Did The Rock Really Use Alpha Titan Testo?

Baywatch, Hercules, and Ballers, are just a few of his recent works, but in every shot and every scene, he makes us feel guilty for eating some popcorn or candy while we watch his movies. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, is in such great shape that people are starting to spread rumors like it is impossible for a man his age to be in excellent physical condition. So, how does he do it?

Article 1

The first story I located on my search to find out how The Rock does it, I caught two things that didn’t sound quite right. Those things wrapped into one is that Dwayne was kicked off the set of Ballers because he was caught taking performance-enhancing drugs. That caught me by surprise. Dwayne and Mark Wahlberg just dealt with the lawsuit about the actual show, why would they kick him off the set? So, with that question in mind, I dug a little deeper.https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/lie

In this same story, I found another rather ridiculous statement that they “quoted” Dwayne saying his doctor recommended some supplements for him to take to bulk up for Baywatch and Fast and Furious 8.https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/lie 1Is it normal for a unknown doctor to suggest Trembolex Ultra and Vigor Enhance?

Well, if you instinct and gut is doing you any favors and working well, it’s probably telling you “no, it’s not normal.”

I can’t confirm or deny this, but that put a huge red flag in the story for me.

Article 2

Further research into the topic of Dwayne and how he stays in shape, I found a different article about Dwayne once again speaks about some supplements he is taking to help him with staying in excellent physical condition.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/lieThis is a quote from him, supposedly. I have searched, and I have not found anything to say either article at this point is right on him taking any supplements, and “if” he is, what he is taking. But I have one BIG question about that, how come he has “taken” so many supplements? I also was curious about the articles themselves. If they interviewed Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, former WWE wrestler and actor, why only ask one question or quote the one statement? I mean, if I spoke with him, our conversation would be recorded and all over the palce with me asking a ton of questions.

Article 3

This article they mention a set of supplements as “the ultimate steroid alternative.” I have to admit; this article is a little too much for me. They say, trainers, celebrities, and bodybuilders, but yet they don’t have a single quote or endorsement to back them up, that is official. I also found they have different supplements to The Rock supplement diet.https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/lie

The article says that they have done unique research on these supplements, well they are not uncommon results at all, they record the same information that the others have provided. Well, how can that be possible, when all three articles are speaking of Dwayne taking them, but none of the names are the same? Confused? I know I am.

These stories, rumors, lies, are just that. False information. They are trying to draw in more sales and have you believe that taking any of the supplements will help you build muscles like Dwayne, who is apparently not taking these supplements. How do I know?

The Truth

I know Dwayne is not taking any of these supplements for many different reasons. I have already pointed out that these articles look like advertisements, not an informative story. Another thing you need to think about when you think of Dwayne Johnson. How long has he been this big? After reviewing the information I found on the topic, I found enough evidence to know he isn’t using any enhancers or supplements. I have seen interviews where he discussed his work out, diet and how his typical day goes and there is no mention of any supplements. I looked into the reasons behind the rumors of him possibly leaving Ballers, which has nothing to do with performing enhancing supplements.

Earlier, I mentioned the story that has a quote of Dwayne stating that his doctor recommended these so-called supplements. Well, most people who work with celebrities take pride in helping them, so why didn’t he mention his doctor’s name? In a different article, he says his trainer, Aaron Williamson, who has a website with The Rock as one of his client’s.

Check out his website – http://www.aaronwilliamson.net/

I have also found some detailed information about his workout schedule. It’s super intense. You should probably not attempt his workout if, you are not on a regular workout schedule. This is how he starts his day.https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/truthDwayne Johnson isn’t leaving Ballers because of performance-enhanced supplements. He is considering leaving the show because he was considering running for President.https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/truth

Now that would be a fascinating thing to see. Furthering my point that Dwayne is not using these supplements he has his workout schedule/routine online! Give it a try for one week and see if you can handle what The Rock is cooking!


The above article has the workout Dwayne did to get his body for the newest movie, Jumanji.


After researching, and reviewing all the information, I was able to locate regarding this matter, I am convinced. I feel I have built a pretty good case to help you understand that, No, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, is not and does not take supplements to stay in shape. But he is spending hours every day working out, putting in the effort and energy to earn his post-WWE superstar body, that everyone envies. So unlike some, The Rock is all natural!

If a celebrity endorsement of a product seems like it is fake, especially if it is found on the ever so often untrustworthy internet, then chances are it is a fake.

Don’t forget to vote for Dwayne Johnson!

alpha titan testo

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Viral RX Review: 1 HUGE Reason To Avoid

Note:  I’m going to keep this review SUPER short, mainly because everything I’m about to say I’ve already said before about a dozen times.

If you want to read why I believe Viral RX is a complete and utter scam, then Click Here to read my full review of another supplement called PXL / VXL male enhancement.

In my professional opinion, ViralRX is EXACTLY the same thing as PXL and VXL, and you’ll find out why in that review.

So I’m scrolling through an adult film site late this afternoon when I come across the following ad:

viral rx advert

I’ve seen this ad countless times in the last 6 months or so, and the names change faster than I can keep up with.

One week it was Andro Enhance, the next week it was PXL male enhancement, and the week after that it was 5G Male Plus.

What is Viral RX Premium Testoboron?

At first I thought it was a joke, but apparently this is a sexual enhancement supplement that’s designed to help improve erection quality, control, and duration.

Viral RX pills do this through a blend of ingredients that includes the following:

  • L-Arginine
  • Muira Puama
  • Asian Red Ginseng
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Saw Palmetto berry
  • Gingko Biloba extract
  • Bioperine

They call this a “premium testoboron formula”, whatever that means.

This EXACT same formulation can be found in countless other supplements, including PXL, which I mentioned above.

Why Is Viral RX A Scam?

Because I’ve seen these EXACT same ads being used to promote completely different sounding supplements, which all end up being the EXACT same product.

Let me explain….

When you visit the Viral RX site, you’ll see this:

viral rx website

When you go to the VXL website, this is what you see:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/vxl

When you go to the PTX male enhancement website, you see this:

ptx male enhancement website

I could literally show you DOZENS of examples of this.

They are ALL the same company, selling a slightly different product, and scamming the HELL out of 1,000’s of guys.

How do they do this?

Well, it starts off like this:

  1.  They create a supplement, like Viral RX, throw up a fancy website, and start throwing ads all over porn sites.
  2. They sucker 10,000 guys into thinking they’re going to grow their penis with their supplement, and convince you to put in your credit card information to pay for the “shipping” charge.
  3. 2 weeks later they bang your credit card for an ENORMOUS amount of money.
  4. After a few months, the product name gets “burned” and they rinse and repeat the process.

I’m not a betting man, but I would be willing to bet that in a few months time, you won’t be hearing about Viral RX again.


Don’t waste your time with Viral RX.  All they’re trying to do is get you to sign up for their free trial, which ultimately will end up billing you close to $100 if you don’t call to cancel your trial within 15 days.

They are far from the only business that practices business like that, but that does not make what they do any less sinister or off-putting as far as actually making anyone want to give them their patronage, which I personally recommend against strongly.

If you don’t believe me, then go ahead and order it.

Just don’t be surprised to see a huge credit card charge and wonder wtf is going on.

And definitely don’t come to me asking what happened!

In general, free trial scams are huge all over the internet and are not exclusive to the male enhancement supplement community, but take it from me that they are quite prominent and I personally would recommend avoiding them unless you know for sure that it is a reputable company that you are dealing with.

Have you used Viral RX?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

No, Zac Efron Did NOT Use Those Supplements

Zac Efron is under some interesting speculation. From a high school sweetheart to the muscular superstar that challenged Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, everyone is wondering how in the world did he get so, muscular?

Did “The Rock” Tell Him To Take These?

In one article, they speculated that Zac took some supplements to help him get big quick. Not only did they say he took these supplements, but they “quoted “ him saying he received them from his co-star rival in Baywatch.

zac efron supplements

I never heard, nor was I able to locate this “ exclusive interview” where Zac Efron was recorded saying these words. After further digging into the situation, I found another issue with their statements about Zac. I located more than one article that says, Zac is currently taking muscle supplements to build muscle and to give him the ability to star in movies like Neighbors and Baywatch, as the hunk every man wants to be and every woman want to be with.

But with each story comes a different supplement or group of supplements.

Here is one where he is Trembolex Ultra and Vigor Enhance:

trembolex ultra and vigor enhance

Reading through that article, I found that they repeatedly say he takes these supplements, then go into detail about the actual supplements, not more about what “else” Zac does while taking these supplements to help him lose weight.

Another False Story

In this story, Zac is taking Testo AmpX and Muscle AmpX. These sound a little too outlandish, and I wouldn’t trust them myself. But I believe in my screenshot there is supposed to be a quote from him, verifying that he volunteered to be a guinea pig! I know he is a celebrity, but is that safe? Celebrity or not, that sounds like a huge liability that really shouldn’t be published if it were true.

zac efron testo ampx and muscle ampx

Again with the Lies

In another article, yes, there are more lies about Zac and these supplements, he is taking a different set of supplements.  I have to admit; this one went down a different road to accuse Zac of taking these supplements.

They do say he takes N.O Capsules and testosterone. They describe the schedule in which he takes them, but they don’t exactly tell us, what it is he uses by name.

They don’t mention any exclusive interviews with Zac. I was a little confused with this website and their article about the topic. I was not convinced they believed he took these supplements.

zac efron testosterone boosters and nitric oxide

I mean how many supplements can they claim one celebrity uses to bulk up muscle or lose weight? Come to find out; they did not believe the story’s they read either. I saw a link on the website:

zac efron baywatch supplement

After clicking on this link, my browser took me to a page which describes the REAL way; Zac Efron gained the muscle we all have seen in the movie Baywatch.

So do they believe Zac took the muscle supplements? Reading the article further on, I feel they don’t, but the same website and the same author spoke of the lie and the truth.

Maybe they don’t know what to believe.

The Truth of the matter

I know Zac Efron did things the old fashion way with exercise and diet. Now, I know you are wondering why I know this and trust me you will get the information I have. First, I would like to point out that after reading lie after lie about Zac Efron and these supplements, I came to realize, they mention his name and toss in a “quote” made by him, then continue to speak about the supplements in detail.

These articles are mostly advertising. They are trying to make a sale. They are driving people to these story’s then try to convince people to buy the supplements, by throwing in a celebrity, that I pointed out, every man wants to be and say, he did it, so can you.

Another reason, I am positive, he is not using these supplements, is the fact that with every story, the supplements are not the same. I know some people take a lot of medicines prescribed by their doctor, so that is typical, but all of these testosterone pills in one person, cannot be a good thing. Why are we not hearing of him going on angry rampages yet?

The first proof I can show you is:

zac efron diet interview

That is a real interview done with Zac. Now doesn’t this sound like a real person who is on a diet? For me it sure does. I like my salads and kale, but not enough to get excited, and on top of that, I understand the science behind how the mind and dedication work to get this sort of reaction. Just be honest with yourself, not on a diet, would you crave that?

Another reason to believe he did it the old fashion way is the mention of his trainer, Patrick Murphy. Any reputable trainer would do the job right rather than give their trainees supplements. After researching information about his trainer I have located a video with his trainer discussing their training days and other things Zac Efron along with a few more famous names:

how zac efron got ripped interview with mens fitness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs9t6rDeOoo – Check it out!

Looking into another story about the real way Zac got his muscle, I found the little bit of information above, and I remembered my days of being in peak physical condition. I worked out hours a day, most of the week and sometimes more than once in a day, which makes sense to what Zac did and with extreme exercises as mentioned above, results will happen, and they will be noticed.

If anyone did this for a month with changes to their diet, anyone would see a big difference in themselves. And that is what this guy did. He reached out to Patrick Murphy, Zac’s trainer at http://www.murphyfitness.com/, and decided to follow Zac’s exercise plan with a modified diet plan strictly tailored to him.

https://www.buzzfeed.com/christopherhudspeth/i-worked-out-and-dieted-like-zac-efron-for-two-months-and?utm_term=.lkwwE5ML25#.hdVX1aRY6a -Check it out.

If the video, a story of a reporter doing the “Baywatch” diet, and successfully having his body transformed, and a website to Zac’s trainer. Along with the advertising feel of the other articles are not enough information to convince you that Zac worked hard and dieted, I don’t know what else to tell you!

Of course, all people are different and nobody should ever expect to get big and significant gains that stick unless they are just as diligent and dedicated to putting those hours in at the gym that count and sticking to a diet that is aimed at turning all that fat and those calories that you are burning daily into muscle and pairing it with a supplement regimen that maximizes the chances to keep them.

No, Tim McGraw Did NOT Use That Supplement

Lies, Lies and more Lies about Tim McGraw

In an article recently published online, they mention that Tim McGraw uses a “muscle supplement” to help him lose 40 pounds in 4 weeks and he endorsed this product! According to them, the muscle supplements he took were called Trembolex Ultra. Let me reassure you that they are just putting words in a celebrity’s mouth so that they can get a sale!

As many of us know, when something is underlined as such, if you click it you so go to another page.  So why put words in the mouth of someone such as Tim McGraw?

They do it because he is famous!

Another article that says Tim is taking their muscle supplement

Another article just like the one before, says that he uses two different types of “muscle supplements.” Apparently, he endorses those also?

Even though I must admit, they focus more on this article on what the supplements are and what they can do for you. Which happens in an advertisement, but they throw the songwriter’s name in there to get the search and to draw those leads. So for them, it is all fun and games, who cares if you spread rumors about a celebrity. Just because he has transformed his body, doesn’t mean he is doing something he shouldn’t.

Unlike the first article, where they try to keep the focus on the celebrity, this article focuses on these so-called “supplements.” That has me thinking they are just trying to advertise the supplements, and spread the word, to get more sales!

And again with the muscle supplements.

In this article, they say that yet still, Tim is taking muscle supplements. But this time the supplements are different from the last couple of articles. (Is it me, or are they running out of advertising ideas?) This time apparently he is taking Power Testo Blast and Power Muscle Blast. With all these supplements, it cannot be suitable for his body at this point.

Article after article, lies, and rumors keep on spreading about Tim McGraw and this transformation.

How do we know these articles are lies?

Well just to begin, the process of helping you understand that these are all nothing but lies starts with the obvious. These three articles alone, how many muscle supplements is Tim taking? Way too many to count. Secondly, when did these interviews with Tim McGraw take place and why do they seem only to ask the one question? Unlike his meeting with another where he talks all about his fitness, how he got started, and why he began the journey of getting healthy again.

If he didn’t use supplements, how DID he do it?

In an interview conducted by Men’s Fitness, Tim and the interviewer, discuss, what motivated him to begin exercising, when he started his fitness journey, what he does to stay fit on the road, his new start in the world of fitness, and many things about his career. He always speaks about how he works with his longtime trainer, Roger Yuan.

In another article, an interview with Tim they once again talked about his fitness, career and they even quoted him on what he did and why it changed his life, that leads him to fitness.

There is an interview conducted with the famous personal trainer, Roger Yuan, where he speaks of how hard Tim works when they do a session together. He points out that he has to tell Tim to dial it back on pushing himself, as he might hurt, or overdo it.

So not only do these stories contradict the rumors, they just prove that Tim, lost the weight the right way, with hard work. He focuses on his diet, eating the right things, and spending many hours every day doing different physical activities that will improve his overall health.

If this isn’t enough to convince you that Tim is not taking supplements, how about you watch the YouTube video, where Roger Yuan, his trainer for 7 or 8 years, talks about working with him.

Here is the link:


In this video, Roger speaks of working not only with Tim, but two other celebrities and one of those is an all-time action actor, Jackie Chan, known for doing his stunts. Now it really can’t get more convincing than that.

The most effective conversation done with Tim McGraw is the one done with The New York Times. In this interview, they dive deep into the process Tim has established and the amount of time him and his crew, yes his crew,  spend hours working out together. If you don’t believe me, read the article yourself: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/09/30/fashion/mens-style/tim-mcgraws-grueling-workout.html.


These interviews have convinced me that the first few articles, were lies and just an awful attempt at leads or sale of these supplements. They spoke of nothing more than the supplements, and they provided links to take you to the place to purchase them online. They went into detail about them, and nothing else came up. The scientific proof of this, and that, with no proof from the celebrity himself.

It is simply a ploy to dupe potential buyers into associating a celebrity that they are familiar with results that they are probably not going to get and the whole thing seems like a bit of a sham.

Final word, Tim McGraw does not take muscle supplements!

Vaso Blast Review: Worth The Hype?

It’s almost 2018, and if there’s a quick fix pill or magic bullet solution to any health woe, you can bet someone’s made it and put it on the market. And nowhere is this more evident than in the male enhancement world.

All you have to do is take a quick once-over of our site to realize that perhaps no niche of the supplement industry is more flooded with supplement options, each promising to out-deliver the rest.

Vaso Blast is just one of many of these drugs. In 2017, you certainly can’t believe everything you read though, with supplements from pre-workouts to multivitamins coming under fire for questionable ingredients and additives.

Let’s unpack the promises and hype behind this drug, take a look at the ingredients, and see if it’s one worth shelling out the bucks for, or another quick fix promise that fall flat.

Benefits of Vaso Blast

Head to Vaso Blast’s website and you’re immediately hit with a glowing overview of all this drug has to offer.

The Cliffnote’s version is that by taking Vaso Blast, which targets two erectile chambers in the penis, men can “almost immediately” expect a wider and longer shaft, 31% growth on average, increased nerve sensitivity, and better ability to better satisfy their partners.

The site brags that it’s nothing like Viagra—which only increases erections, but does nothing for size itself.

How Vaso Blast Works

The website for Vaso Blast isn’t what anyone could call subtle. In fact, it straight up proclaims that their supplement works in revolutionary ways, unlike any other competing products in the marketplace.

What sets it apart from the crowd?

In short, Vaso Blast is allegedly on a stage of own thanks to a new scientific approach, which uses the “reverse nitric oxide pathway,” to increase penis size faster than other brands do.

Most male enhancement products use the standard Nitric Oxide pathway, which is where Vaso Blast attempts to set itself apart from the crowd. If you buy into the promises, then not only should you get results that dwarf those from other brands, but you should see permanent changes.

Read the full FAQ page and you’ll learn that results are supposedly almost immediately noticeable, and only get better with time. A few days in, you’ll notice a fuller feeling, with significant gains in the first month, give or take. It’s not until month two though, that the drug is reported to work at its full potential.

The drug is designed to not just give you temporary impressive results, in other words, but create lasting change over time.

Ingredients in Vaso Blast

One of the primary selling points of Vaso Blast is its makeup of natural ingredients. When stacked together, this ingredient profile is designed to jointly target multiple areas of sexual health and performance, by boosting free testosterone levels in the body, cranking up sexual vitality and energy, and revving up libido.

Let’s take a deeper look at some of the star players in this ingredient list.

