Cognilift Review – Smart Drug or Scam?

Think faster and sharper…

Achieve untold performance…

Smash targets with ease…

These are all claims made by a new supplement I recently came across called Cogni Lift.  I’ve seen claims like this before with countless other supplements, and the vast majority of the time, it ends up doing none of the above.

So can Cognilift really help you achieve mind-blowing focus and clarity, or is it a scam?  Read on to learn more.

What is Cognilift?

As mentioned earlier, Cognilift is an all natural nootropic supplement designed to sharpen your focus, elevate your mood, and help boost your memory and cognition.  It apparently does this through the use of all natural ingredients, those of which happen to be completely left out on their official website.

Well, I can’t really say that, because they do mention 2 notable ingredients on their site, vinpocetine and huperzia serrata.

cognilift reviewThe first ingredient, Vinpocetine, has shown the ability to improve blood flow to the brain.  Naturally, it has been studied for it’s use in enhancing memory and preventing Alzheimers disease.

Huperzia Serrata is simply a fancy word for Huperzine,which has also been found effective in multiple studies at helping people with Alzeihmers disease symptoms.

Either way, Cognilift promises to help the average college student achieve huge potential, all without illegally using prescription medications like aderall and vyvanse to get ahead.

Our Main Issue With Cognilift…Their Marketing

I originally learned about Cognilift from one of my visitors who sent me a link to an apparent “Discover magazine” article.  In this article, which is labeled as a ‘special report’, they are literally calling it the ‘most powerful brain enhancer on the planet’.

The article starts off stating that American business magnates, silicon valley investors, and billionaires are using some secret brain pill to help them enhance their minds, and their wallets.

That pill is none other than Cogni Lift…

So what’s the secret behind this new revolutionary brain enhancer??  Bee pollen.  That’s right, bee pollen.

Now as far as I know, Bee Pollen has never been advocated as a treatment for ADD / ADHD symptoms.  According to the research I’ve done, there is some contradictory evidence that it can help improve endurance and vitality and building new blood.

But as an all natural focus enhancer, I’ve never heard of it.

The article goes on to chronicle an experiment conducted by senior chief editor Alan Frasier, who used Cogni Lift over a period of 4 weeks.  Throughout the 4 weeks, he says his results were outstanding, with statements like:

I was lightheaded and spaced out but in the zone at the same time.

I hardly got stressed. 

Here’s a snapshot of his experiment below:

cognilift results

Now anyone reading this would definitely be left intrigued.  It sounds like Cogni Lift is the answer for anyone looking to boost their thinking ability, as well as keep them relaxed and focus.

Why It’s Complete B.S.

Let’s pick apart this article so you can see the real truth behind it.

1.)  First off, look at the url in the address bar.

cognilift scam

The real website for Discover magazine is, not

2.)  They specifically mention that Cognilift was given an honorary mention in Forbes magazine as being the pill that can turn you into the quickest thinker on the planet.  They even reference an article titled “Viagra for the brain”, which apparently featured CogniLift.

cognilift forbes

However, if you look at the REAL Forbes magazine article, there is absolutely no mention of Cognilift at all.  It’s a relatively clever photo-shop job that leads you to believe it was.

cognilift article

Lastly, remember the editor Allan Frasier who apparently used this supplement to get GREAT results.  Well, he’s a complete fake.  There is no Allan Frasier who works at discover magazine, or any of the other publications.

I have seen this EXACT SAME ad used for literally dozens of other supplements, including Brainstorm Elite and Adderin.  It’s pretty clear that they can’t ALL be the most powerful brain enhancer, so which one is?

Well, the answer is, none of them…

They use ads like this to sell their product.  You see the page, it looks legit, and based SOLELY on this, you decide to order it.  One of the most heavily promoted supplements that does this is called Addium.

I’ve seen countless fake ads being used to promote it.  One day I’ll see a “Men’s Health” magazine article on it, the next it will be a Forbes magazine ad, and the list go’s on and on.

They always call it the “Real Limitless Pill”, which I know for SURE isn’t Addium.

Their “Free Trial” Really Isn’t So Free…

So another thing I noticed was on the official website they are apparently offering free sample bottles to qualifying customers.  You simply pay a small shipping fee of $4.97 and you get a sample bottle to try out and see if it works.

What they also tell you (in VERY fine print I might add) is that if you don’t call to cancel your trial they will bill you close to $140 for it!

cognilift free trial

Most people completely miss this, and aren’t aware of it until they login to their bank and see the charge.

What’s worse is that if you don’t cancel they will continually bill you $140 every month and send you a fresh bottle.

cognilift terms

If you don’t make a habit of checking over your finances on a regular basis you can be in for a rude awakening.

Frequently Asked Questions

If Cognilift FDA Approved?

No.  Despite their rhetoric about it being recently approved for use by the FDA, the simple fact is that it’s an herbal supplement which doesn’t require FDA approval.

Can I buy it in stores?

From what I can tell, no.  I searched around at my local GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens / CVS, and it doesn’t appear to be for sale there.

The only place you can buy it is on their official website,

How long does it take to work?  When will I feel its effects?

Well that depends on who you ask.  Allan Frasier from the fake Discover article says he started feeling the effects within 15 min, with the best results being experienced within a few days.

Since we’ve determined that’s a lie, we have to go by what the manufacturer says.  Unfortunately they don’t give a timeline of when you should start seeing results.

Will it really double my iq?

What do you think? 🙂


Does Cogni Lift really work?  Maybe.  But if it was really the miracle drug they keep calling it, why would they have to resort to false and deceptive marketing to sell their product?

It’s pretty clear to me that it’s nothing more than a scam to bilk money out of your wallet, and it likely doesn’t work at all.  I’ve placed an order for it and will be updating this review within a week or 2, so stay tuned!

Have You Used Cognilift?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Black Label NO Review – Does It Work?

There’s no getting around it…

Getting and staying in shape is hard work. It takes hours and hours in the gym each week. It takes carefully planned and executed meals and snacks that make sure you hit your caloric and macro nutrient targets.

And it takes consistent commitment to the process week after week. This is why supplements can be so important. Visible success is one of the key factors that can keep you motivated to keep working as hard as you need to.

Without noticeable results, it gets harder and harder to stay focused and committed to your program. Using the right supplement or stack can really push that success and keep you moving toward your ultimate goals.

Not too long ago, I noticed Black Label NO in ads all over the internet, especially on Facebook.

black label no ad

These ads also claim that celebrities like “The Rock”, Mel Gibson, Hugh Jackman, and Gerard Butler are all taking it in combo with another supplement called Pure Testo Xplode, which I already outed as a scam in a previous article.

So could this one be any different? 

Well, I actually got a chance to try it out myself, and if you scroll down you can learn more about my results.

In the meantime I’m going to give you a brief overview of the ingredients in Black Label NO, potential side effects, and other pertinent info.

What Is Black Label NO?

Black Label NO is a daily dietary supplement designed to enhance the results of your strict diet and workout routine. Among the benefits they claim to provide are:

  • Improved strength.
  • Increased fat burning.
  • Longer lasting endurance.
  • Ripped muscles.

They don’t claim that taking Black Label NO will give you these results on its own. Rather that if you take it in conjunction with your routine, you’ll get the energy you need to stay motivated in the gym, you’ll get better results from each workout, and you’ll achieve better results than you could with just your workout and diet routine alone.

black label no reviewBlack Label NO Ingredients

Lots of supplements use proprietary formulas. This generally means that they disclose what components go into the formula, but they keep the ingredient amounts secret.

The idea is that they don’t want to take the chance of other companies stealing their formulas. But there’s another, more cynical reason for keeping ingredient amounts a secret. If a supplement doesn’t disclose amounts, they can use just a small dusting of something and still claim it’s in there.

This way, they get credit for containing some popular ingredient, but don’t have to spend much on including it.

Black Label NO goes a step further in the proprietary ingredient game by not even disclosing what the ingredients are.

Luckily I have a bottle of the stuff right here, and according to the label it does contain 3 different types of L-arginine, as well as L-Citrulline and Dipotassium phosphate.

Click here for a picture of the label.

L-Arginine is found in COUNTLESS pre workout supplements that I’ve personally tested, and I can attest to it’s effectiveness.  I explain a little how it works below.

How Does Black Label NO Work

If Black Label NO does indeed cause an increase in nitric oxide, there are several benefits to that. NO is a vasodilator. That means it opens up blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through your body. That increase in blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to your muscles during workouts, leading to greater energy, improved pumps, and faster muscle recovery when your workout is done.

Where to Buy Black Label NO

Black Label NO is only available online, and you can only get it by signing up for their free trial offer. You’ll come across what looks like a Black Label NO review, but really it’s just a way to get you to click through to the offer.

black label no fake review

In the review (which is usually written with grammar so bad it’s pretty clearly written by a non-English speaker) you’ll find a CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR FREE BOTTLE or RUSH MY FREE ORDER button. When you do, you’re taken to the Black Label NO website where you can place your order.

To sign up for the free trial, you need to provide a credit card number to pay the small ($4.95) shipping fee. And that’s how they get you. Once you sign up, the clock starts ticking. 10 days from that day, if you do nothing, you’ll be charged $139.97 for the bottle they just sent. What’s that you say? That’s not free?

Damn right it’s not.

It’s called a “Negative Option” clause, and it’s how they get you to pay, sometimes multiple times, for their piece of crap product.

Here’s what it says in the very small print at the bottom of the order page:

“By submitting, you consent to having read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions and after your 10 days trial period has expeired, being enroled in our membership program for $119.97 plus shipping each month.”

This statement says $119.97. The Terms and Conditions says $139.97. There are 2 lessons we can take away from that contradiction. One is that we’re not dealing with a very sophisticated operation here. And the other is that either way, this stuff is extremely overpriced.

black label no fine print

How To Cancel the Free Trial Subscription

Inevitably, you’ll want to cancel your subscription to Black Label NO at some point. Your best option is to cancel it within the first 10 days after you place your order. This is what’s known as your trial period. If you can manage to cancel that quickly, you should be able to avoid any charges beyond your initial small shipping fee. If you’ve missed that window, call as soon as possible to avoid further charges. Once you have been charged, the only way to get a refund is to call, get an RMA number, and return the UNOPENED BOTTLE. Even then, they’ll charge you a 35% restocking fee.

Even if you haven’t used it!

The customer service number to call to cancel is 1-855-511-2252 between the hours of 9am and 5pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday. You can also contact them through email at

Other Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

The instructions on the Black Label NO bottle say that you should take 2 capsules 30 – 45 min. prior to your workout.  You should also take 2 capsules on your rest days, and be sure to drink plenty of water because it may cause dehydration.

Can you buy it in stores?

As far as I know, no you can’t.  Stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens / CVS typically don’t carry products like Black Label NO.

You’ll see the big brands like Optimum Nutrition, Cellucor, and BSN, but not the little ones like these.

Same goes for Amazon, it doesn’t appear that they sell Black Label NO there either.

Do they sell it overseas?

It doesn’t look like it.  When I visited their official website (, the only country listed in the dropdown was the US.

They may have plans to sell to other countries like Canada, UK, Australia, etc. in the future, but I really have no idea if that will ever happen.

Does it really work?

Personally speaking, I don’t think so.  At least it didn’t for me (see more on my experience below).

On top of that, they use deceptive marketing to try and convince you that it’s the best supplement you could ever possibly take.

Remember those ads I talked about earlier in this article?

Well, the truth is, they are 100% FAKE.

I wont go into it here, but I uncover why in some pretty serious detail in this article.

Can I drink alcohol while taking it?

Probably not a good idea, but you won’t die or anything from having a few cocktails while taking it.

My Personal Results

I got the trial of Black Label NO some time ago, but only recently got a chance to try it out myself.

Personally speaking, I didn’t really notice hardly anything from taking it.  The label says you should take 2 capsules 30 – 45 min. prior to your workout, but I have to say I didn’t feel anything.

There was no insane pump, no intense energy to power through my workout, and I didn’t feel like I got any stronger.

I took it for a total of 2 weeks, and all throughout that period I have to say I was disappointed.

I had higher hopes that it would at the very least help me recover, but nonetheless there was nothing.

Black Label NO Pros and Cons

Advantages of Black Label NO

  • I’ve tried but I keep coming up with nothing.

Disadvantages of Black Label NO

  • The ingredients are unknown.
  • There are no independent Black Label NO reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • It’s only available through the free trial offer which is anything but free.
  • It’s insanely expensive.

Conclusion / Recommendation

This company presents a product with no ingredient information, no clinical evidence, and no real customer feedback.

