Meratrim Review – 1 HUGE Reason to Try It

The other day while I was looking through all the weight loss supplements available at Walmart for this article, one in particular caught my eye. It’s called Meratrim, and may just be the hottest new thing in scientifically backed weight loss products.

Let’s back up for a second and talk about the fact that there’s a bunch of junk out there claiming to be able to help you lose weight, and all the while Americans are getting fatter. Something just doesn’t add up.

Now obviously, a supplement can’t do it alone. A person has to commit to the process and stick with it, and that can be extremely difficult for any number of reasons. But the fact is using a supplement can help, if for no other reason than to spark motivation.

Then comes the problem of figuring out which supplement to use in your particular case, and that’s where this review comes in. We’ll break down and discuss what’s in Meratrim, what we know about those ingredients, how people using it feel about it, and ultimately whether or not it’s a good value.

What is Meratrim?

meratrim reviewsMeratrim is a stimulant-free proprietary weight loss ingredient, with clinically proven results. It’s made by a company called InterHealth Nutraceuticals that researches and develops supplement ingredients. Meratrim itself is not a specific product. It’s an ingredient sold to manufacturers to use in their products. In the case of Meratrim, most of these manufacturers have chosen to use the name in their product names. So for instance, some of the more popular name brands are:

  • Meratrim 1234
  • Ultra Botanicals Meratrim
  • and the one we’re focusing on, Re-Body Meratrim Fruit and Flower Slimming Formula.

They call it the “Fruit and Flower Formula” because its two active ingredients include a fruit and a flower (both of which we’ll talk about in more depth in the ingredients section).

It’s important to note that Meratrim contains no stimulants. This is pretty unique for weight loss supplements. They tend to use stimulants because they provide energy, appetite suppression, and a metabolism boost – all key components to weight loss.

But some people don’t want stimulants, or don’t do well with them, so they need other options. With clinical studies backing up the notion that this stuff actually works, Meratrim may be one of the few viable stimulant-free options.

Meratrim Ingredients

Meratrim IngredientsThe Meratrim proprietary blend consists of only two active ingredients totaling 400 mg per serving. Sphaeranthus Indicus Extract and Garcinia Mangostana Extract are the two ingredients. You’ve probably never heard of them before. (Garcinia Mangostana sounds an awful lot like Garcinia Cambogia, but they are very different in how they affect weight loss). So let’s discuss what they are and what they can do.

Sphaeranthus Indicus is the “Flower” in the “Fruit and Flower Formula”. It’s also known as the East Globe Indian Thistle, and it’s been used in Ayurvedic medicinal practice for thousands of years. Independent research has been sparse so far, but it is believed that it may have promise for the treatment of allergies and boosting testosterone, and even as a potential anti-cancer herbal compound.

sphaeranthus indicus imageOn its own, there is next to no information about how Sphaeranthus Indicus can help with weight reduction, and even more significant is the fact that the research that has been conducted in rats would indicate the need for a much higher dose than what you’ll find in Meratrim.

Garcinia Mangostana is the Fruit in the “Fruit and Flower Formula”. You may have heard of it under the name Mangosteen. It’s becoming popular as a healthy choice in juices, but the evidence backing it up is pretty scant, and Garcinia Mangostanawhat there is doesn’t even relate to weight loss at all. It’s believed to have a number of benefits for several issues, like Diarrhea, Eczema, and Menstrual Disorders, but WebMD doesn’t mention a connection to weight loss at all. There is plenty of online talk about how Mangosteen helps suppress appetite and burn fat, but these assertions do not seem to be backed up by science.

But How Do the 2 Ingredients Work Together?

Individually, it’s difficult to imagine that Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcinia Mangostana could induce weight loss. But in Meratrim, they’re used together, each contributing but in the end forming a synergistic situation whereby increased weight loss is enabled.

It is said that Meratrim affects several aspects along the process of fat cell formation, retention, and breakdown, and that continued use will lead to significant weight loss, including in the waist and hips.

Clinical Studies

The biggest buzz surrounding Meratrim is that according to their data sheet, it’s been clinical tested in 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled studies. Apparently, the studies have shown results such as:

  • 11 pounds lost in 8 weeks.
  • 4 times more effective than diet and exercise alone.

You can view a combined summary of two of the studies here.

Basically what they did was put 100 overweight and obese people on 2000 calorie a day diet and had them engage in walking for exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Half of the participants took 2 Meratrim pills a day for a total of 800 mg of the formulation, while the other half took 2 visually identical placebo pills. At the end of 8 weeks, the group taking Meratrim had lost a statically significant amount more than the group taking the placebo. 3.4 times more to be precise, and that worked out to 11 pounds during that 8 weeks.

It should also be noted that no major side effects were reported by either group, and any minor effects were reported equally by the active and control groups.

Meratrim Customer Reviews

Re-Body Meratrim Fruit and Flower Slimming Formula is sold at and GNC, along with several other online retailers. It appears to be one of the most popular Meratrim brands, and has a lot of customer feedback – over 300 reviews – on

And here’s the trouble. Of the 303 customer reviews posted to the Re-Body Meratrim product page on, a full 37% received only 1-Star. Ouch! Add the 2-Star reviews and you’re all the way up to 49%, which doesn’t leave much for the positive reviews.

Looking at a few examples, a pattern of simple disappointment emerges:


Meratrim 1 star review 1

Meratrim 1 star review 2

Meratrim 1 star review 3

Meratrim 1 star review 4


There are some 5-Star reviews, but an interesting thing to note is that most of them talk more about other weight loss efforts besides the taking of Meratrim. Take this one for example:


Meratrim 5 Star Review


Of course you will lose weight if you “eat healthy, move your butt, and drink lots of water” but is that really Meratrim providing the benefits… or the lifestyle habits?

Where to Buy

As we noted, Meratrim is an ingredient more than a specific product, but there are specific products containing Meratrim that are available for purchase.

The one we’ve been focusing on in this review is called Re-Body Meratrim Fruit and Flower Compound, and it’s sold at GNC and Amazon. GNC sells a one month supply of 60 capsules for $31.99. You can get it cheaper at Amazon where the same bottle sells for $28.80 with free shipping.

There’s also Meratrim 1234 that you can pick up at Walmart. A one month supply there costs $18.88.

As far as money back guarantees go, you’d have to check with your particular product and/or retailer.

Meratrim Pros and Cons

Advantages of Meratrim

  • It’s effectiveness and safety are backed up by multiple double-blind, placebo controlled studies.
  • It’s pretty widely available and also pretty cheap.

Disadvantages of Meratrim

  • The customer feedback on Meratrim from customers that have used the Re-Body brand is really overwhelmingly awful.

Meratrim – The Bottom Line

This is a tough call. On the one hand, you’ve got clinical studies demonstrating that among two groups both following the same exercise and diet program, those taking Meratrim’s proprietary blend lost significantly more weight. This would seem to prove that it works.

On the other hand, Amazon customers who’ve actually used the product in real world situations, say it doesn’t work.

It could be that the version sold on Amazon is just no good, but it’s difficult to say that’s the case since Meratrim is the only ingredient on the label, so it can’t be that there’s something else interfering with its effectiveness.

The difference can’t be accounted for by dosing instructions either. The Re-Body Meratrim label instructs the user to take 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast and another 30 minutes before dinner. This is exactly the protocol used in the clinical studies as well.

So where does that leave us, and what are we to believe? Since there are several Meratrim product options, some of them quite inexpensive, I’d have to say that if you’re looking for a non-stimulant weight loss supplement, the clinical studies alone make it worth giving it a shot.

Have You Used Meratrim? Leave Your Review Below!

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10 Best Male Enhancement Pills At Walmart And Walgreens

The vast majority of boner pills we talk about here on Supplement Critique are almost strictly available online.

Even ForHims, which is literally Viagra, is available online only. (Click Here to read my review of that one)

At some point I realized that:

a.)  Not everyone is comfortable buying stuff online, and

b.)  90% of Americans live within 15 minutes of a Walmart (Source)

Buying stuff online requires you to trust a company that you are not very familiar with your credit or debit card, whereas the ever present Walmart or Walgreens historically are trustworthy.

I figured it was high time for me to write a post about the best male enhancement pills available at your local Walmart and Walgreens.

I’ve personally used about 100 different sex enhancers over the years, so you could definitely consider me somewhat of an “expert” on the subject 😉

male enhancement pills ive tested
Yes, I’ve tested ALL of these.

I KNOW what works at what doesn’t.

Keep in mind that your local Walmart and Walgreens will have a different inventory, so just because I have it in the store near me doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in a store near you!

Note:  These are ranked in NO particular order, however, Extenze Extended Release is my personal favorite.


#1 – Extenze Plus
#2 – Libido Max
#3 – Libido Max Red
#4 – VirMAX 8 Hour
#5 – K-Y Duration Spray
#6 – Extenze Liquid Shot
#7 – Magnum Blood Flow Sexual Peak Performance
#8 – Hombron
#9 – M Drive
#10 – VirMAX T
Bonus Enhancement Selections for Women
#1 – Lifestyles Excite Female Sexual Stimulating Gel
#2 – Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum

#1 – Extenze Plus

extenze plus review

Extenze is hugely popular with my readers as well as the general public. The reason is pretty clearly that the stuff just works really well, and they’ve built a reputation on that success. The fact that you can pick it up in stores like Walmart and Walgreens doesn’t hurt either.

I first tried Extenze Original years ago and had what you might call a love/hate relationship with it.

extenze original review
The original Extenze

It works, there’s no question about that. But it made me feel pretty sick – like I was going to throw up.

I didn’t, but it was definitely touch and go for a while. So there I was with a raging erection all ready to go but all I wanted to do was curl up on the bathroom floor.

Once the side effects subsided, it was clear that Extenze did the job it was supposed to do, but for me, it just wasn’t worth what I had to go through to get there.

A few years later, they came out with Extenze Extended Release (sometimes called Extenze Plus), and I gave that a try.

I have to say, things went a whole lot better. I felt great and it did the job!

In fact, I would actually characterize it as the best over the counter viagra alternative in both Walmart AND Walgreens, way better than the original.

extenze at walgreens

Original Extenze is fast acting, while Extenze Extended Release is a gel cap that releases a little more slowly over time.

original extenze vs extenze plus sex pills
Original Extenze vs Extenze Plus pills

In fact, they market it as a daily pill, but in my opinion, it’s more fast-acting than that. Let’s say instead of taking it half an hour before sex, try 2 or 3 hours to give it enough time to really get going in your system.

The ingredients in each are similar, Tribulus, DHEA, L-Arginine, GABA, some herbal aphrodisiacs, and most notably, Yohimbe Bark Extract.

If you ask me, Yohimbe is the key ingredient in both formulas, especially when combined with L-Arginine.

It’s the reason why they work, and it’s the reason Extenze Original tends to cause more harsh side effects than the Extended Release Version.

The thing about Yohimbe and L-Arginine is that it works… really well.

In fact, the combo has been clinically studied and proven to work time and time again at helping to remedy erectile dysfunction issues. (Study 1, Study 2)

But it can cause those side effects like nausea and dizziness, not to mention the racing heartbeat.

yohimbe side effects infographic

Some guys tolerate it really well, some don’t. And a lot of it has to do with the dose.

If you’re interested in doing some more research on the effects of Yohimbe, this article from WebMD is a good place to start.

In both formulas, the Yohimbe is found within Proprietary Blends.

In the Original, it’s the first ingredient in a 600 mg blend.

yohimbe content in original extenze
Could be 10 mg, could be 100 mg. We just don’t know.

In the Extended Release, it’s the 10th ingredient in a 178 mg blend.

yohimbe content in extenze plus

That probably represents a big disparity in the amount used, and apparently, the Extended Release formula gets it right.

Walgreens sells them both. You can pick up 30 Extenze Original tablets for $39.99 while 30 of the Extenze Extended Release Gelcaps will set you back $45.99.

You can also buy Extenze Extended Release on their website,

#2 – Libido Max

libido max walgreensLibido Max is another one of the best pills like Viagra available over the counter at Walmart, and it also contains a hefty dose of Yohimbe. It was actually one of the first male enhancement pills I ever tried, and I’ll never forget the experience.

It was a lot like what I described above with the Original formula of Extenze.

Yeah, it works.

You will have a rock hard erection. But you’ll also feel like you have the flu and basically want to die for a few hours, maybe even as much as a day.

Of course, that was my experience, and that’s generally how it goes for me when I take something with a lot of Yohimbe. Not everybody responds this way. Some guys can use it with no issues at all. One of the things I’ve learned to do that helps me out is take the lowest possible dose of anything that lists Yohimbe in the ingredients.

In this case, the recommended dose anywhere from 1-4 gel capsules about an hour before sex.

At least that’s what it says on the label.

how to take libido max

However, if I were to take it today, I’d go with just one to start out.

Just as a point of reference, I took 2 when I first tried it, and I felt really nauseous.

You can read the whole story of my personal experience with Libido Max here:

Made by a company called Applied Nutrition, the Libido Max formula divides its formula up into proprietary blends.

  • The Stamina Blend includes Maca and Ashwagandha.
  • The Libido Boosting Blend Includes Epimedium, Tribulus, L-Tyrosine, and Yohimbe Extract. The blend totals 740 mg with the 4 ingredients, so it’s unclear how much Yohimbe is in it. My guess is A LOT.
  • The Power Max Blend includes L-Arginine and NADH.
  • Bioperine Complex:  Includes Ginger extract, Long Pepper extract, and Bioperine.

Again, the key ingredients here seem to be L-Arginine and Yohimbe.

Also noted is Tribulus Terrestris, which has also been clinically studied to help with male sexual dysfunction. (Study 1, Study 2, Study 3)

If you want to pick some up at Walgreens, you can buy a 30-count box for just $8.99.

libido max at walgreens

The same is true at Walmart, where you can find a 75-count box for almost $18.

libido max at walmart

You can also find it on Amazon for the low price of $26.16, here’s the official Amazon listing (affiliate link):

The easy accessibility and cheap price both definitely contribute to Libido Max’s popularity. If you can figure out a system to get past the side effects – like eating a meal before you take it or drinking a whole lot of water – it could be an economical way to go.

#3 – Libido Max Red

libido max red walgreensLibido Max Red places a direct focus on improving erections by increasing your Nitric Oxide levels for improved blood flow.

Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator, meaning that it helps open up blood vessels, allowing increased blood volume to go through.

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works. Source:

Since an erection essentially occurs when blood rushes into your Corpus Cavernosa, increased Nitric Oxide equates to better erections. (Source)

The formula is a 1620 mg proprietary blend per 4 tablet serving that includes:

  • L-Citrulline which converts to L-Arginine. (Source)
  • L-Arginine which converts to Nitric Oxide, although this notion has been disputed. (Source)
  • Beet Powder which contains nitrates naturally. (Source)
  • Black Tea which provides caffeine. (Source)

Instructions are to take 2 tablets twice a day, or you could take it as needed, ie an hour before sex, if you prefer.

how to take libido max red

I wouldn’t recommend taking it that way.

Generally speaking, with a nitric oxide boosting supplement, you want to take it every day for best results. (Source)

At Walgreens, the 30-count box sells for $8.99.

libido max red at walgreens

You can also find Libido Max Red on Amazon as well for $23.99, here’s the official Amazon listing (affiliate link):

That’ll last about a week if you take the full recommended dose, so it’s definitely more expensive than regular Libido Max. Applied Nutrition recommends you stack the two together to cover all your sexual enhancement and performance needs.

#4 – VirMAX 8 Hour

virmax 8 hour walgreensVirMAX 8 Hour is a once-a-day tablet, but given the name, it’s best that you time your dose to sometime within 8 hours of when you’re likely to have sex.

The claimed benefits of this pill are that you’ll:

  • Improve your performance.
  • Experience increased sensation.
  • Enhance your overall sexual function.

To that end, the formula starts off with Epimedium which helps with both libido and erections.  (Source)

It’s then divided up into 3 proprietary blends:

  • The Amino Potency Power Blend contains Amino Acids like L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, and L-Alanine.
  • The VirMAX Herbal Blend with Ginseng, Ginkgo and Saw Palmetto for a little libido boost.  Saw Palmetto has also been shown to help decrease symptoms of BPH. (Source)
  • The VirMAX Stamina Blend with Angelica Pubescens Root and Cnidium Monnieri.  Cnidium has been shown to have a vasorelaxing effect in rabbits. (Source)

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

virmax 8 hour ingredients label

I wouldn’t call it a home run formula, but it should help you get hard AND stay hard.  The fact that you can pick up 30 VirMAX pills at Walgreens for $13.50 and $12.86 at Walmart may make it worth a trip to see if this is something that can work for you.

#5 – K-Y Duration Spray (For Those With PE Issues)

ky duration for men walgreensMale enhancement is sometimes more than just pills. That may be especially true when it comes to remedies for problems associated with premature ejaculation.

While there are a few hard on pills to help specifically with this (ProSolution Plus comes to mind) more often, the solution is a spray, condom, cream, or gel.

The one that caught my eye at Walgreens was K-Y Duration Spray.

This is probably because K-Y is such a longstanding familiar name brand that it engenders trust right from the start.

If you’re not familiar with desensitizing sprays, they contain ingredients that can lessen the intensity of the sensation you feel.

The primary active ingredient in KT Duration Spray is Lidocaine, which is a common topical analgesic used to help with premature ejaculation issues. (Source)

It also happens to be the same ingredient used during dental procedures.

lidocaine use in premature ejaculation
The kind most commonly used by dentists

According to WebMD, a small study was done on a similar product, and the result was that men who used the product lasted 2.4 times longer than those who didn’t.

results of lidocaine study

The biggest potential problem with K-Y Duration Spray is that you cannot safely use it with a condom.

The reason being is that the chemicals in KY Duration spray can compromise the integrity of the condom.

lidocaine can break condoms

This will diminish it’s ability to protect you from STD’s and may make it ineffective for birth control.

With that said, they have another product in their arsenal called KT Duration Gel For Men which IS condom compatible.

ky duration gel condom compatible

KY Duration Gel uses a different, yet equally effective, ingredient called Benzocaine.

Benzocaine is also a topical anesthetic which can help to reduce premature ejaculation, a fact proven in a clinical study. (Source)

In short, if you want to use a condom, use KY Duration GEL.

If you aren’t planning on using a condom, use KY Duration SPRAY.

You’ll also have to make sure you follow directions and let it dry or wipe it off before getting busy with your partner. If you do it right, none of the numbing agent should transfer, but if you don’t wait long enough, it could.

Walgreens and Walmart both sell the 36-count spray bottle for $19.99.

You can also find both KY Duration Gel and Spray on Amazon really cheap, here’s the official Amazon listings for both (affiliate links):

KY Duration Spray:

KY Duration Gel:

The recommended starting point is 3 sprays, which you can increase to 10 if needed, so how long this bottle will last is anywhere from 3 to 13 uses.

how to use ky duration spray

#6 – Extenze Liquid Shot

extenze liquid in walgreensWe talked about two products from Extenze above, and there is yet another one worth discussing that’s also carried at Walgreens.

It’s called Extenze Liquid Shots.

The shots contain many of the same ingredients as the two Extenze pill products. Some of the overlap includes L-Arginine, GABA, some herbal aphrodisiacs, and Yohimbe.

extenze liquid shots ingredients label
^ The Extenze Liquid label

One notable addition to the list is caffeine. This is probably one of the reasons you’ll see a lot of guys referring to this product as a “sexual energy shot”.

It makes sense really.

It’s packaged like an energy shot, and if I had to guess what was on the marketers’ minds when they came up with the idea, I’d say that’s no accident.

As is the case with the other two, the Extenze Liquid Shot formula is also a proprietary blend, meaning we don’t know how much Caffeine or Yohimbe it contains.

When I tried it myself I felt the burst of energy and definitely felt that familiar tingle in my pants within 10 minutes of taking my first sip.

extenze liquid how fast does it work
Extenze Liquid Shots Timeline

It’s always a good idea to start off with a low dose when it comes to products containing yohimbe.

You never know how hard that Yohimbe’s going to hit, especially when it’s combined with caffeine.

Unsurprisingly, it actually worked REALLY well.

When I got home from Walgreens, I checked for reviews left on the website by customers. I was actually a bit taken aback by the sheer amount of negative reviews that were posted.

extenze liquid reviews on walgreens website

With that said, there were plenty of good ones to go around as well.

positive reviews of Extenze liquid on walgreens website

To me, this all adds up to the fact that Extenze Liquid Shot is the kind of product you won’t be able to really judge until you try it yourself.

They have one flavor and one flavor only, cherry…

extenze liquid cherry flavor
As my uncle used to say, Tough Titties!

The taste actually isn’t as bad as you would think, although it does have a bit of a chalky aftertaste.

The closest thing I can compare it to would be sour patch kids.

extenze shots taste like sour patch kids

And the good news about that is that doing so will only set you back $9.49 for a 2-pack at Walgreens, and only $6 at Walmart.

extenze liquid shots at Walgreens and CVS

Amazon also sells a 6 pack of Extenze Shots for as little as $18.95, here’s a link to the official Amazon listing (affiliate link):

You can check out my full review of Extenze Shots here.

#7 – Magnum Blood Flow Sexual Peak Performance

magnum blood flow sexual peak performance walgreens

When it comes to picking out a male enhancement pill, generally speaking you have 2 options:

Option 1Do you want something you have to take everyday?

Option 2Do you want something you have to take as-needed?

The benefit to Option 1 is that, while you have to dose everyday, the effects build up in your system and allow you to be ready when you need to be.

The benefit to Option 2 is that you can just take it when you need to.

The nice thing about Magnum Blood Flow Sexual Peak Performance is that you don’t have to decide.

According to the label, you get the best of both worlds with this product.

If you want a daily product, take 2 pills twice a day.

how to take magnum blood flow

If you want to take something to get hard only when you need it, you can skip the daily dose and just take 4 pills about an hour before sex.

Since this product is all about “blood flow”, it contains a number of ingredients that are supposed to help get that blood flowin’.

The specific ingredients that have a direct impact on blood flow include:

  • L-Citrulline:  An amino acid that increases arginine, the primary substrate for nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis. (Source)
  • Epimedium: (otherwise known as Horny Goat Weed):  A species of plant that has been shown to promote improvements in sexual performance and virility. (Source)
  • Ginkgo Biloba: A tonic herb that increases blood circulation and prepares men for “heart pounding” sex. (Source)
  • Asian Ginseng:  Also known as Panax Ginseng, it’s been shown in limited double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials to improve blood circulation in the human body. (Source)

I haven’t tried Magnum Blood Flow Sexual Peak Performance myself, but I plan on trying it soon.

Given that’s its available at the big chains as well as Amazon, there is plenty of available customer feedback for us to check out.

Unfortunately, a lot of it is negative.

There are a disturbing number of 1-star reviews for this product, the vast majority of which say it just simply doesn’t work.

magnum blood flow negative reviews

On the flip side, there’s almost an equal amount of highly favorable reviews of Magnum Blood flow.

magnum blood flow positive reviews

This just goes to show you, and I’ve been saying it for years at this point…

Just because one of these male enhancement pills works for someone else, does NOT mean it will definitely work for you!

I’ll leave that decision up to you as far as whether or not you’re willing to give it a try. At Walgreens, you can buy the 16-count package of these stay hard pills for $8.99, and about a $1 cheaper at Walmart.

magnum blood flow at walgreens

That is pretty expensive if you’re planning on taking 4 pills every day. Perhaps your best bet would be to wait for a sale or coupon.

Amazon also sells it a bit cheaper at $64.14 for a 3 pack, here’s a link to the official Amazon listing (affiliate link):

You can read our complete Magnum Blood Flow Sexual Peak Performance review here.

#8 – Hombron

hombron reviewsHombron is a male performance enhancement supplement made by Absolute Nutrition and marketed mainly to Spanish speakers. Hence the name, which means “Big Strong Man” in Spanish.

what does hombron mean

It’s sold in the US, and its label is bilingual – English and Spanish. content/uploads/2017/04/hombron

But enough about the marketing, what matters about a supplement is what’s in it and whether or not it works.

The angle from which Hombron approaches improving sexual function is general health and hormonal balance. It’s designed to balance hormone levels for greater energy and the subsequent boost in virility that comes along with it.

It’s not the kind of product you take once in a while as needed. It’s for daily use, 2 tablets daily, offering more subtle and lasting effects.

The Hombron formula is divided into 3 Blends:

  • The Virile Blend with herbal aphrodisiacs like Maca, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus, and Muira Puama.
  • The Stamina Complex with Ginseng, Stingling Nettles, Astragalus, and Licorice.
  • The Growth Blend with Oat Straw, L-Arginine, Pumpkin Seed, and Boron.

At first glance, it looks like you could possibly classify Hombron as a testosterone booster.

I mean, it contains a decent amount of Tribulus Terrestris.

what tribulus terrestris looks like

Tribulus Terrestris is a somewhat controversial ingredient, however.

The data is pretty clear, Tribulus Terrestris does NOT increase testosterone. (Source)

With that said, that same research indicates that Tribulus CAN help with libido in both men AND women.

In the end, isn’t that all we’re REALLY looking for?

I haven’t tried Hombron myself, so I’m at the mercy of feedback from guys who have, and the truth is there aren’t a lot of customer reviews online. What is there, though, is vaguely positive.

Take these 2 reviews on the Walgreens website with a grain of salt:

hombron reviews on walgreens website

That said, if you’re looking for something to take every day for an overall improvement in virility and male health, Hombron may be worth the $20.99 for a months supply on your next trip to Walgreens.

You can also find Hombron on Amazon for the low price of $17.99, here’s a link to the official Amazon listing (affiliate link):

#9 – M Drive

m drive walgreensM Drive is really more of a natural testosterone booster, but it belongs in this list because the mechanism by which it raises your T levels can lead ultimately to significant sexual performance improvements.

At least in theory, anyways.

This product has been around a long time. In fact, the manufacturer has taken to calling it M Drive Classic due to the fact that they’ve expanded the line to include additional products, like M Drive Prime and M Drive Elite.  I take this as a good sign that this product and Dreambrands, the company behind it, have stood the test of time – no easy feat in the dietary supplement industry.

M Drive is marketed to guys who’ve reached that age where they begin to notice the effects of declining testosterone – effects that include a certain sluggishness and drop in libido and virility.

Low testosterone in men
The effects of low testosterone.

By taking M Drive regularly, you’ll start to get back some of that lost drive and stamina, making you feel like your old self again.

The M Drive Formula leans heavily on their two main ingredients: Codyceps Extract and KSM-66, a proprietary brand of Ashwagandha Root Extract.

  • Cordyceps has been shown to increase testosterone production in mice. (Source)
  • KSM-66 (Ashwagandha) has been shown in studies to significantly increase testosterone levels and to improve sexual performance. (Source)

The M Drive formula also provides Vitamins B and D, Maca Root, Tongkat Ali, and Ginseng – all for better energy, performance, and drive.

m drive ingredients list

If your needs in a supplement are a little more general – you want to improve sexual performance but you could also benefit from an overall boost in drive, stamina, and energy, check your Walgreens for M Drive. My store was selling the 60-count box (one month supply) for $39.50.

Amazon also sells the original M Drive for $45.95, here’s a link to the official M Drive Amazon listing (affiliate link):

#10 – VirMAX T

virmax t reviewsIn addition to the 8 Hour formula, Walgreens also carries a testosterone boosting product from VirMAX called VirMAX T.

By supporting natural testosterone levels, it ensures that you’ll have increased energy and endurance along with that boosted libido and stronger erection.

The VirMAX T formula starts off with a Magnesium and Zinc mineral combination, both of which are crucial to the chemical reaction in the body that produces testosterone.

The rest of the formula is a proprietary blend of several herbs known or believed to improve testosterone levels through various mechanisms.

For example, you’ll find:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which may boost Luteinizing Hormone which in turn boosts testosterone production in the body. (Source)
  • Fenugreek Extract which has been shown to improve both upper AND lower body strength, as well as body composition. (Source)
  • Korean Ginseng which has been shown to improve erectile performance. (Source)
  • Epimedium Extract which can both boost testosterone and improve erections by improving genital blood flow. (Source)
  • Eurycoma Longifolia which inhibits the effects of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) leaving more of your total testosterone free to perform its intended functions. (Source)

Where VirMAX 8 Hour puts its focus directly on libido and improving erections with nitric oxide boosting L-Arginine, VirAX T uses the pathway of increased testosterone, with a few added aphrodisiacs to attempt to achieve the same goal.

Read our complete VirMAX T review here:

For my money, if you’re only concerned with sex drive and erections, go with the VirMAX 8 Hour. But if you want more energy and virility overall, with a perhaps less pronounced yet still noticeable direct improvement in sexual performance, the VirMAX T is the better choice.

You can pick up a 30 day supply of VirMAX T at Walgreens for $20.99.

Amazon also sells Virmax T, here’s a link to the official listing
(affiliate link):

Bonus Enhancement Selections for Women

My wife sometimes jokes about how I never review any products for the ladies, so while I was at Walgreens and “in the neighborhood”, I did take note of a couple products made explicitly to increase female pleasure and enhance a woman’s overall experience.

Here are the two that caught my eye.

#1 – Lifestyles Excite Female Sexual Stimulating Gel

lifestyles excite female stimulating gelThis product is made to maximize a woman’s pleasure when used in conjunction with sexual activity. It’s a clear, scientifically formulated, gel that creates a warm, tingling sensation when applied using the recommended massage techniques.

As it’s a topical formula, it doesn’t use herbal aphrodisiacs to boost libido. It mainly uses the warming, tingling feeling to produce an arousal state.

The ingredients to note are Menthol which produces the warm sensation, and L-Arginine which will increase blood flow in the area of contact. The increased blood flow will work with the warming to produce the tingling feeling. It will also increase sensitivity for better arousal and more intense orgasms.

Lifestyles Excite Female Sexual Stimulating Gel is compatible with latex condoms, meaning it’s perfectly fine to use them together, and you will be protected.

