Alternascript, Lucas Siegel, and the People Behind Optimind

About AlternaScript

alternasciptAlternaScript is a premium health tech company that’s disrupting the healthcare industry by challenging traditional business models based in Austin, TX.

AlternaScript’s direct-to-consumer model leverages technology, scientific advancements, and personalized care to modernize the health industry and bring products direct to consumers.

The company has built a philosophy focused on personalized care, guided by clinical studies, hard science, individual thought, and patience. AlternaScript is committed to helping healthy people stay healthy by empowering them to create their own personal regimen that is a long-term investment in their overall well-being.

AlternaScript’s flagship product, OptiMind, has found success with millions of capsules sold nationwide since its launch in 2014. OptiMind is a nootropic supplement scientifically designed to improve focus, attention, energy, and cognitive function by using stimulatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters along with premium nutrients.

The brand has expanded its offerings with RestUp, a non-habit forming sleep aid, and NuCulture, a revolutionary probiotic.

Lucas Siegel, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, AlternaScript

lucas siegel alternascriptLucas Siegel is a health-tech entrepreneur, CEO & Co-Founder of AlternaScript, and Founding Partner at Capital Peak Investments.

In 2013, Lucas co-founded AlternaScript, a direct to consumer, direct response, e-commerce company that leverages algorithms and data science to deliver personalized consumer experiences. AlternaScript’s mission is to help healthy people stay healthy and empower them to take control of their lives through adaptive, personalized care.

They create premium lifestyle products with the most powerful, scientifically studied ingredients on the planet.

Recently, Lucas announced that Alternascript will be allocating 5% of all of their profits to their Recovery Fund Foundation.  The foundation was developed to help people with off-label prescription drug addiction and abuse, learn more in the video below.

T-Complex 1000 Review – 3 BIG Reasons to Stay Away

When you hit your thirties, that’s when the first signs of aging start to kick in. If you work out, it’s probably then when you start to notice a change. Those last reps are suddenly harder than they used to be. You start to feel soft around the middle even though you feel like you’re working out just as hard. Motivation starts to drop, and your interest in sex may even start to diminish. It’s all totally natural, but it still sucks, so clearly if there’s something you can do about it, you will.

The culprit with all these symptoms is dropping testosterone levels. When you’re a teenager and in your early 20s, your body is practically swimming in the stuff. That’s why you could eat anything you wanted without putting on fat, why you had endless energy, and why you wanted to and could have sex at the drop of a hat. Starting in your mid to late 20s, the amount of testosterone your body produces starts to drop. It’s not very noticeable at first, but after a few years – from about 30-35 – you’ll start to see the effects, and they just keep getting more and more pronounced from there.

t-complex-review-imageFor some guys, perhaps due to illness, it’s bad enough that they need actual testosterone replacement therapy. This involves doctors and prescriptions. Most guys don’t fit into that category. The testosterone drop is normal and natural, so they don’t need significant interference, and they do well with a natural testosterone boosting supplement.

We’ve reviewed an awful lot of these natural testosterone boosting supplements. We’ve found some that work very well, and some that don’t work at all. Not too long ago, I had a reader ask me about T Complex. I hadn’t heard of it before, so I told him I’d take a look.

What Is T Complex 1000?

T Complex is a natural testosterone boosting supplement you can order online. While some focus on the sexual and everyday benefits of increased testosterone levels, T Complex is aimed at guys who want to do better at the gym. Its promised benefits include:

  • Explosive workouts.
  • Intense pumps.
  • Increased lean muscle mass.
  • Faster strength gain.
  • Shortened recovery time post workout.
  • Boosted sexual stamina.

T-Complex Ingredients

The T Complex 1000 website doesn’t currently offer a list of ingredients in the T-Complex formula, but we were able to track that information down through other avenues. While sometimes these third parties can be a little sketchy and potentially unreliable, that’s not the case here. This list appears by all accounts to be genuine.

The formula starts off with:

  • Zinc (15mg) which is vital to the chemical reaction in the body that produces testosterone. Studies have shown a correlative link between zinc levels and testosterone levels, specifically showing that men with depleted zinc levels also often have depleted testosterone levels. 15 mg is the recommended daily dose for adults, so this amount in T-Complex is sufficient.
  • Magnesium (20mg) which is part of ZMA, which is a stack of minerals and vitamins that is thought to increase testosterone levels. 20 mg is only 5% of the recommended daily dose for magnesium, so it may not have much of an effect here.

The rest of the formula is included in a proprietary blend totaling 655 mg. This means that the entire blend adds up to 655 mg, but we don’t know how much of each ingredient is included. The entire 655 mg amount is pretty small considering how many ingredients are included, but it’s impossible to tell how the distribution is done. The blend includes:

  • Eurycoma Longifolia (aka Longjack, aka Tongkat Ali) which is believed to increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin (SHBG). SHBG will bind to free testosterone molecules, tying them up so they can’t be usefull. By decreasing the effect of SHBG, Tongkat Ali may increase the amount of free, unfettered testosterone available for use by the body.
  • Mucuna Pruriens which is an herbal aphrodisiac to boost your libido.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may increase testosterone levels by increasing the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in the body. LH is released by the pituitary gland and signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone. This is how it is thought to work, thought studies have not born this out.
  • Nettle Leaf Extract which is supportive of prostate health and is capable of reducing inflammation. The reduction of inflammation may lead to quicker post workout recovery.
  • Avena Sativa (Oat Straw) which may also increase free testosterone as it is know to improve physical stamina.
  • Ashwagandha which is known as an adaptagen. It helps your body adjust to physically stressful situations without returning to a catabolic state.

My initial comments on the ingredient list is that it’s okay, but nothing special really at all. I much prefer testosterone boosters to contain D-Aspartic Acid, which has been proven to increase testosterone. Also, the ingredient amounts being mainly in the proprietary blend, and such a small one at that, doesn’t give much hope that the ingredients that are in the formula are even there in high enough levels to have a significant impact.

How To Use T Complex

Each bottle contains 60 capsules and is considered a one month supply. You are instructed to take 2 capsules per day, and you can take those any time that’s convenient for you. T Complex 1000 is not a pre-workout supplement that needs to be taken just prior to hitting the gym. Its benefits are largely seen over time, after the components in the formula build up in your system. The website indicates that your best results will be seen after taking it for 90 days.

T-Complex Side Effects

After taking a look at the formula and taking into consideration the ingredients and amounts, it’s pretty clear there shouldn’t be much to worry about in terms of negative side effects. The all natural ingredients included are not prone to cause effects, and the small amounts in which they are present make the chances of having problems even slimmer.

The T Complex Free Trial Scam

Currently, the only way to get your hands on some T-Complex is to sign up for what they used to call a “Free Trial,” but they’re now calling just a “Risk-FreeTrial.” By either name, a lot of guys are getting scammed, and we’ll explain how.

The T-Complex website and its affiliates encourage you to sign up for their “risk-free trial” offer. You simply pay the $4.95 cost of shipping, and they send you a “risk-free” one month supply bottle. As soon as you place your order, the clock starts ticking. If you call and cancel your subscription within 14 days of your order date, you will not be charged anything further. If you don’t call to cancel, you will be charged $85 for your “trial bottle,” and you will receive a new shipment each month at a cost to you of $89.95 ($85 plus $4.95 shipping).




There are several problems with this situation.

  1. First, most guys have no idea this is what they’re signing up for. They think they’re getting a trial bottle for the price of shipping, and that’s the end of it. They are blindsided by the bill 14 days later and again when the second bottle shows up. By then, they can cancel future payments and shipments, but they’re already out at least $85 they didn’t plan on spending.
  2. Second, even if you are aware of the trial terms, 14 days is not nearly enough time to determine whether or not you’re getting enough out of T-Complex to make it worthwhile, and that 14 days even includes shipping time, so you’re not really even getting that long.
  3. Third, this may not be the case with T-Complex, but lots of companies offering these trials are hard to reach and when you do reach them, they make it difficult to cancel by trying to get you to take a discount instead, or informing you that you have to return the product in order not to be charged.

Generally speaking, these free trial scams are not liked and they can be a huge hassle in some cases.

Money Back Guarantee

It looks like T-Complex does require you to return the trial bottle in order not to be charged. According to their Return Policy:




T Complex 1000 Reviews

While there are lots of review websites set up to funnel you through to purchase a trial bottle of T-Complex, we were not able to find any genuine feedback from actual customers who’ve used it. Without that kind of information, it’s very hard to know how well T-Complex is performing in the real world.

T Complex Contact Information

We are often contacted by readers who’ve gotten caught up in free trial scams and can’t figure out how to reach the company to cancel orders and billing. I’ve checked the T-Complex website as well as the terms and conditions documents, and have decided to post their contact information here.

Customer Service Phone Number: 1-888-504-4395
Address: T-Complex
PO Box 153201 #1092
Tampa, FL 33684

T Complex and X Ripped Stack




It’s very common these days for two supplements to be marketed as working well together as a stack. You may have seen advertisements for the benefits of using T Complex 1000 along with a fat burner called X-Ripped. They’re both free trial products, probably made by the same company, and the marketing article claims this is the stack all the celebrities are doing to get them ready for their big action roles.

Don’t fall for it. If you look hard enough, you’ll see this same “article” being used to hawk dozens of other stacks, all of them these free trial products that can get you caught up in months of billing before you’re able to straighten it out. T-Complex is no different. Any time you’re looking at one of these free trial products, you have to keep in the back of your mind that it’s probably a scam to get months worth of charges out of you.

T Complex Pros and Cons

Advantages of T-Complex

  • The formula is all natural.
  • It may increase free testosterone in your body, leading to some work out and sexual performance improvements.

Disadvantages of T-Complex

  • It’s only available by signing up for the “risk-free” trial, which is not risk-free at all. If you don’t call and cancel within a very short time frame, you run the risk of being charged $85 for the trial bottle and a new bottle each month.
  • The formula looks fairly weak. The ingredients themselves are nothing special and the amounts seem very low.
  • There are no customer reviews to help us know how it’s working for real guys.

The Bottom Line

A natural testosterone booster is a good idea for guys who want to get the most out of working out as they get older, and there are lots of good products to choose from. T Complex will be a safe choice in terms of negative side effects, but I don’t see how it will do much good.

There are certainly natural ways to increase your testosterone.

I just personally don’t think T Complex is one of them.

There is just nothing that I have personally yet to come across that makes me feel comfortable saying that T Complex will actually have any worthwhile effect on your testosterone whatsoever and that should not come as too big of a shock to you as some of their business practices are quite sketchy and their ingredients are nothing to write home to mama about.

They don’t use a strong formula, and if you consider the potential downsides of the “risk-free trial,” it’s clear this is not your best choice.

Have You Used T Complex 1000? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Master Brain Review – 1 Big Reason to Try It

As more and more cognitive enhancement supplements hit the online market, most of them are from companies that specialize in just this kind of supplement, sometimes just the one product. But with the popularity of these nootropics skyrocketing, a growing number of cross benefit supplement makers are getting into the mix. This is the case with Master Brain from 1st Phorm. 1st Phorm makes a lot of healthy lifestyle supplements, like diet pills, protein powders, muscle builders, and multivitamins. And now they’ve gotten into the nootropics game as well.

What Are Nootropics?

A few years ago, almost no one had even heard the word, much less knew what it meant. But that’s all changing. In a nutshell, nootropics are substances that help you think more clearly, remember more quickly, focus more intently, and achieve your intellectual goals more readily. For years, students on college campuses have been using off label Adderall to help them with these issues. Adderall, as you probably know, is prescribed to ADD/ADHD patients to help them with the calm focus they need to overcome distractions. Turns out, because it works for people even without ADD/ADHD, there’s a huge after market for these pills. Of course, taking someone else’s prescribed pills is not only dangerous but also illegal, and that’s where nootropics come in.

master-brain-review-imageNootropics are natural, legal supplements designed to mimic the effects of prescription drugs like Adderall. By improving the action and interaction of neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain, they provide enhancement in the areas of memory, focus, concentration, energy, and motivation, and they do it without side effects or legal worries associated with off-label Adderall.

I haven’t found a nootropic supplement yet that can completely replicate the effects of Adderall, though this one comes close.  And we keep searching, which is why we’re looking into Master Brain today.

What Is Master Brain?

Made by 1st Phorm, Master Brain is a brain boosting stack of ingredients put together to get your brain firing on all cylinders. Using its clinically studied ingredients, it promises to promote laser-like focus, enhance your long and short term memory and recall, and keep you producing at high levels throughout the entire day.

When you order the stack, you’ll get two bottles. One contains the daytime formula, while the other is for night use. We’ll break them down and discuss the value of each individual ingredient and the stack as a whole.

Master Brain AM

master-brain-am-ingredients-imageThis is the daytime formula that combines specific nutrients for your brain with components designed to keep energy levels and motivation high. With cognitive enhancers, energy boosters, and anti-stress and anxiety herbs, Master Brain keeps your mental acuity sharp even in the face of your toughest challenges. The AM formula includes:

  • Vitamins B6 and B12 for all day energy and focus minus any jitters or crash you get with stimulants. This kind of natural energy is key for maintaining high levels of motivation throughout the day.

The Brain Blend (1600 mg) which consists of:

  • Siberian Ginseng which has shown some promise in improving cognitive functioning in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Acetyl L Carnitine which may increase blood flow to the brain, providing more oxygen and needed nutrients to the brain.
  • Bacopa Monieri Extract is used to improve memory and attention.
  • Cordyceps Sinensis Extract which acts as an antioxidant that also helps relieve mental stress. Studies have shown it to reduce inflammatory markers in the brain that are indicators of stress.
  • A-GPC (Choline) which supports cellular membranes, and acts as a neuroprotective, and has been shown to decrease the rate of cognitive decline. It’s been shown to improve memory in both retention and recall, and may even improve problem solving skills.
  • Glucuronolactone which you’ll find in a lot of energy drinks for its anti-fatigue properties.
  • PhosphatidylSerine which is believed to slow age-related cognitive decline as well as to improve thinking functions in younger people. It works on the hippocampus to improve both short term and long term memory.

The Awake Matrix (295mg) which contains:

  • Caffeine which is a stimulants that provides not only energy but focus and concentration as well.
  • L-Theanine which when used in conjunction with caffeine provides a balance. It smooths out the jittery edges and produces a calm energy.
  • Huperzine A which may improve memory in healthy adults as well as older patients. It works by inhibiting the effects of certain enzymes that destroy acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter to memory and recall.

The Stabilize Blend (235mg) which includes:

  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract which reduces the effects of fatigue and stress on your body and brain.
  • Vinpocetine which improves brain blood flow as well as brain cell health.

Instructions note to take Master Brain AM on a 5 days on/2 days off cycle. On your on days, take 3 capsules in the morning with food and a full 16 ounces of water. The bottle contains 60 pills, which comes out to 20 servings – enough for a month if taken as directed.

Master Brain PM

This is the nighttime formula. It should be taken every night, 3 capsules with at least 16 ounces of water, about 45 minutes before going to bed. It’s recommended that you devote 8 hours to your restful sleeping time to experience the full effects. It’s a nice touch that there’s a night time formula because getting regular restful sleep is extremely important to getting the most out of your brain.

The Master Brain PM formula consists of:

The Brain Fuel Blend (1825 mg) which includes:

  • GABA which acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It has a calming effect on stress and nervous activity, allowing you to calmly think through issues.
  • Ashwagandha improves brain function and mood by bolstering the health of brain cells and protecting them against the effects of aging. It’s also known as an adaptagen, which helps your body and brain adapt to stressful situation without releasing cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which acts against brain fatigue by supporting serotonin and dopamine levels and reducing cortisol. As a result, you feel less stress and less of the fatigue that comes from the stress.
  • Mucuna Pruriens which increases dopamine levels with L-Dopa, leaving you feeling pleased, relaxed, and satisfied, ideal for a restful sleep.
  • 5-HTP which is used as a mood enhancer that also encourages a restful sleep.
  • Alpha GPC which increases the presence of important neurotransmitters while reducing physical and mental fatigue.

The Sleep Blend (255 mg) consisting of:

  • Valerian Root which is commonly used in sleep aids to put you into a relaxed state by reducing nervous anxiety. It doesn’t leave you drowsy feeling in the morning.
  • Mugwort Extract which acts to cleanse toxins and improve liver function.
  • Melatonin which helps put you in a “ready to sleep” state, helping you to fall more quickly into your restful sleep.

With both formulas, it’s important to note that most ingredients are found within proprietary blends, meaning they don’t reveal how much of each substance is included. That’s unfortunate because some of the components have undergone clinical testing, and it’s important to know whether or not the formulas contain those clinical doses.

Master Brain Reviews

At this time, there are no Master Brain reviews to look over online. It’s only available through its own website and that of 1st Phorma, so it’s not entirely surprising that published feedback doesn’t exist.

Master Brain Side Effects

The daytime formula does contain caffeine, so those sensitive to it or to stimulants in general may feel those negative effects. Beyond that, any negative side effect should be minimal and may include things like headache and nausea.

Where to Buy

At this time, Master Brain is only available through the 1st Phorma website and a product website dedicated specifically to Master Brain. A single month package, including both the daytime and nighttime formulas costs $79, which includes shipping.

Return Policy

Master Brain offers a generous 110% return policy, the same one they offer on all 1st Phorm products. If you’re not happy with Master Brain, return the unused portion within 30 days, and they’ll refund the price of the purchase plus 10%.


Master Brain Pros and Cons

Advantages of Master Brain

  • It comes with two separate formulas, one for day and one for night, so you get targeted results.
  • The formulas are all natural and include several beneficial components.
  • There’s a generous money back guarantee.
  • It’s made by a company that offers a wide variety of supplements, which means they are likely to be concerned enough about their reputation to provide a good product and treat their customers right.

Disadvantages of Master Brain

  • Most of the ingredients are listed in proprietary blends, so it’s impossible to know if they are present at clinical levels.
  • There is no customer feedback available online yet.

The Bottom Line

It’s clear that 1st Phorm made the effort to create a nootropic stack that will help you perform at peak levels. Most of the ingredients are backed by at least preliminary studies showing them to be potentially effective.

The choice to make it a daytime product stacked with a nighttime product is important. And by including them both in the package, they don’t force you to choose between the two, recognizing that both are equally important.

The question is really whether or not Master Brain pulls it off, helping enough to make it a good value. Without clinical studies of the exact products or feedback from customers who’ve used them, it’s difficult to say just how close they come. Relying on my experience and knowledge, however, I can say you will likely receive some noticeable benefit from Master Brain. Whether or not it rises to the level of $80 a month of value probably depends on you as an individual user. The 110% money back guarantee will definitely help make it easier to decide.

Have You Used Master Brain? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Abs After 40 Review


Abs After 40 Marketing Tactics
You Will Never Look Like Him Naturally
What Honest People Are Saying About Abs After 40
My Review
The Abs After 40 Nutritional Program
The 2 Free Gifts Offered With Abs After 40
Who Would Benefit From This Program?
Final Rating

Abs After 40 is a 90 day three-phase exercise program developed by Mark Mcilyar and marketed through Mike Chang from and Six Pack Sleep. It consists of 20 to 35 minute workouts performed 5 days a week.  The stated goal of this program is to help men who are 40 and over to increase testosterone production by consuming a nutritious diet (and overpriced supplements), while performing low impact, compound exercises.

According to an affiliate website selling their program,“Ripped Abs After 40 is a breakthrough in geriatrics and has been fully tested and certified to be effective.”

abs after 40 review

The 3 phases of this program are designed to:

  • Facilitate fat loss
  • Optimize male hormone production, and
  • Accelerate fat burning through a concept called A40s.

This program also comes with an e-book titled, How To Deal With Common Injuries And Gym Problems.

According to their website, the full program is valued at $197, but the first 500 men may qualify for $97.  They also claim that the program has a 60-day money back guarantee.

Abs After 40 Marketing Tactics

The marketing tactics used to sell the Abs After 40 program is designed to target emotions, from the headliner marketing video to the sales copy.

For instance phrases like this should raise red flags…

“Do not share this program with men younger than 40. My methods of naturally boosting testosterone will also work for younger men, but I want Abs After 40 to be an advantage that’s only available to guys our age.”

Right! I can’t wait to see this advantage!

Of course that is going to pull in anyone who is looking to see weight loss or nice physical changes, and that is the intention behind the bold language.

Based on a preliminary search for the Abs After 40 program, it appears that there are plenty of positive testimonials.  However, after a detailed analysis, most of these reviews are created by marketers who are trying to sell this program so they can earn affiliate commissions.

abs after 40 affiliate sites

It seemed obvious that this program was simply a marketing effort designed to separate hard working people from their money.

Mark Mcilyar – You Will Never Look Like Him Naturally

Is this guy for real? Is he really natural?

mark mcilyar bio

Aside from talking and looking like a ripped version of George Bush, what is this guy on?

And more importantly, who is he and why should you believe him?

According to, Mark is basically an actor who has appeared in numerous television commercials, and has been a physique model for over 10 years.

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Throughout the marketing effort, Mark claims that simply performing compound movements and eating right will increase testosterone significantly. While there is a hint of truth to this notion, almost no one over the age of 40 will look like Mark by simply eating right and exercising. Please don’t believe the hype, Mark is spending a fortune on supplements and will encourage members to do so as well.

To me, it appears that Mark is following the old adage, “Tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up!”

While I have no proof that Mark is on steroids, I wouldn’t be the least bit shocked if he was. He is proud to promote a whole host of supplements including Test Reload, SixPack Sleep, After Burn Aminos, and Leptin Shred. Chances are he is consuming a supplement stack that would rival a skyscraper in order to achieve such a low body fat and maintain his muscle. In other words, people who take part in his program are going to need more than hard work and a healthy diet to look anything like him.


What Honest People Are Saying About Abs After 40

It is hard to find a real testimonial about the Abs After 40 program, as searching for this program reveals glowing reviews from affiliates who are trying to peddle this garbage in order to line their pockets. However, I was finally able to find some seemingly honest reviews on about Abs After 40.

abs after 40 real reviews

Another “review” was on the website, which basically follows the same flow as the above testimonial.

abs after 40 ripoff

My Review Of Abs After 40

Even after terrible reviews I still had to try the program for myself in order to really understand how poor the Abs After 40 program really is. At least I knew what I was getting myself into. I can only imagine how disheartened anyone who purchased this program with high expectations would be after buying it.

Do I Really Want To Give My Credit Card Number To This Unscrupulous Company?

Truthfully, no, but research on this program must be conducted from an internal perspective.

During the process of purchasing the Abs After 40 program, I was greeted by plenty of up-sell efforts for the products Test Reload and Leptin Shred.  Finally, I was able to purchase Abs After 40 for $97.

After logging in, I was greeted with the classic congratulatory video on how I made the most important decision of my entire life.

abs after 40 introductory video

Now what?  It wasn’t exactly clear what the next step was so I scrolled down to find Six Pack Short Cuts 2, Six Pack Meal Plan, and Abs After 40.


After clicking on the first program I received an error message and an option to upgrade.  After paying $97, I wasn’t exactly interested in paying another $127 and upgrading my membership.

abs after 40 supplements

Where Is The Program I Bought?

After clicking on links all around the site, it was clear that this website is designed around up-selling above anything else.  In fact, it appears that the website is purposely confusing and misleading in order to encourage people to navigate throughout the website so they spend more money on either products or programs that are being promoted.

Under the exercise programs, I couldn’t even scroll down to the Abs After 40 program when using the Firefox browser and was unaware of it until I looked it up on my mobile device.

abs after 40 program

After I finally figured out how to actually get into the Abs After 40 video program, I became increasingly more dissatisfied.  First of all, all the videos need to be downloaded in order to view them.  Overall, there are only 15 video workouts (5 in each phase), 4 introduction videos and one closing video, all the design to up-sell products or other programs.

In fact, in the first intro video to phase 1, Mark explains that it is crucial to include Leptin Shred, a $67 product that contains fenugreek and a couple of amino acids in order to burn fat.  According to the comments on the video, I wasn’t the only one that felt like this program is a classic bait and switch effort.