They’ve got a slick website with lots of vague promises about benefits like energy, stamina, and fat burning. And they’ve got an elaborate free trial scheme designed at every turn to separate you from your money. 10 days is simply not enough time to test a supplement, not to mention that the 10 days starts the day you order Black Label NO, not the day you receive it.

The now classic free trial scam is antiquated at this point and is so abundant on the internet that it’s a wonder than any businesses still choose to even use them, but nonetheless they do and people still fall victim to it.

That doesn’t make me feel very good about the integrity of the people that are making and selling it.

Whether it’s $120 a bottle or $140 a bottle, it’s way too much. And once they get you going on the autoshipping program, you’re stuck paying at least $42 (35% of $120) even if you return it. This supplement and the company behind it all about tying you up with legal mumbo jumbo and getting at your money any way they can.

Of course, if you read my personal results, you’ll see that I didn’t get any effects from it whatsoever.  The unfortunate part to all of this is that you probably got to this page too late, mainly because the google search results are cluttered with fake “reviews” of Black Label NO.

I would not recommend that you sign up for Black Label NO and the hassle that will inevitably come with it.

Have You Used Black Label NO? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Mind Lab Pro Review and Results

Note: This is just a review. Click Here To Visit the Official Mind Lab PRO web site.

New research shows that the better your brain works, the better your life will be. A study conducted at Ohio State University found that smart people make more money than their less-bright counterparts – as much as an extra $616 for each one point increase in IQ. (1)  Another study, this one published in the journal Psychological Medicine, reports that people with IQs of 120 or more are happier than those with IQs below 100.

To have a better mind and a better life, men, women, and even teenagers worldwide are turning to dietary supplements to give their brains essential vitamins, amino acids, and herbals they are not getting – or not getting enough of – in their diets.

When I was searching for a brain supplement, one that really stood out was Mind Lab PRO. OptiNutra, the manufacturer, has taken a research-based approach to their product formula with impressive results reported by users.

Mind Lab PRO benefits:

  • Improves memory.
  • Accelerates learning.
  • Enhances problem solving ability.
  • Achieves optimal brain health.
  • Avoids age-related cognitive decline.

How Does Mind Lab PRO Work?

mind lab pro reviewOne of the primary functions of Mind Lab Pro is to replenish depleted levels of neurotransmitters, the molecules that transit signals in the brain. It also protects neurons against damage and can help regenerate new neurons.

Mind Lab Pro contains 11 key ingredients that are proven to improve brain health and performance:

Citicoline — Supports mitochondria which generate power for all brain cells to increase brain energy 13.6%.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) — By helping to grow new neurons, PS is a powerful agent for slowing, halting, or even reversing age-related brain deterioration.

Lions mane mushroom — Used in traditional Chinese medicine, Lion’s Mane triggers neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells.

L-Theanine — Significantly enhances brain function in the Alpha-1 frequency band—those brain waves responsible for imagination, visualization, memory, learning, and concentration


  • Rhodiola rosea root
  • N-Acetyl Tyrosine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Ptersostilbene
  • Vinpocetine
  • Huperzine A

Click here for a photo of the Mind Lab Pro label.

It’s also important to note that this supplement is allergen free, non-GMO, and vegan friendly.

My Personal Results

I’ve been testing a ton of Nootropic supplements lately, everything from the downright awful to the possibly effective. content/uploads/2015/10/nootropics weve
Just a small sample of the Nootropics I’ve tested

Most of them contain a number of stimulants that, while work very well for the first few hours, tend to give me a harsh comedown.

When I originally came across Mind Lab Pro, the first thing I noticed was the lack of stimulants in it.  This is what distinguishes it from my top nootropic supplement, Optimind.

I can tell this one is a winner.  The first 3 weeks, I literally felt no effects.  Nothing.  I was beginning to think this was another one in a long list of nootropic supplements that simply don’t work.

One thing I do want to note is that, as time went on, I started to notice I was sleeping better.

It wasn’t anything crazy, but instead of my usual 6 – 7 hours of sleep I was getting like 7 – 8 hours per night.

By the end of the first month, I could finally start to feel it kicking in.

Apart from the noticeable increase in sleep quality, I started to notice a couple of minor things:

  1.  I seemed to be remembering things better.

Normally I’m terrible with names.

I’ll meet someone for the first time, be introduced and told their name, and literally within 5 min. will forget their name. 🙂 content/uploads/2015/09/bad with

All of a sudden, at the end of month 1, I was remembering the little things.

I was remembering things like:

  • What I had for breakfast the day before.
  • The things I needed to pick up at Publix, without having to walk around with a list.
  • Peoples names!!

2.  I started processing information faster.

Part of my job involves researching and writing, and it can get VERY boring sometimes.

I read through a lot of studies when I’m writing many of these reviews, and sometimes I have to read them over 2 – 3 times before I start to get it.

By the end of the month, I seemed to have developed a much easier time piecing together abstract thoughts and information.

It’s like I can read something that would normally be a very boring topic, and I find it interesting and motivated to research it further.

I also seem to be able to read it, and get it, the first time around.

3.  I started feeling less anxious and more focused.

I felt an overwhelming sense of calm, but a focused approach to every task I was working on.  It was actually a really nice feeling, because at the end of the day I didn’t feel that hard crash you get from some of the other nootropics I’ve tried in the past.

Mind Lab PRO Pro’s and Con’s


  • Works great as a long term cognition enhancer.
  • Works for adult users of all ages, 18 and above.
  • Contains 11 potent brain nutrients vetted by clinical research in peer-reviewed medical journals.


  • Only available on the product’s web site, not other sites or in stores

FAQ About Mind Lab PRO

Is Mind Lab PRO safe?

All the ingredients are nootropic – natural vitamins, amino acids, herbals, and other nutrients. So Mind Lab PRO is safe to take and has no side effects. That being said, it’s always prudent to speak with your doctor to see if any of the ingredients may cause an adverse reaction.

Will Mind Lab PRO raise my IQ?

Mind Lab PRO raises the level at which your brain performs its key functions including memory and information retention, problem-solving, learning, and cognition. It can lift mental fog while helping you think faster and more clearly.

Does Mind Lab PRO actually make you smarter or raise your IQ? The maker, OptiNutra, has not tested users’ IQs to see whether they increased after taking Mind Lab PRO. They say the supplement is not designed to make you smarter per se, but rather, to help your brain operate at maximum effectiveness.

Can I buy it in stores?

At this time I have not seen any of the major retailers like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe with Mind Lab PRO on the shelves, and it is not yet for sale on Amazon or Ebay from what we could tell.

Where can I buy Mind Lab PRO?

The only place you can order Mind Lab PRO is on the product web site They have a number of discounts available for a wide variety of orders, and the best option in my opinion is the 3 box deal, where you get 3 boxes and 1 free box, along with free shipping. There are no discounts or coupon codes or free trials or samples available as far as I can see.

How do I take Mind Lab PRO?

OptiNutra suggests taking 2 capsules daily, but up to 4 capsules can be taken in a 24-hour period. It can take a month or two to get the full effect, but you may experience some improvement in mental function in just a few days.


Bottom line, this stuff works!  If you’re looking for a supplement that works right away, don’t waste your time.  It doesn’t seem to work that way.  But if you’re looking for a supplement that will give you positive results over time, than I would definetly recommend you give Mind Lab Pro a try.


Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Crazy Mass Vs. Crazy Bulk – Which One Is Legit?


What is Crazy Mass
What is Crazy Bulk
So Which One Is Legit
So What Does All This Mean

I’ve had a lot of guys over the past few months asking me what’s the difference between Crazy Mass and Crazy Bulk.  In fact, if you look at both of the websites, they appear strikingly similar.

They use many of the same before and after photos on each of their websites, both have Crazy in their names, and their products even look very similar.

From all appearances, one could assume that they are made by the same manufacturer or at least the same uninspired marketing wizard, but nonetheless, something appears off about them.

So what’s the difference between the 2, and more importantly, which one should you buy?

Throughout this article I’ll talk about the differences in their product lines, pricing, availability, and more.

What is Crazy Mass?

Crazy Mass is a company that supplies all natural supplements that are intended to mimic the effects of steroids, while being completely legal.  They have a wide assortment of supplements that I’ve personally used with much success, including supplements like T-Bal 75, Testosterone Max, Paravar, and Anadrolone.

If you’re familiar with steroids, these names should sound familiar.

The brand carries a number of product stacks, including the Cutting Stack, Bulking Stack, and strength stack, all of which I’ve personally tested.

Related Article:  Legal Steroids at GNC

What is Crazy Bulk?

Crazy Bulk, just like Crazy Mass, is a supplier of supplements that are ALSO intended to mimic the effects of steroids.  The names of these supplements are practically the same as Crazy Mass, with a slight variation in the spelling.crazy bulk vs crazy mass

Even the prices are relatively similar, often within a few $ of each other.

So Which One Is Legit?

There’s a bit of a backstory here, so please bear with me.  About 2 years ago, Crazy Mass was brought on as a merchant by a company called More Niche, an affiliate marketing company located in the UK.

More Niche used its affiliates to help market the Crazy Mass brand, and in doing so, raked in $1,000’s every day selling their supplement.

One of the owners of More Niche (who will go unnamed here) reportedly made an offer to the owners of Crazy Mass to buy out their brand for an undisclosed sum.

The owners of Crazy Mass denied their buyout offer, claiming it was not enough.

About 3 months later, that’s when Crazy Bulk popped up.  Their website was quite literally an exact replica of the Crazy Mass website, with the same color scheme, product names, and even consumer testimonials.

Here’s a snapshot of the Crazy Bulk Page in September 2014:

crazy bulk vs crazy mass

And Here’s the Crazy Mass website right around that time:

crazy mass

At around the same time, More Niche suspended its relationship with Crazy Mass, redirecting all affiliate traffic to the now alternative Crazy Bulk website.

As you can imagine, the owners of Crazy Mass were pretty furious, and demanded answers from More Niche and Crazy Bulk, who effectively severed all communications from them.

As a result, the owners of Crazy Mass have been in an intellectual property battle with More Niche and Crazy Bulk, claiming theft of their brand, trademark infringement, and a violation of federal and state laws.

However, since Crazy Bulk is a registered company in the UK, they are effectively protected by that countries laws.

So What Does All This Mean??

Essentially, Crazy Bulk copied the Crazy Mass brand and is trying to pawn it off as their own.

In July 2013, with the help of MoreNiche, CrazyBulk counterfeited, stole, and cloned CrazyMass’s website.

Unlike CrazyMass, CrazyBulk is based out of the UK and hiding behind several proxy companies.   It’s unclear who the parent owner is.

They also lost their main domain URL and had to change from to  Now, CrazyBulk has changed some of their content and design, so as of right now they don’t appear to be infringing on any copyrights.

I was told by the owner of Crazy Mass that the before and after photo’s of Crazy Bulk are fake, but upon further inspection this doesn’t appear to be the case.

Crazy Bulk supplements may indeed work, but I haven’t had a chance to personally test them yet so the jury is still out in my opinion.

However, I HAVE used Crazy Mass products in the past, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that they work VERY well.

Either way it is easy to understand why there is confusion and debate between the two.

Click Here to visit the official Crazy Mass website.

King Size Male Enhancement Review – Worth It?

If you want to spice up your sex life with better performance, you’re not alone.

If you want a bigger tool for the job, you’ve got a lot of company. Trust me, we get hundreds of guys each week asking us what they can do to improve this aspect of their lives. And it sometimes seems like there’s a new wonder product arriving on the scene almost daily.

King Size Male Enhancement is one that’s been around for a couple months. It’s popped up on my radar a couple times lately, so I thought it was time we took a look.

But first…let’s talk about where you first learned about this and what would be…

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.


What King Size Male Enhancement Promises
Does King Size Male Enhancement Make You Bigger
How It Works
Where to Buy
Cancel the Free Trial
My Personal Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Kates Blog

Most men watch porn, some more than others.

Among the surprising amount of “cheating” websites being advertised on those sites, you’ll almost undoubtedly see tons of ads proclaiming some “weird trick that makes you bigger” or something to that effect.

One of those huge banner ads I came across had the following caption “Only 1 Pill and my husband doesn’t cum for 2 hours”.

king size male enhancement ad 2

You click on it and it takes you to a site called Kates blog.  On this “blog”, Kate talks about how her boyfriend can’t get it up, no matter what they try.

She stumbles across an interview with porn star Johnny Sins, who says that King Size male enhancement will not only give you a raging boner, but will help you have sex for HOURS on end.