Arginine Alpha – Ketoglutarate: An amino acid, this ingredient boosts blood flow thanks to vasodilator abilities. It’s also used in many workout supplements since it helps the body crank up nitric oxide, which aids muscle growth.

L-Citruline: This is a non-essential amino acid that has been proven to be helpful not just for metabolism, but also shows up in a lot of male enhancement drugs for its vasodilator properties. We all know more blood flow and circulation means more blood to the penis during erections.

Long Jack: This natural compound, originally from Asia, has been widely used for pro-fertility and as an aphrodisiac and powerful stimulant for sexuality.

1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCL: We’ll discuss this one much more in depth below, but honestly it was shocking this was included on the list, tucked in between other natural and harmless ingredients. Though it was once commonly featured in energy/performance boosting athletic supplements, this ingredient is banned by the FDA and categorized as potentially hazardous. Known as DMAA, it’s on the prohibited list of supplements by The World Anti-Doping Agency, banned by the military, and generally known as a poison due to high blood pressure and cardiovascular health concerns. More on this, below.

Maca Root: This superfood ingredient is cropping up in all sorts of supplements and health foods lately, but it’s also been used for sexual health and to encourage erections among its other benefits.

Long Pepper: This little-known vine from Asia has a claim to fame for a laundry list of ailments it’s supposed to help heal—everything from migraines to heart conditions. It’s also known to help boost overall nutrient absorption in the body.

Muira Puama: This Amazonian ingredient is also known as “potency root,” and is used as something of a sexual cure-all by indigenous people.

Tribulus terrestris, Avena sativa, & Tribulus aquaticus  –  Are three natural ingredients that are all three commonly used in alternative medicine to boost natural testosterone levels in the body

Trichopus Zeylanicus – In addition to helping treat liver disease and fatigue, this plant, native to India, has been shown to kick up libido, ramp up sexual performance, and help with endurance during the act.

Vitis Vinifera – A strong antioxidant, otherwise known as grape seed, Vitis Vinifera is used to direct more blood to the penis and helps boost erections.

Arginine Nitrate: Think of it as a natural energy booster, vasodilator, and pump-up ingredient all in one.

Zooming out and taking a larger look at this ingredient list as a whole, what’s to make of it? There’s no doubt there are many natural ingredients and superfoods making an appearance in Vaso Blast—always a good thing. No one’s claiming plants like maca or long pepper will do a body harm.

But will this ingredient list deliver the 31% growth rate the site promises? It’s one thing to pop a pill that marginally increases your overall health, and quite another to assume that a smorgasbord of healthy ingredients equals the total revolution in your sex life and satisfaction levels that the drug promises. If it was that simple, everyone would be taking it.

Natural ingredients aside, there’s a more troubling issue at play here.

You wouldn’t take a multivitamin without scanning the ingredient list, hopefully, so why would you pop a pill without doing the same?

Vaso Blast lists out the above ingredients, sure, what are there other additives or inactive ingredients? And in what proportions are you getting these?  Who knows, since Vaso Blast glaringly fails to provide even a basic breakdown of how much of each ingredient you’re getting, meaning there’s no way to assure they’re in effective or even safe amounts.

We’ve saved the biggest issue for last though, and this is the inclusion of 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.

Breeze through the ingredients list on Vaso Blast’s site, and it’s interesting to note that when they get down to this ingredient, instead of explaining what it is, the site launches into a totally off-topic tangent of how erections work.

Is this supposed to distract us from the inclusion of this ingredient? Likely, as it’s banned by the FDA for several alarming reasons.

We could talk all day about how it can cause severe cardiovascular problems and serious health concerns, but bottom line, it’s illegal and banned the FDA, so the fact that it appears here at all is enough to make us dismiss Vaso Blast and question the company as a whole.

Where to Get it

Like many supplements of its kind, to snag a bottle of Vaso Blast for yourself, you’ll have to order through their website.

A few options exist, ranging from a one bottle, 30-day supply from $39.99 all the way up to a complete four bottle option, which includes 3 freebies, for a 7-month dose.

where to buy vaso blast

Who Makes It

Interestingly, tracing who’s actually behind Vaso Blast is a little bit of a wild goose chase.

If you believe the fine print on the bottom of their homepage, Vaso-Blast seems to be a “registered trademark of Cytozyte Technologies,” but on other pages on their site, credit goes to Bio Vita Labs.

And good luck finding any solid info on either of these companies…

A quick google search of either leads you right back to the Vaso Blast page itself, and no information on the brains behind this product. No address exists for the company either, lending to their sketchy-at-best presence even more.

Reviews of Vaso Blast

Scan through a sampling of reviews on google of Vaso-Blast, and what impression will you come away with?

Anything from, “this is poison,” to claims that it’s the best quality supplement on the market.

vaso blast reviews

Don’t fall for the glowing reviews. A quick read reveals they’re mostly fluff.

Far from subjective, science-backed reviews, most of these review sites include sparse if any actual customer reviews, and embedded links right in the text to order Vaso Blast.

Don’t expect to see any factual information, research-backed claims, or true testimonies of the product, as most reviews simply rave how Vaso Blast is the best and safest supplement around.

These tooth-less claims and fluff seem to be taken either straight from the website or written by the company itself. The writers of some claim to present an “unbiased” review, but with no research backing their claims, which could have been written by anyone, their reviews are completely useless.

Even more confusing, even though many reviews show a 5 out of 5-star rating for the product, some include the word “warning” right in the review title.

vaso blast warning

However, read on, and you’ll find nothing but completely-fictional sounding testimonies, stock image ads from supposedly thrilled customers, and no actual unbiased information on the product.

Out of the first page of google results, only one product review site comes right out and calls BS, warning readers about the dangers of Vaso Blast, specifically the questionable inclusion of an FDA-banned ingredient.

This one review seems to be the only that’s written by someone without a vested interest in selling the product they’re reviewing. It points out that not only is DMAA, one of the top ingredients in Vaso Blast flat out banned by the FDA due to dangerous side effects and deaths, but any supposedly “legit” reviews from customers are all straight from the Vaso Blast website.

This review also points out that no where can you find a standard ingredient label with a breakdown of the amount of each ingredient included. So are you getting a safe or effective dose of L-Citruline, for example? Who knows.

Another review also noted the murkiness around the company supposedly behind this product. They point out how troubling it is that with no address, phone number, or any contact info to speak of, customers would be hard pressed to actually contact the manufacturers with any question or concerns.

To summarize? Fake reviews abound, and the less-biased and scammy of the reviews we came across seemed to all hone in on a couple bottom-line troubling things about this product: A total lack of reviews from real human beings, other than those alleged customers probably completely fabricated by the makers of Vaso Blast themselves, the troubling presence of DMAA, and the wild goose chase of pinpointing the manufacturers.

Shark Tank Scam?

Earlier this year, word on the street was that Vaso Blast had been featured on the show Shark Tank, garnering praise from every single judge, and ultimately landing the biggest deal in Shark Tank history.

fake testosterone cure ad

Ultimately, we unpacked this in the following article and found it to be nothing but complete and utter B.S.

Fake “news” articles and photoshopped doctored images were a dime a dozen with this concocted story, which showed completely fictional “Fox News articles,” images of investors discussing the miracle product, and the likes.

There’s been several others that have done the exact same thing, including a weight loss pill.

They claim that two sisters, sometimes named Yoojin Kim and sometimes Anna and Samantha Martin, landed some huge deal on the show.

Read the above articles for a thorough debunking of this scam story. Bottom line: Vaso Blast was never featured on Shark Tank, and this was yet another publicity move, designed to mislead and push product.


At first glance, Vaso Blast might appear to be the single greatest male enhancement supplement money can buy. Glowing “customer testimonies,” totally natural ingredients, shocking results—what’s not to love?

The simple fact is the supplement industry as a whole is largely unregulated by the FDA, and the male enhancement niche is essentially the wild west—anyone can write any claim, glowing review, or promise, with zero science backing it up.

Vaso Blast is just the latest installment in a parade of snake-oil remedies meant to lure in men who will shell out any money at the promise of extra inches and satisfaction in the bedroom.

Not only will Vaso Blast not make give you a bigger penis—which no product can do—it could spell serious health concerns, due to the inclusion of an FDA-banned ingredient. No amount of natural herbs and adaptogens ultimately can soften the blow of such a huge misstep—a downright dangerous one.

Bottom line? Save your money, and your health, by avoiding this product.






Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Max Robust Xtreme Review: Does It Really Work?

Max Robust Xtreme

Increasing your testosterone level doesn’t just allow you to pump heavier weights in the gym. It also allows you to perform better in the bedroom. There’s a reason why you woke up with a woody every morning during your teenage years, your T-levels are through the roof during that phase of development. As you grow older, your body produces lower amounts of testosterone, making it harder for you to get quality erections.

Other negative results of low T-levels include:

  • Nervousness
  • Difficulty keeping fat off
  • Baldness
  • Low self-esteem

Fortunately for you, the days of you having to suffer in silence are long gone. There are a wide range of testosterone boosters available on the market. It is only a matter of finding the right brand that works for you.

What makes Max Robust Xtreme different from the competition?

max robust xtreme reviewsMax Robust Extreme is a male supplement that boosts testosterone production. It is manufactured by a company called Nathan’s Naturals. Its manufacturers claim it will help you become stronger, larger, more powerful, and more ripped when used in combination with a well-structured weight-lifting routine. Max Robust Xtreme does this by stimulating lean muscle growth and improving the endurance of your muscles, allowing you to get more reps in at the gym.

Unlike many of its competitors on the market, Max Robust Xtreme is an all-natural product. There are no chemical additives, chemicals, or low-quality ingredients added. That means you can enjoy the many amazing benefits of this male supplement without having to worry about unpleasant side effects.

Expect exponential muscle growth

One of the biggest benefits of taking Max Robust Xtreme is the massive muscle gains that supposedly come with it. You can thank certain ingredients that stimulate the production of testosterone and nitric oxide for this. These two compounds are essential for muscle growth and a deficiency in either will reduce the gains you get in the gym.

By taking this all-natural male supplement, you ensure that your nitric oxide and T-levels are up to par or even higher. The more testosterone you have in your body, the more substantial the muscle growth you experience will be. One thing that must be stressed about this product is the fact it isn’t some kind of magical muscle building pill. You still need to put in work at the gym and follow a proper diet to enjoy significant gains.

How it all works

Earlier, we explored how Max Robust Xtreme worked by increasing your body’s testosterone and nitric oxide production. To get a better understanding of what this supplement is and how it works, we will need to take a closer look at how these compounds help you build more lean muscle.

Nitric Oxide

This is a naturally occurring compound in your body. It helps with vacillation and muscle development. However, most men have natural nitric oxide levels that are too low to stimulate muscle growth, which is why nitric oxide supplements are so popular in supplement stores. By increasing the dilation of your veins, your muscles get an increased flow of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which are obviously essential for muscle growth.

The benefits of nitric oxide don’t stop there. Having adequate levels also:

  • Speeds up the recovery process
  • Improves endurance
  • Increases energy
  • Lowers the fatigue you feel while lifting
  • Leads to more efficient use gluten

It is the combination of these benefits of nitric oxide – along with the T-level boosters – that lead to noticeably improved gains in the gym. It is important that you consistently use this product on a daily basis so that you can keep your body’s nitric oxide at optimal levels.


This is universally considered to be one of the most important hormones for muscle development. It’s also one of the hormones that your body produces less of as you age. That is the reason why you hardly see pictures of muscle-bound old men from a few decades ago. Back then, testosterone boosters were virtually unheard of.

Having increased testosterone levels provides additional benefits besides increased muscle growth. These include:

  • Faster recovery time
  • Increased endurance
  • Harder erections
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased stamina during sexual activities

What makes Max Robust Xtreme stick out from its competitors is the fact it boosts your testosterone levels using all-natural ingredients. Another major difference is the fact there is no “loading” period with this supplement. You begin to feel its effect the first day you take it.

Some of the other ingredients in this male supplement include:

  • Arginine Beta Alanine
  • Boron
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc

Each of these ingredients is extracted from naturally occurring forms, typically from plants.

The not so great side of Max Robust Xtreme

  1. While the manufacturer of Max Robust Xtreme claims there are no negative side effects since it’s made from all-natural ingredients, Arginine is known to cause nausea in some when consumed regularly.
  2. The manufacturers do not have enough concrete data available to back up all of their claims.
  3. The labeling could be a lot better. It takes a lot of research just to find out what the actual ingredients of the product are.

User reviews

Most users who have tried Max Robust Xtreme have had positive experiences. Nowadays, it isn’t uncommon for firms to use paid reviews to boost the reputation of their product. Simply browsing through work for hire sites reveals this truth.

That’s why we took the time to filter through the reviews so that we could narrow down the feedback that was left by genuine users who had actually tried the product.

Bodybuilding sites are very useful when you are on the hunt for this type of feedback since these are communities with users who are genuinely trying to figure out what the best supplements are.

One thing that quickly stuck out during our review was the fact most users had noticeable gains within only a weeks of using the product. Something else that really stuck out was there was no one reporting any negative side effects. That was particularly surprising given the fact the product contains Arginine which is known to cause nausea for some when consumed regularly. The fact there were no users reporting feeling nauseated is a testament to how well blended the ingredients in this product are.

When it comes to the actual muscle gains users experienced, the results are mixed. Some users reported gains without changing their workout routines, claiming to have added lean muscle and reduced their body fat at the same time. A few claimed that Max Robust Xtreme is the first product that has actually helped them accomplish their fitness goals, while others claimed it allowed them to increase their lifts.

There were also many reviews that talked about the noticeably decreased recovery time they experienced while taking this male supplement. Virtually every review said something about their improved sexual performance. That’s the type of thing we normally notice when reviewing male enhancement products, not workout supplements.

Purchasing and Shipping

The only place you can purchase this supplement is on the official website. When you order Max Robust Xtreme, you will be pleased to find out it comes with free shipping. That is a huge break for people who do not live anywhere close to the Netherlands since international shipping costs can quickly add up. The items are sent out using the Dutch Royal Mail which has many partners all over the world, allowing them to get shipments to international destinations.

You will be given information about how your order is being transported once it has been processed. Generally speaking, your mail will be handed to your national postal service by the Dutch postal system.

If you don’t feel like waiting for your supplement to arrive, you have the option of having it sent by express mail. Of course, you will be responsible for the shipping costs if you decide to go that route. Your exact rate will vary depending on your geographical location.

To request expedited shipping, just contact customer service prior to placing your order on the site. They will then provide you with additional details.

Safe order processing

When you make a purchase, your information is safeguarded by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. That dramatically reduces the odds of your data being intercepted while you are making a purchase. Of course, if you are paranoid about making international purchases online, you can always purchase a pre-paid Visa or MasterCard debit card at your local grocery store. That way, there’s no need to even worry about your personal information being stolen by would-be hackers in the first place.

Professional customer service teams

The Max Robust Xtreme is located in the Netherlands. Users are instructed to voice their comments, questions, and complaints via email. While there are more efficient ways of handling customer feedback than email messages, most reviews indicate the company’s customer service team is very responsive. You can expect to get a response to your message within 24 hours for the most part.

The customer service team can be a lifesaver if there are any issues with your order as they have the ability to change any information that is wrong.

Max Robust Xtreme does not currently sponsor any professional team, so there are no additional places to go if you are looking for more information about the product and the results those who have used it have experienced.

Then, there’s the fact there is no forum on the website where users can share their experiences and workout tips with one another. It’s a relatively simple thing that could have been done to improve user experience. Sure, there is lots of useful information about the product on the website, but it could have been better organized.

There’s also room for improvement when it comes to how the information on the website is laid out. A lot more could be done to clear up the lack of information about what the actual ingredients are, and it would also be nice to have some actual data on performance tests conducted by the company. That would go a long way in terms of showing people exactly what the product does.

Money-back Guarantee

Another great thing we noticed during our Max Robust Extreme Review is the 30-day risk-free trial period. That’s right, you have 30 days to try the product, and if you decide to return it for any reason whatsoever, you get all of your money back, minus shipping and handling costs.

That is a rare policy to have in the supplement industry since it’s a lot laxer than what you will find with many of its competitors. Refunds are processed by a company called Nathan Naturals which is affiliated with the British manufacturer, Nathans Natural.

The return process is very straightforward. The first thing you should do is contact the company to notify them that you will be making a return. You will receive an email shortly after stating your refund is being processed. You will also be given an address where you should send the remaining product. Make sure you use registered mail for this so that you have proof you returned the supplements. That ensures you are covered if the product ends up getting lost in the mail.

Wrapping up

Max Robust Xtreme is an excellent product to use if you are ready to get the most out of your workouts. It is a nitric oxide supplement that includes well-known ingredients that do provide the results the manufacturer claims.

Having a clearer picture of what the other ingredients are would have been a plus, but, of course, there’s the issue of intellectual copyrights so it isn’t that surprising that the manufacturer would like to keep some of these ingredients a secret.

The product is sold out of the Netherlands, so make sure you use a browser like Chrome that allows you to translate the text into your preferred language.

You will notice a difference the first day you take it, and it comes with a risk-free trial. It can also be used with creatine supplements for maximum gains.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Male Enhancement Pills That Work Immediately (And You Can Take With Alcohol)

As I’ve discussed several times on this site, male enhancement pills can be divided up into 2 categories.

Category 1:  Involves pills that are designed to work over time.

You take them for several weeks / months, and over time the results gradually build up.

Vigrx Plus is a perfect example of this, and is actually the best overall pill I’ve ever tested.

vigrx plus

The benefit to this is, while it’s a pain in the ass to have to take them everyday, once they kick in you can basically generate an erection “on-demand”.

Category 2:  Involves pills that are designed to work FAST. There’s no waiting around for it to kick in, you just take the pills when you’re planning on having sex (hence the name “sex pills“), and they start working immediately.

I’ve always preferred slow acting male enhancement pills to fast acting ones for a variety of reasons:

1.)  While they usually do work, they often give you a TON of side effects.

2.)  With fast acting enhancers, you have to remember to take them.  This usually eliminates spontaneous sexual encounters.

3.) Slow acting male enhancement pills tend to be cheaper on a per-pill basis.

With all of that said, there are a good percentage of guys out there that are simply looking for something they can take on an as-needed basis.

Here are the 4 best pills to get you hard fast that I’ve personally tested.

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out the guys over at Hims.

bluechew vs forhims

They sell a highly effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

#1 – Extenze

Click Here to read my full review of Extenze. extenze plus review I’ve written about Extenze pretty extensively on this site.

I’ve probably been taking it on and off for the last 6 years, and it is by FAR one of the best fast acting male enhancement pills I’ve ever used.

Unlike Vigrx Plus, which can take several hours to kick in, Extenze starts working in about 30 minutes.

It can actually work even faster if you have a high metabolism or take it on an empty stomach.

