MaxGain Extreme Review – 7 Big Reasons Not To Try It

When you see a product call itself a “scientifically advanced extreme pre workout pill” you want to think it just might be something special. This is what it says right at the top of the MaxGain Extreme website. The use of the word “scientifically” is no accident. It’s there to lend authority to this pill.

Of course, this is just marketing scheme. Nothing is wrong with that necessarily, all products need to market themselves. The good products have it easy. They just have to tell the truth. The not-so-good ones, well they have to be a bit more creative.

A visitor to our site recently asked me to check out MaxGain Extreme. He wanted to know if it lives up to such claims. So we checked for him. Read on to see what we found.

What Is MaxGain Extreme

The first thing we always do is take a look at what the product is and what they say it does. Right from the get-go, this information was confusing. The product’s tag line calls it a pre workout pill, but if you scroll down not half a page, they say it’s a testosterone booster.

Even the dosage instructions conflict. When they call it a testosterone booster, they say take 1 pill per day in the morning:


But when they talk about it being a pre workout, they have a different set of instructions:




While the two benefits are related, they are not the same.

A pre workout gives you energy to propel you through your workout and usually provides some sort of nitric oxide boost to increase your pumps. It’s an immediate effect. You take the supplement about 30-60 minutes before your workout, and you’re ready to go.

A testosterone booster works over time. The ingredients build up in your system, improving your body’s natural testosterone producing process. Your workouts will improve, but it happens over time as your body composition improves due to the circular process of increased testosterone and better workouts.

Pre workouts and testosterone boosters often work well together when taken as a stack, but in this case, MaxGain Extreme doesn’t seem to be able to decide which one it is. Well since they can’t decide, we’ll decide for them, by looking at the formula.

MaxGain Extreme Ingredients

I was pleased to see not only a listing of ingredients on the webpage, but also a link to a label image, which can be used to verify that these are indeed the ingredients in the formula.

And we can talk a little about what each ingredient does as well:

  • L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide. Your body needs L-Arginine to produce NO in your body. NO is a vasodilator, which means it relaxes and opens up your blood vessel walls allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through to your muscles during workouts. More blood means a few things to your workout. It means better vascularity – ie better pumps, it means more oxygen for increased energy, and it means more nutrients for better recovery post workout.
  • L-Arginine Monohydrochloride is actually just another name for L-Arginine in slightly different form. Its benefits are the same as L-Arginine.
  • L-Arginine Alpha KetoGlutarate which is again, a slightly different form of L-Arginine.
  • L-Citrulline is somewhat different in that it’s a precursor to L-Arginine. So it first converts to l-arginine, then to nitric oxide. It has other benefits as well that include delaying the build up of lactic acid which means you can work your muscles harder and longer before they get fatigued, and increasing muscle energy (ATP).

The MaxGain Extreme website characterizes the benefits of each ingredient a little differently:




Is MaxGain Extreme a Pre Workout or a Testosterone Booster?

Judging by the ingredient profile, MaxGain Extreme is clearly a pre workout supplement. None of the ingredients has anything to do with boosting testosterone, but it is clearly designed to boost nitric oxide production for better workouts.

The proprietary blend of the 3 types of L-Arginine totals 800mg per 2 pill serving. Interesting – the website says take just one pill, but the label says to take 2; with this low of a dose, it seems 2 would definitely be preferable to. Even at a 2 pill dose, the amount of L-Arginine you’re getting is far below what is recommended for pre workout purposes. Most experts recommend about 1.5 grams prior to working out.

MaxGain Extreme Reviews

The MaxGain Extreme website doesn’t provide customer testimonials, and I wasn’t able to find any feedback anywhere else online either. This is too bad, since it’s often the best way to determine if a supplement is actually out there benefiting anyone.

The Free Trial Scam

We’ve determined that MaxGain Extreme is a pre workout supplement, and a pretty mediocre one at that (based on the low dosing in the formula). So really what’s left to talk about is price and value. If MaxGain Extreme is super cheap, it may be worth it to give it a shot. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In fact, the opposite is.

The only way to buy MaxGain Extreme is through their official website by signing up for a free trial. Free trial? That sounds great, right? Uh, wrong. They may call it a free trial, but there’s nothing free about it. In fact, they’ve even stopped calling it “free” due to all the complaints about trials such as this one:




Here’s how it works. You sign up for the trial and pay a small ($4.95) shipping charge. They send you a full one-month supply. From the moment you sign up, you have 14 days to call and cancel your trial. If you don’t, on the 14th day, they will charge you full price for MaxGain Extreme – $79.97.



And that’s not all. If you don’t cancel, they’ll continue to send you a new bottle each month, and charge you that obscene price of $79.97 plus shipping for each one.

Guys, even if MaxGain Extreme does provide some benefit, it’s not worth $80 a month. It’s underdosed L-Arginine with a massively underdosed amount of L-Citrulline thrown in for good measure. According to the folks over at, the recommended pre workout dose of L-Citrulline is 3 grams. The L-Citrulline dose in MaxGain Extreme? 5 mg. You would have to take 1200 MaxGain Extreme pills to get you to that recommended dose. (Please don’t take that as a recommendation to take 1200 pills of anything. This is just to point out how absurdly low the dose is, and how likely it is to be positively ineffective).

Who Makes MaxGain Extreme?

The first time I looked for MaxGain Extreme, the manufacturer was listed as a company called Healthy Image USA LLC. This company had been in business for a total of 6 months. When I went back today to verify some information, all references to a parent company had changed to “Live Technologies LLC”. Finding information on Live Technologies LLC proved impossible. Their address turns up a completely different company, leaving us wondering who these people really are, and what they’re trying to pull.

The truth is, in researching supplements sold online – especially the trial offers – changes in business title, product name, ingredients lists, and phone numbers happen all the time. My strong opinion is that it’s because their own shady reputations begin to catch up with them and they have to reinvent themselves in order to stay in business. So for now, MaxGain Extreme is a product of the Live Technologies LLC company, about which we could find nothing.

MaxGain Extreme Refund Policy

As you might imaging, the MaxGain Extreme refund policy is a joke. There are no refunds for open or used product. Effectively that means there is no way to try it without risk. You can only return unopened bottles, and you must call to request an RMA number within 14 days of your purchase. They call it a 30 day refund policy, but I don’t see where 30 days comes into the picture at all. You need to get an RMA number within 14 days, and you must return the product within 14 days from then. That totals 28, not 30, days.

MaxGain Extreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of MaxGain Extreme

  • The ingredients are listed on the website.
  • The formula is all natural.

Disadvantages of MaxGain Extreme

  • The dosing is pathetically low.
  • There is no scientific backing to the effectiveness of MaxGain Extreme.
  • We found no customer reviews.
  • The website calls it a pre workout pill, then calls it a testosterone booster, apparently not knowing which to go with.
  • The website spells MaxGain Extreme as MaxGain Extream…. more than once.
  • You can only purchase it by signing up for the trial which puts you into a monthly billing program automatically.
  • The refund policy is almost entirely unhelpful.

The Bottom Line

I see a new free trial supplement scam almost every day. Even so, I look at each one individually, looking for possible merits. That’s why we talk about ingredients in every case. Any one of these supplements could be quality stuff. That’s determined by the formula, not the marketing. The problem is, most manufacturers who go into the free trial game, do so not because they want to get word out about their fabulous supplement. It’s because they know deceit is the only way to get people to buy their product, so they’re willing to engage in it.

When it comes to MaxGain Extreme, the problem is deeper than the trial. The formula is significantly under-dosed on the L-Argninine and extremely under-dosed on the L-Citrulline. It’s very unlikely to be effective no matter how much you pay for it. The website is confusing and conflicts itself more than once. They even spelled their own product wrong once or twice.

Nope, stay away from MaxGain Extreme. There are several reasons to avoid this stuff, and not one significant reason to try it.

Have You Used MaxGain Extreme? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More » Review-1 Big Reason to Wonder

More people are using supplements today than ever before. There are tons of reasons for this, but one that stands out for me is the fact that supplements are just plain better than they used to be. Another is that people are taking control of their health. It used to be you’d go to the doctor, he’d give you a prescription, and for the most part, you’d be treating your symptoms. But these days, people are more involved in their own healthcare, and the focus has shifted to treating your body as a whole entity, as opposed to a series of symptoms. But are they really any good? Obviously, that’s a question I take very seriously, and it’s really best answered product by product.

Actually, today, we’re looking into an entire brand. It’s called, and as you can tell by the name, they are an online brand. They’re an all-around lifestyle supplement brand specializing in categories like HGH supplements of course, as well as bodybuilding, sexual health, and weight loss. Since HGH is the focus of the brand, let’s start by talking a little about what it is and why you need it.

hgh-com-feature-imageWhat is HGH?

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. Your body makes it naturally in the pituitary gland. It’s responsible for contributing to growth – in bones, muscles, and cells of all kinds. Just like testosterone, when you’re young, your body makes plenty of HGH, but as you age, that process slows down, leaving you with just a small fraction of what you used to have. Some of the effects of this are:

  • Decreased bone density.
  • Less Muscle Mass.
  • Increased body fat percentage.
  • Decreased lung and cardiac functioning.

Natural HGH has been simulated in labs. Children with certain growth disorders are given injections of this synthetic HGH to help them grow more normally. This requires a prescription and is very expensive. Of course, off label use of these injections soon proliferated. Older patients also use HGH injections for the anti-aging effects they provide. By increasing new cell growth, people report more youthful skin, joints, hair, nails, and body composition.

But not everyone can get these injections prescribed, and even if they could, they probably can’t afford to get them. And that’s where the supplement industry, and in particular, come in.






Somatropinne is’s flagship product. It uses natural ingredients to simulate the effect of HGH injections. It works by encouraging your already existing HGH production to turn things up a notch, and it does this in two ways:

  1. Somatropinne provides the specific amino acids that act as building blocks of Human Growth Hormone. These include L-Arginine and L-Valine.
  2. It uses tiny amounts of synthetic HGH to act as a secretagogue, which will encourage your body to turn up it’s own production systems.

In addition to Somatropinne, has a few other HGH products, each with a slightly different focus designed with a different end user in mind. Their theory is that not every supplement will work the same with every body, so they prefer to provide alternative options. HGF Max, HGH 30,000, and Dbol GH are among the top sellers.

We selected a few of their products to discuss as representative of what has to offer.



Bodybuilding is one of the biggest categories of supplement for the company. The focus here is primarily on mimicking the effects you can get with synthetic steroids. They do this by combining certain natural ingredients that have been shown to have anabolic effects.

  • One of’s best selling Bodybuilding supplements is called A-Max 50. It encourages muscle growth and is used in bulking cycles to help you gain 15 or more pounds of muscle in a 60 day period.
  • Cut and Ripped is another favorite, mainly used in cutting cycles and contest prep. It helps you get lean without losing the muscle you’ve worked so hard to put on. The combination of ingredients includes fat burners, amino acids, muscle builders, and joint protection, all put together synergistically to get you the results you’re after.
  • Ana-GH combines bulking with HGH increase for strength and vigor. It promotes strength and weight simultaneously, while protecting joints with increased water retention.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss is another popular category on the website. The weight loss package is one of their bigger sellers. It includes HGF Max along with Hydrox Slim, their primary fat burning supplement offering, that also suppresses appetite and increases energy.

Height and Bone Support

Since HGH is used to help children with growth issues, many believe that they can use HGH as adults to gain height. The theory is that the cellular growth and regeneration can cause bones to lengthen. The problem is, science hasn’t really born that out.


The primary product for height growth is Growth Factor Plus, one of their HGH formulations. It uses a combination of amino acids as the building blocks of HGH along with Colostrum and Phosphatidyl Choline to support this growth. To be fair, is not promising you’ll grow 6 inches in adulthood. But they do claim they’ve had customers with actual results.

Sexual Health

One of the newest formulations from is Androgenol Penile Maximizer. They claim it may increase the size of your member, but they’re pretty vague on the details. I’d venture to guess that’s because no pill can really do that, not in any permanent sense. Judging by the ingredients, which include Yohimbine, L-Arginine, Maca Root, and Epimedium, it’s more likely to help with your performance than your size. You should get better erections and have more stamina, but you won’t technically get bigger.

That’s a little overview of some of their offerings. It’s true that some show promise, so now it’s time to turn our focus to the company and see if they are an entity you want to make a purchase from.

Who is got their start years ago selling HGH supplements online. After a few years, they were bought by a company called Inventory Recovery Corp, which runs them through their sister entity, Purity Select. They offer most if not all of the same products, just with a different emphasis – mainly on the weight loss products.

All products for both brands are made in several facilities, all FDA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) approved. This doesn’t mean the supplements are approved by the FDA. The FDA doesn’t evaluate or approve supplements and their effectiveness. But it does mean the facilities meet FDA standards for cleanliness and efficiencies. Reputation

We checked into the BBB rating for, but found their information through the Purity Select brand name. The good news is there are no complaints and the company has an A+ rating. This is a pretty rare thing in the online supplement industry. It’s much more common for billing complaints to be lodged with the Better Business Bureau for companies like this. Prices and Guarantees

Prices for supplements vary, with most of them running in the $60-$90 range for one month supplies. They offer discounts when you buy multiple months at a time. A typical deal is Buy 3 months, Get 1 month free. We should mention that prices for the HGH supplements are much higher than most of the others. Somatropinne costs $139.99 per month, while Growth Factor Plus is $169.99. offers something unique in the area of pricing. They have 3 “Health Club” options you can choose from as a means to get the products you want and save a little money.




  • The Silver Plan costs $500 and includes many of the supplement line. It’s a 6 month membership where you get 3 shipments of 2 bottles of your 2 chosen supplements. You can use it for a 6 month supply of your favorite, or a 3 month supply of 2 of your favorites.
  • The Gold Plan costs $750 and includes even more of the supplement line. It’s also a 6 month membership where you get 6 shipments of 2 bottles each. You’re essentially getting double the products you would get in the Silver plan but for only a 50% higher price.
  • The Platinum Plan costs $1,300 and includes all supplements in the line. It’s a 6 month membership, and you get 6 shipments of 3 bottles each. Mix and match however you choose, knowing that you’ll be getting 3 supplements of your choice each month. The Platinum Package also comes with a free custom nutrition plan valued at $200.


There is a money back guarantee for all products. If you return the product, used or unused within 90 days, they’ll refund your money in full. Complete contact information and company address can be easily found on the website. Pros and Cons

Advantages of

  • The site offers several products covering many supplement needs.
  • The website offers lots of information on the products, on Human Growth Hormone in general, and on the supplements themselves.
  • There’s a 90 day money back guarantee on all orders.

Disadvantages of

  • Their prices can be pretty high.
  • They claim benefits like increased height which just can’t be supported by research.
  • We haven’t found much when looking for customer feedback online.

The Bottom Line

We usually review individual supplements, and sometimes stacks. This time, we’re reviewing an entire company. has an impressive array of products for weight loss, bodybuilding, sexual enhancement, and this is all in addition to its flagship HGH boosting products. They’ve got a solid website with good contact information and a 90 day money back guarantee on all orders. All this speaks highly of their business model but leaves one big question mark.

Do the products work?

This is of course the most important question for most products, and we don’t have an answer. The formulas look decent, but not special. The prices, on the other hand, are pretty steep. If any of the products intrigue you, go ahead and try it out. You can, because they’ll honor their guarantee if you return it within 90 days.

Have You Used Products? Leave Your Review Below?

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

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#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

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#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

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ZYX10 Review – 3 BIG Reasons Not to Use It

ZYX 10 Contents

What is it
Where to Buy
ZYX10 and Z Vital
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

If you’re anything like me, you watch A LOT of porn.

We’ll, I don’t ACTUALLY watch the porn (most of the time), but visiting these sites gives me some pretty good insight as to which BS penis enlargement product is being pushed today.

As I visit one site, I see this enormous ad proclaiming “Only One Pill And He Was So Big!”, with a little button that said there was a free sample.

ZYX10 ad

I tell you, nothing sells a penis pill better than a picture of an old guy ramming a hot young chick from behind.

But I digress.

When I clicked on the ad, it led me to a blog post style page that proclaims:

zyx 10 fake marketing

Ok, now I’m REALLY ready to buy whatever they’re selling 😉

This blog post goes on to explain how this woman, who goes by the name Kate, a 33 year old woman in search of the perfect sex pill for her aging husband.

In her search, she says she came across an interview with Johnny Sins from Brazzers, and how he can last as long as 2 hours using this amazing pill called…

You guessed it, ZYX10…

zyx10 johnny sins

Long story short, she decides to order it, gives it to her husband telling him it’s “just a vitamin”, and BAM…

1 Hour later they’re screwing like 2 kids on Prom night.

And wouldn’t you know it, they actually offering ZYX-10 COMPLETELY FREE for the next 2 minutes and 23 seconds…

So, How Does This Amazing Pill ACTUALLY Work?

Well, according to the official ZYX10 website, it’s a “natural testosterone enhancement” supplement.

Testosterone is often referred to as the male hormone. It makes sense in a lot of ways. Male bodies naturally make more testosterone than female bodies. The characteristics enhanced by testosterone are all typically associated with being male. Testosterone increases body hair, muscle, aggression, strength, and libido, while it decreases fat and water retention. The first group are essentially male characteristics bolstered by testosterone. The second group are typically associated with females and estrogen.

As men age, the unfortunate fact is that their body’s natural testosterone production begins to drop off, and these typically male traits begin to fade in the process.

testosterone decrease by age

Traits like energy, strength and endurance, and the one that matters most here: Sexual libido.

Some may see it as a natural and expected effect of aging. Others don’t want to go down without a fight.

For members of the second group, there are natural testosterone boosting supplements. They don’t work as well and directly as hormone replacement therapy which uses synthetic testosterone to replace and augment what you have naturally. But they do help by increasing the natural testosterone your body produces.

What is ZYX-10 Pills?

zyx10 reviewsZYX10 male enhancement is one of these natural testosterone boosting supplements, and it’s recently become available online by signing up for a free trial.

Among other claims, some of the benefits of ZXY-10 include:

  • Bigger, Longer Lasting Erections
  • A surge in sex drive and energy
  • Increased sexual confidence

Let’s dive right in and see if it’s worth signing up.

Benefits of ZYX10 Male Enhancement

Most of the information you’ll find about ZYX10 comes from its official website, and it places its focus almost exclusively on sexual enhancement. They don’t go so far as to say it’ll make your penis grow, but they do state you’ll achieve:

  • Greater sexual satisfaction.
  • Improved erections.
  • Being more impressive to your partner.
  • Vastly increased confidence.
  • Even though testosterone is as much about muscles as it is about sex, ZYX10 goes all in on solving sexual problems:

In fact, the entire website goes on in that vein, describing with titillating words and semi-explicit images how you can become the sexual god you were meant to be and have every woman you want begging at your feet.

ZYX10 Ingredients

The next thing we took a look into was the formula. You can tell a lot about a supplement by what’s in it. Unfortunately, ZYX10 doesn’t give amounts or show an actual label. But they do let us know what the key ingredients are, and that’s something.

  • Wild Yam Extract is used to maintain an appropriate balance between male and female hormones. (1)
  • Orchic Substance is thought to boost natural testosterone, although this notion has been disputed. (2)
  • Saw Palmetto supports prostate health which is important because increased testosterone in some men could cause prostate problems. (3)
  • Nettle Extract also supports prostate health, including symptoms of BPH. (4)
  • Tongkat Ali supports free testosterone by binding to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds itself to testosterone molecules, making them ineffective. But with Tongkat Ali around, there’s less SHBG available to bind up the testosterone. (5)
  • Epimedium which doesn’t actually increase testosterone, but it does help enhance your sexual performance first by being a natural aphrodisiac, then by improving blood flow for better erections. (6)
  • Sarsaparilla contains steroid saponins which are the building blocks of testosterone. (7)
  • Boron has been shown to increase free testosterone by preventing it from converting to estrogen and also by inhibiting the action of SHBG, like Tongkat Ali. (8)

It looks like a fairly typical testosterone boosting formula – nothing terrible but nothing particularly effective either. I’ve seen much better, that’s for sure.

ZYX10 Reviews

We searched through supplement websites and forum discussions and found absolutely no independent feedback regarding ZYX10 male enhancement from guys who’ve actually used it. The only thing we found that even comes close is the testimonial section on the product website:

zyx-10 male enhancement reviews

Up to this point, ZYX-10 looks like a lot of other supplements out there – nothing great, nothing awful. It may work for you, or it may not. But it’s not likely to turn the industry on its ear. And while all this remains true, there are a few other key pieces of information you need to understand all that’s right and all that’s wrong with ZYX10 male enhancement.

Where to Buy

ZYX10 is only available through their website, and only by signing up for their free trial offer. This may sound like a good thing, but trust me, it’s anything but. What happens is, you sign up for the free trial by paying only a small shipping fee of $1.99.

zyx10 free trial

Most customers think this is where the story ends. They get their free sample in the mail, they try it out, and if they want more, they buy it. But that’s not even remotely close to how it goes from here. Check out the small print about what actually comes next:

zyx-10 male enhancement terms and conditions

Basically what they’re saying is that unless you call 855-349-3811 and cancel within 14 days of ordering, they’ll charge your credit card $94.99 for the trial bottle, then they’ll send you a new full price bottle each month until you realize what they’re doing and call to cancel. They don’t mention having to return the free trial bottle to prevent being charged, but you’d want to check with ZYX10 to be sure. You don’t want to have to find out by finding the $95 charge on your credit card.

ZYX10 and Z Vital

I noticed something very interesting when I began looking into ZYX10. About half of the websites that popped up in the search weren’t for ZYX-10 male enhancement at all. They were actually for a product called Z Vital, also a testosterone booster. What you’ll notice about the two products is that the websites are basically exactly the same, the only real difference being the product name and the look of the bottle.

Take a look at the 2 websites one after the other:

zyx10 website screenshot

z vital website screenshot

They are just about exactly the same. Clearly there are companies that make more than one supplement, but that’s not what’s going on here. They are presenting these two as exactly the same, with the same ingredients, same benefits, same everything. And they’re using the exact same marketing for each.

Right down to the testimonials. Remember the ZYX10 male enhancement testimonials I listed up above? Take quick look at them again, then look at what I found on the Z Vital website:

z-vital reviews

The only change they made was to switch out the product name. That’s proof positive that this company will fabricate customer reviews. After all, they can’t be real for both products.

ZYX10 Pros and Cons

Advantages of ZYX10

  • It contains natural ingredients. (probably)

Disadvantages of ZYX10

  1. They don’t list ingredient amounts on the website, so it’s difficult to know if they are present in effective amounts. They could just be dustings – enough to claim they’re in there, but not enough to do anything.
  2. There aren’t really any powerhouse ingredients in the list.
  3. The website and marketing and everything else is exactly the same as for Z Vital.
  4. You can only order by signing up for the free trial offer, which is not free at all, and will have you paying every month.
  5. If you don’t cancel in time, the stuff costs $89.95 plus shipping every month.
  6. There are no customer reviews, just testimonials on the official website, which by the way are the same ones they used for Z Vital, so you know they’re not real.

The Bottom Line

Even if you ignore the free trial and the copycat website issues, ZYX-10 male enhancement still isn’t anything to write home about. It’s a mediocre testosterone booster that costs way too much for what it is. But we can’t ignore the free trial issue. So many guys get roped into these scammy free trials, and it’s no accident. The print is small for a reason. They want you to sign up thinking you’re trying something out for free because if most guys realized the terms, they’d never sign on.

This scam is all too common and quite frankly, it is insulting that these companies even continue to try it, but the fact of the matter is that trusting and hopeful customers keep on falling for it so I see no end in sight anytime soon.

And the fact that ZYX10 is basically the replacement product for Z Vital is just icing on the cake. It’s a pretty common thing actually. Companies don’t want to hang around too long selling the same free trial scam with the same product because after a while, that product gets a bad reputation. So they move on quickly and seamlessly to the next. It’s very likely that’s what’s going on here.

