YK-11 Review: Is It A SARM Or Prohormone?


What is YK-11
YK-11 as a S.A.R.M.
YK-11 as a Prohormone
YK-11 as a Myostatin Inhibitor
Is YK-11 Legal to Buy and Use
How Does YK-11 Work
Side Effects of YK-11
What Does Science Say about YK-11
Highlighted Benefits of YK-11
How to Use YK-11
Stacking Methods with YK-11

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to buy YK-11 legally online.

Do you want to pack on muscle mass?

Not interested in wasting money on any more useless supplements?

Ready to put on lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss?

It can be tough to keep up with all of the muscle building options out there. From prohormones to S.A.R.M.s to steroids, the market is flooded with a variety of muscle-focused supplements; however, not of these supplements are able to deliver on their promises.

Many of them claim to be miracle cures to any number of workout recovery problems or simply be the ultimate and most essential tool to pack on bulk that you have been missing out on all this time.

YK-11 is a relatively new muscle building compound that has been famously falsely categorized as a S.A.R.M. and a prohormone. Despite what you may read, YK-11 is neither of these things and yet it shows an immense amount of potential for being a powerful tool to build mass while reducing fat.

Let’s take a look at what YK-11 is, how it compares with other anabolic supplements, and how you can use it to achieve muscle mass and fat loss.

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1.  What is YK-11?

yk-11 reviews

This is the question that can lead you down a rabbit hole on a Google search bar.

Is YK-11 a selective androgen receptor modulator? No.

Is YK-11 a prohormone? No.

What exactly is YK-11?

Due to its properties and the way it works once it is inside your body, YK-11 can be appropriately classified as a Myostatin Inhibitor. Let’s first jump into why it’s not a S.A.R.M. or a prohormone.

2.  YK-11 as a S.A.R.M.

What is YK-11

A selective androgen receptor modulator, best known as a S.A.R.M., is a compound that targets specific androgen receptor sites in the body and promotes anabolic benefits with minimal androgenic side effects.

YK-11 is not a S.A.R.M. but I can see why it is usually classified as such. YK-11 does attach itself to androgen receptors; however, it does not promote the release of anabolic or androgenic agents. Instead, once attached YK-11 promotes the release of Follistatin. More on the relationship between Follistatin and Myostatin below.

3.  YK-11 as a Prohormone

YK-11 as a Prohormone

A prohormone is ingested into the body where it will be given the missing compound to turn it into an active androgenic agent. Most prohormones will promote both anabolic benefits such as muscle growth while also triggering androgenic side effects such as acne and aggression. Prohormones also are known for causing testosterone suppression and requiring a post-cycle therapy supplement to offset these effects.

YK-11 does not require a missing compound in order to be activated. Rather, once inside the body, it connects to an androgen receptor and it promotes the release of the compound, Follistatin. It does have some side effects, which I’ll expand on below, but nothing as severe as a prohormone.

Prohormones and YK-11 have completely different mechanisms for activation along with a different level of anabolic versus androgenic effects. In summary, YK-11 is NOT a prohormone.

4.  YK-11 as a Myostatin Inhibitor

YK-11 as a Myostatin Inhibitor
Source: moreplatesmoredates.com

YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor. First, let’s breakdown what myostatin is and its role in muscle building.

Everyone has a genetic muscle building limit. If we didn’t have a genetic wall in place, our bodies would continue to gain muscle mass to the point of not being able to physically move because the mass would be so big, assuming the right conditions were met for hypertrophy, of course.

Myostatin is in charge of being that muscle building wall. Men and women are able to max out their genetic potential and once they reach that point, even with the best diet and training program, myostatin will step in.

Myostatin inhibitors are able to disarm the compound and allow your body to continue making progress. More on how YK-11 acts as a myostatin inhibitor below.

Is YK-11 Legal to Buy and Use

YK-11 seems to be somewhere in the gray area of legality. It all depends on what form of YK-11 you’re after.

If you want official medical grade YK-11, you must be involved with a research laboratory currently conducting studies on the compound.

If you aren’t a research scientist, not to worry. You can purchase unregulated YK-11 online. As I’ve mentioned in several other articles, unregulated supplements don’t always contain what is advertised. The best way to purchase an unregulated supplement is to do your research and visit popular forums. Ask users directly what brand they would recommend and see if the same brand keeps getting mentioned. I have two that I recommend below.

Can YK-11 be used in a bodybuilding setting where testing is regularly conducted?

There is no clear answer on this. YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor so it doesn’t promote sex steroid hormone increases like an illegal steroid; however, some of its side effects are similar to that of a low-level prohormone. Even the most veteran users found in forums aren’t exactly sure.

If you personally have had experience with YK-11 and a bodybuilding drug test, please let me know in the comments below about what happened when you were tested. I’d love to hear from you.

You can check out the full list of banned supplements on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

6.  How Does YK-11 Work?

How Does YK-11 Work

As I alluded to several times above, the way YK-11 works is through attaching itself to androgen receptors in the body. Once attached, it begins to promote the production of a compound called follistatin.

Follistatin is the worst nightmare of myostatin. Remember how myostatin suppresses muscle growth after you’ve reached a certain point? Well, follistatin puts myostatin back in its place, allowing your body to continue building lean muscle tissue.

7.  Side Effects of YK-11

Side Effects of YK-11
Source: sameer saeed

Most likely due to its infancy in the fitness industry as a muscle building compound, it’s not clear what side effects are to be expected with YK-11.

Those who falsely label it as a S.A.R.M. claim it has no side effects.

Those who say it’s a prohormone cite low-level prohormone side effects such as hair loss and acne as common side effects.

Finally, those who correctly announce it as a myostatin inhibitor are also on the fence. We know that YK-11 is pretty powerful stuff even though it’s not an anabolic steroid. Many reviewers compare it to being more anabolic than DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and some reviewers claim it has a methyl-ester attached to it.

For the sake of this review, I’ll write down the potential side effects that were most commonly cited in forums and reviews. Used correctly, YK-11 MAY promote the following side effects:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Low level liver toxicity
  • Slight increase in blood pressure

All of these potential side effects are easily remedied by using a post-cycle support supplement.

8.  What Does Science Say about YK-11

Since YK-11 is still in the spotlight of studies that are yet to be concluded, I’ll be basing this section off of the few studies that have been made available along with the general consensus of user reviews in the most popular bodybuilding forums.

Promotes Follistatin Production and Release

YK-11 Follistatin Production and Release

  • If there is one thing we can definitely say about YK-11 is that it’s serious when it comes to making sure follistatin gets sent to the front lines. Studies show that YK-11 is an effective way to increase the levels of follistatin in your body. Science also tells us that follistatin blocks the anabolic inhibiting effects of myostatin. (Source)

Promotes Lean Muscle Gains

YK-11 Lean Muscle Gains

  • Continuing with the idea above, since myostatin levels are pushed way down, your body is free to continue gaining lean muscle tissue. No, you won’t gain 20 pounds of muscle like you would with an anabolic steroid; however, your gains won’t be too shabby either. Many users claim that they have put on an additional 5 to 8 pounds of muscle mass with YK-11, which is incredible. Naturally, it might have taken that same user months or even a year to see those gains. (Source)

Anabolic Effects Protect Muscle

YK-11 Anabolic Effects Protect Muscle

  • If your goal is to get really lean, you always are at risk for muscle breakdown from things like a caloric deficit diet or extreme cardio. YK-11 is a protein sparing agent that also promotes lean tissue growth. What you essentially have then is a myostatin inhibitor that allows you to, at the very least, preserve the muscle you’ve built while you lean out.

Supports Hard Muscle Look

YK-11 Supports Hard Muscle Look

  • When you’re leaning out, the end goal is what is known as a hard muscle look. You see this look in fitness bodybuilding. It’s where there is a great deal of definition and the muscle looks flexed, even when it isn’t. Many users of YK-11 claim that it is an ideal muscle hardener. Combine that with its anabolic properties and you may have the perfect shredding supplement.

9.  Highlighted Benefits of YK-11

Highlighted Benefits of YK-11

  • Increase in follistatin levels
  • Blocks myostatin
  • Protects from muscle breakdown
  • Promotes lean size gains
  • Ideal for cut or mass gains
  • No water retention
  • Increase in muscular strength
  • Supports a fuller pump during workouts

10.  How to Use YK-11

How to Use YK-11

The dosage you’ll use will be dependent upon your fitness goals. If you’re trying to bulk up, you’ll use much more than if you’re trying to get lean and cut. Here’s a recommended cycle chart but be sure to check the label of the product as well. Dosages may vary from brand to brand.

Goal: Muscle Mass (Bulk)

  • Week 1: 5 mg
  • Week 2: 10 mg
  • Week 3: 15 mg
  • Week 4: 20 mg
  • Week 5: 25 mg
  • Week 6: 30 mg
  • Week 7: 30 mg
  • Week 8: 30 mg

Goal: Lean Muscle Mass (Cutting)

  • Week 1: 5 mg
  • Week 2: 5 mg
  • Week 3: 5 mg
  • Week 4: 10 mg
  • Week 5: 10 mg
  • Week 6: 10 mg
  • Week 7: 15 mg
  • Week 8: 15 mg

11.  Stacking Methods with YK-11

Stacking Methods with YK-11

Here is a recommended stacked cycle chart when you stack with Testolone, which is considered one of the best stackable compounds. Keep in mind that the stack below is for bulk muscle mass:

Week 1:

  • YK-11: 5 mg
  • Testolone: 5 mg

Week 2:

  • YK-11: 10 mg
  • Testolone: 5 mg

Week 3:

  • YK-11: 15 mg
  • Testolone: 10 mg

Week 4:

  • YK-11: 20 mg
  • Testolone: 10 mg

Week 5:

  • YK-11: 25 mg
  • Testolone: 10 mg

Week 6:

  • YK-11: 30 mg
  • Testolone: 15 mg

Week 7:

  • YK-11: 30 mg
  • Testolone: 15 mg

Week 8:

  • YK-11: 30 mg
  • Testolone: 15 mg

Popular Brands of YK-11

Popular Brands of YK-11

Here are the brands that users have reported to be of great quality:

12.  Conclusion

Whether you’re trying to get large or get lean, your body can only do so much. Once you reach your genetic limit, you’ll need something extra to push you to the next level. YK-11, a powerful myostatin inhibitor, may be exactly what you need when you want to level up.

Promoting the production of follistatin, YK-11 may be able to successfully block the muscle inhibitor known as myostatin. While it’s still a baby in the world of fitness research, few studies and many user reviews show great promise for this ingredient.

At the end of the day, it should pose no harm and taking it yourself and at least giving it a try has the potential to help you shed excess weight and replace it with lean muscle.

Have you used YK-11? Leave your review below!


  1. Kanno Y, Ota R, Someya K, Kusakabe T, Kato K, Inouye Y. Selective androgen receptor modulator, YK11, regulates myogenic differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts by follistatin expression. Biol Pharm Bull. 2013;36(9):1460-5.
  2. Biol Pharm Bull. 2011;34(3):318-23.(17α,20E)-17,20-[(1-methoxyethylidene)bis(oxy)]-3-oxo-19-norpregna-4,20-diene-21-carboxylic acid methyl ester (YK11) is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor.Kanno Y, Hikosaka R, Zhang SY, Inoue Y, Nakahama T, Kato K, Yamaguchi A, Tominaga N, Kohra S, Arizono K, Inouye Y.

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Stenabolic (SR9009) Review – Game Changing Supplement?


What is Stenabolic (SR9009)
Is Stenabolic (SR9009) Legal to Buy and Use
How Does Stenabolic (SR9009) Work
Potential Side Effects of Stenabolic (SR9009)
Stenabolic (SR9009) Studies
Highlighted Benefits of Stenabolic (SR9009)
How to Use Stenabolic (SR9009)
Stacking Method with Stenabolic (SR9009)
Popular Brands of Stenabolic (SR9009)

Are you finishing up a bulking cycle and looking to start cutting?

Want to kick your weight loss into overdrive?

Need to get as shredded as possible and you’ve had no success with over-the-counter supplements?

If muscle definition and fat loss is at the top of your goal list, then Stenabolic (SR9009) may be the perfect supplement to help you achieve success.

Stenabolic (SR9009) is a relatively new metabolic compound that hit the market in 2015 and (as of the publication of this article) is still undergoing research for a number of potential uses.

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Stenabolic (SR9009) is showing a lot of promise in preliminary studies and it may be a game changing supplement when it comes to the fitness industry.

Let’s take a look at what Stenabolic (SR9009) is, how it works, and how it compares to other anabolic supplements.

1.  What is Stenabolic (SR9009)?

stenabolic reviews

Stenabolic (SR9009) is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha modifier. Confused about that term? You’re not alone. Keep reading as I break down what that means in the section below called “How Does Stenabolic Work?”

A quick glimpse into Stenabolic: As a PPAR modifier, this compound may be able to influence the body’s metabolic system, boosting fat burning and reducing inflammation in the process. If studies continue to on their upward trend, Stenabolic (SR9009) may be the perfect agent to preserve muscle mass while getting shredded. More on that below.

Like with most too good to be true supplement agents, Stenabolic (SR9009) falls in that funny gray area of legality. To legally buy medical grade Stenabolic, you must be involved with a research laboratory. Chances are, this doesn’t describe your current work situation.

Without access to research permissions, you can buy unregulated Stenabolic (SR9009) via online resources. The problem here is that since it is unregulated, you’re not always getting what is promised. The way around this is to go with a reputable brand that has gotten consistent positive attention.

Look out for potential bogus Stenabolic (SR9009) providers online as they are not going to providing the same thing at all and often times nothing that is even resembling it.

As to whether Stenabolic (SR9009) is able to be used in a bodybuilding setting where testing is regularly conducted, there is no clear answer on this. No brand specifically mentions that it shows up on a bodybuilding drug test and even the popular forums don’t mention this.

As I’ll talk more about below, Stenabolic doesn’t work via hormonal pathways, which significantly lowers (and possibly eliminates) the chance of it showing up on bodybuilding drug tests.

If you personally have had experience with Stenabolic (SR9009) and a bodybuilding drug test, please let me know in the comments below about what happened.

3.  How Does Stenabolic (SR9009) Work?

As mentioned above, Stenabolic (SR9009) is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha modifier. A PPAR helps to activate and regulate different genetic mechanisms in the body. Okay, so what does that mean exactly?

PPARs have direct influence over specific areas in the body as they work as something called a transcription factor. A transcription factor binds to targeted DNA sequencing in the body and dictates the actions of this DNA sequence so that it acts accordingly in the RNA messenger. It does all of this in order to guide and promote specific genetic expressions.

PPARs are responsible for a wide range of responsibilities that deal directly with development and, most notably for the purposes of your fitness goals, metabolism.

There are three macronutrients in the body that are on the receiving end of metabolic actions. They are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Remember that PPARs influence the behavior of your metabolism and Stenabolic (SR9009) is a PPAR alpha modifier. See where this is heading?

Essentially, and according to preliminary research, Stenabolic (SR9009) may have a positive direct impact on your metabolic rate that promotes a number of benefits including fat loss.

4.  Potential Side Effects of Stenabolic (SR9009)

With Stenabolic (SR9009) being a relatively new and unregulated fitness supplement, reports on side effects are limited and they may not be reliable. Here’s why:

If you buy a fake Stenabolic (SR9009), the side effects that you may experience are related to that fake compound, whatever it may be. So it’s difficult at this point to form a specific list of potential side effects associated with Stenabolic (SR9009).

With that said, when you look at studies and forum reviews, there is one clear point: Side effects have yet to be discovered. This has everything to do with the fact that Stenabolic (SR9009) isn’t like a S.A.R.M., a prohormone, or a steroid. It’s not based on hormonal reactions or increases in sex steroid hormones.

Given that it influences your metabolic system without a direct impact on your hormone levels, it is understandable that Stenabolic (SR9009) has yet to have a list of side effects associated with it.

5.  Stenabolic (SR9009) Studies

It’s important to remember that Stenabolic (SR9009) is still undergoing a number of studies and so the current access to research is limited. With that said, the following section will be based on both information found in studies and the most commonly cited benefits within trusted forums.

Amplified Metabolic Rate

  • Hands down, the most cited benefit of Stenabolic (SR9009) is a huge boost in your metabolic response. Enhanced metabolism could translate into enhanced caloric expenditure and, ultimately, the increased use of stored body fat.

Boost in Fat Loss

  • Continuing with the idea above: More calories and stored body fat being burned means an increase in bodyfat loss. Being able to burn through more calories and stored body fat is extremely beneficial, regardless of your goals, as adipose tissue has been shown to be connected to cardiovascular disease.

Exercise for Those Who Can’t

  • One of the most important breakthroughs with Stenabolic (SR9009) is the potential for it to be used in cases of individuals who are not able to be as active as necessary. For example, those who are obese, suffering from a degenerative disease, or elderly. Studies suggest that using Stenabolic may be able to promote exercise-like benefits even without physical activity. Again, if studies continue going down the road they’re currently on, Stenapbolic may be exploding into far more than the bodybuilding scene.

Endurance and Stamina

  • When you take Stenabolic as recommended, you may see a boost in endurance and stamina. One study that was performed on mice provided Stenabolic (SR9009) to inactive mice. There was nothing wrong the mice. For the purposes of the study, they were not able to exercise or be physically active as normal. The result of Stenabolic supplementation showed that these mice experienced a boost in fat loss and endurance, despite no activity.

6.  Highlighted Benefits of Stenabolic (SR9009)

  • Amplified metabolic rate
  • Boost in fat loss
  • Increase in energy levels
  • Enhanced endurance and stamina
  • No side effects reported
  • Ideal stacking agent that won’t cause complications

7.  Stenabolic (SR9009) vs. Other Anabolic Supplements

It’s difficult to compare Stenabolic (SR9009) to other anabolic supplements because Stenabolic is not anabolic in nature. While it may promote the protection of lean muscle tissue, it has not been shown to promote increases in muscle mass. Rather, Stenabolic (SR9009) is known for decreasing body fat and boosting endurance. It does so through non-hormonal means.

Basically, Stenabolic (SR9009) is an ideal counterpart to anabolic supplements and it isn’t competing with them to be used by the body. As I’ll talk more about below, Stenabolic (SR9009) really is the perfect stacking agent that can be used with dozens of anabolic supplement options.

To sum it up, Stenabolic (SR9009) isn’t anabolic and it can be used with any number of prohormones, S.A.R.M.s, etc.

8.  How to Use Stenabolic (SR9009)

The standard dosage for Stenabolic (SR9009) is 30 mg to 40 mg per day, depending on your size and goals. I’d advise you start with 10 mg per day and work your way up over the course of a few weeks.

Here’s a recommended cycle chart but be sure to check the label of the product as well. Dosages may vary from brand to brand.

  • Week 1: 10 mg
  • Week 2: 15 mg
  • Week 3: 20 mg
  • Week 4: 25 mg
  • Week 5: 30 mg
  • Week 6: 35 mg
  • Week 7: 40 mg
  • Week 8: 40 mg

9.  Stacking Method with Stenabolic (SR9009)

Since Stenabolic (SR9009) doesn’t have any reported side effects and it focuses on fat loss, it is an extremely popular stack with a variety of anabolic-focused compounds. It can be used with a long list of different S.A.R.M.s, prohormones, and steroids.

One of the most common stack that you’ll see talked about in forums is with Cardarine.

Cardarine is another PPAR modulator with a slightly different focus than Stenabolic. Cardarine offers the same fat loss, muscle protection, and anti-inflammatory properties but you may notice a huge boost in endurance with Cardarine, much more than that of Stenabolic. This stack is perfect for anyone who wants to drop weight and get shredded without putting muscle at risk.

Week 1:

  • Stenabolic: 10 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 2:

  • Stenabolic: 15 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 3:

  • Stenabolic: 20 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 4:

  • Stenabolic: 25 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 5:

  • Stenabolic: 30 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 6:

  • Stenabolic: 35 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 7:

  • Stenabolic: 40 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 8:

  • Stenabolic: 40 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Since Stenabolic is still in the early stages of fitness-related research and you need research permission to obtain medical grade Stenabolic, you have to watch out for which brands you buy. Here are the brands that users across forums have reported to be real, high quality, and effective:

11.  Conclusion

Stenabolic (SR9009) has a lot of promise and I’m not just talking about within the world of fitness. If Stenabolic (SR9009) continues to produce the same results it has so far, you’ll soon be seeing its name plastered in medical journals as well as fitness magazines.

Stenabolic (SR9009) seems to be an ideal fat burning and shredding supplement. Its mechanisms for results make it safe and effective without competing against other supplements that you may be using.

With all of that said, Stenabolic (SR9009) is still a newbie in the fitness and medical world. Studies are on-going and that is reason enough to take it with caution and a grain of salt.

Have you used Stenabolic (SR9009)? Leave your review below!


  1. Geldof L, Deventer K, Roels K, Tudela E, Van Eenoo P. In Vitro Metabolic Studies of REV-ERB Agonists SR9009 and SR9011. Choi CW, ed. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016;17(10):1676. doi:10.3390/ijms17101676.
  2. Amador A, Wang Y, Banerjee S, Kameneka TM, Solt LA, Burris TP. Pharmacological and Genetic Modulation of REV-ERB Activity and Expression Affects Orexigenic Gene Expression. Cermakian N, ed. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3):e0151014. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151014.

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Andarine Review


Note: If you’re looking for real deal Andarine, check out ProvenPeptides.com here.

