Meine ECHTE Phallosan Forte REAL Bewertung – 3 GROßE Gründe weshalb es das Beste ist

Hinweis:  Dies ist nur eine Bewertung.  Klicken Sie Hier, um auf die offizielle Phallosan Forte Webseite zu gelangen.

Im Laufe der Jahre, habe ich   um die Hundert verschiedene Männer Vergrößerungsprodukte ausprobiert  .  Alles angefangen von Tabletten, Cremes, und Salben, bis hin zu Pumpen, Gewichten, und Streckmittel.

Einige, zum Beispiel, Streckmittel, funktionieren SEHR gut, erschweren allerdings etwas das Erlernen der Gebrauchsanweisung. Ausßerdem kann der Gebrauch auch schmerzhaft sein, falls es nicht richtig funktioniert…

Andere, wie zum Beispiel Wasserpumpen wie die Bathmate, funktionieren genau so gut, können allerdings nur eine kurze Zeit verwendet werden. Diese, können auch Schwierigkeiten für unerfahrene Nutzer darstellen…

In den vergangenen paar Jahren, habe ich das Size genetics Gerät den Männern vorgeschlagen die an Größe gewinnen wollen.  Der Grund weshalb?? Weil es WIRKLICH funktioniert.

Size genetics Gerät

Allerdings, kamem viele Männer mit der Beschwerde an, dass sie nicht verstehen wie man es benutzen soll oder, dass es Schmerzen auslöst, blaue Flecken erzeugt und Unbehagen hervorruft wenn man es benutzt.

In meiner Recherche, um eine passende Alternative zu finden, bin ich auf das Phallosan Forte Gerät gestoßen.  Wenn ich auf ein Produkt stoße, dass GROßE Zunahmen an Länge und Umfang verspricht, bin ich normalerweise skeptisch.

Sie machen sehr viele Versprechungen, die am Ende sowieso nichts bringen.

Das war nicht der Fall mit dem Phallosan Forte…

Das ist der WAHRE DEAL wenn es um Penisvergrößerungen geht und außerdem ist es auch ein SEHR guter Ersatz für das Genetische Größengerät.

Klicken Sie hier, um diese Bewertung auf englisch zu lesen

Was ist das Phallosan Forte Gerät?

Phallosan Forte ist ein medizinisch zertifiziertes Gerät , dass weltweit von Ärzten verschrieben wird, um Männern mit einem weiten Spektrum  an sexuellen Leistungsproblemen zu helfen.  Es funktioniert fast wie eine Mischung aus Bathmate, welches die Vakuum Pumpen Technologie nutzt und dem Size Genetics Gerät, welches den Penis langsam zu einem längeren Stand “zieht” oder “dehnt”.

Ich werde ein bisschen darüber reden, wie es genau funktioniert, aber zu Ihrem Vorteil habe ich ein Video integriert, dass die genauen Details der Handhabung erklärt.

Das folgende Video enthält Inhalt, dass nur für erwachsene Zuschauer geeignet ist, ANSCHAUEN AUF EIGENE VERANTWORTUNG:

Phallosan Forte Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was tut es?

Grundsätzlich ist das  Phallosan Forte designed worden, um Männern die Möglichkeit an Länge und Umfang zu bekommen zu bieten, es hilft dabei Peniskrümmungen (Peyronie-Krankheit) zu lindern und bei Männern mit Diabetes kann es bei Erektionsstörungen helfen.

Es wurde klinisch getestet und nachgewiesen, dass es eine 2 INCH Zunahme der Penisgröße beinflusst.

Wie funktioniert es?

Im Grunde genommen “zieht” es den Penis, per Eichel(Kopf des Penises) vom Beckenknochen weg, um so das Ausrichten und Vergrößern zu erzeugen.

Wie nehme ich zu, indem ich es Phallosan Forte?

Die Zunahme entsteht durch die kontinuirliche Spannung des Körpergewebes, das kleine mikrofaser Risse erzeugt (keine Sorge, komplett schmerzfrei, hört sich nur schmerzhaft an), so ähnlich wie wenn man Gewichte hebt.

Neuer Zellstoff ist in diesen Fasern integriert , dass Längen ALS AUCH Umfangsvergrößerung ermöglicht.

Der Prozess sieht ungefähr so aus:

wie phallosan forte funktioniert

Wie würde es mir helfen wenn ich eine Erektionsstörung habe?

Durch das Benutzen des Phallosan Forte, wird das ganze Penisgewebe stärker durchblutet und bekommte so mehr Nährstoffe.  Wie wir alle wissen, hängt die Erektionsqualität  fast AUSSCHLIEßLICH von der Durchblutung ab.

Um so mehr Durchblutung Sie haben, umso größer / effektiver wird Ihre Erektionsqualität sein.

Dies kann DRAMATISCH verstärkt werden, indem man es mit einem natürlichen Potenzmittel namens Tablette Vigrx Plus kombiniert.

Vigrx plus und Phallosan Forte

Wie lange sol lich es tragen?

Normalerweise sollten Sie es für 6 – 8 Stunden am Tag, 5 oder 6 Tage die Woche tragen.  Wie schon vorhin erwähnt,  KÖNNEN Sie es beim schlafen tragen, viele entscheiden sich dafür.

Es sieht schmerzhaft aus.  Ist Phallosan Forte angenehm??

Ich kann mit einem schallenden JA antworten.  In der Tat, wenn man es mit dem Großteil der anderen Streckmittel , die ich in der Vergangenheit ausprobiert habe vergleicht, dann denke ich persönlich,dass das Phallosan Forte das angenehmste ist von denen die ich bis heute getestet habe.

Ich werde darüber unten ein bisschen mehr berichten in meinem Vergleich von  Phallosan Vs. Size Genetics.

Wie große kann Ich WIRKLICH werden?

Die Antwort kommt auf die einzelne Person an.

Man kann Phallosan Forte nicht nur 2 oder 3 Wochen tragen und dabei Wunder erwarten.

Man muss es consequent anwenden und die moisten Nutzer scheinen durchschnittlich 1 Inch in nur ein paar Monaten zu bekommen.

Je länger Sie es tragen, desto länger wird Ihre Zunahme sein.

Ein kleiner Hinweis, die Hersteller des Phallosan Forte hatten eine klinische Studie von einer deutschen Urologieklinik durchführen lassen.  Nach 6 Monaten, war das höchsterreichte Ergebnis fast 2 inch Zunahmen in einen nicht erregtem Zusatnd und einer 1.47 inch Zunahmen im erregten Zustand.

Phallosan forte klinische Studie

Phallosan forte Erfahrung

Klicken Sie Hier, um mehr über die Ergebnisse der Studie zu erfahren.

Ist es dauerhaft?

Die Antwort bezieht sich auf das oben genannte.  Im Allgemeinen, sieht man dauerhafte Ergebnisse von der Phallosan Forte Nutzung nach ungefähr 6 Monaten.

Wenn Sie mit dem Tragen früher aufhören, werden Sie wahrscheinlich eine Verminderung der Zunahme, die Sie gemacht haben feststellen.

Kann es auch bei einer Peniskrümmung / Peyronie Krankheit helfen?

Ja.  In der Tat ist die Verwendung von Phallosan STARK bevorzugt im Gegensatz zu der korrigierenden Penisoperation, welche kostpielig sein kann und dazu führen kann, dass Sie an Gröé VERLIEREN.

Wegen der Natur, wie das  Phallosan funktioniert, sollten Sie langsam eine Richtung Ihres Penises sehen.

Phallosan Forte Vs. Bathmate und Size Genetics

In wie fern unterscheidet es sich vom Bathmate?

Der Bathmate basiert auf der Vakuum Technologie, um so einen Unterschied im Druck zwischen dem Inneren und dem Äußeren des Rohres zu erzeugen.  Wenn das geschieht, wird das Blut in den Penis hineingezogen(ähnlich wie bei einer Errektion), dies erzeugt das Stauen / die Vergrößerung.

Phallosan forte vs bathmate

Im Laufe der Zeit wird das Stauen zur Vergrößerung führen und Ihrem Penis einen fleischigeren / größeren Anschein geben.  Um eins klar zustellen, der Bathmate funktioniert im Wesentlichen für die  UMFANGS Vergrößerung, während das Phallosan Forte im Wesentlichen für die LÄNGE geeignet ist.

Das Phallosan Forte Gerät funktioniert ganz anders als der Bathmate, indem es anstatt die Vakuum Therapie zu nutzen, den Penis nach außen, weg vom Körper „zieht“ und es so über ein paar Monate zur LÄNGENZUNAHME führt.

In wie fern unterscheidet es sich vom Size Genetics Gerät?

Size Genetics benutzt einen ähnlichen Prozess wie das Phallosan Forte, aber es ist nicht ANNÄHERND so angenehm.  Im Grunde genommen benutzt das Size Genetics Gerät ein Plastikteil, welches sich um den Ansatz der Eichel(der Kopf) Ihre Penises wickelt.

Phallosan forte vs size genetics

Genauso wie das Phallosan Forte, zieht es den Penis nach außen, weg vom Körper und erzeugt so die Zunahme.

ALLERDINGS, wie ich schon oben erwähnt hatte, kann das Size Genetics Gerät aus mehreren Gründen  SEHR unangenehm sein:

1.)  Wenn die Plastikschlaufe zu eng am Ansatz der Eichel liegt, kann es die Zirkulation stoppen.  So kann es zu einem Kältegefühl des Pesniskopfes / Taubheitsgefühl wegen der beschränkten Durchblutung kommen.

2.)  Wenn die Plastikschlaufe zu locker ist, kann es sehr leicht abfallen.  Das ist nicht so toll, wenn Sie gerade Besorgungen erledigen und es kann dazu kommen, dass Teile überall herumfliegen .

3.)  Manchmal kann der Komfortgurt zu Scheuerungen führen, was sehr schmerzhaft ist und Sie dazu bringt das Gerät nicht mehr tragen zu wollen, während es die Zuhname eliminiert.

Das ist der WIRKLICHE Grund der das Phallosan Forte Gerät von dem Size Genetics unterscheidet.  Weil es ein Plastikkondom benutzt, um den ganzen Peniskopf einzuwickeln, so ELIMINIERT es praktisch jede Beschwerde.

Meine Erfahrung Und Test mit Phallosan Forte

Phallosan forte Bewertung

Ich habe bis jetzt schon TONNEN von Männer Streckmitteln, Pumpen und Tabletten ausprobiert, also bin ich meiner Meinung nach ziemlich erschlossen in diesem Gebiet.  Damit wollte ich sagen, dass Sie es MINDESTENS eine oder zwei Wochen lang tragen müssen, um so die Leistungsfähigkeit einzuschätzen.

Den ersten Hinweis den ich Ihnen geben möchte, ist, dass der Versand komplett diskret war.  Es kam in einem großen USPS prioritäts Versandspaket an, aber es war nichts von außen sichtbar (oder sogar das Versandetikett) hindeutend das ich das bestellt habe.

Nicht nur das, sondern Ich habe es BUCHSTÄBLICH nach einem Tag der Bestellung erhalten.  Das nenne ich schnelles Verschicken…

Die Hersteller von Phallosan bieten sehr detaillierte schriftliche (und auch Video) Anweisungen, wie man am besten die richtige Größe aussucht und wie man das Ding trägt.

Im Gegensatz zu dem Size Genetics Gerät für welches ich um die 2 Stunden gebraucht habe um zu verstehen wie man es aufsetzt, Ich hatte das Ding drauf und in Betrieb innerhalb 20 Minuten nach dem öffnen des Paketes.

Das erste was mir aufgefallen ist, war der pure Komfort. Ich wusste, dass ich was um meinen Penis geschnallt habe, aber es gab kein komisches oder “klates” und “betäubendes” Gefühl, das ich mit meinen Streckmitteln zum Beispiel hatte.

Ich konnte sogar das sanfte Ziehen spüren, worüber ich gelesen hatte und Ich wusste, dass dieses Ding definitv Potenzial hat.

Ich habe versucht es unter der Bekleidung zu tragen un es gab absolut KEINE CHANCE, dass jemand bemerkt hätte, dass ich das Phallosan Forte trage.  Der Gurt erfüllt einen sehr guten Job im nahtlosen einblenden mit der Hose, etwas was nicht offensichtlich ist, wenn man einen Strecker trägt.

Phallosan Forte vorher nachher

Tragen des phallosan forte - nicht tragen desselben

Der einzige Nachteil,den ich feststellen konnte war, dass ich dringend pissen musste, also musste ich es abmachen.

Ich habe es um die 2 Wochen getragen und konnte definitiv den Unterschied erkennen.  Mein Penis sah etwas länger und breiter aus und ich hatte das Gefühl, dass die Durchblutung verbessert war als ich eine Errektion hatte.

3 Gründe warum ich persönlich denke, dass es das Beste ist

  1. Es ist SUPER angenehm, vor allen Dingen wenn man es mit anderen Streckern vergleicht.
  2. Es ist WIRKLICH einfach zum aufsetzen.  Nach dem man den Bogen herausgefunden hat, braucht man nur 2 Minuten um es umzuschnallen.
  3. Man kann es Nachts tragen, was meiner Meinung nach ein GROßER Vorteil ist.

Besuchen Sie die ofizielle Phallosan Forte Seite hier:

Update 3/1/2017!!  Neue kostenlose App Funktion

Phallosan hat vor kurzem eine kostenlose App zum runterladen zur Verfügung gestellt, um Ihnen bei Ihren Vergrößerungszielen helfen.  Die App ist sehr leicht anwendbar und stellt Ihnen  Details, über was Sie von dem Tragen dieses Geräts,egal wie lange erwarten können zur Verfügung.

Klicken Sie Hier um es auf Itunes zu bekommen.


  • Es ist SEHR angenehm / schmerzfrei.
  • Kann effizient Länge und Umfang vergrößern, obwohl Sie sehr wahrscheinlich mehr Länge , als Umfangsvergrößerung sehen.
  • Kann man Nachts tragen.
  • Kann diskret unter der Kleidung getragen werden.
  • Diskreter Versand, anhand des Paketes kann man nicht sehen, dass Sie ein Penisvergrößerungsgerät bestellt haben:)


  • Man muss es abmachen, um zu pinckeln.
  • Es ist nicht erhältlich in Geschäften.
  • Es gibt keine Geldzurück Garantie, ALLERDINGS können Sie das Gerät innerhalb von 14 Tagen zurückschicken und bekommen dann den vollen Kaufpreis erstattet.
  • Es ist teuer.

Wo kann ich es in Deutschland kaufen und wie teuer ist es?

Den einzigen Ort den ich kenne, ist die ofizielle Phallosan Forte Webseite.  Es gibt nur eine Marke und Modell von diesem Gerät und es wird für $339 USD, oder 267,00 EUR verkauft.

Klicken Sie Hier , um die Webseite zu besuchen.


Eine Zeit lang habe ich Size Genetics empfohlen für die Längenzunahme, aber ich glaube, dass Phallosan Forte das richtige ist.  Es ist super angenehm, leicht zu benutzen, past perfekt (und diskret) unter der Kleidung und Sie können es sogar beim schlafen tragen.

Mit der Tatsache, dass eine klinische Studie durchgeführt wurde, die seine Wirksamkeit  BEWIESEN hat, daher sehe ich keine Grund es nicht auszuprobieren.

Besuchen Sie um mehr zu lernen oder eins für sich selbst auszusuchen.

Haben Sie Phallosan Forte ausprobiert?  Hinterlassen Sie Ihre Bewertung unten!

VigRX Plus Análise e Resultados (ATUALIZADO 2018)

Nota: Isso é uma análise.

Clique aqui para visitar a página oficial do Vigrx Plus.

Tenho testado pessoalmente entre 50 tipos diferentes de pílulas de aprimoramento masculino, e sei mais ou menos o que funciona, e o que não.

Algumas são um completo lixo, enquanto outras te dão um tesão e uma dor de cabeça.

Quando escutei pela primeira vez sobre as pílulas VigRx Plus, fiquei um pouco incrédulo se iria funcionar, principalmente por me ferrar tantas vezes antes.

Bom, depois das primeiras doses de VigRx Plus, era óbvio que teria uma diferença.

Minhas ereções eram mais fortes das que eu tinha com qualquer outras pílulas, e meu desejo sexual subiu pelas paredes.

Eu decidi escrever essa análise completa de VigRx Plus para ajudar você à saber sua eficácia, o resultado que outros caras como vocês vêm tendo, vigrx plus funciona, vende em farmacia, mercado livre, comprar, e como conseguir com os preços bem baixos.

Nota: Se você está querendo aumentar um SÉRIO tamanho, então recomendaria você tomar VigRx Plus E COMBINAR ele, ou com uma bomba de vácuo à base de água como a Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme (preferida pelo conforto e facilidade de usar), ou um dispositivo extensor como o Phallosan Forte.

Clique Aqui para ler essa análise em Inglês

O que é VigRx Plus?

vigrx plus reviewVigRx Plus é um produto 100% natural que é projetado para promover sua energia sexual e vigor, como também aumentar seu apetite sexual.

Fiquei primeiro sabendo por um outro cara que usou, e aparentemente ele conseguiu ótimos resultados.

Esse produto recomendado por médicos vem sendo disponível desde 2001, e pelo o que eu descobri mais de 500,00 pessoas compraram ele até hoje.

VigRX Plus é feito de uma fórmula única que contém nada além de ingredientes naturais.

A lista completa de ingredientes inclui:

  • Extrato de Damiana
  • Epimedium
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Ginseng asiático vermelho
  • Baga de Palmeira (Serenoa repens)
  • Extrato do casco da Catuaba
  • Marapuama
  • Baga de Espinheiro
  • Bioperine (Extrato de Piperina)

Clique Aqui para ver uma foto da embalagem do VigRX Plus.

A maoria desses ingredientes foram estudados por cientistas, e mostram ajudar à promover integralmente e imensamente a saúde sexual e vigor.

Você pode ler mais sobre o que esses ingredientes fazem aqui.

O que faz VigRX diferente?

A maioria das pílulas de aprimoramento masculino contém diferentes variações do mesmo ingrediente, então não existe muita diferença.

Porém, baseado na combinação específica mencionada acima, e a grande quantidade de análises positivas, eu acredito verdadeiramente que o VigRX Plus supera o resto dos produtos.

Durante minha pesquisa, algumas das coisas que me chamaram a atenção incluem:

  • Recomendações de Médicos – É aprovada pelos principais médicos, incluindo o criticamente aclamado Dr. Steven Lamm, que sempre aparece no ABC’s “The View”.Clique aqui para ver o que a comunidade médica tem à dizer do VigRX Plus.
  • Estudado clinicamente – Um dos únicos produtos em sua categoria que foi clinicamente estudado por um laboratório de pesquisa líder no assunto.

Você pode aprender mais sobre o estudo clínico do VigRX abaixo.

  • Testemunhos não editados de usuários reais  – Eles têm testemunhos literalmente escritos à mão de usuários do VigRX Plus que foram voluntariamente fornecidos.

Veja algum deles aqui.

  • Garantia rígida – Eu fui enganado antes por companhias que revindicam “garantir” o seu produto, mas para o VigRX Plus eu realmente testei ele.

Eu tive um amigo que comprou online, e então ligou para eles cancelarem a ordem do produto um mês e meio depois.

Para muita da minha surpresa, ele cancelou a ordem e conseguiu seu dinheiro de volta (menos os custos de envio).

VigRX Plus é estudado clinicamente para realmente funcionar

VigRX Plus é também um dos únicos produtos de aprimoramento masculino que eu encontrei que não é apenas aprovado por médicos, mas também foi clinicamente testado para funcionar.
Aparentemente, VigRX Plus, efetivamente investiu US$500,00 dólares para ter seu estudo clínico realizado, que foi conduzido por uma companhia chamada Vedic Life Sciences.

Eu tive a chance de ler o estudo real, mas vou poupar você dos detalhes técnicos tediosos e te colocar à par das partes interessantes.

Em síntese, o estudo concluiu que:

  • A habilidade de penetrar o seu parceiro  foi DRAMATICAMENTE MELHORADA
  • A habilidade de manter uma ereção  foi DRAMATICAMENTE MELHORADA
  • Frequência e intensidade dos orgamos foram melhoradas dramaticamente
  • Satisfação sexual melhorou muito
  • Aumento no desejo foi alcançada por praticamente todos os homens.

Clique Aqui para ler os resultados do estudo clínico.

Meus resultados com VigRX Plus depois de 6 meses

Minha segunda compra de VigRX Plus

Depois de muita pesquisa, eu decidi comprar um surpimento de 6 meses de VigRX Plus para testar.

A empresa afirma que os melhores resultados são alcançados depois de usar por 3 meses, mas você precisa continuar tomando o produto para manter os resultados

Eu comprei com a suposição de que eu provavelmente iria ganhar algum tamanho, mas eu sabia que esse tamanho ganho não seria permanente.

Essa é outra coisa admirável do VigRX Plus, é que eles não fazem garantias ultrajantes que você irá ganhar 10cm de tamanho em um mês.

Isso não é realista, e é uma vergonha que existam tantas empresas que fazem isso.

Mês #1

Eu comprei o suprimento de 6 meses e recebi a encomenda em torno de 3 dias.

Ele chegou em encomenda expressa, que foi na verdade coberto pela VigRX Plus quando eu fiz o pedido.
Eu recebi uma série de bônus juntos com meus 6 pacotes de VigRX Plus, incluindo:

  • Pílulas Semenax de aprimoramento de volume
  • Colônia de Feromonas Nexus
  • “Somente para homens” (“For Men Only”) CD de exercícios
  • Inscrição no site de Ginástica de ereção

Eu sabia que todos esses bônus estavam vindo, mas foi tão legal ver eles.

Eu comecei tomando as pílulas VigRX Plus logo de início, e para ser honesto, eu não percebi nada pelos primeiros dias.

Na verdade também tenho que admitir que eu não estava tomando a dosegem recomendada de duas pílulas por dia, optando por ficar com uma pílula por dia para começar.

Eu realmente queria ver que tipo de resposta eu teria por começar com uma dosegem pequena, principalmente porque eu recebi efeitos colaterais de outros produtos quando tomei a dosagem recomendada na primeira vez.

Depois de cerca de uma semana foi quando eu realmente comecei a perceber grandes mudanças.

Antes de receber minhas encomendas de VigRX Plus, eu estava tendo uma dificuldade em  manter o pênis ereto durante o sexo

Eu ficava duro no início, mas caía rapidamente depois de alguns minutos.

Não era só embaraçoso, mas EXTREMAMENTE FRUSTRANTE. Por falta de um termo melhor, eu me senti como um BUNDÃO.

Pela primeira vez em um longo tempo eu fui capaz de DEIXAR DE PÉ e CONTINUAR por volta de 30 minutos.

Não só isso, mas eu me senti mais revigorado, como se tivesse um fluxo sanguíneo maior para o pênis do que o normal.

Mês #2

Os fatos acimas continuaram por volta de 3 semanas, e vi um ganho natural de 1,27cm de comprimento e por volta de 0,6cm de circunferência.

Nada mal para não fazer nada além de ingerir uma pílula.

No entanto, eu sabia que isso não seria permanente, então eu decidi que eu iria começar à fazer exercícios peniais manuais rotineiros, incluindo “Jelqing”, Molhado/Seco, Ordenando, e “Kegels”.
Esses exercícios, de todas as formas, são ótimos usados em conjunção com as pílulas VigRX Plus, e eu na verdade criei um ebook delineando as técnicas e procedimentos para se usar.

Clique aqui para se inscrever e receber esse guia de graça imediatamente na sua caixa de entrada.

No decorrer do mês, eu continuei a tomar duas cápsulas de VigRX Plus ao dia, e os resultados continuaram melhorando.

No final de 2 meses, eu estava vendo um ganho de comprimento por volta de 2,54cm, e pouco mais de 1,27cm de circunferência.

Para superar tudo, eu também verifiquei que o tempo entre as ereções foi significamente reduzido.

Antes, eu conseguia fazer só uma vez, TALVEZ duas vezes por dia, sem sentir que meu pênis iria cair.

No final do meu segundo mês, eu estava honestamente conseguindo por volta de 4 ou 5 vezes ao dia e senti que ia explodir minhas calças.
Dica rápida: Se fazer os exercícios acima soa como um grande trabalho, então você talvez queira procurar usar um dispositivo extensor como o Phallosan Forte, ou uma bomba à base de água como a Bathmate Hercules.

As duas irão dar à você uma experiência “sem usar as mãos”… literalmente.

Veja as minhas análises de cada um abaixo:

Phallosan Forte:


Mês #3 – 6

Ao contrário do que o VigRX Plus menciona, eu não vi os melhores resultados em 3 meses.

De fato, no terceiro mês eu honestamente não vi uma grande mudança em tamanho ou vigor.

Isso não quer dizer que parou de funcionar, eu só não vi nenhuma grande mudança em tamanho.

Eu ainda estava com ótimos orgasmos, durando mais na cama, e ainda mantendo uma ereção que parecia durar horas.

Logo por volta do final do quarto mẽs foi quando eu vi as maiores melhoras em tamanho.

Acho que posso atribuir isso ao fato de que eu aumentei meus exercícios de rotina para cerca de 6 dias a semana, invés de somente 5, e eu também comecei à tomar uma pílula extra de VigRX Plus todo dia.
No final desse mês eu vi um aumento total de tamanho de 3,81cm de comprimento e 2.54 em circunferência.

Minha medição do tamanho original era de 15,24cm de comprimento e 10,16cm de circunferência, então foi um aumento bem significativo.
Não preciso nem dizer que minha namorada não teve queixa alguma.


Aparentemente eu não sou o único.

Eu recentemente passei por algumas análises de VigRX Plus deixadas aqui na minha página, e vejo que alguns outros caras também percebem os mesmos resultados.


“Ganhei tamanho como ninguém. Me sinto como Zeus.  Minha namorada não consegue parar! Obrigado caras.”


“Baseado nos seus exemplos, eu usei VigRX Plus por volta de 6 meses e percebi um melhoramento na minha vontade de fazer sexo e habilidade de manter uma ereção. Não estava procurando realmente por aumento de tamanho como eu já estou passando dos limites do que a minha esposa consegue aguentar, mas eu queria um suplemento natural para ajudar enquanto eu fico mais velho.”

Visite a página oficial do VigRX Plus aqui:

ATENÇÃO: Tome cuidado com as FALSAS pílulas de VigRX Plus

Tenho vários usuários vindo até mim e comentando que acharam VigRX Plus no Ebay ou Amazon por muito mais barato do que no site original da VigRX Plus.