Their claims are just as unbelievable as the fake reviews that you can find on every corner of the internet and they quite simply are not fooling me, and hopefully won’t fool you.

In the end, ZYX10 isn’t vital at all. There are much better testosterone boosters out there. Check out one of those.

Have You Used ZYX10? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Muscle XTX Review – 7 BIG Reasons to Stay Away


Why Is It a Scam
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

The free trial scammers are at it again, and this time they’re getting pretty sloppy about it. About a week ago, a reader asked me to look into a product called Muscle XTX. I quickly looked it up to see what we were dealing with. You have to move fast with some of these products because they can be gone from the scene just as quickly as they came on.  When I took a look the first thing I found was a website that looked something like this:




I was planning on taking care of a few other things before getting involved with researching and reviewing this new request, but when I saw the product website, I knew I had to get to it right away, or it would very quickly become hard to track down all the information I needed.

This is something I’ve learned after checking out dozens – hell, maybe it’s hundreds by now– of these free trial scams. They pop up on the scene very quickly, and they can disappear in a flash. Some stick around longer, but most don’t.

So I put Muscle XTX at the top of my list, gathered as much information as I could find, and put it together here so you guys can have a source of credible information about this stuff before you fall for their scam.

Why Is Muscle XTX a Scam?

I’ve been writing about free trial supplement scams for so long now, I can get a pretty good idea what’s trustworthy and what’s not just by taking a quick look at their website. When that order form is right there at the top, talking about a trial, that’s usually my first clue. But Muscle XTX made it even easier. One of the affiliates for this product appears to have slapped the website together in about 5 minutes and clearly cares extremely little about the product’s reputation.

Look at the image below. Clearly, this is a website promoting Muscle XTX. But take a closer look at the text under the image. It’s all about a totally different product called Alpha XTRM. And this carries through the entire webpage.


And it gets worse. If you click through to the order page, look what you get:




Yep, it takes you to the order page for yet another product, this time Pro Shred. So the first webpage claims to be about Muscle XTX, which an image of the bottle front and center, but all the sales copy is about Alpha XTRM. Then when you go to order, you end up with yet another pill, Pro Shred. This whole thing would crack me up if I didn’t know guys who were getting scammed out of their hard earned money.

But this just goes to show how much this whole free trial scam has exploded. Companies jump in quick, they don’t put a lot of thought or care into presenting their deal because they know they can say “Free Trial” and people will jump. And after they make a sizable amount of cash, they shut down their website, change the label on their bottles, switch out a few words and images, put their website back online, and sell the same crap under a different name.

But Why Are They Giving it Away for Free? (Hint: They’re Not)

Clearly they can’t be making money giving away free trials, so you might be wondering how this works as a business plan for these scammers, and that’s a great question. Here’s how it works.

When you sign up for the free trial, you need to pay a small shipping fee (usually $4..95).




To pay for the shipping fee, you enter your credit card number. Now they have it.

And what most guys don’t see is the very faint, very fine print that explains what’s going to happen next. The following is taken directly from the Muscle XTX order page:




So in 18 days, unless you call 1-844-845-8061 to cancel your “subscription” AND ship back (at your own expense) the remainder of the “free” bottle, you will be charged full price for that bottle you thought was free. Make no mistake, you are not getting anything for free. It’s simply delayed billing. Instead of charging you now, they charge you in 18 days, and the only way to avoid that is by spending more money to send it back.

You might be thinking, “oh well, if it’s good, I’ll just pay for it and who cares if they used a little tricky marketing to get me to buy it”? But when you see the price and what happens next, you probably won’t be thinking that anymore.

Unless you cancel and return your bottle, you will be charged $94.95 for the bottle you thought was free, and your nightmare doesn’t end there. By signing up for the free trial, you also signed up for ongoing monthly autoshipments of the product at that same sky-high $94.95 price.

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not this is a scam, let’s talk about the actual Muscle XTX supplement – its promises, its ingredients, its customer feedback – all the stuff you want to know if you’re considering taking that leap and making a purchase.

Muscle XTX Benefits

On the bottle, Muscle XTX claims to be “Testosterone Support” and the following benefits are listed:

  • Supports healthy free testosterone levels.
  • Supports healthy muscle growth and strength.
  • Supports healthy body composition.

These are all great benefits of using an effective natural testosterone booster. The only trouble is, everything else on the website points to Muscle XTX being an nitric oxide boosting pre workout supplement. In contrast to what the bottle says, the website pushes the notion that Muscle XTX increases your muscle pumps, which is generally accepted as a results of boosting nitric oxide.

Muscle XTX Ingredients

The listed ingredients support the nitric oxide narrative as well. While a complete label is not provided, and they don’t discuss amounts, there are three primary ingredients mentioned on the website: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and L-Norvaline. These are all amino acids which contribute to your workout efforts in the following ways:

  • L-Argninine is a precursor to nitric oxide. Basically, it converts to nitric oxide in the body. NO works as a vasodilator, meaning that it relaxes blood vessel walls, opening them up and allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through. More blood getting to your muscles means more oxygen and nutrients to help you go longer and harder in your workout. And it means better vascularity and better pumps.
  • L-Citrulline is a precursor to L-Arginine, so it converts to L-Arginine and then NO. This has a time release effect on the production of nitric oxide, so you maintain high levels throughout your workout and your day.
  • L-Norvaline works by preventing the breakdown of L-Arginine, leaving more in your system to do the work it needs to do, producing nitric oxide.

While there may be other ingredients included in the Muscle XTX formula (we don’t know and they’re not telling), the main focus is clearly producing nitric oxide, not boosting testosterone.

Instructions for use point toward it being a pre workout as well. They say to take 2 tablets 30 minutes before you work out. (Just another misstep to point out – these instructions say Muscle XTX comes in tablet form, but the bottle says they’re capsules. It may seem like a nitpicky point, but professional companies don’t make this kind of mistake).

Muscle XTX Reviews

As is typical with these free trial products, there is no independent customer feedback to be found online. The only thing we have access to is affiliate websites, which aren’t actually real reviews from users. They’re just made to look like that so you click through to sign up for the free trials.

Muscle XTX Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve laid out pretty much all the factual information we have on Muscle XTX, let’s make a pros and cons list and see where things fall.

Advantages of Muscle XTX

  • I can’t think of a single thing.

Disadvantages of Muscle XTX

  1. The bottle says it’s one thing (testosterone booster) while its ingredients say another (pre workout).
  2. We only know 3 ingredients, and we don’t know how much of those are used.
  3. Their marketing is filled with mistakes – the biggest one is where they use the wrong product in all the text on one of their websites, then send you to still another product when you’re trying to order.
  4. It’s only available by signing up for the “free trial” which is really just a scam to sign you up for monthly autopay.
  5. You have to send the product back in order to not be charged for your “free” trial bottle.
  6. It costs $95!
  7. There is no real customer feedback from people who’ve actually used it.

UPDATE 10/24/16

Apparently, Muscle XTX caught on to the fact that they were putting out a confusing message about what it actually is, and they’ve taken steps to correct it. The website has been re-worked and now talks about Muscle XTM as a testosterone booster. Talk of L-Argninine and other ingredients is gone, but not replaced. Now we have even less information about ingredients than we did before.

They mention Tribulus Terrestris, thought to increase testosterone, but with little to no evidence to support that claim. But that’s the only ingredient mentioned at all.

When there is not enough accurate information about ingredients for any product, it is safe to assume that they are either not there, are in poor concentration, or are dangerous.

This improves the situation ever so slightly, but not enough by a long shot. The biggest issue is the free trial scam, and they left that firmly in place.

The Bottom Line

We talk about these free trial scams all the time,and they’re all crap. But this one is even a little bit worse than the others. $95 is at the higher end of what these products usually charge. The careless management of the website and promotional material shows how little they care about presenting a professional product or image. And the fact that they explicitly state you have to send the product back if you don’t want to be charged for your “trial” bottle! That’s just the worst.

There are NO reasons to use Muscle XTX. There are at least 7 big reasons NOT TO. You choose.

Have You Used Muscle XTX? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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AMPED NOx Review – The Big Reason Not to Use It


What is AMPED NOx
How it Works
How To Take
Who Makes AMPED NOx
How To Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

AMPED NOx is a pre workout product that’s a little different than what you typically see. Sure, it’s a nitric oxide based pre workout, which is nothing new. In fact, it’s hard to find a pre workout these days that isn’t based on the principle of boosting nitric oxide. No, what’s different about AMPED NOx is that it comes in the form of a liquid shot (think energy shot) instead of pill or powder form. So right off the bat, it’s intriguing, which is one of the reason we decided to look into it.

Another reason is where it comes from. AMPED NOx is made by IsaGenix, a healthy lifestyle products multilevel marketing company that you’ve probably seen being pushed on your Facebook feed. These kinds of companies have been getting a lot of traction recently, mainly due to the way social media makes it so easy to market and sell products. So let’s dive in and take a look at what makes AMPED NOx tick and whether or not it’s worth trying in the end.

What is AMPED NOx?

As we mentioned above, AMPED NOx is a pre workout shot designed to get you ready for your best workout each and every time. It does this by giving your body what it needs to produce an increased amount of nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator, which means that it relaxes blood vessel walls, opening them up and letting more blood flow through more freely. More blood flowing through your veins means more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to your muscles.

amped-nox-review-How AMPED NOx Works

We started to touch on it above, but here’s where we’ll drill down a little deeper. When the increased nitric oxide widens blood vessels, more blood reaches your muscles before, during and after your workout.

Before your workout, the increased blood flow means more energy because more oxygen is flowing through your system.

During your workout, you’ll see a number of benefits. The increased oxygen provides a natural energy with no potential for crash to your muscles. This means longer stronger workouts leading to better results. The increased blood flow is also what gives you that pumped look everyone wants while they’re working out.

After your workout, the increased blood flow means more nutrients are delivered to your muscles. This leads to faster, improved recovery which leads to better overall results are achieved through your workout.

AMPED NOx Ingredients

AMPED NOx uses vegetable and fruit extracts as the primary ingredients in the formula. They are all included in a 7880 mg proprietary blend of Beets, Celery, Red Spinach Leaf, Green Tea, Red Grape, White Grape, Bilberry, Carrot, Grapefruit, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberry, Apple, Apricot, Cherry, Orange, Broccoli, Green Cabbage, Onion, Garlic, BlackCurrant, Asparagus, Tomato, Olive, and Cucumber.

All these extracts are healthy, contain antioxidants, and are likely to provide energy, this is true. And the primary source of nitrates, which will boost nitric oxide, is the beet extract. But ultimately, it appears to be more of a healthy energy boosting shot than a pre workout supplement.

How To Take AMPED NOx

They make it quite clear that you should take AMPED NOx every day, whether you’re working out that day or not. On workout days, take it about 15-30 minutes prior to hitting the gym, but generally speaking, try to take it at around the same time each day.

Who Makes AMPED NOx?



AMPED NOx is part of the Amped line of products from Isagenix, a network marketing company. On their website, they tout that they’re different from other networking companies, like Amway and Avon by providing a culture of fun, family, success, growth, passion, and integrity, and of course by providing a quality line of products as well.

Essentially how it works is that Isagenix has distributors all connected in networks. It’s in a distributor’s best interest to not only get you to buy the products, but to get you to sell them as well. Each new recruit under a distributor add to that person’s bottom line by becoming part of their network. The typical complaint about these setups is that a few people at the top get very very rich, while most people – those who came in years after the business is already established – end up doing a lot of work for relatively little payout.

I don’t have any inside knowledge of the Isagenix corporate structure, so I don’t know where it falls in terms of how much money distributors make. But I do know that in these kinds of companies, a lot more focus is put on the marketing than on the actual products themselves.

From a customer’s viewpoint, I checked into what the Better Business Bureau had to say about Isagenix, and the story is a bit mixed. On the one hand, they were given an A+ rating, but on the other hand, there are pages and pages of complaints listed.

Here’s one that encompasses both dissatisfaction with the product as well as with billing and customer service:


Isagenix responded by refunding the customer the entire amount.

Here’s another complaint that addresses the way Isagenix does business with it’s multilevel marketing program:


Again, the company refunded the money in the end. This explains the A+ rating, but you can’t dismiss the fact of the original complaints. Most dissatisfied customers don’t contact the Better Business Bureau with their complaints, so chances are they don’t get their refunds quite so willingly or so completely. If they did, they wouldn’t have had to get the Better Business Bureau involved in the first place.

How To Buy AMPED NOx

Isagenix products are primarily sold through its network of independent distributors, but you can choose to buy it online as well. If you do purchase online, you can only do so by signing up for an account, which means they have your email address and phone number as well as your shipping address. Since their primary goal is to get you to sign on as a distributor, they use every contact to try to entice you to do just that. This is the case when you order through an independent distributor as well.

amped-nox-performance-system-imageIsagenix prides itself on its culture as a company. It was started by a husband and wife team, and now their adult son helps them run it. They consider their products and the opportunity to sell them as the answer that millions of people are looking for to get them to the life they want, whether they’re looking for greater health, greater wealth, or both.

If you decide to order AMPED NOx, you’ll pay $47 for 12 2 ounce bottles. If you take it every day, as is suggested, that’s about $120 each month, which is quite a bit if you consider it’s probably not the only supplement you’ll take. Alternatively, you can order AMPED NOx as part of their Performance System Package which includes many of the AMPED product line as well as additional products: Isalean PRO, Ionix Supreme, AMPED Hydrate, Amped Power, Amped Fuel, and Amped Recover, as well as AMPED NOx. The price of $371 represents a discount over ordering them each individually, but it’s still a hefty sum.


I’ve noticed AMPED NOx is also available at now, so that may be a way to try it if you’re not excited about someone giving you the hard sell to get you to become a distributor, or buy a bigger package.

AMPED NOx Reviews

Even with as much marketing as you’ll find with AMPED NOx, and the other Isagenix products, there are almost no actual customer reviews from people who’ve used the product. I did find one blog written by an athletic trainer who said she tried it. She is primarily a runner, and she found that it increased her energy more and more over time with no crash. She also mentioned that her calves were less sore the next day after her run than they usually are, so that’s also a plus.

AMPED NOx Pros and Cons

Advantages of AMPED NOx

  • It’s all natural.
  • The shot form is easy to take.
  • It contains several vegetable and fruit extracts, providing both energy and antioxidants.

Disadvantages of AMPED NOx

  • It’s expensive.
  • There are very few reviews from actual customers who’ve used it, so it’s very difficult to gauge how well it works in the real world.
  • It is primarily marketed and sold through a multilevel marketing company.
  • Isagenix has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, but there’s more to the story than that. There are pages and pages of complaints against them about their products, service, and billing. In each case I’ve seen, the company responds to the complaint by refunding the full amount asked for by the customer. But clearly, if they had done that in the first place, the customer wouldn’t have had to get the Better Business Bureau involved at all. It appears Isagenix is not exactly responsive to their customers’ needs until the threat of bad publicity becomes real.

The Bottom Line

I have no doubt that AMPED NOx is good for you. It can give you lasting energy for your day and provide healthy antioxidant protection for your cells. But I just can’t get behind it as an effective, and cost-effective pre workout supplement. AMPED NOx is expensive, and it’s meant to be used alongside a whole line of other products as well. The total monthly cost could easily approach and exceed $400.

AMPED NOx just isn’t worth that much of a financial commitment. At half the price, it may start looking attractive, but even that is probably more than you should pay for what it is.

You can find some much better options out there that have more provable and noticeable effects for half the price easily.

On this site alone you can find a wide number of reviews of similar supplements that are even more effective that are much cheaper than AMPED NOx.

If you’re looking for an MLM opportunity, AMPED NOx and Isagenix may be a good deal for you. But if it’s an effective pre workout you want, I recommend you go with other, more directly beneficial and cost effective options.

Have You Used AMPED NOx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Thrivous Clarity Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try It


What is Thrivous Clarity
Side Effects
How To Use
Fast or Slow Acting
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Without a doubt, cognitive enhancement pills are some of the most popular supplements on the market these days. They exploded onto the scene a couple years ago partly as a way to capture the segment of the population that is using ADHD medications off-label to boost their productivity, and provide them with a safer, legal Adderall alternative.

And that’s what nootropics purport to do. They improve your mental acuity, increase your focus and alertness, enhance your memory, and keep you on task all the way through to completion. It’s a tall order, of course, and different products have demonstrated varying degrees of success.

One product I came across recently and began looking into is called Thrivous Clarity. Thrivous is a company that makes two products, both in the nootropics arena. Clarity is for daytime use, while Serenity is their nighttime product. You can choose to use either one of the two individually, or you can stack them for the added benefits provided by both. In this review, we’re focusing on Clarity.

thrivous-clarity-review-1What is Thrivous Clarity?

Thrivous Clarity is a daily nootropic formula based on scientific research and formulated to improve focus, memory, and mood in the immediate term, and to actually improve the health of your brain functioning now and into the future.

It’s presented on an informative website where you’ll learn details about the components of the formula, and you’re provided links to clinical studies performed on each of the key ingredients. This is a big deal as most products don’t provide quite the level of detail this one does.

Thrivous Clarity Ingredients

With so many products hiding their ingredient amounts within secret proprietary blend formulas, it’s refreshing and very helpful to see that Thrivous Clarity provides actually ingredient amounts. The importance of this cannot be overstated. With many of these ingredients having undergone clinical testing, the only way to really know if the results of Thrivous Clarity will match those in the studies is by knowing if the amounts used in each are the same or close to the same.

So often, a supplement will cite a study presumably showing how effective a certain ingredient is. The study will use a large amount of the ingredient – say 3000 mg. What they don’t tell you is that their product only contains a scant 400 mg per serving (sometimes far less) which can’t even come close to providing the same benefit as the clinical dose did. Hiding their ingredient amounts within a proprietary blend prevents potential customers from catching on.

thrivous-clarity-ingredients-1Thrivous Clarity cites studies, and it shows how much of each ingredient they used:

  • Zinc – 7.5 mg
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract (50% Bacoside) – 300 mg
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract (24% flavone glycoside, 6% terpene lactone) – 120 mg
  • L-Theanine – 200 mg
  • Panax Ginseng Extract (7% ginsenoside) – 210 mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract (3% salidroside) – 200 mg

Zinc is important to multiple bodily functions. In the case of Thrivous Clarity, it’s notable that it can help decrease depression and anxiety.

Bacopa Monniere has been shown to be effective after 12 weeks of use at 300 mg daily. It increases memory in both Alzheimer’s Disease patients and younger, healthier ones. No immediate effects have been reported. In fact improvements had not yet occurred at 6 weeks.

Ginkgo Biloba is shown to support brain health in the long term. In studies related to age related cognitive decline, Ginkgo, in the dose present in Thrivous Clarity, has been found to improve cognitive performance in patients who are otherwise impaired, with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Studies pertaining to short term improvements in cognitive function aren’t particularly promising.

L-Theanine has been shown to promote relaxation without sedation. This means you can feel calm and relaxed, yet still alert and functioning at a high level. Studies have proven L-Theanine to have anti-anxiety benefits while promoting a calm relaxation. 200 mg is the standard recognize dose.

Panax Ginseng has been shown to improve cognitive functioning in single doses. It’s not known how it works, but it’s thought to be related to the glycemic properties of Ginseng. The does in the study was 200 mg.

Rhodiola Rosea may improve energy, focus, and mood. It’s known as an adaptagen to help the body respond most appropriately to stress environments and situations.



Thrivous Clarity Side Effects

Generally speaking, Thrivous Clarity is safe and shouldn’t cause side effects, but it’s possible that a few of the ingredients may cause unwanted effects in some users. For instance, it’s possible for Ginkgo and Rhodiola to interact negatively with certain prescription medications and Bacopa Monnieri may cause digestive upset.

It’s not recommended that Thrivous Clarity be taken by children or by woman who are pregnant of nursing. The primary reason for this is that the ingredients that make up the formula have largely not been tested on these populations. Therefore it’s impossible to tell what effects they may have.

How To Use Thrivous Clarity

It is recommended that you use Thrivous Clarity daily for best results. Some of the ingredients have an immediate and near-term effect (L-Theanine) while some take longer to show their benefits (Ginkgo Biloba).

Take 2 capsules a day together in the morning with a meal. Since Thrivous Clarity doesn’t contain stimulants, it’s not crucial that you take it first thing in the morning, but it may be the best, most convenient time. It’s also important that you take it as close to the same time each day as possible to maintain a consistent level of ingredients in your body.

Fast or Slow Acting?

Many nootropic supplements are made to come on strong and get you through tasks with ease. Most of these are heavy on the caffeine and other stimulants that work right away to boost energy and focus. Thrivous Clarity doesn’t work that way. It’s got some naturally stimulating ingredients, but nothing that’s going to make you jumpy or jittery. The effects from Thrivous Clarity are much more slow to appear than that.

Thrivous Clarity Reviews

We found several reviews written by customers who’ve used Thrivous Clarity, most of them favorable. Here are a few examples:





People who aren’t looking for a jacked up buzzed feeling are getting good results.

Where to Buy

You cannot buy Thrivous Clarity in stores, through the big name online retailers, or even smaller online supplement shops. The only place to purchase Thrivous Clarity is through the official Thrivous website. You do have a couple options however. If you like, you can purchase one bottle outright as a single purchase. This costs $40, and you’ll receive 1 one-month supply bottle.

Alternatively, you can sign up for the subscription program. If you go this route, you’ll pay only $30, and they’ll automatically send you a bottle each month at that same price.

Purchases are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee. The product may be used, but you’ll need to return the open or empty bottle to receive the refund. Before returning, you’ll need to call their customer service number to receive an RMA number to send along with your product.

Thrivous Clarity Pros and Cons

Advantages of Thrivous Clarity

  • The website is very thorough and informative.
  • Thrivous Clarity is reasonably priced.
  • The only customer feedback with could find is positive.
  • The ingredients are listed along with amounts, and the amounts appear to be clinically proven doses.
  • It’s reasonably priced, with an autoshipping plan that’s not connected with a phony free trial.

Disadvantages of Thrivous Clarity

  • There are no stimulants, which may be a drawback for some people. I know lots of my readers want something that works “right now” in which case Thrivous Clarity might not fit the bill.
  • The only reviews we found come from the Thrivous Clarity website, which means they may not show the full story, only the positive side.

The Bottom Line

The best thing we see about Thrivous Clarity is its professional presentation. It doesn’t appear to be trying to grab customers with wild exaggerations and promises. They present the information clearly, and appear to have put together a formula based on scientific notions of improved brain function.

Of course, all of that means nothing is the stuff doesn’t work. If you want an energy pop from your nootropic, Thrivous Clarity isn’t for you. But if you want to improve the healthy functioning of your brain, it’s worth giving a try. The price and the money back guarantee support that notion even further.

Have You Used Thrivous Clarity? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Enhance Mind IQ Review – Don’t Be Fooled By The Free Trial Scam

Take a look around any college campus these days, and you’ll see a lot of stressed out students. It’s a competitive world out there, and they all want to give themselves the best opportunity they can to come out on top. A surprising amount of these students have resorted to using prescription ADD medications to help them make it there.

adderall abuse in college campuses

ADD/ADHD drugs like Adderall, when taken by someone who doesn’t experience symptoms, provides an energetic, alert, positive feeling that can help you study, focus, research, and/or write well into the night.

Of course, there’s a risk to taking prescription medications that aren’t prescribed to you. You may experience a negative reaction, it may interfere with other medications you’re taking. And that doesn’t even touch on the fact that buying and using someone else’s prescription drugs is expensive and against the law. There’s gotta be a better way.

And there is.

Enhance Mind IQ is a nootropic supplement. Simply stated, its purpose is to mimic the effects of Adderall, making you sharper, quicker, more focused and alert, better able to fact the cognitive and creative challenges you face each day.

