Active-PK Review

Update! (11-21-2018):  We currently have someone testing out Active-PK, click here
to read her results so far!

Belly fat can be one of the most difficult things to get rid of. For a lot of people, no matter how much they diet or exercise, belly fat is stubborn and won’t budge.

The problem is, there hasn’t been a conclusive way to target (and reduce) belly fat specifically.

That is, of course, without ridding fat from other areas.

For many that are looking to tackle that one problem area that is often the belly, this can be discouraging and can lead to a hunt for whatever remedy is out there promising that it will work.

It’s an issue that affects men and women, and Active-PK is a product that could be the solution according to the marketing.

So what’s the reality? Is Active-PK a real way to safely cut belly fat? What are the ingredients, and could it deliver on big promises?


active-pk reviewWhat is Active-PK and what does it do?
What are the ingredients?
How to use it
Who makes it
Are there any side effects?
Where can you buy Active-PK?
Active PK Warnings
Does Active-PK work?

1.  What Is Active-PK?

Active PK is a product whose makers claim will create AMPK Activation. The idea is based on relatively new research about an enzyme within our cells.

What does AMPK Do?

This enzyme, when activated, can help with weight loss as well as overall health. AMPK is the name of the enzyme, which stands for Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase. It’s often called the master regulating switch because according to research and some claims, it is a metabolic molecule that determines how our cells process energy. With this in mind, AMPK determines our body fat composition, and even how long someone will live according to some research.

How does it work?

When this enzyme is activated, theoretically cells are then prompted not to make or store fat. What happens during an activation phase is that only stored fat is burned.

graphical representation of how AMPK works

Then, as a result of this cells are healthier and less toxic. When AMPK is reactivated, it can also help people live longer according to some claims. The cells are essentially being flushed of the bad stuff with AMPK is activated, or so the theory goes.

Specific Benefits of AMPK

Some of the specific ways AMPK plays a role in weight loss and overall health include:

  • The enzyme increases the production of mitochondria, which are responsible for transforming food and oxygen into energy that fuels our bodies.
  • AMPK can promote insulin sensitivity, which is good regarding
  • AMPK activation increases another enzyme’s effectiveness. That’s the SIRT1 enzyme, which is important in terms of healthy metabolism and reducing inflammation. Some researchers believe the SIRT1 molecule can help inhibit genes that have negative effects on health.

Why would I need something like this?

The reason someone would need a supplement to promote activation of AMPK is because over time, especially in the face of poor nutrition, toxins gather in our cells.

what happens when you dont have enough ampk

This stops the effectiveness of genes that promote good health and reduce inflammation. The result can be weight gain, metabolic disease, and inflammation that contributes to most other illnesses.

How do I know if I have an AMPK deficiency?

Signs that someone could have an AMPK deficiency include increased belly fat, high blood glucose levels, difficulty losing weight and insulin resistance.

ampk deficiency

In line with this, the makers of Active PK say that it will decrease abdominal fat, but also promote mental clarity increase energy levels and help users have a stronger, healthier body overall.

2.  Active PK Ingredients

Active-PK has three main active ingredients:

  • ActiveAMP
  • Quercetin
  • Berberine HCL

Here’s a snapshot of the label: content/uploads/2018/03/canva photo editor

Click Here for a full list of drug interactions.

What is ActiveAMP?

The first and most important is something dubbed ActivAMP, which is gynostemma pentaphyllum leaf extract.

gynostemma leaf
^ Plant Jiaogulan comes from

There is 450 mg of this ingredient per serving. Gynostemma is classified as an adaptogen, and it’s native to areas of Asia including China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan.

It’s also called jiaogulan, and it’s long been used in herbal medicine. Along with being an adaptogen, it is believed to be an antioxidant as well.

According to herbal medicine, this ingredient can:

  • Increase longevity
  • Improve immunity
  • Lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.

This ingredient, as an adaptogen, is supposed to help the body maintain a sense of homeostasis. It may also serve as a tumor inhibitor according to some research, and a small study showed the herb was beneficial for treating patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

What is Quercetin Dihydrate?

The next active ingredient is called quercetin dihydrate.

molecular structure of Quercetin
^ Molecular structure of Quercetin

There is a 100 mg of this ingredient, which is believed to be beneficial in reducing inflammation, body fat, and even allergies.

What is Berberine HCL?

The third active ingredient in Active-PK is berberine. Berberine is a chemical naturally occurring in different plants.

molecular structure of berberine
^ Molecular structure of berberine

Berberine is sometimes used to help heart health and as an antibacterial agent. Some research has shown berberine can slightly reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, and it may be able to lower cholesterol levels.

berberine hcl benefits

Initial research has shown berberine could reduce the risk of death in people with congestive heart failure.

Active-PK doesn’t contain any caffeine, which can be helpful to know for people with sensitivities to caffeine. So many nutritional supplements, especially when they are aimed at weight loss, do contain caffeine. That can make people feel nauseous or unwell, so it is useful to find a product without it.

3.  How To Use Active-PK

Active-PK comes in capsule form. A container includes 30 capsules, and a serving size is two capsules per day.

Active-PK should be taken with a glass of water, and it doesn’t matter if it’s taken with or without food. For someone who is worried about nauseousness being a side effect, or if they are sensitive to herbal supplements, they can take Active-PK with food.

4.  Who Makes It?

Active-PK is marketed by a company called LCR Health (, located at 22704 Ventura Blvd. #485, Woodland Hills, California 91364.

The company is headed by Chief Medical Officer Dr. R.S. McCLain.

DR. R.S. McClain
DR. R.S. McClain

According to the company’s marketing, they introduce products backed by in-depth scientific research. They also have a 5-point Promise when customers buy their products.

LCB Health says they promise to provide supplements with only high-quality ingredients backed by science. Independent third parties test their products, they are made in America, and they have a 90-day guarantee along with what they describe as exceptional customer service.

5.  Active-PK Side Effects

As with so many supplements like Active-PK, there isn’t any information available about scientific testing on the actual formulation itself. Instead, research and information are based on looking at each of the individual ingredients, rather than how the ingredients work with one another.

With that in mind, there may be potential side effects, particularly with quercetin dihydrate.

Click Here for a full list of potential medical conditions and prescription medications that can interact with Active-PK.

Possible side effects from Quercetin Dihydrate

Quercetin dihydrate can cause an allergic reaction in some people because some bodies will respond to it as if it’s a toxin.

quercetin side effects infographic

It’s also possible quercetin dihydrate can cause swelling and inflamed joints. This ingredient can be especially harmful to people with a chronic inflammatory condition like arthritis. This tends only to happen when it’s used in higher doses. At lower doses, quercetin may reduce inflammation.

Drug Interactions with Quercetin content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

There are also certain drug interactions possible with quercetin. This ingredient can interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotic medications, and it can make it problematic for the body to break down certain cancer drugs.

Click Here to see the full list of drug interactions.

Side Effects of Gynostemma content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Gynostemma, also called jiaogulan can have its own side effects. These can include nausea and increased bowel movements. This ingredient can cause the immune system to be more active, which can be problematic for people who have auto-immune disorders. It may slow clotting, and it can cause blood sugar to become too low in people who use insulin or other medicines to control their levels.

Drug interactions with Gynostemma content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Since gynostemma increases the immune system, there are certain medications whose effectiveness could be decreased because of this ingredient.

For example, when someone takes medication to decrease their immune system, this ingredient could make that less effective. Since it’s possible gynostemma can slow blood clotting, it can have interactions with other medicines that do the same.

Potential Berberine Side Effects content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Berberine side effects are considered to be generally low risk, although people who take blood sugar-lowering medications should be aware that it can cause their levels to dip too low. Berberine can also lower blood pressure, so people with already low blood pressure should be aware of this.

6.  Where Can You Buy Active-PK? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Interested customers can buy Active-PK directly on the LCR Health website.

Pricing breaks down as follows:

  • 1 Bottle – $69
  • 3 bottles – $186.30
  • 6 bottles – $330.15

All orders include free shipping.

Customers can contact the manufacturer directly through their website if they have any questions.

Active-PK is not available in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS.

Related Article:  13 BEST Diet Pills Sold In Stores

Money Back Guarantee

When this product is purchased on the LCR Health website, there is a 90-day guarantee for each order. If for any reason a customer doesn’t feel the product met their expectations, they can send it back for a full refund of the purchase price.

The company says customers can even use the whole supply and send back the empty bottles. The money-back guarantee is one of the reasons that it might be worth trying this product.

7. Active-PK Warnings content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Active PK could potentially interact with certain medications or medical conditions.

Use caution and speak to a doctor before using it.

We’ve hired a pharmacist who has answered many of the most common questions we get.  Reviewed by Dr. Brian Straub, Pharm.D.

Click Here for a full list of potential drug interactions.

Can I take Active-PK if I have high blood pressure? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

There appear to be no negative interactions with the medications themselves for those with high blood pressure, but some ingredients may lower blood pressure. If you are taking blood pressure medications, use caution, as this supplement may also lower blood pressure.

Can I take Active-PK if I have LOW blood pressure? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

It is advised to avoid this supplement if you have low blood pressure as some of the ingredients may decrease blood pleasure leading to an unsafe drop in blood pressure.

Can I take Active-PK if I have diabetes? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Many of the ingredients may lower blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may lower blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Active-PK? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

As with all supplements and medications there is the possibility of allergic reactions. There are no known allergic reaction risks with this medication.

Can I take Active-PK with alcohol? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

As it is best to avoid alcohol when taking supplements, there is no known interaction between alcohol and the ingredients in this supplement.

Can I take Active-PK with Viagra / Cialis? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

Active-PK may cause a decrease in blood pressure. This interaction is moderate compared to Hawthorne Berry which is a major interaction. Additionally, ingredients in this supplement are metabolized by the same enzyme as Viagra, which could increase levels of both in your body. This is a moderate interaction.

Can I take Active-PK if I am taking anti-depressants?      content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

There are no known interactions between this supplement and anti-depressant medications.

Can I take Active-PK if I have a bleeding disorder? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

It is best to avoid this supplement if you are taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may decrease your body’s clotting ability (thin your blood). If you do choose to use this supplement monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take Active-PK with Caffeine or other stimulants? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

There are no known interactions between this supplement and caffeine and other stimulants.

Can I take Active-PK if I am pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

One of the chemicals has been linked to possible birth defects. Not enough is known about the safety of Active AMP during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take this supplement?

Do not take this medication if you are taking Cyclosporine or any medications for organ transplant.

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions: content/uploads/2018/03/untitled


  • Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)


  • Blood Thinners and Antiplatelets
    • NSAIDS
      • ibuprofen
      • naproxen
    • Aspirin
    • Coumadin (warfarin)
    • Plavix (clipidogrel)
  • Antibiotics
    • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
    • enoxacin (Penetrex)
    • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
    • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
    • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
    • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
  • Antidiabetic medications
    • glimepiride (Amaryl)
    • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
    • insulin
    • pioglitazone (Actos)
    • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
    • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
    • glipizide (Glucotrol)
    • tolbutamide (Orinase)
    • and others
  • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
    • azathioprine (Imuran)
    • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
    • mycophenolate (CellCept)
    • tacrolimus (Prograf)
    • sirolimus (Rapamune)
    • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
    • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
    • and others
  • Medications metabolized by the liver:
    • Liver Enzyme 2C8
      • paclitaxel (Taxol)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • amiodarone (Cordarone)
      • docetaxel (Taxotere)
      • repaglinide (Prandin)
      • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
    • Liver Enzyme 2C9
      • amitriptyline (Elavil)
      • diazepam (Valium)
      • zileuton (Zyflo)
      • celecoxib (Celebrex)
      • diclofenac (Voltaren)
      • fluvastatin (Lescol),
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • iibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
      • irbesartan (Avapro)
      • losartan (Cozaar), phenytoin (Dilantin),
      • piroxicam (Feldene)
      • tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
      • tolbutamide (Tolinase)
      • torsemide (Demadex)
      • warfarin (Coumadin)
      • and others.
    • Liver Enzyme 2D6
      • amitriptyline (Elavil)
      • clozapine (Clozaril)
      • codeine
      • desipramine (Norpramin)
      • donepezil (Aricept),
      • fentanyl (Duragesic)
      • flecainide (Tambocor)
      • fluoxetine (Prozac)
      • meperidine (Demerol)
      • methadone (Dolophine)
      • metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL)
      • olanzapine (Zyprexa),
      • ondansetron (Zofran)
      • tramadol (Ultram)
      • trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
    • Liver Enzyme 3A4
      • cyclosporin (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • lovastatin (Mevacor)
      • clarithromycin (Biaxin)
      • indinavir (Crixivan)
      • sildenafil (Viagra)
      • triazolam (Halcion)
      • and many others.
    • P-glycoprotein Substrates
      • diltiazem (Cardizem)
      • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
      • digoxin (Lanoxin)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • saquinavir (Invirase)
      • amprenavir (Agenerase)
      • nelfinavir (Viracept)
      • loperamide (Imodium)
      • quinidine,
      • paclitaxel (Taxol)
      • vincristine, etoposide (VP16, VePesid)
      • cimetidine (Tagamet)
      • ranitidine (Zantac)
      • fexofenadine (Allegra)
      • ketoconazole (Nizoral)
      • itraconazole (Sporanox)

8.  Does Active-PK Work? content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

There is one big problem with choosing to buy Active-PK, and that’s the fact that there’s no research on the product itself. When the makers say the product is backed by scientific research, this is research done by third-parties on the ingredients themselves. There isn’t proof about the efficacy of this specific formulation or ingredients, especially in terms of meeting specific objectives such as losing belly fat.

It would be more helpful if Active-PK invested in their own, independent research looking at how their formulation works, as opposed to just using research that’s been done through the years on the individual ingredients. While all of the ingredients do seem to have some great health benefits, it would be more useful to know if they are more or less effective when used together.

Our Personal Results

We have a woman named Rachel currently testing Active-PK.

active pk review

Here’s what she has to say about the product so far:

Started Active-PK on Tues, Nov 13; it is now Tues Nov 20th.

I have had a surprising first week on the supplement.

I am eating a fairly high starch diet, while actively adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water, adding the juice from a lemon and three shakes of cayenne pepper with a cup of water before every meal. In addition, I am mixing in fiber rich veggies while staying away from sugary fruits (for the most part). I am eating a 1200 calorie diet, with one or two high calorie meals per week. I do allow myself a little bit of chocolate a few times a week. Dove bites. Most of the week I am intermittent fasting which means I am eating 6 times over 6 – 8 hours during the day; not eating after 6pm at any time.

I was 209 lbs on Nov 13. I am 204 lbs Nov 20th. Lost 6 pounds. I have lost a full inch around my hips and a quarter inch off of my bust line.

During the week for the first time in years, I honestly did not crave sweets. Craziest thing! I love sugar-free and sugar ‘sweet’ tasting foods. I was not hungry between small meals and when I ate I was full quicker so I did not continue eating. I cannot say I had more energy. In fact I was tired and took 3 naps last week.

I am 50, in good health, simply carrying some weight during menopause. I am 5 ‘2 and currently in the morbidly obese BMI category. I am taking a few hormones which has relieve most symptoms although it has not helped with my weight control or loss.

I look forward to another 6 lb loss this week. Fingers crossed.

Update December 1

I was 209 lbs on Nov 13.  I am 201 lbs Dec 1

This week I have lost a full inch around my hips/ belly region. All other areas remain the same as last week.

Do not crave sweets. Energy high. Thirsty a lot. No unwanted side effects although I did have one headache. That was odd as I never get head aches; but I believe it was stress related not med related.  Thus far extremely happy with the product.

Active PK Customer Reviews content/uploads/2018/03/untitled

The LCR Health company lists some customer reviews on their site. Some highlights include the fact that people who were already thin but wanted to trim up were able to achieve that. Customers report having increased energy levels, and less of a desire to eat unhealthy foods.

Most customers seem to generally report that they do have energy and they have lost a few pounds. However, some customers have said that it did cause stomach discomfort, especially when they first started using it. Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of negative feedback on the product.

The biggest overall consensus among all customers seems to be not only the increase in energy, but also their changed eating habits, and the loss of cravings for fatty or unhealthy foods.

8.  Recommendation

The individual ingredients in Active-PK seem like they could have some very beneficial health effects. These ingredients could promote overall wellness and longevity and can help with a variety of conditions including high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The three main ingredients in Active-PK seem to be backed by quite a bit of research showing their positive effects.

With that being said, for someone who is looking to lose a significant amount of weight or to do so quickly, that probably won’t happen with Active-PK.

One of the claims of Active-PK is that it will help people lose belly fat. That could actually happen thanks to the primary ingredient, which is an adaptogen. Adaptogens help people maintain a healthy weight, but they also help regulate hormones, and combat stress and fatigue. Hormonal imbalances and stress are two of the biggest reasons people hold onto belly fat, even when they don’t have a lot of fat in other areas.

The main ingredient in Active-PK could help with all of these specific reasons people struggle with belly fat.

Adaptogens can help balance the adrenal system and reduce the presence of stress hormones in the body. The fact that an adaptogen is a main ingredient in this product is a big plus if you’re trying to decide whether or not to use it.

It also seems using Active-PK could promote good health and raise energy levels while reducing food cravings. These effects in combination with one another could be good for losing a moderate amount of weight, but results probably wouldn’t include dramatic weight loss.

If you look around, you’ll see that some customers say they tried Active-PK and it didn’t work for them, but positive reviews seem to outweigh the negative for the most part.

At the end of the day, no two people are going to be affected the same way by any given supplement or drug and perceivable results are going to vary from person to person. content/uploads/2018/03/canva photo editor

The product is also relatively expensive, so consumers could consider buying each individual ingredient separately to get the health effects of the herbal supplements included in the formulation.

While not necessarily ideal for huge amounts of weight loss, Active-PK could help users feel better, and it seems as if it would have very few if any side effects when used.

Since Active-PK comes with a money-back guarantee, for someone interested in the product, it could be worth giving it a try.

Have you tried Active-PK? Leave your review below.

Additional References

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

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11 Best Female Fat Burners

At Supplement Critique we review the latest trends in the fitness industry and bring you first hand reviews of thousands of products.

best female fat burners

Here we reveal the best fat burners for women and how they actually help you lose weight.

Jump To Our Top Choices

#1 – Lean Bean Female Fat Burner
#2 – Instant Knockout
#3 – Keto OS by Pruvit
#4 – Phen 375
#5 – Zantrex 3 Blue Bottle
#6 – Evlution Nutrition Lean Mode
#7 – Quadrelene
#8 – Sheer Fat Burner For Women
#9 – FitMiss Burn
#10 – Shred Her by NLA For Her
#11 – Oxyelite Pro

With all the advances in recent years some supplement companies have FINALLY realized women have different needs to the opposite sex.

However, this does mean we have gone from one extreme to the other – there’s now endless options available on the market.

Deciding what are the best supplements for women’s weight loss has turned into a very confusing process.

In order to make things a whole lot easier, we’ve rounded up the top 11 best fat burners for women to share the score with you.

How Do Female Fat Burners Work?

Female fat burners are more than just regular weight loss pills.

Specifically, they use natural ingredients to help you safely burn more calories.

Here’s how:

Appetite Suppressants

You are more likely to sustain weight loss if you follow a healthy approach – losing between 1 to 2 lbs per week.

With this in mind, you need to create a deficit of 500 to 1000 calories per day.(1,2)

Moreover, cutting calories means restricting what you eat and this comes with its own set of dilemmas. HUNGER and CRAVINGS are the demons of dieting.

Nonetheless, female fat burners can solve the problem…

They contain ingredients which promote satiety and keep you feeling full. This will not only lower the calories you take in but put a lid on the cravings too.

However, if you still feel the need for extra help in the hunger department carb blockers are also good for curbing your appetite. (3)

Boosts Energy Levels

Energy levels are important especially if you are combining your weight loss plans with a workout regime.

Not to mention your diet will deplete them.

Similarly, if you are RAMPING UP exercise this will also be the case. Maxing out every gym session to achieve your goals can be physically draining!

Conversely, female fat burners have got this covered. They increase your energy levels, so you can push your limits in every session.

Increases Metabolic Rate

Your metabolism lays the foundations for how fast or slow you burn calories. If your metabolism has the rate of a snail’s pace you will find it hard to lose weight and you will gain fat a lot easier.


If it has the momentum of a missile you will use energy more efficiently and therefore lose weight.

The best fat burners for women grab hold of your metabolism and send it skywards!

Burn Fat

The clue is in the name, but that’s just what they do.

Female fat burners help your body burn more calories than you are taking in. This encourages your body to hit your excess stores for fuel – hence body fat reduction.

What’s more:

They also have the ability to enhance fat breakdown and block it from storing up in the FIRST PLACE!


It’s important to remember that no matter how good female fat burners are, they are not a miracle pill.

If you’re wanting diet pills that work fast without exercise then at Supplement Critique we are still waiting to see one.

You will still need to work-out and watch your diet for a good fat burner to work effectively.

Female Fat Burners: The Benefits.

Fat burners that work bring some big advantages for women, such as:

  • Help remove cellulite from those prone areas
  • Tones up and sculpts your body
  • Reduces body fat
  • Helps you lose weight faster
  • Increases your energy levels
  • Boosts your workouts
  • Improves your mood and focus

But what are the ingredients behind these benefits?

Let’s break them down:

Female Fat Burners: the Best Ingredients

Garcinia Cambogia

garcinia cambogiaGarcinia cambogia is a fruit shaped like a pumpkin and grown in tropical regions. Also known as ‘malabar tamarind’ it has a SECRET WEAPON for weight loss – HCA hydroxycitric acid.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) isn’t found in the fruit itself, but on the rind. This active ingredient has been proven to BLOCK citrate lyase – a specific enzyme involved in the fat building process. (4)

Studies even suggests garcinia cambogia is particularly effective for reducing abdominal fat. (5)



Turmeric is a staple ingredient found in many curry dishes and often called Indian saffron because of its color. The spice has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, yet it can also provide benefits for weight loss. (6)

Turmeric is loaded with nutrients but the most important one is the ANTIOXIDANT known as curcumin. (7)

Research has revealed curcumin suppresses body fat from forming and also has an effect on fat metabolism. (8)



Glucomannan (konjac plant) is a water soluble fiber extracted from the root.

It can absorb up to 50 times its weight in water and experts suggest its the most viscous fiber going. (9)

Increasing your fiber intake is great for satiety levels. Statistics like this make glucomannan a perfect candidate for appetite suppression. (10)

In fact because glucomannan is so effective at reducing hunger, experts recommended it as a treatment for obesity. (11)

Acai Berry

acai berry

Acai berries come from the Amazon region and the native population have been enjoying their benefits for years. However, acai has also caught on around the world and is now well regarded with it’s SUPERFOOD status. (12)

Acai is a rich source of antioxidants and has been linked to nitric oxide production. (13)

A GREATER concentration of this substance in the body leads to lower blood pressure, better circulation and a higher level of energy for you to workout with. (14)

Raspberry Ketones

rasberry ketones

Raspberry ketones are antioxidants contained within the fruit. It’s also what is responsible for the color and smell of the tangy berry.

These compounds are also very valuable for their fat burning potential. Ketones can prevent body fat from building up and also fast forward the breakdown of fats too. (15,16)

Raspberry ketones were used as part of a specific 8 week weight loss study. Results indicated an average drop in body fat by 7.8 percent and body weight by 2 percent. (17)

11 Best Fat Burners For Women

We’ve covered how fat burners work and reviewed literally hundreds of products.

Here are the products that made the grade for 2018:

#1 Leanbean

leanbean fat burner reviewIt might not be a surprise to see the Leanbean female fat burner in top spot. This supplement is one of a number of slimming tablets that work fast alongside a healthy lifestyle.

It’s all natural formula is geared specifically for women’s needs and the added bonus is that it has a low stimulant content.

Leanbean ingredients:

  • Garcinia Cambogia
  • Turmeric
  • Acai berry
  • Glucomannan
  • Raspberry ketones
  • Green tea extract
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Green Coffee
  • Chromium picolinate
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Piperine

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

leanbean fat burner ingredients label

As you can see, it’s an impressive list of quality natural ingredients.

Leanbean have ensured everything included has the backing of science and that goes for the dosages too.

What’s more, Leanbean have acknowledged women find cravings harder to cope with than guys.

So they did something about it by including a higher amount of appetite suppressing ingredients than most supplements.

You can read more about how this works in our complete Leanbean review.

LeanBean Reviews

Lean Bean female fat burner is a relatively new product, but it’s been taking the market by storm lately.

Here’s a recent before and after photo we came across:

leanbean female fat burner before and after

leanbean before and after

And here’s a video review we found on Youtube:

In summary, the key functions of the lean bean fat burner are:

  • Curb cravings and stave off hunger
  • Ramps up metabolism
  • Support female body balance
  • ‘Carb blocker’ ingredients to stop fat absorptionCheck out their official site here:

#2 Instant Knockout

instant knockout for women

Next up on our countdown is Instant Knockout. Now, at first glance you could easily think this is not one for the ladies, but this fat burner does include some of the best ingredients for women.

Instant Knockout has ensured their formula works well for guys and girls alike.

Instant Knockout ingredients:

  • Green tea extract
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Glucomannan
  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • GTF chromium
  • Zinc
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Black pepper extract

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

instant knockout label

It’s another solid supplement using powerful but natural fat burning ingredients. Instant Knockout have done their homework too, they only include compounds in their formula proven to do the job.

Instant Knockout helps by:

  • Firing up natural energy levels
  • Crushes hunger
  • Ramps up your metabolic rate

You can read my full review here.

#3 Keto OS by Pruvit

keto os for women fat burner

Keto OS (Ketone Operating System) is a little different from the regular female fat burners around and that’s why it takes bronze.

This one is based all around the proven fat burning state of ketosis. (4)

Check out the ingredients:

  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)
  • L-taurine
  • Caffeine (or decaffeinated)
  • L-leucine

My wife absolutely LOVES Keto Os, and has reviewed it on her site in tremendous detail.

My sister-in-law has used it as well with great results, check out some of her before and after photos below: keto os results

keto os before and after

Keto OS is based around a drink which consists of exogenous ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate) to generate fat burning. It’s available in several flavors and also comes charged with caffeine or without.

Keto OS benefits are:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased state of fat burning
  • Hunger reducing effects
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels

Check out my full Keto OS review here.

