Elite Gain 350 Review – Does It Work?

When a supplement promises a 400% increase in body strength with no extra exercise or work from you, my recommendation is that if you choose to read on, you do so carefully and with a skeptical eye. I realize this is just marketing, but in my opinion, blatant lies like that should be strike against a product. Of course, one line on a product website isn’t everything, so we continued to investigate Elite Gain 350.

What Is Elite Gain 350?

Sounding suspiciously similar to another supplement called Elite Test 360, Elite Gain 350 is a pre workout formula that promises to get you ripped, cut, strong, and fit. And it even comes with a couple side benefits, like increased testosterone and sex drive. By using this stuff, you’ll ignite your fat burning fires, find yourself with insanely unstoppable energy, break all your PR’s at the gym, and sculpt your body into the supreme specimen you know you were meant to be.

If you find that description a little over the top, then I’ve done my job. I wanted you to get a sense of the attitude presented by the official Elite Gain 350 website and promotional materials.

They also mention that it was recently voted the #1 muscle product in the US.

#1 muscle supplement

Voted by whom I have no idea, but that’s what they claim…

How Elite Gain 350 Works

According to the website, Elite Gain 350 “supercharges your DNA at the molecular level.”

supercharge dna

But frankly, I’m not sure what that even means, much less how a nitric oxide supplement is supposed to achieve it. Then of course, they add in that famous line from above, “No added exercise is needed to see immediate results!”

no working out

Uh oh, this seems to be a trend….

But seriously, if Elite Gain 350 is actually a nitric oxide focused pre workout, then what it does is increase the amount of nitric oxide your body produces. Since NO is a vasodilator, your blood vessels open up to allow a greater flow of blood to your muscles while you work out.

This gives you pumps which look great in the gym, and it also allows for the delivery of increased amounts of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles during and after your workout. More oxygen gives you more muscle energy. More nutrients helps you recover better after your workout.

The thing is, there are about a gazillion nitric oxide focused pre workout supplements out there. So why should you choose Elite Gain 350?

Elite Gain 350 Ingredients

If you’re hoping to find the reason here, you’ll be disappointed. The ingredient profile for Elite Gain 350 is apparently a well kept secret. Nowhere on the product website is there a list. We weren’t able to find a list anywhere else either. So I guess we’re just going to have to trust Elite Gain 350 when they tell us it makes us fit and strong with no additional exercise (not!)

Clinical Studies

But wait, the website says it’s clinically proven to work. Here’s what they say Elite Gain 350 is clinically proven to do:

  • Dramatically boost lean muscle mass.
  • Elevate nitric oxide production.
  • Eliminate lactic acid and ammonia and free radicals.
  • Heal torn and damaged muscles.
  • Increase ATP and phosphocretine recovery.

Usually, when a serious company mentions clinical trials, they go on to cite them or at least to reference where the customer can find them. But Elite Gain 350 doesn’t do that at all.

In fact, if you look at their terms and conditions page, they explicitly state that “this information has not been evaluated by any government agency, nor has it gone through the rigorous double-blind studies required before a particular product can be deemed truly beneficial or potentially dangerous and prescribed in the treatment of any condition or disease”.

elite gain 350 clinical studies

Elite Gain 350 Reviews

The Elite Gain 350 website offers 3 customer testimonials with before and after pictures. There’s one in particular from Adam P.

adam elite gain supplement     adam 2 elite gain

This guy’s image shows up on websites for dozens of different products. Just one more strike against this product.

Where to Buy

Elite Gain 350 is only available through its official website. Sprinkled all throughout are buttons inviting you to “Try Risk Free.” Seems like a great opportunity, right? A supplement that promises to make me look like a god, and I get to try it for free?

Not so fast. Here’s how it actually works, and stick with me here. It’s kind of confusing. If you place an order, they send you 2 bottles, good for a 2 month supply, but you pay for only 20 days worth of the first bottle. Then after 30 days, they charge you fully (minus a 33% discount off retail), and start sending you a new bottle each month applying that 33% discount.

I wrote about this scam pretty extensively in my special report, click here to check that out.

So the big question is “how much does it cost?” Well, if you can believe it, they don’t say. Searching deep inside the Terms and Conditions document, I found that the price of a different supplement this company sells is $143.99.

elite gain 350 terms

No word on how much Elite Gain 350 costs, but if that other supplement is any indication, it’s a lot.

There’s no money back guarantee. Then only way you can get a refund is if you send back an unopened bottle that’s been damaged. Even then, they won’t return your money, they’ll just send you a new bottle.

Elite Gain 350 Pros and Cons

Frankly, I don’t see anything good about Elite Gain 350 so let’s just recap the drawbacks:

  • There’s no ingredient list.
  • They promise you will get ripped and strong with no additional work on your part.
  • They say weird stuff about how Elite Gain 350 supercharges your DNA.
  • They use fake customer reviews.
  • They mention clinical testing that doesn’t exist.
  • They use some convoluted ordering scheme that forces you to buy 2 bottles at once and sign up for ongoing shipments until you can manage to get in touch with them to cancel.
  • They don’t tell you the price!


Why in the world would anyone buy a supplement with unknown ingredients at an unknown price and promise to continue buying it indefinitely at that unknown price? Now add in the ridiculous statements and phony testimonials, and I ask you again. Why?

There really are supplements that can help you get ripped, lean, and strong. Elite Gain 350 is not one of them.

Have You Used Elite Gain 350? Leave Your Review Below!

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Brain Plus IQ Review – 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It


Fake Marketing Behind Brain Plus IQ
What is Brain Plus IQ
Who Should Use Brain Plus IQ
Brain Plus IQ Reviews
Who Makes Brain Plus IQ
Brain Plus IQ Ingredients
Brain Plus IQ Side Effects
Where to Buy
Brain Plus IQ Pros and Cons

I get a lot of questions these days from guys (and ladies) who want to improve their brainpower. Ever since the movie Limitless where Bradley Cooper took a pill and unlocked the door to all his cognitive potential, we’ve been searching for something that can do the same for us.

Clearly, there’s no pill as off the chain as the Limitless pill, but what if our goal is a more reasonable “significant improvement” instead of an actual monumental transformation? Is there something out there that can give us that?

Brain Plus IQ says there is. It’s a brain boosting complex (sometimes called a Nootropic), sold through its official website, that promises to improve your focus, memory, and energy better than any other product out there.

Note:  Click Here to read our review of IQ+, a completely different supplement.

Fake Marketing Behind Brain Plus IQ

So you were probably browsing through your Facebook feed and came across a post about a revolutionary new brain pill that stars like Leonardo Dicaprio, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, and many other celebs have been using to give them some sort of “edge”.

You click on the post and find a seemingly credible article on the CNN website with the caption “Special Report:  Leo opens up about a brain enhancing ‘Miracle Pill’ that doctors are calling ‘Viagra for the brain'”.

brain plus iq leonardo dicaprio

Throughout the article, it talks about an interview with Leo and his admission that he uses Brian Plus IQ to help increase his focus and promote ‘unbeatable work ethic and creativity’.

There’s tons of other exciting claims, including that BrainPlus IQ works so well (literally doubling your IQ) it’s on the verge of being banned by the government.

brainplus iq banned

It was also apparently the inspiration behind the movie ‘Limitless”, starring Bradley Cooper.

brain plus iq limitless pill

They show what looks to be a CAT scan of a ‘normal’ brain, and one that is on Brain Plus IQ, which shows a ton of neural activity going on in the latter.

normal vs brain plus iq

It also was apparently featured in a recent Forbes magazine article, labeling it “Viagra for the brain”.

viagra for the brain

Lastly, in a recent article posted on the Discovery Channel website, Anderson Cooper interviewed genius Stephen Hawking, who apparently swears by the use of BrainPlus IQ, stating that it’s the reason why he’s so smart.

brainplus iq stephen hawking

Sounds pretty convincing, right???