Embora isso possa ser o caso, você tem que perceber que essas podem ser VERSÕES FAKE de VigRX Plus, das quais podem conter substâncias perigosas.
Alguns desses falsificadores, que estão na maioria localizados na China, injetam substâncias como Sildenafil, que é o ingrediente ativo no Viagra.

Isso não é só ilegal, como é completamente antiético, e pode resultar em você tendo efeitos colaterais ruins, ou pior.

Aqui estão algumas formas que você pode checar e ver se você tem a pílula real.

#1 – Veja o código de autenticidade

À alguns anos atrás os produtores do VigRX Plus tornaram-se conscientes das versões falsificadas das suas pílulas que estavam sendo vendidas

Em resultado, eles começaram a adicionar um “Código de autenticidade” na frente da embalagem, que é basicamente uma série de números que você pode checar no site deles e ter certeza de que você tem a versão autêntica e original.

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Você pode checar o código nesse link e entrar com os números para ter certeza de que não é um produto falso.

Se o número conferir, você terá uma mensagem em verde indicando que você tem uma pílula autêntica da VigRX Plus.

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Se não, você tem uma mensagem em vermelho dizendo: “Esse código foi confirmado como um produto falsificado” content/uploads/2011/06/verification

#2 – Abra as cápsulas

Outra maneira de checar para ver se você tem o produto real é abrir a cápsula e checar a cor dentro dela.

Se for marrom (parece com uma pimenta), então é o produto real.

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Se for branco, que parece ser o mais comum em produtos falsos, ou qualquer outra cor, então é provável que você tem a versão falsa.

Clique aqui para ver uma versão maior da foto acima.

#3 – Cheque o preço

Uma das maneiras mais fáceis de checar se você tem um produto real é checar o preço.

Além da página oficial deles, VigRX Plus NÃO oferece desconto algum.

Se você procurar em sites como Amazon e eBay você pode realmente ver que está anunciado por menos de U$30 dólares a caixa.

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U$30 dólares soa ótimo e tudo mais, mas tem um grande problema com isso.

Eles NÃO funcionam!

Você poderia muito bem comprar uma pílula de açúcar, porque você vai ter praticamente os mesmos resultados do que comprar uma dessas falsas fraudes.

Por fim, um mês de suprimentos custa U$76,99 dólares. Se você ver ele anunciado por algo a menos, é provavelmente falso.

Tenha certeza de que você peça pelo site oficial,

Para sua referência, aqui está uma lista de países que eles NÃO mandam para: Afeganistão, Argentina, Cuba, Estônia, Irã, Iraque, Irlanda, Israel, Japão, Líbano, Myanmar, Nova Zelândia, Coréia do Norte, África do Sul, Coréia do Sul, Sudão, Síria e Venezuela.

Se por alguma razão você está em um desses países, você pode checar um suplemento alternativo chamado Male Extra.

Eles VENDEM para todos esses países listados acima (exeto Irlanda), e é uma alternativa ao VigRX Plus BEM efetiva.

Clique aqui para ver minha análise do Male Extra.

Não tem um cartão de crédito?

Tenha instruções passo à passo em como comprar VigRX Plus sem um cartão de crédito com esse artigo.

Minha recomendação

De todos esses suplementos que eu testei, VigRX Plus foi de longe o mais potente e eficácio em termos de resultados, e eu tenho testado vários outros produtos.

Eu recomendo que você encomende pelo menos 6 meses de suprimentos, porque no meu caso parece a melhor opção.

Se você realmente quiser ter ótimos resultados com ele, eu recomendo que você combine com um sólido regime de exercícios de alargamento de pênis, coma mais saudável e perca peso.

Boa sorte e se certifique de nos mandar seus resultados!

P.S. Se você está procurando algo para ajudar a sua mulher com a libido sexual, cheque o suplemento chamado Her Solution(A solução dela).

Funciona MUITO BEM para estimular a libido feminina e vai fazer ela querer você mais e mais!

Clique aqui agora para visitar VigRX Plus

वाह! मेरी असली प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस समीक्षा: 3 बड़ी वजह यह काम करता है।

नोट: यह सिर्फ एक समीक्षा है।

आधिकारिक Prosolution प्लस वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

जबकि ज्यादातर लोग इस वेबसाइट पर बड़ा करने की तलाश में आ रहे हैं, एक अच्छा शीघ्रपतन के मुद्दों के साथ मदद की तलाश में हैं।

हालांकि मैंने बहुत समय से शीघ्रपतन की खुराक का परीक्षण नहीं किया है (मुख्यतः क्योंकि मुझे इस समस्या से ग्रस्त नहीं है), मैंने इस विषय पर गहरे अनुसन्धान किये हैं।

एक विख्यात सप्लीमेंट प्रोसोलुशन  प्लस ही मेरे सामने आया जो की  एक बार दैनिक फार्मूला हैं जो समय से पहले स्खलन से पीड़ित लोगों की सहायता करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया हैं।

अंग्रेजी में इस समीक्षा को पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

लेकिन यह सच में काम करता है?

मैंने अनुसंधान किया है, और यहां तक ​​कि ऐसे व्यक्ति को भी इसका सेवन करवाया जो की शिग्रपतन की बीमारी से पीड़ित हैं, यह देखने के लिए कि क्या यह वास्तव में मदद कर सकता है।

यहां क्लिक
करे मेरे व्यक्तिगत प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस परिणामों पर कूदने के लिए

प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस क्या है?

प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस एक मेडिकल एंडोर्स्ड सप्लीमेंट है जो लैंगिक सहायता और कार्य को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करने के साथ-साथ लंबे समय तक आपकी सहायता करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।

एक स्वतंत्र परीक्षण पैनल द्वारा आयोजित एक नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण में, शोधकर्ताओं ने कहा:

1.) समयपूर्व स्खलन में 64% सुधार

2.) सीधा होने के लायक़ गुणवत्ता में 67% सुधार, और

3.) एक प्लेसबो समूह की तुलना में समग्र यौन संतुष्टि में 78% सुधार।

सूत्र में सामग्री का एक प्राकृतिक मिश्रण शामिल है, जिसमें Tribulus Terrestris शामिल है, जो यौन कार्यों को बेहतर बनाने में सहायता के लिए संबंधित अध्ययनों में दिखाया गया है।

इसमें थिसनिया सोम्नीफेरा, शतावरी एडसेन्ड्स, म्यूकुन प्रुरीन्स, एस्ट्रासाँथा लोंगफोलिया, कर्क्यूल्कोगो ऑर्चिआइड्स और एस्फाल्टम शामिल हैं।  यहां प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस लेबल की एक तस्वीर है:

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प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस बनाम मूल प्रोसोल्यूशन

प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस के निर्माताओं ने इस फार्मूले को विशेष रूप से समय से पहले स्खलन से पीड़ित पुरुषों के साथ मदद के लिए बनाया है

आपके ऑनलाइन शोध में, आप अपने मूल उत्पाद प्रोसोलुशन गोलियों के बारे में काफी जानकारी देख सकते है

दोनों के बीच मुख्य अंतर उनकी तैयारी है, और उनका मुख्या उद्देश्य है।

प्रोसोलोजी गोलियां में बोटिया सुपरबा, कॉर्डिसेप्स, ड्रिलिज़ेन और सॉलिडिलीन सहित कई विभिन्न सामग्रियों को शामिल किया गया है।

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प्रोसोलोजी गोलियां इन सब में लाभदायक है:

  • यौन प्रेरणा सुधारने में
  • सीधा होने के लायक़ रोग के साथ पुरुषों की मदद करने में
  • कामेच्छा में सुधार करने में
  • संभवतः सामान्य टेस्टोस्टेरोन उत्पादन बहाल करने में सहायता करने में

जबकि प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस को डिज़ाइन किया गया है:

  • शीघ्रपतन के लक्षणों को कम करने के लिए
  • आपको आराम करने में सहायता करने के लिए
  • सीधा होने के लायक़ समारोह को बनाए रखने के लिए
  • चरमोत्कर्ष को आसान बनाने में

प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस बनाम विग्राक्स प्लस

बहुत सारे लोग मुझसे पूछते हैं कि प्रोसोल्यूशन और विग्राक्स प्लस (जो कि मेरी # 1 समग्र पसंद है) के बीच प्रमुख अंतर हैं, इसलिए मुझे लगा कि मैं इसमें इसके बारे में एक ब्लॉन्ग शामिल करूँगा।

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1.) सामग्री

पहला, और सबसे स्पष्ट, अंतर सामग्री है

जैसा कि आप नीचे दिए गए लेबल में देखेंगे, केवल सामान्य घटक 2 हिस्सा है Tribulus Terrestris

विग्राक्स प्लस में 150 मिलीग्राम ट्रायबिलस है, जबकि प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस में 100 मिलीग्राम ट्रायबुलस है।

एक बड़ा अंतर नहीं है, लेकिन इसके बावजूद यह एक अंतर है।

2.) मूल्य

प्रोस्ल्यूशन प्लस यहां बढ़त लेता है, एक महीने की आपूर्ति के लिए लगभग $ 69.95 खर्चने पड़ेंगे,जबकि विग्राक्स प्लस 1 महीने की आपूर्ति के लिए आपको $ 76.99 खर्चने होंगे।

प्रति बॉक्स के आधार पर कीमत 3-4, 6 और 12 महीनों की आपूर्ति के बड़े ऑर्डर देते समय कम हो जाती है, लेकिन प्रोस्ल्यूशन प्लस सस्ता है।

3.) मुझे कौन सा लेना चाहिए?

सबसे बड़ा अंतर यह है कि वे किसके साथ मदद करना चाहते हैं।

संक्षेप में, विग्राक्स प्लस मुख्यतः स्तंभन दोष (ईडी) के मुद्दों के साथ मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, हालांकि यह कुछ मामूली पीई मुद्दों के साथ मदद कर सकता है।और प्रोस्ल्यूशन प्लस को समय से पहले स्खलन (पीई) के मुद्दों के साथ मदद करने के लिए बनाया गया है, हालांकि यह कुछ मामूली ईडी मुद्दों के साथ मदद कर सकता है।

इसलिए, अगर आपको इसे लेने में और समस्याएं आ रही हैं, तो मैं आपको विग्राक्स प्लस ( प्राप्त करने की सलाह दूंगा।

यदि आपके पास इसे लेने में कोई समस्या नहीं है, लेकिन अपने लोड को बहुत तेज़ी से उड़ाना है, तो प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस ( के साथ जाएं।

कुछ लोगों ने मुझसे पूछा है कि क्या वे दोनों एक ही समय में उपयोग कर सकते हैं, और मुझे कोई कारण नहीं है कि आप ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर सकते

वास्तव में, मैंने यह काम भूतकाल में किया है और इनके प्रभाव काफी अच्छे थे।

हमारे व्यक्तिगत परीक्षण परिणाम:

जैसे मैंने पहले समीक्षा में कहा था, मैं शीघ्रपतन के मुद्दों से ग्रस्त नहीं होता, इसलिए मैं इसके नतीजे देखने के लिए सबसे अच्छा उम्मीदवार नहीं हूं।

हालांकि, मैं अपने कुछ वेबसाइट अनुयायियों तक पहुंचा और उनसे पूछा कि क्या किसी को भी इसका परीक्षण करने में दिलचस्पी होगी।

मुझे कई प्रतिक्रियाएं मिलीं, और 4 कारकों के आधार पर एक उम्मीदवार चुना गया है:

  • कोई भी दवा नहीं लेना जो कि शीघ्रपतन का कारण बने।
  • कम से कम एक वर्ष से शीघ्रपतन हो रहा हो।
  • किसी निष्कर्ष पर आने से पहले कम से कम 3 महीने के लिए उत्पाद का उपयोग करें।
  • व्यक्ति परीक्षण के अंत में समीक्षा छोड़ने के लिए सहमत होगा।

गोपनीयता बनाये रखने के लिए, हम उम्मीदवार को रसेल के रूप में देखेंगे।

बस स्पष्ट होने के लिए, हमने रसेल को इस समीक्षा को लिखने के लिए भुगतान नहीं किया, हमने उसे परीक्षण के लिए उत्पाद की 3 महीने की आपूर्ति प्रदान की।

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यहां प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस के साथ उनके विशिष्ट परिणाम दिए गए हैं:

“जहां तक मुझे याद है, मैं शीघ्रपतन के लक्षणों से काफी समय सेपीड़ित हूं।

शीघ्रपतन से ज़्यादा शर्मनाक बात आपके लिए और कुछ नहीं हो सकती, और मैंने कई अन्य खुराक भी ली जो की शीघ्रपतन हटाने का वायदा करती है  लेकिन उनके परिणाम ना के बराबर थे।

मुझे आम तौर पर पतन होने में 2 से 3 मिनट लगते थे जिसका एक मुख्या कारण मेरा बहुत ज़्यादा अश्लील फिल्मो को देखना भी हो सकता है। से रोब मिलर ने मुझे संपर्क किया यह देखने के लिए कि क्या मुझे प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस लेने में दिलचस्पी होगी, और मुझे लगा कि यह एक शॉट के लायक होगा।

उन्होंने मुझे सामानों के 3 बक्से भेजे, और मैंने इसे तुरंत लेना शुरू कर दिया।

ईमानदारी से बोलू तो पहले के कुछ दिनों तक मैंने कोई फरक महसूस नहीं किया।

लगभग 2 हफ्तों में, जहां मैंने कुछ वास्तविक परिणाम देखा

मुझे लगा जैसे सेक्स के दौरान कुछ और के बारे में सोचने के बिना, मैं लंबे समय तक चल रहा था।

और अब तक मेरा मतलब है कि कहीं 5 से 10 मिनट की सीमा होती है।

एक बहुत बड़ा सुधार है, लेकिन मैं उस से अधिक समय तक रहना चाहता था।

लगभग 2 महीने में, यह एक स्विच की तरह था पर फ़्लिप किया गया था।

न केवल मैं ज्यादा समय तक चले (औसत 20 मिनट की तरह), सच कहूं तो मेरी सेक्स में दिलचस्पी बहुत बढ़ गयी, सुबह दुपहर मेरे दिमाग में सेक्स ही चलता था।मैंने वास्तव में पहले कभी अनुभव नहीं किया था(हहाहाः) कम से कम बिना कुछ अश्लील देखे

यहां आधिकारिक प्रॉसस प्लस वेबसाइट पर जाएं:

3 महीने के अंत में, मैं कहूंगा कि मुझे वही महसूस हुआ जो मुझे दूसरे महीने में हुआ था

मैंने किसी दुष्प्रभाव की सूचना नहीं दी, और किसी भी समय ऐसा महसूस नहीं हुआ कि यह अब काम नहीं कर रहा था। “।

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उत्तम अनुभव के लिए विग्राक्स विलंब स्प्रे के साथ ले।

vigrx delay spray and prosolution plusमुझे हाल ही में एक शीघ्रपतन स्प्रे का परीक्षण करने का मौका मिला जिसे विगरॉक्स बुलाया जाता है जो स्यवं ही अपना काम बहखूबी से करता है

हालांकि, मैंने इसे प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस के साथ संयोजन करने का प्रयास करने का निर्णय लिया और प्रभाव बहुत ही बेहतर रहे।

विग्रेक्स विलंब स्प्रे प्रभावशीलता के पीछे की चीज एक घटक है जिसे बेंज़ोकेन कहा जाता है।

बेंज़ोकेन वास्तव में एक स्थानीय संवेदनाहारी है जो अनिवार्य रूप से लिंग को जोड़ता है, जिससे कि यह थोड़ी संवेदनहारी हो जाता है।

लेकिन यह सिर्फ उस हद तक लिंग को संवेदनहारी करता है जिस से आप लम्बे समय तक रहे, जैसा की बाजार में 99 % स्प्रे नहीं कर पाते।

इसका कारण यह है कि ज्यादातर अन्य शीघ्रपतन स्प्रे लिडोकिन नामक एक घटक का प्रयोग करते हैं, जो बहुत ही शक्तिशाली स्थानीय संवेदनाहारी है।

समस्या यह है, जब यह समय से पहले स्खलन के साथ मदद करने की बात आती है तो यह बहुत शक्तिशाली है।

वास्तव में, यह आपके लिंग को उस बिंदु पर सुन्न करेगा जहां आप मूल रूप से कुछ भी नहीं महसूस करेंगे।

मुझे यह पता है क्योंकि मैंने कई शिग्रपतन उत्पादों की कोशिश की है जिसमें लिडोकिन शामिल है, जिसमें स्टड 100 और प्रोस्किल स्प्रे शामिल हैं।

यहां आधिकारिक विग्राक्स विलंब स्प्रे साइट पर जाएं:

प्रोसोल्यूशन जेल के बारे में क्या? क्या मुझे इसका इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए?

प्रोसोलुशन के निर्माता मूल और प्लस लगभग 8 साल पहले एक जेल के साथ बाहर आये, जिसका शाब्दिक रूप से प्रोसोल्यूशन जेल कहा जाता है।

prosolution gel

मैंने व्यक्तिगत रूप से इसे अतीत में प्रयोग किया है, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से इसके बारे में समीक्षा प्रकाशित करने के लिए कभी नहीं मिला। मेरे लिए, परिणाम मिश्रित लग रहा था। कभी-कभी यह वास्तव में अच्छा काम करता है, कभी-कभी यह थोड़ा सा काम करता है, और कभी-कभी ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे यह बिल्कुल काम नहीं करता।

अपने व्यक्तिगत अनुभव में, प्रोसोल्यूशन जेल आपको मोटा / फुलर इरेक्शन देने में अधिक मदद करता है, इससे आपको ज़्यादा देर तक बने रहने में मदद मिलती है ।

यदि आप अभी भी लंबे समय तक आपकी मदद करने के लिए एक जेल या तेल के उपयोग पर विचार कर रहे हैं, तो मैं अभी भी आपको Prosolution Jel पर Vigrx देरी स्प्रे का उपयोग करने की सलाह देगा।

लेकिन अगर आप दिलचस्पी रखते हैं तो यहां प्रोसोलुशन जेल वेबसाइट है:

मैं इसे कैसे ले सकता हूं?

सर्वोत्तम परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए, आम तौर पर आप लिंग पर 2 स्प्रे करते हैं और धीरे-धीरे मसाज करते है (आप अपने साथी से भी अनुरोध कर सकते है यदि आप ऐसा चाहते हैं तो ?)।

इसको अपना कार्य करने में कुछ मिनट लगते हैं, और एक बार ऐसा करने से है कि यह आपको बहुत लंबे समय तक रहने में मदद करता है।

यहां विग्राक्स विलंब के स्प्रे की मेरी पूरी समीक्षा देखें, या पर अपनी वेबसाइट पर जाएं।

प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस को कहाँ से ख़रीदे?

प्रोस्लुशन प्लस को अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर खरीदा जा सकता है, जो कई नकली उत्पादों के चलते फ्लोटिंग के कारण अनुशंसित है।

यह  थोड़ा सा महंगा है, एक महीने की आपूर्ति के आपकी लागत  $ 70 की है। प्रति बॉक्स के आधार पर मूल्य बिंदु काफी कम हो जाता है, जब $ 36 के औसत बॉक्स के साथ एक औसत मात्रा के साथ बड़ी मात्रा में आदेश दिया जाता है। चूंकि यह सबसे अच्छा परिणाम देखने के लिए आम तौर पर लगभग 3 महीने लगते हैं, हम आपको कम से कम 3 महीने की आपूर्ति का आदेश देते हैं।

इसे 67 दिन के पैसे वापस गारंटी के द्वारा भी समर्थित किया गया है, इसलिए यदि यह काम नहीं करता है तो आप इसे पूर्ण वापसी के लिए हमेशा वापस भेज सकते हैं।

यहां आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं:

आपकी जानकारी के लिए,  आपको वालमार्ट,  जीएनसी, या यहां तक ​​कि अमेज़ॅन जैसी जगहों पर भी इसके मिलने की सम्भावना काम है

मैंने इसे ईबे जैसी साइटों पर बिक्री के लिए देखा है, लेकिन फिर, जब आप वहां पर ऑर्डर करते हैं, तो आप इसका नकली संस्करण ऑर्डर करने का जोखिम रहेगा।


  • डॉ द्वारा अनुमोदित और अनुमोदित
  • सकारात्मक नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण
  • हमारे परीक्षक से अच्छे परिणाम
  • सभी प्राकृतिक अवयव
  • ऑनलाइन खरीदने की सुविधा उपलब्ध
  • किसी भी प्रकार के स्नेहक की आवश्यकता नहीं है
  • स्थापित ब्रांड


  • यह इलाज नहीं है … आपको इसे परिणाम देखने के लिए ले जाना चाहिए
  • यह महंगा है
  • दुकान में नहीं बेचा जाता


यदि आप समय से पहले स्खलन से पीड़ित हैं, तो मुझे लगता है कि प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस आपकी समस्याओं का जवाब हो सकता है।

यह एक प्रकार का एक फार्मूला है न केवल नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण में दिखाया गया है, बल्कि हमारे स्वयं के व्यक्तिगत परीक्षण में, समय से पहले स्खलन के लक्षणों को प्रभावी ढंग से कम करने में मदद करता है।

हालांकि यह महंगी पक्ष पर थोड़ा सा है, ध्यान रखें कि किसी तरह की क्रीम जो की आपके सेक्स चरम को बनाने के लिए आपके लिंग को सुन्न कर देती है यह उनसे कही गुना ज़्यादा सुविधाजनक है।

इस तथ्य के साथ कि यह एक 67 दिन के पैसे वापस गारंटी की पेशकश करते हैं, और मुझे कोई कारण नहीं दिखता है कि यह स्वयं का प्रयास करने के लायक क्यों नहीं है?

अधिक जानने के लिए पर जाएं।

क्या आपने प्रोसोल्यूशन प्लस का इस्तेमाल किया है? अपनी समीक्षा नीचे दीजिए!

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Shortcut To Size Review: Will Jim Stoppani’s Get You JACKED?

It’s rare to hear a guy say that he doesn’t want to gain more muscle. Usually, the guys who don’t want more size already have it. Everyone seems to be an expert on gaining solid muscle mass but few trainers have gotten the attention that Dr. Jim Stoppani has with his Shortcut to Size program.

jim stoppani's shortcut to size review

Utilizing the methodology of periodization, Stoppani claims that his program is the key to gaining more solid muscle mass in a realistic amount of time. Let’s review the Shortcut to Size program to see if it truly lives up to its reputation.

Shortcut to Size Workouts

Shortcut to Size is an all-in-one workout program that includes exercises, video demonstrations, nutrition guide, and supplement recommendations.

You can find it on both (paid), as well as his personal website, (free with email registration)

Let’s start first with the workouts, of which you’ll notice there’s virtually no mention of cardio (for a reason).

Related Article:  High Intensity Interval Training Tips and Advice

The workouts in Shortcut to Size are based on the following specific muscle groups being paired together:

  • Day 1: Chest, Triceps, and Calves
  • Day 2: Back, Biceps, and Abs
  • Day 3: Active Rest Day
  • Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Calves
  • Day 5: Legs, Abs
  • Day 6: Active Rest Day
  • Day 7: Active Rest Day

These muscle pairings are going to work really well for most people, especially those who have trouble gaining weight or putting on mass. The reason behind this is because the muscle pairings ensure that you’re hitting every muscle group at least once. What’s more, you are training the primary movers with the assisting secondary muscle groups.

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Shortcut To Size: Day 1 – Week 1

For example, on day 1 week 1 you’ll notice that chest is paired with triceps.

jim stoppani shortcut to size day 1 week 1

Chest would be the primary mover; however, triceps, as the secondary muscle group, assists in all chest-based exercises. If you want to push more weight during chest exercises, it’s important to also focus on the triceps.

Another great thing about the exercises is that they are suitable to building a foundation of muscle and strength knowledge. Stoppani focuses on compound movements for the primary movers as well as effective isolation exercises.

isolation exercise vs compound movement

Shortcut To Size Compound Movements

The compound movements such as the barbell back squat will recruit a variety of major muscle groups to ensure all muscles learn to work effectively together while promoting the biggest surge in growth hormone release, which will support size gains.

Shortcut To Size Isolation Exercises

The isolation exercises help to focus on bringing that particular muscle to total fatigue, which is key for muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth).

For example, the barbell back squat is used on leg day.
^ Barbell Back Squat

The barbell squat demands activation from the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, calves, and abdominal muscles.

muscles used in a squat

This is a compound movement.

Stoppani then has you perform leg extensions, which focuses exclusively on the quadriceps.

leg extension on a machine example
^ Leg Extension

This back-to-back combination helps to fatigue the quadriceps muscles, thereby supporting growth.

Now that you know you’ll be hitting the right muscle groups for the correct number of times per week, what about the methodology used behind the acute variables?

Philosophy Behind Shortcut to Size

When you look at any given workout, you’ll see a selection of numbers called acute variables.

For example, here’s a snapshot of Week 1 Day 1:

jim stoppani shortcut to size week 1 day 1

This tells you how many sets and repetitions that you should be completing for a given workout. It also tells you the tempo, rest break time, and intensity. Shortcut to Size is based on the scientifically proven concept of periodization.

Periodization is when you systematically – not randomly – change the variables of a workout to ensure a consistent rate of resistance, change, and challenge. In the case of Shortcut to Size, Stoppani has your acute variables changing on a weekly basis. Each week, or microcycle, takes you through different types of resistance training:

shortcut to size microcycles

Microcycle 1:

  • Repetition Range: 12 to 15

The first microcycle is based on classic endurance training. You’ll be using low weight and higher repetitions. For example, during the bicep curl, you may only use 15 pounds but you’ll be lifting that weight for 12 to 15 repetitions.

Microcycle 2:

  • Repetition Range: 9 to 11

The second microcycle in Shortcut To Size focuses on the ideal repetition range for muscle hypertrophy or muscle growth. You’ll want to increase your weight from the previous week so that you can only achieve between 9 to 11 repetitions.

Microcycle 3:

  • Repetition Range: 6 to 8

You’ll be increasing the weight you use once again and this time, you’ll be working with acute variables that help to increase your overall strength. This given repetition range means that the weight should be heavy enough to get no more than 8 repetitions.

Microcycle 4:

  • Repetition Range: 3 to 5

Finally, the last microcycle is all about heavy weight and the fewest repetitions. You’ll see sizable power development during this week.

The idea behind the microcycles is to change each week and once you finish Week 4, you return to Week 1.

Why go through all these microcycles when your goal is size and not endurance?

The reason why periodization is so effective is that it allows the body to continuously progress and improve. This continued progression from week to week ends up supporting all microcycles and phases simultaneously.