The principle ingredients behind Extenze that make it work so quick are a combo of L-Arginine and Yohimbe, 2 ingredients that are found in a ton of other male enhancement pills that work fast.

Click Here for a snapshot of the Extenze Plus label.

The combination of L-Arginine and Yohimbe has actually been clinically studied and proven effective to help with erectile dysfunction issues. (Study 1, Study 2)

However, in most cases, some of these other supplements either put too little L-Arginine OR too much Yohimbe in their products.

The upside to this is that they work well.

The downside is, most often the side effects make it not even worth taking. This isn’t the case with Extenze.

Extenze uses just the right combination of L-Arginine and yohimbe to give you a smooth erection, without the unnecessary side effects.

I actually really like combining it with a substance called Phenibut, which you can read more about here.

Where can I buy it?

You can purchase Extenze online on their official website, www.BuyExtenze.com.

A 1-month supply retails for $49.95, but as I mention below, this can actually last you way longer if you’re not taking it every day (which I recommend you don’t).

You can save a bit of money if you decide to purchase a larger quantity.  For example, if you buy a 3-month supply, the total comes out to $124.95, which is a savings of $25.

If you opt for the 6-month supply, you’ll save $50.  The more you order, the more you’ll save.

One Quick Note

If you look on the label, or even on their official site, they say you need to take it once a day.

dont need to take extenze once a day

I’ve had literally 1,000’s of guys ask me about this, and the simple answer is no, you don’t have to take it everyday.

Can you take it everyday?

If you want a raging boner everyday, then yes, have at it.

But can you just take it when you need it. Yes, and as a matter of fact, I’ve noticed that it tends to build up a tolerance if you take it every day.

#2 – Hardon Helper


Click Here to read my review of Blue Chew, an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

best fast acting male enhancement pill This supplement literally came out of nowhere.

You won’t find it in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or even gas stations (at least not yet).

I was actually contacted by the guys over at Hardon Helper back in November of 2017.

They sent me an email asking if I would like to try out their product, so I said sure go ahead and send them over.

email from hardon helper

Keep in mind that I get a TON of these supplements sent to me, and in most cases I never get a chance to try it out.

In fact, it was sitting on one of my many big boxes of supplements for a couple of months.

samples we've received
Just a few of the samples we’ve received.

One day I just said f#$k it and decided to take one of the pills.

What followed was one of the BEST erections I’ve had in years. The funny thing about Hardon Helper was, while it kicked in relatively quickly, it didn’t actually hit me until about 2 hours after I took it.

I happened to be in the gym doing a squat workout, when all of a sudden out of nowhere I got this massive erection.

that could be embarassing

When I say massive I mean MASSIVE erection.

It was the kind of erection that you get when you were in your 10th grade math class, and then the teacher asks you to come up to the board to solve the problem.

Yeah, that kind… 🙂

I actually had to do a sort of ninja-like tuck into my pants so noone in the gym would see it, it was that bad.

Then, on my way home from the gym it hit me again.

All I can say is, I rubbed one out as fast as I could when I got home, and it was one of the most pleasurable experiences I’ve had in a long time.

So What’s In Hardon Helper That Makes It So Effective?

Click Here for a snapshot of the label.

This is actually one of the most unique formulas I’ve ever come across in a sex pill like this.

Usually pills contain a blend of the usual ingredients:  L-Arginine, yohimbe, some type of ginseng (usually Panax ginseng), and usually some Fenugreek.

This formula is almost COMPLETELY comprised of ingredients I’ve never actually seen before.

One of the best things about Hardon Helper is that you can take it with alcohol.

Most of us know how bad alcohol can impact your sex drive, and I’ve tested probably close to 2 dozen pills that say you can take them with booze.

However, the vast majority of them simply do not work.

I took 1 capsule of Hardon Helper on an especially drunken night, and it helped me to perform for at LEAST an hour.

It’s relatively cheap, considering how well it works, and how expensive drugs like Viagra can be.

#3 Rhino 7

Click Here to read my full review of Rhino 7.

best fast acting natural ed pills You can find a wide variety of products with the Rhino name in them.

You have Rhino 69, Purple Rhino, Rhino 51, and a TON of others. Rhino 7 is a product that I tested out a few years back, and I can tell you from experience that it’s definitely one of the fastest male enhancers on the market.

One thing I did notice when I took it was, it felt suspiciously like I took a Viagra pill.

Why do I say this?

Well, because I indeed got a great erection and improved libido.

HOWEVER, I also got had a ridiculously bad headache, felt like I had a cold, and got this weird tingly feeling throughout my body.

rhino 7 no headache
No Headache My A$$!

Do you want to know why this was the case?

Well, it turns out that nearly ALL of the Rhino products contain a hidden ingredient called Sildenafil. (Source)

Do you know what the active ingredient in Viagra is?

That’s right, Sildenafil. (Source)

And do you know what the chief side effects of Viagra are?

That’s right:  flushing, headaches, and runny or stuffy nose. (Source)


viagra side effects statistics by percentages

You can find Rhino 7 in gas stations, as well as online, but the FDA released a voluntary recall of the product after it was found to contain sildenafil.

Is it worth taking it?

That really depends on your individual body chemistry.

If you have heart or blood pressure issues, it can be VERY dangerous to take drugs like Sildenafil. (Source)

Check with your doctor if you’re unsure.

Where can I buy Rhino 7?

Despite the FDA warning, I’ve seen ALL of  the Rhino brands for sale in gas stations.

rhino pills in gas stations

I’ve seen it in Shell, Exxon, BP, Chevron, Flying J, Marathon, Pilot, Sunoco, and Getty.

However, you will not find it in the big chain stores like Walmart, so don’t even bother looking there.

You can also find it on Amazon, where it’s literally sold for a penny.

rhino 7 on amazon Of course, you will pay a much higher price for shipping, but it’s still cheaper than Hardon Helper.

In my humble opinion though, Hardon Helper is WAY better.

#4 72 HP

Click Here to read my full review of 72HP. 72HP Review This is another fast acting natural ed pill, that REALLY is all natural unlike Rhino 7. Unlike Extenze, we don’t really know what the ingredients are in this supplement. The label says it contains:

  • Korean Ginseng
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Cinnamon bark powder
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Proprietary blend

The “proprietary blend” is just that, proprietary.

That means we don’t know what’s in it. However, I can tell you from experience that it really does work, and it REALLY is all natural.

I know this because I can tell when a supplement contains a synthetic ingredient like Tadalfil or Sildenafil.

Just like with Hardon Helper, it seems to take a bit longer to fully kick in.

The label says to take 1 capsule 30 minutes prior to sex, but to be on the safe side I would recommend you take it AT LEAST 2 hours before, if not longer.

It still works WAY faster than slow acting supplements like Virectin and Anaconda XL, and better than them as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are any of these sold in stores?

Some, like Rhino 7 and Extenze, are sold in stores like Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS.

Others, like Hardon Helper, are NOT.

If you’re specifically looking to buy something in a store, click here.

What would be the best pill to buy at a store?

In my personal experience, the best one in stores would be Extenze Plus.

Will any of these increase my penis size?

They may temporarily help to increase your erect state, but they are in NO way permanent enlargement pills.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

If these won’t increase my size, what will?

Extenders or pumps.  I talk about how they work in this article here.

Will any of these “cure” ED?

No. They may help alleviate some of the symptoms, but they will not cure erectile dysfunction.

The only way to really “cure” ed is to identify the root causes. (Source)

Do you smoke?  Do you have an unhealthy diet?  Are you taking any medications?

These are just some of the questions that need to be answered to diagnose the cause of your ED.

Click Here to take our quiz and find out if you have ED.


Like I said earlier in this article, I prefer the slow acting ED pills to the fast ones.

They overall tend to work better, there’s less of a chance of side effects, and they also tend to be cheaper.

I don’t personally mind adding to my daily supplement regiment and sticking to taking another pill daily for an extended period of time.

To me it is worth avoiding some of the negative side effects that I will do just about anything to avoid.

But some guys can’t stand the thought of taking a pill every day, and I have to admit I can’t blame them.

If you’ve been looking for something to help you get your boners back when you’re drinking alcohol, I would recommend giving one of these a try.

You’ll be glad you did. If you have any questions on this, or need a recommendation, just leave a comment below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Intermittent Fasting And Testosterone: What’s The Effect?


Does Intermittent Fasting Impact Testosterone?
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Types Of Intermittent Fasting
16 On / 8 Off Schedule
24 Hour Schedule
Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
Can Women Intermittent Fast?
The Bottom Line

If you haven’t heard of intermittent fasting then you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years. Celebrated as a safe and effective way to increase weight loss while improving overall health, intermittent fasting has become the subject of the question:

Can intermittent fasting be a potential way to increase testosterone levels?

Let’s review what intermittent fasting is, benefits of intermittent fasting, and what science has to say about intermittent fasting increasing your testosterone levels.

Does Intermittent Fasting Impact Testosterone?

Intermittent fasting MAY boost testosterone levels but studies are mixed.

In my opinion, I’d suggest most of the studies are leaning towards the negative. While some studies suggest that short term fasting may increase testosterone levels, there are also studies that say the exact opposite.

For example, a very popular study looked at men and women during Ramadan where people had to abstain from food from sunrise to sunset. Men who fasted during these hours but ate something immediately after sun down saw a temporary improvement in testosterone.

You can see the results of this study in the table below:

effects of testosterone during ramadan
Source: www.Qscience.com

Alternatively, men who continued to fast after sunset saw a decrease in testosterone.

In that same study, women saw decreases in testosterone and researchers suggested that fasting may be an ideal way for women with high testosterone levels to decrease their t-levels.

Let’s not forget that men and women had to also abstain from sex. Studies suggest that abstinence may temporarily increase testosterone levels. (Source)

Source: www.Alloy.com

In short, there were a variety of factors at play here, including the fasting taking part as a part of a holiday and not a daily routine. The numerous variables make it difficult to determine the exact cause of the small and temporary boost in t-levels.

A very recent study published in the Journal of Translational Medicine placed resistance trained men on the 16:8 fasting schedule. At the conclusion of the study, all subjects had lower levels of testosterone and IGF-1. The bright side of the study was that subjects did not lose any muscle tissue. (6-8)

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a way of timing your meals to maximize the benefits associated with the act of refraining from eating for a specific period of time.

Intermittent fasting isn’t about randomly avoiding food for a few hours then eating at sporadic times; rather, it is a set schedule of fasting with a feeding window. There are two common types of intermittent fasting that have been getting a lot of positive attention in the fitness industry.

Types of Intermittent Fasting

I’ll list the two types of intermittent fasting in the order that I would recommend trying them. If you’re able to adjust to and successfully perform the first type (16:8) after a month or so then I’d suggest trying the second type (24). From here, you’ll be able to see which one works better for you, your schedule, and your health benefits.

16 On / 8 Off Schedule

The 16:8 schedule requires you to fast for 16 hours each day and then follow your normal diet during an 8-hour feeding window. For those who are just starting out with intermittent fasting, there is the option of performing the 16:8 schedule five days per week, eventually moving up to fasting every day of the week.

While you can begin your feeding window at a time most convenient for you, most practitioners of intermittent fasting find it to be easiest to begin their fast at 8 p.m. and conclude the fast at 12 p.m. the next day. From 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., you would have the opportunity to eat. Once your feeding window expires, you would begin fasting again. During your fast, you are allowed to drink water and calorie-free beverages such as black coffee and tea.

Studies have demonstrated that the 16:8 schedule is an effective way to increase fat loss, maintain muscle mass, and improve certain health markers such as cardiovascular health. Below, I’ll expand more on these benefits and what happened to testosterone levels.

24 Hour Schedule

As the name implies, you refrain from consuming calories for an entire 24-hour period. Normally, this type of fast would be performed once or twice per week. While this may seem easier than the 16:8 schedule, many beginners find it difficult to abstain from food for an entire day and then have to make it through the night without food. This is why I recommend starting with the 16:8 schedule, allowing your body to adjust to fasting, then trying the 24-hour schedule.

Just like with the 16:8 schedule, you can begin your 24-hour fast at any point but most begin at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. You would not consume any calories during this time except for water and calorie-free beverages such as black coffee and tea. Once 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. arrives again, follow your normal diet.

Studies have demonstrated that using the 24-hour schedule is a great way to promote a healthy weight management while reducing certain cardiovascular risk factors such as high cholesterol.

It should be noted that researchers mentioned how it would be equally as effective to simply cut your calories every day as opposed to abstaining from eating for a 24-hour period. Let’s jump into more details about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Fat Loss

If there is one benefit of intermittent fasting that has been proven time and time again, it’s fat loss. Whether you’re following a 16:8 schedule or fasting for 24 hours, both meal timing methods have been shown in a variety of animal and human-based studies to be effective at decreasing body fat. During intermittent fasting, the body switches over to using stored fat as fuel as opposed to important fuel sources such as muscle glycogen. (12)

EPOC Levels

Continuing with the idea above, performing a fasted workout has been shown to be incredibly effective at utilizing stored body fat for energy. Combining intermittent fasting with high intensity interval training can also help to spike EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) levels. After exercise, your body has an oxygen debt that it must restore. In order to do so, it needs to continue burning calories and fat. The greater your EPOC levels, the more calories you’ll burn. (1-2)

Muscle Building

Worried about burning too many calories and losing lean muscle mass? Don’t be. Studies show that intermittent fasting triggers fat loss without the risk of losing muscle mass. What’s more, intermittent fasting may be an excellent way to promote lean muscle gains due to its anti-catabolic properties and spiking of growth hormone levels. (9)


Interestingly, intermittent fasting has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce disease causing inflammation throughout the body. What’s more, it is suggested that intermittent fasting may reduce inflammation and therefore spike recovery rates post-workout. (3)

Brain Health

Intermittent fasting has also been shown to support brain health. Abstaining from food for 16 to 24 hours, depending on the schedule you choose, may be able to boost brain health and dramatically decrease the risk of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. (4)


Continuing with the idea above, intermittent fasting may significantly lower your risk for a number of diseases including cardiovascular disease and heart disease. (5)

Women and Intermittent Fasting

While intermittent fasting does present an impressive set of health benefits outside of testosterone, for women these benefits may come at a cost.

One concern that experts agree on is how intermittent fasting can impact the hormonal levels and fertility cycles of women. Studies show that fasting can disrupt hormonal levels to the point where women begin missing their menstrual cycles and this is a big problem, especially if you’re a woman who wants children in the future.

Let’s say that you’re a woman who has no plans to have kids, intermittent fasting may still not be for you because of the potential hormonal disruptions. For example, a significant drop in estrogen can seriously impact your mood, metabolic rate, and overall health.

With all that said, women can utilize intermittent fasting but perhaps not the systems that I mentioned above. There is another fasting methodology that is considered fasting but does not involve cutting out all foods for a specific amount of time. Rather, your day will be based on very low calorie consumption.

The 5:2 intermittent fasting system involves eating normally for five days a week and eating a very low-calorie diet for two consecutive days per week. On the two days you eat fewer calories, you want to consume around 600 calories. Time is not an issue. You can consume those calories in one big meal; however, must people find that it is easier to break up the calories into three 200 calorie meals.


Intermittent Fasting and Testosterone: The Bottom Line

Due to the conflicting research that is out there, I cannot confidently say that intermittent fasting is effective at increasing testosterone on a long-term basis. It may increase fat loss and protect muscle mass but if your goal is testosterone then it may not be effective.

With that said, using intermittent fasting in conjunction with testosterone boosting activities such as heavy weight lifting and using testosterone supplements may allow you to reap the benefits of fat loss, muscle building, and testosterone boosting.


  1. Heilbronn LK, Smith SR, Martin CK, Anton SD, Ravussin E. Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):69-73.
  2. Johnson JB, Summer W, Cutler RG, Martin B, Hyun DH, Dixit VD, Pearson M, Nassar M, Telljohann R, Maudsley S, Carlson O, John S, Laub DR, Mattson MP. Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma. Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 Mar 1;42(5):665-74. Epub 2006 Dec 14.
  3. Peart, Karen N. “Anti-Inflammatory Mechanism of Dieting and Fasting Revealed.” YaleNews, 16 Feb. 2015, news.yale.edu/2015/02/16/anti-inflammatory-mechanism-dieting-and-fasting-revealed.
  4. Van Praag, Henriette et al. “Exercise, Energy Intake, Glucose Homeostasis, and the Brain.” The Journal of Neuroscience 34.46 (2014): 15139–15149. PMC. Web. 14 Nov. 2017.
  5. Aly SM. Role of Intermittent Fasting on Improving Health and Reducing Diseases. International Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;8(3):V-VI.
  6. Mesbahzadeh B, Ghiravani Z, Mehrjoofard H. Effect of Ramadan fasting on secretion of sex hormones in healthy single males. East Mediterr Health J. 2005 Sep-Nov;11(5-6):1120-3.
  7. Klibanski A, Beitins IZ, Badger T, Little R, McArthur JW. Reproductive function during fasting in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1981 Aug;53(2):258-63.
  8. Moro T, Tinsley G, Bianco A, et al. Effects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained males. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2016;14:290. doi:10.1186/s12967-016-1044-0.
  9. K Y Ho, J D Veldhuis, M L Johnson, R Furlanetto, W S Evans, K G Alberti, and M O Thorner. Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man. J Clin Invest. 1988 Apr; 81(4): 968–975. doi: 10.1172/JCI113450.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Hardon Helper Review: Dr. Seltzers AWESOME Formula And My Results

UPDATE: Hardon Helper is closed for business!  I just received word that, effective immediately, they will be ceasing operations and are no longer selling their product.

I plan on writing a full article on what happened, and will post it soon.

Unfortunately, sometimes in the world of male enhancement supplements there can be a fairly big turnaround in brands and products on the market many simply not able to stick around for one reason or another.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a pill called Blue Chew.

blue chew review
Read my full review HERE.

It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

When a representative of Hardon Helper contacted Supplement Critique a couple of weeks ago and asked if they could send their product over for review, I said sure.

But I wasn’t getting my hopes up…

I’ve been testing male enhancement and otc viagra products for probably about 6 years now, and I can tell you from experience that the vast majority of them are complete garbage.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/viagra alternatives ive personally tested

When I say vast majority, I mean somewhere in the 90 – 95% range.

It’s disappointing, but true.

So when I got my package of Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper sometime last week, I threw it on top of my BINS full of sexual enhancement supplements that I’ve been sent over the years.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/samples weve

It almost got to the point of collecting a decent amount of dust when for some reason it just caught my eye.

I’m not sure what it was about it…

It could have been the fact that my sex life has seen a slight decline over the last 6 months or so, which I’ve attributed to low testosterone.

It could have been the “No Headaches” imprinted right on the front of the package, which I’ve seen countless times whose #1 side effect was….

You guessed it, HEADACHES!

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/12/rhino 8

Something about it was calling out to me to give it a shot.

So I did, and holy s$%t am I glad I did.