Well, I’m here to tell you it’s all 100% B.S.

First off, that website that looks like the CNN website is actually NOT.

Case in point, look at the URL of the site.

brian plus iq fake

See how it says cnn.com-05.tv??  well, this is NOT cnn.com….the actual web address would be com-o5.tv.  The “cnn” part in front is simply what’s known as a subdomain.

It would be like if I created a site called nootropics.supplementcritique.com.  The actual site is supplementcritique.com, but when you append a word like ‘nootropics’ to the front of it, it still resides on the same website, supplementcritique.com.

The second blatant piece of B.S. is the fact that Brain Plus IQ claims it was the inspiration behind the movie ‘Limitless’.

If you visit the REAL tweet, you’ll see that there is no mention of BrainPlus IQ whatsoever.

original limitless-tweet

The last piece of blatant lies is the fact that this whole freakin’ article is fictitious.  If you look at this article I wrote back in August of 2015, you’ll see that there are literally DOZENS of other supplements including Cogniq, Intelligex, and Adderin that use this same bogus marketing tactic to promote their product.

All garbage marketing aside, does the supplement even really work?

Want To REALLY Get Smarter?

Click Here to download my FREE "Complete Guide To Nootropics" eBook!!

What is Brain Plus IQ?

By supporting healthy brain function, Brain Plus IQ promises to:

  • Clear your mind so you can focus more intensely than ever before.
  • Enhance the functioning of neurotransmitters in your brain so you’re thinking quickly and clearly.
  • Improve the way your brain stores information so you remember better and recall more quickly.

They also mention as a side benefit that by giving your brain the fuel it needs, Brain Plus IQ provides a safe and effective way to increase your energy.

They also point out the fact that it’s safer for everyday use when compared to prescription medications like Adderall and Modafinil.

brain plus iq vs adderall

It’s important to note that these claims are totally unreliable.  Drugs like Adderall and Modafinil have been EXTENSIVELY studied in thousands of patients over long periods of time, and in most cases have been found to be safe for long term use.

Take that and stack it up against a pill like Brain Plus IQ that has never been under the same microscope, and it’s hard to draw that conclusion.

Brain Plus IQ ReviewWho Should Use Brain Plus IQ

It’s true that cognitive function starts to decline somewhat in your 30s. You may start to notice times when the answer is “right on the tip of your tongue” but you just can’t reach it. That’s what cognitive decline feels like. You know the answer is in your brain somewhere. You just can’t connect to it and express it.

That’s because your neurotransmitters aren’t working as well as they used to. And that’s where nootropics like Brain Plus IQ come in. They increase neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter activity so you’re cognitive skills stop their decline.

According to them, they conducted a study that showed users of Brain Plus IQ saw a 89.2% increase in brain power and focus by up to 121%.

brain plus iq clinical study

study 4

However, when I searched around their site I found absolutely no mention of who conducted the clinical study, how many participants were involved, how long they took it for, and other vital bits of information.

Brain Plus IQ is for anyone who wants for whatever reason to improve their ability to connect to the information they know is stored in their brain more quickly and efficiently.  This could mean college students, business people, athletes, hair stylists, literally ANYONE.

It can also provide energy, motivation, focus, and the drive to get things done and be more productive on a daily basis.

Brain Plus IQ Reviews

Well, there aren’t too many credible reviews of Brain Plus IQ on the internet from what I can tell.  Case in point, you have this “review” from a woman named “Maria Serenty”

Given their track record so far, it is hard to trust just about any of their claims or any bit of information about them as being accurate, but many of these reviews appear to be clearly concocted and not even very creative in doing so.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faTNlZYeE2I]

However, if you jump on over to Fiverr.com (a place where people will do a fake testimonial for you for $5), you’ll see that Maria is actually an actress.

brain plus iq fake review

There’s tons of other youtube videos which appear to be reviews, but unfortunately most of them are in another language.  Here’s a few examples:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUAO7eSfTDM]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcylAWRUJ-I]

Some of the other sites with “reviews” on them are just downright atrocious. Case in point, check out this snapshot from an article on the website supplement ranking dot com:


Despite the fact that they try and pawn it off as if they know what they’re talking about, there’s next to nothing about this entire paragraph that makes sense…

It was CLEARLY written by someone who doesn’t write English as a first language, and to top it off the whole page looks similar to this non-sense.

The website SupplementPolice.com has a few credible looking reviews of BrainPlus IQ, with most stating that the supplement is complete garbage.

Here’s a few I came across below:

brainplus iq real review


One guy even said he had a HEART ATTACK, but doesn’t specify whether or not BrainPlus IQ was the culprit.

brainplus iq side effects

Who Makes Brain Plus IQ?

Brain Plus IQ is made and distributed by a company called BioTrim Labs, based in Salt Lake City Utah. They make several other supplements as well, mainly health and fitness related pills.

A quick check of the Better Business Bureau shows that BioTrim Labs is not BBB accredited and has received a rating of “F”. The rating is primarily because of the 9 unresolved complaints that have been reported to the agency. The complaints are related to customer service/billing issues as well as product quality issues.

Brain Plus IQ Ingredients

Brain Plus IQ is mainly marketed and sold through its official website, but it’s also available on the BioTrim Labs website. The product website only offers limited ingredient information, but the full list is available on the BioTrim website.

The Brain Plus IQ formula contains:

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine which transports fat for use as energy for cells and muscles, and is sometimes used to help treat ADHD symptoms.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which has probably been the most widely used supplement for cognitive enhancement in history. It improves blood flow to the brain so you’re getting more oxygen and nutrients where you need them. It can also protect against memory loss. (Source: 1
  • Phosphatidylserine which is one of the most commonly used nootropic supplements on the market today. It helps build and repair cell membranes. It’s present in our brains naturally, but declines with time. Replenishing it can help stave off decline. (Source: 2
  • St John’s Wort which can help boost dopamine and serotonin levels for a better mood and focus, and has also been studied for it’s effects on people with depression.
  • Bacopa Monnier which can help improve memory recall under stressful conditions.
  • Glutamine which fuels two of the brains most important neurotransmitters. It also reduces the buildup of ammonia within the brain.
  • Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate (DMAE) which may improve memory in the elderly. (Source: 3
  • Vinpocetine which may improve memory and prevent cognitive decline by improving blood flow to the brain.

There isn’t a whole lot of credible research on most of these supplements and there’s something very important to consider about that which has been done. When substances are tested, they use a very specific dosing protocol to help determine at what amount they can be shown to be effective.

Brain Plus IQ, like most supplements of its kind, doesn’t disclose how much of each ingredient is used. That means it’s highly unlikely that they’re using clinically tested amounts. Believe me, if they were, you’d know about it. It would be a huge selling point to be able to say they use clinical doses. The fact they aren’t saying it means they’re most likely not.

Fortunately though they do tell us how to use it.  According to the label, you should take 1 capsule daily.  They don’t say exactly what time of the day to do so, but my guess would be first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

That will you will likely get the best results.[/areaonopage]

Brain Plus IQ Side Effects

Most of the ingredients in this supplement are considered safe, but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed not to experience any adverse effects. Even safe and natural ingredients can cause a reaction in someone who’s allergic. It’s also not uncommon for people to have trouble sleeping when taking brain boosting supplements. That’s why it’s usually recommended that you take them in the morning or early in the day.

Some of the most commonly reported BrainPlus IQ side effects include:  nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, heart palpitations, arrhythmia, and increased blood pressure. The formula does contain St. John’s Wort, which is known to cause negative interactions with several prescription medications, so if you take medications make sure you check with your doctor before using it.

