Single Leg Squat Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Bridge Exercise Demonstration

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Calf Jumps Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Chair – Bench Dips Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Barbell Reverse Curls Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Superman Exercise Demonstration

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lunge Exercise Demonstration

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Divebomber Pushup Demonstration

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Testo Factor X Review – Is It Worth It?

The simple fact is that as men age, our testosterone levels drop. It starts happening incrementally in about our mid-twenties, but we don’t begin to notice the effects until about a decade or so later. That’s when they’ve dropped enough to cause changes in our bodies. And that’s only the beginning.

From the mid-thirties on, you can expect to notice the drop more and more every year. Some symptoms to note are:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Irritability.
  • Fat gain, especially that dreaded belly fat.
  • A harder time at the gym. Weight you used to have no problem with suddenly feels harder to push.
  • Poor sleep.
  • Less interest in sex as well as increased trouble getting and maintaining erections.

These are all symptoms of a decline in testosterone. It’s natural, and it doesn’t indicate a medical issue, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it lying down. That’s what natural testosterone boosting supplements like Testo Factor X are for.

Testo Factor X ReviewBenefits of Testo Factor X

When you start taking Testo Factor X, the website promises that all the benefits associated with normalized testosterone levels begin to show. You’ll experience better and longer lasting erections, an increased libido, more strength and stamina in the gym, easier weight loss, a better mood, and improved post workout recovery.

Testo Factor X Ingredients

Of course, telling you about the benefits is the job of marketing. The most important thing is taking a look at the ingredients that make up the Testo Factor X formula and how they affect your health and well being.

Unfortunately, Testo Factor X didn’t think it was important as we think it is. Their official website which talks a ton about what the product can do for you doesn’t mention ingredients at all. I know it seems crazy to think a company would try to sell a supplement without saying what’s in it, but you’d be surprised how common it is.

Here’s what we do know: It’s true that there’s no list provided. But there is one clue. Way down at the bottom of the webpage, there’s a reference to two clinical trials involving Tribulus Terrestris. That serves as a pretty good sign that Tribulus is one of the main ingredients.

Tribulus Terrestris is used in a lot of testosterone boosting formulas. It is believed to increase the amount of luteinizing hormone that the pituitary gland releases. This increased LH then signals to the testes that it should produce and release an increased amount of testosterone.

There are a few other hints about ingredients, but they come from outside sources, such as review websites, and they don’t cite where they got their information. So in effect, we have no idea if this information is even remotely valid. And oh, by the way, different review sites list different ingredients, so there’s even less validity to the claims.

Here’s a rundown of some of the key ingredients claimed (but not confirmed) to be in Testo Factor X:

  • Protease enzymesHorny Goat Weed
  • Eurycoma Longifolia
  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Black Pepper Extract
  • Creatine
  • Glutamine
  • Brown Rice Flour
  • L-Arginine
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Milk Thistle
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Ginseng
  • Vitamine E

Seriously, guys, that’s a conglomeration of several different lists from several different websites. But we’re sticking with the fact that the only ingredient we can be reasonably sure of is Tribulus Terrestris.

The problem with not knowing what’s in a supplement is pretty obvious. Formula is the most important factor to determine the success of a supplement. If we don’t know that, there’s very little we do know.

How to Use Testo Factor X

You only need one pill a day with Testo Factor X. Take it with a glass of water whenever it fits into your schedule. Just try to pick a time you can stick to each day, so the ingredients levels stay fairly consistent from day to day.

Testo Factor X Reviews

After formula, the next best place to look to figure out if something works is user feedback. If Testo Factor X has a bunch of happy customers sharing their positive experiences, we can still have hope for it. On the other hand, if there are a bunch of complaints from unhappy customers, that’s a big sign to run the other way.

For Testo Factor X, the only feedback we could find was right there on the official website. This is problematic because the “testimonials” found on the page designed to promote the product will generally be biased, cherry-picked, or downright fake.

I never trust product testimonials from a product’s website. It’s much better to get your feedback from outside sources as much as possible. Unfortunately there is no outside feedback available online for Testo Factor X. The only feedback is right there on the website:

“After taking Testo Factor X, everything changed. Testo Factor X lets me pump more in the gym, without taking extra time. I know have the body I want without sacrificing any more time.”

“I’m a professional bodybuilder, so I need every advantage I can get…This small supplement simply improves on my current workout schedule. This is the edge I need without having to exhaust myself any further.”

Both of the testimonials listed seem to push the idea that Testo Factor X does some of the work for you. You don’t have to change your routine to achieve results. We all wish that were true, but we know it’s not.

Where to Buy

The only way to purchase Testo Factor X at this time is through the free trial offer at their website. You pay only shipping up front and they send you a full one month supply. But written in teeny tiny print at the bottom of the page is the following statement:

“By submitting, you consent to having read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions and after your 12 days trial period has expired, being enrolled in our membership program for $139.97 plus shipping per month. You can cancel anytime by calling 1-855-511-2254.”

That’s right. By signing up for the trial, you’re agreeing to let them charge you $139.97 in 12 days and then every month thereafter until you cancel. Okay, the hidden terms are scammy enough, but $139.97?! That’s a ridiculus price for a single supplement, especially when you remember the fact that you don’t even know what’s in it!

This is where I usually add a section about the pros and cons of a product. I’ve decided not to bother this time because I really don’t have anything positive to say about Testo Factor X at all.


Testo Factor X wants you to buy their product for $140 a month, but they don’t tell you what’s in it, and they go out of their way to hide the real price from you. Don’t get lured in by flashy promises. It’s a weak testosterone booster at best, and an outright scam at worst.

Have You Used Testo Factor X? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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ED Conqueror Review – Should You Use It?

Our main focus here at is, well… supplements. But occasionally, we become aware of a device or a program that’s very relevant to the issues we deal with on a daily basis. ED Conqueror is one such program. It’s a comprehensive program used to fight back against erectile dysfunction, and it’s available online. So we decided to take a look.

What is ED Conqueror?

ED Conqueror is an online, text based guide to solve any and all erectile dysfunction issues you may have. It was created by a guy named Michael Steele when he decided to take his own ED problems into his own hands, so to speak.

ED Conqueror ReviewAfter doing some research, he developed a program based on the principles he’d learned. It includes a thorough explanation of why erectile dysfunction happens, dietary guidelines to combat the causes, exercise routines, and a whole lot or support for any guy who’s going through this.

Next, we’ll talk a little bit about the developer of the program, before moving on to the nuts and bolts of how it works.

Who Is Michael Steele.

It’s a familiar story. Guy has problem. Guy searches high and low for the solution. Guy solves problem. Guy shares his success with the world. That’s the short version of how ED Conqueror was born.

Michael Steele was a guy who suffered with erectile dysfunction. He felt like it was destroying his marriage. He was desparate to find a solution. He researched constantly for weeks, but found no answers.

One day, a terrible stomach ache sent him to the doctor. It turned out to be mild pancreatitis, an inflammatory disease. At that visit, his doctor discussed how recent research is finding that erectile dysfunction may be an inflammatory disease as well.

Steele continued his research, but this time, focusing on his new knowledge of why ED happens. Eventually, he found that the solution was in a list of foods that reduce inflammation. And the rest, as they say, is history.

How the ED Conqueror System Works

Chronic inflammation prevents the blood vessel and corpus cavernosa walls of the penis from relaxing, which needs to happen in order to get an erection. Solve the inflammation problem – solve the ED problem.

ED Conqueror uses a list of 12 foods that can be put together to make the ED Conqueror sandwiches. These sandwiches are the core of the program, but there’s more to it. It provides a comprehensive explanation of what’s going on in your body when you do and don’t get erections. It provides other food combinations to use and avoid. And it offers exercises programs to achieve and maintain optimal penis health all around.

What’s Included in the ED Conqueror System?

The ED Conqueror program is set up as three distinct modules:

Module 1 – The Truth About Your ED – explains the real cause of your erectile dysfunction and how to cure it with simple foods focuses on fighting inflammation. It goes into great detail on everything the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about ED and how to cure it.

Module 2 – The Blueprint to Conquering ED – provides the step-by-step instructions, good food lists, bad food lists, recipes, natural supplements to use, and lifestyle changes to make so you can finally put an end to the cycle of erectile dysfunction.

Module 3 – The Plan to Eliminate ED – sets you up with tips, tricks, strategies and techniques to ensure your success.

Each module is much more in depth than what we’ve laid out here, but we just wanted to give you an idea of what you get when you order.

Where to Buy ED Conqueror

You can only purchase ED Conqueror online. Once you sign up for it, you have immediate access to all the information it provides. It’s priced at only $39.95, and is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee. In order to enact the refund, you just need to send an email letting them know that you weren’t satisfied.

