29 Foods That Lower Testosterone

Certain types of foods can literally destroy your bodies production of testosterone, while others can actually help it.

The foods we eat have the greatest impact on our health. Sure, exercise is necessary but proper nutrition is far more important.

I’ve already covered the 63 foods that boost testosterone naturally, and now I want to help you avoid those foods that can do just the opposite.

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It’s by far the most effective all-natural Testosterone boosting supplement we’ve tested to date, and we’ve tested 100’s of them.

Click Here to read my full review of Prime Male.

Here are 29 foods that lower testosterone.

List Of Foods That Lower Testosterone


Processed Meats
Red Meat
Soy Beans
Soy Bean Oil
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Vegetable Oil
Trans Fat
Polyunsaturated Fats
Cow’s Milk
Processed Cheese
Ice Cream
Soy-Based Food Products
Refined Carbohydrate Products
Spearmint / Peppermint
Microwave Popcorn


Strawberries (Conventional)

Sometimes referred to as nature’s candy, strawberries provide a variety of micro nutrients and they are considered a great way to indulge in sweets without the guilt.

strawberries lower testosterone
Source: Almanac.com

The problem with strawberries is not that they aren’t healthy. In fact, they support your testosterone levels by providing more Vitamin C than an orange. The issue is what is sprayed on the strawberry.

The pesticides that are commonly used on strawberries have been shown to stifle testosterone production and promote estrogen dominance. Yikes! (1)

If you love strawberries and you want to avoid the testosterone lowering effects of the pesticides, you have to buy organic.

Peaches (Conventional)

Peaches are another super sweet option when you’re looking to indulge without chomping down on a 250-calorie candy bar.

peaches lower testosterone
Source: HaleGroves.com

While conventional peaches may have a variety of vitamins and minerals, they share the same issue as strawberries in that they are covered with pesticides.

The skin of a peach is extremely thin, making it easy for pesticide to seep through. These are the same widely used pesticides associated with lowering testosterone levels in men. (1)

The solution: Buy organic.

Apples (Conventional)

High in fiber and vitamins, apples are said to be a staple of any healthy diet. While they are nutritionally impressive, there is something that apples have in common with strawberries and peaches: pesticides.

apples lower testosterone
Source: MedicalNewsToday.com

Apples, strawberries, and peaches have consistently been on the top 10 most pesticide-filled produce list for years now. Make no mistake about it: These are healthy options but if you’re buying conventional, you’re not doing your testosterone levels any favors. (1)

Make it a habit to buy organic with any piece of produce where you can eat the skin including apples.


Okay, I know you may be wondering why watermelon is on this list and it also appears in my list foods that boost testosterone naturally.

watermelon lowers testosterone
Source: Healthline.com

First, as I mention in the foods that boost testosterone article, there’s no hard evidence that watermelon will directly influence an increase in testosterone. What it does do is supply you with plenty of L-Citrulline, which converts to L-Arginine. In theory, that could have a positive influence on testosterone levels but the studies proving this aren’t there (yet).

For this article, watermelon can lower testosterone levels when you eat it in excess. The problem is sugar. Watermelon is a high-sugar food, one of the highest on the glycemic index. Consuming too much watermelon will send your blood sugar levels through the roof. Excess sugar in the body has been shown to lower natural testosterone levels in men. (2)

You can enjoy watermelon but do so in moderation.


Kale (Conventional)

Again, it may seem like we have another case of mistaken identity.

kale lowers testosterone
Source: Healthline.com

Yes, kale did appear in 63 foods that boost testosterone naturally and I’m still standing by those proven benefits of kale. However, kale shares something in common with its fruit-counterparts: pesticides.

The pesticides that are sprayed on kale may negatively impact your testosterone levels so once again, go organic with this one, guys. (1)

Spinach (Conventional)

Let’s cut right to the chase: Yes, spinach does boost testosterone levels but only when you buy organic.

spinach lowers testosterone
Source: Almanac.com

Spinach leaves are sensitive to pesticide spraying and they soak up those chemicals like a sponge. The result is you eat those chemicals and your testosterone levels are going to take the biggest hit. (1)

Just to recap: Whenever you are eating a piece of produce that involves consuming the skin (apples, strawberries, peaches, kale, and spinach), make sure you buy organic and your testosterone levels will thank you by going up.


Available in convenient freezer and microwave-friendly bags, at first glance edamame can understandably jump to the top of your list for protein-rich foods. One cup of cooked edamame can contain up to 17 grams of protein.

edamame lowers testosterone
Source: Wikipedia.com

Not too shabby for a plant-based protein, right? Take a closer look and you’ll realize that edamame may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

Edamame is a pod containing soybeans that have not been matured or fermented. This is one-way ticket to lowering your testosterone levels. Studies show that soybeans contain a compound called equol, a metabolite of the phytoestrogen, daidzein.

These phytoestrogens have a direct impact on your hormones with an emphasis on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone. (3)


Processed Meats

What could be more convenient than a sandwich post-workout or on your way to work?

processed meats lower testosterone
Source: TheAlternativeDaily.com

You open up that plastic wrap, take out a few pieces of lunch meat, make the sandwich to your liking, and you’re out the door. Sure, lunch meat is incredibly high in sodium but that a different story for a different article. What you have to worry about with lunch meat is its ability to potentially lower testosterone levels.

First, processed meats are usually from animals that have been pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics. Both have been shown to lower testosterone levels but I’ll talk more about that below.

Specifically with lunch meat, the danger to your testosterone levels comes from the plastic wrap. The plastic wrap that is used in your local deli contains the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA has been shown to have a direct impact on testosterone levels, causing them to drop. (4)

I recommend avoiding processed meats and sticking to meats that are organic and have not been injected with growth hormone, antibiotics, or insane levels of sodium.

Red Meat (Steak, Lamb)

Red meat such as steak and lamb can be good for increasing testosterone levels; however, not when you are buying it from sources that pump it full of growth hormones and antibiotics.

lamb meat lowers testosterone
Source: DrHealthBenefits.com

Studies show that those hormones and antibiotics find their way into your system when you consume the red meat of your choice. These compounds have been shown to negatively impact your testosterone levels. (5)

If red meat is a part of your diet, go for grass-fed beef and organic options that don’t contain growth hormone and antibiotics.


Soy Beans

Just like we talked about above, soy beans that have not been matured and fermented are going to be problematic to your testosterone levels.

soy beans lower testosterone
Source: Amazon.com

Soy beans contain phytoestrogens that can lower testosterone levels. Admittedly, these compounds have the strongest effect against DHT, which is an extremely anabolic hormone. It’s also a hormone that is blamed for androgenic-focused complications such as an enlarged prostate. If your goal is to lower DHT levels, soy beans will do this but they’ll also have an effect on testosterone albeit not as great. (3)


While legumes can be nutritional powerhouses, some legumes do have a testosterone-lowering effect.

legumes lower testosterone
Source: Healthline.com

Lima beans are the best example as they contain phytoestrogens in the form of the fiber inositol. These phytoestrogens, as I have mentioned above, have been shown to lower natural testosterone levels. (3, 6)

Some legumes that are okay to consume in moderation would be black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas.


Soy Bean Oil

Oils have been getting a lot of attention lately.

soy bean oil lowers testosterone
Source: Organicfacts.net

Since dietary fat has returned to the good graces in the nutritional community, research is revealing specific oils that can have a dramatically positive impact on overall health. For men, these same oils can boost testosterone. For example, I talk about the amazing effects of coconut oil on testosterone levels in 63 foods that boost testosterone naturally. Not all oils are going to help your testosterone levels.

Soy bean oil is one of the worst oils that you can consume if you want to maintain high levels of testosterone. First, the oil is typically over processed, containing very little nutrients. Secondly, and most importantly, it’s made from soybeans that have not been matured or fermented. These immature beans contain phytoestrogens that lower testosterone. (3)

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Vegetable Oil

PUFA vegetable oil for short, this commonly used cooking oil is packed with polyunsaturated fats, something the average American gets too much of already.

vegetable oil lowers testosterone

PUFA vegetable oil and polyunsaturated fats in general have been shown to negatively impact the testosterone levels of men. (7)

Focus on heathy oils that contain monounsaturated fats such as sunflower oil. You can also consume healthy saturated fats to see a huge spike in testosterone levels. Coconut oil is the best option for this.



While some seeds can be extremely beneficial for testosterone levels, not all will bless you with t-boosting benefits.

flaxseed oil lowers testosterone
Source: Longevitytimes.com

Flaxseed contains a compound called lignans, which is very estrogenic. Studies suggest that flaxseed has the ability to lower testosterone and DHT, which is why it’s such a popular recommendation with medical experts who want their patients to naturally fight back against androgenic issues such as prostate cancer. (8)

Flaxseed does have a great nutrient profile but you can get those same nutrients without losing testosterone by switching it up for pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.


Trans Fat

Trans fat isn’t a fat in the way you envision unsaturated or saturated fat.

trans fats lower testosterone
Source: Drsinatra.com

Trans fat isn’t natural; it’s man-made. Trans fat is made when you take vegetable oils and pump them through a process known as partial hydrogenation. The result is a fat by-product that can maintain an extremely long shelf life.

While you wouldn’t take a block of trans fat and eat it, you don’t have to because it can be found throughout a variety of processed foods. Margarine and snack foods are two of the most common places where you’ll find trans-fat. Aside from doing a number on your cardiovascular health, it can also wreck your testosterone.

Trans fat has been shown in several studies to promote obesity, which in itself can lower your testosterone levels. Let’s say you’re a healthy guy though without any weight issues and you begin eating products that contain trans-fat. Studies have demonstrated that a diet high trans-fat directly correlates to a significantly lower sperm count in otherwise healthy males. The bigger implication here is that it is knocking your testosterone levels down a few points. (9)

Polyunsaturated Fats

Just as I mentioned above, Americans in particular are getting far too many polyunsaturated fats in their diet. An overabundance of this type of fat has been shown to negatively impact cardiovascular health but it may also lower testosterone levels in men. (7)

Aside from PUFA vegetable oils, try to limit your intake of the following:

  • Corn oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Walnuts

If you absolutely MUST have nuts, I would recommend you go with Brazil Nuts.


Cow’s Milk

We are the only species on the planet that continues to drink milk well after we are babies.

cows milk lowers testosterone
Source: Youtube.com

What’s more, we are the only species on the planet that consumes the milk of another species! Doesn’t this sound strange? Still, milk has been shown to have plenty of benefits but these benefits are short-changed by the nasty chemicals that are showing up in commercial milk.

Commercially bought milk that comes from cows who have been treated with growth hormone and antibiotics is already a one-two punch to your testosterone but it gets worse. This same commercial milk has been shown to contain exogenous estrogen! That is going to be the knockout punch to your t-levels. These estrogens lower testosterone levels while promoting estrogen dominance. (10)

If you want to continue drinking milk, you can but be mindful of moderation. Also, get your milk from a verified organic source. If you’re not lactose intolerant, try getting raw milk from your local farmer’s market. It’s packed with probiotics and nutrients that are normally destroyed during pasteurization.

Processed Cheese (Dairy-based)

Continuing with the point above, processed cheese is made from commercially sourced cow’s milk.

processed cheese lowers testosterone
Source: Foodandwine.com

The same cow’s milk I talked about above containing growth hormones, antibiotics, and exogenous estrogens, which can lower testosterone. (10)

If you want to indulge in cheese, get an organic and locally sourced cheese that is not coming off of a food factory line.

Ice Cream

This beloved dessert can pose a threat to testosterone in two ways:

First, commercially produced ice cream is probably going to be made from the same cow’s milk that I talked about above. You know what that contains: hormones, antibiotics, and estrogen. All three are a triple danger to testosterone levels. (10)

ice cream lowers testosterone
Source: Friendlys.com

Secondly, ice cream contains a lot of sugar. As I talked about above, studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption can lead to lower levels of testosterone. What’s more, sugar can also play a role in weight gain, obesity, and poor cardiovascular health. (2)

If you’re going to indulge, do so once in a while, opt for a small portion, and try to buy from a local ice cream shop that sells homemade ice cream.



Another double appearance in this article and in the 63 foods that boost testosterone naturally article would be shrimp.

shrimp for high testosterone

Yes, shrimp can help to promote healthy levels of testosterone. Here’s something you may not have known about shrimp: that bright pink color that you commonly see on commercially sold shrimp can fade and look discolored. To solve this problem and to make shrimp look appealing longer, food companies will use a compound called 4-hexyl resorcinol.

This chemical additive prevents discoloration but it’s also extremely estrogenic, which may lower testosterone and promote higher levels of estrogen.



We put it in our morning coffee, in our smoothies, in our condiments… sugar is in just about everything.


It’s also a leading cause of weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and low testosterone levels. As I mentioned above, avoid excessive sugar consumption if you want to keep those t-levels high. (2)


Once the weekend arrives, where do most people go to relax and enjoy themselves? Bars, clubs, and other venues that are serving alcohol. While it might be nice to kick back with a drink after a long week, if you want to keep those testosterone levels high, you’ll want to watch your intake of alcohol.

The ethanol found in alcohol has been shown to decrease testosterone levels in men. What’s more, when it comes to beer, hops are one of the most estrogenic foods out there. Drinking a lot of beer can promote estrogen dominance while lowering testosterone levels. (11)

Furthermore, alcohol has been shown to be detrimental to overall sleep quality, which can also affect testosterone levels.


Your average soda contains around 50 grams of sugar. This is double the daily intake of sugar based on the American Heart Association’s recommendations.

As I’ve covered above, sugar can significantly lower testosterone levels while promoting weight gain and cardiovascular issues. While artificial sweeteners have not been linked to low testosterone, they’ve been linked to a number of other issues such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. (2)

Switch off soda and pick up water. If you must indulge, choose a zero-calorie soda and keep it to a minimal serving.

Soy-Based Food Products

You’ll find soy in more than you realize. If you’re a vegetarian for example, those tofurkey patties that you’ve been eating are packed with unfermented soy. This is the same soy that I talked about above that contains phytoestrogens that may lower testosterone. (3)

What’s more, many food products where soy is used are packed with other fillers such as excessive sodium. Keep it natural and keep those t-levels high.

Refined Carbohydrate Products

White bread and your favorite breakfast cereals are perfect examples of refined carbohydrate products. Stripping wheat of its nutrients, food companies use this wheat byproduct in a number of products. To make up the nutritional difference, these companies add in synthetic vitamins and minerals. The end result is a simple carbohydrate food product that can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, and lower testosterone levels. (12)


Despite what you may think, licorice is used for more than candy. This herb can be found in many natural products such as tinctures and teas. While licorice is great for settling your stomach and promoting stomach health, it’s not great for testosterone.

Studies show that consumption of licorice correlates with lower levels of testosterone in men. What’s more, if you’re consuming licorice candy, your testosterone is getting pummeled by the licorice and the sugar content. (13)

Spearmint / Peppermint

Just like licorice, spearmint and peppermint can be found in more than just chewing gum. These herbs make perfect teas, cooking additives, and tinctures for a variety of health issues. Also similar to licorice, spearmint and peppermint have been shown to reduce testosterone levels. (14)

These herbs do have many benefits outside of testosterone lowering so they may be options that you don’t necessarily throw out of your diet as much as limit them to a sparing consumption.

Microwave Popcorn

Who doesn’t love the smell of freshly prepared popcorn? While popcorn may complement any movie night, if you’re making popcorn in the microwave, your testosterone levels may be suffering.

Some brands of microwave popular, especially overseas, are still using a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid in the making of the bags where the popcorn kernels are popped. PFOA has been linked to several medical issues; most notably, PFOA may negatively impact testosterone levels in men.


With legalization happening in several states and many more considering it sooner rather than later, marijuana is becoming a part of the culture now more than ever before. It’s been proven to be an effective all-natural source of pain relief while reducing anxiety and depression. While marijuana has many benefits, it may not be great for testosterone levels.

Studies suggest that consistent marijuana usage may lower testosterone levels in men; however, studies also say that this can be counteracted by building up a tolerance. In other words, there may be an initial dive in testosterone levels but if your body is able to adjust to marijuana usage, it will not impact t-levels as much. Still, if this is your thing, please do it responsibly. (15)


Are there any foods that you think lower testosterone that I didn’t mention above? Let me know in the comments below.



  1. Goncharov A, Rej R, Negoita S, Schymura M, Santiago-Rivera A, Morse G; Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, Carpenter DO. Lower serum testosterone associated with elevated polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in Native American men. Environ Health Perspect. 2009 Sep;117(9):1454-60. doi: 10.1289/ehp.0800134. Epub 2009 May 20.
  1. Caronia LM, Dwyer AA, Hayden D, Amati F, Pitteloud N, Hayes FJ. Abrupt decrease in serum testosterone levels after an oral glucose load in men: implications for screening for hypogonadism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013 Feb;78(2):291-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04486.x.Lund T, Munson D,
  1. Haldy M, Setchell K, Lephart E, Handa R. Equol is a novel anti-androgen that inhibits prostate growth and hormone feedback. Biology of reproduction. 2004;70(4):1188–95.



  1. Li DK, Zhou Z, Miao M, He Y, Qing D, Wu T, Wang J, Weng X, Ferber J, Herrinton LJ, Zhu Q, Gao E, Yuan W. Relationship between urine bisphenol-A level and declining male sexual function. J Androl. 2010 Sep-Oct;31(5):500-6. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.110.010413. Epub 2010 May 13.
  1. Afeiche, Myriam C et al. “Meat Intake and Reproductive Parameters among Young Men.” Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 25.3 (2014): 323–330. PMC. Web. 12 Nov. 2017.


  1. Li J, Mao Q-Q. Legume intake and risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Oncotarget. 2017;8(27):44776-44784. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.16794.


  1. Volek J, Kraemer W, Bush J, Incledon T, Boetes M. Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 1997;82(1):49–54.


  1. Denis L, Morton M, Griffiths K. Diet and its preventive role in prostatic disease. European urology. 1999;35(5–6):377–87.


  1. Chavarro J, Mínguez-Alarcón L, Mendiola J, Cutillas-Tolín A, López-Espín J, Torres-Cantero A. Trans fatty acid intake is inversely related to total sperm count in young healthy men. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 2014;29(3):429–40.


  1. Maruyama K, Oshima T, Ohyama K. Exposure to exogenous estrogen through intake of commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. Pediatr Int. 2010 Feb;52(1):33-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2009.02890.x. Epub 2009 May 22.


  1. Välimäki M, Härkönen M, Eriksson C, Ylikahri R. Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 1984;1(1):89–93.
  1. Chrysohoou C, Panagiotakos D, Pitsavos C, et al. Low Total Testosterone Levels are Associated With the Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly Men: The Role of Body Weight, Lipids, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation; The Ikaria Study. The Review of Diabetic Studies : RDS. 2013;10(1):27-38. doi:10.1900/RDS.2013.10.27.
  1. Armanini D, Bonanni G, Palermo M. Reduction of serum testosterone in men by licorice. The New England journal of medicine. 1999;341(15):1158.
  1. Akdogan M, Ozguner M, Kocak A, Oncu M, Cicek E. Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular tissue in rats. Urology. 2004;64(2):394–8.
  1. Harclerode J. Endocrine effects of marijuana in the male: preclinical studies. NIDA Res Monogr. 1984;44:46-64.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Testomenix Review – The Pros and The Cons


The Marketing Behind Testomenix
Well, I’m Here To Tell You This Is ALL Complete B.S.
What Is Testomenix
Testomenix Ingredients
How to Use Testomenix
Testomenix Reviews
Where to Buy
Testomenix Pros and Cons
Testomenix – The Bottom Line

With more and more people turning to healthy lifestyles as a way to ensure longer, more productive, and fulfilling lives, nutritional supplements have found the biggest market in their history. For many men, this means choosing a natural testosterone booster like Testomenix for some very good reasons.

testomenix review

Testosterone is the male hormone, known for fostering strength, building muscle, improving libido, and increasing overall vitality. When we’re teenagers and in our 20s, our bodies produce more testosterone than we need, but as we age, that production wanes until eventually – usually in our late 30s to mid 40s – the loss becomes noticeable.

Low testosterone manifests itself in several ways, including:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Diminished drive and focus.
  • Muscle loss (including a drop in results from workouts).
  • Fat gain (despite increased effort to maintain or lose weight).
  • Decreased sex drive and/or ability to achieve and maintain hard erections.

Clearly, these are not symptoms any man would want to lie down for and accept. If your situation is severe enough, you may be a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, but for several reasons, this might not be the best choice. It requires a prescription, it can be expensive, it may involve injections, and perhaps most importantly, it means side effects you want nothing to do with.

This is where natural testosterone boosting supplements come in. They provide relief for the symptoms of low testosterone without all the drawbacks involved with TRT.

Of course, not all pills or powders are alike. Some work, some don’t. Some are worth the expense, some aren’t. We spent some time researching Testomenix to see how it stands up. Here’s what we found.

The Marketing Behind Testomenix

Recently I was scrolling through some random site (can’t remember which one) and I came across an ad that looked like this:

testomenix ad

I could smell a scam from a mile away, but I figured I’d click on it anyway to see what the fuss was all about.

