Beastdrol v3 Review – Should You Use It?


The world of bodybuilding supplements is always changing, and that has as much to do with FDA regulations and bannings as it does with advancing scientific research and technology. Take Beastdrol form Muscle Research for example…

First there was Superdrol, but it turned out to be very toxic to the liver, so it was banned and replaced by Beastdrol v2. Not long after that, Beastdrol v2 got banned. But apparently, you can’t keep a good beast down, because Muscle Reasearch is back with Beastdrol v3.

They want you to believe Beastdrol v3 is every bit as effective as the original, but is that even possible? There are lots of skeptics out there, so we’ll be breaking it down to find out.

Benefits of Beastdrol v3

By using Beastdrol v3, in a few weeks, you should see moderate, dry, lean muscle gains. How much depends, of course, on your diet and workout regimen. But Beastdrol v3 helps with:

  • Increased muscle hardness.
  • Faster, more complete recovery between workouts.
  • More intense, hard-pushing workouts.
  • Increased vascularity and pumps.
  • Decreased body fat.
  • Minimal water retention.

Beastdrol v3 doesn’t convert to estrogen, and there are anti-estrogen components included in the formula as well. That means you’re not dealing with gyno or with gains that disappear post cycle because they’re primarily water.

Beastdrol v3 ReviewBeastdrol v3 Ingredients

The main component in Beastdrol v3 is 1-DHEA (aka 1-Androsterone) which converts to 1-Androstenediol, 1-Androstenidione and/or 1-testosterone. Basically, what you’re looking at is an androgenic potency of about the same as testosterone with a somewhat higher anabolic potency. It will not convert to estrogen, so you’re assured of getting 1-testosterone or 1-androstenediol.

Supporting ingredients include:

  • Fenugreek which can help support kidney function during your cycle as well as potentially improve athletic performance. It’s thought that it can increase testosterone, but the clinical evidence doesn’t support that line of thinking.
  • Armistane which is an Aromatase and Cortisol Inhibitor which means even less worry about bloat and gyno as well as less cortisol to put your body into stress management mode.
  • Acacetin which is yet another anti-aromatase/anti-estrogen compound.
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides which may increase natural testosterone and reduce inflammation. It also helps increase the assimilation and use of 1-DHEA and the rest of the ingredients.

How To Use Beastdrol v3

Each Beastdrol v3 capsules contains 100mg of 1-DHEA. You’ll need at least 300mg to be effective. Each bottle contains 90 capsules, so at a dose of 3 per day, a bottle will last through a 30 day cycle. Depending on your experience, size, and fitness level, you can take up to 600mg (6 capsules) a day. You’ll want to divide your dose into 2 or 3 smaller doses throughout the day, reserving your largest dose for about 45 minutes prior to your workout.

Beastdrol v3 Side Effects

One of the most dreaded side effects with prohormones is gyno. With the fact that 1-DHEA doesn’t convert to estrogen along with the fact that there are several anti-aromatase ingredients, you shouldn’t have to worry about that.

If you’re prone to male pattern baldness, Beastdrol v3 may hasten that effect. There’s also the potential for acne, headaches, aggression, and lowered good cholesterol levels. The most commonly reported side effect is a general lethargy.

Most of these side effects are considered to be mild, but if you are sensitive to them or take it and begin to experience them, pay attention to your body and think about stopping if need be.

Beastdrol v3 Cycle Support

While it’s less important than with previous versions, it’s recommended that you support your Beastdrol v3 cycle with liver support supplements. You may also want to add an extra estrogen blocker if you are prone to gyno.

You’ll also need to do PCT after your Beastdrol v3 cycle to maintain gains and make sure natural testosterone levels are back to where they need to be.

Stacking Beastdrol v3

You can use Beastdrol v3 alone or as part of a stack. Muscle Research recommends stacking Beastdrol v3 with something more estrogenic like 4-DHEA for bigger gains. Stacking with something like 19Nor-DHEA that converts to Deca would also increase gains and make them come quicker.

Whether you use it alone or with a stack, you won’t want to run Beastdrol v3 for longer than 6 weeks without taking a break.

Beastdrol v3 Reviews

Up till now, we’ve focused on what’s in Beastdrol v3 and what Muscle Research has to say about it. But in order to get a clear picture, it helps to what people who’ve used it have to say. And unfortunately for Beastdrol v3, this is where things start to fall apart.

I did find a few positive reviews scattered around, but most of what’s out there on the bodybuilding forums is that this version just doesn’t compare. Granted, it’s not surprising, just disappointing. As the FDA continues to ban ingredients that work (for good reason or not) it gets harder and harder to find supplements that do the job you’ve come to expect.

I look at it like this. Muscle Research’s hands are basically tied. I give them credit for trying, but actually, some of their customers wish they would just own up to the fact that Beastdrol can be no more, instead of trying to pass off this v3 as something just as good as the previous versions.

This guy sums up that feeling with his statement:

“I don’t see any anabolic ingredients in there. It seems to be missing the good stuff this time around. Dhea is worthless. Especially at 100mg per serving. Need to take at least 600mg ed would be 6 pills leaving you 15 days worth from tjis bottle. From someone who has been a mr supps pH customer for years, i am disappointed and insulted by beast3.0. There jas to be a better way to beat this pH ban.”

Others say they believe it’s helping, but results are slow in coming.

Where to Buy

You can pick Beastdrol v3 up online through StrongSupplementShop or the Muscle Research website. Prices are basically the same through both at $69.99. That’s for a 30 day cycle taken at the recommended dose.

Beastdrol v3 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Beastdrol v3

  • Muscle Research hasn’t given up on its popular prohormone line.
  • It contains several anti-aromatase ingredients and the 1-DHEA doesn’t convert to estrogen so gains are hard and dry.
  • There are some positive reviews from guys getting decent, yet slow results.

Disadvantages of Beastdrol v3

  • By most accounts, it doesn’t live up to its predecessors.
  • You still have to do in cycle and post cycle support, even though you’re not getting as effective results.
  • It’s banned by doping agencies.


If you’re a die-hard Beastdrol fan, you’re probably going to want to try Beastdrol v3 no matter what. You may get some results if you support your cycle with a solid diet and exercise routine. But if you are looking for something reminiscent of the old Superdrol days, you will most probably be disappointed.

At $69.99 for 30 days worth of supplements is an awful lot to ask for unless it is truly a miracle supplement, so to speak.

Have You Used Beastdrol v3? Leave Your Review Below!

Lumonol Review – Should You Use It?

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Lumonol website.

Cognitive enhancement is taking the supplement world by storm. Ever since Bradley Cooper killed it in the stock market and wrote an entire book in a night, millions are on a quest for that illusive “Limitless” pill.

Who wouldn’t want something that could increase productivity and seemingly turn you from a man of normal intelligence to a titan of industry and perfect specimen of intellect overnight?

The truth is that movie is fiction. But it’s also true that there are substances that can help you think more clearly, focus more intently, and remember more vividly. They’re called nootropics, and you’ll find them in supplements and stacks designed to help you achieve higher brain function.

Lumonol is a ready made nootropic stack supplement made by a company called Avanse Nutraceuticals. First we’ll talk a bit about nootropics in general. Then we’ll look specifically at Lumonol to see if it lives up to everyone’s very high expectations.

Click Here
to jump to my personal results with Lumonol.

What Are Nootropics?

You’re probably familiar with Adderall, the drug prescribed by doctors to their ADD/ADHD patients. In the simplest terms, it’s a stimulant with additional benefits of calming your mind and increasing your focus so you can pay more attention, think more clearly, and remember things better and longer. For years now, people without ADHD have been using Adderall off-label to get those same benefits so they can be more productive at school or work.

Nootropics are natural substances, available over-the-counter, that can mimic the effects of Adderall and other ADHD drugs. So instead of buying and using Adderall illegally, you can go with over-the-counter nootropics and get similar results without the hassle and entanglements that come with trying to get your hands on prescription drugs.

You can buy nootropic powders and experiment to find a stack that works best for you. Lots of folks have great success with this method. But it does take a lot of time and attention to research all the potential benefits and drawback of each ingredient. Another way to go is by purchasing a ready made formula in pill form. That’s what Lumonol is.

Lumonol Benefits

The promise of Lumonol is that your brain will be firing on all cylinders. You’ll see:

  • Enhanced focus and concentration.
  • Boosted memory.
  • Optimized overall mental performance.
  • Increased creativity.
  • Decreased anxiety and mental fatigue.

Lumonol Ingredients and How They Work

The backbone of any supplement is of course its formula. In order to be effective, it has to put all the right pieces together to achieve that goal. In the case of Lumonol, those pieces are divided up into the 3 separate functions they perform:

The Memory Blend totals 285mg and contains:

  • Noopept which is really the backbone of the whole formula. It was first used to improve the memory of Altzheimer’s patients but has also been found to help those without degenerative disease. It works through improvements in the AMPA and NMDA brain receptors responsible for learning and increasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine for learning and memory.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which clears toxins and waste through increased blood flow. It also enhances dopamine production for increased mood. It does this by blocking MAO production which itself blocks dopamine release.
  • Panax Ginseng which improves memory and recall through increasing the function of 20 different glands throughout the body.
  • CDP Choline (aka Citicholine) which is necessary for the proper and full functioning of the brain’s neurotransmitters. You can get it from food, but it is not generally abundant in the average American diet. (Some of the best sources are liver and dark green veggies so it’s no wonder.)

The Focus blend totals 500mg and contains:

  • Acetyl L-Carnitine which crosses the blood brain barrier and joins forces with choline to form acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter essential for all kinds of mental activity.
  • L-Tyrosine which complements all the other nootropic ingredients centered on focus by increasing neurotransmitter production. It also reduces stress chemicals in the brain, allowing a more relaxed focus on the task at hand.
  • Phosphatidylserine which is a popular nootropic substance for its ability to directly increase focus through an increased rate of glucose metabolism. Since glucose provides cognitive energy, the brain has an increased capacity for focus and concentration.

The Energy Blend totals 375mg and contains:

  • Guarana which is an all natural source of caffeine and other energizing compounds that produce alertness, confidence, and even an increase in metabolism.
  • Hordenine which increases dopamine by blocking Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) which otherwise breaks it down. That dopamine increase keeps mood and motivation up.
  • Picamilon which creates a sense of calm alertness. By facilitating the crossing of the blood brain barrier, it improves the functionality of each of the other ingredients. In Europe, Picamilon is only available with a prescription.
  • Vitamin B12 which provides lasting energy and fights general fatigue. The particular type of B12 used in Lumonol (Methyl B12) provides protection against neurotoxicity and reduces brain fog.

Click here for a picture of the label.

How To Use Lumonol

It’s recommended that you start out with a reduced dose of one capsule in the morning to assess your tolerance and mitigate any potential side effects. You would follow this protocol for one to a few days, leading up to the regular dose of 2 capsules. You can take it with a meal if you choose, but it’s best not to take Lumonol too close to bedtime as you may have difficulty falling asleep.

Lumonol should be cycled using a 90 days on, 15-30 days off schedule to maintain effectiveness by managing tolerance.

The Lumonol Website

The official Lumonol website is extremely dense with information. There are pages devoted to nootropics in general, to the specific ingredients in Lumonol itself, to FAQs, to testimonials, to ordering, and to other Lumonol products.

  • Lumonol Nova is devoted more to energy, mood and motivation and is based on a caffeine/theanine stack.
  • Lumonol Luna is about getting a good night’s sleep and all the benefits to cognition, weight loss, and overall health that come along with it.

Lumonol Side Effects

According to Lumonol themselves, you get all the cognitive benefits without any of the side effects. But there are a few things we think you should be aware of. Certainly, no supplement can claim to be side effect-free for everyone. You may react negatively to the caffeine content for instance. That’s why they recommend you start with a half dose.

With that said, Lumonol is generally safe for most users and I didn’t notice any side effects whatsoever from taking it. (more below)

My Personal Results

lumonol reviewAt the request of one of my visitors, I ordered a bottle of Lumonol to try out personally. The visitor who asked that I try it had previously been taking Adderall for a couple of years, but decided to come off of it and go the “all natural” route.

She sounded pretty optimistic that I would like it, saying that “these pills gave me back my motivation, enthusiasm, energy, focus, and confidence”.

As soon as I heard that, I knew I had to try it.

I tried 2 pills for the first time on Thursday, and I have to say I was VERY impressed.  It started to work really quick, and I could feel it’s initial effects kick in within about 20 min.

The best way I can describe it is…you know the feeling of “the fog being lifted” from your head after you’ve had that first cup of coffee / tea / latte / whatever it is you drink first thing in the morning??

Well, it was just like that, but MUCH more pronounced.  It wasn’t like a sudden moment of clarity or anything, but it felt more like as the minutes ticked by I was getting more amped to get things done.

I’m not saying it got me amped like a Adderall or Vyvanse pill would, but I could feel the motivation surging much more then if I was just drinking a cup of coffee.

One thing I could tell that it has a good amount of Guarana Extract in it, because I could literally taste it on my tongue.  It’s a weird aftertaste-like effect that almost has a coffee flavor to it.  Sometimes that leaves me with a feeling of dry-mouth, but that wasn’t the case this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drink alcohol when taking this?

Not recommended.  While there probably wouldn’t be any particular interactions with the ingredients in Lumonol, alcohol CAN and WILL affect your focus and concentration on it’s own.

Do they have a free trial available?

Not that I’m aware of.  They do have a “rewards” membership program which entitles you to earn money when you place an order, get exclusive coupons and discounts, and even earn money by referring your friends.

How do I take it?

The directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules of Lumonol on an empty stomach to get the best results.

Lumonol Pros and Cons

Advantages of Lumonol

  • Works GREAT for helping you get stuff done.
  • Doesn’t come on too strong.
  • No side effects for me. (insomnia, anxiety, etc.)
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The formula covers a lot of the bases you’re looking for in nootropics.
  • There are lots of positive testimonials on the Lumonol website.

Disadvantages of Lumonol

  • It’s a bit on the expensive side.
  • It’s not available in stores.

Where to Buy

Lumonol is only available through their official website, A single bottle contains a thirty day supply of 60 capsules and costs $59.97. Like most online supplements, you’ll save money if you buy in bulk. For instance, you can buy three bottles for $119.97, which means you’re only paying $40 per bottle.

Lumonol offers a 90 day money back guarantee that applies to one used bottle and all unopened bottles that you return.

As far as I can tell it’s not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, or even Amazon.


All in all, I have to say Lumonol works quite well.  Is it better than Optimind?  I’m a bit torn on that one.  The first time I used Optimind my experience was MUCH more dramatic than it was with Lumonol.

Personally speaking, I think if you’re looking for something more “short-term” then Lumonol is the way to go.  If you’re looking for something to work in the long-run, then I would recommend either Optimind or Mind Lab Pro.

At the very least, you can get some great short term effects from Lumonol that will instill confidence, increase focus and hopefully help you create a better work output and boost productivity.

