AdderRx Review – Should You Use It?

Just when I think the flood of natural Adderall substitutes on the supplement marketplace is starting to subside, a whole new crop appears to prove me wrong. The one I came across most recently is called AdderRx. It makes sense, though, because every day I get more and more readers asking me about which nootropic supplement they should use and which one is closest to the effect I get from Adderall.

In case you’re new to this category of supplements, let’s back up and recap a little about what nootropics are and what they do.

For several years now, people with ADD/ADHD have been prescribed Adderall (and other drugs like it) to help increase their focus, attention, and concentration so they can function better in a learning or working environment. A lot of that prescribed Adderall has been sold in the “aftermarket” to people without diagnosed ADD/ADHD for the beneficial effect on their focus and attention. But since selling prescription drugs and using someone else’s prescription drugs are illegal activities, people are now using natural, over-the-counter supplements called Nootropics as a viable alternative.

Much of the appeal of Nootropics comes from the offer that they can give you many of the positive sides of prescription strength ADD/ADHD medications without of the potential side effects and even intense dependency that some of them can cause with prolonged use or in high doses.


What is it?
What are the ingredients?
AdderRx Vs. Amphetarol – Are they the same thing?
Who makes it?
Are there any side effects?
Where can I buy it?
My Personal Results
Pros and Cons

What is AdderRx

AdderRx is a nootropic supplement available online that promises to give you the edge you get with Adderall, without the prescription. Some of the benefits you’ll see are:

  • Increased mental energy.
  • Improved clarity.
  • Fine tuned cognition.
  • Laser-like focus.
  • Increased alertness and concentration.
  • Greater mental endurance (less mental fatigue).

They compare themselves with energy drinks, knowing that a lot of their potential customers are using these energy drinks to stay awake and focused during their marathon study or work sessions. But AdderRx promises lasting energy, no crash, and the added benefit of cognitive enhancers that you won’t find in energy drinks.

AdderRx ReviewAdderRx Ingredients

The AdderRx formula is a proprietary blend that includes:

  • Dimethylaminoethanol (aka Deanol, aka DMAE) which may help increase the presence of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter used for cell communication within the brain.
  • 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine which is the chemical name for caffeine. Caffeine is clearly well known to provide energy and focus. We’re not sure why they chose to use the chemical name, perhaps because the rest of the formula uses chemical names as well.
  • L-Theanine which is commonly used to soften the jittery effects of caffeine without causing drowsiness.
  • Cytidine 5′-Diphosphocholine (aka Citicholine) which is commonly used to mitigate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as ADHD. It increases natural production of phosphatidycholine which is a chemical used in the brain for cognitive function.
  • Synephrine HCL (aka Bitter Orange) is a central nervous system stimulant to further provide alertness and energy.
  • N,N-Dimethyl-4-Hydroxyphenylethlamine (aka Hordenine) which is still another central nervous system stimulant to promote energy. It may also suppress appetite and improve fat loss as well.
  • Schizandrol A which is thought to be a natural treatment for anxiety and depression as well as overall brain health and function.
  • Vinpocetine which is thought to improve blood flow to the brain, delivering needed oxygen and nutrients for better overall functioning.

Here’s a quick look at their ingredients label:

adderrx ingredients label

Because the ingredients are all contained in a proprietary blend, we don’t know how much of each is included in the formula. The entire blend contains only 770mg, which isn’t very promising that the individual ingredients are present at effective levels. According to WebMD, the daily recommended dose of DMAE alone is 300-2000mg; For Citicholine, it’s 1000-2000mg daily; Vinpocetine is taken at low doses of 5-10mg, but should be taken 3 times daily.

So while the ingredients look good and effective, the amounts are probably not effective hardly at all. The recommended dose of 1 AdderRx 770mg capsule per day is highly unlikely to get you to the effective doses you need. And I wouldn’t recommend taking more than the recommended number of pills because you really have no idea how much of each ingredient there is. You could be getting an unusually high dose of one component and a very low dose of others.

AdderRX Vs. Ampheterol

One thing I noticed right off the bat when I was doing my research for AdderRX was that it looked strikingly similar to that of a totally different product called Ampheterol.

I went back to my original review of Ampheterol and, confirming my suspicions, you will see in the video below that they are essentially the same product.

[vimeo 133499595 w=500 h=281]

Who Makes AdderRx

AdderRx is made by a company called NexGen Biolabs. From Tampa, Fl. The Better Business Bureau gives them an A rating, mainly because they seem to have addressed all the complaints the BBB has received a out them.

Though a closer look reveals, at least anecdotally, that there are plenty of customers unhappy with the products and/or service they’ve gotten from NexGen Biolabs. It’s actually a little surprising that the BBB is still giving them an A rating.

AdderRx Side Effects

AdderRx doesn’t list any side effects on their label, and I haven’t seen any discussion of side effects in the customer reviews I’ve seen, so it’s probably pretty safe on that front. One potentially beneficial side effect is that AdderRx may help you lose weight because of its energy and appetite suppressant components.

Where to Buy

AdderRx is sold online through the NexGen Biolabs website. A 30-count bottle should last a month and costs $39.99. It has also been sold on in the past, but it doesn’t seem to available there at the time of this writing.

It also doesn’t appear to be for sale in traditional brick and mortar stores like GNC, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, or Vitamin Shoppe.

They don’t have any free trial for AdderRx available at the time of this writing, but they have been known to pass out free samples at college campuses during marketing events.

AdderRx Reviews

It’s not easy to find customer feedback about AdderRx, which is unusual for an online product. But we did track down a few reviews:

  1. Peter says: “This product does exactly what it says it does, It offers mental clarity and focus without any crash, You will feel a little warm, and have extra energy, but I actually prefer this to Adderall.”
  2. Another user says: “This company had people giving samples of the product at my college a couple of weeks ago, I took it on an empty stomach in the morning, and let me tell you, the stuff works, A ton of energy and focus, with no jitters, Worked out like an absolute mania, Lasted a long time too — around 6 hours, then crashed, I am not sure if I would use it for studying, lol, but the stuff is amazing as a pre-workout.”

My Personal Results

Not too great.  I tried out AdderRx for a few days, and to be honest didn’t notice much.  The label It basically felt like I had stacked 200 mg of l-theanine with 100 mg of caffeine, which is a nootropic stack all on it’s own.

There was a small (but noticeable) increase in motivation and focus, but nothing groundbreaking.

I didn’t feel like I had any sort of huge “mental edge”, but I could see it working a bit better for someone who doesn’t take nootropic supplements on a frequent basis.

The effects I got from it were basically identical to the ones I got from Ampheterol.

AdderRx Pros and Cons

Advantages of AdderRx

  • It doesn’t require a prescription.
  • It’s not very expensive.
  • It contains several ingredients known to be effective as cognitive enhancers and energy boosters.

Disadvantages of AdderRx

  • There is not a lot of customer feedback to help determine if it actually works.
  • The ingredient amounts are not disclosed but based on the amount in the proprietary blend, it’s not likely that the amounts rise to the effective doses needed for real benefit.
  • The company gets a lot of complaints about service, and their responses are sometimes not very nice or helpful.


I’ve tried a lot of nootropic supplements at this point, and I can see both the good and the bad in AdderRx. On the good side, they chose good, solid nootropic ingredients for their formula. On the bad side, it doesn’t do a whole lot of good to have the right ingredients when all you really have is a light dusting of each, incapable of doing what they’re meant to do.

It might work well for someone who isn’t accustomed to taking nootropics in the first place, but as far as an alternative to Adderall I’m afraid it doesn’t compare in the least.

In fact, anyone comparing AdderRx to prescription ADHD meds like Ritalin, Vyvanse, or Adderall are basically completely wrong.  There is no comparison in my opinion, which is no surprise.

If I had to put a direct comparison, like someone was holding a gun to my head and said how do they compare, I would say it was like taking a 1 MG Adderall IR tab, which basically doesn’t even exist.

In the end, I’d recommend you go with something with better dosing than AdderRx.

Have You Used AdderRx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Review – Does It Work?

Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder!

The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

Click Here to learn more!


Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Benefits
What Are The Ingredients
How To Use It
Clinical Studies
Who Is MuscleTech
Where to Buy
Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Reviews
What Are The Potential Side Effects
Pros and Cons

A lot of guys search the internet looking for a magic pill that will suddenly unlock the door to big muscle gains. Some have been working out for months or years and need help getting over a plateau. Some are just starting out, looking for any advantage that can start their forward progress. Whichever category you fall into, we can help you find a product that works, but there is no magic pill. The right supplement of stack can help a lot, but the real results come from the hard work and commitment you bring to the table.

Kill your workouts like Arnold
Kill your workouts like Arnold. Image cred:

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!!

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is a fairly unique pre-workout supplement that might be right up your alley if you’re headed for a gaining cycle. It uses clinically determined dosing of a single ingredient to match the significant gains seen in the study. It uses only one ingredient, it’s pretty cheap, and it’s getting very positive customer feedback, so we decided to take a closer look.

1. Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Benefits

Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder ReviewWhat Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder is right there in the name. Simply put, it’s a muscle builder. It helps you work out harder and get better results from the extra hard work. Take this stuff and you’ll see:

  • Better pumps resulting from increased blood flow.
  • Improved strength.
  • More stamina and endurance.
  • Delayed fatigue during workouts.
  • Noticeable strength and size increases.

2. What Are The Ingredients?

They’re simple promises, but if they pan out, MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder can be a very effective addition to your arsenal. In order to figure out if this is the case, the first thing we did was take a look at the ingredient profile. In the case of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder, there’s only one ingredient:

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder ingredients.
Image credit:
  • 400 mg Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium (aka PEAK ATP)

ATP is present within the cells of your body naturally. It is the primary form of energy currency within cells. But ATP cannot be stored in large quantities within your muscle cells. Bodybuilders load up on creatine because while ATP cannot be stored within muscle cells, creatine can, and it converts to ATP when called upon.

PEAK ATP provides the first way to directly increase ATP by offering it in a bioavailable form. By taking Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder, you’re increasing ATP more directly so your muscles have more energy to work harder, leading to better muscle-building results.

How creatine like MuscleTech Muscle Builder works
How creatine like MuscleTech Muscle Builder works. Image credit:

Another benefit of PEAK ATP is increased blood flow. This is the same benefit you get from most pre workout supplements with main ingredients like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. PEAK ATP, on top of increasing muscle energy, increases blood flow throughout your body so you get more much needed oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles for better pumps as well as better post workout recovery.

3. How To Use It?

The recommended dose of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is 1 capsule taken with a glass of water about 30-45 minutes before your workout. On non-workout days, take your 1 capsule on an empty stomach before breakfast.

4. Clinical Studies

Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate has been clinically tested at least a few times with positive results. In one study, participants were given 400mg of oral ATP daily for 15 days. The participants that received the active dose were able to maintain a higher force output at the end of an exhaustive workouts session than the participants given the placebo.


In a 12 week study, also using a daily dose of 400mg, the group taking the active ingredient increased their strength as determined by bench press, squat, and deadlift amounts by 121.9 pounds as opposed to the placebo group increasing by only 49.4 pounds. Muscle thickness was also 96% more improved in the group receiving the ATP.

5. Who Is MuscleTech?

Muscletech has been around a long time. It’s a subsidiary of a company called Lovate Health Sciences in Buffalo, NY, which also offers other supplement brands, like SixStar Nutrition. According to the Better Business Bureau, they have an A- rating. There are no current concerns about their advertising practices or business dealings. There have been a few complaints from individual customers not satisfied with the products they used, but they each seem to have been resolved with a refund.

A list of trust badges on the MuscleTech website
A list of trust badges on the MuscleTech website

6. MuscleTech Muscle Builder FAQ’s

Is MuscleTech Muscle Builder a steroid?

Nope. 400 mg Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium (PEAK ATP) is the the main ingredient of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder. It isn’t some hormone that’ll give you boatloads of side effects. PEAK ATP is a natural chemical formed by creatine in your muscles. So if you’re used to taking creatine, then think of this supplement as skipping a step, getting your muscles the energy they need faster and more efficiently.

Chemical compound of Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium
Chemical compound of Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate Disodium. Image cred:

Is Muscle Builder safe to take?

Doctors trust Adenosine, the main ingredient, to help patients who are dealing with things like irregular heartbeat and even cancer. They use it to see just how healthy the ol’ ticker is when you’re hooked up to a stress test.

At high dosages (higher than what you’d be taking with MuscleTech Muscle Builder) it may cause problems like chest pain. But as long as you’re sticking with the recommended dosage, the supplement is safe. In fact, according to Dr. Stephen Sinatra, “Increased ATP helps energize the heart and reduce high blood pressure.” Source


That being said, if you’re taking prescription meds, consult a physician before taking this or any other supplement. For more info on Adenosine, check out this article on Keep in mind though, you’re only getting 400mg of the stuff, it’s not a high-potency injection like a doctor might give you.

Do I need to cycle it?

The makers of MuscleTech Muscle Builder don’t say anything about cycling the product, but it wouldn’t hurt to take a week off every month or so to re-balance for optimal effectiveness.

Research shows that you’re going to get the best results by taking one MuscleTech Muscle Builder capsule every day. ATP doesn’t get stored in your body, and clinical studies proving its effectiveness were done while subjects took it every day (see Study 1 & Study 2). Oh, and the muscle thickness of those in the study turned out 96% more improved than those taking the placebo. Yup, 96%!

We covered this above, but for good measure here’s how to take the supplement. . .

How to take MuscleTech Muscle Builder.
How to take MuscleTech Muscle Builder.

Should I stack anything with it?

You can combine MuscleTech Muscle Builder with MuscleTech Clear Muscle. And on the MuscleTech website, they recommend you stack it with protein for “ultimate muscle building.”

Although the Muscle Builder supplement doesn’t fit perfectly into MuscleTech’s much-touted supp-stacking “Trilogy” (which includes the following MuscleTech’s products: Phosphate Muscle, Clear Muscle, and Plasma Muscle), you’ll likely notice better gains if you stack Muscle Builder with any of these products. But we advise you do your own research here and take it slow in the beginning.

MuscleTech's "Trilogy" stack
MuscleTech’s “Trilogy” stack. Image cred:

Will it flag a drug test / is it safe?

While the results you get may feel like you’re cheating, MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder will never flag a drug test because it’s completely natural and gets fully metabolized by your body.

Can women use it?

Yep, women have muscles too. And their bodies go through the same metabolic process as men. But like we said before, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need to take special precautions.

Women can take MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder.
Women can take MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder. Image credit:

Does it really work?

The clinical studies speak for themselves. And the reviews (see ‘Reviews’ section below) just strengthen the case for a hard-hitting supplement that’s gonna serve up some serious results.

7. Where to Buy it

Unlike many bodybuilding supplements, MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is not just available online through its official website. In fact, it’s not even sold on its website. Instead, there’s a “Where to Buy” page that directs you to local and online retailers that carry their products.

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is sold at several retailers
MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is sold at several retailers. Image credit:

The full list includes GNC, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens,,, and In other words, it’s pretty easy to find and buy. It also happens to be pretty inexpensive as well. A 30 serving bottle sells for about $19 or $20.

8. MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder Reviews

There’s a lot of customer feedback about Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder online. All the different retailers provide ways for customers to submit product reviews, which is why there are so many. The vast majority of these is positive. There is pretty wide consensus that this stuff works. is a trusted resource, and Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder gets 9+ stars across the board.

Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Reviews
Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Reviews. Image credit: Bodybuilding.c

One user of the supplement claims it gave him an added mental edge to push out a few last reps in the gym. . .

Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Review
Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder Review on

Another user of Muscletech was pleasantly surprised at the incredible endurance the product gave him. He found himself “getting caught” at the gym and not being able to stop. . .

MuscleTech Muscle Builder Review
Another positive MuscleTech Muscle Builder Review from

I mean, scrolling through the reviews you’re hard-pressed to find any rating under 8 or 9 stars. tells a slightly different story, but only slightly. Still, most users of MuscleTech Muscle Builder are coming away with positive results.

On the other hand, some complain that the product makes them sluggish, that it doesn’t work as claimed, and some are getting short-changed on the amount of capsules in a bottle.

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder gets 4.2 stars on
MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder gets 4.2 stars on

Here are the top positive Amazon reviews first:

This guy is blasting through plateaus and hitting new PR’s after just two cycles of MuscleTech. Check it out. . .

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder review from
Another positive MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder review from

And this fella is putting away super-sets like they’re nothin’. Not to mention he’s actually feeling his muscles getting bigger and more pumped. Who doesn’t want that?

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder review from
MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder review from

Of course, no product is perfect, and that includes MuscleTech. So I want to share a couple of the negative reviews.

This guy gets to feeling sluggish after using the product. Although it isn’t a common theme, I did see this complaint pop up here and there in the reviews.

Amazon reviewer complains of feeling 'sluggish' after taking MuscleTech.
Amazon reviewer complains of feeling ‘sluggish’ after taking MuscleTech.

This next user got short-changed with capsule count. A few people left poor reviews with this same complaint. I’d have to imagine the makers of MuscleTech are looking into this. . .

Amazon reviewer complains of not getting the full quantity of capsules in his MuscleTech bottle.
Amazon reviewer complains of not getting the full quantity of capsules in his MuscleTech bottle.

At the end of the day, keep in mind that 67% of the Amazon reviews for MuscleTech Muscle Builder are positive 5-stars, opposed to a relatively low 6% 1-star reviews.

Ah, but again, your mileage may vary. Have a look-see at this YouTube review of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder. . .


Yup, not a happy camper. He says, “I’m just like ‘what the hell?’ seriously. There are other products out there that are much better than this. Don’t waste your twenty bucks.”

But for good measure, here are a few more reviews I stumbled upon during my search. . .

  1. Elizabeth says: “Great for extra energy without caffeine, More productive workouts and having lost weight need to add muscle tone and this helps a lot, I do P90X3 and yoga and have noticed increased energy and I get more out of my workouts.”
Positive review of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder
Positive review of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder

Another user had a just as positive, if slightly delayed, result: “This product didn’t show me immediate results but after a month I could tell a difference. It brought my strength and endurance to new levels. I really didn’t understand how much of a difference it made until I stopped taking it.”

