Synaptol Review – Does It Work?

Synaptol Overview

With so many people today suffering with symptoms of both diagnosed and undiagnosed ADD and ADHD, and so many of those people using prescription medications either prescribed or off-label, supplement companies have scrambled to come up with safer, non-prescription alternatives that people can access legally and take safely. Synaptol is a homeopathic option, a little different than the nootropic supplements we usually look at.

Like many other nootropics, Synaptol appeals to people that could benefit from the effects of prescription strength ADD and ADHD medications but are not able to obtain a prescription or are scared off, reasonably so, by the side effects that they produce.

The claims made by Synaptol are more specifically tailored to people with ADHD, rather those that simply want to improve their memory, concentration, and focus for business, school work, or in their personal life. It’s so different in fact, that they claim it can be used by children as young as 2. As a homeopathic remedy, it’s meant to work with your body’s natural healing processes to achieve your desired results, which include relief for:

  • Inattention Issues like memory problems and trouble concentrating as well as the inability to quiet an overactive mind.
  • Emotional Issues such as irritability, anxiety, agitation, or oversensitivity.
  • Physical Issues like restlessness, overly talkative, fidgeting, and excitability.

Synaptol ReviewSynaptol Ingredients and How They Work

Most ADHD alternative supplements contain some type of stimulant as their primary focus. This isn’t the case with Synaptol, which actually contains no stimulants at all. The active ingredients in Synaptol are all Homeopathic Flower Essences, each thought to provide relief for ADHD symptoms:

  • Aconitum Ferox for difficulty listening, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and hyperactivity,
  • Adrenalium for difficulty listening and inattention,
  • Apis Mellifica for impulsiveness and disorganization, inattention, forgetfulness, hyperactivity and fidgeting, and difficulty reading and writing.
  • Avena Sativa for impulsiveness and disorganization
  • Baptisia Tinctoria for difficulty concentrating or listening and impulsiveness and disorganization.
  • Phosphorous for forgetfulness and inability to follow directions as well as fidgeting and hyperactivity.
  • Medorrhinum for difficulty concentrating or listening, and forgetfulness and inability to follow directions.
  • Moschatur for forgetfulness and inability to follow directions, and difficulty reading and writing.
  • Scutellaria Laterifolia for difficulty concentrating or listening and inattention.
  • Viola Odorata for difficulty concentrating and listening.

Synaptol comes in liquid form. Directions for use are to take 1 dropper full added to 8-12 ounces of purified water and stirred before drinking. This dose should be taken twice per day. Alternatively, you can take Synaptol straight from the dropper into your mouth. A child weighing less than 50 lbs should take half doses.

Synaptol Pros and Cons

Advantages of Synaptol

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are no stimulants in the formula, which makes it safer in that respect and more versatile.

Disadvantages of Synaptol

  • Homeopathic remedies have recently been revealed to simply not work. You can take this with a grain of salt just as you would claims that it does work.
  • There’s a list of prescription drugs that you can’t take with Synaptol. The list includes: Warfarin, Glyburide, Topical Corticosteroids, Digoxin, and Anti-Diabetes drugs
  • There are no Synaptol reviews from customers saying how well they did with it.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Synaptol online through a few different online retailers, including their official website where I’ve seen a month supply selling for $29.95.


There are more and more ADHD alternatives every day. Synaptol takes a different approach. Without stimulants, it claims to alleviate symptoms. I’m a bit skeptical. It seems more geared toward children, but I wouldn’t give it (or anything) to a child without checking with a doctor first. There’s this weird disconnect with Synaptol. On the one hand, they say it’s safe for children. On the other hand, there’s a whole list of medications you have to avoid while using it. My tendency would be to just stay away.

I wouldn’t risk it personally unless you really put the time in to make sure that you are not allergic or intolerant to its ingredients, or on one of the many medications that seemingly have some bad interactions with Synaptol; do your homework.

Have You Used Synaptol? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Synagen IQ Review – Smart Pill or Scam?

Admit it…If there was an over the counter supplement that would give you mind blowing motivation, confidence, focus / concentration, and an improved mood, you would probably take it, right?Of course you would, and it would be at the top of your “things to buy” list for every college student across the country this coming fall semester.

Recently I wrote about a supplement called Cogniq, which is an all natural cognitive enhancer that is designed to help you focus / concentrate, improve your mood, and help enhance short and long term memory.  One of my readers pointed out the fact that this supplement was being touted in combination with another one called Synagen IQ (not to be confused with Brainplus iq, a completely different product), which is the focus of this review.

What they’re are essentially saying is that by taking this supplement, you will experience laser like focus, enhanced short and long term memory, and help to synergize your brain.  They’re even calling saying it was the inspiration behind the movie “Limitless”, starring bradley cooper.

But does it really work?Let’s find out…


What is Synagen IQ?
The Fake Marketing Behind This Pill
Where Can I Buy It?
My Personal Results

What is Synagen IQ

On their official website, Synagen IQ starts off by pointing out a disturbing (but not uncommon) fact about cognitive performance.  Starting as early as age 30, most people start to notice loss of “brain power” or “cognitive performance”, and that it gets worse and worse as the years pass by.

Anyone over the age of 30 can probably relate to this, and it can be quite depressing.  Well, Synagen IQ “says” that it has the answer to this with it’s all new revolutionary formula.  Unsurprisingly, they don’t actually disclose what that “revolutionary” formula is, but they do make a few lofty claims as to how it’s supposed to work.

synagen iq reviewBy using their supplement daily, you will experience:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhanced cognitive performance
  • Increased motivation / concentration
  • Laser like focus

Indeed, you’ll find that the claims (and even the official websites) are strikingly similar to that of Cogniq, which is a supplement they say you should combine with Synagen IQ.  What’s also interesting is the claim that they have been featured on major media news outlets like USA Today, Fox News, and CNBC.

Well, I searched through each one of those websites and could not find ONE SINGLE MENTION of Synagen IQ.  The same could be said about Cogniq, and some of the COUNTLESS other “smart pills” I’ve written about in the past, including Intellux, Geniux, and Addium.

All of these supplements are basically being promoted as Adderall alternatives, claiming they can help mimic the effects of Adderall while being completely free of side effects and legal for sale over the counter.

So what’s in it that apparently makes it so effective?  Well, just like with Cogniq, Synagen IQ doesn’t seem to want to release their ingredients list on their website.  We can speculate all we want about what might be in it though.  Ginseng / Gingko biloba is very common in nootropic supplements like this one, as well as anxiety relieving extracts like L-Theanine and valerian root.

It’s also common to find vital amino acids and nutrients in nootropic supplements like this, including L-Tyrosine, Vinpocetine, Vitamins B6 and B 12, and probably a few stimulants like caffeine and bitter orange extract.

Luckily for you, I ordered a bottle, and here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

synagen iq label

As you can see, it contains many of the ingredients we thought it would, with the addition of an ingredient called Huperzine A.

Not surprisingly, I’ve been seeing this particular ingredient being added to countless other nootropic supplements the last several months.  Huperzine A has actually been shown to help people suffering from Alzheimers disease, as well as helping to improve memory and learning enhancement.

Are There Any Side Effects?

As with any supplement, side effects are always possible.  The most common may be increased bowel movements, stomach cramps, nausea, dry mouth and fatigue, which would be the result of the Bacopa Monnieri content. (1)

Due to the caffeine content in Synagen IQ, other potential side effects may include insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, stomach irritation, and increased heart rate and respiration. (2)

This of course is not indicative of the supplement in question, but certainly a possibility.

The Marketing Behind Synagen IQ

So your probably visiting my review of Synagen IQ after visiting a page on CNN, or at least a page that LOOKS like the CNN website.  In that article there was probably some mention that in an interview of Stephen Hawking conducted by Anderson Cooper or Wolf Blitzer, Hawking revealed that he “secretly” takes Synagen IQ to help him “access 100% of his brain”.

wolf blitzer stephen hawking interview

You’ll read mentions of dozens of other celebrities who are apparently taking this pill, ranging from Denzel Washington, Bill Gates, and even Ashton Kutcher.

bill gates synagen iq

denzel washington synagen iq

ashton kutcher synagen iq

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s ALL complete B.S.  I wrote about this extensively in another article, but I will touch on a few points here.

For one, this is a VERY clever marketing technique that dozens of other companies have been using to try and promote their pill as being the next “real limitless pill”.

Supplements like Addium, Alpha ZXT, and Intellux hire professional marketers to craft these fake articles, which seemingly look like they are published on reputable sites like CNN, Discover Magazine, MSNBC, and others.

If you click on any of the above reviews, you’ll see that they ALL look very legit.  They ALL call themselves the inspiration behind the movie “Limitless”:

geniux limitless movie

they ALL say they were featured in Forbes as being “Viagra for the brain”:

viagra for the brain

and practically ALL of them say that Stephen Hawking is using it:

alpha zxt stephen hawking

So whats the recurring theme here??

Well, how could they ALL be the next limitless pill?Well, it’s pretty clear that these are ads, and if you look close enough you’ll see just that at the bottom or top of these articles.

I’ve seen so many of these “brain pills” being advertised in this fashion that it’s getting pretty tough to keep up with them.

How much does it cost

A one month supply of Synagen IQ will run you about $50 per bottle.  You can take advantage of discounted pricing by ordering larger quantities, with a “Buy 2 Months and Get 1 Bottle Free” deal which lowers the price per bottle to $37.99.

Alternatively, you can buy  a 3 months supply and they will give you 2 bottles free of charge.  All orders are shipped free of charge by the US postal service.

They do offer a refund for orders placed within 30 days, HOWEVER, you have to call their customer support phone number and request a “return merchandise authorization” (RMA) number from them in order to qualify.

Essentially what this means is you have to send the product back, at your own expense, before they will even consider giving you a refund.

Can I buy it anywhere else?

As far as I can tell, the only place you can buy Synagen IQ is on their official website.  Stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS don’t typically carry nootropic supplements like this one, mainly because they are too new to the market to be proven.

My Results With Synagen IQ

So I got a chance to personally buy a bottle of Synagen IQ to test out.  A bottle of the stuff cost about $50, which is about average for most cognitive enhancement supplements like this one.

The first day I took it on an empty stomach and was expected to feel some “mind-blowing” cognitive effects within an hour.  The result?  Nothing…Other than a very brief spurt of energy (which was more likely a placebo effect more than anything) I didn’t feel any difference whatsoever.

I decided to up the ante the next day and take a double dose of Synagen IQ, and the results were the same.  No crazy focus or concentration.  No huge increase in memory function.  And no increase in mood whatsoever.