What is a S.A.R.M.
SARMs and Prohormones
What is Andarine
Is Andarine Prohibited
How Does Andarine Work
Side Effects of Andarine
What Does Science Say about Andarine
How Does Andarine Compare to Big Anabolics
Highlighted Benefits of Andarine
How to Use Andarine
Stacking Methods with Andarine

Have you been cycling through every muscle builder that you can get your hands on without success?

Want a way to increase strength along with muscle mass?

Ready to try a supplement that actually works?

If you’ve tapped out your genetic potential or you simply want a way to kick-start your muscular gains, then Andarine might be exactly what you need.

Considered one of the best and most effective S.A.R.M.s, Andarine has a long-standing history with muscle bound users. One unique feature that sets it apart from dozens of other muscle-focused supplements is the scientific backing that it has; not to mention, hundreds of positive user reviews.

Let’s take a look at what Andarine is, how it compares with other anabolic supplements, and how you can use it to achieve muscle mass, strength, and recovery.

What is a S.A.R.M.?

S.A.R.M. stands for selective androgen receptor modulator and, as the name suggests, this compound seeks out very specific androgen receptor sites in the body to promote anabolic benefits including lean muscle mass, protein sparing, and advanced recovery.

The unique thing about a S.A.R.M. is that it promotes anabolic benefits without the worry of androgenic side effects. Anabolic benefits focus on muscle tissue. For example, an anabolic benefit promoted by a S.A.R.M. would be bigger muscle mass.

Androgenic effects deal with sex characteristics attributed to men and the hormone, testosterone. For example, you need testosterone during puberty to deepen your voice and promote growth of organs and bones. (Source)

Androgenic side effects come from too much sex hormone release as an adult. Here are a few examples:

  • Acne
  • Aggression
  • Organ damage

On the flip side, when you take an androgenic supplement, your body will quickly work to balance out your hormone levels, promoting high levels of estrogen. From this, you hear about guys developing man-boobs, having low testosterone levels, and losing their sex drive.

Put simply: A S.A.R.M. ensures your body reaps the benefits of anabolic nature without the androgenic side effects.

Relationship Between SARMs and Prohormones

It is common to see users stack a prohormone with a S.A.R.M. especially when the S.A.R.M. is used for post-cycle therapy.

When you use a prohormone, you are promoting both anabolic and androgenic effects. You will most likely gain muscle mass, lose fat, and notice better performance; however, you will also succumb to testosterone suppression. This, in turn, could set you up for gyno-based side effects. This is where a S.A.R.M. enters.

Specific S.A.R.M.s are excellent for recovery and keeping testosterone levels strong without adding to the androgenic side effects. Andarine is one such example.

What is Andarine?

andarine review

Commonly referred to as S-4, Andarine was initially developed to help medical patients suffering from muscle and bone-related illnesses such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Once it was discovered that Andarine was a powerful muscle protector that also promoted lean tissue gains, bodybuilders quickly began utilizing it. (1-2)

As a S.A.R.M., Andarine is able to effectively promote anabolic benefits without the risk and worry of androgenic side effects, as I mentioned above. The benefits you can expect with Andarine are impressive in their own right; however, you shouldn’t be expecting anabolic steroid results.

Remember that Andarine is a selective androgen receptor trigger. It is designed to promote anabolic benefits while sparing you horror story side effects. Instead of gaining 20 pounds of muscle, you might see about half of that but the trade-off is that you won’t see insane side effects.

Considering the benefits and lack of side effects, I’d say that is a generous trade-off.

Is Andarine Prohibited?

While Andarine is readily available, especially through online purchasing, it is not a supplement that is allowed in performance and sports-related competitions. For example, you won’t get very far trying to get into a natural bodybuilding competition as they will be testing for Andarine.

You can check out the full list of banned supplements on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

How Does Andarine Work?

As I’ve mentioned above, Andarine (S-4) is a very effective S.A.R.M. It is designed to enter the body and immediately attach itself to specific androgen receptors. Once attached, Andarine works with sex hormones to promote specific anabolic properties without the androgenic effects.

With a half-life of about 4 hours, it’ll be important to space out your dosage throughout the day to ensure consistent saturation of androgen receptors. I talk more about this below so keep reading to learn how to use Andarine.

Side Effects of Andarine

The number one side effect of Andarine has to do with testosterone suppression. With that said, testosterone suppression is usually only reported when the cycle lasts for more than 8-weeks and/or when you take more than the suggested dosage. A gradual build-up to a 70 mg dose is normal and anything beyond this increases the risk for testosterone suppression.

The testosterone suppression that is reported with Andarine is minimal and can easily be remedied with effective on-cycle and post-cycle support.

A less common but more concerning side effect of Andarine involves vision problems. It’s nothing serious but some users have reported a yellowish tint in their field of vision while the Andarine is active in their systems. Most users can power through this small change in vision especially because it’s usually only reported at night.

However, for those who experience discomfort from the vision change, you can remedy it by doing a 5-days on, 2-days off split. For example, use Andarine as suggested Monday through Friday and do not take it during the weekend.

What Does Science Say about Andarine

The “Ideal S.A.R.M.”

  • One study published in Current Osteoporosis Reports called Andarine the “ideal S.A.R.M.” due to the anabolic effects it has on muscle and bone without the androgenic side effects. What’s more, the report also made mention of the fact that Andarine is highly bioavailable and able to be consumed as a daily oral supplement. No injections required like with growth hormone. (3)

Protection from Protein Breakdown

  • Also referred to as muscle catabolism, protein breakdown is when muscle protein is either used for energy or deteriorates due to disease. Andarine has been shown to be an effective tool to use to stop muscle wasting. (Source) As I mentioned above, this is the sole reason that Andarine made waves in the medical community. It was being used to prevent muscle wasting with patients who were elderly, sedentary, or suffering from a degenerative disease. (Source)

Increased Lean Muscle Mass

  • Not only can Andarine protect your body from losing muscle mass but it can also promote the growth of lean muscle tissue. A study published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care demonstrated that Andarine increased the size of lean tissue mass. (4)

Boost in Strength Levels

  • What’s truly unique about Andarine is the fact that its benefits go beyond just being a form of muscle support. In the same study I mentioned above (Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care), Andarine was found to actually boost the strength levels of the subjects. This has huge implications for muscle-focused users and medical patients alike as increased strength could lead to regaining of independence for older users. (4)

Stronger Bones

  • It isn’t just your muscles that are going to see an improvement; Andarine has been shown to boost the strength and density of your bones. This is great news for fitness enthusiasts, of course, but also those people who don’t have the bone strength and density needed to get started in weight lifting. Resistance training places a great deal of stress on your skeletal frame, which is great for improving strength and density. However, for those with a more fragile structure, there may also be an increased risk of fractures. Andarine may be able to boost bone density and strength allowing this population to begin their weight lifting journey. (4)

How Does Andarine Compare to Big Anabolics?

With all of this talk of muscle mass and strength gains, the question is,

“Is Andarine comparable to an anabolic steroid?”

Yes and no.

It is comparable in that it promotes an increase in anabolic benefits such as larger lean tissue, reduced fat, and improved strength levels. However, the rate of which Andarine does these things is not on the same level as an anabolic steroid.

Remember that when you take a steroid, you’re taking a sex steroid hormone. Your body isn’t producing anything. Your injecting yourself with a straight anabolic and androgenic compound. Naturally, your body is going to produce far better results; however, it also comes at the price of more side effects.

Andarine may not help you pack on an insane amount of muscle weight in 8 weeks but your gains will definitely be noticeable.

Highlighted Benefits of Andarine

  • Protection from muscle wasting (catabolism)
  • Lean muscle mass growth
  • Amplified strength levels
  • Protection of bone mass
  • Improved bone density
  • Support for overall weight management
  • No androgenic side-effects (1-4)

How to Use Andarine

Tolerable doses of Andarine have been shown at 70 mg each day; however, I wouldn’t recommend starting with this number, especially if this is your first Andarine cycle.

Start with a third of that dose and slowly work your way up each week. It’ll be important to evaluate how you feel from week to week. Don’t just increase your dosage. Instead, read your body and make sure you feel well enough to increase the dosage.

Also, be aware that the dosage is spread through the day. Due to its half-life, it is optimal to use Andarine two or three times per day pending on the dosage. Just make sure you don’t exceed the recommended dosage. For example, if the dosage is 50 mg then you can take it mid-morning and near the evening.

Here’s a recommended cycle chart but be sure to check the label of the product as well. Dosages may vary from brand to brand.

Week 1: 25 mg

Week 2: 30 mg

Week 3: 35 mg

Week 4: 40 mg

Week 5: 50 mg

Week 6: 60 mg

Week 7: 70 mg

Week 8: 70 mg

Stacking Methods with Andarine

One of the most common S.A.R.M.s to stack with Andarine is Cardarine.

Cardarine is most noted as having the ability to promote protein sparing and fat loss benefits while reducing inflammation. Just like with Andarine, you want to start low with the dose. Never exceed 20 mg of Cardarine. (5-7)

Read our related comprehensive Cardarine review here.

Here is a recommended stacked cycle chart:

Week 1:

  • Andarine: 25 mg
  • Cardarine: 5 mg

Week 2:

  • Andarine: 30 mg
  • Cardarine: 10 mg

Week 3:

  • Andarine: 35 mg
  • Cardarine: 15 mg

Week 4:

  • Andarine: 40 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 5:

  • Andarine: 50 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 6:

  • Andarine: 60 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 7:

  • Andarine: 70 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 8:

  • Andarine: 70 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Another SARM that is typically stacked with Andarine is Ostarine, which you can read more about here.

Popular Brands of Andarine

Here are the brands that users have reported to be of great quality:


Andarine is a S.A.R.M. that earns its name as one of the best. Not only can it be effective for muscle-bound users looking to increase muscle mass but it also has incredible applications to older and more fragile populations.

Andarine boosts muscle growth and strength levels but, more importantly, it can promote advanced recovery, support stronger bones, and help medical patients and the elderly regain their independence.

The only thing I’d say to watch out for is the reported side effect of the yellow tinted vision during the nighttime. It’s not common but something to be aware of and, as I mention above, if you do happen to notice this, you can simply follow a 5-on, 2-off split.

Have you used Andarine (S4)? Leave your review below!


  1. Davey RA, Grossmann M. Androgen Receptor Structure, Function and Biology: From Bench to Bedside. The Clinical Biochemist Reviews. 2016;37(1):3-15.


  1. Chen J, Kim J, Dalton JT. Discovery AND Therapeutic Promise OF Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. Molecular interventions. 2005;5(3):173-188. doi:10.1124/mi.5.3.7.


  1. Girgis CM, Mokbel N, DiGirolamo DJ. Therapies for Musculoskeletal Disease: Can we Treat Two Birds with One Stone? Current osteoporosis reports. 2014;12(2):142-153. doi:10.1007/s11914-014-0204-5.


  1. Bhasin S, Jasuja R. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) as Function Promoting Therapies. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. 2009;12(3):232-240. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e32832a3d79.


  1. Wei Chen, Rong Gao, Xinni Xie, Zhibing Zheng, Haijing Li, Song Li, Fangting Dong & Lili Wang. A metabolomic study of the PPARδ agonist GW501516 for enhancing running endurance in Kunming mice. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9884 (2015) doi:10.1038/srep09884


  1. Salvadó L, Barroso E, Gómez-Foix AM, Palomer X, Michalik L, Wahli W, Vázquez-Carrera M. PPARβ/δ prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells through an AMPK-dependent mechanism. Diabetologia. 2014 Oct;57(10):2126-35. doi: 10.1007/s00125-014-3331-8. Epub 2014 Jul 26.


  1. Palomer X1, Capdevila-Busquets E, Botteri G, Salvadó L, Barroso E, Davidson MM, Michalik L, Wahli W, Vázquez-Carrera M. PPARβ/δ attenuates palmitate-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and induces autophagic markers in human cardiac cells. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 1;174(1):110-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.03.176. Epub 2014 Apr 8.

Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is! Read more here.

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Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

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Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

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Testolone Review – Everything You NEED To Know About This SARM


What is a S.A.R.M.
S.A.R.M. vs Prohormone
Difference between a S.A.R.M. and a Steroid
What is Testolone (RAD-140)
Is Testolone Legal
How Does Testolone (RAD-140) Work
Potential Side Effects of Testolone (RAD-140)
What Does the Science Say about Testolone (RAD-140)
Benefits of Testolone (RAD-140)
How to Use Testolone (RAD-140)

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to buy Testolone legally online.

Have you been bulking up and you’re ready to start cutting?

Want to ensure you keep your muscle while blasting away fat?

Need a supplement to help you get shredded without side effects?

Whether you’re getting ready for a competition or you simply want to kick-start your weight loss into overdrive, a S.A.R.M. can be a powerful tool to help you reach success.  One S.A.R.M. that has become an industry favorite is Testolone (RAD-140).

Celebrated by many users as a side-effect free way to get insanely cut and promote lean muscle support, Testolone might be the next best thing for the average gym goer and fitness model alike.

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Let’s breakdown Testolone (RAD-140).

We’ll review what a S.A.R.M. is, the benefits of Testolone, and how to use it to achieve your fitness goals.

1.  What is a S.A.R.M.?

When it comes to muscle building, you want to promote anabolic results; that is, you want to encourage your muscles to grow.

Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, a S.A.R.M. is a unique muscle building supplement in that it promotes all of the benefits associated with anabolic supplements without the horror story side effects.

Let’s discuss this further: What makes a S.A.R.M. so unique?

When you take a muscle building supplement such as an anabolic steroid, two types of characteristics are being promoted: anabolic and androgenic.

Anabolic focuses on an environment for muscle growth:

  • Increased levels of protein synthesis
  • Amplified insulin sensitivity
  • Enhancement of muscle glycogen
  • Rapid muscle recovery

Androgenic, on the other hand, promotes traits that are characteristic of a male:

  • Deep voice
  • Testosterone levels
  • Body hair
  • Bone structure and growth

Obviously, if you’re already a fully grown male or a woman, then you don’t want or need to have androgenic effects taking place in your body.  Androgenic effects are where the side effects come from that are so characteristic with anabolic steroids such as “‘roid rage” and “man boobs.”

I’ll talk more about this below.

A S.A.R.M. like Testolone is able to focus solely on the anabolic benefits and avoid androgenic effects, which ensures muscle growth and fat loss.

As we’ll jump more into below, a S.A.R.M. is able to promote these anabolic benefits by targeting specific androgen receptors in the body. The targeted androgen receptors are hand-picked to ensure that anabolic effects are triggered and androgenic effects are eliminated or, at the most, kept to a minimum.

2.  S.A.R.M. vs Prohormone

For some reason, S.A.R.M.s are still being lumped into the prohormone category.

Let’s get one thing straight: S.A.R.M.s are NOT prohormones. (Source)

In fact, the two couldn’t be any more different.  Most prohormones are packed with good marketing and not much else.

Using a S.A.R.M., on the other hand, is far more predictable in the results you can expect. A S.A.R.M. like Testolone will provide several key benefits without the side effects you’ll find with prohormones.

With that said, there are a few decent prohormones out there like Arimistane but if you want to save yourself the trouble, I’d recommend sticking with a S.A.R.M.

3.  Difference between a S.A.R.M. and a Steroid

We’ve already established the primary difference between the two but let’s dive a little deeper:

First, there’s the legal issue.

A S.A.R.M. is legal and anabolic steroids are not.

Although one thing they have in common is that they are both tested for if you’re entering any type of sports or bodybuilding circuit that requires a drug test.

The muscle gains that you receive with an anabolic steroid are, without question, superior to that of a S.A.R.M.

However, with that said, the side effects that come with anabolic steroids raise a question of whether it is worth it or not.

Premium anabolic steroids are incredibly expensive and come with the risk of organ damage and gyno-based symptoms such as low testosterone. (Source)

Trust me, I understand the need to pack on muscle mass but there comes a point when you have to weigh your options and find a balance between health and vanity.

A S.A.R.M. like Testolone primarily focuses on getting you shredded while promoting some increases in lean muscle tissue.

Best of all, you’re getting these benefits without the side effects that are on par with steroids.

Not a bad trade-off.

4.  What is Testolone (RAD-140)?

testolone reviews

Like many S.A.R.M.s, Testolone (RAD-140) started as a way to help increase natural levels of testosterone. Instead of getting a few injections per week to help increase testosterone, patients could take a S.A.R.M. like Testolone once a day as a part of a healthy diet and exercise program.

The appeal of S.A.R.M.s, especially RAD-140, is what we’ve been talking about this whole time: That is, Testolone can increase a positive hormone response without or with very limited androgenic side effects. Specifically, a S.A.R.M. like Testolone won’t trigger testosterone dependence nor will the body increase estrogen levels to match the boost in testosterone.

Despite a lack of clinical trial and research, the primarily user-reported benefits of Testolone quickly spread and turned it into one of the most popular S.A.R.M.s in the industry.

Yes, purchasing and using Testolone (RAD-140) is legal; however, it is tested for during sports and certain bodybuilding events. You don’t have to worry about it showing on a job interview drug test but if you’re trying to compete naturally in a bodybuilding show, for example, then Testolone will ensure your test comes back positive.

You can check out the full list on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

6.  How Does Testolone (RAD-140) Work?

As a S.A.R.M., Testolone (RAD-140) targets specific androgenic receptors located in muscle tissue. (Source)

Unlike an anabolic steroid which turns on anabolic and androgenic effects, Testolone will only target those androgen receptors that promote an anabolic environment for muscle growth and fat loss.

Related Article:  5 BEST SARMS For Bulking

7.  Potential Side Effects of Testolone (RAD-140)

You’ll be hard pressed to find any side effects associated with Testolone.

You can check forum after forum along with a variety of YouTube videos and still Testolone seems to be side-effect free.

With that said, research is still pending on Testolone (RAD-140) and so, I think it’s a good idea to play it safe and treat Testolone like an average S.A.R.M.

For example, one of the most common S.A.R.M.s, aside from Testolone, is (Ostarine MK-2866).

Ostarine has been reported on various forums as promoting mild side effects such as:

  • Potential low-level testosterone suppression
  • Mild acne (Source)
  • Mild (if any at all) hair loss (Source)

Again, none of these side effects have been shown to happen with Testolone but it’s better to prepare yourself for these symptoms and combat them as needed.

To combat all of these mild side effects, a simple post-cycle therapy supplement will suffice.

The idea is to natural keep testosterone levels high while minimizing DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which has been linked to hair loss.

8.  What Does the Science Say about Testolone (RAD-140)?

I’m going to split this category up into two sections: First, I’ll talk about what is available in scientific literature.

Second, we’ll discuss the primary consensus about Testolone from users found across a variety of bodybuilding forums and websites.


Lean Muscle Gains (Without Fat)

Research into the practicality of Testolone as a fitness aid is still in its infant stages; however, what is out there right now looks very promising.

An article published in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters goes into great detail about RAD-140 and its mechanisms for promoting anabolic benefits.

While the tests were conducted on animals, the article concluded that RAD-140 was able to trigger an anabolic environment WITHOUT stimulating androgenic effects that may potentially harm internal organs.

In other words, all muscle and no androgenic side effects.

If this can be duplicated in human trials, RAD-140 will quickly become one of the best-selling supplements on the market.

May Protect Your Brain

Again, this particular study was performed on animals but the implications are huge.

RAD-140 was shown to prevent cell death while providing neuroprotective actions.

As the researchers conclude in their findings, if the results can be replicated in human trials, RAD-140 may be a powerful weapon against degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

User Reports:

Fat Loss & Cutting

  • The most cited user report about Testolone is how it is the perfect S.A.R.M. for cutting season.  Many users have described Testolone as an insane endurance booster that triggers intense working energy during exercise.  What’s more, several of these same users have submitted before and after pictures that show a clear difference in muscular definition.

Muscle Maintenance

  • If your goal is to put on serious muscle mass, then Testolone (RAD-140) may not be your first choice.  In fact, you may choose to stack it with a S.A.R.M. known to promote mass gains like Ostarine.  With that said, the majority of user reports have described Testolone as the ideal lean muscle protector especially when a special, calorie-limiting diet is involved.

9.  Benefits of Testolone (RAD-140)

  • May spare muscle tissue from catabolism
  • May combat age-related muscle wasting
  • May support hormonal balance
  • May promote lean muscle mass gains
  • May dramatically increase endurance
  • May boost recovery
  • Ideal for stacking

10.  How to Use Testolone (RAD-140)

The standard dosage for Testolone is 10 mg per day. It has a half-life of 12 to 18 hours so there’s no need to take two servings per day. Some supplement brands may be as high as 15 mg. I’d advise you start with 10, or even a lower dose, and work your way up over the course of 2 or 3 weeks.

Here’s a recommended cycle chart but be sure to check the label of the product as well. Dosages may vary from brand to brand.

Week 1: 5 mg

Week 2: 5 mg

Week 3: 10 mg

Week 4: 10 mg

Week 5: 10 mg

Week 6: 15 mg

Week 7: 15 mg

Week 8: 15 mg

11.  Stacking Method with Testolone (RAD-140)

Since Testolone (RAD-140) promotes high level endurance, lean muscle mass protection, and encourages fat loss, it is an ideal S.A.R.M. to be stacked with other compounds that trigger more mass, power, or strength gains such as:

Here is a recommended stacked cycle chart when you stack with Ostarine:

Week 1:

  • Testolone: 5 mg
  • Ostarine: 10 mg

Week 2:

  • Testolone: 5 mg
  • Ostarine: 15 mg

Week 3:

  • Testolone: 10 mg
  • Ostarine: 20 mg

Week 4:

  • Testolone: 10 mg
  • Ostarine: 25 mg

Week 5:

  • Testolone: 10 mg
  • Ostarine: 30 mg

Week 6:

  • Testolone: 15 mg
  • Ostarine: 35 mg

Week 7:

  • Testolone: 15 mg
  • Ostarine: 35 mg

Week 8:

  • Testolone: 15 mg
  • Ostarine: 35 mg

12.  Popular Brands of Testolone (RAD-140)

Since Testolone is still in the early stages of fitness-related research, genuine Testolone (RAD-140) may be hard to find. Here are the brands that users have reported to be real, high quality, and effective:

13.  Conclusion

When you want incredible definition but your diet and exercise program are only taking you so far, Testolone (RAD-140) may help give you that extra push.

