NitroNos X Review – Too Good To Be True?


What is it
How It Works
Free Trial Scam
Who Makes it
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

You may be reading this because of an article you read in the online version of Men’s Health Magazine talking about how Gerard Butler and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson get so massive and ripped by taking this incredible new stack of NitroNos X and TestoRip X. If that’s the case, I have a little secret to let you in on – that’s not Men’s Health Magazine, and the chances that any of the celebrities mentioned in the article have ever even heard of this stack are extremely slim.

A discerning eye can easily detect some things that are, shall we say, amiss about these types of ads and testimonials and for the most part they should not be taken seriously.

It’s easy to be drawn in by the headline, but when you look more closely, you’ll see several way’s that it’s all a fraud.   Basically this is a “shell article”. They use the exact same article over and over again with different supplements: the same celebrities, the same benefits of the stack, the same writer’s own results, even the same reader comments. I’ve seen it dozens of times, and it’s always exactly the same. We’ll start at the top of the page:



NitroNos X Article Heading


That’s just the article heading, but it gets worse from there.


Here’s an excerpt from the NitroNos X and TestoRip X stack article:

NitroNos X TestoRip X article excerpt

And here’s an excerpt from the article being used to promote a totally different stack:

C:\Users\Teresa Pirger\Documents\Elance 2\Rob\Supplementcritique\2016 Reviews\June 2016 Reviews\June Images\NitroNos X other article excerpt.png

The exact same image and text, the only difference is the supplements they’re talking about.  The article is just a fake, but they’re trying to sell you real products. You can check out our full review of TestoRip X by clicking here. Now let’s dive into the supplement itself to see if it’s worth any more of your time and/or money.

NitroNos X Review 1What is NitroNos X?

NitroNos X is a pre workout supplement that promises EXTREME MUSCLE POWER. It’s primary focus is on boosting nitric oxide, but along with that, you’ll get:

  • Greater endurance.
  • Insane muscle pumps.
  • Increased fat loss.
  • More lean muscle gain.
  • Quicker post workout recovery.

How NitroNos X Works

The focus on boosting nitric oxide is a solid principle. Nitric Oxide is a gas that’s produced in your body and acts as a vasodilator. It relaxes your blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through. The freer flow of blood means better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles when you need them, and when you’re working out is when you need them. An influx of oxygen gives your muscles energy, stamina, and endurance. The increased blood flow also gives you great vascularity during your workout and even after you’re done.

Better blood flow helps your post workout recovery too, by improving nutrient delivery. Your muscles heal and repair better when they have more of what they need to get the job done

Clearly, increasing nitric oxide can really improve your workouts and your workout results. But it only works if NitroNos X has the right formula to actually increase nitric oxide production within your body, so next, we’ll take a look at what’s inside NitroNos X to see if it’s got what it takes.

NitroNos X Ingredients

Way down at the bottom of the NitroNos X website homepage is a link to an image of the NitroNos X label. All the ingredients are listed, which is nice, but most of them are in a proprietary blend, meaning we don’ know how much is actually used. Here’s the breakdown:

  • 800 mg Proprietary Blend of 3 different kinds of L-Arginine. L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide. The more L-Arginine you ingest, the more nitric oxide your body produces. It’s helpful to have different kinds because they absorb at different rates and respond differently within your body, but the most important thing is the total amount of 800 mg. Unfortunately this is a little low considering the standard recommended pre workout dose is 3-6 grams
  • 5 mg L-Citrulline which is actaully a pre cursor to L-Arginine so it also boosts nitric oxide production. Again though, the recommended dose is 3 grams, which is a long way from the 5 mg in the formula.
  • The last listed ingredient is 4 mg of Dipotassium Phosphate which they strangely claim is used by the body to produce ATP and CP, which are basically what makes up muscle energy. But I say “strangely” because Dipotassium Phosphate is used for treating low calcium levels in blood and to clean out bowels, but I’ve found no indication anywhere except the NitroNos X website that there’s a connection with ATP. There is anecdotal evidence that at high doses, it may improve athletic performance, but more of the hard evidence points to the fact that it doesn’t help.

The overarching issue with the NitroNos X formula is amounts. The ingredients are decent and could provide good help, but at such low levels, you’re unlikely to see much of an effect.

The NitroNos X Free Trial Scam

So we’ve got a formula that’s looking pretty weak, now let’s take a look at how much NitroNos X costs. Sometimes, if a supplement is cheap enough and you know what you’re doing, you can double up on your dose to get the right amounts of effective ingredients. But that’s only a viable option if it’s cost effective, and that doesn’t look like it’s the case with NitroNos X.

NitroNos X isn’t sold in stores. They only way you can buy it is by signing up for their free trial offer, and if you’ve read any of our other reviews for these so-called “free trial” products, you already know that these offers are definitely not free.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You sign up for the free trial by paying a small shipping fee, in this case $4.95.
  2. They send you a full one-month supply bottle, and sign you up for their monthly autoshipment/autobilling program (This is the part that most customers don’t know about till it’s too late).
  3. 14 days from the day you originally placed your free trial order, if you haven’t called and canceled your subscription, they charge you full price for the “free” bottle you already have – full price being $89.99.
  4. Every month from then on, they send you and bill you for a fresh one month supply bottle at the full price.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with monthly autoship programs. If it’s a product you use every day and trust, it can be very convenient. The problem with this setup is that they purposely try not to inform customers that this is what they signed up for. They say in the tiniest of print at the very end of the order page, sometimes the only way you could know is if you read the entire Terms&Conditions document, which let’s face it, people almost never do.

NitroNos X is actually one of the worst offenders. The way they word it on the order page, most reasonable people wouldn’t be clear about what’s going to happen next, and it certainly makes no direct mention of being charged $89.99 for your FREE bottle.


NitroNos X Act Now image

NitroNos X Reviews

NitroNos X is only sold through its official website with the free trial offer. It’s not sold on other retail websites like Amazon, so there really isn’t any unfiltered customer feedback on the internet to help us see how guys are liking this stuff in the real world.

There is a network of affiliate websites that look like reviews, but they’re not real reviews, and they’re definitely not unbiased. They’re websites that basically exist to get you to order order the NitroNos X free trial. Some say they’ve used it, some just talk about its benefits, but they all end with a call to action that looks something like this:


NitroNos X Act Now image


Those affiliate sites don’t really count as customer feedback since they’re not really customers. Then there are the testimonials on the website which are also a little tough to believe, since the official website for the product isn’t about to put negative feedback out there for all to see. In any event, here’s what a couple of them say:

Douglas of Pheonix says: “I always though of myself as being pretty fit, After taking NitroNos X for a few weeks I have noticed a big boost in my energy levels lasting through my workouts”.

And Anthony of Miami says: “I couldn’t be happier with NitroNos X, Ever since I started using it, not only do I have more energy, I’m satisfying my girlfriend in ways I never dreamed of”.

Who Makes NitroNos X?

The company goes by the same name as the product, but TestoRip X is also made and distributed by the same people, under the name TestoRip X. They have locations in Orlando and St Petersburg, Florida, though they only use a PO Box for their address.

They do have a presence with the Better Business Bureau but that’s because a customer has filed a complaint about the free trial scam. Basically this customer did not expect the charges, and believes that the company didn’t make them clear, and is asking for their money back. The BBB gives companies an opportunity to respond to the complaint and make it right. NitroNos X didn’t take them up on that offer. As of now, the 3 month old complaint has gone unanswered by NitroNos X.

NitroNos X Pros and Cons

Advantages of NitroNos X

  • It claims to be a nitric oxide boosting pre workout supplement, and that’s basically what it is.
  • The ingredients are listed, including amounts.

Disadvantages of NitroNos X

  • The ingredient amounts are very low.
  • It’s only available with a free trial offer that isn’t free at all, but will probably leave you fighting to stop monthly charges that you never wanted in the first place.
  • NitroNos X is gaining a negative reputation with the Better Business Bureau.
  • It’s marketed using the same fake article used by dozens of other supplements and stacks to try to make you think celebrities and others are using NitroNos X with great success.

The Bottom Line

The truth is there’s been great advancement in the world of testosterone boosters, post workout recovery formulas, and pre workout supplements. More and more, people are turning to natural products to help them get the kinds of results they thought they could only get with steroids. But with this advancement comes companies ready and willing to jump on the bandwagon with cheap, shoddy products just trying to make a quick buck.

NitroNos X makes an attempt by putting together a pre workout formula that, on the face of it, looks like it could boost nitric oxide levels and bring on the energy and pump. Unfortunately, the ingredient amounts are so small they’re not likely to do much good.

Their formula is just about as phony as their uninspired and sneaky marketing that is far from the truth.

Add that to the fact that they use the fake cut and paste job of an article to advertise their product, and a phony free trial scam to sell it, one that’s gotten thousands of customers caught up in months of billing hassles and hundreds of dollars lost, and there’s not a single reason I can think of that you should be spending your time and money on NitroNos X.

Have You Used NitroNos X? Leave Your Review Below!

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TestoRip X Review – The Real Thing or Just Another Scam?


What is it
How It Works
Free Trial Scam
TestoRip X and NitroNos X Stack
What about NitroNos X
The Company Behind TestoRip X
Customer Feedback
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Some of the supplements we review try to do all things for all people. They pack in nitric oxide boosters for pump, creatine for power, beta alanine for endurance, caffeine for energy, and then a whole bunch of herbs to boost performance in every way you can think of. Others, like TestoRip X, focus in on one thing – boosting testosterone – and as a result, have the potential to make a real impact in a small area. But potential is one thing, performance is another thing entirely. We’ll break it down – promises, ingredients, cost, results – and let you know if TestoRip X lives up to its hype.

What Is TestoRip X?

TestoRip X is a natural testosterone boosting supplement, only available online, that makes similar promises to other products of its kind. By using this stuff, they say you’ll see:

  • Extreme energy.
  • Intense sex drive.
  • Accelerated muscle gain.
  • Explosive performance in the gym and in the bedroom.

TestoRip X Review 1How TestoRip X Works

As a natural testosterone booster, TestoRip X claims to reverse the normal decline in testosterone levels that occurs as men age. When you were 20, your body was awash in testosterone. It practically oozed out of your pores. That’s why energy was boundless, workouts were easy, fat was practically non-existent, and always being ready for sex was a huge part of your identity.

But year after year, your body produces less and less T, until sometime usually in your 30s or early 40s, you start to notice the difference. You don’t have the energy and stamina you used to have, you start to get a little flabby, workouts you used to do with ease are much more difficult now, and even when you do the workouts, you just don’t get the ripped and shredded look you used to enjoy. Part of this is probably due to growing up and changing priorities – with jobs and families taking up a lot of your focus. But a lot of it is due to the normal, natural decline in testosterone production.

TestoRip X restarts that testosterone producing engine, and on top of that, works to make sure the testosterone you do have remains free and available for use. When you get your levels tested, there are two important numbers: total testosterone and free testosterone. Total testosterone is all the testosterone you have in your body, but free testosterone is the number that really matters. It represents how much T you really have available for use. A protein called SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) attaches itself to some of your testosterone, binding it up and making it unavailable for use by the body. The less SHBG you have binding to your testosterone, the more remains free for your body to use, and the more vital you feel.

In theory, that’s how TestoRip X works. It encourages increased production of total testosterone in your body, and it reduces the effect of SHBG on total testosterone, so free testosterone levels remain high. So let’s see how this theory holds up in the real world.

TestoRip X Ingredients

There’s a good amount of information on TestoRip X and how it works on its official website, but if you don’t look hard enough, you’ll miss the ingredient list. There’s actually a link way down at the bottom of the site that displays a TestoRip X label:

TestoRip X Ingredients

Basically the formula is just under 1500 mg of a proprietary formula that includes:

  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) which is an herbal aphrodisiac that also helps increase blood flow to the penis during erection. It’s been comparied to PDE5 inhibitors in how it works.
  • Tongkat Ali which is believed to increase levels of free testosterone by inhibiting the action of SHBG. The TestoRip X website links to a small study that seems to affirm this notion. The dosage used in the study was 400 mg daily, but because of the proprietary blend, we don’t know if that’s the dose present in TestoRip X.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports prostate health which benefits male sexual health in several ways.
  • Orchic Substance which is believed to increase natural testosterone production.
  • Wild Yam which works to maintain a proper balance between male and female sex hormones.
  • Sarsaparilla which contains the same saponins (testosterone building blocks) as are found in the Wild Yam.
  • Nettle Extract which, like Saw Palmetto, supports prostate health.
  • Boron which may inhibit the action of SHBG and raise free testosterone levels as well.

It’s a pretty good list, but there’s one glaring omission, and that’s D-Aspartic Acid. DAA has shown the most promise in clinical studies, showing that it actually can increase testosterone levels by over 40% in 12 days. We should also note one more time that even though Tongkat Ali has been shown in a trial to increase free testosterone, we don’t know if the dose used in TestoRip X is even close to the dose used in the successful testing.

The TestoRip X Free Trial Scam

So, on the face of it, TestoRip X looks like it could be a pretty fair natural testosterone booster. It doesn’t knock it out of the park, but it appears that it could have a positive effect on your testosterone levels and all that goes with that.

The next thing to do is see what it costs and decide whether or not it’s a good value for the money. If you’re just casually looking at the website, the “fact” that TestoRip X is FREE will probably jump right out at you:

estorip x free trial banner

But hold up just a minute and I’ll show you how TestoRip X is not only not “risk free”, it’s actually going to cost you a lot of money if you’re not very careful.

It’s a common online supplement marketing scheme where they make you think you get to try it for free. What really happens when you sign up is that you pay a small shipping fee (that’s how they get your credit card number) and they send you a full one-month supply bottle.

From the moment you order, you have 14 days to decide whether or not you like the stuff. 14 days isn’t a lot of time, and that includes the time it takes for them to ship it to your house, so you’ll want to be ready to start using it right away. If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days from your order date, they’ll charge your credit card the full price of $88.99 for the “free” bottle you already received, and they’ll keep sending you full price bottles every month until you cancel.

So to sum it up, the free trial is not really free – they just basically delay charging you the full price for 14 days. On the 15th day, unless you’ve already called and canceled, they will charge you that full price, and not only that, but you’re locked in to buy a new bottle every month.

Check it out in the Terms & Conditions document:

TestoRip X Trial Terms

TestoRip X and NitroNos X Stack

You may have first heard of TestoRip X through a Men’sHealth magazine article about this incredible new bodybuilding stack that all the celebrities are using to put on insane amounts of muscle for their leading roles in action films. Here’s the headline:

testorip x article headline

The stack they’re talking about is TestoRip X and NitroNos X, but don’t be fooled. It’s not really Men’s Health Magazine, and this exact same article has been used to market dozens of other supplement stacks. You can check out one of my many reviews about this FAKE ARTICLE here.  All they do is replace the product names – everything else stays the same. And the truth is, it’s not even an article. It’s an advertisement, and even states as much at the end of the page:

testorip x article disclaimer

Give that a read if you want a good laugh. They actually say at the end of this article with testimonials about fantastic results and statements that these products are used by celebrities, that the whole thing is just a story, made up to entertain you with ideas of what would be nice to happen with a supplement.

What about NitroNos X?

They want you to buy TestoRip X and NitroNos X together so they can get double the money, but you can also get them separately. We have a full review for NitroNos X here if you think you might be interested.

The Company Behind TestoRip X

There is no separate company name for TestoRip X. They just call themselves TestoRip X with addresses in Orlando and St. Petersburg, Florida. Actually, they say their corporate headquarters is in Orlando, but they don’t list a street address. Product returns go to a PO Box in St Petersburg, so they don’t give a full company address at all.

I did a quick check with the Better Business Bureau, and TestoRip X did show up (combined with NitroNos X). There’s only one complaint so far, and it’s about the free trial scam, but these products are still pretty new. Give it some time and I’m sure there’ll be more complaints listed. FYI, the company did not respond to the complaint, which is not a very positive sign for how easy they’ll be to deal with if you find yourself in the position of needing to.

TestoRip X Customer Feedback

All the other stuff is important, but the real heart of the matter is whether or not a product works, so in the end, that’s what we really want to know. One of the best ways to find that out is by checking out what people who’ve actually used it have to say.

At this point, the only real customer feedback we could find is about how people have gotten scammed with the free trial offer. We already talked about the complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau. The only other thing we could find was another complaint about the free trial scam, but this one added a little information about how the product is actually working for him. He said:

“I tried to call and get my money back because I am completely dissatisfied, I thought they had a 30 or 60 day money back guarantee… I’m assuming they don’t because they would be constantly getting returns and refunding consumers money, I’M NOT GETTING ANY RESULTS FROM THEM EITHER; I feel like this is all a hoax”!

Again, this product is pretty new. I’m fairly certain we’ll be seeing more complaints roll in.

TestoRip X Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoRip X

  • The ingredient list is provided, and there are some decent components within the formula.

Disadvantages of TestoRip X

  • It doesn’t contain some of the most powerful testosterone boosting ingredients.
  • It’s advertised using the same stock “Men’s Health” advertorial that’s used to market dozens of other supplement stacks. It’s deceptive marketing, and you have to wonder why a legitimately effective product would resort to such marketing schemes.
  • It’s only available through the free trial scam where you think you’re getting it for free, but you’re not by a longshot.
  • It’s expensive at almost $90 a bottle, more if you include the cost of shipping.
  • The company doesn’t have a real name or address.
  • The complaints have started popping up.

The Bottom Line

TestoRip X makes a decent start by putting together a natural testosterone boosting supplement with some decent ingredients. But that’s where the positivity ends. The idea that TestoRip X is part of an amazing bodybuilding stack used secretly by celebrities to put on masses of muscle is laughable, especially after you find out this same article is used over and over to sell countless other products. Then when you consider the free trial scam, there’s really no defending it. I can’t tell you the number of guys I’ve had write to me about the incredible hardships they’ve gone through trying to cancel the subscriptions they never knew they were signing up for in the first place.

If you’re considering using TestoRip X, my advice to you is don’t waste your time, your money, or your hopes. The stuff isn’t worth it – in fact, a year from now, the company that makes it will have moved on to another product because when enough complaints are posted online, people start to catch on and stop buying. The only way for the company to keep making money is to start fresh with a new product name to sell until people catch on to that one too.

Have You Used TestoRip X? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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CogniShield Review – A Cure For Alzheimer’s Disease?


How To Use
Where to Buy
Who Makes CogniShield
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

There are two very good reasons why sales of Cognitive Enhancers (otherwise known as Nootropics) have been skyrocketing for the past few years. One is that competition these days is rough. Whether it’s straight A’s you’re after, or that big promotion, it takes everything you’ve got to stay on top. The other is the fact that Baby Boomers are aging, and with that comes the fear of Alzheimer’s Disease. With both of those factors closing in on us, it’s no wonder this market has exploded like it has.