ED Conqueror Feedback

I wasn’t able to find any independent feedback from customers, but there are some testimonials presented on the website:

Tanner says: “Let me tell you – at 80 years old, my wife and I are having more fun in the bedroom than when we were 25!”

Jake says: “The worst part of ED was feeling like I wasn’t good enough… since I was failing at the number one thing that made me a man. But as soon as I tried the ED Conqueror, I became a beast in bed. You should have heard her moan!”

John says: “I was skeptical at first… I did my own research before trying out ED Conqueror. Well the medical research was all there, so I enrolled in the program and gave it my best shot. After just 1 day, I had the biggest hardest erection of my life! My only prolem now is getting hard when I shouldn’t!”

The thing about website testimonials is that there very likely to be exaggerated, cherry-picked, or just outright fake. One thing you’ll never see is negative feedback presented on the sales page for a product. It doesn’t mean there is none. It just means they’re not going to make finding it easy for you.

ED Conqueror Pros and Cons

Advantages of ED Conqueror

  • It’s all natural, using just foods and exercises, as well as herbal supplement recommendations.
  • There’s nothing you have to buy beyond the initial program.
  • It’s safe and based on scientific research – to a point.
  • It’s pretty inexpensive.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of ED Conqueror

  • If these goods could really cure ED, wouldn’t you already know about them? It would be awfully hard for Michael Steele and ED Conqueror to stay under the radar if something so simple worked as well as he says.


If you suffer with chronic ED, you’ve probably tried the prescription medications and at least a few of the herbal supplements. An if you’re here reading this review, my guess is those solution haven’t worked as well as you want them to.

If that’s the case, I don’t blame you for being willing to try anything. ED Conqueror comes in at a pretty low, one-time price point. No doubt it’s a little hokey, but for $39.95 with a money back guarantee, it might be worth it.

Have You Used ED Conqueror? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme Review – Does It Work?

If ever there was a male enhancement pill that could do it all, Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme claims to be the one. If it’s related to a better sexual experience, this stuff promises to provide it for you.

Here’s the list of benefits claimed on their official website:

  • Harder, stronger erections.
  • An absolute end to erectile dysfunction.
  • No more premature ejaculation.
  • Explosive orgasms.
  • Increased sperm count and improved fertility.
  • Improved sperm quality.
  • The greater confidence that comes from knowing that you’re the man who can satisfy any woman.

Probably the biggest selling point for Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme is that it’s fast acting. That means rather than having to take it every day and worrying that you’ve lost all your progress if you forget to take it, you only use it when you’re planning to need it.  And with greater than 30 million men in the United States alone suffering from recurring erectile dysfunction, Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme has a very large potential market.

We took a closer look at the formula, the company, the side effects, and the results, in order to get a better idea of whether Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme can work for you, or if it’s just another dud.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme Ingredients

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme wants you to know that their team of research scientists have spent several years coming up with a formula that’s 100% safe, natural and effective for solving your issues of low libido and satisfaction, and inadequate erections and performance. The formula they settled on includes:

  • ProLargent 5x5 Extreme Review 1Panax Quinquefolius which is a fancy name for American Ginseng which promotes energy and clear thinking while also helping to combat erectile dysfunction.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which enhances the effect of nitric oxide, helping you to achieve a stronger, harder, longer-lasting erection.
  • Epimedium which improves blood flow to also help with erections. It’s been used as an aphrodisiac and erectile dysfunction aid in China for centuries.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may have a positive effect on the body’s testosterone production process. Its steroidal saponin content increases the release of Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland, which in turn encourages the testes to produce more testosterone.
  • Polygonum Aviculare which may increase the body’s production of nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator that allows an increased amount of blood to flow through to the penis during arousal. The results is bigger, harder erections.

Overall, it’s not a terrible formula, but with all the hype Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme gives itself in saying it’s the number one supplement, I have to say it’s definitely a bit disappointing. Just given that information about the ingredients, I wouldn’t expect too much of an effect.

ProLargent Extreme 5x5 man takingHow To Use Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme

The instructions on the box state that Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme is best taken on an empty stomach about 2 hours before a meal. You take just one capsule and you should feel the effects within 45 minutes. Those effects can last up to 3 days.

A box contains 10 capsules, which if taken every 3 days will last for a month.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme Reviews

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme appears to only be available through its official website. What that usually means, and it’s true in this case, is that the only place customer feedback is published is on that official website. The problem with this is that product manufacturers tend to only want you to see the positive feedback. It’s not unusual for them to bury the negative stuff and only publish what makes them look good.

Everything I saw was pretty glowing, so take it with a grain of salt:

James T says: “I am definitely happy with the immediate results without side effects such as head aches. It is totally herbal and really effective.”

Raja D says: “You have definitely put the fire back into my sex life. In general I feel much more energetic and full of spark.:

Mutaz R says: I am quite old and I could feel that my sexual health was going down. I have been taking only one Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme capsule in 3 days. I am quite surprised how things have changed. I am like a young man again and not so tired as I used to be.”


If anybody has complained to Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme about the product, they’re not revealing it. Then again, why would they?

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme Side Effects

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme makes a point of mentioning several times that because it’s a natural product, it cannot cause side effects. This logic doesn’t really hold up. Poison Ivy is completely natural but clearly causes negative side effects.

This doesn’t mean that Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme causes side effects. It’s just to point out that just because a product is natural doesn’t mean it’s side effect free. Given the ingredients in the formula, I wouldn’t expect you’d experience much other than the occasional headache or upset stomach.

Prolargent 5x5 Extreme Review 2Where to Buy

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme is only available online though their official website and its affiliates. A box contains 10 pills. Because you only need to take it once every 3 days, those 10 pills should last you a month. A single box sells for $69. You’ll save a bit by buying 2 at a time for $135. You’ll save even more when you buy 3 boxes for $189.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme ships worldwide to most countries. For more information on that, you would need to contact the company. They provide complete telephone and online contact information on their website.

Refund Policy

Unfortunately, there is no effective money back guarantee for Prolargent 5 x 5 Extreme. They do accept returns within 30 days if you’ve previously contated them via email and given them your valid reason for sending it back, but they only accept unopened bottles, which means you can’t try it, decide you don’t like it, then return it. They warn you to “please make sure that you are satisfied for the product you are going to purchase” which is hysterical because how can you know if you’re satisfied with it before you’ve even tried it?  Oh and by the way, if you do return an unopened bottle, they’re going to charge you $20-$39 restocking fee for each bottle, so that makes the already weak as hell guarantee even weaker.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are lots of positive testimonials on the website.
  • It’s fast acting, and you don’t have to take it every day.

Disadvantages of Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme

  • There’s no mention of a money back guarantee.
  • The formula is fairly weak.
  • It’s expensive for what it is.
  • We have no access to unbiased customer feedback.
  • No clinical studies on Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme have been performed.


It would be nice to find a safe and effective fast acting male enhancement pill that really worked without causing problems. Usually you have to choose. Either it’s safe, or it’s effective. Some come close but usually a compromise has to be found somewhere.

Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme looks to be safe, but I would question how effective it really is.

Everyone is different and any given supplement will affect you somewhat differently than it would affect me or your neighbor, but there is very little to suggest that this one is going to be that effective for anyone based on its formula and reviews.

Have You Used Prolargent 5 X 5 Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

NeuroCell Review – Should You Try It?

I’ve been testing out and reviewing supplements for a long time, and 2015 is definitely the year of the brain booster. It seems like a new one pops up on my radar almost every day. But are they really new, or are they just the same old thing, repackaged and presented slightly differently? That’s a legitimate question, and one we intend to answer here today.

What Is NeuroCell?

We’re all looking for that “Limitless Pill.” The one that keeps us sharp, focused, and at the top of our game. Whether you’ve noticed some early age-related decline, or you just want to improve your work or study efforts and results, maybe a pill can help.

NeuroCell belongs to a category of supplements called nootropics. It contains a collection of ingredients thought to increase the activity of neurons in your brain by increasing the presence of neurotransmitters, the chemicals used to facilitate communication between cells.

NeuroCell Review 1Benefits of NeuroCell

NeuroCell marketing focuses on preventing the natural mental decline that comes with age. According to their website, we lose 60% of our mental focus between the ages of 25 and 70, though they don’t make reference to a specific study where this statistic comes from. NeuroCell is supposed to be able to combat that decline. So by using NeuroCell, you can expect:

  • An increased ability to focus on the task at hand.
  • A clearer understanding of what you’re attempting to comprehend.
  • The ability to store learned information more efficiently.
  • An increase in mental energy.
  • A better overall mood.

If you’ve ever taken Adderall before, whether prescribed or off-label, that’s the idea of what NeuroCell says you should expect. Of course, no over-the-counter supplement will get you as good an effect as the prescribed meds, but that’s what NeuroCell attempts.

Now it’s our job to figure out if it has a chance in hell of even coming close.