The actual information contained in the video workout isn’t terrible, but is extremely basic and is based around exercises like lunges, bodyweight squats, ab work, push-ups, and jumping jacks.  In addition, there are multiple variations of all of these exercises that involve using dumbbells in order to build muscle.

phases 1, 2, and 3

What About The A40s That We Keep Hearing About?

The A40s are Mark’s, “Ultimate ab chiseling training secret.”

Sounds juicy, huh?

But in reality, A40s are simply 4 different ab exercises that are performed one after another without any rest.

So while Mark is not wrong regarding the information in his program, charging people $97 and trying to up-sell them can easily be classified as preying on the ignorant. Making a course on how to perform basic exercises that anyone should be aware of appears to be more of a scam than something that will actually give anybody six pack abs.

The Abs After 40 Nutritional Program

Mark continually talks about the nutritional program and its importance, yet finding that program on the website is a difficult task.  Certain members even suggested that the nutritional program wasn’t available.

abs after 40 nutrition program

However, after searching even more, I was finally able to find the nutritional program.  The videos are located in a different section of the site under the ‘Nutrition Programs’ heading and the ‘AA40 Nutrition System’ subheading.

Only two videos in the section can be viewed, the intro, and the first week.  All the others are only available on certain specific dates that correspond with the program.  After paying an exorbitant amount of money for a program, I expect all the videos to be available so I could download them and watch them. Why is it designed like this?

Three words: Recurring Monthly Billing

abs after 40 recurring billing

Be Warned: Unscrupulous Monthly Charges To Use The Nutritional Program!!!

Watch out! Monthly charges will begin after the 14-day trial period of the Nutritional Program! The only reason that they don’t allow members to view these videos immediately is because they want to automatically bill customers after the trial period with $67 monthly charges to use the program.

Wow! If you have already bought this program, get a refund before the 14-day trial period is up or you will be billed $67 every month!

As far as the information contained in the Week 1 nutritional video, the overall diet that Mark has lined out is exactly the type of diet that bodybuilders would consume so I wouldn’t expect a huge nutritional break through in the upcoming videos in order to justify the impending costs.

abs after 40 diet plan

The information that Mark provides in the first video regarding a diet that promotes hypertrophy and fat loss is accurate, but can be found by anyone willing to take 15 minutes to research the topic. Even though the information is mildly useful to someone who doesn’t have the first idea about healthy nutrition, the recurring billing tactic out shadows any advantages.

The 2 Free Gifts Offered With Abs After 40

Abs After 40 comes with an e-book and a calendar.

The PDF calendar download is basically useless, it’s literally just a calendar. This is what it looks like:

abs after 40 calendar

The e-book about preventing injuries has some basic information that is accurate.

abs after 40 ebook

Again, anyone who knows a little bit about injury prevention that includes warming up, stretching, and cooling down should have a fairly decent understanding of what is contained in this e-book.

Who Would Benefit From This Program?

The only people who would benefit from this program are individuals who don’t understand anything about basic nutrition and exercise.  People who aren’t willing to take a couple hours to research nutrition and exercise could find the information that Mark provides to be beneficial.  However, almost anyone else has zero reason to purchase Abs After 40.

It appears that many of the people who are buying this program are expecting miracles and simply don’t understand that they are being duped until it is too late.


Maybe I Should Upgrade And Learn More “Secrets”

Why not throw good money after bad? Maybe the secrets to a 6-pack will be revealed to me if I spend even more money. This program is designed for people who believe that there is some secret to getting ripped. As soon as Abs After 40 has targeted people who are easily separated from their money, they do everything they can to keep that process in motion.


60-Day Refund Policy

It is time to put the 60-day refund policy to the test, as this program is a joke at best and a scam at worst.  Instantly when I logged into the members area, I was thinking about how to get a refund.  People who have purchased this program and want a refund can call the company directly at 1-800-655-8576 or email them. Anyone else who is thinking about joining this program should simply start watching YouTube videos on basic nutrition and exercise instead of shelling out a fortune for the Abs After 40 program.

After contacting Abs After 40 for a refund by email, they stated that they would get back to me in 2 business days.

Final Rating Of Abs After 40

Abs After 40 deserves a 0 star rating because their business is based around continuously charging their patrons, not helping them achieve their fitness goals. Companies like this epitomize the concept of shady. While the information contained in the instructional videos was accurate, hidden recurring charges, the extremely steep initial cost, the user unfriendly website, and the constant up-selling efforts are annoying to say the least.

Contrast this with reputable online workout programs like Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut To Size, and well you get the picture.

A program made by a business that has no problem misleading their customers who they are allegedly there to help should be avoided at all costs and honestly has no place existing among actually reputable businesses of the same kind.

After fully grasping exactly how the Abs After 40 program is designed to charge members in any possible way, patrons will likely want to physically fight Mark Mcilyar and Mike Chang. Come to think of it, maybe this program is designed to give members the internal rage they need pump out rep after rep and get in fighting shape just thinking about these two con artists.

Have You Used Abs After 40?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Review – Everything You Need To Know

Whether you are an individual suffering from a debilitating muscle wasting disease, or you are a fitness buff looking to bulk up there are a variety of different compounds that will allow for the greatest physical results known to man.

The traditional means in which men sought to increase their muscle mass was through the use of exogenous testosterone.

real testosterone

However, with concurrent and advanced medical research there has been significant advisement concerning the devastating side effects with this type of androgenic steroid treatment.

trt side effects

It is important for those seeking to bulk up and gain muscle mass, that the compound used is safe and has minimal side effects.

Often times, that is hard to come by because the fact of the matter is that many of the compounds that were accepted for a long time because they produced quite noticeable effects leading to them becoming widely used were later found to be unsafe.

The goal by scientists were to develop an alternative to testosterone that would allow for increase muscle development.

The initial reason for this compounds development was to help those who suffered from debilitating diseases such as cancer; which commonly resulted in muscle wasting.

an example of muscle wasting
Source: ./0/”>

However, through the continued clinical, peer-reviewed studies it was also found that this new compound would provide increased muscle mass with diminished side effects to those who were healthy.

You may already know of this miracle compound, but in case you haven’t guessed it yet; the compounds that have proven to be effective in increasing muscle mass and decreasing associated side effects are the compound ground known as selective androgenic receptor modulators, or SARMs.

sarms stack ostarine cardarine ligandrol

Let’s take a look at the differences between the traditional, and high-risk exogenous testosterone, and then compare it to a few of those in the SARMs group. Finally, we will evaluate how Ligandrol compares to the other SARMs with respect to side effects and benefits.


What is Testosterone?
SARMS – Andarine, Ostarine, and Ligandrol
Andarine – Benefits Vs. Risks
Ostarine – Benefits Vs. Risks
History of Ligandrol
Typical Cycle Length
Ligandrol Vs. Other Androgenic Steroids
Ligandrol: Selective Non-Steroidal Androgen
Side Effects vs. Benefits
Ligandrol Before and After Pictures
Where To Buy Ligandrol

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a natural hormone produced in the male reproductive organs, the testes.

testosterone is produced in the testicles

Testosterone is responsible for promoting development of the male sex organs; while also being responsible for the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics that occur during puberty.

what happens during puberty

Testosterone has been used for decades as an androgenic steroid hormone for healthy men to bulk up their muscle mass.

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In fact, a good majority of men who are on prescription testosterone replacement therapy are already on a number of other drugs.

These include SSRI’s, Beta Blockers, and cardiac drugs.

testosterone replacement therapy statistics

As the medical literature has classically indicated, as well as first-hand experiences by those who have used exogenous testosterone, the major concern with testosterone use is the associated side effects.

testosterone replacement therapy side effects
Testosterone replacement therapy side effects. Source:

Some of those side effects even have the potential to be life-threatening.

Side Effects Associated With Exogenous Testosterone

With testosterone supplementation there are significant drug-drug interactions; and therefore, a patients medical care must be monitored very closely when receiving this external source of testosterone.

Other unwanted side effects that are so commonly associated with exogenous testosterone supplementation include:

  • Acne
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Blood clots
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Headache
  • Excess hair growth in male specific areas
  • hot flashes
  • High blood pressure
  • Inability to sleep
  • Male breast development
  • High cholesterol
  • Prolonged erection
  • Rashes
  • Itching

That’s a pretty big list!

There have also been clinical studies that have indicated a direct relationship between testosterone and increased risk of heart attack.

increased risk of heart attack from TRT

If exogenous testosterone is used for greater than 10 years, there have been clinical studies that indicated the relationship between this hormonal supplement and hypogonadism.

Clearly there are MANY downsides, which have resulted in plenty of guys looking for a better alternative.

In comes SARMS.

Selective Androgenic Receptor Modulators (SARMS) – Andarine, Ostarine, and Ligandrol

As stated, SARMs stand for selective, androgenic receptor modulators. In this class of compounds there are several that have different benefits and associated risks.

The SARMs that will be evaluated in this article include:

As a SARMs class, the important aspect to understand is that these compounds are selective; meaning they only bind to specific receptors in the muscles.

The result is localized benefits; and diminished systemic effects. Whereas compared to testosterone, which would bind to receptors in a diverse amount of tissues and systems, the effects would be systemic and devastating in many instances (Dalton, 2013).

SARMs: Andarine – Benefits Vs. Risks

Andarine is in the SARMs class, and is also a non-steroidal, selective androgenic receptor modulator.

It is orally active, and has a very short half-life. Because it is a selective androgenic receptor modulator, the commonly observed effects on the PSA levels are not observed.

There are not any clinically significant effects on the following: LH, FSH, Estradiol, or PSA. Andarine is known for increasing muscle mass while decreasing water retention.

There are clinically significant side effects associated with this SARM. With high dosages of this compound, the individual cycling using this compound may experience the following: Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis suppression or visual disturbances.

The visual disturbances may present as night blindness or yellow vision. The side effects normally resolve once the individual has stopped taking the compound.

However, to reduce the potential of experiencing these side effects it is important to take the compound for 5 days and the off-cycle for 2 days. By following this particular protocol, the chance of developing these side effects will be significantly diminished (TigerFitness, 2016).

Each individual will determine the most appropriate SARM for their set goals; however, it is fair to state that the side effects present with this compound are more clinically significant than those associated with Ligandrol.

SARMs: Ostarine – Benefits Vs. Risks

Ostarine is in the SARMs class, and therefore is a non-steroidal, selective androgenic receptor modulator.

This particular compound is also orally active and is used as a means to increase body muscle mass. Ostarine is a compound that is commonly taken during the bulking phase and recomposition phase.

Related Article:  5 BEST SARMS For Bulking

There have been clinical reports that have indicated as much as 7 pounds of muscle mass increase over an 8 week cycle. Other associated benefits included: decreased fat and increase in muscle strength and muscle mass.

However, as compared to Ligandrol, there are significant side effects associated with Ostarine.

Side effects include the following: suppressed Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis and increased estradiol levels.

Suppressing the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis can have devastating effects on the human body. These effects went away after 3 weeks treatment with PCT.

The half-life of this compound is 24 hours so the oral dosing is once daily; and there is not a need to cycle within the week. While the side effects may seem to be less severe as compared to Andarine, they are still more clinically significant when compared to the side effects associated with Ligandrol (TigerFitness, 2016).

What is Ligandrol?

ligandrol review

Ligandrol was first identified when evaluating the medical literature. There have been many peer-reviewed clinical studies that have indicated the promising uses of this SARM as a means to bulk up those individuals suffering from terminal diseases such as cancer.

Cancer is a debilitating, and in many cases terminal disease that is characterized by muscle wasting. When treating a patient who has cancer, it is imperative to determine a means to increase both appetite and muscle mass.

When these patients are suffering from these diseases, it is very hard to stimulate their appetite and so an alternate way to increase muscle mass was identified. The alternative was Ligandrol.

Ligandrol: Cycle Length

Ligandrol (LGD 4033) is the strongest SARM on the market today. It has come to popularity because of its heightened benefits and diminished side effects.

LGD has become the perfect SARM for bulking up; and gaining a significant amount of muscle mass. The dosage ranges from approximately 2 mg to 10 mg, once daily.

The cycle length can vary, but the best results from Ligandrol have been observed when the cycle length ranged between the 6 to 8 week mark. Just as important as the cycle time, is the off-period and that is normally approximately half the duration of the cycle.

Therefore, if the cycle length is 6 weeks, then the off-period between the next cycle will be approximately 3 weeks. If the cycle length is 8 weeks, then the off-period between the next cycle will be approximately 4 weeks.

Differences Between Ligandrol And Other Androgenic Steroids

Ligandrol was also found to not only be useful in patients with diseases such as cancer, but were also found to increase muscle mass significantly in healthy individuals as well.

Other androgenic steroids such as testosterone have been used for decades for men and women to build significant muscle mass; however, testosterone is not selective and therefore the individual will experience systemic effects on areas such as: skin, hair, and prostate.

Another difference between androgenic steroids such as testosterone and SARMs such as Ligandrol, is that testosterone has to be injected to have any benefit; whereas, Ligandrol is given orally and provides great benefits through this route of transmission.

Ligandrol: Selective, Non-Steroidal Androgen

This SARM has really provided those who wish to bulk up an opportunity to gain the benefits, without the side effects that traditional steroids are so commonly associated.

Ligandrol is considered a selective androgen receptor modulator. Basically, that means that the compound binds to androgen receptors, and mimics androgenic effects.

Ligandrol is also selective. Being selective is what helps the individual wishing to bulk up to receive the benefits without experiencing systemic effects.

The LGD actually binds only to the androgen receptors in the muscles; thus creating a localized effect. Other non-selective androgenic receptor modulators, bind to any androgenic receptors in the body including: bone, eyes, muscles, and more.

Ligandrol: Side Effects Vs. Benefits

Because of the significant side effects associated with androgenic steroids in the past, it has raised concern surrounding the safety of these traditional muscle building agents.

This has sparked the increased research into new, potentially useful agents that will focus on selective areas of the human body. The goal is to provide the benefits of muscle growth, without the negative side effects.

SARMs, in particular Ligandrol has undergone significant clinical evaluation to determine if it is going to provide benefits without significant risks.

Clinical studies completed have indicated that Ligandrol has proven to be effective and safe, without any significant drug-to-drug interactions. This is a significant breakthrough.

The research continued to conclude that not only where there not any significant, drug-to-drug interactions, but that liver enzymes such as: AST and ALT remained within normal limits.

The PSA level did not significantly change in those who used Ligandrol. Even more important, the cardiovascular risks associated with testosterone have been cause for concern; however, when Ligandrol was evaluated, there were no significant changes in the QT interval.

These areas of concern were tested at all dosage levels; and thus, the patients did not experience any significant changes in any of those laboratory levels even at the highest dosage of Ligandrol.

With every compound there will be negative effects to some degree; for Ligandrol a few of those side effects include the following: decreased HDL cholesterol, dose-dependent decrease in endogenous testosterone levels, dose-dependent decrease in FSH and free-testosterone at 1.0 mg/daily dose.

Ligandrol Before And After

I have to say, I’m REALLY impressed by some of the complete body transformations some of these guys are getting from Ligandrol.

I’ve looked through some before and after pictures, and if I didn’t know any better I would have assumed these dudes were using steroids to get results like this.

Take a look at some of these pics:

ligandrol before and after

Where To Buy Ligandrol

Not surprisingly, you can find Ligandrol for sale online.  However, because it’s a research chemical, it’s availability is limited.  The most common place you’ll find it for sale is on eBay.

The last time I checked there were about a dozen different vendors who were selling it, and the prices ranged from as little as $35, to as much as $135.

There are a few restrictions on its purchase, but you can still buy it without needing any sort of prescription.

If you’re looking to buy Ligandrol in stores like GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, and CVS, I’m afraid you’ll come up short.

None of these traditional brick and mortar retailers sell it, and I don’t anticipate them doing so any time soon.


There are many different types of androgenic derivatives on the market today. There are the classic, traditional non-selective, androgenic steroid hormones such as testosterone; and then there are the selective, non-steroidal androgenic receptor modulators or SARMs.

It should be noted that practically none of these, including Ligandrol, are available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Walmart, or CVS, and they likely never will be.

There are significant risks associated with the androgenic steroids; and thus, there should definitely be a shift from this type of supplement to SARMs.

It is up to the individual, and their set goals to determine which SARM will offer them the most benefits. As can be derived from this article, there are a variety of SARMs that have potential benefits and risks.

Andarine and Ostarine have benefits; but also have clinically significant associated risks. Ligandrol provides benefits with minimal risks.

Therefore, after stringent review of the literature and personal testimonies, it is clinically evident that Ligandrol offers many benefits without the associated negative risks.

While there are still instances in which the individuals must monitor their free-testosterone and HDL levels, in many instances this can be resolved through the supplementation with PCT. It is imperative with every compound regimen, that the safety be evaluated.

Speak with your healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate and safe way to implement this type of regimen into your cycling.

Have You Used Ligandrol?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is! Read more here.

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Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

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Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

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BioX4 Reviews By Nucific – Is It Worth $1000 A Year?

BioX4 Reviews Contents

Probiotics Facts and Myths
What is Bio X4?
Bio X4 Label and Packaging – Red Flags
How Does Bio X4 Differentiate Itself?
Adverse Effects Possibilities and Allergy Warning
Probiotic Blend
Digestive Enzyme Blend
Weight Management Blend
Craving Control Blend
Bio X4 Reviews
My Personal Results
Finally Had My Wife Test It Out
Bio X4 Warnings / Drug Interactions
The Bottom Line on Bio X4
Note:  We are NOT affiliated with this supplement in any way, and we were NOT paid to write this Nucific BioX4 review. content/uploads/2016/12/bio

Walk in to a consultation with just about any gastroenterologist on the face of the earth and you will hear about “good” bacteria in your intestinal tract, known as “probiotics.”

These beneficial bacteria are present in the human body in such numbers that they are more populous in the human body than cells native to human biology on an exponential level.

They not only contribute to positive day to day health, but can prevent future health problems ranging from gastritis to bacterial infections in the stomach and even stomach cancer.

There are countless different strains and species, each with subtle variations on their overall effect on human health and disease processes.

There are also some “bad bacteria” that you’re likely either unaware of, or simply don’t pay much attention to.

good bacteria vs bad bacteria

We have previously covered the intricate details of what these beneficial bacteria (and NON beneficial) are and just precisely what roles they play in our bodies in our educational piece on probiotics.  Here, you will find invaluable information about probiotics and prebiotics, coupled with some of the buzzwords and gimmicks that the supplement industry uses to drive sales – some of which are true, while others are red flags at best and outright misleading or even false at worst.

But the focus of this article will be on one particular probiotic pill that came to our attention, called BioX4.

Update 7/25 My wife finally got a chance to try out BioX4, Click Here
to jump to her review.

Now, there are hundreds – if not thousands – of different brand-name and even generic probiotic formulations.

They include Peptiva, Probioslim, and countless others.

These can range from isolated strains, such as the popular and well-known acidophilus supplements that you can find in any vitamin aisle in any supermarket in the country, to the “top-shelf” advertised products that claim to combine the health benefits of probiotics with other ingredients contained.

Like these:

probiotic supplements you'll find on the internet

These combination products generally claim to be proprietary formulas and are generally priced much higher than their standalone competitors.

BioX4 from Nucific, is one such combination formula that purports to be a probiotic-based product that not only has the proven health benefits of multi-strain probiotic supplementation but also combines ingredients from three other supplement families in order to act as a complete weight-management solution.

The question is, will the asserted claims of BioX4 highly-priced ($139 for a 30-day supply) formula be worth their weight in gold?

Will it really help to control cravings, boost your metabolism, help you burn more fat, and reduce gas and bloating after eating? content/uploads/2016/12/bio x4

Or will BioX4 be another formula full of so many false claims that it is just another example of the embodiment of the unbridled greed that sometimes saturates the largely unregulated supplements industry?

Probiotics Facts and Myths

The science and research behind probiotics like BioX4 and their symbiotic role with the biology of humankind has accelerated at a tremendous pace, specifically since the late 1990s, such that as clinical trials of different strains of probiotics increasingly demonstrated positive results, this core concept of immunology rewrote itself into the treatment of many different conditions, ranging from irritable bowel syndrome to depression.

In fact, recent studies have shown that over 80% of the human immune system actually originates from the intestinal flora, which is populated with the traditional “bad” bacteria that we think of when we think of “antibiotics,” as well as these beneficial probiotics, with the balance of these different organisms being tantamount to good health.

dr axe probiotics infographic
Infographic credit:

These many trillions of living cellular entities coexist in a delicate balance that has implications system-wide inside the human body.  It only makes sense, then, that it is very important to maintain a healthy balance of probiotic organisms in one’s intestinal flora if one wishes to reap the benefits that these bacteria have to offer.

Is BioX4 A Supplement?

Probiotics like BioX4 are classified by the FDA as dietary supplements, which means they are not subject to the intense scrutiny and regulations as pharmaceutical agents. content/uploads/2016/12/fda dietary supplements

While this detail provides the supplement industry with the ability to spark innovation without fear of governmental interference, it also means that supplements can also be associated with having a negative image because of the countless false claims that are make on a regular basis without penalty.

supplement scams what to look out for

So, if you are a supplement user, you already know that the market is full of these products, and you should already know that an informed supplement shopper is the best supplement shopper, and this is especially true of purported “special formulation” products like BioX4.

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What is BioX4?

As mentioned above, the manufacturer advertises this supplement as a “4-in-1” weight management solution.

bio x4 4 in one weight management probiotic

This is due to the “revolutionary new” formula contained within the supplement, that will provide the user with digestive support, appetite suppression, and weight management, due to the unique combination of four different ingredients, the base of which is a probiotic blend.

When I was originally doing my research for Bio X4, I came across a video that is ultimately a pitch for the supplement.

It’s narrated by a Dr. Amy Lee, a Bariatric Physician who specializes in nutrition, wellness, and weight management and is the founder of the Integrative Wellness Center located in Los Angeles, CA.

What was a bit strange, though, is that when I went to the Integrative Wellness Center About page, I don’t see any mention of Dr. Amy Lee.

Now, Nucific does a pretty good job of controlling the distribution rights of this supplement, as it seems there are only two ways to order; direct from their website ( and on Amazon.

However, I was recently contacted by a representative from Nucific Bio X4, and she told me that they do NOT authorize any resellers on Amazon or eBay.

When people buy from these resellers, I was told they cannot guarantee the authenticity of the product they are buying, or whether the product is properly stored and shipped.

Additionally, because you’re ordering from Amazon, these 3rd party re-sellers do not exercise a 90-day money back guarantee, offer a plethora of free email content, or offer customer service like the official Nucific Bio X4 website does.

Purchasing from their website allows one to take advantage of a “special introductory price” of $99 for the first month.  You can also order in quantities of up to a 180-day supply for just under $500.  They do offer a 90-day risk-free trial period, billed as a money-back guarantee, which is always a good thing when dealing with any new supplement.

Bio X4 Label and Packaging – Red Flags

This product is advertised with some very standard tactics used to inflate the claims of effectiveness for many different supplement products.

For example, as indicated on the Bio X4 label, the manufacturer has combined its core blend of different probiotics with a “digestive enzyme compound,” green tea extract (EGCG), and Caralluma Fimbriata.

bio x4 ingredients label

The serving size is one capsule three times per day, and the 90-capsule bottle is equivalent to a one-month supply.

Now, upon looking at this label and reading the product information, there are some immediate red flags that pop right out due.  The first one that just screams out is the claim that, by taking 3 capsules a day in addition to staying away from carbs and sweets as well as beginning an exercise regimen, that you will begin to experience results in 1-2 months.

You’re probably thinking that this claim doesn’t seem to be too overzealous, so why does it send off warning shots?

Well, it’s the kind of claim that really means nothing at all, because a person who cuts out unnecessary carbohydrates and sweets from his/her diet and who concurrently begins a regular exercise regimen should start to see results in 1-2 months regardless.  So, unless this 1-2 month weight loss amount was so absolutely remarkable (it’s not) that completely delineated users of BioX4 from the rest of a controlled population trying to lose weight without it, the claim itself is absolutely meaningless.

How Does Bio X4 Differentiate Itself?