  • You can order conveniently online
  • They have a refund policy
  • The more you order the cheaper it gets


  • No reviews posted
  • No ingredients list given
  • No idea how long it takes to start working
  • Not available in stores
  • False advertising regarding media mentions


Since I posted my initial review, literally DOZENS of websites have popped up overnight talking about the supposed benefits of using this supplement. If you actually start reading through these sites, you’ll clearly see that they didn’t actually try Synagen IQ.

On top of that, the grammar and sentence construction of these sites is downright atrocious, and clearly not written by someone who speaks english as a first language. The SOLE PURPOSE of these websites is to bury websites like WAY down in the rankings in google, so that you don’t reveal the TRUTH about what a garbage supplement it is. The best thing you can do to help me stay towards the top is to Share This Post on Facebook, Tweet It, Post on Google +, or email it to a friend.

Every little bit helps…

Do I think Synagen IQ works like some magic, miracle cognitive enhancer??  From personal testing, No. The fact that they don’t disclose their ingredients is a HUGE red flag in my opinion, and only reinforces the notion that it’s probably just some fly by night company looking to make a quick buck.

Can it work for you?  Maybe.  But with too many question marks / red flags I would say take a pass on this one.

Have You Used Synagen IQ?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Mutant Test Review – Should You Use It?

Mutant Test Overview

Supporting testosterone levels will provide 2 general areas of improvement, both related to “maleness.” There’s strength and athletic performance, and there’s sexual desire and performance. While natural testosterone boosting supplements will help you in both areas, most of the products we look at tend to focus on one area or the other. This is not true in every case, but certainly the majority are seen as either bodybuilding supplements sexual performance enhancing supplments. Mutant Test falls squarely into that first category. Again, you will get all the benefits. The difference is just a marketing strategy.

Mutant Test promises to take your workouts to the next level with a clinically proven formula that works with multiple targeted physiological pathways to quickly raise testosterone levels. They say it’s not unheard of for guys to experience freaky gains in strength and size while using Mutant Test.

Mutant Test ReviewMutant Test Ingredients and How They Work

Mutant Test is on its second version. About midway through last year, they changed the formula to include only 6 targeted ingredients:

  • Vitamin D, Niacinaminde, and Zinc which are all necessary for the body to produce sufficient levels of testosterone.
  • Bioperine which increases the absorption rate of all the other ingredients.
  • MacaTest. This is the newest addition. It’s been clinically proven to boost total testosterone levels by 376% and free testosterone by 144% in just 12 hours, maximizing levels faster than any other compound.
  • TestoSurge which was the mainstay of the original Mutant Test formula. They claim it’s also been clinically tested, but I haven’t found the study.

The recommended dose is 6 Mutant Test capsules taken with water on an empty stomach each morning.

Mutant Test Allergy Warnings

The Mutant Test labels warns that it’s made in a facility that also processes milk, soy, wheat, barley, oats, shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, nuts, sesame seeds, and sulphites. So you’ll want to take note and probably steer clear if you have food allergies.

Mutant Test Pros and Cons

Mutant Test Advantages

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s a new and improved formula with some scientific testing to back it up.

Disadvantages of Mutant Test

  • 6 capsules at once on an empty stomach is a lot, too much for some guys stomachs.
  • There are no independent Mutant Test reviews from customers to help us know how well it works in the real world.
  • The food allergy warnings mean lots of guys just shouldn’t take Mutant Test.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Mutant Test online at and other retailers. Prices vary widely, so you’ll want to shop around. I’ve seen it for as little as $49.99 and as much as $84. And those prices are both for the 180 count bottle which will last for a month.


If you don’t mind taking 6 capsules at once, you may want to give Mutant Test a try. I wish there were some customer reviews, but there is some clinical testing showing that it’s effective. If you do give Mutant Test a try, drop us a line to let us know how it went.

Have You Used Mutant Test? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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MediTropin Review – Should You Use It?

MediTropin Overview

In the eternal search for everlasting youth, HGH supplementation offers a somewhat promising outlook. If you have enough money and the right connections, you can get a doctor to give you off label synthetic HGH injections. It’s very expensive ($1500 a month) and inconvenient, but word is that it really does help you feel and look younger. Of course when the medical community finds something that works, the supplement community isn’t far behind, trying to concoct something similar in effectiveness, but safe and legal without a prescription.

MediTropin is one supplement resulting from this quest. It is said to support your overall health as well as your hypothalamus and pituitary function and hormone balance, specifically increasing levels of human growth hormone (HGH), so you look and feel younger. Some of the reported benefits include:

  • Increased energy.
  • Improved mood.
  • Better response to stress.
  • Increased endurance for exercise.
  • Reduced fat.
  • Healthier skin, hair, and nails.
  • Improved overall quality of life.

Meditropin ReviewMediTropin Ingredients and How They Work

MediTropin isn’t the only supplement that makes these claims, so let’s take a look at what’s inside and see how it should work. The formula starts off with vitamins and elecrolytes for overall healthful functioning. These include Vitamin A, Sodium, and Potassium. Next is the MediTropin blend made to increase your body’s release of HGH. It’s an amino acid blend that includes:

  • L-Glutamine
  • L-Arginine L-Pyroglutamate
  • L-Lysine
  • Anterior Pituitary Peptides
  • Glycine
  • L-Leucine
  • Stevia Extract
  • Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Hypothalamic Peptides
  • Inositol Hexanicotinate

The recommended use is 3 effervescent sachets in water taken once per day, preferably at bedtime 1 or 2 hours after your last meal. It’s recommended that you cycle MediTropin, 5 days on and 2 days off. Take it for 3 months, then take a month off before resuming the previous schedule.

MediTropin Pros and Cons

Advantages of MediTropin

  • It’s a way you can potentially increase HGH without having to use synthetic HGH or injections.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are tons of very favorable MediTropin reviews on Amazon.
  • It’s doctor recommended.
  • You don’t have to take pills.

Disadvantages of MediTropin

  • It’s expensive.
  • There’s some confusion over whether or not you need a prescription to buy MediTropin. You do not.

Where to Buy

You can purchase MediTropin online through the Nutraceutics website or On the company website, a one month supply (20 servings) sells for $135. On Amazon, you can get 2 months for about $200.


With so many positive reviews, MediTropin may just be on to something. If only it came in at a lower price point, I’d be more willing to recommend it. As it stands, it’s an awful lot of money to shell out on something with no clinical testing to back it up.

The lack of clinical testing in general usually tends to make me feel just a little bit iffy about a product, but that does not always mean that it makes or breaks any given supplement, just that it plants the seed of doubt sometimes.

Have You Used MediTropin? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

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Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

ReJuvenation Review – Does It Work?

1.  ReJuvenation Overview

Growing younger while you sleep. Activating your body’s own natural fountain of youth in just 2 hours. These are the claims you first see when you enter the Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute’s webpage for ReJuvenation. I have to admit, when I hear this claims, my bullshit meter starts pegging red. But I do believe in the benefit of supplements, and sometimes you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Of course, it does no one any good when we blindly believe. So we looked into this supplement called ReJuvenation to see what’s true and what’s nothing more than hype.


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ReJuvenation is a daily supplement offered by Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute. It promises to make you feel and look younger, remember better, lose weight, sleep more restfully, have more energy, boost your sex drive, and strengthen your cardiovascular system. It claims to do all this by resetting your body’s self-renewing mechanism while you sleep. Okay, so let’s dive in and find out what that means exactly.

ReJuvenation Review2.  ReJuvenation Ingredients and How They Work

ReJuvenation works in 2 ways:

  • By boosting your body’s supply of adult stem cells and mobilizing them to flow to the parts of your body that need to be repaired and rejuvenated. These stem cells restore organ tissue to keep you stronger and healthier.
  • By increasing your body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH) with targeted amino acids. ReJuvenation claims to increase HGH levels by 680% in just 2 hours.

The adult stem cells are released with the help of a special marine botanical ingredient . It’s a particular form of seaweed, and they combine it with Goji Berries and Reishi Mushrooms for the full adult stem cell effect.

For the HGH increase, ReJuvenation uses a special blend of amino acids known to stimulate the body’s HGH production. Increased HGH has been clearly linked to all sorts of anti-aging benefits, like better skin with less sagging and fewer wrinkles, improved eyesight, better lean muscle to fat ratios, more energy, clearer thinking.


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The recommended dose is 2 ReJuvenation capsules taken in the morning when you wake up, and 2 capsules before bed each night.

Rejuvenation Review 4

3.  ReJuvenation Pros and Cons

Advantages of ReJuvenation

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of ReJuvenation

  • The marketing has the look of a hyped up sugar pill.
  • There is no real clinical evidence that ReJuvenation can do what it says it does. When a supplement makes big claims like ReJuvenation does, there needs to be some evidence.
  • There are no independent ReJuvenation reviews from customers. This is a big one. It’s very tough to tell how a supplement works in the real world when you can’t find any authentic feedback.

4.  Where to Buy

You can purchase ReJuvenation online through a couple different websites. It’s primarily available through the Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute, which is where you’ll be eligible for the money back guarantee. A one month supply costs $49.95. which is less than HGH supplements generally cost.


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5.  Conclusion

We don’t have a lot of faith that you’ll get good results from taking ReJuvenation. It appears to be a supplement made to capitalize on the hopes of every person who’s starting to feel their age. The claims are too hyped up to be believed, and that usually points to one thing. This company is more interested in jumping on trends than on actually improving lives.

The effects of aging can not be aided quite as much as they claim and to promise so is quite misleading and ultimately untrue, which is not to say that it is impossible that it will provide you some sort of relief, it is just unlikely.

Have You Used ReJuvenation? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Niagen Review – Should You Use It?

Niagen Overview

Everyone is looking for that fountain of youth, and this has been the case for thousands of years. Not only do we want to live longer, but we want to live healthier, younger, and with more energy. We want to look younger, with fewer wrinkles and sags. We want to move younger, with less joint and muscle pain, and we want to feel younger, with a spry, devil-may-care attitude. It seems everywhere you look there are supplements promising to get you there. Most of the time, they’re pretty much all the same. But every once in a while, something truly new comes along that forces us to sit up and take notice.

Niagen from Live Cell Research is one of those products. Its primary ingredient is newly discovered and promises to work in revolutionary ways to turn back the clock on the aging process. In fact, they cite a clinical study where 2 year old mice effectively achieved a cell age of 6 months after using this ingredient. That is the equivalent in humans of a 60 year old becoming like a 20 year old. Sounds pretty incredible, for sure. And that’s why we decided to take a closer look.

Niagen ReviewNiagen Ingredients and How They Work

The only ingredient in the Niagen formula is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) which is said to be the most effective natural compound to increase NAD+ levels. It’s a pre cursor to NAD+ which means that it facilitates its production in your body. So what is NAD+ and what does it do for you?

