Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Absorb Your Health website.

Nootropic supplements have been the latest craze in the industry the last couple of years, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.  I literally come across 2 or 3 new ones popping up per day, with clever names like “AdderRX“, “Adderin”, and “Addrena“.

Clearly these are spinoffs of brand name medications like Adderall, and many of these companies claim that there formula works better than Adderall, without the side effects.

Fat chance of that!

However, when looking at the formulas for most of these supplements, one thing comes to mind over and over.

They look nothing more than a heavily loaded multi-vitamin.

That’s where the Absorb Your Health comes in.  They ACTUALLY sell Nootropics, and they’re serious about providing you with not only the best value, but also the highest quality product.

In this particular review I’m going to talk about their Nootropics All-Star Pack, which is a stack of supplements that works GREAT at helping to increase focus, concentration, short and long term memory, as well as motivation.

What is the Nootropics All Star Pack?

The Absorb Your Health Nootropics all star pack is made up of 4 nootropic supplements:

  • Adrafinil
  • Noopept
  • Alphs GPC
  • and Sulbutiamine

Each of these on their own are actually very powerful, but if you’re looking for the ultimate nootropic experience, you should combine all 4.

over the counter adderall alternative

This combo basically provides a step-by-step approach to giving you an Adderall-like effect.

Step 1:  Adrafinil

adrafinilThe first time I took Adrafinil I was actually pleasantly surprised.  Unlike stimulants such as caffeine, DMAA (more on this below), and yohimbe, Adrafinil doesn’t make you hyperactive and jittery.

Instead, it basically wakes you up.

It does this because it’s essentially the precursor to a drug called Modafinil (sometimes referred to as Provigil).

Modafinil is known as a “wakefulness-promoting agent”, and is used to treat things like narcolepsy and shift work sleep disorder.

However, Modafinil is only available via a prescription.  (Well, Afinil Express sells it w/o one, but that’s a whole other story)

Adrafinil is NOT.

In fact, Adrafinil is BASICALLY the same thing as Modafinil, because it’s the precursor to it.

What does that mean?

Well, essentially when you consume adrafinil, as it passes through the liver it is metabolized into Modafinil.

So, it “turns into” Modafinil.

That’s step 1, getting you to wake up.

Step 2:  Noopept

noopeptThough technically not a “racetam”, noopept is a nootropic that provides similar effects to Piracetam.

However, it’s actually 1000 X more potent, and has been shown to help increase attention span by providing a subtle psychostimulatory effect.

It’s also been shown in several studies to improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration, and on its own works very well.

But it’s most effective as a neuroprotective agent, which essentially means it protects your brain from stress.

That’s step 2, calming you down and increasing attention.

Step3:  Alpha GPC

alpha-gpcAlpha GPC is a choline containing supplement that helps with new memory formation and learning, and has been widely accepted as an effective nootropic.

Choline is often found in many of the foods we eat, however, most people are deficient in it.

Alpha GPC fixes all that.

It’s primary purpose is to reduce cognitive decline, which is inevitable as we age.

Some studies have also shown that it can help DRAMATICALLY with attention span and focus, which is why I’ve included it in this stack.

That’s step 3, getting you dialed in and focused.

Step 4:  Sulbutiamine

sulbutiamineSulbutiamine is a natural compound that is actually a derivative of Vitamin B1, commonly known as Thiamine.

You’ll notice that a lot of the nootropic supplements on the market often contain pretty high doses of Vitamin B1.

That’s great and all, but there’s one major problem.

It does NOT cross the blood brain barrier in effective doses.

That basically means you’re not getting it’s full effects.

However, with Sulbutiamine, the effects are WAY more pronounced.

The reason behind this is it DOES cross the blood brain barrier in much more concentrated doses.

It’s primary purpose is to enhance energy and mood, 2 things that are absolutely CRUCIAL when you’re trying to get stuff done.

That’s step 4, improving your mood AND giving you a big boost in energy.

So, just to recap.

Step 1:  Adrafinil – will WAKE you up.

Step 2:  Noopept – will CALM you down.

Step 3:  Alpha GPC – will get you DIALED in and focused.

Step 4:  Sulbutiamine – will IMPROVE your mood and give you energy.

How Should I Take It?

If you’re just starting off with nootropics, I would recommend that you take each one of these by themselves first to assess your reaction.

The suggested dose for each is as follows:

First Time Use

Adrafinil:  250 – 300 mg

Noopept:  10 mg

Alpha GPC:  250 mg

Sulbutiamine:  500 mg

Once you’ve taken all 2 at these low doses, then you can start to move up.

Intermediate Dose Range

Adrafinil:  600 mg

Noopept:  20 mg

Alpha GPC:  500 mg

Sulbutiamine:  500 mg

And if you’re a pro at taking this stuff, you can move on to even heavier doses:

Adrafinil:  900 mg

Noopept:  30 mg

Alpha GPC:  750 mg

Sulbutiamine:  500 mg

It’s VERY important to note that you should take all of these on a completely empty stomach, just like with the Optimind and Phenibut combo.

I would also highly recommend that you take them first thing in the morning.

If you take them later in the day you risk insomnia, especially from the Adrafinil.

Where Can I Buy Absorb Health Nootropic?

You can buy all of these individually on their website, or you can purchase their Noootropics All-Star pack which comes with all of them.

Unlike many of the other vendors that sell these as a powder, they ALL come in capsule form.

There’s no measuring or “guessing” how much you need to take, it’s all taken care of for you.

Check it out here:  https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349

What Can I Expect To Feel?

Within about 15 minutes of your first dose, you’ll start to feel the effects.  The best way I can describe it is like a fog being lifted from your head.

Instead of blindly staring at the computer screen, book, or whatever you’re doing, you’ll feel more engaged and motivated to start getting things done.

The effect is subtle at first, so much so that you might think it’s not working.

But it is, it just takes a little while to kick in.

Generally speaking, you’ll start to feel the best effects in about 45 – 60 min.  This of course depends on the individual, but that’s been my experience.

One of the most pleasant surprises from taking this stack is, unlike with Adderall, you won’t get that hyped up, cracked out, aweful comedown feeling.

You’ll get the focus and mood enhancing effects similar to Adderall, without all of the unwanted effects.

When it comes to taking Nootropics, it’s all about the dosage and how your body responds to it.

Some people (like myself) get a good response from a relatively low dose, and some people need a massive quantity to get an effect similar to that of Adderall.

It’s always recommended that you start off with the lowest dose FIRST.  You can always move up, but once you’ve taken a dose you can’t go back!

Visit the Official Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack page here:  https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349

Who is Absorb Your Health?

Absorb Your Health is a UK based company who runs their operations out of Manchester, England.  I typically like to buy American, but unfortunately there’s not a heck of a lot of trustworthy nootropics dealers here in the US, for various reasons which I won’t get into here.

Absorb Your Health sells a wide variety of supplements, ranging from nootropics supplements like Noopept, sexual enhancement supplements like Tongkat Ali, and testosterone boosting supplements like Tribulus Terrestris.


I have tested Nootropic supplements from a wide variety of popular vendors, including Peak Nootropics, Lift Mode, and Nootropics Depot.  After using so many different vendors, I can say with complete confidence that Absorb Your Health not only provides the best value, but also pumps out the highest quality nootropics I’ve ever tested.

If you’re looking for something that will not only boost your productivity but also increase you focus, cognition, and moo, I would HIGHLY recommend the Absorb Your Health Nootropics all star pack.

Have You Used The Nootropics All Star Pack?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Hydroxycut HD Review

As we get older, the pounds inevitably start piling on.  There is a point where most people realize that they must do something different in order to maintain the body shape they have grown accustomed to when they were younger.  However, the reality is, a drastic change in eating habits, exercise, and in some cases supplements, are required in order to stop the belly fat from developing into a spare tire.

Since a change in dietary patterns and lifestyle choices requires work and commitment, most people choose to try a dietary supplement before anything else.  If these supplements worked as well as the commercials would lead us to believe, we’d all be walking around with a six pack without even having to perform a single sit up.  Nevertheless, the emotional appeal of a simple pill that can burn fat is something that will never lose its allure.

This is why weight loss products will never go out of style.  In fact, the number of these types of products continues to increase by the day.  Many of these products, like Hydroxycut, were immensely popular, mainly due to their TV commercial advertisement campaign.

As these products become stale and sales start to decline, companies reinvent their products in order to target the same exact market.  One such product is Hydroxycut HD, a brand-new weight-loss product that is capitalizing on the popularity of the original formula.

So, should you run out and purchase the newly formulated Hydroxycut HD?

What Is Hydroxycut HD?

hydroxycut hd reviewHydroxycut HD is a formula that is claimed to enhance mental focus, promote powerful weight loss, and provide hours of energy.

Hydroxycut HD separates itself from the pack by offering a “NEW Smart Release Microbead Technology”.  According to the company, this allows users to lose even more weight and attain greater mental focus, as this product is absorbed slowly, yet consistently.

This supplement is designed to trigger thermogenesis, meaning that it increases body temperature, and therefore, increases metabolism, encouraging the body to burn fat for energy.

However, according to the company’s clinical research on this supplement, users are still required to follow a low calorie diet while taking this formula in order to lose weight.  In other words, people can’t expect to simply take this formula and lose weight without contributing any effort.

Clinical Study On Hydroxycut HD?

According to the company website, subjects who consume Hydroxycut HD over a 60-day period, while following a low calorie diet lost an average of 10.95 pounds versus 5.40 pounds for the placebo group.  Based on that study, it appears that users can lose double the weight when using Hydroxycut HD.

However, the actual study is on a patented formula called Svetol, a green coffee extract, which based on the ingredients listed in Hydroxycut HD, may not specifically be in the product itself.

This study goes on to say that 50 overweight volunteers were separated into two groups, one receiving Svetol, and the other a placebo.  In addition to the significant weight loss, the study goes on to say that after 60 days of treatment, the muscle mass to fat mass ratio increased significantly, 4.1 in the experimental group vs 1.6 in the placebo group.  According to that study, one can assume that Svetol allows people to burn fat, while retaining their muscle.

Ingredients In Hydroxycut HD

Hydroxycut HD contains a 403 mg proprietary formula that contains Robusta Coffee Extract, Anhydrous Caffeine, Choline Bitartrate, L-Theanine, and Ashwagandha Extract.

Robusta Coffee Extract (C. Canephora Robusta)

Robusta Coffee Extract, commonly referred to as green coffee bean extract, skyrocketed in popularity after Dr. Oz mentioned it on his show in 2012.  He even went as far as saying, “the green coffee bean that burns fat fast.”  Due to his overwhelming popularity and relative credibility at that time, it is no wonder why so many people rushed out to purchase products with green coffee beans in them.

The reason why green coffee beans are selected are because they have higher levels of chlorogenic acid.  Chlorogenic acid has been shown to inhibit fat accumulation in both rat and human studies.

At this point, green coffee extract is showing to slightly reduced bodyweight, likely because it prevents carbohydrate uptake in the intestines when consumed before a meal.

Truthfully though, there aren’t very many clinical trials and all have poor methodological quality.  Even though the studies can’t be considered bullet proof by any means, overall, they have shown a modest affect on reducing bodyweight.

Even better, green coffee bean extract is considered healthy so consuming it shouldn’t give people a reason for concern even if it doesn’t burn fat.

Caffeine – 200 mg

Caffeine is a thermogenic substance that promotes an increase in metabolism.  Through this aspect, the body inherently burns more calories, attributing to greater weight loss.

Choline Bitartrate

Choline has been shown to improve cognitive function because it is a building block for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.  In this formula, the addition of choline is likely to keep people in a good mood while they are dieting.


The amino acid L-Theanine has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress.  Again, people who are dieting are likely to be somewhat cranky so consuming a relaxing agent like this can assist in achieving long-term dieting goals.  When consumed alongside caffeine, it has the potential to take the jitteriness out of it.

Ashwagandha Extract

Ashwagandha is increasing in popularity, as it has been shown to decrease anxiety and reduce stress.  Since dieting is often a stressful experience, including this in the formula makes sense from a variety of angles.

Dosage And Instructions

According to the company, it is important to assess tolerance to this supplement and start out with only one capsule twice a day.

On day two, up the dose to two capsules twice a day.

If everything goes fine up to that point, on day three, take three capsules two times a day.

For people who don’t have a problem taking three capsules two times a day, continue doing so for at least 60 days in combination with diet and exercise.

For best absorption, take a serving 30 to 60 minutes before the two largest meals of the day.

According to the company, never take more than six capsules in a 24 hour period.

Side Effects Of Hydroxycut HD

Hydroxycut HD contains coconut ingredients so anyone who is allergic to coconut products should absolutely avoid this supplement.

In addition, a 3 capsule serving contains 200 mg of caffeine.  Anyone who is sensitive to caffeine should also avoid this product.

Green coffee beans have been shown to make anxiety disorder is worse in some individuals, can cause complications in people with bleeding disorders, cause diarrhea, and increase pressure in the eye, potentially causing glaucoma.

In studies on green coffee bean extract, there have been adverse effects that include headache and urinary tract infections.

Where To Buy Hydroxycut HD?

Hydroxycut HD can be purchased at Walgreens.  60 capsules costs $39.99.  That means that people who are taking the maximum dose, six capsules a day, are going to have to purchase a box every 10 days.

In other words, anyone who wants to attempt to replicate the results in the clinical study will need to purchase six boxes to account for all 60 days, almost $240!

Hydroxycut HD is also available on Amazon, but is even more expensive, at $44.95 for 60 capsules.

The cheapest I could find it for sale was Vitamin Shoppe, which retails Hydroxycut HD at $31.99.

User Reviews Of Hydroxycut HD

Since Hydroxycut HD is brand-new, there aren’t many user reviews on it yet.  Overall, I would expect user reviews to be in the ball park of 2.5 stars out of 5 stars.  Since this product requires users to participate in an exercise program and reduce calories, this formula certainly isn’t a magic bullet that will result in nothing but rave reviews.


The ingredients in Hydroxycut HD certainly don’t have the wow factor, as coffee bean extract alongside some extra caffeine, and stress relieving compounds aren’t novel by any means.  When combined with the fact that a 60 day supply of six pills a day will run about $240, it certainly doesn’t appear to be worth it.

People who want to experiment with coffee bean extract in order to attempt to lose weight should do just that and avoid purchasing expensive weight loss supplements that aren’t all that expensive to manufacture.

For people who are willing to look, green coffee bean extract can be purchased for about $15 for a one-month supply.  In order to get the caffeine contained in Hydroxycut HD, drink coffee.  This should provide about the same results as Hydroxycut HD.  However, the ingredients that are designed to reduce stress and promote relaxation won’t be included.

For people interested in these agents, realize that a one month supply of Ashwagandha extract costs about $10, while Choline and L-Theanine are relatively inexpensive.  While it may not be the same formula in many respects, people who are dieting on a budget may want to consider purchasing each ingredient separately and make their own fat loss formula.

Have You Used Hydroxycut HD?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

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Adderllin Review

When Adderall became a commonly prescribed drug used to treat ADHD and other focus related disorders, many people became hooked on them.  Why not, Adderall is one of those drugs that allows people to focus on mundane tasks with out-of-this-world motivation.  No matter what the task, studying or cleaning the house, Adderall quickly became the drug of choice.

Of course, like any other drug that appears amazing at first, there are horrible side effects associated with long-term Adderall use.  In short, people build up a tolerance, dependence, and feel like they can’t live without this drug after using it consistently.

Besides that, there are also several adverse health effects that are known to come along with taking stimulants such as Adderall or Ritalin for too long of a period of time and for many, it is just simply not worth taking them on.

This leaves the market wide-open for an Adderall substitute that can at least partially fill that empty space.  We will look at one natural supplement that claims to be similar to Adderall, but is it really?

If you are skeptical, that makes two of us, as there isn’t likely anything out there in the natural world that can take the place of Adderall, a synthetic, pharmaceutical drug.

The supplement we are going to look at today is called Adderllin, now known as Addrena.

What Is Adderllin?

adderllin reviewOriginally marketed as Adderlin, Addrena is touted to be a natural alternative to Adderall that can be purchased without a prescription.  Not only is it supposed to help people focus, but it offers energy, and is claimed to be a fat loss pill.

By targeting people who want to study better, lose weight, and improve their focus, Addrena is bound to capture the attention of people everywhere.

How Does Adderllin Work?

According to the company, Addrena increases the flow of neurotransmitters, like dopamine and epinephrine.  This allegedly increases concentration, focus, and helps improve mood.  Addrena also increases energy by supplying vitamins, herbal extracts, and of course, caffeine.  Lastly, Addrena increases body temperature, thus promoting fat loss with substances like Yohimbine and bitter orange.

Clinical Studies On Adderllin?

It doesn’t appear that there are any clinical studies on Addrena, meaning that the company can’t validate the effectiveness of their supplement.

Ingredients In Adderllin

Now we will look at the ingredients in Addrena, while analyzing their positive benefits and side effects.  Each capsule has a weight of 1,260 mg in total, although the amount of each ingredient is unknown.

Addrena contains Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, Choline, Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Bacopa, Caffeine, Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), Piperine, Huperzine, Guarana, Vinpocetine, Bitter Orange, Yohimbine Bark Extract, and White Willow Bark.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is important for energy production and could assist people who are low in this crucial vitamin.  Vitamin B3 supplementation increases HDL cholesterol levels and reduces triglyceride levels.

In addition, Vitamin B3 has been shown to improve cognition and promote longevity.

Vitamin B12

Supplementation with Vitamin B12 has been shown to improve cognition in people who don’t receive enough of it.  Generally, only older people who have lost the ability to adequately absorb Vitamin B12 and vegetarians need to supplement with it.

Oftentimes, supplementation has been shown to improve the symptoms of depression, improve the probability of recovering from a stroke, and reduce homocysteine levels, a good thing, as they have been associated with cardiovascular problems.


Choline has been shown to be a cognitive enhancer, as it is the building block to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter associated with learning.  Generally, a dose between 250 mg and 500 mg is used for general health purposes.  However, people who are having a problem with cognition often use between 1 g and 2 g a day.


Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is an extremely absorbable version of tyrosine, an amino acid.  L-Tyrosine has been shown to reduce stress by increasing noradrenalin and dopamine.  This amino acid is considered to be a nootropic and fat burner in one.  This makes it a natural choice for use in the Adderllin formula.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa is a nootropic that has been used to improve memory and reduce anxiety.  In addition, Bacopa has been shown to improve cognition overall, if taken for a period of between 8 and 12 weeks.

In scientific studies, Bacopa has been shown to improve memory, reduce depression, and reduce anxiety.  You can find Bacopa monnier in literally hundreds of other nootropic supplements, including Cogniflex, Brain Plus IQ, and Synapsyl.


Caffeine, when taken in a small dose shouldn’t cause many side effects.  Caffeine inhibits adenosine, a chemical that causes sleepiness.  By doing so, it is able to improve focus and alertness.

In most cases, a 200 mg to 500 mg dose of caffeine is used as a fat burning supplement.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)

DMAE is molecular similar to choline.  DMAE has the ability to break down beta-amyloid plaque that is commonly associated with Alzheimer’s.  In this way, it can speed up neurotransmission and improve memory.  In addition, DMAE can increase the levels of acetylcholine produced by the brain.

In studies on DMAE in relation to Alzheimer’s, the typical dose is 1,500 mg a day.


Piperine is the active ingredient in black pepper and has been shown to improve bioavailability of a wide range of natural compounds and pharmaceutical chemicals.  In short, Piperine is able to block the liver from excreting many supplements from the body.


Huperzine enhances cognitive abilities by inhibiting an enzyme that degrades acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine levels must be high in order to facilitate learning and memory so inhibiting its break down offers cognitive benefits.


Guarana, also known as Paullinia cupana, is a stimulant that is used in many energy drinks in order to boost concentration and focus.  While many believe that it is a fat burning compound, research hasn’t been able to confirm that.

The caffeine concentration in Guarana can be as high as 7% of the dry weight.  By including Guarana in this formula, realize that caffeine consumption, along with other stimulants, increases significantly.


Vincopetine has been shown to be a cognitive protective agent that increases blood flow to the brain.  Some studies show that Vincopetine promotes memory formation and increases reaction time.

Bitter Orange (Synephrine)

Synephrine is a stimulatory substance that doesn’t have a whole lot of research behind it.  Synephrine has a similar in structure to ephedrine.  In addition, Synephrine has been shown to be synergistic with caffeine, thus increasing the effect of both compounds.

Yohimbine Bark Extract

Yohimbine is a popular fat burning compound that can also assist with erectile dysfunction.  While it certainly has positive effects, many people don’t enjoy the stimulatory effect of Yohimbine.

White Willow Bark

White Willow Bark is similar in nature to aspirin, reducing pain throughout the body.  In addition, White Willow Bark is used for weight loss purposes.

Dosage And Instructions

According to the company, users are recommended to take two capsules a day.  However, for those who are just getting started on this formula, the company makes the suggestion of taking one half of a capsule as a serving.  Anyone who is taking this formula should start out at this dose or even lower in order to know how they react to the ingredients in Adderllin.

Side Effects Of Adderllin

The company claims that when taken at the suggested dosages, this product is safe.  However, there are certain ingredients in this product that have side effects so we will go over them here.

L-tyrosine has a potential to increase thyroid hormone production so people who have a hyperactive thyroid should avoid excessive consumption.  In addition, consumption with other stimulants increases this effect.

High levels of caffeine consumption can be associated with tolerance, dependence, and anxiety so anyone sensitive to caffeine should be aware of this.

DMAE has the potential to cause defects in unborn infants.  Anyone who is pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant should avoid consuming this product.

Guarana should not be consumed by people who are taking the pharmaceutical drug Amiodarone, a heart medication, because it reduces its absorption significantly.

Yohimbine has been shown to cause extreme anxiety in certain individuals and can even trigger suicidal episodes.  In addition, a wide range of neurological medications cannot be consumed with Yohimbine so please check with your doctor before consuming this formula.

White Willow Bark should not be consumed by people with bleeding disorders, as it makes the blood less viscous.  In addition, people with kidney problems should avoid White Willow Bark, as it could lead to kidney failure.  Anyone who is sensitive to aspirin should also avoid consuming White Willow Bark.

Where To Buy Adderllin?

Addrena can be purchased from the official website and is priced at $39.99 for a one-month supply.  In addition, shipping is $6.50 for people who are located in the United States.