As with any supplement I always recommend you check with your doctor first to make sure it’s safe for you to take, especially if you have a medical condition like diabetes or hypertension.

Where to Buy

Brain Plus IQ is only available online at his time, and you won’t find it at generic retail sites like Amazon.com or Ebay. If you’re interested in making a purchase, you can buy it through either the Brain Plus IQ website (www.BrainPlusIQ.com) or the BioTrim Labs website depending on where you live.

If you’re in the US, you need to go through the BioTrim Labs website, www.BiotrimLabs.com. A single bottle costs $55.95, but you can save if you become a BioTrim Labs Premier Customer. It doesn’t involve getting into a contract of monthly shipping. It looks like it’s just an opportunity for BioTrim to put you on its mailing list for information about sales events and new products.

If you’re outside the US, use the Brain Plus IQ website and choose your country. Prices and packages will be displayed in your local currency.

As of this review they sell Brain Plus IQ to the following countries:  Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Phillipines, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.

Brain Plus IQ Pros and Cons

Advantages of Brain Plus IQ

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee (30 days).

Disadvantages of Brain Plus IQ

  • I haven’t seen any independent Brain Plus IQ reviews from customers who’ve used it to any great success.
  • BioTrim Labs has a negative profile with the Better Business Bureau.
  • Ingredient information doesn’t include amounts, so it’s difficult to know if it can even work.

The 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It

  1. They use deceptive marketing to sell their product.
  2. Their ‘proprietary formula’ is not all it’s cracked up to be.
  3. They have an F Rating With the Better Business Bureau.


Brain Plus IQ doesn’t look awful or dangerous, but there’s nothing that really stands out in a positive way either. Without knowing ingredient amounts, we can’t know if even the beneficial ingredients are present in any significant way. And without unbiased customer feedback, we’re really left at a loss for how Brain Plus IQ works in the real world.

One thing is for sure, I’ve literally tested dozens of these so called “brain boosters” and none of them have even come close to prescription ADHD meds like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin.

However, “some” do work quite effective at helping to improve focus and concentration, at least to a degree.

Don’t think about it as a “Limitless pill”, think of it as a mock-buster knockoff version of it that is more bark than bite and does little to make trying it out worthwhile.

With other, more proven, options, skip Brain Plus IQ in favor of something more effective.

Have You Used Brain Plus IQ? Leave Your Review Below!

Sources / References

1.)  WebMD – Gingko Biloda Benefits:  http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/lifestyle-guide-11/supplement-guide-ginkgo-biloba
2.)  Wiki Phosphatidylserine:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphatidylserine
3.)  DMAE benefits – https://examine.com/supplements/dmae/

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

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ATP Extreme Review – Should You Use It?

If you’re looking to take your athletic performance to the next level, it’s easy to get excited about ATP Extreme. The website does a very effective job of presenting the supplement as the absolute one you need if you want to uncover your greatest potential.

Of course, that’s the job of marketers, and we’re less concerned with that than we are with the job of the researchers and manufacturers. Have they created something here that you and I need? Let’s take a closer look and find out.

What Is ATP Extreme?

ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate. Basically what it is is the energy used by your body’s cells and tissue, ie muscle. One of the inherent problems with ATP is storage. It has an extremely short half life, so in effect, you just can’t store the stuff.

As a side note, this is how supplementing with creatine helps. Creatine converts to ATP, and it can be stored in your muscles. So effectively, it’s a way to provide your muscles with more ATP when they need it.

ATP Extreme is a form of ATP that can be taken orally. The idea is that if you can supplement ATP directly, you can use your muscles more efficiently and effectively, and you’ll get better results.

But not all substances can be taken orally and be effective. That’s why clinical testing is so important in this case.

ATM Extreme ReviewIn the case of ATP Extreme, it’s the difference between intracellular ATP and extracellular ATP. Intracellular is the kind we’re familiar with that can convert from creatine. Extracellular is the kind offered by ATP Extreme. It can be a pre cursor to intracellular ATP, and it also increases vasodilation and muscle excitability.

Increased vasodilation means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles and more lactic acid taken away from your muscles. Increased muscle excitability means faster, more intense muscle contractions, which means they’re working harder, getting bigger and stronger faster.


ATP Extreme Clinical Test Results

In order to find out if oral ATP supplementation works, a double blind placebo controlled study was performed using the same form and dose of oral ATP found in ATP Extreme. The results were promising.

The participants were all resistance-trained athletes who followed the same strict diet and workout routine. After 12 weeks, the ATP Extreme users had gained twice as much lean muscle mass as the placebo users, and their quads had gained almost twice as much in size. Their lifts increased on average over twice as much as the placebo users as well.


ATP Extreme Benefits

Aside from the end results, you can expect a reduced amount of soreness both during your workout and after. During your workout, you’ll experience less lactic acid build up, so you’ll be able to workout harder and longer without reaching muscle exhaustion.

Other ATP Extreme Ingredients

In addition to the oral ATP, ATP Extreme uses a host of other herbs to act as antioxidants, energy boosters, and recovery substances:

  • Cordyceps
  • Reishi Exract
  • Quercetin
  • Green Tea
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Grape Seed

What ATP Extreme doesn’t have is notable as well. The formula doesn’t contain hormones, stimulants, or banned substances. It’s also vegan friendly and doesn’t need to be cycled.

How to Use ATP Extreme

ATP Extreme should be used as a pre workout. You’ll want to take 4 capsules with water on an empty stomach between 30 and 60 minutes prior to your workout. If you work out more than once a day, take 3 capsules before each workout. On your off days, take 2 in the morning and another 2 about 6 hours later to improve circulation for better post workout recovery. The upper limit is 10 capsules in a 24-hour period.

ATP Extreme Reviews

Most, if not all, information available about ATP Extreme comes from their official website. There’s little to no feedback from any other source. This is a little concerning. Of course you’re going to find glowing testimonials on the product website, especially when you have a company so highly focuses on their very precise marketing plan.

So yes, there’s lots of positive feedback, but it’s all on the website so you have to take it with a grain of salt. If ATP Extreme is getting negative reviews, ATP Extreme is not going to publish them.

Where to Buy

The only way to purchase ATP Extreme is through the official website. You can choose to either make a one-time order for $49.95, or sign up for monthly recurring shipments at $39.95 per month. If you go with the one time order, buying multiple bottles at once will get you a 10%-20% discount depending on how many you buy.

They’re also running a promo where you can get a discount if you like their page on Facebook.

There’s a 45-day money back guarantee that applies to one empty bottle and all unopened bottles as well. They do ask that you contact them first, though, as they will have questions and will want to give advice as to how you might get better results. (I don’t know, it sounds like a bit of a PITA to me, but could be helpful to some, I guess.).

ATP Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of ATP Extreme

  • It’s been clinically studied and the results look good.
  • It’s pretty affordable to try.
  • It’s natural and safe.

Disadvantages of ATP Extreme

  • The marketing is very hyped and makes ATP Extreme look very promising, but there’s no customer feedback. This is definitely cause for some healthy skepticism.


ATP Extreme is very different from everything else out there. It works on the supposition that you can supplement ATP orally and get great results in terms of strength, endurance, recovery, and results. There’s even a clinical test that showed impressive results. One problem with the study is that it was very small. There were only around 20 participants.

It’s promising, but in order for me to be fully on board, there would need to be more extensive testing as well as a significant amount of customer feedback.

The more testing and overall information about a particular supplement that is available, the better I feel about being able to recommend it and when that is the case it is hard to fully get in something’s corner.

With that being said, there is a decent amount of good momentum that ATP Extreme has and it is effective in at least some of its user.

Have You Used ATP Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

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Blue Star Status Review – Should You Try It?

