on the increase of Nitric Oxide to get you better energy, better pumps, better oxygen and nutrient delivery, and in the end, better results. In fact, the entire focus is on boosting nitric oxide. We took a closer look at the ingredients and marketing to determine whether or not X FORCE NO2 is a scam. Here’s what we found.

X FORCE NO2 ReviewX FORCE NO2 Ingredients and How They Work

The complete X FORCE NO2 formula is aimed toward increasing nitric oxide. While a lot of online offerings don’t disclose their ingredient list, we were pleased to see that X FORCE NO2 does. Some of the formula is proprietary which means they don’ t reveal how much of each ingredient they use, ut at least they let you know what’s in it. The components include:

  • L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate
  • L-Arginine
  • L-Arginine Monohydrochloride
  • L-Citrulline
  • Dipotassium Phosphate

These are all involved in the production of nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator which means that it relaxes blood vessel walls, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through to your muscles, providing more oxygen and nutrients as well as giving you that great pumped up look and feel.

The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken with water about 30 minutes before working out.

Where to Buy X FORCE NO2

X FORCE NO2 used to be available only through a “free trial” offer that isn’t actually free at all. They would make you pay a small shipping fee. Then they’d sign you up for continuing monthly shipments at full price. This little tidbit of information was buries deep in the fine print of the terms and conditions, basically making it highly unlikely that anyone would read it or know about it before signing up. Most guys thought they were trying out a new product for free. 15 days later, a charge showed up on their credit card and they would start to investigate what was going on.

It looks like X FORCE NO2 might have decided to go legit. At this time, their website sells one bottle (or multiples) at a time for a set price. I read the terms and conditions cover to cover and there’s no mention of a free trial or a subscription service. In fact, it specifically states:

“This purchase incurs a onetime charge to your selected payment method. If you wish to receive new shipments of X Force NO2 you must submit a new order. “

I don’t know if they made this decision on their own or they were pushed to it, but either way, it’s good to see. At this time, a single bottle sells for $48, and you’ll pay less per bottle if you buy multiples.

X FORCE NO2 Pros and Cons

Advantages of X FORCE NO2

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • You can buy it without signing up for automatic delivery.

Disadvantages of X FORCE NO2

  • The formula is pretty limited.
  • There are no clinical studies showing its effectiveness.
  • We were unable to find X FORCE NO2 reviews from customers who’ve use it.


X FORCE NO2 used to be a free trial scam product, but now it’s not. This is good, but it would be nice to know why this happened. Unfortunately, I still don’t see this as a product worth using. NO supplements are a dime a dozen, and there’s nothing that makes X FORCE NO2 stand out.

Have You Used X FORCE NO2? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Testo XTRM Review – Free Trial Scam?

Testo XTRM Overview

Testosterone is the ultimate male hormone. It’s responsible for strength, power, muscle, aggression, and even sex drive. It even makes you a calmer, happier guy. That’s why it sucks when our levels drop off, which they start to do in our early 30s. It’s a gradual process, but when you get to a certain point, you really start to notice. All of a sudden, we have a hard time keeping fat off our mid-section, we can’t lift what we used to, we’re irritable, and we don’t think about sex half as much as we used to. You can get hormone replacement therapy, but that requires a prescription and comes with all kinds of side effects. The other option is finding a natural testosterone boosting supplement like Testo XTRM.

Testo XTRM is available online and it invites you to experience the power of testosterone. Their website talks a lot about how today’s environment strips us of even more testosterone than we lose through the natural aging process. Because of chemicals and toxins in our food and water, and radiation in the air, the loss occurs that much more quickly. And that, according to the website, is why we need Testo XTRM. But there are a lot of natural testosterone boosters out there. Why would we choose Testo XTRM? We took a closer look in order to answer that question.

Testo XTRM ReviewTesto XTRM Ingredients and How They Work

The Testo XTRM website doesn’t disclose the full ingredient list. The only component it discusses is Tribulus Terrestris, which is commonly found in natural testosterone boosters. It works by signaling the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of luteinizing hormone. The LH then signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone.

We don’t know what else is in the formula, which makes it tough to make a call on whether or not it works.

Where to Buy

Testo XTRM is only available online through a free trial offer. What this means is that you pay a small shipping fee (which is how they get your credit card) and receive a “free” full sized bottle. If you don’t want to be charged for your free bottle, you need to call within 14 days from your order date and let them know. If you don’t do this, your credit card will be charged for the “free” bottle, and you’ll be automatically signed up for monthly full price shipments from then on.