On the official website, the “purchase now” button works just fine, but the “learn more” (About Page) button takes me to a page that doesn’t load.  So it makes it difficult to even go over the benefits that this product claims to offer, as this company doesn’t have a fully functional website.


Anyone who is taking Addrena, as they hope it is anything like Adderall, will likely be disappointed.  People who are taking this product to lose weight may end up doing so, as the ingredients in this formula are thermogenic, meaning that they increase body temperature and facilitate fat loss.  However, realize that taking a product like this comes with side effects that should be clearly understood.

In addition, $46.49 a month with shipping for a product that claims to be similar to Adderall, but clearly isn’t is a bit excessive.

That is exorbitant and even when compared to its competitors is just far too much to ask someone to pay for something that does not even really seem to be all that effective based on just about every account that you can come across online that appears to be coming from a real source, that is.

At the end of the day, there are better options out there for people who want to increase their focus, lose body fat, and improve their mood, including supplements like GOLO and Eco Slim.

Have You Used Adderllin?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Magnum Rings Review


What Are Magnum Rings
How To Use Magnum Rings
My Personal Results
Where to Buy
Magnum Rings Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Magnum Rings website.

We have hundreds of reviews on our site about “male enhancement” products, but there still remains plenty of confusion over what that term actually means. For a lot of guys – probably most – it means increasing their size. But if you’re talking about pills, chances are that’s not going to happen. Male enhancement supplements can improve sexual performance, but sorry, they won’t actually make any of your appendages grow.

What you normally can expect out of a male enhancement products is an improvement in blood flow, i.e. erection strength, and potentially increased libido.

For that, you need to look at devices, not pills, and I’ve recently come across one that works in a whole new way, so much so that there’s a patent pending on the technology. It’s called Magnum Rings.

What Are Magnum Rings?

Magnum Rings are a system of penile enlargement that you can use safely at home. They work on much the same principle as bodybuilding.

magnum rings review With Magnum Rings, you force a rush of blood into the penile chambers causing enough stress to create micro tears in the tissue.

When lifting weights, you add stress to your muscles, causing tiny micro-tears within your muscle tissue. Once the tissue is broken down, your cells regrow, bigger and stronger than before. Magnum Rings work the same way.

How Magnum Rings Work

Magnum Rings force a rush of blood into the penile chambers, creating stress that causes gradual stretching. The stretching leads to the micro-tears.

micro tears from pe devices
What Micro-Tears look like on a microscopic scale

Once the micro-tears are created, the body gets to work rebuilding the damaged tissue, only bigger and stronger than before.

This is virtually the EXACT same principle of other PE devices, including the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte.

The difference is the price.

The Original (Basic) Bathmate comes in at around $110, for just the basic version.

The Phallosan Forte retails at a whopping $339, plus shipping.  Not cheap.

The Magnum Rings, on the other hand, retail at a modest $29.95, and provide nearly the same results.

You should begin to see size changes in about one month, with the expectation of about 1.2 to 2 inches of length added in the first year. Gains can still increase from there as well with continued consistent use. It’s important to note that once your size has been increased, it’s permanent.

How To Use Magnum Rings

Instructions for use will come with your Magnum Rings order, here’s a snapshot of what they look like:

magnum rings instructions

Step 1:  Stimulate your penis to 70 – 75% erection level.

Step 2:  While standing and slightly erect, you simply place one ring at the base of your penis. The other goes just below the tip.

You want the rings to be snug, but not to the point of discomfort.

Step 3: Once the rings are in place, you press gently in and around your scrotum area to force blood to flow into the penis.

Magnum Rings allow you to constrict blood in the penis and then by pressing on the scrotum you force (and are literally pumping) additional blood flow to the penis.

Step 4: While pumping with one hand, you use your other hand to gently stretch the penis in an outward motion. This should be done while in a semi erect state.

As you become more advanced you can perform this technique while flacid to stress additional tissue in the penis. While stretching the penis, you should start at the base then mid shaft and then from the tip. For extra added girth, gently bend penis to right, left, up and down.

How Do I Know I’m Doing It Right?

tingling sensation in the penis

You will know you are using the correct technique when you feel a slight tingling sensation in the penis. This is the formation of the micro tears.

If you become fully erect, wait a minute for blood to leave the penis so you are semi erect. Then repeat the process.

Continue to do this for 10 to 15 minutes and repeat the process every other day. The increased blood creates the stress that causes micro tears and the rebuilding of cells.
Make sure not to overdo it, as this may cause soreness or bruising. If you do experience either of these, you should discontinue use until they are gone, which should take a day or two.

My Personal Results

I was sent a set of Magnum Rings by the Product Developer and got a chance to try the product out myself.  I’ve used A LOT of different male enhancement products over the years, everything from pumps to extenders to even a male enhancement gum!

But this was the first time I’ve ever seen something like this, that’s for sure.

Since I feel I’m pretty much tapped out in the size department from using so many devices, I agreed to at least try the thing out to make an educated guess as to whether or not I think it has potential.

I followed the instructions to the T, and I have to admit it was VERY easy to use.  I could sense the blood flow and internal stretching taking place before my very eyes.

It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling or anything, just a feeling that I’ve had many times before.

The only downside, in my book, was it’s very “labor intensive” for lack of a better word.

Unlike with extenders where you just strap the thing on and it does the work for you, you need to repeat the process over and over to get the best results.

This is not necessarily bad if you are willing to keep up with the regiment, but some people might want a more “hands off” extender for easier results.

However, if you’re a relatively dedicated individual who’s willing to put the time and effort in, the end result might be worth it.

Click Here to visit the official Magnum Rings website.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Magnum Rings safety

Is it safe?

If you follow the directions, yes, it is safe to use.

With that said, some complications can come about.

This is true with nearly every device I’ve ever tested, but in my opinion the risk is worth the reward.

These risks can be minimized by following the directions to a T, and ceasing use if you feel moderately uncomfortable.

Is it shipped discreetly?  Don’t want my roommates / mailman knowing about this!

Yes, Magnum Rings are shipped discreetly.

The return address on the label says M. Rings, which could almost sound like someone’s name.

magnum rings are shipped discreetly

If someone were to Google “M. Rings”, there’s no indication that you actually ordered Magnum Rings.

goog search for magnum rings

Even if you type in the return address, there’s still nothing showing what you ordered.

Magnum Rings shipping

How long does it take to see results?

This question is nearly impossible to answer, mainly because individual results will vary widely.

With that said, if I had to guesstimate what the average would be, I would say you could realistically expect to see initial results within a few weeks.

How big can I REALLY get with this stuff?

Magnum Rings sex life

The manufacturer of Magnum Rings states that you can expect to see an average gain of about 1.5 – 2 inches in length, and 1 – 1.5 inches in girth within 12 months.

I don’t dispute that, either.

Penis enlargement techniques have been around for a REALLY long time, and there’s been plenty of proof that it works, despite several well-known publications stating otherwise. (Ref: 1, 2, 3)

Can I use this if I’m under 18?

No, and even if you could, you shouldn’t.  You’re still growing when you’re an adolescent, and it’s a TERRIBLE idea to interfere with that growth.

Where to Buy

where to buy Magnum Rings

Magnum Rings are only available through their official website, www.magnumrings.com. Two rings, along with complete instructions for use cost $39.95 and come with a 60-day money back guarantee upon return.

They also offer customer service to answer questions and “insure you get the results you want”.

At this time, you won’t find Magnum Rings in stores or at any other retail websites, including Amazon.

Additionally, they DO ship internationally.

Magnum Rings Pros and Cons

pros and cons of Magnum Rings

Advantages of Magnum Rings

  • It focuses on the real potential for actual growth.
  • It uses new technology with a patent pending.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • It’s WAY cheaper than practically every PE device on the market.
  • It really does work.
  • They ship internationally

Disadvantages of Magnum Rings

  • There are no clinical studies available to attest to whether or not, or how well, they work.
  • It may cause soreness or bruising if not used correctly.
  • There is no customer feedback available online.

The Bottom Line

do Magnum Rings really work

After personally testing Magnum Rings out, I can say with 100% certainty that they REALLY do work.

The nicest thing about them is that, despite it looking uncomfortable, once you’ve been using them for a couple of weeks it almost becomes second nature.

While the mechanism is new, the idea of using increased blood flow over time for enlargement has actually been around for some time.

Magnum Rings may have stumbled upon a way to actually get it done, and at a fraction of the price of traditional penis enlargement products.

Combine that with the 60 day money back guarantee, and I say give it a shot!

Visit the official Magnum Rings site here:  www.MagnumRings.com

Have You Used Magnum Rings? Leave Your Review Below!


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sexual-health/in-depth/penis/art-20045363
  2. https://www.webmd.com/men/guide/penis-enlargement-does-it-work#1
  3. https://www.healthline.com/health/do-penis-enlargement-techniques-work

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Cebria Review

A huge concern, especially for people older than 50, is losing short-term memory and suffering from cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia.  While everyone forgets things from time to time, people who are noticing that they are continuously forgetting what is on their mind need to take action before things become worse.

Often times, a healthy diet and lifestyle, while remaining mentally active is enough to stave off cognitive decline, however, people who are searching for more often turn to natural supplements that are claimed to improve the function of the brain.

One such product is Cebria.  We are going to take a look at the benefits that this product offers by analyzing the ingredients, looking at user reviews, and discussing how the company conducts their business.

What Is Cebria?

cebria reviewsAccording to the makers of this supplement, people who are age 50 have already lost 50% of their short-term memory.  While this seems a little bit overstated, there is no doubt that the brain undergoes a wide variety of structural changes that significantly reduce mental performance as we get older.  Cebria believes that their natural formulation can improve short-term memory and allow people to retain information.  If the proof is in the numbers, Cebria must have some sort of positive effect, as the company has sold more than 12 million doses worldwide.

The lead researcher and developer of Cebria is Dr. Marcus Laux, N.D., a faculty member at Bastyr University of Natural Health.

How Does Cebria Work?

Cebria consists of a proprietary blend called Neuro Pep 12.  According to the company, age-related memory loss is due in part to a reduction in neuropeptides that are required for creating neural connections.  By creating a supplement composed of neuropeptides, the brain has the building blocks it needs to continue making and maintaining these connections.

With a little digging, I was able to uncover a patent that Cebria is based on, although there is no mention of the actual product name, just the ingredients, and how they interact with the brain.

According to the company website, Cebria was shown to improve short-term memory in a double blind study, but there is no link to that study.

If the company was extremely proud of the results of their clinical study, wouldn’t they link to it directly on their website?

With even more digging, I was able to find the study the company is referencing in the 2005 edition of International Clinical Psycopharmacology under the name, “Effects of N-PEP-12 on memory amoung older adults.”  Since the validity of this product is based exclusively on this study, let’s take a deeper look at it.

54 healthy men and women over the age of 50 were given N-PEP-12 or a placebo for 30 days, with twice as many receiving N-PEP-12 than the control group.  After 30 days, the experimental group performed better on a memory test than the control group.

So this study should raise a few red flags.  First of all, why aren’t both the experimental and control groups equally divided?  Additionally, a sample size of only 54 isn’t enough to make a concrete conclusion.

Personally, I am not convinced that this study sufficiently backs up the claims that Cebria is making.

Ingredients In Cebria

With a weight of 282.8 mg per dose, the Neuro Pep 12 blend consists of lactose and 14 different amino acids which the company likes to refer to as neuro-peptides.  According to the patent discussed earlier, this formula is 68.2% lactose, 23.0% peptides, and 8.8% amino acids.

The proprietary blend contains Lactose, Glutamic Acid, Lysine, Leucine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Serine, Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tyrosine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Methionine, and Tryptophan.

We will now break down each of these ingredients and determine if they have any beneficial effect on cerebral of function, while taking a note of any side effects.


The reason lactose is contained in this formula is likely because it plays a role in the synthesis of brain galactolipids.

Glutamic Acid

Glutamic Acid is an excitatory neurotransmitter and an important amino acid for proper brain function.  In addition, Glutamic Acid is essential for the synthesis of GABA, another neurotransmitter.


HSV-1 has been found in the cerebrum of people suffering from Alzheimer’s and many scientists believe there is a connection between the two.  Since Lysine inhibits HSV-1, it may be effective in treating Alzheimer’s.


Leucine is another essential amino acid that is required for muscle repair.  However, there isn’t much research on its effect on the nervous system and brain specifically.


Arginine is a common amino acid that is used in a wide variety of nutritional supplements.  Arginine has been shown to restore memory and learning in vivo, however, oral supplements haven’t been shown to be effective due to a lack of absorption through the intestines.

Aspartic Acid

Aspartic Acid is a nonessential amino acid, meaning that it is produced by the body.  Aspartic Acid is an excitatory neurotransmitter and supplies the brain with NADH, meaning that it has benefits in a neuroprotective formula.


Serine is formed from the amino acid glycine.  It plays a significant role in a properly functioning Central Nervous System.  Serine has the ability to form phospholipids, thus improving mental function.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that is required for the production of tyrosine.  Tyrosine is required for the production of norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine, meaning that it has a significant effect on mental function.


Valine plays a role in cognitive function and has even been shown to reverse alcohol related brain damage.


Threonine is important in nervous system function and has been used in the treatment of Lou Gehrig’s disease.  In addition, studies have shown that this amino acid has the ability to fight depression and improve mental health.


Tyrosine is necessary for adequate nervous system function.  It is required for making norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine.  Supplementing with this amino acid has been shown to help those who are suffering from depression.


This amino acid is important for adequate muscular function.  People who are deficient in Isoleucine often suffer from dizziness, headaches, irritability, confusion, and depression, signifying that it plays a role in cerebral function.


Histidine is produced by the body, but only in extremely small amounts so many consider it to be an essential amino acid.  Histidine plays a wide variety of roles in the body and is essential in creating molecules that contain iron, like ferritin.  In addition, histidine is a necessary component in myelin sheath formation, meaning that it has the potential to prevent certain conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


Methionine is required for adequate bodily maintenance by removing toxins from the body.  In addition, Methionine has been shown to be effective in treating depression and Parkinson’s disease.


Tryptophan is important in human metabolism and required to create the neurotransmitter serotonin.  In this way, adequate amounts of tryptophan are required for overall well-being.  Tryptophan has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and depression and is required for adequate sleep.

Side Effects Of Cebria

Since this product contains lactose, anyone who is lactose intolerant should absolutely stay away from it.

There are certain people who cannot consume phenylalanine, as they have a disorder known as phenylketonuria (PKU).  Anyone who suffers from this disorder should absolutely stay away from this product.

Histidine and Arginine have the ability to lower blood pressure, and while this may not be a bad thing for some individuals, people who already have abnormally low blood pressure should not consume this product.

Where To Buy Cebria?

Cebria can be purchased on the official company website, is advertised on TV, and is available on Amazon as well.

A one month supply of Cebria costs $59.95, plus $9.95 for shipping and handling.  However, this product can be purchased in bulk with a six-month supply running $159.80 and a one year supply for $319.60.

Cebria comes with a risk-free trial that includes two bottles, good for a two month supply.  Participants are only required to pay $9.95 for shipping and handling, however, like all of these programs, after 30 days, a credit card will be charged for $79.90.  In addition, participants will be placed on auto ship so two new bottles of Cebria will be sent every two months and a credit card will be charged as well.

With your order, the company sends an e-book, called, The New Memory Advantage and a free 30 day supply of Perfect Omega.  Unfortunately, this product isn’t entirely free, as users will have to pay $7.95 for shipping and handling.

User Reviews Of Cebria

According to user reviews, Cebria was rated an average of 2.3 out of 5 stars.  So while it may offer some benefits, the number of 1 star ratings are worrisome.  From claims that “this product doesn’t work” to Cebria is a “scam to the max!”, interested buyers should be aware of what they are getting into.

It should also be noted that some people are having a problem removing themselves from auto ship and continue to receive products, while being charged for them.  After numerous attempts to receive refunds for their orders or contact the company, they allegedly aren’t able to do so.

On the other hand, there are a number of reviewers who have given this product a 5 star rating, saying that they are amazed with the noticeable results.  One such user claimed that he didn’t see a difference in the first month of taking this supplement, but in the middle of the second month, started remembering things better than before.

In addition, another user who gave this product a 5 star rating said that she took this supplement for over a year and noticed a huge difference in her mental clarity.

So maybe, users just need to give this product a little more time in order to see the beneficial effects instead of writing it off after only using it for a month or less.


Any of these products that claim they are going to drastically change a user’s life, sucker people in with free trials that aren’t really free in the end, and place users on an auto ship program are focused on trying to collect as much money as possible.

Any really good product doesn’t have to resort to these tactics, as they are often advertised through word-of-mouth and positive reviews.  Anyone who is thinking about trying Cebria should be aware of their shady marketing efforts and their lack of transparency when it comes to their clinical study.

When looking at the ingredients contained in this product, it could have the potential to improve mental function.  However, the steep price for a supplement that simply contains amino acids and lactose is absurd.  Instead of paying a fortune for this product, consider purchasing an amino acid stack that isn’t overpriced, as it could improve mental function when taken consistently.

People who are still interested in trying this product should stick with it for the long term, as all the positive reviews discuss benefits that were experienced between two months and one year of continuous consumption.

Have You Used Cebria?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cianix Review


What Is Cianix
So Do We Actually Know What Is In Cianix
Side Effects Of Cianix
Dosage And Instructions
How Much Does Cianix Cost
User Reviews Of Cianix

In this day and age, baseline testosterone levels throughout average men are declining rapidly.  This scary trend is thought to be brought on by an excess of estrogen and estrogen mimicking compounds in our every day environment.  From some types of plastics, to the paper that receipts are printed on, to the lining on the inside of food cans, BPA, an estrogen mimicking compound is everywhere.

This overabundance in estrogen is causing a problem in both sexes, but especially in males.  As estrogen levels increase and testosterone levels drop, men are losing their libido, are unable to sustain an erection, and are developing feminine characteristics.  Something must be done about this problem, as it is likely to only become worse as time progresses.

Men who are looking for a way to be manlier often come across a number of all natural products that are claimed to increase testosterone levels.  Since there is a significant demand for products like this, many companies have capitalized on the hype.  However, determining whether or not they work should precede purchasing them.

This is why we are going to take a look at Cianix, a popular male enhancement product and determine if it has any value whatsoever.  After we peel back the marketing hype and actually look at the science behind the ingredients contained in this formula, it should be easy to determine its worth.

Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What Is Cianix?

Cianix is a product that is claimed to increase strength levels when consumed alongside a regular workout routine.  It is touted to burn fat, increased endurance, and improve muscle recovery.  In short, Cianix is designed to allow men to achieve the ideal male form.

The company claims that by using this product, men should be able to develop the body they are looking for quickly by having more energy and desire to workout, while recovering from strenuous workouts faster.

The company also claims that Cianix increases libido and sexual stamina, required to satisfy women.

Throughout the entire advertising of Cianix, the focus is on improving muscle mass and burning fat, however, the box that Cianix comes in makes statements like “increase size, boost performance, and amplify pleasure.”  To me, it seems like they are focusing more on the sexual aspect of male enhancement, rather than muscle growth.

Cianix or Endovex?

Since originally writing this review I decided to do a bit more research on the Cianix because of it’s apparent popularity.  One thing I noticed is that whenever I tried to find their official site, I keep getting redirected to a completely different product called Endovex.

Check it out below:

[vimeo 214049145 w=440 h=360]

My suspicion is that Cianix and Endovex are virtually (if not EXACTLY) the same product.

You can see on their labels that they make the same claims, i.e. Increase size, boost performance, and amplify pleasure.

cianix vs endovex

So Do We Actually Know What Is In Cianix?

Not really, the official website doesn’t have their ingredients listed anywhere.

However, there is a nice looking graphic on one website that is not associated with the company claiming that this product contains Boron, Wild Yam Extract, Sarsaparrilla, Epimedium, Nettle Extract, Tonkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, and Orchic Substance.

However, when clicking on the “Buy Now” button on this website, I am redirected to Zyntix, another similar product, but clearly not the same, at least according to the label.

As stated before, whether or not this product actually contains Boron, Wild Yam Extract, Sarsaparilla, Epimedium, Nettle Extract, Tonkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, and Orchic Substance isn’t entirely certain.  Since the dosage is one capsule a day and some of the ingredients that are claimed to be in this product require grams worth in order to be effective, they are clearly using popular male enhancement ingredients for the name recognition alone.

We will take a look at the ingredients that are supposedly in this product so people who are looking to experiment with any one of them have an understanding of their potential for treating ED.


Boron has been shown to increase testosterone levels when supplemented in doses greater than 10 mg.  However, more studies need to be performed on this affect before a decisive conclusion can be drawn.  Either way, almost anyone could benefit from an increase in boron, as the typical Western diet is low in this crucial mineral.

Wild Yam Extract

Wild Yam Extract is a common ingredient in male enhancement formulas, as some of the molecular components in the yam are similar to DHEA.  The idea is that an increase of DHEA in the body can lead to an increase in testosterone.


Sarsaparilla is often used to treat skin disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and kidney disease.  There are certain components of Sarsaparilla that many believe can be converted into testosterone.  However, Sarsaparilla hasn’t been shown to increase testosterone levels in clinical studies.

Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed)

Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed is one of the most prominent ingredients in male enhancement formulas.  There is research that suggests that Horny Goat Weed increases testosterone levels, but human studies are nonexistent.

Realize however that for this product to be effective, it must be consumed in relatively high quantities, far more than can be packed into one capsule a day.  It is safe to say that the amount of Horny Goat Weed extract in Cianix is not sufficient to greatly improve testosterone levels.

Nettle Extract

Consuming Nettle has been shown to reduce inflammation.  However, many believe that Nettle contributes to an increase in testosterone production, although, this hasn’t been shown to be effective in clinical studies.  In other words, including Nettle Extract in a male enhancement formula isn’t likely to treat ED.

Tonkat Ali

Tonkat Ali is something that the greater majority of male enhancement supplements are including in their formula.  Tonkat Ali has been shown to improve erection quality, while reducing estrogen levels.  While many claim that Tonkat Ali increases testosterone production, there is still a lack of evidence to suggest that this is true.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto hasn’t been shown to increase testosterone levels in clinical studies so its use in a formula designed to treat ED doesn’t really make sense.

