Testo RPM Review – Should You Try It?

The online workout supplement market is huge already, and it just keeps on growing. Whether you’re an old pro at the peak of your conditioning, or a weekend warrior wanting to step up your game to the next level, there are literally hundreds of options to choose from.

A new one that popped up on our radar recently is called Testo RPM. It’s a post workout/testosterone booster hybrid that promises to give your body what it needs to fully recover faster and better after your toughest workouts. I’m a firm believer that rest and recovery are hugely important to your overall success, so naturally, we took a closer look to find out more.

Testo RPM Website

Testo RPM is a new product, only appearing on the scene in late 2015. Because of its newness, the official website is almost the only source for information. Once word spreads a bit, if this stuff catches on, there will be a lot more parties talking about it, but for now, we’re left the website and the little we can find beyond that.

That’s why it’s so unfortunate that there’s so little real information about Testo RPM on the website. There’s just a tiny blurb about how it can help, and a list of the primary ingredients. The rest of the website is devoted to the ordering process.

Testo RPM Review4Testo RPM Benefits

Aside from the word “Testo” in the name, Testo RPM doesn’t mention testosterone boosting as one of its promised benefits at all. They promote it as a post workout recovery supplement. They say it:

  • Replenishes energy levels.
  • Restores essential nutrients.
  • Increases the speed of your post workout recovery.

And since post workout recovery is so crucial to your muscle building efforts, you need Testo RPM to help you reach your goals.

Testo RPM Ingredients

Testo RPM doesn’t provide a complete ingredient list, but they do mention the three primary active components: Tribulus Terrestris, Horny Goat Weed, and Fenugreek Extract. Considering that Testo RPM is pushing itself as a post workout recovery supplement, this is a strange list. None of these substances promotes post workout recovery directly. It’s even tough to make an argument that they do so indirectly.

  • Tribulus Terrestris is thought by many to increase testosterone levels naturally. The idea is that Tribulus increases the release of Luteinizing Hormone by the pituitary gland. LH then signals to the testes that more testosterone is needed, and the testes comply by releasing more. This process has not been scientifically validated, but Tribulus has been shown to increase libido.
  • Horny Goat Weed is also an aphrodisiac, and it may help improve blood flow. It’s generally used in male sexual performance enhancement supplements more frequently than muscle building ones.
  • Fenugreek Extract which has a positive effect on male virility, when it comes to sex and physical performance. It’s also thought to increase natural testosterone, though again, the science on this one is shaky.

So it would seem that even if these ingredients have some benefit to your masculinity, they don’t address post workout recovery in any real way, which makes it strange that this is the promised benefit of Testo RPM.

Where to Buy Testo RPM

If I’m being honest (and I am), it looks like this – the purchasing process – is the most important thing to the Testo RPM people. The information they give about the product is so little (not to mention incorrect at worst or misleading at best), yet they devote 2 web pages to the multiple ways you can buy this stuff.

The Straight Sale

The first option is what they call the straight sale. If you click the “Buy Now” button on the home page, this is where they send you. Here, you have the option to buy a one month supply of Testo RPM for $89.92. You also have the option to buy a three month supply (Buy 2 Get 1 Free) for $114.49. Or you can buy a five month supply (Buy 3 Get 2 Free) for $138.99. These prices seem very random, and don’t really make any sense at all, but suffice it to say that Testo RPM gets way cheaper when you buy multiple bottles.

If you use the straight sale method, you’re covered by a 30 day money back guarantee. You may be required to return the unused portion, but there’s no mention of a restocking fee.

The Free Trial

The second option is the Free Trial, but don’t be fooled. It’s NOT free. You pay $4.90 upfront for shipping, and they send you a full one month supply. At the same time, they sign you up for their membership program, where they send you a new bottle for the full price of $89.92 each month. They sign you up for this automatically, and if you don’t cancel within 18 days of originally placing your free trial order, they’ll even charge you for the “free” bottle you already received.

This Free Trial setup is very common with online supplements, but it’s also very sneaky. They put the terms in the fine print that most people never read. Of course, they know people aren’t going to read this, so when a customer calls upset over being charged, they simply say “you should have read the terms of what you were signing up for.” Technically, they’re right, but is this the company you want to do business with?

Testo RPM and BioFuel NO2 Stack

I’ve seen a few review website promoted a stack of Testo RPM and BioFuel NO2. If you look at the two products’ websites, you’ll see they’re nearly identical to each other. Clearly, they are made and distributed by the same company, but they don’t necessarily want people to know that. So they’ve been set up as completely separate entities engaging in cross promotion.

Who Makes Testo RPM?

As far as we can tell, Testo RPM popped onto the scene in late 2015 with a product website. Because they’re so new, there’s very little information available. The Better Business Bureau lists their address and contact information, but it appears as though Testo RPM hasn’t sought accreditation yet.

Testo RPM Contact Information

If you want to contact Testo RPM to cancel your membership or for any other reason, the number they list is 1-800-915-3678. Their email address is support@testorpm.com.

Testo RPM Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testo RPM

  • None.

Disadvantages of Testo RPM

  • The ingredient list doesn’t match the promised benefits. Testo RPM says it’s a post workout recovery supplement, but the listed ingredients are commonly found in (fairly weak) natural testosterone boosters.
  • The pricing structure makes no sense. You can get one bottle for $90 and 3 bottles for $25 more. A bulk order discount is one thing, but this goes way beyond that.
  • The free trial offer is not really free. All it does is delay payment, then lock you into paying the highest per bottle rate they offer every month from there on out.
  • There’s no customer feedback regarding Testo RPM, making it impossible to know how it’s working or if it’s working at all for guys in the real world.


We’ve seen so many workout supplements come and go over the years that nothing really surprises us anymore. But Testo RPM is among the strangest. They offer almost no information about what it is or how it works, and the tiny amount they do give conflicts with itself. After all our research and digging, we still don’t really know if Testo RPM wants to be a testosterone booster or a post workout supplement.

The real truth is that that don’t really care. They just want to sell supplements, and they know that if they put up a website and offer a “free trial,” they’ll get some customers. Luckily for you, you came here first, so you don’t have to get caught up in their scam.

Have You Used Testo RPM? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Bio Fuel NO2 Review – Should You Use It?

We’ve been talking about free trial workout supplements for a long time now, and they just keep coming. Every day, I get inquiries from my readers, asking me to check out this one or that one. It’s really an ingenious marketing strategy if you think about it.


  • Put up a glossy website promising explosive workout results to guys trying to achieve their fat loss and muscle gain goals.
  • Fill the website with images of guys with perfect physiques and hot women lusting after them.
  • Offer customers a chance to try your product for free.


That’s what it looks like to the untrained eye, but if you know where to look, you’ll see that most of the time, none of this is as it appears. Recently, we had a look at one of these products called Bio Fuel NO2, and we’ll show you how and where the whole scheme starts to break down.

Bio Fuel NO2 ReviewWhat Is Bio Fuel NO2?

The funny thing is Bio Fuel NO2 never really defines itself in terms of what kind of workout supplement it is. Looking at the ingredients, it appears to be a pre workout supplement, but it can probably be taken once a day at any time during the day in an attempt to maintain consistent ingredient levels in your system.

The Bio Fuel NO2 Website

Some supplements in the online market are promoted with website filled with overblown details about what they can do for you and how the “science” backs up their claims. Often, these descriptions are a bunch of bullshit, but they do a good job at reeling customers in.

Bio Fuel NO2 uses a minimalist approach. There’s only one short page on the site devoted to explaining what this stuff does and how it does it. Basically, by “delivering nutrients the body craves” Bio Fuel NO2:

  • Elevates natural growth hormone levels.
  • Increases muscle mass.
  • Improves circulation for better pumps.
  • Boosts libido and supports healthy sexual performance.

Then there’s a short blurb about the ingredients (which we’ll get to shortly), and the rest of the website is devoted choosing which order to place for your Bio Fuel NO2, and completing the transaction.

Bio Fuel NO2 Ingredients

They don’t provide a complete list or show a bottle label, but Bio Fuel NO2 does disclose it’s 3 primary active ingredients: L-Citrulline, L-Norvaline, and Pure NO SuperMolecule. Here’s how they work in a nutshell:

  • L-Citrulline is a precursor to L-Argninine, which is a precursor to Nitric Oxide. NO is crucial to getting your best workouts in a number of ways. It functions as a vasodilator. By opening up your blood vessels, it allows an increased amount of blood to flow through to your muscles, delivering oxygen and nutrients. With more blood, oxygen, and nutrients, you can workout harder and longer than you otherwise could. The increase in oxygen and nutrient delivery also improves post workout recovery because your muscles have the necessary components in abundance.
  • L-Norvaline is a form of one of the Branched Chain Amino Acids that can enhance post workout recovery. As an essential amino acid, the body cannot produce it, so it must be provided for in the diet. It extends the functional life of L-Arginine, so your body can product NO on an extended basis.
  • Pure NO Super Molecule. This is just Bio Fuel NO2’s made up name for L-Arginine. L-Arginine is the most commonly used precursor to nitric oxide, the benefits of which we explained above. L-Arginine is also thought to increase the body’s natural production of human growth hormone, necessary for muscle tissue building and repair.

Is the Ingredient Profile Any Good?

Sure, there are definitely some workout benefits to be had by taking L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and L-Norvaline. But that’s not the whole story. These three ingredients can be found in hundreds of pre workout formulas, and most of these contain additional active ingredients as well. We also have to note that Bio Fuel NO2 doesn’t say how much of these are actually in their formula. For all we know, it could be just a dusting, just enough to say it’s there, but not enough to be effective. Without specific ingredient information, we just don’t know.

Where to Buy

The only place to purchase Bio Fuel NO2 is through their official website, but once you get there, you have a few different options.

The Straight Sale

If you click the “Buy Now” link on the website, you’ll be taken to a page with some of your options. A single one month supply bottle costs $94.67. But if you buy 2 bottles, you’ll get one free for a total of 3 bottles, and the cost for that is $114.99. Clearly, that makes no sense. If one bottle is $94.67, then 2 bottles should cost $189.34, not $114.99. But that’s what it says. There’s also an equally confusing choice to buy 3 bottles for $139.99 and get 2 free for a total of 5 bottles.

If you purchase through the straight sale process, there’s a 30 day money back guarantee. I read the terms of the guarantee, and there’s no mention of a restocking fee, but you do have to return the unused product.

The Free Trial (Scam)

If you’re not familiar with the “Free Trial Scam” make sure you read this section closely. One way to purchase Bio Fuel NO2 is to sign up for what they call a Trial Order. The way it works is that you pay $4.95 upfront for shipping and they send you a one month supply bottle. Sounds like a great deal, right? And if it ended right there, it would be. But it doesn’t. When you sign up for the trial, they sign you up for their membership program, where they send you a new full price ($94.67) bottle every month. On top of that, unless you call or email to cancel within 18 days of your original order, they’ll charge you that full $94.67 for the “free” trial bottle you already received and thought you paid $4.95 for.

Who is Bio Fuel NO2?

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of information available about Bio Fuel NO2. The website has only been around since late 2015, and the only information we could find at the Better Business Bureau is their name, address (in Cheyenne, Wyoming), and contact information. It’s true that this is better than nothing, but we were hoping we’d see some customer feedback as well. This isn’t surprising, though, considering that they’ve only been around for a few months as this point.

Bio Fuel NO2 Reviews

Again, partly because the company is so new, there is unfortunately no customer feedback to be found online. Often, companies will post testimonials on their websites, but this isn’t the case with Bio Fuel NO2.

Bio Fuel NO2 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Bio Fuel NO2

  • The ingredients are natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Bio Fuel NO2

  • They don’t reveal an entire ingredient profile.
  • The ingredients that are listed are good, but not enough to justify the cost or the hype they’re trying to create.
  • There’s no real information available about the company that makes Bio Fuel NO2.
  • The pricing structure for straight sales is very strange and seemingly pretty random, not to mention expensive, with one bottle costing $94 while 3 bottles cost $115.
  • The free trial offer isn’t free at all. It just delays payment, then charges you full price.


With so many workout supplements available online, you’re bound to come across some shady characters trying to take an opportunity to make a quick buck. Bio Fuel NO2 offers very little information about who they are, what their supplement is, or how it works. It seems the vast majority of their efforts have been devoted to working out their convoluted pricing structure in order to present deals that seem too good to pass up. If you could get 5 months worth of a good, effective workout supplement for $140, that would be a good deal. But the chances of Bio Fuel NO2 being that good effective workout supplement are quite low. Add to that the fact that they’re also trying to sell it for $94.67 per month, and the whole thing borders on absurd.

Bio Fuel NO2 is little more than a money making scheme, and you’d do well to skip right over it.

Have You Used Bio Fuel NO2? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Untapped Pre Workout Review – Does It Work?

Untapped Pre Workout is a hard charging pre workout supplement that calls itself the Pre Workout Calalyst Designed to Make the Toughest Workouts Feel Easy. When we started researching this product, we could tell there was something different about it. It makes a lot of the same promises you get from most formulas, like:

  • Explosive Strength
  • Relentless Energy
  • Fat Incineration
  • Faster Recovery

But when you look closer, Untapped Pre Workout goes further than most product. They talk about dulling pain, reducing inflammation, enhancing the mind-body connection, and even sharpening your reflexes. Are these really benefits you can get from a pre workout? Untapped Pre Workout says they are. So we looked a little more closely.

Untapped Pre Workout Ingredients

Untapped Pre Workout ReviewUntapped Pre Workout provides a list of all its ingredients including amounts, so this is not a product that’s hiding behind proprietary blends. The formula uses some of the usual suspects, but there’s one ingredient in particular that stands out as unique, and it’s the one Untapped Pre Workout puts most of its focus on:

Octacosanol is a compound found in raw wheat germ oil. Back in the 1950s, there was a small study that found athletes taking unrefined wheat germ oil for 18 weeks improved their bike riding times by 47%. The control group in the study took only Vitamin E, and their times only improved by 4%. The reason they controlled for Vitamin E was to determine if it was the Vitamin E in Wheat Germ Oil causing the athletes to improve. Clearly it was determined that the Vitamin E was not responsible.

That leaves Octacosanol as the likely answer. Since then, there have been many promising animal studies showing its potential benefits. It’s believed to improve they way your muscles and body use oxygen, thereby improving stamina and endurance. It also helps remove lactic acid from the muscles, allowing for a prolonged workout without muscle pain. An additional benefit may also be an improved utilization of fat for fuel.

This makes Uptapped Pre Workout slightly unique from many of its competitors as a little bit of digging can actually point to the specific ingredient that may be responsible for the results that users can expect to get.