Once I clicked on it, it took me to a page that “looked” like the Today website, with a title that announced “Why Every Judge On Shark Tank Backed This $4.95 Product”.

testomenix on shark tank

Throughout the article, they talk about how brothers Mark and Dave Martin, developed some new “great step forward in muscle building history”.

So what is this miracle $4.95 product?

None other than Testomenix.

According the the Martin brothers, this product has the ability to:

  • Build muscle mass
  • Reduce recovery time
  • Decrease body fat
  • Increase testosterone
  • Optimize hormone levels
  • and much more

Apparently, the Sharks were so impressed that every single one of them pulled together their resources to invest $1 Million in exchange for 25% of the company.

They even quote Mark Cuban as saying Testomenix is revolutionizing muscle building medicine”.

There’s images of a buff looking before and after picture of “The Rock”, who’s also quoted as saying “Testomenix is ground breaking”.

the rock on testomenix

And other celebs like Gerard Butler, Tom Hardy, and Chris Hemsworth are getting in on the action as well.

gerard butler on testomenix

tom hardy on testomenix

chris hemsworth on testomenix

Well, I’m Here To Tell You This Is ALL Complete B.S.

There have been several supplement companies that have been using this exact same trick to fool you into thinking that their product was seen on Shark Tank.

It is far from creative and in the past, myself as well as several others have done our homework to show how easy it is to prove that it is a sham and to show you what you should be looking out for to determine on your own that a scheme is afoot.

I’ve outed several of them already, including a testosterone booster, a weight loss pill, and many others.

In some cases, they’ve even gone so far as to change the name of the people involved.

For example, in the above one they say that Mark and Dave Martin were the guys involved.

But if you look here, the names change to Ann and Samantha Martin.

It’s a complete scam guys, don’t fall for it.

What Is Testomenix?

Testomenix is a natural testosterone boosting supplement. You won’t find it in stores, but it is available through its official website and at Amazon. It bottle comes with a 30 day supply of 60 caplets, and it claims to provide all the benefits we’ve come to expect from similar products.

Taking 2 Testomenix caplets daily should provide you with:

  • Increased energy.
  • Greater sex drive with improved performance
  • More muscle gain from your workouts.
  • Decreased body fat.

One thing you’ll notice from the website, which is their primary form of marketing, is that while many testosterone boosting products focus on one side of the two main benefits, Testomenix highlights both the sexual benefits and the muscle building ones.

This doesn’t necessarily indicate a difference in formula in any big way – if your T levels increase, you will see all the benefits of those boosted levels. It’s really just a marketing choice. Some products go for the muscle building crowd, while others choose to target the middle aged guy who wants to improve his sexual experience.

Testomenix doesn’t distinguish between the two; rather it claims to be able to help everyone with any of the issues they face due to low testosterone.

Testomenix Ingredients

Of course, the real question is Does Testomenix Work? And one of the best ways to start to figure that out is by breaking down the formula.

Unfortunately, the website doesn’t share anything about the ingredients, but I took the liberty of ordering a bottle and this is what the ingredients profile looks like.

testomenix ingredients label

The bulk of the formula is made up of a 1484 mg proprietary blend called Flow-Viv Max Test Blend which includes:

  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium) which isn’t a direct testosterone booster, but can help improve blood flow for better erections, providing one of the many benefits of increased testosterone levels.
  • Tongkat Ali which is believed to increase free testosterone levels by inhibiting the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG is a protein that attaches itself to testosterone molecules, essentially causing the difference between total testosterone and free testosterone. When a molecule is attached to SHBG, it becomes useless. Inhibiting this action effectively boosts free testosterone levels. The science on this is not conclusive, however this is the mechanism by which Tongkat Ali is believed to increase usable testosterone.
  • Saw Palmetto which is often used in supplements formulated to improve prostate health. It helps prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT (It’s the DHT, not the testosterone, that may compromise prostate health). By inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT, saw palmetto helps maintain higher levels of testosterone itself.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles, and is used to help men maintain their own testicular health and increase testosterone levels. According to Web MD there is no scientific evidence to support this just yet, though it is still a popular ingredient in testosterone boosting supplements.
  • Wild Yam which helps maintain the balance between the male and female sex hormones. Men and women have both testosterone and estrogen. In women, the balance is heavily weighted toward estrogen while men have far more testosterone than estrogen. They are so closely related, in fact, that some of the excess testosterone in men is converted into estrogen. Wild Yam helps ensure your balance between the male and female hormones remains optimal.
  • Sarsaparilla also promotes a healthy balance of hormones while increasing libido and drive.
  • Nettle Extract is yet another herbal ingredient in this formula that supports prostate health by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT, leaving you with more free testosterone than you would otherwise have.
  • Boron is a trace mineral believed to help increase natural testosterone levels. In fact, there are a few studies showing that it does just that.

Overall, the formula is not bad – it’s similar to many others we’ve seen before and will see again. While there are some helpful ingredients, there are a few important ones missing from the mix. D Aspartic Acid, L-Arginine, and Tribulus Terrestris come to mind.

How to Use Testomenix

The recommended dose 2 caplets taken daily. They don’t specify a time, so take them whenever is convenient, though it’s best to try to keep to the same schedule each day. They also don’t specify whether or not to take it with food, so this is left up to you as well. If it were a significant matter, they would specify on the label.

Testomenix Reviews

Testomenix is sold on Amazon, which means we have access to tons of customer feedback left by actual users of the product. The vast majority of which is very favorable.


Testomenix Amazon Review Breakdown


Here are a couple examples from happy customers:


Testomenix 5 Star review 1

Testomenix 5 star review 2


Still, not everyone is thrilled with Testomenix. Here’s what one customer had to say:


Testomenix 1 star review


Notice all three are “Verified Purchases” which means that the people writing the review actually purchased Testomenix. This is important because there are plenty of products selling on Amazon that actually hire people to submit fake positive reviews to boost their ratings. One way Amazon tries to address this is by distinguishing between reviews from actual customers and those from potentially random people.

Reviews on Testomenix are generally positive, and this is a good sign for its overall effectiveness.

Where to Buy

We’ve already established that Testomenix is sold on Amazon. The price there for a single bottle is currently $39.95, which puts it squarely into the reasonable range.

Alternatively, you can go to the Testomenix website through one of the many Testomenix “review websites to sign up for their free trial. I have to caution you, however, that the “free” trial isn’t really free at all.

When you first sign up, you pay only a small shipping and insurance fee totaling $4.95. Most customers think they’ll receive their trial bottle and that will be the end of it. But this is very much not the case. Hidden in the fine print are the actual terms which state:


Testomenix Terms


It’s no accident that these terms are written in tiny faded print. They are just as happy to have you miss it and be surprised 18 days later when the $89.99 charge shows up on your credit card. At that time, you’ll scramble around trying to find a phone number to call and cancel, but it will be too late to refute the first charge.

If you have gotten caught up in this Testomenix scam, be sure to call as soon as you notice the issue to cancel and avoid any more future charges.

The number to call is: 800-344-9507. They also have an email address: service@testomenix.com.

Testomenix Pros and Cons

Advantages of Testomenix

  • The formula is all natural.
  • Customer reviews on Amazon are mostly favorable.
  • It’s fairly inexpensive if you buy it at Amazon.

Disadvantages of Testomenix

  • The formula, while mostly likely quite safe, doesn’t contain any real testosterone boosting powerhouse ingredients.
  • The free trial they offer is really nothing more than a scam.

Testomenix – The Bottom Line

Testomenix is a lot like dozens of other supplements we’ve reviewed. The formula is decent, but not great, and it’s offered through a free trial offer that tries to gloss over the fact that signing up locks you into monthly payments you probably have no interest in making.

What makes Testomenix a little different is that in addition to the free trial, it’s also sold on Amazon for a very reasonable price. For this reason, if anything about Testomenix appeals to you, go ahead and order it at Amazon and give it a try. If it turns out not to be for you, at least you’ve avoided the hassle of a the phony free trial.

Either way, I would say skip it because they don’t deserve your hard earned money after all of the BS that they have pulled over on so many people; let them swindle someone else, not you.

Have You Used Testomenix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

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IFBB Pro Anthony Bailes Talks With SupplementCritique.com


Height:  5’6″
Weight:  Off-season – 235 lbs., Contest weight – 210 lbs.
Age:  40
anth bailes workout routine

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

My uncle who was a Bodybuilder at the time took me to the gym with him.  The rest is history as they say.

What inspired you to start your own supplement line?

To me, it was just the next step in my progression of the sport / industry .I own a gym, i turned professional as a bodybuilder.  Supplement line was the next challenge.  Over the past few years, there has been a lot of inferior, misleading under dosed products hitting the market.
I wanted my line to be of the highest quality and restore peoples faith that there are good products out there.  I wouldn’t put my name or reputation to sub par products.
No way!

What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to Bodybuilding and diabetes?

Diabetes is very frustrating as a Bodybuilder.  I suppose the biggest hurdle,is keeping Blood Glucose stable during Pre Contest.  If blood glucose levels run too high, you will lose muscle as nutrients will not get absorbed.
Too low,and hypoglycemic episodes will occur, and the body will release cortisol, which we know is a catabolic hormone.
Not good for a bodybuilder.
Fat burning will also be blunted if Blood Glucose isn’t stable.

What’s your biggest source of motivation?

Over the years it changes.  Right now, it is my 20 month old Daughter.
I cannot fail for her.
She drives me!
anthony bailes bodybuilder

What is your training philosophy?

I’m an advocate of HIT!  High Intensity training, Heavy weights and short infrequent workouts.

What is your philosophy on nutrition?

I eat pretty clean year round,especially due to my Diabetes.  Right now i follow a high protein / moderate carb / pretty low fat diet.  I’m not looking to push my body weight much higher these days due to me competing in the 212lbs class.
A Typical days eating for me would be…

Meal #1

  • 100g Oats
  • 10 Egg Whites
  • 2 scoops Tactical Whey

Meal #2

  • 300g Chicken Breast
  • 50g Brown Basmati Rice
  • Green Vegetables

Meal #3

  • 300g Chicken Breast
  • 200g sweet potato
  • Green Vegetables

Meal #4

  • 100g Oats
  • 10 Egg Whites
  • 2 scoops Tactical Whey

Meal #5

  • 250g Lean Ground Beef or Steak
  • 300g Beetroot
  • 250g Greek Yogurt
  • 100g Blueberries
I will have a cheat meal on Saturdays.  As you can see, nothing fancy.

What workout routine has worked best for you?


  • Shallow Incline Barbell press:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure 6 – 8 reps
  • Hammer Strength Decline Press Machine:  1 Warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Flyes:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 12 – 15 reps
  • Dips:  1 warm up set with Bodyweight – 1 set to failure with added weight – 10 – 12 reps


  • EZ Barbell Curl:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 6 – 8 reps
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 10 – 12 reps
  • Preacher Curl:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps

Wednesday – LEGS

  • Leg extension:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure 12 – 15  reps
  • Squats:  2 – 3  Warm up sets- 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Leg Press or Hack Squat:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 10 – 12 reps
  • Kneeling leg curl:  2 warm up  – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps
  • Stiff legged Dead lift:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 10 – 12 reps
  • Calf Raises on Leg Press:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps
  • Seated Calf Raise:  2 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps


  • Seated side laterals:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Rear Delt machine:  2 Warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Smith machine press or Dumbbell press:  2 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps
  • V Bar Pushdowns 2 warm up sets:  1 set to failure – 8 – 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Extensions:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 6 – 8 reps
  • Reverse pushdown:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 10 – 12 reps
  • Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs: 3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 8 – 10 reps


  • Machine Pullovers:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Hammer Strength Reverse grip pulldown:  1 Warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure 8 – 10 reps
  • Underhand grip barbell row:  1 warm up set – 1 heavy set to failure – 6 – 8 reps
  • Cable row:  1 warm up set – 1  heavy set to failure – 10 – 12 reps
  • Rack Deadlifts:  3 warm up sets – 1 heavy set to failure – 6 – 10 reps
The first exercise of a body part i will do 3 warm up sets reps from 10 – 15.  Once i am into the workout, I will only perform 1 warm up set for the following exercises then straight into the heavy work set for 6 – 15 rep range.
anth bailes training

If you had to pick only 3 exercises what would they be and why?

  1. Squats
  2. Deadlifts
  3. Shallow incline presses
Squats and deadlifts are great compound movements that hit many muscle groups! Incline press over bench press as i never did get anything from flat bench press other than sore elbows and shoulders!

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I’m old school and prefer low intensity normal cardio.  It worked for many greats in years past.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

Being fortunate enough to have my own line, I obviously use my own products.  Tactical whey Protein Blend 2 x per day.  Therno9mm fat burner capsule, 1 serving 30 mins before cardio.
Atomic Bomb Pre Workout – 1 sachet 30 mins before i train mixed with some EAA.  We are currently formulating our Amino product EAAmmo.
I also use Glutamine , Fish Oil and ZMA along with various health supplements…CoQ10, Tudca, NAC.
I also used to use Curcumin, but i now get my Curcumin from Tactical whey as it contains Cavacurmin (Highly bio available form of Curcumin)

Favorite Quote?

“100 % Or Nothing”

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

Bodybuilding wise…Dorian yates.  Not only for his physique, but also his mental approach to the sport!

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

More is not always better!

What advice would you give to someone trying to break into competitive bodybuilding?

Be patient.
Unless you are a genetic freak, building a championship physique takes many years.

Connect With Anth On Social Media:

Insomnia and Testosterone: How A Poor Night’s Sleep Affects Testosterone


The Role of Sleep in Your Body
Sleep and Testosterone
Does a Lack of Sleep Hurt Testosterone Levels
Causes of Insomnia and Bad Sleep
How to Sleep Better
Do High Testosterone Levels Affect Your Sleep

In the modern age, sleep has become more and more of a luxury. Whether it’s the demands of a job, the needs of our family, or Netflix binging that results in only getting 5 hours of shut eye, as a nation, we are getting less sleep.

the effects of sleep on testosterone

The Center for Disease Control calls for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night for adults and even more for adolescents. (Source)

What happens when you don’t sleep?

Chronic fatigue, slower cognitive speeds, and mood swings are just a few of the most common symptoms.

effects of sleep deprivation on testosterone levels

For men, there is another concern: low testosterone levels.

Is there a connection between healthy sleep and healthy testosterone levels? Let’s review the role of sleep in your body along with the influence it has on the average guy’s testosterone levels.

The Role of Sleep in Your Body

Each day, your body accumulates a huge amount of waste. With the foods we eat and the process of digestion aside, your body builds up a collection of waste on a cellular level. Most of it is from simply living and breathing. Some waste is from stress and even more of it comes from the environment we live in.

During our waking hours, our bodies are in function-mode but when the sun sets and we hit the pillow, our bodies shut down to focus on recovery and wiping the slate clean for the next day.

Sleep is when our bodies get to work tossing out the garbage, repairing muscle tissue, and much more.

Here are just some of the areas that sleep can have a positive impact on assuming you are sleeping the appropriate number of hours of sleep each night:

  • Cognitive functioning
  • Brain health
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Heart health
  • Condition of muscle tissue
  • Health of your connective tissue and joints
  • Decreased risk of injury

Sleep and Testosterone

Another area that sleep has a direct impact on is that of our hormone levels, namely testosterone.

It is during sleep that our body triggers the production and release of growth hormones such as testosterone. Yes, the body does create and release testosterone throughout the day but, on average, it is during the night when men see the highest spike in testosterone.

Rapid Eye Movement or R.E.M. stages of sleep are thought to be the time when testosterone levels reach their highest point and from here, they remain consistent until you wake. It takes around 90 minutes to enter the R.E.M. cycle of sleep and so it goes without saying that if you’re not sleeping, you’re not hitting this mark.

What does the science say about how sleep impacts testosterone levels?

Does a Lack of Sleep Hurt Testosterone Levels? Science Says…

Less Sleep = Less Testosterone

If the science could be summed up, this is what it would say. The amount and quality of sleep that men get each night has a direct impact on the level of their testosterone. What many men don’t realize is that there is a vicious cycle at play here.

Anabolic vs. Catabolic Response

As mentioned above, you know that your body must enter the R.E.M. stages of sleep in order to see a spike in testosterone that lasts throughout the night. If you aren’t sleeping, then you aren’t supporting testosterone production but you are triggering an increase in the release of a different hormone called cortisol.

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone. That means it promotes growth and recovery. For example, it has an important role in the development of lean mass growth. Cortisol, on the other hand, is a catabolic hormone. This means it likes to break things down, namely your protein.

Admittedly, cortisol is a very complicated hormone and this is an over simplification; however, studies show that consistently high levels of cortisol in the blood increase anxiety, promote sleep disturbances, and suppress testosterone levels.

The Vicious Cycle

Once you enter into this vicious cycle of not getting sleep, it’s going to be harder to pull yourself out from it.

Not getting sleep promotes the release of a hormone that decreases sleep AND decreases testosterone levels. If you thought that was bad, low testosterone itself also promotes bad sleeping habits. See how the odds are stacked against you? If you want to get ahead of the chaos of insomnia, you’ll need to understand what causes it.

Causes of Insomnia and Bad Sleep

There are two ways to look at the causes of bad sleeping habits: medical and lifestyle.

On the medical side, there are a variety of treatable conditions that contribute to keeping you from R.E.M. sleep cycles and pushing you towards insomnia:

  • Pain related problems such as arthritis, lower back pain, and chronic pain
  • Nasal issues such as sleep apnea or allergies
  • Stomach problems such as acid reflux

As for lifestyle, it’s all about choices. Many guys will choose the following instead of sleep:

  • Playing on a laptop, phone, tablet
  • Letting the television stay on during the night
  • Staying up past 1 a.m. (This is when you can take advantage of the highest levels of growth hormone)
  • Caffeine intake
  • Dietary choices

As you’ll see, most of these things can be changed or corrected. With medical issues, visit your doctor immediately, especially if you are having problems breathing during sleep. Your doctor can recommend a number of medications or procedures to alleviate many of these issues.

Lifestyle changes are even simpler to take care of because they require you to either start doing something or stop doing something.

How to Sleep Better

Continuing with the point above, let’s break down the best ways to help you start sleeping better. Keep in mind that no change takes place over night and that you may need to push yourself to make these changes happen over the course of the next two weeks. Keep trying and eventually it will become habit.

Caffeine Intake

  • The world has a caffeine addiction. While it’s helpful to kick start our days, some people tend to overdo it, resulting in higher levels of the catabolic hormone, cortisol and less sleep. Try to cut back on caffeine. You can even try substituting with tea. I’d really recommend doing a caffeine detox for a month if you want to get yourself on track with a healthy sleep schedule.

Dietary Choices

  • Eating just before bed is bad for digestion, encourages weight gain, and disrupts sleep. Try having your last meal no less than two hours before bed. Also, focus your diet on clean and natural foods. Fried foods and heavily processed foods may negatively impact sleep.

Herbal and Mineral Supplements

  • One of the best natural approaches to supporting your sleep cycles is to turn toward herbal remedies or herbal supplements. Drinking an herbal tea with lavender and cat’s claw before bed has been shown to promote relaxation. ZMA is made of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 and it’s considered one of the best sleep aids on the market. Take one serving of ZMA 30 minutes before bed to support sleep.  Other notable herbal supplements include Fenugreek extract and D-Aspartic Acid.


  • The introduction of the smartphone radically changed the world. While it makes things more convenient, it does have its drawbacks. The light from your phone, tablet, and laptop will prevent the sleep hormone, melatonin, from being created. Melatonin helps us fall asleep and when you limit your body’s production of it, you lessen your chances of falling asleep properly. Try powering down all electronics an hour before bed. Switch your phone for a book. Reading before bed has been shown to support healthy sleep cycles.

Bed Time

  • What time do you get to bed each night? Are you crashing at 10 p.m.? Or are you just leaving the house? For some of us, bed time hours are going to be hectic. If you are on a normal schedule and able to take advantage of sleeping during the night, make sure you’re in bed before midnight. 1 a.m. marks the first hour of highest growth hormone potential. If you want more testosterone, you’ll want to be in dream land when clock nears this time.


  • This almost goes without saying, but the a more active lifestyle will certainly lead to better quality sleep.  There have also been several exercises that have shown a direct correlation on increasing testosterone.

Reduce Alcohol Use

  • Alcohol has a wide variety of debilitating effects on the body, and it absolutely wreaks havoc on your sleep quality.  It may help you FALL asleep faster, but your sleep quality will be severely interrupted.  Alcohol basically tricks your brain into thinking your getting better quality of sleep, when in fact you’re not.  Increased alcohol consumption has also been linked to an overall reduction in testosterone levels.

Do High Testosterone Levels Affect Your Sleep?

Perhaps one of the strangest occurrences in relation to sleep and testosterone is when you get too much too soon. For men who are undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, you may experience short term insomnia. Studies show that when administering large doses of testosterone in a short span of time, sleeping patterns were negatively impacted.