Hailed as an incredible cutting S.A.R.M., Testolone is a fan favorite due to its muscle protecting and fat loss benefits.

Best of all, there is no risk of side effects that are common with other muscle builders such as prohormones and anabolic steroids.

While I’m excited by the reported benefits of Testolone, I would encourage you to take this S.A.R.M. with some healthy skepticism.

RAD-140 has very few scientific studies behind it.

The only thing that really bothers me about it is that there are claims that it is “side effect free” but that is 100% impossible and it drives me crazy when I hear such nonsense about a product, but in any case, this one actually just so happens to be a good supplement.

However, it has countless positive user reviews, which is a sign of serious potential, especially once more studies are published to back up the user reviews.

Have you used Testolone (RAD-140)? Leave your review below!


  1. Bhasin S, Jasuja R. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) as Function Promoting Therapies. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. 2009;12(3):232-240. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e32832a3d79.


  1. Miller CP, Shomali M, Lyttle CR, et al. Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Characterization of the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) RAD140. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2011;2(2):124-129. doi:10.1021/ml1002508.


  1. Jayaraman A, Christensen A, Moser VA, Vest RS, Miller CP, Hattersley G, Pike CJ. Selective androgen receptor modulator RAD140 is neuroprotective in cultured neurons and kainate-lesioned male rats. Endocrinology. 2014 Apr;155(4):1398-406. doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725. Epub 2014 Jan 15.

Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is! Read more here.

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Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

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Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

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Nutrobal (MK-677) Review


SARM vs. Growth Hormone Secretagogue (HGH-S)
HGH-S vs. Steroids
HGH-S and the WADA Prohibited List
What is Nutrobal (MK-677)
How Does Nutrobal Work
Potential Side Effects of Nutrobal
What Does the Science Say about Nutrobal
Highlighted Benefits of Nutrobal
How to Use Nutrobal
Stacking Method with Nutrobal
Popular Brands of Nutrobal

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to buy Nutrobal legally online.

Have you been using basic testosterone boosters without success?

Want a way to maximize your muscle gains without a long list of side effects?

Ready to invest in a scientifically proven ingredient with a history of success?

We all want to build more lean muscle mass and even with the best training program and diet, you’ll eventually hit a wall.

This is where the right supplementation can help you break past that wall of genetic limitation.

It’s important to rely on science when looking for a tried and true muscle builder.

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!!

Never mind the flashy marketing labels that are worth more than the powder inside.

Related Article:  5 BEST SARMS For Bulking

One of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding and fitness industry is MK-677, more commonly known as Nutrobal.

Let’s take a look at what Nutrobal is and how it may be the key to helping you unlock your ultimate muscle building potential.

1.  SARM vs. Growth Hormone Secretagogue (HGH-S)

Although it is often categorized as a S.A.R.M., Nutrobal (MK-677) is actually classified as a Growth Hormone Secretagogue, or HGH-S.

What’s the difference?

In terms of the benefits you can expect, there isn’t much of a difference.

Even in the method of achieving those benefits, there isn’t a huge difference between the two.

Still, there are a couple things to consider if you are on the fence between using a S.A.R.M. and an HGH-S.

S.A.R.M. is short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.

When you take a S.A.R.M., the compounds within get to work to promote action in specific anabolic receptor sites.

This is different from anabolic steroids, which tend to promote anabolic properties throughout the body with no discretion.

When it comes to maximizing muscle without the side effects, the way a S.A.R.M. works is really important.

It promotes anabolism and not androgenic properties.

Anabolic properties promote muscle growth while androgenic properties are associated with the development of male-focused features.

An androgenic environment is responsible for the side effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids such as acne, gyno (man-boobs), and mood swings.

Focusing on the anabolic environment inside your body ensures that you achieve muscle growth without the side effects.

Now on to the Growth Hormone Secretagogue (HGH-S).

For decades, a preferred alternative to anabolic steroids was human growth hormone injections.

As users quickly found out, these injections put a strain on the wallet and body.

Not only did keeping up with them mean that you are going to have to continually leave your arm at the counter be the register, but it also meant that you would be more likely to experience some of the less than desirable side effects that it has to offer.

Then scientists discovered that growth hormone receptors could be stimulated to increase production.

No injection required!

Enter Growth Hormone Secretagogue.

HGH-S are small peptides that directly stimulate growth hormone receptors to pump out…

You guessed it: More growth hormone.

Nutrobal, in particular, is able to bypass the somatostatin barrier to effectively promote more growth hormone production.

You aren’t supplementing with synthetic growth hormone as you would be with injections.

Rather, your body is creating its own growth hormone.

The difference is that it’s doing so in far larger amounts than normal.

This surplus of growth hormone will naturally have benefits similar to, if not better than, a S.A.R.M.

If you are using an HGH-S, muscle building is just one several benefits you can expect.

Keep reading to find out exactly what Nutrobal can do for you, your muscle, and your connective tissue.

2.  HGH-S vs. Steroids

As I briefly touched on above, anabolic steroids are going to focus on promoting both an anabolic AND androgenic environment in the body.

Sure, you’ll see muscle gains but you may also see a list of androgenic-based side effects including mood swings, elevated levels of estrogen, gyno, acne, and hair loss.

Anabolic steroids are able to promote this wide array of benefits and side effects because they are actual sex steroids.

Your body isn’t producing excess levels of anabolic compounds.

You are injecting the growth factors directly into yourself.

HGH-S, on the other hand, promotes the natural production of growth hormone, allowing your body to do the work.

This eliminates many, if not all, of the side effects associated with anabolic steroids.

What’s more, your body will not have the dependency on HGH-S following a cycle as it normally would with anabolic steroids.

Cost wise, HGH-S is a far smarter choice.

An injectable anabolic steroid cycle will cost your far more than a cycle of HGH-S.

I think it’s a pretty obvious choice but if you want muscle mass without the potential long-term damage, a Growth Hormone Secretagogue (HGH-S) such as Nutrobal (MK-677) has you covered.

3.  HGH-S and the WADA Prohibited List

Are you interested in joining a natural bodybuilding competition?

Want to get involved with a sport that requires drug testing?

Worried that you might run into trouble if you’re taking Nutrobal (MK-677)?

Well, your worries would be justified.

Yes, the use of Nutrobal (MK-677) and other Growth Hormone Secretagogues (HGH-S) are banned.

These compounds are strictly tested for and do show up in the industry standard tests.

You can check out the full list on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

4.  What is Nutrobal (MK-677)?

nutrobal (mk-677) review

If you’ve decided to jump off the fence and on to the side of Growth Hormone Secretagogues (HGH-S) then you’ve made an excellent choice.

Let’s talk about one of the most famous, most used, and most celebrated HGH-S supplements: Nutrobal (MK-677).

Nutrobal (MK-677) is a growth hormone secretagogue and it is conveniently available to be taken in pill form.

No injections at all.

Originally used in the medical field as a way to protect against muscle catabolism, or muscle breakdown, for those suffering from degenerative disorders, Nutrobal quickly gained the attention of muscle driven athletes.

The medical history of Nutrobal makes it especially appealing because it has a variety of studies to back its benefits.

What’s more, these studies highlighted the safety efficacy of Nutrabol.

Think about it: How many supplements have you tried where a giant warning label explicitly said that the product had not been tested for safety?

Nutrabol, on the other hand, has been studied, handled, and prescribed by medical professionals.

No wonder it has become one of the most used muscle mass supplements.

5.  How Does Nutrobal Work?

The big question on your mind: How does this thing work?

First, once you ingest Nutrobal (MK-677), it gets to work and bypasses the somatostatin barrier.

Somatostatin is a hormone that keeps the human growth hormone in check. It does so by inhibiting the production of growth hormone once normal levels are achieved.

As a reminder, human growth hormone plays a very important role in promoting muscle recovery and growth.

If you had a way to take down the barrier that limits the production of growth hormone, the result could be more lean muscle tissue AND an effective system of protection for the muscle you’ve already built.

Nutrobal is able to jump right over this barrier to promote the production of more growth hormone.

In particular, Nutrobal promotes growth hormone production in four specific ways:

  1. It stunts the growth hormone limiting signaling sent out by somatostatin. (Source)
  2. It reduces the release of somatostatin.
  3. It boosts the signaling of growth hormone in the body.
  4. It directly increases the amount of growth hormone that is released.

Not too shabby for a non-steroidal muscle builder, right?

6.  Potential Side Effects of Nutrobal

A proven muscle builder that can simply be taken as a supplement and not an injection?

Sound too good to be true?

There has to be a number of side effects waiting for you, right?

While Nutrobal (MK-677) doesn’t pack the same number of side effects as anabolic steroids, you can rest assured that there are some things to watch out for.

The most commonly reported side effects of using Nutrobal involve the following:

Very noticeable increase in appetite Note: If you’re trying to gain serious muscle mass, I wouldn’t consider this a negative side effect.

Numb / Swollen hands

• Muscle pain

• Occasional fatigue (See here, 2nd post down)

Some less common side effects reported on popular forums include the following:

• Mood swings. I highly doubt this to be true, I think this is more psychosomatic than an actual side effect.

• Heartburn

• Indigestion

Insulin resistance

One extremely rare side effect involves gyno-esque symptoms but this is particular to users who are prone to prolactin sensitivity.

7.  What Does the Science Say about Nutrobal?

You know how it works and you know what to expect in terms of potential side effects so what about its benefits? Let’s take a look at the most commonly cited benefits in a variety of scientific studies.

Boost Growth Hormone

Shouldn’t be a big surprise but it’s important to know that the claims of growth hormone production aren’t just forum talk.

Studies have demonstrated that the use of Growth Hormone Secretagogues may result in a direct increase in growth hormone levels. (Sources here, here, and here)

Increases IGF-1

Insulin-like growth factor, more commonly known as IGF-1, is very important in muscle building but it can also support health in other ways.

For example, studies show those who suffer from chronic inflammation are low in IGF-1.

The one thing you have to watch out for with IGF-1 is its association with sending cancer growth into overdrive.

This is a rare occurrence and only happens with people who are cancer prone.

IGF-1 has not been proven to promote cancer development. (Sources here and here)

Anti-Catabolic / Protects Muscle Mass

Next up is the primary reason that Nutrobal was used in a medical setting: It is an anti-catabolic compound.

Certain diseases, malnutrition, and over-training can tear down muscle tissue.

Nutrobal has been shown in studies to be able to protect muscle tissue from catabolic breakdown, making it ideal for anyone who trains hard or who is experimenting with a new diet. (Source)

Doesn’t Promote Cortisol Production

Continuing with this idea of muscle protection, Nutrobal has been shown to increase levels of growth hormone and IGF-1 without an increase in the catabolic hormone, Cortisol. (1-6)

May Boost Cognitive Ability

While further research is needed, some studies suggest that Nutrobal may be effective in preventing cognitive decline while promoting memory and learning ability.

More studies are needed but the implications here are huge, especially for the elderly population who suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer’s. (Source)

8.  Highlighted Benefits of Nutrobal

• Supports fat loss
• Boosts lean muscle gains
• Protects current levels of muscle
• Ideal for cutting or etching those defined lines in muscle
• Promotes recovery
• May promote cognitive ability (1-7)

9.  How to Use Nutrobal

Obviously, you want to take your brand of Nutrobal as directed; however, in general, the ideal dose of the supplement begins at 5 mg and can be increased to 25 mg.

Nutrabol is taken daily and a typical cycle lasts 10 weeks.

If you are going to increase the dosage, I’d recommend doing so each week.

For example, you can start with 5 mg on your first week then increase the dosage to 8 to 10 mg on the second week.

Here’s a recommended cycle chart but be sure to check the label of the product as well. Dosages may vary from brand to brand.

Week 1: 5 mg

Week 2: 10 mg

Week 3: 10 mg

Week 4: 15 mg

Week 5: 20 mg

Week 6: 25 mg

Week 7: 25 mg

Week 8: 25 mg

If you use the Chemyo (www.Chemyo.com) brand of Nutrobal, you’ll get a 1 ml dropper that looks like this:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/08/an example of the chemyo
An example of Chemyo’s 1 ml dropper.

This way you’ll be able to accurately measure your dose.

10.  Stacking Method with Nutrobal

Due to its unique properties and lack of side effects, Nutrobal can be stacked with a number of other muscle building and fat loss compounds. The most common supplements that are stacked with Nutrobal are the following:

• Andarine

If you go through the forums online, you’ll see that Cardarine is the most stackable compound with Nutrobal. Cardarine is an excellent choice because it is protein sparing and promotes fat loss benefits while reducing inflammation.

Just like with Nutrobal, you want to start low with the dose. Never exceed 20 mg of Cardarine.

Here is a recommended stacked cycle chart:

Week 1:

  • Nutrobal: 5 mg
  • Cardarine: 5 mg

Week 2:

  • Nutrobal: 10 mg
  • Cardarine: 10 mg

Week 3:

  • Nutrobal: 10 mg
  • Cardarine: 15 mg

Week 4:

  • Nutrobal: 15 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 5:

  • Nutrobal: 20 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 6:

  • Nutrobal: 25 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 7:

  • Nutrobal: 25 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Week 8:

  • Nutrobal: 25 mg
  • Cardarine: 20 mg

Here are two popular brands of Nutrobal (MK-677) that received the most support and positive reviews:


12.  Conclusion

For those who have reached their genetic limits and want to punch through without turning to illegal anabolic steroids, then Nutrobal (MK-677) may be the answer.

This oral supplement helps to hit the brakes on somatostatin, a hormone that limits the production of growth hormone.

Nutrobal also directly supports an increased production in growth hormone. The result is more lean muscle mass, protection for your current muscle, and potential cognitive benefits.

The benefits of Nutrobal extend to both the muscle bound and the elderly who watch a decline in their levels of growth hormone and IGF-1.

Taken as a part of a well-structed diet and exercise program, Nutrobal may be able to help you reach new heights of muscle and glory.

Have you used Nutrobal (MK-677)? Leave your review below!


1. Ghigo E, Arvat E, Camanni F. Orally active growth hormone secretagogues: state of the art and clinical perspectives. Ann Med. 1998 Apr;30(2):159-68.

2. Hersch EC, Merriam GR. Growth hormone (GH)–releasing hormone and GH secretagogues in normal aging: Fountain of Youth or Pool of Tantalus? Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2008;3(1):121-129.

3. Fuh VL, Bach MA. Growth hormone secretagogues: mechanism of action and use in aging. Growth Horm IGF Res. 1998 Feb;8(1):13-20.

4. Laron Z. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1): a growth hormone. Molecular Pathology. 2001;54(5):311-316.

5. Lazarus DD, Moldawer LL, Lowry SF. Insulin-like growth factor-1 activity is inhibited by interleukin-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-6. Lymphokine Cytokine Res. 1993 Aug;12(4):219-23.

6. Velloso CP. Regulation of muscle mass by growth hormone and IGF-I. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2008;154(3):557-568. doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.153.

7. Lupien SB, Bluhm EJ, Ishii DN. Systemic insulin-like growth factor-I administration prevents cognitive impairment in diabetic rats, and brain IGF regulates learning/memory in normal adult rats. J Neurosci Res. 2003 Nov 15;74(4):512-23.

Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



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Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

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Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

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Synadrene Review – The BIG Reason To Go For It


What Is Synadrene
Synadrene vs Synadrex
DMAA and the FDA Recall
Synadrene Ingredients
How to Use Synadrene
Synadrene Side Effects
Synadrene Reviews
Where to Buy
Synadrene Pros and Cons
Synadrene – The Bottom Line

Every few years, it seems the weight loss supplement industry gets turned on its head by an incredibly effective new ingredient that finally provides the real help dieters are looking for. The most popular example is Ephedrine back in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In an industry dominated by snake oil, its success appeared to be grounded in real results. Right up until it got banned by the FDA because of a number of adverse events that appeared to be related to its use.

Today, it’s DMAA, or 1,3 dimethylamylamine. This ingredient is currently going through one of several rounds of suits and countersuits with the FDA over whether or not it should be considered natural and safe enough for use. Plenty of supplement makers have removed DMAA from their formulas, but Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has chosen to continue to use it in Synadrene.


Related Article: Diet Pills Sold In Stores – An In-Depth Look

Synadrene Review

What Is Synadrene?

Synadrene is a weight loss pill from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals created to simulate the effects of the original and highly popular Synadrex. With its powerful, stimulant based formula, you can expect benefits to include:

Enhanced mental focus to keep you motivated and on track.

  • Thermogenic fat burning.
  • Lasting energy.
  • Appetite Suppression.

All leading to significant weight loss.

Synadrene vs Synadrex

Synadrex by Metabolic Nutrition is one of the hottest weight loss supplements around. That’s partially because the original version included DMAA. But when the FDA declared DMAA was banned, Metabolic Nutrition capitulated by taking Syndadrex off the market, reformulating it without DMAA, then re-introducing it back into its product line.

While the new formula may appease or even please some users, some want their DMAA, and those are the ones who either have switched or should switch to Synadrene.

Hi-Tech makes no secret of the fact that it’s a copycat formula. When you compare the bottles,you have to look closely to even tell them apart.

Synadrene Review

Synadrene Synadrex Bottle


DMAA and the FDA Recall

Back in 2012, the FDA first issued a recall for dietary supplements containing DMAA. Between 2008 and 2013, the FDA received 86 reports of health problems, including 5 dealths.  To be clear, however, there is no proven causal relationship, just a correlation at this point. The FDA cited another primary reason for the recall – the idea that DMAA is a synthetic, not natural, ingredient, which means it doesn’t qualify as an unregulated ingredient in a dietary supplement.

At the time, most supplement manufacturers complied with the recall, but not Hi -Tech Pharmaceuticals. They decided to fight the ruling on the grounds that DMAA comes from Geranium Oil, a natural source and that there is no evidence that it’s unsafe.

As of the summer of 2017, the court battle over the issue has been and still is ongoing. Meanwhile, Hi-Tech continues to make and sell supplements containing DMAA, and they took the opportunity to step in where Metabolic Nutrition backed off by creating a copycat version (with a few changes) of the popular original formula.

Synadrene Ingredients

Synadrene makes no bones about the fact that it’s a stimulant-heavy weight loss pill. The powerhouse Synadrene Proprietary Blend is made up of a total of 815 mg of:

  • Methylxanthine (aka caffeine) which is of course the most popular stimulant there is. It increases energy, suppresses appetite, and even boosts metabolism. It’s basically the weight loss triple threat.
  • Green Tea Extract which contains EGCG catechins, the powerful fat burning, immune supporting antioxidant responsible for so much of the hype around Green Tea. And don’t forget, Green Tea provides additional caffeine to the mix, which tempering it with the calming effect of L-Theanine.
  • DMAA which is the subject of so much debate these days. It’s a short term central nervous system stimulant that boosts mental energy as well as focus. In fact, you may find it in some “brain boosting” nootropic supplements as well. It’s chemically similar to amphetamines, and as such may give a false positive on a drug test. It’s also banned itself by some sporting organizations. Its first use was as a nasal decongestant, but it is much more commonly used now as a stimulant for all the different reasons one would use a stimulant. Some known side effects are jitters, crash, blood pressure increase, and heart rate increase. These effects are all byproducts of the fact that DMAA constricts blood vessels, inhibiting blood flow.
  • Sulbutiamine which is more commonly used in nootropic formulas. It’s a form of Thiamine that has been formulated to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and be effective improving mental performance and mood.
  • Sandalwood Extract which is usually used as an essential oil to produce a sense of calm. I have not seen any studies or papers written about its benefits to weight loss when ingested.
  • Yohimbine Extract which is another powerful and somewhat controversial stimulant. It’s also a central nervous system stimulant that can help with energy and metabolism. It’s highly alpha-2 receptive which improves the mobilization of fat for energy. Yohimbine comes with the potential for side effects as well. Headaches, nausea, and flu-like symptoms are not uncommon, especially at higher doses. More dangerous side effects include a severe drop in blood pressure.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which is an antioxidant that shifts glucose from fat cells to muscle, having the effect of both increasing energy and reducing fat stores. It may also slow the cognitive decline that comes with age due to its neuroprotective properties.
  • Poly-Thyronine which improves thyroid functioning for better use of fat for energy. It suppresses appetite while boosting your metabolic rate.

On top of the blend, Synadrene also contains B Vitamins and Chromium.

  • Vitamin B3 (aka Niacin) which facilitates the bodily process of converting food to energy.
  • Vitamin B6 supports the immune and nervous systems.
  • Vitamin B12 helps convert fat to energy, and provides an all day energy you won’t get from caffeine/dmaa/yohimbine type stimulants.
  • Chromium helps control blood sugar and helps reduce cravings.

When compared to the original version of Synadrex, Synadrene’s formula is essentially the same minus a couple of ingredients in the original proprietary blend.