CogniShield is a nootropic supplement that focuses on the second reason for the explosion. In fact, CogniShield’s spokesperson Adam Rand, actually formulated the supplement to help his father with his Alzheimer’s Disease. Diagnosed in 2012, he quickly declined while using the medications his doctor prescribed. Rand used the internet to research brain supplements, or nootropics, and came up with 4 nootropic supplements that he put together and gave to his dad. After a few weeks, Rand says his dad started to become his old self again.

Cognishield Review 1Rand then started to take these ingredients himself, and says he learns things 10 times faster than he used to, and has quick and complete recall of the things he’s learned. He became determined to

This is the story they tell to sell CogniShield, but I tend to take the story with a huge grain of salt. Medical scientists and pharmaceutical companies are working extremely hard to come up with a cure or at least something that would slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s. And while I’m no big fan of pharmaceutical companies, I’m positive that if there were something out there curing Alzheimer’s, they’d be on it.

In any case, CogniShield claims to be the formula to clear brain fog and actually reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease, so let’s take a closer look at that formula.

CogniShield Ingredients

There are only 4 ingredients in CogniShield. The website and a video on the CogniShield website explain just how they work their magic. There’s:

  • Phenyl Piracetam which has been clinically studied and shown to improve memory at high doses. It’s been tested in both people with and without cognitive impairment and there were improvements in both groups. It was developed by Russian scientists in the early 1980s by adding the Phenyl atom to the already potent piracetam.
  • Noopept which is believed to be 1000 times more powerful than Piracetam. It was developed by Russian scientists in the 1960s, and is available only with a prescription in that country. Studies show that cognitive improvement is possible with Noopept in patients both with and without cognitive decline. This may be due to its neuroprotective properties. It’s being considered for further study in regards to delaying Alzheimer’s effects.
  • Choline which is a nutrient found in foods that provides the building blocks for memory and the ability to learn. Choline converts to acetylcholine which is the “learning neurotransmitter”. It improves coordination and reaction times, and keeps the communication lines between neurons wide open for business.
  • L-Theanine which comes from tea and neutralizes the effect of caffeine. It reduces anxiety and promotes a relaxed effect without drowsiness. When taken regularly, it also stimulates the brains ability to learn and remember. Studies are also being conducted to determine if it provide protection against neuron cell death, leading to a prevention of cognitive decline.

These are all important nootropic substances, and they claim they’re present in clinical effective doses, but they don’t reveal what those doses are, so we just have to take their word for it. I also want to mention that the claims of reversing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s seem exaggerated at worst, and irresponsible at worst.

How To Use CogniShield

The recommended dose is 2 CogniShield pills per day, preferably taken with a meal.

Where to Buy

You can purchase CogniShield online through one of their official websites, A single bottle with a one month supply costs $69 and comes with a CogniShield Memory Playbook to help you get your memory even more on track naturally.

One nice thing about purchasing CogniShield is that they make it very clear you’re not going to get involved in any ongoing automatic billing or shipping. It’s laid out very clearly right on the order page:

CogniShield No Autopay

There’s also a 60 day money back guarantee that doesn’t require you to return your bottle, and it doesn’t involve any automatic or ongoing payments.

Who Makes CogniShield?

No company name is given for the makers of CogniShield. They only refer to the name CogniShield itself. They provide a contact phone number and email form, so it’s likely you can reach them if necessary, but without a company to back up the product, there’s less accountability than we would like.

CogniShield has no presence with the Better Business Bureau, which is probably a good thing. It means there haven’t been the complaints necessary to generate a presence.

CogniShield Pros and Cons

Advantages of CogniShield

  • The formula contains some of the best nootropic substances available.
  • There’s a solid money back guarantee.
  • It comes with a book to help improve your memory naturally.
  • There’s no automatic billing.

Disadvantages of CogniShield

  • It claims to cure Alzheimer’s disease, which if it were true, would change the face of the treatment of age-related cognitive decline., It wouldn’t be a fact you would stumble upon while searching the internet for a brain boosting supplement.
  • Ingredient amounts are not revealed.


Cognishield Review 3


As nootropic supplement stacks become more and more popular, CogniShield shows some promise. The ingredients are strong and solid, but it’s a real drawback not knowing how much of each is used in the formula. The other real red flag is the story of how the ingredients in CogniShield cured Adam Rand’s father of Alzheimer’s disease. Several clinical trials are being conducted as we speak aimed at doing just that. To tell this story implying that CogniShield will do this for your parent, you loved one, or yourself, is just tugging too hard on the heartstrings of people going through some of the hardest times of their lives.

But what if the story is true? Well, if it were, I’m sure there would be studies, articles, and an awful lot of buzz about this kind of success. I conducted a whole bunch of Google searches looking for any information about Adam Rand’s father and his Alzheimer’s cure, but came up with nothing. CogniShield is worth a try for improving normal cognitive function and possibly even preventing against decline, but don’t expect it to cure Alzheimer’s Disease.

Have You Used CogniShield? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Black 4K Review – Does It Work?


Black 4K vs Black 3K
Is Black 4K Better Than Black 3K
Is Black 4K Safe
My Personal Results
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

When most guys start thinking about using a male performance enhancing supplement, they’re looking for something that works like Viagra – quickly and effectively. They don’t want to have to remember to take a pill every day like it’s medicine. They just want to pop a pill or two when the time is right and know that they’ll be legendary.

That’s what Black 4K claims to do for you. It’s the newest in a long line of supplements from the Rhino brand (at least I think it’s the newest – it can be hard to keep up). And that brings up a valid question – if any of these products worked, why would the company keep replacing the old versions with new versions? If it worked, wouldn’t they just stick with it? Well, maybe. I’ve looked into it and I think I have the answer, but we’ll get to that in due time. First, lets take a look directly at Black 4K and see what it can and cannot do.

Click Here
to jump to my personal review.

Black 4K Benefits

Like we mentioned up above, Black 4K is a take-as-needed male performance enhancement supplement. You don’t need to take it every day, just one pill about an hour before you’re ready to have sex. What happens is you’ll:

  • Achieve your erection practically at will.
  • See your hardest, thickest, longest erections ever.
  • Last longer than you thought possible.
  • Have zero concerns about premature ejaculation.
  • Explode in the end with massive amounts of ejaculate.

And it claims to do all of this using a completely herbal formula that we’ll take a look at now.

Black 4K Ingredients

The ingredients in Black 4K are all listed in a proprietary formula on the product packaging. The fact that it’s proprietary means that they’ll tell you what ingredients make up the formula, but they won’t tell you how much of each there is.

Here’s the list they provide:

  • Goji Extract
  • Deng Sen Extract
  • Atractylodes
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Dismutase
  • Cornus
  • Cuscuta
  • Dang Gui
  • Licorice
  • Condonopsis
  • Cordyceps Sinensus
  • Rubus
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Pueraria Lobata
  • Superoxide Dismutase
  • Vitamin B12

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

There are only a couple of familiar ingredients in the list, including Goji Berries, Panax Ginseng, and Vitamin B12, which may all be decent supporting ingredients in a strong formula, but can’t carry one on their backs. Goji Berries are an aphrodisiac. Ginseng provides energy and some libido support. And Vitamin B12 gives you lasting energy. Again, all good components, but not enough to make a very effective formula on their own.

A little research into the others shows that Dang Gui supports healthy blood flow and Condonopsis is an energy booster.

But on the other hand, Licorice and Rubus should not be used as sexual enhancements for men. Licorice can lower your libido, and Rubus has an estrogenic effect, so we’re not sure what these two are doing in the mix.

All in all, I’d say the formula looks quite weak. If it works like they say, I would be surprised. I have some on order, so after I check it out, I’ll come back and post my results.

Black 4K Review Black 3KBlack 4K vs Black 3K

We did a review for Black 3K, the previous version of Black 4K, and surprisingly there’s very little difference between the formulas. The only difference I could find is that Black 4K contains Vitamin B12, whereas Black 3K left that out.

Black 4K Reviews

For a new product, there are lots of customer reviews posted on, where the range of opinion varies a great deal, and it’s a relatively even split. A large percentage of reviewers give Black 4K 5 stars, but an almost as large percentage give it only 1 star. The rest fall somewhere in between.

A typical 5-Star Review looks something like this one from “Amazon Customer”:

“Wow this stuff really works. One capsule lasted over seven days…. Awesome!”

The typical 1-star review basically states that Black 4K just doesn’t work, but they often compare their results to Black 3K:

“I’ve bought 3K before, That worked wonders, Not sure whether this is counterfeit garbage or 4K sucks overall, but this stuff does absolutely nothing”.

“I had tried the Black 3K before and had great results, Don’t really know what the difference in the two are”.

Is Black 4K Better Than Black 3K?

As far as we can tell, Black 4K and Black 3K have almost the exact same stated formula, the only difference being a little Vitamin B12. Of course, they may have played with amounts, and since we don’t have that information, we don’t know, but I have a different theory.

Rhino male enhancement products frequently get recalled when the FDA discovers that they contain undisclosed ingredients – most often and most notably Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. It’s something that a lot of these fast acting enhancements do. They inject a little of the stuff that works into each pill without letting anyone know (because it’s illegal), then they pass themselves off as all natural so they can sell it over the counter.

It’s sort of a double-edged sword. Now all of a sudden the product works, but it’s no longer an herbal supplement and it could potentially be dangerous for some guys to use. If you take heart medication or blood pressure medication, you should stay away from Viagra, and by extension, Rhino products. Even if you don’t have a heart condition, do you want to trust a company and take their pill when you know they’ve been dishonest about their ingredients several times in the past?

Is Black 4K Safe?

Usually, it’s fairly easy to spot potential offenders. Customers who’ve used it will complain of headaches, stuffy noses, and racing heartbeats. These are common side effects from Viagra. If you see feedback about a “natural enhancement supplement” and they mention these, it’s a pretty good sign that there are undisclosed ingredients involved.

The “good” news is the Black 4K feedback doesn’t say this at all. Instead, they just say it doesn’t work, which leads me to believe it doesn’t have the Sildenafil in it (at least not yet).

Since it’s a Rhino product and they get so much attention, I’m planning to test this one myself. I’ve used Viagra before, and I’ve taken pill that turned out to be more than just supplements in the end, so I know what to look for and will be able to tell you whether or not Black 4K is on the up and up or just as shady as the other Rhino supplements.

My Personal Results

black 4k reviewI finally got a chance to try out Black 4K, and I have to say I’m quite impressed.  It’s not the best fast acting male enhancement pill I’ve used (click here to see that one), but it seemed to get the job done.

For me, it seemed to start working in about 30 min., and the effects were pretty good.  I experienced relatively rock hard erections, and it definitely gave me a marked improvement in libido.

One thing I did notice was one of the side effects I got from it was a REALLY bad headache.  I can’t be absolutely certain that Black 4K was responsible for it, but I didn’t take anything else that day and I don’t normally suffer from random headaches.

Another random thing I seemed to notice was it made me tired.  I’m not completely sure that Black 4K was the culprit, but I was in bed about 1 hour before I normally would be that night.

Update 12/23:  Black 4K Contains Hidden Ingredient

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a follow up review for Black 4K, but I just so happened to come across the FDA website and found out that they’re actually putting an illegal ingredient into their supposed all natural formula.

It’s called Sildenafil, and it’s the active ingredient in prescription ED medications.

This would explain why it works as well as they say it does, and also explains why I got a headache from taking it.


Where to Buy

Black 4K is available online through a bunch of different retailers, and I know some of them sell to convenience stores and sex shops, so you might be able to find some out in the world too. It’s sold in single packs for around $8 a pill, including on Look around for your best price.

Black 4K Pros and Cons

Advantages of Black 4K

  • You don’t have to take it every day.
  • The ingredients appear to be all natural.
  • Since you buy it in single packs, it doesn’t cost very much to try.

Disadvantages of Black 4K

  • Black 4K reviews are not very promising as far as how effective it is.
  • It’s made by Rhino, which is making quite a name for itself in the business of trying to sell medication as supplements.


At this point, it looks like Black 4K is indeed all natural, but that it doesn’t work as advertised. In the end, the reason Rhino puts undisclosed ingredients in their formulas is because they work, and people are willing to risk the potential side effects for the potential success. And without the prescription medication, a fast acting herbal formulation doesn’t have much of a shot.

It has its merits and definitely has benefited me in certain areas that I am grateful for, but nonetheless, I would only recommend trying it if you have some wiggle room to experiment around with various male enhancement supplements as there are better ones available that are more proven.

Some of their practices make me even more iffy on them, but provided that what you are getting is what they say it is, it should be pretty effective in some regards.

Since personally testing it, I agree, it actually does work.  However, the fact that they MIGHT be putting illegal ingredients in it knocks down my overall rating quite a bit.

Have You Used Black 4K? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

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Alpha Fuel 720 Review – Just Another Scam Supplement?


What is it
Where to Buy
What To Do If You’ve Already Been Scammed
Money Back Guarantee
Who Makes it
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

One of the main reasons I started this website a few years back was to try to make some sense of the exploding online bodybuilding supplement market, and these days, it’s more necessary than ever. With so many products, covering similar, different, and overlapping needs, it’s tough to just keep up. One of the biggest problems lately keeping track of all the different products with almost identical names.

Take Alpha Fuel 720 for instance. A visitor to asked me to check it out, so I started with a quick Google search on the product name. No less than three separate supplements popped up in my search, and several of the websites alternated between the three as though they were the same product. But they’re not the same product – two are testosterone boosters, but the real Alpha Fuel 720 is something else entirely. So let’s start by filling you in on all the available information we have on the real Alpha Fuel 720.

What Is Alpha Fuel 720?

alpha fuel 720 Review 1Despite what you’ll see on some other review websites, Alpha Fuel 720 is a post workout recovery supplement designed to help your muscles and your body heal, repair, and rebuild after your toughest workouts. Most people underestimate the importance of rest and recovery, but these are hugely important factors in your overall program to build muscle. When you don’t give your muscles the proper environment and enough rest, you won’t achieve the results you work so hard for.

Alpha Fuel 720 claims to give you that environment so you can go back at the gym even harder next time, creating a cycle of harder-charging workouts and greater results.

Isn”t Alpha Fuel 720 a Testosterone Booster?

This is where most of the confusion lies. Search results for Alpha Fuel 720 return a lot of websites claiming to be talking about Alpha Fuel 720, but really they’re talking about two (or more) totally different (and unrelated) supplements: Alpha Fuel Testosterone Support and Alpha Cut HD Cleansing Enhancer:

Check out this example:


Alpha Fuel 720 alphacut


Needless to say, this causes a lot of confusion about what Alpha Fuel 720 really is, and especially about what’s in it. A lot of these websites combine ingredient lists from the different supplements and say that’s what’s found in Alpha Fuel 720.

But the only real information we can count on is what we find directly from the Alpha Fuel 720 people, on their official website.

Alpha Fuel 720 Ingredients

The entire ingredient list is not provided by the folks at Alpha Fuel 720, but they do list the three primary active components: Tribulus Terrestris, Horny Goat Weed, and Fenugreek Exract. This short little list is probably part of the reason those other sites add more to it. This is a very short list, and truthfully, as a post workout supplement, it makes no sense.

Post workout supplements are usually built around Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These are the building blocks of new muscle and muscle repair. Without them, it’s hard to imagine a product even calling itself a post workout supplement. Here’s a little bit about the listed Alpha Fuel 720 ingredients and what they can do for you:

  • alpha fuel 720 ingredientsTribulus Terrestris is widely used in natural testosterone boosting supplements (another reason for confusion over what Alpha Fuel 720 really is, perhaps). It is believed by many to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone by signaling the pituitary gland to release more Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals the testes to release more testosterone. The evidence for this doesn’t exist, but anecdotally, users have had success with both increased muscle mass and libido when using Tribulus. The recommended daily dose varies based on the saponin concentration, and since we don’t have that information, it would be difficult to say what the proper dose would be.
  • Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) is an aphrodisiac that also improves blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles both during and after workouts. This will provide some post workout recovery support. The recommended daily dose is 900mg-1200mg.
  • Fenugreek Extract is also thought to increase testosterone levels, but again, science hasn’t been able to prove it yet. There is evidence, however, that it improves sexual performance and may help regulate the release of insulin. The recommended daily dose for muscle building is between 500mg-2000mg

There may be other ingredients in the formula, but since these are the only ones listed on the official product website, they’re the only ones that have been confirmed. So basically, as a post workout supplement, I’d have to say the formula is pretty weak. If I were to guess based on those ingredients what kind of supplement Alpha Fuel 720 was, I’d say natural testosterone booster for sure. And without any knowledge of dosages used, it’s likely that even as a testosterone booster, it’s weak.

Where to Buy Alpha Fuel 720

Alpha Fuel 720 is currently only available online through their official website. You can either buy your bottle or bottles outright, or you can sign up for their free trial offer, but don’t be fooled, the trial is anything but free. In fact, it could be the start of a monthly billing nightmare that you’ll be cursing yourself for getting involved with in the first place.

Confused? I’ll explain how it works:

  1. You sign up for the free trial by paying just $4.95 in shipping fees.
  2. They send you a one month supply of Alpha Fuel 720 which you should receive in 1-4 days.
  3. From the moment you order, you have 18 days (4 for shipping, 14 for trying) to use Alpha Fuel 720 and decide if it works. If you believe it does, do nothing and they’ll charge you the full price of $97.99 for the “free” bottle you’ve been using for 2 weeks.
  4. By not canceling, you’re also agreeing to pay for a new bottle to be sent to you each month at that $97.99 price for the next 3 months.

If you don’t want to be charged anything beyond the initial shipping fee for the trial, call within 18 days of your original order date and tell them you want to cancel you subscription. If you get through and you’re understood, that should be the end of it. But most people don’t know or understand the terms of the offer until they see the first $97.99 charge on their credit card bill. At that point, it’s usually impossible to get your money back, but you must still call and cancel your subscription to avoid further charges.

What To Do If You’ve Already Been Scammed

If you notice a charge or charges on your account, you need to contact Alpha Fuel 720 by phone as soon as possible to cancel and further charges. You should also request a refund for charges already incurred, but your chances of getting that are pretty slim.

The Alpha Fuel 720 website lists 2 separate customer service telephone numbers with 2 separate hours of operation, and they mention several times in the Terms & Conditions that you need to cancel by phone.

Here’s the contact information page on the website:

alpha fuel 720 contact page info


And here’s what phone number listed in the Terms & Conditions:

alpha fuel 720 terms phone number


If you have been caught up in this scam, and you’re being charged, I recommend you keep calling each of the numbers within their stated business hours until you’re able to get through and take care of your cancellation. Make sure you note the time, date, customer service agent name, and any confirmation number or code they may give you.

Send an email as well, but the Terms state several times that cancellations must be done over the phone so make sure you call as well.

If you don’t want to get wrapped up in the free trial craziness, you can purchase Alpha Fuel 720 with a straight up sale, no strings attached. A single bottle sells for that $97.99 price, but if you buy multiples you’ll see a hefty discount:

  • Buy 2 Get 1 Free giving you 3 total bottles for $114.99.
  • Buy 3 Get 2 Free giving you 5 total bottles for $139.99.