The only downside I would say is the price.  At $60 a bottle, it’s not cheap, at least compared to most other nootropic supplements.

Have You Used Lumonol? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic Review content/uploads/2015/10/139454_1
Image cred: Lucky Vitamin

Losing fat can be an uphill battle. Whether it’s for your upcoming competition, a day at the beach, or simply because you wanna drop those extra pounds that always seem to latch on over the holidays. Fat burners like Performix SST might do the trick (as you’ll soon find out), but it’s best not to put 100% of your trust in a pill to zap those pounds. After all, we have a general idea of what else it takes to lose weight: a good diet and workout plan that achieves the right calories-in v. calories-out ratio.

But knowing and doing are two very different beasts. That’s why the weight-loss industry rakes in billions of dollars every year offering help, advice, support, tricks and tips, and anything else they can manage to convince you might find success.


Some products focus on the general dieting population. That’s where you’ll find most of your Dr. Oz fad supplements, like Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones. Others focus on the bodybuilding community for guys and gals who want energy and fat burning to help cut that stubborn layer of chub covering up their hard-earned muscles. Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic falls in this second category.

Using their Terra Intelligent Dosing technology, Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic promises to provide energy, focus, and the fat burning you need to fine-tune your body, making it gym and competition ready.

Performix SST dosing technology.
Performix SST dosing technology. Image cred:

What are the Performix SST Ingredients?

Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic ReviewJust as important to the performance profile as the active ingredients are the phases of ingredient release, which we’ll get into after we list the ingredients, which is a proprietary blend that includes:

  • Citrus Aurantium (Synephrine) which is often thought of as a replacement for Ephedrine once it was banned. It helps control appetite while improving focus and mood. It even provides thermogenesis by increasing your core temperature and metabolism.
  • Yohimbine is another stimulant that carries additional benefits of fat release. You should be aware, though, that the FDA recommends against the use of Yohimbine because it often causes jitters and heart racing, and sometimes causes more serious issues like a dangerous drop in blood pressure.
  • Ashwagandha fights against overall fatigue by acting on the adrenal glands.
  • Choline helps boost focus and sharpness of mind.
  • Niacin helps keep you calm and focused.
  • Caffeine stimulates you in terms of both energy and metabolism. It also suppresses your appetite and improves physical performance.
  • Mucuna Pruriens boosts mood by increasing the release of dopamine.
  • Huperzine A also improves mood and increases focus.
  • Vitamin B12 is great for increasing cellular energy for a significant boost without the crash.

How Does Performix SST Work?


Most discussions of the Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic formula put a lot of focus on their Terra extended release technology. It’s at the core of all Performix products. Basically what it does is use special coatings encasing the active ingredients so they can be released over time and at the proper pH levels, working for hours longer than the competition. This works in 4 phases:

  • Terra 1 is the Introduction Phase where thermogenesis is first stimulated. Heat is increased and your BMR is raised. This is when the Ashwaghanda, Caffeine, and Huperzine A are first released.
  • Terra 2 is the Chill Phase where your heightened BMR is sustained by the release of Yohimbe and Citrus Aurantium, and the breakdown of fat occurs.
  • Terra 3 is the Sustain and Block Phase where the body is manipulated to keep the fat burning BMR at that higher rate.
  • Terra 4 is the Transition Phase where the large dose of B12 is released, supporting sustained energy that lasts throughout the day with no crash. content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 11.55.38
Image cred:

Performix SST FAQ’s

How should I take Performix SST?

Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic comes in both liquid capsule and powder form.

For the capsules, it’s recommended that you take 2 in the morning on an empty stomach, and not to exceed 6 in a day.

For the powder, you’ll take 3 scoops mixed with water in the morning.

For both formulations, it’s not advised that you take them within 6 hours of bedtime, as the stimulants will make it tough to fall asleep.

Taking Performix SST at night is like chugging 2 cups of coffee before bed.
Taking Performix SST at night is like chugging 2 cups of coffee before bed. Image cred: Men’s Health

Can I drink alcohol while taking Performix SST?

You probably shouldn’t. . . and it just sounds like a shitty time anyway.

But seriously, the caffeine content alone is 200mg, which is like downing two cups of coffee. Thermogenics, like Performix SST, are based on caffeine and other stimulants that are proven to increase heart rate. Then you’ve got alcohol coming in as a depressant to slow it down. So when you mix the two, bad things can happen. You might experience heart palpitations, nausea, headaches, etc. content/uploads/2015/10/xanax for nausea
Image: Xanax-wiki

Think of it like mixing energy drinks with alcohol (fat burners, like energy drinks, are stimulant rich). We all know how this ends. You want to go full speed, but your heart and body won’t let you. It’s like trying to drive 80 mph in first gear. Stuff’s probably gonna hit the fan. So remember, next time you’re at the club, maybe hold off on that Red Bull Vodka. In fact, think twice about having drinks at all when you’ve got loads of stimulants coursing through your veins.

Stimulants and alcohol are a bad mix.
Stimulants and alcohol are a bad mix.

A final thought on this. . . if you’re trying to lose weight, alcohol probably isn’t the best option anyway. Sacrifice a few drinks and be better for it. Would a little bit of alcohol hurt? Maybe not. But why chance it?

Can I take it if I have high blood pressure?

Here’s why I wouldn’t. . . Many users of Performix SST have experienced increased heart rate and a spike in blood pressure. If you already happen to run high, the stimulants in this supplement are definitely not going to do you any favors.

High blood pressure + more high blood pressure = a potential visit to the ER. Is it worth it? Probably not.

You can read all about how high blood pressure is the “silent killer” here on content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 12.23.31

What are the side effects of Performix SST?

It’s no secret that fat-burners come with certain risks. “Unfortunately, even over-the-counter thermogenic supplements are associated with significant side effects, many of which can be life-threatening.” Source

Because of the high stimulant content of Performix SST, there are a slew of side effects that come with the territory. The side effects can range from heart problems, to insomnia, and even diarrhea and vomiting.

Performix SST side effects.
Performix SST side effects.

First off, there’s the caffeine, and we know the negative effects of too much of this stimulant. Maybe you’ve even been in this user’s shoes once before:

Negative user review of Performix SST.
Negative user review of Performix SST.


Oh yes, and one of the main ingredients is Ashwagandha, which has been known to cause multiple trips to the porcelain throne.

Ashwagandha, a main ingredient in Performix SST, is known to cause upset stomach.
Ashwagandha, a main ingredient in Performix SST, is known to cause upset stomach.

If the Ashwagandha doesn’t have you squeezing your butt cheeks together tighter than a trumpet, then leave it up to its old pal Huperzine A to do the trick. As WebMD explains. . . 

Huperzine A is known to cause the runs.
Huperzine A is known to cause the runs.

I looked through the Amazon reviews, and many complained of racing-heart syndrome and nauseousness after taking Performix SST. As you’ll see below in the ‘User Reviews’ section, one user wrote “I felt like I was going to puke up my organs…” Ew, right?

Another user said “it intensified migraines. . . not what I was looking for! Only took 4 pills and it’s on the shelf. Don’t know what to do with it. If you experience migraines beware!”

Another guy experienced the classic “Oh SH#% I’m gonna die” symptoms:

One user of Performix SST feared for his life.
At least one user of Performix SST feared for his life.

Let’s put that heart rate of 177 in perspective now. It’s fast. Really, really fast. Like Go Speed Racer fast. Have a look at the chart below for typical heart rates at different ages. You’ll see that 177 bpm falls in the danger zone for most adults.

Typical heart rates by age. 177 is nearly off the charts.
Typical heart rates in BPM by age. 177 is nearly off the charts.

Which brings me to my next point. . .

Is Performix SST safe?

Define “safe.”

Kidding. . . well, we’ve covered the major side effects and talked about what you might expect while taking Performix SST. But is it safe? That’s a difficult question to answer. It’s likely safe for most people. But then again, you’ve read some of the horror stories experienced by others.

The makers of the supplement thought it necessary to include this on the label: “Do not use this product continuously for more than 8 weeks.” That should shed some light on the potency and power of the ingredients.


While people have actually died from taking similar fat-burner supplements, I haven’t heard of any deaths caused by Performix SST. So there’s that.

At the end of the day, this supplement is definitely not safe for some people, but everyone’s system reacts differently to heavy stimulants. So I really can’t say for sure that it’s safe or unsafe. It depends. Maybe it’s not worth the risk though. . . that’s something that you have to use your best judgement on. Or, better yet, seek expert medical advice before taking this or any other fat-burners.

Will it show up on a drug test?

No, Performix SST will not show up on a drug test, as it does not contain any illegal drugs.

Should I take Performix Pre Workout with SST?

You certainly can. This lady below did, and she seemed to have favorable results. Have a look at the video:

Performix Ion is the name of the pre-workout she talks about. It get’s pretty decent reviews on Amazon, where it’s sold for $19.99.

Performix Ion pre-workout gets 4-stars on Amazon.
Performix Ion pre-workout gets 4-stars on Amazon.

The woman in the video has been taking both products for a week and has already lost an inch around her waist. She’s also noticing “slightly bigger” biceps. Overall her strength is increasing and the supplements together are helping her to maintain her energy levels throughout the day and get better performance in the gym. She admits she’s not been on a strict diet, and knows her results would be better if she did. She recommends taking both products, while simultaneously keeping to a healthy diet.

Also, if you’re of the lady persuasion and want to know the best female fat-burners, read all about ’em here.

Who Makes Performix SST?

Performix, LLC are the makers of the product. They’re based out of Denver, CO. I like that on their website they show pictures and have short bios of their team members, as many supplement companies choose to go under the radar and not share this info. content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 9.22.29
image credit:

Performix SST vs. Hydroxycut

First, let’s get this outta the way. There are several types of Hydroxycut, all made by MuscleTech. These include Hydroxycut SX7, HD, and Pro Clinical. But Hydroxycut SX7 seems to be the most popular in the group, so for a clean comparison, let’s compare Performix SST with Hydroxycut SX7.

Hydroxycut SX7 bottle.
Hydroxycut SX7 bottle. Image cred:

What is the Price Difference?

Hydroxycut is the less expensive of the two, coming in at about $0.35 per capsule, while Performix SST typically costs no less than $0.49 per capsule even in their bulk size (120 capsules).

Hydroxycut SX7 price
Hydroxycut SX7 price

What is the Difference in Ingredients?

Both products contain caffeine and other stimulants, but the two truly stand apart.

Performix SST uses a special treebark extract called Yohimbine to boost calorie burning, as well as a Chinese herbal blend called TeaCrine to boost mood and performance. Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are also used, helping the body to burn fat. Performix SST also contains Ashwagandha, a powerful herb (as we’ve established), while Huperzine A, an extract made from a Chinese moss, works to lower stress and help the brain communicate effectively with the muscles.

Here is the full list of Performix SST Ingredients:

Ingredients of Performix SST.
Ingredients in Performix SST. Image cred: Testosterone Pills Australia.

On the other hand, Hydroxycut’s main ingredient is caffeine from green coffee bean extract (400mg!). However, the makers of the supplement place a lot of emphasis on delivering “the strongest sensory experience” with a patent pending combo of Myristica, Salvia, and Ecklonia (a mix of nut, herb, and algae).

Here is the full list of Hydroxycut SX7 ingredients:

Hydroxycut SX7 ingredients
Hydroxycut SX7 ingredients. Image cred:

Amazon Reviews of Hydroxycut SX7:

Hydroxycut SX7 Amazon reviews.
Hydroxycut SX7 Amazon reviews.

People seem to like the stuff.

One reviewer was happy that he got all the energy without those pesky jitters:

Positive review of Hydroxycut SX7
Positive review of Hydroxycut SX7

And another user adds a little wisdom, saying you need to maintain a healthy diet if you’re looking for optimal results:

Another positive Hydroxycut SX7 review.
Another positive Hydroxycut SX7 review.

The negative reviews mostly complain of the supplement having no effect at all. Call me crazy, but I would take “no effect” any day over the near-death experiences some of the Performix SST users complain about.


Money Back Guarantee

If you’re unhappy with either of these products and want to cash in on their money back guarantee, you’ll need to pay for return postage yourself. See more details on the two brand’s return policies here: Hydroxycut Return Policy and Performix Return Policy. But that’s why we read the reviews, right?

Performix SST Vs. Performix SST V2X content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 11.22.29
Image cred:

OK, by this point we should have a good idea of what to expect with Performix SST. But what about Performix V2X. What is it and how does it compare?

The folks at tout this V2X supplement as the bees knees when it comes to “unrelenting energy,” “advanced fat metabolism,” and “heightened mental focus.”

It’s a thermogenic, just like SST, but on steroids (proverbially speaking). . .

Performix V2X according to
Performix V2X according to

Below is the ingredient list for Performix V2X. You’ll notice that this formula has 33% more caffeine than the SST formula. How’s that for a kick in the pants? It also contains their trademarked KINETIQ ingredient for faster metabolism. content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 11.25.42

Similar to the SST formula, the V2X works in 4 phases. You can read all about it in this in-depth review of Performix SST V2X.

BUT. . . the price is out of this world. 120 capsules will set you back $130 if you buy from their website.

Performix V2X is an investment of epic proportions.
Performix V2X is an investment of epic proportions.

Or almost $80 if you go the route. content/uploads/2015/10/screenshot 2018 06 16 at 11.13.41

Overall the reviews of the V2X formula are positive, and in fact it gets better reviews than any supplement mentioned in this entire review. Most reviewers were pleasantly surprised with the incredible boost in energy the supplement gave them. Have a look and see that 64% of users gave the product 5-stars on

Performix V2X gets pretty good reviews
Performix V2X gets pretty good reviews

And users who reviewed the V2X formula on echoed these sentiments:

Positive reviews of Performix SST V2X on
Positive reviews of Performix SST V2X on

What do the Performix SST Reviews say?

Customer feedback on Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic is pretty mixed. It’s one of those Love-it-or-hate-it products.

Positive Reviews

Kick your day into high gear with this. I take two in the morning, and I’m still buzzing all day long. I don’t crash at night. Buy it and buy a lot of it!

My wife and I are both using it now. Love the boost in energy. We both take two in the morning. Caffeine is strong but the burn goes all day because of the capsules. Fantastic results after one month of use.

Worked great started with 1 a day for 1st week then went to 2 a day after gave me good energy without the shakes no crash later on in the day using for almost a month now lost about 10 – 12 lbs so far.

As you can see, most of the positive feedback comes from people who like the energy. There’s not a whole lot of talk about the thermogenic side of things.

Performix SST is a love it or hate it kind of supplement.
Performix SST is a love it or hate it kind of supplement. Image cred:

Negative Reviews

As for negative reviews, they fall into 2 major categories. People either find it doesn’t work for them at all:

I tried the next day both pills with an empty stomach and nothing again! No more energy and it didn’t suppress my appetite either.

Or they got terrible side effects:

Didn’t really do anything except get my heart and body racing.

Today I woke up took the two pills and about a half hour later went outside to run. Couldn’t finish 3 miles and I kept having to stop and sit down from nausea and feeling like I was going to puke up my organs.