Kate orders a bottle, slips it to her boyfriend telling him “it’s just a vitamin”, and an hour later they’re humping like 2 teens on prom night.

Sounds intriguing, right??  There’s plenty of Facebook comments that seem to substantiate her story, with other dudes claiming it works miracles for them.

king size comments

It’s interesting to note that several other supplements are being marketed in the EXACT same way, most notable Herbal Virility Max and Viarexin.

What King Size Male Enhancement Promises

With a name like King Size Male Enhancement, what’s the first thing you think of in terms of benefits?

Size, of course.

You can pretty much bet that King Size Male Enhancement promises to make your penis bigger. But actually, you’d lose that bet. Unlike supplements like Xanogen and Blackcore Edge, what they actually promise includes:

  • Better, longer lasting erections.
  • Increased intensity.
  • Greater stamina.
  • Improved orgasms.
  • Greater sexual confidence.

It sounds to me more like an alternative to viagra more so then an “enlargement” pill.

Does King Size Male Enhancement Make You Bigger?

That last benefit – confidence – is key.

The King Size Male Enhancement website pushes this one pretty hard.

king size male enhancement review confidence

They talk about how being down on yourself and doubting yourself is no way to please a woman. The company behind King Size Male Enhancement knows that most men wish their dicks were bigger, and that a big dick equals confidence in bed for a lot of guys.

They also know that no pill, including their pill, can make that happen. And since there are rules about false advertising, they call their product King Size Male Enhancement and tell you about how it boosts your sexual confidence.

The whole point is to make you believe this stuff makes your penis bigger without actually saying it.

Here’s a hint…

When a male enhancement pill claims to make your penis bigger, they’re stretching the truth. These are performance pills. They can help you get bigger and harder erections. That’s true. But they can’t magically make your member get bigger in any permanent way.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

King Size Male Enhancement Ingredients

The King Size Male Enhancement formula is all natural and is pretty in line with what we’re used to seeing in a daily male enhancement supplement. The list includes:

  • L-Arginine which can improve erections by increasing nitric oxide production within your body. NO is opens up the blood vessels in your penis, which allows an increased amount of blood to enter. A more engorged penis means a fuller, harder erection.
  • Panax Ginseng which also improves blood flow throughout the body, leading to better erections and increased stamina.
  • Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii) which is a popular herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Mucuna Gigantea (Velvet Bean) which also affects mood and energy through the pathway to increased dopamine.
  • Polypodium Vulgare which increases energy and stamina.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports the health of your prostate.
  • Epimedium which is an herbal aphrodisiac that stimulates blood flow during erection.
  • Tongkat Ali which can increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.

king size male enhancement ingredients

Other ingredients include sasparilla, pumpkin seed, muira puama, oat straw, nettle, oyster extract, tribulus terrestris, and orchic extract.  It should be noted that orchic extract is derived from the testicles of cattle 🙂

How King Size Male Enhancement Works

The recommended dose is 1 capsule in the morning and 1 at night each day. The theory is that as these herbal ingredients build up in your system, you become more primed and ready to go at any and all times.

Your libido is up, your time to erection is down, your energy and stamina are up, and all this sends your confidence through the roof.

Sounds perfect, right?  The only question left to ask is how do I get my hands on this stuff?

Where to Buy King Size Male Enhancement

Here’s where things start to fall apart. King Size Male Enhancement is only available online with a free trial offer. You’ll most likely end up on what looks like a review website. But really it’s just a portal to get you to sign up for their offer.



king size sample

This would imply that you’re getting a small sample bottle, right?

When you click the button and get to the offer, it’s easy to get swept up on how easy it is, and the “fact” that it’s free. But here’s how it really works.

In order to get your free trial, you need to enter your credit card information to pay the small shipping fee of $4.95. They’ll send your package off right away. But in the teeny tiny print at the bottom of the order screen, there’s a little message that says:

By submitting, you consent to having read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions and after your 12 days trial period has expired, bing enrolled in our membership program for $139.97 plus shipping per month.

king size terms

Wait. What? That’s right. King Size Male Enhancement is not free at all. By signing up for the “free trial” you’re consenting to a charge on your credit card of $139.97. And not only that, but you’re consenting to that charge every single month for a bottle of pills.

As of this review, it doesn’t appear to be sold in any retail stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aide, or Vitamin Shoppe.  I also checked online retailers like Amazon, Ebay, and others and came up short.

How To Cancel the Free Trial Subscription

If you’re reading this review before ordering King Size Male Enhancement, that’s great because even if you do decide to go with it, at least you’re going in with your eyes open.

If you’re reading this review because you’ve discovered the outrageous charge or charges on your credit card bill and you’re pissed, we can help you out too. The first thing you need to do is call their customer service phone number: 1-855-511-2250. Tell them you want to cancel your subscription and you don’t want any more charges.

If you want a refund for money you’ve already been billed for, ask for it. You may have to return the bottle or bottles. If so, follow the instructions on the call, and make sure you keep a record of all your interactions.

They also list as their customer support email address. If you’re still having troubles, you can call your credit card company and tell them you no longer wish to pay charges billed by this company.

My Personal Results

king size male enhancement reviewIn an effort to be absolutely fair, it only makes sense to try the supplement out before we can come to any concrete conclusions.  I ordered a one month supply of King Size male enhancement to test out, and just received it a few weeks ago.

Now if you remember from the “Kates blog” story above, apparently this stuff is supposed to start working quickly….VERY quickly.  Like 1 hour.

So I was safe in my assumption that if it does indeed work at all, I should start feeling the effects after just one dose.

The directions on the bottle state that you should take 2 capsules daily, but doesn’t specify whether it should be on an empty stomach or not.  I decided to take it on an empty stomach, because generally speaking you should get the full effects because your stomach is not working on anything else.

An hour passed and I didn’t feel any different.  Then 2 hours.  Then 3…literally no change in anything.

I decided that maybe it takes a few days to start working, so I continued taking it for a few more days.

The result….again, absolutely nothing.  There was no increase in sex drive, libido, or even size.  Nothing.  I might as well been taking sawdust.

That is of course disappointing, especially when you are really counting on good results but I gave it as many chances as I could.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy this in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, etc.?

As far as I can tell, no.  I checked with all of the major retailers and none has ever heard of King Size Male Enhancement.

Will this trigger a blood test?

There’s nothing in this supplement that I believe would cause you to have a false positive on a drug test.

How long does it take to work?

Well, according to them, you should start feeling the effects from the first dose.  Obviously this wasn’t the case with me, but that’s what they say.

Are there any side effects?

Well, since there are no harsh stimulants in King Size male enhancement, the risk for side effects is low, but NOT impossible.  For example, the ingredient Tribulus Terrestris has been known to cause a wide range of adverse effects, including prostate issues and may even decrease blood sugar levels.

King Size Male Enhancement Pros and Cons

We try to be fair and share both sides of every product we review.

Advantages of King Size Male Enhancement

  • The formula is all natural and most likely safe.
  • If there are any side effects, they would be minimal.

Disadvantages of King Size Male Enhancement

  • The price. This stuff costs $139.97. That’s just outrageous.
  • The free trial offer gives you only 12 days from the date you place your order to try it out and decide whether it’s for you. That’s just not enough time.
  • Ingredient amounts are not disclosed.
  • There are no King Size Male Enhancement reviews from customers who’ve actually used it, just these fake “review websites” that are actually trying to sell you the stuff.


King Size Male Enhancement is just another free trial scam, only worse. Most free trials like this give you 14 days, King Size Male Enhancement gives you only 12.

Most free trial scams charge you about $80 for their supplements. King Size Male Enhancement charges $140.

They are pretty bold in their not caring about how obviously a scam their “free trial” is as well as their marketing, but they certainly fall short in their effects or virtually any possible area.

The formula looks fairly decent and probably safe, but there’s no way you want to get caught up in the cost and frustration of a King Size Male Enhancement free trial.

Have You Used King Size Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Meristem Review – The Cure For 120 Diseases?


What Can Meristem Do For You
Here’s a direct quote from the brochure
How Does Meristem Work
Meristem Ingredients
Meristem Reviews
More Red Flags
How to Buy Meristem
Our Conclusion

Meristem Review

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about a new miracle product called Meristem. There’s a brochure that shows up in the mail, and it to say that it makes some pretty powerful promises would be an understatement. Not too uncommon for products of the like. It comes from a company called Jackson and Hart Juvenescence, and it claims to be able to not only make you feel 10 years younger after one treatment, but also to stop 120 age related diseases, including Macular Degeneration. With promises like that, it’s no wonder our readers are taking notice. Well we finally got our hands on one of their brochures, we’ve taken a look, and we’re ready to share what we’ve found.

What Can Meristem Do For You?

What Can Meristem Do For You

The brochure goes into great detail about the benefits you’ll see, but in a nutshell, after just one dose, you’ll:

  • Renew all the cells in your body (every single one).
  • Rejuvenate our body’s 11 vital systems.
  • Restore PERFECT health.

Well there you have it. Who wouldn’t want to take this stuff? Meristem promises that starting the very first day, you’ll feel decades younger. But it’s not just the fluffy feel good stuff. They promise to restore your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce your blood pressure to normal, eliminate joint pain, cure arthritis, eliminate cataracts, and “stop over 120 diseases.”

Enticing, sure, but what does that even mean and is that really possible out of any one supplement?

These claims are far from uncommon as far as similar products go, but let’s take a closer look and see just exactly what Meristem does to put their bold claims to the test and whether or not they actually hold up.

Here’s a direct quote from the brochure:

“The effects of Meristem are so powerful that at the end of their treatment, all patients had the same medical result: dramatic rejuvenation of all 11 vital body systems and their health was fully restored regardless of their age or their state of health prior to testing.”

They are flat out claiming that Meristem cures diseases and restores you body to a state much younger than you are today.

While this is quite a bold claim and more than likely is the reason why it would draw someone’s attention, is it even really true?

How Does Meristem WorkHow Does Meristem Work?

The basic idea behind Meristem is very simple. It replaces all the old, age-worn and damaged cells of your body, and replaces them with brand new ones. Your arthritic joints are filled with old arthritic cells. Take Meristem, those old cells will be replaced with new cells, and your arthritis is gone. Your sagging skin is filled with old droopy damaged cells. Take Meristem and it replaces all those old cells with new ones, and you’re skin is young and beautiful again. Do this over and over for every age related issue your body faces, and you’ve got the gist of how Meristem works.

Meristem Ingredients

meristem ingredients

The ingredients in Meristem are all natural. They based on plant stem cells that come from a very specific part of the Hornbeam tree, where all the stem cells live. That part is called the Meristem. The Hornbeam tree was chosen for its high auxin and gibberellin content, the key plant hormone ingredients that supposedly stimulate your body’s own cells to rejuvenate themselves.

Meristem Reviews

meristem customer reviews

The Meristem brochure is full of testimonials from users who were healed and cured of various age related debilitations like joint pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, digestive issues, you name it. But if you look online, you’ll find nothing. Huh? This is 2015 people? Do you really expect us to believe there’s a cure for aging that hundreds or thousands of people know about and are using, but nobody’s talking about it online? Not likely.

More Red Flags

warning about Meristem

There are so many more reasons to questions the integrity of Meristem.

  • First of all, you won’t find Jackson and Hart Juvenescence online, and you won’t find Dr. Peter Langfeld either. He’s their Director of Health Sciences. How can there be an amazing miracle supplement that puts you in “perfect health” exist in 2015 without any indication of it on the internet? How can Dr. Peter Langfeld be a world class scientist who discovered the fountain of youth and holds the job of Director of Health Sciences at a supplement manufacturer, and not have anything written about him online? These things are just not possible in today’s world. With a lot of digging, I came across a forum discussion about Meristem. One of the participants had called and asked Meristem why they weren’t online. The response from the customer service rep was that they wouldn’t be able to handle all the orders if they were. Okay, if you want to believe that, you can, but it doesn’t explain there not being anything about the company or the doctor.
  • Secondly, their mailing address is a mailbox in a UPS store. This miracle cure doesn’t have a physical plant or address? How is that possible?
  • Third, we’re starting to get some feedback trickling in from readers who’ve tried Meristem, or at least tried to order it. Several people have told us that when they called to order, the customer service rep on the phone tries very aggressively, and even rudely, to get you to buy more products. They even talk about being hung up on.
  • Fourth, the brochure talks about how all of Hollywood is captivated by Meristem treatments. Star after star uses it, with Amazing results. But they don’t mention a single name. Wouldn’t they be able to convince even one of their famous clients to share their experience with the world?