These prices actually make no sense. If one bottle is $98, how are 2 bottles $115, and 3 bottles $140? Clearly, if you plan to us Alpha Fuel 720, the way to go is to buy the stuff outright at these huge discounts.

Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

When you go with the trial offer, your money back guarantee is basically built into the offer. If you don’t like your results after a week or so, call and cancel so you don’t get charged full price. But if you use the straight up sale model, there is a money back guarantee offer that applies to you. It’s terms are not set in stone. Alpha Fuel 720 says contact them and they’ll consider your request on a case by case basis.

Alpha Fuel 720 Straight Sale Guarantee

Who Makes Alpha Fuel 720?

That’s a very good question. The company name listed in their contact information and all throughout their Terms & Conditions document is just Alpha Fuel 720. But they list several different corporate address: one in Cheyenne WY, one in Henderson NV, one in San Diego CA, one in Del Mar, CA, and even an international address in Watford, United Kingdom. We’ve seen these same addresses listed for several other supplements we’ve reviewed over the years.

What this really means is that this same company makes lots of different supplements, and maybe even some other kinds of products as well, but they don’t want customers connecting the dots between them. They run this “free trial scam” with so many different products that if they put them all under one corporate banner, people would quickly learn to stay away from this one company. But since they’re not outwardly linked under one name, they can appear unrelated and not suffer the consequences of a negative reputation for one of their other products.

Alpha Fuel 720 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Fuel 720

  • The ingredients are natural and are commonly found in similar supplements.
  • There is abundant contact information, so when you inevitably need to contact the company for a refund or cancellation, you shouldn’t have a problem.
  • Disadvantages of Alpha Fuel 720There’s a lot of confusion about what Alpha Fuel 720 really is: is it a testosterone booster or post workout supplement. They tell you it’s for post workout, but the ingredients clearly say testosterone booster.
  • The free trial offer and straight sale pricing make no sense.
  • The money back guarantee is not particularly solid, claiming to be handled on a case by case basis.
  • There are no Alpha Fuel 720 reviews from customers so we have no idea how it’s working out in the real world.
  • There are no clinical studies supporting its effectiveness.


If you can think of a reason to use Alpha Fuel 720, you’ll have to let me know because I can’t see any. The company seems to be completely unconcerned with how they present the product, how they price it, how they are perceived. They found a marketing formula that works. Get a website up, offer a “Free” Trial that actually traps customers into repeat billing, and make a bunch of money off of unsuspecting customers thinking they’re trying something for free. When people start to catch on, change the name and start the process all over again. It’s a winning marketing formula, but what we’re looking for is winning supplement formula, and Alpha Fuel 720 ain’t it.

We’ve seen it dozens, maybe even hundreds of times. Alpha Fuel 720 is just one more. Don’t be fooled, but if you already have been, use the contact information above to control the damage.

Have You Used Alpha Fuel 720? Leave Your Review Below!

Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra Review


Celebrity Endorsements
The Author’s Results
Max Muscle Xtreme
Where to Buy Max Muscle Xtreme
Max Test Ultra
Where to Buy Max Test Ultra
How To Cancel
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

I was alerted to another very persuasive article the other day. This time, a visitor to the website wrote in all excited about this incredible new supplement stack that Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) uses to get in shape for his movies. It’s Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra, and he asked that I check it out and let him know if it’s legit or just more marketing bullshit. Well, I’m sorry to report… it’s total bullshit. We’ve come across articles like this many times before, so they’re pretty easy to spot at this point. But since many of you are just seeing it for the first time, I’ll break it down so you’re not left with any doubt about the fact that Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra is just a scam.

Let’s start right at hte top with the header section of the website and the title of the article that probably brought you here. I’ve circled and underlined a few key things to point out:

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra Headline

  • Notice the name of the website. They want you to think you’re reading an article in Men’s Health Magazine, so they use the same font and color scheme as the real thing, but they add the word “Life” in light gray so as not to actually infringe on any copyrights. You’re not reading Men’s Health; you’re reading Men’s Health Life – a completely different thing.
  • Then there’s a very important word – Advertorial. WTF is an advertorial? It’s actually a made up word for a fake article that’s meant to look like an editorial, but is really an advertisement. Notice they put that word in light gray too – apparently hoping you won’t notice.
  • Now look at the address bar for the website. The address for Men’s Health Magazine is This “” is something completely different.
  • You’ll have to trust me on this one, unless you go check it out yourself, but the links: FITNESS, SEX&LOVE, FOOD, etc aren’t really links. They don’t go anywhere. They’re just put there to make it look more like a real online magazine.
  • The title of the “advertorial” “’Legal Steroid’ Producing Massive Muscle Gains” is very well crafted to get your attention, especially if you just did an internet search looking for supplements to help you gain muscle mass, which is how they find most of their potential customers.

Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra Celebrity Endorsements

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra Sullivan Stapleton

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra the rock

The most common questions I get about these articles are all about the celebrity endorsements. People want to know if these guys really use this stuff, and if not, why are they letting some random company use their image? I gotta admit, they’re good questions, and the answers, at least to the second question, are a little weak.

The answer to the first question – do they use Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra – is a big NO. Look at the actual text to see how they make you think they use it, without actually saying they do:

This should be common sense but it needs to be stated because people still fall for antics like this and they need to know what to look out for to avoid falling for it again in the future.

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra may have seen


See, they never actually say that Tom Hardy, or Chris Hemsworth, or Gerard Butler, or any of them actually use Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra. They just dance around it making you think they do.


Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra supplements like


Notice they say  celebrities use “Supplements Like Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra” not that they use these actual supplements.

Most articles are not advertisements, so that alone and the language that they use should be a dead giveaway that something is afoot before you even dig further.

Okay so the article is really an advertisement, and it’s really pushing a product more than revealing a big bodybuilding breakthrough. So what, right? Companies advertise their products. What’s wrong with that? Nothing at all is wrong with advertising your product. But let’s move on through the article, and you’ll see that what they say about the actual products, Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra, isn’t even correct information. It’s almost like they’re not even really talking about these products at all, and truthfully, that’s because they aren’t.

Testing Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra

The article goes on to talk about how the author decided to try this amazing new stack for himself and write about his results. When he discusses how he chose Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra, here’s what he says Max Muscle Xtreme does:

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra max muscle bennies

These benefits sound like they’d come from a testosterone booster or an fat burner, or a combination of the two.  But if you go the the actual Max Muscle Xtreme website, you find out it’s a nitric oxide booster. And while it’s true that boosting NO will improve your workouts, it doesn’t reduce puffiness or increase protein synthesis. But the biggest issue with this list is that it doesn’t even mention a nitric oxide boost at all. Why would they leave out the most important aspect of the supplement they’re advertising?

The discrepancy is even bigger when it comes to Max Test Ultra. The official website claims it’s a post workout supplement to improve recovery, but that’s not even mentioned at all in the benefits listed in the article:

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra max test bennies

Here’s why this matters. This exact same article has been used to promote dozens and dozens of supplement stacks over the past few years. The article was written once, and every few months, they just change out the products, putting in whatever they’re pushing at the time. That’s why the benefits in the article don’t match the benefits on the product websites.

The Author’s Results

The article goes through a week by week diary of body composition changes where he lost pounds of fat and replaced it with pounds of muscle. This is the same diary that’s used for all the supplement combinations they push. I won’t get into the week by week breakdown here, but take a look at what the end result is said to be:

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra No diet no workout

Guys, I know you have high hopes, but no one is going to gain 16 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks without working their ass off at the gym lifting heavy weights and eating enough of the right calories to support that kind of gain. I don’t care what supplement they’re taking, it ain’t gonna happen.

Okay, so you may be convinced that this article is bullshit, but what about the supplements themselves? I know you want to know if you can get any real benefit from them, so let’s take a look and figure that out.

Max Muscle Xtreme

The official product website is where we get our information about Max Muscle Xtreme, and basically it’s a pre workout supplement focuses on increasing the amount of nitric oxide in your body. NO is a vasodilator; it opens up and widens your blood vessels to allow an increased amount of blood to flow through to your muscles. This means better oxygen and nutrient delivery, which means increased endurance and strength during workouts, and improved muscle repair after workouts.

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra max muscle xtreme ingredientsThey don’t provide a complete ingredient list, but the highlights are:

  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide, so increasing L-Argninine increases nitric oxide.
  • Citrulline Mallate which is a precursor to L-Arginine, so it also increases nitric oxide, but since it takes a few steps to get there, it delays the increase. Combining L-Arginine with Citrulline Mallate provides a long lasting nitric oxide boost.
  • Pure NO Super Molecule which is really just more L-Arginine, perhaps in a slightly different form.

As a pre workout formula, you take 2 Max Muscle Xtreme capsules about half an hour before working out, and fyi, the website recommends a healthy diet and workout routine to get the best resuts.

So Max Muscle Xtreme looks like it may be a somewhat effective nitric oxide booster, so if it’s offered at a good price, it may be worth a try.

Where to Buy Max Muscle Xtreme

The only way to purchase Max Muscle Xtreme is through a free trial offer at the website (which the fake article links to). But watch out because the free trial is really just a scam. You pay only a small shipping fee and they send you a full one-month supply. The moment you place your order, your 14-day trial period begins. If you don’t contact Max Muscle Xtreme to cancel within that 14 day trial period, they’ll charge you the full price of $89.95 for the “free” bottle and sign you up for monthly shipments at that same price each month.

Most guys who order these free trials (and Max Muscle Xtreme isn’t the only one) have no idea they’re signing up for anything more than a free trial for the initial cost of shipping. They are completely blindsided when they get their first charge on their account, and they’re livid when they get the next one a month later.

Max Muscle Xtreme does explain the program, but it’s buried in the fine print of the Terms and Conditions, which very few people read thoroughly, and they know that. What they do is shady and deceitful, but unfortunately it’s not illegal.

Max Test Ultra

The official Max Test Ultra website calls it the Ultimate Recovery Matrix, saying it improves post workout recovery time, replenishes lost energy, and builds more muscle mass. They also don’t provide a complete ingredient list, but hit on a few key highlights:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to help increase your body’s natural production of testosterone, leading to increase muscle building and libido.
  • D-Aspartic Acid which is also a testosterone booster that’s been demonstrated clinically to increase levels.
  • ZMA (Zinc as Monomethionine and Aspartate and Vitamin B-6) which is thought to be crucial to the natural testosterone production process.

Max muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra Max test ultra ingredients

These key ingredients would definitely point toward Max Test Ultra being a testosterone booster rather than a post workout supplement, but the website later goes on to briefly mention a few other ingredients in passing:

  • Beta Alanine which decreases the buildup of lactic acid so your muscles don’t get sore and tired during tough workouts.
  • L-Arginine for an increase in Nitric Oxide.
  • Taurine, Caffeine, and Green Tea for energy and antioxidant protection.
  • Amino Acids for post workout recovery.

Really the most important thing for post workout recovery is Branched Chain Amino Acids, and there’s no mention of these anywhere in relation to Max Test Ultra. For that reason, I wouldn’t recommend it as a post workout, even if you could get a good deal.

Where to Buy Max Test Ultra

Just like Max Muscle Xtreme, Max Test Ultra is only sold through its official website and only by signing up for the free trial. This one is also a scam, with identical terms to the ones for Max Muscle Xtreme. You won’t be getting anything for free unless you contact them and cancel within 14 days of the day you ordered.

How To Cancel Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra

You may be reading this because you’ve already been scammed and you’re trying to figure out how best to handle it. The first thing you need to do is contact them and get yourself off their automatic shipping. For both products, the listed phone number is 1-877-669-0503 and the email address is support@xtrememusclefuel.  They say email is a better way to contact them.  They may require you to return the products and they may not. This seems to change from product to product, and sometimes it depends on which customer service rep you get.

The Bottom Line

Your first introduction to Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra was probably the very impressive “article” about how this stuff is taking the celebrity workout world by storm, and how you can try it yourself for free. I don’t blame you for getting sucked in. They know guys will get sucked in – that’s why they do it, and they make a lot of money doing it.

These supplement scams aren’t going anywhere. This article will keep popping up, but with different stacks every other week or month or so. As long as they do, we’ll be here trying to expose them for the scams they are.

Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra are a scam, plain and simple. The article is a fake, the supplements are generic – using smatterings of decent ingredients just enough to say they’re in there. Don’t fall for it, and if you already have, call or email to cancel right away, so they don’t take any more of your time, money, or frustration.

Have You Used Max Muscle Xtreme and Max Test Ultra? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

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VitaPulse Review – Does It Work?


What is it
Who Makes it
What Does It Really Do
What Do We Know About Princeton Nutrients
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Questions and Answers

If you watch sports on television, you’ve seen commercials for testosterone boosting supplements. They’re usually aimed at the guy in his 40s or 50s who’s finding himself losing energy, drive, and stamina.

And this energy, drive, and stamina can be regarding your job, your workout routine, your sex life, or any combination of the the three.

Ageless Male is one that comes to mind.

But according to VitaPulse, there’s a different way to go if you want a vitality boost, and it’s marketed toward women just as much as men. If there were a way to feel younger, stronger, and more alive without potentially messing with your hormones, it might be worth taking a look at, right? We thought so, so we’re taking that look at VitaPulse.

What Is VitaPulse?

Click Here
to jump to my personal results.

That’s a great question, and the answer is actually a little less than straight-forward. Most of the talk and hype surrounding VitaPulse is about how it can help lower cholesterol, protect cells, and prevent heart disease.

In fact, many of the claims sound suspiciously similar to that of Regenify and Resetigen-D, two completely different products.

But the official website tells a somewhat different story – here are the benefits they list on the website:

VitaPulse Benefits from Website

There’s no mention of heart health at all.  But again, when you look around the web for reviews, information, and feedback, most of what you see is about cardiac health.

So what gives?

Let’s talk a little about what goes into VitaPulse, then we’ll get back to this question in a little bit.

VitaPulse Ingredients

There are only three ingredients listed on the VitaPulse label:

  • CoQ10 (100mg)
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) (250mg)
  • Pyrroloquinoline Quinine Disodium Salt (PQQ Na2)

vitapulse ingredients label

Here’s how VitaPulse explains their benefits:

NAC is a powerful antioxidant in its own right, but it also acts as a precursor to Glutathione. Glutathione is thought to lessen your risk of heart attack. In fact, a study at the University of Minnesota Medical School found that people with high levels of Glutathione were 6 times less likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those with lower levels.

PQQ Na2 boosts energy by supporting the production and regrowth of mitochondria within your cells.

CoQ10 is also an antioxidant that works to protect cells from oxidation. Cells are damaged by oxidation when they lose an electron, compromising their integrity. CoQ10 prevents this damage, thereby reducing inflammation and plaque oxidation.

It’s true that if you look, you can find some studies relating to these ingredients and how they may support heart health and function.

But there are a few problems with relying on these studies. For one thing, they are often conducted using animals (mice), and not humans. While this is helpful, it doesn’t tell the whole story or paint a complete picture. In order to definitively know how something will work on humans, it needs to be tested on humans.

Also, when looking at studies and how they relate to particular products, you have to pay attention to the dosing. In the case of VitaPulse, the doses used in the supplement don’t stack up to the doses shown to be effective in what studies are available.

It’s pretty widely accepted that the recommended daily dose of NAC is 1.2 grams, much higher than the 250mg in VitaPulse. With CoQ10, the 100 mg in VitaPulse is way at the bottom of the 50-1200mg daily recommended dose of one capsule per day.

Who Makes VitaPulse?

VitaPulse is made by a company called Princeton Nutrients. Despite the name and the official seal-like logo, they have no affiliation with Princeton University.

They are a company based out of Woodland Hills, California, partnered with Dr. Arash Bereliani of the Beverly Hills Institute for Cardiology and Preventative Medicine. The two joined forces in 2015 in effort to provide heart-healthy supplements for more people than they could reach from just the Beverly Hills clinic alone.

If you look at the reviews on Yelp, the vast majority of people had nothing but good things to say about Dr. Bereliani. He even makes it a point to personally reach out to practically every reviewer and address any concerns / comments they have.

dr. bereliani board certified cardiologist

The people complaining about him seem to be more pissed off about receiving a big bill, rather then the quality of care they received from him.

The company makes several other formulations including probiotics and weight loss aids, including Ultra Krill and NovaLite.

They also donate a portion of their profits to a charity organization called Pencils of Promise.

What Does VitaPulse Really Do?

We touched on this question a little bit above, but here’s where we’ll dive right in. There is real confusion about what exactly VitaPulse is and what exactly it does. Even within the company’s own information, there are discrepancies. Most websites with information on VitaPulse, including some pages at the Princeton Nutrients website, call it an antioxidant that supports heart health. They cite a few studies on the particular ingredients, and talk about how the antioxidant formula supports a healthy heart and circulatory system.

Vitapulse benefits heart health

But the main page for new customers looking to start using VitaPulse talks about relieving joint pain and stiffness, improving sleep, feeling more energized, increasing metabolism, maintaining a sense of mental clarity, and reduced muscle aches.

In other words – a completely different set of benefits.

VitaPulse Benefits from Website

I don’t know for certain why this discrepancy exists, but I have a couple theories:

  1. Princeton Nutrients made VitaPulse to be a heart healthy supplement and originally promoted it that way. But that’s dangerously close to saying that VitaPulse can cure disease, which is a big “No-No” with the FDA. Supplements are strictly forbidden from saying or even implying that they can cure a disease.
  2. The other possibility is that improving heart health is hard to quantify. When people take supplements, they want to feel a difference. A lower chance of heart attack isn’t something you can feel, so they started marketing the kinds of feel-good changes people want from supplements.

The truth may be either one of these, neither one, or somewhere in between. We’ll keep watch as things evolve. VitaPulse has only been around about a year, so they may still be finding their footing.

Does Dr. Oz Endorse The Use of Vitapulse?

I’ve seen a lot of people asking around as to whether or not Dr. Oz has recently endorsed Vitapulse.  I spent a good deal of time searching around on his site,, but came up short.

vitapulse dr oz

I have no idea as to why so many people are searching for this. The only thing I can speculate is that some of the marketing done by some outside agency is making the claim.

VitaPulse Reviews

For a relatively new supplement and company, there’s tons of online feedback from customers who’ve used VitaPulse.

Literally HUNDREDS of them.

It’s sold on, so we found a lot of reviews there. There are plenty of 5 star reviews, but also a significant number of 1 stars.

Here’s a typical 5 star:

“Not sure how it works, but feel like I have more energy and a strange feeling of well being, kinda weird but I like it, Placebo effect – dunno, but I ordered another round”.

They tend to speak vaguely of “feel-good” benefits, but stay away from specifics.

Here’s a typical 1 star:

“What a waste, I would of been better off buying a bottle of placebos”.

and this one:

“I think I’ll just eat more peanut butter sammies instead”.