As you can see, most people see very positive results after using MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder, while a few users here and there aren’t too happy with the product.

9. MuscleTech Muscle Builder Vs. Clear Muscle

Clear Muscle contains BetaTOR which amplifies protein synthesis while simultaneously inhibiting muscle breakdown. You’re supposed to take 6 pills per day max. The ingredient in MuscleTech Muscle Builder is PEAK ATP which makes your muscles put in more work. With Muscle Builder, you take just 1 pill per day.

BetaTor is the main ingredient in Clear Muscle.
BetaTor is the main ingredient in Clear Muscle. Image credit:

Here’s a helpful video review that compares and contrasts Muscle Builder and Clear Muscle. . .


And this guy (below) has some choice words on the effectiveness of Clear Muscle as a supplement. He pretty much calls out MuscleTech for their “gains claims” and says your money is better spent elsewhere. . .


BUT. . . MuscleTech did some serious R&D and found that combining the two (Muscle Builder and Clear Muscle) is highly effective, because they’ve released. . . drumroll please. . . MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution, which contains both PEAK ATP *AND* BetaTOR. MuscleTech claims the combination results in gains of 18.7 lbs. of pure, lean muscle in 12 weeks. Users can also expect to add almost 212 lbs. to their best bench/dead-lift/squat total. That’s gonna add up to crazy gains. And here’s the source for their study if you’re up for some due dilligence.

MuscleTech's new product which combines Muscle Builder with Clear Muscle.
MuscleTech’s product which combines Muscle Builder with Clear Muscle. Image:

Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution is getting rave reviews right now. Here are the stats on the GNC site.

MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution Reviews
MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution Reviews

10. What Are The Potential Side Effects of Muscle Builder?

No side effects are mentioned on the product website, or in the clinical studies. We did come across a few reviews that complained of sluggishness after taking the product.

Standard warnings on the MuscleTech Muscle Builder bottle
Standard warnings as seen on

Of course, no supplement can be guaranteed to be free of side effects for everyone, it seems very rare for any to be caused by MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder. The only warnings on the label are the very standard cautions not to use while pregnant or nursing, and to consult with a doctor if you have a medical condition and/or take medications. And obviously, keep it away from the kiddos.

11. Pros and Cons

Advantages of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder

  • It’s inexpensive ($20 bucks! You can find that in your couch)
  • It uses the clinically studied dose of one ingredient that’s been proven effective at providing muscle strength, energy, and pumps
  • Customer reviews are overwhelmingly positive, with most users claiming to have seen real results
  • It’s made by MuscleTech, a company that’s widely respected
  • It’s available in lots of local stores as well as online
MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder is affordable
MuscleTech is affordable. Be like this guy and find the $20 in your couch. Image cred:

Disadvantages of Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder

  • Some people might prefer that its signature ingredient were paired with other components to created a more overall, comprehensive experience.
  • Could potentially leave you feeling sluggish, though not likely
  • Some have complained of getting less than the full quantity of capsules

12. Conclusion

For $20, it’s hard to find a reason not to give Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder a try. The great ratings and reviews that you’ll find on several other credible sites like, Walmart, and Amazon sure doesn’t hurt their case either.

Because it is so cheap and made up a simple, one main active ingredient formula, it is not only low risk on your wallet, but low risk as far as potential side effects or getting a dud of a product.

Compared to many other similar muscle building formulas, Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder is a straightforward, easy to understand and low risk option for bulking up and turning heads.

If you’re looking for a new supplement to add to your strength gaining stack, I highly recommend you try it.

Have You Used MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Gym Junkies Protein Build Review

As an avid weightlifter, I know the importance of post-workout nutrition.  I’ve read in several very reputable websites and sources that you have a window of 1 hour after your workout to get the maximum benefit from your lifting regiment.

Things like protein, BCAA’s, and other nutrients are ABSOLUTELY essential for fueling your muscles after destroying them with a heavy lifting / cardio session.

In this review, we’re going to be talking about a protein powder that was developed by, a reputable website that gives hardcore fitness training advice.

I was sent this protein powder by the owner of Gym Junkies, Terry Asher, in exchange for my review, but I am NOT compensated for this review and I didn’t get paid to write it.

What’s In It?

gym junkies protein buildGym Junkies Protein Build contains 36.32 grams of protein per level scoop, which is a pretty hefty dose when compared to other protein powders.

Unfortunately it doesn’t contain any BCAA’s like leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine, but that’s not really that necessary from a protein powder standpoint.

They actually have a BCAA powder for sale on the Gym Junkies site, which I will talk more about in a later review.

It DOES contain a few essential nutrients such as:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

It Does NOT contain:

  • MSG
  • Artificial Colors, Sweeteners, or Flavors
  • Aspartame
  • Lactose
  • Sugar

This is crucial.

Most protein powders use artificial sweeteners like aspartame to give it a sweet flavor.  However, this often results in a pretty nasty aftertase that can linger for almost an hour.

Basically, you’ll be choking down your post workout drink.

This isn’t the case with the Gym Junkies brand.

How do I take it?

Typically, you should take 1 – 2 scoops immediately after your workout.  I mixed mine in water for the first couple of days (not recommended if you’re looking for good taste) and almond milk the other few days.

Where can I buy it?

As of right now, it’s only available for sale on their official website,, and on Amazon.

A 2 lb. tub will run you about $27, which puts it on the same price level as most other protein powders on the market.

How Does It Taste?

Personally speaking, I think it tastes great.  I got the Vanilla flavor (they also have unsweetened and chocolate), and mixed it with water for the first few days.

The only reason I did this was to save on the extra unnecessary calories you get from mixing it with other things like milk.

If you’re looking for a good taste, I would recommend you DON’T do this.  It makes it taste very bland / watered down, which is obviously no surprise.

The next few days I mixed it in a blender with about 1 cup of almond milk and a banana, and it literally tasted like a banana / vanilla milkshake.


The Gym Junkies Protein Build brand is solid, that’s for sure.  Most protein powders that taste this good often pump a ton of garbage into their product like articifical flavoring and other chemicals.

Not this one.

I would highly recommend the Protein Build brand to anyone looking for a solid post workout recovery drink.

Have You Used Gym Junkies Protein Build?  Lave Your Review Below!

Test X180 Tempest Review

I was given a heads up by a reliable source that the guys over at Force Factor have recently come out with a testosterone booster called Test X180 Tempest.

Unless you haven’t visited a local GNC in over 5 years, you’ve probably seen many of the Force Factor line of products.  These include the original, Force Factor 2, Force Factor Volcano, and the Test X180 line (Ignite and Alpha).

I’ve tested pretty much all of them, and can say with 100% confidence that they WORK, period.

Do they work for ALL guys? 

Not necessarily.

But my experience thus far with the vast majority of their products has in general been satisfactory.

So what does this new T booster have that’s different from the others in their product line?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re here to find out.

What is Test X180 Tempest?

For all intents and purposes, Test X180 Tempest is a “testosterone boosting” supplement that is designed to help stimulate your bodies own natural production of free testosterone.

For most guys (if not all), after the age of 30 we start to see a decline in our testosterone levels by about 1% per year.

testosterone decrease by age

This may not sound like a lot, but trust me, if you haven’t hit the Big “30” mark yet you’ll see what I mean when you get there.

(If you’re so inclined, take our quick Low Testosterone Quiz and see if you may be suffering from reduced testosterone levels.)

Reduced testosterone levels can be caused by chronic dieting, alcohol intake, Obesity / diabetes, Stress, and a host of other conditions.

The result of decreased testosterone production can result in:

  • Decreased libido
  • Changes in mood
  • Depression, Irritability, and anger
  • Fatigue
  • Reduce cognitive function
  • and diminished erectile quality

(Source: 1)

All of this, of course, sucks big time.

And this is what Text X180 Tempest is formulated to help with.

force factor test x180 tempest reviewIt technically hasn’t been released to the public yet, so details are still a bit sketchy.

I did, however, get the inside scoop as to what is in it, how to take it, where to buy, how much it will cost, and more.

From my inside source, here’s the deal.

The ingredients in Test X180 Tempest are broken down into 4 categories:  basic, Muscle Pump and Performance Blend, Next Level Energy and Velocity complex, and a Testosterone Amplification System.

The basic ingredients include thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, and Vitamin B12.

The Muscle Pump and performance blend includes Oxystorm and Ginkgo Leaf Extract.

The next-level energy and velocity complex includes ingredients like rhodiola root extract, ancient peat and apple extract.

Rounding out the formula is the addition of Testofen, which is a trademarked version of fenugreek seed.

So what do all of this ingredients do?

Well, Ive taken many supplements that contain many of the same ingredients found in Test X180 Tempest, and I know they work.  The official literature for this supplement claims the following:

  • Increased Free Testosterone Levels
  • Total Testosterone Support

which, as a result of increased testosterone production, will:

  • Helps to build lean muscle
  • Boost sex drive and libido
  • Supports increases in strength, power, and velocity
  • Promote enhanced athletic performance
  • Reduce fatigue and support sustained energy levels
  • Boost Stamina and Endurance
  • and improve focus and concentration

So, will it ACTUALLY do all of this?

Well, I haven’t personally tried it out yet (I plan on doing that soon), so the answer would be “I don’t know”.

However, based on the ingredients list that I’m looking at here, I would say MOST likely.

How do i know this?

Well, I’ve taken A LOT of supplements that contain Fenugreek seed extract, thiamine, and riboflavin, and can attest to their effectiveness.

For me, the positive effects seem to start to kick in after about a week, work for about 3 weeks, and then they start to dissipate.

The reason behind this is that your body tends to develop a tolerance to stuff like this, and you need to take more and more to get the desired effect / outcome.

What I typically do with most testosterone boosters like this is cycle on and off of them on a 3 week on / 2 week off basis.

This reduces any tolerance and brings back the results your looking for on a consistent basis.

A Note On Testofen

Testofen has actually come under a bit if scrutiny lately.  Because so many companies (22 of them to be exact) claim that it’s been clinically proven to boost testosterone, there have been a number of lawsuits filed claiming that this is basically horseshit.

Now, I don’t make this claim at all.  I can only speak of my personal results with supplements containing Testofen, but I don’t do double blind studies involving blood tests to prove things work.

That’s outside the scope of this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

The directions on the Test X180 Tempest label state that you should take 4 capsules 30 minutes prior to your workout.  On rest days, you should continue taking the pills, although you should take 4 capsules with breakfast.

Taking it any later in the day may cause some mild side effects like insomnia, due to the stimulating effects from some of the ingredients.

How much does it cost?

According to their official website, a 120 capsules bottle (30 day supply) will retail at $99.99, with an optional discounted price of $89.99 for GNC members.

It should be noted that GNC is likely the only place you can buy Test X180 Tempest, apart from their official website.

Speaking of their official site, you’ll notice that they are offering a limited free trial to test out their product.  This involves paying $4.99 for shipping and handling, and getting a 28 capsule trial package.

You should be aware that if you decide to enroll in this free trial program, they WILL be billing you 18 days later in the amount of $89.99.

They also enroll you into what’s known as a auto-rebill, auto-shipment program, which basically means that they will send you a new bottle of the stuff every 30 days, and continue to bill your credit card.

If you don’t want this to happen, you need to call their customer service line and tell them you would like to cancel.

I can’t tell you how many guys have come to me and complained that they didn’t know they were going to get charged, when it’s clearly written in big bold letters when you go to checkout.

Are there any side effects?

There’s ALWAYS the potential for side effects with ANY supplement on the market.

For example, the primary ingredient Fenugreek seed extract has been shown to cause nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, and allergic reactions in some people. (Source: 2)

However, it should be noted that it takes an INSANE amount of fenugreek to cause these side effects, and is EXTREMELY rare.

It should also be noted that fenugreek has a POSITIVE effect on lowering blood pressure, which is a side effect we could all probably live with.

Can I take it if I’m a diabetic?

That’s a question that’s best reserved for your doctor.  I don’t see any ingredients in Text X180 Tempest that would interact with diabetes medications, but I’m NOT a Dr. so i can’t be sure.

How old do I have to be to take it?

Like any supplement, it’s suggested that you should be a minimum of 18 before ingesting it.

The ingredients may interfere with hormone development in persons under the age of 18, so it’s NEVER a good idea to take anything that may screw with your hormones during puberty.

Does it matter if I take it on an empty or full stomach?

Typically, the first time you take any supplement it’s a good idea to take it on a full stomach at first to assess your tolerance / reaction.

With that said, once you’ve tried it a few times and feel ok, I would suggest switching to taking it on an empty stomach.

This will allow increased absorption of the ingredients.

How does this compare to other Text X180 products?

There are some pretty vast differences between the new Tempest formula and their other brands, Text X180 Ignite and Alpha.

I’ll attempt to outline them in detail below.

Test X180 Tempest Vs Ignite

test x180 Tempest Vs IgniteThere’s a couple of key differences here, but the most notable is the formula.  Apart from the inclusion of Testofen, all of the ingredients in Text X180 Ignite are different from Tempest.

It doesn’t include caffeine or green tea extract, which give it the stimulating properties that help as a natural pre workout.

There’s also a very big difference in the price.  Tempest retails at close to $90 per box, while Test X180 Ignite retails for as low as $70 for GNC gold card members.

Reviews wise, most of the people that tried Test X180 out had a positive result.  Many were not too happy with the recurring billing charges as a result of the free trial, but that’s to be expected from ANY supplement that runs an auto-rebill, auto-shipment program.

Test X180 Tempest Vs. Alpha

Unlike the Test X180 Ignite formula, there are actually a lot of similarities between Test X180 Tempest and Alpha.

test x180 tempest vs alphaFor example, they both contain Vitamins B6 and B12, as well as thiamine, riboflavin, and Testofen.

However, Test X180 Alpha contains a number of different ingredients that include L-Citrulline, Catuaba Bark Extract, Maca Root, and Damiana leaf, to name just a few.

Price wise, there’s also a huge gap.  A one month supply of Alpha will run you close to $125, making it one of the most expensive supplements you can even buy in GNC.

Just like Ignite, the reviews for Alpha are not overwhelmingly positive, but they’re not terrible either.

Most of the complaints are due to the products price, not so much on it’s effectiveness.


I haven’t tested Test X180 Tempest yet, so I can’t give you a definitive answer on whether or not it’s worth buying.

Not yet at least.

They plan on putting it on the shelves soon, and I plan on picking up a bottle and testing it as soon as possible.

If my past experiences with other Force Factor products are any indication as to whether or not it will work, I am leaning towards a “yes”.

However, no way to be sure until I try it.  I’ll be back soon with another review.

Have You Used Test X180 Tempest?  Leave Your Review Below!

References / Sources

  1. What is Testosterone / What does testosterone do:
  2. Fenugreek Uses:

Related Force Factor Products:

Alpha King Testosterone Booster

Test X180 Tempest

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Forta Xpload Review – Does It Work?

With so many male enhancement pills on the market these days, you’ll
notice a lot of them are starting to specialize in certain results.
Take Forta Xpload for instance. It’s part of the complete Forta line of
male enhancement pills. In addition to Forta Xpload, there’s Forta for
Men which is their general, overall performance enhancement product,
Forta Extended for increased libido and staying power, and even Forta
for Women so partners can get in on the act together. Forta Xpload’s
niche market is guys who want the kind of explosive orgasms that can
only happen when you’re producing a huge load of cum.

Forta Xpload Benefits

TForta Xpload Reviewhey call it an orgasm enhancer. The idea is that if you produce and
release an increased amount of semen, a couple of things happen. First
of all, with more ejaculate, your orgasms are more intense. It makes
sense when you think about it. The more volume you need to ejaculate,
the more pulsating contractions your muscles need to make to get it all
out. That means stronger, more intense, and longer orgasm.

On top of that, Forta Xpload decreases the amount of downtime needed to
recover in between sessions. This makes sense because if your body
becomes a semen producing machine, you’ll almost always be ready with
another batch.

Now of course when we way these things make sense, we don’t mean
scientifically, just anecdotally. In order to really know if this stuff
can work, we need to take a look at the complete formula and decide if
the necessary ingredients are in place to effect the chance you want.

Forta Xpload Ingredients

Various websites provide full ingredient information, including amounts,
so this is a huge help in deciding how well Forta Xpload will actually
work. Here’s the complete list:

  • Vitamin C (100mg)
  • Vitamin E (75mg)
  • Vitamin B12 (200mg)
  • Zinc (25mg)
  • Whey Protein Hydrolysate (300mg)
  • Secale Cereal Pollen (150mg)
  • Niacin (100mg)
  • Proanthocyanidins (20mg)
  • Maca (75mg)
  • L-Arginine (105mg)
  • Panax Ginseng (25mg)

Vitamins C, E, and B12, and Zinc are good additions to the formula for
their role in the chemical reactions that take place constantly in your
body, including the production of both testosterone and semen.

Protein is thought to increase semen production, as is Pollen, which is
basically the plant version of sperm. Swedish Flower Pollen is the most
commonly used form in supplements like Forta Xpload.

Maca, L-Arginine, and Panax Ginseng all have been mentioned in anecdotal
literature about increasing ejaculate volume. Unfortunately, there isn’t
a whole lot of research confirming that they work, so it’s a good idea
to keep your expectations reasonable while you try something like this

How to Use Forta Xpload

The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken daily with a glass of warm
water. We’ve also seen it recommended by users that you take Forta
Xpload with food to avoid an upset stomach.

Forta Xpload Side Effects

The Forta Xpload label displays a warning that you should consult with
your doctor before using if you’re sensitive to lactose, taking blood
thinners, digoxin, or antidepressants, have diabetes, or follow a low-
protein diet. They also recommend that you discontinue use if you
experience flushing of the skin, gastrointestinal upset, anxiety,
insomnia, or headaches.

Who Makes Forta Xpload?

