Everlasting T Review – The Biggest Reason to Avoid It


What is it
How To Use
Side Effects
Where to Buy
Who Makes it
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

As any guy in his mid to late thirties or older will tell you, the struggle is real.  If you’re trying to get in shape, build muscle, get that six pack, or hell, satisfy your woman, you may have started to notice that all these things are just harder to achieve than they used to be. It’s not your imagination. It’s age, or more specifically the decline in testosterone levels caused by age.

From puberty through your late twenties, your body is loaded with testosterone. It’s what causes you to fill out, to grow, to put on muscle to lose the baby fat, to get acne, and to be horny as a toad. And after living like that for several years, we get used to it, come to rely on it. But as the years go by, our bodies don’t make as much testosterone as they used to. We don’t notice at first, mainly because we still have plenty. But at some point, it drops off enough to where we can tell. This is when you start to notice a few things:

  • You feel less driven and motivated, especially physically.
  • You start to get that spare tire of fat around your belly.
  • Workouts you used to breeze through get harder to make it through.
  • Even when you do make it through, the results aren’t what they used to be.
  • You feel irritable.
  • You have less interest in sex than you thought possible.
  • Even when you are interested in sex, you sometimes won’t get an erection, at least not a good one.

These are all common signs that your testosterone levels have dropped. It doesn’t mean you need to rush off to get a prescription from your doctor. There’s nothing really wrong with you. The fact is it’s a natural part of getting older. But that doesn’t mean you should take it lying down either. It means it’s time to think about using a natural testosterone boosting supplement.

everlasting-t-imageWhat is Everlasting T?

Everlasting T is a natural testosterone booster that popped up on my radar a few weeks ago. It’s available online, mainly through its official website, but it recently became available on Amazon.com as well. Usually when that happens, visibility increases pretty quickly, so I knew it was time to do a little research and post a review.

Benefits of Everlasting T

The Everlasting T website is not flashy or overstated like a lot of the product websites we see. They take a more subtle approach, likely attempting to appeal to older men looking to gain back some lost mojo than to young guys wanted to get jacked up. Here’s the image they use to demonstrate what Everlasting T is used for:




Often, appealing to the older, wiser crowd, add an air of legitimacy and seriousness to a product. Another indication of this is clear, complete ingredient information, which is what Everlasting T provides.

Everlasting T Ingredients

The Everlasting T website provides detailed ingredient information, so let’s go through some of the highlights here:

  • D-Aspartic Acid. This is one I always look for as it’s been the most successful ingredient in clinical trials. It has actually been shown to increase serum testosterone levels by 42% after only 12 days. The trouble is, in the amount used in the clinical trials was 3,000 mg, while the amount in one dose of Everlasting T is only 500mg. That’s quite a difference and likely to be a significant detractor from the possible success of the supplement.
  • ZMA. This is a combination that includes Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6. It is widely thought to increase testosterone and it’soften found in testosterone boosting formulation. The fact is, however, that there is no clinical evidence of its effectiveness in healthy men. On the other hand, supplementing with ZMA if you have a deficiency in any one of its components can lead to increases in overall well-being as well as testosterone levels.
  • Tribulus Terrestris. This has been an extremely popular ingredient in testosterone boosters ever since it was discovered to be a secret of Russian bodybuilders. There are a few clinical tests showing that it increases sexual functioning and even strength in rats, but so far, clinical studies in humans have shown no anabolic effect. (link to tribulus wikipedia)
  • Cissus Quadrangularis. This is an herb historically believed to strengthen bones and more commonly used now to improve weight loss efforts.
  • Maca Root. This is an herbal aphrodisiac that may also improve mood. It is not believed to have a direct impact on testosterone levels.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia. This is thought to increase free testosterone levels. It does this by inhibiting the action of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which attaches itself to testosterone molecules, basically rendering them ineffective. With less SHBG getting in the way, more testosterone remains free and available for use by your body. While there are plenty of studies indicating Eurycoma Longifolia has a positive effect on erectile function, there’s no significant evidence that it increases free testosterone.
  • Avena Sativa. This is also known as Oat Straw. It’s found in many testosterone boosting supplements, but there is no actual evidence that it has any effect on testosterone levels. There is, however, some evidence that it supports sexual health in men.
  • Epimedium. This is also known as Horny Goat Weed. It’s an aphrodisiac and it can increase blood flow for better erections.
  • Banaba Leaf which is generally used to moderate glucose in diabetic patients. There are some who think it can boost testosterone levels, but there is no evidence of this.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL. This is sometimes used to combat age-related testosterone decline, but the recommended dose is 2 grams, whereas Everlasting T uses only 100 mg.

It’s not a bad list of ingredients. My main concern is the ingredient amounts. They are in general significantly lower than the levels known to be effective for the ingredients that have proven effective.

How to Use Everlasting T

The recommended dose is 3 pills per day, meaning a bottle will last one month. But as I mentioned earlier, the ingredient doses are so low, 3 pills a day probably won’t do you much good.

Everlasting T Reviews

Once a product becomes available through Amazon.com, customer reviews usually start pouring in. At this point, there are only 2, which is too bad since customer feedback is so important to figuring out if something works. Looking at the two reviews, they’re not particularly helpful. One says Everlasting T is good, one says it’s not so great:




Everlasting T Side Effects

Given the ingredient list, I don’t see any reason to expect much in the way of side effects. People react differently to different ingredients, but nothing in this list stands out as problematic. Not to mention that the doses are low enough to not have much effect at all, positive or negative.

Where to Buy Everlasting T

Until recently, the only way to purchase Everlasting T was through their official website with the following pricing structure:

  • A single bottle costs $49.95.
  • 2 bottles cost $79.95 and include free shipping and a free bottle of Everlasting M (their male enhancement formula).
  • 3 bottles cost $109.95 and include free shipping and 3 free bottles of Everlasting M.

They offer a 90 day money back guarantee that includes one used bottle and any unopened bottles. You will be responsible for shipping and return shipping costs. To get the refund process started, you would need to call their customer service department at 866-602-8216.

Currently, Everlasting T can also be purchased through Amazon.com. The price there for a single bottle is $34.95.

Who Makes Everlasting T?

The company that makes Everlasting T is called NutriPharm, LLC, and is located in Provo, UT. They’ve been in business since 2011 and currently have an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. It appears the rating is due to their failure to respond to some of the complaints they received.

I’ve come across a couple complaints about the company, and they all seem to concern the money back guarantee. It appears that some customers have had a difficult time reaching the company to get the return process started, while others have had difficulty getting their refunds even after the products have been returned.

Everlasting T Pros and Cons

Advantages of Everlasting T

  • A complete ingredient list is provided, including ingredient amounts.
  • The ingredients are all natural and will not cause a positive result on a drug test.
  • It’s not likely you’ll experience any side effects.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • It’s available at Amazon.com.

Disadvantages of Everlasting T

  • The ingredient amounts are very low, meaning that while the ingredients themselves may be good choices, they’re at doses so low, they probably won’t end up being effective.
  • The money back guarantee may be difficult to act on. It seems several people have had problems in this area.
  • There is not enough customer feedback to get a good sense of how well Everlasting T is working for the guys that are using it.

The Bottom Line

I like the professional website. I like the fact that they provide a complete ingredient list and stay away from the “proprietary blend” BS that most companies use to hide the fact that their ingredient amounts are too small to matter. But the fact is, the ingredient amounts in Everlasting T are too small to matter, and we know this because they do list the amounts.

We like integrity, but we recommend supplements that work. Given the ingredient list and amounts, it doesn’t look like Everlasting T is the one you want. Add that to the fact that if you take them at their word about a 90 day guarantee, you may end up dealing with a hassly and/or not getting your money back in the end. Best to go with something with clinical doses of effective ingredients.

Have You Used Everlasting T? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Power Boost X and Alpha Tren Review – 3 Big Reasons They’re a Scam


What Are Power Boost X and Alpha Tren
Power Boost X Ingredients
Alpha Tren Ingredients
Free Trial Scam
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

We do a lot of reviews about these supplement stacks you see written about online. You know the ones – a link will show up in your Facebook or Twitter feed, and when you click it, it looks like you’re going to an ESPN or Men’s Health website. Like you’re looking at an actual news article, but really they’re just extended advertisements. Trust me, tons of guys just like us get fooled by these articles every day. That’s why we’re here trying to expose them.

I just saw one for the Power Boost X and Alpha Tren stack. It pretends to be on ESPN.com and I gotta tell you, this one may be even more bold than most in the lies it tells. They actually use the Tom Brady “Deflategate” story and try to make you think Power Boost X and Alpha Tren had something to do with it. The scandal has nothing to do with performance enhancing drugs or supplements, but that doesn’t stop the marketers of these products from trying to make you believe otherwise.

Here’s a screen shot of the headline:



So they make you think you’re going to read about Tom Brady getting suspended for his potential involvement with letting the air out of balls, but this is what you read in the very first paragraph:




These may be the most blatant lies I’ve seen in one of these fake articles. They are actually saying straight up that the NFL has banned these two supplements, and that Tom Brady was fined and suspended for using them. Most of the time, they just hint or imply the lies. This time, they state them flat out and unequivocally.

I seriously doubt Tom Brady or the NFL has ever even heard of Power Boost X and Alpha Tren, much less used cared enough about them to use them and/or ban them. I know what you’re thinking. “How can they get away with saying these things if they’re not true?” It makes you wonder just a little bit if maybe it really is true, because after all, they can’t be allowed to just lie, can they?

That’s what I used to think, but I know better now. I don’t know for sure how they get away with it, but I have a few educated opinions on the subject. Basically, these products are so small potatoes and under the radar that even if Tom Brady and the NFL do become aware of them, they don’t think it’s worth their time or effort to fight it. That’s the first part of the equation.

The second part is that Power Boost X and Alpha Tren are two products made by a company that’s light on their feet. As soon as they sense customers and/or celebrities are catching on to the fact that they’re just a scam, they close up shop and move on… sort of. They don’t disappear completely, instead they just change their product names and packaging, and continue doing what they’ve been doing.

Of course, I’ve been doing this long enough to know that some of you are still thinking, “yeah, but are you sure they don’t work… what if they do work… how will we know unless we try?”

Those are all good questions, and it’s human nature to ask them. But keep reading, and I’ll break it down step by step. We’ll talk specifics about the products, the prices, the customer feedback, everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision. As you read, though, just remember that it all started with a big lie about Tom Brady’s NFL Suspension.

What Are Power Boost X and Alpha Tren?

Throughout the “article” you’ll find links to the websites where you can purchase Power Boost X and Alpha Tren. It’s at these websites that you’ll also find most of the available information on the supplements.

Power power-boost-x-and-alpha-tren-power-boost-x-imageBoost X

The first one I’ll talk about is called Power Boost X. On the bottle, it calls itself an “All Natural Testosterone Booster,” which is a very specific thing. Supplements like these use particular herbal ingredients to jump start the testosterone producing process that occurs naturally within your body. As we age, we produce less and less of the stuff, leaving us feeling sluggish and lethargic, and more prone to gaining fat/losing muscle. A natural testosterone booster can improve that process and get you back closer to where you were in your early twenties.

The problem is, when you visit the Power Boost X website, there’s nothing there about boosting testosterone – aside from the words “testosterone booster” on the bottle, there’s literally no mention.

What the website does talk about is more in line with what you find with pre workout supplements. Here are a few examples of the benefits they mention:

  • Extra energy. Now it’s true that increased testosterone could provide you with more energy, but it’s more of an indirect benefit whereas with a pre workout, it’s the first thing you look for and expect.
  • Faster, more noticeable results with each workout. Again, this is a pre workout benefit – specific to the results of each workout.
  • Toned, ripped body. Once more, a typical expectation for a pre workout.
  • Greater endurance, enabling you to push your body to new limits. It’s not unusual for a testosterone booster to tout its effect on endurance, but still it is more often associated with pre workouts.

The main thing that stands out about this being called a testosterone booster is the benefits it doesn’t mention. It doesn’t talk about increased libido, which generally all testosterone boosters do.

Power Boost X Ingredients

Here’s where we’ll all get a little laugh (unless you’ve already bought this stuff and if that’s the case, read on because you’ll need to know what to expect next). The Power Boost X website does not provide a list of ingredients that we can use to make an educated guess about how well it should work. In fact, they mention only one ingredient. Now, you’d think that in mentioning one ingredient, they’d pick the highlight – the best one, the one that packs the most punch.

Here’s the one they chose to mention:

Magnesium Stearate


Okay guys, here’s a little chemistry lesson (don’t worry, I’m no chemist, this is strictly layman’s terms here). This is how drugs.com describes how it’s used:

Magnesium Stearate is a solid white powder at room temperature. It is an FDA-approved INACTIVE ingredient commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry as a diluent for the manufacture of tablet, capsule, or powder dosage forms.”

(I looked up “diluent” and it means “something used to dilute”. I told you I”m no chemist, haha).

There is only one reason I can think of that a company would tout Magnesium Stearate as their powerful active ingredient, and that is that they don’t have any idea what they’re doing. This is not a supplement you, I, or anyone should trust.

Alpha Tren

Okay, so what about Alpha Tren? Is there any value there? The bottle calls this one a “Muscle Building Supplement”. The website touts benefits like these:



And the directions are:



This all puts Alpha Tren in the pre workout category too, but hold on just a minute. You’ll find this on the Alpha Tren website too:



So according to the bottles, Power Boost X is the testosterone booster of the two, but if you go by what’s stated on the websites, it’s Alpha Tren that boosts testosterone. Interesting.

Alpha Tren Ingredients

It would be nice if the ingredient lists were provided because that would go a long way toward helping us understand what Power Boost X and Alpha Tren actually do, but unfortunately, they must not see it that way. There’s absolutely no ingredient information provided for Alpha Tren.

Power Boost X and Alpha Tren Free Trial Scam

If you’re still interested, or if you signed up for either or both of these products, this is where you’ll want to pay close attention:

The only way to try Power Boost X and Alpha Tren is to sign up for each of their “free trial” offers. Here’s a brief overview of how it works, and this applies to each product separately.

First, you sign up for their free trial and pay just a small shipping fee. They send you a full bottle – a one month supply – of their pills to try. From the moment you order, you have 14 days to decide whether or not you want to continue using Power Boost X and Alpha Tren. If so, do nothing, they’ll charge you full price for the “free” bottle you already have, and they’ll send you a new bottle at full price every month from now on.

If you decide you don’t want to continue using Power Boost X and Alpha Tren, you have to call them and cancel your subscription within the 14 day free trial period. If you follow that procedure and all goes well, you won’t be charged anything more than the initial shipping charge you already paid.

Now that may seem fair, and even reasonable to you. And on the face of it, maybe it is. The problem is, they go out of their way to not make the terms of the trial clear.



It’s there, but it’s in the very fine print. They also reference the “Terms and Conditions” over where you click to place your order, but if you open the Terms and Condition page, it’s blank. So this can be misleading.

But did you catch that price? It’s $119.97! That’s a hell of a price for a supplement that has Magnesium Stearate as its most powerful ingredient!

For Alpha Tren, the free trial situation is even more unclear:



They don’t tell you anywhere what’s about to happen if you order. They don’t mention being billed after 14 days, and they don’t mention an amount. There is a “Terms” page, and it mentions a 14 day trial, but it doesn’t say what you’ll be charged when the trial period is over:



So for this one, you really can’t know what’s coming down the road after 14 days of thinking that you signed up for a free trial.

In either case, if you have signed up for the trial, contact them as soon as possible to cancel any future charges. In some cases, it’s that easy. Sometimes, it’s not. I’ve heard of guys having to threaten getting their State Attorney General involved before companies like these have refunded money or even stopped future billing.

Power Boost X and Alpha Tren Pros and Cons

I almost always include a pros and cons section in our supplement reviews. It’s a great way to sum up what we’ve learned and what we know, and it helps us land on one side or the other in terms of whether or not it’s something to use and to recommend. In the case of Power Boost X and Alpha Tren, it’s really not necessary. There’s not a single word of praise that belongs in the pro column. It’s all negative.

The Bottom Line

When you see an “article” in “ESPN” that just seems off, trust your gut. It IS off. It’s not a real article and it’s not really ESPN. It’s a sleazy supplement company trying to play on your willingness to believe what you read. Don’t. There are no redeeming qualities for Power Boost X and Alpha Tren. They claim to be powerful supplements that give you an “unfair advantage” over all those “other guys” who don’t use them. They don’t. The active ingredient is Magnesium Stearate! That says it all.

I said I’d give you 3 reasons not to get sucked into thinking these pills can help you. There are many more, but here are 3:

  1. They lie about Tom Brady using Power Boost X and Alpha Tren.
  2. The only actual ingredient they mention between the two products is magnesium stearate which has absolutely nothing for anyone’s muscles ever.
  3. The free trial offer is a scam and will have you locked into a monthly billing nightmare until you figure out what happened and how to end it.

That’s three, but truthfully any one of them on its own should be enough. Don’t waste your time with Power Boost X and Alpha Tren.

Have You Used Power Booost X and Alpha Tren? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel Review – 7 Big Reasons This is a Scam


What is Hyper Tone Force
Hyper Tone Force Ingredients
What is Hyper Tone Excel
Hyper Tone Excel Ingredients
Free Trials
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

I’ve written a lot of reviews lately about these hard sell supplement scams popping up all over the internet lately.

Just the other day, I got word about yet another one.

This time it’s Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel.

While I’d love to tell you this one is different, unfortunately, it’s not.

It’s just another scam company, this time capitalizing on a certain South African runner’s success at the Olympics in Rio.

It doesn’t even bother using any creativity or tactics different than other similar scammers and it makes you wonder why they would even think about trying to pull it off and trick customers at all when there is enough information to quickly dispel their claims.

This article came to my attention just a couple days ago, and there was no way I wasn’t going to share it with you guys:

hyper tone force and hyper tone excel headline article image

The print is kind of small, so I’ll tell you what they’re trying to say.

The headline clearly states straight up that Wayde Van Niekerk was stripped of the gold medal he won for the 400 meter dash – you know – the race where he broke the 17 year old world record while running in the outside lane – a completely unprecedented feat.

Let me assure you right off the bat, this isn’t true.

The record and the gold medal remain intact.

The whole premise of the article is a lie.

Now take a look at what they state is the REASON he lost his medal:

hyper tone force and hyper tone excel reasons image

Seriously? Again, if you can’t read it, allow me to help you out.

In number 2, it says:

“These supplements don’t have to be used in conjunction with a gym. Users experience massive muscle growth and fat loss WITHOUT LIFTING A SINGLE WEIGHT. The Olympic Commission considers this to be a “cheat” as it requires hardly any effort on the user’s part”.

Are they serious?

Are they really trying to say you can lost fat and build muscle by taking a pill, without any special diet or workout?

Yep, that’s exactly what they’re saying. Unbelievable.

Wayde Van Niekerk doesn’t use Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel.

He’s most likely never even heard of them (unless his lawyer informed him that they’re using his image without permission).

And they don’t stop there.

The next part of the article talks about how the author used the stack himself, and the amazing results he got without working out.

They even show a before and after image comparison.

Hyper tone force and hyper tone excel gert louw image

I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is image is not a before and after comparison for anyone who used Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel.

This is actually an image of bodybuilder/trainer Gert Louw.

He offers a rigorous and intense diet and workout program through his website – it’s the same one that he used to make the transformation you see in the images.

He didn’t do it with pills.

He’s never touched this stack.

The folks at Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel lifted his image off the internet because they thought it would draw in users, impressed with the amazing results achieved by this “regular guy”.

But Gert Louw is no regular guy.

He’s committed to his fitness lifestyle and to sharing it with other committed people.

He did not get his body by taking pills.

Look, this happens all the time. Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel are not the first and they won’t be the last.

The fact of the matter is, not even a miracle pill can give someone a body like that and the only thing that can is hundreds of hours in the gym and a healthy diet.

Here’s the basic rundown of how this scam always works.

  • A link to an “article” on how some famous actor or athlete got in shape using some amazing new supplement stack.
  • You click the link and read the article. You think, “Holy cow! This stuff looks amazing. I’ve got to get my hands on some! What’s that? It’s free? Oh my God, how did I get so lucky?”
  • You click the link to get you some free amazing supplements. You sign up for your free trial, paying the paltry shipping charge, and you wait for your supplements to arrive.
  • About a week later, your pills arrive. You make plans for your new diet and workout plan because despite what they say about not needing to change an of that, you want to set yourself up for maximum success.
  • Now two weeks have passed since you ordered and you’re ready and excited to get started on your new amazing journey. You take your pills, plan your meals, and hit the gym.
  • You get home, take out your phone to check your credit card or bank balance, and you see two unexplained charges for anywhere between $85 and $130 each. WTF?
  • Turns out, these two charges are for the amazing supplement stack that’s going to change your life, you know, the ones you thought you were getting to try for free.
  • But as bad as that is, it’s not the worst of it. Unless you contact these supplement scammers and cancel your subscription, those two charges are going to return month after month, every month, forever.

That’s it in a nutshell.

I strongly recommend you just stay away from these two supplements, just like I recommend with all these kinds of products.

But I know there are those among you who are still wondering,

“But what if they really do work? Won’t they be worth all the expense and hassle if they are?”

For you, I will continue.

We’ll take a closer look at each product and break down their chances for success.

Hyper Tone Force Review 1What is Hyper Tone Force?

On the official Hyper Tone Force website, what they say you’ll achieve is maximum workout performance through boosted endurance.


As a result, you’ll see quicker muscle gains than you would without it.

It’s a pre workout supplement, based on the idea that by boosting your body’s production of Nitric Oxide, you’ll see better endurance and pumps, as well as better nutrient and oxygen delivery to your muscles as you work out and after you work out.

To that end, the ingredients in Hyper Tone Force are all geared to increasing nitric oxide production.

This is a good thing.

Most good pre workouts include this in their protocol, including a pre workout powder called 4 Gauge.

Now let’s see what ingredients they chose for the formula.

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Hyper Tone Force Ingredients

They don’t show a label or ingredient amounts, but they do state the primary ingredients found in the formula.

They are L-Arginine and L-Citrulline.