Most people that panned it just feel fooled, like they fell for the scam even though somewhere in the back of their minds, they know better.

If you look at the reviews on the website Highya, the vast majority of them are 4 stars and above. The negative reviews seem to be more concerned with how the company handles its customer service inquiries, rather than with the product itself.

I found one relatively suspicious review on WebMD.  Someone asked a question on their section regarding what they thought of Vitapulse, and there are literally DOZENS of answers from people who say they’ve been using the product.

The problem is, most of the people who “answered” the question have literally only answered 1 question in their entire time on WebMD.

vitapulse webmd

vitapulse-suspicous-reviewsIt seemed sort of suspicious to me that all of these people with literally 1 answer, have so much praise for VitaPulse.

Then I clicked onto page 2 and started seeing this:

vitapulse complaintsAfter seeing all of this it’s hard to believe anything to be honest.

Upon further investigation I found a complaint about Vitapulse on the website  Basically the complaint alleges that he bought 1 bottle of Vitapulse and used it for 3 weeks, with virtually no results.

He tried contacting them to get a refund, to no avail.

However, apparently a customer care manager from Princeton Nutrients got in touch with the gentlemen and offered him a full refund.

My Personal Review

vitapulse reviewsAs I noted in my video above, I’m not really the best candidate for testing Vitapulse.  I’m actually a pretty active guy, I play a lot of sports, I eat right, and as far as I’m aware I don’t have any medical conditions.

With that said, I decided to at least give it a shot to see if there was any effect on blood pressure and just my overall sense of well being.

I took Vitapulse for about 3 or 4 days, and I have to admit I did feel a little bit of a difference while I was taking it.

I do check my blood pressure every once in awhile, and typically it’s in the normal range (120/80 plus or minus a few points).

After a few days I started to feel a little more energetic, and when I took my blood pressure after 4 days I noticed that it had dropped a few points to 117/78.

As for some of their other claims, most notably joint pain relief, a reduction in anxiety, and an increase in metabolism, I personally didn’t notice anything.

I would assume that if I had used it for a full month I may have realized those benefits, though haven’t seen much evidence from the other reviews of this.

What About Youtube Reviews?

As usual, there was nothing but crappy videos regarding Vitapulse on Youtube.  For example, here’s the first one you’ll come across when you search for testimonials:

and another one:

as usual, basically just ads.  Noone really talking about their experience or results with Vitapulse.

This has been a real pain lately, as Youtube basically silences all of the “real” reviews by banning peoples accounts (like mine), and all you are left with is low-information, poorly put together videos like this one.

What Do We Know About Princeton Nutrients?

As we said above, Princeton Nutrients only became a company about a year ago in 2015. But since then, they’ve already had 18 complaints filed against them with the Better Business Bureau.

That’s a lot for a very short period of time.

Clearly the vast majority of customers that get screwed by a company don’t complain to the BBB, so if this company has this many complaints, imagine how many dissatisfied customers there are out there remaining silent!

Vitapulse bbb complaints

Clearly, the bulk of complaints are about the product itself, but delivery issues comes in a close second.

One positive thing of note is that there are no complaints about billing or the money back guarantee, which is a good thing because it’s clear that with all the other issues cited, they probably have plenty of customers looking for refunds.

But this kind of record with the Better Business Bureau is not a good sign for this young company.

Where to Buy

The primary way to buy VitaPulse is through the company website, Here, you’ll find a few quantity and pricing options. One 30-day supply bottle costs $49, 3 bottles cost $127, and 6 bottles cost $235. They say the most popular package is for 3 bottles. This way, you save a little money over the 1 bottle choice, but it’s a much lower outlay of cash all at once.

If you buy through the website, you’re covered by their 90 day money back guarantee – here are the details:

Vitapulse guarantee

If at any time within those 90 days you feel that the product is not right for you, you can simply contact the Vitapulse customer service number at 1-866-427-3019.

At the time I wrote this review, it doesn’t appear that you can find Vitapulse in stores like GNC, Walmart, Costco, Walgreens or CVS.  However, you can most certainly find each ingredient for sale individually, often at half the price.

It also appears that the only countries they sell Vitapulse to is the US, Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and the UK.

VitaPulse Pros and Cons

Advantages of VitaPulse

  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • Some users say it helps with energy, stamina, and vitality.

Disadvantages of VitaPulse

  • VitaPulse can’t seem to decide if it’s a heart supplement or a youth supplement.
  • The ingredients, though they may show promise, are only present at very low levels, unlikely to affect much change.
  • There are way too many complaints with the Better Business Bureau about Princeton Nutrients, especially when you consider they’ve only been around a short while.
  • There are plenty of unhappy customers who feel like they were scammed into buying nothing more than a placebo.


VitaPulse presents itself as a legitimate 3-ingredient magic pill to improve your heart health and your overall well being and vitality. Some customers agree that they feel better when taking it, but there’s a lot to be said for the placebo effect when you have high hopes for a product. Another potential factor is that when people start taking something like this, they often use it to jumpstart a new healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and daily exercise. These will certainly factor into why a person would feel better.

Is Vitapulse an outright scam? 

I don’t think so.

However, with all the customer complaints and the fact that the ingredient dosing is so low, we don’t have a lot of faith in the ability of VitaPulse to have much of a positive effect. Your money and time would be better spent on some healthy food and a gym membership.

Have You Used VitaPulse? Leave Your Review Below!

NootropX Review – Should You Use It?


Who Makes it
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

If you’ve been around any college campuses lately, you know about Adderall. If you haven’t been around any college campuses lately, ask someone who has, and they’ll tell you. Adderall is the most commonly prescribed drug prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD. As is often the case with prescription drugs, it didn’t take long for perfectly healthy people to realize that they could benefit from it too.

What Adderall does is increase your attention, sharpen your focus, and keep you motivated and energized to complete tasks and achieve goals. And ever since these benefits were discovered, supplement companies have been trying to create a similar effect.

That’s where NootropX comes in. It belongs to the category of supplements called nootropics or brain boosters that tries to give ordinary people access to the kinds of benefits a cognitive enhancement formula can give.



Nootropx Review 3NootropX Benefits

NootropX calls itself a highly potent cognitive focus enhancer that’s been scientifically formulated by a crack team of researches. If it works like they say, it:

  • Increases your capacity to focus on the task at hand.
  • Improves your ability to concentrate.
  • Provides energy and alertness.
  • Boosts your short and long term memories.
  • Enhances your clarity of thought.


Who Makes NootropX?

NootropX is made by a company called Neuro Research Institute. It’s sounds very official to be sure, but don’t let the name fool you. We were unable to find any information at all about this company or organization. There’s no website. There are no published papers. They sell one other product (called TranquiliX) that also doesn’t have a website. If they were anywhere near as legitimate as they’re trying to sound, we’d be able to find out very easily who they are, where they’re located, and what their primary business entails. Since we cannot find that information, we’re left to speculate that they’re probably not what they want you to think they are.

So that changes a little bit the way we’re going to look at and discuss NootropX going forward. We no longer view it as a potential scientific breakthrough. Now, we’re more concerned with figuring out whether of not NootropX works and if so, how well.

The NootropX Formula

NootropX has recently undergone a re-formulation. The stated reason is that they wanted to eliminate the possibility of negative side effects, but they don’t indicate what those side effects were. I looked around, did some investigative research, and it looks like the old formula may have contained an ingredient called Yohimbe. This stuff is a pretty powerful central nervous system stimulant that works really well for people who can tolerate it, but comes with some pretty nasty side effects for those who can’t.  Some guys get sweaty, get jitters, and start to feel like their heart is racing. Other guys get pretty bad headaches. It can be even worse in some cases, including dangerous drops in blood pressure, especially when combined with certain medications. Yohimbe is present in a lot of supplements, but the FDA actually warns against using it because of its potential dangers.


Nootropx old formula
In any case, there is no Yohimbe in today’s formula, so if that is what was causing side effects, that problem has been solved.
The current NootropX formula starts with a hefty dose of Vitamin B12 (400 mcg which is 6667% of your daily recommended requirement). Vitamin B12 is capable of giving you a steady and sustained energy boost, unlike caffeine which can cause a spike followed by a crash.

The rest of the formula is contained in the 1465 gram Proprietary NootropX Blend. It includes:

  • Bacopa Monniera which is a plant native to India that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for a host of problems, especially those dealing with anxiety and intellect.
  • L-Theanine which has a relaxing effect, and works especially well to take the edge off of the caffeine jitters
  • Korean Ginseng which provides energy and stamina.
  • Guarana Caffeine which gives you a boost of energy, and also increases alertness and focus.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which increases the flow of blood to the brain for more oxygen and nutrient delivery, leading to better overall functioning.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which can fight against both fatigue and anxiety.
  • Vinpocetine which has shown some promise for slowing down cognitive decline from Alzheimers Disease and Age Related Dimentia.
  • Huperzine Serrata which can improve memory and thinking by increasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, used for making connections.
  • DMAE Bitartrate which can protect neurons from deterioration caused by oxidation.
  • Theacrine which improves mood and increases focus.
  • Choline Bitartrate which provides the precursor choline for the formation of acetylcholine, which you need to function at full cognitive capacity.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which is a fatty acid that improves mental energy as will as overall cognitive functioning.
  • Phosphatidylserine which is an amino acid derivative found naturally in the brain, and is also present in
    foods, like fish oil. It’s is believed to have the ability to prevent cognitive decline due to aging.


nootropx new formula


It’s a solid ingredient list, but there is one glaring problem – all the ingredients are packed together into one proprietary blend, so it’s impossible to know what kinds of doses of each are actually used. With such a long list, my suspicion is there probably isn’t enough of each to make much of a difference. Take the caffeine content for instance – it’s got basically 50 mg of caffeine, which is less than a cup of coffee, so while it’s true it won’t give most people jitters, it probably won’t give most people much energy either.

That information came directly from the NootropX people in the form of an answered question on Since there is no company or product website, it’s a good place to get some of the additional information you want about the product.

Where to Buy NootropX

NootropX doesn’t have an official website, and is currently only sold at Most supplements like this one have a website where you can find the information you need regarding ingredients, how they work, and where you can place your order, especially when we’re talking about a product that’s not available in stores either. I’m not sure why they chose to market it this way, but the word seems to be getting out so I guess it must be working.

If you’re interested, you can order a 60-count bottle which is a one month supply for $39.99, which is definitely on the low end of the range for nootropic supplements. There is a stated money back guarantee, but I haven’t seen any feedback from anyone who’s tried to use it yet.

nootropx amazon listing


NootropX Reviews from Customers

One great thing about products sold on Amazon is that you get access to a lot of customer feedback. You do have to be careful though. Some of the reviews you’ll see there aren’t completely authentic. Companies will pay people to leave positive reviews so they can build up their ranking. It’s tough to tell a real review from a fake one, but there are some tell-tale signs. If a review is marked as “Verified Purchase” then you know the reviewer at least bought the product. If it’s not specified, then the user did not buy the product, at least not through Amazon. You can also look at whether or not the reviewer has other Amazon reviews or if this is the only product they’ve discussed. These fake reviewers usually use email aliases, so if this is their only review, you might have reason to be a little suspicious. Of course, none of this is definitive. Sometimes a fake review looks real and vice versa. It’s just good to know the possibilities. You can read more about it in my article: How to Spot a Fake Supplement Review on Amazon

With all that said, out of the 147 NootropX reviews currently listed on, fully half of them were given 5 stars. On the other hand, 14% gave 1 star, which is pretty significant. Since it’s usually the 5 star ones that are faked, you definitely don’t want to dismiss the 1 star reviews.

The positive NootropX reviews mostly pretty much say it helps them focus and get things done:

“While it might be all mental, this does really seem to help focus and stay on target during studying. I read other reviews about taking it on an empty stomach so I do. It kicks in within 30 minutes and lasts about 2-4 hours. I was taking 2 pills every time I needed a hardcore study session.”


“I am taking this capsules from past months and the best part is it works within an hour after taking this,
I felt more more alert and more attentive to my surroundings. The greatest part was that I was able to finish my work in half the time! I would definitely recommend this product to all of my know people and my office mates.”

The negatives fall into two distinct categories: those that say it just didn’t work and those that say it caused unwanted side effects. Here’s an example of each:

“This is perhaps the most ineffective product I have ever tried, I decided to try this product on the strength of a review posted here, This product had zero effect on me, There was a slight stimulating effect that I suspect was due to the caffeine, but I did not experience any improvement in mental focus, memory, or concentration”.


“This is a terrible product, I took ONE capsule, can’t imagine taking up to 4 as suggested, made me have a severe headache, nausea, heart raced, and really jittery – Lasted the whole day”.

They don’t indicate when the formula changed, but it would be interesting to know if the negative reviews that referred to side effects came before the ingredient change and the ones that talk about no effect at all came after the change. This is just speculation, but it wouldn’t be too far-fetched.

Nootropx Review 4NootropX Pros and Cons

Advantages of NootropX

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The company seems to have responded to the problem of side effects by changing up the formula and taking out the Yohimbe.
  • It’s affordable.
  • There are plenty of positive reviews on

Disadvantages of NootropX

  • There’s no information available about the manufacturer.
  • There is no official website, which makes it difficult to find reliable and complete information.
  • There are plenty of negative reviews from customers who say it doesn’t work and that it causes side effects.
  • The proprietary blend doesn’t give enough information on whether or not the


With the recent explosion of nootropic brain boosting supplements onto the market, it’s easy to get excited about the first one you see. Since it’s sold on Amazon, this might be the case for NootropX. But I would suggest going in a different direction – toward something more proven and more solid. You gotta wonder about a company that doesn’t have a website in 2016. Add that to the long list of ingredients in the proprietary blend, and the many negative reviews, and NootropX doesn’t look like your best choice.

Have You Used NootropX? Leave Your Review Below!

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Anaconda XL Review – Should You Give It A Try?


How It Works
Where to Buy
Who Makes It
Anaconda XL vs. Other Male Enhancement Supplements
User Reviews

If you’ve taken much of a look around our website, you’ve no doubt noticed that there are tons of supplements promising to make you a better lover, whether it’s by giving you a huge Johnson, or by giving you the tools to use it better. More and more, we see supplements promising they can do both, and that makes sense: With so much competition, you’ve got to be able to offer something more to make you stand out from the pack.

I recently checked out a product called Anaconda XL. It caught my eye because in my opinion it covered all the bases you hope something like this will cover. So let’s dive in and talk about the benefits of Anaconda XL, what it can do for you, and whether or not it’s just another scam product competing for dollars from unsuspecting guys who just want help pleasing the woman or women in their lives.

Anaconda XL Benefits

Anaconda XL Review 1So Anaconda XL definitely has all the bases covered when it comes to what it claims to do for you sexually. By taking this stuff you’ll:

  • Increase the size of your penis.
  • Get better, stronger, harder erections.
  • Last and last with better overall stamina.
  • Always be ready to go with your boosted libido.

And most importantly, with all of the above going for you, the confidence will be flowing, and we all know there’s nothing more attractive to women than a confident man.

How Anaconda XL Works

The idea behind Anaconda XL is that it works on several different levels. A lot of products simply aim for boosted testosterone levels, assuming that that will do the trick. But in reality, it takes much more than that. It’s certainly true that you need sufficient testosterone levels, and when it comes to sexual prowess, the more the better, but without overall health, a strong libido, a solid erection, and the stamina to put it all to good use, you’re not going to get very far. And that’s where Anaconda XL tries to stake out its territory. They tackle the issues on all fronts, in the hope of offering the most complete sexual enhancement solution.

Anaconda XL Ingredients

The formula can be broken down into 3 separate sections:

The First is geared toward overall health
with a soft focus on sexual health. It includes components like B Vitamins which offer sustained energy with no crash, Zinc which is important for the chemical reaction in your body that produces testosterone, and essential mineral like Copper, Selenium, and Magnesium.

The Second is called the Sexual Performance Blend and includes:

  • L-Citrulline which improves blood flow to the penis by converting to L-Arginine which then converts to Nitric Oxide, NO is a vasodilator which opens up and relaxes blood vessels to allow an increased amount of blood to flow to your penis during erections. The idea of using L-Citrulline instead of L-Arginine is that because it takes 2 processes to get to NO from L-Citrulline, it’s sort of like a time-released effect. But most of the good products include L-Arginine as well, so your NO is increase now and over time.
  • Several of the most powerful herbal aphrodisiacs, like Catuaba Bark, Maca Root, Damiana Leaf, and Muira Puama, to get your juices flowing by increasing your sexual drive and desire.

The Third is called the Free Testosterone Boosting Matrix and includes:

  • Anaconda XL IngredientsTestofen which comes from the Fengreek Seed. It’s thought to increase free testosterone, and has been shown to have a positive effect libido.
  • White Mushroom Extract which inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Usually, when you have an excess amount of testosterone, some of it will be converted to estrogen in a process called Aromatase. White Mushroom Extract is said to inhibit this process so more of your testosterone remains as testosterone.
  • Stingle Nettle Root Extract which is thought by some to increase testosterone, though the scientific evidence just isn’t there. It does, however, support good prostate health, which is an important factor in overall sexual health.
  • Chrysin which, like White Mushroom, may help stop the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Research suggests that it may also increase testosterone directly, but only when injected. When used in an oral supplement, it cannot be absorbed well enough to perform that function.
  • DIM (Diindolylmethane) which claims to increase free testosterone in two ways – first by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and second by reducing estrogen for a more favorable testostreone/estrogen balance. SHBG binds itself to free testosterone, making it essentially useless. By inhibiting the action of SHBG, DIM allows more testosterone to remain free and active in the blood stream.

Both of the blends are proprietary, which means that while they reveal what goes in it, they don’t tell us how much of each ingredient there is. The Sexual Performance Blend contains a total of 860mg and the Free Testosterone Boosting Matrix contains just 350 mg. The point here is that it’s one thing to include ingredients so you can put them on a list saying that they’re in there. It’s another thing entirely to make a formula with the right components at the right amounts to really have an effect on the user. It doesn’t seem like Anaconda XL hits the mark with their very small proprietary blends.

Where to Buy Anaconda XL

Anaconda XL is only available online and only through their free trial offer. If you do a quick Google search for Anaconda XL, you’ll find several review pages for the stuff.

fake anaconda xl reviews on google

They’re all very positive and talk about how great the stuff is.

Don’t be fooled, they’re not real reviews. They’re more like advertisements trying to funnel you through to the free trial page where you can sign up.

I’ve seen this dozens of times, with dozens of different supplements.  If you search for xanogen reviews on google, you’ll get the same B.S. over and over again.

Typically, once you get there you’re asked for your shipping and billing information so they can send you a free trial, but it’s not really free at all. It’s true that when you sign up, you only pay a small shipping fee, but if you’re not careful, you’ll be paying full price in 14 days and every month after that until you cancel. But this is not made clear to customers; in fact they hope you don’t see it and/or understand it. It’s there, if you look for it, in the fine print. But it’s tucked away so most people don’t.