This might not be so bad if you like Testo XTRM. The big problem is that the details of the offer are buried deep in the “terms and conditions” and almost nobody sees them before they place their orders. This is by design. Testo XTRM wants repeat customers, and this is how they get them.

One more thing to note about the free trial offer is that often, these companies push more than one supplement this way. When too many people catch on to the scam, they switch to a different product. This seems to be happening with Testo XTRM now. Sometimes when you click the link to order, you’re taken to the correct website. But sometimes, you’re taken to the website of a completely different product.

Testo XTRM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testo XTRM

  • None.

Disadvantages of Testo XTRM

  • The ingredient list is unknown.
  • The only way to order is through the free trial scam.


Testo XTRM is really just another free trial scam. My best recommendation is that you just plain stay away. There are far better options that don’t involve phony free trials and ongoing charges.

Have You Used Testo XTRM? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

T-Rex Muscle Review – Free Trial Scam?

T-Rex Muscle Overview

If you want help getting big, strong, and ripped, there’s no shortage of available products. There are testosterone boosters, pre-workout formulas, post workout formulas, creatine, fat burners, and all sorts of supplements to bolster your efforts. So many that making the decision about which one or ones to use can be pretty difficult. If you’ve started your online search for products, you already know this. But that’s why we’re here, to help you decide which ones work and which ones you should just leave on the virtual shelf.

T-Rex Muscle calls itself a Muscle Mass Builder that promotes healthy muscle growth and body composition while raising free testosterone levels in your body. So that makes it kind of an all-around product. That can be a good thing if it works, but sometimes a supplement tries to cram too many functions into one pill and ends up not being of much use for any of its stated purposes. We took a closer look at T-Rex Muscle to see where this product lands.

T-Rex Muscle ReviewT-Rex Muscle Ingredients and How They Work

No official T-Rex Muscle website is accessible at this time, so we had to look for ingredient information on review websites. Sometimes what you find there is legitimate. Sometimes it’s not. T-Rex Muscle falls into the second category because 2 different sites contained 2 completely different lists. We have no clue which one (if any) is right, so we’ll include both. According to one website, the T-Rex Muscle formula is made up of Indole-3-Carbinol, Dinndolymethane, Curcumin, Chrysin, Agmatine, Creatine, Caffeine, and Hordnine. According to another, it’s Magnesium, Zinc, Tongkat Ali, and Ashwagandha. These are two very different formulas. The first would be more about direct body building. The second is specifically about increasing testosterone levels naturally. So it’s tough to tell what to actually expect from T-Rex Muscle.

Where to Buy

T-Rex Muscle is only available online and only through a free trial program How it works is that you pay a small shipping fee upfront. This is how they get your credit card number. Then, if you don’t call to cancel within 14 days of placing your order, you get charged for that “free” bottle, and they start sending you a new bottle each month at full price. The biggest reason this is labeled a scam is that the information about how the trial works is buried deep in the fine print. So most people don’t have any idea what they’re getting into when they sign up. And this is no accident. It’s how they choose to operate. T-Rex Muscle isn’t alone in this practice. It’s becoming more and more prevalent in the online supplement sales world.

It’s starting to seem like a lot of these different products are actually related. Right now, if you try to click through to place a free trial offer, you’re taken to the order site for a different supplement. That’s a pretty clear indication that these supplements are offered by the same parent company and they view them is basically interchangeable.

T-Rex Muscle Pros and Cons

Advantages of T-Rex Muscle

  • None.

Disadvantages of T-Rex Muscle

  • We don’t know what the formula contains.
  • It’s only available through the free trial offer, and at this point, you can’t even get it that way.
  • It’s basically interchangeable with other free trial supplements.
  • There are no independent T-Rex Muscle reviews from customers.


There’s no reason whatsoever that you should waste your time, money, or frustration on T-Rex Muscle. Any company that doesn’t make sure potential customers are well informed isn’t a company you want to deal with.

Have You Used T-Rex Muscle? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

ProMax Pump Review – Free Trial Scam?

ProMax Pump Overview

Lots of us have the same goals when it comes to getting in shape. We want to gain muscle and lose fat. And we just know there’s a supplement out there that can help us out. It’s true. There are lots of great supplements. But it’s also true that there’s a lot of crap just out there trying to make someone a quick buck. The trick is knowing the difference.

ProMax Pump is a pre workout supplements that claims to make it easy and simple to get the sculpted body you want. Newsflash! It’s never easy. No matter what supplements you take, getting cut and ripped is hard work, both in terms of workout and diet. Supplements can help, but they won’t do it for you and they won’t make it easy. So when a supplement says it’s easy, that should be a red flag. More specifically what ProMax Pump claims to do is provide energy fro better workouts, improve your endurance, and help you maximize muscle gain. Now that sounds more reasonable. Let’s take a closer look at this stuff and see if it delivers.