How to Use Synadrene

Instructions are to take 1 Synadrene capsule up to 3 times a day. You’d want to take the first dose shortly before your first meal, and a second dose perhaps before lunch or workout. I wouldn’t take it too close to when you’re planning to go to bed. Chances are it’ll make it tough to go to sleep.

Most of the feedback I’ve seen indicates that 2 pills a day is the right amount for most people. The max recommended per day is 4.

Synadrene Side Effects

Because most of the ingredients are in a proprietary blend, we don’t know what kind of dosages are being used. Given the number of powerful stimulants, it would not be surprising if you felt jittery, nervous, a little nauseous and racy when using Synadrene.

We’ve also discussed some of the potentially more serious side effects possible with 2 ingredients in particular – DMAA and Yohimbine. The best way to mitigate or avoid these side effects is to start with a half dose at first, maybe just one dose the first day. They idea is that it’s best to start slowly, measuring how you feel, so you can adjust your dosages to be effective without unwanted effects.

The truth is I do this with every new supplement I try, and I particularly recommend it with the stimulant-heavy ones.

Synadrene Reviews

Hi-Tech’s products, including Synadrene, are sold through several retailers, which generally means – and is true in this case – that we have access to a good amount of customer feedback. Most of the reviews I’ve seen are positive, though many claim that while close to the original Synadrex, it misses the mark:


Synadrene Not as Good Review


Yet, plenty of customers have reported feedback like this:


Synadrene Is Good Review


This next review reminds us that it’s very much about expectations and point of view when it comes to being pleased or disappointed. Lindsey thinks it works great – not the same as the original Sydadrex – but great in its own right:


Synadrene good but not the same image


What I didn’t find were any negative reviews about it not working at all or about it producing unwanted side effects. All in all, the review record for Synadrene is very favorable.

Where to Buy

Synadrene is not available in stores. At this point, I think most stores are erring on the safe side by not selling supplements containing DMAA. But there are plenty of online retailers who’ll sell it to you.

At the official Hi-Tech Pharma website, the 45-count bottle sells for $69.95. At 2 pills per day, which is the most popular dose, the bottle would last about 3 weeks. Because it’s available through many other retailers, you should shop around. The most common price for that same bottle is about $35.

How Does the Price Compare to the Updated Synadrex?

The current version of Synadrex is sold at a comparable price, also through several retailers, so price isn’t really a point on which to make a decision.

When looking for customer feedback on this new Synadrex, however, I found several negative reviews – ironically most of them regarding unwanted side effects, but also in some cases, complaining that it just doesn’t work.

One user complained it made her violently sick to her stomach, needing medication to stop the vomiting. Another complained that it made her moody – with depressive feelings and lacking in all motivation. Still another said Synadrex made him feel drowsy and unmotivated as well.

It’s interesting to note that I haven’t seen anything like this in reviews for Synadrene, which has the offending DMAA in it.

Synadrene Pros and Cons

Advantages of Synadrene

  • It’s made by a company with a reputation for producing effective supplements and standing up for what their customers want.
  • Customer reviews skew very positive.
  • The price is reasonable, especially if you find the right retailer.

Disadvantages of Synadrene

  • It may have to go away eventually if Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals loses its fight with the FDA.
  • There is a chance that if the FDA is right, it could be dangerous, though this would probably only be the case when taken at much higher doses than are recommended.

Synadrene – The Bottom Line

Synadrene isn’t the first copy-cat formula made by Hi-Tech in response to other companies complying with the regulatory agencies by pulling their products. With products like Jack’d Up and HydroxyElite, Synadrene is in good company. Hi-Tech has enjoyed a lot of success with this business model.

At this point, they have a reputation for fighting for what their customers want – supplements that work. We’d all like to think that the FDA is looking out for us, and in some cases they probably are. But sometimes, their motives may be less than pure. There is a tight working relationship between the FDA and the companies that research and manufacture prescription drugs. There are many cases where it is believed the FDA is looking out for them more than the general public.

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals thinks this is one of those cases. They believe DMAA is both effective and safe, and they are willing to put their reputation on the line to make sure their customers can still get it.

Judging from a comparison of reviews for both Synadrene and the new version of Synadrex, Synadrene is both more effective and seemingly safer. Some of the side effects mentioned in connection with the new Synadrex seem way worse than anything I’ve seen connected to Synadrene. And by most accounts Synadrene works.

Of course, with all the stimulants in the formula, it would be wise to be mindful of this and start off slowly with just one half dose on the first day. If all goes well, take a whole dose the next day, and gradually build up to 2 or 3 times per day from there. Once you hit your stride, Synadrene can be an effective tool to help manage your weight loss.

Of course, taking a pill is not enough to get the best and most desirable weight loss results and so you cannot rely solely on taking Synadrene to get into swim suit shape for the warm weather.

Taking Synadrene or other similar products in concert with a rigorous and effective workout regiment is the best way to see the kind of results that you were probably looking for in the first place.

Have You Used Synadrene? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Review – 5 BIG Reasons To Say NO


What Is Optimal Rock
Optimal Rock Ingredients
Optimal Rock Side Effects
Optimal Rock Reviews
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
Optimal Rock Male Enhancement – The Bottom Line

I’ve researched dozens of male enhancement supplements that promise to make you bigger. And why wouldn’t they make such a promise? It’s a great way to get the attention of potential customers. After all, size matters and who doesn’t want to be bigger?

Some products come right out and and say it, “Gain 3-5 inches in 4 Weeks!” Others are a little more subtle, and there’s good reason for that. It’s because the truth of the matter is that none of these pills will actually help you get 3 to 5 inches, in 4 weeks… or 4 years. They can help you get better erections, even bigger erections. But they won’t make you actually grow.

What Is Optimal Rock?

Optimal Rock Male Enhancement starts with the somewhat subtle approach when it comes to talking about size increases. But it doesn’t take long for them to hit you over the head with the idea that you can expect this stuff to actually add length and girth:


Optimal Rock Size Claim Image


This is clearly trying to tell you that your penis will be bigger in size if you take these pills. They go on to even say:


Optimal Rock Size Claim Image


Going all in on the size claims.

Ultimately, though, this is all marketing. Lots of pills claim to make you grow, while none of them actually can. So we accept these facts and move on in search of a male enhancement pill we can use for the benefits they might actually be able to provide.

As for Optimal Rock Male Enhancement, the potentially achievable benefits include:

  • Renewed drive and libido.
  • Bigger, harder erections.
  • Greater sexual stamina and energy.
  • Increased sexual confidence, ie the knowledge and assurance that “you got this”.

Again, it’s fairly typical of the promises made by most of these products. Now we’ll take a look at what’s inside so we can get a better understanding of if and how Optimal Rock Male Enhancement works.

Optimal Rock Ingredients

Optimal Rock Male Enhancement doesn’t feature a label image or full ingredients list on their website, but they do point out a few highlights, including:

  • Tongkat Ali which is known as a free testosterone booster. The idea is that it frees up testosterone molecules by inhibiting the activity of SHBG (or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which likes to attach itself to these free testosterone molecules, preventing them from doing their job. In addition to increasing free testosterone, there are other sexual benefits as well, including blood flow support for better erections.
  • Maca Root which is an ancient Peruvian herbal aphrodisiac. It not only increases sex drive, but also improves dopamine levels so you’re dealing with an elevated mood and it increases sperm count as wel for greater fertility.
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide which works as a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels to allow an increased amount of blood to flow to your penis for bigger, harder erections.
  • Ginseng which is used often to combat age related erectile dysfunction. It improves mood and alleviates stress, so you can reel more relaxed and confident, ready to meet any challenge.

There may be additional ingredients not listed on the website. In fact, I’ve seen third party website include some others, like Horny Goat Weed for blood flow and Muira Puama for libido, but these are not verified.

Optimal Rock Side Effects

Given the list we have, I wouldn’t expect much if anything in terms of side effects caused by Optimal Rock Male Enhancement. L-Arginine tends to have a lowering effect on blood pressure, so if you have blood pressure issues – whether or not controlled by medication, you should check with your doctor before taking this.

Of course, without being provided with ingredient amounts we don’t know how significant any side effect (or intended effect for that matter) might be.

Optimal Rock Reviews

Customer feedback is one of the best ways to tell how effective a supplement may be. Everyone is different, of course, and someone else’s results are necessarily going to translate to yours. Nevertheless, there are trends to notice, like whether or not most people are generally satisfied with the product and whether or not most people have had a positive or negative customer service experience.

The only customer reviews we have access to online are the testimonials provided on the Optimal Rock Male Enhancement website. These kinds of testimonials are historically unreliable because companies can and do cherry pick, embellish, and even outright make up some of these testimonials. But since it’s all we have, here are two examples. I think you’ll see what I mean:

Here’s the first:


Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Review 1


Take a quick glance at the image of the young couple pictured with the review. Optimal Rock Male Ehancement would have you believe that’s 67 year of Ronald from Buffalo, NY. They do look cold so perhaps the location is correct, but 67? Really? That guys is 25 if that.

Even without the blatant disparity, I already know product testimonials on these webpages can be faked, but come on, at least make an effort to match the image with the text. You’re trying to sell a products here. At least make sure someone edits and proofreads what gets shared with the world.

The second review uses both more generic text and a more generic photo, so this one could ultimately be believable:


Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Review 2


Where to Buy

Here’s where we talk about the “Free Trial”. If you’re not familiar with this scam and how it works, it’s definitely worth your while to read my comprehensive article:

Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

More specifically as it applies to Optimal Rock Male Enhancement, here’s how it works.

You’re funneled into the Optimal Rock Male Enhancement webpage through any number of “review” websites. I put “review” in quotes because they’re really not reviews, they’re more like ads. These ads rave about the opportunity to try it free and urge you to “Rush Your Trial”


Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Rush My Trial Image 2


Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Rush My Trial Image


If you click through, you’ll arrive at the Optimal Rock Male Enhancement webpage where you can sign up. You fill out the order form, complete with sense of urgency that your free bottle will be given to someone else if you don’t hurry up and take advantage.

At this point, you’re probably under the impression that you’ll be getting your bottle for free. Of course, that’s what they want you to think, that’s how they rope you in.

What you don’t know, and might not find out until it’s too late, is that 17 days after you order your trial bottle, they’ll charge you $89.95 for what you thought was free. And on top of that, they will automatically sign you up to receive a fresh supply at that same price each month until you do cancel.

I know what you’re thinking – “They can’t do that, I didn’t sign up for that”! But they have their ways. Way at the bottom of the order confirmation page, they spell out the terms of the deal. Never mind that you’ll never see it unless you actively scroll down, and never mind that you’re not required to actively accept the deal. They indicate that BY ORDERING you are agreeing, and that’s all they need for it to be legal.

It’s still plenty shady, but it’s legal.

Here are the terms you have to search hard for to find:

Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Terms Image


Making things even more difficult and less user friendly, they don’t provide the contact information in this set of terms For that, you have to do even more digging. You’ll only find that in that in the official Terms and Conditions document. Here’s what it says there:


Optimal Rock Male Enhancement Cancel info


At this time, Optimal Rock Male Enhancement is not available for purchase through any other mechanism. It’s not at Amazon, you won’t find it in stores, and even their official website only offers it with these bogus free trial terms.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Optimal Rock Male Enhancement

  • The formula is natural and contains some helpful herbal ingredients.

Disadvantages of Optimal Rock Male Enhancement

  • No ingredient amounts are discussed so we can’t tell if they use effective amounts in the formula.
  • They focus a lot of their marketing on permanent size increases, which as you know cannot be achieved by a pill alone.
  • The “customer testimonials” are clearly fake.
  • No scientific studies are cited to back up Optimal Rock Male Enhancement’s claims.
  • It’s only available by signing up for a phony free trial that traps you into monthly$90 payments until you figure out how to cancel.

Optimal Rock Male Enhancement – The Bottom Line

I really try hard to start my research into every supplement I review with fresh eyes and an unbiased approach. But at the same time, it’s very clear that many supplements and supplement companies follow the same marketing formula and put far less energy into actually making a quality supplement.

A lot of times, this can tell you a lot about a supplement before you even try it, but I still try to go in blind and unbiased, yet more often than not first impressions seem to be a good example of what to expect.

They make outrageous claims, they throw a little pseudo-science in the mix to convince you they’re legit, then they trick you into signing up for monthly payments you had no intention of signing up for. This may be a successful short terms sales strategy, but it’s no way to promote a quality supplement.

If Optimal Rock Male Enhancement were really something special, they would disclose their full ingredient list, they’d have real scientific evidence about how it, or at least some of its ingredients works, it would offer a straight sale with clear terms – including a money back guarantee, and it would be easy to find real feedback from customers who’ve had success using it.

Since none of these is the case with Optimal Rock Male Enhancement, I see no reason to recommend it as something worth your time or money.

Have You Used Optimal Rock Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha Muscle Complex Review – Off The Shelf?


What Is Alpha Muscle Complex
Alpha Muscle Complex Ingredients
How To Use Alpha Muscle Complex
Alpha Muscle Complex Side Effects
Who Makes Alpha Muscle Complex
Was Alpha Muscle Complex Seen On Shark Tank
Where to Buy
Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth
Alpha Muscle Complex – The Bottom Line

When you think about testosterone boosters, a couple different things probably come to mind. You may think of bodybuilders using the added hormone boost to achieve bigger muscle gains, or you may think of an older crowd, looking to bring their sexual performance back closer to the prime of their twenties. These are clearly two different ends of the spectrum, but the truth is increased testosterone makes them both possible, along with all the benefits that lie in between.

An effective natural testosterone booster might just be the most effective category of supplement when it comes to general health improvement for men in their 40s and beyond. That’s a big statement, and obviously different guys have different health needs, but in a general sense, we can all use a nice natural testosterone boost.

Related Post: Testosterone Boosters We’ve Tested

Alpha Muscle Complex ReviewWhat Is Alpha Muscle Complex?

Alpha Muscle Complex is one of the many natural testosterone boosting supplements available online today. As we alluded to above, some of these products focus on the bodybuilding benefits while some put more attention on the sexual performance help they can provide. Alpha Muscle Complex does both, with a leaning toward the bodybuilders, which you would expect from its name. Right there on the label, the bullet points make it clear:

  • Strength and Power
  • Muscle Strength
  • Enhanced Endurance
  • Energy and Focus

But they don’t leave out the sexual benefits by including “Increases Libido & Sexual Health”.

So, while the claimed benefits are similar to other products in this category, the real story can be found in the formula, so let’s take an in depth look into that.

Alpha Muscle Complex Ingredients

We’re at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to full, complete, and reliable ingredient information for Alpha Muscle Complex. This is because their website is currently not functional. I do not know how long this situation has been the case nor how long it’s expected to continue.

As of now, this is what you get when you try to visit their website.


Alpha Muscle Complex Website Under Construction Image


When we come across something like this, it can prove difficult to get reliable information from other sources. The biggest reason for this is that several different sources provide completely contradictory information. This actually happened with Alpha Muscle Complex. There are at least 3 different website citing 3 different formulas. Luckily, we found the actual “Supplement Facts” label, so we can be confident that we have the correct list.

Aside from the 44 mg of Calcium (5% of Recommended Daily Allowance), the entire formula is included in the 1484 mg MAX TEST Proprietary Blend of:

  • Horny Goat Weed Extract which is known to be an aphrodisiac that also helps improve blood flow for better erections. It’s known as Chinese Viagra in some circles.
  • Tongkat Ali Extract which may have the ability to increase levels of free testosterone. It does this by inhibiting the activity of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which wants to attach to testosterone molecules, preventing them from being used by the body.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which can increase testosterone by decreasing its conversion to DHT. This action protects against enlarged prostate as well.
  • Orchic Substance Extract which comes from the testicles of bulls, and is believed to increase testosterone.
  • Wild Yam Extract which is used to balance male and female sex hormones in the body.
  • Sarsaparilla Root which may increase testosterone levels.
  • Nettle Extract which provides prostate health support.
  • Boron which is one of several additional substances believed to increase testosterone levels and decrease estrogen.


Alpha Muscle Complex Label With Ingredients

The fact that the formula is mostly one proprietary blend of lest than 1.5 grams is not encouraging. Many of the ingredients included in the blend are required to be at much higher levels than we can believe they are at given this relatively low number.

For instance, the lowest recommended daily dose of Boron alone is 3 grams, which is twice the total amount including all the ingredients.

This is a common problem with many testosterone boosting supplements. They find and use a lot of the right ingredients, but they don’t use nearly enough of them to make a dent in the actual issue. Dosing is a very important issue with lots of unknowns, especially in the unregulated supplement market.

In some cases, a smaller than ideal amount will still provide some benefit, but in other cases, that smaller amount has no effect and is no better than not having it at all.

The reason this happens is that when supplement manufacturers do their homework, they know which are the desired ingredients and they choose to include them. But they soon find out that acquiring enough to make a difference costs more money than they’re willing to spend.

So they go ahead and purchase some to include, but they skimp on the amount to save money. This way, they still get to claim the ingredient is in the formula, and they don’t end up spending an arm and a leg on it.

How To Use Alpha Muscle Complex

The recommended dose is 2 caplets taken with water 1 or 2 times per day. You should be aware, though, that if you take it twice per day, a bottle will only last you 15 days, and will as a result be more expensive.

Alpha Muscle Complex Side Effects

One sideways advantage to the low dose amounts of active ingredients is that you’re not likely to experience any side effects they may be associated with them. While none of the natural ingredients in the formula warn of anything serious, even mild effects will probably be avoided because of the low doses.

Who Makes Alpha Muscle Complex?

This is an interesting question, and so far, I don’t have a definitive answer. One of our clues is a website – AlphaMuscleComplex.com – that’s currently non-functioning, claiming to be “under construction”. We also found the following company information printed on the product label: Beauty and Health Inc., located at 276 5th Avenue Suite 704, New York, NY. I searched the internet for company information and found none. I also checked the Better Business Bureau, but they have no file on any such company. Finally, the email address listed on the label is “support@alphaproductssupreme.com”.

When I tried to access the website alphaproductssupreme.com, I had no luck.

So at this point, I’d say we don’t know any more than we did before we started about who’s behind Alpha Muscle Complex.

Was Alpha Muscle Complex Seen On Shark Tank?

I’ve had a few guys come to me asking if I’ve seen the episode of Shark Tank where the “sharks” made some HUGE investment into Alpha Muscle Complex.

I’m here to tell you that it’s a complete and utter LIE.

I won’t get into it here, but read this article.

It will enlighten you to the subject.

Where to Buy

This is another issue. There are plenty of “review” websites singing the praises of Alpha Muscle Complex and suggesting you sign up for a free trial of the product.

Here’s an example of what you could find:


Alpha Muscle Complex Rush My Trial



Alpha Muscle Complex Free Trial Ordering


But once you try to click through, you’re taken to the ordering page of a completely different supplement. More times than not, it’s XXX Alpha Advanced Testosterone Booster.

All signs are starting to point to the fact that Alpha Muscle Complex may no longer be for sale. As far as I can tell, it was only ever available using their free trial offer. If you aren’t familiar, take the time to read our Expose:

Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

It will explain how these scams work and how to recognize them before you get sucked in.

In any case, this is the way Alpha Muscle Complex was sold, but I’m not seeing access to it anymore.

Alpha Muscle Complex Out of Business?

Their Facebook and Twitter accounts are each another indication that Alpha Muscle Complex is either done for or close to it. They had gone to the trouble of creating and updated their social media presence, yet while both platforms were used regularly through the first half of 2016, neither outlet has any posts after the fall of 2016.

At this point, I’m just about ready to say Alpha Muscle Complex is no more, and even if it’s just a hiatus, it’s not available to purchase at this point.

Alpha Muscle Complex – The Bottom Line

Alpha Muscle Complex never really seemed to distinguish itself from the competition in any way I could recognize. It used a lot of the same marketing images, tools, and phrases as many other products. It even used the word Alpha in the product name, which many of the competitors using the same marketing do as well.

I have my suspicions that they’re all (or at least many of them) coming from the same company, just swapping out labels and products names as they see fit. With such similar names as Alpha Fuel 720, Alpha Performer, Alpha Prime Elite, Alpha Monster, Alpha X Boost, and many many more, it’s hard to imagine they’re not related in some way.

Most of them contain the same or similar ingredients, and they all use the same free trial scam that we see so often. And in lots of cases, we come back weeks or months later looking for more information, and the product is nowhere to be found.

This looks like the situation with Alpha Muscle Complex. If you were inclined to try it, you are probably out of luck. But no need to feel bad. It will undoubtedly be back under another name. You’ll just have to be quicker to the punch if you don’t want to miss out on the next one.

Have You Used Alpha Muscle Complex? Leave Your Review Below!



Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

NeuroVibran Review – 1 BIG Reason to Hesitate


What Is NeuroVibran
How Does NeuroVibran Work
NeuroVibran Ingredients
How To Use NeuroVibran
NeuroVibran Side Effects
NeuroVibran Reviews
Where to Buy NeuroVibran
Pros and Cons
NeuroVibran – The Bottom Line

I’ve been researching and testing out a number of nootropic supplements lately. You’ve probably seen them advertised. They’ve been getting pretty popular over the past few years. It started out as a way to try and get benefits similar to Adderall, using natural ingredients, so you wouldn’t need to get a prescription or buy it on the black market.

Many people that seek out such supplements do so because prescription alternatives are either too hard to get or have the potential to carry nasty side effects as well as become addictive with long term use.

But really they’ve exploded from there. People use them to feel quicker, sharper, so that they can be more productive and ultimately more successful.

I’ve tried some that I’ve had really good results with, and others that were pure duds.

Nootropics are like any supplement in that it is not only about the ingredients that go into them, but what levels they are concentrated in and whether or not it is a solid formula.