NeuroCell Ingredients

The first step toward knowing whether or not NeuroCell is effective is looking at the ingredient profile. We were pleased to see that the NeuroCell website provides a listing of all the active ingredients. Believe it or not, this isn’t always the case. Some products expect you to buy without even knowing what’s in them. So this is a plus for NeuroCell.

NeuroCell Review 2The NeuroCell formula uses a number of ingredients commonly found in these brain boosting smart pills, including:

  • Vitamin B3 (aka Niacin) which improves blood flow throughout your body, including to your brain.
  • Vitamin B6 which provides steady energy without any crash.
  • Caffeine which is a stimulant that helps keep you alert and focused. It’s including in probably the majority of brain boosting supplements
  • GABA which is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible mainly for calming fear and anxiety when the brain is overstimulated.
  • Bacopa Monnieri which is used in several formulations and thought to improve memory and reduce anxiety.
  • Alpha GPC which is a form of choline, which works to repair and support cell membrane health. This is important in that it may help counteract age related decline.
  • L-Theanine which reduces anxiety.
  • Phosphatidylserine which is showing to be effective in combating Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • L-Tyrosine which improves mental alertness.
  • Vinpocetine which improves circulation in the brain, providing needed oxygen and nutrients to improve cognitive function.
  • Huperzine A which is showing itself to have the ability to improve memory while fighting against age-related decline.

It’s a pretty decent list with some potentially helpful components, but we need to note what’s missing. They don’t list how much of each ingredient is present. That makes it very difficult to judge whether or not NeuroCell is ultimately effective. And it’s just as difficult to judge what kind of side effects you might expect.

Take caffeine for example. If there are 25 mg of caffeine in the formula, you can feel fairly assured there won’t be any caffeine-related side effects like jitters. On the other hand, you couldn’t really expect much benefit from that small amount. If there are 300 mg of caffeine, many users would find that to be too much for comfort. They would feel jittery, wired, and ultimately they’d crash. Yet there would be a noticeable increase in alertness and energy.

NeuroCell Side Effects

Generally speaking, the ingredients in NeuroCell are safe and well tolerated. But without any dosing information, it’s impossible to say with any real certainty.

NeuroCell and CNN


NeuroCell Review 3


You may have arrived at this review because you saw an “article” on about how Stephen Hawking uses NeuroCell to feel sharper than he has in years. Let tell you right off the bat, the article is a fake. Stephen Hawking has almost certainly never even heard of NeuroCell. This is just a slimy marketing tactic used by several different supplements. I’ve seen them use Bill Gates, Anderson Cooper, Ashton Kutcher, and Denzel Washington, saying that they’ve all used NeuroCell to boost their brain power. They haven’t.

NeuroCell’s not the only pill to use this scam. Others are Synagen IQ and Cogniq. I can’t verify that these are all the same thing, but it’s likely that they jump around from name to name to stay one step ahead of any regulating agencies that might object to their methods.

Below, I’ve added a screen capture of this same article, only this one is shilling for Cogniq. I’m telling you guys, whether this is the same article used by different companies, or the same company putting out supplements under different names, these articles are not being specifically written about the products named in them. They’re being traded around product to product.

Neurocell cogniq article image

They’re even using Bill Gates:

Neurocell Bill Gates Image

Apparently, Anderson Cooper uses it too:

Neurocell Anderson Cooper Image

Where to Buy

NeuroCell is primarily sold online through its official website. One bottle contains a month’s supply and costs $57.95. If you buy 2 bottles, you get 1 free, bringing your per bottle price down to $41.30. If you buy 3 bottles, you get 2 free, so each bottle is only $31.99.

There is a money back guarantee, but it’s not very helpful if you’re looking to try NeuroCell risk free. You can only get a refund if you send back a new, unopened bottle. So if you’ve opened it and used it, you’ve voided the guarantee. Basically useless.

It’s also sold at where you can pick up a single bottle for $50.

Neurocell Reviews

Because they sell Neurocell on Amazon, we have access to a good sample of customer feedback. The reviews are pretty evenly split between the positive and negative.

Here are a few favorable examples:

neurocell good review 1

neurocell good review 2

neurocell good review 3

And here are some of the not so favorable ones:

neurocell bad review 1

neurocell bad review 2

neurocell bad review 3

And this guy is on to the whole article scam:

neurocell amazon cnn fake article review image

NeuroCell Complaints

Neurocell has received a complaint with the Better Business Bureau basically for charging a customer more than they believed they would be charged, then refusing to issue a refund even after the customer returned the product. Granted, it’s only one complaint at this point, but given the fake article added to the complaint, it doesn’t put these guys in a very good light.

NeuroCell Pros and Cons

Advantages of NeuroCell

  • The ingredients are listed on the website so we know what goes into the formula.
  • There is no “free trial” scam that secretly initiates monthly automatic refills, like so many online supplements these days.
  • There are several favorable reviews on Amazon.

Disadvantages of NeuroCell

  • They don’t disclose ingredient amounts, which makes it hard to gauge both effectiveness and likelihood of side effects.
  • There are no NeuroCell reviews available from customers who’ve used it. This makes it tough to tell how it’s working for real people in the real world.
  • They want you to believe Stephen Hawking uses it, but it’s just not true.
  • There is no effective money back guarantee, as their refund policy only applies to unopened bottles
  • There are several negative reviews from customers who’ve used it.


There’s really nothing to make NeuroCell jump out as better or worse that any of the dozens of pills just like it. In fact, it’s barely distinguishable from the pack. With mixed customer feedback and no money back guarantee, there’s no reason to choose NeuroCell over the others. There are effective brain boosting supplements, but I wouldn’t put my trust in this one.

Have You Used NeuroCell? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

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Cerebrrin Review – Does It Really Work?

For the last several months, I’ve been trying out so called “brain boosting” supplements probably more than any other kind of supplement. It started out as a search for something natural to replace the benefits I get from Adderall. But it wasn’t long before I realized that these nootropic supplements could really benefit a lot of people, not just those who suffer with ADD/ADHD.

We live in a competitive world. Taking a cognitive enhancement supplement can give you the edge you need to put you over the top. But with new products entering the marketplace almost every day, figuring out which one to go with can be difficult and time consuming.

Cerebrrin has been on the market for a little over a month now, so I thought it was time we take a look. It’s available online through a brief and right to the point website. We’ll start by letting you know what the manufacturer has to say. Then we’ll do a little investigating of our own

Benefits of Cerebrrin

They call it “Cerebrrin Smart Pill – Viagra for the Brain.” Not bad imagery. Cerebrrin does for your school or work life what Viagra does for your sex life.

cerebrrin pill

It puts you in a position to perform at your peak, so to speak. By using Cerebrrin, you’ll experience:

  • An intensity of focus you didn’t know you were capable of.
  • Mental clarity so you can make the best calculations and decisions on the fly.
  • Increased cognitive precision so you learn and retain information more effectively.

Who Needs Cerebrrin?

That question actually has several answers. One group that easily benefits from the effects of Cerebrrin are people starting to experience a normal decline in cognitive function due to age. It’s a simple fact that the brain gets old, and as it does, there is cognitive decline. Not everyone faces the serious deficiencies that come with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, but some decline is universal.

But really anyone who wants sharper focus and clarity, along with a better ability to recall information at will can benefit from pills like Cerebrrin.

what is cerebrrin

How Cerebrrin Works

It’s all about neurotransmitters. The cognitive functions of the brain are working when neurotransmitters send and receive signals efficiently and effectively. Cerebrrin claims to contain neuroprotectors that keep your neurotransmitters working as they should. These neuroprotective components build and strengthen your neurotransmitters, positioning you for the best possible use of your brain.

Cerebrrin Ingredients

The Cerebrrin provides a list of its primary active ingredients which includes:

  • Alpha GPC which supports memory and cognitive function in part by improving the health of cellular membranes. It contains choline which is necessary for healthy neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Tyrosine which is an amino acid used by the body to help produce the chemical messengers needed for quick and efficient thinking.
  • Bacopa Monnieri which increases blood flow to the brain for better functioning.
  • Vinpocetine which improves the way the brain uses glucose for energy.
  • Gaba which helps your brain to remain calm and efficient during times of stress.
  • Huperzine A which has been shown to improve the learning and memory functions of the brain.

cerebrrin ingredients

That’s the list provided by the website, but there’s reason to be unsure of exactly what’s in Cerebrrin. In a separate section of the website, there’s a reference to Cerebrrin containing a “100% Pure Phosphatidylserine Complex.”


Phospahtidylserine is commonly used in nootropic supplements because it improves both cell membrane health and cell signaling. If Cerebrrin does use phosphatidylserine, that’s a good thing. But that fact that two different pages of the official Cerebrrin website contradict each other is not.

There’s one more ingredient confusion to mention. Several review websites list a completely different set of ingredients for Cerebrrin. I would tend to go with the official website, but the fact that there are so many conflicting lists is troubling. It definitely diminishes the seriousness and professionalism of the product, as well as the company that makes it.