After all that, if you’re not convinced this is just a flash in the pan scam, go back and read the promises again. They’re trying to tell you that Meristem cures 120 diseases. Diseases that doctors can’t cure, but this Meristem from Jackson and Hart Juvenescence can? It makes no logical sense.

How to Buy Meristem

How to Buy Meristem

Meristem is only available to order by phone or by filling out and returning the order form in the brochure. (What is this, 1992?) They sell it by the “treatment”. One treatment is 30 day’s worth and it costs $39. Each treatment in addition to the first costs $20 more dollars. So 2 treatments cost $59, 3 treatments cost $79, and so on.

Your order is covered by a 30 day guarantee. It states that if you are not satisfied, you can request a refund (less shipping and handling) any time within the first month after you order. You’ll also need to return your treatment(s), even if they’re empty, to get your money back.

Our Conclusion

We first starting hearing about Meristem this past summer, and the questions and comments are rolling in pretty fast. We haven’t tried it ourselves, but there are so many red flags associated with this, I don’t think we have to. The fact that this amazing new discovery can’t be found anywhere on the internet should be evidence enough that Meristem doesn’t cure 120 diseases. Trust me, if this stuff did what it says it does, we’d all know about it in a hurry.

More than anything, when you see such bold claims, it is usually little more than them desperately trying to get you to part with your money no matter what kind of business it is and supplements that do so are no exception.

Have You Used Meristem? Leave Your Review Below!

N.O. Fury Caplets Review – Do They Work?

N.O. Fury Caplets Overview content/uploads/2015/09/six star pro nutrition promo codes

N.O. Fury Caplets are the pill version of the N.O. Fury powder pre workout from Six Star Nutrition. They’re similar, but there are enough differences for us to decide they deserved their own separate look. The N.O. Fury Caplets focus on pumps, pumps, and more pumps, so if that’s what you’re looking for, stick around while we break it down and figure out if N.O. Fury Caplets has what it takes.

Click Here
to jump to my personal review.

N.O. Fury Caplets Benefits

Some people just don’t like to have to mix up a powdered pre workout. They mix their protein shakes. They mix their creatine. They clean out their blender or shaker cup twice or three times a day. That’s enough. For them, this is an alternative. So that’s the first benefit. N.O. Fury Caplets offer an easier way to get your pre workout power, one that doesn’t require clean up.

Sure, convenience is good, but how it helps your workout is infinitely more important. N.O. Fury Caplets promise to show you just how full and pumped your muscles can get. It’s a straight up nitric oxide boosting vasodilation specialist supplement. The energy and stamina they provide come from the NO boost. Everything they provide comes from the NO boost.

N.O. Fury Caplets Ingredients and How They Work

Since it’s all about the Nitric Oxide, the N.O. Fury Caplets formula places all its focus squarely on ingredients that increase NO in your body. It consists of a 3,000mg blend of:

  • L-Argnine which is the base arginine form. It is the pre cursor to nitric oxide which causes vasodilation, opening up your blood vessels to allow more blood to flow to your muscles. This increased flow provides not only pumps, but increased oxygen and nutrients for better post workout recovery. An addition benefit is the stimulation to produce human growth hormone. According to the Mayo Clinic (, the recommended daily dose to improve athletic performance is 6 grams.
  • L-Argnine Alpha Ketoglutarate which is Arginine mixed with AKG. It improves the efficiency of Arginine absortion, and causes something of a time release effect.
  • L-Arginine Hcl which is a more palatable and digestible form of L-Arginine.
  • L-Citrulline which converts first to l-arginine, then to nitric oxide. It also provides the added benefit of decreasing the build up of lactic acid in your mucles. Lactic acid causes muscle fatigue, so less buildup means you can work out longer, getting better results, faster. The recommended dose of L-Citrulline for bodybuilders is 2-6 grams a day.

How to Use N.O. Fury Caplets content/uploads/2015/09/ss no fury

The recommended dose to start with is 3 caplets. On workout days, take them about 30-45 minutes prior to your workout. On none workout days, take them with breakfast. After you assess your tolerance, you can up your pre workout dose according to how much you weigh. If you’re under 200 pounds, take 4 N.O. Fury Caplets before working out. If you’re over 200 pounds, take 5.

N.O. Fury Caplets Reviews content/uploads/2015/09/six star pro nutrition n.o. fury caplets

When a supplement is sold through a variety of vendors, there’s usually a lot of customer feedback floating around. This is the case with N.O. Fury Caplets, so we’re able to get a pretty good picture of how people are reacting to it. Reviews are generally pretty positive, though many of them qualify it as relative to price. (N.O. Fury Caplets are pretty cheap.) Here’s what some N.O. Fury Caplets reviewers had to say:

Brandon says, “It’s a good Nitric Oxide for the price. I have used it many times and had great results.”

Boss says, “Keeps muscle fullness and vascular. Great price.”

Nick says, “This price of this product is great. You’re getting the core ingredients for a much cheaper price.”

Of course, there’s also the other side of the coin:

Darth says: “Don’t waste your money on this product. No pumps, no energy, no effects. It’s like nothing in a bottle.”

Who Makes N.O. Fury Caplets? content/uploads/2015/09/six star pro nutrition promo codes

N.O. Fury Caplets are made by Six Star Pro Nutrition, which is actually a subsidiary of MuscleTech. Six Star products are very similar to MT’s but they come in at a lower price point. Six Star has some pretty big name athlete promoters like racecar driver Danica Patrick and and Oklahoma City Thunder point guard Russell Westbrook. They set themselves up to be an all-around bodybuilding resource. The website offers article after article about training and nutrition in addition to all the supplements.

N.O. Fury Caplets Pros and Cons content/uploads/2015/09/gym_strong_fitness_athlete_sport_body_training_workout

Advantages of N.O. Fury Caplets

  • They work for people who don’t want a pre workout in powder form.
  • They’re cheap to try.
  • The formula focuses on one thing – vasodilation through nitric oxide boost.
  • They’re made by a big supplement company the a reputation to protect.

Disadvantages of N.O. Fury Caplets

  • Some reviewers say they do nothing.
My Personal Results

six star no fury reviewI gotta say, I was quite disappointed (but not surprised) at my lack of results from NO Fury.  It just doesn’t feel strong to me.

I took the recommended dose of 3 caplets 1 hour before my workout, and didn’t feel much.

There was a little bit of a boost in energy, but it was hardly noticeable.

In fact, I would almost attribute it as a placebo effect.

I even tried upping the dose to 5 caplets, and still didn’t feel much.

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to “build up” in your system or what, but as far as using it on an as needed basis it didn’t seem to work for me.

The upside is that I didn’t experience any side effects with NO Fury, something that can’t be said for many of the other powdered pre workout supplements I’ve used in the past.

What About The Powder?  Does That Work?

Well we just so happened to test that one out, check out our video review below:

Where to Buy

N.O. Fury Caplets are available to purchase through several retailers both online and in stores. Online, you can buy them at and Amazon. Or if you prefer to pick them up in an actual store, you’ll find them at Walmart and CVS among others. The bottle containss 60 caplets, which amounts to 20 servings when you’re taking it at the lowest dose. But the good news is that bottle only costs about $10 (a little more at CVS).


The reviews are mixed, but people seem to like N.O. Fury Caplets for the value. If pumps are what you’re after, spend the $10 for a bottle of N.O. Fury Caplets. It may be exactly what you’re looking for, but if it isn’t, you’re not out a whole lot of cash. Better this than spend double that or more to find out.

Some of the ingredients such as l-arginine are in my own experience quite effective and often tell me whether or not a particular supplement is going to be effective or not.

As far as a pre workout, I don’t see any benefit in using it this way.

Have You Used N.O. Fury Caplets? Leave Your Review Below

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

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If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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M Patch Review – Great Idea or Scam?

 M Patch Overview

Most male enhancement supplements still come in the form of tablets and capsules, but more and more we’re seeing patches coming on the scene. They offer the same benefits and generally use the same or similar ingredients, but the delivery system is completely different. M Patch is one of these new transdermal patches. We had a reader bring it to our attention, so we decided to take a closer look.

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

What Does M Patch Promise?

The M Patch website is a pretty even mix of information and titillation. There’s no shortage of text explaining how it works and why you should use it. But scattered throughout are images of hot women in various stages of dress and compromising position. There’s even a porn star, Bree Olsen, assuring you that all the guys she works with wear the M Patch. (Just an aside, M Patch isn’t the only male enhancement product Bree Olsen endorses).

Now that they have your attention, they let you know all the incredible things that will happen to you when you start using M Patch:

  • Your size will grow by 2 inches.
  • Your erections will be as hard as they were when you were 16.
  • Your testosterone levels will be through the roof.
  • You’ll be able to last and last all night.
  • You’ll instantly gain the confidence that comes with knowing that you’re the only one that can satisfy her.

And you’ll get all that without ever having to take a pill. You just slap the patch on your skin, and you’re ready to go whenever you need to be. We’ll talk next about how the patch works and how it could be a better choice than pills.

How M Patch Works

M Patch ReviewThe beauty of a patch is that you don’t have to swallow any pills, but you do have to apply a new patch each day. The herbal ingredients in the M Patch formula are transmitted through your skin directly into your bloodstream. This application method can be much more convenient than pills that have to pass through your digestive system before they can be useful to you. M Patch can start to work right away, with less loss of potency.

The instructions are to place a new patch to your clean dry skin each day. It doesn’t matter what time, but you should attempt to make it as consistent as possible so the ingredients can stay at a steady level in your system. Make sure you use a new spot each day. You can go back to a previously used spot after a few days. Just give it a little time in between to prevent any irritation.

M Patch Ingredients

When it comes to active ingredients, a patch is really no different than a pill. While the delivery method is different, the formula is quite similar to what we’re used to seeing. The M Patch formula contains:

  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum). This is an aphrodisiac to help put you in the mood, but it also helps increase nitric oxide so you get more blood flowing to your penis, giving you rock hard erections.
  • Wild Yam which regulates hormone levels to ensure you have the right amount of testosterone in relation to estrogen and DHT.
  • Korean Ginseng which provides energy and stamina for your entire body as well as your sexual organs.
  • Muira Puama (aka Potency Wood) which is an herbal aphrodisiac used for thousands of years to boost both libido and erections.
  • Oyster Shell which has long been thought of as an aphrodisiac because of its ability to boost testosterone levels naturally.
  • Licorice Root which also balances hormones.
  • Vitamin E which has always been known as the sex vitamin because it boosts libido.
  • Vitamin B for energy and stamina.

The list pretty much hits all the hot spots: libido, erection quality, stamina, testosterone. But the formula is proprietary so we don’t know how much of each ingredient there is. It’s too bad, really, because using the ingredients in the right dosages is very important to making sure M Patch works.

M Patch Side Effects

One of the good things about using a patch is the lack of digestive side effects. There will be no nausea with M Patch. On the flip side, you might find yourself with mild skin irritation from the patch. If that’s the case, make sure you apply to a new clean dry spot each day, and remove the previous patch. You’ll also have to avoid M Patch if you have a shellfish allergy, due to the Oyster Shell ingredient.

M Patch Free Trial Offer

M Patch is only available to purchase through their free trial offer. If you’re not familiar with these, here’s how it works:

You find a “review” website talking about how great M Patch is. On that site, there’s a link to a “RUSH MY FREE TRIAL!” or “CLAIM YOUR SAMPLE PACK!” You think it’s your lucky day, so you click the link and provided the requested information to receive your free trial. All they ask is that you provide your credit card number to cover the small shipping fee (usually around $4.95). So you think you’re getting a free sample, but that’s not what you’re getting at all.

Buried somewhere in the fine print, they explain that you’re actually signing up for an auto-ship program. Unless you cancel before the 14 day trial period, they’ll charge you $89.99 for the “free” sample you already received, and they’ll sign you up to receive a new shipment at that same price each month until you cancel.

Now that’s shady enough, right? Unfortunately, it’s all too common and happens all the time. But something about M Patch is even a little shadier than usual. We studied all the listings of the terms and conditions of the free trial, and there’s no consistency. One their order page, they list a “60 Day Money Back Guarantee. But under that heading, they explain that “unless you cancel before the end of your 30 day trial period… you will continue to receive a new 30 day supply… every month.” They call it a “30-day trial period.” But if you follow the link to the Terms and Conditions, everything is different. They satisfaction guarantee is listed as 90 days, but the free trial period is listed as 15 days.. The whole thing is designed to confuse customers so when they realize they’ve been charged, it’s very difficult to clear it up without losing at least one payment.