#4 Phen375

phen375 for women

Phen375 is another one of the popular female fat burners and that’s why it’s made the list.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Chromium
  • L-carnitine
  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Dendrobium nobile extract
  • Citrus Aurantium
  • Coleus forskohlii root

Phen375 is a dietary supplement with top quality ingredients, based around a scientific formula. It’s designed to be taken alongside the best fat burning exercises for women.

Phen375 works by:

  • Increasing energy
  • Encouraging fat breakdown
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Controlling Satiety
  • Improving digestion

Check out my full Phen 375 review here.

#5 Zantrex 3

Zantex is a VERY popular brand of fat burners that makes 2 different formulas:

There’s the Zantrex 3 blue bottle.

zantrex 3 blue bottle

And there’s the Zantrex 3 Red Bottle.

zantrex 3 red bottle

We’ve had a number of women leave reviews for both the red AND the blue bottles, and the blue bottle outperformed the red bottle DRAMATICALLY.

Just check out a few of the reviews of the Zantrex 3 Blue bottle we’ve received:

danielles review of Zantrex 3

angelas review of zantrex 3

jannas review of zantrex

I actually took it for about a week as well, and lost about 5 lbs.

Clearly it’s a great fat burner, but what I noticed most is that it seemed to work for women WAY more than it did for men.

The secret of course is the ingredients, which include:

  • Yerba Mate
  • Guarana extract
  • Damiana leaf
  • Caffeine
  • Green tea extract

The only downside is that some users reported some minor side effects from taking it.

But in general, it’s a GREAT belly fat burner if that’s what you’re looking to target.

#6 Leanmode by Evlution Nutrition

evlution nutrition lean mode for women

Leanmode isn’t designed specifically for women. However it’s one of the most rated stimulant free weight loss pills around, which makes it a good choice for the ladies.

Ingredients are as follows:

  • Garcinia cambogia extract
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine
  • Green tea leaf extract

As you can see leanmode have included a good mix of effective ingredients. They have also all been studied for their different fat burning benefits.

Leanmode kicks weight loss into action by:

  • Enhances fat burning
  • Craving control
  • Supports metabolism
  • Bumps up antioxidant levels
  • Increases energy and focus

#7 RSP Quadralean

RSP Quadralean could be classed as a newcomer to the market. It’s non-gender specific but it’s also a stimulant free supplement which means it deserves a spot in our top 9.

RSP Quadralean contains:

  • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine
  • Green tea extract
  • Paradoxine
  • Chromium

With some familiar names from the supplement world RSP Quadralean have made sure it does what it’s supposed to.

Here’s the highlights:

#8 Sheer Fat Burner for Women

Sheer Fat Burner for Women is the female friendly option made by Sheer Strength Labs.  It’s a supplement custom designed with the biological make up of ladies in mind.

Here’s how it’s made:

  • Acetyl-l-carnitine
  • Griffonia simplicifolia extract 5 HTP
  • Coleus forskohlii root
  • L-theanine
  • Green tea (leaf)
  • Caffeine
  • Paradoxine
  • Cissus quadrangularis

Sheer have understood its harder for women to shift fat from certain areas. Their solution is this all natural fat burner with proven thermogenic ingredients, however it does contain a small amount of caffeine.

Main functions of this female fat burner are:

  • Appetite reducing effects
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Energy enhancing
  • Weight loss
  • Boosts mood

#9 FitMiss Burn

When it comes to female fat burners FitMiss Burn is definitely off limits for the guys.  Made by Musclepharm it’s dosed and developed to support women with an active lifestyle.

FitMiss Burn is made from a blend of many ingredients, defined into 6 categories:

  • Stage 1 & 2 – energy & fat metabolizers
  • 3 – appetite balancing weight management control
  • 4 – anti stress mood balancers
  • 5 – diuretic complex
  • 6 – digestive enzyme complex

Fitmiss is packed full of very worthy fat burning ingredients like, green tea, glucomannan, guarana and turmeric. In fact you could say there are too many. This fat burner for women has more than 16 ingredients so the doses are quite low.

Also because it’s packaged up in a proprietary blend you never really know how much you are getting.

#10 Shred Her by NLA For Her

Last of the top 9 female fat burners is Shred Her by NLA For Her. It’s an all natural supplement that gets positive reviews and results from the women who use it.

Shred Her includes the following:

  • Green tea extract
  • Taurine
  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • Citrus aurantium extract
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Raspberry ketones
  • Ursolic acid
  • Guarana extract
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B5

There are most certainly some top weight loss contenders in this supplement, but it’s let down by being presented as a matrix blend. The exact doses of each ingredients are not shown.

It’s also worth noting Shred Her does contain caffeine and other naturally occurring amounts of the stimulant. This might be too much for some women who are sensitive to the effects.

Here’s the foundations of Shred Her:

#11 Oxyelite Pro

OxyElite Pro is another one of those fat burners that works for both men AND women.

In fact, I’ve personally tested it in the past with great results.

Their original thermogenic formula included a VERY powerful ingredient called Dimethylamylamine, or DMAA for short.

What’s DMAA?

Formerly, DMAA was actually invented by the drug giant Eli Lilly, and was originally marketed as an inhaled nasal decongestant.

Since then, they ended up voluntarily withdrawing it from the market in 1983, and it was reintroduced into the supplement world in 2006. (18)

Unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

There were a number of bad PR reports that came out in the late 2011 reporting that DMAA in certain pre workout supplements caused a number of deaths in a few members of the US Armed Forces. (19)

As a result, DMAA was withdrawn from the market for a few years.

At the present time, it’s actually back in a number of supplements, including God of Rage, Mesomorph, and Jack3d.

However, Oxyelite Pro decided the risk was too great, and has since removed DMAA from their ingredients list.

So what’s in OxyElite Pro now?

For the most part, they’ve picked a few winning ingredients that have proven to be good fat burners for females.

In short, it includes ingredients like:

  • Gingko Leaf Powder – 100 mg
  • Caffeine – 100 mg
  • Cola nut powder – 50 mg
  • Eleuthero root powder – 50 mg
  • Green tea extract – 50 mg
  • Guarana seed extract – 30 mg
  • Asian Ginseng – 25 mg
  • Bitter orange – 20 mg
  • Co-Q10 – 10 mg

It’s a bit heavy on the stimulants, but I will say this.

It works GREAT as an effective thermogenic for women, AND also can work as a pre workout supplement.

If you decide on getting Oxy Elite pro, I would recommend taking 1 capsule about 45 min. prior to your workout for kick butt results.


In conclusion, these were our top 11 female fat burners broken-down.

Granted many of the contenders have some great qualities, but it’s Leanbean that that leads the pack for women’s weight loss. It’s the best fat burner for women we’ve ever personally tested.

If you’re looking for diet pills that work, then we’d recommend natural supplements as by far the best over the counter options.

Because of all the scams on the market, we’d recommend choosing a supplement which has the needs of women down to a tee. Selecting one with clinically proven ingredients that offer safe weight loss without side effects is key.



DrexSport’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein: Too Good to be True?

Hands down, whey protein is the most popular fitness supplement. Applicable to all types of fitness goals, whey protein is the common thread that binds together the guy looking to get huge, the woman who wants to lose weight, and the girl who wants to better her race pace. It can be hard to choose since the market is saturated with companies promoting their protein as the best thing since sliced bread.

A relatively new protein to hit the market, DrexSport is no different. Featuring two types of whey protein powders – one focused on muscle building and one focused on performance recovery – DrexSport might be a step above the rest with its grass-fed formula.

What DrexSport offers is a well rounded health formula that addresses multiple important parts of male health.

With dozens of companies fighting for the title of cleanest whey protein, how does DrexSport measure up? Are their grass-fed proteins effective or all talk?

Who is DrexSport?

DrexSport is a new protein-focused supplement company that features two all-natural grass-fed whey protein blends, Wild Muscle and Wild Whey. Based in the United States and India, DrexSport looks to be ready to make serious waves in the protein market. They are sticking with what they are good at, which is protein, and they are putting all of their eggs in this one basket.

The thing that really stood out to me was the company’s focus on going natural in a market that’s loaded with artificial sweeteners, fillers, and fake-tasting flavors.

Focus on Natural

Scanning the label of Wild Whey and Wild Muscle, you’ll see that the DrexSport formula is consistent with its all-natural pledge, focusing on using only grass-fed, cold-pressed, all-natural whey protein. As the website describes, the DrexSport brand is strictly against adding the following to their products:

  • Soy
  • GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
  • Additives
  • Fillers
  • Preservatives
  • Artificial colors
  • Harmful chemicals
  • Banned Substances

Let’s take a closer look at each whey protein that DrexSport offers to see if it’s really worth the buy.

Wild Muscle: Key Ingredients

Whey Isolate

  • Ideal for post-workout supplementation, whey isolate is the broken-down protein that is over 90% pure, and rapidly digests and assimilates into the body.

Whey Concentrate

  • Slower to digest, whey concentrate allows for an extended release of amino acids into the bloodstream supporting anabolism for a few hours.


  • A muscle building staple, creatine is broken down into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the preferred fuel source of your muscle tissue during weight lifting or exercise.Related Article:  How To Take Creatine – The Ultimate Guide


  • Leucine, valine, and iso-leucine are the all-star amino acids that have been linked in a variety of studies to supporting muscle building and recovery. Leucine, in particular, can trigger a high level of protein synthesis to encourage muscle growth.

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha)

  • Withania Somnifera, more commonly known as ashwagandha, was used in ancient Ayurveda medicine as an overall health aid and has been found in the modern age to support a variety of fitness-based benefits. Shown to support strength and performance while lowering oxidative stress, ashwagandha is the perfect complement to any muscle building supplement program. It’s also one of the best men’s health supplements that I recommend.

My Experience with Wild Muscle

Taste: 9/10

  • I tried the chocolate flavored Wild Muscle. Overall, it’s not bad. Far better than most of the other chocolate flavored proteins out there. Doesn’t have a chalky aftertaste and it actually tastes like chocolate.

Mixability: 10 / 10

  • No problems at all with mixing Wild Muscle. I used a standard protein shaker without any special features.

Digestibility: 10 / 10

  • I’ve never had issues with digesting milk-based products, especially whey protein, and Wild Muscle was no exception.

Performance: 10 / 10

  • I took Wild Muscle about an hour before each workout. Energy levels seems to be higher than usual. My guess is that it could be the extra BCAAs or the ashwagandha extract, which is found in a lot of energy formulas. I wouldn’t say I turned into a Spartan athlete but I definitely felt good throughout the workout until the very end.

Key Ingredients in Wild Whey

Whey Isolate

  • Ideal for post-workout supplementation, whey isolate is the broken-down protein that is over 90% pure, and rapidly digests and assimilates into the body.

Whey Concentrate

  • Slower to digest, whey concentrate allows for an extended release of amino acids into the bloodstream supporting anabolism for a few hours.

Digestive enzymes (Lactase, Protease, Amylase, Lipase)

  • Whey concentrate has been known to trigger digestion issues in some people. I really like the fact that DrexSport went above and beyond by including several enzymes to support efficient digestion and assimilation

My Experience with Wild Whey

Taste: 10 / 10

  • I had the vanilla flavored Wild Whey. Surprisingly, it was better than the chocolate flavored Wild Muscle.

Mixability: 10 / 10

  • Same as Wild Muscle, I had no issues with mixing this in my shaker with about 8 ounces of fat-free organic milk post-workout.

Digestibility: 10 / 10

  • The added enzymes made sure that I had no issues with digesting the protein.

Recovery: 9 / 10

  • I took Wild Whey post-workout since DrexSport recommended it for recovery. I’ve been a long-time user of protein so I didn’t notice any drastic changes with my recovery. I can say that my recovery didn’t worsen so that is a good sign.

My Recommendation

The fact is that high quality, grass-fed protein isn’t cheap. Take a look in stores or online and you’ll see some truly ridiculous prices for certified grass-fed whey. DrexSport presents two protein blends that deliver. They are effective with a barebones formula, and they are surprisingly affordable.

Guys, as I’ve mentioned in my articles on the best ways to build muscle and boost testosterone levels, you need to cut out synthetic growth hormones that you find in low quality whey supplements. I’d say that DrexSport gives you that chance with decently-priced grass-fed protein that is about as natural as a supplement can get.

Have You Tried DrexSport Wild Muscle or Wild Whey?  Leave Your Review Below!


  1. Tipton KD, Elliott TA, Cree MG, Aarsland AA, Sanford AP, Wolfe RR. Stimulation of net muscle protein synthesis by whey protein ingestion before and after exercise. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;292(1):E71-6. Epub 2006 Aug 8.
  2. Blomstrand E, Eliasson J, Karlsson HK, Köhnke R. Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):269S-73S.
  3. Negro M, Giardina S, Marzani B, Marzatico F. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008 Sep;48(3):347-51.
  4. Mourier A, Bigard AX, de Kerviler E, Roger B, Legrand H, Guezennec CY. Combined effects of caloric restriction and branched-chain amino acid supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in elite wrestlers. Int J Sports Med. 1997 Jan;18(1):47-55.
  5. De Lorenzo A, Petroni ML, Masala S, Melchiorri G, Pietrantuono M, Perriello G, Andreoli A. Effect of acute and chronic branched-chain amino acids on energy metabolism and muscle performance. Diabetes Nutr Metab. 2003 Oct-Dec;16(5-6):291-7.
  6. Tsutsumi R, Tsutsumi YM. Peptides and proteins in whey and their benefits for human health. Austin J Nutri Food Sci 2014;1(1): 1002.

How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Mental and Physical Health in America

Find out more about the impact sleep debt is having on America’s mental and physical health in the infographic below: content/uploads/2018/03/sleepless in america

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The average adult human needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per night to be fulfill their sleep needs. Over one-third of Americans, however, admit to getting less than the recommended amount. This is a trend that is easily ignored, but can lead to some serious consequences for your health.

Sleep deprivation increases your chance for health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, frequent mental distress, high blood pressure, and obesity according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

One of the scarier long term mental risk factors of sleep deprivation is Alzheimer’s. The protein beta-amyloid, which is linked to Alzheimer’s, accumulates in the body when a person is awake. Sleep helps clean beta-amyloid proteins from the brain.

On top of the long-term health side effects, sleep deprivation is creating a zombie workforce. In fact, loss of productivity due to sleep costs the United States economy over $411 billion dollars annually.

To put things in perspective – the entire 30-year service life of the NASA Space Shuttle program (1981-2011) adjusted for inflation cost about $196 billion dollars, just shy of 50% of what sleep deprivation robs from the GDP each year.

Unfortunately, even with these facts, sleep doesn’t seem to be a lifestyle priority in US culture. During sleep, your body does the majority of its healing and restores important chemical balances. According to, sleep can also help improve memory and sharpen skills learned while awake using a process called memory-consolidation.

It doesn’t stop there. Along with the many mental side effects, sleep deprivation takes a heavy physical toll as well.  For example, sleep deprivation causes the release of cortisol. Excess amounts can break down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic. The term “beauty sleep” is no joke 🙂

Add on top of this the fact that getting a proper night’s sleep will help you maintain a healthy weight, spur creativity, and curb feelings of anxiety it becomes clear why getting seven to nine hours of sleep should be as important as the food you eat or exercises you perform.

Many Americans do, however, want to get the proper amount of sleep, but can’t seem to fall asleep when they finally do choose to put head to pillow. Here are some of the common reasons people lie awake at night:

  • Consumption of sugar, alcohol, or caffeine before bed.
  • Medical conditions such as:
    • Anxiety
    • Neurotransmitter imbalances
    • Psychiatric issues
    • Short-term illness
  • Environmental factors such as:
    • Ambient light from outside.
    • Loud neighbors.
    • Proximity to roadways and city noise.

Understanding the importance of getting the proper amount of rest, how it can affect your work and personal life are important. If you are struggling to fall asleep, here are some useful tips on how to get a better night’s sleep.

  • Avoid heavy meals within 2-3 hours of bedtime.
  • Create a routine of going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day.
  • Limit your daytime naps to 30 minutes.

Gold Max Pink Review

Update! (8-28-2018):  We have someone in the process of testing Gold Max Pink right now. 

Click Here
to read her results.  

We talk a LOT about male enhancement supplements.

At last count, we have approximately 882 reviews of male enhancement pills, creams, extenders, pumps, and even oils.

About 100+ of them we’ve actually personally tested, with varying degrees of success.

When I came across Gold Max Pink, I immediately realized that this was NOT geared towards men (what gave that away, Rob?). content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

We’ve only reviewed a handful of female enhancement products, including Forta For Women, Libido Max For Women, and Zilex.

Unfortunately, since we’re a group of dudes here over at Supplement Critique, we haven’t tested any personally. With that being said, we did our best to let you know what Gold Max Pink is, and our opinion as to whether or not it could be beneficial.

1. What is Gold Max Pink?

According to the official website, Gold Max Pink is a supplement designed for women of all ages.

gold max pink reviews

A libido booster for women can be tough to find, so how does it work and what are the active ingredients?

The objective of Gold Max Pink is to increase female libido, but it works differently than most male supplements because it targets not only the physical but also the mental aspects of sexual desire.

If you were to equate it to a male sexual enhancing supplements, Gold Max pink is most akin to the options out there focused mostly on sex drive.

  • Increase orgasm strength
  • Improve sexual stamina
  • Make sex more pleasurable

2. Gold Max Pink Ingredients

The full ingredients list in Gold Max Pink includes:

  • The main ingredient in Gold Max Pink is ginseng. This is one that’s used in a lot of the male supplements we review, and it tends to be a pretty popular supplement overall. Some users specifically say ginseng helps with sexual dysfunction in men, but how is it helpful for women? Women’s sexuality is different from us guys (shocking, I know) so it can be tougher to measure how well ginseng works in this area, but it does boost energy and promote relaxation. That has to be helpful in the overall equation, right?
  • You probably haven’t heard of this next ingredient, and if so, you’re not alone—we hadn’t either. Cistance Deserticola is an herb that comes from traditional Chinese medicine that can help with erectile response. (Source) It’s sometimes called a natural Viagra, so when you hear that you’re probably thinking okay, another herb for men. Not necessarily. Some research shows that it’s an invigorating herb. While women may not be concerned with the quality of their erection, Cistance Desrticola might help improve sexual desire and orgasm intensity.
  • There’s goji berry in this as well. Is there anything that doesn’t have goji berries? While they’re mostly touted as being the fountain of youth, goji berries may have the ability to increase general well being.  (Source)Apparently, goji berries are so powerful that an ancient Chinese proverb advised men shouldn’t eat them when they’re far from home and their wives. Great advice. Goji berries are pretty good overall, and they’re packed with vitamins and minerals. They also have antioxidant properties. content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

3. How To Use Gold Max Pink

So, the thing about Gold Max Pink is that it’s promoted as being similar to Viagra at least as far as how it’s used. The original formulation isn’t a daily supplement—you take it as-needed.

Pop a capsule 45 minutes before you plan to participate in sexual activities. Then, voila, like magic you’re ready to go. The main idea is that you take Gold Max Pink, and your brain is screaming with sexual desire, and thanks to increased blood flow to your sexual organs, you feel more physically stimulated as well.

Can you take Gold Max pink with alcohol?

I’ve had a few ladies come to me with this question, so I figured i’d include it here.  The manufacturer doesn’t state whether or not you can take Gold Max pink with alcohol, so at this point it’s unknown.  With that said, alcohol has a tendency to lessen the effects of ANY supplement, Gold Max Pink included.

Studies have shown that a light to moderate amount of alcohol has no effect on female libido. (Source)

However, heavy drinking will DEFINITELY have an impact.

If you’re going to drink, try and keep it to 1 – 2 alcoholic beverages.

4. Who Manufactures Gold Max Pink?

Gold Max Pink is available from the GMP Health Company. According to the company, they’ve been in the sexual supplement business since 2010, and their focus is on providing natural products for both men and women who want extra sexual support.

The GMP Health brand also manufactures the aptly named Gold Max Blue which is for, you guessed it—men. They also offer some other really creatively named sexual supplements like Hard Man.

5. Side Effects of Gold Max Pink

According to the manufacturers, there shouldn’t be any serious side effects of Gold Max Pink unless you’re allergic to one of the ingredients. For the most part, the ingredients should be safe, although we couldn’t find any real testing when they’re used in a combination supplement like Gold Max Pink.

You have to just look at the individual ingredients and see what the side effects are for those.

For example, ginseng is pretty safe for the most part, but a common side effect is insomnia. With Cistanche, a common side effect is increased body temperature. Some people say they have blurry vision as well.

Goji berries again are pretty safe on their own, but if you take a blood thinner, you should avoid them or at least talk to your doctor about possible interactions. (Source)

There is some evidence that people with pollen allergies might need to skip the goji berries as well.

6. Where Do You Buy Gold Max Pink?

The best place to buy Gold Max Pink is right on their website. The company site has some different variations of this formulation, and you’ll see the options on the site. There’s the standard Gold Max Pink, meant to be taken on an as-needed basis. The packs of Gold Max Pink are small, and pretty expensive so that’s something to think about.

There is a 2-pack which would be a one-time use, and it’s $9.95. There are six capsules for $22.95, ten capsules for $29.95, and 20 tablets for $49.95. You can even buy a combo pack of Gold Max Blue and Gold Max Pink if you really want to get maximal benefits from it. content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

If you make a purchase over $75, you get free delivery, and otherwise, it’s $5.95. When you place an order, you should get a tracking number, and according to the company, most orders ship out pretty quickly.

If you’re concerned your mail carrier is going to know you’re buying Gold Max Pink, no worries. It comes in discrete packaging.

By the way, when it comes to reviews, there aren’t a ton available, and since I couldn’t find Gold Max Pink on Amazon. The only reviews I could spot were directly on the manufacturer’s website. Of course they were favorable, and there were more than 500 of them. Most all of the onsite reviews were 5-star or 4-star, with only a few one-, two- and three stars.

The Gold Max product brand does have an Instagram profile more than 1,700 followers, so you may want to check that out as well.

7. Our Personal Results

We had someone test out Gold Max Pink to see if it worked as well as they claimed it did.

gold max pink reviews

Read her review below:

I read a review of gold max pink online, and immediately wanted to try it. Ever since my son was born 14 months ago I just don’t get excited like I use to, and it was really causing problems with my relationships. Like seriously I went probably a year without doing anything sexual with anyone.  But anyway I saw a review and wanted to try the gold max pink. So the first night I took one was Monday night, I took one on an empty stomach and then started the wait for it to work. I decided to go take a shower so I could shave and get ready for my Gold Max pink induced sexy time… I got out of the shower and the guy I was seeing told me to come find him when I started feeling it. I sat down and watched a movie instead. I never felt anything. Nothing like the review that I read. No body screaming yes, no Nile flowing between my legs.

 The next day was Tuesday, and I decided to try the gold max again. I tried them that afternoon after I ate a bowl of cereal.  Again I felt nothing. I continued to try them for the next week, every day I would take one on an empty stomach. Then one of the following days I thought maybe I need to be doing something to make them work, like i mean maybe if start fooling around with my friend maybe the gold max will help me get wet down there, and like sexy feeling, And you know more ready for sex. So I tried to test this out, and again no results at all. I had to go find lube even, and I never needed that.
But anyway long story short. I took the gold max pink for a whole week and never had any kind of effect on me. I didn’t feel horny. It never helped me make more lubrication, it kind of just made me angry that they did nothing.
But I guess these kinds of supplements work differently for different people. I don’t want to tell you to try it and then it’s a just a waste of your money.

8. Does Gold Max Pink Work?

So here’s what it all comes down to—does Gold Max Pink work? Judging by our personal test results,the answer to that is increasingly becoming “NO, it does NOT work”.

The herbal ingredients can be helpful for boosting energy and mood, and it might also improve blood circulation especially in key places.

With that being said, taking an on-demand herbal supplement probably isn’t going to do a lot for sexual desire. First, think about something like Viagra.

Related Article: Female Viagra Pills That Actually Work!

It’s an as-needed sexual drug that can help with erectile dysfunction, but it’s not going to make a man feel sexual desire if it wasn’t there previously.

What the herbs in Gold Max Pink could do over time is improve things like energy levels and mood, and that can make for more sexual desire and probably a better overall experience. The ingredients could also lower stress, and stress is a big sexual inhibitor.

Taking herbs to achieve these goals probably isn’t going to happen if you’re taking them occasionally, though. You would likely need to use supplements daily to see some noticeable differences in mood related to desire and libido.

Take HerSolution for instance.

hersolution pillsMy wife has used it on numerous occasions, and each time it would take several weeks for it to fully kick in.

Once it did, though, the effects on her mood, desire, and sensitivity EXPLODED.

But Her Solution is a supplement you need to take everyday, not just whenever you think you’ll be having sex.

You can visit their site here:

Gold Max Pink does have a daily option available, with 60 capsules per bottle, so if your biggest problem seems to be mental as opposed to physical, this might be worth considering.

Ultimately, different results are going to come about for different people and no two individuals will have the same exact effects, but it is definitely wise to consider what timeline you are looking at as far as seeing actual results from taking supplements.

So what does it all come down to? Could Gold Max Pink have benefits? Yes—but would you be better off taking a daily supplement? Maybe.

Have you tried Gold Max Pink? Let us know your thoughts below.

Top 3 Female Sexual EnhancersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Hersolution

#1 - Hersolution

Hersolution Pills are the most effective female sex enhancer we’ve tested to date.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Vigorelle

#2 - Vigorelle

Vigorelle is a sexual enhancing cream that works almost instantly. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Provestra

#3 - Provestra

Provestra is our #3 pick because it takes awhile to start working. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Viotren Review: Does It Even Exist?

I’ve had a few guys come to me over the last few weeks asking if I’d ever heard of a supplement called Viotren.

Typically when I get requests like this (and I’m interested enough), I’ll run a quick cursory google search for the product and see what comes up.

If there seems like there’s a bunch of guys searching for info on the product, in most cases I’ll put it on my list of supplements to research.

If it’s SUPER popular and there’s enough guys asking me to try it out, I’ll queue it up on the list for actual testing.

Which was why I was completely surprised when, to my amazement, there was literally NOTHING other than 1 article talking about it.

viotren google search

The article I read was more of a warning than anything else.

It details how supplements like Viotren and others illegally inject harmful ingredients (like Sildenafil) into their supplements in an effort to make them work.

Related Article:  7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives

Well, they usually DO end up working, but not without a price.

So What is Viotren?

viotren reviewsAccording to literally the only source I could find on it, Viotren is a pill that is designed to give you harder, stronger erections, as well as help boost testosterone levels.

This “source” is actually what appears to be an ad posted in the Chicago Sun Times on December 13, 2017, as well as The Star Democrat posted on June 20, 2017.