Customer feedback on Lifestyles Stimulating Gel is extremely mixed, leading us to believe this is definitely a case where people either love it or hate it.

On the one hand, you’ve got Mike saying this: “This stuff is awesome! My wife loves it and swears by it. We nearly ran out the other day and she nearly had a fit!”

On the other hand, there’s Kathleen who says: “It would have been the same if I had used Vicks Vapo Rub. Ouch, talk about feeling the burn! Can I give it zero stars?”

That actually seems to be a running theme. Lots of women seemed to say the burning was too much.

If you’re game, you can pick up the 20 application pump applicator for $9.49 at Walgreens.

You can also find Excite on Amazon, here’s a link to the official listing (affiliate link):

#2 – Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum

Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum works in much the same way as the Lifestyles product. This one is a water and silicone based gel that you also massage in to the genitals, creating a pleasurably warming sensation.

Instructions recommend that you massage a pea size amount of the gel into the area, allowing for about 5 minutes to go by before expecting to feel the warmth, and possibly the tingling. The feeling is said to last about 45 minutes. If this is the case, it may be longer than the Lifestyles brand lasts, as that was one of the more frequent complaints .

As far as ingredients go, the active warming ingredient in Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum is Peppermint, with the rest of the formula devoted to creating the smooth, slippery gel delivery mechanism.

Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum can be used with latex condoms, and will not interfere with their effectiveness.

As far as customer feedback is concerned, I found far fewer reviews for Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum than for the Lifestyles product, but within that smaller sample, the consensus was more positive.

Compared to similar products, it really has quite the positive track record.

Of about 10 reviews, only one was negative, saying it just didn’t work, but this positive review (5 stars) sums it up for several of the others:

“Since every woman’s clitoral response varies, I will share that this product is excellent for after “the change of life,” when the libido is dormant. I use wOw for self pleasuring, and it gets me where I need to go in less time than it usually does. I apply it directly and pleasure away. I have tried many other similar products, and was very disappointed. wOw comes in a small tube, and a “dap will do ya”.

Wet Platinum wOw Female Arousal Serum comes in a small tube and costs $25.99 at Walgreens.

Finally, Amazon also sells it for less than $12, here’s a link to the official listing (affiliate link):

Additional References

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

9 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart

If you’ve browsed my site for any length of time, you may have come across my in depth article on the best fat burners at GNC.  It hit me that not everyone necessarily lives close to a GNC, but almost EVERYONE has a Walmart within a 15 minute drive or so.

I’ve never been a big fan of Walmart.

I like to support locally owned, family businesses whenever I can.

On top of that, there are far better weight loss / fat burning supplements available online, such as Instant Knockout (Click Here for my review of it).

With that said, you just can’t beat their prices.

They may have changed their tagline from “Always Low Prices” to “Save Money.  Live Better.” but who’s kidding who?

You go their because you can get shit dirt cheap.

I recently got a chance to visit my local Walmart, and wanted to introduce the best weight loss pills available there.

Want To REALLY Lose Weight?

Click Here to sign up for my free "How To Lose Weight Quickly And Effectively" eBook.

These are listed in random order, and not necessarily from best to worst.  If you’re having trouble deciding you can always leave a comment below and I can recommend the best one to you.

Needless to say, some were better than others as can be expected with any selection of supplements but I will say that I was quite impressed with a lot of the options there.

Note:  Just because these weight loss pills / fat burners were available at my Walmart, does NOT mean they’re available at yours.  If you see one of this page that catches your eye, call them first to see if they have it.

#1: Pro Clinical Hydroxycut

hydroxycut pro clinical pills at walmartThere are tons of Hydroxycut products at Walmart, which makes sense considering it’s the number 1 selling weight brand, but for various reasons, 3 that jumped out at me were in the Pro Clinical line – Pills, Instant Drink Mix, and Caffeine Free.

Unlike Hydroxycut HD and SX 7, Pro Clinical Hydroxycut is focused completely on fast effective weight loss, with a concentration on boosting both energy and metabolism.

The primary ingredient goes by several names (Robusta Coffee Extract, C Canaphora Robusta), but is basically good old Green Coffee Bean Extract. Green coffee beans are essentially just beans that haven’t been roasted yet, and the key here is that because they haven’t been roasted, they still contain high levels of Chlorogenic Acid.

According to WebMD, Chlorogenic Acid works by affecting the way glucose is absorbed by the body, basically by slowing absorption down. As a result, a few small studies have shown that taking chlorogenic acid daily for an extended period of time can encourage weight loss.

A few years back, Dr. Oz got into a little hot water for the way he promoted several weight loss supplements, most notably Green Coffee Bean extract. The problem wasn’t really that he said it could help, it was more about the fact that he and his guest went too far by saying GCB made you lose weight without diet or exercise.. And as much as we all may wish this were possible, it just isn’t.

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Pills

The formula is mostly a 441 mg proprietary blend built around Green Coffee Bean Extract standardized for 45% Chlorogenic Acid. It’s also got some additional caffeine so you can expect an energy boost to be sure. Just make sure not to take it within 5 hours or so of when you want to turn in for the night.

Read our complete Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Review here:

Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for 19.88. At the recommended daily dose of 4 rapid release caplets, it should last about 2 weeks.

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix

hydroxycut pro clinical drink mix walmartIt uses essentially the same formula as the Pro Clinical Pills, but comes in handy packets you can pour into your water bottle, shake up, and drink before each of your two main meals.

It’s a good way to help increase the amount of water you drink in a day, and it helps you get in that caffeine boost when you need is as well.

It comes in Wildberry flavor, and I haven’t tried it myself but according to the customer feedback I’ve seen, it tastes great and mixes well.

Walmart currently sells a 21-count package for $17.88. Recommended use calls for 2 packets per day, meaning this will last about 10 days, making it comparable, but a little more expensive than the pills.

Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free

hydroxycut pro clinical caffeine free at walmartThe caffeine-free version also uses Green Coffee Bean as its primary ingredient, but in this case, it’s decaffeinated, and they don’ t included the added caffeine like they do with the other two Pro Clincal products.

While caffeine and other stimulants are widely used in weight loss products, the fact is some people either can’t or would prefer not to use stimulants at all. It can be tough to find effective non-stimulant supplements for weight loss, so it’s good to see Hydroxycut providing for these potential customers.

Since caffeine itself is an extremely effective weight loss aid, you can expect that Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free won’t work as well or as quickly as the other two. But on the upside, you don’t have worry about avoiding taking it later in the day.

Normally, the 60-count bottle sells at Walmart for $19.88, but currently, that 60-count is sporting a 50% increase by providing 90 rapid release caplets per package. At the recommended dose of 2 caplets taken twice a day before meals, the 90-count will last about 3 weeks.

#2: Alli Weight Loss

alli weight loss at walmartAlli holds the distinction of being the only over the counter weight loss pill approved by the FDA, although that claim is slightly misleading. Basically, what it means is that back in 1999, Orlistat (120mg) was approved by the FDA as a prescription drug to treat obesity. In 2007, the lower dose of 60 mg in Alli was approved for over the counter sales.

Alli is essentially a lower dose of a prescription strength weight loss pill. The mechanism of action with Orlistat is that it decreases the amount of fat that gets absorbed into your body. When you take Alli before a meal, about 25% of the fat you eat is digested and stored in the body. Instead, it’s eliminated as waste.

It sounds great, and in reality it can help you lose more weight than with diet and exercise alone.

The question is how much?

According to the Mayo Clinic it really only works out to about 5 ½ pounds per year more than you’d lose without it.
It’s marketed toward people with significant weight to lose, and to their credit, Alli makes the point very clearly that your weight loss won’t be significant or lasting if you don’t follow a restricted calorie diet and a sufficient workout plan.

The label carries several warnings about potential complications and interactions with prescription meds, so you’ll want to make sure to read all the relevant information before deciding to go with Alli.

If you do choose to go ahead with it, a bottle of 120 capsules costs $61.99 at Walmart. At the recommended usage of 1 pill taken with each meal that contains fat, one bottle could last anywhere from 1 to 3 months.

#3: Hydroxycut Black, Hardcore, and Max

There are 3 additional Hydroxycut weight loss products at Walmart that deserve a look as well: Hydroxycut Black, Hydroxycut Hardcore, and Hydroxycut Max. They each use the standard Hydroxycut Green Coffee Bean Extract as a starting point, then add different components for specific results tailored to individually unique situations.

hydroxycut black at walmartHydroxycut Black

Using its “Ultra Advanced Liquid-Thermo Technology” (aka rapid release liquid capsule) Hydroxycut Black delivers:

  • 150 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid for metabolism
  • 200 mg Green Coffee Bean for the chlorogenic acid
  • 200 mg Caffeine for energy and metabolism
  • And a small undisclosed amount of Yohimbe for energy.

You’d definitely want to start off at half a dose with this one since 200 mg is quite a bit of caffeine.

Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $24.50. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice daily, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.

hydroxycut hardcore at walmartHydroxycut Hardcore

This version is formulated to provide significant weight loss results where other products have failed. It offers extreme energy with intense focus and adds an amino acid complex to help shed the pounds.

Much of the ingredient list is similar to the other Hydroxycut products, including:

  • Green Coffee Bean
  • Yohimbine
  • Caffeine.

But Hydroxycut Hardcore adds L-Theanine to take the edge off of the stimulant feeling you get from caffeine. It also contains a blend of three amino acids that work as protein building blocks to help increase lean muscle and decrease fat.

Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $22.94. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice daily, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.

Hydroxycut Max

hydroxycut max walmartHydroxycut Max is designed specifically for women. At its core, it uses the same basic ingredients as the other Hydroxycut Products:

  • Green Coffee Bean
  • Caffeine

But it goes on to add what they call “female friendly” ingredients like Folic Acid, Biotin, and Iron, to help keep women’s health generally in balance. In fact, iron supplementation, according to at least one study may improve weight loss results.

Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $22.94. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice a day, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.

While they each add their own unique twist, all the Hydroxycut products are built around the core benefits of Green Coffee Bean and Chlorogenic Acid, relying on the results of this study as evidence of its effectiveness.

#4: Zantrex Red and Blue Bottles

zantrex red and blue bottles at Walmart

Zantrex by Zoller Labs is a pretty popular choice both at Walmart and other retail stores. One the one hand, it’s got a reputation for producing results, but on the other hand, it’s also got a reputation for some pretty harsh side effects.

They offer two choices, the Red Bottle and the Blue Bottle.

Zantrex Red

zantrex 3 red bottle walmartZantrex Red is made up of a 964 mg proprietary blend of ingredients, several of which contain some amount of caffeine. There’s:

  • Guarana Fruit
  • Kola Seed
  • Coffee Bean
  • Green Tea Leaf

All of these provide caffeine. This is where the energy, metabolism boost, motivation, and yes – side effects – come from. They’re 4 of the top 5 ingredients listed too, so the total amount is likely to be quite high.

There are lots of user reviews online at the various retail sites where it’s sold, and there are definitely two recurring themes. Zantrex Red Bottle works, but it can also make you feel pretty sick. Raciness and nausea are the most commonly cited effects, both of which can be mitigated by taking a half dose at first, by eating a meal shortly after taking the pills, and by drinking a ton of water.

Click Here to read my full review of Zantrex 3 Red Bottle.

Zantrex Blue

zantrex 3 blue bottle walmartThe Zantrex Blue bottle is so powerful, I actually named it as a best female fat burner in this article.

The Blue Bottle is also a proprietary blend, this time 1160 mg, containing several caffeine sources. This time, there’s:

  • Yerba Mate
  • Guarana
  • Trimethylxanthine
  • Green Tea
  • Kola Seed
  • Damiana, Cacao
  • Black Tea.

As is the case with the Red Bottle, caffeine is absolutely the driving force behind the Blue Bottle.

Surprisingly, although similar side effects are also reported in conjunction with Zantrex Blue, they are less frequent and appear to be less severe than they are with the Red Bottle. And positive statements about how well it works are more common.

Another common theme with both versions is that both side effects and effectiveness wear off pretty quickly as you build a tolerance to the ingredients.

If I had to steer you toward one or the other, I’d have you go with Zantrex Blue. Just make sure you start with half a dose, drink lots of water, and be prepared with a small meal shortly after you take your pills.

Walmart sells a 56-count bottle of Zantrex Red for $23.25 and a 60-count bottle of Zantrex Blue for $19.88.

Check out my side by side comparison of the Red and Blue bottles here.

#5: Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate

lipo 6 black walmartLipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate is another powerful and popular weight loss supplement you can find at Walmart.

You can read our complete review of it here: but here we’ll just give you the broad strokes here so you know what you’re looking at if you’re headed to Walmart any time soon.

Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate is some pretty strong stuff with a focus on supercharging your metabolism while giving you all the energy you could want with only 1 pill. In fact that make a big point about warning you not to take more than 1 pill at a time. And I would add that you shouldn’t take your second pill within 5 or 6 hours of going to bed.

That’s because the formula is almost completely made up of stimulants. It’s a 294.5 mg proprietary blend made up of ingredients including:

  • Caffeine
  • Advantra Z (aka Citrus Aurantium, aka Synephrine)
  • Yohimbine.

Too much of any of these could easily set you up with jitters and even dizziness. Together, they are definitely not for the faint of heart. If you’re the kind of person who likes that jacked up feeling, and you don’t suffer negative effects from too much caffeine, you may very well love this stuff.

If so, Walmart carries the 60 capsule bottle – a 30-day supply – for $26.30.

#6: Xenadrine Ultimate

Xenadrine Ultimate is another one of Walmart’s more popular weight loss supplement choices, which is most likely because it’s both powerful and well rounded. By this I mean that it focuses on several different aspect necessary for weight loss, including

  • Energy and motivation
  • Focus
  • Appetite suppression
  • Fat burning

It’s an updated version of the original Xenadrine product. You can read our complete review of that one here:

xenadrine ultimate at walmartThe primary new ingredient in the Xenadrine Ultimate formula is Green Coffee Bean Extract, which we learned about earlier in this article in conjunction with the Pro Clinical Hydroxycut products. The chlorogenic acid improves the way glucose is used by the body, and studies support the contention that you can lose more weight while using it than you can while not using it.

Related Article:  8 Best OTC Phentermine Alternatives

It’s also got Garcinia Cambogia with its fat fighting properties, Yohimbe as a central nervous system stimulant, Caffeine as an additional stimulant, and Ashwagandha for the way it helps the body respond appropriately to stressful situations – both mental and physical.

The ingredients are in a couple proprietary blends, so we don’t know how much of each is used. For that reason, be careful with your dosing at first. You don’t want to overdo the stimulants. Once you’ve assessed how you respond, you can adjust accordingly. You’ll also probably want to avoid taking it too late at night.

The 120 count bottle of Xenadrine Ultimate is sold at Walmart for $17.97 At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice a day, the bottle will last a month.

#7: Dexatrim Max Complex 7

dexatrim max at walmartDexatrim has been a popular weight loss supplement for over 30 years . Back in the day, the original Dexatrim had PPA and Ephedra, making it a real force to contend with.

But both of those ingredients were banned by the FDA years ago due to their potential for serious side effects. Whether you agree or disagree with their decision, we’re pretty much stuck with it.

So like most supplement companies, they reluctantly adjusted, and now we’re looking at Dexatrim Max Complex 7, their product for “blocking hunger and burning body fat” which you can get through several retailers, including Walmart.

The primary ingredients in Dexatrim Max Complex 7 are Caffeine, Green Tea, and 7-Keto DHEA. The 150 mg of caffeine provides the energy boost as well as increased metabolism and appetite suppression. The Green Tea provides the EGCGs for fat burning. And the 7-Keto DHEA turns stored fat into energy.

The formula is rounded out with B Complex Vitamins, Ginseng, and Oolong Tea.

Customer feedback is generally pretty positive, but some users have reported experiencing stimulant related side effects. For most people the energy and appetite suppression are the standout benefits, but there are a few who say it just doesn’t work, and a smaller subset that say it made them feel miserable, with jitters, nausea, and headaches.

Of course, when scrolling through customer reviews, there were plenty of users nostalgic for the old days when Dexatrim had Ephedra and PPA. Unfortunately, those days are NOT likely to come back.

If you’re game, you can pick up a 60-count bottle of today’s Dexatrim Max Complex 7 at Walmart for $17.91. At the recommended dose of 2 pills taken twice a day, that 60 capsules should last a month. If you find yourself lowering the dosage to reduce the potential for side effects, it could last longer.

#8: Fastin

Walmart Weight Loss FastinFastin, from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has been a popular thermogenic weight loss supplements for several years now. It combines strong energy producers and fat burning ingredients with mood elevating substances that keep you upbeat and motivated while you fight the battle of the bulge.

The feel good ingredient in the formula is Phenylethylamine Hcl (PEA) which stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin, and noepinephrine in the brain. It’s also got significant stimulant power in ingredients like Yohimbine, Synephrine, Caffeine, and 1,3-Dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.

You may be aware of the ongoing battle between Hi-Tech Pharma and the FDA. Basically, the FDA believes that DMAA can be dangerous, so they have declared that it’s not technically a natural substance and can’t be used in dietary supplements. Hi-Tech Pharma is one of a few companies fighting back by continuing to use it in several of its products.

DMAA is very stimulatory and should be used in small doses. The Fastin formula is proprietary, so we don’t know exactly how much is in there. Several users have reported the kinds of side effects you get from overstimulation – headache, racing heartbeat, sweats, dizziness, nausea.

It’s the age old battle between effectiveness and side effects. Many Fastin users solve this by lowering their initial dosage until they build a tolerance to the negative effects.

For more information on Fastin, here’s a link to my complete review:

Walmart sells it in store only. You can pick up a 60-count bottle for about $45.

#9: Doctor’s Select Weight Loss 4 Tablets

doctors select weight loss 4 at walmartDoctor’s Select Weight Loss 4 Tablets combine several of the ingredients we’ve discussed all throughout this article.

There’s Green Coffee Bean Extract for better glucose metabolism, Garcinia Cambogia for appetite suppression and the prevention of fat storage, Green Tea Extract for its EGCGs, Glucomannnan to make you feel full.

And it adds Raspberry Ketones as antioxidants and Probiotics to support gut health as well. This can help prevent bloating, gas, and general gastric distress.

Customer reviews are all over the place with this one. It seems people either love it or hate it.

One thing everyone seems to love is the price. You can pick up a 90 count package for just $14.88, and that should last you a month at the recommended dose of 1 pill before each meal. This definitely puts it at the low end of the pricing scale when it comes to weight loss products.

Because it is basically dirt cheap compared to some others, it is worth trying out without setting you back much.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

The Ultimate Guide To Nootropics

Note: The information provided in this guide was thoroughly researched and referenced. That said, we are NOT doctors and you should not take any of this advice or anything we say in this e-book as medical advice. It is best to consult with your physician prior to taking any supplement.

  1. Introduction To Nootropics
  1. Types of Nootropics
  1. Benefits Of Nootropics
  1. The Science Behind Nootropics
  1. Nootropics Vs Prescription Medications
  1. Potential Side Effects Of Nootropics
  1. The Art Of Stacking
  1. Common Questions About Nootropics
  1. How To Choose The Right Nootropic
  1. My Personal Recommendations

Chapter 1: Introduction to Nootropics

We’ve heard the debates, the arguments, the never-ending questioning of: what’s the most important organ in the body?

We’ve seen the mixed results: the liver, the heart, and the brain, generally topping the list.

Though we concur that all three are incredibly vital to the body’s internal functioning, we have to side with the big man: the brain.

Whether the brain is truly the most important organ in the body is indeed arguable, but according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, it’s the most complex[1].

And most of us can probably relate.

No doubt about it, the brain is one powerful organ.

brain power

Those little neurons in our brain have the monumental responsibility of sending data from the brain to the rest of our body.

In other words, the brain communicates with other organs in the body by transmitting messages through neurons, which also store information as memories.

Despite its seemingly superhuman strength, the brain can be an exasperating organ as well.

Like when you just want to concentrate on a sole idea, but it keeps bouncing schizophrenically from one thing to the next; or when all you desire is sleep, but it insists on keeping you awake.

/wp content/files/2014/02/nootropics and

At times like these, you might wish for a solution, something atypical to medications and their adverse effects.

At times like these, nootropics may be the answer you seek.

What are Nootropics Anyway?

We admit, the word “nootropics” does have a strangely intimidating yet enticing ring to it.

“Noo,” sounds ominous, or like a warning. “Tropics,” sounds deliciously inviting.

In reality though, nootropics is an umbrella term for a class of substances (some natural, and some synthetic) that provide the human brain with cognitive benefits.

Along with promoting cognitive functions, some nootropics have anti-stress and sleep support properties.

Sounds cool?

It gets even cooler…

The psychologist and chemist who invented the word “nootropics”, Dr. Cornelius E. Giurgea, attached five criteria a nootropic must have to qualify as such. Giurgea’s requirements can be viewed as protective measures to ensure the substance is produced in a way that shields the brain, instead of harming it.

all about nootropics

True nootropics are supposed to:

  • Increase learning ability and memory
  • Safeguard the brain against physical/chemical injuries, such as barbiturates and scopolamine
  • Assist the brain in operating under unsettling conditions, such as electroconvulsive shock and hypoxia
  • Strengthen the efficiency of neuronal mechanisms in the brain
  • Be free of the typical pharmacology found in other psychotropic drugs and have very few side effects plus extremely low levels of toxicity (Giurgea C, 1972).

Clearly, Giurgea put a lot of thought into his criteria. But when it comes to science, it’s given that other players will come up with their own observations and proposals.

Still, the general consensus is that nootropics should have a well-developed safety profile and little to zero toxicity.

Nootropic Users

Any healthy adult seeking to improve his or her mental faculties can become a nootropic user.

In fact, the online nootropics community is made up of mostly healthy individuals looking to use nootropics to attain motivation and more lucid thinking.

An online survey on nootropic usage reveals most of the respondents as males.

The survey targeted people in two of the biggest online nootropics communities: Reddit and LongeCity[2].

Participants were asked to describe their experiences with 31 different substances, and rate them on a scale of 1 – 10 in terms of effectiveness (1 being not effective at all and 10 being very effective).

Here are the results of that study:

nootropics survey results

As expected, drugs like Adderall and Modafinil (which really aren’t even classified as typical Nootropics) rated very highly, while many of the lesser known nootropics rated poorly.

However, what was interested to note was that some of the nootropics, most notably Phenibut and Phenylpiracetam, performed very well, considering they’re available over the counter.

Out of the 162 respondents, 92 percent were males and 8 percent were females.

The average age was 25.

But that’s not to say that only “youngsters” use nootropics.

Remember, the survey interviewed only a designated number of people, and only some responded.

So, somewhere out there are probably hordes of other people adding to the nootropics-user base. But we will stick to what we can support.

Besides being used by enthusiasts for learning, studying and sharpening their mental firepower, nootropics has been shown to help the elderly and those suffering from brain trauma. Even Russian astronauts got in on the action, taking nootropics to boost their mental capacities in space.

Debunking Common Myths

We know, it’s tempting to believe, or want to believe, that the benefits of nootropics are the cure to all of our mental problems.

From this belief stems the illusion that nootropics will transform us into geniuses or make us more intelligent.

Let’s drop-kick this appalling myth…

Nootropics are cognitive enhancers.

What Nootropics CAN Do

  • Make it easier to concentrate on tasks
  • Improve productivity
  • Make you more adept at getting things done

What Nootropics CAN’T Do

  • Make you an overnight genius
  • Produce instant results
  • Work the exact same for everyone

They do not improve intelligence or produce blinding brilliance.

They simply boost mental capabilities relating to attention, memory and recall.

For instance, nootropics make it easier to concentrate on tasks and improve productivity. But they will not automatically turn an average thinker into the next virtuoso philosopher.

They can, however, make him more adept at getting things done.

While we’re at it, let’s slash the myth that nootropics should always produce instant results. The effectiveness of nootropics varies from one person to the next and depends on a myriad of factors, including weight, body chemistry, sleep patterns and diet.

That said, while some nootropics may work within a few minutes, others may take a few weeks to kick in (Page, n.d.). First-time nootropic users, especially, should be aware of this.

As we read about the impressive benefits of nootropics on various websites and forums, expectations may be exceedingly high going in. Not experiencing an effect right away might cause frustration and the feeling that the supplement just “doesn’t work.”

But hang in there – good things come to those who wait.

Nootropics Versus Smart Drugs: Is There a Difference?

Chances are, you have already searched the Internet for the word “nootropics” and got redirected to a bevy of articles referring to them as “smart drugs.” This can get confusing, as many websites don’t explain whether there’s a difference between nootropics and smart drugs.

Yet there is a difference[3], according to an article written by Dr. Andrew Hill, lead neuroscientist at truBrain. In the nootropics community, however, the terms are often used interchangeably.

Since it’s generally acceptable to label nootropics and smart drugs as one in the same, there’s nothing wrong with adopting this trend. But for the sake of knowledge and accuracy, it pays to know the difference.

Let’s set the record straight.

Smart drugs are usually prescribed by doctors to treat symptoms of mental or cognitive disorders. For instance, Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Smart drugs typically contain stimulants, which boost energy and focus, but can also be detrimental in someone with heart or cardiac issues. The stimulants in these drugs increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels, which can cause tolerance and dependence, negatively affecting stress levels, appetite, mood and cardiac function.

Smart drugs operate like amphetamines in that they stimulate the brain’s neurotransmitters to promote focus and alertness, similar to how caffeine operates.

On the flip side, a nootropic is a non-prescribed natural or synthetic compound made from herbs, vitamins and other supplements. It’s designed to increase or safeguard cognition, and when taken properly by a generally healthy individual, typically does not produce side effects.

As Giurgea stated, the objectives of nootropics should always be to promote cognitive abilities and flow, while avoiding the side effects of harsh substances such as stimulants.

Hopefully, this introduction has given you sound insight into the fundamentals of nootropics. Now it’s time to dig deeper and discover the different types of nootropics.

Chapter 2: Types of Nootropics

types of nootropics

What makes nootropics so beautifully unique is that they are largely derived from natural ingredients and come in an extensive array of types. You might need a checklist to keep track of them all, but here’s a tip: tracking them gets easier if you think of them in terms of “families.”

Once you understand the general purpose of the family, what the individual compound does becomes clearer.

Let’s begin with the “mother” of all nootropics…

The Racetam Family

(piracetam, aniracetam, nefiracetam, levetiracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, phenylpiracetam, noopept, and more)

fasoracetam, an example of a nootropic racetamThat’s a whole lot of “tams,” but each has earned the right to be a member of the family. As the first nootropic ever, piracetam is special.

Had it not been for Giurgea discovering piracetam, the word “nootropics” would probably not exist – he coined the term only after discovering piracetam (Giurgea 1972).

After the development of piracetam, many other racetams emerged, including aniracetam, nefiracetam, levetiracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, phenylpiracetam and noopept.

All racetams have the same basic chemical structure that promotes cognitive enhancement. They all share a 2-pyrrolidone nucleus, and as derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are not naturally occurring, but rather chemically synthesized.

Being the first of its kind, piracetam remains the most widely known and researched racetam. Next on the popularity scale are aniracetam, oxiracetam and pramiracetam.

Despite being the most popular, piracetam is neither the strongest nor the fastest-acting racetam. For instance, oxiracetam is more potent and quicker-acting than piracetam and aniracetam (Landon, 2014).

Things get even more serious with pramiracetam, which is said to be up to 30 times stronger than piracetam – not to mention having all the letters needed to spell piracetam in its name.

The Russian-developed and approved noopept is similar in potency to pramiracetam. It is so powerful that the recommended dosage is as little as 10-20 milligrams, up to three times per day.

Racetams are used for medical purposes in different countries. For instance, in Europe, piracetam has a long history as a cognition-enhancing agent used to treat impaired intellectual function.

Most racetams are not approved in the United States for medical use. The only one that has received the honor is levetiracetam (brand name Keppra) – an anticonvulsant used to control epileptic seizures.

A 2004 publication by the National Institute of Health reveals that levetiracetam has proven to be well tolerated and safe[4]. The most common side effects are dizziness, asthenia and sleepiness, which typically appear at the onset of levetiracetam treatment and usually disappear without medication withdrawal[5].

Eugeroic Stimulants

(modafinil, adrafinil, armodafinil, etc.)

modafinilEugeroic stimulants – such as modafinil and adrafinil – operate like smart drugs, but they generally don’t produce significant spikes in heart rate or blood pressure nor do they produce euphoria or the propensity for abuse.

This is in contrast to conventional stimulant medications such as Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts), Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and Ritalin (methylphenidate, a compound structurally related to amphetamine).

Eugeroic stems from Greek word meaning “good arousal.” It is a wakefulness-promoting agent that makes it easier to stay up longer and temporarily helps to avoid sleep deprivation.

Eugeroics are not a replacement for sleep. Instead, they enable wakefulness to facilitate productivity. They can be especially useful when you’re forced to sit through a boring class or perform monotonous sleep-inducing work.

You will probably never see someone on the street selling their parents’ TV for their next hit of modafinil. But that doesn’t mean side effects aren’t possible.

Modafinil and adrafinil’s effect on mental functioning (beyond wakefulness) have not been confirmed, and although side effects are uncommon, they can be life threatening[6]. While some eugeroic stimulants require a prescription (e.g. modafinil), others don’t (e.g. adrafinil).

Related Article:  Afinil Express Review – Legit Online Modafinil w/o A Prescription

You can buy Adrafinil relatively cheap on the following website (my preferred vendor):


(lecithin, choline, DMAE, alpha-GPC, CDP choline, galantamine, donepezil and huperzine A)

There are several ways to define cholinergic substances. For brevity’s sake, we will examine two angles:

First perspective

A cholinergic is a precursor to acetylcholine, one of the most important

neurotransmitters for memory function. The body naturally produces acetylcholine, but it’s often not enough, and this is where supplements such as choline, alpha-GPC, CDP choline and DMAE come in.

These supplements serve as choline boosters, allowing the brain to make acetycholine. In simple terms, cholinergic precursors increase the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. Although lecithin doesn’t technically qualify as a cholinergic precursor, it contains phosphatidylcholine – a cholinergic precursor.