In short, according to them it’s basically over the counter adderall, although of course they don’t explicitly state that.

Let’s find out if it REALLY works as well as they say it does.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More


Enhance Mind IQ Benefits
Red Flags
Customer Reviews
Side Effects
Where To Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Benefits of Enhance Mind IQ

enhance-mind-iq-review-1If you take a look at the Enhance Mind IQ website, you’ll see they don’t hold back on the promises. Right at the top of the page, they talk about how Enhance Mind IQ can increase:

  • Brain power by 89.2%
  • Focus by 121%
  • Energy levels to the moon and beyond.

It further promises to:

  • Increase your memory and focus by firing up your brain’s neurotransmitters.
  • Reduce stress and distractions so you can stay sharp and alert longer.
  • Improve your memory and retention so you learn better and adapt and perform better at new skills.
  • Increase overall brain health by improving blood flow, transporting oxygen and nutrients where they’re needed.

You have to admit, if you found a supplement that could provide these kinds of results, you’d use it, right?

Hell yeah, me too.

In fact, this is not the first supplement I’ve come across that has made these same exact claims.  Supplements like Cogniq and Synapsyl all basically label themselves as “Viagra for the brain”, which of course would imply that they will give your brain the boost it needs.

But we’re more than a little skeptical of the ability of Enhance Mind IQ to come through on its promises. There are a few red flags right off the top, so let’s get into that for just a minute before moving on to the formula.

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Enhance Mind IQ Red Flags

The Media References

Enhance Mind IQ claims to have been featured by several media outlets, like The New York Times and CNN, but when we conducted a search for those features, we didn’t even come up with one mention of Enhance Mind IQ from any of the noted outlets.


If you don’t believe me, click here, here, and here to see for yourself.

The Stats

Enhance Mind IQ makes these claims complete with percentages of improvements you can expect. But where do these numbers come from? And what do they even mean. Take this one for example:

“Enhance Mind IQ can boost brain power by up to 89.2%”

What even is “brain power”? How is it measured? Where’s the proof?

They make that claim but offer no link to or discussion of the clinical trial where that number came from. My readers ask me all the time how companies can get away with making specific claims like this one without getting in trouble, or at least made to remove the claim. I don’t have an answer other than to say these companies aren’t very well regulated. A company will make a false claim, and by the time enough people complain to get it noticed, they’ve moved on, changed their name, and are selling the same stuff with new and different packaging.

Customer Reviews on The Official Website

When products are sold online, there is usually a bunch of customer feedback available online as well. This is not the case with Enhance Mind IQ. All we could find in terms of customer feedback were three brief yet glowing testimonials from some very attractive “users”.


It’s not impossible that these are real people sharing their real results, but it’s pretty close.

Taken separately, these are not all that bad. Companies will promote their products, and that can sometimes lead to exaggeration. But when you see three plus indications like these, you start to wonder.

Enhance Mind IQ Ingredients

Red flags or no red flags, the most important thing to know is what goes into the formula. In the case of Enhance Mind IQ, they don’t provide a label or complete list, but they do provide a few highlights. There’s: Vinpocetine, Bacopa Monnieri, and Phosphatidylserine. Interestingly, Enhance Mind IQ claims there are two key ingredients, then goes on to list these three. But since they did list three, let’s take a look at each and see what they’re capable of:

  • Vinpocetine may increase the flow of blood to the brain, which is beneficial for increasing energy and improving overall function. It may also protect neurons against damage. Dosing for Vinpocetine isn’t uniform, but at this time, recommendations are to dose it pretty low at 10 mg or so.
  • Bacopa Monnieri may reduce anxiety as well as improving memory. It’s mainly been tested in elderly patients with age related decline, but may have benefits to the young as well. Bacopa is also known as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body adjust and respond appropriately to stressful conditions and difficult situations. The recommended dose is at least 300 mg a day, and if in powder or extract form, 750-1000 mg per day.
  • Phosphatidylserine is produced by the body in small amounts, but is mainly ingested with the foods we eat. Supplementing is also used to help treat increase amounts when necessary to treat certain conditions, including Alzheimer’s Disease, age-related cognitive decline, ADD/ADHD, and bodily stress brought on by physical exertion. It works mainly by protecting brain cellular health. There is no hard and fast rule on dosing with phospatidylserine, but the most commonly recommended dose is 100 mg taken 3 times a day when used to fight the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease.


Enhance Mind IQ Side Effects

Each of the listed ingredients does have potential to boost brain function – the is true. Yet there remain several mysteries related to the unanswered questions of what other ingredients are used, and what are the potential side effects.

While we have no answer for what other ingredients are used, we are aware of some of the stated ingredients and their history with side effects.

Phosphatidylserine is thought to be relatively safe at levels of 300 mg a day or less, but the incidence of nausea and insomnia increase above that. It should also be noted that phosphatidylserine may have the potential to cause negative interactions with certain medications, including antihistamines as well as some Alzheimer’s Disease medications. It’s important that if you take any prescription medications that you discuss phosphatidylserine with your doctor before using it.

Bacopa Monnieri is known to cause nausea and cramps.

Enhance Mind IQ Reviews

As we mentioned above, we were unable to find any independent customer reviews for Enhance Mind IQ. The only “feedback” available is what you can find on the website in the form of testimonials, and it’s always a good idea to take these with a grain of salt because they tend to be cherry-picked, embellished, or downright made up.

After I originally wrote this review, a few legit testimonials seemed to pop up on the website, which shows 2 people who mentioned using it.  Each said virtually the same thing, that Enhance Mind IQ does NOT work.

If you search for reviews on Youtube, as usual, you will find nothing but blatant advertisements for the product.

Case in point, check out some of the videos below:


These so called “reviews” of Enhance Mind IQ are so bad they’re basically laughable.  They’re nothing more than blatant advertisements of the product.

Where to Buy

You won’t find Enhance Mind IQ in stores in at online retailers like, or even in stores like GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, or CVS.

It may become available on Amazon at some time in the future. Many such products do. At this time, the only place you can purchase Enhance Mind IQ is through their official website (, and there are a couple different ways to go:

You can order it outright, at the cost of $79 a bottle. The bottle will last a month, and they throw in a bonus bottle of Enhanzed ZZZ to help you get a restful night’s sleep so your mind is fresh and ready to go in the morning and throughout the next day.

The product is covered by a money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you must call customer service at 1-866-482-8277 within 60 days to receive an RMA number. Once you return the product, you’ll be credited a refund. The customer is responsible for return shipping charges, but we didn’t see any mention of a restocking fee, so the refund should be for the full supplement price.

The terms do not mention any bonus bottles and how they may affect the guarantee, so make sure you’re clear on that if you’re planning to return the product. The wording used in the Terms and Conditions document is that you must return “any/all remaining product” so that indicates that it is expected some will be used before you decide to return it.

Or you can order Enhance Mind IQ by signing up for their free trial program. We talk about these scams all the time, and this one is no exception. You sign up by paying $4.95 for shipping, and they send you a “free” one month supply bottle. Most customers think this is the end of it, but they are incorrect.

Unless you call their customer service number and cancel your subscription (a subscription that you probably didn’t even know you subscribed to), on the 14th day after you place your order, they’ll charge you $89.92 for that “free” bottle, and start sending you a new bottle at that same price each month until you do cancel. Funny thing is, the free trial costs more than buying a bottle outright.


If you do find yourself in this predicament and you need to cancel, call their customer service number at 866-482-8177.

Enhance Mind IQ Pros and Cons

Advantages of Enhance Mind IQ

  • The ingredients are claimed to be all natural.
  • The formula lists three ingredients – Vincpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, and Bacopa Monnieri – each of which is capable of improving brain function on some level.
  • You don’t have to use the free trial option to purchase Enhance Mind IQ. You can order it outright as well.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Enhance Mind IQ

  • They don’t list the entire formula or amounts even of the ingredients they do list. This means it’s really impossible to tell whether or not it will be effective.
  • You can get caught up in an autobilling nightmare if you’re not careful when signing up for the free trial.
  • There are no independent reviews from customers who’ve actually used it.
  • While they claims quantifiable results, using specific percentages of improvement, they don’t cite actual studies where these quantifiables were proven.

The Bottom Line

More and more supplement companies are coming out with nootropic formulas (so called “Limitless Pills”) now that the market for them has gotten so big. This is a good thing on the whole, but it has the potential to bring out some bad actors just looking to make a quick buck and move on.

Without having tried it yet myself, it’s actually tough to tell where Enhance Mind IQ falls on the spectrum. On the one hand, they make unrealistic and unsubstantiated claims, but on the other hand, they list 3 solid ingredients in the formula. The truth is, however, even with good ingredients, they won’t do a thing for you unless they’re used in appropriate amounts, which we don’t know is the case.

Do not fall for free trial scams because at this point they have become a dime a dozen and they are quite simply so easy to spot from a mile away that it is not worth doing to yourself and while it is not your fault if you get swindled by a shady company that should not be in business in the first place, it is your fault if you don’t at least try to use your best judgement to discern whether or not you should even go for it in the first place.

At this point, it’s unknown how effective Enhance Mind IQ might be. But the fact that they use a free trial scam is not a good sign. If you find yourself drawn to it, consider making a purchase outright, with knowledge of the 60 day guarantee in mind. It may turn out to be the best $80 you’ve ever spent, or it may be a waste of money. It’s good to know you can recoup most of it if that turns out to be the case.

Have You Used Enhance Mind IQ? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

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7 AMAZING Testosterone Boosters At GNC


#1 – Force Factor Test X180 Ignite
#2 – Pharmafreak Test Freak
#3 – Nugenix
#4 Test X 180 Alpha
#5 – Cellucor P6 Black
#6 – Growth Factor 9
#7 – Alpha King

When you think of a store that sells supplements, what’s the first one that comes to mind?

If you said GNC, you’re not alone.

GNC is by far one of the largest (if not THE largest) supplement stores in the US.  With over 7,000 stores worldwide, and $2.5 Billion in revenue per year, they are clearly the market leader it comes to sport supplement nutrition.

They carry a wide range of supplements, ranging from the latest pre workout powders and pills, to diet and weight loss products, and even HGH releasers.

If you’ve been following my site for any length of time, you know that we do a ton of research and testing on testosterone boosters. Most of these I buy online, usually because it’s cheaper.

However, sometimes I just need to get the hell out of the house, and a quick trip to GNC gives me a reason to do so.

Out of curiosity and boredom, I took a quick ride down to my local GNC to see what they had in stock.

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What follows are my choices for the best GNC testosterone boosters they’re currently carrying.  This list is based on my own personal testing, consultations with some of their reps, and my own independent research on what people are saying about them.

A quick note:  GNC doesn’t actually label these products as “Testosterone Boosters”, but rather they call them “Hardcore Products”.

Don’t let the name deceive you, they’re basically all supplements that are used to encourage your bodies natural testosterone function.

#1 – Force Factor Test X180 Ignite

test x 180 ignite at gnc

If you visit practically any GNC nationwide, you’re bound to come across the Force Factor line of products.  They make a wide variety of supplement brands, including 3 different versions of their Test X180 brand;  Test X180 Alpha, Test X180 Ignite, their original formula, and Test X180 Tempest.

Now, I’ve personally tested the Alpha, Ignite, and the original formula, but haven’t had a chance to test out the Tempest version just yet.

In my personal experience, and from the experiences of many others, the Ignite version seems to be the very best.

It uses a blend of ingredients that include Fenugreek Seed extract, Avena Sativa, Green Tea leaf extract, and Horny Goat Weed. content/uploads/2016/10/jhj

Many of these ingredients are actually commonly found in male enhancement supplements like Vigrx Plus, Extenze, and others, but they have the dual-purpose of being potent test boosters as well.

In fact, the ingredient Fenugreek (also known as Testofen) has been clinically tested in rats, and shown to increase serum testosterone over a period of 8 weeks. (Source)

You can find Test X180 Ignite for sale at GNC for as much as $79.99 for a 120 capsule supply, or as little as $59.99 if you’re a gold card member.

#2 – Pharmafreak Test Freak

test freak at gnc

This is another testosterone booster at GNC that I got a chance to try out.  Test Feak is made by a company called Pharma Freak, who makes a wide range of other supplements including pre workouts and diet and weight loss supplements.

I got this at GNC from a rep who recommended it, and from what I recall it cost somewhere in the range of $60.

The primary ingredients are Fengureek extract, Tribulus Terrestris, and Saw Palmetto, which are all natural testosterone boosters that can be found in a wide variety of other supplements.

It also contains a very potent testosterone boosting blend that’s been used in bodybuilding circles for decades, and that’s called ZMA.

ZMA is short for the combo of Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6, and has been used primarily by athletes, gymnasts, and bodybuilders for years as an all natural testosterone booster. content/uploads/2016/10/jhj

Several scientific studies have proven ZMA’s effectiveness at not only helping to boost testosterone levels, but also for it’s reported muscle strength gains.

In one study, which controversially was conducted under the supervision of the scientist who held the patent for ZMA AND his company funded it, found that athletes taking ZMA reportedly had 2.5 times greater muscle strength gains then the placebo group.  (Source)

Additionally, the control group also had a 30 percent increase in testosterone levels, as opposed to the only 10 percent seen by the placebo group.

I can tell you from my own experience that this is DEFINITELY the case when it comes to ZMA.

In fact, one of the only times I ever did a before and after testosterone lab test check was when I was using a supplement that contained ZMA.

My overall (free) testosterone levels rose about 25% in a period of 2 months.

Keep in mind, I actually tested my testosterone levels with an at home test kit, so I don’t REALLY know how accurate that number was.

Personally speaking, I thought Test Freak was AWESOME.  However, this may have been because I was stacking it with an HGH releaser called HyperGH 14X.

My sex drive while I was on this was through the roof.

I felt like I was walking around with a boner for several hours everyday, which my girlfriend certainly had no qualms about.

You can find Test Freak at GNC for around $55, which is pretty moderately priced for a testosterone booster.

#3 – Nugenix

nugenix original at gnc

Our Nugenix review is actually one of the most popular on, both for good reasons and bad.  The vast majority of Nugenix reviews on our site are not very favorable.

However, I attribute this to the fact that many customers feel “duped” by their free trial.

The way it’s setup is you put in your credit card info and they bill you somewhere in the range of $4 – $5 for a 2 week trial.  After those 2 weeks are up, they end up billing you for the full price of the product, which is $70.

Most of the guys who sign up for their free trial think they are getting a free SAMPLE, which simply isn’t the case.

So when they end up getting charged, even if they had relatively good results from using the product, they end up coming to our site and leave a scathing review.

Some people just look at it as a way to vent their frustrations, and to be honest I can’t blame them.

And some guys actually had some pretty bad side effects, including painful intercourse, enlarged prostate, and increased blood pressure.

Despite all of this, personally speaking I think Nugenix is a great product.

During the few weeks that I used it, I noticed a big improvement in libido, energy, AND my sleep quality had even improved.

So, how exactly does it work? content/uploads/2016/10/jhj

Well, I go into it in pretty heavy detail in my Nugenix review here, but I’ll touch on the basics.

Nugenix uses a patented version of Fenugreek extract called Testofen.

Testofen is a very carefully extracted and standardized to its content of Fenusides, which are saponins that have a molecular structure similar to that of a steroid hormone (although they are not ACTUALLY a steroid or a hormone).

After consuming these saponins, they bind to a protein in the blood called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or ShBG for short.

When this happens, a small percentage of the testosterone that binds to this protein is released, causing a HUGE surge in testosterone levels.

How much of a surge?

It literally DOUBLES.

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Compared to many of the other testosterone boosters at GNC, this one is clearly a winner.

In fact, Nugenix is so effective that they were awarded 2 awards from GNC;  the “Best Product Innovation” in the wellness category in 2013, and their “Franchise Outstanding Partner” award in 2014. (Source: 2)

They also made a follow up version to the original called Nugenix Maxx, as well as another one called Nugenix Ultimate testosterone which contains a hefty dose of D Aspartic Acid (3,000 mg to be exact).

Both are available at GNC, however unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to test it out yet so I have no idea how well they work.

You can buy it in their store (which I recommend rather than the free trial) for as little as $56 with a gold membership card.

Related Article:  Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart

#4 Test X 180 Alpha

test x 180 alpha at gnc

TestX 180 Alpha is another version of t Booster brought to you by the guys over at Force Factor.  As mentioned above, they have a wide range of supplements that are specific to your personal goals, and each version is a little bit different from the other.

The Test X 180 Alpha formula is comprised of ingredients like Vitamins B6 and B12, Zinc, L-Citrulline, Catuaba Bark extract, Maca Root, and another popular ingredient found in testosterone boosters, Testofen.

As mentioned above, Testofen is found in Nugenix and a few other supplements, and has been clinically studied for it’s effectiveness.

When I personally tested Test X 180 Alpha, at first I was a bit disappointed.

I really didn’t notice any effects for the first few days, and was beginning to think it wouldn’t work at all. content/uploads/2016/10/jhj

After about a week, however, it seemed to kick in.

It was a bit subtle, but I noticed I had more energy to get stuff done.

It wasn’t the kind of energy that you get from chugging coffee or taking a stimulant, but rather it was a clean type of energy that’s hard to describe.

I actually attributed this increase in energy to how well I was sleeping.

Instead of my usual 6 or 7 hours, I was getting about 7 – 8 hours of solid, deep sleep.

When I woke up I was feeling GREAT, and that feeling seemed to persist throughout the day.

In case you were wondering, sleep quality has a DIRECT impact on how much testosterone your body releases.

You can find Test X180 Alpha at GNC (and other stores for that matter), for around $100, which makes it one of the more expensive options there.

Click Here to read my full review of Test X 180 Alpha.

#5 – Cellucor P6 Black

Cellucor P6 Black at gncThis is another very popular testosterone booster sold at GNC.  Made by a company called Cellucor, P6 Black is actually considered a a blend of a testosterone booster AND a nootropic.

A nootropic is basically a substance that helps you focus, and I’ve been recently testing dozens of new brands of them.

Related Article:  What are Nootropics, anyway?

P6 Black combines the power of D-Aspartic Acid along with nootropics like Alpha GPC and D-Serine, which help to improve cognitive function and memory.

D-Aspartic Acid is a VERY popular ingredient found in literally dozens of other testosterone boosting supplements, and even in pre and post workout products.

It’s actually one of the primary ingredients found in my 2 top choices for testosterone boosters, including Testofuel and Prime Male.

P6 Black is mainly used to help promote greater sleep quality, which in turn allows your body to produce more testosterone on its own.

P6 Black is actually the cheapest supplement on this list, retailing for about $45 for a 60 capsule bottle.

#6 – Growth Factor 9

growth factor 9 at gncNext up on our list is a supplement called Growth Factor 9.  At first glance, this supplement could actually be passed of as a steroid, which of course it isn’t.

The official website calls it a “clinically tested human growth hormone secretagogue”, but for the purposes of this are we’re going to label it as a testosterone booster.

I’m actually a little bit torn on this particular supplement.

According to many of the reviews on GNC’s website, and even on my site, it’s very highly rated.

However, many of the guys over at didn’t rate it as favorably, with an average rating of 7 out of 10.

It seems to me that for some reason this particular supplement seems to work well in older guys, typically 45+.

Why that’s the case I have no idea, I just notice that from reading many of the comments.

Even if you want to call this an HGH supplement, the effects seem to mirror that of a testosterone booster, including:

  • Increased endurance and stamina
  • Improved muscle mass
  • Quicker recovery times
  • Improved mood and sexual desire

These are all the by-product of increased testosterone, hence the reason why I included it here.

The biggest downside with this supplement is the price.  Unlike most of the others featured in this review, a bottle of 120 capsules will run you close to $100.

It’s actually one of the most expensive testosterone boosters I’ve ever bought.  You’ll save a whopping $10 if you have a GNC gold card.

#7 – Alpha King

alpha king testosterone reviewRounding out our top 7 list is a supplement called Alpha King.  Just like with the Text X10 series above, this one is also manufactured by the guys over at Force Factor.

Alpha King also uses a patented version of Fenugreek, however, this one is actually more bio available then Testofen.

This means that it will break down in the body better and is more likely to have an effect on you and possibly with a quicker onset.

It’s called “Alphafen”, and it’s apparently more effective than Testofen because it has a higher concentration of sapogenins.

Without getting in to the nitty gritty details on that, I can tell you from experience that Alpha King REALLY does work.

I’ve personally tested it myself, and could feel it kicking in after just a few days.

If you don’t have the patience for a supplement that doesn’t kick in for a few days after first starting to take it, I can totally understand, but I will say that many of the better options have effects that build after days or even weeks of use.

You can find Alpha King available at GNC for $70 for a one month supply, placing it on the medium-high end when compared to other testosterone boosters.

Check out my review of Alpha King here.

Conclusion content/uploads/2016/10/jhj

If you’ve been on the hunt for an effective testosterone booster, but don’t want or trust buying anything online, then these would be your best choices.

GNC comes out with new products all the time, and I’ll try to get this list updated as much as possible.

You may also be able to find many of these same testosterone boosters at other stores like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Vitamin Shoppe, and Rite Aid, but obviously the price and availability will vary.

If you don’t feel like heading out and going through the hassle, check out some of the best testosterone boosting supplements I’ve personally used.

They can all be bought conveniently online, and I’ve personally tested all of them and KNOW they work.  I wouldn’t be recommending them otherwise.

If you’re looking for other natural ways to boost testosterone, I recommend you check out my complete guide.

External References


Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

G6 Anabolix Review – The Biggest Reason You Shouldn’t Use It


What is it
How To Use
Side Effects
Who Makes it
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

The truth is no supplement will give you the kind of massive muscle building results you’d get if you took steroids. But if you want to get close, you’re living in a good era because natural supplements are getting better and better all the time. Take a look at G6 Anabolix, the Androgenic Muscle Matrix, and what it promises.

What Is G6 Anabolix?

G6 Anabolix is essentially a natural testosterone booster, but it goes further by supporting your body’s production of IGF-1, the important growth factor that can help you put on visible muscle. It comes from a company called STI, which by the way stands for “Shock The Industry” so that gives a little perspective into their marketing plan. This product, along with the others from the brand, aim to take your efforts to the next level, leading to results you’ve never seen coming from a natural supplement.

G6 Anabolix Benefits

g6-anabolix-review-1Most testosterone boosting supplements promise to provide the benefits of increased testosterone, including increased lean muscle mass, decreased fat, boosted libido and mood, and greater natural energy. G6 Anabolix promises all of that and goes a few steps further by including:

  • Increased production of IGF-1
  • Anti Estrogen Complex

If G6 Anabolix can truly accomplish this, it could be big.

IGF-1 is Insulin-Like Growth Factor, and it plays an important role in both childhood growth and adult anabolic activity. Increased IGF-1 will lead to increased muscle growth if used in conjunction with a good diet and workout program.

Increased estrogen is a byproduct of increased testosterone. This is because excess testosterone converts to estrogen in the body through a process called aromatase. G6 Anabolix claims to help prevent this conversion so you get to maintain high testosterone levels without the side effects caused by too much estrogen. (These include bloating, and man-boobs, so you don’t want anything to do with these).

The big question, though, is whether or not G6 Anabolix has what it takes to deliver the goods, and that’s what we’ll look into next.

G6 Anabolix Ingredients

The G6 Anabolix formula is presented in 3 proprietary blends. The total amount of ingredients in each blend is listed in micrograms, which is a little unusual considering most supplements use a protocol of milligrams. The conversion rate is 1000 mcgs per 1 milligram, so my educated guess is that they used micrograms to make the formula appear more robust. In any event, here’s a breakdown of what’s in G6 Anabolix:

The Anabolix Test Boost/Libido Blend contains a total of 1,210,000 mcg (1,210 mg), and includes:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which has long been thought to improve athletic performance and increase testosterone. It started with Russian athletes in the 1970s, using Tribulus to improve their strength and endurance. It’s believed that it signals the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals the testes to produce more testosterone. This hypothesis has yet to be proven however, in the real world.
  • Massularia Acuminata which may be an aphrodisiac, possibly through the mechanism of increased testosterone.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia which may increase free testosterone by binding to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). By binding to SHBG, the SHBG is no longer available to attach itself to testosterone, leaving testosterone free to be used by the body.
  • Methyl-EAA which is a derivative of D-Aspartic Acid which can help increase total natural testosterone levels.