For example, having more muscle endurance (microcycle 1) can support your muscle growth by extending the time to reach total fatigue. As your strength (microcycle 3) also improves, you’ll be able to use more weight. During your hypertrophy week (microcycle 2), you’ll have more endurance to reach a deeper level of muscle fatigue AND you’ll be lifting more weight overall, which only contributes to the fatiguing of the muscle.

In other words, the better you become in one microcycle, the more it helps the other microcycles. Once you complete Shortcut To Size Week 4 and return to Week 1, you’ll be able to use more weight than the previous weeks.

Pros of Shortcut to Size

Now, let’s discuss the values I found to be most beneficial with this program:

Workouts Breakdown

I’m a big fan of the fact that Stoppani has completely broken down the exercises starting with their proper names all the way to their execution via video demonstrations. Each workout day also has a lengthy video of Stoppani going through each and every exercise giving you his best tips and tricks to maximize your results.

jim stoppani shortcut to size video week 1

He doesn’t just give you a list of exercises and tells you to do them; he shows you exactly what to do.


A good workout is nothing without an even better nutrition program. Stoppani steps up to the plate to deliver a very generous breakdown of what to eat, when to eat it, and how much you should be eating. You’ll be able to figure out your total number of calories as well as the macronutrient breakdown.

jim stoppani shortcut to size nutrition breakdown

What’s more, I was happy to see that Stoppani fits in his personal nutrition hacks such as the fast carbohydrate loading post-workout with the gummy bears.

shortcut to size post workout nutrition example

Sure, he doesn’t give you a new set of menu options for every single day of the program but he gives you enough to get you growing.


Supplements were once a luxury that are now almost like a requirement when it comes to getting the protein you need to gain serious size. Stoppani has factored this into Shortcut to Size by laying out the best supplements to use to gain muscle while limiting your fat gains.

Those supplements include:

What’s more, Stoppani has the timing down of exactly when you need to be taking the supplements to support muscle building.

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Cons of Shortcut to Size

I think Shortcut to Size is a fantastic program; however, there are two hiccups that I noticed with the workout series:

Too Many Supplements

Sure, Stoppani gives you his recommendations on what supplements to take but the list is above and beyond what most people realistically take. This isn’t surprising as Stoppani has his own supplement line and he’s just a guy trying to push his product. The problem here is that Stoppani isn’t taking into account the potential medical conflicts of these supplements with the reader.

I can’t stress enough that if you’re going to use all of the supplements that are recommended in the Shortcut To Size program, be sure to check with your doctor first. Make sure none of the supplements are going to interfere with current medications or medical instructions.

What’s more, these supplements aren’t cheap.

If you’re trying to get big on a budget, you’re better off spending your hard-earned cash on actual whole foods, not supplements. You’re not going to grow simply by over supplementing your diet. You need to train hard and eat big. You need to get good quality sleep to help encourage testosterone release.

Supplements aren’t a requirement so don’t stress over this part of the program if you can’t afford or simply don’t want to buy all these supplements.

Leg Day

I was genuinely surprised when I saw that Stoppani didn’t bother to split up quadriceps and hamstrings. The Shortcut To Size program has you training both on the same day, but has two days for calves. I know calves can be a stubborn muscle to train but when you’re trying to get big, your legs are key for maximizing growth hormone release. This is why most guys shooting for size train their legs twice a week.

For most people, legs respond the best for size gains when they are targeted twice per week so if I could make one change in this program, I’d split up quadriceps and hamstrings. The other option would be to simply add a second day dedicated to legs.

My Experience with Shortcut to Size

Will post my personal results soon.

Shortcut To Size Reviews

From popular bloggers to the Average Joe forum members, people have a lot to say about Shortcut to Size. The main points that I took away from looking through dozens of reviews:

More Strength

  • Users across the board were commenting on the improvements in strength. For example, one reviewer claimed that his strength increased around 10 to 16% over the course of 12 weeks.

More Size

  • This should be a given but user after user was adamant about the fact that this program helps you pack on mass.

One Youtube video reviewer claims to have gained 12 lbs. of muscle in 12 weeks with Shortcut to Size, which sounds a little crazy to me.

Another Youtube video review of Shortcut To Size mentions that he gained large amounts of size and muscle, but did note that he added on a few extra lbs. of fat in the process.

Clean Eating is Tough

  • Not surprisingly, people found it difficult to eat clean while on a bulking-based program. This doesn’t mean the program is bad; rather, people aren’t fond of a clean bulk. If you’re disciplined or aesthetics isn’t a worry, then you’ll have no problem with this.

Who Will Benefit from Shortcut to Size?

Assuming that a person follows the program exactly as it’s laid out AND eats the recommended number of calories, there are four types of people that are going to see the most out of this program.


If you’re new to weight lifting, Shortcut to Size is one of the better-suited programs out there for newcomers. The exercises aren’t terribly difficult and with Stoppani helping you with learning every step, you can feel confident about your performance.


Hands down, this program is ideal for the hardgainers out there. Again, only if you’re following the diet and workout program will you see serious results. Shortcut to Size puts the right amount of hurt on the muscle and the recommended caloric intake ensures effective recovery and growth.

Mass – Not Fat – Seekers

One of the biggest drawbacks of a traditional bulking program is that you gain muscle and fat. Post-bulk, you jump into cutting season. Stoppani himself stays in fitness model shape all year round and Shortcut to Size is a program that will help you pack on size without the excessive fat. Realistically, you’ll still gain some fat mass but it’ll be nothing compared to a traditional bulking program.

Strength Focused

If you don’t care much for size, you’ll still be pleasantly pleased with how your strength and power levels increase with Shortcut To Size. Since it’s utilizing a periodization layout, you’ll be cycling through endurance, growth, strength, and power. As I mentioned above, getting better in one area of resistance training only helps the others. For those who are strength-focused, you’ll be able to increase weight used and power output.


Would I recommend Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size program? Absolutely.

There’s no guesswork with this program, which makes it ideal for beginners, hardgainers, and it even throws veterans through a loop, making them second guess how they set-up their own workouts.

If you’re a long-time lifter, you don’t necessarily have to follow Shortcut to Size to a T; rather, you can take the layout and methodology and apply it to your own workouts.

Don’t stress about the supplements, follow the diet, train like a beast, and you’ll be very pleased with your results.

Have You Used Shortcut To Size? Leave Your Review Below!

Serelax Review: 2 BIG Reasons It Might Not Be Worth Trying

Anxiety and depression numbers are staggering in the U.S. and worldwide.

While it’s normal to feel some sense of anxiety over events in life, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. According to information from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, of Americans over the age 18, 40 million are affected by anxiety. That amounts to around 18 percent of the population.

anxiety disorder statistics

In addition, it’s estimated that nearly 7 percent of the population suffered from at least one major depressive episode in 2012 alone, and that’s a number believed to be higher now.

People used to feel more ashamed and self conscious to talk about anxiety, depression or any form of mental health issue but that as changed over time as now more and more people are aware of how common it is.

With so many tens of millions of people suffering from anxiety and depression, there’s often research being done regarding new treatment options that could be available, or alternatives to traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

There are many reasons that people with anxiety and/or depression might want to look outside of prescription medications, including wanting to avoid the many side effects, or feeling like these medicines simply don’t work for them.

Antidepressants do have therapeutic benefits, but they also have unwanted side effects such as:

  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Weight Gain
  • sleepinessIn some cases, antidepressants and anxiety medications can also cause worsening symptoms of the conditions they’re intended to treat. Increasingly people are going to drug treatment programs for problems with antidepressants and anti anxiety medicines as well.

This is especially true of benzodiazepines like Xanax but can occur with medicines that are taken daily too.

One alternative option that’s garnering a lot of attention is called Serelax, so what should you know about this substance and its effects? Does it have positive results for people with anxiety or depression and what are the potential side effects?

What is Serelax?

serelax reviewsSerelax is the trademarked name of a product that promises to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Some of the specific symptoms the makers of Serelax say it can help with include:

  • Anxiousness
  • Sadness
  • Panic
  • Stress

The creators of this product also say that it helps promote an improved sense of physical and mental well-being in users. It’s touted as a way to feel calmer, have better health, and they creators also say that it doesn’t act as a sedative, it’s not addictive and it doesn’t have side effects.

Specific benefits creators say Serelax can have include:

  • Helps users feel more content
  • Reduces edginess, panic, and nervousness
  • Correct chemical imbalances that contribute to symptoms of depression
  • Promotes a sense of tranquility without sedation

So how does this product have all these big benefits according to the company that manufactures it?

The idea is that Serelax impacts neurotransmitters and restores the natural balance that you need to relieve feelings of sadness and anxiety.

Serelax doesn’t require a prescription, and it’s a proprietary combination of certain herbal supplements, each of which on its own can be used to reduce anxiety. The idea behind Serelax is that the effectiveness of each of the individual substances it contains is improved through the controlled combination of ingredients.

What’s In Serelax?

Specific ingredients contained in a dose of Serelax include:

  • GABA is included in this supplement as a way to optimize naturally occurring amounts of this particular neurotransmitter, and the idea is that with the inclusion of GABA, Serelax can help alleviate stress and physical muscle tension. (Source)
  • L-theanine is included to improve the production of dopamine in users, which then may elevate overall mood. (Source)
  • Passionflower is in Serelax, which is intended to create a sense of calm and peace of mind in users.  (Source)
  • For relaxation without the loss of mental focus or clarity, kava kava is in Serelax.
  • Valerian is a natural supplement that may be able to calm the nervous system and reduce symptoms of anxiety. (Source)
  • Jujube can help alleviate irritability and reduce stress.
  • Skullcap is included as a possible way to reduce tension of the nervous system.  (Source)
  • Roman chamomile is a mild sedative that provides physical relaxation, according to the makers of Serelax.

Serelax isn’t supposed to have anything in it that can be considered addictive or create a physical dependence that would lead to withdrawal symptoms if someone were to stop taking it.

This is in contrast to many anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. These prescription drugs often lead to a tolerance in the user, and they have to take higher doses to get any effect.

Their brain also becomes dependent on them so that if they stop using them suddenly, they go through uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous drug withdrawals.

xanax withdrawal symptoms

The makers of Serelax say that since it contains natural ingredients, it can be used on a short-term or long-term basis, and can relieve chronic anxiety or depression symptoms, as well as situational anxiety.

Serelax can be used by men and women, and the makers say that some users start to feel its effects within about a week after starting to take it, but for some, it could take several weeks or a month for consistent, noticeable effects to be felt. This is pretty similar to guidelines for prescription medications, which can take up to six weeks for the full effects to be felt.

The dosage of Serelax is one capsule taken twice a day, and while the makers say that it’s safe, it shouldn’t be taken by children, pregnant women, or women who are currently nursing.

Essentially, what Serelax claims to do is to improve the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the central nervous system of the user. This is primarily done by increasing GABA levels, which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.

When someone attempts to take GABA on its own, it won’t have a calming effect for the most part because as a supplement GABA can’t cross the blood-brain barrier.

When it’s combined with other supplements such as the amino acid L-theanine, it’s more likely to be able to cross into the brain and provide mood-lifting and anxiety-reducing benefits.

Where Do You Buy Serelax?

You can buy Serelax directly from the manufacturer’s website, which is If you buy from the company that makes this supplement you get the advantage of their 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. They also frequently have sales, such as 20% discounts for providing your email address.

You can also purchase this supplement on Amazon from Pharmaxa Laboratories.

If you buy Serelax directly from the manufacturer, you can purchase a one-month “starter kit” supply for $69.94 right now. This starter kit also includes a one-month supply of Somulin, which is advertised as the manufacturer’s proprietary sleep aid.

You can also purchase a one-month starter kit for $34.50. Another ordering option is a three-month supply of Serelax for $103.50.

Are There Cons of Taking Serelax?

When you first start researching Serelax it can sound too good to be true, so what’s the reality? Is it as good as the manufacturer says?

First, one of the biggest potential problems with Serelax is the fact that since it’s a supplement, it’s effectiveness isn’t proven by the FDA. It may have benefits for some people, but it’s not the same as taking a prescription medication for anxiety or depression, and you ultimately don’t know how it’s going to affect you.

This formula isn’t tested scientifically on its own, and rather the scientific research mentioned by the manufacturers refers to the individual ingredients on their own.

Also, if you have severe anxiety or depression, you should always consult with your doctor, and this herbal-based product isn’t likely to be beneficial for you. Untreated anxiety or depressive disorders that are severe can be very dangerous.

Even though Serelax is herbal-based, it doesn’t inherently mean there won’t be side effects, although they’re likely to be milder than what people would experience with prescription drugs. Herbal supplements can also interact negatively with other medicines or supplements, so it’s important for users to be aware of these risks.

This supplement also contains kava, which may contribute to liver problems, but the evidence is pretty limited on this, and it seems to only very rarely occur in people with pre-existing liver conditions, individuals who take extraordinarily high doses of it, or who drink alcohol while using kava kava.


If you want to find reviews for Serelax, one of the best places to look is on Amazon.

Amazon reviews for Serelax seem to be generally favorable, most of which vary between four and five stars.

Reviewers tend to say it does help their mood and relieve their stress and that they don’t experience side effects. With that being said, most of the Amazon reviews seem to point to the fact that the people writing use it on an as-needed basis, or they use it for relatively mild symptoms.

On some forums, people tend to have the impression that this supplement would be too mild to help people deal with anything beyond infrequent symptoms of stress or situational anxiety.

Summing Up—Should You Try Serelax?

When you read the manufacturer’s description of Serelax it can seem like a promising way to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, but what’s the reality? As with most herbal supplements or even pharmaceutical medications, there are pros and cons.

First, what are the pros of Serelax?

Serelax is an herbal-based, natural supplement that doesn’t require a prescription to purchase and is relatively inexpensive.

It has a proprietary blend of herbs which have been shown to have positive effects on symptoms such as nervousness and anxiety.

It wouldn’t likely lead to addiction or physical dependence, which is one of the big upsides for people who are searching for an alternative to traditional medications. According to reviews, some people who use it do feel as if it has benefits.

Now, what about the possible cons?

First, Serelax as an herbal supplement isn’t regulated, and the actual blend of ingredients isn’t laboratory tested, so you’re mostly relying on research about the individual ingredients and anecdotal evidence.

Also, just because something is herbal or natural it doesn’t necessarily mean it is free of side effects, and as with medications, everyone can react differently to individual herbs as well as certain blends. Herbs can also interact with other medications, and these are all things to be aware of.

Finally, if you suffer from severe anxiety or depression you should seek medical guidance, and an herbal supplement like Serelax is likely to be too mild to help your symptoms.

Serelax is most likely to be beneficial for people with mild symptoms of anxiety, or maybe mild depression.

Don’t rely solely on Serelax as treatment for your anxiety or depression.

Have You Used Serelax?  Leave Your Review Below!

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हिमकोलिन जेल की समीक्षा हिंदी में

हिमकोलिन,  एक प्राकृतिक पुरुष वृद्धि जेल है जिसकी निर्माता हिमालय हर्बल हैल्थकारे है, जो की भारत में दवाइयां और औषधि बनाने की एक कंपनी है।

यह गैर-हार्मोनल और एक सुरक्षित यौन उत्तेजक जनक है जिस से पुरुष के लिंग के ऊतकों में रक्त का प्रवाह बढ़ता है और जिस से पुरुष का योन अनुभव बढ़ता है

ये लक्षण प्रभावी रूप से इलाज करने का दावा करते हैं:

  • सेक्स की इच्छा में kami
  • सीधा होने के लायक़ रोग (निर्माण और बनाए रखने में असमर्थता)
  • शीघ्रपतन

अंग्रेजी में इस समीक्षा को पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

हिमकोलिन क्या है?

हिमस्कोलिन स्नेहक या यौन सहायता करने वाली जेल नहीं है जिसका उपयोग सिर्फ सेक्स से पहले किया जाए।

यह एक सामयिक जेल है जिसे लिंग और आसपास के क्षेत्र में एक या दो बार दैनिक लगाया जाता है, उसी तरह जैसे और बाकी की क्रीम को लगाया जाता है।

आपको लगभग 30 दिनों के भीतर यौन लक्षणों में सबसे अच्छा सुधार दिखना चाहिए, हालांकि आप सिर्फ एक खुराक के बाद ध्यान देने योग्य प्रभाव महसूस कर सकते है

कार्रवाई का प्राथमिक तंत्र पेनाइल रक्त प्रवाह को बढ़ाने के लिए है

यह अधिक उत्तेजना और लिंग को ज़्यादा सख्त रहने में मदद करता है।

हिमकोलिन में सामग्री क्या हैं?

हिमस्कोलिन में सभी प्राकृतिक अवयव जो की उन सामान्य सप्लीमेंट में नहीं पाए जाते जिनकी हम समीक्षा करते है।

वे आपके यौन और सामान्य स्वास्थ्य को कैसे लाभ पहुंचाते हैं इसके बारे में और स्पष्टीकरण के लिंक के साथ वेबसाइट पर सूचीबद्ध हैं।

हिमस्कोलिन अवयव इस प्रकार हैं:

  • Celastrus Paniculatus
  • Hibiscus Abelmoschus
  • Prunus Amygdalus
  • Vitex Negundo
  • Gossypium Herbaceum
  • Pistacia Vera
  • Myristica Fragrans
  • Syzygium Aromaticum
  • Cinnamomum Cassia

himcolin gel ingredients label

इसके क्या – क्या दुष्प्रभाव हैं?

आधिकारिक हिमकोलिन वेबसाइट के अनुसार, आम तौर पर इसके कोई दुष्प्रभाव नहीं है।

हालांकि, मैं आपको इस तरह की जैल और तेलों के उपयोग से अनुभव से बता सकता हूं, यह हमेशा संभव होता है।

यहां उनमें से कुछ हैं:

  • त्वचा की जलन
  • आवेदन साइट पर लाली जब पहली बार त्वचा पर लगाया जाता है
  • खुजली
  • जलन का अहसास
  • शुष्कता
  • चुभन का एहसास

मैंने वास्तव में निर्माता से किसी भी चेतावनी या साइड इफेक्ट के बारे में पूछने के लिए सम्पर्क किया, और उन्होंने वास्तव में उल्लेख किया है कि आपको लिंग के ग्लैंस पर हिमस्कोलिन जेल का इस्तेमाल करने से बचना चाहिए।

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उन्होंने वास्तव में कहा कि वह  ऐसा करने की सलाह नहीं देंगे क्योंकि लिंग के उद्घाटन के साथ संपर्क में आने से आपको असुविधा / जलता हो सकती है।

उन्होंने यह नहीं बताया में इसका क्या कारण हो सकता है, लेकिन मैं निश्चित रूप से चेतावनी को ध्यान में रखूंगा।

इस बात का भी कोई संकेत नहीं है कि यह निगलना सुरक्षित है या नहीं, हालांकि मेरे अनुसार  ऐसा करने शायद कोई अच्छा विचार नहीं है।

इसका इस्तेमाल कैसे करें?

हिमस्कोलिन का उपयोग करने के निर्देश बहुत सीधे हैं, और इस तरह से जाएं:

  • अपने चिकित्सक से उचित खुराक की सीमा पर परामर्श करें
  • अपनी खुराक लेने के बाद, आपके सदस्य को उदारतापूर्वक आवेदन करें।
  • सर्वोत्तम परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक रूप से दोहराएं।
  • यह ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि यदि आप किसी भी स्थानीय प्रतिक्रियाओं का अनुभव करते हैं तो आपको हिमकोलिन का उपयोग करना बंद कर देना चाहिए, और एक बार में अपने डॉक्टर से उन्हें रिपोर्ट करें।

मेरे व्यक्तिगत नतीजे:

himcolin जेल समीक्षाएँ,

मेरे व्यक्तिगत परिमाण कुछ इस तरह है,  मैं पिछले कुछ हफ्तों से हिमकोलिन का प्रयोग कर रहा हूं, और सच कहूं तो मुझे कुछ ज्यादा परिणाम नहीं दिख रहे है।

आम तौर पर  क्रीम और इस तरह के जैल के लिए मैं बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया नहीं करता, इसलिए वास्तव में यह आश्चर्यजनक नहीं है।

वे बहुत गंदे होते हैं, वास्तव में बहुत कुछ नहीं करते हैं, और कुछ मामलों में मुझे उनसे खराब प्रतिक्रिया मिलती है।

मुझे वास्तव में हिमकोलिन से कोई भी बुरा प्रतिक्रिया नहीं मिली है, और मैं इस बात का एहसास कर सकता हूं कि यह वास्तव में अच्छी तरह से काम करता है जैसा कि वैदोडिलेटर।

मैंने और अधिक “त्रिशंकु” को निराश रूप से महसूस किया और जो की मांसल उपस्थिति की तरह था, लेकिन इस सामान की गंध मेरे विचारों में एक और दुनिया से है।

वास्तव में भयानक से अधिक वर्णन करने का कोई अन्य तरीका नहीं है।

अगर मुझे गंध का वर्णन करने के लिए कहा जाता है, तो मैं कहूंगा कि यह पतंग गेंदों, बूढ़े आदमी, फार्मल्डाहाइड और बालों के जेल या कुछ जैसा मिश्रण जैसी इसकी गंध है।

यह गंध ठीक लगती अगर स्नान करने या हाथ धोने के बाद यह गंध चली जाती, लेकिन इसकी गंध इस्तेमाल करने के कई दिनों तक रहती है।

मेरी रायें में यह गंध ऐसी भी नहीं है जिसकी हमें आदत पड़ जाये।

हिमकोलिन जेल की बाकी की समीक्षाएं:

यदि आप वेब पर हिमकोलिन की स्वतंत्र समीक्षाओं के लिए खोज कर रहे हैं, दुर्भाग्य से उनमें बहुत कुछ नहीं है।

हमारे पास कुछ लोग हिमकोलिन की अपनी समग्र समीक्षा पोस्ट करते हैं, और विशाल बहुमत को व्यावहारिक रूप से कोई परिणाम नहीं मिला।

यहां कुछ नकारात्मक समीक्षाएं हैं जिन्हें हमने हमारी साइट पर पोस्ट किया है: content/uploads/2012/07/himcolin 2


और यह पोस्ट की गई एक सकारात्मक समीक्षा है: content/uploads/2012/07/himcolin3 min

शायद ही कोई भी समीक्षा निष्कर्ष निकालने के लिए पर्याप्त है, लेकिन यदि आप मुझसे पूछें तो बहुत आशाजनक नहीं है।

Himcolin Pros and Cons

हिमकोलिन के फायदे और नुकसान

यहां हम हिमकोलिन के बारे में पाए गए सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक पहलुओं पर गौर करेंगे।

हिमस्कोलिन के  फायदे:

  • यह प्राकृतिक है
  • नैदानिक ​​शोध किया गया है और वेबसाइट इस शोध के संबंध में कागजात को इंगित करता है (हालांकि लिंक टूट गए थे)

हिमस्कोलिन के नुकसान

  • कोई पैसा वापस गारंटी नहीं है।
  • इसका कोई संकेत नहीं है कि हिमकोलिन निषिद्ध है या नहीं।
  • खुराक के बारे में विवादित जानकारी है।
  • हमें मिली बहुत ही कम समीक्षा बहुत ही सकारात्मक नहीं थी (नीचे की तुलना में अधिक)।

हिमकोलिन की क्लिनिकल स्टडीज

एक बात जो हिमकोलिन जेल की तरफ है वो की , नैदानिक ​​अध्ययन और शोध पत्रों का आयोजन किया गया था।

उदाहरण के लिए, इस अध्ययन में 300 मरीजों को जिन्हे कार्यात्मक नपुंसकता थी उन्हें हिमकोलिन गए के साथ, स्पेमन फोर्टे अरु टेन्टेक्स फोर्टे दिया गया, जो की अन्य सप्लीमेंट है जिन्हे हिमालय बेचता है।

परिणाम बहुत अच्छे निकले।

300 मामलों में से, उनमें से 1 9 2 ने “अच्छी प्रतिक्रिया” की सूचना दी, जो कुल मामलों में से लगभग 66% है ।

हालांकि, इसी अध्ययन में 56 मामले “निष्पक्ष” के रूप में दर्ज किए गए थे, और 42 मामलों में “खराब” परिणाम दर्ज किए गए थे।

एक और अध्ययन में, जिसमे 4 पुरुष जिन्हे सेक्स विकार था उन्हें टेन्टेक्स फोर्टे और हिमकोलिन दिया गया, उन पुरुषों में लिबिडो, इरेक्शन और सेक्स में सुधार दिखा।

एक और अध्ययन में, जिसमें सेक्स डिस्पोर्स के साथ 4 पुरुषों में तेंटेक्स फोटे और हिमकोलिन का इस्तेमाल किया गया था, ने कामेच्छा, निर्माण शक्ति और सेक्स प्रदर्शन दोनों में क्रमिक सुधार दिखाया।

जबकि वास्तव में सबसे बड़ा अध्ययन कभी नहीं किया गया था, परिणाम आशाजनक रहे थे।

इसके अतिरिक्त, जहां अध्ययन में भाग लेने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति से साइड इफेक्ट्स की कोई विषाक्त प्रतिक्रिया नहीं देखी गई।

हिमकोलिन को कहाँ से खरीदें

आप कुछ ऑनलाइन विक्रेताओं के माध्यम से हिमस्कोलिन खरीद सकते हैं।

एक ट्यूब की लागत  $ 20 की है। एक बार में ज़्यादा ट्यूब खरीदने पर आप कुछ पैसे बचा सकते है। एक दुकान $ 55 के लिए 3 ट्यूबों बेचती है। हिमालय हर्बल हेल्थकेयर साइट अपने उत्पादों को नहीं बेचती है, इसलिए कोई निर्माता संतुष्टि गारंटी नहीं है।

यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि यह Walgreens, Walmart, या CVS जैसे दुकानों में बेची जाती है, लेकिन आप सेक्स की दुकानों में स्थानीय रूप से उपलब्ध पा सकते हैं।


हमें स्वीकार करना होगा, हम हिमकोलिन की एक छोटी सी उलझन में हैं।

अगर कुछ प्रशंसापत्र या ग्राहक की समीक्षा हो, तो हमें इस सामयिक जेल की सिफारिश थोड़ी अधिक करते।

अगर हमें शोधपत्र मिलते या और समीक्षाएं मिलती तो हम कुछ बेहतर बता पाते, लेकिन हम उन शोधपत्रों तक नहीं पुहंच सकते जो की एक निराशाजनक बात है।

जब आप यौन वृद्धि सहायता के लिए बाजार में हों, तो बेहतर यही है हम उस चीज़ का इस्तेमाल करें जिनके लाभ के बारें में पुष्टि हो चुकी है ।

कुछ और सप्लीमेंट्स जिनकी हमने समीक्षा की है और जो काफी प्रभावशाली भी है, हम उनके इस्तेमाल से आपको लाभ होने की गारंटी दे सकते है।

सुरक्षित पक्ष पर रहने के लिए हम आपको उन उत्पादों के इस्तेमाल का सुझाव देंगे ।

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Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Moon Kratom: Worth Your Buck or No?