But that’s not all. You might be thinking full price may not be so bad, but you’d be wrong about that. This “free trial” will cost you $87.76 in 14 days, and another $87.76 PLUS $4.95 for shipping every month from now on until you cancel.

Anaconda Cost and Terms


These free trial “scams” are pretty common, but Anaconda XL may be one of the worst offenders. I see this kind of thing all the time, so I went right to the Terms and Conditions, looking for the autoshipping policy, which is what you “sign up” for when you place your free trial order. It didn’t even list the full price you’d be paying. They have a section called “Automatic Renewal Terms”, but if you don’t know you’re signing up for Automatic Renewal, you’ll probably skip this section. Even if you do read it, it doesn’t state the by signing up for the trial, you ARE signing up for Automatic Renewal, and it doesn’t specify the dollar amount you’ll be paying each month, which would probably catch your eye and cause you to stop and take notice.

Anaconda XL Terms and Conditions

Who Makes Anaconda XL?

The company behind Anaconda XL is called Edenhaz Ventures Ltd, a British company incorporated in early 2015. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find much information on the company or what they except to say that they offer business and administrative support. I suspect that means they’re not involved in the design or manufacture of Anaconda XL, just the sales and marketing.

Anaconda XL Reviews

We talked about Anaconda XL being sold through review websites, so that might lead you to think there’s a good amount of customer feedback out there.

They seemingly appear to be “legit” reviews of Anaconda Xl, but you’d be wrong.

All those review sites are fake, and are designed to 100% get you to try and purchase the product, and THAT’S IT.

You can try searching on youtube for legit feedback, but you’ll likely be disappointed, as demonstrated in the video below.

[youtube id=”Kxfv2zS9NRc”]

The only other customer feedback we found were testimonials on the Anaconda XL website, which we don’t generally put a lot of trust into. Anaconda XL is in the business of selling supplements, so they’re not going to display a negative customer review on the webpage devoted to marketing the stuff. So when you see stuff like this:

Anaconda XL Testimonials

just know it’s either embellished, cherry-picked, or downright made up.

Anaconda XL vs. Other Male Enhancement Supplements

I’ve personally tried out DOZENS of male enhancement products, ranging from creams to extenders, and many in between.

The VAST majority of these supplements work as a sexual libido enhancer, at BEST.

And the great majority that claim to “increase size” end up doing practically nothing.

A few examples of this would be King Size pills and Rock Hard.  They ALL claim that you will see some MASSIVE increase in size, but when I personally tested them I didn’t see a THING.

The bottom line is this.

If they are promising permanent enlargement gains, they are probably lying to you.


Anaconda XL has the right idea and looks positioned to make a busload of money off unsuspecting guys signing up for the free trial offer. But the formula is pretty weak, and most guys won’ t get out of it what they’re hoping for. The simple fact is no supplement is gonna make you have a bigger penis.  Better erection – sure.  Bigger penis – nah.   Then the online complaints will show up because guys will be pissed that this company is taking money from them they didn’t intentionally authorize. Soon after that, you’ll start seeing less and less Anaconda XL online at all, until one day not too long from now, it’ll be all but gone. Do yourself a favor and avoid the whole mess.

Have You Used Anaconda XL? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL Review


What Does the Article Say
The Products
Pure Muscle X
Testerone XL
Where to Buy
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Over the last decade or so, the online health and fitness supplement industry has exploded into a multi-billion dollar business, and just like in the wild west a couple centuries ago, when there’s that kind of growth, you’re gonna get some outlaws exploiting it for their own benefit. In this case, they come in the form of shady companies basically selling snake oil for huge profits. They market their products using hard sell tactics and harder to believe promises, but by capitalizing on the hopes and fears of millions of potential customers, they can make huge profits.

So it’s no surprise when we come across articles like the one we’re talking about today.


Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL Article Title



Right off the bat, I’ll let you in on the secret. This is not a real article. It’s fake, I call it a “farticle” for fake article. It’s really just an advertisement trying to sell two supplements, Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL, by tricking you into thinking there’s been this amazing new discovery that only celebrities have had access to until now. Don’t believe me? I’ll break it down for you.

First of all, they use typeface and font style to make you think this article is coming from Men’s Health Magazine, but it’s not. It’s actually Men’sHealthLife, which isn’t even a real magazine.


Pure muscle x and testerone xl article menu bar


The website address has nothing to do with Men’s Health Magazine:


Pure muscle x and testerone xl article url

I got a little curious about who this was, so I went to their homepage, and look what I found!


menshealthadvice home page

Haha, at least these guys maintain a sense of humor while they’re separating you from your hard earned dollars. Everybody loves a good Will Ferrell Anchorman meme!

What Does the Article Even Say?

Okay, enough about proving the article is a fake; we’ve established that it’s an advertisement, but what are they selling and does it work? After all, a company is allowed to advertise their products. So let’s talk about Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL.

Losing fat and gaining muscle is hard, and the folks at Men’sHealthLife know this. We all want in on the same secrets celebrities use to get their incredible results. Here’s what they say about that:

C:\Users\Teresa Pirger\Documents\Elance 2\Rob\Supplementcritique\2016 Reviews\May 2016 Reviews\May 2016 Images\pure muscle x and testerone xl chris hemsworth w.png

If you think you’ve seen that image before, you have. Here’s the exact same image and statement being used to sell two entirely different products:

pure muscle x and testerone xl chris hemsworth w

The truth is, these celebrities have probably never even heard of Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL or Xtreme Testrone adn Xtreme NO2 either. A team of trainers and nutritionists helping them do the necessary hard work is how they get into shape for upcoming movies and appearances. It’s their job to be in shape, and they get paid big bucks for doing their job.

Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL – The Products

The writer of the article talks about his own process of trying Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL and the results he got:

His Own Results

Not only have we seen that same week by week results graphic in dozens of other advertisements for dozens of other products, but take a closer look, is that even the same guy from Week 1 to Week 4?

Pure Muscle X

Okay, so let’s talk specifically about the supplements, because again, who cares how they advertise it if the stuff works. Here’s what they say about Pure Muscle X:

Pure Muscle X clinically proven to

So we visited the Pure Muscle X website where you can order the product. The promises they make here are very similar to what the article says. It’s basically going to help you lose fat and gain muscle, with bonus sexual benefits.


pure muscle x bennies


When I saw that image, I thought it looked familiar, so I did a reverse image search on google, and here’s what I found. This exact same graphic is used to sell a product called Power Precision Lean Muscle Formula. All they did was switch out the names and the bottles. Man, that’s just straight up lazy.

lean muscle bennies

Pure Muscle X Ingredients

The Pure Muscle X website doesn’t give a full ingredient list, but they mention a few key components – Nitric Oxide, L-Arginine, and Glutamine.

  • Nitric Oxide is not an ingredient that can be in a supplement, it’s a gas that’s produced inside your body.
  • L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, so when you ingest more L-Arginine, the idea is that your body produces more nitric oxide. This is good for your muscles because nitric oxide is a vasodilator that opens up blood vessels, allowing increased blood to flow through. When more blood flows to muscles, they have more of the oxygen they need to push harder and have more stamina. They also have more of the nutrients needed to quickly repair and rebuild when your workout is done.
  • Glutamine can help with post workout recovery by increasing carbohydrate uptake to help with growth and repair. It may also increase your body’s natural HGH production for improved muscle tissue growth.

These are both helpful ingredients, but we don’t know how much of each is in the Pure Muscle X formula, and we don’t know what else is included. We would definitely need to know more if we were to recommend using this.

Testerone XL

Here’s what the article says Testerone XL can do for you:

testerone xl has been clinically proven to

They also refer to it as an “amino acid” supplement. But according to the Testerone XL webiste, it’s a natural testosterone booster:

Testerone xl can do for you

Of course, there’s no information whatsoever on the formula, so I guess we’ll never know what Testerone XL really is.

Where to Buy Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL

Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL are not available in stores. The only way to purchase either one of them is to sign up for the free trials offered on their websites. It basically works like this:

  1. You sign up for a 14 day trial by paying only a small shipping fee.
  2. They send you a 30 day supply.
  3. 14 days after your order, they charge you full price ($89.95 for Pure Muscle X and $89.95 for Testerone XL)
  4. Every month from then on, they send you a new full price bottle of each supplement, and they continue to do this until you cancel your subscription.

Most guys don’t know they even signed up for anything but a free bottle. When they start getting charged full price month after month, they understandably get pissed. Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL don’t care. Once you figure it out, they’ve already gotten a few hundred dollars from you, and they’ve moved on to other customers and other products.

That’s why they use the same article and website layouts for different products. Once enough people have been burned by Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL, they’ll simply change the names, design new bottles, and start all over again with no one the wiser.

If you’re thinking this must be illegal, you’re not alone. Turns out that while it’s certainly very scammy, it’s not illegal because they spell it all out in the Terms and Conditions page of their websites:

pure muscle x and testerone t and c

The Bottom Line

Are you convinced yet that Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL are nothing more than a scam? There’s no evidence at all that either of these products will help you lose fat or gain muscle. Even if they did do some minimal good, they wouldn’t be worth the cost or the hassle. $90 for either of these two is just insane.

$90 is absolutely over the top in the world of muscle and testosterone boosting supplements, at least when it comes to legitimate ones, and that price point mixed with the ridiculous jargon that they spout alongside it should be more than enough of a red flag.

But if you still need convincing, take a look at what’s at very bottom of the article.

pure muscle x and testerone not real

I assure you, in earlier versions of this article, this statement was not there. Most likely, they added it because they were pressured or forced to do so after the hundreds if not thousands of complaints they’ve received regarding all the different products they’ve advertised with it. Take a closer look at the statement. It appears at the end of a Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL advertisement, but the supplements they mention are Xtreme Nitro and FB1-Test. Even they can’t keep it all straight.

Don’t become one of the unfortunate few that fall for their shenanigans and wind up losing out on $90 or even more for something that certainly is a scam and definitely won’t work at all.

Don’t be fooled by the fake article form of advertising. It’s hard not to get sucked in. That’s they they do it. But hopefully, you’ll know better now, and read between the lines before you waste time and money on Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL.

Have You Used Pure Muscle X and Testerone XL? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Cognifocus Review – Will It Really Improve Your Focus?


The Advertising
What is Cognitive Decline
How To Use
Who Makes it
Where to Buy
Refund Policy
Contact Information
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Nootropic supplements are becoming all the rage as more and more people – students and professionals alike – are finding the need to step up their game. It was inevitable that in today’s fast paced world, where increasing numbers of people are competing for their piece of what seems like a shrinking pie, productivity enhancing products would find their way into the realm of necessary for so many of us.

I include myself in this group. I’ve used Adderall in the past for my mild ADHD, and if you’ve ever taken it, on- or off- label, you know it works. The focus, drive, and ability to concentrate and organize your thoughts can’t be beat. But Adderall requires a doctor’s prescription unless you’re willing to hit the black market. And that can be dangerous, expensive, and unreliable.

So I, like so many others, have turned to nootropics – natural supplements designed to mimic the effects you can get with Adderall. And while nothing I’ve found is quite as good, some come close, and I continue the search.

Which brings me to Cognifocus. A couple weeks ago, I had a visitor ask me to look into it for him. I finally got around to it the other day, and am ready to share what I found.

The Advertising Behind Cognifocus

The first thing I noticed in my research of Cognifocus was the false advertising they use to promote their product.

“What’s that?”, you say.

Yes, Cognifocus (or one of their affiliates) is deliberately using false advertisements (Fake Blogs / Articles) to promote their supplement.

Let me explain.

You probably originally came across this supplement while browsing Twitter / Facebook or some other social media platform.  You may have been intrigued by an ad that looked similar to this:

cognifocus facebook ad

That’s a pretty intriguing claim if you think about it.

I mean, a real limitless pill that actually works better then Adderall, is 100% safer, and is available over the counter?

Sign me up!

If you click on the ad it will likely take you to a page that “looks” like the Discover magazine website.

Headlines like “SPECIAL REPORT: Is this the most powerful brain enhancer on the planet?” scream out at you.

cognifocus ad

The author of this article, who goes by the name James Rickman, apparently tested out Cognifocus over a 4 week period and had some pretty amazing results.

There’s been all sorts of clinical studies popping up proving it works, and there’s plenty of other supporting evidence.

So that brings us to our main question.

cognifocus reviewWhat Is Cognifocus?

Cognifocus is an nootropic supplement available online claiming to clear the fog out of your mind, sharpen your focus, and boost your memory and recall so you can stop making excuses and start getting things done.

We should mention that there’s another product with a similar name, called Cogni Focus (as two words instead of one). It’s available on, is made by a different company, and has an entirely different set of ingredients in the formula.

What is Cognitive Decline?

Cognitive decline exists on a continuum. We tend to think of either Alzheimer’s Disease or Senility, but there are really so many more levels than this. According to Cognifocus, decreases in brain power and cognitive performance can occur as young as 30, and it happens for several reasons. Generally speaking, if you don’t give your brain the nutrients it needs, it won’t function on the high level you’ve come to expect. You’ll start to notice symptoms like:

  • Loss of memory, both short and long term.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Lessening of focus.
  • Low motivation.
  • Little energy.

Cogniflex Advanced Brain Formula Image

At 30, the decline may not be that noticeable, but once you start taking something like Cognifocus, that’s when you start to see the stark difference – that is, of course, if it works. Next we’ll take a look at the formula, which will give us a great starting point to determine whether or not Cognifocus can work.

Cognifocus Ingredients

The Cognifocus formula comes down to 2 primary active ingredients.



  • First there’s caffeine, 150 mg to be precise. That’s about the same as an energy drink or just shy of 2 cups of coffee. It’s a good start, as you’ll get your energy boost, but you don’t want to rely heavily on caffeine in your supplement. For one thing, you probably get caffeine from other sources throughout your day as well. And if you don’t, it’s probably because you don’t like the way caffeine makes you feel. But there are definite benefits. Caffein not only gives you an energy boost, it increases motivation, improves focus, and boosts your metabolism.
  • Next up is the WGCP Blend. The blend totals 1645 mg of mainly Chlorogenic Acid from the green coffee bean, a powerful weight loss supplement that also boosts energy and focus a lot like caffeine. Other components of the blend include Neochloregenix Acid, Decaffeolyquinc Acid, Feruloyquinc Acid, and Fiber.  The Green Coffee Bean in the WGCP Blend provides the energy and focus of caffeine, but without jitters or other unwanted side effects.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem clear that there’s anything in the Cognifocus formula that will boost your brain power, other than the caffeine, which increases from the 150 mg when you add in the WGCP blend. In fact, the chlorogenic acid in the WGCP Blend is more commonly used for weight loss than anything else.  It’s not commonly found in nootropic supplements.

However, on a website for WGCP, set up and maintained by the makers of the blend, they talk about clinical testing that’s demonstrated WGCP’s effect on focus and concentration. The testing is very preliminary and by no means does it meet the scientific criteria for clinical evidence, but results show that in high enough doses, WGCP does improve performance on tasks that require focus and attention. The trouble is, we don’t know what that dose is and whether or not Cognifocus contains that amount.


WGCP Edited Image


How To Use Cognifocus

The recommended dose is 1 Cognifocus capsule taken each morning, and you should start noticing the effects within about 30 minutes. The bottle states that the effects last up to 6 hours, indicating that Cognifocus is not a cumulative supplement, but a fast acting one, meaning that it works when you take it, but you don’t necessarily need to take it every day to reap the benefits.

Who Makes Cognifocus?

The subject of who makes Cognifocus is a little unclear. Their official website refers to the company only as “Cognifocus”, but I’ve seen references elsewhere to the fact that it’s made by a company called Bio46. In the Terms and Conditions document, they refer to themselves only as Cognifocus. Either way, they’re based out of Minneapolis, MN and have no presence with the Better Business Bureau. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. At least it means there haven’t been complaints registered with the BBB.  Yet.

Cognifocus PricesWhere to Buy

Cognifocus is only available online, but there are a few options when it comes to how many bottles you want to buy and for how much. For instance, the starter package is 1 bottle (a one month supply) for $56. Another option is Buy 1 Get 1 Free for $45, which is a far better deal than the starter package, since you’ll be getting two months for less than the original price of one. Per bottle prices go down as low as $22 when you buy 4 bottles for $156 and get 3 free.

The offers are different depending on which website you’re looking at, so make sure to shop around to get the deal best suited to your situation.

Cognifocus Refund Policy

Returns are allowed for 30 days from the date you first ordered the product. You have to call and get an RMA number, then return the product to their address. Once that happens, they’ll issue you a refund minus a $9.99 per bottle restocking fee. It’s also unclear if they accept open and/or partially used bottles for return.

Cogniflex Return Policy

What’s interesting to note that when you visit their terms and conditions page and get down to the “Returns / Exchanges” section, this HUGE banner pops up, thereby distracting you from learning the real truth behind their product.

cognifocus coupon

Cognifocus Contact Information

If you do want a refund, or have questions regarding the product or billing, you can contact Cognifocus by phone or by email. The customer service line – 888-470-0665 – is available M-F 9am – 5pm CST. Their email address is and is monitored during their regular business hours.

They also have a return shipping address that they’ll provide for you when you call for your RMA number.

Cognifocus Reviews

Usually, online supplements website provide a long presentation of customer testimonials to help convince new customers that this is really the way to go. In the case of Cognifocus, these testimonials don’t exist. While I don’t tend to put much faith in website testimonials in the first place, I do find it odd that Cognifocus doesn’t even go there. How bad can the feedback be if you can’t publish any of it.

Cognifocus Pros and Cons

Advantages of Cognifocus

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The caffeine and Green Coffee Bean will help you lose weight.
  • It may provide a small boost in mental energy and focus.
  • There’s no free trial scam offer.

Disadvantages of Cognifocus

  • The formula is very weak, and with essentially only two ingredients.


People are reaching for nootropics for a lot of good reasons. We all need something to help us over that hump on our way to achieving our goals and reaching our dreams, and the trend for the past several years has been toward using natural whole foods and ingredients to fulfill those needs. Nootropic supplements fit that bill on both levels.

That’s why you’ll find products like Cognifocus at all. But they’re not all created equal, and they don’t all work. When you take Cognifocus, you’ll no doubt feel a surge of energy, but you can get that with an energy drink. If it’s a real and effective nootropic you want, you need more than just caffeine, smooth or otherwise. There are tons of other ingredients Cognifocus could have included: Huperzine, Vinpocetine, Phosphatadylserine to name a few. But Cognifocus chose not to. And by relying on just 2 ingredients, both based on coffee and caffeine, I think they missed the boat.

Have You Used Cognifocus? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Megadrox and Testadrox Review – Do They Really Work?


How Megadrox Works
How Testadrox Works
My Personal Results
Clinical Testing
Free Trials
Got Scammed
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Since trying all the latest and greatest bodybuilding supplements is something I do on a regular basis, I got super excited when a link showed up on my Facebook feed talking about an incredible new supplement stack of Megadrox and Testadrox that’s basically a legal steroid getting huge results for everyone who’s using it. I clicked the link, and I gotta tell it to you straight – this stack has scam written all over it.