Forta Xpload is made the Forta company in Canada. They make a few
different sexual enhancement products, the most popular of which is
called simply Forta for Men. Forta for Men had been gaining
significantly in popularity over the last couple of years, making real
headway into the US market. That is until Health Canada (the Canadian
equivalent of the FDA) recalled it in early 2016 for containing
Tadalafil. Tadalafil is the prescription ingredient found in Cialis.
Because you need a prescription to buy and use Tadalafil, Forta for Men
didn’t disclose that it was in its product. While Tadalafil is safe for
most people, it can potentially cause serious reactions in some men,
especially those with blood pressure and/or heart conditions, which is
why a prescription is required to use it.

Forta For Men had been through a recall previously a couple of years ago
for containing the active ingredient found in Viagra, so this would seem
to be a pattern for this company. As far as I know, Forta Xpload hasn’t
been the subject of any recalls, but I wouldn’t trust the company who
makes it.

Update: On March 7, 2016, Forta Xpload was also recalled for
potentially containing undisclosed ingredients!

Forta Xpload Reviews

We found very little customer feedback for Forta Xpload online, but what
we did find was positive. Here’s a good example:

Steve says: “If your looking at this stuff just put it in the cart,
this stuff is great, on the bottle it says it may cause a little stomach
discomfort but it was nothing worse than any antibiotics I’ve had, two
weeks in following the recommended dosage I found it does just as much
for you between volume and intensity as it did with working out
digesting proteins. I’m not one for “herbal” anything but this stuff
works gives a overall better feeling!”

Where to Buy

You can purchase Forta Xpload online through a few different retailers.
They are mainly out of Canada, but they do ship to the US as well. A 60
count bottle will last for a month and costs about $50. You’ll want to
look around, though, for your best price on both product and shipping.

If you’re looking for a money back guarantee, you’ll need to work that
out with your individual retailer as well.

Forta Xpload Pros and Cons

Advantages of Forta Xpload

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It focuses on a niche market of guys who are looking specifically to
    produce bigger loads.
  • The formula provides a good base of vitamins and minerals for overall
  • The Forta Xpload reviews we’ve seen have all been favorable.

Disadvantages of Forta Xpload

  • Its sister product (Forta for Men) keeps getting recalled by the
    Canadian authorities for containing undisclosed ingredients. This hasn’t
    happened with Forta Xpload, but it’s tough to enter into a relationship
    with a company you can’t trust.
  • There’s not a whole lot of customer feedback online.
  • Forta Xpload itself has also been recalled.


Science backs up the idea that certain herbal ingredients can increase
your libido and strengthen your erections. But when it comes to
increased semen volume, we’re really just left with a lot of speculation
and anecdotal information. If you’re really looking for something to
provide this benefit, my guess is you’re going to give Forta Xpload a
shot. But given that the company keeps trying to get away with putting
undisclosed ingredients in their other formula, I’d take Forta Xpload
with caution.

And now that Forta Xpload has been officially recalled for containing
undisclosed ingredients, it would be best to just stay away from it

The problem with supplements that get a slap on the wrist for including undisclosed ingredients is that they are playing around frivolously with people’s safety.

The fact of the matter is, any manufacturer willing to throw undisclosed ingredients into a formula is failing to account for the fact that some some of their users are bound to be allergic or be on medications or supplements that will potentially interact with whatever they are adding.

Have You Used Forta Xpload? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Vintage Burn Review – Does It Work?

If you’re looking for a supplement to help you with your weight loss efforts, you’ve probably very quickly found out that there are literally hundreds to choose from. Some work. Some are junk. But how can you know? Are you supposed to try each and every one of them until you find one you like? Well, seeing that that would be impossible, it’s a good thing you’re here. We take each supplement, one by one, and break it down as simply as possible, so you know you’re making the best possible choice you can.

Since there are so many choices, a successful weight loss product will come out with a hook, a unique angle that sets it apart from the others. For Vintage Burn, that hook is the concept that this is the first muscle preserving fat burner on the market. Since we all want muscle and we know that muscle burns more calories than fat – leading you to burn more fat – this is a great thing if it’s true. So we took a look at the promises, the formula, the customer feedback, and the price of Vintage Burn, all to come to the best conclusion about whether or not you should go with this one or move along with your search.

Vintage Burn Benefits

Vintage Burn ReviewLike all fat burners, the main goal of Vintage Burn is to help you lose weight. But this product gets a little more precise by promising not only that you’ll lose pounds, but these pounds will be comprised mainly of fat, not muscle. Most of the time, when you go on a diet, you lose fat, yes, but you also lose muscle at the same rate, making it harder to lose all the weight you set out to lose. It’s a vicious cycle that works against you. Muscle burns 3 times as many calories as fat, so when you start losing muscle, you also decrease your fat burning capacity, leading to slower and even stalled weight loss.

Vintage Burn changes that by focusing on three main goals:

  1. Fat Burning
  2. Muscle Preservation
  3. Improved Focus and Mood

The purpose of fat burning is obvious, the purpose of muscle preservation is so that you can continue losing weight all the way to your goal, and the purpose of improving your focus and mood is to keep you motivated to stick with your new healthier lifestyle.

So far so good, right? These sound like 3 simple and to the point benefits that will get you where you’re going. But up to this point, they’re just words. In order to know if Vintage Burn has any shot of delivering, we need to take a look at the formula.

Vintage Burn Ingredients

Unlike a lot of supplements, The Vintage Burn product webpage offers complete ingredient information for the components in its formula, which pretty comprehensively covers all the bases.


  • Green Tea Leaf Extract which provides two benefits – antioxidants for better overall health of your cells, and increased metabolism through the activation of fat mobilization.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract which boosts your mood and focus while prompting your body to use fat and preserve the protein needed for lean muscle development and maintenance.
  • Raspberry Ketones which help suppress your appetite and increase your energy, both crucial benefits if your efforts are going to pay off.
  • Olive Leaf Extract which boosts metabolism through the mechanism of activating thyroid hormone, and also helps with post workout recovery.
  • Caffeine which is well known to boost mood, metabolism, motivation, and energy.
  • Bacopa Leaf Extract which boosts mood, keeps you focuses and motivated, and also blocks the slowdown of your metabolism as you lose weight.
  • Garcinia Fruit Extract which works to prevent the build up of fat storage by preventing the formation of new fat cells. It also helps curb carbohydrate cravings.
  • Chrysin which regulates your body’s estrogen levels, leading to increased preservation of lean muscle, which then leads to a higher resting metabolic rate.
  • Forskohlii Root Extract which encourages the breakdown of stored fats while leaving muscle intact.

How to Use Vintage Burn

When you first start using Vintage Burn, you’ll want to assess your tolerance to the stimulant ingredients (ie caffeine) by taking just one capsule before each of your first two meals of the day. Follow this protocol for three days. If all goes well, up your dose to two capsules twice a day with your first 2 meals. At full strength, you can take two capsules three times a day with three meals, but be careful not to take it within 4 or 5 hours of when you plan to go to bed, or you may have trouble falling to sleep.

Vintage Burn Reviews

Vintage Burn is sold on Amazon, which is always a good thing when you want customer feedback. In this case, it’s overwhelmingly 4 and 5 star reviews. Here are some of the things we’ve seen customers express about Vintage Burn:

Zahi says: “The fat burning is continuing and I’ve managed to put on some lean mucle mass.”

And Melissa says: “Great stuff I use it twice a day before big meals and you can notice a big difference on your appetite. I love that it doesn’t get me jittery like other supplements and I’m always full after my meals. Actually I dont snack like I use to I’m fulfilled with my usual meals.. I can notice a big difference on my body and most of all my midsection it’s my most difficult to lose since I had children. Thanks to this product!!! Overall I’m toning and not losing muscle.. So happy!!! Also they have great customer service!!! I’m going to keep using this product throughout my weight loss journey!!! Can’t wait to see my end results!!!”

Who Makes Vintage Burn?

Vintage Burn is made by Old School Labs, a California company that promises to be different than the rest. The bottles are retro cool with an image of a circa 1970s macho man with a mustache, and their tag line is “Supplements That Make Sense”. Their product line is still pretty small which supports their notion of making products that aren’t cheaply mass produced. And they talk a lot about using premium quality, all natural ingredients, picked at the peak of their season for maximum effect.

They don’t have a presence with the Better Business Bureau, but when we looked around to see if there are frequent and/or outstanding complaints about Old School Labs, we didn’t find any, which is definitely a good sign.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Vintage Burn through The 120 count bottle will last for 20 days if you use it at the highest recommended dose of 6 pills per day, longer if you use less. The cost at this time is $49.99. Even though you buy through Amazon, you’re covered by a 100% money back guarantee from Old School Labs. Simply contact them and let them know you aren’t satisfied, and they’ll return your money. If it’s the first time you’ve used the guarantee, they won’t require you to return the used or empty bottle.

Vintage Burn Pros and Cons

Advantages of Vintage Burn

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There’s a focus on muscle preservation.
  • Old School Labs is responsive to customer needs and concerns, and they provide a money back guarantee.
  • Most of the reviews are very positive.

Disadvantages of Vintage Burn

  • The formula looks good, but they don’t knock it out of the park, and it may not serve its primary stated function, which is muscle preservation.


A good fat burner is hard to find, and it’s even harder to put your trust into products and companies as you go through the process of choosing your best option. Vintage Burn has a good chance of working to help you lose weight, and the solid money back guarantee makes it an easy choice to go ahead and try it.

Have You Used Vintage Burn? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Closest Thing To Viagra Over The Counter (OTC)

The 30-Second Review

Some guys just can’t stand the thought of going to their doctor about talking about their problems “down there”.  Other guys can’t take Viagra for one reason or another.  In any event, if you’re on this page, you’re looking for something to help bring back your erections.

If you’re looking for an all natural alternative to drugs like Viagra, click here to read our review of Vigrx Plus.

It’s the most effective Viagra substitute we’ve tested to date, and we’ve tested 100’s of alternatives.


#1: Vigrx Plus
#2: Extenze And Phenibut
#3: Extenze Plus
#4: Rhino 7
#5: Libido Max
#6: Powerzen Gold
#7: Zyrexin

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last 15 years, you’ve probably heard of the prescription medication Viagra.

In fact, your email inbox has probably been spammed several thousand times by ads about it, and other over the counter viagra alternatives.

example of spam viagra email
A typical gmail spam folder, LOADED with emails about Viagra

Used to help treat symptoms of erectile dysfunction, this drug is used to help improve your erection quality, stamina, and control.

However, at the same time it also has the ability to give you some pretty nasty side effects.

Those side effects include, but are not limited to, headaches, flushing, indigestion, impaired vision, and nasal congestion. (Source)

viagra side effects statistics by percentages

In addition, it DOES require a prescription.

Unless you live on the border with Mexico, you can NOT buy Viagra over the counter in stores like CVS, Walgreens, GNC, or Walmart.

You need to go to your doctor, tell he or she you’re having problems “down there”, get diagnosed with ED, and they have to write you a prescription.

For some guys, this can be embarrassing…

For others, their insurance will simply not cover it, and it’s too expensive for them to buy.

In fact, I didn’t even realize how EXPENSIVE it actually is until I started doing some research on it.

For example, without insurance at CVS you can expect to pay a whopping $696 for a 10 count bottle of 100mg Viagra.

At Walgreens, that price increases to $721.

At Walmart, you get a small discount of $691, which rounds out to $69.91 per tablet.

viagra prices at walmart, walgreens, cvs, and costco

So yeah, NOT cheap!

As a result, I get dozens of guys asking me everyday what supplement is the best erection pills alternative to Viagra / Cialis, but something that is all-natural, available over the counter, is modestly priced, and won’t produce any side effects.

Keep in mind that I’ve personally tested DOZENS of male enhancement products.  Everything from pills, pumps, creams, extenders, oils, even a freakin’ male enhancement gum.

viagra alternatives I've personally tested

If you’ve heard about it, there’s a good chance I’ve tested it (or at least investigated / researched it).

I would consider myself pretty well qualified as to what works and what doesn’t 🙂

Practically EVERY male enhancement pill that works anything like over the counter Viagra has the potential to produce SOME sort of side effects.

Any supplement that doesn’t either didn’t work, or the effect was VERY minimal.

While the vast majority of these products promise that you’ll see gains in size, many of them are specifically targeted to guys suffering from erectile dysfunction issues.

In this review, I will tell you –

  • The specific pills and supplement combo’s I use to mimic the effects of Viagra
  • How to take it
  • EXACTLY what to expect
  • My personal experience
  • and other supplements I’ve used that work

Here’s a few of the best over the counter ed pills that work close (if not better than) to Viagra.

Other Languages this article is available in:

Spanish: Haga clic aquí para leer esta publicación en español

German:  Klicken Sie hier, um die Bewertung auf deutsch zu lesen.

FrenchCliquez Ici pour lire cette évaluation en français.


My #1 Choice: Vigrx Plus

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus website.

Vigrx Plus is one of the best sex pills you can buy online

If you’ve spent any length of time perusing through the various reviews we have here on, you have probably come across our Vigrx Plus review.

It’s actually one of the very first supplements I tested way back, and continues to be included in my daily supplement regiment for 2 reasons:

  1. It kicks ass as a sex enhancer, and…
  2. It works every time, usually within 30 – 45 min.

Unlike some of the other pills listed on this page, Vigrx Plus doesn’t use any ‘harsh’ ingredients.

While those ‘harsh’ ingredients will get you hard, they have a tendency to cause a wide range of side effects.

Those side effects include headaches, fever-like symptoms, and much more…

With that said, Vigrx Plus does NOT display any of those characteristics.

In the 10 or so years I’ve been taking it, I’ve never experienced any adverse effects.

Special Note: I’m not going to go into serious detail about everything Vigrx Plus has to offer here.

If you’re interested, click here to read my full review.  It discusses everything you need to know, including:

  • Full ingredients profile
  • Clinical studies
  • My month by month results
  • Much more

How should I take Vigrx Plus? content/uploads/2013/09/vigrx plus ingredients label small
The Vigrx Plus label. It’s recommended that you take 2 tablets daily, preferably on an empty stomach.

While most of the below pills work on a ‘take as needed’ basis, Vigrx Plus is one of those that works a bit differently.

As opposed to taking it right before sex, with Vigrx Plus you’ll actually take it everyday.

I realize this might be a bit ‘inconvenient’ for some of you, but the bottom line is this…

Vigrx Plus is by FAR the absolute BEST sex pill to work like Viagra, hands down…

One pill a day, and within a few days you’ll essentially be able to perform when you want to, for as long as you want to.

What can you expect?

The first few days of taking Vigrx Plus, I’ll admit, you don’t actually feel much.

The first time I took it, I was actually on the cusp of throwing away the box after just a few days.

Then, right around day 5 or so it seemed to hit my penis like a ton of bricks…

For the first time in a long time, I woke up with morning wood.

This seemed to hang around for about 15 min., and eventually I ‘took care of the problem’ so to speak.

After a couple of weeks, I could sense a huge change in my overall libido and lasting power.

While before I wouldn’t last more than 5 or so min. without starting to lose my erection, on Vigrx Plus it was getting hard AND staying hard for virtually as long as I wanted.

The key to getting the best results with Vigrx Plus is by taking it everyday.

Unfortunately, you can’t just pop a pill and expect a miracle to happen.

It takes a bit of time…

But once it kicks in, look out!

Where can I buy Vigrx Plus?

You can pick up Vigrx Plus via their official website,

It’s a bit on the expensive side, with a 3 month supply (which I recommend) costing approximately $179.

It should also be noted that they (IE the manufacturers) offer a full 67-day money back guarantee.

If it doesn’t work for you, simply give them a holler and they’ll take care of the rest.

Special Note: If you’re looking to gain size, consider stacking Vigrx Plus along with either a pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called the Phallosan Forte.

male enhancement products for size
Bathmate and Vigrx Plus

I write about my experience using this combo to gain upwards of 2 inches in size in less than 6 months in my exclusive review here.

#2: Extenze and Phenibut

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to Visit The Official Extenze Website.

extenze and phenibut

This particular combo is quite simply the MOST powerful natural aphrodisiac stack you will EVER COME ACROSS.

In fact, it works so well that I would say the effects are BETTER than those you will get with Viagra alone.

For those of you who aren’t aware, Phenibut is a nootropic substance that is used to help promote feelings of calm, a reduction in anxiety, and an increase in mood. (Source)

phenibut effects on sex drive

It actually works very well as a study aid when combined with another supplement called Optimind, helping you focus / concentrate for hours on end without falling asleep with a book in your hands.

Quite simply, it is one of the MOST effective (if not THE most effective) supplement I have ever tested.

It’s so powerful that I’m surprised that it hasn’t been forced by the FDA / DEA to be classified as a drug.  Amazon has actually gone so far as to completely remove all products containing Phenibut from their site. (Source)

Phenibut is used clinically in several countries such as Russia, to help in relieving anxiety, tension, and fear. (Source)

Specifically, Phenibut mimics GABA, and acts on the GABA-a and GABA-b receptors. Think of it like a key entering a lock. These receptors are responsible for producing feelings of calm, relaxation, and improved mood.

Additionally Phenibut stimulates dopamine receptors (Source). Dopamine is a hormone in the brain associated with happiness (Source).

So how does a nootropic supplement work anywhere near a drug like Viagra?

The effect is VERY hard to explain, but I’ll give you a brief rundown.

Phenibut is similar to a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA.

Research in animals has shown that it may decrease anxiety and have other effects on the body.  (Source)

Specifically, it appears that Phenibut works on the GABA-a and GABA-b receptors.  These receptors are responsible for producing feelings of calm, relaxation, and improved mood.

Here’s a short video describing how the neurotransmitter GABA works on relieving anxiety in the brain:

how gaba works youtube vid

When you drink alcohol, the effects you feel are a direct result of the alcohol “working on” the GABA receptors.

You know that feeling you get when you have that first drink?  It puts you in a somewhat good mood, but you still have your mental awareness / good feeling (ie not slobbering drunk).

THIS IS EXACTLY HOW Phenibut makes you feel.