I’ll get to my review in a little bit, let’s talk first about the product.

Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More

hardon helper youtube video

What is Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper?

hardon helper review

According to the website, Hardon Helper does exactly what you would think it would judging by its name.

It helps you get a hardon!

It’s a fast acting sexual performance supplement that claims to help with premature ejaculation, sexual stamina, hard erections, and increasing sexual desire.

The homepage is a bit short on info, but from the label you can see here it contains the following natural ingredients:

  • 120 mg of Epimedium Leaf
  • 70 mg of Red Ginseng
  • 70 mg American Ginseng
  • 40 mg of Wild Yam
  • 40 mg of Wolfberry Fruit
  • 30 mg of Rou Cong Rong
  • 30 mg of Chinese Raspberry
  • 20 mg of Gordon Euryale Seed
  • 20 mg of Schisandra Fruit
  • 15 mg of Poria
  • 15 mg of Longan Aril
  • 30 mg of Xylitol

Click Here to see a picture of the ingredients label.

The packaging label doesn’t mention it, but they actually break down exactly how many mg of each ingredient there is for each ingredient.

Most of the time this information in sexual wellness supplements is hidden behind a “proprietary formula”, which is a fancy way of saying we’re not telling you what’s in this stuff.

Up until this point, I have to be honest I hadn’t heard of most of these ingredients.

I mean, I’ve seen Epimedium, Red Ginseng, American Ginseng, Horny Goat weed, and even Wild Yam in a few male enhancers I’ve tested over the years.

But what the hell is Rou Cong Rong?

And Longan Aril?

Never heard of these before, so I started digging and this is what I found out:

  • Wolfberry Fruit:  This is basically a fancy name for Goji berries, a substance that is abundant in macronutrients, micronutrients, and antioxidants.  It has abundant benefits, including cardiovascular protection, diabetes prevention, and even may help improve semen and sperm quality, which is no doubt why it was added to the Hardon Helper formula.  Studies have also suggested that Goji berry may help with subjective feelings of well being, mood, and may also improve neurologic and phsychologic performance.
  • Rou Cong Rong:  This is a chinese herb that may help with a wide variety of issues, including improvement in brain function, boosted immune system, and you guessed it, aphrodisiac qualities.  In fact, one study concluded that Rou Cong Rong could increase the sex hormone levels by inducing testicular steroidogenic enzymes.  That same study also noted that C. tubulosa also possesses vaso-relaxing activity, which results in increased blood flow during erections.
  • Chinese Raspberry:  This is a subspecies of goldenleaf raspberry, which is native to China.  The website Acupuncture Today notes that Chinese Raspberry contains high levels of carbohydrates and Vitamin C, both of which have been shown to impove visual acuity and blurry vision, as well as help with frequent urination.
  • Gordon Euryale Seed:  The benefits of Gordon Euryale Seed, sometimes referred to as Euryale Ferox, are numerous.  It’s been shown to help with vitality, weight loss, youthful looking skin, and even life extension.  This ancient chinese remedy, which looks similar to an almond, has no smell and only a slight flavor.
  • Schisandra Fruit:  Schisandra is a fruit that has been used for hundreds of years to help increase physical performance and endurance, and also works as a very potent aphrodisiac. (Source)
  • Poria:  Considered a fungus, Poria has numerous uses, including memory loss, sleep problems, dizziness, and you guessed it, erectile function.  (Source)
  • Longan Aril:  This Chinese herb, which is derived from the Logan tree, is native to southeast Asia and has aphrodisiac qualities.
  • Xylitol:  Looks and tastes like sugar, but has WAY fewer calories and doesn’t have any effect on blood sugar levels.  I couldn’t find any information on how exactly it’s supposed to help with sexual function, but my guess is it may have been added as a filler.

Who is Dr. Seltzer?

There’s actually a pretty interesting story behind this guy.

He actually got his start by developing (and ultimately selling off) a product called the Hangover Helper.

dr seltzers hangover helper

The Hangover Helper was just that….a supplement designed to help lessen the effects of a hangover!

According to his official website, he was sitting around drinking with some buddies when he came up with the idea of producing and marketing a supplement that would help to relieve the symptoms of a hangover.

As a result, Hangover Helper was formed.

After selling it off for an undisclosed amount to a company called Rexall Drugs, he decided to move to South America to pursue his REAL interest….Women.

While he was there, he realized that he wasn’t getting any younger, and decided to start experimenting with various types of natural herbs to help his buddy “stand at attention” again.

As a result, the Hardon Helper was born.

My Personal Results

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been having some minor issues with not being able to get a decent erection for the last 6 months or so.

I had my testosterone levels checked last month, and my free testosterone levels were a whopping 20% lower than they were less than 4 years ago, which was the last time I had them tested.

This is where they were at in 2014:

free testosterone levels in 2014

And here’s where they were at last October:

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2012/10/testosterone check oct

I don’t think I have to tell you that my libido has suffered as a result.

I’m not a huge fan of prescription medications, but the thought crossed my mind that maybe I should go to my doctor and tell her what’s up.

Right around this time is when I was contacted by Tim, who’s the operations manager over at Hardon Helper.

At first glance, I have to admit I wasn’t terribly impressed by their site and the product overall.

I’ve seen a lot of companies selling boner pills come and go, and most of the time their product didn’t do a damn thing.

In any event, I had a choice to make…

Do I bite the bullet and go to my doctor and tell her I’m having problems “down there”?

Or do I try and find something all natural to fix the problem?

The guys over at Hardon Helper sent me over a box of like 24 pills, and like I mentioned earlier, it sat collecting dust for a good month or so.

Then one day it hit me…

I said f$%k it and decided to try one.

I didn’t think anything of it for the rest of the day, and decided to hit up the gym for a mid afternoon workout.

Then it hit me….

I was in the middle of doing squats and right as I was finishing up my 3rd or 4th set, I started getting this massive erection.

When I say massive I mean a MASSIVE boner.

I had to kind of tilt away from the rest of gym and sort of tuck it under the top of my underwear so it wouldn’t be so obvious.

The thought crossed my mind about heading in the bathroom real quick to, uh, get rid of the boner.

But thought that was a bit nasty, so I decided against it.

I continued through my workout for the next 30 minutes or so, and thankfully it started to subside a bit.

Then, on the drive home, BOOM it hit me again.

MASSIVE erection, blood flow like you couldn’t believe.

I literally walked in the door, went straight to my office, and rubbed one out.

I can say with 120% certainty  that it was one of the most massive orgasms I’ve had in a REALLY long time.

Fast forward about 2 hours later, and my wife gets home from a late afternoon Orange Theory class, looking pretty damn sexy in her yoga pants and tank top.

Within 5 minutes, BOOM, another Massive erection.

Since I’m sort of a clean freak, she ended up taking a shower and I waited (naked of course) in our bed.

Normally, I need to keep “pleasuring myself” in order to hold the erection, but this was NOT the case.

The boner just stayed there the whole time, I felt like I was an 18 year old looking through his older brothers porn collection again!

What followed was one of the most pleasurable sexual experiences I’ve had in years.

Does it REALLY last for days?

The label states that it 1 capsule will start working in 1 – 2 hours, and they also mention that it will last for days.

In my personal experience, Hardon Helper seemed to work for about a day and a half.

I would attribute this to a relatively fast metabolism, and also to the fact that I drink a TON of water everyday, so it likely got washed out of my system pretty quickly.

Some guys who use it may experience a much longer effect, but of course this will vary with each and every individual.

On that note, I would recommend you drink plenty of water.  For whatever reason, it seems to dry me out a bit more so than any other male enhancement supplement I’ve ever tested.

Where To Buy Hardon Helper

Hardon Helper is no longer for sale! Will be updating this review shortly.

A single pack costs $9.99, and they offer discounts for larger orders:

  • 6 Pack for $47.94, which breaks down to $7.99 each.
  • 8 Pack for $55.92, which breaks down to $6.99 each.
  • 12 Pack for $71.88, which breaks down to $5.99 each.

Obviously I’d recommend the larger order so you can save the money, but if you’re on the fence, just go with the single pack.

It’s $10, and you won’t be disappointed, TRUST ME!

Also, it’s worth noting that Hardon Helper is shipped discreetly.

dr seltzers hardon helper is shipped discreetly

It literally sales “Dr. Seltzer LLC” on the return address, so noone will know what’s inside of the package.

You can also find Hardon Helper in some Adam and Eve physical locations, but only in Florida as far as I’m aware.

Unfortunately, Hardon Helper is only sold in the US at this time.  They were selling internationally, but packages apparently were getting held up in customs.

If things change I’ll update this review accordingly.

Who Makes Hardon Helper?

According to Trademarkia, Hardon Helper was incorporated as an LLC in Florida in May of 2015, and has offices located at 101 Marketside Ave., #185, Ponte Vedra, FL.

Their official website was registered with Godaddy on March 29, 2015.

Will It Make Me Bigger?

Temporarily, yes.  Permanently, no.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

Hardon Helper Warnings / Drug Interactions

Active PK could potentially interact with certain medications or medical conditions.

Use caution and speak to a doctor before using it.

Hardon Helper is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered many of the most common questions we get.  Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

* Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Full list of ingredients in Hardon Helper we analyzed:

  • 120 mg of Epimedium Leaf
  • 70 mg of Red Ginseng
  • 70 mg American Ginseng
  • 40 mg of Wild Yam
  • 40 mg of Wolfberry Fruit
  • 30 mg of Rou Cong Rong: unable to find any pharmacologic data**
  • 30 mg of Chinese Raspberry unable to find any pharmacologic data**
  • 20 mg of Gordon Euryale Seed unable to find any pharmacologic data**
  • 20 mg of Schisandra Fruit
  • 15 mg of Poria
  • 15 mg of Longan Aril unable to find any pharmacologic data**
  • 30 mg of Xylitol

**Chinese Herbal Medicine

Can I take Hardon Helper if I have high blood pressure?

There are no known contraindications for taking this supplement with high blood pressure. This product may lower blood pressure, so use caution if you are currently taken a medication for high blood pressure.

Can I take Hardon Helper if I have LOW blood pressure?

Use caution as this supplement may lower blood pressure to unsafe levels.

Can I take Hardon Helper if I have diabetes?

Some of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Hardon Helper?

As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions.

Allergy to protein in certain products: Goji might cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to tobacco, peaches, tomatoes, and nuts.

Can I take Hardon Helper with alcohol?

  • As it is best to avoid alcohol when taking supplements, the only known interaction is with the Ginseng. Ginseng may increase how fast your body breaks down alcohol. Use caution when consuming alcohol.

Can I take Hardon Helper with Viagra / Cialis?

There appear to be no contraindications for taking either of these medications with this supplement, but use caution as you may experience an additional drop in blood pressure.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

There are no known interactions between this supplement and anti-depressant medications. Some ingredients may have stimulating effects which could potentially cause worsening symptoms.

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood). If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with caffeine or other stimulants?

A few of the ingredients in this supplement may stimulate the nervous system. Taking in combination with caffeine and other products including pseudoephedrine may increase jitteriness, nervousness, increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Hardon Helper?

  • Do not take this medication if you have:
    • Irregular heart rhythm
    • Auto immune disorder or organ transplant
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Schizophrenia
    • Protein S deficiency
    • Gastroesophageal reflex disease (GERD) or peptic ulcers
  • You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions


  • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets
    • NSAIDS
      • ibuprofen
      • naproxen
      • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
    • Aspirin
    • Warfarin (Coumadin)
    • dalteparin (Fragmin)
    • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
    • heparin


  • Mental Health
    • MAOI’s
      • phenelzine (Nardil)
      • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
      • and others
    • Antihypertensives (medications for high blood pressure)
      • captopril (Capoten)
      • enalapril (Vasotec)
      • losartan (Cozaar)
      • valsartan (Diovan)
      • diltiazem (Cardizem)
      • Amlodipine (Norvasc)
      • hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDiuril)
      • furosemide (Lasix)
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
      • azathioprine (Imuran)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • mycophenolate (CellCept)
      • tacrolimus (Prograf)
      • sirolimus (Rapamune)
      • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
      • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
      • and others
    • Medications metabolized by the liver:
      • Liver Enzyme 2D6
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • clozapine (Clozaril)
        • codeine
        • desipramine (Norpramin)
        • donepezil (Aricept),
        • fentanyl (Duragesic)
        • flecainide (Tambocor)
        • fluoxetine (Prozac)
        • meperidine (Demerol)
        • methadone (Dolophine)
        • metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL)
        • olanzapine (Zyprexa),
        • ondansetron (Zofran)
        • tramadol (Ultram)
        • trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
      • Liver Enzyme 2C9
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • diazepam (Valium),
        • zileuton (Zyflo)
        • celecoxib (Celebrex)
        • diclofenac (Voltaren)
        • fluvastatin (Lescol)
        • glipizide (Glucotrol)
        • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
        • irbesartan (Avapro)
        • losartan (Cozaar)
        • phenytoin (Dilantin)
        • piroxicam (Feldene)
        • tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
        • tolbutamide (Tolinase)
        • torsemide (Demadex)
        • warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
      • Liver Enzyme 3A4
        • lovastatin (Mevacor)
        • clarithromycin (Biaxin)
        • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
        • diltiazem (Cardizem)
        • estrogens
        • indinavir (Crixivan)
        • triazolam (Halcion), and many others.

Pros and Cons of Hardon Helper


  • Works UNBELIEVABLY well at increasing sexual stamina, probably the best fast acting enhancing supplement I’ve ever tested (even when compared to Extenze, my usual go-to)
  • I didn’t experience ANY side effects
  • They break down the EXACT amounts of each ingredient, something almost NO ONE else does
  • Priced modestly when compared to other fast acting supplements I’ve tested
  • I can confirm that they are likely NOT pumping any illegal ingredients into it
  • The product ratings on Amazon are very favorable


  • Isn’t available in stores
  • Not a ton of information available on it, apart from their website
  • It’s only available in the US
  • Not evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA).  No supplement it.


I’ve been trying to find a decent fast acting, single use hard erection pill like this for a long time.

Sure, I’ve tried a bunch of other otc viagra pills like Rhino 7, Rhino 69, and Black Ant Pills, and they DO “work”.

However, almost every SINGLE one that I’ve tested over the years that “worked” ended up being recalled because they were caught injecting Sildenafil (which is the active ingredient in Viagra) into their products.

They were NOT using all natural ingredients, but rather synthetic drugs to make their product work.

If I wanted Viagra, I would have gone to my doctor!

While it didn’t seem to help much in the premature ejaculation department, Hardon Helper was just truly amazing.

I can say with 100% confidence that it’s easily the best enhancing supplement I’ve ever used.

I plan on stocking up on this stuff before they run out, because I guarantee you, once the public catches on to this it will sell out faster than a $20 hooker at a Navy Port.

Click here to read Hardon Helper reviews from other users.

Have You Used Hardon Helper?  Leave Your Review Below!

Saw Palmetto And Testosterone

Saw palmetto is often found in many commercial testosterone boosters but there is a clear divide by many in the fitness industry as to whether or not it should be used to increase t-levels. While studies have shown that saw palmetto may be beneficial for men’s health, there is the question of whether or not it can be used as an effective testosterone booster.

Let’s take a look at what saw palmetto is, where it comes from, and what the science says about its reported benefits.

What is Saw Palmetto?

saw palmetto and testosterone

The supplement form of saw palmetto is an extract of the fruit with the same name. Saw palmetto is a popular supplement that is marketed as a way to improve prostate health in a safer way than commercial prescription strength medications such as finasteride, which is known to cause several side effects.

Health Benefits of Saw Palmetto

Before I discuss the potential benefits as they relate to boosting your testosterone levels, let’s take a look at some other ways that saw palmetto may be able to better your health.

May Improve Prostate Health

  • In particular, saw palmetto supplements are commonly used by men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, more commonly referred to as an enlarged prostate. Men with prostate cancer also take saw palmetto, which I’ll talk more about below. Studies show that saw palmetto is able to block the conversion of testosterone into its far more androgenic counterpart dihydrotestosterone. DHT has been linked to several male androgen issues including balding and an enlarged prostate. (1, 3)

May Decrease Risk of Prostate Cancer

  • Studies are still not in complete agreement about this but some experts believe that saw palmetto is able to reduce the risk for prostate cancer. As mentioned above, testosterone is converted into DHT, which is suggested to play a part in the development of an enlarged prostate as well as prostate cancer. Some studies show that since saw palmetto is able to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT, it may be able to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. (2, 3)

May Boost Urinary Tract Health

  • Most men who have an enlarged prostate suffer from difficulty urinating and needing to urinate more frequently. Saw palmetto has been found in several studies to be a natural and effective way to decrease the frequency of urination. It’s also been shown to support the urinary tract, allowing men to urinate normally. (4)

May Stop Hair Loss

  • When you visit your dermatologist at the first signs of balding, the doctor is going to write you a prescription for a DHT-blocker, typically finasteride or minoxidil. The brands you’d recognize from these medications are Proscar and Rogaine. While both have been found to be successful at halting hair loss, they also come with a longer list of potential side effects. Saw palmetto is a natural alternative to these costly medications. Saw palmetto has been shown to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which has been linked to male and female pattern baldness. (1)

Clinical Studies of Saw Palmetto and Testosterone

While saw palmetto clearly has benefits that are specific to men, what impact does it have on testosterone levels?

As discussed above, we know that saw palmetto can effectively block testosterone from being converted into DHT. The more DHT you have, the greater your chances for hair loss, enlarged prostate, and urinary tract issues. In theory, if testosterone isn’t converted into DHT, you should have higher levels or at least healthy levels of testosterone. Does the science back this up?

In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, saw palmetto successfully increased testosterone levels while decreasing DHT levels. What’s unique about this study is that it demonstrated that the usage of saw palmetto is not dose dependent. In other words, you will get the same results if you use 1,000 mg compared to 2,000 mg. This makes it an affordable and effective way to support testosterone levels. (5)

In another study published in Prostate, this human-based study surrounding prescription DHT-blockers demonstrated a correlation between stopping the conversion of testosterone into DHT and higher levels of total testosterone in the body. Since saw palmetto captures the same benefits of prescription DHT-blockers without the side effects, it is an excellent choice for a natural and effective way to increase testosterone levels. (6)

Does Saw Palmetto Decrease Testosterone?

No, saw palmetto does not decrease testosterone levels in men. It does prohibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, allowing you to avoid DHT-based conditions such as hair loss and an enlarged prostate while supporting healthy t-levels.

What are the side effects of Saw Palmetto?

Side effects of saw palmetto are rare. The side effects that you’re most likely to experience are the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Isn’t Blocking DHT a Bad Thing?

One of the primary reasons that many anabolic focused websites and resources swear off saw palmetto is due to the fact that is blocks DHT production. DHT is more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone; however, this comes at a price.

