Testosterone Home Test Kit Reviews – Can You Trust Them?


What is Testosterone?
Benefits of testosterone
Should you test your testosterone?
Testosterone Home Test Kit Options
ZRT Lab Saliva Test Kit
ZRT Free and Total kit
Progene Test kit

If you’re a man in your thirties (or beyond), and you’re trying to lose weight, or get fit, or increase strength, or improve your sex life, or just generally feel better, it’s likely that you’re thinking about testosterone and maybe wondering how your levels are affecting your progress.

If you’re not, you probably should be.

Testosterone is the KEY male hormone. It’s essentially what makes a man a man. So it makes sense that if a you’re trying to improve any or all aspects of your manhood, you’ll look to testosterone as an important piece of the puzzle.

What Exactly Is Testosterone?

Home Test Testosterone chemical structure imageTestosterone is the predominant male sex hormone. Produced in the testes, it’s primarily responsible for keeping the male reproductive system functioning properly, and it’s secondarily responsible for many other traditionally male characteristics such as muscle mass, bone density, body and facial hair, and aggression.

The physiological effects of testosterone can actually be divided into two separate categories:

  • Anabolic Effects – which revolve around muscle mass and strength, and
  • Androgenic Effects – which center on the sexual maturation parts of the equation, including development of reproductive organs, facial and body hair and the deepening of your voice.

Female bodies produce and use testosterone as well, but in much smaller amounts, produced in the ovaries. On average, the male body produces about 20 times more testosterone than the female body.

Think you may have low T?  Take our 2 minute quiz and find out.

What Are the Benefits?

Once the sexual maturation process is complete, the role of testosterone in the adult male settles into its permanent state, which still covers a broad range of benefits, including:

  • Increasing and maintaining muscle mass.
  • Decreasing body fat.
  • Improving overall mood and alleviating symptoms of depression and sadness.
  • Strengthening bones
  • Increasing sex drive and erectile function.
  • Improving cognitive ability, possibly even to the point of mitigating the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Boosting your tendency toward competitiveness and the desire for power.
  • Making you more attractive to women.

To be fair, the correlation of many of these benefits to increased testosterone is clearly known, but the causality is far less understood. In other words, there may be some cases of virtuous and/or vicious cycles.

For example, a healthier, fitter body with a higher muscle to fat ratio produces more testosterone, and a body that produces more testosterone becomes more healthy and fit with a higher muscle to fat ratio.

Conversely, a weak and fat body produces less testosterone, then armed with less testosterone, this weak fat body becomes even weaker and fatter.

However, whether the cause or the result in any given circumstance or moment, healthy testosterone levels are needed to maintain optimal health and happiness.


There are two important aspects to the “How It Works” question. There’s “How is it made?” and there’s “How does it work in the body?” There are volumes of research on both aspects, but we’ll just touch on them briefly here, keeping it to simple layman’s terms.

How is Testoterone Made?

Most male testosterone is made in the testicles (about 95%), with the remainder made in the adrenal glands.

Focusing on what’s made in the testicles:

  1. The brain (specifically the hypothalmus) notices more testosterone is needed and secretes Gonadatropin-Releasing Hormone to the pituitary gland.
  2. The pituitary gland is then signaled to produce and release Luteinizing Hormone.
  3. The Luteinizing Hormone makes its way to the testicles where it signals the Leydig Cells to create and release testosterone.
  4. The Leydig cells convert cholesterol to testosterone, which they then send out into the bloodstream.

How Does It Work In the Body?

Once testosterone is release into the bloodstream, most of it is almost immediately rendered effectively useless.

It becomes bound to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.

This is why testosterone tests done in labs test both total testosterone and free testosterone.

A good total testosterone level is great, but doesn’t really do much unless there is a correspondingly high level of free testosterone as well. Free testosterone is what you really need to gain the benefits we rely on for virility and good health.

Should You Get Your Levels Tested?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what testosterone does and why we need it, lets talk a bit about finding out where our own levels stand.

Many people want to know where their levels are at so that they can figure out if their testosterone levels is what is holding them back in building gains or simply from living the best and most healthy life possible.

Leaving aside the hassle and expense of testosterone replacement therapy, there are plenty of ways to increase levels naturally.

These are all ways you can safely increase your testosterone without involving expensive doctor visits and potentially negative side effects. But how do you know that it’s low in the first place?

Should You Test Your Testosterone Levels At Home?

There are definitely some signs and symptoms you’re probably familiar with that could indicate low testosterone levels, including:

  • HOme Test SluggishErectile dysfunction.
  • Lower libido.
  • A decrease in muscle mass.
  • Diminished growth of body hair.
  • Sluggishness.
  • Trouble focusing,
  • Even hot flashes.

Of course, it’s tough to know what’s normal and what might be indicative of a problem. Everyone’s testosterone levels decrease with age – it’s just an unfortunate part of the process. This makes it difficult to determine whether or not your particular issue constitutes an actual low testosterone problem.

It is a natural part of life and as such, it is not only to be expected, but it is essentially a guarantee, but that does not mean that it will happen the same way for each and every man.

And this is where checking your testosterone levels at home comes in.

You could go to the doctor and get a blood test. If you’re very concerned about your symptoms, this is probably your best course of action for a couple reasons.

First because it’s the most accurate, and second because your doctor will most likely give you a comprehensive exam to go along with the blood test.

But if you’ve just started to notice the symptoms, and/or you want start with a simpler diagnostic test on your own before heading to your doctor for the big workup, a home testosterone test kit might just be the best place to start.

Testosterone Home Test Kit Options

Once you decide you want to use a home kit and you start looking for one, you’ll see that there are more than a few options to choose from.

I’m going to the lab for a testosterone blood test in the next week or so, and I asked my doctor if she could have my testosterone levels tested.

Once I get the results back, I plan to try out a few of the home tests to see how accurately they correlate with these home testosterone test kits.

I’ve chosen the following so far.

I may add to the list as time goes on, but let’s start with these.

As a side note, other than Progene, they do not sell any of these testosterone test kits in stores like Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, or GNC.  They’re only available online.

1.)  Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit from ZRT Laboratory

Home Test Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit ImageAvailable at Amazon (www.Amazon.com, not an affiliate link) as well as ZRT Laboratory’s chosen online retailer Live Well Testing, this test kit is offered by a recognized leader in the hormone and well being testing kit market. ZRT’s credo is “our results are complex, our tests are not”.

The results of a test can only be as effective as the collection process, which is why the Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit comes with clear and simple instructions for collecting your saliva and sending it to the lab for testing your testosterone levels.

Using saliva collected over several collection times throughout the day, the Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit is able to measure free (usable) testosterone, rather than simply total testosterone.

Free test is really the number you need to know in determining whether or not you have a deficiency, and is generally the kind that counts towards the above mentioned benefits.

As one of the first companies to use saliva for measuring hormones, ZRT has developed the protocol for effective home collection, so when it comes to Saliva-only tests, this one has a good chance of outperforming its competitors.

That said, I checked out the Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit reviews on Amazon, and the news here is not very good. Granted, there are only 2 reviews posted, but they both are only 1-Star reviews:

Home Test Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit Amazon Reviews

In both cases, the issue is more about the company than the product itself, but if it’s true that they’re not responsive to your needs, then they could have the best product in the world and I’d still have a difficult time recommending them.

On the other hand, it is reassuring that they developed and have been using these collection and test methods for years. But still, if they don’t provide the information or feedback you really need, all the experience in the world won’t help.

Saliva Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit sells at Amazon for $63.99 with free shipping, and there are no further costs for lab work or shipping.

2.)  Everly Well Testosterone Test

Another homes testosterone test kit is the Everly Well Testosterone Test available through the official Everly Well website. The big draw for this product, of course, is the convenience of checking your testosterone levels without ever having to visit a lab.

Everly Well actually provides a number of at home tests for thyroid hormone levels, metabolism, food allergies, STDs, and many others.

everlywell home testosterone test kit

Here’s how they lay out the simplicity of the process:

Home Test Everly Well Testosterone Test Process Image

It measures free testosterone as opposed to total, which again, is the number you want, the one that gives you the most useful information.

Also provided are detailed instructions and results you can use to interpret how your testosterone profile may or may not be contributing to your symptoms.

Everly Well is a new company, founded in 2015 by Julia Cheek, and currently headquartered in Austin, TX. As a new company, it’s been tough to find feedback on their testing products, so we’ll have to wait a while before that starts trickling in.

If you look hard enough, you can find some user feedback for their “Food Sensitivity Test” (most of which is favorable in terms of convenience and results), but nothing regarding the Testosterone Test.

You can pick it up through their official website for $69.

3.)  ZRT Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone Home Test Kit

Home Test ZRT Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone Home Test Kit ImageThe total kit from ZRT uses saliva to test for free testosterone and blood to test for total testosterone. So if you’re looking for something to cover all your bases, like what you’d get if you went to the lab yourself for a blood draw and complete workup, this is your test.

You collect saliva the same way as in the saliva-only kit – in the collection tubes several times throughout the day so you can get the best overall true read. The blood spot collection is done with a finger prick lancet and dropping blood spots on the circles of the blood spot card.

If you’re concerned that the process might be too difficult or complicated, it comes with detailed instructions as well as links to video demonstrations to help you out.

Like the other ZRT test we talked about, the ZRT Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone Home Test Kit is available through the Live Well Testing website as well as Amazon.com. At either location, the price for the kit comes to $109.99, with no further lab or shipping costs.

There’s only one review posted to Amazon.com. Like the other reviews, it doesn’t talk about the test accuracy, so much as the customer service involved in using the test. In this case, the customer was pleased:

Home Test ZRT Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone Home Test Kit Amazon Review Image

4.)  Progene At Home Testosterone Test Kit

Home Test Progene at Home Testosterone Test Kit ImageThe last kit we’ll talk about today is Progene at Home Testosterone Test Kit. Progene Labs offers this saliva test as the cheapest one we’ve come across. You can buy it the Progene website for $59.96. At Walmart, however, they’re currently selling single kits for just over $31 each, so that would be your better angle if you choose to go with this one.

Related Article:  Read my comprehensive review of Progene daily complex.

This is a saliva-only kit, testing for free testosterone. Once you buy your kit, you go online to activate it, you spit in the cup up to 4 times throughout the day for a balanced sample, and you mail in your samples. 5-7 days later, your results will be available online and/or over the phone.

Progene is marketed in conjunction with their testosterone boosting supplement of the same name. It’s a smart marketing idea, one that I’m surprised more companies don’t use actually.

Unfortunately, I found absolutely no customer feedback regarding the Progene at Home Testosterone Test Kit, which is a shame. With a test this cheap, it would be great to know if it’s at least as effective as the other, more expensive saliva tests.

Testosterone Home Test Kits – The Bottom Line

These days, the healthcare community continues to move toward more lifestyle and holistic solutions to the issues and maladies that ail us. This is one reason why the online supplement industry has positively exploded. If there’s a natural way to improve our health, it’s preferred over the more synthetic solutions.

The use of Testosterone Home Test Kits fits right into this paradigm. If you’re showing some of the signs and symptoms of low testosterone, why not check into the possibility that your hormone levels may be the culprit?

The only caveat is that these tests have just not proven to be as accurate as the serum tests your doctor will prescribe. They may offer you a good measure of your basic testosterone levels – providing you with a clue as to whether or not your testosterone may be the problem.

But the results are not reliable enough at this point to be conclusive.

So if you get your home test results and you’re still concerned about your situation, contact your doctor about following up with some more conclusive tests.

I’ll be updating this review over the next few weeks once I get my results back, so stay tuned.

Have You Used A Testosterone Home Test Kit? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Review – 2 GIANT Reasons to Avoid It


What Happened to My Testosterone
Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Ingredients
How To Use Muscle Science Testosterone Booster
Where to Buy
Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Reviews
Who Is Muscle Science
Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Pros and Cons
Muscle Science Testosterone Booster – The Bottom Line

What benefits are you looking for from your natural testosterone boosting supplement? Are you focused on losing weight, gaining muscle, finding more energy and motivation, or boosting your performance in the bedroom? Most supplements can only touch one or maybe two of these goals, but a good natural testosterone booster can do all this and even put you in a better mood on top of it all.

This is what Muscle Science Testosterone Booster claims to do. The focus for marketing purposes is muscle building, but the truth is testosterone is testosterone is testosterone. There’s not one testosterone for muscles and another for libido, and still another for fat loss. It’s all the same hormone, the dominant male hormone. The more you have, the more motivated and successful you’ll be at your workouts, the more interested you’ll be in sex, and the more overall energy you’ll have for everything.

What Happened to My Testosterone?

That’s a great question, and unfortunately, the answer is not a very pleasant one. When you first entered puberty, your body produced huge amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone. You needed it for growth and sexual development. Once you reached maturity, your need for it decreased and so did your production.

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster ReviewStarting in your early 20s, your body makes less testosterone each year. At first, the difference is so small you don’t even notice, and it goes on like this for several years. But the effect is cumulative. Once you reach somewhere between 35 and 40, you can really start to tell.

You feel more lethargic, you start gaining fat, you have a harder time getting results at the gym, and you’re just not as interested in sex as you used to be.

This is when you know it’s time for Muscle Science Testosterone Booster or something like it. You’re not sick, you don’t have a “medical condition, you don’t need actual medication. You’re just getting older and living with less testosterone than you used to have. Fortunately, now there are natural testosterone boosting supplements to help.

And now that you realize you want to use one, finding the right test booster isn’t easy, especially online. There are dozens, even hundreds to choose from. Some are truly effective while some are junk. Let’s find out which category Muscle Science Testosterone Booster belongs to.

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Ingredients

The best way to start is by checking out the formula, so let’s dive right in. The Muscle Science Testosterone Booster formula is broken down into 2 blends: The Essential Energy Mix and the Muscle Test Matrix.

The Essential Energy Mix boosts energy and overall health and consists of:

  • Pyridoxine HCL (Vitamin B6) which is essential for converting food into energy to be used by the body.
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) which is crucial to maintaining a healthy metabolism.
  • Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)  which may help increase testosterone levels.

The Muscle Test Matrix focuses more on actual testosterone increases and related benefits with:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which is believed to increase testosterone levels by boosting the release of Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland, which then signals for an increase in the release of testosterone from the testes.
  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium) which increases blood flow to the genitals for better sexual performance in a way similar to how Viagra works.
  • Yohimbe Bark Extract which is a central nervous system stimulant that also increases blood flow, providing both energy and sexual performance enhancement.
  • Fenugreek Extract which is believed to increase testosterone production and improve athletic performance.

One thing missing from this ingredient list is amounts. This is often the case; products publish their formulas using “proprietary blends” which list ingredients but not amounts. The problem with this is that we never know if there’s an adequate amount of each ingredient, or just a dusting.

How To Use Muscle Science Testosterone Booster

Instructions state to take 2 pills each day, with or without food. They don’t specify a time so choose what fits best into your schedule. Muscle Science Testosterone Booster is not a pre workout supplement so you don’t have to worry about timing it to your workout. The important thing is to try to stick to the same schedule each day so you maintain a steady level in your system.

Overall, it’s a decent formula – not the best I’ve seen, and certainly not the worst. If you take it every day, you are likely to notice some improvements in how you feel. The question then becomes whether or not it’s worth what you’ll pay for it.

Where to Buy

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster is not available in stores and you won’t find it at Amazon.com either. The only way to get your hands on this stuff is to sign up for the “free trial” offered on their official website.


Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Rush My Trial Image


When you click through on the offer, you’re invited to enter your personal information, including your credit card number to pay the small shipping fee. Once you do, they’ll send you a full 30 day supply that you think you’re essentially getting for free.

The reason you think this is that nowhere during the ordering process do they state anything different.

But if you seek out and read the Terms and Conditions document, you’ll see that this product is anything but free.


Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Terms Image

That fine print is tough to read, so I’ll summarize. You have 14 days from the day you place your order to call and cancel the subscription that you are most likely unaware you signed up for. If you don’t cancel, you will be charged full price for the “trial” bottle that you’ve already received, and you’ll receive a new bottle, also at full price, every month from here on out until you finally do figure it out and call to cancel.

There are several problems for the consumer inherent in this model:

  1. Most are not aware of the actual terms of the agreement.
  2. 14 days (including shipping time) is not even close to long enough to evaluate your experience and decide whether or not to continue use.
  3. The terms do not disclose the actual price you’ll be charged.
  4. The terms do not include the phone number to call to cancel your subscription.

It all boils down to what’s called the Negative Option Clause, which is laid out in the Terms document as such:


Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Negative Option Image


It basically states that unless you take a positive action, they have the right to continue placing additional charges on your account. Put another way, the default is that you will be charged, and if this is not what you want, then you must take a positive action.

In the case of Muscle Science Testosterone Booster, they don’t tell you the full price of the bottle, not even in the Terms and Conditions document. This is unusual. In most cases you know. Because this is unknown, it’s impossible to determine whether or not it fits into your idea of “worth it”.

I will say, however, that in most cases, these free trial products come with a monthly cost between $80 and $120, so it’s pretty steep.

I’ve written a comprehensive exposé on the subject of phony free trials. If you want to make sure you understand fully how they work, here’s a link: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Reviews

Since Muscle Science Testosterone Booster is only available through their official website, the only customer feedback we have access to comes in the form of testimonials posted by the company on the website.

I don’t tend to put a lot of faith in these as they are often exaggerated, cherry-picked, and sometimes even flat out fake. But in case you’re interested, here’s what we found:


Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Testimonials Image


These all seem pretty reasonable, but I have to say those head shots aren’t really the kind of photos guys send in with testimonials. They usually send before and after photos showing their progress, not just stock-photo-looking head shots.

Who Is Muscle Science?

That’s a great question, and one I could find no answer to. I looked through all the corporation and business lookup sources I know and found absolutely nothing on a company called Muscle Science. The only thing we know is that their address is a PO Box in Savannah, Georgia. That’s it.

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster Pros and Cons

Advantages of Muscle Science Testosterone Booster

  • The ingredients are listed and all natural.
  • The formula contains some healthy ingredients that may help you feel better and more vital.

Disadvantages of Muscle Science Testosterone Booster

  • It’s only available through a phony free trial offer that includes a negative option that’ll have you paying month after month.
  • There’s no way to know before ordering how much it actually costs.
  • Ingredient amounts are not shown.
  • There’s no information available regarding the company behind the product.

Muscle Science Testosterone Booster – The Bottom Line

When you research and test as many natural testosterone boosting supplements as I do, you really develop a sense of what to look for and how to read between the lines. That’s why a site like ours can be so helpful – we’ve learned how to interpret the messages products give out, so we all can gain a better understanding of the pros and cons surrounding each supplement.

What I can tell you about Muscle Science Testosterone Booster is that it has a formula very similar to most of the products on the market – not awful, but not great either. Beyond that, there’s really not much else positive to say.

The free trial is a scam – they won’t even tell you how much you’ll actually be paying when all is said and done.

On top of that, the company is a complete mystery.

There are good testosterone boosting supplements out there, but Muscle Science Testosterone Booster is not one of them. Muscle Science goes out of its way to keep you in the dark about too many aspects of this product. That’s no way to win customers, or endorsements from me.

Have You Used Muscle Science Testosterone Booster? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster Review: 1 BIG Reason To Pass


What is Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster
What Are The Ingredients
Where to Buy It
What About the Free Trial
Ogen Labs Reviews
Pros and Cons

NOTE:  Some of the content on this page may be considered NSFW, viewer discretion is advised!

The decision to use a natural testosterone boosting supplement once you’ve reached a certain age and want to remain at your best is almost a no brainer. It’s a simple fact that as we age, our bodies produce less and less of this vital male hormone.

As a teenager, we had more than we knew what to do with. In our twenties, strength, libido, energy, and drive were never an issue.

But once we’re well into our 30s and 40s, a noticeable shift occurs.

testosterone decrease by age

Our bodies start producing less and less testosterone in our 20s, and the effect is small but cumulative. Barely detectable early on, there comes a point in our late 30s and 40s when the decline makes itself clearly known.

This is when energy declines, fat starts to show up like a spare tire, workouts become harder, and interest in sex just isn’t what it used to be.

That’s when we know it’s time. It used to be we just had to deal with it, unless we wanted to deal with expensive and side effect causing hormone replacement therapy.

It was just a symptom of growing older. But these days, natural testosterone boosting supplements have changed all that.

Now we can take a natural ingredient pill that mimics the effects of hormone replacement therapy, all for a fraction of the cost and no side effects.

Now the only problem is choosing the right one.

There are so many choices it makes it challenging to find the right one.

The other day, I was browsing through an “adult film site” and came across this:

ogen labs test booster ad

Who wouldn’t want that, right?!

When I clicked the ad, it took me to a page that looked like this:



https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/ogen labs

The jist of the post, which looks surprisingly like the Mens Health website, goes like this:

  1. A pill was finally released to the general public, which reportedly can give you a 3 – 4 inch increase in penis size.
  2. This pill was secretly used by porn stars for years, and now it’s available to the general public.
  3. The name of the pill is none other than Ogen Labs Test Booster.

There’s plenty of graphic images of girls getting nailed in the rear, mouth, and all other sorts of orifices.

I’ll spare you any more details.

The thought of a 3 – 4 inch increase in penis size is pretty damn intriguing, right?

Well, I’m here to tell you that this WHOLE post is complete and utter B.S.

I’ll get back to that in a little bit.

First, let’s talk a little about the supplement first.

What is Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster?

As you probably guessed from the name, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is a natural testosterone boosting supplement from a company called Ogen Labs. It’s designed for men who want to benefit from an increased amount of testosterone without having to deal with the cost and side effects of doctor visits and testosterone replacement therapy.

The kinds of benefits you can expect include:

  • Increased fat burning.
  • More lean muscle mass.
  • Boosted sex drive.
  • More energy.
  • Improved mood.

You’ll essentially reap all the benefits of increased testosterone without any of the drawback of using actual hormone replacement. Aside from the well-known side effects of TRT like acne and aggression comes the very real problem of the shutting down of your body’s natural hormone production process. That’s what happens when you use steroids, which is why using a natural product like Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is a much better choice. You get the benefits without the drawbacks. It’s as simple as that… that is if it work, which is what we’ll take a look at next – whether or not Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster works.

What Are The Ingredients?

According to the label image I tracked down at a retailer’s website, The Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster formula consists of a 1484 mg proprietary blend of 8 ingredients, including:

  • Horny Goat Weed Extract (aka Epimedium) which increases blood flow in a similar way to Viagra, helping you achieve better erections.  You’ll find horny goat weed in literally TONS of other supplements, including vigrx plus and zyntix.
  • Tongkat Ali Extract (aka Eurycoma Longfolia) which is believed to increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, rendering them ineffective and essentially useless.  (Source)
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which supports prostate health by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which also has the effect of increasing free and total testosterone. (Source)
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and is believed to help maintain health testicular function. (Source)  Testosterone is made in the testicles, so clearly this is a good thing.
  • Wild Yam Extract which balances male and female hormones in the body.
  • Sarsaparilla which is believed to increase testosterone levels.
  • Nettle Extract which also supports prostate health, which is a key factor in overall sexual health.
  • Boron which has been shown in studies to increase testosterone levels.

The list includes several important ingredients for naturally boosting testosterone, but there are a few missing that I like to see. These include D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek, and to a lesser extent Tribulus Terrestris.

But when I started to dig a little deeper, I found on that same website, the following description of how Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster works:

Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster Ingredients Question

So this blurb indicates that Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster actually does contain Fenugreek and Tribulus Terrestris. The blurb and the label image listing the ingredients both come from the same retailer website.

I’m not really sure what the truth is.

I would tend to trust the ingredient label on the bottle, but since I’ve only seen the label online (I don’t physically have a bottle) and there isn’t a product name in the image with the ingredient list, it’s possible that the image was taken from the bottle of a different product.

Normally, I would check in at the product or company’s official website to clarify, but there is no website for Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster.

The site that I’m on now that “looks” like it is the Ogen Labs official site says PowerBodyProducts.com.

powerbodyproducts or ogen labs

When I run a search for Ogen Labs, the only thing remotely credible that pops up is a link to them selling their T booster on Amazon.

ogen labs website

In fact, I searched but could find no information at all indicating that a company called Ogen Labs even exists.

With one exception.

Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is often promoted as half of a stack, the other half being a pre workout supplement called Ogen Labs Nitro Blast. But when I conducted a search for a product or company website for Nitro Blast, I came up empty just like I did for Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster.

Back To The Ad In Question

So at the beginning of this post we talked about that supposed “Mens Health” post, telling you that you’ll gain 3 – 4 inches in size from using their product.

Well, like I mentioned then, it’s a complete scam.

First off, if it was the REAL Mens HEalth website, then why does it say xvideos-bloggers dot com?

fake ad for mens health and life

Also, if you’re still on that page, try clicking around on the links that say news, dating advice, products, etc.