ProMax Pump ReviewProMax Pump Ingredients and How They Work

We found no definitive ingredients list, but we did come across some hints and possibly educated guesses about what’s in the formula. The primary mechanism of action for ProMax Pump is improved blood flow through increased Nitric Oxide. To that end, it appears as though it uses L-Arginine as its primary ingredient. L-Arginine is a precursor to NO, so it increases your body’s supply. With more NO, blood can flow more freely through your veins, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, leaving you with more energy and more of what you need to get great workouts and great pumps.

If our third party source is to be believed, the ProMax Pump formula also contains B Vitamins for energy, L-Carnitine for fat burning and muscle building, Green Tea Extract for antioxidant protection, and Chromium to help regulate insulin levels leading to fat loss.

Instructions are to take 1-2 capsules twice a day, with breakfast and lunch.

Where to Buy

ProMax Pump is only available through their online free trial offer. A website devoted to a “review” of the product contains a link to where you can order a trial of the product for “free,” but it really isn’t free at all. Unless you call and cancel within 14 days, they’ll charge you full price for your “free” bottle, and they’ll sign you up to receive a new bottle at full price every month.

This is becoming a very common practice in the supplement business, so you need to be aware that they’re out there. And more and more, it’s looking like there are a couple of big companies just switching out old supplements for new ones when customers start becoming aware that certain products are being sold this way. In the case of ProMax Pump, it looks like they’ve moved on because every time you try to connect to the link to try it with the free trial, it takes you to a different product entirely. It’s still a free trial product, but it’s not ProMax Pump. So at this point, I’m not sure there’s any way at all to purchase it (and that’s probably a good thing.)

ProMax Pump Pros

  • None

ProMax Pump Cons

  • There’s no disclosed ingredient list.
  • They make impossible promises.
  • They use the free trial scam marketing tactic.
  • You can’t even order it at this point.


Even if you could find a way to order ProMax Pump, I recommend you don’t. It’s just another free trial scam, concerned far more with money than with helping you achieve goals.

Have You Used ProMax Pump? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Action Fuel Pro and Muscle Forge X Review

Millions of guys around the country are constantly on the lookout for that next ‘breakthrough’ that can help push them through their workouts and help to build massive muscle and get cut.  And there’s certainly no shortage of supplements out there promising to be that breakthrough…

So, when I was browsing through my Yahoo homepage this morning, I came across an ad that proclaimed “The Rock’ smashes world record”, saying that he (Dwayne Johnson if you don’t know who ‘The Rock’ is) set a new Guinness world record.  I clicked on it and it took me to a seemingly innocent page on what looked like the Men’s Health official website.

On this page they state that The Rock smashed the Guinness record for “Most Times To Bench Press 200 lbs. in 3 minutes” by taking an innovative supplement combo…

That combo was none other than that of a supplement called Action Fuel Pro and Muscle Forge X.  He apparently only had 1 month to prepare for the feat, and packed on 20 lbs. of pure muscle, all while simultaneously burning 10 lbs. of fat…

Holy…S$#t….I’m gonna have fun with this one.  Read on to see what I found out…

Why This Ad Is Complete B.S.

First off, “The Rock” never set a Guinness record for “Most Times To Bench Press 200 lbs. in 3 Minutes”.  I know this because the record doesn’t even exist…see for yourself here.

The Rock DOES hold a Guinness World Record, but it is for “Most self-portrait photographs (selfies) taken in 3 minutes”, NOT “Most Times to Bench Press 200 lbs. in 3 Min.”

Sort of comical that a guy that has built his reputation / legacy on being one tough muther f$#ck and holding ANY record that involves the word “Selfie”…I cringe at the thought, but hey he is worth millions of $ so more power to him I guess 🙂

Will The Real Men’s Health Website Please Stand Up…

So, that’s red flag # 1…now onto #2…THIS is not the REAL Men’s Health website.  How do I know this??  Well, for one let’s take a look at the url in the browser…

action fuel pro and muscle forge x fake mens health small

Clearly doesn’t say, which is the real site.  Then, if you still have the page open, try to click around on things like “Fitness”, “Look Better Naked”, or even the “Search Men’s health” box and see what happens.  If you’ve already closed the page out, here’s a quick screencast showing what happens:

As you can see here, no matter WHAT link you click on, it automatically redirects you to the Action Fuel Pro official website.  In addition, the supposed author of this article who goes by the name of Richard Mason has been used in countless other false advertisements, including Alpha Rush Pro.