If you’re starting to notice a decline in testosterone, the idea of a 178% increase in free testosterone sounds like something you could really get on board with. Our bodies are loaded with the stuff when we’re young, but the older we get, the more we lose. Eventually, usually around mid 30s to mid 40s, it’s dropped enough to notice.

testosterone decrease by age

Blue Star Status is a a natural testosterone booster that claims to be able to reverse this trend and get you back on track.

You’ll know it when you reach the point of needing a supplement like Blue Star Status. You’ll start to notice a layer of flab around your middle that wasn’t ever there before. Your workouts at the gym are harder (even if you haven’t changed anything) and results don’t come like they used to. Your tired. You’re sluggish. And you’re not even interested in sex like you used to be. An evening on the couch watching TV starts to sound better than an evening getting busy with your wife.

They’re all signs your testosterone levels have noticeably dipped. And if you’re seeing them, you might be looking for something to help.

Click Here to take our Low-T Quiz and find out if you may be suffering from reduced testosterone output.

Blue Star Status Benefits

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2016/01/african descent athlete beach

Using a natural testosterone booster like Blue Star Status has a lot of advantages. You get a lot of the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, but you don’t need to worry about side effects like you would if you were using something prescribed by your doctor.

Those benefits include:

  • Increased energy for workouts and for general daily activities.
  • Improved mood.
  • Greater strength for workouts, leading to better results.
  • Easier fat loss and muscle gain.
  • Boosted sex drive and performance.

How Blue Star Status Works

Blue Star Status is all natural. The idea is that it boosts testosterone levels naturally. It also blocks a significant amount of its conversion to estrogen. Typically, some testosterone is converted to estrogen, so an increase in T also causes and increase in estrogen, which you don’t want. Blue Star Status blocks that conversion and leaves you with more testosterone, free and available for your body to use, making it a streamlined machine of strength and power.

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Of course, it makes sense to eat the right foods, and get plenty of exercise to help naturally boost your testosterone.

Blue star Status will just get you there QUICKER.

Blue Star Status Ingredients

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2016/01/blur bottle chemistry 248152

The Blue Star Status formula starts with a base of testosterone friendly nutrients – Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Zinc. All three of these are used in the body’s natural processes for producing testosterone. A lack of any will lead to trouble creating the necessary chemical reactions to make testosterone.

After that, several ingredients work toward the actual boosting of testosterone:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2016/01/chemistry

Then there are the components that help prevent your testosterone from converting to estrogen, which you definitely don’t want. Those would be:

  • Resveratrol, an antioxidant.
  • Chrysin which is one of the most anti-aromatase herbs you can find.

The formula also contains ingredients like Black Pepper (bioperine) to increase the bioavailability of the rest of the ingredients, making them more effective.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

How To Take Blue Star Status


It’s recommended that you take your daily Blue Star Status dose of 4 capsules all at once about half an hour before your workout. On non-workout days, you should take it before bed. Some guys start to feel the effects almost immediately. Most will notice relatively full benefits in about 4 weeks.

Because Blue Star Status is a natural testosterone booster, it increases the testosterone that your body makes on its own. It doesn’t introduce foreign chemical testosterone and shut down your own. For that reason, you don’t need to Post Cycle Therapy, and in fact you don’t need to cycle off Blue Star Status at all. I would still take a week or so off every once in a while, to get a fresh start with a clean slate.

Who Is Blue Star Nutraceuticals?

Blue Star (www.bluestarnutraceuticals.com) is a smallish supplement company in Canada focused on researching and creating the most effective formulas using clinically tested doses of proven ingredients. They claim to maintain their independence for the express reason that it leaves them answering to nobody.

Without a big corporation behind them, their free to make independent decisions based on what they believe will work for their customers. To go along with that credo, they also offer food, workout, and lifestyle advice for the benefit of their customers.

All their supplements are made in an FDA certified facility and attain the “Good Manufacturing Practices” certification. This doesn’t mean their supplements have FDA approval. No supplements do. But it does mean they’re made in a facility that gets inspected and is certified by the authority.

My Personal Review

blue star status testosterone booster real reviewSome of the guys who read my blog have been pestering me for quite sometime about this supplement, as if I don’t have enough other testosterone boosters lined up on my desk to try out.

So I finally got a chance to try out Status testosterone booster and I have to admit, I did feel something.  It wasn’t some massive increase in sex drive, or more aggressive in the gym, or really any of that shit.

But I noticed (at least for a couple of weeks) that I seemed to be sleeping better.

A LOT better…

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2016/01/body exercise fitness

In turn, I felt a bit more energetic the next day from such a good nights sleep, and also felt like I was recovering from my workouts a bit quicker.

I always notice that when I do a tough HIIT workout, the next day I always feel like total shit.

Not while I was taking this stuff…

The normal 2nd day soreness / tiredness was completely erased, and I can say with 90% confidence that Status testosterone booster was probably the culprit.

I also want to mention that I didn’t seem to get any side effects from it.  I wasn’t too keenly worried about it based on the ingredients, but it’s always in the back of my mind.

Other Blue Star Status Reviews

Customer feedback for Blue Star Status is mixed, with more positives than negatives. Representing the upside, you’ve got:

“In my experience Status test booster is by far the most powerful one on the market today. You feel high energy, your libido will be amazing plus the solid muscle gains.”

On the negative side, you’ll see things like:

“It did absolutely nothing for me… The anti estrogen support from the Chrysin isn’t even needed and really does nothing when taken with a test booster, so that’s just a filler.”

You’ll find all of them (some of them pretty juicy) on the BodyBuilding.com site.

Amazon also has a number of reviews, with an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars.  Many of the reviews echo the same sentiment on BodyBuilding.com, so I won’t go into detail here.

Here’s a couple of the better ones:

blue star status testosterone reviews on amazon

Where to Buy

Blue Star Status is sold online through the Blue Star website as well as Bodybuilding.com. A one month supply costs $69.99 no matter where you order from. Blue Star offers a 60 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.

I don’t believe you can find Blue Star Status testosterone booster in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, but if it ever pops up in those stores (I frequently visit most of them) I’ll definitely update the review.

Blue Star Status Pros and Cons

Advantages of Blue Star Status

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • PCT and cycling are not required.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • Most Blue Star Status reviews from customers are positive.
  • Blue Star is a legitimate supplement manufacturer interested in building a reputation on good products and service. This helps when you need them to give you a refund and/or stand by their promise.

Blue Star Status Cons

  • Ingredient amounts, for the most part, are not given. This leaves us guessing whether or not any of them are actually as effective as they could be.
  • There are some negative reviews.


Honestly speaking (and from personal testing), I think this ones a winner.  Blue Star Status will probably help increase your T levels, giving you some energy, stamina, strength, and that libido boost you want.

HOWEVER, at $70 a month, it’s probably more expensive than it is effective. There are better choices to go with. Personally, I prefer a T booster with D-Aspartic Acid, like Testofuel. It’s got the best track record as far as ingredients go. For that reason, while I think Blue Star Status is a decent product, it doesn’t earn my highest recommendation.

When stacked up against hormone therapy, of course it is going to be cheaper, but whether or not it is even a close second as far as quality and noticeable effects, I would say that this one will not have quite as pronounced results.

With that being said, I do believe that Blue Star Status is a good product, just slightly overpriced.

But if you’re looking for a good alternative to prescription testosterone replacement therapy, I’d give it a go if I were you.

Have You Used Blue Star Status? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

ProBrain Review – Should You Use It?

There are tons of reasons to want access to more and better brain power. Maybe you’re a full time student trying to reach that elusive 4.0. Maybe you’re working 60+ hours a week trying to impress your new boss. Maybe you’re reaching an age where you notice some cognitive decline. Maybe you’ve got a combination of some or all of these factors.