Quite simply, it makes you feel drunk, but NOT drunk to the point where you have no idea what you’re doing / you’re making a fool of yourself.

It relaxes you / puts you in a great mood…but keeps your senses sharp.

Phenibut also has a tendency to eliminate the anxiety / jittery effect you get from stimulants.

It also works great for women 😉

Related Article:  Over The Counter Female Viagra

So How Does Phenibut and Extenze Work?

Extenze contains a powerful blend of ingredients, which includes a substance called Yohimbe, as well as L-Arginine, DHEA, and Tribulus.

Combining these ingredients, especially L-Arginine and Yohimbe, has been proven to help guys suffering from erectile dysfunction. (Source)

This specific combination is found in literally 100’s of over the counter erection pills, including Red Fortera, Peruvian Brew, and Zyrexin.

I’m going to talk about yohimbe in detail below, but basically yohimbe is a natural alternative to Viagra that works GREAT.

It produces MIND-BLOWING boners, and can and WILL keep you hard for hours.  In short, it’s the best ED pills non prescription alternative that I’ve ever used, and I’ve used a lot.

HOWEVER, because yohimbe is a stimulant, it has a tendency to produce anxiety, jitters, nervousness, and irritability.

This is where Phenibut comes in…

Phenibut, for all intents and purposes, COMPLETELY ELIMINATES THESE SIDE EFFECTS.

The feeling you get from combining the two is absolutely extraordinary.

It will provide you with a ridiculously great boner, but at the same time leave you feeling calm and extremely confident with the woman you’re with.

Make no mistake about it, you WILL be a monster in the bedroom.  Not only that, but you’ll be happy (because of increased dopamine output), calm, and you will have the best night’s sleep you’ve had in years.  (Source)

You can pick up a box of Extenze pretty cheap on their official website,

Where Do You Get Good Phenibut?

absorb your health phenibutI have used a few dozen brands of Phenibut, and the vast majority are pretty good.  I personally use the Absorb Your Health brand, which comes in powder form.

You can pick it up relatively cheap on their official website,

Absorb Your Health makes both the plain powder form, AND is also available in capsules as well.

It’s really a matter of personal choice, but if you do decide to use the powder form they give you a free teaspoon scoop for measuring.

They do sell Phenibut over the counter in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, but I always avoid buying it there because they tend to mark the prices up BIG TIME.

A Couple of Quick Notes

1.)  Keep track of the time

One thing I want to mention is that the libido enhancing effects of Phenibut can take a VERY long time to kick in.  By very long time I mean like anywhere between 4 – 6 hours. (Source)

This is not something you take like 30 – 45 min. prior to sex and expect results.

It just doesn’t work that way.

In fact, the libido enhancing effects (for me, at least) don’t seem to kick in for about 2 hours.

the effects of phenibut in minutes

Here’s how I would recommend you take Phenibut and Extenze to get the absolute best results.

  1.  First thing in the morning: take a 500 – 1000 mg dose of Phenibut on a COMPLETELY empty stomach.  Don’t eat anything for at least 2 hours, as Phenibut seems to take a bit of time to absorb into the blood stream.
  2.  Wait 2 hours – 3 Hours to be absolutely sure.
  3.  1 hour prior to sex: pop a capsule of Extenze on a relatively empty stomach

After this, you should be 100% good to go.

2.  Refrain from drinking / Limit Alcohol use while taking Phenibut

Because Phenibut works on the same GABA receptors that alcohol does, it has a tendency to AMPLIFY the effects of alcohol BIG TIME.  What that means is when you drink 1 beer it will feel like 3 beers. (Source)

When you drink 3 beers it will feel like 6.  When you drink 9 beers….well, you get the point.

I would either recommend you don’t drink at all while taking this, or at the VERY LEAST limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks.

Drinking doesn’t eliminate the “Viagra like” effect, but it CAN turn you into a slobbering mess.

Alcohol has also been shown to be a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. (Study)

alcohols effect on libido and ed

3.  Only use this combo once (max Twice) a week

Phenibut has a tendency to build a tolerance very quick, which means you’ll need to take more and more to feel the same effect.

The other downside is once you’ve built a tolerance it’s VERY difficult to get it’s magic back.

I would recommend using it no more than twice a week, with a 3-4 day break in between doses to curb any tolerance.

4.  This combo works GREAT for premature ejaculation as well

If you’re main problem is not getting it up, but rather going too fast, then this combo will DEFINITELY help you.

prosolution plus reviewOne of the main causes of premature ejaculation is anxiety, and because Phenibut works to get rid of anxiety, it will help you last MUCH longer than you normally would.

If you’re specifically looking for something that can help with premature ejaculation issues, then check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus.

It’s actually the only supplement I’ve ever come across that had a clinical study conducted PROVING that it can help with symptoms of premature ejaculation.

And I can tell you from personal experience, it works!  Click Here to read my full review of Prosolution Plus.

#3) Extenze

extenze plus review

By far, the most effective (and safe) product that I’ve taken is called Extenze, which I’ll now talk about in greater detail then I did above. (Note: I have a complete review of Extenze here if you want to get the full report)

Unlike pills like Vigrx Plus which are designed to work over a period of weeks / months, Extenze is a fast acting male enhancement alternative to viagra that works quickly, usually within 45 – 60 min.

The original makers of Extenze actually got in a bit of trouble back when they first started selling it.

Like so many other supplements of its kind, they were promising that guys would grow their schlongs from taking their pill.

the original extenze

Remember this Extenze commercial from around 10 years ago?

extenze commercial youtube

Well, once guys started realizing that they weren’t seeing any noticeable size increases, they got pissed.

So pissed in fact that they started a class action lawsuit against the company. (Source)

Without getting into too much detail, the makers of Extenze ultimately lost the lawsuit and were forced to fork over a bunch of $ to settle.

The rights to Extenze were then later bought by a company called Biotab nutraceuticals, who cleaned up their act.

So What Makes Extenze So Great?

Well, it contains a very specific blend of ingredients that help to increase your sensitivity for sex, increase your orgams, and make you last longer.

Out of all of the herbal pills I’ve personally tested, it’s one of the best alternatives to Viagra I’ve come across.

Specifically, it uses a combination of 3 key ingredients: Yohimbe, L-Arginine, and Horny Goat Weed.

The first time I used Extenze, the results were EXTRAORDINARY.

The one thing I noticed was I felt like I could last for HOURS, although it there wasn’t any type of dulling sensation.

For me, the effects seem to come on after about 30 minutes, with the greatest effects hitting around the 1 1/2 hour mark.

It seems to last for several hours, and I personally don’t experience any side effects.

You can find Extenze both in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens / CVS, as well as online, which tends to be cheaper.

When you visit their official site (, don’t be surprised to see that they tell you to take it everyday.

From my own personal experience, this is useless.

Can you take it everyday?  Yes.

Do you need to?  No.

The effects (in my opinion) are exactly the same.

A Quick Note On Vigrx Plus

vigrx plus reviewSo when you first got to this page, you probably noticed that I rate Vigrx Plus as my number 1 male enhancement supplement.

So why is it not listed as an effective Viagra alternative?

For me, I noticed that Vigrx Plus is actually the most potent male enhancement pill by far.  However, it took a bit of time to kick in (like 3 months) so don’t expect overnight miracles.

Extenze on the other hand seems to work great on an “as-needed” basis.  Meaning I would just take it like 30 – 45 min. prior to sex and it would give me great erections.

The upside to Vigrx Plus was the fact that I could basically generate an erection on-demand, the downside of course being I had to pop the pills everyday.  The upside to Extenze was the fact that I could just take it when I needed to, the downside being of course I had to wait for it to kick in.
Click Here to read my full review of Vigrx Plus.

#4) Rhino 7

rhino 7 as an otc viagra replacementThe first time I used Rhino 7, I was a bit suspicious.  I got a GREAT erection from it, but I also noticed that I was getting some really strange side effects from it as well.

“What kind of side effects?”, you ask.

Well, for the first few hours I felt dizzy, nauseous, and just plain like crap. I had a massive erection, but at the same time felt so sick that I couldn’t even muster up the energy for sex.

I did a little bit of research and discovered that, to my surprise, the makers of Rhino 7 were ACTUALLY injecting sildenafil into their supplement to make it work!

I know this because the FDA (who routinely tests out herbal substances to make sure they are playing nice and not putting illegal stuff in their supplements) ran a test on Rhino 7 and found that it contained substantial quantities of sildenafil into their formula. (Source)

Some of the most common side effects of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) is actually…you guessed it, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and headaches! (Source)

Needless to say, the FDA issued a recall of all Rhino 7 products, but you’ll still find some of them floating around in gas stations and liquor stores.

#5) Libido Max

libido max as otc viagra replacementLibido Max is actually one of the first male enhancement pills that I ever tested.

It was also one of the most effective, in terms of boner producing quality.

This supplement will DEFINITELY give you great erections, but not without a price.

The problem with Libido Max is they give you a very wide range when it comes to how much you should take.

First off, the pills are HUGE, bigger then any other pills I’ve taken before.

Luckily, they are gel caps, so they’re a bit easier to swallow vs. your typical tablet / capsule.

The instructions on their label say that you should take 2 – 4 capsules 45 min. prior to having sex.

The first time I took it, I decided to just try 2 gel caps and see how I felt.

For the first 15 min. I have to admit, I didn’t feel much.

Then BOOM, 20 min. later or so I got the erection of a lifetime.  Also, I got this strange, sick feeling like I was coming down with the flu.

As the minutes ticked by, I got increasingly aroused, but increasingly sicker.

It was one of the strangest feelings I’ve ever experienced in my life.

Imagine having a rock solid boner, but being super nauseous at the same time.

I also had to keep spitting.  It was like every time I spit, my mouth would just fill up with saliva again and I’d have to keep spitting.

I tried pleasuring myself, but whenever I got close to an erection I thought I was going to throw up.

I later learned that Libido Max packs a HUGE dose of Yohimbe (2% total alkaloids), MUCH more so then what you will find in Extenze.

Yohimbe is actually a very potent aphrodisiac that produces effects VERY similar to that of generic type viagra.

In fact, there is a form of Yohimbe called Yohimbine hydrochloride that is a prescription drug here in the US. (Source)

I’ve talked about yohimbe several times in the past (including above), and if you read this article you’ll see that it can bring about MANY side effects when consumed in large quantities.

If you read some of the reviews on my article, you’ll see that people either love it, or hate it.

This all comes down to what I said earlier.  You need to get the dose just right to make sure your getting great erections, without getting sick.

If you decide to take Libido Max, I would suggest you do so on a full stomach, and ONLY take 1 pill and feel it out.

Most guys that get these nasty side effects will start off with some crazy high dose, like 4 pills, and end up feeling VERY sick.

Not the kind of sick you get with a dose of Viagra, but definitely close.

You can find Libido Max at most stores like Walmart, GNC, Walgreens, CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe, often for as little as $10 for 30 pills.

They also make a version for women, which is appropriately (and not surprisingly) called Libido Max for women.

#6) Powerzen Gold (AKA Powerzen Platinum and Triple Powerzen)

powerzen gold as an viagra alternativeThis is another supplement that’s close to viagra, where you’ll see A LOT of reviews from my visitors.

I actually never got a chance to try this one out, but wanted to include it here as an alternative to viagra otc because of the sheer amount of reviews I’ve been getting

If you read these reviews on my article, you’ll see a very common theme.

Specifically, you’ll see things like:

“It works good, but the headache you’ll get from it is not worth it.”

but you’ll also see phrases like:

“harder than a rock, and even keeps you hard for hours”

When you look at their ingredients label, you’ll see things like Yohimbe, Tribulus Terrestris, and L-Arginine, all of which are potent viagra alternatives.

However, when I started reading some of the reviews I was getting saying things like “it gave me a nasty headache” and “I feel a slight pressure in my head”, I started to get a bit suspicious.

Low and behold, once I did a little bit of research, I learned that they TOO were illegally injecting sildenafil into their supplement to make it work like Viagra. (Source)

Although this is clearly illegal, you can still find this erection pill over the counter at most gas stations, convenience stores, and even at GNC.

My guess is you won’t be finding it there for very long once the FDA catches on.

#7) Zyrexin

zyrexin reviewZyrexin is another erection pill that’s available over the counter, which I actually tested way back in 2011.  Just like with Libido Max, I got a massive boner, but at the same time, felt sick as a dog.

However, unlike with Libido Max, we really don’t have ANY idea how much yohimbe they’re pumping in the stuff.

The reason why is because they are basically putting their formula behind a “proprietary blend”, which means they don’t disclose specific ingredient amounts.

That’s not a huge deal.

A lot of supplements do this, including Extenze.

But it certainly doesn’t help our cause when we’re putting something into our bodies.

I can tell you from experience, Zyrexin is a GREAT viagra substitute.

Also, unlike with several other of the erection pills on this page, it seems to work WAY slower.

As with most of these, typically you’ll start feeling the effects in about 30 minutes or so.

With Zyrexin, it took several hours for it to “kick in”.

This is completely contradictory to what it says right on the front of the box.

It should be noted that it may have taken longer because I took it on a full stomach.

You can find over the counter viagra substitute in plenty of stores, including CVS, GNC, Walmart, and Walgreens.

Typically it sells for as little $20 for a box of 10 tablets, but I have seen it cheaper.


As I stated in the beginning of this article, the absolute closest all natural pill that works like Viagra is Vigrx Plus, followed by the combo of Extenze and Phenibut.

While I still prefer Vigrx Plus, I have personally recommended this combo to THOUSANDS of guys, and they have practically ALL been amazed at how well it works.

Although there are some personal favorites, any one of the over the counter Viagra alternatives described above should yield noticeable results in you.

All of the supplements that I’ve recommended here have been personally vetted by myself, and CAN and WILL work well on their own.

The bottom line is, if you can’t stand the side effects from Viagra and / or just simply can’t afford it, these are some very suitable natural alternatives that can help those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

They are great options also for the man who is just not quite comfortable speaking about their erectile dysfunction or other problems in the bedroom.

Other References

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

TestoStaxx Review – Does It Work?

It happens to the best of us. Sometime around when we turn 35 or so, we start to notice some subtle changes in the way our bodies work. It’s a little harder to get out of bed in the morning, especially after a late night that included maybe a few too many beers; your workouts stagnate; you see a little spare tire show up around your midsection; and you have no idea where your libido went.

It’s all about testosterone. When you hit your late teens and early twenties, you’re practically swimming in the stuff. It’s what fuels your young male characteristics, like your speedy metabolism, your strenth and muscle tone, your confidence, your resilience, and your all consuming focus on sex. Once you reach about 25, your body starts to make less and less of this important male hormone, but you don’t really start to notice the drop off until you reach about 35 or so. It’s different for everyone, but it usually averages sometime around that age.

Not to worry, though. A natural testosterone booster is often all you need to get things back on track and feel like your old self again in both the gym and the bedroom. Unlike actual hormone replacement therapy, these natural supplements don’t suppress your own natural production. In fact, they do just the opposite. They rev up your natural testosterone production so you feel better, stronger, and more confident in all areas of your life.

TestoStaxx is the latest natural testosterone boosting supplement we’re looking into. It’s available online, and it’s been popping up on my radar a ton recently. So in case it’s doing the same for you, I thought I’d better take a look so we can all have a good idea of what, if anything, to expect from this stuff.

TestoStaxx ReviewTestoStaxx Benefits

We’ll start with what TestoStaxx claims it can do. Natural testosterone boosters aren’t just for aging men. Young guys can and do use them to improve their performance mainly in the gym, but in the bedroom as well. And this is really where TestoStaxx puts its focus. Rather than appealing to aging men pining for their youth, TestoStaxx plasters their website with images of sculpted, muscle-bound guys being oohed and ahhed over by beautiful women. The idea is that young guys with a focus on and commitment to working out will reach their goals faster and more completely with the help of TestoStaxx.

By supporting your workout routine with TestoStaxx, you’ll find yourself able to make the most of each session, and you’ll reach your goal, no matter how minimal or how aggressive it is. The primary benefits you’ll see are:

  • Increased Stamina so you can last longer and push harder, making the absolute most of every session.
  • Increased Strength because if you can push more weight, you’ll see gains come much more quickly.
  • Quicker Recovery which is almost as important to your gains as your workout. It’s during a good rest and recovery period that you rebuild and grow, getting stronger and more ready for the next session.

How TestoStaxx Works

By combining a solid testosterone boost with fat burners and libido enhancers, TestoStaxx covers all the bases. They claim that the ingredients are backed by science, it’s safe and free from harmful side effects, and the protocol is easy to follow with just 2 pills per day. And when you do your part with a good diet and workout schedule, you’ll see the kind of energy and stamina you want.

TestoStaxx Ingredients

Unfortunately, the makers of TestoStaxx have decided not to publish their ingredient list. I say unfortunately because how are we realistically supposed to assess the effectiveness of a supplement without knowing the first thing about what’s in it. And why would anyone buy it without this information? That’s where the “Free Trial Scam” comes in. Allow me to explain.

Where to Buy

TestoStaxx is only available online through a “free trial” offer. I put the words “free trial” in quotes because it’s really not free at all. Here’s how it works:

  1. You sign up for the free trial by paying just $5.97 in shipping fees.
  2. They send you a 60-count bottle which is the equivalent of a one month supply.
  3. From the moment you place your order, you have 14 days to decide if you want to continue using TestoStaxx. You read that right – your evaluation period is only 14 days and it begins before you even get the product.
  4. If you don’t want to continue to use TestoStaxx, and if you don’t want to pay any further charges, you need to call them and cancel your subscription – a subscription that you probably didn’t even know you signed up for in the first place. (The number to call is 1-844-289-4510),’
  5. If you don’t call and cancel, on the 14th day, they’ll charge you the full price of $78.62 for the “free” bottle they already sent you. On top of that, they’ll start sending you a new full price bottle every month until you do eventually cancel.