One thing is for sure, the primary ingredients in Cerebrrin are the EXACT same ones found in several other supplements, including Geniux, Addium, Adderin, and Adderum (all of which I suspect are made by the same company).

Who Makes Cerebrrin?

Since it’s so new, we weren’t able to find much more than an address. The company is called Montecito Labs, LLC. They’re in Milpitas, CA, and a search on the company doesn’t bring up anything except the Cerebrrin website and other sites referring back to it. I’ll note that it’s a little odd that there’s no notice of incorporation or anything of the sort for the company.

who makes cerebrrin

They list a separate address in Henderson, NV for returns.

Cerebrrin Reviews

As we mentioned before, Cerebrrin is new. As such, there’s no independent customer feedback available online. They don’t even have testimonials displayed on the website, which I find odd. I normally don’t put a whole lot of stock into them, but still, they do provide some small insight into what a user might expect.

There are Cerebrrin “review websites” but these are more actually affiliate websites that provide information then supply a link to where you can purchase Cerebrrin. They’re not generally provided by unbiased customers just wanting to share their experience.

In fact, most of them don’t even make sense if you actually read them.  Case in point, here is a direct snapshot of one of the so called “reviews” of Cerebrrin in the google results…

cerebrrin testimonials

I don’t know about you, but my BS alarm went off BIG TIME when I read this…

It’s clearly written by someone who doesn’t speak English as a first language, and also relatively clear that this person hasn’t even used the product.

Where to Buy

If you find on of those reviews and click through, you’ll be taken to the Cerebrrin which is the only place you can purchase the product. One nice thing about Cerebrrin is that it’s not a “free trial” scam offer. You can buy a single bottle without having to worry about being signed up for monthly bottles from here on out.

The cost of that single bottle is currently $69.99. If you choose to buy in bulk, you can get that per bottle price down as low as $29.99 which a Buy 3 Get 2 Free deal.

There is a 30 day money back guarantee, but it appears as though it may only apply to unopened bottles.

Cerebrrin Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cerebrrin

  • The ingredients appear to be all natural, and unlikely to cause side effects.

Disadvantages of Cerebrrin

  • There’s conflicting information about what ingredients are actually in it.
  • There’s no customer feedback to find out how it’s working for actual people using it.
  • There’s no available information on the manufacturer.
  • The guarantee may not actually allow you to try it risk free.


Cerebrrin looks like another supplement that popped onto the scene recently for no other reason than to capitalize on the brain booster craze. Without definitive ingredient information, without customer feedback, and without knowing anything about this manufacturer, it’s hard to get behind and support Cerebrrin.

Have You Used Cerebrrin? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Rock Hard Review – Should You Use It?


What Is Rock Hard
How It Works
Will it make me bigger?
Where to Buy
My Personal Results
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

If you’re in the market for a male enhancement, you probably don’t want to pussyfoot around. You want something strong and powerful, something that’s gonna work.

You don’t care who makes it.

You don’t care who uses it.

You don’t care if it’s red, blue, purple, or pink.

You just want it to work.

But with so many choices out there, each trying to top each other, especially online – it’s getting tougher and tougher each day to know what really works and what’s just plain bullshit.

That’s why we’re here.

We weed out the hoopla and hype so you can know what works, what doesn’t, what’s worth the money, and what’s not.

We know this, because we’ve personally tested 100’s of these products.

male enhancement pills ive tested

Note:  This is NOT our review of Rock Hard weekend, that’s a totally different product.  Read our review of that one here.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

1.  What Is Rock Hard?

Not too long ago, a product called Rock Hard long and strong pills popped up on my radar.

I originally found out about it when I saw an ad that looked like this:

rock hard long and strong ad

They’ve got a website, which is also pretty graphic, so if you’re thinking about checking it out, you might want to wait till you get home because it’s definitely NSFW.

According to the website promises, by using Rock Hard, you’ll find yourself in a much better position to satisfy your partner because size does matter. content/uploads/2015/12/does size

That’s right, Rock Hard promises to be a penis enlargement supplement.

In fact, they blatantly state that you’ll see an increase in size of about 3 inches in 2 weeks.

rock hard pills claims

That’s a pretty lofty claim, isn’t it?

But it promises much more than that as well.

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2.  Rock Hard Benefits

In addition to penis enlargement, Rock Hard promises to improve your sex life in a number of other ways as well. Hence the name “Long and Strong”.

On top of your bigger penis, it will be harder as well – rock hard, so to speak. In fact, they’ll be the kind of rock hard erections you had when you were 18.

But you’ll be able to use it better than you were then, because Rock Hard also improves your energy and staying power. So in a nutshell, you’ll be hot and horny, and ready any time with your huge, hard, throbbing cock.

You can almost liken it as an over the counter Viagra alternative, but they don’t explicitly state that of course.

And because of the penis enlargement, over time, you’re size will grow so you can start impressing your ladies right out of the gate.

3.  How Rock Hard Long And Strong Works

There’s a section on the Rock Hard website labeled “The Science Behind Rock Hard.”

science behind long and strong

Basically, they contend that it does this in 2 ways:

  1. An increase in the production of testosterone.  Most guys are aware of this, but I’ll touch on it briefly.  When you have increased testosterone, it’s easier to generate an erection.  That’s why when your 22 and your testosterone levels have peaked, your horny as a MoFo.So in short, the more testosterone you have, the better the quality erection.The problem is, as you age, your testosterone levels start to fall.  In fact, right around the age of 30 they start to decline at a rate of about 1% per year.That might not sound like a lot, but trust me, it adds up!Rock hard pills promise that SOME of their ingredients will increase your testosterone levels.
  2. An increase in the production AND delivery of nitric oxide into the penis.This ones a bit more complicated than increased testosterone.Luckily, I know enough to fill in a few details for you. Basically, an erection happens when a rush of blood enters the penile chambers (Corpus Cavernosa).The more blood that rushes in, the better the erection.Rock hard pills contain an ingredient that causes a process called vasodilation.In this particular method (increased nitric oxide), the smooth muscle tissue that surrounds the cell walls of the arteries leading into the penis (corpora cavernosa) are relaxed.When they relax, the corpora cavernosa gets wider, which allows for increased blood flow.More blood flow equals, you guessed it, bigger erections.

That’s how erections and sexual performance are made better, but unfortunately, there is no way a pill can make your penis bigger on any permanent basis.

Rock Hard and other pills like to claim that over time, the increased blood flow forces your penis to grow so it can accommodate the greater amount, but it’s just not supported by the evidence.

Better erections can be had with pills, but bigger penis, not so much.

4.  Rock Hard Ingredients

The Rock Hard formula is not completely listed out on the website, but they do touch upon the highlights, which are:

  • Epimedium Sagittatum which has been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine for literally centuries as an aphrodisiac and to improve erectile dysfunction. It works similarly to Viagra in that it helps prevent blood from exiting the penis once it’s there. (Source)
  • Muira Puama which is a Peruvian herb that’s long been known to improve both libido and erections.  (Source)
  • Maca Root which is another aphrodisiac, this time from Brazil, that increases sex drive as well as elevating your mood. It’s thought that Maca also increases sperm production for increased ejaculate.  (Source)
  • Oyster Shell which contains a large concentration of zinc. Zinc has a direct correlation with testosterone. Higher zinc levels in your blood generally correlate with higher testosterone levels.  (Source)

Here’s a snapshot of the ingredients label:

rock hard pills ingredients label

5.  Where to Buy Rock Hard

I checked with all the various retailers like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens, and none of them carry it (no surprise there).

The only way to purchase Rock Hard long and strong is by heading to their website and signing up for the free trial offer.

But beware.

The offer is anything but free. If you’re not familiar with how these trials work, allow me to explain.

In the case of Rock Hard, you pay a small shipping fee of $7.94 and they send you a full 30 day supply of Rock Hard.

rock hard free trial

From the moment you order, you have 14 days to evaluate the product, though I’m not sure how much evaluating you can do while you’re waiting for your order to be delivered. If you like it and do nothing, at the end of the 14 day trial period, Rock Hard will charge you $89.95 for the “free” bottle that you paid shipping for.

rock hard long and strong terms and conditions

They’ll also subscribe you to their monthly auto-shipment plan where they automatically send you a new bottle each month at that full $89.95 price. You can cancel any time by calling their customer service number phone number (1-800-361-5009) but trying to get a refund for charges you’ve already incurred is usually pretty difficult.

The biggest problem with free trials like this is that they’re not upfront about how the program works at all. They deliberately hide the terms on another webpage and/or in the fine print, knowing they’ll catch customers up in monthly billing without any intention to sign up in the first place.