Whatever your reason, there’s never been a better time to be looking for a cognitive enhancement supplement. The market has exploded, with dozen available now, and more arriving on the scene all the time.

ProBrain ReviewProBrain is one of your available options. It’s known as a nootropic supplement or a smart pill. Basically what it does is:

  • Improve attention and focus.
  • Boost your memory, both short and long term.
  • Quicken the speed with which you think and process new information.
  • Improve the overall health of your brain, resulting in a new level of clarity.

Who Uses ProBrain?

Nootropic supplements got their start as natural replacements for ADD/ADHD drugs like Adderall. College campuses were notorious for students and others selling their prescription Adderall to other students wanting to get a leg up on their studies. These medications could improve energy, focus, and clarity for anyone, not just ADD/ADHD sufferers.

Of course, it’s expensive, possibly hazardous, and illegal to use buy, sell, and use prescription medications without a prescription, so now there are nootropic supplements like ProBrain. They’re legal and available to help anyone who wants the edge, but wants it on the up and up.

How Does ProBrain Work?

There are lots of different nootropic substances to choose from. Each different supplement creates a formula by picking and choosing from that wider list. Some of the components provide energy, some provide antioxidant protection for cells and cell membranes. And still others provide an increase in the neutotransmitters in your brain. These are the communicators within the brain. Sufficient and and sufficiently high functioning neurotransmitters will give you that cognitive boost you’re looking for.

ProBrain claims to opt for choices that regenerate your brain. That means they use alpha brain wave boosters for clarity, brain cell communicators, brain health boosters, and neurotransmitter producers.

ProBrain Ingredients

One of the nice things about ProBrain is that they list the ingredients and the amounts to be found in the formula right on the website for all to see.

The ProBrain formula includes:

  • Ginkgo Biloba which has long been used as an herbal brain booster. It works by improving circulation to the brain, which improves oxygen and nutrient delivery. As a result, memory is improved. ProBrain contains 50 mg per dose, but daily recommendations for cognitive enhancement come in much higher at 120mg-260mg taking spread out throughout the day.
  • Phosphatidylserine Complex. Phosphatidylserine makes up part of the cell membrane in our brains. It’s present naturally in the body and can also be consumed. ProBrain contains 125 mg which is near but on the low side of what’s recommended for a daily dose.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine which is an amino acid that provides fuel to cells for energy. It also improves memory and mood. ProBrain contains 50 mg while the recommended daily dose for nootropic effects is at least 1000mg.
  • St John’s Wort which has long been used as an herbal treatment for depression. Probrain uses 250mg. The recommended daily dose is 900-1800mg.
  • Glutamine which is used to make two neurotransmitters – Glutamic Acid and GABA – to improve memory, mood, and cognitive function. The recommended daily dose is 1-5 grams while ProBrain contains 150mg.
  • DMAE Bitartrate which is a sources for the neurotransmitter Choline as well as a benefit to cell and cell membrane health. The recommended daily dose varies widely. It’s recommended to start with 100mg and go from there. ProBrain uses 50mg
  • Bacopin which promotes intercellular communication as well as interacting with dopamine and serotonin. The recommended daily dose starts at 300mg. ProBrain contains 100mg.
  • Vinpocetine which increases blood flow to the brain, boosting energy, focus, and memory. The recommended daily dose is 50-100 mg. ProBrain contains only 2 mg.

How To Take ProBrain

Instructions say to take just one pill a day. It doesn’t specify time of day, but you should take it in the morning with breakfast.

Where to Buy ProBrain

ProBrain is one of the many many supplements that’s only available online. And the only place I found was through their official website. When I went to check out the price, I was informed at the top of the page that I was one of 50 customers selected to receive 40% off certain orders. I’m fairly certain, that offer is made to everyone visiting the site.

That leaves you with a single bottle price of $47, but a Buy 2 Get 1 Deal for $31.34 per bottle or a Buy 3 Get 2 Deal for a $28.20 per bottle price.

They claim to offer a money back guarantee, but the terms are unclear. Refund requests are handled on a case by case basis, and they do not honor empty bottle returns.

Who Makes ProBrain?

There’s actually quite a bit of confusion swirling around this question.. The website shows “nutrigenrx.com” as their address. The bottle shows “NeuroNutraRX” as tThe inhe company. But the company address just lists ProBrain as the name. None of this instills much confidence that ProBrain is made by a real company with plans to stick around, grow, and expand.

ProBrain Pros and Cons

Advantages of ProBrain

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula contains several beneficial ingredients.

Disadvantages of ProBrain

  • The dosage levels for almost all the ingredients in ProBrain are too low to have much or any effect.
  • There are no independent ProBrain reviews from customers.
  • They don’t cite any clinical studies proving its effectiveness.


ProBrain gets off to a good start by using beneficial nootropic ingredients in its formula. The trouble is, it’s all downhill from there. The ingredient levels are so low, it’s unlikely to provide any real benefit. The company identity is sketchy, so I wouldn’t want to be in a position of having to trust them to do the right thing if I had an issue or needed a refund.

At the end of the day, there are far better choices when it comes to nootropics that actually work. There’s no need to waste time, money, or expectations on ProBrain.

Have You Used ProBrain? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Intelligex Review – 3 Big Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It


Smart Drug
The Problem
Free Trial
What is it
Who makes it
What do the reviews say
User Reviews

For the last few weeks I’ve been having a ton of people visiting my review of CogniQ, which is an all natural “smart drug”.  However, they are not visiting it to learn about Cogniq, but rather a supplement called Intelligex.

Intrigued, I started searching around for information on it, but literally came up short.  I tried typing in the name of the product, tried searching through all the major search engines, and for the life of me couldn’t find anything on it.

I was in minor disbelief when I could not find anything and was effectively beginning to wonder if I had been misled or even if maybe I just simply was dealing with incomplete information, but I still wanted to continue the search.

Finally, I resorted to making a post about Intelligex on my Cogniq review, asking anyone who has any information on it to pass along a website or something.  Within 12 hours, I had 2 people get back to me with an official site.

It seems to me that Intelligex is using deliberate and FALSE marketing to lure unsuspecting customers to sign up for their free trial.  Let’s dive right in to the details so I can show you what I’m talking about.

“Is This Smart Drug The Most Powerful Brain Enhancer In The World?”

This is the headline I see staring me in the face right now.  Right under that there is mention of a ground breaking pill that was recently discovered to boost brain power by up to 89.2%, as well as sharpen your mind and sky-rocket your energy levels.

Then, there’s a flattering picture of what appears to be a human brain cut in half.

intelligex pill

Apparently this new pill is mind boosting equivalent of what Viagra does for your sex life.  And it’s actually not just one pill, it’s a combo of pills.

Those pills are none other than Intelligex and Amped.

intelligex and amped

This apparent “news report” goes on to say that by combining both Intelligex and Amped, users experienced laser like focus, a huge improvement in memory, and a clear mind.

Pretty intriguing, no doubt, especially if it true, and it definitely got me even more interested in trying it out for myself.

They also mention that a study of 300 people was conducted at the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU) and that the results were astounding.

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Click Here to download my FREE "Complete Guide To Nootropics" eBook!!

They cite one of the participants journal entries, and if you read through them it can sound very convincing.  Here’s a summary of his results:

intelligex reviews


It was even cited as being the inspiration behind the movie “Limitless”, starring Bradley Cooper.

intelligex limitless pill

By the way all of this is seen on a website that is supposedly called “ProNews”, and they had their Health and Science editor Alan Frasier test out Intelligex himself to see what all the fuss was about.

Apprently he took it for 4 weeks and his results were nothing short of amazing.  A summary of his experience below:

alan frasier intelligex

Lastly, there are dozens of seemingly “real” comments on the bottom, all saying how psyched they are to try it out.

intelligex comments

The Problem With All of This?  It’s ALL FAKE!!!