But It’s a Free Sample, Right???

All deceptive marketing aside, the ULTIMATE Red Flag here is the billing procedures instituted by those of Action Fuel Pro and Muscle Forge X.  When you go to their official sites you are directed to enter your basic information, including name, address, email, and telephone number.

They allude to the “fact” that you can trial the product before you buy, but what they DON’T make so crystal clear is how you will be billed.  They say you have to enter your credit card information to pay the modest $4.95 shipping charge for each supplement.

free trialAnd what you probably COMPLETELY missed was the fine print that is buried below the fold…It reads:

“If you do not cancel within the 14 day trial period, you will be billed $87.47 for the bottle you received and enrolled in the membership program, where a fresh supply will be shipped every thirty days thereafter at an additional charge of $87.47 until cancelled.”

for Action Fuel Pro, and:

“If you do not cancel within the 14 day trial period, you will be billed $79.97 for the bottle you received and enrolled in the membership program, where a fresh supply will be shipped every thirty days thereafter at an additional charge of $79.97 until cancelled.”

This is what’s known in the industry as “auto-rebill, auto-shipment”, which essentially means that once the time period is up (typically 14 days), they will bill your credit card a HEFTY amount, AND keep sending you the product month after month.

I have warned thousands (if not tens of thousands) of guys about these supposed “free trials”, but often alot of guys get to pages like this way too late.

In some cases, I’ve heard of some guys getting billed as much as $1,000 because they weren’t keeping tabs on their credit card statements.

With all of this said, does the combo of Action Fuel Pro and Muscle Forge X really work?  Well, I searched around on the usual websites like, Yahoo Answers, and Amazon, but unfortunately came up short.

Apparently these products are so new that there isn’t any anecdotal evidence that they are the real deal, but let’s take a look at each supplement individually and see what comes up.

What is Action Fuel Pro?

action fuel pro reviewAccording to the products official website, Action Fuel Pro is a pre workout supplement designed to help you gain muscle, boost sexual performance, and burn away fat and flab.  The ingredients listed include a proprietary blend of L-Arginine, Beta-Alanine, caffeine (180 mg) and Taurine, as well as some filler ingredients.

L-Arginine is actually a VERY popular ingredient in countless pre workout supplements, and I can personally attest to its effectiveness.  That said, they don’t make it clear which TYPE of L-Arginine they are using.  180 mg of caffeine is actually a decent amount, equivalent to about 1.5 X the content in a strong cup of coffee.

However, the use of any type of stimulant (including caffeine) WILL have an effect on your adrenal glands, so it’s best to limit use as much as possible.

So is anyone using Action Fuel Pro, and if so, are they getting good results from it??

Well, as mentioned before, finding REAL reviews was literally impossible.  The google search results are literally BOMBARDED with fake reviews from affiliate websites that say the product is the best thing since sliced bread.

However, not ONE of these sites has a journal / diary of anyone using it, and there are no before and after pictures of anyone showing off their brand new body.  Youtube was equally as worthless, with tons of what look like nothing more then promo videos for the supplement (see below)

What is Muscle Forge X?

muscle forge x reviewMuscle Forge X is a supplement that is actually made in spray form, and consists of L-Arginine, Epimedium extract, Tribulus Terrestris, and Eurycoma Longifolia, as well as it’s primary ingredient Deer Antler Velvet extract (IGF-1).  It’s supposed to help speed up muscle repair time, shed away unwanted excess fat, and help to boost your stamina both on the playing field and in the bedroom.

If you follow football, you may have heard about the trouble Ray Rice got into when he was accused of using deer antler spray to help recover from injuries sustained during one of his seasons.

The use of Deer Antler Spray is prohibited in the NFL, as well as most other professional sports organizations, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and the NCAA.

The truth is, Deer Antler Spray DOES work at least anecdotally, but it hasn’t been PROVEN in a clinical setting.

Just like Action Fuel Pro, finding credible reviews of Muscle Forge X was nearly impossible.


Don’t buy into the’s crystal clear from my research that these 2 supplements will likely NOT give you some extreme gains in muscle and reduction in body fat.  The fact that they have to resort to fictitious stories about celebrities using their supplements leads me to speculate that they are only looking at increasing the size of one thing…their bank accounts!

Have You Used Action Fuel Pro and Muscle Forge X?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Power NO2 Max Review – Free Trial Scam?