The biggest problem with this free trial scam is that they specifically design it so that most people don’t have any idea what they’re signing up for. They think they’re ordering a free sample and paying the small shipping fee to get it, and that’s all. They have no idea that they’re entering into a monthly billing cycle that they’ll have to cancel later. I hear from guys every day who’ve been scammed like this. It’s not always TestoStaxx, but there are plenty of others out there just like them.

Who Makes TestoStaxx?

This is a tough question to answer. The name of the company is the same as the name of the supplement. This is usually another red flag for us. It means that the company just sort of sprang up out of nowhere to sell a single thing, TestoStaxx. The only information we could find on them is that they’re based out of an address in Norcross, GA.

TestoStaxx Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoStaxx

  • Let me know if you find any because I just don’t see them.

Disadvantages of TestoStaxx

  • The ingredients are not revealed.
  • It’s only available through a sneaky free trial offer and promoted through a network of affiliate website, most of them with broken links or links to other products.


TestoStaxx is another online supplement you can only purchase by signing up for ongoing monthly charges. That’s bad enough, but they don’t even tell you what’s in it. Pile on the fact that we have no information about the company that makes the stuff, and it all adds up to a pretty good case against wasting your time with this supplement.

Have You Used TestoStaxx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

BrainieX Review – Does It Work?

With the exploding popularity of brain boosting supplements, it’s no wonder companies are springing up all over, trying to get you to buy their version of the “Limitless Pill”. These supplements are selling like gangbusters, and it’s no wonder why. They promise to help your brain function much closer to max capacity, so you can accomplish your goals, and feel good doing it. The most recent choice I came across is called BrainieX. Let’s take a look and see how it can help you reach for your dreams.

What Are Nootropics?

For a lot of years now, kids and teens have been taking Adderall to help overcome their limitations associated with ADD/ADHD. It increases focus and attention, while relaxing the hyperactive brain, enabling sufferers to concentrate on the task at hand before successfully completing it and moving on to the next.

It wasn’t long before college kids realized this stuff could help them too, even if they didn’t technically have ADD/ADHD. It increased energy and motivation, and helped eager and competitive students stay on task and tackle their challenging assignments with relative ease. But taking someone else’s prescription medication can get expensive, not to mention illegal. That’s where supplements like BrainieX come in.

BrainieX ReviewBenefits of BrainieX

BrainieX is a natural supplement meant to replicate the effects of Adderall and other ADD/ADHD medications. Some of the benefits they say you can expect are:

  • Boosted short term memory.
  • Increased long term memory.
  • Greater energy levels.
  • Improved focus.
  • Better overall brain health.
  • Laser-like focus.
  • Clearer mental vision.

How BrainieX Works

Just like the rest of our body, our brains age, and the negative effects can start as young as age 30.
The aging of your brain happens in a very similar way to the aging of your body. Your cells get damaged and die, and unlike when you were young, they don’t get repaired and replaced as quickly or completely. There’s less flexibility and the transmission of signals slows down.

Good health habits and nutrition can help, but not everyone has those good habits or even knows what to do to maintain and improve brain health. BrainieX  promises to take care of it for you, making sure you get the nutrients you need to put your brain in the best possible state for high performance functioning.

BrainieX Ingredients

Unfortunately, BrainieX is put out by one of those companies that believes it isn’t obligated to share anything about its formula with their potential customers. Their marketing goes on and on about how starting at age 30, your brain function declines precipitously. They warn against this decline and promise to stem the tide, giving you back your memory as well as your clarity of thinking. But when it comes to the real information we need in order to decide if it works, the makers of BrainieX aren’t talking.

All they tell us is that the formula is made up of all natural ingredients that combat memory loss, difficulty concentrating, lack of focus, and lack of energy and motivation. The fact that they mention energy is a good sign that BrainieX contains caffeine as an booster. But this is just more speculation on our part since BrainieX isn’t talking.

BrainieX Side Effects

Again, we don’t know for sure because we don’t know what exactly goes into this stuff, but most nootropic supplements on the market don’t cause much concern for side effects. As with anything you take, you may experience some nausea or possible headaches, but there’s no reason to believe you’d experience much of anything else.

Where to Buy BrainieX

Like a lot of its competitors, BrainieX is only available online by signing up for their “free” trial offer. I put the word “free” in quotes because while they call it free, it’s really not free at all. Here’s out these trials usually work:

You sign up by paying a small shipping fee, usually $4.95, and they send you a full one month supply of BrainieX. 14 days later, they charge you full price for the bottle they already sent, and they start sending you a new full price bottle every 30 days. You can prevent this by calling and canceling your subscription before your 14 day trial period is up, but the order page is specifically designed so that most customers don’t see the clause that mentions the full price or the ongoing subscription. Customers get blindsided when the charge shows up on their bank statement.

The reason we’re talking vaguely about the BrainieX free trial terms, and haven’t mentioned the actual price, is because at this time, it we can’t get to the order process. There are plenty of links from affiliate sites all over the internet, but wen you click those links, they take you to the websites of other products.

This is a more common situation than you might think. These free trial products come and go all the time. Once customers start complaining publicly about the customer service and billing practices used to support these products, they pull the plug. But they’ll be back. Usually, they change the name and the look of the bottles, and they’re back on the market in no time, with a clean slate and a world wide web full of potential customers.

As a point of reference, however, we will let you know that most products like BrainieX cost anywhere from $60-$100 per bottle when they’re charging you full price.

BrainieX Pros and Cons

Advantages of BrainieX

  • The ingredients are said to be all natural, and unlikely to cause side effects.

Disadvantages of BrainieX

  • They don’t tell you what’s in the formula, so it’s impossible to have even a small idea of if or how it works.
  • There are no independent customer reviews to show how real people are doing with it.
  • It was only sold through a free trial offer that really isn’t free at all.
  • All links to place an order take you to other products.
  • It’s not certain that BrainieX is even available anymore at all.


With such limited information about ingredients, the free trial, and the current inability to even place an order, it’s basically impossible to recommend that you waste even one more second on this product. It’s pretty clear that BrainieX was just put out on the market on the fly for a chance to make a quick buck. If it never becomes available again, it’s hard to imagine anyone missing it.

Have You Used BrainieX? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Xtreme Testrone and Extreme NO2 Review

Getting ripped, bulking up, and crafting the perfect body takes time, dedication to a perfect diet, and hours upon hours spent in the gym.

Some guys take the easy way out and take steroids, which of course work, but have a TON of side effects.

What if there was a supplement, free of any side effects, that could completely transform your body?

Would you take it?

I’m willing to bet you would, and this is exactly what the supplements I’m reading about here are claiming they will do.

The supplements in question are a combo of Xtreme Testrone and Extreme NO2, which call themselves “Explosive Muscle Growth in a bottle”.

They liken them as a safe, natural, and healthy alternative to steroids.

But do they really work? 

Likely not, and I will shed some light on things you might have missed when you first came across them.

What Got You Here In The 1st Place…

So, like so many other supplements I’ve written about, you likely came across Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2 while browsing through your facebook or twitter feeds.

You’ll see a sponsored ad which looks a lot like the picture below, stating that people are quitting pre workout drinks in favor of a secret 2-step process that will change the way you build muscle.

xtreme testrone and extreme no2

When you click on the ad it takes you to the Mens Health website, or rather, something that looks like the Men’s Health website (more on that later).

The article will typically feature a picture of a jacked looking Dwayne Johnson, and include a headline like “this report was created by Men’s health life to expose the truth behind celebrity diets”.

the rock

The article will go on and on about how celebrities, fitness trainers, athletes, and movie stars have been using the combo of Xtreme Testrone and Extreme NO2.

Their results are nothing short of amazing.

You see before and after pictures of tons of celebrities, including Mel Gibson, Chris Hemsworth, Gerard Butler, and Hugh Jackman, all of which have been using this special combo to get “steroid-like” results.

chris hemsworth

gerard butler

Even Ron Gronkowski is supposedly using it…

rob gronkowski xtreme testrone

The author of this article, who goes by the name of Richard Mason, recently put these 2 supplements to test in a 4 week experiment designed to see how well they really work.

Throughout his experiment, he details the results he saw each week, which are nothing short of amazing.

xtreme testrone and extreme no2 scam

For example, in his first week he said that he had gained 3 lbs. of muscle mass, stating that he now weighed under 160 lbs. for the first time in years.

Week 2 was even more amazing, reporting that he was sleeping better, had more energy, and lost another 7 lbs. of body fat.  How he could tell he was losing body fat and not muscle is beyond me, as simply stepping on the scale doesn’t measure stuff like that.

By the end of the month, he claims that he gained an unbelievable 16 lbs. of muscle mass and lost 7 more lbs. of fat.

The article is littered with ton’s of other success stories from regular guys just like you and I, with most reporting the same results that they author of the article talks about.

xtreme no2 and xtreme testrone real review

There’s even Facebook comments at the bottom of the page with tons of other guys raving about the combo.

xtreme testrone testimonials

Why This Is ALL Complete B.S.

The first thing you probably missed was, despite it looking like the real Men’s Health website, it’s not.

Take a look at the address bar in the url:

extreme no2 fake

It’s not, it’s

Go to the homepage of this site, and this is what you’ll see:

fake mens health

That’s the first piece of blatant B.S. you’ll see.

To prove it even more, this is what happens when you try to click around on this “Men’s Health” website.

That’s right, every single link you try to click on gets redirected to the official Xtreme Testrone website.

I would find it highly unlikely that the real Men’s Health website would do this.

What About All Those Celebrities Using It?

Well, that’s also complete B.S.

Take Gerard Butler for example.  They use his before and after picture, which I would say is pretty damn impressive.

I’ve done some pretty extensive research into how Gerard made the transformation, and I can tell you this.

He did NOT use Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2.

In fact, if you check out the interview below (jump to 1:58 to hear about his regiment), he makes no mention of using any supplements.

He basically did like 7 months of training to get into this kind of shape.  He talks about it in pretty good detail on, stating that he worked out with Navy SEALS and ex-special forces type guys.

But, despite this fake article stating otherwise, he did not use Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2 at ALL.

If that’s not convincing enough for you, check out these screenshots.

fake mens health article

action fuel pro and muscle forge x fake mens health

alpha rush pro mens health

See a recurring theme here?

I sure do.

It looks like there are TONS of supplements that celebs and athletes having been going Crazy over.

It’s pretty clear that it’s a completely fabricated story, made up to make you think you’ll get big like “The Rock” or whoever else from taking their supplement combo.

And Remember Those Facebook Comments?

They’re all fake…

How do I know this?

Well, try and click on the profile of the user who posted it.  With Facebook, all you literally need to do is hover over their name and their bio should pop up.

But alas, if you try to do this nothing happens.

You can also try and “share” or “like” the article, to no avail.

You can even try to leave your own comment, but if you try to do so guess what it does…

That’s right, it redirects to the Xtreme Testrone website.

Check out this video where I try to do all the things I talked about above.

What They Are REALLY Trying To Do

So maybe they’re using deceptive / fake ads to get you to buy their product.

Big deal, right?

Especially when they are giving it away free of charge.

All you have to do is pay a modest fee to pay for the shipping.

xtreme testrone free trial

What do you have to lose?

Well, apparently a lot more than what you bargained for.

You see, what the makers of Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2 DONT want you to know is, once you sign up to receive their free trial, they end up billing you an HUGE amount of money if you don’t cancel.

Hang on while I explain.

One you get to their order page for Xtreme Testrone, you’ll see that you have to enter your credit card info to pay for the shipping.

If you scroll down and read the fine print, you’ll see the following:

xtreme testrone terms and conditions

The problem is, most guys DONT scroll down and completely miss this.

What it basically says is that you have 14 days from the ORIGINAL order date to try out their product.  If you don’t call to cancel, they will bill your credit card $89.95 FOR THE FULL COST OF THE PRODUCT.

What’s even worse is that they will CONTINUALLY bill you $90 EVERY 30 days and keep sending you a new bottle.

The EXACT same thing applies if you decide to order Xtreme NO2.

xtreme no2 terms

All B.S. Marketing aside, do the products even work?

Well, there’s not much in the way of any REAL reviews online.

There’s this somewhat worthless “review” of Xtreme Testrone on Youtube:

As you can see, it’s not really a review.  Rather, it’s…

Well, I don’t really know WTF you would call it.

An un-boxing??

An examination of what the pills look like??

Either way, it’s actually not even the product were looking for.

This one is actually a totally different product, which goes by the same name and is sold on Amazon.

The same pretty much goes for Xtreme NO2.

There’s no credible reviews or testimonials, and there’s no talk about it on forums, Reddit, Youtube, Amazon, or anywhere else for that matter.

In fact, because there are so many supplements out there that are called Extreme NO2, Xtreme Nitric Oxide, etc., it’s nearly impossible to find good information on it.


If you don’t believe ANYTHING that I’ve said on this page, then click here and read about a similar product combo I’ve talked about in the past.

Scroll down to the comments on the page and you will literally find HUNDREDS of dudes who have been suckered by the EXACT same thing I’ve been talking about above.

I’ve seen so many fake articles like this I could literally write a book about it (in fact, I’ve written a VERY big article on the subject).  Does the combo of Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2 really work?


But, if it works so well then why would they have to resort to deceptive marketing / fake ads to prove so.

My guess is they are more concerned with siphoning money out of your bank account rather than helping you achieve a rock solid body.

In the interest of fairness I’ve decided to order a couple of bottles of Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2 to try out myself, check back in a few weeks and I’ll have this review updated.

Have You Used Xtreme Testrone and Xtreme NO2?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

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Memphora Review – Should You Use It?

College students and young professionals have a secret to their success. As any college junior where to find Adderall on campus, and they probably know just who to point you to. With the explosion of ADD/ADHD drugs being prebscribed to kids, teens, and young adults came the idea that people without impairment can use these drugs to give themselves a cognitive edge. You can use them to help maintain focus for an all night study session or to muster the motivation to knock out that term paper that’s been hanging over your head.

But buying black market Adderall is illegal and it’s expensive, and that’s part of the reason there’s a market for nootpropic supplements. These herbal pills are for the most part safe, legal, and affordable, and they provide a lot of the same benefits. We’ve been looking into a lot of these brain boosters lately, and today our focus is on Memphora.

Memphora Benefits

Memphora is mainly promoted through its official website, where all the available information on the product can be found. It’s here that they tell us what you can expect when taking Memphora:

  • Increased energy and alertness so you stay motivated and productive.
  • Intense focus so you can stay on task until you get it right.
  • Extended attention span which works with focus to get the job done.
  • Improved memory, both short and long term.
  • Better brain health so you stay young and sharp.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety so you don’t get distracted by worry when you have things to do.

Memphora compares itself to caffeine and energy drinks by saying you get all the benefits of their energy, and so much more in terms of what it takes to get ahead.

Memphora ReviewMemphora Ingredients

Taking a look at the ingredient profile, we see several of the more common nootropic ingredients:

  • L-Tyrosine which is an amino acid used to stimulate production of neurotransmitters that basically cause the brain to fire on all cylinders.
  • GABA which prevents your brain from getting anxious and over-excited.
  • Bacopa Monnieri which increases blood flow to the brain. This is important because blood is the delivery mechanism for oxygen and nutrients needed by the brain.
  • Alpha GPC which helps increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is an extremely important neurotransmitter for memory and concentration.
  • Vinpocetine which improves the way the brain uses glucose to produce ATP energy, which is the energy needed to make your brain cells function at high capacity.
  • Huperzine A which blocks the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. By preventing its breakdown, you effectively have an increased amount of acetylcholine to function with.

I should mention that the Memphora formula is proprietary, meaning they don’t reveal ingredient amounts. This is very disappointing because while it’s certainly helpful to know what’s in a supplement, it’s not enough. In order to know if each individual ingredient is effective, you need to know if there’s an effective amount included. For example, it’s widely accepted that doses up to a gram of GABA are effective to treat anxiety. But it’s highly unlikely that there’s anywhere near a grem of GABA in Memphora. It’s more likely to be 20 mg, which wouldn’t come close to having the effect you want. Huperzine A wants to come in at a dose of 50-200 mcg, which you may find in Memphora, but without an amount listing, we just don’t know.

How To Use Memphora

The recommended dose is 1 Memphora capsule a day, taken in the morning.

Memphora Side Effects

The ingredients in the Memphora formula are generally considered to be safe and not to cause major side effects. That said, no supplement can guarantee that its completely side effect free, mainly because there are all kinds of allergies out there, and you never know what someone may react to.

Where To Buy

The only way to you purchase Memphora is online through their official website. You won’t find it in stores. A one-month supply of 30 capsules will run you just under $50, but if you buy multiple bottles at once, you can save quite a bit. They’re currently running a special where you buy 3 bottles and get 2 free. That’s a five-month supply for $150, with your per bottle price coming in at $30.

Memphora offers a 30 day money back guarantee so you can take advantage of the multiple bottle discounts without risk.

Memphora Reviews

Because it’s only sold on the official website, that’s the only place we were able to find customer reviews. Of course, we’re always a little skeptical of testimonials on the website. Even if they are real, companies tend to only present the ones that show them in a favorable light. That said, here’s what one customer had to say:

“Memphora gives me the perfect combination of energy and focus that I need to operate at my best.”

This is the only testimonial presented on the website, which makes you wonder what everyone else has to say.

Who Makes Memphora?

The company behind Memphora is called Ultimate Management LLC located in South Dakota. The Better Business Bureau doesn’t have any information on this company, and we were unable to find anything else besides Memphora that they make or sell. They were incorporated in the state of South Dakota in spring of 2015, so clearly they are a new company. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean they don’t have an established footing in the marketplace.

Memphora Pros and Cons

Advantages of Memphora

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The likelihood of side effects is low.
  • There’s a money back guarantee
  • The company provides complete contact information, including address and phone number.

Disadvantages of Memphora

  • There’s very little customer feedback available, even on the product website.
  • They don’t list the ingredient amounts, so it’s impossible to know what will be effective and what won’t.
  • The money back guarantee seems to only apply to unopened bottles, meaning you have to pay for at least one bottle if you want to try Memphora.