How to Cancel

The Terms and Conditions page of the M Patch website lists 1-877-585-1162 as their customer service phone number. It states that you can cancel your auto-shipping membership and avoid paying $89.95 for the “free” sample by calling within 15 days of placing your order.


If you can’t or don’t want to take pills, using a transdermal patch to improve your libido and performance is a good and valid way to go. But M Patch is not the one you want. The ingredients are fine – nothing special – but fine. The problem is the company and their marketing decision to basically trick customers into repeat business. You don’t need this kind of hassle, and trust me, it will be a hassle. Think about it. Why would a company with a good product they can sell on its merits resort to this kind of deceit? They wouldn’t. They’d offer a straight up money back guarantee with simple terms, and let their product do the talking. M Patch does the opposite of that, which is why you should just not bother.

Have You Used M Patch? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Maxgenics Vidur Review – Does It Work?

Maxgenics Vidur Overview

Maxgenics Vidur is a male enhancement supplement designed to help you reach your peak performance potential in the bedroom. It’s a fast acting supplement, with no need to take it every day. You simply take your dose 30 minutes beforehand, and you’re ready to go, and go, and go. This is different than most male enhancements that you take every day. If it works, it could be an exciting product. I know lots of guys would prefer not to have to take their sex pills every day.

Maxgenics Vidur Benefits

Maxgenics Vidur ReviewThe Maxgenics Vidur webpage lists 5 specific benefits you can expect when taking this product:

  • Heightened state of arousal and an overall increase in sexual appetite.
  • Consistently bigger, harder, thicker erections, every time.
  • Staying power. You’ll be about to maintain your erection, even through multiple sessions.
  • Faster recovery time, so you can keep going all night.
  • More intense and powerful orgasms.

Maxgenics Vidur Ingredients and How They Work

Promises are one thing, but if you really want to know if a supplement works, take a look at its formula. Maxgenics Vidur provides a list, complete with explanations of how the key ingredients work to better your sex life. The formula is proprietary however, which means we know what the ingredients are, but we don’t know their dosage levels. The total dose, split among the following ingredients, is 2,150mg. Within that, there’s:

  • L-Citrulline. This is a precursor to nitric oxide. The majority of supplements use L-Arginine for this purpose, but more and more companies are finding L-Citrulline works better. NO is a vasodilator. It opens up blood vessels leading to the penile chambers, allowing more blood to flow in, causing better erections. It also increases overall energy and stamina.
  • L-Dopa (from Mucuna Pruriens). This velvet bean extract increases testosterone and decreases estrogen for better sex drive. It also is a precursor to dopamine, the natural feel-good brain chemical.
  • Epimedium Extract. This is an aphrosiac that also increases blood flow to the penis for better erections.
  • Ginkgo Leaf. This can help improve blood flow throughout the body while decreasign stress and increasing energy.
  • L-Theanine. This is another vasodilator to improve erections. It also facilitates nerve impulse transmission to increase pleasure and focus.
  • Asian Ginseng Extract. This improves concentration and stamina while relaxing you and relieving performance anxiety.
  • Muira Puama which has been used for centuries to improve both libido and erections.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia for increasing free testosterone levels, which leads to boosted libido and better performance.
  • Grape Seed Extract which works as an antioxidant to help promote the health of cells.

These are all common ingredients for male enhancement supplements. The question remains, however, if they can work immediately. Most supplements using these ingredients work over time as the levels build up in your system. We question whether there’s anything here that can work more quickly than that.

The recommended dose is 4 Maxgenics Vidur capsules taken about 30 minutes before sexual activity. A bottle contains 18 4 capsule servings.

Maxgenics Vidur Side Effects

Maxgenics Vidur is generally thought to be safe and free from side effects. With that said, it’s very difficult to find a supplement that doesn’t cause any side effects for anyone. With Maxgenics Vidur, it’s possible the Ginseng could cause insomnia, headaches, increased blood pressure, or diarrhea. It’s also possible the Ginkgo Biloba could cause excessive bleeding. (WEBMD CITING)

Maxgenics Vidur Reviews

Customer feedback is a huge help when you’re trying to decide on a supplement. If the bulk of the reliable reviews are favorable, then you probably have a winner. You want to watch out for customer testimonials on the product’s own website. Those are often faked. Luckily, we found some trustworthy feedback from a third party review website. Unfortunately for Maxgenics Vidur, it doesn’t look good. Here’s a representative sampling of what real customers had to say:

Charles says, “I tried taking this product multiple ways, with warm water, with grapefruit juice, on an empty stomach and after eating and nothing but a slight hedache. Don’t waste your money.”

John says, “ I used the product for six weeks and it did nothing for me except make me sleepy. That’s not what I wanted from this product.”

Who Makes Maxgenics Vidur?

Maxgenics makes several men’s health supplements, including their flagship Testosterone Booster, Alpha-Fuel Pre Workout, and Ultra Burn for fat reduction. They’re based in California. All their products are made in a GMP certified facility. And they periodically send their products out to be tested for purity and ingredient levels.

If you look for Better Business Bureau accreditation for the companies you deal with, you won’t be pleased with Maxgenics. They have an F rating with the BBB. The rating appears to be mainly due to unresolved complaints involving billing and delivery, which we’ll talk more about below.

Where to Buy

Maxgenics gets its bad reviews mainly due to billing and delivery issues. This is because they engage in the shady “free trial” scam that we talk a lot about. Basically, the customer thinks he’s paying $4.95 in shipping charges for a free trial, but really he’s signing up for monthly deliveries at full price until he realizes what’s going on and tries to cancel. Then when he inevitably tries to get his money back because he didn’t realize what was going on, Maxgenics tells him he should have read the fine print where everything was spelled out, clear as mud. It’s a very common scheme, and unfortunately while it’s horribly unethical, it’s completely legal.

I’ve looked very closely at the ordering process for Maxgenics Vidur, and it appears to be pretty straight forward in terms of ordering. Your choices include buying a single bottle of 18 servings for $44.99, 2 bottles for $74.68, or 3 bottles for $102.57. There is no auto-ship choice available at all. Maxgenics does have this option available for some of its other products, but not Vidur. They do offer a 90 day money back guarantee, but with their negative reputation for their billing practices, I wouldn’t count on them making it very easy to use.

At this time, Maxgenics Vidur is only available through the website. You won’t find it in stores or on

Maxgenics Vidur Pros and Cons

Advantages of Maxgenics Vidur

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • It’s fast acting.

Disadvantages of Maxgenics Vidur

  • The ingredient list doesn’t show anything that could act particularly quickly. It looks just like a daily supplement formula.
  • The Maxgenics Vidur reviews we were able to find were almost all negative, saying it just doesn’t work.
  • The company has a bad reputation when it comes to billing and service issues.


With so many guys looking for fast acting male enhancement supplements, more and more companies are trying to fill that need. They try, but so far they haven’t been very successful. Most products, even daily ones, give you a little boost right away, but not anything like Viagra, which is what guys expect from a fast acting pill. Maxgenics Vidur claims to be the one, but we don’t see any reason to believe it’s true. The reviews are awful, and the company uses shady sales techniques to trick customers into long term purchases. Maxgenics Vidur could work as a daily supplement, but at $45 for 18 days, it’s just not worth the price.

Have You Used Maxgenics Vidur? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

MascuGen Review – Should You Use It?

MascuGen Overview

One of the best stacks for getting lean and strong, and putting on lean muscle mass is a pre workout stacked with a natural testosterone booster. It’s simple, yet effective. And it doesn’t involve dicey ingredients and substances that you’d be better off avoiding. MascuGen puts itself out there as a two-in-one combination supplement that takes care of both jobs. By boosting natural testosterone as well as increasing nitric oxide, you basically get two of the most effective workout supplements in one. That’s the claim, but all too often, we find out that supplements don’t always live up to their claims. Does MascuGen? Let’s find out.

MascuGen ReviewMascuGen Benefits

The makers of MascuGen understand that after a man has lived a certain number of years, things start to change. Hopefully, he’s got the wisdom that time and experience bring, because when it comes to his body, the changes due to age are rarely pleasant. As you age, your body just doesn’t produce testosterone and nitric oxide like it used to. As a result, you can feel sluggish, you find it more difficult to work out as hard as you used to, you get tired more easily, you start growing one of those spare tires you’ve always heard about, and you just don’t have it in the bedroom like you used to. You might be familiar with a few of these symptoms. Or you might have them all. In either case, it’s a normal part of getting older, but it doesn’t mean you have to take it lying down.

MascuGen isn’t a steroid. There’s nothing banned or illegal in it. Instead, it works with your body’s own natural processes to boost production of the hormones you no longer have in the abundance you used to. Once those systems get back on track, you start feeling better, stronger, more athletic, and more virile. You’ll burn more fat, grow more muscle, repair more quickly, and perform like your old self in the bedroom.

MascuGen Ingredients

Enough about what MascuGen is supposed to do. In order to figure out what it really can do, we need to take a close look at the formula. We did, and what we found is that the formula consists entirely of amino acids, 4 to be precise. Here’s a breakdown of what they are and what you can reasonably expect them to do for you in a supplement:

  • L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (A-AKG). L-Arginine is an amino acid with several benefits. It’s one of several amino acids that can help increase the release of HGH in your system. It’s also a pre-cursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator. It opens up your blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely throughout your body. Increasing NO helps you get better erections because of the increased blood flow to your genitals. It also helps you get better workouts because more blood flowing to your muscles means more of the oxygen and nutrients to help you push harder and recover faster. L-Arginine AKG is more easily stored in the body than other forms of L-Argnine, so it is particularly effective at increasing endurance.
  • L-Arginine Ketoisocaproate (A-KIC) is a branched chain amino acid that in addition to increasing nitric oxide also helps your body recover more quickly and completely than without. It helps fight off workout fatigue.
  • L-Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate (O-AKG) is used by the body to help with cell growth and repair. Its mechanism of action is increasing the release of anabolic hormones (ie testosterone and HGH). In fact, it has been used with severe burn victims and to help with post surgery recovery.
  • L-Glutamine Alpha Ketoglutarate (G-AKG). Glutamine and Alpha Ketoglutarate are both precursors to Glutamate which boosts your muscles’ potential for growth, and prevents muscle loss.

All 4 ingredients are part of a proprietary blend totaling 2400 mg per 3 capsule serving. Because it’s proprietary, we don’t know how much of each ingredient there is, but we know the total is 2400 mg. This is pretty low when you consider a pretty common dose of L-Arginine AKG alone is 1,500 to 3,500 mg per day.

How to Use MascuGen

The recommended dose is 3 MascuGen capsules taken once per day, preferably with a meal. The time you take it doesn’t matter. You’ll just want to make sure it’s around the same time each day to maintain consistency.

MascuGen Side Effects and Interactions

While we found no indication of side effects specifically with MascuGen, there are a few associated with L-Arginine. L-Arginine is generally considered quite safe, but at high doses it can cause a few uncomfortable side effects, like abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

If you have certain conditions, it’s advised that you consult with your doctor before taking supplements containing L-Arginine. A partial list includes pregnancy or nursing, allergies or asthma, low blood pressure, recent heart attack, and recent surgery.

Who Makes MascuGen?

MascuGen is made by a company called M2 Products Group. They have a manufacturing facility in Georgia, and their distribution center and customer service department are located in Florida. They have a very complete and informative website that includes full contact information including phone numbers, physical addresses, and email contact form.

Where to Buy

The only way to purchase MascuGen is through their official website, but there are several different options when you get there. If you want to order just one bottle (a one month supply), it costs $64.99. 2 bottles costs $99.99, saving you about $15 per bottle. MascuGen also offers an auto-ship program that will deliver you a new bottle each month at a cost of $39.99. This might sound a lot like those “free trial” scams we’re always talking about, but it’s actually very different. The options are clearly laid out on the order page, there’s no “free trial” to lure in unsuspecting customers, and the default option is a one-time purchase.

There is a guarantee, but you won’t be getting your money back if you’re not satisfied. Here’s how it’s stated on the website:


MascuGen guarantee
It’s actually kind of funny. If you find our product doesn’t work for you, we’ll send you some more!

MascuGen Pros and Cons

Advantages of MascuGen

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The website is clear and informational, with full disclosure about the company, where they are located, and how to reach them.
  • The ordering process is clear and concise.

Disadvantages of MascuGen

  • The ingredients are probably dosed too low to have any real effect.
  • There are no MascuGen reviews from customers other than a few testimonials on the website. There’s nothing from independent sources.
  • There’s effectively no money back guarantee.