Power NO2 Max Overview

If you’re checking out the internet for a supplement that an help you take your workouts and results to the next level, your head is probably spinning right no with all the options. And if you think it’s bad now, come back in a week and they’ll be about 20 more. Trying to find the right one may be confusing and time consuming, but it’s a buyers’ market, and that’s good news. You don’t have to settle for anything but the best.

Power NO2 Max is a choice you may come across if you’re looking today. It promises quicker muscle growth, more effective workouts, improved recovery time, and longer lasting endurance. It’s basically a pre workout that works by increasing nitric oxide for better blood flow to your muscles, so you’re getting more oxygen and nutrients before, during, and after your workout.

POWER NO2 MAX ReviewPower NO2 Max Ingredients

The Power NO2 Max is no longer accessible at this time, so we had to rely on a third party website for information on the formula. It’s unverified, but here’s what we found on the list is:

  • Maca Root which is an aphrodisiac from Peru.
  • Tongkat Ali which may help increase free testosterone levels.
  • Niacin which improves blood flow.
  • Zinc which is an important part of your body’s testosterone producing process.

It’s an interesting list for a product called Power NO2 Max. None of these ingredients does anything to increase nitric oxide in the body.

Where to Buy

Power NO2 Max is an internet only product available when you sign up for a “free trial”. We’re seeing more and more of these products lately. They seem like a great deal at first, but they turn out to be anything but. You pay only a small shipping fee upfront, and that’s how they get your credit card. What most people don’t realize is that buy ordering the free trial, they’re signing up for ongoing monthly charges indefinitely. It’s all laid out in the fine print, but you have to dig pretty hard to find it.

There are dozens, maybe hundreds at this point, of products like this. In fact, they’re all pretty interchangeable, and it’s looking like just a few companies cycling through products as customers become aware of the scam. At this time, if you try to sign up for a Power NO2 Max free trial, the link takes you to a different product. People must be on to the Power NO2 Max scam, so the company is in the process of moving on to a new one.

I did notice that you can pick up some Power NO2 Max at Amazon for about $10. This is unusual for a free trial supplement, and it’s definitely your best option if you have any interest.

Power NO2 Max Pros and Cons

Advantages of Power NO2 Max

  • None.

Disadvantages of Power NO2 Max

  • The ingredients list doesn’t match the advertised benefits.
  • The free trial is a scam.


Power NO2 Max is just another fly-by-night free trial product. If there are any benefits at all, they are minor and don’t come anywhere near making up for the cost in time, money, and frustration that you’ll need to deal with if you order this stuff.

Have You Used Power NO2 Max? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Nutra Tosterone Review – Free Trial Scam?

Nutra Tosterone Review

It’s long been known that testosterone plays an important role in building muscle and losing fat. Unfortunately, it’s also known that the older we get, the less testosterone our bodies make on their own. It’s these facts that lead bodybuilders to go to great lengths to find ways to increase their levels. But most guys just don’t want to mess around with steroids. And these days, you don’t have to. There are tons of natural testosterone boosting supplements available to get you similar results without injections or side effects. Nutra Tosterone is the one we’re looking at today.

Nutra Tosterone is only available online, and if you do a search for it, you’ll be sent to one of many review websites. These sites talk about the benefits of taking the product, which include:

  • Maximizing your energy output.
  • Improving your athletic performance levels.
  • Increasing stamina.
  • Boosting your libido.

These review sites also all contain a link to where you can “Claim Your Free Bottle Today!” Free sounds like a great deal to me. Let’s take a closer look at this stuff.

NUTRA TOSTERONE ReviewNutra Tosterone Ingredients and How They Work

The official Nutra Tosterone website isn’t accessible at this time, so we are not able to confirm the ingredients, but what we found through a third party is that Nutra Tosterone contains:

  • Oat Straw Extract which may increase free testosterone.
  • Velvet Bean which may improve athletic performance.
  • Cnidium Monnier which is an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • L-Arginine which improves blood flow for better athletic performance and better sexual performance.
  • Ginseng for energy and libido.
  • Barrenwort which may improve fertility.

Where to Buy Nutra Tosterone

The only way to purchase Nutra Tosterone is through their free trial offer which is made available at these review websites we mentioned. You read all about how great Nutra Tosterone is, then you’re enticed to “click here” for a free trial of the stuff. But for now, when we try to click those links, we’re taken to the website of an entirely different product. What? This must be a mistake, right? Not really. See, what happens is, these free trial scam supplements are pretty much interchangeable. It’s not about the products, it’s about making money.