Now, I know a lot of you want to believe there’s a pill, or a combination of pills, that will finally get your body in the shape you want, and maybe there is a stack that can.

But I gotta tell you right from the start – this one ain’t it.

I know I know. You’re still holding out hope. You’re saying, “Look at the before and after photos, Rob! Won’t it work if I work out real hard?” Well, pictures lie, and I’ll show you how if you keep reading, and yes, you can get a great body if you work out real hard. But that’s not the point here. The point is that the idea that taking Megadrox and Testadrox will get you ripped beyond your wildest dreams is a scam, and we’ll break the scam down for you piece by piece if you read on.

The Phony Megadrox and Testadrox Article

Here’s where it all starts. A link to the article shows up in your Twitter or Instagram feed, and it looks so good you just have to click it. When you do, you’re taken to what looks like a Men’s Health Magazine article, but really it’s a Men’s Health Life website, which has absolutely nothing to do with Men’s Health Magazine.

Note:  Sometimes the ads for Megadrox and Testadrox are on ESPN, but these are total BS as well.

Take a look at the menu bar on the real Men’s Health website:


MensHealth Real Website Header


And here’s the menu bar for the phony article:


fake megadrox and testadrox ad


See how it looks very similar to the real magazine, using the same font and color scheme?  It’s no accident, and fyi if you try to click links to the rest of the site, the links don’t work. That’s because there is no rest of the site.

Okay, so we’ve accepted that the “article” doesn’t come from Men’s Health. So what? They’re not the only authority on the subject, and who cares where the article comes from, as long as what it says is true? So we read on.

The article uses a slideshow of celebrity before and after pics, showing big stars like Dwayne Johnson, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, and Chris Hemsworth. The implication is that the way these famous movie stars got into great shape was by using the Megadrox and Testadrox stack.

megadrox and testadrox chris hemsworth

megadrox and testadrox hugh jackman

They even state:


“In confidential interviews with Men’s Health & Life, Hollywood movie-stars are crediting the product with helping them lose body fat and put on lean muscle in preparation for movie roles.”


See what they did there? They show images of certain celebrities, then they simply refer to celebrities in general doing “confidential” interviews.

Who’s ever heard of a “confidential celebrity interview”?

There’s no such thing. It’s part of their job to get publicity, and a confidential interview doesn’t do that. It’s simply a way for the Megadrox and Testadrox marketing team to imply that Hugh Jackman, The Rock, and the others use this stack, without actually coming out with the straight up lie.

Then they start talking a little bit about each of the Megadrox and Testadrox products, and how they work to help you out. They also link to the product websites, so let’s follow along and talk about them each individually before heading back to expose more about the article.

Another phony article I can across stated the UFC fighter Connor Mcgregor was using Megadrox, and that the real truth behind his “retirement” was that Megadrox is banned by the UFC.

connor mcgregor megadrox

However, if you look at the UFC banned substances list, there is no mention of Megadrox whatsoever.  The same holds true for Testadrox, although they don’t make any mention of this in the Connor Mcgregor article.

Back To Top of Page

How Megadrox Works

In the article, the story is that Megadrox is a nitric oxide booster with a main ingredient of L-Arginine. This is pretty standard when it comes to muscle building stacks. But when you click on over to the Megadrox website (, they tell a different story, well sort of.

does megadrox really work

Clearly, Megadrox can’t decide what it want’s to be. It’s a muscle building supplement that increases stamina, sharpens focus, burns fat, and boosts sex drive. Other areas of the website say it’s a testosterone booster, and if you add in what the article says, it’s a nitric oxide booster. A supplement can do a lot of things, but this one seems to be all over the place

Surely the ingredient list will help us sort out what it really is and does. Here goes:

  • L-Arginine is where the nitric oxide claims come from. It’s a precursor to NO, which opens up blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through to your muscles, delivering the oxygen and nutrients needed to work out hard and recovery faster.
  • Maca Root increases libido and elevates mood.
  • Horny Goat Weed enhances libido and improves blood flow to your penis for better erections.
  • Tribulus Terrestris is thought to possibly increase testosterone and improve sexual performance.
  • Yohimbe is a central nervous system stimulant that gets your blood flowing and increases libido.  But not without side effects.

It turns out it’s kind of a mish-mash set of ingredients, with some blood flow, testosterone, and libido enhancers. No wonder the marketing can’t decide what to push. Looking at this list, probably the most pronounced effect will be on your sex life.

Regardless, this is what they want you to walk away with:


megadrox side effects


After all, that’s what the fake “article” is all about.

How Testadrox Works

In the article, Testadrox claims to burn fat for energy, increase libido, deliver nutrients to muscles, and make your muscles more defined, and because these promises are so generalized, the Testradox website ( corresponds pretty well. Take a look a their benefits graphic. It looks just like the one for Megadrox, even with the same lack of editing:

does testadrox work


The points are slightly different, but not much.

Here’s the ingredient list to back up the claims:

  • Tongkat Ali which may increase free testosterone to improve both sexual and gym performance.
  • Saw Palmetto which is an aphrodisiac that may also help boost testosterone.
  • Sarsaparilla which improves mental focus and concentration.
  • Horny Goat Weed which is an aphrodisiac that also improves blood flow to the penis for better erections.
  • Boron which supports cell function on a micro nutrient level.

The entire formula is a 1484 mg proprietary blend, so basically that means they’re not telling us how much of each ingredient is being used. This makes it tough to gauge how effective it’s likely to be.

So in a nutshell, both Megadrox and Testadrox are heavy on the aphrodisiac and light on the muscle builders, but that doesn’t stop them from saying things like this:

I couldn’t be any happier with the results; I Gained 16 lbs of Muscle in 4 Weeks No Special Diet; No Intense Exercise”!

Writer’s Personal Results

That statement above is from the author of the article. They don’t give his name, but in the comment sections, readers keep referring to him as Brian, so that’s what we’ll call him.

Brian says he was so intrigued by the claims that he decided to try Megadrox and Testadrox himself, and post his real results. He laid his 4 week experiment out with photos and statements:


megadrox and testadrox before and after

He says he got these results without changing his diet or exercise. Take a look at the abs in the week one pic versus the week 4 pic. There’s no way that happened without some serious effort on his part. You also gotta admit, his hair changes in a some pretty strange ways over the 4 weeks. Week 2 is shorter than Week 1, Week 3 is super long – way too much of a difference for a week’s worth of growth, then Week 4 is shorter than ever, and doesn’t even look like the same guy.

Clinical Testing

Throughout the article, they refer to what “clinical tests show”.

IMPORTANT: *In clinical testing it was proven that you must use BOTH products in this method (once daily) to achieve similar results.

Sure, it’s real easy to throw out the phrase, “clinical testing”, but there is no reference anywhere to a clinical test involving Megadrox and Testadrox. You can’t talk about results from a clinical test, and not at least cite where you can find the actual findings. This is just more proof that this whole article is filled with lies and exaggerations, as if we needed more.

Megadrox and Testadrox Free Trials

The whole purpose of this fake MensHealthLife article is to get you to buy Megadrox and Testadrox on their official websites. They’re each sold separately through their respective website, and you guessed it – they’re only available by signing up for their free trial offer. Here’s how it works.

You place your free trial order, and for a small shipping fee they send you a full 30-day supply bottle. They do everything they can to make you believe that that’s the end of it. You’ll use the product, love it, and keep coming back for more. But that’s far from what’s really going on.

Written deep in the fine fine print, the terms and conditions explain that when ordering the free trial, you’re actually signing up for their monthly auto-shipping program. If you don’t cancel within 14 days, they’ll charge you full price for the “free” bottle, then they’ll charge you that same full price, plus shipping, every month from here on out, until you cancel.

For Megadrox, the full price you’ll be charged is $89.99.

For Testodrox, the trial period is extended to 21 days, and the price is $54.95.

Don’t believe me?

Megadrox Terms and conditions

By the way, companies that do these free trial scam offers are notoriously difficult to work with once you figure out what’s going on and try to cancel or reverse charges.

Don’t believe me?  Just look and see what others had to say on the website

megadrox and testadrox scam

And also on

megadrox scam

It would be beneficial to simply buy Megadrox and Testadrox in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, or Walgreens / CVS, but unfortunately neither one of them are sold there.

What If I Already Got Scammed?

Some of you might be here because you fell for the scam and now you’re trying to figure out how to get out of it. (Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there). If that’s the case, you’ll need to contact the company directly. What restitution you end up getting depends a lot on how long ago you ordered your product. If you’re still within the trial period, just call and tell them you want to cancel your subscription. If it’s been longer than that and you’ve already been charged for bottles you didn’t want, you’ll still have to call, but it gets a little more complicated. Both companies require you to call and get an RMA number before returning the product. And even when you do return it (in its unopened, unused condition), they’ll charge you a $19.95 restocking fee.

The customer service number for both Megadrox and Testadrox is 1-888-224-8821.

But Isn’t it Worth It if Megadrox and Testadrox Work?

That’s a tough question, and for a lot of people, the answer may be yes. But the fact is Megadrox and Testadrox won’t give you anywhere near the kind of results they want you to think they will. A look at the ingredients tells you these are not muscle building powerhouses. They’re more likely to give you a hard penis than hard abs. Not that there’s anything wrong with a hard penis, but that’s not what you’d be using Megadrox and Testadrox for.

What’s the Bottom Line?

Whenever I write a review like this one, there’s one question that I inevitable get from at least one visitor, and it comes in a few different versions:

  • Yeah, but did you try it yourself?
  • Yeah, but did you try them both together like they say you should?

Then there’s the one about:

  • Yeah, if it doesn’t work, why would the celebrities say it does?

The fact is, this is a stock article. Every couple of months, they plug in two new products and re-release it. They rarely change any of the details of the story, the before and after pics, the comments, any of it. And I’ve got news for you, the celebrities have no idea their images are being used, and the company is careful not to call the celebrities by name or to directly say that they endorse the products.

If celebrities were really using supplements like this one or several others, they would be household names by this point and you’d be seeing their ads all over TV.

You can find numerous other supplements pulling this very same trick, including Xtreme Testrone, T90 Xplode, and Elite Test 360, to name just a few.

Same Article Different Stack

I have tried some of them myself, some on their own and some as a stack like they recommend. I have never once gotten the kinds of results they talk about, and I work out all the time and eat a pretty clean diet (most of the time).

It also doesn’t help that users on Reddit AND are calling out the supplements as a scam.

It does not take a certified detective to realize that something is amiss with Megadrox and Testadrox.

Megadrox and Testadrox are not going to get you the results they promise, and they’re not going to be worth anywhere near the amount of money and hassle they’ll cost you. But you don’t have to believe me. Do your own research. Try to find these clinical studies they talk about. You’ll see it my way. I almost guarantee it.

Have You Used Megadrox and Testadrox? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Rev Test Review – Should You Try It?

Declining testosterone levels is a fact of life. They peak in your early twenties, when you feel at your most vital and strong. Then, as they say, it’s all downhill from there. Your body starts producing less and less testosterone, and eventually, you start to feel the effects:

  • Lower libido.
  • Increased fat, especially around your midsection.
  • More fatigue.
  • Less focus.
  • Less energy and stamina for the gym.

And here’s maybe the worst part – the same workout that got you ripped in your twenties no longer has the same effect in your thirties and forties. You actually have to work out harder to get the same results, and you may not even be able to get them at all.

Guys with real testosterone issues can choose to go with hormone replacement therapy, which involves doctors, prescriptions, and maybe even needles. Juicing is another option, but most guys (myself included) don’t want to mess around with that because of the potential damage to your liver and other organs as well as the nasty side effects.

That leaves natural testosterone boosters like Rev Test. These have the potential to jump start your body’s own natural processes, so you get the benefit of raised levels without the hassle of doctors, prescriptions, or side effects.

What Is Rev Test?

At this point, there are dozens, hundreds even, of natural testosterone boosters to choose from, so it takes a little research and effort to find the right one for you. The one under the microscope today is called Rev Test from Revolution Laboratories.

Rev Test offers itself as a way to naturally boost your testosterone levels, giving you strength, vitality, and libido that you may have thought was gone forever.

Rev Test ReviewRev Test Benefits

With increased testosterone levels, the kind of benefits you’ll reap are:

  • Increased energy for workouts and your daily business.
  • Better body composition through increased muscle and fat burning.
  • Greater strength and lean muscle mass.
  • Increased libido and sexual stamina.

Rev Test Ingredients

There’s a lot of information online about Rev Test, but a lot of it is incorrect. To their credit, they listened to the feedback from their customers, and made improvements to the formula. For that reason, you’ll see some review sites talking about a different set of ingredients than what you’ll see here. But the current formula includes as primary ingredients:

  • Fenugreek Extract which is thought to have a positive effect on testosterone production, but hasn’t actually been proven to do so. Instead, studies have shown initial findings that fenugreek can increase libido and athletic performance.
  • Tribulus Terrestris Extract which is believed to increase testosterone production by increasing the release of Luteinizing Hormone, which then signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone. Again, while Tribulus has been shown to increase libido, the evidence has not shown that it increases testosterone.
  • Di Indolylmethane (DIM) which can help prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, or aromatase, which keeps testosterone levels higher.
  • D-Aspartic Acid which has been shown in clinical studies to raise testosterone levels by 40% in just 12 days.

And to supplement, there’s a proprietary blend containing:

  • Epimedium which can increase blood flow by raising Nitric Oxide levels.
  • 7-Keto DHEA which is believed to boost testosterone levels by regulating hormone levels in general.
  • Zinc which is necessary for the chemical reaction in the body that creates testosterone.
  • Folic Acid which is required for new cell formation and damaged cell repair.
  • Vitamin B12 which can produce all day energy without jitters or crash.

The recommended dose of Rev Test is 2 capsules about 30 minutes pre workout, and 2 capsules before breakfast on rest days.

Rev Test Reviews

It’s important to know what real people who’ve used Rev Test have to say about it. In fact, a review on the old formula led in part to the creation of the new formula. A customer said it was just kind of okay, and that when he took it alongside DAA, his results were much better. The company replied to that reviewer that they were incorporating his advice into the reformulation of the product.

The only problem is, they only added 100mg of DAA, which is nowhere near the recommended and studied dose of 3000 mg.

Since Rev Test is now available on, there’s lots of customer feedback. The problem is some of it seems suspect. There are plenty of favorable reviews, but they fit several of the criteria for reviews with questionable validity. For instance, most of the positive ones come from reviewers that haven’t written reviews for any other products.

One guy even calls this out in his review.

revtest amazon review

It’s not unusual for a company to pay people to submit Amazon reviews. It’s one of the ways the build a positive reputation for themselves.

Another reviewer on Youtube says he had excellent endurance in the gym, his bench press went up by 80 lbs., gave him tons of energy, and has nothing but good things to say about it.

However, if you read the dozen or so comments under his video, you’ll see tons of guys that were scammed by the RevTest free trial (more on that below).

revtest free trial scam

another review of rev test on amazon

Another reviewer on Youtube looks familiar to me.

He looks familiar, because I’ve seen him posting “reviews” of other supplements.

In fact, it turns out that he’s not a legit “reviewer”, but rather a PAID actor who sells his services on a website called Fiverr.

fake revtest review


Where to Buy

Here’s another area where Rev Test has evolved. It used to be that you could only get your hands on Rev Test by signing up for their free trial program. This meant paying a small shipping fee, then getting charged a ridiculous $70 or $80 14 days later and every month thereafter with their auto shipping program.

It says it all right here in the fine print / terms and conditions.

revtest terms and conditions

This is a very common (and deceitful) tactic that is used by hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of supplement manufacturers.

I don’t see any evidence that setup still exists. Rev Test is still not available in stores, but you can buy it through several different online retailers, including and The price for 60 capsules (a one month supply) is $25 to $35 depending on where you look.  The also sell it at the Revolution Labs website for $69.99.

What Do We Know About Revolution Labs?

According to the Better Business Bureau, Revolution Labs, the makers of Rev Test, has locations in Las Vegas and southern California, and both have mediocre ratings. On the one hand, the company has received a large number of complaints mainly about Advertising and Billing issues, but several about the product itself. On the other hand, they address each of the complaints, which puts them ahead of a lot of their competitors.

Rev Test Pros and Cons

Advantages of Rev Test

  • The company isn’t the most reputable, but they seem to be responsive to customer requests.
  • You can try it relatively inexpensively.

Disadvantages of Rev Test

  • The formula uses DAA, but not nearly enough to be effective.
  • The Rev Test reviews from customers available online are very varied, with many of the positive ones seeming a little suspect.


We started out talking about how there are hundreds of choices when it comes to natural testosterone boosters, and that doing research into formulas, cost, and customer opinion is the best way to determine which is best. We’ve done all that with Rev Test, and truthfully, we wouldn’t recommend it. While they do respond to all complaints lodged about the product, don’t you want a product that doesn’t get so many complaints in the first place?

Have You Used Rev Test? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

TestoZyte Review – Does It Really Work?


What is it
How To Use
Side Effects
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

You probably already know that if you’re over the age of 30, your testosterone levels are on the decline. It may even be why your reading this right now. As men age, our body’s produce less and less of the male sex hormone, and with that decline comes some unwanted symptoms. The issues usually don’t rise to the level of illness or ailment where you have to see a doctor and get a prescription, but if there’s a way to boost the levels without side effects, that would be a good thing.

Turns out, there is a way to boost testosterone levels without side effects. It involves taking a natural testosterone booster, and tons of guys are already doing it. The effects are not as dramatic as traditional testosterone replacement therapy, but it’s plenty for the average guy who’s noticing those grating symptoms like:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Easily fatigued.
  • Boredom, depression, and irritability.
  • Loss of libido.
  • Decreasing lean muscle.
  • Increasing fat, especially around your waistline.

With dozens, even hundreds, of natural testosterone boosting supplements to choose from, it’s important to put the time in and do the research it takes to find a good one. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of crap out there being sold as the next miracle cure. Our job is to help you spot that crap before you end up paying hundreds of dollars for it.

What Is TestoZyte?

TestoZyte is a natural testosterone booster that promises to alleviate all the symptoms mentioned above, while making you feel more vital, young, and alive. It was made by Dr. Ryan Stanton, a plastic surgeon and founder of the Men’s Health Institute in Beverly Hills, California. By taking TestoZyte, you’ll reverse the symptoms above and:

  • Increase your sex drive.
  • Boost your energy and stamina.
  • Lose fat and build muscle.
  • Think more clearly and improve your memory.
  • Reduce pain in your joints.
  • Live a longer, healthier life.

Testozyte ReviewTestoZyte Ingredients

The TestoZyte website provides a lot of information about how your body is affected by declining testosterone levels and how taking TestoZyte can reverse those effects, but it doesn’t provide a full ingredient list for a better understanding of just how it actually works.