The headline “New $2 Sex Pill Used In China For 54 Years Finally Receives US patent” screams across the page like a Buzzfeed headline.

viotren ad

According to the ad, it does it all:

  • Restores male libido levels
  • Relieves performance anxiety
  • Triggers powerful erections
  • “Switches Off” the chemical in a man’s body that causes his erections to go soft (their words, not mine)

In lamens terms, it’s a sexual enhancement pill.

What are the ingredients in Viotren?

The ad that talks up a big game about Viotren consistently mentions that it contains an “ancient oriental medicine” that has been studied over a dozen times here in the US.

They don’t explicitly state which ingredient that is, but after reading through the brochure once or twice I came across this:

viotren ingredients

They reference patent # 7,132,117, which when you look it up in the US patent search, reveals this:

viotren eurycoma longifolia

It basically says it’s a bioactive fraction of Eurycoma Longifolia, and that it was registered and awarded in November 2006.

Now, when you see the phrase “Viotrens’ active ingredient has been awarded a United States patent”, that would imply to most reasonable people that viotren actually developed that ingredient.

Well, it turns out, they didn’t…

viotren patent

The inventors were actually researchers who had no affiliation with Viotren, and the patent is actually owned by MIT.

The article makes no other mention of any other ingredients.

Where To Buy Viotren

I did a TON of digging, but could not for the life of me find an official website for Viotren (come on guys, last I checked it’s 2018)

The only way that you can order is by calling their customer service phone number at 888-902-5125.

I plan on calling tomorrow to get pricing, shipping, and money back guarantee info.


Unfortunately, not much is known about Viotren.

We know it contains a bioactive fraction of Eurycoma Longifolia, but I’m unsure as to what that even means.

Does it contain other ingredients?

Do they have a website?

Has Viotren itself been clinically studied, or just the ingredient?

Who makes this stuff?

There’s way too many unanswered questions to come to any sort of reasonable conclusion at this point, but I will try to give it a shot soon and update my results here.

Have You Used Viotren?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Fire Ant Pills: 1 BIG Reason To Use Caution

If you’ve been following this site for any length of time, you know that I’ve tested a lot of these so-called “male enhancement pills”.

male enhancement pills ive tested

Some have given me headaches and a great boner… content/uploads/2017/12/rhino 8
Like this one…

And some have just straight up worked GREAT.

hardon helper review

When I first saw Fire Ant pills listed on Amazon, 3 things came to mind:

  1.  How come I’ve never heard of it before?
  2.  Why does this name sound familiar?
  3.  They’re telling me it’s going to increase size, that’s a BIG no-no (we’ll get to that later)

What Are Fire Ant Pills? content/uploads/2018/02/fire ant pills

According to the manufacturer, Fire Ant is a male enhancement supplement designed to:

  • Increase stamina
  • Increase sexual enhancement
  • Give you stronger erections
  • Increase size

I’ve heard these claims COUNTLESS times in the past, more than I can count.

90% of the time, there ends up being no increased stamina.

95% of the time, there are no stronger erections.

And 100% of of the time, there are NO size gains.

Despite all of this, I decided to give it a REAL inside look to see if they could support what they’re saying.

What’s In Fire Ant Pills?

It took a bit of digging, but eventually I found a listing on eBay that had a snapshot of the Fire Ant pills label:

fire ant pills ingredients label

The most common ingredients I’m seeing include:

  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca Root
  • and Bioperine

These 4 ingredients in Fire Ant pills are probably some of the most common, if not THE most common, I’ve seen in the various male enhancement pills and testosterone boosting supplements I’ve tested.

Most of these other ingredients (with the exception of Choline) I’ve actually never even heard of…

Tian Shan???

Snow Lotus Flower???


I’ve been testing these supplements out for close to 7 years at this point, and I’d never seen or heard of any of these.

What is Tian Shan?

According to Google, Tian Shan is actually a system of mountain ranges located in central Asia, just a short 22 hour flight away.

tian shan

I quickly concluded that there must be an herb that was discovered in this region of the world, so I further refined my search to “tian shan herb“, which came up with a few results. content/uploads/2018/02/tian shan herb google search

The Amazon listing is telling me that Tian Shan is a tea used for:

  • Rheumatism
  • Limb numbness caused by cold climate, and
  • abdomen pain and chillness.

However, I’m not seeing ANYTHING about how great an herb it is for erectile dysfunction issues.

What about Snow Lotus flower?

A google search for “Snow lotus flower” indicated at first glance that it’s actually a Korean TV drama.

snow lotus flower tv drama in korea

Refining the search further, we see that Snow Lotus flower is listed on the website as:

  • A plant (I figured)
  • A perennial (a plant that lives for more than 2 years)
  • It grows in a tropical climate
  • It can grow up to 6 feet long.
  • It’s used for dysentery and ulcers.

Again, no mention of it’s use in helping with erectile dysfunction.

What about L-Histidine?

The L in the L-Histidine essentially means it’s an amino acid, but again, I’ve never heard of it.

According to Wikipedia, L-Histidine is a precursor to histamine that was first isolated in 1896.

chemical makeup of l-histidine
Chemical makeup of L-Histidine

According to some other sources I went through, L-Histidine is used for:

  • Nervous system support
  • Antioxidant support
  • Digestive support
  • Joint support

Again, no mention of it’s uses in erectile dysfunction.

What Are The Fire At Pills Reviews Saying?

Since it’s sold exclusively on Amazon, we have a couple of reviews that we can go by to gauge it’s effectiveness.

And it isn’t looking pretty…

For example, the average star rating is 3.3 out of 5 stars.

That may “sound” good, but when you start reading the negative reviews it makes one wonder whether or not it would be worth even testing it.

Like these 4 reviews:

negative reviews of fire ant pills on Amazon

Not promising…

Of course, on the other hand you have a few reviewers that rave about the product.

positive reviews of fire ant pills on amazon

The biggest problem I’m having is, noone seems to elaborate on their experiences.

There’s no info on common questions like:

How long did it last?

How long did it take to start working?

Can I take it with alcohol?

These are all VERY good questions that, unfortunately, go unanswered.

Will It Help Me Get Bigger?

A lot of guys will no doubt ask me this in the comments section below.

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve tested about 100+ male enhancement pills over the years, with about 85% of them saying that they will make you bigger.

Well, this is simply NOT the case.

Sure, you might see an increase in blood flow, which will lead to the biggest possible erection that you can achieve.

Any time that a pill claims that it alone will increase your penis size, you need to do yourself a favor and get in the habit of recognizing that it is simply not the case and that there are NONE that will do that, so don’t get your hopes up.

And this might be true with Fire Ant pills as well.

However, it will NOT make you grow any longer, wider, or bigger than you already are.

ESPECIALLY not permanently (no pill will do that).

Where To Buy Fire Ant Pills

As discussed earlier, Fire Ant pills only appear to be sold on Amazon and eBay.

A box of 6 pills will run you about $21, plus the cost of shipping.

If you look at the label, you’ll see a little American flag in the upper left hand corner.

are fire ant pills made in the usa

This would indicate that it’s made in the USA, right?

Well, I think that’s pretty unlikely.

But I can tell you from experience that this is likely NOT the case.

Just about 90% of the male enhancement pills that I’ve tested will SAY that they’re made in the USA.

But, this is NOT true.

Generally speaking, the pills are likely manufactured offshore in countries like China and India, and imported here.


I’ve yet to test out Fire Ant pills, so it’s hard for me to give you a clear cut answer here.

From what I’m seeing, it doesn’t appear that they are pumping any illegal ingredients (like Sildenafil) into their product.

This is VERY common for supplements in this industry, and it can be nearly impossible to keep up with all of them.

For the price, it might be worth it.

$3.50 a pill is relatively cheap when compared to some of the other fast acting ED pills we’ve tested.

Then again, if it DOESN’T work for you that’s still $21 down the drain.

I plan on testing Fire Ant Pills out relatively soon and will plan on updating this review accordingly.

Have You Used Fire Ant Pills?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Maxxhard Review: 3 BIG Reasons It Might Be Worth Trying

With so many supplements promising to deliver results for men who want to improve sexual function or performance, it’s tough to know which options really could work.

One of the most popular supplements that’s supposed to help with sexual dysfunction and related issues is called Maxxhard.

So, what’s in it and what makes Maxxhard so popular? content/uploads/2018/02/maxxhard

An Overview of Maxxhard

Maxxhard is a supplement that creators claim will increase libido for men, while also boosting length, girth, and longevity. Maxxhard is supposed to be entirely made from herbal ingredients, in a proprietary blend.

maxxhard reviews

It’s formulated to start working just thirty minutes after using it the first time. Creators also say this product could be helpful for building muscle and making gains when working out.

Maxxhard is intended to be used only by men who are at least 18 years old and not by people with certain health conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease. It also shouldn’t be taken by people who use medications like nitrates or MAOIs.

It’s also not evaluated by the FDA, which of course it doesn’t need to be given it’s a supplement.

What’s In Maxxhard?

The herbal ingredients included in Maxxhard include:

  • Muira Puama
  • Rhodiola Rosea root extract
  • Korean red ginseng
  • Gingko Biloba extract
  • Tongkat Ali root extract content/uploads/2018/02/maxxhard

The main active ingredient included in the Maxxhard formulation is Muira Puama. Muria Puama comes from a plant and is often called the “Viagra of the Amazon.” Muara Puama has a long history of being used in ancient medicine, primarily for sexual dysfunction and impotence. Muara Puama has been scientifically studied and shown to have some promising benefits in these areas.

For example, a UCLA School of Medicine study showed that this herb could potentially improve erectile function as well as desire and libido. In the short-term, Muira Puama is believed to increase blood flow to the pelvic area, which helps men get stronger erections. It also may have benefits for women in terms of helping with orgasms and sensation. Over the long-term when Muira Puama is used, it may help improve the production of sex hormones.

The UCLA study isn’t the only one to show these benefits. There were two studies in France showing that Muira Puama seemed to boost libido and sexual function, and there is some belief this herb increases testosterone. There can be other benefits of Muira Puama as well. It may help calm the nervous system and alleviate symptoms related to stress and anxiety.

This unique herb is believed to help with sexual dysfunction and desire, both psychologically and physically.

Rhodiola Rosea is derived from a plant, and there is evidence showing it may be helpful in a variety of ways including to boost energy, stamina, and strength. It’s classified as an adaptogen, meaning Rhodiola Rosea can help people physically and mentally deal with stress from their environment. It is frequently used to improve physical and athletic performance, to help reduce symptoms of depression, and to improve sexual function. It’s believed Rhodiola Rosea can help protect cells from damage, and may even be able to regulate heartbeat and improve memory. While there are plenty of benefits possible with Rhodiola Rosea, it’s important to note that it hasn’t yet been studied in humans in any significant way. These claims are primarily antidotal at this point.

Korean red ginseng, which is also called Asian ginseng, is an herb that’s been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Asian red ginseng is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Asian red ginseng may help boost the immune system and relieve stress. It’s also used for erectile dysfunction.

Gingko Biloba is a commonly used supplement that may help with memory by increasing blood flow to the brain. It may improve mood, reduce symptoms of certain psychological conditions and help with overall blood circulation.

Finally, the other main ingredient in Maxxhard is called Tongkat Ali. Tongkat Ali is believed to be an aphrodisiac that can improve libido, erections, and fertility in men. The benefits of Tongkat Ali seem to be related to the fact that it can help with anxiety and psychological symptoms, which in turn can improve sexual health. There is some evidence showing it can also delay ejaculation and improve sperm quality in men. Some claims indicate Tongkat Ali boosts testosterone, but there isn’t much evidence supporting this.

Are There Cons of Using Maxxhard?

The first problem that can come with the use of Maxxhard is the fact that while each ingredient has been studied on its own, the blend of ingredients hasn’t been looked at for effectiveness. This is an issue not exclusive to Maxxhard—it’s the case with most blended herbal supplements. While each product on its own may work, they may not work the same way when they’re combined.

There is also limited information regarding side effects for each of the individual products in this formulation, and some people do report mild side effects like headache and nausea. It’s difficult to determine how a product like this will affect you since there isn’t standardized testing, and herbs can cause different effects on different people.

Another con of this product is that it is relatively expensive. For example, when it’s purchased on Amazon with Prime shipping it costs around $37 for a packet of 10 capsules. The primary problem with this is that the nature of the ingredients included in Maxxhard should probably be taken daily for best results. With most herbal supplements, they’re unlikely to start working right away, and a 10-capsule supply isn’t going to last long enough for a user to get those long-term effects.

What Do People Say About Maxxhard?

There are quite a few reviews for Maxxhard on Amazon, and they’re mixed for the most part. Around half of the buyers on Amazon give this product five stars, saying that it does work as it’s supposed to. Some users describe it as “awesome stuff” and “works as advertised.” content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

There are some negative reviews that state that Maxxhard isn’t effective. Some people who reviewed the product on Amazon said it worked, but gave them side effects such as a headache or feeling nauseous. There are also a few reviews in the middle for Maxxhard, where people say it worked “okay” for them. content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

There are reviews for Maxxhard on eBay as well, and these are primarily positive. People say that it is a good supplement that provided them with more stamina and energy while improving performance. Users say it has made them feel mentally better, as well as delivering physical results.

Where Do You Buy Maxxhard?

The best place to buy Maxxhard is on Amazon. When you buy it from Amazon, you get fast, free shipping through Prime and you can also read other people’s reviews before making a purchasing decision. Amazon also tends to make it easy to return items, although before you buy Maxxhard, make sure you’re clear on the specifics of the return policy. You can also purchase Maxxhard on eBay, or on various websites for around the same price as it’s offered for on Amazon.

Summing Up—Should You Try Maxxhard?

There are three big pros of trying Maxxhard. The first is the fact that this product has individual ingredients including Muira Puama, Rhodiola Rosea, and Tongkat Ali, which have been studied on their own and shown to have benefits.

Some of the possible benefits of the ingredients in Maxxhard do include increased energy and stamina, increased sexual desire and libido, and delayed ejaculation. The ingredients in Maxxhard also seem to have other health benefits not directly related to sexual performance as well. For example, the ingredients may provide antioxidant benefits and improve blood circulation. The ingredients in Maxxhard have been clinically studied in some instances and shown to be effective for some of the purposes outlined in the manufacturer claims. The ingredients also seem to have positive benefits based on antidotal evidence. Another reason you might try Maxxhard is because there are online reviews available for this product, and many of the reviews are positive and seem to indicate this product works. Maxxhard can also be helpful for things like improving your overall energy levels and your mood. The herbs included in this product can help with symptoms of anxiety and depression.

While Maxxhard is likely to be effective in many of the ways promised, there are some downsides to consider as well. First, it is expensive for an herbal supplement, especially for a 10-day supply. Maxxhard also isn’t likely to have much of an effect on things like size or the ability to build muscle. It may help with muscle-building indirectly by boosting energy levels for people who work out, but that’s likely the only advantage it would deliver in that specific area.

Also, even though the makers of Maxxhard claim it can start working within 30 minutes, this probably isn’t the case. The nature of herbal supplements often requires they build up in the system of the user, so it would probably take some time to start seeing real effects. If you can overlook these possible downsides, Maxxhard may be a product worth trying especially if your primary issues are related to testosterone or psychological symptoms.

Have you tried Maxxhard? Leave your review below.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Brute Gains Review: 1 BIG Reason To Avoid It

When I hear about a new supplement, generally speaking I give it a 1 in 10 chance of working.

This comes from MANY years of reading the claims, analyzing the reviews, and personal resting.

The success rate of a supplement is LITERALLY that low.

With that said, however, I still go in with a fresh set of eyes and try to keep an open mind because I have been surprised before and sometimes you just never know when you are going to be coming across a gem or simply just another dud; it is a gamble.

When I first heard of Brute Gains, and took a look into it, I knew that this would likely be on the lower end of the spectrum.

What is Brute Gains?

According to the vast amounts of supplement review sites that are apparently promoting it, Brute Gains is a little bit of everything:

One site says it “increases the appearance of muscle mass”, whatever that means.

brute gains supplement claims

Another site says it “improves your stability”:

false claims about brute gains

What Are The Ingredients?

Just like with the claims about what it does, the claims about what’s actually IN Brute Gains are just as vague and misleading.

Like before, one supplement site says it contains oyster extract, fenugreek extract, horny goat weed, and tribulus terrestris.

ingredients in brute gains according to one site

Another completely different site says it contains tribulus terrestris, Rhodiola Crenulata, L-Arginine HCL, and Vitamin B12.

brute gains ingredients on another site

Yet one more site says it only contains L-Arginine and L-Citrulline: content/uploads/2018/02/brute gains formula according to another

This same site shows an apparent screenshot of the “Brute Gains” website, but upon closer examination it’s not EVEN the actual site:

conflicting info about brute gains

So What The F#$K Is In It?

brute gains reviewsWell, that’s a good question that unfortunately we don’t have an answer for.

We know it’s a supplement, that’s for sure.

But what kind of supplement is it?

Is it a:

All we know according to the front of the label is that it will help “maximize your size”.

The official site (, makes no mention as to what the exact formulation is, resorting to blanket statements like:

“a healthy way to promote free testosterone”, and:

“powerful ingredients will disperse throughout your body, optimizing testosterone levels.”

That’s great to hear and all, but I don’t know about you…

…I’d like to know what I’m putting in my body.

Not knowing exactly what is going on with any given formula and proceeding to take it anyway is like asking for trouble in the future.

Potential Side Effects of Brute Gains

Unknown at this time.  My guess is it contains some variation of L-Arginine, and probably either Tribulus Terrestris, saw palmetto, and maybe a little DHEA sprinkled in.

Just know this…

ANY supplement has the potential for side effects, despite them claiming otherwise.

Brute Gains Reviews

Apart from the COUNTLESS amount of affiliate sites that are talking about it, no one seems to have personally tested it.

This has become a major problem in the industry over the last couple of years.

The google search results are literally inundated with hundreds, in some cases 1,000’s, of low quality information sites revolving around brands of supplements.

Unlike, where we take a practical, in-depth look at what supplement companies are claiming, these sites simply write a bunch of dribble, and flood their websites with a s$%t ton of backlinks, allowing them to rang higher in Google.

For example, take our review of a product called Biogenic XR, which is a supplement I’ve actually personally tested and wrote a comprehensive, detailed, and FACTUAL review of.

my real review of biogenic xr
My REAL review of biogenic xr

When you run a google search for something like “biogenic xr reviews”, you’re inundated with credible-sounding websites like:

“healthprouds dot com”

“xtrfact dot com”

“wellnessfeeds dot com”

“dro oz healthblog dot com”

All of these sites have headlines that are SCREAMING for your attention, noting that they seem to have the answer to life little mystery “does biogenic xr really work?”

biogenic xr google search result

However, when you look at the content on these pages, it’s almost laughable.

biogenic xr fake review
From the website xtr fact dot com

None of the content makes sense, and it’s certainly not a “review”.

Especially when compared with my detailed review, which unfortunately for anyone looking for a REAL review, will have to click on page 2 of the google search results.

real review of biogenic xr

Unfortunately for most people searching for a REAL review of Brute Gains, this is indeed the case here.

Where To Buy Brute Gains

The only place I’m seeing Brute Gains pills for sale is on their official website,

The only way you can buy it is to enroll in their “free trial”, which is a fancy way of saying you have 14 days to use the product before they slap your credit card with a $75 charge.

As I’ve mentioned in COUNTLESS reviews at this point, this is indeed not a free SAMPLE.

Instead, you basically have 14 days to use the supplement, and if you don’t call to cancel, they end up billing the credit card you used to signup a WHOPPING $75 plus the cost of shipping.

It’s all right here in the terms and conditions, check it out:

brute gains supplement free trial terms and conditions

You won’t find Brute Gains for sale in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, nor’ is it for purchase on sites like Amazon or eBay.


I see supplements like Brute Gains come and go all the time, with varying frequency.

Could it indeed have some benefit?


But without knowing what they’re actually pumping in the stuff, it’s hard to draw any conclusions.

Even if we DID know what was in it, the sheer fact that the only way you can buy Brute Gains is via a free trial, it should be enough reason to give pause.

I would recommend you forgoe Brute Gains and stick with REAL supplements with REAL websites, REAL reviews, and a solid formula to back up their claims.

Have You Used Brute Gains?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Erectite Review: 3 BIG Reasons Not To Use It

Erectite Overview

There are plenty of supplements on the market promising to help men with erectile and sexual dysfunction, and Erectite is one of those. This supplement makes big promises including increased size, longevity, and libido.

As well as the sexual benefits, Erectite is also supposed to offer a natural way to build muscle, burn fat and boost energy. The idea with Erectite is that it’s an all-natural vitality booster for men. content/uploads/2018/02/erectite image 1

Other specific claims the creators of Erectitle say this product will deliver include:

  • Restores vigor
  • Replaces low testosterone levels
  • Improves circulation and blood flow
  • Helps to eliminate belly fat
  • Can aid in the building of lean muscle
  • Improvement of both physical and mental performance

Instructions indicate men should take Erectite once a day before a meal, and only healthy adults should use it.

Each bottle comes with 60 pills, so approximately a two-month supply.

The Ingredients

Available information on Erectite is fairly limited, so the best way to determine how this product works is by evaluating the ingredients.

The primary ingredient is called Tribulus. There is 40 mg per serving of Tribulus in Erectite. Tribulus is a plant that is used to help with a variety of conditions including chest pain, infertility, an enlarged prostate, eczema and sexual disorders. It’s believed to increase the level of certain hormones, although there’s no scientific or clinical evidence indicating it affects male hormones or testosterone.

Tribulus has long been used in both Indian Ayurveda Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and increasing libido is the primary use for in these practices. Tribulus is included in many natural supplements claiming to increase testosterone levels.

The second main ingredient in Erectite is maca root. Maca root is a commonly used supplement that in traditional medicine is believed to improve sex drive and fertility. There are also claims it can boost stamina and energy levels. Maca does have nutritional benefits, and it includes key vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, iron and potassium, among others. It also provides healthy amounts of carbs and protein, as well as fiber.

Along with nutritional value, there have been a few studies, and they’ve seemed to show maca can improve sexual desire in both men and women, particularly when it’s used over a period of at least six weeks.

Some studies indicate maca can improve sperm production and quality for men who want to boost fertility. Maca has been associated with improvement in mood, and alleviation of symptoms of depression and anxiety as well. Maca is sometimes used by athletes and bodybuilders to help improve their physical performance, but there isn’t any research about how helpful it is for improving strength and muscle mass.

The third main ingredient in Erectite is saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is a plant-based ingredient that is often used to treat benign prostate gland enlargement. Some researchers think saw palmetto could help testosterone levels and it has anti-inflammatory benefits. Saw palmetto is believed to help stop the breakdown of testosterone in the body.

Some of the other ingredients in Erectite include things like caffeine, gingko, and guarana. Many of the additional ingredients are energy and mood boosters.

erectite ingredients label

Side Effects

It is difficult to know whether or not there are any side effects of Erectite, because there is no available research on the product itself. Users will have to rely on research of the individual ingredients, rather than the ingredients used in combination with one another.

All of the ingredients are believed to be relatively safe, and if there are any side effects, they’re typically mild. For example, mild side effects of Tribulus can include gastrointestinal symptoms like cramping or nausea, and trouble sleeping.

Where Do You Buy Erectite?

Currently, the only available place to buy Erectite appears to be on Amazon. The product is available from a company seller also called Erectite, and it’s $25 for one bottle with 60 capsules. It isn’t available for Amazon Prime at this time. The company does say that they provide a 30-day money-back guarantee for people who aren’t satisfied with the product.

There are currently no reviews for Erectite on the Amazon listing.

Is Erectite Worth It?

One of the biggest problems with Erectite, aside from the lack of user reviews is the fact that one of the main ingredients, Tribulus, probably isn’t effective. Health professionals and media outlets say that according to any of the studies done so far in humans, Tribulus doesn’t appear to increase testosterone. Some researchers have found that in animal studies that it may increase testosterone, but again, there is no clinical evidence of its effectiveness in humans.

While Tribulus may have nothing more than a placebo effect, the other two ingredients which are maca and saw palmetto might help boost energy levels, mood, and potentially libido as well. Both maca and saw palmetto are supplements that can have other health-related benefits as well. However, saw palmetto which is the other ingredient that is supposed to help testosterone, doesn’t cause the user’s body to create more of the hormone. Instead, it just prevents the body from breaking down existing testosterone. For someone with low testosterone levels, this might not help much.

Erectite may be a helpful mood and energy-boosting supplement, and it may have some effect mild effect on testosterone and libido, but it’s not likely to help with some of the other claims the creators make such as building muscle and providing “permanent size gains.”

Much like other nutritional and herbal supplements, Erectite could be useful to help with overall health and vitality, but many of the claims are unproven, and the FDA hasn’t evaluated or approved these claims, or the use of these herbs in combination with one another.

Should You Try Erectite?

So the takeaway? Erectite may help with energy, mood, and libido, but it’s not likely to improve sexual stamina or overall performance. It’s also probably not going to help with muscle growth. A person could get the same benefits from using only maca and saw palmetto on their own without this combination formula. The effects stemming from the use of Erectite are also likely to be mild and gradual, so anyone seeking a quick-fix for sexual dysfunction isn’t likely to get that with this product.

Have you tried Erectite? Leave your review below.

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Les 4 MEILLEURES Alternatives Au Viagra, Disponibles Sans Ordonnance (mis à jour en 2018)

NB : cette évaluation est destinée à des hommes qui vivent aux Etats-Unis. Pour mieux vous servir nous l’avons adaptée pour qu’y figurent seulement les meilleures alternatives au Viagra disponibles en France sans ordonnance.

Cliquez Ici pour lire cette évaluation en anglais.

A moins d’avoir passé les quinze dernières années à vivre sur une île déserte, vous avez sans doute entendu parler du Viagra, un médicament délivré sur ordonnance.

En réalité, votre boîte mail a même probablement été matraquée par des milliers de publicités à ce sujet.

Ce médicament, utilisé pour traiter les troubles érectiles, aide à améliorer la qualité des érections, l’endurance et le contrôle pendant les relations sexuelles.

Cependant, il peut aussi s’accompagner d’effets secondaires plutôt sévères.

Ces effets secondaires incluent notamment des maux de tête, rougeurs, maux d’estomac, troubles oculaires ou congestions nasales. (Source)

Surtout, il n’est disponible QUE sur ordonnance.

Bien sûr, il existe des tonnes de sites sur Google qui vous diront où acheter du Viagra sans ordonnance sur Internet.