  • L-Arginine is a pre cursor to nitric oxide, so increasing your body’s L-Arginine stores will lead your body to create more nitric oxide. That increased NO will open up your blood vessels, sending more blood to your muscles. This increased amount of blood carries more oxygen and nutrients so your muscles have more stamina, can work harder, and recovery better after your workout is done.
  • L-Citrulline is a precursor to L-Arginine, so it has sort of a time release function. It first causes you to have more l-arginine, which then creates more nitric oxide.

And that’s it – two great ingredients for a pre workout to be sure, but there are plenty of other beneficial ones that are not in the formula.

And not only that, but we don’t know how much they use.

3 grams of L-Arginine is a pretty standard dose, and I would be surprised if Hyper Tone Force contained that much.

Hyper Tone Excel Review 1What is Hyper Tone Excel?

Hyper Tone Excel is a natural testosterone boosting supplement to complement the pre workout formula of Hyper Tone Force.

The benefits you are told to expect run along the lines of the usual benefits of a testosterone booster:

  • Increased sex drive.
  • Enhanced muscle growth.
  • Fat reduction.
  • Better mood.

A natural testosterone booster is a good idea for guys over 35 or so who want to build muscle, lose weight, and just feel better all around.

Once puberty hits, our bodies make it hand over fist, but around 35 or so we’re just not producing as much.

Actually the decline starts way earlier than that, but we don’t notice it much till our mid thirties and beyond, when the drop off is steeper.

A product like Hyper Tone Excel can help boost your body’s natural testosterone production.

It’s perfectly safe and legal because it doesn’t contain any actual testosterone.

It uses herbal ingredients instead to boost your natural process.

Hyper Tone Excel Ingredients

The ingredient list for Hyper Tone Excel is quite a bit longer than the one for Hyper Tone Force:

  • Tongkat Ali which is thought to increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone molecules, making them essentially useless.
  • Monkey’s Head Hericium Extract which helps mobilize fat cells and promotes healthy glucose levels.
  • Korean Ginseng Extract which improves erection quality as well as physical and mental energy.
  • Epimedium Sagittatum which is an aphrodisiac that also increases blood flow for better erections.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to increase natural testosterone production by increasing the release of Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone.
  • Maca Root which is both an aphrodisiac for boosted libido and an adaptagen for coping with stress and fatigue.

It’s a pretty solid list for a natural testosterone booster, with one glaring exception.

There’s no D-Aspartic Acid, which is the ingredient most proven to boost testosterone.

And just like with Hyper Tone Force, they don’t say how much of each ingredient is used.

This is a very common tactic.

They may use only a dusting – enough to claim it’s in there, but not enough to have any real effect.

I don’t know for sure that this is the case, just that it’s very common.

Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel Reviews

As you know, we like to see what real users have to say about the products we talk about.

Unfortunately, with Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel, there are none to be found.

For sure, there are “review websites” that provide links to the free trials, but these aren’t real reviews written by real customers.

They’re more like marketing sites, used to funnel unsuspecting customers to the “free trial”.

Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel Free Trials

There’s only one way to buy these products, and that’s by signing up for their free trials, which are absolutely not free.

Here’s how it works in both cases.

You sign up by paying a small shipping fee only.

They send you a full one month supply of the product.

What you probably don’t realize is that when you sign up for the trial, you’re agreeing to pay full price in 14 or 16 days respectively, and to sign up for monthly shipments each month at that full price.

Are you ready to see what those prices are?

Hyper Tone Force – $127.77

Hyper Tone Excel – $101.04

Ouch! Even signing up for one is bad enough, but if you sign up for both, that’s $230 a month for mediocre at best supplements.

That’s insane!

You might still want to argue that if they’re good, they’re worth it.

I’m telling you now though, they’re not that good.

Just in case you don’t believe me, here are a couple screenshots of their Terms and Conditions:

Hyper Tone Force terms

hyper tone excel terms


Here are several points to remember while you’re thinking about how much these products cost:

  1. The Hyper Tone Force formula has 2 active ingredients and they don’t even tell you how much of them are in the pills.
  2. The Hyper Tone Excel formula has several ingredients, but it doesn’t have the one that’s been proven to increase testosterone.
  3. They published a fake ESPN article with blatant lies about a world record holding Olympic champion losing his medals.
  4. They used the Olympic champion’s image without permission and they used the images of others without permission as well – all to prove that they work. If they really worked, couldn’t they demonstrate that without making things up?
  5. No clinical studies have been cited or even mentioned.
  6. No customer reviews can be found.
  7. $127.77 and $101.04!

Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel – The Bottom Line

I think it’s pretty clear at this point that Hyper To Force and Hyper Tone Excel really only care about one thing – and it’s not your physique.

They have shown that they’ll say anything and do anything to make the sale.

And the price is so ridiculously high for what they’re selling.

I see this kind of thing all the time, and still there are a few that I find bolder and more offensive than the others.

For a number of reasons including the price and the fact that they blatantly lie about an Olympic gold medalist losing his medal, Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel are included with these.

If you want to help join the fight against scammers like this, then Share / Like this page on Facebook, Tweet It, Post it On Google+, or email it to your friends.

You’ll be saving them a TON of time, money, and hassle, not to mention helping yourself never fall into one of these traps again!

Just. Stay. Away.

Have You Used Hyper Tone Force and Hyper Tone Excel? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Alpha Tren Review – 3 Big Reasons to Avoid It


What is it
What Gives
Free Trial
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

You may have noticed it’s all the rage in online supplements lately. Pair two products – usually one is a testosterone booster and one is a pre workout product – and call it the next best thing since steroids. Some of these “dynamic duos” are advertised in these fake ESPN or Men’s Health articles that we’ve written about, and some aren’t. But they all have one thing in common. They’re not worth spending your money or your hopes on.

We’re doing our best to keep up with them all, but to tell you the truth, it’s not easy. New ones come up all the time, and just when we think we’re caught up, we literally turn around and find one we’ve missed that seems to have been around for months. But as long as they keep appearing, we’ll keep exposing them, so look around our website for the stack that’s caught your eye and chances are we’ve written about it.

What Is Alpha Tren?

The product we’re talking about today is Alpha Tren. I haven’t seen it written about in one of those phony ESPN or Men’s Health Articles yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it shows up at some point. For now, you’ll see it advertised on “review” websites as a standalone product and as part of a stack with Power Boost X.

From what I can tell, Alpha Tren is the testosterone boosting part of the combo, though the marketing is just vague enough to keep us from being actually sure of anything. Here’s what the official Alpha Tren website says about its benefits:

  • You’ll achieve bigger muscles.
  • You’ll see quicker recovery times.
  • You’ll last longer in the gym with added stamina.
  • You’ll maintain peak performance when you need it.

Those points in and of themselves don’t scream testosterone booster. They could be testosterone booster benefits, but you could also get these kinds of results with a nitric oxide booster. I’m not sure but I think this distinction is made vague on purpose. We’ll talk more about this as the review goes on, but suffice it to say these websites copy off of and outright steal from each other all the time.

Here’s where they come right out and say Alpha Tren is a testosterone boosting supplement:

Alpha Tren Testosterone Booster Image


But hold up a minute, Here’s basically the exact same image and text being used to sell a total different product, called AlphaFuel:


Alpha Tren Alpha Fuel Testosterone Booster Image

What Gives?

Clearly this is bullshit – using the exact same images and copy to sell two totally different products, but why? Why are they doing it? Well, there are a couple possible answers.

  1. Maybe they are competing products and one of the companies stole the marketing campaign from the other. This is probably the least likely scenario. If it is the case, a cease and desist letter will soon be followed up by a lawsuit if they don’t clear this up.
  2. Alpha Tren and Alpha Fuel may just be two different products made by the same company, and their product development has moved faster than their marketing, so they’ve put in sort of a placeholder marketing campaign for one of the products while they work on the real campaign. Could be, but also highly unlikely. A maneuver like this could lead to a poor reputation for the entire company and its full line of products.
  3. The most likely story is that Alpha Tren and Alpha Fuel are the exact same product made by the exact same company. But then of course you have to wonder why they would do this. The answer is as simple as it is sad. Alpha Tren and Alpha Fuel are both fairly useless as supplements. They may be of some minimal benefit, but they are not anywhere near as useful as their prices and their marketing would suggest. What happens is, as one product – say Alpha Fuel – starts to get the negative reputation it deserves, they simply move their efforts over to their “other” product – Alpha Tren. They’re completely the same, but the company gets to start fresh without the negative feedback collected by the first product.

Ding Ding Ding, folks. It’s choice number 3, unfortunately.

Now, I get asked a lot how I know these supplements are junk if I don’t try them. While that’s a valid question, I have an equally valid answer. I research and try supplements every day. There are common, recognizable techniques used by supplement companies every day. After a while, you get familiar with them and learn to spot them. Is there a chance I’m wrong? Of course. But the chances are far greater that I’m not.

Alpha Tren Ingredients

But let’s get back to the nuts and bolts of Alpha Tren specifically. After all, all this marketing sleaziness aside, if it works and it’s a good value, then I’ll recommend it.

Here’s the thing. Alpha Tren won’t reveal its ingredients online. Way at the bottom of the page, they display a link to a study on Tribulus Terrestris, but that’s as close as they come to talking about ingredients at all. I have to ask… why would you pay for a supplement when you don’t even know what goes into it?

Which brings us to our next point:

The Alpha Tren Free Trial

Alpha Tren wants you to believe they’re giving the stuff away for you to try for free. Don’t believe them. They offer what they call a Free Trial, but as you’ll see, it’s very far from free.

The way it works is that you sign up for the trial and pay the $4.97 shipping fee. They then send you a 30 day supply. Most people think that’s the end of it, but it’s not by a long shot. What happens next is that if you don’t call Alpha Tren and “cancel” you will be charged full price for the “free trial” bottle.

This is a common scam. We talk about it all the time. But this one is particularly heinous. Most products bury the real terms of the deal in the fine print and/or on another page of the website other than the order page. They hide it, but it is there. But with Alpha Tren, the terms of the trial are not clearly stated anywhere on the website. Believe me, I scoured the website, and I do this enough to know where to look. It’s not there. This may be a temporary situation, but as long as they’re letting orders go through, those terms should be there.

Here is the closest they get to telling you you’ll be charged full price:

Alpha Tren Terms Image

They mention that you’ll be billed for the trial, but they don’t say how much. In most cases, the cost is anywhere between $80 and $120, so that would be my expectation. They don’t even give you the number to call to cancel, and of course they leave out completely the fact that you have to cancel in the first place. It’s truly one of the worst, most deceptive free trial offers I’ve ever seen.

I’m no lawyer, but if they continue to leave the full terms off their website and at the same time continue to process orders, I believe there would be grounds for getting your money back if they charge you. Best not to even bother at all though.

Since there’s no other way to purchase or try Alpha Tren at this time, I would just stay away from it altogether.

Alpha Tren Reviews

There are lots of “review websites” that promote Alpha Tren, but these do not represent actual customer feedback and they are no substitute for it. They are basically sales vehicles for the products they represent. Since Alpha Tren isn’t sold in stores or on Amazon or other online retailer shops, there’s no real customer feedback at all. This is yet another reason to stay away from this product.

Alpha Tren Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Tren

  • None.

Disadvantages of Alpha Tren

  • The ingredients are unknown.
  • The cost is unknown.
  • There’s no customer feedback.
  • The free trial is not at all free.
  • The terms of the trial are not made clear on the product website.

The Bottom Line

The title of this review references 3 reasons to steer clear of Alpha Tren. If you’ve read carefully, you already know them, but let’s list them out here just to make sure we’re all on the same page:

  1. With no ingredient information, we have no idea what the hell is even in these pills
  2. With no customer reviews, we have no idea if this stuff has ever worked for anyone!
  3. With a free trial without clear terms, most guys have no idea they’re not getting this for free and the rest have no idea how much they’ll be charged.

List or no list, it’s easy to see that Alpha Tren is nothing but a potentially huge hassle and a waste of money.

Have You Used Alpha Tren? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Free Trial Cancellation Phone Numbers

If you’re trying to cancel a free trial, or are looking for a refund for a supplement you recently ordered, WE’RE NOT THE GUYS TO TALK TO.

We simply review and give our two cents on various supplements and related products that are creating a stir and catching attention.

In fact, we don’t sell anything here on SupplementCritique.com.

However, if you’re looking for a phone number for a particular supplement, I’ve created this list below for your convenience.  If there’s any other companies who’s phone number your looking for that isn’t listed, just leave a comment below and we’ll research it for you.

Not sure how to cancel your free trial?  Click here for step by step instructions on how to cancel it, and possibly even get your money back!

Cancellation Numbers By Company (listed alphabetically):


Adderin – 727-498-4811

Addium – 800-767-4440

Advncd Test – 855-625-8411

Alpha Cut HD – 844-845-8061

Alpha Fuel – 844-845-8061

Alpha Fuel XT – 800-343-9025

Alpha King – 800-429-0415

Alpha Ripped – 800-BE-ALPHA

Alpha T – 800-BE-ALPHA

Alpha Testo Max – 888-342-9097

AlphaTren – 855-511-2251

Alpha X Boost – 800-318-3418

Anabolic RX24 – support@biotrimlabs.com

Anaconda XL – 855-817-4948

Anamax – 855-354-5044

Andro Enhance by Jet – Unknown, Click Here to submit phone number to us

Andro Stack X – 855-444-2515, email – support@tryandrostackx.com


Biomuscle XR – 888-507-9059

Bio Rocket Blast – 855-336-1087

Biotestosterone XR – 888-507-9059

BlackCore Edge – 1-888-535-5789

Brain Plus IQsupport@biotrimlabs.com


Climadex – 855-382-4699

ClinaMax – 888-312-9064

Cogniflex – 800-767-4440

Cognifocus – 888-470-0665

Cianix – 888-258-2864


DXN Code Strike – 855-825-1026

Dyna Storm Pre and Post Workout – 800-210-7831


Elite Test 360 – 877-433-2774

Enhance Mind IQ – 855-279–2433/855-601-7958/866-482-8277/925-273-6871/866-513-4691

Endovex – 855-765-7911

Epic Male Enhancement – Unknown, Click Here to submit phone number to us

ERX Pro – 877-756-6036


FCK Power – 800-496-1038

Force Factor Volcano – 866-44-FORCE

Formula Focus – 855-457-0806     support@orderff.com


Geniux – 844-202-0521


HGH Factor – 800-587-0888

HT Rush – 1-888-895-5092

Hypertone Force and Excel – 1-888-563-0374; support@hypertoneforce.comsupport@hypertoneexcel.com.


Instaflex / Instaflex Advanced – 800-436-0920

Intelligex – 888-255-1750

IQ + – 1-844-627-5900


Jacked Antler – 888-808-7939


LeanFire XT – 1-877-204-3263


Max Antler Pro – 844-2ANTLER

MaxGain – 877-773-5152

Maximum Power XL – 855-227-5473

Max Shred – 855-660-1956

Max Synapse – 800-330-0479

Megadrox – 877-279-9025

Muscle XTX – 844-845-8061

MX Male – 888-906-1156


NEOSize XL – 866-583-3047

Neuro3X – 1-800-259-6817

Neuro Lit – 1-888-242-4061

NeuroNZT – support@advancedlifelabs.com

NeuroXR – 1-844-893-4640

Nitridex – 866-879-0122

Nitrobuild Plus – 800-872-748 (AUS phone number)

NO2 Blast – 1-888-276-1975

NO2 Maximus – 1-888-478-0415

Noxitril – 800-503-2353

Nugenix – 1-855-714-3234

Nugenix Maxx – 1-855-714-3234

Nutragentex – 1-888-682-1138


Optimal Rock -1-888-900-8828


Panaxcea – 800-375-5498

Phallyx – 888-528-2672

Pria Boost – 888-219-9822

PriaMax – 888-524-7880

Primal Surge XL – 844-315-5184

Primal XL – 800-998-3487

Primalis RX – 877-653-5604

ProMuscle Fit – 888-221-2554

ProShred Elite – 844-4PSHRED

Pryazine – 855-804-6598

Pure Nitro Max – 800-391-2180

Pure Testo Blast – 888-554-5857

Pure Testo Xplode – 855-511-2251

Purple Rhino – 800-391-8794


Red Fortera – 800-908-6213

Regenify – 800-931-9472

Retro Vigor – 888-766-2899

Ripped Muscle X – 855-204-7725

RLX Pills – 800-251-3706

Rock Hard Long and Strong – 888-900-8828


Somnapure – 877-460-3326

Spartagen XT – 800-458-4634

Staminon male enhancement – 877-744-3406

Strongmen – 800-246-0297

Surge RX – 877-215-2533

Synagen IQ – 844-465-0024

Synapsyl – 800-298-8897

Sytropin – 800-295-4675


T Complex – 888-504-4395

T90 Xplode – 1-888-980-9165

Testadrox – 888-224-8821

Testoboost Pro – 888-221-2554

TestoMax200 – 888-223-3225

Testonemax – 800-510-4936

Testo Ultra – support@biotrimlabs.com

Testovital – 888-250-8961

Test X180, Alpha, Ignite, Tempest, and Genesis – 877-204-3263

Test X Core – 855-322-8780

Titanax – 888-320-4623

Trembolex Ultra – 800-251-7305


Ultra Testo Max – 888-593-4481


Vandexafil Ultra – 800-251-3706, support@vandexafiltrial.com

Vaso Blast – 800-798-8452

Viarexin – 480-378-3182

Vidhigra / Vrdhhigra– 888-229-8495

Virectin – 888-675-0241

Virility Intense – 877-358-6912 (Thanks Clifton!)

Vital Khai – 888-491-5043

Vitality RX – 855-784-1305

VXL Male Enhancement

Vyantix RX – 877-777-0366

Vydox / Vydox Plus – 866-270-5693


X Alpha – 888-408-7937

Xanogen – 800-528-6565

Xtreme Nitro – 877-509-7025

Xtreme NO2 – 866-520-0522

Xtreme Testosterone – 866-520-0522

Xtreme Testrone – 866-520-0522


Zyacin – 855-341-6876

Zyalix – 855-779-2101

Zynev – 877-659-3344

Zyntix – 877-724-3778

Zytek XL – 855-631-7191

If you’d like to add a phone number to this list, leave a comment below!

Alpha F1 Review – 4 Big Reasons to Stay Away


What is it
Total Testosterone v Free Testosterone
How To Use
How Effective is it
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

“New Legal Steroid,” “Nature’s Steroid Alternative,” “used by Hollywood’s Elite”, and my personal favorite, “Gain 16 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks, No special program, No intense exercise”. If these statements look familiar to you, I’m not surprised. They come from an “article” making the online rounds in what appear to be mens’ magazines, but really they’re just advertisements.

The one I came across today is for a testosterone booster called Alpha F1 stacked with a pre workout called Xtreme Nitric Oxide Formula. But let me emphasize that this article is EXACTLY THE SAME as it is for every product and stack of products. For those of you just hearing about this article and how they use it to sell mostly useless supplements, let’s back up.

Here’s the headline:

Alpha F1 Article Headline Image

I made some comments right on the image for you so you can see what we’re talking about. Right at the top it says it’s an Advertisement, which they probably only do because they have to for legal reasons. We also noted that the links at the top of the page that are supposed to take you to the different sections of the magazine are fake. They don’t link to anything. They’re just there to make it look like a real magazine. And this one I’ll never understand – they say “As Seen On CNNHealth” etc, but it’s just not true. I don’t know how they get away with that.

Hopefully you’re getting the idea that this fake article is just a dishonest way to get you to buy Alpha F1 and Xtreme Nitric Oxide Formula, but I’ll give you a few more reason to believe. Here’s an image taken from the article selling Alpha F1 and Xtreme Nitric Oxide Formula:

Hugh Jackman Image

And here’s the exact same image in the same article, but selling something called Testo Booster and Nitro Focus NO3:

Hugh Jackman Other Image

I’m telling you, this article is a scam. It even says so right a the end of the page:

Disclaimer Image

At this point, we’re going to move off the article and focus on the product because lots of companies employ sleazy or semi-sleazy marketing practices. It doesn’t necessarily mean the pills are crap. So let’s dive and find out – are Alpha F1 pills crap?

What is Alpha F1?

Alpha F1 ImageAlpha F1 is a natural testosterone booster that promises to improve your daily life, mainly in the gym and in the bedroom. That’s because testosterone is the male sex hormone that affects weight loss, energy, muscle composition, and sex drive. As men age, our body’s naturally make less and less of the stuff, and when that happens, we feel sluggish and run down, and far less resilient than we used to.

A natural testosterone booster, when it works, can boost your body’s hormone production back up closer to the levels you used to be at in your early twenties. These pills don’t contain any actual testosterone or steroids, just natural ingredients that aid the testosterone production process in your body.

As a result of boosted testosterone levels, Alpha F1 promises to:

  • Increase muscle mass.
  • Burn more fat.
  • Ignite your libido.
  • Improve your sexual performance.

It’s really that simple, so they say. Take Alpha F1, and watch your testosterone levels skyrocket.

Total Testosterone v Free Testosterone

When you get your T levels tested, you’ll get 2 numbers: Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone. Total T is all the testosterone your body has, but free testosterone is the number that really matters. It indicates how much testosterone is available for your body to use. This number is less than total testosterone. Some of the testosterone in your body gets bound up with something called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). When testosterone is bound, it cannot be used by your body, so it might as well not even exist, for functional purposes.

Alpha F1 focuses on increasing free testosterone levels as opposed to some other products that focus on boosting total numbers.

Alpha F1 Ingredients

A pleasant surprise – the Alpha F1 website shows an image of the actual bottle label, including ingredients:


Alpha F1 Ingredients Image


The list is short and includes:

  • Eurycoma Longifolia (aka Tongkat Ali) which may inhibit the action of SHBG (LINK TO http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4085925/), thereby increasing free testosterone levels and lead to all the benefits thereof. The amount per serving is just 100mg. The typical daily dose tends to be about 200mg-300mg, whereas the effective dose in the study was 400 mg. This indicates that to be effective the dose in Alpha F1 should be higher than it is.
  • Zinc which is important to overall health as well as the chemical reaction within the body that produces testosterone. A connection has been shown between zinc deficiencies and testosterone deficiencies in men.
  • Vitamin B1 which is important for muscle growth and development.
  • Vitamin B6 which seems to help the body produce testosterone. A study involving rats deprived of Vitamin B6 showed that at the end of the study, those rats who were deprived of Vitamin B6 showed significantly reduced testosterone levels.