Another pretty common complaint is that Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic costs too much.

Where to Buy

You can find Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic at GNC which is a big plus for a lot of people. 60 capsules will last you a month when taken as directed, and the bottle costs $99.99. If you have a GNC memberhip, you’ll save a whopping $35.00 with a price of $64.99. At Amazon, it gets even better. They charge $53.29 for those 60 capsules, and that’s pretty comparable to what you’ll pay at

Performix SST Pros and Cons

Advantages of Performix SST

  • The formula is strong on energy and focus.
  • There’s plenty of positive feedback about the energy Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic provides.

Disadvantages of Performix SST


  • Yup, it can be very expensive.
  • The fact that all the stimulants are in a proprietary blend means we just don’t know how stimulant-heavy the formula is.
  • It contains Yohimbe which is known to cause negative side effects in some people.
  • Customer feedback shows that some people respond with jitters and nausea.


For some people, Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic provides a nice energy level that lasts through workouts and all day long. For others, it does nothing. For still others, it makes them feel sick with a host of other symptoms.

At the $99.99 price point, I’d advise anyone to stay away. If you can pick it up for less and you’re looking for sustained energy, give it a try with just one pill at first. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll be fine at one capsule, and at 2 you’ll feel great all day. If not, you’ll get no results or worse.

If you’ve got disposable cash, give Performix SST Suspension Super Thermogenic a try. If not, go with something with a more consistent tract record of success.

I highly recommend reading this super in-depth review I did of over-the-counter phentermine weight loss alternatives.

Have You Used Performix SST? Leave Your Review Below!!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nootropic Supplements We’ve Tested

nootropics weve testedNootropic supplements have definitely been heavy on my radar for the last year or so.  They also happen to be one of the fastest growing niches in the supplement market, with new ones coming out practically every day.

Some of these worked quite well, and others, not so much…

Many of them have claimed to be essentially legal otc adderall, which if true would be a real game changer.

Below is a list of the products that I have had a chance to test out. Some of them I used for just a few days, some for weeks, and some for months.

Some of them I actually still use on a daily basis.

If you don’t see the one you’re looking for listed here, there’s a good chance I’ve written about it.

If you have a specific product you’d like me to test out, you can contact me and I’ll try to get around to it as soon as possible.

It’s nearly impossible for me to try ALL of them, but if it looks interesting enough, I’ll try it. (*Top Recommended Products Are Bolded)

A - EF - MN - X
Absorb Your Health Nootropics
Add Tabz
Alpha ZXT

Brain Alert
Brainstorm Elite

Cerebral Success


Enhanced Mind IQ
Focal Fuel

Focus Factor
Focus Formula
Focus XT



Limitless Forte

Mental Bright
Mind Boost
Mind Lab Pro
Neuro 3x


Phenibut XT

Realized Nootropics

Synagen IQ

Tru Brain

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

X4 Labs Extender Review – Does It Work?

Probably the question I get most from guys visiting is “What pill can I take to make my penis bigger?” It’s true. Every guy wants a bigger dick, and they’re all hoping to get it by simply taking a pill. They even hope that they can take the pill for just a few weeks or months and keep the growth forever.

I’ll tell you what I always tell them. Unfortunately, there is no such pill. Supplements can be great for helping you get a solid erection that lasts and for lifting your libido to new heights. But if penis enlargement is what you’re looking for, you’re not going to get it from a pill.

But that doesn’t mean you’re out of options and stuck with the size you were born with. There are manual exercises that can help. There are pumps you can use. But the overall best and most permanent results will come from using an extender device.

What Is The X4 Labs Extender?

X4 Labs Extender is a very popular penile extender device. Basically how it works is by applying a constant, gentle tension to your member that over time can cause significant lengthening. You wear the device each day for hours at a time, and you’ll see the incremental increases.

How Extender Devices Work

X4 Labs Extender ReviewBy consistently applying tension to stretch your penis ever so slightly, your cells begin to divide, creating more mass in the process. For a clearer picture of how it works, think of the Long Neck women of the Karen Tribe in Thailand. By applying consistent tension for years and years, the women’s necks become elongated, which to them is a sign of beauty and tradition. By applying ring after ring year after year, some women attain a great deal of length to their necks.

The X4 Labs Extender works on the same principle. You put the head of your penis through the hole in the base, you secure it using whichever method (the silicone harness or comfort straps) you find more comfortable and effective.

Then it’s the mechanism of the rods, springs, and tension screws that provide the tension that’s going to give you the growth. You add or remove rods based on the size you are currently at, and the springs and screws adjust to provide the correct tension. As growth occurs, you add longer rods.

The stretching breaks down body tissue, which then puts you into growth and repair mode, a lot like how weight lifting breaks down muscle tissue so it can be rebuilt bigger and stronger.

Benefits of X4 Labs Extender

If you’ve read any of my penis extender device reviews or discussions, you know that the most important feature for success is comfort. X4 Labs Extender will only work if you wear it consistently. And you’ll only wear consistently it if it’s comfortable. For a lot of devices, that’s a big problem. Finding an extender you can comfortably wear for hours at a time isn’t easy, which is why X4 Labs Extender is so customizable, with comfort velcro straps, memory foam padding, and no slippage silicone tubing.

In addition to all the comfort options, X4 Labs Extender offers a range of sizes and support systems which allows you to choose which combinations of options work best for you. They’re got size options, comfort options, add-on options, all to make your fully customizable experience work for you in the end.

X4 Labs Extender Packages

The X4 Labs Extender offers several different packages ranging in price from $90 to $280. The $90 package (X4 Labs Deluxe Edition) is the base model, and has everything you need to achieve success. The pricier versions come with more bells and whistles as well as more add on bonuses, like DVDs, a a fancy case, and cleaning solution.

On the X4 Labs Extender website, there’s a comparison function that lets you choose 3 packages and compare them side by side. This is a great feature as it allows you to really see what features are available so you can make the most informed choice regarding what you need and which one delivers the most value for you.

Money Back Guarantee

The X4 Labs Extender offers a unique satisfaction guarantee. If you use it for 6 months and don’t achieve any growth, they’ll give you double your money back. There are a few specific stipulations you need to adhere to… you have to register your device and keep track of your usages and progress. But I’d say it’s worth it. For one thing, it helps you keep a record of your progress, which you’re probably going to want to do anyway. And if it doesn’t work, hey, double your money back is a pretty good deal

Clinical Trial

The X4 Labs Extender offers another unique way to get their product risk-free. If you sign up to participate in their clinical trial, they’ll foot the bill for your device. Again, you’ll have to adhere to their stipulations, but it’s another option to make penis enlargement affordable, and you get to contribute to scientific study at the same time.

What About Peyronies and Add Ons?

A lot of guys who use extenders do so because they suffer from Peyronies Disease, which is basically an excessive curvature. X4 Labs Extender has a few special Peyronies packages designed specifically for this issue.

They also offer an impressive list of add-ons to make sure your device works exactly as it should for you. The Hybrid Support Base that comes standard is good enough for most guys, but X4 Labs Extender knows that no two penises are alike, so they offer the Quad Support Base and the Wide Girth Base add-ons if your size or shape makes them necessary.

X4 Labs Extender Customer Service

Between the Double Your Money Back Guarantee, the informative website, the live chat function, and the customer service call center, X4 Labs is very responsive to customer needs. I haven’t seen a single complaint about how they handle issues when they inevitably arise.

X4 Labs Extender Pros and Cons

Advantages of X4 Labs Extender

  • It’s got several package options to suit the needs and budget of every guy.
  • You can purchase add-ons and replacement parts if you need them.
  • There are multiple comfort options.
  • There’s a double your money back guarantee.
  • You can get it free for participating in their clinical trial.

Disadvantages of X4 Labs Extender

  • The X4 Labs Extender, like other devices, is expensive.


When it comes to extenders, comfort is king. If it’s not comfortable, you won’t wear it. And if you don’t wear it, it won’t work. X4 Labs Extender knows that, and offers all kinds of customization options so each guy can find the most comfortable situation for him. An extender device can represent quite a financial investment, but in the case of the X4 Labs Extender, it’s a pretty safe bet.

Have You Used X4 Labs Extender? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Accelerin Review

Americans are constantly pushed to perform at the highest levels.  Whether it be in the classroom, the playing field, or the bedroom, we all want to be the best.

We want to be, Limitless…

And when a pill comes along promising that it can help get you there, you listen.

One such supplement I came across that claims just that is called Accelerin, which is the focal point of this review.

But what is this supplement, and what makes it work so much better than the others?  Well, it turns out that it’s likely NOT the wonder pill that it’s been claiming to be, and you’re about to find out why.

Click Here
to jump to the SHOCKING news we found out about this supplement…

What is Accelerin?

Accelerin is an all natural nootropic supplement designed to help boost stimulation for the brain, labeling itself as the “#1 rated all natural smart pill”.

accelerin reviewsThis supplement promises a lot of things.  Increased performance and energy, improved memory and cognition, and the ability to learn things at an astonishing rate.

The marketing makes it sound a bit like prescription ADHD medications like Adderal and Vyvanse, but that it’s completely all natural and 100% effective.

“So how does it do all of this?”, you may be asking.

Well, the ingredients list doesn’t look very revolutionary to me.

The Accelerin ingredients contain all the usual suspects, including caffeine, GABA, Bacopa Monnier, Alpha GPC, L-Theanine, Phosphatidylserine, L-Tyrosine, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A, as well as Vitamins B3 (Niacin) and B6.

What’s interesting to note is that this ingredients list is virtually IDENTICAL to that of numerous other supplements, including Cogniflex, Adderin, and many others.

The fact that it contains L-Theanine and Caffeine is a positive sign, as this combo has been researched and proven to increase cognitive performance and mood.

Many of the other ingredients have been shown to help improve memory, but like I mentioned earlier, this is nothing “revolutionary”.

Accelerin reviews are practically non existent.  I searched around on various forums, looked on Amazon and reddit, and ran a search but came up completely empty.

The only reviews I found were actually for a completely different supplement with an identical name.

You can buy this on their official website, with the average price for a one month supply costing around $59.  Discounts are provided for bu;k orders, with a “buy 3 bottles, get 2 free” promotion that knocks the price per bottle down to $32 each.

They do not sell Accelerin in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, which is really no surprise since you more or less can’t find any nootropics supplements for sale with these vendors.

The Most Powerful Brain Enhancer in The World?

Like so many others I’ve written about in the past, I originally came across Accelerin while browsing through my Facebook news feed.

According to the suggested post I’m reading, the makers of Adderall (Shire Pharmaceuticals) recently came out with a “brain drug” that is literally the ‘most wanted mind enhancer in the world’.

accelerin facebook ad

As you can see from the ad, apparently this new “Limitless Pill” is now a reality after FDA approval, even though the FDA doesn’t “approve” supplements.

That pill is none other than Accelerin…

When you click the ad you’re taken to what appears to be the CNN official website, which at first glance looks REALLY freakin’ legit.

Why This is All B.S.

First off, Shire Pharmaceuticals did NOT make Accelerin as an Adderall alternative.  I know this because I searched their site and found no mention of it.  If this was really some breakthrough revolutionary product, you’d be hearing about it from them.

Trust me…

Second, everything about this CNN news article is completely fictitious.  Let’s pick it apart to show you what I’m talking about.

1.)  The real url for CNN is, not

accelerin cnn

This is further proven by the fact that if you try and click on any of the navigation links on this page, every single time it takes you to the Accelerin official website.

2.)  It was NOT the inspiration behind the movie “Limitless”

accelerin limitless

I sound like a broken record when I point this out, but there are literally DOZENS of nootropic supplements that make this claim.

The simple fact is that NONE of them, including Accelerin, were the inspiration behind the movie Limitless.

Here’s the REAL tweet from the Limitless movie page.  As you can see, no mention at all regarding Accelerin.

3.)  It was NOT approved by the FDA.

First off, as we’ve already noted, Accelerin is a supplement.  The FDA does NOT approve supplements, they approve drugs.

But let’s just imagine for a minute that they were responsible for approving supplements…Then how come there is no mention of Accelerin on their website?

accelerin fda

Additionally, if you look at the very bottom of their website, it says it clear as day…”The product is not approved by the FDA”.

accelerin scam

4.)  There are ZERO news stories about it.

If this was widely regarded, as suggested in the fake CNN article, as being the most powerful brain enhancer in the world, then how come noone is talking about it?

Is it some big conspiracy that the government doesn’t want you to know about it?

Are the billionaires of the world, politicians, actors, and athletes hiding something from us?  VERY UNLIKELY.


Companies like Accelerin use professional internet marketers to craft these fictitious stories and post them as sponsored posts on social media websites.

They look VERY real to the untrained eye, and there’s certainly no shortage of supplements that are doing this.  It’s definitely intriguing to think that there might be some supplement out there that can give you Limitless possibilities, but I can say with 100% certainty that Accelerin is NOT the one.

Stick with proven products that CAN and WILL help you improve all of the claims this one is making.

Have You Used Accelerin?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules Review

It seems more and more people are looking for a supplement to work as a “cure-all” for all the aches, pains, and minor and major ailments they start to get as they get older. It kind of reminds of of the ointments and tinctures you hear about from the days when the snake oil salesmen would come riding into town every couple of months to sell their wares.

But with technological advancements combining with natural remedies, you never know when you might stumble onto something truly beneficial. That’s what Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules claims to be. You might be familiar with the Nopal’s alternative name, the Prickly Pear. It’s a very common plant in Mexico. Let’s take a closer look.

Benefits of Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules

The ancient Aztecs used the entire Nopal plant for everything from firewood to religious rituals and making glue. Today, we’re mainly interested in the fruit (aka tuna) of the plant and what it can do to improve your health. And according to the makers of Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules, it’s a lot. According to their website, the benefits of Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules include:

  • Relief from pain and inflammation.
  • Help with the management of diabetes.
  • Increased energy.
  • Greater focus and mental clarity.
  • Relief from depression
  • Cardiovascular system support.
  • Cholesterol management.
  • Prostate support.
  • Weight control.
  • Vision support.
  • Hangover cure.

Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules ReviewNatural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules Ingredients

The only ingredient in Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules is Nopal, but the Nopal plant contains betalaines. Betalains found within the Prickly Pear plant were originally thought to just contain yellowish-orange pigment. But it’s now believed that they carry anti-inflammatory properties, which along with antioxidant properties, are thought to be at the root of most of the benefits.. Aside from Beets, Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules may be your best source of these helpful betalaines.

Along with Betalaines, Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules contain several amino acids and minerals to provide healthy support for energy and your immune system.

The fiber in Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules is also helpful when it comes to controlling both weight and cholesterol, as well as managing blood sugar spikes.

How Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules Work

The anti-inflammatory nature of the betalaines in Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules is at the core of its effectiveness. The natural cures movement is based in large part on the idea that chronic, low-level inflammation is a major cause of many ailments, and controlling that inflammation helps relieve them.