If you order a free trial of one of these products, you’ll pay a small shipping fee upfront. Most guys think that’s all there is to it, but buried deep in the fine print, you’re actually signing up for monthly shipments at full price. Unless you call to cancel within 14 days from your order date, you’ll be charged full price for your “free” trial bottle, and you’ll pay for a new bottle each month. The reason the products change all the time is that once word about the scam gets out, they need to start fresh with a new name so they can catch more people unaware.


Nutra Tosterone is not worth your time or money. It’s one of dozens of interchangeable free trial products that’ll cause you nothing but headaches. Don’t be fooled by the slick marketing. It’s not what they say it is.

Have You Used Nutra Tosterone? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nutragentex Review – Free Trial Scam?

Nutragentex Overview

If you’ve spent much time looking for bodybuilding supplements online, you’ve probably come across the word “scam” more than a few times. Reviewers will often refer to a product as a scam, and sometimes individual products will refer to each other of scams. More than either of those scenarios, you’ll see a review questioning whether or not a product is a scam, then declaring that it’s an amazing product you must buy and offering a link where you can do so.

So what gives? Why all this talk about scams? You known the old saying “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well in this case, it’s true. There are definitely supplement scams, and if you know what to look for, they start to be pretty easy to spot. Today, we’re looking at Nutragentex.

Nutragentex ReviewBenefits of Nutragentex

If you search for it online, you’ll find several websites devoted to reviewing just this one product. They mostly say how amazing this supplement will make you feel. They make vague references to bodybuilders using it. They say doctors recommend it. They say it will make your muscles strong and ripped, your body lean and ready for action. The key thing to notice about most of these reviews is that they’re all very vague. Not much specific information, then a link offers you the opportunity to try Nutragentex for free.

Nutragentex Ingredients

When you follow that link, you’re taken to the official Nutragentex website where you’ll find more high praise about the benefits of this supplement. Here’s where you find out it’s actually a post workout supplement. But that causes more confusion than it clears up. The bottle states it’s a testosterone booster but the website says post workout recovery. What should you believe?

Well, it turns out Nutragentex isn’t really concerned with making sure you know what it is or how it works. They just want to impress you with images of buff guys lifting weights and musculo-skeletal renderings of the perfect human form. Even the section devoted to “The Science Behind Nutragentex Muscle Booster” doesn’t tell you what’s in the formula. They use more vague language like “various pharmanutrients” and “anabolic potential” but never get around to actually telling you what’s in the formula.

Nutragentex Free Trial Scam

Here’s where the real scam lies. Nutragentex may or may not help you with your workout efforts. Without knowing what’s in it, we don’t really know. But the way they present their “free trial offer” is definitely a scam. They have you pay a small upfront shipping fee, and they send you a full one-month supply bottle. Buried deep in the fine print where they’re betting nobody will go, they explain that buy signing up for the free trial, you’re agreeing to their ridiculous terms. Your free trial period ends 14 days after you place your order. At that time, unless you have called to cancel, they’ll charge you $69.99 for the “free” bottle you already have. On top of that, they sign you up for monthly shipments of Nutragentex for that same ridiculous price, plus shipping.

I get emails all the time from guys who’ve been taken in by these free trial scams, and they always comment on how difficult it is to cancel, even if you can find a contact phone number or email. They try to convince you to stay on at a lower price, and you can pretty much forget about getting a refund. Most guys end up canceling their credit cards to get away from scams like these.


When a company has to stoop to fine print and deception to get repeat customers, they probably don’t offer a very effective product. If Nutragentex disclosed its formula, offered a traditional money back guarantee, and had some verifiable customer feedback, we’d give it a try and report back. But as a free trial scam product, Nutragentex loses us right out of the gate.

Have You Used Nutragentex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

Getting Sleepy Sleep Aid Review

For some, getting a good nights sleep can be damn near impossible.  Whether you suffer from a chronic condition, or you just have problems falling asleep every once in awhile, you may have turned to a supplement or prescription to help you get the rest you need.

We here at have lately started testing a wide range of sleep aids in the last few months, and one that I personally had a chance to try out is a supplement called “Getting Sleepy”.

This supplement was designed to help promote a natural calming sleep, and leave you waking up feeling refreshed and energized to start your day.  But does it really work?  Read on to find out what’s in it, as well as my own personal results.

What is Getting Sleepy?

As noted above, Getting Sleepy is an over the counter sleep aid that uses a wide variety of ingredients to help induce healthy and restful sleep.  Those ingredients include some of the more common extracts found in sleep supplements like L-Tryptophan, Valerian Root, Melatonin, and magnesium, as well as some less common ones like Zinc, Vitamin B6, Stevia leaf extract, and Chamomile Flower powder.