NAD+ improves cellular communication through mitochondria, which is at the heart of youthful cell functioning. When you’re young, your cells communicate freely and easily and everything works like clockwork. As your age increases, your NAD+ decreases, and your cellular communication is compromised. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) The Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) in Niagen boosts cellular communication up to levels you haven’t experienced in years. The result is improved cardiovascular health, healthy aging, and improved brain functioning. You’ll basically be turning back the clock years and years.

The ingredient in Niagen is a relatively recent discovery, and its rise to a prominence comes mainly from the stugy where it made the cells of 2 year old mice behave like those of 6 month old mice. For humans, that’s like going from 60 to 20 years old. The problem with getting excited over this study is that the dose used on the mice was almost twice the 250 mg in the Niagen capsules. When you consider the size difference between mice and humans, it’s easy to become skeptical that the amount of active ingredient in Niagen will hardly be a blip on the radar.

Niagen Pros and Cons

Advantages of Niagen

  • It’s exciting new science so if you take it, you’ll be on the cutting edge.
  • There are clinical studies showing it to be somewhat effective, and more importantly, research on Nicotinamide Riboside is ongoing.
  • There’s a 90 day money back guarantee available if you buy through the Live Cell Research website.

Disadvantages of Niagen

  • The results of the study with mice are not as amazing as they appear at first.
  • The Niagen reviews we found on Amazon are very mixed. Some customers say they feel years younger taking it. Others say they notice no change at all. It’s tough to get a real read on what people are experiencing.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Niagen online through the Live Cell Research website or The one month supply sells for $46.99, and you can get discounts if you buy multiple bottles at once. 3 months will cost you $117.


Niagen is still relatively new, though products like this usually create quite a buzz, and that’s true in this case as well. The most prominent study, the one that caused all the excitement, really doesn’t tell us all that much about how Niagen will work in humans and what dose is necessary to have the desired effects. If you’re curious, buy through the Live Cell Research website so you can use their money back guarantee. And be sure to let us know what kind of experience you have.

Have You Used Niagen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cutler Nutrition Big T Review – Does It Work?

Cutler Nutrition Big T Overview

We look at a lot of natural testosterone boosting products around here, and the truth is if something wants to catch our eye, it has to be pretty good. So when we were asked to look into Cutler Nutrition Big T, we happily obliged, but we weren’t particularly excited about the product. Cutler Nutrition Big T claims to be a science-based solution to the problem of low testosterone. By using it, you’ll see changes in body composition, changes in fat distribution, and changes in mood and energy levels, all in a positive direction. Even if you don’t have low testosterone, supporting it at healthy levels is key to maintaining your great shape and positive outlook. So young or old, Cutler Nutrition Big T claims to be for anyone looking to improve his performance, mass, strength, or definition.

Cutler nutrition Big T ReviewCutler Nutrition Big T Ingredients and How They Work

Of course, it all comes down to the formula, and what we find in Cutler Nutrition Big T is a proprietary blend that includes: Broussonetia Papyrifera, American Saffron, Neluminis Semen, and Aspidosperma Quebrachoblanco.

I have to admit. I’ve never seen any of these ingredients in a testosterone booster that I recall, so I did a little research on them.

  • Broussonetia Papyrifera is an aromatase inhibitor which means that it blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This means less testosterone loss and fewer of the side effects you get when excess testosterone converts to estrogen.
  • American Saffron appears to influence testosterone levels in a positive way.
  • Neluminis Semen has been shown to alleviate depression in rats.
  • Aspidosperma Quebrachoblanco contains yohimbe which is a stimulant that can increase blood flow and improve athletic performance.

The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken daily with food, preferably at the same time each day to maintain consistent levels.

Cutler Nutrition Big T Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cutler Nutrition Big T

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The Cutler Nutrition Big T reviews we found were mainly positive.
  • It’s relatively inexpensive.

Disadvantages of Cutler Nutrition Big T

  • The ingredients are pretty uncommon, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it makes Cutler Nutrition Big T more of an unknown entity.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Cutler Nutrition Big T online through the Cutler Nutrition website or other retailers like Amazon and Prices vary a lot. You can get a bottle of 28 capsules at GNC for $37, but at, it’s $28. Make sure you shop around. If you prefer to walk into a store and pick it up, GNC sells it in their brick and mortar stores too.


I wouldn’t recommend Cutler Nutrition Big T on the ingredients alone, but the positive word of mouth is hard to ignore. If you’re interested, I would say give it a try. But shop around for your best price, so if it doesn’t work as well as you’d hoped, at least you’re not out too much cash.

Have You Used Cutler Nutrition Big T? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cogniq Review – 3 BIG Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It

Quick Note:  For anyone looking for a review of Intelligex Pills please click here.

Everyone likes to have an edge.  Whether it’s in the classroom, the boardroom, or the playing field, we want to be the BEST we can be.  Millions of Americans turn to prescription drugs to help them achieve an altered state of clarity and focus, all of which tend to work very effectively, but have a broad range of unwanted side effects.

What if there was an all natural pill that could give you supreme focus / concentration, boost your working memory, put you in a good mood, and be free of side effects?

Would you take it? 

Of course you would, and there are literally DOZENS of supplements out there right now that are making that very same promise.

One recent one I came across is called Cogniq (pronounced ‘Cog Ni Que’), which bills itself as the # rated all natural smart pill.  But does it really work?Likely not, and you’re going to find out EXACTLY why in this review.


What is Cogniq
Scams and Deception…
Are Celebrities Really Taking This?
Youtube Video Reviews
User Questions and Answers

What is Cogniq

Cogniq is a Nootropic supplement that is apparently designed to help give you intense focus, enhanced mental clarity, and improve your cognitive ability dramatically.

Nootropic supplements are essentially drugs, supplements, and functional foods that are used to help improve one or more aspects of mental function. Drugs like Aderall and Vyvanse are considered nootropics because they essentially help you function at a much higher cognitive function then normal.

Since these drugs can be difficult to obtain and are on the expensive side, there’s been surge of supplements to the market claiming to be healthy all natural alternatives.

One thing that alarmed me right off the bat with Cogniq was when I went to their website, I got a warning message from McAfee Web Advisor telling me that it might be risky to visit.

cogniq warning

McAfee is telling me that by visiting their site, there’s a medium risk that I might get spammed.  Of course, they’re not always right, but certainly not a good sign from the start.

The official website points out the fact that we lose up to 60% of our mental focus from age 25 to 70, which is no surprise really.

cogniq age

They also mention that they’ve been seen on numerous news outlets, including the New York Times, NBC, CNN Health (more on this one in a bit), USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, and The Daily News.

However, I searched through practically every one of those sites and couldn’t find any mention of Cogniq.

So what’s in this supposed “revolutionary brain pill” that makes it so effective?  Well, therein lies the problem…other then a broad mention of it containing a 100% pure phosphatidylserine complex, there is NO mention of any other ingredients in their formula.

That’s a bit disheartening, considering you should probably know the ingredients in any supplement you’re taking, especially anything that has to do with the brain.

On one website I was looking at, it detailed the following ingredients in Cogniq:  ginkgo biloba, bacopin, vinpocetine, acetyl l-carnitine, phosphatidylserine, glutamine, st. johns wort, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), GABA, and of course, caffeine.

If this is truly the case, then there might be a good chance that this supplement actually works to some degree.  Gingko biloba has long been used to help with anxiety and mental function.

Luckily, I have a bottle of Cogniq right here, check it out below:

cogniq ingredients label

The primary ingredient seems to be vinpocetine (5 mg), which is found in a wide range of competing nootropic supplements like Amphetarol and AdderRx.  Although it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for the treatment of cognitive impairment, Vinpocetine has been shown in limited studies to help patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Another all natural extract that has shown promise as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is Acetyl L-Carnitine.  This substance can help increase energy production in the mitochondria, the “power plants” of all cells, and thereby may generally boost physical and mental energy.

Scams and Deception…

So what probably got you to this page was you were stumbling through the internet, trying to distract yourself from the boredom of work or your home life when you came across an ad that said something like “Hawking Predicts ‘ Biggest Event in Human History”.

stephen hawking cogniq

Intrigued, you click on the ad to see what the renowned professor of mathematics has to say, and you’re taken to a page that features Stephen Hawking being interviewed by CNN news anchor Wolf Blitzer.

In case you already closed the page out, here’s a snapshot.  As you can see there’s alot of lofty claims being made here…first off, they quote Mr. Hawking as saying “we can now access 100% of our brain” and apparently it’s all through the use of this virtually “Limitless Pill” called Cogniq.

There’s plenty of celebrities using it:  Denzel Washington claims he uses it to memorize his movie lines.

cogniq denzel

Bill Gates says his results were “unbelievable”, and says every aspect of his mental performance accelerated from day 1.

bill gates cogniq

Even Ashton Kutcher is jumping on the bandwagon and having all his employees take it.

ashton kutcher cogniq

They even detail Anderson Coopers day-to-day experiences taking Cogniq, outlining how it gave him an intense, yet focused / calm surge of energy.  They even quote him as saying “I felt like a different person. I didn’t notice any side effects at all either. I need to order a box of these before they are released into stores.”

If you scroll further down the page, you’ll read countless comments by seemingly various individuals talking about how Cogniq “changed their life”.

Anyone reading this article would be MORE then intrigued at the thought of an all natural supplement outperforming prescription ADD medications by 300%.  But what’s the unfortunate and sad truth about this entire article???It’s completely FAKE…

How do I know this?

Well for starters, what you’re looking at is NOT actually the REAL CNN website.   Don’t believe me??  Take a look at the URL bar, and you’ll see the website that is being used is called, NOT

This is further proven by attempting to click around on links on this “CNN website”.  Check out the screencast below:

As you can see, no matter WHAT link you click on, it always redirects to the Cogniq website.  The real CNN website would not do this, you would actually be taken to the real article on the page.

What About All Those Celebrities Taking It

Also, remember that ad we talked about in the beginning??  The one where Stephen Hawking ‘predicts the biggest event in human history’.  Well, he certainly wasn’t talking about Cogniq…rather, his “prediction” involved the notion that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could end humanity as we know it.  Here’s a link to the article:

I did a bit of research to see if the celebs mentioned above were actually taking the product, but not surprisingly came up short.

we_aint_found_shitAll B.S. aside, does Cogniq really work?  Well, I would say NO…not a chance in hell.  However, in the interest of due diligence I decided to comb the desert of the internet to see if anyone was reporting good results with it.

Not surprisingly, for lack of a better term “we didn’t find shit”…Sure, there’s plenty of websites like “X4 facts dot com” and “supplements 4 help dot com” that have supposedly posted a “review” of Cogniq.