Orchic Substance

Orchic Substance is often included in many supplements that are designed to treat erectile dysfunction.  This extract is made from cattle testicles, making it less appetizing than some of the other ingredients in this formula.  Many claim that Orchic Substance increases testosterone, however, evidence is slim to none.

Side Effects Of Cianix

Wild Yam extract has been associated with fibrosis of the liver and kidneys.  Using Wild Yam extract in this formula should give people even more reason to stay away from it, as excessive supplementation with this agent is not recommended.

Sarsaparilla should be avoided by people who have kidney disease, as it could cause complications.  The isn’t enough research on this plant in order to determine its safety profile.

Saw Palmetto has been shown to cause liver damage and pancreatitis in two different case studies.  It is probably best to stay away from this supplement, especially considering that it doesn’t even increase testosterone levels.

Dosage And Instructions

According to the company, Cianix is to be taken once daily, thus increasing muscle mass when taken in conjunction with working out.

How Much Does Cianix Cost?

Cianix costs $88.97 for a 30 day supply.  Of course, the company offers the classic 14 day trial period where users can simply pay shipping and handling, but are then charged after this grace period.  People who take part in the trial program are required to cancel before that time or otherwise they will be charged full price.

In addition, users will be placed in an auto shipment program where they will be charged the same $88.97 + $5.94 for shipping and handling every single month, while receiving a new bottle of Cianix.  In order to cancel before the 14 day trial period is up or cancel auto ship, call 1-888-258-2864 or email the company directly at customerservice@cianix.com.

User Reviews Of Cianix

Unfortunately, any real reviews on this product are difficult to find.  However, I can be fairly certain that they aren’t overly optimistic.  Most of the reviews probably highlight the fact that this product didn’t work as advertised and that the free trial wasn’t really free in the end.  Not only are the results from using this product likely slim to none, but dealing with canceling credit card charges isn’t really something anyone wants to spend time on.


The number of male enhancement supplements that don’t even list what ingredients their product contains on the official company website are mind-boggling.  People who consume these supplements literally have no idea what they are putting in their body.  In addition, a few of the ingredients contained in this male enhancement supplement are noted to cause side effects, while the company insists that they are completely safe.

All of these male enhancement supplements do have one thing in common though, they use marketing tactics that are designed to get people to sign up for a “free trial” and hope that they don’t cancel their order during that time so they can be charged a hefty sum.  After these companies have customers on auto ship, they just pray that they don’t call the company anytime soon so these $90 + charges can add up.

With all that said, stay away from these male enhancement supplements that have nothing positive to offer.

Have You Used Cianix?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Zyalix Review

Many men are looking for a way to increase their size, sustain an erection for hours, while increasing overall sexual satisfaction for themselves and their partner.  With this desire comes plenty of different male enhancement products that claim to increase overall blood flow to the penis, increase testosterone levels, and increase organ size.  While seemingly great on the surface, the greater majority of these herbal extracts don’t result in any positive benefits whatsoever.

This doesn’t stop supplement companies from selling these formulas with extravagant claims, faulty science, and impressive graphics, all the while preying on emotional weakness in order to push their products.

One such product is Zyalix, a male enhancement supplement that allegedly increases size, stamina, and satisfaction.  Does this supplement live up to the claims made?

What Is Zyalix?

According to the manufacturer, Zyalix contains, “clinical strength ingredients” that increase nitric oxide production, thus increasing blood flow to the penis.

zyalix reviewIn addition, Zyalix is claimed to increase free testosterone levels and increase size overall.  They even go on to say that men who are using this product will be able to last for 5 times longer than normal.  Allegedly, this product results in a significant increase in libido, mind blowing orgasms, and an increase in self-confidence.

Anyone who believes that the size of their penis directly dictates their confidence level may end up falling for a male enhancement product like this.

According to the manufacturer, this supplement stands out from the other formulas on the market due to its “rapid absorption” and “extended release technologies.”

With all of these powerful claims, one would think that they have clinical studies to back up their product, but such research is nowhere to be found.

Fake Websites And Reviews

According to one website, Zyalix was featured on NBC, BBC, FOXNews, and USA Today.


At least they post the logos of these news outlets to make it appear as though it were.

However, this is simply a fabricated lie. If you run a search for the term “Zyalix” on any of these sites, you’ll come up short.

zyalix nbc

zyalix bbc

zyalix usa today

This website even goes on to say that this product is FDA registered, however, there is no way this is true, as none of these products are FDA registered.

They don’t need to be, because they’re supplements, and supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

Furthermore, this site goes on to state that there is a limit of one bottle per customer and only 250 trials are given per day.  Welcome to the classic, act fast without thinking or lose the opportunity scam.

They then discuss andropause, blaming a drop in testosterone levels on a reduction in libido.  While this part is technically true, do the ingredients in Zyalix actually increase testosterone levels?

Finally, they talk about the ingredients contained in Zyalix, but they are almost completely different than what the company website is dictating.

Here’s what they say is in it:

fake ingredients list in zyalix

And here’s the actual ingredients list taken off the official Zyalix website:

  • L-Arginine
  • Muira Puama Extract
  • Asian Red Ginger
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Saw Palmetto berry
  • Bioperine

We’ll talk more about the formula below.

Of course, customer recommendations on how great this product is are at the end, but we know that this is a fabricated lie as well.

Clearly the makers of Zyalix probably don’t know that this fake marketing is going on behind the scenes, but it’s quite possible they indeed do.

When I clicked on the “Order Now” button, I was redirected to another product, Zynev, which is similar, but clearly not the same.

[vimeo 199065258 w=540 h=380]

Welcome to the male enhancement supplement merry go round, around and around we go.

Ingredients In Zyalix

According to the official website, Zyalix contains L-Arginine, Asian Red Ginger Extract, Muira Puama Extract, Saw Palmetto, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Horny Goat Weed Extract, and Bioperine.

This is quite literally the exact same ingredients list found in a totally different product called Endovex.

Unfortunately, there are no further details on how much of each individual ingredient is contained in the formula.

From supplement to supplement, the concentrations of any given ingredient are going to vary and that is ultimately going to play a bigger role in how effective it is than what the ingredients actually are themselves in many cases.

Nevertheless, we will look at each of these ingredients, while discussing any benefits and side effects that they are known to have.


L-Arginine is contained in a wide range of male enhancement products, as it is believed to increase nitric oxide production, thus increasing blood flow to the penis.  While this is exactly what Arginine does in the body, consuming an oral supplement of L-Arginine hasn’t been shown to be effective in increasing nitric oxide production in clinical studies.  This is mainly due to the poor absorption through the intestines.

Asian Red Ginger Extract

Ginger in general is a great addition to a healthy diet, as it has the potential to reduce inflammation throughout the body.  It is believed that 10 g to 15 g of ginger root consumed per day might increase testosterone levels.  Including ginger directly into the diet or consuming ginger tea could allow one to consume high quantities like this, but this supplement clearly doesn’t have anywhere near the sheer bulk of ginger required to elicit a testosterone increase.

Muira Puama Extract

Muira Puama, also known as potency wood, has been used in Brazil as an aphrodisiac for centuries.  Given its nickname, it is bound to offer some help to men who are suffering from ED.  However, there aren’t any high-quality human trials that demonstrate it to be effective in improving ED related symptoms.  It does however appear to be effective as a nootropic, another name for a cognitive enhancer.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a common addition in many male enhancement products, unfortunately, it hasn’t actually been shown to increase testosterone levels in clinical or research studies.  However, this doesn’t stop many from claiming that it does and its use in generic supplements designed to treat ED continue.

Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Ginkgo Biloba has also been demonstrated to improve cognition, but there isn’t enough research on the subject in order to draw a decisive conclusion.  While ginkgo has been shown to dilate the arteries, its affect on improving ED is minor at best.

Horny Goat Weed Extract

Including Horny Goat Weed Extract in a male enhancement supplement makes sense, as it has been shown to be effective in clinical studies.  It derives its name because goats are noted to be sexually active after consuming it.  In their inherent wisdom, the Chinese originally used Horny Goat Weed as a way to treat ED.  When consumed in sufficient quantities, Horny Goat Weed extract has been shown to increase testosterone levels.  However, the amount of Horny Goat Weed extract in the Zyalix formula isn’t likely enough to elicit an increase in testosterone production.


Bioperine is often paired with supplements in order to increase their absorption.  Derived from black pepper, its addition in formulas has been shown to be safe and improve the bioavailability of many supplements.

Side Effects Of Zyalix

While the company claims that this product doesn’t have any side effects, some of the ingredients contained in this formula come with their own set of side effects so anyone using this product should at least be aware of them.  In most cases, male enhancement supplements that are “all natural” always make the claim that there are no side effects.  Unfortunately though, any of these formulas have the potential to cause undesirable side effects in some individuals.

L-Arginine is known to be relatively safe, but can cause problems in people with abnormally low blood pressure, as it has the potential to reduce it further.  This amino acid shouldn’t be consumed by people who are suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, asthma, herpes, or kidney disease.  In addition, consuming Arginine after a heart attack can increase the risk of a having another one.

Saw Palmetto has also been noted to cause liver damage and pancreatitis in two different case studies.  In addition, it contains a high concentration of tannic acids that reduce iron absorption.

Zyalix Is Expensive

Zyalix comes with the classic 14-day “free trial” where users only have to pay shipping and handling.  However, the fine print reveals that on the 14th day, a credit card will be charged for $89.92.

zyalix terms and conditions

Then, month after month, members on auto ship will receive another bottle, while automatically being charged for the price of the product and the shipping.

Zyalix comes with a 30-day refund policy, but actually getting money back from most of these supplement manufacturers requires way too much work and effort.  Anyone who has already purchased this product and either wants a refund or would like to be removed from auto ship should call the Zyalix customer service phone number directly at 855-779-2101.

Paying near $90 every month for a typical run-of-the-mill male enhancement product isn’t a good use one’s money.  Since all of these ingredients can be purchased for significantly less than this, avoid getting lured in by claims that are too good to be true.

You can actually find Zyalix for sale on Amazon for a MUCH cheaper price of $32.99 plus $4.49 for shipping.  However, you will NOT find it available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and others.

User Reviews Of Zyalix

Does anyone who isn’t actively selling this product or trying to sell a similar product have anything good to say about Zyalix?

Truthfully, no.

This should not come as a huge surprise, especially if you have spent a lot of time perusing the web for similar products and are familiar with the common practices.

Six reviews on a reputable website called Highya.com all gave this product a 1 star rating.  From making claims that “this company is fake” to “this product is a scam”, anyone who is thinking about purchasing this product should consider themselves properly warned.  The reviews go on to say that this product is “pure fraud” due to excessive charges and has “terrible side effects” so it is clearly best to stay away from this male enhancement formula.  The only thing it is truly enhancing is the bank account of the merchant selling it.


Don’t try Zyalix or any of these male enhancement products that focus on emotional advertising, suck people in with their “free trial”, and use auto ship tactics in order to extract as much money as possible.

There are in fact products that CAN and WILL make you bigger, but in my honest opinion Zyalix isn’t one of them.

Have You Used Zyalix?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Ultrastrenx Review – Does It Really Work?

Men of all ages are having a difficult time performing in the bedroom.  While the real focus should be on the true factors behind ED, pharmaceuticals and natural supplements have built an industry around “treating” this problem.

While there is no doubt that products like Viagra work, they come with their own list of side effects.  Are natural alternatives just as good or better, but without the side effects?

Given the sheer number of male enhancement supplements, it is hard to differentiate between them.

Many of them make the same claims and use bold language to get you to take a closer look.

However, they often come with similar ingredients.  One new male enhancement supplement that is currently on the market is Ultrastrenx.

Let’s take a look at this product in detail and determine if it has any science backing its claims.

What Is Ultra Strenx?

Ultrastrenx reviewUltrastrenx is a product that targets men who are unable to sustain an erection.  Overall, this product is advertised to older males who want to get their libido back and impress their partner.

The company claims that after a few weeks of consumption, the length and hardness of an erection will increase, due to an increase in blood flow.  This product also claims to increase fertility, improve testosterone production, and promote an increase in self-confidence.

Ultrastrenx allegedly contains a number of natural ingredients that have been shown to increase blood circulation to the genitals and increase testosterone levels.

One website that sells this product even states that Ultrastrenx, “pops up the desire to do sex.”

Clever wordplay there.

I actually first came across Ultrastrenx ME while I was browsing a porn site, and saw this banner on the side of the page.

Ultrastrenx ad

I tell you.

Nothing in the world wants to make me buy a male enhancement pill than an old, balding, hairy, fat guy, that’s for sure.

When I clicked on that banner it took me too…

Fake Articles

With any of these erectile dysfunction male enhancement formulas, there are plenty of fake articles and fake reviews that are looking to capitalize on this product.  One such website has dedicated an entire fake article with fake reviews, all designed to get people to click on any one of their links that directs users to some unrelated offer.

This is far from the first time that I have come across something like this and I am sure it won’t be the last because new ones pop up week by week and never get any more convincing or creative.

This website starts out with a not all that appealing gif of an old man plowing a young woman and side-by-side photos of how this product has transformed his penis into a monster.

Ultrastrenx fake article

Some of their warnings against using this product include, “your erections might become uncomfortably rigid and last longer than normal.”  Wait, that sounds like a win to me.

This fake article goes on to make it seem like Johnny Sins of Brazzers, a porn star, recommends Ultrastrenx to go strong for two hours straight.

johnny sins uses Ultrastrenx

Interestingly enough, I saw this EXACT SAME CLAIM being made about a completely different supplement called Blackcore Edge.

blackcore edge ad

This fake website goes on to claim that this product is backed by science and discusses the amazing results with phrases like “rock hard super stiff erection” and “we banged for 1 hour and 47 minutes.”  Equipped with Ultrastrenx and a stopwatch, this “testimonial” discusses in detail the “cosmic pleasure” experienced with this product.

At the end, there are 53 comments that appear like Facebook comments discussing the amazing benefits of this product.  These comments are fake and all the links go to the same place, a 400 error page.

Ironically, after all of that marketing, this website doesn’t even sell this product.  They just make it seem like they do in order to get people to click on one specific link placed repeatedly throughout their website that redirects to other apparently profitable offers.

If you get caught on a website like this, just get out of it as fast as possible.

Does Ultrastrenx Even Exist?

When clicking to order Ultrastrenx on another website, all links redirect to a product called Zynev, a completely different supplement.

So it would seem that a review on Ultrastrenx may actually be a review on Zynev.

After further research, there may actually be a product sold as Ultrastrenx, at least that is what it seems.


Websites That Are Selling This Product Are Also Lying!

More than a few websites that are selling this product (if it even exists) are making false claims.  They claim that apparently, Ultrastrenx was seen on MSNBC, CNN, and even USA, not to mention, was featured in Men’s Health.  In order to humor myself, I checked out MSNBC to see all the great things they were saying about this product.  You guessed it, my search revealed zero matches.

So far, it isn’t clear if Ultrastrenx is a real product, while all the websites selling this product are making fictitious claims.  Not a good start!

Given the vagueness of this product, I would assume that most people wouldn’t pursue it further as a promising answer to their ED problem.

However, for those who still have some hope for this product, let’s see if we can actually find the ingredients in it.

Ingredients In Ultrastrenx

Searching for the actual ingredients in this product is a chore, as the websites attempting to peddle this formula don’t seem to agree on what is actually in it.

The general consensus is that Ultrastrenx has Boron, Tonkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, Horny Goat Weed, Orchic Substance, and Nettle Extract, along with Bioperine.

However, some websites selling this product go on to state that Ultrastrenx has L-Arginine and Mucuna Gigantea as well.

Furthermore, some other websites claim that this product has Epimedium, Maca, Polypodium Vulgare, and Panax Ginseng.

If they don’t know what’s in it, how does anyone else?  For marketing purposes, they should get their story straight and stick to it.

Assuming that the main page is correct, Ultrastrenx probably contains some small quantities of Boron, Tonkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, Horny Goat Weed, Orchic Substance, and Nettle Extract so we will focus on the benefits of these ingredients.  Unfortunately, the exact amount of each ingredient is unknown so determining effectiveness is next to impossible.


Boron has been shown to increase testosterone levels, but only in higher concentrations.  In addition, boron has been shown to treat osteoarthritis.  Since boron is lacking in the soil due to commercial farming practices, it is important to increase boron consumption for general overall health.

Tonkat Ali

Many believe that Tonkat Ali root extract is able to increase testosterone levels, but clinical studies suggest otherwise.  However, Tongkat Ali has been shown to reduce estrogen levels and improve erection quality, making it a beneficial supplement to aging males.  Unfortunately, we don’t know how much Tonkat Ali is in this formula or the strength of the extract.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto extract is used in a wide variety of male enhancement formulas, however it hasn’t been shown to increase testosterone levels and comes with some negative side effects.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed extract is a staple in a wide variety of male enhancement supplements.  Since Horny Goat Weed has been used for thousands of years to treat ED, it makes sense to include this in any formula design to treat this problem.  In most cases, the recommended dose for treating ED is about 1,200 mg for a 200 lb male.  However, the exact amount of Horny Goat Weed Extract isn’t something that Ultrastrenx advertises so whether or not it is functional in this formula is unknown.

Orchic Substance

Orchic substance is another ingredient in many male enhancement supplements, but it hasn’t been shown to be effective in increasing libido or testosterone in clinical studies.

Nettle Extract

Nettle extract has the ability to reduce inflammation so it certainly has some promise as a health improving agent.  However, it has not been shown to increase testosterone levels in studies, as is often claimed.

How Do I Buy Ultrastrenx?

After typing in some fictitious information, I was redirected to the order page.  At that point, I was awarded 5 minutes to purchase this product and informed that they are almost out of stock, while 13 other people are viewing this offer right now.  Oh boy, only 2 minutes and 25 seconds remaining, I better get my credit card out now.

Considering that this is apparently a “free trial offer” where I only have to pay $4.95 for shipping and handling, I might as well give it a try.  Right?

But wait, in the small print it says that after 14 days, the trial period, I will automatically be enrolled in the membership program for $89.95 plus shipping every single month.  Oh no, auto ship!

It goes on to say that I can call 855-724-3778 to cancel at any time so anyone who has bought this product and is trying to get off auto ship should call this number.

Now I am down to only 55 seconds, not enough time to fill in my credit card information so I just won’t bother.

These attempts to sell products must work, because sketchy people still employ them.  However, to me and most other people, a product that uses high-pressure marketing isn’t a very good product at all.


As is pretty clear from the above review, you should probably stay away from Ultrastrenx!  Even if this product exists, the chances of it being effective for ED or anything else is slim to none.  Any of these products that have to lie about how amazing their formula is and use high pressure tactics to get people to submit their credit card information are just pushy snake oil salesmen.  Whether or not Ultrastrenx even exist isn’t important.  The marketing is clearly meant to separate people from their money without offering much of anything in return.

Have You Used Ultrastrenx?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Live Cell Research LA-3 Review – 1 BIG Reason to Give It A Try

Live Cell Research is a California lifestyle nutrition company that makes several nutritional supplements to improve your health. LA-3 is what they call a “Longevity Activator”.

Essentially, what this means is Live Cell Research LA-3 is a supplement made to make you look and feel younger, more fit, spry, and lively.

Once we reach a certain age, we all feel like we could use something like this, but since there are so many supplement scams floating around (especially on the internet) let’s take a closer look at this one to see if it’s worth your time and money.

What Is Live Cell Research LA-3?

live-cell-research-la-3-review-imageWhile they call it a longevity activator, it’s also regarded as a fat burning weight loss supplement.

LA-3 works by activating the AMPK enzyme, which is what they call the “master switch” inside cells that tells them to stop storing fat and instead use it for energy.

When this happens, you feel less hungry, more motivated, with greater energy, and fewer cravings.

The effect of all this is that you feel better and younger overall, with clearer thoughts on top of everything else.

In order to experience the fullest effects, they recommend you use at least a 3 month supply.

Lets dig a little deeper, take a look at exactly how Live Cell Research LA-3 flips that master switch, and determine if it actually works or not.

Live Cell Research LA-3 Ingredients

The Live Cell Research LA-3 formula contains a total of 3 active ingredients in a vegetarian, lactose-free, and gluten-free capsule:

  • Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Leaf Extract (450 mg) (in the form of ActivAMP) which is most commonly used to combat liver disease. It is also sometimes used to fight obesity and regulate blood pressure. (1)
  • Quercetine Dihydrate (100 mg) which is sometimes used to treat pain and inflammation and when taken regularly, can improve quality of life as such. It may also be used to improve prostate symptoms. (2)
  • Berberine HCL (100 mg) which is used to potentially reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In certain preliminary studies, it’s been shown to help participants lose weight (5 pounds in 12 weeks). (3)

That’s the entirety of the active formula, and I have to say, at first glance, it’s tough to see how this formula can achieve the kinds of results they claim Live Cell Research LA-3 provides.

But rather than jump to conclusions about its effectiveness or lack thereof, we’ll dig a little deeper.

The way Live Cell Research LA-3 is supposed to work is by boosting AMPK levels.

It’s the Gynostemma ingredient found in ActivAMP that’s the primary activator here.

It up-regulates sestrins, which are activated normally during exercise, and tell cells to burn fat and produce energy.

Activating their release even while you’re not exercising can lead to boosted energy as well as weight loss and an overall improved sense of wellness.

Related Article:  How to Lose Weight For Good

Clinical Evidence

The Live Cell Research LA-3 references a 12-week clinical study conducted on the effects of ActivAMP on overweight humans.

The results showed a decrease in weight, body fat percentage, and even a shrinkage in the abdominal area.

I often have readers ask me how to reduce belly fat. This study indicates that if Live Cell Research LA-3 works, this may be the way.

Berberine has also been shown in studies to activate AMPK.

How To Use Live Cell Research LA-3

The recommended daily dose is 2 capsules taken with a glass of water. They specify that you can take it either on an empty stomach or with food. It’s best to take it in the morning so AMPk can be activated all day long.

The Live Cell Research LA-3 lays out what you should expect in terms of results in a handy chart:


  • Within the first week you should start to notice an increase in energy and a reduction in appetite and cravings.
  • After 2 weeks, you’ll be eating less and you may see a reduction in belly fat, while daily activities become less difficult and laboring.
  • After a month, your AMPK levels will be stabilized at the higher level, and your body may look completely different, and feel stronger and younger.

They recommend that you use it for at least 3 months so you are sure to get and maintain the full benefits.