Related Article: The Real Limitless Pill – Fat Chance!

I recently came across NeuroVibran and decided to check it out and try to see which category it belongs in.

NeuroVibran ReviewWhat Is NeuroVibran?

NeuroVibran is a cognitive enhancement supplement using natural ingredients to improve the way your brain relates with information it receives. If we were to list out the benefits, the list would include:

  • Increased motivation/Less procrastination.
  • Better long term memory.
  • Quicker grasp of new knowledge.
  • Greater ability to store information for quick recall.

How Does NeuroVibran Work?

When it comes to brain power, it’s all about the neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals within your brain that communicate and transmit information between brain cells. There are several types, and if you can increase certain ones and make them work better, you’ll be rewarded with the benefits of smart drugs.

And with advances in the science of nutrition, more and more substances are being discovered that can have that kind of effect.

NeuroVibran Ingredients

Now it’s time to see if NeuroVibran contains and/or promotes any of those substances.

NeuroVibran does not discuss all the ingredients, but they do mention a couple of the more important ones:

Phosphatidylcholine and Bacopa Monnieri.

Phosphatidylcholine contains both fatty acids and choline. Fatty acids (ie omegas) have always been considered brain food, while choline increases the amount of the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine in your brain. This increase is known to improve communication between brain cells, and it’s also neuroprotective, meaning it preserves the health of brain cells.

While dosing recommendations are not firm, the most common daily recommendation is 200-400 mg daily. A serving of NeuroVibran contains 200 mg.

Bacopa Monnieri has been shown to improve the speed of processing visual information after 12 weeks.

The NeuroVibran website also drops a few breadcrumbs about some of the other ingredients that made the cut. On the website, NeuroVibran cites several studies of certain substances, ostensibly proving that they can improve cognition. It stands to reason that these cited substances are what’s in the formula.

Neurovibran Ingredients ImageBut luckily, we came across a label image containing the entire list, which includes:

  • Vitamins E, B6, B9, and B12 because B complex vitamins are known to provide mental energy.
  • DMAE Bitartrate which improves cognitive performance by reducing the buildup of “age pigments” that cause mental decline over time. It is also very similar to acetylcholine, and may convert to it, though the research doesn’t bear this out as yet.
  • Eleuthero Extract which is what’s known as an adaptagenic. It helps your body and brain adapt to new and/or stressful situations, both physical and mental.
  • Omega-3 Complex which have been shown to increase gray matter volume in healthy adults.
  • GABA which is another of the neurotransmitters you need to improve cognitive function. The problem with taking GABA orally as a supplement is that it does not cross the blood brain barrier, so its effectiveness is very limited.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract which provides energy and increases blood flow to the brain.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which has neuroprotective and antioxidant properties.
  • Vinpocetine which acts as an antioxidant while also protective nerve cell membranes and relaxing blood vessels to allow a greater amount of blood to flow through, providing necessary oxygen and nutrients.
  • Huperzine-A which is commonly used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease.

How To Use NeuroVibran

The recommended daily dose is 3 capsules, and there are 20 servings in the 60-count bottle.

NeuroVibran Side Effects

NeuroVibran claims there are no important side effects of note, and this is probably true for the most part. That doesn’t mean, of course, that you’re assured there won’t be any mild headaches or nausea. Huperzine A alone has been known to cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, though it’s relatively rare and more likely to occur at higher doses.

In fact, this brings me to a very important point to make about NeuroVibran. The list of ingredients is pretty good. But just as important as WHAT is in it is HOW MUCH is in it. The NeuroVibran label does reveal this information, and in a lot of cases, the amounts are low, too low to expect much of an effect.

For instance:

  • The recommended dose of DMAE Bitartrate ranges from 350mg – 750mg, while NeuroVibran contains just 125mg.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid is recommended at 300mg-600mg while NeuroVibran contains only 50mg.
  • Vinpocetine comes in at a recommended dose of 15mg-60mg, while NeuroVibran contains only 5mg.

NeuroVibran Reviews

Tracking down customer feedback on NeuroVibran was not exactly easy, but I did find a few discussions – on Facebook and Reddit.

On their Facebook page, there’s a thread asking whether or not NeuroVibran is a scam. The comments in response are not very promising:


NeuroVibran Facebook Comments IMage


Granted, this is primarily about customer service and product delivery, but still, it doesn’t look good.

I kept scrolling and found one customer that had actually tried NeuroVibran, and still, the news isn’t good:


NeuroVibran Facebook Comments Product


And there’s more. Some of the commenters looked up the website and found that ScamAdvisor rates it as likely to be a scam:


NeuroVibran High Risk Image


Where to Buy NeuroVibran

I’ve only found one place where you can buy NeuroVibran, and that is their official website, which as we established above, is rated as high risk.

I can see why actually. The first time I checked out their order page to figure out how to go about purchasing NeuroVibran, the page didn’t even tell you how much it costs. You were apparently not allowed to see that until you entered your valid and real credit card number. (Trust me, I tried to enter a fake CC# just to see what the price was, but it didn’t get me very far) So your credit card number had to be collected and verified before you were even allowed to know what they’re going to charge you. No wonder the site is high risk. I would never knowingly give away my credit card information online (to a high risk website no less!) without knowing what I was going to be charged.

Here’s what it looked like:


NeuroVibran Order Page


But things had changed the next time I visited the site a few days later. This time, the order page asked which country you were in, and based on how you answered, they took you to the next phase of ordering, with prices and packages.

Here’s the list of participating countries (Note the United States is not one of them).

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom


They offer certain packages and prices depending on where you live – as long as it’s in one of the listed countries. In the UK for example, a single bottle (a one month supply) costs £48.95, while you can save some money with a larger package, like 5 bottles for £24.39 each (Buy 3 Get 2 Free).

Orders are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee. You’d need to call to receive an RMA number, and return the bottle within 30 days.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of NeuroVibran

  • The ingredients are all listed and all natural.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • There’s no caffeine, which may be a good thing for those who can’t or don’t want to use stimulants of any kind.

Disadvantages of NeuroVibran

  • Some of the ingredients are in amounts are too low in general to be effective.
  • The website is inconsistent about billing.
  • Customer feedback is not good.

NeuroVibran – The Bottom Line

With so many shady supplements being sold online these days, it pays to be skeptical. When I first visited the website and they didn’t show a price, it was a big red flag. I’m pleased that it appears to have been fixed, but who’s to say it won’t look completely different when you visit the website two weeks from now? Whatever they’re offering at that time, make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully to be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

The ingredient amounts in NeuroVibran tend to be low for the most part. It’s a common tactic. They want bragging rights to say the good stuff is in the formula, but they don’t want to have to cut into their profit margins by paying lots of money for it. So they put just a little bit into the pill. This way, they can claim it’s there, but they don’t have to charge a premium for it. In the end though, it’s the customer that loses, since they don’t get the results they expected.

I’m glad NeuroVibran doesn’t use a free trial scam at this point. It’s a start. But they’d have to improve their formula to earn my full support.

Have You Used NeuroVibran? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Silencis Pro Review – Miracle Cure For Tinnitus?


What is Silencis Pro?
How Can Silencis Pro Help?
Where Can You Buy It?
We’ve all had it at one point or another.

That annoying ringing in the ears after leaving a concert, playing the headphones too loud at the gym, or even catching a flick in a movie theater.

Tinnitus is a condition that affects over 300 MILLION people worldwide, and unfortunately researches have yet to find a cure.

/wp content/uploads/2017/08/tinnitus

However, there are several over the counter options that help to alleviate the symptoms of this annoying condition.

Silencis Pro happens to be one of them.

Scrolling through my Yahoo news feed this morning, I came across an ad that proclaimed “US Doctors Amazed At New ‘Tinnitus’ Discovery”.

silencis pro ad on yahoo

I’m not one who typically suffers from Tinnitus, but I’ve had my share of experiences.

Usually, as I mentioned above, I’ll get that awful ringing in the ears when I’ve blasted the Foo Fighters in my ears while sprinting on the treadmill for a half hour.

It typically goes away after a half hour or so, but it got me thinking…

What would life be like having this annoying ringing piercing through your ears CONSTANTLY?

Surely it would be a miserable experience, and unfortunately too many experience this on a daily basis.

Can Silencis Pro REALLY help? 

Well that’s what we’re here to find out.

What is Silencis Pro?

silencis pro reviewMade by a company called Functional And Restorative Medicine LLC, this supplement takes a completely different approach to tackling tinnitus symptoms.

Instead of traditional remedies like ear drops, hearing aids, and free standing white noise machines that just cover up the sounds, Silencis Pro attempts to tackle the root cause of tinnitus.

Traditionally, it was thought that tinnitus is was only caused by inner ear cell damage from exposure to loud noises for prolonged periods of time.

However, further research on the subject has shown that it’s a bit more complicated than that.

A growing amount of studies, one of which is cited by Silencis Pro, are showing that tinnitus may in fact be caused by how the brain processes sounds.

So How Can Silencis Pro Help?

The makers of this supplement do a VERY good job of explaining how tinnitus is caused by brain abnormalities, but in my opinion, it falls a bit short on explaining exactly HOW their supplement will help.

For example, they cite that the communication lines of the brain (sometimes referred to as synapses) that connect the brain need 2 things to function normally:

  1. Alive and breathing, and
  2. Healthy

This is true, but how do the ingredients in Silencis Pro actually help these processes?

Well, the official website lists the full ingredients list as:

  • Vitamins B3, B6, B9, B12, and C
  • Hibiscus
  • Hawthorn Berry
  • Olive leaves extract
  • Garlic
  • Buchu leaves
  • Green tea
  • Juniper berry
  • UVA ursi

We all pretty much know that we need vitamins, but what about these other ingredients.

And more importantly, how will they fight against tinnitus symptoms?

I looked up each ingredient individually, followed by the phrase ‘and tinnitus’, and the only ingredients that I actually found any evidence on their effectiveness at helping with tinnitus symptoms were Niacin (Vitamin B3), B12, Hawthorne berry, and Garlic.

The others we either anecdotally mentioned as natural remedies for tinnitus, were specific remedies for specific causes of tinnitus, or not even mentioned at all.

For example, Hawthorne berry was mentioned several times as a natural herb that helps with tinnitus symptoms.

But it only does that by helping with tinnitus that’s caused by high or low blood pressure.

Where Can You Buy It?

As far as I can tell from my research, Silencis Pro is only available on their official site, www.SilencisPro.com.

1 Bottle retails at $69 (which includes free shipping), and they do offer discounts for larger orders.

They also feature a 60 day money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase.

The only caveat is that you have to send back the opened / unopened bottles to their Colorado address, as well as fill out the return and refund form that came along with your order.


Too much is unknown about Silencis Pro to make a recommendation.  There’s not a ton of feedback and testimonials floating around on the internet, and that’s a problem when you’re trying to find out if it really works.

Some of the ingredients, most notably the B vitamins listed in the supplement, have been shown to help with Tinnitus symptoms.

But a vast majority have NOT, at least not in the traditional sense.

Perhaps they have stumbled upon a REALLY effective formula, the likes that have never been seen before.

Until we get some reviews coming in, we’re going to hold off on making any recommendations for this pill.

Have You Used Silencis Pro?  Leave Your Review Below!

BurnerTEK Review – 3 BIG Reasons To Try It


What is BurnerTek
BurnerTEK Ingredients
How To Use It
BurnerTEK Side Effects
BurnerTEK Reviews
Who Makes BurnerTEK
Pros and Cons
BurnerTEK – The Bottom Line

I’ve reviewed more fat burners over the years than I can possibly remember.

I’ve seen claims that you’ll “lose 10 pounds in a month, without exercise”, to others that take a much more practical approach.

What never ceases to amaze me is the absolute creativity in the marketing behind some of these products.

What is BurnerTek?

burnertek fat burner review

“Transform your body into a fat burning machine!” This is what BurnerTEK claims it does using 12 of the most sought after weight loss ingredients in use today. It speeds up your metabolism to burn more fat, it suppresses your appetite, and it prevent your body from storing extra energy as fat. A complete list of promised benefits includes:

  • Increased metabolism.
  • Conversion of fat to fuel for increased energy.
  • Appetite suppression and reduced cravings.
  • Blocked fat storage.

And they make a point of the fact that BurnerTEK is perfectly suitable for anyone – man or woman – who wants to lose weight, get fit, increase tone, and burn fat.

That’s quite a list, and if it lives up to it, then there’s no doubt BurnerTEK would be a very effective weight loss tool, but the truth is most fat burners say the same or similar things. That’s why it’s our job to determine whether or not it’s the truth. And in order to do our job right, we looked at the formula, customer feedback, company information, and pricing structure. In the end, the truth will be unmistakable, and you’ll know whether or not BurnerTEK is a good choice in your situation.

BurnerTEK Ingredients

Let’s get right to it with a breakdown of the formula, including each of the 12 components and what they may do for you:

  • Green Tea (500 mg) which contains antioxidants and special fat burners called EGCGs that increase the oxidation (burning) of fat. It also contains some caffeine for energy and appetite suppression.
  • Green Coffee Bean (150 mg) which contains chlorogenic acid which has been shown to increase weight loss, improve blood pressure, and inhibit the acquisition of type 2 diabetes.
  • Glucomannan (500 mg) which is a powerful fiber that has been shown to increase weight loss and reduce cholesterol.
  • Caffeine (300 mg) which is commonly found in hundreds of weight loss products due to its powerful fat burning, metabolism boosting, energy providing, mood elevation, and appetite suppression capabilites.
  • Garcinia Cambogia (150 mg) which contains Hycroxycitric Acid – a substance that prohibits the storage of fat and the creation of new fat cells. It can also help with appetite suppression.
  • L-Carnitine (145 mg) which helps transport fat cells for conversion to energy.
  • Cayenne Pepper (100 mg) which boosts metabolism and reduces appetite.
  • Turmeric (100 mg) which contains curcumin, known for helping to overcome insulin resistence.
  • B-ComplexVitamins (Niacin (20 mg), Vitamin B6 (10 mg), and Vitamin B12 (500 mcg)) for energy and the metabolic support they provide. B vitamins are crucial to many of the daily metabolic processes your body goes through.
  • Chromium (100 mcg) which helps regulate blood sugar. Without spikes and sharp drop offs, balance is maintained and cravings are averted. It also helps reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Click Here to see a picture of the BurnerTEK label.

Briefly, the formula seems to be a pretty comprehensive one, covering the bases of energy, metabolism, blood sugar, insulin, appetite suppression, and the conversion of fat to energy.

One thing to note is the large amount of caffeine – 300 mg per dose. That’s as much as more than 3 cups of coffee, and that doesn’t include whatever residual caffeine is present through the green tea and green coffee. Certainly anyone who’s sensitive to caffeine should be careful – maybe be starting out with a half dose to see what kind of response your body has.

All in all, there are several important ingredients in BurnerTEK.

How To Use It

The recommended daily dose is 3 pills, best taken in the morning or before working out. I’d advise anyone who’s a little leary of jitters or other side effects to start by taking a half dose the first one or two times. This way, if you do encounter any negative reaction, it will be relatively minor and you can adjust your future doses accordingly.

Related Post: How To Lose Weight For Good

BurnerTEK Side Effects

BurnerTEK does not issue any warnings of side effects, and looking at the ingredient profile, my guess would be that if there are any side effects from the use of this product, they would be related to the relatively high dose of caffeine, which means there’s a potential for jitters, crash, and sleeplessness.

BurnerTEK Reviews

The official BurnerTEK website displays many customer reviews, all of which are glowing and necessary. And because BurnerTEK is sold at Amazon.com, there are a few reviews from Amazon customers as well. While the website reviews are all unequivocally glowing, the Amazon reviews are a bit more diverse. There are only 8 reviews currently. 4 of them were given 5 stars, 2 were given 1 star, and 1 each were given 2 and 3 stars.

Here’s what one of the 5 star reviewers had to say:


BurnerTEK Amazon 5 star


And here’s a peak at one of the less than favorable reviews:


BurnerTek Amazon 1 star


On the one hand, this might not bode well for the product.  Granted, it’s not a lot of feedback, but just about as many people who loved it hated it, and that’s good information to have when you’re considering spending money you worked hard for on something this unpredictable.

Where to Buy It

BurnerTEK is sold mainly through their official website. It’s also available at Amazon.com, but you won’t find it in brick and mortar stores.

At the website, a single bottle (a one month supply) of BurnerTEK goes for $59.99, and your purchase is covered by a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.

There’s an additional option as well, one that will save you money. If you know you want to continue using BurnerTEK long term, you can subscribe to their monthly shipping plan and save $9 per bottle by paying just $50.99 each.

Now, this is different than the “free trial scams” we see all the time. If you’re not familiar with how those work, you should check out my comprehensive article: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth.

Those are a whole other story. But BurnerTEK doesn’t use that kind of sleazy tactic. They do offer automatic monthly shipping, but you are not automatically enrolled in it. The default order is a single one-time purchase for $59.99. You can save money if you buy in bulk. Ordering 3 bottles gets you to a per bottle price of $56.67 while buying 6 bottles brings that price down to $50.

There is an automatic shipment program as well, only if you proactively choose it. The default is to buy a single bottle with a one-time purchase. Any other arrangements you would have to go out of your way to choose to enact.

You can even arrange for different delivery schedule if that’s what works better for you. Let’s say you decide you only need 2 pills per day to achieve the results you want. You could extend your delivery timing from every 30 days to every 60 days instead.

This is a far cry from the tricky free trial scams we see so often.

There is a 30-day money back guarantee for purchases made through the BurnerTEK website. They specify that you should return any unused portion, but they note that they will not issue refunds for empty bottles. This would indicate that you can use some of the bottle to try it out, but that you should make your decision before using the entire bottle.

There’s yet another way to buy BurnerTEK, and that’s through a straight one bottle purchase at Amazon.com. Over there, your single bottle sells for $69.99.

Who Makes BurnerTEK?

BurnerTEK Contact info

The company behind BurnerTEK is called TekNaturals. They have locations in Florida and South Carolina, and in addition to BurnerTEK, they also make TestoTEK for those who wish to naturally increase testosterone levels and TEKMale for male enhancement needs.

I searched the internet for complaints about the company, and found none, so this is a good sign.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of BurnerTEK

  • The ingredient profile is comprehensive, focusing on weight loss from several levels. There’s fat burning, there’s appetite suppression, there’s energy, there’s blocking of fat storage, and there’s mood elevation.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • BurnerTEK doesn’t use the same sleazy marketing tactics used by many online supplements.
  • You can buy it through their website or through Amazon.com

Disadvantages of BurnerTEK

  • Customer reviews on Amazon are mixed, with some users saying it’s working great, while others completely disagree.

BurnerTEK – The Bottom Line

BurnerTEK starts out with a solid fat burning formula, and just keeps getting better from there. These days, there are so many supplement scams just out for a quick buck that it almost becomes difficult to recognize when there’s a product that doesn’t engage in a scam.

But the fact is, this seems to be the case with BurnerTEK. For one thing, the company make and promotes more than just the one supplement. Although they’ve only been in business for a couple years, Tek Naturals appears to be building a product line. When a company does this and wants to grow, it’s crucial that they maintain a good reputation for both their products and their services. Tek Naturals seems to be doing both.

I haven’t tried it myself, and the mixed customer reviews leave me uncertain of how well it will actually foster weight loss, but the truth is, everybody’s body is different and what works for one may not work for all. With this in mind, try BurnerTEK. It may be just what you need to leap right over any upcoming plateaus. If not, contact Tek Naturals and obtain a refund. The fact that you can count on this kind of service goes a long way toward feeling comfortable using their product.

At some point I plan on testing this out, so stayed tuned for an updated review.

Have You Used BurnerTEK?? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Bio-Rocket Blast Review – 3 HUGE Reasons to Stay Away


What is Bio-Rocket Blast
Bio-Rocket Blast Ingredients
Who Makes Bio-Rocket Blast
The Free Trial Scam
Bio-Rocket Blast Pros and Cons
Bio-Rocket Blast – The Bottom Line

Lately, it seems like it’s almost impossible to watch TV, listen to the radio, or read the news online without seeing or hearing that men over 40 need help boosting testosterone levels. And of course there are plenty of supplements ready to solve that problem for you. We’ve researched and tried dozens of them, and today, we’re talking about one more. It’s called Bio-Rocket Blast.

Is there something special about this one? Have they found the magic formula? We dove in pretty deep researching Bio-Rocket Blast. Read on to find out what we discovered.


Related Article: 6 Amazing Testosterone Boosters at GNC

What is Bio-Rocket Blast?

Bio-Rocket Blast ImageBio-Rocket Blast says right on the bottle “Male Testosterone” so there’s no doubt it’s designed to increase testosterone levels for men who feel they need it, and with all the recent attention paid to testosterone decline, you probably know if this applies to you.

Every man hits high peaks and low valleys with their levels of testosterone throughout the various stages of life.

When you were a teenager, your testosterone levels were at their highest, peaking at about age 20. After that, however, it’s all downhill. Your body needs less and less, so it produces less and less, finally becoming noticeable somewhere between 35 and 40. If your T levels are low, you’ll:

  • Tire more easily and feel sluggish more often.
  • Start gaining weight in places (think belly) you never had to worry about before.
  • Have a harder time getting motivated to work out.
  • Have a harder time in the gym when you do get the motivation.
  • See less pronounced results form the workouts you do perform.
  • And finally, lose some of that all-consuming interest in sex you used to have.