If you’ve already closed the page out, check this out:

[vimeo 239139229 w=640 h=480]

That’s right, none of the links go anywhere.

In fact, they’re not even CLICKABLE!

The same thing goes for those fairly graphic comments at the bottom of the page.

ogen labs t booster comments

You can’t like or add a comment, nor can you even upload an image (those of which there are a TON of dick pics).

All of these comments are completely fake.

Where to Buy It?

If you happen to still be interested in purchasing this Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, you can do so through Amazon.com. A single bottle will last a month and costs $39.97. If you buy it together with Nitro Blast, the total will come to $69.94 for a small savings.

What About the Free Trial?

Originally, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster was available through a free trial offer you could find through several review websites. If you’re not familiar with these free trials yet, check out my comprehensive exposé: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

The general idea is this – You sign up and pay a small shipping charge (usually around $4.95) and they send you a 30 day supply. If you do nothing, in 14 days they’ll charge you full price for the bottle you’ve already received, and they’ll enroll you in their monthly autoshipping program where you’ll receive a new full price bottle each month.

Most of us are familiar with monthly autoship programs. They can be a good thing when we’ve decided that the product is something we want to continue using. But in the case of Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, it’s not all what it seems. They only mention the autoship program in the very fine print and in the terms and conditions document.

Their hope is that most customers don’t even see it, so they don’t realized they’ll be charged for anything until it already happens. I get emails every day from readers who’ve been scammed by these companies.

The Only Good News

Like I said, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster used to be available only by signing up for a free trial like I described above, but at this time, it seems they are no longer using this method of sales or marketing.

You can find plenty of links that look like they’ll take you to where you can sign up for the free trial:

Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster Rush My Trial Image

But when you click through, you’re always taken to a completely different product, in most cases, it’s TestX Core by Phenom Health

So if you are interested in Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, the good news is you don’t have to get involved with a potential free trial scam. You can simply place a one-time order with Amazon for $39.97, which is at the low end of the scale for natural testosterone boosters.

Ogen Labs Reviews

Being sold on Amazon usually means there are Amazon reviews, and this product is no exception. At the time of this writing, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster has received 51 reviews, the majority of which come in at 5 stars.


Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster Amazon Overview


It appears most customers are pleased with its performance, leaving reviews like this:


Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster 5 Star Reviews


They are positive, but not particularly specific about why.

Then of course there are some negative reviews as well.


Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster 1 STar Reviews


Just like the positive ones, the negative reviews don’t get into much detail either, just simply stating that it does not work.

In the end though, the positive reviews outweigh the negative ones by quite a bit.

Pros and Cons


  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The price is reasonable.
  • It’s available through Amazon.com
  • Reviews are mainly positive.


  • There is confusion about what ingredients are actually used in the formula.
  • It used to be sold with a deceptive free trial scam. It appears that has ended, but you’d be smart to stay aware of potential scams.


Ultimately, this product is not much different than dozens of the others we’ve looked at, tested, and written about. The formula is pretty typical of this kind of product – not better or worse than all the rest.

The most promising thing about Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is that it a significant number of its reviews from customers are positve.

For that reason, and the fact that it’s one of the cheaper options you’ll find on Amazon, I would say that if it looks and sounds good to you, go ahead and try it. I don’t think it will blow you away; there are better choices. But if price is your most determinative factor, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster may just fit the bill as an inexpensive alternative.

Just make sure to avoid any free trial scams they may put in front of you, and be prepared to use the 60 day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out for you.

Have You Used Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Fit Father Project Review – 2 BIG Reasons to Sign Up


What Is The Fit Father Project
Who Is Anthony Balduzzi
What Exactly Comes with the Program
Week By Week Progress
What Does It Cost
Fit Father Project Reviews
The Bottom Line

Most of the time here at SupplementCritique.com, when we talk about products to help you get in your best shape, we’re talking about supplements. Occasionally, if I come across something interesting or find out there’s something my readers want to know about, I’ll venture out. That’s why I decided to review the Fit Father Project.

What Is The Fit Father Project?

This is a comprehensive program designed to help busy dads in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who’ve decided to lose the extra weight they’ve noticed creeping on over the past number of years and get healthy for themselves and the ones they love.

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With the understanding that life gets busy, especially once you’ve got a career and family to focus on, The Fit Father Project provides the HOW and perhaps more importantly the WHY that can get you on your way to a longer, healthy, happier life.

Fit Father Project Anthony BalduzziWho Is Anthony Balduzzi?

The Fit Father Project was created by Anthony Balduzzi, a men’s health doctor trained in Naturopathic Medicine, whose personal experience of losing his father to cancer at a young age compelled him to commit his life to his own health and the health of fathers, so other children would have to suffer the way he, his mother, and his brother had.

Anthony became focused on health and fitness at the age of ten, and went on to be a nationally recognized bodybuilder as a teenager. As an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, he studied Psychology, Nutrition, and Neuroscience, participating in research with some of his professors, while continuing his bodybuilding career.

He received his Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, and then founded the Fit Father Project, fulfilling his commitment to support the health of fathers and their families.

And that exemplifies the “Why” of the program, defined by its core mission, stated as:


Fit Father Project Short Mission


It’s for busy dads who want to stay healthy and fit and/or regain their health and fitness so they can provide for and enjoy their families for years to come.

Okay, Just Lay Out the Basics For Me

I hear you. You didn’t come to this review to get a rehashing of the whole sales pitch. Interesting or not, it’s too long. Who has time for that? Besides, you can get all that from the Fit Father Project website if that’s what you want. But for now, you want the nuts and bolts, the specific edge that the Fit Father Project offers that makes it unique.

Well here you go. The Fit Father Project provides you with:

  • A clear cut guide, removing the guesswork, so you’re not wasting time choosing between this or that food or this or that workout. Once you commit and gather your resources, it just tells you what to do and you do it. Of course, there are value added blogs and community support as add ons, but the core of the program lays it all out for you step by step, day by day.
  • Appropriate exercise levels for your age and fitness. This is the Fit Father Project, designed for guys over 40. It’s not gonna have you trying to work out like a twenty-something. The workout is age-appropriate so you won’t get hurt trying to keep up.
  • A simple plan that doesn’t have you spending 4 hours on a shopping list after calculating exactly how many calories you need to eat each day, and then hours in the kitchen on top of that.
  • A comprehensive plan that covers all aspects of your program, including food, exercise, sleep schedule, and even your life. The truth is if a plan doesn’t take all this into account, you will get tripped up.
  • A sustainable action plan. This is lifestyle stuff, not temporary quick fixes that you abandon once you reach a short term goal.
  • Accountability in the form of community support. We all falter and need a help and encouragement at times. The Fit Father Project includes frequent communications from Dr. Anthony Balduzzi as well as the community message boards where you can get the support of your peers, as well as give it right back to them when they need it.

What Exactly Comes with the Program?

When you sign up for the Fit Father Project, the primary product you’re getting – the meat of the program – is the Fit Father 30X Program, or FF30X for short.

This is a 30 day program complete with everything you need as a busy father in your 40s or beyond to get back to the health and fitness you’ve lost over the past decade or more.

Included with FF30X is:

The Fit Father Meal Plan

Complete with make ahead meal plan tips and advice to help you form healthy eating habits and keep you on track. When your meals are already planned out and prepared, you’re far less likely to succumb to moments of weakness that can be caused by finding yourself hungry with limited healthy choices.

You get grocery lists, recipes, meal preparations guides, and quick go-to charts to make the eating portion of your program simple to follow and stick with.


Fit Father Project Father and SonThe FF30X Workout

Puts you in the position to build muscle and boost your metabolism in under 90 minutes per week. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. The FF30X workout combines resistance training with cardio using a whole body circuit training method that burns fat and builds muscle at the same time.

With 3 to 4 workouts per week you’ll be burning fat all day every day. There’s the dumbell workout designed to be done at home, there’s the gym workout, the Big 5 Strength workout, and fat burning cardio workouts, as well as templates to log your goals and progress.

Daily email coaching and support from Anthony and his team. One of the biggest reasons people fail is they don’t set up a system of accountability and/or support. Anthony and his team send coaching emails daily to guide you along the way as you navigate through the program.

Many of his emails request responses from you, which can actually go a long way in supporting your accountability. If you know someone is there, paying attention to your progress while rooting for your success, you are more inclined to stay on top of your game. Additionally, the team is there to answer questions and clear up any confusion you may encounter along the way.

And the Bonuses

Like other similar programs, there seem to be just as many “bonuses” as there are basic components, including ebooks and guides:

Enjoying Drinks and Staying Lean – essential techniques to allow you to have the occasional drink without sabotaging your efforts, including both what to do and what to avoid.

7 Necessary Supplements Every Man Needs to Be Taking – including the essential list and where to get them most affordably.

How To Build Unbreakable Habits – tips taking from both neuroscience and psychology to help you commit to your goals and stick to your routines.

The Ultimate Health Tools, Toys, and Tech – from workouts and exercise videos online to healthy food apps, this guide will help keep you focused and informed at home and on the go.

Week By Week Progress

The program is broken down into weekly sections, each week with a different focus and goal, building on the progress of the week before.

Week #1 – Metabolism Kick Start

During the first week, you’ll start on the new meal plan and 2 hours of total exercise you can do at home with dumbbells or at the gym if you prefer. Both are designed to jump start your metabolism so you’re burning fat and calories 24/7.

The quick initial weight loss of a few pounds right away, without having to count calories or work yourself to death on top of your busy work and family schedule, will get you motivated and pumped up for the rest of the program.

Week #2 – Fat Loss Amplification

During the second week, you’ll begin to focus more on building muscle and the testosterone boost that comes along with the increased muscle mass. By adding a 30 minute muscle building workout routine (again that you can do at home or at the gym) and eating more carbs post workout, you’ll grow more muscle, adding to your body’s fat burning capability.

Week #3 – Lean Muscle Building

By continuing your meal and workout plans, and adding in some small meal timing tricks, you’ll increase your testosterone even more, setting up your body to build new muscle while continuing to lose fat, especially belly fat.

Increasing Human Growth Hormone is also a goal of this week’s additions to the program.

Week #4 – Sustain Results

During this week, the program includes several key habits you need to embrace to keep the progress you’ve made. You also don’t have to stop at this point. You can continue to use the full program for as long as you want to keep losing more weight and gaining more muscle, or to fine tune your body.

What Does It Cost?


Fit Father Project Logo


For a lot of guys, cost is one of the very first things you want to know, right? Even if a program looks good, if you’re facing hundreds of dollars in upfront or recurring payments, you’re not going to be interested.

This is a frustrating thing about the Fit Father Project website. It actually takes quite a bit of digging to get to the bottom line, which is a one time fee of $97.

When you consider what you may have paid already in monthly gym membership fees (which you may or may not have made good use of), the one time fee isn’t bad. But it is significant enough that you probably want to make sure you’re ready to get started when you pull the trigger and sign up.

To some, the one time payment may seem like a nice change from other health programs as it requires a higher level of commitment, but I can see why that may be discouraging to others.

This is another positive aspect of the accountability piece of the program. Once you sign up, Anthony starts sending emails, encouraging you to get started and directing you step by step through the best way to navigate the system.

And once you’re in, you never have to pay anything again

Fit Father Project Reviews

Since it’s only sold through the Fit Father Project website, there aren’t a bunch of retail websites displaying independent customer feedback, but there are several testimonials posted to the program website.

These testimonials are hand picked by the project itself, so of course they’re going to choose to display the feedback that puts them in the most positive light. That said, I don’t doubt that there are guys having real success with this program.

Here’s one example from the Facebook page:


Fit Father Project Facebook Review Image


There are more just like this one. While I don’t usually like relying on testimonials provided by a product itself, I have to admit, the Fit Father Project testimonials definitely look realistic. They’re not trying to show you guys who lost 25 pounds of fat while putting on just as many in muscle, all in a month’s time. These images show believable progress made by seemingly pretty average guys.

The Bottom Line

The biggest thing to remember about weight loss and fitness programs is that in general, if you stick with the program and use it correctly, you will see results.

So the two main questions to ask when you’re deciding on a program are:

  1. Is it a good program based on sound, solid principles?
  2. Will I be able to stick with it?

For the first question, the answer is yes. The Fit Father Project meal plan has you eating clean healthy foods in proper amounts, and the workout program is designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness as well as your muscle to fat body composition ratios. If you follow these guidelines, you will end up in better shape than you started.

The second question is the tougher one, and the one that trips most people up. For a program to work, you have to commit to full participation. The best programs are the ones that increase the odds of that happening.

The Fit Father Project strikes a good balance between sound principles and easy workability. The meal plan and make ahead meal prep are solid guidelines that help a lot of guys stick with programs longer. Making meals ahead of time is the method I most often use when I need to put myself on a strict dietary regimen. I find that by taking the guesswork and uncertainty out of meal and snack time, there’s less opportunity to stray from the path. If the right food is ready and available, you won’t find yourself reaching for the not so healthy but much more convenient junk.

Of course, everyone is wired a little differently, and different programs speak to different people. The real trick is finding the one that speaks to you, and that continues to speak to you even when the novelty wears off and the progress slows down.

If simplicity and accountability are aspects you look for in a fitness program, The Fit Father Project is definitely a program you should look into.

Have You Used The Fit Father Project? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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BlueNano Citrulline Review – 1 BIG Reason to Stay Away


BlueNano Citrulline Benefits
BlueNano Citrulline Ingredients
Where to Buy
BlueNano Citrulline Reviews
BlueNano Citrulline Pros and Cons
BlueNano Citrulline – The Bottom Line

There is a boldness and attitude that comes along with every male enhancement product’s claims and marketing that is to be expected.

It draws you in and gives prospect customers their first glimpse and impression of the product in question and often is the first step in someone deciding whether or not to purchase it.

“Bigger, Longer, Thicker, Harder. The Number 1 Penis Enlarger in Japan”. That’s what you’re greeted with at the BlueNano Citrulline product page on the Magic Potions website. It’s a pretty bold claim; let’s break it down and see if the product lives up to it.

BlueNano Citrulline Benefits

The benefits were spelled out pretty clearly above – BlueNano Citrulline claims to grow your organ, give you a harder erection, jump start your libido, boost your staying power, increase pleasure all around, and boost your confidence so you never again BlueNano Citrulline Reviewhave to wonder if you will please your partner.

The manufacturer even spells out a timeline for what you can expect month by month. First, they advise that you will not see much of anything by way of results for the first 19 days. Then:

In the First Month:

You’ll see a notable increase in libido, erection hardness, and stamina.

In the Second Month:

You’ll see your improvement take a turn for the better, increasing pleasure for your partner.

In the Third Month:

You’ll reach your full growth potential.


And the advertising push BlueNano Citrulline uses in Asia is very explicitly focused on enlargement. See exhibit A:

BlueNano Citrulline graphic advertising

Of course, if you’ve read some of our reviews and articles, you know that a pill cannot actually make any part of your body grow. A good pill can improve libido, erections, stamina, and pleasure, but it won’t make you actually grow.

BlueNano Citrulline is not the first pill to make this claim, and it won’t be the last. When I come across these kinds of promises from a pill, I count it as one strike against for false or exaggerated marketing, and move on, focusing on the benefits the pill may actually provide.

BlueNano Citrulline Ingredients

This brings us to an analysis of ingredients, and BlueNano Citrulline has a few doozies.

At first, the formula seems fairly typical, with:

  • Citrulline which is an amino acid that acts as a precursor to Nitric Oxide by way of L-Arginine, making it effectively act as a time release formula for increasing blood flow for better erections.
  • Cistanche Tubulosa which releases enzymes that may increase the body’s natural production of testosterone.
  • Catuaba Bark which is well known to be a powerful aphrodisiac, boosting both libido and mood.

Then they list “Other Ingredients” including:

Longan, Guarana, Turtle, Zinc, Ginkgo Biloba, Fur Seal, and Reindeer.

Say what?!

Okay, a few of these are perfectly standard:

  • Guarana is a source of caffeine to keep your energy/stamina up.
  • Zinc is an important mineral to the process of boosting testosterone naturally.
  • Ginkgo Biloba boosts blood flow and increases libido and energy.

But what about the rest? I did some research and here’s what I came up with:

  • Longan, aka Dragon Eye, is believed to help improve memory loss and cognition, though no studies have proven this. The active molecule in Longan seems similar to those in the Racetam family, which might be the reason it’s believed to help cognitively. Study indicate that Longan shows promise as a powerful antioxidant.
  • Turtle Powder which is technically Turtle shell powder has been used in ancient Chinese medicine to treat fevers and “nourish the yin while subduing the yang”.
  • Fur Seal Skeletal Muscle Extract which has been shown to have some vasodilation effect, opening up blood vessels, allowing for better erections.
  • Reindeer Antler Powder is similar to, if not the same as, deer antler velvet, which is believed to provide amino acids for conversion to nitric oxide and for muscle repair. It also provides calcium, magnesium, and zinc to help boost natural testosterone levels.

The word “Nano” appears in the name of this product for a reason. They claim that the “nano” sized ingredients are more easily absorbed into your system, thereby making BlueNano Citrulline a more efficient supplement than others.

It’s true that better absorption is key to a good supplement’s success, but there’s no backup documentation or further discussion of these nano ingredients or the process by which they are made and used.

The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken daily, just before bed. I find this a little strange, considering that BlueNano Citrulline contains caffeine. It probably means there’s not a whole lot of total caffeine in the supplement. Otherwise, it would probably keep you up if taken at bedtime.

Where to Buy

BlueNano Citrulline is available online, and you have a few different ways to go, depending on what country you’re in.

BlueNano Citrulline is made in Japan, and for a time it seems, was only sold there. Its main source is an online store called Magic Potions. They sell health and beauty products all over the world, and as such, BlueNano Citrulline can be purchased pretty much in any country.

In US dollars, buying a single bottle will cost about $60 per month, and you can change the currency to better suit your needs.

You can also order it on Amazon.com and eBay. The prices I found were $43.67 and $59.99 respectively, so Amazon may be the best call if you’re in the US and want to try BlueNano Citrulline.

BlueNano Citrulline Reviews

Usually, when a product is sold on Amazon, it’s opened up to plenty of customer feedback. Unfortunately, there’s only one review posted at this time, and it’s not very informative:


BlueNano Citrulline Amazon Review


There are a few reviews posted at the Magic Potions website, but we always take these with a grain of salt because they may be more about marketing than about giving potential customers the straight story on how well their product does or does not work.

In any event, here’s what they look like:

BlueNano Citrulline Testimonials Image

BlueNano Citrulline Pros and Cons

Advantages of BlueNano Citrulline

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s available all over the world.
  • The price is reasonable – if you find the right retailer.

Disadvantages of BlueNano Citrulline

  • They promise actual growth of bodily tissue which is just not something a pill can do on its own; this weakens the brand’s ability to be trusted.
  • The formula contains a few “odd” ingredients with questionable benefits as well as a certain “ick” factor.
  • Instructions say to take 2 pills at night before bed, but it contains caffeine which may keep you awake.
  • BlueNano Citrulline is not made in the United States, which may be fine, but means it’s not subject to the same guidelines in terms of the manufacturing facility as American made products are.

BlueNano Citrulline – The Bottom Line

I have no reason to believe BlueNano Citrulline is not safe. I’m fairly certain that for most any healthy adult it would be perfectly safe. But we want more than safe from our supplements; we want effective. And in this case, I’m just not convinced BlueNano Citrulline is anywhere near as effective as it claims.

Citrulline is a good ingredient, but it can’t carry an entire supplement and provide such a wide range of benefits on its own. The presence of an aphrodisiac like Catuaba Bark helps, and there are a few additional helpful components, but overall, I just don’t think the formula is that spectacular.

There are better supplements, made in the US, that can provide more help in the areas of erections, libido, stamina, testosterone, and overall sexual confidence. Skip the Turtle Powder, and go with something proven to improve sexual performance.

Have You Used BlueNano Citrulline? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha Force Testo Review – THE Best Way to Try It


What Is Alpha Force Testo
Alpha Force Testo Ingredients
How to Use Alpha Force Testo
Where to Buy
How To Contact Alpha Force Testo
Are There Any Other Ways to Buy It
Alpha Force Testo Reviews
Alpha Force Testo Pros and Cons
Alpha Force Testo – The Bottom Line

It can be hard to keep up with all the new testosterone boosting products sold in the online market. New ones come out what seems like every day. I think it’s actually getting to the point that they’re running out of original names, making it difficult to even remember what we’ve already covered and what we haven’t.

Take Alpha Force Testo. It sounds an awful lot like Alpha Limit, Alpha Max Testosterone, True Testo, Force Factor, or some new combination of all of them. But that’s marketing for you. There are a few words that test well in their focus groups, so they use them over and over. But Alpha Force Testo is a new product so let’s have a look.

Alpha Force Testo ReviewWhat Is Alpha Force Testo?

I haven’t seen Alpha Force Testo talked about in one of those phony scam ESPN articles that we’ve talked about in exposes like this one: No, LeBron James Did Not Use That Supplement

I was actually alerted to Alpha Force Testo by a customer wanting to know if I would check it out for him. He’d seen it one of his social media feeds and didn’t want to jump in until he’d run it by me. Turns out, that may have been a good call.

Alpha Force Testo is billed as a natural testosterone booster that can help boost your work outs in the gym as well as your desire and performance in the bedroom. Once we pass through our mid 20s, our bodies begin pumping out less and less testosterone. We don’t notice it at first because at that point our levels are still quite high. But once we hit about our mid 30s, it’s a good idea to try a natural boost to remain in top form as the years pile on.

By helping your body maintain a good supply of testosterone, you’ll hold on to your:

  • Energy for better workouts.
  • Your ability to maintain and build muscle and strength.
  • Your high sex drive.
  • Your hard erections.
  • Your stamina and endurance

Alpha Force Testo claims to help you maintain that high T, so let’s see whether and how it does.

Alpha Force Testo Ingredients

At one time, Alpha Force Testo listed their ingredients at their official website. That list appears to have been removed at this time, but I was able to track down a captured screen shot of the label, giving us the insight we need into what’s actually in the formula:


Alpha Force Testo Ingredients Label


It starts off with a number of Vitamins and Minerals, many of which play a direct role in the body’s testosterone production process.

There’s Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, and Boron, each of which is believed to or has been proven to help the body produce more testosterone.

The rest of the formula is comprised of a 197mg proprietary formula consisting of:

  • Tongkat Ali which is believed to inhibit the action of the Hex Hormone Binding Globulin protein that likes to bind itself to testosterone molecules, effectively taking them out of commission. By reducing the activity of SHBG, more testosterone is left free to perform its function in your body.
  • Lycopene which is known to improve blood flow throughout your body and improve your genital health by keeping your prostate healthy.
  • Panax Ginseng which improves libido and blood flow, making it particularly effective for improving sexual performance.
  • Astaxanthin which can help block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, effectively increasing testosterone levels while decreasing DHT, the preferred ratio if you want to avoid side effects like acne and male pattern baldness.
  • Fenugreek Extract which has been shown to improve athletic performance.
  • Saw Palmetto, which acts in much the same way as Astaxanthin, improving testosterone vs DHT levels and helping to protect the prostate.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which was introduces by Russian athletes in the 1970s and 1980s, claiming it improved their strength.
  • L-Arginine which increases Nitric Oxide, a vasodilator for opening up blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through to muscles and other appendages.

My real concern here is that the proprietary blend, with each of the above listed ingredients and more, amounts to a total of only 197 mg per serving. There’s no possible way that’s enough to provide an effective amount of any of the ingredients.

L-Arginine alone calls for a dose of 3-5 GRAMS per day, clearly far more than Alpha Force Testo can even come close to. It’s hard to believe there’s enough of any ingredient at all to be effective.

How to Use Alpha Force Testo

The recommended dose is 2 capsules per day with food, making sure to leave a cushion of 2 hours between taking Alpha Force Testo and any medications you may take.

Where to Buy

Alpha Force Testo is primarily sold at their official website, which you can usually access through “review” sites designed to funnel visitors through to their website. Once you get there, if you want to order, you must sign up for their free trial offer.

If you haven’t heard about these online free trial scams yet, it’s probably a good idea to take a moment to read our article explaining the whole process: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Now let’s look at how it works in the particular case of Alpha Force Testo.

On the Alpha Force Testo home page, they urge you to “Hurry! Claim Your Trial Today!”


Alpha Force Testo Hurry claim your trial today image


They don’t actually say the word “free” in this case, but it’s absolutely implied, and when you click through, the price is shown as “$0.00”.


https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/alpha force testo order page


And this is where most customers think it ends. You get a free trial, and if you like it, you can order more. But this is definitely not the case. If you check into the actual Terms Document for the deal, you’ll learn the full story.