There are references to a few of the ingredients on that list, so we’ll talk about those:

  • Tribulus Terrestris is one of the most commonly found ingredients in natural testosterone boosters. It’s believed to increase your body’s natural production of testosterone by first increasing the release of Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland. LH then signals to the testes that they should produce and release more testosterone. Studies do show that Tribulus can improve erections and erectile function, but so far, they don’t prove a plausible connection to testosterone. TestoZyte claims to be the only product that uses the optimal dose and concentration of Protodioscin, the steroidal saponins found in Tribulus Terrestris.
  • D-Aspartic Acid is the current standard bearer for boosting testosterone naturally. It’s been shown in clinical studies to actually increase testosterone, at least in the short run. The most cited study showed that men taking 3.12 grams of DAA daily saw an increase of 40% in free testosterone in 12 days. Some of the information we found states the TestoZyte uses the same effective dose, but since they don’t list ingredients on the website and don’t show a label, we aren’t able to confirm.
  • Fenugreek is another ingredient commonly found in natural testosterone boosters. It actually has less scientific evidence backing up its testosterone claims, but it is showing promise as an herb that may lower blood sugar levels and regulate the insulin response.

How to Use TestoZyte

The recommended dose, according to the website, is 2 capsules taken 3 times a day.

TestoZyte Side Effects

The short term studies performed on D Aspartic Acid showed no side effects at all. Of course, these were short term studies and don’t demonstrate what effects might be present in the long term. Fenugreek may lower blood sugar, and it can give a “maple syrup”-like odor to your urine. Tribulus Terrestris may also affect blood sugar levels, though evidence is inconclusive.

Most guys worry about the typical side effects of too much testosterone, such as acne, agression, and irritability. This doesn’t seem to pan out often with natural testosterone boosters, presumably because the way they work doesn’t tend to leave you with an imbalance.

Where to Buy

TestoZyte is not sold in stores, and you won’t find it at It’s only available through the official TestoZyte website. The price for one bottle is $39.95, but you save money if you buy multiple bottles at once. For example, buy 2 bottles for $79.95 and get one free. And the saving grow as your order does.

But there’s a discrepancy over how long a bottle will last. On the order page, they say that each 60-count bottle is a one-month supply. But the FAQ section of the website states the recommended dosage is 2 pills taken twice a day. At that rate, you’ll blow through the 60 pills in 10 days, which means you’d need 3 bottles for a month.

I suspect the correct dosage is 2 pills a day, but the fact that they provide conflicting information on the subject doesn’t instill much confidence in the product or the company.

TestoZyte Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoZyte

  • If you really only take 2 pills a day, it’s pretty affordable at $39.95 a month.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • While we don’t know the complete formula, we do know it contains some of the effective ingredients we look for in a natural testosterone booster.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of TestoZyte

  • Depending on the real recommended dosage, it may be very expensive at just under $120 per month.
  • The full ingredient list is not disclosed.
  • There are no independent TestoZyte reviews from customers who’ve used it – only testimonials on the website, which you can never be sure are fully real.


TestoZyte has potential, but I’m not convinced it’s the best option out there. The formula gets off to a good start, but not knowing the full list makes it hard to fully judge. The money back guarantee is good, but if the dosage information on the FAQ page is correct, TestoZyte is just too expensive. All that said, TestoZyte deserves a closer look and possible a try.

Have You Used TestoZyte? Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite Review – Does It Work?

With so many workout supplements to choose from, one of the first things I look for when I look for something new is whether or not the ingredients are backed by clinical science. I see so many products with all the right components, but at such low amounts that they don’t even have a chance to be effective. That’s one of the things I like about Gym Junkies products. They don’t use proprietary formulas, they tell you just what and how much goes into every pill or scoop.

Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite is their pre workout formula. If you’re thinking about using this stuff, think about what you want out of your pre workout powder. What most of us want is clean energy with no crash, improved workout performance, and extended stamina (delayed fatigue). And we want it to be safe, without unnecessary fillers and additives. Looking at the formula, you’ll see Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite looks pretty promising.

Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite Ingredients

Click here to see a photo of the label.

You know me, I’m not going to just link you to a label and let you figure it out on your own. We’ll go through each of the key ingredients, and explain how they work, so you know why they were likely included in the Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite formula.

  • Beta Alanine – 3000mg – This is the stuff that makes you tingle so you know it’s working. It allows you to work out harder for longer by delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. Lactic Acid buildup in your muscles is what makes them feel “done” with working hard. Beta Alanine slows that lactic acid buildup.
  • Creatine Monohydrate – 1500mg – which provides energy to your muscles. ATP is actually muscle energy but your muscles can’t store very much ATP, so it’s stored in the form of creatine which converts to ATP when needed, allowing you to push more weight harder.
  • Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1 – 1000mg – which converts to nitric oxide, which acts as a vasodilator, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through your veins, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and workout pumps.
  • Taurine – 500mg – which acts as a cell volumizer, and also has been shown to be an effective performance enhancer when stacked with caffeine.
  • Caffeine – 200mg – which provides energy and focus for staying on task during your workout.
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine – 50mg – which is a precursor for the feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain, like dopamine, and epinephrine, having a motivating effect.
  • Aminogen – 50mg – which enhances the body’s absorption of protein to help facilitate the muscle building process.
  • Bitter Orange Extract – 15mg – which is a central nervous system stimulant to help with energy and focus. It may also suppress appetite.
  • DHEA – 5mg – which can increase testosterone levels for increased strength, stamina, and sex drive.
  • Vinpocetine – 5mg – which acts as a vasodilator to increase the flow of blood to your muscles while it also increases focus and attention.

You’ll also want to note that there are’s no sugar, no MSG, no aspartame, no lactose, no artificial flavors, or fillers of any kind in the Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite formula.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite Pros and Cons

Advantages of Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite

  • The ingredients are all listed, including amounts, which is just as important as knowing the ingredients themselves.
  • There are no fillers or artificial flavors or sweeteners.
  • The ingredients are used at or near clinically studies doses.
  • Customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite

  • There are some online reports from Amazon customers claiming that the product they received was clumpy.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite through the Gym Junkies website or at At, the 7.94 ounce tub sells for $22.97, while over at Gym Junkies, it costs $36.97. If you buy through the website, you’re covered by the guarantee.

My Personal Results

gym junkies pre workout ignite reviewI recently was sent a bottle of the Ignite formula free of charge from the owner of Gym Junkies (Terry Asher), but I was not paid to do this review.

Right off the bat I could tell this was going to be a solid pre workout formula.

First off, in my personal opinion the taste was very good.

Some pre workout powders (especially the ones with sugar substitutes) tend to have a terrible aftertaste.

Not with this one.

It had a tart / tangy type flavor that was gentle on the palate.

Taste aside, how did it work to fuel my workouts?

Well I can say with 100% certainty that it does what it says it will.

I definitely felt more motivated / focused in my workouts, and it seemed to allow me to push much harder then I usually do.

The nice thing about it was that I didn’t seem to get that jittery type feeling you get with a lot of these pre workout formulas.

It was simply a smooth, consistent, and sustained energy that lasted for hours, without the typical crash feeling.


Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite is proof that using clinical dosing really can make all the difference. By providing energy, stamina, endurance, and pumps, this is a pre workout that covers all the bases, and does it well.

I definitely recommend picking up a bottle and trying it yourself!

Have You Used Gym Junkies Pre Workout Ignite? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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ProbioSlim Review – Should You Use It?


How It Works
How To Use
Where to Buy
Free Trial Complaints
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

People have been trying to lose weight for all of modern times, and lately you can’t swing a cat without hitting a new cleanse designed to help rid your body of toxins and reset the bacteria in your gut. Both of these goals come with vitamins and supplements promising to help, and there are so many choices it’ll make your head spin.

ProbioSlim is a supplement that’s decided to put both of those goals together. It provides digestive support with probiotics and well as weight management with other ingredients, and the results promise to be better than with anything else you’ve ever taken.

ProbioSlim Benefits

Because of the dual focus of ProbioSlim, you get more far more benefits from it than you would any ordinary weight loss supplement. You’ll experience:

  • Relief from diarrhea and constipation.
  • Reduced boating and gas.
  • Weight loss.
  • Fat burning
  • Metabolism boost.

All of which makes you both look and feel better on the inside and out.

Probio Slim ReviewHow ProbioSlim Works

The biggest focus of ProbioSlim is on correcting the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. The probiotics in ProbioSlim make sure that the good bacteria outweighs the bad. That way, digestive problems take care of themselves, usually before they occur. Add in the weight loss component and you’re just setting yourself up to safely and easily achieve your goals.

Related Article:  Probiotic Supplements in Stores

ProbioSlim Ingredients

Probiotics play an important role in keeping your digestive system healthy and functioning at peak levels. One way to get priobiotics is in yogurt, which contains acidophilus, the most commonly ingested probiotic.

You can find acidophilus in literally HUNDREDS of other probiotic supplements, including Bio X4.

The biggest problem with this is that acidophilus needs to remain cold in order to be effective, but it heats up as it tavels though your digestive system.

ProbioSlim uses LactoSpore probiotics. These are stronger than what you’ll find in yogurt, and they can make it through the harsh stomach environment on to the intestines where they do their work. These LactoSpore then even multiply in your colon to help fight off gas, bloating, constipation, and any other digestive discomfort you might be prone to.

For fighting fat, the primary ingredient in ProbioSlim is Green Tea Leaf Extract containing EGCG. EGCG has been shown to help stimulate fat burning. The Green Tea also provides caffeine which gives you energy and appetite suppression, both important weight loss aids.

They round out the formula with fruit extracts like Fig, Kiwi, and Papaya which act as antioxidants and prebiotics, to provide nourishment for the probiotics produced by the LactoSpore.

How To Use

The recommended dose is one ProbioSlim capsule in the morning before breakfast, and another before lunch. You want to make sure you keep ProbioSlim away from heat, light, and moisture. Your best bet is to keep it in the refrigerator like other probiotic supplements.

Where to Buy

If you’re interested in giving ProbioSlim a shot, you have a lot of choices when it comes to where to buy it. You can pick it up in stores like CVS, Walmart, and GNC. Prices vary widely. At Walmart, a 30 count bottle is just under $20. At GNC, a 60 count bottle goes for $69.99. And at CVS, a 30 count bottle is $29.99, but currently they’re running a Buy1 Get 1 Free special.

If you prefer to shop online, you can go through where you’ll pay about $30 for 60 capsules. Or you could buy through the ProbioSlim website where the 60 count bottle sells for $69.99.

The other option through the website is the free sample offer. You pay for only shipping up front and they send you trial bottle. They give you 18 days from the day you place your order to decide if it’s for you. If so, you can do nothing and they’ll start sending you a fresh supply every month at the $69.99 price. If you decide it’s not for you, you have to call before the trial period is up to cancel your VIP membership. Once you do that, you don’t receive any more shipments.

This is slightly different than the free trials we usually see. With this one, it seems that they don’t charge you for the trial bottle, the first bottle you pay full price for is the first one sent under the VIP membership. They don’t say how many pills are in the first bottle either. Most free trials give you a full size bottle and charge you the full size price after 14 days.

ProbioSlim Reviews

I’ve seen plenty of ProbioSlim reviews from customers, and there’s a real mix of opinion, though the majority of users fall on the positive side of things.

One user sums it up this way:

“I like ProbioSlim because it combines a probiotic and green tea for weight loss. It gives me energy (has some caffeine), but at the same time it regulates my digestive system helping to reduce, gas, bloating and heartburn”

But another says:

“I have been using this product for two months now and have not lost any weight”.

And another:

“I tried this product and I gained weight. I am not happy with this product”.

Of course, you never know what kind of diet and exercise program these reviewers were followin (if any at all), so it’s tough to judge in this case.

Free Trial Complaints

If you want to try ProbioSlim, don’t be lured into the free sample offer. I found tons of complaints from people who had no idea how they were signing up for an ongoing thing. I checked the offer myself and these guys made it even more difficult to find the terms and conditions than most others. The only way you’re going to see it is if you click on the Terms and Conditions page, which almost nobody does, so they end up with a lot of irate customers dealing with a $69.99 charge showing up seemingly out of nowhere.

You’d be better off picking up a bottle at a local store, a cheaper 30 count bottle if you can find one.

ProbioSlim Pros and Cons

Advantages of ProbioSlim

  • It takes a different approach to weight loss and digestive issues.
  • You can get it for fairly cheap if you look around.
  • It’s widely available.
  • There are plenty of favorable reviews from happy customers.

Disadvantages of ProbioSlim

  • The free trial can be a nightmare.
  • The price is all over the place depending on where you buy it. Make sure you shop around.
  • Some customers say it just doesn’t work.


ProbioSlim is worth trying, especially if you frequently deal with digestive issues. Just avoid the free trial if you can, and look for your cheapest options. There’s no reason you should be paying $69.99 a month for something you can get at half the price.

Have You Used ProbioSlim? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pure Forskolin Extract Review – Should You Use It?


What is it
Weight Loss
How Does It Work
Clinical Studies
Side Effects
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

If you get your weight loss advice from Dr Oz, then you already know about Pure Forskolin Extract. Not too long after his big Garcinia push, he moved on to Forskolin as the hot new ingredient that’s ready to take the weight loss world by storm.

But while Dr Oz used to have a lot of influence in this area, his credibility has taken a bit of a beating. He was accused in front of a Senate subcommittee of shilling for products and companies that just plain don’t work, and ever since then, people just don’t take his word for things like they used to. He basically testified that he believes in the products he promotes, but that he admits they don’t always have the science to back up their claims. Pure Forskolin Extract was actually one of the products he mentioned by name.

True or not, if Dr Oz is talking about it, there’s a certain amount of attention being paid, so we decided to dive in, take a look, and find out if Pure Forskolin Extract is likely to be a help or a hindrance on your weight loss journey.Pure Forskolin Extract

What Is Pure Forskolin Extract?

Pure Forskolin Extract Review 1Pure Forskolin Extract comes from the roots of the Coleus Forskohlii plant. It’s been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for a number of ailments

  • High blood pressure.
  • Allergies.
  • Heart disease
  • Chest pain.
  • Eczema and Psoriasis.
  • Bladder and Uninary Tract Infections.
  • Asthma.
  • Glaucoma.

According to WebMD, here is not enough actual evidence to say that Pure Forskolin Extract works for any of these conditions, but nevertheless anecdotally, there is some indication that it  can provide some help and/or relief.

The way Pure Forskolin Extract works to alleviate high blood pressure is basically be opening up blood vessels, allowing blood to flow through more freely. When this happens, blood pressure can drop.

Pure Forskolin Extract for Weight Loss

The Western medical community has not signed on to Pure Forskolin Extract as a weight loss aid, but nevertheless, this is the effect that has everyone excited. A new Pure Forskolin Extract supplement seems to pop up about every day, and they all talk about how this newest, latest, and greatest component can be the one to finally overcome your struggles and help you lose weight.

Pure Forskolin Extract Review 2How Does Pure Forskolin Extract Work?

When it comes to weight loss, Pure Forskolin Extract is said to work in one main significant way. It boosts your metabolism to burn fat. Dr Oz called it “lightning in a bottle” and his guest on the show said that it wakes up your metabolism as though it’s been sleeping.

The way it works is by boosting cyclic AMP or cAMP. The idea is that cAMP stimulates communication between cells. By boosting it, the increased cAMP more readily communicates that there’s is a need to regulate lipase, which is a hormone that burns fat. It’s that simple really, but does it work?


Clinical Studies

Dr Oz likes to boast that Pure Forskolin Extract has undergone clinical testing and come out looking promising, as you’ll see in the video below:

But if you look at the whole picture, it may not be so significant.

One study was conducted on 30 obese men. Half of them got Pure Forskolin Extract while the other half got a placebo. After 12 weeks, the half that took the Forskolin hadn’t lost any weight.

pure forskolin body fat results

However, their body composition had changed in favor of more lean muscle mass and less fat.


pure forskolin body composition results

They also had higher testosterone levels.

pure forskolin testosterone effects

Another study was conducted, this one on 23 mildly overweight women. In this case, again there was no weight loss, but forskolin seemed to prevent weight gain.

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t consider either of these tests to be serious evidence that Pure Forskolin Extract is effective, yet these are the studies Dr Oz points to when he wants to highlight the evidence that Pure Forskolin Extract works.

Pure Forskolin Extract Side Effects and Interactions

It’s widely believed that Pure Forskolin Extract is safe to take and that there are very few side effects, and even those are very mild. When forskolin is inhaled (to treat asthma) it may cause a cough or throat irritation. When it’s injected, it may cause low blood pressure. But taken as directed in an oral supplement, no side effects have been reported.

One thing you want to be careful about is low blood pressure. If you take blood pressure medication or anything for heart disease, you should definitely talk to your doctor before taking Pure Forskolin Extract. It may exacerbate the effects of your medications, causing significant problems.

Pure Forskolin Extract Review 1Where to Buy Pure Forskolin Extract

There are dozens of Pure Forskolin Extract supplements sold both in stores and online. If you plan to use it, there are a couple things to look out for. You want a 20% Forskolin standardization, and the most commonly recommended dose is 125 mg per pill, taking 1 or 2 pills at a time.

Pure Forskolin Extract Reviews

We did find some customer feedack, and it’s very back and forth. There are plenty of 3 and 4 star reviews where the customer simply says things like “It works so far.” and “It works okay”. But there are also lots and lots of 1 star reviews stating things like, “didn’t do anything for me,” and “waste of money”.

There are also a few very long, storylike 5 star reviews, but I’m usually a little suspicious of these. When they sound like someone is writing a story, often, that’s exactly what it is. Companies pay people to post favorable reviews for their products on, so you have to watch out for those.

Where to Buy

There are dozens of Pure Forskolin Extract supplements sold in stores and online. Look around for your best value. It’s common to see prices is in the $25 per month range, but you can probably find it for lower if you try. Some are also available with free trial offers. Be careful of those. They’ll usually get you caught up in an expensive monthly billing cycle that you sign up for without even being aware. Make sure you read the fine print if and when you ever sign up for a free trial.

Pure Forskolin Extract Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pure Forskolin Extract

  • It’s an all natural ingredient that may help improve your body composition.
  • There are a few studies showing potentially promising results, so more study may be coming.
  • Pure Forskolin Extract is found in lots of supplements, so there are many ways to go if you’re interested.

Disadvantages of Pure Forskolin Extract

  • The science doesn’t support its effectiveness conclusively, not even somewhat at this point.
  • You have to be careful if you take blood pressure medication.
  • The customer reviews are so all over the map, it’s tough to get a real sense of how well it works.


If you come across a weight loss supplement that contains Pure Forskolin Extract, it may add some benefit to the overall formula. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush out and get a Pure Forskolin Extract supplement thinking it will solve all your weight loss issues. It won’t.