What you’re seeing here is a cleverly crafted marketing piece, commonly referred to in the industry as a “Farticle” (Fake Article).  The apparent news site “ProNews” is not really a news site.

Don’t believe me? 

Try and visit the URL and see what comes up.

That’s right, absolutely nothing.  It’s literally a blank page…

Then, something else you probably completely missed was the fact that it even says it’s an Advertisement right at the top (and bottom) of the page.

intelligex ad

intelligex sponsored

As if this wasn’t enough to convince you that it’s complete BS, check out the real Limitless Post that was made back in March of 2011.

intelligex limitless

They pretty clearly photo-shopped in the part about Intelligex being the “inspiration” behind the movie.

Lastly, try to leave a comment on this page…I’ve made a quick screen cast to show you what happens.

[vimeo 150356808 w=640 h=360]

As you can see, no matter how many times you click the “Log In” button to leave a comment, it redirects to a completely different offer for a product called Synapsyl.

Seems odd to me…

Their “Free Trial” is NOT All It’s Cracked Up To Be

One sneaky trick that you probably also missed was their free trial.  You see, when you visit the official website for Intelligex it appears as though you can try it out “risk free” by signing up to receive a trial bottle.

For most, this implies that your getting a sample, but nothing can be further from the truth.

Case in point, when you fill out their form to tell them where to ship the bottle, you are then redirected to a page that asks you to enter in a credit card to help pay for the modest shipping fee of $4.99.

What they also tell you in VERY fine print down at the bottom is that they will charge you $89.97 14 days after you order for this supposed free trial.

intelligex free trial

What’s worse is that if you don’t cancel in the allotted time frame they end up sending you a fresh bottle every month AND charge your credit card the $89.97 charge.

Despite all the B.S. marketing, does the product really even work?  Let’s examine a few other things about Intelligex before we jump to any conclusions.

What is it?

intelligex reviewsThis supplement labels itself as a “smart drug”, while not actually being a drug.   It’s an all natural supplement which is known as a nootropic, a new category of supplements aimed at helping you focus better, concentrate longer, and improve your short and long term memory.

There’s been DOZENS of these so called “brain pills” popping up on my radar the last 6 months or so, and the vast majority of them that I have tested have been a waste of time.

Supplements like Brain Plus IQ, Geniux, and Adderin ALL claim that they are the “real limitless pill”, but nearly ALL of them turned out to be complete duds.

So what makes Intelligex different?  Well, therein lies the problem.  We simply don’t know what’s in it.

They mention that their supplement contains a 100% pure phosphatidylserine complex, but that’s literally it.

Who makes it?

From what I can tell, Focus Nutra is the company behind Intelligex.  They appear to be located in London, England, and finding any other info on them was practically impossible.

Here’s their contact info if you’re looking to get in touch with them:

Phone: 1-(888)-255-1750, or
Email:  support@FocusNutra.com

What do the reviews have to say?

Apart from their official website, there aren’t many sites that have good, unbiased reviews of Intelligex.  I searched around on Youtube and came across this video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eORL1OEYI]

It takes a bit of time before he jumps to his “results” (specifically around the 7 Min. mark if you want to jump to it), but as you will see it turned out to be a pretty big disappointment.

He basically says he didn’t get much out of it, if at all, and that he figures maybe it will take a couple of days to kick in.

In a follow up video, he says that he actually got sort of sick the next day, although he couldn’t attribute it to the Intelligex Pills:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7kTLMwU2P0]

In a final video chronicling his experience, he again go’s on to say that he was feeling nausea again and decided to just stop taking the pills altogether.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFadWj2wO2A]

It’s pretty clear from the videos that he seems to be going through some pretty rough times, and to be honest I feel pretty bad for him.

Unfortunately (and I’m not the least bit surprised), Intelligex couldn’t seem to help him at all.

Is it FDA Approved?

Despite some of their marketing stating otherwise, Intelligex is NOT FDA approved.  In fact, because it’s a supplement it doesn’t require testing / approval from the FDA.

Is it Really The “REAL Limitless Pill”?

In my opinion, absolutely not.  In fact, most of the so called “limitless pills” I’ve tested have proven to be nothing more than a sugar pill.

3 Big Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It

  1. They use deceptive / false advertising to market their product.
  2. The reviews are VERY poor.
  3. Their “free trial” is NOT really “free”.


I’ve seen these fake ads time and time again.  Typically you’ll see pills like Intelligex pop up on social media sites for a few months, maybe more.

Once they’ve scammed enough people with their free trial they close up shop, come up with a completely new product with a different name and label, and repeat the process again.

Don’t be a fool….if Intelligex was really the real limitless pill, they wouldn’t need to resort to false marketing to promote their product.

Check out some REAL products that I’ve personally tested and PROVEN to work effectively.

Have You Used Intelligex?  Leave You Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

The ED Miracle Review – Should You Try It?

Not too long ago, I saw an add pop up along the side of my laptop screen. It was for something called The ED Miracle. Given how often I’m researching information on male enhancement supplements and products, an ad like this is not unusual.

I was pretty busy when I first saw it, so I didn’t give it much thought until a couple days later when it popped up again. This time, I decided to dive in and see what The ED Miracle was all about.

What Is The ED Miracle?

The ED Miracle is not a pill or device. It’s a program that promises to end your struggles with erectile dysfunction. It was created by a guy named Tom Bradford, a former sufferer of erectile dysfunction who through exhaustive research finally found something that works for him.

When you order The ED Miracle, the core of what you receive is a step by step manual with instructions for how to make “ED Shakes” that will finally put an end to you sexual performance woes. There’s also information on the causes of erectile dysfunction, some healthy lifestyle tips, and a few bonus materials as well.

So that’s the overall gist of The ED Miracle. Let’s take our discussion a little deeper to find out if there’s any real promise for this program.

The ED MiracleWho Is Tom Bradford?

A lot of male enhancement pills and products like to advertise that they were created or endorsed by medical doctors and/or research scientists. Not so with The ED Miracle. The only person they mention that was or is involved in the program is Tom Bradford, former ED sufferer.

Tom Bradford was dealing with erectile dysfunction issues until he got fed up and decided that rather than talk to his doctor about it, he’d find a solution himself. So after embarking on countless hours of research, mainly looking at university studies, he understood the root cause of erectile dysfunction. Once he knew the cause, he went about creating a plan to eradicate the problem.

Tom put all of his findings together, created The ED Miracle Shake, and is now – for a small fee – is sharing it with the world.

The truth is, Tom Bradford doesn’t exist!  Someone who wishes to remain anonymous is simply using a photo from shutterstock.com {o} and pinning a name on it.

Here’s his photo at the bottom of the ED Miracle sales page:

tom bradford ed miracle

and here’s the Shutter Stock photo:


However, the person behind the mask of Tom Bradford is making a lot of money off this informational product, as The ED Miracle is the number one best-selling erectile dysfunction e-book with more than 500,000 downloads.

Customer Reviews of ED Miracle

According to honest reviews, it appears that the ED Miracle is far from miraculous.  One reviewer who allegedly drank the recommended ED Miracle shake twice a day for a year didn’t receive any benefits whatsoever.  Overall, this shouldn’t be surprising, as the logic behind The ED Miracle isn’t based on the scientific understanding of what really causes ED.

Fake Video Reviews As Well

One other thing I noticed on their sales page were a few video review testimonials.  They looked and sounded, for lack of a better word, staged.

ed miracle video reviews

And it turns out (not surprisingly) that they indeed are.

Case in point, this supposed “testimonial”.

Well, it turns out this pair is a couple of actors who sell their services on a website called Fiverr.com.