Alpha Force Testo Terms Image

In case you can’t read that fine print, let me spell it out for you. When you sign up, you pay a $4.95 shipping fee, and they send you a 30-day supply for an 18 day trial. At the same time, they sign you up for a monthly autoship program where you get a new full price bottle each month.

If you don’t want to be charged for the original bottle and you don’t want to receive a full price bottle each month, you must call Alpha Force Testo to cancel the subscription – you know – the one you had no idea you were even signing up for.

If you don’t make the call, 18 days after you placed your trial order, they will charge your card $89.41 for the original bottle, and that same amount plus shipping every month from then on out.

I get emails from guys every day who thought they were signing up for a no-strings attached deal only to get ambushed with hundreds of dollars in charges over the next few weeks and months.

I try to warn as many people as I can, and to reveal as many specific products as possible, but there are so many on both sides, it’s impossible to reach them all.

Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with a monthly subscription, the problem is more that most people don’t know that that’s what they’re signing up for, and Alpha Force Testo does that by design. If customers don’t understand the terms of the deal, then they’ll get at least a month or two of charges out of them before they catch on and call to cancel.

Even once they know to call, it’s often difficult to reach the company, and when you finally do, they make you haggle and fight to get your refund and/or cancel future payments.

How To Contact Alpha Force Testo

The phone number listed on the Contact Page of the Alpha Force Testo website is 1-855-904-9282, with customer service hours listed as 9:00am to 9:00 pm Monday through Friday and 10:00am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, all times Eastern Standard.

Are There Any Other Ways to Buy It?

One aspect about Alpha Force Testo that’s at least a little better than a lot of other Free Trial products is that it’s also sold (at least for now) on Amazon, and the price is much more reasonable too.

A one month supply will only set you back $32.97, and it’s a one-time purchase, no strings attached.

Alpha Force Testo Reviews

Because it’s sold on Amazon, we have access to customer reviews, and in the case of Alpha Force Testo, the reviews actually look quite good.


Alpha Force Testo Amazon Review overview


That’s a pretty good record, with many that look similar to these:


Alpha Force Testo Amazon Reviews


Alpha Force Testo Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Force Testo

  • There are plenty of good ingredients in the formula.
  • It’s available on Amazon for a very reasonable price.
  • The majority of Amazon reviews are very favorable.
  • The ingredients are all natural.

Disadvantages of Alpha Force Testo

  • It’s easy to get caught up in the free trial scam (tons of guys do!)
  • The ingredient amounts – especially tho ones in the proprietary blend – seem way too low to have any real benefit.

Alpha Force Testo – The Bottom Line

Without having tried it myself, I’d say that in most respects, Alpha Force Testo is a pretty average natural testosterone booster. It’s not the worst I’ve seen, and it’s certainly not the best either.

I do like the formula, except for the tiny amounts that must make up the 197mg proprietary blend.

I would not recommend signing up for the free trial, unless you are fully aware of the terms and willing to make sure you follow them to the letter to make sure you don’t get charged more than $80 for something you can get for less than $35.

That’s what I would advise. If you like all the positive reviews on Amazon, buy it there. That way, you’ll pay less than half of what you’ll pay through the website, and you don’t have to worry about getting caught up in monthly payments.

Have You Used Alpha Force Testo? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

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#2 – Prime Male

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#3 – Testofuel

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50 Foods That Boost Testosterone Naturally

I’m often asked what’s the best way to increase testosterone, and usually the answer is pretty simple: Get more sleep, lose weight, lift heavy, avoid certain foods, and reduce stress.

The #1 thing that will help boost your testosterone levels is simple: diet.

With that said, putting together the perfect diet is no small (or inexpensive) feat!

Which is why, generally speaking, I turn to supplementation to help fill the void.

Update! 5-7-2021

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium

It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best natural ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

If you’re looking for an effective testosterone boosting supplement, check out a product called Prime Male.

prime male testosterone review
Read my full review here.

It’s by far the most effective all-natural Testosterone boosting supplement we’ve tested to date, and we’ve tested 100’s of them.

Click Here to read my full review of Prime Male.

I’ve put together this list of 50 foods that increase testosterone, as well as arguments as to why they do so.

I’ve broken this down by category to make it a bit easier for you to figure out exactly what you need.

Fruits / Veggies
Healthy Fats

For an abbreviated version of this list, check out my “5 High Testosterone Foods You Must Be Eating“!

Fruits / Veggies

1.) Kiwi

kiwi for increased testosterone

Native to north-central and eastern China, Kiwifruit is rich in Vitamin C and E, and a good source of dietary fiber. (Source)

Studies on Vitamin C have shown to preserve testosterone concentrations, as well as reducing levels of circulating cortisol.

What does this mean for you?

Well, increased levels of cortisol are released in the adrenal glands during instances of stress.  Because testosterone is released in the adrenal glands as well, this can have a direct influence on how much testosterone the adrenal glands are pumping out.

Kiwi will help to reduce the amount of cortisol released, effectively boosting testosterone.

2.) Oranges

oranges for testosterone

Don’t like the taste of Kiwi?  Well, who doesn’t like the taste of oranges!?

Similarly to kiwi, Oranges and orange juice pack a HUGE dose of Vitamin C, which has all of the same benefits we discussed above.

Not only will it lower circulating cortisol levels, but it has numerous other benefits, including protection against auto-immune disorders, cardiovascular issues, and even with skin texture. (Source)

3.) Grapefruit

Another great food that builds testosterone is grapefruit.

For those who aren’t big fans of Oranges, Grapefruit is a great alternative.

Not only can grapefruit lower your blood sugar and promote regularity, because of it’s Vitamin C content it can also increase testosterone.

However, you have to be careful about consuming too much Grapefruit.

You know those warnings you see about grapefruit on medication labels?

grapefruit medication warning on label

Well, it turns out that consuming grapefruit can overwhelm the liver by metabolizing it through the P450 pathway, or the same pathway that medications are typically metabolized through. (Source)

This can cause a host of problems, and you should definitely heed the warning if you’re taking any medications that have it.

It’s also speculated that grapefruit can actually LOWER testosterone levels by increasing estrogen levels.

Studies have yet to prove this, and anecdotal reports also seem to support the idea that it shouldn’t have ANY effect on testosterone levels. (Source)

Grapefruit is definitely a tasty choice, but I would put it lower on my list if I were you.

4.) Pineapple

does pineapple increase testosterone

Pineapple has always been my favorite choice when it comes to fruit.  Not only does it taste great, but it’s also a testosterone rich food.

For one, it contains a health dose of Bromelain, which is an enzyme that is literally only found in pineapples and bananas.

In a study involving 15 highly trained competitive cyclists, Bromelain was shown to reduce fatigue AND maintain testosterone concentration. (Source)

It’s unclear why this was the case, but it’s suspected to reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammation, which results in faster recovery times.

Pineapple also contains an average dose of 432 mg of Vitamin C per serving, which gives it all of the testosterone boosting benefits we discussed above.

pineapple for increased testosterone

If you’re looking for a great natural food to help this, pineapple should definitely be on your testosterone boosting foods list.

5.) Tomatoes

tomatoes for boosted testosterone

Depending on who you ask, Tomatoes can be classified as either a fruit OR a vegetable.

Tomatoes are a major dietary source of Lycopene, which is an antioxidant with numerous health benefits.

I know what you’re thinking!

Isn’t lycopene a food that LOWERS your testosterone?!

Well, that’s what a study on the matter found out.

Hear me out first…

The study, which involved rats, showed that by pumping them with a big dose of lycopene, phytofluene, or tomato powder, serum testosterone concentrations were recorded at 30% – 40% LOWER than the control group.  (Source)

HOWEVER (and this is a BIG however), the amount of lycopene they were force feeding these rats was the human equivalent of eating 3.3 tomatoes PER DAY.

Would you eat 3 – 4 tomatoes per day?

Most people don’t.

Tomatoes have been mentioned as a leading food to boost testosterone by numerous outlets, including Livestrong.com.

6.) Red Bell Peppers

red bell peppers for increased testosterone

Red bell peppers contain a pretty significant dose of Vitamin A, which was linked to an increased production of testosterone in an abundant amount of animal studies.

In one study, which involved rats, showed that increased Vitamin A consumption resulted in decreased estrogen production in male testicles. (Source)

This same study also noted increased basal testosterone secretion, and an increased transport of Iron, whose absorption increases with increased testosterone.

Perhaps the most intriguing study conducted on Vitamin A’s effects on testosterone was one conducted on 102 teenage boys suffering from delayed puberty.

In the study, which was divided into 4 groups, the group that received Vitamin A and Iron therapy saw practically the EXACT same results as the group given ACTUAL testosterone injections. (Source)

Sure, you can get Vitamin A from many sources, but Red Bell Peppers have LONG been considered one of the best foods that raise testosterone production naturally.

7.) Bananas

bananas for increased testosterone

The jury is still out on Bananas and their effect on testosterone function, but there is some evidence that this fruit possess libido enhancing effects.

Because it contains a healthy dose of Vitamin B6, some studies have indicated that a diet insufficient in Vitamin B6 consumption can actually REDUCE circulating concentration of testosterone in plasma. (Source)

In short, if you’re deficient in Vitamin B6, it can have a HUGE impact on your overall testosterone levels.

Just like with Pineapple, Bananas also contain Bromelain, which as we mentioned earlier helps with maintaining testosterone concentration.

8.) Watermelon

watermelon boosts testosterone

Some of you may have seen Watermelon in my article on foods that actually lower testosterone, but hear me out.

Watermelon has been revered by some in the scientific community as being natural viagra, primarily due to its L-Citrulline content.  (Source)

L-Citrulline converts to L-Arginine in the liver, and when this happens it causes a process called Vasodilation.

During vasodilation, the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the cell walls relax, allowing for increased blood flow.

Along with this increased blood flow comes, you guessed it, better quality erections.

While it’s unknown as to whether or not Watermelon will ACTUALLY increase your testosterone levels, it will certainly make you feel like it’s shot up!

9.) Grapes

grapes help with increased testosterone function

Specifically red grapes, the skin contains resveratrol, which is a proven aromatase inhibitor.

What does that mean?

Well, Aromatase inhibitors are actually a class of drugs that are used to treat gynocomastia in men.

They’re also very popular in bodybuilding

10.) Blue Berries

blueberries and testosterone

Blueberries actually contain two substances that work to naturally increase testosterone levels.

Like grapes, blueberries – specifically the skin –  contain resveratrol, which works as an Aromatase inhibitor blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

It stands to reason that if less testosterone is being converted in to another substance, you get the benefit of more active testosterone in your system.

Not to mention that as a guy working on his body, want as little estrogen as possible coursing through your veins.

Calcium-D-Glucarate is the other relevant substance in blueberries.

It acts as an estrogen blocker to help maintain a testosterone positive hormone profile in your body.

Calcium-D-Glucarate is actually used to treat some estrogen dependent cancers (though the evidence for its effectiveness so far is inconclusive). (Source)

Additionally, blueberries provide Vitamin C, which we talked about above for its antioxidant and testosterone boosting benefits as they relate to decreased cortisol levels.

With all these testosterone related benefits, it’s hard to deny blueberries are one of the best choices if your goal is to increase levels naturally.


11.) Turkey

turkey boost testosterone

Lean meats like turkey provide protein, the building blocks needed to produce lean muscle mass.

You might be thinking increased testosterone needs to come before increased muscle, and that’s true, but it also works the other way.

Engaging lean muscle in resistance exercises (weight lifting) increases testosterone production for hours after the exercise occurs.

The more lean muscle mass there is in your body, the more testosterone you produce while engaging in resistance exercises because the more muscle that’s engaged, the more testosterone is produced.

That’s why compound exercises – those using more and bigger muscles groups – are considered best for increasing testosterone in generally.

The protein content in lean meats combined with resistance training, therefore, works to improve testosterone levels.


Turkey affects testosterone in another way that’s unique to turkey, not true of all lean meats.

Turkey contain Tryptophan and Zinc, both of which can help boost levels.

Tryptophan is the chemical in turkey that makes you feel sleepy after you eat it; it does this in part by decreasing the release of cortisol – that stress hormone we talked about with some of the other food types.

Cortisol will lower testosterone production levels, so lowering Cortisol has the residual effect of boosting testosterone.

Zinc is a necessary component in the chemical reaction that creates testosterone in your body, so its presence helps prepare you better to produce the hormone.

In fact, studies have documented a positive correlation between zinc levels and testosterone levels.


12.) Boneless / Skinless Chicken

boneless skinless chicken for testosterone

We’ve already talked about how increasing your protein intake will help fuel your workouts and the get you the muscle building results you’re after, which then increases your testosterone levels by providing you with more lean muscle to engage.

One 3 1/2 ounce serving of chicken comes in at a respectable 31 grams of protein, but there’s more to it than that.

In addition to being a rich source of protein, meat also provides an abundance of fat, and depending on the type of meat, either a lot of a little of it is saturated fat.

While saturated fats turn into cholesterol which actually helps produce testosterone, too much could contribute to heart disease and/or Type 2 Diabetes.

Boneless, Skinless Chicken contains some needed saturated fat, but far less than some red meats, making it a good choice for balancing your need to produce testosterone and your need to remain heart healthy.


13.) Sirloin Steak

sirloin steak increases teestosterone

Considered a lean cut of beef, Sirloin Steak comes in at about 24 grams of protein per 3 ounce serving and 5 to 12 grams of fat, a third of which is saturated fat. (Source)

This makes it a trade off when it comes to all the potential health benefits and drawbacks.

The testosterone boosting advantages of the protein and saturated fat and cholesterol need to be weighed against the artery clogging and potential cancer causing properties of the meat.

Your body needs saturated fat and cholesterol to produce testosterone, so cutting these out entirely will not serve your purpose here. (Source)

Your testosterone levels will also benefit from the 5 mg of zinc in that 3 ounce serving of Sirloin Steak.

Putting other potential health drawbacks aside, you can’t argue that a nice lean sirloin steak doesn’t have a positive effect on your testosterone levels, if that’s what you’re working toward.

One study showed very clearly that if you substitute soy products (tofu) for red meat in your diet, your testosterone levels will be decreased by a significant amount. (Source)

The key here is balance; use red meat sparingly to bolster your protein, zinc, and iron intake, but choose lean cuts such as sirloin steaks, and limit your intake to once or twice a week unless you’re in a bulking phase or are on a short term high protein diet for any given purpose.

14.) Lamb

lamb steak increased testosterone

The protein content in Lamb is significant and comparable to that of beef, and the same can be said of the fat content, with lamb coming in slightly higher. (Source)

The fat in lamb is about half saturated and half monounsaturated, supplying the saturated fat and cholesterol necessary for producing testosterone.

The correlation between cholesterol and testosterone has been studied and appears to be solid.


Testosterone Foods Cholesterol Image


In fact, cholesterol is actually a pre cursor to testosterone.

While it’s been vilified as the big bad artery clogger with no redeeming qualities, this is simply not the case as cholesterol is present and necessary in every cell in the body, particularly cell membranes.

It is what allows cells to communicate with each other.(Source)

15.) Beef Liver

beef liver for increased testosterone

Love it or hate it, Beef Liver provides much of what your body needs to maintain high levels of testosterone.

A 4 ounce serving contains roughly 23 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat in only 153 calories, with a little less than half of that fat content saturated. (Source)

While we’re on the topic of testosterone AND overall healthful nutrients in beef liver, we can’t forget that it’s a great source of Zinc as well, which we know to be crucial for making testosterone.

The biggest drawback for liver is its high cholesterol content.

We’ve already discussed how some cholesterol is necessary for testosterone production, but there is definitely a limit and liver has the real potential of putting you over it.

At 403 mg in that 4 ounce serving, Beef Liver comes in well over the total daily recommended intake of 300 mg for healthy individuals.

So if you’re going to use Beef Liver as one of the testosterone foods in your diet, use it sparingly so you get the benefits and avoid the pitfalls.

16.) Ground Beef

ground beef increases testosterone

Ground beef is definitely one of the higher fat content meats you can choose to help increase your protein intake.

In a 3 ounce serving, 80%/20% ground beef is going to give you 23 grams of protein and almost 15 grams of fat (over 5 of them saturated fat) in its 230 calories.

That’s 130 calories in the fat alone, making ground beef something you should use sparingly as you work to incorporate testosterone boosting foods into your diet.

We’ve been talking about all the various meats and how they contribute to healthy testosterone levels, but we haven’t talked about one important thing to consider, and that’s HOW the animals you’re eating are raised.

In today’s world of grain fed livestock pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, it’s important to point out that the best, most nutrient dense and toxin free meats come from grass fed animals.  (Source)

It’s undoubtedly more expensive to by free range, grass fed beef free from hormones and the like, so if it’s not in your budget, get your animal protein where you can, but if you have the means, the more natural the better.

As with the other forms of beef protein, Ground Beef provides a significant amount of zinc as well.

17.) Chuck Roast

chuck roast and its effect on testosterone function

A 3.5 ounce serving of Chuck Roast is also high in both protein and fat at 29 grams and 18 grams respectively, making it another great choice for boosting testosterone levels.

The fact that half the fat is saturated is an added bonus for T levels, though maybe not so great for other aspects of weight management and heart health.

Just like other cuts of beef, a Chuck Roast will provide high levels of zinc to add to its testosterone friendly profile.

Looking at the big picture, Chuck Roast is another good candidate for your menu rotation while you’re eating to increase testosterone, but you need to choose it sparingly to avoid loading up on the kind of fat and cholesterol that could cause problems in other areas of your health.

18.) Venison

venison and testosterone

Venison is leaner than beef and lamb, but doesn’t come on short on the protein side of things.

A 3.5 ounce serving will net you 174 calories made up of 26 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat, 4 of which are saturated.

I know we’ve talked about how you need fat (specifically saturated fat) to produce testosterone, but Venison makes for a good compromise if you’re trying to eat a little leaner than beef will allow.

Certainly, it’s a good way to add variety.

Another great aspect to consider is that deer meat will undoubtedly be free range, so you’re not introducing the toxins and hormones that you might inadvertently get with meats you normally buy in the grocery store.

Just like the other meats we’ve discussed, Venison is also a source for a significant amount of zinc.


19.) Black Beans

black beans testosterone

Black Beans are another good choice if you’re looking to boost testosterone without going too overboard on your fat intake.

At 230 calories, 15 grams of protein, 15 grams of dietary fiber, and less than a gram of fat, it’s clear Black Beans fit the bill.

Add 30% of the recommended daily allowance of Magnesium and 13% of the RDA for Zinc, and this popular health food choice starts looking even better, testosterone-wise.

Magnesium increases the amount of free testosterone in your system by interfering with the Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) that tries to block its availability.

If allowed, SHBG will bind itself to testosterone, making it essentially useless, but when there’s sufficient Magnesium around, testosterone will preferentially bind itself to it instead, allowing it to remain available for use. (Source)

20.) Baked Beans

baked beans increase testosterone

If you’re not a fan of soaking and cooking beans all day, or just want something a little easier sometimes, Baked Beans are a good compromise.

Calories and fat are significantly higher for prepared Baked Beans than they are for its counterparts, but again, when it comes to increasing testosterone levels, this is not a negative.

Although there are many varieties, typically, a 1 cup serving of Bush’s Baked Beans comes in at just under 400 calories, 13 grams of fat (5 of which are saturated), and 14 grams of protein. (Source)

Magnesium and Zinc content are similar to that found in the other legume choices, but you might want to watch out for the high sodium levels, coming in at 44% of the daily allowance.


21.) Coconut Oil

coconut oil testosterone

Figuring out whether or not Coconut Oil is “good for you” can be a tricky thing.

On the one hand, it’s basically 95% saturated fat, so clearly you should avoid it at all costs if you want your heart to keep beating, right?

That’s because saturated fat leads to cholesterol which leads to clogged arteries and heart attacks.

On the other hand, it turns out the saturated fat in Coconut Oil is largely Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), which actually increase metabolism and fat burning, and don’t end up stored.

MCTs do this because they are transported directly to the liver for instant conversion to energy. (Source)

So the counter-intuitive result is that eating more coconut oil in your diet leads to widht loss and

Add that to the fact that the saturated fat increases testosterone production, as we know it does, and it turns out this oil consisting of mostly saturated fat is actually quite good for you.

22.) Red Palm Oil

red palm oil increased testosterone

We’ve covered the fact that a diet too low in fat can lead to lower testosterone levels in two ways: your body needs saturated fat and cholesterol to produce testosterone, and low fat diets lead to an increase in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone – making it effectively useless.

Right alongside Coconut Oil sits Red Palm Oil when it comes to the best types of oil to keep your testosterone levels high.

Like Coconut Oil, Red Palm Oil is also high in saturated fat, making it perfect for boosting T levels.

Unlike the saturated fats found in meat and dairy, plant based saturated fats like that which is found in Red Palm Oil are primarily those Medium Chain Triglycerides we mentioned early, so they don’t make you fat and they don’t raise bad cholesterol levels, ultimately because they are used, not stored.

The added benefit of Red Palm Oil comes from the fact that it provides an abundance of carotenoids, which have antioxiant (and anti-cancer) properties and that they convert to Vitamin A. (Source)

Both Coconut Oil and Red Palm Oil are great for cooking because their high saturated fat content keeps these oils stable at high temperatures.

23.) Olive Oil

olive oil testosterone

In order to produce testosterone, your testes need cholesterol.

Olive Oil can increase the presence of the cholesterol needed for this process and help the Leydig cells in your testes better absorb and use the cholesterol that is present and use it to produce testosterone.

I know it seems counter-productive to add fat to your diet when we know that the fatter you are, the less testosterone you have – in large part because SHBG lives in your fat cells.

But there’s a huge difference between animal fats and plant fats, and the science shows that the best way to get the fats we need to keep our systems running smoothly, without ending up storing it all as excess fats on our own bodies, is to get them from plant sources.

Olive oil is not primarily saturated fat like Red Palm and Coconut Oils; it’s monounsaturated fat, which is considered healthier in most respects than saturated fat.

Yet it has still been shown to increase testosterone levels, in this study by over 17% in just 3 weeks. (Source)

24.) Cod Liver Oil

cod liver oil and testosterone boosting

When we talk about using certain foods to increase testosterone levels, the important thing to understand is that we’re talking about providing your body with the raw materials it needs to produce and maintain optimal T levels.

Cod Liver Oil is exactly what it sounds like – oil extracted from the liver of a cod fish.

It contains plenty of Omega 3 Fatty Acids as well as lots of Vitamins A and D, all of which help provide that perfect environment for building up and maintaining high levels of testosterone.

When Vitamin A and D levels are sufficient (ie not deficient), your body’s resources are not needed to compensate and can be focused on maintaining proper hormone levels and ratios.

The Omega 3s in Cod Liver Oil act in 2 ways: first they help reduce that inflammation that can lead to reduced testosterone, second they keep your insulin response in correct balance which is also known to help boost T levels. (Source)


25.) Sesame

sesame seeds for testosterone

Aside from increasing testosterone levels, an important way to improve your hormone profile as a man is to decrease estrogen.

Sesame seeds contain polyphenols, which can do just that – reduce estrogen levels in the blood.

They are also rich in zinc, which we know is a necessary building block for testosterone and that a lack of zinc leads to decreased levels. (Source)

As an added bonus, studies have shown that adding sesame seeds to your diet can increase sperm count and motility, and can be used to treat certain individuals with issues of infertility. (Source)

Sesame Seeds are easy to add to your diet; you can sprinkle them on vegetables and salads for an added bit of crunch and heartiness, or you can add them to some chick peas, olive oil, and garlic for a great tasting humus to spread on a pita sandwich or use as a dip for vegetables.

26.) Pumpkin

pumpkin seeds increase testosterone

Pumpkin Seeds are commonly found in prostate support supplements.

This is because, like Saw Palmetto, they can help prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is a major cause of prostate problems.

By preventing the conversion to DHT, pumpkin seeds are effectively increasing the amount of testosterone that remains in your blood.

Pumpkin Seeds also contain Zinc which correlates to not just healthy testosterone levels but healthy sperm and sperm count as well.

In addition, they provide a good amount of Magnesium which is also necessary for adequate testosterone.

The benefits don’t stop there as a 1 ounce serving of Pumpkin Seeds provides 5 grams of fat, split pretty evenly among saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated varieties, also adding to their testosterone friendly profile.

You can sprinkle them on salads and other veggies, add them to your protein shake, or just eat them straight from the oven, roasted with a few of your favorite seasonings.

27.) Sunflower Seeds

sunflower seeds and testosterone

Sunflower Seeds are certainly some of the most popular seeds when it comes to just snacking on them straight out of the bag, which is why it’s good news that they’re on this list of testosterone boosting foods.