Memphora has chosen some good ingredients for its nootropic formula, but without knowing ingredient amounts, we don’t know if they are up to effective levels. With so many supplement choices, this can be reason enough to look elsewhere. You want a supplement you know you can count on, not one that might work. While there’s no real harm in trying Memphora, there are several better options to choose from.

Have You Used Memphora? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

BrainSmart Ultra Review – Does It Work?

BrainSmart Ultra is the broadest and most powerful of the line of BrainSmart nootropic supplements. It’s designed mainly to improve memory and concentration. Other products in the line are BrainSmart Focus for better concentration, BrainSmart Memory for improved memory, and BrainSmart Mood to improve your state of mind. BrainSmart Ultra is the one we’d call the comprehensive cognitive enhancement supplement of the group.

Most people don’t develop Alzheimer’s Disease, but most people do experience cognitive decline to some degree. You can look at this as a natural occurrence in the aging process and leave it at that. Or you can view it as a natural occurrence in the aging process and fight to stop and reverse it. The explosion in the market for natural nootropic supplement indicates that more and more people are choosing to fight it.

BrainSmart Ultra Benefits

Of course, you don’t have to wait for age-related decline to start using BrainSmart Ultra. It’s also used by tons of people who simply want to get ahead in their school work and/or their professional life. The competition is steep. Having a secret weapon can be a very attractive option.

BrainSmart Ultra ReviewBy using BrainSmart Ultra, according to their website, you’ll improvements such as:

  • Increased mental drive.
  • Boosted cognitive performance.
  • Greater attention span.
  • Enhanced mental alertness.
  • Increased working memory speeds.

BrainSmart Ultra Ingredients

What exactly goes into BrainSmart Ultra for it to provide such benefits? The answer is in their tightly guarded proprietary blend they call Cognicetam+. We don’t know the complete list, but here are the highlights:

  • Cordyceps Sinensis Extract which is known to increase mental energy and focus. It came to international attention when it was discovered that 2 female Chinese runners each broke world records in 1993 and attributed their success to Cordyceps.
  • Coenzyme Q10 which functions as an antioxidant as well as a nootropic. The antioxidant benefits are important for the brain which relies on individual cell health. On top of that, it provides cell energy that gets delivered all throughout the body.
  • Chlorella (from Green Algae) which is a great source of easily absorbable choline. Choline is needed to produce Acetylcholine, one of the most important neurotransmitters for cognitive function. BrainSmart Ultra claims there are studies supporting the idea that Chlorella may mean improvements to the attention span.
  • Omega-3 Extract which has long been know to be brain food. It’s used to treat ADHD as well as autism and inattentiveness in children. Its antioxidant properties also help maintain the health of your brain cells.
  • Niacin which is also known as Vitamin B3 and is essential for turning food into energy, especially in the brain. It also protects brain cells from oxidative and age-related damage.

How To Use BrainSmart Ultra

The recommended dose is 2 BrainSmart Ultra capsules taken per day, ideally in the morning. It’s fast acting, and at the same time acts as a time release formula so the benefits come on quickly and last up to 8 hours. With that knowledge, you can plan when is the best time for you to take it in any given day depending on your obligations.

BrainSmart Ultra Side Effects

BrainSmart Ultra does not cause any known side effects. While it’s impossible for any supplement to guarantee that it’s side effect free, the ingredients in the formula are known to be generally safe.

Award Winning Supplements

In 2014, BrainSmart Supplements were awarded Best of Supplements Award in the Nootropics category from Better Nutrition.

Where to Buy

BrainSmart Ultra is only available online. They’re a company headquartered in The UK, with international offices as well. Through their website, you can purchase a single bottle (a one month supply) for $41.32. They’re currently running a special where you can buy 2 bottles and get one free.

There is a money back guarantee, but the stipulations are fairly strict. You have to request a refund within 30 days from placing your order. You need to get an RMA number. You need to send your bottle back, paying for shipping yourself. And if your order did not include a shipping charge in the first place (which is the case for orders at this time), they’ll charge you priority shipping and take it out of the amount they would have refunded you. In the end, they make returning your BrainSmart Ultra bottle for a refund essentially pointless, especially if it’s only one bottle.

BrainSmart Ultra Reviews

The BrainSmart Ultra webpage offers customer testimonials, but they go out of their way to mention that these are only “some” of the reviews they receive. How much do you want to bet these are only the positive ones, leaving out any that aren’t favorable?

Here are some examples:

Carol says: “What an exceptional product, I now have a dramatically improved mood and life feels worth living again, I’m ready to tackle my next set of exams.”

Tom says: “I’ve found that only BrainSmart Ultra provides me with the boost that I need to consistently perform under any conditions.”

Mrs Miller says: “BrainSmart Ultra is an amazingly powerful product, I don’t know of a comparable brain supplement on the market that does exactly what it promises:

You get the basic idea. These people really like their BrainSmart Ultra.

BrainSmart Ultra Pros and Cons

Advantages of BrainSmart Ultra

  • The formula is all natural.
  • There are no known side effects.
  • It’s reasonably priced.
  • There are several positive reviews on the BrainSmart Ultra website.

Disadvantages of BrainSmart Ultra

  • The formula doesn’t look that strong. It’s got some good components, but overall, I’ve seen better.
  • The money back guarantee is difficult to use.


BrainSmart Ultra is a safe choice if you’re interested in trying out a nootropic supplement. But I’m not sure how effective it actually is. It’s got some good ingredients, but they say on the one hand that they focus on acetylcholine, but the ingredients don’t really support that statement. In the end, BrainSmart Ultra isn’t bad, but there are better choices out there.

Have You Used BrainSmart Ultra? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Addex IQ Review – Should You Use It?

Cognitive enhancement is the latest greatest thing in the nutritional supplement market. It’s becoming clear that these brain boosting nootropics can actually help you think better, remember faster, and be more productive on a daily basis. While some products make over-the-top claims like how you can use 100% of your brain instead of the measly single digit percentage you currently use are silly, the truth is there’s room for improvement and there are supplements that help.

Addex IQ is a nootropic supplement I recently found online. I haven’t had a chance to try it out myself, but I have done some research into it – how it works, what ingredients is uses, what kinds of results people are having – and the following is what I found out.

Addex IQ Benefits

As is the case with most nutritional supplement available online, Addex IQ is not shy about letting you know what it can do for you. A list of benefits includes:

  • Improved cognitive function.
  • Increased focus.
  • Enhanced clarity of thought.
  • Boosted all day energy.

One of the things we lose when we get older is our mental sharpness. Even if you don’t succumb to Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, you still lose some mental capacity. That’s why more and more people of all types and ages are turning to supplements that can help slow down and even reverse that process.

Addex IQ ReviewAddex IQ Ingredients

The promises make by Addex IQ are very similar to what we find promised by most nootropic supplements. So next, we’ll take a look at the formula to see if it supports these benefits.

Unfortunately, Addex IQ doesn’t provide us with a compete ingredient list. In fact, the only component in the formula they mention is 100% Pure Phosphatidylserine Complex. The name “complex” indicates that there are at least 2 ingredients in it, one of which is Phosphatidylserine. Since that’s the only one to go on, let’s talk a little about it.

Phosphatidylserine is a chemical partially made by the body, but mostly coming from the food we eat. Supplementation is used to combat symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and other age-related decline in mental function. It may also improve cognitive function in young people as well. Phosphatidylserine supplements used to be made from cow brains, but because of concerns about Mad Cow Disease, they’re now made from Soy and Cabbage. While safer, it’s not yet been determined if these sources are as effective.

The mechanism of action is to improve the signaling mechanism between cells of the brain. Some early studies were enough for the FDA to allow supplement companies to claim that it may reduce the risk of dementia, but later studies led them to rescind that permission.

Phosphatidylserine has also been shown to improve the body’s reaction to stress induced by physical activity, improving athletic performance.

The rest of the ingredients in the Addex IQ formula are said to be all natural, but again, they are not specified. We also don’t know it contains caffeine or other stimulants, which is unfortunate since this is important information to a lot of people who might want to use it.

How To Use Addex IQ?

We were unable to find specific dosage information, but the fact that a bottle contains 30 capsules leads us to believe the recommended dose is one pill per day, most likely taken in the morning.

Addex IQ Side Effects

Phosphatidylserine is widely considered safe and not prone to causing unwanted side effects. Without knowing the rest of the ingredients, it’s impossible to tell if you can expect any side effects at all. Either way, it’s important to remember that no supplement can claim to be completely side effect free.

Where to Buy

We ran into a little trouble locating a source for buying Addex IQ. At some point, it was available online through a free trial offer. It worked similarly to other free trial offers we’ve talked about here. You pay a small shipping fee and they send you a one month supply. After a period of time (usually 14 days) if you haven’t called to cancel your subscription, they charge you full price for the trial bottle, and start sending you full price bottles every month from then on out. The biggest problem with this setup is that they don’t state clearly what you’re signing up for. You have to dig deep in the terms and conditions to find this information, which most people don’t.

At this time, however, all the links to ordering the free trial are either broken or they send you to a different product. The indication is that Addex IQ is not presently available. This is pretty common with these free trial supplements. Here’s a rough outline of how it usually goes:

  1. They come in like gangbusters.
  2. They advertise like crazy.
  3. They get a bunch of orders.
  4. They piss a lot of customer off by charging them month after month.
  5. They get a bad reputation.
  6. They shut down under the current name.
  7. They sometimes set up shop under a different name and start all over again.

I’m not absolutely certain this is what happened here, but let’s just say it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

Addex IQ Pros and Cons

Advantages of Addex IQ

  • It contain Phosphatidylserine, which is a well respected nootropic ingredient.

Disadvantages of Addex IQ

  • The complete formula is not known.
  • There’s no telling how much Phosphatidylserine is even in the formula.
  • There are no independent reviews from customers letting us know how well it works in the real world.
  • It was only available through a free trial scam offer.
  • It’s not available at all at this time.


A good nootropic supplement can really help with energy, mood, productivity, and cognitive functioning. But not all nootropic supplements are what they’re cracked up to be. It looks like Addex IQ doesn’t make the cut, which is why I wouldn’t recommend you waste your time looking for it.

Have You Used Addex IQ? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Peak Life Testosterone Review – Does It Work?

By now, you probably are familiar with the fact that as you age, your body naturally produces less and less testosterone. In your late teens and early 20s, you’re practically swimming in the stuff. It’s why muscle is easy to put on, it’s why you don’t get that spare tire around your belly, and why you’re horny all the time. But as you get older, you make less and less of the stuff. Some of the symptoms you’ll experience are:

  • Less energy, generally feeling more fatigued.
  • More tendency to hold fat, especially around your middle.
  • Harder time building muscle. The same workouts don’t produce the same results.
  • Decreased interest in sex and the introduction of difficulty getting and maintaining erections.

It’s all a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Most guys’ issues don’t rise to the level of needing hormone replacement therapy, but taking a natural testosterone booster can really provide some help. Peak Life Testosterone is one of hundreds of choices when it comes to natural testosterone boosters.

Peak Life Testosterone Benefits

Peak Life Testosterone makes three distinct promises to its users, some of which are direct results of boosted testosterone, some of which are not:

  • Increased Blood Flow, which will improve your performance both in the gym and in the bedroom. Increased blood flow to your muscles provides more of the oxygen and nutrients they need to push harder and recover stronger. Increased blood flow to your penis means better erections and more intense stimulation.
  • Boosted Libido and Confidence through the elevation of free testosterone. The more testosterone you have flowing through your system, the more manly you’ll feel, in every way, including confidence.
  • Greater Energy Levels from both caffeine and B vitamins, so you’ll have increased focus as well as all day energy with no crash.

Peak Life Testosterone Ingredients

Peak Life Testosterone ReviewOf course, knowing the ingredients is the first step toward knowing whether or not a product can work. So here’s a list of what’s in Peak Life Testosterone, along with a brief explanation of how they can be expected to work:

The formula starts off with Vitamins A, D, and B-6. These are all necessary for the chemical reactions that keep your body running efficiently. In addition, B6 increases all day energy without causing jitters or crash. They also include Zinc which has a directly correlation with testosterone levels because it’s a necessary component in the testosterone production process.

The Male Performance Matrix is a proprietary blend included in the formula. It’s a total of 1150 mg made up of:

  • L-Citrulline which is a precursor to L-Arginine which is a pre cursor to nitric oxide. The processes of the Citrulline producing Arginine and Arginine producing nitric oxide makes it work like a time release action, ensuring that you have increased nitric oxide for a longer period of time and on a regular basis.
  • Testofen which comes from Fenugreek. This is believed to increase natural testosterone levels and have a positive effect on athletic performance.
  • Caffeine which provides almost immediate energy and focus to help you put in the necessary work at the gym.

The Virility Advanced Matrix works to improve your libido with a total of 150 mg of:

Longjack Root, Horny Goat Week, Mucuna Pruriens, and Lycium, all different forms of herbal aphrodisiac.

For a testosterone boosting supplement, the formula is pretty low on substances that actually increase testosterone. Really the only one present is Testofen. The rest of the formula really focuses on energy and libido.

How To Use Peak Life Testosterone

The recommended dose is 4 Peak Life Testosterone capsules a day, 2 taken with breakfast and 2 taken with lunch.

Peak Life Testosterone Side Effects

No supplement can give you a guarantee that you won’t experience any side effects at all, but the likelihood with Peak Life Testosterone is pretty low. All of the ingredients are fairly well tolerated, and while we don’t know exact amounts, they seem to be within reasonable limits not to expect reactions from most users. Of course, that doesn’t take into account any allergies you may have.

Who Is Peak Life?

Peak Life Testosterone is made by Peak Life, a health and nutrition company based in Massachusetts. In addition to their testosterone booster, they make products for helping you sleep, supporting the health of your prostate, and joint support. If you look around the internet, you’ll find lots of complaints against the company. These mainly have to do with their customer service and billing practices, which we’ll get into a little more below.

Where to Buy

You can only purchase Peak Life Testosterone online. A 30-day supply of 120 capsules costs $69.99 if you buy it directly through the Peak Life website. They also offer deals where you can buy 2 and get one free, or buy Testosterone and Joint Support together at a discount. If you go through, you’ll pay a little less at $49 a bottle.

Some Peak Life products are also available through a free trial offer. This works just like the other free trial offers we talk about. It’s not really free at all. They sign you up for automatic monthly shipments and payments which start 18 days after you order your free trial. There are tons of online complaints about this practice because people are taken off guard; things are not clearly spelled out when you place your free trial order. It doesn’t look like Peak Life Testosterone is available through the trial offer, and that’s a good thing. Better to buy it outright than to sign up for something you don’t understand and end up with monthly charges.

Peak Life Testosterone Pros and Cons

Advantages of Peak Life Testosterone

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • You can buy it through at a discount.

Disadvantage of Peak Life Testosterone

  • While it may increase energy and improve libido and workouts, it’s not much of a testosterone booster. With only one ingredient supporting testosterone levels, you could definitely find something more effective in that area.
  • The Peak Life company has a reputation for screwing over their customers with free trials that aren’t really free.


As far as natural testosterone boosters go, Peak Life Testosterone is not among my favorites. It may provide some energy from the vitamins and the caffeine, and a libido boost from the herbal aphrodisiacs, but there’s very little in the way of testosterone boosting ingredients. I would also recommend using caution when buying from Peak Life. Make sure you read all the fine print so you know what you’re getting into. But in the end, I would say it’s not really worth any hassle you might run into.

Have You Used Peak Life Testosterone? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Six Star Thermogenic Shred Review – Does It Work?

Most of the supplements we talk about here are only available online, but there are a few you can pick up in stores. This is the case with Six Star Thermogenic Shred, and as a weight loss supplement from Six Star Pro Nutrition, we thought it was work taking a look at.

Beneftis of Six Star Thermogenic Shred

I know there are plenty of people looking for a fat burner/weight loss supplement without caffeine or other stimulants, but this is not that. Six Star Thermogenic Shred actually uses the tag line, “Powerful Caffeine Formula” in its marketing, leaving no room for doubt about what this stuff really is.

By taking Six Star Thermogenic Shred, you’ll see three key benefits:

  • Boosted energy and focus.
  • Real fat burning.
  • Incredible sensory experience.

Six Star Thermogenic Shred Ingredients

Six Star Thermogenic Shred ReviewOne good think about Six Star Thermogenic Shred formula is that it’s easy to find complete information about what they use in the formula. It turns out most of it centers around stimulants of one kind or another. It’s certainly not surprising to find stimulants in a fat burner. This one includes:

  • Caffeine. At 270 mg, there’s a lot of caffeine in Six Star Thermogenic Shred. It’s about 2 ½ cups of coffee’s worth.
  • L-Theanine which produces a calm, relaxed energy, and smooths out the edges that can be caused bu caffeine.
  • Theobromine, which is found in cacao, is a vasodilator to increase blood flow throughout the body and a diuretic to prevent water retention.
  • Yohimbine which is a central nervous system stimulant as well as a vasodilator. It can cause jitters and other unpleasant or even dangerous side effects in some users, especially if taking other medications.
  • Grains of Paradise which may increase fat burning, especially when it comes to brown adipose tissue.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract which may reduce the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. This may decrease the chances of insulin and blood sugar spikes. It may also reduce the amount of stored fat throughout the body.
  • Cayenne Pepper which increases metabolism and helps improve the absorption of the rest of the ingredients in Six Star Thermogenic Shred.

So it’s a stimulant-heavy fat burner with the addition of Green Coffee Bean Extract with it’s fat burning chlorogenic acid. We’re not sure where the “incredible sensory experience” comes from.  But moving on, how do you use it, and does it really work?

How To Use Six Star Thermogenic Shred

Because of all the stimulants, Six Star Thermogenic Shred recommends that you assess your tolerance before you begin taking the regular dose of 2 capsules before each of your two largest meals of the day (a total of 4 capsules a day). On the first and second day, take only one capsule a day with your first meal. On the third and forth days, take 2 capsules daily, one with each of your first two meals. On the fifth and sixth days, take 2 capsules with your first meal and 1 with your second meal. Starting on the seventh day and going on from there, take 2 capsules with each of your first two meals.