1.  What is Kratom? content/uploads/2018/01/how to make kratom powder honeyballs

In this day and age when hardly a day goes by without hearing about another dangerous big Pharma drug, or an unfortunate death by overdose, talking about natural alternatives has really never been more important.

Enter kratom.

an example of kratom

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve heard of the nationwide drug epidemic spurred by the over-prescribing and overdosing of opioids like oxycodone and fentanyl.

Kratoms, a natural pain reliever, could be part of the solution to this drug epidemic.

Advocates have been praising its ability for years to offer relief, naturally, from a range of symptoms from depression, anxiety and pain, without the crazy side effects the big Pharma versions are unfortunately now known for.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

Of course, even with natural alternatives, there’s good and bad in any supplement you’re putting into your body. The importance of sourcing and quality cannot be overemphasized. In this article, we’ll be digging into a specific Kratom vendor called Moon Kratoms, peeling back the effectiveness of their various strains, and seeing how they stack up to trusted vendors such as Happy Hippo Herbal, reviewed here.

2.  The Controversy Around Kratom

Kratoms have unfortunately come under more than their fair share of controversy and fire lately, if you ask us. Though not technically a drug, not technically a supplement, it’s status as something falling into the murky grey area in between has landed it on the black list with the DEA.

Though the DEA attempted to ban it fully in 2016, thanks to a giant pushback from advocates and the general public, the ban was paused. As it stands now, congress was convinced, at least for the moment, to reconsider the place Kratoms can have in our healthcare and in thousands of people’s pain and addiction management.

It is sad that there is a controversy surrounding Kratom, as it has proven to be a safer alternative for those that need to manage pain or anxiety and has even saved numerous people from the grips of opiate and other drug addictions.

The controversy and stigma growing around Kratom can potentially prevent people that need it from getting it in the future, but for now it is widely available.

For now, Kratom’s future is shaky. Kratoms as of now have been fully banned in Indiana, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and certain other cities that have decided to ban its sale.

3.  How it Works? content/uploads/2018/01/using kratom powder

If you’re hearing of Kratoms for the first time in this article, let’s pause to unpack just how what some call a “miracle drug” actually work.

Kratom is made from a plant growing in the region of Southeast Asia. Its use for healing is nothing new—it’s been used as a pain reliever for hundreds of years.

Depending on the dosage you take, the effects vary from a stimulant to a sedative, thanks to its alkaloids, including Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine.

Both of these mimic the effects of much harder opioid drugs such as fentanyl, codeine, and morphine.

The difference?

It does so without the addictive properties or the withdrawals that are responsible for so many overdoses and deaths.

For perspective, there were 15 Kratom-related deaths between 2014-2016. Yet in 2015 alone, opioid overdoses were responsible for 52,400 deaths (enough to actually lower the National average life expectancy.)

4.  The Various Strains content/uploads/2018/01/13418756_1175615605823754_693657322828889345_n

On their website, Moon Kratoms offer many strains of the plant, so let’s take a look at their complete offerings and see which are standouts and which aren’t worth the cash.

Moon Kratom’s site lists 10 various types, ranging in colors (red, green, yellow, white), and also origin (Indonesia, Thai, Bali, etc.). The site doesn’t actually give anything in the way of explanation as to what varies from one specific strand to the next, so if you’re new to the Kratom game or just wanting a little more info to base your purchasing decision, you’re pretty much out of luck.

Sure, the variety is nice and sounds fancy, but as a consumer, we’re given literally zero information on what differentiates one from the next.

The product description themselves make vague statements only, like how this is the “freshest”  and “one of the best sellers.” content/uploads/2018/01/using kratom powder 696x464

All in all, Moon Kratom offers the following options of powders:
Maeng Da, Green Indonesian, Red Bali, Yellow Thai, Red Indonesian, Yellow Indonesia, White Borneo, and 10 x Kratom Extract, which runs a bit pricier than the other powders, but again, doesn’t explain why.

Another thing worth noting, competitor sites such as Happy Hippo take the time to break down their options into types of strains and the effects they cause. Their website has different tabs for “slow strains,” “moderate strains,” “fast strains,” and other helpful qualifiers.

Nothing like that is to be found on Moon Kratom’s site, so if you’re a newbie, good luck finding what’s truly best for you.

5.  Price wise, how do they match up?

The site shows the same prices for any strain, aside from the 10 x one, which again, runs for quite a bit more, with zero explanation of why (presumably greater strength?)

The rest will run you $21 for a 100-gram bag. Interestingly, the site tries to make it look like this is a sale price, down from the usual price of $24, though the way it’s written into their website that way and applies to all strains, makes it seems like that’s actually always the price.

That’s noticeably quite a bit cheaper than Happy Hippo’s product in the same sized bag, at least for certain strains of theirs. Some, like Happy Hippo’s “stem and vein” option, does cost just about the same for a bag of the same size.

All in all, it doesn’t seem to be wildly more or less than most competitor sites we saw, though it is interesting that their prices hardly change depending on quality or strains, as others do on competitors’ sites.

6.  What Consumers are Saying
Top kratom researcher Chris McCurdy

We’ll point out later some of the sketchiness surrounding the supposed “real” reviews on their own site–unsurprising, and maybe unbelievably (keep reading to see why), they’re all glowing.

Dig a little deeper however into what people are saying around the internet and you’ll get a slightly different picture.

We found users reporting that the Maeng da strain made them dizzy, and caused them to swear it off after trying it one time. Other users called the green “not the best” but also not the worst. Other users call the red and maeng da just flat out weaker than many others on the market, but said the green and yellow both tend to be stronger.

Other reviewers didn’t mince words, saying the red, yellow, green, and maeng da were “literally useless” and had zero effect at all—causing no extra energy, and actually making them feel sick and dizzy. Headaches after taking it were also noted.

Many echoed the same sentiment that Moon Kratom is something of a “last resort” option for their Kratom fix when other vendors are out or on backorder.


Another common feeling was that for what you’re getting, it’s not worth the dough. Many said that you’ll blow your Kratom budget easily on Moon Kratoms, which might be worth it if the quality was outstanding, but, that’s simply not the case.

Where to Buy It content/uploads/2018/01/mccurdy

One good thing about Moon Kratom’s in our opinion is the ease of ordering—Moon Kratom has order info straight from their site and the process is straightforward.

Interestingly, they even accept bitcoins as a form of payment for their product, if that’s up your alley.

Moon Kratom as a Vendor

It should go without saying that when taking any supplements, totally natural or not, quality is paramount.

You definitely don’t want to be trusting just any source from the internet, when you’re putting your health and well-being in the hands of a total stranger, who could easily be taking your money and giving you low quality or even downright dangerous supplements.

So, at the end of the day, how does Moon Kratom as a vendor stack up against competitors?

Though reviewers were less than hyped about the products themselves in many cases, some were still positive. But product aside, business practices of the company seemed to raise a red flag.

Another reviewer, not just one or two, but many we came across, complained about disappointing business practices, slow shipping, shoddy packaging, etc.

Perhaps most upsetting about their business though, were the many comments that the company is known to write their own 5-star reviews and even bribe people into writing fake bad reviews of their competitors.

7.  Bottom line? content/uploads/2018/01/mccurdy

Disappointing reviews of their product itself and troubling business practices behind the scenes don’t paint a glowing picture of this brand.

At the end of the day, there’s just no reason at the end of the day to spend your money on sub-par supplements or run even the slightest risk of putting anything less than exceptional into your body—you only have one. And there’s far better ones out there.

As many reviewers stated, better to take your business and money elsewhere. It’s not worth the risk, or the potentially wasted cash.

Other Kratom Vendor Reviews:

Top Extracts (My Preferred Vendor)

Kraken Kratom –

Kratora Kratom –

Have You Used Moon Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

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Kraken Kratom Review: Is It Worth It?

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Kraken Kratom website.

If you search for kratom retailers, you’re very likely to come across one name in particular, which is Kraken Kratom. This is one of the most well-known retailers of kratom, and according to the company, they get their products only from reputable sources.

Because there is some controversy and somewhat of a stigma surrounding kratom, sifting through the information and coming out with a guided opinion and knowledge of what is important to know about it can be tough.

When you’re shopping online for kratom, it’s important to feel the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re working with a legitimate company, because the quality of the product you order significantly impacts the effects.

The following provides an overview of what Kraken Kratom has to offer, what people are saying about the online retailer on forums, and what you should know before placing an order.

1.  Kratom Overview

Kratom is a substance that’s not necessarily an herbal supplement, nor is it classified as a drug, but it is garnering a lot of attention in the US and worldwide because anecdotally users feel that it delivers a range of benefits, from therapeutic to recreational.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

Derived from plants native to southeast Asia, kratom is often sold in powder form, but there are also other options such as capsules.

When someone takes kratom in lower doses it tends to act as a stimulant, and at higher doses, it is more similar to opioids, although without the risk of respiratory depression.

There are a few concerns regarding kratom use, including its effects on testosterone levels.

The effects of kratom depend not only on dosage but also on the strain someone uses.

the various types of kratom

There are many different strains of kratom, some of which are more likely to act as an energizing stimulant and others which may have more pain-relieving benefits, as an example.

It’s difficult to find kratom in traditional brick-and-mortar stores because its legality in the U.S. is somewhat murky. It is legal at a federal level, but some states have been working to control or ban its use, so most people find that it’s simpler to order it online.

where is kratom legal

Plus, when ordering kratom online, you do have the advantage of being able to read reviews like this and gauge how other shoppers feel about a particular retailer.

2.  Kraken Overview

There are some key factors that are important to consider when reviewing any kratom retailer, including Kraken.

First and foremost, most people want to ensure they’re going to get a product that’s potent, high-quality, and will do what it’s intended to do.

There is a lot of variance when it comes to quality between retailers. For example, some retailers may offer kratom at relatively low prices, but then the quality and potency tend to be lower than what you would get with a more reputable retailer.

Along with the quality of the actual products and the variety of kratom available, there are other things to think about as well including shipping speed and reliability, customer service and the overall ordering experience.

All of these are touched on in the below review of Kraken kratom.

Red Vein Kratom

coastline kratom red vein horned
^ an example of red vein kratom

Red vein kratom refers to a specific strain of this substance which is popular among many users. The effects of red vein strains of kratom tend to be relaxing, and depending on the specific type or dosage a person uses, they may also have sedative properties so these types can be used as a sleep aid.

Red vein strains also tend to boost mood to an extent, although not as much as with other strains. Red strains, and in particular red vein Thai strains, are good as pain relievers as well, and there’s currently research being done to determine whether there is potential for kratom to replace or reduce the use of prescription pain medications.

Kraken offers many different types of powdered red vein kratom, which include:

  • Maeng Da Thai Kratom Powder: This red vein variation is available in several size options, and it’s one of the most commonly used red vein strains. As with the other powder products from Kraken, it’s finely ground for better absorption and freshly packaged. As well as the red vein Maeng Da powder, Kraken also sells a leaf option of this product that’s not finely ground.
  • Red Vein Kali: This powder is from Borneo—the Kalimantan region more specifically. It’s a popular and potent strain of kratom, and it tends to be good for pain relief, anxiety relief and overall relaxation.
  • Red Dragon: For shoppers looking for a very potent option, the Red Dragon strain is well-rated because of its high alkaloid content.
  • Red Vein Borneo: This powder comes from the jungles of Borneo, and it’s also very potent because of its high alkaloid content and the fact that it’s derived from mature leaves.
  • Red Vein Thai: Another high alkaloid strain, according to Kraken this product has an average Mitragynine content verified at 1.6%, ensuring quality and consistency.
  • Sumatra Red Vein Powder: This high alkaloid strain has a mix of some of the most complex alkaloids found in kratom, and this is rated as one of the most consistent products sold by Kraken. The average Mitragynine content is 1.3%.

Green Vein

coastline kratom green vein malay
^ an example of green vein kratom

Green vein strains of kratom aren’t as popular among users as white and red, but they offer versatility and desirable benefits, so their popularity is rising. Green vein kratom strains are relaxing, but they can also create a sense of calm, focused energy.

They’re often compared to nootropics because of their cognitive effects. Also, green vein strains can improve mood, induce a sense of euphoria and they do have some pain relieving effects.

Kraken offers the following green vein strains in powder or leaf form:

  • Super Green Malaysian: this powder is described as being somewhat in between Maeng Da Thai and PC Bali strains available from Kraken. It’s rich in certain types of alkaloids, and it’s produced in small batches for consistency.
  • The Super Green Malaysian variant is also available in leaf form from Kraken.

White Vein

coastline kratom white vein bali
^ an example of white vein kratom

White vein is typically the most stimulating of the kratom strains, and it can boost mood and provide a sense of energy without the side effects of other stimulants or even caffeine. It can also help with productivity and focus.

White vein powders and leaf options available from Kraken Kratom include:

  • Maeng Da White Vein: This is a form of Maeng Da that has a high level of alkaloid content and is native to Thailand. White vein variations of Maeng Da function as nootropics, and while they can produce euphoria and improve cognitive abilities, it’s not necessarily a high that the user experiences. Along with stimulation these white leaves also boost mood and create a sense of well-being.
  • Sumatra White Vein: This product from Kraken has an average Mitragynine content of 1.4% and is consistent in quality. It combines a sense of euphoria with a feeling of clean energy.
  • White Vein Borneo: This product is sourced from experienced farmers in Borneo, and it’s great for people who want to use it while working or while they need to improve their concentration. It can also help with motivation, and fight fatigue without creating anxiety in the user.

Super Indo Powder

Also available from Kraken is Super Indo Kratom power, which is a distinctive and popular variation.

Super Indo Powder has the relaxation properties of red vein kratom for many users but also can improve mood and provide pain relief. It tends to have few if any side effects, and it’s one of the strains frequently used by people who want to manage symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

3.  Extract and Enhanced Kratom

Extract and enhanced kratom products are the premium options available from Kraken because of their consistency and potency.

Kraken offers several of these options including:

  • Gold Reserve Kratom Extract: This product is a full-spectrum extract, with 200 mg of alkaloids per gram. It’s almost an entirely pure alkaloid extract, so it’s highly potent. It is more expensive than the regular powder products as a result of the potency.
  • Gold Elphas Kratom Extract: This has 250 mg of alkaloids per gram, and the alkaloid extract is then added as an enhancement to Maeng Da Kratom.
  • Barong Indo Extract: This is one of the newest offerings available from Kraken.

This is only a sample of the extract options available. Others include Super Enhanced Indo Kratom Extract, Indo Black Kratom Extract, Enhanced Maeng Da X extract, and Full Spectrum Maeng Da Extract.

4.  Capsules

Kraken offers not only powders and enhanced products but also convenient capsules. Their capsule products include Bali, White Vein Borneo, Maeng Da Thai, and Red Kali. The highest rated capsule products on their site are their Bali and Red Kali options.

Just as an example of what you get if you order this product, with the Bali capsules there are 50 in each container, with around 37 grams of material total, and 750  mg of Bali kratom. The average mitragynine content verified for Bali capsules is 1.8%.

5.  Pricing

Kraken Kratom’s pricing seems to be consistent with other retailers like Coastline, Kratora, and Happy Hippo.

You can visit their official site here:

With most of their powders, they offer three different size options which are 28 g, 56 g, and 112 g. Prices range and many of the 28 g packages start around $8-$9.

The enhanced products are more expensive but generally lower than a lot of other similar retailers, which is one thing customers seem to like about Kraken.

The company offers various shipping deals as well including free same-day shipping and 2-day USPS delivery on orders that meet a certain price minimum.

They do also offset prices with coupon offerings, including coupons for signing up for their mailing list.

Kraken features a loyalty program where buyers earn points for purchases.  The points can then be used to purchase future products. As well as earning points for purchases, customers can earn points for rating products on the website and being actively engaged with the company on social media.

6.  The Reviews

What do customers say about Kraken? The reviews on forums like Reddit are somewhat mixed.

For example, in one thread someone said that they had an issue with shipping because since the company advertises that products ship out same-day, they thought they would receive their order within two days (they paid for two-day shipping). The customer said they reached out the Kraken team who said there was bad weather in their location so they weren’t able to get the package out as quickly as they would have normally.

You can read the full post below:

kraken kratom review on redditAt the same time, other posters in the same thread say that they received fast shipping and they were pleased with their experience.

another kraken kratom review on reddit

Some customers do feel that Kraken is relatively expensive as well, although again there are retailers that are more expensive than Kraken.

Other customers say they have had an “awesome” experience with them regarding customer service.

Based on customer reviews online, it would seem like Kraken can be hit or miss in terms of shipping and service.

Regarding quality, reviews in this area seem to be dependent on what the customer purchased. For example, on one forum dedicated to kratom, some customers say that they were very pleased with the quality of the product they received.

kraken kratom review on ilovekratom dot comCustomers also say that they enjoy the regular discounts, coupons, and sales offered by Kraken.

Facebook reviews on the company’s profile are similarly mixed. Many customers say they feel happy with the price and quality, but others do feel prices are too high and they have experienced shipping issues.

7.  Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drink alcohol while taking Kraken kratom?

While it’s probably OK to do so, it’s not really recommended.

Their effects of each can be amplified dramatically, so it’s best to do so in moderation, if at all.

8.  Conclusion

Kraken Kratom has a wide selection of products. They have many red, white and green strains of kratom in powder and leaf form, available in several different size options. They have enhanced variations that are more potent, and capsules as well.

The prices are relatively competitive, although some customers feel they’re a bit high, but overall they do tend to fall somewhere in the middle of other kratom retailers.

The biggest likely issue with Kraken based on people’s reviews are possible shipping issues, but this could be solved by talking to their customer service team if you do experience a problem.

The quality seems to be good, particularly for the enhanced strains of the product and they have many 5-star reviews on their social media.

Visit the official Kraken Kratom site here:

Have You Used Kraken Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Phytoestrogens and Testosterone: Will I Grow Boobs With This?

For women, it’s a buzz word linked to cancer. For men, the word is associated with the threat of low testosterone. Phytoestrogens are one of the most misunderstood compounds in nutrition. Found in different plant-based foods, phytoestrogens have been the subject of a variety of studies on menopause, cancer, hormone health, and overall health. The results? Some good. Some bad.

Are phytoestrogens the scary testosterone killer and cancer causer that they are made out to be? Or could they an important way to naturally improve your health?

What are Phytoestrogens?

do phytoestrogens workAs the name implies, phytoestrogens are estrogenic compounds found within specific plant-based foods. The most notable example of a food that contains phytoestrogens is soy.

Estrogen is a sex hormone found in both sexes but primarily in women. It is the reason that a woman’s reproductive system develops along with feminine characteristics such as wider hips, larger breasts, and pubic hair. Estrogen is also important for female bodily processes such as the menstrual cycle.

Related article:  How To Increase Testosterone Naturally:  The ULTIMATE Guide | Supplement Critique

With that said, it’s important to understand that phytoestrogens are not the exact same as the estrogen found in a female’s hormonal system. When you eat soy, you’re not directly eating estrogen. Rather, phytoestrogens are similar to estrogen and estrogenic metabolites in a structural and functional way.

Phytoestrogens interact with estrogen receptors in the body but not nearly to the extent of actual estrogen. Estrogen is an extremely potent sex hormone whereas phytoestrogens have been said to have up to 1/1000th the strength of estrogen. In other words, you would need to ingest a crazy amount of phytoestrogens to get the same reaction that a tiny amount of estrogen would trigger.

The reason I mention the strength of phytoestrogens is to alleviate any worry or confusion about them that guys might have. Yes, there are good and bad phytoestrogens but eating an apple and drinking a hoppy beer isn’t going to turn you into a woman. I’ll talk more about phytoestrogens and testosterone below.

Examples of Phytoestrogens

Below are the most common examples of phytoestrogens in the popular Western diet:

Whole Food

  • Soybeans
  • Hops
  • Wild Yam
  • Oats
  • Apples
  • Flax seed
  • Royal Jelly
  • Lentils
  • Grains
  • Carrots

Herbal & Supplements

  • Red Clover
  • Dong Quai
  • Licorice root
  • Ginseng
  • Vitex
  • Rehmannia
  • Black Cohosh
  • Maca
  • Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)
  • Fo-ti
  • Resveratrol

Benefits of Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens and Cancer Risk

The isoflavones found in phytoestrogens with an emphasis on natural soy such as the soy bean have been suggested to lower the risk of prostate cancer development and progression.

For women who have already experienced menopause, phytoestrogens may help to prevent breast cancer. One study found that post-menopausal women who followed a diet rich in phytoestrogens had a significant decrease in their risk of death related to breast cancer. (1-2)

Blood Pressure

Resveratrol is found in small amounts in red wine and it’s a common phytoestrogen. Taking it in extract form may help to decrease high blood pressure. A study published in Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that 150 mg per day of resveratrol extract was effective in lowering systolic blood pressure. (3)

Weight Loss

While more studies are needed to confirm the mechanisms behind the phytoestrogen, genistein, it has been suggested that this compound may help to regulate weight gain. By limiting a number of adiposity-linked enzymes, this phytoestrogen may promote a healthy weight management. (4)

Phytoestrogens and Testosterone

The question that is on the mind of all the guys reading this would be, “If I eat foods that contain phytoestrogens, will my testosterone decrease?”

The answer is that it depends on the type of phytoestrogen you are consuming.

Natural phytoestrogens found in fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs have been shown not to impact testosterone levels in men. (5)

Heavily processed phytoestrogens such as processed soy that have been treated with pesticides may negatively impact the available testosterone in men. A popular example of processed soy would be those fake chicken nuggets that you find in commercial grocery stores. Want to know other foods that will lower testosterone? Click here for a full list of foods that may kill your testosterone.

What about male infertility? If testosterone levels aren’t affected, there’s a still a chance that all those phytoestrogens can wreak havoc on a man’s libido and ability to have children, right? According to several studies, the answer is no. Studies confirm that phytoestrogens play no part in making a man any less fertile. (6)

Potential Side Effects and Toxicity

Phytoestrogens can help with cardiovascular health including blood pressure, heart disease, and weight loss. Sounds good, right? Does that mean you should begin following a strictly phytoestrogen diet? Not so fast.

As I alluded to above, there are many phytoestrogens that can benefit your health, regardless if you’re a man or woman. With that said, there are some phytoestrogens that can cause adverse complications if consumed. You want to avoid processed and synthetic phytoestrogens.

Processed Phytoestrogens

Processed phytoestrogens are present in boxed, canned, or packaged goods. The worst culprits are processed soy such as tofu and fake-meats along with sugar-loaded fruit juices.

Synthetic Phytoestrogens

As for synthetic phytoestrogens, you find these in your home and you don’t even know it. These are within synthetic-based products such as plastics and cleaners. When you can, choose plastic options that are free from BPA (bisphenol A). Studies suggest that these environmental estrogens may impact hormone health and elevate your risk for cancer.

Outside of processed and synthetic phytoestrogens, is there such a thing as consuming too many natural phytoestrogens?

Cognitive Health

While studies are conflicting, it’s worthwhile to mention that a diet high in phytoestrogens may be linked to poor cognitive health.

A study published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology concludes that we cannot immediately assume all phytoestrogens are going to negatively impact health but rather some phytoestrogens may become problematic based on your body’s ability to break them down into their bioactive metabolites.

In other words, the link between phytoestrogens and poor cognitive health may be on a case-by-case basis and should not be looked upon as the norm. (7)

How to use Phytoestrogens

Many of the phytoestrogen supplements that you will find come in blends. Below, you’ll find the best ingredients to look for in a phytoestrogen supplement with the suggested dosages that are deemed safe for most people.

  • Red Clover (160 mg per day)
  • Dong Quai (1,000 mg per day)
  • Ginseng (1,000 to 2,000 mg per day)
  • Black Cohosh (50 mg per day)
  • Maca (3,000 mg per day)
  • Tribulus terrestris (500 mg per day)
  • Resveratrol (150 mg per day)

How To Cycle Phytoestrogens

To best judge the effect of different phytoestrogens on the body, I’d recommend going through one month of a phytoestrogen supplement then cycling off of it for 2 to 4 weeks. Access the benefits and how you’re feeling before beginning a different phytoestrogen or another cycle of the same brand.

Where To Buy

Here are a few different options to choose from with selected phytoestrogens. (none of these are affiliate links)


Overall, studies agree that natural phytoestrogens from whole foods are harmless and will not negatively impact your health. The phytoestrogens that you have to watch out for are those that are processed or used as a synthetic material.

If you’re worried about your cardiovascular health and risk for certain diseases, it may be worthwhile to have a chat with your doctor or certified nutritionist about phytoestrogen diets and supplements.


  1. van Die MD, Bone KM, Williams SG, Pirotta MV. Soy and soy isoflavones in prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BJU Int. 2014 May;113(5b):E119-30. doi: 10.1111/bju.12435.
  2. Shu XO, Zheng Y, Cai H, Gu K, Chen Z, Zheng W, Lu W. Soy food intake and breast cancer survival. JAMA. 2009 Dec 9;302(22):2437-43. doi: 10.1001/jama.2009.1783.
  3. Liu Y, Ma W, Zhang P, He S, Huang D. Effect of resveratrol on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clin Nutr. 2015 Feb;34(1):27-34. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2014.03.009. Epub 2014 Mar 31.
  4. Dang ZC. Dose-dependent effects of soy phyto-oestrogen genistein on adipocytes: mechanisms of action. Obes Rev. 2009 May;10(3):342-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00554.x. Epub 2009 Jan 16.
  5. Hamilton-Reeves JM, Vazquez G, Duval SJ, Phipps WR, Kurzer MS, Messina MJ. Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis. Fertil Steril. 2010 Aug;94(3):997-1007. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.04.038. Epub 2009 Jun 12.
  6. Storgaard L, Bonde JP, Olsen J. Male reproductive disorders in humans and prenatal indicators of estrogen exposure. A review of published epidemiological studies. Reprod Toxicol. 2006 Jan;21(1):4-15. Epub 2005 Jul
  7. Soni M, White LR, Kridawati A, Bandelow S, Hogervorst E. Phytoestrogen consumption and risk for cognitive decline and dementia: With consideration of thyroid status and other possible mediators. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016 Jun;160:67-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2015.10.024. Epub 2015 Nov 1.
  8. Patisaul HB, Jefferson W. The pros and cons of phytoestrogens. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology. 2010;31(4):400-419. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2010.03.003.
  9. Jargin SV. Soy and phytoestrogens: possible side effects. GMS German Medical Science. 2014;12:Doc18. doi:10.3205/000203.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Kratora Kratom Review: Quality Vendor Or Bunk?