The amino acids provide healthful support in a number of ways. As the building blocks of protein, they help synthesize lean muscle. They also contribute to the body’s natural production of nitric oxide for better blood flow and HGH (Human Growth Hormone) for better overall health and rejuvenation.

Why Use Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules

Not all Nopal is created equal. It’s primarily grown in Mexico, both in the desert lowlands and in the mountainous regions. The ones you want are grown in the high altitude of the mountains. The combination of nutrient-rich volcanic soil and mild, semi-tropical climate is ideal for cultivating the most nutrient-dense Nopal.

Most Nopal supplement manufacturers use Nopal grown in the desert, and they just don’t contain the phytonutrients you want in a quality product. Both the cactus pads and the prickly pear fruit are smaller, drier, and less nutrient-dense than the mountain Nopal used in Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules. In fact, they have very specific guidelines about which plants are good enough to be harvested. They must:

Be at least 1 kg in weight


Have at least 6 tuna (the red fruit that grows on the plant.

Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules Side Effects

Though no supplement can guarantee you won’t experience any side effects at all, none have been reported with Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules. If anything, you may get a mild headache or slight nausea from taking the pills.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules through the company website. A single bottle contains 120 capsules and costs $30.00. They often have special promotional offers where you can buy one and get one free. All orders come with a money back guarantee. If you buy fewer than 3 bottles, you have 60 days to return your bottles and request a refund. If you buy more 3 or more, your guarantee extends to 120 days. Your bottles can be empty or unopened, but you must return them with their original packaging.

About the Company

Natural Home Cures prides itself on its unique customer service. If you need to get in touch, your call is answered by an in-house customer service team. You can even speak with the company CEO if you wish. They guarantee that if he’s not available at the time you place your call, you will receive a call back from him within 24 hours. I have to admit, I’ve never heard of that one before.

Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules Pros and Cons

Advantages of Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules

  • With one all natural ingredient, Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules is very safe.
  • It’s grown in the mountains where it can become as nutrient dense as possible.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • It’s not very expensive.
  • It may help control blood sugar.

Disadvantages of Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules

  • There aren’t very many customer reviews to let us know how it’s working for people in the real world.
  • Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules and Nopal in general are being promoted as a potential cure-all. There may indeed be benefits, but it’s tough to live up to cure-all expectations.


Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules fall into that category of being worth a try. Natural cures used for centuries by primitive cultures do hold a certain appeal. When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing what nature has provided. I wouldn’t expect it to make you feel like a million bucks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt a little more energy and a little less aches and pains.

Have You Used Natural Home Cures Nopal Powder Capsules? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

Click Here To Learn More »

NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine Review – Does It Work?

With all the scientific advancements of the last century, is it time to start believing that we can live significantly longer, significantly healthier lives? In a lot of ways, we already do, but we’re talking about fountain of youth type stuff here.

These days, if you have enough money, you can get injections of synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) prescribed by a doctor. While these injections are primarily used for children and others with growth and development disorders, some doctors who specialize in anti-aging treatments use them to help their patients look and feel decades younger.

But as we mentioned above, if you’ve got enough expendable cash and access to an anti-aging specialist, you can benefit from this particular scientific advancement. If not, there still may be hope.

What is NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine?

You’re probably familiar with L-Arginine as a popular ingredient in workout supplements. That’s because as a pre cursor to nitric oxide, it helps improve blood flow to your muscles for better nutrient and oxygen delivery. With more oxygen and nutrients in your muscles, they can work harder, recover faster, and get bigger than with less.

When you add Pyroglutamate to your L-Arginine, you allow it to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means that now your brain gets the same benefits of increased oxygen and nutrients that your muscles get. For this reason, you sometimes find L-Arginine Pyroglutamate in cognitive enhancement supplements. But there’s an even bigger potential benefit to a product called NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine, and that’s its effect on HGH.

NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine Review 2NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine and HGH

L-Arginine has long been considered to have an effect on the body’s natural release of HGH. But there’s really very little evidence, most of it anecdotal. That changes to a degree when you introduce Pyrogluatamate and Lysine.

There is some spotty evidence that using Arginine Pyrogluatamate with Lysine may increase HGH levels. But there’s also evidence that it doesn’t. At this point, without definitive evidence either way, it kind of depends on which studies you choose to believe.

How NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine Works

If you accept that you can increase serum levels of HGH using supplementation, here’s how it works. L-Arginine, taken in large doses (10-30 grams) on an empty stomach stimulates the release of HGH. Since HGH release occurs mainly while sleeping, it’s recommended you take it close to bedtime, about 3 hours after your last meal.

Partly because of the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, dosing needs with NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine are much smaller. You only need 1200 mg of Arginine Pyroglutamate and 1200 mg of Lysine for the same effect.

Another reason for this drastic difference is the way all three molecules interact with receptors. L-Arginine and L-Lysine compete for the same receptors. Add the Pyroglutamate molecule, and that’s no longer the case.

Clinical Studies

The most important favorable study was done back in 1981 by Italian scientist A. Isadori, M.D. It was a small study of only 15 males ages 15 to 20, and showed that with L-Arginine Pyroglutamate and L-Lysine at these doses, subjects gained 10 times more HGH in their blood than with L-Arginine alone. This translated to a 700% increase in serum HGH.

Unfortunately, this study has not been wholly replicated since then. So while there’s hope that this combination works, there’s not conclusive proof.

Perhaps even more importantly, no studies exist to demonstrate the positive effects of these increases in HGH levels. Most of the big increases occur in young males, who already have an abundance of HGH. With no deficit to reverse, it’s tough to see what benefits it might have. We know theoretically what should occur, and with injections, it can be seen anecdotally. But there’s no real evidence of the benefits you would hope for when using NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine supplementation.

NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine ReviewNutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine Ingredients

The supplement profile is very simple and uses only what it deems necessary to get the supposed benefits. There’s:

  • 1200mg of L-Arginine Pyroglutamate, and
  • 1200mg of L-Lysine.

NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine comes in both pill and powder form so you can choose which one to use based solely on personal preference. If you’re using capsules, take 4 on an empty stomach before bed. If you’re using the powder, mix one scoop with water on an empty stomach before bed.

NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine Pros and Cons

Advantages of NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine

  • The formula is based on scientific belief and only uses the relevant ingredients with no fillers.
  • There is some scientific basis to the claims.
  • The ingredient profile and dosage levels are openly disclosed.
  • It’s inexpensive to try.

Disadvantages of NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine

Where to Buy

You can purchase NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine through the NutraBio website. A 150 gram tub contains 62 servings and costs only 16.99. The capsules are a little more expensive. A 37-serving bottle costs $15.99. It’s also available on Amazon if you prefer.


This is a tricky one. I don’t believe there’s a simple way to significantly boost HGH in your body. HGH secretagogues can help you with energy, fat loss, lean muscle retention, etc, but the evidence doesn’t support the elevation of actually serum levels. With NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine, there is some hopeful evidence. But it’s from 35 years ago, and it hasn’t been successfully repeated since then. (Not to mention the test was done on teenagers, who arguably don’t need to increase their HGH.)

With all of that said, NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine is inexpensive and shows some potential benefits in addition to HGH. It may improve cognitive function, and you may get the simple L-Arginine benefits of better workouts and recovery. All in all, if you have an interest in what might increase HGH, give NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine a try.

Have You Used NutraBio Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

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HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

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Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

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CogniFlex Review

A new wave of “brain drugs” has taken the supplement market by storm in the last year or so.  These smart drugs, affectionately known as nootropics, use all natural ingredients to help mimic the effects of prescription medications.

One recent one I came across is called CogniFlex, a once a day all natural supplement designed to boost your productivity, enhance mental clarity and concentration, and achieve laser like focus.

The vast majority of supplements that we come across that make these claims usually end up being terrible.  So, will this one be any different?

They are in high demand right now and because of that dozens and dozens of similar supplements are being produced, so choosing the right one that is actually going to have any effect at all can be a little trickier than just checking out the store shelf or going online.

Lets learn a bit about the supplement first.


What is Cogniflex?
Deceptive Marketing and Fake Facebook Ads
What’s Up With Their Free Trial?
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it work better than Adderall?
Was it Approved by the FDA?
Is it sold in stores?
How can I get a refund?
Cogniflex Reviews – Where are they??
Are there any side effects?
Does It Work?

What is CogniFlex?

Made by a company called Sure Science, this supplement is a patented “brain boosting supplement”, designed to help skyrocket your concentration, improve your creativity, and enhance memory recall.

Basically, they market it as an over the counter equivalent to ADHD medications like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin.

Among other claims, they promise to help you unlock 100% of your brains potential, help you to maintain your focus, and increase your energy.

how cogniflex works

So what’s in it that apparently makes it work so well?  The ingredients in CogniFlex include the following:  L-Carnitine, Rhodiola Rosea, L-Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Caffeine, and Vitamin B6.

Here’s a picture of the label:

cogniflex ingredients label

There’s nothing really “revolutionary” about this formula.  These exact same ingredients can be found in hundreds of other cognitive enhancers, pre workout supplements, and even weight loss pills.

I can say, however, that some of these ingredients when combined can produce some pretty solid nootropic effects.

For example, taking Caffeine with L-Theanine is a great stack to help you focus on boring tasks.

If you look at this Wikipedia article, you’ll see that in a 2014 systematic review, using caffeine along with L-theanine showed enhanced performance, including increased alertness, attention, and task switching.

One interesting thing to note is that they don’t list the amounts of each ingredient, but rather that they are part of a proprietary blend.  That’s good and all, but if you are someone who is sensitive to caffeine you’ll have no idea how much it contains.

It could have as little as 50 mg, or upwards of 300 mg, there’s just no way to tell.

There is another company that sells a very similar supplement called Cogni-Flex (made by Douglas Labs), but they have nothing to do with the supplement in this review.

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Deceptive Marketing and Fake Facebook Ads

The way I found out about this particular supplement was I came across an ad on Facebook that proclaimed “First approved Brain Super Drug, Online only”

cogniflex scam

Another ad I’ve seen to come across features Wolf Blitzer from NBC and some really hot chick with big boobs with a title screaming “We can now access 100% of the brain”.

cogniflex nbc

The first time I clicked both of these, it took me to a page that appeared to be the CNN website, complete with links to their news, video, and opinions section.

A big feature ran across the top, with an image of what looks like a brain literally cut in half, followed by a headline that said this supplement appeared recently on the TV show The Doctors, and scientists were calling it “Viagra for the brain”.

However, I bookmarked the page and when I returned a few days later, now all of a sudden Cogni Lift was being featured on the NBC News website.

The layout was essentially the same, but they did change up a few things.

However, the simple fact is that this entire page is one BIG lie.  Let’s pick it apart so you can see the REAL truth behind it.

1.)  This is not an NBC news article, but what’s referred to as a “Farticle” (Fake Article). 

How do I know this? 

Well, because if you look closely at the URL, it doesn’t say (the real site address), but rather it says

Check it out:

cogniflex nbc news

I’ve seen literally DOZENS of other supplements that do the exact same thing, including Geniux and CogniQ.

2.)  CogniFlex was NOT featured in a Forbes magazine article titled “Viagra For The Brain”.

cognilift forbes

As you’ll see here, the real Forbes article makes no mention of CogniFlex (or any other supplement for that matter), There’s ton’s of other nootropic supplements that make this claim, and they reference this very same Forbes article every time.

Except what they do is find a clever way to crop in the name of their supplement.

3.)  It was NOT the inspiration for the movie ‘Limitless’ starring Bradley Cooper

When you were reading this article, you might have come across a screenshot that showed the Limitless Movie official Twitter page proclaiming Cogniflex as the “inspiration” for the movie.

cogniflex limitless

Well, here’s the REAL tweet that was released by the Limitless twitter page.

I’ve seen literally DOZENS of other products doing this exact same thing, all claiming they were the inspiration behind Limitless.

4.)  It was not studied by the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU)

One often cited claim about Cogni Flex (and various other nootropics) was that it was clinically studied by the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, located in Nottingham, UK.

cognilift nctu

This prestigious research facility conducts high quality trials of products used to treat everything from cancer to pregnancy, but one thing is for sure…It did NOT conduct a clinical trial of Cogniflex.

I searched their entire website and could not find one mention of the supplement.

5.)  All the comments are fake.

If you still have the page open, scroll to the bottom and try leaving a comment.  You’ll find that it’s virtually impossible.

cognilift comments

“Why is this?”, you might ask…

Well, that’s because they are all completely fake.  They post these fake comments, which are made to look like Facebook comments but are clearly not, in an effort to make you think “hey, look at all these people using it and getting such great results”.

But What About Their Free Trial??

One other thing I noticed is that the makers of CogniFlex are offering people a free sample of their product.

cognilift free sample

All you need to do is pay a small shipping fee of $4.97, and you’ll receive your free bottle in just a couple of days.

However, what you probably COMPLETELY missed was the part where they tell you (in VERY fine print I might add), that you have 10 days to try it out.

If you don’t call and cancel, Cogni Lift will bill you $139.97 for that bottle that was supposedly “free”.

cognilift terms and conditions

What’s even WORSE is that if you don’t cancel, they will keep sending you another bottle every 30 days, AND bill you every month.

If you’re someone who doesn’t check their bank statements very regularly, you could be in for a bit of a shock.

You’re probably reading this right now and freaking out, but you should be fine…

How do I cancel this?

If you don’t want to be billed close to $140, you can either call them at 1-800-767-4440, or email them at

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work better than Adderall or Provigil?

Very unlikely.  Although they say it’s a healthy, all natural, and more effective alternative formula, I have a VERY hard time believing it can work better than synthetic amphetamines.

I also wouldn’t recommend you take Cogniflex and Adderall at the same time.  If you do decide to try this, I would recommend that you take the Cogniflex on a day you don’t take your Adderall, and see what kind of effect it has on you.

Taking Adderall with ANY other stimulants (including caffeine) can have the tendency to create some really nasty side effects.

Was it approved by the FDA?

Nope, because it doesn’t have to be.  The FDA only approves drugs.  Since Cogniflex is an herbal supplement, it does not fall under FDA regulations.

Is it sold in stores?

I visited my local GNC, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe, and none of them seemed to carry it.  I also looked on Amazon and eBay, and it doesn’t appear to be for sale on those sites as well.

As far as I can tell it’s only sold on their official website,

How can I get a refund?

They do offer a 30 day money back guarantee, but there are NUMEROUS terms and conditions that apply.  For example, if you purchased it via the free “sample”, you’re out of luck.

They will NOT refund your money if you ordered a sample.

Additionally, if you opened the bottle you will also NOT get your money back.

Lastly, assuming you didn’t get a sample bottle and haven’t opened it yet, you have to send back the unopened bottle at your own cost, PLUS they charge you a 35% restocking fee.

So essentially what that means is you’ll pay close to $55, JUST TO RETURN IT!

Cogniflex Reviews – Where are they??