Second perspective

Cholinergics block acetylcholinesterase –which is the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine and decreases the level and duration of action of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter. Specific types of cholinergics – such as galantamine, huperzine A and donepezil – inhibit acetylcholinesterase while replenishing acetycholine levels.

Vitamins and Supplements

(B and D vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids)

“Make sure you take your vitamins. They’re good for you.” We might hear these words incessantly from someone we know, and dismiss this person as patronizing or nagging. But they’re right!

While there’s a great deal of quackery in the alternative health field, there’s also solid evidence on the benefits of vitamins and supplements, with regards to mood, motivation, alertness, etc.

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are often overlooked as possible pathways to personal enhancement, but they have a positive effect on mild psychiatric symptoms, perceived stress and the mood of people who are generally healthy[7]. Supplements with high doses of B vitamin, especially, may be more effective for improving mood.

We cannot ignore, though, individuals who assume that because many supplements are “all natural,” the substances contained in them are harmless. This line of thinking is both erroneous and extremely dangerous.

Some of these supplements, including members of the B vitamin family as well as vitamin D, can cause physiological toxicity (including, but not limited to, neurotoxicity).

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to human health, but the body cannot produce them; we have to obtain them through food or supplements.

Fish, certain plants and nut oils all have Omega-3 fatty acids – which some scientists believe can protect against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia plus help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer[8].

A word of caution: if you’re consuming fish or extracted fish oil regularly as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids, be sure to verify that it’s not contaminated with mercury. We could consider mercury as an anti-nootropic because of its hazardous impact on cognitive functioning that results from mercury poisoning.

Stay with us, folks. Coming up next we will prove the beneficial effects of nootropics.

Chapter 3: Benefits of Nootropics

We’ve explained some of the advantages of taking nootropics, particularly in regards to focus, learning and memory. But your inner skeptic might be wondering… Where’s the proof? That’s fine…skepticism is normal.

Sometimes, to be persuaded, you need quantified results – which we will deliver.

Impact on Memory, Attention and Learning

Nootropics enhance normal mental functioning.

In 1976, two researchers at University College in Cardiff, Wales performed a small study on the effects of piracetam in normal subjects. The study consisted of 16 healthy 2nd and 3rd year students (12 males, 4 females).

  • The subjects were given 4.8 grams a day of either piracetam or placebo for 14 days.
  • The students were told to learn a series of words presented as stimuli on a memory drum.
  • No effects were observed after 7 days, but verbal learning increased after 14 days.

The researchers found clear evidence for improvement in verbal learning due to piracetam administration. The majority of students had intellectually demanding jobs, and had claimed a slight decrease in their ability to recall or retain data.

After receiving 4.8 grams of piracetam per day, the students were given placebo for 4 weeks. Results of the paper and pencil tests and the computerized tests to measure perceptual motor reactions indicated that piracetam has greater effects on performance than placebo.

The results of this study were summarized in the influential and provocatively titled paper “Increase in the Power of Human Memory in Normal Man through the Use of Drugs.”

As well as in the November 18, 1976 issue of New Scientist.

university college in Cardiff, Wales piracetam study 1976

Low Toxicity

On a toxicological level, nootropics are among the safest substances ever developed.

Toxicity studies on nootropics have been performed on humans and a wide range of animals, including mice, goldfish, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, guinea pigs and monkeys.

In acute toxicity trials – where rats received 8g of intravenous doses of piracetam and rats, dogs and mice got the same amount orally – there was no toxicity[9]. Note that this is the equivalent to 560-700g for a human weighing 154 pounds.

For 6 months, rats were given 100-1000mg orally; and for one year, dogs received 10,000mg orally. No toxicity and no teratogenic (which causes birth defects) were found.

Effects on Stroke, Dementia and Brain Trauma

Nootropics have shown positive effects in patients suffering from stroke, dementia and brain injury.

Aphasic Stroke

Aphasia – a condition that affects the ability to communicate – usually happens after a stroke or head injury. The condition negatively impacts speech and the ability to understand verbal and written communication.

In some cases, aphasia can occur gradually due to a degenerative disease or slow-growing brain tumor. Language and speech therapy are the primary treatments for aphasia; however, piracetam has been found to have a beneficial effect on the recovery of aphasic stroke.

In one study, 24 aphasic patients were given 4.8g daily doses of piracetam, while 26 patients received placebo.

  • Both the piracetam and placebo groups had similar symptoms in terms of type and severity.
  • The study did not include people suffering from mild aphasia, and all of the patients had been healthy prior to experiencing a stroke or brain trauma.
  • The subjects underwent 10 intensive 60-minute language therapy sessions.

The result? Piracetam had a significantly favorable effect on the written language subtest. On the communicative ability scale, the piracetam group’s scores in spontaneous speech improved. Also, no adverse effects were reported in the piracetam group.

While this was only one trial and can hardly be considered definitive, another study on these same subjects confirmed that piracetam can boost written language skills plus reduce the severity of the subjects’ aphasia (Poeck, 1998).


Dementia is the loss of intellectual abilities, resulting in a serious inability to perform everyday tasks. It’s not a disease in itself, but rather the term used to describe an extensive range of symptoms linked to a decline in memory and other thinking skills.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent form of dementia. Elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s frequently display a lower “hydrocarbon core” (which is associated with the cell membranes) fluidity than elderly people who don’t have the disease.

In a study involving in vitro administration of piracetam, the dementia patients’ hydrocarbon core fluidity went up to the same level as the non-demented elderly. On top of that, piracetam enhanced the fluidity of those who did not have the disease.

For both groups, piracetam was shown to decrease age-related alterations of membrane fluidity (Eckert et al., 1999). An analysis of this research revealed that individuals treated with piracetam showed a 60.9 percent improvement, compared to a 32.5 percent improvement in those treated with placebo.

Like its sister compound piracetam, aniracetam has proven to be effective in selective areas. In three different animal studies, researchers found aniracetam to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.

We will, however, spare you the dreary details by providing just one example. And we will keep things interesting by engaging in a bit of sibling rivalry….

In one of the studies, aniracetam was found to be superior to piracetam, which has been monopolizing the nootropics research spotlight for decades. It’s time for aniracetam to shine.

The purpose of the study, which was conducted throughout Western Europe, was to determine whether aniracetam could benefit people ages 68 to 80 who had mild to moderate cognitive impairment and met the criteria for likely having dementia stemming from Alzheimer’s.

  • One group received 1500mg of aniracetam, another group got 2400mg of piracetam, and the last group was given placebo.
  • Each group took their doses daily for a 6-month period.
  • Throughout the trial, the placebo group’s mental health continued to deteriorate.

The result? The aniracetam group experienced few side effects, and the ones that were present were so mild and transitory that no subject had to stop treatment as a result. On top of that, aniracetam proved to be even more effective than piracetam in this trial, and has shown to have anxiolytic effects in animal studies.

Brain Trauma

A traumatic brain injury happens when an external force causes the brain to dysfunction, such as a violent blow to the head or body. It can also occur when an object, such as a bullet, pierces the skull.

Phenylpiracetam has been approved in Russia for correcting cerebrovascular deficiency, focusing attention, ameliorating apathy, and slowing memory decline. Phenylpiracetam is even prescribed to astronauts in Russia who use it to sharpen their physical and mental abilities while in space (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010).

Phenylpiracetam is especially noteworthy because it’s fast-acting and absorbs well orally. The compound has enhanced the cognition scores of people with cognitive impairment or depression following encephalopathy, and brain injuries such as acute lesions, gliomas surgery and brain traumas.

In one study, phenylpiracetam performed even better than piracetam because it worked substantially faster to mend cognitive injury, along with ridding the patients of headaches. Piracetam, defeated again! And not for the last time either…

Pramiracetam has been reported to improve cognitive deficits resulting from brain trauma. Ukrainian studies found that pramiracetam is superior to piracetam at restoring memory loss in patients suffering from mild craniocerebral trauma (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010).

In addition, Italian researchers found that pramiracetam was 50 percent more effective than placebo in reducing amnesia-related effects caused by scopolamine intoxication.

Why We Need Choline, Vitamins and Supplements

Choline deficiency can increase the risk of DNA damage.

Choline and its derivatives are not vitamins per se, but in 1998 they were recognized by the Institute of Medicine as being necessary to maintaining human health.

Basically, choline is the precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is involved in muscle control and memory. To reinforce the importance of choline, the Linus Pauling Institute issued a warning about choline deficiency, which can cause DNA damage and fatty liver.

In a study involving 57 people who were on a choline-deficient diet, 80 percent of the postmenopausal women, 44 percent of the premenopausal women, and 77 percent of the men had liver damage, fatty liver, or muscle damage of some sort.

Estrogen levels might have been the issue with the premenopausal women; however, adding choline to the subjects’ diets fixed the problem rather quickly.

Huperzia serrata is a plant that contains the alkaloid huperzine A, another treatment that, for whatever reason, all too often gets swept under the rug and isn’t given the attention it deserves.

WebMd has a great section on huperzine A’s function in the treatment of age-related memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease. This supplement shows promise in improving memory, learning and energy levels.

As previously discussed, huperzine A belongs to a group of cholinergics known as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. By blocking the activity of the enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine, huperzine A increases the amount of acetylcholine present in the brain and lengthens the duration.

Vitamins and Supplements

Taking B-complex vitamin supplements is especially important because many of us don’t get enough of them in our diets. Whole processed foods have the highest amounts of B vitamins, but it’s often difficult to find them in local grocery stores.

B vitamins include: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. That’s a lot of siblings, and deficiency in any of them will result in complications.

For instance, severe, persistent thiamine (B1) deficiency can cause limb pain, irregular heartbeat, edema and even death. Thiamine deficiency can also cause all sorts of neurological dysfunctions that affect memory, coordination and vision.

Smokers, alcoholics, coffee drinkers and people who eat large amounts of certain kinds of fish are all at risk for developing thiamine deficiency.

You will find that each B vitamin has its own benefits.

Folic acid (B9) deficiency in pregnant women can cause birth defects and impaired mental functioning in other people. However, studies indicate that folic acid supplementation may reduce symptoms of depression.

Pyridoxine (B6) relieves depression, memory problems and peripheral neuropathies caused by dietary deficiencies. It can also reduce women’s chances of developing macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss.

Biotin (B7) plays a crucial role in metabolism, and is necessary for glucose and amino acids production. Biotin deficiency can cause vomiting, anorexia, dermatitis and neurological symptoms, including lethargy, hallucinations and peripheral neuropathy.

Liver, egg yolks, kidney and nuts are all good sources of biotin. If you cannot access these foods, try cereal or biotin supplements (Schnepp, 2002).

Bacopa monierri (brahmi) is a plant native to India that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for a host of problems, especially those dealing with anxiety and intellect. In rat studies, brahmi improved memory retention and reduced amnesia caused by electroconvulsive shock, scopolamine intoxication and/or immobilization.

In a study involving humans, brahmi did not have a significant effect on subjects’ short term memory. But it improved their scores on recalling unrelated word pairs (Roodenrys et al., 2002).

We definitely cannot end this chapter without extending a shout-out to sulbutiamine, a nootropic related to thiamine (B1), but has a greater ability to cross the blood-brain barrier than its parent compound. Sulbutiamine has shown promise in the treatment of asthenia and memory impairment.

Stay tuned for a behind-the-scenes look at how nootropics work.

Chapter 4: The Science Behind Nootropics

We’ve established that nootropics can boost normal mental functioning and help to alleviate certain medical conditions. But often when we take supplements we don’t stop to think about how they really work.

We might say “It’s all about the effects! Who cares about the science?” But we should gain some understanding of how they work before consuming them.

In this section, we will focus on none other than the “celebrities” of nootropics: the racetam family. Note, however, that although piracetam is the most extensively studied racetam, we still don’t have a complete understanding of how it works.

We will therefore share what we do know about piracetam and its derivatives – which are said to affect the functioning and density of multiple neurotransmitter receptor types and subtypes.

Glutamate Receptors

L-Glutamate is the main neurotransmitter that causes excitement in the central nervous system. It operates through two classes of receptors: ligand gated ion receptors (ionotropic) and G-protein coupled receptors (metabotopic).

These two receptors provide a pathway for glutamate to control cell excitability. NMDA and AMPA receptors are two major types of receptors that are activated by glutamate.

Where are we going with all this? Well, both piracetam and aniracetam have been shown to activate AMPA receptors. It was, however, aniracetam that led to this discovery, which has since resulted in the development of a new series of smart drugs called “ampakines.”

Several racetams are known to deliver ampakine effects, such as enhanced attention span and alertness. While this has been indicated in studies on aniracetam and piracetam, it’s not clear if all racetams operate in this manner – since racetams seem to have multiple mechanisms of action.

Notably, in at least two rodent studies, chronic piracetam administration significantly increased the solidity of NMDA receptors in aged rats[10]. A similar result has been reported for phenylpiracetam.

Cholinergic Receptors

There are several decades of collected data indicating that piracetam and its derivatives are significantly involved with cholinergic functioning in the CNS.

Cholinergic receptors are cells containing a molecular structure that responds to the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. These receptors – which are linked to the activity of acetylcholine – fall into two sub-types: nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.

Nicotinic receptors are characterized via their interaction with nicotine, while muscarinic receptors are characterized through their interaction with muscarine – an alkaloid that can be found in certain toxic mushrooms.

Acetylcholine is responsible for all sorts of processes, including our ability to focus and the encoding of memories. The cells, or sites, that respond to acetylcholine are called “cholinergic.”

Where do racetams fit into all this?

It’s long been established that piracetam and other racetams provide considerable protection against the detrimental mental effects of scopolamine[11], an anticholinergic drug – meaning, a drug that wreaks havoc on the action of acetylcholine, in this case at muscarinic receptors.

Research suggests that the use of cholinergic agents (such as choline and DMAE) with piracetam may have a profoundly positive impact on cholinergic function and memory enhancement[12]. As we can see, despite hoarding the research limelight, piracetam is an effective nootropic.

One study involving piracetam administration in aged rats showed growth in muscarinic cholinergic receptor density in the hippocampi, striata and frontal cortices of the treated animals[13]. Additionally, in vitro data for pramiracetam indicates that it increases the rate of sodium-sensitive choline uptake in rat synaptosomes (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010).

A Note about Aniracetam

As mentioned, aniracetam facilitates activity at AMPA receptors. But it would be a mistake to think that the AMPA activity neatly explains aniracetam’s efficacy.

Studies on rodents reveal that dopaminergic, cholinergic and sertonergic neuronal mechanisms all play a role in aniracetam’s anxiolytic or anxiety-relieving effects[14].

Coupled with its nootropic activity and greater potency than piracetam, aniracetam is said to be an effective anxiolytic in both humans and animals. Aniracetam is powerful in at least two different ways: first, via a direct nootropic effect promoting more efficient data processing; and second, by reducing anxiety.

Depending on what you’re seeking in a nootropic, you might find that even the mighty aniracetam has its shortcomings. The supplement has a fairly short half-life (~2 hours), which can be a detriment or a benefit depending on your purposes.

If you’re seeking a long-acting nootropic, aniracetam will disappoint you. But if you want to enhance your intellectual performance over shorter spans of time, aniracetam will live up to your expectations.

In summary: Piracetam and its derivatives have many other possible modes of action. While researchers are still getting to the bottom of just how racetams work in the brain and body, what we do know at this point can help us form solid nootropic regimens.

Up next is the ultimate battle: nootropics versus medications? You don’t want to miss it.

Chapter 5: Nootropics Versus Prescription Medications

Photo: & stockimages

We’ve discussed the benefits of nootropics when compared to placebo and against one another. But how do nootropics fare when compared to prescription medications? Let’s see.

Racetams versus Anti-depressants (MAOIs, SSRIs)

In Russia, phenylpiracetam is a medication, prescribed to treat depression and apathy (Malaykh & Sadaie, 2010). Further, piracetam has shown promise in treating depression stemming from chronic cerebrovascular disorders.

Unlike MAOIs and SSRIs – which are prescribed for depression – racetam usage can be stopped without unpleasant withdrawal effects. Many users of SSRIs have reported feeling “zombified” while under the influence of these substances, which only slightly out-perform placebo.

While on MAOIs, users must adhere to a strict diet as foods high in tyramine (such as cured/dried meats, aged cheese, spoiled foods, soy sauce, and more) cause a dangerous spike in blood pressure (Hall-Flavin, Daniel, 2013). These dietary restrictions are not necessary with racetams.

The winner? Racetams

Aniracetam vs. Benzodiazepines (alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam)

In a study of mice in which one group received aniracetam and another diazepam, the former showed anxiolytic effects in four different anxiety models compared to the latter’s two (Nakamura & Kurasawa, 2001). Benzodiazepines are great as quick treatments for panic attacks, but frequent and extended use of them is not necessarily a good idea.

People who are dependent on benzodiazepines may experience withdrawal symptoms upon cessation; if serious enough, it can lead to seizures and even death. Aniracetam has no such withdrawal symptoms.

The winner? Aniracetam

Modafinil vs. Amphetamine Salts

Modafinil is a “smart drug” that allows you to study for hours and easily recall the data you memorized. While many people regard Modafinil as a nootropic, and a few consider amphetamine as one as well, both are prescription medications in the US.

Adderall users with severe ADD and ADHD sometimes have difficulty using modafinil in place of their usual medication, but they report positive results from lowering Adderall’s dosage and adding modafinil to their regimen.

While modafinil is a prescription drug in the US, it’s worth mentioning because it falls under the term “nootropic.” As information currently stands, modafinil does not produce euphoria comparable to traditional stimulants.

This data, along with trials conducted, have led scientists to conclude that modafinil may have abuse potential, but that it’s much lower when compared to amphetamine or methamphetamine.

Modafinil is promoted as a “wakefulness agent,” at first being used to treat narcolepsy in patients. It has since soared in popularity as a nootropic because of its effectiveness in boosting memory and focus.

Peter Borden, a fan of acupuncture and alternative health in general, said this about modafinil: “My senses sort of shifted to the visual, and my auditory sense went down. Sounds didn’t even register. It was like walking around on a winter day when it just snowed. It was very easy to stay visually focused” (Kolker 2013).

However, if you’re an insomniac, neither of these medications are recommended.

The winner?

Marginally modafinil.

The victor has been decided. Still, triumph doesn’t necessarily mean perfection, as we will see in the next chapter which addresses potential downsides of taking nootropics.

Chapter 6: Potential Side Effects of Nootropics

potential side effects of nootropics

Though research shows that nootropics carry an almost nonexistent degree of toxicity and are generally safe, that doesn’t mean side effects can’t happen.

Many nootropics have not been studied over a long-term period, especially in humans. In general, the biggest concerns with respect to side effects are the development of the user’s brain, dosage being consumed, the nootropic’s mechanism of action, how long the user has been taking the substance, and how often they use it.

As noted in the book, Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology, there are some critical implications in the use of cognitive enhancers, especially in children and adolescents whose brain aren’t fully developed (Stolerman, 2010).

Evolving science indicates that most people don’t reach full brain development until they get to age 25, though most laws in the US recognize individuals age 18 and older as adults[15].

There are mixed reviews on how nootropics might affect the developing brain. Some believe that nootropics likely don’t pose a threat and can actually improve brain development. Others speculate that the brain might be susceptible to dependence.

Regardless of which team you’re on, the issue of brain development deserves consideration.

From a dosage perspective, consuming high amounts of certain nootropics/ smart drugs (such as modafinil), may result in dependence, as they are involved in the areas of the brain which are linked to substance abuse.

Because nootropics can be so effective, many people end up taking them for the long term. To complicate matters, we don’t know the specific side effects that may materialize in healthy people who are long-term users (Stolerman, 2010).

However, some argue that tolerance can be developed.

There are numerous types of nootropics, in drug and supplement forms. Each one has a mode of action, which may not fully mirror the others’. Whether long-term usage proves detrimental also depends on the specific nootropic. And this is where piracetam glows.

Because piracetam has been exhaustively studied – plus it’s not as potent as some of the newer nootropics – many agree that it’s the best for long-term usage. It’s also regarded as the quintessential “starter nootropic” for first-time users.

Reported side effects for piracetam include agitation, nervousness, anxiety, irritability and sleep interruptions[16]. During clinical trials, the incidence of these effects were 5 percent or less and were generally spotted in older individuals taking more than 2.4g per day. In most cases, reducing the dosage made the symptoms go away.

Pardon the “hammering into your head” approach here, but we must stress that nootropics do not affect everyone equally. While one person may not have any side effects with long-term use, someone else might. We should therefore avoid assuming that nootropics will not carry side effects.

Reviews from nootropic users on website forums can hardly be seen as facts. Still, it bears noting that many of the users on these forums reported no side effects, while some claimed to have mild effects – the most common being headache, anxiety, confusion and gastrointestinal upset.

In most racetam trials of humans, patients who experienced these effects were able to adjust without leaving the trial. In a study of 84 healthy subjects who received Bacopa administration, only one patient withdrew due to gastrointestinal problems.

Though side effects are possible, all is not lost. By taking the following steps, you can lower the risk of adverse reactions:

  • Wait for your brain to fully develop (age 25 or later)
  • Research the nootropic thoroughly before consuming it
  • Have a good reason for taking nootropics
  • Keep your dosage at the lowest effective level
  • Use nootropics only when necessary
  • Give nootropics a break periodically (also called “cycling”)
  • Take choline when consuming racetams to avoid headaches
  • Stop taking the nootropic if you encounter side effects

The bottom line is that although nootropics are generally safe, exercise caution when using them. Now that you’ve seen the woeful effects of nootropics, it’s time to learn the art of stacking. Sounds exciting? It is!

Chapter 7: The Art of Stacking

the art of stacking nootropics

Stacking refers to taking more than one nootropic to get the effect you want. Sounds dangerous? If nootropics were built like prescription drugs, then we would say “yes.”

But many nootropics actually work better when taken with another nootropic – either the effects improve or side effects decrease. In such cases, the nootropic work in tandem, complimenting and enhancing each other.

One thing to keep in mind is that the best nootropics stacks contain properties that are different from each other, typically in their mechanism of action (Simola, 2015).

If two racetams operate in the same manner, there’s no point in taking them as a stack. You would be better off taking, say piracetam and choline, which have two different modes of action.

Now before you rush out and go buy heaps of nootropics, remember the golden rule: moderation is the key to success. Taking too many stacks could result in some of the side effects we mentioned in the previous chapter.

When you’re just starting out, keep things simple. Choose a mild nootropic, such as piracetam, rather than one that has not undergone many studies in humans. If the effects are positive, you can gradually add more nootropics to your regimen.

Monitoring your results while testing new nootropics is instrumental to your success (Simola, 2015). If you start getting side effects after integrating a certain nootropic into your stack, consider removing it.

If you’re new to stacking, you can buy a pre-made stack. Though this gives you no control over the dosage, it may be the best place to start since the intake amount is already determined for you.

Once you have a solid understanding of nootropics, you can create your own stack. But before you start stacking away, ask yourself:

  • What exactly do I want to take a supplement for? Do I want to increase my focus or ability to concentrate for extended periods of time? Or do I simply want to relax?
  • What medications or supplements am I currently on? Are any of them contraindicated to (as in, should not be used with) the nootropics I’m interested in?
  • Is it necessary for me to take more than one nootropic at a time?

Since newbies are advised to start out with one nootropic, the rest of this chapter is for those who have been taking nootropics for a while and would like to find the right combinations.

Caffeine + L-Theanine

Although caffeine doesn’t technically qualify as a nootropic, its stimulant properties are said to elevate focus and energy. L-Theanine is used for treating anxiety, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, and potentiating cancer drugs (making them more effective).

It may seem pointless to take a stimulant with a supplement that relaxes you; but according to users on the Smarter Nootropics website, the two are a good synergistic blend. L-theanine counters the side effects of caffeine, such as anxiety and jitteriness, resulting in alertness and lucidity without nervousness.

Racetam + Choline

Many nootropics enthusiasts consider this combination a necessity, rather than a “stack.” Various animal studies conclude that the racetam family paired with a source of choline produces optimal results. One trial found that piracetam + choline led to enhanced memory retention more than piracetam alone (Bartus et al., 1981).

Choline is said to help piracetam work faster, and can eliminate headaches caused by taking racetams alone. The cholinergic huperzine A functions similarly when combined with piracetam.

Aniracetam + CDP choline (citicoline)

Due to aniracetam’s anxiolytic effects and citicoline’s efficacy, this is a favored combination, according to the Best Nootropic review website. One collective stack currently on the market is Nootrobrain, which contains aniracetam, citicoline, Bacopa leaf and vitamin B6.

Piracetam + Vasodilator Drug (in this case, cinnarizine)

Vasodilators are drugs that work to prevent the muscles in the walls of the arteries from narrowing. In a study of multiple sclerosis patients, piracetam paired with cinnarizine (which acts as a vasodilator) improved mental abilities even more than piracetam alone.

Activity levels and mood increased in these patients who were assumed to still be suffering from encephalopathy (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010).

Racetam (and/or Modafinil and similar drugs) + Essential Vitamins

If you notice that your diet lacks essential vitamins, try adding them in addition to piracetam, aniracetam, etc. and/or modafinil, adrafinil, etc. Earlier we discussed the signs of certain B vitamin deficiencies. To determine how healthy your diet is, have your doctor run some tests and follow his or her recommendations.

Since nootropics are rarely toxic, as long as you take the right amount of vitamins and refrain from over-stacking, this combination will be beneficial. Nootrobrain, for example, fuses vitamin B6 with aniracetam (plus citicoline and Bacopa leaf).

Choline + Huperzine A

In this merger, the choline (or choline derivative) boosts the effects of huperzine A, further enhancing concentration. Choline itself shows evidence of helping to slow down age-related memory loss.

Optimind ( is a nootropic on the market that blends huperzine A and choline, along with DMAE, caffeine, Vitamins B6 and B12, and green tea leaf extract for the purpose of promoting learning while increasing energy.

Phenibut + a Stimulant

On a personal note, I first learned about Phenibut when a company that sells the substance asked me to test and review it.

If you’ve never heard of Phenibut, it’s actually a substance that was discovered by Russian scientists nearly 30 years ago, and is a central nervous system depressant and derivative of y-aminobutyric-acid.

Phenibut – which has been shown in clinical studies to produce feelings of calm and euphoria – works GREAT as an anti-anxiety supplement.

Notice we said that Phenibut is a CNS depressant. You might wonder…“How could this work like Adderall if it’s a depressant?”

In my personal experience, Phenibut in LOW doses (500 mg or less, spread out) COMBINED with a stimulant seems to have the OPPOSITE effect.

It’s not a hyper, jittery, I feel like I’m on an amphetamine effect, but a very controlled, deliberate, calming and smooth FOCUS and CONCENTRATION gold mine….

Remember the first time you used Adderall? Remember that feeling of euphoria, laser focus, insane concentration, and overall good mood you got?

It’s literally the same effect the first time you use this combo.

Specifically, I recommend you merge a QUALITY source of Phenibut with Optimind. I speak about my experiment with this combo extensively in my review here.

Stacking can be a fun and beneficial process, but it may not be for everyone. Monitor your progress carefully, and refrain from excess – no matter how tempting.

With nootropics being such an intriguing topic, you probably have several questions or need reinforcement on some things. Next, we will answers some of the most frequently asked questions about nootropics.

Chapter 8: Common Questions About Nootropics

“Is it safe to use nootropics with prescription drugs?”

Usually, yes, though you should check with your physician to be certain. In a study to test piracetam’s effects on chronic schizophrenia patients, piracetam was safely given to the subjects while they kept taking their psychotropic medications (Dimond et al., 1979).

Also, levetiracetam is approved in the US as an additional treatment to antiepileptic drugs (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010).

However, there is evidence that alcohol should be avoided when taking piracetam, as piracetam is said to increase blow flow to the brain, which would intensify injury and intoxication[17].

In addition, piracetam is contraindicated (harmful) in patients with severe renal impairment, cerebral hemorrhage, or hypersensitivity to piracetam[18]. If you have a medical condition, consult with your doctor before taking nootropics.

“I’m healthy and happy. Do I really need nootropics?”

The answer to this question is up to you. We can say, though, that racetams have demonstrated positive effects in different groups of people, young and old alike. This, along with their generally low toxicity, make for great supplements especially when compared to many prescription medications.

But to avoid the potential side effects we mentioned earlier, you might want to consider taking nootropics on an as-needed basis.

“If I stop taking nootropics, will I feel stupid?”

If you decide to quit nootropics, you might notice your cognitive abilities returning to baseline. This doesn’t mean you will suddenly forget everything you studied while on nootropics, just that different aspects of your memory may be affected.

You might, for instance, experience enhanced memory recall while taking aniracetam and then notice your memory returning back to normal once you stop.

“How long should I take racetams for?”

Most of the human trials involving piracetam noted significant effects at 12 or more weeks in. You can try taking piracetam at regular dosing for three to four months and then evaluate your results. Taking choline (or a choline derivative) can accelerate the speed at which you see effects.

Remember, racetams are drugs that build up in your system; typically, the more you take them, the better they work. But as we also stated, there’s insufficient evidence as to their effects on long-term usage. With the matter of tolerance being unproven, it’s best to take them in moderation, as needed.

“How much should I start with?”

Nootropics often come in different weights and strengths. The general recommendation is that you start at the suggested minimum level. With capsule-based nootropics, you immediately know how much you’re taking. For powder-based nootropics, however, dosage must be weighed to ensure the correct amount.

You can purchase an inexpensive digital scale and a special measuring spoon online to weigh the dosage, which is definitely better than guessing the correct dosage.

Before you take nootropics, peruse the Internet for studies relevant to you – are you healthy, young, old, suffering from brain trauma, etc.? The Internet is particularly helpful because it’s incredibly easy to read reviews by people experimenting with nootropics.

Remember that while the minimum dosage may work for some people, depending on your body chemistry, you might need more or less than that amount.