Here’s a pic of the label if you’re interested.

In a sleep aid market dominated by pills, this all natural herbal remedy takes a different approach and uses chewable tablets instead.  The benefits of chew able tablets are many, including:

  • Faster absorption rate with sublingual use, meaning you feel the effects faster
  • Side effects are less common because it doesn’t have to pass through the stomach

My Results With Getting Sleepy

getting sleepy reviewI typically don’t have a hard time falling asleep, but every once in awhile I find myself staring at the clock at night wondering if I’ll ever drift off.  This particular night I had a pretty stressful day and had alot on my mind, so I found myself having a hard time turning in.

I decided to take 1 chewable tablet and let it sink in before I decided on taking another one.  As far as taste, for me it tasted like blueberry and cherries mixed together.  Not unpleasant, but not something I would want lingering in my mouth while trying to fall asleep.  So, I let the tablet absorb for about 10 min. then brushed my teeth.

About 10 minutes after I took it I could immediately start feeling like I was getting tired.  Also, I felt as though the thoughts that were racing through my head about the days events seemed to slowly slip away.  I typically like to read for about 45 min. before bed, but found that I couldn’t even follow what I was reading after about 20 min.

That first night I slept a good 7 hours straight (which is normal for me) without waking up once.  What I did notice the next day was I had a sense of calm, clear-headedness, with no lingering fatigue or anything.

The second night I decided to take 2 tablets instead of one, and it REALLY seemed to hit me a bit harder this time.  I would say within 20 min. I was knocked out cold, and slept a full 8 hours without waking up.

The only downside I noticed was I woke up feeling a bit groggier then the day before.  This didn’t last much longer then halfway through my first cup of coffee though, which was a plus.


  • Seems to work fast
  • Good taste
  • Good sleep quality
  • Free samples available


  • Not available in stores
  • Some may find the taste unpleasant

Where To Buy

As of this review, you cannot find Getting Sleep sold in stores like Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, or any other brick and mortar retailer.   The only place it’s available for sale is

Keep in mind that if you do decide to order the trial they will bill you 18 days after you order in the amount of $89.97.  You can cancel at anytime by calling their toll free phone number at 1-800-884-2347.

They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee, but you still need to contact them to get an RMA # and send it back.


All in all, I think Getting Sleepy is onto something with their formula, as well as the fact that it’s a chewable tablet.  Sublingual dosing (under the tongue) is one of the fastest routes of administration for practically any herbal product you’re taking, and this can REALLY help with people who are prone to having problems taking pills.

If you’re looking for an effective sleep aid that can not only help you fall asleep BUT also help you STAY asleep, then I highly recommend you give Getting Sleepy a try.

Have You Used Getting Sleepy?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Sleep AidsAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Alteril

#1 - Alteril

Alteril is a VERY effective, non-addictive sleep aid that will leave you waking up refreshed.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Ambesleep

#2 - Ambesleep

Ambesleep is a fast acting formula that uses all natural ingredients and helps you sleep more deeply.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Somnapure

#3 - Somnapure

If it wasn’t for the free trial billing nightmare, we probably would have ranked it higher.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nitric Max Muscle Review – Does It Work?

Nitric Max Muscle Overview

It’s no secret that nitric oxide boosting formulas make for great pre workout supplements. It’s been standard protocol for quite a while now. Some products add other components, with other benefits like creatine for muscle building, Beta Alanine for endurance, and stimulants for energy. But ingredients that support nitric oxide production are the core.

Nitric Max Muscle fits into the category of nitric oxide boosting pre workout supplement. It’s available online, and you may have seen it talked about in what looks like Men’s Health Magazine. Turns out it’s not really an article and it’s not really Men’s Health Magazine. Huh? Worry not. Read on and I’ll explain.

Nitric Max Muscle ReviewNitric Max Muscle Ingredients and Benefits

The official Nitric Max Muscle website goes into a fair amount of detail about the benefits of increased Nitric Oxide. In a nutshell NO is a vasodilator which means that more blood can flow through your blood vessels, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your blood vessels for better workout results.

While they don’t provide an ingredient list, they do mention L-Arginine as a precursor to nitric oxide, so it’s probably the primary component in the formula. This is just a guess and we have no idea what else is included.