So, if this product’s main claim regarding weight loss falls apart so quickly, what is it about Bio X4 that makes it stand out from the competition?  Is there really such a significant advantage to the “revolutionary new” formulation that the massive price tag of $139.95 for a 30-day supply is warranted?

Apart from the Biox4 reviews posted all over the internet, let’s explore each ingredient contained therein to determine if there really is a solid benefit to this particular brand or if the $18.91 competitor will bestow the same benefits upon the user.

We will also take a look at some of the feedback from real consumers who have used Bio X4.

Biox4 Side Effects

It goes without saying that trying any new dietary supplement should not be undertaken unless the user has scoured the label for any obvious signs of ingredients he/she may be allergic to.

Note:  Bio X4 has potential drug and medical condition interactions.  Click Here to read some frequently asked questions we get regarding this, as well as a full list of prescription drug interactions. Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

Then, once a person has made sure that none of the ingredients are known personal allergens, the next step in determining whether the product is safe is to investigate the individual components against any reports of adverse effects by people who have used the supplement.

With regards to Bio X4, the individual components as listed should not cause many serious side effects, and any minor irritations that occur will disappear with time.  This includes the possibility of excess bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, and other mild gastrointestinal symptoms that can occur when a person begins using probiotics. (Source)

These symptoms will go away with time, if they occur at all.

The only other possible adverse effect that could occur in any real sizable population would be the inherent caffeine content that could be associated with green tea extract, and even then, such effects would only occur in those who are caffeine-sensitive individuals.

So, the real concern with Bio X4 is not going to come with any risk attached to its ingredients, but whether the ingredients as combined and dosed will have any noticeable effect at all.

Let’s look at each of these ingredients.

BioX4 Probiotic Blend: 

The label on Bio X4 shows that the probiotics a combination of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species (the most well-known of probiotic species), for a total of five different strain at a total of 4 billion CFUs (that is, colony-forming units, the standard of measurement regarding all bacteria – the more CFUs, the more chance that the beneficial bacteria will populate the intestinal tract) per capsule.

bio x4 probiotic blend

Now, you may think, “Wow! Four billion organisms!  That’s a lot!

However, a quick search for “probiotics” on a major shopping site will reveal a competitor to Bio X4 mentioned above that offers a total of 10 billion CFUs, and comes in at a whopping 10% of the cost of Bio X4.

With that said, while the strains of probiotic bacteria in Bio X4 may provide the user with some digestive benefits, including reduction of long-term bloating and gas, the product simply does not stack up to its much cheaper, far-superior competition with regards to its probiotic content in terms of both the amount per serving (34.7 billion CFUs in the competition versus 4 billion in Bio X4) and the variety and diversity of different strains (11 in the competition versus 5 in Bio X4).

But wait, what about the “revolutionary new compound” in BioX4?

Could it be possible that the combination of the probiotics in Bio X4 with the other ingredients could really synergize in such a manner that the benefits justify the hefty price tag?

Is there some sort of magical property of Bio X4 that makes it more beneficial to overall health than making your own 4-part regimen out of standalone supplements?

Let’s explore that as well.

BioX4 Digestive Enzyme Blend:

According to Bio X4’s label, each capsule contains 88 mg of a blend of “digestive enzymes” containing Amylase (from Aspergilus Oryzae), Bromelain, and Lipase (from Rhizopus Oryzae).  

bio x4 digestive enzyme blend

Coincidentally, amylase and lipase are 2 of the major enzymes responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrition from food.

So, what health benefits might these enzymes contribute to?

  • Amylase “catalyses the hydrolysis of starch into sugars.” Being that this digestive enzyme deals with sugar digestion, it would only make sense that amylase supplementation may be of some benefit in diabetes prevention.  Furthermore, it is also suspected that this enzyme may play a role in improving digestion, preventing some types of cancer, and boosting energy levels.
  • Bromelain is a mixture of multiple digestive enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins. This mix of enzymes can be found in pineapples and has been shown to be effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, especially with regards to sprains, postoperative pain, and tendinitis.
  • Lipase “catalyses the hydrolysis of lipids.” A high level of this enzyme is generally a marker of pancreatitis, and as such, there is some preliminary evidence that supplementation with lipase may be of benefit for those suffering with pancreatic disorders, and may further reduce bloating, indigestion, and excess gas.

So how does the enzyme blend of Bio X4 stack up when compared to similar standalone enzyme products?

Well, while there are definitely some promising potential benefits to supplementation with these vital digestive enzymes, the problem with Bio X4 once again comes down to the astronomical price tag associated with this supplement.

It is just plain insane to justify spending $139.99 (or even the first-time buyer discounted price directly from the manufacturer of $99.00 for a 30-day supply) for a supplement such as Bio X4.

For example, you can simply combine a superior digestive enzyme supplement, such as Absorb Your Healths Advanced Digestive Enzymes, which includes the same enzyme blend (and other digestive enzymes) at a much more significant dose than what is included in Bio X4, at a much more affordable price of $14.99.

You can pick up a bottle of that stuff here (affiliate link):

BioX4 Weight Management Blend (Green Tea Extract – 100 mg)

Now, there does seem to be some promise in this area when it comes to the major constituent of green tea, a compound known as EGCG, of which Bio X4 contains 100 mg per serving.

bio x4 weight management blend

Studies have also shown some promise with regards to the treatment of sepsis with EGCG in animal studies, but as of 2015, these claims have not been proven in human disease processes.

Related Article:  11 BEST Female Fat Burners

However, once again, the key point here is the price comparison.  While the “all-in-one” approach seen in Bio X4 may be a bit more convenient than taking several different supplements, this perceived convenience simply cannot justify such a steep price tag, especially when there are green tea supplements, such as this one from Jarrow, that contain 5x the amount of EGCG as Bio X4, and can be purchased for the much more sensible price of $6.99 for a quantity of 100 capsules.

BioX4 Craving Control Blend (consisting of 166 mg of Caralluma Fimbriata extract)

Caralluma is an herb that Indian populations have historically chewed as a method of controlling hunger during long hunting expeditions.  Bio X4 contains an extract of this herb as a “craving controller.”

bio x4 craving control blend

Unfortunately, while there may be such anecdotal evidence supporting this, there is currently insufficient evidence to show any scientific validity to this claim.

While this does not mean that the claims are untrue, it really boils down to an individual experience as to whether this ingredient will be of any beneficial use in controlling hunger and cravings.

This particular supplement is generally representative of what you will find out there in terms of single-ingredient Caralluma supplements, and at $5.95 for a 30-day supply (with a serving size that is 9 times the amount found in Bio X4); the frugal supplement user will be incredibly happy going with one of these instead of Bio X4.

Bio X4 Reviews – What Are They Saying?

Reviews for Bio X4 on a wide variety of sites are mixed, with the vast majority being positive.

Most of the positive reviews came from people who gave the formula positive reviews based on some very subtle positive gastrointestinal benefits they experienced.

For example, the website Highya has a total of 297 reviews, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.  Reading through these reviews, you’ll see that many users report benefits such as:

  • Improved food digestion
  • Reduced gas and bloating
  • Increased appetite suppression
  • Increased libido
  • Enhanced vitality and energy

Many of these are very careful to warn others not to get up hopes that this is some sort of miracle cure., which is good advice.

BioX4 Complaints

On the flip side, there are plenty of complaints on Amazon, with users warning other people not to waste their time.

amazon reviews of bio x4

As mentioned earlier in this review, Amazon resellers selling Bio X4 do not represent Nucific.

Therefore, it’s unknown how credible the reviews on Amazon are when they come from 3rd party resellers.

Another Bio X4 complaint about the product is that there is very little to no effect on appetite whatsoever.

Some of the other negative comments seem to stem from their up-selling process.  One user reported being charged for close to 7 bottles when he only wanted 1.

However, it’s important to note that this same user contacted the customer service department at Nucific and promptly received a refund.

This gives us proof that the company indeed does adhere to their 90 day money back guarantee.

My Personal BioX4 Results

biox4 reviews

I ended up taking Bio X4 and after a few days started to feel a bit strange.  I’ve never actually taken a probiotic supplement before, but something in Bio X4 was giving me terrible gas, indigestion, and an upset stomach.

I stopped taking it at around day 4, so unfortunately I can’t tell you what sort of long term effects you may get from it.

Of course I can’t be 100% certain that Bio X4 was the culprit here, but I wasn’t about to continue taking it based on the effects I was getting.

Listening to your body when taking ANY supplement is going to give you more accurate information than any testimonials, claims or reviews that you may come across and as such, I had to listen to what my gut was telling me.

I’m thinking about having my wife try it out so we can get an accurate gauge as to it’s  effectiveness, or if I get brave maybe I’ll give it another shot down the road.

Update 7/25:  Finally Had My Wife Test It Out

So after about 4 or 5 months, I finally got around to having my wife test out Bio X4.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but I literally have no experience with probiotic supplements.

By that I mean I’ve never taken one, and really haven’t done any research on them prior to this one.

My wife, on the other hand, does…

She’s taken plenty of probiotic supplements over the years, and was probably a better candidate for the test to begin with anyways.

Here’s what she had to say:

I’ve taken a wide array of probiotic supplements over the years, including Swanson probiotics and the Natures bounty brand, as well as some off-the shelf brands at Walmart.

Usually I take them just to be “regular”, but I was surprised when Rob handed me the bottle of BioX4 and said it was mainly used for weight loss.

In any event, I decided (after he had been hounding me about taking it for the last 2 months 🙂 that I would try it out.

I’ve put on a few pounds over the last 6 months or so, and was thinking about using a weight loss supplement anyways (Rob has about 100 of them in his office).

The first thing I noticed was that my appetite started to go way down about 3 days in.

I was having to force myself to eat, and when I did, I was full with about half of the usual portion.

I also started to feel the same way Rob did when he tried it out, namely, I was getting a bit of gas and upset stomach.

Unlike him, I expected this and just kept taking the Bio X4.

Within about a week and a half I saw that my tummy started to look and feel less bloated.

I didn’t really feel like I lost any weight, but in appearance I just looked skinnier.

I confirmed this when I stepped on the scale and saw that I really didn’t weigh any less than when I first started out.

This whole time I could sense an increase in energy, more so then with many of the other probiotic pills I’ve taken before.

It wasn’t the type of energy you get from a morning cup of coffee, but more of a “clean” type of energy that left me feeling awake.

Strange for me, because I’ve never experienced this with a probiotic.

About 3 weeks in to my experiment with BioX4, I decided to step on the scale again and was pleasantly surprised that I had actually lost about 7 pounds.

Mind you I wasn’t doing anything different during this time period.

I wasn’t exercising any more than I usually did.

I wasn’t changing up my diet or eating cleaner.

And I certainly wasn’t taking anything other than Bio X4, supplements wise.

I’m not sure that I actually burned off any fat during this time period, but I definitely was looking and feeling skinnier.

And I’m pretty sure Bio X4 was to blame (in a good way of course).

As someone who has taken probiotics before, I highly recommend it!

Update 10-2 – Cheaper Alternative To BioX4

My wife just got done testing out an alternative to Bio X4 called Peptiva, and had nearly identical results.

Additionally, it also happens to be 1/2 the price of BioX4!

I haven’t had a chance to post her review yet, but I should have it up within a week or so.

In the meantime, click here to read more about Peptiva.

Bio X4 Warnings / Drug Interactions

Bio X4 could potentially interact with certain medications or medical conditions.

Use caution and speak to a doctor before using it.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered many of the most common questions we get.  Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

*  Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take BioX4 if I have high blood pressure?

This supplement does not appear to have any contraindications for those with high blood pressure.

Can I take BioX4 if I have LOW blood pressure?

This supplement does not appear to have any contraindications for those with low blood pressure.

Can I take BioX4 if I have diabetes?

Some of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with BioX4?

As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions. Do not take if you are allergic to pork protein, pineapple, latex, wheat, celery, papain, carrot, fennel, cypress pollen or grass pollen.

Can I take BioX4 with alcohol?

Although it is always best to limit alcohol consumption when taking supplements, there appear to be no adverse effects when taking with alcohol.

Can I take BioX4 with Viagra / Cialis?

There appear to be no interactions between this supplement and this class of medications.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

There are no known interactions between this supplement and anti-depressant medications.

Can I take Bio X4 if I have a bleeding disorder?

It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. There is that possibility that an ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood). If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take Bio X4 with caffeine or other stimulants?

The green tea extract used most likely has a low level of caffeine present, but it is unlisted amount. Many of the potential stimulant adverse effects are related to interactions with caffeine. This will depend on your body’s sensitivity to caffeine.

Can I take Bio X4 if I am pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding?

There is not enough reliable evidence to support if this supplement is safe or unsafe during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Bio X4?

Do not take this medication if you have:

  • Weakened Immune System (There is some concern that live bacteria from probiotic supplements might grow too well in people whose immune systems are weakened. This includes people with HIV/AIDS or people who have taken medicines to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ. Lactobacillus has caused disease (rarely) in people with weakened immune systems. To be on the safe side, if you have a weakened immune system, talk with your healthcare provider before taking lactobacillus.
  • Short bowel syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Damaged heart valves
  • Intestinal Blockage
  • Pancreatitis
  • Anemia
  • Glaucoma
  • IBS
  • Liver Disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Conditions
  • Behavioral or psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions

Major (depending on caffeine sensitivity):

  • Amphetamines
  • Ephedrine
  • Cocaine


  • Mental Health
    • MAOI’s
      • phenelzine (Nardil)
      • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
    • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
    • Lithium
  • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
    • azathioprine (Imuran)
    • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
    • mycophenolate (CellCept)
    • tacrolimus (Prograf)
    • sirolimus (Rapamune)
    • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
    • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
    • and others
  • Blood Thinners
    • Aspirin
    • clopidogrel (Plavix)
    • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
    • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
    • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
    • dalteparin (Fragmin)
    • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
    • heparin
    • warfarin (Coumadin)
    • and others.
  • Birth Control
  • Estrogens
  • Amphetamines
    • Adderall
  • Stimulants
    • diethylpropion (Tenuate)
    • epinephrine
    • phentermine (Ionamin)
    • pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
    • and many others.
  • Antibiotics (ALL, below are a just a few different classes)
    • Penicillins
      • amoxicillin
    • Quinolones
      • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
      • enoxacin (Penetrex)
      • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
      • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
      • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
      • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
    • Tetracyclines
      • demeclocycline (Declomycin)
      • minocycline (Minocin)
      • tetracycline (Achromycin)
    • Medications Metabolized by the Liver
      • Hepatotoxic Drugs
        • acetaminophen (Tylenol and others)
        • amiodarone (Cordarone)
        • carbamazepine (Tegretol)isoniazid (INH)
        • methotrexate (Rheumatrex)
        • methyldopa (Aldomet)
        • fluconazole (Diflucan)
        • itraconazole (Sporanox)
        • erythromycin (Erythrocin, Ilosone, others)
        • phenytoin (Dilantin)
        • lovastatin (Mevacor)
        • pravastatin (Pravachol)
        • simvastatin (Zocor)
      • Other
        • Adenosine
        • clozapine (Clozaril)
        • dipyridamole (Persantine)
        • disulfiram (Antabuse)
        • nicotine

Where Can I Buy Bio X4?

As of this review, you won’t find Bio X4 in stores like Walmart, GNC, Walgreens, CVS, or Vitamin Shoppe.  In fact, apart from a few people selling some leftover bottles on eBay, the only place you can actually find it for sale is on their official website, which I mentioned earlier in this review.

As I touched on earlier, Bio X4 is NOT cheap.  A 30 day supply will run you $99, although they do offer discounts for larger order sizes.

The Bottom Line on Bio X4

Nucific Bio X4 is a combination product that mixes beneficial probiotic strains with three other supplements for what is supposed to be a 4-way approach to digestive health and weight management.

Based solely on the reviews, BioX4 looks like a winner.

The vast majority of people that take it seem to get great results, while the complaints are kept to a minimum due to their positive customer service experiences and 90-day money back guarantee.

While it is convenience – even preferable – to reduce the number of pills that one must swallow to obtain all of these different compounds, it is very clear that the manufacturer of Bio X4 has slapped on a very inflated price tag on a product that may have some beneficial properties.

While the benefits of the probiotic strains from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families contained in Bio X4 may be real, the other ingredients suffer from the plague of “insufficient clinical data” that many other supplements also have issues with.

Furthermore, by simply procuring separate sources for each of the four ingredient classes that are present in Bio X4, the price-conscious supplement user has the possibility of the experiencing extra benefits that the larger doses present in standalone products may contribute to.

Even with the special introductory price of $99.00 for the first month’s bottle (and $139.99 per 30-day supply afterwards), one would be remiss not to consider the possibility of taking each ingredient separately.

When purchased separately, one can obtain a far-superior probiotic blend for a $18.91, a far-superior digestive enzyme blend for $10.88, an EGCG supplement with five-fold strength for $6.99, and a Caralluma supplement with a whopping 900% stronger dose for $5.99.

This means that you can end up with a much more powerful supplementation with the separate ingredients for a total of $42.77, which equates to less than 45% of the special introductory price of Bio X4 and a minuscule 30% of the price of the retail price of $139.00.

As such, unless you find it completely and absolutely impossible to take 4 pills instead of one (the only real positive point for Bio X4), you would be much better off, in terms of both supplement dose strength as well as price, by simply ordering separate supplements for each of the four ingredient categories found in the “revolutionary new” formulation that is Nucific’s Bio X4.

The bottom line is, while there may be some minor overall health benefit and some significant gastrointestinal benefits from taking Bio X4, the astronomical price of this supplement coupled with the less-than-stellar dosage amounts of probiotics, enzymes, EGCG, and Caralluma contained therein certainly seem to make this product a cautionary tale of what happens when supplement manufacturers overstate claims in order to simply make as much money as possible from those who know no better.

Unfortunately, for us the Bio X4 price tag is too high and its dosage is too low.

So, do yourself a favor and save close to $1000 a year – or the equivalent of approximately six-months’ worth of electric bill payments – by simply buying each of these supplements in their standalone formulations.  In this case, it is very prudent not to be fooled by the aesthetically pleasing, sleek-looking package and well-placed, paid testimonials that house the supplement that is Bio X4.

Your wallet will definitely thank you for doing your due diligence instead of just clicking “buy now” on the product with the prettiest package.

Have You Used Bio X4?  Leave Your Review Below!

Additional References

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

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Formula Focus Review – 5 Truths and Half-Truths

In this competitive world where planning, problem-solving, and critical thinking can make or break the outcome of anyone’s endeavors, it’s easy to succumb to quick solutions that offer an easy way out of everything you’ve gone through.

After all, who wouldn’t want a pill that would make them remember everything they’ve studied for in the last semester?

Who wouldn’t wish for less downtime and better productivity in the workplace?

Who wouldn’t want to double their IQ?

Who wouldn’t want to be “limitless”?

That’s exactly what the smart drug Formula Focus promises you.

Dubbed as “the pill that will change humanity,” Formula Focus (not to be confused with Focus Formula, a completely different product) promises brain enhancement that no other smart drug in the industry can give.

I first learned about this supplement (and you undoubtedly did as well) from an email I received that had “Trump Credits His ‘Very Good Brain’ to This” in the subject line.


trump credits his very good brain to this


It was in my spam folder, which didn’t come as a surprise to me.

When I clicked on the email, I was taken to a short paragraph that claims that when Donald Trump appeared on Dr. OZ, they had a lengthy discussion about this supposed “IQ boosting brain supplement” that he used to help win the election.


trump formula focus


So with my curiosity sparked, I decided to click through and read more.

The first thing I was confronted with was a warning from gmail about possible web forgery suspected on the site I was being led to.


/wp content/files/2016/12/possible


Not a good way to start off…

Being the adventurous one that I am, I decided to click through anyway.

I was presented with what appeared to be the Forbes website, with a snapshot of President Trump being interviewed by none other than Dr. OZ.

The title screamed “Donald Trump with Dr. Oz: ‘This tiny pill gives me the mental and physical stamina that will win me this election.”


donald trump on dr oz discussing formula focus


So what is this revolutionary new advancement in brain supplements?

None other than a supplement called Formula Focus.

Formula Focus is apparently a “Smart Drug”, that is freely available over the counter without a prescription.

Smart drugs, as the name suggests, are designed to stimulate the brain to greater levels of efficiency. It’s sort of like coffee, only more “revolutionary”.

Like most smart drugs, Formula Focus is aimed at helping people enhance their brains to surprising levels.

Back To This Forbes Article

Throughout this supposed Forbes article they cite instances where celebrities, athletes, and professionals have sworn before the effects of the drug and then proceed to explain the science behind the brain and how it can be improved.

Celebrities like Denzel Washington

denzel washington formula focus

And Genius Stephen Hawking…

stephen hawking formula focus

And Anderson Cooper from CNN even tested it out for 2 weeks

anderson cooper formula focus test results

They actually quote him as saying “The Formula Focus pills were extremely hard to come by”, which of course creates a sense of scarcity.

Sounds Convincing, Right?

Well, I’m here to tell you that it is ALL complete B.S.

For example, if you look at the URL of this supposed “Forbes” article, you’ll see that it’s not, but rather a site called

fake forbes article


Also, remember that Dr. Oz interview we talked about earlier?

Well, I just so happened to watch the entire interview on the Dr. Oz website, and he makes absolutely no mention of any supplements that he’s taking, including Formula Focus.

If you don’t believe me you can watch the interview yourself below:

donald trump dr oz interview

Low Cognitive Performance is a Real Problem

As we grow older, the brain starts to slow down at a pace depending on your lifestyle as a person. There are many factors around this, but just like the rest of the human body, the brain does get stressed out on the short term and get old in the long run.

cognitive decline

People who want to excel in life definitely worry that their age and lifestyles might catch up with them, so they take steps to keep their mental health in check.

Lower brain power usually means experiencing any of the following:

  • Memory loss or inability to recall
  • Forgetfulness, even as early as the age of thirty
  • Getting distracted easily or not being able to focus on one thing for a long time
  • Low energy despite being in good physical shape.

Indeed, staying sharp is for the brain as staying fit is for the body, and Formula Focus does claim to target these specific problems.

Fact: You CAN Enhance Your Brain Power

Don’t be mistaken: science has proven that there are ways to help prevent poor cognitive performance as well as improve the brain’s power overall. Even without specially formulated smart drugs, there are commonly known natural brain boosters that can help improve the brain in its own way. The most common of these is caffeine, which can perk up the brain in case you need that added boost during crunch time.

Some herbs like have been recognized for their medicinal effects. Ginkgo balboa, an herb native to China, has been known to help treat age-related mental conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Other herbal teas have been known to give a relaxing effect on the brain, which helps with focus and concentration. Some food types are also known to contribute to brain activity.

As far as smart drugs are concerned, the concept of Nootropics (from the Greek words nous and trepein, which mean “mind” and “bend” respectively) is real, although their exact effects are still debated upon by the medical community.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of cases where prescription drugs have helped people perform better mentally. In fact, some schools and universities have been vigilant in keeping these drugs out of schools because they are seen as unfair to those who rely on their natural mental ability. In some states, they are even seen as illegal.

The reason is quite obvious: drugs like ADHD stimulants like Adderall, when used on healthy individuals, can have dangerous side effects.

So where does Formula Focus fit in?

formula focus reviewThe smart drug industry is still very young, so there have been only a few products that have been known to improve cognitive abilities. Others claimed to have the same effect are just brain stimulants (i.e. they’re filled with caffeine and other ingredients). So it’s quite possible that Formula Focus falls under the latter category.

Let’s discuss the reasons one by one.

Ingredients in Formula Focus

In its main promotional page as well as its press release, Formula Focus hardly enumerates the actual content of its pill, save a few vague mentions of “essential vitamins” that could benefit the brain. True enough, there are some types of vitamins and minerals that do improve brain activity, but not to the level that genuine smart drugs would. There are also certain elements like vitamins B and E that have been proven to NOT have any effect on cognition at all.

But considering that Formula Focus hardly mentions any of its active ingredients, it’s difficult to tell whether it contains anything promising at all.

At best, the pill becomes doubtful as to whether it really is an effective smart drug.