Octacosanol may also improve the efficiency of the mind/muscle connection which creates an environment for better reaction times and overall athletic performance.

The Untapped Pre Workout formula is filled out with:

  • Beta Alanine which is known to help prevent the build up of lactic acid in your muscles during workouts. When the amount of lactic acid gets too high, it causes your muscles to feel like they just can’t work any longer. Beta Alanine causes a significant delay in that build up, so your workouts go harder for longer.
  • Caffeine to boost motivation, energy, and concentration. The dose is 100 mg which is around what you get from a single cup of coffee.
  • Guarana which is another source of caffeine, adding an additional 100 mg to the mix. Guarana kicks in a little more slowly than caffeine, so you have a more smooth, longer lasting energy.
  • Ginseng which improves energy, blood flow, and oxygen uptake throughout your body. It makes your workout just that much more effortless, allowing you to work out longer.
  • Vitamin B12 which provides whole body energy without being a central nervous system stimulant.
  • Pantothenic Acid which is Vitamin B5, a catalyst for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism.

How To Use Untapped Pre Workout

The recommended dose is 4 capsules taken with water about 30 minutes before your workout. There’s no need to take Untapped Pre Workout on your off days.

Who Makes Untapped Pre Workout?

Untapped Pre Workout is made by a company called S3 Labs. They’re a company out of Las Vegas, Nevada that only makes Untapped Pre Workout. Little is known about S3 Labs. They don’t have a presence with the Better Business Bureau. And I don’t find any complaints lodged against them with any of the other complaint boards online.

What we know about them comes from the “About Us” page on their website. The company was created by a former American Intelligence operative who switched careers to create a nutraceutical that could take mind/body performance to a new level. They leave out the proprietor’s name and when he formed the company. Really, they just provide a small snippet of information, kind of a teaser with a little intrigue to get you interested.

Untapped Pre Workout Side Effects

Octacosanol isn’t known to cause any major side effects. Beta Alanine, on the other hand, tends to cause a tingling feeling on your skin. It’s not harmful. Some people are bothered by it. Others like it because it means their pre workout is working.

Other than that, there are no reported side effects associated with Untapped Pre Workout. Of course, that’s no guarantee that any particular person won’t experience a reaction to one or more of the ingredients.

Where to Buy

The only way we found to purchase Untapped Pre Workout is through their official website, named for the product. A single bottle, containing 25 servings, sells for $34.99. You can get a 2-pack for $54.99, about a $15 savings.

They do offer a money back guarantee for all first time purchases. In order to get your refund, you need to contact S3 Labs for an RMA number, and return the product.

Untapped Pre Workout Reviews

Because it’s only available through its official website, there aren’t a lot of independent Untapped Pre Workout reviews from customers who’ve used it. The Untapped Pre Workout website does offer a collection of feedback from sports nutrition writers and experts. Here are a few examples:

Examiner.com says: “The experience, both in and out of the gym, that Untapped Pre Workout brings to the table is unlike anything we’ve tried.”

Natural Pre Workouts Blog says: “I definitely felt an increase in power, endurance, and strength. Definitely pushed me through my limits.”

Untapped Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Advantages of Untapped Pre Workout

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The primary ingredient shows promise as a strength and endurance booster.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • What reviews there are tend to be positive.

Disadvantages of Untapped Pre Workout

  • The positive science behind Octacosanol is old, and there hasn’t really been a human study since that backs it up.


Untapped Pre Workout is worth trying. I can’t at this point definitively say it works, but there’s definitely promise. It definitely seems to have more promise and value than some other similar pre workout remedies available.

If you do give it a try, come back and let us know how it works out for you.

Have You Used Untapped Pre Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Trylo Fire Review – Should You Use It?

You probably already know that the most important hormone for building muscle is testosterone. But what you might not know is that your body produces less and less of it as you get older. It starts in your mid-20s, but most people don’t notice it till about 35 or 40. That’s when levels tend to get low enough to have an effect. And the effects aren’t good.

They can bring about some big changes to everyday life for a man, and many men wind up feeling down because of it.

When you’re looking at declining testosterone levels, you’re looking at:

  • Decreased energy for everyday activities.
  • Lack of motivation to get to the gym.
  • The appearance of fat, especially belly fat.
  • Decreased strength.
  • Less pronounced results from working out at the gym.
  • Poor sleep.
  • Drop in libido and ability to perform sexually.

All in all, not a list of things you want happening to you. But these symptoms rarely add up to a clinical diagnosis of low testosterone. It’s just the natural effect of aging. You don’t need to visit a doctor, per se, but what if you could do something on your own to turn back the clock on your testosterone decline?

That’s where Trylo Fire claims to come in.

Trylo Fire ReviewTrylo Flex Benefits

Trylo Fire is a natural supplement that claims to increase your testosterone levels naturally. Your decline may not be enough to warrant hormone replacement therapy, but a good natural booster can go a long way toward making you feel and look better, and getting you the results you want at the gym.

By taking Trylo Fire, you’ll be signaling to your body that you need more testosterone, and your body will hear the call, upping levels and helping you get stronger, fitter, healthier. You’ll burn more fat, you’ll be stronger, you’ll have more endurance, your mood will be elevated, and you’ll be back to your old self again in the bedroom.

How Trylo Fire Works

There’s no actual testosterone in Trylo Fire. It doesn’t replace your natural hormones or suppress them. In fact, it does the opposite. Trylo Fire works with the pituitary gland, providing what it needs to signal an increase in your body’s natural hormone production. It then continues to support the process by providing energy and support for overall men’s health.

Trylo Fire Ingredients

Of course, what we’ve talked about so far are the claims made by Trylo Fire. Here is where we start to talk about whether or not it can actually work. Looking at the Trylo Fire formula, we see:

  • Tribulus Terrestris. This is the ingredient that is thought to work through the pituitary gland to increase testosterone levels. It triggers the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of Luteinizing Hormone. Luteinizing Hormone is responsible for signaling to the testes that more testosterone is needed. The testes then produces and releases more testosterone into the body. Tribulus has been tested and so far, no tests prove a conclusive link to Testosterone levels, but it has been shown to improve erectile function.
  • Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia). While Tribulus works on increasing total testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG. SHBG binds itself to testosterone, leaving it useless. By inhibiting SHBG, Tongkat Ali help more testosterone remain free for use.
  • Monkey’s Head Hericium Extract which is used to regulate glucose levels in the blood and to mobilize fat cells.
  • Korean Ginseng which is an herbal aphrodisiac that also provides energy and increases blood flow throughout the body.
  • Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagitattum) which is an aphrodisiac which also has a positive effect on erectile function. It does this by improving blood flow to the penis.
  • Maca Root which is an herbal aphrodisiac that also increases the release of dopamine, elevating mood and motivation.

As far as testosterone boosting supplements go, it’s a not useless, but it’s a pretty weak formula compared to some I’ve seen.

Most of the ingredients are found in any run of the mill male enhancement supplement and don’t really contribute to testosterone production.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase Trylo Fire online, and it’s not available through the big retailers like Amazon.com or LuckyVitamins. If you want to buy Trylo Fire, you have to sign up for their “free trial offer.” If you’ve read some of our other reviews, you’re probably familiar with these free trial scams, but if not, read on.

The webpage tells you there’s a free bottle waiting for you, all you have to do is claim it and pay a small shipping fee. Then they send you a full, one-month supply bottle. What you probably don’t know is that they also sign you up for their monthly autoshipping program.

If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days of placing your original free trial order, they’ll charge you full price for the “free” bottle, and they’ll charge you for a new full-price bottle every month from there on out until you eventually contact them to cancel.

This monthly autoshippment program might be a good thing if you know what you’re signing up for from the beginning, but that’s not generally the case with Trylo Fire. They hide the details of the trial in the fine print of the Terms and Conditions where they know most people won’t find them.

If you’re wondering how much this full price is, I’m right there with you. At the time of this writing, Trylo Fire seems to have gone underground. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of webpages with links to the Trylo Fire website, but none of them actually go there. They either give an error message, or they take you to an entirely different (and seemingly unrelated) product.

Trylo Fire Pros and Cons

Advantages of Trylo Fire

  • The formula does contain a few ingredients that may boost testosterone levels.

Disadvantages of Trylo Fire

  • The most important testosterone boosting ingredients (like D Aspartic Acid) are missing from the Trylo Fire formula.
  • There are no positive Trylo Fire reviews from customers.
  • You can only purchase it using their free trial offer, and even that doesn’t seem to be available at this point.
  • We’ve seen some complaints that the company is extremely hard to get in touch with when you’re trying to cancel your subscription.


Currently, I can’t find a way to order Trylo Fire, and I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing. It’s a weak formula sold with a scammy free trial offer. If you are looking for a Trylo Fire free trial and can’t find where to sign up, I’d say you dodged a bullet.

Have You Used Trylo Fire? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Trylo Flex Review – Should You Try It?

If you’re looking for one workout supplement to provide all the benefits you need to support your fat loss and muscle building efforts, you’re not alone. All you have to do is start a quick Google search for workout supplements, and you’ll be hit with an overwhelming number of products, ready to answer the call. But are they really ready? Do they actually provide the benefits they claim?

Not too long ago, I had a reader ask me to check into Trylo Flex. It’s one of these all-around workout supplements, and I have to say it promises all the right stuff. But promises are one thing. Does it deliver?

Trylo Flex Benefits

The Trylo Flex website is very clear when it comes to what Trylo Flex can do for you. And I have to say the list is quite impressive. When you take Trylo Flex in conjunction with an appropriate diet and workout plan, you’ll see results like:

  • Explosive energy.
  • Increased metabolism for better fat burning.
  • Greater strength for better workouts and subsequent results.
  • Improved endurance.
  • Greater flexibility.
  • Removal of toxins from your body.

While an impressive list, it’s not really any different than a whole lot of other brands. So it’s important to look at how Trylo Flex claims to achieve these ends.

Trylo Flex ReviewHow Trylo Flex Works

The mechanism of action that Trylo Flex claims to use is based in solid exercise science and physiology. By boosting your body’s production of key hormones, namely Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone, it stimulates the cell growth and repair necessary to turn your efforts into solid muscle.

Additionally, Trylo Flex boosts your body’s production of nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator that opens up blood vessels by relaxing blood vessel walls. An increased amount of blood flowing through your body means many things to your muscle building efforts.

  • First of all, blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to your muscles before and during workouts, providing them with the energy they need to get the job done.
  • Secondly, more blood means you get that extreme muscle pump everyone wants.
  • Thirdly, with more nutrient delivered to your muscles, your post workout recovery is accomplished faster, more efficiently, and more completely, so you’re able to get back to work at full capacity quicker, leading to better results in a shorter period of time.

Trylo Flex Ingredients

Trylo Flex says all the right things about how a supplement can help you reach your goals. But much to our disappointment, it says nothing about what ingredients the formula uses to make it happen. This happens more than you would think, but it’s still always disappointing when it does.

Without knowing anything about what makes up the Trylo Flex formula, it’s basically impossible to make an educated assessment about what it can do.

Trylo Flex and Trylo Fire

If you look for Trylo Flex online, you’re likely to also see it associated with another product called Trylo Fire. The two are promoted as a stack. You can use either one individual, but when you use them both together, your results are multiplied. That’s the claim anyway, but again, without the ingredient information, it’s tough to know just what kinds of results you can really expect.

Trylo Flex Free Trial Offer

Trylo Flex is only available online, and only through a “free trial” offer. You can’t just buy a bottle or two. In order to try this stuff, you have to sign up for their free trial. What this means is that you pay a small shipping fee, and they send you a full 30-day bottle of Trylo Flex. From the moment you order, you have 14 days to decide if you’re happy with the product. If not, call and cancel your subscription. Otherwise, you’ll be automatically signed up for their monthly autoshipping program where they send you a new bottle each month for the price of $108.91.

It’s hard to even begin to cover all the things that are wrong with this setup.

  • First of all, they make you think you’re getting your first bottle for free. You’re not. You’re getting it now and paying for it in 14 days. That’s not free; that’s delayed payment.
  • Second of all, your 14 day trial period doesn’t start when you receive your product. It starts when you place your order. So in a perfect world, your order would arrive in about 4 days and you’d have 10 days to try Trylo Flex. Clearly this is not enough time to determine whether or not a workout supplement gives you the results you want.
  • Third of all, $108? Really? For a supplement that won’t even tell you what’s in it? Unless it’s gold plated, it’s probably not worth that price.
  • Lastly, while the actual terms of the offer are spelled out in the “Terms and Conditions,” they do their best to make sure you don’t see them. They’re hidden in the fine print that you have to go out of your way to find. Most people think a company is not allowed to say something is free unless it really is. So they believe what they read and the next things they know they’ve been scammed.

How To Cancel Your Trial

Trylo Flex isn’t the only supplement that uses this phony “free trial” ploy. Far from it. Just like with all the others, if you don’t want to be charged full price either now or month after month, you have to contact Trylo Flex to cancel. If you want to avoid any charges, you have to reach them within 14 days. But if you’ve already missed that deadline and you’re looking to avoid future charges, contact them any time and let them know you want to cancel your subscription.

The contact numbers I found for Trylo Flex are:

1-888-563-0374 in the US and Canada
+61-291912796 in Australia
+44-808-168-3668 in the UK

Their email address is support@tryloflex.com

If you are unable to contact them directly, your next course of action would be to call your credit card company. They may be able to help you get in contact, or they can agree not to accept charges from Trylo Flex.

If all else fails, cancel your credit card and get a new number.

Trylo Flex Reviews

There’s not a lot of real customer feedback out there about Trylo Flex, and what there is mainly talks about the free trial scam, and the nightmare of repeat billing that goes along with it:

One guys says: “Don’t buy this. Called and canceled, and they continued to take money when told no. Have called consumer affairs against this company.”

Another says: “It’s a scam.. Cancel your credit card ASAP.”

A third states: “I like a lotof you got sucked in, ordered the so called free sample, and had money taken out of my account before the sample even arried. I went to my bank and cancelled my card. Not to have been sent an invoice seems poor business practice.”

And this one is the most alarming: “Don’t get sucked in!! Avoid at all costs!! You Get The Initial Order, Then All Of A Sudden Your Credit Card Is Being Slugged For $130 + & It’s Bloody Impossible To Contact These Bastards To Cancel Future Shipments You Cannot Email Them & The Phone Numbers DON”T Work !!
& On Top Of That, After Using Trylo-Flex For About A Month, With My Usual Gym Work Outs, It Has Made NO Difference AT ALL. Stupidest Decision EVER To “Trial” This Scam Of A Product !!!”

Trylo Flex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Trylo Flex

  • Nothing comes to mind.