Viagra sans ordonnance

Mais la vérité c’est qu’ils ne vous vendent tout simplement PAS le véritable médicament, mais un générique du Viagra qui en général ne marche JAMAIS aussi bien.

Parfois, ils ne vous vendent même pas un générique.

A la place, ils vous refilent un faux produit qui n’est rien d’autre qu’un morceau de sucre.

Tous les jours, des dizaines de gens me demandent quel complément alimentaire est la meilleure alternative au Viagra/Cialis pour les problèmes d’érection ; ils veulent quelque chose qui soit complètement naturel, disponible sans ordonnance, à un prix modéré et sans effets secondaires.

Sachez que j’ai personnellement testé des DIZAINES de produits améliorant les performances masculines. J’ai tout essayé : pilules, pompes, crèmes, extenseurs, lotions et même une espèce de chewing-gum censé améliorer mes performances.

Les pilules, j’en ai testé pendant des années.

Si vous avez entendu parler de quelque chose, il y a de bonnes chances pour que je l’aie déjà essayé (ou au moins que je me sois renseigné / informé dessus).

Je dirais aussi que je suis plutôt bien placé pour dire ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas 🙂

Presque TOUTES les pilules améliorant les performances masculines qui fonctionnent à peu près comme du Viagra sans ordonnance sont susceptibles de provoquer QUELQUES effets secondaires.

Tout complément alimentaire qui n’en provoquerait pas ne fonctionne pas du tout ou bien a des effets très limités.

Même si la grande majorité de ces produits promettent que vous constaterez une augmentation de la taille de votre sexe, beaucoup d’entre eux s’adressent spécifiquement aux hommes qui souffrent de troubles de l’érection.

Dans ce test, je vais vous présenter –

  • Le mélange spécial que j’utilise pour reproduire les effets du Viagra
  • Comment le prendre
  • A quoi vous attendre EXACTEMENT
  • Mon expérience personnelle
  • Les autres compléments que j’ai utilisés et qui fonctionnent

Voici quelques-unes des meilleures pilules disponibles sans ordonnance qui fonctionnent comme le Viagra (voire mieux) et qui sont disponibles en France (seulement sur Internet).

Mon choix N°1 : Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper

Remarque :  Ceci n’est qu’une évaluation.  Cliquez Ici pour visiter le site officiel de Hardon Helper.

meilleures pilules pour l’érection

Pendant très longtemps (c’est-à-dire à peu près 6 ans), Extenze était ma référence en matière de pilule à effet rapide sur les performances masculines.

Je crois bien avoir trouvé le remplacement idéal.

Ça s’appelle Hardon Helper, et ça marche INCROYABLEMENT bien.

En fait, j’irais même jusqu’à dire que c’est la meilleure pilule sans ordonnance que j’aie jamais testée. POINT BARRE.

Qu’est-ce que Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper

D’après leur site, Hardon Helper fait exactement ce que son nom en anglais vous le laisse deviner.

Il vous aide à bander !

Leur page d’accueil est un peu avare sur les détails, mais d’après l’étiquette on peut voir qu’il contient les ingrédients suivants :

  • 120 mg de Feuilles d’Epimède
  • 70 mg de Ginseng rouge
  • 70 mg de Ginseng américain
  • 40 mg d’Igname sauvage
  • 40 mg de Baies de Goji
  • 30 mg de Rou Cong Rong
  • 30 mg de Framboises de Chine
  • 20 mg de Graines d’Euryale
  • 20 mg de Baies de Schisandra
  • 15 mg de Pachyme
  • 15 mg de Longane
  • 30 mg de Xylitol

Mes résultats personnels

J’ai eu quelques petites difficultés à avoir une érection correcte durant les 6 derniers mois.

J’ai fait faire des tests de mes taux de testostérone le mois dernier et mon taux de testostérone libre était en chute libre, 20% en-dessous du niveau auquel il était il y a encore 4 ans, quand je les avais fait tester pour la dernière fois.

Voilà mes résultats d’analyse en 2014 :

Taux de testostérone en 2014

Et voilà mes résultats d’analyse en octobre dernier :

Taux de testostérone en 2017

Je crois que ce n’est pas la peine de vous expliquer que ma libido en a pris un coup.

Je ne suis pas un grand adepte des médicaments sur ordonnance, mais je me suis quand même dit que je devrais peut-être aller voir mon médecin et lui en parler.

A peu près à la même époque, j’ai été contacté par Tim, qui est directeur des opérations chez Hardon Helper.

Au premier coup d’œil, je dois avouer que je n’étais pas particulièrement emballé par leur site et leurs produits en général.

J’ai vu ouvrir et fermer beaucoup de boîtes qui vendaient des pilules sans ordonnance pour mieux bander, et la plupart du temps leurs produits ne faisaient pas le moindre effet.

Il fallait bien que je prenne une décision…

Est-ce que je serre les dents et je vais voir mon médecin pour lui expliquer que j’ai des problèmes « sous la ceinture » ?

Ou bien est-ce que j’essaie de trouver un remède parfaitement naturel à ces problèmes ?

Les gens de chez Hardon Helper m’ont envoyé une boîte avec deux douzaines de pilules et, comme je l’ai dit tout à l’heure, elle a pris la poussière chez moi pendant un bon mois.

Et puis un jour ça m’a pris…

Je me suis dit « et puis merde » et j’ai décidé de prendre une pilule.

Je n’y ai plus pensé pour le reste de la journée et j’ai décidé d’aller faire un tour à la salle de sport pour une petite session d’entraînement en milieu d’après-midi.

Et c’est là que ça m’a pris…

J’étais en plein dans une session de flexions et pile au moment où je terminais ma troisième ou quatrième série je me suis mis à avoir une érection énorme.

Quand je dis énorme, je parle bien d’une gaule ENORME.

J’ai dû me mettre un peu à l’écart du reste de la salle de sport et essayer de la planquer avec le haut de mon caleçon pour qu’elle ne soit pas si visible.

Pendant un instant j’ai pensé à aller dans une cabine de douche vite fait, histoire de…disons de me débarrasser de cette gaule.

Mais c’était une idée un peu sale, donc j’ai choisi de ne pas le faire.

J’ai continué ma session pendant une trentaine de minutes et heureusement mon érection a commencé à diminuer un peu.

Et là, sur le chemin du retour, PAN ça m’a repris.

Une gaule ENORME.

J’étais à peine rentré chez moi que je suis allé directement dans mon bureau pour me branler.

Je peux vous assurer à 120% que c’était un des plus gros orgasmes que j’ai eus depuis TRES LONGTEMPS.

Deux heures après, ma femme rentre à la maison après une session de sport tardive. Elle avait l’air tellement sexy avec son débardeur et son pantalon de yoga…

A peine cinq minutes plus tard, PAN, de nouveau une gaule énorme.

Comme je suis un peu maniaque de la propreté, elle a quand même pris une douche et j’ai attendu dans le lit, nu évidemment.

D’habitude, j’ai besoin de me « faire du bien » pour garder mon érection, mais là ce n’était MEME PAS LA PEINE.

Mon braquemard restait droit pendant tout ce temps, je me sentais à nouveau comme un ado qui découvre la collection de pornos de son grand frère !

Ce qui s’est passé ensuite a été une des expériences sexuelles les plus agréables que j’aie eues depuis des années. Ça m’a même paru encore meilleur qu’avec du Viagra.

Où acheter Hardon Helper

Au moment où j’écris cette évaluation, vous pouvez acheter Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper sur leur site officiel,

Une seule boîte coûte 8 € et ils proposent des réductions pour les plus grosses commandes :

  • 6 boîtes pour 39 €, soit 6,50 € la boîte.
  • 12 boîtes pour 58 €, soit 4,83 € la boîte.
  • 24 boîtes pour 77 €, soit 3,20 € la boîte.

Ça peut paraître cher, mais comparé à du VRAI Viagra, c’est 90% moins cher.

Bien sûr, je vous conseille de faire une grosse commande pour pouvoir économiser de l’argent mais si vous êtes encore indécis, essayez donc avec une seule boîte.

Ça coûte 8€ et vous ne serez pas déçus, CROYEZ-MOI !

Est-ce que je peux en acheter en France ?

Pour répondre simplement, oui, le produit peut être expédié vers la France. Le seul gros inconvénient ce sont les frais de livraison.

Si vous voulez recevoir votre produit sous 7 à 10 jours ouvrés, ça vous coûtera environ 22 €.

Si vous voulez le recevoir encore plus vite (de 6 à 10 jours ouvrés), ça vous coûtera 37 €.

Oui, je sais, c’est très cher.

Mais une fois que vous l’aurez essayé, vous vous rendrez compte à quel point ça valait vraiment le coup !

Il faut aussi noter que Hardon Helper est expédié discrètement. La seule chose qui apparaîtra sur l’emballage est « Dr. Seltzer LLC », de même pour le prélèvement de votre carte de crédit ou votre relevé PayPal.

Cliquez Ici pour visiter le site Hardon Helper.

N°2 : Extenze

Du Viagra sans ordonnanceJ’ai testé une autre pilule contre les troubles de l’érection, disponible sans ordonnance, efficace (et sans risques), qui s’appelle Extenze.

Contrairement aux pilules comme Vigrx Plus qui sont conçues pour faire de l’effet sur plusieurs semaines ou plusieurs mois, Extenze est une alternative au Viagra qui agit rapidement sur les performances masculines, en général dans les 45-60 minutes après ingestion.

Les premiers fabricants des pilules Extenze ont en fait eu quelques soucis à l’époque où ils ont commencé à les vendre.

Comme beaucoup d’autres compléments alimentaires de ce genre, ils promettaient aux mecs que les pilules agrandiraient leur pénis.

Eh bien quand les mecs ont commencé à se rendre compte que leur taille n’augmentait pas de manière significative, ça les a bien énervés.

Ça les a même tellement énervés qu’ils ont fait un procès contre l’entreprise ici aux Etats-Unis. (Source)

Sans trop entrer dans les détails, les gérants d’Extenze ont fini par perdre le procès et ont dû dépenser un paquet d’argent pour parvenir à un compromis.

Les droits de fabrication d’Extenze ont ensuite été rachetés par une entreprise appelée Biotab Nutraceuticals, qui a mis de l’ordre dans ses affaires.

Qu’est-ce qui rend Extenze si efficace ?

En fait, les pilules contiennent un mélange très précis d’ingrédients qui vont vous aider à augmenter vos sensations sexuelles, à intensifier vos orgasmes et à durer plus longtemps.

De toutes les pilules aux herbes naturelles que j’ai testées personnellement, c’est une des meilleures alternatives au Viagra que j’ai rencontrées.

Plus précisément, elle emploie un mélange de trois ingrédients clés : la yohimbine, la L-arginine et l’épimède.

La première fois que j’ai utilisé Extenze, le résultat a été EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Un truc dont je me suis rendu compte c’est que je pouvais tenir pendant DES HEURES, sans avoir de sensation d’engourdissement.

Chez moi les effets se sont faits sentir au bout d’une trentaine de minutes, avec un pic au bout d’1h30 environ.

Ça semble durer pendant plusieurs heures, et en ce qui me concerne je n’ai pas ressenti le moindre effet secondaire.

Est-ce que je dois en prendre tous les jours ?

Quand vous irez sur leur site officiel (, ne soyez pas surpris de voir qu’ils vous conseillent d’en prendre tous les jours.

Selon moi ça ne sert à rien.

Est-ce que vous pouvez en prendre chaque jour ? Oui.

Est-ce que vous êtes obligé de le faire ? Non.

Pour moi, les effets sont exactement les mêmes.

Est-ce que je peux acheter Extenze en France ?

Oui, et c’est même un peu moins cher que Hardon Helper.

Une boîte pour un mois contient 30 gélules pour un prix de 48 €.

Cela fait 1,60 € la gélule, ce qui est donc un peu plus abordable.

Comme Hardon Helper, les frais de livraison sont malheureusement un peu élevés (mais, encore une fois, ça vaut le coup).

Si vous voulez être livré sous 10 à 14 jours ouvrés, ça fera 16 €.

Si vous voulez être livré sous 3 à 6 jours, ça fera 24 €.

Si vous décidez d’acheter les gélules Extenze, je vous conseille de passer une grosse commande pour bénéficier des réductions qu’ils proposent.

Cliquez Ici pour visiter leur site internet.

N°3 : Vigrx Plus

Le prochain produit sur notre liste est Vigrx Plus, une pilule que j’ai prise de temps en temps ces cinq dernières années.

Qu’est-ce que VigRx Plus?

Du Viagra sans ordonnanceVigRx Plus est un produit 100% naturel qui est conçu pour renforcer votre endurance sexuelle et votre vigueur et pour augmenter votre désir sexuel.

C’est un gars qui l’utilisait et avait eu de très bons résultats avec qui me l’a fait découvrir pour la première fois.

Ce produit recommandé par les médecins est en fait disponible depuis 2001, et d’après ce que j’ai compris plus de 500.000 personnes l’ont déjà acheté à ce jour.

Vigrx Plus est composé d’une formule unique qui ne contient rien d’autre que des ingrédients complètement naturels.

Dans la liste complète des ingrédients on trouve :

  • Extrait de Damiana
  • Epimède
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginseng rouge
  • Fruit de palmier de Floride
  • Extrait d’écorce de Catuaba
  • Muira Puama
  • Fleur d’aubépine
  • Pipérine

Dans l’ensemble, Vigrx Plus est un substitut TRES EFFICACE au Viagra.

Contrairement à Hardon Helper et Extenze, l’inconvénient est qu’il faut parfois plusieurs semaines pour que les effets se fassent complètement ressentir.

En revanche une fois qu’ils se font sentir, les effets sont GIGANTESQUES.

Au lieu de prendre une pilule et d’attendre simplement 30, 45 ou 60 minutes qu’elle fasse effet, ce produit va agir sur votre corps petit à petit pour vous permettre d’avoir une érection « à la demande ».

Ça veut dire que vous serez toujours prêt au bon moment.

ATTENTION : n’achetez pas de FAUSSES pilules Vigrx Plus

Beaucoup de gens viennent me dire qu’ils ont trouvé des pilules Vigrx Plus sur eBay ou Amazon pour beaucoup moins cher que sur le site officiel Vigrx Plus.

C’est peut-être possible, mais vous devez savoir que le plus souvent ce sont des FAUSSES PILULES Vigrx Plus, qui peuvent contenir des substances dangereuses.

vigrx plus Faux

Certains escrocs, qui travaillent surtout en Chine, injectent des substances comme le Sildénafil, le principe actif du Viagra.

Non seulement c’est illégal mais c’est complètement malhonnête et cela peut vous causer de graves effets secondaires ou pire encore.

Je vous recommande de n’acheter que sur leur site officiel, dont je parlerai plus bas.

Est-ce que je peux acheter des pilules Vigrx Plus en France ?

Oui, et comme pour les autres pilules sur cette page, elles sont seulement disponibles sur leur site officiel.

Même si je pense personnellement que Vigrx Plus est dans l’ensemble la meilleure pilule pour améliorer ses érections, elle est TRES chère comparée à Hardon Helper et Extenze.

Une boîte vous coûtera 62 € mais comme il faut attendre un bon moment pour que les pilules commencent à faire effet je vous conseille de prendre au minimum un stock de 3 mois pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats.

Cliquez Ici pour visiter le site officiel Vigrx Plus.

N°4 : Steel Libido Red

Steel Libido Red est en fait une des toutes premières pilules d’amélioration des performances masculines que j’ai testées.

C’est aussi une des plus efficaces, en termes de capacité à faire bander.

Comment fonctionne Steel Libido Red

Steel Libido Red fonctionne avec le principe de l’oxyde nitrique. L’oxyde nitrique (NO) est produit naturellement par votre organisme. Il fonctionne comme un vasodilatateur.

Cela signifie qu’il détend les parois des vaisseaux sanguins, permettant à un plus grand afflux sanguin de circuler.

Etant donné qu’une érection bien dure dépend surtout de la capacité du sang à affluer le plus possible vers le pénis pendant l’excitation, l’oxyde nitrique est la clé pour obtenir les meilleures érections.

Plus d’oxyde nitrique signifie plus d’afflux sanguin, et donc de meilleures érections.

Est-ce que ça marche ?

Ce complément alimentaire fonctionne véritablement comme une alternative au Viagra, mais il a un coût.

Le problème avec Steel Libido est qu’ils donnent une très large fourchette pour le nombre de prises.

Déjà, les pilules sont ENORMES, bien plus grosses que toutes les pilules que j’ai pu prendre avant.

Heureusement, elles sont sous forme de gélules, ce qui les rend un peu plus facile à avaler par rapport à une pilule classique.

Le mode d’emploi explique qu’il faut prendre 2 à 4 capsules 45 minutes avant d’avoir des relations sexuelles.

La première fois que je les ai prises, je me suis dit que j’essaierai de prendre seulement 2 gélules pour voir ce que ça allait donner.

Au début, pendant une quinzaine de minutes, j’avoue que je n’ai pas senti grand-chose.

Et puis BAM, une vingtaine de minutes après j’ai eu l’érection d’une vie. J’ai aussi eu une sensation bizarre, comme si j’étais en train d’attraper la grippe.

Au fur et à mesure, j’étais de plus en plus excité mais aussi de plus en plus malade.

C’est une des sensations les plus bizarres que j’ai pu ressentir dans ma vie.

Imaginez que vous avez une gaule dure comme du bois, mais qu’en même temps vous avez une énorme nausée.

J’ai aussi dû cracher beaucoup. Plus je crachais, plus ma bouche se remplissait à nouveau de salive et il fallait que je continue de cracher.

J’ai essayé de me faire du bien mais à chaque fois que je sentais venir une érection j’avais l’impression que j’allais vomir.

Je ne sais pas trop quels ingrédients causent ces effets là mais ça n’avait RIEN d’agréable.

Si vous décidez de prendre Steel Libido Red, je vous suggère de le faire sur un estomac bien rempli et en commençant par UNE SEULE pilule le temps de voir ce qu’il se passe.

La plupart des gens qui sont sujets à ces horribles effets secondaires vont commencer avec une dose complètement dingue, par exemple 4 pilules, et ils vont se retrouver HYPER MALADES.

Pas aussi malades qu’ils le seraient avec une dose de Viagra, mais vraiment pas loin.

Vous pouvez trouver les pilules Steel Libido Red sur Le prix moyen pour une boîte de 75 gélules est de 33,41 €.


Comme je l’ai dit au début de cet article, la pilule naturelle qui pour moi se rapproche le plus du Viagra dans ses effets est Hardon Helper. J’ai personnellement recommandé ce complément alimentaire à des MILLIERS de gens et ils ont quasiment TOUS été stupéfaits de voir à quel point cette pilule marche bien.

J’ai personnellement testé tous les compléments alimentaires que j’ai recommandés ici. Ils PEUVENT FONCTIONNER et FONCTIONNERONT TRES BIEN sans le moindre ajout.

En conclusion, si vous ne supportez pas les effets secondaires du Viagra ou si vous n’avez tout simplement pas les moyens de vous en acheter, il existe des alternatives naturelles tout à fait adaptées qui peuvent aider les personnes souffrant de troubles de l’érection.

DietSpotlight Burn HD Review: 1 BIG Reason To Try It

Burn HD Overview

There’s no shortage of products on the market with claims to help you lose weight, but in reality, most deliver few if any results.

Burn HD is one product marketed as being a safe and effective weight loss supplement.

So what’s true and what’s false in terms of the ingredients, the research, and the reviews?

What Is Burn HD?

dietspotlight burn hd review

The company DietSpotlight manufactures burn HD.

The specific things the makers claim this dietary supplement can do include:

  • Burning fat,
  • Aiding in weight loss and
  • Improving energy levels. 

According to the company responsible for marketing Burn HD, it contains a proprietary blend of ingredients which have been individually researched to ensure they’re safe and will be effective in helping users lose weight. content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

Two of the ingredients in Burn HD are branded and have had some research done on them regarding their effectiveness as weight loss aids.

How Burn HD Works

Burn HD’s creators claim that it works because of the inclusion of thermogenic and lipolysis-inducing agents.

The overall objective of taking Burn HD is to help the body release the fat that’s stored.

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It’s also designed to improve the metabolic rate of the user so they can burn more fat.

Unlike many other weight loss supplements, Burn HD doesn’t contain Ephedra or anything related to it.

Burn HD can be used by men or women who want to lose weight.

While there’s no specific diet that has to be followed, the creators of the supplement do recommend users follow a healthy diet with whole foods like fruits and vegetables to get the best results.

It is also recommended users exercise while taking Burn HD to optimize results.

How long does it take to start seeing results?

According to the Burn HD website, users will typically start seeing results within about a month after they start taking it.

Of course, this can vary between individuals based on numerous factors, including:

Related Article:  How To Lose Weight For Good

Burn HD Warnings

The only people the makers of Burn HD warn against taking the supplement include anyone under the age of 18, women who are pregnant or nursing, and people with pre-existing health conditions.

is burn hd safe

The company also advises that new users speak with their physician or a healthcare professional before starting the supplement.

This is especially true if you suffer from medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, or psychiatric disorders.

can I take burn hd if I have high blood pressure, diabetes, or anxiety

What’s In Burn HD?

The first and arguably the most important ingredient in the Burn HD formulation is called Meratrim. Meratrim is a combination of two herbs, which are supposed to block the storage of fat.

Meratrim was featured on the Dr. Oz show, where he described it as groundbreaking in terms of being a weight loss supplement.

The Meratrim official site notes an official clinical study, showing a “statistically significant decrease in mean body weight on days 29, 36, and 43 in high dose animals compared to the control group”.

meratrim clinical study

You can read the details of that study here.

On the show, Dr. Oz conducted his own version of an informal study, where 30 women from his audience were selected to take Meratrim for two weeks.

Along with taking the supplement, the women consumed a 2000-calorie diet and walked each day.

Do you know your daily caloric intake?  Use our simple calorie calculator to find out!

As a result, the women featured on the Dr. Oz show lost three pounds on average and three inches from their waistline.

meratrim dr oz

However, with an informal study like that, there’s no way to determine the true cause of their weight loss.

So what makes Meratrim so powerful?

The two herbs included in Meratrim are called Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana.

Sphaeranthus indicus

The first is derived from a flower, the second from a fruit.

It’s not the first time these herbs have been used—they have a long history as medicinal herbs.

In fact, one other supplement called BioTrust Metabo379 comes to mind.

How does Meratrim work?

It’s believed Meratrim can stop fat cells from multiplying or at least make it harder for them to do so.

how meratrim works
How Meratrim Works – Source:

Research also shows that Meratrim can reduce the amount of fat that fat cells pick up from the bloodstream.

As a result, it can help fat cells burn the fat already stored.

Despite these promising findings, much of the research on Meratrim has been done in a lab setting rather than clinical trials.

Human studies of Meratrim

There have been limited clinical studies with human participants, however, including one published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2013.

There were controls put in place between the group taking Meratrim and a placebo. Controls included the number of daily calories consumed and the amount of exercise the participants engaged in. Based on that research, the group taking Metatrim did lose significantly more weight than the placebo group.

burn hd clinical study results on weight loss

The Metatrim group also showed improvements in BMI, and they lost inches around their midsection.

burn hd effect on body mass index study

Lastly, Meratrim showed an enormous increase in physical function and self esteem when compared to the placebo group.

meratrim effect on physical function and self esteem

Other Ingredients in Burn HD


The other trademarked ingredient in Burn HD is ChromeMate.

chromate chemical structure
Chromate chemical structure. Source:

Chromate is a specific type of chromium believed to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and control blood glucose levels.

It contains a highly bio-available form of chromium, allowing more of it to be used by your body.

Chromium studies on weight loss

There have been studies looking at the effects of chromium on weight loss.

This mineral is believed to be helpful for improving blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The overall consensus is that chromium may stabilize blood sugar levels by improving how the body utilizes insulin.

So how does this help me?

Blood glucose levels are important to control when trying to lose weight because they play a role in hunger. As an example, if someone has a meal high in processed carbohydrates it can cause a spike and then rapid drop in blood glucose levels.

That can leave a person with food cravings shortly after eating.

Chromium is intended to help avoid that drop and prevent overeating.

The effects of chromium were noted in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.


Caffeine is a commonly used stimulant included in the Burn HD formulation.

Most weight loss supplements do include some caffeine because it can boost metabolism and energy levels.

Supplements like Instant Knockout and Lean Mode contain a HUGE amount of caffeine in their formulas.

instant knockout caffeine content
Instant Knockout has a TON of caffeine

Burn HD only contains 75 mg, which is actually quite refreshing.

Why is caffeine included in Burn HD?

Caffeine can help improve athletic performance, which can promote exercise while using Burn HD and it may have positive effects on cognitive ability and mood.

Some people are sensitive the effects of caffeine, so this is something to consider with the use of Burn HD.

Green Tea Extract

The fourth and final ingredient in Burn HD is green tea extract, long used in traditional forms of medicine.

green tea extract
Green Tea Extract – Source:

Green tea extract is an antioxidant, which is good not only for weight loss but overall health and wellness.

It’s also healing, can help maintain healthy blood glucose levels, and is especially helpful for weight loss when it’s combined with caffeine. content/uploads/2018/02/burn image

What’s important to note when considering the Burn HD ingredients is that each has been looked at individually and does seem to have benefits for weight loss, as well as other health benefits.

However, the FDA doesn’t officially back the claims made by the manufacturer of Burn HD.

Also, the ingredients haven’t been clinically studied when they’re combined in one supplement and used together at the specific doses they are in this product.

Where Do You Buy Burn HD?

The first place you might turn to purchase Burn HD is directly from the manufacturer’s website.

On the official site(, you have the peace of mind of a 120-day money-back guarantee.

burn hd money back guarantee

However, they don’t share details on the terms and conditions of that guarantee, which is reason to give pause.

Three Options To Choose:

There are three different package options to purchase Burn HD on the manufacturer’s site.

1.  The first is a 30-day supply for $95.90, as well as what they describe as two free gifts.

2.  Option two includes a 60-day supply which is two bottles, plus the two free gifts for a price of $79.95 per bottle or a total of $164.90.

3.  The final option is a 90-day supply or three bottles at a price of $69.95 for a total of $214.85. Standard shipping is free on the site, or you can choose priority shipping for $9.87.

burn hd shipping

Burn HD is also available on Amazon, which some buyers may prefer because it allows them to read customer reviews and utilize Amazon-specific features like Prime shipping.

What Are The Cons of Taking Burn HD?