It does refer its audience to some studies and citations but is careful to not say whether the findings were applied to the manufacturing of their pills at all.

I did a little more digging and finally found the complete ingredients list in Formula Focus.

It includes the following:  St. John’s Wort, Glutamine, Phosphatidylserine, Bacopa Monnier, Acetyl-L Carnitine, DMAE Bitartrate, Gingko Biloba, and Vinpocentine.

formula focus ingredients list

In all honesty, there’s nothing really “revolutionary” about this formulation.  In fact, it’s really nothing more than a blend of vitamins and minerals that you’ll find in any over the counter multi-vitamin.

Which leads us to our next topic…

Doubtful Endorsements

Formula Focus relies a lot on dropping big names that are supposed to have approved of the legitimacy of the pills. This aspect of their marketing has raised a lot of doubt.

First, they claim to present their product “as seen on” media outlets like the New York Times, NBC, CNN, and USA Today.

formula focus cnn forbes nbc cnn

Sadly, a quick search on any of these websites will show that these sites have never reported or aired anything related to Formula Focus.

formula focus cnn

They also like to quote individuals who claim to have improved their lives because of Formula Focus. Their most notable personality is Stephen Hawking, who is supposedly quoted in an interview to have attributed the sharpness of his mind to the pill, among other smart drugs.

formula focus stephen hawking

But something tells us that Stephen Hawking naturally has a sharp brain himself and that his brilliance has nothing to do with Formula Focus at all.

They even show a photo of Bill Gates apparently giving a speech somewhere, saying his results with Formula Focus were unbelievable.

formula focus bill gates

Then they have testimonies from named individuals in the middle of the article as well as at the bottom of their web pages.

formula focus facebook comments

To be fair, some of them could be true, but most supplements have relative effects, and none of the tests show how effective they really are. The problem, however, is that the Facebook comment plugin isn’t even real.

The reply and like buttons are fake too. This means that the testimonies are only made to look like the social network, but actually isn’t.

Last, but certainly not least, we have none other than Donald J. Trump stating that Formula Focus gave him “the mental and physical stamina that won him the election”.

formula focus donald trump forbes

Scientific Inaccuracies

Perhaps the most exaggerated aspect of Formula Focus is the numbers they use to measure brain power after taking the supplement.

At the onset, readers are shown an article that says “We can now Access 100% of the Brain.”

This claim assumes that the normal human doesn’t, which is has been debunked years ago. The myth that we only use 10% of our brain has long been disproven, and that says a lot about the scientific backing of the pill.

While there’s also data which supports the idea that a person’s IQ can be improved, the double or 300% increase claimed by Formula Focus is a bit farfetched. Increasing one’s IQ involved a plethora of environmental and social factors over the years, and the rate wouldn’t have nearly doubled. To say that the pill can double one’s IQ with one take makes it too good to be true.

Limited Offer “Today” and Forever

Finally, the site’s posting of a “Breaking News” that’s been posted “five hours ago” have been the case for DAYS. The “Story Updates” regarding the scientific findings as well as the urgent “Limited Offer” are both dated on the exact date as you are viewing the site. Formula Focus seems to intend to make this news as “fresh” on a daily basis.


Formula Focus does get the science behind brain health and enhancement, but that doesn’t prove the efficacy of its own product. At best, the safest assumption is that these are simple supplements that just help the brain if you take it regularly, but that would hardly count as a smart drug, much less be considered as the “pill that will change humanity” or the “biggest advancement to brain science up to date.” But because the ingredients are hardly mentioned, we cannot say for sure that the pill has any value at all.

Just take note that the site itself notes that the pill hasn’t been evaluated by the FDA, which means that there’s no proof that the stuff is safe or free of side effects. While we’re not quick to accuse manufacturers of deliberately selling harmful drugs, you’re better off playing safe by looking at accredited products. So if you’re planning on taking on their “limited free trial”, do so at your own risk.

Also, the site claims that the stuff is sold on eBay for about $300 a bottle. While there are some supplements with the name “Formula” or “Focus” on it, nothing there is labeled as Formula Focus. None of them look like the bottle in the website as well, so we’re sure it’s not the same product. But wherever the stuff is sold, it’s definitely not worth trying at $300 per bottle.

Have You Used Formula Focus?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

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Instaflex Advanced Reviews – Better Than The Original?

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Instaflex Advanced website.

There has been a buzz throughout the supplement industry regarding the product Instaflex Advanced, developed by Dr. David Katz.  This product is supposed to improve joint health and reduce joint pain so let’s see if it lives up to its claims.

Since joint problems can be painful and debilitating, improving joint health has the potential to extend an active, enjoyable lifestyle.  Today we will look at Instaflex Advanced, a nutritional supplement that has some bold claims in order to determine how effective it really is on improving joint health, while reducing inflammation.


(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

If this product is anything like Instaflex, the original formula, it is likely to have similar ingredients, side effects, and overall results.  Here we will compare and contrast both of these products, while looking at reviews from others who have taken Instaflex Advanced.


How Does It Work?
Risk Free Trial / How To Cancel
User Reviews / How To Take
Difference Between Instaflex Advanced and The Original Formula
Where To Buy
My Personal Results
Warnings / Drug Interactions
Recommendation / Conclusion

How Does It Work?

instaflex advanced reviewInstaflex Advanced is touted to be twice as strong as supplements that contain only glucosamine and chondroitin. The company Instaflex claims that users should notice a huge difference in their joint function and find that their joints are more lubricated within only seven days after taking this product.

According to Instaflex, Instaflex Advanced contains AprèsFLEX® Boswellia serrata extract, hyaluronic acid, UC-II® Collagen, turmeric extract, resveratrol, and BioPerine® black pepper extract.

Instaflex Advanced has potential drug and medical condition interactions.  Click Here to read some frequently asked questions we get regarding this, as well as a full list of prescription drug interactions. Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

While the actual product doesn’t have any published clinical studies, some of the ingredients in it have been shown to improve joint function by reducing inflammation and reducing joint friction.  The makers of Instaflex Advanced even encourage people with arthritis and gout to take this product, although it has not been approved for either of these conditions.  Let’s break each one of these ingredients down and look at the science behind their joint enhancing properties. Based on scientific studies, we should be able to determine the effectiveness of this product and decide whether consuming this supplement is worth the cost.

AprèsFLEX® Boswellia serrata extract – 100mg

According to, “AprèsFLEX® promotes healthy joints, connective tissues and respiratory and digestive function.”

They also state that, “In a recent clinical study, AprèsFLEX® supplementation demonstrated significant improvements in joint comfort, function and mobility”, although they don’t mention their source and no search results are displayed at PubMed.

ingredients in instaflex advanced

Seemingly baseless claims like this are what gives the supplement industry a bad name. There are studies, most notably, this study, regarding Boswellia extracts in relation to its effect on inflammation, but no direct mention of AprèsFLEX®.

The problem with making bold claims like that without having actual scientific evidence to support it is that it misleads potential customers as well as serving to make similar products look like they too are making hollow promises.

According to, Boswellia serrata extracts don’t have any independent studies that verify their anti-inflammatory properties. However, Boswellia serrata has been shown to inhibit 5-Lipoxygenase, a pro-inflammatory enzyme. More independent research needs to be conducted on Boswellia serrata and AprèsFLEX® in order determine their effectiveness. It should be noted that a 30-day supply of Bosellia serrata extract can be purchased for $4.99 from


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Hyaluronic Acid – 5mg

Hyaluronic acid has been used orally in order to treat osteoarthritis. In one study, 200mg of hyaluronic acid has been found to alleviate symptoms associated with knee osteoarthritis. However, in doses of 5mg, it remains to be determined whether this ingredient would have any effect whatsoever. On Amazon, hyaluronic acid can be purchased for $1.33 per gram, making the amount used in a 30-day supply of Instaflex Advanced worth about $0.20.

Undenatured Type II Collagen (UC-II®) – 40mg

Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II®) has been shown to be effective at 40mg a day in order to treat osteoarthritis and even rheumatoid arthritis.   There are a number of studies on the effects of UC-II® in relation to joint issues including, Effects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis and Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II®) for joint support.  There is also a clinical trial from the International Journal of Medical Sciences that has shown that 40mg of UC-II® is two times more effective than a combination of 1,500mg of glucosamine HCL and 1,200mg of chondroitin in relieving osteoarthritis of the knee. A 30-day supply of UC-II® is worth about $9 according to one product on Amazon.

Turmeric Extract – 200mg

Turmeric and more specifically curcumin have an amazing list of health benefits. Any product that contains turmeric has the potential to reduce inflammation. The number of studies on turmeric and curcumin are vast and there is plenty of research to support its anti-inflammatory action. According to the study, The spice for joint inflammation: anti-inflammatory role of curcumin in treating osteoarthritis, “Patients with osteoarthritis showed improvement in pain, physical function, and quality of life after taking curcumin.”  Turmeric extract powder is worth anywhere between $0.16 and $0.48 a gram, making a 30-day supply of 200mg a day worth somewhere between $0.96 to $2.88.

Resveratrol – 100mg

Resveratrol has been extensively studied and analyzed from a wide variety of perspectives.  Not only does daily consumption increase life span in rats, but it has been shown to improve symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.  Resveratrol has been shown to actually regenerate articular cartilage, thus reversing degenerative joint conditions at their root.  Resveratrol in bulk is valued at about $1.19/gram, making the 30-day supply in Instaflex Advanced worth about $3.60.

BioPerine® – Black Pepper Extract – 5mg

BioPerine® is used in many supplements, as it has been shown to enhance bioavailability.  According to their company website, BioPerine® is shown to improve bioavailability by an average of 30%. BioPerine® in bulk is extremely inexpensive, making the added cost in Instaflex Advanced negligible.

All in all, people who are motivated to purchase each ingredient contained in Instaflex Advanced separately would be looking at a total of about $18.80 for a 30-day supply.

Here’s a quick picture of the label:

instaflex advanced ingredients label

Risk-Free Trial of Instaflex Advanced

When buying directly from the company, Instaflex, realize that the free trial requires an *.  Ultimately, the “free trial” is designed to sign up patrons in an autoship program.  This sleazy tactic is used by numerous nutritional companies in an attempt to secure repeat orders.  When taking part in the risk free trial, just realize that nothing in this world is actually free.

They are not the first company to use the old autoship “free trial” scam, and they certainly won’t be last as long as people keep falling victim to it.


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With the risk-free trial offer directly from the company, Instaflex Advanced can be sampled for 18 days by just paying $4.99 for shipping and handling.

instaflex free trial

However, after 18 days, a bottle of Instaflex Advanced will immediately be charged to the payment method on file for $69.99 and $4.99 for shipping and handling.

instaflex advanced terms and conditions

Then, a new bottle will be sent every month with the same $74.98 charge.

This means that people who take part in the free trial will have to physically contact the company in order to avoid being charged for the first bottle and avoid being placed on autoship.  Realize that Instaflex Advanced comes with a 30-day refund, minus the shipping and handling.  In order to request a refund or be removed from the autoship program, call the company directly at 1-800-436-0920.

All in all, there have been numerous complaints about this “risk-free trial” and it doesn’t appear to be worth the headache.

If you want to avoid the headache and just buy the product outright, you have the option as well.

Just visit their official website at the following link (, and you’ll be able to buy it straight up.

No free trials.

No hidden “fine print”.

Just a bottle of Instaflex Advanced shipped right to your door.

User Reviews Of Instaflex Advanced 

Instaflex Advanced has received a 3.7 out of 5 star rating on Amazon.  These reviews span all the way from this product doesn’t work

instaflex advanced amazon review

to this product improved my life substantially.

positive review

However, Amazon reviews need to be taken with a grain of salt, as many reviewers are paid to either improve a product’s reputation or disapprove it entirely.

On, users have given Instaflex Advanced a 3.7 star out of 5 star rating.  Again, many users have stated that they have seen notable joint improvement after taking Instaflex Advanced for a period of about 10 days to 20 days, more than the 7 days that Instaflex advertises.  On the other hand, a minority of users reported no change in their joints whatsoever after taking Instaflex Advanced.

Dosage And Instructions

According to the company, the correct dosage is one capsule per day with water. Based on my research, some of the ingredients in Instaflex Advanced are more efficiently absorbed on an empty stomach so consider consuming it before breakfast.

The Difference Between Instaflex And Instaflex Advanced

For starters, there are some notable differences between both the original and the new and improved formula.  Here’s a quick side by side comparison of the labels:

Instaflex original vs Instaflex Advanced formula

The original Instaflex formula contains glucosamine sulfate, while the Advanced version contains UC-II® Collagen.  The benefit of not having glucosamine sulfate in the new formula means that people who suffer from shellfish allergies or don’t want to experience other side effects associated with glucosamine sulfate can still take Instaflex Advanced.

Instaflex contains MSM, whereas Instaflex Advanced doesn’t include this ingredient in their formula.  It isn’t clear why Instaflex Advanced doesn’t include MSM in their formula, as this product has plenty of research behind its effectiveness as a joint improving supplement.

The original Instaflex formula also has ginger extract, as it has been shown to reduce joint pain in addition to improving health overall.

White willow bark extract has also been excluded from the Instaflex Advanced formula.  White willow bark has been known to relieve pain for centuries, as it contains salicin, a chemical similar to the active ingredient in aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid.


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Cayanne pepper has also been taken out of the Instaflex Advanced formula.  This is unfortunate because capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayanne pepper is anti-inflammatory and has been shown to reduce pain in arthritic joints.

I’ve also noted in my original Instaflex review that the customer reviews between the original and Advanced versions are not a whole heck of a lot different.

instaflex advanced vs original reviews

As you can see from the above image, the average rating is still pretty close.  You would think that a new and improved version would see a marked increase in the number of 4 and 5 star reviews, but that’s not the case here.

Where Can You Buy Instaflex Advanced?

Instaflex Advanced can be purchased directly from Instaflex, but most people don’t want to have to deal with the autoship program as mentioned earlier.  Since the greater majority of complaints with this product are directly related to the shady “risk free trial” and automatic enrollment in autoship, not with the product itself, it may be best to buy Instaflex Advanced from a third party.

The good news is that there are a number of different retailers who sell Instaflex Advanced including Amazon, GNC,,, and Walgreens.

Personal Results With Instaflex Advanced

I discontinued my typical joint formula for about a month so I could give Instaflex Advanced an honest review.  I went ahead and bought Instaflex Advanced on Amazon and was happy when it arrived on my doorstep, as my knees were starting to hurt again.

I had a big volleyball game coming up in two weeks and wanted to be in top-notch condition so I took my first dose immediately.

In my experience with Instaflex Advanced, I noticed a reduction in joint pain after taking it for 10 days.

On day 14, the day of the big game, my joints also felt more lubricated, like I had a new set of shock absorbers.

While I am pleased with the results, I didn’t notice much of a difference between the original Instaflex supplement and Instaflex Advanced.

While they contain different ingredients, the joint relieving effects were equally noted with both.

Since Instaflex isn’t quite as expensive as Instaflex Advanced, I would encourage anyone who is considering one of these products to start with the original version first.

Visit their official website here:

Instaflex Advanced Warnings

Instaflex Advanced could potentially interact with certain medications or medical conditions.

Use caution and speak to a doctor before using it.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered many of the most common questions we get.  Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

*  Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced if I have high blood pressure?

There appear to be no known contraindications for those wish to take this supplement and have high blood pressure.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced if I have LOW blood pressure?

There appear to be no known contraindications for those wish to take this supplement and have low blood pressure.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced if I have diabetes?

There appear to be no known interactions with this supplement and diabetes.

Are allergic reactions possible with Instaflex Advanced?

Depending on how the collagen is processed, it is best to avoid if you have egg or chicken allergies.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced with alcohol?

There is no evidence that this supplement interacts with alcohol.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced with Viagra / Cialis?

There appear to be no interactions between this supplement and either of these medications.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

There are no known interactions between this supplement and anti-depressant medications.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take Instaflex Advanced with caffeine or other stimulants?

There appear to be no interactions between this supplement and any stimulants.

Can I take this medication if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

This medication is possible safe to take when pregnant and possibly unsafe to take while breastfeeding.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Instaflex Advanced?

Do not take this medication if you have:

  • Gallbladder Problems
  • Bleeding Problems
  • GERD
  • Hormone sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids (although this is theoretical and it may actually have beneficial effects)
  • Iron Deficiency (if taking supplemental iron, be sure to space out when taking this supplement and iron supplement)

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions


  • Blood Thinners
    • Aspirin
    • clopidogrel (Plavix)
    • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
    • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
    • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
    • dalteparin (Fragmin)
    • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
    • heparin
    • warfarin (Coumadin)
    • and others.
  • Medications metabolized by the liver:
    • Liver Enzyme 3A4
      • lovastatin (Mevacor)
      • clarithromycin (Biaxin)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • diltiazem (Cardizem)
      • estrogens
      • indinavir (Crixivan)
      • triazolam (Halcion), and many others.
    • P-glycoprotein Substrates
      • diltiazem (Cardizem)
      • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
      • digoxin (Lanoxin)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • saquinavir (Invirase)
      • amprenavir (Agenerase)
      • nelfinavir (Viracept)
      • loperamide (Imodium)
      • quinidine,
      • paclitaxel (Taxol)
      • vincristine, etoposide (VP16, VePesid)
      • cimetidine (Tagamet)
      • ranitidine (Zantac)
      • fexofenadine (Allegra)
      • ketoconazole (Nizoral)
      • itraconazole (Sporanox)
    • Other
      • Lithium
      • phenytoin (Dilantin)
      • propranolol (Inderal)
      • Rifampin
      • Theophylline

Does Instaflex Advanced Really Work?

Based on the ingredients found in Instaflex Advanced, this product has the potential to help individuals who have problems with joint pain and cartilage deterioration.  Since this product contains turmeric, resveratrol, and UC-II®, it should certainly offer some joint relief and regenerative qualities.

I wish this product contained more hyaluronic acid, as 5mg doesn’t even come close to the 200mg used in studies on this substance.  I also wish that AprèsFLEX® had a few independent studies to verify its effectiveness.  In addition, some of the ingredients found in the original version, Instaflex, should also be in the advanced formula, most notably MSM and ginger extract.

Since Instaflex Advanced is produced by the same company that created Instaflex, the number one selling joint supplement at GNC, it certainly has some credibility. In addition, Instaflex is a company with a solid reputation based on their A+ rating from the BBB so any products they produce are likely to be viable.

The real question is whether another company makes a similar joint formula that is equally effective, but without the extremely high price tag, as Instaflex Advanced is more than $2 a capsule.  Since the ingredients in Instaflex Advanced can be purchased separately for under $19 for a 30-day supply, dishing out almost $70 a month for a joint formula seems to be excessive by my standards.  However, if it works, it works, and any amount of money that reduces crippling joint pain is money well spent.


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Since there are other formulas like the original Instaflex or Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength that contains similar ingredients, but has a more affordable price tag, it may be best to try those products first and see if they offer relief before experimenting with Instaflex Advanced.  On the other hand, if money isn’t an issue, consider taking Instaflex Advanced.

Have You Used Instaflex Advanced?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

Click Here To Learn More »

Pronabolin Review – 1 Big Reason to Skip It


What Is Pronabolin
Pronabolin Ingredients
How To Use Pronabolin
Pronabolin Side Effects
Pronabolin Customer Reviews
Where To Buy
Return Policy
Pronabolin Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

I know what you’re thinking. “Another testosterone booster? Really? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Trust me, I know. If you’ve been looking around for something to help you feel better, get in better shape, and help you kill it in the bedroom, I’m sure you’ve seen more than a few of these supplements, and it’s getting to the point where you want to just scrap the whole idea. I suggest you don’t. Despite what it looks like, there are solid products out there, and if you stick around with us through this review, we’ll make sure you’ve found one.

Today’s discussion is about Pronabolin. It’s available online both through its website and through, so it’s readily available. That’s a good start. But is there anything else good about it?

What Is Pronabolin?

Some testosterone boosting supplements target bodybuilders and gym rats – guys who want to improve their workouts and pack on the muscle. Others go for the aging crowd, and by that I mean guys anywhere from their 30s to their 50s who’ve started to notice the effects of declining testosterone, and want to do something to stem the tide. Pronabolin belongs to the second category.

pronabolin-reviewStarting in adolescence, your body was swimming in testosterone. It’s what made you grow, it’s what made you strong, it’s what made you driven, it’s what made you horny. Your levels peak in your early twenties, then start to drop off from there. It’s usually not till your early thirties or so that you begin to notice some of the changes:

  • You just don’t have the energy you used to.
  • Your workouts – the same ones you’ve always done – are all of a sudden harder to get through.
  • You see that spare tire showing up around your midsection.
  • Sex isn’t as important as it was, and you may even be having trouble performing.
  • You’re a little moody lately.

These are all effects related to falling testosterone levels. It’s not usually a problem to the point where you need actual hormone replacement therapy, but you don’t want to just do nothing. And that’s where something like Pronabolin comes in. It’s a daily supplement, all natural, that claims to boost your body’s natural testosterone production, and diminish the symptoms listed above.

Pronabolin Ingredients

Unlike a lot of natural testosterone boosters, Pronabolin posts an image of the label online, and it includes all ingredients, including amounts. Let’s take a look at the formala:

  • Tribulus Terrestris (650 mg). It’s thought to increase your body’s production of testosterone by signaling the pituitary gland to release increased Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals the testes to produce and release increased testosterone. The evidence for this is only anecdotal, but there is clinical evidence showing that Tribulus improves erections and increases libido.
  • Fenugreek See Extract (300 mg). It may not increase testosterone directly, but like Tribulus Terrestris, it counteracts some of the symptoms of low testosterone. It improves resistance training and improves blood sugar levels leading to better, more consistent performance.
  • Digestive Blend (250 mg) includes probiotics to help provide digestive ease and improve absorption of the other ingredients in the formula.
  • Coleus Forskohlii (125 mg) which has been shown to help with weight loss by decreasing your appetite and improving the way your thyroid works. In one test, Coleus Forskhohlii helped increase serum testosterone, but the dose they took was 500 mg per day, well over that which is in Pronabolin.
  • Milk Thistle (120 mg) provides antioxidant and liver support. It may also reduce blood glucose levels.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (100 mg) which is commonly supplemented in cases of heart conditions and diabetes, and it’s used for weight loss. It may improve erectile function as well. There’s no direct connection between alpha lipoic acid and testosterone, but it can improve some symptoms of low testosterone.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia (100 mg) which may be credited with increasing free testosterone levels. It inhibits the action of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which attaches itself to testosterone molecules, preventing them from being useful. By inhibiting SHBG, Eurycoma Longifolia allows more testosterone to remain free and useful.
  • Horny Goat Weed (100 mg) which again, may not directly affect testosterone levels, but instead, acts on one of its symptoms. Horny Goat weed increases libido and improve blood flow for better erections. It works similarly to Viagra, in fact, it’s often referred to as “herbal viagra”.
  • Black Pepper Extract (15 mg) is added to Pronabolin to help improve absorption of the other ingredients in the formula.

How To Use Pronabolin

The recommended dose is 3 capsules a day, taken together on an empty stomach. It’s recommended that on workout days, you take them prior to working out and on non-workout days, you take them in the morning. It’s also acceptable to take 1 or 2 additional capsules if you feel it’s necessary.

Pronabolin Side Effects

Pronabolin is regarded as generally safe, though there are a few possible side effects associated with a couple of the ingredients. For instance, Fenugreek affects blood sugar. This may or may not be a problem in your individual case, the likelihood is that it will not. But it does exist as a possibility.

You’ll also see in some of the customer feedback below that taking Pronabolin as directed on an empty stomach has caused nausea in some customers.

Pronabolin Customer Reviews

Because Pronabolin is sold on, there is available feedback from customers who’ve used it. Currently, there are just over 30 customer reviews, and there is no consensus whatsoever on how well it works. That’s right, opinion is very very mixed. Of the reviews, 29% give 5 stars, 26% give 3 stars, and 26% give 1 star. That’s about as mixed as it gets.