Live Cell Research LA-3 Side Effects

The three active ingredients in Live Cell Research LA-3 are all natural and generally considered to be free of side effects.

Of course, this doesn’t eliminate the possibility of an adverse reaction, especially if you suffer from a medical condition or take prescription medications.

As always, consult with your doctor before starting this or any new supplement.

Live Cell Research LA-3 Reviews

There are quite a few Live Cell Research LA-3 reviews online posted by customers who’ve used it. As it turns out, most of the feedback (though not all) is pretty positive.

Here’s one from James, with really only one concern:

“I have been taking two capsules daily for almost a month and my spare tire and bulge above my belly button are getting smaller. So far the only problem I have is with the pungent smell and aftertaste. If these could be corrected, I would rate this product as five stars.”

The smell and aftertaste mentioned in this review are not mentioned in any other reviews I’ve seen, so it may just be a one-off comment.

Another favorable review comes from LaBree who says:

“I am a post menopausal woman who has been carrying a stubborn 15 pounds of belly fat around for 6 years. I am active, eat well, but just cannot rid myself of this weight.” I have taken this product for 2 and a half months now and have changed nothing in my daily routine. About 2 weeks ago, I stepped on the scale, (I usually avoid this because it depresses me), and I saw that I had lost 7 pounds. Coincidence?”

But there are a few negative reviews from customers who simply saw no results:

Joe says:

“I bought a three month supply of LA-3 and took it from April through June. I took it as directed. I didn’t notice any kind of side effects while taking it. I didn’t notice any change to my appetite, energy levels, and I certainly did not notice any difference in my waist line. I cannot recommend this product at whatever cost it is offered. I simply did not do anything for me.”

So while the favorable reviews are more common, there are also people for whom Live Cell Research LA-3 just doesn’t work.


Where to Buy

Live Cell Research LA-3 is sold through the Live Cell Research website.

For a one month supply, you’ll pay $46.99.

If you buy more than one bottle at a time, you’ll save a little off the per bottle price.

For instance, a 6 month supply costs $216, which translates to about $36 per bottle.

Live Cell Research offers a 90 day money back guarantee on all their products. You do have to return the product however.

I haven’t been able to track down anywhere else you can purchase this product, other than the official website.

Who Is Live Cell Research

Live Cell Research is a supplement company in the Los Angeles, CA area. They make and sell vitamins and herbal compounds meant to improve lifestyles naturally.

Niagen is one of their most popular supplements, and it’s designed as an anti-aging product.

They also make probiotics as well as joint repair supplements. They claim to focus most of their research and development on the cellular level, taking a whole-body approach to healthcare.

Related Article:  Bio X4 By Nucific – Worth $1,000 A Year?

They test each batch of supplements for purity themselves at their facility, and also send them out for third party testing.

It’s important to understand this testing is not about effectiveness as much as it is about safety.

They offer a 90-day money back guarantee on all their products, and they claim to pride themselves on their exceptional customer service. This may indeed be the case.

In my searching, I’ve only found one customer service complaint (although it’s a doozy):

Joe, from the review above, continued on to say:

“On top of the product not working, I called their customer service to try to get my money back and they said I was past my 90 days from the date of purchase and they refused to give my money back. I was a few days past my 90 days, but I thought they would consider shipping time. So that might be something else to keep in mind when trying their products. Contact them within your 90 days of purchase if you plan to get a refund. My conclusion with this company is their products are overpriced and not worth the high cost”.

Despite Joe’s dissatisfaction, Live Cell Research does not have a Better Business Profile, which can generally be seen as a good thing.

Usually, if there are enough customers who’ve been made sufficiently angry, they will make themselves heard by contacting the Better Business Bureau.

Live Cell Research LA-3 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Live Cell Research LA-3

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There is clinical research to back up some of the claims made by Live Cell Research LA-3.
  • There’s a 90 day money back guarantee.
  • Live Cell Research generally enjoys a pretty good reputation for customer service and product quality.
  • Each batch of supplements is tested for quality before it goes out.
  • Most customer reviews are favorable.

Disadvantages of Live Cell Research LA-3

  • There are a few negative reviews.
  • The clinical research doesn’t use the same amount of ingredient as you’ll find in Live Cell Research LA-3.

The Bottom Line

Live Cell Research LA-3 appears to be a fairly effective weight loss supplement, but I don’t see any real evidence that it rejuvenates cells or make you look or feel younger. I suspect these claims are more to bolster the product’s image rather than actual quantifiable benefits that can be pointed to.

That said, lots of people seem to be getting help from Live Cell Research LA-3 to lose weight, which in turn or course, provides them with greater energy and sense of well-being.

With the 90 day money back guarantee, Live Cell Research LA-3 is a pretty safe bet. Give it a try along with the reduced calorie diet and effective workout plan, and you will no doubt see some positive results.

Have You Used Live Cell Research LA-3? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Zynev Review

As men become older, many search for the magic bullet that will allow them to feel like they are 20 years old again.

I certainly get NO shortage of guys emailing me everyday, asking if I’ve come across any magic “penis enlargement pill”.

Some actual emails I’ve gotten:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/email

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/email

I’ll start this review off with the truth.

There is NO pill that will give you any permanent gain in size.

Nothing short of surgery, the use of water based vacuum devices like the Bathmate, or extender devices like the Phallosan Forte will give you permanent enlargement.

I can tell you this from years of testing DOZENS of pills that claimed to grow size.

male enhancement pills ive tested

With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s talk about one product that promises just that.

I’m talking about Zynev, which I first came across when I saw an ad that looked like this:

zynev ad

So will Zynev REALLY get you a HUGE dick in 2 weeks?

Unlikely, and you’re about to find out why.

What is Zynev?

zynev reviewZynev is a male enhancement supplement that is promoted by Tom Chambers, an NBA All-Star.  According to Chambers, “Zynev is the most powerful male enhancement supplement available.”

While Chambers doesn’t appear young, he claims that he feels like he is in his 20s again.  Let’s take a look at Zynev and determine if the claims that they make actually have some truth behind them.

Zynev claims that the ingredients that are contained in this formula increase stamina, increase free testosterone levels, and offer greater satisfaction for your sexual partner. They also claim that this product is able to burn fat and is completely safe.

Fake and Deceptive Marketing For Zynev

Like a number of other male enhancement supplements, there are plenty of websites that publish fake reviews that are intended to convince people to sign up for other offers.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

Sites like “Vitamin of health dot com” lure you in with an enticing headline like “Zynev Male Enhancement is a scam? Don’t try until you read this”.

If you search the term “zynev” on google, it literally comes up in the #1 spot after the first paid ad.


Well, if you indeed click on it and read what they have to say, the very first sentence states that Zynev will unequivocally increase your penis size.

zynev fake reviews

If you go on and read the rest of this “review”, you’ll see that’s it’s basically a bunch of nonsense.

For example, here’s paragraph 3 of that same page:


These unscrupulous websites make fake claims in order to convince people to sign up for other programs that they are promoting.  These fake news scam websites are often listed on the first page of Google and have clearly outsmarted the search algorithm.

They somehow slip through the cracks and work towards steering unwitting people in the wrong direction and ultimately dupe them into finding their way to products that do not work quite as advertised.

Unfortunately, websites like these are becoming more popular and allowing scandalous marketers to earn a profit.

Stay away from these fake articles that are only intended to get people to sign up for other programs and don’t actually sell products.

How Does Zynev Work?

Zynev claims to have a number of different ingredients that have been shown to improve erection, improve blood flow, and increase libido. Overall, the ingredients contained in this supplement are present in a wide variety of male enhancement formulas.

Ingredients In Zynev

The is no consensus on what this product actually contains. The official website claims that this product contains Yohimbine, Korean Ginseng, Maca Root, Horny Goat Weed Extract, Saw Palmetto, and L-Arginine HCl.

However, the label on the bottle contains a 1,484 mg proprietary formula of Horny Goat Weed Extract, Tongkat Ali Extract 100:1, Saw Palmetto Extract, Orchic Substance, Wild Yam Extract, Sarsparilla, Nettle Extract, and Boron, along with 44.28 mg of calcium carbonate.

So who knows what is actually in this formula. Since the official website claims that this product has Yohimbe and Maca Root along with L-arginine, it could really be effective as a male enhancement supplement. However, the products listed on the label are likely correct. Either way, this should be a red flag for people who are thinking about purchasing this product.

We will take a further look at the ingredients that are listed on the label of the bottle and determine whether this formula has the potential to improve erection and sexual performance.

Horny Goat Weed Extract

Horny Goat Weed extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and has been shown to inhibit PDE5, increasing blood circulation to the penis. In a way, this product functions in a fashion similar to Viagra. In addition, Horny Goat Weed extract has been shown to increase testosterone in animal studies. In general, a dose of 1,200 mg of the active ingredient, Icariin, has been shown to be effective in improving erection.  However, given that the entire proprietary formula contains only 1,486 mg, this product is likely to contain nowhere near enough Icarrin to increase penile blood circulation.

Tonkat Ali Extract 100:1

Tonkat Ali has been shown to reduce estrogen levels, is an aphrodisiac, and has the potential to improve erection quality.  Since the extract in this formula is relatively potent when compared to other male enhancement formulas, Zynev may actually improve sexual function.

Saw Palmetto Extract

Many are under the impression that Saw Palmetto extract increases testosterone and improves erection.  However, a number of human studies have shown that these claims lack evidence.

Dosage And Instructions

The suggested dosage is two capsules, 1 to 2 times a day.  One bottle contains 60 capsules so one bottle lasts anywhere between 15 days and 30 days.

Side Effects Of Zynev

Horny Goat Weed extract has been shown to interact with medications that reduce blood pressure.  In addition, consuming Horny Goat Weed extract along with anticoagulants can result in complications.

Supplement with Saw Palmetto have been shown to cause dizziness, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and headache in some individuals.

Consult with a doctor before taking this supplement.

Where Can I Buy Zynev Male Enhancement?

Zynev is available online and costs $49.95 for a one-month supply. A 3-month supply costs $99.95, while a 5-month supply costs $124.95.

Zynev offers the classic free trial scam where individuals only have to pay shipping and handling in order to try out this product.  However, people who fall prey to the “free trial” will be charged 20 days after signing up for this offer.

What’s interesting to note is, when you go to checkout they don’t even TELL YOU that they will be charging you in 20 days.

zynev terms and conditions

There’s no box that clearly lays out the terms and conditions on the checkout page, which is TOTALLY against the law and unethical.

Only after clicking on the “Terms” link at the bottom of the page do you see what you’re getting yourself into.


Of course, users who sign up for the “free trial” will then be charged month after month, as they will be automatically signed up for auto ship.  This means that anyone who doesn’t want to be charged for this product needs to call the Zynev customer service phone number directly at 1-877-321-6150 in order to cancel autoship.

However, there are reports of unanswered calls when calling the company phone number so whether or not people can actually cancel auto ship or ask for a refund may not even be possible.

You’ll also see that there are numerous complaints on the Better Business Bureau website, although they are not actually rated by the BBB.

They don’t sell Zynev in stores like GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, or CVS, so don’t even waste your time looking there.  They do, however, sell Zynev on Amazon, although there hasn’t been a ton of people who’ve left reviews.

In fact, there was only one.  And it wasn’t good.

zynev on amazon

30-Day Refund Policy

Well, not really.  The 30-day refund policy requires users to pay for shipping and handling and a $19.95 restocking fee.

But wait, this refund is only is valid for people who return an unopened package.  Anyone who actually tries this product won’t be able to receive a refund.

zynev guarantee

However, in the terms and conditions, a customer must try this product before requesting a refund.


How can I get a refund if you’re telling me I have to try it first in one sentence, then telling me I can’t get a refund if the package is opened?

Catch 22

In other words, there is no 30-day refund policy.  Zynev simply gives the legal run around and ends up earning money on the “free trial” one way or another.

The free trial is a scam and the 30-day refund is a scam! Buyer be warned.


Zynev is just another one of those male enhancement supplements that don’t really offer much at all.  Almost all of these supplements that claim to increase testosterone and result in a rock hard erection are just another way to separate people from their money.

In most cases, any supplement offering a free trial isn’t actually free in the end. Oftentimes, unsuspecting users end up receiving a new bottle month after month, while being charged extraordinary amounts of money. Male enhancement supplements that depend on auto ship programs are designed to collect as much money from users as fast as possible. People who have already purchased a supplement like Zynev are required to contact the company directly in order to cancel their order. However, good luck getting through to them because they may not answer the phone.

The best way to avoid the hassle that comes along with taking part in the “free trial” or purchasing Zynev is to avoid signing up for it in the first place. It should be clear that purchasing this product only results in a headache, not an amazing sex life.

Free trial scams are so commonplace that at this point it is safe to assume that most of them are not going to be as “free” as they initially state, and for that matter, they should come as a red flag right out of the gate.

All in all, products like this just give a bad name to the supplement industry in general. How are these less than stellar products that rely on auto ship programs, while lying about their refund policy legal?

While some of the ingredients in Zynev have been shown to improve erection quality and increase testosterone levels, the amount of these ingredients aren’t anywhere near the amount that has been shown to be effective in scientific studies. In other words, purchase the active ingredients like Tongkat Ali and Horny Goat Weed Extract individually instead of trusting in a male enhancement formula that is focused on collecting the maximum profit by using unscrupulous tactics.

Have You Used Zynev? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

X Alpha Review – 3 BIG Strikes Against

If you could reverse the aging process, would you? Of course you would, and that’s why X Alpha uses this concept to sell its natural testosterone boosting supplement. X Alpha isn’t actual testosterone replacement; it doesn’t contain synthetic hormone that will throw your own natural systems out of whack. Instead, it’s a natural formula that works with your body to produce more of your own testosterone.

When your body maintains an optimal testosterone level, you’ll see benefits such as:

  • Improved ability to gain lean muscle.
  • Increased athletic stamina and endurance.
  • Boosted libido.
  • Increased fat burning capacity.

x-alpha-reviewWhen it doesn’t, the opposite happens, and at some point, you begin to notice. X Alpha claims to work with your body to increase testosterone levels naturally so you enjoy better workouts, better results, and overall improved circumstances.

At this point, we’ll take a closer look at X Alpha to determine what’s in it, who’s using it, and what kind of results they’re getting. This way, you’ll end up with a much clearer idea of whether or not it’s something you want to use.

Where Did You Hear About X Alpha?

You won’t find X Alpha as your local GNC, Walmart, or CVS. It’s only available online, and advertised through its own website and network of affiliate websites. These affiliate websites look like reviews, but they’re actually more like portals, access points to the official X Alpha website where you’re encouraged to sign up for their “free trial”. We’ll talk more about the free trial a little later in the review. Make sure to keep reading for it – it’s important.

X Alpha Ingredients

When you’re thinking about trying a new supplement, the formula is obviously one of the first things you should check out. Knowing what’s in a pill is key to knowing whether or not it’s likely to have a positive effect. So we were highly disappointed when we discovered that X Alpha doesn’t discuss ingredients on its website. The closest they get is to say they use “scientifically tested ingredients”.

We did find a third party source claiming to know what ingredients are in the X Alpha formula. In fact, they even provide an image listing the ingredients that they claim used to appear on the official website:


Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients, and how they are understood to benefit you:

  • Fenugreek Extract which may help increase testosterone levels by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT in the body. If this is true, it may not be as beneficial as one may think. For bodybuilding purposes, that’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul. You want increased testosterone, but not at the expense of your DHT. Truthfully, though, the scientific evidence of Fenugreek increasing testosterone at all is lacking. It’s much more commonly used to regulate blood sugar and increase milk production in nursing mothers.
  • Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagittatum) which contains Icariin, which is an aphrodisiac which can increase libido as well as improve erection quality. It’s also thought that Horny Goat Weed may increase testosterone by increasing Leydig Cells in the testes. These are the cells that produce testosterone. It may reduce cortisol levels (which can have a negative effect on testosterone levels. None of this is full born out in clinical studies however.
  • Pyridoxine HCL (aka Vitamin B6) which helps regulate testosterone production and stimulate androgen receptors. It may also lower estrogen in order to maintain a more favorable balance between the two sex hormones.
  • Tribulus Extract which is widely believed to increase testosterone levels by first increasing levels of Luteinizing Hormone being released from the Pituitary gland. LH, once released, signals to the testes that more testosterone is needed, activitating its release. While studies do show Tribulus Terrestris increasing libido and boosting erectile function, they do not prove the LH connection or that it increases testosterone.
  • Yohimbe which doesn’t increase testosterone levels, but is instead a central nervous system stimulant that also acts as a libido enhancer and fat burner. It’s very effective, but it does carry concerns of side effects. The FDA has recommended against using it because it can cause a racing heartbeat, faintness, dizziness, or an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Some men can use it with no consequence, while others have to be very careful. This is where good dosing information comes in handy.

How To Use X Alpha

This is a decent ingredient list for a natural testosterone booster/workout supplement/libido enhancer. Unfortunately, there’s no available information on how much of each ingredient is in X Alpha, which makes it difficult to judge how effective it may be.

As far as instructions for use go, the website makes it clear that you should take 1 X Alpha pill in the morning as well as 1 pill before working out, for a total of two pills per day.




Website Discrepancies

While researching X Alpha, the wording on the website became confusing after a while. I noticed before long that in many sections, the product is referred to as “Alpha Testosterone” rather than X Alpha. It is pretty prevalent throughout the site. To someone who doesn’t look at these kinds of supplements all day, this may be very confusing. But because I do look at these kinds of supplements all day, I know exactly why this is the case.

These online supplement companies move very quickly from selling one product to selling another, and they make this change over and over again. They do it mainly because their supplements aren’t particularly good, and they use scammy marketing techniques (which we’ll get to shortly). So after alienating a number of customers with one product, they quickly change the name and packaging, and start selling this “new” product. Sometimes – more often than you would think – they move so quickly that they miss making some of the changes they should have made. In the case of X Alpha, they seemed to forget to update the product name completely throughout the website.

Here’s just one more of several examples of where they forgot to update the name:




The X Alpha Free Trial Scam

X Alpha wants you to think that by signing up for their trial offer, you’ll be trying out the product for free. In fact, they even call it a “sample” when you sign up.


What really happens is that when you pay the small $4.95 shipping fee, X Alpha gets your credit card number. So 14 days later, if you haven’t called to cancel your “subscription,” they charge you full price for the “sample” bottle they sent you during the trial period. You are actually made to pay $89.95 for the “sample” bottle! Not only that, but they’ll start sending you a new full price bottle each month that you’ll have to continue to pay for until you contact them and cancel.

It’s all spelled out clearly in the terms and conditions, but it’s not advertised, or really made easily known anywhere during the normal ordering process.

Here’s what you’ll find if you dig into the Terms and Conditions document (which almost nobody does):




But you’ll only see these stipulations if you click on the Terms and Conditions page. Most customer get caught up in this scam because they mistakenly believe that they can’t sign up for something without actively taking an action. But this set up is called a “negative option” because an action is taken by you without needing for you to take an active step.

You’d think this would be illegal, but as long as the terms are there, they are just scammy, not technically illegal.

What to Do If You’re Caught Up In The Scam

I can’t tell you how many guys contact me because they’ve been caught up in one of these scams. They are positive they never ordered a second bottle, yet one shows up at their house, and they have to pay for it. Usually, it’s worth trying to get your money back. You may get a refund, but many of these companies won’t give it to you. Regardless, you need to contact them to cancel your subscription, because if you don’t, you’ll continue to receive full price replacement bottles until you do.

For X Alpha, the contact phone number is: 888-408-7937.

The customer service email address is: support@xalphamuscle.com.

X Alpha Reviews

The free trial scam should be enough to make you want to steer clear of X Alpha, but I do understand that some of you just want to know if the stuff works. One way to figure that out, in addition to looking at the formula, is by checking out what other users have to say about a product.

You can buy X Alpha at Amazon.com (for $143.99!), but it looks like it’s been newly placed there because there isn’t any customer feedback in the form of reviews posted yet. They website also doesn’t display testimonials, so there really isn’t anywhere to go for this feedback.

X Alpha Pros and Cons

Advantages of X Alpha

  • The ingredients (such as we know what they are) are all natural.
  • The formula contains some highly thought of ingredients.

Disadvantages of X Alpha

  • The ingredient list is not definitively known.
  • No ingredient amounts are given.
  • No customer feedback is available.
  • X Alpha uses the free trial scam to try to get you to unknowingly sign up for ongoing monthly payments. Most customers have no idea they’re signing up for any such thing, and are blindsided by the first bill.
  • The website uses the wrong product name several times, indicating that this a recycled supplement formula that’s been used for other scam products.

The Bottom Line

I know you want to know if X Alpha works. I haven’t tried it, but I have been reviewing these kinds of products for a long time. When a supplement is offered on this kind of “surprise” subscription plan, it doesn’t speak highly of the actual benefits it might bestow. A truly beneficial supplement wouldn’t need to resort to trickery to get repeat offers.

And X Alpha is expensive to boot. Not only to they charge you unknowingly, but it’s a pretty big charge.

Add in the fact that we don’t even truly know what ingredients go into the X Alpha formula, and that’s 3 strikes. X Alpha is out.

Have You Used X Alpha? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Staminon Male Enhancement Review

There is nothing more disappointing than not being able to sustain an erection and enjoy great sex.  Not only is it embarrassing and humiliating, in many cases, it can be your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.

So when you see an ad like this:

staminon ad

It just might catch your attention.

Whether a hormonal issue or a buildup of plaque in the arteries, erectile dysfunction is becoming a common day plague for men of all ages.  With this problem becoming “normal”, a multitude of supplements aim to capture this growing market.

These supplements generally claim to enable longer-lasting erections, improve levels of stamina, and offer a better sex life overall.

Oftentimes, these supplements prey on emotional inadequacies by giving many hope that they will be turned into a beast in the bedroom.  If these supplements worked as advertised, they would be the next best thing to sliced bread, but, most don’t offer anything in terms of positive benefits.

We are going to look at Staminon Male Enhancement, yet another one of these supplements and determine if it has any value. Given the Staminon price, discussed later, this product has to be nothing short of amazing in order to justify the cost! Will it live up to the hype?

What is Staminon Male Enhancement?

staminon reviewStaminon Male Enhancement is a supplement that claims to improve energy in the bedroom, enable a sustained erection, and improve sex life.  According to the company, ” Staminon is the first vital step towards discovering an intense, blissful, powerful sex life.”