Kratom is a plant-based substance that people have been increasingly using for a number of reasons, ranging from helping with conditions like anxiety to a way to stop using opioids and manage chronic pain.

Regardless of the reasons why someone is using or considering using Kratora Kratom, it’s essential to find a high-quality, reputable retailer. This will determine the potency and authenticity of the kratom itself, and also help ensure you get a positive customer service and shipping experience.

Most people do opt to purchase Kratora Kratom online, because it’s difficult to find it at local retailers, and the selection is so diverse online.

One well-known online retailer is Kratora Kratom Quality Ethnobotanicals.

So what should buyers know about Kratora? The following offers an overview of this particular retailer and what to know before placing an order with Kratora.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

1.  What is Kratom?

Before delving into the specifics of Kratora, what is kratom?

kratom tea

Kratom isn’t technically an herbal supplement, nor is it a drug, but it is a plant-derived substance that originates in Southeast Asia. It does have psychoactive properties, and when it’s taken at low doses, it tends to act as a stimulant.

At higher doses, people report kratom has effects more like opioids, although there are distinctions between Kratora Kratom and this class of drugs, including the fact that kratom doesn’t cause respiratory depression while opioids do.

The effects and potency of Kratora Kratom are dependent not only on the dosage, but also the quality of the product itself, and the strain. There is variance in the effects of different strains of kratom.

The legality of kratom is somewhat of a gray area, because while some states have moved to ban its use, at a national level, it’s legal, although there is a debate with the DEA and the FDA as to whether it will stay this way.

Proponents of Kratora Kratom feel that it has many therapeutic benefits and it’s not just something that can be used recreationally.There is currently quite a bit of scientific research being done to determine the efficacy of Kratora Kratom for different purposes, and many of these studies are showing promise.

Because of the increasing popularity of kratom, there are a lot of online retailers who sell low-quality products, which is why it is important to do your research before making a purchase.

2.  Kratora Kratom Overview

Kratora is a well-recognized retailer of kratom, and they have a team of experts who work to source top-quality products from around the world. Along with kratom, Kratora is also a retailer of Kanna, kava, blue lotus and other botanical products.

The overall premise at Kratora is that these products should be fresh and widely available at affordable prices.

Below is a brief look at some of the many available strains of Kratora Kratom sold by Kratora.

3.  Red Vein Kratora Kratom

Red vein kratom strains, in general, are among the most popular types of kratom. These strains do have some therapeutic benefits according to antidotal evidence, including pain relief.

Red-veined strains of kratom can also induce a sense of relaxation, can aid with sleep, and they can boost the user’s mood.

Related Article:  3 BEST Kratom Strains For Sleep

Kratora offers several different red vein strains of kratom. These include:

  • Thai Red Vein: The plain leaf powder has more relaxation-based effects than other green vein strains, and the effects are more long-lasting. This is not a very stimulating strain, and the effects are likely to be quite the opposite of stimulating for most users.
  • Premium Commercial Bali: This is a high-quality version of Bali kratom that’s extremely finely ground to help improve absorption. It is a relaxing strain as well.
  • Horned Red Vein: This is from a particular region of Borneo in Indonesia, and it’s very relaxing as well.
  • Red Malay: Red Malay provides a double boost for users because it’s relaxing but also euphoric.
  • Red Sumatra: This is made from mature leaves, and it isn’t stimulating but is more soothing and is long-lasting.
  • Red Vein Kali: This is a relatively new offering from Kratora, and it’s similar to Bali strains of kratom.
  • Buntuangie: This is the most potent red strain variety from Kratora. It tends to be used for relaxation as well as pain relief, and it’s not as much of a sedative as some other red vein strains. It may have potential therapeutic benefits regarding helping people replace anti-anxiety medications or opioids, and it can also be useful to help relieve the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Kratora recommends that to maximize the effects of this strain users combine it with red vein Maeng Da.

4.  Green Vein Kratora Kratom

Generally green vein strains of kratom, while slightly less popular than red vein strains, do have excellent effects for many users. The effects of green vein kratom strains tend to be more balanced, and they combine a sense of both pain relief as well as creating energy and relieving fatigue.

They can also have cognitive benefits, for example by increasing focus and productivity.

Kratora’s available green vein strains of kratom include:

  • Green Thai: Green Thai is extremely popular not just among Kratora customers, but among kratom users in general. It’s an energizing strain of kratom.
  • Maeng Da: This strain of green vein kratom is very potent—it’s among the most potent strains available. It’s both energizing and euphoric in its effects.
  • Malay: Malaysian green vein strains of kratom are energizing when people take smaller amounts, and then when they have higher doses it’s very relaxing. Malay’s effects are among the most long-lasting of all strains, and for some people, the effects last up to eight hours.
  • Green Vein Borneo: Green Vein Borneo is very energizing, and it makes a nice substitute for Green Thai strains.
  • Maeng Da Indo: This is a more affordable Maeng Da strain available to shoppers on Kratora’s site. It’s euphoric and energizing as well as being highly potent, despite the relatively low price.
  • Green Vein Sumatra: This is again both stimulating and euphoric.

5.  White Vein Kratora Kratom

Kratora’s white vein strains of kratom are energizing and can help combat fatigue, but these strains aren’t as useful for pain relief. A lot of times the effects of white vein kratom is referred to as “clean energy,” because it provides stimulation without less desirable side effects of stimulants like caffeine.

White vein strains are excellent mood boosters if that’s what you’re looking for with the use of kratom.

Kratora offers the following white vein strains:

  • White Borneo: White Borneo is euphoric and energizing, and Kratora recommends combining it with Maeng Da to maximize the effects.
  • White Vein Maeng Da: This is a high-quality Indonesian strain that’s energizing and as with other products from Kratora, harvested only from very mature leaves for the best effects.
  • Horned White: The name comes from the shape of the leaves from which it’s derived, and it’s great for stimulating effects.
  • White Vein Sumatra: Again, this is both stimulating and often euphoric.

6.  Extracts and Enhanced Products – Kratora Kratom

Kratora offers five different options that are considered extracts and enhanced products. There is a 25x kratom extract, a 50x extract, and the Ultra Enhanced Maeng Da variation. There are also Super Enhanced Bali kratom and Ultra Enhanced Indo, which is discussed below.

Kratora Kratom features something called Ultra-Enhanced Indo or UEI, which is a premium version of Indonesian kratom. The Kratora UEI is micro-powdered and then includes a combination of pure alkaloids. This is one of Kratora’s more expensive products, and some customers do feel that it’s the strongest Kratora Kratom they’ve tried.What’s unique about Kratora’s particular strain of Indo Kratora Kratom is the fact that for every 25 grams of powdered leaf included in this combination, they add an additional 2500 mg of pure Kratora Kratom alkaloids, which is in comparison to other vendors who put only 1250 mg of alkaloids in their versions of UEI.

According to Kratora, this means their Ultra Enhanced Indo blend is 20% more potent than comparable versions.

Different extraction methods are used in the creation of these products, with the objective of producing the best alkaloid content for the most effectiveness.

7.  Variety Packs – Kratora Kratom

There are two variety packs available from Kratora—the Plain Leaf Variety Pack and the Extract and Enhanced Variety Pack, both of which are the same price.

The Plain Leaf Variety Pack is an excellent option for someone who’s just getting started with kratom and isn’t sure which strain or variety is right for them.

The Plain Leaf Variety Pack includes a ½ ounce package of each of the plain leaf powder varieties available from Kratora including Maeng Da, Premium Bali, Green Malay, White Vein Borneo, Red Vein Thai, Red Vein Kali, and Green Vein Thai.

The Extract and Enhanced Variety Pack includes 3 grams of 25x Extract, 1 gram of 50x Extract, and 1 gram of Gold UEI.

8.  Pricing – Kratora Kratom

The prices vary on Kratora depending on the strain, as well as the size package ordered. For most products, the package options include one oz., four oz., eight oz., and one pound.

To give an example of specific pricing, one ounce of Maeng Da starts at $19.99 and goes up to $229.99 for a pound.

For Ultra Enhanced Maeng Da, which is a specialty product, prices start at $45.99 and go up to $739.99 for a large supply.

Kratora tends to be on the more expensive end as compared to other kratom retailers like Top Extracts and Phytoextractum, but their potency is also significantly higher according to most reviews.

Kratora offers free priority shipping on domestic orders of $50 or more.

9.  Kratora Kratom Reviews From Customers

So what are other customers saying about Kratora?

There are various posts on Reddit discussing Kratora and the available products.

One commenter wrote that while the prices on Kratora were somewhat higher than other retailers, the quality of their product made it worth it and when they experimented with other retailers they were disappointed with their products and ultimately went back to Kratora. Many customers feel Kratora does offer more potent products.

Other posters went on to report that they feel similarly about Kratora, and whether it was their first time trying kratom or they’ve tried many products and retailers, they feel happy with the product they received from this particular seller.

On other Reddit threads, posters said they were happy with how quickly their products from Kratora arrived, as well as the packaging. They also said that they were happy with the effects of the products and that the kratom they received did what it was indicated to do on the Kratora website.

On separate Reddit threads, posters say that Kratora has been their go-to source for kratom for years and that they’ve learned that lower-cost retailers don’t deliver on quality.

Some posters even go so far as to say that after comparing various products such as red vein strains from other retailers products from Kratora have offered the best experience.

On Facebook, the reviews are similar, with customers praising everything from what they describe as “crazy fast shipping” to the potency of the products.

10.  Rewards Program

A unique element of Kratora is their rewards program that promotes customer loyalty.

When someone shops Kratora they automatically earn points for every dollar they spend, and once the points reach 250 it’s converted to a $25 certificate for shopping.

People buying on Kratora can redeem these certificates by visiting their account on the shop’s website.

11.  Conclusion

So what’s the takeaway when it comes to Kratora?

Kratora has a long history in the kratom business, and during that time they’ve earned a solid reputation. Customers report that they enjoy their very fast shipping, their attentive customer service, and also the quality of their products.

If there were one general complaint about Kratora, it would be that the prices are higher than other retailers, but for most customers who have compared this retailer to others, the higher price of their products is worth it for the better quality, the quality packaging, and the rapid shipping.

The majority of people who post online say that in their experience Kratora does offer the most potent strains of green, white and red vein kratom and they also feature special extracts for more potency.

The higher price of Kratora’s products also tends to be offset somewhat by their rewards program and shipping deals.

Kratora is also good for kratom newcomers because of their sample packs that let people experiment and find the strain that works best for their needs.

I would say that Kratora offers some of the most impressive kratom that I have gotten to get my hands on myself and although it is somewhat pricey, kratom new comers and connoisseurs alike seem to be enjoying the benefits it has to offer.

Have You Used Kratora Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

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#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

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#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

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Coastline Kratom Review: My Personal Results

Note:  As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business!   Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

For those of you who have been following my site for any length of time, you know that the vast majority of products we test are supplements.

Sometimes we go off the beaten track and test other things, which is what I’m about to discuss here.


What we’ll be discussing is a substance called Coastline Kratom or commonly known as KratomKratom has been used for 100’s of years by the people of Southeast Asia, and its traditional uses include:

  • To act as a potent pain reliever
  • Improve mood and energy
  • Increased sexual activity in some

I’ve been experimenting with various Coastline Kratom vendors over the last 2 years or so, and about 6 months ago got a chance to try out Coastline Kratom.

What is Coastline Kratom?

As the name suggests, Coastline is a vendor for Kratom.  Coastline Kratom is a somewhat controversial substance that is used to help everything from anxiety, to mood, and is especially effective at helping with pain relief.

coastline kratom beginners pack

In fact, it’s so powerful that the DEA almost banned the substance back in September of 2017.

However, that potential banned was stymied after a HUGE backlash from the online Kratom community.

Kratom is basically the legal version of hydrocodone., and has actually helped literally 1000’s of people ween themselves off prescription opioid medications.

Some have even characterized it as a legal Xanax alternative, however, I’ve never actually tried Xanax so I wouldn’t know for sure.

Some people might take offense to me placing kratom in the same class as these medications, but in my humble opinion, I’ve never come across anything remotely comparable.

Coastline Kratom is one of many vendors that sell a wide variety of Kratom powders, including:

  • Bali
  • Borneo
  • Horned
  • Maeng Da
  • Green and White Malay

Kratom can basically be divided up into 3 characteristic properties:

Slow strains – These basically produce the most pain relief, euphoria, improved mood, and sense of well being.

Slow strains are great for lazy days sitting around the house binging on “House of Cards” reruns.

Moderate strains – These produce considerable pain relief, euphoria, improved mood, and have energetic properties.

They essentially work as a mix between slow and fast strains, although some of them have slower properties and some have faster properties.

They’re great for helping you get motivated to do stuff, but not overbearing or stimulating.

Fast Strains – These are all about getting you to wake the hell up, and get you motivated to go about your day.

While they do provide a small bit of pain and anxiety relief, fast strains could be characterized as a REALLY good cup of coffee.

I have personally tested ALL of the Coastline Kratom strains, and here are my personal results (ranked in NO particular order):

1.  Bali Kratom – Slow – Moderate Strain

coastline kratom white vein bali

There are 2 different versions of Bali kratom that Coastline Kratom sells, a white vein and a red vein.

For me, the red vein seems to produce a keen sense of sedation, pain relief, and relaxation.

It’s perfect for days when you have a few things to get done, but isn’t over-stimulating like some of the other strains.

The white vein is sort of on the opposite end of the spectrum.  There’s a “little bit” of pain relief, but nowhere near that of the red vein.

For me, the white vein seems to work well asa motivation tool.  If I have a day where I need to get a lot of things done, I’ll typically dose about 2 – 3 grams of this on a completely empty stomach.

2.  Borneo – Slow Strain

coastline kratom green vein borneo

Borneo is divided up into 3 varieties:  Green Vein, Red Vein, and Ultra Enhanced red vein borneo.

In my personal experience, the Enhanced red vein is the most intense, purely from an anxiety / pain relief perspective.

It can definitely help with pain, but seems to have larger effects on depression and fatigue.

The regular red vein from Coastline Kratom is basically a lesser version of the Enhanced red vein (no surprise there, right?)

As far as the green vein borneo, it definitely seems to produce more euphoric effects, and considerably larger pain relief.

If I had to choose between all 3, I would go with the Ultra Enhanced red vein if I was having a particularly anxious day, and the Green vein borneo if I were having a particularly challenging day mood-wise.

3.  Horned Kratom – Slow Strain

coastline kratom red vein horned

By FAR, my absolute favorite strain of all of the types if kratom would be Horned.

Coastline Kratom sells 3 different varieties of horned:  Ultra Enhanced red vein, regular Red Vein, and White vein.

For me, the effects of all 3 are actually pretty comparable, although the Ultra Enhanced seems to kick in a bit quicker.

It definitely produces the most euphoria and pain relief, and is considered the slowest strain possible by many.

It melts pain away VERY quickly, usually just 15 – 20 minutes after a solid 3 – 4 gram dose.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, definitely give Horned kratom a try.

It is also good for pain management or little spouts of anxiety because its quick onset let’s you take it as needed easier than some of the slow tick strains of kratom.

4.  Maeng Da – Fast Strain

coastline kratom red vein maeng da

Considered one of the (if not THE) fastest strains, Coastline sells 3 different varieties of Maeng Da:  Red Vein, Ultra enhanced Red vein, and White vein.

Unlike the Horned, all 3 of these seem to produce pretty significantly different effects.

The Ultra Enhanced Red vein is WAY to fast for me.  When I take even the smallest amount (like 1 – 2 grams) it has me bouncing off the walls for hours.

Taking any more than 2 grams doesn’t seem to have any effect, although it does seem to mix will with either borneo or bali to reduce some of the anxiety it causes.

Out of these 3, I personally like the White Vein the best.  It seems to produce considerable energy and motivation to get stuff done, but isn’t overbearing like the red strains are.

5.  Malay – Moderate / Fast

coastline kratom green vein malay

The only malay strain from Coastline that I’ve personally tested is Green vein, and the only other one they sell is Ultra enhanced Green malay.

My suspicion, based on my experiences with the other “Ultra” versions of their product, leads me to believe that it would be more potent.

But kratom can be funny like that, in the sense that one strain may trump another in one area, and fall short in another.

Some are going to scratch certain itches and wellness needs that others can’t, and checking out a few strains and noticing how they affect you differently is the best way to find the one best suited to you.

If I had to rate Green Malay out of all of the above kratom types, I would rank it towards the bottom simply because I typically enjoy the Horned and Bali that much.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I take it?

Generally speaking, the effects of Kratom can be divided up into 2 dose ranges:

Small dose (1 – 3 grams):  The smaller the dose, the faster the effects.  Meaning, if you’re looking to get stuff done and need a kick in the ass to get going, go with the lowest possible dose.

Big dose (4+ grams):  Once you hit a certain point (for me it’s about 4 grams), and start upping the dose, the effects seem to get slower.

In a sense, they start to produce more pain relief, euphoria, and improved mood.

However, it will leave you feeling lethargic and unable to really get anything done.

I recommend taking the larger doses later on in the day, and they can actually help well with insomnia.

All of the effects of Coastline Kratom described above are my own personal results.

With that said, Kratom is weird in a sense that not everyone responds the same to the various strains out there.

For example, the borneo and Bali strains work great at helping with pain relief and mood for me.

For others, however, these exact same strains may help more with motivation and anxiety relief then helping with mood and pain.

This is why I always recommend getting a small quantity of each and testing them out individually, BY THEMSELVES.

Literally, take a sheet of paper, make note of the strain you’re are testing that day, and measure out 1 – 3 grams.

Then, as the minutes / hours pass by, make note of how you feel every 30 – 60 minutes.

Alternatively, if you don’t have the cash to fork over to buy each one, then I would recommend at the very least starting off with their “beginners pack”.

You get 3 versions of kratom with this pack:

  • Red vein maeng da
  • Green vein malay
  • White vein bali

The beginners pack contains 25 mg of each of these, and is a great starting point in your adventure into Kratom.

Is it legal?

You can buy Coastline kratom in most (but not ALL) states.

They will not sell to states that have outlawed the use of Kratom, including Vermont, Rhode Island, Alabama, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Indiana, Washington DC, and Tennessee.

There are also a few select cities and counties where it is outlawed, check out the map below to see where kratom is legal.

where is kratom legal - illegal

When I purchased some kratom from them, it says “Not For Human Consumption” on the label.  What gives?

This is common with practically EVERY vendor that sells Kratom, and as it turns out, is necessary.

coastline kratom not for human consumption

Simply put, they do this to protect themselves from lawsuits and legal issues.

Does Coastline sell kratom capsules?

As far as I’m aware, no.

I’ve never been a big fan of capsules anyway.  For some reason, they just don’t seem to be as effective as just the straight up powder.

However, I can understand how for some guys / gals capsules may just be more convenient.

If you’re absolutely hell-bent on using capsules, but still want to buy Coastline kratom, I would recommend picking up a product called the Cap-M-Quick and a bag of capsules over on Amazon and do it yourself. content/uploads/2018/01/cap m

The Cap-M-Quick is less than $25, and a bag of 1000 capsules will run you like $12.

I’ve actually done this several times, and I can tell you from experience that it literally takes 15 minutes to cap 50 capsules.

VERY easy.

Where can I buy Coastline Kratom?

Note:  As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business!   Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

Their prices are a bit high when compared to similar vendors like Happy Hippo, Phytoextractum, and Kratora, but in my opinion the extra price tag is worth it for a few reasons:

  1.  Their quality is VERY consistent.  I’ve bought from a TON of vendors over the last 2 years or so, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a bunk batch.Bunk = it didn’t have any effects whatsoever, or if it did, the effects were minimal.
  2. Their refund and return policy is simple and solid.In the 6 months I’ve been ordering from them I’ve literally had ONE batch go bad on me.And you know what, I sent them an email and within 6 hours they told me to send it back for a full refund.Yes, I was responsible for the shipping on my end.  But, it was delivered to them within 48 hours or so, and within 24 hours of that time I had the money literally back in my account.I can’t tell you how many other vendors I’ve had problems with the quality of their product, only to basically shrug their shoulders and say “not my problem”.
  3. I never, EVER, have problems with my credit card with them.I’m not sure what the issues are with some of these vendors, but I’ve yet to see a problem with my credit card paying for the order.Some of these other vendors I’ve almost literally had to jump through hoops to purchase their product.One time I had to make a donation to a “charity” (they owned the ‘charity’, it was basically a front) to place an order.
  4. Their customer service is fast and easy.

This has never been a huge deal for me, but it’s worth noting here.

I’ve only had to contact them twice regarding an order I’ve placed with them, and each time they got back to me in LITERALLY less than an hour.

Can I use it with alcohol?

Not recommended, read this:  Kratom and Alcohol: Is It REALLY Safe To Mix? | Supplement Critique


I have used over a dozens different Kratom vendors over the last 2 years or so, and I can say with 100% certainty that Coastline Kratom is by FAR the best in terms of effects.

Their prices may be a bit higher than some of their competitors, but the quality is well worth the price.

Couple that with the fact that I ALWAYS get consistent effects from their kratom, and I say give it a shot!

Note:  As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business!   Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

Have You Used Coastline Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Phytoextractum Review: High Quality Kratom Or Bunk?

1.  Kratom Overview

Mitragyna speciosa, known primarily by the street name Kratom, is one of America’s newest found ethnobotanicals and a holistic method for promoting wellness. Kratom, derived from the ground leaves of the tropical Rubiaceae species, is closely related to coffee and gardenia plants, and the natives have consumed it similarly to the way most Americans have consumed coffee for centuries.

an example of kratom
^ An example of kratom

2.  What is Kratom Used For?

Kratom has been employed for its vast medicinal benefits; including natural energy, combating nausea and diarrhea, a powerful anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and potent pain relieving analgesic. Kratom has also been discovered to be a safe and effective method for relieving the side effects of opiate and benzodiazepine withdrawals.

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

3.  How Kratom Works

Kratom’s main component, the indole alkaloid mitragynine, binds at mu and delta-opioid receptors and is structured similarly to Yohimbine and thought to be roughly 13 times more powerful than morphine. Hospitals in Thailand have even administered it to newborn babies born addicted to heroin since the early 1960’s.

That itself speaks volumes about the power of this miraculous herb. The fact also that in 2016 the Drug Enforcement Agency unsuccessfully attempted to list its active compound as a Schedule I drug, should say it all about the potency of kratom.

4.  Where Kratom Comes From

This deciduous evergreen is unfortunately found exclusively in Southeast Asia, yet in the last decade it has taken the rest of the world by storm. Initially kratom could only be purchased through online retailers or from an individual farmer in Indonesia.

The uncertainty of sending a PayPal payment to a stranger overseas, with no promise of quality or any guarantee of shipping was extremely scary. Not to mention having to wait for customs to inspect the package and send you the shredded remains months later…not in the least bit safe!

Luckily with the popularity of kratom expanding in the United States, so has the number of reputable and vetted vendors. However, with the explosion in sales the amount of unreliable and dishonest vendors has grown exponentially as well.

One such vendor I have found who promises the “highest quality kratom at the best prices online” is Phytoextractum Plants and Extracts of Portland, Oregon.

5.  Phytoextractum Overview offers an extensive selection of kratom, extracts (made from kratom with a much higher potency), a plethora of other ethnobotanicals; such as Kava Kava, Kombucha, and tons of unique books and accessories designed for the herbal enthusiast.

Kratom is available to purchase in various forms, and numerous strains from

All of which produce different and unique benefits and side effects. Keep in mind every person is different, so the effects of individual strains will vary dramatically from person to person.

6.  Phytoextractum Strains of Kratom

There are three main strains of kratom depending upon how and where it is harvested; Green, Red, and White.

Each strain holds a specific number of alkaloids and have different benefits based on the part of the plant it is derived from and the manner in which it is harvested. For instance, Green Malaysian is grown in Malaysia and harvested from the green vein, found in the center of the leaf. Red Indo would therefore be harvested from the red vein of leaves grown and harvested from Indonesia.

Red Vein

Red Vein Kratom Red strains of kratom are considered a favorite among users seeking natural methods of calming down and releasing everyday tension. Red veins are ideal for relieving anxiety and promoting sleep safely and effectively. Reds are known to be the strongest for pain relief and the exclusive choice for opioid addiction recovery. Red Borneo is well known to be the strongest at relieving anxiety.

White Vein

White Vein Kratom   Kratom derived from the white veins of the leaf have been reported to be the most energizing and stimulating of all the strains, promoting natural energy and giving an overall feeling of wellness and happiness. White veins enhance mood and mental clarity among users without causing irritability or overstimulation. Whites can be used safely in place of coffee or energy drinks. Many users have stated they use it in place of their Adderall and Ritalin, and it effectively relieves the symptoms of Add/ADHD. White strains are excellent for depression. The favorite among consumers is the White Maeng Da.

Green Vein

Green Vein Kratom   Beginners, or those with a low threshold to substances, would benefit greatly from any green strain. Green veined kratom is considered as a perfect combination of analgesic, stimulant and anti-anxiety, without being overwhelming or overpowering. Green veins give ample energy without keeping you awake all night or causing excessive drowsiness. Often green strains are combined with other strains; such as red or white, to enhance the desired effects. Favorites among users are Super Green and Green Malaysian.

Green Malay

Green Malaysian Kratom   Green Malaysian, or Malay, is harvested from the green vein of leaves found only in Malaysia, as it is adequately named. Consumers unanimously name this strain as the most potent of all and say its effects last the longest as well. Strains from Malaysia are often noted to be quite energizing and euphoric at low doses, and often found to be extremely sedating at higher ones. Green Malaysian is known for its larger leaves, and contains at least 40 specific alkaloids. Most users who suffer with chronic pain will opt for selecting this strain over any other.


Indonesian Kratom    Indonesian kratom, you guessed it, is harvested in remote farms in Indonesia. Indo, as it is often referred, is the number one strain sold today due to Indonesia being the primary exporter of kratom. Indonesia is ideal for growing, as the humidity and soil is optimal for producing extraordinary species. Often Indonesian strains are combined with extracts, making this strain very potent. Red Vein Indonesian is known as the most effective anxiolytic, and a favorite among consumers as a natural anti-anxiety and relaxing sedative. This strain is also noted to cause far less negative side effects, such as nausea and dizziness.