But if you ACTUALLY read these supposed reviews, you’ll find that they are nothing more then a jumbled mess of words that in many cases don’t even make sense.

What about Youtube

With over 4 hours of video being uploaded to youtube every minute, surely there MUST be someone who decided to take the time out of their hectic life to give us a brief overview of their experience with Cogniq.

Well, there are a few vids that I found:

As you can see, pretty useless.  Maybe if the employees in the “quality control” department over at Youtube spent less banning accounts with REAL reviews on it (like ours) and spent more time banning the literally MILLIONS of garbage reviews sprinkled on their site, perhaps it would be a better user experience for everyone.

Lastly, remember all the comments in social media at the bottom of the CNN advertisement?  All those people saying how Cogniq was a game changer for them…well, they’re all fake comments.  If you even attempt to leave a comment yourself, once again, you’re redirected yet again to the official website for Cogniq.

My Personal Results

cogniq reviewsI ordered one bottle of Cogniq for $69.95, making it one of the more expensive nootropic supplements I’ve tested.

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule daily with food, so I took one with breakfast.

Personally speaking, I didn’t feel any effects from this whatsoever.  There was no mind blowing sense of clarity or focus, no improved motivation, and no improvement in short or long term memory.

I expected it to work at the very least like a caffeine pill, but when I looked at the ingredients list I noted it only contains 25 mg of caffeine.  To give you a baseline, a typical cup of coffee contains about 75 mg more than this.

Hardly enough to make an effect, at least in someone who uses caffeine on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are people saying about it?

At this point, because Cogniq is so new to the market there are practically no reviews posted about it.  I searched through eBay, erowid, yahoo answers, and reddit to see if anyone was talking about it but came up short. I also looked through some of the more popular forums for these types of nootropics, including bluelight and drugs forum, and there’s no talk on there either.

It looks like it’s not for sale on Amazon yet as well, but I will keep an eye on it to see if they start selling it and any testimonials start to pop up.

Are there any interactions with other medicines?

Because Cogniq contains all natural ingredients there shouldn’t be any interactions with any medications you might be taking.  With that said, it’s best to check with your doctor to be completely sure.

Will it cause me to flag a blood / urine drug screening test?

Unless they’re injecting some sort of illegal amphetamine into it, I seriously doubt it.

Did Anderson Cooper really use this?

What do you think? 🙂  First of all, if he did use it and he ended up posting his experience with it, you would most likely see it mentioned SOMEWHERE on the CNN website, right?

Well, I just ran a quick search and turned up nothing.  So the simple answer is NO, Anderson Cooper probably didn’t use it.  There are a few people that mentioned to me as well that apparently it has been seen on the popular TV show “The Doctors”, but if you run a search there you’ll get EXACTLY the same result.

It would be safe to assume that all of the other media outlets they mention, including MSNBC, The New York Times, Fox News, etc. have all never ever heard of Cogniq as well.

Is Cogniq Addictive

Well, they make it sound like a prescription medication like Aderall or Vyvanse, which we all know can become habit forming.  But this is an all natural supplement, so the risk of becoming “addictive” or “dependent” on it is quite low.

Can I take it with anything else

I’ve heard from more then one person that people are being told that they should combine Cogniq with another nootropic supplement called Synagen IQ, but I am not sure if it will actually make it work better.

Can I take it if I’m pregnant

Like any supplement, it’s likely not a good idea to take it if you’re pregnant or nursing.  Only you’re doctor would know if it’s 100% safe for you to take it.

Who makes Cogniq

According to their official website, Cogniq is a registered LLC in the state of Colorado.  However, when we did a search for it there were no records indicating that it has been registered with the state of Colorado.

What I did find out is that all orders are manufactured and distributed by a company called EyeFive, a company located in Centennial, Colorado.

Upon digging a little further, we noticed that Cogniq is owned by a company called Deep Sea Nutrition, an LLC based out of the same town in Colorado with numerous complaints on the Better Business Bureau website.

How much does it cost

A one month supply will run you about $70, which includes free shipping.  They do offer discounts if you buy larger quantities, with a 2 bottle deal working out to around $60 a bottle, and a 4 bottle deal coming in at around $50 per bottle.

It looks like they sell worldwide, so if you’re in the UK, Australia, or Canada, you should be able to buy it.

Can I get a refund if I already ordered?

According to their terms and conditions page, you are entitled to a refund within 90 days of purchasing Cogniq, provided you call their customer support phone number and request a refund.  You will then be issued an “return merchandise authorization” (RMA) #, and you are responsible for sending back the product AND covering the cost of shipping.

Additionally, they charge a $10 “restocking fee” for all returned bottles, plus the bottles need to be unopened, with the seal still around the label.

cogniq restocking fee

Is Cogniq REALLY the real limitless pill?

You’ve probably seen the movie with Bradley Cooper called Limitless.  If not, the plot basically involves him using a clear pill called NZT, which makes him a genius overnight.

Some of the marketing behind this supplement will lead you to believe that it’s the “real life limitless pill” but I find it VERY hard to believe that claim.


As you can see, Cogniq is likely NOT the miracle brain pill they tout it to be.  I’ve seen this deceptive marketing time and time again…with products like this one, this one, and this one.  It’s nothing more then a clever ploy to get you to THINK that everyone’s using it, and you NEED it to perform at a higher level.

If a pill like Cogniq REALLY existed, don’t you think you’d be hearing all about it on the News, social media, and from friends??  Well, that’s exactly what they’re trying to sell you on with this marketing.  With plenty of other QUALITY nootropic supplements available on the market, save your money and your sanity…take a pass on this one.

Have You Tried Cogniq?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine Review

LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine Overview

You’ve probably heard me say it before, and it’s true. Creatine is the most well-studied bodybuilding supplement there is. It’s been proven safe and effective over and over again, and it’s been used by bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts alike for lots and lots of years. With that kind of popularity comes lots of variation as well. Creatine monohydrate is the flagship, but many others have come along claiming to provide better efficiency and fewer side effects (namely water retention.) LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine is one option we were asked to look at recently. It starts with creatine and adds a few other components, claiming to be the ultimate creatine workout supplement.

The specific claims made by LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine are:

  • Increases in muscle strength and size
  • Greater pumps so your muscles look fuller in the gym and all the time.
  • Increases testosterone and growth hormones.
  • Fast-acting so you’ll feel the effects in minutes.

LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine ReviewLA Muscle Nuclear Creatine Ingredients and How They Work

So what are these other components that LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine says makes it so effective? There’s

  • Creatine Monohydrate which provides fast twitch energy to your muscles.
  • D-Aspartic Acid which has been shown to increase your body’s natural testosterone levels by 42% in 12 weeks. One serving of LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine contains about half the dose of DAA that gave those results in a clinical study.
  • L-Ornthine Alpha Ketogluterate which increases nitric oxide for better muscle pumps and decreases muscle fatigue.
  • Taurine which increases the effectiveness of creatine.
  • Dextrose which increases the speed at which creatine takes effect.

The recommended dose is 1 scoop mixed with water. You should take 2 doses per day to get effective levels of the ingredients. If you’ve never taken creatine before, it’s recommended that you load up with 4 doses a day for 4 days. If you’re simply trying to maintain, take one dose 15 minutes before training and one dose 15 minutes after training.

LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine Pros and Cons

Advantages of LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine

  • There are lots of favorable LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine reviews. In fact, I haven’t seen any that aren’t positive.
  • The ingredients are natural.
  • It combines creatine with the testosterone boost of DAA,

Disadvantages of LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine

  • It’s expensive.

Where to Buy

You can buy LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine online through the LA Muscle website as well as some other retailers. A single tub sells for about $110.


LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine may work, but I just don’t see how they can justify the high price tag. And the fact that you need at least 2 doses a day doesn’t help. You can get creatine and the other ingredients pretty cheaply. My recommendation is that you go with something more affordable.

Have You Used LA Muscle Nuclear Creatine? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 CreatineAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Muscle Advance

#1 Rated - Muscle Advance

Muscle Advance creatine is probably the most effective creatine product we have come across.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Body Fortress

#2 Rated - Body Fortress

Body Fortress high performance creatine is another highly rated creatine supplement used by many of our users.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Creatine X3

#3 Rated - Creatine X3

Creatine X3 is often taken as a post workout creatine that helps repair broken muscle tissue.

Click Here To Learn More »

Size Slim Post Workout Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Size Slim website.

Most people think that they gain muscle during their workouts in the gym, but nothing could be further from the truth.  When you lift, the muscles fibers tear and the actual growth phase is during your rest and recovery period, where the muscles essentially repair themselves.  Also, every time you lift your breaking down the proteins in your body, while at the same time your actually increasing their rate of repair by as much as 4 hours.

The most essential phase (Anabolic phase) of all of this is immediately following your workout, typically the first 45 minutes.  During this time, your muscles essentially go into overdrive to repair the damage from weight lifting.

This is where post workout supplements shine.  One recent post workout supplement I got to try out is called Size Slim Intra / Post workout, which is specifically designed to help replenish and rebuild your muscles after your workout.

What is the Size Slim Intra / Post Workout?

This supplement is designed to help you repair and recover with maximum efficiency.  It’s made up of a proprietary blend of BCAA’s (Luecine, Isoluecine, and Valine), Electrolyes (magnesium, potassium, and sodium), as well as several other vital nutrients including Beta Alanine, Ashwaganda, Vitamin C,  Alpha Lipoic Acid, and HICA amino acid.

The suggested dose is one scoop mixed in with 12 – 16 ounces of water on training days, which you should begin sipping mid-workout.  On non-training days you can use it anytime you deem necessary between meals to help enhance muscle recovery.

My Results With Size Slim Intra / Post Workout

It’s hard to quantify how “good” a post workout supplement is, mainly because you don’t really get any immediate effects from it.  I’ve been using this formula for the last week or so, and the one thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to be recovering more quickly.  By that I mean instead of the usual 2 day soreness I get from a tough leg workout, it’s more like a 1 day soreness.size slim post workout review

Another benefit I’ve seemed to notice is that I’m a bit less fatigued a few hours after my lift / cardio session.  I typically workout mid afternoon, and if it’s a particularly hard workout I’m pretty much drained the rest of the day.  The last few days I’ve noticed that the usual lethargy I’m experiencing later in the day seems to have subsided a bit.

I can typically squeeze in another 1 – 2 hours of work before turning in for the night, which wasn’t really possible before.

Where To Buy

You can pick up a tub of the Size Slim Intra / Post workout supplement on their official website,  A one month supply retails at $69.99, however this includes one free tub with your order, which essentially lowers the cost per tub down to $35 / each (plus the cost of shipping).

Unfortunately it’s not available in stores at the moment, and it’s unclear whether they have plans to do so.