High levels of DHT have been associated with hair loss, an enlarged prostate, urinary tract complications, and a higher risk for prostate cancer. Testosterone, on the other hand, has not been linked to any of those conditions.

Also, just because you have higher levels of an androgen in your body doesn’t mean you’ll look like a bodybuilder overnight. Higher levels of DHT may be useful for guys who are actively chasing after muscle building but, again, it’s not guaranteed.

Decreasing your levels of DHT to support healthier levels of testosterone shouldn’t be viewed as a negative. You’ll have more hair, a healthier prostate, and the same chance at building muscle mass. A decrease in DHT will not impact muscle building; however, having low testosterone levels will.

Saw Palmetto and Testosterone – The Bottom Line

If you want a natural way to support testosterone levels while avoiding androgen-based side effects from DHT, saw palmetto is the way to go. Don’t listen to the bro-science about how a slight decrease in DHT will kill your gains. With more testosterone and slightly less DHT, you’ll still be able to build serious muscle in the gym and you’ll have more hair to show for it.


  1. “What You Should Know About Saw Palmetto for BPH.” WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/men/prostate-enlargement-bph/supplement-guide-saw-palmetto#1.
  2. Opoku-Acheampong AB, Penugonda K, Lindshield BL. Effect of Saw Palmetto Supplements on Androgen-Sensitive LNCaP Human Prostate Cancer Cell Number and Syrian Hamster Flank Organ Growth. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:8135135. doi: 10.1155/2016/8135135. Epub 2016 May 4.
  3. Bonnar-Pizzorno RM, Littman AJ, Kestin M, White E. Saw palmetto supplement use and prostate cancer risk. Nutr Cancer. 2006;55(1):21-7.
  4. Suzuki M, Ito Y, Fujino T, et al. Pharmacological effects of saw palmetto extract in the lower urinary tract. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2009;30(3):271-281. doi:10.1038/aps.2009.1.
  5. Angwafor F, Anderson ML. An open label, dose response study to determine the effect of a dietary supplement on dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol levels in healthy males. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008 Aug 12;5:12. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-5-12.
  6. Di Silverio F, Monti S, Sciarra A, Varasano PA, Martini C, Lanzara S, D’Eramo G, Di Nicola S, Toscano V. Effects of long-term treatment with Serenoa repens (Permixon) on the concentrations and regional distribution of androgens and epidermal growth factor in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate. 1998 Oct 1;37(2):77-83.

Alpha Maxx Review – The 2 BIGGEST Reasons To Try It

Alpha Maxx is a male enhancement supplement made by Biosciences Nutritios and sold on Amazon.com and other online retail websites. Promising to improve satisfaction and the overall sexual experience for both partners, it claims to work both immediately and over the longer term period. We took a detailed look into the formula, the price, and a wide array of customer feedback to determine whether or not Alpha Maxx is a product you can feel good about purchasing and using.

Alpha Maxx Benefits

In this respect, Alpha Maxx is similar to most products of its kind. By taking it regularly, you’ll improve both overall and sexual health, with particular emphasis on:

  • Boosted libido.
  • Increased natural testosterone production.
  • Bigger, harder erections.
  • Lasting energy and stamina.

How Alpha Maxx Works

Alpha Maxx ReviewAlpha Maxx focuses on three main areas of improvement – Testosterone, Nitric Oxide, and Aphrodisiacs.

As men get older, our bodies produce less testosterone than they did when we were younger. Less testosterone translates into less energy, less vitality, reduced sex drive, and sometimes even difficulty getting and maintaining erections. Some of the ingredients in the Alpha Maxx formula are aimed at increasing your body’s natural testosterone. We’ll talk a little more in the ingredients section about how this actually works.

Nitric Oxide is a chemical made within your body. It opens up blood vessels, increasing the amount of blood that flows through. This is important to healthy, strong erections since essentially what an erection is is blood rushing into the penile tissue. The more blood that enters and stays there, the better your erection.

Aphrodisiacs increase your libido and drive, producing obvious benefits to your sex life.

Alpha Maxx Ingredients

The Alpha Maxx formula is made up of 17 ingredients, some of which make up a proprietary blend.

The 4 individually listed ingredients are:

  • Tongkat Ali (400 mg) which is believed to increase the amount of free testosterone in your body by inhibiting the action of SHBG, which binds itself to free testosterone, making it effectively useless.
  • Maca Root Extract (250 mg) which is an ancient herbal aphrodisiac from Brazil, long used to increase libido and improve mood.
  • L-Arginine (250 mg) which is a precursor to nitric oxide, which as we explained above, opens up blood vessels so more blood can flow through for better erections.
  • Ginseng (125mg) which boosts energy and like l-arginine, may improve blood flow.


Alpha Maxx Ingredients


The remainder of the ingredients are all found in a 745 mg proprietary blend. They include:

  • Sarsaparilla which may contain chemicals that can be converted to testosterone in the body. According to WebMD, however, this has not been proven.
  • Pumpkin Seed which contains several minerals (zinc and magnesium in particular) that are crucial to the body’s testosterone production process.
  • Muira Puama which is known as an herbal aphrodisiac.
  • Oat Straw which is believed to increase free testosterone levels.
  • Nettle which supports the health of the prostate. It used to be believed to help improve testosterone levels as well, but this is no longer the case
  • Cayenne Pepper which improves circulation in much the same way as nitric oxide, leading to better erections.
  • Astragalus which may support healthy testosterone levels.
  • Catuaba Bark which is another herbal aphrodisiac, commonly used to boost libido.
  • Licorice which depending on who you believe can either increase or decrease testosterone levels.
  • Tribulus Terrestris which has long been believed to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone. While scientific evidence doesn’t support this, it does support its effectiveness in the male enhancement arena. (LINK TO )
  • Orchic Substance which comes from the testicles of bulls and is believed to increase testosterone.
  • Oyster Extract which contains an abundance of zinc, used by the body in the chemical process of testosterone production.
  • Boron which has been shown to increase testosterone levels in rats, but the studies have not been successfully repeated in humans.

The Alpha Maxx formula is a lot like that of many of the supplements we test. It contains a well rounded list of components that may very well improve your sexual experience.

On the other hand, the ingredients amounts within the formula may not be at high enough levels to be effective. Take Maca Root Extract, for instance. The daily dose within Alpha Maxx is 250 mg, while the standard recommended daily dose is between 1500-3000 mg. This is a big difference and likely means that you won’t achieve the full potential benefit of the Maca in the formula.

L-Argnine is another striking example. The daily recommended dose for erectile dysfunction is between 3 and 5 grams per day, which Alpha Maxx delivers just 250 mg per day.

The 745 mg proprietary blend is made up of 13 different ingredients, making it a strong likelihood that some of the components come up short as well.

Alpha Maxx Customer Feedback

Alpha Maxx is sold on Amazon, and that means Amazon customer reviews. At the time of this writing, the count is at a whopping 572 reviews, with an average of 3 ½ stars. Here’s how that breaks down:


Alpha Maxx Amazon Review Breakdown Image


As is often the case, this is a love/hate set of reviews, the vast majority being either very much in favor of the product or very much against it. When we see this type of breakdown, it’s important to drill deeper and see what it is about Alpha Maxx that customers are loving or hating.

A look at the 5-star reviews shows most of them are short and sweet, simply saying that the product works as expected:


Alpha Maxx 5 Star Reviews


You’ll note that most of these 5 star reviews come from “Verified Purchases” meaning that the people who submitted the reviews are verified to have actually purchased the product.

The 1-Star reviews are very similar in that they are also short and to the point, mainly just simply stating that it did not work as expected. These are also verified purchases:


Alpha Maxx 1 Star Reviews


This disparity in customer results is actually very typical. Certainly no supplement can work for everyone. There are lots of different causes for erectile and sexual dysfunction, so it stands to reason that one supplement would not necessarily have the ability to address them all. A customer’s perception is also often based largely on their expectations of the product. Since most of the reviews we’ve seen are from verified purchasers, we’ll assume they’re valid and chalk up the differences to “you can’t please all the people all the time”.

Where to Buy

As we’ve noted, you can purchase Alpha Maxx through Amazon. A one-time purchase of a single bottle containing a one month supply costs $21.95, which is at the low end of the range of this type of product. Also available is the “Subscribe and Save” option price which requires a monthly commitment and costs $20.85 per month.

Currently, Amazon is the primary distributor of all Bioscience Nutrition products. There appears to be a website in the works, but at this time, it’s listed as “under construction”.

I’ve also seen Alpha Maxx being sold at eBay for about $25 a bottle.

Alpha Maxx Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Maxx

  • The complete ingredients list is available and made up of all natural components.
  • The price is reasonable, even without needed to sign up for a subscription.
  • The vast majority of customer reviews are favorable.

Disadvantages of Alpha Maxx

  • Some of the ingredient amounts are too small (well below the clinical dosages) to be considered effective.
  • A significant number of Amazon customers have found Alpha Maxx not to work for them.

Alpha Maxx – The Bottom Line

Alpha Maxx uses a well-rounded collection of effective ingredients to boost male sexual performance. When compared with other products I’ve researched and tested, it falls solidly in the middle of the road. Most users are happy with their results, stating it has improved their performance and pleasure. Others have not had such positive results, but the majority clearly has.

The price point is another notch in Alpha Maxx’s favor. At just over $20 (and available for Prime Shipping), it comes in well below many products of its kind.

Taking these two points together – reviews and price – Alpha Maxx gets my recommendation as a good supplement to try. While you may fall into the category of users that doesn’t get your hoped for results, the $20 point of entry means the financial risk of trying is relatively small. But judging by the majority of reviews, chances are you’ll see some real benefit.

Have You Used Alpha Maxx? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Votofel Force Review – 1 BIG Reason It’s A Scam

Everyone wants to know the truth about male enhancement supplements. If you’ve ever been curious enough to look for information online, once you begin your search, you can scarcely check your Instagram or Twitter feed without coming across an advertisement or link pointing you to an amazing new pill or product guaranteed to exceed your wildest dreams.

Bombarded with all this “information,” it’s tough to know who or what to believe. I get these exact 2 questions from readers every single day:

  1. It seems too good to be true.
  2. Who and what should I believe?”

That’s why sites like this one exist. By taking the time to examine the promises, break down the formulas, and curate the feedback, we help you achieve a far better understanding of what works, what’s junk, what’s true, and what’s hype.

Sifting through the possibilities on your own without being able to test a wide variety of performance supplements and know what makes for a good one is tough unless you have endless time and means.

Which brings us to Votofel Force, a male performance enhancement supplement I’ve seen popping up on social media over the last several months. Does it work? What’s in it? How much does it cost? And is it worth it in the end? These are the questions we’ll answer about Votofel Force, and when you’re finished reading, you’ll be armed with everything you need to make an informed decision.

Votefel Force ReviewWhat is Votofel Force?

They call it the “Triple Intensity Male Enhancement” pill to boost “the 3 S’s of Sex – Size, Stamina, and Satisfaction”.

Most performance enhancement supplements either work instantly or by taking them every day, over time the ingredients build up in your system, allowing you to be prepared any time. Votofel Force claims to work both ways:

  1. You get that instant surge in libido and performance ability
  2. And it works over time on the root causes of your dysfunction, so you make continual improvement.

Both near and longer term, the benefits you can expect include:

  • Bigger, harder erections for more pleasure all around.
  • Increased libido and sexual energy.
  • Greater confidence in your vitality and sexual abilities.

How Does Votofel Force Work?

Aside from the fact that Votofel Force claims to work both immediately and in the long run, it’s claims are very similar to most other male enhancement pills. So let’s focus on its dual action and how that works.

Votofel Force claims to use a unique rapid absorption technology combined with an extended release mechanism to achieve the dual action results.

How it accomplishes these goals is also a dual action proposition, working in two ways.

First it increases testosterone, more specifically free testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male hormone, responsible for many of the characteristics we think of as traditionally male. These include, facial hair as well as muscles, and male sexual characteristics as well. After about the age of 25, our testosterone levels begin to drop.

testosterone decrease by age

It’s not noticeable at first, but after declining for about 10 years, you begin to see the telltale signs. A drop in libido and weaker erections are among them. Votofel Force helps your body produce more natural testosterone and also helps maintain those higher levels in the form of free testosterone

When you get your levels tested, you get two numbers – total testosterone and free testosterone. Total is all you have. Free is all you can use, making this the important number. Votofel Force claims to increase levels of free testosterone, helping to increase libido, drive, erection quality, and performance ability.

votofel force claims

Second, it increases your body’s production of nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels, allowing an increased amount of blood to flow through to help create firmer, harder erections.

how vasodilation works

This is called vasodilation, and is a very common claim with performance enhancement supplements. In fact, it’s used by pre workout pills and powders as well because increasing blood flow can help build muscles as well as erections.

Votofel Force Ingredients

Finding claims about how Votofel Force works and what to expect from it turns out to be much easier than finding out what’s in the formula. As it turns out, the Votofel Force website may not exist at all anymore. (We’ll talk more about that later).

There are plenty of webpages devoted to discussing Votofel Force, so I decided to check a few of these for an ingredient list. The problem with this method is that over the several sites I checked, there were several different lists.

  1. One site talked about: L-Arginine, Muira Puama, Nettle, and Tribulus Terrestris.
  2. Another cited: Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine, and Panax Ginseng.
  3. Still another showed a different list: Tribulus Terrestris, Muira Puama, Ginseng, and Fengugreek
  4. Yet another lists the formula as: Oat Straw, Cayenne Pepper, Vitamin E, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, and Hawthorn Berry Extract.
  5. Website number 5 lists: Maca Root, Horny Goat Week, Long Jack Extract, Korean Ginseng, and Tribulus Terrestris.

That’s five different review websites with 5 different ingredient lists! 

Clearly we cannot determine the actual formula through these conflicting reports.

The most important thing to note about the lists is that when taken together, there’s really not much difference, or to put it another way, the lists provided are very similar to each other, and they’re all very similar to most online male enhancement supplements like Votofel Force.

So, while it’s tough to nail down just how well it works based on this information, we can surmise fairly certainly that it works about as well as similar supplements sold in the same way.

Free Trial Scam?

This brings us to how and where to buy Votofel Force, which also has an air of mystery to it. Turns out, it was once available through a “free trial offer”.

Right off the bat, I’ll say if you’re not familiar with supplements sold this way on the internet, read my full exposé: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Votefel Force Order PageIf you’re in a hurry and you just want the rough outline, here’s how it works:

  1. Votofel Force entices you with all the above promises, then you find out it’s available to try for “free”.
  2. You sign up by paying just $4.95 in shipping charges and $1.95 in package protection charges, and they send you a full one month supply.
  3. The trick is that most customers think it ends there, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Unless you take specific action to cancel, in a couple weeks, they will charge you for your “free” bottle and they’ll begin sending you a new bottle every month from here on out, at full price. This won’t stop until you eventually realize what’s happening and contact them to cancel the repeat charges. Even then, it can be tough to get through to these companies and make it known that you don’t want to have anything to do with them anymore.

The whole process can be extremely frustrating, but perhaps the most frustrating thing about it is that it’s perfectly legal. As long as they list the terms of the deal somewhere on the website or even hidden in a document available from the website, they’re in the clear, legally. So while tens of thousands of customers are pissed off, they don’t have much recourse.

Where Did Votofel Force Go?

It’s true that Votofel Force used to be available by signing up for their free trial. It’s also true that it was one of the few free trial products available worldwide. It was even available in South Africa, when the vast majority of supplements are not – free trial or no free trial.

Currently, every single link I used to reach their actual website to place an order has been cut off or rerouted to a different product. It appears as though, at this time, Votofel Force is no longer available. It may come back; it may not. My money says they won’t come back, at least not under the same name.

Here’s what often happens. Companies using the free trial scam start to get a negative reputation with customers (for good reason). Unhappy customers write negative reviews and/or contact the Better Business Bureau with their complaints. Eventually it starts to catch up, and the company pulls the product… sort of.

What they usually do is keep the formula, change the name, and put the same old product in a new bottle. They change the name in all the existing advertisements, and they’re back in business.

So under the name Votofel Force, it no longer exists, at least not that I can find.

Votofel Force – The Bottom Line

The whole free trial supplement scam game has been around a long time, and many companies have it down to a science. The best ones list ingredients on their websites, make their terms easy to find, clearly list their contact information, and are responsive to customers when they do call to cancel.

Votofel Force doesn’t do any of these things. Not revealing ingredients has led to many conflicting lists all over the internet, and it’s impossible to find the actual product website at all at this time to know the terms of the deal and the contact information for the company.

One of the most prevalent issues with these free trial scams is that so many of the companies slap together a shoddy product, create a label, rework a boilerplate website, and start selling their mediocre product without much oversight or quality control. This seems to have been the case for Votofel Force, and at this point, it’s completed at least one cycle of existence. It may come back under a different name at some point. When it does, we’ll review that one too, and probably come to the same conclusion – that it’s not worth the hassle.

Have You Used Votofel Force? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Fitness Model Zoë Daly Interviews With SupplementCritique.com


Name: Zoë Daly

Height: 165cm

Weight: 55kg

Background / Bio:

I love everything health & fitness! I grew up on Sydney’s Northern Beaches so I have lead an active lifestyle enjoying this beautiful area. I have been an athlete my entire life and have had abs since I was 16 from rollerblading at an extreme level, as well as skiing, snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding. It’s not about aesthetics to me- it’s about being truly functional and feeling good J

Competition Title wins

  • INBA State Title 2010
  • IFBB State Title 2010
  • ANB Asia Pacific Fitness Model Title 2011
  • IFBB National Title 2011
  • IFBB State Title 2011
  • WBFF World Title 2nd Placing 2013, Pro Status earned
  • WBFF Pro Debut 2014

I am about to embark on a new chapter with the goal of studying law, so 2018 is going to be busy!

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

Exercise has always been my happy place- my escape from stress & anxiety. People always asked me when I was competing because of how lean I was, and I had no idea what they were talking about! I just looked that was as a result of my love of being fit & healthy. I became curious into what competitions they were referring to and looked into it in early 2010. I started competing before I started “proper” lifting, my physique came from years of functional fitness and my love of yoga & Pilates. After placing 3rd in my first show, I was hooked and did 6 shows within 5 months of each other, winning 2 Sate titles & placing top 3 in the other 4 shows. After a year of competing, I wanted to take my physique to new levels, so I that is when I started lifting weights 5 x weekly, and I loved the changes that came about. However, it was not until 2013, when I became my own coach, and started strategically implementing more carbs into my diet, that my physique truly evolved. That is when I went on to place 2nd in the world & earned Pro status with the WBFF.

How did you do in your first show?

As mentioned above, I placed 3rd in my first show, in a line up of around 35 girls. It was the ANB Sydney Physique Championships, and it was on my Birthday, May 23rd. Back in 2010, there were no height classes or ‘Novice/first timers ’categories. I was thrown in the deep end with seasoned competitors and girls much taller than me! I was stoked to place, I was not expecting it, and it would have still been a memory I will cherish forever if I had not placed. What a rush!!