When people are researching diet and weight loss supplements, there’s a tendency to be skeptical about the claims.

More often than not the products don’t work. If products do work, they can have uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects.

So, what should be considered about the potential downsides of this product?

No Clinical Research On The Exact Formula

The first is the fact that there’s no clinical research looking at the ingredients used in combination with one another.

This was touched on above.

Metatrim, as an example, was the subject of the 8-week clinical study mentioned above.

With that said, that wasn’t something looking at the Burn HD product. It was only a study looking at the effects of Metatrim on weight loss.

ChromeMate was studied at Georgetown University and the University of Texas and found to have benefits for supporting healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

However, it wasn’t looked at within the context of Burn HD. If you read the fine print of Burn HD, you do see that the ingredients have been clinically tested.

is burn hd clinically studied

Not the actual formula itself.

The Price

Burn HD is expensive as well. For example, when you’re looking at Amazon you’ll see that Burn HD is $59.37, while other similar weight loss products are often under $30.

burn hd vs other weight loss pills on amazon

Other Stuff

Something else to consider before purchasing Burn HD is how much work you’re willing to put into losing weight. This product doesn’t claim to be a cure-all for weight loss. The makers do recommend users combine Burn HD with diet and exercise. If you’re not willing or able to do that, you may not get great results from using Burn HD.

Potential Side Effects

As far as the individual ingredients in Burn HD, and possible side effects, they seem to be minimal if there are any at all. The majority of side effects from using Burn HD would probably stem from the caffeine and green tea, especially in people with sensitivities or who consume a large amount of caffeine throughout the day.

The individual ingredients don’t seem to have any major side effects on their own.

While the company making Burn HD does say most people feel energized and great when they take it, they do so that some people may experience slight headaches or an increased heart rate. For people that experience side effects, the company recommends they stop using Burn HD.

Customer Reviews

There are some great reviews on Amazon about Burn HD, and many of them are from Verified Purchasers.

The average star rating is 4.2 out of 5 stars, making it one of the more effective fat burners on Amazon.

burn hd star rating on amazon

Some highlights include that people describe the pills as “amazing” and without any side effects in their experience. Many people report losing anywhere from five to eight pounds in a few weeks without rapid heartbeat side effects like they’ve experienced with weight loss supplements in the past.

burn hd verified purchases on amazon

People say that they do feel they have more energy while using Burn HD, and they feel their cravings are reduced.

When the customers purchased Burn HD on Amazon, they said they received fast shipping, good packaging, and the size of the pills made them easy to swallow.

There are hundreds of Amazon reviews for Burn HD, and of those only 5% are one-star reviews.

Some of the one-star reviews say that they felt like the product gave them anxiety. Other reviewers said that while the product controlled their appetite they didn’t feel it increased their energy and they did feel it was expensive. Other people with a negative experience had side effects likely related to the caffeine and green tea including dizziness and throwing up. There were also some people who simply felt Burn HD wasn’t effective for them.

Recommendation: Should You Try Burn HD?

Burn HD does seem like it could be a promising weight loss aid, but the word aid is key here. The ingredients have been independently shown to help with weight loss and with increasing metabolism and energy levels, although there aren’t studies on the specific formulation of Burn HD. Burn FDA’s claims also aren’t evaluated or approved by the FDA, so what you primarily have to go off is anecdotal evidence.

According to Amazon customer reviews, the majority of users have had a positive experience with Burn HD including not only weight loss but also reduced food cravings and more energy. There are negative reviews, although there’s no way to determine if that’s because people don’t combine Burn HD with healthy lifestyle changes.

Some of the negative reviews about Burn HD do also indicate people used it only for a period of a week or two before determining it was ineffective, although the company’s website says it should be used for at least a month to begin to see results.

There is a possibility Burn HD could be effective, especially when paired with a healthy diet and physical activity. If you have a sensitivity to caffeine this product probably isn’t for you, and if you want an inexpensive diet supplement this probably also isn’t an ideal option.

Have you tried Burn HD? Leave your review below.

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4 (quatro) MELHORES remédios para ejaculação precoce (ATUALIZADO 2018)

Clique Aqui para ler essa análise em Inglês

A Ejaculação precoce é uma desordem ou condição que causa problemas iniciais ou orgasmos curtos em homens após a estimulação sexual. Devido à sua natureza específica, a Ejaculação precoce pode ter efeitos profundos físicos, psicológicos e sociais nos indivíduos, relacionamentos e família.

Infelizmente, hoje em dia, a ejaculação precoce é considerada a desordem mais comum entre todos os problemas reprodutivos ou de saúde nos homens. De acordo com as pesquisas e estatísticas, cerca de um terço dos homens sexualmente ativos sofrem de uma temporária ou permanente ejaculação precoce.

Além disso, se deixada sem tratar, a condição pode causar sérias complicações como uma impotência secundária ou até infertilidade completa nos homens. O artigo seguinte é destinado à análisar e revisar alguns dos casos mais comuns, maiores causas e fatores contribuintes responsáveis pela ejaculação precoce.

Clique aqui
para ir direto aos melhores remédios para ejaculação precoce.

A Ejaculação definida

Na sua mais simples definição, a ejaculação é referente à liberação ou secreção do esperma e sêmen do pênis em um resultado de um elevado excitamento sexual ou estimulação.

Estágios ou fases da ejaculação

Em homens adultos, o processo da ejaculação consiste das seguintes três fases:

1- Excitação: O primeiro estágio em que o homem se torna sexualmente estimulado ou excitado.

2- Ereção: O estágio intermediário caracterizado pelo estado ereto do pênis.

3- Ejaculação: A estimulação física ou psicológica do pênis leva ao orgasmo(climax ou pico de estimulação sexual) que é seguido de uma repentina liberação de uma quantidade numerosa de sêmen. Esse processo inteiro é conhecido como ejaculação.

Definição da ejaculação precoce (EP)

Sexólogos e urologistas têm considerado várias definições de ejaculação precoce incluindo:

Clinicamente ou medicamente, a EP é conhecida como uma condição que causa consistente, persistente ou recorrente (ocorrendo de novo e de novo) de ejaculações com o mínimo de excitação sexual:

  • Antes, durante ou imediatamente depois de uma penetração sexual;
  • Antes que a pessoa deseje

Outra definição interessante da EP é que ela é afirmada como uma inabilidade do homem atrasar a ejaculação o suficiente para a parceira ter um orgasmo em pelo menos 50% da vezes.

Por fim, a ejaculação precoce pode ser definida também como sendo uma “ejaculação antes do acordo mútuo/consentimento” dos dois parceiros sexuais envolvidos.

Riscos para a ejaculação precoce

A ciência médica descobriui os seguintes riscos ou fatores agravantes em respeito à EP:

Idade: É comum em adolescentes, jovem adultos.

Falta de experiência sexual: Também é frequentemente encontrada em homens que não tiveram uma experiência sexual ou frequência.

Fatores psicológicos: Mentais ou estados psicogênicos, ou sintomas de principalmente ansiedade (seja sexual ou não sexual) e depressão podem também contribuir na progressão ou ocorrência dessa condição.

O que causa a ejaculação precoce?

Medicamente, a ejaculação precoce é frequentemente chamada de uma desordem de “etiologia desconhecida” (uma condição que a causa é desconhecida). No entanto, a maioria dos especialistas e pesquisadores apontam na direção dos fatores subjacentes “psicogênico”, como extresse mental, ansiedade, medo ou depressão como os principais agentes causadores, que cumulativamente ou eventualmente levam à esse problema.

Em casos menos comuns, a EP pode ser causada por alguma condição médica existente ou doença. Existem algumas severas doenças crônicas como diabetes, pressão alta, doenças cardíacas, cancer ou hepatitis em que uma ejaculação precoce pode existir como um sintoma associado. Para tratar esse tipo de EP, é essencial primeiro tratar a causa e depois a condição em si.

O que acontece na ejaculação precoce?

Testes clínicos e estudos têm indicado que, na maioria dos casos, a EP é caracterizada nos seguintes três traços ou características:

  1. A Ejaculação acontece dentro de um pequeno espaço de tempo.
  2. Existe uma parcial, ou completa perda de controle do processo ejaculatório.
  3. Causa angústia e frustração em ambos os parceiros.

O efeito geral dos fatores mencionados acima é a reduzida gratificação sexual, baixo desejo em realizar o ato sexual, libido reduzida e muito baixo senso de bem estar, também levando para um efeito negativo na auto-estima na pessoa e até valores morais.

O que eu posso fazer sobre isso?

Enquanto existem drogas médicas temporárias de curto prazo que são prescritas por doutores para tratar esse problema, várias ervas e suplementos naturais e dispositivos têm evoluído como uma terapia de escolha para tratar a EP pelo seu custo-benefício, segurança e eficácia.

  1. Suplementos de ervas

Os melhores suplementos de ervas para a ejaculação precoce

Prosolution Plus análises

Pessoalmente falando, um dos melhores suplementos que eu encontrei que ajuda com a ejaculação precoce é chamado de Prosolution Plus.

Prosolution Plus é literalmente o ÚNICO suplemento que eu encontrei com um estudo clínico conduzido, provando sua eficácia.

Em um ensaio clínico conduzido por um painel de teste idependente, pesquisadores notaram:

1.) Uma melhoria de 64% na ejaculação precoce

2.) Uma melhoria de 64% na qualidade erétil e

3.) Uma melhoria de 78% na satisfação sexual no geral, quando comparado à um grupo placebo.

Eu não sofro tipicamente com ejaculação precoce, mas eu TIVE um dos meus testadores de produto que sofre de EP experimentando.

Seus resultados foram SURPREENDENTES. Clique Aqui para ler minha análise completa de Proslution Plus.

E clique aqui para visitar o site oficial.

Vigrx Plus

vigrx plusOutro suplemento EXTREMAMENTE efetivo que ajuda a tratar problemas de ejaculação precoce é chamado de VigRX Plus.

VigRX Plus é atualmente um dos suplementos mais efetivos que eu testei de todos, e pode não só ajudar com a ejaculação precoce, mas também com tamanho, prazer sexual, e libido no geral.

Quando caras vem até mim perguntando por algo que ajude primeiramente com ejaculação precoce, eu usualmente recomendo Prosolution Plus.

No entando, quando me perguntam por algo que possa ajudar tanto com disfunção erétil E problemas de ejaculação precoce, eu tipicamente recomendo VigRX Plus.

Assim como Proslution Plus, VigRX Plus teve um teste clínico conduzido, provando que funciona.

Veja minha análise por completo de Vigrx Plus aqui.

  1. Sprays tópicos e óleos

Óleos, gels, e sprays são MUITO comuns quando se trata de remediar a ejaculação precoce. Eu testei pessoalmente alguns deles, com sucessos marginais.

Esse NÃO foi o caso com o spray de atraso VigRX.

O melhor óleo para ejaculação precoce

O que é ele?

Bom como o nome sugere, o Spray de atraso VigRX é um spray tópico que você aplica um pouco antes da atividade sexual. Diferente de pílulas como Proslution Plus, ele começa à funcionar quase instantaneamente.

Você simplesmente aplica alguns sprays no seu pênis, massageia nele, e ele ajuda a essensialmente entorpecer o pênis o bastante para você  durar por mais tempo.

O segredo por trás do produto é seu ingrediente primário, a Benzocaína.

Benzocaína é na verdade geralmente usada como um analgésico tópico, e é até incluida em algumas camisinhas para ajudar à durar por mais tempo.

Clique aqui para ler minha análise completa do spray de atraso VigRX.

Gel Enlast

Enlast ReviewUma outra fórmula muito potente de ejaculação precoce que pode ajudar é a Enlast.

Enlast funciona um pouco diferente do spray de atraso VigRX de algumas maneiras:

Em vez de usar o ingrediente Benzocaína, ele na verdade usa um diferente ingrediente (mas igualmente efetivo) chamado Lidocaína.

Lidocaína funciona basicamente do mesmo jeito que a Benzocaína.

Ela essensialmente entorpece o pênis para que você tenha o controle completo dos seus orgasmos.

A única desvantagem do Enlast é que a Lidocaína é TÃO forte que ela pode entorpecer ao ponto de que você não irá sentir nada durante o sexo.

Se você tem um problema de ejaculação precoce MUITO séria, então Enlast seria o melhor caminho à seguir.

Se você tem um pequeno (mas manejável) problema de durar mais tempo, eu recomendaria que você fique com o spray de atraso VigRX plus.

Clique aqui para visitar o site do gel Enlast.

Prosolution Gel

prosolution gelPor fim, um outro gel muito efetivo que ajuda com ejaculação precoce é chamado de Prosolution Gel.

Apesar de que na verdade foi formulado para ajudar primeiramente com uma qualidade de ereção mais difícil, o gel Prosolution, também têm mostrado ser efetivo em ajudar com os sintomas de ejaculação precoce.

Ele funciona por ajudar a criar uma substância chamada Óxido nítrico (ou NO), e essencialmente causa o tecido muscular suave do pênis à relaxar.

Quando isso acontece, é permitido um melhor aumento de fluxo sanguíneo.

Com o aumento do fluxo sanguíneo vem uma ereção mais dura, mas também vai te ajudar à durar uma média de 50% à mais do que você normalmente faria.

Infelizmente, eu não tenho uma análise completa do Prosolution Gel postada, mas você pode visitar o site deles aqui para aprender mais.

  1. Bombas à base de água

Bombas à base de água para ejaculação precoce

Outra opção que pode ajudar esses com EP é o uso de terapia à vácuo, especificadamente com bombas à base de água. Uma das bombas de mais qualidade que eu encontrei que pode ajudar é chamada de Bathmate.

A Bathmate Hydropump é uma bomba à base de água que foi originalmente feita para homens procurando aumentar o tamanho/ajudar com problemas de ereção.

Com o tempo foi visto que usando a Bathmate regurlarmente, o pênis se torna mais “acustumado” a ser estimulado, o que em conseqüencia te faz durar por mais tempo.

Eu pessoalmente tive a chance de testar o Bathmate, mas infelizmente eu não tenho ainda uma análise traduzida dela.

Eu espero ter uma análise traduzida em breve, mas enquanto isso você pode visitar o site deles aqui para aprender mais.

  1. Rotinas de Exercício Manual

Exercícios que ajudam com ejaculação precoce

A última coisa que você pode fazer sem recorrer à medicamentos prescritos são os exercícios de pênis, especificadamente os kegels, jelqing e o método de começar-parar.

A ótima coisa desses exercícios são que não têm pílulas, cremes, ou bombas involvidas.

Eles são simples, mas efetivos, e remediados em casa que podem ajudar com problemas de ejaculação precoce.

Então vamos neles um por um:

O que são Kegels?

Kegels são basicamente exercícios que ajudam a fortalecer o seu músculo PC, ajudando a durar MUITO mais.

Eles são de LONGE o mais efetivo exercício que pode ajudar com ejaculação precoce.

Eu escrevi sobre Kegels em um ÓTIMO detalhe em meus “Exercícios de Alargamento” clique aqui para pegar uma cópia de graça dele.

Só está disponível em Inglês no momento, mas se você colocar no Google Translate, você pode ter uma ideia relativamente boa do que ele se trata.

Como fazer Kegel passo-à-passo:

  1. EQUIPAMENTO: Sente em uma cadeira, de preferencia uma forte.
  2. POSIÇÃO INICIAL: Sente reto com a sua mão no colo.
  3. EXERCÍCIO: Contraia o músculo PC (olhe acima para localizar o músculo PC)
  4. Basicamente você estará fingindo que você está tentando peidar, e então faça o que você normalmente faz para “parar” o peido.


  • Você não deve sentir seu estômago contrair.


Jelqing é outro exercício que é MUITO eficiente à ajudar a remediar problemas de ejaculação precoce.

Não só isso, mas pode até ajudar à você ganhar um tamanho significativo em tanto comprimento como circunferência

Como fazer Jelq passo-à-passo:

  1. LUBRIQUE: Antes de você começar o jelqing, lubrique seu pênis com óleo de bebê, vaselina, ou outro lubricante de pênis (veja a lista de óleos e gels acima).
  2. NÍVEL DE EREÇÃO: Leve seu pênis à uma ereção de 50 – 75% ligeiramente acariciando seu pênis.O pênis deve estar relaxado o bastante para que seja fácil passar sangue por ele.Nunca faça exercícios de jelqing com uma ereção completa.
  3. APERTO-OK: Use seu dedão e dedo indicador para formar um punho de “OK” (veja o guia acima para um exemplo).
  4. COMECE PELA BASE: Coloque o punho em volta da base do seu pênis, o mais próximo do seu osso púbico que você conseguir.
  5. MOVA PARA CIMA: Com uma pressão leve no punho, levemente mova para o topo do seu pênis.A pressão ideal do jelqing é uma que não doa, mas efetivamente empurre o sangue para cima do pênis.
  6. PARE ANTES DA GLANDE: Pare o punho antes que ele chegue diretamente à sua glande. Você acabou de completar um jelq!Cada jelq deve tomar aproximadamente 2 à 3 segundos.
  7. REPITA: Quando você estiver acabado com um jelq, pegue sua outra mão e repita o processo de jelqing.

Método de Parar-Começar

Você também pode fazer uma técnica chamada Parar-Começar (Stop-Start Method)

Ela funciona assim…

Você COMEÇA se estimulando por uma masturbação ao ponto de que você está próximo de 5 – 10 segundos de conseguir um orgasmo, e aí PARAR por 30 – 60 segundos.

Você COMEÇA outra vez quando você sentir que ganhou controle de volta, e repita esse processo por volta de 6 ou 7 vezes. Na 6ª ou 7ª vez, você vai realmente se deixar ter orgasmos para que você possa identificar em que ponto você não consegue retornar.

Você pode fazer isso durante o sexo, mas a maioria dos casais acabam achando um pouco frustrante para parar e começar assim, então eu SÓ recomendo fazer isso durante a masturbação.

Espremer (As vezes chamado de “aperto”)

Não sou um grande fã dessa técnica, mas eu achei que deveria incluir aqui só no caso de você realmente estar desesperado.

A técnica de espremer basicamente envolve espremer o pênis na área entre a base e o final do seu pênis (as glandes), logo antes da ejaculação começar.

O propósito disso é basicamente “treinar seu cérebro” para reconhecer que sua ejaculação irá acontecer, e parar ela de ser realizada.

A maior desvantagem dessa técnica (e porque eu geralmente não recomendo), é que ela interrompe a atividade sexual que você está tendo com sua parceira.

Também precisa ser notada que pode levar um bom tempo para esse método ajudar com ejaculação precoce, usualmente entre 6 à 12 semanas.


Sofrer de ejaculação precoce não é piada. Relacionamentos tem ACABADO por seus efeitos debilitantes, e podem acabar com sua qualidade de vida.

Enquanto não existe cura oficial para a ejaculação precoce, existem algumas coisas que pode ajudar aliviar os sintomas.

Por seguir minhas técnicas e estratégias acima, você vai ser bem resolvido em seu caminho de melhorar sua qualidade na vida sexual, e vida no geral.

Como sempre, você pode me contactar aqui se você tem alguma pergunta específica. Boa sorte!

Clinamax Review: 1 HUGE Reason You Should Completely Avoid

Many men of all ages can suffer from issues with their sexual performance. When a man doesn’t feel like he’s performing at a peak sexual level, it can cause problems with his relationship, self-esteem, and quality of life.

A lot of products claim to alleviate symptoms of sexual dysfunction, but more often than not they’re ineffective.

One such option is called Clinamax. It’s sold online, and with all the products claiming to achieve similar results, you have to wonder does it really work?

I actually learned about Clinamax after coming across an ad that looked like this:

clinamax ad

So will you REALLY be able to f$%k all night long with this stuff?

Let’s find out.

What Is Clinamax?

clinamax reviewsClinamax claims to be a supplement designed for men who are suffering from a variety of sexual problems.

The issues Clinamax creators say it will help with include erectile dysfunction, low energy or performance levels when engaging in sexual activity, and early ejaculation. Creators say Clinamax is formulated with natural ingredients that have been “clinically tested” to ensure their effectiveness.

Specific benefits that may be possible according to Clinamax manufacturers include:

  • Longer-lasting and bigger erections
  • Intensified orgasms
  • Boosted sex drive and energy levels
  • Improvements in stamina
  • Peak performance levels, contributing to an increase in sexual confidence content/uploads/2018/02/clinamax

The makers of this supplement explain that the underlying cause of the majority of sexual dysfunction issues is related to low levels of testosterone as well as poor blood circulation and low amounts of something called nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a molecule made by the lining of the blood vessels that expands blood vessels, increases the flow of blood and helps with necessary functions like reducing the growth of damaging plaque and blood clotting.

how l arginine works

Nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in sexual function as well. There are certain reasons a person may produce less nitric oxide than what’s considered optimal, many of which are lifestyle-related.

For example, when someone has high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high-stress levels, their production of nitric oxide may decline. The ability to get a healthy erection depends on the body’s ability to release nitric oxide optimally.

The idea with Clinamax is that the proprietary blend of herbal and natural ingredients in the product can help increase nitric oxide levels naturally, and therefore alleviate symptoms of sexual dysfunction.

The claims behind Clinamax are that it increases blood circulation throughout the body, allowing more blood to go to the penis. The manufacturers also highlight the idea that with the use of Clinamax the heart can more effectively pump blood throughout the body, increasing the size of the user’s erection and their endurance level.

What’s In Clinamax?

There is a list of seven natural ingredients that are supposed to be in Clinamax. These ingredients include:

  • L-Arginine: This is arguably the most important ingredient in the Clinamax formulation, because it may stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which boosts circulation and can theoretically lead to stronger, larger erections. Outside of the context of Climax, L-arginine is an amino acid that’s necessary for making proteins in the body. It can be useful for helping with a variety of conditions related to the heart and blood vessels, such as congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. There is also some evidence it can help with blocked arteries.
  • Muira Puama Extract: This herbal ingredient is often used as an aphrodisiac to promote interest in sexual activities, and also to prevent sexual disorders. It’s common for Muira Puama to be included in natural supplements for erectile dysfunction.
  • Asian Red Ginger Extracts: Also referred to as Korean Red Ginseng, this is another herb that’s used almost exclusively for the natural treatment of erectile dysfunction. There is some evidence Asian Red Ginseng can help improve ED symptoms, but it’s not approved by the FDA for this use.
  • Saw Palmetto Berry: This ingredient is used in some cases to decrease symptoms related to an enlarged prostate and to treat prostate infections. Some evidence suggests saw palmetto can help increase urine flow, improve exual desire and drive, and to promote a sense of relaxation.
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract: Horny goat weed extract is one of the most popular natural supplements to improve sexual desire and function. Horny goat weed is believed to have the ability to increase blood flow. It can help with ED, involuntary ejaculation, and to increase sexual desire.
  • Gingko Biloba: Gingko Biloba may improve blood flow to the brain. It is also an antioxidant, and it’s sometimes used as a supplement to help with memory and cognition, particularly in older people. Gingko Biloba may also help with certain psychological conditions such as depression. According to the makers of Clinamax, it’s included in the ingredients as an aphrodisiac.
  • Bioperine: Bioperine is something that may help make certain herbal supplements more available in the body, and boost their effectiveness.

To use Clinamax, instructions are simple. Users should take it daily, as they would any other supplement or vitamin, as opposed to taking it on-demand as you would with a prescription ED medication. Instructions direct users to take two capsules once a day for the best effects.

Clinamax might be a good option or someone who doesn’t want to rely on a pharmaceutical approach to ED. Some pharmaceutical medicines that aim to treat ED and similar conditions can have dangerous side effects, which is why more men look for natural alternatives.

Reports indicate it takes about two weeks for Clinamax to start working, but every individual is different, so this could be a longer or shorter amount of time to see effects.

Where Do You Buy Clinamax?

Finding the official Clinamax website is like searching for the holy grail…

You know it exists, but it’s nearly impossible to find…

clinamax official website search

If you run a google search for something like “clinamax official website”, you’re presented with a bunch of different links:

clinamax website google search

However, NONE of these sites is actually the official website for Clinamax.

So what gives?

Well, it turns out that all of these sites are what’s known in the industry as “affiliate websites”.

Without getting too technical, affiliate websites are sites that promote a product by sending referred visitors to another site.

When they send a visitor to an “affiliate site”, they earn a referral fee when that visitor ends up buying the product.

If you’re not following along with me here, perhaps these pictures will help you follow along.

When you go to google and type in “clinamax”, you’re presented with a list of results:

clinamax affiliate explained 1

After you click on that result, you end up on a page that kinda-sorta looks like the official Clinamax website.

clinamax affiliate explained 2

From there, you will land on the Clinamax official site.  Should you decide to go through with purchasing the free trial, they will pay the website that referred you a commission.

clinamax affiliate explained 3

What Are the Pros and Cons of Taking Clinamax?

The combination of herbs in Clinamax may produce some results for sexual dysfunction. Each of the herbs on its own is shown to have some benefits in this area potentially. These herbs can also be good for general physical and mental health.

What’s unique about Clinamax as compared to similar supplement is the fact that it contains Bioperine. Often we people take supplements, they’re not getting any benefit because the supplements don’t have strong bioavailability. This essentially means the body isn’t able to maximize the use of the supplement’s benefits. Bioperine helps with this, and yet it isn’t included in many supplements. It is, however, included in Clinamax.

The primary downside of taking Clinamax is that it may not work. With herbal supplements, there are a few things to consider. First, it takes a while for herbs to build up in the body and have any effect. This isn’t the kind of supplement you can take a see instant results, if you get results at all.

Another possible con of purchasing Clinamax is the fact that herbal supplements can interact with other medications you’re taking. The herbs in Clinamax aren’t regulated, and so users are taking a chance that the herbs could have a negative effect on them or could interact negatively with other supplements or medications they take. When you’re prescribed a new medication, your doctor can go over your previous medical history and anything else you might be taking to ensure the new medicine is safe for you.

When you buy an herbal supplement online, you don’t have that guidance.

Just as an example, L-arginine is the primary ingredient in Clinamax. While it can have general health benefits, it can also have risks. People with herpes are advised not to use L-arginine because it can make the virus multiply. People with kidney disease, low blood pressure, allergies or asthma, and those individuals who have recently had a heart attack are also warned against the use of L-arginine.

Another key ingredient, Gingko Biloba, can also have side effects. Possible side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, headaches, stomach ache, restlessness, and vomiting. Combining Gingko Biloba with even over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen can increase the risk of internal bleeding. It’s also possible that if someone combines Gingko Biloba and an SSRI antidepressant that it can increase the risk of something called serotonin syndrome, which can be deadly.