6.  My Personal Results

rock hard long and strong pills review

I finally got a chance to try out Rock Hard Long and Strong, and just as expected, I have very little to report.  The directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules a day, which I did on an empty stomach.

There wasn’t any increase in size, no improved erections, and no enhanced stamina.

In fact, the only thing I noticed was that after a few days I started feeling a bit nauseous and had a little bit of stomach pain.

Was that a result of the Rock Hard pills?

It’s tough to tell.

Some of the ingredients, like L-Arginine, Maca, and Tongkat Ali, have anecdotal reports of these side effects.

But I’ve take a TON of these products that contain these very same ingredients, and 99% of the time never had a problem.

In any event, I ended up taking it for a full week and couldn’t stand the nausea anymore, so I just stopped taking it.

7.  Rock Hard Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rock Hard

  • They list a contact number so when you decide Rock Hard isn’t helping, you know how to reach them to cancel.

Disadvantages of Rock Hard

  • The only way to buy Rock Hard is through their free trial offer, which is really just a scheme to get you signed up for monthly billing.
  • The full ingredients list is not provided.
  • There are no independent Rock Hard reviews from customers claiming that it’s worked for them.

8.  Conclusion

Rock Hard is just another supplement using hyped up marketing and deceptive billing to squeeze money out of a growing market of guys who use herbal supplements to improve their sex lives.

They use vivid language and alluring claims that are supposed to grab you by the collar and get you bust out your wallet, but at the end of the day it is nothing more than another in a long line of similarly defective male enhancement supplements.

There’s nothing special, unique, or particularly compelling about any of the ingredients we know are in the formula. And as far as we know, there may only be a dusting of those.

You’d be much better off skipping the free trial and paying for something that’s proven to work.  We’ve personally tested DOZENS of these supplements, and it’s not a myth…

There are plenty of real male enhancement products out there that will help you gain size.  Click Here to see the best ones I’ve personally tested.

Most legitimate products will offer a money back guarantee, so you can use a product that works and be assured that your financial investment is protected at the same time.

Have You Used Rock Hard? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Jacked Antler Review – Should You Use It?

Jump to a topic

What Is Jacked Antler
How Does Jacked Antler Work
Jacked Antler Ingredients
How To Use Jacked Antler
Where to Buy
Free Trial Scam
Pros and Cons

If you haven’t at least heard a little buzz about Deer Antler Velvet spray and how it may or may not increase your muscle gains, you’re no doubt living under a rock. But with all the hyped up useless products out there, and all the snake oil salesmen trying to sell them to you, you might want to stay put under your rock.

But if you have heard of deer antler velvet and/or you’re curious about it, read on.

Special Note: The makers of Jacked Antler were kind enough to send over a couple bottles of their product for re-testing.

I plan on trying it out in about a week, and will be updating this review in the near future with my re-assessment of its effectiveness.

Be sure to check back soon for updates!

1.  What Is Jacked Antler?

jacked antler reviewJacked Antler is a spray containing, among other things, deer antler velvet. Supposedly, there’s a certain chemical found in the fuzzy outer covering of a male deer’s antlers when they’re growing that when taken by humans can:

  • Increase strength.
  • Boost your power and drive.
  • Improve your post workout recovery.
  • Promote fat loss.
  • Bolster your athletic energy and endurance.

2.  Who’s Using Jacked Antler?

If you believe what you read on the Jacked Antler website, professional athletes and their coaches swear by the stuff, as do both male and female celebrities. They claim to send care packages containing Jacked Antler to famous athletes and other celebrities, hoping they’ll receive a ringing endorsement back.

I don’t know if I’d advertise that program. If they’re sending this out for free, and nobody’s coming forward to endorse it, that’s not a good sign that Jacked Antler is anything to write home about.

3.  How Does Jacked Antler Work?

IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1) is the key component to the success of Jacked Antler. IGF is found naturally in the human body. It encourages growth and repair while it controls several cell processes. The IGF-1 in Jacked Antler is a chain of amino acids that stimulates muscle growth while protecting your organs and regenerating tissue.

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It’s not exactly HGH, but it’s close. It acts somewhat like a precursor to HGH.

Why Not Just Take HGH?

HGH, or human growth hormone, is becoming all the rage in anti-aging for the rich and famous. It’s naturally secreted by the pituitary gland, but much like Testosterone, your body releases less and less of it as you age. It’s been found that increasing the amount of HGH in your body can smooth wrinkled skin, provide energy, help you get a better night’s sleep, quicken the pace of recovery after workouts and injuries, and even improve your mood.

If you have enough money as well as access to the right doctors, you can get daily HGH injections to achieve all the above mentioned benefits. Last I checked, it can cost upwards of $1000 a month, and it’s technically not approved for this kind of use. Most doctors won’t prescribe HGH injections for adults trying to stay young.

4.  Jacked Antler Ingredients

So ordinary, everyday people turn to a supplement like Jacked Antler to reach that point of increased HGH the safer, less expensive way.

When researching the Jacked Antler formula, we came across a discrepancy, which leaves us unsure of what’s actually included. The official website displays an image of the “Supplement Facts” presumably taken from the bottle label. But the website separately offers a completely different list as well, leaving us confused about what’s really in the formula.

According to the Supplement Facts, Jacked Antler contains:

  • Deer Antler Velvet Extract which contains IGF-1 to promote the natural production of IGF and restore lost power.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which helps the body respond appropriately in times of stress (such as during and after a workout.)
  • L-Theanine which is an amino acid that helps keep you calm in times of stress.
  • Green Tea Extract which functions as an antioxidant to help prevent cell damage. It also provides energy and has fat burning abilities.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may boost both energy and testosterone.

That’s what’s listed on what appears to be the Jacked Antler label. But as part of the promotional part of the website, several other ingredients are listed alongside their purported benefits. There’s:

  • Epimedium which they say boosts energy and reduces fatigue.
  • L-Argninie which they reduces mental and physical stress and improves cognition.
  • Eurycoma Longifoia which they say improves mental and physical performance and fights against depression.
  • Stevia which they say in addition to its function as a sweetener, boosts your immune system and protects your heart.

Luckily, I have a bottle here that I had sent to me.  Here’s a photo of the label:

jacked antler ingredients label

5.  How To Use Jacked Antler

The recommended dose is 5 sprays taken both before and after your workout. It’s expected that you see the best results after about 4 weeks, but you’ll start seeing some effect in just 3 or 4 days.

6.  Where to Buy

At this point, the only way to purchase Jacked Antler is through their official website. They do, however, offer a few different package options. You can purchase one bottle (about a month’s supply) for $82.45. You can buy 3 bottles for $149.95. That basically works out to getting 3 for about the price of 2.

The third option is the free trial offer. The way it works is that you order a full size bottle and pay only $4.95 in shipping charges. From that moment, you have 20 days to contact Jacked Antler at 1-888-7939 and cancel your subscription. If you don’t cancel, they’ll bill you $82.45 for your trial bottle, and they’ll automatically enroll you in their VIP Program, meaning that you’ll be sent and billed for a new bottle each month.

7.  Free Trial Scam

This is commonly known as the “Free Trial Scam.” I can’t even begin to tell you how many readers I hear from every day who’ve fallen prey to this kind of scam. Usually, the terms are hidden on a separate web page, or written in superfine print, basically designed to be missed.

Jacked Antler is actually a little better than some others I’ve seen. At least they offer you options. If you don’t want to get caught up in the free trial madness, you can simply order a one month “Starter Package” bottle, and you won’t be on the hook for anything else.

8.  Pros and Cons

Advantages of Jacked Antler

  • It’s easy to take. If you can’t take pills or just don’t like to, Jacked Antler is great because it’s a spray.
  • The free trial scam isn’t as bad as others I’ve seen.

Disadvantages of Jacked Antler

  • Deer Antler Velvet has not been proven to do what Jacked Antler says it does. IGF-1 is the active ingredient, but as far as we know at this point, IGF-1 is very unstable, so it’s highly unlikely that you’re getting its benefits from this spray.
  • There’s conflicting ingredient information on the website. This is highly unprofessional. I have to wonder why anyone would choose to do business with a company that leaves such a glaring error up on their website for all to see.
  • It’s expensive.
  • There are no independent Jacked Antler reviews from customers who’ve used it and had success.

9.  Conclusion

People are excited about deer antler velvet in general because it’s an idea that does show some promise. Unfortunately, at this point, it’s not really been shown to be effective, and Jacked Antler doesn’t instill confidence as a product.

It seems as though their marketing was yet another case of all bark and no bite, yet I must say that everyone is different and it could potentially be useful for you personally.

Some of the information about Jacked Antler is conflicting and that doesn’t do a lot in the way of making me feel okay about recommending it to others, and because of that, I can not. Trying Jacked Antler would almost certainly be nothing more than a waste of money.

Have You Used Jacked Antler? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

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HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

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Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

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Adderum Review – Smart Pill or Junk?