  • Safe and effective formula
  • Start feeling the effects within days
  • Relatively cheap
  • Developed by an award winning company
  • Used by professional athletes worldwide


  • Not a big fan of the taste (orange is not my particular favorite)
  • Only available online


Like I mentioned earlier in the review, the most critical phase of your workout gains is going to be immediately following your workout, not the actual workout itself.  With that said, I personally think the Size Slim intra / post workout supplement provides all of the essential vitamins / nutrients your body needs to get the most out of your lifting sessions.

If you’ve been looking into a solid post workout supplement to augment your gains, then you WON’T be disappointing with this one.

Have You Used Size Slim Post Workout?  Leave Your Review Below!

Size Slim Pre Workout Review

Editors Note:  I received a free bottle of this supplement from Size Slim, however i was NOT paid for this review.  Click Here to visit the official Size Slim website.

When you own a supplement review site as large as, you get A LOT of requests from companies to review their supplements.  Most of the time I am just completely inundated with these requests, and in many cases I just turn down the offer because I’m too busy.

This wasn’t the case with Size Slim…one of the owners, a man named Roger Bowman, contacted me directly and asked if I would give their supplements a shot.  Since I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest pre workout supplements and fat burners, I agreed to give it a try.

So how does this pre workout supplement stack up against the others, and more importantly, how well does it work?  Read on to find out my experience.

What is Size Slim Pre Workout?

The Size Slim pre workout formula is made up of typical ingredients you’d find in a lot of other pre’s.  For one there’s L-Arginine, which is an amino acid that helps to facilitate the process of vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessels.  During this process, nutrients are theoretically delivered through the bloodstream more efficiently, and is directly responsible for that “vascular” / veiny look you get when you take a pre workout supplement containing it.

size slim pre workout reviewAs expected, Size Slim pre workout also contains a number of stimulants, including caffeine and synephrine HCL.  The caffeine content is 180 mg per serving, which is about the equivalent to a cup and a half of good, strong coffee.

The focus / concentration inducing ingredients appear to be beta-alanine, CDP Choline, and Vinpocetine for it’s ability to help improve blood flow to the brain.  The suggested use is 1 level scoop mixed in water, 30 min. prior to beginning your workout.

My Personal Results

Since taking pre-workout supplements is nothing new for me, I knew what kind of results to expect and as a result, whether or not to put Size Slim in the good, bad, or decent category.  I’m happy to report that this one is DEFINITELY in the “Great” category.

The first thing I noticed about Size Slim pre workout was the taste…it was GREAT!  Alot of pre workout powders leave you with that chalky / chemically aftertaste, but not this one.  I felt like I was drinking a Lipton raspberry / lemonade drink, which by the way is the only flavor Size Slim makes to date as far as I know.

I could definitely feel the energy start to kick in about 20 – 30 min. after drinking it, and hopped in the gym for a quick leg workout.  I was sort of in a rush, so this was “supposed” to be a 30 min. squat / deadlift session and that was ALL.  After pressing out a few sets of squats, I could tell that I was able to squeeze out a couple more reps then normal.

The next thing I knew I had this ridiculous SURGE of energy coursing through my body.  It hit me like a freight train, and what was supposed to be a 30 min. workout turned into almost an hour and a half workout.  My legs were shaking so bad when I finished I had to sit in my car for about 10 min. before I could even attempt to drive.

One thing I want to note is that you should NOT take this late in the day.  The third time I dosed with the Size Slim pre workout formula it was about 5:30 in the afternoon, and I had a REALLY hard time falling asleep that night.

I suggest if you workout later in the day, that you don’t take this within 6 hours of your typical bedtime, otherwise you might be staring at the ceiling for a few hours.

Where To Buy

You can purchase the Size Slim pre workout formula on their official website,  A one month supply (30 servings) will run you about $59.99, however, they do offer a substantial discount of 25% if you enroll in there monthly subscription service.

This will ensure that you receive a fresh tub of their product when you need it.  As of this review it’s not available in any stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens / CVS, but I’ll keep you posted if that changes.


  • Fast acting, could literally feel the effects kicking in within 20 min.
  • Gave me sustained, lasting energy and focus for my workouts
  • Tastes Great!
  • No awful come-down effects
  • No increase in anxiety, which is typical in alot of stimulant-based pre workout supplements
  • No sugar, creatine free


  • Not sold in stores
  • A bit on the expensive side at $59.99 per tub


All in all, I think the Size Slim pre workout formula is a winner.  It packs a serious punch to get you primed and ready to have a kick ass workout, and doesn’t have that awful “come-down” feeling you get with alot of other preworkout supplements.  With the added focus / concentration you get from the CDP Choline and Vinpocetine, it also seems to act as a very healthy nootropic as well.

Have You Used Size Slim Pre Workout?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Anafuse Review (UPDATED 2018) – 16 Things You Should Know

1. Anafuse Overview

Ever since the wild west days of steroids, we’re all looking for that shortcut, that little bit of help to get our bodies big and ripped. We’re willing to do the work, but we want something to help put us over the top when we do put in the work.

Steroids gave us a taste back in the day, but ever since they’ve been illegal, we’ve been looking for something to take their place.

Anafuse is a good alternative to steroids

Prohormones come close, but they still leave us with hormone imbalances that we have to account for. Herbal supplements are good, and they’re safe, but they can fall short in how far they can take us.

Vital Alchemy (formerly called Vital Labs) believes they’ve found the ultimate answer in Anafuse.

Vital Alchemy logo, the makers of Anafuse muscle builder

Anafuse promises to “ignite your anabolic furnace” so you can bulk up like steroids, but it’s non-hormonal so you won’t be dealing with side effects. What’s more, Anafuse promises that with the right diet and workout regimen, you’ll be keeping 80-90% of your gains post-cycle, and that’s without PCT.

So let’s take a closer look at what Anafuse is all about. We’ll dig deep into the ingredients, and answer all of your burning questions on our quest to figure out if it delivers on it’s promises, and if it’s the right supplement for you and your goals.

2. What is Anafuse?

The makers of the product come strong with the mantra: “Ignite Your Anabolic Furnace! Build Mass, and Keep It!”

Anafuse is said to “provide a nice combination of nicely dosed anabolic ingredients to create a seamless synergistic formula designed to give you the most from your supplement.”

Vital Alchemy makes the muscle building product called Anafuse

…AND the most from your workout.

The point of this supplement — which is basically a souped-up Laxogenin with added ingredients — is to give your body what it needs to push past the point of muscle fatigue and failure, while simultaneously improving recovery time so that you can double down on workouts and go harder.

Anafuse gives your body what it needs to push past the point of fatigue and failure

The nice thing about Anafuse, especially compared to prohormones or steroids, is that it doesn’t effect or interfere with your natural hormone production. This means you’ll be able to keep more of your gains without worrying about crazy hormone cycles and having to stress about PCT, or ‘Post Cycle Therapy’.

All of this means that you won’t have to expect the negative “come down” and ill side effects that come along with taking steroids or prohormones that you may be familiar with.

You also won’t be needing those super-expensive cycle support supplements when you go with an all-natural muscle builder like Anafuse.

And those nasty side effects you get from prohormones and steroids? You can kiss ’em goodbye. The Anafuse formula won’t leave you with man-boobs, severe acne, small-balls and infertility, or any of that junk you can expect from Prohormones and especially steroids.

With Anafuse, you can experience similar muscle gain like steroids, only without the nasty side effects

Now, I’m not saying it’s the perfect supplement for mass and muscle gains, but from what I can tell, it’s shaping up to be better than the old-school options.

Let’s take a look at what it’s made out of, how it works and whether or not it is worth giving a try for yourself.

3. Anafuse Ingredients and How They Work

There are 4 key ingredients in Anafuse:

The full ingredient profile of Anafuse for muscle growth

Anafuse Review

  • (-)-Epicatechin which comes from plants like green tea and cocoa. It’s primary function is as an antioxidant that helps inhibit Myostatin. As you know, Myostatin is the arch enemy of the anabolic state. It actually puts a hard limit on how big and strong your muscles can get. By decreasing myostatin, Epicatechin promotes muscle growth beyond what genetics had previously determined. (Source)
  • Laxogenin is plant-derived and supports both protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in addition to increased strength, better endurance, quicker recovery, and lean muscle growth. It also controls the release of cortisol, the stress hormone that can increase fat and decrease muscle when levels are too high. (Source)
  • HICA which is a metabolite of L-Leucine. It increases protein synthesis and decreases the breakdown of muscle by combating the catabolic forces of the waste products produced by high intensity workouts. It promotes gains and quick recovery between set and workouts. (Source)
  • Vitamin D3 which shows a correlation with healthy muscle growth. Low levels of D3 correspond with decreased strength and muscle wasting. (Source)
All-natural ingredients in Provestra

The recommended dose is 2 Anafuse capsules in the morning with breakfast, and another 2 capsules about 6 hours later, also with food. Most users recommend an 8 week cycle followed by 4 weeks off.

Related Article:  Legal Steroids Sold at GNC

4. Anafuse Side Effects

Leanbean has very few side effects

The ingredients in Anafuse are all-natural, and it’s not a prohormone or steroid that could have you dealing with everything from headaches and muscle spasms, to shrinking testicles and impotence. (Source / Source)

Nobody wants that.

So if you’ve tried these for muscle growth, and you were disappointed with the toll they took on your body, Anafuse just might be a great alternative for you.

john hansen natural bodybuilding

Although rare, you could experience mild side effects from taking this supplement.

5. Anafuse User Reviews

There isn’t a whole lot of information, user reviews or testimonies out there. But I did stumble upon a treasure trove of dudes who’ve tested Anafuse and had quite a bit to say about the product.

And it’s all good. Well, most of it.

On the Strong Supplement thread, men chimed in about their experiences and the overall Anafuse reviews come in at an impressive 4.65 stars.

The Anafuse user reviews are mostly positive

Robert has taken the stuff (for about a month so far) and is super-pleased with the results. He’s getting a post-workout ‘swole’ on for a good two hours, and has increased his frequency and intensity of workout. He’s packed on 5 lbs of ‘high quality muscle,’ and his strength is up. He plans on running through another bottle of Anafuse, for a total of 60 days which is a full-cycle. He’ll be one happy man if only the results continue…

Anafuse review for muscle growth

Another guy is living proof that you’re (probably) not too old to take a muscle builder like Anafuse. He’s 54 years old. And so far, after about a month on the supplement, he is ‘Amazed’ with what’s happening to his body. He’s pumped that there’s no side effects. If at his age it works so well, he wonders the transformation that’d happen with some of the younger guys.

A 54 year old man takes anafuse and has seen great results

Although the reviews are mostly positive, it doesn’t seem to work for everyone.