MascuGen is made by a reputable company with no black marks we could find to drag them down. The formula contains some good components that really could provide help with both muscle building and sexual performance. But MascuGen still leaves us with a couple of obstacles to our recommendation. Firstly, the formula is just too weak. There would have to be a much higher concentration of ingredients to have any real effect. Secondly, the guarantee is just weak as well. In the end, MascuGen does not get high marks from us.

Have You Used MascuGen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD Review

Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD Overview

Here at we’re big proponents of using supplement stacks. Most supplements will do fine on their own, but using them together takes things to a whole new level. This is especially true of Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD. In fact, it’s not meant to be used alone at all. It’s an add on product mean only to be used to in conjunction other Blue Star products, like Creatine, Power XD and P.P.K. As the name suggests, it amplifies the effects of the other supps in the stack by increasing their absorption rates and nutrient uptake. Creatine alone is good. Creatine and Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD is better. That’s the claim made by Blue Star. Now let’s take a closer look to see if it holds water.

Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD ReviewBlue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredient list for Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD may not look familiar to you. That’s okay. Most of it doesn’t look familiar to me either. Again, that’s because this stuff is not like anything else we’ve ever looked at. As an amplifier, its formula is something totally different. It contains:

  • BioCreat (Trigonella Foenum Graecum) Extract
  • Astragin (Panax Ginseng and Astragalus)
  • Sodium-R-Lipoate
  • Piper Nigrum
  • Fumarate
  • Succinate

The recommended dose is 2 Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD capsules with one serving of creatine or other Blue Star products, like Power XD and P.P.K.

It’s well known that creatine works better when you take it with a sugary drink. Grape juice is the most commonly recommended, but any sugar will do. The reason is that sugar causes an insulin release. Insulin pushes the creatine into the muscles. But it turns out that sugar is not the only thing that causes this push. It’s also true of protein, and apparently, the ingredients in Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD.
An in-house study showed that by using Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD with creatine for 4 weeks, subjects showed 700% more lean muscle, 367% more power, and 120% more strength.

Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD Pros and Cons

Advantages of Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD

  • Its ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s been clinically studied in a double blind placebo controlled study.
  • It improves creatine absorption without sugar.

Disadvantages of Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD

  • It doesn’t work as a standalone product, so it’s an added expense to you supplement regimen.
  • We haven’t found any Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD reviews from customers letting us know how it works for them.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD through the Blue Star Nutraceuticals website or other online retailers. On the official website, it sells for $48. We found it for about the same price everywhere. If you’re looking for a money back guarantee, you’ll have to check with the retailer. The Blue Star website offers a 60 day return policy.


Judging from the clinical study, Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD works. I’d prefer to see some customer feedback, but a double blind placebo controlled clinical study is pretty good assurance on its own. The only real downside is that it’s probably not particularly necessary, unless you plan a balls to the wall cycle where you’re pulling out all the stops. If that’s the case, by all means, go for it.

Have You Used Blue Star Nutraceuticals Amplify XD? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 Review – Does It Work?

MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 Overview

When people first start thinking about taking supplements to help get the most out of their workouts, they usually start out with the basics. They want to get in shape. They probably want to lose that layer of fat they’ve seen creeping up for the past couple months or years. They want to look lean and strong. The first thing they usually go for is a stimulant-based pre workout to get them motivated to keep going through the rough spots. But what happens when you’ve gotten through that rough beginning, when you’re solidly past the first steps of getting in shape? For a lot of guys, that’s when it’s time to start bulking up.

MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 is a pre workout supplement designed specifically to help you put on muscle mass. It serves its pre workout purpose of providing energy and stamina, but it also includes provides added benefits that help you build muscle mass. In fact, it claims to increase your muscle strength by 147% and help you gain almost 9 pounds of lean muscle in just 12 weeks. Sounds perfect, but claims are just that. Let’s take a look at the formula to see if they’re likely to pan out.

MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 ReviewMuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 Ingredients and How They Work

The MuscleTech website provides not only a complete ingredient list, but they also explain how most of the key ingredients work to help you work your hardest and gain real muscle mass. The keys to the formula are:

  • Ecklonia Cava which contains important polyphenols called Phlorotannins.
  • Holy Basil an adaptogenic herb that helps increase muscle mass.
  • Grains of Paradise which can help burn fat and increase energy.
  • Caffeine for the energy boost and increased focus.
  • Peak ATP which provides great muscle pumps as well as the kind of muscle energy that makes you work harder than you thought possible. In a clinical trial, subjects taking the Peak ATP gained 90% more muscle than those who didn’t, and they increased their strength by 147%.
  • Beta Alanine which increases endurance by fighting off muscle fatigue by delaying the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscles.

The recommended dose is 2 scoops mixed with water and taken 30-45 minutes before your workout. It’s advised that you start with 1 scoop to assess tolerance before increasing it to 2 scoops, which is the limit in a 24 hour period.

MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 Pros and Cons

Advantages of MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7

  • It’s specifically focused on the goals of increasing lean muscle mass and strength.
  • It comes in several flavors: Fruit Punch Blast, Blue Raspberry Explosion, Watermelon Fusion, and Icy Pink Lemonade.
  • Most of the MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 reviews I’ve seen are very favorable.
  • Even though it concentrates on muscle building, it doesn’t contain creatine, which is good for those who prefer to avoid it.

Disadvantages of MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7

  • It’s pretty expensive.

Where to Buy

You can purchase MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 online through the MuscleTech website or It’s also available at GNC if you want to pick it up there. The 50 scoop tub, which lasts less than a month at the full 2 scoop dose sells for $69.99 at GNC ($59.99 for members) or $47.99 at the MuscleTech website.


If bulking up is your goal and you’re not a fan of creatine, MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7 is a good pre workout to try. Some of the ingredients are backed up by clinical trials, and the word of mouth is good. It’s a little on the expensive side, but if it works, it’ll be worth it.

Have You Used MuscleTech #Shatter SX-7? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance Review


Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance Overview

The trend toward plant-based clean eating has a solid footing in the fitness community, but not so much when it comes to bodybuilding. That’s certainly true, but there are some exceptions. Of course they would intersect at some point. In order to accommodate the small but growing community of vegetarian and vegan lifters, products like Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance are sprouting up all over the place.

Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance, like the name implies, is a vegetarian pre workout formula designed to meld the healthy plant-based lifestyle with the healthy bodybuilding lifestyle. Since it provides sustained energy and endurance for your workouts with no artificial flavoring, coloring, or sweeteners, you can remain faithful to all your healthy lifestyle commitments. But of course, the most important thing is whether or not it works, so let’s take a look.

Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance ReviewOjio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance Ingredients and How They Work

With Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance, what’s not in it is almost as important as what is in it. What you won’t find are synthetic stimulants, artificial or processed sweeteners, or artificial flavors or colors. What you do find is a long list of superfoods and natural caffeine sources including:

  • Grass Juice Powders which provide countless health benefits as well as a boost of quick energy.
  • Spirulina which is rich in B vitamins and amino acids.
  • Matcha Green Tea which enhances metabolism and boosts the immune system.
  • Ashwadandha which fights fatigue.
  • Cordyceps which increases muscle energy.
  • Panax Ginseng for the energy boost.
  • Yerba Mate which provides a small amount of natural caffeine.
  • Palm Sugar which is a low glycemic index sweetener that won’t cause blood sugar spikes.

The recommended dose is 1-2 scoops mixed with a beverage and taken about 15 minutes to half an hour before your workout.

Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance

  • It’s vegan friendly.
  • It’s compatible with a clean plant-based nutrition lifestyle.
  • It provides energy with minimal caffeine and no artificial flavor or color.
  • It comes in natural as well as Berry and Green Apple flavors.

Disadvantages of Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance

  • It’s probably not right for you if you like stimulant-heavy pre workouts.
  • We didn’t find any Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance reviews from customers to fill us in on how it works and how it tastes.

Where To Buy

You can purchase Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance online through stores like Amazon and Lucky Vitamin. The 30 serving tub sells for $45 through both retailers. It’s also available on the Ojio website for $50.


If you’re into clean, plant-based eating and bodybuilding, you don’t have a ton of pre workout options. Give Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance a try. It’s not going to be like the stim-heavy options out there, but it’s got the added benefit of being good for your overall health and well-being.

Have You Used Ojio Sport Ultimate Green Energy Plant Based Performance? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Review


BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Overview
BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Ingredients and How They Work
BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Pros and Cons
Where to Buy

BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Overview

Gatorade is so last century. These days, workout enthusiasts want more than just hydration. We want muscle building and we want recovery. And that’s where BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink comes in. And with reportedly half of all NHL players drinking it on the bench, it’s getting a lot of buzz. So let’s dive in and see what BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink really is and whether or not it’s worth adding to your arsenal of supplements.

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BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink is not an energy drink. There are no stimulants in it. Though according to plenty of customer reviews, it has a way of providing energy during your workout. Its aim is to be a healthy supplement drink that aids in the growth of lean muscle mass in conjunction with your diet and workout regimen.

BioSteel HIgh Performance Sports Drink ReviewBioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Ingredients and How They Work

BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink isn’t an energy drink in the classic sense. There’s no caffeine, no stimulants, and no sugar. It relies on healthier alternatives, like hydration, to provide energy. Some of the formula highlights include:

  • BCAAs, or Branched Chain Amino Acids. These are the building blocks of your post workout muscle recovery. Taking them intra-workout ensures they are right there when you need them for your best workout recovery, building new muscle and minimizing soreness.
  • Electrolytes to maintain proper hydration while you’re working out. Nothing saps energy like being dehydrated. BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink prevents that from becoming a factor.
  • Choline Bitrate delays muscle fatigue during strenuous workouts.
  • Zinc and Magnesium which are both important components of several necessary chemical reactions within the body, including the production of testosterone.
  • B Vitamins which support both overall health and energy.

It’s recommended that you start with one scoop per 8 ounces of water. The claims is that it tastes great, and isn’t too sweet. But with the understanding that everyone’s tastes are different and you’re only going to drink it if like it at least to some extent, they recommend that you experiment to find what works best for you and your taste buds.

BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink Pros and Cons

Advantages of BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink

  • It’s promoted and used by NHL, NBA, and MLB players.
  • There are tons of great BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink reviews from customers who rave about their energy and recovery.
  • It’s sugar-free.
  • By most accounts, the flavor and mixability are good.

Disadvantages of BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink

  • It can get expensive if you use 2 scoops or more at a time, which is pretty common.

Where to Buy

You can find BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink available for purchase all over the place. It’s carried at GNC, so if you prefer buying at stores, you’re covered there. GNC sells the 60 scoop tub for $59.99, but members get it for $49.99. Online, you can pick it up at the BioSteel website for $59.99 or at Amazon for $69.27.


BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink is definitely worth a try. There are no stimulants, it’s sugar and gluten-free, and the customer feedback is almost universally positive. The only potential drawback is the price. It’s not that it’s crazy expensive, just that you can probably get similar results taking water and fruit before working out and a protein shake with BCAAs afterward.

If you have the extra cash to spare then I would say that BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink is a no-brainer to try out for yourself, however, if you are prone to pinching your pennies then I would recommend waiting it out and looking for a cheaper product that is going to give you the same benefits.

Have You Used BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink? Leave Your Review Below!

Closest Thing To Hydrocodone, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, and More


My Brief
What is Kratom??
How do I take it?
What Can I Expect To Feel?
Can you overdose on it?
Is it addictive?
Is there a withdrawal?
Where Can I Get It?
What Kind Should I Get?
Summary / Recommendation
I want to start this review off with a couple of disclaimers…

1.)  I am not, nor have I ever been, addicted to painkillers like Hydrocodone, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, etc.

2.)  I am not a doctor, so don’t construe this as medical advice.  Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement.

3.)  I am also not an addiction counselor, so if you’re fighting an addiction please don’t ask me for help.  That’s not what I’m here for, and there’s plenty of other places you can turn for that.

What I do here at is personally test out supplements and give my personal feedback as to how they worked for me.

supplements ive tested and evaluated

I do this to help people make smart buying decisions, and to give you a “no nonsense” feedback about the results I get.

I struggled for awhile on whether or not I wanted to publish this post to my readers.  I’m very hesitant to recommend anything that has the potential for addiction / withdrawal issues.  I care about my visitors, and they deserve to get the best information possible.

With that said, I would never recommend something that I haven’t personally tested myself.

I also wanted to state that none of the products on this page are technically over the counter drugs.

If you’re looking for an over the counter opiates list, you’ll be shit out of luck because one doesn’t exist.