On the list of reasons these seeds increase testosterone are the:

7 grams of protein per quarter cup serving

16 grams of healthy plant based fats (saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated)

Almost 2 mg of Zinc

Antioxidants are also in the mix, to help maintain optimal health at the cellular level.

But perhaps the most significant contribution is the copious amounts of Vitamin B6 since animal studies have shown a correlation between Vitamin B6 deficiency and low serum testosterone levels (Source)

When you’re carving jack-o-lanterns for your front porch this year, save and roast the pumpkin seeds for a great snack that protects your heart health as well as increases your vitality.

28.) Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds are one of those foods that’s been lately classified as a superfood.

It’s hard to deny their overall healthful components which include: protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

The nutrition profile looks something like this:


Testosterone Foods Chia Nutrition Facts


This profile for some reason doesn’t show the Zinc (1.7 grams), which we know is crucial.

The biggest stories here are the 9 grams of fat which is necessary for producing testosterone and the mineral profile (zinc and magnesium specifically) which are some of the most important building blocks when it comes to male sex hormone production. (Source)

Let’s not forget the Omega 3s and antioxidants which are what really stood out to get Chia classified as a superfood, and the fact that Chia Seeds have been used for centuries (dating back to the Mayans) to provide energy for exercise endurance.


29.) Cabbage

boost your testosterone with cabbage

Cruciferous vegetable like Cabbage are another group that take an indirect route to boosting testosterone levels.

Cabbage et al contain Indole-3-Carbinol, which breaks down and eliminates excess estrogen.

In fact, studies show that healthy men who supplemented with Indol-3-Carbinol demonstrated a loss of estrogen metabolites in their urine samples by half after only one week of supplementation. (Source)

It’s specifically the phytochemicals in cabbage and other plants that provide the estrogen blocking benefits.

But there’s more; Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables fight cancer by inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells. (Source)

This is connected to the estrogen blocking abilities, as blocking estrogen has been used for some time now to prevent the recurrence of cancer in patients in remission.

While you won’t get the fat or cholesterol you need for testosterone production, you’ll get the anti-estrogen factors you also need as well as a healthy dose of Vitamin C and the B Vitamins important for testosterone levels.

30.) Asparagus

asparagus for increased testosterone

Asparagus is often included in herbal supplements designed to increase both testosterone and libido.

It’s known to produce effects associated with increased testosterone levels, including boosted anabolic activity, increased sex drive, and better quality sperm. (Source)

While as is also the case with Cabbage and other vegetables, you won’t get needed fat and cholesterol from Asparagus; you’ll have to get that from some of the other foods on this list.

But Asparagus does have a testosterone friendly nutritional profile that includes both zinc and a large complement of B Vitamins, both important for elevating testosterone levels.

31.) Kale

kale and testosterone

Kale belongs to the dark green leafy family of vegetables, and it’s also cruciferous, so you’re getting double duty testosterone benefits from this superfood.

The fact that it’s abundant in B Vitamins is Kale’s main claim to testosterone fame, but there’s more.

As a cruciferous vegetable, it also provides Indole-3-Carbinol to help fight against too much estrogen minimizing the effect of testosterone and increasing the likelihood of certain cancers. (Source)

Lastly, Kale provides a healthy dose of Magnesium (at 7% of the recommended daily allowance per 1 cup serving) to help boost testosterone levels.

Try sauteing it in Coconut Oil and sprinkling a handful of sesame seeds on top for a nice side dish to go with your sirloin steak for top notch testosterone friendly dinner idea.

32.) Broccoli

broccoli to boost testosterone

Broccoli is another cruciferous vegetable so it helps combat excess estrogen with Indole-3-Carbinol.

Other testosterone boosting factors in broccoli include

Vitamin C (220% of RDA per serving) which we know increases testosterone by reducing the release of cortisol and also boosts your immune system which helps keep you in an anabolic state.

Vitamin B6 which is essential for optimal testosterone production.

Magnesium, a mineral needed to produce testosterone.

Broccoli is one of the easiest vegetables to add more of to your diet. One of the best ways in terms of testosterone boosting is to steam it lightly to the point where it’s still just a little crunchy, drizzle Olive Oil over it, and sprinkle with some black pepper.

33.) Garlic

increase testosterone with garlic

Garlic is well known to provide many health benefits including antioxidant protections, immune system support, and maintaining good cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

It turns out it’s also a natural testosterone booster.

Garlic contains a substance called diallyl disulfide, a compound that stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland, which then signals the testes to produce and release testosterone. Source)

On top of increasing testosterone, garlic contains quercetin which is a powerful aromatase inhibitor, meaning it blocks the conversion of excess testosterone to estrogen. (Source)

So when you’re thinking about adding flavor to your testosterone boosting dishes and meals, consider mincing up a few cloves a garlic to make it even more anabolic and hormone friendly.

34.) Spinach

spinach testosterone

Spinach is the quintessential dark green leafy vegetable.

Thanks to Popeye, it will forever be associated with strong muscles, but does this have a basis in fact and is it related at all to testosterone?

The answer turns out to be yes.

Spinach is one of the best sources around for Vitamin A and Magnesium, both of which help the body form testosterone.

In studies, Vitamin A (Retinol) deficiency in rats caused a significant drop in testosterone levels. (Source)

Magnesium has been shown to correlate with free testosterone in the body by having testosterone molecules preferentially bond to it rather than SHBG, which takes your T out of commission.

Spinach provides numerous other health benefits in addition to helping increase testosterone levels, making it an easy choice to add some to your weekly menu.

35.) Brussel Sprouts

brussel sprouts and testosterone

Brussel Sprouts are a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, known to have a positive effect on testosterone levels.

They contain the phytochemicals Indole-3-Carbinol that can flush the system of excess estrogen which not only diminished the power of the testosterone in your body, but also can lead to certain types of cancer. (Source)

You’ll also get plenty of testosterone friendly vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Magnesium.

36.) Cauliflower

Yet another cruciferous veggie, Cauliflower also contains Indole-3-Carbinol, along with its estrogen flushing capabilities.

One of the best things about Caulflower is that if you’re not a big fan of cruciferous vegetables (and I know there are many of you out there), you can disguise it as a healthy substitute for starch in many of your favorite dishes.

There’s Cauliflower Mashed “Potatoes”, Cauliflower Quiche, Cauliflower Fried Rice, and even Cauliflower Pizza Crust.


Testoterone Foods Cauliflower Fried Rice


Add Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Antioxidants, and Fiber to the benefits of Cauliflower and it’s clearly one veggie you should take another look at.

37.) Celery

boost testosterone celery

This one comes as a surprise to me too, but celery contains elements that both increase testosterone and decrease estrogen.

Celery contains plant sterols Androstenone and Anrostenol, which both act like testosterone in the body.

It also contains a phytochemical called Apigenin that helps rid the body of excess estrogen, in much the same way as the cruciferous vegetables do. (Source)

So include it in your green salads, and think of Celery as one of your new go-to testosterone boosting snacks.

Healthy Fats

38.) Peanut Butter

does peanut butter increase testosterone

Generally speaking, all healthy fats are good for your testosterone profile, and that’s true for peanut butter in a number of ways.

First of all, a 2 tablespoon serving contains 16 grams of fat distributed among all 3 healthy kinds: some saturated, more polyunsaturated, and most monounsaturated, which provide the right environment for increasing testosterone.

A benefit more unique to Peanut Butter, however, is the boron content, which has been shown in studies to increase serum testosterone levels in bodybuilders. (Source)

39.) Almond Butter

almond butter increased testosterone

With a similar fat content to peanut butter, Almond Butter is another good choice for boosting testosterone.

Along with the fat content, it’s loaded with testosterone boosting Vitamins and minerals Vitamin E, Magnesium, and Zinc.

We’ve talked plenty about how Magnesium and Zinc increase testosterone levels; Vitamin E is an antioxidant that reduces the oxidative stress and damage that can affect the health and functioning of your testicles. (Source)

Of course, you don’t have to use Almond Butter, you can just pop a handful of almonds as an afternoon or bedtime snack.

40.) Avocados

avocados boost testosterone

Clearly the fat content in Avocados, at 21 grams in a medium sized fruit, most of it monounsaturated, is beneficial to your testosterone levels.

Next on the list is plenty of Vitamin B6 which is used in the body’s testoserone production process.

We know we need saturated and/or monounsaturated fat to make testosterone, and avocados provide that, but with the healthier monounsaturated fat that doesn’t sacrifice your heart for the sake of your muscle building efforts. (Source)

Keep eating the red meat, but mix it up with the heart healthier fats you get from an avocado or two.

41.) Butter From Grass Fed Cows

grass fed butter testosterone

Butter contains a ton of fat, and most of it is saturated.

This is both what caused it to be demonized in the past when everything had to be low in fat (specifically saturated fat), and what causes it to be classified as a T boosting food today.

Testosterone is made from saturated fat and cholesterol like that found in butter. (Source)

Choose Butter from Grass Fed Cows if you want the added benefits of Vitamins A, D, and K and Zinc.


42.) Low Fat Milk

The testosterone boosting components of Low Fat Milk mainly include saturated fat and Vitamin D.

One cup of Low Fat Milk provides 2.5 grams of fat to to help put you in that testosterone boosting state, and about 30% of the daily RDA for Vitamin D. (Source)

You have to be sparing with your milk intake however, because it does also contain estrogen and has been shown to increase estrogen levels in humans when they drink it. (LINK TO SOURCE HERE)

43.) Yogurt

Historically, it’s been believed that yogurt decrease testosterone, or at the very most, it was neutral.

But new studies have shown that it actually helps increase it.

The probiotics (good bacteria) in yogurt have been found to increase luteinizing hormone and testosterone in mice, as well as increase the size of their testes, improve their semen quality, and increase their tendency for social domination (Source)

44.) Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese is not a major player in the testosterone game, but it does play an important supporting role.

With lots of protein and little fat (at least in the low fat varieties) it helps build muscles and lose fat, leading to increased production.

Like milk, it also contains plenty of the Vitamin D you need to boost those levels.


45.) Salmon

Salmon, often considered a superfood in general, is definitely a superfood when it comes to boosting testosterone.

The list of benefits in this fish are Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, dietary cholesterol, B Vitamins, Zinc, and Selenium.

We’ve covered pretty extensively the rest of the listed nutrients, but let me add that Selenium supplementation has been shown to work together with Zinc to boost testosterone in athletes post exercise. (Source)

46.) Sardines

Like some of the other fish choices listed here, Sardines pack a serious testosterone boosting punch.

As an oily fish, they’re probably best known for providing an abundance of Omega-3s, but they also contain megadoses of protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Selenium, and even D-Aspartic Acid.

You may recall that D-Aspartic Acid is one of the few nutrients/supplements proven to have a direct and marked effect on testoserone levels in just 2 weeks. (Source)

Sardines are definitely the kind of food you either love or hate; if you’re on the love side, now you have even more reason to include them in your diet.


47.) Honey

Honey contains 2 nutrients that benefit testosterone levels: Boron and Chrysin.

Boron has been shown in some studies to increase free testosterone levels, by inhibiting the activity of SHBG, a protein that binds up much of your total testosterone molecules. (Source)

Chrysin also helps boost testosterone by inhibiting its conversion to estrogen.

Taken together, that’s a one-two punch from Honey against forces that lower testosterone.

48.) Raw Chocolate

Raw Chocolate or Cacao is a great testosterone boosting food to add to your menu.

The fat content is perfect at about 60% saturated and 40% monounsaturated, leaving almost no room for the polyunsaturated fat you don’t want.

On top of that, it’s loaded with antioxidants and provides decent amounts of magnesium and zinc. (Source)

It’s easy to fit into your diet too – just drop a tablespoon or two of raw cacao powder into your protein shake for a little flavor with your T boost.

49.) Parsley

Parsely contains Apigenin, the same testosterone boosting element as Celery.

Apigenin increases the presence of the molecule that transports cholesterol to the leydig cells in your testicles in order for it to be converted to testosterone.

Parsely is easy to add to your diet, it’s a mild spice and garnish and blends easily into a protein shake or smoothie.

50.) Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper is commonly used in sexual performance enhancement supplements for its positive effect on circulation, which is good for erections.

But it’s recently been shown to also increase free testosterone in rats. (Source)

The way it works is that the Capsaicin content decreases the effect of grhelin, which triggers hunger when you are on a reduced calorie diet, so that when you’re eating a calorie deficit, your testosterone levels won’t decrease as they do without the Capsaicin.

That’s 50 foods in all that you can eat to increase your testosterone levels naturally.

You don’t have to get to all 50, but a list this long gives you plenty to work with.

Testosterone boosting supplements will often contain many of the nutrients we’ve listed, and supplementation is great, but it’s even better to be armed with real foods to provide the broadest compliment of testosterone boosting nutrition possible.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Erorectin Review: Does It Really Work?


What Is Erorectin
How Erorectin Works
Erorectin Ingredients
How To Use Erorectin
Erorectin Side Effects
Who Makes Erorectin
Where to Buy
Erorectin Reviews
Erorectin Benefits
Erorectin Drawbacks
Erorectin Conclusion

I get readers asking me all the time to  check out the latest supplements they’ve come across. Although I don’t personally try every single one (I do my best but there’s only so much time), I do try to research and form an educated opinion on whether or not each one is worth your and my time and money. A week or so ago, one of my visitors asked about Erorectin.

What Is Erorectin?

When you’ve researched and tried as many male enhancement supplements as I have, it becomes second nature to note a few things right off the bat about any new pill you see in the marketplace.  For instance, who is the product marketed to?

Are they going for young guys wanting to take their already perfectly adequate game to new heights?  This would be indicated by racy images of barely dressed women fawning all over a twenty-something man they clearly can’t get enough of.

erorectin reviews

Or are they trying to appeal to an older crowd, in which case they tend to show images of vital looking men in their 50s enjoying a full and satisfying day at the beach with their pretty and also fully satisfied wives.

Erorectin falls squarely in the second category on this one. The only marketing image on their website is actually a older gentleman sitting on the edge of the bed looking disappointed in himself after apparently let his wife down (presumably not for the first time).

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/09/embarrassed

They also clearly list the ingredients, refer to scientific testing, and don’t overly hype the claims.

This is a bit refreshing when it comes to male enhancement products of this type which often times get fairly over-zealous with their claims and really try their best to sell you on bold promises that more often than not, they won’t even be able to fulfill.

Another question I instinctively ask is are they selling size increases as part of the deal?  This is an important clue about what kind of company is selling and marketing the product. The unfortunate truth is that no pill is going to provide you with a  permanent size increase. If they’re any good, they will help you have a bigger erection, but no matter how good it is, you can’t do nothing but take a pill and expect to see inches added to your length or girth.

Although Erorectin does mention size once or twice, they don’t push the permanent growth narrative, leaving itself open to being interpreted as improving erection size, not permanent size.

With these two questions answered, I began my in depth research with the understanding that Erorectin is a male sexual performance enhancement pill designed for and marketed to middle aged men, old enough to have grown out of the conquest mentality, but who want to improve what they perceive to be their lagging sex lives.

How Erorectin Works

Erorectin is a daily supplement. The ingredients build up in your system over time, and after about 2 to 3 weeks of regular use, it puts you in position to be ready for sex any time the opportunity arises. No need to take a pill an hour before, you’ll already be ready.

To be clear, being ready means you’ll find yourself with:

  • A boosted libido.
  • A better erections.
  • More energy.
  • Increase stamina.

All you need to perform like you used to.

Erorectin accomplishes this with a combination of libido enhancers, blood flow ingredients, and natural testosterone boosters. Next, let’s take a more detailed look at these.

Erorectin Ingredients

The Erorectin website is transparent enough to display a nutrition label. This is extremely helpful and less common than you might think.

The label first shows several ingredients along with their individual amounts used. These include:

  • Zinc (50 mg) which has been shown to have a correlative relationship with testosterone. Men with insufficient testosterone levels also tend to have insufficient zinc levels. Zinc is used in the chemical reaction within the body that produces testosterone. 50 mg is 33% of the daily recommended allowance which means Erorectin contains a useful amount.
  • Tongkat Ali Powder (400 mg) which may help increase free testosterone levels within your body. It is believed to inhibit the activity of a particular substance (SHBG or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) that attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, making them unable to perform their useful function. There’s not a whole lot of scientific evidence supporting this, but science has shown that Tongkat Ali can improve libido and erectile function. The typical daily dose is 200mg-300mg, so the 400mg in Erorectin should be effective.
  • Maca (250 mg) which has long been known to be a strong herbal aphrodisiac with mood elevation and motivation benefits as well. The recommended daily dose for Maca to improve libido ranges from 1500 mg to 3000 mg, so the 250 mg in Erorectin is probably not going to have too much of an effect.
  • L-Arginine (250 mg) which is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is what’s known as a vasodilator. It relaxes genital blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow through to your penis, creating bigger, harder, longer lasting erections.  The recommended daily dose for erectile function is 3-5 grams, so the 250 mg is Erorectin falls far short.
  • Ginseng Eleutherococcus Blend (125 mg) which increases blood flow as well, and provides energy. It is common to see doses of 400 mg, but more scientific studies for erectile issues have used something closer to  3 grams taken over 3 doses per day.

After that, there’s a Proprietary Blend totaling 745 mg and including:

  • Sarspaparilla Root which may balance hormones.
  • Pumpkin Seed Extract which supports prostate health.
  • Muira Puama which acts as a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Oat Straw which may increase free testosterone.
  • Nettle Leaf which supports prostate health.
  • Cayenne Pepper which improves blood flow.
  • Astragalus Root for supports your immune system.
  • Catuaba Bark which is a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Licorice Root which helps balance sex hormones.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may increase testosterone.
  • Orchic Substance which may also increase testosterone
  • Oyster Extract which contains zinc for increased virility.
  • Boron which has been shown to improve free testosterone levels.

While the list is a good one, it’s hard to believe that the 13 ingredients housed in the 745 mg blend will be present at levels high enough to have any real effect.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

erorectin ingredients label

How To Use Erorectin

The recommended daily dose is 2 pills per day, taken one at a time, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon, each with a full glass of water.  The formula contains no stimulants, so there’s no need for concern about it preventing a good night’s sleep, even if you take it right before bed.

Erorectin Side Effects

Given the natural and low dosage ingredients list, it’s unlikely that you’ll experience any significant side effects. To that end, none have been reported.

The Erorectin website goes so far as to display a “Certificate of Analysis” basically proving that the pills contain no dangerous bacteria, such as E.Coli, Salmonella, or Staphylococcus. While somewhat comforting, it’s not extremely informative about potential side effects.

Who Makes Erorectin?

The bottle indicates that Erorectin is made by a company called Eros Nutrition, but the website claims the manufacturer is a company called PureNature.  I was unable to find any valuable information on either company, which would indicate that perhaps, whichever name they use, Erorectin is likely their only product.

Where to Buy

The only place I found where you can purchase Erorectin is their official website. A single, one-month supply, bottle costs $42.  3 bottles will save you some money at $96 ($32 each). And your biggest savings comes when you buy 6 bottles for a total of $132 ($22 each).

Each order comes with a free ebook “The Complete Guide to Health for Men” and a 90-day unconditional money back guarantee.

Erorectin Reviews

Because it’s not sold through outside retailers, there are no independently verified customer reviews, but there are some testimonials offered on the product website.

As is always the case, you should take these testimonials with a grain of salt. It’s within the realm of possibilit that they are real, but the better odds are that they are at best cherry-picked, and at worst completely fabricated.

Here’s just one example, and it’s pretty representative of the rest:

I’d include more, but again, I think these testimonials are more about marketing than informative, so we’ll leave it at just this one.

Erorectin Benefits

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The lab testing shows that it’s likely safe (at least in terms of harmful bacteria).
  • There’s a generous 90-day money back guarantee.
  • Erorectin doesn’t make wild promises.
  • The formula works on all three male performance enhancement areas – libido, erections, and testosterone.

Erorectin Drawbacks

  • Most of the ingredient amounts we know of are too low to have much effect.
  • There’s a lack of independent customer feedback.

Erorectin Conclusion

Erorectin is very comparable to most of the daily male performance enhancement supplements on the market today. It presents a solid ingredient list, but unfortunately, the individual ingredient amounts fall  far short of what you’d need to get the full benefits of each.

That said, you would probably experience some degree of benefit, mainly in terms of libido help.

This alone is great as low libido leads to many problems in the bedroom and correcting that can take care of many of them, however, if you are looking for very strong erections as you may expect, you probably won’t find them here.

The price of a single bottle – $42 plus shipping – is not bad, but not particularly good either. The strong point here is the 90 day money back guarantee. If Erorectin is a complete bust, you’re only out the cost of shipping and the time you spend trying it out. But the story is very different if you buy in bulk, bringing the price all the way down to $22 per month with no shipping cost. At this price point, the potentially small benefit may be worth it.

Putting it all together, while I don’t see Erorectin blowing your mind, it certainly fits into a category of products with enough potential value to give it a try.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

FDS CLA 3000 Review – 2 BIG Reasons to Use It

The vast majority of weight loss supplements on the market today contain stimulants. There’s a range of how many and how strong the stimulant content is, but most of them use at least some. The reason for this is that the simple fact is stimulants help you lose weight. And they do it in a number of different ways. They give you energy for workouts and overall motivation, they give you appetite suppression, and they speed up your metabolism. That makes stimulants the true triple threat of weight loss.

But there are plenty of people who for whatever reason, can’t or don’t want to use stimulants. What are these folks to do? Well, while there are fewer choices for this group, there are some. One of which is called FDS CLA 3000, and it’s the supplement we’re checking out today.


When you spell it all out, it’s Conjugated Linoleic Acid made by Factory Direct Supplements. CLA for weight loss is no secret. While it doesn’t work the way traditional (ie stimulant) weight loss compounds work, there is solid evidence that CLA improves body composition and helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

But First, What Is CLA?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a fatty acid found in certain meats and dairy products. The CLA in FDS CLA 3000 comes from Safflower Oil. According to WebMD, some animal studies have shown that it reduces risks of heart disease and certain cancers, while enhancing the immune system.

As for weight loss, one study of 180 overweight participants, both male and female, showed that after a year, those taking CLA lost an average of 4 pounds without changing their eating or exercise habits, while those taking the placebo lost no weight. More significantly, those taking CLA experienced a 9% loss in body fat with improvements in muscle mass.

The study participants not taking the placebo took either 4.5 of 80% CLA or 3.6 grams of 76% CLA daily. Those with the higher dose had more significant results.

FDS CLA 3000 Ingredients


FDS CLA 3000 Ingredients


What’s in FDS CLA 3000 is 3 grams Safflower Oil at 80% CLA, providing you with 2350 mg of CLA per serving. FDS uses only natural, non-GMO CLA from Safflower Oil. It’s made in a GMP/FDA certified factory in the US, it’s suitable for both men and women who want to boost their metabolism and lose weight without stimulants.

Where to Buy

You can purchase FDS CLA 3000 through online retailers like Amazon.com and in brick and mortar stores like Walmart. Currently, the price in generally between $19 and $25 depending on where you look.

Some purchases (like those made through Amazon) are covered by a money back guarantee, so you’ll want to be sure to check around if you decide to try it.

FDS CLA 3000 Reviews

FDS CLA 3000 is available on Amazon, and that means Amazon reviews. There are only about 20 so far, but at this point, they are mainly positive. People talk about having a suppressed appetite as well as simply improved weight loss results:

Here’s a very enthusiastic review from J:


FDS CLA 3000 Positive Review 1


And here’s another from Janefer:


FDS CLA 3000 Positive Review 2


Of course, not everybody is quite so enthusiastic. One customer simply put it this way:


FDS CLA 3000 Negative Review


Of course, some of the hype about CLA says it works without changing your diet or exercise habits, and truthfully, this probably comes from the study we mentioned above. The participants were told not to change their daily routine.

But if you think about it, their results were good, but not quick. They lost just about 5 pounds in a year by not changing much or anything at all besides taking CLA. I don’t think this weight loss rate would satisfy most people who are actively wanting to lose weight.

They would need to decrease their caloric intake and increase their exercise output in order to achieve the kind of results they really want.

If you’re looking for some help in that area, check out this article: How To Lose Weight for Good

I ordered a bottle of FDS CLA 3000 and plan to have a member of my staff try it out. I’ll update this review here with our results when that takes place.

FDS CLA 3000 – The Bottom Line

People who don’t want to use stimulants don’t have a whole lot of options when it comes to weight loss supplements, but CLA is one very viable option. Clinical testing is beginning to show what this fatty acid is capable of, and the news is good.

FDS CLA 3000 is made by a trustworthy company in a certified factory, using the right concentration of CLA at 80%. The dose of 2350 mg per serving is a little on the low side, but with the lack noted side effects, taking an extra dose is a viable option if you feel you aren’t getting the expected benefits from the single dose.

Given the price and the promise, FDS CLA 3000 is certainly worth adding to your weight loss supplement arsenal, especially if stimulants aren’t your thing.