Have You Used Pure Forskolin Extract? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro Review


Where To Found
Do Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro Even Work
Pro Shred Elite Ingredients
Max Antler Pro Ingredients
User Reviews

As long as there are men and women on this planet, there will be men who want to get lean, fit, and muscular. I’m pretty sure it’s in our DNA. Companies that make workout supplements aren’t stupid – They know this and they try to exploit it any way they can to add a whole lot of zeroes to their bottom line.

Let me be the first one to tell you guys, there is always a supplement scam going on. I try to keep up with all of them so I can let you know what to look out for and what to avoid, but I gotta tell you, they pop of so often it’s tough to keep track. Here’s one I found just yesterday. I’m not sure how long it’s been around or how long it will continue to be around, so I’m putting this review up today in the hope that I can help as many of you as possible out before you get scammed to the tune of a couple hundred dollars or more.

Where You Found Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro

Chances are it started on your Facebook feed with a sponsored ad talking about the hottest new trend in workout supplements – Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro. Intrigued, you click the link to an article for more information, and you’re taken to a website that appears to be Men’s Health magazine. I say “appears to be” because the website you get to has nothing whatsoever to do with Men’s Health magazine. It’s actually a website called, and it’s not a magazine at all.

proshred elite scam

It’s a portal through which they try to funnel you to buy their products.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up and walk through the article. You might be thinking “who is this Rob and what does he know” right now, but after I point out a few details, you’ll be convinced that the last thing you need is Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro.

When you get to the article, the first thing you see is The Rock – Dwayne Johnson, in all his glory, the implication being that the Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro stack is what he used to get his body in the shape it is.

Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro Review 1

Then they add in a few more celebrity before and afters to drive the point home that if you want to look like these guys, you’ve got to use what they use – Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro.

Hugh Jackman


picture text

So you don’t think it’s only celebrities with expensive trainers who get results like this, the author of the article tells all about how he used Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro, and the results he saw. He says he was training for an upcoming competition, and his before picture alongside the after picture taken 4 weeks later:

Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro

Here’s the thing.  I research a lot of pre workout supplements, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this same before and after pic.  It must be the most used stock before and after photo for bodybuilding supplements in the history of the internet.  I guarantee the guy in the photo is not named Richard Mason, which is the name of the guy who supposedly wrote this article.

mens health richard mason

On top of that, there’s no way this guy got these results without a special diet or intense exercise, especially when he claims to have been prepping for an upcoming competition.

Don’t Believe a Word of It

If you’re not completely convinced yet, I’ve got at least a few more bits of evidence for you. This exact same article, right down to the name of the writer, the celebrity claims, the claims of what each product does, and all the images, has been, is, and will be used to sell dozens of other miracle supplement stacks. I’d provide links to them if I could, but there are a couple reasons why I don’t:

  1. These are hit and run operations. They put their webpage out, they make their money, then they pull the page and make another one with another product combination. It’s how they stay one step ahead of being completely exposed. We try to keep up, but lots of times, by the time we get a review posted, they’re gone and have already moved on.
  2. I don’t want to link to this kind of trash from my website. You never know what kind of viruses or worms could be attached to them.

Don’t fall for these practices because they are all too common at this point, can be spotted from a mile away given that you know what to look for and they are aimed at stealing your money and ultimately making you look like a schmuck, and that is not cool at all.

So instead, I’ll link you to another review I did about a month ago. It features the exact same article, right down to the same “celebrity endorsements” and the same comments sections, only with 2 different products – Xtreme Testrone and Extreme NO2.

But Isn’t This Stuff Free?

Hell no, it’s not free. When you click the links to the Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro websites, you see that they’re both offering “free trials” of their products. Guys, these trials are anything but free.

Here’s how it works.

We’ll start with Pro Shred Elite because it seems to be the one they’re pushing hardest with most of the links leading there. If you sign up for the trial, they make you pay just $4.95 for shipping and they’ll send you a full 30-day supply.

proshred elite free trial

If it seems too good to be true, that’s because it is. What you don’t know because you have to click on a totally separate “Terms and Condition” webpage and scroll half way down the page to point #8:

proshred elite terms and conditions

So to make the point as clear as possible, when you sign up for this “free stuff” you’ll actually be charged $87.47 for it, and not only that, you’ll pay $87.47 for it every month from now on!?

Is Max Antler Pro Any Different?

Another Hell no, except that Max Antler Pro charges $79.97 for the “free” bottle and every month after that until you cancel:

max antler pro terms and conditions

So if you believe the “article” and sign up for the free trials, you’ll see charges totaling $167.44 in 14 days and every 30 days after that until you figure out what’s going on and cancel.

What if You’ve Already Been Scammed?

If you’re here because you’ve already signed up for this crap and you’re trying to find a way out of it, here’s the contact information provided for each product:

ProShred Elite: 1-844-4PSHRED
Max Antler Pro: 1-844-2ANTLER

In the best case scenario, you call and cancel within the 14 day trial period and they don’t charge you any more than the original shipping fees. If you’re beyond those 14 days, cancel your subscription to avoid further charges, but you’re unlikely to be refunded charges they’ve already applied.

They DO offer a 30 day refund as per their policy, HOWEVER, there’s a few other terms and conditions that you need to meet in order to actually get a refund.

proshred elite refund policy

So essentially if you opened the bottle at all, broke the seal, or are beyond the 30 day point of purchase you’re shit out of luck.

Do Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro Even Work?

Pro Shred Elite ReviewThat’s a good question. Up till now, we’ve only talked about the marketing BS, but we haven’t talked about the products themselves. If they’re really good, maybe you’re willing to shell out the cash for them.

Fair enough.

I haven’t tried either Pro Shred Elite or Max Antler Pro myself, and as luck would have it, there are no independent customer reviews online for either one of them. So figuring out if they’ll work by learning about the experiences of other real guys isn’t gonna happen.

The lack of actual customer reviews should be enough to tell you that their shady marketing is not the only thing about Pro Shred Elite or Max Antler Pro that should keep you away from it, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

I checked their websites for any information I could find.

Pro Shred Elite Ingredients

They list L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and L-Norvalline as the ingredients in Pro Shred Elite. These amino acids will increase the amount of Nitric Oxide in your system, opening up your blood vessels, giving you more energy and more pump. But they don’t indicated how much of each ingredient they put in the formula, and they don’t list any other ingredients. I don’t know about you, but this isn’t something I would pay $87.47 for. You can get these ingredients in bulk for way cheaper and probably take a way more effective dose for less than half the price.

Max Antler Pro Ingredients

Max Antler Pro ReviewMax Antler Pro doesn’t even list any of its ingredients. It talks about Deer Antler Velvet and how it boosts growth hormones, but doesn’t get specific about what’s actually in it and how it’s supposed to work.


Look, you can make your own decisions, and the truth is I haven’t tried Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro myself. But it has to be pretty clear by now that these products exist far more for the benefit of the people selling them than for the people using them. You might get a little workout help from these two, but I can almost guarantee it won’t be worth the money you’ll pay or the hassle you’ll encounter when you try to cancel the monthly billing.

Have You Used Pro Shred Elite and Max Antler Pro? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Leptigen Review – Does It Really Work?


Clinical Studies
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Some fat burning supplements are marketed with sexy images of hot women in bikinis and sweaty, ripped gym rats. They appeal to the side of you that longs to have the beach-ready body you see on the screen. Other supplements take a more serious approach. They use scientific terminology and talk about clinical studies, in the hope that you will be convinced of just how effective their product is.

The Leptigen website is definitely more aligned with the second method. It almost looks like the website of a prescription weight loss supplement, complete with links to detailed information about each of the ingredients, including clinical studies they may have been involved with.

Leptigen Benefits

Leptigen is designed to be a full service weight loss pill that takes you through the peaks, valleys, and plateaus of your journey. It supports fat loss by:

  • Suppressing your appetite.
  • Providing thermogenic support for burning fat.
  • Boosting your energy for workouts as well as motivation throughout the day.

That’s what it promises, but let’s take a look at the ingredients to see if it has a shot at delivering.

Leptigen ReviewLeptigen Ingredients

The Leptigen website lists all the ingredients and goes into pretty deep detail about how they work. The list includes:

  • Meratrim (400mg), which is a proprietary combination of Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcinia Mangostana. Sphaeranthus is extracted from a flower and is used to reduce stress and anxiety while alleviating inflammation. Mangosteen, when combined with Sphaeranthus, is thought to induce weight loss.
  • ChromeMate (100mcg)is another proprietary ingredient. This one is made from Chromium Polynicotinate, and helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It’s a very bioavailable form of chromium, meaning it’s more easily absorbed and able to be used more efficiently by the body. Controlling blood sugar levels helps curb hunger, and especially cravings.
  • Green Tea Extract (200mg) which is an antioxidant that helps fight against free radical damage, which occurs more frequently while you’re losing weight. It also contributes to maintaining normal blood glucose levels and has components (catechins) that increase fat burning.
  • Caffeine (75mg) which is of course a stimulant found in hundreds of weight loss products. It provides energy, speeds up your metabolism, improves athletic performance, increases focus, and even improves your mood. No wonder it’s the most popular weight loss supplement ingredient.

Clinical Studies

Along with the ingredient information, Leptigen provides information about clinical studies performed on each.

Meristem was tested on 100 participants who showed that after following a 2000 calorie a day diet and exercising for 30 minutes 5 days a week while taking Meristem for 8 weeks lost weight and reduced their BMI. Unfortunately, they don’t mention what kind of dosing was used and whether or not there was a control group participating in the study.

Chromium was clinically tested on obese female in a 9 week study that found reduced weight in the participants who took Chromium. Unfortunately, they do not mention what dose was used.

The clinical testing they cite involving Green Tea Extract was more about energy than weight loss, but it was shown to increase energy.

Caffeine has had countless studies done to show its effect on both energy and weight loss. At 75mg, a serving of Leptigen has about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Leptigen Reviews

Up till now, Leptigen seems like it could be pretty promising. The biggest problem is that we’re not sure the dosing is high enough to have a real effect. Next we look to the customer feedback to see if people who actually use it find it to be effective.

Unfortunately, the news is not good. Because Leptigen is sold on, there are plenty of customer reviews, and a full 35% of them give Leptigen only 1 star. Ouch. Here’s what some of the customers had to say:

Colleen says: “Total waste of money, Join Weight Watchrs for cheaper and get way better results, I wish I could get my money back”.

Busy Mom says: “I bought from there website, First red flag for me was when I backed out of the order and later got an email saying I could try it for $1, I only tried one pill but it gave me a headache, made my stomach sick, and just made my head feel like it was swimming, I took it at 12:30 before lunch and I had a hard time sleeping that night”.

Shirley says: “Did not work for me, make me very nauseous, Forget their guarantee, They will not refund your money”.

Of course, there are some positive reviews as well, just not as many and not as enthusiastic:

Auggie says: “This stuff works, Expensive as hell, but my fat ass has gotten thinner”.

Runner Girls says: “My wife bought this stuff online last year and it helped her lose a bunch of weight, Now I’m about to start – wish me luck”.

Where to Buy

You’ll notice a few reviewers talked about how expensive Leptigen is, so let’s talk about that. You can’t pick it up in stores, but it is available online both through their official website and at On their website, a single bottle (30-day supply) costs a whopping $109.95. You can save quite a bit, though, by buying multiple bottles at once. Buying a 90-day supply brings the per bottle cost down to $89.95 – still expensive but a lot less than $110.

They also offer a “free trial,” but it turns out not to really be free if you take a closer look. All you pay upfront is $3.95 for shipping, and they send you a one month supply. But if you read the fine print, you’ll see that you’re also signing up for their Member Program where they send you a new bottle every month at the price of $89.95. They even charge you for the original “free” bottle. And they put all this into motion unless you call and cancel your membership within 14 days of the day you originally placed your order.

The biggest problem is that most people aren’t aware of what they’re signing up for because they bury the information in the tiny Terms and Conditions section at the bottom of the order page.

The other option you have is buying it from A purchase there costs a straight $109.95 and won’t get you involved with any monthly charges.

Leptigen Pros and Cons

Advantages of Leptigen

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The website explains how each ingredient works and provides information on clinical testing that’s been performed.

Disadvantages of Leptigen

  • It’s expensive.
  • The Leptigen reviews on are pretty dismal, in terms of both the quality of the product and the service provided by the company.
  • The clinical studies don’t discuss ingredient dosing, so we don’t know if the doses in Leptigen are effective.
  • A lot of customers have gotten caught up in the “free” trial nightmare of trying to cancel monthly charges and having a lot of difficulty doing so.


Leptigen is far too expensive for what it does, which may actually be nothing. The real key to weight loss is diet and exercise. Adding a supplement that helps burn fat, provide energy, and suppress appetite can help, but ultimately it’s about the work you put in. In the case of Leptigen, you’d be better off spending the money on good food and/or a gym membership.

Have You Used Leptigen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH XL Review – Should You Try It?

When you’ve been researching workout supplements as long as I have, there are very few surprises left. Every so often, an exciting new ingredient comes out, and you’ll see it pop up in a few different products. You give it a try, and maybe it turns out to be the real deal, something useful, and maybe it doesn’t. To be sure, some products work better than others, and some are just junk, but sometimes, you come across something that just doesn’t even make sense.

A while back, I did a review on a product called Testo XL. It was a natural testosterone booster we ran across all over the internet, being pushed by these fake “articles” pretending to be in men’s health magazines, but really they were just advertisements. Basically your standard free trial junk.

At the time, another supplement called HGH XL was being pushed right alongside it as the perfect stacking complement. The marketers tried to get you to sign up for free trials of both, so that 14 days later they could take for almost $300 between the two. These days, I’m not seeing them being pushed as a combo package as much, but I am seeing a lot of hype around HGH XL on its own.

So while we mentioned HGH XL briefly in our Testo XL review, we decided to devote a whole page to HGH XL alone to make sure you know what you’re getting into if you decide to use it.

HGH XL ReviewWhat Is HGH XL?

“What is HGH XL” seems like a simple question, but you’d be surprised just how not simple it is. Judging by the name, and looking back at some previous reviews of the stuff, it would be a safe bet to say that HGH XL is a Human Growth Hormone (HGH) boosting supplement. But according to the HGH XL official website that I saw, you’d be wrong.

HGH XL is actually a testosterone boosting supplement.

HGH XL Benefits

Most of the official HGH XL website is devoted to sharing the potential benefits of the product. They talk about the inevitable decline of testosterone levels as we age, and all the ways your life will improve once you boost them back up:

  • Explosive workouts with unprecedented results.
  • Fat burning like when you were 18.
  • Stamina for days.
  • Accelerated muscle mass increases.
  • Strength and confidence boosts.
  • Quicker and more complete post workout recovery.
  • Increased libido and enhanced sexual performance.

By boosting testosterone production levels in your body, and freeing up the testosterone you already have, HGH XL gives you the advantages of youthful hormone levels in the gym, the bedroom, and life in general.

HGH XL Ingredients

The ingredient profile provided by the website further bolsters the idea that HGH XL is a testosterone booster. The list includes:

  • L-Arginine which increase blood flow by acting as a precursor to nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels to allow an increased amount of blood to flow through to muscles, delivering much needed oxygen and nutrients to perform at their best.
  • Maca Root which is basically an herbal aphrodisiac that helps increase energy, boost mood, and increase sex drive.
  • Horny Goat Weed which also increases libido and helps you get stronger, harder erections.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone through the pathway of increased release of Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland. The increased LH stimulates the testes to produce and release more testosterone.
  • Yohimbe which is a central nervous system stimulant that also acts to stimulate blood flow for better erections.

So not only does it look like a testosterone booster, but it looks like it focuses more on the sexual performance enhancement function of increased testosterone as opposed to the bodybuilding function.

Where To Buy

You won’t find HGH XL in stores, but there are two ways to go if you think you want to try HGH XL. The original ordering way is to go through the official website to place a “free trial” order. The way it works is that you pay a small shipping fee, and they send you a full one month supply. At that time, you’re automaticaly signed up for their recurring delivery subscription, meaning that after your 14 day trial period is up, they’ll charge you 99.99 British Pounds (approximately $145) for your “free” bottle, and start sending you a new full price bottle every month.

If this is not what you want to happen, you have to be proactive and cancel the subscription within 14 days of placing your initial order. The biggest problem with this setup is that most people don’t realize what they’re signing up for because it’s disclosed in the fine print that almost nobody reads. By the time they know what’s going on, they’ve been charged hundreds of dollars and don’t know how to get out of the cycle.

If you want to avoid that scene altogether, which I highly recommend you do) you can purchase HGH XL through I’ve only seen it sold together with Testo XL, and you can buy them both for 90 pounds (about $130).

HGH XL Reviews

When something is sold on Amazon, it usually gets a lot of customer feedback, and HGH XL is no exception. As expected, the reviews are pretty brutal:

One guy says: “Shocking there where no results what so ever and I workout 5 times a week every week with a healthy diet, I took these for extra gains but they had no impact on me so it’s definitely a waste of money, oh yeah and they came with 50 capsules not 60, What a joke of a product”.

Another offers: “Not only doesn’t work, Scientifically, it couldn’t work, You’d be better off eating a banana between exercise sessions, and saving £70 every two months, despite what the scam reviews here would say, And if you research online, you may see websites that ALMOST look like well known men’s fitness publications that give glowing reviews, Check the sites very carefully – they’re not quite what they seem, It’s all completely bogus,  It may well be made of ‘pharmaceutical grade ingredients’, but that really means nothing, You can have ‘pharmaceutical grade’ salt, but that won’t do anything to make you fitter”.

And then there’s: “Rubbish and waste of money, My loss your gain”!

And these people aren’t even the ones taken in by the free trial scam.  Those people are pissed:

“This is an absolute joke, I thought $4.95 we’ll give it a go for building myself up after a broken leg, Still got the broken leg so havent used any yet… just looked and nearly £200 quid has gone out, Wtf, Now its impossible to get in touch with them, Where is the link to cancel,  Seen as they dont answer email or phone”!


“Total rip off,  I ordered the FREE trial, and paid the shipping cost,  The crooks at this con company now keep trying to debit my bank account for £94 every month,  I have blocked further payments at my bank , and reported the company to my banks card fraud department”.

HGH XL Pros and Cons

Advantages of HGH XL

  • I haven’t thought of any yet, I’ll have to get back to you, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

Disadvantages of HGH XL

  • Its name is HGH XL, but it claims to be a testosterone booster.
  • The ingredients are more in line with a libido booster than a muscle booster.
  • The free trial offer is a scam. This stuff is not free.
  • In fact, it’s very expensive.
  • The reviews on are dismal


There’s not a reason in the world that you should spend your hard earned money or waste your precious time on this junk. HGH XL is a scam pure and simple. It’s presented on a formulaic bodybuilding supplement website, it’s called HGH XL but they’re saying it’s a testosterone booster, its advertised ingredients make it appear to be a sexual performance enhancer, and it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if there were a whole different set of ingredients listed on the bottle label. HGH XL wants one thing – your money. Don’t give it to them.

Have You Used HGH XL? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

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