The nootropics supplement market has got to be the fastest growing market I’ve seen in years.  There’s been a HUGE surge of supplements popping up promising to help you focus better, concentrate longer, and improve your memory dramatically.

They usually call themselves the “real Limitless pill”.

The reference is to a movie from a few years back. Bradley Cooper’s character took a pill that made him thousands of times smarter and more cognitively efficient and effective, leading to unbelievable productivity and reward.

One of those supplements I recently came across is called Adderum, which is the focus of this review.  But does it really work, or is it a scam like so many others?

What is Adderum?

I originally stumbled on this supplement almost by accident.  One of my visitors was asking me if I’ve ever heard of Adderum, and when I saw that I thought she was talking about a completely different supplement called Adderin.

When I looked into it further, I could see that she was indeed talking about a very different supplement.

So what’s in Adderum that makes it so effective.  According to my sources, the ingredient list includes Tyrosine, GABA, Bacopa Monnieri, ALpha GPC, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A.

adderum ingredients

Not surprisingly, this ingredient list is EXACTLY identical to that of Adderin and Addium, minus a few others.

addium vs adderin ingredients labels

I don’t have a bottle of this stuff yet, but I’m willing to bet that all of these other ingredients are contained in Adderum (Niacin, Vitamin B6, Caffeine, etc.)

The specifics of the Adderum formula are proprietary, meaning they don’t disclose ingredient amounts, but the active components are known and include:

  • L-Tyrosine which is an amino acid best known for its ability to help build muscle. But it’s also used to treat cognitive conditions and mental issues like depression and ADD. That’s because it’s crucial to the process of producing neurotransmitters need by the brain to send messages.
  • GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) which is important for the regulation of your moods. It keeps your neurotransmitters on an even keel so things don’t get out of whack. As such, it improves focus.
  • Bacopa Monnieri. It’s not fully understood how it works, but it decreases anxiety and improve memory and clear thinking.
  • Vinpocetine which improves how the brain uses glucose for energy and facilitates the production of ATP, or cellular energy.
  • Huperzine A which blocks the breakdown of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. To increase brain power, you want as much acetylcholine as possible. There’s an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase which breaks acetylcholine down. Huperzine A acts against that enzyme, leaving you with the acetylcholine you need.
  • Alpha GPC which increases the amount of acetylcholine directly, improving your cognitive processes.

What Are It’s Benefits and Who Takes It?

The basic idea is that the older you get the more cognitive decline you experience. They say the loss starts as young as 30. But by taking Adderum, you can not only stop that decline, but reverse it. And if you haven’t experienced decline yet, you’ll just be that much more cognitively able.

Among the specific improvements you’ll see are:

  • Quicker and easier memory recall.
  • Faster cognitive reaction time.
  • Elevated mood.
  • Improved overall health.
  • Increased focus
  • Improved overall cognitive function.

The biggest market for supplements like Adderum is people who have used prescription ADD/ADHD drugs like Adderal, but for one reason or another can’t or don’t want to continue. There’s a lot of “off-label” use of those drugs. College kids buy a pill or two to help them stay up and focused when they have to pull an all-nighter.

But buying Adderall without a prescription is illegal and so is selling it even when you do have a prescription. So people who want that cognitive boost can use something like Adderum to get the results they want without the potential for negative consequences that comes with the prescription medication.

How Do I Take It?

The recommended dose is just one pill per day, taken in the morning. According to the Adderum website, you’ll see real results inside a week, with no side effects. I should mention here that there’s no such thing as a completely side effect-free supplement. Different users have different sensitivities and may react where others don’t.

Customer Reviews of Adderum

Also unsurprising is the lack of user reviews of this supplement.  The only “reviews” that appear to be showing up are on blogs like health 786 dot com, which has a few Facebook comments posted at the bottom of their page.

adderum reviews

In my opinion, these “reviews” are rubbish.  They look like complete and utter fictitious reviews posted by people with fake Facebook accounts.

Another site, which goes by the name of strong e healthcare dot com has a “review” of Adderum as well.  They start off their review with the following statement:

adderum fake review

I don’t know about you, but that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Unfortunately, the google results are littered with garbage sites like this that have a “review” of the product, and are clearly written by some content mill operating out of Pakistan.

Another thing to note is that the products own website doesn’t even contain any testimonials, despite there being a link at the top of the page saying otherwise.

adderum testimonials

When you click on it, nothing happens.

There’s nothing on youtube, nothing on Amazon (it’s not sold their yet anyway), and nothing on erowid, yahoo answers, or Reddit.

Now, this could be the case for a few reasons.  1.)  It’s only been on the market for a short period of time, so user reviews of Adderum haven’t trickled in yet.

This is the most likely scenario.

2.)  There’s really nowhere to “leave a review”.  You can’t submit one to their website or Amazon, so there’s no portal to get your voice heard.

and 3.) the product works so well that people dont care to leave a review.  Usually the most feedback for a supplement is given when it DOESN’T work, and people want to “Spread the word” so to speak.

What’s My Opinion on Adderum?

I’ve tested DOZENS of nootropic supplements, but unfortunately haven’t tested this one yet.  Considering it contains the exact same ingredients that Addium and Adderin have, and I didn’t get much in the way of results from either of them, then my suspicion is that it does NOT work.

With that said, it “might” work for some.

It’s not terribly expensive when compared to most other cognitive enhancing supplements, with a 1 month supply coming in at close to $60.

buy adderum

The unfortunate (but not unsurprising) part is that you can’t buy it in stores.  I checked out my local GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, and other stores and noone seems to carry it.

They do offer a 30 day money back guarantee, but in order to get a refund you need to jump through hoops.  First, you have to contact them within 30 days of ordering and receive what’s known as an “Return Merchandise Authorization” (RMA) #.

adderum refund

Then, once you receive your RMA #, you need to ship it back to them AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE within 15 days of being issued the RMA.  If you don’t, they won’t honor your refund.

adderum terms and conditions


  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • You don’t need a prescription and there are no known major side effects.
  • It’s modestly priced when stacked up to the competition.


  • It’s new so there’s no real customer feedback available.
  • It’s eerily similar to two other supplements I’ve tested in the past, both of which virtually gave me no benefit.
  • We don’t know the whole ingredient list or the amounts of each ingredient, so it’s difficult to tell how effective it is.
  • The return process is difficult at best.


There’s too little information known about Adderum to come to a 100% conclusion.  The fact that it’s remarkably similar to some other supplements out there can be a complete coincidence, but I personally do not think so.

I actually think that the makers of Addium / Adderin came up with Adderum because of all of the negative publicity the former have been receiving.

I’ve literally seen DOZENS of supplements claiming to be the “real limitless pill”, many of which turned out to be junk.  In my personal opinion, Adderum is most likely grouped in this category.

Have You Used Adderum?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Steel Libido Red Review – Does It Work?

I don’t know how long you’ve been looking for a male enhancement supplement online, but if it’s longer than a few minutes, I’ll bet you’ve come across some pretty racy and aggressive websites. It seems the majority of these products like to appeal to our baser instincts.

It makes sense. We’re talking about sex here. Discussions and images can get pretty explicit. And that works for a lot of products, so of course the marketers will keep giving customers what they want.

But not everyone who’s looking for a sex pill wants to be bombarding with dick pics and porn stars. Some guys see themselves as serious consumers with a serious problem that needs to be addressed. These guys are looking for a product they can search for anywhere without the website getting flagged as NSFW.

Steel Libido Red to the rescue. It comes from Irwin Naturals, a company that makes dozens of supplements for all kinds of health care issues for men, women, and even children. It’s sold by several online retailers, and it’s also available in stores.

So let’s see if this low key, highly available male enhancement supplement actually works.

Steel Libido Red ReviewHow Steel Libido Red Works

Steel Libido Red is based on the principle of nitric oxide. NO is produced in your body naturally. It functions as a vasodilator. That means is relaxes the walls of your blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through.

Since a good strong erection is primarily reliant on the maximum amount of blood flowing into the penis during arousal, NO is key to getting your best erections. More NO means more blood flowing in, which means better erections.

Steel Libido Red secondarily focuses on other performance enhancements like improved libido, increased endurance, and maximized physical abilities.

Steel Libido Red Ingredients

One of the nice things about a straight-forward supplement made by a reputable supplement company not prone to hype is that they usually provide a full listing of ingredients, including amounts. This is the case with Steel Libido Red which contains:

  • L-Citrulline which is a precursor to L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. The benefit of the twice removal is that it lasts longer in the system.
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides which may support both mental and physical energy.
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil which helps support prostate health.
  • Velvet Bean Extract which has been shown to be a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract which improves blood flow, mainly to the brain, for improved mental faculties.
  • L-Theanine which promotes a relaxed, yet alert state of mind.
  • Theobromine which boosts nitric oxide production.
  • Ginseng Extract which boosts libido.
  • Cayenne Powder which is a vasodilator independent of nitric oxide.
  • CoQ10 which is an antioxidant that fuels energy production.
  • Super Oxide Dismutase which may encourage healing within the body.
  • Bioperine which improves absorption so all the active ingredients can get to work faster and more efficiently.