Have You Used FDS CLA 3000? Leave Your Review Below!

Steelcut Testosterone Review – 2 BIG Reasons Not To Buy It


What is Steelcut Testosterone
Was SteelCut Testosterone Featured On Shark Tank
What About Steel Cut Testosterone And Muscle Boost XT
Steelcut Testosterone Ingredients
How To Use Steelcut Testosterone
Are Their Any Side Effects
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line

Once you hit a certain age, usually somewhere between 35 and 40, you start to notice a few things changing. You’ve got a little spare tire popping up where your abs used to be. Your workout wears you out long before it used to. You can’t eat what you used to without getting heartburn or gaining fat. Your interest in sex is less than it was.

For some people, understandably so, these changes can cause a bit of a slump and can really send a man into a bit of a down time longing for the old days.

Throughout history, this has just been chalked up to getting old, and for good reason. These are some of the negative effects of age on the male body. But to a large extent, this is not just attributable to age in general, but to a very specific component of age – the loss of testosterone.

When you were a teenager, you had more testosterone than you knew what to do with, and in your twenties, you had plenty to keep you upbeat and active. After that, levels drop low enough to start noticing the effect, and it’s up to you to do something about it or not.

testosterone decrease by age

Staying fit and active, getting enough sleep, and eating the right foods are steps in the right direction, and so is taking a good, quality testosterone boosting supplement.

We review plenty of them around here, personally testing dozens ourselves, letting you know which you should narrow in on and which to completely avoid. I recently looked into the one we’re talking about today.

It’s called Steelcut Testosterone, and by the time you’re finished reading, you’ll know exactly which category it falls into and exactly why.

What is Steelcut Testosterone?

steelcut testosterone reviews

Steelcut Testosterone mainly focuses on the bodybuilding/fitness benefits you can get with increased testosterone, but it doesn’t completely discount the sexual benefits such as increased drive. By including Steelcut Testosterone in your daily regimen, you’ll start to see:

  • Increased lean muscle.
  • Improved focus and retention.
  • Boosted stamina in both the gym and the bedroom.
  • Increased fat burning.
  • Greater sex drive.

These are generally in line with what we expect from a natural testosterone booster, so we’re off to a good start. The benefits would not be as pronounced as they would if you received actually testosterone from your doctor through the use of creams, gels, or injections. But on the other hand, unlike the prescription options, the side effects are nothing or next to nothing.

The idea behind Steelcut Testosterone and other similar supplements is that your body can be encouraged to produce an increased amount of its own natural testosterone, so you get the benefits of the increase, but the change is more mild, and less prone to cause side effects.

More on this below.

In short, no…

Many of you are probably getting to this review after seeing an article stating that Steel Cut testosterone (or some other supplement) was recently developed by the “Kim sisters” and landed a huge $1.5 million investment on Shark Tank.

The article usually looks something like this:

kim sisters on shark tank promoting testosterone pills

Look familiar?

I thought so…

Well, the simple truth of the matter is, it’s complete B.S.

There was NO miracle testosterone booster that was developed, there’s no “Kim sisters”, and this is NOT the Fox News website.

I break down the entire scam in this article here, check it out.

FYI, there are a ton of these types of fake ads floating around.  Another recent one I wrote about was about a weight loss pill called Slimfit 180.

In that particular article, they were claiming that Anna and Samantha Martin were behind this product, and landed some huge deal on Shark Tank.

Well, they didn’t.

These days, tons and tons of supplements will boast that the beginning of their success was hatched after a successful pitch debut on Shark Tank, the idea being that many people love that show and will jump at a product that was featured on it.

Next, we’ll take a look at the Steelcut Testosterone formula to see if it’s one of the few that can actually live up to its own hype.

What About Steel Cut Testosterone And Muscle Boost XT?

Some of you guys have been emailing me about the combo of Steelcut and Muscle Boost XT, and to be honest, the straight up answer here is that it’s likely also a scam.

There are a lot of ads floating around that tell you to combing a certain testosterone booster with either a pre workout supplement or nitric oxide (NO) supplement.

The site you end up on usually looks something like either Mens Health or “Mens Health and Life”, and will have some weird headline that “Hugh Jackman cured his ED permanently with this combo”.

Something like this:

steelcut testosterone and muscle boost xt

I’m not going to go into too much detail on WHY these are complete scams, but you can read more about how the scam works in this article and this article.

Steelcut Testosterone Ingredients

As is the case so often with supplements sold online, there is a little confusion over what the complete ingredient list actually consists of. I did find what looks like their official website, and this website contains an ingredient list, or at least the highlights of an ingredients list, so we’ll go with that.

When you go to the official SteelCut Testosterone website, here’s the ingredients that are listed:

steel cut testosterone ingredients

And here’s how those ingredients work:

  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium) which is an aphrodisiac that can also help increase blood flow for better erections. It’s doesn’t have a demonstrated effect on testosterone exactly, but it does mimic some of the effects of increased testosterone.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which can increase free testosterone by inhibiting its conversion to DHT. Some of the testosterone in your body converts to DHT, a derivative of testosterone that may cause prostate issues and hair loss. Saw Palmetto inhibits this conversion, thereby maintaining higher levels of free testosterone. This extra testosterone is made available for use by the body, and the lowering of DHT helps maintain the health of your prostate.
  • Tongkat Ali Extract may also increase free testosterone, this time by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. SHBG attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, effectively taking them out of commission – making them unusable by the body. Tongkat Ali block some of this conversion, so more of your precious testosterone remains free and available to be used by the body.
  • Orchic Extract which comes from the testicles of bulls and is believed to increase free testosterone levels.
  • L-Arginine is an amino acid that’s used to cause a process called vasodilation.  I talk more about it below.

Other review sites add a few different ingredients to the mix, though it’s not clear whether or not these sources are actually valid. These additional potential ingredients include L-Arginine for increased blood flow and Boron for increased testosterone boosting.

Update:  The REAL Ingredients In SteelCut Testosterone

When I originally wrote this review, I was basing the ingredients profile on what the website was saying, and what others were saying about it.

It looked credible.

However, I was wrong….

DEAD wrong.

This is one of the MAJOR reasons why I don’t like to rely on other sites to get basic ingredient info.

Most of the time, they’re WAY off.

I ordered a bottle of Steelcut testosterone just last week, and got my order in the mail a few days ago.

As you can see from the ingredients label below, it actually doesn’t contain ANY of the ingredients listed on their site.

steelcut testosterone ingredients label

No saw palmetto, no tongkat ali, no l-arginine, no horny goat weed, and no bull testicles (a good thing I guess).

However, it DOES contain a few ingredients I’ve seen in several other testosterone boosters over the years.

Here’s a list of the ACTUAL ingredients in Steelcut Testosterone:

  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Chrysin
  • Diindoylmethane (DIM)
  • Longjack Eurycoma Longifolia root
  • Gamma oryzanol

Some of these ingredients, like Tribulus Terrestris and DIM, are VERY common in testosterone boosters.

I have sort of a love – hate relationship with Tribulus.

Sometimes (like with Test Freak) it seems to work, and other times (like with Troxyphen) it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

How To Use Steelcut Testosterone

Steelcut Testosterone is a daily supplement. The recommended dose is 2 capsules per day. There is no specific time recommendation, so any time is fine, though it’s best to try to take them at around the same time each day.

Are Their Any Side Effects?

The official site for Steel Cut Testosterone mentions that it’s side effect free, but nothing could be further from the truth.

what the official steelcut website says about side effects

For example, let’s take one of the primary ingredients, L-Arginine.

L-Arginine stimulates NO (nitric oxide) production to help improve blood flow.  It does this by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the cell walls, allowing them to get bigger.

The whole process crudely looks like this:

how vasodilation works

When they get bigger, blood can more easily flow.

When blood flows more freely, you get a bigger erection.

This is similar to the way prescription ED medications like Viagra work.

That’s why sometimes l-Arginine is referred to as “natural Viagra“.

However, a VERY COMMON side effect associated with the use of L-Arginine is Low Blood Pressure, or even just changes in blood pressure.  (Source)

This process of vasodilation is NOT restricted to the blood vessels in the penis, but rather it happens throughout the entire body.

As a result of the widened arteries, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood throughout the body.

In direct correlation, blood pressure drops, and in some cases, may drop to an UNSAFE level.

Another potential side effect of SteelCut Testosterone is dizziness, dry mouth, thirst, vomiting, and nosebleed, all of which have been associated with long term consumption of Horny Goat Weed. (Source)

It may also cause heart arrhythmia, however, this has only been reported in limited cases.

Despite the claims, there isn’t a SINGLE supplement on the market that is completely side effect free.

Even some of the products I personally recommend like Testofuel, Vigrx Plus, and Instant Knockout, ALL have the potential to cause adverse reactions.

Where to Buy

Steelcut Testosterone is only sold online and only through their official website, but there are a couple different packages to choose from. If you enter the website through one of the many affiliated review websites, you’ll be given only the option of the “free trial” that turns out not to be so free after all.

Here’s how it works:

  • You sign up for a “Trial” offer by entering your information, providing your credit card number, and paying a small shipping charge of $4.95.
  • They ship you a full size bottle containing 60 capsules, good for a month of use at the recommended dose. (This is where most guys think it ends, but it’s not).
  • Unless you CALL TO CANCEL within 14 days of the day you placed your order, they will charge you $105 for your TRIAL BOTTLE and start shipping you a new full price bottle each month, which they’ll keep doing until you eventually realize the scam and call to cancel.

Steelcut Testosterone isn’t the first company to pull this scam. In fact, it happens all the time. Read our expose on the subject here: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth.

The worst part about it is probably that it’s perfectly legal – scammy and underhanded – but perfectly legal.

Take a look at the “Terms and Conditions” document where they lay it out:


Steelcut Testosterone Trial Terms Image


One of the best features of Steelcut Testosterone however is that they give you the option of buying it with a straight up one time sale as well. Most companies don’t go that route; the only option they give is the trial offer, which so many guys fall for.

If you don’t like the trial option, you have a couple other options with Steelcut Testosterone.

  1. You can buy 1 bottle outright for $42.99 with no further commitment.
  2. You can buy 2 bottles outright for $65.99 with no further commitment.
  3. Or you can buy 3 bottles outright for $91.99 with no further commitment.

Given that these packages are available, it makes no sense to sign up for the monthly autoship program that has you paying $105 per bottle month after month when you can get 3 bottles for just over $30 each.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Steelcut Testosterone

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The formula contains some good ingredients for boosting natural testosterone.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.
  • You don’t have to sign up for the monthly autoshipping program in order to try it at all.

Disadvantages of Steelcut Testosterone

  • There is some confusion over the ingredient list.
  • No ingredient amounts are provided.
  • You could pay as much as $105 per bottle and as little as $31 per bottle depending on which option you choose, and this disparity is not made clear to customers. Hint: Stay away from the free trial; it’s the worst choice of package.

The Bottom Line

In terms of formula, Steelcut Testosterone is nothing to get excited about. There are a couple decent ingredients, but there are plenty left out that could have provided some more testosterone production for the user.

In terms of value, Steelcut Testosterone is all over the place. If you sign up for the free trial and don’t cancel within 14 days, you will get screwed. You’ll pay $105 a month over and over until you realize what’s happening and figure out how to cancel. On the other hand, if you choose one of the other purchasing options, you can pay $31 per bottle. This might seem like a great deal, but really it’s more that the free trial is such a monumentally bad deal. There’s no universe in which Steelcut Testosterone is worth $105 a month. The $31 price tag is much more in line with what it should be.

In the end, mainly because they are clearly trying to milk as much money out of as many customers as possible, I wouldn’t recommend Steelcut Testosterone. It’s not that it’s an awful supplement, just that it’s a mediocre one trying to separate you from far more of your money than they ought to.

Have You Used Steelcut Testosterone? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

TEKMale Male Enhancement Review – 1 BIG Reason It


What Is TekMale
TEKMale Ingredients
Where to Buy
Stacking TEKMale Male Enhancement
TEKMale Reviews
My Personal Results
Pros and Cons

Think about everything you want from a male performance enhancement supplement. If you’re like most men, the list you came up with looks something like this:

  • Bigger, harder erections.
  • An end to premature ejaculation.
  • Increased energy and stamina.
  • More intense, mind-blowing orgasms.
  • Greater confidence in your performance.

Truthfully, a lot of guys would add permanent size increase to their list, but the simple fact is that no pill can give you that. A pill will help with performance, it can make your erections bigger and harder, but it cannot change the size of a body part in any lasting, much less permanent way.

So if we go with this list, it tracks pretty closely with what TEKMale Male Enhancement promises to do.

What Is TekMale?

tekmale reviews

It comes from TEK Naturals, a supplement company who’s stated mission is to provide real nutritional supplement solutions to their customers without resorting to cheap or shady marketing tricks to gain attention or sales. On their official website, they even call out the free trial scammers that we talk about on this site.

If you’re not familiar with how they operate, check out our revealing expose on the whole scam here:

Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

TEK Naturals wants to be known as the “NO B.S. Supplement Company, so chances are they’d be a decent company to work with in terms providing information and good customer service. We’ll look into that end of things more closely after we check into the product itself.

Knowing we can rest assured that TEKMale Male Enhancement won’t screw us over with automatic monthly billing charges is a great start, but it’s not everything. What’s most important is whether or not a product provides the benefits you want, so let’s take a look at the formula, customer feedback, price and value, and determine whether or not TEKMale Male Enhancement is something you want to spend your time and money on.

TekMale wants you to know that according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, if you take people with actual erectile dysfunction and lump them together with those who are unhappy with their size or some other aspect of their performance, you’re talking about more than half the male population, especially the over 40 population.

That sounds like a ton and yes, it is, but when you think about it, it really should not come as too big of a surprise because as humans we all pick apart aspects of ourselves that we would not mind changing and to a man, penis size and performance is one of the ultimate points of self criticism without a doubt.

The point of this is that there’s no shame in wanting a little help, and it doesn’t mean you’re a loser or a womanizer, just that you’re a man who recognizes there’s room for improvement in an important part of your life. The problem and the solution may be as simple and uncomplicated as that. That’s the way TEK Naturals is looking at it, and it’s the way they encourage their customers to look at it as well.

TEKMale Ingredients

Diving right into the TEKMale Male Enhancement formula, we have:

  • L-Arginine (650 mg). L-Arginine is very commonly found in male enhancement formulas. It’s a precursor to nitric oxide which acts as a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels, allowing increased blood to flow through and create stronger, harder erections. The typically recommended daily dose, however is 5 grams per day, so TEKMale Male Enhancement falls short of this by quite a bit.
  • Organic Horny Goat Weed (300 mg). Otherwise known as Epimedium, Horny Goat Weed also acts to increase the amount of blood creating and sustaining an erection. It acts a little more like Viagra than like nitric oxide however. It acts as a PDE-5 inhibitor, preventing blood from flowing back out once it’s become part of an erection.
  • Saw Palmetto (300 mg) which can help increase testosterone by inhibiting it’s natural conversion to DHT. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with some DHT, just that when testosterone converts to it, that means less testosterone, so when Saw Palmetto prevents it, you’re not only protecting your prostate health, but you’re also maintaining higher levels of testosterone, which will help improve your sexual performance.
  • Maca Root (250 mg) which is an herbal aphrodisiac from Brazil. It boosts libido as well as mood and your overall feelings of well being. This is due mainly to its effect on dopamine.
  • Tongkat Ali (200 mg) which can help increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG attached itself to free testosterone molecules, making them essentially useless. By blocking this, Tongkat Ali can effectively increase the amount of testosterone free to do its job of increasing your virility and improving your performance, both in the bedroom and the gym.
  • Ginkgo Biloba (100 mg) acts as yet another enhancement for greater blood flow and better erections. It acts as a libido booster as well.
  • Korean Ginseng (100mg) provides energy and stamina.
  • Tribulus Terrestris (100 mg) may increase natural testosterone production by increasing the amount of Luteinizing Hormone released by the pituitary gland. The LH then signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone.
  • Muira Puama (20 mg) is another herbal aphrodisiac that boosts sex drive.
  • Zinc (5 mg) is a crucial nutrient to the body’s natural production of testosterone. A correlation has been noted between low testosterone levels and low zinc levels, so most T boosting supplements would be wise to add a little zinc to the mix. (LOOK FOR LINK TO PROOF)
  • Yohimbe Bark Extract (37.5 mg) is a stimulant that increases blood flow. It has a great success rate in sexual performance enhancement supplements, but it also comes with its fair share of side effects.
    yohimbe side effects infographic
    Source: WebMD.com

    Most are merely uncomfortable, sometimes very much so. Headaches, dizziness, and nausea are the most common. Though in some people, the effects are more serious, including potentially a serious drop in blood pressure. The dose of 37.5 mg is about low to mid-range as measured by several sources.

Click Here to see a snapshot of the ingredients label.

How To Use TEKMale Male Enhancement

TEKMale Male Enhancement is a daily supplement. The idea is that the ingredients build up in your system, allowing you to be ready anything the mood and opportunity arise. The recommended dose is 3 capsules per day, spread throughout the day, each with a small meal or snack.

If this is inconvenient, it’s perfectly fine to take all 3 at once, just try to take them at the same time each day if possible, to maintain a steady amount of ingredients in your body.

Are TEKMale Male Enhancement Capsules Vegetarian?

All TEK Naturals products are made to be completely vegetarian.

Where to Buy

TEKMale Male Enhancement is not sold in stores, but you do have a couple different online choices to make it fairly easy to get it.

TEKMale Male Enhancement TEK Naturals imageThe first option is the TEK Naturals website which comes with a few options of its own. If you want to by just one bottle – a one month supply – the cost is $74.95. If you buy in bulk, you’ll save on the per bottle price. 3 bottles cost a total of $204.97, saving you about $5.50 per bottle. 6 bottles cost a total of $299.96, saving you about $25 per bottle, clearly the best choice if you know you want to continue using TEKMale Male Enhancement.

There’s yet another option, and that’s the “Subscribe and Save Discount Price” of $63.91. It’s basically an autoship program where you sign up for monthly shipments, saving you about $10 a bottle off the single bottle purchase price. (This is different from the free trial scam in that they’re not trying to entice you with something you think is free – but really isn’t. They don’t promise anything for free at all. In fact they incentivize the program with a reduced price, but nothing for free.

TEKMale Male Enhancement Amazon ImageAmazon.com is the other option. There, you can buy a single bottle for $74.99 plus shipping.

One major problem I’m seeing after looking on Amazon is the reviews.

As you’ll see in the screenshot below, the average rating is 3.6 out of 5 stars, placing it in the average category.

tekmale male enhancement reviews on amazon

HOWEVER, there is a HUGE discrepancy between the positive reviews and negative reviews.

In my experience reviewing supplements on Amazon, I’ve noticed over the years that when there’s a big gap in the overall rating like that, the positive reviews tend to be FAKE and the negative reviews tend to be the REAL ones.

You can read more about how I came to that conclusion here.

It seems the website is probably a better option since TEK Naturals does not charge for shipping and TEKMale Male Enhancement is not available for Amazon Prime 2 day free shipping.

What About a Money Back Guarantee?

TEK Naturals offers a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee on all their products. They note that you simply need to return the unused portion to them and they will refund your money. They do specify, however, that they will not refund empty bottles, so you would not be able to use it for a full 30 days before deciding that it’s not for you. They don’t specify how many pills need to be returned.

Stacking TEKMale Male Enhancement

TEK Naturals also makes a product called TestoTEK. You can check out our full review for it here: TestoTEK Review – The Biggest Reason To Try It

TEK Naturals encourages you to take the two products together if you want the dual benefits of increased testosterone as well as boosted sexual performance. It’s true the two products could be very complimentary in their benefits, as increased testosterone is one way to improve sexual performance, and the increased vitality that comes with boosted testosterone will certainly improve your sexual confidence.

They offer a combo pack where you can get the two products at a $25 total savings for $119.99.

TEKMale Reviews

Since TEKMale Male Enhancement is available through Amazon.com, there are a few independent customer reviews posted to the retail site. At this time, there are only 3 reviews, but they are all very positive.

Here’s an example:

TEKMale Male Enhancement Amazon Review

My Personal Results

At the behest of MANY of my sites visitors, I finally got a chance to try out TekMale.

Unlike most of the other supplements I’ve tested in the past, I actually had pretty high expectations for this test.

I mean, most of the customer reviews I’ve read had nothing but great things to say.

The ingredients label is like a who’s who in the sexual enhancers market.

There was no shady free trial to buy it.

What could go wrong?

Well, for me, a couple things.

The instructions on the label state that you should take 3 capsules a day for at least 2 months.

For me, that was practical, both from the standpoint of having to test out so many different pills, plus I really just wanted to see if it worked.

Well, in fact it DID work.

I got a pretty raging hard-on, could definitely sense an increase in my overall orgasms, and even felt like I may have gotten a tad bit bigger.

So what was the issue?

The side effects.

According to the label, TekMale is pumping 37.5 mg of yohimbe into a full dose of 3 capsules.

Just like with anything I test that contains yohimbe, I usually start off with the lowest possible dose, in this case 1 capsule on an empty stomach.

Since I’ve tested so many products with yohimbe over the years, I’ve felt like I’ve built up a little bit of a tolerance to it.

So instead of my usual “low dose” test, I just said F$%k it and took 3 capsules.

Well that turned out to be a big mistake.

I sure had an erection all right, but I also felt like I was going to throw up at any moment.

Just like with my Libido Max experiment years back, I felt like I had a stomach bug.

Raging nausea, fever like symptoms, heart palpitations, and drooling…

Yup, all the classic signs of the typical side effects you would see with yohimbe.

And all of the things that TOTALLY make you not in the mood fort sex at ALL.

It took about 5 or 6 hours for the feeling to subside, and the next morning I actually felt like I woke up with a massive hangover.

At first, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t take another dose of TekMale ever again.

Then I decided that, in the interest of fairness, I would give it another go.

Instead of being a complete moron and taking all 3 capsules at once, I decided to just take 1 capsule on a full stomach.

BIG difference this time.

I didn’t have any of the classic signs of yohimbe overdose, but I could definitely sense an improved erection quality and increased stimulation.

The only downside in this case was, for me, it actually seemed to cause me to orgasm a bit earlier than I usually do.

This is in direct contrast to their stated goal of “eliminating premature ejaculations”.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of TEKMale Male Enhancement

  • They publish all the ingredients along with their amounts so you know just what you’re getting.
  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • They don’t use shady gimmicks, no surprise sign up for monthly autoshipping.
  • The reviews so far are very favorable.
  • You can bring the cost per bottle way down if you buy in sufficient bulk.

Disadvantages of TEKMale Male Enhancement

  • Terrible side effects for me on a full dose.
  • There’s not a lot of customer feedback yet, so it’s tough to tell how well it’s working in the real world.
  • A few of the ingredients are dosed to low to be very effective.
  • At $75 for one bottle, it’s rather expensive.


After finally having tested TekMale, I’m a bit torn.

On the one hand, I felt like total shit when I took a full dose.

On the other, it seemed to work fairly well at a much lower dosage.

In any event, different guys will respond in different ways to the EXACT same dosage I took, so I can’t predict with any accuracy that you’ll have the EXACT same result.

Do I think it’s worth the $75 price tag?

Not really.

There are plenty of products out there that contain many of the same ingredients, work equally as well, and cost half the price of TekMale.

The 30 day money back guarantee is “nice”.

However, considering the fact that they say you should take it for at least 2 months to see the best results, this hardly gives you the option of getting your money back if it ends up not working for you.

Ingredients wise, I’m a little concerned about the low dose of L-Arginine not being effective, but there are several other blood flow boosting alternatives ready to pick up the slack.

I’m also clearly concerned about the yohimbe content, but that goes without saying for literally ANY pill that contains yohimbe.

Literally each and every week it seems like you hear more and more within the male enhancement supplement community that makes me lean more towards yohimbe being way more trouble than it is worth.

All in all, it may be worth a shot if money is no object and you don’t mind the potential side effects.

If you don’t have the extra dough to spend, and are looking for a “safe” option, look elsewhere.

Have You Used TEKMale Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Clemix Review – Right There in BLACK and WHITE


What Is Clemix
Clemix Ingredients
Are There 2 Clemixes
Clemix Black Bottle
Where to Buy
Is there a Money Back Guarantee
Clemix Reviews
Clemix Pros and Cons
Clemix – The Bottom Line

We’ve talked about literally hundreds of natural testosterone boosting supplements on this website, and I myself have tried dozens of them. What I’ve noticed lately is that products are beginning to separate themselves by the benefits they promise to deliver.

Testosterone is the dominant male hormone, and as such, it has an effect on most of the characteristics we think of as masculine, including both muscles and erections.