Sure, you have:

  1. Advil – Not even close to being an opiate.
  2. Tylenol – Also not even close.
  3. Ibuprofren / Asprin – NSAIDs

Yes, all of these can provide effective pain relief at the right doses.

Yes, they’re all available over the counter.

But NO, none of them are opiates.

What I’m about to introduce to you is quite possibly the closest thing to NATURAL Hydrocodone that you will find ANYWHERE.

And you won’t even find it in your local CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, or any other prescription drug store.

That substance is called Kratom, and it will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF…

First, a bit of a background…

My Brief Opioid Medication History…

closest legal thing to hydrocodoneFirst off, I’ve never had any major injuries (knock on wood) that have caused me to use painkillers on a consistent basis.  However, since I’m not too big on flossing my teeth I HAVE had several dental surgeries performed, including several root canals and a tooth pulled.

Each time I was prescribed a pain killer, and each time I took it until there was nothing left in the bottle.  The feeling I got from them was exactly what you would expect.  They put me in a good mood, help me feel relaxed / pain free, and even give an added kick to any alcohol buzz I was feeling (obviously not recommended, but to each his own).

When the bottle would go empty, there’s a certain sadness that comes about…that little magic pill that could make you feel so good was finally gone.  Sure, I wanted more…But, I have PLENTY of friends and family who’s lives have taken a turn for the worse with their prescription painkiller addictions.

I knew EXACTLY what the long term consequences of taking opioid medications consistently were, and never felt the urge to try and “score” some off the street.  It’s an expensive habit, causes long term health issues, and ultimately your tolerance gets to a point where you’re taking it “just to feel normal”.

Still, I’m a creature of habit…I’m always looking for products to test out that help me perform better, get bigger muscles, melt fat away, and even help me sleep.  So, why not try and search around for something that could make me feel better??  Well, I finally found something that does just that.

How I Met Happiness…The Closest Thing To Prescription Painkillers

When I was researching / testing a substance called Phenibut, I came across a site called Top Extracts who sells a 99.99% pure version at a relatively modest price.

Just as I was about to checkout, I took a look at some of the other products they sold, and that’s when I came across a substance called Kratom…

What is Kratom??

Native to most of Southeast Asia, (Mitragyna speciosa korth) or Kratom is a tropical deciduous and evergreen tree in the coffee family.  It behaves as a mu-opioid receptor agonist like morphine, and is used throughout the world to help relive pain, reduce stress, and in some cases produce motivation and increased productivity.

How do I take it?

Kratom generally comes in 2 methods of ingestion, via powder mixed in a liquid or capsules.

kratom capsules vs powder

I prefer the powder version because they tend to produce better effects then those of capsules.

While the capsules are easy to take and transport, there’s just something about them that makes them not work as effective.

I’m not sure what it is, but it seems to hit WAY harder and is WAY more effective when it’s in powder form.

With Kratom powder, all you literally need to do is mix it in your drink of choice and gulp it down.  For me, I like to mix it with Gatorade G2 lemon lime flavor, but some guys mix it in milk, water, orange juice, even their morning coffee. (never tried this, so can’t comment)

Because it tastes like a tea (tastes, smells, and even looks like tea), alot of guys make it into a hot tea.

kratom tea

I’ve never been a big fan of hot tea, but if you’re looking for a recipe here’s one that seems to be popular.

What Can I Expect To Feel?

I have to admit, the first few times I tried Kratom I didn’t get much of an effect.  There was some noticeable giddiness / happiness, and an overall sense of calm and well being, but nothing revolutionary.

kratom capsules vs hydrocodone and vicodin

I realized, after much trial and error and research, that I was significantly under-dosing.  Typically I would only take a 1/4 of a teaspoon full and drink it slowly.

I decided to increase the dose to a full, level teaspoon and drink it slowly over the course of an hour on an empty stomach.  The results were TREMENDOUS…

It’s sort of a hard feeling to describe, but the way most Kratom extracts make me feel is a sense of sheer happiness, combined with an overall feeling of being perfectly content in the moment.

I could be watching the most boring TV show imaginable, and find enhanced interest in it.

I also notice a heightened state of awareness, almost a trance-like state of being in meditation.  Kratom works perfect to help ease anxiety, produce feelings of euphoria, and can even help with erectile dysfunction from my experience.

However, there are many different varieties of Kratom, all of which produce different effects (more on that later).

Can you overdose on it?

As far as I’m aware, no.

With that said, there has been 15 “kratom related deaths” between 2014 and 2016.

HOWEVER, in practically every single case it was noted that MULTIPLE other substances were involved (such as prescription drugs and alcohol) or the decedent had an undiagnosed medical condition.

So basically it was unclear if Kratom was the actual culprit.

And in all likelihood, it probably wasn’t.

When stacked up against other “Hard drugs” like tobacco, aspirin, and peanuts, the numbers are put in a more delicate context.

is kratom similar to hydrocodone

Is it addictive?

The answer to this one depends on who you ask, but lots of things are addictive.

Coffee can be addictive.

Sex can be addictive.

Even exercise can be addictive.

It’s addictive to be happy, and if something is making you feel happy then you’ll have the urge to keep taking it, right???

If you have an addictive personality (like myself), then it would be responsible for you to approach Kratom use with caution.

This is why I always suggest that you limit your use of Kratom products to just a few times per week, max.  With this stuff, the least amount seems to produce the most profound effect, while limiting any tolerance or addiction issues.

Is there a withdrawal?

Just like hydrocodone, oxycodone, vicodin, and oxycontin, yes.  There is certainly a withdrawal period after consistent daily use.  This all depends on your individual body chemistry, and how often you’re taking it.

I’ve personally experienced what I would consider to be a “withdrawal” from Kratom, just once.  I had taken it for about 4 days straight, rotating the various strains, and on the 5th day I decided not to take any.

The feeling was unpleasant, but not unbearable.  I felt groggy / tired, and a bit like I was coming down with the flu.  For me, this seemed to only last about a day, but of course it can last longer depending on how often / how much you dose.

That said, I have read some horror stories about people withdrawing from Kratom, and it’s not a substance to be taken lightly.  If you use it on an occasional basis like I do (couple of times per week max, at low doses) I would say you should have no withdrawal symptoms.

What’s The Legality?

In the United States, these legal vicodin alternatives are available in practically every state.

where is kratom legal

If you’re in the following states, you’re f#$cked (it’s illegal):  Rhode Island, Indiana, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Washington D.C., and Vermont.

If you’re in these states, you’re good to go (fully legal):  Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida (except Sarasota county), Georgia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington state, Nevada, California, Alaska, and Hawaii.

If you’re in these states, things are not looking good (legislation is pending):  New York, West Virginia, Mississippi.

Where Can I Get It?

There’s dozens of different vendors that sell Kratom, and I’ve had some very good (and very BAD) experiences with many of them.  I’ve bought Kratom from:

My personal favorite is a company called Top Extracts Kratom.  They are a medium sized vendor that sells practically every variation of Kratom you can think of.

top extracts kratom review
Top Extracts kratom offerings.

Their prices are reasonable, they ship very quickly, and their customer service is great.

Most important, it’s actually the HIGHEST quality / grade Kratom you can buy on the market from my experience.

Their Kratom comes on smooth, doesn’t give you any nasty side effects, and it works GREAT.

Here’s their website:

What Kind Should I Get?

Well, this is a bit of a tough one…What I found (and what seems to happen with EVERYONE who uses Kratom) is that EACH and EVERY strain seems to work differently in every person.  And by that I not only mean the strain, but also the amount that one takes, whether or not it’s on a full or empty stomach, time of day, hydration, etc.

Here’s a snapshot of my personal favorites:

kratom most like vicodin

HOWEVER, there’s A LOT of factors that go into determining which one will affect you in which way.  For me, these are what I take for certain situations (again, your experience will likely differ / vary, it will take some experimenting on your part):

1.)  Feel Relaxed / Good Mood / Pain Free

top extracts red bali powder

Typically I will get this feeling with Red Vein Bali, Super Green Malay, and White Indo.  These are my “lazy” days where I typically will take it to just kick my feet up, throw a movie on, and relax.

They provide a gentle “warming” sensation that literally makes you feel like you took a hydrocodone / vicodin pill.

Generally speaking, and this is with all kratom, the larger the dose the more euphoric the effects.  Now that doesn’t mean you should be chugging 20 grams of the stuff.

Think like 4 – 5 grams, which is about 1 level teaspoon (depending on the strain).

Here’s a link to buy the best strain for these effects:

2.)  Get Motivated / Productive / Focused 

Usually I get a strong effect from Maeng Da, Red Vein Indo, and Red Vein Borneo.  They seem to provide me with a consistent focus / motivation to help me get things done.

I usually take these 2 – 3 times a week when I’m a bit behind on schedule, and they never seem to fail me.

Unlike with the slow strains, you want to take as small a dose as possible.

Think like 2 – 3 grams, sometimes even less.

If you end up taking too much you’ll end up getting the sedating effects of Kratom, which is of course the opposite of what you’re shooting for in this case.

Here’s a link to buy the best strain for these effects:

3.)  Reduce Anxiety / Increase Social ability / Feel Happy

top extracts white borneo powder

White Vein Borneo.  Usually when I mix White Vein Borneo with a stimulant like Caffeine or 1,3, DMAA, I just feel really, really good.

It makes me very social-able and happy, as well as keeping anxiety levels at bay.

It’s kind of like a cross between the slower strains like Super Green Malay, and the faster ones like Maeng Da.

I like to take strains like this when I have chores to do for a couple of hours.

Here’s a link to buy the best strain for these effects:

Summary / Recommendation

The key thing to remember is practically ALL of the versions of Kratom will produce ALL of the positive feelings listed above.  However, each and every person WILL (I can’t stress this enough) respond to different types of Kratom and how much you’re taking.

This is why I recommend buying the beginners starter pack from Top Extracts.  It includes a 50 gram sample of Red Vein Maeng Da, Green Vein Malay, and White Vein Bali.

By doing this you’ll be able to see which type works best for you, and in which ways.  Here’s a link to their starter pack:

They also sell a capsule sample pack, which you can pick up here:

Personally speaking, I prefer the powders over the capsules, as it seems to hit harder and faster.

With that said, you can’t beat the convenience of capsules!

I ALWAYS recommend you start off with a very low dose (1 – 3 grams TOPS) to assess how you feel before moving on to bigger doses.

If you’re looking for a healthy, all-natural alternative to prescription medications like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, even Morphine, then Kratom might be worth your while.  It’s relatively inexpensive, legal (as of now), and will help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

That said, you know your body and you know your limits.  I would never recommend anything that I haven’t personally taken, including Kratom.  But use it responsibly and you should start feeling great in no time.

Check out our other “Over The Counter” series articles below:

Have You Used Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Stress ReliefAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Phenibut

#1 - Phenibut

Phenibut is by FAR the most effective stress relief product Ive ever come across.

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#2 – Kratom

#2 - Kratom

Kratom acts as an effective pain reliever AND can also help with anxiety dramatically.

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#3 – Kava Kava

#3 - Kava Kava

This particular brand of Kava is EXTREMELY effective at helping you calm down.

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Cellucor Alpha Amino Review – Does It Work?

Cellucor Alpha Amino Overview

Cellucor Alpha Amino is designated as an intra workout formula, but per the instructions you can use it any time of day, up to 4 times daily in fact. With zero calories and lots of amino acids, its goal is to keep your muscles in a state of readiness and repair, so it’s supporting your best muscle performance, whether it’s by giving it your everything for those last 2 reps or recovering after the fact. With just about everybody a fan with C4, Cellucor has a lot to live up to with this product. So we took a look to see if it delivers.

Cellucor Alpha Amino promises to fuel your inner alpha. Taken during your workout, it replenishes you with hydration and fortification. Post workout, it helps you recover and rebuild quickly, setting you up to succeed at even higher goals the next time. But since it takes more than name recognition to make a great product, let’s take a look at the formula.

Cellucor Alpha Amino ReviewCellucor Alpha Amino Ingredients and How They Work

Cellucor Alpha Amino is sugar free so it has that advantage over traditional sports drinks, but it doesn’t skimp on hydration. To that end, it’s got:

  • Chia Seed
  • Raw Coconut Concentrate
  • Hydromax

Together, these three will increase the concentration of fluid in your body’s tissue where it’s needed when you work this hard.

For recovery, BCAAs are present in abundance, along with a full compliment of 14 amino acids for protein synthesis. The BCAAs are in the recommended 2:1:1 ratio with 3 kinds of Leucine in the center stage position. There’s L-Leucine, Leucine Nitrate, and Leucine Peptides, all working to build and preserve your hard earned muscle mass.