Disadvantages of Trylo Flex

  • They don’t list their ingredients.
  • They make promises with nothing to back it up.
  • You can only try it by signing up for the free trial offer.
  • According to customer reviews, it’s nearly impossible to cancel once you’ve unknowingly signed up.


If you see the free trial offer for Trylo Flex, run in the other direction. It sounds too good to be true, and it is. We have no idea what’s even in this stuff. The free trial isn’t free. And if you are unfortunate enough to have signed up for their monthly autoship plan, good luck getting out of it. You’ll probably have to change your credit card number in the end.

Have You Used Trylo Flex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

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MZT-48 Review – Does It Work?

It’s hard to ignore a CNN article showing Stephen Hawking declaring that “This Pill Will Change Humanity,” with Wolf Blitzer sharing the breaking news that “We Can Now Access 100% of the Brain”.

It’s exciting news for sure. If you’ve seen the movie “Limitless” with Bradley Cooper, this probably rings a bell. Cooper’s character took a pill, and overnight he was mastering the stock market, writing novels, running a major financial company, and of course getting the girl.

The pill was called NZT-48, and since the movie’s release in 2011, people have been on the search for “The Real Limitless Pill”. The CNN article I mentioned above is about a pill called MZT-48, so you can tell by the name, this pill wants to be a contender. We took a look at the pill, the formula, the marketing, the price, and the feedback. You’ll have to read on to see what we think of this stuff in the end.

What Is MZT-48?

mzt 48 reviewsMZT-48 is a nootropic supplement, otherwise known as a brain booster, a smart pill, a cognitive enhancer, or an Adderall alternative. The category has many names, but really it’s all about a few key features.

They exist to please people that could benefit from taking ADD or ADHD medications that are not able to obtain them via prescription or are simply put off by the dependency building of many of them and bad side effects that come along with it.

MZT-48 and pills like it claim to help you have more energy, be more alert, learn better, remember more, and get more done than you ever thought possible.

The Fake CNN Article

Sure, it sounds awesome. Stephen Hawking tells Anderson Cooper that he used MZT-48 to make his brain sharper and clearer than ever. They even name drop Tom Brady and Kanye West as users of this stuff.

mzt 48 tom brady

Anderson Cooper apparently even tried it, taking it for a total of 2 weeks and noting that he was “shocked at the drastic results”.

anderson cooper mzt 48

Why This is ALL Total B.S.

But don’t let it fool you; we’ve seen this same article dozens of times. They change the product name and switch out the celebrity names from time to time, but the meat and bones of the article is the same. And every time, it’s a fake.

First off, it’s not the CNN website. If you look up at the website address, it says something like cnn.healthyandbeauty101.com.

mzt 48 cnn

That’s not a CNN address. And when you try to click on any of the links, every single one of them redirects to the official MZT 48 website. Even the “facebook-looking” comments at the bottom of the page are fake.

mzt 48 facebook

I know this because if you try to click on any of the profiles, nothing happens.

The whole webpage is just a shell trying to look like it’s the real CNN website.

MZT-48 Review 2


So if the article is fake, what about MZT-48? Is it just a sugar pill, or does it have some benefit? That’s what we’ll take a look at next.

Benefits of MZT-48

In short, MZT-48 promises intense focus, greater mental clarity, increased cognitive precision, improved mood, and a sharper memory. They make use of lots of exaggeration to make it seem like you’ll have superhuman brainpower, but really what they offer is a more reasonable measure of cognitive improvement.

Next, we’ll look at the ingredients to see if MZT-48 can achieve what it promises.

  • The formula starts off with Vitamins B3 and B6, two non-stimulant energy providers. After that, it’s a proprietary blend containing:
  • Caffeine which helps provide overall energy along with an acute increase in alertness. This boost will come on shortly after taking your MZT-48 dose.
  • GABA which is a neurotransmitter that helps keep brain cells healthy.
  • Bacopa Monnieri which has been used to stem the cognitive decline of people with Alzheimer’s Disease. It can also help reduce anxiety.
  • Alpha GPC which can improve reaction time and mood by enhancing the health of your brain cells and cell membranes.
  • L-Theanine which improves energy while reducing stress and imparting a sense of calm relaxation. It’s most effective when used in conjunction with caffeine.
  • Phosphatidylserine which has been used to improve attention, language skills, and memory. It’s also been used to stall some of the cognitive decline attributed to Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • L-Tyrosine which stimulates the production of neurotransmitters norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine, the increase of which contributes to better mood and better cognitive function.
  • Vinpocetine which may improve the flow of blood to the brain, which increases oxygen and nutrient uptake, leading to better awareness and overall better functioning.
  • Huperzine A which has been used to fight dementia and improve memory.

If I were putting together a nootropic supplement from scratch, I would include all or most of these ingredients. The trouble is MZT-48 doesn’t mention how much of each they included, which is very important information to have. Certain ingredients are only effective at certain levels. Not knowing how much there is puts us at a real disadvantage when it comes to being able to determine whether or not it works.

Similarities Between MZT 48 and Addium / Adderin

Another thing I noticed in my research was the fact that the MZT 48 label looks nearly IDENTICAL to 2 other scam products I’ve outed in the past, Adderin and Addium.

See what I’m talking about below:

addium - adderin vs mzt 48

Note at the top of the bottle they all basically call it the same thing, a “brain enhancement complex”.

Then, right after the name of each product it says “for increased brain power”.

Lastly, the ingredients for all 3 of these products are essentially the same.  Here’s a snapshot of the ingredients in Adderin and Addium:

addium vs adderin ingredients labels

I’m going to take an educated guess and say that, more than likely, Addium (which is the first of these 3 to come out) is the maker of all of these supplements.

MZT-48 Side Effects

The ingredients in MZT-48 are generally considered safe, especially in the short term. Long term studies have not really been performed at this point. Of course, no supplement can be guaranteed to be without side effects. There’s no telling what a person might react badly to.

You may also wish to note that MZT-48 contains Soybeans, which are a potential allergin.

Where to Buy

From what I can tell MZT-48 is only available online through their official website.  I actually visited my local GNC, Walmart, Walgreens and CVS and unsurprisingly, none of them carried it in their stores.

Thankfully, I didn’t see a scammy free trial offer, just the opportunity for a straight up purchase. A single bottle is meant to last 30 days and costs $49.85. If you buy 3 bottles, you’ll only pay $37.94 each, and you’ll save even more if you buy 6 bottles at $29.99 each.

There is a 30 day money back guarantee that doesn’t specify opened or unopened bottles. That would indicate that you can return one used bottle, giving you the opportunity to try without risk.

MZT-48 Pros and Cons

Advantages of MZT-48

  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are listed and most likely safe.

Disadvantages of MZT-48

  • It’s marketing using the very scammy fake CNN article. Any product that goes this route is indicating that they don’t have a whole lot of integrity.
  • There are no independent MZT-48 reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • Ingredient amounts are not disclosed. This could be a problem because while the ingredients are good, they might be present in only trace amounts, unable to do much good.


MZT-48 is very much like dozens of other nootropic supplements available online, AND very much like the dozens of supplements I’ve personally tested.

In fact, the bottle bears a striking resemblance to a product called Addium that we’ve looked at (and I’ve taken) previously.

I was thinking about ordering a bottle, but because I’m pretty sure it’s the same exact thing as Addium and Adderin (which didn’t work for me), I think I’m going to pass.

The ingredients are decent, but without knowing how much they use, it’s impossible to know if there’s enough to have an effect. Then consider the phony article with bogus celebrity endorsements, and that puts us right over the edge. If you are considering MZT-48, I recommend you reconsider and choose to go with something else.

Have You Used MZT-48? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Nowtropic Review – Should You Try It?

The number of brain boosting supplements on the market has exploded, and it doesn’t seem as though there’s any end in sight. It seems like I get requests from readers almost every day to look into and try this one or that one. And since it’s a subject that interests me, I’m happy to oblige. I’ve tried several different formulas and brands at this point. Some work very well. Others not at all.

Nowtropic is the one we’re looking at today. It’s only available online through its official website. I haven’t tried it yet (and truthfully haven’t decided whether or not I will) but I’ve studied the stuff up and down, and put all the relevant information together for you here.

What Is Nowtropic?

Nowtropic is a member of the nootropic category of supplements. These brain boosters promise to improve the way your brain works, so you can function better, more efficiently, and more effectively in today’s competitive world.

These kinds of supplements got their start by trying to imitate the effects of ADD/ADHD drugs like Adderall. As you probably know, there’s a huge off-label use market for these drugs. College students and young professionals use them to help with focus, clarity, energy, and attention. But since buying prescription drugs without a prescription is against the law, expensive, and just plain difficult, supplement companies offer nootropic supplements as a legal, natural Adderall alternative.

Nowtropic ReviewNowtropic Benefits

The promise of Nowtropic is similar to the promise made by other brain boosting supplements. They say you’ll notice an increase in focus and an improvement in awareness and response time due to an increase in glucose metabolism in the brain. Glucose provides steady energy so you become more productive than you knew you could be.

Nowtropic also claims to improve all your brain functions, like reasoning, learning, remembering, and thinking. It does this by increasing the presence of all the essential neurotransmitters.

Your mood and memory will also be improved with proprietary ingredients and serotonin boosters.

Nowtropic Ingredients

When looking at the Nowtropic formula, it’s important to remember that this is a single supplement, but that it functions like a stack. That’s because within this single supplement, there are several different nootropic substances, all working together while performing their individual functions.

Here’s the list with brief descriptions of what they each do:

  • Cognizin  is a proprietary form of Citicoline. It’s a precursor to phosphatatidylcholine, a neurotransmitter necessary for your brain to function properly. Its main focus is memory, attention, and focus.
  • AlphaSize Alpha GPC is another precursor to choline. It’s more bio-available than other substances, so it increases the presence of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine enhances the mind-muscle connection and is widely used in brain supplements as well as those designed to improve athletic performance.
  • DMAE Bitartrate which elevates the mood and improves sleep. It’s also thought to promote lucid dreaming and boost energy. It’s naturally found in certain seafoods, like anchovies and sardines.
  • Huperzine A which doesn’t increase acetylcholine directly, but does so indirectly by preventing its breakdown. An enzyme called acetylcholinesterase breaks it down, but Huperzine A prevents it from doing its job, leaving you with more remaining, active acetylcholine.
  • Bacopa which is used in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease to reduce mental decline.
  • Folic Acid which promotes healthy cell division throughout the body. Its importance to the brain is obvious in that it functions best with healthy cells working in peak form.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which helps you remain calm and relaxed in stressful situations. It’s known as an adaptagen because of its ability to help you adapt to stressful situations.
  • GABA which is a neurotransmitter that helps you remain calm even when overstimulated. It works to counteract stimulant effects of some of the other ingredients.
  • Vinpocetine which helps the brain make the best use of glucose in providing ATP energy to your brain cells. This is what gives your brain energy and focus without the use of caffeine or other stimulants. Vinpocetine may also improve your ability to think critically.
  • Vitamins B12, B6, and D3 which are all non-stimulant substances used to increase overall energy within your body and brain.

How To Use Nowtropic

The recommended dose is 2 Nowtropic capsules taken with water once a day in the morning. They say it’s fast acting, so you’ll begin to feel the effects almost immediately, but its best results will be noticed over time.

Nowtropic Side Effects

The ingredients in Nowtropic are generally thought to be safe and side effect-free in the short term, but long terms studies have not been conducted. That said, it’s always possible that any particular individual will have an unwanted reactions due to an allergy or other reason. No supplement can guarantee that it won’t cause any side effects at all.

Nowtropic Reviews

As is the case with so many supplements sold online, the only place we could find customer feedback was on the official website itself. We read them because we want to take in all the information we possibly can, but we recognize that these reviews may or may not be real. Even if they are real, the company may only choose to represent the positive side of things, so they don’t tend to show the whole picture. That said, here’s a glowing recommendation from Michelle:

“Until I found Nowtropic, I was struggling to get all my coursework completed, and those long nights writing papers seemed like they happened more often than not. Nowtropic gives me the alerntess and concentration I need to knock out papers quickly. No longer do I have to struggle to find motivation to finish my schoolwork. I’m much more attentive, I’ve got loads of energy, and I’ve found my grades have improved as a result.”

Where to Buy

Nowtropic is only available online and for now, only through their website. Thankfully, it’s not one of those insidious free trials that end up involving you in a monthly billing nightmare. A single bottle is what they call their Basic Starter Pack. It costs $44.97 and includes a single bottle containing a one month supply. If you buy more than a month at a time, you’ll save on the per bottle price. The most popular package is a 3 month supply with each bottle costing $33.33.

There is a money back guarantee, but it only applies to unopened bottles, so you can’t try it risk-free. Once you open the bottle to try, you can no longer get a refund.

Nowtropic Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nowtropic

  • There’s no stimulant in the formula so sensitivity to caffeine or other stimulants is not a problem.
  • There’s no free trial to worry about.
  • There are lots of positive testimonials on the website.
  • The ingredients used in the Nowtropic formula are well-respected in the nootropic community.

Disadvantages of Nowtropic

  • There are no independent customer reviews, so it’s difficult to know how well it really works.
  • The ingredient amounts are very low. It’s tough with nootropics because there hasn’t been a lot of clinical testing of ingredient amounts, but what you find in Nowtropic is much lower in most cases than what is believed to be necessary.
  • There’s no effective money back guarantee because it only applies to unopened bottles.


Nowtropic  isn’t bad. It just probably isn’t great either. Without having tried it myself, I’d put it somewhere around the middle of the pack. It’s got good ingredients, which is a good start, but the amounts are likely too low to be effective. If you’re just starting out looking at nootropics, Nowtropic has some good components, but overall, it’s not your best choice.

Have You Used Nowtropic? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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AlphaManPro Review – Does It Work?

What have you got to lose? That’s what AlphaManPro says on the home page of their website where you can order a free trial of their product. It turns out the answer to that question may be A lot! But we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up and talk about what AlphaManPro is and what it claims to do for you.

What Is AlphaManPro?

AlphaManPro is a male performance enhancement supplement. One of the first things I noticed when I started looking into it is that unlike so many other pills like it, AlphaManPro does not claim that it can make your penis grow. Some of you may be disappointed to read that, but at least it’s the truth. The majority of sex supplements these days make big claims about how in just a few weeks, you’ll see 2 and 3 inches of penis growth. I’m here to tell you they’re all lying. A pill can help you get a better, and yes bigger, erection. But it will NOT make your penis itself any bigger than it was to begin with.

When you’re spending your hard earned money on a supplement (and this stuff ain’t cheap), you don’t want to put your money in with a company that’s lying to you. So it’s an important factor to note that AlphaManPro doesn’t make promises that right out of the gate you know it can’t keep.