Related Article: Testosterone Boosters We’ve Tested

Today, we’re talking about a testosterone boosting product called Clemix.

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less and less testosterone until finally, usually somewhere in our mid 30s to early 40s, we begin to notice. Telltale signs include:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Gaining fat, especially belly fat.
  • Less motivation for working out.
  • Diminished results from your workout when you do get around to it, ie a harder time gaining muscle.
  • Less interest in sex.
  • Difficulty getting and maintaining hard erections.

You’ll notice that there are 2 distinct categories of effects – muscle/fitness and sexuality. More and more, when I see a new testosterone boosting supplement appear on the market, it puts its main focus on either one or the other. It may mention the other as a side or additional benefit, but it mainly promotes one aspect of the benefit of boosted testosterone.

The reason for this is simple – it’s all about targeting your market. Knowing that you can’t be all things to all people, companies realize they do better by focusing more tightly on and catering to a smaller segment of their market, allowing them to better connect with their needs. (Besides, they can market separate products to other market segments).

Clemix White ImageWhat Is Clemix?

Clemix focuses mainly on improving sexual performance in middle aged men. This is the market they’ve chosen to appeal to, noting benefits such as:

  • Bigger and longer lasting erections
  • Greater libido and sexual stamina.
  • Increase sexual confidence.

They even call it a “Male Enhancement System” to drive the point home that this product is designed to improve your sex life by helping you raise your natural testosterone levels.

Clemix Ingredients

The Clemix formula relies on natural testosterone boosters along with pro-sexual nutrients that naturally bolster your capacity for bigger, harder erections.

While they don’t provide an ingredient label with substance amounts, they do include a list of ingredients on their website along with a brief description of how they each contribute:

  • Boron which they claim boosts blood flow for better erections. This claim is actually a little confusing as it doesn’t match up with what we know about boron – that it may help by boosting free testosterone levels. I haven’t been able to find any evidence that Boron increases blood flow.
  • Nettle Extract which they claim to be an aphrodisiac that boosts testosterone and sex drive, though I haven’t found any evidence of this.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and is believed to promote healthy testosterone levels. The Clemix website claims it improves mood, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation and confidence. A look at WebMD however shows absolutely no connection between Orchic Substance and mood.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which helps prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus increasing free testosterone levels and protecting prostate health The Clemix website claims it’s known as the “Viagra of Asia”, though in my experience, this label (or the very similar “Chinese Viagra”) is more often used in reference to Horny Goat Weed.
  • Tongkat Ali which may increase free testosterone by inhibiting the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). The Clemix website promotes its ability to increase blood flow and expand the capacity of the corpus cavernosa, increasing the amount of blood it can hold.
  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) is as we mentioned above often called Chinese Viagra. It works similarly to Viagra in that it increases the flow of blood to the genitals during arousal, causing better, harder, longer lasting erections.
  • Bioperine which doesn’t have sexual or testosterone benefits on its own, but instead acts to improve the absorption of the rest of the ingredients in the formula.

Looking at the formula, I notice a couple of things. Mainly, I’d say it’s decent, but not great. Each of the ingredients can contribute to better testosterone levels and/or improved sexual performance, but there’s no big hitter, and none of them knocks it out of the park.

Next, it’s a little alarming to see the Clemix website making claims about some of the ingredients that just aren’t true. They claim Orchic Substance has a real clear effect on mood and confidence, but I can’t see any evidence to back this up.

I also noted a few typos in the Ingredients Section of the website. While this doesn’t directly affect the effectiveness of the Clemix supplement, it doesn’t do much to instill confidence that this is a professional operation that should be trusted with your health.

Take a look:


Clemix Ingredients Misspellings Image

Are There 2 Clemixes?

While researching Clemix, I came across what looked at first like two different products. The first one, in the white bottle, is pictured above, while here’s the second version, in the black bottle:


Clemix Black Bottle Image


The white bottle is by far the dominant one on the internet, but the black one is out there as well, and I didn’t have to dig very far to find it. The presence of the two different bottles and their respective websites and marketing strategies proves the point we made earlier about how products choose a target market and focus in that one direction.

While Clemix in the white bottle is all about the sexual benefits it provides to aging men, Clemix in the black bottle is all about the bodybuilding boost you get from increased testosterone:

Clemix Black Bottle Benefits Image

So instead of Clemix focusing on just one side of the equation, while creating a separate supplement for the other side of things, they make just the one product, put it in two separate bottles, and funnel their customers through two different pathways, both leading to a purchase of Clemix.

Clemix Black Bottle

The benefits listed for Clemix Black Bottle are markedly different than those promised with the White Bottle. They include:

  • Increased stamina and endurance
  • Better overall strength.
  • Improved post workout recovery.
  • Better muscle definition.
  • And yes, boosted libido as well.

The difference is made clear even just in the images presented on the respective websites.

This one is from the Clemix White Bottle website:


Clemix White Bottle Couple Image


This one is from the Clemix Black Bottle website:


Clemix Blac Bottle Man Image


At first, I wasn’t certain they were the same product. The Clemix Black Bottle website does not list any of its ingredients, which made it that much harder to compare. But when I discovered the contact information for each product, they were indeed the same, proving that Clemix in the white bottle and Clemix in the black bottle are indeed the same product.

Where to Buy

You won’t find either version of Clemix sold in stores. They’re only available online and only through their respective websites when signing up for their “free trial offer”.

Here’s what it looks like on their websites:

Clemix Free Trial Offer White



We talk about these “free trial” offers a lot. In fact, we’ve got a great expose about the scam here:

Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

But here are the specifics of the Clemix Free Trial Offer:

  • You claim your “free trial” by signing up to receive 1 bottle for just the cost of shipping ($4.95).
  • At that time, they send you your 1 month supply AND enroll you in their monthly Subscription Plan.
  • Under the terms of the plan, if you don’t call and cancel your subscription within 14 days from the date you ordered, they will charge you $89.95 for the bottle you thought you were getting for free.
  • From that day on, they will send you a new bottle every month, and charge you $89.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling.
  • This will continue until you cancel your subscription plan.

A recurring plan may not seem like such a bad idea, and the truth is sometimes it’s not. When you know what you’re getting into, you want the product every month, and you get a discount for being on the automatic plan, it could be a great thing.

But unfortunately, that’s not what’s going on here. Let me highlight a few points that make the Clemix Free Trial not such a great offer:

  1. They call it a free trial, but it’s not free at all. Unless you cancel within 14 days (hardly enough time to try it out and see if it works for you), you will be charged for not just future bottles, but for the bottle you signed up to get for FREE. That’s NOT FREE.
  2. They make it difficult to find the explanation of the terms, so most customers have no idea what they’re signing up for. This is no accident. They want you to get caught up in billing and repeat billing that you didn’t expect. It’s how they make their money.
  3. Think about it. This company makes money by tricking customers into buying their product when they thought they were getting it for free. Does that sound like a product that’s likely to provide you with a valuable benefit? No, it sounds like a product that will do anything for a quick buck, including burning through customers.

How Do I Avoid Charges?

If you are reading this after already ordering Clemix but within 14 days of placing the order, you’re in luck. Simply call them at (855) 210-6878 or email them at cs@clemixsupplements.com and tell them you’d like to cancel your subscription.

If you’re too late and they’ve already charged you, you can fight for your money back, but I honestly don’t know that they’ll give it to you. They’re sleazy and underhanded, but unfortunately what they do is not illegal. Even still, you must contact them and tell them to cancel your subscription in order to prevent any future charges.

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

Clemix customer service handles refund requests on a case by case basis. They must be initiated within 30 days of purchase and they may require that you return the product at your own expense. Like I mentioned earlier, refunds are at their discretion, so I can’t say whether or not you’ll be eligible.

Clemix Reviews

Because Clemix is only sold on its official websites, we were unable to find any independent feedback from customers online. There are a few testimonials offered by the company, but these are usually doctored at the very least, and in some cases completely fabricated. So we don’t put a whole lot of stock into them.

Clemix Pros and Cons

Advantages of Clemix

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • Full contact information is provided.

Disadvantages of Clemix

  • It’s only available by signing up for their subscription service (disguised as a free trial).
  • Clemix markets itself as essentially 2 different products, attempting to capture 2 separate audiences for twice the revenue.
  • There are no independent customer reviews to be found.
  • Clinical testing has not been performed on this product.

Clemix – The Bottom Line

With hundreds of testosterone boosting supplements crowding today’s market, it makes sense that many products have chosen to specialize. In the truest sense, specializing would mean adding certain ingredients to bolster the products ability to obtain certain results.

For instance, if a testosterone boosting supplement wanted to specialize in improving workouts, it could add L-Arginine for a Nitric Oxide Boost. Or is it wanted to specialize in sexual benefits, it could add one or more herbal aphrodisiacs to the formula.

But Clemix takes a different approach. Using the same formula and same overall product, they specialize – in a marketing sense only – in both areas. Clemix in the white bottle is the exact same product as Clemix in the black bottle, but they are marketed as two separate products with two separate sets of benefits.

Marketing tricks aside for a moment, the Clemix formula is nothing special, no matter which benefits you want. It’s With Epimedium and Saw Palmetto, it’s probably a bit more effective as a sexual supplement than a muscle building one, but not by much. If it were a great product, we could put aside their advertising transgressions and focus on the real, tangible benefits.

But it’s not a great product, it’s a mediocre one – a mediocre product that pretends to be all things to all men, and tries to trap you into monthly repeat billing on top of all that. Do yourself a favor and skip Clemix. Focus instead on a product specifically designed to give you the testosterone boosting benefits you personally need.

Have You Used Clemix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

True Testo Review – 3 BIG Reason to Stay Away


What Is True Testo
True Testo Ingredients
True Testo Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Where to Buy
Return Policy
True Testo Pros and Cons

With so many natural testosterone boosters being sold in today’s market, it makes sense that many of them choose to specialize in terms of the kind of results they focus on. The easiest and most common division is that between those that boost your sexual performance and those that boost your athletic performance.

But the distinction turns out not to actually be necessary. Boosting testosterone will naturally improve BOTH your athletic and your sexual situation. What ends up happening, however, is that supplement companies will use additional ingredients in the formula that focus on either muscles or sex, giving the final product either one or the other focus.

Related Article: 5 Amazing Testosterone Boosters at GNC

True Testo take a whole other approach.

What Is True Testo?

This testosterone booster claims post workout recovery prominently among its benefits. Again, while boosting testosterone will automatically improve your muscle tone and workout energy and stamina, True Testo claims to use additional ingredients to help with post workout recovery.


True Testo Post Workout


Of course, that doesn’t mean the sexual benefits are completely neglected. They are simply included in the fact that this is a testosterone booster. As a result, you get:

  • Better erections.
  • Greater stamina and endurance.
  • Increased libido.
  • All in addition to the improvement in muscle tone, workouts, and post workout recovery.


True Testo Benefits


True Testo Ingredients

In order to understand how True Testo goes about getting the job done, the first thing we need to do is take a look at the formula, which we did. Unfortunately, one of the first things we noticed here was that ingredient amounts are not revealed. While True Testo provides a list, it does not break the list down to reveal individual amounts.

Any information is better than none of course, but without knowing ingredient amounts, it’s difficult to make a true assessment of how well we can expect a product to work. Nevertheless, here’s the list they provide on their website, with a brief explanation of how each one furthers the cause:

  • Horny Goat WeedHorny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) which increases blood flow to the genitals during arousal, so you find yourself with a better, longer lasting erection. Horny Goat Weed as long had the nickname, Chinese Viagra.
  • Tongkat Ali (aka Eurycoma Longfolia) which may increase free testosterone by decreasing the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG. SHBG attaches itself to testosterone molecules, effectively binding them up and putting them out of commission. With less SHBG allowed to serve its function, there’s more free testosterone allowed to do its job.
  • Saw Palmetto which can increase testosterone by decreasing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Again, this is effectively an increase in useful testosterone by preventing its loss or conversion to something else.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and may increase testosterone naturally.
  • Wild Yam which is known to help balance the male and female sex hormones and increase energy and sex drive.
  • Sarsaparilla which is believed to help boost testosterone.
  • Nettle which can help support the health of your prostate, which improves sexual performance.
  • Boron which is believed to increase natural testosterone levels and help build and maintain muscle mass.

The most important thing to note about the formula at this point is the absolute lack of any ingredient designed to improve post workout recovery. The most important component of any post workout recovery supplement is Branched Chain Amino Acids, or BCAAs. They help jump start the muscle repair process and provide what muscles need to rebuild. These are not present in the True Testo formula, which makes it hard to take them seriously when they talk about post workout recovery.

We mentioned earlier that the above list is the one provided at the True Testo website. We should add that there’s a completely different list that appears on several review websites. The other list includes: Zinc, L-Arginine, Boron, L-Citrulline, Creatine, and several vitamins and minerals. If this were indeed the list, it would be better for post workout recovery indeed, but it wouldn’t be much of a testosterone booster.

In the end, I have to think the official website has the correct list, and that’s the assumption I’ll go on unless and until I get a chance to see the label on the bottle.

True Testo Reviews

Customer feedback is another key way to tell if you’re looking at an effective product. Unfortunately once again, True Testo does not have any customer feedback posted online. I didn’t find any from the company directly, nor is there any posted to independent websites that I could find. This is too bad because again knowing about the experiences of others with a product can really give you a good idea of what you can expect if you give it a try.

Frequently Asked Questions

Was True Testo Max Featured On Shark Tank?

Surprisingly, I get this question a lot.  My guess is no, it was not bought up on the popular show “Shark Tank”.

There’s a fake ad floating around reporting that celebrities like Conor Mcgregor, Floyd Mayweather, and others are taking some miracle testosterone booster.

This is simply not the case, click here to read my investigative report on that.

They also run a similar scam for weight loss pills, check that out here.

Did Matt Lauer try it out?

Again, not likely.  This is somewhat related to the question above.

Where to Buy

True Testo is not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens; you’ll only find it for sale through their official website. They good news is, however, that they offer two ways to buy, and the choice is yours.

  • Option 1 is a straight sale. You simply choose the amount you want to buy, you buy it, and you’re done. If you only want 1 bottle, the cost is $97.99 with free shipping. This will be a one month supply. You can save money per bottle if you buy multiples at once. 2 bottles (a 2 month supply) cost $156.79 with free shipping. If you really want to save, there’s the Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal. That’s 4 bottles (4 months) for $205.75 and free shipping, bringing the per bottle cost to just over $51.
  • Option 2 is a “free trial” offer. You sign up for a “Trial Order” for just $3.99 for shipping and $1.95 for shipping protection, and they send you 1 bottle representing a 30 day supply. At the time of your order, you are automatically enrolled in their membership program which means that 18 days following the day you place your order, they will charge you the full price of $97.99 for the trial bottle, and another $97.99 each month for the bottles they’ll continue to send you.

This Free Trial Option is extremely common in the online supplement business. It’s always at least a little shady, and True Testo isn’t one of the worst offenders I’ve seen. The terms are displayed “above the fold” on the order page, and you are required to click a check box stating that you’ve read them. Some companies don’t even give you that.

But truthfully, the Trial Option, even if it is more upfront than most, is a bad deal. It locks you into the highest per bottle price for the stuff. If you want to keep using it, you’d be better off buying in bulk and paying a little more than half the price you’d be paying each month with the trial option.

Return Policy

The Terms and Conditions document stipulates that for straight sale orders, refunds are handled on a case by case basis with the following stipulations:

  • You may have to return any unused items.
  • A refund may not be available after 30 days have passed since your purchase.
  • Only one refund per customer.

For Trial Orders, the return policy is pretty much the same.

To cancel future orders and/or request a refund, contact customer service at 1-855-486-6039 or support@true-testo.com.

True Testo Pros and Cons

Advantages of True Testo

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s available with under a trial order agreement as well as through a straight sale procedure.
  • Their free trial is a little more honest than most.

Disadvantages of True Testo

  • There’s confusion about what ingredients are actually included in the True Testo formula.
  • The ingredients listed on the website contradict the statement that it’s made specifically with post workout recovery in mind.
  • On the website, there’s a section where they refer to the product as “Dominant Testo” instead of “True Testo”. This is a sign that True Testo is merely a “plug-n-play” supplement used by the company that sells it. It’s a pretty common practice, especially with free trial offers. The free trial pisses off enough people that a bad reputation may begin to build. So they change the name, rework the bottle and marketing a little, then start out fresh again. In this case, it looks like they didn’t proofread their new website closely enough:


True Testo Wrong Product Name Image


Presuming the ingredients in the True Testo formula are what they say they are on the website, you can feel pretty confident that you won’t experience side effects if you use this product. That’s the good news. The bad news is you probably won’t see much in the way of benefit either.

The website specifically touts its post workout benefits, but there are literally no ingredients in the formula that have any direct effect on post workout recovery.

There is no proof that any of the ingredients are directly correlated to protein synthesis, building muscle or general recovery at all and are no studies to point to their effects on bulking up.

Like so many of its competitors, True Testo is a mediocre supplement that may have you feeling a little better, but it won’t provide anything approaching mind-blowing results. If you go into it with this kind of expectation, you will be disappointed. This is especially true if you sign up for the trial and end up paying almost $100 for the stuff. While like I said, there’s a chance you’ll get some benefit, there’s no chance that benefit will be worth $100 a month.

The last nail in the coffin for True Testo is the realization that the company itself accidentally refers to it under a different name on their website. While mistakes happen, this is an indication that the folks who make True Testo have so little real interest in their product that they can’t even keep its name straight.

Essentially, there is nothing about True Testo to suggest that it is any better than other alternatives, and some of their business practices make it seem like a better idea to avoid it altogether.

Will True Testo hurt you? No. Will it help you. Not much. Better to choose something with a proven track record from a company you can trust to have your best interests at heart.

Have You Used True Testo? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Omega Stem Review – 1 BIG Reason to Try It


What is Omega Stem
How Omega Stem Works
Omega Stem Ingredients
How To Use Omega Stem
Where to Buy
Omega Stem Pros and Cons

I don’t know a single person who looks forward to the decline in their mental and physical abilities that inevitably occurs as we get older. We all know it’s coming at some point, but we generally live our lives as though it’s not. We try not to think about it, but on some level, we all know it’s coming.

Related Article:  Panaxcea (Panexitrol) Review – Should You Try It?

But what if there were something you could do about it? Of course, we all know eating right, getting regular exercise, and avoiding harmful lifestyle choices can help. But these are not immediately transformative in the kind of way that would capture widespread attention and be viewed as a miracle cure.

This is where Omega Stem comes in.

Omega Stem ReviewIt’s an anti-aging supplement from Princeton Nutrients that claims to unlock the secret to the kind of cell repair that can keep you looking, feeling, and acting younger. Now who wouldn’t want the benefits of something like this? According to some of the marketing for Omega Stem, it has made a paralyzed women walk and gave a headed for has-been status quarterback the best season of his life.

But it pays to be a skeptic sometimes, and when a product makes bold claims like these, it definitely warrants looking into.

What is Omega Stem?

There’s an “article” floating around the internet, talking about how there’s a secret formula, previously only available to the rich and famous, that’s just now being made available to the general public.

This secret supposedly revived Peyton Manning’s career. As a side note, the article says they can’t legally use the superstar quarterback’s name, but they make it clear who he is by posting a photo of him in his #18 Denver Broncos Jersey.


Omega Stem Article Image


The secret also helped Laura Dominguez, paralyzed from the neck down at 16, who after treatment has experienced significant spinal cord repair and reports a level of feeling she didn’t have before. She continues her recovery today and vows to walk again one day.

Both these stories are at least loosely based in fact. Peyton Manning reportedly used stem cell therapy to help him recover from a neck injury. Laura Dominguez did go to Portugal to receive a transplant of stem cells from her olfactory sinus to her spine. And they each demonstrated great improvement in their conditions post treatment.

Where the story breaks down when it tries to draw a parallel between the procedures used on Manning and Dominguez and the way Omega Stem Works. They had transplant procedures where stem cells from one part of their bodies were injected into other parts of their bodies. The advanced science and technology are truly amazing and inspiring, but this is not what happens when you take Omega Stem

Let’s dive into this a little further.

How Omega Stem Works

While the article spends most of its time talking about the more complicated and expensive stem cell treatment used by celebrities and the wealthy, at the very end, it shifts gears to discuss how Omega Stem works.

Basically, after touting the truly admirable advances in medical technology, the writer – Dr. Bereliani of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and Princeton Nutrients– seamlessly shifts the discussion to the idea that boosting your body’s own natural production of stem cells might have the same effect.

Omega Stem Pill Idea

So while Manning and Dominguez were successfully treated with surgeries involving adult stem cells, their procedures are being used to support the theory that taking a pill will give you the same results? That’s basically what they’re trying to say here, that when you take Omega Stem, your body will produce more stem cells naturally, and you’ll have regenerative results, much like Peyton Manning and Laura Dominguez.

Of course this is marketing and this is how marketing works. Princeton Nutrients wants to illustrate what it believes their pill can do. Since the pill is designed to increase the amount of adult stem cells in your body in order to promote health, rejuvenation, and longevity, they use the astounding results of “related” stem cell procedures to promote the idea. Let’s just say it’s a reach.

Omega Stem Princeton NutrientsBut it does illustrate the point Princeton Nutrients is trying to make, that increasing the number of stem cells in your body can yield impressive results in the area of tissue regeneration, which can lead to some of the anti-aging effects you want.

The idea is that by increasing the proliferation of adult stem cells in your body, all your bodily tissue will be better able to heal and renew itself. Some of the results reported by users after only 2 weeks of use include:

  • Stronger feeling bodies.
  • Less joint and muscle pain.
  • More energy.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • Improved memory.
  • Less fatigue.
  • Smoother skin.
  • More motivation to exercise.

These are impressive benefits to be sure. Since Omega Stem is in fact a pill and not a surgical procedure, let’s take a look at the formula Omega Stem uses to achieve them.

Omega Stem Ingredients

There are 5 ingredients in the Omega Stem formula:

  • L-Carnosine which has been shown to increase stem cells in your body and brain as well as reduce cognitive decline.
  • L-Leucine which has been shown to increase muscle strength. (Omega Stem makes a connection between increased muscle strength and adult stem cells, but doesn’t actually state that L-Leucine is increasing stem cells, just that the results is more muscle strength).
  • Blueberry Fruit which contains powerful antioxidants to protect the health of all cells.
  • Green Tea Leaf Extract which contains both antioxidants and fat burners to keep you both healthy and fit.
  • Vitamin D which has been shown to be connected to many anti-aging factors while fighting against cancer and immune disorders. Research is at the early stages, but all indications are that Vitamin D should play a role in all anti-aging protocols.

How To Use Omega Stem

Omega Stem comes in the form of a powder. Mix one scoop with a 16 ounce glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Where to Buy

Omega Stem is not available in stores. A this time, you can only purchase it through the official Princeton Nutrients website. There are 3 packages: 1 jar (a one month supply for $46.99, 3 jars for $117, and 6 jars for $216. Clearly, if this is something you find you want to continue using, it’s in your best interest to buy in bulk.

There’s a 90-day money back guarantee on your purchase of Omega Stem. Their customer service number is listed several times on the website and they have an “A” rating from the Better Business Bureau. For these reasons, I feel comfortable assuming they’re a trustworthy company and not likely to give you the runaround when you call for a refund.

Omega Stem Pros and Cons

Advantages of Omega Stem

  • If it works, it has real promise for anyone interested in slowing the aging process, mentally and physically.
  • It was formulated by a doctor.
  • Clinical studies are cited, pointing to reasons to believe it may be effective.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Omega Stem

  • Omega Stem makes some huge leaps in determining that it boosts stem cells.
  • It’s still new and remains to be seen how effective it will be.


On the face of it, research into how stem cells can help slow the aging process and even cure disease is extremely exciting. But ultimately I think it’s too much of a leap to think that ingesting a couple amino acids, a vitamin, and some antioxidants will cause you to have more stem cells. The science just doesn’t back it up at this point.

If there were even a handful of independent studies that pointed to this formula and combination yielding the kind of results such as increased stem cells that Omega Stem claims, then maybe I would put more faith in it and buy into what it has to offer, but the fact of the matter is that there is nothing to suggest that it is the case.

On the other hand, you may reap some health benefits from the ingredients in the formula. If you’re looking for something to help with more energy and perhaps vitality, Omega Stem may work for you. If not, you can always return it for a refund. Be sure to come back and let us know which side you landed on.

Have You Used Omega Stem? Leave Your Review Below!

TestoBal Review – Massive Gains or Big Bust?