With the popularity of products like Staminon, there are plenty of scam artist looking to capitalize on the name alone. Before anything else, avoid falling prey to these fake news websites discussing this product.

Fake Staminon Marketing Strategy

Many marketers have jumped on supplements like Staminon by creating fake articles that make outlandish claims that aren’t true.  If you learned about Staminon from a website like, AskMenSex, you may be under the impression that Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, endorsed Staminon Male Enhancement on FOXNews.

staminon hugh hefner

Apparently it was “breaking news” on the CNN website as well.

staminon cnn

But wait, so was a similar product I just learned of called Endovex.

endovex review

So which one is it, Endovex or Staminon?

When I clicked on the link to this claim, the site simply reloads itself and an annoying pop-up of a monster erection fills my screen, telling me I “qualify for a sample”.

staminon before and after

Just imagine being at the library searching for the answer to your bedroom woes and having to deal with a pop up like this.

This fake website also claims that Staminon is being discussed on Yahoo, GQ, Men’s Health, Time Magazine, People Magazine, and even AOL.

This fake article then goes on to discuss how this pill resulted in the best sex ever that only continues to get better as the months go by.

Then, they offer the option to “get a free trial today” with a link that simply reloads the original page in order to get people to click on the pop up redirect.

At the end, they claim to have 194 Facebook comments that appear to be Staminon reviews.  However, you guessed it, every link in this section refreshes their website.

At the end of all these comments they have an exclusive news feed that claims that CNN reported on how outstanding this product is.  CNN?  Really? Ha!

Throughout their entire fake website, every single link refreshes the page to display the pop up to unsuspecting users. Is there a way to take these websites offline?

The people who should be most concerned with these types of fake news articles are the makers of Staminon. If their product is at all effective, most would never know it after being turned off by these fake marketers.

How Does Staminon Male Enhancement Work?

Like many of these supplements, Staminon has not been scientifically studied or evaluated by the FDA. This opens the door to potential Staminon side effects that users should be aware of. On the company website, they link to a number of studies of ingredients that are in their formula that have scientific research, yet don’t have any actual studies on the product itself.

One of the three studies they have linked to is a study on ginseng, however, Staminon doesn’t contain ginseng. You wouldn’t think it wouldn’t be too much work to link to a study on an actual ingredient contained in this product in order backup claims that are made.

Staminon Ingredients

The ingredients in the Staminon Male Enhancement proprietary formula include Horny Goat Weed Leaf Extract, Tongkat Ali Root Extract, Saw Palmetto Fruit Extract, Orchic Substance, Wild Yam Root Extract, Sarsaparilla Root Extract, Nettle Root Extract, and Boron Amino Acid Chelate.

Like many of these male enhancement supplements, the amount of each ingredient and the concentration of extracts are never included, however, the amount contained in the proprietary formula is 742 mg in total.  While a number of the ingredients in this formula have been shown to be effective in regards to increasing free testosterone and improving erection quality, the amounts used in scientific studies is often far greater than the amount contained in these pills.  For instance, including Tongkat Ali Root extract, but not explicitly stating the strength of the extract or the amount contained in a dose is oftentimes a red flag to consumers.  Since many of these ingredients are expensive, most of these companies are capitalizing on name familiarity in order to convince people to buy their product.

Now we will take a look at a few of the ingredients in this formula and go over their positive benefits, while taking note of potential side effects.

Horny Goat Weed Leaf Extract

Horny Goat Weed Leaf extract has been used since ancient history and is a staple in traditional Chinese medicine in order to treat erectile dysfunction.  In one study on rats, Horny Goat Weed extract “may have” the ability to inhibit PDE5, targeting the same pathway that Viagra does.

Horny Goat Weed extract allows an increase in nitric oxide production contributing to vasodilation of the blood vessels.  In addition, Horny Goat Weed extract has been shown to increase testosterone in animal studies.

The active ingredient in Horny Goat Weed extract is Icariin.  In order to achieve the testosterone boosting effect that has been shown in rats, a 200-pound person would need to consume 1,200 mg Icariin, far more than is contained in the Staminon enhancement supplement.

Tongkat Ali Root Extract

Tongkat Ali Root extract has been shown to increase free testosterone levels, but requires a strong extract, generally 100:1 to 200:1. Since Staminon doesn’t include their extract strength, we can assume that it is nowhere near this level.

Saw Palmetto Fruit Extract

Saw Palmetto Fruit extract has been believed to increase testosterone levels, but there are a number of studies that show this isn’t true.

Orchic Substance

Orchic substance is claimed to increase libido and increase testosterone, but it hasn’t been shown to be effective in scientific studies.

Wild Yam Root Extract

There is some research that suggests that Wild Yam Root extract is beneficial to women in menopause, but there are some negative side effects associated with its consumption.

People who really want to take advantage of the ingredients in any of these male enhancement formulas should consider purchasing each ingredient separately in order to make sure that they are consuming adequate dosages that will actually make a difference in their well-being.

How To Use Staminon

Take one capsule in the morning and one at night with food.  Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and those with a medical condition should consult with their physician before consuming this supplement.

Staminon Side Effects

While most of the ingredients contained in Staminon are relatively safe, Saw Palmetto has been noted to cause dizziness, headache, vomiting, and constipation in some individuals.

Horny Goat Weed extract has been shown to interact with high blood pressure medication and anticoagulants.

Wild Yam Extract has been shown to cause fibrosis in high dosages and even typical dosages haven’t been shown to be safe.

Anyone who is worried about the Staminon side effects should consult with their doctor before taking this supplement.

Where To Buy

Staminon Male Enhancement is only available online and costs $61.74 for 1 bottle, a one month supply. Like many of these supplements, they offer a trial period that requires users to contact the company directly in order to avoid being charged.

Staminon offers the classic free trial scam that no one should believe is actually free at this point. In order to receive a “free” bottle, individuals can pay $6.97 for shipping and handling, but after 14 days, users will be charged full price.

In addition, a credit card will be charged every month and a new bottle will be shipped. Welcome to the auto ship program.

In order to cancel before the 14-day trial period or cancel auto ship, users will have to call the company directly at 1-877-744-3406.

The fun doesn’t stop there! Users will also receive 4 magazine subscriptions that are free for 3 months, but are then charged on a monthly basis. Again, you will have to call the company in order to cancel these magazine subscriptions.

This product comes with a 30-day refund policy so call 1-877-744-3406 in order to take advantage of it, if you have already purchased this product.

Overall, the full Staminon price has been reported to be as high as $123.47 every month when everything is considered.


The situation is almost always the same with all of these supplements.  Since it is nearly impossible to find any real Staminon reviews, we can determine that this product isn’t as effective as it claims to be.  The high Staminon price, free trial scam, enrollment into auto ship, and up sell tactics designed to sell magazines is intended to take as much money from users in as short of time as possible.

While some of the ingredients in the Staminon formula have been shown to be effective in scientific studies, there is nowhere near the amount of these active ingredients in the formula itself.  Anyone looking to try Horny Goat Weed Leaf extract and Tongkat Ali Root extract should search for a reputable supplier in order to take advantage of these substances before resorting to Staminon Male Enhancement.

Have You Used Staminon Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Brain Forza Review – 1 BIG Reason to Check It Out

Competition can be tough these days, and everybody wants an edge. Whether you’re in the gym, in the classroom, or in the boardroom, why not make sure you’re operating at your very best? That’s the whole point of supplements, but the trick is finding the effective ones – the ones that provide real, tangible benefits. It’s a process, and when it comes to supplements to help your brain function at a higher level, it can be an especially involved process. That’s why we’ve taken such an interest. Effective brain boosting formulas exist, and we’re on a quest to find them.

What is Brain Forza?

Brain Forza is a company specializing in formulas designed to improve your lifestyle with natural herbs and other ingredients. They state as their mission:


In order to achieve that goal, Brain Forza uses what they call a “whole body approach”. Their focus is not only on the brain, but on the entire body – understanding that what’s happening in your gut or your immune system directly affects how well you focus, concentrate, and process information. To that end, they offer several different products – to be used separately or together – each of which uses a formula designed to improve your thinking and your life.

Brain Forza provides several single-ingredient supplements, like Ginseng and Ashwagandha, but they’ve also created some flagship formulas designed to provide broader improvement.

Brain Forza Study Juice

brain forza reviewStudy Juice is the cornerstone of the Brain Forza product line. It provides smooth energy without jitters or crash, and improves focus and concentration. Tons of college students use energy drinks to help them stay on task for the long hours it may take to prepare for an exam or complete a project. But these just use caffeine and sugar to get you hyped up and manic for a few hours, possibly unable to concentrate, and definitely headed for a crash before too long.

Brain Forza Study Juice promises a better alternative than caffeine. Contrary to its name, it comes in capsule form, and contains ingredients like Ashwagandha, Theacrine, Caffeine, and Theanine to get you to where you’re alert and focused, yet calm and relaxed – perfect for staying on and completing the task.

  • Caffeine and Theanine are a great nootropic combination, caffeine for obvious reasons, and theanine because it takes the edge off the caffeine buzz. You’re still alert and awake, but you’ve got no jitters and you’re calm and steady.
  • KSM-66 is a potent form of Ashwagandha, which helps your body respond more appropriately to stress.
  • Theacrine is similar to caffeine, but its effects last longer and it’s been shown to improve motivation, focus, and mood.

Here’s a snapshot of the ingredients label for the pills:

brain forza study juice ingredients label

and here’s a snapshot of the ingredients in the powder formula:

brain forza powder ingredients

The Brain Forza Study Juice formula also contains several more herbs and vitamins, all while remaining gluten free and vegetarian. The recommended dose is 3 capsules twice a day, or as needed (but not to exceed 6 capsules in a day). You can stack it with Work Juice, which we’ll discuss next, but I wouldn’t recommend taking Study Juice within a few hours of bedtime, due to the caffeine content.

brain-forza-work-juice-imageBrain Forza Work Juice

Brain Forza calls Work Juice an herbal adaptogen. What that means is that it works with your body’s natural processes to reduce stress and mitigate the effects of stress on your body and mind. When your body is balanced and not fighting the condition of stress, it is better able to perform on all levels.

  • The Work Juice formula goes heavy on the Ashwagandha (800mg) which makes sense due to the fact that it’s a well known herbal adaptagen. But it’s not the only adaptagen as there is Rhodiola Rosea as well.
  • The added Indian Bacopa and Bulgarian Lemon Balm Leaf also add a calm relaxing effect, the idea being that if your mood is good, if you’re handling stress appropriately, you can accomplish more and better things.

The recommended dose is 3 Work Juice capsules taken twice a day, or 5 taken all at once. It contains no caffeine or other stimulants, which is what makes it a good pairing with Study Juice, or just plain coffee.

Brain Forza Reviews

We’ve just touched upon the two most popular Brain Forza products. There are more, but again, they are generally single ingredient formulas, and don’t require quite as much scrutiny. So let’s now switch gears a little and take a look at what some customers are saying about the Brain Forza products.




As you can see, all the reviews I found are positive, maybe even too positive if you know what I mean. It’s not uncommon for companies to only disclose the favorable reviews. In some cases, they even hire people to post the favorable reviews. It’s a big deal over at Amazon.com. You can read all about how to spot these fake reviews in this article

I’m not saying that’s what’s going on here, but it is something to think about while you search for and read online reviews.

My Personal Results

I got a chance to try out the study juice just last week, and I have to say I was quite impressed.  For my experiment I decided to skip my morning dose of coffee and mix up a study juice pack in a cold glass of water.

I could feel a wave of clarity wash over me after about 15 minutes, much more so than with my typical cup of coffee.

One thing I noticed was that it seemed to produce more of a physical energy than a mental one at first.  Instead of sitting down to do some research on supplements, I felt like going to the gym.

I pushed past that thought and decided to start revising an old review that needed some updating.

After about 45 min. I definitely felt more engaged in what I was working on, and felt like I was typing out words much faster than usual.

Keep in mind that I didn’t take any of the pills (might try them some other time), and it basically completely eliminated my need for a cup of coffee.

Where to Buy

Brain Forza products are sold on the official Brain Forza website. A 90-count bottle of Study Juice currently costs $34.95. But you have to remember a daily dose is 6 capsules (3 capsules twice daily), so that 90-count bottle will only last you 15 days if used as directed.

A 150-count bottle of Work Juice costs $44.95 at this time. At the recommended daily dose of 5-6 capsules, the bottle should last close to a month.

Brain Forza products can also be found on other online retail sites, such as LuckyVitamin.

The Bottom Line

Brain Forza has all the pieces in place. Their website is informative about their products, how they work, and how each of the ingredients in each of the formulas can contribute to your success. Customer feedback is solidly positive, apart from a couple issues with product delivery that was handled accordingly.

From my personal experience with the study juice, this one’s a clear winner. If you’re looking for something to replace your morning coffee, and give you an added mental boost to boot, than I HIGHLY recommend it.

I’ll update this review in the future once I’ve gotten a chance to try out the pills, and I have no doubt they will likely be just as effective as the juice!

Have You Used Brain Forza? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

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EF13 (Explosive 13) Supplement Review

Anyone who has been lifting weights for a while realizes that gaining muscle is a slow process.  While anyone with the right motivation, diet, and training regimen can gain muscle over time, many are looking for the magic pill that will allow them to increase their muscle mass in weeks.

Apart from anabolic steroids, there isn’t much else on the market that causes dramatic muscle growth in a short time period.  However, that doesn’t stop supplement companies from claiming that their new revolutionary product is the magic bullet everyone has been looking for.  Often times, companies that are marketing muscle growth supplements compare them to steroids in their effectiveness, but we all know that this isn’t true.

Today we are going to look at the supplement EF13 Muscle, as it is claimed to be a new “legal steroid” that is apparently “sweeping the nation” and separating people from their hard earned money.

If you found out about EF13 Muscle through a site that claims to be Men’s Health, but isn’t, it should be clear that this product is a scam from the get go.

ef13 muscle review

What is EF13 Muscle?

ef13 supplement reviewEF13 muscle is being marketed as “nature’s steroid alternative” that apparently allows people to build muscle quickly and increase their sex drive.  After scouring through all of their marketing hype, it was determined that the main ingredients in this product are amino acids.  While it is true that some amino acids facilitate blood vessel dilation, they aren’t going to turn anyone into The Hulk. It should be obvious that people who want to build insane muscles in weeks are going to need far more than increased blood flow.

The makers of this product claim that their supplement is so effective because it can increase the amount of nutrients that enter the muscles, again, due to an increase in blood flow.

According to the company, EF13 Muscle reduces fat, increases energy levels, increases muscle mass, improves physique, improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue, reduces laziness, increases testosterone, and promotes positive hormonal changes.

This product is also claimed to increase natural testosterone levels by 140% and “lean muscle building abilities”, whatever that means.

Of course, the makers of EF13 Muscle claim that their product is completely natural, safe, and doesn’t come with side effects.

How Does EF13 Muscle Work?

This product contains amino acids in order to increase blood flow.  They claim that this allows more nutrients to enter muscle tissue and promote growth.

Ingredients In EF13 Muscle

Every website that is selling this product has different ingredients. If they aren’t even certain what is in this product, how could anyone else be?

However, the official company websites indicates that the ingredients in this formula are L-Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate, Folic Acid,Citrulline Malate, L-Norvaline, and Caffeine.

ef13 muscle ingredients


Many believe that L-Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate increases nitric oxide production, but one study indicates that only resistance exercise can be attributed to increased nitric oxide production, not L-Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate.

Citrulline Malate

L-Citrulline converts naturally into L-arginine in the body and has been shown to cause vasodilation.  While vasodilation is certainly beneficial in regards to exercise and male health, this ingredient isn’t anything novel.


L-Norvaline has also been shown to increase vasodilation by increasing nitric oxide production in studies.

Caffeine – 100 mg

Caffeine comes with its advantages, but has a host of side effects that are well documented.

All in all, this product is simply a vasodilator so anyone looking to achieve results that are claimed by the EF13 advertisements should get ready to be duped.  If vasodilation is the goal, purchase amino acids separately, but avoid purchasing this overly expensive product that isn’t going to result in significant muscle gains.

Advertising Hype

Anytime a supplement claims to be the new “legal steroid” and also claims that professional athletes want to see it banned, it can be generally classified as a marketing ploy.  Making claims that users will gain 15 pounds of muscle in a single month is what should be banned, as we all know this is a lie.

ef13 before and after

The makers of this product even claim that men need to get their hands on it now, as it is available “without a prescription”.

Wow, it’s really that good huh?

One website that refers to themselves as Men’s Health, but are really a domain called Men’s Health and Life attempt to pedal this product as the godsend to muscle building.

In fact, if you look at the domain name you’ll see that it’s not indeed “MensHealth.com”, but rather healthnfitness.online.


These fake review advertisements that mimic a popular website should be banned, as they are misleading by attempting to sell a product based on the credibility of a well-known company.

The editor of “Men’s Health” even shows his 4-week absolutely impossible transformation.  Even if they were advertising testosterone enanthate injections, I still wouldn’t believe this transformation was possible.  In his “testimonial”, he claims to have gained 16 pounds of muscle in four weeks without changing his diet or exercise.  I suppose if you are going to lie, you might as well make it as ridiculous as possible.

ef13 supplement results


The fake Men’s Fitness website claims that EF13 Muscle was seen on a wide variety of popular sources like Playboy, Muscle and Fitness, FOXNews, and Maxim.  The point of this advertising ploy is to render credibility for this product even though these claims are false.  After clicking on the link to see more, I was redirected to other offers.

On FOXNews website, a search for EF13 revealed zero results.

ef13 fox news

In other words, the owners of Men’s Health and Life magazine are liars.

Clinical Proven Benefits?

This website also discusses a clinical study that was conducted directly on EF13 Muscle, but there are no actual links to the study.

ef13 clinically proven

Instead, all links on this website redirect to affiliate links that are designed to get viewers to sign up for other offers.

Fake Facebook Reviews

All the reviews themselves don’t claim to be from Facebook, but they have the same format so the website would like you to believe that these are reputable comments.  However, these reviews don’t have any links and I am not able to leave a comment on this website.

ef13 supplement review

Instead, I will leave my comment here…

Men’s Health Life, you are a scam.

Dosage And Instructions

According to the directions on the label you are to consume one capsule twice a day with luke-warm water.  One bottle of 60 pills will last 30 days.

EF13 Side Effects

Overall, the ingredients in this formula are known to be relatively safe, however, there are some potential complications.

First off, caffeine can cause some side effects in individuals who are sensitive to it, like anxiety and restlessness.

L-arginine has a list of side effects and is possibly unsafe at a high dosage.  Anyone who has allergies, asthma, cirrhosis, herpes, a recent heart attack, kidney disease, or low blood pressure should be aware that L-arginine can cause complications.  Since this amino acid dilates the blood vessels, users will likely experience a drop in blood pressure.  This may be a good thing for those who have an unnaturally high blood pressure, but people who have low blood pressure may find that it drops to an unsafe level.

Citrulline has been shown to be possibly safe when used at standard dosages.  However, users who are on nitrates for heart disease or on erectile dysfunction drugs like Cialis, Levitra, or Viagra should not take them in conjunction with L-citrulline.

There haven’t been many studies conducted on Norvaline so whether or not it has undesirable side effects is still unknown.

Where To Buy EF13 Muscle?

It turns out buying this product is harder than I thought. When clicking on the “get free bottle” on Men’s Health and Life I am redirected to another offer, whether a survey website or a “find hot girls now” website.  At a first glance, I didn’t even think this product existed, but just a ploy to get people to complete surveys or sign up for other offers.

However, this product is available on the Explosive F13 website.

The company offers an 18-day trial where patrons are charged $4.95 for shipping and handling.

ef13 price

However, after 18 days, a credit card will be charged $99.95 and users will be placed on auto ship.  This means that every month a new bottle will be shipped and users will be charged $99.95.

It says it all right here, which they conveniently hide at the very bottom left had side of the order checkout page:

ef13 free trial terms and conditions

You DO have the option of just buying it outright, but you have to visit the official site (www.explosive13.com) to do so.

A 3-month supply cost $209.90, and that is with 30% off the regular price!  For a one-month supply, one bottle cost $99.95!  Does this price really justify a formula with a couple of amino acids?


It gets better, this product apparently has scientific proof behind its active ingredient and in order to review it, they charge $1.99 for their report because it is apparently “not junk”.

Are you kidding me?


Any company that has a valid product that actually works would be more than happy to willingly share their scientific evidence with the world.  While their report may not be junk, their product certainly is.

Lastly, if you’re looking to buy EF13 in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, you’ll be disappointed.  None of them carry it, and I doubt they ever will.

Similarly, you won’t find it for sale on Amazon or eBay either.


Stay Away From EF13 Muscle!

It should be clear by now that no supplement that isn’t anabolic steroids offers results that are similar to steroids.  While vasodilators are certainly beneficial, paying $100 a month for a few amino acids is flat out robbery.

Anyone who is interested in the benefits of vasodilation should start by purchasing L-citrulline, a commonly available amino acid that is relatively cheap.

All in all, people who want to gain muscle need to work hard, eat right, and realize there is no magic potion that is legally available.

Cheers to your slow, but steady gains!

Have You Used EF13 Muscle? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

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Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

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GOLO Weight Loss Review

Note:  We are NOT affiliated with the Golo weight loss system in any way, and we were NOT paid to write this review.

With so many overweight people, the number of pills, potions, and programs that are designed to make it easy to lose body fat are popping up everywhere.  In most cases, simply consuming diet pills alone don’t equate to a significant decrease in body fat and oftentimes, can be downright dangerous.  On the other hand, an exercise program combined with proper eating and the assistance of safe dietary supplements generally has the greatest results on body fat reduction.

Anyone who is looking to transform their body must absolutely undergo a lifestyle change and shouldn’t believe that consuming a pill alone will allow them to burn a huge amount of fat. Fortunately, there are some systems out there that look at the whole picture, like the GOLO Weight Loss program, as it combines a number of different strategies in order to assist people lose undesired weight.  Today we will look at this program and determine if it has any value, is safe, and whether or not it is recommended for people who are looking to lose some weight.

golo weight loss system review

What Is The GOLO Weight Loss Program?