This next (3-star) reviewer is less-than-impressed with his results after 3 weeks of taking Anafuse. His strength gains have been ‘moderate,’ and there’s been little ‘visual change’ in his physique. Also, he’s been having digestive issues since taking the product. Nevertheless, he’s gonna stick to a full 8-week cycle and see what happens…

Anafuse gets mostly great reviews, but some men don't experience impressive muscle gain while on the supplement

There’s only one video-review of Anafuse online, and it happens to be made by (or endorsed by) the Strong Supplement Shop. And… they just so happen to sell the product. But if you can look past that, you’ll see that this is a fairly unbiased review with some pretty solid information.


Specifically, the fella in the video tried Anafuse over the winter. He found his body weight was constantly dropping (which is good, as he was trying to cut weight), while his strength was increasing. He was on a high-carb diet, and getting stronger and looking bigger. In fact, he was collecting PR’s in the gym and even gaining endurance. The only side effect he experienced was increased hunger in the beginning. It’s worth noting that he followed the dosing as it says on the bottle.

Anafuse FAQ’s

Anafuse FAQ's

6. How do I take it?

According to the label, the serving size is two capsules. But for optimal results, you’ll want to take two capsules in the morning with food, and then two more capsules about 6 hours later with food.

7. How do I cycle it?

Most users recommend an 8 week cycle followed by 4 weeks off. This regimen is also recommended by Vital Alchemy, the makers of Anafuse.

How to Cycle Anafuse

And yup, that’s 2 bottles per cycle, which isn’t cheap. But hey, if you’re getting the gains, who’s gonna complain?

8. How much size will I gain?

This differs from person to person and depends on a lot of factors.

Are you a hard gainer? Do you respond well to supplements? How’s your diet? Your workout program? What’s in your genes? Etc.

But from what I’m seeing, you can expect anywhere between 5-10 lbs. in good muscle growth at the end of an 8-week cycle… if you’re doing all the right things.

Most users can experience 5-8 pounds of muscle growth while taking Anafuse

9. What to stack it with?

You might wish to stack Anafuse with other supplements to really maximize gains and decrease recovery time.

As you probably know, I’ve tested and researched literally hundreds of supps, so I have a good sense for what goes with what. And here are a few products that I’d recommend stacking Anafuse with…

  • Testo-Fuel is a T-booster that’ll help you get that extra strength and vitality needed for your workouts and life. It helped me tremendously when my testosterone was tanking, and it could be just the supplement to pair with Anafuse. content/uploads/2014/11/testofuel reviews

  • Instant Knockout Fat Burner is exactly as it sounds, a weight-loss supplement that’ll burn away the fat and give you a rock-hard body. If you’re looking to cut weight and simultaneously pack on lean-muscle mass, then consider stacking this with Anafuse.

instant knockout fat burner review

  • Sarms like Ostarine, Ligandrol, and/or Nutrobal are money when it comes to building mass. These guys will promote the growth of lean muscle tissue and encourage proper bone development. (Source
You can stack Anafuse with SARMS for optimal muscle mass results

RELATED: Best SARMS For Bulking (UPDATED 2018)

10. Where can I buy it?

You can purchase Anafuse online through a few different retailers, as well as straight from the maker of the product. It is not sold on, and as far as I know, you cannot find the product at brick-and-mortar stores.

11. How much is it?

The 4-week cycle costs about $65 from the Vital Alchemy site, but I’ve seen it for $55 at other online retailers.

Vital Alchemy Anafuse price is $65 per bottle

Don’t forget, it’s recommended that you continue on for an 8-week cycle. So this will put you over $100 for two bottles. Steep? Yes. But it’s a small price to pay if you experience the results that others are getting from Anafuse.

12. Is there a guarantee?

Vital Alchemy does not offer a money-back guarantee for Anafuse.

But this isn’t a deal-breaker, as there’s enough information and reviews that speak to it’s effectiveness.

If it’s worked for the majority of users, hopefully it’ll work for you.

Women can take MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder.

13. Is it safe to take?

In our opinion, this muscle building supplement is safe to take. The ingredients are all-natural, and even the side effects are almost non-existent. However, there are some precautions to consider.

According to the makers of the product, you’ll want to check with your doctor before taking Anafuse if you have certain pre-existing conditions.

Anafuse is safe to take for muscle growth, but there are some warnings

And if you experience symptoms like rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting, or other symptoms, you’ll want to immediately stop using the product. But that goes without saying.

14. Is it a steroid?

No, Anafuse is not an anabolic steroid. It is completely legal, and it will not show up on a drug test.

Anafuse is not steroids, it is completely legal for muscle building and will not show up on a drug test

In fact, this supplement is a good alternative to prohormones and steroids. You might experience similar gains with Anafuse as you would on an anabolic steroid, only without all the crazy side effects.

15. Anafuse Pros and Cons

Advantages of Anafuse

  • It’s a new approach to anabolics and muscle building. It’s natural and non-hormonal, but uses ingredients you haven’t seen a hundred times.
  • You can stack it with other supplements or pro hormones for even greater effect.
  • Anafuse reviews from actual customers are very favorable.
  • There’s no need for PCT.
  • Gains will last as long as you maintain the proper diet and workout regimen.
Users of Anafuse really like the product for muscle mass, strength building, and weight loss

Disadvantages of Anafuse

  • It’s relatively untried. You have to wonder why everyone is not copying the formula if it’s so great.
  • It’s a bit expensive at $55-$65 per bottle.
  • You need to commit to a full 8-week cycle for optimal results.
  • There is no guarantee

16. Recommendations

I recommend Anafuse with a thumbs up

If gaining muscle mass is your goal, I would recommend looking into Anafuse. The formula is unique alright. But it’s totally legal, all-natural, and backed by science to be pretty darn effective.

Also, the reviews are mainly positive — with an impressive 4.6 stars overall. Lots of men are experiencing results from cycling this supp. They’re praising it for how it trims fat while increasing strength and building good, quality muscle mass. And best of all, you can keep your gains and never have to worry about PCT.

On thing is for sure, it’s safe to take and stack with other great products. And you might see similar gains like you would taking a prohormone or steroids… but you’ll be safe from the gnarly side effects you’d normally get with those ‘products.’

I recommend Anafuse

If you can look past the fairly steep price of this supplement, you might be in good company with Anafuse.

All in all, if so many guys are having success building massive amounts of muscle with a supplement, you should definitely give it a try. I think Vital Alchemy might be on to something with this one.

Have You Used Anafuse? If So, Leave Your Review in the Comments Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Pure Testo Xplode Review – Does It Really Work?

We come across dozens of testosterone boosting supplements every week, and I’ll be honest it’s pretty hard to keep track of all of them.  One recent one I stumbled across while browsing my facebook page was none other then Pure Testo Xplode.  In the particular ad I saw, apparently celebrities are using this supplement along with another one called Black Label NO, which is a pre workout supplement.

So is this combo really some fat melting, abs bursting, muscle building “miracle in a bottle”?  No….and you’re going to find out why very shortly.  Read on to learn more.

What is Pure Testo Xplode?

According to the products official website, Pure Testo Xplode is an “enhanced performance testosterone booster” that is designed to help you achieve better muscles, increased stamina, and maintain peak performance when you need it.  If I had a $1 for every time I read that claim I could probably retire haha.

pure testo xplode reviewThey market themselves as one of the #1 testosterone boosters on the market, and make claims that there are no harmful side effects and the ingredients are safe and scientifically tested.  That’s great and all, but the biggest problem we have with that statement is….what are the ingredients?

I scoured dozens of other sites, looked for a picture of the label, and even sent the company an email asking them what the ingredients are, all without an answer.  The only ingredient that I am aware of that “might” be in Pure Testo Xplode is Tribulus Terrestris, and the only reason I suggest that is because they mention clinical studies of it at the bottom of their sales page.

But that’s literally it…no mention of anything else.

Our Problem With Pure Testo Xplode

Our biggest problem with this supplement (and dozens of others) is the deceptive marketing and free trial they use to lure unsuspecting customers in.  You see, when you sign up for the free trial, you are indeed just signing up to try the supplement out.

They claim they are sending you a sample bottle, but nothing can be further from the truth.  As you can see here, when you go to enter your credit card information to pay for the shipping charge of only $4.97, you probably missed the fine print at the bottom of the page.

It says, “By submitting, you consent to having read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions and after your 14 days trial period has expired, being enrolled in our membership program for $119.97 plus shipping per month. You can cancel anytime by calling 1-855-511-2251.”

And if you look on their sample offer terms page, the story gets even worse…Turns out they don’t actually bill you $119.97 for that bottle you thought you were getting free, but they actually bill you $139.97 for it.

Think about that for a second…$140 for a bottle of supplements!  That has to be the most expensive supplement I have ever heard of, and I’ve bought THOUSANDS of dollars worth of supplements over the years.

This is what’s known in the industry as an auto-rebill, auto-shipment scam, and there’s literally hundreds (possibly even thousands) of other companies that do it.

Check out this video the FTC posted, warning consumers about this practice:

And that’s not all…

Deceptive Marketing Programs

Let’s be honest, what go you here in the first place was you were probably browsing some social media site like Facebook or Twitter, and came across an ad like this.  It mentions some miracle combination of supplements that celebrities, athletes, and movie stars are using to get in peak physical condition.

You click on the ad and it takes you to a farticle (fake, article = farticle), which seemingly looks like the Men’s Health website.  It chronicles the investigation into a new “steroid alternative” that boosts muscle growth some 200%.

You read through and there’s images of celebrities like the Rock, Chris Helmsworth, and Gerard butler, who have all apparently used a combination of Pure Testo Xplode and Black Label NO (<–well get to this one in a minute).

Here’s a few of those images below:

pure testo xplode the rock  pure testo gerard butler    pure testo xplode chris helmsworth

This is complete and utter B.S.  How do I know this?  Well, first off, look at the website in the top of those photo’s.  It doesn’t say, it says  This ALONE proves that it’s not the Men’s health site, but rather one trying to pass off as one.

Second, check out this post, this post, and this post, and you will see that the celebrities mentioned above have all apparently been using those supplements too.  The truth of the matter is they are NOT using these supplements, including Pure Testo Xplode, they just are using their likeness to promote their brand, without their knowledge of course.

Now They’re Using Floyd Mayweather Jr….

I just stumbled across another celebrity being used to tout this combo…Floyd Mayweather Jr.  I was browsing through my Facebook page when I came across an ad saying he was being stripped of his title for using a controversial (yet, not illegal) substance.