“I suffer from narcolepsy. Would Modafinil be helpful?”

Modafinil is prescribed for exactly this purpose in the US and has been approved by the FDA for it, along with sleep apnea. If you’re having these problems, you can speak with your doctor about getting a prescription.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society warns users not to take Modafinil if they’re experiencing insomnia frequently. Modafinil has a long half-life (15 hours), so you should probably take it early in the morning.

“Are Nootropics Legal?”

The legality of nootropics varies by country. In the US, modafinil and leviracetam are FDA-approved prescription drugs. However, most nootropics – such as piracetam, aniracetam and oxiracetam – have not been approved by the FDA, though it is not illegal to possess them.

According to the Eurowid website, in the US, it is legal to use, possess, and import piracetam for the purpose of “personal use.” In Mexico, however, piracetam is a prescription drug[19].

To figure the legal status of nootropics, check the laws in your country.

Hopefully we have provided you with at least some of the answers to your most pressing concerns. If you still have questions, search the Internet, or consult with your physician (or an attorney, in the case of nootropics’ legal status).

Racetam, ampakine, choline, B vitamin, natural nootropic, smart drug, not to mention their countless siblings… With so many nootropics available, confusion is a natural state of mind when it comes to picking one. But we’ve got it all figured out for you – just scroll to the next chapter

Chapter 9: How to Choose the Right Nootropic?

By now, you’re probably experiencing “data overload” from the sheer volume of information in this guide. That’s understandable. The nootropics world is vast and continually expanding, and it’s difficult to keep up with all the latest supplements, let alone pick one.

Selectivity is one of life’s key lessons. Imagine enrolling in a course only to realize that it’s not the field you want to study. Or, after choosing between potential mates you discover that you picked the wrong person. Ouch! The same logic can be applied to choosing the right nootropic.

Sometimes we must experiment in order to arrive at our true destination. But when it comes to nootropics, engaging in self-analysis and research can help you make the right choice from the get-go.

As promised, we’ve simplified things for you.

Below are some questions to ask yourself (and our suggestions) to ensure you’re heading in the right direction.

Do you find it hard to stay awake and/or focused even when performing your favorite activities, but especially during school or work?

If you live in the US, ask your doctor about Modafinil, which is sold for the specific purpose of treating narcolepsy.

There are a few shady online retailers that sell Modafinil, but I wouldn’t recommend it for a few reasons:

  • You don’t always know if you’re getting the REAL Modafinil
  • It’s illegal to buy without a valid prescription.
  • Since most of these retailers are outside of the US, your order has to pass through customs. Many times it won’t make it through and you’ll be out the $.


I would recommend you try the Nootropics All Star Pack from

It consists of 4 powerful supplements, including Adrafinil, Noopept, Sulbutiamine, and Alpha GPC, and I’ve personally used it with great results.

This combo basically provides a step-by-step approach to giving you extreme focus, improved concentration, and enhanced mood.

Step 1: Adrafinil

adrafinil reviewThe first time I took Adrafinil I was actually pleasantly surprised.

Unlike stimulants such as caffeine, DMAA (more on this below), and yohimbe, Adrafinil doesn’t make you hyperactive and jittery. Instead, it basically wakes you up.

It does this because it’s essentially the precursor to Modafinil (sometimes referred to as Provigil).

As I mentioned earlier, Modafinil is only available via a prescription.

Adrafinil is NOT.

In fact, Adrafinil is BASICALLY the same thing as Modafinil, because it’s the precursor to it. What does that mean?

Well, essentially when you consume adrafinil, as it passes through the liver it is metabolized into Modafinil.

So, it “turns into” Modafinil.

That’s step 1, getting you to wake up.

Step 2: Noopept

noopeptThough technically not a “racetam”, noopept is a nootropic that provides similar effects to Piracetam.

However, it’s actually 1000 X more potent, and has been shown to help increase attention span by providing a subtle psychostimulatory effect.

It’s also been shown in several studies to improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration, and on its own works very well.

But it’s most effective as a neuroprotective agent, which essentially means it protects your brain from stress.

That’s step 2, calming you down and increasing attention.

Step3: Alpha GPC

alpha gpcAlpha GPC is a choline containing supplement that helps with new memory formation and learning, and has been widely accepted as an effective nootropic.

Choline is often found in many of the foods we eat, however, most people are deficient in it. Alpha GPC fixes all that.

Its primary purpose is to reduce cognitive decline, which is inevitable as we age.

Some studies have also shown that it can help DRAMATICALLY with attention span and focus, which is why I’ve included it in this stack.

That’s step 3, getting you dialed in and focused.

Step 4: Sulbutiamine

sulbutiamineSulbutiamine is a natural compound that is actually a derivative of Vitamin B1, commonly known as Thiamine.

You’ll notice that a lot of the nootropic supplements on the market often contain pretty high doses of Vitamin B1.

That’s great and all, but there’s one major problem.

It does NOT cross the blood brain barrier in effective doses.

That basically means you’re not getting its full effects.

However, with Sulbutiamine, the effects are WAY more pronounced.

The reason behind this is it DOES cross the blood brain barrier in much more concentrated doses.

Its primary purpose is to enhance energy and mood, 2 things that are absolutely CRUCIAL when you’re trying to get stuff done.

That’s step 4, improving your mood AND giving you a big boost in energy.

So, just to recap.

Step 1: Adrafinil – will WAKE you up.

Step 2: Noopept – will CALM you down.

Step 3: Alpha GPC – will get you DIALED in and focused.

Step 4: Sulbutiamine – will IMPROVE your mood and give you energy.

How Should I Take It?

If you’re just starting off with nootropics, I would recommend that you take each one of these by themselves first to assess your reaction.

The suggested dose for each is as follows:

First Time Use

Adrafinil: 250 – 300 mg

Noopept: 10 mg

Alpha GPC: 250 mg

Sulbutiamine: 500 mg

Once you’ve taken all 2 at these low doses, then you can start to move up.

Intermediate Dose Range

Adrafinil: 600 mg

Noopept: 20 mg

Alpha GPC: 500 mg

Sulbutiamine: 500 mg

And if you’re a pro at taking this stuff, you can move on to even heavier doses:

Adrafinil: 900 mg

Noopept: 30 mg

Alpha GPC: 750 mg

Sulbutiamine: 500 mg

It’s VERY important to note that you should take all of these on a completely empty stomach, just like with the Optimind and Phenibut combo.

I would also highly recommend that you take them first thing in the morning.

If you take them later in the day you risk insomnia, especially from the Adrafinil.

Where Can I Buy It?

nootropics all star pack

Visit the official Absorb Your Health site here:

Are you looking for an Adderall alternative?

optimind reviewTry Huperzine A, green tea leaf extract, and/or caffeine (as found in the product Optimind), and stack with Phenibut to keep the edge off.

Optimind works great for helping to promote laser-like focus, increased memory cognition and energy, and overall drive / motivation.

In fact, it works so well that I use it practically every day.

Optimind contains 4 absolutely ESSENTIAL ingredients for anyone looking for that mental edge, including Huperzine-A, DMAE, Caffeine, and GABA.

Stacking it with Phenibut is HIGHLY recommended, as the Phenibut will essentially ELIMINATE any over-stimulation you would otherwise get from the Optimind.

Click Here to read my detailed review of Optimind.

Are you looking to enhance your cognitive abilities, particularly in regards to memory and concentration over an extended period of time?

Try a racetam or Bacopa (check out chapters 2 and 3 for the differences between them all). Use choline or a choline derivative with the racetam to get significant effects more rapidly.

mind lab pro reviewAlternatively, you can check out a supplement called Mind Lab Pro. It takes a bit of time to kick in, but the effects on short / long term memory, cognitive balance, and focus are ENORMOUS.

Mind Lab Pro ( contains 4 key ingredients that help with functional memory, including Citicholine, Phosphatidylserine, L-Theanine, and Lions Mane Mushroom.

The main thing that differs between Mind Lab Pro and so many of the other nootropic supplements that I’ve tested is that it does NOT contain any harsh stimulants like DMAA or yohimbe.

It just gives you a clean, non-jittery approach to helping improve your memory and focus.

Click Here to read my official review of Mind Lab Pro.

Have you experienced brain trauma of some sort and want to improve your learning scores as you recover?

Piracetam and aniracetam are especially beneficial in this area, especially when it comes to encephalopathy and brain surgeries.

Is your diet rich in vitamins and minerals? Have you seen your doctor recently about your overall health?

If you’re deficient in certain vitamins, supplementing with them can easily fix the problem. Be sure to verify whether the vitamins are fat or water soluble[20].

Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fat and are stored in the tissues of your body. Absorbing too much fat from this type of vitamin can cause the vitamin to be too prevalent in your body.

Water soluble vitamins dissolve in water, and your body needs a steady intake of them. Although most water soluble vitamins are not stored in your body, don’t assume that it’s OK to take them in excess.

Vitamin deficiencies can cause all sorts of horrid problems, such as nausea, weakness, lethargy and dermatitis. When in doubt, see your doctor to ensure that your diet is healthy.

Now that you’ve got a head start, you’re probably wondering… How can I get a hold of this stuff? No problem, we’ve got your back. The next chapter includes places where you can buy nootropics.

Chapter 10: My Personal Recommendations

Not all online nootropics stores are created equal. Before you buy from a store, conduct a thorough research on the store’s reputation. This information is easy to find, as nootropic users are generally quite vocal about sharing their online shopping experiences.

It’s vital that you buy from a store with a reputation for selling high quality products, along with offering great value for your money and superb customer service.

Based on our research and from personal testing, we have compiled a short list of online stores we recommend, as well as some of the best supplements I’ve personally tested.


nootropics all star packAbsorb Your Health sells a wide array of nootropics, including adrafinil, noopept, aniracetam, pramiracetam, and more.

They offer free shipping for orders over $75, and are one of the most reputable vendors I have ever ordered from.

Here’s their website –






















Nugenix Maxx Review – 1 BIG Reason to Wonder

Nugenix has been one of the most popular natural testosterone boosting supplements on the market for quite a while now. They advertise on TV and radio, and they sell it at GNC and other and if you ask a hundred guys to name a natural testosterone booster, Nugenix is probably the name you’ll hear most.

I tried it a while back, and we have an extensive review, including my personal results. You can read it here if you want to know what all the buzz is about.

Nugenix Maxx Image 1But recently, they put out a new version called Nugenix Maxx. I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet, but for now, here’s everything we know about this new product from the very successful company.

In a nutshell, the original Nugenix formula focuses on the power of Testofen from the Fenugreek plant to boost testosterone. Several studies have been performed on Testofen and its relationship to vitality and testosterone. Some, like this one, have shown that there is a significant positive correlation. Zinc, Tribulus Terrestris, and other effective ingredients known to have an effect on testosterone levels were also included in the formula, all working together to gain significant increases in libido, natural energy, and the ability to gain lean muscle.

Nugenix Maxx builds on that solid base, then takes your increases to the next level.

Why You Need A Testosterone Booster

Nugenix Maxx is called an “Ultra Premium Free Testosterone Booster,” the most complete on the market. The listed benefits are the same as the original, but they’re all turned up several notches.

Once teenage boys hit puberty, their bodies are awash with testosterone – more than anyone knows what to do with. It’s what powers their journey to adulthood. It fosters growth, muscle gain, energy, libido. Even drive traces back to testosterone. But as we get older and round past about 35, we can start to notice a pretty steady decline in all these areas.

That’s because starting at the age of 25 or so, our bodies stop producing quite so much testosterone. We don’t notice it at first because we’ve got so much at that point we’re practically swimming in it. The precise age we do start to notice varies by individual, but it’s usually around the 35 years old mark. That’s when your workouts start to get a little harder, the results a little less quick to come, you start losing a little interest in sex, you notice new flab around your middle. All the little tell tale signs we call aging, but are very much connected to loss of testosterone.

Top Causes for Low Testosterone

And that’s why natural testosterone boosting supplements are so popular, and why companies like Nugenix continue to put out new and better products, trying to capture more and more of the market.

How Nugenix Maxx Works

If you get your testosterone levels tested, you’ll get two numbers: one represents the total testosterone in your system, the other represents “free testosterone”. Free testosterone is really the number that matters. It’s basically the testosterone that’s available for your body to use. The rest is unavailable, and essentially useless.

A subset of the total testosterone molecules in your body become bound to a substance called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin or SHBG. Once this happens, any of these bound testosterone molecules are rendered unavailable and useless. So it’s in our best interest to keep as much of our testosterone free as possible.

Nugenix Maxx makes the bold claim that it’s the Ultra Premium Free Testosterone Booster, so we should be able to expect that as we start getting into the details of the formula, we’ll come across ingredients that boost overall testosterone production as well as ingredients that boost free testosterone by acting on SHBG.

Nugenix Maxx Ingredients

Nugenix Maxx takes some of the basics of the original Nugenix formula and builds on them. Let’s start by talking about the ones borrowed from the original. The three they’ve chosen to keep are indeed crucial to the ability of Nugenix Maxx to do what it says it does:

Nugenix Maxx IngredientsZinc

A vital nutrient in the body’s process of producing testosterone. In this way, it’s involved in boosting total testosterone, as opposed to free testosterone. In fact, studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between Zinc and total testosterone in both young, healthy men and older men. This is most prevalent in those who are zinc deficient, so if you have a zinc deficiency, increasing zinc intake will boost testosterone, but if you already have enough zinc, increasing your intake won’t boost testosterone levels even higher.


The featured ingredient in the original Nugenix. As we noted earlier, Testofen can increase both total and free testosterone. Of even more significance, the amount of Testofen in a daily serving of Nugenix Maxx is 600 mg, the same amount used in the study. In the original Nugenix formula, Testofen is included in a proprietary blend, so it’s not known how much is actually used.

Tribulus Alatus

Related to Tribulus Terrestris, but may be even more effective. Both are thought to increase total testosterone, but the truth is that the studies simply don’t bear this out in any definitive way. It does appear, however, that Tribulus Alatus has been shown to increase free testosterone in rats. So the in the future, we may see more definitive studies in humans as well.

In addition to these 3 key components borrowed from the original formula, Nugenix Maxx also includes:

  • Vitamin D (20 mcg) which you’ll find in a significant number of healthy lifestyle supplements these days as it’s becoming more and more clear that most adults are deficient.
  • Ashwagandha (600 mg) which doesn’t boost testosterone, but does help the body respond better to stressful situation by lowering levels of cortisol – the stress hormone.
  • Shilajit (500 mg) which is present in many testosterone boosting supplements, yet doesn’t really have the scientific evidence to back up its usefulness.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia (150 mg) which may increase the body’s free testosterone levels according to WebMD
  • Rhodiola Root Extract (150 mg) which also may help the body respond better in both physically and mentally stressful situations.
  • Maca Root Extract (150 mg) which is well known to be a natural aphrodisiac. It doesn’t affect testosterone, per se, but it mimics the effect of boosted testosterone by boosting libido.
  • Panax Ginseng Extract (140 mg) which is good for erectile health, and may have a bit of testosterone boosting ability, but not a whole lot. Mainly the presence of Ginseng is more about boosting sexual confidence, which is in itself a by-product of increased testosterone.
  • White Button Mushroom Extract (10 mg) which can decrease the amount of excess testosterone that converts to estrogen. This is due to its aromatase inhibiting properties.

See Our Top Choice For Natural Testosterone Boosting

How to Use Nugenix Maxx

Mainly due to the increased volume of ingredients packed into the Nugenix Maxx formula, the daily dose is 4 capsules instead of 3. It’s recommended that you take them in the morning, but taking it with or without food is up to you.

What About Side Effects?

No supplement is guaranteed to be free of all side effects, but there’s no need to expect anything major when it comes to Nugenix Maxx. If you’re healthy and don’t have allergies, the chances of experiencing any side effects at all are slim.

That said, Nugenix Maxx is for adults, over the age of 18, and should not be taken while pregnant or nursing. If you take medications or have medical conditions including hormone sensitivities, blood sugar issues, or liver conditions, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

If you take it and notice that something does not seem right, that means you may be experiencing side effects and you should closely monitor them and listen to your body, even if the chances of experiencing them are very little.

What Does Nugenix Maxx Cost?

This may be the biggest difference between Nugenix Maxx and the original Nugenix. While you can pick up a month’s supply of the original at GNC for just $57.99, Nugenix Maxx comes in at a whopping $169.99. That’s a HUGE difference. It’s available at for that same price as well.

While Nugenix is sold in lots of stores, both online and local, I’ve only seen Nugenix Maxx at GNC and so far. They could be testing the waters before a big roll out. That remains to be seen.

Nugenix Maxx Customer Reviews

Nugenix Maxx Testoterone DifferencesAnother thing that remains to be seen is whether or not customers think Nugenix Maxx works. At this point in time, it’s so new I can’t find a single piece of customer feedback online. And I have so many supplements lined up to test, I haven’t tried it yet either. Stay tuned for more information along these lines as we get it.


Nugenix Maxx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nugenix Maxx

  • The formula is much more complete than the original Nugenix.
  • It uses a clinical amount of Testofen, leading us to believe that it may work very well.
  • You don’t need to cycle Nugenix Maxx.
  • It includes an aromatase inhibitor.

Disadvantages of Nugenix Maxx

  • It’s very expensive.
  • There are no customer reviews yet.

The Bottom Line

Nugenix Maxx is the newest addition to the Nugenix testosterone boosting family. Given the high price point, they have clearly decided that this one will be the premier product in the line. The ingredient list is good, especially considering the clinical amount of Testofen used. I’d like to see some D-Aspartic Acid as well. That would put it over the top for me.

As it is, we’ll hold off final judgment on Nugenix Maxx until we can get some customer feedback and/or till I get a chance to try it. For now, if you decide to try it, let me know how it works out.

It seems like a safe bet and contains some key ingredients that have made many other similar supplements quite effective, so there is no reason to assume that it wouldn’t work well in this one.

Have You Used Nugenix Maxx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Endovex Pills Review: 1 BIG Reason To Avoid It


What’s the secret pill
What is Endovex
My Personal Results
What About Endovex Reviews
Where Can I Buy Endovex
I Got Suckered Into Buying It
Back to the Blog In Question

Note:  I finally got a chance to try out Endovex, Click Here
to read my full review.

Keeping up with all of the latest and greatest male enhancement pills can be VERY frustrating.

There are so many of them available and unfortunately, there are so many duds that sifting through them and separating the real from the fake wastes a lot of time that could be spent finding the absolute best ones out there.

I know from experience, because I’ve been personally testing and writing about them for years.

Just when I start writing about one product, all of a sudden a new product with a completely different name will pop up to replace the old one.

This is a tactic many companies are using to thwart being outed by sites like, and to keep their scams going for as long as possible.

To the untrained eye, many of them may look just like any typical male enhancement supplement, but if you know what to look for you can spot a defective product from a mile away.

One such product I came across recently that’s done this is called Endovex male enhancement, which is the focus of this review.

Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

I first came across Endovex when I saw this ad:

endovex ad on porn site

You’ll see ads like this on Porn Sites all the time, and it just so happens that this is where I saw it first.

When I clicked on the ad, it took me to a suspicious looking page that looked like this:

// content/files/2017/04/fake

Look familiar?

I thought so…

Anyway, throughout this page (which was apparently written by a woman named Kate), it talks about her frustrations with her husbands inability to perform in the bedroom.

Willing to try anything, she “says” she came across an interview with Brazzers porn star Johnny Sins, who said that any man can last up to 2 hours using some secret “harmless herbal pill”.

Related article:  6 Male Enhancement Scams And How To Avoid Them

What’s the secret pill?

You guessed it, Endovex.

She goes on to say that she cleverly handed her husband the Endovex pills and told him it was a multi vitamin.


In less than 1 hour, they were humping like 2 kids on prom night.

endovex results

When I first saw the Endovex pic above, something caught my eye.

I KNOW I’ve seen this label before, and sure as shit, when I went to my VXL (PXL) review, there’s some HUGE similarities.

Here’s the Endovex box:

vxl vs endovex

and here’s the VXL (PXL) box:

vxl male enhancement pills

They LOOK the same, but ARE they the same?

More on that later, back to the story….

So wife slips her husband Endovex, telling him it’s a multi vitamin.

An hour later, they’re humping and pumping.

And what was even more exciting was they had sex that night for ALMOST 2 hours.

1 hour and 47 minutes, to be exact (must have been using a stopwatch).

To top it all off, they are giving away these pills FREE.

endovex free trial

What do you have to lose?!

Well it turns out MUCH more than you bargained for.

Let’s talk about the product before we go any further.

What is Endovex?

According to their website, Endovex is a “medical strength male enhancement” supplement that is designed to give you bigger, longer lasting erections, a surge in sex drive and energy, and increased sexual confidence.

They don’t outright say that it will give you a specific size gain like 2 – 4 inches, but who’s kidding who?

They certainly imply it.

endovex size gains

So what’s in this revolutionary new supplement that makes it so effective?

Well, according to them Endovex contains ingredients like Ginkgo Biloba extract, Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto berry, L-Arginine, Red Ginger, Bioperine, and Muira Puama extract.

endovex ingredients on their website

However, I ordered a bottle of Endovex myself, and the only ingredients I’m seeing is 20 mg of Magnesium, 685 mg of L-Arginine, and 94 mg of L-Citrulline.

endovex ingredients on the label

Why the discrepancy?

No clue, but my guess is that they may have done some sort of formulation change.

That, or they forgot to tell the webmaster what the ACTUAL ingredients in Endovex really are.

In any case, there’s not really anything “revolutionary” about these ingredients to be honest.

This exact same formulation is found in dozens of other supplements, including Zyalix.

My Personal Results

I got a bottle of Endovex to try out personally, and to be quite honest I’m not very impressed.

The directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules once a day, which is exactly what I did.

What was the result?

Well, the first thing I noticed was that I had an upset stomach.

Not the kind of upset stomach that keeps you in bed for 24 hours, but the kind that just makes you feel overall uncomfortable.

That did seem to pass after a few days, but I still wasnt seeing any results.

endovex reviewsI decided to call the Endovex customer service phone number to cancel my trial (more on that below) and what followed was 15 minutes of pure harassment.

What do you mean?

Well, typically when I call to cancel a trial, they usually try to keep you to keep you on.

They’ll pull tactics like:

  • If you’re experiencing side effects, they will tell you to take half the dose or take it with food.
  • Offer to extend your trial by 2 weeks, usually telling you that it can take a few weeks to see the best results.
  • Tell you that you can keep the bottle at a discounted price, usually like 35 – 45% less than the original sale price.

And when I called Endovex they DID all of that.


They also did more.

The customer service rep that I had on the phone kept trying to keep me in the trial, saying I had nothing to worry about.

That the trial will continue and that I’ll see great results.

I kept telling her that I appreciate the offer, but that I did NOT want to continue the trial, and that I wanted to cancel.

Every single time I started saying this, she would LITERALLY start to talk over me.

After 1bout 15 minutes of this, I decided enough was enough and I hung up on her.

Initially I was just going to call my bank and have them do a 3 way call, which is something you can do to basically expedite the cancellation process.

Instead, the creative juices started flowing.

I figured what the hell, maybe I can have a little bit of fun with this, and decided to call back and record the conversation on video so you guys can see how difficult it is to cancel your Endovex trial.

The only issue is, the audio on my webcam ABSOLUTELY sucks.

So, later on today I’m going to head to Best Buy and pick up a good mic.

I should have the video up shortly, so stay tuned!

What About Endovex Reviews?  Are There Any?

None that I’m aware of, not yet at least.  If you search for Endovex on google, you’re returned with dozens of sites that are clearly marketing the supplement.

endovex google search results

For example, take the authority on nutrition website Healthy Talk Zone Dot Com.

They scream “Does it 100% Safe Male Enhancement Or A Big Scam?”

Because we all know that it’s important to know that.

You go to their page and are BOMBARDED by a giant banner ad for Endovex.

endovex side effects

I’ve scoured the entire page, and there isn’t ONE SINGLE mention of whether or not they used it, or if there are any side effects.

In fact, the entire page is clearly written by someone who was paid VERY little to do so.

I tried searching around on Youtube to find someone who may have tried it out, but again came up short.

You’ll find videos like this one:


And this one:


Which are actually cringe-worthy to even attempt to watch.

They make no mention of how Endovex works, what the side effects are, how to use it, or even what the price is.

They’re really just blatant ads for the product itself.

Where Can I Buy Endovex?

I checked around a few stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens, and none of them sell Endovex.

The only place I’m seeing it for sale is on their official website, which I won’t even mention the name of here (if you want that, go to Healthy Talk Zone dot com, they’ll hook you up).

You can’t actually outright buy Endovex, but wouldn’t you know it they’re offering a free trial for the low low price of only $4.95.

That’s right folks, all you have to do is pay for the shipping and you’ll get a free sample of Endovex within days.

Not So Fast…

What’s that say in the fine print way at the bottom?

endovex free trial terms and conditions

That’s right, you’ll be charged almost $94 15 days after ordering it.

Conveniently for them this is located in very fine print way at the bottom.

You probably missed it, as 95% of guys usually do.

I talk about this in great detail in my free trial scams article, check it out here.

Ok, I Got Suckered Into Buying It….What Do I do?

If you’re looking to cancel your Endovex free trial, you can do so by calling their customer service phone number at 1-855-765-7911 anytime from Mon-Fri between 8 am and 12 am EST, and Sat and Sun from 9 am – 6 pm EST.

You can also apparently email them at, but I would call to make sure they can’t claim they never received your email.

You HAVE to do this within 14 days of placing your order, and if you don’t, they will charge you the full price of the product.

But it doesn’t end there….

When you call them, they will issue you what’s called a “Return Merchandise Authorization” number, or RMA #.

Basically what this means is that you need to send the product back to them (opened or unopened) within 30 days of the original purchase date.

So if you bought Endovex today, July 18, you would have to call and cancel by July 30th, and send it back to them by August 17 (there are 31 days in July).

It’s all right here in there terms and conditions, check it out:

endovex return policy

Also, be sure to add tracking to the package so they can’t claim they never received it, and MAKE SURE you write the RMA # on the outside of the package.

To be on the safe side, I would even suggest you write it in more than 1 place.

Back to the Blog In Question

When I first looked at this supposed “blog” post by Kate, I knew it looked familiar.

And that’s because, there’s been several other supplements that have used this exact same blog to sell their products, including Zyntix:

johnny sins uses zyntix

and Blackcore Edge Max

blackcore edge ad

What you probably completely missed is the part that screams ADVERTISEMENT right at the top of the page.

endovex free trial ad

Trust me, you’re not the first guy to miss that.


I’m gonna call it like I see it, guys.

Endovex is an outright SCAM.

They are luring guys in with the promise of a free trial, only to knock their credit cards 15 days down the road.

In all likelihood you’ll see Endovex being promoted for the nest couple of weeks or so, until guys start catching on.

Once that happens, they’ll pull Endovex off the shelves, create a totally different product with a totally different name, and rinse and repeat the process.

Unfortunately for most guys they will reach this post too late.

If you google Endovex reviews you’ll likely see this particular post either way down at the bottom of the results, or in some cases on page 2.

This is unfortunate for 2 reasons:

  1.  Google loses out because ultimately they are showing crap results in their search engine, and:
  2.  You lose out because you didn’t know you were going to be billed.

In any case I hope that google catches on and starts to eventually rank pages like this one higher.

Until then the scams will continue to bilk guys out of MILLIONS of dollars of their hard earned money.

Unfortunately no pill will give you any sort of increase in size, but there are some REAL methods that actually do WORK.

If you’re TRULY looking for something to help gain size, then click here.

In that article, we talk about the use of Pumps, Extenders, and other methods that have been around for YEARS, and have been clinically proven to help you gain size.

Have You Used Endovex?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Black Stallion 9000 3D Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try

Judging from my email inbox and the dozens of comments and questions I get each day, most guys really want a safe, natural, over-the-counter substitute for Viagra. And who can blame them? The stuff works, but it’s expensive, you need to see your doctor to get it (which can be a hassle), and for a lot of guys, it comes with side effects and warnings they can do without.

There are tons of effective daily use male enhancement supplements on the market; even natural testosterone boosters when used daily can help. But for guys who want a pill they can take ½ an hour before sex to ensure they’re ready, there aren’t a lot of effective options.

Black Stallion 9000 3D ImageThat’s what Black Stallion 9000 3D claims to be. It’s a fast acting male enhancement supplement. Take one pill about 30-45 minutes before you plan to have sex, and your libido will be sky high with an erection to get the job done and then some. The benefits are simply stated as:

  • Size increase.
  • Greater stamina.
  • Boosted sex drive.
  • Harder erections.
  • Increased pleasure.
  • More confidence.

And the benefits of one pill can last up to 7 days. It’s exactly what most guys want, and if you can get it just by taking an all natural pill, then this could be revolutionary. So let’s check out the formula to see if Black Stallion 9000 3D really works.

Black Stallion 9000 3D Ingredients

The Black Stallion 9000 3D label shows the complete ingredients list, including amounts. This is an unexpected bonus, as most supplements of this kind rely on proprietary blends to keep their formulas under wraps.

The list includes:

  • Maca Root (120 mg) which is a well known herbal aphrodisiac to boost libido.
  • Horny Goat Weed (120 mg) which can improve blood flow for better erections.
  • Guarana Seed (80 mg) which is a natural source of caffeine for energy and stamina.
  • Ginkgo Leaf (60mg) which also improves blood flow.
  • Saw Palmetto (100 mg) for improved prostate health.
  • Damiana Leaf (100 mg), also a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Ginseng Root (80 mg) which boosts blood flow and libido.
  • Tribulus Terrestris (90 mg) which may increase the body’s natural testosterone production.
  • Tongkat Ali (100 mg) which can help free up testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin which binds to testosterone molecules.
  • Rhodiola Rosea (60 mg) which works as an adaptagen to help the body respond better to stressful situations.
  • L-Arginine (90 mg) which acts as a precursor to nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels allowing more blood to flow through creating bigger, harder erections.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

Black Stallion 9000 3D Ingredients Image

It’s a good list of ingredients, and fairly typical, although the amounts are all pretty low. For instance, if you take Maca on its own, recommended doses are from 500 mg to 3 grams, while recommended doses for L-Arginine in male enhancement are in grams, not milligrams. 90 mg shouldn’t be expected to have much effect.