How To Use Alpha F1

The recommended dose is 2 pills per day, but again, this only gives you 100mg of Eurycoma Longifolia – arguably the most primary ingredient in the mix. Unfortunately, this says a lot about how effective Alpha F1 can be expected to be.

How Effective is Alpha F1?

Scientific validation is a good way to know whether or not a supplement will be effective. This graphic appears on the Alpha F1 website:

Alpha F1 Graphic


But there’s no reference made to where this information comes from, so it’s difficult to trust it or to really know what it is they’re saying. So while it’s a nice attempt to validate some of the points, it doesn’t really pull it off.

Alpha F1 Reviews and Customer Feedback

One thing that’s curiously missing from the Alpha F1 website is customer feedback. Most other supplements that market this same way include testimonials from customers on their websites. This is not the case here. There’s nothing.

And what’s worse is that there are no independent reviews either. Sure there are “reviews” on review websites, but these aren’t usually written by people who’ve actually tried the supplement. They are merely promoting it, so their opinions will tend to be biased, which makes it even more difficult to know what to believe.

Where to Buy

The only way to purchase Alpha F1 is to sign up for the free trial offered on their website. You access the website through any one of the review websites that link to it. When you get there, you’ll see something like this:

Alpha F1 Order Form


If you decide to go for it and fill out the form, you’ll see this next:

Alpha F1 Terms


Make sure you take a good look at that circled and underlined part above. This is not a free trial. You won’t be getting anything free If you read the underlined section, you’ll see that if you don’t call and cancel within 14 days from the day you placed your order, you will be charged a whopping $89.95 for the Alpha F1 you thought you were getting for free. Not only that, but they will send you a new bottle every month, whether your want it or not, and charge you that same $89.95 each time.

You’re probably outraged that a company could get away with something so underhanded, but when you’ve seen it as many times as I have, you get a little numb to the outrage. You may even be thinking, “how the hell can they get away with this?” But trust me, they can and they do. I get questions and emails every single day from guys who’ve been taken in by this kind of scam. It really happens, and apparently, Alpha F1 participates.

Alpha F1 Pros Cons

We’ve hit all the major points about Alpha F1, high and low. So let’s lay it out straight, by listing the positives and negatives of buying and using Alpha F1. I find it helps us get to the real answer we’re looking for, namely, “is this stuff worth my time and money?”

Advantages of Alpha F1

The ingredient list is provided on the product website. This is actually very unusual for a product like this – sold only on the internet, so we do appreciate their candor.

The ingredients are all natural, and while that doesn’t mean it’s completely side effect-free, it means it’s not likely to cause much in the way of problems for anyone.

Disadvantages of Alpha F1

  • The only real active ingredient is Eurycoma Longifolia, which is good, but at 100 mg per serving, it’s not going to do much.
  • There’s no real scientific evidence showing that Alpha F1 is or can be effective.
  • There are no reviews from customers that we could find. This means it’s tough to know what kinds of results actual guys are getting by using this stuff.
  • It’s only available by using their scammy free trial offer.


We started this review talking about 4 big reasons why you probably shouldn’t waste your time, money, or energy on Alpha F1. Just take a look at the list of disadvantages and you’ll see them:

  1. The formula is weak.
  2. There’s no science to back it up.
  3. There’s no customer feedback to back it up.
  4. And you have to sign up for monthly billing just to try it.

The best advice I can give you is to stay away from Alpha F1 and products like it. They’re everywhere, and it would be completely understandable if you fell for it because many do, but you’d be much better off just steering clear.

Take this as an example as you look at other male enhancement products in the future and if you see similar ad strategies being used, you would be safe to go ahead and assume that things are too good to be true and that there is more than meets the eye.

Have You Used Alpha F1? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre Workout Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Transparent Labs website.

As an avid supplements tester, I’m no stranger to pre-workout supplements.  Over the years, I’d say that I’ve probably tested well over 100 different pre workout pills and powders.

Some work great, but others?  Not so much.

One thing is for sure, the VAST majority of pre workout supplements that I’ve tested have had some sort of stimulant to get you going.

After all, isn’t that the point of a pre-workout?  To get you fired up for your workout.

Well, in this review, were going to be talking about one of the very few stimulant free pre workout supplements that I recently got a chance to try out.

It’s called Pre Series Stim-Free pre workout, and I have to admit, it’s literally the BEST stimulant-free pre workout I’ve ever tested.

What is it?

As the name implies, the Pre Series pre workout powder is a supplement designed to fire up your motivation for a workout.

While the majority of pre workout supplements contain loads of caffeine, yohimbe, and / or synephrine, Transparent Labs (the makers of the product) take a completely different approach.

They use a proprietary blend of ingredients that enhance focus and endurance, motivation, and help you power through your workouts.

The full ingredients list in Pre Series pre workout includes: Citruline Malate 2:1, BCAA 2:1, Beta-Alanine, Creatine HCL, Beta-pure, Taurine, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Choline Bitartrate, Mucuna Pruriens, L-Norvaline, and Bioperine.

Here’s a quick pic of the label:

pre series stim free pre workout label

As you can see, there’s NO caffeine in this supplement.  This is what separates them from the rest.  Most pre-workouts are just fancy packaging for caffeine-loaded powder.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take it?

The directions on the label state that you should take a 1/2 scoop 20 – 30 min. prior to your workout.  It’s suggested that you “wait it out” to determine your tolerance.

If you don’t seem to be feeling anything after 30 min. or so, take another 1/2 scoop and wait another 20 – 30 min.

I would suggest that you take it on a relatively empty stomach to get the best results.

How long does it take to “kick in”?

For me, it took about a full hour for it to kick in, and that was with a full scoop.  Everyone will respond at different times, and it depends on a number of factors like your metabolism, your weight, how much food you have in your stomach, etc.

What are it’s effects?

See my personal results here.

Are there any side effects?

Since it contains Beta-Alanine, there’s a SLIGHT chance that you may experience a harmless tingling sensation.


This is completely normal, and happens to nearly everyone that take a supplement with Beta-Alanine in it for the first time.

Generally speaking it takes about 15 – 20 min. for the tingling sensation to go away, and it’s been clinically studied and proved SAFE for human consumption.

My Personal Results

I got a tub of the Pre-Series pre workout sent to me by one of the owners of the brand, but I was NOT paid in any way, shape, or form to publish this review.

Following the suggestions on the label, I took a half scoop about 1 hour before my workout and mixed it with water.

pre series stim free pre workout reviewI have to say, the taste was actually VERY good.  I got the green apple flavor (they have blue raspberry as well, but I’ve never been a fan), and it had kind of a “tarty-tangy” flavor, comparable to a starburst.

For the first 15 min., I didn’t feel much.  Right around the 20 min. mark, I started to get that tingling sensation I talked about above.

Again, this is completely normal with Beta-Alanine, and it goes away pretty fast.

I decided to round out another 1/2 scoop and drink it on the 15 min. drive to the Golds Gym I go to.  Just as I pulled in I could feel the SURGE of energy that you get with most stimulant based pre workout supplements.

HOWEVER, I didn’t get that heart-racing / sweaty / jittery sensation you get with so many other pre workouts.

It was just a nice, CLEAN, “I’m ready to get it on!” type of feeling.

What followed was one of the BEST workouts I had in a long time!

I did a FULL leg lifting session, AND finished it off with a 30 min. High Intensity Interval Training cardio run.

I have to admit, I felt completely WIPED after that workout, but actually felt “proud” at how much I accomplished.

You know that feeling you get when you had a SERIOUSLY good workout?

Yeah, it was like that!

Where Can I Buy It?

You can buy the Pre Series pre workout on their official site, www.transparentlabs.com.

A 30-serving tub will run you $49, placing it in the moderately-priced category.

If you buy larger quantity’s (which you’ll want to do when you try it out for the first time), you actually save a bit of money.

A 2 tub order will shave off $9, pricing it out at $89, and if you buy 3 tubs you’ll get an even bigger discount.

As of this review they do NOT sell it in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, or any of the other major retailers.


If you’re someone who is prone to getting side effects from stimulant-based pre workout supplements, then the Pre Series Stim-Free pre workout is PERFECT for you.

It doesn’t cause any jitters or awful come-down, and it works GREAT to enhance motivation, focus, and endurance for your workouts.

Given the fact that it’s one of the ONLY stimulant-free pre workout supplements I’ve tried that ACTUALLY works, I highly recommend it!

Have You Used Pre Series Pre-Workout?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Noxitril Review – 3 Big Reasons to Avoid It

Note:  We are NOT affiliated with Noxitril in any way, and we were NOT paid to write this review.

noxitril reviews

Just about every guy out there has experienced a situation where he didn’t feel like he performed up to his potential, and he let his girl down. Once you have that experience once, it’s likely to haunt you, as you wonder if and when it will happen again.

If this has happened to you, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem – with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation or whatever happened.

There are a number of factors that play into such instances and sometimes running out for the first male sexual enhancement supplement that you come across is not the solution, but I can understand the sentiment.

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

It may just mean you need a little confidence boost to help you avoid those situation in the future.

That’s where something like Noxitril comes in. It’s an all natural male enhancement supplement that promises to make experiences like the ones we mentioned above a thing of the past.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

Imagine the pleasure you could give and receive if you didn’t have to worry about whether or not your “Johnson” was going to rise to the occasion and get the job done!

We look at a lot of male enhancement pills around here, so when Noxitril came to our attention, we got to work breaking down its promises, its formula, its results, its feedback, and its value to determine if this stuff is worth your time, money, hopes, and dreams.

Here’s what we found.

Jump To A Section

What is Noxitril?

What are the apparent benefits?

What Are The Potential Noxitril Side Effects?

More About What's In It

Noxitril Testimonials and Customer Feedback

My Personal Results
Noxitril Drug Interactions (full list)
Where to Buy

Is Noxitril Shady?

Noxitril Pros and Cons

The Bottom Line
Click Here
to jump to my personal Noxitril results.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is Noxitril?

First off, Noxitril is a dietary supplement formulated to help achieve better erections for sexual activity.

The ingredients are:

  • Ginseng
  • L-Arginine
  • Maca Root
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Nettle Root
  • Oat Straw
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Tongkat Ali [1]

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

noxitril ingredients label

The suggested use is two capsules once a day, or as directed by your health care professional.

Many of these ingredients are probably familiar with you if you have tried other male sexual enhancers, and by all appearances, this makes the product look like it may actually work.

What are the apparent benefits?

There really isn’t much of anything new in this area. The promises made by Noxitril are pretty in line with the promises made by most sexual performance supplements. They say you’ll see:

  • Stronger, longer lasting erections.
  • Improved energy.
  • Greater stamina.
  • Intense orgasms.

And when you’ve got all that working for you, you’ll exude that kind of confidence that every woman craves from her man, so there will be satisfaction all around.

This is how they present Noxitril on its website.

By taking it daily, you’ll become the guy you always wanted to be, the guy that all the woman are attracted to. And when they flock to you, you’ll be ready to satisfy.

The message is driven home not only by the verbal content of the website, but also by the images of beautiful women looking longingly at you through the camera lens.

does noxitril really work

Up until now, we’ve focused on what Noxitril says it can do for you, basically the marketing. I find it’s important to know what angle a product is attempting to push when you investigate it for actual effectiveness.

And now that we know Noxitril is aiming to build in you the kind of sexual confidence you need to get the hottest girls, let’s break it down and see if it does what it says.

What Are The Potential Side Effects?

According to my analysis, and from personal testing, some of the potential effects from consumption of the ingredients in Noxitril include:

  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decrease in heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal Discomfort
  • Upset stomach [1]

We actually had a licensed pharmacist go over the Noxitril formula to see if there were any specific interactions with the ingredients.

You can learn more about his findings in this article here.

It includes medical conditions that may cause concern, as well as possible drug interactions.

More About What’s In It

The Noxitril website doesn’t display the image of an actual label, but it does provide a list of the main key ingredients, which is good because it helps give us an idea of what this stuff might actually do for you.

The full list of ingredients in Noxitril includes: Ginseng, L-Arginine, Maca Root, Tribulus Terrestris, Nettle Root, Oat Straw, Cayenne Pepper, and Tongkat Ali.

You’ll find many of these exact same ingredients in products like 5G Male and Viantis, albeit in different quantities.

Unfortunately, the Noxitril website gives a brief paragraph on the fact that these are commonly used herbs that naturally boost your sex life, but they don’t talk about each ingredient individually or the potential of what they can do for you.

But we were able to pull that valuable information from several outside sources and put it together here for you.

Another unfortunate thing is the glaring typo in the word “INGREDIENTS”. Check it out:

Noxitril Ingredients Image

  • Ginseng has been shown in some studies to improve sexual functioning in men with erectile dysfunction. It’s known to have aphrodisiac properties and to increase energy and stamina as well.
  • L-Arginine can increase blood flow to your genitals for better, stronger, longer lasting erections. It’s a precursor to nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator. Blood vessels expand and blood flows more easily throughout your body. It’s also used for bodybuilders to improve strength, energy, and pumps – also clearly related to increased blood flow.  You can find L-Arginine in literally THOUSANDS of other supplements, including Alpha Prime Elite and Test X Core.
  • Maca Root is an ancient herb from Peru that has been used for many medicinal purposes throughout history. Most of the hype about Maca being an aphrodisiac is anecdotal, along with a few animal studies. Though there are some studies that have found that Maca may increase sperm count and improve fertility. (Source: 1)
  • Tribulus Terrestris is thought to increase your body’s natural production of testosterone. The theory is that Tribulus signals the pituitary gland to release an increased amount of Luteinizing Hormone. LH in turn sends a signal to the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone. Studies in humans so far have been inconclusive, but animal studies have been promising. (Source)
  • Nettle Root has traditionally been used as an herbal treatment for improving prostate health. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic to help ease BPH symptoms, and it does do without the negative side effects you can get with some medications. It’s also believed to increase natural testosterone levels which helps improve sexual performance and response. (Source)
  • Oat Straw (aka Avena Sativa)is widely used in male enhancement formulas. It is said to work by increasing free testosterone, which is the only kind your body can actually use. (It’s also thought to help with smoking cessation as well). The evidence is pretty spotty, however, with really the only studies being small and unpublished, conducted by the companies that sell supplements containing Oat Straw. (Source)
  • Cayenne Pepper contains Capsaicin which helps improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through. It also inhibits the action of PDE5 by increasing production of the PDE5 inhibiting Superoxide Dismutase. (This is closely related to the mechanism of action used by prescription ED drugs, sometimes referred to as “viagra on steroids”). (Source)
  • Tongkat Ali, like Oat Straw, is thought to increase the presence of free testosterone. It does this by disabling the function of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds itself to testosterone molecules, rendering them useless. By effectively blocking this from happening, Tongkat Ali causes more of your total testosterone to remain free and available to increase libido, improve erections, and prolong stamina. (Source)

One other thing I’d like to note is that the urge caution for users that have high blood pressure, diabetes, any cardiovascular disorder, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, or are taking any anti depressant medications.

You should also discontinue using Noxitril if you have any of the following side effects:  Nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness.

noxitril side effects and warnings

Noxitril Testimonials and Customer Feedback

Noxitril is pretty new, so we didn’t find a lot of online chatter about the stuff. In fact, the only feedback at all is what you’ll find on the official website, and that stuff is notoriously unreliable.

I’m not accusing anyone directly of lying here, but Noxitril marketers want to put their best foot forward, as do all marketers of all products. This being the case, they may only choose to only present the positive customer feedback.

Or they may even just have their friends try it and ask them to write glowing testimonials. It’s not exactly lying, but it’s not exactly laying it all out there either.

Here’s what I found in the testimonial section of the Noxitril website:

Noxitril Testimonials Image

Only two testimonials, that’s it. Granted, Noxitril is new, but in all the online universe, there are only 2 pieces of customer feedback. And this is a product that’s only sold online! I would take this as an area for concern.

My Personal Results

At the request of many of my visitors, I decided to give Noxitril a go.  Based on most of the research I had done up until this point, I certainly wasn’t getting my hopes up.

With the bar set low, I started off with the recommended dose of 2 capsules, which I promptly took first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Day 1, not much of an effect.

I felt a slight tingling sensation “down there”, but nothing to write home about.

Later on that evening, I felt like I had a bit of an upset stomach, but I have no way of telling if it was from the Noxitril or not.

Day 2, I took the 2 capsules a bit later in the day between breakfast and lunch, and by the end of the day I still really didn’t notice anything.

This continued for a few more days until one morning (I think it was about day 5 at this point), I woke up with a RAGING hard on.

The kind of hard on that makes it tough to take a piss because you’re standing at “attention”.

Looking For The Best Sex Enhancer?

Click Here to see my review of Vigrx Plus.  I’ve used over 100 different sexual enhancers, and it was by FAR the best.

It took a good 15 minutes for that woody to wear off.

I wanted to put that hard on to good use, but unfortunately my wife was fast asleep and I wasn’t about to wake her up.

I began to think Noxitril may be onto something.

Continuing on with my experiment, I noticed that practically every morning I was waking up with a hard on after about a week on this stuff.

However, after about week 2 the effects seemed to wear off pretty quickly.

I thought maybe cycling it would help, so I tried stopping it for 1 week and then resuming.

The end result?

Nothing.  All of the benefits I received before just seemed to magically vanish.

Of course, inevitably someone will ask me whether or not Noxitril will make your penis grown bigger.

In short, it won’t.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.


Where to Buy

First off, if you’re absolutely 100% committed to buying Noxitril, I would recommend you do so on Amazon.

There’s no concerns about getting sucked in to a free trial, and you can get a refund if the product doesn’t work for you.

Here’s a link to the official Amazon listing (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2HARTbD

One big plus in favor of Noxitril is that they don’t catch you up in the “Free Trial” hell that is so common with online only supplements.

You know the ones – they offer a free 14-day trial, but you find out after 14 days that unless you canceled in time, you have to pay full price.

To its credit, Noxitril doesn’t play that game. They offer straight up sales packages:

1-Month Supply for $59.95

2-Month Supply for $119.90

3-Month Supply for $179.85

That pricing structure is a little odd.

Usually, you’ll get a discount for buying more than one bottle at a time. Not the case with Noxitril. There’s literally no incentive to buy the 2-bottle or 3-bottle packages. On the other hand, $59.95 isn’t a bad price for a male enhancement, so if you do only want to try one bottle, you don’t have to lay out too much cash.

There is a money back guarantee, but it’s not worth a whole lot.

You can’t return a bottle if it’s been opened, so you can’t really try it then return it if you don’t like it.

If you want to try contacting them anyway, here’s their info:

Phone number:  866-223-2864

email: help@noxitril.com

And even if you do return an unopened bottle, they make you pay for return shipping and a 35% restocking fee on top of that.

Is Noxitril Shady?

Because I and so many of my readers have been royally screwed by some of these online supplement companies, I always read the Terms and Conditions page on the website of every product I review.

In this case, when you click the link, up comes what appears to be a standard document, but actually never refers to Noxitril at all. Instead, they talk about Vylexia.

So I looked up Vylexia’s website, and except for the name and a few other details, the website is exactly the same.

Check out this screenshot taken from the Noxitril website:

Noxitril Compare Image 1

And compare it to:

Noxitril Compare Image 2

They’re exactly the same – except for the product name. The ingredients are the same too.


Their contact phone numbers are the same too, so they are indeed the same product, made by the same company, only with different names (and prices – Vylexia is $10 cheaper).

You’re probably wondering why they would do that, but it’s actually pretty common. Once a product gets a reputation for being useless or a scam, a lot of these companies will put out another product, or at least a product of a different name. And that’s what they did here.

I noticed something else of note in the Terms and Conditions. They talk about signing up for monthly autoshipping, even though I don’t see anything about it anywhere else on the website. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but if you order this stuff, be aware that this is a possibility.

Noxitril Pros and Cons

Advantages of Noxitril

  • The ingredients are all natural and all listed.
  • It’s on the inexpensive side compared with some of the other male enhancement choices out there.

Disadvantages of Noxitril

  • They don’t list ingredient amounts.
  • It’s the same product as Vylexia, using the same marketing and formula, just a different name and higher price.
  • There’s confusion over whether or not ordering Noxitril locks you into an autoship program.
  • There are no independent customer reviews to help us know how it’s working for real guys in the real world.

The Bottom Line

I tested it, and I have to say, it does indeed WORK.

With that said, we started out this review talking about how there are 3 Big Reasons why you shouldn’t bother with Noxitril. In case you haven’t worked them all out yet, we’ll spell it out:

  1. The Noxitril Website is just a cut and paste job from another supplement called Vylexin. The company just switched the names and updated the prices. They even forgot to make the change in the Terms and Conditions document. And they even have the same typo in the “Ingredients” section, writing “Indgredients”. You’d think they would have noticed at some point in the process.
  2. There is no real customer feedback about Noxitril. The 2 testimonials on the website are vague and pretty unhelpful, not to mention that they’re probably not real. Hell, they’re the same testimonials used on the Vylexia site. If they were backed up by reviews on Amazon or some other site, that would be one thing. But they’re not.
  3. The company can’t be trusted. Are they Vylexia or are they Noxitril? Who knows? And if you order, will you be locked into monthly payments? It’s impossible to tell. If a product’s website leaves you with these kinds of questions, it’s best to just stay away.

Help us SPREAD THE WORD by Sharing This on Facebook, Tweeting It, or Posting It On Google +.

Every little bit helps!

Have You Used Noxitril? Leave Your Review Below!

Additional References

ED Causes – Nih.gov

Red Ginseng – Nih.gov

Maca – Nih.gov

Tribulus – Nih.gov

Asian Herbals – Nih.gov

Capsaicin – Nih.gov

Tongkat Ali – Nih.gov

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Vericil-MD Review – WTF is This?

So I just picked up the mail after the gym and came across a rather vulgar brochure for a brand new cream on the market called Vericil-MD.