If this sounds like you, Bio-Rocket Blast is one of the latest natural supplements specifically tailored to help solve your problems. According to their official website, by taking Bio-Rocket Blast you’ll see:

  • Better performance in both the bedroom and the gym.
  • Less fatigue.
  • Increased strength.
  • Improved fat burning.

Now if this sounds familiar, it should. This is exactly what most natural testosterone boosting supplements promise to do for you. But let’s take a look and see if there’s something unique about Bio-Rocket Blast, something that makes it stand apart.

For this, the first place we look is the formula.

Related Article:  Looking To Boost Testosterone?  Check this out.

Bio-Rocket Blast Ingredients

Plenty of supplements sold both online and in stores are happy to reveal their nutritional content labels online for the world to see. Bio-Rocket Blast is not one of them. This is unfortunate since formula is probably the number one factor in whether or not a product is going to work. Usually, we have our ways and can find out actually in a formula anyway, but in the case of Bio-Rocket Blast, it’s been a bit difficult.

What we’ve found is conflicting information.

The Bio-Rocket Blast website itself does not provide the information, but a website advertising Bio-Rocket Blast and linking to its order page does. The ingredients this website shares are L-Citrulline and L-Taurine.

Bio-Rocket Blast Ingredients 1

  • L-Citrulline is becoming a very common component of nitric oxide focused pre workout supplements. This is because it converts to L-Arginine, which then converts to nitric oxide, thereby increasing nitric oxide over time, allowing for all the workout benefits of increased blood flow.
  • L-Taurine is commonly used in energy drinks. It’s an antioxidant that also improves blood flow to muscles for better bloodflow.

Ordinarily, I would believe that this gateway website would provide the correct ingredient information, mainly because it would be in their best interest to do so. But this short list seems a little fishy for 2 reasons:

  1. While Bio-Rocket Blast calls itself a testosterone booster, neither of these ingredients is known or even suspected to increase testosterone.
  2. A different website details an entirely different ingredient list, much more appropriate for a testosterone booster.

This other website does not appear to be related to Bio-Rocket Blast, but the list it provides includes:

  • Saw Palmetto, which inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
  • Hawthorne Berries which increase muscle mass and strength.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which is widely used to boost testosterone naturally (even though the scientific community is not convinced).
  • Zinc which show a correlative relationship to testosterone.
  • Magnesium which is also involved in the metabolic process that produces testosterone.

Given the ingredient confusion, we really can’t be sure what’s in Bio-Rocket Blast, which leaves us guessing as to what benefits it may have.

This confusion also doesn’t engender a whole lot of trust when you’re attempting to choose which supplement is your best bet and value for improving your workouts and indeed your life.

Who Makes Bio-Rocket Blast?

This is another point of confusion, believe it or not. I’ve scoured the entire Terms and Conditions document and there is no mention of a company name. In an advertisement, it’s stated that Bio-Rocket Blast is made by a company from St Petersburg, FL, yet in the Terms document, it is stated that all sales are governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, and the address given for returns is in Canada.


Bio-Rocket Blast Location Image


With the ingredient confusion and the fact that the sketchy company information, it’s getting more and more difficult to find reasons to recommend this product. The one potentially redeeming factor left would be if it were a great value at a price that’s tough to resist.

Next, we’ll explore that possibility.

The Free Trial Scam

Bio-Rocket Blast is only sold in the US, and only by signing up for what they are calling “An Exclusive Trial


Bio-Rocket Blast Exclusive Trial Banner


Unlike some of the other products we’ve seen, they don’t blast the word “FREE” all over their copy. But effectively, that’s what they want you to believe you’re signing up for.

They require your credit card because they “need” to charge you a small shipping fee, but the cost of the supplement itself is $0.


Bio-Rocket Blast Order Page


And that’s where they get you. You think you’re getting to try Bio-Rocket Blast for free because that’s what the order page says. But the truth is very different from what the order page says. If you want to know the truth, you are required to search for the Terms and Conditions document hidden way down at the bottom of the page and scroll way down to the bottom of the document itself.

If you do, here’s what you’ll find:


Bio-Rocket Blast Terms Image

It may be a little small to read, so I’ll recap for you.

When you order the trial, you are actually signing up for a subscription, and the clock starts ticking immediately. If 14 days pass and you haven’t contacted them to cancel this subscription that you probably didn’t know you signed up for, they will charge you $89.99 for the pills you thought you were getting for free.

To make matters worse, in 30 days, they’ll send you another bottle and charge you $89.99 plus $4.99 shipping and handling, and they’ll do that every 30 days indefinitely until you contact them and say you want to cancel

This is called a “negative option” and it means that they can lay charges on you even if you don’t explicitly sign on for the charges.

Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a monthly subscription. Lots of legitimate products use this kind of setup. The difference is a legitimate product will make sure you’re clear on what you’re signing up for. Bio-Rocket Blast does just the opposite.

You can completely miss the fact that the subscription is happening. In fact, they want you to miss it. How else to explain the fact that the only way you’ll know is if you go actively looking to find the fine print?

Bio-Rocket Blast is not the only product sold under this kind of scam. In fact, it’s extremely popular in the online supplement world.

Scams like this do very little to instill a sense of trust in customers and usually does little more than make the general public feel that they are a bad business.

We try to point them out whenever we can, and I’ve even got a comprehensive expose on the whole scheme you can read here: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Bio-Rocket Blast Pros and Cons

I think when you take a look at these pros and cons lists, things will start to look very clear.

Advantages of Bio-Rocket Blast

  • Still thinking. Let me get back to you on that (but don’t hold your breath).

Disadvantages of Bio-Rocket Blast

  • They don’t reveal an ingredients list, and as a results we’ve come across 2 separate lists, one that makes some sense but comes from a strange source, and one they makes no sense but comes from a more reliable source. The upshot is we have no idea what’s even in Bio-Rocket Blast, and I think that’s the way they like it.
  • We have no idea what company is behind Bio-Rocket Blast. They are deliberately misleading, noting three different times that they are located in three different places – Nevada, Florida, an British Columbia, Canada.
  • The only way to purchase Bio-Rocket Blast is by signing up for a monthly subscription that most customers have no idea they’re signing up for. Most people first find out when they get hit with the first $89.99 charge, and then the second, and so on.

Bio-Rocket Blast – The Bottom Line

The negatives regarding Bio-Rocket Blast are pretty serious and they all pretty much point to different aspects of the same thing – deception. They keep the formula a complete secret, they provide 3 different locations for their business, who knows which on is correct? And they only sell it using the free trial scam method that we talk so much about here on this site.

It’s a buyer’s market, folks. I can’t even count the number of testosterone boosting supplements I’ve tried, much less all the ones I haven’t. With this many options, there’s absolutely no reason to even entertain the idea of going with a product that puts up so many red flags. My advice to you – Skip the Bio-Rocket Blast.

Have You Used Bio-Rocket Blast? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Rail Male Enhancement Review


What is Rail Male Enhancement
Who makes it
Does it really work
Are there any side effects
How do I take it
Where can I buy it
How do I cancel my free trial
My Personal Results

The latest male enhancement supplement that I’ve come across is called Rail.  Labeled as a “breakthrough” in enhancement science, it’s made by the folks over at Edge Bioactives.

I’ve tried several other products made by this company, including the Peruvian Brew and Spartagen XT.

For me, it’s a mixed bag.

The Peruvian brew REALLY did seem to work for me.

The Spartagen XT, not so much.

So where will Rail male enhancement fall into?

Well, I’m planning on testing it out shortly, but in the meantime let’s talk a bit about what it’s all about.

Update (9/10):  Click Here
to read my personal review of Rail Male Enhancement

Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Learn More

What is Rail Male Enhancement?

According to them, this supplement is designed to:

  • Naturally restore lost testosterone function
  • Increase penile sensation
  • Increase size
  • Increase the hardness of your erections
  • Give you longer lasting stamina

rail male enhancement claims

As always, these benefits are accomplished using their unique, proprietary formula.

The ingredients list in Rail Male Enhancement includes the following:

  • Ginkgo Biloba:  An all natural herb that’s been used in Chinese medicine for THOUSANDS of years to help promote increased blood flow.  With increased blood flow comes increased erection size, at least that’s the theory anyway.  (Source)
  • L-Arginine:  Which is an amino acid that causes vasodilation of the blood arteries and vessels.  L-Arginine is considered by some as nature’s all natural Viagra alternative.  (Source)
  • L-Citrulline:  Which converts to L-Arginine once it passes through the kidneys, further enhancing the effectiveness of the original L-Arginine dose.  (Source)
  • Epimedium extract:  Another natural herbal compound that works to relax the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the penis, allowing for increased blood flow.  Because it contains Icariin, albeit in low quantities, it acts as a weak PDE-5 inhibitor. (Source)

Here’s a snapshot of the Rail male enhancement ingredient label:

rail male enhancement label2

They briefly mention that one of their ingredients, specifically Epimedium extract, has been shown to “promote peripheral nerve regeneration and improved function in damaged nerves”.

That study, which was conducted in rats, revealed that consuming Epimedium showed a gradual recovery in sciatic function.

I’m not sure how this relates to increase boner potential, but they cite it nonetheless.

Who makes it?

According to several sources, Rail male enhancement is a product made by a company called Edge Bioactives, located in Edgewater, NJ.

As I mentioned earlier, they make several other supplements, and have been in business for

The Better Business Bureau reports that Edge Bioactives is out of business, but this is not the case.

The only reason they reported that is because a letter that was sent to them was not responded to.

rail male enhancement reviewsDoes it really work?

At this point that’s unknown.  There are virtually no customer reviews of Rail male enhancement, apart from a few hand selected ones on their official website (www.TryRailFree.com).

Most of the ingredients used in their formula are used in COUNTLESS other male enhancement pills, but we’re unsure of the quantity of each ingredient because they do not provide it.

Are there any side effects?

Like most other products in this category, adverse effects are always possible.

Some of the more common side effects you may experience with Rail male enhancement include:

  • Lowered blood pressure, which would be a result of consuming L-Arginine.  The only time this would really be an issue was if you’re already on medications that lower your blood pressure.  Consuming L-Arginine along with a blood pressure pill may cause it to drop to unsafe levels.  (Source)
  • Alternatively, consuming sufficient quantities of Ginkgo Biloba, another ingredient listed in Rail, may cause INCREASED blood pressure.  (Source)

Do I personally think that you’ll experience ANY of these side effects from this supplement?

Probably not.

Usually these potential problems arise from ingesting large quantities of the extract, and no necessarily standard size doses.

But I figured I’d give you a heads up anyway.

How do I take it?

According to one source, the recommended Rail dose is 2 capsules one hour before sexual activity. You should also not exceed 4 capsules in a 24-hour period.

My guess is the best results are seen after a period of use, typically around 2 – 3 weeks.

Where can I buy it?

As of this review, the only place you can buy Rail male enhancement is on their official website, www.TryRailFree.com.

Just like with other Edge Bioactives products, it’s only available as a free trial.

You pay $4.95 for shipping, and in turn they send you a 30 day supply.

You have 14 days to use the supplement, and if you do nothing they will bill the same credit card you used to pay for the shipping in the amount of $49.

Additionally, they will enroll you into their auto-ship program.

What this means is they will send you a fresh box of Rail male enhancement every 30 days until you cancel.

How do I cancel my free trial?

In order to cancel, you need to call the Edge Bioactives customer service phone number at 1-800-458-4634 within 14 days of ordering.

My Personal Results

rail male enhancement review

So as far as MY personal results, I actually ordered a free trial box off their site about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve been taking it for the last 5 days or so.

One thing I wanted to note real quick upfront is that I’m not affiliated with this company in any way, I wasn’t paid to do this review, or anything like that.

So, the directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules one hour prior to sexual activity

The free trial box only contains 10 servings, and it’s not really clear if it’s the kind of pill that takes time to build up in your system or what, but so far I’ve defintely felt a little bit improved, so to speak, in the erection department.

Its kind of hard to explain, but it’s almost like I feel a bit meatier and heavier down there, and I could sense an improvement in my ability to last longer.

For me, it actually seems to hit me a bit quicker then 1 hour. If I had to say without actually using a stopwatch, it seems like it starts kicking in around 30 minutes or so.

My guess is that they tell you one hour so that it fully kicks in.

Of course a lot of times this depends on the individual, how much food you have in your stomach, your metabolism, and stuff like that.


  • Contains all natural ingredients, all of which I’ve personally used.
  • 90-Day Money Back guarantee, maybe? (more on this below)
  • Made in the USA


  • Rail male enhancement is not sold in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS
  • I’m not a fan of free trials
  • No customer testimonials posted on 3rd party sites

What’s the deal with the Money Back Guarantee?

When I originally came across Rail male enhancement, it was on their free trial site, TryRailFree.com.

The terms and conditions on this site state that, since it’s a free offer, there is a NO refund policy.

However, if you look at the Edge Bioactives website, all of their products are good for a 90 day money back guarantee.

Confusing to say the least.


Too much is unknown about Rail male enhancement at this time to draw a conclusion.  The ingredients list is pretty comprehensive, but missing a few crucial ingredients in my opinion, including:

  • Yohimbe:  Even though I’m not a huge fan of the side effects from yohimbe, when it’s combined with ingredients like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, the effects are enormous.
  • Tribulus:  One of the claims that Rail makes is that it will naturally boost your testosterone, but I none of the ingredients in their formula really does that.  By adding Tribulus Terrestris, that claim could be supported.

If it’s anything like the Peruvian brew system, than I think they might have a winner on their hands.

If it’s like Spartagen XT, then it may fall short.

If you’ve read any of my other reviews of supplements that sell via a free trial, including Nugenix, Hypertone Force, or Zyalix, you know that I’m not a fan.

The vast majority of guys who end u[ buying it think they’re getting a free SAMPLE, and don’t realize that they will be billed the full price of the product 2 weeks later.

Unfair?  Maybe.

However, it’s totally legal, and companies have been doing it for decades.

That’s why it’s always prudent that you read the terms and conditions so you KNOW what you’re getting yourself into.

In any event, I’ll be testing it out shortly so be sure to check back in a few weeks for my full test results.

Have You Used Rail Male Enhancement?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Does Fadogia Agrestis Work? YES, But There’s A Catch

Recently I had one of my site visitors ask me about an extract called Fadogia Agrestis.

Up until this point I had never actually heard about it, but it’s what he said next that intrigued me.

“I heard that Fadogia Agrestis is 200% stronger than Tribulus Terrestris in boosting testosterone.”

Now THAT caught my attention real quick…

If you’ve read some of my reviews on Testosterone boosters or male enhancers, you’ll see that many of them contain the controversial substance called Tribulus Terrestris.

For example, the best male enhancer / sexual support supplement I’ve ever tested, Vigrx Plus, contains 150 mg of Tribulus Terrestris per serving.

vigrx plus medium
Vigrx Plus has Tribulus Terrestris as one of its primary ingredients.

Likewise, one of the best testosterone boosting supplements I’ve ever tested, Testoroxyn Test-Tone Elite, also has it as one of it’s primary ingredients.

testoroxyn med
Testoroxyn contains an extract version of Tribulus Terrestris, versus the powdered version.

Speaking Of…

If you’re looking for the best testosterone booster on the market, look no further then a supplement called Testosil.

does testosil testosterone booster really work

It’s by far the best one I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 of them.

Click Here to read my complete Testosil review to learn more!

And now, back to our Fadogia Agrestis review.

The reason I say “controversial” because people fall into 2 categories when it comes to Tribulus and it’s supposed testosterone boosting effects.

  • Category 1: This category is basically the group that says it doesn’t do shit.
  • Category 2: This category is the 100’s of supplement brands claiming otherwise.

I’m not going to get into a debate about the actual effectiveness of Tribulus Terrestris and whether or not it REALLY does boost testosterone in healthy men.

We can talk about that in another article.

Instead, I decided to investigate this new controversial substance that seems to be hitting bodybuilding circles in full force.


What is Fadogia Agrestis
Is Fadogia Agrestis Toxic
What about HUMAN reviews of Fadogia Agrestis
Speaking of side effects, are there any with Fadogia Agrestis
Where can you buy Fadogia Agrestis

1.  What is Fadogia Agrestis?

According to WebMD, Fadogia Agrestis is a plant from Nigeria, and that it’s becoming popular among athletes and bodybuilders as a safe and effective alternative to steroids.

Here’s what it actually looks like:

what fadogia agrestis looks like

Research has been VERY limited to Fadogia, but fortunately, there have been a few clinical studies conducted.

According to the first study that was conducted in rats and subsequently published in December of 2005, an extract of Fadogia Agrestis was prepared by evaporating a watery solution of the extract into a semi-solid state.

The rats were divided up into 4 groups, with 1 group being the control (they were basically fed water), and the other 3 groups receiving 3 different doses of the extract (18, 50, and 100 mg per kg of body weight respectively).

For comparative purposes, an average standard dose of Fadogia Agrestis in humans is about 825 mg for a 150 lbs guy, 1 gram for a 200 lb. guy, and 1.4 grams for a 250 lb. guy.

Since the average weight of a rat is about 383 grams, this basically translated to:

  • 7 mg for 1 group
  • 19 mg for another group, and
  • 38 mg for the last group.

They were fed these doses for a period of 28 days, and the results were pretty astounding.

Researchers in the first study about Fadogia found:

  • A significant increase in mount frequency, a fancy way of saying the rats were humping more than usual.
  • A significant increase in serum testosterone concentration.

That’s the good part, now the bad…

2.  Is Fadogia Agrestis Toxic?

I’ve seen a lot of hype about Fadogia Agrestis being toxic, and at first, I had NO idea how they were drawing that conclusion.

I mean, I read through the first study like 4 times, and I see no mention of any toxicity.

is fadogia agrestis toxic

3.  So what fadogia gives?

Well, it turns out there were another 2 studies conducted on Fadogia Agrestis, which are BURIED in the search results.

They paint a VERY different picture.

The second one, which was actually conducted by the same researchers in the first study, noted the following:

  • Increased testicle size (more on this later)
  • Increased testicular cholesterol
  • A significant increase in Sialic acid
  • As well as increases in glycogen, acid phosphatase, and GGT

If this makes absolutely no sense to you either, then just know that you’re not alone.

When I first read about fadogia; I was like “WTF are they talking about?”

Basically, all of the bullet points listed above are essentially evidence that larger doses of Fadogia Agrestis ARE indeed toxic.

A third study confirmed this, noting that Fadogia Agrestis caused a disruption of the ordered lipid bylayer of the plasma membranes of the hepatocytes and nephrons.

In layman’s terms, it was toxic.

So while you may see some increase in testosterone levels with Fadogia , it will come at a price.

What about HUMAN reviews of Fadogia Agrestis?

As far as customer reviews, there’s not a ton of feedback on Fadogia Agrestis just yet.  The 2 reviews on Amazon painted a mixed picture.

fadogia agrestis reviews on amazon

As you can tell, not very reassuring.

I poured through a couple of popular forums, including Anabolicminds.com and Bodybuilding.com, and the general consensus seems to be that it really does work.

Some of the most common effects I read said they experienced:

  • Increased strength, aggression, and libido
  • Increased strength gains
  • Increased libido

These are all common effects (and side effects for some) of taking anything that can increase your testosterone.

4.  Speaking of side effects, are there any with Fadogia Agrestis?

The biggest side effect from Fadogia Agrestis seems to be increased nut size.

You heard that right… Fadogia grows your balls lol.

There’s this guy…

//www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/fadogia agrestis forum

This guy…

//www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/fadogia agrestis forum post

And finally this guy…

//www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/fadogia agrestis forum post

I saw more than one guy saying this, so it can’t just be a coincidence.

Some of the other more common side effects seemed to be an onset of acne, DECREASED libido, and mood changes.

5.  Where can you buy Fadogia Agrestis?

As of this review, I found 3 supplements that contain Fodgia Agrestis.  There’s Tropinol XP capsules by iForce nutrition, a supplement literally called Fadogia by Fundamental Nutrition which is sold on eBay, and an extract that is sold on Amazon.

The pricing is ranging from as low as $18, to as much as $50.

6.  Recommendation for Fadogia

There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that you’re going to start seeing Fadogia Agrestis popping up in over the counter testosterone boosting supplements soon.

Whenever an herb like this hits the market, the claims start to go wild.

You’ll hear everything from:

  • It boosts your testosterone 500%
  • It will increase muscle mass and strength, all WITHOUT having to lift a finger
  • You’ll shed excess belly fat and get ripped in no time

I can almost read the claims in my head as I’m typing this.

They are somewhat tiresome claims as a large amount of them cannot even necessarily be substantiated and a lot of it is up in the air, but like many other similar products of course it is going to use strong and eye catching language to sell themselves.

There’s not too much known on Fadogia Agrestis, so it’s hard to make a clear cut recommendation.  As noted above, it hasn’t been studied in humans, and 2 of the 3 studies in rats show that it may cause toxicity.

The choice is yours, but if I were you I would hold of on taking it until more research surfaces about Fadogia stating that it’s safe to take.

In the meantime, you might want to consider checking out a supplement called Testofuel.

It’s by far the best testosterone boosting supplement I’ve ever tested, and that’s no bullshit.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/07/testofuel med
1 box of Testofuel.

I literally had testosterone levels checked both before and after taking it for 3 months, and my total went up 50%, and free went up 35%.

Click Here to read my full review of Testofuel to learn more.

Have You Used Fadogia Agrestis?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Testro-X Review – The 1 BIG Question on Our Minds


What Is Testro-X
Testro-X Ingredients
Testro-X Benefits
Testro-X Side Effects
Clinical Testing
Where to Buy Testro-X
My Personal Testro X Results
Other Testro-X Reviews
Testro-X Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Testro-X is a masculine health supplement made by a company called Truth Nutraceuticals. They claim to have spent 10 years researching and formulating this supplement to provide the male body with the ability to help itself by:

I’ve been starting to hear some buzz about this product, so I thought it was time we took a look.