Here’s an example of a typical 5 star:




The middle of the road reviews look pretty much like this:




The label does recommend taking it on an empty stomach so you may want to watch out for this.


And the unsatisfied customers have this to say:




So for some, it simply doesn’t work.

Where to Buy

At this point, you can find Pronabolin available for purchase through their website or at At the website, if you want just one bottle (a 90-count one month supply), you’ll pay $79.95. There are saving packages available, where you’ll pay less per bottle if you buy more bottles at once. If you buy 3 months worth, you’ll pay $69.95 per bottle, while buying 5 months at a time will get you to the $54.95 per bottle price.

If you choose to buy through, you’ll pay $89.95 for one bottle. They also run a discount for multiple bottles. Right now, 5 bottles are funning for $274.75, which is about $55 per bottle.

Return Policy

Pronabolin does offer a money back guarantee with the following terms:




It’s a fairly good policy with one red flag. It states that they “cannot accept returns on overly used products”, but it does not state what that means. You have no way of knowing how many pills it’s acceptable to have used. I can imagine a situation where a customer finished a bottle, determined it didn’t work, then called for a refund and was refused because he’d used the whole bottle. This term should really be specified. Lack of clarity here can lead to problems.

Pronabolin Pros and Cons

Advantages of Pronabolin

  • It’s all natural.
  • The ingredients (including amounts) are listed online, so there are no surprises.
  • There are some positive reviews from customers who’ve used it.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Pronabolin

  • The money back guarantee is a little unclear, not specifying how much you’re allowed to use before the guarantee no longer applies.
  • The formula addresses some of the symptoms of low testosterone, but doesn’t do much to actually raise testosterone levels.
  • There are some negative reviews.

The Bottom Line

Pronabolin is a pretty run of the mill testosterone boosting supplement. It’s generally safe (with the notable exception of nausea experienced by some users). Ultimately though, I don’t recommend it as particularly effective. The most effective testosterone boosting formulas contain D-Aspartic Acid and a few other ingredients that the Pronabolin formula doesn’t have. And at the price of almost $80, I can’t in good conscience recommend that you use something that’s not likely to have much of an effect.

I mentioned early in the review that I wouldn’t leave you without a solid recommendation, so here it is. If you’re looking for something that works, check out my TestoFuel review, complete with my own personal results.

Have You Used Pronabolin? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nootrobox Yawn Review – 2 Big Reasons to Try

We’ve been reviewing the products of a new company called Nootrobox. They make nootropics, or cognitive enhancement supplements. This company offers a line of four main products, each can be used separately or together as a stack. The one we’re talking about today is called Nootrobox Yawn, and as you may guess from the name, it’s used to help you get a good night’s sleep so you can operate at peak performance and at the top of your game all day long.

If Nootrobox Yawn is to work as a cognitive enhancer, which is how it is advertised, it has to do two things. First, it has to help you get a good night’s sleep, and second, it has to improve recall, focus, concentration, or some other aspect of brain function. So we took a look at the promises, the formula, the feedback, and all the available information on the product to come up with a determination.

nootrobox-yawn-reviewNootrobox Yawn Benefits

The primary function of Nootrobox Yawn is to optimize your sleep in three ways: it helps you fall asleep faster, it improves the quality of your sleep, and as a result it ensures that you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the biggest challenges of your day. It’s really not in question that a good night’s sleep helps you function better in all ways so we can take that pretty much at face value. Now let’s look at what’s in the product to determine if it can do what it says it does.

Nootrobox Yawn Ingredients

The Nootrobox Yawn capsule contains:

  • Glycine (450 mg) which is an amino acid and a neurotransmitter. It has been shown to shorten the time to the onset of sleep as well as reduce daytime sleepiness and increase proficiency at tasks involving attention. These effects were noted even the second day after taking Glycine before bed. Unfortunately, the recommended daily dose appears to be 1-3 grams, which is far above what’s found in a daily dose of Yawn.
  • Magnesium Citrate (200 mg) is a commonly supplemented mineral. Among other benefits, it improves sleep, reduces stress, and increases attention. Multiple studies have shown that increased intake of Magnesium leads to reduced presence of Cortisol, the stress hormone. Other studies have shown that 95% of children with ADHD show lower than average magnesium levels, and that supplementation reduces hyperactivity. The standard daily dose is 200-400 mg, so Nootrobox Yawn is within the correct range.
  • L-Theanine (100 mg) has mainly an anti-stress effect through anti-glutamate receptor activity. Tests have shown it to be effective taken before stressful situation in reducing anxiety. When used in combination with caffeine, it may also increase attention, while taking the edge off. That’s how it’s often used in nootropic supplements – in conjunction with caffeine – but using it without caffeine in a sleep aid can be beneficial as well, and it’s been noted for restoration of the wake cycle in the morning as well. The recommended dose for sleep is 50-200 mg, so the 100 mg dose in Yawn is within range.
  • nootrobox-yawn-melatonin-imageMelatonin (1.5 mg) is secreted by the peneal gland in the brain. It’s the supplement most commonly associated with sleep as melatonin levels are closely correlated with circadian rhythms, which is your sleep/wake cycle. Higher melatonin levels lead to increased sleepiness, so taking it at bed time helps you fall asleep more quickly. It reduces your wakefulness by increasing heat loss. Dosing ranges from .5 mg to 8 mg. The dose in Yawn being 1.5 mg is appropriate.

How To Use Nootrobox Yawn

The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken with a glass of water about an hour before bed. Alternatively, if you want a faster and stronger acting effect, you can open up the capsule and pour the contents into your mouth, under your tongue. Let it stay there for about 30 seconds before drinking a glass of water.

The capsules are vegan, they contain no gluten, and they don’t contain any major allergens.

It’s not necessary to take Nootrobox Yawn every night. It is not habit forming, so you can if you wish to, but unlike some other nootropic products, the effects are near term and immediate. You don’t need to take it every day in order to reap the benefits.

Who Makes Nootrobox Yawn?

The company is called Nootrobox, and they are planning to be big players in the brain game. In fact, they just appeared on Shark Tank, the television show where Mark Cuban and his venture capitalist friends decide whether or not to invest in your business. On top of that, they received a round of funding from well known venture capitalist firm Andreessen Horowitz, of Skype and Twitter fame.

Nootrobox was founded in 2014 by a couple of Stanford grads who had been using different nootropic stacks themselves, and decided to make a permanent one and share their creation with the world. The company has developed into a mult-faceted company dedicated to the notion that “better brains mean a better society”. They promote the idea of “biohacking” which basically means using whatever means you find necessary to improve your body and mind. In the case of Nootrobox, it means using nootropics, but biohacking also can involve meditation, genetic research, anything that what you put into your body and life greatly affects what you get out of it. There are five general principles involved according to Nootrobox:

  1. The human is a system (as opposed to a conglomeration of parts)
  2. Intellectual ability is the driving force of civilization.
  3. Self-Actualization comes from hard work.
  4. Technologies to advance human abilities are inevitable and will be everywhere in the coming years.
  5. A smart society is a better society.

To reach the goal of these principles, the company lays out a road map made up of three legs:

Leg 1: Best In Class Inputs.

In other words, they make the best supplements to produce the most positive outcome within the human system. While they produce the supplements, they also recommend healthy and productive lifestyle choices and the CEO of the company will send you weekly emails on this and various subjects.

As far as their supplements go, coming from the Silicon Valley area, they push the idea that they are fully “open source”. What this means in this context is that they aim to be fully transparent as far as what goes into their formula and why. They do in fact follow through on this commitment by publishing on their website the changes made in the Rise formula from original inception until now.

Leg 2: Capture Human Outputs.

They are involved in creating software used to measure the outcomes of their supplements and various other inputs. This leg appears to be at its beginning stages. The idea is that we cannot improve inputs unless we know what outputs are the result of what’s currently being used.

Leg 3: Using genetic data

Genetic data is becoming more and more accessible every day, Nootrobox is developing software that can be used to pinpoint the precise supplementation needed by each individual.

Nootrobox Yawn is part of the first leg, designing and selling supplements to improve brain function.

Stacking Nootrobox Yawn

If you’re just interested in a sleep aid, Nootrobox Yawn on its own would suffice. But if you want the whole biohacker experience of nootropic assistance, you would add other components to your stack. Rise is the name of the cornerstone product. You take it daily, in the morning, to improve your cognitive ability and functioning, bringing it to a higher level over time. Sprint is used for a quick cognitive boost here and there – not for every day use. KADO-3 plays a daily supportive role in maintaining optimal brain health. You can use any combination of products or all of them together, depending on your needs and your budget.

They also make Go Cubes, basically caffeine chews that provide smooth coffee energy without the coffee jitters or crash. The use of B vitamins and L-Theanine balance out the caffeine to give you longer lasting, less buzzy, energy.

Nootrobox Yawn Reviews

One thing to note about Nootrobox as a company is that they don’t have the best customer service reputation. They’re new, so it may be growing pains, but at this point, it’s impossible to tell. There is not a lot of customer feedback on the company but what does exist is a little concerning:




The company’s website does not list a phone number, which makes customer service difficult, especially when there is a problem to be resolved. Customers don’t want to feel like their concerns are going into a black hole, which is what filling out a contact form on a website can feel like.

Regarding direct feedback for Nootrobox Yawn, there are a few testimonials on the product page. Of course, they swing positive which is what you expect with feedback that the company presents itself.




Where to Buy

Nootrobox Yawn is currently only available through the Nootrobox website. Some of the other products are available through Amazon. At this time, Yawn is not one of them. You can buy a bottle of 10 capsules at the website for $15. At this time, there is also an 11.1% Shark Tank discount, and they also offer a subscriber discount of 10%. This means you you leave the “Subscribe and Save” box checked, you will receive a 10% discount and you’ll also be signed up for monthly shipments. I assume that while the subscriber discount remains in place as long as you subscribe, the Shark Tank discount is likely temporary.

Some customers, as mentioned above, haven’t been pleased with the fact that they unknowingly sign up for monthly deliveries. It’s the default choice when you go to place an order, which throws a lot of people. They think (reasonably so) that since they didn’t click anything, they’re not on the hook. But since monthly deliveries are the default, many are caught up with it by accident, and when they find out, they’re not pleased.

Nootrobox Yawn Return Policy

There is no stated return policy, but the website does state that if you have an issue, Nootrobox will “make it right”. They don’t say how, and since they don’t have a phone number listed, it’s even a little more concerning.

Nootrobox Yawn Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nootrobox Yawn

  • It’s a natural sleep aid.
  • It uses clinically studied ingredients, mainly in their clinically proven doses to help you achieve a restful, rejuvenating sleep.
  • The company that makes them is becoming mainstream, so most of the kinks you might find now should be worked out in the future.

Disadvantages of Nootrobox Yawn

  • There is no stated return policy.
  • The automatic sign up for monthly deliveries catches a lot of customers off guard.
  • The company doesn’t provide a phone number.

The Bottom Line

Nootrobox Yawn is a good sleep aid, and the price of entry is low, meaning that it’s not prohibitive to try. You don’t have to take it every night, which is also nice. Combining brain benefits with sleep benefits can be very beneficial to your overall biohacking experience, which is what the folks over at Nootrobox are hoping you’ll find. If you’re interested in the company, which is creating a certain amount of buzz, Nootrobox Yawn is the cheapest way to start.

Have You Used Nootrobox Yawn? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

4 Gauge Pre Workout Review


What is 4 Gauge Pre Workout
4 Gauge Side Effects
What Do The Reviews Have To Say
My Personal Results
Where to Buy
Frequently Asked Questions

Note:  This is just review.  Click Here to visit the official 4 Gauge Pre Workout site.

There’s no denying it, dragging you’re butt to the gym can be tough sometimes.  Whether you’ve just had a long day at the office, or you’re just feeling lazy, sometimes you just don’t feel like working out.

What’s even worse is sometimes you get to the gym, and while you may have felt motivated on the drive there, that motivation sometimes disappears 1/3 of the way into your workout.

To combat this, many seasoned gym guys take a pre workout supplement.

Over the years, I’ve personally tested DOZENS of pre workout supplements.

One recent supplement that popped up on the market is called 4 Gauge, which is the focus of this review.

Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is 4 Gauge Pre Workout?

4 gauge pre workout review4 Gauge is a pre workout supplement that is designed to help you power through your workouts more effectively than ever before.

You can use 4 Gauge as both a fat burner / weight loss supplement, as well as a potent pre workout supplement.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Enhanced focus and concentration for your workouts.
  • No crash
  • Increased stamina and endurance
  • Bigger pumps

They actually have one of the coolest websites and packaging I’ve ever seen in a supplement.  When you go to their homepage, once you start clicking around bullet holes start appearing.

The bottle, as you can imagine, is in the shape of a 4 gauge shell.

The 4 Gauge ingredients list includes the following:  Caffeine, L-Theanine, Creatine Monohydrate, L-Citrulline, Red Beet Extract, Rhodiola Rosea, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Coconut Water powder, as well as some other vital minerals and nutrients like calcium and potassium.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the 4 Gauge label:

4 gauge pre workout ingredients label

The combination of caffeine and L-Theanine is VERY common, and is a stack I’ve used in the past many times.  In fact, I actually recommend it as a potent alternative to medications like Adderall for it’s cognitive enhancing benefits.

4 Gauge Ingredient #1:  Caffeine

Probably the most common ingredient found in pre workout supplements, caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive drug in the world.  Practically everyone you know consumes caffeine in one way or another, and 4 Gauge packs 150 mg of it into their formula.

This may sound like a lot, but in reality it’s really about the same amount you’d find in a standard cup of coffee.

This nice thing about 4 Gauge is that because it comes in powder form, you can control exactly how much caffeine you’re putting into your body.

You can take 1 scoop and you’ll only be taking 75 mg of caffeine, or you can take 2 full scoops to get the most effects.

4 Gauge Ingredient #2:  L-Theanine

L-Theanine, also known as Suntheanine, is an amino acid that reportedly can help relieve stress and induce feelings of relaxation.  Unlike other stress-relieving herbs, L-Theanine does NOT produce drowsiness or fatigue, something that is critical when introducing it into a pre workout supplement such as this.

A typical effective dose for L-Theanine is about 200 mg, which is exactly the amount contained in 4 Gauge.

In a recent study, researchers concluded that L-theanine consumption has a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness and arousal. (Source: 1

4 Gauge Ingredient #3:  L-Citrulline

L-Citrulline is also a very common ingredient found in pre workout supplements like 4 Gauge.  It’s been proven in numerous studies to help improve circulatory health, as well as alleviate erectile dysfunction symptoms. (Source: 2

L-Citrulline is known as a “non essential amino acid”, and when it is processed through the kidneys, it actually converts L-Citrulline to another amino acid called L-Arginine.

L-Arginine is a vasodilator, which means that it helps to improve blood circulation by expanding the cell walls of blood arteries and vessels.  This increased blood flow results in that vascular look you get when you finishing working out, and can also help dramatically with libido issues.

4 Gauge contains 6,000 mg of L-Citrulline, which is double the recommended daily dose of 3,000 mg.

4 Gauge Ingredient #4:  Creatine Monohydrate

If you’ve been lifting weights for any length of time, than you no doubt have read about the effectiveness of creatine.  Creatine is typically used for bulking up and gaining mass, but in recent years it’s been a popular ingredient in a wide array of pre workout supplements.

There’s a myth that if you’re looking to get ripped, you shouldn’t be taking creatine.

Nothing could be further from the truth…

By it’s very nature, taking creatine before your workouts actually ENHANCES your calorie burning because you’ll be pushing yourself harder in the gym.

I talk about this pretty extensively in my complete guide on creatine here.

In addition, studies have shown that creatine consumption can help increase lean muscle mass, as well as improve athletic performance. (Source: 3

4 Gauge contains 1000 mg of creatine, which is an optimal dose for a pre workout supplement.

4 Gauge Ingredient #5:  Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-Carnitine, or just Carnitine, is also an amino acid that helps the body produce energy.  It’s actually a very common ingredient in testosterone boosters because of it’s ability to help men with infertility and “male menopause” symptoms. (Source: 4

Studies for L-Carnitine have shown to help metabolize food into energy in some people.

4 Gauge contains 500 mg of L-Carnitine, which is on the low end of the spectrum when it comes to an average dose.  However, for the purposes of being a pre workout, this is actually a standard dose.

4 Gauge Ingredient #6:  Coconut Water Powder

The addition of this ingredient actually left me scratching my head for a bit.

Don’t get me wrong…

I’ve heard of (and have drank numerous times) Coconut Water.  It’s actually very effective at helping you get and stay hydrated during bouts of intense exercise, especially High Intensity Interval training sessions.

In fact, I’ve used it plenty of times during some of the competitive beach volleyball tournaments I’ve played down here on a hot South Florida summer day, so I know it works.

However, I’ve never seen Coconut water “powder” being injected into literally ANY supplement in the past, and to be honest had no idea what it’s purported benefits were.

According to my research, Coconut Water powder is basically the extract of coconut water.

Essentially, it’s just powdered coconut water.

While there haven’t been a ton of clinical studies conducted on coconut water, there are numerous anecdotal stories of it’s effectiveness at helping endurance athletes stay hydrated in even the most extreme of conditions. (Sources: 5, 6

4 Gauge contains 300 mg of coconut powder, which translates to about a 12 oz. glass of regular coconut water.

4 Gauge Ingredient #7:  Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is an herbal extract that is used to help increase energy, focus, stamina, and strength.  It’s another ingredient commonly found in pre workout and testosterone boosters, and I can attest to it’s effectiveness.

Studies for Rhodiola Rosea are pretty scarce, but some anecdotal reports have shown that it can help burn fat and lessen symptoms of depression. (Source: 7

4 Gauge Ingredient #8:  Red Beet Root Extract

Red Beet root extract, as the name implies, is literally extracted from red beets.  It’s said to improve physical performance in healthy athletes, and has been shown in limited studies to improve running performance in certain individuals. (Source:  8

4 Gauge contains 300 mg of red beet root extract, which is an optimal dose for a pre workout supplement.

4 Gauge Side Effects

As with any supplement, side effects are always possible, and this is certainly the case with this supplement.  The most obvious one would be the jitters, anxiety, increased blood pressure, and crash that caffeine causes.

4 Gauge contains 150 mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a premium cup of coffee.

However, the side effects from the caffeine would be offset by the L-Theanine.  Generally speaking, a ratio of 2:3 on caffeine and theanine is appropriate, and that is the case with this supplement.

None of the ingredients are on the World Anti Doping list, so it won’t cause you to flag a false positive on a drug test.

What Do The Reviews Have To Say?

4 Gauge literally has come out like a week ago, so apart from some reviews listed on their official website, there’s absolutely no testimonials on third party websites at this time.

I’ll keep an eye out and post any that pop up in the future.

My Personal Results

If you’ve read any of my reviews in the past, you know that I like to start off with the lowest possible dose to assess my tolerance.

On my first try, instead of jumping straight in to taking a full scoop of 4 Gauge, I took only about a half a scoop on a completely empty stomach first thing in the morning.

It was actually really good.  I felt a good burst of energy, but didn’t have any sort of crash or comedown that I typically get with a lot of other pre workouts like VPX White Heat and Cellucor C4.

The second day I decided to take a full scoop and it hit me REALLY fast, probably in like 5 – 10 min.

On the third day I went with their suggestion and took 2 full level scoops and WOW, it hit me hard!

I hit the gym (leg day) and was pushing out reps like it was my job.

By the end of my workout I was pretty wiped out, but I didn’t get that overly shitty feeling that you can get with some of the pre workouts that contain a ton of stims.

Where To Buy

As of this review, 4 Gauge pre workout is only available on their official site,  The price for 1 round is $45, which contains 20 servings.

Discounts are offered for larger quantities, with the best deal being a 3 bottle order which will run you $112.50.

You won’t find 4 Gauge for sale in stores like Amazon, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, so don’t bother looking.  (Click Here to read our article on the best pre workout supplements at GNC)

There is also no free trial available, so you don’t have to worry about getting sucked into an auto rebill nightmare.  As far as I’m aware, they do ship worldwide to countries including the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Take It

According to the label, you should take 1 serving 20 – 30 minutes prior to your workout to get the best results.  Unlike many of the other pre workout supplements we’ve reviewed, 4 Gauge is not a pill.

It comes in powder form, so you simply mix it in cold water and gulp it down.  The recommended dose is 2 level scoops mixed in 300 – 350 ml of water.

It’s not recommended to exceed this dose, and side effects may result.

I’ve heard of some guys taking it right before they head into the gym to maximize it’s effectiveness.  As for the taste, the only flavor that’s available at this time is fruit blast.

I haven’t personally tried it yet so I can’t comment on that.

Is it safe?

Generally speaking, yes.  Since the ingredients are all nature, and in relatively modest quantities, the risk of any adverse effects should be low.

Can I take it if I have high blood pressure or diabetes?

As with any supplement, this question is best answered by your doctor. If you suffer from high blood pressure, this might not be the right supplement for you because of the caffeine content (check out a supplement called Nitrocut instead).

Some of the ingredients in 4 gauge may interact with certain medications, so it’s best to get the all clear from him or her.

What should I stack it with?

To get the best results, I recommend stacking 4 Gauge pre workout with a fat burner called Instant Knockout, as well as a testosterone booster called Testofuel.

The combination of all 3 of these supplements will not only help you shred excess fat quickly, but will also improve strength, endurance, and libido.

Do I need to cycle it?

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea.  The problem with most pre workouts, including 4 Gauge, is that over time your body starts to develop a tolerance.

This means that you’ll need to take more and more of it to get the same effects.

What if it doesn’t work for me?  Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately at this time it doesn’t look like they have a money back guarantee.  If you purchase more than one bottle, however, and find that it doesn’t work for you, you can send back the unused portion for a full refund.

Of course you’ll be responsible for the return shipping, but to be honest I don’t even think you’ll want to send it back, it’s that good.


I’ve personally tested a wide variety of pre workout supplements, and I have to say 4 Gauge looks like a winner.

One of the biggest benefits of this pre workout supplement is that it doesn’t contain any harsh stimulants like yohimbe, DMAA, or ephedrine.

Sure, those ingredients will get you SERIOUSLY pumped up for your workout, but they will often leave you feeling like TOTAL garbage once the effects wear off.

4 Gauge doesn’t do this.

It comes on smooth, gives a serious boost of mental and physical energy, but doesn’t leave you with any hard crash feeling.

For me personally, that is hard to come by with pre workout supplements because many of them have pretty heavy “hangovers” because they are pumped full of stimulants that overload the body, take their toll and give you a kick to the chops on the way out.

I recommend 4 Gauge and hope that it is just as effective for you as it has been for me.

Have You Used 4 Gauge?  Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Nootrobox Sprint Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try It!

When you start looking into brain boosting supplements, you will quickly realize there are two broad categories to choose from – those that build up over time and those that get right to work, helping you do the same. There are benefits with each, but they are distinctly different. The slower acting supplements come on gently over time, making subtle changes in the way your mind functions. The fast-acting ones give you a boost of energy, motivation, and cognitive enhancement, allowing you to dive in and get your project done, whatever it is.

Nootrobox Sprint is a new supplement from an also new company. Nootrobox makes has four products they include in their stack. I say stack because the way they’re promoted is that you can use them either together for their synergistic benefits, or alone if you’re looking for a more targeted solution. Nootrobox Rise  is their flagship daily use product, while Nootrobox Sprint is their fast-acting entry, meant to be taken just when you need that extra push of productivity.

What Is Nootrobox Sprint?

nootrobox-sprint-imageNootrobox Sprint is a take as needed nootropic supplement designed to help you “get the job done”. They claim it boosts clarity and energy and it puts you in the productivity flow you need to be in to power through the task at hand, doing your best work. While being tired gets you nowhere and being overstimulated (like with too much straight up caffeine or the caffeine and sugar in energy drinks) keeps you from maintaining focus and concentration (not to mention leads to a crash), Nootrobox Sprint claims to use just the right combination of caffeine and other substances to put you in the optimally productive state for several hours.