Many other reviewers seem to be led to believe that they are actually going to receive a physical hard copy book.  However, The ED Miracle is an e-book that is downloaded in PDF format.  Even worse, many claim that they were unable to download the e-book after they paid for it and didn’t have a phone number to call in order to get their money back.

This should give anyone a reason to pause before buying The ED Miracle e-book.  At this point, it appears that even receiving the product is a miracle.

If you’re reading this and you already bought the book but don’t know how to open it, here’s instructions posted by a user on the site Highya.com.

ed miracle instructions on getting the ebook

According to the fictitious Bradford, erectile dysfunction stems from a buildup of plaque in the arteries.  Truthfully though, ED is caused by a multitude of factors ranging from physical to psychological.  When focusing on the physical factors, high blood pressure, diabetes, and low testosterone levels are generally the culprit.  So while a buildup of plaque within the arteries is a detrimental health problem, it isn’t the commonly accepted cause of ED.

Since this entire e-book is based around removing plaque from the penile arteries, the logic behind the “miracle” is flawed to begin with.  However, eating healthy and consuming certain amino acids that are recommended in the book may be a good idea for general wellness.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

The ED Miracle is based on the idea that ED is caused by plaque built up on your capillaries, clogging them up and not allowing blood to flow freely to your penis to cause good erections. That plaque build up is caused by cholesterol.

So The ED Miracle system does two main things. It reduces the plaque that’s already built up on the blood vessels, and it lowers cholesterol so you experience less plaque build up in the future.

What’s Included in The ED Miracle Program

When you order The ED Miracle, you get immediate access to the entire program. What’s included are the results of Tom Bradford’s research, a thorough explanation of his understanding of what causes ED and how to combat it, and most importantly, his plan to eradicate it using The ED Miracle Shake. He provides a list of healthy foods and food combinations that promote appropriate cholesterol levels. Then he provides shake recipes.

If you make and drink these shakes every day, your ED issues will disappear in about a week.

The program also contains exercises to strengthen your penis and increase your staying power as well as tips for living a healthy lifestyle, specifically as it pertains to a healthy penis and sex life.

Ingredients Recommended In The ED Miracle Shakes

According to The ED Miracle e-book, the ingredients in the recommended shake are said to improve blood flow, reduce hypertension, and reduce inflammation.

The ED Miracle Shake includes Heart Plus Powder, L-Arginine, Baking Soda, and Pycnogenol.

Let’s take a look at each of these ingredients individually and determine if they have been shown to treat erectile dysfunction in scientific studies.

Heart Plus Powder

Heart Plus powder is a combination of Vitamin C, Rosehips, Lysine, and Proline.  This formula was developed by Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel prize winning chemist, as a way to improve cardiovascular health.  Let’s break this formula down and look at the research behind it.

Vitamin C – 500 mg

Vitamin C helps assist in the formation of collagen, an essential component in healthy blood vessels.  Vitamin C has also been shown to increase blood flow in a number of studies by assisting in the preservation of nitric oxide.  In addition, a dose of 500 mg of vitamin C was shown to reduce blood pressure in a study on obese children under mental stress.

Not only that, but yet another study shows that a high dose of vitamin C, 3,000 mg daily for two weeks, increases the frequency of sexual intercourse in healthy adults.

When it comes down to it, almost anyone could benefit from an increase in vitamin C intake.

L-Lysine HCl – 500 mg and L-Proline – 200 mg

There isn’t a lot of research on the benefits of L-Lysine, although it is often paired with Vitamin C in a wide variety of formulas.  According to the makers of the Heart Plus supplement, both amino acids, lysine and proline, allow the body to properly utilize cholesterol.  Linus Pauling claimed that both lysine and proline are able to bind with the sticky form of cholesterol, LDL, thus neutralizing it.

Rosehips – 50 mg

Rosehips have been shown to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  In addition, Rosehips offer anti-inflammatory protection and improve the function of the immune system.  However, the typical dose is between 5 g and 10 g a day, while this formula only has 50 mg.

All in all, taking Heart Plus is a great idea for almost anyone in order to improve all aspects of their health.  While it may not improve ED, it is something to certainly consider as an all around health supplement.

Are There Studies On The Benefits Of Heart Plus Powder?

Not directly, but there is one study conducted by E.A. Katz, M.S., Ed.D on the reduction of cholesterol using Linus Pauling’s formula with excellent results.  The research from Linus Pauling has been submitted for review to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) but rejected not once, but twice.

Whether or not Tom Bradford is real or not isn’t necessarily relevant at this point.  Whoever he was, he may have been onto something when he came across Heart Plus in respects to reducing cholesterol levels and removing plaque from the blood vessels.

While common modern-day medical knowledge indicates that removing plaque from the arteries is nearly impossible, more research certainly needs to be conducted on Linus Pauling’s work in order to draw valid conclusions.


L-Arginine is used in many ED formulas, as many believe that it has the potential to increase nitric oxide levels, thus expanding the blood vessels, and leading to a better erection.  However, oral supplementation hasn’t been shown to increase nitric oxide production in human subjects.

A better option is to use L-Citrulline, as it is converted into Arginine in the kidneys and from there, can increase nitric oxide production in living subjects.

High Quality Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

Baking soda has been used in many alternative medical treatments, from treating cancer to improving athletic performance.  In respects to improving athletic performance, taking a couple of tablespoons of baking soda before an intense event, a process known as soda doping, has been shown to increase metabolic output.  By consuming baking soda, a base, it is able to counteract a buildup of lactic acid by providing a buffer.  Simply put, consuming baking soda allows the muscle to contract for a longer period of time, as baking soda neutralizes lactic acid buildup.

However, consuming an excessive amount of baking soda forces potassium out of the body through the kidneys and could result in a potassium deficiency over time.  Anyone who has problems with their kidneys should avoid consuming sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate is 27% sodium.  Excess sodium in the diet has typically been frowned upon and could cause an increase in blood pressure.  However, it has been shown that baking soda consumption actually reduces blood pressure.

This property of baking soda is likely why it is used in this formula.  While baking soda has the potential to reverse acidosis and improve athletic performance, there aren’t any studies on it directly related to treating ED.

Pycnogenol (Pine Bark Extract)

Pycnogenol, otherwise known as Pine Bark extract has been shown to increase nitric oxide production upon consumption and improve erection quality.  In addition, Pine Bark extract has been shown to assist with blood glucose control and can be a useful supplement for diabetics.

Including this ingredient into a shake that is designed to treat ED makes sense.

Now that you know what is contained in The ED Miracle Shake, recommended from the book, you don’t have to buy the e-book and worry about not actually receiving it.  With that said, purchasing each of these ingredients separately and experimenting with a novel formula could result in health improvements.

One Last Thing, You Can’t Leave Redirect

The website that sells The ED Miracle e-book and its affiliates employ the classic, “are you absolutely certain you want to leave my website?” redirect prompt when trying to exit out of it.  Please, just let me leave in peace!  Nothing says scam like this desperate tactic.


Along with your order, you’ll receive :

  • Go Forever – a guide to help you though any premature ejaculation issues you may be having.
  • Text Your Way to Sex – a how-to manual for getting a woman’s attention through texting.
  • Sexual Superfoods – a list of foods you should eat to improve your overall and sexual health.

Where to Buy

You can purchase The ED Miracle program online through the official website. Following the Order link will take you to Clickbank where your order is placed. Once you pay the $37 that the program costs, you’ll have access to all the included materials.

If you click through, then change your mind and decide not to order, you’ll be notified of a price reduction as you try to leave the page. The price drops at that time to $27. So if you do want to order, you should first make an attempt to quit the page so you can get the discounted price.

There’s a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee on The ED Miracle. If you’re not satisfied with your results, just call customer service and they’ll refund your purchase price.