Six Star Thermogenic Shred Side Effects

The product label mentions that Six Star Thermogenic Shred contains as much caffeine as almost 3 cups of coffee, so if you experience any kind of sensitivity to caffeine, you might feel some restlessness, anxiety, shakes, headache, increased heart rate, or difficulty sleeping. They also strongly recommend that you don’t combine Six Star Thermogenic Shred with any other caffeine sources during the day.

Who is Six Star Pro Nutrition?

Six Star is an offshoot of MuscleTech. Six Star products tend to be cheaper than the MuscleTech lines. It also seems to enjoy a more stable reputation. With MuscleTech, guys either love it or hate it. Six Star doesn’t get that kind of dramatic attention, which may be why they opened up the branch in the first place.

Love it or hate it though, MuscleTech has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, which means that like their supplements or not, they’re not in the business of screwing over customers.

Clinical Testing

Six Star Thermogenic Shred hasn’t gone through any clinical testing itself, but its main fat burning ingredient has. In a 60 stay study, participants using Green Coffee Bean Extract lost almost 11 pounds as compared with the placebo group (along with a reduced calorie diet), and in an 8 week study, the Green Coffee Bean Group lost almost 4 pounds using a reduced calorie diet and moderate exercise.

Six Star Thermogenic Shred Reviews

Most of the customer feedback I’ve seen about Six Star Thermogenic Shred has been pretty positive. They energy is good and clean without a crash, and the fat burning effects are noticeable. With all the stimulants, I expected to hear more about jitters and other uncomfortable side effects, but from what I’ve read, it’s not happening:

Favian says: “Once I started taking the product I noticed my focus and overall functionality increased, It did not make my heart race like other products, which was the biggest plus.”

Another user says: “I will say the stuff works, It gives me an insane amount of energy and none of the crash, There is no jitters, I highly recommend this product for anyone trying to shed those last few pounds or get a jump start on reaching their goal.”

Joseph says: “One pill in and I could already feel it working, not too strong or a crazy tingline like some other thermogenics I’ve tried, Kept me focused and even on non workout days I feel like I’m sweating more than usual when I take this.”

Where to Buy

You can buy Six Star Thermogenic Shred both online and in stores. It’s carried by Walmart at $15 for a 60-count bottle. sells that same bottle for $16. When used as directed, the 60-count bottle will last 15 days, so that brings a monthly supply in at about $30.

Six Star Thermogenic Shred Pros and Cons

Advantages of Six Star Thermogenic Shred

  • The ingredients are all listed, including dosage information.
  • For the most part, ingredients are clinically dosed which means you’re getting enough of each component to make them effective.
  • It’s fairly cheap.
  • It gets great customer feedback.

Disadvantages of Six Star Thermogenic Shred

  • It’s got a lot of caffeine, so there may be an issue with overstimulation, though none of the customer reviews I’ve seen indicate that this is a problem.
  • They promise this incredible sensory experience, but none of the ingredients support this, and neither do the customer reviews.


By most accounts, Six Star Thermogenic Shred is a good stimulant based thermogenic supplement that can help you lose weight along with your reduced calorie diet and workout routine. And at $15 a bottle, the price definitely makes it worth giving a try.

I will say that if you are not a fan of or do not do well with stimulant heavy supplements, then you might not be in for the best time with Six Star Thermogenic Shred, but if you are familiar with the effects or are a habitual caffeine user you should know exactly what to expect.

Have You Used Six Star Thermogenic Shred? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Leptin Shred Review – Should You Try It?

Over the last couple years, we’ve reviewed a few products from Mike Chang. You may know him as the guy who does the SixPack Shortcuts workouts and Abs After 40. That’s him, and along with his workouts, he also promotes a line of supplements to support your hard work. Not to long ago, one of my readers asked me to look into Leptin Shred, one of his weight loss supplements. I did, and this is what I found.

Benefits of Leptin Shred

Leptin Shred promises to boost your metabolism, and melt away belly fat so you can reveal those six pack abs fast. In addition to the specific targeting of leptin product, Leptin Shred also provides all the benefits you typically expect from a weight loss supplement. It burns fat, boosts metabolism, and suppresses your appetite, all while turning your body into the perfect environment for losing weight.

Leptin Shred Ingredients

The main focus of Leptin Shred is booting your body’s production. According to WebMD,  leptin is a protein made in fat cells that circulates through the bloodstream and tells the brain that the body’s thermostat is set correctly and that enough energy is stored in fat cells to support normal metabolic process. When you diet, you produce less leptin, signaling your metabolism to slow down, effectively telling your body to go into “starvation mode”.

In addition to not having enough leptin, it’s also possible to have increased leptin resistance. This is often the case with people who are overweight. When this is the case, the metabolism doesn’t respond to the signals sent by the leptin, and they keep eating, thinking they need more food for more energy.

Leptin Shred ReviewThree ingredients in Leptin Shred are said to affect leptin in your body:

  • African Mango Extract may improve the way leptin receptors work by reducing the activity of certain proteins that break down and damage leptin receptors. Essentially, it helps prevent leptin resistance.
  • Olive Leaf Extract may stimulate leptin production, sending a feeling of fullness to the brain, reducing the amount of food you eat.
  • White Willow Bark boosts the effect of the other leptin stimulating ingredients.

Other ingredients also support the fat burning efforts of Leptin Shred:

  • Fucoxanthin may induce fat loss by reducing the growth of fat cells. It’s one of a few ingredients that can induce fat loss without being a stimulant.
  • Synephrine HCL is a stimulant that increases metabolism and helps promote fat burning, while keeping you focused.
  • Yohimbe Bark Extract increases adrenaline and stops fat cell growth. It’s also a stimulant.
  • Piperine isn’t itself a fat burner. It helps make the other ingredients easier for the body to absorb.

Leptin Shred Side Effects

Supplements that contain stimulants like Yohimbe and Synephrine can cause side effects related to their stimulant characteristics. These include headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and effects on blood pressure. These effects are multiplied when two or more stimulants are used together in the same supplement, which is the case with Leptin Shred. Yohimbe in particular has been known to cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure in some people.

Sure enough, if you check out the Leptin Shred reviews over at, of all the many negative reviews (and there are lots), several of them refer to side effects as the problem. I haven’t seen anything severe so far, but here are some examples:

Leptin Shred Amazon Review 1

Leptin Shred Amazon Review 1


Where to Buy

SixPack Shortcuts sells Leptin Shred online through several of their websites, and you can order it at too. A single bottle should last a month, and costs $67 at SixPack Shortcuts. At the time of this writing, is currently out of stock, so I’m not sure how much you can save by buying that way.

I should mention that buying Leptin Shred through Mike Chang’s websites is a little confusing and potentially very expensive. They act like you’re entering a sweepstakes or something where the prize is the opportunity to buy some Leptin Shred. Once you do get through, it turns out that buying a one month supply isn’t even really possible. You buy one bottle at first, but doing so automatically signs you up for monthly shipments that you have to pay for until you cancel. This set up is explained in the fine print, and you’re given no other indication that something like this is what you’re getting into.

It’s just like the free trials we always warn you about, but in this case of Leptin Shred, there isn’t even a free trial, just the automatic monthly shipping.

Leptin Shred Terms Image 1


Leptin Shred Terms Image 2

Leptin Shred Return Policy Image

Leptin Shred Reviews

Because Leptin Shred is or was available on, that gives users an opportunity to leave Amazon reviews. Of the 14 reviews we found, 43% of them are 1-star reviews. This doesn’t bode well for how well this stuff works.

Here are a few examples of what people are saying:

  • Malachi says: “Leptin Shred did not have any impact on my body that i was expecting to have. This product is a disappointment and was a total waste of $67.00. I have been using this product twice a day for a month with nothing to show for it.”
  • Andrew says: “Complete waste of money, bs product- save your money. Money back guarantee is bs too- they make you pay to ship back empty container, very sad- all scam.”
  • Jake says: “I took the pills as required for 30 days and felt very little difference.”

Mike Chang Complaints

As you know, Leptin Shred is part of Mike Chang’s fitness and lifestyle lineup of products and services. Mike’s built a large following based on his workouts (starting with Six Pack Shortcuts and expanding from there). It didn’t take long for him to branch out into supplements, and why not? He’s got a captive audience who trusts him.

Well, it’s not clear how much longer his audience will continue to trust him. He’s definitely an internet presence, but everywhere you look lately, there are complaints about his products, his services, and most of all, his billing practices. This is mainly because of the monthly autopay deal they make you sign up for.

I looked a a few bodybuilding/fitness forums as well as Reddit, and people are definitely starting to talk about how Mike Chang is just a scammer who’s figure out a way to make a huge profit locking people into monthly billing for something they only expected to buy once. It’s the same scam as the “free trial” scam we talk about all the time. The only difference is Leptin Shred and all of his other products don’t even start off as free.

Here. Take a look at the following section of a Mike Change thread on Reddit Fitness:


Leptin Shred Reddit Thread Image


If you head over to the Better Business Bureau  you’ll see there are lots of complaints about the billing and customer service issues. In the end, it seems like they resolve the complaints, which is why they’re able to maintain a “B” rating, which is what they currently have.

Take a look at this actual complaints we found. It’s a good example encompassing a lot of what’s wrong with the company. The terms are not made clear, and when a customer tries to rectify the situation, they find it difficult to impossible. You shouldn’t have to resort to contacting the Better Business Bureau in order to get a refund for a product that claims to be covered by a money back guarantee:

Leptin Shredd BBB Complaint Image

Leptin Shred Pros and Cons

Advantages of Leptin Shred

  • It contains several ingredients that should help you burn fat.

Disadvantages of Leptin Shred

  • Some of the ingredients could cause side effects.
  • Its pretty expensive, especially if you take more than 2 pills a day.
  • There are several negative Leptin Shred reviews posted on by customers who’ve used it to no effect.
  • The Better Business Bureau shows lots of complaints from customers, primarily about billing and customer service issues.


Iffy ingredients, bad reviews, sketchy online reputation, deceptive billing.  All these factors add up to a pretty negative perception of Leptin Shred. If most of the people who use it find that it doesn’t work, chances are it won’t work for you either.

Because these kind of products can be pricey and there are so many available, I would say that in general it is only worth shelling out some money on something that is actively getting positive reviews from real users.

This not only points you towards what kind of effects you are likely to have from trying the product out for yourself, but it also saves you from wasting time and money.

Have You Used Leptin Shred? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

NooCube Review – Should You Use It?

It’s pretty much settled business that there’s a cognitive advantage to be had by taking nootropic supplements. They can help you get through your busy day with more energy and alertness, and they can help you think more quickly and more sharply. All this leads to a more productive and more successful you. These aren’t miracle pills, by any means. You won’t find yourself completing an entire college course one weekend, writing the great American novel the next, then conquering the stock market before the third weekend even begins. But you will see improvement in your cognitive functions and your productive capacity, as long as you find the right nootropic to take.

NooCube is a product I came across not to long ago. I plan to test it out in the near future, and when I do, I’ll come back and let you know all about my experience. But for now, I’ve put together all the information available about what it is, how it works, and whether or not NooCube is likely to benefit you in the ways you’re hoping it will.

noocube reviewNooCube Benefits

Like all nootropic supplements, NooCube promises to increase alertness, concentration and productivity. The difference, according to the website, is that NooCube was designed by neuroscientists using only the most rigorously tested ingredients, some of which are commonly used to support the treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.

NooCube shifts your brain into high gear, setting you up for:

  • Enhanced concentration.
  • Heightened memory.
  • Better ability to multitask.
  • Increased mental energy.
  • Greater focus.
  • Better ability to communicate your ideas and positions.

NooCube Ingredients

The 7 primary ingredients in NooCube have all been tested and shown to have some benefit in the realm of cognitive enhancement:

  • Alpha GPC  works to increase the amount of acetylcholine in your brain. Acetylcholine is an extremely important neurotransmitter, used for communication between brain cells. These chemical messengers are what enables you you process information and make connections. In a 2013 study, Alpha GPC was shown to lead to significant improvements in the cognitive functioning of Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Huperzine A  blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine, effectively increasing the amount that remains in your brain. An enzyme called acetylcholinesterase breaks down acetylcholine. Huperzine A blocks that enzyme from doing so. More acetylcholine in your brain means better cogntive function. In a 1999 study, young people given Huperzine A for 4 weeks demonstrated improvement in learning and memory greater than those taking a placebo.
  • Cat’s Claw  works as an antioxidant to protect cells from oxidative damage. By helping DNA and cells to avoid damage due to stress and the environment, Cat’s Claw shows promise as an aid to possibly preventing Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Bacopa Monniere  helps repair damage to neurons while also promoting new nerve growth. More healthy neurons means better cognitive function. Studies have shown Bacopa to cause significant improvement in memory over 12 weeks. It’s often used to treat patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Oat Straw  works by increasing Alpha-2 waves in the brain, causing increased activity during periods of wakefulness. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which causes a more awake and alert feeling. A study done in 2015 showed that after taking Oat Straw for 6 days, subjects were better able to complete timed tasks, including those involving memory.
  • L-Theanine  comes from green and back tea, and acts as a stimulant for neurotransmitters without causing caffeine-like jitters, leaving you in a relaxed yet alert state.
  • L-Tyrosine  is used by the brain to help produce dopamine and noradrenaline for mood, motivation, and alertness, especially in stressful situations.

One ingredient NooCube is missing is caffeine, which is a decision they made by design. The majority of nootropic supplements use caffeine to help you get that alert feeling. The problem is that with that caffeine alertness also comes those caffeine jitters. NooCube leaves out caffeine, replacing it with the more mellow alert feeling you can get from L-Theanine.

Click Here to see a picture of the ingredients label.

How To Use NooCube

The recommended dose is 2 NooCube capsules per day, taken in the morning with breakfast. You’ll start to feel it kicking in in about 30 minutes, and the effects last about 8-10 hours. If needed, you can increase your dose up to 3 or 4 pills at a time, but not more than 4.

NooCube Side Effects

All the ingredients in NooCube have been tested and found to be generally safe. No side effects have been reported, though because everyone is different, there is a small possibility that you may experience mild side effects, like headaches or nausea.

My Results

So I finally got a chance to test out Noocube personally, and I gotta say the results were better than expected.  I say this because I’ve taken plenty of other supplements in the past with similar ingredient profiles, only to be left disappointed.

I followed the directions on the label which said to take 2 capsules on an empty stomach.  After about 30 – 45 minutes I didn’t feel much, so I decided to up the dose by 1 capsule.

About 20 minutes later I started to feel a small wave of clarity wash over me.  It was subtle at first, but seemed to progress quite rapidly.

I waited another 30 minutes and decided to take one more capsule (the max dose is 4 pills per day), and could feel the effects much stronger.

I ended up punching out a couple of product reviews in a matter of 2 hours, which normally takes me closer to 3 – 4 hours to do.

I also ended up going to the gym later on that afternoon, and I definitely felt more focused and in tune with my workout.  I personally didn’t experience any side effects with Noocube, which is always a good thing.

NooCube Pros and Cons

Advantages of NooCube

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are clinical tests citing the effectiveness of each of the ingredients.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • NooCube is caffeine-free for anyone who wants to use a nootropic, but doesn’t do well with caffeine.

Disadvantages of NooCube

  • The formula is proprietary, so we don’t know how much of each ingredient is used. This makes it tough to know if there’s enough of each to have a positive effect.
  • Because it’s pretty new and only available through the official website, there aren’t any independent NooCube reviews to read from customers who’ve used it.

Where to Buy

NooCube is currently only available online through its official website. A single bottle sells for $43.23, and there’s a discount if you buy multiple bottles at once. Buying 3 bottles at once will get you 3 free ones, meaning you pay $129.70 for 6 bottles. That’s less than $22 per bottle.

There’s a money back guarantee that even includes shipping costs in case you’re not satisfied.


If you’re looking for a solid, non-stimulant nootropic supplement that won’t give you the jitters or cause insomnia, I highly recommend Noocube.  It’s not the best nootropic supplement I’ve used, but I would definitely place it in my top 10 list.

Have You Used NooCube? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Intellux and Geniux Review – Miracle or Myth?

If Jim Carrey revealed to you the secret that has made him millions over the course of his acting career, would you listen?  Well, according to this ad I just saw on Yahoo, he’s doing just that.  In a magazine article I read on Discover channel online, apparently Jim Carrey has been taking a supplement to help him possess a mind-altering work ethic and creativity, and making him a very rich man in the process.

jim carrey intellux

It was revealed on his most recent appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show that this supplement is non other then a combination of Intellux and Geniux, 2 “smart pills” that he and other celebrities have been taking for years to help them achieve “mind blowing” focus and skyrocket their careers.

So, are these supposed “brain boosters” really all they’re cracked up to be?  Well, most likely the answer to that question is NO…but we figured we could give it the benefit of the doubt before jumping to any conclusions.

What is Intellux?

intellux reviewAccording to their official website, Intellux is a “#1 rated all natural smart pill” designed to give you intense focus, achieve enhanced mental clarity, and improved your short and long term memory dramatically.  The ingredients in Intellux include a phosphatidylserine complex, which is essentially a chemical that is found in many common foods, but were actually once made from cow brains….yummy!

This compound has actually been used to help age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and even has been shown in limited clinical studies to help young adults suffering from ADHD.

But is this the ONLY ingredient found in Intellux??  Well, there’s no indication of a proprietary formula, but my guess would be that it probably contains some other extracts, including ginkgo biloba, ginseng, vincopocetine, caffeine, bitter orange extract, yerba mate, and some type of choline substance.

What is Geniux?

geniux reviewI’m only going to touch on Geniux very briefly here, but I have a very extensive review written if you want to take a look. Geniux, just like Intellux, was recently introduced to the market as a cognitive enhance (or smart pill), and boasts numerous benefits.

I actually had a chance to test it out personally, but my results were not very satisfactory.