Again, think back to what I mentioned earlier: if you aren’t sleeping, you aren’t producing natural testosterone. For older guys, the answer may be somewhere in the middle of low dose testosterone therapy and getting on a good sleeping schedule.

Remember to talk with your doctor if you’re experiencing low testosterone levels, or try out some of the various tips we recommend. Go with the more conservative approach until your doctor recommends otherwise.


  1. Wittert G. The relationship between sleep disorders and testosterone in men. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2014;16(2):262-265. doi:10.4103/1008-682X.122586.
  2. Luboshitzky R, Herer P, Levi M, Shen-Orr Z, Lavie P. Relationship between rapid eye movement sleep and testosterone secretion in normal men. J Androl. 1999 Nov-Dec;20(6):731-7.
  3. Barrett-Connor E, Dam T-T, Stone K, et al. The Association of Testosterone Levels with Overall Sleep Quality, Sleep Architecture, and Sleep-Disordered Breathing. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2008;93(7):2602-2609. doi:10.1210/jc.2007-2622.

Valentin Bosioc Interviews Vacuum Exercise Demonstration


Height:  5’5″
Weight:  154 lbs.
Age:  34

valentin bosioc abs

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

I don’t really know! I’ve been practicing a lot of sports, but got stuck in bodybuilding :). I think this is an art, and you are the artist.

What’s your biggest source of motivation?

My fans, and recently my little daughter!

What is your training philosophy?

Always do the best you can. Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself! Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal!

What is your philosophy on nutrition?

It’s simple! Balance is the key! I don’t go into strict diet (unless I’m preppin’ for a competition). I don’t count macros! I’ve teached my body to accept only what’s healthy and good, and now I’m a listener :). Always give my body the nutrients that it needs, don’t eat crap and don’t over do it!

valentin bosioc model

What workout routine has worked best for you?

I always try workouts, different type of them. Right now I’ve developed something that works for me, it’s mostly supersets, sometimes trisets. I ust hit the gym and worked whatever I feel my body needs . Sometimes 3 days a week legs, sometimes arms, old school chest and back. For my arms I am training by my ebook Get Guns, but sometimes combined with trisets for shoulders.

If you had to pick only 3 exercises what would they be and why?

Squats, Pullups, Pushups (and in between crunches :haha: )

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I always go for HIIT.

What is your diet like?

Usually I go with IIFYM   / Keto . – but modified accordingly to my needs. As I told you, no strict diets here, but also no BS food and sweets.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

I always take multivitamins & minerals, bcaas, glutamine. That’s my basics. And then I mix them out with creatine, protein and sometimes arginine and beta-alanine.  I’ve tried lots of supplements and supplement brands, at the moment I’ m with MyProtein.

Favorite Quote?

I like to say that I’m selfmade, and probably my fav quote would be “Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself! Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal.”

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

Being able to win Musclemania Paris. It’s kinda an inspiring story. It was like that: I was winning my division in my home country in classic bodybuilding IFBB (amateur) and after one week I was on Musclemania Paris stage, winning my division (LW) while back at home a loved one would pass away. So I needed lots of mental strength and force to be able to get back on that stage, and mostly I need to say a big THANK YOU to my sweet amazing wife. She is always supporting me, no matter what!

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

Lots of great people have inspired me, public well-known persons and also people I met daily.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

Actually, I’ve received a good advice for training back from a girl :). And I apply it daily 🙂

What advice would you give to someone trying to break into competitive bodybuilding?

Even if it’s hard these days, try to stay natural. There is a place for natural bodybuilders. But, I would tell everybody: ask yourself why do you want to compete. Would u do it for your entire life, would u be able to give up many things for competitions? Be ready to give everything you got when u go up on the stage, no matter what! dont compete for trophies! Compete to get yourself in the best shape you’ve ever been.

For tips and tricks you can find me on my social media (facebook.com/bosioc.valentininstagram.com/valentinbosioctwitter.com/valentinbosiocyoutube.com/mrvalentinbosioc – snapchat: valentinbosioc) and on my website, where I post daily articles fitness/health/wellness related.

Keep it fit, keep it healthy!

Anthony Catanzaro: Trainer, Model, and “Superman Of Fitness” Interview


Height:  5’10  
Weight:  175lbs
Age:  46 years old

anthony catanzaro diet

Where did the moniker “Superman of Fitness” come from?

I was filming my workout DVD’s back in 2009 called Tony C’s Pure Power workouts, and the producer of the DVD’s said you look like Superman. Then he said you are the “Superman of fitness” so the name stuck with me. Also Superman is known for saving people, so in my own way I am saving people’s health.

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?  Any role models or mentors?

I got into weightlifting at the age of 15. I was inspired by my childhood icons such as Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Randy “Macho Man” Savage. My father wasn’t much of a role model for me because he was so much older than me when I was a child. When I was born he was already 50 years old.  So when I watched the Rocky movies or wrestling, guys like Randy “Macho Man” Savage  they had the charisma and personality that I wanted to obtain.

anthony catanzaro workout

What’s your biggest source of motivation?

I would say myself. I’m always striving to better my physique, my health and my lifestyle. I’m always looking to strive for new goals.

What is your training philosophy?

You cant fly like an Eagle if you think like a chicken. I was just telling someone today that training is 90% mental and 10% physical. You must first envision the body you want by creating a blue print inside your mind of how you want to look. So when I go to the gym, I am already prepared mentally and physically to accomplish my goal.

anthony catanzaro diet

What is your philosophy on nutrition?  Feel free to give a breakdown of a typical day of meals.

If God made it use it, if man made if lose it. My wife and I have recently become Vegan. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease back in 2015, and I felt it was due to the high amounts of meat, dairy and protein shakes I was consuming on a daily basis. So I abruptly changed my diet and started to drink only alkaline water with great results.

What workout routine has worked best for you?  Feel free to include your full daily regiment, i.e. Monday:  Back / Bi’s, Lat pulldowns: 4 X 12, One-arm dumbell rows 4 X 12, etc.

I’m a big believer in old school training. I do not like any fancy exercises. I am a straight shooter and my workout routine is very effective.

A typical week would look like this (not necessarily in this order):

Monday:  Chest, Back, Abs

Tuesday:  Calves and Quads

Wednesday:  Rest

Thursday:  Shoulders / Hamstrings

Friday:  Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Saturday:  Check, Back, Abs

Sunday:  Rest

If you had to pick only 3 exercises what would they be and why?

The 3 main exercises for the human body are squats, push-ups and pull-ups.  These 3 exercises develop a wide range of muscles and contribute to an award winning physique.

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I don’t do much cardio at all. I like to move around during the day by running errands, working even doing laundry.  Stuff like that is a lot more natural than just walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes.

anthony catanzaro

What is your diet like?

I eat 5 meals a day. I eat a wide variety of carbohydrates, some healthy fats and very little protein which only comes from a plant source.

A typical day of meals may look something like this:

Meal One: 1 Bowl of oats with blueberries and Almond milk

Snack: Banana

Meal Two: Tofu, Broccoli, Brown Rice and Hummus

Meal Three: Whole Wheat Pasta, Broccoli and Mushrooms

Snack: Apple

Meal Four: Two bean burritos and Guacamole

Meal Five: Baked French Fries and Hummus

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

I used to consume a lot of whey protein, but I stopped drinking them once I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I really don’t believe in supplementation anymore. Like I said I believe in all food which comes from the earth. Whey protein and supplements are man made therefore, I do not trust in them.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

I have to say that I’ve accomplished a lot and that I am still accomplishing. There’s a lot more that I want to do, especially to share my knowledge with the world on health and fitness both mentally and physically. There is a lot of nonsense out there and I want to be the one to bring the truth out on health and fitness.

anthony catanzaro instagram

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

I’ve been training since the age of 15, and I learned a lot along the way. I had to learn from my mistakes and also do what is best for me. That’s the great thing about fitness you’re always challenging yourself and learning more about yourself as time goes on. So there is nothing that I would do differently.

Favorite Quote?

“A man can fail many times, but he is never a failure unless he gives up.”

Favorite cheat meal?

It used to be pizza and cheeseburgers.

If you were stuck on an island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?

My cell phone

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?  10 years from now?

I hope within 5 years to be teaching how I cured myself of Parkinson’s and 10 years from now having my own TV show called “ The Superman of Fitness” where I instill all of my knowledge and motivation into changing people’s lives forever.

Connect With Tony On Social Media

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/realtonycatanzaro/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TonyCatanzaro

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/anthony.catanzaro.121

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/tcatanzaro

Website: www.anthonycatanzaro.com

Tara Minacs: Bikini Model Interviews With SupplementCritique.com


Height:  5’5
Weight:  135lbs
Age:  45

tara minacs

Background / Bio

I grew up in Oshawa. I was always interested in athletics with soccer being my first choice.  I played right into the college level.  Not only was I playing soccer for my college but I also was in Recreation Leadership program which lead to a placement with The Metro Centre Y.M.C.A where I first started in my fitness career.

After my placement I was hired with the Y.M.C.A   my strength as a Group Fitness Instructor or in those days as an “Aerobics Instructor” really grew.  I taught at various clubs over the years. It truly was a great stepping stone for me.

I also worked in corporate fitness where I ran various Wellness programs and Fitness Centres for large corporations.  This is where I then added a Personal Training certification with the Canadian Personal Trainers Network, along with various other certs.  My passion grew for working one on one with people.

I then took my own training to the next level when I first competed in Fitness Modelling in 2003. I continued to compete in various federations lastly working through to the World Qualifier for Master Bikini in 2014. Along the way I trained many men and women for various physique competitions with great success in results which I found extremely rewarding!

Before I was as educated in the early days of competing I ran into some health issues with my hormones specifically my adrenals and thyroid.  Healing from my own health issues with guidance from Naturopathic Doctors and more Integrative medicine, lead me to become in very interested in Holistic Nutrition. I finally in more recent years went back to school at CSNN to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.  Today I spend time guiding people to “Shine from the Inside out!” with Healthy Transformations focusing on Mind, Body and Spirit.

tara minacs training

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

I was inspired back in the day by the women on Oxygen magazine. I was also inspired when I watch 2 friends from my gym in 2002 compete in Fitness at a local show. I knew I didn’t have the gymnastic background to do that but as soon as a fitness model class came out, I was in.

How did you do in your first show?

My first show was FAME 2003 I believe I was 31st out of about 125 in my class haha. They didn’t divide into height classes back then. It was crazy! Not everyone tanned properly or knew how to pose. I am sure to watch today would be very comical. However, I wouldn’t change a thing I caught the bug for the stage and so much happened for me in the following years which modeling opportunities and a increased personal training business.

What gets you going?  More importantly, what’s keeps you motivated to keep going?

Feeling good, the endorphins you get from a workout session as well as it being an amazing stress reliever really motivates me. Adding music to my training whether my own music or in a group setting I am even that much more inspired.

I can’t lie fitting my clothes and feeling esthetically good motivates me too.  It is just not the only motivator like it probably once was.

tara minacs bikini

What is your personal fitness routine in an average week?

For years I did various 4 and 5 day split routines when I competed.  In the last year I have been doing more less a 3 day split of Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Lower Body and Back and Biceps.  I include as well about 3 conditioning type workouts at Orangetheory Fitness where I also coach. I like feeling athletic and this mix really works for me right now, but it is always changing.

What do you think about popular fitness trends like Crossfit and Orange Theory?

I think people should use fitness trends like Crossfit or Orangetheory if it motivates them, they are seeing results, it works for their body and they are staying injury free. Consistency is a major key to having success with your fitness so I say try new things and do what works for you!

If you had a weak body part how would you bring it back up?

I have brought weak body parts back up with myself and clients by training them twice a week, focusing on solid form with progressive overload and/or really varying training protocols. I always incorporate things that haven’t been done before or in a while whether it is drops sets, tempo changes, German Volume training or incorporating more rest example a pullback week. It really depends are where I am at in my training.

What does a typical day of meals look like for you? 

My typical day of eating changes all the time depending on my goals. But here is a recent example:

Lemon water and graded ginger first thing in the AM

Meal #1:  Spinach Omelet or a Protein Smoothie which includes:  scoop of protein powder, coconut or cashew milk, tsp chia seeds, tbsp.almond butter or coconut oil

Meal #2:  A small handful of nuts or cup of berries with kefir

Meal #3:  A large Mixed Green Salad with Organic Salmon or Chicken and oil and apple cider vinegar dressing

Meal #4:  Post workout whey Protein Shake made with usually a nut milk and coconut water – depending on the workout I sometimes add a bit more carbohydrates here or in a pinch eat a protein bar.

Dinner is generally 4 oz of Protein and Mixed veggies with some organic butter or tsp olive oil including somedays some root vegetables like squash or sweet potato *on occasion I will go with a vegetarian meal.

Evenings I try to include a Greens Drink – powder supplement or cold press juice that I purchase.

Which is more important, diet or exercise?

Both are so darn important. But there is no doubt diet is number 1 for remaining lean. As the old saying says “ You can’t out exercise a bad diet!”

What advice do you give to people trying to break into the Fitness Industry / Competition?

First off, if you are looking to do your first show, hire an Experienced Coach in the area of competition. It will save you from a lot newbie mistakes.

One thing people need to know is you don’t necessarily need to compete to break into the Fitness Industry. It is only one avenue to network and connect with people.  Also keep in mind winning one show doesn’t mean you automatically will be on the cover of a Fitness Magazine and or be sponsored by a leading Supplement company.  However, it can be a great catalyst. Use the experience to network with other competitors, supplement companies sponsoring the show, get photos done while in peak shape and make the most of the experience.

To break into the Fitness Industry live the life authentically and seek out a top industry photographer to get some images to help market yourself whether it is for promo work, ads, or to enhance your person Personal Training business. This is a great first step.

tara minacs pics

What do you think is the most overrated exercise in the gym?  Most underrated?

The most overrated exercises are probably core moves. People tend to seek out new ab moves all the time.  Your core is engaged in all the compound moves like Squats and conditioning exercises like Sprints as well. I feel there is more value for most to spend your time with the compound moves then over doing the isolation exercises.

I think Single leg movements are underrated. Exercises like single leg squats, Bulgarian split squats, step ups. We all have a weaker side and I find this helps us reach our athletic potential.

When cutting, down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?  What’s your favorite cutting exercise?

HITT cardio for sure!  I find it is better for fat loss. The more intense your workouts, the more energy you will expend to assist with the recovery after the workout and your body will continue to burn calories longer then if you just did a steady state cardio session.

I try not to overdo cardio, unless I am preparing for something like a shoot or show as our bodies adapt to it quickly and you just end up needing more to see results. I like to mix it up with sprints (my fav), rowing,  sled work  or a weight circuit.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

This really varies for me. I for sure use more if I am preparing for a show or a shoot. Currently my supplements are pretty simple: Fish oils, a multi vitamin, Renew Life probiotic, VegeGreens by Progressive and ATP Protein Powder.

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

If I was starting my body transformation journey and /or Show Prep now, I would definitely not over train.  I learned the hard way. I would train smarter and with less volume then I initially did.

However, I really wouldn’t’ change a thing to be totally honest. Going through all I did gave me a lot of insight and knowledge that I now can share first hands with clients. They were very good lessons.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

Listen to your body and include restorative activity.

Favorite cheat meal?

I am not religious about a “cheat meal” anymore. Those days are done. I have one if I feel I need it. When I do have it, I tend to have more of a healthy carb up meal. I do enjoy something chocolate, what woman doesn’t, right. Even now I tend to make or look for healthier options of these.  I just find it is easier on my gut and has fewer side effects.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

I feel my biggest accomplishment has been the number or people I have transformed in a healthy way over the years, just getting people to lead healthier lives. This has however included many top placing Bikini, Figure and Body Building Athletes.

As far as me personally with competing, I did compete at the World Qualifier for Masters Bikini but truly pales in comparison to helping others

Connect With Tara Minac On Social Media!

Website:  www.taraminacs.com

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/taraminacs/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/tminacs

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/tara.minacs/

5 Exercises That Boost Testosterone DRAMATICALLY

It’s no secret, exercising is one of the best ways to help increase your bodies natural production of testosterone.

With that said, you can’t just do any old exercise and expect to get huge results.

There are specific exercises that work way better than others when it comes to increasing testosterone.

The 5 exercises below are the ones you should be focused on the most to get the best results.

Update! 5-7-2021

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

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It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best natural ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an effective testosterone boosting supplement, check out a product called Prime Male.

prime male testosterone review
Read my full review here.

It’s by far the most effective all-natural Testosterone boosting supplement we’ve tested to date, and we’ve tested 100’s of them.

Click Here to read my full review of Prime Male.

Now, onto the rest of the article.


Exercise and Testosterone: What’s the Connection
Does Exercise Boost Testosterone
What Type of Exercise is Best to Increase Testosterone
Top 5 Exercises to Increase Testosterone
Best Testosterone Workout
Worst Types of Exercise for Testosterone Levels
The Science of Low Testosterone and Endurance Training
Is All Running Bad for Your Testosterone

We are living in a time in history where men are more overweight than they’ve ever been and also have the lowest levels of testosterone.

Are you starting to see a connection here?

With the ramping up of technology and jobs that require you to sit for up to 10 hours, our physical activity level as a global population has steadily decreased. The lack of physical activity is the worst in the most developed countries.

physical activity by country

What’s more, environmental estrogens have become a big problem that no one seems to be actively addressing. Soy in our food supply and estrogen-spiking chemicals in the objects we use each day have created a hormonal nightmare for our bodies.

A response to this has been Testosterone Replacement therapy but most people, rightly so, want to avoid the insane cost and unpredictable results.

One of the most proven and most effective ways to boost testosterone levels may be down the street at your local gym.

Update! 11-18-2020

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a pill called Blue Chew.

blue chew review
Read my full review HERE.

It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

Exercise and Testosterone: What’s the Connection?

You’re probably fully aware that exercise is recommended by all medical professionals to improve and maintain great overall health. Science has shown that performing a consistent and appropriate exercise program helps to support cardiovascular health, promote weight management, and build lean muscle mass.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/beenfits of

Resistance training, in particular, is said to be one of the best ways to ensure a high quality of life well into your old age. Weight lifting, calisthenics, and power-driven sports training are great examples of resistance training.

What does exercise do for you on a hormonal level?

Is it an effective way to increase testosterone levels?

Here’s what the science says:

Does Exercise Boost Testosterone? What the Science Says

In the journal of Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, young adults (23 years old) and elderly (63 years old) subjects were put on a 12-week resistance training program. They performed workouts on Nautilus equipment that activated all of the major muscle groups.

The workouts ranged from 45 to 60 minutes.

At the conclusion of the 12-week program, researchers observed that both young adults and elderly subjects had higher levels of testosterone and growth hormone. While the elderly didn’t have as high of a response as the young adults, it was still a positive result. (1)

The study from above was performed in 1989 and those finding have been replicated several times over.

For example, a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine took a group of young adults and elderly subjects and assigned them to a strength endurance workout made up of six exercises. Just like the study in 1989, this exercise activated all of the major muscle groups. The acute variables were three sets of 15 reps at 60% one-repetition maximum.

The results?

Both the young and older subjects saw increases in testosterone and growth hormone. (2)

Considering the science behind the influence of exercise on testosterone levels and the consistent positive response, I think it’s safe to say that if you want to increase those low t-levels, you need to start spending more time near the iron.

What Type of Exercise is Best to Increase Testosterone

Are you ready to get started but you’re not sure which type of exercises are ideal for boosting testosterone levels? With the hundreds of exercises that are out there, it’s no wonder you may feel overwhelmed.

When in doubt, look towards the science.

The best type of exercise to perform to increase testosterone is compound movements.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/compound

Compound exercises are those movements that engage the greatest numbers of muscle groups in one workout. Think back to the studies above: whether it was based around machines or free-weights, each workout engaged all of the major muscle groups.

In order to trigger the greatest release of testosterone and growth hormone, you’ll want to find those exercises that round-up several big muscle groups at once. The major movers are the chest, back, quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulders, and abdominals.

Are there exercises that activate all of these muscles at once?

Top 5 Exercises to Increase Testosterone


  • Muscles activated: Hamstrings, lower back, calves, quadriceps, hip flexors, core

Demonstration video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDuXuUg15mk]


  • Muscles activated: Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors, core

Demonstration video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygj6XjDHX9s]


  • Muscles activated: Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors, core

Demonstration video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF0BQS2W80k]

Barbell Rows

  • Muscles activated: Back, biceps, core, hamstrings

Demonstration video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmHbJ_JmUS4]

Clean and Press

  • Muscles activated: Shoulders, core, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, core

Demonstration video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_OGoQ94mPQ]

Best Testosterone Workout

Perform this workout up to three times per week:

Deadlifts: 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Squats: 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Lunges: 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions

Barbell Rows: 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Clean and Press: 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Worst Types of Exercise for Testosterone Levels

Some of you may inevitably be reading this, thinking of your own fitness routine, and realize that you aren’t doing any of those exercises. If you’re current workout program involves a lot of running then this next section is especially important.