The one thing I noticed right off the bat in my research was the sheer lack of user reviews of this supplement.  If it is as good as they say it is, wouldn’t people be sharing their experiences in forums, message boards, and tons of other places?

Well, luckily some people are leaving reviews on this site, just click here to see them.

It’s not a pretty picture.

I searched through all of the unbiased sites like Erowid, Reddit, and Snopes, and could not find one SINGLE person talking about it.

I don’t know about you, but that puts up a HUGE red flag for me.  Searching through youtube, much of the videos I see here are nothing but promotions for the supplement, and lack any substance as to the effects you might receive.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Of course they tell there isn’t, but as with any supplement, including Cogniflex, side effects are possible.  To give you an example, one of their primary ingredients L-Carnitine, can cause a wide range of side effects.

Although rare, instances of nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, and seizures have been known to occur from high levels of L-Carnitine. (Source: 1)

Another ingredient, Bacopa Monnieri, has similar side effects which include stomach cramps, nausea, dry mouth, and fatigue. (Source: 2)

As far as mixing Cogniflex with alcohol, all the research I’ve done on alcohols potential interactions with the ingredients tells me that you LIKELY would be safe.

Of course, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor regarding the safety of taking herbal supplements like Cogniflex, as it may also have the potential to interfere with any medications you may be taking.

Does It Work?

cogniflex reviewsIt didn’t for me.  I ordered a one month supply of the stuff, took the suggested dose, and experienced practically no results.  The only effects I seemed to get from it was a mild increase in energy and concentration, but no more than if I just drank a simple cup of coffee.

While I only took it for about a week, there was certainly no mind blowing sense of concentration or improved memory, no increased productivity, and certainly no improved creativity.

All of these seem to be their key selling points, but it just wasn’t happening for me.  Compared to the 30 or so nootropic supplements I’ve tested thus far, I would easily rank this in the bottom 1/3.


Cogniflex “might” actually work for some people.  However, by resorting to deceptive advertisements like this, I personally feel that this is just another fly by night company looking to bilk unsuspecting customers out of their money.

There’s no revolutionary formula, no glowing reviews (apart from their website), and certainly no reason that leads me to believe this is some secret brain pill that will give you mind blowing clarity and concentration.

My own personal testing has solidified my opinion of it.

I can’t tell you how many scams like this I see practically every day.  You can do YOUR part by helping me (and your friends and family) spread the word on this…

Share / Like this page on Facebook, Tweet it, or email it to your friends…do whatever you can to save people like yourself from the hassle…

Have You Used CogniFlex?  Leave Your Review Below!

Sources / References



Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Testo Extreme Anabolic Review – Does It Work?

The marketing for Testo Extreme Anabolic comes off as very aggressive. Right at the top of the product website: “Our Strongest Ever Testosterone and Muscle Enhancer!” says Dr. P. Samson PhD in pink lettering against a space-age glowing dark blue mysterious background.

They say testing shows that this is the most potent formula available, scientifically researched, and backed by doctors. They go so far as to say that the “clinical results even shocked the researchers.”  Well, took a closer look at Testo Extreme Anabolic, and are ready to reveal what we found.

Testo Extreme Anabolic Benefits

The Testo Extreme Anabolic website lists a number of benefits you’ll get with this product. Some are what you’d expect from any testosterone booster:

  • Increased lean muscle mass.
  • Targeted muscle strength.
  • Peak athletic performance.
  • Quicker muscle recovery.
  • Boosted libido.
  • No Post Cycle Therapy required.

And some are a little different than what we usually see:

  • Suitable for anyone 18 or over. They make a prety bi deal about this. Most testosterone supplements, while safe for 18 year olds, don’t really benefit young guys. Young adults are usually already loaded with testosterone, so natural boosters don’t do much for them. Testo Extreme Anabolic claims to benfit even this group of guys.
  • Faster absorbing because of the sublingual serum delivery system. (We’ll talk more about that a little later.)
  • Extensive clinical trials with a very high rate of success.

The funny thing about that last one is that they mention these clinical tests over and over, but they never cite them directly or talk about what was actually found.

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Testo Extreme Anabolic ReviewWho Makes Testo Extreme Anabolic?

The company behind Testo Extreme Anabolic is called Nutracell Labs. They’re based in the UK, and they only make 2 products that I can confirm, Testo Extreme Anabolic and Decabolic Creatine. It looks like they’ve been in business since 2012, yet they claim to have researched these products extensively over many years. Surprisingly, they do provide contact information, including phone number, email address, and physical address.

Testo Extreme Anabolic Ingredients

The Testo Extreme Anabolic website promotes two products: Testo Extreme Anabolic and Decabolic Creatine. Oddly enough, they list out all the ingredients in their creatine product, but don’t make any mention of what’s in Testo Extreme Anabolic.

We did, however, track that information down so we could provide it here for you. It’s a proprietary blend, meaning amounts are not known, but following are the components of the formula:

  • Damiana which is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to increase natural testosterone levels.
  • Glucosamine Sulfate which is typically found in joint supplements.
  • Inositol which is actually known to decrease testosterone in both men and women.
  • N-Acetyl L-Carnitine which helps transport fat for use as energy.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports prostate health.
  • Phenylethylamine which may help regulate serotonin and dopamine.
  • L-Arginine which, as a precursor to nitric oxide, will help improve blood flow through vasodilation. Better blood flow helps with lean muscle gain as well as erection quality.
  • Avena Sativa which may increase free testosterone levels.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane which helps detoxify the liver.
  • Ginseng Root Extract which helps with stamina as well as libido.
  • Caffeine for its stimulant effect.
  • Green Tea Extract which is both an antioxidant and fat burning ingredient.

How to Use Testo Extreme Anabolic

Testo Extreme Anabolic is unique in that instead of pill or capsule form, it comes as a liquid. Along with your bottle comes a syringe that you fill and use to squirt the serum under your tongue. The idea here is that when you take a liquid sublingually like that, it absorbs into the bloodstream quickly and doesn’t need to travel through the digestive system before it can work.

Instructions are to use 5 ml once per day.

Who Does Testo Extreme Anabolic Work For

This product claims to work for anyone 18 years or older. This is an odd claim for a testosterone booster because it’s usually understood that an 18 year old has plenty of natural testosterone and natural T boosters usually aren’t as effective until your levels are a little lower. They offer no evidence or explanation as to why it would be so.


The only reason we can find is that they’re trying to carve out a niche where they can grab most of the market. Since these products generally work best for guys whose levels have started to drop off, it looks like just a false claim made by Testo Extreme Anabolic.

Testo Extreme Anabolic Reviews

Testo Extreme Anabolic is available on Amazon in the UK, so as with most products sold on, there are customer reviews available. For this product, they are very mixed. There are several 5 star raving reviews, and there are just as many 1 star disappointments saying this stuff does absolutely nothing. As you know, Amazon reviews can be faked, and the raves are more likely to be the fake ones, so I would advise you to look at them with caution.

Testo Extreme Anabolic Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testo Extreme Anabolic

  • There are a few positive Testo Extreme Anabolic reviews on Amazon in the UK, but there is some suspicion that they’re fake.

Disadvantages of Testo Extreme Anabolic

  • The website is given to a lot of hype.
  • They continually talk about clinical testing, but there’s no actual information on any of these tests.
  • There’s no information on Dr. P. Samson PhD, the doctor that endorses Testo Extreme Anabolic.
  • There’s no money back guarantee. The website makes a “promise” of 100% satisfaction, but no mention is made of a return policy.
  • The ingredient profile is questionable at best. There are a few helpful ingredients, but far more are missing (think D-Aspartic Acid in particular).
  • There are lots of negative customer reviews.

Where to Buy

The main avenue for purchasing Testo Extreme Anabolic is through the official website. They push the stack with their Decabolic Creatine product, but you can buy a single bottle if that’s what you’re interested in. A one month supply costs about $33, and it ships from the UK. You can also purchase it through Amazon in the UK as well.


You hear this a lot from me, and you’re going to hear it again this time. With so many good natural testosterone boosting choices out there, there’s no need to buy something like Testo Extreme Anabolic. It’s nothing more than hyped up advertising. The promises of clinical studies are just not backed up, and neither are its claims of great success.

Unfortunately, it is much like so many other similar products out there in that they are all bark and no bite when it comes to actually acting as advertised.

Witht that being said, don’t let that discourage you from going out and trying others though because there are some great ones out there that don’t dupe you and use misleading marketing language to make you think you are walking into something entirely different than you really are.

Have You Used Testo Extreme Anabolic? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Phallosan Forte Review – Does It Really Work?

Note:  This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Phallosan Forte website.

Over the years, I’ve tested close to a hundred different male enhancement products.  Everything from pills, creams, and ointments, to pumps, weights, and extenders.

Some, like extenders, work VERY well, but requires a bit of a learning curve when you try to figure out how to use them.

Others, like water based pumps like the Bathmate, also work well but can only be used for a short period of time.  They too can be difficult for the inexperienced user to figure out…

For the past few years, I’ve been recommending the Size Genetics device to guys that have been looking to gain length.  The reason why??  Because it REALLY does work.

size genetics extender
^ The Size Genetics Device

However, I had a lot of guys coming to me complaining that they didn’t know how to use it, or it was creating pain, bruising, and discomfort when they were using it.

In my research to try and find a suitable alternative, I came across the Phallosan Forte device.  Normally when I come across a product that starts claiming BIG gains in length and girth, I’m skeptical.

They’ll make a lot of claims, with basically nothing to back them up.

This wasn’t the case with Phallosan Forte…

This is the REAL DEAL when it comes to penis enlargement, and also a VERY good substitute for the Size Genetics device.


What is the Phallosan Forte?
Frequently Asked Questions
Phallosan Vs. Bathmate and Size Genetics
My Personal Results
Pro’s and Con’s
Where To Buy

What is the Phallosan Forte Device?

Phallosan Forte is a medically certified device that has been prescribed by doctors worldwide to help treat men with a wide range of sexual performance issues.  It works almost like a cross between the Bathmate, which uses vacuum pump technology, and the Size Genetics device, which gradually “pulls” or “Stretches” the penis to a longer state.

I am going to talk a bit about how exactly it works below, but for your convenience I have embedded a video which details exactly how it’s used.

The following video contains content that is only suitable for a mature audience, so VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED:

how the phallosan forte works

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it do?

Basically, what the Phallosan Forte is designed to do is offer men the ability to increase both length and girth, help alleviate penile curvature (peyronies disease), and in the case of men with diabetes, can help with erectile dysfunction.

It’s been clinically tested and shown to give as much as a 2 INCH gain in penis size.

How does it work?

Essentially what it does is “pulls” the penis away from the pelvic bone via the glans (head of the penis), causing it to straighten and gain size.

How do I get bigger using this?

The size gains come from continuous tension on the body’s tissue which form micro-fiber fissures (don’t worry, completely pain free, it just sounds painful), similar to what happens when you lift weights.

New cell material is embedded in these fibres, allowing for both length AND girth increases.

The process kind of looks like this:

how phallosan forte works

How would this help me if I have erectile dysfunction?

Through the use of the Phallosan Forte, the entire penis tissue has a stronger blood circulation and receives more nutrients.  As we all know, erection quality is determined almost SOLELY by blood flow.

The more blood flow you have, the larger / more efficient your erection quality will be.

This can be heightened DRAMATICALLY by combining it with an all natural male enhancement pill called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus and phallosan forte

How long do I need to wear it for?

Typically you can expect to wear it for 6 – 8 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week.  As mentioned earlier, you CAN wear it while you’re sleeping, with many choosing that route.

It looks painful.  Is it comfortable??

I can say with a resounding YES.  In fact, when compared to the majority of other extenders I’ve tested in the past, I personally think the Phallosan Forte is the most comfortable one I’ve tested to date.

I talk about this a bit more in my comparison of Phallosan Vs. Size Genetics below.

How big can I REALLY get?

That answer depends on the individual.

You can’t just wear it for like 2 or 3 weeks and expect miracles.

It takes consistent use, and most users seem to gain an average of 1 inch in just a few months.

The longer you wear it, the longer your gains will be.

On a side note, the makers of Phallosan Forte had a clinical study conducted by a German Urology clinic.  After 6 months, the highest result achieved was an almost 2 inch increase in a non-erect state, and a 1.47 inch increase in erect state.

phallosan clinical study

phallosan study 2

Click Here to learn more about the results of this study.

Is it permanent?

The answer to this relates to the above.  Generally speaking, permanent results with the Phallosan Forte are seen after about 6 months.

If you stop wearing it sooner then that, you will most likely experience a reduction in any gains you made.

Can it help if I have a curved penis / Peyronies Disease?

Yes.  In fact, the use of the Phallosan is HIGHLY preferred to that of corrective penile surgery, which can be costly and can actually make you LOSE size.

Because of the nature of how the Phallosan works, over time you should gradually see a straightening of your penis.

Phallosan Forte Vs. Bathmate and Size Genetics

How is it different from the Bathmate?

The Bathmate uses vacuum technology to create a difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the tube.  When it does this, blood is drawn into the penis (similar to an erection), cause the penis to be engorged / enhanced.

phallosan vs bathmate

Over time, this engorgement increases and gives your penis a meatier / larger appearance.  To be clear, the Bathmate works primarily to help GIRTH gains, while the Phallosan Forte works primarily for LENGTH gains.

The Phallosan Forte device works completely different from the Bathmate in that instead of vacuum therapy, it instead “pulls” the penis outward away from the body, causing it to grow LENGTH over the course of several months.

How is it different from the Size Genetics Device?

Size Genetics uses a very similar process to the Phallosan Forte, but it’s not NEARLY as comfortable.  Essentially what the Size Genetics device does is it uses a plastic piece that wraps around the base of the glans (the head) of your penis.

phallosan vs size genetics

Just like the Phallosan Forte, it pulls the penis outward away from the body, causing the same gains.

HOWEVER, as I mentioned above, the Size Genetics device can be VERY uncomfortable for a number of reasons:

1.)  If the plastic noose is too tight around the base of the glans, it can cut off circulation.  This can leave the head of your penis feeling very cold / numb because of the restricted blood flow.

2.)  If the plastic noose is too loose, it can slip off very easily.  This is not so great if you’re out and about running errands, and can cause parts to go flying around everywhere.

3.)  Sometimes the comfort strap can cause chaffing, which can be very painful and cause you to stop wearing the device, eliminating any gains you’ve made.

This is what REALLY separates the Phallosan Forte device from Size Genetics.  Because it uses a plastic condom to literally wrap the entire penis head, it virtually ELIMINATES any discomfort.

Chris from the website actually has a very detailed comparison of the Phallosan Forte Vs. Size Genetics on YouTube, check it out below:

sizegenetics vs phallosan forte youtube video

My Results With Phallosan Forte

phallosan forte review

I’ve already used TONS of male enhancement extenders, pumps, and pills, so I think I’m pretty much tapped out in the size department.  With that said, I wanted to at the VERY LEAST wear this for a week or two so I could get an idea of its potential.