7.  What Are People Saying?

As I stated earlier, there are countless online and real-world vendors who offer promises of their kratom being the highest quality anywhere, and of course they always say it is at the lowest price. But what are the consumers saying? That is where we end up uncovering the truth about Unfortunately for their clients, they do not seem to be a very reputable or professional company whatsoever. Sure, their website is designed optimally, and they carry an extremely large selection of strains and other cool accessories, but is that truly enough to keep them in the positive at tax time? Sadly, it does not look like it. Upon reading numerous threads on Reddit and YouTube, the chief complaint with is that they have poor quality kratom at higher than average prices, and to top it off…they suck at customer service and professional etiquette. Let’s dive into some words from real customers, and examine this further…

“I used to get their Bali regularly but had a quality issue when I bought 2lbs of Bali. it made me sick. switched to their super indo for a while (which I loved!) until the same issue came up. I know every vendor gets bad batches, just ended up finally researching some new vendors that were cheaper and ended up liking them better.”
Reddit user, 2015

Made me sick? Well that is very alarming! This is not the only comment on Reddit which speaks of delivering them bunk kratom. Some vendors carry what is called “KRYPTON” and the powder is mixed with pharmaceuticals like the prescription pain medicine Tramadol, and have been known to cause illness. Fortunately for unsuspecting consumers, this dangerous blend has since been discontinued. It stands to reason if a vendor is stuck with a hefty load of KRYPTON then they probably just continue to sell it under another name, which would be very easy to do considering the consumer truly has no way of verifying a strain. Perhaps this was the case with

“The extracts were so super bad that I questioned my life”1 Here we have yet another customer who had a bad experience with their product, this time the extract was to blame. The extracts are made from the same leaves as kratom powder, yet the process is unique and uses far more leaves to produce either a resin, or liquid which contains anywhere from 15x up to 150x the potency of regular kratom. This makes sense if the customer was uncertain of the potency and tried to use it like regular kratom. Kratom in high doses does cause depression and undesirable effects. However, further review of their comments led me to believe they were a true connoisseur and knew how much to take. Knowing that, has certainly some explaining to do.

“Don’t forget Overpriced too lol. I was banned from “The Kratom Forum” before I found this reddit for calling this very company out for charging $22 Bucks an Ounce!!! They claimed they had “Orange Vein”…I personally have never seen an Orange Vein in the 4 years I have been using Kratom but for 22 bucks an ounce I highly doubt it is worth it”

“I think their products are good quality BUT of course EXTREMELY over priced in comparison to the bulk vendors”

Remember earlier I stated there are three strains; red, white and green? Well if a company is offering any other strain color, know it is only a marketing ploy and there truly is no other strain. Farmers who grow Maeng Da, known as “Pimp Grade”, or “OG”, are the only farmers in Southeast Asia who produce anything other than those three strains, and are in a class of their own. $22 an ounce is astronomical! When it comes to the potency and quality of the Red Vein offered by, consumers are mixed with their opinions, but it seems the Bali Red Vein is a favorite. A bit overpriced, but “it does what it is supposed to”, reports one satisfied client, and that is a good sign. Having one or two random comments saving face is not merely enough to boost trust in this vendor, especially when there are countless others to choose from.

“I will definitely be going through them more often. They do exactly what they are supposed to do. I ordered Green Sumatra, White Maeng Da and Green Malay. Excellent price and shipping was fast!”-Brandon3

8.  Where to Buy

If choosing to take a chance with this vendor, you can order online at They accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover, and they also take payments using PayPal, Bitcoin and Dwolla. This company also offers COD, which is a rarity. Many other vendors are available, who are vetted, which means their kratom has been tested by individuals in the community and is a way of saying, “this kratom is legit.” In comparison, the Red Maeng Da, for example, that offers at $19 an ounce, could be purchased elsewhere much cheaper, for instance Coastline Botanicals or my personal favorite, Greg’s Botanicals out of Tampa, both are vetted and reputable vendors.

9.  Recommendation

In conclusion, we have discussed the different strains and various effects of each, as well as how fares among the ranks of online vendors. Deciding on a vendor is often tedious and always a near hit-and-miss. My suggestion is if a vendor is offering a strain other than red, white, green, or Maeng Da, then know it is a ploy and don’t fall for it. Always read the reviews from each individual vendor before sending any payment because once you receive the product, there is no guarantee it will be up to par. I personally would not order from due to the negative reviews alone, and would carefully research all vendors before spending money or ingesting their products. Another suggestion of mine would be to purchase only a small amount to test the quality and speed of delivery. If the kratom you order arrives fast and the quality is potent, then it stands to reason the rest of this vendor’s kratom is of high quality as well. Buying in small quantities has its benefits too, the kratom stays fresher longer and there is less chance of overdoing it. By personal experience, having a kilo in the freezer tempts you into taking it more often and bulk kratom tends to lose potency over time. Many vendors offer sample packs of their strains, and that is the best way to go.

Nowadays, even despite the controversy and changes coming about in many states, there is a vast wealth of kratom available and I would say that you would be best off going with one of the many other good sites to get yours.

Have You Used Phytoextractum Kratom?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Leanbean Review: Best Female Fat Burner?

We review supplements day in and day out. Here’s our take on the new fat burner Leanbean.

Click Here to go to the official Leanbean website.

Leanbean is a new fat burner for women on the market

That’s right, there’s a new category of supplement on the market called the female fat burner.

These weight loss supplements have become super popular in the last year or so, and with all the buzz it’s clear that they’re going to be around for a long time.

Leanbean is a female fat burner

Scientific research is getting updated all the time, but the success of this category comes down to one fact: women and men are poles apart when it comes to biology!

Our body weight and fat percentage are different, our hormone levels are different, the way our bodies react to caffeine is different. Even our brain’s responses to cravings and food is different (for instance, men generally ignore sugar cravings easier).

At Supplement Critique we review all of our supplements personally.

leanbean fat burner review

Usually this means we spend time using products that make no improvement at all. From what we’ve found only a handful actually work.

RELATED: Lipo 6 Black Hers Review

But my wife loved the look of a new product called Leanbean and was excited to try it. She’s used different fat burner supplements before but was interested to see if this one would be more effective than the others.

Leanbean review

After just 2 weeks she was completely sold. Leanbean curbed her appetite, and it literally gave her the discipline to start shaping her body overnight.

She also got a noticeable ‘energy buzz’ while using it, which really solidifies the argument that you don’t need massive doses of caffeine in a fat burner. In total she lost over ten pounds, and she really tightened and trimmed every part of her body too.


To see real life before and after pics and Leanbean success stories then keep reading.  

What is Leanbean Fat Burner?

Leanbean gives you the benefit of three supplements in one fat-burning pill. It’s a proven appetite suppressant for women containing around 1000mg of Garcinia Cambogia, Glucomannan and Cayenne Pepper.

Unique ingredients like Turmeric and Vitamin B help prevent Estrogen dominance and fat deposits.

leanbean fat burner ingredients label

This supplement is a metabolism booster too, you’ll find Raspberry Ketones as well as Cayenne Pepper and Green Tea to drive metabolic rate.

WebMD says this of Raspberry Ketones:

“Raspberry ketone is a chemical from red raspberries that is thought to help for weight loss. Some research in animals or in test tubes shows that raspberry ketone might increase some measures of metabolism. It might also affect a hormone in the body called adiponectin. Adiponectin can increase the rate at which the body burns fat and reduce appetite.” Source

Cayenne Pepper is another active ingredient in the Leanbean formula that helps to kickstart your metabolism.

Cayenne pepper is found in Leanbean and helps to boost metabolism

Finally, the green tea that’s found in Leanbean has been known to increase metabolic rate, thus help our bodies to burn fat.

Green tea boosts metabolism and is found in Leanbean fat burner

This study cited by WebMD found that “green tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation.”

The lead author of the study, Abdul G. Dulloo of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, claims that “Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se.” The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Source

Some of Leanbean ingredients are studied in depth

So as you can see, ingredients like these work well for women. Remember, you want the ability to melt away more fat but don’t want the side effects of large volumes of caffeine.

Leanbean is not a prescription or medicine, there’s no bad ingredients or diuretics in it. It’s reportedly been used by athletes including fitness models, surfers, and soccer players.


The natural formula makes it attractive from this standpoint, as it can speed up weight loss and it’s legal to use if you’re competing.

All of the ingredients in this product have been tested and studied in scientific laboratories, with research being carried out in the U.S. as well as lots of other countries around the world.

You’ll also find added antioxidants and minerals in Leanbean, the most potent of which are Chromium, Acai and Black Pepper.

Leanbean has all-natural ingredients

Each of these all-natural ingredients supposedly contribute to overall health and weight loss in various ways. For instance, the Chromium contained in Leanbean is said to be a vital trace mineral that can improve insulin sensitivity and metabolism. According to Medical News Today…

“Early studies suggested that supplemental chromium may contribute to weight loss and help increase muscle mass. These studies were not conclusive, but more recent studies have shown improved muscle growth or a decrease in fat mass.” Source

Leanbean's ingredients have been studied by scientists

Some of the benefits of Leanbean:

  1. Extra appetite suppressants
  2. Boosts metabolism without caffeine
  3. Natural formula to control the fat hormone Erastidiol
  4. Improves energy without affecting your heart rate
  5. It’s suitable for a vegetarian/vegan diet
  6. Excellent customer results
  7. 90 day money-back guarantee, return the product if you’re not happy.
Leanbean is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee

The ingredients in Leanbean can help you avoid addictive and unhealthy foods, and if you can limit the calories going in then you’re going to lose weight much quicker. With the best ingredients, sticking to the right diet will be easier, and your energy and the motivation to work-out more will be higher.

When using the Leanbean fat burner you take 4 pills a day and get a more sustained dose of weight loss ingredients.

how to take leanbean fat burner

This guarantees the product will work for the whole day. Many other detox products and diet pills use 1 serving only which is less likely to help you burn fat.

It’s a bit of a side note, but we did really like the packaging with this product also.


It’s kind of unusual for a weight loss supplement, as we’ve seen all sorts of monstrous containers reviewing products over the years. But this is just… beautiful.

Laura’s Personal Results with Leanbean

We found lots of positive stories and reviews with this fat burner. Laura is one example we liked.

leanbean female fat burner before and after

She used Leanbean for four weeks and earned some quick results.

leanbean before and after

You’ll see from her pictures that her face slimmed right down and her waist became visibly narrower. The biggest result was on her belly though — it’s incredible how much flatter and defined it became over the course of the month.

Here’s another video review that shows how powerful Lean Bean Fat burner really is:


Frequently Asked Questions We Get

Is Leanbean Safe to use?

According to the makers of the product, Leanbean is completely safe to use, even if you take it every day.

“Leanbean’s safe and effective formula only uses natural ingredients and each capsule is produced in FDA registered facilities meaning you are getting a product you can trust. We also avoid synthetics so you won’t experience any unwanted side effects.” Source

Some women wonder if taking a fat burner like Leanbean can mess with their periods. The short answer is yes, it can. According to, “Diet pills… often knock menstrual cycles off kilter.” Source

But is this a serious cause for concern? Probably not. However, it’s important to monitor your food intake while taking the product.

It's important to eat nutritious food while taking leanbean weight loss supplement

And here’s why. The lack of nutrients (and the accompanying stress to your body) is what can really cause your periods to get all wonky. And fat burners have a sneaky way of cutting those food cravings so you eat less. So just keep that in mind.

RELATED: Weight Loss Supplements for Women aged 31-45

Other women want to know how long Leanbean takes to wear off. And here’s the thing… this product and others like it are NOT a miracle pill. You can’t expect to take it for a few months, get great results, and then kick back and eat chicken nuggets, cookies, and pizza the rest of the year.


If you stop taking the product, and do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll find that Leanbean wears off pretty quickly. On the other hand, if you keep up the good work (healthy eating and exercise!), you’ll likely keep those results throughout the year.

Also, this fat burner could potentially raise blood pressure for those with hypertension. But I mostly found this concern to be anecdotal and not backed by scientific evidence. One recent study found the relationship between green tea extract (contained in Leanbean) and high blood pressure to yield “inconsistent results.” Source

Are there any side effects?

Leanbean has very few side effects

Usually when I review a fat burner, I’ll come across at least some side effects. Caffeine certainly has its benefits, but no doubt it has its drawbacks too. All the evidence on Leanbean shows that it’s as close to a side effect free fat burner as you can get.

There is some caffeine in the product but in smaller amounts than you’ll find in many other supplements.

There is relatively little caffeine in leanbean compared to other fat burners

In it’s place there’s a higher concentration of Cayenne and Turmeric to help boost metabolism and lower inflammation.

Leanbean all natural ingredients

Who Makes Leanbean?

Leanbean official makes leanbean fat burner for females

As far as I can tell, the company behind this weight-loss supplement for women is Leanbean Official.

And in my research, I haven’t found anything that puts their credibility in question. In fact, the company seems pretty legit from what I’m used to seeing and testing.

The company behind the Leanbean fat burner for women seems legit

Where Can I Buy It?

If you’re looking for Lean Bean fat burner in stores like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or GNC, you’ll come up short.

It can be bought from just one place, the official website

After doing online research it doesn’t look like this company works with traditional retailers like Sephora. We couldn’t find any discount or coupon websites working with this brand either.

You can buy Leanbean only on the company's website

You’ll be able to access deals straight from the manufacturer though. There’s free product and guides for customers who buy three bottles or more. If you buy the 90 day supply and find you’re unhappy with the results, you can get your money back.

How Do I Take It?

Take 1 tablet at a time, 4 times a day. Taking with food is recommended, mostly because it will help you get into the routine of using it.

Take Leanbean daily with food

Some user reviews have suggested 2 capsules before a workout in order to get maximum energy benefits.

Can I take it after pregnancy?

Women are commonly looking to lose weight after pregnancy. Leanbean will help you maximize your post baby training, but if you’re still breast feeding, you really need to get the advice of a doctor before using it. Same goes if you’re looking to take this fat burner while pregnant.


Can I take it while I’m pregnant?

Well, to answer this question, we have to break the formula down to the ingredient level.

First, let’s have a look at the ingredient Garcinia Cambogia.

According to the fine folks at WebMD, “You definitely don’t want to use [Garcinia Cambogia] when you’re pregnant or nursing, or if you have kidney or liver problems. It is possible that manic symptoms may emerge as a side effect.” Source

Garcinia Cambogia is found in Leanbean and should not be taken by pregnant women

Also, green tea extract is best to stay away from when pregnant, as it is a form of caffeine. But there is little research to really back this up.

All in all, you should probably not take this fat burner or others like it while you’re pregnant. Why risk it?

Should I take it with Anything Else?

You can stack Leanbean with other supplements depending on your goals

It all depends on your goals. Maybe you want to lose weight and tone up. Or maybe you want to pack on some muscle.

You can stack Leanbean with other supplements, but be intentional about it and make sure it lines up with your desired outcome.

If you’re looking to gain muscle, I would recommend taking it with Testofuel.

But if you’re looking to shred down, you should consider taking Leanbean with a preworkout like Nitrocut or 4Gauge.

Will it flag a blood test for drugs?


Leanbean female fat burner will not show up on a drug test. There aren’t any illegal substances contained in the supplement, so you shouldn’t have a worry in the world about getting busted for doping.

The ingredient profile is all natural, with no additives, and it’s not even a stimulant-heavy formula like many fat burners out there. What you get with Leanbean is a super-clean fat burner that works.

Leanbean does not show up on a drug test

Are there better fat burners for women than Leanbean?

Not that we’ve seen. It’s a genuine stimulant free supplement that works for the female body. The extra craving suppression and hormone balancing ingredients make this fat burner the perfect product for women.

Our Personal Results

When you live close to the beach like us you kind of become obsessed with maintaining a nice body.

If you live near the beach, a fat burner like leanbean is always on your radar

With lots of people, they can just blitz the gym for a month before their summer holiday and then forget about it for the rest of the year. We live outside most of the time, so socializing in Florida comes with the pressure to look fit for most of the year.

Keeping motivated for long periods of time is difficult though, and there’s always times when you lose interest, slack off, and start backsliding. Good supplements are a way of turning things around and making life a little easier.

For my wife Leanbean provided just that. There’s supplements in my stack that she would never consider taking. But she was instantly attracted to Leanbean, and in her view it really does work better for women.

Leanbean helps with weight loss

It’s one of the few products she’s carried on taking way beyond her first month’s supply. There was no desire to snack while taking Leanbean, and she felt extra energy week after week. She lost extra fat but also preserved muscle in the right parts of her body too.

Since using Leanbean, I’ve seen her confidence really grow, to the point where she’s spending more money on swimwear.

She’s going to see out all three months of the product so she can give a thorough review.

If you want the views of a few different users before buying the product, then you can get those by clicking here. You’ll also be able to access video information on how the product works.

Leanbean is a trusted weight-loss supplement for women


Most of the fat burners we’ve reviewed in the past have been geared typically toward men, so it’s nice to see someone develop something specifically for women.

The market seems to be over-saturated with similar products geared towards men, so it is nice to see an actually good and reputable one come along that is for the women looking for the same results.

Based on everything we’ve seen and tested regarding LeanBean, I’m fairly certain this is going to be a real winner.


If you have any questions on this particular product, don’t hesitate to ask away in the comments section below!

Visit the official LeanBean site here:

Have You Used LeanBean Fat Burner?  If So, Leave Your Review Below!

Kratom And Alcohol: Is It REALLY Safe To Mix?

Despite its growing popularity in the west, kratom is certainly not a new substance. Originating in Southeast Asia, kratom has long been used by the people in that region, primarily as a way to help them stay awake and energetic to work more.

However, is it safe to mix Kratom and Alcohol?

We’ll explore that in this review, but first an overview of kratom.

Want to jump to our research on Kratom and Alcohol?  Click Here.

Kratom Overview

Kratom has relatively recently become more mainstream in countries like the U.S., and as a result, its use is something that’s garnered a lot of attention not just from individuals, but also from regulatory bodies such as the FDA and the DEA.

an example of kratom

The plant-derived kratom is considered a psychoactive substance, and the primary alkaloid it contains is called mitragynine.

According to research in animal-based experiments, kratom has been shown to have pain-relieving effects, it works as a muscle relaxant, and it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Mitragynine and other alkaloids in kratom are believed to work on the opioid receptors in the central nervous system, and while there is some concern that kratom could be addictive or could lead to physical dependence, it’s also believed to have therapeutic benefits.

How Does Kratom Work?

Based on what’s known through currently available research, kratom’s main alkaloid mitragynine binds to the MORs, which is a certain type of opioid receptor in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract. Kratom is often incorrectly described as an opioid, but it’s not, despite similarities.

Experimentation has shown that along with activating MORs, the receptors affected by kratom activate certain pathways that help eliminate the most undesirable side effects of opioids.

While it does activate some of the same receptors as opioids, the most powerful alkaloids in kratom are only about 1/100th the potency of morphine.

One big area of research currently being looked at with regard to kratom and its possible uses is for the treatment of opioid addiction and dependence.

Opioids, including heroin and prescription painkillers, have led to tens of thousands of overdoses and deaths annually, and the addiction problem relating to these drugs continues to grow, despite efforts to contain the epidemic. Kratom, particularly at higher doses, is believed to act in many of the same ways as opioids, but it doesn’t cause respiratory depression.

Respiratory depression is one of the most significant and dangerous side effects of opioids, so the idea that kratom could help people stop using opioids by activating similar receptors without this deadly side effect is one that’s piqued the interest of researchers and individuals.

Kratom also has the potential to be helpful as a treatment for chronic pain as opposed to relying on traditional opioids, but there is still limited scientific research on the topic.

Kratom used at higher doses does have effects similar to opioids, as was mentioned. This includes a sense of relaxation, drowsiness, and possibly euphoria, as well as having pain-relieving effects.

What’s unique about kratom is that when it’s used at lower doses, it tends to have a stimulant-like effect. People who use low doses of kratom often report feeling increased energy and feelings of well-being.

Along with distinctions based on the dosage of kratom a person takes, there are also different effects reported based on the strain of kratom used.

An overview of some of the most commonly used strains include:

  • Bali: The Bali strain of kratom is one that tends to act most like a traditional opioid when used, including the sense of euphoria it creates.
  • Maeng Da: This is a stimulating strain of kratom that increases energy levels and also serves as a pain reliever in most people.
  • Red Vein Kali: Much like the Bali strain, Red Vein Kali acts more similarly to an opioid than to a stimulant, but a lot of people report fewer adverse side effects with this strain as compared to Bali.
  • White Vein Thai: This strain of kratom causes more of a sense of euphoria for many users.

types of kratom

If you wanted to compare kratom strains by looking at broader categories, they’re usually grouped into classifications based on vein color. There is red vein, which tends to more relaxing, white vein which is energizing, and green vein which can have both relaxing and energizing effects.

This is just a small sampling of the different strains of kratom, but it is useful for people to understand that the effects of the herbal supplement are dependent not just on dosage and individual body chemistry, but also the type of kratom.

Comparing Alcohol and Kratom

Alcohol is a drug that’s seen largely as being socially acceptable in the U.S. and western culture in general, but it can cause serious side effects.

Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system because it’s similar in chemical structure to something called GABA, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for producing a calming effect.

Related Article:  3 BEST Kratom Strains For Sleep

There is also some research showing that alcohol affects the Mu and delta opioid receptors, similar to other classes of drugs such as opioids.

When you first drink the alcohol goes from the stomach and then to the bloodstream and your brain. Ultimately our body does recognize alcohol as a poison, especially in large amounts, and it’s broken down in the liver by certain enzymes that are toxic, which is why we experience hangovers.

Certain types of alcohol tend to affect people differently than others as well. For example, champagne or other forms of fizzy alcohol will often begin to affect the drinker more quickly because of the bubbles.

Women also tend to have less of something called dehydrogenase, which is responsible for breaking down alcohol, so they may get intoxicated more quickly than men.

Regardless of the type of alcohol or your gender, when you drink, it slows down the functions of your body as well as your decision-making abilities. Your motor skills become clumsier, and your inhibitions will decline as well.

If you drink a moderate amount, you may not feel most of these effects, and there is some research showing that a glass of wine can actually have health benefits, but when you drink in excess it can have serious short and long-term effects.

Combining Kratom and Alcohol

There are different reasons people might wonder about the effects of mixing kratom and alcohol.

They might be interested in amplifying the effects of one or both substances, or perhaps they have a specific condition such as social anxiety that they want to self-medicate.

Regardless of the reasons why, what are the potential effects or risks of mixing kratom and alcohol?

Kratom is such as narrowly researched topic at this point, and there’s really only just now a lot of scientific focus being put on it right now, so it can be useful to look at anecdotal evidence to see what might happen if you were to mix kratom and alcohol.

There is a tendency to believe that mixing alcohol and kratom can be dangerous. This likely stems from the fact that mixing opioids and alcohol is dangerous. Both opioids and alcohol depress the functionality of the central nervous system, which can increase the likelihood of fatal respiratory depression.

However, is that risk the same with kratom?

The answer is that since kratom doesn’t cause respiratory depression and that is one of the primary ways it’s different from opioids, this isn’t likely to be a cause for significant concern.

What can happen when higher doses of kratom are mixed with alcohol is that the effects of both can be amplified, especially since they’re similar effects. This can include euphoria, drowsiness, and sedation. It’s important to be aware that if you mix high doses of kratom with alcohol that you may become more intoxicated than you would with either alone.

With all of this being said, there’s a HUGE potential for withdrawal from mixing alcohol and kratom on a consistent and regular basis, so it’s best to limit use to just a few times per week, MAX.

Positive Anecdotal Effects

According to anecdotal evidence found on forums related to the topic, most people report that if they drink and take kratom, they get a more significant buzz, even after having only one drink.

kratom and alcohol anecdotal report

effects of kratom and alcohol

Users report that effects are not just more significant with a combination of kratom and alcohol but also that they tend to occur more quickly, and it creates an increased feeling of drowsiness or sedation, especially with certain strains of kratom that are predisposed to have this effect.

Negative Anecdotal Reports

At the same time, while certain people do report pleasant effects when they mix kratom and alcohol, this isn’t the case for everyone.

For example, it can up the chances of nausea and vomiting based on anecdotal evidence.

mixing kratom and alcohol side effects

There is also variance in reported effects based on whether or not someone uses kratom or alcohol first. Online conversations seem to indicate that using kratom before alcohol reduces side effects like nausea or vomiting, while the opposite is true for having alcohol and then kratom.

side effects from mixing alcohol and kratom

In conversations related to alcohol and kratom on Reddit, many people say that they have been able to combine a moderate amount of alcohol with kratom and have few if any negative side effects, particularly if they keep their alcohol usage at a moderate level, while others experienced not only nausea and vomiting but also dizziness and feeling faint.

Uniquely with kratom, some people find that as opposed to other drugs which tend to mask their symptoms of intoxication leading them to drink more than they normally would or should, kratom tends to lead them to drink less, possibly because of the heightened effects.

While entirely anecdotal, some of the variance in the effects and results of mixing alcohol and kratom are likely because of differences in dosage and the strain of kratom used.

For example, since kratom at low doses acts as a stimulant, a person who just took a small amount of kratom with alcohol could feel more lively and have reduced anxiety or social anxiety. With higher doses of kratom mixed with alcohol, a person may be more likely to feel deeply relaxed or drowsy.

People on other drug forums have expressed a different experience as it relates to the topic of kratom and alcohol. They’ve found that kratom helped them eliminate the desire to drink altogether, so that’s another way to think about the relationship between the two substances. People have even turned specifically to kratom as a way to help them stop drinking or stop using other drugs such as benzodiazepines like Xanax, or even over the counter xanax alternatives like Phenibut.

What about lingering after effects? Some Reddit posters have said that when they combine alcohol and kratom, it does lead to a more severe hangover the following day. This could be the result of both substances affecting similar opioid receptors, or it could be because kratom could impact how well the liver can process the alcohol.

Other posters on similar forums report that kratom helps to relieve the symptoms of a hangover the day after drinking, while others say it has no discernible impact on a hangover.

does kratom help hangovers from alcohol

My Personal Results – With Blood Work

I take Kratom everyday, sometimes as much as 5 times a day.

Usually my dose ranges from as little as 2 grams to as much as 6 grams, but I would say I realistically take in about 12 grams per day.