The GOLO Weight Loss program is developed by Dr. Keith Ablow that consists of a 30-day rescue plan and a two dimensional approach in order to reduce weight gain, while converting fat directly into energy. Through a 3-part effort that includes the Release supplement, the Metabolic Fuel Matrix, and the GOLO Roadmap, users should be able to rapidly lose body fat.

golo 30 day rescue plan

The Release supplement is formulated to maintain proper blood glucose levels in order to promote weight loss.  The idea is, correcting long-term excessively high blood sugar can reduce fat deposits and improve health overall. The Metabolic Fuel Matrix is designed to help people make intelligent food choices, while the GOLO Roadmap offers support to patrons, discusses the GOLO Perfect 5 exercise program, and allows members to communicate with each other.

All in all, there are a number of beneficial aspects to this program so we will take a closer look at it and determine if it is really effective.

How Does The GOLO Weight Loss Program Work?

The GOLO Weight Loss program is based around controlling insulin levels, normalizing blood sugar, eating healthier, and making better lifestyle choices.

It’s relatively similar in nature to a competing system called Abs After 40, by Mark Mcilyar.

Metabolic Fuel Matrix

The first aspect of losing weight focuses on the Metabolic Fuel Matrix plan that emphasized high quality nutrition.  In this guide, the goal is for people to make intelligent food choices.  In other words, eating real food that doesn’t contain preservatives and extra sugar are the main focus. In addition, this part of the program contains information on healthy cooking, called the Creating Meals Matrix.

All in all, the goal of the Metabolic Fuel Matrix plan is for patrons to consume fresh meat, fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats, all without having to count calories.  However, there is still some leeway so people aren’t confined to eating from only these food groups.  Individuals who are following this program can still eat bread, pasta, and butter.  Considering that some of the ingredients in the Release Supplement are able to reduce carbohydrate absorption from these types of foods, it may allow followers to continue to lose weight while consuming starches.

golo weight loss graph
Image Source: Golo website, www.Golo.com

The GOLO Roadmap

This aspect of the program offers support to participants and comes with a free 12-month membership to the GOLO website. This allows members to discuss their goals, obstacles, and diet plans with other members in order to increase motivation collectively.

An aspect of this roadmap, the GOLO Perfect 5 exercise plan, focuses on promoting high intensity exercise that can be performed in only five minutes a day.  Since high-intensity exercise has been shown to promote fat loss and anyone can contribute five minutes of their day to exercising, this is certainly attainable.

The Release Supplement

golo weight loss review

The company claims that the Release Supplement optimizes insulin, normalizes blood sugar levels, balances hormones levels, and improves mood.

The proprietary formula in Release offers a list of ingredients, yet doesn’t state the amount of many of the ingredients in their formula.  However, we will still look at the ingredients contained in this concoction in order to determine if any of them have been shown to regulate insulin levels and therefore, normalize blood sugar.

Ingredients In The Release Supplement

The Release Supplement contains 3 minerals and their proprietary formula has 7 all natural ingredients that comes in a gel cap mixed with flaxseed oil.  They claim that the ingredients in this formula will “jump start weight loss” and support continued weight loss.  The good news is that these pills don’t contain caffeine, are not made with GMO ingredients, and are non-allergenic.  In addition, this product is manufactured in California and follows GMP.

The Release Supplement contains Banaba Leaf, Berberine HCl, Chromium, Apple Polyphenol, Salacia Bark Extract, Gardenia Fruit Extract, Rhodiola, Inositol, Zinc, and Magnesium. Let’s look at these ingredients further and determine if they are effective for normalizing blood sugar, while accelerating fat loss.

golo release supplement ingredients list

Banaba Leaf

Banaba leaf has been used as an anti-diabetic due to its concentration of corosolic acid, a chemical that has been shown to control glucose levels in the blood.  Do to its actions, Banaba leaf has the ability to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and can assist in the transport of sugar from the blood stream directly into cells.

In studies, Banaba has been shown to reduce blood glucose by 20 to 30%.  In addition, Banaba leaf contains a wide range of antioxidants that can improve health quality overall.

Typically, Banaba leaf is generally consumed at a dose of 3,000 mg, although an optimal dose has not been determined.  However, the Release Supplement contains nowhere close to 3,000 mg so the efficiency of this ingredient is unknown.

Berberine HCl

Berberine HCl is another supplement that has anti-diabetic effects.  It is even claimed to be better than some of the pharmaceutical drugs that are often prescribed to diabetics.  Traditionally, Berberine has been used in Chinese medicine in order to reduce inflammation and blood sugar levels.

Consuming 1,500 mg of Berberine in three 500 mg doses has been shown to be equally as effective as consuming 1,500 mg of metformin, a commonly prescribed anti-diabetic drug.  Using Berberine in the Release Supplement certainly makes sense as a way to control blood glucose, but how much is contained in the formula is unknown.

Chromium – 70 mcg

Chromium has the ability to improve insulin sensitivity and therefore, regulate blood glucose levels. Chromium is often used as a natural treatment for diabetic patients so it is a logical addition in the Release Supplement.  However, in studies, supplementing with chromium has not been shown to be effective in diabetic individuals, if they consume sufficient chromium levels in their diet, which is usually the case.

Apple Polyphenol

Apple polyphenol has tremendous anti-oxidant potential and is commonly used in Japan as a food additive.  It has been shown to be a safe compound that doesn’t have any toxic effects according to one study.

Salacia Bark Extract

Salacia reticulata bark extract is able to inhibit the uptake of carbohydrates in the intestines and is therefore used as an anti-diabetic agent.  In most cases, the typical dose is between 240 mg and 1,000 mg.  Order to be effective, Salacia needs to be consumed with food, specifically carbohydrates, in order to counteract absorption.

Salacia has been shown to reduce blood glucose in a number of studies and certainly shows promise in the Release Supplement.

Gardenia Fruit Extract

Gardenia fruit extract is a common ingredient in a wide range of dietary supplements.  It has been shown to increase the sensation of feeling full after a meal, yet doesn’t appear to burn fat in human subjects.


Rhodiola rosea is considered to be an adaptogen, meaning that it has the potential to normalize hormone levels.  It is often used to reduce fatigue and reduce the effects of stress by reducing cortisol levels.  In addition to improving cognitive function, it is a neuroprotective agent and may even increase lifespan by about 20%.  The typical dose of Rhodiola is between 288 mg and 680 mg, but has been shown to be effective at doses as low as 50 mg.


Inositol is a molecule that is similar to glucose in its appearance and function.  Due to its ability to mimic glucose, it has been used to treat people with insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity.

Inositol has been shown to be an effective antidepressant and even reduce panic attacks in those affected by them.  Inositol has also been shown to increase fertility in females and has been shown to be relatively safe overall.

The typical dose is between 2 g and 4 g, however, the Release Supplement contains far less than that.

Zinc Oxide – 5 mg

Zinc is a crucially important mineral that participates in a wide range of enzymatic functions and improves the function of the immune system.  In addition, adequate zinc levels are necessary for normal testosterone levels.

Zinc is found in oysters, meat, eggs, seeds, and nuts.  Unfortunately, most people don’t consume enough zinc when eating the typical Western diet and supplementation appears to be a necessary option.

The makers of this formula should have included a more bioavailable version of zinc, as zinc oxide is at the bottom of the spectrum in this regard. However, it is cheap and reduces manufacturing costs significantly.

Magnesium – 60 mg + 30 mg of Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium deficiency is extremely common in Western civilization.  Magnesium is critically important to overall health and is required in order to balance out high calcium diets.  Including magnesium in the Release Supplement is certainly beneficial, due to its overwhelming importance. Magnesium has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.

Including only 90 mg of magnesium in this formula is far below the standard dose of 200 mg – 400 mg and magnesium oxide doesn’t have the bioavailability of other magnesium compounds so it may not have a significant effect.

Ingredient Overview

Given the overall list of ingredients in the Release Supplement, the use of each ingredient certainly has validity when considering insulin sensitivity and normalizing blood glucose levels.  Unfortunately, the amount of most ingredients are unknown and therefore, determining how effective it really is can be a futile task.  However, the GOLO Weight Loss program is certainly onto something with what they have included in the Release Supplement so it may actually be effective and relatively safe.

Dosage And Instructions

In order to for the Release Supplement to be effective, you should take one capsule three times daily with meals as per the instruction label.

how to take golo release - directions

Side Effects Of The Release Supplement

Some of the ingredients in the Release Supplement have been known to interact with other drugs, but of course that’s not to say that GOLO itself will indeed cause them.  For instance, Berberine HCl interacts with a wide range of medications and can result in serious consequences. (Source)

In addition, Berberine HCl has been shown to prevent muscle hypertrophy.

Before taking the Release Supplement, consult with your doctor in order to discuss medical interactions.

Where To Buy

The Release supplement and all aspects of the GOLO Weight Loss program are located on their company website, golo.com.

The Release supplement costs $39.95 a month, $69.90 for a 2-month supply, and $89.85 for a 3-month supply.  At about $30 a month, when purchased in bulk, this formula isn’t overly expensive, when compared to other diet pills on the market.

This program comes with a 40-day trial for only $1, but after the end of this time period customers will be charged for the bottle they ordered.  The good news is there isn’t any auto-ship program and users won’t be charged every single month without voluntarily purchasing more of the product.

GOLO offers a money back guarantee within 60 days of the purchase date.

where to buy golo


While the GOLO Weight Loss program can certainly be effective for people who take advantage of all the aspects that are offered, including improving their food choices, exercising, and consuming the Release supplement, most people should be able to drop body fat by simply participating in exercise and a healthy diet alone.

The overall ingredients contained in the Release supplement may be able to benefit individuals who have elevated high blood glucose levels and assist in burning fat.  People who are pre-diabetic or diabetic should be the first to consider participating in this program, as reducing blood glucose levels are crucially important to overall health.

However, anyone else who has a little bit of stubborn body fat should begin by reassessing their lifestyle choices and only include supplementation, if it is absolutely necessary.

Have You Used GOLO Weight Loss Program Or The Release Supplement? Leave Your Review Below!

Apexatropin Review

apexatropin ad

This is what Apexatropin claims it can do for you.

What’s the first thing you think of when you see an ad like that?

If you’re like most guys, it’s probably something along the lines of “Wow, I wish I had a penis that big”, followed shortly thereafter with “Wait, you’re telling me I can have a penis that big as well?”

When you click on the ad, you’re actually not even taken to a video, but rather to a website for a product called Apexatropin.

The site is riddled with claims that it will grow your penis, including here:

apexatropin claims

and here:

will apexatropin grow your penis

But can it (or really ANY supplement) do this?

Let’s take a look and see what this supplement is all about before we start to draw any conclusions.

What Is Apexatropin?

Apexatropin is a product that claims to have been created to increase the size and improve the function of the penis.  In order to do this, certain ingredients that are contained in the formula are claimed to maximize blood flow volume to the two chambers of the penis, while stretching out the cell walls to make them larger than normal.

The makers of Apexatropin claim that this formula increases the efficiency of blood flow and rapidly allows users to experience an erection.

apexatropin rapid expansion

Apexatropin has been touted as a cure for erectile dysfunction and a lack of libido.  In addition, the company claims that the ingredients that are used in this formula are safe and don’t cause undesirable side effects.

Men who are having a problem getting and maintaining an erection often turn to products like Viagra, but should realize that pharmaceutical drugs almost always have a long list of side effects.  Men who are looking for an all natural alternative often look to products like Apexatropin in order to treat their ED.

A lot of times, opting for an all natural alternative to a prescription erectile dysfucntion medication is appealing to those that don’t want to visit the doctor or get expensive medication or simply don’t want some of the potential side effects.

However, do these products really work?

Here we will take a closer look at the ingredients contained in Apexatropin and determine how effective it really is.

Apexatropin Overview

How Does Apexatropin Work?

Apexatropin is claimed to increase the size of the penis by increasing blood flow.  By increasing the amount of blood the chambers of the corpus cavernosum can hold, erection quality improves.  Accordingly, the company that makes Apexatropin claims that their formula maximizes the size of the penis and results in a “huge erection.”

how apexatropin works

In addition, the makers of Apexatropin claim that this supplement improves sexual stamina, increases testosterone levels throughout the body, reduces body fat, allows men to avoid premature ejaculation, cures erectile dysfunction, increases blood circulation throughout the entire body, and heals ALL health and sex problems, while not causing any negative side effects.

With such claims, the ingredients contained within Apexatropin must be nothing short of revolutionary!

Ingredients In Apexatropin

The most notable ingredients in Apexatropin are Tonkat Ali, Maca, L-Arginine, and a Ginseng Blend.

In the proprietary blend, Apexatropin contains Sarsaparilla Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Muira Puama Powder, Oat Straw, Nettle, Cayanne Pepper, Astragalus (4:1), Catuaba Bark Powder, Licorice, Tribulus Terrestris, Orchic, Oyster Extract, and Boron.

apexatropin ingredients label

Are These Ingredients Scientifically Effective?

Tonkat Ali – 400 mg

Tongkat Ali has been shown to be effective in improving erection quality, at least in a concentrated extract.  In addition, Tongkat Ali has been shown to be a reliable aphrodisiac, can delay ejaculation, and has the ability to improve sperm production.

This is clearly one of the main reasons it’s been included in Apexatropin.

Some even claim that Tongkat Ali has the ability to increase free testosterone levels, however, there are no peer-reviewed human studies to prove this.

In most cases, the minimum dose is 200 mg of a 100:1 extract.  However, many recommend the 200:1 extract for increased effectiveness.  Due to the overall demand of Tongkat Ali and limited worldwide supplies, the cost of this supplement is quite high.  When purchasing concentrated extracts of 100:1, expect to spend quite a bit of money.  Since Apexatropin has 400 mg of Tongkat Ali, but doesn’t appear to be an extract, it is unlikely to offer much of an effect in improving erection quality, as the dose is just too low.

L-Arginine – 250 mg

L-Arginine is an amino acid that regulates blood flow by increasing nitric oxide levels.  Overall, the validity of whether or not oral consumption of L-arginine really works is questionable.  The typical dose used in studies is between 3 g and 6 g.

Since L-arginine supplementation hasn’t been shown to be unanimously effective in improving blood flow, it is hard to determine whether including this into the Apexatropin formula makes it more effective.  Since Apexatropin only includes 250 mg of L-arginine when the standard dose is about 3 g, it may not have any effect whatsoever.

Maca (0.6% extract) – 250 mg

Maca has been consumed by the people of Peru for centuries and is a known aphrodisiac.  Maca has also been shown to increase sperm production, however, it does not increase testosterone or estrogen levels.  In addition, Maca has been shown to improve overall health.  Typically, Maca has been shown to be effective at 1,500 mg to 3,000 mg or more.  When consumed as food, typical consumption is between 10 g to 40 g.

The biggest effect that Maca is noted for is its libido improving qualities.  In one study, subjects consumed either 1.5 g a day or 3.0 g of Maca a day and experienced a significant improvement in libido.

With only 250 mg of Maca in the Apexatropin ingredients list, whether or not it has an effect on libido is up for debate.

Ginseng Blend – 125 mg

There are a wide range of plants that are classified as ginseng.  Since “ginseng blend” doesn’t really tell us much about which actual plants are used, it is hard to rate the effectiveness of this ingredient.  There are a few types of ginseng, like Panax ginseng that have been shown to improve erection quality so using this in the formula may be effective.  However, if that was the case, Apexatropin would clearly state that they are using Panax ginseng in their formula.

If Panax Ginseng was included in this formula, the effective dose has been shown to be about 400 mg, while Apexatropin only contains 125 mg.

Proprietary Blend – 745 mg

Since the proprietary blend doesn’t list each ingredient by weight, it is hard to judge these ingredients on their effectiveness. However, a few of these ingredients have been shown to improve erection quality.

Sarsaparilla Powder

Sarsaparilla has been shown to bind to endotoxins and make them easier to remove them from the bloodstream.  Sarsaparilla has the ability to reduce inflammation overall when used in a dose from 0.3 g to 2 g a day.

Unfortunately we don’t really know how much Saraparilla is in Apexatropin.

Pumpkin Seed Powder

Pumpkin seed powder contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals that are required for optimal bodily function overall.  Pumpkin seeds contain one of the highest concentrations of zinc, a mineral crucially important in testosterone production.

Muira Puama Powder

Muira Puama is also known as “potency wood” and has been used as an aphrodisiac in Brazil for centuries.  The recommended dose is at least 1 g of a 4:1 concentrated extract.  In one study, 51% of males reported an improvement in their erection after using this product for only two weeks.

Since the total proprietary blend of Apexatropin is only 745 mg, it clearly doesn’t contain anywhere near the typical dose of Muira Puama.


Nettle is anti-inflammatory in nature when taken in 120 mg dosages three times a day.  While many believe Nettle increases testosterone levels, one study shows that there were no differences in testosterone levels after six months of consumption.

Astragalus (4:1)

Astragalus is being used to treat a wide variety of conditions, however, there is insufficient evidence regarding its effectiveness.

Catuaba Bark Powder

Catuaba Bark is another aphrodisiac that is classified as a stimulant.  Typically, this plant is consumed in a tea in order to boost libido.  This tea increases sensitivity to dopamine and has the potential to make sex more enjoyable.


Licorice has been shown to reduce inflammation, but has also been shown to reduce testosterone levels when consumed in large quantities.  Fortunately, the amount of licorice in Apexatropin shouldn’t produce any negative side effects.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris has been shown to increase libido and many believe that it also increases testosterone levels, however, no studies have shown this to be true.  Typically, about 5 g of root powder are consumed in order to be effective, far more than the amount in the Apexatropin formula.  When consumed at a dose of about 6 g a day, erection quality improved in infertile men.


Orchic is produced directly from cattle testicles and is believed to improve testicular function in human males.  However, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that it actually works.

Oyster Extract

Oyster extract contains some of the highest quantities of naturally occurring zinc, a crucial mineral required for adequate testosterone production.


Boron has been shown to increase free testosterone levels.  Boron is a mineral that is typically deficient in the modern diet, yet is crucially important in a wide range of bodily functions.

Apexatropin Marketing Tactics

Apexatropin marketing is all based around making average males feel inadequate so they go ahead and purchase their product.  When a company has to resort to such advertising tactics, the products themselves often don’t live up to the hype.  Based on such marketing, the only people that are going to buy Apexatropin are those who are susceptible to emotional ploys.  Since average males have been procreating for centuries, we must be doing something right.


If you’re looking for Apexatropin reviews, unfortunately you’ll most likely be disappointed.

Because it’s not sold on sites like Amazon or eBay, finding a credible third party testimonial was nearly impossible.

What’s even more interesting is if you look on the official website, you won’t even find reviews there.  This is VERY unusual for a company selling a supplement such as this.

To top it off, if you search for Apexatropin reviews on Youtube, you’ll get garbage like this:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNKV2OWz1eg]

This is typical for youtube, because generally speaking they don’t care what’s posted on their site, as long as it’s not “harmful to others”.

Dosage And Instructions

The standard dosage is two pills a day with water. Apexatropin should be stored in a cool, dry place and away from children. Check with your doctor before taking any supplement, including this one.

Potential Apexatropin Side Effects

The company claims that Apexatropin doesn’t have any side effects because it is all natural.  Based on the micro amounts of active ingredients contained in this product, users likely won’t experience any side effects. However, anyone who is allergic to the ingredients contained in it, like shellfish, should not consume this product.

Where To Buy

Apexatropin can only be purchased online and is not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS.

Apexatropin sells for $49.85 per bottle, but comes at a discount when purchasing a three month or five month supply. A five month supply costs $149.95.


Apexatropin offers a 90-day money back guarantee that requires users to contact their customer service phone number for a return merchandise authorization number (RMA) at 1-888–506–5625 or support@apexatropin.com and ship the unused portion back to the company.

What About Apexatropin Gel?

I’ve seen that there are a lot of people search for a gel that they sell, but unfortunately couldn’t find any info on it.  My guess is that they are trying to upsell the gel at checkout, but there’s really no way to be sure.

The advantage to using a gel like Apexatropin is that it can be used to perform jelqing routines, which I’ve personally done to help maximize size gains.


Based on the main ingredients in the Apexatropin formula, it appears Xhealth Lab is simply including popular male enhancement ingredients, for name recognition alone.  Since the concentration of the ingredients in the formula are incredibly minuscule, the chances of them being effective is equally minuscule.

Apexatropin appears to be a watered down version of male enhancement supplements that actually do work.  For people who really want to see an improvement in their erection quality, consider purchasing a high-quality supplement that contains at least 400 mg of 100:1 Tongkat Ali extract, 400 mg of Panax ginseng, L-Citrulline, as it is converted into L-Arginine in the body, and Maca in at least a 3 g dose.

Since nothing in Apexatropin is downright dangerous, and some of the ingredients in this formula have a little bit of science backing their effectiveness, I have given this product a 1.5 star rating.  However, there are better products out there for male enhancement and should be considered before taking Apexatropin.

All in all, it doesn’t appear like Pfizer, the makers of Viagra are going to be overly worried about this supplement taking a chunk out of their profit margins.

Have You Used Apexatropin?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Extenze Liquid Shot Review

It’s been awhile since I have tried any male enhancement products.

When I saw the Extenze Liquid shot sitting on the shelves of a local Walgreens I visited recently, I decided to pick up a 2 pack.

Having tried all of the previous Extenze products, I had a few reservations going into this test.

My experiment with the original formula back in 2011 left me with some pretty bad side effects from the yohimbe, which included:

  • Fever like symptoms
  • Nausea
  • A pretty ridiculous headache that lasted for days.

However, with their new and improved Extenze Plus, I didn’t get any nasty side effects from it.

In fact, it turned out to be one of the best male enhancement supplements I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested close to 100 at this point.

male enhancement pills ive tested

So, was Extenze Liquid shots going to leave me curled up on the couch watching Breaking Bad reruns and swearing to God, Allah, and Jehova that I would never take it again?

Or was it going to give me a massive boner and orgasms the likes of which I experienced with Extenze Plus?

Well, let’s talk a little bit about what Extenze Liquid is all about first.

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.


What is Extenze Liquid Shot?
How Fast Does It Work?
What Flavors Do They Have and How Does It Taste?
Will it make you bigger?
Are there any side effects?
Where to buy?
My Personal Results / Recommendation

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is Extenze Liquid Shot?

potential side effects with Extenze Shot

As you can see from the image above, Extenze Liquid Shot looks like your typical 5 hour energy bottle.

Instead of giving you a massive boost in energy, it’s supposed to give you a big boost in sexual arousal and libido.