Black Stallion 9000 3D Side Effects and Warnings

When viewing the Black Stallion 9000 3D label, there’s no mention of side effects, but there is a warning against using it if you’ve had heart attack symptoms, high blood pressure, or if you take any medications. These warnings are fairly mild, and don’t cause too much worry about a growing problem within the fast acting performance enhancement supplement market that we’ll talk about next.

FDA Recalls of Fast Acting ED Supplements

It happens all the time; we’ll come across something that seems to work really well, only to find out a few months down the road (sometimes a little longer) that the reason it works just like Viagra is because it IS just like Viagra. A lot of these so-called “natural” fast acting supplements aren’t natural at all.

Supplements like One More Knight, Ezerex, and Ready Man ALL were found by the FDA to be doing this.
Without disclosing it on their label or in any of their marketing materials, they inject the active ingredient from one of the doctor prescribed medicines – Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenaril (Levitra), or Tadalafil (Cialis) into their so-called “natural” pill.

Related ArticleRead More About The Closest Thing To Viagra Available Over The Counter

While you may think it’s a great thing that you can get prescription-strength results without the hassle or cost, there are clear drawbacks. The most glaring one is that you’re taking a drug that has the potential to cause real and serious complications without knowing it.

Prescription WarningsThere is a population of men who take herbal supplements because it would be medically dangerous, fatal even, for them to take the prescription drugs. Specifically, if you take Nitrates for a heart condition, taking prescription ED medication could lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. (1)

If someone in this situation were to take a supplement because they think it’s herbal and safe, he could find himself in the hospital or worse.

So while a healthy person may see the unexpected drugs as a bonus, we all should recognize and call out the carelessness and callousness of a company that would put the lives of its customers in danger.

It just makes me feel a little bit queezy and is all around not a business whose hand I would readily want to shake, if you know what I mean, as that is just untrustworthy and does not set a good precedent for putting any good faith in their product.

This does not appear to be the case with Black Stallion 9000 3D. The listed formula looks like it could be somewhat effective without the extra help of the prescription drugs, and the warnings are far less stark and dramatic than they tend to be on the pills that get recalled. Another tell-tale sign is reports of side effects from customers, which I don’t see with Black Stallion 9000 3D.

Black Stallion 9000 3D Reviews

We found no customer reviews for Black Stallion 9000 3D online, but we did see some for Black Stallion 5000 3D which actually has the exact same formula. The number of reviews is small, but they’re mainly positive, and not a single one mentions side effects. This is the best indication yet that there are no undisclosed ingredients in the pills. If there were, it’s highly likely that we’d hear about side effects in customer reviews.

As it is, this is pretty representative of the customer feedback we saw:

Black Stallion 9000 3D Amazon Review Image

Where to Buy

Black Stallion 9000 3D is sold online, and you might also find it in sex shops and gas stations, though it’s impossible to pinpoint which ones.

At Amazon, you can buy a 20-pill pack for $54.45. Other online shops sell different sized packages, like 2 for $7.99 each, 10 for $5.99 each, and 80 for $4.29 each.

Black Stallion 9000 3D Pros and Cons

Advantages of Black Stallion 9000 3D

  • It’s ingredients are all natural.
  • It does not appear to contain undisclosed ingredients.
  • You don’t have to take it every day.

Disadvantages of Black Stallion 9000 3D

  • Ingredient doses seem pretty low.
  • There are no customer reviews online.


For the reasons mentioned above, the search for a safe and effective fast acting male performance enhancement pill is tricky. Black Stallion 9000 3D has NOT been recalled by the FDA for containing unsafe undisclosed ingredients, so that’s a good sign that it may be safe. Whether or not it’s effective looks promising as well, but remains to be seen. Next time you’re making purchases on, add it to your cart and give it a try.

If you can look past some of their past hiccups and trust that they will continue to do it the right way going forward, I would say there is no reason to anticipate running into problems when taking Black Stallion 9000 3D unless you are allergic to any of its ingredients or on medications that interact with it.

Have You Used Black Stallion 9000 3D? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

NervaCORE Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try It

You may have noticed we’ve been testing a lot of nootropic supplements lately. The market has exploded over the past couple of years, and there really are several good reasons for this. The world just keeps getting more and more competitive and people want an edge to help them get ahead.

When college kids started taking their friends’ Adderall pills to stay up and focused all night writing research papers and studying for exams, it became clear there was an opening for supplement companies to come in an offer safe, legal alternatives.

NervaCORE ImageWhat Is NervaCORE?

NervaCORE’s approach to cognitive enhancement is unique in that it melds physical and mental readiness, making the point that our best lives are well rounded and involved a healthy amount of both physical and mental activity.

To that end, NervaCORE is a nootropic supplement that provides lasting energy and focus. By boosting both focus and energy, you’ll get the competitive edge you’re looking for whether your sitting for an exam or hitting the gym on leg day. NervaCORE is popular with athletes looking for an alternative to stim-based, pump-oriented pre workouts. It improves workouts by helping with energy levels, reaction times

Who Makes NervaCORE?

Catalytic Edge Lifestyle Inc., otherwise known as CEL Nutrition, makes NervaCORE as their flagship product. They’re a new company, having incorporated in Edmonton, CA in spring of 2015 with a two-part mission:

1. To create supplements that help people become the best they can be in terms of health and lifestyle.

2. To serve as an example of charity by donating to organizations and people in need.

They have clearly set out to be a company rooted in honesty and integrity. At this time, they don’t have a presence with the Better Business Bureau, or any other consumer protection agency that we found, so we’re not certain whether or not they’re living up to their goal. As we learn more about the company and its flagship product, hopefully, we’ll be better able to make a reasonable assessment.

At this point, lets take a look at the actual product itself. We’ll examine the formula as well as customer feedback to get a good idea of whether or not it’s worth our time and money.

NervaCORE Ingredients

The NervaCORE formula starts off with a Vitamin B complex that includes:

  • Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3) (10mg). According to WebMd, it’s beneficial when used in cases of high cholesterol, headaches, and dizziness. It is also used in treating Alzheimer’s Disease and age related cognitive decline. It’s been known to cause a reddening, heat producing, flush of the skin, but this would generally be at higher doses than the 10 mg used here.
  • Vitamin B6 (aka Pyridoxine Hcl) (30 mg), a lack of which can be associated with feelings of depression. It’s crucial to the process by which cells metabolize energy and it’s involved in the body’s production of neurotransmitters.
  • Folic Acid (aka Vitamin B9) (200 mcg) which has been shown to improve mental performance in people over 50 and slow age related cognitive decline by decreasing levels of homocysteine which can cause both heart disease and dementia.
  • Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) (500 mcg) which assists in the blood’s production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to cells throughout your body. It also improves cells’ ability to adjust to changing circumstances, ie stress. It’ been shown to boost cognitive abilities in people with deficiencies.
  • Vitamin B5 (or Pantothenic Acid) (20 mg) which is necessary for the body to produce the essential neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. It may also protect cells from breakdown due to toxins.

Most of the rest of the formula is included in the 1160 mg Proprietary Neural Complex, which is made up of:

NervaCORE Ingredients ImagePaullinia Cupana (aka Guarana) is seed that’s known to contain caffeine, and is used for its potential to provide energy and cognitive stimulation. The recommended daily dose is about 100 mg taken in two divided doses.

L-Tyrosine which provides energy and improves mood. It may also improve the way your brain responds to stressful situations, such as fatigue and anxiety. The recommended daily dose is between 500 and 2000.

L-Taurine which can support a calm, relaxed mood while bolstering the health of your nervous system and regulating the activities of neurotransmitters in the brain. It produces a calm mood with a mild sedative effect, promoting restful sleep. In this way, it promotes waking energy. The recommended daily dose is between 1 and 3 grams per day.

Alpha GPC which is most well know as a provider of choline to the brain, boosting memory and protecting against age related cognitive decline. Choline is used by the brain to produce the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. The recommended daily dose for nootropic purposes is 600 mg taken in 2 divided doses of 300 mg.

Acetyl L-Carnitine is commonly used to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and to slow the mental decline associated with it. One of the ways it functions is by producing cellular energy which can make your brain and the rest of your body function more efficiently and properly. For memory loss, the recommended daily dose is 1500-2000 mg.

Huperzine A is believed to improve both memory and cognition by increasing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. It’s used by Alzheimer’s patients to delay cognitive decline and by students to improve focus and retention while studying. The way it is believed to work is by inhibiting the action of an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, leaving more of the neurotransmitter to serve its cognitive function in the brain. The recommended daily dose is somewhere between 50 and 200 mcg.

Two additional ingredients in the formula are:

  • Vinpocetine (20 mg) which comes from the periwinkle plant and is thought to be neuroprotective and posess anti aging properties. It enhances blood flow and is thought to improve memory. Daily recommended doses are between 15 to 60 mg.
  • Bioperine (5 mg) which improves the absorption of the rest of the ingredients in the formula.

The CEL Nutrition folks made some solid choices when putting together the NervaCORE formula. Many of the ingredients are backed by clinical studies showing their effectiveness against neuronal decline, but there are a couple issues that need to be addressed:

1. Most of the ingredients, if studied at all, are studied for their ability to help people with cognitive deficits, more than healthy adults with no issues.

2. Where ingredients have been shown to be effective, they are recommended in much higher doses than what appears to be in the NervaCORE formula.

When compared with most other nootropic formulas, NervaCORE is right there in the thick of the pack – not bad, but not spectacular either.

How To Take NervaCORE

You’re instructed to take 1-2 capsules daily with a light meal for best absorption. The optimal time for your dose is 30 minutes prior to physical or mental activity. You should not exceed 4 capsules in 24 hours, and while it’s best to take it on a consistent basis, you should take about 2 days off each week so as not to build up a tolerance.

NervaCORE Warnings and Side Effects

You can expect NervaCORE to be generally side effect-free. Aside from any allergies particular to you, there’s no reason to expect anything more than occasional stomach upset as you might encounter with any pill.

It’s not meant for anyone under 18, or for pregnant or nursing women. Of course, as with any supplement, if you have a medical condition, take prescription medication, and/or have any concerns at all, check with your doctor before taking NervaCORE.

Where to Buy

NervaCORE is not sold in stores, but there are a few online sources to choose from, namely and There is a product website for NervaCORE and a company website for CEL Nutrition, both of which provide detailed information on the company and the product. But once you choose to place an order, you’re kicked over to to complete the process.

At Amazon, a 90-count bottle, which could last well longer than a month depending on how you take it, costs $28.97 and is eligible for 2-day free shipping with an Amazon Prime membership.

NervaCORE boasts a very generous return policy in that you don’t have to return your initial bottle. If you’re not satisfied, just let them know and they will refund your first bottle in full. If you purchased additional bottles, you would need to return those, unopened, in order to get refunded in full for them.

Because your purchase is made through Amazon instead of with CEL Nutrition directly, the terms may be a little different there. You would have to clarify that with Amazon before or during your purchase process.

At, you can buy the same 90-count bottle, but for a much higher price of $54.99.

NervaCORE Reviews

Being sold on Amazon means Amazon customer reviews, and in the case of NervaCORE, that’s mostly good news.


NervaCORE Amazon Review Summary


The vast majority of reviews are very favorable. Here are some examples:


NervaCORE 5 star review 1

NerveCORE 5 star amazon review 2


Yet there are certainly some customers who’s experiences were quite different:


NervaCORE 1 Star Review


In both the good and the bad reviews, there’s a theme of comparing NervaCORE to the popular Alpha Brain. In most cases, it comes up that they’re similar, but NervaCORE is sold at a fraction of the cost, which usually adds an extra star or two to the rating.

The Bottom Line

When I get around to trying NervaCORE myself (which might take a while since I’ve got a list a mile long to get to and giving them each their fair shot takes some time), I don’t expect that it will blow me away. I will probably feel some benefit in terms or energy, motivation, and focus, but it probably won’t be earth shattering. I could be wrong, of course. That’s why we try them out, because you never know for sure until you do.

But in the meantime, I have no problem recommending that you try NervaCORE yourself as well. At under $30 for more than a month’s worth of product and a solid, easy to enact money back guarantee, it’s worth a shot.

If you do check it out, be sure and let me know how it goes. The more feedback we share on these products, the better able we all will be to make smart decisions going forward.

Have You Used NervaCORE? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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X Monster Review – 1 HUGE Reason to Use Caution

Have you ever noticed how many male enhancement supplements are sold on Trust me, it’s a lot. Some of them are not worth even the time it takes to read about, but there are some gems in the mix. The trick is finding them.

Take X Monster for instance. It’s marketed as a fast acting male sexual performance enhancing pill, so right off the bat, we know there’s a market of guys who’d buy it if it works. But does it? The truth is it’s not easy to find a fast acting over-the-counter pill. Everyone wants Viagra-like results without the prescription or the cost, but so far, herbal ingredients have had a hard time completely reaching that goal.

Let’s take a closer look at X Monster, its formula, its cost, and its customer feedback, to see if this one might have broken through to become the one you want.

X Monster Review 1X Monster Benefits

Little is stated regarding the benefits of X Monster. This is probably a reflection of the fact that the product description as a sexual performance enhancer pretty much speaks for itself. By taking it about an hour before your planned sexual activity, you’ll be ready with sky high libido and a raging erection, and you’ll be prepared to go as long as it takes for both of you to reach the ultimate satisfaction.

X Monster Ingredients

The X Monster formula is a 1350mg proprietary blend. This means the formula consists of several different herbal ingredients in amounts that add up to a total of 1350 mg. Individual ingredient amounts are not known.

Within the proprietary blend, there’s:

  • Avena Sativa which may help increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.
  • Guarana which is a natural source of caffeine for energy and stamina
  • Panax Ginseng which improves blood flow for better erections in addition to being an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Angelica Gigas Nakai which balances hormones.
  • Foti which increases sexual vitality.
  • X Monster Ingredients ImageLycopene which supports prostate health
  • Maca which boosts libido naturally
  • Ginger which has long been know to be an aphrodisiac, and can be found in numerous other supplements including Endovex.
  • Cnidii Fructus which boosts sex drive.
  • Astragalus which supports the immune system and increases sexual stamina.
  • Cinnamon Powder which acts as an aphrodisiac and improves blood flow.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which improves circulation for better erections.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which increases testosterone production by releasing luteinizing hormone which signals the testes to also release more testosterone.


One important thing to note about the formula is that without knowing the ingredient amounts, it can be extremely difficult to determine how well it can work. Some of the ingredients have been involved in clinical studies and some have not. For those that have, precise amounts have been shown either to work or not to work. If the X Monster formula doesn’t contain the exact amount studied, or even a similar amount, the studies won’t really have any relevance. Because the ingredients are in a proprietary blend, we can’t know one way or the other.

X Monster is Gluten free.

How To Use X Monster

Instructions are to take 1 capsules about an hour before sexual activity.

X Monster Side Effects and Warnings

The X Monster label lists several warning and precautions applicable when taking it:

  • Not for use by people under 18
  • Not for use with heart problems, chest pain, cardiorenal disease, ulcers, liver disease, or high blood pressure.
  • Not to be used with mood altering drugs, antidepressants, tyramine-containing foods, or medications containing phenylpropanilamine.
  • Not to be used with alcohol.
  • Do not take more than 1 serving within 72 hours.

Potential side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Tremors
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Heart palpitations

It’s also recommended that you check with your doctor before taking X Monster if you take prescription medications or other supplements.

The warnings a little bit concerning for a couple reasons. Generally, herbal supplements for sexual performance don’t cause more than very minor side effects and don’t come with such strong warnings. The exception is when the supplement contains Yohimbine. Although it is natural, it can cause real side effects, serious in some cases.

The X Monster formula does not list Yohimbine, which leaves us wondering what ingredient or ingredients in the formula are such a great cause for concern.

One potential explanation involves the use of undisclosed prescription ingredients, such as Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. Many fast acting products that claim to be herbal are found to contain these undisclosed ingredients when the FDA tests random batches.

I have checked FDA recall databases, and X Monster does not appear on them, indicating that this product has never been recalled, and presumably never been found to contain Sildenafil. This is the good news. But what gives with all the harsh warnings?

We may be able to find a possible explanation within the wide range of customer feedback.

X Monster Reviews

Among the many customer reviews at Amazon and other retail website, there is a lot of talk from users who had a great experience with X Monster the first time or first few times they used it, but the last time, the pill was a total dud. You can see this with lots of products, but the sheer of customers saying this is about X Monster is definitely outside the norm.

Here are two examples from


X Monster 1 star review 1

X Monster 1 star review 2


They both talk of X Monster working previously, but not this time. They even mention the potential differences between batches. This is indicative that the formula may have changed between the time the customers first ordered X Monster and the time they ordered the batch that’s the subject of their review.

Typically, when supplement makers get caught with undisclosed ingredients in their formulas, they do one of two things: They either pull their product off the shelves or they change the formula. Oftentimes when they change the formula – only using the stated ingredients – it’s a bit disappointment to their customers who’ve gotten used to the Viagra-like benefits.

So while X Monster never got recalled, it’s possible they previously used the undisclosed ingredients then decide on their own to go with only the natural ingredient list.

While this does not entirely raise the red flag all the way up for me, let’s just say it puts it at about half mast and either way it does put a slightly bad taste in my mouth.

To drive the point home, here’s a review from a customer who mentions not only the lack of effectiveness of the newer formula, but also the elimination of Viagra-like side effects.

Of course, none of this is confirmed. It’s just my educated guess informed by years of reviewing supplements just like X Monster.

Another possibility is that there’s some counterfeit X Monster being sold online and you’ll never know what you’re going to get.

Where to Buy

If you want to give X Monster a try yourself, you can order it online through Amazon. It’s also available through a few other online supplement retailers. It comes in a blister pack, one capsule per pack. I found the single capsule pack for $6.95 and a 6 capsule pack for $29.95. is currently much more expensive.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, X Monster is a crap shoot. It looks like if you get the right pill from the right batch, it works great. But it’s just as likely that what you buy will be a dud. If you’re healthy and you don’t take medications, taking X Monster should be safe, but whether or not it’s effective seems to be based on some factors beyond our control or even our ability to know.

If you’re interested, I’d advise you to start with just one capsule, and maybe even take only half. If you find it works, buy it again through the same retailer. If not, at least you’re only out $7.

At the very least, it does not seem to carry hidden ingredients, at least now, and for the most part it should be pretty low risk to take but I still urge you to double check that the ingredients are okay for you to take.

Have You Used X Monster? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Enzoplex Review – 2 BIG Reasons to Try It

Chronic pain and inflammation can upend your life on a daily basis. Most over the counter solutions provide limited benefits, while many prescription drugs come with side effects and the potential for addiction. Finding relief you can count can becomes a major quest that requires significant time and effort.

Enzoplex is a different kind of over the counter anti-inflammatory and joint pain reliever. Its focus is on reducing inflammation by using enzymes to reduce swelling and remove some of the underlying causes of the inflammation. It’s not an immediate effect, rather it tends to work slowly over time because of its unique mechanism of action.

How Enzoplex Works

Enzoplex Review 1The enzymes in Enzoplex break down the excess fibrin that builds up as we age, causing inflammation, loss of flexibility, and pain. If you’re not familiar with fibrin, here’s out it works. When your body is hurt or injured, fibrin is a protein that rushes to the scene to form a protective mesh screen around your wound to trap the red blood cells and platelets needed to form blood clots and begin the process of healing. Under ideal circumstances, when fibrin is no longer necessary, your body sends in enzymes to dissolve the excess fibrin. But over time, age and the usage of pain pills minimize the amount of enzymatic clean up that takes place, and fibrin starts to build up. When this happens, blood vessels get blocked, muscle function is reduced, and inflammation becomes commonplace.

Over time, inflammation due to excess fibrin becomes chronic, and often contributes to the aches and pains associated with aging.

The Enzoplex formula uses special enzymes to clean up some of the excess fibrin, reducing the inflammation and pain.

Enzoplex Ingredients

According to the Enzoplex website, the formula is based on over 50 scientific studies of enzymes and herbs and how they can contribute to lessening pain and inflammation. What they came up with includes:

  • Fungal Protease which is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down the damaged proteins left behind after muscular overexertion, while also improving overall circulation.
  • Serrapeptase which is also a proteolytic enzyme. This functions as the primary active ingredient in the Enzoplex formula. Several studies have shown its ability to break down fibrin due to overexertion.
  • Enzoplex Ingredients ImageBromelain which comes from pineapple stems, and is yet another proteolytic enzyme that works to break down damaged proteins
  • Papain which is a digestive enzyme found in papaya that breaks down damaged proteins.
  • Bacterial Protease which breaks down damaged proteins into smaller peptides for the other proteolytic enzymes to reduce even further.
  • Devils Claw Root Extract which studies have shown may help relieve arthritis symptoms.
  • Ginger Root Extract which may improve the body’s general response to pain from overexertion or injury.
  • White Willow Bark which acts similarly to aspirin to relieve pain and ache from overexertion.

How To Use Enzoplex

The recommended dose is 2 pills per day taken on an empty stomach. The website claims that it’s not unheard of for users to begin to feel better after 48 hours, but most people require 4-6 weeks to see real results.

Enzoplex BBB Rating Image

Who Makes Enzoplex?

The company behind the product is called Universal Body Labs our of Adel, Iowa. It’s a fairly new company, having been formed in 2015. In addition to Enzoplex, they make all natural supplements for memory loss prevention, boosting testosterone, and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails.

The company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and currently holds an A- rating.


Where to Buy

Enzoplex is available for purchase through its product website. When you choose to place an order, it actually links you to the purchase page on, which of course means you can also order it directly through Amazon.

A single bottle containing a one-month supply sells for $35 and is comes with free shipping with Amazon Prime.

They offer a 60-day money back guarantee, which is in line with how long is should take to know whether or not Enzoplex is working for you. If you’re not satisfied, call their customer service number at 1-800-423-8155 to obtain an RMA number and instructions for your return.

Enzoplex Reviews

When products are sold on, that usually means there are customer reviews, an this is indeed the case with Enzoplex. The sample is small yet, and so far, the feedback is mixed. Of the 7 customer reviews, 4 are very favorable, 1 is middle of the road, and 2 are negative.

Before we drill down on what customers have said, we should note that the small number of reviews speaks well of the company’s integrity. Oftentimes, a supplement sold on will pay people to submit 5-star reviews to create the appearance that it has a strong following. It does not appear as though Enzoplex engages in this practice, in spite of the fact that it would probably improve their bottom line.

The positive reviewers say they’ve found relief with Enzoplex:


Enzoplex 5-star review image

Enzoplex 5-star review image 2


The negative reviewers not so much:


Enzoplex 1 star review image

enzoplex 1 star review image 2


At this point, I’d have to say customer feedback is too mixed to be conclusive.


Enzoplex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Enzoplex

  • The formula is all natural and based on clinical studies.
  • It provides a potential alternative to traditional over the counter pain relief.
  • There’s a 60 day money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Enzoplex

  • There’s not enough customer feedback to get a good read on how well Enzoplex actually works in the real world.

The Bottom Line

The Enzoplex formula is based on scientific studies showing that these particular enzymes can break down excess fibrin, leading to a reduction of both inflammation and pain. This is the part we know. What we don’t know is whether or not the precise combination and amounts used is ultimately effective.

Judging by the few reviews we’ve seen, there is potential here, and it seems to be working for some users. Given the money back guarantee, and the positive reputation of Universal Body Labs, Enzoplex deserves a shot to show you whether or not it can provide you with the relief you need.

Have You Used Enzoplex? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

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#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

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#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

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Neuro Lit Review – Yay or Nay?

Neuro Lit is a brain boosting nootropic supplement that claims to provide you with the energy and focus you need to be more productive and accomplish your goals throughout the day. In today’s world, we’re all looking for an edge – something that sets us apart from the pack and gets us noticed, moves us forward. Look at the explosion of energy drinks and off-label Adderall use. It’s all the evidence you need to show that we as a society expect more of ourselves and are willing to go to great lengths to pull it off.

Neuro Lit Review 1Neuro Lit claims to offer a better way than illegal substances or energy drinks. The arguments against using Adderall without a prescription are easy. It’s illegal, it’s expensive, there’s always something a little dangerous and unknown about taking someone else’s prescription. The argument against energy drinks is that while sure, you get great energy and even pretty good focus for a while, you end up crashing hard a few hours later, so really you’re just trading off productive time now for wasted time later.

A clean energy and focus supplement like Neuro Lit is a vast improvement over both of the other options. In fact, Neuro Lit claims that by using their product you’ll experience so much more than just an energy boost. You’ll see:

  • Cognitive improvements including increased clarity, greater creativity, more effective critical thinking.
  • Better focus.
  • More brain stamina
  • And yes, the increase energy and motivation needed to put all this extra brain power to work.

Of course, these are all benefits typically claimed by nootropic supplements on today’s market, so let’s take a closer look at Neuro Lit to see what, if anything, makes this one so special.

Neuro Lit Ingredients

Nailing down what exactly goes into the Neuro Lit formula has proven a little tricky. There seem to be several different version listed depending on where you look. Some review website claim it contains Taurine, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin B12, and Bacopa Monnieri. Other review websites list Phosphatidylserine and Huperzine A. But in order to clear up any confusion, I went straight to the source – the official Neuro Lit website. Perhaps they’ve recently changed the formula and that’s the reason for confusion. Truthfully, I’m just not sure. But clearly, the official product website contains the correct, up to date information.

The Neuro Lit formula is made up of:


  • Bacopa Monnieri which has shown to cause improvements in memory in healthy adults. This designation of improvements in healthy people is important to note because many compounds have shown cognitive improvements in people with deficits (such as Alzheimer’s Disease) but not healthy people. Bacopa Monnieri shows improvements in people even without deficits. It works by increasing important neurotransmitters and by its neuroprotective properties.
  • Caffeine which acts as a stimulant to provide energy and focus. Countless studies and anecdotal evidence point to the fact that caffeine wakes you up, increases focus, and bolsters mental stamina.
  • L-Theanine which is an amino acid with a calming, anti-anxiety effect. It’s commonly used in conjunction with caffeine, as is the case in Neuro Lit. It can counteract the jittery effect of caffeine without reducing its effectiveness. So you’ve got all the energy you want from the caffeine, but you’re also more relaxed and calm, able to direct the energy toward increased focus and motivation. It works by facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. (1:2 ration caffeine to l-theanine)
  • GABA which is a neurotransmitter that helps induce a calming effect on both brain and body. It helps relieve stress and anxiety so you can concentrate and focus on the task at hand. It works by inhibiting Glutamate so you don’t get to the point where you’re overwhelmed by it. It helps keep balance in your brain so you’re not overcompensated in one direction or another.
  • Vitamin B6Of all the B vitamins, B6 is the most important for improving brain function. It’s involved in the production of neurotransmitters, and it helps provide energy to your brain cells. It increases focus and concentration, and also shows neuroprotective qualities as well.
  • Alpha GPC which is naturally present in the body delivers choline to the brain. It can help enhance memory and also acts as a protector against cell aging. It has been shown in studies to slow age related cognitive decline. A few early studies also seem to be showing a connection between Alpha GPC and the release of dopamine, which improves mood and motivation.


On the face of it, Neuro Lit has a decent formula, but there’s one very important key aspect missing. We don’t know how much of each ingredient is in the formula. This information is crucial, however, because it’s the difference between working well and not having much of an effect at all.

Take the Caffeine and L-Theanine content for example. It’s widely accepted that you want a 1 to 2 Caffeine to L-Theanine ratio. (for example: 100mg C affeine and 200 mg L-Theanine). It’s believed to be the optimal ratio for creating the best nootropic effect. Without knowing how much of either ingredient is present, we have no idea whether or not Neuro Lit uses this correct ratio or something close to it. The same holds true for the other ingredients in the formula. There is an optimal range, and we don’t know if Neuro Lit falls within it.

Is Neuro Lit A Free Trial Scam?

The answer to this question is “yes and no”. The only place you can order Neuro Lit is through their official website. This is usually also the case with free trial scam supplements. Neuro Lit does offer a free trial, but they also let you make straight up, one time sales.

If you’re unfamiliar with how these “Free Trial” schemes work, allow me to explain it using Neuro Lit:

You choose the Trial Package plan for just $4.95. In the teeny tiny print at the bottom of the order screen, it informs you that this package includes automatic enrollment in a subscription plan, and recommends that you click on and read the Terms and Condition for more details on the matter:


Neuro Lit Trial Package order screen


When you do click on the Terms and Conditions link, they first explain how one time purchases work, including the fact that subscription members get first crack at the product when and if there’s limited availability. In other words, they are oh so subtly trying to persuade you that the subscription option is a better choice.


Neuro Lit One Time Purchase terms


If you scroll down through the terms, you’ll get to the part about the Free Trial:


Neuro Lit Free Trial terms part 1

Neuro Lit Free Trial terms part 2

Neuro Lit Trial Terms 3



So while you think you’re “trying” Neuro Lit for free while you decide if it’s something you’d like to continue to use, you’re really signing on to pay for it later, unless you return the bottle at your own expense. I’m quite sure quite they’d have many fewer customers signing on if they knew that.

And not only that, but after being charged $93 for the first bottle – the one you no doubt thought you were getting for free plus the cost of shipping – you’ll get a new bottle each month at that same price, plus shipping!


Here’s the subscription explained on the Terms and Conditions page:



Neuro Lit Subsciption Terms Image



This is why people get so irate over these trials. These companies, including Neuro Lit, actively want you to miss the part where they explain the details. It should be in bold print, all caps, making sure potential customers know what they’re signing onto. But it’s not. It’s hidden on separate webpages that you have to read the fine print about and click away from your order being processed in order to read.