Endurance training, while great for supporting cardiovascular health, promoting weight management, and reducing your risk for disease, may not be a good thing for your testosterone levels.

What qualifies as endurance training?

You naturally build some endurance when working out but endurance training is focused specifically on maximizing the efficiency of the muscle for long durations of time. The best example of this is when a runner is training for a marathon. (For the non-runners, a marathon is 26 miles.)

Can you imagine bothering to ride in a car for 26 miles, let alone running that far?

Marathon running takes a lot of endurance training in the form of gradual increases in running-center workouts and carbohydrate timing. Big muscle mass is more often than not absent from a marathon runner’s frame but the capacity at which that super lean mass can perform is incredible. However, all of the endurance training that a runner goes through has a direct negative impact on testosterone levels.

Think about the difference between a marathon runner and a sprinters body.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2014/11/marathoner vs

Don’t believe me?

Let’s hear what the science says:

The Science of Low Testosterone and Endurance Training

Researchers have proven time and time again that endurance training is harmful to the reproductive systems of women. This has everything to do with the work load on the body and the low percentage of total body fat. Scientists also suspected that this same type of training would have a negative impact on men and they were right.

One study in the journal of Sports Medicine showed the on average, those men who had been undergoing endurance training for whatever fitness goal had lower testosterone levels when compared to men who were not doing any type of endurance training. (3)

The science of why endurance training results in low testosterone levels is connected to the release of cortisol during extended periods of training. Fitness experts across the spectrum will advise you to keep your workouts within a 60 to 75-minute timeframe.


Because of cortisol.

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone, which means it likes to break things down, namely your muscle tissue. When you exercise for hours at a time like with endurance training, you are triggering a greater release of cortisol. When cortisol levels are consistently high in the body, studies have shown that testosterone levels are usually down.

A perfect example of the relationship of cortisol and testosterone can be seen with modern day bodybuilders. Mass monsters require hours in the gym and yet they want to avoid the cortisol-focused consumption of protein and lean tissue. This is why so many bodybuilders supplement with a cortisol blocker.

Is All Running Bad for Your Testosterone?

No, not at all.

If you have running penciled in as a part of your warm-up, cool-down, or cardio-day, you’ll be fine. A light jog, running session, or short bout of sprints isn’t going to zap all of your testosterone. It’s when you start training for super long distances that you have to be aware of your testosterone levels.

If you’re a dedicated marathon-runner who has no intentions on quitting any time soon, consider tweaking your diet to include more testosterone-building foods like eggs, coconut oil, and herbs. You can also start supplementing with zinc to support recovery and hormone levels.


  1. Craig BW, Brown R, Everhart J. Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects. Mech Ageing Dev. 1989 Aug;49(2):159-69.
  2. Smilios I, Pilianidis T, Karamouzis M, Parlavantzas A, Tokmakidis SP. Hormonal responses after a strength endurance resistance exercise protocol in young and elderly males. Int J Sports Med. 2007 May;28(5):401-6. Epub 2006 Oct 6.
  3. Hackney AC. Endurance training and testosterone levels. Sports Med. 1989 Aug;8(2):117-27.

It Works Confianza Review – The BIGGEST Reason To Try It


What Is It Works Confianza
It Works Confianza Ingredients
It Works Confianza Reviews
What is It Works
Frequenly Asked Questions
It Works Confianza Pros and Cons
It Works Confianza – The Bottom Line

The explosion of natural supplements onto the market has been in full swing for several years now. I spend a lot of time testing and researching new products, and even I can barely keep up. If you’ve got a health or lifestyle issue you’d like to improve naturally, there’s a supplement that promises to do the job. Even stress.

It Works Confianza is a natural supplement from the It Works company. Its goal is to help you cope more easily with the stress of everyday life. We’re all busy, and sometimes we may even get overwhelmed. It Works Confianza uses natural herbal ingredients to restore calm and balance to your body and mind, so you feel confident that you can handle whatever it is that comes your way each day.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

What Is It Works Confianza?

It Works Confianza ReviewWhen you’re trying to maintain a good diet and workout program, sometimes it can seem more difficult than just decided to do it. You may wake up every Monday with every intention of getting to the gym, eating clean healthy foods, getting enough rest, and maintaining that positive can-do attitude you need to succeed.

But life has a way of, well, getting in the way. You get a flat tire on the way to work. You’re late for the meeting where you planned to present your brilliant new ideas. You end up staying late at work to make up for it. You’re so stressed out and tired by the end of the day that instead of going to the gym and coming home to your pre-made chicken and sweet potato meal, you skip the gym and hit up a value meal at Wendy’s.

It Works Confianza helps you avoid those downward spirals by keeping you balanced in this hectic world. You may not be able to avoid the flat tire that caused you to be late for your meeting, but you can change the way you respond to it. And that’s what It Works Confianza does; it increases your daily energy while it improves the way your body and mind cope with the inevitably stressful situations you find yourself in.

It Works Confianza Ingredients

It Works Confianza IngredientsThe It Works Confianza formula uses “adaptogens” to achieve its goal. Adaptogens are herbal nutrients that improve the way your body, specifically your adrenal glands, respond to changing circumstances and environments, particularly stress – both mental and physical.

It also contains components believed to improve energy, focus, and concentration.

The ingredient list comprises a 1100 mg proprietary blend which includes:

Epimedium Grandiflorum Extract (standardized to 10% flavonoids). Epimedium contains antioxidant properties to help keep you healthy and resilient at the cellular level. It also provides anti-aging benefits and helps balance hormones, keeping you calm and steady.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract (standardized to 20% saponins). While Tribulus is best known as a male sexual and athletic performance enhancement herb with questionable effects on testosterone, animal studies have shown Tribulus to also provide antioxidant and anti-stress benefits. Generally, we look for 50% saponins or more, so the Tribulus extract in It Works Confianza may not be as effective as we’d like.

Siberian Ginseng Root Extract. Ginseng is better known as an adaptogen than the previous two herbs. It’s also an antioxidant, it lowers blood pressure, and it helps maintain proper blood sugar levels as well.

Golden Root Extract (aka Rhodiola Rosea) is well known as an adaptogen as well. It lowers cortisol – the stress hormone – in your body. It contains the phytochemical salisdroside which helps combat both anxiety and aging.

Schisandra Fruit Extract is yet another powerful adaptogen for reducing stress and the fatigue it can sometimes cause. This is accomplished by reducing cortisol levels. Schisandra also works as an enhancement to memory and to combat anxiety.

It Works Confianza Reviews

Clearly, the formula contains a number of ingredients that work individually to combat stress and fatigue, but the fact that it lumps them all together into a 1100 mg proprietary blend means we don’t really know whether or not there’s enough of each one to make a difference.

That’s why it’s great news that there are plenty of customer reviews posted online to help us out.

Most of these are listed at Amazon, where the review breakdown looks like this:


It Works Confianza Amazon Review Breakdown


What this distribution shows is that customers, for the most part, either love It Works Confianza or they hate it. 56% of reviewers gave it 5 stars, while 27% gave it 1 star. 2, 3, and 4 star reviews combined only make up 17% of the reviews.

When we took a look at what these happy and not so happy customers specifically had to say, we found that the happy customers are very pleased mainly with the way it helps them cope with stress:


It Works Confianza 5 Star Review 1


The unhappy customers mainly state very simply without going into much detail that it doesn’t work for them. These reviews are pretty typical:


It Works Confianza 1 star reviews


While far from conclusive, there’s certainly something to be learned here. Different supplements and nutrients can work differently on some people vs others. There’s also something to be said for the potential placebo effect. There’s strong evidence indicating that believing something will work can oftentimes make it so. (FIND STUDY AND LINK TO IT)

What is It Works?


It Works BadgeIt Works is a company that promotes and sells lifestyle products through a network of independent distributors. This type of organization has been around for many decades (think Mary Kay and Amway), but has enjoyed a huge resurgence in the past several years thanks to social media. Local distributors enlist their Facebook friends and Instagram followers to not only buy their products, but also to become distributors as well, within a network that promises to make them all piles of money.

Formed in 2000 by Mark and Cindy Pentecost, the company has grown exponentially in the past 4 or 5 years due to their network of thousands of distributors using their social media accounts to work toward financial freedom. They started with their signature body toning Wrap product – The Ultimate Body Applicator, and have added dozens of fitness and health products along the way.

While it’s true that multilevel marketing has made its share of millionaires, it’s made far more people broke and disheartened after discovering that the system is not all its cracked up to be. It involves constant selling to make ends meet, and you don’t start making real money until you grow a network of distributors under you, adding to your bottom line.

Frequenly Asked Questions

When you interact with as many supplement users as I do, you come to anticipate the things most potential customers want to know. In the case of It Works Confianza, these are my top 7:

What’s the best time to take Confianza?

The recommended dose is 2 pills per day. These are best taken in the morning on an empty stomach, when you first wake up. This will set you up with the tools you need to face whatever the day may bring.

I’ve noticed some people choose to take only 1 pill at a time, claiming it gives them just the right amount of calm relaxations, whereas the higher dose makes them sleepy.

You can also take a pill or two as needed later in the day if you’re facing a anxiety or a stressful situation.

Using the recommended dose of 2 pills in the morning as your starting point, experiment until you settle in on what works for you. That’s one of the benefits of using natural supplements – you have a certain freedom to adjust your dosing to what fits you best.

How long does it take to work?

You’ll feel the calm relaxed energy coming on about 20 minutes after you take your dose. It will last for several hours after that, and ultimately, if you take it every day, you’ll have a steady baseline of lowered stress and anxiety that you can count on.

Are there any side effects?

I’ve pored over dozens of customer reviews and the truth is, there’s very little indication that It Works Confianza causes any side effects really at all. Even the most displeased customers are not reporting side effects; they’re just disappointed that it didn’t give them the positive benefit they were looking for.

That said, there are a couple of things to look out for based on the ingredient profile:

Rhodiola Rosea may cause the occasional headache and has even been though to, in rare cases, cause anxiety.

Epimedium may cause dizziness, dry mouth, or vomiting with long term use, and it’s been linked to an irregular heartbeat in at least one patient.

Schisandra lists as possible side effects heartburn, upset stomach, decreased appetite, stomach pain, skin rash, and itching.

You’d be hard pressed to find an herbal ingredient that doesn’t have the potential to cause side effects if you take enough of it. But at the end of the day, It Works Confianza has a fairly solid reputation as being essentially free of side effects.

Can I take it if I’m taking Xanax, Ativan, or other Benzos?

Many people who suffer with anxiety and/or stress issues take prescription medications to help them cope. A product like It Works Confianza is meant to provide natural relief so you no longer have to rely on these potentially dangerous and addictive drugs.

Unlike many prescription anxiety medications such as benzos or other heavier drugs, Confianza does not have withdrawal symptoms or addictive, habit forming properties.

But if you’ve been prescribed these or similar medications, check with your doctor before you start using It Works Confianza or any supplement. He or she can advise you on taking them in conjunction with or as a replacement for your current medications.

Will it make me tired?

While most people report feeling a boost of energy with It Works Confianza, some users have reported feeling sleepy and unproductive. Generally, this can be remedied by adjusting your dose down from the 2 pills and taking only 1 at a time.

The ingredients that make up the formula work to create a calm, relaxed feeling which when taken too far can leave you feeling drowsy. Again, this should be remedied by lowering your daily dose.

Does Confianza help with ADHD?

Many current users of It Works Confianza use it to replace their ADD/ADHD medication like Adderall. Depending on your particular situation, it may work that way for you as well.

Rhodiola Rosea on its own is is commonly used to combat ADHD in adults. In fact, there’s a clinical trial going on right now to prove or disprove its benefits in this area. This trial uses 800 mg daily which is probably more than is included in the Confianza formula, but the results of the trial, when they come in, should be useful.

For now, there’s no harm in trying It Works Confianza to combat your adult ADHD symptoms. It’s not, however, recommended for children. The product information page explicitly states that it’s formulated for adults and should not be used by children.

Can I take it while I’m breastfeeding?

Natural supplements are often given an almost blanket seal of approval on safety in almost every area of concern with the exception of pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are specifically warned against taking most supplements, and It Works Confianza is no exception.

Two of the ingredients in the formula come with specific warning against using them while pregnant or breast-feeding:

Here’s what WebMD has to say on the subject concerning Rhodiola:


Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn’t enough reliable information about the safety of taking Rhodiola if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

And it’s potentially worse with Schisandra:

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Schisandra is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth during pregnancy. There is some evidence that it might cause the uterus to contract, and this might lead to miscarriage. Do not use schisandra during pregnancy. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking schisandra during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


The primary reason for this is that natural supplements are not – and don’t have to be – clinically studied or approved by the FDA. This means that any potential dangers would remain largely unknown unless there’s some anecdotal evidence demonstrating them. This kind of uncertainty is fine for adults taking small herbal quantities relative to their body mass. But when it comes to what passes through the mother to the much smaller baby either in utero or through breast milk, companies and customers alike are just not willing to take that chance.

If you’re pregnant or breast-feeding, you should avoid using Confianza.

It Works Confianza Pros and Cons

Advantages of It Works Confianza

  • The ingredients are all natural and most likely safe.
  • It combines several adaptogenic ingredients designed to help manage stress levels.
  • You can purchase it through Amazon.
  • There are many 5 Star reviews on Amazon from customers who claim it helps them overcome daily stressful situations and helps them replace their prescription medications with an herbal remedy.

Disadvantages of It Works Confianza

  • It’s mainly sold through the It Works network of distributors, a multilevel marketing framework which many people might not want to get involved in.
  • There’s plenty of feedback from customers who say it just didn’t work in their case.

It Works Confianza – The Bottom Line

It Works Confianza claims to help you ease through your day with a calm relaxation, and it would seem that for many users it does. If you go through an It Works distributor, you can get a month’s supply for $25, which is a pretty good deal if it works. Over at Amazon, you’ll pay more at about $43.

If you’re interested in trying it, you may want to go through Amazon for that first bottle to avoid having a distributor try to convince you to start selling products instead of just using them. If you like it, seek out a distributor (it’s not hard – they’re all over your Facebook feed) and start getting it for less.

It seems to be fairly low risk and have a good track record for producing good results and ultimately reducing anxiety.

Have You Used It Works Confianza? Leave Your Review Below!

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John Hansen Bodybuilder Interviews With SupplementCritique.com


Age:  54

Height:  5’8”

Weight:  235 (off season), 205 (contest)

john hansen natural mr olympia

Background / Bio

John Hansen is a 3x Natural Mr. Universe winner and the first Natural Mr. Olympia winner. John is an author of the book Natural Bodybuilding (2005, Human Kinetics), he wrote his own column for IronMan Magazine for 14 years and he has promoted 15 Natural Bodybuilding competitions. John conducts interviews with the Legends of Bodybuilding on his website BodybuildingLegendsShow.com and his Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. He recently published “Bodybuilding Heroes and Legends – Vol. 1” and “The MP6 Workout”, both of which are available on Amazon.com.

Check out our interview with him and see how his story is similar to yours and how some of his secrets can help you in your lifting game.

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

I became interested in bodybuilding from reading the superhero comic books as a kid. I saw a poster of Bruce Lee shortly after he passed away and he was the first person I ever saw who looked like a real life superhero.

I read everything I could about Bruce Lee and discovered he lifted weights to develop his physique. I got a set of weights for Christmas that year and I started buying the bodybuilding magazines to learn what exercises to do.

When I found out what bodybuilding was, I decided to become a bodybuilder. My goals right from the start was to win the Mr. Universe contest, appear in the magazines and promote myself as a bodybuilder.

john hansen bodybuilding

How did you do in your first show?

I placed 6th in the medium height class at the 1979 AAU Teenage Mr. Chicagoland at 16 years old.

What gets you going?  More importantly, what’s keeps you motivated to keep going?

I am always motivated to look my best so I am always setting new goals for myself. I am either bulking up to get bigger or cutting up to get ripped. I do this even today when I am not competing regularly.

What is your personal fitness routine in an average week?

Monday I train chest, triceps and calves, Tuesday I train abs and legs, Wednesday I rest (or do cardio if I am trying to get leaner), Thursday, I train delts, calves and do a light triceps workout and Friday, I train back and biceps. Sometimes I do a second leg workout on Saturday or Sunday but it depends how sore I am from Tuesday’s workout.

john hansen competition

What do you think about popular fitness trends like Crossfit and Orange Theory?

I think they’re good for the average person who needs to work out with a group of people in order to stay motivated.

If you had a weak body part how would you bring it back up?

I would figure out what exercises work that bodypart the best and learn the optimum form so I could feel the muscle working during that exercise. My philosophy on building more size is to use the basic, compound exercises for 6-8 reps with the most weight I can use for that amount of reps.

Some stubborn muscle groups may consist of more red, slow-twitch muscle fibers and they may need more reps or time under tension in order to grow. I still believe in working the muscle with heavy weights though.

For example, if my medial delts need to come up so I have a better cap on my deltoids and heavy (6-8 reps) are not working, I might do a heavy set of 6 reps on the side lateral raise exercise, drop the weight 10 pounds and do 6-8 more reps and then do it again for a third drop set.

This way, I am still using heavy weights but I’m exhausting the muscles by continuing the set and subjecting the muscle fibers to more time under tension.

What does a typical day of meals look like for you?

Breakfast:  1-2 eggs, 6-7 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal, banana or blueberries

2nd meal:  Protein drink with water and flaxseed oil, Ezekiel Muffin

3rd meal:  5 oz lean ground turkey, sweet potato

4th meal:  Post workout drink – 1 serving whey protein, 1 serving carb supplement

5th meal:  5 oz extra lean ground turkey, ½ cup jasmine rice

6th meal:  salmon or ground beef, sweet potato, salad

john hansen bodybuilder diet

Which is more important, diet or exercise?

For getting leaner, diet is more important. For building muscle, your training is the most important but you also need the proper nutrition to build muscle.

What advice do you give to people trying to break into the Fitness Industry / Competition?

Concentrate on winning titles and then promote yourself to both the bodybuilding media and the general public (newspapers, television, etc) with each win. Have an overall plan of what you are trying to accomplish with your career and plan out your strategy for making it happen.

Too many people just compete randomly in contest after contest without a plan on where they are going or they just want “to win a pro card” with no idea how to promote themselves after they win the card.

You have to promote yourself as aggressively as you train for a contest. Don’t just post your pictures on your personal Facebook or Instagram account and expect to get anything out of it.

It takes a lot more than that to get your name out there.

john hansen natural bodybuilding

What do you think is the most overrated exercise in the gym?  Most underrated exercise?

Deadlifts are the most overrated exercise. Thanks to the advent of social media, I see tons of people doing heavy deadlifts and slamming the weight to the floor because I guess they think that looks impressive when they shoot a video of themselves doing it.

Most underrated exercise is the barbell row for building up the lats.

Too many people do variations of the cable pulldowns or isolation exercises to build the lats but it takes a basic compound movement like barbell rows or T-Bar Rows to really build mass in the lats.

When cutting, down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?  What’s your favorite cutting exercise?

I do steady state cardio in the morning on an empty stomach or I do HIIT cardio later on in the day after my workout. Both are good but I think HIIT cardio is more intense and is better for getting lean.

What is your diet like?

I eat a moderately high amount of protein and complex carbs along with some essential fatty acids. I eat 6 meals a day consisting of complete proteins like eggs, turkey, beef or salmon, complex carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes and jasmine rice.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

I take supplements from Old School Labs as well as hydrolyzed whey protein for protein drinks and Vitargo after my workouts.

john hansen bodybuilding legend

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

I would have trained less often as a teen, training the whole body from the start (I didn’t train legs the first two years I started). I competed in ten teenage bodybuilding contests between the ages of 16-19 years old. I should’ve only competed in 1 or 2 shows a year and spent the rest of the year bulking up and getting bigger.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

Train with free weights for 6-8 reps to build muscle mass. Keep the sets moderate and the intensity high to build size.

Favorite cheat meal?

Cheeseburger and chocolate milk shake.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

Winning the Natural Mr. Universe and Natural Mr. Olympia and inspiring others to build their bodies without using drugs has been my biggest accomplishment.

Connect With John on Social Media

Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/johnhansen1_/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/john.hansen1

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Natural_O

Website:  http://www.naturalolympia.com/

WBFF Fitness Model Aundrea Annin Interview With SupplementCritique.com


Height:  5’3″
Weight:  118 lbs.
Age:  34 years old

aundrea annin fitness model

Background / Bio

Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. I attended Omaha Burke High School and got my bachelors degree from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. I am NASM CPT certified and am a WBFF Fitness Model PRO.

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

Fitness has always been a way of life for me since a young age. I started dance at the age of 4 years old and started competitive dance at the age of 9. I guess you could say I have had a competitive side from a young age J I was also a cheerleader in high school and continued this throughout college.

Once done with cheer leading, I really had no direction in what I was going to do next, so I joined the local 24 Hour gym and hired a personal trainer.  And this is where I fell in love with fitness, but I needed more. That competitive fire was still there and had to be unleashed.