It does this through a blend of ingredients that includes the following:

  • L-Arginine
  • Malic Acid
  • Betaine HCL (never heard of this one)
  • GABA
  • L-Theanine
  • Caffeine
  • Yohimbe
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Maca Root
  • Horny Goat Weed

as well as a healthy dose of Niacin (12.5 mg) and Zinc (5 mg).

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

eztenze liquid shots ingredients label

The two key ingredients in Extenze Liquid shots seems to be the combo of L-Arginine and Yohimbe.

This is a VERY powerful combo that’s actually been clinically studied and proven to work. (See the study here)

Consequentially, it’s also found in several dozen other male enhancement products, including Libido Max and Zyrexin.

libido max as an over the counter viagra replacement

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast does it work?

I talk about this a bit in my review below, but for me the effects from Extenze Liquid Shot seemed to kick in within 5 – 10 minutes.

The full effects seemed to kick in after 30 minutes or so, and after 3 or 4 hours I didn’t feel anything.

extenze liquid how fast does it work

Basically this all comes down to your own body chemistry, metabolism, even your weight will have an impact on how fast, and how long it works.

Much like any other male sexual enhancement product, no two people can expect to get the exact same effects in the same time, but Extenze Liquid Shots seem to have fast onset and results for a lot of people.

What’s flavors do they have?

Not much of a choice here, the only flavor they make is called Big Cherry.


How does it taste?  Is there an aftertaste?

It tastes a bit chalky, but it’s very sweet and tangy at first, sort of like sour patch kids if you’ve ever had them.

extenze shots taste like sour patch kids

There was a bit of an aftertaste, but that went away after a few minutes.

Will it make you bigger?

If by that you mean ‘Will it grow my penis?‘ then no.  However, it can help to give you a bit of a boost in erections, which could make you feel bigger temporarily.

In fact, one guy that left a review on our site below said that he actually saw a little bit of a girth gain about an hour after taking it.

extenze liquid girth gains

With that said, it will NOT cause any sort of PERMANENT gains in size.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

If that’s what you’re looking for, then click here.

Where can I buy it?

Unlike the vast majority of other male enhancement products out there, you can find Extenze Liquid Shots pretty much everywhere.

All the major retailers like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and even 7-11 carry it.  I’ve even seen it for sale in some gas stations.

Your best bet as far as getting the best deal would be to buy it online on sites like Amazon or eBay.

Related Article:  10 Best Male Enhancement Pills At Walmart and Walgreens

How much does it cost?

The average retail price for a 2 pack is $8.50, which isn’t terribly expensive when considering some of the alternatives.

Best alternatives available in pill form

If you’re looking for something you can take in pill form vs. the Extenze liquid, I would recommend you check out either the original Extenze Plus or a supplement called Hardon Helper.

Extenze Plus uses many of the same ingredients that the shot does, but of course is in pill form.

hardon helper reviewHardon Helper uses a completely different set of ingredients, but is still VERY effective.

In fact, I would go so far as to say it actually it’s MORE effective than both the Extenze Shot AND the Extenze Plus.

Click Here to read my review of Extenze Plus

Click Here to read my review of Hardon Helper

Can I use this if I have a medical condition?

That really depends on what your medical condition is.  If you have high blood pressure or heart problems I wouldn’t recommend it because of it’s caffeine and yohimbe content.

In fact, it’s been shown that yohimbe can cause as much as a 10 point increase in blood pressure. (Source)

We’ll talk more about that below.

Are there any side effects?

I didn’t notice any with Extenze liquid, but it’s certainly possible.  There’s a wide variety of side effects that come with the consumption of yohimbe related products, including:

  • Hypertension
  • Headaches
  • Panic attacks
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Tachycardia
  • Increased Anxiety

Other Potential Warnings

The other principle ingredient in Extenze Liquid Shots, L-Arginine, has a tendency to lower blood pressure through a process called vasodilation.

Vasodilation is a fancy term for a widening of the blood vessels, which results from a relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, leading to increased blood flow.

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works

While this increased blood flow helps enhance erections, it also has the ability to cause a drop in blood pressure.

If you’re already taking medications that lower blood pressure, this may cause blood pressure to drop to unsafe levels (hypo tension).

With this in mind, if you have HBP issues I would recommend you steer clear of Extenze Liquid.

Frequently Asked Medical Questions

Here are some of the most common medical questions we get regarding Extenze shots, as answered by our in-house pharmacist Dr. Brian Straub.

Can I take Extenze Liquid Shot if I have high blood pressure?

  • There are ingredients in Extenze Liquid Shot that may increase and decrease blood pressure. Use caution.

Can I take Extenze Liquid Shot if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • There are ingredients in Extenze Liquid Shot that may increase and decrease blood pressure. Use caution.

Can I take Extenze Liquid Shot if I have diabetes?

  • Some of the ingredients may alter blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may alter blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Extenze Liquid Shot?

  • L-arginine, which is a primary ingredient, can cause an allergic response or make swelling in the airways worse. If you are prone to allergies or asthma and decide to take Extenze Liquid Shot, use it with caution.

Can I take Extenze Liquid Shot with Viagra / Cialis?

  • Some of the ingredients may lower blood pressure. Use caution as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure, so it’s not recommended to use in conjunction with Viagra or Cialis.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

  • It is best to use caution taking supplements, especially those with stimulants (panax ginseng) with any mental disorder. Do not take this supplement if you are taking MAOI’s for depression. (See below).

Can I take Extenze Liquid Shot with alcohol?

  • Panax ginseng is an ingredient in Extenze Liquid Shot and may enhance how quickly your body breaks down alcohol as well as mask your level of intoxication. Use caution.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • It is best to avoid this supplement if you have a bleeding disorder or taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may alter your body’s clotting ability. If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with caffeine or other stimulants?

  • Extenze Liquid Shot includes multiple stimulants including caffeine and panax ginseng. It is best to avoid any additional stimulants.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Extenze Liquid Shot?

Do not take Extenze Liquid Shot if you have:

  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Heart Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions
  • Insomnia
  • Organ transplant
  • High blood pressure
  • Mental conditions such as mania or schizophrenia
  • Prostate problems
  • PTSD
  • Kidney Disease
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Diarrhea
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Allergies or Asthma
  • Cirrhosis
  • Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency
  • Herpes
  • Recent Heart Attack

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions

Major Interactions:

  • MAOI’s
    • phenelzine (Nardil)
    • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
    • and others
  • Ephedrine

Moderate Interactions:

  • Antibiotics
    • Quinolones
      • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
      • enoxacin (Penetrex)
      • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
      • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
      • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
      • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
    • Nitrates
      • nitroglycerin (Nitro-Bid, Nitro-Dur, Nitrostat)
      • isosorbide (Imdur, Isordil, Sorbitrate)
    • Stimulants
      • diethylpropion (Tenuate)
      • epinephrine
      • phentermine (Ionamin)
      • pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
      • and many others.
    • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
      • azathioprine (Imuran)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • mycophenolate (CellCept)
      • tacrolimus (Prograf)
      • sirolimus (Rapamune)
      • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
      • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
      • and others
    • Blood Thinners
      • Aspirin
      • clopidogrel (Plavix)
      • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
      • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
      • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
      • dalteparin (Fragmin)
      • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
      • heparin
      • warfarin (Coumadin)
      • and others.
    • Tricyclic Antidepressants
      • amitriptyline (Elavil)
      • imipramine (Tofranil)
      • and others.
    • Phenothiazines
      • chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
      • fluphenazine (Prolixin)
      • trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
      • thioridazine (Mellaril)
      • and others.
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Medications metabolized by the liver:
      • Liver Enzyme 2D6
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • clozapine (Clozaril)
        • codeine
        • desipramine (Norpramin)
        • donepezil (Aricept),
        • fentanyl (Duragesic)
        • flecainide (Tambocor)
        • fluoxetine (Prozac)
        • meperidine (Demerol)
        • methadone (Dolophine)
        • metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL)
        • olanzapine (Zyprexa),
        • ondansetron (Zofran)
        • tramadol (Ultram)
        • trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
      • Antihypertensives
        • Thiazides
          • chlorothiazide (Diuril)
          • hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, Esidrix)
          • indapamide (Lozol
          • metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
          • chlorthalidone (Hygroton)
        • Calcium Channel Blockers
          • nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
          • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
          • diltiazem (Cardizem)
          • isradipine (DynaCirc)
          • felodipine (Plendil)
          • amlodipine (Norvasc)
          • and others.
        • Potassium Sparing Diuretics
          • amiloride (Midamor)
          • spironolactone (Aldactone)
          • and triamterene (Dyrenium)
        • Other
          • Lithium
          • Theophylline
          • Furosemide (Lasix)
          • Clonidine (Catapres)
          • Guanabenz (Wytensin)
          • Naloxone (Narcan)
          • Adenosine (Adenocard)
          • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
          • Clozapine (Clozaril)
          • Dipyridamole (Persantine)
          • Disulfiram (Antabuse)
          • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
          • Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
          • Phenylpropanolamine
          • Riluzole (Rilutek)
          • Verapamil (Calan, Covera, Isoptin, Verelan)

My Personal Results / Recommendation

extenze liquid shot reviewAs I stated earlier in the review, it had a been quite a long time since I tested out any male enhancement supplements, so I figured now might be a good time to try a few out again.

As for my personal results, the label states that you should drink a whole bottle of this stuff the first time around, but I like to be a little bit more conservative and I only drank just over a half the first time I used it.

I would say I started to feel the effects probably within about 15 or 20 minutes.  It’s kind of tough to describe, but if I had to lay it out I would say it gives you a big burst of physical energy, as well as a tingle in your pants.

One thing is for sure, if you are sexual aroused in any way you’ll definitely be walking around with a boner for a couple hours unless you take care of it’ so to speak.

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Compared to the regular pills that I’ve been taking, the liquid shot seems to kick in a bit quicker.  With the pills it seems like it takes about 30 – 45 min. for it to kick in, and with this shot it’s more like 15 – 20 min or so to start seeing the real effects.

I would recommend that if you decide to try this out that you just start off with like a really low dose, maybe something in the order of 1/4 of the bottle.

Yohimbe has a tendency to creep up on you if you take too much of it, and while you may get a great boner, it could also make you feel really sick at the same time.

I still prefer the pills, but if you’re short on cash and want to try something quick and easy, Extenze Liquid shots might be worth your while.

Have You Used Extenze Liquid Shots?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Phenocal Review

Phenocal Overview

What is Phenocal
Does Phenocal Work
Ingredients In Phenocal
Proprietary Blend
Dosage And Instructions
Side Effects Of Phenocal
Where To Buy Phenocal
Risk-Free Trial
User Reviews Of Phenocal

Note:  We are NOT affiliated with this supplement in any way, and we were NOT paid to write this Phenocal review.

With obesity continuing to be a growing epidemic, the ever expanding popularity of diet pills is to be expected.

obesity statistics

However, there has been plenty of controversy regarding the safety and effectiveness of diet pills designed to burn body fat at an accelerated rate.

Some of them have soured the name of diet pills by pumping out inferior product that wields the potential for some pretty heinous side effects, while others work just as advertised.

One popular product that many people are turning to in order to attempt to lose weight is Phenocal.  In this review, we will look at Phenocal and determine if it is safe and effective.

What is Phenocal?

phenocal real review

Phenocal is a diet pill that contains all natural, pharmaceutical grade ingredients that allegedly burn fat. Their proprietary formula is designed to:

  • Reduce appetite
  • Increase overall energy levels, and
  • Make it easy to lose weight.

The company claims that this product is best consumed while dieting, as it should reduce hunger pains.

Related Article:  Top 3 Fat Burning Supplements

Phenocal is produced by a company called Pharmaxa Labs located in Florida.

However, another company named Health Web Shopping actually fulfills the orders and offers customer support.  On the company website no address is given, although they do offer a contact number, 1-888-675-0241, that goes directly to Health Web Shopping.

Does Phenocal Work?

phenocal and fat burning

Based on all the negative reviews, the simplest way to answer this question is that Phenocal doesn’t work as claimed so anyone looking for quick answer have everything they need to know.  However, let’s take a closer look at the ingredients listed in this product and the theory behind the claims that Phenocal makes.

Ingredients In Phenocal

Phenocal contains the following:

  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Biotin
  • Chromium
  • Folic acid
  • Fucoxanthin
  • Bioperine
  • A proprietary blend.

The proprietary blend contains green tea leaf powder, glucomannan, L-tyrosine, cocoa extract, phenylethylamine, hoodia gordonii, green tea leaf extract, garcinia cambogia, Yerba mate, coleus forskohlii, evodiamine, L-tryptophan, CLA, and 5-HTP.

Here’s a snapshot of the ingredients label:

phenocal ingredients label

B-Vitamin Complex

The first ingredients in Phenocal are B-vitamins.  People who are deficient in any one of these B-vitamins may suffer from a lack of energy.  Since adequate mitochondrial function requires B-vitamins, adding these into Phenocal may assist those who are deficient in this regard.


Chromium and moving blood sugar

Chromium is known to assist with moving blood sugar into the cells so it can be used as energy. It also has been shown to help people with type II diabetes.


brown seaweed Fucoxanthin

Fucoxanthin is an extract from brown seaweed that is often claimed to help burn fat.  However, more evidence is required before this conclusion can be drawn.



Bioperine has been shown to increase the absorption of a wide range of supplements.  Overall, this ingredient is common in a wide range of nutritional products and doesn’t really have any drawbacks.

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Phenocal Proprietary Blend

Green Tea Leaf Powder And Green Tea Leaf Extract

Green Tea Leaf Powder And Green Tea Leaf Extract

Green tea leaf extract has been known to increase metabolism and is used in many diet pills.  However, the main ingredient that increases metabolism is caffeine and consumption of this drug comes with a wide range of side effects.

At the end of the day, there is little research on whether or not green tea extract is beneficial in promoting weight loss.

In addition, prolonged consumption of concentrated green tea extract has been reported to cause problems with liver function.

Since Phenocal doesn’t state how much green tea extract is in their proprietary blend, users don’t have any idea of how much caffeine they are actually consuming.


Glucomannan and reducing hunger

This ingredient is a type of dietary fiber and is able to reduce hunger by allowing users to feel like they are full.  In addition, any type of dietary fiber has a potential to reduce cholesterol levels overall.  However, in one study, glucomannan supplementation did not promote weight loss in overweight and obese subjects.

In addition, when not consumed with enough liquid, glucomannan has a potential to cause blockages in the throat or intestines.

Not only that but, glucomannan may lead to pain in the abdominal region, dehydration, and reduce mineral absorption.


L-tyrosine weight loss

L-tyrosine has been included in a wide range of weight loss products, however, there is no evidence to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Cocoa Extract

Cocoa Extract weight loss

Cocoa Extract contains countless flavanoids and antioxidants. In addition to the health improving properties of cacao, studies have shown that it promotes weight loss. Although, consuming dark chocolate or pure cacao is likely a better, tastier option.


Phenylethylamine fat burning

Phenylethylamine is a thermogenic supplement that has been shown to promote fat burning in one study by encouraging the body to resort to its fat stores for energy.

However, these positive benefits don’t come without negative consequences.  Phenylethylamine has been shown to increase heart rate and systolic blood pressure, while increasing tension and confusion in subjects.

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii and appetite suppression

The goal of adding Hoodia Gordonii in this formula is appetite suppression, however, it hasn’t been shown to be effective in clinical trials.  In addition, this shrub may be slightly toxic, making its use in Phenocal questionable at best.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement

This tropical fruit is a popular addition in many supplements that are designed to promote weight loss.  The active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA has been shown to increase fat burning and reduce appetite by reducing an enzyme named citrate lyase.  However, the overall weight loss results haven’t been astoundingly amazing by any regards.

Garcinia Cambogia often results in side effects like dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and digestive problems.  In 2009, the FDA advised people to stop taking supplements that contain this ingredient because it has been shown to cause serious liver problems.

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate increases metabolism

Yerba Mate have been shown to increase metabolism by stimulating the muscles, organs, and vascular system.

However, there are studies that indicate that this ingredient increases the risk of cancer and is possibly unsafe.

Yerba Mate has the potential to cause other side effects like insomnia, increased urination, headaches, and irritability as well.

Coleus Forskohlii

Coleus Forskohlii fat loss

This herb has the potential to facilitate fat loss, as it increases testosterone.  However, there are no long-term studies that indicate it is effective for promoting fat loss.

Considering its potential effect on the endocrine system, women who are consuming Phenocal should be aware that they may be increasing their testosterone profile, potentially causing undesirable side effects.



There aren’t many studies on evodiamine and there is no clinical proof that it assists in weight loss on any level.


L-tryptophan fat loss supplement

L-tryptophan has been widely used in fat loss supplements, although there is no good research backing up its usefulness in this regard.  According to one study, L-tryptophan does not promote weight loss so including this ingredient in Phenocal doesn’t appear to offer the results that are claimed.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) in dairy and meat

CLA is naturally found in dairy and meat products.  CLA is known to reduce fat deposits throughout the body, while improving immune system function.


5-HTP reduction of obesity

5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin.  By increasing serotonin levels, Phenocal claims to reduce obesity and improve mood.

Since many of the ingredients found in Phenocal haven’t been shown to be effective in regards to weight loss in clinical studies, it should be no surprise that this product doesn’t offer much, as indicated by user reviews which are discussed below.

In fact, just looking at some of the side effects of the ingredients in the Phenocal formula, people who choose to consume this supplement may be endangering their health.

Phenocal Dosage And Instructions

According to the instructions on the bottle, Phenocal requires three pills in the morning and three pills at night in order to be effective.  The morning pill regimen should be taken with water, 15 minutes before breakfast.  The second dosage of the day should be taken four hours after lunch, again with water.  For people who don’t enjoy taking a mountain of pills every day, this product certainly isn’t the best choice.

how to use phenocal

Side Effects Of Phenocal

Just given the ingredients that are in Phenocal, users may end up with a wide range of side effects.  From abdominal pain to intestinal blockages, and possible toxicity, using this supplement may not be a good idea.

Other Phenocal risks include a rapid heart rate, insomnia, and headaches due mainly to the caffeine.  (Source)

To be fair, MOST fat burners contain some variation of caffeine.

The ingredients in Phenocal may also cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and muscle spasms.

However, the notion that Garcinia Cambogia causes liver toxicity has been proven FALSE. (Source)

Where To Buy Phenocal

Where To Buy Phenocal

Phenocal can be purchased on Amazon and through a multitude of affiliate marketers on the Internet.  However, if you’re looking to buy it in a store I’m afraid you’ll be a bit out of luck.

I checked with all of the major retailers like GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, and CVS, and none of them sell Phenocal.

On Amazon, Phenocal costs $49.99 and went taken as directed, only last 25 days.  In other words, this product costs $2 a day.

where to buy phenocal

Related Article:  14 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart

Phenocal Risk-Free Trial?

The manufacturer claims that they offer “an unconditional risk-free 60-day refund” for users who aren’t satisfied with this product.

However, it has been reported that the company makes it very difficult to get a refund.

According to the ripoffreport.com, people who want a refund for Phenocal need to return the empty bottle by mail with a tracking number and insurance AND include the original packaging of the product in order to be eligible for a refund.

Related Article:  Free Trial Supplement Scams: The Ugly Truth

In other words, realize that there are multiple stipulations in order to actually receive a refund.

User Reviews Of Phenocal

When looking over user reviews, it is hard to find anyone who has anything good to say about this product.  On Amazon, 44% of all users gave Phenocal a 1 star rating.

reviews of phenocal on amazon

What’s interesting to note is that when I ran a search for Phenocal reviews, many of the so called unbiased review sites I came across looked suspiciously familiar.

Specifically, I’m talking about 3 particular sites that all rank on the first page of google when you type in “phenocal reviews”, which you’ll see below look vaguely familiar to each other.

Here’s the first one:

Phenocal review 1

Here’s another one:

Phenocal review 2

and yet one more:

Phenocal review 3

The fact that they all link to Phenocal and they ALL use the discount code “Rev10”, leads me to believe that they are probably all owned by the same person.

Phenocal Reviews on Amazon

All BS aside, the legit reviews on Amazon paint a wide picture.

Some of the people who use Phenocal have noticed that they have a reduction in hunger.  One of the positive comments that many customers state is that their energy levels have increased.  B-vitamins are known to improve the production of mitochondrial function, which helps with energy production.  However, these individuals are likely deficient in B-vitamins and should instead take a simple B-vitamin complex.


As a side note, Pharmarax Labs also creates another product called Flexoplex Joint Supplement that also has horrible reviews.

As a result, it would probably be a good idea to shy away from any products made by Pharmarax labs.

Lastly, we’ve had a few people leave their own personal Phenocal review on Supplement Critique.

2 of them said they had positive results:

phenocal real user review

phenocal experience

And one guy actually said he GAINED weight from taking it:

phenocal causes weight gain in some

Phenocal Recommendation

All in all, Phenocal is possibly unsafe and ineffective.

First, it appears that at least half of users don’t notice any improvement in their weight loss goals or even worse, gain weight from using this product.


Second, some of the ingredients in Phenocal have limited research and may not be safe to consume over the short or long term.

The problem is that if you are anything like me, you probably only want to consume something that has enough verifiable research about it available to warrant giving it a try.

Finally, this product is overly expensive and appears to depend on marketing ploys, while the process of receiving a refund requires users to jump through hoops.

People who are looking to lose weight and do so safely shouldn’t depend on diet pills to accomplish this goal.  Since the leading cause of obesity has been shown to be excessive sugar consumption, start eliminating sources of sugar, especially hidden ones from one’s diet.  Then, as depressing as it sounds, begin to reduce calorie consumption overall. Of course, accompanying a healthy diet with exercise is the final key to slowly reducing body fat.

Assuming you choose the right one, there’s NO reason you can’t effectively lose weight.

Have You Used Phenocal?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Omega XL Review


What is Omega XL
Product Guarantee
Detailed Analysis of The Ingredients In Omega XL
Omega XL Benefits
My Personal Results
Other Omega XL Reviews I Came Across
Where Else Can You Buy Omega XL

It’s no secret that Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown through clinical trials to have demonstrated and duplicated health benefits, specifically related to cardiovascular, brain, and joint health.  These fatty acids are called essential for a very simple reason.  The human body absolutely requires them to perform certain cellular functions within its very complex metabolic and immune systems.  From a cardiovascular standpoint, one study has shown that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids lower the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by a very significant 8.3%.