The Anabolix EstroFix Blend contains a total of 220,000 mcg (220 mg), and includes:

  • White Button Mushroom Extract which may reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
  • DIM (Diindolymethane) which may also prevent aromatase (the conversion of testosterone to estrogen). It can also be found in dark green leafy vegetables like Kale and Brussel Sprouts.
  • Hesperetin which is thought to have an anti-aromatase quality and may be anti-inflammatory as well, which would bolster its anti-estrogen effects.
  • 3,4-Dyvanillyltetrahydrofuran which may increase free testosterone by binding to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which would otherwise bind to testosterone molecules. When testosterone is bound to SHBG, it cannot be used by the body. It may also boost Luteinizing Hormone levels, which as discussed above can increase production of total testosterone.

The Anabolix Anti-Catabolic Agent contains 100,000 mcg (100 mg) of:

  • Ursolic Acid which may reduce fat accumulation and increase muscle mass gain. It is thought to increase fat burning and preserve muscle mass. This would be an effect of increased IGF-1 which may result from taking Ursolic Acid.


How To Use G6 Anabolix

The instructions are to take one serving in the morning when you wake up and before you eat. The serving size is 3 capsules. They also refer to the use of DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) in conjunction with G6 Anabolix. If you’re cycling DAA, you can take 1000-3000 mg per day. If you’re not cycling, stick to 1000 mg per day.

G6 Anabolix Side Effects

There are no specific side effects mentioned in the G6 Anabolix packaging, so if you do experience side effects from it, they will most likely be quite mild. But with that said, there are a few ingredients in the formula that are known to cause particular effects:

There is some concern that DIM may cause issues in people with hormone sensitive conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. This is because it has a tendency to act like estrogen. In low doses (like you’re likely to find in G6 Anabolix), this should not be an issue.

One study showed that Ursolic Acid can damage DNA within cells.

Hesperetin may slow down clotting of blood, increasing the risk of bleeding. It may also lower blood pressure.

G6 Anabolix Reviews

g6-anabolix-review-3Customer feedback is one of the best ways to really get a feel for how well a supplement can be expected to work for you. It’s not a perfect system. It turns out some reviews are fake – paid for by the company that makes the product – so you have to be cautious about believing everything you read. But if you read them with a discerning eye, you can usually do a pretty good job spotting the real vs the fake.

When it comes to G6 Anabolix, there are simply no reviews at all. This stuff is sold at GNC and, but there’s no customer feedback available anywhere, which is actually pretty odd. Usually when a product is sold through online stores, the customer reviews are abundant. This is especially the case on,, and So it’s all the more strange that you can buy G6 Anabolix through any of these sites, yet the review sections of the websites are empty.

There are 2 potential explanations:

  1. It’s extremely unpopular (or new) and nobody’s used it yet. This seems a little hard to believe since it’s being sold through so many venues. The online bodybuilding market is huge. There’s virtually no way people haven’t tried the stuff. I saw a question about G6 Anabolix on a bodybuilding forum dating back a year ago, so it’s had plenty of time to be used by somebody willing to review it.
  2. Reviews just aren’t being made available. This would be an unusual step for a company to take, but perhaps the feedback is just that bad.

Who Makes G6 Anabolix?

The company behind G6 Anabolix is called STI G6 Sports. The STI stands for “Shock the Industry” and that’s what they claim to be focused on doing. They don’t want to use the same boring ingredients you’ll find in every supplement, so they add more cutting edge components to the mix.

All their supplements are made in-house at their state of the art plant in Pittsburgh, PA, Their company mantra is that it’s the diet, workout, and lifestyle choices that have the biggest effect on your body, but that using quality supplements to enhance, reinforce, and yes supplement your efforts can take your body to heights it couldn’t get to on its own.

Where to Buy

As we mentioned above, G6 Anabolix isn’t hard to find, at least it didn’t used to be. You can buy it at GNC if you like going to the store to get your supplements as I know some guys do or if you prefer online shopping. At GNC, the 90-count bottle will cost you $129.99 unless you’re a GNC member, in which case the price drops to $103.99. It used to be available at other online stores, including Amazon,, and Lucky Vitamin, but they all claim to be “out of stock”. This indicates that G6 Anabolix will only be available through GNC going forward.

G6 Anabolix Pros and Cons

Advantages of G6 Anabolix

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula contains some components that can help reduce estrogen conversion and increase free testosterone.
  • It’s available at GNC so you can get it online or head to the store if you prefer.

Disadvantages of G6 Anabolix

  • It’s very expensive.
  • The ingredients are couched in proprietary blends so we don’t know how much of each is used. This is important information to have because just containing an ingredient doesn’t tell the whole story. You need to know how much in order to know whether or not there’s an effective dose.
  • There is absolutely no customer feedback available online. This is not only bad in that it gives us no indication of how it works, but it’s also a little suspicious that a supplement that’s available online doesn’t have reviews.
  • It’s no longer available through several online stores where it used to be sold.

The Bottom Line

There’s no reason to believe G6 Anabolix is dangerous or grossly ineffective. On the other hand, without any direct customer feedback, it’s hard to know that it’s not either of those things. There are some good ingredients listed in the formula, but we don’t know how much, so that’s another dead end in terms of useful information. Given the claims of how cutting edge this stuff is, we’re just not finding the evidence.

$100 plus is a lot of money to spend. Now think about spending it on something that you have no real idea whether or not it works. Sounds kind of silly when you look at it this way. Yes, there are other supplements that cost that much. Some of them may even be worth it. But it’s hard to justify spending this much money in the dark, not knowing whether or not anyone who’s actually used it saw results.

I would say there enough cheaper and provably effective options out there that you can at the very least substantiate their claims and look to trustworthy reviews before making a decision and possibly wasting your hard earned cash.

You don’t have to look hard or far to find products that make the same promises that they can much more easily back up than G6 Anabolix seems to be able to do.

For that reason, I recommend you skip G6 Anabolix in favor of something with a proven track record that it works.

Have You Used G6 Anabolix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Closest Thing To Xanax Over The Counter (OTC)


#1 Xanax Alternative – Kratom
#2 Xanax Alternative – Phenibut
#3 Xanax Alternative – Kava Kava Extract

There’s no doubt about it, Xanax (and Ativan, for that matter) is one hell of a drug.

I’ve tried it myself a few times, and it is 100% the most effective thing out there that basically stops anxiety in its tracks.

It’s prescribed to literally millions of Americans, and is seen as being one of the most widely used (and abused) anti-anxiety medications in existence.

In fact, last year alone there were 44 million prescriptions for Xanax written, which is about 16 MILLION more then the next closest competitor, Ativan.

anti anxiety medication statistics

However, the potential for addiction and dependence on Xanax and other anxiety medications like Lorazepam (Ativan), Valium, Klonopin, and Librium is HUGE.  There are literally THOUSANDS of stories of people being addicted to it, and the withdrawal from it can be an absolute nightmare.

There’s also a wide range of side effects associated with Xanax use, including drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, changes in libido, and loss of coordination.

xanax otc alternatives

Lastly, Benzodiazepines have steadily been on the rise as a major contributor to drug overdose deaths in the US over the last 10 years.


While the death rate is nowhere NEAR those of Opioids, it’s still troubling.

Related Article:  3 Best Natural (and LEGAL) Hydrocodone Alternatives

Couple that with the fact that the only way (legally) to obtain it is if you’re prescribed it by a licensed physician, and that dwindles your possibilities of getting your hands on it in the first place.

In the state where I live (Florida), possession of Xanax (or any other benzo for that matter) is a 3rd degree felony, and the penalty carries:

  • Up to 5 years in prison
  • Up to 5 years probation
  • Up to a $5,000 fine
  • 2 year drivers license suspension

Not good…

What if there was something over the counter that you could take that would mimic the effects of Xanax, all while being completely legal to buy without a prescription.

Would you try it?

Well, the reason I’m writing this right now is there in fact ARE all natural pills and supplements out there that work very closely to Xanax.

If you run a search on Google for all natural alternatives to Xanax, you’re typically presented with the following remedies on a few different websites:

  • Valerian Root
  • Chamomile
  • Green Tea
  • Lemon Balm
  • Passion Flower
  • L-Theanine

google search result for natural alternatives to xanax

One site, which ranks very highly towards to top of the search results for the phrase “over the counter xanax” lists a product called ZenRX as the “best Xanax alternative”.

google search result for otc xanax alternatives

Yet, when you look at the reviews of “ZenRX” on Amazon, you’ll see comments like:

  • “Waste of money”
  • “Does not work”
  • “Useless”

zenrx reviews on amazon

No surprise there.  I actually vaguely remember testing out ZenRX quite a ways back, and noting the same sentiment.

These are in NO WAY close to the effectiveness of Xanax or other anti anxiety medications.

You’re looking for REAL relief, and the below products WILL provide it.

Let’s review a few of the more potent ones below.  These are all ranked in terms of effectiveness, and I outline exactly how you should be taking each to get the best possible results.

I have personally tested ALL of the below mentioned otc Xanax alternatives, and KNOW they work.

I want to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that the following are NOT drugs.  They haven’t been reviewed or tested by the FDA, and they make no claims to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

#1 Alternative – Kratom

Kratom is a plant based substance that comes from the Coffee family, and has been used by people in the Southeast Asian region to help improve mood, give you energy, and lower anxiety.

Kratom comes from 3 different regions: Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.

alternative to xanax for anxiety

Recently (as in like the past 15 – 20 years or so), Kratom has had quite the following here in the US.

It’s unknown exactly how many people use it, but the vast majority of Americans have never even heard of the substance.

top extracts kratom review
My personal favorite brand, Top Extracts. Click Here to read my review.

Kratom is widely believed to help people get off of opioid medications like oxycodone, vicodin, Hydrocodone, and Percocet, and is actually a very suitable alternative for these medications.

It’s effects on anxiety have never really been studied in a clinical setting, but anecdotal reports are very favorable to the substance.

And I can personally vouch for this.

There’s a couple of things you need to be aware of with Kratom.

1.) Dose Size

When you take a low dose of Kratom (usually 1 – 3 grams), it tends to be more of a stimulating and energetic experience.

If you take a HIGH dose (4+ grams), it tends to be more sedating and euphoric.

As an alternative to Xanax, then I would recommend using a higher dose of Kratom.  Some people have reported a worsening of their anxiety when using small doses.

2.) Your Body Chemistry

Everyone (including myself) seems to react differently to different strains and dose sizes.  Some may get an anti-anxiety experience from a strain like Maeng Da, and others may get a totally different result.

It’s best to buy a small batch of 4 – 5 different extracts and test them out individually to get the best results.

– There IS The Potential For Withdrawal

I’ve only used Kratom for a few months now, and typically I will take it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  The few times I stopped taking it I basically felt like I had a cold.

The withdrawal effect has been likened to caffeine withdrawal.  There’s a few things you can do to keep you from getting withdrawals in the first place:

  1. Use it sparingly, maybe 2 – 3 times per week
  2. Cycle it on a 3 week on, 1 week off period
  3. Don’t dose more than once a day, usually in the morning

It seems like the vast majority of people that end up getting withdrawals from Kratom take it everyday, all day, in relatively high doses.

I wouldn’t compare the withdrawal to the same of Xanax (not even CLOSE), but I’ve hear it can be somewhat uncomfortable.

How To Take It And Which Should I Use?

I kind of already mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating.  It’s difficult for me to say “take THIS amount of THIS strain and THIS is the effect you’ll get”.

Everyone’s body is different, and will respond differently to various types of strains and dose sizes.

top extracts capsules review
Top Extracts also makes capsules, which are way more convenient and mask the taste. Read my review here.

I have tested a wide variety of Kratom vendors over the last 8 months or so, and for me the best one was a company called Top Extracts.

Their most effective strains at helping with anxiety seems to be (click on each to buy):

  • Horned –  By FAR my favorite.  Red Vein, White Vein, doesn’t matter, they’re ALL great at relieving anxiety.
  • Bali – Either the Red or White will help DRAMATICALLY with anxiety.
  • Borneo – A close 2nd to Horned, I like to rotate between the two.
  • Yellow Indo – Actually surprisingly good, although I seem to need a big dose.

Note:  You can buy all of these from my preferred vendor,

kratom that works like xanax

If you’re just starting out with Kratom as an alternative to Xanax, I would suggest you stick to a low dose for the first few tries.  Remember, a low dose is typically in the 1 – 2 gram range, but I’ve heard from guys that have used as little as 500 mg getting results.

Although the effect is probably very minimal with a dose that size.

Test it out and see how you feel.  If you’re not feeling anything, then gradually increase the dose by 1 – 3 grams every 1/2 hour until you reach the desired effect.

There’s one thing that’s undeniable…the taste is pretty bad.

It’s technically a “tea”, but it doesn’t taste like your grandmothers iced tea, that’s for sure.

Typically what I do is mix it with lemon lime Gatorade G2, but really the only reason I do this is because it’s easy to mix in a gatorade bottle, and I’ve sort of become used to the taste.

There are some ways to mask Kratoms taste, but that’s for another article.


  • It’s VERY effective at helping with anxiety
  • Can also provide feelings of euphoria, improved mood, and pain reduction


  • The taste is pretty horrible
  • There is the potential for withdrawal, but this is mitigated by using it responsibly
  • You can’t buy it in brick and mortar stores

Potential Kratom Ban

One HUGE downside that requires some more clarification is that the DEA announced back in August of 2016 that they intend to place Kratom as a Schedule 1 Drug.

This would literally place it in the same category as Heroin, Marijuana, and other Schedule 1 drugs.

Yeah…it’s THAT GOOD.

The original date it was to be officially banned was October 1, 2016, but there has been an absolutely ENORMOUS outpouring of public support in favor of keeping Kratom legal.

And you know what?  The DEA actually BACKED Down!

The DEA announced they were rescinding their plans to ban Kratom, and basically passed the ball on to the FDA to make the call on their end.

However, the FDA released a statement in November, 2017, effectively issuing a public health advisory on Kratom.

It’s not clear where this will be headed, but if you’re on the fence about trying it out I would suggest you do so quickly!

Visit the official Top Extracts site here:

My #2 Xanax OTC Alternative – Phenibut

I first discovered Phenibut when I was researching all natural anti-anxiety supplements.  I was contacted by the makers of a product called Phenibut XT, and they were looking for someone to test out there product and write a review.

Since that’s pretty much what I do, I had them send me over a couple of bottles.

absorb your health phenibut
My preferred source for Phenibut, from

I don’t typically suffer from anxiety, and I’m not really socially awkward.  I’m the kind of guy who’s a bit shy upfront, but once I get to know you I can be pretty outgoing.

With that said, I do have some moments of anxiety / jittery feelings (pretty much everyone does, right?), usually when I load up on caffeine or pre workout supplements.

I first tried Phenibut XT by itself to gauge it’s effectiveness, dosing with 2 capsules, which is about 1 gram.

Unlike with Xanax (which starts working in minutes), it took a REALLY long time to kick in.

the effects of phenibut in minutes

Realistically speaking, it was literally somewhere in the range of 2 – 3 hours for the full effects to kick in.

But once it did, the effects were ENORMOUS.

It virtually eliminated all feelings of anxiety, lifted my mood, and increased my confidence.

It does all of this without causing the typical sedation / fogginess that happens when you take Xanax.

It also works as a very potent aphrodisiac believe it or not (more on that later).

What is Phenibut and How Does It Work? (A short chemistry lesson)

According to prior research, Phenibut is a central depressant and analog of the inhibitory neurotransmitter y-aminobutyric acid, which is a fancy technical term for GABA.

chemical structure of gaba

When you drink alcohol or take a Xanax, GABA is released into the brain, making you feel less anxious.  This is one of the main reasons why alcohol is use by millions to “take the edge off” when you’re feeling stressed out.

how alcohol and gaba works to calm you down

You’ll find GABA in plenty of other supplements, usually in stress relief and anti-anxiety products like Serelax, Tranquilene and Kavinace.

The problem is, GABA on its own does NOT cross the blood brain barrier in significant quantities.

Because Phenibut is an analog of GABA, what it does is it adds a ring around the GABA, which basically binds to the GABA-B receptor and activates it.

how phenibut adds a ring around gaba

In short, it works very similarly to the effects of alcohol.

Unlike drugs like Xanax, Alcohol, and Lorazepam, Phenibut does NOT affect your cognitive function.  It doesn’t make you lose focus, concentration, or have any impact on short or long term memory.

It basically reduces your anxiety, all while keeping you alert and focused.

phenibut as an alternative to xanax

In fact, when combined with a stimulant like DMAA, Caffeine, or Ephedrine, the effects are very similar to that of Adderall, minus the anxiety producing effects that come with taking Adderall.

Related Article:  5 BEST Over The Counter Adderall Alternatives

It does this because Phenibut primarily affects the GABA-B receptor, which takes a bit longer to kick in, but seems to last longer and not affect coordination and concentration.

The biggest downside with Phenibut is that you can’t (or shouldn’t) take it everyday.

The reason behind this is, just like with drugs like Xanax and Lorazepam, it seems to build a tolerance quite rapidly.

In addition, it also has the potential for abuse, addiction, and dependency, so you should limit use to just once or twice a week.

How Should I Take It?

On the days you decide to use Phenibut, you should start low and slow.  By that I mean you should start with a low dosage and space out your doses by about 1 – 2 hours.

how to take phenibut infographic

A low dose would be considered somewhere in the range of 250 – 500 mg.

The easiest and most accurate way to measure out doses like this would be with a small scale.

measuring phenibut on a micro scale
I use this one, which you can find on Amazon

Be sure that you take it on a completely empty stomach, as it doesn’t seem to work as well on a full stomach.

Because it takes so long to “kick in”, don’t expect it to start working in 20 – 30 minutes like Xanax does.  It takes a LOT longer.

If after 1 or 2 hours you’re still not feeling anything, take another 250 – 500 mg.

Repeat this process until you reach the desired effect.

I would refrain from taking any more than 2 grams of Phenibut, as the effects start to come on too strong at doses in that range.


  • Legal in most countries
  • Modestly priced


  • Takes a long time to kick in
  • Can’t take it everyday
  • Has the potential for withdrawal if you take it too often
  • Generally speaking you won’t find it in stores

My Personal Recommendation

I personally recommend the Absorb Your Health brand of Phenibut (  It’s the highest quality and most effective Phenibut I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested 10+ brands over the years.

#3 Alternative – Kava Root Extract

kava as an alternative to xanaxKava has been used for literally thousands of years.  The vast majority of Kava you’ll find in stores like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and GNC is absolute junk.

I know because I’ve used them.

The reason behind this is because practically every kava supplement out there uses kava roots.

Most of the REAL effects come from the juice that’s located in the center of the plant, which virtually no supplement contains.

The best Kava extract that I’ve used is from a company called Happy Hippo.

Their Kava extract is without a doubt the most effective all natural alternative to lorazepam you’ll find in the market.

You can visit their website at

How To Take It

Unlike with Kratom, you generally have to take VERY large dose to get the anti-anxiety effects you’re looking for.

When I say large dose I mean like 10 – 15 grams of the stuff, as opposed to Kratom which can be dosed at as little as 1 – 2 grams to feel the effects.

Generally speaking, I mix it with water, and the taste is not terrible.


  • It’s very safe to take, people have been doing so for thousands of years
  • There’s no potential for addiction or withdrawal


  • Can and most likely WILL make your tongue feel numb
  • You need to take a relatively large dose to feel the effects
  • The effects are typically short-lived, usually lasting only an hour to an hour and a half
  • According to the FDA, the use of kava has been linked with liver damage, especially when used with alcohol. Heavy use of kava may also result in heart issues, eye issues, and yellowing of the skin. (Source)


If you’re looking for a safe AND effective over the counter Xanax alternative, these are DEFINITELY your best options.  I’ve done a ton of research on the subject and tested dozens of anti-anxiety supplements, and the vast majority are garbage.

Not with these…

If you need the positive effects of prescription strength anti anxiety medication without the negative effects and potential wreckage on your life they could bring, these over the counter alternatives are worth checking out.

They WILL work for you.  If you have any specific questions on any of this, scroll below and leave a comment, or shoot me an email.  I’m always here to help!

Additional References

Hydro Muscle Max Review – The Biggest Reason to Avoid It


What is it
How To Use
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Big Reason to Stay Away
User Reviews

When I first heard of Hydro Muscle Max, it was accompanied by the tag line: “The UK’s Leading Muscle Boosting Supplement”. That made me sit up and take notice of course, so I dove right in. It didn’t take long, however, to realize that the tagline may be good marketing but it didn’t have much going for it in the truth department.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s back up and start from the beginning.

What is Hydro Muscle Max?

Hydro Muscle Max is a workout supplement that makes some pretty outrageous promises. I’ve seen claims like it will melt your fat away like magic and take your troubles with it. (Yep, they totally said that). Not only that, but it will also put your sex drive in high gear and boost your immune system to boot!

“Sign me up”, is what they want you to say upon hearing such enticing claims of course.

hydros-muscle-max-review-1But these are just hyped up marketing claims. To get back to its most basic promises, you’ll see Hydro Muscle Max:

  • Builds lean muscle.
  • Provides strength gains.
  • Boosts endurance and power.
  • Gives you insane muscle pumps.
  • Increases your libido.

It mostly sounds like a pre workout, but with traces of testosterone booster and fat burner in there as well. Lately, I’ve seen a lot of supplements like this one. It’s tough to decipher what their goal is until you see the ingredient list. It’s only then that you’re able to parse out what the stuff can actually do.

Hydro Muscle Max Ingredients

Like a lot of similar supplements, figuring out what’s in Hydro Muscle Max is no easy feat. The official website never published the list, but several other websites – review websites and enthusiasts’ postings – offer their perspective on the matter. The only problem with this is that when it comes to finding an ingredient list, different websites disagree about what goes into the formula.

We’ve decided to share the two primary lists with you and tell you what we think of each:

The less commonly cited list includes:

  • Minerals
  • Betains
  • Energy boosting Agents
  • Proteins
  • Micronised Creatine

It’s not very specific about what the ingredients do and how they’re effective. Given the claims of the product, my assumption is that the second list is more correct. This list includes:

  • L-Arginine
  • L-Taurine
  • Citrulline Malate
  • Pure Nitric Oxide
  • Pure Super Molecule

There’s another reason this is probably the list and it’s that on the Hydro Muscle Max website, they talk about the benefits of L-Arginine, so it would make sense that L-Arginine is one of the top ingredients on the list. Here’s a little more information on how each of these potential ingredients could affect you.

L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator which relaxes and opens up your blood vessels, allowing for an increased amount of blood to flow through. This means more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to your muscles both during and after workouts, increasing pumps and improving post workout recovery. L-Argninine is one of the most commonly found ingredients in pre workout formulas.

It helps with vasodilation and getting blood to the extremities for the best performance and mobility while pumping iron.

L-Taurine helps fight against muscle fatigue so you can use your muscles harder and longer during workouts.

Citrulline Malate is actually a pre cursor to L-Arginine, which then turns into nitric oxide. This acts as a kind of time release way to producing more nitric oxide.

The other two ingredients – Pure Nitric Oxide and Pure Super Molecule – aren’t actually real. I’ve seen lots of scammy supplements use these terms as ingredients, but they don’t actually exist as ingredients. Nitric Oxide is produced within the body, you cannot ingest it as such. And Super Molecule – what does that even mean? I couldn’t tell you.