I talked with some of the management at the gym about sponsorships, competitions, etc and it was decided. I would do a show!

I signed up for my first show in 2007, but didn’t end up going through with it. The drive and dedication it takes to do a show just wasn’t where it needed to be just yet. But come 4 years later in 2011, I competed in my first WBFF show and it was AMAZING!

How did you do in your first show?

I competed in my first WBFF show in 2011 where I ended up placing 2nd.  And let me tell you, this was great in my eyes for my first show, but I was far from done…I would not stop until I was the best!

What gets you going?  More importantly, what’s keeps you motivated to keep going?

Hmmm…what gets me going? Well, I would have to say it depends on what my goal is. For the past 6 years it has either been prepping for a show, getting back to my pre-baby body, or a photo shoot.

But with no show in sight as of now, and a photo shoot in the books just a few months ago, I would have to say what keeps me motivated at the moment is feeling good and happy with the way my body looks.

I know that if I am not happy with the way I feel and look, it’s on me.

I CAN control this.

It’s my body, so I need to do what needs to be done to be happy.

aundrea annin omaha

What is your personal fitness routine in an average week?

Since having kids, it depends from week to week, but on a good week I train 5 days.

Mondays: Shoulders & Legs

Tuesdays: Back & Chest

Wednesday: Shoulders & Hamstrings & glutes

Thursday: Quads & Tricep/Bicep

Friday: Total Body focusing on shoulders

What do you think about popular fitness trends like Crossfit and Orange Theory?

So I have tried Orange Theory once and it was great, but I am not a fan of cardio so it was not something I was going to be signing up for J I believe if your nutrition is on point, which I like to think mine is most of the time, there is really no need for much cardio. My body responds very well to weight training alone, so cardio is rarely on my radar.

Now Crossfit on the other hand, I like to dabble in every now and then. My husband is a crossfit regional athlete and competes in local competitions, so it has a little place in my heart.

I would like to get more involved in it, but as I said previously, cardio is ok in small bouts, but not something I am looking to do day in and day out.

If you had a weak body part how would you bring it back up?

I feel I do have a weak body part, that being my shoulders. I train and train them, but it takes a lot to get them to grow. I typically would train them 1-2 times a week, but as of lately have been focusing on 3 days a week in hopes to have them match my lower half.

What does a typical day of meals look like for you? 

So a typical day consists of 6 meals. I have tried jumping on the macro bandwagon and only really counting macros instead of thinking there has to be a certain amount of meals, but my brain has been wired this way for so long.

Breakfast: Usually Kashi Go Lean Cereal with coconut milk & Protein shake

Snack: Egg Muffins & Banana

Lunch: Brown or White Rice & Ground Beef

Snack: I have been addicted to Compete Cookies lately, so either those or a Quest Bar

Dinner: Broccoli & Cauliflower riced up with some lean meat

Snack: Dessert! And when I say this, I do mean any kind. I like to think I am pretty good at portion control so I keep it small, but it seriously could be anything from ice cream to a brownie or cake. Tonight I think I will have 2 salted caramel cookies.

All about moderation right?!

Which is more important, diet or exercise?

I am going to have to go with Nutrition. Exercise is a huge component, but like I said previously, if you nutrition is on point, the rest should fall in place.

What advice do you give to people trying to break into the Fitness Industry / Competition?

My advice is to dig deep and find out WHY you are looking to do a show or break into the Fitness Industry. Are you wanting to make it your career or are you doing it for recreation? And then you need to look at what organization best fits your personality and lifestyle.

They are all so different.

Stay true to yourself and never give up.

If this is your goal and dream, then I say go for it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

aundrea annin wbff pro

What do you think is the most overrated exercise in the gym?  Most underrated?

Most overrated exercise in the gym would be the abduction/adduction machine. Those are trouble areas for people, so they automatically think working those specific areas are going to spot reduce, which you absolutely cannot.

First off, a movement everyone should be doing is the squat clean thruster.

This by far is the most underrated exercise. It hits every single muscle in your body from head to toe in one single movement. You can do it in a variety of ways from using one single dumbbell or kettle bell, to using a med ball, dumbbells, barbell, or even a sand bag.

And if that’s not an option, you can always settle for burpees.

When cutting, down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

HIIT all the way! When its time to lean down for a show or shoot, I like to hit my old stomping grounds and take full advantage of the stadium stairs and football field. Sprints & stairs are my go to.

What is your diet like?

I would say my diet is pretty clean. I do like to splurge on the weekends and eat out with the family, but during the week I try to stay on track.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

As far as supplements go, I take very few. I take creatine, SciVation Xtend for my BCAA, and NutraSea for my fish oil.

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

Honestly If I were starting over right now, I wouldn’t change a thing. My goal when starting out in the fitness industry was to place 1st and get my PRO card, compete at the World’s level with all the PRO’s and be a published fitness model, work at some of the fitness expos, and plain and simple, get my name out there.

I am happy to say I can check all of these things off my list, plus I had 2 beautiful kids during this whole crazy process.

I wouldn’t change a thing for the world.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

My best advice would be to stay true to yourself and don’t lose YOU and become someone you are not. There are so many people out there who lack the confidence they once had because of this industry and how fake it can be through photoshop, the use of different angles and lighting, all to achieve “that perfect look” that they feel the world wants to see, but truly that is not them.

I set out every day to be the best version of me, not something that I am not.

Favorite cheat meal?

Favorite cheat meal would be anything Mexican. I love tacos and nachos!!!

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

My biggest accomplishment would be winning my PRO card and competing at Worlds with other fitness PROs from around the world. Also getting published was pretty cool too J

Follow Aundrea Annin On Social Media Below!

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/aundreadiane/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/shreddedandsexy/

Alexander Witthöft Interview With SupplementCritique.com

Vitals:  Height, Weight, Age

Height:  6′
Weight: 236 lbs.
Age: 40

alexander witthöft bodybuilder

Background / Bio

Alex was born in Germany, and, like so many, was bullied as a child. At 10 he found his first gym in the attic of a friend’s house! Without any idea how to start, Alex dove in and started lifting regularly. By 14 he began to study proper technique, and excelled in a wide range of sports through school.

His passion for bodybuilding won out, and by 18 he had the confidence and physique to start competing, taking Novice Heavyweight and 2nd Overall. In 2015 Alex competed in his first WBFF show and turned WBFF Pro immediately as a muscle model, with a top-5 Pro debut in LA the following year.

During this time, Alex began as a Carpenter in Germany, then onto the US and competitive wake-boarding. When that ended due to injury, he worked his way through nursing school, graduating valedictorian and becoming an ICU Nurse which he does to this day.

alex witthoft bodybuilding

Inspired by the legends of bodybuilding, he also dedicated himself to the fitness industry, helping and encouraging people achieve their goals through contest prep, weight loss, training, fitness, nutrition and supplements. “Arnold, Yates and Wheeler, I loved their views about the sport and the way Arnold would always make jokes about lifting – but was so dedicated with his encouragement for the entire world to get healthy.”

Alex’s strong accent and determined attitude earned him the name “The Germanator” (as in “Terminator”)!

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

As you see in previous answer but also I just wanted to try where I can go with this. I did not just wanted to lift the weights and transform my body. At some point I was almost unmotivated and then it came to my mind that I should try to compare myself to other athletes. So I started more dedicated and focused.

What is your biggest source of motivation?

Biggest motivation was myself. I was bullied in school by them punks from the upper grade and as I got bigger they started to stay away from me…Over time those that bullied me started to give me compliments. Others still tried to bully me but I used my size and strength and beat some of them up.

alex witthoft leg day

What is your training philosophy?

If it’s No Fun, don’t do it….Stay away from lifting when sick….Do your own shit….Impossible doesn’t exist …There is no “Best Exercise”

What is your philosophy on nutrition?  Feel free to break down a typical day of meals here.

There is NO “Best Diet”, everyone is different.

In order to make improvements, progress will have to be monitored on the scale, in the mirror, hear the voices…people trying to lose weight are to focus on the scale…..

Start simple and find what works for you.

Every meal should have protein.

One that wants to gain will benefit with less frequent meals while being in a caloric deficit

One that want to lose weight/burn body fat will benefit from frequent meals while in caloric deficit.

alexander witthöft

What workout routine has worked best for you?

It’s hard to say….But to me I make best progress if I focus on weak body parts and neglect my strengths

My current routine

Monday – Back (width and thickness),

Tuesday – Abs ,chest (compounds and isolation),triceps(isolations only)

Wednesday – off

Thursday – legs (hams, quads, calves)

Friday – Abs,Front/Lateral Delt raises, Back (width only), Traps

Saturday – Triceps (compound and isolation), chest (isolation only)

Sunday – Abs, Hamstrings, Glutes

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Squats, builds foundation.  Overall leg builder.
  2. Bench, builds chest, delts , triceps.
  3. Deadlift, hits almost every muscle of the body.

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

Steady pace I prefer and if metabolism slows down hiit.

Favorite Quote?

“You can’t Flex Fat”

What has been your biggest accomplishment?

College Degree – Registered Nurse

alexander witthoft nurse

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

Protein powders by my sponsor Top Secret nutrition -Active Egg White . I also use all their products for all my supplement needs..Favorite is pump igniter.

I also use products from Hitech Pharmaceuticals….

Creatine monohydrate  during and after workout

Multivitamins, Vitamin D, Ubiquinol, Coral Calcium, N-acetylcystene, fish oil, cissus,

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

research on dieting and have a proper diet. and don’t go to the place where I broke my knee.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

When it starts to burn, that’s the time when the reps start counting

Favorite cheat meal?

Pizza, Oreo cheesecake with peanut butter, Ice cream

Connect with Alex on Social Media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/germanator.wbff_pro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WBFF.PRO.MUSCLEMODEL/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GERMANATOR_PRO

Marijuana Effects on Testosterone: A VERY Real Threat

Back when I was younger (~21 years old), I was a regular pot smoker.

Not the kind of stoner that would wake and bake, smoke throughout the day, etc.

But every night I would burn a small bowl or roll a real small joint and smoke about half of it.

For various reasons, I decided to quit around the age of 24, and up until this point barely even thought about the stuff.

marijuana and testosterone

Fast forward 15 years, and I recently started to dabble in the occasional joint or 2.

I’ve been doing this for the last few months, and have been noticing a trend.

A disturbing one…

Lately, I’ve noticing my libido and sex drive have been gradually deteriorating at a rapid rate.

Before, I would wake up first thing in the AM, every AM, with a pretty rigid boner.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/how i used to wake

Now, my morning woods have virtually disappeared.

I also noticed I barely think of sex anymore, and random boners throughout the day have simply stopped.

I’m even feeling the other typical symptoms of decreased testosterone, including a lack of energy, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and even a decrease in sports performance.

Do You Think You Have Low Testosterone?  Take our 2 minute quiz and find out!

What could be wrong?  Am I just getting older?

I haven’t changed my diet, I still exercise / lift heavy nearly every single day, and don’t take any medications.

The one (and as far as I can tell, ONLY) difference was taking weed back up again.

So it got me thinking…

I know a reduction in testosterone levels can be cause for libido issues, but was marijuana actually lowering it?

I decided to take the scientific route, and got my blood tested just a couple of weeks ago just to see where my numbers were at.

Part of that test included a Free and Total testosterone checkup, here are the numbers below:

marijuana and testosterone test results

When I first looked at the results, I was a bit relieved.

I mean, it says “normal”, right?

If you look at the reference range in the lower right hand corners, you’ll see a range of 264 – 916 ng/dl for Total serum testosterone, and 8.7-25.1 pg/ml for Free (direct) testosterone.

I also created a chart which shows the normal ranges for men ages 25 – 60:

normal testosterone levels by age

So, that’s technically normal.

But is it REALLY?

I decided to turn to an old blood test result I had done a bit shy of 4 years ago (I was 33 years old).

Unfortunately, at that time I didn’t have my total testosterone checked.

However, I DID have my Free Testosterone checked, which some say is actually the more important measure anyway.

Here were the results:

free testosterone levels in 2014

As you can see, the measurements done in the 2014 test were measured in ng/dl, and the latest measurements done just a couple weeks ago were measured in pg/ml.

Basically, this translates to the following:

March, 2014 – My free testosterone levels were 15.8 pg/ml.

November, 2017 – My free testosterone levels were 12.7 pg/ml.

That’s a 19.6% decrease in my FREE testosterone levels.

In just 4 short years.

This is WAY less than the 1 % reduction per year that is generally accepted as “normal”.

testosterone decrease by age

So, what went wrong?

My suspicion (and research) tells me, it’s the weed.

I know some of you pot heads are probably cursing at your screen or iphone right now, but hear me out…

What Do The Studies Have To Say?

If you search for Marijuana and testosterone studies, you’ll find a few of them.

I have a pretty good sense of how studies are conducted, and I’m well aware that many studies are a bit (ahem!) skewed in their findings.

Especially when it comes to a substance that’s been demonized as long as marijuana has.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/reefer

For example, this study showed that long term exposure to marijuana has been described to affect the signals and functions of sexual organs, but even research results don’t always consistently agree on this point.

The study measured the effects of purified marijuana chemicals and marijuana condensate (ie smoke that turned into liquid) on many laboratory tests, and female rats.

rats smoking weed
Source: Time.com

It was found that the negative effects on the female sexual organs was related to other chemicals in the smoke liquid, not the purified chemicals as previously thought.

In this study regarding thc and testosterone, endocrine effects of marijuana in the male were analyzed.

It can be briefly summarized like this:  The body’s daily functions are ruled by the brain, through signals called hormones.

Marijuana affects several hormones’ signals from the brain, likely caused by the active ingredient in marijuana, referred to as THC.

what parts of the brain does marijuana affect
Image Source: DrugAbuse.gov

This chemical negatively affects the function of normal hormones, including the cross-talk between the different parts of the brain.

Two of the important hormones responsible for the male’s sexual function, and the related signals from before and after were found to be lowered by THC. Research using THC on small animals have shown that male sexual organs are smaller, less active and less fertile, ie the sperms are less healthy as well.

weed lowers testosterone

These negative effects can be reversed with time. Other brain signals for growth, food breakdown and energy conversion, and blood pressure control were likely to be affected as well.

It should be noted that this is considered an old review, and there should have been more pre-clinical studies since.

In yet another study, the response to long-term use of marijuana in young men under 30 was measured through blood chemicals, especially those related to sexual function, the responsible signal testosterone and sperm counts.

The more marijuana use, the lower the testosterone and sperm counts but the effects can be reversed when use was stopped.

However, it was also noted that long-term use is likely to lead to irreversible change in the sexual organs.

Considering the age of this paper, study methods are still valid but the number of men looked at is too small for statistics. 

old marijuana study - effects on testosterone

In this study, Four healthy men were randomly give cigarettes with and without marijuana chemical. After each smoking session blood tests, questionnaire, eyesight assessment and mind control of movement were negatively affected.

Considering the age of this study, and only 4 subjects, the statistic insignificance is pretty much meaningless.

Statistics are useful only when there are large number of subjects.

Otherwise, scientists tend to look for trends and direct effects.

Perhaps the most intriguing evidence was found in this study.  Cannabis extract was used on mice, and the result was smaller male sexual organs.   Even supplemental testosterone, or male hormone, given to the mice did not improve the developmental growth.

On the flip side, you have this study which measured the male hormone testosterone in blood from 27 young men during a 3-weeks period of marijuana use, smoking between 2-6 marijuana cigarettes a day. The results showed no changes during smoking or after.

But don’t think you’re out of the woods yet…

This is a very old paper, and the study consisted of only 27 subjects.

another old study of marijuana and testosterone

From a scientist’s point of view the whole study design is flawed to begin with. There are also many points that I’d criticize but 21-days cannot be considered as chronic in human (maybe for mice or rats).

Results from such old studies would be ignored in today’s science.

In a related study, measurements of sexual and stress hormones in both males and females of about 23-years of age found no difference in the levels, regardless of how often these men and women used marijuana.

no effects noted in marijuana and testosterone study

This is also considered as old research, and doesn’t clarify how long these men and women have been using marijuana or only started using recently.

So, Does Any Of This Conclusively Prove That Marijuana Will Decrease Your Testosterone?

Not by a long shot.

However, in my anecdotal case, there seems to be some sort of an effect.

I’ve already purchased a home testosterone test kit which I’ll be using to check my testosterone levels in a few weeks, after I’ve had a chance to get all of the weed out of my system.

I plan on giving myself a full 30 days of abstaining from weed before I run the test.

In the meantime, click here to leave a comment below and be sure to click the “Notify me of follow up comments by email” box.

As soon as I get my test results back, I plan on posting an update here.

Do You Think Marijuana Lowers Your Your Testosterone? Leave a Comment Below!

Fenugreek and Testosterone – What You Need To Know


Health Benefits of Fenugreek
Fenugreek and Testosterone
How Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone
Clinical Studies of Fenugreek and Testosterone
Does It or Doesn’t It Boost Testosterone
Frequently Asked Questions
Fenugreek – The Bottom Line

Natural remedies and supplements are always the subject of rich debate. On the one hand, Western medicine has a history of dismissing the notion of herbal solutions in favor of more pharmaceutical ones. On the other hand, ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions have used botanicals to improve health and well-being for centuries.

That said, it’s becoming more commonplace for consumers in the West to use nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve their overall health. Ginkgo Biloba supplements are commonly used for supporting cognitive function and Melatonin is used to improve sleep and sleep patterns, to cite just a couple.

Fenugreek (scientifically known as Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) is another example, recently gaining more acceptance as a positive force in natural healing. It originates in the Near East and has been used in cooking as both a vegetable and a spice since as early as the first century A.D. It’s seeds have been used medicinally for just as long, for ailments as widely varying as heartburn and diabetes.

Our main focus today is the effect Fenugreek may or may not have on testosterone levels, but we’ll start with a general overview of all its known benefits.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek


Fenugreek benefits


For thousands of years, the seeds of the Fenugreek plant have been used to:

  • Improve digestion and correct digestive problems.
  • Lower cholesterol.
  • Relieve symptoms of menopause.
  • Reduce inflammation and perhaps reduce the effects of arthritis.
  • Lower blood sugar.
  • Treat hernias.
  • Increase the flow of milk in breastfeeding mothers.
  • Increase appetite.
  • Improve exercise and athletic performance.
  • Increase libido.

The last two listed benefits are related in that the root of each benefit may have as their root the fact that Fenugreek raises testosterone levels. And this brings us to the primary discussion in this article.

Fenugreek and Testosterone

A large number of natural testosterone boosting supplements contain Fenugreek as one of their primary active ingredients, claiming that it is known to boost testosterone levels without the need for chemical replacement therapies.

Indeed some of the most popular products on the market, like Force Factor Test X180 Ignite sold online and at GNC, claim Fenugreek as their secret testosterone boosting weapon.

It’s used so often in these formulas that it would be easy to assume it’s been clinically tested and the evidence bears out its benefits. But the truth actually isn’t that simple. Fenugreek has its fans and it has its detractors. And both have science to back up their opinions. We’ll cover both sides of the issue, and in the end come up with a better understanding of whether or not Fenugreek can actual lift testosterone levels and improve both sexual and athletic performance.

Fenugreek ReviewHow Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone

Fenugreek has been used by men to increase libido and physical prowess for as long as men have been interested in their libidos and physical prowess (ie forever). Naturally these benefits would conjure a connection between taking Fenugreek and boosting testosterone levels.

Increased testosterone can lead to both increased libido and improved athletic performance body composition as well) so naturally a seed that causes both of these effects would be seen as being able to increase testosterone. If testosterone is responsible for increased libido and better athletic performance, and Fenugreek provides these benefits, then it’s natural to assume that Fenugreek causes these improvements by increasing testosterone.

But correlation doesn’t always turn out to also be causation, and this fact lies at the heart of the Fenugreek Testosterone controversy.

Clinical Studies of Fenugreek and Testosterone

Supplement manufacturers who use Fenugreek in their natural testosterone boosting products often cite a few studies as evidence that Fenugreek boosts testosterone.

There’s this one that found Fenugreek to maintain healthy testosterone levels.

And this one demonstrating that Fenugreek reduces the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by inhibiting the activity of the aromatase enzyme.

Then there’s this study from Richard Kreider published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine that showed the effect of a daily dose of 500 mg on 30 resistance trained men over an 8 week period. It demonstrated that resistance trained males taking both Creatine and Fenugreek showed improvements in the amount of weight they could lift as well as reduced body fat. Notably however, the subjects did not note an increase in testosterone.

Finally, a study published in “Phytotherapy Research” conducted on 60 men between the ages of 25 and 52 found that subjects given 600 mg of Fenugreek daily for 6 weeks self reported an increase in libido.

But ultimately, the truth and relevance of these studies have been called into question for a couple different reasons.

First of all, they were largely commissioned by parties with a vested interest in finding that Fenugreek does indeed boost testosterone levels, namely manufacturers of supplements highlighting Fenugreek as their star component.

Secondly, the main focus and findings of the studies are more about libido, muscle strength, and body composition than they are about testosterone, and that pretty much sums the issue up right there.