When I say the brochure is vulgar, I mean as soon as I opened the envelope I’m bombarded with a photo of 2 chicks going down on a relatively hung guy.

vericil-md brochure

The title screams:  “Be the biggest, longest, firmest guy you know”, as if guys over the age of 16 sit around comparing each others schlong sizes.

I have no idea how I even got this brochure, but when I did I actually got about 3 other rather vulgar ones as well.

Pretty shocking, I know, and even in the world of male sexual enhancement supplements you are not going to see such vulgar ads normally, bordering on porn.

So what is Vericil-MD, and more importantly, does it REALLY work as well as this brochure says it does.

Well, I did a little bit of research on this male enhancement cream and this is what I found out.

So What is Vericil-MD?

vericil-md reviewsSince there’s no official website for Vericil-MD (as far as I can tell), all of the information about this cream will be gleamed from the 30-page ad I have here in front of me.

According to them, they categorically state that you WILL grow 4 inches in length and 2.4 inches in girth within 90 days of using their product.

Not only that, but you’ll also:

  • Last up to 6 hours at a time
  • Have increased confidence
  • Get instantly hard on contact
  • and have the best orgasms of your life

Certainly not the first (and DEFINITELY not the last) time I’ve heard that claim.

So what’s the secret behind this groundbreaking product?

Well, that’s actually a HUGE problem.

Not ONCE in their entire 31-page brochure do they mention the ingredients in Vericil-MD.

In fact, the only thing they mention that even comes close to knowing what’s in it is that it’s 100% all natural, and that it’s been clinically tested and approved.

This seems to be a common occurrence with enlargement creams like this.  I’ve reviewed several in the past, including Xtra Man, Big Kahuna, and Mr. Stiff, and NONE of those guys list the active ingredients in their creams.

So it begs the question, do you really want to rub something on to your penis that you have literally NO idea what’s in it?

If I had to guess,the answer to that is probably a resounding NO!

I would say it likely contains L-Arginine, Ginseng, maybe some Gingko Biloba, and a few other common male enhancement ingredients.

The brochure shows a half-dozen before and after photos from men who’ve apparently used Vericil-MD, and the results look pretty promising.

Who Makes It?

That’s a great question, and to be honest, I’m a bit unsure.  The return address on the label I have here says Maxx Male Labs, which is a company apparently headquartered in Scarborough, Maine.

The address that’s listed on the label is P.O. Box 6827, Scarborough, Maine 04070.  When I run a search for this address in Google, I’m given a company called Atlantic Health Naturals LLC.

Whether or not this is the same company responsible for Vericil-MD, I have no idea.

There’s basically no information about this company online, as I searched the business records for Maine AND the Better Business Bureau and came up short.

This should definitely be a red flag if you’re considering ordering it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects?

We haven’t a clue, simply because we don’t know what’s in it.  I can tell you from using male enhancement creams like X-Cream, Enlargo, and Reaqt, typical side effects include things like:

  • Redness / Soreness at the site of application
  • Itching / burning sensation
  • Allergic reactions

Of course since we don’t know what’s in it we can only speculate, but these are the most common side effects found in male enhancement creams.

Can you buy it in stores?

Unlikely.  I checked with all of the major retailers like Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and GNC, and none of them are selling Vericil-MD.

In fact, I don’t even think you can buy it online in stores like Amazon or Ebay.

So where can I buy it?

It looks like the only way you can place an order for Vericil-MD is by filling out their order form or calling their toll-free customer service line at 1-800-962-9953.

A $30 day supply retails at $48, and they do offer a discounted price of $200 for a 6 months supply.

They do apparently offer a 90-day money back guarantee, HOWEVER, you have to send back the unused portion to receive a refund.

Is it shipped discreetly?

Yes.  All orders are shipped in a plain, securely wrapped, unmarked box.  The only person who will know you placed your order is you.

Conclusion / Recommendation

What’s not to like about this product?  Simply rub it on and BOOM, within a few short months you’ll be 4 inches bigger in length and 2.5 inches bigger in girth.

I hope your’e picking up the sarcasm 😉

The simple truth is there is WAY too little information on Vericil-MD to make a recommendation.

Sure, you can send out a cleverly crafted brochure complete with naked women going down on enormous guys.

The thought of getting bigger is promising, but unfortunately, VERY unlikely with this cream.  I don’t even say that with any hesitation.

The marketing practices and vulgar language that these guys use alone should clue you in that maybe something is up and it is not exactly being made by the most reputable bunch out there, just look back at that original brochure at the top.

The only thing that will likely grow is the bank accounts of the guys that are selling it.

Until we get a chance to personally test it out, I would recommend against buying it.

Have You Used Vericil-MD?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

God of Rage Review – The One Big Reason To Avoid It


What is it
Who is Centurion Labz
How To Use
Customer Feedback
Side Effects
Drug Testing
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

When we think of pre workout supplements, we usually think of chalky powders loaded with stimulants ready to get you pumped, both literally and figuratively. Working out for hours in the gym is tough. You know it’s also invigorating and empowering, but getting there and going at it 100% can be hard to do day after day. That’s why popular pre workouts have what it takes to boost your motivation, energy, output, and results. There are some exceptions – some pre workouts focus on muscle pumps and vascularity to the exclusion of stimulants. That’s a good thing.

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

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Not everyone wants or can handle that jacked up jittery feeling you get. If you’re of those guys, God of Rage isn’t for you. This stuff is made with clinical doses and then some to get you maximally hyped and keep you there.

What is God of Rage?

God of Rage Review 1God of Rage is one of a line of pre workout supplements made be Centurion Labz. They make several different products to make sure they cover everybody’s different needs. God of Rage is for guys who want to stretch intensity to it’s breaking point, then push just a little further. You’ll see what I mean when we talk about the formula.

Who is Centurion Labz

This company was formed in 2014 when Dr Joe Kepko and Dr Nick Puccio decided to expand their practice to include health and fitness lifestyle supplements. They brought their knowledge of what ingredients at what doses would help actual people reach their highest goals. According to their website, they chose the name Centurion Labz to represent the hard work and discipline required to really achieve greatness. Their supplement names follow the same theme of ancient Greco-Roman warrior terminology. As doctors, their plan is to incorporate solid health and fitness education into their brand, creating a community of hard charging athletes and enthusiasts.

God of Rage Review 2

God of Rage Ingredients

God of Rage is a hard charging pre workout supplement, and they warn you right up front that this is not for the casual gym goer. This stuff will max you out in terms of stimulants and strength, and you want to know that going in. To that end, let’s discuss the ingredients.

When you look at the backbone of the formula, you’ll see where the priorities are set, and it looks like they got it right. There’s:

  • God of Rage IngredientsCreatine Monohydrate (3 grams): This is the most popular and most tested form of creatine available, and 3 grams is a good solid daily dose, not the highest but high enough. Creatine allows energy and power to be stored within muscles, so it’s there when you call on it. Using creatine, you’ll be able to push more weight and build bigger muscles faster.
  • L-Arginine (3 grams): This is a precursor to nitric oxide, the vasodilator. More l-arginine means more nitric oxide, which means wider, more relaxed blood vessel walls, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your hard working muscles. It also increases that vascular look you want when you hit the gym. 3 grams is again a good solid effective dose that you’ll notice when you’re using it.
  • Beta Alanine (2.5 grams): This gives your muscles more endurance during your workouts. Your muscles start to give out and give up when lactic acid builds up to a certain degree. Beta Alanine slows that buildup and lowers the pH in your muscles, so that fatigue is staved off till later, ideally when you’re workout is done. (link to study of beta alanine and soccer players). Recommended daily doses of beta alanine vary, but 2.5 grams is well within that recommended range. One thing you want to note with beta alanine is the tingly skin feeling it gives. I get questions from guys all the time about whether that’s normal or if they should be worried. Nope, it’s normal. Some guys like the feeling, some can’t stand it. Most guys welcome it once they know what it is because it’s how they know it’s working.l
  • Agmatine Sulfate (1 gram): This is something of an all-around supporter of health, wellness, and strength. It helps alleviate stress. It improves mood and brain function. It increases nitric oxide production for better circulation. It increases insulin uptake so your body handles glucose better. It may increase the production and release of Human Growth Hormone. Most dosage recommendations land in the 500mg-1g range so God of Rage contains a good dose.

The rest of the core ingredients are stimulants:

  • Caffeine (300mg): This is a pretty hefty dose equal to about 4 cups of coffee. If you’re not used to caffeine or you’re sensitive, this is probably going to be too much for you right away. But if you do well with caffeine, it’ll give you tons of quick energy while it ignites your metabolism, fat burning, and focus.
  • Theobromine (200mg): This is similar to caffeine, but milder, and it comes on slower and lasts longer. It is recommended that you not exceed a daily dose of 500mg, so the dose in God of Rage falls well within that range.
  • Synephrine (65mg): This is also known as Bitter Orange or Citrus Aurantum. It is commonly thought to be the closest compound resembling Ephedrine after it got banned. It’s a powerful stimulant/fat burner, with recommended doses of 10-20 mg three times a day or 50 mg once a day. The dose in God of Rage is therefore a little high. This is concerning since it’s one of 4 stimulants, and there’s belief that combining caffeine with synephrine may be hazardous.
  • Yohimbine HCL (2mg): This is the last stimulant and at least as controversial. Yohimbe works. It’s a central nervous system stimulant and it simulates the effect of a rush of adrenaline while increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. In low doses, however, it may actually lower your blood pressure by opening up blood vessels. The 2 mg dosage falls in line with the standard recommendation guidelines I’ve seen.
  • 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) (60mg): This is a powerful stimulant also thought to be the replacement for Ephendrine, but it can give you a false positive for amphetamines on a drug test, and it’s banned in the US, sort of. Some companies still use it in their products, citing a loophole where the FDA didn’t ban it outright.

Now, that’s a long and comprehensive list, and it’s not even the whole formula.

There are other supporting ingredients including:

  • Vitamins C, D, B6, and B12 for energy and immune support.
  • Higenamine which is a fat burner.
  • Mucuna Pruriens which can increase the release of Dopamine for a bit of feel-good euphoria.
  • Hordenine which can suppress your appetite and improve your mood.

How to Use God of Rage

The recommended dose of God of Rage for beginners is 1 scoop mixed with water about 30 minutes before your workout. They say “for the truly hardcore” you can use 2 scoops. If you ask me, this would be crazy. The dosages of already high with one scoop. 2 scoops is 600mg of caffeine in one shot. You’d be hitting the ceiling with that kind of dosing, not to mention that there are 4 other powerful stimulants at double doses added on. No way. My recommendation would be to start with half a scoop, assess your tolerance, and end up at 1 scoop when you’re ready. Any more than that would be crazy.

God of Rage Customer Feedback

There are a decent number of customer reviews you can find online because the God of Rage is sold through a few different online retailers. After study up on the formula, I wasn’t surprised at all to read about how jacked and full of energy guys get when they use it. The thing that did surprise me, though, was the lack of talk about side effects.

There’s no two ways about it. If God of Rage contains what it says it does, then this stuff is strong. Each of the stimulants in the formula on its own packs a punch. And there are FIVE of them, all at, near, or even above clinical dosing. It’s hard to imagine that more people aren’t getting too amped up on this.

Here’s are a few examples of feedback from guys who loved God of Rage:

God of Rage Good Review 1 Image

God of Rage Good Review 2 Image

God of Rage Good Review 3 Image

One thing I noticed is that people don’t seem to love the flavor. The majority say it’s tolerable, or “good considering” all the different ingredients that have to fit into a scoop. So if you try it, don’t expect to be blown away by the taste.

I did find a few people wanting to talk about having had a bad experience with God of Rage. Here’s one from the same retail site as the above reviews:

God of Rage Waste of Money Review

I also noticed some similar talk on Reddit. A guy asked if anyone had heard of Centurion Labz. The first response was:

God of Rage Bad Reddit Image

So the reports of negative reactions are out there. They’re just not easy to find.

God of Rage Side Effects

Let’s talk about that potential for negative side effects for a minute. The biggest issue is that God of Rage contains a lot of stimulants, and each one is at a pretty high dose.

Caffeine is generally well tolerated, but at 300mg, lots of people will be bouncing off the walls and feeling a little uncomfortable.

Synephrine is one of those stimulants that flirts with being banned every so often. It can make your heart race, and it’s been determined to be particularly dangerous when taken along with caffeine, which of course God of Rage also has.

Yohimbine is well known to be pretty heavy on the side effects it can cause. If you’re a healthy young guy, they’ll probably be mild, but we’re talking about things like nervousness, irritability, headache, skin flushing, nausea, dizziness, sweating, heart palpitations, and anxiety. If you’ve got blood pressure or heart issues, or if you take Yohimbine in high doses, your situation could be much worse. It’s been known to cause a severe drop in blood pressure, kidney failure, and heart problems. At this point, Yohimbe is banned in several countries, but it’s legal in the US. The FDA has issued a formal recommendation not to use it, but they haven’t outright banned it.

DMAA side effects include heart attack, psychiatric disorders, and central nervous system issues. On top of being a powerful stimulant, DMAA is also a vasoconstrictor, so it increases blood pressure.

So that’s a lot of stimulants, each individually known to potentially cause side effects, and they put them all together in God of Rage. I gotta say, this stuff is pretty intense.

Drug Testing

With all these stimulants, I wasn’t too surprised when I saw on the Bodybuilding.com forums that a guy popped positive for amphetamines on his drug screen. Now, I don’t know this guy from Adam, but I have no reason to think he’s lying either. So if you get tested for your job, be careful with this stuff.

Where to Buy

If you want to get your hands of some God of Rage, you’ll have to buy it online, but there are several retailers that carry it. If you do a quick Google search, you’ll find them. Prices vary somewhat. I’ve seen the 33 serving tub selling for as little as $35 and as much as $50 so shop around.

God of Rage Pros and Cons

Advantages of God of Rage

  • It provides sick energy.
  • It comes in several flavors.

Disadvantages of God of Rage

  • It may pop positive for amphetamines on a drug test.
  • It’s very stimulant-heavy, to the point where it could be too much, or even dangerous for some who use it.
  • People don’t love the flavor – it’s not bad, but it’s not great either.


There’s no question God of Rage is hard-charging. This stuff is not for the faint of heart and it’s not for anyone who gets buzzed off a little bit of caffeine. With that being said, it may have less pronounced results if you have a caffeine tolerance or are a regular caffeine user.

If you do choose to use it, I’d strongly recommend you start with a half, or possibly even a quarter dose to assess your body’s response before building up to more. If you like stimulant-heavy pre-workouts, this could be for you. Take it easy with dosing at first and get a feel for what is best for you and remember to not over do it or exceed the recommended amount as it could be dangerous.

Just be careful and I wouldn’t recommend you ever move up to 2 scoops. Ultimately, though, the risk may just not be worth the reward.

Have You Used God of Rage? Leave Your Review Below!

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Viarexin Review – Miracle Pill or Dud?


How I First Learned About it
Why This is Complete B.S.
What About Viarexin and Viatropin
There’s 2 HUGE problems
What’s The Big Deal
What’s in Viarexin that makes it so great
What they’re REALLY trying to do
User Reviews

“Just one pill and he was so big!”

That’s the line I read when I first learned about an all natural male enhancement supplement called Viarexin.

I have to admit, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that claim. 🙂

As a matter of fact, over the years I’ve heard that claim more times than I can count.

You probably have as well, assuming that you have tested the waters with a variety of male enhancement supplements on your own, and you may have noticed that often times it is little more than big talk.

Viarexin calls itself a “maximum strength testosterone enhancer”, but what does that have to do with male enhancement?

Well, other then promising size gains, it looks like they make a lot of other promises.

Those promises include:

  • More intense orgasms
  • Better quality erections
  • Increased size down there
  • Increased stamina
  • and much more

But, does it really do all of this?  Or is it a scam like so many others?

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

How I First Learned About Viarexin

I have to admit, I watch porn.  Not a ridiculous amount, but enough to have hundreds of ads burning holes in my eyes every time I go to one of these sites.

Products like Rock Hard pull this kind of hard marketing.

There’s pictures of huge schlongs being jacked off by hot women, stating things like “b$%tches will love your brand new 10 inch d$#k”.

In this particular ad, there’s a giffy of a woman getting slammed from behind with the caption I mentioned earlier in this article.

viarexin review

Like I already mentioned, I’ve seen hundreds of ads like this before, and usually I turn a blind eye to them.

But this one caught my attention, mainly because it said “free sample”.

Who doesn’t like free samples?

So I clicked on the ad and it took me to a page called Emily’s Blog.

The top of the page screamed “Like Viagra on Roids”.

viarexin fake blog

Wow, really?

Well, reading on, the post is basically one big bitch-fest about how this chicks husband couldn’t perform in bed, and it was ruining her marriage.

Then they discovered Viarexin.

She “says” she came across an interview with porn star Johnny Sins (featured on Brazzers), and in this interview he talking about how all the porn stars are using Viarexin.

In fact, it’s making them last as much as 2 HOURS in bed.

Of course, in an effort to save her marriage, she decides to give it a whirl and orders a free sample of it.

Long story short, she sneaks her husband a pill (telling him it’s just a vitamin), and within weeks his problem is solved.

He’s got raging boners, his penis size has increased ENORMOUSLY, and they screw for hours on end.

The end.

Or is it?

Well, it turns out that this blog (and others like it) are one big pile of BS.

And you’re about to find out why.

Why This is Complete B.S.

First off, “Emily’s Blog” is what’s known in the industry as a FLOG (Fake Blog = FLOG).

How do I know this?

Well the name of the site is not “EmilysBlog.com”, but rather a completely different site called “MensReviewSource.com”.

viarexin fake ad

If you go to the homepage of this site, you’ll see Viarexin prominently featured as the top male enhancer or 2016.

viarexin official site

Needless to say, I’ve never heard of Viarexin, and I’ve researched and tested HUNDREDS of male enhancers.

The next hint of BS is the fact that all of the comments at the bottom (the ones that look like Facebook comments), are indeed NOT Facebook comments.

fake viarexin comments

They’re just designed to look like them.

I know this because typically with Facebook comments, when you hover over the name a little blurb will pop up with some basic information on the person leaving the comment.

real facebook comment

If you try doing this on “Emily’s Blog”, nothing happens.

Another thing I noticed was that I’ve seen this ad before.

I did a quick search on my site and low and behold, found a completely different supplement called Herbal Virility Max running the EXACT same ad as that of Viarexin.

What About Viarexin and Viatropin?

During my research I noticed a lot of searches for Viarexin along with a supplement called Viatropin (another one I never heard of).

With these two, apparently they were featured in an ESPN article, claiming that none other than Hulk Hogan and Connor McGregor used these two supplements.

connor mcgregor viatropin and viarexin

In this article, they even go so far as to say that the UFC is considering banning these two pills because:

  • The combo has been clinically proven to boost muscle by 150%
  • You don’t have to exercise while taking them.  You’ll just pack on solid lean muscle while sitting around on your ass eating potato chips all day,

There’s 2 HUGE problems with these statements.

  1.  The only thing that will pack on 150% muscle is steroids, and
  2.  There’s not a substance on Gods green earth that will give you enormous strength gains without working out.

It’s just NOT possible.

This ESPN article, just like Emilys Blog, is a complete FAKE.

It’s designed to give Viarexin and Viatropin some sort of credibility, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Case in point, look at the URL.

viarexin and viatropin reviews

Clearly, this is NOT the real ESPN website.

In fact, if you run a search on the REAL ESPN website, there’s absolutely no mention of Viarexin and Viatropin.


So What’s The Big Deal?  If It Really Works Who Gives A Damn?

Well, there’s a few problems with this statement.

The first is, if you run a search for Viarexin and Viatropin reviews on Google, you’ll see that they’re actually selling the combo on Amazon.

And the reviews don’t paint a very pretty picture.

In fact, nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE has rated it one star.

viarexin and viatropin scam

Not good.

The other issue is, if you search around for reviews on any other site, you’ll likely come up short.

You are going to be much more than hard pressed to go out and find reliable information in the form of verifiable customer reviews that would indicate whether or not it is actually going to work, and that presents a problem to me.

In fact, other then Amazon, there is essentially ZERO information about these two products and whether or not they really work.

viarexin reviewsThe only place you’ll find anything remotely informative is their official website, which we took a look at.

Finally, I’ll be the first to admit, my results were not particularly encouraging.

I finally got a chance to try out Viarexin (after about 12 people have been hounding me for the last 2 months to do so) and as expected, I didn’t notice much.

In fact, I would almost go so far as to say I didn’t notice anything.

Certainly no increase in size, either length or girth.

No “eye-popping” increases in performance or stamina.

And I didn’t feel like I suddenly had a porn star penis.  Strangely enough, one thing I did seem to notice was an increase in energy.

I’m not talking like Adderall-like energy, or even 5 hour energy drink type energy.

It was just a smooth, calm, ‘hey I’m wide awake and ready to tackle the day’ type of energy.

Can this be completely attributed to Viarexin?

I don’t know…

But I definitely felt something.  One other not-so great thing I noticed was, insomnia.

Especially if I took it later in the day (which I only did a handful of times thankfully).

There were a few nights where I literally had to down a shot or 2 of vodka just to get to sleep.

And even then, I woke up feeling kind of a buzzed-like feeling.

Just straight up weird to be honest.  It’s not like they’re pumping caffeine into this stuff…

Or are they?

So what’s in Viarexin that makes it so great according to them?

Well, the official website for Viarexin states that it contains ingredients like Epimedium, Tongkat Ali, Orchic Powder (which is basically ground up cattle testicles), Nettle Extract, Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam extract, and Sarsaparilla.

The vast majority of these ingredients DO have some sort of effect on testosterone function, but the jury is still out on their effectiveness.

One thing is for sure, absolutely NONE of them will grow your penis.

It’s just not possible.

If it was, the makers of Viarexin would be showing before and after pictures of all these dudes walking around with giant d$%ks.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

What they’re REALLY trying to do

The simple fact about Viarexin (and Viatropin for that matter) is that it’s basically a free trial scam.

When you visit their websites, you’re basically promised a free sample of each of their products.