The terms have to be available, so they can point back to them when you complain and if trade authorities check into them, but they don’t want you to actually read them before you excitedly place your order for their product.

Now, one thing that does set Neuro Lit apart from so many others is that you are not forced to sign up for the free trial. You can choose the one-time purchase option if you don’t want to get involved with the hassle of the free trial. And this is what I would recommend if you decide you want to try it, though there is no money back guarantee, so you are still taking a risk, albeit a one-time risk rather than a month after month risk.

Neuro Lit Reviews


I scoured the internet looking for customer feedback about Neuro Lit, but there is simply none to be found. The don’t even currently show customer testimonials on the product website. Not that I put much faith in the truth of these, but Neuro Lit doesn’t even show them. This makes it tough to know how well Neuro Lit really works for real people.

The Bottom Line


Neuro Lit is an all natural brain booster that may provide some cognitive and/or motivational benefits, but the lack of certain key details makes it very difficult to know just how effective it may or may not be. Not knowing the ingredient amounts is a big downfall, and not having access to customer feedback may be an even bigger hit.

I like that you aren’t required to sign up for a subscription plan disguised as a free trial. This is becoming so common these days it’s always a plus when a product provides other options. Then again, the lack of a money back guarantee offsets the purchasing pluses with a big negative.

In the end, I’m not convinced that Neuro Lit is worth going through the hassle of trying. If we’d seen a bunch of positive customer feedback, it might have made sense to risk the money or the hassle, but in the absence of that, you’re just better off trying something with a more proven record.

Have You Used Neuro Lit? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

DSN Pre Workout Review – LeBron’s REAL Secret?

In this business, we come across a ton of mediocre products and just as many scams designed to set unsuspecting customers up for repeat billings without their full knowledge. But they don’t all exist at the same level of scamminess and deception. Every so often, we see a product that’s so over the top with their marketing tricks and lies that it’s hard to even believe they can get away with it. DSN Pre Workout and post workout are one of those products.

I was mindlessly scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed a couple days ago, and caught a headline about an investigation into LeBron James. With the NBA playoff season just around the corner, I thought I’d better check it out to see what kind of effect it might have on the Cavs chances for back to back championships. It took all of two seconds for me to realize the article was a complete and total fake.

Is LeBron James Really Being Investigated?

According to the headline he is. They say he’s being investigated for using an extremely powerful supplement – DSN (Dyna Storm Nutrition) Pre Workout – that the NBA is considering banning.

lebron james supplements

The Very Next Day

I see an ad on yahoo that says “Tom Brady confession shocks the entire NFL”, with a link to another ESPN article, which surprisingly looks almost IDENTICAL as the Lebron James article.

tom brady supplements espn

But I checked with several sports news outlets, like Bleacher Report, ESPN, others, and didn’t find a single indication that LeBron James (or Tom Brady for that matter) is under investigation for anything.

And by the way, this “article” is on, or so they would have you believe.

It’s really a fake front of a website using the ESPN logo, but don’t be fooled; the website has no affiliation with ESPN at all.

It’s just a front, and the proof is that when you try to click through to another ESPN article, all the links are broken and go nowhere.

Update:  Now It Was Seen On Shark Tank!

Recently I came across a completely different sham article that appeared to be the “Today” website.

In this article, it was more of the same B.S., with a different spin on it.

This time, instead of being featured by “Fox News”, DSN pre workout landed a $1 million dollar investment on the popular TV show Shark Tank.

dsn pre workout shark tank

I’m not going to get into it here, but if you check out this article I break down how this whole thing is a complete scam.

They’ve also done the same thing with weight loss pills.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering how they can get away with such a blatant lie. It’s so hard to believe they could get away with it that we start to thing it MUST be true. Otherwise they’d be “in trouble” for making false statements, right? Wrong.

Companies like these are small and nimble. They get in and out of the game very quickly, and move on to a new product, with a new name and packaging. This is how they stay a step ahead of the game. By the time they’ve pissed off enough people with their empty promises and worse – scammy billing practices that we’ll cover later on in this review – they’ve moved on.

I know some of you are still skeptics, so let’s dig a little deeper.

The Author’s Results with DSN Pre Workout

This “Farticle” (Fake + Article = Farticle) is supposedly written by a guy named Ryan Hasman, Senior Staff Writer at ESPN. He even includes a picture “of himself” showing his before and after results. But there are a couple of problems here as well:

There is no Ryan Hasman at ESPN.

The image that’s supposed to be himself before and after he used Dyna Storm Pre Workout isn’t him at all. His name is Gert Louw, and he runs a great website about building your body naturally.

And I guarantee you Gert didn’t use DSN Pre Workout OR DSN Post workout to get those results. He devotes a lot of his website content to exposing scams just like this one.

Here’s the image as it appears in the Dyna Storm Pre Workout article:

Dyna Storm Gert Louw


And here’s the same image, only pulled straight from Gert’s website:

Dyna Storm Real Gert Louw Image

This isn’t the first time supplement scams have used Gert’s image to sell their products without his knowledge or permission. Hypertone Force and Hypertone Excel used it too.

The Comments Section

I’ll make one more note here about the article, demonstrating once more its falseness, before moving on to our discussion of the actual product. This is supposed to be an ESPN article about LeBron James being investigated by the NBA, but not a single reader comment in the comments section even mentions this. They are all written by people excited to have used Dyna Storm Pre Workout with great results or excited to be trying it soon.

This is clearly an advertisement, people, not a legitimate article.

Dyna Storm comments section

What Is DSN Pre Workout

Now that it’s established that the marketing is total BS, let’s take a look at the actual product. It’s not that difficult these days to formulate and produce a supplement. Maybe Dyna Storm Pre Workout is a great product in spite of its phony article. It’s a little far-fetched, but it’s possible.

DSN Pre Workout comes from DSN (Dyna Storm Nutrition). They have both Pre and Post workout products. This one, Dyna Storm Pre Workout, is heavily reliant on Creatine as its main ingredient.

Though that’s not all. We’ll go through the whole list in a bit.

The main idea behind Dyna Storm Pre Workout is that it gets you pumped, strong, and ready for your workouts, so the benefits you get from them are through the roof.

Dyna Storm Ingredients ImageDSN Pre Workout Ingredients

The primary ingredient in the Dyna Storm Pre Workout formula is 3 grams of Creatine.

Creatine provides energy directly to your muscles. More muscle strength means better workouts and better results. 3 grams is a decently effective amount to take on a regular basis.

More is necessary for a loading phase, but daily 3 grams is effective.

Supporting ingredients are:

  • L-Arginine (75 mg) which is a precursor to nitric oxide, a vasodilator that opens up blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to muscles for better workouts. 75 mg is very low, especially when you consider a recommendation of 3 grams or more for pre workout purposes from most experts.
  • Caffeine (100mg) for energy. 100 mg is a decent amount. Not too much and not too little.
  • Cayenne Fruit which may increase metabolism.
  • A complex of B, C, and D vitamins to maintain optimal health, energy, and immune function.

When it comes right down to it, Dyna Storm Pre Workout is a creatine supplement, with a few additional ingredients to back it up.

What is DSN Post Workout?

What good is a pre workout supplement without something to help fuel your muscles after your workout?  That’s where DSN post workout apparently comes in.

According to them, DSN Post workout is made up of amino acids like L-Carnitine, L-Glutamine, and L-Tyrosine, as well as Niacin, Folic acid, and Vitamin B12.

You’ll find these specific ingredients in a TON of other post workout products, including Amplified Wheybolic extreme 60 and BPI sports BCAA.

Finding DSN post workout reviews is nearly impossible, at least real ones.

There’s plenty of sites that are pushing you to buy it, but no one is really giving their honest and unbiased results with either the pre workout or post workout formulas.

The only review that had any sort of honesty was the following youtube video:


He doesn’t really talk about his personal results, but rather describes what the ingredients are and how to take it.

This should be pretty obvious, right?

You take the DSN pre workout BEFORE your workout.

And you take the DSN post workout AFTER your workout.

Common sense.

Where to Buy

Dyna Storm Pre Workout and post workout is sold through the Dyna Storm Nutrition website, and they offer a “free trial” which I hope my now raises a red flag or two in your mind. How it works is that you sign up and pay only a small shipping fee to receive a full “trial bottle”.

If you call and cancel “your subscription” within 14 days of the day you first placed the order, you won’t be charged anything more for the bottle you already have. If you don’t call and cancel, they will charge you full price ($89.97) for the “trial bottle” and send you a new bottle for $89.97 every month. This will continue until you call them at 1-800-210-7831 to cancel.

It’s very common for guys to sign up for trials like this without truly understanding the terms. Hopefully you’re reading this before you order. That way, you’re in time to take the necessary precautions against losing $90 bucks each month.

Here’s what the terms say, in case you’re having trouble finding them.


Dyna Storm Terms Image

Hopefully, you’re reading this review as due diligence before ordering Dyna Storm Pre Workout, so that if you choose to go ahead with it, you’ll know what you’re getting into. Otherwise, read the terms carefully and follow its instructions to minimize the monetary damage as much as possible.

DSN Pre and Post Workout Pros and Cons


  • Creatine is very well studied, and has been shown to help users build muscle very well.
  • The ingredients are all natural.


  • It’s marketing includes a big fake article trying to use every trick in the book to make you think Dyna Storm Pre Workout is revolutionary and cutting edge. It’s not.
  • You have to sign up for a free trial in order to use it, and lots of unsuspecting customers get caught up in these free trial scams and end up paying lots more than they bargained for.
  • It’s very expensive for essentially creatine in pill form.

The Bottom Line

When a supplement is presented using one of those ridiculously fake articles and claiming you can put on muscle weight without even needing to work out, it’s a pretty sure sign that it’s not going to be on our list of products offering real value.

This is not the first time we’ve seen Dynastorm Nutrition pull this kind of stuff, either.

For example, in October we outed them pushing a new product called DSN Code Black via deceptive marketing practices.

That alone put a bit of a sour taste in my mouth going into this, but the fact is that I made a rule to myself that I would give each and every product a fair shake lest I felt that my health was genuinely at risk, so I try to go into each and every product with a fresh set of eyes and an open heart and mind.

DSN Pre Workout contains a good amount of creatine, but that’s about it. But it costs $90. You can buy pure creatine in powder form at a significant discount to that. The few added ingredients just don’t lift the value of this supplement to the level of something you should pay $90 for. For that money, you can get 2 or 3 months of creatine, even at higher doses. There’s just no reason to pay extra for Dyna Storm Pre Workout. You won’t be getting anything in return for the additional cash layout.

It would be the equivalent of paying $15 for a bottle of  Coke knockoff when you could walk into just about any and every store and buy a bottle of the real deal for $1.25, and the reason why that is wrong is essentially just a no brainer.

Have You Used DSN Pre and Post Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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No, Lebron James Did NOT Use That Supplement

So I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed when this sponsored post pops up saying “Jordan Puts Lebron On BLAST With Newest Confession”.

lebron james supplements

The picture shows a depressed looking Michael Jordan, as well as Lebron with a very frustrated look on his face.

I click on the ad and it takes me to what appears to be the ESPN website, with the title “Lebron James Surrounded By Questions as Investigation Sparks!”

lebron james supplements

Throughout this supposed “investigation”, there’s all sort of claims being tossed around, and it pretty much follows in this order.

  • Lebron James is under investigation by the NBA.
  • The NBA is considering banning this particular nutritional supplement that HE has actually become “dependent” on over the years.
  • This supplement first caught on in Hollywood, and made big headlines a few months back.

So what is this magic supplement that Lebron James has been taking?

Well, that depends on the day you’re reading the story.

Some days it’s Pure Nitro Max.

Today it was Pro Shred and Max Antler.

pro shred and max antler lebron james

One day it was Test X Core.

Other days it’s Test Boost Elite.

lebron james test boost elite and max nitric oxide

The name of the supplement quite literally changes every day.

Back to the article, we see some other lofty claims.

The most extraordinary ones are:

  1. This supposed miracle supplement has been clinically proven to make athletes 145% stronger, as well as tripling stamina, and;
  2. You don’t have to workout when you’re taking it.  It just magically turns your body into a superior athlete while sitting on your ass eating Cheese Doodles.

lebron james under investigation

So, What’s The Bottom Line Here?

At first glance, and to the untrained eye, this looks like the legit ESPN website.

It has all the markings of the site, with links to Scores, Rankings, as well as several professional sports coverage pages of the NHL, MLB, and Soccer.

However, once you start clicking around the truth is revealed.

First off, this is not the real ESPN website.

I know this because if you try and click to the homepage at the top left of the site it takes you to a completely different site.

[vimeo 212503094 w=540 h=360]

What about if you try and click on other parts of this page?

What do you think happens?

Well, let’s try and click on the ad towards the top of the page, the one that curiously says “Relive The Greatest Ashes Moments In History”.

I’m not quite sure what “Great Ashes Moments” are, but my guess is it’s not what they think it means.

Expecting to see some compilation of great sports moments, you’re instead redirected to:

[vimeo 212503236 w=540 h=360]

That’s right, a totally different site altogether.  The same goes for literally ANY other link you click on from within the article.

They ALL redirect to some other website and it’s NOT ESPN.

The second giveaway that this is not the legit site is when you look at the url in the address bar.

Instead of saying “” like it should, it says

lebron james supplements espn

So the name of the website you’re on is actually

The ESPN in the front of it is what’s known as a subdomain.

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Another thing I noticed, and subsequently pointed out in my Test Boost Elite review, is the supposed before and after picture they used.

test boost elite before and after

It’s pretty impressive, and anyone seeing it may be tempted to believe it.

However, if you look closely, that before and after picture is none other than Gert Lou.

gert lou before and after pic

You can see it right here on, where he participated in their Body Transformation program.

Lastly, when you scroll down to the comments section at the bottom of the page, you’ll see what appear to be Facebook comments.

fake facebook comments promoting lebron james using supplements

Practically all of the comments are people saying they heard about this supplement on the radio, or some other B.S.

Typically when you hover your mouse over these comments, you’ll see a little blurb about who the person is, with their picture, and other stuff like where they studied, etc.

// content/files/2017/04/facebook comment

However, if you hover over any of the Facebook comments on this page, you won’t see anything.

That’s because they’re NOT real Facebook comments.

They’re just designed to look like them.

I recently saw a nearly identical ad saying UFC star Conor McGregor was banned from the UFC from using some controversial supplement.

The name of that supplement?

None other than Dominant Testo, one we’re in the process of writing about.

Moral Of The Story

Lebron James did NOT use any supplements that would cause him to be under investigation by the NBA.

You can rest assure that if he did it would be HUGE news, and you would be hearing about it left and right.

Unfortunately, Google has not been doing a very good job at weeding out the B.S. either.

If you google “Lebron James supplements”, the first 3 results that pop up tell a similar fictitious story about what miracle supplement (or in some cases supplement combo) that he’s been using.

lebron james supplements google search

Those stories make claims that he uses supplements like Alpha Prime Elite, Test Boost Elite, and others.  Unfortunately it’s misinformation like this that ends up costing people hundreds (and sometimes even THOUSANDS) of dollars, because they get lured into buying these free trials.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen this B.S. marketing being used to sell supplements.

I’ve seen claims like Conor Mcgregor being banned from the UFC for using some “secret” supplement combo.

I’ve tried everything to bring it to the attention of ESPN, to no avail.

If anyone you know has a connection at ESPN or know someone that works there, please, send them this page.

Maybe some day they will reach out to me and I can tell them about the literally DOZENS of supplements that have been using their brand to promote questionable supplements.

Until then, their reputation (as well as peoples hard earned money) will be drained down the toilet.

As a general rule of thumb, I would say that when you see “(insert celebrity name here) swears by this…”, it is just simply not true and it should indicate that you should scroll straight past it.

It is just too common of a scheme and one that is insulting to the intelligence of anyone coming across it as well as any of their would be hapless victims.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Cardarine Review: Dose, Stacking, and Potential Side Effects

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to buy Cardarine legally online.

From the hospital to the supplement bottle: Think about how many fitness supplements that are available on the market that once started out as a form of medicine.

One of the best examples is Cardarine.

Originally developed by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK), Cardarine was formulated to help:

  • Support healthy blood ldl and hdl cholesterol and lipid levels
  • Fight against specific cardiovascular disease risk factors

When GSK abandoned research in 2007, Cardarine soon found its way into the world of athletic enhancement.

Jump To A Topic

What is Cardarine?
What is a SARM?
SARM Vs. Cardarine
The Science Behind It
REAL Before And After Pics
Potential Side Effects
Does It Cause Cancer?
How Should I Use It?
Is It Legal? (US, UK, and Australia)
How Should I Stack It?

In fact, Cardarine was so effective at boosting endurance and performance that it was promptly banned in professional sporting events. Eventually, the medication was scraped by medical researchers and could only be found on the black market.

While the controversy surrounding Cardarine may have calmed, its benefits are still very well-known and it is still a widely-used supplement in the world of fitness.

So what happened?

How did this medication go from positive results to being shelved and winding up on the black market?

Let’s take a look at the history of Cardarine as well as its benefits and risks to see if it a supplement worth investing in to upgrade your muscle building and fat loss.

1.  What is Cardarine?

cardarine (gw 50516) review

This once-promising medical breakthrough is often classified as a SARM. in the fitness world and while it’s done so with good intentions to make it easier to find, the classification is a bit off.

Cardarine is the common supplement name but you’ll also find it listed as one of the following:

  • Endurobol
  • GW1516
  • GW501516
  • GW-501,516
  • GSK-516

Cardarine as a PPARδ modulator

Cardarine as a PPARδ modulator

Cardarine is a PPARδ modulator and I know that term looks intimidating so let’s break it down: A PPARδ modulator such as Cardarine directly stimulates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) in your body.

This receptor, as defined by an article in the Annual Review of Medicine, is classified as a “nuclear hormone receptor.”

What does a PPARδ modulator do?

What does a PPARδ modulator do

It has many jobs including the oversight and management of a number of cellular processes in the body. These cellular level processes may play a direct role in disease prevention or development.

These diseases include obesity, diabetes, and cancer, which comes into play later in this article. (1)

How does a PPARδ modulator help with fat burning?

PPARδ modulator and fat burning

On the fitness side of things: The PPAR can be found in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. (See where this is heading?) The PPAR regulates the following:

  • Thermogenesis – Important for fat burning
  • Cholesterol and lipid metabolism – Also important for fat burning
  • Skeletal reprogramming – Important for muscle development
  • Wound healing – Important for recovery

And to bring it home: Since Cardarine directly stimulates the PPAR, it should come as no surprise that the benefits for athletic performance, bodybuilding, and weight loss began to quickly gain attention.

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Since Cardarine doesn’t promote androgenic effects, those using it don’t have to worry about common side effects associated with androgens.

For good measure, let’s explain what a SARM is so you can see the difference.

2.  What is a S.A.R.M.?

S.A.R.M. aka Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator

S.A.R.M. is short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, and some examples of SARMS include Ligandrol and Ostarine. Its benefits focus on the anabolic side of things without the androgenic effects.

Anabolic primarily refers to the increase in the size of the muscle tissue.

Androgenic refers to male characteristics that naturally occur during puberty.

If you’re over the age of 17, you know what this means.

Deepening of the voice, change in hormone levels, increase in the size of organs: these are all examples of androgenic effects.

Since a S.A.R.M. promotes anabolic benefits and no androgenic effects, you are skipping out on the horror story side effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids. You know the ones we’re talking about: hair loss, expression of estrogen in gyno-based side effects, and mood swings.

3.  S.A.R.M. vs. Cardarine: The PPARδ Modulator

 S.A.R.M. vs. Cardarine

Okay, both of these sound great. They both boost fat burning and lean tissue so what’s the real difference between these two?

Why is Cardarine not listed as a SARM?

While many of their benefits overlap, their pathway to trigger these benefits is what separates the two.

What’s more, a SARM is more commonly used for gaining muscle mass while promoting fat burning. Cardarine, on the other hand, is more popular with the performance side of fitness.

As we’ll talk more about below, the endurance gains related to Cardarine are incredible.

4.  Cardarine: Scientifically Backed Benefits

Scientifically Backed Benefits of Cardarine

All this positive talk about Cardarine, let’s get on with what the research says about it.

Cardarine, Athletic Endurance & Performance

A study published in Scientific Reports showed that Cardarine may have potential as a highly effective way to boost endurance and performance.

In this case, when we are talking about endurance, we are focusing on running.

The study was performed on mice and after three weeks of Cardarine supplementation, the mice saw an increase of up to 31% in their exhaustive running distance.

cardarine study in mice

What’s more, those same mice demonstrated an increase in the distance they ran by up to 68.6%! So not only could the mice run further but they could do so without feeling as fatigued. (1)

Cardarine is Protein Sparing

High endurance athletes (like a marathoner) rarely carry what you may consider a “jacked” or massive frame.

Cardarine and energy utilization

This is because high endurance athletes such as marathon runners are utilizing glucose and protein for fuel.

When the body is snacking on muscle protein for energy, this is called catabolism.

This would be the reason why so many runners are slim and possibly defined, but rarely muscular in the Arnold sense of muscle.The same study mentioned above showed that Cardarine was able to focus energy utilization on the consumption of fat, not glucose or protein.

As you may already have guessed, this is the reason that Cardarine is so popular during a “cutting” or “shredding” season. (1)

Cardarine Promotes Fat Burning

Continuing with the point above, several studies (and plenty of user reviews) have cited Cardarin as an effective fat burner. Since Cardarine shifts the focus away from burning protein and glucose as a fuel source, the body turns its attention on fatty acids.

fatty acid burn from cardarine

This is great news for anyone trying to lose weight or for those who have finished with a bulking season and are ready to start leaning out without sacrificing muscle mass. (1)

Related Article:  5 BEST SARMS For Bulking

Cardarine Fights Inflammation

Inflammation is being considered one of the central causes of disease. This is especially true with diseases such as diabetes and arthritis.Studies suggest that Cardarine may be able to effectively fight against inflammation.Not only may you decrease your risk for these types of diseases but you may also find that you are less sore post-workout. (2-3)

5.  Cardarine Before And After Pics

It’s been said “the proof is in the pudding”, and when it comes to Cardarine, they weren’t lying.

Check out some of these REAL before and after pictures from guys who have used Cardarine:

mikes results from taking cardarine

cardarine before and after pictures

Clearly this stuff is no joke.

6.  Potential Side Effects of Cardarine

After all those great side effects, you are expecting a laundry list of side effects, right?

Guess again.

Cardarine is almost side effect free. It won’t promote androgenic side effects as I mentioned above nor will it suppress testosterone or trigger estrogen-based side effects.

This alone is one of the things that may draw people to Cardarine as opposed to its alternatives.

There has to be a catch though right?

7.  Cardarine & Cancer

can you get cander from Cardarine

Remember how I said that Cardarine was placed on the shelf despite positive research results.

The reason for that is due to cancer. While testing Cardarine on mice, an emergence of cancer on the treated mice started to emerge.

Once this trend was discovered, researchers pulled away from the project and threw it on the shelf. (4)

However, the cancer claims aren’t so black and white…

There is a study that claims the long-term use of Cardarine resulted in colon cancer due to cell proliferation; however, there are serious doubts regarding this study due to sample size and the dosage given to the mice.

The dosage was far more than those used in previous studies. (4)

Since that study (and the consequential throwing away of the project), more research studies have come out citing just the opposite. Some studies have even shown that Cardarine is able to shrink tumors and prevent certain cardiovascular diseases. (5-8)

So, what’s the take away here? Seeing as how there are far more studies supporting the responsible use of Cardarine as a medicinal tool, it may be safe to say that Cardarine is not the cancer-causer that it’s been made out to be. Still, if you want to err on the side of caution…

With that being said, it is ultimately up to you to weigh the risks of taking one supplement over another against its benefits and decide if it is the best fit for your health.

8.  Best Way to Use Cardarine

Best Way to Use Cardarine

If you are planning on using Cardarine but that cancer study has you rattled, keep in mind that the study was performed with near toxic doses of Cardarine AND it was supplied to the mice over an extended period of time, which was far longer than your normal Cardarine cycle. With that said, follow these guidelines and do NOT over do it.


  • Average dose (according to user reviews and brand recommendations): 10 mg
  • Highest dose (ideal for a second or third cycle): 20 mg (do NOT go any higher than this)

Cycle Length

  • This will vary by company. The general time frame is 4 to 6 weeks.

Cycle Support

  • No intra-cycle support or post-cycle support is needed.

9.  Is Cardarine Legal?

Is Cardarine Legal

We are heavy in the gray area with this topic. First, let’s discuss something that is obvious and well-known: If you are a professional athlete, Cardarine is considered a banned substance due to its effect on your performance. In fact, it was added to the WADA prohibited list in 2009, effectively banning it for use in professional athletes.

Where is it legal and illegal?

With the easy part out of the way, let’s talk about the legality of buying it around the world. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer for this.

Legality in the US

Technically, it’s legal.

I say technically because, while it can’t legally be sold as a supplement, it CAN be sold as a research chemical.

I’ve personally bought Cardarine online on multiple occasions, and never had a problem.

My preferred vendor for Cardarine is Chemyo, check out their site here:

What about other countries?

If you live outside of the U.S. and Canada, then you need to do some research on your government website for the equivalent of our Food and Drug Administration.

You can also check the forums, HOWEVER, it should be noted that information in forums is not always reliable.

We’ll get to that in a minute.

Cardarine Legality in Australia

For example, when looking up laws against products like Cardarine in Australia, we found a story on someone who has never had an issue and we found just the opposite with another individual.

is cardarine legal in australia

Again, they were both from Australia, and the posts were dated in 2016.

However, I did a little digging and it looks like the Australian government is considering placing Cardarine as a Schedule 10 drug.

cardarine schedule 10 drug australia

This notice was issued on February 5, 2018, which is why you should NOT rely on forum posts.

A schedule 10 drug, as defined by Australian law, are “substances of such danger to health as to warrant prohibition of sale, supply, and use”.

scheduled 10 drug australia definition

This could be done as early as June 1, 2018, so DEFINITELY make sure it’s legal after this date.

Legality in Canada

When I originally wrote this review, Cardarine was legal to buy in Canada as a “research chemical”.

However, a warning was posted on the Health Canada website on April 27, 2017, stating the following:

“Cardarine is another drug that is not authorized in Canada for any use.”

Does this mean that you’ll end up in jail if you buy it in Canada?


The most likely thing is that your shipment would get confiscated by customs, and you would get a warning letter saying “don’t do that”.

Now, if you were buying VERY large quantities of the stuff, then you may be in trouble.

Legality in the UK

As of today (March 22, 2018) SARMS like Cardarine are legal for purchase in the UK as a “research chemical”.

When you search around on the forums (again, not the GREATEST idea), you’ll see that lots of guys have bought it in the UK with no issues.

is cardarine legal in the UK

However, I again did a little digging and found this:

UK ministry of health search

This was a meeting that was conducted by the Advisory council on the misuse of drugs, and guess what they were talking about?

cardarine legality in UK

That’s right, SARMS…

These supplements are usually produced in the gray area of the law, meaning that by purchasing them, you are rolling the dice with potential complications and questions.

10.  Stacking Method with Cardarine

Stacking Method with Cardarine

If you’ve been looking around bodybuilding forums, you already know that Cardarine is one of the most popular stackable products.

Since it doesn’t cause any unwanted side effects, many fitness enthusiasts use it in combination with other compounds, specifically anabolic compounds.

In fact, Cardarine has been said to clean up the messy side effects associated with some of those anabolic and androgenic compounds.

When it comes to stacking recommendations, the most popular and least risky stack is with Ostarine.

Ostarine is a S.A.R.M. (just like we discussed above) and it has been shown to promote anabolism without those pesky androgenic side effects.

Osta will promote size gains while Cardarine will help shed body fat and improve performance.

You can also buy Ostarine on the Chemyo website, here’s a link:

Can you see why these two work so well together?

Here are the recommended dosages:


  • 10 mg


  • 12 to 15 mg

11.  Highlighted Benefits of Cardarine

Highlighted Benefits of Cardarine
Source: Masculine Development

Here’s a quick rundown of the finer points of Cardarine:

  • Protects muscle from catabolism
  • Increases fat oxidation
  • Will not negatively impact the liver / cause liver damage
  • Supports lean muscle tissue growth
  • Boosts athletic endurance
  • Increases performance levels
  • Fights inflammation

12.  Popular Brands of Cardarine

Popular Brands of Cardarine

Here are a few popular brands of Cardarine that received universally positive support on forums and review sites:

  • Cardarine by Sarms1
  • Elite SARM Stack by Focused Nutrition
  • Super Cardarine by Primeval Labs

13.  Conclusion

cardarine and increased muscular endurance

If you are looking for a way to safely increase muscular endurance and performance without sacrificing mass, Cardarine may be exactly what you need.

This PPARδ modulator has been shown in several studies to be effective at promoting fat loss, protecting muscle from catabolism, skyrocketing endurance, and boosting performance.

When used as a part of a stack, Cardarine quickly becomes the backbone by boosting your results and negating androgenic side effects.

Despite having a somewhat shady reputation, Cardarine should be considered a powerful tool to achieving your fitness goals.

Stay safe and follow procedure when supplementing with Cardarine. Never use more than recommended.

Most importantly, get ready to take before and after pictures.

Have you used Cardarine? Leave your review below!



Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is! Read more here.

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Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

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Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

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D Aspartic Acid and Testosterone: The HUGE Benefits

Do Testosterone Boosters With D Aspartic Acid Work?

As the days go by, we become older and older but there isn’t all that much we can really do about it.

However, declining testosterone levels as we head into middle-age shouldn’t be passed off as normal, as there is plenty that we can do to prevent this problem.

testosterone decrease by age

Note: If you’re looking to pick up cheap (but effective) D-Aspartic Acid, check out

They sell 100 grams of the stuff for just $10.99, and I’ve personally used this brand with great results.

Here’s a link:

Reviving normal hormone function can greatly improve life quality, hence, the overwhelming interest in maintaining adequate testosterone levels as long as possible.