Click Here
to jump to my personal results with Testro-x.

Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What Is Testro-X?

Truth Nutraceuticals doesn’t technically call Testro-X a testosterone booster. It’s a masculine health supplement meant to be taken every day to improve your energy and muscle building capacity, while lowering your stress levels, so your body is working for, not against, itself.

If you’re looking for a straight up testosterone booster, Check out our pick of the 5 Top Testosterone Booster available at GNC

Naturally boosting testosterone levels is part of the plan for improving masculine health, and if I had to put Testro-X into a supplement category, that testosterone booster would be what I would choose. But this supplement is more than that, at least that’s the claim – that it provides you with the micro-nutrients you need to thrive at optimal capacity in all areas of your life.

Let’s take a deeper look into the ingredients, results, and customer feedback, for a better idea of whether or not Testro-X does what it claims.

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Testro-X Ingredients

Typically testosterone boosters (like the one’s I’ve personally tested), contain ingredients like D-Aspartic Acid, Tribulus Terrestris, and / or DHEA.

This is not the case with Testro X.

The 9 ingredients in Testro-X are split up into 3 nutrient blends.

The Micronutrient Activation Blend with 3 micro-nutrients needed for the body to produce increased amounts of testosterone. It includes:

  • Zinc Gluconate which is essential to the body’s natural testosterone production process. There is a clear correlation between zinc levels and testosterone levels.
  • Magnesium Citrate which can increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the effect of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone molecules, making them essentially useless. By inhibiting this action, Magnesium can lead to increased free testosterone levels.
  • Boron Citrate which has been shown to have the ability to increase free testosterone levels, reduce estrogen levels, and increase DHT.

Testro-X IngredientsThe Stress Reduction Blend because increased stress can have a negative effect on testosterone levels, and they can cause testosterone to convert into estrogen. The Stress Reduction Blend uses the following ingredients to reduce stress hormone levels in order to maintain high testosterone levels:

  • Organic Ashwagandha (KSM-66) which is known as an adaptagen with the ability to improve the way your body responds to stress- both physical and mental. It does this by reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn leads to increased testosterone levels, improved sperm quality, and reduced stress levels.
  • Forskohlii Root Extract which increases cellular energy production (cAMP). This also increases both testosterone production and the androgen receptor so that increased testosterone goes to good use.

The LH Surge Blend for activating the process by which the body produced testosterone. In order for testosterone to be present in the body, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) needs to signal the testes to produce and release it. Increasing the amount of LH increases the signaling. In order to increase LH, you first need to increase its precursor – GnRH (Gonadotropin-release hormone)

  • Inositol which is a precursro to GnRH
  • L-Theanine which provides a relaxed calm feeling and triggers GABA neurons to release GnRH
  • L-Glycine which is also an amino acid that produces calm, which it blocks stress hormones and increases GnRH release.

The final ingredient is Bioperine, which improves absorption of the rest of the ingredients, making them more efficient and effective.

Instructions on the package state to take 3 capsules per day.

Testro-X Benefits

Using the 3 proprietary blends, the breakdown of effects they claim you’ll experience goes like this:

  • Improved relaxation and sleep for better, quicker, and more complete tissue repair after working out or just after a long day.
  • Increased metabolism to keep your weight and energy at the proper levels
  • Protection against excess stress as well as bolstered tolerance for stress. The less stress is acting on your body, the healthier your systems will remain.
  • Bolstered immune systems through the pathway of managing stress. Excess stress takes a toll on your immune system, leaving you susceptible to seasonal and long terms disease and illness.
  • Strength and muscle increases due to the increase in testosterone levels, which cause improved fat burning as well as better post workout recovery.

Testro-X Side Effects

According to Truth Nutraceuticals, there are no reported side effects associated with Testro-X. Looking at the ingredients list, I would say this is probably true. Of course, an allergic or other unexplained reaction is always possible, but significant issues would be unexpected.

Clinical Testing

Along with the explanation of how each ingredient in the formula works, Testro-X notes several studies to back up their claims. This can be extremely helpful and it certainly does add credibility to the components chosen to be in the formal.

Some of the more prominent studies that they reference include that of:

  • Ashwaghanda
    • Since Withania Somnifera has been noted to reduce stress levels in males, and stress has been reported as a causative factor in male infertility, Testro X adds a significant dose to their blend.  (Source)
  • Magnesium
    • The effects of magnesium supplementation on strength training in humans.  This study concluded that males aged 18 – 30 who were administered 8 mg per kg of body weight per day noticed significant differences in testosterone gains versus those in the control group.  (Source)
  •  Zinc
    • The effect of exhaustion exercise on Thyroid hormones and testosterone levels of elite athletes taking zinc.  The study concluded that during very strenuous exercise, both levels of thyroid hormones and testosterone levels were inhibited.  Consumption of Zinc actually prevented this inhibition, leading to increased performance in wrestlers. (Source)
    • The impact of Zinc on the level of sex hormones in male patients with hemodialysis.  The study found that zinc supplementation actually increased the serum levels of sex hormones in hemodialysis patients, and may help with ED issues. (Source)
    • The effects that zinc has on fertility, noting that consumption of zinc correlated with increased sperm count. (Source)

Where to Buy Testro-X

The primary purchasing point for Testro-X is through the Truth Nutraceuticals website. There, a single bottle, representing a one month supply costs $54.95. If you want to save a bit of money, you can order multiple bottles at once. For instance 2 bottles costs $100. 01 (bringing the per bottle price down to $50) and a 90-day supply costs $140.

There is a 60 day money back guarantee on all orders placed with the website. This applies to opened and used bottles in addition to unopened ones.

Testro-X is also sold at Amazon.com. There, a single bottle is offered for the same $54.95 they charge on the website.

My Personal Testro X Results

So anyway, as far as my personal results, I gotta say I was actually really impressed with this one.

I think I got this bottle about 12 days ago and I’ve been taking it pretty religiously ever since.

The directions on the Testro X label state that you should take 3 capsules daily, but they don’t really specify when you should take them.

However, if you look on their website it does say that you should take it before bed after dinner at some point.

Usually with these testosterone boosters I don’t seem to notice any effects in the first few days, and then around like the 4th or 5th day I’ll start feeling it.

This was not the case with this one.

I actually started feeling the effects probably within a few hours of taking my first dose.

It’s kind of a hard feeling to describe, but basically I was feeling more content and relaxed then I normally do.

Um I noticed after a few days that I seemed to be sleeping better, having more productive days, and just generally felt more energy throughout the day.

Another nice effect was the morning boners I was getting with Testro-X.

I normally wake up with a morning wood and it usually goes away after like 10 or 15 minutes, but after a few days of taking this stuff it was lasting like a friggin half hour.

Not necessarily a bad thing I guess.

I’ve only been taking it for about 10 days or so, so I haven’t noticed really any difference in muscle size, strength gains, or any of that stuff.

But the energy I’m getting from it is definitely allowing me to push through my workouts a lot easier than before.

Other Testro-X Reviews

Customer feedback is so important when trying to determine the actual effectiveness of a supplement. For Testro-X, there’s actually plenty, and it’s a pretty mixed bag. Of the 103 customer reviews currently posted to the product page, nearly half are 5-star reviews, while over a quarter were given only 1 star.

Testro-X Amazon Review Breakdown Image

That’s a wide discrepancy indicating, it would seem, that people either love Testro-X or hate it.

Here’s a small sampling of what the 5-star reviews are like:

Testro-X 5 star reviews

And here’s what some of the 1-star reviewers had to say:

Testro-X 1 Star Review Image

With such contradictory reviews, it’s tough to get a real handle on how well a testosterone booster really works. So I’ve decided to test it out myself. I just ordered some. I’ve got a few products ahead of Testro-X in the testing queue so it may take a while to get to it. But after I’ve tried it out, I’ll come back and update this review.

Testro-X Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testro-X

  • The formula is all natural.
  • Each ingredient is backed up by studies which the website cites.
  • There’s a 60-day money back guarantee.
  • Testro-X focuses on overall male health, with a focus on natural testosterone production.

Disadvantages of Testro-X

  • The customer feedback is so mixed, making it difficult to make a real determination based on it.
  • Some of the studies cited used much larger doses than those in Testro-X.

The Bottom Line

I like the approach Testro-X uses. Rather than just presenting itself as a natural testosterone booster, it connects itself to all the benefits to male health that improved testosterone levels and other nutrients can lead to. This makes it a more well-rounded product that can appeal to a wider audience.

It’s clear the folks at Truth Nutraceuticals have set out to make a great supplement, putting much research and thought into the creation of their product. One thing that’s important to remember about nutritional supplements is that they don’t work the same for everyone. This could explain the disparity in Amazon feedback. I look forward to seeing how Testro-X affects me. Stay tuned.

Have You Used Testro-X? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Max Performer Review – 5 BIG Reasons to Go For It


What Is Max Performer
Max Performer Ingredients
How Do I Use It
Are There Side Effects
Max Performer Reviews
Max Performer Vs. Vigrx Plus
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Max Performer website.

The first thing I look at when checking out a new male enhancement supplement is “what does it promise?” There’s a very specific reason for this and it’s actually pretty important. It’s because so many male enhancement pills promise to make you bigger, permanently. They talk about 2 inches, 4 inches, even 5 and 6 inches of real, actual, permanent size growth just by taking their pill.

Like this one: https://www.supplementcritique.com/neosize-xl-review/

Here’s the thing. They’re lying. No pill is going to make any part of your body grow just by simply taking it. It’s not possible. Despite what they want you to believe, there is no scientific evidence says you can grow penile tissue by increasing blood flow.

Max Performer even has a question in their FAQ session about whether or not the results are permanent. The clear answer is that the results you get from the pill are only in effect as long as you’re taking it.

So when I find a product that doesn’t promise permanent growth, the first thing I do is put a mark in their plus column because let’s face it, if a company isn’t trying to lure you in with lies, that’s a good thing, even a somewhat rare thing.

Max Performer gets that mark in the plus column. Instead of misleading customers about permanent growth, they’re promising bigger, stronger, more powerful, longer-lasting erections – a benefit they might actually be able to deliver on.

What Is Max Performer?

max performer reviewsOnce I establish that a product might be worth our time, I dive in deeper to determine whether or not it’s worth our money – yours and mine both – and that’s what I’ve done with Max Performer.

Max Performer doesn’t promise permanent size, but it does promise:

  • Increased libido.
  • Bigger and harder erections
  • Longer lasting stamina.
  • More intense orgasms.
  • Boosted self esteem.

The confidence of knowing that you and your partner will be satisfied each and every time.

What If I Don’t Have ED?

I get this question all the time. Guys want to know if it’s okay to use Max Performer, or any sexual performance pill, if they don’t actually suffer with erectile dysfunction. They don’t have defined issues or problems, but they want to know if they can use a pill to improve on their already acceptable situation.

Think you may have ED?  Take our quick quiz to find out.

The answer is absolutely yes. In fact, this is the perfect scenario for using Max Performer. If you’ve got a clinical case of ED, you should be consulting your doctor about potential solutions, which may or may not include prescription medications like Viagra. But if you’re just looking for a way to make what works even better, then a natural, over-the-counter supplement is the perfect solution. No worries about serious side effects or 4 hour erections. Just boosted pleasure all around.

Of course, figuring out whether or not Max Performer is the best choice for you starts with taking a good look at the formula.

Max Performer Ingredients

The Max Performer website provides a list of the all the active ingredients along with their amounts. It also provides an explanation of how each of the primary ingredients works. Here’s what we found:

Horny Goat Weed (1000mg) which works in much the same way as Viagra does. It acts as a PDE5 inhibitor, ensuring that blood can remain in the corpus cavernosa for harder, longer lasting erections. It’s also thought to be a natural libido enhancer, making it a great all around choice for inclusion in a performance supplement.

While there’s no official standard dosage amount, the 1000 mgs in Max Performer is very much in line with typical recommendations.

Maca (1000mg) which is a powerful natural aphrodisiac from Brazil. It also reduces stress hormones and increases dopamine, improving mood and promoting relaxation, though not sedation. As is the case with Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed), Maca doesn’t have a clinical dose amount, but recommendations usually fall between 1500 and 3000 grams in split doses throughout the day.  This puts the dose in Max Performer on the low side of what is recommended .

Red Korean Ginseng (1000mg) which provides many benefits, including both sexual and non-sexual. It promotes blood flow which improves erections and also promotes clearer thinking, energy, and alertness. For erectile improvements, the recommended dose is 1000 mg taken 2 times daily.

Cordyceps (1000mg) which is extracted from mushrooms, boosts oxygen uptake in cells and relaxes blood vessel walls, increasing blood flow for better erectile function. It is also thought to increase sperm count and boost testosterone levels. Cordyceps also provides what is known as adaptagenic benefits, helping your body to adapt to stressful situations. Dosage information on Cordyceps is scarce, but most trials have used doses of 1000 mg to 3000 mg.

Bioperine (15mg) which doesn’t have sexual benefits per se, but it improves absorption of the rest of the ingredients in the formula. It may also have the ability to increase blood flow, which could in fact improve erections. 10-20 mg is the typically recommended dose.

Selenium (120mcg) which provides antioxidant protection while also improving blood flow throughout your body. When I originally wrote about Max Performer, they had the dose listed for Selenium at 120 mg.

The recommended upper dosage limit for adults is 400 mcg, which would make the 120 mg dose far too high.

At the time, I wondered if the amount was a misprint and should have said 120mcg instead of 120 mg.

As it turns out, my suspicions were correct.  They have since fixed the “typo”, and have the correct dosage listed now.

Zinc (24 mg) which is essential for many of the body’s regular functions. It also has a correlation with testosterone levels.

Studies have shown that men with low zinc also tend to have low testosterone. A causal relationship hasn’t been proven. However, it is widely accepted as valid.

B-Complex Vitamins including Vitamin B2 (10mg), Vitmain B3 (32 mg), B5 (40mg), Vitamin B6 (10mg), and Vitamin B12 (10mg) which, like Zinc, are involved in many bodily processes, and may also be used to increase libido and desire. They are also known to improve overall energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Use It?

Max Performer is a daily supplement. Take 2 capsules a day with water. Timing doesn’t matter, but it’s best to stick to the same time each day to maintain consistent levels throughout the day. With each package containing 60 capsules, they’ll last you a month.

Are There Side Effects?

The website claims that Max Performer is 100% side effect free. Given the ingredients, I expect side effects would be non-existent or rare, but I think it goes a little far to say 100% side effect free. Allergies and sensitivities could play a role in whether or not a user experiences any negative effects.

I’ll also mention the Selenium here. According to their published material, there are 120 mgs of Selenium in the formula. This is well above the upper daily recommended limit of 400 mcg, and could easily cause toxicity, symptoms of which include nausea and vomiting.

A strong possibility exists that there is actually a typo and there’s are only 120 mcg of Selenium in the formula. If this is the case, toxicity is no longer an issue.

Max Performer Reviews

I haven’t seen any independent reviews from customers who’ve used it. It’s on my list to try. I’ll update this review if and when I complete my trial period.

Max Performer Vs. Vigrx Plus

I’ve had a few guys ask me about the differences between Max Performer and Vigrx Plus, so I figured I would include a blurb here.

First off, I haven’t personally tested out Max Performer yet, so I can’t tell you if it’s better than, equal to, or not as effective as Vigrx Plus.

What I CAN tell you is that out of the 60 or so male enhancement supplements I’ve personally tested over the years, Vigrx Plus was by FAR the best.

I won’t get into why that’s the case here, but you can see why in my official written review here.

From an ingredients standpoint, they really only share a couple of common ingredients.

Those include:

  • Epimedium (it’s the same thing as Horny Goat weed, just a different name.
  • Korean Red Ginseng
  • Bioperine

In my particular opinion, this is where MAx Performer seems to fall short and Vigrx Plus shines.

For example, while Max Performer has a larger dosage of Horny Goat weed, it’s missing out on a few key ingredients, including:

  • Tribulus Terrestris, which can help DRAMATICALLY with symptoms of ED.
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Muira Puama

From a pricing standpoint, Max Performer has an edge over Vigrx Plus.  A one month supply of Vigrx Plus will run you about $77, plus shipping, while a 1 month supply of Max Performer will cost you $59, and includes FREE shipping.



Where to Buy

At this time, Max Performer is not sold at brick and mortar or even online retail stores. The only way to purchase it is though the official product website, where they have a few different packages to choose from:

  • Buy a 1 month supply for $59
  • Buy a 3 month supply for $138 ($46 per month)
  • Buy a 6 month supply for $200 ($33.33 per month)

Here’s a link to their site:  https://www.maxperformer.com/#a_aid=599317a4e7f6c

The 3 and 6 month supply packages are covered by a 100 day guarantee that works like this. You must use Max Performer for 90 days. If you’re not satisfied, contact them, get an RMA number and return address, and return your product (including any used and unused boxes) to the address given within 100 days of your original receipt of purchase. They will then process a full refund for you.

It appears as though the 30 day supply package is not included in the money back guarantee.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Max Performer

  • Ingredient information, including amounts, is provided.
  • The formula contains ingredients to boost libido and erection quality.
  • For the most part, ingredients are included at or near levels shown and/or believed to be effective.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • The company is honest about the benefits, which is getting more and more rare in this business.

Disadvantages of Max Performer

  • You can only get it through their website.
  • The money back guarantee does not apply to the single month package.

The Bottom Line

Max Performer uses natural ingredients to improve your sexual performance when it comes to libido, erection quality, stamina, and confidence. The formula is solid and the ingredient amounts are better than most. What’s more, this product and the company behind it (Silver Blade Nutrition Limited) don’t mislead their potential customers with false promises of a future with a permanently gigantic manhood. They stick to what is realistically possible – that Max Performer can improve your sex life by boosting your drive, bolstering your performance, and leaving you with the kind of confidence that gets results.

I recommend Max Performer highly, mostly because its effects are so well rounded and serve to solve several male health issues that can put a damper on many aspects of a man’s life.

Visit the official Max Performer website here:  https://www.maxperformer.com/#a_aid=599317a4e7f6c

Have You Used Max Performer? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Libido Max Red Review – The 1 BIG Reason to Think Twice


What Is Libido Max Red
How Does Libido Max Red Work
Libido Max Red Ingredients
My Personal Results
How To Use It
Libido Max Red Reviews
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

Libido Max is one of the most well-known male enhancement supplement on the market today. The biggest factor in this is probably that it’s sold at real stores, like Walmart and GNC. As much as we live in an online world, there’s still something to be said for having a brick and mortar presence, and it’s done a lot for this product.

Check out my full review of Libido Max, including my personal results here.

Building on this success, Applied Nutrition – the company behind the product – has come out with a new version. Libido Max Red picks up where the original formula leaves off by giving your body all the necessary tools for getting the biggest, hardest, longest lasting erection you’ve ever had.

Clearly, with promises like this and a ubiquitous presence both online and in stores, Libido Max Red has the opportunity to take the market by storm. But real success can only come if the product actually works, and that’s what we’re here to find out.

What Is Libido Max Red?

libido max red reviewsMost male performance enhancement supplements focus on a broad array of benefits. Libido, energy, stamina, intensity, and confidence are included in the goals of some of the most popular choices. Libido Max Red lets the original Libido Max formula take care of all that, while concentrating solely on better erections and greater genital sensitivity.

In fact, for your best, most comprehensive results, they recommend stacking both Libido Max products together. This way, all your bases are covered.

You might question the wisdom of separating out the benefits. Why not use an all-in-one type product that improves all the different aspects of your sex life with just one pill? It’s a good question. In some cases, an all-in-one product would be your best bet. But the biggest problem with this approach is that oftentimes, when you’ve got one pill trying to do everything, it becomes too much and ends up falling flat on all or some of its promises.

A pill is only so big and can only contain only so much ingredient. When you’re trying to pack in so many different substances doing so many different things, the pill runs out of room and they end up skimping on ingredient amounts.

That’s where stacking comes in. If each pill is focused on providing fewer benefits, there’s a better chance they’ll have enough ingredient power to achieve their goals.

How Does Libido Max Red Work

Libido Max Red is all about the blood flow. Each of its ingredients is chosen for the way it improves the flow of blood to feed your best erections.

Erections happen when the penile cavities become engorged with blood. When things get sexually exciting, blood rushes to your genitals, filling the corpus cavernosa with blood and creating an erection. The more blood, the better the erection. This applies not just to the onset of your erection, but also to its longevity. If the blood flows out just as quickly as it entered, you haven’t achieved your goal of a lasting event that maximizes everybody’s pleasure.

So keeping in mind the dual facts that Libido Max Red aims to improve erections and that its narrow focus may be a huge benefit when you consider it a specialist in erections rather than an overall sexual generalist supplement, let’s shift our focus to the formula.

Think you might have ED?  Take our quick quiz to find out.

Libido Max Red Ingredients

I was disappointed to see that the Libido Max Red formula is made up of a single proprietary mix called Libido Mac RED Customer Blend totaling 1620 mg per 4 tablet serving. What this means is that we don’t know how much of each ingredient is actually used. We only know that the total reaches 1620 mg. How that amount is divided up among the individual ingredients will remain a mystery.

What’s In The Proprietary Blend?

The four ingredients in the blend are:

  • L-Arginine
  • L-Citrulline
  • Beet Root Powder
  • Black Tea Extract

Let’s talk about them one by one.