All you have to do is enter in your credit card info and pay for shipping, which is like $4 a bottle.

HOWEVER, what you probably completely missed was the fine print, which they CONVENIENTLY leave out on the order page.

viarexin website

In fact, if you go to their terms and conditions page you won’t even find out how much they will bill you.

And trust me, they WILL bill you.

Typically it’s about 10 – 14 days after you order, and it can range from as little as $75 to $135 for ONE bottle of the stuff.

The fact that they don’t even put the terms on their order page boggles my mind.

This is not only unethical, it’s actually ILLEGAL.

The same goes for when you try to order Viatropin, although on their order page it looks like they try signing you up for something called IHF magazine.

viatropin scam


Can you buy it in stores?

At this point in time, it looks like Viarexin is not sold in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS.

I highly doubt that you’ll EVER see them on the shelves there, but I guess stranger things have happened.

Can you buy it overseas?

As of this review, it looks like the only countries you’ll find Viarexin for sale are the US, Canada, the UK, and Wales.

When I went to their order page it didn’t list countries like South Africa, Australia, the UAE, India, or Philippines.

You “might” be able to buy it on Amazon and have it shipped there, but it’s unclear.

Are there any side effects?

As with any supplement, including Viarexin, side effects are possible.  For example, one of its primary ingredients (Horny Goat Weed) can cause heart arrhythmia, dizziness, dry-mouth, thirst, and nosebleed.

Another ingredient, Tongkat Ali, can cause a wide range of side effects, including:  insomnia, increased body temperature, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability.

Lastly, the ingredient Saw Palmetto has been shown to cause adverse effects like weakness / fainting, chest pain, uneven heart rate, nausea, stomach pain, and black or tarry stool.

Obviously if you’re experiencing any of these Viarexin side effects you should discontinue use and see your doctor immediately.

How do I take it?

The directions on the label state that you should take one full dose (2 capsules) everyday with water to get the best results.

It’s unclear if it should be taken on an empty or full stomach, but my suggestion would be to use the lowest possible dose (1 pill in this case) on a full stomach to assess your tolerance.

How do I cancel my free trial?

You can contact Viarexin customer service (ENUTRA LLC) by phone at 480-378-3182, or email them at service@enutra.com.

Who makes it?

The makers of Viarexin are a company called eNutra, a company located in Mesa, Arizona.

According to the Better Business Bureau, they’re rated a score of F.  This is likely due to the numerous complaints that have been filed against them.

Most of the complaints are due to problems with their product, and I can’t imagine why after doing my research.


In my personal opinion, you should RUN from ordering Viarexin and Viatropin.

Based on the reviews I’ve read, AND the fact that they don’t even disclose how much they’re going to charge you, leads me to believe you could be in for a VERY big surprise when you login to check your credit card statement.

Couple that with the fact that they’re claiming permanent enlargement, I would definitely recommend you stay away from these 2 supplements.

Have You Used Viarexin or Viatropin?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Super Male Vitality Review – 2 Big Reasons It’s Not What You Think


What is Super Male Vitality
Super Male Vitality and Alex Jones
New Formula
My Personal Results
How Much It Cost
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

There’s no question that as you get older, feeling run down becomes a more common occurrence. Let’s face it, the older you get, the farther away from that hopped up, ready for anything 20 year old you used to be. There are lots of reason this happens, one of which is declining testosterone levels. That’s why we talk about natural testosterone boosters, like Super Male Vitality.

From puberty through to about your mid 20s, your body makes testosterone hand over fist. That’s why it’s easy to put on muscle, almost effortless to get rid of fat, and it’s why you walk around all the time thinking about the next time you’ll get laid. Male vitality practically oozes out of your pores. Unfortunately, mother nature has a wicked sense of humor, because just as your mind starts to get wise enough to make the most of your manhood, your body starts the process of slowing down.

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Less and less testosterone gets produced every year until you start to notice the tell-tale signs like that spare tire around your middle, your more frequent preference for the couch over the gym, your irritability or even depression, and your lessening interest in sex. It happens slowly enough that you don’t notice it at first, but sometime around your mid to late 30s is when it really starts to kick in for most guys. And that’s when you may look to an herbal supplement like Super Male Vitality.

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What is Super Male Vitality?

super male vitality reviewsSuper Male Vitality is a liquid natural testosterone boosting supplement. It promises to balance the hormones in your body to optimize vitality as you age. It was developed by Dr Edward Group of the Global Healing Center. They say he took 6 years to research and develop Super Male Vitality choosing only the most powerful hormonal support ingredients, and using a special process called Spagyrex, which basically means that each ingredient is separated then recombined in a way that doesn’t alter its chemical structure, but releases “the most powerful essence of its healing nature”.

The formula is very focused on boosting natural testosterone levels as a means to increase vitality. As a liquid, you use an included eye dropper to take your twice daily dose, making it fast absorbing and convenient for those who prefer not to take pills.

Super Male Vitality and Alex Jones

Super Male Vitality Alex Jones Image

Super Male Vitality is sold on the Infowars website and promoted by Infowars creator and radio personality Alex Jones. The Infowars website sells several widely varying products from survivalist kits to water filters to healthy lifestyle and detoxification supplements. It’s actually a pretty eclectic mix. I have to admit, I never listened to or read anything by Alex Jones, but it’s easy to tell from the comments on his web entries that his followers are extremely loyal.

This makes them an ideal audience to promote products to. These guys (and they’re clearly mostly guys) would buy almost anything Alex Jones recommended. They even appear to troll customer reviews on Amazon.com, leaving scathing comments on their integrity and implying that the reviewers must have never actually tried the product because if they did, it surely would have changed their lives!

On the Infowars website, this is what Alex Jones says about Super Male Vitality:

Super Male Vitality Alex Jones testimonial image

But we review supplements, not customers, so let’s take a look at the Super Male Vitality formula to see if maybe these guys are onto something.

Super Male Vitality Ingredients

The Super Male Vitality formula is proprietary, meaning that while they do disclose the ingredients in the formula, they are all combined into one big 1.23 gram proprietary blend, so how much of each ingredient is included remains a mystery. This is actually much more common than you would think. We certainly prefer to know whether the ingredient amounts reach effective levels, but it’s at least somewhat helpful just knowing what they are.

Super Male Vitality Review 2

As it turns out, they are all very commonly found herbal ingredients in both natural testosterone boosters and male sexual performance enhancement supplements, so it makes sense that vitality is what’s being promoted here.

  • Tribulus Terrestris which has been used for both athletic and sexual performance enhancement. It’s believed to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone. Trubulus Terrestris is said to work by signaling the pituitary gland to increase its release of Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals to the testes to produce and release more testosterone.  You can find Tribulus in literally hundreds of supplements, including some that I’ve personally tested.
  • Suma Root which is thought to provide a balance of hormones in men. It may also improve circulation which improves both athletic and sexual performance.
  • Ashwagandha Root which is known as an adaptagen for its ability to provide relief from anxiety and stress, allowing you to remain calm and function normally even in such conditions.
  • Maca Root which has long been used to improve mood and increase libido.
  • Avena Sativa which may help increase free testosterone levels in men.
  • Tongkat Ali which is also thought to increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the functioning of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), an enzyme that attaches itself to
  • Catuaba Bark, like Maca Root, is a natural aphrodisiac that works to boost libido.
  • Muira Puama is yet another Brazilian herb used to increase vitality, especially as it affects libido.

Click Here to see a photo of the label.

And here’s a snapshot of how to take Super Male Vitality.

how to take super male vitality

The formula also contains Fulvic Acid which increases the bioavailability of the other ingredients, allowing them to achieve their fullest potential.

Fulvic Acid works relatively similarly to an ingredient called Bioperine, which is an ingredient in such supplements like Vigrx Plus, Virectin, and many others.

Ingredients like these essentially lower the “waste potential” by allowing your body to absorb more of the other nutrients and ingredients contained in the supplement.

In theory at least.

New Formula

Recently, the Super Male Vitality formula underwent a bit of an overhaul. They didn’t change the ingredients, instead reworking the amounts to a formulation they considered to be more beneficial as a whole.

In part because Alex Jones and his followers are conspiracy theorists, they put a pretty hefty focus on the fact that Super Male Vitality is made in the USA, it doesn’t contain any unnatural or chemical ingredients, and it is completely free of GMOs.

My Personal Results (Updated December 2017)

So I finally got around to testing Super Male Vitality, and I have to admit I’m a little disappointed about my overall lack of results.

For starters, I’m 35 years old, in relatively good shape, don’t smoke and I drink alcohol occasionally.

My testosterone levels are somewhere in the middle range for a guy my age, and I don’t feel like I’m suffering from reduced testosterone levels to begin with.

I’ve taken a ton of these types of supplements before, and more or less know what to expect when they’re actually “working”.

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 serving (which is 2 droppers) first thing in the morning, and a 1 serving in the afternoon around 3 pm.

One big problem I noticed with the directions right off the bat was, not everyones morning starts at 7 – 8 am.

Some guys start their day later (like myself), and some start way earlier like 3 – 4 am.

It would have made more sense if Super Male Vitality would say something to the effect of, “take 2 droppers immediately upon waking, and 2 droppers 6 – 7 hours later.”

This way you’re not left guessing exactly when you should be taking it.

Anyways, I followed the directions on the label and took it Super Male Vitality for about 3 weeks and didn’t really notice any difference.

In the first few days it “felt” like I had a bit of increased energy, but that feeling didn’t really seem to persist.

I didn’t seem to notice any effects on libido, no improved focus, and no real motivation to get anything done.

I sort of just felt how I normally do, I guess.

Super Male Vitality Reviews

If you only look for reviews at the Infowars website store, you’ll think everybody who’s ever tried the stuff has had nothing but incredible results. They’re almost all 5-Star reviews with headlines like:

Super Male Vitality 5-star review 1

Super Male Vitality 5-star review 2

Super Male Vitality 5-star review 3

I also noticed the dates are very consolidated. There are fully 10 reviews from June 23, 2016 alone. It’s highly unusual for a product to get that many online reviews at the same retailer in one day.

Since Super Male Vitality is also sold at Amazon.com, you can find reviews there too, and plenty of them are 5-star reviews too. But unlike at the Infowars website, Amazon.com also has a fair amount of 1-Star reviews. Here’s a good representative example:

Super Male Vitality 1-star review 1
If you look at the bar graph representing the distribution of reviews as a percentage of the total, you may be a bit concerned.

super male vitality amazon reviews

I say “concerned” because something just doesn’t seem right about this breakdown (hear me out).

Typically when a supplement works very well, it will work well for the vast majority of people and you’ll see a gradual reduction in ratings from fewer people.

Take for example the reviews for a supplement called Test Worx.  This is what the bar chart looks like for the reviews on Amazon:

test worx amazon reviews

Notice how the % of 5 star reviews is very high, and there’s a gradual decline as you move down the scale?

This, to me at least, indicates a supplement REALLY is working for the vast majority.

The other graph, the one showing reviews for Super Male Vitality, shows a bunch of people rating it 5 stars, very few rating it 2 – 4 stars, and a bunch of people rating it 1 stars.

This leads me to believe one of either two things is happening:

  1. Fake reviews are being posted praising the product, or
  2. Fake NEGATIVE reviews are being posted by a competitor trying to bash the product.

In EITHER case, it’s nearly impossible to tell which one is occurring.  I do have a pretty decent article that details fake Amazon reviews and how you can steer clear of them here.

I mentioned above that Alex Jones’ followers are very loyal, and there’s evidence of that over at Amazon.com. Almost without fail, each negative Super Male Vitality review is followed up with a comment from an Infowar fan claiming that the reviewer is just a troll and probably didn’t even use the product. I tell you, you can’t buy marketing like that.

The review above received the following comment:

Super Male Vitality 1-star review comment 1
In this case, I would put more stock in the overall Amazon.com reviews than I would in the ones at Infowars.com. His readers are a very specific demographic and there’s a lot to be said for the placebo effect. They believe in Alex Jones and the products he recommends. They’re much more likely to give Super Male Vitality the benefit of the doubt than Amazon.com customers would.

How Much Does Super Male Vitality Cost?

The regular price for Super Male Vitality on the Infowars website is $69.95, but they’re running a sale right now where you can get a bottle for $59.95. There’s also a bit of a discount if you buy more than one bottle at a time. Over at Amazon.com, the cost for a bottle is $69.45, so the best deal is clearly at Infowars.

The recommended dose is 2 droppers full twice a day. That’s 2 servings each day. The label indicates that a bottle holds 48 servings, which means it should last a little over 3 weeks.

Super Male Vitality and Androtrex

Dr Edward Group, the creator of Super Male Vitality, heads up the Global Healing Center, which offers its own line of cleansing and healthy lifestyle supplements. They sell a product called Androtrex, which appears to be the exact same thing as Super Male Vitality. It even sells for the same price as Super Male Vitality, right down to the current sale price of $54.95.

Super Male Vitality Label Image

Super Male Vitality Androtrex label

Super Male Vitality Pros and Cons

Advantages of Super Male Vitality

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It comes in liquid form, so it can be used by people who don’t want to use pills.
  • There are lots of favorable reviews from guys who’ve used it.

Disadvantages of Super Male Vitality

  • Ingredient amounts are not disclosed.
  • It’s not cheap.
  • The reviews on the Infowars website are a little suspect, mainly because there are so many posted each day and they are all positive.
  • There are a significant amount of negative reviews on Amazon.com.


I’m not convinced it’s the miracle cure Alex Jones says it is, but the ingredients in Super Male Vitality could indeed boost your testosterone levels, libido, and vitality to some extent. That leaves the price, which is a little steep considering that it only lasts 3 weeks before you need to buy another bottle, and the politics.

After personally testing Super Male Vitality, I’m still a little on the fence as far as giving it a thumbs up or down.

My personal experience wasn’t very favorable.

However, reading some of these reviews makes me think that I may be in the minority.

Then again, the Amazon reviews seem sort of fishy to me.

If you’re a fan of Alex Jones, buying this product to support his efforts may be money well spent. If not, you could probably pass it up for more effective supplements out there.

Have You Used Super Male Vitality? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Purple Rhino Review – The Real Reason Purple Rhino Is A Scam

With male enhancement supplement Purple Rhino, it’s all about the blood flow, and truthfully, that’s a good thing. Emphasis on increased blood flow is indeed the path to erectile greatness. So in that regard, Purple Rhino is starting out on the right foot. They’ve got the right idea. But because it takes more than just an idea to make a great product, we took a closer look at all the available information on the product, so we could determine whether or not this stuff has what it takes to be the one you want.

What Is Purple Rhino?

Purple Rhino is a sexual performance enhancement supplement that tells you right up front that it will work best if you use it in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. I’ve got to say, this goes in the plus column for Purple Rhino. A lot of products promise to do it all for you, without any effort on your part. But the fact is, even when it comes to erectile health, you’ve got to do your part. If you’re out of shape, overweight, overtired, low energy, or fatigued, this pill won’t solve all those problems and give you hard erections. You’ve got to put in your work to be in relatively good shape. Purple Rhino promises to improve your situation from wherever you start, but best results will come if you’re in shape as well.

Purple Rhino Review 1The list of benefits from using Purple Rhino include:

  • Bigger, harder erections.
  • Greater stamina and passion.
  • An end to premature ejaculation.
  • Increased intensity of orgasms.
  • Assured mutual satisfaction for both partners.

How Purple Rhino Works

The focus of Purple Rhino is increased blood flow for better erections. After all, that’s what an erection is – blood rushing into the penile chambers, filling them to capacity and beyond. But increasing that blood flow can be accomplished from several different angles. There are libido boosting herbs that increase sexual excitement, working on the mental side of things. And there are physiological changes that you can affect as well, mainly by increasing the amount of nitric oxide flowing through your body. Nitric oxide is a gas found naturally in your body. It’s formed in part from L-Arginine. One way to increase nitric oxide in your body is to increase your intake of L-Arginine, which acts as a precursor to nitric oxide.

The theory is that keeping l-arginine levels up keeps nitric oxide levels up in turn, and you’re more prepped and ready to perform when the time comes.

Purple Rhino Steps Image

Next, we’ll take a look at the total ingredient list to see what other benefits are provided. Purple Rhino doesn’t provide a total ingredient list complete with amounts, but they do list the primary actives and the benefits you can expect from each:

  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract serves dual purposes by increasing natural testosterone production as well as supporting nitric oxide levels for improved blood flow. It’s provides a third benefit as well, and that’s increased acetylcholine for boosted libido as well.
  • L-Argninine HCL which is the primary force behind increasing blood flow. Ingesting more L-Arginine leads to increased nitric oxide production, which causes the penile blood vessels to expand and increase their capacity. Increased capacity means more blood flows in, giving you harder, more sustainable erections.
  • Saw Palmetto Berry Extract which boosts libido and confidence while also provide support for the health of your prostate.
  • Muira Puama Bark Extract which has been used for centuries to boost libido as well as improve erections.
  • Asian Red Ginseng Root Extract which can help reduce stress and improve mood, factors which are often overlooked in performance enhancers. But mood stabilization and calming are important contributors to the confidence you need ot perform at your best.
  • Horny Goat Weed Leaf Extract which is both an aphrodisiac and an erectile enhancer. It improves libido while it also provides increased blood flow to support the action of the L-Arginine that area.

It’s difficult to know how well a supplement will work when we don’t know the ingredient amounts, which we don’t in this case. But going with what we know, it could be a good formula – perhaps not great, but good. So that leaves us turning to other factors to determine whether or not we should spend time and/or money on Purple Rhino.

How To Take Purple Rhino

The recommended dose is 2 tablets per day. The time of day is not specified, but there are generally two things to consider when dosing a daily male enhancement supplement: First, you want to try to take it around the same time each day to keep ingredient levels somewhat steady in your system. Second, consider taking it at night before bed – that way you may be more likely to get the post dose boost at the right time, an hour or so before sex.

Purple Rhino Reviews

One of the ways you can buy Purple Rhino (which we’ll talk more about later) is through Amazon.com. What that means is that we can check out potentially real feedback from customer who’ve actually used it. I say “potentially real” because it’s true that sometimes you’ll find fake reviews on Amazon.com. But the small number and varied nature of the Purple Rhino reviews on Amazon give us no reason to be suspicious in this case.

What we found for Purple Rhino is that while there are more positive reviews than negative ones, the range is really quite wide, with several customers just panning it.

First here are a couple favorable viewpoints:

Purple Rhino Amazon Positive Reviews

And here are basically the opposite views from other customers:

Purple Rhino Amazon Negative Reviews Image

What this means to me is that Purple Rhino truly does work for some guys, and it truly doesn’t for some others. When you think about it, that’s true for most products, but it doesn’t really help us in our decision about whether or not to try the stuff.

Where to Buy

Purple Rhino is only available online. You won’t find it in stores. The primary way to purchase it is through its official website by signing up for the “free trial”. Now, we’ve talked about these free trials before – a lot actually – and this one is no different. Here’s how it works:

1. You sign up for the 14-day free trial and pay $4.95 for shipping and handling, and they send you a full, one month supply bottle of Purple Rhino.
2. You have 14 days from that day to decide whether or not you’d like to continue to use (and pay for) the product.
3. If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days from the day you placed your order, you will be charged the full price of $89.99 for the “free” bottle.
4. You’ll continue to receive and pay for a full price bottle every month from then on until you cancel.

You can find this information in the Terms and Conditions document that you can link to from the Purple Rhino website, but they don’t mention it anywhere on the order page.

Purple Rhino Terms and Conditions Image
They don’ t even suggest that you read the Terms and Conditions. Honestly, this is one of the worst offenders of the free trial scam because they really give you almost no opportunity to know what you’re getting into.

Purple Rhino Order Page No Terms Image

Most products, scammy as they are, mention somewhere, if you look hard enough, that you will be billed, or at least make you check a box indicating that you’ve read the terms. Purple Rhino does neither of those things.

As we mentioned above, you can get it at Amazon (the 60-count bottle – one month supply – costs $29.25). Truthfully, if I were planning to buy it, this is the way I’d go.

Purple Rhino’s Reputation

Online companies tend to get online reputations, and the one for Purple Rhino isn’t very good. They’ve got an F rating with the Better Business Bureau, and they’ve got some complaints at The Ripoff Report. In both cases, it’s related to their deceptive billing practices.

One customer took issue with the fact that the terms of the trial are not stated anywhere visible while ordering, while another customer called to cancel within the specified time and was told he could not cancel. After several attempts to speak to a manager, this customer was hung up on and given a credit for all but an inexplicable amount of $28. Why Purple Rhino chose $28 is anybody’s guess.

Purple Rhino Pros and Cons

Advantages of Purple Rhino

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The website explains how the ingredients work.
  • There are positive Purple Rhino reviews from happy customers posted at Amazon.com

Disadvantages of Purple Rhino

  • They sell it using the free trial scam so popular among online supplements of this kind, only it’s worse than usual because they’re even more secretive about it than most.
  • There are no ingredient amounts listed.
  • There are quite a few negative reviews saying Purple Rhino did nothing.
  • Purple Rhino has a negative presence with the Better Business Bureau.

The Bottom Line

Purple Rhino may be an okay product. That’s where I’d rank it if I were just looking at the formula and the customer reviews – potentially effective for some, but nothing particular spectacular for anyone. But you can’t ignore the company issues and their billing practices.

The big reason Purple Rhino is a scam is because they try to sneakily get you to pay $90 for something you never intended to pay more than $4.95 for. Autoshipping is a common practice, but it should be something you actively sign up for once you know you want it – not something you get by default without even knowing it. And when customers finally realize – too late – that they’re being charged this money, they have to fight to get it back, and in the end , they usually lose at least some of it.

If you have a burning desire to try Purple Rhino, spent the $30 at Amazon. It’s cheaper than a bottle from the website, and you won’t have to deal with ongoing payments you never should have had to deal with in the first place.

But in my opinion, any company that would go so far out of their way to make sure their customers were kept in the dark about what they’re signing up for can’t be trusted to make a good product. If it was truly any good, they’d sell it on its merits, and not have to come up with schemes like this one. For that reason, Purple Rhino is just a scam and I wouldn’t recommend you bother with it.