Steel Libido Red Instructions

One of the nice things about Steel Libido Red is that you can use it either daily or as needed. The primarily recommended dose is 4 soft gel capsules taken in divided doses every day. That could mean take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. Or it could mean take one 4 times a day spread throughout.

You can also take it as needed, meaning that up to 4 capsules taken at once about an hour before planned sexual activity.

Either way, it’s recommended that you not take more than 4 capsules in any one day.

Where to Buy Steel Libido Red

You can purchase Steel Libido Red both online and in stores. Online, there are lots of retailers choices ranging from to The price ranges from about $22 to $34 for a bottle of 75 pills. At the 4 pills per day dose, a bottle will last 18 days, or about 2 ½ weeks.

Steel Libido Red is also available in stores. The Irwin Naturals website has a store finder page where you can find a local retailer near you. Some of the stores carrying their products are GNC, Vitamin World, Whole Foods, Lucky Vitamin, and My Natural Market.

Steel Libido Red Reviews

Because Steel Libido Red is so widely available, it’s easy to find customer reviews from people willing to share their opinion of the stuff. Mainly the news is good:


“Wow! This product really works!”

“This product definitely enhances one’s desire and helps with blood flow as well.”

“Straight to the point, take as directed for excellent NO retention. A good product to take along with your favorite Testosterone supplement.”

“Take as directed and this will work wonders. The best thing about this product is I have no side effects. I take it daily with my multivitamins and it aids my workout. I also take before my “other” performance (you know… that performance). It lasts all night long.”

Steel Libido Red Pros and Cons

Advantages of Steel Libido Red

  • You can take it either daily or as needed for a performance boost. Taken daily, it will increase NO on a regular basis which can improve athletic performance as well as bedroom performance.
  • It’s inexpensive to try.
  • It’s widely available and easy to find both in stores and online.
  • The ingredients are all natural and fully disclosed.

Disadvantages of Steel Libido Red

  • There are only 18 doses in a bottle, though plenty of reviewers mention that you don’t really need to take 4. You can get away with 2 or 3.


Erectile performance is closely tied to the presence of nitric oxide in your body. Steel Libido Red promises to increase nitric oxide. The formula doesn’t appear to be particularly strong, but customer reviews tell a different story.

Perhaps the best benefits are that you can take it as needed as well as daily and it’s pretty cheap to try. If you do spend the money to try, and you find you can get away with 2 or 3 capsules as needed, it my be a very affordable way to go.

Have You Used Steel Libido Red? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Kiojo Review – Does It Work?

Kiojo is a different kind of athletic performance enhancement supplement than we’re used to seeing. According to their website, it’s the most comprehensive and therapeutic choice on the market today. They’re making a big promotional push that’s definitely caught my eye on social media. So I decided to check it out and see what it has to offer.

Benefits of Kiojo

Kiojo is an energy and performance enhancing supplement that promises to hydrate the body and enhance the mind. It’s these two separate yet equally primary focuses that make up its intention to harmonize your life energy (Ki) with your self confidence (Mojo).

In hydrating the body, Kiojo provides a refueling without adding high calorie sugars or artificial components. It replenishes the electrolytes and nutrients you lose through daily life, exercise, or both. Without proper hydration, your body becomes tired and weak.

In enhancing the mind, Kiojo ensures that your brain is firing on all cylinders so you’ve got mental stamina and spot on memory recall.

Kiojo ReviewKiojo Ingredients and How They Work

The Kiojo formula is divided into those components that hydrate the body and those that enhance the mind.

For Hydrating the Body, there’s:

  • Bioenergy Ribose which improves muscle endurance during extended exercise. It reduces cramping, shortens recovery time, and reduces muscle fatigue.
  • NuBetiane TMG which is found in spinach, beets, and whole grains, and works as an antioxidant and energy booster while it balances fluid volume within cells.
  • Sodium Ascorbate which is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C to help heal wounds and block the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Potassium Citrate which helps metabolize fats and carbs.
  • Potassium Bicarbonate which is an important electrolyte to help balance hydration.
  • Calcium Citrate Malate which is also an electrolyte that reduces muscle soreness as well.
  • Organic Erythritol which is a sugar alcohol for natural sweetness with a low glycemic impact.

For Enhancing the Mind, there’s:

  • AlphaSize which is a proprietary name for Alpha-GPC which is essential to the brain for sharpening agility and delaying cognitive fatigue. It can also promote the healthy release of Human Growth Hormone, and is used to combat degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Magtein which uses magnesium to support memory and cognitive function.
  • Methylcobalamin B12 which increases production of red blood cells and nerve tissue in the brain. It also improves energy and metabolic function.
  • Zinc L Aspartate which is necessary for dozens of essential functions within the body. It acts as an antioxidant, it boosts the immune system, and it helps with athletic performance and speed.
  • N-Gaba which is a neurotransmitter found naturally in the brain and used to help quiet the mind for more focuses thinking.

Instructions are to dissolve one packet into 8-16 ounces of water and drink before, during, and after physical activity.

It’s got a light, fruity flavor, and it’s recommended that you use just one serving per day. If you’re more concerned with the brain enhancement, sip it slowly over an hour. You should start feeling the effects in about 10 minutes.

Kiojo Pros and Cons

Advantages of Kiojo

  • Its focus is on overall health and vitality.
  • Contains 3 patented / clinically proven ingredients that work as claimed.
  • It’s vegan friendly.
  • Reviews and Testimonials paint a very positive picture.

Kiojo Cons

  • It’s a bit expensive.
  • Not available in stores.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Kiojo through their official website. A 10-pack costs $24.95. That’s basically $2.50 per serving. If you use it 1 time a day as recommended, that’s $2.50 a day, or $75 per month. It is available in a 3-serving sports pack, so you can try it for pretty cheap if you’re on the fence. That’ll cost you just $7.98.


I have to say, the product definitely shows promise.  I have a packet of Kiojo here that I plan on trying within the next few days, so check back for updates!

Have You Used Kiojo? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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GC 180 XT Review – Should You Give It A Try?

I’m just going to go ahead and say it. If a diet pill promises that by using it you can lose weight without diet or exercise, be very suspicious. That’s what GC 180 XT promises, so that’s one strike against, right out of the gate. I know it’s tempting to think it could be that easy. But I’m telling you (and deep down you probably already know it) it just doesn’t work that way.

At the simplest level, weight loss requires that you burn more calories than you consume, and you do this on a continual basis day after day, week after week, until you reach your goal. There are other factors, of course, like how your body handles carbohydrates and converts them to glucose for energy or storage. But the bottom line is that you have to eat less than you burn.

That doesn’t mean supplements can’t help. They can. They can boost your metabolism so your body burns more calories at rest than it otherwise would. They can suppress your appetite so you eat less. They can boost your energy so you’re more likely to hit the gym, burn more calories, and build more muscle (which also burns more calories). And they can help improve the way your body handles the use of fat for energy.

But supplements are just that – supplemental. They can help, but they can’t do it for you. When GC 180 XT claims it can do it for you, they’re wrong.

GC 180 XT ReviewWhat Is GC 180 XT?

GC 180 XT is a weight loss supplement based on its primary ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia. It’s only avilable online, and there’s a good amount of information out there to help make an educated decision.

There are tons of Garcinia Cambogia supplements these days, and more coming out all the time. A few years ago now, Dr. Oz recommended it as a miracle worker, and it’s been at the top of the diet pill world ever since.

But as you probably know, Dr. Oz has been accused of getting behind some pretty serious dud products, so his recommendation isn’t worth what it use to be worth. Still, Garcinia supplements are still popular, so maybe there’s something so the stuff.

Benefits of GC 180 XT

GC 180 XT claims the same benefits as most other Garcinia Cambogia supplements. It’s an impressive list that includes:

  • Mobilizing fat to be used by the body as energy.
  • Prevention of additional fat storage. Food gets used for energy instead of being stored as fat. In fact, it block the production of new fat cells.
  • Suppression of appetite so you eat less.
  • Improvement of mood so you have less chance of succumbing to emotional eating.

GC 180 XT Ingredients

The primary active ingredient is 1000mg GC 180 XT is Garcinia Cambogia, containing a 50% concentration of HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid). HCA is the active compound in Garcinia, and it’s claimed to work on several different levels.

  • It blocks the working of Citrate Lyase, the enzyme that converts unused glucose into fat. So without that conversion, it has no option but to be used for energy.
  • It helps burn already stored fat.
  • It increases the release of serotonin which improves mood, suppresses appetite, and blocks emotional cravings.