Nootrobox Sprint Ingredients

One of the more helpful things about the Nootrobox company is that the provide not only the ingredients used in their formulas, but they also reveal ingredient amounts. This is more rare than you probably think. Most companies are more than happy to tell you the WHAT, but they stop short of letting you know the HOW MUCH. This is by design. If they say their blend is “proprietary,” they don’t have to tell you that instead of the clinical dose of an ingredient – say 600 mg – they use only a dusting – say 25 mg. – basically useless. But Nootrobox Sprint gives you everything they can to help you know how effective it’s likely to be.

The list per pill includes:

  • 50 mg Caffeine. Caffeine is widely known and used to increase alertness, focus, and mood. 2 Nootrobox Sprint capsules have about as much as a cup of coffee. This is not too terribly much, but that’s by design. It’s enough to provide the benefit, without overstimulation or crash.
  • 100 mg L-Theanine. L-Theanine is an amino acid that provides an anti-stress effect. It’s becoming more and more common to see it used in conjunction with caffeine. It smoothes out the edges without counteracting the alertness. In fact, while reducing some of the harsher effects of caffeine, it also increases its improvement of alertness. The 2:1 ratio of L-Theanine to Caffeine has been studied and found to be optimal.
  • 10 mg Vitamin B6. The Mayo Clinic recommends 20 mg of vitamin B6 for nootropic benefits. It’s an antioxidant that has shown some relationship to lessening cognitive decline. It improves both neuron health and memory. While studies may not show much of a direct link with cognitive enhancement, they do demonstrate a correlation with certain biomarkers of dimentia.
  • 30 mcg Vitamin B12. Recent studies of older adults show that there may be a connection between cognitive decline and lower B12 levels. Increased B12, along with other antioxidants, has shown to improve memory in older subjects. 10-50 mcgs is the recommended dose given by the Mayo Clinic.
  • 20 mg Vinpocetine. Vinpocetine is becoming very popular in nootropic supplements. It reduced inflammation and seems to have a positive effect on memory, attention, and reaction time. One of the most important factors is that it is able to cross the blood brain barrier when taken orally. Many supplement ingredients cannot, rendering them almost useless when taken orally.
  • 200 mg L-Tyrosine. This is an amino acid that may counteract the negative effects of stress. In studies where subjects under stressful conditions are given L-Tyrosine, their mood and cognitive abilities are improved. 150 mg per day is the lowest recommended dose we’ve seen, so the 200 mg in each Nootrobox Sprint capsule should be easily effective.

The backbone of the formula is the caffeine and l-theanine one-two punch. These are being used together much more frequently as the benefits of doing so become more apparent through studies and anecdotal evidence alike. The addition of B Vitamins, Vinpocetine, and l-tyrosine only add to the benefits, especially given their clinical doses.

How To Use Nootrobox Sprint?

The recommended dose is 1-2 capsules about 30 minutes before you plan to dive into your product. Remember, it’s a take as needed supplement, so not necessary to take every day. In fact, the 60 capsule bottle could last quite a while if you use it only occasionally.

Nootrobox Sprint Clinical Trials

Nootrobox Sprint is currently undergoing a small clinical trial conducted by the company in conjunction with Maastricht University in the Netherlands. It’s a 12-week study in which they will determine the effect of Nootrobox Sprint on verbal memory, working memory, focused attention, visual tracking, and reaction time. Information on the study can be found on the Nootrobox website.

Who Makes Nootrobox Sprint?

With some supplements, it’s all about the product, and there’s very little discussion of the company behind it. This is not the case with Nootrobox Sprint. Nootrobox is based in San Francisco. The company was formed in the spring of 2014 by a few Standford Computer Science graduates looking to build a company that “creates a better society through smarter, better brains”.

Using nootropic supplements, they claim to be advancing concepts including:

  • The human is a system (as opposed to a conglomeration of parts)
  • Intellectual ability is the driving force of civilization.
  • Self-Actualization comes from hard work.
  • Technologies to advance human abilities are inevitable and will be everywhere in the coming years.
  • A smart society is a better society.

Along with their products, Nootrobox provides what they call their Open-Sourced Nootrobox Roadmap. It’s basically an elaboration of their mission statement we talked about above, but it maps it out in more detail.

Leg 1: Best In Class Inputs.

In other words, they make the best supplements to produce the most positive outcome within the human system.While they produce the supplements, they also recommend healthy and productive lifestyle choices and the CEO of the company will send you weekly emails on this and various subjects. As far as their supplements go, coming from the Silicon Valley area, they push the idea that they are fully “open source”.
What this means in this context is that they aim to be fully transparent as far as what goes into their formula and why. They do in fact follow through on this commitment by publishing on their website the changes made in the Rise formula from original inception until now.
Leg 2: Capture Human Outputs
They are involved in creating software used to measure the outcomes of their supplements and various other inputs. This leg appears to be at its beginning stages. The idea is that we cannot improve inputs unless we know what outputs are the result of what’s currently being used.
Leg 3: Using genetic data that’s becoming more and more accessible every day

Nootrobox is developing software that can be used to pinpoint the precise supplementation needed by each individual. So while they are at this point selling supplements, they claim a much broader scope than that for the future.

It’s clear the the Nootrobox company has lofty goals for itself, with plans to build a cognitive improvement empire with this line of nootropic supplements as its foundation.

Nootrobox Sprint Reviews

Finding independent reviews for Nootrobox Sprint proved difficult, but there are customer testimonials presented on the official website. We’d prefer more independent feedback, but here’s what they’re saying over at the website:


On the other hand, there are a few reviews about the Nootrobox company’s customer service floating around. Here are a few I found through a website called Highya that collects customer reviews:

Where to Buy

The 2 reviews above make reference to repeated billing, ie subscribing. So what’s that all about and what does it have to do with ordering supplements?

At this time, the only way to purchase Nootrobox Sprint is online through its official website. Some Nootrobox products are available on Amazon, but currently, Sprint is not one of them. So if you want it, you need to buy it through the website.

Nootrobox Sprint doesn’t use a free trial scam, but they do something else that’s making some of their customer upset. When you choose to add Nootrobox Sprint to your cart, you are automatically signed up for monthly shipments:



As you can see, the “subscribe and save” box is conveniently checked for you. If you just glance quickly, you might think, “cool, I’m saving 10%”. It says “subscribe” but it’s not clear what you’re subscribing to. You may think it’s an email list and that’s worth the 10% discount. But really, you’re subscribing to their monthly shipping program. The order confirmation page is slightly more clear:




It does say “subscribe and deliver monthly”, but nowhere is it explained in full before you place your order. Many potential customers would think they can’t possibly be setting up monthly orders without being explicitly told and having the process explained to them. But they’d be wrong. This is exactly what happens. And that explains why so many customers are upset when they start getting monthly shipments and bills.

Judging by the customer feedback, the guys at Nootrobox aren’t particularly good at being responsive to their customers’ needs once they feel they’ve been fooled or tricked.

Nootrobox Sprint Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nootrobox

  • You don’t have to take it every day, just as needed.
  • Ingredients and amounts are listed so you know what you’re taking, and can choose your dose properly based on real information.
  • The formula uses an optimal caffeine: l-theanine ratio for effective cognitive improvement.
  • The product is undergoing a small clinical trial.

Disadvantages of Nootrobox Sprint

  • The ordering process is somewhat deceptive.
  • Many customers have been caught up in monthly billing cycles that they have trouble getting out of.

The Bottom Line

As fast acting nootropic supplements go, Nootrobox Sprint has a good formula. The caffeine/l-theanine combination can indeed help you be and feel more productive in any given moment. The long term benefits are harder to quantify. Given that it’s not designed to be taken daily, whatever benefits you may get from maintaining sufficient levels of B Vitamins and Vinpocetine don’t really apply here.

Regardless, whether you’re thinking of using the whole stack or just one product, Nootrobox Sprint is a good one to choose for its immediate cognitive benefits. Just make sure you know whether or not you’re signing up for monthly payments.

Have You Used Nootrobox Sprint? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Bathmate Vs. Phallosan Forte, Size Genetics, and X4 Labs

If you’ve been searching the internet for male enhancement products for any length of time, then you no doubt have been overwhelmed at the sheer volume of products out there promising insane gains in penis length and girth.

The vast majority of sites are pushing pills, which from my experience have NOT produced any significant AND permanent gains.

This is why when guys come to me asking what the best product is for enlargement, I typically steer them towards either a pump or an extender.

I’ve personally tested dozens of pumps and extenders, including 2 versions of the Bathmate, the Phallosan Forte, the Size Genetics device, and the X4 Labs Extender.

The purpose of this post is to give you an idea as to the differences (and similarities) between each, and help you decide which one may be right for you.

First off, let’s talk a bit about each so you can get an understanding of how they work.

Note:  ALL of these products are shipped discreetly.  I know this because I’ve bought all of them. I figured I’d point that out right off the bat, because I KNOW guys will be asking me this 🙂


What is the Bathmate?
What is The Phallosan Forte?
What is The Size Genetics Extender?
What is the X4 Labs Extender?

or, jump to:

Bathmate Vs. Phallosan Forte
Bathmate Vs. Size Genetics
Bathmate Vs. X4 Labs Extender
Which One Do I Recommend?

What is The Bathmate?

The Bathmate is a medically approved, doctor recommended class 2 medical device.


The corpora cavernosa is basically what makes the penis erect when your stimulated sexually, and all of the products we’re going to talk about in this article have some sort of influence on it’s size.

Bathmate has a GREAT video explaining exactly how it works, check it out below:

Note:  if you can’t watch it because you’re at work or something, I have a detailed description in writing of how it works here.


How Long Until I Can Expect Results?

With consistent use, you can expect to gain about 2 – 3 inches in girth and 1 inch in length after about 6 months.

This claim is supported by the fact that an April 2020 survey indicated that most Bathmate users saw size gains after 2 months of usage.

I personally have used the Bathmate in the past and gained about 1 inch in girth and 0.5 inches in length.

This was just after 1 MONTH of daily pumping, you WILL see better gains if you use it for longer.

Where To Buy?

I personally recommend that should you decide to order the Bathmate, you order it from their official website

However, Be WARY of Fakes

Due to it’s ever increasing popularity, there are literally DOZENS of knockoffs of the Bathmate being sold in sites like Amazon and eBay.

While generally cheaper than the official Bathmate website, these cheap knockoffs break VERY easily, and are not covered by the manufacturers warranty.

So if it breaks and you did NOT buy it from the official site, you’re shit out of luck…

Fake versions of the Bathmate tend to have poor construction, and you’ll see a metal spring at the top of them.


The REAL Bathmate is owned and operated by a company called DX Products a British company.

One other pump you may want to consider is the Penomet.  It’s actually really similar to the Bathmate, but there are a few minor differences.

Check out our Penomet Vs. Bathmate article to learn more.

What is The Phallosan Forte?

The Phallosan Forte is a clinically tested and approved device that has been shown to help give enlargement and enhancement gains, fix IPP / Penis curvature issues, and help men who have had prostate surgery in the past.

For all intents and purposes, it’s basically an extender that basically stretches the penis to make it longer.  A typical before and after picture looks like this:

phallosan forte before and after

Unlike extenders like Size Genetics, the Phallosan Forte uses a VERY comfortable suction condom which you strap to the head of your penis and attach to a belt-like device that you then use to pull the penis away from it’s base.

Here’s a simple demonstration video showing how to put it on (again, NSFW):

Where To Buy?

The Phallosan Forte is made by a company called Swiss Sana Ansalt, a Swiss company.

Here’s a link to their site:

What is The Size Genetics Device?

The Size Genetics device is another extender that works similarly to the Phallosan Forte, but with some notable differences which we will note a bit later on.

It works by using the principle of traction, which essentially stretches the penis, dividing the cell walls and allowing for increased length.

The below video does a pretty good job of explaining what it is and how it works:


Size Genetics is owned and operated by a company called DanaMedic, a Danish company.

I’ve personally used the Size Genetics device in the past, with some pretty decent results.  Click here to read my full review.

Where To Buy?

Sizegenetics is owned and operated by DanaMedic, a Dutch company. Here’s a link to their website:

What is the X4 Labs Extender?

Update! As of December 2020, X4 Labs is actually no longer in business.

I’ve kept the below information in this article for reference purposes only.

The X4 Labs extender is virtually identical to that of the Size Genetics device, with a few key differences which we will talk about later.  Using the principle of traction, the X4 Labs extender is used for not only increasing length, but also acts as a very effective penile straightening device.

In fact, they have a model that was specifically designed to fight penile curvature, or Peyronies disease as it’s often referred as.  This model can help straighten out your penis in as little as 3 months, as demonstrated in the picture below:

x4 labs vs bathmate

Here’s a quick video demonstrating how the X4 Labs extender works (note, you need to sign in to youtube to view it):


I’ve also used the X4 Labs extender in the past, albeit not for a very long time.

The purpose of my test was to see how easy it was to put on, and how comfortable it is.

The X4 Labs extender is owned and operated by X4 Labs Inc., a Canadian company.

Bathmate Vs. Phallosan Forte

phallosan forte reviewIf you read any of the above, you’ll see that there are some major differences between the Bathmate vs. Phallosan Forte.

Apart from one being a pump and the other being an extender, there are some other notable differences that should be addressed.

Price Differences

The Bathmate ranges in price from as low as $110 for the original version to as much as $350 for the Xtreme Series X50.

The Phallosan Forte on the other hand sells for a flat $339, which includes the cost of shipping.

Money Back Guarantee / Warranty Differences

With the Phallosan Forte, you essentially have 14 days to return the product if there’s something wrong with it.  You can’t just return it if it’s not working for you.

With the Bathmate, their pumps are covered by a 12 month warranty, but it should be noted that you need to fill out their warranty form to take advantage of this.

On top of this warranty, Bathmate also offers a full 60 day guarantee.

In simple terms, if you are not happy with your results in any way, shape or form, you can return the device for a full refund.

To qualify for the 60 day money back guarantee, you need to buy directly from the Bathmate website here.

This takes the risk right out of the equation, and is one of the main reasons why I prefer the Bathmate over the Phallosan Forte.

Which One Works Better?

In all honesty, they BOTH work great, but again it really depends on your goals.

If you’re looking for length gains, you’ll get them with both the Phallosan Forte AND the Bathmate, although they will be much more pronounced with the Phallosan Forte.

If you’re looking for girth gains, you will basically ONLY get them with the Bathmate, and in some cases you may actually LOSE a bit of girth from using an extender like the Phallosan Forte.

If you want both length AND girth, then I would suggest you go with BOTH of them, OR just go with the Bathmate.

Here’s links to each of their sites:


Phallosan Forte:

One notable advantage to the Phallosan Forte

Unlike a pump like the Bathmate, or even an extender device like Size Genetics, the Phallosan Forte extender CAN be worn at night.

This is a HUGE advantage, because unlike the other products on this page, you can literally grow your penis overnight.

Bathmate Vs. Size Genetics

size genetics extender

As noted above, the Size Genetics device is an extender, and the Bathmate is a water based pump.  Apart from this, there are some other big differences between the 2.


Compared to the Bathmate, SizeGenetics is very expensive.  Their cheapest model (the basic device, no extras) sells for close to $200, and their most advanced model, the Ultimate System, retails at $398.95.



Unlike the Bathmate, which can give you results after literally your first pump, you’ll be waiting quite a long time before seeing any results from the Size Genetics device.

How long?

Well, that depends on a lot of factors, including:

  • How man hours per day you wear it for.
  • The tension
  • Your own individual penile anatomy.

Typically you’ll see the best results with the Size Genetics device after 6 months of wearing it, and some have reported size gains of as much as 2 inches at the end of this period.

sizegenetics vs bathmate

With the Bathmate, you can see girth gains of as much as 0.5 inches after your first pump, although it should be noted that it does take a few months for this effect to become permanent.

Plenty of other users have attested to this, and many responded to an April 2020 survey asking whether or not they saw size gains.

The vast majority in that survey reported that they indeed did see size gains after 2 months of use.


In the comfort department, there’s really no comparison.

One of the biggest downsides with the Size Genetics device is that, if tighten the noose at the end too tight, it can cut off blood circulation to the penis head.

Within about 1 hour, the end of your penis will basically feel numb, which can be kind of scary if you’re not expecting it.

There’s plenty of anecdotal stories mentioning this, and it’s one of the unfortunate side effects of the Size Genetics extender.

With the Bathmate, it’s SUPER comfortable and you don’t have any side effects like this.

If you are wary of potential negative side effects of using one of these options, then the Bathmate might be a good option for you.

Product Guarantee

The one upside to the Size Genetics device is their guarantee.  According to their official website, you are entitled to a 120 day guarantee if the device doesn’t work for you.

The only stipulation is that you provide some proof in the form of before and after pics, and a log showing how long and number of hours you wore the device.

Which one should I buy?

Just like with the Bathmate Vs. Phallosan Forte comparison, this all depends on your own personal goals.

If you want length, go with the Size Genetics device.

If you want girth, go with the Bathmate.

If you want both, go with both.  (assuming you can afford it, this stuff ain’t cheap!)

If money is tight, I would recommend the Bathmate.  It’s cheaper and will still give you length gains, albeit not as pronounced.

Here’s links to each of their sites:


Size Genetics:

Bathmate Vs. X4 Labs Extender

X4 Labs Extender ReviewAs noted above, the Bathmate is a pump and the X4 Labs is an extender, so many of the same differences between them is basically the same as that of the Bathmate Vs. Size Genetics.

Some of the major differences between these 2 in particular include:


Just like with the Bathmate, the X4 Labs extender comes with a few different versions of their product:

  • The Anniversary Ultra (their most expensive) which retails at $225
  • Gold Luxury version which retails at $195
  • Extreme Premium edition which sells for $199
  • Premium version which sells for $95
  • deluxe edition which sells for $75

Starting from top to bottom, you’re basically getting less and less “extras” included with the basic X4 Labs device.


Similarly to the Size Genetics device, with the X4 Labs you can expect to see more LENGTH gains, as opposed to girth gains you would get with the Bathmate.


In my personal opinion (and this comes from extensively testing both), I think the Bathmate is WAY more comfortable then the X4 Labs extender.

With the X4 Labs extender, you’re basically tugging on the penis all day, and it can be quite uncomfortable after wearing it for a few hours.

This is not the case with the Bathmate.   With the Bathmate, it’s more of a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Return Policy

With the Bathmate, you can return it any time for any reason within 60 days if you feel it’s not working for you. (assuming you buy directly from the Bathmate website here.)

With the X4 Labs, it’s a bit more complicated than that…

For example, X4 Labs offers a one year money back guarantee, which is actually one of the best in the industry.

However, this comes with all sort of conditions.  For example:

  1. You have to use the X4 Labs for a MINIMUM of 180 days (6 months) before you can submit a request for a refund. In order for you to prove that you’ve used it for at least 6 months, you have to document your progress in their “Penile Traction Therapy Progress Tracker online tool”. You are required to make 180 entries into this tool in order for them to see that you’ve been wearing it. I can tell you from experience, it’s not very easy to do this EVERY SINGLE DAY.  It takes some commitment to do this, which many guys simply don’t have.
  2. You have to not see ANY positive results in those 180 days. What this basically means that if you even grow just 1 mm in length, that is considered a “positive” result.
  3. You’re also responsible for the return shipment charges.

With the Bathmate it’s as simple as sending them an email or calling them and telling them you don’t want it anymore.

So out of all of these, which one should I get?

The answer to this question really depends on what your goals are.  If you’re looking to gain length, then without question you should go with the Phallosan Forte.

It’s much more comfortable than any of the other extenders listed on this page, and I’ve personally used it with great results.

If you’re looking to gain girth, then the Bathmate would be right for you.

While it’s similar to most other water based pumps out there like the Penomet, the quality and results I got from it were far superior to that of any other pump I’ve tested.

It’s also a lot easier to use the Bathmate Vs. the Penomet because changing out the gaiters can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Can you use the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte at the same time?

A lot of guys have asked me whether or not they can use both the Bathmate AND the Phallosan Forte at the same time, and the answer is a resounding YES.

In fact, if you can afford it I would highly recommend doing so.

The way I would do it is like this:

Order both the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte from their respective official websites, here’s a couple of links:


After you get both of them, start using the Bathmate FIRST for a period of 1 – 2 weeks.

Once you’ve gotten used to pumping then you should SLOWLY start introducing the use of the Phallosan Forte.

I would start off using it for just an hour or two per day until you can get used to it.

As far as a schedule, I would structure it as follows:

  1. Week 1 – 2:  Pump with the Bathmate for 10 – 15 min. per day, everyday, broken down as follows: Pump for 2-3 min., followed by a 2 min. massage. Repeat a max of 2 times per session, and don’t exceed 15 min. of pumping in a 24 hr. period. You should also avoid pumping with an erection.
  2. Weeks 2 – 4:  Continue pumping with the Bathmate everyday via the instructions above, and start wearing the Phallosan Forte for 1 – 2 hours a day.
  3. Weeks 4 – 8:  Continue pumping with the Bathmate via the instructions above, and wear the Phallosan Forte for 4 – 6 hours per day.

I’ve recommended this to plenty of guys in the past, and it seems like the best regiment out there.

Sticking to the right regiment is essentially the best way to ensure that your hard work will pay off.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

IQ² Review – Should You Try It?

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit their official website.

What if there were a way your brain could perform better? What if you could count on your ability to retain and recall information quickly and efficiently every day? What if you could harness the energy and motivation you know is in you somewhere, but seems to let you down more often than not? There’s a relatively new category of all natural supplements available that promises to provide you with all those benefits. They’re called nootropics, and they have exploded onto the scene unlike anything I’ve seen before.

IQ² is a nootropic supplement I’ve decided to test out. The formula and ingredients look promising, and I’ll post my results here in a few weeks. But for now, I’ll tell you what we know about this product and what kind of value it can potentially have in your life.

Click Here
to jump to my personal results.

IQ² Benefits

According to the IQ² website, IQ² works by naturally boosting your brain power. When taken daily, you can expect to see improvements in alertness, focus, memory, and overall cognitive performance. With this kind of competitive advantage, you can just imagine what kind of success you can achieve. And with all natural ingredients, you don’t have to concern yourself with worries over side effects, now or down the road.

Of course, these are the promises made by the company that makes IQ². Let’s take a look at the formula ourselves, and find out if there’s any merits to the claims.

IQ² Ingredients

IQ² chose ingredients backed by scientific research. That’s a good thing, but more goes into it than that. Lots of supplements use tried and true ingredients, but they use only a dusting – just enough to say its in there. They can get away with it by listing their ingredients in a “proprietary blend”. They don’t have to list how much of each ingredient they use, instead they just lump them all together into one “secret formula”. IQ² actually lists how much of each ingredient is used, which is a big plus – and if they’re using clinical amounts, even better.

The IQ² formula includes:

  • iq2-ingredients-imageVitamin B6 (10 mg)
  • Follic Acid (400 mcg)
  • Vitamin B12 (400 mcg)
  • Choline Bitartrate (400 mg)
  • Raw Cacao Bean Powder (400 mg)
  • Guarana (200 mg)
  • Acetyl L-Varnitiate (150 mg)
  • DMAE Bitartrate (100 mg)
  • Vinpocetine (10 mg)
  • Huperzine A (100mcg)


Cacao in its raw form has antioxidant benefits and it improves memory and cognition. It’s thought of as a superfood along the lines of blueberries and green tea. It also containst caffeine and theobromine for alertness. The recommended dose is 500-1000 mg a day, so the 400 mg in IQ² comes short but close.

Choline can convert in your brain to acetylcholine, one of the most crucial neurotransmitters to higher brain functioning. The more acetylcholine the better, and choline helps get you to that point. With the typical dose of 250-500 mg, the 400 mg in IQ² should be sufficient.

DMAE Bitartrate boosts both mental and physical stamina as well as memory recall. It’s found in fish, which may be why fish is considered to be “brain food”. By providing you with a calm concentration, it improves focus and retention. The typical dose is 50mg-150mg, putting the 100mg dose in IQ² right where it should be.

Vinpocetine improves blood flow to the brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients to benefit both long term health and short term functioning. The most commonly recommended dose is 15-60 mg so the 10 in IQ² is a little on the low side.