Have You Tried Purple Rhino? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

PrematureX Review – The 3 Biggest Unanswered Questions About PrematureX


What is it
How It Works
Clinical Studies
How To Use
User Reviews
Prosolution Plus Vs. PrematureX
Where to Buy
Who Makes it
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Premature ejaculation can be summed up in one word:  embarrassing

Most guys have experienced it at one point or another (I know I have), and typically it goes away as we get older and wiser.

Related Article:  What Causes Premature Ejaculation | Supplement Critique

Not too long ago, one of my readers asked me to look into a product called PrematureX.

It turns out there’s quite a bit of internet buzz about the stuff, so I dug in to find out all I could.

What is PrematureX?

I actually first came across PrematureX while watching one of their infomercials a couple of years back.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlOok1YRLPA]

Most male enhancement supplements (like Vigrx Plus) focus on boosting erectile function, ie.. helping you get and sustain a hard on for the pleasure of both you and your partner.

They model themselves to an extent after prescription drugs like Viagra and Cialis, with the goal of increasing blood flow right when and where you need it.

what happens after taking viagra

They don’t work exactly like the drugs your doctor provides – the main difference being that the natural ingredients in supplements work over time while Viagra and the like work almost instantly.

But they serve the same ultimate purpose – which is to hep you get a strong erection.

Related Article:  7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

prematurex review 1PrematureX is different. It puts all its focus on helping prevent premature ejaculation. There’s a little erection help, but for the most part, PrematureX assumes you’ve got that covered, and it’s not your issue. And this may be a good thing. Several common male enhancements mention in their materials that they help provide stamina and help put you in control, but those benefits are merely an afterthought. The primary focus is on building the erection, not delaying the release.

PrematureX is basically the opposite.

It focuses primarily on delaying that release, with a bit of attention paid to strengthening erections as well.

How PrematureX Works


PrematureX claims to take a 4 Step Approach to fighting premature ejaculation, using a dual body/mind process. You can take PrematureX every day for constant support, but you can also take it as needed to bolster your staying power as little as 15 minutes before the act.

If you’re taking it as needed, you simply take your dose about 15 minutes before you’re planning to have sex. PrematureX is specifically designed and concentrated to absorb and work within minutes. First, it works on your mind, causing you to relax and activating specific neurotransmitters that help give you more calm control. Then it works on your body by affecting the specific physiological mechanisms that lead to early ejaculation and preventing it.

Clinical Studies?

The PrematureX website is very detailed and informative, lending the product an air of seriousness that upon closer inspection, it may not deserve. Take the notion of clinical studies as an example. They display charts and graphs showing the “results” of clinical studies, but nowhere do they cite these actual studies. What they do instead is mention that they conducted a “Survey of 200 men using PrematureX between the ages of 18 and 70”.

This may be significant, or it may not.

But with the information we’re given, we don’t really know. A survey is not the same as a clinical study, and we have no way of knowing what the survey questions even were. It’s all just a little too vague, and it’s a little suspicious that they don’t go out of their way to make sure potential customers understand what kind of testing PrematureX has actually been through.

In any event, here are the findings from the 2014 PrematureX Survey:

PrematureX Long Term Treatment Results

PrematureX First Time Results Image

These first 2 images show that effectiveness increases with long term use, but there’s a 50/50 chance that you’ll see improvement the first time you use it.

PrematureX Side Effects Image

PrematureX Duration of Use Image

The above graphic seems to indicate that the effects of PrematureX become permanent after 12 months of use for 97% of men who use it. This is not the case.

Supplements like this don’t cause permanent results.

They are not cures.

They simply improve symptoms of an issue while you’re using them. It’s not clear how they get this information anywhere. The “study” was done in 2014, so I’m not sure what constitutes “permanence” in this case.

PrematureX effectiveness by age image

The above graphic seems to indicate that the effectiveness of PrematureX wanes as you get older.

Again, you’ll want to take this information with a grain of salt because while they try to make it look very official and scientific, it’s more likely just a collection of feedback from customers put together in a not very scientific way.

PrematureX Ingredients

There are 7 primary ingredients in the PrematureX formula. They are:

  • Vitamin B6 which is involved in many of the chemical reactions occurring in our bodies every day. It also provides energy and feeds many of the neurotransmitters needed for healthy brain function. More specifically to sexual health, it increases blood flow for better, stronger erections.
  • Folate which improves fertility and the health of sperm and ejaculate.
  • Blue Passion Flower which is an herb used to relieve anxiety without causing drowsiness. A lot of issues with premature ejaculation can be attributed to performance anxiety. Blue Passion Flower has the ability to relax you, so some of that pressure is taken off, and the matter at hand becomes more the focus than your own worries.
  • L-Arginine which is included in many sexual performance enhancement supplements because it increases blood flow through the mechanism of increased nitric oxide. Better erections lead to greater confidence, which improves many premature ejaculation issues.
  • Griffonia Seed Extract which increases serotonin levels in the brain, leading to a more positive mood.
  • Pyrodoxine HCL which contributes to overall health and muscle development. It more specifically supports nervous system health and fights chronic fatigue.
  • Chrysin which may increase testosterone levels as well as semen volume for stronger, more intense orgasms.

Looking over the formula, it’s clear that attention is paid to both the physical and mental aspects of prolonging the sex act. But a quick look at the ingredient amounts leaves us wondering if the levels are high enough to affect much change.

For instance, the L-Arginine dose in PrematureX is just 200mg, and while there is not a set standard in place, the commonly recommended dose for erectile dysfunction is at least 1700mg per day.

How To Use PrematureX

They say you can use PrematureX as either a daily supplement or a fast acting one.

using prematurex as a long term solution

using prematurex as a quick fix

If you want steady intervention so you’re ready and confident at all times, take 1 pill every day – no matter what time, just try to maintain a pretty consistent schedule. If you want to just take it as needed, do so about 15 minutes before you plan to have sex. According to their survey, the success rate is higher for daily users, but that may simply not fit into your schedule, so as needed remains an option for you.

PrematureX Reviews from Customers

When looking at PrematureX reviews, you should be aware of the difference between customer testimonials on the product website and customer reviews on separate retail sites. Oftentimes, a product is only sold through its official website, which means the testimonials are all that’s available. Fortunately, PrematureX is available on Amazon.com as well, so it’s a good example of what it looks like when we compare the two.

In a nutshell, the testimonials on the PrematureX website are all positively glowing, while the feedback over at Amazon.com tells a completely different story.

Here are a couple examples of testimonials pulled from the PrematureX website:

PrematureX Website Testimonials Image

And here are a couple reviews representative of what you’ll find at Amazon.com:

PrematureX2 Amazon Review Image 1

PrematureX Amazon Review Image 2

PrematureX Amazon review image 3

Clearly there’s room for differences of opinion. No supplement works for everyone. But the fact is that every single website testimonial is very positive, while over 50% of the reviews on Amazon.com are 1-star reviews – that’s the lowest possible ranking.

The PrematureX website even states that it edits the testimonials.

prematurex edits their testimonials

Granted they say they edit them for length and clarity, but still, they do admit to editing them.

On the other hand, Amazon reviews are not immune to tampering either. It’s a well known strategy in the online selling business to load up a product with reviews, but it tends to be positive reviews that get faked, not so much negative ones.

Lastly, we have a couple of Youtube reviews we can rely on, notably this one:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO0znnJChbs]

I don’t know about you, BUT, this “review” sounds pretty scripted to me.

The fact that nearly half of people who have seen the video have given it a “thumbs down” should answer that question pretty clearly.

prematurex bad review

That leaves us with a pretty negative feeling about actual customer experiences with PrematureX.

PrematureX Vs. Prosolution Plus

prosolution plus reviewI’ve had a bunch of guys come to me and ask what the major differences (and similarities) between PrematureX and Prosolution Plus are, so I figured I’d put together this quick comparison list.


For one, the ingredients list for Prosolution Plus is completely different.

It contains a blend of ingredients that include:

  • Tribulus Terrestris (for harder erections),
  • Withania Somnifera (for increased blood flow),
  • Asparagus Adscendens (for reduced stress and inflammation),
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • Asteracantha Longifolia (for enhanced ‘attractibility’)
  • Curculigo Orchioides (for stronger desire and performance)
  • Shilajit (which contains 85 vitamins and minerals)

There’s a reason why top blogs like ayurvediccure.com list 3 of these ingredients (specifically Mucuna Pruriens, Shilajit, and Asparagus adscendens) as the top herbs for premature ejaculation…

Because they WORK.

Customer Reviews

There aren’t a TON of credible reviews of either product online, but I can tell you from personal experience that Prosolution Plus is quite literally the BEST premature ejaculation supplement I’ve ever tested.

And I’ve tested DOZENS of them over the years.

Check out my full review here:  My REAL Prosolution Plus Review: 3 BIG Reasons It Works


PrematureX DEFINITELY has the edge here.  The price breakdown for each supplement breaks down like this:

Prosolution Plus

  • 1 Month supply:  $69.95
  • 2 Months supply: $119.95
  • 3 Months supply:  $164.95
  • 4 months supply:  $209.95
  • 5 months supply:  $254.95
  • 6 months supply:  $299.95
  • 12 months supply:  $429.95


  • 1 month supply:  $49.99
  • 2 months supply: $72.99
  • 3 months supply:  $99.99
  • 6 months supply:  $179.99
  • 12 months supply:  $299.99

As you can see, Prosolution Plus is an average of almost 35% MORE expensive than PrematureX.

Where to Buy

PrematureX is not available in stores like CVS, Walgreens, or GNC. You can buy it online either through the official website, or through Amazon.com. At this time, if you buy through the website, you’ll be eligible for the money back guarantee (in some cases). A one month supply of 30 capsules costs $49.99 at the PrematureX website, and is not eligible for the guarantee.

The guarantee is good for 60 days and only applies to orders of 2 months of more, presumably because they want you to try it for an extended period of time before making your final decision. Buying 2 months costs $72.99. They claim the guarantee is of the “no questions asked” variety, but you can find the complete terms and conditions document on the PrematureX website. That’s where you can find out if and where you have to return the used and/or unused bottles.

Also of note is that PrematureX takes phone orders and alternate forms of payment other than credit cards. A lot of online products don’t provide this service. Call their customer service number at 1-888-210-2213, and they can help you out.

Alternatively, you can go through Amazon.com to buy your PrematureX. At this time, a 3 month supply will cost you $75.95.

Who Makes PrematureX?

The supplement is made by a company of the same name. They don’t appear to make any other supplements, which is a bit of a red flag, but we can’t find any complaints against them either, which can be a rarity for online supplement companies these days. At this point, we’re willing to say that the company that makes PrematureX is trustworthy, though information is somewhat limited.

PrematureX Pros and Cons

Advantages of PrematureX

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula focuses on both mental and physical causes for premature ejaculation.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There are several happy customers leaving glowing testimonials on the PrematureX website.

Disadvantages of PrematureX

  • The ingredient amounts seem a little low to be effective.
  • The PrematureX reviews on Amazon are troubling. More than half are very negative 1-star reviews.
  • The website talks about scientific study but only offers an unscientific “survey” as evidence.

The Bottom Line

PrematureX is a hard one to pin down. It’s a legitimate supplement, made by a clean company, but whether or not it works is still firmly up in the air. I tend to believe the Amazon customer reviews more than those on the PrematureX website, since they openly admit to editing them. But there are some happy reviews on Amazon as well, just not that many.

If you are strapped for cash and looking to get a quick male enhancement supplement it may not appeal to you but remember that PrematureX is not very expensive and actually has a good chance of being effective so it is worth opening up your wallet for.

With the relatively cheap cost, and the money back guarantee, I would recommend giving PrematureX a try. If it helps, great. If not, make sure you call their customer service number within 60 days so you can get your money back.

Have You Used PrematureX? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Power Testro and Real Nitro Review – 3 Reasons To Avoid This Stack


What is it
How It Works
How To Purchase
What is Real Nitro
Real Nitro Ingredients
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Have you ever searched online for a testosterone boosting supplement? If you’ve done so recently, your social media feeds are probably all crawling with advertisements and articles talking about the wonders of some new product or stack. In fact, that’s probably what brought you here. You clicked a link and found an article talking about how taking the Power Testro and Real Nitro stack can change your life and get you into the most amazing shape of your life.

The truth is the article is a fake. It’s really just an advertisement for the products. They even label it right at the top of the webpage:


Power Testro and Real Nitro Article Header Image


And notice how they try to make it look like a real magazine website. But who’s ever heard of Men’s Health Advice Magazine anyway? They set it up with what appear to be links, but if you try to click them, they don’t take you anywhere. They also use the old “As seen on…” trick again to try to add legitimacy. But that’s not real either. To be honest, I don’t know how they get away with some of this stuff. Why they’re allowed to say “As seen on ABC News” when ABC News has never even heard of these products, I’ll never know.

The article goes on to imply that Power Testro and Real Nitro have been used by celebrities like Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, and Mel Gibson to get ripped and massive for upcoming movie roles.

Power Testro and Real Nitro Celebrity Image

But if you read closely, you’ll see they never really say these guys use Power Testro and Real Nitro, rather they say they used products LIKE Power Testro and Real Nitro.

The article’s writer goes on to say that he used the stack for 4 weeks and he talks about his week by week results. In the end, he gained 15 pounds of muscle with NO SPECIAL DIET OR EXERCISE. Okay, if you weren’t convinced this is all a scam yet, that statement right there ought to put you over the top. There’s no way you’re going to gain 15 pounds of muscle without an intense workout program and the right diet that incorporates the right number of extra calories today, using the right ratio of nutritional macros.


Power Testro and Real Nitro Writers Results Image


Notice the statement about free trials there at the bottom of the above image. That’s the real reason for this “article”. They want to you to buy not one, but two supplement so you can look like Liam Hemsworth.

Okay, so let’s talk about the supplements themselves, and see if there’s any merit to the article’s claims.

What is Power Testro?

Power Testro is a natural muscle building supplement that works by boosting testosterone levels naturally and providing additional muscle building benefits as well. According to their official website, by using this supplement you’ll see:

  • Increased strength.
  • Greater endurance.
  • Improved protein synthesis.
  • Boosted libido and sexual performance.

How Power Testro Works

Power Testro is kind of a hybrid testosterone booster/pre workout. They talk about boosting levels of free testosterone, and they also talk about improved blood flow that leads to not only more workout energy and better results, but better erections and sexual performance as well. These promises are becoming more and more common with muscle building supplements you can buy online. They all seem to make the same promises, and even make the exact same claims. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this exact same graphic used to promote different products:


Power Testro and Real Nitro Graph Image


If you really look at it, it doesn’t say anything at all. There’s no quantification, which is what your supposed to get from a chart or graph like this one. It’s just one more strike against the validity of these supplements.

Power Testro Ingredients

They don’t talk about ingredients on the main Power Testro webpage, but they mention they’re using “their best formula yet” nad there’s a link way down at the bottom of the page that entitled: Label. Following this link, we learned that the ingredients in the Power Testro Formula are:

  • Calcium which supports bone health.
  • Horny Goat Weed which is a natural aphrodisiac that supports healthy blood flow to the penis during arousal and erections.
  • Tongkat Ali which is believed to increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which wants to attach itself to testosterone molecules, making them useless and unavailable to the body for use.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which supports prostate health.
  • Orchic Substance which is believed to increase total testosterone levels.
  • Wild Yam Extract which can balance male and female sex hormones.
  • Sarsaparilla Root which may have a positive effect on testosterone levels.
  • Nettle Extract which also supports prostate health.
  • Boron which is included in many testosterone boosting supplements for its ability to potentially raise levels.

Truthfully, this list looks more like it belongs on a sexual enhancement supplement than it does on a muscle building product. Sure, there are some testosterone boosting components, which will help develop and grow muscle, but the formula is rounded out with sex enhancing ingredients instead of anabolic-like ones. For instance, we’d hope to see some L-Arginine and perhaps Beta Alanine more than Nettle and Saw Palmetto.

Power Testro Reviews

We didn’t find any independent reviews from customers who’ve used Power Testro, but the website is happy to provide “customer testimonials” that support their position that this stuff really works. You have to be careful with testimonials you find on a product website. They tend to fall on the scale anywhere from exaggerated to completely fabricated. Check out this one that doesn’t even use the right product name:


Power Testro and Real Nitro Power Testro Testimonial Image


Notice this man is talking about a product called Rhino, which clearly isn’t Power Testro.

How To Purchase Power Testro

The only way you can buy Power Testro is by signing up for the free trial offer that you can link to from within the fake article or through other review websites set up for that purpose. They make it look very enticing, offering that you “TRY IT OUT FOR 14 DAYS” making you think you’d have no further obligation. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Power Testro takes part in the same Free Trial marketing scam that so many other online supplements also use. The way it works is that you sign up for a 14 day free trial. What most guys think is that that’s the end of it. They try it for 14 days and if they like it and want more, they buy it. But in reality, signing up for the free trial also signs you up for automatic monthly billing. If you don’t call and cancel on or before the 14th day after you place your free trial order, you will be billed the full price of $89.95 for the bottle you thought was free, AND you’ll be sent a new full price bottle every month until you realize what’s going on and call to cancel.

Power Testro is at least a little better than some are about making sure you’re aware of what’s really going on. Before you can fully place your order, you have to check the box stating that you agree to the terms of the deal:

Power Testro and Real Nitro Power Testro Terms Image

What is Real Nitro?

Real Nitro is the other half of this power combo, so let’s take a look at what this product can do. Real Nitro is a nitric oxide based workout supplement that claims to increase vascularity, leading to better pump, increased energy, and in the end, better workout results.

Real Nitro Ingredients

Power Testro and Real Nitro Real Nitro Benefits ImageJust like Power Testro, Real Nitro doesn’t talk about their ingredients on the main marketing webpage, but they do provide a link to what they call the label at the very bottom of the website. Here is where we learn what the Real Nitro formula contains:

  • L-Arginine Alpha KetoGlutarate (1 mg)
  • L-Arginine (3 mg)
  • L-Arginine Monohydrochloride (1 mg)
  • L-Citrulline (5 mg)

This is definitely a formula geared toward nitric oxide production, and that’s a good thing. But there is a very glaring problem that jumps right out of this formula and can’t be ignored. Although Real Nitro contains 3 different kinds of L-Arginine, the total amount is only 5 mg per serving. According to Livestrong.com, the recommended pre workout dose is at least 1.5 grams, 300 times more than what’s in this formula.

The same holds true for L-Citrulline. Real Nitro uses 5 mg in its formula, but the commonly recommended dose for improving workouts is more in the 1- 3 grams per day range or more.

Where to Buy

Just like with Power Testro, you can link to the official Real Nitro website from the phony article and sign up for a “free trial”. And just like with Power Testro, the Real Nitro free trial is a scam. Signing up and paying a small shipping fee enrolls you in an automatic monthly billing program. If you don’t cancel within 14 days of signing up, you will pay $84.95 for the “free” trial bottle, and you’ll keep paying $84.95 plus shipping each month until you cancel.

Power Testro and Real Nitro Real Nitro Terms ImageAgain, just like with Power Testro, they do make you check the box noting that you agree to the terms, so at least they make an attempt to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

So just to drive the point home, Real Nitro is charging you 90 bucks a month for a severely under-dosed l-arginine pill. It’s true that they choose the right ingredients for a nitric oxide boosting supplement, but at these levels, you’re really not going to get any benefit at all. These levels are so low, in fact, that I almost think these are typos, and not really the actual amounts. But we hav no real reason or evidence to show that, so we’ll have to go with what they give us.


We promised you 3 reasons why this stack isn’t something you should get involved with. We could probably go on and list several more, but here’s a recap of the highlights:

  1. The “article they use to promote Power Testro and Real Nitro is not a real article. It’s fake from top to bottom. It’s not really in a magazine at all. It’s labeled as an “Advertisement” right at the top of the page. It posts a big disclaimer at the bottom of the page, and It’s a cut and paste job that’s been used to promote dozens of other supplement stacks before and will be used to promote dozens more after this one.
  2. Power Testro’s formula looks more like a male enhancement supplement than one that will improve your bodybuilding efforts. The claimed benefits are not what’s supported by the formula.
  3. The Real Nitro formula does contain ingredients relevant to what the benefits are supposed to be, but they are so underdosed that they’re bound to be ineffective.

Like so many supplement stacks before, Power Testro and Real Nitro are not what they seem. The marketing and hype is where they put their efforts – not the actual performance of the supplements and stack. Skip over these two pills in favor of something that’s proven to be effective.

It doesn’t take more than a few google searches or common sense to determine that they are being less than honest with their marketing strategies.

The only good thing I can say about them is that they make it pretty easy to see through their facade to save yourself the time and money.

Have You Used Power Testro and Real Nitro? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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Max Synapse Review – Is It For Real?


What is it
A Quick Word About Nootropic Stacks
Is It Safe
Who Makes it
Where to Buy
Contact Information
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Nootopic supplements have become all the rage in the last few years, but what are they really, and which one should you use? I’ve been looking into and testing lots of these pills during this time, and at this point, I’m pretty knowledgeable about what works and what doesn’t. Though I should point out that when it comes to nootopics, what’s most effective for some people may not work so well for others. So even if you’ve done your homework and chosen what seems like a good supplement, you may have to test a few yourself before settling on your best choice.


What is Max Synapse?

Max Synapse is a nootropic supplement you’ll find for sale online. You may have seen their advertisements on your social media feeds. And if you’ve been tempted to click through to their website, you’ve seen the promises they make about how Max Synapse can improve your life with as a “Safe and Effective Way to Enhanced Brain Function”.

Max Synapse Review 1More specifically, by using Max Synapse you’ll find yourself with:

  • Better focus so you can stay on task all the way through to completion.
  • Increased concentration so you can get right to the heart of the matter and find solutions more easily.
  • Sharper memory recall in terms of both short and long term.
  • Improved and more stable moods so energy and motivation are easier to come by.
  • Healthier overall brain function with protection against future decline.

Now, these are pretty much the exact same benefits promised by every nootropic stack supplement, so how are we to know the difference? Well the answer to that is largely found within the formula.