What Is TestoBal
Who Makes TestoBal
How TestoBal Works
TestoBal Ingredients
How To Use TestoBal
TestoBal Side Effects
Where to Buy
Can I Get My Money Back
TestoBal Reviews
TestoBal Pros and Cons
TestoBal – The Bottom Line

Legal steroid alternatives have been around for a number of years now, but they still can be a confusing category of supplements. I get readers asking me all the time if these products are really steroids, and if so, how can they be legal? The term “Legal Steroids” itself is an oxymoron. Steroids are not legal. So what exactly are these pills and what do they do?

The answer is actually pretty simple. Legal steroids are a category of supplements designed to have the same or similar positive effect on your body as certain steroids do, but they are made up of natural, completely legal ingredients that, when used together, combine for a synergistic effect that mimics that of illicit steroids, while avoiding the pitfalls of side effects and illegality.

Related Article: What I Did to Get Ripped Quick

What Is TestoBal

Testo Bal ReviewTestoBal falls into this category by mimicking the effect of the popular steroid, Dianobol. With TestoBal, you’ll up the ante at the gym, work out harder, lift more weight, go longer, and see rapid muscle gains as you blast through your previous personal bests while creating new ones.

Who Makes TestoBal?

TestoBal is made and distributed by a company called Nutribal. They make other legal steroids, including TrenBal, ClenBal, and HormoBal.

TestoBal is their answer to Dianabol, the popular bulking steroid used for making rapid muscle mass and strength gains.

How TestoBal Works

The idea behind TestoBal’s ability to help you gain significant mass without actual steroids is based in the method of turning your body into the most anabolic environment possible. In order to accomplish this:

  • TestoBal provides protein, which is of course essential to building muscle. The specific type of protein provides the fuel necessary for post workout recovery and rebuilding.
  • It also reduces serotonin and increases muscle energy in the form of ATP. Increased serotonin increases the sensation of fatigue, so lowering it during workouts will eliminate that problem. By also increasing ATP, it works on two fronts to boost your workout energy, allowing you to workout harder and longer.
  • And it increases testosterone and growth hormone levels in your body naturally, putting you in the best position to build and rebuild muscle tissue.

These are the three main mechanisms for growth employed by the TestoBal formula.

Promising so far, enough so to probably snatch anyone’es attention that is struggling with testosterone and other male health problems.

Now lets examine the formula itself to see if and how it accomplishes these goals.

TestoBal Ingredients

The TestoBal formula is divided into 2 Complexes and a powerful standalone ingredient:

  • Pro BCAA Complex which provides the post workout environment for recovery that you need. These Branched Chain Amino Acids are the building blocks of muscle, where it all starts. They increase your strength and power so you lift more during your workouts. They reduce serotonin levels so you feel less fatigue. They increase the speed at which your body builds muscle, so you recover faster and better from your workouts. They even help you burn fat faster and more effectively.
  • 20-Hydroxyecdysterone which is often thought of as a “plant steroid”. It increases nitrogen retention, improves muscle building, and increases ATP in your muscles. One study showed that it is more anabolic in effect than Dianabol itself. It increases muscle contraction, allowing you to push more weight and work out harder and more effectively.
  • Whey Protein Complex which keeps your muscles fed with building blocks before, during, and after your workouts, so you’re always in the best position to build and rebuild muscle.

This is not an exhaustive list, just the highlights. I was not able to view an ingredient label, which would provide more details, but the FAQ sections does make mention of the fact that TestoBal contains caffeine.

How To Use TestoBal

The recommended dose is 2 TestoBal pills in the morning with breakfast and 1 more with lunch. Because of the caffeine content, you should avoid taking it after 3:00 or so in the afternoon, to prevent any kind of sleeplessness you might experience from taking it too late in the day.

It’s also recommended that most people order the Buy 2 Get 1 Free package and use TestoBal for 3 months in order to achieve the best possible results.



TestoBal Side Effects

The beauty of “steroid alternatives” is that you don’t have to worry about the side effects that typically come alongside steroid usage. That means no increased aggression, no testicle shrinkage, no acne, and no man boobs. It also means there’s no need for cycle support. Simply take TestoBal, follow your proper diet and workout routine, and get the results you want worry free.


Testo Bal Bodybuilding Image

Where to Buy

At this time, the only way to buy TestoBal is through their manufacturer Nutribal, either at the Nutribal site or the exclusive TestoBal website.

At either location, a single bottle of TestoBal representing a 30 day supply of 90 capsules will cost you $54.90.

(Note that at the website it currently mentions that a 90 count bottle will last only 20 days, but by my calculations, 90 capsules will last 30 days at the recommended dose of 3 per day. Other packags on the order page refer to 90 capsules as a 30 day supply, so my guess is that the 20 day supply designation is a mistake).

There are additional packages. The one they recommend is the Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal which will get you a 90 day supply for $109.90. There’s also the Buy 4 Get 2 Free deal for $219.80 for those of you who know you’ll want to be using it for the foreseeable future and want to save some cash.

TestoBal is aslo available included in some of the NutriBal Packs sold at the website. Packs that include 3 products generally sell for $179. Max Packs include more bottles and go for higher prices.

Can I Get My Money Back?

You sure can. All orders are covered by what they call a 100% No Fuss Guarantee. The terms stipulate that you return any unused TestoBal in its original packaging within 67 days or your order and you’ll receive a full refund, minus any shipping charges.

TestoBal Reviews

Unfortunately, the TestoBal website does not provide any customer feedback in the form of reviews or testimonials, and since the website is the only place it’s sold, reviews are not found anywher eelse either. If this changes, I’ll come back and update this review with what we find. Additionally, any of our readers are encouraged to leave your personal experience with TestoBal in the review section at the end of this page.

TestoBal Pros and Cons

Advantages of TestoBal

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s been formulated to offer the benefits of steroids without causing side effects.
  • It’s completely legal.
  • There’s a money back guarantee

Disadvantages of TestoBal

  • Not all the ingredients are made available, and this has lead to a bit of confusion. The FAQ section mentions that TestoBal contains caffeine, but none of the direct product information specifies this, so it’s unknown whether or not it’s actually true.
  • No ingredient amounts are given, nor is there even a specific ingredient breakdown offered. This makes it tough to estimate how effective TestoBal may actually be, given that we’re made only vaguely familiar with the formula.
  • There are no customer reviews or feedback available, so again, it’s tough to know how well it’s working in the real world for guys who’ve used it.

TestoBal – The Bottom Line

The idea of legal steroids, steroid alternatives, natural steroids – whichever you choose to call them – has definitely caught on in the world of bodybuilding supplements. This is especially true when you consider many of the steroid alternative stacks on the market today.

Related Article – Crazy Mass Bulking Stack Review

It makes sense really. Supplements have gotten so much more effective over the years that their results are actually beginning to rival that of the real deal.

Some people simply just do not have the access to prescriptions or hormone therapy, or maybe they are just not comfortable speaking about it face to face with a medical professional and so they turn their attention to over the counter alternatives.

This is good news, but of course it opens us as customers up to even more potential duds and scams than we had before. The question is: Is TestoBal a product we can use with confidence it will work, or is it just a scam product – a capsule stuffed with little more than fillers and sold as the next greatest thing?

Unfortunately, the TestoBal website doesn’t really provide enough information for us to make a clear decision. With the lack of complete ingredient information, no customer feedback, and no clinical Testo Bal Money Back Guaranteetrials, we really don’t know the answer.

Luckily, if you find yourself interested, there is a money back guarantee to make you a little more comfortable going out on a limb and trying TestoBal. And if you do, be sure to come back here and let us know how you make out. That’s when we’ll know whether this product stands out from the rest or really is just a scam in the end.

Have You Used TestoBal? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Tharlax RX Review – 1 BIG Reason It’s the Wrong Choice


What Is Tharlax RX
Tharlax RX Ingredients
How To Use Tharlax Rx
Tharlax Rx Reviews
Where to Buy
Tharlax Rx Pros and Cons
Tharlax Rx – The Bottom Line

Tharlax RX promises to offer hope and renewed confidence any man who feels like he just doesn’t perform the way he’d like, much less the way he used to. It’s touted as a pharmaceutical strength solution to the very common problem of age-related decline in sexual prowess, but without the expense, hassle, or potential side effects that come with medications like Viagra) that require a prescription.

Of course, there are dozens, even hundreds, of similar products, which makes it difficult at best to choose the one that’s best for you.


Related Article: Male Enhancement Supplements We’ve Tested


And that’s why we’re here; we break it down – the benefits, the formula, the feedback, the value – all to help you come to a solid decision about which direction to turn. By the end of this review, you’ll be comfortable that this is the case.

What Is Tharlax RX?

Tharlax Rx ReviewTharlax RX calls itself a “dual action formula” because it works on the two most important levels when it comes to male enhancement. It boosts natural testosterone levels and it increases blood flow for better erections. Add in a libido boost, which it also does, and you’ve got a surefire recipe for performance enhancement success.

Clearly Tharlax RX starts out in the right direction. With their focus in place, the benefits you can expect include:

  • Increased sex drive.
  • Diminished or eliminated erectile dysfunction.
  • Greater stamina.
  • Decreased performance anxiety.
  • Boosted sexual confidence with the potential to spill over into all areas of life.

They even allude to an increase in size, though be aware that any increases along those lines are temporary – a function of a better erection, not a permanent increase.

So far, we’ve covered what Tharlax RX says it can do. Next we’ll turn to the formula to help better determine what it can ACTUALLY do.

Tharlax RX Ingredients

We talk a lot about ingredients and ingredient amounts, and how it’s difficult to determine how effective a pill will be when the company doesn’t provide information about what doses of each ingredient are included. So many products these days lump all their ingredients together into a “proprietary blend” masking individual amounts. This is problematic because when a particular ingredient is involved in clinical tests, specific amounts are used, and using these proven amounts makes it more likely to actually be effective.

Interestingly, Tharlax RX criticizes this practice of “hiding behind” proprietary blends while actually using a Proprietary Blend itself:


Tharlax RX Ingredients Contradiction Image

So while we don’t know the individual amounts, let’s talk a little about each of the components in the Tharlax Rx Proprietary Blend:

  • Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagittatum) which is used to increase blood flow to the penis for better erections. (Source) It also acts as an herbal aphrodisiac to boost libido. Epimedium is known to some as Chinese Viagra because of its sexual benefits.  (Source)
  • Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longfolia) which may help increase your body’s level of free testosterone by inhibiting the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG attaches itself to testosterone molecules, taking them out of commission. By preventing this from happening, Tongkat Ali can effectively increase free testosterone.
  • Saw Palmetto which supports prostate health by curtailing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This also effectively increases testosterone by preventing some of your total amount from being converted to something else.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from the testicles of bulls and may increase testosterone.  (Source)
  • Wild Yam Extract which helps maintain the proper balance of sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.
  • Sarsaparilla which may also increase testosterone.
  • Nettle Extract which is another prostate support herb for improving the sexual experience while also inhibiting the action of SHBG.
  • Boron which has been shown to increase testosterone levels.

How To Use Tharlax Rx

Tharlax Rx is a daily supplement. Take 2 capsules per day with a full glass of water.

Tharlax Rx Reviews

Because Tharlax Rx is only available through its official website, the only customer feedback I could find came in the form of a couple testimonials placed on the website by the manufacturer/marketing company. The problem with relying on these is that they’re very easily and often embellished, or even made up entirely.

Here’s an example of one from the Tharlax Rx website:

Tharlax Rx Testimonial Image

It may be real, I don’t know for certain, but it’s very common to at least cherry-pick only the most favorable reviews for display on the website, so I wouldn’t recommend getting too excited that your results would be the same as Brian’s.

Where to Buy

Tharlax Rx is not sold in stores, in fact it’s not available anywhere for a straight up sale. The only way to get your hands on some is to sign up for their free trial offer.

Related Article – Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

If you’re not familiar with how these free trial offers work and how they really turn out to be nothing more than scams to get you locked into repeat billing, keep reading and I’ll explain it in full.

You start by clicking the “Rush My Order” Button on the Tharlax Rx website.  You’re then taken to an order page that indicates you need only to pay a small shipping and handling fee of $3.86 and they’ll send you a “free” 30-day supply of 60 capsules. They add a sense of urgency by calling it a limited and exclusive trial that you should act on right away before you miss your chance.

Tharlax Rx Order Page Image

Take a look at the order page above. It says nothing at all of future payments, but if you decide to go through with what seems like such a great deal, you’ll not only have to pay for the product you think you’re getting for free, but you’ll also have to pay for it every month until you finally catch onto the scam and figure out how to cancel it.

Of course, you wouldn’t know any of this unless you searched way at the bottom of the page and clicked on the “Terms and Conditions” document. This is the only place you’ll see the real terms of the deal.

Tharlax Rx Terms

The actual terms of the deal are that after 14 days, if you don’t cancel the subscription that you didn’t even know you were signing up for, they will charge you $100 for the bottle you thought you were getting for free, and they’ll start charging you that same $100 every month until you realize what’s going on and cancel the subscription.

If you read the article above, you’ll see that Tharlax Rx isn’t the only product that engages in this scam. In fact, at any given time there are dozens of scams we’re looking into. But that doesn’t make it any less of a hassle or any less infuriating when it happens to you.

Tharlax Rx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Tharlax Rx

  • The formula contains some decent ingredients.

Disadvantages of Tharlax Rx

  • The ingredients are couched in a proprietary blend so we don’t know how much of each is used, despite the fact that Tharlax Rx decried this practice when used by others.
  • There are no independent customer reviews.
  • The only way to purchase it is through a free trial offer than quickly turns into a repeat billing nightmare costing you $100 a month.

Tharlax Rx – The Bottom Line

The truth is a new “ Tharlax Rx” comes on the market practically every day. They promise to restore lost confidence and take your sex life to a new level, or perhaps back to the level you used to enjoy. They prey on people’s desires to restore what’s been lost and to feel youthful and vital again. And in the process they screw you over with a phony scam that potentially ends with you being out hundreds of dollars and a lot of time wasted figuring out how to get out of the mess you’re in.

Do yourself a favor and find a reliable product instead, one with a proven record of both effectiveness and good customer service. They’re out there for sure, but Tharlax Rx is not one of them.

Have You Used Tharlax Rx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Dr H Rejoint Review – The CURE for Intermittent Pain?


What Is Dr H Rejoint
Tharlax RX Ingredients
How To Use Dr H Rejoint
Clinical Studies
Dr H Rejoint Reviews
Where to Buy
Dr H Rejoint Pros and Cons
Dr H Rejoint – The Bottom Line

In 2016, almost 15 million adults in the United States claimed to suffer with severe joint pain. If you can count yourself among them, you’ve probably tried several so-called solutions and always end up coming back to taking Tylenol, Advil, or Alleve several times a day… because little else has had a lasting benefit.

Yet every time a new product comes along, you try it with high hopes that this will finally be the one. It’s with that spirit in mind that today we’re looking at a joint supplement called Dr H Rejoint.

What Is Dr H Rejoint?

Dr H Rejoint ReviewDr H Rejoint is an herbal supplement formulated by Dr. Robert Hedaya, Clinical Professor at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. He created it specifically for people dealing with intermittent pain in their muscles, joints, or backs, and he did it in response to his own recurring intermittent pain following an incident while riding his bike.

According to the information provided at the official website, Dr H Rejoint is able to prevent occasional pain before it starts as well as relieve it once it does, and it does all this with few to no side effects while supporting the healthy functioning of muscles, joints, and backs.

Dr H Rejoint Ingredients

The all natural Dr H Rejoint formula consists of 5 herbal ingredients. I have to admit, when I first saw the list, I was immediately skeptical as none of them are particularly well known as pain relievers. But after reading about their benefits, maybe we’ve been missing something all along:

  • Boswellia Serrata which has been shown in three clinical tests to reduce intermittent pain and support healthy joints, mainly by controlling and reducing inflammation.
  • Horsetail Leaf Powder which contains Silica to aid with building bone and tissue. One recent study showed its potential benefits to reducing intermittent pain.
  • Nettle Leaf Powder which has long been used topically to treat pain, with emerging studies showing that it may work when ingested as well.
  • Garlic Bulb Powder (Odorless) which contains a substance called diallyl disulphide which blocks a particular enzyme that can break down the cartilage in your joints.
  • Celery Seed Powder which has been shown in animal studies to increase Uric Acid, which supports joint health and increases comfort.

How To Use Dr H Rejoint

As a preventative measure, you are instructed to take Dr H Rejoint every day. For the first bottle, take 2 capsules twice per day, once during breakfast and once during dinner. After the first month, you can try lowering your dose to 2 or 3 total capsules per day. This lower dose works for many, though some find it better to continue to use 4 capsules per day.

In the event of needing to take 4 capsules a day, you are going to go through your supply faster which can of course be more costly, but sometimes that is just the way it goes and beggars can’t be choosers.

Many users feel relief shortly after the first dose. Others start to feel better in 2 to 5 days.

Clinical Studies

The truth is most herbal supplements are not backed up by clinical evidence, but Dr H Rejoint is an exception. Dr. Hedaya has conducted a pilot study on his formula, and you can see the results here.


Dr H Rejoint Clinical Study


By using Dr H Rejoint, subjects who’d been experiencing pain for at least 4 months with no relief from conventional remedies reported having significantly less pain 2 weeks into the study.

Dr H Rejoint Reviews

The Dr H Rejoint website provides plenty of glowing testimonials, but I don’t tend to put a lot of faith in reviews provided by the company that sells a product. Luckily, it has also been sold on Amazon, which provides another, more independent source of reviews.

At this time, there are only 3 customer reviews for Dr H Rejoint on Amazon.com, but they’re all extremely favorable. Here’s an example:


Dr. H Rejoint Amazon Review

You may have heard that some Amazon reviews are fake, paid for by the companies that make and/or sell the products. We have an expose about this subject you can read here: How To Spot a Fake Supplement Review on Amazon

In this case, thought the review are very positive, they don’t show signs of being fake.

Where to Buy

If you’re interested in trying Dr H Rejoint, you won’t find it in stores, bu you may have a couple options. It’s available through the official Dr H Rejoint website and it may be sold through Amazon as well. At this time, however, Amazon states that it’s “currently unavailable”.

At the website, a single small bottle of 30 capsules sells for $49.99. This bottle will last about a week at the recommended starter dose of 4 capsules per day. A large bottle of 60 capsules, will last you 2 weeks at the recommended starter dose, and up to a month if you can get away with 2 capsules per day costs $79.99.

There is a 30 day money back guarantee, but you are required to return the used bottle to obtain your full refund.

Dr H Rejoint Pros and Cons

Advantages of Dr H Rejoint

  • The ingredients and the formula have both been clinically tested.
  • Customer reviews are very favorable.
  • The ingredients are all natural with few to no side effects reported.
  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Dr H Rejoint

  • It can get very expensive if you use the full dose – you may need up to 2 large bottles per month, which would cost $160.

Dr H Rejoint – The Bottom Line

Given the clinical testing and the great customer feedback, If you’re suffering with chronic and/or intermittent pain, Dr H Rejoint is worth giving a try. It’s expensive, but if it truly can give you the relief you’ve been searching for, it may be worth that much and more to you. If you do get a chance to try it out, be sure to come back and let us know how it worked out for you.

It has a good enough track record and impressive enough formula to suggest that trying it out will at the very least have some amount of good effects and for the most part I would expect it to at least deliver on some of its promises.

Either way, with a money back guarantee, I would say it is worth it.

Have You Used Dr H Rejoint? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Joint HealthAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instaflex Advanced

#1 - Instaflex Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is our #1 rated joint relief formula for a variety of reasons, learn why here.

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#2 – Joint Advance

#2 - Joint Advance

Joint Advance is an effective joint pain reliever, check out our review here.

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#3 – Joint Flex

#3 - Joint Flex

Joint Flex uses all natural ingredients to help you manage joint and muscle pain without drugs.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Testo Explosion Review – 2 HUGE Reasons to Stay Away


What Is Ultimate Testo Explosion
Ultimate Testo Explosion Ingredients
How To Use Ultimate Testo Explosion
Was Ultimate Testo Explosion Seen On Shark Tank
Ultimate Testo Explosion Reviews
Where Can You Buy It
Ultimate Testo Explosion Pros and Cons
Ultimate Testo Explosion – The Bottom Line

If you’re a guy in your late 30s or older, here are lots of reasons to think about taking a natural testosterone boosting supplement. You may be starting to put on extra weight in your midsection, you may be having a hard time getting results at the gym (or getting yourself motivated to get there in the first place), you may be feeling more fatigued and moody than you used to, or you may even be starting to notice a drop off in your libido – something you probably never imagined could happen.

Declining testosterone levels could indeed be the culprit. When you were a teenager, you had more testosterone than you knew what to do with (literally). But once you hit your early to mid twenties, levels started to slowly decline – nothing noticeable at first, but once you get to about thiry-five to forty, the signs begin to show themselves.

The good news is there are lots of natural products to help; the bad news is there are so many as to make it pretty tough to decide which one to choose. Of course the fact that so many of them are little more than scams doesn’t help either. But I’ve researched and tested dozens of contenders, so at this point, I feel quite comfortable with my ability to distinguish the real thing from the fakes.

And that brings us to Ultimate Testo Explosion.

Ultimate Testo Explosion ReviewWhat Is Ultimate Testo Explosion?

In a nutshell, Ultimate Testo Explosion is a natural testosterone boosting supplement you can buy online. The results it promises are typical for pills of its kind, and include both muscle building and sexual benefits:

  • Increased muscle mass.
  • More effective workouts.
  • Quicker post workout recovery time.
  • Increased sexual stamina.
  • Better erections.
  • More intense orgasms.

Of course, those are just the promises. What we really want to know is whether or not it delivers and provides value, and in order to figure that out, we checked into the formula, customer feedback, any scientific studies, the price point, and the customer service to back it all up. Only then did we feel we had the full story and were ready to tell it.

Ultimate Testo Explosion Ingredients

The Ultimate Testo Explosion formula is broken down in to 2 proprietary blends – The TestoACTIVATE Blend and the TestoEXTREME Blend – each of which include testosterone boosting components.

The TestoACTIVATE Blend is made up of:

  • Tribulus Terrestris which is believed to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone through the LH pathway. Tribulus triggers the release of increased Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland. The increased LH signals the testes to produce an increased amount of testosterone. Tribulus was first used with great success by Soviet bodybuilders in the late twentieth century.
  • Fenugreek Extract which is known to improve athletic performance, perhaps through an increase in testosterone. (Source)
  • Saw Palmetto Berry Extract which increases testosterone by inhibiting its conversion to DHT. (Source)  More is not produced, but with less converting to other hormones within the body, more remains available.

ultimate testo explosion ingredients label

The TestoEXTREME Blend contains:

  • Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract which may increase testosterone, and is a common ingredient in weight loss supplements for its ability to increase fat burning. It also contributes to weight loss by increasing Cellular Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (or cAMP).
  • Milk Thistle Seed Powder which provides liver support which could potentially be valuable when testosterone levels rise.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid which may increase nitric oxide, acting as a prevention for erectile dysfunction.
  • Longjack Root (Eurycoma Longfolia) which may increase levels of free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, making them unable to function in the body.
  • Epimedium Extract which doesn’t actually boost testosterone, but does improve blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. This will improve both workouts – due to increased oxygen and nutrient delivery – and sexual performance – due to increased blood rushed to your erection
  • Black Pepper Seed (Piperine) which improves the absorption of each of the other ingredients making them more efficient and effective, although research in this field is somewhat preliminary. (Source)

Two things about the formula jumped out at me immediately.

The first was that there really aren’t any powerhouse ingredients. You’ve got the typical Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, and Tongkat Ali, but no D Aspartic Acid, no Zinc, no L-Arginine – all quite commonly found in effective formulas.

The second is that no EXACT ingredient amounts are provided.

Without this information, it’s impossible to tell if there’s a full, effective dose, or just a dusting of any particular ingredient.

All too often, supplement companies will use just a dusting to give themselves the ability to claim an effective ingredient, but really the amount is just too small to have any real effectiveness.

How To Use Ultimate Testo Explosion

Ultimate Testo Explosion is a daily supplement. You are encouraged to take 2 capsules once per day with a full glass of water. If it causes upset stomach, take it with a small amount of food.

Was Ultimate Testo Explosion Seen On Shark Tank?

Not a chance in hell, read this.

Ultimate Testo Explosion Reviews

While it’s true that Ultimate Testo Explosion is only sold online, in addition to its official website, it’s sold on Amazon.com as well. This is great news because when a product is sold on Amazon, there’s a good chance there will be Amazon customer reviews.

You may have heard that there are some fake Amazon reviews out there, and that can be true, but the company does attempt to contain the issue, and it’s still one of the best places to see unadulterated, truthful product feedback.

Related Article: How To Spot a Fake Amazon Review

We checked out the Ultimate Testo Explosion reviews on Amazon, and it turns out the news is NOT good.

ultimate testo explode amazon reviews

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this high a percentage of horrible reviews. 78% are not just negative, but the most negative possible – 1 STAR!