AlphaManPro Review 1AlphaManPro Benefits

So what does AlphaManPro do? As a sexual performance enhancement pill, it:

  • Boosts libido.
  • Improves overall energy.
  • Helps you achieve harder erections.
  • Improves control so you can last longer before ejaculation.
  • Increases the intensity of your orgasms.
  • Again, no promises of penis growth, which trust me, is a good thing.

AlphaManPro Ingredients

The AlphaManPro website contains a FAQ section that lists all of the active ingredients, but it doesn’t go on to explain how they work. We’ve added that information for you here, as we think it’s pretty key to hour decision whether or not to use it.

The AlphaManPro formula contains:

  • Zinc which is instrumental in the body’s production of natural testosterone. There’s a direct correlation between deficiency in zinc and deficiency in testosterone.
  • Yohimbe Bark which is a stimulant that can also improve blood flow to the penis for better erections. It’s very effective, but for some guys it causes side effects like headache, dizziness, nausea, or rapid heartbeat. In some cases, it can lead ot a dangerous drop in blood pressure. In fact, the FDA as recommended against its long term use.
  • Maca which is an herbal aphrodisiac that also functions as a mood elevator due to its effect on dopamine release.
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator. It opens up blood vessels so blood can flow more freely through to the corpus cavernosa (or penile chambers) causing bigger, harder, longer lasting erections.
  • Ginseng which is an aphrodisiac that also promotes overall energy.
  • Oat Straw which is thought to boost free testosterone levels. More testosterone improves sexual performance in a number of ways, including boosting libido, improving erections, and raising stamina.
  • Catuaba and Muira Puama which are both additional herbal aphrodisiacs.
  • Oyster Meat and Orchic Substance which are both believed to boost testosterone levels.
  • Cayenne Pepper which increases energy levels.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which can increase the body’s natural production of testosterone through the mechanism of boosted Luteinizing Hormone levels. LH signals the testes to produce more testosterone. So more LH means more testosterone.
  • Boron which is also thought to boost testosterone levels.

How To Use AlphaManPro

The recommended dose is 2 AlphaManPro capsules taken once a day. It is noted that you’ll see the best results after using it for about 2 to 3 months.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase AlphaManPro online and only through their free trial offer. We come across these offers a lot, and most of them hide their terms and conditions deep within the fine print, making it as difficult as possible for potential customers to find.

AlphaManPro handles things a little more above-board. On the one hand, they proudly proclaim that you get a “Free Trial Bottle” (which isn’t exactly true) but on the other hand, unlike most of their counterparts, they make it pretty clear that you’re signing up for a monthly autoship program.

Here’s how it works.

You sign up for the free trial and pay a small $5 shipping charge. In 15 days, if you do nothing, they’ll charge you $79 retroactively for the bottle they already sent, and they’ll sign you up to receive a new bottle each month for $79 plus shipping. Now, how they can call that a “free bottle” is beyond me. At best, you get it free for 15 days, then they come after you for the full price.

If you don’t want to be charged, you need to call their number (1-646-688-0457), cancel your membership, and return the trial bottle.

This brings us back to the original question: “What have you got to lose?” Apparently, $79 plus shipping, plus return shipping, plus the hassle of making sure you call in time and the time it takes to box it all up and get it to the post office. Even if you do everything right, you’re still out the time and cost of shipping and return shipping.

Who Makes AlphaManPro?

There’s no information available about the company that makes AlphaManPro. Their 646 area code indicates that they have an office in New York City, but that’s literally all the information we could find on them. No address is given. Presumably you’ll have to get that when you call to cancel your membership.

AlphaManPro Side Effects

We mentioned it earlier, but since this is your health we’re talking about, it’s worth mentioning again. AlphaManPro contains Yohimbe. It’s an effective male enhancement ingredient – one of the most effective. But it can also cause side effects like dizziness, nausea, and a racing heart. It’s not recommended that you use anything containing Yohimbe if you have any medical conditions or if you’re taking certain medications.

AlphaManPro Pros and Cons

Advantages of AlphaManPro

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula contains several ingredients that can boost sexual performance.
  • AlphaManPro doesn’t claim it can increase the size of your penis.
  • They make it pretty clear that by signing up for the free trial, you’ll be enrolled in the autoship program.

Disadvantages of AlphaManPro

  • It’s expensive.
  • They call it a free trial with nothing to lose, but in reality there are strict conditions you need to adhere to if you don’t want to end up paying full price.
  • It contains Yohimbe which is recommended against by the FDA, especially for regular use, because of it’s potential to cause dangerous side effects.
  • There’s no information provided about the manufacturer.
  • There are no AlphaManPro reviews from customers who’ve actually used it.


If you don’t experience side effects from the Yohimbe, AlphaManPro may be a decent male enhancement supplement. The idea of long term Yohimbe use, however, is potentially a cause for concern.

Another important factor to helping us form a conclusion is that AlphaManPro is only available with a free trial offer. While these guys are a little more above-board than most of their competitors, they still make you think you’re getting a month’s supply for free, which simply isn’t the case.

In the end, there are more reasons against trying AlphaManPro than are are reasons for it. With so many other options available, I would skip the AlphaManPro.

Have You Used AlphaManPro? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

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Force Factor Volcano Fury Review – Does It Work?

Force Factor products have gained a lot of attention over a fairly short period of time. They’ve only been around since 2009, but since then they’ve taken the industry by storm with their testosterone boosting and pre workout supplements.

Just this month, they have a new offering on the market. It’s called Force Factor Volcano Fury. It’s a powerful pre workout powder designed for energy, focus, and pumps like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

Force Factor Volcano Fury Benefits

By taking Force Factor Volcano Fury before your workout, you’re setting yourself up for the best workouts of your life. According to a marketing executive at Force Factor’s parent company, you’re looking at:

  • Extreme energy and focus.
  • Increased vascularity.
  • Greater endurance.
  • Insane intensity.

And that hold true whether you’re an elite athlete, a hardcore bodybuilder, or a weekend warrior.

Force Factor Volcano Fury Ingredients

Force Factor Volcano Fury’s formula centers around boosting nitric oxide levels in your blood. It does this mainly with its proprietary 3000 mg Noxplosion Pump Enhancement Complex that includes:

  • Force Factor Volcano Fury ReviewL-Citrulline which boosts the amount of L-Arginine in your blood, which in turn boosts your Nitric Oxide Levels. Because it’s one step more removed from the Nitric Oxide production process, it acts as kind of a time release mechanism for NO.
  • Hydromax (Glycerol 65%) which gives volume to your muscles.
  • Taurine which acts as a cell volumizer to increase pumps that much more.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which helps prevent the breakdown of nitric oxide once it’s in the bloodstream. This way, it lasts longer, through your entire workout.

The formula also uses a Liquid Laser Energy Blend to help with focus and motivation. This one packs a pretty good punch and includes:

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine which is an important neurotransmitter for increasing attention, focus, and memory.
  • L-Tyrosine which relieves anxiety and increases alertness.
  • Choline Bitartrate which is used to promote focus and concentration.
  • Caffeine (222mg) which is clearly known to increase energy and focus. The 200+ mg dose means it’s got a kick equal to about 2 cups of coffee.
  • Citrus Aurantium which is also known as Bitter Orange or Synephrine. It’s the fat burner that stepped into the void left by Ephedrine when it got banned. It’s not known to be either as effective or as prone to side effects as Ephedrine was, but it’s similar in its chemistry.
  • Yohimbine which is another CNS stimulant for energy and focus. It very effective, but can cause unpleasant or worse side effects for some people. These include nausea, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and a deep drop in blood pressure. These are more prevalent in people with existing health issues and/or taking certain medications.

How To Use Force Factor Volcano Fury

Force Factor Volcano Fury is fast acting. The instructions say to mix 1 scoop of with water about 15-20 minutes before your pre-workout. Because of the heavy stimulant content, you’ll want to start out with only ½ a scoop at first, to assess your tolerance before moving ahead to the full dose.

Who Makes Force Factor Volcano Fury?

Force Factor Volcano Fury is the newest supplement from the Force Factor brand which was started by two former rowers at Harvard. It’s not quite as huge a success story as Facebook, but these two guys have done pretty well for themselves. They started out in 2009 wanting to make supplements based on quality formulas backed by scientific results. The focus is primarily on testosterone boosters and pre workout supplements.

Force Factor hit it big early on by making a deal to sell their products at GNC stores. Now, they’re heavily featured and selling like crazy.

At this time, Force Factor has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. There are quite a few complaints regarding billing and customer issues (we’ll talk more about this in a bit), but they maintain their rating by always responding in a timely manner and attempting to resolve these issues.

Where to Buy

When it comes to purchasing Force Factor Volcano Fury, you have a few different options. If you like buying your supplements from a store, you’re in luck. Force Factor products are all available for purchase at GNC stores, and the reps are generally pretty knowledgeable about them and their benefits. Right now, they’re running a sale on Force Factor Volcano Fury for $34.99.

If you like shopping online, there are also choices. At the official Force Factor website, a 30 serving container costs $49.99. Force Factor products are also sold at Amazon.com and Bodybuilding.com, but it doesn’t look like they carry Volcano Fury just yet.

Another way Force Factor sells some of its products is through their free trial offer. These are available all over the place online, and if you’ve spent any time on our website, you’re probably familiar with how they work. Basically, you think you’re signing up for a free no-strings-attached trial and paying only shipping. But that’s not what’s happening at all. You pay a small shipping fee, and they send you a full 30 day supply. Then they give you 14 days (from the day you place your order) to decide whether or not you want to continue using it. If you don’t call and cancel within those first 14 days after you order, they’ll charge you full price for the “free” supply, then they’ll start sending you (and charging you for) a new supply each month.

This is what the vast majority of BBB complaints are about. Guys sign up for what they think is a free or almost free way to try a new supplement, then they get hit with these charges they never expected. Stuff like that tends to make people mad.

I’m not sure why Force Factor participates in this kind of thing. It’s very common for shady supplement companies. But Force Factor has the legitimacy of a supplement sold at GNC. You would think they’d care more about their reputation than this.

I haven’t seen a free trial offer for Force Factor Volcano Fury yet, but it’s a brand new product, so they may be coming soon.

Force Factor Volcano Fury Side Effects

Force Factor Volcano Fury is classified as a nutritional supplement, and as such, it doesn’t go through the kinds of rigorous tests that drugs go through to get FDA approval. And being a new supplement, there’s not a lot of customer feedback on it yet. So it’s tough to nail down what kinds of side effects you might expect.

Force Factor Volcano Fury does contain a lot of stimulants, some of which have been known to cause negative side effects. Yohimbine is first on the list. The FDA recommends against its long term use because it’s been known to cause mild, or even sometimes dangerous, side effects. These include nausea, dizziness, racing heartbeat, and significant drops in blood pressure.

Citrus Aurantium is also a powerful stimulant that has some experts concerned about stimulant side effects, especially when used in conjunction with caffeine, as is the case here.


Force Factor Volcano Fury is Force Factors stimulant-based, nitric oxide enhancing pre workout formula. Judging by the formula, it probably packs quite a punch. If you’re healthy and you like stimulant pre workouts, Force Factor Volcano Fury could be just what you need. If you’re overly sensitive to stimulants, you may want to skip Fury for another Force Factor product.

If you do give Force Factor Volcano Fury a try, let us know how it works out for you. Since it’s a new product, we’d love to hear how it’s working out in the real world.

Have You Used Force Factor Volcano Fury? Leave Your Review Below!

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Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Brain Bright Review – Should You Try It?

Lately, we’ve been looking at and experimenting with tons of brain boosting supplements. They go by several different names, including Nootropics, Cognitive Enhancements, Brain Boosters, and Limitless Pills to name a few. While they each approach the issue from a slightly unique angle, they all basically cover the same territory.

Nootropics increase your ability to think quickly, recall memories, process and organize new information. Some market themselves toward students and young professionals who want an edge to get them ahead. This demographic is familiar with Adderall, and may have even used it themselves. A supplement that works like Adderall is what these folks are looking for. Laser focus, boundless energy, and strong internal motivation. Others speak more to older people who may see the writing on the wall. They see more and more Altzheimer’s Disease and generalized cognitive decline in their families and friends, and they want to do all they can to prevent that from happening in their own lives.

Brain Bright is marketed toward that second group of consumers. They don’t use hyped up marketing about how you’ll get more accomplished in a day than you used to in a week. Instead, they talk about the nutrients and environment your brain needs to stay sharp and keyed in for the rest of your life, with a focus on protection for your brain as it ages.

Brain Bright Benefits

By using Brain Bright, you’ll notice:

  • Improvement in your memory and recall ability.
  • Increased concentration and improved ability to focus.
  • Improved long term brain health due to the fight against toxins that wear away at your brain’s functionality over time.

Brain Bright ReviewBrain Bright Ingredients and How They Work

Brain Bright promises to use a formula based in scientific knowledge. Too many supplements of this kind rely on wild promises and gimmicks to convince customers to give them a try. Brain Bright takes a much more subdued approach. Letting you know that the formula is backed by science in terms of both ingredients and amounts.

The Brain Bright formula is based on 5 primary ingredients:

  • Ginkgo Biloba which has long been the darling of the brain boosting supplement industry. It’s been shown to improve blood flow to the brain, which has an extremely important role in brain enhancement. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain, cleaning out toxins and replacing them with nutrients. A well nourished brain simply functions better than one that’s not getting what it needs.
  • Ginkgo also contain antioxidants to fight against the toxins that build up over time and make highest functioning nearly impossible.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which is an adaptagenic herb that’s been shown to decrease mental fatigue and increase short term memory. It may fight help protect the brain against toxins that wear away at functionality over time.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine reduces cortisol in the brain. Cortisol is the stress hormone. Keeping it in check keeps neurotransmitters functioning at their highest levels, allowing you to better adapt cognitively to stressful times and situations.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine which provides energy to the brain in addition to protecting against toxins. It helps reduce mental fatigue and increase cognitive processing speed.
  • L-Theanine comes from certain teas found in Southeast Asia. It has a calming focusing effect on the brain. It can also improve memory and focus.

The formula also contains Vitamins B6 and B12 that provide natural energy without the use of stimulants.

How to Use Brain Bright

The recommended dose is one Brain Bright tablet taken twice a day with a meal. Since it doesn’t contain caffeine or any other stimulants, you don’t have to worry about taking it too late in the day.

Brain Bright Side Effects

While no supplement can guarantee itself to be side effect free, there are no known reported side effects associated with Brain Bright. It’s also made in a facility designed to be hypoallergenic, with no nuts, fish, shellfish, gluten, soy, egg, dairy, or wheat.