A Quick Word About Nootropic Stacks

Max Synapse nootropic powdersGenerally, when we talk about supplement stacks, we’re talking about more than one pill. With bodybuilding supplements for instance, you would stack a pre workout pill with a natural testosterone booster and post workout supplement. And you’d stack in a daily protein shake or two for good measure. But with nootropics, we often call one pill a “stack”. It may seem confusing at first glance, so allow me to explain.

When we speak of nootropics, we are really speaking of the individual nootropic components within a supplement formula. So you might order bulk nootropic powders from a store, take a few of them at the same time or over the course of a day, and that would be a nootropic stack. Alternatively, you could take a single pill that contains these same ingredients, each covering a different area of brain enhancement, and that would be called a stack too.


Max Synapse Ingredients

Max Synapse Ingredients Image


The foundation of the Max Synapse formula is the NZ-405 SuperMax Blend which is a 459mg stack in and of itself. Its components are Bacopa Monnieri, L-Glutamine, Ginkgo Biloba, GABA, and Huperzine A. Here’s a little explanation for how each of these could be helpful to your brainpower:

  • Bacopa Monnieri is a popular Ayurvedic herb used to support brain function, primarily memory. Studies show that subjects taking 300mg of Bacopa over a 12 week period are able to retain and recall information better than those on the placebo. It has also been shown that Bacopa can increase the release of serotonin and acetylcholine – two crucial chemicals for mood and cognitive function – to support learning and maintain a stable mood.
  • L-Glutamine has been used to treat ADHD and to improve mood. It’s used by the body to produce glutaminc acid and GABA – both important neurotransmitters for optimal cognitive function as well as mood. The recommended dose for cognitive improvement ranges between 1 and 5 grams of L-Glutamine per day.
  • Ginkgo Biloba improves circulation of blood to the brain which can improve memory, mood, and learning. It’s antioxidant properties also help protect the brain against age related cognitive decline. Several studies have supported the assertion that Ginkgo can help improve memory. The recommended daily dose for cognitive improvement is 360mg, split among 3 doses.
  • GABA deficiencies can play a role in mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, and depression. Adding GABA supplementation can increase an important neurotransmitter that calms the brain, allowing it to take on one task at a time with ease and confidence. The typically recommended dose is between 250mg and 750mg.
  • Huperzine A can increase the amount of the important neurotransmitter Acetylcholine in your brain. It does this by inhibiting the action of an enzyme that degrades Acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is considered to be the “learning neurotransmitter” so you’ll want your nootropic stack to include something like Huperzine A to keep levels high. It’s also being tested as a potential aid in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. The recommended daily dose is in the 50mcg – 200mcg range.

We mentioned the recommended dosages for all the components of the NZ-405 SuperMax Blend for a reason. If you add up all the average recommended doses, you get about 3.7 grams worth of ingredients, but the entire NZ-405 SuperMax Blend is only 459 mg. This is why we don’t tend to like proprietary blends – they include all sorts of fantastic sounding ingredients that could possibly do some real good, but the reality is it contains so little that it’s just about impossible to get any real positive effect.

Max Synapse isn’t the only supplement to employ this tactic – not by a longshot. But that doesn’t make it any less disappointing when you realize that you’re not really set up to get the benefits you thought you were getting.

There are a few other ingredients in the Max Synapse formula as well that we should touch on:

  • Vitamin B12 is a great energy booster that can last all day with no jitters and no crash. It can also provide the added benefit of immune system support. The formula contains 1 mg which is actually a very high dose.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in the growth and development of brain cells. It has been used in treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease as well as ADHD. The 1.3mg dose is 65% of the RDA so it falls within effective range.
  • N-Acetyl L-Carnitine can increase the production of that all-important learning neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. It also provides antioxidant protection to your cells. The recommended daily dose is 1000mg – 3000mg taken in 2 or 3 doses throughout the day, but the Max Synapse formula only contains 50mg, so it probably won’t have much, if any, effect.

Is Max Synapse Safe?

This is a question I get asked a lot, and it’s definitely a valid question. Nobody wants to take unnecessary risks with their brain, and taking pills that affect your brain function could be a little scary. But it turns out nootropic supplements, like Max Synapse and the components in it, are considered to be quite safe. The only one in this formula worth noting as potentially having an unwanted effect of any significance is Huperzine A which is recognized to be safe, but can cause nausea, diarrhea, sweating, vomiting, slurred speech, loss of appetite, and high blood pressure. Again though, it’s considered to be safe, but these effects have been noted as potentially possible.

As is the case with most supplements, Max Synapse is not recommended for anyone who’s pregnant or nursing, and if you have a medical condition or take prescription medications, you should check with your doctor before taking Max Synapse.

Who Makes Max Synapse?

The name of the company behind Max Synapse is UltraMax Health, but the only information we could find about them is that they make Max Synapse. Our search was basically a circular affair. Looking for the Max Synapse manufacturer led us to UltraMax Health. Looking up UltraMax Health led us to Max Synapse, and nowhere else. They have no presence with the Better Business Bureau or any other corporate information service we could find.

While it may not be a deal breaker, a phantom company like that behind a product doesn’t engender a whole lot of trust.

Where to Buy

At this time, the only place to purchase Max Synapse is through their official website. If you go with a single bottle, the price is $59, but that won’t be all you’re on the hook for. Buying a single bottle will automatically sign you up for monthly auto-shipments. That means you’ll get a new bottle shipped to your door every month for that $59 price. The auto-ship program will remain in place until you cancel it.


Max Synapse Autoship Image


If you don’t want to sign up for auto-ship, you have to purchase more than one bottle of Max Synapse. The other packages are 3 bottles for $147 ($49 per bottle) and 6 bottles for $264 ($44 per bottle).

All orders are covered by a 90 day money back guarantee that applies to returned bottles. For new customers, you can return unopened bottles and/or unused portions of opened bottles, allowing you to give it a try before deciding it doesn’t work and choosing to ask for a refund. Note: The official Terms and Conditions document on the website states that the guarantee is good for 90 days, but other areas of the website mention a 30 day money back guarantee. If you get pushback from a representative for asking after 30 days, I recommend you refer them to the Terms and Conditions document on their website.


Max Synapse 90 day guarantee image


Max Synapse Contact Information

If you find you want to refund or need to cancel your ongoing shipments, you can contact Max Synapse by phone, email, or snail mail.

Max Synapse Contact Info


Max Synapse Pros and Cons

Advantages of Max Synapse

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The website lists and explains each of the ingredients and what they’re expected to do.
  • There’s a 90-day money back guarantee that allows you to try without getting locked in with no recourse.

Disadvantages of Max Synapse

  • There is no customer feedback available online so it’s very difficult to know how it’s working for people who’ve been using it.
  • The ingredient amounts are very low compared to common recommendations.


In a nutshell, Max Synapse seems to be really no better or worse than most of the nootropic supplement stacks available online at this time. It contains some good solid ingredients, but I’m afraid the amounts of each will be largely ineffective.

So the promise is there; they’re on the right track, and if you try Max Synapse yourself, you may in fact feel some benefit. But the chances are, you can do much better by choosing a product that uses clinical dosing for its ingredients. And if you’re really ambitious, you can buy your nootropic components in bulk, and mix a stack of your own. It takes a lot of research, effort, and commitment, but it’s one way to be certain your getting the ingredients you want at the doses you need to be effective.

Have You Used Max Synapse? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Fasoracetam Review – My Personal Experience

Jump To A Section

What is Fasoracetam
My Experience With Fasoracetam
What's the dose
When should I take it
Is there any withdrawal
How about side effects
Can you mix it with Phenibut
Can I mix it with other anti anxiety drugs
Does it help with Phenibut tolerance
What's the half-life
Does it work like Adderall
Where can you buy it
Can I buy it if I live outside the US
Recommendation / Conclusion

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve recently been testing dozens of all natural nootropic supplements.  One recent one that I came across is a nootropic called Fasoracetam.

If you’ve ever taken Phenibut, I guarantee you would agree.

It’s freakin’ AWESOME!

If you read about my experiences with Phenibut XT (one particular brand of Phenibut I used in the past), you’ll see that it ended up NOT being very pleasant.

Well, they were at first, but then things got ugly.

Real UGLY.

Long story short, I was taking Phenibut on a daily basis, usually about 1 – 1.5 grams per day.

Everything was going GREAT!

My sleep quality was improved dramatically, my anxiety pretty much vanished, and my libido was through the roof!

phenibut xt review and results

SNS (the guys who make Phenibut XT) state on the bottle that you should take a 2 day break for every 5 consecutive days that you take it, which I did.

I came to learn (a bit too late I might add) that THIS is total Bullshit.

You should NEVER take it on a 5 days on, 2 days off cycle, as it runs the risk of some pretty serious withdrawals when you stop taking it.

Instead of doing the smart thing and titrating down on my dose, I quit cold turkey.

Bad move.

I experienced some pretty harsh withdrawals, which included insomnia, panic attacks, mood swings, and TERRIBLE anxiety.

This lasted for about a week, and then things seemed to return to normal.

I waited another month or so and swore that I would only take Phenibut like once every other week or so, which is pretty much the schedule I still follow.

HOWEVER, I noticed that the next time I took Phenibut (after a one month break), it seemed to have lost its “magic”.

It no longer provided as much of a lowering of anxiety, music didn’t sound awesome like it used to, and it just overall less effective.

So I started looking to the internet for answers.

Enter Fasoracetam.

I’m not going to get into a DEEP scientific discussion on Fasoracetam, there’s plenty of other places for that.

My intention here is to give you an overall idea of what Fasoracetamis, what it does, my personal experiences, and a few popular questions I get.

What is Fasoracetam?

To be quite honest upfront, VERY little is known about Fasoracetam.  If you look at the Wikipedia article on it, you’ll see that it’s a bit lacking in detail, which is pretty unusual for Wiki.

WebMD actually has NO info on it whatsoever.

The website Nootriment.com has a pretty good description of it, but they stop short of presenting any sort of “personal” experiences with it.

You can also read the details and descriptions on the websites of those that market the substance, including NootropicsDepot.com and Ceretropic.com.

But let’s face facts, they can pretty much say whatever they want, just as long as they’re not saying it cures a disease.

Really, the only info that we have on Fasoracetamis pretty much anecdotal stories and experiences that you can read on various sites like Reddit, Longecity, and a few other forums.

Hardly very scientific, but unfortunately that’s all we have to go on right now.

From what I could gather, Fasoracetamis basically a racetam that has the following benefits:

  • Improved general intelligence
  • Lessening of anxiety
  • Preventing learned helplessness

That last benefit has actually been proven in a clinical study conducted in rats according to several sources.  Because of its potential, it’s currently involved in some clinical studies in it’s treatment of ADHD.

The theory behind Fasoracetam is that it works by upregulating GABA-b receptors, which are the ones that are primarily affected by Phenibut, and drugs like Baclofen, Alcohol (yes, Alcohol is a drug), and GHB.

what is fasoracetam

When you take one of these substances, it basically causes a down regulation of your GABA-b receptors.

To the laymen, it makes them less effective with each subsequent use.

My Experience With Fasoracetam

fasoracetam reviewI bought my first bottle of Fasoracetam from a company called Ceretropic, who markets a wide variety of other nootropics.

I’m at the point right now that if I take phenibut just once every couple of weeks, I STILL get a couple of days of shitty withdrawals.  They’re not as serious as when I was taking it on a daily basis, but I can tell there’s a difference.

Usually the withdrawals don’t hit me until 2 days after I’ve take a dose, which is exactly when I started taking the Fasoracetam.

I took a 20 mg dose sublingually, and to be honest, Fasoracetam tasted terrible.

Imagine what licking a magic marker tastes like and you get the idea.

For the first couple of minutes I have to admit I didn’t feel much.

Then, a wash / wave of clarity / calmness seemed to flow through me.

Quick Tip:  Click Here to sign up for my free “Complete Guide To Nootropics” eBook.  It’s packed with tons of info on Nootropics, and can be of great help if you’re new to this stuff.

It literally happened in a period of 5 minutes.

I basically no longer cared about the things that were unnecessarily bothering me.  I didn’t feel overly emotional or euphoric, but I definitely felt a bit of a mood increase.

It can be kind of hard to explain things like this in a blog post, so to summarize, I felt:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Calm, cool, and collected
  • Focused / concentration seemed to increase.

Unfortunately, this only seemed to last for about an hour, so I re dosed another 20 mg about 2 hours after my initial dose.

It’s weird, because I felt the effects kick in again after a few min., but this time it seemed to last a bit shorter.  My theory is that you can build a tolerance really quick to this stuff if you take it on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the dose?

As with most other nootropics, the dose for Fasoracetam varies pretty significantly.  I’ve read on some sites that you should take as little as 10 mg sublingually, to some guys saying they’ve taken as much as 100 mg in one shot.

In my experience, you should start with the lowest possible dosage and increase from there.  10 – 20 mg would be a good start.

When should I take it?

For me, it seemed to produce a stimulating effect, so I would definitely recommend you take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Taking it before bed “might” cause insomnia.

If you are already prone to that or are sensitive to the side effects, then I would recommend heeding that warning and avoiding further sleep problems as that is key to overall health.

Is there any withdrawal?

I’ve taken Fasoracetam on a few occasions, and I’ve never noticed any sort of withdrawal from it.  Of course, withdrawal is always possible, but the vast majority of accounts that I’ve read have said it was safe to take.

I would expect that if there is even a possibility of withdrawal, that it would be the result of very long term use and that it could be curbed by tapering off of it.

How about side effects?

I’ve read through literally DOZENS of individual posts on Fasoracetam, and the primary side effect complaint seems to be headaches.  Some people claim that it causes changes in orgasm sensation as well, but I never experienced that during my trials.

Can you mix it with Phenibut?

You could, but I wouldn’t recommend it, at least not on your first try.  I’ve taken it with Phenibut just once, and I did notice that the phenibut seemed a bit stronger / similar to my first experience with it.

Note:  Check out the Absorb Your Health brand phenibut (www.AbsorbYourHealth.com).  It’s probably the highest quality Phenibut you can buy, and I’ve used plenty of different brands.

Can I mix it with other anti anxiety drugs?

Not recommended.  Drugs like Xanax and Ativan already affect the GABA receptors, and you don’t want to overload your system.

Does it help with Phenibut tolerance?

In my experience, it seemed like it did.  I’ve talked to several other guys who’ve taken it, and the VAST majority said they seemed to lowered their tolerance to Phenibut while using it.

Of course this could all be a straight up placebo effect, but the results sound promising.

What’s the half-life?

Fasoracetams half life is VERY short, right around 1.5 hours according to several sources.  Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to redose quite frequently to get any sort of noticeable effects from it.

Does it work like Adderall?

Not even close, but there are some supplements that closely mimic the effects of it.  I would also recommend against stacking Fasoracetam with Adderall, Vyvanse, or Ritalin, as it could potentially exacerbate your anxiety levels.

Where can you buy it?

Plenty of places sell Fasoracetam, however it’s not available in your typical GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc.

I bought it from Ceretropic, who sells a 1 gram container for about $20. Powder City ( a leading nootropics supplier) used to sell it, but it has since been discontinued as of this review.

Pound for pound, Fasoracetam is REALLY expensive when compared to most other nootropics.

However, as time goes on and more retailers start carrying it, the price will likely decline significantly.

Can I buy it if I live outside the US?

As far as I’m aware, there’s no official ban on Fasoracetam in countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.  I visited  couple of sites that sell it, and it appears they ship to almost any country, so I would imagine it’s legal worldwide.

Recommendation / Conclusion

In my personal opinion, Fasoracetam shows some SERIOUS promise.  I’ve only take it a few times, and when I did, it seemed to mitigate the withdrawal effects from Phenibut very dramatically.

Could this have been a placebo effect?  Possibly.

But I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

On it’s own it definitely seems to be a very powerful nootropic, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative to GABA type drugs.

Have you used Fasoracetam?  Leave our review below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Supplement Combo Promises “Shocking” Gains In Size

I come across combo ads for muscle building supplements all the time, and most of them are just complete trash.  They make huge promises without any data to back them up, and usually end up scamming unsuspecting customers with the allure of a “free sample” (which turns out to not be so free after all).

The latest scam combo offer I’ve come across is that of Alpha Fuel and Alpha Cut, 2 unique a proprietary supplements that apparently celebrities are using to boost muscle growth by as much as 200%.

alpha fuel and alpha cut

These “steroid alternatives” are being released by top trainers and athletes that have been using them for years, previously of which they were not available to the general public.

Until now.

But do they really work?  Most likely not!

You see, what you probably didn’t know is that these supplements were never really featured in a Men’s Health article.  In fact, the whole thing is a complete sham designed to get you to put your credit card number in, where they will bill you over and over for the product.

Even if you don’t want it!

Learn why they are a scam just like many of the others in my comprehensive reviews of each.

Click Here to read my review of Alpha Fuel

Click Here to read my review of Alpha Cut

Probiotic Pills Sold In Stores – (GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and More)

While traditional Western medicine still dominates the healthcare industry in the United States and the rest of the developed world, there’s been an infusion of the more Eastern philosophy of treating the patient rather than the disease into the mainstream.

To put it very generally, there’s a tendency in Western medicine to focus on ailments and the symptoms they cause, paying less attention to the holistic notions of lifestyle and wellness.

Of course, focusing on diseases is important for developing the cures and vaccines that save lives, there’s also room to factor in total body wellness.

In recent years, it’s become more and more widely accepted that digestive heath plays a big role in overall wellness.

Many alternative medicine experts believe that most health begins with gut health. This is where probiotics pills come in.

Since they have become so popular recently, there’s certainly no shortage of probiotic pills being sold in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, and others.

First where going to take a quick look at what probiotics are, why you should take them, where them come from, and what to look for when choosing the right pill for you.

If you’d like you can always click on one of the links below to skip to a store and find one right away.


What are Probiotics?
Why take them?
Where do they come from?
What to look for?

Skip to a store

CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and Grocery Stores

What Are Probiotics?

It’s normal to thing of bacteria as harmful to your body.

After all, we take antiobiotics to kill off harmful bacteria when we’re sick. But there are good bacteria as well, and your body is full of both kinds.

Sometimes the balance between good and bad changes, and you end up with a weakened or compromised digestive and/or immune system.

Taking antiobiotics to treat an infection is a common cause for this unbalance.

When this is the case, probiotics can replenish and bolster your supply of good bacteria, and you may be healthier as a result.

Why Take Probiotics

Probiotics Info Slide


Within your gut, there are trillions of bacteria – both “good” and “bad”. It’s believed that the correct balance is 80%/20% Good/Bad.

Probiotics can help maintain that balance.

Balancing and improving your gut health, it’s believed that you can improve your overall health and well being, as well as target specific areas of concern, such as:

The most common use for probiotics is to improve digestive health.

It’s widely thought and studies are beginning to show that adding certain strains of probiotics can reduce gas and bloating as well as improve symptoms of Irritable Bowel System.

Probiotics have also been studied and shown to help boost your immune system.

The gut is the key location of interaction between your body and what enters it from the outside world.

Populating it with good bacteria can ward off potential dangers before they get past this first line of defense.

Obesity is yet another condition that can be helped by adding good bacteria to your gut.

Recent studies show that obese people tend to have less diversity of gut flora than lean people.

A 2013 study determined that thin people have 70% more gut bacteria than overweight people.

This is a case as well where particular strains of bacteria are involved. Increased Firmicutes and decreased Bacteroidetes tend to be linked with obesity.

Animal studies show a connection between gut flora and mood.

It’s not clear yet if this holds true for humans as well, but changing the composition and ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria in mice changes their mood and their levels of anxiety.

Skin conditions are also showing to be related to gut health.

The studies in this area are still very preliminary, but they have shown improvements in patients having acne issues after drinking a probiotic-rich drink as well as a lessened chance of babies developing eczema when taking probiotics.

There are other conditions that can benefit from in increase in good bacteria in your gut.

This is just a small list of the most commonly discussed ones. Now lets talk about popular probiotic sources.

Where Do Probiotics Come From?

Probiotics StrainsYou can get priobotics either from food or from supplements.

When you think of probiotics in food, you probably think of yogurt (especially Greek yogurt) which is by far the most common food source.

Look on the label for words like “Active Yogurt Cultures” to indicate that probiotics are present.

Other foods that contain probiotics are Kefir (a cultured mild drink), certain aged cheeses, sauerkraut, some pickles, and soy based foods such as miso.

One of the problems with getting your probiotics from food is that the strains can be limited.

The different strains determine what particular conditions can benefit.

A supplement – if you choose the right one – can cover all the necessary bases far more easily that trying to get all the different strains from the food you eat.

What To Look For In A Probiotic Pill


When probiotic supplements first became popular in the mid to late 1990s, the most important factor in choosing a supplement was how many billions of bacteria were in the pill.

The term used is CFU (Colonies Formed per Unit).

Generally speaking, the more CFUs, the better.

These days, it’s not uncommon to see numbers as high as 40 billion CFUs CFUs per capsule, or more.

But more recently, another number has taken precedence over, or has at least become as important as, just how many millions of bacteria there are.

This is the number of strains a particular pill has.

As we touched upon briefly above, different bacterial species and strains tend to be of benefit in different areas of health.

If you’re just looking to improve overall health, you’ll want to look for something with at least 3 different strains, probably more, covering different species to basically cover your bases.

Certain bacteria tend to live in certain sections of your gut, so by making sure you include several strains, you’ll ensure a higher degree of effectiveness.

  • The most common strain within the most common species is the L Acidophilus strain in the Lactobacillus species. This is the one you’ll find in most yogurts with active cultures. It protects the walls of the intestines to ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. This is most commonly used to ease digestive discomfort like gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • B Longum is another common bacteria. The B indicates that it belongs to the Bifidobacterium species.  It helps protect the gut walls which is an important defense against so many issues, and it searches out and rids your gut of toxins.
  • B Bifidum lives in both intestines and is important for proper digestion of dairy products as well as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. By breaking down foods into smaller components, the body is better able to absorb and use them.
  • L Rhamnosus can be useful when you’re traveling to a foreign country. It helps prevent diarrhea and other stomach discomfort brought on by “strange” foreign bacteria that’s often introduced to your system during travel.
  • L Fermentum is a Lactobacillus strain that helps contain some of the after effects of digestion. Certain byproducts can cause issues if not addressed. This is what L Fermetum takes care of.