That substance…none other then the combination of Pure Testo Xplode and Black Label NO.  Here’s a screenshot below:

floyd mayweather pure testo xplode

This time, staff reporter “Mark Heid” apparently investigated (and tested) some weird supplement combo that got Floyd Mayweather into this mess.  The problem with this story?? It’s complete bullshit…

Floyd Mayweather Jr. WAS stripped of his titles in early July 2015…HOWEVER, the REAL reason he was stripped of them is NOT because he was taking Pure Testo Xplode and Black Label NO.

Rather it was because he failed to vacate the 2 other titles he held.  According to the WBO world championship organization, it is against the organizations rules to hold world titles in multiple weight classes.  The WBO gave Mayweather close to 2 MONTHS to decide which title he wanted to hold, and because he didn’t comply with their request they stripped him of his titles.

You can read the full story on the REAL ESPN website here.

A Note On Black Label NO

black label no reviewAs mentioned earlier in this review, Pure Testo Xplode is apparently most effective when combined with another supplement called Black Label NO.  If you still think this is the case then I think you need to get your head examined, but I wanted to briefly touch on the product to help you learn more about it.

Black Label NO calls itself a “maximum strength formula” and is apparently designed to help support increased muscle mass, strength gains, and fat loss.  Just like Pure Testo Xplode, Black Label NO does NOT divulge any of the ingredients in it’s formula, but if I had to guess it probably contains some variation of L-Arginine, a couple of amino acids, as well as a stimulant or two.

Also, the only way to buy it is….you guessed it, via a free trial.  And wouldn’t you know it, the terms and conditions of Black Label NO are nearly IDENTICAL to that of Pure Testo X Plode, costing you $140 if you don’t cancel your trial within 14 days of ordering your “sample”.


  • None that I can think of, other then you can order conveniently online.


  • No ingredients list
  • Not available in stores
  • Only option to buy is a free trial
  • No legit customer reviews on the internet
  • Refund policy seems scammy to me


Pure Testo Xplode has got to be the biggest scam supplement I’ve come across in recent times.  The fact that they have a free trial is typical.  Lots of companies do it, and many of them run a legit operation.  But the enormous price tag of this supplement leads me to believe they have other motives which don’t involve helping you get in shape.

Run…don’t walk from this one!

Have You Used Pure Testo Xplode?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Tribulus 625 Review – Should You Use It?

Tribulus 625 Overview

There’s a lot of disagreement in the bodybuilding community over whether or not there’s any benefit to taking Tribulus Terrestris. We’ll get into the details of that a little more later, but for now, we’re looking at the potential benefits and drawbacks of specifically taking Optimum Nutrition’s Tribulus 625.

Tribulus 625 ReviewWhat Is Tribulus 625?

Optimum Nutrition is a very well known and well respected brand, so whether or not you end up deciding to take Tribulus 625, you can know that it is what they say it is. You don’ t have to worry about deceptive marketing or autoshipments, or any of that garbage. Tribulus 625 is a straight forward Tribulus supplement that claims to provide all the benefits you might expect to get from taking this particular herb. Those include:

  • Increase in nitric oxide and vasodilation, which translates to better pumps.
  • Increase in natural testosterone production.
  • Increase in libido.

Tribulus 625 Ingredients and How They Work

Tribulus Terrestris is the only active ingredient in Tribulus 625. It is thought to increase the body’s natural testosterone production process in a very specific way. It signals to the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of Luteinizing Hormone. The increased LH, then signals to the testes to produce and release more testosterone. With more testosterone comes greater strength, stamina, muscle tone, and libido.

Tribulus 625 contains 625 mgs of combined Tribulus extract and powder., standardized to 40% Saponin content. While Tribulus dosing information is scarce and often conflicting, this falls within the range of recommended daily doses.

Instructions are to take 1-2 Tribulus 625 capsules once per day. We’ve also seen recommendations that the mid to late afternoon are the best times to take Tribulus.

Tribulus 625 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Tribulus 625

  • It’s very inexpensive.
  • There are plenty of favorable Tribulus 625 reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • It’s made by a reputable company that doesn’t overhype the effects or benefits.

Disadvantages of Tribulus 625

  • There’s no real scientific evidence that Tribulus supplementation is helpful for humans. Most successful clinical studies have been performed on rats, without corroborating human evidence.
  • Overall, the reviews are mixed. Tribulus 625 seems to work well for some people, and not at all for others.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Tribulus 625 online through the Optimum Nutrition website as well as a few other retailers, like and The ON website sells 100 capsules, which could last 3 months or more for $10.99 which is about the same price you’ll pay at Amazon’s price is $23.38 for a pack of 2 100-count bottles.


Tribulus 625 seems to help some guys with strength, stamina, pumps, and libido. Other guys don’t feel a thing. It’s cheap enough to try yourself, and since you’ll never know which category you fall into until you try, I recommend that you do.

Have You Used Tribulus 625? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Beyond Raw Ravage Review – Does It Work?

Beyond Raw Ravage Overview

When you’re looking to increase muscle mass, you need to use a powerful pre workout, but you need more than that as well. A good pre workout will give you energy and stamina to get the job done, but nothing helps you pack on pure muscle like creatine, and if you’re head’s not in the game, then none of your efforts will come together to amount to much of anything. That’s why GNC offers Beyond Raw Ravage. They call it an “Advanced Hybrid Muscle-Building Pre-Workout Amplifier,” meaning that it has everything you need to take your workouts and results to higher levels than you knew were possible.

Beyond Raw Ravage ReviewWith Beyond Raw Ravage, the stated benefits include:

  • Insane muscle pumps.
  • Mental focus and intensity.
  • Anabolic enhancement.
  • Increased muscle energy.
  • Fat incineration.
  • Boosted metabolism.
  • Water regulation for less bloat.

Beyond Raw Ravage Ingredients and How They Work

That’s a lot of claims for one product. One potential problem with “do-it-all” supplements is that by taking on more than they can handle, they can end up not delivering on much of anything. A look at the formula can usually help clear that perception up a bit. For Beyond Raw Ravage the ingredient list is divided into several blends:

The Mind Muscle Matrix contains:

  • Caffeine, which at about the amount of a cup of coffee will get you going without causing jitters.
  • Choline which helps increase focus and concentration.
  • Capsimax for an increase in heat and metabolism.

The Advanced Power Maximizer contains:

  • Betaine Anhydrous for muscle cell energy.
  • L-Leucine for protein synthesis.
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract to fight fatigue.

The Hardcore Pump Intensifier contains:

  • L-Arginine as a pre cursor to nitric oxide for increased vasodilation and major pumps.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which has also been shown to increase nitric oxide.
  • L-Citrulline which may even be more efficient at increasing NO than l-arginine.
  • Yohimbe Bark which is a stimulant that also increases blood flow for better pumps. Yohimbe works, but you have to be careful with it. Some people get mild side effects like nausea, but some get more serious effects, like a dangerous drop in blood pressure. The FDA hasn’t banned it, but they’ve recommended against using it, especially long term.

The Muscle Cell Module contains:

  • Creatine Monohydrate which is the most popular and most studied form of creatine. It provides energy to your muscles so you push more weight, getting better results, faster.
  • Beta Alanine which inhibits the buildup of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.

Instructions are to mix one scoop of Beyond Raw Ravage with 12-16 ounces of water and drink about 30-60 minutes before working out.

Beyond Raw Ravage Pros and Cons

Advantages of Beyond Raw Ravage

  • It’s an all-around formula which means if it works for you, you don’t have to take a bunch of different supplements to get all the benefits.
  • Beyond Raw Ravage reviews from customers are pretty positive in terms of energy, focus, intensity, and pumps.
  • It’s reasonably priced, considering all you get.
  • You can pick it up at GNC.

Disadvantages of Beyond Raw Ravage

  • The scoop/serving size is more than double what most other pre workouts use.
  • Word has it that it tastes horrible and mixes even worse.

Where to Buy

You can get Beyond Raw Ravage online or at GNC. A 20 serving tub costs $50 at GNC, but if you’re a member, you’ll only pay $35.


If you can stomach the taste and the undissolved powder, Beyond Raw Ravage looks like a great all-around pre workout. My one hesitation is about the Yohimbe. The dose is small, so it’s unlikely to be dangerous, but some users may suffer the milder side effects associated with it.

Have You Used Beyond Raw Ravage? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Met Rx HMB 1000 Review – Does It Work?

Met Rx HMB 1000 Overview

Serious bodybuilders have been taking HMB for a long time, but it used to mean lots of pills and lots of guesswork about how much you should actually be taking. Its benefits include the ability to build lean mass and strength through a number of pathways. And it is often used with cutting cycles to protect the lean muscle mass you’ve already gained while you’re working on shredding up. Met Rx HMB 1000 contains an optimal HMB dose and if reviews are to be believed, it works. Let’s take a look.

Met Rx HMB 1000 ReviewMet Rx HMB 1000 Ingredients and How They Work

The only ingredient in Met Rx HMB 1000 is Calcium HMB (or Calcium B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate Monohydrate and Calcium B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate Monohydrate). The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken 1 time daily which will presumably provide 4 grams of HMB per day.

HMP is a metabolite of the Branched Chain Amino Acid, L-Leucine, and it may help support strength and muscle when your participating in weight training. It’s often used pre-competition to help get in peak form when you need it.

Met Rx HMB 1000 Reviews

Met Rx HMB 1000 gets almost universally positive reviews. Here are some that we found:

One user says, “I rate this product 10 out of 10. right away you know its working because your strength go up and I find I get better pumps when taking it. recovery is 10 out of 10.”

Another user says: “HMB 1000 is an all-around great product. From it’s minimal price tag to its performance, I can’t recommend it enough. I took 3 pills daily during my cut and it helped spare my muscle from being depleted over the course of my diet. It also helps maintain (and can even increase) strength during a diet. The only downside is the pills are quite large, so make sure you take them before a meal.”

Still another says: “Never tried HMB before but it works GREAT! My working weight has gone up almost 30lbs on bench press and I haven’t even finished the bottle.”

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I had a really hard time finding a negative review. This is the closest I got:

“I take it as the directions indicate and I do CrossFit which can get intense and after 2 months i stopped taking it and i haven’t noticed any difference then when i was on it.. “

Met Rx HMB 1000 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Met Rx HMB 1000

  • Most of the reviews are very favorable.
  • It’s pretty inexpensive.

Disadvantages of Met Rx HMB 1000

  • There’s no good explanation available as to how or why it works.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Met Rx HMB 1000 online at Amazon or The 90-count bottle costs about $25 to $26 depending on where you buy.


I would recommend trying Met Rx HMB 1000 next time you’re cutting and want to maintain strength. It’s pretty cheap, and according to most customer reviews, it just works.

Have You Used Met Rx HMB 1000? Leave Your Review below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Powder Burn 2.0 Review – Does It Work?