Huperzine A improves brain health as well as overall cognitive functioning. It helps improve memory and is being studied as a potential aid for people suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease. IQ² contains 100 mcg which is within the recommended range of 50-200mcg.


The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken in the morning, about 15 minutes before eating breakfast. If needed, you can take another 1 or 2 capsules mid-afternoon or so, but you’ll want to be careful of taking it too close to bedtime because it does contain caffeine.

My Personal Results

iq squared reviewThe makers of IQ squared were kind enough to send me a bottle to personally test, and I got a chance to do so over this past weekend.

Since I’m pretty experienced in taking nootropic supplements such as these, I decided to take the max. dose of 2 capsules first thing in the morning on a completely empty stomach.

At first it felt like I took a caffeine pill, but I did notice over a period of 3 – 4 hours I felt a bit more “focused” and engaged on what I was doing.

I was actually in the middle of typing out a pretty lengthy article, and before I knew it I had hit the 1,000 word mark.  This is not typical for me with most of the Nootropic supplements I’ve tested in the past.

I didn’t notice any effects on my short or long term memory, but my guess is those benefits come along after a few weeks of dosing.

Visit the Official IQ² website here:

IQ² Pros and Cons

Advantages of IQ²

  • The formula is made up of all natural ingredients.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The ingredients are backed by scientific research.
  • It’s got some caffeine, but at 80 mg, it won’t have you bouncing off the walls.
  • Rather than force you into monthly billing using a free trial scam, IQ² offers the option clearly and gives you alternatives if you’re not interested.

Disadvantages of IQ²

  • We didn’t find any independent feedback yet from customers who’ve used it.

Where to Buy

At this time, the only way to purchase IQ² is through their official website. A single one month supply bottle (60 capsules) goes for $59.95. Alternatively, you can save $10 a month by signing up for automatic monthly shipments, bringing your price per bottle down to $49.95.

There is a 30-day money back guarantee on your first purchase. You don’t have to return the bottle. Simple call their number or contact them through email, and they’ll refund your money.

There is talk of IQ² becoming available at and local retail stores, but so far, it’s just available on the website.

Here’s their official site:


IQ² looks promising with a good formula based on mainly clinical and recommended doses of its effective ingredients. After having finally tested it out, I can say with relative certainty that they have produced a very good supplement.

Better than 95% of nootropic supplements I’ve tested in the past, to be honest.

I can also see that with continual dosing, it definitely has long term potential at helping both short AND long term memory.  If you have the dough, I highly recommend giving it a shot!

Have You Used IQ²? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nootrobox KADO-3 Review – 1 BIG Reason to Wait and See

Nootrobox is a company that’s been around since the first half of 2014. Their motto is “Nootropics for Everyone,” and they sell a line of supplements to support that. But they do much more as well. This is a unique company that we’ll talk about in more depth later in the review, but for now, let’s introduce the topic at hand for today, which is Nootrobox KADO-3.

Nootrobox KADO-3 is one of the two daily supplements in the Nootrobox line. (The other one is called Rise, and you can check out our full review here. While Rise is the more standard nootropic supplement, Nootrobox KADO-3 provides additional benefits that help protect and restore cognitive functions to their peak potential.

Nootrobox KADO-3 Benefits:

nootrobox-kado-3-imageAccording to the Nootrobox KADO-3 product page, these are the benefits you’ll achieve when you use this product:

  • Improved memory and attention.
  • Better cardiovascular health.
  • Replenishment of essential nutrients often lacking in today’s diets.

Nootrobox KADO-3 Ingredients

The potential benefits of taking Nootrobox KADO-3 may become more clear with a discussion of the ingredients found in the formula. The Nootrobox website helpfully provides this information, along with detailed explanations of how they work.

Omega-3 (DHA) (460 mg) Omega-3 oil is important to the human diet, but it’s been lacking for many years at this point. We should be taking in a ration of 1:1 when it comes to Omega-6 and Omega-3, but we’re at something more like 6:1, so an increase in Omega-3 through supplementation is recommended.

Omega-3 provides 2 fatty acids – DHA and EPA. The Omega-3 in Nootrobox KADO-3 comes from both krill and fish. We’ll talk about DHA aspects. first. This is the one that provides the cognitive enhancement, specifically memory and attention. Deficiency in DHA may increase your risk of certain mental health disorders, like depression. DHA makes up a significant portion of the cell membrane, promoting communications between cells. It may also reduce the buildup of plaque in the brain neurons, staving off age related cognitive decline.

Omega-3 (EPA) (240 mg) Omega-3 also contains EPA, which is known to improve cardiovascular health. A large study has shown that supplementing EPA after a myocardial infarction lowered the risk of another event by 10% and decreased the risk of death by 14%.

The ratio of DHA to EPA used in the Nootrobox KADO-3 formula is 2:1. While exact optimal ratios have not been determined, it is believed that DHA intake should be higher than EPA intake.

nootrobox-kado-3-ingredientsVitamin D3 (2000 IU) helps regulate neurotransmitters and is involved in man of our neural processes on a molecular level. Since more than half of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, especially people who spend most of their time indoors, supplementation with Vitamin D can be essential for top cognitive performance.

Vitamin K (600 mcg) may protect neurons while improving blood clotting and increasing bone strength.

Astaxanthin Oil (1 mg) is found in shellfish – it’s what gives lobsters their red color. It may alleviate fatigue and improve attention and memory. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which is beneficial for long term cellular health.

Vitamins D and K are both fat soluble, which makes them perfect candidates for inclusion in a capsule with Omega-3 and Axtaxanthin oils. In addition to the active ingredients, the formula uses a bit of peppermint oil to mitigate the fish flavor that many people would rather not taste.

Nootrobox KADO-3 is not vegan friendly since the Omega-3 oil comes from fish, but it is gluten-free, and contains no additional allergens other than soy.

How To Use Nootrobox KADO-3

Just like Rise, Nootrobox KADO-3 is meant to be used daily, and as such you’re not expected to feel much of anything right away. Take 2 softgels daily with your first meal of the day. It’s important that you try to take it at the same time each day and develop a consistent habit around that. The effect won’t be immediate. They don’t specify how long it will take, but if it’s anything like Rise, your expectations should be in the area of 2-12 weeks.

Nootrobox KADO-3 Side Effects

No side effects have been reported by users of Nootrobox KADO-3, and none of the ingredients are known to cause side effects, unless a person is allergic.

Who Makes Nootrobox KADO-3?

The company behind the product is called Nootrobox. They were formed in 2014 by a couple of Stanford Computer Science graduates who want to move society forward by improving human intelligence. Based in San Franscisco, Nootrobox has a pretty lofty mission based on their founding principles:

  • The human is a system (as opposed to a conglomeration of parts)
  • Intellectual ability is the driving force of civilation.
  • Self-Actualization comes from hard work.
  • Technologies to advance human abilities are inevitable and will be everywhere in the coming years.
  • A smart society is a better society.

In order to achieve their mission, they’ve laid out what they call the Nootrobox Roadmap. It’s basically their roadmap to the company’s and their customers’ success. Here’s how they plan to proceed:

Leg 1

Best In Class Inputs. In other words, they make the best supplements to produce the most positive outcome within the human system. While they produce the supplements, they also recommend healthy and productive lifestyle choices and the CEO of the company will send you weekly emails on this and various subjects.

As far as their supplements go, coming from the Silicon Valley area, they push the idea that they are fully “open source”. What this means in this context is that they aim to be fully transparent as far as what goes into their formula and why. They do in fact follow through on this commitment by publishing on their website the changes made in the Rise formula from original inception until now.

Leg 2

Capture Human Outputs. They are involved in creating software used to measure the outcomes of their supplements and various other inputs. This leg appears to be at its beginning stages. The idea is that we cannot improve inputs unless we know what outputs are the result of what’s currently being used.

Leg 3

Using genetic data that’s becoming more and more accessible every day, Nootrobox is developing software that can be used to pinpoint the precise supplementation needed by each individual.




They appear to be positioning themselves as a Silicon Valley start up company, complete with venture capitalist funding, founding partners, and principle employees. At this point, as far as I can tell, the supplements are the only part of the plan that’s in the implementation phase, but clearly they plan to grow much bigger than that.

Where to Buy

The primary way to purchase Nootrobox KADO-3 is through their official website. A one month supply of 60 soft gels costs $49, but if you sign up for their subscription program, you’ll receive a 10% discount, bringing the price down to $44.10. Of course, if you sign up for the subscription program, they’ll send you you a new bottle each month and charge you that $44.10 along with it.

When you place your order, the subscription price is chosen automatically, which means you could easily sign up for monthly payments without knowing it ahead of time. This could cause customer service issues when buyers are taken by surprise when another payment is taken from their credit card or bank account a month later.




There have been such problems noted with some of Nootrobox’s products that have been around longer, like Rise. Customers complain of not being able to reach customer service through email, and the company doesn’t supply customers with a phone number.

You can also pick some Nootrobox KADO-3 up at where you’ll be making a one-time order for $49.

Return Policy

The Nootrobox KADO-3 return policy is non-existent. All hey say is that if you have a problem, contact the company they’ll “make it right”, but they don’t say what that means. Given their record with not responding by email and not publishing a phone number, I’m not sure I would trust their word on that one.

Nootrobox KADO-3 Reviews

Nootrobox KADO-3 is a new product, and as such, there are no independent customer reviews available online. Given that it’s sold on Amazon, I suspect that will soon change, once people start buying it and offering their feedback in the loop.

For now, there are a couple testimonials posted to the Nootrobox KADO-3 webpage, but they don’t say much about anything other than that the peppermint taste is a nice touch.

Nootrobox KADO-3 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nootrobox KADO-3

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It supports overall health as well as cognitive health.
  • There is science backing the inclusion of ingredients.

Disadvantages of Nootrobox KADO-3

  • It won’t be very powerful on its own. You’re encouraged to stack it with the other products in the line.
  • There’s no stated money back guarantee.
  • The way the subscription plan is set up, many people are likely to be taken by surprise when the second bill comes.
  • There is no customer service phone number and word is the company is not very responsive to the emails.

The Bottom Line

The Nootrobox KADO-3 company has big plans, and they start with this line of nootropic supplements. Clearly Nootrobox KADO-3 is a supporting player in the line, not likely to take the cognitive enhancement world by storm, but perhaps finding a way to play a useful role.

If that’s the case, then the $45 price tag is probably too high to be sustained. But this is a new and growing company. They’ll probably figure that out in no time.

Have You Used Nootrobox KADO-3? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Nootrobox Rise Review – 1 BIG Reason to be Cautious

A new company keeps popping up my radar. I’ve had a few of my readers ask me about them lately, so I decided now was the time to take a look. The company is called Nootrobox. They make nootropic supplements that you can either take individually or as a stack. We’ll look at a few of them individually, and we’ll devote some time to assessing them as a stack.

The product we’re talking about today is called Nootrobox Rise. It appears to be the centerpiece of the stack, the main daily nootropic and probably the one they would recommend you start with first if you’re going to choose only one. So lets dive in and discuss Nootrobox Rise, its benefits, its drawbacks, the company, and ultimately you’ll be better armed to make a decision about whether or not to get involved with Nootrobox Rise, or Nootrobox as a whole.

nootrobox-rise-imageWhat Is Nootrobox Rise?

Nootrobox Rise is a daily supplement you can use to boost your everyday cognitive functioning. When taking this pill, you should see an improvement in your memory, your ability to stay on task, and remained centered through the many distractions you may face during your day. It’s not a quick acting supplement based on a caffeine buzz to help you power through. You should expect to see results improve over time. This is the promise, now let’s see what goes into it so we can better determine if Nootrobox Rise delivers

Nootrobox Rise Ingredients

The Nootrobox Rise formula is very brief, with only three ingredients: Bacopa Monnieri (300 mg), Rhodiola Rosea (300 mg), and Alpha-GPC (300 mg). One of the most positive aspects of Nootrobox as a company is their very complete ingredient information. I have to say, in the online supplement world, this is rare. Not only to do they tell you what’s in the formula, but they tell you how much, and they provide a detailed description of each component and how it can help.

Let’s take them separately, and see what they each have to offer.



Bacopa Monnieri comes from India, and as such has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine traditions. Unlike a lot of other ancient herbs, this one has actually been used historically for the same purpose it’s being used for today – cognitive enhancement. It’s mainly a memory enhancer, which is what most of the studies have been involved with.

The Nootrobox Rise website mentions a few clinical studies. In one, participants took 150 mg twice a day for 90 days. The study showed a notable improvement in spatial working memory, whereby subjects found they could recall words learned over time, even with interference.

In another, subjects took 300 mg a day over 12 weeks and found improvements in the rate of learning and memory. This second study involved 54 subjects, all over the age of 65 showing no signs of dementia.

Yet another study showed that Bacopa Monnieri can lead to less anxiety and depression as well as an overall improved mood state.

Bacopa Monnieri works in three ways.

  1. It acts as an antioxidant, which means it protects cells against neuro damage.
  2. It increases the flow of blood to the brain, delivering more oxygen and nutrients.
  3. It inhibits the breakdown of the important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.

Within the Bacopa Monnieri plant, it’s the Bacosides that provide the cognitive benefit. The higher the concentration of Bacosides, the better. Nootrobox Rise uses the highest concentrations available, and contains the same 300 mg used in clinical testing.

Rhodiola Rosea is a plant found in cold environments and is generally used as an adaptagen, which improves the way a body and mind respond to stress and change. It’s been used in China for centuries to fight fatigue. And more recently, it’s been studied for its neuroprotective qualities.

nootrobox-rise-rhodeala-imageIt’s been shown to increase attention and improve learning capacity. One study of college students showed an increase in attention and a decrease in fatigue when taking 50 mg daily over 20 days.

Rhodiola Rosea also works in a couple different ways. It’s an antioxidant which means it protects the health of cells, including brain cells, and it functions similarly to gIt may also act like a Monoamin Oxidase Inhibitor, which presents the breakdown of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine – leading to improved mood.

The original Nootrobox Rise formula didn’t include Rhodiola Rosea, but not long after its inception, they reworked the formula to add it in. Shortly after that, they increased its potency from 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides to 5% rosavins and 2% salidrosides, while keeping the dose at 300 mg per day, which is well above the clinically studied dose.

Alpha-GPC causes choline to be delivered to the brain. This is important because choline is the precursor to acetylcholine. It increases dopamine and serotonin as well.

nootrobox-rise-alpha-gpc-imageIn healthy subjects, Alpha-GPC’s effects have only been studied as part of a stack with other ingredients. These tests have shown improvement in the areas of attention and memory. A large meta-analysis of over 4300 subjects was conducted showing positive effects for subjects who suffer vascular dementia, due to causes such as stroke.

Unlike the other two ingredients, Alpha GPC works in only one way, and that is as a building block of acetylcholine. The original Nootrobox Rise formula did not contain Alpha-GPC, but it was added when they updated the formula for the increased benefit it could provide.

How To Use Nootrobox Rise

The recommended dose is 2 capsules a day taken with water and food. In fact, Nootrobox Rise is best absorbed when taken with some form of fat. They also recommend that you take it at the same time each day to establish a routine. If you follow this routine daily, your results should be evident within two to twelve weeks.

It should be noted that Nootrobox Rise is completely vegan-friendly and gluten-free. The only allergen it contains is soy.

Nootrobox Rise Side Effects

Each of the ingredients in Nootrobox Rise have been studied for side effects, and none causes more than minor issues, like headache, irritability, and digestive upset.

Who Makes Nootrobox Rise?




With some supplements, it’s all about the product, and there’s very little discussion of the company behind it. This is not the case with Nootrobox Rise. Nootrobox is a company based in San Francisco. It was formed in the Spring of 2014 by a couple of Standford Computer Science grads looking to build a company that “creates a better society through smarter, better brains”. Using nootropic supplements, they claim to be advancing concepts including:

  • The human is a system (as opposed to a conglomeration of parts)
  • Intellectual ability is the driving force of civilation.
  • Self-Actualization comes from hard work.
  • Technologies to advance human abilities are inevitable and will be everywhere in the coming years.
  • A smart society is a better society.

The Nootrobox Roadmap

Along with their products, Nootrobox provides what they call their Open-Sourced Nootrobox Roadmap. It’s basically an elaboration of their mission statement we talked about above, but it maps it out in more detail.

Leg 1: Best In Class Inputs. In other words, they make the best supplements to produce the most positive outcome within the human system. While they produce the supplements, they also recommend healthy and productive lifestyle choices and the CEO of the company will send you weekly emails on this and various subjects.

As far as their supplements go, coming from the Silicon Valley area, they push the idea that they are fully “open source”. What this means in this context is that they aim to be fully transparent as far as what goes into their formula and why. They do in fact follow through on this commitment by publishing on their website the changes made in the Rise formula from original inception until now.

Leg 2: Capture Human Outputs. They are involved in creating software used to measure the outcomes of their supplements and various other inputs. This leg appears to be at its beginning stages. The idea is that we cannot improve inputs unless we know what outputs are the result of what’s currently being used.

Leg 3: Using genetic data that’s becoming more and more accessible every day, Nootrobox is developing software that can be used to pinpoint the precise supplementation needed by each individual.

So while they are at this point selling supplements, they claim a much broader scope than that for the future.

Where to Buy Nootrobox Rise

The primary way to purchase Nootrobox Rise is through their official website. A one month supply (60 capsules) costs $49, but they offer a monthly subscription discount of 10% bringing your cost down to $44.10.

This subscription price is chosen for you by default, which may bother some people when all of a sudden, a new bottle shows up the next month along with another charge.




It’s a fine thing if you want to continue using it, but it’s often unwelcome if it’s a surprise.

It has also been available at, but it’s currently out of stock, with no indication of when it will return.

Nootrobox Rise Return Policy

I scoured the website looking for a definitive policy, but found none. The only thing I found was in the FAQ section, a statement stating:


“We’ll make it right”? What does that even mean? Will they refund your money or won’t they? One of the reasons this concerns me is that I’ve read a few other reviews of Nootrobox products, and according to them, there used to be more information available, but it was conflicting. In some sections of the website they said their products were 100% guaranteed. In others, they said all sales are final. So the fact that they don’t have a stated policy is definitely concerning.

Nootrobox Rise Reviews

Here’s another area of concern. I didn’t find a lot of feedback, but what is out there isn’t very good. Before they changed the formula, it contained caffeine, which caused it to have a completely different effect – more of an immediate one. The customer feedback I found came from those days, so discussion about the actual effect of the pills isn’t really relevant.

What I did find, however, were some negative comments about how the company operates when it comes to customer service. Take a look at this review:



This sentiment seems pretty typical. I checked the website thoroughly, and it’s true they don’t provide a phone number. This seems particularly odd when you remember they call themselves “open source” and want to portray an image of transparency. They do provide an email address, but apparently, they’re not responsive to it, and people have had lots of trouble canceling their subscriptions.

Nootrobox Rise Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nootrobox Rise

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It doesn’t contain stimulants, so it’s suitable for people sensitive to caffeine.
  • They provide detailed ingredient information.
  • The company offers weekly blogs and emails with information on how to be more productive and successful.

Disadvantages of Nootrobox Rise

  • The company provides no customer service phone number.
  • According to reviews, they are unresponsive to emails.
  • The formula is brief, and missing several necessary components for an effect nootropic. This is probably because they want you to combine this one with their other products instead of providing everything you need in one. This way they can get you to buy more.
  • There is no specified guarantee, which is troubling when you combine that with the negative reviews of their customer service.
  • There is no feedback from customers who’ve used this product with success.

The Bottom Line

Nootrobox is an ambitious young company with big ideas about how to make its mark on the future. Nootropic supplements are the crux of that mark, utilizing the output measurement and DNA information to pinpoint the needs of humans as we strive for intellectual prowess.

The problem seems to be that while they’re developing the tools to bring their dream to fruition, they are creating a negative reputation for themselves based on poor customer service and a weak formula.

Nootrobox Rise may evolve into the nootropic of the future, but I recommend you wait till they get their act together as a service providing company before you get involved with them.

Have You Used Nootrobox Rise? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Hemav02 Max Review

If your main desire for a pre workout supplement is that it gives you intense pumps, then you should check out Hemav02 Max. Since I know this is definitely on most guys’ lists, I checked it out myself. You can read my personal results below, but first, I’ll fill you in on what Hemav02 Max is, what it claims to do, and what ingredients it uses to get you there.

What is Hemav02 Max?

Hemav02 Max is a non-stimulant pre workout powder from iForce Nutrition. It’s primary focus is to deliver huge pumps so your muscles are getting the oxygen and nutrients they need to work insanely hard, recovery in a flash, and build baby build.

No matter what kind of workout you do, Hemav02 Max can help you stretch the limits of your efforts and your outcomes. If you lift, you can lift heavier. If you run, you can run farther. If you bike, you can bike faster. If you play, you can play harder.

By increasing the nitric oxide in your body, your blood vessels open up. When this happens, blood rushes through to your muscles like never before. In addition to those perfect pumps, this increased blood flow brings increased oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, so you perform better during your workout, and recover better after.

Hemav02 Max Ingredients

Lots of supplements promise increased nitric oxide and amazing workouts, but it all comes down to the formula. Here’s a list of what you’ll find in Hemav02 Max:

  • Vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant and may provide energy.
  • Vitamin B12 which is known to provide long lasting energy without the crash.
  • Niacin which is a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels for more blood to flow through.

The Strength and Power Matrix which contains:

  • Hydromax (aka Glycerol) which volumizes you muscles by drawing water into your cells and blood vessels. Volumization isn’t the only effect. Glycerol also increases hydration, which is beneficial for everyone, especially endurance athletes. Hydromax is a patented form of Glycerol, mostly noted for its improved mixability.
  • Potassium Nitrate which contains nitrates to boost nitric oxide leading to vasodilation and major pumps. It also increases energy efficiency by ensuring your body is using oxygen properly, so you can work out longer without wearing out.

The Mind and Muscle Amplification uses:

  • Choline Bitartrate helps create and store acetylcholine for greater cognitive capacity and laser-like concentration. It helps maintain a strong connection between your mind and your muscles as you work out.
  • Amentoflavone which is a PDE inhibitor (like the active ingredient in Viagra). It will also increase blood flow and pumps. It also increases the amount of calcium that makes it to your muscles, improving muscle contractions and strength. Even more, it improves mood, and it burns fat.
  • Sceletium Tortuosum is an adaptagen that relieves stress and anxiety. It’s often used as an herbal remedy for depression. Additionally, it can be used to improve cognitive function.

Click Here to see  picture of the label.

How To Use Hemav02 Max

The recommended dose is one scoop mixed with a glass of water and taken about 30 minutes prior to your workout. For best results, you can take Hemav02 Max on an empty stomach. The max dose would be 2 servings in 24 hours, and you’re cautioned not to go over that.

Hemav02 Max Warnings

The Hemav02 Max makes it clear that this stuff is not for everyone. If you have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, kidney disease, taking any medication, or being treated for erectile dysfunction, it’s recommended that you do not use Hemav02 Max.

Hemav02 Max Side Effects

Even though Hemav02 Max is stimulant-free, there are ome potential side effects listed on the label as well. These include tremors, dizziness, sleeplessness, headaches, nervousness, and heart palpitations.

Hemav02 Max Reviews

Hemav02 Max calls itself the King of Pumps, and the few reviews I’ve seen bear that out. Customers seem very positive about it overall, and especially in terms of pumps and taste.

My Personal Results

hemavo2 max reviewI finally got a chance to try out HemaVO2 Max, and I have to say my results were more on the average side.  I followed the manufacturers directions of 1 scoop mixed with water 30 minutes prior to working out, and I could sense it kicking in within 15 minutes or so.

For me, it was a very subtle type of energy.  Like the kind of energy that puts you more in a mentally focused state than a physical one.

I would almost characterize it as being more of a study supplement more than a workout supplement, but that’s just my initial reaction.

The taste was ok, but there was a bit of a chemically aftertaste.

All in all the supplement can work as a fairly effective non-stimulant pre workout, but it’s not my personal favorite.  I’d rank it in the Top 10 though.