Who Makes Brain Bright?

Brain Bright is manufactured by BioTrust. They’re a relatively small supplement company that focuses mainly on weight loss and healthy lifestyle supplements. They have a pretty good reputation for making safe and reliable products, as well as for providing responsive customer service.. sort of.

BioTrust has a rating of A+ at the Better Business Bureau. There are several complaints from customers having trouble canceling orders and obtaining refunds. But the company responds to each of these complaints by and apparently resolves any outstanding issues. So on the one hand, they seem to have a number of customer service issues on the front end, they do address them appropriately when customers get mad enough to file a complaint.

Where to Buy

The primary purchasing option is through the BioTrust website. The 60-count bottle costs $49, and you can lower that per bottle cost by purchasing multiple bottles in the same order. A 3 month supply brings the per bottle cost to $44 and the 6 month supply brings it down to $39.

Brain Bright comes with a 1 year money back guarantee that applies to empty as well as unopened bottles. There is a requirement however that you return the bottles in order to get the refund, so if you think you might use the guarantee, make sure you hold onto all your bottles.

BioTrust does seem to engage in some “free trial” practices, where customers largely unknowingly sign up for automatic monthly shipping. This is actually the source of most of the customers complaints I’ve seen. It doesn’t seem to be their primary way of doing business, and that’s a good thing. Hopefully, they’ll see all the ill will it causes and discontinue the practice altogether.

You can also usually pick Brain Bright up at Amazon.com, though at the time of this writing they are out of stock.

Brain Bright Pros and Cons

Advantages of Brain Bright

  • The ingredients are all natural and are backed by scientific research.
  • The formula does not contain harsh stimulants that can interfere with sleep.
  • There’s a one-year guarantee.

Disadvantages of Brain Bright

  • There isn’t much feedback from customers about how well the product works from people that have actually used it.
  • While BioTrust always eventually works to make things right, there are several complaints about unexpected billings and difficulty in getting refunds.


Judging by the formula, Brain Bright looks very safe, and has a good shot at working. I wish there were more customer feedback to verify that hunch one way or the other. If it does work, it’s a good value, so I’m willing to recommend you give it a try. If you do, make sure you save your bottles in case you want to send them back for a refund, and make sure you’re willing to go to bat for yourself if the first line of customer service makes things difficult.

Have You Used Brain Bright? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Halotropin Review – Should You Use It?

When we talk about working out and getting in shape, the conversation inevitably lands on testosterone boosters, at least for a little while. And for good reason. In your teens and early 20s, we’re swimming in the stuff. That’s why we can eat what we want and never get fat, and it’s why we can work out hard and watch the muscle grow.

But as we age, our levels begin to drop. We don’t notice it at first, but once we hit about 35, we begin to see some changes. That little spare tire shows up around your middle. Getting motivated for workouts isn’t as easy as it used to be, and the results aren’t as pronounced. You’re more tired and lethargic, you don’t sleep as well, and you may even lose some of your interest in sex.

So to combat all of this, we think about taking a testosterone boosting supplement. Great idea, but which one? We’ve looked into a whole lot, and today the one we’re looking at is called Halotropin.

What Is Halotropin?

Halotropin is made by Pro Supps, and it’s claims are a little different than most others like it. They say it doesn’t actually support new testosterone production. Instead, it helps your body make the most of the testosterone it already has, and it helps maintain the proper balance between testosterone and estrogen in your body. The idea being that it’s free testosterone that really matters, and preventing its conversion to estrogen is part of maintaining high levels of free testosterone.

Benefits of Halotropin

By using Halotropin, you’ll see increases in energy and strength. You’ll notice better muscle growth. You’ll burn fat more easily. And you’ll see an increase in your libido.

Halotropin ReviewHalotropin Ingredients and How They Work

The Halotropin formula starts with a base of minerals that contribute to healthy testosterone levels. These include Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, and Copper. Zinc and Magnesium are very often used to help the natural testosterone production process along. While Selenium and Copper are important for the smooth workings of most bodily processes.

The rest of the formula is an herbal proprietary blend including:

  • Ashwagandha which fights anxiety and fatigue. It’s also been tested and shown to increase testosterone levels in men who’s levels were under the normal range. (The dose in the study was 5 grams, however, which is far more than what’s in the Halotropin proprietary blend which is a total of 367 mg spread out over more than a dozen ingredients.
  • Fenugreek which may increase free testosterone. Some studies have shown that it does. Some have shown that it does not. The positive study used 500 mg of Fenugreek daily, so again, that’s much more than what you’ll see in Halotropin.
  • White Button Mushroom which helps block the conversion of excess testosterone to estrogen. It works by suppressing Aromatase, the enzyme that causes the conversion.
  • Avena Sativa which may block the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). This is the way to increase free, unbound testosterone so it’s available for use by the body.
  • Tongkat Ali which also may increase testosterone in men starting off with low levels. The research is pretty thin, and what there is indicates that the dose would need to be much higher than what’s in Halotropin, and it’s only effective in those with low levels to begin with.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is believed to increase the body’s natural testosterone production process through the Luteinizing Hormone pathway. Studies haven’t really shown this to be the case, but it may indeed have a positive effect on libido.
  • DIM which is known as an estrogen modulator, working to balance estrogen levels in relation to testosterone.

There are a few others, mainly herbal aphrodisiacs and adaptagens, which can help with various performance factors. The big concern, however, is that there are all these potentially beneficial ingredients, but they’re all packed into a tiny 367 mg proprietary blend that can’t even come close to containing effective amounts of each individual ingredient.

How To Use Halotropin

The recommended dose for men is 3 Halotropin capsules per day. Take one in the morning, one at lunch or before your workout, and one before bed. Halotropin is also used by a lot of women. Their dose is just one capsule a day. It doesn’t specify when to take it, so a good rule of thumb is to try to take it around the same time each day.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Halotropin both online and in stores. The Pro Supps website has a store locator, so you can use that if you prefer to buy your supplements off the shelf. Online you have lots of options. It’s available at Amazon.com, Bodybuilding.com, A1 Supplements, and more. The 90 capsule bottle sells for anywhere between $34 and $40 depending on where you look.

Halotropin Reviews

Because Halotropin is so widely available, there are a lot of independent online Halotropin reviews from customers who’ve used it. The interesting thing that these reviews reveal is that this stuff is used by almost as many women (if not more) than men. And these women are having positive experiences:

Alianna says: “I love this product. Combined with a pre workout, my pumps are better and they stay. I am already noticing shape and size difference. It’s easy on the stomach, no noticeable side effects other than increased sex drive which is never bad.”

Michelle says: “I’ve been taking Halotropin for a while and have seen definite performance increases in the gym, more muscle size, and right before competitions my muscles looked even harder. My hormones are more balanced and there have been no negative side effects.”

Halotropin Pros and Cons

Advantages of Halotropin

  • The ingredients are all natural, and the list includes many effective testosterone boosters and hormone balancers.
  • It’s not very expensive.
  • The reviews are mainly positive.
  • It’s used by men and women with success.

Disadvantages of Halotropin

  • The ingredient levels are likely too low to be very effective at actually boosting testosterone.


Halotropin is affordable and well liked. And it’s got a lot of crossover appeal with women who are finding it helps with their workout performance. Those facts alone are enough to make me want to recommend you try Halotropin. On the other hand, the fact is that the formula uses most of its ingredients in such low amounts that its nearly impossible to imagine that they’re effective. It might very well be a placebo effect people are feeling. If you’ve had a chance to try Halotropin out for yourself, I’d love to hear how it worked out for you.

Have You Used Halotropin? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Pro Factor T-2000 Review – Does It Work?

The most important factor for being in the best shape you possibly can be getting your diet and workout routine in order. But sometimes eating right and working out hard still don’t get you all the way to where you want to be. When that’s the case, it’s time to start looking into bodybuilding supplements like pre workouts, muscle builders, creatine, and/or protein.

If you’re new to the world of supplements, navigating your way through can be a daunting task. And that’s why we’re here to help wade through the BS and help you figure out what you need, what works, and what’s just a waste of time and money.

If you’ve started your search online, you’ve probably come across products you can try for “free.” They look like a fantastic deal. Try out a full bottle and don’t pay anything unless you like it. But when you look a little closer, you’ll see they’re not all they promise to be.

Pro Factor T-2000 is one of these free trial products. I recently had a reader ask me to look into it for him. I did, and here’s what I found.

Pro Factor T-2000 ReviewWhat Is Pro Factor T-2000?

Pro Factor T-2000 positions itself as a pre workout supplement focuses on boosting Nitric Oxide levels in your body. That’s a good thing. Nitric oxide functions as a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels to allow an increased amount of blood to flow through. The more blood flowing through your veins, the more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to your muscles during your toughest workouts, allowing you to work harder, recover stronger, and get better results..

The benefits they tell you to expect include:

  • Increased energy and focus.
  • Boosted Strength.
  • Delayed muscle fatigue.
  • Greater endurance.
  • Improved muscle recovery.

In fact, according to them you can expect to see a 35% increase in muscle mass from nothing else other then using their product.

profactor t-2000 results

Pro Factor T-2000 Ingredients

The Pro Factor T-2000 website doesn’t disclose an entire ingredients list, but it mentions the three most important components: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and L-Norvaline.

  • L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide. That means the more l-arginine in your body, the more nitric oxide. And the more nitric oxide, the more blood flowing through your blood vessels. You’ll look more vascular, you’ll get better pumps, and your muscles will get the oxygen and nutrients they need to work harder and repair more fully. L-Argnine also helps stimulate the natural production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) to help with both energy and new muscle growth.
  • L-Citrulline delays the onset of fatigue during your toughest workouts by helping to remove excess ammonia produced as a by-product when muscles work hard. Excess L-Citrulline can also lead to increased L-Arginine (and then Nitric Oxide).
  • L-Norvaline which prevents the breakdown of L-Arginine, leaving it to be used to produce nitric oxide.

It’s worth noting that I’ve seen a few third party websites that provide a list of ingredients. I don’t put a lot of faith in these sites because they list Creatine as an ingredient, while the official Pro Factor T-2000 website specifically states that it does not contain either Creatine or stimulants.

How To Use Pro Factor T-2000

The instructions say to take 2 Pro Factor T-2000 capsules with water about 30 minutes before workout. There’s no indication whether or not you should take it on non-workout days, but in my experience, it’s best to take NO boosting supplements daily.

Where To Buy

Here’s where we’ll talk about that free trial offer we briefly mentioned above. They make a big to do about how you can try Pro Factor T-2000 risk free by getting a free bottle, but the truth is it’s anything but free.

profactor t-2000 trial bottle

You start out by paying a small shipping fee of $4.95. (This is how they get your credit card number.) For that, they send you a full 30 day supply bottle of Pro Factor T-2000 to try for 14 days. The 14 days begins the day you place your order, not the day you receive it.

If you like it, do nothing. On the 14th day, they’ll charge you $89.95 for the “free” bottle you already have, and they’ll sign you up to receive a new bottle at that full price every month from then on.

It may not seem so bad on the surface except for a few small details. The $89.95 price is very high. You can get good quality supplements for a lot less than that. Also, the terms of the trial are hidden in the very small print and in the Terms and Conditions page that they know nobody reads. They are deliberately trying to deceive you into thinking that all you’re paying and all you will be paying is $4.95.

Here’s a quick snapshot of their terms and conditions if you’ve skipped over them:

profactor terms and conditions

I hear from guys every day that have been sucked into these free trial scams, and are now trying to get hundreds of dollars back from these various companies that use this tactic.

Who Makes Pro Factor T-2000?

We tried to look into the company to see what we could find out. They’re called ProFactor Muscle, Inc, and they’re based in the Los Angeles, California area. The Better Business Bureau gives them a D+ rating and states that on at least one occasion, they tried to send mail to the company and it was returned by the Post Office. While this doesn’t shed a whole lot of light on what’s going on, it does make you question the reputability of the company.

Pro Factor T-2000 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pro Factor T-2000

  • There are no stimulants, which can be a good thing for guys who don’t like stimmy pre workouts.

Disadvantages of Pro Factor T-2000

  • There’s no definitive, complete ingredient list, so it’s not clear what’s in it.
  • The company doesn’t have a good reputation with the Better Business Bureau.
  • It’s only available through the free trial offer, which turns out to be not free at all. In fact, if you do nothing other than sign up for the free trial, you’ll be charged $89.95 a month indefinitely.


First off, there’s nothing particularly special about Pro Factor T-2000 as a supplement. What we know of the ingredients is that there are a few decent ones, but we don’t even know if they’re included at effective levels. Without information about amounts, we don’t know if there’s enough to make a difference or if there’s only a dusting so they can claim it’s in there.

Then take into consideration the free trial offer. It’s nothing but a deceptive scam to get you signed up for repeated billing. I have lots of guys ask me how they get away with this. My answer is always the same. It’s dirty, but it’s legal. As long as they explain the terms and don’t use certain wording that can legally be called an outright lie, they are not breaking any laws. But they do break the trust of their customers. In the end, they don’t really care about that. They figure there will always be new customers they can trick into a few months of billing before moving on to the next victim.

If you haven’t already guessed my recommendation, I’ll give it to you straight. Don’t buy Pro Factor T-2000.

Have You Used Pro Factor T-2000? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

BlackCore Edge Review – Is It For Real?

If you’ve read reviews on SupplementCritique.com before, you’ve probably come across some discussion of “free trial scams.” If not, we have a pretty comprehensive summary on how they work here.  I’ve seen so many of these over the years that they don’t surprise or shock me anymore. But recently, I came across one that seems even more blatantly deceitful than usual. It’s called BlackCore Edge, and depending on where you look, it’s a pre workout supplement… it’s a post workout supplement… it’s a testosterone booster… or maybe it’s a male enhancement pill. We’ll give you all the information we have, and let you be the judge.


WTF is it?
Fake Ads
What are the ingredients?
Free Trial is a Scam
Frequently Asked Questions

BlackCore Edge as Pre Workout

My first introduction to BlackCore Edge was when one of my readers asked me to check out this new workout supplement he was thinking about using. He gave me their website, so that’s where I began my research.

On the website, BlackCore Edge is pushed mainly as a pre workout supplement. They say it gives you energy, helps you build muscle fast, and it burns fat, many of the things you look for in a pill you take to prepare for your hard workouts.

BlackCore Edge Post Workout

BlackCore Edge ReviewBut the bottle actually says, “BlackCore Edge Post Workout,” so which is it, a pre workout or a post workout. Some products don’t actually specify. You take them any time and they improve the results you get from your regimen, including diet and exercise. But BlackCore Edge does specify. They just specify it as both, which is where things start to get confusing.