How To Use Hydro Muscle Max

The instructions I found say to take 1 Hydro Muscle Max pill twice a day, morning and night. They don’t mention full or empty stomach, so I recommend taking it with a little bit of food.

Where to Buy

Hydro Muscle Max is one of those free trial scam products that we talk so much about. That means it’s only available through their official website, and you will sign up thinking you’re getting something free, but really you’re signing up for future monthly payments as far as the eye can see.

hydro-muscle-max-review-2Here’s how it works:

You pay a small shipping fee and they ship you a full one-month supply. Most people think that’s the end of it. But more and more guys are finding out the truth about how these scams work. What happens next is that you have to call them within 14 days of the date you placed your order and tell them you want to cancel your subscription. If you don’t, on the 14th day, they will charge you full price for the Hydro Muscle Max you already receive and thought was free, and continue to charge you that full amount every month forever, or until you cancel.

If you manage to cancel in time (ie within the 14 day trial period), usually that’s the end of it and you won’t be charged. That’s the best case scenario. What happens to all too many guys is that the companies conveniently lose your cancellation, or they tell you you have to ship the original bottle back to them, or they try to convince you to keep using it at a discounted price. If this does happen to you, stand your ground.

You may have to call your bank, and it’s not a bad idea to contact the Better Business Bureau and/or your State Attorney General’s office. If you’re thinking about possibly doing that, let them know. It’ll usually begin to change their tune when they know they’re about to be on record as scamming customers.

If you don’t manage to cancel in time, by the way, the full price is about $87.90. That’s very expensive for a simple L-Arginine pre workouts pill, even if it does works.

Hydro Muscle Max Reviews

I wasn’t able to find any customer feedback about how well Hydro Muscle Max works, but I have seen plenty of complaints from customers who’ve been scammed. Even within the world of free trial supplement scammers, there are better and worse actors. It would appear that Hydro Muscle Max is a worse actor.

Here’s what one reviewer said happened to him:


And there are plenty more very similar stories to that one.

Hydro Muscle Max Pros and Cons

Advantages of Hydro Muscle Max

  • None.

Disadvantages of Hydro Muscle Max

  • The ingredients list is not clear, and the one that is likely correct contains made up ingredients like Nitric Oxide and Super Molecules.
  • You can only get it by signing up for a phony free trial.
  • The Hydro Muscle Max free trial is particularly scammy with customers complaining that you can’t cancel outright and that you have to return the bottles that were supposed to be free, otherwise you have to pay for them.
  • There are no clinical trials.
  • There’s no customer feedback about the product’s effectiveness.

The Big Reason to Stay Away From Hydro Muscle Max

Hydro Muscle Max is just another free trial scam that I hope everyone who reads this stays away from. They don’t list the ingredients, there is no customer feedback, and they only offer it through the free trial scam.

Readers ask me all the time, how can you write a negative review of this product when you haven’t even tried it. It would be a valid question if I was saying negative things about how the supplement works. But that’s not what I’m saying. (Sure an L-Arginine supplement for $90 is hideously overpriced, but that’s beside the point. My problems with Hydro Muscle Max are not about how well it does or does not work. My problems with Hydro Muscle Max start and end long before effectiveness is even a consideration.

Hydro Muscle Max tries to scam you into monthly billing until you notice and find a way to stop them. It may be legal, but it’s far from ethical. And it has to make you wonder – why would an effective product use such a scammy tactic to market itself? The only answer is that it wouldn’t. And that’s why I can give a negative review to a product I’ve never actually tried.

It turns out that Hydro Muscle Max may not be available anymore anyway. I searched and searched and couldn’t find their website, so their issues with customers may just have caught up with them in the end.

Have You Used Hydro Muscle Max? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – HyperGH 14X

#1 Rated - HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Testofuel

#2 Rated - Testofuel

Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Ostarine

#3 - Ostarine

Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.

Click Here To Learn More »

SupaSize Review – The Big Reasons For and Against


What is it
How To Use
Side Effects
Who Makes it
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Some guys have actual issues with erectile dysfunction, while others guys simply want to take their already adequate sex lives to the next level. The nice thing about the natural supplement market is that it can address the needs of men in both categories. Often, when a guy begins to notice he’s having problems with getting hard, he would prefer to try to handle the situation himself before heading the doctor to prescription. Just like when a guy who has no trouble getting horny or getting erections wants to turn up the heat. He doesn’t need a doctor. He just wants to see how much better things can get. In both cases, a natural male enhancement supplement is the obvious answer. But once he starts researching his options, it’s not long before he finds out that the saturated market is overwhelming, and he doesn’t know where to turn.

That was the case with one of my readers when he asked me to look into SupaSize for him. He’s searching for his best option, he came across this one, it looked good to him, so he asked that we check it out. We did, and what follows is what we found.

supasize-review-1What is SupaSize?

SupaSize is a daily supplement rather than a fast acting one. The formula is designed so the ingredients build up in your system over time rather then working just for the short time after ingesting the pill. By name, you’d think it promises penis enlargement, but that’s not the case. To its credit, SupaSize promises much more realistic benefits:

  • Harder and longer lasting erections.
  • Stamina like you haven’t had in years.
  • Significantly boosted libido.
  • An end to premature ejaculation.

They even lay out the 3 months long process by which your benefits start to make themselves known:



SupaSize Ingredients

SupaSize provides a list of ingredients in the formula, but it doesn’t give amounts, so while the information we do get is good, it could be better. Below is a list of the ingredients that made the cut:

  • Vitamin E is the featured components. It’s always been know as the “sex vitamin”. In high doses, it increases both blood circulation and testosterone. Better blood flow leads directly to better erections, while increased testosterone boosts sexual inclination and response from all angles.
  • Ginkgo Biloba increases nitric oxide which improves erections by relaxing blood vessels walls, allowing more blood to flow in when you’re aroused. According to the SupaSize website, Ginkgo is 91% effective against erectile dysfunction.
  • Saw Palmetto which is mainly used to naturally improve prostate health. Since the prostate is where seminal fluid is produced, it has an integral effect on sexual health. It works by inhibiting the conversion of Testosterone to DHT which contributes to the enlargement of the prostate, keeping it healthy and able to perform its intended function.
  • Asian Ginseng which also promotes nitric oxide production for better erectile health. It may also increase testosterone, sperm count, and semen volume.
  • Cayenne Fruit which contains capsaicin, which can help thin your blood and widen blood vessels for more blood flow and better erections.
  • Hawthorn which may also relax and open up blood vessels.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to increase natural testosterone production. By increasing Luteinizing Hormone, Tribulus signals the testes that it’s time to produce and release more testosterone. Increased testosterone boosts both libido and performance.
  • Oat (Avena Sativa) which is thought to increase free testosterone. It also soothes and calms the nervous system, allowing you a relaxed control over your orgasms.

We often get questions about what’s NOT in a supplement, mainly from people with allergies or sensitivities. Here’s a list that covers it for SupaSize:

  • NO Yeast
  • NO Wheat Gluten
  • NO Corn
  • NO Dairy
  • NO Sodium
  • NO Sugar
  • NO Artificial Coloring
  • NO Preservatives or flavoring.

How To Use SupaSize

There are a couple different ways you can go as far as dosing. If you want to start off slowly, take 1 capsule a day after a meal. For best results, go with 2 capsules a day, 1 after breakfast and 1 after dinner. Either way, you’re instructed to drink plenty of water or fruit juice to help with absorption.

It’s recommended that you continue to take SupaSize for at last 3 or 4 months. This is when the full effect is expected to kick in. They don’t specify, but in my experience, this would be a good point at which to lower your dose back down to 1 capsule a day to maintain the already achieved benefits.

SupaSize Reviews

Until recently, SupaSize was only sold through their website, so that’s the only place you’ll find customer feedback. Not long ago, it started being sold on, so before long there should be plenty of feedback there, but for now, the SupaSize website is the only option we have. You have to be a little careful trusting the feedback provided by a company about its products because, let’s face it, they’re a little biased about what how they want to portray themselves. But since that’s all we have for now, we’ll share it with you and let you know what’s being said.

Here’s a fun one:




And another:


See, it’s tough to take that seriously. I mean, who talks like that? Nobody I know. So when that’s all we have for feedback, I tend to write it off as though there really isn’t any out there.

SupaSize Side Effects

SupaSize claims to not cause any side effects at all. While I push back a little on a statement like that, I understand and appreciate what the point is. There are lots of male enhancement supplements that do cause side effects, especially the fast acting pills. The ingredients that make them effective also can cause side effects. So you have to decide what you’re willing to accept in order to get the results you want.

This is not the case with SupaSize. I don’t buy into the idea that any pill can be guaranteed to be side-effect free, but the natural ingredient list provided would indicate that side effects would tend to be both rare and mild.

Who Makes SupaSize?

SupaSize is made by a company in Singapore. In fact, most of their customers live in either Singapore or Malaysia.

Where to Buy

SupaSize is mainly sold through its official website, but has recently been added to the product lines at At the website, there is a complex pricing structure based in Singapore Dollars, but the basic price works out to about $37 for a one month supply. You can get discounts of you buy multiple boxes. Purchases through the website come with a money back guarantee as well. It’s good for 60 days, and you can use up to 2 months worth and still get a refund on your entire purchase, as long as you send back all opened and unopened boxes.

At, you can get a one month supply for $35. If you’re in the states, this is probably the easier way to go, unless you’ve got your heart set on that great guarantee.

SupaSize Pros and Cons

Advantages of SupaSize

  • The formula is all natural and safe. While they state there are no side effects and we don’t trust that statement fully, we are fairly confident that side effects are rare and mild if they do exist.
  • It’s not very expensive.
  • There’s a money back guarantee when you buy through the website.

Disadvantages of SupaSize

  • The company is in Singapore which means they may not need to adhere to strict US standards of manufacturing practices.
  • The only customer feedback we could find so far comes from testimonials on the product website. These are notoriously unreliable as they can be faked, or at least cherry picked to make the product look good.
  • No clinical studies are cited to prove their claims.

The Bottom Line

SupaSize isn’t the best or the worst product I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot. The formula is decent, though without knowing how much of each ingredient is present, it’s difficult to know how effective it will be. Because we don’t have access to any real customer feedback, we don’t know what people are actually saying about this stuff either.

With that said, I believe SupaSize is quite safe and won’t cause much if anything in the way of side effects.

So what we’re left with is a safe, but potentially ineffective supplement that’s relatively affordable. If for some reason, SupaSize strikes a chord with you and you feel drawn to try it, by all means do. Otherwise, I would look elsewhere for something clinically proven to be effective.

It’s not that there is a wealth of bad side effects or that there are so many red flags that staying away from it is a must, it is just that there is not a ton going for it that taking it is essential.

Have You Used SupaSize? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

One More Knight Review – The Big Reason NOT To Use It


What is it
How To Use
Side Effects
What’s The Big News
Can You Still Buy
What’s Next
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Several weeks back, one of my readers asked me to look into a male enhancement product called One More Knight. It was being touted as a hugely effective fast acting performance enhancement, so I was interested. I let the reader know I already had a pretty long list of supplements to get to, but that I’d get to it as soon as I had a chance.

It turned out to be a good thing that I’m busy because once I got a chance to look into One More Knight, something very interesting had been discovered about it that would change the entire course and direction of my review. We’ll get to that important piece of information a little later. Before that, however, we’ll go over what this stuff is, what it promises, and what it’s likely to be able to deliver.

What is One More Knight?

one-more-knight-review-1One More Knight is a fast acting male enhancement pill. The fact that it claims to be fast acting makes us sit up and take notice for several reasons. First of all, this is what most guys want. They’d rather take a pill just when they need it, rather than having to remember to take it every day. Second of all, it’s hard to find one that works. It’s just not the way supplements work, unfortunately. For the most part, you take supplements for the effects they give you over time. As the ingredients build up in your system, your libido and stamina begin to increase. So when a company tries to make one that works immediately, it usually fails, especially when you consider that the results are being compared with prescription drugs like Viagra. Which brings us to the last point. Often, when you find a fast acting performance enhancement that works, it’s because it contains the same ingredients you find in Viagra. But they don’t disclose that fact because it’s against the law to sell such medicines without a prescription.

So when we come upon a fast acting supplement, all of that is in the back of our minds as we begin or research. And as you’ll learn a little later, these issues turned out to be very relevant in this case.

One More Knight Benefits

It’s no wonder One More Knight was on its way to becoming very popular. A look at the listed benefits is all it took for guys looking or help. According to the manufacturer, One More Knight can:

  • Help you last longer, decreasing the occurrence of premature ejaculation.
  • Increase the volume of your ejaculate, giving you explosive orgasms.
  • Increase your length and width.
  • Give you harder, stronger erections.

And all of this without the need of a prescription.

One of the most talked about benefits of One More Knight is the increased stamina. Word has been getting out that this stuff can make you last forever, even to the point that it’s difficult for some guys to even finish at all. And while this may be frustrating for sure, it can be quite a benefit for guys who fall short in that area.

So what is it about One More Knight that makes you last forever? Let’s dive into the formula to see.

one-more-knight-review-2One More Knight Ingredients

The One More Knight formula is a proprietary blend, which means they tell you what’s in it, but they don’t tell you how much. It’s a 100mg blend consisting of: Avena Sativa, Guarana, Panax Ginseng, Cnidii Fructus, Maca, Ginger Powder, Astragalus, Meberaceaus, Cinnamon Powder, Ginkgo Semon, and Tribulus Terrestris.

Truth is I haven’t even heard of some of these ingredients, but here are some of the highlights about how a few of them work:




  • Avena Sativa is also know as Oat Straw. It is thought to boost levels of free testosterone. Increased free testosterone will indeed increase libido, improve erections, and build stamina.
  • Guarana is essentially caffeine, so it makes you more alert.
  • Panax Ginseng is an adaptagen. It helps your body adjust in stressful situations, as it also increases libido.
  • Maca is well known as a powerful libido enhancer.
  • Ginger Powder is good for stamina and libido.
  • Astragalus is another adaptagen and has been used to combat premature ejaculation.
  • Tribulus Terrestris is said to increase total testosterone through the mechanism of increased Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals an increase in the amount of testosterone produces in the testes.

Looking at this formula, there really isn’t anything standing out as the real powerhouse – the ingredient that drives One More Knight to be great, or fast acting for that matter. As we get closer to revealing the new information we found about this stuff, it will all begin to make sense.

How To Use One More Knight

The instructions that come with One More Knight say to take one capsule 20 minutes before sex, and not take more than one capsule in a 72 hour period. It comes with a couple standard warnings, nothing too serious. Don’t use it if you’re under 18, and don’t use it while consuming alcoholic beverages.

It’s also a good idea to note that chronic alcohol consumption (otherwise known as alcoholism) has been linked to reduce testosterone levels.

A reduction in testosterone will have a MAJOR negative effect on your overall libido and sex drive, so it’s a good idea to refrain as much as possible.

One More Knight Side Effects

Side effects are another issue that plagues fast acting performance enhancing supplements. Because they have to use certain ingredients to make them effective and these ingredients tend to cause side effects, this kind of pill does come with an increased risk for side effects. Some of the ones we’ve seen associated with One More Knight are:

  • Headaches.
  • Sinus issues.
  • Dizziness.
  • Flu-like body aches.
  • Heartburn

One More Knight Reviews

One More Knight is sold through online retailers, which usually means online reviews, and that’s a good thing. The reviews I saw tend to follow a couple specific themes. They mainly say it works. Some say it works too well – to the point where they just can’t get off in in the end. And lots and lots of guys talk about the negative side effects.




So What’s The Big News?

On August 16, 2016, the FDA issued a voluntary recall of One More Knight. During a routine analysis of ingredients, it was found that this “all natural supplement” contains not one, but two undisclosed ingredients, both of which require a prescription by law.

The first one is Tadalafil. This is the same active ingredient used in the prescription drug Cialis. No wonder it works, right? This is actually a very common occurrence. It is very hard to make a fast acting supplement that works, so instead of accepting the failure, companies will inject their products with a little bit of what they know will work. You may be thinking “what’s the harm?” but actually there could be quite a lot of harm. The prescription ED medications need prescriptions mainly because they can cause a very dangerous interaction with some other prescription medications, namely nitrates used for heart conditions. It’s not safe for someone to unknowingly take these drugs. Someone who takes nitrates is likely to turn to a “natural supplement” precisely because it’s safe with their medication. But if their “natural” supplement contains undisclosed prescription medication, they could experience some real problems.

The second one is Dapoxetine. This one is a little less well know. It’s not yet approved by the FDA, but if and when it is, it will require a prescription as well. Dapoxetine’s promise is that it may help with premature ejaculation. It approaches the issue from the angle of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, which have long been known to have the side effect of prolonging the time to orgasm. The difference between Dapoxetine and other SSRIs is that it’s meant to work immediately, so you don’t have to take it every day to achieve the effects. At this point, Dapoxetine is not FDA approved, but again, when it is, it will require a prescription.

Can You Still Buy One More Knight?

One More Knight used to be available at, but they remove all supplements with FDA recalls as soon as they find out about them. So you won’t see One More Knight there anymore. But it is still available online through a few other online retailers. At one called A1 Supplements, a single pills will cost you $6.95 and you can buy 6 capsules for $39.95.

What’s Next for One More Knight

Usually what happens when a supplement gets recalled is that it goes off the market, at least for a little while. In some cases, the company reformulates the product, this time with natural ingredients, then brings it back and goes on selling it. In other cases, they just continue to sell it until stock dwindles to nothing. In still other cases, they say they reformulate, but they really don’t. A year or more later, there’s another FDA analysis and another recall is issued.

One More Knight Pros and Cons

Advantages of One More Knight

  • You only need to take it as needed.
  • According to a lot of readers, it works, both to help you get erections and to help you keep them.

Disadvantages of One More Knight

  • It contains undisclosed ingredients which may be dangerous for some guys.
  • It’s been recalled by the FDA, so it may not be available for much longer. It’s just too soon to tell.

The Bottom Line

I understand the attraction to buying a prescription strength pill without having to go through the hassle of actually going to the doctor and getting a prescription. I also get the attraction of the price when you compare it to the prescription drugs. But here’s the big problem – Putting something into a pill that people put into their bodies, something that can potentially harm some of them in a big way, is just plain irresponsible. We have to ask, “how can we trust these people?” And the answer is that we can’t. If they would do this, what else would they do?

Even if you’ve used Cialis before with no issues, you don’t know what dosage is used in One More Knight or what the sourse is, and you probably haven’t used it in conjunction with Dapoxetine. Who knows what kinds of problems you could run into.

If you are taking certain heart medications or nitrates, then you should avoid One More Knight like the plague in case it does contain the undisclosed prescription strength drugs mentioned above as the interaction could prove to be fatal.

There is no shortage of feedback indicating that One More Knight causes side effects. This just proves the point that unleashing an untried and untested product onto an unsuspected public is dangerous. Because they’re doing all this in secret, it hasn’t been tested, and they have no idea what the consequences might be. It’s products like this this that make people justifiably wary of the whole supplement industry.

Have You Used One More Knight? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

The Ultimate Guide To Working Out At Home


Note:  Click Here
to skip to the workout.

I want to look ripped… I just need to hit the gym and eat right for a few months.

This is what most of us tell ourselves when we think of getting a lean and muscular body; however, more often than not, we end up putting off that thought. Those who have tried to pursue this goal can tell you that it is not always as easily done as said.

Click Here for a printer friendly version of this page.

What’s more, it seems impossible for those trying to achieve their goals with a busy schedule. Many working men and women already have too much on their plates to go out and visit a gym.


What about the gym itself? Many people find that the gym is not always an ideal place. It costs a considerable amount of money to get a decent membership. For those who cannot afford it, they may quit their dream of getting in shape.

For those that settle for a cheap and low quality gym, they know how frustrating the lack of quality equipment can be. The unavailability of proper equipment is a major negative factor. Not to mention the crowds. With crowded gyms, you rarely get a peaceful, organized workout with all the equipment available.


The atmosphere of your local gym can lack that friendly feel. Many people never start going to the gym because the fear getting laughed at by other gym members.

gym intimidation

The reality is that the typical “bro” behavior can kill motivation, especially if you are a newbie. Does all this sound familiar? You’re certainly not alone.

Here is the good news: You can still achieve your dream of getting ripped without having to go to a gym. It is possible to work out and get into great shape at home! One might ask how and the answer would be this guide!


In this guide, I will provide you with everything you need to get started with working out and getting lean and muscular from the comfort of home.

In the coming sections, you will find in-depth and easy-to-understand exercise descriptions and programs that will help you build your dream physique. I provide you with detailed descriptions of the most effective exercises.

Even someone who has no previous knowledge of workouts will be able to pick up this guide and get started. As mentioned above, these exercises are all proven by both scientific studies and veterans’ choice to burn the most calories and build the most muscle.

These workouts will help you lose fat and gain muscle in an amazingly short time.

workout at home guide

I have written this guide with considerable care so that anyone can easily comprehend it and get started right away. Anyone who is looking to get a lean and muscular body can benefit from this guide.

That includes everyone from the busy office working person to the older people who want to get back in shape but are too hesitant to join a gym.

These exercises can even be done in the office, although I’m not sure how “practical” that may be for some of you 😉

working out in the office

I will help you get the results you want without bothering your busy schedule.

Perhaps most importantly, this guide is for all of the beginners out there who are looking to work out and build a solid foundation of muscle and strength. If that’s you, this guide is the perfect guiding light.

No more seeking advice about workouts and diets from misinformed friends. No more getting frustrated in trying to find the right fitness programs for you. No more searching for hours on the internet without luck.

This guide will end your agitation once and for all. You will get the right information to get started right away. Best of all, you are free of the restrictions of a gym. You can do everything at home and get yourself the ideal body you have been wanting.

This guide is extremely user-friendly to say the least. No matter who you are or how busy your lifestyle is, as long as you have the will to get ripped, this guide will help you. You have finally gotten your hands on the first step towards getting your dream physique.

Ready to go? Good!


Now the first thing you need to do is completely familiarize yourself with the exercises you want to do (which I provide in full detail).

Give a complete read to the exercises as well as the acute variables in the next chapter. I take care of the planning for you. Focus on learning the material and getting yourself mentally ready.

After this comes the most important step: practicing and perfecting your workout! It always takes some time to master form and execution of an exercise. I have provided all the instructions you’ll need including the recommended sets, repetitions, volume, tempo, and rest breaks.

Once you have the exercises down, you will need to keep at it as the key to having a great body is perseverance and determination. Your goal will be easy to achieve once you make a routine of following these workouts.

While it is not compulsory, I highly recommend that you follow the suggested time frame of each workout to achieve the best possible results. As mentioned, this guide is user- friendly, so the time-frames are also very suitable and easy to follow.

Nothing will be achieved without a positive approach towards your hard work. Sticking to your workouts in the beginning is the hardest part. Once you pass the initial stages of working out, you’ll set the ball rolling and will start seeing the results.

This is how you will stay in the game and ultimately get the body that you always wanted.

After reading everything above, you are all set to take your first step towards getting in shape. Are you ready to start chasing after your dream? Go ahead, give the guide a read and start moving!

Choosing the Variables for Your Goals

Before you jump into learning the exercises that will help you accomplish your goals of getting ripped, you’ll want to understand how the right variables will play a huge role in your success.

Acute variables are simply the numbers involved with exercises. Here are a few examples:

  • How many sets should you do?
  • How many repetitions should each set have?
  • How long should you rest for in between sets?

Knowing these numbers BEFORE you begin exercising will kick start your progress, allowing you to see the results you want in less time.

Let’s jump right into it with how many exercises you should perform for each muscle group.