The recommended dose is one scoop mixed in 8-12 ounces of water or other cold beverage. They don’t make a specific recommendation of exactly when to use it, but they caution you against taking more than 4 servings in a day.

Cellucor Alpha Amino Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cellucor Alpha Amino

  • It’s got a comprehensive amino acid formula, not just a dusting like some.
  • The Cellucor Alpha Amino reviews show overwhelmingly positive feedback. Customers love the taste and mixability, and they comment how they are well hydrated during and less sore after their workouts.
  • It comes in Fruit Punch, Grape, Icy Blue Razz, Lemon Lime, and Watermelon flavors.
  • It’s sugar-free and calorie-free.

Disadvantages of Cellucor Alpha Amino

  • It could get expensive if you drink it throughout the day.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Cellucor Alpha Amino online through or Amazon, or you can walk in and get it at your GNC store. The 30 serving tub costs $29.99 at whereas at GNC you’ll pay $70 for 60 servings ($60 if you’re a member). Look around for your best price and flavor deals.


Cellucor Alpha Amino is a very popular intra/post workout recovery and hydration drink. Customer feedback is almost completely enthusiastically positive. If you workout out hard and want an amino acid supplement for replenishment and recovery, you should check this out.

Have You Used Cellucor Alpha Amino? Leave Your Review Below!

HIT Igniter Extreme Review – Does It Work?

HIT Igniter Extreme Overview

HIT Igniter Extreme comes on strong with its promises of taking your workouts to heights you never thought possible, but does it deliver? It’s easy to hype up your product. Lots of companies do. It’s much harder to actually pull it off. Most companies don’t. We’ve heard some good things about HIT Igniter Extreme, so we decided to take a look.

HIT Igniter Extreme uses stimulants, vitamins, nitric oxide boosters, and amino acid boosters to amp up your workout. It feeds your muscles with what they need to perform at their peak, in this workout and every workout. So much so, that the promise is you won’t just reach your goals, you’ll surpass them.

HIT Igniter Extreme ReviewHIT Igniter Extreme Ingredients and How They Work

The HIT Igniter Extreme formula starts off with a B Vitamin Complex for energy. These include Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B5.

Then we get to the core of the formula, which includes:

  • Creatine. At 5.5 grams per serving, there’s enough to make an impact. A lot of pre workouts list creatine in their formula, but the amount isn’t anywhere near enough to be more than a blip on the radar. 5.5 grams daily is a decent maintenance dose, so it should be effective for increasing muscle power for better lifts.
  • Beta Alanine for musle endurance. By reducing the buildup of lactic acid, Beta Alanine allows you to go longer and harder before your muscles give out.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which helps improve the effectiveness of Beta Alanine.
  • Citrulline Malate which increases nitric oxide for better pumps.
  • Betaine for increased protein synthesis.
  • N-Methyl Tyramine Hydrohloride for a euphoric energy feeling, allowing you to think clearer and faster without a jittery feeling.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.
  • Theobromine for additional energy.

Instructions are to add a single scoop to 4-8 ounces of water and drink about 30-45 minutes before working out. If you need more of an edge, you can use up to 2 scoops per serving.

HIT Igniter Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of HIT Igniter Extreme

  • The formula is well-rounded and complete.
  • There are tons of positive HIT Igniter Extreme reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • People like the flavor.
  • It’s reasonably priced.

Disadvantages of HIT Igniter Extreme

  • Some reviewers aren’t feeling it. We didn’t find anyone with negative side effects, but did find a few with no results whatsoever.
  • At 300 mg per serving, it’s got a lot of caffeine, maybe too much for some.

Where to Buy

You can purchase HIT Igniter Extreme online through HIT directly or The 30 serving tub sells for $35.69, though I saw it for less at


The positive reviews alone seem to sell this stuff. I like that it contains so much creatine. And the reasonable price tag doesn’t hurt either. Go ahead and give HIT Igniter Extreme a try. Just be ready for a caffeine buzz.

Have You Used HIT Igniter Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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G6 Sports Pre Flight Review – Does It Work?

G6 Sports Pre Flight Overview

When you first start looking for workout supplements, the first thing you usually come across is a pre workout product. That’s because it’s pretty much where it all begins. The funny thing is years later, you’re probably still looking for that perfect pre workout. That happens for any number of reasons. Your body changes. You develop tolerances. Your needs change. You discover new things. New findings lead to new and improved formulas. Whatever our reasons, our search for the perfect pre workout goes on. And the one we’re looking out today is called G6 Sports Pre Flight.

G6 Sports Pre Flight is from G6 Sports Nutrition. It comes in a powder to be mixed with water and taken about 30-45 minutes prior to your workout. The idea is that it sends you and your workout soaring to heights you’ve never reached before. It combines energy and strength components in an effort to propel you forward.

G6 Sports Pre Flight ReviewG6 Sports Pre Flight Ingredients and how They Work

The G6 Sports Pre Flight formula contains a lot of the usual suspects when it comes to pre workout ingredients, like:

  • Beta Alanine for increased muscle endurance. It reduces the buildup of lactic acid in your muscles, which is what causes them to feel fatigued and make you think you just can’t push anymore.
  • Arginine AKG for increased nitric oxide leading to increased muscle pumps and energy.
  • Creatine to increase the power of you muscles so they can push harder.
  • Caffeine for energy and focus.

Then there are some less common, though not unheard of, components like:

  • Agmatine Sulfate which supports both creatine and protein synthesis in your body.
  • L-Histidine which increases the effectiveness of Beta Alanine.
  • Vanadyl Sulfate which improves athletic performance by enhancing the work of insulin.
  • Choline Bitartrate which can be used to delay fatigue while working out.
  • Pikamilon which increases focus and improves concentration.

The recommended dose is one scoop mixed with 8-10 ounces of water.

G6 Sports Pre Flight Pros and Cons

Advantages of G6 Sports Pre Flight

  • It contains a wide range of ingredients that address all the different components you’d want in a pre workout supplement.
  • The formula contains solid ingredients that we know work in pre workouts as well as more innovative ones.

Disadvantages of G6 Sports Pre Flight

  • There have been no clinical studies performed on it.
  • There are no G6 Sports Pre Flight reviews from customers available online.
  • It’s expensive.

Where to Buy

You can purchase G6 Sports Pre Flight online through the G6 Sports Nutrition website as well as Either way, a 30 serving tub sells for about $65-$70. it’s also available at GNC for about the same price.

Yeah, I know, that is pretty steep for a pre workout formula compared to others that you would find at GNC.


G6 Sports Pre Flight is a decent formula, but without clinical testing or positive customer feedback, it’s hard to justify spending $70 on a pre workout.

It is double the price of many similar pre workout formulas that seem to do the trick much better than G6 Sports Pre Flight.

Have You Used G6 Sports Pre Flight? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix Review

Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix Overview

Post workout recovery is crucial for getting in the best shape possible, especially when you’re in a bulking cycle. When you work out hard, you break down your muscle fibers. Immediately after that is when the rebuilding process begins, and if you want your best growth, you need to arm yourself with the best nutritional aids you can find. And that means protein, and more specifically BCAAs. Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix is a choice from Mike Chang’s SixPack Shortcuts line of supplements, and it’s the one we’re looking at today.

Mike Chang sprang to popularity with his SixPack Shortcuts and Abs After 40 workouts, and he soon branched out into the supplement game. Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix, taken immediately after your workout provides calories, protein, BCAAs and other nutrients essential to repair. So instead of wasting your efforts, you ‘ll be maximizing them.

Muscle Repair Replenishment MatrixMuscle Repair Replenishment Matrix Ingredients and How They Work

Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix is mainly designed for someone in a bulking phase, as there are over 200 calories per serving. Of course, if you burn a ton of calories, you can use Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix and still lose weight. Within that 200 calories, you ‘ll get:

  • 18 grams of whey protein
  • 30 grams of carbohyrates.
  • BCAA’s including L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Glutamine, and L-Taurine
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

The recommended dose is 1 scoop mixed with water and taken immediately following your workout. That way, the precise nutrients you need are there precisely when you need them. The results should be less soreness and better growth.

Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix Pros and Cons

Advantages of Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix

  • It contains a full 18 grams of protein as well as BCAAs for complete recovery.
  • It replenishes carbs post workout.
  • Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix reviews all say the flavor is pretty good.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix

  • It’s expensive.
  • It contains 200 calories, so it may not be the best choice if you’re cutting.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix through one of Mike Chang’s websites. For some reason, there are several different ones. Unlike some of his other products, it doesn’t look like buying this one will set you up for automatic payments, but it does cost $67 plus shipping. There is a money back guarantee for this product. And you can also buy it through for the same price if you prefer.


Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix looks like a decent post workout drink, but we have one significant reservation about recommending it. It’s very expensive. It costs $67 plus shipping, and it only comes with 20 servings in a tub. You can find something very comparable for a lot less money. And that’s what I’d recommend you do.

Have You Used Muscle Repair Replenishment Matrix? Leave Your Review Below!

SixPack Sleep Review – Does It Work?

SixPack Sleep Overview

One of most important things you can do to get in shape, whether you want to lose weight or pack on the muscle mass, is sleep. Getting enough sleep allows your body to recover and recharge. You body detoxifies while you sleep, and your muscle build and repair when you sleep. That’s the concept that drove Mike Chang’s group (makers of Six Pack Shortcuts and Abs After 40) when they created SixPack Sleep, the first sleep formula designed for athletes and fitness minded people to naturally enhance the building and retention of lean muscle.

It’s a great concept, but is it backed up by results? We took a look at the formula and the feedback, and the answer is a definite, “maybe not”. Read on for the details.

SixPack Sleep ReviewSixPack Sleep Ingredients and How They Work

SixPack Sleep helps you fall into a deep and restful sleep, and while you’re in that state, it encourages an increase in the natural production of both HGH (human growth hormone) and testosterone, both extremely important if you want to be strong and fit.

The formula contains 4 main ingredients:

  • GABA (aka Gamma-Aminobutyri Acid) is an important neurotransmitter in your brain that helps you get into a restful state.
  • Zinc and Magnesium which are essential for the body’s hormone production processes.
  • Valerian Root Extract which is commonly used in herbal sleep aids. It reduces anxiety and increases relaxation. It is thought to reduce the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep.
  • Melatonin is another ingredient commonly used in sleep aids. It helps you fall into a deep and restful sleep, and it may play a role in the regulation of human growth hormone.

These are all thought to be safe and to some degree effective, but how much of each is in a serving is not information they provide, which makes it hard to tell by looking at the formula whether or not it will be effective.

SixPack Sleep Reviews

That’s why we look at customer reviews whenever we can find them. Since SixPack Sleep is available on Amazon, we found several there, and they’re not very favorable. More than just a few customers found it to be completely ineffective:

Gohawks said, “Gave me insomnia. And since sleep is important to weight loss, I actually gained weight.”

Samo said, “Piece of crap. Does Not Work.”

Though there are some customers having better luck:

One customer states: “I hasn’t given me sixpack abs yet, but it’s helping sleep.”

SixPack Sleep Pros and Cons

Advantages of SixPack Sleep

  • The ingredients are all natural and not likely to cause side effects.

Disadvantages of SixPack Sleep

  • There are several pretty negative SixPack Sleep reviews from customers.
  • You might accidentally sign up for monthly charges if you’re not careful.

Where to Buy

You can pick SixPack Sleep at Amazon, but it’s primary point of purchase is one of Mike Chang’s websites. A bottle contains a one month supply and costs $67 plus $14.95 shipping and handling. If you choose to buy this way, you’ll need to sign up for automatic shipments every 30 days at that same price. It’ a lot like those free trial scams we come across so much, but there’s no free trial. If you like SixPack Sleep, it’s not a bad thing, but it is expensive, especially if you take other supplements on top of this one. Otherwise, you can buy it at Amazon as a one time purchase with no obligation. The price is also $67.


From the formula, SixPack Sleep looks like a decent herbal sleep aid, but there are a few downsides to consider. First of all, it’s very expensive. You can find something that does just as well getting you to sleep for a whole lot cheaper. Secondly, the reviews just don’t indicate that SixPack Sleep is all that effective. I’d go with something else if I were you.

Have You Used SixPack Sleep? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Sleep AidsAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Alteril

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Alteril is a VERY effective, non-addictive sleep aid that will leave you waking up refreshed.

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#2 – Ambesleep

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#3 – Somnapure

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If it wasn’t for the free trial billing nightmare, we probably would have ranked it higher.

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