I also drink a lot, probably more than I should.

And I also don’t even stick to beer and wine, I go straight for the hard stuff (i.e. Grey Goose)

Normally I’ll drink about 6 – 7 drinks a night, typically goose and club with lime.

I ALSO drink my goose with kratom at the same time, and thus far, haven’t had any issues.

However, doing the research for this article got me wondering, am I doing a bad thing?

Am I setting myself up for some serious health issues by combining kratom and alcohol?

Has any damage been done?

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and get some blood work done.

Here were my results (click to view full size pdf):  Blood test results

As you can see, there were no abnormalities.

My biggest concern was my liver.  Alcohol and your liver don’t mix, and has been shown to cause numerous problems like alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and viral hepatitis.

The specific liver enzymes that are typically tested are Alanine Transminase (ALT), Aspartate Transminase (AST), and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP).

Luckily for me, all of these came back normal.

alcohol and kratom effects on liver - blood test

The only real downside I noted was in my testosterone levels.

As I mentioned in my full article on Kratom and Testosterone, there hasn’t been a ton of scientific research on whether or not consuming kratom will impact testosterone.

However, the last time I had my testosterone checked in 2014, my Free testosterone levels were pretty good.

free testosterone levels in 2014

Fast forward to 2017, and they had fallen pretty substantially.

testosterone check oct 2017

Summing Up—Are There Risks of Mixing Kratom and Alcohol?

So, what’s the consensus when it comes to kratom and alcohol?

First and foremost, the scientific evidence about mixing the two is limited currently, but based on the chemical structure and existing research on the two substances, there is little evidence showing alcohol and kratom together is inherently dangerous.

This is in contrast to mixing traditional opioids and alcohol. Opioids are a central nervous system depressant, and their biggest risk is respiratory depression which causes fatal overdoses. When someone mixes alcohol and opioids their likelihood of experiencing respiratory depression is even higher since both substances depress the CNS.

This isn’t something that’s a risk with kratom, because kratom doesn’t depress the respiratory system, despite its effects that are similar to opioids.

However, that doesn’t mean that someone isn’t going to experience negative side effects from mixing kratom with alcohol, the most common of which based on anecdotal evidence seem to be nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.

People who are considering mixing the two should also note that every person is different, and the effects they experience may be completely different from someone else’s experience.

Kratom and alcohol combined with one another can lead to higher levels of intoxication and a lower tolerance for alcohol, so it is essential to keep this in mind and ensure that you don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation if you’re mixing the two. You should be aware of how much you’re drinking and make sure you avoid things like driving, which you shouldn’t do when drinking regardless. You should also be in a safe environment, particularly if you’re unsure how the two substances will affect you.

Alcohol on its own can be dangerous. Kratom on its own tends to have very few side effects and serious risks, but the same can’t be said for alcohol, so if you do experience negative side effects from combining the two, it’s likely that the alcohol is the culprit.

Finally, it’s interesting to note that some people have found kratom helps them reduce the amount of alcohol they drink or stop drinking altogether because they find its effects more pleasant than the alcohol itself.

Ultimately, the best rule of thumb when you’re looking at the possible effects or risks of kratom and alcohol since the research is so limited, is to be cautious. The risks of mixing kratom and alcohol aren’t the same as mixing opioids with alcohol, although there can be side effects such as vomiting. If you are going to mix kratom and alcohol, you should drink slowly and avoid becoming overly intoxicated, but this can be a good rule of thumb no matter the situation.

I would say that to be safe, simply choose one or the other because that certainly beats having a negative interaction that you can’t take back or taints your impression of one or the other forever.

If the pain and anxiety killing effects of kratom are a must for you, then may want to think about skipping out on having a few drinks for that particular night and wait to enjoy a few another time when you don’t need the kratom.

It’s likely that future research on kratom will shed more light on the topic, and it may be that kratom becomes more looked at for its potential to help people stop using other more dangerous substances including opioids or even alcohol.

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

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#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

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Evoxa Male Enhancement Review

When I went to check the mail last week down at our clubhouse, as soon as I opened up the mailbox this fell out.

evoxa male enhancement ad

Normally I just throw these letters away, but since no one was around I decided to open it up and take a look.

The letter read like a cross between a porn site and a sales letter for a sex magazine.

It had pics of huge d#$ks, hot women getting nailed in the rear, and of course it wouldn’t be complete without a doctor standing in a white coat with his arms crossed and a stethoscope over his shoulder.

exova male enhancement pills

Apparently there’s been a revolutionary breakthrough in male enhancement technology, one that will make you stiffer, harder, thicker, and wider, INSTANTLY.

The name of this product is none other than Evoxa.

So does this shit really work, or is it all just B.S.

Well you’re about to find out, read our comprehensive review below:

What is Evoxa Male Enhancement?

According to the pamphlet that I’m reading, Evoxa is the European secret to turning every man, age 18 – 108, into a chick magnet.

You see, girls don’t care about things like money, cars, flashy jewelry, or a big house.

They crave one thing and one thing only, a BIG c#$k.

At least that’s what they’re telling me here.

evoxa mailer ad

I can tell you from my 36 years of experience dating women that there is some truth to that.

The apparent benefits of Evoxa are vast, and include:

  • A bigger penis in just days
  • Up to 3+ inches wider
  • Stamina to go all night
  • STIFF as a board
  • Reload in minutes
  • Immediate and Long-Term results

That last part intrigued me…

Were they saying that this was a “cure” for ED?

Am I going to get permanent size gains from taking Evoxa?

Lots of unanswered questions here, let’s keep reading the pamphlet.

Who is Pierre LeFleur?

There’s a lot of mentions of a guy named Pierre LeFleur, who is the guy dressed up in the doctors costume.

However, when I did a little digging, unfortunately it’s a bit of a mystery.  I tried several google searches trying to find out who this Pierre LeFleur guy is, and came up short.

When I tried searching his name straight up, Google kept asking me if I meant to search for “Pierre LaFleur”.

pierre lefleur google search

I also tried searching “Pierre LeFleur Evoxa labs” and “Pierre LeFleur executive health director evoxa labs” and came up short as well.

pierre lefleur evoxa labs google search

So who is this “Pierre LeFleur”, and why is he so special.

Well, they cite him several times throughout the pamphlet.

While they don’t address him as a “Dr.”, they sure allude to the fact that he is with that white lab coat he’s wearing.

Something was strange about this photo.  It looked, familiar….

I did a little digging, and with absolutely no surprise at all, this supposed “dr.” is simply a stock photo. content/uploads/2018/01/dr photoshopped

My guess is this “Pierre LeFleur” doesn’t really exist, they just made it up to add credibility to Evoxa.

What about the reviews?

I searched far and wide for credible Evoxa reviews online, but unfortunately came up short.

There are literally 2 websites talking about it, and to be honest I wouldn’t trust a thing either one of them say.

evoxa male enhancement reviews

The first one doesn’t even talk about Evoxa, it actually just redirects to a totally different supplement.

The second one, let’s just say has about as much credibility as your average cable news network.

Really the only reviews we could find for this supplement were on the back page of the pamphlet, and they read like this:

“It’s amazing.  Here I am, an ordinary guy suddenly transformed into a sexual dynamo. The first week I tried Evoxa male enhancement, I had a different girl in the sack every night.  Not bad for a 59-year old, huh?”
B.T., Austin, Texas

“Who wants to slow down in the bedroom?  But, like most guys, you do or you soon will!  This stuff not only stops you from slowing down, it makes you the biggest guy on the block!  Thanks Evoxa!”
D.W. Tacoma, Washington

“I’ve suffered from soft erections for most of my life.  I tried just about every male potency product there ever was and they were all rip-offs.  Nothing worked.  Then, my friend suggested that I give Evoxa male enhancement a try.  In just a few days, it completely changed my life.  I have big hard erections now and the ladies are loving it.”
T.A. Las Vegas, Nevada

“When you’re married as long as me (57 years), sex is a once in a while kind of thing.  Evoxa changed all that.  My wife and I made love like it was the first time!  Last night, we climaxed SEVEN times!  We’re both in a state of shock, but nobody’s complaining!
W.P Buffalo, New York

Most of these reviews just talk about how well their performance went up, but one guy noted a MASSIVE increase in size.

From the pamphlet:

Title:  A Soft 5″ to A Rock Hard 11.5″

“This stuff is like nitroglycerine for your penis.  A few days after trying Evoxa it was like an explosion in my groin.  My penis just erupted.  I couldn’t believe it!  I had this swagger about me that no woman could resist.  I’ve had more sex in the last 6 months than in the last 20 years.  Thanks LeFleur, you’re a genius!”
T.S. Dayton, Ohio.

Of course, there’s really no WAY to independently verify the authenticity of these reviews, but that’s all we have at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions (as reported by them)

What Makes Evoxa Male Enhancement Different?

The simple answer, according to them, is that it just works.  They correctly note that there are a TON of very UN-satisfying products on the market that by and large don’t work.

I know this, because I’ve tested a good percentage of them.

Will it grow your penis?  And if so, by how much?

This is a direct quote from the brochure:

Every man has a limit of how big he can be.  Evoxa increases penis size at LEAST 6″.  But some men may grow 6.5″ or even 7″ bigger.  However big you end up, be assured that Evoxa is completely safe.”

Those are some pretty bold claims, and certainly not the first time I’ve heard them.

In my personal experience testing these supplements out, 100% of them that claim any sort of size gain don’t deliver.

At least on their own.

However, you do have some options (more on that later).

Where To Buy

As of this review, the only place I’m seeing this for sale is via mail order form or over the phone.

How much should you buy?

Well, that all depends on how big you want to get? (according to them at least)

If you want a 3 inch growth, but one trial for $34.95 +$8.95 S&H.

If you want a 6-inch growth, buy a 21-day course for $99.55.

If you want more than 6 inches, buy a 28-day course for the low price of only $119.55.

If you want a 15-inch penis, buy a year supply for only….well, you get the point.

They essentially allude to the point that, the more Evoxa male enhancement you take, the bigger you’ll get.

It’s literally that simple. (or is it?)

Conclusion / Recommendation

Don’t buy into the hype, fellas.

It’s all complete and utter non-sense.

I’ve been testing these supplements for close to 10 years now, and not ONE of them that claimed size gains ended up living up to their promises.

If you’re looking for TRUE size gains, you have a few options:

#1:  Use a water based pump called the Bathmate.  I have a VERY extensive review on it, check it out here.

#2:  Use an extender device called the Phallosan Forte.  I’ve used about a dozen extenders over the years, and the Phallosan was by FAR the most comfortable (and effective).

You can read my review of that one here.

#:  Perform penis enlargement exercises with your hands.  I’ve been doing PE exercises for years now, and I can tell you from experience that they REALLY do work.

You just need to be committed to doing them.

If you are just looking for something to help you in the sack, I would recommend you use either a supplement called Vigrx Plus, or a pill called Hardon Helper.

They are 2 of the most EFFECTIVE supplements I’ve ever used, and I’ve used a lot.

I won’t get into the nitty gritty details about each of them here, but you can check out my reviews for a more in depth report.

Vigrx Plus –

Hardon Helper –

As always, if you have any specific questions, I’m here to help!

Have You Used Evoxa Male Enhancement?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Does Kratom Affect Testosterone? YES, But There’s A Catch

Kratom, a substance originating from a plant that’s found in Thailand and southeast Asia, has moved into the national spotlight in the United States as well as Europe. As an increasing number of people see the benefits it can have in their life, they also wonder if there are potentially negative side effects stemming from its use.

The Kratom Debate

There are a few big reasons kratom is being discussed so much right now, despite the fact that the people where it grows natively have used it for thousands of years.

First, its legal status is being hotly debated in the U.S. and Europe, and the DEA has gone back and forth quite a bit recently.

kratom and testosterone

Related article:  3 BEST Over The Counter Xanax Alternatives (UPDATED 2018)

Initially, in 2016, the DEA backed off their plans to change the legal status of Kratom. At the end of 2017, the FDA stepped in and said they would be working on the legal status of the herbal supplement because of what they described as its risks, including the potential for abuse and addiction.

However, proponents of the herbal supplement say it is safe and is also an excellent treatment for conditions ranging from chronic pain to depression.

It’s also an especially relevant conversation right now because of the opioid epidemic that’s sweeping the U.S.

Opioids, which are a class of drugs that include heroin and prescription pain relievers, have led to a surge in overdose deaths in communities throughout America, and it’s proving to be a nearly impossible battle to win.

Kratom has shown some promise for many people as a way to stop using opioids, and to help with opioid withdrawal symptoms.

It’s also been shown as a VERY effective alternative to benzodiazepines like Xanax, Ativan, and

Opponents of kratom say there’s no proof that it’s safe, and admittedly scientific research is limited, but antidotally, kratom does seem to have benefits for people who use it, with a relatively low risk profile.

One particular area people have concerns about with the use of kratom are testosterone levels. Men in especially question if kratom has the potential to reduce testosterone and trigger the accompanying side effects of having low T levels.

How Does Kratom Work?

Kratom is often wrongly identified as an opioid, which it’s not in the technical sense.

When someone uses opioids, whether its heroin or a prescription painkiller, the drug crosses the blood-brain barrier where it binds to certain opioid receptors. As a result of this, the person using the drug has reduced levels of pain, but the functionality of their central nervous system also slows as a result. This can lead to drowsiness, and it can also cause respiratory depression.

kratom that works like xanax

This depression of the CNS and the respiratory system is what leads to overdoses and deaths related to the use of opioids.

Kratom in some ways mimics the effects of opioids, but it behaves differently in many other ways.

While kratom does activate some of the same opioid receptors as opioids, it doesn’t trigger respiratory depression, which is one of the most severe and often deadly side effects of opioid use. Kratom affects not just the opioid receptors but also serotonin, which is why it can have an uplifting effect on the mood of the user. Kratom is also unique because its effects vary depending on the dose a person takes.

At low-to-moderate doses, which usually range from one to five grams, the effects are stimulant-like. In fact, low doses of kratom have been traditionally used in Southeast Asia as a way for workers to stay awake and alert for longer periods of time.

At doses considered moderate to high, people tend to see more of the effects similar to opioids, such as relaxation, a reduction of anxiety, and a sense of euphoria.

At very high doses, which is typically more than 15 grams, people may experience sedation, also similar to using high doses of opioids, without respiratory depression.

Opioids and Testosterone

It’s not uncommon to incorrectly classify kratom as an opioid, because of its opioid-like effects. That’s likely one of the primary reasons there is an assumed link between kratom and low testosterone levels in men.

Testosterone is produced in the adrenal glands and testes in men, and in the ovaries in women. Testosterone is responsible for helping people have a healthy libido, maintain their muscle mass, and for the maintenance of energy levels.

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There is documented research about the effects of opioids, particularly their long-term use, and low testosterone.

Testosterone is produced through various activities of the body’s endocrine system, and having altered levels of testosterone can lead to sexual dysfunction and loss of sex drive, and also have effects on muscle mass, aggression, and stress.

One research study found that testosterone suppression was present in nearly half of men using opioids who participated. There was no distinction between different types of opioids for this particular study.

Results like these are believed to be linked to the ways chronic opioid use interrupts the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Specifically chronic opioid use suppresses GnRH, indirectly reducing testosterone production.

This leaves people wondering, is this effect the same with the use of kratom?

Kratom and Testosterone

There is a lot of discussion online by people who want to know the effects of kratom, including its potential impact on testosterone.

There’s pretty limited scientific research on the topic, which is likely why it’s discussed on forums in order to see what other people’s experiences are.

For example, on a thread on Reddit relating to kratom and testosterone, some people say that they’ve heard kratom reduces testosterone, and as a result, they believe it also lowers libido and the ability to build muscle mass.

There seems to be mixed information if you’re looking at antidotal reports about kratom and testosterone. For some people, they believe that kratom may have lowered their testosterone at least somewhat, but for others, the feeling is that it had the opposite effect and while they might not have a specific measure of their testosterone levels, they do feel they have an increased libido since they started using it.

Others report that when they initially started using kratom, it did have a diminishing effect on their libido, but that over time that effect was diminished and they felt like they returned to normal.

In other discussions of the topic, people report perceiving varying effects based on not just different dosages of kratom, but on different strains, as well as initially having libido problems when using kratom, but then finding that the side effect dissipated once they cut down on their dosage or changed the strain.

What’s so difficult when you’re relying purely on antidotal evidence as to the effects of an herbal supplement, there’s no way to determine what’s really responsible for the effects a person is experiencing.

For example, if someone takes kratom and feels their libido is lower than normal it could be related to so many other factors in their life.

It’s also interesting to note that historically kratom was used by the people of Southeast Asia not just as a way to stay awake for longer, but also as a sexual stimulant, particularly at lower doses.

Differences in Kratom Strains

Borneo, Bali, Indo and Maeng Da are all strains that users feel have positive effects regarding pain relief, and these are also strains frequently used to alleviate the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

kratom as an alternative to xanax

For psychological effects, such as the relief of symptoms related to depression and anxiety people often opt for Green Malaysian, Thai or Maeng Da strains. Green Malaysian and Thai strains have anecdotally been helpful for improving cognition including energy and focus. For stimulating effects, usually Thai variations with white and green veins are preferred.

The red vein Borneo strain, on the other hand, is believed to be most potent as a pain reliever, and also as a sedative.

So what can be derived from all of this information? Does kratom have a negative effect on testosterone?

There are a few things to consider.

At high doses, since kratom does tend to act much like an opioid, what could be happening for people who feel like they’re experiencing low libido is that they’re actually just having lower overall levels of physiological arousal.

This would likely be a temporary side effect of using kratom, and the higher the dose, the more its sedative effects and the more likely you are to have a lower sense of overall arousal, not just as it relates to libido and sex drive, but to all areas of functionality. You’re probably also more likely to have this side effect occur not just with high doses, but with strains like Borneo.

There is also some research showing that any substance that’s opioid-like in that it acts on certain opioid receptors can change something called gonadal function, which can then lead to lower levels of testosterone production. For people who feel like they could be experiencing these side effects, changing the strains of kratom they use or lowering their dose is often adequate to reduce these symptoms or eliminate them.

Pay attention to your body and what it’s telling you and be careful about not exceeding the recommended dose and taking as guided.

Summing Up—How Does Kratom Affect Testosterone?

It can seem like there are mixed ideas as to whether or not kratom can affect testosterone production, particularly in men.

This is because of the significant differences in individuals but also because of how the effects of kratom can vary based on the dosage and type. There is also no scientific evidence available currently indicating that kratom affects testosterone.

At lower doses, since kratom acts as a stimulant, not only is it unlikely to affect testosterone levels, but it is also possible that it could increase libido and sex drive in people. It could also indirectly affect libido, by making a person feel happier and more social because of how it affects certain brain chemicals like serotonin.

At higher doses kratom acts more as a sedative similar to an opioid, and while people may have lower libido and energy levels when they take it at high doses, it’s very unlikely that they’re actually experiencing a reduction in testosterone production.

Instead, what could lead to these effects is the fact that the kratom is depressing certain functions of the user, which is a temporary effect that will ultimately subside, especially if someone lowers the dose they’re taking or uses a different strain.

It should also be noted that the National Institute on Drug Abuse doesn’t name sexual dysfunction, reduced libido or lower testosterone production as possible side effects of kratom. The NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse describes kratom as being used for its mood-lifting effects, for pain relief and even as an aphrodisiac.

There’s still a lot of research that needs to be done on kratom in a clinical setting in order to determine its specific effects based on controlled variables, although antidotally some people feel like it’s a miracle herbal supplement that can help alleviate mental and physical symptoms ranging from anxiety and depression to chronic pain.

It has many benefits that even its prescription strength and more dangerous counterparts do not have and is generally quite low risk.

The fact that kratom doesn’t appear to cause respiratory depression is leading many researchers to look at it as part of battling the deadly opioid epidemic, but the herbal supplement likely has promise beyond just helping reduce opioid usage, despite some regulatory pushback.

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

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#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Does 6-OXO Work? YES, But There’s A Catch

Necessary for both men and women, testosterone is a sex steroid hormone that is especially important in men’s health. It promotes fat burning, supports muscle building, ensures that libido is high, and keeps you happy, among a variety of other benefits. Testosterone has become a hot button topic lately because more and more guys are being found to have a lot less of it. Even the guys that do have healthy levels want more.

A dip in testosterone levels can come with age, periods of inactivity, certain medications, changes in diet, medical issues or even treatments for cancer and most of those reasons are treatable and can be changed without too much change to your lifestyle.

The supplement industry has jumped on to the research for testosterone boosters, peddling a mix of both effective and unproven t-boosters. One of the most famous testosterone boosters within the bodybuilding crowd is 6-OXO. Can this compound skyrocket testosterone levels as many people claim? Or is it just another hyped up snake oil?

What is 6-OXO?

6-oxoHeld to a very high standard among pros and amateurs alike, 6-OXO is considered one of the most effective testosterone boosters and aromatase inhibitors.

Placing it within a specific category is tricky for companies as some consider it a pro-hormone, others a testosterone booster, and even more an A.I. (aromatase inhibitor). I’m of the mindset that because its supposed testosterone boosting effects come from the blocking of aromatase, which is the mechanism behind your testosterone being converted to estrogenic compounds, 6-OXO is best described as an A.I.

How Does 6-OXO Work?

4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione, commonly known as 6-OXO, has been the subject of studies since the 80s. Back then, the focus was on its ability to bind to the aromatase enzyme and disable it from converting testosterone into estrogenic compounds, which had very important implications for men suffering from estrogen dominance. Why is this important?

Testosterone vs. Aromatase

If you’re a man with low testosterone levels, you’re going to be experiencing a lot of negative symptoms including weight gain, muscle loss, depression, and man-boobs.

Low testosterone is a vicious cycle and one that’s hard to break out of. Once your body increases the production of estrogen, your current levels of testosterone are more likely to continue to be converted into estrogen, pushing your t-levels further and further down. 6-OXO was thought to be an effective way to pull the plug on this conversion while promoting natural testosterone production.

Theoretically, the result would be testosterone levels that return to normal and aromatase that is permanently blocked from causing its mayhem. Sounds great, right? What does science have to say about 6-OXO?

What Does Science Say about 6-OXO?

 1.  Increased Testosterone

A small-scale study involving 16 men had subjects supplementing with either 300 mg or 600 mg of 6-OXO for eight weeks. During 5 blood samples, levels of the following were checked: total testosterone, free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, estriol, estrone, SHBG, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, growth hormone, cortisol, and FT/estradiol.

For many of these key variables, there wasn’t a big difference between the two groups; however, when it came to testosterone and DHT, this is where there was a dramatic difference.

Free testosterone levels had increased 90% for the 300 mg 6-OXO group and 84% for the 600 mg 6-OXO group. As for DHT, which is a far more androgenic hormone than testosterone, levels increased 192% with 300 mg and 265% with 600 mg. (1)

A few important things to note about this study:

Body composition did not change in any of the subjects. This may be due to the fact that the subjects were not taking part in a resistance training program. I’ll talk more about the implications of the increase in testosterone and DHT below and how you can use this to your advantage.

Another important thing to note is that aromatase was not completely inhibited. The implication here is twofold: First, while testosterone and DHT did increase significantly, there may be more room for improvement as the aromatase activity was not completely shut off. The way to completely inhibit – if it’s possible at all – may be through manipulating the dosage level or length of the time you take the supplement but again, this is only speculation.

Secondly, since the aromatase action was not complete disabled, you may have to watch out for active conversion of the testosterone into estrogen. Supplements respond different for everyone and depending on the active aromatase in the body, testosterone gains may come and provide fuel for estrogen conversion. I’d recommend getting your testosterone and estrogen levels tested regularly while going through your first cycle with this supplement to see how your body responds.

Since human studies are lacking, what follows is based on the implications of higher testosterone and DHT levels along with user reports. As always, results may vary.

2.  Increased Lean Muscle Mass

With a dramatic increase in free testosterone and DHT, your body will be supporting a highly anabolic environment, which may prompt muscle growth. The catch is that you need to be using 6-OXO alongside a well-constructed workout program. You can’t just take 6-OXO and assume you’re going to look like Arnold in eight weeks.

3.  Anti-Catabolic

Higher levels of testosterone and DHT may be helpful to prevent protein breakdown or catabolism. Since both are highly anabolic, lean muscle tissue may be safe especially if you are performing high intensity training, trying intermittent fasting, or both.

4.  Increased Strength

One of the primary benefits that users report is the boost in strength levels during their workouts. This makes complete sense as the anabolic environment that may be present while supplementing with 6-OXO may heighten recovery, which in turn will benefit muscle and strength. Again, I cannot stress enough that you must be using this supplement as a part of a resistance training program.

How to Take 6-OXO

As demonstrated in the study, you can maximize the benefits by taking 300 mg of 6-OXO each day for one cycle of eight weeks. Following the cycle, allow your body four weeks to recover.

Is 6-OXO Prohibited?

Absolutely. While 6-OXO is readily available on a number of popular websites, it is not a supplement that is allowed in performance and sports-related competitions. Ironically, the sport that it’s most popular with – bodybuilding – is also one that tests for it and will ban competitors who test positive. Obviously, 6-OXO is easily detected in urine tests so be aware of this if you plan to use it.

You can check out the full list of banned supplements on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

You also won’t find 6-oxo for sale in any stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Walmart, or CVS, so don’t even bother searching for it there.

Where To Buy

The most popular brands that you can obtain (online of course), would be:

  • Ergo Pharm 6 OXO
  • E-Control RX
  • Acheter 6-oxo

Side Effects of 6-OXO

The number one side effect of 6-OXO has to do with estrogen suppression. Seems like a good thing, right? Not exactly.

Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean your body runs on only testosterone. Estrogen, believe it or not, is just as important for your health as testosterone. Since 6-OXO is an aromatase inhibitor, which blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. If levels of estrogen get too low, the side effects will mimic that of low testosterone! Symptoms of low estrogen include:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Low libido
  • Muscle loss
  • Fat gain

With that said, I must stress again that if you’re going to try 6-OXO, then you should get your testosterone and estrogen levels checked throughout the cycle.

Other common side effects from the increase of DHT while using 6-OXO include

  • Hair loss – You can remedy this by taking saw palmetto
  • Acne
  • Prostate issues – Again, saw palmetto will be helpful here

Highlighted Benefits of 6-OXO

Shown to promote the following:

  • Dramatic increase in testosterone
  • Boosts dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

May help to trigger the following benefits:

  • Protection from catabolism
  • Lean muscle mass growth
  • Increase in strength levels
  • Support for fat burning


6-OXO is a proven testosterone booster and estrogen blocker. If you have confirmed low testosterone levels, then 6-OXO may be a great alternative to expensive medical treatments. Be warned though, if you have healthy t-levels, taking 6-OXO may cause estrogen suppression, which produces the same side effects as low testosterone.