Side effects that may occur with horny goat weed can include changes in mood, such as aggression and irritability. Other side effects may lead to sweating, a racing heart, nausea, and decreased thyroid functionality.

There is a long list of medications horny goat weed can interact with such as cortisone, prednisone, and aromatase inhibitors.

People who shouldn’t take horny goat weed include individuals with hormone-sensitive cancers and people with heart disease.

Before someone takes Clinamax, they should thoroughly review the ingredients and any interactions or side effects they can have. For the most part, the ingredients found in this product are pretty mild and commonly used, but the research still needs to be done.

There aren’t any available clinical or scientific studies looking at the effectiveness of Clinamax, or possible side effects that could occur when taking this particular combination of herbs. This product also isn’t approved by the FDA, and the claims aren’t evaluated by the FDA for accuracy.

This isn’t exclusive to Clinamax. With most herbal supplements this is the case, and so people using these products need to be proactive in checking out the ingredients and determining if it’s the right choice for them.

User Reviews of Clinamax

One of the biggest downfalls of Clinamax is that reviews are very limited, particularly since you can’t find it for sale on Amazon. Amazon is usually one of the best resources for real customer reviews, and the online information about Clinamax appears to be primarily marketing content.

These are the search results that show up when you search Amazon for Clinamax: content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

There is a review on one website that claims to be a “trusted source for good health”, and they rate it 2.6 out of 5 stars.

clinamax reviews on other websites

However, that site is FAR from being a trusted resource for anything.

There is only one post on Reddit referencing Clinamax, and it’s simply there to direct users to a site where they can buy the product. content/uploads/2018/02/canva photo editor

Youtube Reviews

If you take a look at some of the Clinamax “reviews” on Youtube, they’re nothing short of comical (and completely uninformative).

Like this one, which doesn’t even talk about the product once:

or this one, which exclaims “Be A Real Man With Harder And Bigger Size”

The fact that the reviews on Clinamax are so limited is one of the problems with this product. You’re really taking a chance when you order it because currently there is so little information available from unbiased third-party reviewers.

Summing Up—Should You Try Clinamax?

Sexual dysfunction isn’t something anyone wants to deal with. Whether you have problems getting an erection, maintaining an erection or performing in a way that you find satisfactory, sexual dysfunction extends far beyond the bedroom for many men. It can wreak havoc on their confidence and self-esteem and their relationships. It can also lead a decline in their quality of life.

Because of the far-reaching effects of erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems, men often rely on prescription drugs, but these can have severe side effects. Many men also don’t want to speak with their doctor about the problems they’re experiencing, so they look at natural options that don’t require a prescription.

Clinamax is one product promising to put an end to the symptoms of sexual dysfunction while solving the root causes of the problem.

This product contains a combination of herbal supplements, most of which are believed at least anecdotally to help with erectile dysfunction, sexual desire, and sexual performance. For the most part, the background on the ingredients in Clinamax indicates that these herbs could deliver some benefits in these areas.

What’s good about Clinamax is the fact that the ingredients can also have general health benefits. For example, L-arginine which is the main ingredient in the product, may help with heart health and reducing conditions like high blood pressure.

The premise of Clinamax seems to be that it improves the overall health of the person which can then in turn help improve their sexual health and function. With that being said, when someone is relying on relatively mild herbs to improve problems related to sexual dysfunction, it can take a while to work. It could take weeks or more to see any effect from this product, and even then some people might not experience anything beyond potentially a placebo effect.

It could potentially be beneficial because of the herbs and the effects they’re believed to have, but it isn’t approved by the FDA.

There are also limited reviews from people who have tried Clinamax, so this is something to consider as well.

By reviewing the ingredient list, Clinamax may be beneficial for some people, and it isn’t likely to have serious side effects unless you are advised against taking one of the individual ingredients. For most people, worst case scenario with Clinamax would be that it didn’t work at all, but if you have concerns about taking herbs, you should consider speaking with your doctor first.

Have You Used Clinamax?  Leave Your Review Below!

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4 BESTE nicht verschreibungspflichtige Viagra Alternativen (Aktualisiert 2018)

Hinweis:  Die Bewertungen wurden von Männern aus den Vereinigte Staaten geschrieben, aber um Sie zu überzeugen haben wir die besten freierhätltlichen Viagras in Deutschland so zusammengefasst.

Klicken Sie hier um die Bewertung auf englisch zu lesen.

Sofern Sie die letzten 15 Jahre nicht unter dem Stein gelebt haben, Haben Sie bestimmt über das verschreibungspflichtige Medikament Viagra gehört.

Genau genommen, wurde Ihre email bestimmt mit mehreren Tausenden Mails über diese Anzeigen vollgespamt.

Es hat bei einer Errektionsstörung geholfen, dieses Medikament hilft dabei Ihre Errektionsqualität, Ausdauer und Kontrolle zu verbessern.

Allerdings ist es gleichzeitig in der Lage ziemlich unangenehme Nebenwirkungen hervorzurufen.

Dies Nebenwirkungen sind, aber nicht beschränkt auf Kopfschmerzen, Hitzewallungen, Verdauungsbeschwerden, Sehstörungen und verstopfte Nase. (Quelle)

Darüber hinaus, BRAUCHT man eine Verschreibung.

Natürlich gibt es viele Seiten übers deutsche Googel, die Ihnen sagen, dass man Viagra online ohne Verschreibung kaufen kann.

dass man Viagra online

Die Wahrheit ist allerding, dass sie Ihnen NICHT das richtige Zeug verkaufen, sondern eine generische Version der Viagra, die in den meisten Fällen NICHT annäherend so funktioniert wie das Original.

In manchen Fällen verkaufen sie Ihnen noch nicht einmal die generische Version..

Stattdessen verkaufen sie Ihnen eine gefälschte Version, die nichts anderes ist als eine Zuckerpille.

Dutzenden Männer fragen mich jeden Tag welches Supplement die beste Errektionspille Alternative zu Viagra / Cialis ist, aber etwas das ganz natürlich ist, nicht verschreibungspflichtig, hat einen bescheidenen Preis und wird keine Nebenkwirkungen auslösen.

Denken Si daran, dass  Ich persönlich DUTZENDE männliche Potenzmittel getestet habe .  Alles von Pillen, Pumpen, Cremen, Streckern, Ölen, sogar einem verdammten Potenzkaugummi.

Die Potenzmittelpillen, die ich im Laufe der Jahre ausprobiert habe

Vielleicht haben Sie davon gehört, Ich habe es getestet  (oder zumindest erforscht  / recherchiert ).

Ich würde mich qualifiziert sehen in dem was funktioniert und was nicht 🙂

Praktisch JEDE  Potenzmittelpille die wie die nicht verschreibungspflichtige Viagra, hat das Potential EIN PAAR Nebenwirkungen auszulösen.

Jenes Supplement, dass entweder nicht funktioniert hat oder der Effekt war SEHR minimal.

Während der große Mehrteil von diesen Produkten verspricht, dass man an Größe bekommt , viele sind auf die Errektionsstörung bei Männern ausgerichtet.

In dieser Bewertung werde ich Ihnen sgane –

  • Die konkrete Kombination, die ich benutze, um den Effekt von Viagra nachzuahmen Wie man es einnimmt
  • Was GENAU zu erwarten ist
  • Meine persönliche Erfahrung
  • und ander Supplemente, die ich benutzt habe, die funktionieren

Hier ein paar der besten nicht verschreibungspflichtigen Pillen die ähnlich (wenn nicht besser) funktionieren wie Viagra und in Deutschland erhältlich sind (nur Online ).

Meine #1 Wahl – Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper

Hinweis:  Dies ist nur eine Bewertung.  Klicken Sie hier, um die  offiziellle Hardon Helper Webseite zu besuchen .

Eine lange Zeit lang (und damit meine ich, um die 6 Jahre), war Extenze meine Wahl, wenn es um schnell handelnde Potenzmittel geht.

Ich glaube, ich habe für mich den perfekten Ersatz gefunden.

Es wird Hardon Helper  genannt und es funktioniert UNGLAUBLICH gut.

Eigentlich würde ich sogar sagen, dass es die beste nicht verschreibungspflichtige  ED Pille ist, die ich getestet habe. PERIOD.

Was ist der Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper?

Ein nicht verschreibungspflichtiges ViagraGemäß der Webseite, Hardon Helper tut genau das, was Sie sich dachten , dass es nach der Beurteilung des Namens tut.

Es hilft Ihnen eine hardon zu kiregen!

Auf der Homepage gibt es nicht so viele Infos, aber durch die Aufschrift, kann man sehen welche Wirkstoffe es beinhaltet:

  • 120 mg Epimedium Blatt
  • 70 mg rotes Ginseng
  • 70 mg amerikanisches Ginseng
  • 40 mg wilde Jamswurzeln
  • 40 mg Wolfsbeeren Frucht
  • 30 mg Rou Cong Rong
  • 30 mg chinesische Himbeere
  • 20 mg Gordon Euryale Samen
  • 20 mg Schisandra Frucht
  • 15 mg Poria
  • 15 mg Longanfrucht
  • 30 mg Xylit

Meine persönlichen Ergebnisse

I hatte in den letzten 6 Monaten ein kleines Problem eine anständige Errektion zu bekommen.

Ich habe meinen Testosteronspiegel letzten Monat prüfen lassen und mein freier Testosteronspiegel ist erstaunlicher weise 20% niedriger als 4 Jahre zuvor, dann hatte ich ihn zum letzten mal gemessen.

So waren sie in 2014:

Testosteron Ergebnisse in 2014

Und so waren sie letzten Oktober:

Testosteron Ergebnisse in 2017

Ich glaube nicht, dass ich Ihnen erwähnen muss, dass mein Libido darunter gelitten hat.

Ich bin kein Fan von verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten, aber es fiel mir ein, dass ich vielleicht doch zu einem Doktor gehen sollte und ihm erzählen sollte was los ist .

Genau zu dieser Zeit wurde ich von Tim kontaktiert, der der Betriebsleiter vont Hardon Helper ist.

Auf den ersten Blick, war ich ehrlich gesagt nicht gerade impresioniert von deren Seite und von dem gesamten Produkt.

Ich habe viele Unternehmen gesehen die nicht verschreibungspflichtige Pillen verkaufen und meistens haben deren Produkte verdammt nochmal gar nichts gebracht.

In jedem Fall, musste ich mich entscheiden…

Soll Ich in den sauren Apfel beißen und zu meinem Doktor gehen, um ihm zu sagen, dass ich „da unten“ Probleme habe?

Oder sol lich versuchen etwas natürliches für meine Probleme zu finden?

Die Leute von Hardon Helper haben mir eine Box mit ungefähr 24 Pillen zugeschickt und wie ich schon vorher erwähnt hatte, stand es für einen gefühlten Monat oder so nur als Staubauffänger da.

Eine Tages kame s dann über mich…

Ich sagte sch$%ß drauf und wollte eine probieren.

Ich habe den Rest des Tages nichts davon gehalten und nicht drüber nachgedacht und habe somit beschloßen am Nachmittag ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen.

Dann hat es angefangen zu wirken….

Ich habe gerade Kniebeugen gemacht und als ich soeben mit meinem dritten order vierten Set fertig war, habe ich angefange diese riesen Errektion zu kriegen.

Wenn ich gewaltig sage, dann meine ich, einen GEWALTIGEN Ständer.

Ich musste ihn umkippen von den anderen im Fitnessstudio und ihn sozusagen unter dem Oberteil meiner Unterhose zu verstecken, damit es nicht so offensichtlich ist.

Mir kam da so eine Idee ganz schnell ins Badezimmer zu rennen und uh, um meinen Ständer loszuwerden.

Aber dachte dann, dass es etwas ekelig ist und habe mich somit dagegen entschieden.

Ich hab über die nächsten 30 Minuten mit meinem Training weitergemacht und Gott sei Dank hat es angefangen etwas nachzulassen.

Auf dem Weg nach Hause dann, BOOM er war wieder da.

GEWALTIGE Errektion.

Ich bin durch die Tür gekommen, direkt in mein Büro rein und habe mir einen runter geholt.

Ich kann mit einer 120% Sicherheit sagen, dass e seiner der gewaltigsten Orgasmen war, den ich in einer WIRKLICH langen Zeit hatte.

Nach ungefähr 2 Stunden, kommt meine Frau nachhause von einem späten Nachmittags Training, verdammt sexy aussehend in ihrere Yoga Leggings und ihrem Tanktop .

Innerhalb von 5 Minuten, BOOM, schon wieder eine gewaltige Errektion.

Da ich ein Sauberkeitsfreak bin, hat sie sich geduscht und in unserem Bett gewartet (selbstverständlich nackt).

Normalerweise muss ich mich “selbst befriedigen” , um eine Errektion aufrecht erhalten zu können, aber dieses mal war es NICHT so.

Der Ständer war die ganze Zeit da, ich habe mich gefühlt, als sei ich wieder ein 18 Jähriger, der erneut durch die Porno Kollektion seines älteren Bruders gegangen ist!

Was anschließend geschah, war eins der genüsslichsten sexuellen Erfahrungen die ich in Jahren hatte und es scheinte sogar besser als Viagra zu sein.

Wo kann man Hardon Helper kaufen

Dieser Bewertung nach, können Sie Dr. Seltzers Hardon Helper auf der offiziellen Webseite, kaufen.

Eine Einzelpackung kostet 8 EUR und man bekommt Rabatte für größere Bestellungen:

  • 6 Packungen für 39 EUR, was 6,50 EUR pro Packung bedeutet.
  • 12 Packungen für 58 EUR , was 4,83 EUR pro Packung bedeutet.
  • 24 Packungen für 77 EUR, was 3,20 EUR por Packung bedeutet.

Das hört sich vielleicht teuer an, aber wenn man es mit dem ECHTEN Viagra vergleicht, ist der Preis um 90% günstiger.

Logischerweise, würde ich die größere Bestellung empfehlen, damit Sie Geld sparen, aber wenn Sie gerade zwischen den Stühlen stehen, dann bestellen Sie die Einzelpackung.

Sie kostet 8 EUR und Sie warden nicht enttäuscht sein, GLAUBEN SIE MIR!

Kann ich es in Deutschland kaufen?

Die einfache Antwort darauf ist ja, es ist möglich diese nach Deutschland zu schicken.  Der große Nachteil ist allerdings der Versandpreis.

Wenn Sie ihr Produkt innerhalb von 7 – 10 Werktagen erhalten wollen, kostet das um die 22 EUR.

Wenn Sie es noch schneller erhalten wollen  (6 – 10 Werktage), kostet es 37 EUR.

Ja, ich weiß, dass es sehr teuer ist.

Sobald Sie es allerdings zum ersten mal ausprobiert haben, werden Sie feststellen, dass es den Preis wert war!

Also, Hardon Helper wird diskret verschickt.  Das einzige was man auf dem Versandetikett sehen kann ist “Dr. Seltzer LLC” und dasselbe gilt auch für Ihre Kreditkarte oder Paypal Auszug.

Klicken Sie Hier, um die the Hardon Helper Websiete zu besuchen.

#2: Extenze

Otc viagra

Eine andere effektive (und sichere) nicht verschreibungspflichtige ED Pille, die ich genommen haben, nennt sich Extenze.

Im Gegensatz zu den Pillen wie Vigrx Plus, welche dafür erschaffen wurden über Wochen / Monate hinweg zu wirken, Extenze ist ein schnell wirkende Potenzmittel Alternative zu Viagra, dass innerhalb von 45 – 60 min wirkt.

Die ursprünglichen Hersteller von Extenze hatten, ehrlich gesagt ein paar Probleme, als sie es zum ersten mal verkauft haben.

Wie auch viele andere Supplemente dieser Art, haben sie versprochen, dass der Penis vom Einnehmen dieser Pille wächst.

Beste nicht verschreibungspflichtige ed Pillen

Naja, als die Männer feststellten, dass sie keine Vergrößerung ihres besten Stücken sehen, waren sie angepisst.

In der Tat so angepisst, dass sie eine Gemeinschaftsklage gegen das Unternehmen hier, in den Vereinigten Staaten einreichten. (Quelle)

Um nicht zu sehr ins Detail zu gehen, haben die Hersteller von Extenze letztendlich die Klage verloren und wurden gezwungen viel Geld auszugeben um den Schaden zu begleichen.

Die Rechte von Extenze wurden dann später von einem Unternehmen namens Biotab Nahrungsergänzungsmittel gekauft, die deren schlechtes Handeln beseitigt haben.

Was macht Extenze also so großartig?

Es beinhaltet eine sehr spezifische Mischung an Zutaten, die Ihnen hilft Ihre sexuelle Empfindlichkeit zu steigern, Ihre Orgasmen steigert und Sie länger aushalten lässt.

Von allen pflanzlichen Pillen, die ich persönlich getestet habe, ist dies eine der besten Alternativen zu Viagra, auf die ich gestoßen bin.

Es nutzt gezielt eine Kombination von 3 Hauptbestandteilen: Yohimbe, L-Arginine, und Horny Goat Weed.

Als ich Extenze zum ersten mal benutzt habe, waren die Ergebnisse AUßERGEWÖHNLICH

Das was ich bemerkt habe, ist, dass ich das Gefühl hatte STUNDENLANG durchhalten zu können, obwohl es kein stumpfendes Gefühl gab.

Bei mir fangen die Effekte nach ungefähr 30 Minuten an, mit den größten Effekten nach 1 1/2 Stunden.

Es scheint mehrere Stunden anzuhalten und ich persönlich, habe keine Nebenwirkungen.

Muss ich es jeden Tag einnehmen?

Wenn Sie die offizielle Seite besuchen (, wundern Sie sich nicht, dass dort steht, das man die Pillen jeden Tag einnehmen soll.

Von meiner persönlichen Erfahrung aus, ist es nutzlos.

Kann man es jeden Tag einnehmen?  Ja.

Muss man es?  Nein.

Die Effekte (meiner Meinung nach) sind genau die selben.

Kann ich Extenze in Deutschland kaufen?

Ja und es ist sogar etwas günstiger als Hardon Helper.

Eine 1 Monatsversorgung beinhaltet 30 flüssige Gelkapseln und der Preis für eine Packung is 48 EUR.

Das bedeutet 1,60 EUR pro Pille, um den Preis so etwas handlicher zu machen.

Genauso wie mit Hardon Helper, allerdings, sind die Versandkosten etwas hoch (aber wieder, den Preis wert).

Wenn Sie es innerhalb 10 – 14 Tagen bekommen möchten, ist der Preis 16 EUR.

Wenn Sie es innerhalb 3 – 6 Tagen bekommen möchten, ist der Preis  24 EUR.

Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden Extenze zu kaufen, würde ich Ihnen die eine größere Bestellung empfehlen, da Sie so den Vorteil der Rabatte nutzen können.

Klicken Sie Hier, um die Webseite zu besuchen.

#3: Vigrx Plus

Das nächste auf unserer Liste ist das Vigrx Plus, ein Produkt, dass ich ab und zu über die letzten 5 Jahre, genommen habe.

Was ist VigRx Plus?

Ein nicht verschreibungspflichtiges Viagra

VigRx Plus ist ein100% natürliches Produkt, dass dafür entworfen wurde um die sexuelle Ausdauer und Kraft zu fördern und den sexuellen Appetit anzuregen.

Ich habe darüber von einem anderen Mann erfahren, der es angeblich benutzt hat und großartige Ergebnisse damit bekam.

Dieses Ärztevorgeschlagenes Produkt war seit 2001 erhältlich und was ich von über 500,000 Männern beschließen kann ist, dass diese es bestellt haben.

Vigrx Plus wurde durch eine einmalige Formel erfunden, die nur natürliche Zutaten beinhaltet.

Die vollständige Zutatenliste beinhaltet:

  • Damiana Extrakt
  • Epimedium
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Asiatisches rotes Ginseng
  • Sägepalmen Beere
  • Catuaba Rindenextrakt
  • Muira Puama
  • Hawthorn Beere
  • Bioperine

Alles in allem, Vigrx Plus ist ein SEHR effektiver Viagra Ersatz.

Anders als bei Hardon Helper und Extenze, der Nachteil ist, dass es bis zu ein paar Wochen dauern kann, bis es komplett anfängt zu wirken.

Sobald es das tut, sind die Effekte RIESIG.

Anstatt der Einnahme und dem warten für 30, 45, oder sogar 60 Minuten, damit es anfängt zu wirken, werden sich die Effekte in Ihrem System ansammeln, um eine Errektion „auf Abruf“ zu bieten.

Das bedeutet, dass Sie bereit sind, wenn es Zeit dafür ist.

ACGTUNG: Passen Sie auf GEFÄLSCHTE Vigrx Plus Pillen auf

Es haben mir viele Männer gesagt, dass sie Vigrx Plus auf Ebay oder Amazon gefunden haben und das viel günstiger, als auf der offiziellen Vigrx Plus Webseite.

Wenn das der Fall ist, müssen Sie feststellen , dass es sich um GEFÄLSCHTE VERSIONEN von Vigrx Plus handelt, in denen viele gefährliche Substanzen stecken.

Ein paar dieser Fälschungen, welche moistens auch China kommen, injizieren Substanzen wie Sildenafil, welche die aktive Zutat von Viagra ist.

echt und GEFÄLSCHTE vigrx plus

Das ist nicht nur illegal, sondern auch komplett unethisch und kann sehr schlechte Nebenwirkungen oder schlimmeres zur Folge tragen.

Ich empfehle daher, nur von deren offiziellen Webseite, über die ich weiter unten reden werde zu kaufen.

Kann ich Vigrx Plus in Deutschland kaufen?

Ja und genauso wie mit den anderen auf dieser Seite, kann man auch diese nur auf der offiziellen Webseite kaufen.

Während ich persönlich denke, dass Vigrx Plus die beste Potenzmittel Pille ist, ist es SEHR teuer, wenn man es mit Hardon Helper und Extenze vergleicht,

Eine Packung kostet 62 EUR, aber da es so lange dauert, um zu wriken, empfehle ich Ihnen mindestens eine 3 Monatsversorgung zu bestellen, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erreichen.

Klicken Sie hier, um die offizielle Vigrx Plus Webseite zu besuchen.

#4) Steel Libido Red

Steel Libido Red Steel Libido Red ist eine der ersten Potenzmittel Pillen  ,die ich ausprobiert habe

Es war sogar eine der wirksamsten, was das hervorrufen von Ständern angeht.

Wie Steel Libido Red funktioniert

Steel Libido Red basiert auf dem Prinzip von Stickstoffmonoxid. NO wird von dem Körper natürlich hergestellt. Es funktioniert wie ein Vasodilator.

Das bedeutet, es entspannt die Wände Ihrer Blutgefäße, um so eine vergrößerte Menge an Blut durchlaufen zu lassen.

Da eine gute und starke Errektion schwer von der maximalen Menge an Durchblutung im Penis während der Erregung abhängt, NO ist der Schlüssel für Ihre besten Errektionen.

Mehr NO bedeutet mehr Durchblutung, was bessere Errektionen bedeutet.

Funktioniert es?

Dieses Supplement funktioniert definitiv, als sein effektiver Viagra Ersatz, aber nicht ohne einen Preis.

Das Problem mit Steel Libido ist, dass sie eine große auswahl anbieten, wenn es um die Einnahmenmenge geht

Erstens die Pillen sind RIESIG, größer als alle anderen Pillen, die ihc bisher genommen habe.

Zum Glück, sin des Gelkapseln , also kann man sie leichter schlucken, als Ihre normale Tablette / Kapsel.

Auf der Anleitung des Etiketts steht, dass Sie 2 – 4 Kapseln 45 min. Vor dem Sex einnehmen solen.

Als ich sie zum ersten mal genommen habe, habe ich nur 2 Gelkapseln genommen, um zu sehen wie es sich anfühlt

Die ersten 15 min. muss ich zugeben, habe ich nicht viel gespürt.

Dann BOOM, 20 min. oder so später habe ich die Errektion meines Lebens bekommen.  Ich habe auch so ein komisches, krankes Gefühl gehabt, als ob ich die Grippe hätte.

Wie die Minuten vergingen, wurde ich immer mehr erregt, aber auch kranker.

Es war eines der seltsamsten Gefühle, die ich je in meinem Leben hatte.

Stellen Sie sich vor einen Steinharten Stönder zu haben, aber dass, Ihnen dabei sehr schlecht ist.

Ich musste sogar spucken.  Es hat sich so angefühlt, als ob jedes sich mein Mund mit Saliva gefüllt hat jedes mal wenn ich gespuckt habe, und ich musste wiederholt spucken.

Ich habe versucht mich selbst zubefriedigen, aber jedes mal als ich nah an einer Errektion dran war, dachte ich ich muss mich übergeben.

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, welche Zutat diese Effekt ausgelöst hat, aber es ist NICHT sehr angenehm.

Falls Sie sich für die Einnahme von Steel Libido Red entscheiden, würde ich Ihnen vorschlagen, diese auf einen vollen Magen zu nehmen und NUR 1 Pille auszuprobieren.

Die moisten Männer, die so eine unangenehme Nebenwirkung bekommen, fangen meist mit einer sehr hohen Dosis an, zum Beispile 4 Pillen und sich danach SEHR schlecht fühlen.

Nicht so krank wie man mitViagra wird, aber nah dran.

Sie können Steel Libido Red auf finden und durchschnitlliche Preis für 75 Flüssigkapselflaschen beträgt 33,41 EUR.


Wie ich am Anfang diesen Artikels schon gesagt hatte, ist für mich die nächste total natürliche Pille, die wie Viagra funktioniert der Hardon Helper.  Ich perönlich habe dieses Supplement  TAUSENDEN von Männern empfohlen und sie waren praktisch ALLE erstaunt davon, wie gut es funktioniert.

All die Supplemente, die ich hier empfohlen habe, wurden persönlich von mir ausprobiert und KÖNNEN und WERDEN gut funktionieren.

Fazit ist, wenn Sie die Nebenwirkungen von Viagra nicht vertragen und / oder sich das einfach nicht leisten können, sind das hier sehr gute Ersatzalternativen, die den Leuten helfen, die an Errektionsstörungen leiden.

REEL commentaire Testofuel : Je l’ai EFFECTIVEMENT utilisé! (MISE A JOUR 2018)

Note: Ceci n’est qu’une revue.

Cliquez Ici pour accéder au site officiel de Testofuel

La Testostérone est le composant le plus important dans la construction musculaire. Les niveaux plus élevés de testostérone sont ce qui nous démarque des femmes et nous permet de développer nos muscles d’une manière qui n’est tout simplement pas réalisable pour les femmes (à moins qu’elles ne soient sous stéroïdes).