Post Workouts usually focus on Branched Chain Amino Acids. These BCAAs help you muscles recover and rebuild more quickly and more completely after your workouts. This means you’re back in the gym sooner, moving faster toward the results you want. BlackCore Edge calls itself a post workout on the bottle, but when we look at the ingredients a little later on, we’ll decide whether or not that’s the case.

BlackCore Edge As Testosterone Booster

Also on the bottle, BlackCore Edge calls itself a “Natural Testosterone Booster” with benefits to you libido, stamina, strength, and vitality. The website goes on to claim that the proprietary blend of ingredients in BlackCore Edge has been proven to increase male testosterone levels while also increasing your metabolism.

However, it doesn’t seem to contain the typical ingredients you’d find in testosterone boosters like Andro 400, Testofuel and Prime Male.

In fact the only ingredient I’m seeing here that would even remotely be construed as a testosterone booster would be Tongkat Alit, which has been shown to gave an effect on stress hormones.

Beyond that, I have been left scratching my head as to what could possibly be so special about the rest of its ingredients that would suggest that it is any better than anything else as far as post workout recovery goes.

BlackCore Edge as Male Enhancement Pill

Lots of workout supplements claim to have a beneficial effect on your sex life. The reason is that there is some overlap when it comes to what makes you stronger in the gym and what makes you stronger in the bedroom. A boost in testosterone will increase your libido as well as your performance and stamina. And an increase in Nitric Oxide provided by most pre workout supplements will help improve blood flow so you can achieve harder, longer lasting erections.

So it’s not unusual for a workout supplement to mention that “oh by the way, you can have better sex too.” BlackCore Edge takes it a step further, stating categorically that it WILL increase your size.

Of course, they don’t actually tell you HOW it works, just that it does.

While this is not uncommon, that does not make it any less troublesome.

That’s not very reassuring in my book, and reminds me of many other supplements (including Rock Hard and King Size Male Enhancement) that make that very same claim.

In fact, if you look at the label, it looks surprisingly familiar to that of Xplosive Vital, which is another supplement that popped up on my radar recently.

Fake Advertising

While looking into BlackCore Edge, I found an “article” pretending to be on the Fox News website. The headline is “The Pill That Cured My Hubby’s ED and How Our Sex Life Is Back From the Dead!” The writer goes on to tell the story of how she saw an interview where Hugh Hefner said that any man can perform for up to two hours, presumably by using this herbal pill.

Later in the “article”, she identifies this pill as BlackCore Edge, which is really weird because it’s not even supposed to be a sexual enhancement pill. At least not anywhere other than this article.

Another “article” refers to itself as “Kates Blog” which seemingly looks like a real blog post.

blackcore edge kates blog

Throughout this blog post, “Kate” talks about how her husband essentially lasts 1 – 3 min. in bed, and it makes her miserable.

She apparently came across an interview with a porn star who goes by the name of Johhny Sins from Brazzers, who uses Blackcore Edge to help him last for up to 2 hours at a clip.

johnny sins blackcore edge

Of course she goes on to mention that her husband got the free trial of Blackcore Edge, took them, and they went on to screw for almost 2 hours.

The blog looks even more real because of the comments you’ll see at the bottom of the page.

blackcore edge comments

There are a number of other supplements that use this marketing tactic, including Rock Hard, Biomuscle XR, and Xanogen and HGH Factor.

You’ll see practically ALL of them being advertised on adult sites, and ALL of them making the same claims.

That their supplement will grow your p#$nis.

These Articles / Blogs Are Fake

The fake article (“Farticle” if you will) is a popular tactic used by these free trial scam products. They make it look like it’s on a legitimate news site, but if you try to click on links to any other news sections, those links don’t go anywhere.

If you read closely, you’ll also see that the article doesn’t even mention BlackCore Edge till they plug in the link near the end. Folks, it’s just a generic format blog post that can be used for any product they want. In this case, they plugged in a workout supplement instead of a sexual performance supplement. And the main purpose of the post is to funnel you through to the website where you will place an order.

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BlackCore Edge Ingredients

Okay, so we’ve established that the marketing is scammy, but what if this stuff really works? Wouldn’t you want to use it anyway? Maybe. So we set out to find out what the formula is made up of, hoping to get a better idea of how well it will perform.

Well, nailing down the BlackCore Edge ingredients list proved to be a very difficult task. The official website offers nothing on the subject. When we went looking on third party websites, we found no less than four entirely different ingredients lists. One talked about L-Arginine, Niacin, and Vitamin C. One highlighted Epimedium, Saw Palmetto, and Tongkat Ali. A third mentioned Wild Yam, Ginseng, and Muira Puama. And the last one focused on protein and creatine. There may have been more. I stopped looking.

At this point, any trust you have in BlackCore Edge should be hanging by a thread. Now, we’ll cut the thread.

The BlackCore Edge Free Trial Scam

The only way you can purchase BlackCore Edge is online through their free trial offer. It’s not sold in stores, and so far, you won’t find it at Amazon.com. Once you get to their website to place your order, you are told you can sign up for a free sample.

blackcore edge sample

You pay only $4.95 for shipping, and they send you a 30 day supply. They’d like you to think it ends there, but it doesn’t.

But if you read the fine print, you’ll see that you’re actually signing up for their Autoshipping plan. If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days of placing your order, they’ll charge you $89.95 for the “free” bottle you already have, and they’ll send you a new full price bottle every month.

Don’t believe me?

Well, check out the really fine print here.

blackcore edge terms and conditions

Guys get caught up in these scams all the time. If you ordered BlackCore Edge and need to cancel, you can call them at 1-877-516-7511.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Do they sell it in stores?

Unlikely.  I checked with my local GNC, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe, and none of them carry it, much less even heard of it.

Do porn stars really use it?

Probably not.  There’s a lot of websites out there that claim male porn stars use pills like this to get enormous size gains, but they are all cleverly crafted ads that are basically pushing BS.

Are there any real reviews of Black Core Edge?

Not that I can tell.  Sure, you’ll see other websites like “deal4supplements dot com” proclaiming things like “Do not buy!  Read Shocking Review First”.

blackcore edge real review

But when you click to view their page, it’s a garbled mess of BS clearly written by someone who doesn’t speak English as their primary language.

It doesn’t look anything like a “real review”.

Youtube “reviews” of BlackCore Edge are equally as worthless, like this “shocking truth” vid.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m6hqpn-H10]

Will it really grow your penis?

In my opinion, absolutely not.

HOWEVER, there are products that CAN, Click Here to see them.

Are there any side effects with Blackcore Edge?

There’s definitely the potential for dangerous effects, that goes with taking any supplement.  For example, the primary ingredient Niacin has been known to cause facial flushing / redness, dizziness, leg cramps, insomnia, and itching under the skin.

L-Arginine, another ingredient listed in Blackcore Edge, can cause vasodilation, or widening of the blood arteries vessels.

This can cause blood pressure to be lowered, which is not inherently dangerous, but if you’re taking blood pressure lowering meds there could definitely be a problem.

Will it cause me to fail a drug test?

Probably not, but is it worth taking the risk?

Is it FDA approved?

No, and it doesn’t need to be because dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA.


BlackCore Edge leaves no doubt what their main concern is. Your money. They don’t even care to make clear what it is or what it’s for. They just want to catch as many unsuspecting customers in their trap as they possibly can. So they cast a wide net and reel you in.

I know some of you are still wondering, “yeah, but what if it’s really great and works really well?” It’s true that the focus of this review has been on how they operate and scheme to separate you from your money, not about how well the product works. But think about it. If they had such a great product, would they need to resort to these sleazy tactics?

Have You Used BlackCore Edge? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Svelte Slimming Spray Review – Does It Work?

Most of the fat burners on the market these days come in the form of capsules or tablets. You’ll also find some powders and meal replacement shakes to help with your efforts as well. But there’s one more delivery mechanism you may not have seen before.

Svelte Slimming Spray is a weight loss spray that comes in the form of a liquid in a spray bottle. Simply carry it wherever you go, spray it in your mouth, and watch the pounds melt off of you. Okay, well maybe it’s not quite that simple. But it’s a novel idea, so we decided to take a look.

Svelte Slimming Spray Benefits

svelte slimming spray reviewLike most other products, Svelte Slimming Spray promises to burn fat, provide energy, and suppress your appetite, all of which would be a help to you in reaching your weight loss and fitness goals. It comes from BioticZone, a New Jersey company that makes several healthy lifestyle products, and it’s biggest draw is that it’s a tasty, convenient way to get the extra weight loss help you want.

Svelte Slimming Spray Ingredients

The Svelte Slimming Spray formula uses most of today’s popular weight loss supplement ingredients, including:

  • Garcinia Cambogia which has been all the rage for a couple years now for it’s ability to boost metabolism, curb appetite, and prevent new fat storage.
  • Green Coffee Bean which provides both energy and fat burning.
  • Raspberry Ketones which helps to break down stored fat.
  • 5-HTP which improves mood (reducing emotional eating cravings and providing motivation).
  • Green Tea Extract which contains powerful fat burners and antioxidants
  • Vitamins A, B, and D for energy and overall improved health.
  • Biotin which may help increase metabolism.
  • Chromium Picolinate which helps the body better digest carbohydrates and also helps keep bad cholesterol in check.

Here’s a photo of the label:

svelte slimming spray ingredients label

How To Use Svelte Slimming Spray

The nice thing about Svelte Slimming Spray is how convenient it is. It comes in a little spray bottle. The dose is 5 sprays twice a day. It’s sweetened with Stevia so it’s calorie-free. Some of the feedback I’ve seen is that the taste is a little strong, so you may want to have some water handy when you’re using it.

Svelte Slimming Spray Pros and Cons

Advantages of Svelte Slimming Spray

  • It’s easy and convenient to use, especially if you don’t like to take pills.
  • It’s provides energy and a little mood elevation.
  • Most reviewers say it provides some degree of appetite suppression.

Disadvantages of Svelte Slimming Spray

  • Svelte Slimming Spray reviews tend to be lukewarm. They say it works to an extent but not particularly well.
  • The taste is a little strong.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Svelte Slimming Spray through the BioticZone website and a couple other supplement retail websites. As far as I can tell, it’s not available in stores. A bottle is expected to last a month and costs $19.95. I’ve seen it as low as $9.95, so definitely shop around.


Svelte Slimming Spray is pretty inexpensive, and according to the feedback I’ve seen, is somewhat effective. I wouldn’t say it’s groundbreaking or that it’s what you should use to prepare for a competition, but if you’re wanting to drop a few pounds, and willing to do the work, Svelte Slimming Spray can probably provide some help.

Have You Used Svelte Slimming Spray? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster Review – Does It Work?

Once you hit your mid-twenties or so, the natural testosterone that’s been flooding your system since you hit puberty starts to drop off. You don’t notice it right away though, because levels are still pretty high. But usually somewhere between 30 and 35, some of the tell tale signs start to appear.

You feel generally more sluggish. You start to put on weight even though you used to not be able to gain an ounce no matter what you did. Workouts become harder, and results become harder to achieve. One of the more surprising effects is that you start to lose some of the interest you’ve always had in sex.

For some people, these changes can be quite depressing and can even leave some folks feeling like “less of a man” or that they are beyond saving as far as getting that magic back, but that is not true, of course.

These are all signs that your testosterone levels are beginning the noticeable portion of their decline. It’s not necessarily something that needs medical attention. But there are supplements that can help put you back into what you’ve always considered that “normal” range.

What Is T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster?

t max reviewT-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster is a natural testosterone booster that promises to help reverse the trend you’ve been starting to notice. By taking this product, your body can move back toward peak performance potential where you used to be. It may not make you 25 again, but it promises to point you in that direction.

With increased testosterone levels, you’ll have more strength and endurance, you’ll feel more energized and in a better mood, and your sexual performance will make you think you’re back living in the good old days.

Who Makes T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster

This product is manufactured by a New Jersey company called BioticZone. They don’t have a listing with the Better Business Bureau, but that can be a good thing. It means no one’s ever tried to lodge a complaint.

The company makes several supplements geared to improving lifestyle and quality of life.

T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster Ingredients

The T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster formula starts with 4 main ingredients:

  • Tongkat Ali which may increase the presence of free testosterone by inhibiting the action of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which would bind up all your free testosterone if allowed.
  • Maca which is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac used for centuries to boost male sex drive.
  • L-Arginine which serves a number of purposes including increased nitric oxide for better blood flow. This better blood flow improves both athletic and sexual performance. The more blood that flows to your muscles, the better your muscle pumps are during your workout. And the more blood that flows to your penis during arousal, the better your erections will be. L-Arginine may also increase your body’s natural testosterone and HGH production.
  • Ginseng which acts as an aphrodisiac and also improves blood flow throughout the body for increased energy and vitality.

There’s also a proprietary blend of several herbs including Catuaba Bark, Ashwagandha, Muira Puama, Nettle, Avena Sativa, Licorice, and Tribulus Terrestris. Together, these serve many functions involving testosterone, sexuality, anxiety, and overall health.

Here’s a quick look at the T-Max label:

t max ingredients label

T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster Pros and Cons

Advantages of T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s fairly inexpensive.
  • There are only a couple independent customer reviews, but the ones there are tend toward the positive.

Disadvantages of T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster

  • The money back guarantee only applies to unopened bottles.
  • T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster contains shellfish, so if you’re allergic, you should stay away.

Where to Buy

You can purchase T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster through the BioticZone website directly or at Amazon. At the BioticZone website, you can pick up a bottle currently for $19.95. At Amazon, the price is a little higher, at $25.


T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster is inexpensive, so if it works, it could be a great addition to your daily supplement routine. It’s certainly safe for use by just about anyone as long as you’re not allergic to shellfish. So give it a try and let us know how you make out.

I recommend it mostly because of the price and availability, plus it does not hurt that the ingredients really have a good track record of boosting testosterone in several other similar products.

Have You Used T-Max Testosterone and Stamina Booster? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pro Lean Forskolin Review – Does It Work?


How It Works
Clinical Studies
Pro Lean Forskolin and Dr Oz
Side Effects
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Every couple of years, we get introduced to a new wonder ingredient that promises to finally be the answer we’ve all been waiting for, the substance that melts the fat away, with little or no effort from you. It shows up on all the daytime talk shows. It’s touted by doctors. Real people show off their incredible before and after proof that this stuff really is a miracle.

You’ve seen it with Raspberry Ketones. You’ve seen it with Garcinia Cambogia. And more recently, you’ve seen it with Coleus Forskohlii. That’s what powers the supplement we’re looking for today, Pro Lean Forskolin.

What Is Pro Lean Forskolin?