Number of Exercises:

When exercising on a given day, you should be performing 1 to 3 exercises per major muscle group. (1) Here is a list of the major muscle groups:

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Shoulders

The other muscle groups mentioned in this guide are secondary. They are smaller and require less attention than the largest muscles on the body. It’s best to perform one exercise for each smaller muscle group. (1)

  • Triceps
  • Biceps
  • Forearms
  • Calves
  • Abdominals
  • Obliques

Number of Sets:

To activate the highest level of muscle building and fat burning, you’ll want to perform 2 to 4 sets for each exercise that you select. (1)

For example:

  • Chest: Bench Press: 3 sets
  • Back: Pull-ups: 2 sets

Number of Repetitions:

A study by the American College of Sports Medicine demonstrated that those just starting out with working out respond best when using the 8 to 12 repetition range. (2) For example:

  • Chest: Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 to 12 repetitions for each set
  • Back: Pull-ups: 2 x 8-12

Seconds of Active Lifting:

Your tempo is extremely important to trigger the right amount of muscular hypertrophy and fat burning. It is recommended that you perform each repetition with the following tempo pattern:

  • Take 4 seconds to lift the weight (concentric phase)
  • Take a 1 second pause at the top of the movement (isometric phase)
  • Take 2 seconds to lower the weight (eccentric phase) (1) For example:
  • Chest: Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 to 12 repetitions for each set
  • Pressing the barbell up: Count 4 seconds
  • Pause at the top: Count 1 second
  • Lowering the barbell down: Count 3 seconds
  • Go immediately into the lifting portion of the exercise (4 seconds)

How Much Weight You Should Use:

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, it is recommended that those new to working out should use 60% to 85% of the one-repetition maximum.

Your one-repetition maximum is that absolute highest amount of weight that you can safely lift one time. Since it can be dangerous for newcomers to determine that amount of weight, it’s always good to start with a lower weight and see how many repetitions you can get. has a great One-Rep Max calculator you can use to figure all of this out.

one rep max calculator

If you’re only able to execute between 8 and 12 repetitions, then you know you’ve reached a perfect weight to begin with for all the rest of the sets. (3) For example:

  • Chest: Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 to 12 repetitions for each set
  • You can safely press a loaded barbell of 135lbs up safely a maximum of 9 times. This is the weight you will use for the remaining
  • Once you can perform more than 12 repetitions, you know it’s time to increase the weight you’re

Exercise selection:

A study published in the American Journal of Physiology showed how compound exercises were ideal for burning the most fat and increasing muscle mass via a greater release of anabolic hormones in the body.

Exercises such as the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press are known to be the best compound exercises in the fitness industry. (4)

How Long You Should Rest For:

Lastly, if you want to avoid burn out, you need to give yourself a break between sets. However, you don’t want to rest too long as allowing your muscles to become completely inactive will work against you.

The ideal amount of time to rest in between sets, according to a study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, is 60 to 90 seconds. (5)

This of course changes depending on what your goal is (i.e. trying to build strength, build power, build endurance, etc.)

at home workout rest requirements

I’d recommend picking up a stop watch, or just use the stopwatch on your phone, to ensure you stick to your recommended resting periods.

iphone stopwatch

Exercise List

You found your motivation. You have your numbers in place. Now it’s time to get familiar with the exercise arsenal that you’ll be utilizing going forward. These exercises were handpicked because of their success rate as shown in studies and how often veterans will recommend them.

I’d highly recommend reading through each exercise description very carefully and practicing your selected exercises at a slow and steady pace. Be sure to check out the accompanying media to help you cement everything together.

Jump To A Body Part



  1. Push-up

  • This classic chest exercise starts with getting into the starting position by placing your hands flat on the floor. Your hands must be directly below your shoulders.
  • Stretch out your legs behind you. Your toes and the balls of your feet will be touching the
  • Brace your core as you push yourself up into the starting
  • Before lowering yourself, make sure to keep your back straight by tightening your abdominal
  • Bending at the elbows, slowly lower your chest towards the ground. Do so until your chest is just above the ground. You will feel a stretch across your chest. Your arms will be bent at 90
  • Pause for a moment before pressing yourself up. Focus the tension at the chest and slowly straighten your
  1. Dive Bombers

  • Place your hands flat on the floor. Make sure they are shoulder width
  • Keeping your back flat, not arched, fully extend your legs behind you. You will be in a regular push up
  • Now, spread your feet slightly wider than your shoulder width. Shift your arms and legs so that your toes and hands are touching the
  • Keep your arms extended as you move your hips up towards the sky. Your butt will be in the air and you will be looking between your feet. Think of it like this: Your body will look like an upside down “V”. This is the starting
  • Bend your elbows. As you do, move forward with your chest. Your body will arc forward and your hips move towards the
  • Once your body is parallel with the floor, continue moving forward and arch
  • Straighten your arms and push your upper body up towards the sky. Raise your head and chest. Look above
  • As you inhale, reverse the movement back to the starting

Here’s a video demonstration:

3. Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly

  • Pick up a pair of dumbbells. Maintain a steady grip as you sit on a flat bench. Slowly lower yourself while keeping the dumbbells at chest
  • Brace your core and, with control, push the dumbbells directly above your chest. Turn the dumbbells so that they face one
  • Bend your elbow slightly. Now, open up your chest and feel the contraction as you slowly lower the dumbbells to the sides. Each dumbbell will follow the arcing motion to the side of your
  • When the dumbbells are parallel with the ground, pause, and return to the starting position.

Here’s a video demonstration:

Note:  This exercise can be performed at home with an inexpensive ($10 at Walmart) exercise ball and a water bottle or similarly weighted object.

And here’s an example of a dumbbell fly without a bench.


  1. Superman

    • Bring yourself to a lying position on a comfortable surface. Make sure you are lying face
    • Extend your arms in front of you. Your legs will be straight behind
    • Focusing the contraction in your lower back, squeeze the muscle. At the same time, lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor. Again, the primary muscle doing this will be your lower back. Reach as high as you can. Lift your feet as high as you
    • Hold this pose for at least two
    • Slowly return to the starting position but do not allow your arms and legs to rest on the
    • Repeat for the recommended number of

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Bent Over Row

    • You can perform this exercise with dumbbells or a can of soup.
    • Pick up the dumbbells or barbell. Position the dumbbells or barbell in front of you. Both will be horizontal to your
    • Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Slightly bend your
    • Now, bend forward at your waist. Push your hips back and keep your knees bent. Bend over with a flat back until your upper body is parallel with the floor. This is the starting
    • Maintaining this position throughout, lift the dumbbells or barbell up towards your midline.
    • Your elbows will stay tight and close to your
    • Squeeze your back muscles then slowly release the weight straight down to the starting

      Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Body-weight Squat

  • Pause then slowly begin to rise and return to the start position. Once you reach the top, keep the knees bent. Move directly into your next repetition.
  • Lower yourself until your thighs reach parallel with the ground. Your back must be straight and your core should be engaged.
  • Continue to bend your knees while simultaneously pushing your hips back and towards the ground. Imagine as if you are sitting down in a chair.
  • Brace your core, bend your knees slightly, and make sure your back is straight. This is the starting position.
  • It’s most popular to put your arms behind your head but you can also cross your arms at your chest.
  • Stand straight and place your feet at shoulder width. Be sure to point your toes slightly

    Here’s a video demonstration:

2.  Single Leg Squats

Note: If you are a beginner, it is advised to use a chair for support. Stand tall and brace your core. Bring your feet closer than shoulder

  • Slowly, raise your left foot from the floor then extend it in front of you. The foot should be hovering above the ground.
  • You may want to extend your hands in front of you for balance. This is the starting position.
  • Focusing all of the tension on your right leg, slowly lower your body down. First, bend your right knee then lower your hips.
  • Imagine that you are sitting backward into a chair.
  • Once your right thigh is parallel, or almost parallel, to the floor, pause then return to the starting position.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Lunges

    • Focus tension in your core to ensure you are standing straight. Position your feet shoulder width apart.
    • Keep your shoulders back as you maintain a straight back and upright upper body posture.
    • Step forward with your right leg. Simultaneously, drop the left knee towards the ground.
    • You will bend your right knee but do not allow it to go past your toes. Focus the tension in your right leg. Do not let your left knee touch the ground.
    • Pause then slowly kick off the ground to return to the starting position.
    • Complete all the repetitions for that set and then switch legs.
    • You can also alternate between legs for each rep.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Bridge

    • Lie down on a comfortable surface like an exercise mat. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Make sure that your lower back is pressed into the ground.
    • Position your hands on the ground next to you with the palm down. You will use your hands for balance.
    • Brace your core and focus tension in the glutes and hamstrings as you raise your hips off the floor. Slowly, push your pelvis up and forward. Remember that feet stay flat on the ground.
    • Once your back, hips and quadriceps are in a straight line stop the movement. Pause then slowly lower yourself back towards the ground. Do not let your glutes rest on the ground. Instead go right into your next rep.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Romanian Deadlifts

    • Begin by selecting a pair of dumbbells. Once you secure your grip, stand tall with a braced core.
    • Maintaining a flat back and tight core, bend at the knees slightly while you simultaneously push your hips back.
    • Keep your arms straight and the dumbbells close to the body.
    • Make sure your upper body remains flat as you bend over. You will feel tension in the back of your legs. This is how you know you’re activating the hamstrings.
    • Once your upper body is parallel to the ground, pause and slowly return to the starting position.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Lateral Raise

  • Note: You do not need weights to perform this exercise. Holding soup cans or water bottles can be more than enough weight.
  • Grab a soup can, water bottle, or small dumbbell in each hand. Stand straight with a flat back. Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart.
  • Extend your arms by your side. Your palms will face your body. Put a slight bend in the elbows. This is the starting position.
  • Maintaining a braced core, lift the dumbbells upward and out to your sides. Do this slowly and maintain a slight bend in the elbows.
  • Once your arms are parallel with the floor, pause, and slowly release to the starting position.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Seated Bent Over Raise

    • This exercise is similar to the lateral raise. The difference is that you will be sitting down and targeting the back of your shoulders.
    • Sit yourself on a bench, holding a soup can, water bottle, or small dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms down at your sides.
    • Bend at the hips while bracing your core and keeping a flat back. Maintain this position throughout the exercise.
    • Slightly bend your elbows and begin the movement by bring your arms up and back in an arcing motion.
    • Once your arms are parallel with the floor, pause and slowly return to the starting position.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Overhead Press

    • Select a pair of dumbbells and secure a firm overhand grip. Stand with your feet in a shoulder-width stance.
    • Tighten your core and straighten your back. Slightly bend at the knees.
    • Bring the dumbbells up in a curling motion and stop once they reach shoulder height.
    • With your palms facing forward and your arms at a 90 degree angle, slowly begin to push the dumbbells above your head.
    • Focus the tension in your shoulders as you push up. Extend the arms but do not lock out your elbows.
    • Pause and slowly lower the dumbbells to shoulder level before beginning again.

      Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Chair/Bench Dip

    • Place two chairs or flat benches opposite of one another. The distance between them should be enough that you can comfortably hold yourself up on one chair or bench and extend your legs across to the other.
    • Step in between the chairs or benches. Sit on one chair/bench and face the other. Place your hands on the chair/bench with an overhand grip. Make sure your hands are tight at your sides.
    • Extend your legs in front of you and on to the second chair/bench. The heels of your feet will be supporting your weight. This is the starting position.
    • With a straight back, slowly lower yourself down between the chairs/benches. Bend your elbows and lower your hips.
    • Once your elbows form a 90 degree angle, pause then return to the starting position.
    • Do not lock out your elbows. Keep a slight bend at all times.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  • Tricep / Diamond Push-ups

    • Place your hands flat on the floor. Your hands must be directly below your shoulders.
    • Stretch out your legs behind you. Your toes and the balls of your feet will be touching the floor.
    • Brace your core as you push yourself up into the starting position.
    • You are currently in the traditional push-up position. Before lowering yourself, you will do two things to target the triceps muscles:
    • First, make sure to keep your back straight by tightening your abdominal muscles.
    • Second, bring your hands together below your chest.
    • Connect your index fingers and the tips of your thumbs. The shape in between your hands will resemble a diamond.
    • Make sure that your elbows and wrists form a straight line from your chest to the floor.
    • Now lower yourself towards the ground by bending your elbows and focusing all of the tension in your triceps (upper arms).
    • Stop once your chest hovers above the top of your hands. Return to the starting position but make sure to keep a slight bend in your elbows at all times.

      Here’s a video demonstration:

  1. Overhead Extension

    • You can choose to do this standing or by sitting on a bench with a section for back support.
    • Select a pair of dumbbells and secure a firm grip in each hand.
    • Bracing your core first, curl the dumbbells up towards the shoulders. Now push the dumbbells above your head. Bring the dumbbells together so that your palms are facing one another.
    • Keep your upper arms locked in place. All of the movement will come from moving your forearms.
    • Lower the dumbbells behind your head. When your forearms come parallel with the ground, you’ll feel a contraction in your triceps muscles. Pause here then slowly return to the starting position.
    • Do not lock out your elbows. Keep a slight bend and move directly into the next repetition.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Narrow Grip Chin-up

    • Place yourself beneath a pull-up bar. Reach up and grasp it. Instead of taking an overhand grip as you would with a pull-up, you will take an underhand grip. This is where your palms will face you. Your hand placement will be closer than shoulder width.
    • Before pulling yourself up, make sure there is a slight bend in your elbows.
    • Brace your core and slowly pull your body up, focusing the tension in your bicep muscles.
    • When your chest reaches your forearms, pause and slowly lower your body down. Again, keep a slight bend in the elbow at all times.
      Note:  This exercise can be performed with a cheap at home pull up bar, you can find one for as little as $18 on home pull up bar
  2. Barbell Curl

  • You can use an Olympic barbell or EZ Curl bar for this exercise.  You can pick one up cheap at Walmart for about $26.
  • Stand up straight and brace your core while holding a barbell. Leave your arms extended in front of you. Do not lock your elbows.
  • Take an underhand grip and make sure that your hands are shoulder width apart.
  • Keep your elbows tight to your sides and your upper arms in place. Now curl the barbell forward and up. The contraction will be in your biceps while the forearms will move the weight up and down.
  • Once the bar is near shoulder level, pause and slowly release towards the starting position.
  • Do not lock out your elbows. Instead, move immediately into the next home ez curl bar


  1. Wrist Curl

    • You can perform this exercise either by standing, sitting on a chair/bench, or by propping your forearm on a bench with your hand hanging off the opposite end.
    • Take hold of a soup can, water bottle, or small dumbbell. Make sure that you have an underhand grip. Your hands will be shoulder width apart.
    • Slowly curl up towards the front of your body using your wrist only. Leave your arms fully extended with the elbow slightly bent. It is only the wrist that will be moving.
    • Once you will feel a contraction in your forearms, slowly lower your hand to the starting position but do not release the tension.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  1. Barbell Reverse Curls

    • You can perform this exercise by standing up or using a preacher curl bench.
    • Secure a firm overhand grip on an Olympic barbell or an EZ Curl bar.
    • Fully extend your arms with your feet shoulder width apart. Brace your core throughout the entire movement. This is the starting position.
    • Keep your upper arms in place and your back straight. Using only your forearms, curl the weight up towards your shoulders.
    • Once the barbell reaches near shoulder level, pause and slowly lower the barbell to the starting position.
    • Do not allow your elbows to lock out. Instead, move right into the next rep.
      Note:  This exercise can be performed at home with the EZ curl bar I mentioned above.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Bodyweight Calf Raises

    • Stand up straight and brace your core.
    • Ideally, you will keep your hands at your sides but feel free to hold on to a wall or chair if you have poor balance.
    • Place your feet at shoulder width and point toes forward.
    • Focus the tension in your calf muscles as you slowly raise yourself up from the balls of your feet and toes.
    • Squeeze at the top of the exercise and slowly lower yourself. Do not allow your feet to completely touch the ground again. Instead, go immediately into your next repetition.

      Here’s a video demonstration:

  1. Calf Jumps

    • Stand up straight and brace your core.
    • Ideally, you will keep your hands at your sides but feel free to hold on to a wall or chair if you have poor balance.
    • Place your feet at shoulder width and point toes forward.
    • Put a slight bend in your knees and focus the tension in the calves as you forcefully press off the ground with the balls of both feet.
    • Jump into the air and as you come back down, make sure you land softly by keeping a slight bend in the knees.
    • Do not dip into a squat on the way back down. This exercise is for your calves. As soon as you land, check your balance and begin again.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Crunch

    • Find a comfortable surface such as a carpet or gym mat. Lie down on your back. Place your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees.
    • You can choose to place your hands behind your head, crossed on your chest, or at your sides.
    • Make sure your lower back is flat on the ground as you engage your core.
    • Beginning with the shoulders, allow your abdominals to pull your upper body up and forward. You are NOT lifting yourself all the way up to your knees (see: Sit- Up).
    • The focus point is your upper abdominals. Rise up until you feel a strong contraction then pause and slowly lower back down. Do not touch the ground with your shoulders. Instead, move directly into the next rep.
  1. Sit Up

  • Find a comfortable surface such as a carpet or gym mat. Lie down on your back. Place your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees.
  • You can choose to place your hands behind your head, crossed on your chest, or at your sides.
  • Engage your abs and beginning with the shoulders, allow your abdominals to pull your upper body up and forward.
  • Bring your upper body to your upper thighs. Pause and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Do not allow yourself to touch the ground. Instead, move directly into the next rep.
  1. Vacuum

    • Find a comfortable surface such as a carpet or gym mat. Lie down on your back. Place your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees.
    • Place your hands at your sides.
    • Inhale deeply through your nose and count to five seconds.
    • Immediately, forcefully exhale through your mouth. As you do, pull your belly button in and down toward your spine.
    • Continue forcefully exhaling while you contract your abdominals. Do this for as long as you possibly can.

Here’s a video demonstration:


  1. Side Plank Dip

    • Find a comfortable surface to lie on such as an exercise mat or carpet. Lay on your right side.
    • Make sure that you have extended your legs straight out. Have one leg resting on top of the other.
    • Place your left arm along the top of your body.
    • Place your right arm down in front of you on the floor. Rest your weight on your right elbow. Your right elbow and right shoulder should be aligned. Push yourself up by straightening your hips with the rest of your body. You should be elevated by your right elbow. The rest of your body in a straight line down to your feet.
    • Brace your core and relax your shoulders. Now slowly lower yourself from the hips. Drop the hips but do not allow them to touch the ground.
    • Come back up to the starting position, pause and lower yourself again.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  1. Twists

    • Sit on a comfortable surface such as a carpet or an exercise mat. Extend your legs in front of you and make sure that your upper body is upright with your back straight.
    • Cross your ankles, raising them off the floor slightly. You will feel a contraction in your lower abdominals and hips. Now, bend your knees and bring them up, slightly towards you.
    • From the core, lean yourself back slightly. This will counter balance the weight distribution. Make sure your core is tight and your back is braced. Make a fist and hold it out in front of you. This is the starting position.
    • Slowly, turn yourself to the left, letting your closed fist guide you. Contract your core and go in the opposite direction. Try to touch the ground with your closed fist, if you can.
    • Keep repeating the movement, going from side to side.

Here’s a video demonstration:

  1. Weighted Side Bends

    • Grab a dumbbell with your left hand. Your palm will face your body. Stand straight up with your feet at shoulder width apart.
    • You can place your right hand across your chest or on your waist with the palm facing in.
    • Brace your core. This is the starting position.
    • Bend over to the left side from your hips. Bring the weight down to about your knee then pause and go in the opposite direction.
    • Do not allow yourself to rest. Go from one side to the other, feeling the contraction in the sides of your core.
    • When you have finished with the left side, switch hands and perform again on the right side.

Here’s a video demonstration:

NOTE:  This exercise can be performed AT HOME with a water bottle or similarly weighted object.

Sample Workout Programs

Here are three workout programs that range from beginner to advanced. These programs are to be followed in order from Workout Program #1 to Workout Program #3. They have been developed in a way that leads to steady progress, allowing you to move to the next stage without trouble. My recommendation is to use each workout at least twice per week. Follow each program for 4 weeks each. You will be amazed at the results you achieve in just 3 short months.

Workout Program #1: All Bodyweight Exercises

  • Pull-ups: 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions
  • Push-ups: 3 x 8-12
  • Bodyweight Squats: 4 x 8-12
  • Lunges: 3 x 8-12
  • Dive Bombers: 2 x 8-12
  • Chin-ups: 1 x 8-12
  • Calf Raises: 1 x 8-12
  • Tricep Push-ups: 1 x 8-12
  • Sit-ups: 1 x 8-12

Workout Program #2: Hybrid Routine (Bodyweight and Resistance)

  • Single Leg Squats: 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions
  • Bridge: 3 x 8-12
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly: 3 x 8-12
  • Dumbbell Bent Over Row: 3 x 8-12
  • Seated Bent Over Raise: 2 x 8-12
  • Chair/Bench Dip: 1 x 8-12
  • Wrist Curls: 1 x 8-12
  • Calf Jumps: 1 x 8-12
  • Side Plank Dip: 1 x 8-12

Workout Program #3: All Resistance Exercises

  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly: 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions
  • Leg Press: 4 x 8-12
  • Bent Over Row: 4 x 8-12
  • Romanian Deadlifts: 4 x 8-12
  • Overhead Press: 1 x 8-12
  • Overhead Extension: 1 x 8-12
  • Barbell Reverse Curls: 1 x 8-12
  • Calf Press: 1 x 8-12
  • Weighted Crunches: 1 x 8-12


Don’t let all of the media hype fool you. If you want to get into amazing shape, there are really only a few things that you truly need:

  • Expert information (this guide!)
  • A small space to move around
  • The will to do your best
  • (A few soup cans, water bottles, or dumbbells are always a valuable addition!)

If you want to get ripped, you don’t have to face the crowds of people in the gym and you certainly don’t have to sacrifice your work or home life. All the exercises that are listed above can be safely performed in the comfort of your home.

The full workouts that I’ve provided you take minimal time. You can expect to complete these workouts in as little as 25 minutes. That’s it! That’s less than an episode of your favorite show.

Do yourself a favor: Stick to the programs I have detailed above for 4 weeks each. I’m only asking for 12 weeks of your life in order to help you achieve a new you.

Commit yourself to these workouts and you’ll be amazed at what you see in the mirror at the end of 3 months. Again, you owe it to yourself to be your best. Don’t wait for a special occasion; start today. You won’t regret it.


  1. Clark, M.A., Lucett, S.C., Sutton, B.G. “Muscular System.” NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2012. 290-
  2. Print.  American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Mar; 41(3):687-708.
  1. Wilborn CD, Taylor LW, Greenwood M, Kreider RB, Willoughby DS. Effects of different intensities of resistance exercise on regulators of myogenesis. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Nov; 23(8):2179-87.
  1. Yarasheski KE, Campbell JA, Smith K, Rennie MJ, Holloszy JO, Bier DM. Effect of growth hormone and resistance exercise on muscle growth in young men. Am J 1992 Mar; 262
  1. Kraemer WJ, Gordon SE, Fleck SJ, Marchitelli LJ, Mello R, Dziados JE, Friedl K, Harman E, Maresh C, Fry AC. Endogenous anabolic hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance exercise in males and females. Int J Sports Med. 1991 Apr;12(2):228-35.

Vigrx Delay Spray Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Delay website.

Premature ejaculation is no joke.  It can ruin relationships, marriages, and can also be VERY embarrassing, especially when you’re planning on having sex with a girl for the first time.  There’s certainly no shortage of over the counter remedies available on the market, many of which I’ve personally had a chance to test.

The majority of those that I’ve tested have been pills, which can sometimes take a few days (or even weeks) to kick in.

Also, it’s a simple fact that some guys just HATE taking pills, for whatever reason.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

In Comes Vigrx Delay Spray

Made by the same folks that brought you Vigrx Plus pills, Vigrx delay spray is different.  Instead of a pill, the delay spray is literally a bottle the size of a small bottle of mouthwash.

It’s pretty self-explanatory, but the goal behind Vigrx Delay Spray is…well, “delay” your orgasms.