Si vous vous entraînez depuis plusieurs mois maintenant et que les résultats de votre musculation ont atteint la limite ou si vous avez des difficultés à prendre plus de poids, alors votre taux de testostérone est probablement bas. En cherchant un stimulateur de testostérone sur le marché, Testo Fuel s’est particulièrement démarqué. J’en ai entendu parler sur le forum Bodybuilding, et il y avait de nombreux utilisateurs influents qui l’utilisaient avec d’excellents résultats.

Souhaitez-vous connaître mes résultats?  Défilez vers le bas pour lire mon avis officiel, ainsi que des images réelles d’avant et d’après.

Cliquez ici pour lire ce commentaire en Anglais.

Les bienfaits de Testo Fuel:

  • Contient de l’extrait d’huître pure – la principale source alimentaire pour renforcer la testostérone
  • Un taux élevé de testostérone vous permet un accroissement de votre masse musculaire
  • Un taux plus élevé de testostérone réduit également la graisse corporelle et stimule la libido.

Comment fonctionne Testo Fuel?

Commentaires testofuelEn l’absence d’un taux de testostérone adéquat, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les protéines supplémentaires que vous consommez au quotidien et par conséquent, vous ne pouvez pas développer une masse musculaire importante.

Testofuel vise à y remédier en vous fournissant les nutriments indispensables et les vitamines dont votre corps a besoin pour favoriser une libre production de testostérone.

La liste complète des ingrédients comprend (* les ingrédients essentiels) :

  • Acide D-Aspartique*
  • Ginseng de Sibérie*
  • Extrait de graines de fenugrec*
  • Extrait d’huître*
  • Zinc*
  • Vitamine D3
  • Vitamine K2
  • Vitamine B6
  • Magnésium*

Voici une photo de l’étiquette Testofuel si vous êtes intéressé:

L'étiquette des ingrédients Testofuel

Testo Fuel contient 5 ingrédients essentiels qui sont reconnus pour leur capacité à accroître les taux de testostérone

Acide D-Aspartique – Un acide aminé qui joue un rôle crucial dans la production de spermatozoïdes et d’hormones sexuelles. Des études ont révélé que l’acide D-Aspartique peut augmenter l’hormone lutéinisante et la testostérone de 46 % en seulement 13 jours.

J’ai ici tout un article qui décrit les NOMBREUX bienfaits de l’acide D-Aspartique, jetez y un coup d’œil si vous avez suffisamment de temps.

Zinc – Les études sont encore quelque peu limitées, mais une chose est sûre.  Une carence en zinc entraîne souvent de faibles taux de testostérone. (Source)

Alors, comment la prise d’un supplément comme le zinc aide-t-elle à augmenter votre testostérone?

Eh bien, cela commence par aider les enzymes à décomposer la nourriture et d’autres extraits, ce qui vous permet d’en tirer pleinement.

On pense aussi que le zinc peut avoir un impact sur les cellules des testicules, qui est en fait le lieu de production de testostérone.

Lorsqu’il est associé au magnésium (que nous examinerons plus loin), il a été démontré dans des études cliniques que le zinc accroît les taux de testostérone libre. (Lire l’étude ici)

Extrait d’huître – Les huîtres contiennent plus de zinc que le steak de bœuf maigre, et ils sont considérés par certains comme le premier aliment stimulant la testostérone. Si vous ne supportez pas le goût des huîtres (je sais que je ne le supporte pas), prendre de l’extrait d’huître aidera à combler votre carence.

Magnésium – Ce minéral est en fait très similaire au zinc en ce qui concerne la production de testostérone. Des études comme celle-ci ont montré que le magnésium a en fait la capacité de libérer la testostérone, et lui permet de devenir davantage bioactif.

C’est un terme fantaisiste pour désigner l’efficacité.

D’autres études ont révélé que les hommes plus âgés qui avaient des niveaux de magnésium plus élevés avaient tendance à avoir des niveaux de testostérone plus élevés.

Et si cela ne suffit pas à vous convaincre, les chercheurs d’une autre étude ont conclu qu’avec une consommation suffisante de magnésium et des exercices intenses, les taux de testostérone libre ont augmenté de 24 % comparativement à ceux du groupe placebo.

Retrouvez ici notre article complet sur l’effet du Magnésium sur la testostérone.

Fenugrec – Plus souvent utilisé dans l’alimentation indienne, il augmente naturellement la production de testostérone. Dans une étude portant sur une marque de fenugrec appelée Testofen, la consommation de fenugrec a révélé un dédoublement du taux de testostérone libre chez les hommes bien portants. (Source)

Ginseng – Une racine puissante d’Asie et selon de nombreuses études, elle augmente la testostérone et la libido. J’ai pris probablement une centaine de suppléments qui contiennent du ginseng, et qui peuvent témoigner de son efficacité.

Mes résultats avec Testo Fuel

Si vous avez suivi mon site pendant un certain temps, vous savez que j’ai testé plusieurs de ces propulseurs de testostérone au cours de l’année.

Cliquez ici pour voir la liste en cours, il y en a jusqu’ à 33.

J’ai testé Testofuel il y a environ 4 ans, et mes résultats à l’époque étaient tout simplement impressionnants.

Jusqu’ à présent, c’est le meilleur que j’ai jamais utilisé.

J’ai atteint l’âge de 36 ans il y a quelques mois et pour la première fois de ma vie, je commence enfin à ressentir les effets que peut avoir un taux de testostérone bas.

J’ai fait contrôler mes taux de testostérone, et mes testostérones LIBRES avaient diminué de 20% par rapport au dernier contrôle, il y a de cela 4 ans.

Voici mes niveaux de testostérone en 2014 (j’ai seulement fait contrôler la testostérone LIBRE):

Contrôle de la testostérone en 2014

Et voici mes résultats d’octobre. (2017):

Contrôle de la testostérone au mois d'octobre 2017

J’ai lancé la conversion de pg/ml en ng/dl et voici le résultat:

Mes niveaux de testostérone libres

Donc en moins de 4 ans, mon taux de testostérone LIBRE est passé de 1,58 à 1,27.

Il s’agit là d’une baisse de près de 20 %, ce qui est bien plus que la moyenne de 1 % par année

La testostérone diminue selon l'âge

Pas très bon…

J’ai décidé de donner à Testofuel un autre essaie, et j’ai passé une commande pour 3 mois d’approvisionnement.

Comme prévu, en quelques semaines, je commençais à percevoir les effets.

J’ai remarqué une ÉNORME augmentation de ma libido, au point que je devais pisser le matin sous la douche parce que je n’arrivais pas à faire baisser mon érection matinale

J’ai constaté aussi que j’avais pris environ 7 ou 8 lb au cours de l’été (ce qui n’est pas inhabituel pour moi), et en un mois environ, j’avais réduit mon poids de 192 lb. à 187 lbs.

Pour certains, 5 Lb. sont peu, mais pour moi, ça fait une ENORME différence.

Regardez mes photos d’avant et d’après ci-dessous:

Testofuel avant et après

J’ai aussi remarqué que je dormais beaucoup mieux.  D’habitude, je dors mal, je ne dors que 6 heures par nuit.

Mais après environ 6 semaines, je dormais de 7 à 8 heures entières, complètement ininterrompu, et je me suis réveillé en me sentant EN FORME!

En réalité, c’est SUPER important, car la testostérone est libérée pendant notre sommeil.

Je prévois faire contrôler mes niveaux de testostérone en décembre prochain, et les résultats seront affichés dans cette revue sous peu, alors restez à l’écoute!

Visitez le site officiel de Testofuel ici:

NB: Pour obtenir des meilleurs résultats, je recommande d’associer Testofuel avec un brûleur de graisse nommé Instant Knockout.  Instant Knockout agit à la fois comme un puissant brûleur de graisse ET permet un entraînement préalable efficace.

Je ne l’ai pas fait la première fois que j’ai utilisé Testofuel, mais cette fois il semble amplifier mes effets 5 fois plus vite.

Je prends habituellement 2 gélules d’Instant Knockout environ 45 min. avant mon entrainement, et c’est tout ce dont j’ai besoin pour pulvériser au gymnase.  Voici mon avis:  //

Testofuel vs. Prime Male

Testofuel et Prime Male

TestoFuel contient une dose plus élevée de DAA (2300mg), ce qui en fait un muscle plus puissant et idéal pour les jeunes hommes dans la vingtaine qui profitent déjà des niveaux maximal de Testostérones et de développement musculaire, mais désirent obtenir des résultats encore plus élevés, avec la stimulation qu’une dose plus élevée de DAA procure.

Comme vous le savez probablement, les taux de testostérone atteignent leur apogée entre la fin de l’adolescence et le début de la vingtaine, puis diminuent lentement par la suite.

Prime Male quant a lui contient moins de DAA (1800mg) en plus de trois autres ingrédients: Mucuna Pruriens, extrait de racine d’ortie et de la BioPerine. Ces suppléments sont tous conçus pour favoriser les individus plus âgés (30 ans et plus) dont les niveaux de Testostérones sont naturellement en déclin. Voici comment:

Il a été démontré que la Mucuna Pruriens réduit les niveaux de Prolactine chez les garçons, qui augmentent de façon naturelle avec l’âge, ce qui favorise le déclin de Testostérone. La Mucuna est à elle seule un puissant stimulateur de Testostérone, avec des études montrant une augmentation d’environ 20% des niveaux de Testostérone chez les garçons présentant des niveaux inférieurs.

Des études ont démontré que l’extrait de racine d’ortie s’associe à la SHBG, libérant ainsi plus de testostérone dans le système. La SHBG augmente de plus en plus avec l’âge, à partir du moment où la Testostérone commence à diminuer.

La BioPérine est un activateur naturel de biodisponibilité. Il aide à stimuler l’absorption des éléments nutritifs de Prime Male. Une fois de plus, l’absorption des nutriments diminue avec l’âge, ce qui explique pourquoi les professionnels de santé recommandent des doses plus élevées de suppléments aux adultes qu’aux enfants et aux adolescents.

En résumé: Les ingrédients supplémentaires dans Prime Male ne sont pas nécessaires dans Testofuel. Et vice-versa.

Cliquez ici mon article complet sur Prime Male.

Les bienfaits et Inconvénients de TestoFuel

Les Bienfaits:

  • Contient une formule unique et puissante qui fonctionne
  • Vous donne ce supplément dont vous avez besoin pour développer vos muscles plus rapidement
  • Vous obtenez gratuitement un t-shirt en commandant 2 boîtes ou plus.
  • J’ai personnellement obtenu d’excellents résultats.

Les Inconvénients

  • Actuellement, vous ne pouvez l’acheter que sur leur site web

FAQ sur Testofuel

Testofuel est-il sans risque?

Puisqu’il contient tous les ingrédients naturels, en général, il est sans risque et sans effets secondaires.  Cela dit, il est toujours prudent de consulter votre médecin pour voir si l’un des ingrédients peut causer un effet indésirable.

Va-t-il compromettre un test sanguin pour les ingrédients illégaux?

Non, et de façon surprenante, cette question m’est souvent posée par des militaires qui pratiquent des sports collégiaux.  Pour preuve, j’ai fait faire un test sanguin environ 3 semaines après avoir commencé Testofuel et rien d’anormal n’est apparu.

Puis-je l’acheter en magasin?

Malheureusement, à l’heure actuelle, je ne connais aucun détaillant autre que GNC, Walmart ou Vitamin Shoppe qui vend du Testo Fuel en rayon.  En outre, il n’est pas disponible en vente sur Amazon ou Ebay de ce que nous savons, mais il y a toujours la possibilité que quelqu’un pourrait finir par vendre leurs restes de produit.

Où puis-je acheter Testofuel?

Le seul endroit où vous pouvez commander Testofuel est sur leur site officiel  Ils ont des remises sur une diversité de commandes, et le meilleur prix à mon avis, c’est l’offre de 3 boîtes, où vous obtenez 3 boîtes et 1 boîte gratuite, ainsi que d’autres bonus et la livraison gratuite.  Il n’y a aucune remise ou de bons de réduction, ni d’essais gratuits ou d’échantillons disponibles de ce que nous savons.

Comment consommer Testofuel?

Je réponds souvent à cette question.  Les instructions sur la boîte indiquent de prendre 1 gélule 4 fois par jour avec des repas, mais j’ai découvert qu’il peut être juste efficace de prendre 2 pilules 2 fois par jour et d’obtenir les mêmes résultats.  Je recommande de le faire sur 5 semaines, 1 semaine de repos pour être sûr de ne pas développer une tolérance.

Testofuel est-il un stéroïde?

Non, pas du tout.  Des vrais stéroïdes comme Anavar, Anadrol, et Dianabol, sont tout aussi puissant, et causent un grand nombre d’effets secondaires.  Ce n’est pas le cas avec Testofuel.   Il est composé d’ingrédients naturels et sans risque qui aident votre corps à stimuler la production de testostérone.

Puis-je boire de l’alcool durant la consommation?

C’est possible, mais il convient de souligner qu’il a été révélé que la consommation chronique d’alcool entraîne de nombreux effets nocifs, notamment une réduction des taux de testostérone. Lisez plus dans notre article ici, il pourrait vous surprendre.

3 raisons de croire que c’est le meilleur

  1. Il contient tous les ingrédients naturels qui sont VRAIMENT efficaces.
  2. C’est relativement peu coûteux comparé à d’autres stimulateurs de testostérone.
  3. C’est le meilleur propulseur de Testostérone que j’ai utilisé, et j’en ai utilisé une douzaines de ces produits.


Puisqu’il faut un peu de temps pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats en prenant Testofuel, je vous recommande un approvisionnement d’au moins 3 mois.  Ceci vous assurera 1 boîte gratuite de Testofuel, un T-Shirt GRATUIT Testofuel et 2 Ebooks GRATUITS de nutrition et d’entraînement conçus pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de votre commande.

En outre, selon vos objectifs, vous pouvez aussi envisager une pile de Testofuel avec des suppléments différents.

Se faire déchirer / Perdre du poids

Instant knockout et Testofuel

Si vous voulez brûler la graisse et vous faire tailler, je vous suggère de l’associer à un brûleur de graisse appelé Instant Knockout.

Instant Knockout contient plusieurs ingrédients essentiels:

  • Améliorer votre métabolisme, ce qui vous aide à brûler plus de calories au repos
  • Éliminez les envies irrésistibles de famine, ce qui vous permet de manger moins et de vous sentir rassasié
  • Augmentez vos niveaux d’énergie, ce qui vous aidera à mieux vous entraîner.

Instant Knockout possède également le bonus d’être un supplément de pré entraînement TRÈS efficace, qui est précisément la manière dont j’ai fini par le prendre.

Voici mon avis sur celui-ci:  //

Augmenter la masse, la force et la taille

Testofuel, HyperGH 14x, et les créatines

Si vous misez sur la masse, la force, et la taille, alors associez Testofuel à un libérateur d’HHC appelé HyperGH 14X et La créatine.

L’HyperGH 14X permettra d’augmenter la production d’HHC, qui a de nombreux avantages, y compris les suivants:

  • Amélioration du sommeil: Vos muscles ne se développent pas au gymnase!  Elles se développent pendant la nuit quand votre corps les répare.  HyperGH 14X aide à améliorer considérablement la qualité du sommeil, ce qui aidera à votre corps à se réparer plus efficacement.
  • Boostez les réactions hormonales de croissance induites par l’exercice: Vous obtiendrez de MEILLEURS résultats en faisant les mêmes séances d’entraînement que vous faites déjà.
  • Récupérez plus vite: HyperGH 14X vous permettra d’accumuler des muscles solides beaucoup plus rapidement si vous ne preniez rien.

HyperGH 14X a également le bonus supplémentaire d’aider à augmenter la libido sexuelle et la fonction érectile, qui, lorsqu’il est associé à Testofuel vous donnera à votre libido une stimulation ENORME.

Voici mon avis sur HyperGH 14X:  //

Je recommande fortement la créatine sur  C’est de haute qualité ET abordable, et c’est absolument CRUCIAL si vous essayez de grossir

Leur site Web –

Quoi qu’il en soit, Testofuel devrait se débrouiller tout seul, mais cela ne fait jamais de mal de prendre un supplément.

Cliquez ici pour consulter le site officiel de TestoFuel

Bathmate Bewertung: Meinen persönlichen Resultate von einem 5 Gebrauch

Hinweis:  Dies ist nur eine Bewertung.  Klicken Sie Hier, um die offizielle Bathmate Hydromax Webseite zu besuchen.

In der männlichen Vergrößerungswelt gibt es definitiv keinen Mangel an certainly Pillen , Pumpen , Streckern und sogar Salben die eine dauerhafte Penisvergrößerung versprechen.

Es ist kein Wunder, dass es so eine riesen Menge von diesen Produkten gibt, einen Kleinen zu haben kann sehr peinlich sein.  Eine lange Zeit lang haben wir uns hauptsächlich auf das Bewerten von Pillen  / Ergänzungen, die diesen Job erfüllen sollen konzentriert, aber falls Sie schon unsere Bewertungen durchlaufen sind, können Sie wahrscheinlichn feststellen, dass es nicht viele von diesen gibt, die WIRKLICH funktionieren.

Wir nehmen heute eine kleine Wende und anstatt über bestimmte Ergänzungsmittel zu reden, werden wir über eine Penispumpe, die ich vor kurzem persönlich bewertet habe reden. Sie heißt  Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme und ist die neueste von einer Vielzahl an Pumpen die von dem bathmate Unternehmen hergestellt wurden.

Klicken Sie hier, um die Bewertung auf englisch zu lesen.

Was ist das Bathmate Xtreme?

bathmate hydromax X30 Bewertung

Nach dem Erfolg, den viele Nutzer mit dem Original bathmate hatten, wurde das Bathmate Xtreme entwickelt, um die Probleme, die die Männer mit der Originalversion hatten zu beheben.  Dieses Produkt ist eine wasserbasierende Penisvergrößerungspumpe, die im Grunde genommen Blut aus dem Penis saugt und so eine volle Errektion hervorruft.

Im Laufe der Zeit, soll es die Penisgröße um 1 inch verlängern, aber was es wirklich zeigt ist die Umfangsvergrößerung.

Einige Nutzer haben über eine Umfangsvergrößerung von 2 inch unter dem Einsatz von der  Bathmate Hydro Pumpe Xtreme berichtet und Ich kann seine Wirksamkeit persönlich bestätigen.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Original Bathmate, der X Serie und der Xtreme Version?

Bathmate Original Pumpe

Diese Frage wird mir oft gestellt. Ursprünglich wurde die X-Serie mit der Absicht, um 35% mehr Leistung als das Original zu leisten entwickelt.  Es wurden verschiedene Materialien für die Konstruktion verwendet, welche einen größeren Druckaufbau ermöglicht haben.

Die Xtreme Serie ist im Grunde genommen das GLEICH TEIL wie die Xtreme Serie, was die Druck / Ergebnisse angeht mit ein parr bemerkenswerten Verbesserungen

Die wohl bemerkenswerteste Verbesserung, die hinzugefügt wurde, ist die Handballenpumpe, die man an die Spitze des Gerätes anbringt, um den Pumpeffekt zu erzeugen.  In der Vergangenheit konnte man nur pumpen indem man es nach oben und nach unten entgegen den Penis gedrückt hat, was manchmal etwas irritierend war.

Diese neue Funktion ermöglicht es Ihnen leicht und schnell zu pumpen, während es Undichtheit verhindert.  Das Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme enthält auch zahlreiche Bonusse, die im Original nicht enthalten sind, einschließlich eines Trageetuis mit einem Sicherheitsschloss, Messgerätes um die Vortschritte festzuhalten, Säuberungs-Sets, Komfortpolstern, genaus so wie einem wasserbasierendem Lubrikant.

Ist es gut für Anfänger?

Ja.  Wenn Sie keine Erfahrung in dem benutzen einer Pumpe haben, dann schlage ich Ihnen genau dieses vor.  Genau genommen ist das Hydromax Xtreme speziell entwickelt worden, um die meisten Probleme, die die Männer mit der Original Bathmate hydro Pumpe hatten zu beseitigen.  Es ist sehr einfach in der Handhabung und enthält eine komplette Bedienungsanleitung, die es unmöglich macht es nicht zu verstehen.

Wie benutze ich es?

Die Gebrauchsanweisung für das Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme ist sehr klar in der Bedienungsanleitung dargestellt.  Man kann es entweder in der Dusche oder in der Badewanne  (aus persönlicher Erfahrung empfohlen) und die Gebrauchsanweisung sind einander sehr ähnlich.

Funktioniert es?

Auf jeden Fall, es wird die Größe Ihres Penises vergrößern.  Es gibt 2 Arten von Zunahme die man hier erzielen kann…die erste ist die sofortige Zunahme.  Nachdem Sie es zum ersten mal benutzt haben, werden sie auf jeden Fall eine Wirkung bezüglich Ihrer Größe sehen und insbesondere im Umfang.  Es wird von mindestens 1/2 inch bis hinzu etwas größer als 1 inch vergrößert.  Für die Länge ist es ein bisschen weniger dramatisch in einer kurzen Zeit, wahrscheinlich um die 1/4 – 1/2 inch, es kommt stark auf die verschiedenen Faktoren an, wie zum Beispiel mit wie viel Druck man pumpt usw.

Was dauerhafte Ergebnisse angeht, wird es Ihnen das Bathmate Hercules definitiv vermitteln.  SO lang Sie es konstant benutzen, womit im Grunde genommen die Nutzung jeden oder jeden zweiten Tag gemeint ist, werden Sie Resultate sehen .  Sie müssen einfach nur sehr konsistent damit sein und wenn Sie das sind, dann werden die vorläufigen Zunahmen, auch dauerhaft sein.

Kann ich dauerhafte Ergebnisse mit der Nutzung des Bathmate Xtreme sehen oder muss ich PE Übungen, Pillen, Strecker usw kombinieren, um Resultate zu erlangen?

Die einfache Antwort ist, ja.  Indem man nur die Bathmate Hydro Pumpe Xtreme und nichts anderes benutzt, sollte man definitiv eine Vergrößerung in Länge, wie auch umfang sehen.  ALLERDINGS, wenn man es zum Beispiel mit dem Size Genetics Strecker oder manuellen Übungen wie jelqing kombiniert, dann sieht man sehr wahrscheinlich schnellere Resultate.

Ich schlage Ihnen auch das Vigrx Plus Ergänzungsmittel vor, um es mit der Nutzung des bathmate zu kombinieren und zwar aus mehreren Gründen:

1.)  Was nützt es einen größeren Penis zu haben, wenn Sie keine Errektion beibehalten können?

2.)  Die bessere Durchblutung bedeutet MEHR sex, VIEL häufiger

3.)  Ich habe erheblich längere Errektionen, indem ich die beiden kombiniert habe erlangt.

Schauen Sie sich unten das kurze Video an, um genau zu verstehen wie das Bathmate funktioniert:

Klicken Sie Hier, um die offizielle Bathmate Webseite zu besuchen

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Soll ich das Bathmate während einer Errektion tragen?

Das ist noch eine Frage die mir häufig gestellt wird.  Um ehrlich zu sein, wenn ich Sie wäre und ÜBERHAUPT keine  Erfahrung hätte was Penisvergrößerungsprodukte angeht (egal ob Strecker, Übungen, was auch immer), würde ich für die ersten paar Wochen die Bathmate Hydro Pumpe Xtreme mit gar keiner Errektion tragen.  Nachdem die 3 Wochen um sind, würde ich es mit einer Teils Errektion nutzen, irgendwo in einer Skala zwischen of 50 – 70%, aber auch nicht mehr.

Im Laufe des ersten Monats, würde ich Ihnen vorschlagen es um die 10 – 15 min., max zu nutzen.  Nach dem ersten Monat, würde ich Ihnen vorschlagen es bei einer vollen Errektion zu nutzen, weil es ECHT sehr gut funktioniert , wenn man eine volle Errektion hat.  Es ist im Grunde genommen genauso wie, wenn man den vollen Druck um die Venen hat und als Ausgang die Ergebnisse viel schneller sieht.

Kann ich es benutzen, wenn ich nicht beschnitten bin?

Ja.  Ich bin zwar beschnitten, habe aber viel darüber geforscht und viel Threads von unzähligen Männern die nicht beschnitten sind gelesen, die das Bathmate erfolgreich genutzt haben.

Soll ich mir das Bathmate holen oder nur die Übungen machen?

Aus persönlicher Erfahrung, würde ich das Bathmate Xtreme aus mehreren Gründen mit den Übungen kombinieren.  Wenn Sie jelqing und Dehnungen machen und das Bathmate DANACH (nur um die 10 Minuten) nutzen, dann werden Sie definitiv viel bessere Resultate sehen.  Gerade weil das Bathmate seinen Schwerpunkt mehr auf die Umfangsvergrößerung ,als auf die Längenzunahme gerichtet hat, denke ich, dass es ziemlich notwendif ist jelq zu betreiben, um die Längenzunahme zu fördern.

Dieses Übungsregiment, dass ich gefunden habe  verspricht GROßARTIGE Vergrößerungen:

1.)  Pumpen Sie 5 min lang mit dem Bathmate .

2.)  Massieren / Jelq  Sie ein paar Minuten lang.

3.)  Wiederholen Sie diesen Prozess 3 mal  (Insgesamt 15 min. pumpen, 20 min. Für die ganze Übung).

Noch einmal gesagt, man kann wahrscheinlich auch gute Ergebnisse erzielen, indem man nur das Bathmate selbst benutzt, aber ich schlage Ihnen sehr vor auch die Übungen zu machen, um so schnell wie möglich unten rum risieg zu werden.

Soll ich das ganze Zubehör zum Bathmate kaufen oder nur die Pumpe?

Das liegt ganz an Ihrer Einstellung.  Ich habe meins in der Badewanne benutzt, deswegen habe ich keinen Bedarf für den Duschgurt gehabt, Reinigungshandtüchern (Ich habe meine eigenen Handtücher), Lubrikant (man kann auch Vaseline benutzen), oder das Trageetui (Ich habe nicht vor es am Wochenende mit zu meinen Eltern zu nehmen 🙂

Abgesehen davon, falls Sie keine Badewanne haben, dann würde ich Ihnen auf jeden Fall vorschlagen, dass Sie WENIGSTENS  den Duschgurt mitbestellen.

Kann ich Sex haben oder masturbieren nachdem Gebrauch des Bathmate Xtreme?