According to them, their fast acting formula is designed to deliver an unparalleled boost in focus and memory, as well as give you extreme mental energy.  The main problem with this is that their supposed ‘revolutionary’ formula is comprised of solely 4 ingredients…Bee pollen, Caffeine, Eleuthero extract, and Gelatin.

That’s not very revolutionary in my book.

You’ll see in my review that they do a very good job of trying to convince you that it’s some award winning product, claiming it’s been seen on several reputable media sites like NBC, CNN, and USA Today.  However, they use a lot of fake ads in the process.  Case in point, check out this Youtube video I found…

Sounds legit, right???  Well, if you listen to his review, right around the 7 second mark he clearly states that he’s ‘not a paid actor’.  Well, look what I found here…

geniux fake review

In fact, he IS a paid actor, and you can utilize his services for as low as $5 on a website appropriately named  Enough of that, let’s move on to what’s really important, and that’s…

What Got You Here In The First Place…

So back to the original part of the story, the supposed “Discovery Magazine” article that talked about how Jim Carrey revealed how this secret ‘Genius pill’ increased his wealth, IQ and Bank account.

At first glance, the page looks very convincing.   It actually “looks” like the real Discovery Channel website, complete with links to other pages, a special online offer to subscribe to their magazine, and links to their social media accounts.

If you read it, they literally quote Jim Carrey saying ‘when I started taking this I went from doing stand up comedy to getting paid over $10 million per movie…it changed my life”.

Throughout this article, several other celebrities are mentioned…

Tom Cruise revealed in a recent interview on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon that he’s been taking Intellux and Geniux.  Tennis legend Roger Federer has admitted to using them to maintain high levels of focus and performance everyday.

Even Daniel Craig has been getting in on the action, using Intellux to help him memorize lines and improvise on the set of his latest Bond films.

So, What’s the REAL Truth About All Of This?

The problem is….it’s ALL FAKE!  That’s right guys and gals, the whole thing you just read was a complete fabrication.  Or what we call in the industry a ‘Farticle’ (Fake Article).  It’s designed to make you think that it’s legit by employing a number of very sophisticated cloak and dagger techniques designed to make you want to buy instantly.

Before you write me off, let me make my case…

1.)  The first thing I want to point out is the URL of this “Discovery Magazine article….Take a look below:

discovery mag intellux small

As you can see, this is NOT the real Discover Magazine website.  The real website is, NOT Discovery dash Magazine dash Online dot com.  This is further proven when you attempt to click on some of the other links on the page.  You’ll notice that every link go’s to a broken page.

Check it out below…

That’s the first RED FLAG…

2.)  Jim Carrey did NOT say that he used Intellux and Geniux to give him mind blowing focus and concentration on the Jimmy Kimmel show.  How do I know this??

Because I watched the entire 15 min. interview on Youtube, check it out below…

As you can see (if you watched the whole thing), not ONCE did he mention Intellux and Geniux…In fact, he didn’t mention that he is taking ANY supplement or substance to help him achieve the success he has.

The same goes with the claim that Tom Cruise has been using them.  I looked up the Jimmy Fallon interview and, yet again, there was not one mention of him using these 2 supplements in combination.

Sorry to disappoint you…

3.)  If all of the above isn’t convincing enough, take a look at the comments at the bottom of this Discovery Magazine article.  They all talk about how great Intellux and Geniux is, and how much wealth and success they’ve achieved using these 2 pills.

Every. Single. One of them is fake.  Try to leave a comment yourself, and you’ll find that it’s impossible to do so.  Not only that, but they apparently look like Facebook comments.

If they were REAL Facebook comments, you would be able to click on them and see the persons profile.  But alas, if you try to do so nothing happens.

Now They Are Promoting It In “Forbes”

So I’m browsing through my Facebook feed out of sheer boredom this morning and come across the following:

intellux ad facebook

I’ve seen this exact same add for other nootropics like Cogniflex and MZT 48, but this time that are calling Intellux “1.5X more potent than Adderall and 100% safer”.

Just like the Discovery magazine stuff above, they pull all the same B.S. here with a slightly different twist.

For example, this time they claim that renowned genius Stephen Hawking is calling Intellux a “pill that will change humanity”.

stephen hawking intellux

They’re even saying Denzel Washington uses it, claiming that the “evolution of the brain” is here.

denzel washington intellux

Even better, Ashton Kutcher is force feeding his employees to take Intellux, and as a result his tech startup has turned into a billion dollar company.

ashton kutcher intellux

Of Course, as USUAL, this is all B.S.

The first thing you’ll notice is that, just like with the Discover magazine website, this is NOT really the Forbes website.

intellux forbes

The website showing here is geniusnewsreview dot com, not  Of course if you look up who owns that website, it’s privacy enabled, which basically means you won’t see who’s behind it.

The second thing you’ll notice is the Facebook comments at the bottom of the page.

intellux facebook

Literally ALL of these comments are completely fake.

I know this because if you try to view the profiles of any of these people, it just doesn’t happen.

You can also see for yourself by simply trying to add your own comment to the page.

It’s basically impossible.


I’ve seen this false advertising, especially for nootropic supplements, time and time again.  Check back in another week or so, and you will see a TOTALLY different supplement making the EXACT same claims that some celebrities have been using these supplements to achieve huge financial and career success.

Don’t buy into the B.S. guys…there really are supplements out there that CAN help you achieve increased cognition and focus, but Intellux and Geniux are definitely NOT one of them.

Have You Used Intellux and Geniux?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Limitless Forte Review – Does It Work?

Can you really take a pill to make you smarter? It’s always been a fantasy at some level – the stuff of novels and movies – but these days, more and more people are starting to see it as a potential reality. The pills go by several names: Nootropics, Smart Drugs, Brain Boosters, Cognitive Enhancers, and Limitless Pills to name a few. And while none of them live up to the dream of turning you into a masterfully productive genius solving the world’s problems and making millions of dollars at the same time, there is some hope and evidence that they can help improve your cognitive function and productivity.

Limitless Forte showed up on my radar not too long ago. It’s a nootropic supplement, available online, that promises to help you wake up effortlessly, focus more intently, think more clearly, and get more done in a day than you ever thought you could.

Benefits of Limitless Forte

Their official website is the primary source for information about Limitless Forte and what it can do for you. The idea is that it provides certain ingredients that bolster your brain’s ability to function at its highest level. They talk about some natural ways you can boost your brain power, such as:

  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • More Sleep
  • Vitamin D

But they go on to list all the reasons why doing fitting those things into your life is difficult: Exercise takes time and effort not everyone can give, meditation takes years of practice and devotion before you start to see real results paying off, finding time for more sleep is pretty much impossible, and the best source of Vitamin D is sunshine, which makes it very hard to get during the winter.

Limitless Forte offers a shortcut for those of us who won’t or can’t fit in the natural brain boosting activities listed above.

limitless forte reviewLimitless Forte Ingredients

There are 5 primary ingredients in the Limitless Forte formula. The website lists them all and provides a little information about how each of them works:

  • Ginkgo Biloba which improves blood flow to the brain, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to your brain cells. Armed with this, your neurons fire at a higher level, more quickly and efficiently delivering messages so your simply more effective and on point.
  • Guarana which is a natural source of caffeine that stimulates brain function, improves reflexes, and bolsters your mood.
  • Lecithin which contains choline, a precursor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is responsible for much of your memory and ability to concentrate.
  • Vitamin D-3 which is necessary for the absorption by the body of essential minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, all important for not only overall health, but also energy, cell growth, and immune function. Diminished Vitamin D levels are related to bad moods and poor cognitive performance.
  • Schisandra Chinensis which fights against both physical fatigue and mental exhaustion, while also combating depression.

Click Here for a picture of the ingredients label.

This is actually a pretty disappointing list. Nootropics have gone a lot farther than simple vitamins and feel good herbals. Where’s the Huperzine A? Where’s the Vinpocetine? Where’s the Phosphatidylserine? The ingredients in Limitless Forte are useful, but they would be better as a supporting cast for a few powerhouse ingredients.

How To Use Limitless Forte

The recommended dose is 1 Limitless Forte pill per day, typically taken in the morning, but a “nootropic expert” is quoted on the website as saying he knows several professionals who “take much more”.

Limitless Forte vs Energy Drinks

The website makes an interesting connection between Limitless Forte and energy drinks. It compares the two in several categories including: how long they last, how well they boost brain function, how well they improve concentration and focus, and how safe they are. Of course, Limitless Forte comes out on top in each category. But the comparison is interesting in that it demonstrates that they’re targeting drinkers or energy drinks as potential customers to win over, indicating that lots of brain booster users are really maybe just looking for an energy boost.

Limitless Forte Side Effects

The ingredients in Limitless Forte are generally safe and the product has no reported side effects. Unless you have an allergy to one of the ingredients, taking this at the recommended dosage appears to be safe.

Where to Buy

Limitless Forte is only available through its official website, but they do give you a few different options for how much you want to purchase, each of which is more confusing than the last. Here are your three choices:

  • Pay $7 for a 14 day trial consisting of a 2 day supply. Choosing this option, like choosing any of the options, signs you up for the monthly autoshipping program. They’ll send you a 30 count bottle automatically every month for the price of $49. It’s not clear that you’re only paying $7 at first, or when they’ll charge you your first payment of $49.
  • Pay $49 and get a 30-count bottle. This choice will also sign you up for the monthly automatic shipping program. There doesn’t seem to be much difference between this choice and the one above, except that you don’t pay an extra $7 for 2 more pills.
  • Pay $89 for 2 30-count bottles. This option also signs you up for the monthly program, but you’ll be getting 2 bottles sent to you each month for $89 instead of one bottle for $49. This option is evidence that they expect people to take more than one pill each day.

Limitless Forte Reviews

We searched far and wide, but we were unable to find any customer feedback that isn’t associated with trying to sell the stuff. There are some glowing testimonials on the website, but of course there are. What do you think, that they’d put up reviews saying it doesn’t work, while they’re trying to sell the stuff? I don’t think so.

I also looked around on Youtube and came across these 2 reviews:

To me, these reviews sound….for lack of a better term, scripted.

Neither one of them goes into any depth about the product, other then raving about it and saying it’s changed their lives.

I searched through a website called, where you can literally buy a review or testimonial, to see if these 2 were advertising their services, but came up short.

Who Makes Limitless Forte?

The company behind Limitless Forte is called EuroKram SP ZOO, based in Poland. They are not a supplement company, but a website applications and plugins firm. This is a pretty clear sign that Limitless Forte is a money making venture, more than it is a nutritionally beneficial product.

Limitless Forte Pros and Cons

Advantages of Limitless Forte

  • The ingredients are safe and all natural.

Disadvantages of Limitless Forte

  • The formula looks very weak, as we discussed above.
  • The only way to buy it is by signing up for automatic monthly orders.
  • The company behind Limitless Forte doesn’t seem to have anything to do with supplements.
  • There are no independent customer reviews, other then a few scripted ones on youtube.

The Bottom Line

I definitely think there’s something to be said for nootropic supplements. There are some good ones that can really get you going and help you be more productive. Because of that, a lot of imitators pop up. There’s nothing dangerous about Limitless Forte, but there’s nothing truly effective about it either.

Have You Used Limitless Forte? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Vyderal Review – Should You Use It?

Vyderal is a new natural brain boosting supplement on the market. While nootropics have technically been around for decades, they’ve really taken off as a prominent subset of the online supplement industry in the last couple years. When a new supplement comes out, they often try to position themselves as unique or serving a niche market. We took a look at Vyderal to see where they fit in in the grand scheme of things.

Vyderal – Achieve Your FAME

At first glance, the name rings a bell.  When you think Vyderal, what other word comes to mind?  If you said adderall, you’re not alone.  While they don’t blatantly advertise it this way, this particular supplement positions itself as an adderall substitute using a clever spinoff of the name.

“Achieve your FAME” is the marketing tagline used by Vyderal. It doesn’t mean exactly what you think it does at first glance. FAME is an acronym for “Focus, Attention, Mood, and Energy,” and those are the highlighted benefits that you’re promised to achieve:

  • Increased Focus so you can start, work on, and finish the task at hand.
  • Greater Attention so you can concentrate your whole mind on what you’re doing to complete it with accuracy and efficiency.
  • Better Mood so your motivation to succeed stays high.
  • Sustained Energy so you can accomplish just as much in the afternoon as you do in the morning.

vyderal reviewVyderal Ingredients

A supplement is only as effective as its formula, so let’s dive right into what Vyderal has to offer on that front.

The Vyderal formula consists of 7 ingredients, all of which should be familiar if you’ve done any research into nootropic supplements and how they work:

  • Vitamin B12 which provides sustained energy without stimulating the central nervous system. Instead, it facilitates the conversion of carbohydrates to fuel, which means energy that lasts all day and doesn’t cause a crash. Another benefit of Vitamin B12 is that it helps support the health of cell membranes.
  • Caffeine which as a central nervous system stimulant, provides energy and focus. Vyderal uses Kola Nut and Green Tea as its caffeine sources, so you’re not getting too much, and it’s not to harsh of a come on or crash. Its effects are presumed to last about 3 hours.
  • Theacrine which is similar to caffeine in its ability to provide energy, but without the crash and without building a dependency. Some of the additional benefits claimed by Theacrine are a reduction in physical discomfort from intense exercise, boosted mood and motivation, and increased neural activity. It works by increasing the effect of dopamine.
  • Choline Bitrartrate which is a prominent source of the important nerotransmitter Acetylcholine. Increased acetylcholine leads to improved cognitive function.
  • L-Theanine which relaxes you without causing a feeling of sedation. It’s commonly used to combat the racy effects of caffeine so you get the energy and focus, but no jitters. It also improves focus and attention.
  • L-Carnitine facilitates the conversion of fat into energy, again providing sustained energy as opposed to the quick and fleeting energy provided by caffeine. It also acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from oxidative damage.
  • Vinpocetine improves blood flow to the brain, it acts as an antioxidant to protect cell health, and it protects neurons for better cell to cell communication. This improves cognitive function.

Click Here to see a photo of the ingredients label.

How To Use Vyderal

The recommended dose is 2 Vyderal capsules taken in the morning with breakfast. It’s important that you take it with food because some of the ingredients in the formula require food for better absorption.

Vyderal Side Effects

All of the ingredients in the Vyderal formula are fairly well tolerated but there’s no guarantee against mild side effects like headache or nausea. The label warns against using Vyderal if you:

  • Are pregnant or nursing.
  • Are under 12 years old.
  • Need to avoid stimulants, such as caffeine.
  • Have a medical condition.
  • Take prescription medication.

Vyderal contains a significant amount of Vitamin B12, over 11,000% of the Recommended Daily Allowance. There may be some side effects resulting from this large an amount of Vitamin B12, including tingling in arms, hands, and face, dizziness, rash, and headache.

Where to Buy

At this time, Vyderal is only available online through the official Vyderal website. A single bottle, which is a one month supply, sells for $29, which is pretty cheap for a nootropic supplement these days. You’ll save a little more if you buy multiple bottles at once. Two bottles costs $54 ($27 each) and 3 bottles cost $79 ($26.33 each).

Vyderal offers a money back guarantee. If you purchased only one bottle, you do not have to return it to get a full refund, which is nice. A lot of companies require returns for refunds, which discourages customers from following through. If you purchased multiple bottles, you’re required to return them if you want a full refund.

Vyderal Reviews

There are no independent customer reviews for Vyderal online. This is often the case with supplements that are only sold through their official websites. There are customer testimonials on the website, but these should be taken with a grain of salt, since the company is likely to only show the positive ones.

That said, here is some of the feedback we found:

  • J says, “I can see clearly now, I could go on and on about this product, but I’ll sum it up easy, IT WORKS You owe it to yourself to try it, I did and I’m back for more”.
  • Derek says, “Seriously, it’s like Vyvance without the tweaker feeling, effective and clean, My new upper of choice”.
  • Stephen says, “Being a full time student and working part time is demanding and I don’t always get the sleep I need to stay alert and focused, I have to say I have tried everything from energy drinks to other focus type products but none have given me the sustained kick and drive this one provides, One of the main things i like about it is the fact that I don’t feel all cracked out at the end of the day, Imo, Vyderal is the real deal, Thank you for creating something that actually works”.

However, there was a review from a guy on Youtube that seems legit.  Check it out below:

He actually compares it to Optimind (my personal favorite) and even prefers Vyderal over Optimind.  I can’t say the same (see more in my review below), but I could see what he was getting at.

My Personal Results

I’ve been testing Vyderal for the last week or so, and I gotta say it’s actually pretty decent.  I started off with just one capsule (the label calls for 2) the first day and didn’t feel much.

The second day I took 2 capsules and I would say it kicked in after about 30 min. or so.

It wasn’t any sort of huge “mind-rushing” type clarity.  But I could feel a difference.

I felt sharper, more motivated to get things done, but remained relatively calm feeling.

Like another reviewer stated, it was like having a big Red Bull without the “redbullish” type of tweaking effect.

The best thing I noticed was there was no “crash” or side effects whatsoever.

A lot of these nootropic supplements pump a ton of stimulants in them, which helps you focus / concentrate for a little bit, but often leaves you feeling hyper-stimulated.

This wasn’t the case with Vyderal.

It was a very smooth and relaxed buzz type feeling, NOT a cracked out one.

Vyderal Pros and Cons

Advantages of Vyderal

  • It’s cheap.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The website is very informative.

Disadvantages of Vyderal

  • The formula is very heavily focused on stimulants and less focuses on actually cognitive enhancement.
  • There’s very little independent feedback on the internet from customers who’ve used it and want to share their experience. There are testimonials on the Vyderal website, but those are notoriously biased.


Vyderal is a good supplement.  Not the best, but for me it seemed to get the job done.

Does it give you mind altering focus?  In my opinion, no.

Is it the most powerful nootropic on the market?  Not by a long shot.

Will it help you get things done or study for an exam?  In my experience, yes.

Does it give you any nasty side effects.  In my case absolutely not (which is very refreshing I might add).

Is it better then Optimind?  I personally don’t think so.

But it’s definitely worth a shot if you’re looking for something to help with cognitive function.

Have You Used Vyderal? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

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