The first thing I want to note is the shipping was completely discreet.  It came in a large USPS priority mail package, but there was nothing on the outside (or even on the shipping label) indicating that I ordered this.

Not only that, but I LITERALLY received it one day after ordering.  Talk about fast shipping…

The makers of Phallosan provide very detailed written (as well as video) instructions on how to choose the right size, and how to put the thing on.

how to use the phallosan forte

Unlike the Size Genetics device, which took me close to 2 hours to figure out how to put on, I had this thing up and running within 20 minutes of opening the package.

The first thing I noticed was it’s sheer comfort.  I knew I had something strapped to my penis, but there wasn’t any strange “cold” and “numbing” sensation that I got with extenders.

I could also feel the gentle pulling sensation that I read about, and knew that this thing definitely had potential.

I tried wearing it under clothing and there was absolutely NO WAY anyone could tell I was wearing the Phallosan Forte.  The strap does a very good job of seamlessly blending in with your pants, something that is not so obvious when your wearing an extender.

phallosan forte wearing it

The only downside I noticed was when I had to take a piss, I had to take it off.

I wore it for about 2 weeks and could definitely see a difference.  My penis was looking a bit longer and wider, and I felt as though blood was flowing more freely when I got an erection.

3 Reasons I Think It’s The Best

  1. It’s SUPER comfortable, especially when compared to other extenders.
  2. It’s REALLY easy to put on.  After you get the hang of it, it takes less then 2 minutes to strap on.
  3. You can wear it at night, which is a BIG bonus in my opinion.

Visit the Official Phallosan Forte site here:


  • It’s VERY comfortable / pain-free.
  • Can effectively increase both length and girth, although you’ll likely see more length then girth gains.
  • Can be worn at night.
  • Can be worn discreetly under clothing.
  • Shipped discreetly, there’s nothing indicating on the box that you ordered a penis enlargement device 🙂


  • You have to take it off to take a piss.
  • You can’t buy it in stores.
  • There is no money back guarantee, HOWEVER, you can return the device within 14 days after ordering it for a full refund.
  • It’s expensive.

Where Can I Buy It and How Much Does It Cost?

The only place that I know of is on the official Phallosan Forte website.  There’s 3 different types of the Phallosan that you can order, they include:

  • Phallosan Forte: $379
  • Phallosan Plus+ (accessory to the Phallosan Forte): $120
  • Phallosan Forte & Phallosan Plus+ Combo: $499

It should be noted that all of the above come with completely free shipping worldwide.

Click Here to visit their website.

They also sell a wide variety of spare parts and accessories, such as spare tension clips, spare foam rings, protector caps, and several different sizes of sleeves.


For the longest time I was recommending Size Genetics for length gains, but I now think that Phallosan Forte is the way to go.  It’s super comfortable, easy to use, fits nicely (and discreetly) under clothing, and you can even wear it to sleep.

Really all that you can ask for out of a product that is going to help you get gains besides that it works of course is that it is not going to cause you discomfort, and that is something that Phallosan Forte delivers on in spades.

Unlike other similar products that fall short, Phallosan Forte really does give hope and perceivable effects that make taking it not feel like a waste of time, hope and ultimately cash.

Couple that with the fact that it’s had a clinical study conducted PROVING it’s effectiveness, and I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t give it a shot.

Visit to learn more or pick one up yourself.

Have You Used Phallosan Forte?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Additional References

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Cerastim Review – Should You Use It?

Cerastim Overview

Most nootropic supplements position themselves as the “Limitless Pill” capable of turning your brainpower on full-force and making you capable of superhuman feats of intelligence, focus, and motivation. They conjure images of Bradley Cooper making millions in the stock market and writing entire books overnight. Cerastim is a bit different. It’s made by Live Cell Research, and on their official website, they forego the dramatics in favor of getting right down to the business of telling you what Cerastim does and how it works.

Benefits of Cerastim

Cerastim promises to promote the overall health of your brain while improving memory, focus, and mood mainly by boosting the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain. Decreasing neurotransmitters as we get older are one of the main reasons for age-related cognitive decline. By supporting neurotransmitters, you can stave off that decline.

Cerastim ReviewCerastim Ingredients and How They Work

The Cerastim formula is a proprietary blend of 5 ingredients. They say the Live Cell Research scientists worked for 5 years to put this list together. If you look around at other Cerastim reviews, you’ll see a few different versions of the formula. We took ours straight from the Live Cell Research website, so we know it’s current. My guess is that the formula has gone through a few revisions in their attempt to get it just right. What they have now is a 367mg blend that puts together:

  • Sulbutiamine which is basically Thiamine that can cross the blood brain barrier. Sulbutiamine can prevent and fight fatigue.
  • N-Acetyl L-Carnitine which improves alertness and relieves stress.
  • Huperzine A which can increase levels of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. It’s been used to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and improve age-related memory impairment.
  • Rhodiola Root which increases energy, stamina, and mental capacity. It also helps the body adapt in times of stress.
  • L-Theanine which causes relaxation without sleepiness. It counteracts the effects of stress.

Cerastim capsules are vegetarian, gluten-free, synthetic additive-free, dairy-free, caffeine-free, and magnesium stearate-free. The recommended dose is 1-2 Cerastim capsules taken with a full glass of water and a meal, preferably your morning meal.

Cerastim Side Effects

Cerastim is unlikely to cause allergic reactions due to the fact that it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and contains no synthetic fillers. The website does mention nausea or stomach discomfort as a possible side effect when Cerastim is taken on an empty stomach. It’s also been reported that taking Cerastim in the afternoon could possibly keep you up at night, so your better off taking it in the morning, with breakfast.

The Cerastim website doesn’t list them, but some of the ingredients are thought to cause certain side effects. For instance, Huperzine A alone has the potential to worsen several conditions due to its effect of increasing mucus secretion.  These include: Epilepsy, Gastrointestinal blockage, Peptic Ulcers, slow heart rate or other heart diseases, lung conditions, or urinary tract or reproductive blockages. L-Theanine is generally well tolerated but may cause headaches, dizziness, or gastrointestinal symptoms.

Who is Live Cell Research?

Live Cell Research is the company that makes Cerastim. They are a US company based in California. Their URL was only registered in May of 2014, so they’re probably newly incorporated. The fact that they only offer 2 products supports that claim as well. Their website indicates that their primary mission is to create innovative dietary supplements that focus on health at the cellular level. Their Cerastim product has been reformulated at least twice from what we can tell, yet there’s no explanation from Live Cell Research as to why this has occurred. In fact, they don’t mention anywhere that the formula has changed at all. We’d feel better if there were an explanation of their thinking and their reasons for making the changes.

One big plus about Live Cell Research is their focus on customer service. They make a point of posting their customer service number and department hours, so customers can actually use their services. So many supplement makers make it very difficult to get in touch when you need to. Live Cell Research makes it easy. There’s also a 90 day money back guarantee on all your purchases.

Cerastim Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cerastim

  • The ingredients are all listed.
  • There’s a 90-day no hassles no questions money back guarantee.
  • The formula doesn’t contain caffeine.
  • Cerastim is very hypoallergenic.

Disadvantages of Cerastim

  • The formula keeps changing, which indicates that either the company or the customers (or both) are not happy with it. If it worked, they would probably leave it alone.
  • None of the current ingredients are explained on the company website. It appears that the old formula was described in detail, but this is not currently the case. Perhaps that information will be coming later.
  • The lack of caffeine may turn some customers off. We’ve found that nootropic users usually want that boost in alertness that comes with caffeine.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase Cerastim through the Live Cell Research website. One 60-count bottle is a one month supply and costs $49.95. A 90-day supply sells for $119.98. If you want to go with a six month supply, that’ll cost $179.98. You’ll get free shipping on all orders over $50, so that means you’ll need to go with at least 2 months to get that deal. There’s a 90-day money back guarantee on all purchases.


Live Cell Research goes to pretty great lengths to make Cerastim appear to be a serious product. We mention this because so many of its competitors use more flashy marketing techniques to get potential customers all excited about the exaggerated claims they make. The approach they take with Cerastim is much more subdued, appealing to the customers’ more rational side. It’s a good long term approach, and it makes us confident that Live Cell Research is not going to pull the plug any time soon.

But we’re a little worried about the continually changing formula, and the lack explanation going along with the changes. If they’ve got the right formula, they shouldn’t have to change it. On the other hand, with the 90 day money back guarantee, and the full disclosure of contact information, customers can try Cerastim with little to no financial risk. That being the case, we feel fairly comfortable recommending that you give Cerastim a try.

Have You Used Cerastim?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Zynapse Review – Does It Work?

Zynapse Overview

Everyone is looking for the real “Limitless” pill. It all traces back to a film starring Bradley Cooper where he takes a pill that unlocks previously unused portions of his brain and allows him to accomplish things no one ever dreamed of. And while the extent of the benefits is still extremely far-fetched, the idea of improving your brain power is real. The pills are called nootropics, and they really can help you focus, concentration, pay attention, and remember better. There are some do-it-yourselfers out there putting together combinations of ingredients to their best effect. But there also ready-made choices too. Zynapse is a ready-made nootropic supplement that promises to best them all. Made by a company called Aeonetics in 2015, their goal was to make the strongest and most economical nootropic supplement available. Let’s take a closer look to see if they accomplished that.

Zynapse Benefits

Nootropics got their start because people were looking for an alternative to prescription ADD/ADHD medications. College students and others discovered that these medicine would help them focus in class, study for exams, and stay on task when writing research papers. But taking Adderall off label is illegal and could potential be harmful or addictive. Now you don’t need Adderall to achieve the same benefits. According to the official website, with regular use of Zynapse, you’ll start seeing:

  • Increased energy.
  • Laser-like focus.
  • Elevated creativity.
  • Improved motivation.
  • Quicker mental processing.
  • Zynapse Ingredients

And it’s not just for students. Anyone who needs that extra cognitive boost can find help with nootropics. But not all nootropics are created equal. A look at the formula can help us to know how successful Zynapse is likely to be.

Zynapse ReviewZynapse Ingredients and How They Work

The Zynapse formula is pretty comprehensive for a ready-made supplement. The primary ingredient in focus is:

  • Noopept which belongs to the Racetam family of nootropics, which is known as the grandfather of all nootropics. It can act as a stimulant that also provides a cognitive boost. It’s preferred over its popular relative Piracetam because the effective dose is much less.

The large supporting cast includes:

  • Alpha-GPC which is a very bioavailable form of choline which increases acetylcholine in the brain which has been linked to improved cognitive skills, memory, and learning abilities. In Europe, Alpha-GPC is used to treat Altzheimer’s disease.  You can find Alpha GPC in plenty of other competing supplements, including Adderin and Geniux.
  • Centrophenoxine which is a form of DMAE that is better able to enter the brain. It has been shown to be effective for reversing some of the negative effects of aging on the cognitive process.
  • Picamilon which is a combination of GABA and Niacin that can cross the blood-brain barrier. The GABA causes an anxiolytic response while the Niacin opens up blood vessels, allowing better blood flow to the brain.
  • Vinpocetine which can enhance blood flow to the brain and is commonly used throughout the world to improve memory and possible ease the symptoms of or prevent the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Huperzine A which prevents the breakdown of choline which will improve memory and boost alertness and energy levels.
  • Bacopa Monnieri which protects the brain against age related deterioration. It’s also used around the world to treat the symptoms of ADHD, anxiety and stress. It works by increasing the growth of nerve endings, enhancing communication in the brain.
  • L-Theanine which helps decrease anxiety and stress without causing drowsiness.
  • Caffeine which acts as a central nervous system stimulant, making you feel more alert and focused.

The recommended dose is 1 Zynapse capsule taken once or twice daily. Take one in the morning, and another in the afternoon if necessary. They say the best results are seen over time.

Zynapse Side Effects

The Zynapse website does not list any common side effects, but some of the ingredients are known to cause certain side effects in some people. For instance, Alpha-GPC can cause heartburn, headache, insomnia, and confusion.  Vinpocetine can cause stomach pain, nausea, sleep disturbances, nervousness, or flushing of the face.  Huperzine A has the longest and most serious list of potential issues:

  • It can slow your heart rate.
  • It can increase the severity of epilepsy.
  • It can make a gastrointestinal block worse by increasing mucus secretions in the intestines.
  • It can cause worsening of sores in the stomach or small intestine (peptic ulcers).
  • It can make asthma or emphysema worse due to increased mucus secretions.
  • It can worsen any urinary tract blockages, again due to increased mucus secretions.

The chances of these side effects are low, but they do exist and you should be aware of the potential.

Who Makes Zynapse?

The company that makes Zynapse is called Aeonetics. They make one other product called Heligyn which supports and strengthens and lengthens telomeres with a potential anti-aging benefit. There is very little company information available. Given the fact that one of their two products was first put out in 2015, it’s probably a very new company

Zynapse Pros and Cons

Advantages of Zynapse

  • The ingredients are all listed and briefly explained.
  • The formula uses some of the better nootropic ingredients available.
  • It’s reasonably priced.

Disadvantages of Zynapse

  • There are no independent Zynapse reviews from customers who’ve used it. This may be partly because it’s a fairly new product, but it’s also related to the fact that it’s only available through the official company website.
  • The ingredient dosages may be too small to be effective. This is where reviews would be helpful, since clinical studies of proper dosages have not been performed.
  • I found no indication that there’s a money back guarantee. A new supplement like this from a new and unknown company should offer a guarantee to make customer feel more assured while placing their order.
  • Each bottle contains 30 capsules. If you go with t he 2 capsules a day dose, a bottle will only last 15 days.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase Zynapse through the official Aeonetics website. A single bottle contains 30 capsules and costs $32.99. Buying quantities will save you money. Two bottles costs $58.99, while 3 bottles cost $78.99. There doesn’t seem to be a money back guarantee or any contact information provided for Aeonetics.


The Zynapse formula has some good components so it could be a pretty effective nootropic at a decent price. But at this point, we’re still left with some questions. With only 30 pills in the bottle, and one of the recommended doses being 2 pills a day, Zynapse could end up costing twice as much as you initially planned on. Also, without clinical tests, reviews, or a money back guarantee, we’re pretty much left with no real assurances. Customers could be much more comfortable buying Zynapse, and we would be much more comfortable recommending it if some of these gaps were filled in.

Have You Used Zynapse? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Legion Forge Review – Should You Use It?

Legion Forge Overview

With the workout supplement world so overcrowded with choices, some manufacturers have decided to enter into little micro-niches where they can corner a small-ish market and become the standout leader in that arena. Take Legion Forge for example. It’s designed specifically to support fasted training, where you work out while in a fasted state. Made by Legion Athletics, it promises to give your body the exact support it needs to lose fat and get ripped using the technique of fasted training.

What is Fasted Training

First a short explanation of what fasted training is and what it’s specifically used for. The broad concept is very simple. If you work out on an empty stomach, you’ll burn more fat than if you work out in a fed state. The details are slightly more complicated, but not much. After you eat, your insulin levels rise while your body digests your meal. Once digestion is complete, insulin levels drop back down. Fed training is when you work out while your insulin levels are still elevated. Fasted training is when you work out after your insulin has dropped back off to baseline levels.