With all of these apparent benefits, coupled with the fact that the American Standard Diet is probably lacking in these healthy fats, all sorts of supplements have popped up, ranging from the standard “Fish Oil Capsules” found on the local supermarket shelf; all the way to the designer supplements from the Scandinavian realms.

Click Here
to jump to my personal results with Omega XL.

What is Omega XL?

This leads us to our product to be reviewed today – Omega XL.  One of the more interesting ad campaigns for an emerging supplement, Omega XL claims to be superior to store brand Fish Oil, and is even endorsed by none other than the infamous Larry King.

Of course, since fish oil can be found for literally next to nothing on said supermarket shelves, our mission leads us to inspect the claims of superiority by the company behind Omega XL as well as Mr. King himself.

So, it seems as though the makers of Omega XL have followed a pattern of distribution like many other brand name products.  That is, you can buy it directly from them via their website or via their Amazon store.

Upon navigating to their store, you are met with Larry King’s claim that he no longer has pain when he puts his shoes and socks on in the morning, to which he claims is solely because of his use of Omega XL.

He says this in a Youtube video posted back in June of 2014:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWPl5gfdEs4]

He does not address the issue of whether he tried other forms of omega-3 supplementation before switching to Omega XL, and thus, his claims do nothing to solve to main problem that arises from this product – and so many other “designer” brand name formulations of supplements containing proven beneficial ingredients.

What this means is that, to the real-world consumer who is trying to figure out whether he/she can fit the exaggerated cost of a supplement like Omega XL into his/her budget – Larry King’s claims are of absolutely zero benefit in determining this.

So, why would one claim that Omega XL is superior to the grocery-store formulation of omega-3 fatty acid combination products? 

Product Guarantee

The company that produces Omega XL offers a 90-day money back guarantee.  Now, a quick look at their business profile with the Better Business Bureau shows that they have an A+ rating, having settled 160 complaints in an amicable manner.

What’s even more interesting is although they are rated A+ on there, the customer review rating is VERY poor:

omega xl bbb

Only 14% of the people who left feedback claimed they had a positive experience with the company, which is very concerning.

Now, this is rather misleading, if you look at it from a more realistic point of view.  For instance, let’s assume that you went to the grocery store and purchased a pound of hamburger meat, only to bring it home to find out that it is spoiled.  So, as long as the grocery store accepts your return and provides you with a refund or replacement, they have amicably solved the issue.  However, this definitely does NOT mean that they have superior meat.  So what is it about Omega XL that makes it “superior” to other supplements?

It comes down to one word, one issue.

Detailed Analysis of The Ingredients In Omega XL

Omega XL’s primary ingredient is a complex formulation of 92 different fatty acids via a proprietary formulation of Perna Canaliculus PCSO-524.  As such, Omega XL claims different omega fatty acids have “over 30 years of research” behind them, thus producing a uniquely superior product that costs more to make than other omega-3 supplements, which is why the company feels as though their price is justified in being is so inflated versus others.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

omega xl ingredients label

They source PCSO-524 from green-lipped mussels that are cultured in New Zealand.  Does this really mean anything?  Let’s go to the reviews for real-world feedback.

Omega XL Benefits

It sounds like a solid product that undoubtedly has some verifiable benefits.  However, we still have to look at what makes it stand out from other omega-3 supplements.  Even though there is not much clinical evidence, there may actually be a synergistic benefit of having the large variety of different omega-3’s and omega-6’s taken together, such as the DHA, ALA, and EPA found in Omega XL.  The logic for this is that the same mechanisms that trigger synergy in many types of prescription drugs may also provide this for those who supplement with this product.

What does this mean to you, the consumer, when determining whether to choose Omega XL over something like the very affordable Sundown Naturals Omega-3-6-9 combination supplement?

Well, it seems like so many other gimmicky supplements, that these benefits may just be in the eye of the beholder, or – placebo effect, to put it bluntly.

Simply put, Omega XL follows a business model like that of its competitors (this Nordic Naturals, for example), that claims their method of obtaining this patented formula are of superior purity than other mass-produced “fish oil” supplements.

Now, this is a sales gimmick that many companies are using to literally extort consumers into paying more for their product.  They use the widely known fact that certain fish contain detectible levels of mercury and some very nasty compounds produced en masse during the first half of the 20th century known as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs.

These supplement manufacturers that produce products such as Omega XL that portray their product as superior in purity are just that – portrayals.  In fact, scientific testing and clinical studies have proven that this claim to purity is completely unfounded.  Out of all the sample products tested, not a single omega supplement has been found to contain any detectable, much less harmful, levels of mercury or PCBs.

Unfortunately, these supplement manufacturers are using fear-based marketing to sell their products at a higher price instead of being satisfied with a competitive price that they could easily obtain by simply entering the same market as products like the aforementioned Omega-3-6-9 sold by Sundown.

My Personal Results

omega xl reviewI actually haven’t taken a joint relief supplement in a really long time, and thought this might be a good experiment.  If you’ve read some of my other blog posts you know that I like to play competitive beach volleyball.

By competitive I mean 2 vs. 2, pro amateur style beach volleyball, not 10 on 10.

Over the years this has taken a toll on my joints, and typically I just revert to my standard dose of 2 advil twice a day to relieve the pain.

I figured why not solve the problem at the source rather than just putting a band aid over it.

I started taking the recommended dose of 2 soft gel capsules once a day for the first week, then gradually moved up to taking 2 capsules twice a day in week 2.

I definitely started to notice a difference at the end of week 2.  At first it wasn’t a radical difference, but I noticed I didn’t seem to want / need to take any advil at night for the first time in years.

Typically I feel pain in my right elbow and shoulder blade, as well as my right knee just below the kneecap (this is called jumpers knee, very common in volleyball and basketball players).

The pain in my knee didn’t go away, probably because it’s not the joint causing the pain but rather the tendon.

However, the pain in my elbow and right shoulder blade subsided pretty dramatically.

The only thing I did different was take Omega XL, which I pretty much figured that’s what solved the issues.

I only had a 60 capsule bottle of Omega XL, so I ran out of it towards the end of week 3 and the pain seemed to gradually come back.

Other Omega XL Reviews I Came Across

So, we all know that word of mouth reviews are the best indicator of product performance in the supplement world, because without real results, not a single scientific study in the world would suffice.

Truly, subjective benefits can definitely carry more weight than objective observations.

Now, in the spirit of full disclosure, this writer personally interviewed two people who are currently in their fourth week of taking Omega XL.  So far, they do note that they feel more “lubricated” in their joints since taking the product.

One individual notes that it is easier for her to get up and start her day, from an arthritic point of view, that before she started taking it.  She is a 65-year-old female who has suffered from arthritis for more than 30 years.

The next individual is a 60-year-old male who suffers from sore joints in general as a result of manual labor for 40 years.

He notes the same fluid-like feeling in his joints as the first person.

Now, aside from the 2 people that I am witnessing taking Omega XL, there is a plethora of reviews from verified customers on Amazon.

However, the most interesting situation when navigating this page, the product recommendations cell on the Amazon site show another “New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel Supplement.”  The price is 7.47 versus the “discounted price” of $49.99 for Omega XL throws quite a few red flags up, especially with regards to the special formulation purity claims.

Overall, their Amazon rating is 3.4 stars, which is basically a very average performance rating.  There are tons of complaints on there as well as several positive reviews.  The positive reviews are short and concise, all the while consisting of claims such as “seems to work” and good quality” without any further explanation; another red flag.

omega xl review on amazon


On the other hand, the negative complaints are the most recent as well as the most detailed.

omega xl negative review

Some people even claim that the company does not honor their guarantee.  Of course, the BBB page shows that the eventually did pay their guarantees, but one should never have to take a complaint to an elevated level in order to have a guarantee honored.  Other negative complaints tell consumer to “do their research” before buying.

Another reviewer left a negative review that stands out from the rest.  It makes a point to mention that the product does not specify its strength.  While Omega-3 oils will probably just make you vomit if taken in excess, we all know that certain drug interactions can occur with supplement usage, and if so, the patient will need to know every medication and supplement being taken, as well as the dosage.

To not include the dosage strength on a supplement is very suspicious, and the negative reviews that all follow on Amazon seem to back up the inactivity of this product, which could be a reason why the company did not include the strength of the supplement – because it could actually be inferior to its competitors.  The fact is, we do not know because they keep the dosage a trade secret.

The problem with reviews in general, however, comes from the fact that many of these people have never tried other omega-3 supplement with which to compare it to.  Those who have seem to give negative reviews with quite a bit of explanation as to why.

With that said, the benefit of taking a premium omega fatty acid supplement such as Omega XL versus a more modestly priced, yet complete, Omega-3-6-9 from Sundown Naturals (above) or any other store brand combination fish oils supplement cannot be accurately determined.

Where Else Can You Buy Omega XL?

Apart from their website, it doesn’t look like Omega XL is for sale in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, or Costco.  When you visit their website and try to order, you’ll see that the US and Canada are the only two countries listed.

There’s a phone number you can call (800-609-4818) if you live in some other country like Australia, the UK, France, Mexico, or India to see what your options for ordering Omega XL are.

I can’t imagine that any of the ingredients that are contained in Omega XL are banned in any particular country, but the reason may be that they’re not setup to ship to certain countries.


The bottom line with Omega XL is that the ingredients are not necessarily negative, the reviews of the product are, which is truly what matters to business.  While the ingredients have proven benefit with regards to brain, heart, and joint health; the benefit of taking a premium-priced supplement such as Omega XL because of its sourcing over a moderately-priced store brand omega fatty acid supplement is not entirely clear.

While the manufacturer claims superior purity from unique sourcing as well as a 90-day money back guarantee, they also participate in what could be deemed a very negative manner in which to market this claimed superiority – capitalizing on consumer fear regarding mercury contamination in fish as an indicator of the same contamination in omega-3-rich fish oil supplements.  However, recent scientific testing has proven this fear to be false, thus weakening Omega XL’s claim to superiority even more.

On the flip side, if you read my personal results above it DOES indeed seem to help alleviate joint pain to some extent.  I’m a bit torn on my recommendation, but if you’ve been trying joint supplements in the past without any significant results, Omega XL might be worth a shot.

Have You Used Omega XL?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

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#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

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#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

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Man1 Man Oil Review


What Is Man1 Man Oil
Man1 Man Oil benefits
What Ingredients Are In Man1 Man Oil
Side Effects Of Man1 Man Oil
Where Can Man1 Man Oil Be Purchased
My Personal Results
How Much Does Man1 Man Oil Cost
Man1 Man Oil Vs. Natures Release
The Man1 Man Oil 60-Day Refund Policy
Final Rating Of Man1 Man Oil

Male enhancement products come in all shapes and sizes.  There are pills (being the most heavily marketed), pumps, extenders, oils, creams, and even a gum.

As I’ve noted from my own personal testing, most pills don’t work.  I haven’t personally tested many creams, but there are a couple that have breached my radar.

In fact, the vast majority of male enhancement products that make claims of giving you some MASSIVE increase in size end up doing nothing.

That’s not just their fault, it is just plain impossible for a pill to give a man noticeable enough size gains that it would negate physical extenders or length increasing exercises.

Which leads us to the focus of our review today, a product called Man1 Man Oil.  While they don’t make the claim that it will give you any noticeable size gains, they definitely allude to it.

So does it really work?  Well, we did a bit of research on it and this is what we found out.

Click Here
to jump to my personal review.

What Is Man1 Man Oil?

man1 man oil reviewAccording to their website, man1health.com, Man1 Man Oil is touted to, “relieve dry, red, itchy, sore penile skin caused by aggressive masturbation or irritation.”

Man1 Man Oil is designed to be used by men of all ages that have:

  • Penile redness
  • Soreness
  • Dryness
  • Itchiness

In addition, this product claims to improve penile sensitivity so men can enjoy sex more.

This formula contains ingredients, including vitamins and minerals that are claimed to improve the skin, improve penile circulation, and improve nerve function.

Man1 Man Oil is produced in the United States under FDA regulations and in certified laboratories.

All of the ingredients in Man1 Man Oil are natural and claimed to have been proven safe, although there are no links to studies directly on the company website.

The Man1 Man Oil directions state that you should apply a small amount to the finger tip and gently massage into surface of penile skin until fully absorbed.

man1 man oil instructions label

Realize that Man1 Man Oil is not intended to be a personal lubricant or masturbation cream and should be allowed to absorb into the skin before vaginal or oral intercourse.

man1 man oil does it work

Man1 Man Oil is also promoted to “smooth and restore peeling, cracked, penile skin”, increase penis sensitivity due to “rough handling” and “avoid damage to connective tissue, rejuvenate dull, dry wrinkled penile skin, and minimize discoloration from friction.”

man1 man oil benefits

Man1 Man Oil benefits

According to the makers of Man1 Man Oil, it’s not designed to make the penis bigger and does not claim to do so.


Although the sheer amount or people searching for before and after pictures is actually pretty staggering.

What Ingredients Are In Man1 Man Oil?

The ingredients found in the Man1 Man Oil formula are Shea butter, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), and a host of vitamins and amino acids.  Here’s a detailed list below:

man1 man oil ingredients label

Shea Butter

According to the company, “Shea butter is used for its healing, rejuvenating, and moisturizing qualities.”  In this formula, Shea butter is used in conjunction with vitamin E in order to lock moisture into the skin.

Shea butter has been known to be an excellent moisturizer and rejuvenate the skin since ancient times, as Egyptians began using it cosmetically thousands of years ago.  According to reviews on Amazon, Shea butter appears to have nothing but positive reviews in this regard.

Some of the isolated compounds in Shea butter have been shown to reduce inflammation, so including it in the Man1 Man Oil formula appears to be a logical choice.

Shea butter is valued at about $1 per ounce so the amount used in a 4 oz bottle of Man1 Man Oil is worth less than $4.


Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that has the potential to reduce cellular damage and therefore, aging. ALA has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidation, while repairing nerve damage so it shows promise as a way to improve penile sensation. However, almost all studies on ALA are based on oral supplementation, not topically, as is suggested by the makers of Man1 Man Oil.

With that said, the connection between ALA and improving nerve damage, especially in diabetes induced neuropathy is strong. People who want to get the most out of ALA should supplement with it orally.

ALA is valued at about $1.80 a gram so it isn’t an overly expensive ingredient and shouldn’t push up manufacturing costs of Man1 Man Oil significantly.


In addition to Vitamin E, Man1 Man Oil contains Vitamin D3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A.

Vitamin D3

Man1 Man Oil contains vitamin D3 which is useful in improving cellular function, as a lack of this vitamin has been tied directly to impotence. While the most efficient way to obtain adequate vitamin D3 is through UVB from sunlight, oral supplements are also effective.

There is research about the effectiveness of applying Vitamin D3 directly to the skin in regards to treating psoriasis, but not much regarding other skin conditions.

It has been shown that Vitamin D3 promotes wound healing, but only through oral supplementation. Whether or not the topical application of Vitamin D3 promotes the same effect requires further research.

In any case, most notable improvements in a man’s Vitamin D3 profile will come directly from sun exposure. Since this is nearly impossible during winter months in places far from the equator, consuming a Vitamin D3 supplement orally is the next best choice.

Vitamin C – Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate

Vitamin C has been shown to improve collagen formation when applied topically. The most bio available version of Vitamin C for topical application is magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, the compound found in Man1 Man Oil.

Since Vitamin C is a safe addition to almost any formula, including this in Man1 Man Oil is likely to have therapeutic benefits.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is required for cellular metabolism and has been shown to reduce inflammation, while improving wound healing.  In addition, vitamin B5 is able to improve skin hydration due to its moisturizing qualities. (Source)

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is used in this formula due to its anti-aging properties. (Source) However, vitamin A has the potential to cause irritation when applied to the skin over time.  Depending on the concentration used in the formula, including vitamin A into the mix could cause irritation, the condition that this product is designed to treat in the first place.

The amino acids used in Man1 Man Oil include L-Arginine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.


L-Arginine has been shown to dilate blood vessels, at least when consumed orally so it could be helpful for men who are suffering from ED. However, there is no scientific evidence that L-Arginine is effective when applied topically.


Acetyl-L-Carnitine protects against nerve damage and increases blood flow when consumed orally. However, topical application doesn’t have any notable studies to indicate its effectiveness.

With all of these ingredients combined together, the makers of Man1 Man Oil believe that they have created the perfect product to heal penile sores, reduce skin aging, and improve erection quality through greater blood circulation.

Side Effects Of Man1 Man Oil

People who are allergic to the ingredients found in Man1 Man Oil may end up experiencing a reaction.  However, this is exceedingly rare. People interested in trying this product should perform their due diligence on each ingredient it contains before applying it to their skin.

As stated before, excessive exposure to Vitamin A when applied topically can cause irritation. The makers of this product claim that Man1 Man Oil can be applied over a long-term basis.

However, anyone who notices pain or irritation should stop immediately and contact their doctor.

Where Can Man1 Man Oil Be Purchased?

Man1 Man Oil can be purchased directly from the company or a number of other online vendors like Amazon.  However, Man1 Man Oil is not available in stores like Target, CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens, so people who want to try out this product must purchase it online.

What Users Are Saying About Man1 Man Oil?

On Amazon, Man1 Man Oil has received a 4.1 out of 5 star rating.


As you can see from the reviews, there are some people that claim that this product changed their life.  For men that are not able to enjoy sex anymore, giving this product a try might be worth the money.

For men that aren’t able to have an orgasm, trying out this product has the potential to be a game changer.


On the other hand, there are a number of 1 star ratings that claim that this product is dangerous or doesn’t work as advertised.

One individual even stated that the irritation got worse after using this product.  People who try this product and experience even more irritation should quit using it immediately and request a refund.


My Personal Results

I really don’t suffer from dry or red skin on my penis, so I’m not really the target consumer for a product like this.  With that said, I bought a bottle to at least try it out and see what the results were.

I followed the directions on the label and put a small tab of it on the tip of my index finger.  The first thing I noticed was Man1 Man Oils is not REALLY an oil.

It’s actually a cream.

man1 man oil cream

No big deal, as long as it works I guess.

I could definitely smell the shea butter, although it’s not an overwhelming smell.  It actually smells quite nice to be honest.

I took this small amount and rubbed it on to the tip of my penis, and then gently massaged it in.

It definitely seemed to dry quickly, and after it did my penis did feel softer to the touch.  I’ve never used a penile health cream in the past, so its hard for me to draw any real comparisons to other products like this on the market.

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Side effects wise I didn’t notice anything, although I can see how some of the ingredients may interact with some people.

How Much Does Man1 Man Oil Cost?

When purchasing Man1 Man Oil directly from the company, one bottle cost $29.85, while 2 bottles cost $49.70.  Shipping within the United States is $5.95.


However, when purchasing Man1 Man Oil directly on Amazon, one bottle cost $35.85, but shipping is free in most cases so the overall cost is about the same.


Man1 Man Oil Vs. Natures Release

man1 man oil vs. natures release In my research I found that there is another product called Natures Strength made by a company called Natures Release that is virtually the same thing.

Well, at least it’s marketed that way.

It claims that it can help relieve penile skin problems like chaffing, and dry, red, or cracked penile skin.

So what’s the difference between Man1 Man Oil and Natures Release Natures Strength?

Well, the biggest difference between the two is Man1 Man is an oil and Natures Release is a cream.  The benefit here would go to Natures Release, as creams tend to absorb better than oils.

I have to admit finding the ingredients list for Natures Release was tough.  In fact, apart from a few guys mentioning it contains L-Arginine and some moisturizers, I have no idea what they’re putting in the stuff.

While elusive ingredients lists can be a serious red flag in the case of many male enhancement products, that does not necessarily make Natures Release an untrustworthy option.

Price wise, Natures Release takes the lead here, coming in at $21.50 a bottle, including free shipping.  As far as reviews, both of them are rated very highly, and seem to work virtually identical.

Other alternatives to Man1 Man Oil include:

  • Medela Tender Care: Available at Target, Walmart, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and CVS for an average price of $7.99
  • Fresh Balls:  Available on Amazon, eBay, and their official website for an average price of $11.99
  • Wick & Strom Advanced Penile Care Formula:  Available at Walmart for an average price of $19.97

The Man1 Man Oil 60-Day Refund Policy

Man1 Man Oil offers a 60-day guarantee from the date of purchase.  The company claims that users can return the bottle with the unfinished product for refund within 60 days without being subjected to questions.

In other words, users who want a refund need to physically send Man1 Man Oil back to the company, thus having to pay shipping again.  Chances are, most people who aren’t satisfied with the product aren’t going to go out of their way and pay another $6 for shipping for a product that costs roughly $30.

Final Rating Of Man1 Man Oil

Based on the ingredients, specifically Shea butter, in Man1 Man Oil, this product should certainly offer some benefit to people who have penile problems.  While not all of the ingredients that are included in the Man1 Man Oil formula have been shown to be effective topically through scientific studies, they may still be able to provide some curative action.

Based on overall reviews from users, this product appears to be a hit or miss.

For me, the product did seem to help create a smoother and softer penis, but I didn’t have dry or cracked skin down there to begin with.

I’m not sure I’m the best candidate for testing, but I wasn’t about to start asking around my circle of friends to see if they have this problem 🙂

However, the high cost of Man1 Man Oil is certainly a deterrent, as the ingredients used in this formula aren’t overly expensive.  Since many of the ingredients in Man1 Man Oil, including ALA, the vitamins, and amino acids have been proven to be more effective when consumed orally, this may be a better option.

Alternatively, you could probably use a cheap cream or moisturizer from like Walmart or something that could probably give you the same results.

I’ve even read from some guys who have this problem that extra virgin organic coconut oil works just as well, if not better, for a fraction of the price of Man1 Man Oil.

Any company that is marketing a product like this are ultimately after earning a profit.  Since a certified lab, overhead, and marketing are the main costs in selling a product like this, these costs are pushed off on users.

In other words, people who purchase this product are paying dearly and can probably expect similar results from using Shea butter exclusively.

When used as a moisturizing cream, using Shea butter in its simplest form may provide the relief necessary for certain users.  Since Shea butter is relatively inexpensive, consider experimenting with it before using Man1 Man Oil.

Man1 Man Oil is claimed to last about three months with regular use so people who don’t mind spending about $35 on this product four times a year can consider giving it a try.

Have You Used Man1 Man Oil?  Leave Your Review Below!

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