There’s a difference between boosting testosterone levels and providing benefits similar to the ones you’d get if you increased testosterone levels. The studies mentioned above demonstrate improvements in muscle strength, body composition, and/or libido – all of which are related to testosterone. But they don’t demonstrate an actual increase in the testosterone levels themselves.

In fact, most of the subsequent studies show that Fenugreek has no effect on testosterone whatsoever, and a 2009 study published in “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” showed that Fenugreek has NO effect on testosterone levels at all. (FIND STUDY AND LINK TO IT (CAN FIND LINK PERHAPS AT https://www.livestrong.com/article/469985-does-fenugreek-increase-testosterone-levels/)

Does It or Doesn’t It Boost Testosterone?

Maybe the better question is whether or not Fenugreek provides the type of benefits you want. The evidence appears to point toward Fenugreek not actually increasing testosterone levels, at least not to a significant degree. But it also points toward Fenugreek providing the kind of benefits you would get if you did increase testosterone levels.

Let me put it another way. If you want to increase muscle strength, improve body composition, and boost your libido, you probably think boosting your testosterone levels is a good way to achieve those goals; and you’re right – it is. But wouldn’t you be just as happy if you got those benefits, regardless of testosterone increases?

So while Fenugreek may not technically boost your hormone levels, it may indeed provide the benefits you want anyway.

If your underlying problems lie specifically within your testosterone levels itself, or lack thereof, then I would recommend checking out something else or at least using something else to supplement this one, otherwise it is effective for several areas of overall male health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are a lot of questions surrounding the use, effectiveness, and safety of Fenugreek. Here are just a few that I get asked on a regular basis.

Can women take Fenugreek?

We mentioned briefly above that one very common use of Fenugreek is to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. In fact, it’s the most widely used herbal Galactagogue (substance that promotes lactation).

Additional uses for women include relief from menstrual cramps and menopausal hot flashes, and even breast size augmentation. This last benefit is said to be accomplished by altering particular liver enzymes, slowing down the breakdown of estrogen.

Whats the optimal dose?

Fenugreek doseFenugreek Dosing protocols differ depending on what you’re using it for. Women trying to increase breast milk production are recommended to take at least 3500 mg per day over several doses.

Men using it to increase testosterone and/or provide the effects of increased testosetrone should take about 500 mg to 600 mg per day in one or two doses.

Are there any side effects with Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is generally considered safe at normal and recommended doses, but as is the case with any herbal supplement, there is a potential for side effects, especially if you take more than is recommended.

One reported side effect is a maple syrupy smell to your urine. This usually only happens at fairly high doses. In fact, women taking Fenugreek for milk production use this as a sign they’ve taken enough.

Fenugreek digestive issuesAccording to WebMD other potential side effects for Fenugreek are mainly gastrointestinal and include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloating.
  • Gas.
  • Upset stomach.

Finally, Fenugreek could affect blood sugar levels in diabetics, who are encouraged to monitor levels closely when taking it.

Can Fenugreek cause Gynecomastia?

Given the fact that Fenugreek can increase milk production in women and possible enlarge breasts, there is some concern that taking Fenugreek could cause Gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue) in men. There is no evidence to substantiate this theory, but that doesn’t stop discussion of the potential issue. Many see it as a logical extrapolation, but others note the absolute absence of proof.

We’ll reiterate here that without evidence that Fenugreek causes Gynecomastia, we won’t spread that theory around.

It’s also of note that discussions about male breast enlargement due to Fenugreek talk about the herb itself, while most testosterone boosters I’ve seen use a derivative called Testofen. There may not be a notable difference, but on the other hand, there may be.

Can Fenugreek cause hair loss?

Quite the opposite, actually. Many people believe taking Fenugreek seeds and using Fenugreek on your hair and scalp topically may help reduce hair loss. It contains phytoestrogens, which help balance the amount of estrogens in your body.

Another way Fenugreek may stop or slow hair loss is that it helps prevent the conversion of testoserone to DHT. DHT is a derivative of testosterone. It’s very powerfully androgenic, and loved by bodybuilders, but it’s a huge reason so many guys go bald.

Fenugreek blocks the conversion process of testosterone into DHT, so you have the dual benefit of increased free testosterone and less DHT, which is a good thing if you’re trying to combat hair loss.

Fenugreek – The Bottom Line

Scientific studies have not demonstrated conclusively that Fenugreek, in any of its forms, can increase the amount of total and/or free testosterone in your body. There is no absolute certainty on this matter.

There is however, certainty that this herb has the ability to provide for you the effects of increased testosterone. These effects, including increased libido and better athletic performance, are generally what you’re looking for when you find yourself interested in boosting testosterone.

If you’re looking for a supplement that absolutely and certainly increases testosterone, then Fenugreek may not be what you want. But if its the benefits of increased testosterone you’re looking for, it may very well be.

It should at least compliment your overall health much in the same way as optimal testosterone levels would.

Have You Used Fenugreek for Testosterone? Leave Your Review Below!

John Quinlan Q and A With SupplementCritique.com

Vitals:  Height, Weight, Age

Height:  5’9 1/2″
Weight:  195 lbs.
Age:  42

john quinlan actor

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

I began training to get stronger for sports as a teen. Once I began to see some nice results I became more serious with it and kept fine tuning it over the years.

What’s your biggest source of motivation?

What keeps me motivated are the young guys. I was one of them once, in my early 20’s, nothing could stop me was my attitude without a care in the world. Their high energy keeps my mind fresh and focused. I will forever be a kid at heart and exercise and fitness are both direct links to my youth. After being involved in fitness for the past 20 plus years my routine is like brushing my teeth. Healthy diet habits and the gym have become a great part of my life. I truly feel having the younger guys around to motivate me in the gym will keep me on track for years to come and help keep me in shape as I get older for my 3 young children.      

john quinlan calvin klein model

What is your training philosophy?

“Train smarter not harder.” Especially as we get older we have to listen to our bodies to avoid the possibility of serious injuries that could occur if we don’t adopt this philosophy.

What is your philosophy on nutrition?

“Eat to live, don’t live to eat.”

Sample Meal Plan:

Breakfast: Protein shake – 2 scoops of whey protein / 1 cup of oatmeal / 1 banana / 1 cup of raisins / 1 cup of total cereal ALL blended together with spring water and crushed ice / 1-2 glasses of water

Mid-Morning Snack: 8 egg whites / 2 slices of German Dark wheat bread / 1 orange / 1-2 glasses of water

Lunch: 2 cups of pasta / grilled chicken / garden salad with oil and vinegar / 1-2 glasses of water

Mid-Afternoon Snack: protein shake / 1 apple / 1-2 glasses of water

Dinner: grilled chicken, lean meat or fish / 1 cup of brown rice / steamed vegetables / 1-2 glasses of water

john quinlan bodybuilding

What workout routine has worked best for you?

Monday (Chest, Calves, & Abs)

  • Barbell Bench Press:  3-4 Sets Pyramid Reps 10-8-6-4
  • Incline Dumbbell Press:  3 Sets 8 Reps Each
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Flies:  3 Sets 8-15 Reps Each
  • Cable Cross-Overs:  3 Sets 8-15 Reps Each
  • Donkey Calf Raises:  3 Sets 25 Reps Each
  • Abdominal Crunches:  3 Sets 25 Reps Each

Tuesday (Biceps, Triceps, & Cardio)

  • Barbell Bicep Curls:  3 Sets 8-10 Reps each
  • Dumbbell Concentration Curls:  3 Sets 8-10 Reps Each
  • Seated Nautilus Bicep Curls:  1 Set To Failure
  • Dips:  3 Sets 25 Reps Each
  • Skull Crushers:  3 Sets 8-10 Reps Each
  • Tricep Pushdowns:  1 Set To Failure
  • Treadmill:  20 min. @ 70-85% of maximum intensity level

Wednesday (Shoulders, Neck, & Abs):

  • Barbell Shoulder Shrugs:  3 sets 8-12 reps each
  • Front Delt Dumbbell Raises:  3 sets 8-10 reps each
  • Side Delt Dumbbell Raises:  3 sets 15 reps each
  • Barbell Behind The Head Military Press:  3 sets 8 reps each
  • 4 Way Neck Machine:  1 set 8-10 reps each (Front, Back, and Both Sides of Neck)
  • Seated Abdominal Kickouts:  3 sets 25 reps each

Thursday (Quads, Calves, & Cardio)

  • Barbell Squats:  3-4 sets pyramid of reps 10-8-6-4
  • Dumbbell Lunges:  3 sets 8-10 reps each
  • Leg Extensions:  3 sets 8-10 reps each
  • Standing Calf Press:  1 set to failure
  • Exercise Bike:  20 min. @ 70-85% of maximum intensity

Form is the most important thing to remember doing squats.  It’s better to go lighter with strict form rather than going heavier and cheating.

Friday (Back, Forearms, & Abs)

  • Dumbbell Rows:  3 sets 8-10 reps each
  • Pulldowns:  3 sets 8 -10 reps each
  • Pullups:  3 sets @ max reps on each
  • Forearm Dumbbell Curls:  3 sets 15-25 reps each
  • Decline Bench Crunches:  3 sets 25 reps each

Saturday & Sunday


If you had to pick only 3 exercises what would they be and why?

I have always been one who sticks with the basics. Nothing fancy just the core exercises: barbell bench press, barbell curls and barbell squats. Back in the day when I was a teen just starting out all the big guys who helped me always stressed exercises for me that they thought would give me a great foundation to work with. They told me that strong legs, chest and arms should be my focus for a solid foundation and to gradually build around those things. These are 3 of the main exercises that I still perform today for their specific body parts. Other exercises are done additionally for cutting and shaping but these three will always remain staples with me.

john quinlan motivation

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I like both. It’s nice to keep switching it up to keep the body “guessing” what’s coming next to keep shocking the muscle fibers. With that being said both of these aren’t very effective if ones diet is weak. Many have said great physiques are made in the kitchen, not the gym. There is some truth to that for sure in my opinion.

What is your diet like?

I eat pretty clean mostly. Nothing refined or fried. I don’t drink or smoke and avoid soda. I drink plenty of water and protein comes from good sources like whey protein, eggs, fish, chicken & steak. Add in some sweet potatoes, rice and oatmeal as my main carbohydrates with some dark green vegetables and good fats from sources like almonds and flax seed oil. That’s basically it.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

It’s pretty basic. I always relied mainly upon a good diet and exercise regimen. I always viewed supplementation as being an extra that helped keep me sustain muscle mass and recovery during heavy training.

Whey protein, creatine and glutamine were my main supplements of choice to accomplish these things.

Male Model John Quinlan in Calvin Klein 2

Favorite Quote?

“Sometimes you have to go through Hell to get to Heaven.”

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

The countless number of letters I have received from people all over the world telling me how much I inspired them along their health & wellness journey.

Social Media:

Official Site: http://www.johnjquinlan.com/

Fan Site: http://www.johnjosephquinlan.com/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/john_joseph_quinlan_official/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/johnjquinlan

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/johnjosephquinlan

Alpha King Testosterone Booster Review – The Next Great T Booster?

Alpha King Review Contents

What is Alpha King Testosterone Booster
What Are The Ingredients?
Are There Any Side Effects
My Personal Results
What Other Reviews Are Saying
Alpha King Vs. Other Force Factor Products
Where to Buy
A Note About The Free Trial
Pros and Cons

Ever since two former Harvard rowers got together and formed Force Factor in 2007, the company hasn’t stopped growing and evolving.

Their first product, the original Force Factor, was actually one of the first supplements I tested on Supplement Critique.

In fact, in the summer of 2008 I can remember Force Factor as being one of the most heavily talked about supplements on the market.

You can see why by this Google trends analysis.

force factor google trends data

In addition to several pre workout formulas, they make intra-workout powders, fat burners like LeanFire XT, post workout recovery products, daily nutrition, and a number of natural testosterone boosters.

We’ve tested and reviewed several, including:

test x180 vs Ignite and Alpha
^ I’ve tested ALL of them

All of these testosterone boosters use an ingredient called Testofen as the primary testosterone boosting component.

What is Testofen?

Manufactured by a company called Gencor, Testofen is a proprietary form of Fenugreek that is standardized for at least 50% Fenusides (furostanol saponins).

fenugreek seeds - testofen extract

Some manufacturer sponsored studies have shown that it improves erectile function and libido.

testofen effects on libido

Additionally, other independent studies show that Testofen had significant impacts on both upper AND lower body strength, and had no side effects.

effects of testofen on body strength and composition

It remains a popular ingredient in many testosterone boosters for it’s ability to mimic an increase in testosterone levels.

It’s been shown to improve muscle and erection strength, but evidence that it actually increases testosterone remains questionable.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

What is Alpha King Testosterone Booster?

alpha king testosterone review

With Alpha King Testosterone Booster, Force Factor introduced a new and improved primary ingredient called AlphaFen.

This is also a proprietary form of Fenugreek, but it is more bio-available than Testofen.

So what’s the advantage of this?

One of the main advantages of this is that each pill can use less of the ingredient and still get the same results.

Instead of the commonly used doses of 2 capsules per day, with Alpha King you’ll only need to take 1.

This is nice for those of us that wouldn’t mind cutting back slightly on the amount of capsules that become part of the daily routine sometimes and also makes you go through it a little bit slower than similar supplements.

Additionally, Alphafen is said to be superior in its ability to improve both sexual performance and muscle composition.

Who makes Alphafen?

The name has recently been trademarked by a company called SpecNova.

They are a Florida-based reseller and distributor of chemical ingredients used in nutritional supplements.

who makes alphafen

It’s been stated that clinical trials of Alphafen are currently underway, though I have been unable to confirm this.

Alpha King Testosterone Booster Ingredients

To get you familiar with the product, here’s a snapshot of the Alpha King Testosterone label:

alpha king testosterone ingredients label

With Alphafen at the helm, the Alpha King Testosterone Booster formula is rounded out with several other ingredients, including:

Black Maca Root

This herbal remedy is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac used for centuries in its native Peru.

Maca is also known to build stamina, boost athletic performance, improve mood and focus, and support bone strength and density. (Source)

Alpha King contains 100 mg of Black Maca Root.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is one of the most commonly used ingredients in testosterone boosters, and even in some male enhancement pills like Viril X and Virectin.tribulus terrestris benefits infographic
The science behind it remains inconclusive, but it is believed to boost total testosterone levels by increasing the amount of testosterone your body produces in the first place.

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The theory is that Tribulus signals the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone, which in turn signals the testes to produce and release an increased amount of testosterone. (Source)

how tribulus releases luteinizing hormone
^ How Tribulus Terrestris Works

Over the years, this has been challenged by various researchers as a myth.

As a result, the notion that it actual increases serum testosterone (and doesn’t just mimic it) has become less and less accepted.

does tribulus help increase testosteroneThe debate now is whether it actually matters.

If you’re getting the benefits of a testosterone boost from Alpha King pills, what’s the difference?

Diindolylmethane (DIM)

A metabolite of a substance naturally found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, DIM serves to balance male and female hormones in the body. (Source)

As such, it’s known to reduce the risk of hormone-driven cancers, such as prostate and breast cancers.

what does dim doThe way it works is by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thereby increasing testosterone levels.  (Source)

A secondary effect of this action is a reduction in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG).

SHBG attaches itself to testosterone molecules, rendering them useless. Increased estrogen in turn increases SHBG, so by inhibiting conversion of testosterone to estrogen, DIM prevents some of the activity of SHBG.

Most of the Test X180 formulas contain some additional nutrients aimed at improving energy and/or overall health.

This is NOT the case with Alpha King.

Another question is whether or not Alphafen will become the anchor ingredient for a whole new line of testosterone boosting products from Force Factor.

We’ll have to wait and see about this one as well.

Alpha King Side Effects

As with any supplement, adverse reactions are always possible.

Some of the more common side effects associated with one of the ingredients in Alpha King testosterone, specifically Tribulus Terrestris, include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Tachycardia
  • Restlessness
  • Increased libido Source: WebMD

My Personal Alpha King Results

I finally got a chance to try out Alpha King, and I have to say I’m pretty impressed.

I only had a 2 weeks supply, but I could definitely tell it was working after just a few days.

The biggest effects I noticed were:

  • Enhanced libido
  • Increased energy
  • Improved mood
  • Improved athletic performance

The improved athletic performance aspect was actually more noticeable than one may think.

For me, it seemed like I was sleeping WAY better when taking Alpha King, which of course can make a big difference in how your performance is affected overall.

I didn’t notice any kind of effects on lean muscle mass, but then again, I only used it for 2 weeks, so that’s to be expected.

My guess is, if I were on it for a longer period of time (think 6 – 8 weeks), there would have been some improvement in this area.

Other Alpha King Testosterone Booster Reviews

When we originally wrote this article, there weren’t any reviews of Alpha King posted online.

force factor alpha king review average on the gnc website
Average rating of 3.8 / 5 stars on GNC.com

Since then, a number of them have sprouted up on the GNC official website and Amazon.

On GNC, the reviews are fairly favorable, albeit mixed.

For example, one reviewer stated that he was thoroughly impressed by the supplement, noting that he could tell the difference in his stamina and workout endurance.

glowing testimonial of force factor alpha king

On the other end of the review spectrum, one reviewer stated that he was severely disappointed with his lack of results.

disappointed reviewer of alpha king

To add in some even more confusing feedback, one final testimonial noted that he’d only been taking the supplement for about 2 weeks and had nothing to report.

review of force factor alpha king on GNC - too early to tell if it's working

On Amazon.com, the reviews were not very favorable.

alpha king force factor reviews on Amazon

It should be noted that there were only 2 Alpha King reviews posted on Amazon, which is hardly a good sample testing size.

Alpha King Vs. Other Force Factor Products

As mentioned in the beginning of this review, Force Factor has a wide range of other testosterone boosting supplements in their product line.  I’ve personally used almost all of them, and can attest to their effectiveness.

Below is a table of how they compare on an individual basis:

Alpha KingTest X 180 Alpha Test X 180 IgniteOriginal Test X 180
https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/alpha king testosoterone boosterhttps://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/test x180 alphahttps://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/test x180 ignitehttps://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/11/test x180 original
Avg. Customer Rating (on GNC)
Unavailable, will post reviews soon.4.5 out of 5 stars3.5 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars
My Personal Rating
Unavailable, will post results soon.4.5 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars4.0 out of 5 stars
Primary Ingredients
AlphaFen Fenugreek, Tribulus TerrestrisL-Citrulline, Vitamin B6 and B12Testofen, Avena SativaTestofen, Siberian Ginseng
How To Take:
1 capsule daily with breakfast2 capsules with breakfast, 2 capsules 30 min. prior to workout2 capsules with breakfast, 2 capsules 30 min. prior to workout1 capsule with breakfast, 1 capsule 30 min. prior to workout
Read my Full ReviewN/ARead full review hereRead full review hereRead full review here

Where to Buy Alpha King Testosterone Booster

Along with many of the other Force Factor product line, you can find Alpha King at  both GNC and Amazon.

Related Article:  7 BEST Testosterone Boosters At GNC

Categorized as a “hardcore supplement” at GNC, the price is a whopping $69.99.

alpha king for sale on GNC

You’ll find it a little bit cheaper on Amazon, with the average price rounding out at $65.99.

This is actually at the higher end of the price range when compared to other competing testosterone boosters like Nugenix, Test Freak, and others.

As far as I can tell, it’s not available in stores like Vitamin Shoppe, CVS, Walgreens, or Walmart.

Related Article:  16 BEST Male Enhancement Pills Sold In Stores

You can also find Alpha King on their official website (www.ForceFactor.com) for the same price you would find it on GNC.

A Note About The Free Trial

If you visit the official Force Factor website, you’ll see that they offer a free sample of Alpha King.

alpha king free sample

What you need to realize is, there’s a difference between a “Sample” and a “Trial”.

Related Article:  Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

What that essentially means is that you will have 18 days to use the product, and then they will bill your credit card the full price of the product, in this case $69.99 (plus the cost of shipping).

force factor alpha king free trial and cancellation phone number

The only way you can stop them from billing you is if you call the Alpha King customer service phone number and tell them you would like to cancel.

Here’s their phone number in case you need it:  1-800-938-4314

Force Factor is actually REALLY reputable when it comes to cancelling, and they won’t try to scam you in any way.

I know this, because I have ordered free trials of practically ALL of their products, and when it came time to cancelling they would do so with ease.

Alpha King Testosterone Booster Pros and Cons

At this point, this is how things fall given what we know.

Advantages of Alpha King Testosterone Booster

  • I experienced fairly good results with it.
  • It contains a newly developed form of Fenugreek, one of the most popular ingredients in natural testosterone boosters.
  • The supporting ingredients include some effective components.
  • The price will be on the low end of Force Factor products.
  • Backed up by a well respected company.

Disadvantages of Alpha King Testosterone Booster

  • A good portion of Alpha King reviews are not very favorable.
  • There’s not a ton of info available on the effectiveness of Alphafen.