Phony Men’s Health Article

It’s becoming more and more common to see what looks like an endorsement in Men’s Health Magazine for supplements like Nitric Max Muscle. The article talks about how a certain celebrity used a certain combination of two supplements to achieve incredible results fast. But this article is fake. It’s really something called “Men’s Life & Health” which doesn’t even really exist, and they use the same article over and over, just swapping out the products as people start to

Where to Buy Nitric Max Muscle (Free Trial Scam)

It’s becoming more and more common every day for supplements to be sold this way. You see what looks like an article or review touting the incredible results celebrities have had with this product. Then you see that you can try it for free! All you have to do is pay a small shipping cost, and you get a 14 day free trial. But buried in the fine print of the terms and conditions (which you have to actively search for to find) the details of the offer are explained, and it turns out the trial is anything but free. If you simply sign up for the trial and do nothing else, after 14 days you’ll be charged full price for your “free” trial bottle. You’ll also be signed up to receive a full price bottle every month until you call and cancel. It may not be such a bad system if you were fully aware of what you’re getting into and if canceling were easy, but neither of those is the case. I’ve heard from tons of guys who’ve had a hell of a time trying to get out of these monthly charges.

This was the case with Nitric Max Muscle until recently. At this point in time, it’s not available in the US at all. My guess is that it’s time for this company to move onto another product. It could be because the real Men’s Health Magazine recently named Nitric Max Muscle as one of the products falsely using their name, so they had to stop.


Even though it doesn’t seem to be sold as a free trial product now, Nitric Max Muscle is just another scam product that you shouldn’t waste you’re time or money on.

Have You Used Nitric Max Muscle? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Apex IP Review – Free Trial or Scam?

Apex IP Overview

If you’re looking for the perfect pre workout formula, you are not alone. It’s pretty much the holy grail of bodybuilding supplements. It’s the one that gets you going, keeps you motivated, enables you to push further and harder, and gets you those results you work so hard for. For that reason, guys put a lot of effort into finding the right one. And for that reason, we get just bombarded with options from reputable and not-so-
reputable companies all the time.

Apex IP is the pre workout companion to the Apex T testosterone boosting supplement. The two are advertised both separately and together, as offering the perfect complement to your workout. The IP stands for “Incredible Pump” and what it promises actually depends on where you look.

APEX IP ReviewPhony Advertising

Most guys will come across Apex IP in what looks like a Men’s Health article. It’s not a real article, and it’s not Men’s Health. If you look closely, you’ll see that the “article” is really an advertisement, and the “magazine” is “Men’s Life & Health”, and it really isn’t a magazine at all. In this “article”, it says that a stack of Apex IP and Apex T is the secret that celebrities use to get into shape quickly for upcoming acting roles. The specific one I read today is that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Mark Wahlberg have used this combination. It goes on to say that the dual purposes of Apex IP are fat
burning and detoxification. Wait, what? I thought this was a pre workout. Now I’m
really confused.

You see, it’s all a scam. This “article” was written long ago. Every couple of months,
they plug in a new couple of supplements and don’t even bother changing anything else in
the article. This month they say Apex IP is the fat burner and detoxifier. Next month
it’ll be another product, all using the same fake article in the same fake magazine.

Apex IP Ingredients and How The Work

You can’t really trust anything you read about Apex IP, and here’s another example to
demonstrate that. They say the number one ingredient in the Apex IP formula is Nitric
Oxide. No supplements actually contain NO. It’s produce in the body. There are
ingredients that can help you produce more NO, but NO as an ingredient just isn’t real.
After that, they say there’s Vitamin B12, Arginine, AKG, and BCAAs. Remember how that
article said Apex IP is a fat burner/detoxifier? That formula would not help
significantly with either goal.

Where to Buy Apex IP (Free Trial Scam)

Like all the other supplements marketed in these phony articles, Apex IP is only
available through a free trial offer. This means that you pay only shipping charges up
front and they send you a full bottle. If, after 14 days you haven’t called to cancel,
they’ll charge your credit card the full amount which is usually somewhere in the
vicinity of $80. Not only that, but you’ll also be sent a new bottle every month for
that same $80 charge. That’s pretty pricey for sure, but if you agreed to it that would
be one thing. But they bury the information deep in the fine print of the terms and
conditions so almost nobody knows ahead of time what they’re getting into.

One thing I’ve noticed about Apex IP is that currently, it seems like you can’t even sign
up for the free trial. If you click the link to place an order, it takes you to the
order page of a supplement called Power Precision. This is further evidence that these
supplements are all pretty much interchangeable to the marketing company.


Where there’s a market, there will be people trying to take advantage. It’s human nature
I guess. Apex IP is a product put out there to take advantage of guys who want the
latest and greatest supplement to help them reach some of their toughest goals. Don’t get
caught up in the scam. Stay away from Apex IP.

Have You Used Apex IP? Leave Your Review Below!


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