What gets you going?  More importantly, what’s keeps you motivated to keep going?

My drive to constantly improve and my desire to feel fit & healthy definitely get me going and keep me going.

What is your personal fitness routine in an average week?

This will most likely change soon as my injuries are gone and I am ready for a new level, but the past 6 months this has been the right balance for my body:

Monday: 1 on 1 Clinical Pilates then an all over body weights w/ my PT

Tuesday: Body Balance class

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: All over body weights

Friday: Body Balance Class

Saturday: All over body weights

Sunday: Rest day

What do you think about popular fitness trends like Crossfit and Orange Theory?

Crossfit is a great idea in theory- and lot of people are drawn to it as it seems like the perfect way to get fit: a combination of weight training & cardio, all at a high intensity… However even conditioned athletes get niggles from such high reps, and the lack of time to perform those reps with correct technique, so to the average person who spends 8 hours sitting at a computer, it is a sure-fire way of getting injured. I also think it has a negative impact on hormones (for women anyway).

Not familiar with Orange Theory, so cannot comment on that.

If you had a weak body part how would you bring it back up?

Start with clinical Pilates to strengthen the neural pathways to that area, then activation work, then design a strength program to target that area. I would train that area 2 x weekly until it became a strength.

What does a typical day of meals look like for you? 

Meal 1: Quinoa flakes, WPI, crushed nuts and berries

Meal 2: Pre training meal: Cooked carbs & protein

Meal 3: Post training meal: WPI Shake and fruit

Meal 4: Lean meat, rice and veggies

Meal 5: Turkey mince and veggies

Meal 6: Steak, almond butter and veggies

Which is more important, diet or exercise?       

Nutrition would pip exercise at the post as you simply cannot out train a poor diet, but in the absence of exercise, you can still make progress to your health & body composition with the right nutrition protocols.

What advice do you give to people trying to break into the Fitness Industry / Competition?                    

To first truly love health & fitness- to enjoy it for how it makes you FEEL- not just chasing the “aesthetics”.

What do you think is the most overrated exercise in the gym?  Most underrated exercise?                     

Most overrated are Barbell Squats for sure!!!!! Most underrated would be Single Leg Hip Thrusters or Reverse Hypers, both are amazing!

When cutting, down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?  What’s your favorite cutting exercise?

 I never do HIIT, and the most cardio I ever do is a 30 minute brisk walk a few days a week. I used to love Body Attack classes, as back in the day I was a full-blown Cardio Bunny. I was truly addicted to those classes! I do not need cardio to get/stay lean though, and I am so glad I realized that!

What is your diet like?

My diet consists solely of wholefoods- except on cheat day!! Lean meats, chicken thigh and breast, turkey mince, eggs, fruit, veggies, quinoa, oats, rice, all nuts and my all time fave food is natural almond butter- yummo!

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

I do not use a great deal of supplements, as nothing beats good nutrition. I use WPI (with breakfast and post training), BCAA’s during training and L Glutamine with my post workout WPI shake.

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

Not jump into the splits in early May 2010. It was 2 weeks before my first ever show, and I was mucking around after a Body Balance class. I jumped into the splits, and heard a popping noise from my left hamstring/glute insertion area. It was agonizing L I did not rest though, I trained through pain (very silly) and I have never trained without pain or severe restriction as a result. The entire time I have been lifting & competing, I have worked around pain. It lead to a myriad of other injuries due to compensation and a very dysfunctional physique. Every prep I pushed through real pain – until late 2015, my body said “no more”. I spent all of 2016, literally learning how to walk again, completely rebuilding myself. I am finally pain free and functional again and it’s liberating!!!

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

If you’re having a bad day- GET TO THE GYM!!

Favorite cheat meal?

Pizza followed by Nutella for desert!

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

Other than being the first Australian to earn Fitness Pro Status with the WBFF (and in Vegas of all places) definitely building my online coaching business, which turned 6 November 1st. I have clients in 50 countries around the world and I love helping others achieve their health & fitness goals, and becoming happier people J It’s the greatest career ever! J

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zozofit/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZoeDalyFitnessModel/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoedalyfitness

Force X7 Review: Does It Really Work?

In response to historically low testosterone levels, many men have decided to fight back and do what they can to increase their natural testosterone levels. Outside of exercise and a nutritious diet, one of the best ways to support testosterone levels is with supplements. Force X7 by Alpha Wolf Nutrition is one of the newest test boosters on the market that promises to combat low t-levels.

Like many other testosterone boosters to come before it, Force X7 serves as an alternative to those that either would prefer to avoid prescription alternatives or testosterone replacement therapy.

Benefits of Force X7

Packed with several scientifically proven herbal ingredients, Force X7 by Alpha Wolf Nutrition claims that it’s able to halt estrogen dominance while promoting increases in natural testosterone levels. This test booster review is going to explore the reported benefits of improved mood, higher sex drive, fat loss, and lean muscle growth when Force X7 is taken as a part of a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Key Ingredients

Ashwaghanda Root

Used since ancient times, ashwagandha was once looked upon as a way to maintain overall health and well-being. Today, studies suggest that ashwagandha may be able to promote the natural production of testosterone while helping with healthy sleeping patterns, which will support growth hormone development. (1)

Maca Root

A Peruvian super food, maca root has long been used for men’s health. Studies show that maca root helps with hormonal health, including promoting healthy levels of testosterone production in men. Maca root is also famous as a libido enhancer. (2)

Coleus Forskohlii

A popular herbal remedy from India, coleus forskohlii is considered a potent testosterone booster but it also supports a healthy body composition as studies show. (3)

Long Jack

Also known as Tongkat Ali, this plant is native to Indonesia and Thailand and it’s a common ingredient found in test boosters with good reason: it works. Studies show that supplementing with long jack may increase natural testosterone production. (4)


One of the most important minerals for brain development, zinc is also necessary for the production of natural testosterone in the body. Supplementing with zinc has been shown to promote healthy testosterone levels. (5)

My Experience with Force X7

I was really impressed with the Force X7 formula. While I didn’t feel much for the first two weeks, it was around the third week when I noticed the following:

There was an obvious boost in strength during my workouts. I was performing standard upper and lower split workouts but my force output during the heaviest sets was a lot stronger. I was able to get that extra repetition or two that had eluded me the previous weeks.

My libido was also higher. I noticed a more primal mindset during the day, usually within a couple hours of taking Force X7.

One thing I’d point out is the fact that I didn’t have low testosterone issues prior to taking Force X7. For guys with healthy t-levels or guys who want to chase mass building, you may need to take four capsules, not the recommended three.

Overall, I think Force X7 by Alpha Wolf Nutrition is a high-quality test booster that can be of great use to guys looking to restore or support testosterone levels.

I recommend it personally and when compared to other similar testosterone boosters, I would say that Force X7 is a force to be reckoned with and actually produces noticeable results which is more than you can say about many of them.

Have You Used Force X7?  Leave Your Review Below!


  1. Vijay R. Ambiye, Deepak Langade, Swati Dongre, Pradnya Aptikar, Madhura Kulkarni, Atul Dongre. Clinical Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of the Root Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Oligospermic Males: A Pilot Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 571420.
  2. Gonzales GF. Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: eCAM. 2012;2012:193496. doi:10.1155/2012/193496.
  3. Godard MP, Johnson BA, Richmond SR. Body composition and hormonal adaptations associated with forskolin consumption in overweight and obese men. Obes Res. 2005 Aug;13(8):1335-43.Talbott SM,
  4. Talbott JA, George A, Pugh M. Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2013;10:28. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-10-28.
  5. Netter A, Hartoma R, Nahoul K. Effect of zinc administration on plasma testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and sperm count. Arch Androl. 1981 Aug;7(1):69-73.

Soy And Testosterone: Myths And Half Truths


What is Soy
Health Benefits of Soy
Clinical Studies of Soy and Testosterone
Does Soy Decrease Testosterone
Frequently Asked Questions
Soy and Testosterone – The Bottom Line

Soy gets pummeled by bodybuilding magazines and celebrated in women’s health magazines. It’s a super food one day and a carcinogen the next.

What’s actually going on with soy?

Are all the rumors true?

Can it destroy your testosterone levels?

Or is this just an exaggeration?

Let’s take a look at what soy is and the science behind soy and your testosterone levels.

soy and testosterone myth

What is Soy?

Well it depends on who you are asking. The universal definition of soy is that it’s a legume. The vast differences occur depending on where it’s grown. Many Asian countries with a focus on Japan grow soy and allow it to ferment. This process helps to improve the nutrient quality of soy while reducing its estrogenic properties.

In the United States, it’s a much different story. The U.S.-based soy is a chemically processed Frankenstein’s monster of what they have East. In fact, many countries outside of the U.S. refuse to buy or trade U.S.-based soy due to the quality of production and the high levels of pesticides and herbicides contained within. We don’t even have to get into the fact that U.S.-based soy is a GMO (genetically modified organism).

Health Benefits of Soy

When grown and prepared properly, soy does have quite the nutritional punch. Let’s assume that we are talking about natto, a traditional Japanese side dish that is served with most meals.

Very Nutritious

  • Fermented soy is quite nutritious in moderate amounts. It’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein. Best of all, it’s a probiotic food. Watch out though. Fermented soy is packed with far more polyunsaturated fats than monounsaturated fats. People from the U.S. already get plenty of PUFAs in their diets.

Gut Health and Digestion

  • Continuing with the idea above, the strain of probiotic that is prevalent in fermented soy has been shown to significantly promote gut health and proper digestion. It may also help to alleviate common stomach-based complications such as inflammation.

May Prevent Disease

  • The primary reason that you see soy as a celebrated health food is the link between soy and a decreased risk of certain diseases, namely cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. Researchers point to the high levels of isoflavones as the primary factor for decreasing the risk for disease.

Clinical Studies of Soy and Testosterone

The Issue with Equol

  • One study that is often cited points to how increased consumption of soy leads to a greater concentration of equol among stomach bacteria. The study shows that equol effectively binds to and deactivates dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is NOT the same as testosterone. DHT is a very anabolic and androgenic hormone; however, it’s also connected with prostate cancer and male pattern baldness. The question is this: If DHT is deactivated but testosterone is left unchecked, is this really a bad thing? (4)

Soy and Sperm Count

  • Another study that is often used as evidence against soy consumption demonstrates that soy-based diets correlate to lower sperm count. Testosterone is a key component in the production of sperm in the body. A lower sperm count on account of soy may have direct implications that low testosterone levels are to follow but the study didn’t expressly say this. (5)

Soy and Total Testosterone

  • In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers discovered that the use of soy protein isolates did decrease the testosterone and DHT levels of the young men taking it. This has huge implications as soy protein isolates are used in many of today’s most popular supplements. (6)

Does Soy Decrease Testosterone?

Given the amount of evidence out there, I think it’s safe to say that the consumption of soy can have a direct impact on hormonal levels. With that said, I believe it’s the type of soy you’re eating that will make or break those impacts.

If you’re eating naturally fermented and produced soy, such as natto, then you should be able to safely consume a modest amount to reap its health benefits. This is especially true for guys who may be on the road to prostate issues.

If you’re consuming the U.S.-based soy, then you’re definitely in for trouble. Over 90% of the soy grown in the U.S. is considered GMO. What’s more, unfermented soy is high in anti-nutrients and phytoestrogens; neither of which has been shown to be friendly toward your testosterone levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I eat soy, what type of soy should I buy?

  • Eat small amounts of fermented soy such as natto or tempeh.

Can I use soy protein and still see muscle gains?

  • Given the evidence, I would not recommend using soy protein for muscle building goals. You don’t need to use whey, casein, or egg but don’t use soy. There are far better plant-based protein options out there for you. Personally, I’d recommend a pumpkin seed-based protein. You can also use a mix of rice, pea, and cranberry protein.

What are the side effects of eating soy?

  • Nausea
  • Inflammation
  • Interferes with nutrient absorption
  • Digestion issues

How does soy affect men compared to women?

  • For men, consuming soy may result in lower testosterone levels, mood swings, fatigue, gyno-based symptoms such as man-boobs, and weight gain. For women, there seems to be a correlation between unfermented soy and breast cancer. Babies are also at risk while in the womb and during feeding. Soy has been shown to cause developmental issues in the womb while experts agree it is not an appropriate source of nutrition for a newborn.

Soy and Testosterone – The Bottom Line

Overall, if you’re considering adding soy into your diet and you live in the United States, think again. U.S.-based, unfermented, and overly processed soy will have a direct impact on your levels of testosterone and DHT, effectively lowering both. This is especially true for those guys who are looking to build muscle. Stay far away from soy-based protein. Stick with whey, egg, or pumpkin seed protein powder.

If you want to incorporate more plants into your diet, that’s great but choose one that will boost your testosterone levels and stay away from soy.


  1. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/legumes-and-legume-products/4380/2
  2. Selvam R, Maheswari P, Kavitha P, Ravichandran M, Sas B, Ramchand CN. Effect of Bacillus subtilis PB6, a natural probiotic on colon mucosal inflammation and plasma cytokines levels in inflammatory bowel disease. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2009 Feb;46(1):79-85.
  3. Messina M. Soy and Health Update: Evaluation of the Clinical and Epidemiologic Literature. Nutrients. 2016;8(12):754. doi:10.3390/nu8120754.
  4. Miyanaga N, Akaza H, Takashima N, Nagata Y, Sonoda T, Mori M, Naito S, Hirao Y, Tsukamoto T, Fujioka T. Higher consumption of green tea may enhance equol production. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2003 Aug-Dec;4(4):297-301.
  5. Chavarro JE, Toth TL, Sadio SM, Hauser R. Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic. Hum Reprod. 2008 Nov;23(11):2584-90. doi: 10.1093/humrep/den243. Epub 2008 Jul 23.
  6. Dillingham BL, McVeigh BL, Lampe JW, Duncan AM. Soy protein isolates of varying isoflavone content exert minor effects on serum reproductive hormones in healthy young men. J Nutr. 2005 Mar;135(3):584-91.

Biogenic XR REAL Review – 2 BIG Reasons To Think Twice


What Is Biogenic XR
Biogenic XR Ingredients
The Biogenic XR Label
Does Biogenic XR Work
Biogenic XR Side Effects
My Personal Results
Where to Buy
The Bottom Line – Should You Buy It

Almost every day, a reader will ask me to check out the latest supplement they’ve seen advertised online. Usually, it’s something that popped up in their Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram feeds, and more often than not, they find it very promising and want my help figuring out whether or not it’s legit.

The truth is there are plenty of scammers out there preying on the hopes and dreams of regular guys looking to improve their lives, so I welcome the opportunity to help separate the good from the bad.

Just last week, one of my readers asked me about Biogenic XR. After a quick glance at the product’s website and a few other resources, I decided this was definitely a supplement that deserved closer scrutiny. After much research into the promises, the formula, the feedback, and the bang for the buck, here’s what I found.

Watch My Video Review Below To Learn More About My Personal Results

What Is Biogenic XR?

This is a great first question, and it turns out to have a couple different answers.

biogenic xr review

The US version of the product website is the one I came across first. It presents Biogenic XR as a “Performance Enhancer” that delivers “Mind-Blowing Results” for your WORKOUTS. The highlighted benefits include:

  • Greater muscle mass.
  • Quicker post workout recovery time.
  • More intense and explosive workouts.
  • Increased hormone production.


Biogenic XR US Website


There’s really no direct mention of sexual benefits at all. They stand firmly with their primary focus on its pre-workout function – increasing energy, muscle strength, and pumps. And there is also a secondary benefit provided by the increased testosterone production fostered by the pills.

The UK version of the Biogenic XR website calls it “Medical Strength Male Enhancement,” and all the specific benefits fall on the sexual side of things:

  • Bigger and longer lasting erections.
  • Increased sex drive and stamina.
  • Greater sexual stamina.
  • More intense orgasm.
  • Increased penis size.

Biogenic XR UK Website

In this case, they don’t mention workout benefits at all, essentially the “opposite” of the US based website.

The boxes, bottles, and labels, appear to be the same on both websites. It appears to be just the purported benefits that differ.

Are They Even The Same Product?

Sexual and athletic enhancement supplements can actually have a lot in common. Two overlapping benefits of both are an increase in nitric oxide and an increase in testosterone:

Increasing nitric oxide improves blood flow, which is a benefit to workout through better pumps as well as a benefit to sexual performance through better erections.

Testosterone is the quintessential hormone involved in all things male, and that includes muscles, sex drive, and erections.

So in theory, if Biogenic XR has the right ingredients, it could be both a sexual performance and an athletic/workout performance supplement. So the next thing I did was check the formula to see if this is indeed the case.

Biogenic XR Ingredients

As it turns out, the two different websites differ on more than just the benefits they claim. The UK (sexual performance) version talks about the key ingredients used in the formula, while the US version (pre workout) doesn’t mention ingredients at all.

Over at the UK Website

The listed ingredients include: 

  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. Within the body, the amino acid L-Arginine is converted to NO – a vasodilator that opens up blood vessels allowing an increase in the amount of blood that freely flows through. This means during arousal, more blood can rush to the penis, creating stronger, fuller erections.
  • Maca Root which is a powerful Brazilian herbal aphrodisiac. It boosts libido and at the same time improves mood and confidence.
  • Maritime Pine which works well with L-Arginine as it protects blood vessels and keeps them healthy.
  • Yohimbe which acts as both an aphrodisiac and a stimulant, also increasing blood flow for better erections.

Over at the US Website

They don’t directly discuss any of the ingredients in the formula, but they do put a lot of emphasis on the ability of Biogenic XR to increase testosterone levels.

The Biogenic XR Label

Neither website shows an ingredients label, but I did find one at Amazon where Biogenic XR is currently being sold.

The front of the label doesn’t do much to clarify the issue. In fact, it mentions both areas of benefits:

“Hardcore Elite Formula, Scientifically Formulated Sex Drive and Libido, Strength and Stamina, Energy and Vitality, Nitric Oxide and Muscle Mass”

But the back of the label, where the ingredients are listed, is where things get interesting.

biogenic xr ingredients label

According to this label, Biogenic XR is an 809 mg proprietary blend made up of:

  • L-Arginine
  • L-Arginine AKG
  • L-Arginine Monohydrochloride
  • L-Citrulline

This is basically 3 types of L-Arginine, providing the nitric oxide benefits we discussed above, plus L-Citrulline, which is actually a precursor to L-Arginine, making it also precursor to nitric oxide, albeit once-removed.

Which Is The Real Formula?

When I originally wrote this review, we were left not really knowing which list to believe. I tend to go with what I see on the label, which means it’s probably the L-Arginine blend. It could be that there are actually 2 different versions, but given that the bottles and labels look exactly the same (at least the front), this seems unlikely. If this is the case, it could be a valuable nitric oxide booster, though the amount of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline in each serving is very low at just over 800 mg.