You basically spray it on your penis about 5 – 10 minutes before sex, rub it in with your hand, and it allows you to perform MUCH longer then you normally would.

So how does it do this?

Well, the secret behind it is the formula, with the key ingredient being a local anesthetic commonly called Benzocaine (the medical term is ethyl aminobenzoate).

Benzocaine is actually commonly used as a topical pain reliever and is also used in some brands of condoms to delay premature ejaculation.

The BIG advantage to using Vigrx Delay Spray over that of a condom is 2 fold:

  1. Condoms suck 🙂
  2. You can put on as much (or as little) as you need to depending on the severity of your problem.

The directions on the label state that you should use 1 – 3 sprays 10 min. prior to sexual activity.

The end result is that you have a hard penis, but don’t cum too quickly.

So what makes Vigrx Delay Spray different from the others?

Practically all of the major premature ejaculation sprays on the market, such as Stud 100, Premjact, and Promescent, use a completely different anesthetic called Lidocaine.

While similar in it’s mechanism of action, there are some MAJOR problems with Lidocaine:

  1. Lidocaine works TOO WELL, often making you so numb you can’t even feel your penis.
  2. The effects of Lidocaine can last for HOURS, which unless you’re looking to have sex for 4 hours +, would be kind of annoying.
  3. Lidocaine’s effects can penetrate deep into the skin, causing toxicity.

Lidocaine is PERFECT for getting a cavity filled or a root canal.

It’s NOT suitable for a premature ejaculation spray.

The same effects could be said about Benzocaine, HOWEVER, it would take a MASSIVE dose of Benzocaine to have the same problem.  Think like 20 sprays of Vigrx Delay Spray, vs. just 1 or 2 sprays of some of the other guys.

Also, unlike the majority of the other premature ejaculation sprays on the market, Vigrx Delay Spray contains numerous other ingredients that help to get you hard AND keep you hard.

Those ingredients include: Panax Ginseng root extract, Ginkgo Biloba, Wild Yam, Licorice root extract,  Rasberry fruit extract, and Turnera aphrodisiaca extract.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can it be used orally?

It’s possible, but that’s not how it’s intended to be used.

Are there any side effects?

As with pretty much any supplement or spray, there’s certainly the potential to get side effects with Vigrx Delay Spray.  The most common being itching and burning at the application site.

I didn’t experience this at all during my experiment (more on that below).

This is most common if you have an allergy to the primary ingredient, and you should definitely check with your doctor before using it.

How often should I use it?

You can use it as often or as little as you like.  There’s no chance at developing a “tolerance” to the spray, so it doesn’t require cycling on or off of it.

Will it make me bigger?

No, but there are several other products you can use for that.  Click Here to check them out.

My Personal Results

vigrx delay spray reviewAt 34 years old, I don’t typically suffer from premature ejaculation.  Most guys that have this problem are usually in their early to mid 20’s, and their hormones are raging and testosterone levels are soaring.

However, I DID want to test out Vigrx Delay Spray to see if it would make me last longer.

I followed the directions on the label and pumped out just one spray.

Before you do this I recommend you go to your bathroom or kitchen sink to get a few pumps out to prime it.  Sometimes when you pump it at first nothing comes out.

After 2 sprays I rubbed it in for a few minutes.  Since my girlfriend wasn’t around at the time, I was forced to experiment on my own.

I actually started a timer so I could see how long I lasted.

I put on one of my favorite porn vids, and went to work.

Normally it takes me about 5 – 6 minutes to “finish”, but at the 10 min. mark I was still tugging away.

The best part about it was I didn’t lose any of the sensation you get from masturbating.

I didn’t feel “numbed out” and all in all it took me about 14 minutes to hit my orgasm.  I also didn’t notice any side effects, which is always a good thing.

Quick Tip!

vigrx-delay-spray-and-prosolution-plusI’ve personally used and recommend a premature ejaculation supplement called Prosolution Plus for quite sometime now.  It’s literally the ONLY supplement on the market that has had a clinical study conducted, PROVING that it helps with PE symptoms.

So it got me thinking…

What if you were to combine this very effective supplement with the Vigrx Delay Spray?

Well, I decided to give it a shot, and I have to say the effects were ENORMOUS.

Not only did I last 10 minutes longer than when I used the delay spray alone, but I can say with 120% certainty that I’ve never been that horny in my entire life!

Click Here to visit the official Prosolution Plus website to learn more about how it works.


  • Works VERY quickly
  • Will help you last MUCH longer
  • Doesn’t contain Lidocaine
  • Doesn’t require a prescription
  • Is backed by a 67-day guarantee


  • It’s a bit more expensive that the competition
  • You can’t buy it in stores

Where can I buy it?

You can find it on their official website,  A 1-month supply will run you $49.95, and is backed by a 67-day money back guarantee.

In the highly unlikely event it doesn’t work for you, you don’t pay for it.  Period.


If you’ve been suffering from premature ejaculation for a long time, I personally think this is one of the best investments you’ll ever make when it comes to your sex life.

When combined with a supplement called Prosolution Plus, the effects are ENORMOUS when compared to using it by itself.

You will literally be lasting for hours, should you choose to do so.

Have You Used Vigrx Delay Spray?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Prosolution Plus

#1 - Prosolution Plus

Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigrx Delay Spray

#2 - Vigrx Delay Spray

Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – VigRX Plus

#3 - VigRX Plus

Vigrx Plus was designed to not only help with ED, but also premature ejac. problems.

Click Here To Learn More »

How To Buy Vigrx Plus Without A Credit Card

So I’ve had a few people contact me over the past couple of months asking how they can buy Vigrx Plus without a credit card.  There’s a few ways to do it, however, the folks over at leading edge health (the makers of Vigrx Plus) don’t make it very obvious.

The purpose of this post is to show you exactly what you need to do in order to buy it without using a credit or debit card.

Note:  Click Here
to see how to buy Vigrx Plus with Paypal

Step 1:  Click Here To Visit The Vigrx Plus Mail Order Form

When you visit the mail order page, you’ll be presented with the ability to select the quantity of your order.

The default is a 4 months supply, but you can click the arrow and select whichever package you like (1 month, 2 month, etc.)

vigrx plus mail order page

Personally speaking, I suggest you go with AT LEAST a 3 months supply, since it takes about that long for the best results to kick in.

After you select your order quanity, you’ll choose your shipping method.

This is totally up to you.

When I originally ordered Vigrx Plus I think I opted for the express shipping (which is FREE) and I got my package in just 3 – 4 days.

If you just can’t wait that long, order the overnight.

Step 2:  Enter Your Info

This is pretty self-explanatory.

Just fill out all of the required fields like first and last name, address, city, state, etc.


Vigrx Plus is available in practically every country, however, it is important to note that in some countries you won’t be able to buy it.

Here’s a list of countries where they do NOT ship to:  Afghanistan, Argentina, Cuba, Estonia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Korea, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela.

Step 3:  Skip Over The “Your Payment Info” Section and Click The “Terms and Conditions” box

Since you’ll be buying Vigrx Plus without a credit card, you can gloss over that section and skip right to the other options.

Side Note:  You’ll be presented with an option to add a supplement called Semenax to your order, which I HIGHLY recommend you do so.


Semenax, when combined with Vigrx Plus, works GREAT to give you EXPLOSIVE orgasms, as well as bigger loads.

Basically what this means is the Vigrx Plus will help get you erect AND keep you erect, and the Semenax will give you HUGE ejaculation quality.

Once you click the Terms and Conditions box, click the “Preview Mail Order Form” button.

order vigrx plus without a credit card

Once you click the preview mail order form, it will load up and you’ll see the options to buy Vigrx Plus with a check, money order, or bank draft.


If you decide to pay via check, money order, or bank draft, simply click whichever box is appropriate, then click the “print order form” link.

Simply print the form, make out your check or whatever other way you want to order, and mail it to the following address:

DM Contact Management LTD
c/o 100 Fidelitone Way
Elizabethtown TN, USA 37643

Again, Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus mail order form.

How To Buy Vigrx Plus With Paypal

Step 1:  Click Here To Visit The Secure Order Form

Once you get there, you should follow all of the steps I listed above.

HOWEVER, instead of skipping over the “Your Payment Info” section, you will scroll to that and under payment method you’ll select “Paypal” from the drop-down list.

buy vigrx plus with paypal

Once you select Paypal, scroll down and click the Terms and conditions button, then click “Process My Order”, it will redirect to the official Paypal site.

You’ll see that you’ll be paying a company called Leading Edge Marketing.


Don’t worry, this is just the official company that sells the legit Vigrx Plus, as well as several other products like Extenze, Prosolution Plus, and HyperGH 14X.

Note:  Before you are redirected, they pitch an offer to add a product called Vigrx Delay Spray to your order.

vigrx delay spray

If you suffer from premature ejaculation issues, this delay spray is a MUST!  It uses a clinically proven ingredient called Benzocaine, which is a mild anesthetic that’s actually used in during dental procedure.

Basically you spray some of this on your penis before sex, and it can help you last for HOURS on end (should you choose to). For $25 extra, it’s DEFINITELY worth it!

Click Here to read my official review of Vigrx Delay Spray.

And that’s it!

As you can see, there are several easy ways to order Vigrx Plus without using a credit card, including paying for it with a check, money order, bank draft, or even Paypal!

Keep in mind that if you decided to get Vigrx Plus overnighted, this obviously won’t happen until they receive your mail order.

Click here to send me an email in case you need clarification on any of this, and if you do decide to order it be sure to come back in a few weeks and leave a review!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Erect on Demand Review – One Big Reason It’s Not Worth It


What is it
Who Developed it
What is Included with the Purchase
How it Works
What’s The Cost
Why Choose
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

Around here, we mostly review supplements, but there are exceptions, mainly in the male enhancement area. Over the years, we’ve tested and reviewed several enlargement devices, and today, we’re reviewing a program that promises to put an end to your erectile dysfunction woes for good. No pills, ointments, or devices. Just natural techniques and simple lifestyle adjustments that’ll free you from your worries without the need to take pills every day or anything so cumbersome as that.

Note: This review is for Erect on Demand, NOT Erect At Will (a completely different program).  Click Here to read my review of the latter.

What is Erect on Demand?

erect on demand actual book

Note:  I received a hard copy of Erect On Demand when I ordered the Peruvian Brew supplement.  I actually didn’t even know I was getting it, so that was a nice surprise.  Usually it comes in PDF format.

This complete program covers all the bases and takes you step by step through everything you need to know to get your sex life back where you hoped it would be at this stage in your life (no matter what stage that is). The program includes information on the predominant causes of Erectile Dysfunction, as well as a history of treatment through the years. It offers nutritional support so you know which foods help you get stronger erections and which foods hinder your efforts. It offers exercises, both penile and for your whole body, that foster the improvements you want. It recommends certain herbs you can use to increase blood flow and libido. And it all comes to you directly and immediately, with a money back guarantee.

Who Developed the Program?

The Erect on Demand program was developed by Josh Harding. Josh is a history professor at a mall college who was tired of the toll ED was taking on his life. It had gotten to the point where is marriage was struggling and his self-respect was at an all-time low. He knew it was time to do something, but he didn’t know what.

While on vacation in Peru, he discovered that the combination of 4 specific herbs could and should be called “Boner Brew” for what they did for his erection. That’s when Josh decided to come home, expand on what he’d learned, and share his newfound confidence with everyone he new.

He also created the “Peruvian Brew” system, which I talk about in this review.

Except, “Josh” Really Isn’t Josh

Josh Harding is actually a pen name.  The real owner of the erect on demand official site is a guy named Alex Williams.

As you will see here in Alex Williams profile, he is the registered owner of all websites associated with Erect on Demand and the Pervuian Brew, which includes Fairlight Scientific.

So when I saw a picture of “Josh Harding” in the ebook, I had to perform a reverse image search.

josh harding erect on demand

Just like I expected, this is stock picture that can be purchased for $12.50, or likely just pirated, in this case.

/wp content/files/2016/09/josh harding stock

Click Here
to jump to my personal review of Erect On Demand.

This really isn’t a big deal, or even a surprise to be honest.  If I were selling a book like this I would probably want to conceal my identity.

What is Included with the Purchase?

Let’s go over all you’ll get if you choose to order Erect on Demand. It’s basically a 127 page guidebook divided into chapters that includes:

  • A list of all the foods you need in your diet to combat erectile dysfunction (and the ones you need to avoid).
  • Specific guidelines to exercises you need to help you reach and maintain your hardest erections when you need them.
  • Recipes using the listed ingredients that will increase blood flow for your absolute best erections. Included in the list of recipes is the Boner Brew where it all started. This concoction will ensure the sustained hardness you want. It is a concoction of 4 herbs for 30 cents a day, 1 amino acid for about $10 a month, and 2 fruits. This is the heart of the program. It’s the recipe everyone wants. Or so Erect on Demand would have you believe.
  • A chart of all the essential enzymes, proteins, and amino acids that will help you maintain optimum erectile help.
  • 5 bonus ebooks including: Text Her Panties Off, Titan Stamina, Instant Orgasm, MR. Big, and 33 Innocent Words That Turn Her On.

How Erect on Demand Works

Erect on Demand is an online program. The way it works is that you sign up, pay your fee, and receive instant access to all the included information.

As far as the nitty gritty of how the herbal cocktail works, they say it uses 2 mechanisms of action.

  • First, it increases blood flow to the genitals. An erection occurs when the penile cavities (corpus cavernosa) get engorged with blood. The more blood it can hold, the better the erections. If this cocktail can successfully increase blood flow, then you’ll have better erections.
  • Second, it increases sensitivity. This is especially of concern if you’ve done a lot of masturbating, which toughens up the skin, decreasing sensitivity. You’re not going to get an erection if you can’t feel anything. Erect on Demand fixes that issue.

The Erect on Demand website doesn’t reveal what ingredients are in the cocktail. Why would they? Who would buy the program if they already know the most important information and they got it for free? And it’s definitely promoted as though the herbal cocktail is the most important feature of the program.

What’s The Cost

In order to sign up for Erect on Demand, you need to input your credit card information and pay $69.95. Once you do, you get instant access to everything the program offers, including the erectile support cocktail which is touted as the biggest benefit of the program.

There is a 60 day money back guarantee, however. They say all you do is email the company within 60 days of your purchase, and they’ll refund the entire amount.

Why Choose Erect on Demand

With all the natural supplements and devices available to fix your erectile problems, what’s the hook for Erect on Demand? Why would you choose it over a simple pill? The website gives several reasons, each of which do actually have some merit… assuming the program works.

  • The program is safe and natural. It allows you to avoid expensive procedures and medications.
  • It saves you money. Most ED solutions require you to spend money continually on supplements and/or medications. It’s true that an extender device to increase your size is a one-time expense, but those cost way more than Erect on Demand.
  • You can feel confident that you’ve done all you can do to improve your relationship and be the man you want to be.
  • It helps with premature ejaculation too. Not only will you get those hard erections, but you’ll be able to hold off as long as she needs.
  • Your romantic problems will be a thing of the past.

Erect on Demand Marketing

The program is promoted through their official website, which is presented as a long and complete sales page for Erect on Demand. It starts off talking about the woes of a man with ED issues:


Then it goes on with a few more images like that one, making sure you understand just how serious your problem could get.

Then it presents Erect on Demand as the solution:


Complete with happy, satisfied faces.

When they get to the bonus reports, they give each of them a value:

  • Texting Secrets – $29.97
  • MR Big – $49.95
  • 33 Innocent Words – $39.95
  • Titan Stamina – $47.97
  • Instant Climax – $29.97

These are really just arbitrary values, and they just want to be able to state that they’re giving you a $197.81 value for FREE!

Which is totally fine.  Every site does it, even mine with my free ebook (which really is free, no strings attached).

Then they move on to customer testimonials, as most websites do:


Of course, notice the disclaimer at the bottom stating that these results are not typical. That’s because you know they’re not going to put unfavorable reviews on the website they use to promote their product.

Ordering Erect on Demand

Throughout the webpage, there are buttons that link to the order page, and it’s relatively simple to proceed. You enter your personal information and credit card number, and they give you instant access to the materials. This actually helps them benefit from the impulse buying mentality. A guy who’s sick of dealing with this situation, and just had another episode last night will order something that promises to “fix it now”.

My Personal Review

So I finally got a chance to purchase the Erect On Demand system, and here’s a basic breakdown chapter by chapter:

Chapter 1

This chapter basically highlights the science behind ED and different ways to treat the problem.  Anyone who knows the basics of ED can probably skip ahead to chapter 2.

However, this chapter is pretty useful because it helps to identify the root cause of your ED.

He lists the 2 most common causes as:

  • a problem with blood flow, and
  • a drop in penile sensitivity

These are pretty obvious SYMPTOMS of ED, but are they really the “root cause”?  I agree with the blood flow part, but the drop in penile sensitivity thing can be attributed to a lot of different factors, which he ultimately gets in to.

He correctly points out that most doctors completely skip over the root cause, and are quick to just throw a prescription for Viagra at you.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of Erect on Demand jumps right into the Peruvian Brew formula.  In a nutshell, the Peruvian Brew contains Dong Quai, Ginkgo Biloba, Horny Goat Weed, Korean Red Ginseng, Maca, Yohimbe, Black Pepper, Pineapple, and L-Arginine.

The combination of L-Arginine and Yohimbe is actually VERY common, and can be found in hundreds (if not THOUSANDS) of male enhancement pills, testosterone boosters, and even pre workout supplements.

The reason why?

Because it REALLY does work.  I know this because I’ve personally tested it.  It’s basically natures Viagra.

The other ingredients, like Horny Goat Weed, Gingko Biloba, and Ginseng are usefull, but the Yohimbe and l-Arginine is where it’s at.

Throughout this chapter he basically describes in great detail the origins of each specific ingredient, and how it helps with ED.

Chapter 3

The next part of the ebook talks about living a healthy lifestyle in order to regain erectile function.  Again, this is basic information to anyone who realizes that smoking is bad for male health, exercise is good, and you should have a clean diet.

Nothing revolutionary here, but I guess worth the refresher.

Chapter 4

The book then discusses basic techniques used to fight ED, like penile pumps, pills, and penile implants.

He talks about the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of each, as well as assigning a “desperation meter” to each.

This desperation meter is basically a scale from 3 to 9, with 3 being the least desperate and 9 being the most desperate.

Basically, if you’re considering anything 7 and above, you should be trying everything else first.

I tend to agree with him here.  For instance, he rates Penile implants as a 9 on the desperation meter, and I agree.

If you’re considering getting a penile implant, the cost alone could end up being well into the thousands of $.

There are A LOT  more options, especially cheaper ones, out there that you should be considering before jumping right into penile implants.

After that, supplementing with basic minerals like zinc, selenium, and magnesium are discussed, as are various amino acids.

Next, a wide range of penile exercises are described that can improve ED, including:

  • PC muscle exercises
  • Various types of stretches, including the wrist stretch, big seated stretch, and the big squeeze.
  • Testicle messages
  • Jelqing

He does a pretty good job at describing how to do these exercises, although I can tell you from experience that some of them are easier said then done.

Chapter 5

This chapter is kind of weird, because he seems to jump around from topic to topic without any gradual transition.

For example, the title of the chapter is “Mood Lighting – Rekindling the Flame of Passion With Sex and Relationship Tips, Including Sex-Drive Boosting Supplements”.

So from that, what would you infer?

That he’s probably going to talk about how to get your girlfriend / wifes panties shaking again, right?

Well, that’s not what happens.

In the first part of the chapter he talks about Testosterone and it’s function in helping with ED.  Then he talks about how GABA helps to relax you without inhibiting libido.

Ah, now I see what he’s doing.

He’s basically setting you up, priming you if you will, to potentially purchase his Spartagen XT supplement.

Spartagen XT is actually a fairly decent supplement that I’ve used in the past.  For me, it seemed to work well for the first few weeks, and then the effects seemed to taper off.

You can read more about it in my review here.

Anyway, back to the chapter.

So, we’re left off with a clever run up to a supplement he’s selling, and then jumps on to the importance of Pine Pollen, Penis Curvature, getting rid of premature ejaculation, and improving your sperm count and ejaculation.

Like I said, kind of weird that he jumps around the way he does here.

Bonus – Proven Sex-Drive Diet

In this bonus section of the book, certain foods, mostly vasodilators and food high in zinc content are discussed.  I agree with most of what is contained in this part, as watermelon and beetroot, among other foods like oysters, can improve male virility.

Bonus – Pleasure Centers

After this, the notoriously impossible to find G-spot is considered and sexual positions that target it are revealed.  Josh talks about certain positions, including Doggystyle and Cowgirl, that seem to target the Female G Spot more accurately.

He moves on to the male G spot, which basically involves you or your partner sticking a finger up your ass.

No thanks, I’ll pass on that one lol.

Bonus – Blow Games

This bonus section is all about how to get a blow job by playing “Blow Games”.  Actually, some of these games seem to be worth playing.  What’s the worst that can happen, right?

He also identifies some of the factors that turn women off when it comes to fellatio, including hygiene, and the taste of sperm.

Fairly obvious stuff.

The Bottom Line

If you want a step by step guide, you may be glad you ordered this. For most guys, though, I think Erect on Demand will be a disappointment.

$69.95 is not chump change, and the truth is you can find all or most of the information this guide offers online for free. You just have to be willing to do a little legwork.

As a matter of fact, most of the information in the guide is strikingly similar to that of which I have in my free “Enlargement Exercises Ebook”, which you can find here.

If you have the time, find this information on your own for free. If you have the money to spend, go ahead and buy it.

I still think you’ll be disappointed, but at least you won’t be hurting like someone who isn’t in a position to throw away $70.

If Erect on Demand cost $9.99, I think we’d have a different conclusion. But $70 for a 127 page ebook with somewhat unrelated bonuses is just too much.

I give it a 4 out of 5 stars for it’s content, but a 2 out of 5 stars for it’s price.

Have You Used Erect on Demand? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Prolongz Review – 7 BIG Reasons This Is A Scam


What is it
How It Works
Is It Homeopathic
FDA Approved
Who Makes it
Free Trial Scam
How Much is It
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about a male enhancement product called Prolongz. When I finally got around to researching it, I could see why. This stuff is all over the place. Not only does it have its own website, but you can also buy it at your local GNC or through With this kind of exposure, no wonder our readers are taking notice.

Well, I did finally get a chance to research it, and you might want to get comfortable – maybe get a cup of coffee – because we’ve got a lot to cover.

What Is Prolongz?

According to the product website, Prolongz is an FDA registered homeopathic drug that helps in the prevention of premature ejaculation. So for all the thousands, maybe millions, of guys who deal with this issue day in and day out, there is hope. And you don’t even need a prescription to get it.

prolongz-review-imageProlongz contains only all natural ingredients and is said to work with your brain chemicals to help put you in control of your sexual excitement.

Currently, the most commonly used method for fighting PE is numbing agents. You rub the cream or gel on your member about 10 minutes or so before sex, and by the time you’re ready to go, you’re desensitized. You feel each touch less intensely, and are able to delay orgasm that way.

The problem with this method is that it lessens your enjoyment, which is actually the whole point to how it works. If you feel less, it will take longer for you to get excited to the point of climax... because you’re not feeling anything.

What if you had a way to feel everything and still hold off as long as you want? That’s the way Prolongz works, which is why its pretty revolutionary and taking the market by storm.

How Prolongz Works

Prolongz comes in the form of sublingual strips. You put a strip under your tongue, and the herbal ingredients dissolve in 20 seconds and get right to work. Recommended use is one strip twice a day, with an additional strip taken shortly before sexual activity. This way, you’re ready whenever opportunity strikes, and you still have the option for an added boost as well.

Prolongz Ingredients

There’s a little confusion about what exactly goes into these Prolongz strips. Several review websites and even retailers who sell the stuff mention that the three main ingredients are Damiana, Ginseng, and Fenugreek Extract. They say that each daily serving of 2 strips contains 10 mg Damiana, 10 mg Ginseng, and an undisclosed amount of Fenugreek.