In order to keep their edge, many men are experimenting with natural testosterone boosting supplements and synthetic alternatives instead of just accepting the natural process of aging.

Unfortunately, not all of these natural testosterone boosting supplements actually work.  Oftentimes, testosterone boosting supplements have a ton of different ingredients that are impossible to pronounce and may not have much research behind them.

In many cases, it is best to pass on these herbal supplements that don’t have proven ingredients in their formulas, and go for more natural ways to boost your testosterone.

However, there is one commonly used ingredient in many of these formulas that has been proven to be effective.  This ingredient, D Aspartic acid (sometimes referred to as D-AA), is used by plenty of men all over the world in order to stave off age related hormonal changes.

D Aspartic acid has been shown to increase testosterone levels in a number of different studies, which we discuss in greater detail below.
discuss in greater detail below.

However, DAA contributes even more than that, as it can improve fertility as well.

In other words, any man who wants to improve their fertility, sex drive, and maintain their youth as long as possible should absolutely be familiar with D-AA.

What Is D Aspartic Acid?

D Aspartic acid is a fairly common amino acid that is found in the cells of a wide range of animals, including rats and humans.

d aspartic acid review

D-AA naturally occurs in the testicles, pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus, due to an enzyme called Aspartate Racemase which is responsible for conversion of L-Aspartate into D-Aspartate.

The reason why D Aspartic acid has caught the attention of researchers who are creating natural testosterone boosting supplements is because it plays a key role in regulating testosterone synthesis.

It has been shown that a lack of D-AA is often a bottleneck for optimal testosterone production, so consuming a balanced diet that contains the building blocks for the synthesis of D-AA is something all men should focus on.

However, aging men may not have enough of the Aspartate Racemase enzyme to  create a sufficient supply of D-AA.  This is where supplementation of D-Aspartic acid comes in extremely handy.

What Does DAA Do?

D-Aspartic acid exhibits its effects on the Pituitary gland, causing a natural release of hormones.

These hormones include Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Growth Hormone (GH).

Anyone who knows anything about Endocrinology (the study of hormones) realizes LH, FSH, and GH are required for testosterone production.  D-Aspartic acid also builds up in the testicles, increasing testosterone synthesis and improving sperm quality.

What Are The Benefits Of D-Aspartic Acid Supplementation?

Short term consumption of D-Aspartic acid has been shown to increase testosterone levels.  D-Aspartic acid also increases sperm mobility and therefore, increases fertility.  All in all, this amino acid offers benefits to men in a number of ways.

First let’s focus on the benefits of increased testosterone production.

Not only does a normal level of testosterone increase sex drive, build muscle, and promote confidence, it also keeps us healthy.  As we age, more testosterone is converted into estrogen, causing the feminizing characteristics that are common in older men.

In order to fight back against time, maintaining a normal level of testosterone is a crucial step in this battle.

Since D-Aspartic acid increases sperm count, sperm mobility, and sperm quality, anyone who is suffering from fertility issues should give D-AA a try.

D Aspartic Acid Testosterone Studies

There are a number of scientific studies on D-Aspartic acid that demonstrate the importance of this amino acid in regards to testosterone production.

One study from 2009 looked at the role of D-Aspartic acid in the synthesis of Luteinizing Hormone and in turn, testosterone production in both humans and rats.  Over the course of 12 days, it was shown that testosterone levels increased in both humans and rats.  Amazingly, an average testosterone increase of 42% was demonstrated in this study.

In the same study, luteinizing hormone increased 51% over control values, indicating that the testosterone increase was related in part due to an increase in LH.

As expected, D-Aspartic acid plays a crucial role in the synthesis of luteinizing hormone that in turn increases testosterone production.  Not only that, but the Leydig cells in the testicles showed an increase in testosterone synthesis.

This study demonstrated that D-Aspartic acid plays a role in both the pituitary gland and the testes, resulting in an overall increase in testosterone production.

In another study that took place in 2012, D-Aspartic acid was noted for its ability to improve sperm quality.

In this study, 30 patients consumed a daily dose of D Aspartic acid for 90 days and showed a 100% increase in sperm count, from an average 8.2 million spermatozoa per milliliter to an average of 16.5 million spermatozoa per milliliter after treatment.

This huge increase in sperm count shows with certainty the benefit of using D-Aspartic acid as a fertility aid.

In addition, the same study showed that D-Aspartic acid supplementation increased sperm mobility by 67%.

In conclusion, D-Aspartic acid is noted as playing a huge role in all around male health.

However, anyone who is completely healthy, has normal testosterone levels, and is a highly trained athlete, likely won’t benefit much from D-AA supplementation.

In one study, highly trained athletes who supplemented with D-AA had no notable increases in testosterone production after 28 days.

In other words, men who are suffering from a lack of normal testosterone production are likely to benefit to the greatest degree when consuming D-AA.

Supplementation with D-Aspartic acid appears to assist the endocrine system to function as it should, but doesn’t have an effect on men who already have optimal hormone levels.

How To Take D-Aspartic Acid And What To Take It With

In most cases, a dose of 3,000 mg of D-Aspartic acid is consumed daily.  People who supplement with D-Aspartic acid generally cycle it in order to get the most from it.

Oftentimes, consuming 3,000 mg of this amino acid for 12 days straight is followed by seven days off in order to avoid building up a tolerance.

Stacking D-Aspartic acid with other supplements like vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid have been shown to increase testosterone levels even more.

Who Should Use D-Aspartic Acid?

Anyone who is suffering from low testosterone levels may want to consider using D-Aspartic acid in combination with a number of other supplements in order to revitalize themselves.

Since D-Aspartic acid has been shown to increase testosterone levels, combining supplementation with a resistance training regimen should promote muscle growth in middle aged men.

Any man who suffers from fertility issues may also want to supplement with D-Aspartic acid, as it has been shown to improve sperm mobility, quality, and count.

Men who are having a problem maintaining their hormone levels may be able to “reset” them by using D-Aspartic acid, as it interacts directly with the pituitary gland.

Since this master gland regulates all other hormones within the body like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, proper function should equate to normal testosterone levels.

Many men often consult with their doctor in order to increase their testosterone levels.  In the greater majority of cases, the simplest solution is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

However, this has a number of drawbacks and may not even be necessary for men who try D-Aspartic acid first.  In addition, by regulating the pituitary gland, D-Aspartic acid has the potential to bring the entire endocrine system back into alignment.

When it comes down to it, men who wish to retain their youth as long as possible should consider using D-Aspartic acid.

Where Can You Buy It?

Since D Aspartic Acid is considered an herbal supplement, you can find it on the shelves in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, Vitamin Shoppe, and CVS.

The price ranges from as little as $15, to as much as $90, depending on the store you’re buying it in and the brand.

There’s plenty of supplements for sale online that contain a health dose of D-AA, including Testofuel, Nugenix, and a host of others.


Anyone who is expecting to look like the Incredible Hulk after taking D-AA is setting themselves up for disappointment.

However, D-Aspartic acid has the potential to assist men who have declining testosterone levels and help them revive their normal hormone function.

In other words, men who just don’t feel like they are on the top of their game are likely to benefit from D-AA in a big way.

A wide range of men, especially those who have reached middle-age can benefit from D-Aspartic acid supplementation, as it increases testosterone to a healthy level.

Since some studies have shown a huge increase in testosterone levels, as high as 42%, after taking D-Aspartic acid for only 12 days, it is worth giving it a shot.

In combination with other supplements and natural testosterone boosters that have been proven to be effective, D-Aspartic acid is likely to be synergistic, meaning that it offers even greater results when it is stacked.

Since D-AA is relatively inexpensive, has been proven to be effective, and doesn’t come with a wide range of side effects, there is no harm in trying it out.

Nitrobuild Plus Review – 2 BIG Reasons It’s A Scam

Once you make the decision to start a new program, it’s time to make your plan. The two most important aspects of the plan are absolutely going to be your diet and your workout, but once you’ve got those dialed in, it’s time to determine what supplement or supplements will best support your efforts.

Whether you start your search by heading over to GNC or by entering “workout supplement” into Google, you’ll be met with tons of choices. Let me start right out by telling you that there are some extremely effective choices, and there are some that are pure, unadulterated junk. Our job is to help you distinguish between the two, and all the possibilities in between. We take them one by one, with today’s topic being Nitrobuild Plus.

What is Nitrobuild Plus?

Nitrobuild Plus Review 1Nitrobuild Plus is a workout supplement you’ll find online. It may pop up in your social media feeds, or it may be the result of your online search. Either way, if you follow the links, you’ll end up at their website where you can learn more and place an order if that’s what you decide to do.

Nitrobuild Plus is designed to increase pumps when taken before working out. Pumps are when your muscles get full and tight, stretching your skin and revealing your veins. And they don’t just make you look and feel good, they are essential to the muscle growth process. When you get good pumps, you’re on your way to building your muscles the right way.

Nitrobuild Plus Benefits

That’s why Nitrobuild Plus puts its focus on pumps. By doing so, it promises:

  • Insane gains in strength.
  • Maximum energy.
  • Shredding of fat.
  • Lasting endurance.
  • Even boosted libido, which we’ll discuss a bit later.

So now that we know what Nitrobuild Plus claims to do, let’s take a look at the ingredients to determine whether or not it delivers on its promises.

Nitrobuild Plus Ingredients

Pure NO Supermolecule imageThe Nitrobuild Plus website talks about a few key ingredients, but falls short of revealing the entire list. Here’s what they reveal as being in the formula:

  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide and is found in a large number of pre workout supplements, probably the majority. When it converts to nitric oxide, it becomes a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through to your muscles. The increased blood flow leads to more oxygen and nutrients being brought to muscles, and an increased amount of waste being taken away. More blood means better pumps. More oxygen and nutrients means better muscle growth. L-Arginine may also be involved and greater natural testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) production.
  • Citrulline Malate which is actually a precursor to L-Arginine. Studies are beginning to show that Citrulline Malate (milligram for milligram) may actually result in more nitric oxide production than L-Arginine. Additionally, Citrulline Malate can reduce the build up of lactic acid and ammonia in your muscles, which means less muscle fatigue (more stamina) during workouts. It may even improve and speed up post workout recovery so you’re ready to get back to the gym sooner and stronger. Increased nitric oxide will also lead to better erections for improved sexual performance.
  • Pure N.O. Super Molecule which, truthfully, I have no idea what this is. But it’s most likely because it doesn’t actually exist. Here’s exactly the what the website says about this mystery ingredient:

Nitrobuild Plus pure no molecule image

If you read carefully, you’ll see it’s really nothing more than mumbo jumbo. It talks about what nitric oxide can do for your efforts, but it makes it sound like when you’re taking Nitrobuild Plus, you’re directly taking nitric oxide. This is not the case. NO is produced in the body. The L-Arginine and Citrulline Malate can help you produce more, but there’s no such thing as a Nitric Oxide Supermolecule.

Formula Drawbacks

There’s a lot missing from the ingredient information provided by Nitrobuild Plus. For one thing, the website does not get into how much of each ingredient in present in the formula. For another, I imagine there’s more to the formula than is mentioned on the website.

For example, I’ve come across review website that mentions Creatine. Creatine can be a great boost to building muscle faster by increasing fast twitch muscle energy during workouts. We can’t be sure whether creatine is in the formula, or if so how much, so it’s difficult to make an assessment about this.

Another concern about the Nitrobuild Plus formula is ingredient amounts. Research shows that for exercise performance, a good dose for L-Arginine is 6 grams per day while a good dose for Citrulline Malate is 6-8 grams taken about an hour before exercise.

I haven’t seen the amounts used by Nitrobuild Plus, but I would be a lot of money it doesn’t come anywhere close to these amounts.

Nitrobuild Plus Side Effects

Judging by what we know of the Nitrobuild Plus formula, I would not expect much in the way of side effects. Of course, no supplement can claim to be completely side effect free. But other than particular allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients, there shouldn’t be anything serious cause by this product.

If you feel like you are experiencing some sort of side effect from using it, listen to your body and stop taking it then contact your doctor.

Nitrobuild Plus Reviews

Nitrobuild Plus is advertised through a large network of review websites. These sites present themselves as independent customers just sharing their experience with the product, but that’s not what they are at all.

They are websites created specifically to funnel customers to the Nitrobuild Plus website with the hope that they convince potential customers this is a worthwhile product to try. Their goal is to have you the customer click through to the official website and place an order. In fact, it’s rare that anyone on these sites has actually even tried the product.

Because Nitrobuild Plus isn’t sold on or any other more independent retail website, there are literally no real customer reviews to look at.

Where to Buy

We mentioned earlier that you can’t buy Nitrobuild Plus on Amazon. So where can you buy it? The only place we found was at the official Nitrobuild Plus website, and the only way to order is by signing up for their “Limited Trial Offer”.

Free Trial Offer

Nitrobuild Plus is sold on their website through their trial offer program. Here’s how it works.

You pay only a small (currently $4.99) shipping fee and they send you a full bottle of Nitrobuild Plus. Most customers think that’s the end of it, but they are dead wrong. What really happens is that by signing up for the trial:

  • You’re agreeing to pay over $100 for that bottle ($133 Australian).
  • You’re agreeing to pay $135.50 (Australian) every month as they send you a new monthly supply.

If you realize what’s up before too late, you can avoid all of these charges, but the very system is designed to make that unlikely. Once you place your free trial order, the clock starts ticking. 14 days later, if you haven’t called them at 1-800-872-748 (AU) or 9 801 0566 (NZ), they will charge you for the first bottle and set you up for monthly charges from here on out. Even if you do call them in time, you still have to return the trial bottle in order not to be charged.

And Nitrobuild Plus doesn’t exactly make it easy for you to know the deal. When you go to place your trial order, this is what you see:


Nitrobuild Plus free trial order page image


There’s nothing at all about the terms of the trial unless you scroll down and see this:


Nitrobuild Plus faded trial terms

It’s all there, but it’s barely legible with its light gray text over a white background.

And there’s no requirement to check a box or in any other way indicate that you’ve read and understood the terms. It’s entirely possible, probable even, to miss the terms entirely.

Tons and tons of similar supplements do this exact same thing and it does not do a lot to instill confidence in the customer that the product in question is trustworthy.

Nitrobuild Plus Pros and Cons

Advantages of Nitrobuild Plus

  • None that put Nitrobuild Plus ahead of any other product I’ve seen. nts

Disadvantages of Nitrobuild Plus

  • It’s only available in New Zealand and Australia.
  • You have to sign up for a trial offer (SCAM) to use it.
  • The price is ridiculously high.
  • The full ingredient list is not provided.
  • Ingredient amounts are likely to be too small to be very effective.
  • They use the same website, text, and imagery used by other supplements over the years. It’s merely a plug and play job.

The Bottom Line

Nitrobuild Plus is a workout supplement like many others, in fact, it’s exactly like many others. Their website, explanation of benefits, and ingredient information are all very similar to many other supplements that we’ve come across over the years. And they all have one thing in common – the free trial scam.

Don’t be fooled by talk of pumps and incredible gains. Nitrobuild Plus exists for one reason, and that’s to make money for the people who’re selling it. It’s not revolutionary, it’s not groundbreaking. It’s a rehashing of an overused formula that was never very good in the first place. If it were, they wouldn’t be using trickery and deceit to reel in paying customers.

Have You Used Nitrobuild Plus? Leave Your Review Below!

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AderPHEN Review – 1 BIG Reason to Stay Away

Whether you’re a student or professional, young or old, the world is a competitive place, and if you want to get ahead, sometimes you’ve got to give yourself an advantage. Brain boosting supplements, or nootropics, can do that for you, but the trick is finding the right one.

I’ve been experimenting with these supplements quite a bit over the last couple of years, and have a pretty good sense at this point of what’s likely to work and what’s junk. A week or so ago, a reader of mine asked me to look into a product on called AderPHEN. Here’s what I found.

AderPHEN Review 1AderPHEN Benefits

AderPHEN is sold exclusively through at this time, so that’s where most of the product description information comes from. It’s there that we learn AderPHEN is designed to:

  • Improve acute focus and clarity.
  • Enhance memory.
  • Boost mood.
  • Increase alertness.
  • Improve cognitive speed.
  • Protect brain cell health.

AderPHEN Ingredients

The benefits list is fairly standard for nootropic supplements, so next we’ll take a look at the formula to determine whether or not there is any merit to the claims.

The AderPHEN formula consists of:

  • Ginkbo Biloba (50 mg) which improves blood circulation to the brain, which increases the oxygen delivered. It may also work as a neuroprotective agent, which is why it’s commonly used as part of a comprehensive protocol for treating Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. Recommended doses are from 120-240 mg per day.
  • Phosphatidylserine 4% Complex (125 mg) which is a chemical made in the brain that improves cell to cell communication and provides a neuroprotective function as well. It’s been shown to slow down age related cognitive decline. The recommended dose is 300 mg per day, taken in 3 doses.
  • AderPHEN IngredientsN-Acetyl L-Carnitine Hcl (50 mg) which offers protection for brain cells which helping to provide cellular energy. The typical daily dose is 500 mg/
  • St John’s Wort (250 mg) which is primarily used as a supplemental treatment for depression. It works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, dopamine, and noepinephrine, but it also shows neuroprotective qualities. Dosing recommendation vary widely.
  • L-Glutamine (150 mg) which is essential to several chemical reactions within the body.
  • Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate (aka DMAE) (50mg) which is naturally found in fish, is a mild stimulant that’s thought to improve cognitive function by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Typically recommended doses range from 350 mg to 750 mg daily.
  • Bacopa Monnieri (100 mg) which helps your body and brain adapt to stressful situations while it is also known to improve memory. The recommended dose is about 300 mg a day.
  • Vinpocetine (2 mg) which acts as a vasodilator to improve blood flow to the brain. It may also have a neuroprotective capacity as well. The standard recommended dose is 15-60 mg per day, taken in divided doses.
  • Huperzine-A (10 mcg) which is often used to help treat age related cognitive decline. The recommended dose ranges from 50-200 mcg daily, taken in divided doses.

The AderPHEN label indicates you should take 1 capsule once or twice a day. The problem is this dosing schedule leaves you highly under-dosed on almost every ingredient.

AderPHEN Reviews

Because AderPHEN is sold on, Amazon customer reviews are available, and these can be extremely helpful when we want to learn what kinds of experiences actual users are having. With an average rating of 4.2 stars, the feedback is mainly positive, but on the other hand, it does appear to be a little fishy.

In some cases, Amazon customer reviews are actually fake. We have an article here explaining how that works in greater detail, but suffice it to say it happens quite a lot. One factor to consider is whether or not the reviews are given the “verified purchase” designation, which means the reviewer actually ordered the product. Another is dates.

When you look closely at AderPHEN reviews, you’ll see most of the 5-star reviews are not only NOT verified purchases, but they’re also all submitted on June 24, 2016 or December 7, 2014.


5-star review image


This is not a coincidence. There’s a strong likelihood these are fake reviews, paid for by the manufacturer. But when we filter for only “verified purchases” the story changes quite a bit:


Aderphen verified purchase image

Looking at these, the picture becomes a little more clear. There are still 4 star reviews, but the comments are much less exclusively positive and glowing, and there’s a one-star that indicates there are some mixed feelings about this stuff.

Who Makes AderPHEN?

The company behind AderPHEN is called Hybrid Nutraceuticals. They’re based in Las Vegas, but that’s almost all we know about them. Their website is very spotty and lacking in information, with several of the links going nowhere, including the one that should take you to their product offerings.

There’s no Better Business Bureau presence, which at least means they probably haven’t pissed off a whole lot of people yet, so that’s a good thing. But generally speaking, the lack of transparency about the company is not a good sign.

Where to Buy

AderPHEN is sold through A 30-count bottle, which is meant to represent a one-month supply, sells for $29.95, which puts it very much on the low end of the continuum of prices.

AderPHEN Pros and Cons

Advantages of AderPHEN

  • The ingredients and amounts are all listed with the product’s sales page on
  • It’s less expensive than most other pre-made nootropic supplements.
  • It’s covered under Amazon Prime’s free shipping option.

Disadvantages of AderPHEN

  • Though the formula lists many good solid nootropic ingredients, the amounts are almost all dosed too low to have any real effect.
  • You would have to take several pills per day to get the dosing you need, and I don’t recommend that for a number of reasons: it may put you over recommendation on some ingredients and it would get too expensive.
  • There’s reason to believe several 5 star AderPHEN reviews on Amazon are faked, skewing the results.
  • The company seems shady. There’s no real information about them, and most of the links on their website are broken.

The Bottom Line

AderPHEN seems to try to put together an effective formula, but in the end, it doesn’t seem like they hit the mark. The biggest problem is that the ingredients are dosed too low to have much effect at all. Add the notion of a shadowy company that hires writers to post fake Amazon reviews, and AderPHEN doesn’t really have much left going for it.

There are real and effective nootropic options out there. Don’t waste your time on this one.

Have you Used AderPHEN? Leave Your Review Below!

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Paravex Review – 3 BIG Reasons to Stay Away

I first heard about Paravex listening to talk radio. It was one of the those over the long commercials – not quite infomercial length, but the guy went on and on about how with Paravex, he was a new man, and his wife barely recognized him. At the end of the commercial, he rattled off a phone number and website address, and told about how you could try the stuff “risk free”. That’s when I knew I had to look into this stuff, and that’s what I did as soon as I got home.

What Is Paravex?

Paravex is a male sexual performance enhancement supplement that puts most of its focus on boosting testosterone, claiming that this is what you need to get back the mojo you used to have, but lost somewhere along the way.

Paravex Image 1In general, testosterone boosters focus on one of two things. Either they promote the lean muscle building effects of boosting the male hormone, or they promote the sexual benefits. Most actually give a little screen time to both, but choose one or the other to highlight.

Right on the label, Paravex calls itself a “Testosterone Male Enhancement Supplement” so that tell us which camp it’s in. It’s further solidified as you browse through the website, which is covered with images of couples in various stages of undress in playful and suggestive poses.

Paravex Benefits

Even though we’ve determined it’s a sexual performance enhancer, they’re not all the same. Some promise size increases, some focus on libido, while others are all about harder erections. Paravex promises:

  • Maximized Erections.
  • Longer Staying Power.
  • Greater Energy
  • Boosted Sex Drive.

There’s only one commonly touted benefit that’s missing, and that’s size. Trust me, though, this is actually a good thing. Dozens of products promise to make you bigger – longer and wider. But the truth of the matter is they can’t. No pill can. If they promise they will, they’re lying.

Pills are great for upping your libido and for helping you get and maintain a super hard erection, but they won’t cause any of your body parts to grow bigger. They simply can’t. So the fact that Paravex doesn’t claim to just means they’re being more honest than some of the other products out there.

So let’s focus on what Paravex says it can do, and see if they’re telling the truth about that.

Paravex Ingredients

Now this turned out to be much trickier than it should have been. In a perfect world, all supplements would disclose their ingredients on their website. An image of the back of the label would work just fine. After all, what’s in a supplement is precisely what we need to know. Customers need to know so they can conduct useful research on particular ingredients, Doctors need to know so they can best advice their patients about what’s safe and effective, and reviewers need to know too, so they can pass along valid and useful information to their readers.

But this isn’t the case with Paravex. In fact, there is so much conflicting information floating around, it’s basically impossible to know what’s actually in this stuff, until you buy it and see the actual label.

The Paravex website should be the definitive source, and maybe it is. But if it’s true, then the formula is quite weak. If we’re to take the website at its word, there are only 2 active ingredients: Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) and Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma Longifolia).

  • Horny Goat Weed doesn’t really have any effect on testosterone, but it is a popular performance enhancer because it boosts libido and increases blood flow for better erections in a very similar way to Viagra. It basically prevents a certain enzyme from doing its job of restricting blood flow, opening up the flood gates, so to speak.
  • Tongkat Ali does actually affect testosterone by increasing levels of free testosterone. It works by inhibiting Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, preventing them from functioning. With Tongkat Ali, there is less SHBG floating around your system, doing its damage, leaving more testosterone, free to provide its benefits.

My educated guess is that while Horny Goat Weed and Tongkat Ali might be the two highlighted ingredients, they are probably not the only ones. We must not be alone in this belief, because as my research continued, I found no less than 4 complete ingredient lists, each at least somewhat different from the others. In other words, it’s anybody’s guess.

Here’s what one very reputable review website lists:

  • L-Arginine
  • Muira Puama
  • Ginger
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Bioperine

It would be one thing if this were just a fleshed out version of the bare bones they offer on the website, but this list doesn’t include Tongkat Ali at all so I’d say it can’t be right. Truthfully, finding this list really left me in a quandary because I do generally trust the site it came from to provide thorough reviews.

One potential explanation is that the formula has changed. It’s not uncommon for supplements to change their formulas every so often. This could be what happened here, though I wouldn’t bet on it. You’ll understand why as I share some of the other lists we found.

Here’s one from a review website I’d never heard of:

  • Tongkat Ali
  • L-Arginine
  • Maca Root
  • Ginseng Blend
  • Fenugreek Extract
  • Antioxidants

Two sites list the following ingredients:

  • Tongkat Ali
  • Maca Root
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • L-Arginine
  • And still another:
  • Yohimbe
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Vitamin and Mineral Mixture

The upshot is we really just don’t know for sure exactly what’s in Paravex, but whichever list is correct, it’s a pretty typical and basic formula – nothing too special but pretty in line with a lot of similar supplements.

Paravex Reviews

With all those review websites, you’d think there’d be lots of great customer feedback shared online, but that’s not actually the case. These kinds of review sites don’t usually represent anyone who’s actually used the product. They exist mainly to funnel readers to a link where they then make a purchase. They’re not independent, and even if they have used the product, they’re not offering their real, unbiased opinion. It’s all about making the sale.

The truth is, I only found one real review from a customer, and it wasn’t pretty. Let’s take a little detour and talk about how and where you can get Paravar. It’s important that you know about this because it’s puts the very negative review into context.

Where to Buy

Paravex is not sold in stores, nor is it available through the big online retailers like The only way you can order this product is by signing up for their “Risk Free Trial”.


Paravar Risk Free Trial Image


But don’t let the name fool you. It’s . In fact, the chances of you spending money you have no intention of spending are very high. Here’s how it works:

You sign up by paying $4.95 shipping costs for a 30 day supply. Most customers think this is the end of it. But it’s far from over here. Hidden on the second page of the terms and conditions, in very small print, you are informed that by signing up for the trial, you are also signing up for their “Customer Preferred Program. This means that if you don’t contact them and cancel your membership (a membership you likely had no intention of initiating in the first place) within 14 days of the day you place the order, you will be charged $93.95 for the bottle you already have – the “free” bottle. And that’s not all. You’ll continue to be charged that same $93.95 plus shipping every month until you do cancel.


paravex free trial terms image


Paravex isn’t the only company that does this. There are many others. We’ve got a great article about this kind of scam. So don’t feel to bad if you’ve been caught up in the scam. It happens all the time.

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

Paravex does offer a money back guarantee, but it’s not particular useful. They give you 30 days, but they don’t give refunds on trial offers, and they don’t accept used bottles as returns. So you can only receive a refund if you don’t open the bottle, and if you get burned by the free trial, you can’t get a refund for that, even if you haven’t opened the bottle.


Paravex Return Policy Image


Back to That Paravex Review

The one review we found from an actual customer that’s purchased Paravex is a scathing indictment of the whole “free trial” scam. It comes from Michael, and his headline is simply a warning: “Beware”


Paravex Beware Image


Michael’s full review is as follows:


“Paravex has over the radio commercials for a FREE sample. There is no mention of the 14-day cancellation nda the $93 charge, so if you go to the website, BEWARE of this condition. It is VERY deceptive.

I have requested a refund for my UNOPNED BOTTLE and have had no such luck to this point.

My advice is to avoid this!

Bottom Line: No I would not recommend this to a friend”.

I’ve seen many reviews like his before, all associated with these free trial offers. People don’t know they’re signing up for them, and they only find out when they get their first charges of ALMOST $100! Paravex is just another in a long line of scam supplements.

Paravex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Paravex

  • Hmmmm… I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

Disadvantages of Paravex

  • We don’t know what the ingredients are.
  • It’s only available through a free trial offer that turns into a nightmare of monthly billing.
  • There’s no effective money back guarantee.
  • The only real customer feedback is from a guy who was scammed by the free trial offer and can’t seem to get his money back. There’s nothing anywhere about the actual product or how it works.

The Bottom Line

I see male enhancement supplements like Paravex all the time. We don’t know exactly what’s in it, but all the possible formulas are pretty weak anyway. There are dozens of others that are very similar in that regard.

To make matters worse, you can only order it by signing up for their free trial offer that starts a process of monthly billing without the knowledge of the majority of customers.

That’s two strikes and here’s the third. There is no customer feedback online specifically addressing how well Paravex works. This is also pretty common with these products, and there’s a good reason for this. It’s because once most people see the bill, they’re done even caring about how it works, it’s just plainly not worth what they’re charging… or the hassle.

Paravex does not get my recommendation. In fact, my recommendation is that you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

Have You Used Paravex? Leave Your Review Below!

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Lo más cercano al Viagra sin una receta médica

A no ser que haya vivido en una cueva durante los últimos 15 años, usted probablemente ha escuchado del Viagra, un producto disponible mediante receta médica.

De hecho hay altas probabilidades de que usted haya recibido en más de una ocasión emails spam sobre este producto, sin mencionar el gran número de anuncios que hay por todos lados.

El producto se utiliza para tratar los síntomas de la disfunción eréctil pues ayuda a mejorar la calidad, duración y control sobre la erección.

Sin embargo, también puede hacerle sufrir de algunos efectos secundarios un tanto drásticos.

Estos efectos secundarios incluyen, pero no están limitados a, dolores de cabeza, sofocamiento, indigestión, visión disminuida y congestión nasal. (Fuente: 1)

Además, SOLAMENTE puede ser adquirido con receta médica.

No es posible comprar Viagra sin receta médica en tiendas como CVS, Walgreens, GNC o Walmart.