Alpha King Testosterone Booster – The Bottom Line

The Force Factor company burst onto the scene in 2009 with one pre workout supplement. 8 years later they’ve grown to selling more than 20 products in 7 categories. The fact that the brand is sold in GNC stores has lent a great deal of credibility to the brand, which has allowed them to grow and expand so quickly.

With Alpha King, they’re staying in a category they know – testosterone boosters. –

However, they’ve updated their signature ingredient from Testofen to the new and improved Alphafen.

They’ve chosen an interesting strategy by adding to their growing list of testosterone boosting products, banking on the fact that providing a different choice for each small niche will have them cornering the market in the end.

After personally testing it out, I can honestly say that Alpha King is worth the price tag (and maybe even more).

If you’re on the fence, get off of it and head down to your local GNC.  It will be well worth the drive.

Have You Used Alpha King?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Magnesium and Testosterone


How Magnesium Affects Testosterone
What Form of Magnesium Is Best
What About ZMA
It’s Not A Simple Process
Frequently Asked Questions

Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients you almost never hear about, particularly when it comes to supporting healthy testosterone levels, but for many other reasons as well. Magnesium is essential to all cells and required for over 300 enzymes to perform the chemical reactions that make your body function.

The adult human body contains about 25 grams of magnesium, primarily in bones and muscle tissue, with a small amount found circulating through the blood stream. The Recommended Daily Allowance for adult males ranges from 400-420 mg (depending on age).

Magnesium FoodsFoods rich in magnesium include green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds – in general, any food which provides dietary fiber will provide magnesium. Yet even though it can be eaten in abundance, most American’s don’t get enough. In fact estimates are that between 25% and 80% of Americans are Magnesium deficient.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include high blood pressure, lowered insulin sensitivity, excitability, fatigue, nausea, weakness, and vomiting, and occur most often in people with Type 2 Diabetes, Gastrointestinal Diseases, and Chronic Alcohol Dependence.

Most multivitamins include Magnesium and the same can be said for most natural testosterone boosters as well. Some contain a form of magnesium on its own, while others use the popular ZMA supplement, which is a combination of Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6.

Typical supplementation levels are about 200mg-400mg. Your body will only absorb what it needs. If you ingest more than that, the remainder will be eliminated as waste, and can sometimes lead to digestive disturbances.

It’s not recommended that you take Magnesium in conjunction with Calcium, as they can block each other’s absorption.

How Magnesium Affects Testosterone

Several studies have demonstrated the link between increased magnesium intake and increased free testosterone. One 4 week study involving Tae Kwon Do athletes tested 3 groups:

  • Group 1 consisted of sedentary individuals taking 10 mg of magnesium per kilogram of body weight.
  • Group 2 consisted of Tae Kwon Do athletes who practiced 90-120 minutes per day and also took 10 mg of magnesium per kilogram of bodyweight.
  • Group 3 consisted of Tae Kwon Do athletes practicing 90-120 minutes per day and took no magnesium supplementation.

magnesium tae kwon doThe results showed that both exercise and magnesium supplementation increased total and free testosterone levels. All three groups saw their levels increase, with the group of athletes who also supplemented with magnesium seeing the biggest increase. The fact that the sedentary group saw testosterone levels increase shows that magnesium, even on its own, can increase levels.

Another study, conducted in Italy on 400 men over the age of 65 showed that increased serum magnesium levels were independently and significantly correlated with increased serum testosterone (and IGF-1 levels), even when all other factors were controlled for.

One in vitro study from 2009 showed that magnesium blocks the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), effectively increasing level of free, bio-active testosterone. Magnesium binds to the SHBG, preventing it from binding to testosterone, leaving it in its free and useful state.

Finally, this study showed a strong relationship between magnesium supplementation and muscle and bone strength. This one did not directly study testosterone levels, but the reciprocal relationship between muscle and testosterone is clear and well known. More testosterone helps you build more muscle, and more muscle helps increase testosterone. Magnesium was shown to increase endurance and oxygen uptake during workouts, leading to better results.

What Form of Magnesium Is Best?


Magnesium Oxide Image


Magnesium must be attached to another substance in order for it to be effectively absorbed and used by the body, and there is a wide variety of these substances used in supplements. Most multivitamins use Magnesium Oxide (bound to oxygen), which happens to be the least absorbable form, but with the highest magnesium percentage of magnesium per dose, so in the end, it may even out. This form, and Magnesium Citrate, are often used as laxatives, which is a good indication that much of it is not absorbed but rather eliminated as waste.

One of the more bio-available forms is Magnesium Aspartate, which is the kind found in my top choice in testosterone booster formulas, Testofuel.

What About ZMA?

magnesium zma imageZMA is a very popular component in natural testosterone boosters. ZMA represents the combination of Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B6. It’s used by athletes and bodybuilders for the several benefits it provides:

  • Improved muscle recovery.
  • Better sleep.
  • Increased protein syntheses for greater muscle growth and strength.
  • Increased testosterone.

But that last benefit, the one we’re most concerned with here, is not exactly supported by the science. Each of the components of ZMA have distinct as overlapping health benefits, and they have each been shown to contribute to the making of testosterone and/or the boosting or free testosterone levels. But when taken as ZMA, the studies for the most part haven’t borne out.

A study in 2000 showed that when a group of college athletes who also worked out twice a day were given ZMA at before bedtime for 8 weeks, their free testosterone levels increased by more than 30% while the placebo group saw a decrease of 22%.

But according to WebMD, this study has been debunked by the majority of the scientific community due to the fact that one of the principal researchers had an ownership stake in the original ZMA formula, thereby creating a conflict of interest.

Since that study, none have been able to replicate the results.

So while the components, Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6 all contribute to good health, and even correlate positively with testosterone levels, there is no direct concrete evidence that ZMA as a supplement increases testosterone.

It’s Not A Simple Process

This just highlights the notion that increasing testosterone is a multi-faceted process that takes more than just popping a pill.

The foods you eat are extremely important, as is working out with resistance. For a great guide on all the best methods, sign up for my free How To Boost Testosterone Naturally ebook

Frequently Asked Questions

How does magnesium differ from Zinc when it comes to Testosterone?

You’ll often see Zinc and Magnesium discussed together in articles devoted to increasing testosterone. This is largely because of the prevalence of ZMA supplements, but also because they are both minerals with a known correlation to testosterone levels. Zinc is involved in the biological process that produces testosterone, while Magnesium increases free testosterone by blocking SHBG. Another big difference is that most Americans get all the zinc they need from the foods they eat, while conversely, most Americans are actually deficient in Magnesium.

Are Magnesium Oils just as effective at increasing testosterone?

Magnesium Oil ImageBecause of the difficulty magnesium has being absorbed through the digestive system, oils applied topically to the skin may be an even better option than supplement pills. It’s very common for athletes to apply magnesium oil to the skin after a particularly rough competition or workout. Not only does it help you meet your nutritional need for magnesium, thus supporting testosterone levels, but it may also help alleviate pain and inflammation of joints and muscle tissue.

When you work out, you lose most of your body’s testosterone through sweat, making the post workout magnesium oil application perfectly timed to replace what’s lost.

Using the oil can also provide you with higher doses than you can take orally, because high doses taken orally will often cause diarrhea, which is why magnesium is commonly used in stool softeners and laxatives.

What Foods contain high levels of Magnesium?

If you want to increase your magnesium levels without supplementation or oils, you can use your diet. Make sure to incorporate plenty of magnesium rich foods, such as:

  • Dark Chocolate with 64 mg per 1 ounce serving.
  • Avocado with 58 mg per one medium fruit.
  • Cashews with 82 mg per 1 ounce serving.
  • Black Beans with 120 mg per 1 cup serving.
  • Pumpkin Seeds with 150 mg per 1 ounce serving.

Tofu is high in magnesium as well, but being made of soy, you don’t really want to eat it if you’re trying to boost testosterone levels.

What else can I do to increase my testosterone?

Increasing testosterone naturally is an involved process and includes many aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

You need to eat a clean healthy diet with the right macro nutrients, including saturated fats, cholesterol, zinc, magnesium, and many others.

You need to work out regularly with weight resistance. Avoid overdoing it on the cardio, which tends to lower testosterone levels, not raise them.

It also helps to get at LEAST 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night.

The key is to find out EXACTLY what is the cause of your low testosterone, and then working on a plan to reverse the symptoms.

For more information, tips, and guidelines, check out my in depth report on how to increase testosterone levels naturally here.

I also recommend you take our 2 min. quiz to find out if you are actually suffering from Low T.


Falling testosterone levels is a simple, unavoidable fact of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to go down without a fight. For most guys, the issues never reach a level where you need to use Testosterone Replacement Therapy, and that’s a good thing because TRT is expensive, a hassle, and riddled with side effects.

A better option for almost everyone is to make lifestyle changes that create a better environment for natural testosterone production as well as for maintaining high levels of free testosterone

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for over 300 bodily processes, including both the production of testosterone and the blocking of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) to help more of your total testosterone remain free. Combined with other testosterone-friendly lifestyle choices like eating foods high in zinc, getting enough saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, and lifting weights, increasing your magnesium intake will support higher levels of the anabolic hormone.

Primal Growth Pills Review: Miracle Supplement Or Hoax?


What is Primal Growth
Primal Growth Ingredients
Primal Growth Reviews

So it’s Monday afternoon and I’m lazily scrolling through my Yahoo news feed after a somewhat boring day, when I came across yet another ad proclaiming that some “Miracle Testosterone Pill Nets Biggest Deal In Shark Tank History”.

The name of that pill is none other than Primal Growth, which sounds like it should be the title of a cheesy Jean Claude Van Damme movie.

Never mind the fact I already completely debunked the whole “Shark Tank Testosterone Booster” thing, which many of you have probably never seen (that is of course, unless you saw this already).

The title of the ad that’s being plastered all over Yahoo proclaims “No Longer An Embarrassing Issue For Men Anymore”, with the subtitle mentioning that millions of American men are being cured of some “important issues”.

primal growth pills ad on yahoo

What could be this embarrassing issue they speak of?

Decreased libido or stamina?

Small penis size, maybe?

Once I clicked the ad (grudgingly), the first thing that’s plastered across my screen is a woman grabbing some dudes (rather large by all accounts) junk, and for about a split second what looked like the Fox News logo.

primal growth ad on fox

Throughout the article, they talk about how Primal Growth WILL:

  • PERMANENTLY cure erectile dysfunction
  • Fix low libido issues
  • Increase stamina
  • Help with premature ejaculation
  • Increase Penis Size

All with just 1 pill a day.

If alarm bells aren’t going off in your head just yet, read on.primal growth reviews

What is Primal Growth?

According to the official website, Primal Growth is a medical strength male enhancement supplement that’s designed to:

  • Create bigger and longer lasting erections
  • Give you a surge in sex drive and energy
  • Increase your sexual confidence

A bit different from the claims we’re seeing on this supposed “Fox News” article, but that’s not surprising.  We’ll get into that later.

Primal Growth boasts that it’s now available without a prescription, front and center right at the top of their website.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/primal growth no prescription

However, I couldn’t seem to find any information on it that suggested it ever WAS a prescription.

If you do a search on rxlist.com, which literally lists every single prescription medication that ever existed, you won’t see Primal Growth.

was primal growth ever a prescription drug

In fact, you won’t even see the individual words “Primal” or “Growth” mentioned on the site at all.

Is It A Testosterone Booster OR A Male Enhancement Pill?

This is the million dollar question.

In the “Fox News” article, it’s called a revolutionary testosterone booster.

On their website, it’s called a a medical strength male enhancement supplement.

On the label, it says it’s a testosterone booster.

One thing is for sure though, it was DEFINITELY seen on TV shows like The Doctors, CNBC, CNN, USA, and Mens Health.

It says so right here on the website:

primal growth cnn, doctors, usa, mens health

So let’s jump on over to Google and see what these sites were saying about it.

How about CNN?

primal growth cnn

Hmmm, that’s odd.

Let’s try the CNN website…

cnn search

Nothing there, very strange.

Maybe CNN retracted their story about it, let’s try Mens Health:

primal growth on mens health

Are you beginning to see a pattern here??

I thought so.

There was no “As seen on” anything for Primal Growth.  This is a sales tactic to help build the credibility of the supplement.

They (whoever is behind the marketing of Primal Growth) is banking on the fact that you’ll see the words CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, whatever, and automatically assume that it’s legit.

As you can see, of course, it’s not!

Primal Growth Ingredients?

According to the official site, the ingredients in Primal Growth include:

  • Boron
  • Saw palmetto extract
  • Orchic substance
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Tongkat Ali
  • and Nettle extract.

It should be noted that this EXACT same ingredient formulation can be found in numerous other supplements, including Cianix, Zyntix, and Clemix.

And when I say exact same formula, I’m not talking about them just sharing the above ingredients.

I’m saying that they LITERALLY only contain those ingredients, and nothing else.

Not only that, but take a look at the Primal Growth website and compare it to the websites for some other products.

Here’s Primal Growth:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/primal

Here’s another supplement called Clemix:


And here’s yet ANOTHER supplement called Primal-X:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/primal

That’s right, they ALL look EXACTLY the same.

That’s because they’re ALL made by, and / or promoted by, the exact same company.

Primal Growth Reviews

If you run a search on google, you’re bound to come up short in this department.

Practically every single site that wrote about it is either promoting it as an affiliate, or have no real credible info.

Take the ever-popular website healthy order dot org, which ranks in the #2 spot when you search “primal growth reviews”.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/healthy

What does this pinnacle of health information have to say?

Here’s an exact quote from the first paragraph:  “Anyways, all the fingers are not equal and even all the supplements are not scam”.

Well, that’s good to know…

I was beginning to think all the fingers were equal!!

He goes on, under the “personal experience” section:  “Now, I have been spending a happy and full of feelings like and even feel that I have become very young by the use of this supplement.”

Well, sign me right up!

All kidding aside, this entire “review” is nothing more than a 2500 word nonsensical, irrational, and poorly written post that is literally just trying to rank in google by looking like some sort of “authority” when it comes to supplements.

In fact, it’s not the only site that looks like this when you’re searching for anything related to Primal Growth, including the side effects, ingredients, whether or not it works, and where to buy.

Practically ALL of the sites that show up when you run a google search for anything related to the supplement end up looking like this.


Where To Buy Primal Growth?

So it looks like the only place you can buy Primal Growth is on their official website.  You won’t find it in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, so don’t even bother trying.

How much does it cost?

I mean, if it’s going to grow your penis, improve your stamina and confidence, and boost your erection quality, what would it be worth to you?

$50?  $70? Maybe even $100?

How about, FREE?

That’s right, for a limited time only the guys behind Primal Growth are giving away their product completely free!

And when I say “limited time only”, I mean it!

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/sense of

All you have to pay for is the low price of $4.97 to take care of the shipping and handling, and they’ll send a bottle straight to your door.

18 days later, they’ll charge your credit card the low price of only $87.41 unless you call to cancel.

Wait, WHAT?

WTF are you talking about, Rob?

Who’s going to charge me $87.41?

Well, Primal Growth is, dummy…

Didn’t you see it right here in the terms in conditions in the REALLY small font at the bottom of the page?

primal growth free trial sample terms and conditions

Seriously dude, DON’T feel bad.

You don’t know how many guys I talk to every single day that get caught into these free-trial, auto-rebill supplement scams.


Run.  Run as fast as you can from this!

This kind of shit happens all the time, and it’s been nearly impossible for me to keep up with it.  Just as soon as I write about one scam product like Primal Growth, another 5 pop up in its place.

You’ll see these same types of Shark Tank scams popping up all over the place as well.

I’ve written articles on weight loss pills that were apparently seen on shark tank, testosterone boosters, and more.

In one case, they we actually pitching a damn wrinkle cream!

Most guys think they’re getting a free sample when they fork over the credit card info, but as you can tell from above, this is simply not the case.

Have You Used Primal Growth Pills?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Alcohol And Its Effects On Testosterone


How Alcohol Lowers Testosterone
The Alcohol-Testosterone Connection
Is There A Better or Worse Kind of Alcohol
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Counter the Effect of Alcohol on Testosterone Levels

The list of effects alcohol consumption can have on your health is long, and includes both positives and negatives. On the positive side, the important thing to remember is that it only works if you drink in moderation.

A Couple Drinks Can Actually Be Beneficial

However, according to the Mayo Clinic the potential benefits include:

  • Reduced risk of developing heart disease and/or dying from it if you already have it.
  • Reduced risk of certain strokes.
  • Reduced risk of diabetes.

Wine has been singled out as beneficial because of its abundance of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes.

Of course, along with the potential benefits are the health risks and negative side effects of alcohol use, especially if moderate turns into heavy or if you combine driving with your drinking. And certainly if you’re not a drinker, there’s no need to add alcohol to your life in an effort to improve your health. A good diet and exercise program will do more good without the potential drawbacks.

Ultimately, the health effects of alcohol skew more toward the negative. According to WebMD, alcohol use can be linked to more than 60 diseases, and that doesn’t even count the over 10,000 alcohol related motor vehicle deaths per year in the United States alone.

You’re probably familiar with most of them, including liver damage, cardiovascular disease, gout, depression, and high blood pressure, but there are many more.

An additional negative effect of alcohol consumption worth talking about is a drop in testosterone levels. This is of particular interest to those of us interested in maintaining lean muscle mass and living healthy, fit lives.

So let’s dive right in.

How Alcohol Lowers Testosterone

alcohol testosterone 5

It’s pretty much an undisputed fact that testosterone lowers a man’s testosterone, but exactly how and how much are not quite as universally agreed upon.

Anecdotal Evidence

You can usually find lively discussions among fitness-focused men of all levels at the forums over at Bodybuilding.com.

alcohol testosterone forum

Opinions range from the guy who adamantly believe that drinking will absolutely stall your efforts because of its lowering effects on T to the guy who think that’s total rubbish and see themselves as more strong and ripped the day after a night out.

Take a look at a few of the responses to a young bodybuilder asking the community for their opinions on whether or not what he’s heard about alcohol lowering testosterone levels is true:

Alcohol forum response 1

Alcohol forum response 2

Alcohol Testosterone 3

It looks to me like a lot of rationalizing, but it’s hard to argue with personal experience.

One responder tried to back up his claims with a brief science lesson:

alcohol testosterone 4

Clearly there are many differing opinions about alcohol’s effect on testosterone levels, which is why now we’ll shift our focus to what science has to say on the matter.

The Alcohol-Testosterone Connection

The truth is, a few drinks here and there will not cause any dramatic effect on testosterone levels. But once you start regularly consuming enough alcohol to get drunk, you will notice a drop, usually first becoming apparent in your sexual function and performance.

alcohol causes ed

The thing about the connection between alcohol consumption and decrease testosterone levels is that it occurs through not just one mechanism, but several:

  1. The Ethanol in alcoholic drinks causes oxidative damage to the Leydig Cells that produce testosterone in your testicles. Damaged Leydig Cells will not function at their highest levels. Antioxidants may help protect against this oxidative damage, but they will never be able to inhibit it completely.
  2. Frequent alcohol consumption increases the activity of the Aromatase enzyme, causing an increase in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This decreases testosterone dramatically in two ways. First, the conversion itself of testosterone to estrogen lessens the amount of testosterone present. Second, the increased presence of estrogen signals the testosterone producing mechanism within the body to halt production. In other words, abundant estrogen is a marker for the body, indicating that it has enough testosterone and doesn’t need to produce more.
  3. Alcohol, as part of its relaxing and depressive effect, causes the brain to release beta-opioid endorphins. This in turn lowers the production and release of testosterone.
  4. The metabolism of Ethanol decreases the amount of NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) within both the liver and the testes. Since NAD+ is necessary for healthy testosterone production, said production is reduced.

With so many contributing factors, it’s easy to see how consistently drinking large quantities of alcohol will have a negative impact on your testosterone levels. Over the long term, the increase in estrogen is likely to be the biggest drag on your progress.


alcohol testosterone feminization


Estrogen itself causes feminization – ie fat gain, strength loss, gynecomastia – and on top of that, it signals a shut down of testosterone production. The one-two punch is hard to dismiss.

Is There A Better or Worse Kind of Alcohol?

When considering the estrogenic aspects of drinking, beer is the biggest culprit has to be beer. Hops, a prominent ingredient in beer used as both a flavoring and a preservative, contains phytoestrogens. The Hops used in beer are the female flowers of the plant, and are powerfully estrogenic.  In fact, it is believed that Hops were historical taken by monks to help reduce their sexual desire.

So on the occasions you do decide to drink, beer may not be your best option. Instead, think about red wine, which is a much better option for at least two reasons:

1. The Resveratrol in red wine is actually an aromatase inhibitor. So while alcohol itself can increase estrogen in the body, the resveratrol in red wine (from the skin of grapes) reduces the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, counteracting at least some of the estrogenic effects of alcohol intake.
2. Red wine contains flavonoids that slow down the metabolism, and therefore excretion, of testosterone. This means less of your valuable testosterone is eliminated as waste in urine, leaving more to continue to circulate through the bloodstream.