The primary benefit to fasted training is increased the mobilization of fat and its conversion to energy. In other words, you burn more fat. Secondarily, it’s been shown that blood flow in the abdominal region increases, which can lead to increased burning of belly fat. There is a problem, however, with fasted training, and it’s that muscle breakdown rates are increased as well, leading to muscle loss over time. A secondary problem is that fasted workouts tend to be less rigorous. You just don’t have the energy, stamina, and drive you have with fed workouts.

Benefits if Legion Forge

Legion Forge counteracts the muscle breakdown that occurs during fasted training while supporting the fat burning goals that have you training in a fasted state in the first place. Next, we’ll take a look at the formula to see if it supports these promises.

Legion Forge ReviewLegion Forge Ingredients and How They Work

The Legion Forge formula is short and sweet, containing only 4 ingredients:

  • Calcium which has been shown in recent studies support weight loss efforts.
  • Yohimbine which blocks the activity of alpha receptors in favor of beta receptors. Beta receptors mobilize fat for burning. Alpha receptors do not. By blocking alpha receptors, yohimbine increases the fat burning activity of beta receptors. Yohimbine is only effective however with baseline insulin levels so it only works in a fasted state. As it happens, Yohimbine also improves exercise performance by fighting off fatigue, so you will experience more endurance, which is important in your fasted state. Yohimbine is not well tolerated by everyone. In too high doses it can cause unwanted side effects like elevated blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. Legion Forge uses a dose of 2.5 mg per capsule, having decided that this is the best dosage to maximize performance and minimize side effects.
  • Hydroxy Methylbutyrate (HMB) which is a byproduct when your body metabolizes L-Leucine, the BCAA most responsible for protein syntheses. HMB prevents muscle breakdown, which means faster recovery from workouts. This is the ingredient that works to prevent the loss of muscle you may otherwise experience with fasted training. Actually, HMB is more anti-catabolic than L-Leucine so it’s more effective at preventing muscle breakdown.
  • CDP-Choline (Citicholine) which increases levels of phosphatidylcholine, which improves focus and attention. Legion Forge used this to counteract the potential negative effect on motivation that fasted training can have.

How To Use Legion Forge

The label instructs that you should start out taking 1 Legion Forge capsule per 50 pounds of body weight about 15 minutes before your fasted workout. If you tolerate it well, you can increase your dose up to 1 capsule per 25 pounds of body weight. That means that at max dose, a 200 pound guy would be taking 8 capsules before working out. Because of the Yohimbe, I strongly recommend that you follow these guidelines, or start off even slower to assess your tolerance to the stuff.

Legion Forge Side Effects

The potential for side effects while using Legion Forge comes from the Yohimbine. Each capsule contains 2.5 mg so you can start real low and find your sweet spot as you go along. You’ll know when you’ve taken too much. You’re heart will race, and you may feel anxious and irritable. People with high blood pressure or anxiety issues shouldn’t take Legion Forge (or any yohimbing supplement) at all.

Who Makes Legion Forge?

Legion Athletics is the supplement company created by Mike Matthews, the fitness and bodybuilding guru turned author and blogger. He created Legion as a way to provide an alternative to the slick marketing, proprietary blend using companies that dominate the market. His philosophy is that clinically dosed supplements promoted with honest evaluations and reasonable expectations are what the community needs.

Where to Buy

At this time, you can only purchase Legion Forge online, but you do have several options. You can go straight to the Legion Athletics website and pick up a 120-count bottle for $29.95. You’ll also find it at and a few other retailers for the same price.

Legion Forge Pros and Cons

Advantages of Legion Forge

  • The ingredients are all listed with their doses and benefits.
  • It’s specifically designed to capitalize on the advantages of fasted training.
  • The manufacturer provides diet and workout advice as well as supplements.
  • Most of the Legion Forge reviews I’ve come across are very positive.
  • It’s reasonably priced.

Disadvantages of Legion Forge

  • The full dose of 8 or more capsules is a lot to take.
  • It can get expensive if you take the full dose.


In the end, it’s the training that gets you the body you want, not the supplements. Legion Forge takes a training method – fasted training – and gives it the support it needs to be its most effective. And according to the reviews we’ve seen, it’s working. If you use fasted training and you want to get the most of its fat burning advantages without losing muscle, give Legion Forge a try.

Have You Used Legion Forge? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Waterex Review – Should You Use It?

Waterex Overview

GNC makes a line of weight loss supplements called GNC Total Lean. It’s a pretty comprehensive line up, which you can tell partly because of the inclusion of a product called Waterex. The purpose of Waterex is to balance the fluid level in your body so you’re neither bloated nor dehydrated. Keeping balanced fluid levels also allows you to maintain a steadier weight throughout the day, since it’s not fluctuating all day with how much water you’re retaining. We took a look at Waterex, the promises, the ingredients, and the customer feedback, and we’ll let you know what we came up with as far as a recommendation for against using it.

What Is Waterex?

Waterex is part of the Total Lean weight loss line, so you can view it as a weight loss supplement. But it’s not a weight loss supplement in the most conventional sense. It doesn’t burn fat. It doesn’t improve energy. It doesn’t suppress your appetite. What it does do is maintain just the right fluid levels in your body to where you have all you need, but you’re not holding onto the extra that can make you feel bloated and heavier than you want to be.

It might not be exactly what you would expect based on some of the claims that it makes, but it definitely does help to prevent bloating and prevent troublesome water retention.

How Waterex Works

We all know that extreme sweating or a bout with vomiting can lower your electrolyte levels below where is necessary to keep your body functioning smoothly and properly. Electrolytes carry either a positive or a negative charge, and transport electrical impulses and transmit nerve signals, contracting muscles. They also maintain the correct fluid balance as well as the proper acidic-basic balance required for the body to function properly. That’s why there are times when elecrolyte replenishment becomes necessary.

Ordinarily, the foods we eat contain enough electrolytes to keep the balance, but when there’s extreme sweating due to extreme heat, prolonged exercise, or illness, lost electrolytes may need to be replaced. That’s where Waterex comes in. By replenishing the right minerals and nutrients, it helps you maintain the proper fluid balance in your body, even while you’re dieting and exercising. Waterex is not a conventional diet pill or a conventional diuretic. It’s more about balancing fluids than it is about ridding yourself of them.

Waterex ReviewWaterex Ingredients

The core of the Waterex formula is found in the two electrolytes, Potassium and Magnesium. These minerals help you retain the proper fluid balance without finding yourself with too much or too little.
Beyond that, the formula is a big shot of Vitamin B6 for energy and mainly herbs, some of which are thought to be diuretic:

  • Corn Silk which may remove excess fluid from body tissue.
  • Parsley Herb Powder which has been known to be a fast acting diuretic.
  • Fennel Seed
  • Hydrangea Root Powder
  • Juniper Berries Extract
  • Garlic Clove
  • Elderberry Fruit
  • Horsetail Rush Stems which is used to prevent edema.
  • Uva Uris Extract

The recommended dose is 2 capsules per day.

Waterex Reviews

Waterex comes from GNC, which means they should have a large following. I heard from one guy I know that GNC pushed it as an add on when you’re buying weight loss or cutting products. The reason is probably because it’s so cheap, they figure they can get you to say “why not?” and pick some up. But for a heavily pushed GNC product, there are relatively few customer reviews out there on the internet. It seems most of them come from customers who used it because of their specific problems with water retention. Here’s a sampling:

“Quality item, works well for me… lost 7 pounds so far but need another 20… I have always had water retention, not everyone does.”

“Really helps! I have been taking rhis for 5 weeks and have seen great results. No more bloating, not even during htat monthly time.”

“Waterex by GNC is wonderful for those who want to take a safe water pill every day. It helps regulate excess water retention. The pill is a capsule and is very easy to take.”

Waterex Side Effects

We have found no indication that Waterex causes any particular side effects, though it’s important to remember that some degree of mild side effects are always possible. It is advised that you drink plenty of water while you’re taking Waterex.

Waterex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Waterex

  • It’s inexpensive.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The few Waterex reviews we found landed mainly on the favorable side.
  • GNC offers a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Waterex

  • It’s marketed as a weight loss product, but losing water weight is not and effective way to lose weight permanently. Water weight is known to be the first weight that comes off and the first weight that comes back on. I suppose if you continued taking Waterex forever, the water weight wouldn’t come back, but that’s not really feasible.
  • The formula is entirely limited to balancing water retention when those benefits could easily just be added to another pill with more functionality.

Where to Buy

Waterex is a GNC product so it’s available to pick up at their stores. The 60-count bottle is good for 30 days, and carries a price of $14.99. GNC members can get it for $11.99. Online, it’s available through for $9.35. If you buy it at GNC, you’ll be covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.


You certainly may get some short term benefit from taking Waterex. But I wouldn’t recommend using it long term as any kind of weight loss solution. Water weight is not the weight you want to focus on when you’re trying to lose. Yes, if you’re in a competition and you need to look ripped, Waterex can help. But the idea of it being helpful for real and sustained weight loss just doesn’t hold water.

Simply going with cheap water retention pills could be a cheaper and more effective supplement option than these, as they are little more than overpriced water retention pills.

Have You Used Waterex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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The Amen Solution Attention Support Review – Does It Work

The Amen Solution Attention Support Overview

Dr. Daniel Amen is a nationally known psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist. In 1999, he wrote a book called Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, which made it to the New York Times Best Seller List. Since then, between his clinics, his writings, his television appearances, and his line of supplements, he’s developed quite a following. We’ll be talking about one of his supplements, The Amen Solution Attention Support, today and how it may or may not help you or your child with Attention Deficit Disorder or other focus and concentration related ailments.

Who Is Dr. Daniel Amen?

He’s been a practicing psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist since the 1980s. For many years now, his primary focus has been diagnosis and treatment of ADD, ADHD, and other brain disorders at his six Amen Clinics. He relies heavily on the use of brain scans called SPECT Scanning (or Single Photon Emulsion Computed Tomography for diagnostic purposes. He’s come under heavy criticism for doing so. Medical associations are in pretty solid agreement that SPECT scanning is not sensitive or accurate enough for diagnostic purposes. Nevertheless, Dr. Amen uses them widely and charges his patients a very high fee for them. In fact, he has the world’s largest collection of diagnostic brain scans by far.

In addition to his clinics, Dr. Amen has produced nine television shows about the brain, all appearing on PBS during fund raising drives. He also created a 52-week program with Pastor Rick Warren and Dr. Mark Hymen to help get the word healthy though a network of religious organizations. He’s also built quite an online empire, to the point where the Washington Post considers him the most popular psychiatrist in the country.

What Can The Amen Solution Attention Support Do For You?

One of the ways you can access the help of Dr. Amen without going to his clinic or getting a scan is through his line of supplements. The Amen Solution Attention Support in particular is marketed toward children with ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms, but adults with the same symptoms are also using it. The promised benefits are that The Amen Solution Attention Support can help you relax, stay calm, and increase your attention span with the use of natural ingredients which means no pharmaceutically induced side effects.

By increasing your focus, you’ll grow in confidence. Knowing that you can pay attention and retain what you’re learning can have a relaxing effect on your, or your child’s learning. By maintaining calm focus, you will be able to make better decisions, which can spiral into more good decisions, and eventually the calm assuredness that you’ll make better decisions into the future.

The Amen Solution Attention SupportThe Amen Solution Attention Support Ingredients

The Amen Solution Attention Support formula is made up of six natural ingredients including:

  • Vitamin B6 which is needed to produce necessary neurotransmitters like serotonin, epinephrine, noepinephrine, and GABA. It can also help support attention and mood when used with Magnesium.
  • Magnesium which is used to produce and use energy. In the brain, it supports a calm mood and increased focus. It’s also used to regulate the activity of nerve connections in the brain.
  • Zinc which is used in hundreds of natural bodily processes, including the conversion of niutrients to energy and antioxidant protection of your cells. Zinc also contributes to the body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Better rest means better focus. In clinical trials, Zinc has been shown to improve the attention and behavior of children.
  • PhosphatidylSerine which supports energy production and is essential to creating the synapses that wire nerve cells into information transfer networks. It’s been studied and shown to support cognitive and attention functions.
  • Pycnogenol which has been clinically shown to benefit attention and other brain functions in both children and adults. It also promotes increased delivery of blood to the brain.
  • Choline which supports the production of acetylcholine in the brain. You need acetylcholine for greater mental focus. It also can be used to make Phosphatidyl Choline, also important for the brain’s synapses.

The recommended daily dose is 3  Amen Solution Attention Support capsules, preferably on an empy stomach.

The Amen Solution Attention Support Reviews

We didn’t find a lot of discussion specifically related to The Amen Solution Attention Support, but what we did find is mostly positive. We saw reports like:

“I feel way more focuses without the crazy side effects of anxiety.”

“I did notice a sharper focus and not getting tired in the late afternoons.”

“I take in the morning and it really helps me with focus.”

“I homeshool my granddaughter (8) who in the past has had difficulty sitting through even an hour of school time quietly without fidgeting. In just the short time since she has been taking Attention Support, I have seen a dramatic improvement. Even she has noticed that it’s easier for her to complete her work.”

The Amen Solution Attention Support Side Effects

No side effects are listed on the label, and I have not seen reports of any in customer reviews. Dr. Amen claims that The Amen Solution Attention Support is safe for children as young as 4.

Where to Buy

You can purchase The Amen Solution Attention Support directly from one of Dr. Amen’s clinics. If you don’t have one nearby, you can pick it up online. Dr. Amen’s website carries it. The 90-count bottle sells for $39.95, or $33.96 if you sign up for auto-delivery. You can also head over to Amazon and pick it up for $39.95 with no strings attached.

The Amen Solution Attention Support Pros and Cons

Advantages of The Amen Solution Attention Support

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The Amen Solution Attention Support is backed by the reputation of Dr. Amen.
  • The ingredients are fairly gentle but they have been shown to improve brain function.

Disadvantages of The Amen Solution Attention Support

  • There’s not as much customer feedback as I’d like to see.
  • It’s recommended for children, which may lead parents to “self-diagnose” their kids with ADHD, when the problem could be something else entirely.
  • Given the ingredients, you could probably put a similar nootropic stack together yourself for less.


The Amen Solution Attention Support looks safe and at least somewhat effective. The biggest problem is that it’s part of Dr. Amen’s growing empire doling out psychiatric advice to the masses. Dr. Amen may be right and all those other doctors who disagree with him may be the ones who are wrong. But there’s a lot of question about the assertions he’s putting out there, especially when it comes to the current usefulness of brain scans for diagnosing brain disorders. I don’t know that you want to involve your kids while there’s still so much uncertainty. But if you’re interested in The Amen Solution Attention Support supplement, it might help your symptoms. I would check with the doctor before you give it to your young child.

I would look around for a second opinion before you go out and buy it.

Have You Used The Amen Solution Attention Support? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Etherium Gold Review – Is It Effective?