Powder Burn 2.0 Overview

We’re seeing a lot more pre workouts these days ditching their “proprietary formulas” and revealing their entire ingredient lists including amounts. This is actually a huge step forward. When an ingredient is listed in a proprietary blend, it could literally be just a speck. You and I both know that just a speck of almost anything won’t do a damn thing, but as long as that speck was there, the company could claim it’s in the formula. Useless sure. But in there nonetheless. So when we see supplements with their formulas laid out for all to see, we take that as a very good sign.

Powder Burn 2.0 from Rivalus subscribes to the principle of transparency. Full disclosure of ingredients all the way. In fact, it’s one of the primary changes from the original in this 2.0. The goal of this revamped version is to start you off with explosive energy, then sustain you through your workout with unrivaled pumps.

Powder Burn 2.0 ReviewPowder Burn 2.0 Ingredients and How They Work

The Powder Burn 2.0 formula is broken down into 3 blends:

The Pump Blend which contains Arginine AAKG, L-Arginine, and Agmatine Suflate which all lead to increases is nitric oxide, the most important component for creatine pump. NO relaxes blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through and deliver oxygen and nutrients to your muscles when you work out.

The Explosive Strength Blend uses:

  • Beta Alanine to fight off muscle fatigue by limiting lactic acid buildup.
  • L-Citrulline Malate which also fights off fatigue.
  • Betaine Anhydrous which helps contribute to muscle energy.
  • Taurine which improves exercise performance.

The Powder Burn Energy Blend which contains:

  • L-Tyrosine which increases motivation
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.

The Powder Burn 2.0 also contains a number of Vitamins like C, B6, and B12, and minerals like Potassium and Sodium to round it out.

The recommended dose is 1 scoop taken with water about half an hour before working out.

Powder Burn 2.0 Pros and Cons

It’s important to look at both sides of the issue when you’re deciding whether or not to try a new supplement.

Advantages of Powder Burn 2.0

  • Ingredients and amounts are all listed so you know what you’re getting.
  • There aren’t very many Powder Burn 2.0 reviews from customers but what is there tends to be pretty positive, mainly about energy and pumps.
  • The taste is reportedly pretty decent.
  • It’s not expensive to buy.

Disadvantages of Powder Burn 2.0

  • Some reviewers don’t like the taste.

Where to Buy

Powder Burn 2.0 is available online and it’s actually very affordable. The 35 serving tub sells for $29.49 which puts it at the low end in terms of price.


While Powder Burn 2.0 doesn’t grab me as exciting or revolutionary, it’s a good pre workout. The only thing is you may want to wait for some more customer reviews as confirmation before you try it yourself.

Have You Used Powder Burn 2.0? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

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#2 – Nitrocut

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#3 – Stim Free

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MP Hardcore Wreckage Review – Does It Work?

MP Hardcore Wreckage Overview

MP Hardcore Wreckage is a pre workout supplement available exclusively at They say it’s the hardest hitting, most advanced pre workout with only the best ingredients available. Sure, that’s what they all say. But what exactly is it about MP Hardcore Wreckage that makes it so special? For one thing, it doesn’t use proprietary blends. All the ingredients and their amounts are listed so there are no secrets. For another thing, they claim to use clinically backed ingredients in the proper amounts to get you energy, pump, and focus. Let’s take a closer look.

MP Hardcore Wreckage ReviewMP Hardcore Wreckage Ingredients and How They Work

As promised, there are no proprietary blends in MP Hardcore Wreckage. The list of ingredients starts with healthy doses of Vitamins C, D, B3, B6, and B12. What’s good about this is energy and improved absorption of the primary active ingredients. The Vitamin/Mineral blen also includes Calcium and Magnesium.

The Core of the formula is:

  • L-Citrulline (6g) to increase nitric oxide better even better than l-arginine.
  • L-Leucine (4g) for post workout muscle recovery.
  • D-Aspartic Acid (3g) for increasing natural testosterone levels.
  • Creatine HCL (2g) for increasing muscle energy so you can push more weight harder and get better faster results.
  • Beta Alanine (1.6g) to delay the onset of muscle fatigue by inhibiting the buildup of lactic acid. Your muscles can work harder for longer.
  • L-Tyrosine (1.2g) for protein synthesis.
  • Agmatine Sulfate (500mg) to increase production of nitric oxide for increased vasodilation, leading to greater oxygen delivery to your muscles during workouts.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (350mg) for energy.
  • Phosphatidylserine (125mg) which has been shown to improve both mental and physical performance.
  • Bioperine (5mg) to improve the absorption of other ingredients.
  • Huperzine A (100mcg) to improve mood and concentration.

It’s indeed true that most if not all of those ingredients are in clinically studied amounts. The recommended dose is 1 scoop in 12-14 ounces of water taken about 30 minutes prior to your workout.

MP Hardcore Wreckage Pros and Cons

Advantages of MP Hardcore Wreckage

  • The label discloses the entire formula, which contains most of the essentials in their clinical doses.
  • Most MP Hardcore Wreckage reviews lean toward the positive side, though they’re not particularly glowing.

Disadvantages of MP Hardcore Wreckage

  • It’s pretty expensive.
  • The reviews are a little less enthusiastic than you might expect when looking at the formula.
  • 350mg is a lot of caffeine, but it’s the only stimulant in the formula so it may get you overloaded, especially if you’ve got a high caffeine tolerance.

Where to Buy

At this time, MP Hardcore Wreckage is only available at With only 20 servings per tub, the $35.49 price tag is more expensive than it seems at first glance.


Listing all the ingredients and their amounts is a great thing about MP Hardcore Wreckage. Coming from Muscle Pharm, it may even be a first. With that said, it looks like a great formula – effective but not loaded up on stimulants. Definitely worth a try.

Have You Used MP Hardcore Wreckage? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

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4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

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Andro Fury Review – Should You Use It?

Andro Fury Overview

We talk a lot about stacking a pre workout with a testosterone booster for great results, especially if your goal is adding muscle mass. A pre workout gets you going with energy and pumps, while a testosterone booster sets your body up to be more anabolic, more willing to hold onto muscle and let go of fat. Andro Fury is a workout product from BioQuest that combines the best of both worlds into one supplement. If it works, this could be a great way to save a little money without sacrificing results. We were definitely interested enough to take a look.

Andro Fury ReviewAndro Fury Benefits

Andro Fury promises a one-two punch of performance enhancers like you’d find in a pre workout and the power you’d get from a testosterone booster. According to its promotional material, Andro Fury:

  • Boosts testosterone.
  • Up-Regulates your performance.
  • Increases power and aggression.
  • Provides amino acids for muscle recovery.

Andro Fury Ingredients and How They Work

The backbone of the Andro Fury formula is the AFX Extreme Performance Matrix, a proprietary blend that includes:

  • Tribulus Terrestris from Bulgaria to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone.
  • BCAAs like L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Tyrosine, L-Taurine, and L-Glutamine to support post workout recovery.
  • Vinpocetine for increased focus and concentration.

Other ingredients include:

  • Niacin for increased vasodilation.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.
  • L-Arginine and L-Citrulline for increased nitric oxide for better pumps.
  • R-Lipoic Acid for better energy metabolism.

Instructions are to take 2 scoops of Andro Fury mixed with water about 30 minutes before hitting the gym.

Andro Fury Pros and Cons

Advantages of Andro Fury

  • There are several positive Andro Fury reviews mainly referring to energy and pump.
  • The formula is pretty well rounded.

Disadvantages of Andro Fury

  • Word is that the taste is pretty nasty, and you have to use 2 scoops, so it’s probably pretty strong too.
  • The marketing definitely seems more hyped up than it deserves to be.
  • The only testosterone boosting ingredient is Tribulus, and while it’s helpful, there are much more effective ingredients.

Where To Buy

You can purchase Andro Fury online. The 28 serving tub sells for $32.50 which is pretty average.


General consensus on Andro Fury is that it’s decent but nothing special. This runs counter to the marketing hype for sure. Things aren’t pointing to Andro Fury getting a high recommendation from us, and the clincher is that people almost universally say this is the worst tasting pre workout they’ve ever tasted.

Have You Used Andro Fury? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Cutler Nutrition Legend Review – Does It Work?

Cutler Nutrition Legend Overview

Once you decide you want to use a pre workout, it’s time to decide what you want it to do for you. For a lot of people, maybe most, the answer to that question is explosive energy. The most commonly stated reason for using a pre workout supplement is the need to go to the gym hyped up and energized, and to hold on to that energy for as long as you need it each day. Working out is hard work. You need all the help you can get.

Cutler Nutrition Legend comes from Jay Cutler with the tag line that “If you want to be a legend, you have to train like one…” Without fancy graphics and convoluted explanations, Cutler Nutrition Legend claims to be there for exactly what you need – explosive strength, muscular endurance, energy, and pumps.

Cutler Nutrition Legend ReviewCutler Nutrition Legend Ingredients and How They Work

Cutler Nutrition Legend calls its formula old school, but the ingredients don’t particularly support that. There are definitely some that I’m not familiar with. Here’s the list:

  • Creatine which increases muscle power so they can work harder. When muscles work harder, they grow bigger and stronger faster.
  • Trimethylglycine (TMG) which is a stimulant.
  • Taurine which improves recovery.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.
  • Beta Alanine to reduce muscle fatigue by decreasing the build up of lactic acid so you can work your muscles longer.
  • Yohimbe which is a stimulant that may cause dangerous side effects. The FDA hasn’t outright banned it, but they do recommend against using it.
  • Plumbago Zeylanica Root which is an herbal stimulant.
  • Cullen Corylifolium Seed which I haven’t seen in any other workout supplement.
  • Glutamine which is an amino acid that helps with muscle recovery.
  • Rhizomatous Iris which as far as I can tell is not in any other workout supplements.

The recommended dose is 1 scoop of Cutler Nutrition Legend taken mixed with water and taken about 15-30 minutes before your workout.

Cutler Nutrition Legend Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cutler Nutrition Legend

  • There are lots of favorable Cutler Nutrition Legend reviews from customers who say it gives them great energy and pumps.
  • It’s affordable.
  • It’s available online.

Disadvantages of Cutler Nutrition Legend

  • Some people don’t like the taste.
  • Cutler Nutrition Legend doesn’t explain its ingredients and it lists a few that we can’t find any information on.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Cutler Nutrition Legend through several online retailers. The 28 serving tub sells for anywhere from $22 to $39 so you’ll definitely want to shop around. was the cheapest place we saw it.


The formula doesn’t look very promising, but Cutler Nutrition Legend gets very positive reviews so it is definitely a product worth giving a try if you like stimulant pre workout formulas.

Have You Used Cutler Nutrition Legend? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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