Pro Lean Forskolin is a weight loss supplement that promises you can lose weight and get more fit without needing to bother with changes to your diet or exercise routine. That’s what they say. The way it works is by causing your metabolism to increase and your body to burn more fat. So if that’s true, then you really wouldn’t need to change your habits to lose weight. Of course, you’d lose more weight if you did change your diet and exercise routine, but the fact would remain that you wouldn’t necessarily need to.

Pro Lean Forskolin ReviewPro Lean Forskolin Ingredients

There’s only one active ingredient in Pro Lean Forskolin – Coleus Forskohlii standardized to 10% Forskolin.

Coleus Forskohlii is a member of the mint family of herbs. Forskolin comes from its root, and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a number of ailments, including Asthma, bacterial infections, and cardiovascular issues.

More recently, forskolin, the active ingredient in Pro Lean Forskolin, has been thought to have an effect on metabolism and weight loss.

How Pro Lean Forskolin Works

The theory goes that Pro Lean Forskolin increases the activity of the enzyme Adenyll Cyclase. This enzyme increases communication between cells caused by Cyclic AMP, or cAMP. With increased cAMP, communication improves regarding the metabolism of sugar, glycogen, and lipids, and with better communication comes better functioning. So you’re burning more of your food for energy, and you’re increasing the usage of stored fat.

CAMP may also increase the release of the hormone sensitive lipase hormone from the thyroid, which also increases fat burning.

So to break it down, Pro Lean Forskolin encourages the release of certain chemicals in your body that stimulate fat burning and lead to weight loss.

Clinical Studies

The science sounds good, but does it work? We’re especially skeptical of any product that says it can cause weight loss without any help from you. That’s why clinical studies are so important. We only know of a couple small studies, and to be honest, the results were pretty mixed. One study conducted on men seemed to show a small improvement in body composition and an increase in testosterone levels. Lean muscle mass increased while body fat decreased and bone density improved, all moreso with Forskolin than without. The study doesn’t specifically say any of the participants lost weight, however, just that they saw a positive change in body composition.

The other study conducted on women showed no increase in weight loss or improvement at all.

Pro Lean Forskolin and Dr Oz

Coleus Forskolin Dr OzSurely you’re familiar with Dr Oz and his tendency to jump on the bandwagon for supplements and their ingredients, touting everything that comes down the pike as the latest and greatest thing for your health of beauty since Vitamin C. He started out on Oprah and catapulted from there to fame and fortune.

Dr Oz has famously promoted Raspberry Ketones and Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss for years. They may actually have some benefit in that arena, but the problem is in the way Dr Oz presents them as though they’re the magic key to the skinny kingdom that we’ve been searching for for literally centuries. They’re not, and Dr Oz was actually called out by Congress for making exaggerated claims.

Well these days, Dr Oz has moved on to Forskolin as the magic new ingredient, and that’s a big reason why there’s so much attention being paid to it.

But don’t be drawn in too much by that. Dr Oz has been revealed to be motivated by something other than medical certainty. He has relationships with supplement providers, and that’s the main reason his recommendation doesn’t go as far as it once did.

Pro Lean Forskolin Side Effects

The small amount of study conducted on Forskolin hasn’t resulted in much evidence regarding side effects. The only potential issue that’s been raised is regarding the possibility of rapid or irregular heart rate. No negative drug interactions have been documented, and the only precaution I’ve been able to find (other than the standard warning to avoid while pregnant or nursing) is that it should be avoided by patients with polycystic kidney disease (though I haven’t been able to determine why).

Where to Buy Pro Lean Forskolin

Pro Lean Forskolin is only available online through their official website. There used to be several review website that linked to the Pro Lean Forskolin website, but those links don’t appear to work any longer.

The price for a single bottle of 30 capsules ranges from about $25 – $47, depending on how many bottles you buy. The clinical studies used dosing of 250 mg taken twice a day. With 125 mg of Foskolin per pill, that means you’d be taking 4 pills per day to match the clinical dose. At that rate, you’ll be needing a new bottle just about every week, which could get pretty expensive.

They do offer a money back guarantee, but with a restocking fee of $17.50 per bottle, and considering you have to pay for return shipping, it’s hardly worth the trouble.

Pro Lean Forskolin Complaints

According to the Better Business Bureau, Pro Lean Forskolin is made by a company in Utah that’s been around since November of 2012. In that short time, they’ve amassed several complaints from customers along with a rating of F. The complaints run the gamut of issues from billing to delivery to problems with the supplement itself.


Here are a couple examples. As you can see, it’s pretty bad:

Pro Lean Forskolin BBB Complaint Image 1

Pro Lean Forskolin BBB Complaint Image 2

Things are in fact so bad that the company’s website has simply vanished off the internet.

At this point, it appears as though you can’t get Pro Lean Forskolin even if you wanted to. The website is gone, and all the links that used to take you there lead somewhere else instead at this point. The review websites have moved on to other, possibly more successful products.

And that doesn’t help the complaint issue at all. People are looking for refunds and don’t seem to have anywhere to turn. And this isn’t only because they found the product didn’t work so they want a refund. It’s also because Pro Lean Forskolin overcharged them in the first place and took money they never should have taken.

Pro Lean Forskolin Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pro Lean Forskolin

  • The formula is exceedingly simple and all natural.
  • There is some clinical evidence to back up the claims, sort of. The small clinical study found that Forskolin improved body composition and increased testosterone levels and bone density, but the participants did not lose any actual weight.

Disadvantages of Pro Lean Forskolin

  • The money back guarantee doesn’t really help you much because of the steep restocking fee and shipping costs.
  • The clinical evidence regarding Pro Lean Forskolin is sparse, and what is available is conflicting and uncertain.
  • There are several complaints with the Better Business Bureau regarding Pro Lean Forskolin.
  • The website no longer exists, and it would appear that Pro Lean Forskolin has gone out of business with lots of people still trying to get refunds for products overcharged for or never received.


Coleus Forskohlii supplements may have some benefit when it comes to weight loss, but it looks like Pro Lean Forskolin jumped the gun. The clinical evidence is spotty, and with only only one ingredient, they put all their eggs in the forskolin basket. That decision appears to have been hasty. At this point, I don’t know where you would even find Pro Lean Forskolin to purchase if you wanted to. Better to go with a well rounded fat burning supplement with energy and appetite suppression, and not just increased thermogenics.

Have You Used Pro Lean Forskolin? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

AptuLux Review – Should You Use It?

If you pay attention like we do, you’ll see a new fat burning supplement comes out nearly every week. We even come across several that promise you can lose the weight without changing your diet or workout habits. I like to think we’re smarter than that, but I get that people struggle and want every advantages they can possibly get.

Losing weight is hard. If you can find something that might help so much it can even do it for you, you sit up and take notice.

AptuLux falls into that category. They promise long term weight loss results using fast acting and safe ingredients, and they promise you can accomplish all this without even working out. We took a closer look at the claims, ingredients, pricing, and customer results, to come up with a reasonable conclusion about whether or not AptuLux can do all that it claims.

AptuLux Review 1AptuLux Ingredients

AptuLux uses Garcinia Cambogia as its primary ingredient in focus. You’ve no doubt heard a lot about this wonder plant ever since it was highlighted by Dr. Oz as the next great weight loss ingredient. Within the Garcinia Cambogia is a substance called HCA, or Hydroxycitric Acid. HCA is thought to help suppress appetite, increase serotonin levels to help curb emotional eating, and regulate cortisol levels which affect your stress response.

(As a side note, the AptuLux website claims that HCA stands for Chlorogenic Acid. This is not true. Chlorogenic Acid is a completely different weight loss supplement ingredient found in Green Coffee. HCA stands for HydroxyCitri Acid, which is indeed the substance found in Garcinia Cambogia.)

The rest of the AptuLux formula includes:

  • White Kidney Bean which may block the digestion of carbohydrates. Instead of being digested, they’re eliminated as waste.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar which is all the rage in the clean eating movement. Among its other health benefits, it may stimulate the breakdown of increased fat.
  • Gymnema Sylvestre which may help decrease cholesterol.
  • Cascara Sagrada which is a natural laxative to help keep your digestive system running smoothly while making sure to reduce bloating.
  • Aloe Vera which can increase our metabolism and also provide laxative benefits as well.

Clinical Studies

The AptuLux website mentions that most products just promise to work with no evidence to prove it, but the ingredients in AptuLux have been clinically studied. However, they only mention a single study of HCA with Gymnema Sylestre.  The problem is the study was very small, and they used a dose far larger than what you will find in AptuLux.

How To Use AptuLux

The recommended dose is 2-4 AptuLux capsules a day with water about 30 minutes before meals. You can take 1 pill at a time, once or twice a day. You can take 2 pills at once, once or twice a day. Or you can take a similar combination, like 2 pills before breakfast and 1 pill before lunch. Caffeine is not listed as an ingredient, so taking it late in the afternoon shouldn’t affect your sleep, if that’s what works better with your schedule.

AptuLux claims that you don’t need to engage in a strict diet or heavy workout plan in order to lose weight. This is technically true, but misleading. They use the words “strict” and “heavy” to make what they’re saying true. After all, the best way to lose weight effectively and over the long term is to do it relatively slowly using a diet and exercise program that you can incorporate into your routine, and stick with permanently.

The participants in the clinical study mentioned above ate 2000 calories per day and went for daily walks. This is not strict or heavy in most senses, but it enabled moderate weight loss for the mildly obese subjects in the study.

Where to Buy

AptuLux is only available online through their official website. But unlike lots of other weight loss supplements, they don’t offer a “free trial” that turns into a nightmare of repeat monthly billing.

If you want just a one month supply (what they recommend for anyone wanting to lose about 10 pounds), the cost is $59.99. Buying a 2 month supply gets you a third bottle for free, bringing the per bottle price down to $39.99. That’s the recommendation for someone wanting to lose about 20 pounds. If you buy 3 bottles, you’ll get two free, making your per bottle cost just $34.99. This package is recommended for people wanting to lose 30 pounds or more.

There is a money back guarantee, but it’s a little misleading. They specifically say there’s no “misleading fine print” and that they’ll refund you for any reason, but when you read further, there is misleading fine print. The refund will only apply to unopened bottles, so in effect, if you only buy one bottle, you don’t get to try it and return it if it doesn’t work.

AptuLux Reviews

We didn’t find a whole lot of customer feedback about AptuLux, but what we did find was decidedly mixed. Some people professed to have had success using AptuLux along with a diet and exercise program:

Jessie says: “I took this product for about three months now and combined with diet and exercise. As a result, I was able to drop 30 pounds.”

But many more claimed that it didn’t work, and when they tried to get a refund, they found out about that “misleading fine print”:

Ronald says: “I purchased one bottle and used as directed for almost 30 days. Then I sent an email asking for a refund and the reply states the refund is only for unopened bottles. How can I determine if the product works unless I open the bottle?! Rip-off.”

AptuLux Pros and Cons

Advantages of AptuLux

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are some clinical studies supporting the effectiveness of some of the ingredients.

Disadvantages of AptuLux

  • Dosing of the ingredients in AptuLux doesn’t likely match the dosing used in clinical trials.
  • The money back guarantee claims to be hassle free, but customers who’ve tried to use it say otherwise.
  • There are plenty of AptuLux reviews stating that it just doesn’t work.
  • The website talks about HCA and calls it Chlorogenic Acid, which is an entirely different thing.


The thing about Garcinia Cambogia supplements is that the evidence is just inconclusive. There is some anecdotal indication that it does some good, but most of the clinical studies come up short. For that reason, it’s unlikely that AptuLux lives up to its hype.

On top of that, the company misidentifies its main ingredient, they mislead their customers on the money back guarantee, and they get mostly pretty bad reviews.

Given all of that, AptuLux doesn’t get our highest recommendation.

Have You Use AptuLux? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Alpha Limit Review – Should You Use It?

Alpha Limit promises to be what’s called an Extreme Strength Booster. That puts it into the Pre-Workout/Bodybuilding supplement category. And with promises like:

  • Gain Insane Amounts of Strength
  • Build More Muscle
  • Maximize Your Pumps
  • Incinerate Fat
  • Boost Energy
  • Increase Endurance

I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to try it. But there’s more to understand about a supplement than just the promises it makes. That’s why we break it down and look at it from every possible angle.

How Alpha Limit Works

There’s a lot of conflicting information floating around the internet about how Alpha Limit works. Several of its affiliate websites say it’s a natural testosterone booster, meaning it works with your body to help increase the amount of testosterone it produces naturally.

But other related websites, and the official Alpha Limit website itself, tell a slightly different story. These claim that Alpha Limit increases endurance and strength more directly with ingredients specifically targeted to nitric oxide increases and other workout benefits.

A look at the ingredients ought to straighten out the confusion, so we’ll get to that next. But it’s important to note that just the fact that the confusion exists is telling, and can be used to help form an assessment of the seriousness of Alpha Limit.

Alpha Limit Ingredients

Alpha Limit ReviewSurprise, surprise. There’s plenty of confusion when it comes to ingredients as well. There’s practically a different list on each and every website that even mentions Alpha Limit. We choose to go with the list taken from the official website, but even there, we’re left confused. I’ll explain.

The website shows an image of what they present as the Alpha Limit label. On it, the ingredients are listed as a 1450 mg proprietary blend of L-Arginine AKG, Creatine, and L-Citrulline Malate, along with 100 mg of caffeine. If this is indeed the ingredients list, Alpha Limit is definitely more of a pre workout supplement than a natural testosterone booster, and the benefits would be as follows:

  • L-Arginine AKG is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that opens up your blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through. When more blood flows to your muscles during workouts, that blood causes the pumps that make you look and feel vascular, and it delivers more oxygen and nutrients so your muscles can work harder and longer, giving you better results. The nutrients also help your muscles recover better and faster so you’re ready to go hard again for your next workout.
  • Creatine provides energy for your fast twitch muscles, the ones you use when lifting. ATP is the actual energy that’s used by muscles, but it can’t be stored in any great amount. Creatine can be stored, then converted to ATP when you need it. If you saturate your muscles with creatine, your muscles will have the energy to push more weight, getting you bigger and stronger, faster.
  • L-Citrulline Malate prevents the build up of ammonia, thus fighting muscle fatigue during workouts. It can also increase the amount of L-Arginine in your blood, which in turn increases nitric oxide for the benefits mentioned above.
  • Caffeine, of course, provides temporary energy and focus to help you get through your workouts mentally.

The recommended dose is 2 capsules a day, probably best taken about half and hour to an hour before working out, or before a meal on your rest days.