Having confirmed what’s actually in it by ordering a bottle, I can tell you that it’s significantly under dosed.

Does Biogenic XR Work?

If we assume that the label image is correct and the formula consists only of nitric oxide boosting substances, then a couple things are true about how Biogenic XR may work.

On the muscle building side of things, supplements containing nitric oxide boosters like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline make for some very popular and effective pre workout supplements.

On the sexual performance side, again, nitric oxide boosters are key for helping create and maintain strong erections.

That said, there are a couple of pitfalls that need mentioning.

Firstly, 800 mg is not nearly enough, even if it included only L-Arginine. The most commonly recommended dose for both workout and erection improvement is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 grams. The 800 mg in Biogenic XR doesn’t even come close to that.

Secondly, there are no supporting ingredients providing complementary benefits. The American version of the website talks about how it boosts testosterone, but this formula doesn’t contain any ingredients that would have this effect. The British version of the website talks about boosting libido, yet there are no ingredients that would have this effect either.

Biogenic XR Side Effects

L-Argnine, the primary ingredient in Biogenic XR, is generally considered quite safe. The potential side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic are mainly gastrointestinal and include diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. L-Arginine does affect blood pressure, so if you have issues or concerns in that area, or take medication to control it, you should consult with your doctor before taking Biogenix XR.

With that said, how did my personal results fare?

My Personal Results

I took Biogenic XR for about a week and a half, and I have to admit I haven’t noticed any effects whatsoever.

No increased pumps, I don’t appear more vascular, I don’t have any increased energy for my workouts.

Literally nothing.

With a lot of these products, it tends to take a bit of time to build up in your system.

With that said, typically you’ll feel SOMETHING after about 4 or 5 days of taking it.

If you’re not feeling anything by that point then there’s a good chance it’s not going to work at all.

Where to Buy

If you decide to go for it, the primary way to obtain a bottle of Biogenic XR is to sign up for the free trial offered through their websites. If you live in the US, you can do this through the US website. If you live in the UK, you would go through the UK website.

In both cases, the procedure is the same. It looks like you’re simply signing up to pay a small shipping fee and receive a trial bottle. Most customers think that’s the end of it, and this is no accident.
This is what Biogenic XR wants you to believe. If you search hard enough, however, you’ll find the real terms hidden in the fine print.

On the UK website, you’ll find them at the very bottom of the order page:


Biogenic XR UK Terms


On the US website, you actually have to actively click the link to the Terms and Conditions before they are revealed:


Biogenic XR US Terms


In case you can’t read print this small, they both say that what you’re signing up for is a 14 day trial that turns into a monthly subscription program if you don’t call and cancel within 14 days of the day you place your order.

In the US, you’ll pay $89.78 for your “free” trial bottle and each month for a new bottle. In the UK, you’ll pay £89.95 for the “free” trial bottle and each month for a new bottle.

The listed phone number to cancel in both countries is the same: 1-844-688-6199.

You can find these “free trial scams” all over the internet. If you think you’ve come across one and want to know more about how they work, check out my complete exposé here: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

Can You Make A Single Purchase?

Unlike many other free trial products, there are a few other purchasing options, including Amazon. There, you can buy a single bottle – a one month supply – for $51.

The Bottom Line – Should You Buy It?

Based on the formula listed on the bottle, you’re not likely to gain much benefit by using Biogenic XR. If 800 mg combined of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline is indeed the formula, it may help slightly with both workouts and erections, but not nearly enough to justify the $90 monthly price tag.

Now factor in the confusion over what is actually in Biogenic XR, and things become even less clearly favorable.

Biogenic XR in the US portrays itself as a workout supplement with testosterone boosting capabilities and does not reveal its ingredients. Biogenic XR in the UK portrays itself as a male sexual enhancement formula and does list its ingredients. The Biogenic XR label we found lists an entirely different set of ingredients than those listed on the UK website.

When a company is asking you to spend $90 a month on their product, they should be a whole lot more clear on what benefits they’re providing and exactly how they go about doing so.

This is absolutely not the case with Biogenic XR, which is why I cannot recommend that you spend your money on it. If they decide to clear up the confusion by coordinating their international efforts and fully disclosing their formula, I’d be happy to take another look. Until then I recommend you look elsewhere.

Have You Used Biogenic XR? Leave Your Review Below!

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DHEA And Testosterone: How It Helps Men Achieve Increased Free T


DHEA And Testosterone
Health Benefits of DHEA
Clinical Studies of DHEA and Testosterone
Does DHEA Increase Testosterone
Frequently Asked Questions
The Bottom Line On DHEA

Guys, listen up: Once you reach the age of 30, your testosterone levels peak and begin a slow decline. This happens with everyone; however, the rate at which your testosterone levels drop depend heavily on lifestyle.

testosterone decrease by age

If you’re sedentary, eating a terrible diet high in sugar and unhealthy fats, smoking weed / drinking alcohol in excess, not getting enough sleep, and not supplementing with proven testosterone boosting supplements, your decline will look more like a free fall.

If you’re already exercising and eating well, one of the best things that you can do for yourself is find an effective and proven testosterone booster. Introducing DHEA.

DHEA has been widely popular among the bodybuilding crowd for years but is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Let’s take a look at DHEA, its potential benefits, and what science has to say about it.

DHEA And Testosterone?

Dehydroepiandrosterone, more commonly known as DHEA, is a hormone produced in the body that is associated with a group of compounds that slowly decrease as we age. Low levels of DHEA are associated with higher rates of depression, weight gain, and risk of disease.

DHEA has a relationship with testosterone in the body but to what extent DHEA supplements will increase testosterone is what I’ll discuss below.

Health Benefits of DHEA

Before I jump into whether or not DHEA is effective at boosting testosterone levels, let’s review some of the other benefits that it is associated with:

  1. DHEA may be able to fight depression and improve overall mood and well-being.
  2. DHEA may act as an effective anti-inflammatory, alleviating pain related to joints and connective tissue
  3. DHEA may protect brain health while supporting cognitive development and learning processes

Clinical Studies of DHEA and Testosterone

DHEA is one of those ingredients that has fierce advocates and even fiercer critics.

So what does the science say about DHEA and specifically its ability to raise testosterone levels?

Study One

A study published in Clinical Endocrinology provided both men and women with 100 mg a day of a DHEA supplement for 6 months. The results? Not what you’d expect for this supposed anabolic wonder supplement.


  • Did not see a difference in testosterone levels
  • Did see an elevation in levels of serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) – This is important as IGF-1 has been shown to reduce sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
  • Body fat mass decreased
  • Strength increased (knee and lumbar back strength)


  • No increase in testosterone
  • No fat loss
  • Increase in total body mass (that’s right, women gained weight in this study)
  • Increase in strength but not as much as the men (1)

Study Two

In another study published in European Journal of Applied Physiology, men were given 50 mg of DHEA 12 hours before a workout session of high intensity interval training.

H.I.I.T. may be an incredible way to exercise but it’s also been shown to lower testosterone levels in untrained men. This study focused on what would happen if untrained men were given DHEA before a H.I.I.T. workout.

The results were interesting: While DHEA had no effect on total testosterone in the body, it did keep free testosterone levels elevated after the workout. That’s right, if you’ve never exercised a day in your life before, you may want to hold off on H.I.I.T. workouts… unless you have DHEA. I’ll talk more about these implications below.

Study Three

Lastly, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism: I found this to be the most interesting study out there. The basis behind this study is this:

When we age, levels of androgens and growth hormones decline with testosterone, IGF-1, and DHEA being the most notable. Researchers believe that with the decline of these androgens, our bodies switch from anabolic states to more catabolic or breakdown states. This isn’t good news for muscle, connective tissue, brain health, or just about anything in the body.

Scientists provided a small group of men and women with 50 mg of DHEA over the course of the study. Here are the highlights of the results:


  • DHEA and DS serum levels were restored
  • No increase in testosterone
  • Slight increase in androstenedione
  • IGF-I levels increased significantly


  • DHEA and DS serum levels were restored
  • Increases in androstenedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone
  • IGF-I levels increased significantly

Here’s the really fascinating part: Both men and women reported an increase in “perceived physical and psychological well-being.” Considering low androgen levels are often accompanied by symptoms such as depression and a low sex-drive, DHEA supplementation supported both mood and libido. (3)

Does DHEA Increase Testosterone?

Let’s set science aside and get to the most important question: Will DHEA increase your testosterone levels?

It depends on which type of testosterone you’re asking about.

Unfortunately, DHEA does not increase total testosterone levels but studies suggest that it may boost your free testosterone levels. What’s the difference?

Think of total testosterone as the umbrella term for the active and inactive testosterone in your body. Free testosterone is a part of total testosterone and it plays a unique function in actively supporting anabolic processes such as muscle building.

While DHEA can’t increase total testosterone levels, it may play a part in boosting free, or unbound and active testosterone. This has huge implications for those people who are beginning high intensity exercise programs and for those looking to promote an anabolic environment for muscle building.

If you’re looking to get huge, one thing to consider is that you would have to also ensure that your levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) are low so that free testosterone levels remain high to support anabolism.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much DHEA should I take?

  • Studies used dosages of 50 mg and 100 mg. Find a DHEA supplement that provides you with no less than 50 mg per serving and no more than 100 mg per serving.

Can women take DHEA?

  • Yes, DHEA is safe for women to take but it’s important to remember that studies show DHEA increases androgens and total body mass for women. Higher levels of testosterone in women may result in symptoms such as a deeper voice, menstrual irregularity, more body hair especially on the face, and balding.

What are the Side Effects of DHEA Supplements?

  • While safe in small cycles, DHEA supplements can produce a number of side effects if taken in large quantities over a long period of time (greater than 4 to 6 weeks). Side effects include acne, balding, high blood pressure, and mood swings. For women, side effects may include menstrual irregularity, deepening of the voice, and more body hair especially on the face.

The Bottom Line On DHEA

Studies have concluded that DHEA does not raise your total testosterone levels; however, it does temporarily increase your levels of free testosterone. While DHEA is not a long-term solution to falling androgens levels due to aging, it may be of use to anyone who is untrained and looking to begin an intense exercise program or people who want to focus on promoting muscle mass gains.

In either case, I’d recommend taking DHEA as a cycle supplement and following up with a light PCT. Yes, DHEA does not increase total testosterone levels but it is better to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to finishing up a bottle of DHEA.

As I mentioned above, if you’re going to use DHEA, I’d recommend pairing it with a vitamin D and boron supplement. These additional supplements will help lower your levels of SHBG, which in turn will raise free testosterone levels even more.


  1. Morales AJ, Haubrich RH, Hwang JY, Asakura H, Yen SS. The effect of six months treatment with a 100 mg daily dose of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on circulating sex steroids, body composition and muscle strength in age-advanced men and women. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1998 Oct;49(4):421-32.
  2. Liu TC, Lin CH, Huang CY, Ivy JL, Kuo CH. Effect of acute DHEA administration on free testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013 Jul;113(7):1783-92. doi: 10.1007/s00421-013-2607-x. Epub 2013 Feb 17.
  3. Morales AJ, Nolan JJ, Nelson JC, Yen SS. Effects of replacement dose of dehydroepiandrosterone in men and women of advancing age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1994 Jun;78(6):1360-7.

Brazil Nuts And Testosterone: The Myth And The Reality

Jump To A Topic

What are Brazil Nuts
Nutritional Profile of Brazil Nuts
Benefits of Brazil Nuts
Do Brazil Nuts Increase Testosterone
How Many Brazil Nuts are Safe to Eat
What Other Nuts Boost Testosterone

Nutrition is the key to properly increasing your levels of testosterone. One food group that quickly becomes a concern for most testosterone-focused men is nuts. While most nuts contain healthy fats and micronutrients, not all nuts are made the same, especially when it comes to supporting healthy t-levels.

What are Brazil Nuts?

Brazil nuts are high-fat, micro nutrient powerhouses that may help to support healthy testosterone levels due to their impressive nutrient profile.

brazil nuts

Nutritional Profile of Brazil Nuts

According to Dr Axe., one ounce of dried and unblanched Brazil nuts contains the following highlighted nutrients:

Calories: 184


  • Total Fat: 18.6g
  • Saturated Fat: 4.2g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 6.9g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 5.8g


  • Total Carbohydrate: 3.4g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2.1g


  • Protein: 4.0g


  • Calcium: 44.8mg
  • Iron: 0.7mg
  • Magnesium: 105mg
  • Phosphorus: 203mg
  • Potassium: 184mg
  • Sodium: 0.8mg
  • Zinc: 1.1mg
  • Copper: 0.5mg
  • Manganese: 0.3mg
  • Selenium: 537mcg

Benefits of Brazil Nuts

Before I jump into the question of whether or not Brazil nuts can increase testosterone levels, I want to explore other reported benefits. According to a variety of studies, adding a moderate amount of Brazil nuts to your diet may provide the following benefits:

  • Powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals (Source)
  • May support cognitive health (Source)
  • May reduce risk of cardiovascular disease (Source)
  • May promote heart health (so long as they are not eaten in excess – more on this below)
  • May improve overall mood and mindset

Even if testosterone isn’t your main concern, making Brazil nuts a part of your daily diet has been shown to promote a variety of benefits.

Do Brazil Nuts Increase Testosterone?

From a scientific standpoint, there have been no studies conducted that take a group of guys, feed them Brazil nuts for 90 days, and measure their testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels before and after.

Asking whether or not Brazil nuts specifically increase your testosterone levels is not a simple yes or no answer.

However, what we can do is look at the nutritional profile of these nuts to see if they are theoretically able to support healthy testosterone production.

Brazil nuts are abundant in the following highlighted nutrients: selenium, zinc, magnesium, and ellagic acid.


  • The amount of selenium in Brazil nuts is incredible. One ounce of Brazil nuts contains over 700% of the selenium that you need each day. Selenium has its hands in many roles throughout the body but when it comes to testosterone, the science suggests that it is a key nutrient in supporting testosterone levels and fighting against infertility. One study published in the Journal of Urology demonstrated that selenium helped to increase circulating levels of testosterone while reversing male infertility.


  • Zinc has long been a respected and effective testosterone boosting mineral. Several studies including one published in Nutrition confirmed that zinc may be a powerful and natural tool to naturally increase testosterone levels in men. Zinc is often combined with magnesium to amplify these testosterone boosting effects.


  • Commonly found alongside zinc in recovery supplements such as ZMA, magnesium is another mineral that is essential for optimal health, especially testosterone levels. Magnesium, like zinc, supports healthy sleep cycles and it directly supports hormone production and release. A study published in Biological Trace Element Research demonstrated that magnesium supplementation was able to increase testosterone levels in both athletes and sedentary individuals! It’s worth noting that the athletes saw a greater increase in testosterone so make sure that you are engaging in a resistance training program.

Ellagic Acid

  • Finally, we have ellagic acid, which is a naturally occurring and important phenol antioxidant. Antioxidants actively seek out disease-causing free radicals and destroy them, thereby decreasing your risk for age and stress-related complications. While ellagic acid may not directly increase testosterone levels, it may support healthy testosterone levels by eliminating free radicals that may work against normal t-levels.

How Many Brazil Nuts are Safe to Eat?

When it comes to Brazil nuts, more is not necessarily better. I mentioned above how one ounce delivers over 700% of your daily recommended selenium intake. Coming from a whole food and not a supplement, this is above and beyond what you want or need.

Let’s not forget that Brazil nuts also contain polyunsaturated fats, which are good for you up to a point. Americans in particular are already consuming too many of these. The monounsaturated fats are what you want to focus on. You don’t want to trash your health by trying to consume as much selenium as possible in order to boost testosterone as this may have unintended consequences.

With that said, my recommendation, which reflects that of other fitness experts out there, is to consume no more than one to two Brazil nuts per day.

What Other Nuts Boost Testosterone?

There is a lot of debate about what other nuts can be beneficial for your testosterone levels. Does that mean you need to cut out all other types of nuts from your diet if you want surging high t-levels? No, of course not.

Below, I’m going to include nuts that have been almost universally agreed upon to be great for testosterone then I’ll include a list of nuts that may work against your testosterone levels. Again, you don’t want to throw these nuts out of your diet; just be sure to eat them sparingly.

Eat These for Testosterone:

Eat These Sparingly:

If you’re wondering why peanuts aren’t on either list, it’s because peanuts aren’t a nut. They are legumes and you should limit your intake of them as much as possible due to high levels of polyunsaturated fats and concerns over mold in mass production peanut butter.


Do you regularly eat Brazil nuts? How many do you eat per day? What benefits have you noticed since you started incorporating them into your diet? Let me know in the comments below!

It’s not a bad idea to incorporate them into your diet and if you do, you just way notice some positive effects wash over your health.


  1. Maryam Zahin, Iqbal Ahmad, Ramesh C. Gupta, and Farrukh Aqil, “Punicalagin and Ellagic Acid Demonstrate Antimutagenic Activity and Inhibition of Benzopyrene Induced DNA Adducts,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, Article ID 467465, 10 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/467465.
  2. Benton D, Cook R. The impact of selenium supplementation on mood. Biol Psychiatry. 1991 Jun 1;29(11):1092-8.
  3. Safarinejad MR, Safarinejad S. Efficacy of selenium and/or N-acetyl-cysteine for improving semen parameters in infertile men: a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study. J Urol. 2009 Feb;181(2):741-51. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2008.10.015. Epub 2008 Dec 16.
  4. Netter A, Hartoma R, Nahoul K. Effect of zinc administration on plasma testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and sperm count. Arch Androl. 1981 Aug;7(1):69-73.
  5. Prasad AS, Mantzoros CS, Beck FW, Hess JW, Brewer GJ. Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults. Nutrition. 1996 May;12(5):344-8.
  6. Cinar V, Polat Y, Baltaci AK, Mogulkoc R.Biol. Effects of magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion. Trace Elem Res. 2011 Apr;140(1):18-23. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8676-3. Epub 2010 Mar 30.
  7. Zhang H-M, Zhao L, Li H, Xu H, Chen W-W, Tao L. Research progress on the anticarcinogenic actions and mechanisms of ellagic acid. Cancer Biology & Medicine. 2014;11(2):92-100. doi:10.7497/j.issn.2095-3941.2014.02.004.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

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Bulbine Natalensis Review: A Worthy Supplement?


What is Bulbine Natalensis
What are the Benefits of Bulbine Natalensis
What are the Side Effects of Bulbine Natalensis
Does Bulbine Natalensis Increase Testosterone
Bulbine Natalensis and Muscle Mass
What Are Users Saying about Bulbine Natalensis
How Much Bulbine Natalensis to Take to See Results
Stacking Bulbine Natalensis
Where to Buy Bulbine Natalensis

If you’re suffering from low testosterone levels, you know only too well how overwhelming it can be to find a natural alternative to expensive and questionable testosterone replacement therapy.