Unlike a lot of other Garcinia supplements, GC 180 XT contains a couple of additional ingredients:

  • Chromium which helps control blood sugar, which helps control appetite.
  • Calcium which has been shown to help burn fat within your existing fat cells.
  • Potassium which boosts metabolism and helps maintain proper hydration levels without bloating.

How To Use GC 180 XT

The instructions are to take one GC 180 XT capsule 2 to 3 times per day, preferably before meals. GC 180 XT contains no stimulants, so taking it before your last meal shouldn’t pose a problem when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.

GC 180 XT Side Effects

The GC 180 XT website and bottle don’t list any side effects, so I wouldn’t imagine anything too serious. With that said, however, I have seen a number of GC 180 XT reviews from customers complaining of having an upset stomach when using it. Again, we’re not talking about anything severe, but you should be aware that a stomach ache is a possibility with this stuff.

Where to Buy

GC 180 XT is only available online. There are a number of affiliate websites that look like customer reviews. What they really are are portals to funnel you to the GC 180 XT website to sign up for the “free trial.” The reviews basically rave about how good GC 180 XT is, then get you to “Click Here” to get your free bottle.

Once you click through, you fill out a form to receive your free trial bottle for just the $5.95 shipping cost. Once you sign up, you have 14 days to decide if you want to continue using it. If so, do nothing, and they’ll charge your credit card $69.95 for the “free bottle.” They’ll also sign you up to receive a new bottle each month for that same price. You’ll continue to receive a new bottle every month until you cancel.

Here’s what’s wrong with this free trial set up. First of all, they don’t make clear what’s going on. You think you’re getting a bottle for $5.95 with no strings attached. But you’re not. It’s all laid out on the website, but it’s in the very fine print, designed specifically for you to miss it.

Secondly, $69.95 is very expensive for what this stuff is. Even if you like it, it’s probably not worth $69.95.

And when you finally do figure out what’s going on and you try to cancel and get you’re money back, chances are you’ll lose at least one charge, maybe several.

You can also get GC 180 XT at The price there is a more reasonable $34.99.

GC 180 XT Reviews

Most of the “reviews” you’ll find are really just advertisements, but there are a few real ones on Amazon and a couple other websites. For the most part, the feedback is people railing against the free trail scam. Most of them add in an “oh by the way this stuff doesn’t work” line too.


We usually add a Pros and Cons section to our supplement reviews. In this case, we didn’t bother. There’s realy nothing good about GC 180 XT. It’s possible that Garcinia may offer potential benefit for weight loss, but the scientific evidence doesn’t really support it. Then when you consider the free trial scam, there’s just no reason to even entertain the idea of buying GC 180 XT.

Have You Used GC 180 XT? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Niagen Review – Does It Work?

It’s amazing to stop and think of all the technological advances that have been made just in the last quarter century or so. The internet barely existed, certainly not in anything resembling the form we know it as today. The advances are even more astonishing in the medical field. It’s gotten to the point where we’re not even overly cynical when we hear that the Fountain of Youth may have been discovered.

In 2013, Harvard Medical School researcher Dr. David Sinclair uncovered the anti-aging possibilities of a chemical compound called Nitotinamide Riboside. It’s since been patented and is being developed and sold with the trademarked name of Niagen by a company called ChromoDex.

When we talk about Niagen, we’re talking about an ingredient that can be found in several different products made by several different supplement companies. The one gaining the most traction seems to be be Niagen by Live Cell Research, so that’s the one we’re focusing on in this review. But the information holds true for other Niagen supplements as well. Just check the dosage of whatever brand you’re using so you can make a fair comparison.

Niagen ReviewWhat Is Niagen?

Niagen is the proprietary name of a substance called Nicotinamide Riboside, which is a precursor to a substance called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleoitide, or NAD+. NAD+ is present in your body naturally. Niagen, as a precursor, helps your body produce more.

NAD+ is involved in the transfer of electrons from one cell to another to produce energy. It also controls the communication between the nucleus of the cell out to the mitochondria. And it’s actually just that simple.

As we get older, the communication between and within our cells slows down due to, among other things, the diminishing amount of NAD+. This diminishing is related to age as well as oxidative damage caused by free radicals over time. Niagen helps build NAD+ levels back up, allowing a rejuvenation of sorts for your cells.

Niagen Benefits

By restoring youthful communication, Niagen claims to basically turn back the clock. You’ll feel more youthful and vitalized. You’ll get a better night’s rest. Your metabolism will speed up. Your thinking will become more clear, your memory more vivid. Niagen can lower cholesterol and may help prevent age related cognitive decline.

Basically, you will look and feel younger and healthier if the claims are to be believed.

Niagen Ingredients

There’s only one ingredient in Live Cell Research Niagen, and that’s 250 mg of Nicotanimide Riboside. Again, that’s what Niagen is. It’s a pure form of Nicotanimide Riboside, made by ChromaDex. Supplement companies license it from ChromaDex for use in their own supplements. At that point, those companies can combine it with what they want and package it how they please.

Live Cell Research leaves it alone and delivers 250 mg of Niagen to be taken once a day in the morning with a glass of water.

Clinical Research

One of the exciting things about Niagen is that it actually has been the subject of clinical studies, and the research continues. The study that started it all in 2013 was conducted at Harvard Medical School by Dr. David Sinclair. His study involved mice who took Niagen for only one week. When the week was up, body tissue from 2 year old mice resembled that of tissue from 6 month old mice.

In human terms, that’s like a 60 year old showing up with the body tissue of a 20 year old. Pretty astounding, right? But there are some caveats to consider. These mice were injected with a 400 mg daily dose of Niagen. A Live Cell Research Niagen pill contains only 250mg.

Think for a second about how big of a dose a 200 pound guy would need to take to reach the equivalent of what the mice took. The typical mouse weighs about an ounce. Our 200 pound human male would need to take a dose 3200 times bigger than what the mouse took to achieve the same ratio. That’s 1,280,000 mg, or 1.28 kg per day… over 5000 times more than what is offered in each Niagen pill.

Who Is Live Cell Research?

The company that makes the Niagen supplement is Live Cell Research. This is a relatively new outfit out of Southern California. They make Niagen along with a couple other products. Their stated philosophy is one of promoting overall health by way of cellular health. They believe in using whole foods and daily exercise to maintain health. But they understand that that lifestyle isn’t always possible for everyone, which leads to a need for supplements that work on that cellular level to maintain and restore health.

They pride themselves not only on well researched, safe, and effective supplements, but also on superior customer service. They offer a 90 day return policy on all their supplements, and their customer service is available for from 9am to 9pm daily.

Niagen Reviews

There’s a lot of customer feedback available online about Niagen, and truthfully, it’s a very mixed bag. If you look, you’ll find dozens of happy customer reviews on Here’s a sample of a typical positive review:

“The first day of taking this supplement, I immediately felt a difference. I had extra energy and focus for the entire day, and I even slept better that night. I have been taking it (250 mg per day) for about 5 days now and it feels great! I do very few product ratings on here, and I buy a lot of merchandise from Amazon, but this product is definitely worth posting about.”

But not everyone is pleased with their results. In fact, a few customers have noted side effects:

“Accelerated pulse, muscular aches, skin aches, affects sleeping patterns, mostly extending sleep. The claims that everybody can take Niagen, that it would be beneficial to anybody, and that there are no known side effects are highly questionable, and possibly irresponsible. I experienced side effects that ultimately made me stop taking Niagen, even one pill a day.”

Then there are the complaints about the customer service received from Live Cell Research:

“I ordered the minimum and was charged at a $200+ rate twice and canceled immediately. However, I was told to select the “right” buttons next time, but I did select the one month button and they tried to take me.”

Certainly, there’s room for differing opinions on a product and on a company, but in the case of Niagen, the feedback is all over the map.

Niagen Pros and Cons

Advantages of Niagen

  • It’s a single ingredient, so you know what you’re getting.
  • It’s been clinically studied, and definitely shows promise.

Disadvantages of Niagen

  • It’s way under-dosed compared to what’s been studied.
  • Some of the clinical trials involving humans haven’t been as successful as the ones conducted on mice.
  • There’s some negative feedback on Live Cell Research as a company.

Where to Buy

You can order Niagen through Live Cell Research or on A 30 day supply on the website is $46.99 with discounts for ordering more than one bottle at once. The Amazon price is close at $43.99. Live Cell Research offers a 90 day money back guarantee, but save your empty bottles because you’ll have to return them to get your money.


Niagen has promise. The study on mice had some astounding results. But the dosing was massive compared to what you get in these pills, and testing hasn’t demonstrated that this stuff even has a strong potential to work in humans. I recommend you skip Niagen for now, but keep your eye out for further developments in the future.

Have You Used Niagen? Leave Your Review Below!

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