Remember when we mentioned ingredient confusion? Well in addition to what’s pictured on the label, the official Alpha Limit website talks about the benefits of another ingredient. It talks about how Beta Alanine can reduce symptoms of fatigue during workouts. This is true. Beta Alanine in the proper dosage can reduce the lactic acid buildup that causes muscle fatigue. But I’m confused as to why Alpha Limit is talking about it on their website when it’s not even in their supplement.

Where to Buy Alpha Limit

You won’t find Alpha Limit in stores or on big name online retail sites like Amazon.com. It’s only available through its official website, which you can reach by clicking through from one of their affiliate websites. Ordering means signing up for their free trial offer. Now, we’ve talked about these many times before. We even wrote a whole article about them and how the scam works. But this one is slightly different.

When you order Alpha Limit, you’ll pay $4.95 up front and receive a bottle containing a one month supply. 10 days later, they’ll charge you the full price of $148. The differences between the Alpha Limit free trial and other free trials are:

You’re not signed up for monthly shipments and payments. It’s a one-time order, and they won’t send you anything else unless you place another order. Most free trials involve ongoing membership in their autoship program. This is not the case with Alpha Limit.

You cannot call and cancel to avoid being charged. Alpha Limit will charge you the full amount 10 days after your order. You’re not getting anything free at all. You’re not even getting a chance to get it free. It’s just a delayed charge. You can return your product for a refund after you’ve been charged, but there’s a restocking fee, and you have to make sure there’s “substantial” product left in the bottle.

Alpha Limit Complaints

It’s not hard to find customer complaints regarding Alpha Limit, and they’re almost all in reference to the shocking surprise of the $148 charge 10 days after placing their order. The company has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau (http://www.bbb.org/atlanta/business-reviews/vitamins-and-food-supplements/alpha-limit-in-norcross-ga-27586717) because of all the billing complaints. Here’s one that sums it up pretty well:
“10 day free trial ends up being 2 day free trial. No emails detailing shipping info. Then get slapped with $148.00 charge after ten days! Should be bold type that after ten days you will be charged full price… People who want or need help to improve themselves shouldn’t have to be ripped off or cheated to find a product to help them. Pretty sad that companies can get away with stuff like this.”

Alpha Limit Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Limit

  • None that I can see.

Disadvantages of Alpha Limit

  • It’s unclear whether it wants to be a testosterone booster or a pre workout supplement.
  • There’s lots of confusion surrounding what the ingredients really are.
  • They say it’s a free trial, but it’s not free at all. It’s really $148!
  • There are tons of consumer complaints about Alpha Limit.


With so many workout supplements on the market, I don’t see any reason whatsoever to choose Alpha Limit. Instead, look for something you can trust.

Have You Used Alpha Limit? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Cerebrax Review – Does It Work?

Brain supplements have become all the rage recently. They go by a few different names – smart drugs, nootropics, cognitive enhancers, and more – but they all basically promise the same thing. They promise they’ll have your brain firing on all cylinders, and you’ll be quicker, smarter, more focused, and extremely productive.

One of the Smart Drugs I came across not too long ago is called Cerebrax . The first I read about it was in an NBC online news article… or so I thought. The title of the article was “Is This Smart Drug The Most Powerful Brain Enhancer in the World?” It goes on to say that it was the inspiration for the 2011 movie Limitless where Bradley Cooper takes a pill and is suddenly able to use 100% of his brain to achieve incredible feats of intelligence.


Cerebrax Review Twitter Image


The article also claims that Cerebrax was deemed too powerful, giving an unfair advantage to those who used it, and it was banned from quiz shows and universities. Then after years tied up in court and conducting clinical studies, it was approved by the FDA, the ban was lifted, and it’s available once again to the public.

The Article Is A Fake

I don’t know how else to say this, guys, other than to just come out and say it. The article is a fake. It doesn’t come from NBC news. It was never banned from talk shows, much less universities. It wasn’t the subject of years of clinical study. It wasn’t the inspiration for the movie. And it wasn’t approved by the FDA.

Here’s the real Tweet that Cerebrax altered to make it look like it was about them.

Cerebrax limitless real


No mention of Cerebrax at all. They did a simple Photoshop edit, and suddenly the tweet was all about this product.

I know it’s hard to believe a product and/or company could get away with telling such blatant lies, but it’s true. The best answer I have for how they get away with it is that these companies come in, make their claims, get their sales, then close up shop or change their name before anyone has a chance to sue them. Add that to the fact that the FDA doesn’t really regulate the supplement market, and you have an environment ready to be taken advantage of.

Does Cerebrax Work?

Cerebrax ReviewOkay, so we know the marketing is scammy and hyped up, but what about the pill? Does it do what it says it can do? In a nutshell, it says Cerebrax can give you intense focus, mental clarity, improved energy, and cognitive precision. It says it can slow down and reverse that age related decline that more and more people are starting to notice.

But in order to know if Cerebrax works, we need to know what’s in it. The trouble is that information is not listed on the product website. They’re more than happy to tell you all the ways it can help you out, but they get strangely quiet when it comes to telling you anything about the formula or how it actually works.

Cerebrax Ingredients

We used some of our outside sources to get the ingredient information on Cerebrax. They use what they call a proprietary 100% Pure Phosphatidylserine Complex. It’s made up of the following:

  • Vitamins B3 and B6. Vitamin B3 is Niacin. It can help improve blood flow to the brain for better oxygen and nutrient delivery. It can also cause the “niacin flush” which comes with tingling red skin and can last for about an hour or so after taking it.
  • Caffeine which can boost energy, focus, and alertness.
  • Bacopa Monniere which may improve memory.
  • Phosphatadylserine which has been studied as potentially effective against age-related mental decline and symptoms of Altzheimer’s Disease.
  • Vinpocetine which is thought to possibly have a positive effect on Alzheimer’s Symptoms.
  • Huperzine A which has been shown to improve memory loss due to cognitive decline.
  • GABA which may improve mood and relieve anxiety.
  • Alpha-GPC which may support cellular membranes to help prevent cognitive decline.
  • L-Theanine which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. It’s used commonly to counteract the jittery feeling you can get from caffeine.

Several of these ingredients can be used to improve your cognitive situation. The problem is that Cerebrax doesn’t disclose how much of each ingredient they use. This makes it basically impossible to judge effectiveness. There could be a sufficient amount of each supplement, or there could be just a dusting that doesn’t help much at all. Without ingredient amounts, we just don’t know.

Cerebrax Side Effects

The ingredients in Cerebrax are pretty safe, so there’s not much to worry about there. That said, it does contain niacin, so it’s possible that you’ll experience that hot, red skin reaction we referred to earlier (the niacin flush). It’s not likely to be dangerous, and it goes away on it’s own, but if you do experience it, the best way to mitigate it is to take half a dose at first. Your system should build up a tolerance, at which point, you can resume taking the full dose.

Where to Buy Cerebrax

Cerebrax is only available online though their official website. You can find plenty of affiliate websites that link to it, so finding it shouldn’t be a problem. Cerebrax used to offer a free trial tied to future monthly shipments, but that doesn’t appear to be the case at this time.

For now, you can buy a single bottle containing a one month supply for $49.85. If you buy in bulk, you’ll get a discount, depending on how much you buy. For example, if you buy 3 bottles, you’ll get 2 free, bringing your per bottle price down to $29.99.

There is a money back guarantee, but the website explains how it works in a couple different ways, depending on where you look. On the order page, it says the guarantee includes even empty bottles if you return them within 30 days. But the Terms and Conditions page says you can only return unopened bottles and each one will be subject to a restocking fee of $9.95. I’m not sure which one is true, but if you plan to order, you should find out first from their customer service department. They’re number is 1 (888) 279-0644.

Cerebrax Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cerebrax

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Cerebrax

  • There’s no customer feedback in the form of Cerebrax reviews from customers who’ve actually used it.
  • They say there are clinical studies but make no actual reference to them and give no indication of where to look for them.
  • The marketing is way over-hyped with a fake news article and tons of misleading statements.
  • It’s not clear what the money back guarantee covers.


Cerebrax is just another pill capitalizing on the nootropics craze currently underway in the supplement market. There are products that work, but there are also a lot of copycats that skimp on formula in favor of flashy marketing. Cerebrax falls into that second category. The fake “news” story, the lack of ingredient information, the unclear return policy. They’re all reasons to resist the urge to go with Cerebrax. Choose something with more information, more research, and more longevity in the market than Cerebrax.

Have You Used Cerebrax? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Male Booster Pro Review – Does It Work?


What Is Male Booster Pro
Who Should Use Male Booster Pro
Male Booster Pro Promises
Male Booster Pro Ingredients
How to Use Male Booster Pro
How Male Booster Pro Works
Clinical Testing
Male Booster Pro Side Effects
Where To Buy
Male Booster Pro Pros and Cons

If you’re like most guys, you’ve thought about what it would be like to have a bigger penis. It almost doesn’t matter how big or small you are, every guy wishes he could be bigger. You want to be the one all the women tell their friends about.

So if you’re like a lot of guys, you’ve poked around the internet looking for something that can help you get there. When you came across Male Booster Pro, you were intrigued. So you did the smart thing and came here. Good. Now we’ll break it down and make it easy for you to decide whether or not this stuff is legit.

What Is Male Booster Pro?

As a penis enlargement supplement, the job of Male Booster Pro is to give you a bigger penis. In fact, if you visit the website, the first thing you see is a promise that you can “Gain 2+ Inches Today!”

male booster pro size increase

Wow, that is impressive.

Though I don’t think they mean the whole 2 inches happens in one day. Rather they should say “start today” or something like that.

Who Should Use Male Booster Pro?

If you’re Male Booster Pro, you say the answer to this is everyone. Everyone wants to please his woman, and despite some saying that size doesn’t matter, we all know it does to a certain degree.

Everyone wants to feel more secure and confident when it’s time for the big reveal. Essentially, everyone wants a bigger dick and would prefer that it was as easy as taking a pill.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

Male Booster Pro Promises

So getting down to brass tacks, what can Male Booster Pro do for you? According to their official website, it’s all pretty much about the size. If you use the Male Booster Pro starter pack, you can gain up to .79 inches in 2 months. If you go with the 4 month treatment, you’ll gain up to 1.18 inches. And if you go with the full 6 month course, you’ll see up to 2 inches in growth.

male booster pro results

With each program, you can also expect girth gains approximating .4 inches.

Male Booster Pro claims that the results you achieve are permanent, sort of. They state on their website that once you complete your protocol, your results we be permanent. But they also recommend that you follow a maintenance course of 3 to 4 packs once a year to achieve and maintain results. So whether or not your results are supposed to be permanent is still kind of up in the air.

From my experience, and I’ve experimented with DOZENS of male enhancement supplements that promised huge gains in size, it’s likely a bunch of bullshit.

There’s tons of other supplements out there like Rock Hard, Viarexin, Xanogen, and others that made these very same promises, and did next to nothing when I tried them.

Male Booster Pro Ingredients

The formula is very simple and brief, containing just 4 amino acids. There’s:

  • L-Lysine which reduces the amount of time needed for muscle tissue to recover and rebuild. This allows you to recover more quickly between performances.
  • L-Glycine which increases the amount of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn improves the flow of blood. NO widens blood vessels, allowing blood and oxygen to be delivered more quickly and with more force to the penis during erections. More blood means bigger erections.
  • L-Arginine which can be found in most male enhancement supplements, as well as pre / post workout supplements. It also increases nitric oxide levels for better blood flow and erections.
  • L-Ornithine which improves recovery and rebuilding of muscle tissue and helps boost libido.

How to Use Male Booster Pro

There’s a bit of a discrepancy about how to use Male Booster Pro. The main page of the website clearly states that you should take one Male Booster Pro pill each night after dinner with a glass of water or milk.

how to take male booster pro

But the FAQ section recommends a dose of one pill each morning.

male booster pro directions

In the end, it probably doesn’t matter which protocol you use. The main thing is to try to make sure to take it at approximately the same time each day.

How Male Booster Pro Works

The theory is that by increasing the amount of blood that flows to the penis during arousal, you’ll get bigger erections. Over time, the bigger erections start to stretch and grow the penile tissue so that when the tissue heals, it’s actually bigger than it was before.

That is essentially the backbone, no pun intended, behind any good male enhancement supplement and in many and most cases fixing the blood flow issue is going to go a long way in fixing the erection issue.

Clinical Testing

There’s no reference to any kind of double blind placebo controlled study having been done on Male Booster Pro. All references to testing are a little more vague than that. Male Booster Pro collected 250 “self reports” of improvements from volunteers, presumably customers.

male booster pro clinical study

These customers reported the increases that we mentioned above, and we should note that he biggest increases happened for guys that started out with a length of 6.3 inches or less.

There’s also mention on the website of 42 doctors who’ve approved the formula, but that claim is never elaborated on.

If it were true that 42 doctors have actually thrown their hat in the ring for Male Booster I would honestly be quite surprises because in all my time and experience in the world of male enhancement supplements I have never personally come across an over the counter alternative that has that much support from the medical community, but who knows.

Male Booster Pro Side Effects

The FAQ section of the website claims that because Male Booster Pro is made of all natural ingredients, there are no side effects. This is actually misleading and potentially untrue. Just because a product is natural doesn’t mean there won’t be side effects. It’s true that the incidence of side effects form Male Booster Pro will be low, but the fact is that anyone might have a negative reaction to almost any ingredient – natural or not. But if so, it will likely be minor effects, like a headache or maybe a bout with nausea.

One side effect that is DEFINITELY possible is a lowering of blood pressure.  The primary ingredient, L-Arginine, has been shown in some instances to lower blood pressure.

While in an of itself this might not be a bad thing, if you’re already taking medications to lower blood pressure this may cause it to drop to unsafe levels.

Where to Buy

The only place I could find where you can purchase Male Booster Pro is their official website, and it appears to only be sold in India. One bottle contains a 2 month supply and costs 2499 INR (which is about $37.50 in USD). If you go for the 4 or 6 month treatments, you’ll pay a little less per bottle.

There’s a money back guarantee, but how it works is not specified.

Related Article:  Male Enhancement Pills Sold In Stores

Male Booster Pro Pros and Cons

Advantages of Male Booster Pro

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Male Booster Pro

  • It claims to cause specific increases in size, which is not possible. No pill can cause your penis to grow.
  • The formula is weak, even if you’re just looking for performance enhancement. The amino acids will help with better blood flow for harder erections, but there’s nothing for libido and nothing from energy.
  • It’s not available in the US.
  • There is some conflicting information on the official product website.


When a pill tries to make a case that it can give you a bigger penis, I am immediately skeptical. A harder erection, a bigger erection even. But not permanent size growth which is what Male Booster Pro is promising. And when a company promises something they flat out know they can’t deliver, it’s best to just stay away and stick with products that give proven results.

Have You Used Male Booster Pro? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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