There are tons of other strains to consider, most of which address particular concerns, so make sure to include them as factors in your choice.

Probiotics CapsulesDelivery Method

You can get probiotics from the foods you eat, and when you’re starting out trying to increase your good bacteria, eating more probiotic rich food is a good place to start.

But making sure the probiotics you ingest are alive and active by the time they’re in your gut can be a little tricky.

In the old days, you’d have to refrigerate your probiotics to keep them alive.

This is not usually necessary now, though you’ll still want to protect your pills from exposure to light and heat.

At this point, the most widely preferred delivery mechanism is by capsule.

This method keeps the live bacteria safe from stomach acid so they can reach your intestines in their live state.


Several of the newer formulations include prebiotics which essentially are food for probiotics.

They’re fiber, and are generally supplied by the food you eat. But if you’re not getting enough, it’s possible to increase your intake by taking a probiotic pill that includes prebiotics.

Now, armed with all the background information you need to make a choice, let’s look at some probiotic pills sold in stores, in effort to find the best fit for you.

Store #1 – GNC

It’s often the first store we think of when we think about looking for a supplement, so it’s a logical first choice here as well. After visiting my local store, here’s a list of 3 top Probiotic pills at GNC.

GNC Ultra Probiobic Complexes

Rather than being just one supplement, this is a line of supplements.

GNC appears to have taken the approach that different customers are looking for different things.

While it might be best to offer one supplement that does it all, this is a valid approach as well. It allows customers to make smart choices in terms of what’s valuable to them.

Probiotics GNCAmong the choices included in this line are:

  • GNC Ultra Probiotic Compex 25 contains 25 billion CFUs, so it’s decent number but not incredibly high. It contains 2 strains – Acidophillus and Bifidobacterium, so they’re at the bare minimum there for improved digestive issues. This one would be best for someone just getting their feet wet with probiotics. It’s enough to be beneficial, but won’t really target any serious issues. It costs $34.99 for a 30 day supply of 30 capsules.
  • GNC Multi-Strain Probiotic Complex 10 Billion CFUs is another version of an entry level formula. The price is much lower at $39.99 for a 3 month supply of 90 capsules, due to lowering the total number of CFUs to 10 billion, while spreading it out among different strains, realizing that some people place a higher importance on the number of strains than on the number of bacteria. It uses 8 different strains, including L Acidophillus and B Bifidum, as well as several other members of the Lactobacillus species to focus on improved digestion.
  • GNC Ultra 25 Billion CFUs Probiotics Complex Multi-Strain combines the best of both worlds with a higher CFU number along with the same multiple strains as the 10 Billion CFU version. The regular price is not much more than the 10 Billion CFU Multi-Strain so it would seem to be a no brainer to upgrade to this one if you want to go multi-strain, especially considering that right now there’s a sale that brings the non-member price all the way down to $31.99.
  • GNC Ultra Probiotic Complex 100 has the highest CFU number and a bit of multi-strain action as well. It’s got Acidophilus and Bifidum, as well as a smaller multi-strain blend of L Sativarius, B Lactis, and L Rhamnosus. It comes in very expensive at $49.99 for just 20 capsules.

These are the main GNC named formulas that come in capsule form.

They have a few other options as well, designed to address specific issues, like lack of energy and immune system support.

The additional benefits don’t come from additional probiotic strains or species though. They come from different herbs and nutrients, like Vitamin B12 and Guarana in the case of the Energy Formula.

There are also different delivery forms, like chewables and powder packets, but I’d recommend sticking with the capsules for now to make sure you get all the benefit you can from live bacteria.

Probiotics Probioslim ImageProbioSlim

Made by the same company that promotes the Force Factor line of supplements like Force Factor 2, Test X180, and VolcaNO, Probioslim is one of the most popular probiotic pills sold in GNC.

This one is a little different in that it doesn’t list CFUs when it comes to its probiotic content.

Its formula is a proprietary blend that includes something called LactoSpore Bacillus Coagulans.

This is where the probiotic support comes from, but you can’t really tell what that really entails as far as how much actual support you’re getting.

The promo page talks about digestive support and relief from issues like gas, bloating, and diarrhea, along with weight loss support from Caffeine, Green Tea, and other Fruit Extracts.

In fact, it’s very similar in nature to a completely different supplement called Bio X4, by Nucific.

ProbioSlim sells at GNC for $69.99 for a one month supply, although you can actually find it MUCH cheaper at Walmart for as low as $19.88.

If what you’re looking for is really a probiotic and not a weight loss pill, I’d choose something with a CFU and strain listing so you know what you’re getting.

We have a ProbioSlim review here if you want more information on how it might be useful as a fat burner.

Renew Life Formulas Ultimate Flora MEGA POTENT 150 Billion

Probiotics Renew Life Formulas Ultimate Flora MEGA POTENT 150 Billion ImageThis one calls itself the most potent probiotic support available in a single capsule.

It’s two primary focuses are digestive and immune support, and to accomplish this goal, it contains 150 billion live cultures spanning across 40 strains, mostly but not completely in the Bifido and Lacto species.

It comes in an enteric coated vegetarian capsule for the best chance of survival all the way to your intestines.

The 30 count package will last a month and comes in at $69.99.

All the prices I’ve given for GNC products are the Non-Member prices.

If you plan to buy from GNC with any regularity, you should consider paying the $15 a year to become a member.

You save about $5 on each of the products we’ve talked about here.

Store #2 – Walmart

Walmart is easy, cheap, and convenient for almost everyone, so it would be a mistake to skip over it when looking for a viable probiotic supplement or two.

Most of the choices are on the low end of the price scale, but don’t be surprised if you find the occasional higher end probiotic.

The below probiotic pills at Walmart are some of the most highly rated and reviewed, and we chose them for their apparent effectiveness.

Related Article:  14 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart

Probiotics Align Probiotic Supplement ImgeAlign Probiotic Supplement Capsules

Align one of the best known probiotic brands, and this product is the flagship original product.

It’s pretty weak compared with some of the options at GNC with only 1 billion CFUs, and they’re all of the strain B Infantis which is supposed to provide excellent digestive system support.

At $35.24 for a 6 week supply, the price is right, but I think this one needs to revamp its formula and increase both its strains and its CFUs to keep up with the latest products out there.


Florastor is another popular choice available at Walmart.

In fact, it’s the number one probiotic supplement worldwide.

It provides 5 billion CFUs, and it’s all one strain – Saccaromyces Boulardii, which is known to support the digestive process.

The recommended dose is 1 capsules per day, so the 50-count package will last a little more than a month and a half if you take it as recommended.

It costs $42.78.

It’s widely recommended by doctors and gets very good reviews.

TruBiotics One A Day

Probiotics TruBiotics One A Day Image


TruBiotics is an especially inexpensive option from Walmart.

It’s CFU count is low at 1.5 billion, but it spreads it out between the popular L Acidophilus and B Bifidum for optimal digestive health.

The recommended dose is 1 capsule per day, but at the price, you might want to consider doubling up on that dose to get greater benefit.

A 30 day supply at the recommended dose is $14.97, so even if you did double your dose, the price would come in at just about $30 a month.

Because the price and the CFU count were so low, I checked the customer feedback, and it’s almost all positive.

Reviewers talk mainly about relief from gas and bloating, as well as all types of stomach pain.

The biggest issue I have with the Walmart choices is that even though they’re popular, they either don’t talk about CFUs and strains or they do talk about them but they’re very low compared to what’s available out there, like at GNC for instance.

It could be that until more of the population catches on to the potential benefits of probiotics, these Walmart options may continue to rule the market.

Store #3 – CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and Grocery Stores

We lumped this group of stores together because in most cases, they all provide the same options.

They don’t tend to be the highest end products; they’re more inclined to sell the most popular, and at prices somewhat higher than what you’ll find at Walmart.

Probiotics Phillips' Colon Health ImagePhillips’ Colon Health

You can get Phillip’ Colon Health at CVS and RiteAid in particular for about $30 for a 60-count which should last 2 months.

That’s based on the recommended dose of just 1 pill a day.

It’s got 1.5 Billion CFUs across 3 strains – Lactobacillus Gasseri, B Bifidum, and B Longum, all good for digestive health and issues like diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating.

CVS and RiteAid customers who offer feedback all give this one 5-stars, citing how fast it works, how healthy it’s kept them, and how it just plain works.

Again, according to recommendations, the CFUs and strains are low, but perhaps there’s more benefit than we realize from the lower dose options.

Nature’s Bounty Probiotic 10 Advanced Ultra Strength Capsules

Nature's Bounty Probiotic 10 Advanced Ultra Strength Capsules

Nature’s Bounty Probiotic 10 Advanced Ultra Strength Capsules ups the ante of the drugstore brands by providing 20 Billion CFUs over 10 different strains.

With that kind of power, the focus is split between digestive health and immune function support.

Unlike most probiotics, the recommended dose of this one is 2 capsules, which means the 60-count package for $22.99 at Rite Aid will last 30 days.

This is probably the best price we’ve seen for this level of bacteria.

The 10 strain lineup is pretty impressive and includes L Plantarum, B Bifidum, L Rhamnosus, L Bulgaricus, L Saliarius, L Brevis, L Acidophilus, B Lactis, B Paracasei, and L Casei, most of which pertain to improved digestion with a touch of immune support as well.


Nature Made Digestive Probiotics AdvancedNature Made Digestive Probiotics Advanced

Nature Made Digestive Probiotics Advanced is at Walgreens, and it’s claim to fame is that it works in both the small and large intestines using 12 Billion CFUs across 2 different strains: B Lactis and L Plantarum.

The capsules are vegetarian and gluten-free, and the recommended dose is 2 capsules per day, both at the same time.

That makes the 60-count package costing $24.99 last a month.

Again, the reviews are good.

Customers are excited that they don’t suffer with gas and bloating anymore, and when they compare it with eating yogurt, they say the effect is very noticeably different.

Conclusion / Recommendation

More and more health conscious people are starting to take notice of the potential benefits of probiotic supplements.

It’s exceedingly common for doctors to recommend them to their patients, often at well visits, not just when there’s a detectable issue.

That says a lot for how completely these little capsules are catching on.

Something else that speaks to the quickness is how widely varied the cost as it relates to the content.

You can find a 1 Billion CFU supplement for the same price as a 10 Billion CFU supplement, some with single or dual strains, some with multi-strains.

This indicates to me that the industry is in flux.

It’s expanding so quickly, companies haven’t settled on a standard yet of what customers are willing to pay.

You should also note that despite all the sage advice about what you should look for and how strong and varied your bacteria should be, customers are sending in rave reviews for all levels of strength and variation.

We found just as many positive reviews for the cheap 1 Billion CFU products as we did for the expensive 25 Billion ones.

In the end, keep in mind your doctor’s advice if you’ve gotten any, and start off with the idea that less may be more.

If you start with a cheaper 1 or 1.5 Billion CFU product from Walmart or CVS and it works, then great.

For some, it may even take some experimenting to land on the right one for them, but at least all of the ones we have highlighted are worth giving a try.

If it turns out you need something stronger and/or more specialized, that’s available too, just at a higher price.

Want to add a probiotic supplement to this list?  Leave a review or a comment below!

True Grit Testosterone Booster Review – Does It Work?


What is it
How It Works
Who Makes it
Scale of Gritness
Pros and Cons
User Reviews

Looking for a natural testosterone booster? Join the club! As more and more guys realize they can get a real boost in the gym without turning to the juice, the natural supplement market responds with more and more choices to help them out. Don’t get me wrong – they’re in it to make money, but if they make a good product that actually works, everybody wins.

Today’s question is: Does True Grit Testosterone Booster fits that bill? It’s a fairly new product from a pretty young company, so we approached this review with no preconceived notions or ideas about what to expect. Just a fair and complete assessment of a product and how it may or may not help you reach your ultimate goals.

What is True Grit Testosterone Booster?

The answer to that question is right there in the name. True Grit Testosterone Booster is a natural testosterone boosting supplement made by True Grit. It promises to cover all the bases when it comes to elevating total testosterone levels, lifting free testosterone levels, decreasing cortisol levels, and capping estrogen levels – all in an effort to put you in the position to work the hardest you can and achieve your personal best results.

How It Works

True Grit Testosterone Booster Review 1True Grit Testosterone Booster uses scientifically studied ingredients to improve your sex hormone profile in every way possible

  1. First, True Grit Testosterone Booster jumpstarts your body’s natural testosterone producing mechanism. It doesn’t replace your natural T with the synthetic stuff, which would ultimately cause a drop in levels once you stop using. Instead, it uses natural compounds that stimulate you body to produce more,
  2. Second, it increases free testosterone. When you get your levels checked, you get two numbers: total testosterone and free testosterone. Total testosterone is how much your body makes. Free testosterone is how much your body has available to use. You might think those numbers would be the same, but they’re not. Some of the testosterone in your body gets bound to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG seeks out testosterone molecule to attach itself to. Once it does, those testosterone molecules are not usable by your body. So basically, it counts as testosterone in your total, but it might as well not even be there at all because it’s completely useless. True Grit Testosterone Booster boosts the amount of unbound, free testosterone that your body can actually use.
  3. Third, it decreases the amount of testosterone that converts to estrogen. One of the common concerns of boosting testosterone levels is that along with increased testosterone comes an increase in the female sex hormone estrogen. That’s because excess testosterone can convert into estrogen. True Grit Testosterone Booster helps block that conversion so not only do you maintain a higher testosterone level, but you guard against an increase in estrogen at the same time.
  4. Fourth, True Grit Testosterone Booster decreases your ratio of Cortisol to Testosterone. Cortisol known as the stress hormone and raised levels can put you in a catabolic state, which means that instead of muscle growth, you’re experiencing muscle breakdown and even increased fat storage. True Grit Testosterone Booster lowers cortisol levels in the blood so you can maintain a more anabolic state.

So, that’s the basic breakdown of how True Grit Testosterone Booster claims to work. But does it have the formula to back it up?

True Grit Testosterone Booster Ingredients

One of the high points of this product is that they list each ingredient separately and include the amounts used. You’d think this would be standard for product people ingest, but sadly, it’s really not. Many, if not most, supplements use “proprietary formulas” which means they list the ingredients, but they don’t reveal how much of each is used. They say it’s so others can’t replicate their secret formula, but more likely, it’s so they get to claim to use an ingredient, but they don’t have to use the effective dose, which may cost more money and eat into their profit. When companies do this, they may indeed be creating a supplement they know isn’t effective, but they get to claim the ingredients, so it looks like it will work, when it really doesn’t.

True Grit Testosterone Booster doesn’t do this. They claim to use clinically dosed ingredients, and since they list the ingredient amounts on their label, we (or anyone) can verify whether or not it’s true.

That said, here’s the True Grit Testosterone Booster ingredient list:

  • True Grit Testosterone Booster Ingredients ImageFenugreek Extract – 300mg – which increases libido and virility. There have been some tests showing that Fenugreek can boost testosterone levels, but more study is needed to confirm this. The recommended daily dose is 500mg, which you will exceed by 100mg if you take the recommended 2 doses of True Grit Testosterone Booster per day.
  • Brassica Oleracea – 250mg – This is actually broccoli, and it’s in the formula for the DIM, or Diindolylmethane, it contains. DIM contains nitrogen and is known to work as an aromatase inhibitor. This means it prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It may also help prevent cancer. It is thought that 100mg can be an effective aromatase inhibitor, so True Grit Testosterone Booster meets and exceeds that easily.
  • Sensoril Ashwagandha – 125mg – This is an adaptogen which has been shown to decrease cortisol levels. Studies using the same dose as in True Grit Testosterone Booster have shown to decrease serum cortisol levels.
  • Boron Citrate – 100mg – Studies have shown that just 10mg of boron can increase free testosterone levels and decrease the activity of estrogen after only 7 days.
  • Primavie – 100mg – Also known as Shilahit, it’s been shown to raise total testosterone levels after 90 days using the dose (200mg per day) you get when you take the recommended 2 servings a day.
  • Bladderwrack Extract – 50mg – This is currently being studied for its possible effect on the conversion of testosterone to estrogen (aromatase), though the dosing being studied is much higher.
  • Chlorophytum Borivilianum – 50mg – Also known as Safed Musli, it’s mainly been studied using rats so far, but it’s shown to be an aphrodisiac and an adaptagen. The recommended dose isn’t really known because testing has only been done in rats thus far, but extrapolation leads us to believe that 100 mg per day may be an effective dose.
  • Yacon – 50mg – which may help suppress appetite.

The recommended use of True Grit Testosterone Booster is 2 pills taken twice a day. Your first dose should be taken in the morning. The second dose can be later in the afternoon or before you workout. With instructions like these, basically they want you to take 2 pills twice a day, spread out several hours between your doses. The goal if this is to maintain steady levels of ingredients in your body at all times, creating the desired effect over time.

The ingredient profile looks decent. The only truly questionable component is the Yacon, which really we don’t understand why it’s there.

Who Makes True Grit Testosterone Booster?

True Grit is a very new supplement company, getting their start in 2015. But right away, it’s easy to distinguish them from the fly-by-night operations that hit the market each year. Most of them are one product companies that offer scammy free trials and stick around just long enough to make a tidy profit before they close up shop and start up again with a new product. No, True Grit is difffent. They have an entire line of bodybuilding supplements, and they kdefinitely look like they’re in it for the long haul.

They have an exclusive contract with Bodybuilding.com, and even won their New Brand of the Year Award in 2015. This is a big get for a new supplement company. Bodybuilding.com reaches a huge audience and has the respect of the entire industry in part because of the clearinghouse of information they provide. True Grit seems to have taken note of this business model, because they are really making an effort to create a brand that its core audience can come to for reliable information on supplements, ingredients, workouts, and meal plans.

True Grit Scale of Gritness

True Grit is looking to become brand with a following, and they’ve taken a few unique steps to get there. They’re a new company, but they hit the ground running by partnering with Bodybuilding.com and creating a website that offers a community for like-minded athletes to get together and gather information about the sport they love.

One point of interest on the True Grit website is the Scale of Gritness Page. Here’s the page’s tagline:

True Grit Testosterone Booster Scale of Gritness Image

Then it goes on to rank people on the “Scale of Gritness” from Level 1 – The Average Joe who’s soft, aimless, and doesn’t step up to challenges because he lacks the mental toughness to persevere, to Level 10 – The Iron Warrior who sets hard goals and pursues them every day, relentlessly, no matter what obstacles they may face. The Iron Warrior does things not in spite of their difficulty, but because of their difficulty.

True Grit challenges you to strive to be an Iron Warrior, and encourages you to use their line of supplements to help you get there:

True Grit Testosterone Booster Barbell Tested Image

True Grit wants to sell products, but they also want to create a following of Iron Warriors with True Gritness that act as human billboards for their products. It’s a long and crowded road, and I have no idea how successful they’ll be, but it’s clear that this company is shooting for the stars.

True Grit Testosterone Booster Reviews

One thing that’s conspicuously missing from the True Grit Testosterone Booster website is customer feedback. But since it’s sold over at Bodybuilding.com, we can find a lot of it over there. We did take a look, and we saw something a little disturbing.

Here’s a review a customer left very recently:

True Grit Testosterone Booster Reviews are Fake Image

I took a look at what he’s talking about, and he’s right. Take a look at this review:

True Grit Testosterone Booster inverted push up review image

You’d never guess this, but her name is Brian Spooner, and she’s a 61 year old male!

True Grit Testosterone Booster Brian Spooner 61 Image

This isn’t an isolated case. There are dozens of 9 and 10 star reviews that follow this pattern. They’re brief and they’re written by people with images that don’t match their bio information. Not only that, but most of the bio information is left blank.

If you’re familiar at all with the community of customers and reviewers over at Bodybuilding.com, you know that almost all of them share detailed information about their bodies and their transformations. None of this is provided by these 9 and 10 star reviewers. It’s definitely suspicious.

Now compare the images above with the following images connected to a mid-range review:

True Grit Testosterone Booster Real Review Image

And the bio information on this reviewer is more complete and matches his image:

True Grit Testosterone Booster Real Review Info image

So it’s pretty clear that some of these reviews are fake. Sometimes, companies will pay people to go onto a retail website like Bodybuilding.com and leave favorable product reviews to bolster their image It happens all the time on Amazon. It’s so common, I wrote an article about it, which you can view here (LINK TO https://www.supplementcritique.com/how-to-spot-a-fake-supplement-review-on-amazon/ HERE)

Buying True Grit Testosterone Booster

As we mentioned earlier, True Grit has an exclusive relationship with Bodybuilding.com, so that’s the only place you can purchase True Grit Testosterone Booster. Even on the True Grit website, when you click the “Buy” button, they send you through to Bodybuilding.com to place your order.

A single bottle contains 120 tablets, which works out to 60 servings. You take 2 servings a day so it’s basically a 30 day supply. That puts True Grit Testosterone Booster at the low end in terms of average prices for natural testosterone boosting supplements.

True Grit Testosterone Booster Pros and Cons

Advantages of True Grit Testosterone Booster

  • They provide full ingredient information, including amounts.
  • Most of the ingredients are present in clinically studied doses.
  • The company provides additional tips and guidance for gaining success.
  • It’s affordable.

Disadvantages of True Grit Testosterone Booster

  • The fact that there are so many likely fake reviews on Bodybuilding.com doesn’t engender trust in the company, which is really too bad because they have a lot of other things going for them.
  • They might have chosen to include D Aspartic Acid in their formula. It’s the most successfully tested ingredient for boosting testosterone.


The formula looks good for the most part. The company makes a real effort to be informative and cover all the needs of the seriously motivated weight lifting enthusiast. True Grit Testosterone Booster is even more affordable than most other quality natural testosterone boosters. The only black marks are those fake customer reviews on Bodybuilding.com. Hopefully, they’ll get enough real reviews to feel like they don’t need false advertising to sell their product.

In spite of that, I think True Grit Testosterone Booster has enough going for it to make it worth trying.

Have You Used True Grit Testosterone Booster? Leave Your Review Below!

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