In the last decade, there has been a dramatic rise in all-natural testosterone boosters on the supplement market.

While a few are based in scientific literature, most are junk.

I know this because I’ve personally tested DOZENS of them over the years.

Bulbine Natalensis is an herb that has been of interest in the last few years as studies are suggesting that it may have the power to dramatically increase testosterone while fighting back against estrogen levels.

Let’s take a look at what Bulbine Natalensis is, the reported benefits of the herb, and what science has to say about its impact on testosterone levels.

bulbine natalensis review

What is Bulbine Natalensis?

Like most testosterone boosting ingredients such as Fadogia Agrestis and Fenugreek, Bulbine Natalensis is a common sight in an uncommon land. Travel to the southeast of Africa and that is where you’ll find this herbal remedy growing. Also, just like other testosterone boosters, Bulbine Natalensis has been used over a very long period of time to improve quality of health.

Recent scientific studies have been investigating the benefits of Bulbine Natalensis and it may be a useful supplement for more than just its reported benefits of being an aphrodisiac and testosterone booster.

What are the Benefits of Bulbine Natalensis?

Libido Enhancer

  • Bulbine Natalensis is most famously used as a traditional and modern-day libido booster. What was once rumor and common tribe knowledge has been confirmed in a handful of studies evaluating the sexual behavior and consequential fertility rates in rats. A study published in Theriogenology demonstrated that rats who were given Bulbine Natalensis showed a dramatic increase in sex drive and libido. (1-2)


  • Increased libido and sex drive may be a direct result of increased testosterone levels. I’ll talk more about this in greater detail below but one of the reported benefits of Bulbine Natalensis is its ability to dramatically spike testosterone levels.

Type II Diabetes

  • While there are no studies to confirm this yet, many user reports claim that Bulbine Natalensis can assist with diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity. Type II Diabetes is one most the common preventable diseases, especially in the United States. Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that you’re born with and it only affects 5% of the population. Type II diabetes, on the other hand, is more often than not preventable and it’s a result of poor lifestyle choices, primarily dietary choices. If Bulbine Natalensis is able to improve insulin sensitivity while fighting back against insulin resistance, this has huge implications as a natural weight management and bodybuilding supplement.


  • Another potential benefit of Bulbine Natalensis that is not backed by scientific studies but often reported in perceived benefits from users is anti-inflammatory properties. If this is the case, Bulbine Natalensis could be added to the list of other natural inflammatories that provide relief for post-workout soreness, joint pain, and arthritis. With the assumption that Bulbine Natalensis does provide anti-inflammatory benefits, I’ll discuss the best way to stack it to alleviate joint and muscle pain below.

What are the Side Effects of Bulbine Natalensis?

This is a tricky subject with this ingredient because two studies clash in their findings.

In one human-based study featuring all men, subjects were given Bulbine Natalensis for 28 days but the only metric that was observed was safety. In other words, scientists didn’t check testosterone, libido, diabetes, or pain levels. They checked nothing except whether the subjects were okay after taking the supplement.

is bulbine natalensis safe

The safety study was published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and it confirmed that no side effects were reported. In fact, they deemed it as safe as the placebo.

So we don’t know whether or not the benefits above can be verified but we know that it’s safe, right?

Not so fast.

The studies that have been performed to evaluate the hormonal response from Bulbine Natalensis have a different consensus.

As I’ll jump into more detail below, Bulbine Natalensis does seem to be effective at promoting an increase in testosterone while decreasing estrogen.

The catch is that these findings occurred in rats, not humans.

bulbine natalensis rat study

With that said, the effect from Bulbine Natalensis was so dramatic that researchers concluded Bulbine Natalensis may promote liver side effects that are comparable to a steroid cycle. Again, this isn’t something that’s been confirmed in a human-based study but it’s something to keep in mind, especially if you have liver or kidney issues.

All in all, do I think Bulbine Natalensis is safe?

Considering the number of users who rave about it and the lack of front page news demonizing the ingredient, I think that Bulbine Natalensis is safe as long as you take it in moderation, like any other supplement on the market. More importantly, if you’re going to take Bulbine Natalensis, I would highly recommend treating it like any other androgen-focused supplement and using a PCT after a cycle.

Does Bulbine Natalensis Increase Testosterone?

Let’s jump into the million-dollar question: Does Bulbine Natalensis boost your testosterone?

Bulbine Natalensis MAY boost testosterone levels but this has not been scientifically confirmed in human-based trials. Let’s take a look at the science that is available.

In one study involving Wister rats, the animals were divided into four dosage groups: control (placebo), 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg. The dosage levels were milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight. Those rats who were given 25 mg and 50 mg dosages, testosterone and luteinizing hormone increased but far more so in the 50-mg group. In fact, another study replicated these benefits, reporting that the 50 mg saw an increase in testosterone of over 300%.

If the rats saw such a significant increase in testosterone and luteinizing hormone, then it goes without saying they also saw a spike in estrogen and progesterone, right?


These same studies showed that the Wister rats had a decrease in both estrogen and progesterone.

Progesterone is converted into estrogen and cortisol, neither of which is good news for testosterone or muscle building.

What about humans?

Does Bulbine Natalensis boost testosterone levels in humans? I’m only going to report on science and unfortunately no study has been released demonstrating the testosterone boosting effects of Bulbine Natalensis on humans. With that said, if a fraction of the benefits found in rats apply to humans, then Bulbine Natalensis may be the next shelf-clearing t-booster.

Bulbine Natalensis and Muscle Mass

While no scientific studies have come out regarding the muscle building benefits of Bulbine Natalensis, in theory, if the supplement significantly increases levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone while decreasing estrogen, they you have the ideal anabolic environment for growth.

If your goal is to build lean muscle mass while supporting natural levels of testosterone, Bulbine Natalensis may be able to help with both. Testosterone is a powerful recovery hormone. If you’re following a training program that focuses on muscle hypertrophy, the increase in circulating testosterone may aid in lean muscle growth. Again, this is just a theory and we’re waiting on studies to connect these dots.

What Are Users Saying about Bulbine Natalensis?

Since there are no human-based studies that evaluate the effects as it relates to testosterone, user reviews become the next best thing. Keep in mind that I never consider reviews that are suspicious such as paid reviews or reviews from the company itself. Below, you’ll find the common thread topics that I found across several forums and buying platforms such as Amazon. I’ll start with the cons before moving to the pros.


Delayed Effect

  • One interesting observation from several users about Bulbine Natalensis is that the effects of the supplement aren’t observed until the second or third week of taking it. I wanted to say this was dependent upon the brand until I found the same complaint across different brands. Take home lesson: if you’re going to supplement with Bulbine Natalensis, be patient and give it time to kick in.

bulbine natalensis side effects

Side Effects Related to T-Boosters

  • While the official human study cited no side effects, plenty of users have reported side effects that are common with other testosterone boosters. The most common complaints are that of acne. On the upside, when users mentioned these side effects, it was usually followed up with a mention about higher sex drive as well.

Sensitive Stomachs Beware

  • Not extremely common but still something I wanted to point out: I noticed several users who had complained about diarrhea and stomach cramps after taking Bulbine Natalensis. This could be from a few things outside of Bulbine Natalensis such as the coating on the capsule or even the filler within. Easiest way around this is to start with a low dosage and increase gradually as you body adjusts.

Dosage Needs to Be Adjusted

  • Speaking of dosages: As I’ll talk more about in the next section, many users found that they had to increase the recommended dosage in order to see any effect. For example, with the brands that offer 350 mg of Bulbine Natalensis per serving, some users had to take four or five capsules per day.


Sex Drive / Libido

  • There’s no arguing with the fact that nearly all of the positive reviews I found mentioned in some form about how sex drive and libido went through the roof after a cycle of Bulbine Natalensis.Whether it was an increased interest in sex, longer performance, or greater frequency, those who have benefited from Bulbine Natalensis can attest to its libido boosting properties. This is by far the most commonly reported benefit of Bulbine Natalensis regardless of the brand of supplement.

Focus and Being In the Zone

  • Some users reported feeling more focused and aggressive during workouts, which would match other testosterone boosting ingredients but it’s not as common as the libido boosting effects of Bulbine Natalensis. Obviously, this has great implications as a pre-workout ingredient.

Better Sleep

  • Many brands recommend taking Bulbine Natalensis before bed as it seems to promote healthy sleep. Keep in mind that Bulbine Natalensis will not make you fall asleep; rather, if it’s anything like ZMA, it helps you stay in R.E.M. cycles of sleep for a longer period of time. If you stack Bulbine Natalensis with ZMA, that would be the perfect recovery and sleep aid combination. I talk more about Bulbine Natalensis stacks below.

How Much Bulbine Natalensis to Take to See Results?

As no scientific studies have been performed to find the exact dosage to see testosterone-based benefits, it’s tough to say. The study performed on the safety of Bulbine Natalensis had subjects taking 650 mg throughout the day (325 mg in the morning and 325 mg in the evening). From that, we know that 650 mg is well tolerated but that’s not even close to the 50 mg per kilogram of body weight we saw in the Wister rat study.

To play it safe, I’d start with 650 mg of Bulbine Natalensis for one cycle of 4 weeks. Evaluate how you feel and if you’ve made any progress. I’d also suggest getting your t-levels checked before and after you take Bulbine Natalensis. If you can successfully complete one cycle at 650 mg, try increasing the dosage between 1,000 and 1,200 mg for another cycle.

If you want to copy the Wister rat study, the sweet spot for testosterone boosting benefits is 50 mg per kilogram of bodyweight. If you are using pounds, you just need to convert. For example:

  • You weigh 150 lbs or 68 kg (1 kg = 2.2 lbs)
  • 68 x 50 = 3,400
  • 3,400 mg (3.4 grams)

I’m not advocating for you to jump right into the same arena as the Wister rat study. In fact, since there is a lack of scientific evidence and a chance of liver damage, I’d go with the safe route and see where that takes you. Better to start low and gradually increase the dosage. If you do go the route of 50 mg per kilogram of bodyweight, I highly recommend using a PCT (post-cycle therapy) supplement after your cycle.

Stacking Bulbine Natalensis

With its potential benefits for testosterone, workout performance, and recovery, Bulbine Natalensis may be an ideal stacking compound.

Pain Relief / Anti-inflammatory

  • If you want to maximize the reported benefits of anti-inflammatory properties and pain relief, Bulbine Natalensis can be stacked with other all-natural compounds with similar benefits. I’d recommend stacking Bulbine Natalensis with an omega-3 fatty acid such as krill oil, glucosamine chondroitin, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).

Increase Testosterone

  • If testosterone boosting is your goal then I’d suggest supplementing with a lower dosage of Bulbine Natalensis and stacking it with other natural herbal remedies that have been shown to increase t-levels. For example, I’d stack Bulbine Natalensis with ZMA (zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6), vitamin D, maca, and ashwaghanda root.

Where to Buy Bulbine Natalensis

It can be really tough to find a reputable brand of Bulbine Natalensis. It’s either dramatically under-dosed or it’s mixed in with several other ingredients. There are several brands out there but the reviews are mixed or strangely similar in phrasing, which raises red flags of paid reviews. Below, you’ll find the two brands that I would try.

Have You Used Bulbine Natalensis? Leave Your Review Below!


  1. Yakubu M, Afolayan A. Effect of aqueous extract of Bulbine natalensis (Baker) stem on the sexual behaviour of male rats. Int J Androl. 2009;32(6):629-636.
  2. Yakubu M, Afolayan A. Reproductive toxicologic evaluations of Bulbine natalensis Baker stem extract in albino rats. Theriogenology. 2009;72(3):322-332.
  3. Afolayan A, Yakubu M. Effect of Bulbine natalensis Baker stem extract on the functional indices and histology of the liver and kidney of male Wistar rats. J Med Food. 2009;12(4):814-820.
  4. Hofheins JE, Habowski SM, Ziegenfuss TN, Lopez HL. Short term safety of bulbine natalensis supplementation in healthy men. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2012;9(Suppl 1):P33. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-9-S1-P33.

Alpha Levo IQ Review – 3 BIG Reasons to Skip It


What Is Alpha Levo IQ
Alpha Levo IQ Ingredients
Alpha Levo IQ Reviews
Who Makes Alpha Levo IQ
Where to Buy
Alpha Levo IQ Pros and Cons
Alpha Levo IQ – The Bottom Line

Alpha Levo IQ Review – 3 BIG Reasons to Skip It

Some people go the extra mile and try to acquire a prescription for drugs like Adderall or Modafinil.

But many shy away from these drugs because of their potential side effects and harsh withdrawals.

If you’re one of the thousands of people searching for the best brain booster for you, Alpha Levo IQ is one of your many options.

What Is Alpha Levo IQ?

Alpha Levo IQ is a cognitive enhancement supplement that claims to be called “Genius in a Bottle” by scientists. Among the benefits they claim you can expect are:

  • Alpha Levo IQ ReviewLaser focus.
  • Greater mental clarity.
  • Improved memory.
  • Boosted energy.
  • More creative thinking.

These are all great achievements if you can get them, but the question is really whether or not you can get them.

We’ve personally tested DOZENS of these supplements over the years, and many of them made those very same promises with very little results.

We’ll take a look at the formula, customer feedback, clinical studies, and any other information we can find to determine the actual effectiveness offered by Alpha Levo IQ.

Alpha Levo IQ Ingredients

Nailing down the precise Alpha Levo IQ formula proved to be a bit difficult. At the official website, they tout 4 “Synergized Brain Enhancing Ingredient Blends”:

  1. FocusMax which improves attention span and focus so you can think quickly and clearly.
  2. NeuroShield which protects your brain cells against the expected damage of aging and stress.
  3. NeuroSyn which helps the different parts of your brain synchronize and work together to improve mood and verbal fluency.
  4. ReCognit which boosts memory and increases your ability to absorb new information, much like a sponge.

But when I had the chance to look at the actual ingredient label on the bottle, these “blends” were not included. In fact, no blends were listed at all, just straight ingredients with their corresponding amounts. This is preferred actually, just a little confusing because of Alpha Levo IQ’s previous talk of blends.

In any case, it appears as thought the Alpha Levo IQ formula is comprised of:

  • Vitamin B6 which improves cell to cell communication.
  • Folate which can help improve mood while optimizing normal brain function
  • Vitamin B12 which can improve all day energy and improve focus and attention.
  • Zinc which improves memory and enhances learning by supporting communication with the hippocampus.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which has been shown to improve memory in those with cognitive loss.
  • Gingeng which can relax the nervous system and enhance problem solving skills.
  • Vinpocetine which decreases anxiety and improves sleep.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine which is given to Alzheimer’s patients to improve memory and fight depression.
  • Huperzine A which is often used in brain boosting supplements to improve memory and enhance creativity by encouraging lucid dreaming.
  • Phosphatidylserine which is also used by patients with Alzheimer’s Disease to improve cognition by protecting cell health.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

alpha levo iq ingredients label

A common concern we have with brain boosting supplements is whether or not the ingredients are present in large enough quantities to produce the associated desired effect. Frequently, we’ll find products that list all the right ingredients, only to find out they use so little of them as to not really be effective at all.

Unfortunately, at least as it relates to some of the ingredients, this is also the case with Alpha Levo IQ.

Take Phosphatidylserine for example. The recommended dose for cognitive enhancement is 100 mg taken 3 times daily for a total of 300 mg per day. Alpha Levo IQ contains only 5 mg per daily dose. Clearly, this is insufficient to achieve the best potential benefit.

Similarly, the recommended daily dose of Acetyl L Carnitine falls between 500 and 2000 mg. A daily serving of Alpha Levo IQ contains only 50 mg.

The recommended daily dose of Vinpocetine is 15-60 mg. Alpha Levo IQ contains only 5 mg.

You get the idea. With ingredient after ingredient, Alpha Levo IQ comes up short. So our next step in determining whether or not it’s effective and worth trying is to see what actual customers have to say about the stuff.

Alpha Levo IQ Reviews

There are no independent retailers selling Alpha Levo IQ, which means there really are no independent customer reviews either. The closest thing available are “testimonials” at the official website, which are notoriously unreliable. Supplement companies are known to manufacture positive testimonials or at the very least cherry pick the ones that put them in the best light.

Here are the testimonials for Alpha Levo IQ:


Alpha Levo IQ Testimonials Image


They definitely fit the profile of manufactured testimonials, right down to the stock photo images.

Who Makes Alpha Levo IQ?

Alpha Levo IQ is made and sold by Edge Bioactives, a nutritional supplement company based in New Jersey. They are best known for making the testosterone booster Spartagen XT, but they also make male enhancement supplements like RAIL and cognitive enhancements like Alpha Levo IQ.

For a company that makes and sells several products, they don’t seem to put a whole lot of effort into maintaining a good reputation. Their products are often sold using the popular “free trial offer” scam that lures unsuspecting customers into repeat billing month after month.

If you’re not familiar with this scam, I highly recommend you read my complete expose: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

As a result, Edge Bioactives has pissed off a lot of customers, many of whom have spread the word by filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau.

Where to Buy

As is the case with most Edge Bioactives products, Alpha Levo IQ is sold through the free trial option as well as by straight sale through the Edge Bioactives website.

If you choose the free trial, be aware that signing up for it will automatically sign you up for ongoing monthly shipments until you contact them to cancel.

If you opt for the straight sale, the cost of one bottle is $69.

Edge Bioactives offers a 30-day money back guarantee on all their products. In order to use it, you’ll need to contact the company at 1-855-550-0981 or support@edgebioactivs.com within 30 days of placing your order.

Alpha Levo IQ Pros and Cons

Advantages of Alpha Levo IQ

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • You can purchase it using either the “free trial” program or just a straight sale.
  • There is a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of Alpha Levo IQ

  • The ingredient amounts are small – potentially too small to have the desired effect.
  • The free trial scam could catch you up in monthly payments you never intended to enact.
  • Edge Bioactives has a pretty mixed reputation, with lots of customers complaining of deceit as well as unresponsive service.

Alpha Levo IQ – The Bottom Line

There’s no question that tens of thousands of people want to gain any advantage they can when it comes to improving their cognitive performance. In today’s competitive world, we have to look for all the advantages we can get.

Brain boosting supplements can help. Many people conduct extensive research on individual ingredients, and put together their own stacks based on their particular needs. But most of us choose to rely on pre made formulas like Alpha Levo IQ.

Alpha Levo IQ contains many of the best ingredients in its formula, but unfortunately it uses such small amounts it’s tough to imagine it being very effective at all. Canned testimonials don’t instill much confidence either. Add the fact that Edge Bioactives has a fairly shady reputation as unresponsive to customer concerns, and it becomes pretty clear that Alpha Levo IQ is not your best choice.

Have You Used Alpha Levo IQ? Leave Your Review Below!

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