The ED Miracle Pros and Cons

Advantages of The ED Miracle

  • It’s pretty cheap.
  • The program doesn’t require you to take pills.
  • ED or not, it encourages a healthy lifestyle.

Disadvantages of The ED Miracle

  • It gets its science all wrong. The primary cause of ED is not cholesterol causing plaque buildup on your capillaries. It doesn’t help, and it’s true that being healthy overall helps with sexual performance, but the premise of The ED Miracle just doesn’t hold up.
  • There are no clinical studies to back up or endorse the program’s success.
  • We found no independent ED Miracle reviews so there’s no positive customer feedback to go on.
  • The ED Miracle sales page is filled with grammatical errors, very unprofessional.


Given that the website that sells The ED Miracle employs shady tactics, Tom Bradford is a non existent entity, many people claimed that they never received an e-book after purchasing it, and most customer reviews are a 1 star rating, it is safe to say that nothing miraculous is likely to happen after spending money on this e-book.

It’s hard to see The ED Miracle as anything other than a scheme to get a little money out of a lot of desperate guys who just want their erections back. ED is a problem shared by 30 million men in the United States alone. Tom Bradford found a way to reach into the pockets of as many of them as possible.

The ED Miracle is not unhealthy. It won’t cause you any harm. On the other hand, there’s not much chance that it will do anything to solve your erectile dysfunction issues. If you’re curious, give it a try. Just don’t lose the phone number you need to call for a refund.

Have You Use The ED Miracle? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha XTRM Review – Should You Use It?

If you’ve searched online for workout supplements before, you know it can be a daunting task. And if it’s been a few months since you’ve had a look, there are probably 100 new entries that you haven’t even heard of yet.

Yes, the online workout supplement market is huge, and it grows more huge every day. Each product tries to get your attention with more and more outlandish claims. But what we all really want to know is does it work.

It is hard to sift through the claims and often times it can be even harder to even find information that is trustworthy or at least enough to point you in the right direction.

Well, that’s what we’re going to find out today about Alpha XTRM.

What is Alpha XTRM

Alpha XTRM is a pre workout supplement available online that promises to give you more energy, provide you with more motivation, help you burn more fat, and make your muscles stronger and harder. By increasing your stamina, you’ll be able to workout harder and longer, achieving better, faster results. By increasing your strength, you’ll be able to push yourself to move more weight, getting you better faster results from a slightly different angle.

Alpha XTRM ReviewBenefits of Alpha XTRM

Alpha XTRM claims to provide just the right balance of nutrients to “redefine your limits.” You’ll have:

  • More energy and motivation to get to the gym.
  • Once you’re there, you’ll work out harder than you would without Alpha XTRM.
  • After you’re done, you’ll see the benefits in terms of both fat loss and muscle gain.
  • As a side benefit, you’ll experience a boosted libido and enhanced sexual performance.

Alpha XTRM Ingredients

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know what exactly is in Alpha XTRM. The website talks a whole lot about benefits, but doesn’t mention the formula at all. There’s only one ingredient mentioned, and that’s Magnesium Stearate, a filler used in lots of supplements to keep the pills from sticking to the machinery while their being manufactured.

This is a huge red flag. This supplement company puts out a glitzy, glossy website with images of ripped guys everywhere, and the only thing they care to say about the formula is that it contains magnesium stearate? This tells me they don’t know the first thing about workout supplements and what kinds of ingredients are useful in them.

Also, way down at the bottom of the webpage, there are links to 2 studies on the effect of L-Arginine on nitric oxide and the effect of nitric oxide on workouts and sexual performance. This would be a pretty good indication that the formula also contains some l-arginine.

Other websites, review sites, provide lists, but they each have their own list, so there’s really no way to know which list to believe. Some of the ones listed on those websites are:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Potassium Salt
  • L-Glutamine
  • Hydroxyl Methyl Butyrate
  • Arginine AKG
  • Creatine Monohydrate

Overall the ingredient information provided is very sketchy, and certainly doesn’t instill confidence in the product.

Alpha XTRM Reviews

Independent feedback is a great way to find out if a supplement is any good. But there is none with Alpha XTRM. The only feedback we found came in the form of testimonials posted to the main page of the Alpha XTRM website. Unfortunately, these kinds of website testimonials are notoriously unreliable. Sometimes positive testimonials are paid for, sometimes the website administrators cherry pick only the good ones, and sometimes they’re just plain fake.

Here’s what’s on the Alpha XTRM website:

“I love to keep my body in shape but, at 45 years old, age is working against me. A friend recommended trying Alpha XTRM and, since then, I’ve never looked back! I still work my hardest to earn my body, but I now feel and notice the results much more easily. My friends down the gym don’t know what happened!”

“I work full time, so I simply can’t go to the gym as much as I would like. Since taking Alpha XTRM, that’s no longer a problem. This supplement is easy to take and I don’t need to spend any longer in the gym. I get the results I’ve always wanted on the short amount of training time I have!”

“I play a lot of sports so it’s important that I stay in shape. However, between work, home life and playing on the field, I don’t have all the time to train or stay in shape. Alpha XTRM supports the little time I have, helping to improve my regime and diet with exactly what I need. Alpha XTRM has really helped improve my game!”

They’re all pretty much focuses on the agenda Alpha XTRM is trying to promote – namely that you don’t have to work out that hard or that long if you take Alpha XTRM. But the truth is if you want real results, you can’t get them without putting in the time.

Where to Buy

Alpha XTRM is only available through a “free trial” offer on their official website. Here’s how it works. You sign up for the trial, pay a small shipping fee, and they send you a full one month supply. From the moment you sign up, you have 10 days to decide if you want to continue using it. That 10 days includes the time it takes to ship the stuff to you. So really you only have 5 days or so to try it out.

On the 10th day, if you haven’t called and canceled your membership, they charge your credit card $139.97 for the bottle you already have, and they sign you up to their monthly autoship program where they send you a new full price bottle each month.

These terms are printed in some seriously fine print below where you place your order. It’s very easy to miss. In fact, that’s what Alpha XTRM hopes for. If you miss it, they’ll get at least one $139.97 charge out of you before you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.

To avoid being charged any more than the initial shipping cost, call their customer service number (1-855-511-2195) as soon as you receive your product, and definitely within 10 days of placing your order.

Alpha XTRM Pros

  • There are literally none.

Alpha XTRM Cons

  • The only listed ingredient is a filler. What kind of confidence can you have that these people know what they hell they’re doing?
  • It’s extremely expensive.
  • It’s only available by signing up for a free trial scam which locks you into monthly billing if you don’t cancel in time.
  • There are no independent Alpha XTRM reviews from customers who’ve used it.


I can’t find a single redeeming quality in Alpha XTRM. It’s nothing more than a company’s attempt to suck money out of you before you have a chance to figure out what they’re doing and that this stuff is crap. Don’t waste your time and definitely don’t waste your money.

I wouldn’t give a product like this one the time of day, especially when there are enough alternatives out there that don’t use scams to get your money as opposed to having enough faith in their product to let it speak for itself.

Have You Used Alpha XTRM? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

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Wrist Curl Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Russian Twist Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Side Plank Dip Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

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Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

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Romanian Deadlift Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Seated Bent Over Raise Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Reverse Pull Up Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lateral Raise Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Overhead Extension Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Leg Press Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Vacuum Exercise Demonstration

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

Weighted Side Bends Exercise

Top 3 Exercise VideosAffiliate Disclosure

Top Fat Burner – Instant Knockout

Top Fat Burner - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Testosterone Booster – Testofuel

Top Testosterone Booster - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top Bodybuilding Supplement – Crazy Mass

Top Bodybuilding Supplement - Crazy Mass

The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack was designed for skinny guys looking to gain pure mass.

Click Here To Learn More »

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