When it comes to hard liquor, it’s definitely a better choice than beer; it’s even been shown to actually increase Free T levels temporarily if taken after workouts, but it’s unclear whether this phenomenon was because levels were actually higher or because the inebriated bodies weren’t using the testosterone that was present from the increase caused by resistance training.

Frequently Asked Questions

As we noted earlier in the section on Anecdotal evidence, there are lots of differing opinions on how exactly alcohol consumption affects testosterone. Discussion of these differing opinions leads to lots of residual questions. Here are just a few:

Can I drink While Undergoing Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

This is a tricky question and the answer is a bit tricky as well. TRT alone carries its own risks, notably to your cardiovascular health. Men taking TRT have shown a 30% increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and death as compared to men who aren’t involved with TRT. Perhaps even more scary, one study showed that men over 65 who took TRT drugs had 100% more heart attacks than those who did not.

Frequent excessive drinking cumulatively adds to the the cardiovascular risks that are already increased by the TRT.

Also if you’re taking oral TRT, its metabolism takes a toll on your liver that drinking alcohol will surely exacerbate.

Does Alcohol Lower Your Testosterone Permanently?

There are studies demonstrating the effects of alcohol on testosterone levels that range from the immediate to the near term, but no studies have determined a permanent change in the way the body produces, uses, or metabolizes testosterone due to alcoholic intake. Further, none of the studies on those immediate and near term reductions indicate a mechanism that would lead to permanent physiological changes.

How Does Alcohol Affect Estrogen Levels

We touched on this earlier when we discussed the several ways alcohol can lead to reduced testosterone levels. Beer in particular, because of the particularly potent phytoestrogens in hops, does increase the presence of estrogen in the body. The serious effect is demonstrated in a study of female rats who could not produce estrogen on their own because their ovaries had been removed. Due to consumption of alcohol, their bodies exhibited estrogen-like effects, even when that consumption was moderate.

Add the aromatase effect that increases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and yes indeed, alcohol has a profound effect on estrogen levels.

Does Alcohol Affect Testosterone and Estrogen Levels in Women Too?

It does. Women who drink alcohol have been shown to have increased amounts of estrogen, just as is the case with men who drink alcohol. This is due to phytoestrogens and an increase in aromatase just as is found with men.

The concern raised by increased estrogen levels in women mainly revolve around an increased risk of breast cancer.

There is a difference, however, when it comes to testosterone. Moderate drinking reduces testosterone levels in men, but does not appear to do so in women.

What’s The Biggest Myth About Alcohol and Testosterone?

A look at the bodybuilding forums shows the high degree of concern over the use of alcohol and its effect on testosterone. While the concerns are highly valid where heavy consumption is involved, the effect of a more moderate intake appears to have a lot of guys more worried than they need to be, at least in terms of testosterone.

If you’re working on improving your body, alcohol has no positive role to play, but this is for a number of reasons, not just testosterone. Alcohol provides a lot of empty carbohydrate calories, it’s got little to no nutritional value, and regular use can take a toll on your schedule, making it harder to hit the gym when you know you need to.

In other words, it’s not all about testosterone.

How To Counter the Effect of Alcohol on Testosterone Levels

The good news is if you’re a moderate drinker and you want to maintain sufficient testosterone levels, there are steps you can take, and they generally include living an overall healthy lifestyle.

First, focus on eating clean, healthy foods that balance your macro-nutrients properly. To produce copious amounts of testosterone, you need to eat a sufficient amount of saturated fats like those you’ll find in beef, you need to get enough zinc from foods like shellfish and pumpkin seeds, and you need to eat cruciferous vegetables to reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

Look for more foods to boost your testosterone levels in my article: 63 Foods That Boost Testosterone Naturally.

Second, make sure you’re working out in a testosterone friendly way. Resistance training will boost T levels, while cardio will tend to reduce them. So lift heavy weight on a regular basis and don’t overdo your time on the treadmill.

For a more thorough exploration of testosterone friendly lifestyle choices, sign up for my free ebook: How To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally 


You may have heard horror stories about how if you want to maintain high testosterone levels, you need to totally quit drinking alcohol. Judging from the questions I get from readers on the subject, you aren’t alone. There’s a lot of scary “information” floating around, especially on community platforms and forums.

The truth is there is an alcohol-testosterone connection, and if you like to drink to excess several times a week, you will negatively affect your levels. Even moderate drinking will reduce levels, but to a much smaller degree – estimates hover around a 7% reduction for the casual drinker.

The problem is it’s a multi-front attack. Alcohol increases estrogen, which not only tilts your hormonal balance in the wrong direction with phytoestrogens and increased aromatase, but adds insult to injury by signaling the shut down of further testosterone production. All this is even before considering the cyto-toxic effect on your Leydig cells.

The bottom line is that purists should probably stay away from alcohol altogether, not chancing the very real potential for a drop in levels. But most guys aren’t purists. For the vast majority of us, the answer lies in moderation, combined with lifestyle changes that can mitigate whatever small negative effect moderate alcohol intake will have.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Peptiva Review

Update (8-31-2018): We have someone currently in the process of testing our Peptiva.

Click Here
to follow along with here results!

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Peptiva website.


What is Peptiva
Peptiva Reviews
Who Makes Peptiva
Who is Dr. David Katz
Where else can you buy it

Scrolling through my yahoo news feed earlier this morning, I came across a sponsored post that stated to “Take 1 before bed, wake up rested and less bloated”.

peptiva ad on yahoo

I never really wake up “bloated”, but there are some mornings where the fog just never seems to lift.

I wouldn’t mind waking up more rested, especially after a night of binge watching House of Cards on Netflix.

Additionally, I haven’t been feeling my usual, energetic self lately.

Because of that and wanting to get myself back to normal, I was intrigued and had to take a little deeper of a look.

Clicking on the ad, I was taken to a sponsored post that talked about the importance of your gut on maintaining a healthy body.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/peptiva

The supplement in question was a probiotic pill called Peptiva.

It was clearly labeled as an advertisement, but the ad copy left me intrigued.

Could my recent lack of energy be attributed to my poor gut health?

I’m not going to lie, I don’t have a TON of experience with probiotic pills.

I’ve only tested a handful of them, including Bio X4, and I’ve done a bit of research on the various probiotic pills that are sold in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS.

I also understand why they may (or may NOT) be helpful in improving your digestive system, and my wife seems to swear by them.

Let’s see what Peptiva has to say about the matter.

1.  What is Peptiva?


Note:  I was recently contacted by one of the founders of Peptiva, Brandon Adcock.

He wanted to share some info about Peptiva in regards to how it was formulated and why it costs what it does.

It’s actually a really interesting and insightful look into the “backstory” of how supplements like this are developed, check it out below:

“The project started as a blank slate for Dr. Katz to create the optimal probiotic.  His thesis boils down to everyone is taking probiotics at the wrong time.

They’re taking them in the morning then dumping junk food, soda, stresses of the day, and everything else into their system which isn’t creating the optimal environment for the probiotic to work.  So after further research, we found that one of the most common reasons people have trouble sleeping is because gut and intestinal issues.

Two of the most common items purchased at GNC with probiotics are melatonin and stress relief ingredients.

We decided that people didn’t even realize the connection and we need to pair the 2 together.

By combining the two, we can ensure the consumer is put into a restful state to create the optimal environment for the probiotic to work.  The byproduct of this is that you also get a great night’s sleep.

The product made an in ultra-high end facility in the UK that uses a patented freeze drying process to lock in the stability of the probiotics.

Most probiotics labels their CFU count as “time of manufacturing”, which essentially means that when you buy it there is no guarantee about what you’re going to get.

On top of the sleep angle and that we’re using clinically studied probiotic strains at the specific clinically studied dose, we guarantee a CFU count, at the time of expiration (18 months), even at room temperature storage.

This requires a lot more investment and drives up the price of the product.  If you look at all of the large low cost probiotic brands, they are all labeled as “time of manufacturing”.

We don’t believe in this want to guarantee a standard that our customer will get.   Based on storage, timing, and heat conditions, those probiotics may only have 10% of label claim left when a customer buys them.

This a huge problem with probiotics that most consumers don’t understand.”

According to their official website (www.peptivaprobiotics.com), Peptiva is a multi-strain probiotic matrix that is designed to help:

  • Renew digestive health
  • Target digestive discomfort at the source
  • Restore balance as you sleep

It was apparently developed by Dr. David L. Katz, a director and co-founder of the Yale preventative research center, and director of integrative medicine at griffin hospital, located in Shelton, Connecticut.

Peptiva is designed to be taken at night, and is formulated with the following ingredients:

2.  Proprietary Priobitic Matrix (26 billion cfu)

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/untitled

  • Lab4 Clinical Cultures:  Lactobacillus acidophilus (ATCC SD6865), Lactobacillus acidophilus (ATCC SD6866), Bifidobacterium bifidum (ATCC SD6869), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (ATCC SD6870)
  • Active microbiome blend: Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC501, Lactobacillus paracasei IMC502
  • GABA
  • Valerian Root Extract
  • Melatonin (immediate release)
  • Melatonin (delayed release)

From my perspective, this looks like a decent formula.

Here’s a snapshot of the Peptiva label:

peptiva ingredients label

It definitely contains a suitable amount of probiotics to get the job done, and the addition of the sleep aids is definitely a plus.

I also like the fact that Peptiva is not pumping a HUGE amount of those sleep aids into their formula.

There’s a lot of sleep aids out there that will put anywhere from 2 to as much as 8 mg of melatonin into their supplements, which is WAY more than the recommended dose.

Too much melatonin like this has a tendency to disrupt your sleep cycle, and can often leave you feeling groggy the next day.  (Source)

Peptiva only contains a total of 1.5 mg of melatonin, so you should be safe in that regard.

The only Peptiva side effects you may encounter would be the same ones you would get with just about any probiotic.  (Source)

This includes digestive issues like gas, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, bloating, and nausea.

These tend to be mild in nature (if at ALL), and in most cases is a sign that the product may actually be working.

Our Personal Results

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/untitled

We sent a free box of Peptiva to one of our site visitors via our STEPuP program.  Her name is Laci L., and she has been putting together her thoughts on the product so far.

Follow along on her diary below:

First use: 9/3/18

To start, I am a 23-year-old female who suffers from both IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and insomnia. As many knows, IBS is different for different sufferers. My problem is that I CANNOT go, often 2-3 days at a time without relief. Certain foods, such as dairy, and others that I’m still trying to identify, cause severe bloating/gas/abdominal pain. There are many nights that my body needs to go, I’m in pain after a few days’ worths of meals sitting in my stomach, and I cannot go. My doctor has suggested I use various things to treat it, but unfortunately, there is no one solution to IBS, it is trial and error. In the past few months, I have started using a probiotic (I won’t name here), and it helped with my symptoms. I was then given Peptiva for a trial run and stopped using my previous probiotic for about five days.

My insomnia prevents me from getting a full night of sleep. Falling asleep is usually not a problem for me, taking me anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on the night. Note – I am training for a half marathon, so I am getting extreme exercise in most days, which helps with falling asleep. But I wake up twice a night consistently but can fall back asleep quickly. I wear a Garmin watch that tracks my sleep, and it shows I am barely getting 30 minutes of deep sleep per night. I was excited to use Peptiva as a sleeping aid.


The past two nights I have used the product, and I haven’t noticed a drastic change, but it is very early. I am not falling asleep any quicker or noticing that I am “going” more in the bathroom. But I am not suffering from any gas/bloating/abdominal pain anymore. That could be related.


I have finally noticed the effects of the sleeping aid. It isn’t rare for me to ignore my sleepiness, as I am a night owl. Many nights I want to clean up my room or scroll through my phone. For me, Peptiva is NOT forcing me to go to bed. I never feel my body being so tired, even 30 minutes after taking it that I have to fall asleep. But I do notice myself getting a bit more tired. The biggest effect is that my body/mind feel very heavy after taking it. When I am in a bed, usually 30 minutes after I have taken it, I feel like my body is wanting to fall into a very deep sleep. I’m not sure how to explain the sensation, but I feel heavy. I like it this feeling! A positive for me.


I have been using the probiotic for a week now. I forgot to take it one night over the weekend, and I noticed I wasn’t as regular. I like the product, but I’m not sure if I would buy this again considering the price. It is a good sleep aid, but not significantly better than regular melatonin that I get from CVS for less than $10. The steep price is not worth it for being a slightly better sleep aid than natural supplements.

As for the probiotic, I have noticed a positive difference in my body. I am not experiencing as many IBS symptoms, which I believe is attributed to this product and healthier eating on my part. This product helps with stomach problems and does what it claims. But before I started this product, I was using a probiotic that was more reasonably priced, and I believe it worked better than Peptiva. With my previous probiotic, I noticed myself going to the bathroom immediately after work, which is relieving myself after two full meals (breakfast and lunch). This is not normal for me, as sometimes I can have 6+ meals in my stomach before I can go. With the last probiotic, I even went to the bathroom at work, which NEVER happens to me. Peptiva did not provide the same drastic results. Using Peptiva I still go the bathroom every single day, but it is not immediately after work. It is sometimes after I’ve had my third meal for the day.

Week 1 – Do I recommend the product?

Yes, I do. It does what it claims, but I don’t think it is the best product on the market. It helps me fall asleep a bit quicker, in a natural way. I like it because it doesn’t feel like I’m taking a prescription sleep aid that knocks you out (and is addictive). My Garmin watch is also reporting a small increase in my deep sleep for the week. When I remember to take melatonin, I usually get similar results, but maybe a little less than when I use Peptiva.

The product successful does what it claims as probiotic. I assume it is doing all of the right things on the inside, helping with good gut bacteria, etc. I’m just not sure it is worth the steep price.

Week 1 – Would I buy again?

No, I think I can get similar if not better results for cheaper.

Week 2 – 9/17

CON: Something that I didn’t think of before that really annoys me about this product, that I also love about this product, is that it is a sleep aid. Obviously, it is great to have this product at night to help me sleep! But on the other hand, you cannot take this at any other time of the day. I used to have great results awhile back taking a probiotic on an empty stomach right when I woke up. It really kick started my system. Sometimes after a big meal and I’m feeling overly full, I want to pop a probiotic. You can’t do that with Peptiva, it is exclusively for night time use. Sometimes I want to use a probiotic in the morning AND at night, and I can’t do that with this product, which is frustrating for me.

I have been taking the product for a few weeks now. So far, so good! My digestion seems to be improving, and I notice I really am not suffering from bloating from most meals anymore. Before I started using this product I had bloating or gas at least once a day from a meal. When I do experience discomfort after a meal I am now able to determine which food is causing the upset. I really think Peptiva has been helping with the bacteria in my gut and is doing more for me than just making it easier to fall asleep at night.

Visit The Official Peptiva Site Here: www.Peptiva.com

As the product has built in my system I’ve noticed it working even better than at the beginning. Two weeks in and I am experiencing less disrupted sleep than before. At this point, I’m not sure if melatonin provided as much sleep aid as Peptiva. Last week I argued that this is a glorified melatonin, but I’m starting to think I was wrong. Stay tuned.

2 weeks in, I really like the product. If you are wanting a good probiotic to improve your gut and quality of sleep, and the price is not an issue for you, then this product is for you.

If you are on a tighter continue reading:

  • The product is expensive. There is no denying it. But to get the same results (probiotic and sleep aid) you will need to purchase two products. This is a two-in-one deal, which is less work on your end.

  • If you find a cheaper probiotic that does the same job, then yay! You saved some money. But if you are also wanting the sleep aid component, calculate the cost of a comparable sleep aid.

  • This is a safe, non-addictive product that helps you sleep, keep that in mind when you shop around for alternatives.

Again – if you are on a budget like myself, I don’t have an answer for you yet. For simplicity, it may be worth the money because it does provide results and is just one product to take every night.

3.  Peptiva Reviews

This is where things start to turn a bit south.

Apart from their website, the only independent Peptiva reviews I could find were on Amazon, where it was rated an average of 2.2 out of 5 stars.

peptiva reviews on amazon

Other than a couple of people that noted some positive results, the vast majority were complaining about the price.

peptiva cost

And at almost $60 for a 30 capsule bottle, I sort of have to agree with them.

If you run a search for probiotic pills on Amazon, you’ll see that the vast majority are priced in the $10 – $25 range.

It is ultimately up to you to decide if the potential positive effects and results that it can have on your life are worth the hefty price tag, or if you would rather take a lot at some of the less expensive competitors.

At $60 per box, you’re looking at a 42% – 160% between Peptiva and most other Probiotic pills.

I can understand their angle.

Most of these probiotic supplements are literally just that…probiotics.

They don’t include additional ingredients like melatonin, GABA, and Valerian root.

However, Peptiva does.

Does that justify such a huge price increase?

That’s up to the individual to make that decision, but based on the reviews I’m seeing here, they may have priced themselves out of the market on Amazon.

4.  Who Makes Peptiva?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/untitled

According to my research, Peptiva is owned by a private company called Direct Digital LLC. They were founded by Brandon Adcock and Paul Reichelt, and Dr. David L. Katz was brought on recently as their chief scientific advisor (more on him below).

Their official website is the following:  www.PeptivaProbiotics.com

This company is behind many other popular supplement brands such as Nugenix, Instaflex, and Lumiday, all of which we have personally tested.

5.  Who is Dr. David Katz?

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/10/untitled

According to Wikipedia, Dr. David Katz was born on Feb. 20, 1963 in Los Angeles, California, and he is a physician and founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center.

He earned his B.A. degree from Dartmouth College, his M.D. from Albert Einstein College of medicine, and his MPH from Yale Univ. School of Public Health.

According to his website, he has published roughly 200 research scientific articles, as well as 15 books.

The most notable of these is “Disease Proof:  Slash Your Risk Of Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, and More – By 80 Percent”, which as of this review had 125 reviews on Amazon.

Here are a few quotes from Dr. Katz regarding the importance of probiotics:

“The natural way to get ‘probiotics’ would be exposure throughout the day.  They would enter through the mouth all during the day, and likely settle into the large bowel during the night, and colonize then.  By providing a concentrated dose of commensal bacteria at night, we are attempting to reproduce this native pattern.

Also, during the day, a probiotic supplement will be affected by changes in movement through the GI tract at different times, with variations induced by food intake.  During the night, there is a relatively constant state of GI muscle activity (peristalsis), and thus a stable environment for bacterial colonization.

Fundamentally, the human body replenishes itself in sleep.  This is the logical time to replenish the microbiome, without sudden changes in insulin levels, stress hormones, digestive activity.  Probiotic bacteria encounter a gut mucosa at relative rest, in its own ‘replenishment’ mode, and can populate the mucosa accordingly.”

6.  Where else can you buy it?

Apart from Amazon, you can find Peptiva both on their website, www.peptivaprobiotics.com, as well as GNC.

They also offer a 15 day trial here.

Related Article:  How To Cancel A Supplement Free Trial (and get your money back)

Your best bet, from a cost perspective, is to buy it on their official site.

At GNC (just like Amazon), it costs $60 for a box of 30 capsules.

peptiva price on gnc

On their website, that very same bottle is sold at the same price.

peptiva price on their website

HOWEVER, Peptiva does offer a substantial discount if you purchase more than one box.

For example, if you buy 2, you get 1 free.  This brings the price down to an average of $49.99 per box.


peptiva discounts

If you buy 3, you’ll actually get 2 free.  This brings the price down to an average of $44.99 per box, making it even cheaper.

However, this is NOT what’s reflected when you go to checkout.

For example, we’ve already established that a one month supply of Peptiva costs $60.

When you select the “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” deal, that should come out to a total of $120, right?

Well, when I did that this is what shows up:

peptiva pricing issues

The same thing happens when you select the “Buy 3 Get 2 Free” deal.  Based on the one month supply pricing, it should come out to $180 (3 Boxes X $60 a box = $180).

And this is what ends up showing up:

peptiva pricing issues 2

I may have to shoot them a message and let them know this pricing is way out of wack.

7.  Conclusion

Peptiva certainly does a good job at differentiating themselves from other supplements in this category.

It was developed by a doctor, so you KNOW it will contain what they say it contains.

It contains more than just a simple probiotic formula.

It’s sold at GNC.

But does the high price justify all of this.

The only other thing I wanted to mention was that they are currently offering samples for their product.

This might actually be the way to go, given the big initial price tag.

One thing I would caution you on is that it’s really not just a “sample”.

It’s a trial, which basically means that you will have 18 days to try the product out.

If you do nothing, they will charge you the full price for the product ($59.99).

It’s all right here in the terms and conditions:

peptiva terms and conditions

Cancelling is easy, all you have to do is email them at support@peptivaprobiotics.com or call their customer support phone number at 800-355-6050 and tell them you’d like to stop the trial.

Again, this may be the better route to take so that you can accurately judge whether or not the supplement is right for you, without having to fork over a significant amount of cash upfront.

We’ll be testing this supplement soon, so stay tuned.

Have You Used Peptiva?  Leave Your Review Below!

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This supplement has potential drug interactions.  Click here to see our pharmacists take on the potential dangers of probiotics.