The reason for the bad reviews is made clear very quickly. Most people say it just doesn’t work:

From Todd: “Didn’t notice anything different when using the product”.

From Tyrone: “Total rip off… I took all the pills as directed and this product does not work at all… I have not lost a pound. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME”!

From Wayne: “Complete crap… don’t waste your money. The only reason there is a star is because it’s required.”

And there are many more just like these. The negative reviews are not about side effects or negative reactions. They’re just about the fact that it doesn’t work.

Of course, there are a couple positive reviews as well. Most are just quick notes to say it works, but this one went a little further:

“All these negative comments, it works just fine, but you have to eat right and exercise, not just sit on your butt. I’m a bodybuilder and noticed changes about 15 days in. Not to mention where it counts, If you know what I mean. So don’t listen to the negative. Actually most of our bench team uses this. And we have been dominating up here in MN.”

Basically this guy’s point is that you can’t just take it and think it will magically make you ripped or turn you into a stud. You see that a lot from users who get better results than others when using a supplement. They tend to assume everyone else must be using it wrong.

But the numbers here don’t lie. The vast majority of people who’ve left reviews on Ultimate Testo Explosion say it sucks.

Where Can You Buy It?

We touched on this a little bit earlier, but there are 2 ways to get your hands on Ultimate Testo Explosion. You can buy it straight up from Amazon.com for $74.99 a bottle, or you could sign up for what they’re calling a “free trial”. But be forewarned, this trial is anything but free.

Here’s how they draw you in:

Ultimate Testo Explosion Rush my trial image


Then when you enter your name and information and click through, this is where you think you’re getting confirmation that it’s “free””


Ultimate Testo Explosion Click through order form image


You can scour through all the information on this page and not see any evidence that your purchase of Ultimate Testo Explosion is not free. And tons of guys do this every day. It appears to be very clear that you’re signing up for a free one month supply for only the cost of shipping, and that that’ll be the end of it.

But this is not at all the case.

The only way you’ll know the truth is if you find and read the Terms and Conditions document. That’s the only place the actual facts of the deal are laid out.

Here’s what it says:

Ultimate Testo Explosion Terms Image

Basically, how it works is that you initially pay only the small shipping fee, and they send you a full one-month supply bottle. This part is made pretty clear to everyone. After that, unless you contact the company within 14 days and inform them that this is not what you want, they will charge you $98.49 for the “trial” bottle that you’ve already received “for free”. On top of that, they’ll send you a new bottle at that same price every month until you do finally cancel.

If you do call within 14 days, you have two choices. You can return the what’s left of the bottle (presumably about 2 weeks worth of pills) and be charged nothing, or you can keep the bottle and pay a $9.95 “retention fee”. I’m sure most people choose to pay the retention fee because they would have to pay that much or close to it to ship the half empty bottle back anyway.

This “free trial” scam is extremely common within the online supplement industry. You can read about it in much more depth in my article: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth  But the Retention Fee for keeping the bottle is new to me. Ultimate Testo Explosion is the first time I’ve seen this feature.

Ultimate Testo Explosion Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ultimate Testo Explosion

  • The ingredients are listed and all natural.

Disadvantages of Ultimate Testo Explosion

  • Ingredient amounts are not revealed so it’s tough to know how well it will work compared with clinical studies or individual ingredients.
  • The customer feedback on Amazon is utterly bad. Almost 80% of current reviews were given only 1 star.
  • It’s very expensive for what it is. If you buy it on Amazon, you’ll pay $75 a bottle. If you buy through the website, you end up paying almost $25 more.
  • The trial is a scam; you’ll think you’re getting something for free, but in the end you’ll be paying $100… every month.

Ultimate Testo Explosion – The Bottom Line

We started off this review saying that there’s good reason for men over 35 or 40 to start using a natural testosterone boosting supplement. But there’s such a wide variety of options that the one you choose will really make all the difference.

The Ultimate Testo Explosion formula looks fairly decent at first glance, but ultimately it’s pretty weak.

The evidence of this can be found in the customer reviews on Amazon.com, which are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s hard to ignore this kind of widespread agreement about how bad this stuff really is.

It’s almost universally panned by its users.

Honestly, that should be enough to convince you not to use it, but when you add in the phony “free trial” offer that locks you into monthly $100 payments, it becomes even clearer. Stay away from Ultimate Testo Explosion.

There’s literally no reason not to.

Have You Used Ultimate Testo Explosion? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Predoxen Review – 1 BIG Reason to Think Twice


What Is Predoxen
Can Predoxen Make You Bigger
Predoxen Ingredients
How To Use Predoxen
Predoxen Reviews From Customers
Putting Predoxen’s Claims to the Test
Where Can You Buy It
Money Back Guarantee
Predoxen Pros and Cons
Predoxen – The Bottom Line

Take a look at the Predoxen website and it’s hard not to get excited about the possibility that you’ve finally found the male enhancement pill that does it all, and actually works.

They make a big deal of the notion that it’s been clinically tested by a 3rd party laboratory and recognized as “2014 Best In Class” by a consortium of medical journals.

This grants credibility and builds trust in a product and clinical trials are somewhat of a hot selling point in supplements of this kind.

It’s literally plastered all over their website.

Predoxen testing and journals image


That’s actually big news… if it’s true. You my be thinking “Of course it’s true. How could they print it if it’s not true?” But you’d be surprised at how easy it is for supplement companies to get away with using half-truths, and sometimes even what seem to be outright lies, in their advertisements.

Truthfully, a large part of what we do here is call companies out on this kind of bullshit when they pull it. And if this is the case with Predoxen, we’ll definitely let you know.

In the meantime, though, let’s go through what benefits they promise, what’s in the formula, the pricing structure, and whether or not it offers a better value than some of its competitors.

Related Article: Male Enhancement Pills Sold In Stores 

What Is Predoxen?

The list of promised benefits with Predoxen is long and includes:

  • Harder, firmer erections.
  • Boosted libido.
  • Increased size, including thickness and length.
  • Greater confidence.
  • Increased testosterone.
  • Improved muscle strength.
  • Greater vitality, passion, and pleasure all around.

Can Predoxen Make You Bigger?

You’ll notice that increased size is included in the list.

can predoxen increase size

predoxen size increase claims

Predoxen is certainly not the only pill that claims to make you bigger. In fact, the majority of them make this claim. Here’s how they say it works:

Taking Predoxen increases the amount of nitric oxide flowing through your body. Nitric oxide is what’s known as a vasodilator. It relaxes your blood vessels, allowing a greater amount of blood to flow through. This increased blood pushes against the penile tissue, making it expand and grow.

Essentially, this is what happens during erections. (Source)

But it’s temporary.

The implication that somehow bigger erections cause permanent penis growth just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

No scientific study has definitively shown otherwise.

The difference between penis growth and erection improvement are two vastly different things and so many male enhancement supplement manufacturers try and trip up hopeful customers by promising them permanent size gains when if it were true, they would be the first company to achieve that which is unlikely.

But like we said, lots of supplements claim to encourage permanent growth when what they really do is promote better erections. So if better erections are what you’re really looking for, something like Predoxen – if it works – can be just what you need.

Predoxen Ingredients

A good look at the formula is a great way to understand how well you can expect a supplement to work. Predoxen uses 18 ingredients and claims that they are widely studied and used at doses higher and more effective than anything you’ve previously seen.


Predoxen Ingredients


On the ingredients label, while all 18 are listed, unfortunately, most are included within a proprietary blend, so we don’t know how much of these are actually used.

One thing I will note, however, is that the entire proprietary blend totals only 745mg. This amount DOES NOT support their claim that these ingredients are well dosed.

The first 5 ingredients do list amounts. These are:

  • Zinc (50mg). Zinc is essential for the body’s natural production of testosterone, and the amount of 50 mg is certainly sufficient.
  • Tongkat Ali (400 mg) can help boost free testosterone levels by preventing it from being bound to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, making them unavailable for use by the body.
  • Maca (250 mg) which is an herbal aphrodisiac from Peru. It increases libido and elevates mood, while also increasing the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • L-Arginine (250 mg) which is an amino acid that acts as a precursor to nitric oxide. The more l-arginine in your bloodstream, the more nitric oxide you can produce. Increased nitric oxide is responsible for that increased blood flow that causes better erections. Unfortunately, Predoxen’s claim that they use a super-high effective dose is just not true. The daily recommended dose of l-arginine to combat erectile dysfunction is on the order of 3,000 mg per day, far higher than the 250 mg dose in this pill.
  • Ginseng Eleutherococcus Blend (125 mg) can also help improve blood flow through an increase in nitric oxide production

The rest of the ingredients are listed within the 750 mg Proprietary Blend. These include:

  • Sarsaparilla which helps your body relax, even in times of stress. This can help with issues such as ED and PE.
  • Pumpkin Seed Extract which boosts libido and contains several important vitamins and minerals.
  • Muira Puama which has been used as a natural aphrodisiac for thousands of years.
  • Oat Straw which may boost free testosterone levels, increasing overall vitality.
  • Nettle Leaf which can increase free testosterone by inhibiting the activity of SHBG, allowing more of your total testosterone to remain free.
  • Cayenne Pepper Fruit which improves blood circulation, leading to better erections.
  • Astragalus Root which acts as an adaptagen to protect your body during times of stress.
  • Catuaba Bark which is yet another herbal aphrodisiac, this one from Brazil.
  • Licorice Root which may increase both testosterone and libido.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which may increase total testosterone by increasing the secretion of Luteinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland, which in turn increases the production and release of testosterone.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and can boost testosterone levels. (Source)
  • Oyster Extract which contains zinc, essential for increasing testosterone levels by improving production.
  • Boron which is known to help increase testosterone levels and boosts absorption of other key ingredients.

It’s important to point out again, Predoxen claims to contain powerfully effective amounts of the ingredients included in the formula, but judging by the numbers they give, including the 750 mg proprietary blend, this just does NOT seem to be the case, at least not with all the ingredients.

How To Use Predoxen

Predoxen is a daily supplement.

Instructions state to take one pill in the morning and one in the evening, each with a full glass of water.

Predoxen Reviews From Customers

One of the best ways to know how well a product works is by reading up on the kind of feedback it gets from people who’ve actually used it. When it comes to supplements available online, the best reviews can be found at the websites of the independent retailers who sell them.

In the case of Predoxen, it’s only sold through its own official website, so the only feedback we could find comes in the form of “testimonials” on the official website.

I don’t have a whole lot of faith in such testimonials, knowing that the company can cherry pick and in some cases even completely fabricate favorable reviews.

With Predoxen, these testimonials definitely read as a little… over the top.

Here’s a good example:

Predoxen Testimonial

Putting Predoxen’s Claims to the Test

Predoxen makes several claims designed to get potential customers to feel comfortable and confident buying and using their product. But claims are one thing. What happens in reality may be something entirely different.

Let’s take a few of Predoxen’s claims one by one:

Clinical Studies

Right at the outset, Predoxen talks about having been clinically tested. They specifically state that the both the total formula and the individual ingredients have been tested and “approved”:

Predoxen Independent testing

Normally when a company states so clearly that their product has been independently tested, they also provide a reference or link to the actual study.

This is not the case here. In fact, I searched high and low for any proof whatsoever of this claim, and found none.

Predoxen clinical ingredients

Again, Predoxen doesn’t link to any actual studies. It’s true that some components of the formula have been clinically tested.

Like L-Arginine, which was studied for it’s use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Or Muira Puama, which was also studied on it’s effects on ED.

You may have noticed that I provided links to some of these studies above. But it’s odd that Predoxen makes a point of mentioning the clinical testing, but does not provide any access to it.

Predoxen High Dosage

I find it interesting that Predoxen chooses to make the point that they use clinically tested high doses of the ingredients in their list when clearly in the case of L-Arginine – one of the most crucial components – the exact opposite is true.

Formulated by a Physician

Predoxen claims to have been formulated by a Dr. Jonathan Brighton, a “foremost authority on male reproduction”:

Predoxen Scientist Image

If Dr. Brighton is a foremost authority on anything, he is certainly doing a great job at keeping it under wraps.

I found no information on a Dr. Jonathan Brighton at all. Nothing in relation to clinical studies, or a Four-Phase Diamond Extraction Process, and no relationship to any university.

Is it Really an Award-Winning Formula?

Predoxen Award Winning

As far as I can tell, this is fake as well.

I’ve been researching male enhancement supplements for a lot of years, and not only have I never heard of this award, but it doesn’t even make any sense anyway.

Medical journals don’t typically rate or rank supplements at all, and we have no reason to believe they made some sort of exception for Predoxen.

Predoxen Adult Film Award

This is another dubious award claim. I found no evidence that the Adult Film Society even exists, much less gave an award to Predoxen.

Where Can You Buy It?

If you are still inclined to try Predoxen yourself, you won’t find it in stores. The only way to purchase it is through their official website.

The good news is, it’s not very expensive.

A single bottle costs $39.95, which is definitely on the low end of the price scale for similar supplements. You’ll even save more money if you buy multiple bottles at once. For instance, there’s a Buy 2 Get 1 Free Deal, a Buy 3 Get 2 Free Deal, and even a Buy 4 Get 3 Free Deal.

If you go for that last deal, that’s less than $23 per bottle.

On another positive note, Predoxen does not engage in any phony free trials or unexpected recurring charges. All orders are one-time only, so there are no surprises.

Related Article: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Money Back Guarantee

Predoxen offers a 90 day money back guarantee and provides contact information to make enacting your refund simple and uncomplicated. I read the fine print regarding the guarantee, and it looks pretty fair and typical.

predoxen terms and conditions

You must return the bottles, any empty bottles (up to 90 day supply) and unused bottles (beyond the 90 day supply) and they will issue you a full refund minus shipping charges.

Predoxen Pros and Cons

Advantages of Predoxen

  • The ingredients are fully listed, including amounts for some.
  • There is a 90 day money back guarantee.
  • It contain several ingredients that can help boost your erectile and sexual functioning.
  • The price is reasonable.

Disadvantages of Predoxen

  • They make a whole lot of claims that just aren’t true, making it difficult at best to trust them.
  • Despite their claim to the contrary, Predoxen uses most of its ingredients at levels too low to be effective in any real way.

Predoxen – The Bottom Line

On the whole, the Prodoxen formula is pretty typical for today’s market. It contains some good components – many of the ones we want to see. But overall, the dosages are too small to have any real effect.

Again, this is quite typical.

Perhaps the bigger problem is that Predoxen claims to do just the opposite. They make a big deal about clinical studies, high dosing, industry and scientific awards – all of which are simply made up claims.

The male enhancement supplement industry certainly has its share of shady players.

While Predoxen isn’t the worst supplement I’ve come across, they do seem to be one of the shadier players.

For that reason, I’d recommend avoiding this one in favor of something you can trust.

Have You Used Predoxen? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Viril X Review

Viril X Review Contents

What is Viril X?
My Personal Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Where To Buy Viril X
Note:  I finally got a chance to try out Viril X.  Click Here
to read my full review.

When you type in “male enhancement” into Amazon, you are presented with over 3,000 results.

Up until this point, I’ve covered many of them.

Furthermore, I’ve actually TESTED a good chunk of them personally, including Virectin, Libido Max, and dozens of others.

male enhancement pills ive tested

So it came as quite a surprise when I found out about Viril X.

One of my site visitors asked me if I ever heard about it, and of course, I hadn’t.

So does it really work? And is it a male enhancer or a testosterone booster?

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is Viril X?

viril x reviews

Viril X is a male sexual performance enhancer that uses a proprietary blend of ingredients that claim to help:

  • Increase Sexual desire
  • Improved sex life
  • Increased pleasure
  • Longer lasting erections
  • Sexual performances
  • Reduce premature ejaculation
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Increase energy levels

It does all of this through a unique blend of ingredients that are freely available over the counter.

The full list of ingredients includes the following:

  • Korean Ginseng
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • L-Arginine
  • Avena Sativa
  • Muira Puama extract
  • Maca Root
  • Orchic extract
  • Niacin
  • Nettle root extract
  • American Ginseng
  • Zinc
  • Eleuthero
  • Catuaba bark extract
  • Kola nut
  • Boron
  • Pumpkin seed extract
  • Ginger
  • Sarsaparilla extract
  • Barrenwort
  • L-Citrulline (an amino acid that converts to arginine)
  • Cayenne pepper.

As can be seen in the Viril X label below, a serving size is 2 capsules.

viril x ingredients label

So What Are The Key Ingredients?

The key ingredients in Viril X that are popping out at me are Arginine, Tribulus Terrestris extract, and Avena Sativa.


If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you’ll see that L-Arginine is a very common amino acid found in supplements like this.

The reason why is because L-Arginine causes a process called Vasodilation.  (Source)

Vasodilation is what happens when you take a prescription ED pill like Viagra.

In short, this process causes the smooth muscle tissue outside of the blood arteries to relax, which allows for increased blood flow throughout the body.

It kind of looks like this:

how vasodilation works

This increased blood flow allows for more sustained, harder erections.

It’s a very effective substance that I’ve personally used in dozens of other supplements, including weight loss supplements, and even prostate health.

It also works especially well when combined with natural sexual stimulants like yohime bark powder and ginseng.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a somewhat controversial ingredient.

There was a study that was published about 5 years ago that showed a 16.3 increase in testosterone levels. (Source)

HOWEVER, this was not statistically significant, and subsequent studies have not been able to replicate those results.

One thing is for sure, and that is it’s likely included in the Viril X formula as a sexual enhancer more than anything else.

Avena Sativa

The last ingredient in Viril X that I found interesting was Avena Sativa.

Avena Sativa literally translates to “Wild Oats” in Latin, and has long been used as a sexual performance enhancer.

In fact, it was even discovered that Osama Bin Laden had stocked up on it to help improve his love life.

I’ve used plenty of supplements containing this compound, including Alpha Fuel XT, Test X 180 Ignite, and others, and can attest to it’s effectiveness.

However, it’s important to point out that this extract is only effective in doses of 200 mg or more. (Source)

Since we don’t know the exact quantities of literally ANY of the ingredients in this supplement, it’s impossible to know whether or not it will truly work.

Korean Ginseng

Korean Ginseng is another ingredient that you’ll find in a wide array of sexual enhancer type supplements and erectile dysfunction pills.

While a bit different from American Ginseng in its mode of action, it has been shown to help with sex drive in limited clinical studies.

I’ve personally tested well over 50 supplements containing Ginseng, and the most noticeable effect is harder erections.

What About Viril X Reviews?  Are There Any?

Apart from 3 reviews on their official site, the only other feedback I could find was on Amazon.

Update (11/16/2017):  It appears that Viril X is no longer available for sale on Amazon.

I have no idea when this happened, but I just went to check on it to update this review, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

When it was on there, Viril X was rated 3.6 out of 5 stars, which were rated by a total of 10 people.

viril x amazon reviews

However, I question the validity of the positive reviews.

For example, if you look at the negative reviews, they’re all from verified purchases.

verified purchases of viril x on amazon

But if you look at the positive reviews (pretty much all 5 stars), literally NONE of them are verified purchases.

non verified purchases of viril x

Of course this doesn’t mean that these people really didn’t buy Viril X, but it doesn’t support their reviews as much as the verified ones do.

I wrote a pretty good article on how to identify fake reviews on Amazon, that reveals exactly how this works.

Another interesting thing to note was a couple of the reviewers were very quick to ask people if they found the review helpful, and if so, if they would click on the “Was this review helpful to you?” button just below the review.

2 of these reviewers were also sent a bottle of Viril X free of charge in exchange for their review, which I also thought was a bit suspicious.

My Personal Results With Viril X

So I finally got a chance to try out Viril X, and I have to admit, I was a bit surprised at my results with it.

The directions on the label state that you should take 2 vegetarian capsules a day, and for the first few days I didn’t really seem to notice any effects.

Usually if I don’t start noticing any effects after the first few days, I’ll end up trashing the bottle and moving on to the next supplement.

For some reason, I decided to do it a bit different this time.

I just kept taking it…

Right around the end of week 1, it seemed to kick in BIG time.

One morning I got this MASSIVE boner, one that I haven’t gotten in a long time.

I could definitely sense a change in my erection quality and control, something that I haven’t seen in the last 4 or 5 male enhancement products that I’ve tested.

Did I see any changes in size?

No, despite the fact that they claim it increases size right on the bottle.

Was I expecting any changes in size?

Not really.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

But it was nice to have a kick in my libido.

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

The only side effects that I noted was this weird redness / flushing in my face, which I definitely attribute to the Niacin content.

If I had to compare Viril X to any of the other sexual wellness supplements like Test x180 or Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone, I would rank it near the middle of the pack.


Frequently Asked Questions

So what exactly is it?

When I first started researching Viril X, I wasn’t quite sure what the answer to that question was.

It was difficult to determine whether it is a testosterone booster, a weight loss pill, or a male enhancement product?

Now that I’ve had more time to go over the Dignity Biolabs official website, it’s pretty clear that it’s a male performance supplement.

Can women use Viril X?

You could, but I’m not sure if it would have much of an impact on the sexual health of women.

Most womens health supplements that help with female sexual stamina have natural ingredients like DHEA, horny goat weed, and even fish oil.

Viril X doesn’t contain any of them.

What’s the dosage?

According to the label, you’re supposed to take 2 pills per day.  A standard bottle contains 60 capsules, so 1 bottle works out to be a 1 month supply according to my math.

Are their any adverse effects?

In reality, any supplement has the potential to have side effects, Viril X included.

For example, common side effects associated with the consumption of L-Arginine include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, allergies, airway inflammation, and low blood pressure. (Source)

If you have any health conditions, including erectile dysfunction, it would be wise to consult with your physician before taking Viril X.

Are there any clinical studies?

No, and there doesn’t need to be.  Because Viril X is an over the counter supplement, it doesn’t fall under FDA regulation.

As a result, clinical tests do not need to be conducted.

Who Makes It?

According to my research, Viril X is made by a company called Dignity Biolabs.

Unfortunately there’s not a ton of info about this company online.

Their address from the terms of service page appears to be 12924 Pierce Street Pacoima, California, 91331, which is a fulfillment center.

What’s a fulfillment center?

A fulfillment center is basically a giant warehouse that stores, ships, and handles refunds for a wide variety of products.

example of a fulfillment center
^ Basically a big warehouse with 1,000’s of supplement brands

So for example, let’s say I created a product called “Robs Virility Enhancement”, and wanted to sell it online.

Basically what I would do is work with a fulfillment center to handle all aspects of my business.

They would store 10,000 bottles of my supplement, and when you go to order it through one of my sites (we’ll call it RobsVirilityEnhancement.com), the fulfillment center is actually the one who ships it to you.

From the looks of it, this same fulfillment center that Viril X uses is responsible for shipping other products, including Paravex and many others.

Where To Buy Viril X

As of this review, Viril X is only available on their official website, www.dignitybiolabs.com/products/viril-x.

The prices break down like this:

  • 1 month supply:  $59.95
  • 3 month supply:  $134.85
  • 6 month supply:  $227.70

A one month supply costs $59.95, and they offer discounts for larger orders.

It used to be sold on Amazon as well, but as of right now it’s not in stock.

If you do buy it on their official site, they do offer a 90 day money back guarantee.

In order for them to grant you a refund, you have to call their customer service phone number at 866-419-0068 and obtain an RMA # (return merchandise authorization).

Once you get the RMA number, you have to send the unused portion back to them and write the RMA # on the outside of the package.

In fact, this is VERY common in the supplement industry.

Nearly 80% of all supplements in this category that have a money back guarantee will require this.

In any event, I haven’t seen any feedback from anyone that had a problem returning the product for a refund.

I checked with other brick and mortar stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS, and none of them carry it either.


After finally having tested Viril X out, I can say with 80% confidence that it works quite well.

With that said, it’s certainly not the best sexual wellness supplement I’ve ever tested.

Their whole proprietary blend really isn’t that much different from the countless other enhancement products we’ve tested in the past.

What we do know is that they put a lot of emphasis on the whole “increases testosterone levels” claims.

If it really does, then it can definitely have an impact on male performance, sex drive, sexual desire, and even premature ejaculation.

With that said, does it really?  I didn’t exactly have my testosterone levels checked, but it sure felt like it increased testosterone.

It definitely helped with my virility, sexual energy, sex drive and overall performance in the bedroom which can all be attributed to testosterone so I have no reason currently to believe that those claims are not true.

As far as the claim that it increases size, well, I don’t think that’s possible with Viril X.

Lastly, if you have any health conditions like high blood pressure or prostate health issues, you should definitely get medical advice from your doctor first.

The ingredients muira puama, terrestris extract, and L-Arginine can cause side effects, despite the manufacturers claim to the contrary.

Check with your doctor and allergies to make sure that you are not allergic and that any medications you are currently taking do not have bad interactions with Viril X.

Have You Used Viril X?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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