Etherium Gold Overview

I have to be honest. Before one of our readers asked me about it, I had never heard of Etherium Gold or monatomic minerals in general. Since then, I’ve done some research, and while I’m no expert by far, I will share the information I’ve found, and my impressions of the potential benefits.

What is Etherium Gold?

Etherium Gold actually goes by several different names. It’s also known as Monatomic Gold, White Powder Gold, ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Mono-Atomic Elements), and White Gold. To put it simply, Etherium Gold is a monatomic element. That means its atoms are not bound together, which gives it unique physical propertyes. It is believed that these monatomic elements, and Etherium Gold in particular, have the power to confer mental and physical benefits to those who use it. It is believed that Monoatomic gold was used by ancient Egyptions and referred to as the food of the gods for its ability to aid with spiritual, mental, and physical abilities.

It’s believed that Etherium Gold comes from trace mineral deposits resulting from a meteorite landing. The minerals include gold, silver, platinum, chromium, rhodium, and iridium. The way it is said to work is that its electromagnetic frequency and wave patterns increase wave production in the alpha brain. It puts the two sides of the brain in sync, which increases mental capacity and focus, and enhances almost everything you do.

Etherium Gold ReviewEtherium Gold Benefits

The benefits attributed to Etherium Gold are numerous and include physical, mental, and spiritual endeavors. According to those who believe, you’ll see:

  • Better mental clarity and focus.
  • A more synchronized balance of the left and right brains.
  • A greater sense of inner peace.
  • Increased positivity.
  • Elevated intuition.
  • Deeper insight into yourself and life in general.
  • Lucid dreams.
  • A better handling of stressful situations and grasp of the bigger picture.
  • Enhanced creativity.
  • Access to a higher understanding of universal knowledge.

And those are just the mental and spiritual benefits. There are physical benefits as well, which include a better mind/body connection and coordination as well as better energy.

Where Does Etherium Gold Come From

The modern day discovery of Etherium Gold came when scientist were studying the benefits of a particular herb called Chamaebatiaria Millefolium, which seemed to be having such a profound effect on the people that used it. It turned out that it wasn’t the herb causing the effects, but the soil from which it was growing. That soil turned out to be rich in monatomic gold, and it was being absorbed into the roots of the herb. When geologists studied the site, it turned out to be the site of a meteor landing over 11,000 years ago. It is now believed that extreme heat, such as that caused by a meteor landing or a volcano, is what creates the proper environment for Etherium Gold.

Scientific Studies of Etherium Gold

There haven’t been a lot of clinical studies on the effects of Etherium Gold, but there was one conducted in 2003 by the Alpha Learning Institute in Lugano, Switzerland with 40 subjects. The study showed that what Etherium Gold does is create more alpha brain waves than beta brain waves in every one of the 40 subjects. This is potentially significant because Alpha brain waves are responsible for clearer thinking and imagination while Beta brainwaves are associated more with stress.

A similar study was then conducted at the Mind Spa in Norcross, Georgia by Director Robert Dallas, PhD. Using EEG results, this study noted that 90% of the subjects taking Etherium Gold had increased activation and balance in their brainwave frequencies. The functions of the right brain (logical, linear, mathmatical) and the left brain (creative, spatial, meditative) were more in sync after using Etherium Gold. The impact was also noted to be temporary.

How To Use Etherium Gold

There are several brands of Etherium Gold using several different names for the products. Sometimes it’s called Etherium Gold, sometimes it’s called White Powder Gold, sometimes it’s called Monatomic Gold, sometimes it’s called ORMES or ORMUS. It sometimes comes in liquid form used as a spray or as drops. It sometimes comes in pill or capsule form. Which form you use is mainly a matter of personal preference. The liquid forms may absorb faster and act more quickly, so there’s that to consider. Generally, it’s recommended that you take Etherium Gold every day on an empty stomach, but you could also use it just when you’re in need of increased clarity and focus.

Etherium Gold Reviews

I was actually surprised to see how many favorable reviews this stuff has. Some versions of it are sold on Amazon, so that’s mainly where we collected our reviews from. Most people seem to like it. The positive reviews far outweigh the negative ones. And most don’t seem to over-the-top to be believable. A few examples are:

“After about a week of using this supplement as directed, I do feel a noticeable difference in cognitive and artistic brain function. I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to think clearly and have more complete brain hemisphere interaction.”


“Nothing life changing, but I do feel more focused.”

They’re not all positive however. Some who tried it say it simply doesn’t do anything they were hoping it would.

Etherium Gold Side Effects

The most commonly talked about side effect of Etherium Gold is headaches, and it does seem to be quite common. Other than that, I haven’t seen any indication of side effects.

Etherium Gold Pros and Cons

Advantages of Etherium Gold

  • It may improve the balance between your left and right brain functions and activities.
  • It comes in several different forms so you can find one that’s right for you.
  • There is some degree of scientific evidence pointing to the fact that it may have an effect.

Disadvantages of Etherium Gold

  • With so many different brands and distributors, you may not know what you’re getting. The supplement industry is not regulated for effectiveness, so while there my be a brand that’s pretty effective, there may also be copycats that you can’t trust.

Where to Buy

If you’re interested in Etherium Gold, you can find it online pretty easily. There are lots of retailers selling it in pill and liquid forms. Harmonic Innerprizes is a popular choice. You can buy it directly through their website or you can get it from Prices vary depending on the size and format you buy.


I’m still on the fence about Etherium Gold. It sounds intriguing, and if it does what it says, it could be a very cool supplement. But years of testing supplements has made me pretty skeptical. I’d have to try it out myself to really know for sure. In the meantime, it would be great to hear about your experiences. If you’ve ever used Etherium Gold, let us know how it worked out for you.

Have You Used Etherium Gold? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Super Long Night 72 Review – Does It Work?

Super Long Night 72 Overview

It’s pretty much the holy grail these days. Everyone is looking for that one supplement that will help them perform like the superstar in the bedroom.

Your problem may be a loss of interest in sex.

Your problem may be the inability to achieve and maintain a hard erection.

Or your problem may be a lack of stamina that leaves you finishing far too quickly to provide maximum enjoyment for either one of you.


If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

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Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

Some supplement choices specialize is one or another of these issues. Super Long Night 72 covers them all.

Benefits of Super Long Night 72

Using Super Long Night 72 daily promises to:

  • End erectile dysfunction.
  • Eliminate premature ejaculation.
  • Boost fertility.
  • Intensify your orgasms.
  • Improve your sexual confidence.

That pretty much covers all the areas of male enhancement except one.

What About Size?

Guys are always asking me which pill will increase the size of their penis. The only true answer is None of Them. A pill can be great for enhancing and improving your performance, but it can’t do anything permanent about the size of your penis. Taking a good male enhancement supplement will improve the size of your erection by increasing blood flow to the area, but that size increase won’t be maintained after your erection is gone. The only way to permanently increase the size of your penis is to perform manual exercises or to use a device.

A positive note about Super Long Night 72 is that it doesn’t claim to increase penis size. That’s actually refreshing after seeing so many supplements that make that kind of promise, knowing they can’t keep it.

Super Long Night 72 ReviewSuper Long Night 72 Ingredients

Next we’ll take a look at the Super Long Night 72 formula. It’s the best way to get a good read on what you can really expect it to accomplish. The formula is made up of all natural ingredients:

  • Cinnamomum which may fight against sexual fatigue in men.
  • Cretoinia Siliqua which is otherwise known as the Carob Tree, and there doesn’t appear to be any sexual benefit attributed to it.
  • Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) which is thought to possibly increase testosterone.
  • Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) which may increase libido.
  • Salva Officialis (Sage) which has been known to be used to ease sexual difficulty.
  • Eugenia Caryophyllata (cloves) which can be used as a stimulant.
  • Matricaia Recuita (chamomile) which is known to be a relaxant.
  • Laurus Nubilis which has no known effect on sexuality.
  • Pimpinella Anisum (Anise) which also has no known effect on sexuality.

How Super Long Night 72 Works

The instructions require that you take 1 Super Long Night 72 capsule either 2 hours before or after a meal. The ingredients build up in your system over time, and in a few weeks, levels will be sufficient to see real results. Your libido will be up, and when aroused, you’ll experience more forceful blood flow to your penis, resulting in a harder, longer-lasting erection. Your testosterone levels will also increase, leading to both better erections and greater stamina.

Who Can Use Super Long Night 72?

Super Long Night 72 is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. This is the case mainly because the ingredients in the formula haven’t been tested on kids who are still growing. Without knowing the potential effects, it’s not a good idea to take the chance. As for the older gentlemen among us, Super Long Night 72 claims to work very well with its senior customers, claiming that they’re product is best for anyone from the age of 18 to the age of 80.

Super Long Night 72 Side Effects

It’s impossible to guarantee that no one will ever experience side effects with any particular supplement. Simple headaches and nausea are relatively rare, but they do happen occasionally with most supplements. Having said that, Super Long Night 72 claims that no negative side effects have ever been reported, not even anything related to allergies. If you have a medical condition or you’re taking prescription medication, it’s best to consult with your doctor before taking this or any other supplement.

Super Long Night 72 Reviews

We didn’t come across any independent customer feedback. But there are testimonials listed on the Super Long Night 72 website. I always take website testimonials with a grain of salt, though, because you never know if they’re real or if they were solicited, paid for, or simply made up. With that said, here are some that we found:

Jacob P. says, “The best part about Super Long Night 72 is I can get an erection so much faster, and without the horrible side effects common in many other erection supplements that are available.”

Ryan C says, “Since I’ve started using Super Long Night 72, a new me has emerged. Everything from my sex life to workout sessions and even my attitude toward life has completely changed for the better.”

Antonio says, “I’m incredibly pleased with Super Long Night 72. Not only has it been made from the best all natural ingredients, it’s really friendly to your wallet as well.”

Super Long Night 72 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Super Long Night 72

  • The ingredients are all natural and all disclosed.
  • There are discounts for purchases of multiple packages at once.
  • No side effects have been reported.
  • There are positive customer testimonials on the Super Long Night 72 website.
  • They ship worldwide.

Disadvantages of Super Long Night 72

  • We found no independent customer reviews for Super Long Night 72.
  • The ingredients are not what we usually see in male enhancement supplements.
  • There is no money back guarantee.
  • There are no clinical tests verifying its effectiveness.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Super Long Night 72 online through the official website. If you want just a one month supply, it costs $59. If you buy 2 months, you’ll save $10. I you buy 3 months, you’ll save $20. I was not able to track down and verify a money back guarantee.

Super Long Night 72 Conclusion

Super Long Night 72 is safe, but I’m not entirely sure it’s effective. The ingredients are unusual and seem to be better suited to an herbal tea than an enhancement supplement, and the testimonials only appear on the official website. There is no clinical proof either. With hundreds of other options for male performance enhancement, it’s tough to recommend something like Super Long Night 72. I can imagine you’ll get some benefit from it, but there are better, more proven options available.

Have You Used Super Long Night 72? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Best Nootropic Supplements

New research shows that the better your brain works, the better your life will be. A study conducted at Ohio State University found that smart people make more money than their less-bright counterparts – as much as an extra $616 for each one point increase in IQ.

Another study, this one published in the journal Psychological Medicine, reports that people with IQs of 120 or more are happier than those with IQs below 100.

Increasingly, men, women, and even teenagers worldwide are turning to dietary supplements to give their brains essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and herbals they are not getting – or not getting enough of – in their diets.

All three of the brain supplements reviewed below are natural nootropics, meaning they mimic the beneficial effects of prescription drugs but without the harmful side effects.

#1 Pick—Mind Lab PRO

When I was searching for a brain supplement, one that really stood out was Mind Lab PRO. OptiNutra, the manufacturer, has taken a research-based approach to their product formula with impressive results reported by users.

Mind Lab PRO is a formula with 11 key ingredients that are proven to improve brain health and performance including citicoline. If you weren’t already aware, citicoline supports mitochondria which generate power for all brain cells to increase brain energy 13.6%.

Lion’s Mane, a mushroom extract used in Mind Lab PRO, contains hericenones and erinacines that trigger the growth of new neurons. In a Japanese study published in Phytotherapy Research, participants with mild cognitive impairment taking Lion’s Mane for 16 works showed a significant increase in cognitive function.

Mind Lab PRO also includes phosphatidylserine (PS). By helping to grow new neurons, PS is a powerful agent for slowing, halting, or even reversing age-related brain deterioration. In a study published in the journal Aging, patients between ages 65 and 93 given 300 mg PS daily showed statistically significant improvements in cognitive performance.

L-theanine, Rhodiola rosea root, N-Acetyl Tyrosine, vitamin B6, Bacopa Monnieri, Ptersostilbene, vinpocetine, and Huperzine A round out the formula.

#2 Pick – Optimind

Optimind is designed to help sharpen focus, enhance memory, increase brain energy, improve cognition, and boost overall drive. It uses a complex blend of 16 ingredients including GABA, DMAE, Huperzine-A, alpha lipoic acid, caffeine, green tea, and taurine.

GABA has been shown to help as a calming agent and perform a regulatory function on melatonin production. DMAE, also known as Deanol, helps the body produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It improves memory and mood while increasing thinking skills. Vinpocetine is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that enhances memory and cerebral metabolism.

#3 Pick—Mind Boost Night and Day Formula

Mind Boost is a daily all natural formula designed to help improve memory and cognition, help you become more creative, and sharpen your concentration. There is one formula to take during the day and a second taken at night.

The day formula has 4 primary ingredients: folic acid, vitamin B-12, monosodium citicoline, and Rhodiola Root Extract. This herb, native to Russia, has been clinically proven to stimulate brain activity and mental work capacity.

The night formula includes green tea extract; olive leaf extract, which has neuroprotective properties; and picamilon, which works by helping to calm and relax you before bedtime.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Supplements

Are there any side effects?

Because all three are nootropics, they ostensibly have no side effects. But it’s always smart to speak with your doctor to confirm this and discuss any possible interactions between the ingredients in the supplement and any medications you may be taking.

Do these products really enhance mental performance?

I’ve taken all three supplements and in every case have felt real improvement in my mental abilities including memory, learning, concentration, focus, problem-solving, and thinking. They made me feel sharper and more alert while lifting mental fog and lethargy.

How long do I need to take these to see the best results?

While each supplement is different, I personally noticed the best results from each of these on an average of 2-3 months. Also, keep in mind that if you stop taking them, you will see a reduction in the benefits. They support optimal brain health and chemistry while in our blood system but do not have a permanent effect.

Should I reinforce the effects of the brain supplements with other brain-boosting activities?

Yes. These include regular physical exercise, getting enough sleep, good nutrition, and drinking plenty of water; the brain is 70% water, so staying hydrated contributes to optimal brain health. In addition to physical exercise, you should also exercise mentally. Activities you can do to keep your brain active and sharp include learning a new skill or subject (e.g., a foreign language or playing an instrument), doing the crossword or solving other puzzles, and forced memorization – for instance, go grocery shopping without a written list.

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