This amino acid as extremely popular in male enhancement formulas precisely because of its direct and positive impact on erections. It’s a precursor to nitric oxide. What this means is that within the body, L-Arginine converts to nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator. This means it relaxes blood vessel walls, allowing more blood to flow to your genitals during arousal. More blood means better erections, plain and simple.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a good daily dose of L-Arginine to treat erectile dysfunction is 5 grams.

Clearly Libido Max Red can’t even come close to this dose.


This amino acid is a precursor for – and converts into – L-Arginine. So the chain of events goes like this – L-Citrulline converts to L-Arginine, then L-Arginine converts to nitric oxide.

And as we know, nitric oxide increases blood flow for better erections. With both L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, you get an effect similar to a time release capsule. The L-Arginine starts to increase nitric oxide shortly after you take it. The effect of the L-Citrulline comes along a little later to pick up where the L-Arginine leaves off.

According to a 2001 clinical study, 1.5 grams of L-Citrulline taken daily does improve erections.

Beet Root Powder

Beets contain nitrates which boost nitric oxide levels as well. It’s becoming more and more common as an ingredient in pre workout supplements for precisely this reason. The trouble however, is in the dosage. Beet Root Powder only contains about a 1.5% concentration of nitrates, and to be useful, the average man would need about 450 mg of ntirates from the Beet Root Powder. That comes out to about 30 grams of Beet Root Powder needed to provide effective amounts of nitrates.

So while Beet Root Powder is a good idea in theory, there’s no way the Libido Max Red formula has enough of it.

Black Tea Extract (with 50% EGCGs)

Both black and green teas are known to increase the production of nitric oxide. It is believed that doses as low as 100 mg per day can increase NO production, so in this case, the dosage may be enough, though we cannot know this for certain.

On the whole, the Libido Max Red formula does contain some good ingredients that have real potential to improve erection quality and hardness, but there is a clear question as to whether or not they’ve included enough of each substance to have the desired effect.

How To Use It

It’s recommended that you take 4 Libido Max Red tablets a day, but if you prefer, you can take it just as needed, about 1 hour before sexual activity. I don’t recommend it this way. Nitric oxide supplements, whether they be for pre workout or sexual purposes, work better when they build up in your system over time.

My Personal Results

I took Libido Max red for about a week or so, and I gotta say I didn’t notice too much in the way of results.

The official website states that it works best when stacked with their original Libido Max formula, which is what I did.

I guess I noticed a slight difference when combining the two, but when I took it by itself it didn’t really seem to do much for me.

With that said, everyone’s own body chemistry is different, and will of course react differently.

For me, if I don’t notice any results within the first week or so of testing, it usually indicates that I likely won’t see any results.

Libido Max Red Reviews

Because of the uncertainty surrounding the ingredient amounts and whether or not they’re enough to be effective, it’s always a good thing when there’s some real customer feedback we can count on to help us get to the bottom of whether or not a product works.

That said, I was surprised to see that despite the fact that Libido Max Red is sold by so many different retail outlets, there are very few customer reviews. Very very few, as in only 2, and the truth is neither one is very helpful. They both come from Amazon customers, and neither one provides any information about how well it works.

One is about pills vs capsules:

libido max red reviews on amazon

And the other one talks about a Sleep Number Bed, indicating that it’s probably not even a review for this product:

libido max red review

Where to Buy

If after reading this information, you still want to try Libido Max Red, you won’t have any trouble finding a place to buy it. It’s a Walmart, Walgreens, GNC, and Amazon, and that’s probably not an exhaustive list.

For the most part, you’ll find the 75-count package selling for about $25 – $30, and they also sell a 30-count package for about $15. At the 4 pill per dose rate, the 30-count will be gone in a week and the 75 count will last about 2 ½ weeks.

You may have noticed that Libido Max Red is much more widely available than similar male enhancement supplements, and whether or not that is a good thing, I am not sure, but in the past it has pointed to products of this kind being somewhat inferior.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Libido Max Red

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • In theory, concentrating just on nitric oxide for better erections is a good concept.
  • It’s not too expensive to try.

Disadvantages of Libido Max Red

  • There are no useful customer reviews.
  • The ingredient amounts are simply too low to be effective.
  • Even the large package only lasts about half a month.

The Bottom Line

The idea of a male enhancement supplement that focuses exclusively on increasing nitric oxide for better erections is a good one. One of the problems with so many supplements is that they try to do too much, and end up failing at all or most of it.

The trouble here is that Libido Max Red – even though it removes all the other distractions like libido and energy – still falls far short of the ingredient levels needed to be effective.

If it had even two or three of the staple natural male sexual enhancers that are out there then I would say it would be more worth a try than it is.

So not only are they asking you to stack it with another product in order to achieve all the necessary benefits, but Libido Max Red itself is unlikely to live up to its one simple promise.

Because of the convenience of being able to pick up Libido Max Red almost anywhere, you may want to give it a try anyway. If you do, be sure to come back here and let us know how it worked out for you.

Have You Used Libido Max Red? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Phallyx Review – 2 HUGE Reasons to Avoid It


What Is Phallyx
Phallyx Ingredients
Where to Buy
Phallyx Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

We talk a lot around here about the different kinds of male enhancement supplements. When it comes right down to it, with a few exceptions, most are very similar in how they work. But you wouldn’t know it by the way they advertise. Some are marketed to older guys who admit to having lost some of their mojo along the way. Others go for the younger crowd – guys who don’t have any issues per se, but want a more exciting, explosive experience, and want to impress their partners with their prowess.

Rhino 7 is a good example of one that markets to a younger crowd.

But Phallyx is in that first category. All their advertisements feature middle aged couples in their 40s and 50s looking happy and vital, and appearing to have happy and successful intimate lives with their partners. Clearly, this is speaking to a certain segment of the market to the exclusion of others. But in the exploding market of male enhancement supplements, there’s room for specialization.


What Is Phallyx?

Phallyx is a male sexual performance enhancement supplement that promises to help men reclaim their youthful vigor and vitality.

It’s no secret that sex issues ebb and flow throughout the course of our lives. As teenagers, we would get a boner at the drop of a hat, and our only were finding someone to have sex with and somewhere to have it – well that and of course the lack of stamina issue.

Our 20s and 30s are usually our glory days. Erections are easy to come by and we know better how to use them.

But starting in our 40s and beyond, we may see ourselves declining when it comes to getting and maintaining hard erections, and for some guys, it becomes an issue they want help with.

That’s where Phallyx comes in. With its formula of aphrodisiacs and prosexual nutrients, it promises to replace some of what you feel has been missing, so you can rebuild the confidence that’s started to drop off over the last few years.

Phallyx Ingredients

Let’s put marketing aside now and get down to figuring out if Phallyx can actually deliver on its promises. While they don’t reveal how much of each ingredient is included in the formula, the Phallyx website does provide a list of the primary actives, which include:

  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator – relaxing and opening up blood vessels to allow blood to flow more freely through. This is important for erections because an erection is essentially a rush of blood into your penile cavities. The more freely your blood is flowing, the more engorged you will be.
  • Horny Goat Weed which also improves blood flow, and may act as a natural PDE-5 inhibitor, making sure that blood remains in your erection as long as you want it to.
  • Muira Puama Extract which is an herbal aphrodisiac. It increases sexual desire while having a positive effect on your mood as well.
  • Saw Palmetto Berry which supports the health of your prostate while also increasing your sexual stamina.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract which works as both an aphrodisiac and a testosterone booster and energy enhancer.
  • Bioperine which doesn’t offer any sexual benefits on its own, but does increase the rate and efficiency of absorption for the rest of the ingredients, increasing the effectiveness of the supplement as a whole.

The ingredient list is decent. It covers all the bases of blood flow, stamina, and libido, but there’s still a big unknown out there and it’s a pretty important one. We have no idea how much of each ingredient is included in each pill or serving, which makes it extremely difficult to judge how well a supplement will work.

L-Arginine, for instance, is recommended at a dose of about 3 grams per day. Most supplements don’t contain this much, and you can pretty much bet that if Phallyx did, they’d be screaming it from the rooftops. They’d want everyone to know because it would be fairly solid evidence that it performs as advertised.

Where to Buy

Phallyx is only available online, and only through their free trial offer. Here’s how it works. When you place your order, you’ll be charged just a small shipping fee of $4.95. At that time, they send you a 30-day bottle and the clock starts ticking. On the 14th day after you place your trial order, Phallyx will charge you $99.96 for the bottle you no doubt thought was free.

In addition to that first unexpected charge, you’ll also be automatically enrolled in their auto-shipment program where they send you a new bottle for the same $99.96 charge (plus shipping) every 30 days.

If this $99.96 charge and the subsequent monthly shipments are not what you want, you can call Phallyx at 1-888-528-2672 to cancel. If you do so before your 14 days are up, you will presumably avoid all charges in excess of the original $4.95.

At least Phallyx isn’t as bad as some products I’ve seen. They force you to check a box saying you’ve read the terms of the trial. Most companies make it difficult to find the terms, hoping you don’t see them until it’s too late.


If you end up having to pay for one or more bottles, the refund policy applies only to unopened bottles, and you will be charged a restocking fee of $19.95 per bottle returned.

For a more detailed explanation of how some supplement companies screw over their customers, check this article out: Free Trial Scams – The Ugly Truth

Phallyx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Phallyx

  • The ingredients are all natural, and most likely quite safe for most customers to use.

Disadvantages of Phallyx

  • Ingredient amounts are not listed so it’s tough to know whether or not there’s enough of any particular component to be especially useful.
  • It’s only available by signing up for a free trial program that quickly turns into monthly charges of more than $100, which you may not realize you’re signing up for.
  • There’s a restocking fee for returned bottles.

The Bottom Line

The Phallyx supplement itself is very much like dozens of other male performance enhancement supplements sold online. Each of the ingredients has value, but it’s not a particularly comprehensive list, and more importantly, it’s unlikely that the formula uses enough of each to have a significant effect.

In this regard, Phallyx is really no better or worse than most of what you’ll find available online.

On the other hand, Phallyx is only available by signing up for a “free” trial that very quickly turns into repeated monthly billings. There really is no reason to align yourself with a product like this. While I won’t say it’s the worst free trial offender, it is an offender nonetheless, and for that reason, I would recommend you skip it in favor of something that’s more proven and that doesn’t try to pass itself off as free when clearly it’s anything but.

Have You Used Phallyx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

A Proposition To The Hacker Responsible For The DDOS Attack Against My Site

A Proposition

To the Hacker responsible for the DDOS attack on my site,

I’m offering you $500 to reveal the identity of the person(s), company, or organization responsible for ordering this attack.

You must provide proof in the form of an email or other correspondence showing the responsible party so that I can pass along to my lawyers and law enforcement officials who are already aware of the situation.

I can pay you via Paypal, Bitcoin, whatever, and you can remain anonymous.

Email me at rob at supplementcritique.com.

To My Site Visitors

Well, we must be hitting the mark with our reviews, because our site is under a DDOS attack yet again.

What The H#$L Is A DDOS Attack?

A DDOS attack (according to Webopedia) is short for Distributed Denial oService.   DDoS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

What does that mean?

It means that the site is flooded with SO much traffic, that it causes it to crash.

Meaning neither you, or even I, can see it.

It essentially causes the website to not work.

This has happened to SupplementCritique.com before.

It first happened in July of 2015.

Then again in the summer of 2016.

Why does this keep happening?

SupplementCritique.com has made plenty of enemies over the years, primarily because we expose the truth about products who are more or less out there to bilk you from your hard earned dough.

We write about products that use free trials to lure unsuspecting customers into nightmarish auto-billing scenarios, even providing an on-going list of cancellation numbers and instructions on getting out of them.

We expose supplements that tell you they’ll grow your penis 4 inches in a month.

We inform you when we find out that a supplement company is injecting illegal ingredients (like this one, this one, and this one) into their supplements in an effort to make them work.

I’ve even personally exposed several fake “news stories” about Conor Mcgregor, Tiger Woods, and The Rock using some magic supplement that gave them insane results without lifting a finger.

All of it B.S. of course.

Apparently, that’s not even enough.

Some competing websites (SupplementReviews.com comes to mind), write negative stories about us, complaining that we make too much money as affiliates, we don’t really test out products, and we use black hat seo techniques to rank.

What they fail to mention is that:

  • Over 50% of the proceeds we earn on this site go towards purchasing $30,000+ worth of product that me and my team personally evaluate.
  • The other 20% of the proceeds go towards the DOZENS of ebooks, special reports, free giveaways, and researching scams and content that help YOU save money.
  • The supposed “dirty black hat tactics” we use are false.  I sponsored the UNC Badminton team because my first cousin (who’s like a BROTHER to me) was on the team!The other links he mention are what are called “negative SEO attacks”, which means a competitor (possibly even SupplementReviews.com themselves) purchased these links in an effort to trick search engines into thinking that I did it.Do they REALLY think I would want to drive links to my site that say stuff like “Viagra review”?  REALLY?!I can tell you with complete 1,000% transparency that I have NEVER purchased a link (not ONCE) to try to manipulate my position in the search engines.The reason why I rank is because I write in-depth, comprehensive, and FACTUAL reviews of supplements that people ACTUALLY find interesting.So what do they do?  They write an “expose” about the 1 site out of probably 10,000+ that ACTUALLY physically tests products, and provides QUALITY information in various forms.

So, as you can see, I have a lot of haters.

Hence, I get a lot of flak for what I do.

In any given year, SupplementCritique.com will receive:

  • Over a DOZEN Cease and Desist complaints from companies who received a poor review.  These are from products that we’ve ACTUALLY tested!
  • 3 or 4 threats of a lawsuit
  • Negative SEO attacks.  I literally have to spend 100+ hours disavowing THOUSANDS of links pointing to my site that I’m NOT responsible for.
  • DDOS attacks, which cost me $1,000’s to fight and keep the site online.

And the fact is, I DON’T CARE.  I’m not going to stop outing these scams, and helping YOU choose the right supplement for YOU.

Thanks for your continued support, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without YOU.

to your health,

Rob Miller

rob miller

PhenTrim Review – 5 BIG Reasons to Think Twice


PhenTrim Ingredients
How Should You Take It
PhenTrim Side Effects
Where to Buy
How Many PhenTrims Are There
PhenTrim Reviews
PhenTrim Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Most of us have wanted to lose weight at some point, and fundamentally we know the surest way to do it is to eat less and exercise more. Of course, this is easier said than done, and many of us choose to rely on a supplement to help us get started and stay on track.

7  Best Fat Burner Pills at GNC

PhenTrim is a product which promises to provide the help you need and ultimately help you reach your weight loss goals. By focusing on two main facets of weight loss, the formula claims to propel your progress, keeping you motivated and energized, and ultimately setting you up for success.

PhenTrim BottleThe two main principles on which PhenTrim works are:

  • Mobilizing fat, preparing it to be used for energy, and
  • Boosting metabolism so your body uses more calories than it otherwise would.

An additional supportive measure employed by PhenTrim is appetite suppression. If you feel less hungry and feel fewer cravings, you are more likely to stick to your program, which in turn increases motivation and keeps you on track.

PhenTrim Ingredients

Truthfully, the claims made by PhenTrim are pretty much the same as those made by most weight loss supplements, so the difference – if there is one – would be found in the formula.

PhenTrim provides a list of ingredients along with a very brief description of what benefits each provides, but the disclosure does not include the amounts used.

Here’s what’s in the formula:

  • Caffeine which is the bedrock ingredient for many, if not most, weight loss supplements. It boosts energy, increases motivation, suppresses appetite, and increases metabolism. It would be helpful to know how much caffeine is used because it can really make a big difference. If it’s 90 mg, that’s about as much as is in a cup of coffee and would provide reasonable benefit without much risk of side effects. If it’s much less than that, it probably wouldn’t have much effect, and if it’s much more than that, you might be getting into side effect territory. Side effects might include jitters followed by a crash.
  • Beta-Phenylethylamine HCL which is used to boost mood and motivation while providing energy. There is some research that it can help alleviate depression, but evidence of help with weight loss doesn’t exist. It’s important to note as well that Beta-Phenylethylamine HCL is similar in effect to amphetamine and may carry the same sorts of side effects.
  • Synephrine HCL (aka Citrus Aurantium, aka Bitter Orange) which has somewhat taken the place of ephedra since its been taken off the market by the FDA. Despite this, there is no evidence that it promotes weight loss, nor is there any evidence that it’s actually safer than ephedra.  Additionally, it has been shown that when combined with caffeine (which is the case with PhenTrim), it can cause an increase in both blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Hordenine HCL which is a stimulant that has not et been shown to help with fat burning or weight loss.
  • L-Theanine which is an amino acid found in tea that is commonly used alongside caffeine due to the fact that it can increase relaxation without causing fatigue. It basically takes the rough edges off of the caffeine effect, without negating it.
  • White Kidney Bean Extract, which may block the absorption of carbohydrates, forcing them to be eliminated as waste instead of being stored in the body as fat. In order for it to work, effective doses seem to be in the 800 mg range, and must be taken at the same time as you are consuming carbohydrate-rich meals.


PhenTrim Ingredients

How Should You Take It?

PhenTrim does not share this information online, but since there are 60 capsules in a bottle, it seems as though the recommended dose is 2 pills per day, either both at once or one before each of your first two meals.

Of course, this may not be correct. It could turn out that the 60 count bottle only lasts 2 weeks at a recommended dose of 4 pills per day. This can be verified when you receive the product and read the label.

Because of all the stimulants in the formula, you won’t want to take it too close to bedtime, as it might affect your ability to fall asleep.

Rapic heart rate imagePhenTrim Side Effects

Without knowing the amount of each ingredient used, I have a few concerns, mainly around the combination of stimulants.

Stimulants on their own can often times lead to unpleasant side effects, so in combination it stands to reason that one could be a little bit apprehensive without having all of the necessary details.

As we alluded to above, taking synephrine together with caffeine has been shown to increase blood pressure and heart rate in healthy individuals. The fact that the two are both in PhenTrim could be problematic.

There are additional stimulants as well, which could potentially compound the situation.

Where to Buy

PhenTrim is available through the product’s official website of the same name. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a free trial scam to worry about. They offer three packages, each a straight up sale with no strings attached:

  • 1 bottle with 60 capsules costs $68.00.
  • 2 bottles for a total of 120 capsules costs $120.00
  • 3 bottles for a total of 180 capsules comes in at $156.00

So by purchasing more than one bottle at a time, you can save a good deal of money. This is a good way to go when a company has a good return policy. You buy in bulk to take advantage of the better price, but if you find it doesn’t work for you, you can feel comfortable knowing that your significant outlay will be refunded.

Sadly, this is not the case with PhenTrim. They have a strict NO RETURNS policy. All sales are final. Here’s how the stipulation reads:


PhenTrim Return Policy


So as soon as you place the order, you’re locked in with essentially no chance of recouping any of the money you spend. So if this would be your first time using PhenTrim, it wouldn’t make sense to buy more than one bottle, risking that much more money.

How Many PhenTrims Are There?

It’s worth noting that in addition to this version of PhenTrim, there are other products available with the same name, so it could get a little confusing. One product is sold by a company called Wellbeing Pharmaceuticals. The bottles look very similar, with the same white and blue theme and with similar font styles as well.


PhenTrim Review

But the ingredients list for this version is slightly different.

Digging a little deeper leads to even more confusion. If you look closely at the bottle shown on the Wellbeing Pharmaceuticals website, the website referenced on the bottle is www.phentrim.com, the same website where our version of Phentrim is sold.

The best explanation for this (and it’s ultimately just a guess) is that they are indeed the same product, but that the formula has been updated. The current version is presumably the one offered on the product website. One clue that this is the answer is this image from the website:


PhenTrim New and Improved


Just to add to the confusion, another website offers a product called FenTrim, which appears to be something completely different. (INSERT IMAGE OF FENTRIM HERE)

PhenTrim Reviews

We found no independent customer reviews of PhenTrim, but there are some testimonials posted to the product website. We tend to take these with a grain of salt because companies tend to only show favorable reviews, and some even edit or create false ones to bolster their image.

With that said, here’s good one from Lawrence:

PhenTrim Customer Review

PhenTrim Pros and Cons

Advantages of PhenTrim

  • The ingredient contains powerful stimulants, so the chances are it will provide some sort of energy boost and appetite suppression.

Disadvantages of PhenTrim

  • There are no scientific studies to back up the claims made by the product.
  • There’s no money back guarantee.
  • The formula uses both caffeine and synephrine, a combination known to cause unwanted side effects.
  • Ingredient amounts are not known, so there’s no way to know going in if PhenTrim will be a dud or will have you bouncing off the walls.
  • No instructions are given so it’s not clear how long one bottle will last.

The Bottom Line

PhenTrim has the right idea. If you combine the right ingredients to provide energy, motivation, a boost in metabolism, along with increased fat burning, you’ll have a product that can aid users with their weight loss goals. It’s possible that PhenTrim achieves all this.

The problem is we’re left with too many unknowns to really get a good handle on whether or not it does. We know what ingredients they use, and that’s a good start, but without knowing how much, it’s really impossible to gauge what kind of effects – good or bad – PhenTrim will have.

The more I know about a product the more likely I am to pass it down the line with a raving recommendation, but unfortunately when it is hard to peg down facts that I need, it makes tend to lean towards moving on to the next similar supplement.

Combine this huge unknown with the complete lack of a money back guarantee, and PhenTrim is just to risky of a bet, especially when you consider that there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of weight loss pills to choose from.

Have You Used PhenTrim? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

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