Have you used 6-OXO (4-AT)? Leave your review below!


  1. Rohle D, Wilborn C, Taylor L, Mulligan C, Kreider R, Willoughby D. Effects of eight weeks of an alleged aromatase inhibiting nutritional supplement 6-OXO (androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione) on serum hormone profiles and clinical safety markers in resistance-trained, eugonadal males. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2007;4:13. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-4-13.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Did Tim Allen REALLY Use An ED Pill? Our Investigation Uncovers The Truth

You might have heard the rumors about Tim Allen getting fired from ABC because of controversial comments he made during an interview with Megan Kelly about his struggles with erectile dysfunction.

Apparently, it was an issue Allen had dealt with for years until he eventually found a magical cure. He supposedly spoke freely about it during their conversation. Kelly was said to be bothered by the topic, and it was even claimed that she had some harsh words for Allen.

That rumor was spread around by an article titled “Was Tim Allen Fired After Shocking On-Air Confession To Megyn Kelly About Erectile Dysfunction Pills?”

tim allen on megyn kelly

According to the article, Allen’s time at ABC came to an abrupt end because of the infamous interview. Allen’s angry outburst after hearing the news his show had been canceled played in the article’s favor.

“Stunned and blindsided, to say the least! This is the network I thought of as my home for over 5 years,” Allen tweeted after hearing the news.

tim allen erectile dysfunction pills

When I actually took the time to watch the interview, it turned out Allen never said anything about erectile dysfunction during his interview with Kelly. The TV star never even took the conversation towards that direction.

You can watch the full interview here:


By the time I found out the story was made up. Thousands had already been duped. The reluctance of ABC’s executives to disclosed a clear reason for firing Allen didn’t help.

When prodded for the reason why Allen’s show was canceled, ABC executives were not able to come up with a straight answer. The show had extremely high ratings, so there was clearly a large audience that enjoyed the content.

The rumor continued spreading like wildfire.

ABC president Channing Dungey was tight-lipped when asked about the cancellation, stating it was one of the toughest decisions she has had to make. She never mentioned Allen’s controversial interview with Kelly.

So, what was the real reason Allen’s show was canceled?

Allen himself is not sure about the answer to that question.

“I have no idea why they did what they did. You couldn’t have handled this worse… Second biggest show, (ABC) hadn’t won a Friday night in 15 years,” Allen explained. “They put us out to pasture on Friday and we won Friday. Big night for us. Big night for them. I would have put Roseanne after us. Use us just to launch shows, if nothing else.”

According to Allen, it might have been his right-leaning political views and that of the character he played that really did him in.

“Archie Bunker pushed boundaries, but Carroll O’Connor was not that guy at all. I am a version of that guy,” Allen explained. “But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character. He is mitigated on the show by a family of women who had a difference of opinions, but Mike Baxter was a likable guy and a principled guy about work and ethics and all this stuff, I think.”

While Allen’s politics might have had something to do with the cancellation, ABC’s claim that it was simply a business move does have some merit. Generally speaking, as shows become more popular, the cost of production goes up as well.

That is because the show’s cast and key staff members gain popularity with the show. That gives them the leverage to make more demands like bigger paychecks. Many other popular shows have also been canceled due to increasing production costs.

After five seasons, if a show isn’t a hit (like Game of Thrones for example), subsequent seasons become harder to produce despite the show’s popularity.

That is because when a new show is created, the producers typically do not generate enough money to cover all their expenses until the third or fourth season. Last Man Standing was able to secure lucrative cable deals and syndication with various networks, and their viewership was steadily increasing.

There was one big issue though. ABC does not have ownership of the show, so they do not get any of the additional revenue generated from international broadcasts, reruns, and streaming services. All that revenue went to the producers of the show, Fox, while ABC basically only made money from advertisements

That means despite the show’s success, the money being generated was not enough for ABC to justify renewing their contract with the producers who wanted more money. Business wise, the decision makes lots of sense.

So there you have it. Tim Allen was not fired because he talked about erectile dysfunction during his interview with Megan Kelly.

The Culprit Behind the Rumor: Biogenic XR

Ironically, Biogenic XR was not created with erectile dysfunction in mind. It is actually a performance enhancer that was designed for people looking to gain muscle mass. Its manufacturers claim it’s made from all-natural ingredients, and it helps you build muscle by increasing your testosterone and nitric oxide levels.

Having a stronger sex drive and being able to keep erections longer are simply side effects of having increased nitric oxide and testosterone levels.

As you get older, your body creates less testosterone which is why it becomes harder for you to get and keep erections. Your testosterone levels are at their peak during your teenage years.

Biogenic XR claims their product will help keep your testosterone levels where it should be which makes it a lot easier to put on muscle and perform sexually. The nitric oxide boost you get from this pill also helps you down there.

Nitric oxide dilates your veins, leading to improved blood flow and delivery of nutrients to your muscles and penis.  Remember what your high-school biology teacher told you? An erection is simply blood rushing to your penis when you are aroused.

Biogenic XR is also supposed to:

  • Boost your confidence
  • Increase the size of your penis
  • Improve the quality of your sex life

The science behind Biogenic XR makes a lot of sense. A product that contains the right doses of testosterone booster and nitric oxide would be very beneficial to people with erectile dysfunction.

The problem is, Biogenic XR doesn’t do anything its manufacturers claim it does. It’s actually one of those scams pills that give legitimate erectile dysfunction pills a bad name.

Steer fully clear of it if you don’t want to waste your money on something that not only will have zero effect on your erectile dysfunction, but also uses quite shady techniques to try and swindle customers out of their money.

Using scams like that involving celebrity endorsements that never actually happened are all too common these days spread across the internet so commonly that you can stumble across them without even trying, but either way they are just plain dumb.

You can read our full review of that one here.

Obi Obadike Interviews With

Vitals:  Height, Weight, Age

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 205 to 207lbs


obi obadike get ripped diet

Background / Bio:  Just briefly tell us about yourself.  Where you grew up, went to school, any records you hold, competitions you’ve won, stuff like that. Any credentials or membership to professional organizations?

I grew up as a very skinny athletic growing up in Southern California and I went to a high school in La Verne, California where I played basketball and ran track. I was one of the fastest guys in Southern California in high school. I graduated as the 2nd fastest guy in the history of my high school called Damien High School. I won Sprinter of the Year and Co-MVP of the track team. And I also played basketball in high school.

I went to Cal State Fullerton on a track scholarship where I ran the 100, 200 meters and 400 relay. I had an opportunity to play basketball and track in college and be a two sport athlete. But I realized that this would be difficult to do both and juggle academics and still be successful. So I chose to just focus on track. content/uploads/2018/01/mpmorrisandobi

I was the school record holder in the 100, 200 meters and 400 relay and I was Co-athlete of the year at the university. I placed Top 5 in the 100 and 200 meters in the Big West Conference 2 years in a row.

I first started lifting weights consistently was when I was 17 years old right after I graduated from high school and entered college.

What inspired you to get into bodybuilding?

What inspired me to get into fitness was sports because I felt that the stronger I was and the more lean muscle mass I had the better athlete I would be in sports. Also I was a really skinny kid growing up so  lifting weights really helped me fill out the shape of my body. I used to get made fun of when I was growing up because I was so thin. So that motivated me to lift weights and the positive results of that gave me more confidence in myself.

obi obadike transformation

Because I was a tall lanky guy my transformation wasn’t one of those that happened over night. It took a lot of time, patience and many years of working very hard in the gym.  But with consistency I was able to build a really lean, natural and athletic physique which helped me as an athlete in college. And also has helped me as a successful health and wellness professional.

What inspired you to write “The Cut”?

obi obadike rachel ray the cut

TheCut came from the transformation of Hollywood A-lister Actor Morris Chestnut. I got Morris Chestnut in the best shape of his life for a Universal Pictures movie called The Best Man Holiday which came out November of 2013.  I helped him lose 33 pounds in 12 weeks for that movie as he was playing a Professional Football player in the movie. He came to me in the worst of his shape and I got him in the best shape of his life at 44 years old.

While he was doing a national press tour promoting his movie all the daytime talk show hosts seem to ask him more questions about his ripped physique than the movie. I am at home watching him all over national TV doing this Book Tour and I was taken back by all the attention on his body. So a lightbulb came into my head about that he and I should do a 12 week diet and exercise transformation book together.

I asked Morris we should be a book together and he was like I am game. But I didn’t want the book just to be about Morris’s diet and exercise program. I wanted the diet and exercise book to be about transforming the average person over 12 weeks to get in shape not just about the transformation of a celebrity.

We ended up signing a major book deal with the third largest book publisher in the world called Hachette. We did a huge national book tour April of 2017 as we were on national daytime talk shows such as Rachael Ray, Dr Oz, Wendy Williams, Steve Harvey, Kelly Live, The Chew, Home & Family on the Hallmark, The Today Show and many others. After the book tour the book became a best-selling diet and exercise book.

You can watch all of those interviews below:

Were you born ripped, or did you have to work for it?

I was born very skinny/string bean and I really didn’t have any lean muscle mass to start with so I had to work so hard in the gym to build my physique. I graduated high school at 167lbs at 6’2” and now I weigh 205 to 207 at 5 ½ to 6% body-fat walking around every day.

What gets you going?  More importantly, what’s keeps you motivated to keep going?

What motivates me is knowing that so many people look to me for inspiration to be better health and fitness wise. So that alone will force you to never let yourself go physically whatsoever.

And also I am motivated to maximize my potential in business, career and health. I want to attempt to be the best in everything I do and it’s not saying that I will be the best. But my intention is always to put in the work to try to get there.

What is your personal fitness routine in an average week?

Feel free to break down a typical week of exercises here (I.E. Monday: Back/Bi’s  Lat pulldowns 4 X 12, One arm DB rows 4 X 10, etc.)

A typical exercise routine:

Monday– Chest/Biceps- Flat Dumbbell Press, Butter Fly Chest Machine, Incline Dumbbell Press and Chest Cross-Overs. 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Superset between Chest and Biceps

Biceps- Preacher Curls, Standing Dumbbell Curls, Standing Cable Curls. 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Wednesday- Shoulders/Back- Shoulder Dumbbell Press, Shoulder Shrugs, Dumbbell Upright Rows and Dumbbell Front Raises.  4 sets of 10-12 reps

Superset- Shoulders and Back

Back- Pull-Ups, T-Bar Rows, Seated Low Rows, Lat Pull-Downs- 4 sets of 10-12 reps

FridayLegs/Triceps– Hack Squats, Leg Press, Seated Curls, Lying Down Leg Curls, Seated Calf-Raises and Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine. 4 sets of 10-12 reps. All calf machines about 20 to 25 reps each.

Superset- Legs and Triceps

Triceps– Dips, Triceps Pull-downs, Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks. 4 sets of 10-12 reps

What does a typical day of meals look like for you? 

Breakfast- Oatmeal, Banana, Tuna,

Lunch- Chicken Breast,  Baked Potatoes, Garden Salad

Snack- Unsalted nuts

Dinner- Steak,  Brown Rice, Asparagus, Apple

Which is more important, diet or exercise?

They are both equally important and without good nutrition it is very hard to maintain or lose weight and/or even build lean muscle mass. Nutrition and supplementation is one of the most integral building blocks to maintaining an adequate and athletic high body composition. They work hand in hand and neglecting one over the other is like taking a shower without soap.

What advice do you give to people trying to break into the Fitness Industry / Competition?

Try to be authentic, honest, ethical and credible and create a brand that is unique and not like everybody else. With social media and if you are saavy enough you can really create a brand without ever really accomplishing anything. So if you create a formidable platform make sure you study and read everything on exercise science and nutritional science. content/uploads/2018/01/muscle__performance_ _march_2012

Don’t be one of these fake fitness experts and fitness professionals who post daily images of themselves but don’t know the difference between a Whey Protein and BCAA. Don’t just be an influencer who has lots of followers but has no substance, no education or no credibility. Most people with any common sense can recognize who is a legit fitness professional and who is a fraud fitness professional.

What do you think is the most overrated exercise in the gym?  Most underrated exercise?

I think the most overrated gym exercise is bench press because it doesn’t really work your chest that much. It works the shoulders more than your chest and it’s not a functional exercise at all. When will your back ever be flat on the ground in that benching position. It is a non-functional exercise and people always seem to ask the most common silly and stupid question which is, “How much do you bench?”

When cutting, down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?  What’s your favorite cutting exercise?

I prefer to do HIIT cardio because if you incorporate it when you are cutting down you are able to maintain your lean muscle without losing lean muscle mass. Because HIIT training is an anaerobic workout and anaerobic workouts tend to build and maintain lean muscle mass. My favorite cutting exercise would be doing sprints.

What is your diet like?

My diet consists of chicken, turkey, steak, baked potatoes, apples, oranges, unsalted nuts, oatmeal, etc.

What is your supplementation like?  Any particular favorites?

My supplementation is the following: I take a Whey Protein, Fish Oil, Pre-Workout and a Heart Healthy Supplement. In fact I just started my new supplement brand called Obistrong Nutrition that just launched December 31st.

Because Ive been so unhappy and distrustful with many supplements brands in the fitness industry I decided to start my own brand with some very smart business partners of mine.

The supplement brand is a science based brand that actually will do what it is says it is supposed to do. I teamed up with one of the best formulators in the country to create supplements that has 3rd party validation testing to each ingredient in our products.

We have no stimulants, no ephedra, no synephrine in our pre-workout whatsoever which is called Obi-Stim.

obistim review

Our Whey Protein  called Obi-Whey is a gluten free whey protein with 20 grams of protein per serving which is a lot of protein. No fillers and if it says 20 grams of protein there is 20 grams of protein in there.


A second  phenomenal component of the whey protein is the whole food form complex carbs which helps make you more fuller because of the extra fiber component. After taking the whey protein it really sustains you and makes you feel more fuller.  And you don’t feel that you have to eat a meal right away.

We have a healthy heart supplement called Obi-Heart that helps to improve blood flow to the heart and also blood flow to the sexual organs. Any I don’t think anybody will complain about that part…LOL.

It also prevents oxidative damage to cells which is one of leading causes to aging and age related conditions. And it does a great job on giving you incredible mental and physical energy which is a great post workout type of product.  I typically advise people to take the healthy heart supplement after they workout.

And most importantly we have a very powerful appetite suppressant/metabolism booster supplement called Obi-Slim that helps to reduce appetite and support weight loss.

Many people don’t have self control late at night because they binge but the Obi-Slim will prevent late night binging or overeating while also helping to speed up your metabolism.

The first 5000 people that purchase any of our Obistrong supplements will receive a free 12 week 90 page exercise e-book created by me. You can check out our products at I guarantee you that if you try them out that you will love them and won’t try anything else.

If you were starting over right now, what would you do differently?

If I was starting all over again I would have put more energy, time and effort on pursuing mainstream opportunities a lot earlier in my career.  As opposed to putting the effort and time so much later on in my career.

What’s the best training advice you’ve ever received?

The best training advice I’ve received is be patient as you can’t a build a beautiful temple or building overnight. And that is the best advice that I’ve ever received. I pass that same advice to other young fitness enthusiasts that want to get in better shape.

When people ask you what your secret to cutting is, what do you tell them?

The best advice to cutting is what you put into your body nutritionally.  The quality of foods you eat will help tremendously in dropping body-fat. So there is really no deep secret to cutting honestly. But the high quality clean foods that you will never go wrong are fish, tilapia, chicken, broccoli, sweet potatoes, asparagus, egg whites, oatmeal, etc.

Favorite cheat meal?

My favorite cheat meal is eating fried chicken at Popeyes or KFC which is something I rarely do because it is so fattening. But once in awhile I will eat it and by the way that is a severely bad cheat meal.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?

It is really difficult to figure out what my biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry because my career isn’t over yet and it is still going very strong. But one of the highlights of my career was co-authoring a diet and exercise book with an A-lister Actor in Morris Chestnut. The book was a best-seller and it was ranked as high as #12 on Amazon for all books in all genres.

And it was ranked #1 and #2 in the exercise and diet genre on Amazon which was such a tremendous honor as a first time Author. And then being a guest on every major national daytime Talk show across the country promoting the book. Very very few fitness professionals from the fitness industry have ever had the opportunity to do that. So I feel blessed in being able to achieve that.

Also being metrically selected as one of the Top Ten Most Influential Fitness Experts on the Web by Dr Oz’s site.

Is there any final things you would like to say in the interview?

I want to thank Rob for giving me the opportunity for this interview. Also I want to let everybody know that I will be on NBC’s Access Hollywood giving health and wellness tips on January 3rd in the early morning time so check your local listings. And I will also be on Access Hollywood promoting and plugging the Obistrong supplement nutrition brand. Also my best selling diet and exercise book TheCut can be purchased at

Please confirm that the below social media links are yours, and if you have any other profiles you’d like to add feel free to include them!

Connect With Obi!




Titanax Review: 1 HUGE Reason You Should Avoid It

As a rule of thumb, many things that sound too good to be true, often are just that.

However, it’s almost 2018….and skeptic or not, you have to admit that some of the revolutionary drugs we’ve seen, we wouldn’t have believed just a few years ago.

Fixing bad vision with lasers? Reversing cancer? Healing chronic pain?

It’s all been done.

So is it that outrageous that a male enhancement drug could live up to the hype it claims to deliver?

Specifically, one of the buzziest supplements out there today is Titanax, which, as the name might suggest, not only promises to deliver insane growth rates, titanic amounts, one might say, but also graces the every day man with alleged all night endurance in the sack.

If you’ve perused any adult entertainment sites as of late, you’ve no doubt seen this product blowing up the sidebar advertisements with their outrageous claims and tantalizing hints of this “shocking” new supplement.

Let’s pull back the curtain on this drug and see just exactly what we’re dealing with.

The Claims

Have you seen ads like these?

titanax ad

If so, you’re not alone in wondering just how much fact vs. fiction lies behind these claims.

Let’s dig in and uncover just that.

Ads for Titanax are a dime a dozen on the internet, and all basically ensure that if you take this supp, you’ll enjoy increased libido, performance, and pleasure during the act, a longer lasting erection, and increased sexual confidence.

Not that much unlike many of its competitors, I know, it is a slew of claims that you and I alike are all too familiar with at this point.

What’s not to love, right?

Not just that, but Titanax’s site boasts that their drug delivers revved up levels of testosterone, for both drive and better erections, “on command.” content/uploads/2017/12/titanax basic

Thanks to this firing-on-all-cylinder’s-approach,  their product promises to leave your partner “gasping for more.”

The master scheme this supplement uses for sucking you in is a multi-step process. First, if you frequent adult entertainment and porn sites, you may have already seen these ads, which frequently pop up, alluding to this “shocking” new supplement rocking the male enhancement world. If you were to click on that ad, it would take you to the following image, which shows the Titanax label.

These faux ads sprinkled throughout porn sites don’t stop there.

Once you click on one, you’re taken to a length ad with numerous “real” testimonies and supposed reviews from raving couples. The headline claim is that taking Titanax will result in a growth rate of 1.5 inches per week. Finally, they boast, the great secret formula that is Titanax can be shared.

What’s the problem?

Before we delve into the reviews, supposed benefits, or ingredients of this alleged “#1 best selling” drug, let’s point out just a few obvious issues with these ads. content/uploads/2018/01/titanax

Not only does this product fall short, as we’ll unpack below, but this exact ad has been used before. As in, the exact same outlandish promise, that you’ll be able to grow at a rate of 1.5 inches per week.

The identical text, and images are not only associated with Titanax, but numerous other similar, competing products, when you dig a little further.

For example, the same exact bologne ads have been used to try to swindle buyers into ordering Erectize, a testosterone-boosting drug. Not just that, the same ad claimed the same benefits can be yours from taking Andro Enhance, yet another libido and erection-enhancing drug, as well as Xynafil—same exact promises.

Starting to seem a little fishy yet?

First, the header of the website has the Men’s Health Life banner, leading you to believe you’re on the official Men’s Health website itself. It’s a common tactic within the shady supplement world to lead potential buyers to believe they’re safe in the hands of a legitimate, trusted site.

However, if you look beyond the recognizable font and “Men’s Health” look, you’ll see the URL is that of the porn site’s itself. A cheap Photoshop job is probably all it took. content/uploads/2017/12/titanax fake mens

Even if you can see past this glaring example of B.S., read on and you’ll uncover more sleazy tricks. All are designed to make you trust the product, as long as you don’t look too closely.

A whole section of the ad is designated to supposed testimonies and proof from sexologists and specialist doctors. The main man in the spotlight is Dr. Zavier DeWeilder, the supposed creator of this  miracle drug. content/uploads/2017/12/titanax dr

A section of the fake ad is written as though it’s by him, though we’re given zero background or actual information on who he is,  his credentials, or anything beyond total fluff.

The ad simply says that “as doctors, we recommend Titanax.”

So who is this elusive supposed creator of Titanax? Who knows! Not even Google! content/uploads/2017/12/dr.

Search for the man behind the miracle, and you’re going to come up empty-handed and just as clueless as before. No actual information or even a Wikipedia page exists for this fictional man, and all the top results simply lead you right back to pages about Titanax.

Any legitimate doctor would have at the very least a basic website for their practice, or medical reviews. With this guy though, good luck finding a single shred of evidence that he’s a real doctor.

As the final nail in the coffin in this train wreck of suspicious B.S. lies in the comment section of the ad.

After you read past a slew of testimonies (complete with photographic “proof” that the drug delivers what it promises), you’re taken to a comment section.

It would stand to reason then, you’d be able to leave an actual comment, right?

Think again.

The site doesn’t’ allow you to leave a comment even if you tried. You’re simply supposed to believe that the other “real” comment left by “actual users,” got there by magic. Suffice it to say, we’re not exactly buying it, but good try.

Benefits Of Titanax

Sketchiness aside, let’s take a look at the actual supposed benefits of this drug, just to be fair.

From the Titanax site, we see the supplement is designed to specifically target male “virility, vitality, and vigor.”  By targeting a trifecta of areas for sexual health, the pill should leave users with ramped up sexual stamina, endurance to “go all night” as many of the ads claim, and a spike in sexual confidence, as would be expected if you’re growing at a rate of 1.5 inches per week!

Ingredients of Titanax

Anyone can order Titanax sans prescription, thanks to its blend of all-natural ingredients that make up the supplement.

Here’s what you’ll find in a bottle.

Yohimbe: An African plant, this has been used for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac to boost sexual health, circulation, and energy.

Korean Ginseng: Another from-the-earth ingredient, this type of ginseng can be used to treat sexual dysfunction, increase sexual confidence, performance, and overall reduce stress while boosting your mood naturally.

Maca: A buzz-worthy ingredient in lots of supplements lately, this Peruvian herb has a laundry list of health benefits, one of which is renewing a sluggish sex drive and libido, plus upping your sperm count and production.

Fenugreek: Another plant with many benefits, Fenugreek has been shown to reduce all-over inflammation, but also boosts reproductive function and improves your sex life.

Ginkgo Bilboba: This herbal remedy is widely known to improve circulation all over, particularly to the extremities, and helps mental focus as well.

It’s interesting to note that a simple Google search will lead you to many other  pages that list differing ingredients in Titanax. In fact, almost every site we came across listed out slightly different ingredients than found on the main Titanax web page, further lending to this murkiness of this product.

At the end of the day, it’s basically impossible to find out from the internet alone exactly what you’d be putting into your body by taking this supplement.

How It Works

According to the official Titanax website, the supplement operates on a “dual action formula.”

This is designed to target two common facets of male supplementation—boosting levels of testosterone in the body while also increasing blood flow, meaning harder and more impressive erections.

The site seems to imply that results are nearly immediate, since it mentions these “on command”  erections that the drug delivers.

Reviews of Titanax

If all you read was the ingredient list and overview of how it works, you might buy it—Titanax doesn’t sound half bad.

Start digging for reviews though, and you’re going to come up a little empty-handed.

Though their official site has one (only one!) review from a “real man,” claiming his sex life was forever improved thanks to Titanax, that’s all you’re going to get.

We have no way to know if this one review has even a shred of legitimacy or was just flat up constructed by Titanax creators.

Similarly, out of the entire first page of Google search results for “Titanax,” only one review we saw seemed to have any type of teeth to it. The vast majority had boilerplate, robotic sounding language that anyone, expert or not, could have written.

Quite likely, they seem to be cranked out by the manufacturers themselves, and offer no real discussion of pros and cons, and only glowing praise.

Hilariously, with many of the supposed reviews, we don’t get any real people leaving comments, or even names attached to the article. Many are simply by “author,” or give credit to supposed doctors, whom we have no way of knowing if they’re real or not.

Many other reviews show that they gave the supplement less than a 5-star rating, some as low as 2.8, but then if you read the article, they have nothing but amazing things to say.

Where to Buy it and Who Makes it

 Like many supplements in the male enhancement world, if you still want to give Titanax a shot yourself, you’ll have to order it straight from their site, and it’s available to U.S. residents only. An order form is found front and center on their site, where you plug in your contact info to take advantage of one of the only 265 order they alleged mail out per day.

 New customers are able to get a “free trial,” meaning the product itself is free, and you pay a mere $5 for shipping and handling.

As for the manufacturers behind the product, aside from the fictional Dr. Zavier Deweilder, there’s scarce info on this as well. The site doesn’t share anything about who makes it, and their contact form just gives a mailing address in Phoenix, Arizona–no manufacture name at all.


 At the end of the day, just like we began this review with, if it seems too good to be true, it oftentimes is.

Titanax’s web presence, ads, and supposed reviews are riddled with B.S., from start to finish. From a scam doctor to a rigged ad making it look like Men’s Health endorses the product, to a dead-end comment section you can’t leave a comment on, Titanax is a product that reeks of foul play, at every turn.

Do all-natural ingredients like ginkgo biloba and maca do a body harm? Not likely. But will they revolutionize your sex life? Doubtful…highly doubtful.

We lost respect for this product thanks to their tangled web of faux reviews and suspicious gimmicks designed to hook in the unassuming buyer and make them fall for these promises.

It is just a bad business model and basically just leaves a sour taste in my mouth for good as far as how I feel about their products.

Why go to such lengths to trick your consumer, if you were dealing out a legitmate product? The answer is simple—these kind of shady tactics mean that no doubt, the product is a total sham.

Have You Used Titanax?  Leave Your Review Below!

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