Where to Buy

You can pick Hemav02 Max up online through the iForce Nutrition website as well as several other online retailers. On the website, the 25 serving tub costs $34.99. Over at, it’s the same price. It comes in 4 flavors: Candy Green Apple, Juicy Watermelon, Lemon Drop, and Rainbow Sherbet.

Hemav02 Max Pros and Cons

Advantages of Hemav02 Max

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It focuses on pumps, but also includes help with endurance, energy, and strength.
  • Reviews are positive, especially when it comes to pump.

Disadvantages of Hemav02 Max

  • There is a potential for side effects.


A lot of guys wouldn’t even consider using a stimulant-free pre workout product. They want that jacked up feeling that you can only get with stims. If that’s not you, but you still want your pre workout to pack a punch with energy and pumps, you might want to look to Hemav02 Max. It could just fit the bill.

Have You Used Hemav02 Max? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Mesomorph Review

If you’re like most guys, you want a few distinct things from your pre workout powder, and they all lead to the same thing – insane results. And if you’ve tried more than a few different products, you’re probably starting to get the idea that the perfect product, with the right combination of energy, pump, and power, just doesn’t exist. In the end, that may be true, but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep searching.

Mesomorph from APS Nutrition has been getting a lot of buzz lately. They say the energy and pumps are insane, and on top of that it keeps your muscles working hard long after other pre workouts leave you spent.

How Mesomorph Works

Unlike so many other products, Mesomorph uses clinical doses of the primary active ingredients in the formula. This means you’re not just getting lip service about the good it can do. Mesomorph may actually deliver the:

  • Insane skin-ripping vascularity.
  • More energy with no crash.
  • Insane pumps.
  • No lactic acid buildup so your last rep is as solid as your first.
  • Quick recovery.

Mesomorph Ingredients

Okay, enough about promises. What’s in the Mesomorph formula that makes it deliver? There are 2 ingredient complexes that make up the complete formula. Each complex is a proprietary blend, so we don’t know what the exact doses are for most of the ingredients. This is unfortunate since one of their claims to fame is that they use clinical dosing. But I will say, the total dose represented by each complex is substantial.

The Synthenox-Carnosine/Nitric Oxide Complex (6,500 mg) contains:

  • Beta Alanine. The dose of Beta Alanine in Mesomorph is known to be 3.2 grams per serving. This is indeed a clinical dose. Beta Alanine blocks the build up of lactic acid during your workout. Lactic Acid produces a burning fatigue sensation that often causes you to feel like you have to stop pushing you muscles. Beta Alanine allows you to go further with your workout before reaching that stage.
  • L-Citrulline DL-Malate helps remove ammonia from the body, also allowing you to work out longer and harder before hitting a state of fatigue. Another benefit of L-Citrulline is that it boosts nitric oxide production.
  • Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate which is a precursor to nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through, giving you great pumps and delivering much needed oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.

The MesoSwell-Cell Volumizing ATP Matrix (4,500 mg) contains:

  • Di-Creatine Malate which is a form of creatine that works to prevent bloat. Creatine is basically the way ATP (muscle energy) is stored and made ready for use by your muscles.
  • L-Taurine which helps volumize cells by pulling water and nutrients. It’s present in the body, but gets used up when you work out.
  • Creatine Nitrate which is a form of creatine that also improves pumps and vascularity with its nitrate content.
  • Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) which acts as an antioxidant that may also improve nitric oxide production before a workout.
  • Creatinol-O-Phosphate which works similarly to Beta Alanine in that it prevents lactic acid buildup, and therefore delays the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Agmatine Sulfate which works by preventing the breakdown of nitric oxide in the body, effectively increasing the level.
  • NeuroMorp-Neuro Energized Stimulant Matrix (1,870 mg) contains
  • Glucoronolactone helps regulate glycogen in the body. At the dose of 1.3 grams in Mesomorph, it can improve athletic endurance as well as provide an antioxidant component.
  • Methylxanthine Anhydrous (aka Caffeine). This is included in most pre workout formulas because of its reliability when it comes to providing energy and focus
  • Theobromine which is a mood elevator in addition to providing smooth energy without the crash.
  • Naringin which comes from grapefruits and may improve energy as well as blood pressure.
  • Geranaburn (Geranium Oil Extract). This is actually DMAA (1,3 dimethylamylamine). 65Mg to be exact. It’s a strong central nervous system stimulant that provides focus and endurance, as well as superior appetite suppression.

Click Here to see a picture of the label.

If you’re familiar with DMAA, you are probably aware of the FDA having banned it. Yep, that’s the stuff. The story in a nutshell is that in 2012, the FDA warned supplement makers that DMAA may cause side effects, and does not fall into the category of natural substances, and therefore it was banned. Most manufacturers took their DMAA-containing products off the market at that time or shortly thereafter. Subsequently, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals (parent company of APS Nutrition) brought DMAA back, stating that it is indeed natural since it comes from the geranium plant.

Further, they state that side effects, such as increased blood pressure, are only seen at levels of 75 mg or above whereas Mesomorph contains just 65 gm. Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals is battling the FDA in court now, arguing that not only is DMAA natural, but that it is safe as well. They say they’ve sold over 100 million doses and are not aware of any serious adverse events associated with it. There had been a pending case involving the death of a soldier, but that case was dismissed in early 2016.

If you do try Mesomorph, start out with a half dose to assess your tolerance and how you’ll feel when taking it. If all goes well, start increasing to a full dose slowly.

My Personal Results

mesomorph pre workout reviewI have to admit, when I saw that Mesomorph pre workout had injected DMAA into their supplement, I pretty much knew it was going to work well.

I’s used plenty of supplements containing DMAA in the past, and I have never had a bad result.

In the end, my suspicions were confirmed.  This stuff works GREAT!

The directions on the label state that you should take things slow with Mesomorph because of one of it’s primary ingredients, Beta Alanine.

If you’re not already aware, Beta Alanine can produce some weird side effects, including a burning tingling sensation.

This is COMPLETELY normal, but the folks over at APS nutrition should be commended for warning people ahead of time.

As such, they recommend starting with a low dose of a half a scoop.  As I’m already pretty experienced with the effects of Beta-Alanine on myself, but haven’t taken it in over a year, I decided to do just that.

Within 20 minutes, and about halfway to my local Golds gym, I felt a SURGE of energy come over me.

What followed was probably one of the most intense workouts I’ve had in months.

I happened to be doing legs that day, and I ended up breaking some of my normal squat and deadlift records.

The one and only side effect I had was the comedown.  It took about 3 – 4 hours to wear off, but when it did I got the usual very tired / fatigued feeling.

I have to admit, though, that this is very common for me on leg day, but the comedown seemed a bit amplified.

Where to Buy

Mesomorph is only sold online. You can find it at the APS Nutrition website as well as several other online supplement retailers. At the website, the 25 serving tub costs $64.95, but I’ve seen it as low as $34.95 at some of the other retailers.

Mesomorph Pros and Cons

Advantages of Mesomorph

  • The formula uses clinical doses for the key ingredients.
  • Customer reviews are mainly positive – especially in relation to the energy it provides.

Disadvantages of Mesomorph

  • It contains DMAA (which is a positive in a lot of ways) at 65 mg per serving, which is not too far from the 75 mg dose that has been shown to cause high blood pressure.
  • Some reviewers claims the energy was too much, as in they were grinding their teeth for hours.


If you want a strong pre workout, Mesomorph is definitely up your alley. Just be aware of the potential side effects and use caution.

Have You Used Mesomorph? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Testo Vital Review – 4 HUGE Reasons You Don’t Want It

Testo Vital is a testosterone boosting supplement that promises you’ll “Be like a Raging Animal”. That term could apply to working out in the gym or performing in the bedroom, either one. But in this case, it’s all about the sex. By using Testo Vital, they promise you’ll have:

  • Better erections.
  • More intense orgasms.
  • An significant increase in size.
  • Greater stamina.
  • The best sex life of your life.

If your problem is poor sex, Testo Vital is the solution.

The Testo Vital Website

Above is just a taste of the tone and tenor of the Testo Vital website. It’s pretty explicit with its claims, and its images are no less so. All the text is in front of a backdrop of tanned, muscled, sweaty male and female bodies in various states of engagement, if you get what I mean. There’s no question who Testo Vital is trying to appeal to – anyone who wants a hotter, more thrilling sex life.


Testo Vital Benefits

The website continues on to lay it out very clearly what you can expect when you take Testo Vital:


To flesh it out more completely, Testo Vital promises:

  • Increased libido
  • Stronger, harder erection.
  • Longer lasting stamina to satisfy and impress every woman.

The kind of confidence (and reputation) that makes all the women want you. This one is perhaps the most important. If you think you can’t perform, you can’t. If you know you can perform, please, and impress, you will. And Testo Vital claims to give you what you need to know you can.

But okay, that’s enough about the promises.

We’ve talked about them a lot for a reason actually. It’s because promises are about all Testo Vital has to offer. Next, we’ll talk about the formula, which is where things start going downhill.

Testo Vital Ingredients

The website doesn’t provide a label image, which is disappointing, but they do offer a look at the key primary components in the formula. Here’s a list, along with a little explanation of how they’re supposed to work:

  • Sarsaparilla which some believe can increase testosterone. It does contain sterols, but they don’t convert to testosterone, which is what they would be used for in this case. It can be used to treat gout, but its effects on sexual desire are purely anecdotal.
  • Wild Yam Extract which may regulate hormone levels, keeping the balance between estrogen and testosterone as it should be.
  • Boron which is a mineral needed for bone strength. It may also help increase natural testosterone levels, which will boost both desire and performance. (Source: 1)
  • Epimedium which comes from China and is an aphrodisiac that will work to boost your libido. It also improves blood flow for better erections, working very similarly to how Viagra works.
  • Nettle Extract which is mainly used to support prostate health but may also provide for an increase in testosterone levels.
  • Tongkat Ali which is used to support both a healthy libido and normal hormone levels. It may act to increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin – the substance that binds to testosterone molecules, rendering them useless. (Source: 2)
  • Saw Palmetto which is commonly used to support prostate health, which is closely related to overall sexual health. It may also help maintain healthy testosterone levels when they are in danger of being low.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from cattle testicles. (Source: 3) It is thought to improve testicular health, but this has not been proven in clinical studies.

It’s a typical formula, more typical than you might know (which we’ll get into a little more later), but it’s fairly weak. There are some aphrodisiacs and mild testosterone boosters, but nothing to powerfully improve erections or drive libido through the roof. So our next step is to find out how it’s working out for guys that have tried it.

Testo Vital Reviews

For reasons we’ll talk about later, there are no independent customer reviews of Testo Vital online. The only feedback we found were “testimonials” from the official website. We don’t like to put a lot of trust in these for a few reasons. A product website could block any negative reviews and post only the ones that put the product in the best light. Or they could even be made up entirely. This is what I think is the case here. I don’t know for certain, but here are a few examples. Take a look and decide what you think:


When looking at these testimonials, I realized they looked awfully familiar, and I was pretty sure I’d seen them before. I did a little looking around through some other reviews I’d done, and it turns out I was right. Take a look at this image:


These are the exact same testimonials, the only difference being that the guys claim they used a product called Xplosive Vital. You’re not going to believe this, but I looked a little further and saw another copy of the same image for a product called Raging Lion.

raging lion reviews

Same pictures of the same guys with the same ‘review’.

I’d say this leaves no doubt that these Testo Vital testimonials are a complete fake.

Not only that, but it casts a HUGE shadow of deceit over the all three products. After a little more investigation, it BECAME clear that all three had the same formula too, and even used the same website template and images. Clearly, these are not three distinct products. Testo Vital, Xplosive Vital, and Raging Lion are all the exact same thing, made by the exact same people, just using different names, and contact information.

You may wonder what the purpose would be of using three names for the same product. It’s a good question. The answer is that these products don’t work, they use a billing scam, and the manufacturer knows that they’ll have a bad reputation very soon, so they hedge their bets by using different product names. It allows them to get to more customers before being exposed.

We’ve shown you the weak formula that probably doesn’t work very well, and we’ve exposed the testimonials as fake. Now let’s move on to the billing scam. If you’re still pondering whether or not to use Testo Vital, hopefully this will make it clear what a mistake that would be.

What About The Youtube Reviews

I took a look on Youtube for some reviews of Testo Vital, and as usual I came up short.  For example, check out this video below:

The title says “Testo Vital” but if you actually watch the 2 minute video there’s not one mention of the supplement.

All he basically talks about is compound lifting strategies.

Same exact deal with this video:

This video actually features Mark Wahlburg prepping for a role, and he does mention taking supplements.

But he does NOT mention Testo Vital at ALL.

There’s dozens of other ‘reviews’ on Youtube that are nothing more than short, shitty 30 second ads for the product.

testo vital reviews on youtube

If you click on any of them you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Testo Vital Free Trial Scam

They’re calling it a “Sample Bottle,” but it’s the same free trial scam we’ve been warning against for years. You start out only paying $4.95 for shipping. Once you enter all your billing and shipping information, they send you a full one month supply. Since they’re calling it a “sample” and a “trial offer,” people think they’re getting it free and clear. But they’re not.

Unless you call and cancel your subscription within 14 days of the order date, they’ll charge you the full price of $89.95 for the “trial” bottle, and sign you up for their membership program where they’ll send you a new bottle each month for that same $89.95 price, plus shipping.

If you’ve already ordered Testo Vital, you may be thinking “what subscription? I must be safe because I didn’t sign up for any subscription”. But you’d be wrong. When you signed up for the sample, you were automatically signed up for the automatic monthly shipments. So if that’s you, you need to call them as soon as you can if you want to cancel any future payments or billing. The contact number on their website is 1-888-250-8961.

And in case you’re still thinking, no way, I didn’t sign up for that, here’s where they let you know. It’s right at the very bottom of the order form:


Who Makes Testo Vital?

We’ve figured out that the 3 products mentioned above are either the same, made by the same company, or at least in some way related, but who is the company behind them all? That’s a much more difficult question to answer. It turns out they’re not sharing the name of the company. They’re just going by “Testo Vital” as the name of the company that makes Testo Vital and Xplosive Vital. Raging Lion is made by a company called Raging Lion.

We checked to see if Testo Vital has a Better Business Bureau profile. It does… sort of. The file was opened less than a week ago and as such, doesn’t contain any information other than the fact that they are located in Santa Ana, CA. My suspicion is if you take a look a few weeks from now, there will be more information about the company, probably in the form of complaints.

As far as I can tell the only place you can buy Testo Vital is on their official website, which I’m not even going to link to because I personally think it’s a scam.

I searched through typical brick and mortar stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS, and none of them sell Testo Vital.

It’s also not available on Amazon or ebay as of this review.

Testo Vital Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testo Vital

  • The formula contains natural ingredients.

Disadvantages of Testo Vital

  • The testimonials from customers aren’t real. They’re rehashed and reused, probably made up in the first place, and used by several different products.
  • The official website is also rehashed and used for other products.
  • It’s only available by signing up for their free trial offer that isn’t free at all and gets you signed up for monthly autopay.
  • The ingredient list is pretty weak.

The Bottom Line

There’s really nothing redeeming about Testo Vital. They make bold claims, but their formula isn’t bold at all. They recycle and reuse websites and customer reviews, passing them off as unique to this product when they’re anything but. They scam you into monthly autopayments that most guys never planned on signing up for. The male performance enhancement market is chock full of options, which makes it real easy to skip Testo Vital for something better.

Have You Used Testo Vital? Leave Your Review Below!

Sources / References




Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

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InteliGEN Review – 6 Big Reasons Not to Use It

Brain boosters. Cognitive enhancers. Adderall alternatives. Nootropics. Whatever you choose to call them, they’ve been taking over the natural supplement world for a while now. If you’ve ever checked one out or followed a link, you know how aggressively they use social media to market themselves. A new one pops up on your twitter feed every couple hours.

That’s how I came across a product called InteliGEN Advanced Brain Formula. It’s a nootropic supplement being sold online that promises to boost how well your brain performs, so you can act at peak capacity, getting things done and moving your life forward.

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics are substances and/or stacks that can be used to enhance your memory, your focus, your clarity, your mental energy, and the way you use your brain to achieve your goals overall. They’ve been around for decades, but a couple of “events” have come together in recent years to cause the market to just explode:

  1. inteligen-review-1ADD/ADHD medication. These days, you can barely walk around a college campus without seeing or hearing about students buying Adderall on the aftermarket from other students who have it prescribed by their doctor to help with their diagnosed ADD/ADHD. These non-ADD/ADHD students use the pills to help them stay awake and focused so they can pull all-nighters preparing for an exam or writing a paper.
  2. The movie Limitless. In this movie, Bradley Cooper stars as guy who’s kind of a loser until he takes this pill that allows him to use close to 100% of his brain power instead of the minuscule portion we use normally. As a result, he achieves great success in the stock market, he writes a book overnight, and of course he finds himself living an exciting life filled with adventure. Oh, and of course, he gets the girl in the end.

Both of these factors happened to be well-timed to coincide with advancements in the natural supplement industry, and the popularity of the supplements exploded.

What Can InteliGEN Do?

Belonging to this category of supplements, InteliGEN promises to:

  • Help support your memory.
  • Improve your concentration.
  • Increase the speed at which your brain processes information.
  • Boost you energy.
  • Give you laser-like focus.

How Does InteliGEN Work?

InteliGEN claims to work basically the same way all nootropic supplements claim to work. It increases the number of and improves the functioning of essential neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for how information is taken in and used by the brain. In addition, it improves the overall health of brain cells, and maintains proper levels of the amino acids and other key components needed for your brain to function at its highest level.

InteliGEN Ingredients

People are using these nootopic supplements, and some are getting great results, but that doesn’t mean they all work as advertised. It’s important to look at the ingredients as a means to understand just how InteliGEN may or may not work.

When we’re researching a supplement, the best thing we hope for is that they proudly display an ingredients label right on the website. This way, we know exactly what’s in the formula at exactly what doses. InteliGEN doesn’t do this. They tell us what the primary ingredients are, but they don’t give us a complete list, and they don’t give us amounts.



Here’s what we know goes into InteliGEN:

  • Bacopa Monnieri which comes from India and is commonly found in Nootropic supplements. It’s an antioxidant that is thought to also boost memory and cognitive ability. It may also reduces anxiety and depression as it relates to stress.
  • Vinpocetine which comes from the periwinkle plant. It can increase the flow of blood to the brain which increases both oxygen and vital nutrient delivery to the brain. It also helps to renew damaged brain cells. Another benefit is that it increases the neurotransmitters in the brain necessary for optimal functioning, and protects neurons from toxins.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which boosts cognitive energy. It’s been used for centuries to improve memory and alertness. It’s currently used to slow the progression of dementia symptoms and studies are showing it to improve attention, motivation, and concentration. In addition, Ginkgo Biloba can also improve circulation to the brain.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine which can boost energy, increase memory, and improve learning capacity. It does this while also acting as an antioxidant with anti-aging benefits to the brain. It quickens memory recall and lengthens attention span and flexibility. It also functions as a neuro-protector, keeping your brain healthy by eliminating toxins.

Again, it isn’t clear if the above represents all the active ingredients. In fact, it likely does not. Elsewhere in the review it is mentioned that the formula contains: “nutrients, amino acids, and vitamin B6”. The fact that Vitamin B6 is not mentioned in the “complete” ingredients list indicates that there may be others missing from the information given as well.

Until now, we’ve talked about InteliGEN as a the manufacturer would like to present the product. We’ve mainly stuck to their claims and benefits in the way they want us to see them. But at this point, we’re going to shift our focus, and potentially expose some weak spots... if there are any.

Patent Ingredients?

The InteliGEN website claims that the formula contains “patent ingredients”:




The trouble is we looked around and found no indications that InteliGEN holds any patents on anything, and there is no company name they seem to be operating under, other than InteliGEN.

That brings us to another sketchy claim made by InteliGEN. Right at the top of their website, is this image:




Again, the trouble is we did some research and found absolutely no evidence that InteliGEN has appeared on, been mentioned by, or has in any way a connection to CBS, NBC, Maxim, Men’sHealth, People, or Time. It seems like they wouldn’t mention such a thing when it’s a lie, but I guess they didn’t think anyone would check. Well, we did, and they are indeed lying.

Clinical Studies

At the very bottom of the website, InteliGEN invites us to take a look at a few Studies they claim support the stated benefits of their product. Just like the “As seen on” section, I don’t think they expect you to really check these sources out, because when you do, you find out very quickly that these studies don’t support their claims at all.

Source 1 talks about cognitive enhancers and their potential, but doesn’t offer any evidence, clinical or otherwise, that any of the ingredients does what it claims.

Source 2 talks about a study of 2 nootropic substances from the racetam family (piracetam and levetiracetam) that aren’t even listed as being in the InteliGEN formula.

Source 3 studies a group of plants, again unrelated to anything stated to be in InteliGEN.

Source 4  is a study done recently in Russia where rats were injected with certain peptides.

Truth be told, this is actually pretty insulting. I see this as deliberate dismissal of legitimate concerns a potential customer may have. They want to look legit by linking to sources, but they do it by linking to sources that don’t even try to support their product. The simply don’t think their customers will follow up with their research, so they didn’t take the time to find studies (if they exist) of ingredients actually found in the formula.

InteliGEN Side Effects

So far, the nootropic substances found in InteliGEN, and even those that aren’t, have shown to be prety safe and relatively side effect-free. This is the good news. Of course, no substance can be assured not to cause any discomfort for anyone, so it’s certainly possible that a person taking InteliGEN may experience a headache or some stomach upset, but for the most part, side effects should be mild or non-existent.

That said, we checked out the listed ingredients with WebMD, and this is what we found as far as potentials:

Bacopa Monnieri can cause stomach cramps, increased frequency of bowel movements, dry mouth, fatigue, or nausea.

Vinpocetine can cause headache, dizziness, nervousness, face flushing, sleeplessness, headaches, or nausea.

Ginkgo Biloba can cause skin reactions and rapid heart beat.

Acetyl L-Carnitine can cause your breath, urine, and sweat to smell fishy.

Where to Buy

InteliGEN is only available online and only through their official website. It doesn’t appear to be pushing a phony “free trial” scam, so that’s a good thing. All the ordering options appear to be straight up sales.

  • Buy 1 bottle for $49
  • Buy 3 bottles for $33 each ($99)
  • Buy 5 bottles for $29.60 each ($148)

Shipping is $9.95 if you choose the smallest package, but free with the more expensive options. All options are covered by a money back guarantee as explained in the Terms of Service document:




Who Makes InteliGEN

The InteliGEN website doesn’t mention a manufacturer with a separate name apart from InteliGEN. All the administrative information about shipping, returns, and billing all use the name InteliGEN. But there is also mention of another product, Smart Cleanse Detox, in the Terms document. We drilled down a little on that and came up with a company called Lumen Naturals that sells the detox product on their website. There was no sign of InteliGEN, so there’s may or may not be a connection, but it’s as close as we could get.

InteliGEN Pros and Cons

Advantages of InteliGEN

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • Taking InteliGEN is probably safe.

Disadvantages of InteliGEN

  • They don’t provide a full ingredient list.
  • They make several misleading statements on their website, including that InteliGEN has been featured on television and in magazines, that they hold a patent for the ingredients, and that there are studies to support the effectiveness of the ingredients.
  • The money back guarantee is convoluted and involves a restocking fee.
  • There are no independent reviews from customers who’ve used it.

The Bottom Line

There’s no reason to believe InteliGEN will cause harm to anything other than your wallet. The ingredients are considered safe, and there’s even a low incidence of side effects. The problem is, you don’t want a supplement that’s just safe, you want it to be effective as well. In fact, you want it to be the most effective supplement you can buy. As much as I’d like to say otherwise, InteliGEN just isn’t that. You may experience a little energy boost, but it won’t be much.

If InteliGEN did what they say it does, they wouldn’t have to lie about being in the media, they would be in the media. They wouldn’t have to lie about having patents, they’d have patents. And they wouldn’t have to lie about clinical studies proving it works, there would be clinical studies proving it works.

We have other choices. There’s no reason to go with InteliGEN, and plenty of reasons NOT to.

Have You Used InteliGEN? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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