But over at the official product website, they tell a slightly different story. There, you’ll find a label that shows only 2 ingredients – Damiana and Ginseng, 10 mg each.

This is probably a case where they’ve changed the formula. It seems logical that the product website has the most up-to-date information, so we’ll go with the Damina and Ginseng and talk a little bit about what each of these can do for your premature ejaculation.

  • Damiana is often used as an overall sexual health tonic. It’s used in woman to increase libido, and it’s used in both genders to reduce anxiety and impart a sense of general well being. Because of its generalized sexual benefits, Damiana is ofen used by men who wish to overcome the symptoms of premature ejaculation. It improves circulation and may lessen anxiety, which can improve sexual performance all the way through. Clinical studies proving the effectiveness of Damiana when it comes to premature ejaculation are limited. In fact, we found none. The lack of studies also limits our ability to know what kind of dose we can expect to be effective. This information is not generally known, but the 10 mg found in Prolongz is pretty small.
  • Ginseng is commonly found in sexual performance enhancement pills. It is thought to increase blood flow while boosting libido. It’s also commonly used to combat premature ejaculation, probably because of its anxiety reduction properties. Interestingly, the only sexual benefit of Ginseng that has any clinical backing is its effect on premature ejaculation. Also interesting is the fact that in this study, men were given 4 350 mg Ginseng tablets per day – about 140 times more than what Prolongz has to offer.

There’s even a little more confusion about what’s in the formula. The website claims that Prolongz contains a “very potent natural combination of herbs, vitamins, antioxidants, and mushroom extracts.”

But with the label clearly displaying only the 2 ingredients we discussed above, it’s not clear what they’re referring to there.

prolongz-homeopathy-imageIs Prolongz Homeopathic?

Another issue discussed on the website several times is the notion that Prolongz is a homeopathic drug. There tends to be a bit of confusion about what exactly homeopathy is, so let’s clear that up right here. According to Mirriam-Webster, the definition of Homeopathy is this:

“A system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease”.

Contrary to popular belief, homeopathy is not a synonym for herbal medicines. It’s a very specific branch of medicine that operates on the belief that introducing tiny amounts of something that could cause the disease will actually cure the disease.

Neither Damiana nor Ginseng are known or thought to cause premature ejaculation, so Prolongz is not a homeopathic medicine at all.

The makers of Prolongz clearly either don’t understand what homeopathic means, or they think you don’t. Either way, it’s not a good sign.

Is Prolongz FDA Approved?

Another interesting point mentioned on the website is that Prolongz is registered with the FDA. This is an interesting claim because the FDA does not test, approve, or register herbal supplements. The only real connection between supplements and the FDA is that the FDA can inspect the manufacturing conditions to make sure they comply with standards. They will also test certain supplements to make sure they don’t contain prescription medication. They do this because if a supplement does contain prescription drugs, it can no longer be considered a supplement and must be approved and monitored by the FDA.

They don’t explain what is meant by the statement that Prolongz is registered with the FDA, and we were unable to find any evidence of this registration.

Who Makes Prolongz?

The company behind Prolongz is called Advanced Men’s Institute (or AMI). We checked them out with the and found them to have a rating of “F”. This is clearly not a good sign, so we checked into why. Turns out there are 46 complaints currently registered against them, 17 of which have gone unanswered. This is a lot when you think about it. Most unsatisfied customers don’t file complaints with the BBB. You have to be pretty livid to take it to that level. The majority of complaints relate to either billing issues or issues with the product itself.

Customers have found 2 things with Prolongz. They found that the product doesn’t work as expected, and they’ve found that they were unknowingly signed up for a monthly autopay service that they never expected or wanted. Even worse, once they realized it and tried to correct the situation, they were met with nothing but resistance from the AMI.

Here are a couple representative examples of complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau.




One thing I noticed over and over as I read through the dozens of complaints is that each time they answered at all, they blamed the customer for having done something wrong. It’s a little hard to believe that all these customers are messing up the process. And if they are, you have to wonder about a process that’s so complicated that so many people can’t successfully navigate their way through it.

Prolongz Free Trial Scam

We touched on it above, but let’s flesh it out here so everyone understands how the scam works. It’s very similar to other scams we’ve talked about here before. Here’s how it works:

You sign up for what you think is a Free Trial Offer of Prolongz. Take a look at the following image. This is why people think they’re getting it for free:




But if you look more closely, way down at the bottom of the page in the super fine print, you’ll see this:




The fact is most guys don’t see this, and that’s because AMI doesn’t want you to. They would rather you get caught up in the scam and fork over a few hundred bucks or more before realizing what’s happening. And judging by the BBB complaints, customers are none too happy about it.

How Much is It?

I don’t know if you noticed the price up there in the photo of the terms, but in case you missed it, I’ll fill you in. It’s $89.95. Whoa! Prolongz is seriously trying to charge you $90 for 20 mg of common every day herbal ingredients! This is a total ripoff!

Prolongz Reviews

If you don’t want to get involved with the free trial scam, you can order Prolongz through Over there, the cost is $60, so that’s a little better but still crazy high for what this stuff is. And when products are sold on Amazon, that means Amazon reviews. At the time of this writing, there are only 19, but the news is not looking good for Prolongz.

At this time, 42% of the reviews were given 5 stars. That’s good. But you have to look at the other side and see that 32% of the reviews were given 1 star. That’s really bad. One out of three guys who tried it hated it.

Here are a couple examples of those 1-star reviews:





Interestingly, a lot of the 5 star reviews are from women saying it helps increase their libido. Here’s an example there:




Notice that this reviewer states she was given a discount in exchange for her review. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s biased, but it could be.


The Bottom Line

There are so many reasons NOT to buy into Prolongz, but we’ll just do a quick recap here:

  1. It contains small doses of two very common herbal ingredients, and that’s it. On top of that, there’s even confusion about what is actually in the formula. In the end, we’re going by what the label says, and it doesn’t look good.
  2. They claim it’s a homeopathic medicine, but it’s not. It’s clear they don’t know what homeopathic means or they don’t think you do. Either way, this puts a real dent in our willingness to trust them.
  3. AMI claims that Prolongz is registered with the FDA. Supplements don’t need to be and aren’t. That’s two “facts” that they clearly just made up to make the product sound real, professional, and effective.
  4. The primary way to buy this stuff is through a “free trial” scam on their website. There’s nothing free about this. If you don’t actively call and cancel, you’ll be stuck in a monthly autopay nightmare that is apparently very difficult to get out of.
  5. One in three Amazon reviews for Prolongz is a one star review. That’s not a very good record.
  6. AMI has a Better Business Bureau rating of “F” due to the huge volume of complaints that have been not only lodged but also unanswered.
  7. $89.95!

That’s 7 big reasons to avoid Prolongz. It would be nice if it worked, but really, do you need any more evidence that it doesn’t? I know I don’t.

Have You Used Prolongz? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

ForskolinFit Pro Review – 5 Big Reasons to Avoid It


What is it
Clinical Studies
Side Effects
Free Trial
The Big Reasons to Avoid
The Bottom Line
User Reviews

When a new weight loss product first hits the market, it’s tough to tell whether it’ll really catch on or just fizzle out. One way supplement producers have tried to ensure success in the recent past is by getting a celebrity on board. Over the last decade or more, the hottest celebrity you could get in the weight loss business was Dr. Oz. If you could get him to push your product, you could pretty much take his endorsement to the bank. He did it with Garcinia Cambogia, and more recently he did it with Coleus Forskohlii, or Forskolin.

Maybe Dr. Oz is nothing but a shill. After all, he did get called before a Senate Committee for potentially making false claims about products he promotes. But whether you believe him or not, he has a lot of influence over what sells and what doesn’t.

So, with Dr. Oz pushing its primary ingredient, we’re looking at ForskolinFit Pro today. It’s been advertising all over the internet lately. You’ve probably seen it on your Twitter or Facebook feeds. It looks amazing, but does it work? Will it take the weight off? Are there side effects? What about the company? We looked at all of it, so read on for the answers.

What is ForskolinFit Pro?

ForskolinFit Pro is a natural weight loss supplement that contains only one active ingredient – Forskolin. We’ll get into more detail about what that is a little later. For now, let’s talk about what it promises to do for you.

ForskolinFit Pro is said to help you burn fat and lose weight. According to its official website, it works like a vicious, fat burning cycle:



Here’s how the steps work:

  1.  ForskolinFit Pro activates cAMP, an enzyme that signals for the fat burning process, or lipolysis, to use fat stores as energy.
  2. It releases fatty acids from stored fat, breaking down some of the most stubborn fat.
  3. It boosts natural testosterone levels which helps you retain your existing muscle mass, so your body is using up stored fat, not muscle.
  4. By boosting metabolism and increasing lean muscle, ForskolinFit Pro is preventing more fat from forming, so you’re losing fat and at the same time preventing new fat from being stored.

According to ForskolinFit Pro, that’s it, that’s how it works. Take 2 capsules per day, preferably post workout or secondarily pre workout, and watch the fat melt off.

ForskolinFit Pro Ingredients

The only active ingredient in the ForskolinFit Pro formula is 250 mg of 20% forskolin. Forskolin comes from the root of the Coleus Forskohlii plant, a member of the mint family. Like a lot of herbal ingredients, it’s been used in Eastern medicine for centuries, in this case for asthma and heart disease. But once its potential effect on weight was discovered, this little known herb became the belle of the ball.

Clinical Studies

When Dr Oz talks about Forskolin, he cites a double-blind placebo controlled study as evidence that this stuff helps you lose weight. The funny thing is, even though it’s true that there was a study that fits this criteria, the results were very different than what Dr Oz would have you believe.

First of all, the study was extremely small. There were 30 obese men participating over a 12 week time period, 15 used Forskolin (250mg twice a day at 10% concentration) while 15 took a placebo. Second of all, the men in the study did not lose weight. They did experience a favorable change in body composition however. Their lean muscle mass increased in comparison to body fat. This is a good thing. But it’s not weight loss. Free testosterone levels were also increased. This small study is perhaps promising, but it’s not evidence that Forskolin is a magic weight loss elixir.

Interestingly, there was a another small study involving only women where no weight loss or body composition changes were noted. What was noted was that the women taking Forskolin didn’t gain weight. Again, good but not weight loss and not a miracle.

It should also be noted that in the “successful” study, the dose used was 250 mg Forskolin at 10% taken twice a day. The dose in ForskolinFit Pro is 250 mg Forskolin at 20% taken once per day. It may seem like it works out the same, but that’s not how ingesting substances works. If you’re not following the same protocol as a study, then you really have no idea if you’ll even get the close to the cited results.

Side Effects

Forskolin is generally considered safe when taken by adults orally. According to WebMd, the only known side effects occur when taking Forskolin in other ways. When taken intravenously, low blood pressure and flushing can occur. When inhaled, throat irritation, cough, tremors, and restlessness can occur, and when given as eye drops (as a potential treatment for glaucoma), it can cause stinging.

ForskolinFit Pro Free Trial

Oh boy, here we go. This is another free trial scam product. You see the little pop up ad at the side of your laptop screen, you click it, and you find the weight loss miracle pill you’ve been searching for. Looks amazing but it’s probably not affordable. You read on and find out it’s FREE, and you’re in!

Hold on a minute though, don’t go there. ForskolinFit Pro isn’t free.



Well hold on just a minute. When it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and that’s definitely the case here. ForskolinFit Pro is not free. If you sign up for the free trial, you are really signing up for the monthly autopay program. They make you pay $5 in shipping just so they can get your credit card number, and once they have it, they will use it.

Here are the terms, hidden way at the bottom in fine and light gray print:



If you don’t want an ongoing subscription with autopay, you need to call and cancel within 15 days of the day you placed your order. Now I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound free to me. This free trial is the only way to order ForskolinFit Pro. They’re not really interested in reaching out to a broad base of customers. They’re more about the quick buck – get in, get out, get their money, and move on.

Don’t feel bad if you missed it. They use this business model because it works. I’ve heard from hundreds of guys who’ve been taken in by these fake free trial offers.

ForskolinFit Pro Reviews

Because ForskolinFit Pro is only sold through their website, most of the customer feedback we found is there. But I always advise readers to take these with a grain of salt since the company is trying to put their best foot forward and probably not willing to publish anything negative.



We did find another source of feedback, and it told a completely different story. This website has collected feedback about ForskolinFit Pro independently and here’s some of what these people had to say:





Lots of negative feedback about the company, so we went and checked them out at the Better Business Bureau website, and if you thought it was bad already, hold on because it gets much worse.

Here are just a couple of the numerous complaints:



They are not accredited and they don’t have a rating, but there is a note on the page saying that the company is out of business. They came to this conclusion because they are unable to reach them. This may or may not be the case. You can still place orders through their website, so I think the “out of business” designation is a bit premature. But judging from the complaints and the fact that each and every one of them has gone unanswered, I’d say it won’t be long before they do go out of business.

The Big Reasons to Avoid ForskolinFit Pro

There are some good effective supplements out there. Believe me, I use some of them. But there’s a lot of junk too. Here are some of the big highlights putting ForskolinFit Pro in the junk category:

  1. The science behind forskolin for weight loss is iffy at best. There may be some promise for the stuff, but it’s no miracle.
  2. The ForskolinFit Pro formula uses nothing but forskolin, which we just established, is no miracle drug.
  3. They make you sign up for a free trial. Sure it sounds good, but it’s a scam. They just want to lock you into monthly autopay. Don’t let them.
  4. The actual price is $99.00. That’s $99 for a month’s worth of a single ingredient supplement that may or may not be effective. Think about a single vitamin pill or a even a multi-vitamin supplement you’d pick up at the grocery store or CVS. Would you pay $99 for it? That’s what they’re asking you to do here. It’s a single ingredient pill that you might get some small benefit from. That price makes no sense and is further evidence that this product and this company are just a scam.
  5. Check the Better Business Bureau complaint page for ForskolinFit Pro. It’s long and they all say the same thing. This company offers horrible customer service after the sale and will do whatever it takes to get and keep your money. That’s what this is about – not weight loss.

The Bottom Line

It’s pretty hard to dispute those reasons to stay away. Believe me, I’d give you the positives if I saw any. ForskolinFit Pro is likely to be safe. That’s a positive. Unfortunately, it’s the only one. There’s really no reason to buy or try ForskolinFit Pro. By reading this review, you’ve given it all the time and attention it deserves.

Have You Used ForskolinFit Pro? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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Ready Man Review – 2 Big Reasons to Stay Away


What is Ready Man
Reviews on Amazon
Customer Feedback
Side Effects
Purchasing Ready Man
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
User Reviews


UPDATE: Ready Man recalled by FDA

On November 9, 2016, the FDA issued a recall of Ready Man due to the fact that laboratory tests revealed it to contain Sildenafil – the active ingredient in Viagra.

FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that Ready Man! contains sildenafil. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in the FDA-approved prescription drug Viagra, used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). This undeclared ingredient may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs such as nitroglycerin and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates.


There are hundreds of male enhancement supplements available through Most are also sold through other avenues like their official website, local stores and shops, and other online retailers. Ready Man is a little different, though not completely unique, in that it is sold exclusively through This is also where the vast majority of information about this product can be found. Even if you do come across an alternative website that touts its benefits, when it comes time to place your Ready Man order, you will be redirected back to Amazon.

This fact alone, however, doesn’t make Ready Man a good or bad product. It’s just a point of fact about its marketing plan – one of several aspects we look at when reviewing a supplement. Many products prefer to present themselves on flashy websites with titillating images that conjure up your hoped-for effects. Others find that putting together an informative website where potential customers gain trust and feel good that they know what they’re buying is the way to go. Ready Man doesn’t follow either of these models. They simply put their product up for sale on and watched the orders roll in.

What is Ready Man?

ready-man-reviewBy all accounts, Ready Man is doing quite well for itself using this model. At the time of this writing, they have almost 900 customer reviews, and they’ve been declared a top seller by Amazon. Now, it is possible to cheat with Amazon reviews, and we’ll talk more about that later, but on the face of it, things are looking pretty good for this product. So let’s dive right in and see what this stuff is all about.

Ready Man Benefits

The product information on Ready Man is short and sweet. This is a fast acting male enhancement supplement, which means you take a pill only as needed, shortly before engaging in sexual activity. Within 2-3 hours after taking Ready Man, you’ll be ready to achieve a stronger, wider, harder erection, along with increased libido and stamina. You need to take only one pill at a time, and the effects of that pill can last up to 2 days.

Ready Man Ingredients

So far, Ready Man sounds perfect – 1 pill only when you need it, and it makes your hard erection last and last. Of course, claims are claims. Let’s take a look at the formula for a better picture of what you can realistically expect.

The Ready Man formula is a 750 mg proprietary blend containing Goji Berry Fruit, Ginseng, Maca Root, and Horny Goat Weed. Here’s what we know about each of these:

  • Goji Berry (Lycium Barbarum) is known as a “superfood” and has antioxidant properties which can help increase your energy and overall sense of well-being. It is also thought to have a positive effect on male fertility. Some people believe it can help increase natural testosterone, but there are no studies indicating this to be the case.
  • Ginseng which is thought to increase libido and sexual energy in both women and men. It should be noted that a typical dose is 900 mg taken 2 or 3 times a day, much much higher than what is potentially found within the 750 mg proprietary blend that makes up Ready Man. (LINK TO
  • Maca Root which is known to be a powerful aphrodisiac for both women and men. There is a ton of anecdotal evidence for Maca’s effectiveness, but very little scientific proof. A few studies have shown a small increase in libido due to Maca, but the real benefit might be in increasing sperm count. (LINK TO
  • Horny Goat Weed (aks Epimedium Sagittatum) is another herbal aphrodisiac. This one also improves blood flow and may potentially inhibit PDE5 (the enzyme that prevents erections), so it could have a real effect on your erections.

My initial read on the ingredients is that they’re a decent start, with two serious limitations.

Firstly, there are lots of important ingredients missing. Most fast acting male enhancement supplements use L-Arginine, Yohimbe, or both to really affect blood flow in a significant and immediate way. Ready Man has neither. I would also prefer to see some more herbal aphrodisiacs to boost libido.

Secondly, the 750 mg proprietary blend just isn’t big enough. What it means is that when all ingredients and amounts are added up, the total is 750 mg. That leaves very little room for any of the ingredients to be effective. As I mentioned above, a typical effective daily dose of Ginseng is 1800mg – 2700 mg. This doesn’t come close to fitting into the 750 mg Ready Mas serving, and even if it did, it wouldn’t leave room for anything else.

Ready Man Reviews on Amazon

Amazon products mean Amazon reviews, and that’s a good thing, but there are a few things to take note of when looking through them. The vast majority of product reviews on are real – from real customers sharing their real experience and opinions. But there are some that aren’t real. Companies will pay people to go in and post positive reviews. In addition to causing people to see glowing praise that isn’t even true, this does a couple things:

It drives up the total number of reviews, making the product appear more popular than it actually is.

It skews the review percentages toward the positive, making the product appear more well liked than it may actually be.

We have no idea if Ready Man engages in this practice. For all we know, every single one of the 900 Ready Man reviews comes from a real Ready Man user. But there are a couple reasons to be suspicious in this case.

There’s a website that analyzes Amazon product reviews for the express purpose of determining whether or not the bulk of them is real. They use a program that looks for certain words and phrases, as well as timing patterns, to try to make a determination as to their validity. This website came back with an iffy report on Ready Man. They gave it a “C” rating based on the fact that 24% of its reviews appeared to be inauthentic.

Again, we don’t know if this is true, but it’s still important to point out that this happens all the time and it may or may not be happening here. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the reviews.

Ready Man Customer Feedback

The vast majority (80%) of Ready Man reviews received 5 stars, bringing the overall rating up to a very respectable 4.4 out of 5 stars.



Here are some examples of those 5 star reviews:






They all talk very specifically about their lives – their erectile issues, their wives and girlfriends, how their erectile issues affected their wives and girlfriends, and they say Ready Man worked for them. But they don’t get specific about just how Ready Man worked

10% of Ready Man reviews received 1 star. That’s almost 90 one-star reviews. This is significant because if some of the reviews turn out not to be real, that 10% turns out to be much higher. Here are some examples:





In the case of the one star reviews, they fall into one of two categories. Either it just doesn’t work, or it caused negative side effects. Let’s take a minute now to talk about those side effects.

Ready Man Side Effects

The listed ingredients in Ready Man are very unlikely to cause significant side effects. This is not to say side effects would be impossible. People react differently to all sorts of ingredients – natural or otherwise, so no supplement can be said to be completely side effect-free. But the ingredients in Ready Man, especially at the amounts they’re likely found in, shouldn’t cause anything too serious.

But if you look at the reviews, you see several mentions of headaches, quite a few of nausea, and several that talk about blurred vision, red burning skin, and blood pressure spikes. These are more serious side effects than we’re used to seeing with natural herbal supplements.

ready-man-viagra-side-effectsHeadaches and blurred vision, or blue vision, are common side effects caused by the prescription drug Viagra. People with heart and/or blood pressure conditions, and those taking medications for such issues, are prohibited from taking Viagra because of the potential for dangerously negative effects in those areas. This is not proof, but it is an indication that there may be some ingredients in Ready Man that are not mentioned on the label.

Ready Man wouldn’t be the first supplement to do this. Male Enhancement supplements are recalled by the FDA all the time when it’s discovered that they contain undisclosed ingredients.  It’s usually a variation of Sildenafil – the active ingredient in Viagra.

Some folks may see this as a good thing – effectively getting Viagra without a prescription and for way cheaper than you’d pay a pharmacist. But the problem is that Sildenafil can be very dangerous for certain users. That’s why a prescription is required in the first place. So while it may be fine for a perfectly healthy guy, it may be deadly for someone who has a condition he may not know about. Or worse, he could be using what he thinks is an herbal supplement precisely because he knows his condition prevents him from using Viagra. But little does he know, he is using Viagra.

I don’t know if Ready Man contains Sildenafil or something like it. Only time will tell. But there are signs, so if you have high blood pressure or take medication for heart disease, I would recommend you steer clear of this stuff.

Purchasing Ready Man

If you want to give ready man a try, head over to A single bottle contains 10 pills and costs $26.99. Though it may seem like a big price for only 10 pills, it’s really not bad. You only need to take one pill at a time, and only when you’re planning to have sex, so for many guys, this bottle will last a month or more.

There is a money back guarantee mentioned. You would need to take that up with the seller if returning it was something you wanted to do.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ready Man

  • You only need to take one pill at a time, and only when you plan to engage in sexual activity.
  • You can order it through
  • There are tons of favorable Ready Man reviews from customers.

Disadvantages of Ready Man

  • The formula is proprietary so it’s not clear how much of each ingredient is used. Even so, the total of 750mg for the whole formula, doesn’t leave room for effective doses of the listed ingredients.
  • The listed ingredients don’t match the results talked about in the reviews.
  • Some reviewers list pretty severe side effects.

The Bottom Line

To be clear, I haven’t used Ready Man myself and I haven’t had the formula tested. But there are a few red flags that prevent me from recommending it in good faith. 900 is a lot of Amazon reviews, and the fact that so many of them can be flagged as suspicious is concerning. Then if you take a look at the negative reviews, they bring up yet another concern.

It’s difficult to find an all natural fast acting supplement that works. When you do find one, more often than not, it turns out not be all natural after all. So when reviewers talk about the same side effect you’d get from using Viagra, that has to raise at least a little suspicion. And for us, it does.

Ready Man may indeed be all natural and perfectly safe. But if it truly contains only the ingredients listed, then I’d find it hard to believe it’s as effective as the reviewers are saying it is.

Ultimately, you want your products to be both safe and effective, and I don’t think Ready Man achieves that.

Have You Used Ready Man? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

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