Necesitará ver a un doctor, comentarle que tiene problemas “ahí abajo”, obtener un diagnóstico por disfunción eréctil (DE) y entonces recibirá una receta médica para ello.

Para algunos hombres, esto puede llegar a ser un tanto vergonzoso…

Para otros, el problema es que su seguro médico no cubre el producto por lo que resulta muy caro comprarlo.

Por ello, cada día recibo preguntas de docenas de hombres que quieren saber cuál suplemento es la mejor alternativa al Viagra / Cialis, pero que sea completamente natural, esté disponible sin receta médica y tenga un precio modesto, además de que no les haga sufrir de efectos secundarios.

Debe recordar que yo he reseñado personalmente DOCENAS de productos potenciadores masculinos.

He probado píldoras, bombas, cremas, extensores, aceites e inclusive goma de mascar que dice ser un fuerte potenciador masculino.

/wp content/files/2017/03/me pills

Si ha escuchado de un producto, hay altas probabilidades de que yo lo haya probado (o que por lo menos haya investigado sobre este).

Yo me consideraría como alguien que está calificado para saber qué funciona y que no funciona.

Prácticamente TODA pastilla potenciadora masculina que funciona de forma similar a un Viagra sin receta médica tiene el potencial de producir ALGÚN tipo de efecto secundario. Cualquier suplemento que no lo haga o bien no funciona o bien su efecto es MUY mínimo.

Aunque la mayoría de estos productos prometen que usted verá aumentos en su tamaño, muchos de ellos han sido creados para enfocarse en específico en los hombres que sufren de problemas de disfunción eréctil.

Haga clic aquí para leer esta publicación en inglés

En esta reseña, yo le contaré sobre:

  • La combinación en específico que yo uso para imitar los efectos del Viagra.
  • Cómo tomarla.
  • EXACTAMENTE que debe esperar de ello.
  • Mi experiencia personal.
  • Otros suplementos que he usado y que funcionan.

Aquí tiene algunas de los mejores píldoras potenciadoras masculinas disponibles sin receta médica que funcionan casi igual a (si no es que mejor que) el Viagra.


Extenze y Fenibut
Extenze Plus
Rhino 7
Libido Max
Powerzen Gold

Mi Elección #1– Extenze y Fenibut

extenze-y-fenibutNota: Esta solamente es una reseña.

Haga clic aquí para Visitar el sitio web oficial de Extenze.

Este combo en particular es quizás la MÁS potente combinación natural afrodisiaca que ENCONTRARÁ JAMÁS.

De hecho, esta combinación funciona tan bien que yo diría que los efectos son MEJORES que los del Viagra por sí solo. Para los que no saben, el Fenibut es un nootrópico que se usa para promover el sentimiento de calma, reduciendo la ansiedad y mejorando el ánimo. (Fuente: 2)

Funciona muy bien como auxiliar para cuando necesita estudiar en combinación con otro suplemento llamado Optimind, ayudándole a enfocarse y concentrarse durante horas sin dormirse mientras sostiene un libro en sus manos. En sí, es uno de los suplementos MÁS efectivo (si no es que el MÁS efectivo) que jamás he probado. Es tan poderoso que me sorprende que no esté regulado por la FDA / DEA para ser clasificado como una droga.

Amazon incluso ha removido de su sitio web todos los productos que contienen Fenibut. (Fuente: 3)

En Rusia si es considerada como una droga, siendo el primer lugar en donde fue sintetizada, pero en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica continúa siendo completamente legal y de venta libre sin receta médica.

¿Cómo es que un suplemento nootrópico funciona como un medicamento como el Viagra?

El efecto en sí es MUY difícil de explicar, pero hagamos un intento.

El Fenibut funciona sobre los receptores GABA (ácido gamma-aminobutírico), principalmente sobre el receptor GABA-b.

Este receptor es responsable de producir las sensaciones de calma, relajamiento y mejora en el ánimo.

Cuando usted bebe algo con alcohol, los efectos que siente son un resultado directo del alcohol “trabajando sobre” los receptores GABA.

¿Conoce ese sentimiento que tiene con esa primera bebida?

Le hace sentirse de mejor humor, pero todavía está consciente de usted mismo y se siente bien (es decir, no está completamente ebrio).

ES EXACTAMENTE ASÍ COMO le hace sentir el Fenibut.

En realidad, le hace sentirse un poco ebrio, pero NO ebrio al punto de que no tiene idea de lo que está haciendo o como para ponerlo a hacer el ridículo.
Le relaja y le pone de buen humor pero mantiene sus sentidos alertas.

El Fenibut también tiene una tendencia a eliminar la ansiedad y el efecto de temblor que se tiene con los estimulantes.

También funciona muy bien para las mujeres.

¿Cómo funcionan el Fenibut y Extenze?

Extenze contiene una ponderosa mezcla de ingredientes, incluyendo una sustancia llamada Yohimbe, además de L-Arginina, DHEA y Tribulus.

Se ha probado que al combinar estos ingredientes, en especial la L-Arginina y el Yohimbe, se ayuda a mejorar la situación de los hombres que sufren de disfunción eréctil.

El yohimbe básicamente es una alternativa natural al Viagra y funciona FENOMENALMENTE. Produce erecciones INCREÍBLES y le permitirá mantener una erección por horas. Es la mejor alternativa sin receta médica para la DE que jamás he usado y vaya que la he usado bastante.

SIN EMBARGO,  como el yohimbe es un estimulante, tiene tendencia a producir ansiedad, nerviosismo, temblor e irritabilidad. Es por eso que es importante el uso del Fenibut

El Fenibut básicamente ELIMINA POR COMPLETO ESOS EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS. Combinar ambos es completamente extraordinario.

Le brindará una erección de lo mejor mientras le hace sentir calmado y con gran confianza en usted mismo mientras está con una mujer.

Usted será todo un semental en la cama. Además, se sentirá alegre (debido al aumento en la secreción de dopamina), calmado y tendrá el mejor sueño de su vida – ¡el mejor en años!

Puede comprar una caja de Extenze a un bajo precio directamente de su sitio web oficial:

¿Dónde puedo obtener Fenibut de calidad?

fenibutYo he usado una docena de marcas para el Fenibut y en su mayoría todas son muy buenas. En lo personal, yo prefiero la marca Absorb Your Health pues está disponible en polvo. Se puede comprar directamente en su sitio web oficial a un costo accesible:

Absorb Your Health vende tanto la versión en polvo como una versión en cápsulas. Ambos funcionan muy bien por lo que la versión que elija dependerá de su gusto, pero si decide comprar la versión en polvo le regalan una cuchara para medir la porción.

El Fenibut también está disponible para su venta sin receta médica en tiendas como GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, pero yo evito comprarlo ahí pues los precios para este producto son CONSIDERABLEMENTE  más altos.

Algunos comentarios importantes

1.)  Tenga en consideración el tiempo

Algo que debo mencionar es que los efectos potenciadores de libido por parte del Fenibut toman BASTANTE tiempo para comenzar a aparecer. Debe considerar que tendrá que esperar entre 4 a 6 horas para ello. Así que no, este no es un producto que se toma unos 30 a 45 minutos antes de tener sexo para poder tomar ventaja de sus efectos. No es así como funciona.

Yo recomiendo que tome Fenibut y Extenze de la siguiente forma para obtener los mejores resultados. A primera hora de la mañana, tome una dosis de 500 – 1000 mg de Fenibut con el estómago COMPLETAMENTE vacío.

Después, no coma nada durante por lo menos 2 horas pues el Fenibut tarda tiempo en ser absorbido hacia su torrente sanguíneo.

  1. Después, espere entre 4 a 6 horas para estar completamente seguro de que ha surtido efecto.
  2. Alrededor de 1 hora antes de tener sexo, tome una cápsula de Extenze con el estómago relativamente vacío.
  3. Una vez que ha hecho todo esto, está listo para la acción.


2.  No beba / limite su ingesta de alcohol mientras toma Fenibut

Debido a que el Fenibut funciona de la misma forma como el alcohol sobre los receptores GABA tiende a AMPLIFICAR los efectos del alcohol de forma CONSIDERABLE.

Lo que esto quiere decir es que cuando usted bebe una cerveza se sentirá como si hubiera tomado 3 cervezas.

Cuando tome 3 cervezas se sentirá como 6.

Cuando tome 9 cervezas… bueno, ya entiende.

Yo recomendaría que no bebiera cuando toma este producto o que POR LO MENOS se limite a 1 o 2 bebidas a lo mucho.

Tomar no elimina el efecto “similar al Viagra” pero SI puede hacer que termine completamente alcoholizado.

3.  Solamente debe usar esta combinación una vez a la semana (máximo dos veces)

El Fenibut tiene una tendencia a generar una tolerancia en su cuerpo de forma rápida, lo cual quiere decir que usted necesitará tomar más y más para poder obtener el mismo efecto.

El otro problema es que una vez que se ha generado una tolerancia es MUY DIFÍCIL poder volver a sentirse como la primera vez.

Yo recomendaría no usarlo más de dos veces por semana, con un periodo de 3 o 4 días entre cada dosis para poder evitar que genere una tolerancia tan rápidamente.

4.  Esta combinación funciona MUY BIEN para la eyaculación precoz

prosolution plus reviewSi su problema principal no es que no puede tener una erección sino lo rápido que desaparece, entonces esta combinación DEFINITIVAMENTE le va a ayudar.

Una de las causas principales de la eyaculación precoz es la ansiedad y, cómo el Fenibut ayuda a eliminar la ansiedad, puede ayudarle a durar MUCHO más de lo que normalmente duraría.

Si está buscando algo en específico para ayudarle con los problemas de eyaculación precoz, entonces tiene que revisar un suplemento llamado Prosolution Plus.

Es en realidad el único suplemento que he encontrado que cuenta con un estudio clínico que PRUEBA que puede ayudar con los síntomas de la eyaculación precoz.

Puedo decirle, por experiencia personal, ¡que en verdad funciona!

Haga clic aquí para leer mi reseña completa de Prosolution Plus.


extenze resenasEl producto más efectivo (y seguro) que he probado, por mucho, es  Extenze, del cual hablaré más aquí mismo (tengo una reseña completa de Extenze aquí si desea leer mi reporte completo).

A diferencia de las píldoras como Vigrx Plus que están diseñadas para trabajar en un periodo de semanas/meses, Extenze es un potenciador masculino de acción rápida que es una alternativa al Viagra y que surtirá sus efectos dentro de unos 45 a 60 minutos después de que lo toma.

De hecho, los creadores originales de Extenze tuvieron algunos problemas cuando comenzaron a venderlo.

Como muchos otros suplementos de su tipo, ellos estaban prometiendo a los hombres que tomar la píldora haría que creciere su miembro. Una vez que quienes lo tomaron se dieron cuenta de que no estaban logrando hacer crecer su miembro, se enojaron de verdad. Se enojaron tanto que presentaron una demanda legal conjunta en contra de la compañía. (Fuente: 4)

Sin entrar a mayor detalle, los creadores de Extenze perdieron dicho juicio y fueron forzados a pagar una cantidad de dinero para poder llegar a un acuerdo de indemnización. Los derechos sobre Extenze como producto fueron posteriormente comprados por una compañía de nombre Biotab nutraceuticals, quien aprovechó para lanzar el producto con promesas legítimas.

¿Qué hace que Extenze sea tan bueno?

Este producto contiene una mezcla específica de ingredientes que ayudan a incrementar la sensibilidad de su miembro durante el sexo, incrementar sus orgasmos y que le permiten durar más en el acto.

De todas las píldoras herbales que he probado personalmente, esta es una de las mejores alternativas al Viagra que he encontrado. En específico, combina 3 elementos clave: Yohimbe, L-Arginina y Epimedium.

La primera vez que usé Extenze, los resultados fueron EXTRAORDINARIOS. Lo que noté de inmediato es que yo podía durar por HORAS sin ninguna sensación de entumecimiento. En mi caso, surtió efecto después de 30 minutos de haberlo tomado, pero todos sus efectos llegaron alrededor de hora y media después de ingerirlo. Parece durar por horas y yo en lo personal no experimenté ningún efecto secundario.

Es posible encontrar Extenze en tiendas como GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart y Walgreens / CVS, además de en tiendas en línea, lo cual resulta ser más barato.

Cuando visite el sitio oficial (, no se sorprenda al leer que recomiendan lo tome diariamente. En mi experiencia personal, esto no tiene sentido. ¿Puede tomarlo todos los días? Sí. ¿Es necesario hacerlo? No. En mi opinión, los efectos son los mismos.

Un comentario rápido sobre Vigrx Plus

vigrx plus resenasCuando llegó por primera vez a esta página probablemente se dio cuenta de que yo califico a Vigrx Plus como mi suplemente potenciador masculino número 1. Entonces, ¿por qué no es listado como una alternativa efectiva al Viagra? Para mí, Vigrx Plus es la píldora potenciadora masculina más potente de todas. Sin embargo, tardó algo de tiempo en surtir todos sus efectos (unos 3 meses), por lo que no debe esperar algún milagro de un día a otro.

Extenze, por su parte, funciona cuando la necesita. Esto quiere decir que tomarla entre 30 a 45 minutos antes de tener sexo le puede permitir tener grandes erecciones.

La ventaja de Vigrx Plus es que una vez que surtió efecto yo podía tener una gran erección cuando quisiera, pero era necesario que tomara las pastillas cada día.

La ventaja de Extenze es que simplemente podía tomarla el día que la necesito pero, desde luego, tenía que esperar para que surtiera efecto.

Haga clic aquí para leer mi reseña complete de Vigrx Plus.

Rhino 7

rhino 7 resenasLa primera vez que use Rhino 7, yo era un tanto sospechoso de lo que podía hacer el producto. Yo obtuve una GRAN erección, pero también me di cuenta de que estaba experimentando unos raros efectos secundarios. ¿Qué tipo de efectos secundarios? Bueno, durante las primeras horas me sentí mareado, con náuseas y en general muy mal.

Sí, tenía una gran erección., pero al mismo tiempo me sentía tan enfermo que sentía que no podía tener sexo. Investigué un poco, ¡y descubrí que los fabricantes de Rhino 7 estaban inyectando dapoxetina en su suplemento para que pudiera funcionar! Se esto pues la FDA (quien de forma rutinaria lleva a cabo pruebas sobre las sustancias herbales para asegurarse de que los fabricantes no estén agregando elementos ilegales en los productos) llevó a cabo una prueba sobre Rhino 7 y encontró que contenía cantidades sustanciales de dapoxetina en su fórmula. (Fuente: 5)

Algunos de los efectos secundarios más comunes de la dapoxetina (el ingrediente activo en los medicamentos para combatir la eyaculación precoz) son nauseas, mareos, resequedad en la boca y dolores de cabeza.

Como es de imaginarse, la FDA emitió el retiro de todo el inventario de Rhino 7, pero todavía hay algunas piezas a la venta en gasolineras y licorerías.

Libido Max

libido max resenasLibido Max es una de las primeras píldoras potenciadoras masculinas que yo probé. También fue una de las más efectivas en cuanto a la calidad de la erección que me brindó. Este suplemento DEFINITIVAMENTE le brindará grandes erecciones, pero no sin batallar un poco.

El problema con Libido Max es que le presentan muchas formas de cómo tomarlas. Primero, las píldoras son ENORMES. Son las pastillas más grandes que jamás he tomado. Por suerte son cápsulas de gel por lo que son más fáciles de tragar en comparación con las cápsulas/pastillas normales.

Las instrucciones en la etiqueta dicen que debe tomar de 2 a 4 cápsulas unos 45 minutos antes de tener sexo. La primera vez que lo usé, decidí tomar 2 cápsulas de gel para ver cómo me sentía. Durante los primeros 15 minutos, yo no sentí gran cosa. Pero unos 20 minutos después, tuve una de las mejores erecciones de toda mi vida. Pero también tuve una extraña sensación de enfermedad, como si hubiera contraído gripe. Al pasar los minutos, aumentó mi excitación pero también mi sentimiento de enfermedad. Fue una de las sensaciones más raras que jamás he experimentado.

Imagine tener una erección dura como piedra pero tener unas náuseas inmensas exactamente al mismo tiempo. Yo también tenía la necesidad de escupir constantemente. Era como si cada vez que escupía mi boca inmediatamente se llenaba de más saliva y tenía que volver a escupir. Traté de auto-complacerme, pero cuando tenía una erección sentía como si fuera a vomitar.

Después me entré que Libido Max usa una GRAN dosis de Yohimbe, algo MÁS alto que lo que contiene Extenze. El Yohimbe es un afrodisiaco muy potente que produce efectos MUY similares a los de un Viagra de genérico.

He hablado antes del Yohimbe (incluyendo aquí) y si lee este artículo apreciará que puede tener MUCHOS efectos secundarios cuando se consume en grandes cantidades. Si revisa algunas de las reseñas en mi artículo podrá ver que las personas o lo aman o lo odian.

Usted necesita una dosis que sea precisa para obtener grandes erecciones sin sentirse enfermo. Si decide tomar Libido Max, yo sugeriría que lo haga con el estómago lleno y que SOLAMENTE tome una píldora para ver cómo se siente.

La mayoría de los hombres sufren de fuertes efectos secundarios comienzan con dosis exageradas de unas 4 píldoras por lo que terminan sintiéndose MUY enfermos. No igual de mal como se siente alguien tomando Viagra, pero sí muy cerca a ello.

Puede comprar Libido Max en tiendas como Walmart, GNC, Walgreens, CVS y Vitamin Shoppe y su costo usualmente es de $10 por 30 píldoras.

Powerzen Gold (también llamado Powerzen Platinum y Triple Powerzen)

powerzen resenasEste es otro suplemento que se acerca al efecto del Viagra  y sobre el que encontrará MUCHAS reseñas de quienes visitan este sitio web.

Yo nunca pude probar este producto, pero quise incluirlo aquí como una de las alternativas al Viagra debido a la gran cantidad de reseñas que he recibido sobre esta cápsula. Si lee esas reseñas en mi artículo, podrá apreciar que la mayoría tiene algo en común. Por ejemplo, algo como:

“Funciona muy bien pero el dolor de cabeza que produce no vale la pena”.

O también otras cosas tales como:

“Erecciones duras como una roca que duran horas”.

Cuando se revisan los ingredientes del producto, se aprecian elementos como Yohimbe, Tribulus Terrestris y L-Arginina, los cuales son potentes alternativas al Viagra.

Sin embargo, cuando comencé a revisar algunas de las reseñas que estaba recibiendo leía cosas como “me dio un gran dolor de cabeza”, o como “siento una ligera presión en mi cabeza”, lo cual me hizo sospechar.

Al investigar un poco encontré que esta compañía TAMBIÉN estaba inyectando de forma ilegal sildenafilo en su suplemento para que funcionara como el Viagra (Fuente: 6). Aunque esto es claramente ilegal, todavía se puede encontrar a la venta Powerzen Gold en muchas gasolineras, tiendas de conveniencia o inclusive en GNC. Imagino que no la FDA no tardará en actuar.


Como dije al principio de este artículo, la combinación natural más cercana a la función del Viagra es Extenze y Fenibut.

Yo he recomendado personalmente esta combinación a MILES de hombres y prácticamente TODOS se asombraron con lo bien que funciona.

Todos los suplementos que he recomendado aquí han sido probados personalmente por mí y PUEDEN y VAN a funcionar muy bien.

Si usted no puede soportar los efectos secundarios del Viagra y/o no puede costearlo, estas son algunas opciones naturales que pueden ayudar a quienes sufren de disfunción eréctil.


1) Efectos secundarios del Viagra–
2) Fenibut –
3) Amazon y Fenibut –
4) Demanda contra Extenze–
5) FDA y Rhino 7 –
6) Powerzen Gold –

Nuestra elección #1 como potenciador masculino – Píldoras Vigrx

vigrx plus resenasHemos probado personalmente más de 100 diferentes suplementos potenciadores masculinos y Vigrx Plus se alza como el más efectivo en cuanto a resultados y reseñas de los clientes.

No solamente ha sido diseñado Vigrx Plus para ayudar a mejorar la libido y la duración sino que es el único producto en su categoría que ha tenido una prueba clínica y que ha PROBADO que funciona.

Haga clic aquí para leer más sobre mis resultados específicos con Vigrx Plus.

Gundry MD Vital Reds Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try It


Who Is Dr. Gundry
Benefits of Gundry MD Vital Reds
The Gundry MD Vital Reds Formula
How To Use Gundry MD Vital Reds
Where To Buy
Gundry MD Vital Reds Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Clean eating and using “superfoods” to get healthy and stay young and fit has become the gold standard in healthy living. And when you think about it, it’s hard to argue against its principles of whole foods and plant-based nutrients. So it makes perfect sense that a product like Gundry MD Vital Reds is getting so much attention lately.

While it does provide energy, Gundry MD Vital Reds is not a workout supplement per se. The energy you get comes not from stimulants, but from the rush of healthful nutrients, including polyphenols and natural fat burners. When taken daily, it promises a steady, youthful energy and vitality, and the opportunity to feel younger, more vibrant and productive than you have in years.

We’ve been hearing quite a bit of buzz about this product, so we thought it was a good time to take a look and see if it’s worthy of the hype. First, a little background.

Who Is Dr. Gundry?

Gundry MD Vital Reds Dr Gundry ImageAccording to the Better Business Bureau, Gundry MD has been an incorporated business since early 2014. Dr. Steve Gundry spent the early part of his career as a heart surgeon and in 2001 was Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University Medical Center. It was there that he encountered a patient that changed his career trajectory forever.

This patient had been overweight and chronically ill, and he began seeing Dr. Gundry at a time when he too was overweight and on a collision course with heart disease and diabetes. The patient essentially healed himself with his diet. His arteries went from clogged to clear in six months, and when Dr. Gundry emulated the man’s diet for himself, he lost 70 pounds, lowered his bad cholesterol, and raised his good cholesterol.

Today, Dr. Gundry is the Director of the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs, CA. His focus is on changing the way we eat and live in order to determine our own health outcomes. He’s written a best selling diet book: Dr. Gundry’s Diet Revolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You and Your Waistline. And now, through his Gundry MD company, he offers supplements, the most popular of which is Gundry MD Vital Reds.

Benefits of Gundry MD Vital Reds

Now that we have an idea of where Dr. Gundry is coming from, we have a better context with which to understand his flagship supplement. The primary touted benefits of Gundry MD Vital Reds include:

  • Higher energy levels that take you through your entire day..
  • Improved digestion, with less gas and bloating.
  • Better metabolism which adds to your overall energy.
  • Improved weight loss and management.
  • Healthier and better looking skin.

Now let’s dive into the formula to see if and how Gundry MD Vital Reds really works.

The Gundry MD Vital Reds Formula

The best way to look at the Gundry MD Vital Reds ingredients is as 4 distinct blends, each with a specific function.

Gundry MD Vital Reds Ingredients ImageThe Polyphenol Blend forms the core of the formula. Polyphenols are the micronutrients Dr. Gundry considers to be the real breakthrough nutrients that may lead to the prevention of chronic diseases. (1) Within Gundry MD Vital Reds, the key polyphenols noted by the good doctor are:

Aronia Berries (aka Chokeberries) which are very rich in polyphenols and have been shown to prevent digestive system damage, lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, and improve blood vessel health.

Grape Seed Extract which benefits the cardiovascular system and helps make it easier to manage body weight.

Mulberry Extract which also promotes heart health while helping to maintain a healthy weight. It’s effect of reducing total and bad cholesterol has also been noted.

Additional polyphenols in the formula include carrot, apple peel, flax seed, black currant, beet, cranberry, mango, papaya, acai fruit, strawberry, grape skin extract, blueberry fruit, pomegranate, blackbery, acerola fruit, red reaspberry, pineapple, orange, cantaloupe, grape, watermelon, grapefuit, plum, pear, lemon, lime, cherry, peach, and bererine hydrocholride.

The Metabolic Boosting Blend helps to contribute to both the energy boosting and the weight loss effects of the Gundry MD Vital Reds formula. The main components of this blend include:

Cinnamon Bark which may help control blood sugar, managing the way glucose is used for energy.

Ginger Root which increases body temperature and metabolism by up to 20% after ingestion. It is also commonly used as a digestive aid.

Green Tea Leaf Extract which contains polyphenols of its own, called EGCGs, which can boost metabolism and fat burning as well as act as an antioxidant.

White Tea Leaf Extract which also contains catechins along with caffeine for a metabolism boost.

Turmeric Rhizome Extract (with 95% curcuminoids) which acts as an anti inflammatory while it also boosts metabolism

Bitter Melon Fruit Extract which has been studied and shown to improve metabolic dysfunction, potentially by increasing the function of AMPK.

Black Pepper Fruit which increases the bioavailability of each of the other ingredients in the formula.

The Digestive Support Blend which consists probiotics:

Bacillus Coagulans

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Bifidobacterium Lactis


Gundry MD Vital Reds Image 1Probiotics are basically the “good bacteria” you want in your gut to keep things running smoothly, to fight against “bad bacteria”, and to help optimize your gastrointestinal health. There have been several studies of some of the most popular strains, showing that probiotics can indeed be effective in fighting against bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are among the most common.

In addition to aiding digestion, the use of probiotics has been connected to better skin, increased energy, a healthier immune system, and better mood. As more becomes known about this good baceria, more and more positive benefits are discovered.

In our research we’ve found that in addition to the particular strain of probiotics, the most important factor in ultimate effectiveness is the number of CFUs, or Colony Forming Units. Generally speaking, the higher the CFU number, the more effective your probiotics will be. This is true to a point. If you’re healthy and you take too many CFUs, gas, bloating, and abdominal tenderness can be the result.

The total number of probiotics in the Gundry MD Vital Reds formula is 3 billion CFUs This is in line with daily recommendations for healthy individuals looking to maintain normal digestive health.

It’s also comparable to the amount found in several other competing products, such as Bio X4 and Probioslim.

Increased amounts are recommended when your immune system is compromised or when you’re taking antibiotics.

The Vitamin and Mineral Blend contributes to overall health and energy with 100% of the daily recommended doses of:

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Pantothenic Acid

And 167% of the daily recommended allowance of Chromium.

This mainly represents the B Complex of vitamins, which are known to be crucial to the chemical reactions our bodies engage in for optimal health while they provide all day energy and mood boosting properties as well.

It’s also important to note what Gundry MD Vital Reds doesn’t have, and that’s soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, or lectins (which can cause unwanted immuno-responses).

How To Use Gundry MD Vital Reds

Gundry MD Vital Reds comes in powder form. Using one measure of the scoop provided, mix it with a glass of water or other beverage and drink it once a day.

It’s easily digested, and can be taken with or without a meal at any time of the day.

Gundry MD states that you’ll feel a surge of energy right away, but that best results will show themselves after about 2-3 weeks of consistent use.

Gundry MD Vital Reds Side Effects

None of the ingredients in the formula should cause more than the mildest, if any, side effects. Some may experience gas or some bloating from the probiotics, but these effects are generally mild, and they usually go away after consistent use for a few days. If not, back off your dose to half and see if that helps. If so, gradually increase back to full dose as you start to feel better.

Where to Buy

Gundry MD Vital Reds is not sold in stores (click here to see some that are), and apparently it’s only available directly through the Gundry MD website. At the official website, 3 packages are are offered:

  • 1 jar for $49.95 plus $4.95 shipping
  • 3 jars for $134.85 with free shipping
  • 6 jars for $254.70 also with free shipping

With any of these packages, Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution book is available as an add-on for $9.95.

Gundry MD makes a point of noting that by default, all sales are one-time only sales. This, of course, is a reference to all the “free trial” scams out there that lock customers unknowingly into a recurring billing nightmare when they thought they were just signing up for a one-time freebie.

But they do offer a VIP membership program that basically gets you a 10% discount for signing up for automatic monthly orders.

Here’s what a pricing order looks like:


Gundry MD Vital Reds Normal Pricing Image
And the following shows the VIP discount you get when signing up to automatically receive monthly shipments.


Gundry MD Vital Reds VIP Pricing Image


Be aware that even if you choose the 6 jar package, they’ll send you the 6 jars each month, which honestly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Who is going to use a 6-month supply in 1 month? But you can change, cancel, or update your subscription at any time. I’m assuming this means if you want to put off your delivery a few months you can.

I’ve also seen feedback from customers saying that taking more than one serving per day gives faster, better overall results.

All orders made through Gundry are covered by a 90-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

Gundry MD Vital Reds Pros and Cons

Gundry MD Vital Reds BBB ImageAdvantages of Gundry MD Vital Reds

  • The ingredients are all natural and considered safe and largely free from side effects.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The website provides tons of information about Dr. Gundry, his history, and his products.
  • The company has an A- rating with the Better Business Bureau.
  • Several of the ingredients have been clinically studied and shown to be beneficial.

Disadvantages of Gundry MD Vital Reds

  • It’s a bit expensive.
  • Reviews are mixed so it’s tough to tell how well it’s really working for actual users.
  • Clinical studies of key ingredients don’t necessarily reflect the same amounts that you’ll find in the Gundry MD Vital Reds formula.

The Bottom Line

After putting in the time to find out the ins and outs of Gundry MD Vital Reds, I’d have to say my jury is still out. The sheer number of negative reviews bothers me because this is usually a very bad sign. But the fact that most of them talk about the high Amazon price softens that blow a bit. After all, you can get it for much less through the official site.

The biggest point in favor of the product is Dr. Gundry himself. A lot of products say they’re backed by doctors, but trying to get information about what kind of practices they have or what research they’ve done is impossible – mainly because he doesn’t really exist. But this isn’t the case here. Dr. Gundry is the real thing. Whether or not he’s created the world’s greatest supplement is still up for debate, but he’s real, he’s well-educated and experienced in these matters, and he appears to be sincerely interested in helping people get and stay healthy.

With the generous 90-day money back guarantee in mind, give Gundry MD Vital Reds a try and let us know how it works out for you.

Have You Used Gundry MD Vital Reds? Leave Your Review Below!



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