Im Allgemeinen würde ich ja sagen.  Sie sollten keine Probleme beim Sex oder masturbieren nach dem Gebrauch des Bathmate haben.  Ich unterstütze sogar den Sex nach dem Gebrauch, da man sich unten schwerer und fleischer fühlen wird und Ihre Partnerin wird wahrscheinlich positiv überrascht sein.

Kann das Bathmate eine Errektionsstörung auslösen?

Im Allgemeinen, nein.

Eigentlich, kann es das Gegenteil erwirken.

Mehr dazu unten.

Hilft es bei ED?

Absolut.  Egal ob Sie Diabetes, hohen Blutzucker oder sogar eine Prostata Entfernungsoperation hatten, es kann in diesem Gebiet DEFINITIV helfen.

Es geht wirklich nur um die Durchblutung. Je besser Ihre Durchblutung ist, umso besser wir Ihre Errektionsqualitat sein.

Es ist so einfach.

Da eine verminderte Durchblutung oft die Ursache von ED ist, funktioniert das Bathmate indem es bei der Verbesserung der Durchblutung im ganzen Penis hilft.

Es funktioniert so, weil es im Grunde genommen mit jedem pumpen  “den Penis trainiert “.

In meiner persönlichne Erfahrung, habe ich keinen großen Unterschied in der Errektionsqualitat oder Kontrolle bemerkt.

Allerdings, sollte man dazu erwähnen, dass ich nie mit ED diagnostiziert wurde.

Ich weiß , dass es funktioniert, da ich persönlich mit über 100 anderen Männern die das Bathmate benutzt haben geredet habe und mehrere Dutzende von ihnen haben bestätigt, dass sii eine verbesserte Errektion feststellen konnten.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Bathmate und einer normalen Vakuum Luftpumpe?

Luftbasierende Pumpen und wasserbasierende Pumpe (wie das Bathmate) funktionieren quasi gleich.

ALLERDINGS, verteilen wasserbasierende Pumpen den Druck gleichmäßiger als Luftpumpen, was weniger “edema” Anhäufung erzeugt.  Edema ist das schönere Wort für die Ansammlung von Flüssigkeit unter der Haut.

Luftpumpen haben einen ungleichmäßige Menge an Druck, welche nicht gleichmäßig verteilt ist.

Mit Luftpumpen müssen Sie normalerweise eine Art Lubrikant benutzen.  Bei wasserbasierenden Pumpen müssen Sie das nicht.  Dies sorgt für eine leichtere Reinigung.

Kann ich eine traditionelle Acryl Luftpumpe im Wasser benutzen?

Das können Sie.  Allerdings, ist die Konstruktion und Haltbarkeit der Luftpumpen dafür geeignet dem Luftdruck zu widerstehen und nicht dem Wasserdruck. Das kann zum brechen der Luftpumpe führen, was wiederum die Garantien und Gewährleistungen unwirksam macht.

Kann ich damit reisen?

Ja, es kommt mit einem praktischen Trageetui.  Allerdings, kann ich Ihnen nicht versprechen, dass Ihnen sowas nicht passiert  , falls Ihre Tasche beim Zoll geöffnet wird 🙂

Wie lange muss ich es benutzen?

Es kommt sehr auf Ihre Einsatzbereitschaft an.  Wenn Sie das Bathmate Xtreme konstant jeden Tag tragen, dann werden Sie meiner Meinung nach, das beste Resultat innerhalb von 6 – 8 Monaten erreichen.  Sie können es auch länger nutzen, aber Sie werden merken, dass Sie ZU groß für das Gerät werden und vielleicht deswegen die Goliath Version besttelen müssen.

Wie ich schon vorhin erwähnt hatte, sollte man es nur 10 – 15 Minuten am Tag benutzen.

Wie groß kann ich werden?

Während die offizielle Webseite keinen Stand darüber wie groß Sie mit dem Bathmate werden können verrät, können Sie im Grunde genommen zwischen 1 – 2 inches and Zunahme im Umfang bemerken.

Sie könnten auch eine Zunahme an Länge von 0.5 inch sehen, aber das Bathmate ist an erster Stelle für die Umfangsvergrößerung gedacht.

Meine perönlichen Resultate

Sowas um meinen Penis zu schnallen ist auf jeden Fall das komischste Gefühl, dass ich jemals erlebt habe.  Ich habe das Bathmate Hydromax X30 gekauft und gedacht, dass ich es wahrscheinlich einmal tragen werde und mich dann zu unwohl fühlen würde, um es wieder zu benutzen, aber das war dem nicht so.  Ich habe meine Badewanne voll gemacht und versucht mich ein bisschen “aufzuwärmen”bevor ich damit angefangen habe, was der Hersteller auch empfiehlt.

Bathmate Bewertungen

Aufwärmen bedeutet in Wirklichkeit sich nur ein paar Minuten im warmen Wasser aufzuwärmen, um die Durchblutung zu fördern, was ich ehrlich gesagt jetzt gar nicht mehr mache.

Ich habe die Bathmate Pumpe unter Wasser getaucht und wie es auf der Gebrauchsanleitung steht, meinen Penis in das offene Ende reingesteckt und entgegen meine Leistengegend gedrückt.  Ich habe am Anfang SEHR langsam gepumpt , weil ich von irgendwelchen Männern gelesen habe, dass das scheiß Ding wohl kaputt geht wenn man es zu schnell macht.

Ich konnte den Druckaufbau langsam spüren und als ich mir sicher war ,dass eine ausreichende Menge drin war (vielleicht 90% Vakuumdruck?), habe ich losgelassen….

Ich habe mich zuerst definitive seltsam gefühlt. 

Ich konnte sehen wie mein Penis größer wird, wenn auch etwas langsam und schließlich eine volle Errektion in ein paar Minuten erreicht hat.  Ich habe 5 Minuten in der Badewanne gesessen und dann entschieden den Druck abzulassen.  Auf der Spitze des Zylinders ist ein kleiner Schalter / Ventil welchen man drückt, damit das Wasser sofort raukommt.

Ich habe mir unten meinen Penis angeschaut, um sicherzustellen, dass er immer noch da ist und nicht deformiert ist, habe keine Probleme feststellen können.  Also habe ich den genauen Prozess nochmal wiederholt und diese mal habe ich es 10 Minuten drauf gelassen, bevor ich den Druck abgelassen habe.  Bathmate rät, dass man es maximal 20 min tragen soll, also dachte ich mir, dass 15 min genau ausreichend waren.

Ich habe schnell die Länge und den Umfang gemessen, um zu sehen ob es eine Größenzunahme gab und ich konnte feststellen, dass ich1/4 inch an Länge und um die 1/4 inch an Umfang zugenommen habe.  Nach ein paar Stunden wollte ich nochmal alles ausmessen und habe festgestellt, dass die Zunahme die ich vorher gesehen habe nicht mehr da war.  Also hatte ich wieder meine Originalgröße , aber um ehrlich zu sein war ich auch nicht überrascht.

Ich habe es 2 Wochen lang jeden Tag getragen und nur 1 bis 2 mal komplett getragen.  Nach den 2 Wochen habe ich 0.5 inches an Länge und 1/4 inch an Umfang mit dem Bathmate erlangt, aber diese mal ist es dauerhaft geblieben.  Ich würde Ihnen ja vorher-nachher Fotos zeigen, aber das ist eine familienfreundliche Seite und ich glaube nicht, dass es verantwortungsvoll wäre.

Die EINZIGE Nebenwirkung, die ich bemerkt habe war die Hautverfärbung, fast wie ein schwarzes und blaues Zeichen.  Ich hatte davon keine Schmerzen, aber es hat definitive nicht in Ordnung ausgesehen.  Ich habe es ein bisschen mehr erforscht und scheinbar ist es ein häufiges Problem und kommt durch das zu ofte pumpen.  Aber man muss sich keine Sorgen machen, da es nicht dauerhaft bleibt und die Hautverfärbung wird mit der Zeit weggehen.

Welches sol lich kaufen?

Das ist mit Abstand die meist gestellte Frage, die ich bekomme.  Wenn Sie die Bathmate Webseite besuchen, werden Sie 3 verschiedene erhältliche Versionen finden:  Das Original Bathmate, die Hydromax X-Serie und die Hydromax Xtreme Serie.

Glücklicherweise, haben es die Leute von Bathmate einfach gemacht, sich zu entscheiden welches man kaufen soll.

Bathmate Original – Die Original Version ist im Grunde genommen Ihre günstigste Option und wird Ihnen solide Resultate bringen.

Es kommt in zwei verschiedenen Größen (Hercules und Goliath) und Sie können bestimmen, welches Sie kaufen möchten, indem Sie sich die Tabelle unten anschauen:

bathmate hercules vs goliath

Klicken Sie Hier, um die Seite zu besuchen die Original Bathmate Webseite.

Falls Sie in der Vergangenheit IRGENDWELCHE Pumpen benutzt haben (Egal ob Luft oder Wasserbasierende) dann sollten Sie sich für eine fortgeschrittenere Bathmate Version entscheiden.

Sie habe sowohl die X-Serie, als auch die Xtreme-Serie, mit dem Unterschied, dass es bei den beiden um die Pumpkraft geht.

Zum Beispiel benutzt die X-Serie eine größere Saugleistung , asl die Original Version, aber die Xtreme-Serie benutzt 35% mehr Saugleistung und fordert so mehr Zuhname.

Aus persönlicher Erfahrung sprechend, wenn Sie es sich leisten können,würde ich an Ihrer Stelle die  Hydromax Xtreme Serie ausprobieren.

Es ist VIEL einfacher zu pumpen, wegen der Handballenpumpe die dabei ist.

Was bedeutet das?

Also, anstatt die Pumpe manuell nach oben und unten zu drücken, um Druck aufzubauen, müssen Sie nur die Handballenpumpe betätigen und sie übernimmt dann den Rest für Sie.

Es hat auch 35% Mehr Kraft, als das Original Bathmate, genauso wie das Messgerät, Renigungs-Set, wasserbasierende Lubrikant und ein angenehmes Einlagepad.

Genauso wie mit dem Original, stellt die X Serie eine praktische Tabelle zur Verfügung, damit Sie feststellen können welche Größe Sie erreichen möchten:

bathmate x serie Größentabelle

Klicken Sie Hier, um die  X-Serien Seite aufzurufen.

und geht die Xtreme Serie:

bathmate xtreme serie Größentabelle

Klick Sie Hier, um die  Xtreme Serien Seite aufzurufen.

Wo soll ich es kaufen?

Sie werden das Bathmate Xtreme von vielen verschiedene Händler angeboten bekommen, einschließlich Ebay, Amazon, und auch in ein paar Geschäften.  Meine Ratschlag, falls Sie sich eins kaufen möchten, dann kaufen Sie es direkt vom Hersteller über  Es gibt sehr viele gefälschte Bathmate Versionen da draußen und als ich damals die erste Original Version getestet habe, was es quasi die einzige.

Wegen den ausländischen Fälschungen, gibt es zahlreiche falsche Versionen im Internet.  Sie verpacken einfach ein gleich aussehendes Gerät in eine schöne Packung, nennen es bathmate, und verkaufen es dann spottbillig.  Das größte Problem damit ist, dass diese falschen Versionen aus billigem Material hergestellt sind  und sie entweder sehr leicht oder unddicht sind.

Mit dem brechen, meine ich, dass das Gummiteil am Boden  (auch Gamasche genannt), es fällt einfach ab.  Ohne die Gamasche gibt es keine Saugleistung und ohne die Saugleistung, werden Sie keine Resulate erzielen.  Ein anderes Problem beim bestellen des Bathmate (oder der Bathmate Fälschung) besteht darin, dass der Kundenservice von dem Unternehem wo Sie es gekauft haben, gar nicht existiert.  Es gibt keine juristischen Grenzen in Ländern wie Thailand, China, und irgendeine angeboten Art an Geldzurückgarantie oder Stornierung und in vielen Fällen, antowrten die auch nicht auf Ihre Emails.

Diejenigen, die Sie bei eBay finden werden meistens von Männern verkauft, die sie in der Vergangenheit benutzt haben und sie jetzt versuchen los zu werden it.  Ich weiß zwar nicht wie Sie reagieren würden, aber ich würde es sehr ekelhaft finden mein Ding in das Bathmate Xtreme zu stecken, das bereits jemand benutzt hat haha.

Meine Empfehlung

Ich kann mit einer 95% Zuversicht sagen dass Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme das richtige für Sie ist, wenn Sie Ihre Penisgröße vergrößern wollen.  Es ist eine der wenigen Pumpen auf dem Markt, die wirklich FUNKTIONIERT und es verspricht eine eiserne 60 Tage Geld-zuruück-Garantie.  Ich habe das Bathmate in der Vergangenheit benutzt und es ist eines der EINZIGEN Geräte, dass bei täglicher Anwendung auch zu dauerhaften Resultaten geführt hat.

Haben Sie das Bathmate Xtreme benutzt? Hinterlassen Sie unten Ihre Bewertung!

Ultimate Abs Stimulator Review: Is It REALLY Worth It?

Note:  I finally got a chance to try out the Ultimate Abs Stimulator myself, click here
to read my review.

Ultimate Abs Stimulator Overview

It seems like everyone wants toned, defined abs but our midsections can be the toughest to tackle.

“Abs” is a blanket term used to refer to four different muscles.

the muscles that make up the abs

These include:

  • Transverse abdominals
  • Internal and external obliques
  • Rectus abdominals

These muscles are important not just from a vanity standpoint, but also to ensure you have strength and stability.

They support and contribute to a multitude of exercises that you may not normally think of as having anything to do with your abs, but trust me; your abs have everything to do with the rest of your muscle groups.

There are so many different machines and devices on the market that promise to help you tackle less-than-taut abs. There are incline sit-up machines and spinal twist machines that aim to target the obliques specifically.

ab machines you'll find in gyms

There’s the Ab Glider which you sit on and move your midsection from side-to-side.

There’s an Ab Roller where you lie on the ground and then crunch up while holding onto a bar.

ab glider and ab roller

There’s something called a Sauna Belt which claims that if you strap it around your abs (or even your butt), it will help you sweat more and lose fat.

sauna belt

Ab wheels are among the more effective options on the market. You kneel and push the wheel back and forth along the floor. It’s a simple concept, but it can be good for building core strength.

These don’t even begin to highlight all the many ab machines out there, but they do give you an idea.

Then, there’s something called the Ultimate Abs Stimulator, which is advertised as wearable technology that will help you develop abs while you spend your time on other things.

What Exactly Is the Ultimate Ab Stimulator?

In the age of wearable devices and technology, it seems to be a natural fit that there’s an option you can wear to build abs while you’re working out, or even watching TV.

ultimate abs stimulator review

This device claims to be “scientifically designed” to help you build abs by targeting certain muscle fibers under the skin. It’s battery-powered and portable. It’s also pretty small and not too intrusive when it’s being worn.

How Does It Work?

The device may be small, but the claims are big. The makers say the Ultimate Abs Stimulator will provide you with the equivalent of a two-hour workout after wearing it only thirty minutes.

ultimate abs stimulator workout

It uses something called electric muscle stimulation or EMS to contract muscles as they would be during a traditional workout, and it features varying levels of intensity.

how the ultimate abs stimulator works

The Ultimate Abs Stimulator is marketed to anyone who wants a toned stomach including both men and women. The idea is that it’s so easy that anyone can use it, regardless of age, fitness level or any other individual factor.

Key features of the device include:

  • Cordless design
  • Lightweight (only around 0.18 lb)
  • Features a skin detection alarm and automatic shutoff
  • Can be easily worn under clothes without being noticeable
  • Powered by two AAA batteries
  • Electric stimulation is delivered at 20 Hz
  • 15 different levels of intensity and six different modes
  • Contains gel sheets so that you can attach it to other parts of the body as well as the abdomen

How Does Electrical Muscle Stimulation Work?

The entire premise behind the Ultimate Abs Stimulator is electrical muscle stimulation. Theoretically, this means you’re shocking your muscles, so they’re more effectively able to grow and develop.

how electronic muscle stimulators work

When your muscles are exposed to the non-painful electrical current of the device, they contract in response, which is what allows for muscle development.

The idea of EMS technology as a way to build strength dates back to the Soviets in the 1970s. A scientist concluded that in the country’s top-level athletes, EMS could improve strength by up to 40%.

The core idea of EMS is somewhat similar to lifting weights as an example. Your muscles are repetitively contracting, and as a result, they gain strength and size.

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While it would seem like EMS could lead to muscle development, some key things are missing. First, you’re not getting something called progressive overload, and there is also no range of motion. These are important parts of muscle growth.

The FDA considers the Ultimate Abs Stimulator to be a device classified under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

why the FDA regulates electric muscle stimulators

As it stands currently, the FDA hasn’t approved any EMS device to build abs or other muscles.

According to the sellers of the Ultimate Abs Stimulator, it’s designed to specifically target fast-twitch muscles to lead to the appearance of a more toned body quickly.

With the different levels of intensity and varying modes, the creators say users can start with a warm-up and then move toward high-intensity exercises. It should be noted if you look at some of the fine print, it’s often described as the ideal “addition” to an overall workout program.

While your abs are being stimulated, it’s supposed to be a pretty painless and side effect-free experience.

What’s the Truth About EMS Technology?

EMS technology has become somewhat of a fitness trend. It’s not uncommon to see reality stars posting images online as they go to studios that specialize in Electric Muscle Stimulation. It’s especially popular in cities like London, but while using the electric stimulation, participants are also exercising.

In these fitness studios, the premise is reaching deeper-level muscles that can’t be targeted through traditional workouts.

The science regarding EMS machines doesn’t yet point to a definitive benefit. While it’s possible this kind of stimulation could help with developing muscles, there’s no real evidence pointing in one direction or the other, which is why the FDA hasn’t approved these devices for the purposes they advertise.

The idea of a slim, convenient device that can give you abs seems amazing. It seems like something everyone would want to try, so are there any downsides or risks?

Benefits and Risks

First, it’s not highly likely that using an EMS machine like the Ultimate Abs Stimulator is really going to give you any noticeable effects, particularly if you have a lot of stomach fat.

When your abdomen is covered with a layer of fat, even if there are muscles beneath it, they’re not going to be visible.

fat covers ab muscles

That’s why doing traditional ab exercises like sit-ups or crunches isn’t tremendously effective if you have weight to lose.

It’s possible that the Ultimate Abs Stimulator could temporarily cause muscles to tighten or be more visible because of the contractions.

In fact, one study suggested that using electrical muscle stimulation can preserve the muscle mass of critically ill patients.

However, you’re just going to be enhancing existing muscle, NOT building new muscle.

The concept behind EMS technology is that the fibers of the muscle are contracting. This could not just help certain muscles be more visible, but in theory, it could also help users get better results from muscle-building activities like weightlifting.

One of the most effective ways to use a machine like the Ultimate Abs Stimulator might be to combine it with resistance training simultaneously or in the same day.

With this device specifically there aren’t a lot of downsides, except the fact that you’re not likely to notice much change in your muscles. It doesn’t appear that it has major risks or dangers, although it is unregulated. It is important for users to read the instructions thoroughly and the device should be kept away from children.

There have been a few reports to the FDA of things like irritation or bruising associated with the use of EMS devices, although not necessarily the Ultimate Abs Stimulator specifically.

My Personal Results

At the request of MANY of my website visitors, I decided to try Ultimate Abs Stimulator out myself.

Finding it for sale was easier said then done.

I originally tried buying it on Amazon through this link, but unfortunately it wasn’t available there.

ultimate abs stimulator is not available on amazon

I ended up buying it on a website called, which up until this point I had never heard of.

I’m always a bit skeptical about buying on sites I’ve never heard of before, but for only $34.95 it was worth the risk.

One thing that I want to note is that it took a really long time to get here.

I ordered it on September 20, and literally didn’t get it until October 12.

So what the hell took so long?

As soon as I looked at the label, I realized the problem…

ultimate abs stimulator is made in China

It was coming from China.

This could be either a good thing or a bad thing, but one thing was for sure….

It’s probably very cheaply made.

The Ultimate Abs Stimulator requires 2 AAA batteries, which are not provided.

Assembling the product is a breeze, and putting it on is really easy as well.

There is a plastic backing to the pads themselves, with a very sticky residue on the back of them.

How Am I Supposed To Use This Thing?

The biggest gripe I have about the Ultimate Abs Stimulator is the fact that they don’t provide ANY instructions on how to use the product whatsoever.

I mean, it’s not rocket science, but it would be nice to know things like:

“How long should I wear it for?”

“Do I need to be standing or sitting while it’s on?”

There’s a “program” button, but how do I program it?

how to program the ultimate abs stimulator

Throwing caution to the wind, I put the device on my stomach and turned it on.

I was half expecting to be semi-electrocuted, but luckily this wasn’t the case.

How does it feel wearing it?

The feeling is hard to describe, but the best way I can explain it is that it feels like a gentle pulsing of your muscles.

You feel the electricity surging, but not in an uncomfortable way.

It basically feels exactly how you would think it would with a electrical device strapped to your stomach.

The one thing I did notice is that it wasn’t very easy to sit down in an upright position with the pads on.

Every time I tried doing that, they would invariably start to “pop off” one by one.

I basically had to be either lying down on the couch or sitting in my recliner.

Another thing I noticed was the batteries seemed to get sucked dry with the Ultimate Abs Stimulator.

I felt like I was changing them every 2 days, even though I was only wearing it for a max of about 30 min. a day.

So does it really work?

I wore the Ultimate Abs Stimulator for about a week, and to be honest I didn’t really see much of a difference.

The before and after photo didn’t really show any improvement in my abs.

ultimate abs stimulator before and after

If anything I might have felt a bit “tighter”, but there was certainly no 6 pack abs bursting through.

Who knows, maybe if I used it for a full month there would be a much more noticeable difference.

What Do Users Say?

So while the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of EMS machines is limited, to say the least, what do customers say after using the Ultimate Abs Stimulator?

On Amazon, reviews are mixed.

ultimate abs stimulator average rating on amazon

For example, some customers say it’s great for toning not only the abs but also the arms and legs if you use it in addition to training and workouts.

There are verified purchasers on Amazon that do say they have seen improvements in strength and muscle tone and that they really enjoy the product. Customers who report a positive experience with the device say that it’s small and powerful and that it’s a good value for the money.

Not all reviews are positive, however. Some customers on Amazon were upset about things such as not receiving all of the components when they received the product. Other reviewers felt the product had little if any effect for them.

When reading reviews on other sites such as Reddit, there are similarly mixed opinions.

On one Reddit forum someone who said they were a physical therapist posted.

They said that they could explain some of the uses not just for the Ultimate Abs Stimulator specifically, but for EMS toning devices in general.

That poster said that these devices could be helpful for pain relief by stimulating small nerves and an endorphin release. The same person also said that EMS would be most helpful for someone who was having trouble stimulating their muscles on their own.

An example would be following surgery. The physical therapist poster said that the best benefit for these devices isn’t necessarily for getting bigger muscles, but instead as a way to help very weak muscles. In some cases, EMS devices are used in patients who are sedentary or unable to participate in physical activity.

Where Do You Buy The Ultimate Abs Stimulator?

If you’re interested in buying the Ultimate Abs Stimulator, you can do it from a website like (not an affiliate link).

When you buy from this site, you can currently take advantage of special pricing offers, such as 70% off discount codes.

The price range for the product is generally anywhere from $35 with discount codes to $55.

The advantage of ordering on Amazon (not an affiliate link) is the option to use Amazon Prime and get two-day shipping, although the price tends to be a little higher than on different sites. There aren’t any retailers currently making it a point to advertise a money-back guarantee, although purchases through Amazon usually make it easy to return items if they don’t work as expected.

Conclusion—Is the Ultimate Abs Stimulator Worth the Money?

So what’s the consensus? Is the Ultimate Abs Stimulator a worthwhile purchase?

While this device and others like it promise muscle growth and rock hard abs, users may not get this result.

Having visibly toned abs comes down to many factors such as diet, body fat, and overall composition.

A device that stimulates this area may provide some superficial changes in the appearance of abs if you don’t have a lot of fat covering your abs. Using EMS may also be helpful to use at the same time or on the same day as you’re weight lifting or working out to improve the results.

If you are able and willing to put in the work and see if you can do as much as you can to get the best results possible, then giving Ultimate Abs Stimulator a try shouldn’t be that risky of a thing and could yield great results.

Some physical therapists have said EMS devices do help people who aren’t able to otherwise work their muscles on their own, such as following surgery.

The Ultimate Abs Stimulator could potentially be helpful for pain relief or recovery period as well, but on its own, it’s not likely to help you develop significant muscles.

It’s better suited as a complementary product, as opposed to something that could be a standalone muscle builder.

Have You Used Ultimate Abs Stimulator?  Leave Your Review Below!

Additional References

Prosolution Plus análise REAL: (Atualizada 2018) 3 razões porque funciona

Nota: Isso é somente uma análise. Clique aqui para visitar o site oficial da Prosolution Plus.

Enquanto a maioria dos caras vindo para esse site estão simplemente procurando ficar grandões, uma porção significativa estão procurando ajuda com problemas de ejaculação precoce.

Embora eu não tenha testado muitos suplementos de ejaculação precoce (principalmente porque eu não sofro do problema), eu fiz um monte de pesquisa sobre o assunto.

Um suplemento popular que eu encontrei foi o Prosolution Plus, uma fórmula diária projetada para ajudar os homens que sofrem de ejaculação precoce.

Mas ele realmente funciona?

Eu fiz a pesquisa, e até tive alguém que tem ejaculação precoce testando o suplemento, em um esforço para ver se poderia realmente ajudar.

Clique Aqui para ler essa análise em Inglês

O que é Prosolution Plus?

Prosolution Plus é um suplemento medicamente aprovado que é projetado para ajudar à promover função e suporte sexual, bem como ajudar você à durar por mais tempo. Em um ensaio clínico conduzido por um painel de teste idependente, os pesquisadores observaram:

1.) Uma melhoria de 64% na ejaculação precoce

2.) Uma melhoria de 64% na qualidade erétil e

3.) Uma melhoria de 78% na satisfação sexual no geral, quando comparado à um grupo placebo.

A formula inclui uma combinação natural de ingredientes, incluindo Tribulus Terrestris, que têm mostrado em estudos relacionados ajudar na melhoria da função sexual. Também contém Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Asparagus Adscendens, Feijão-da-flórida (Mucuna Pruriens), Hygrophila auriculata (Asteracantha Longifolia), Curculigo orchioides e Asphaltum.

Veja aqui uma foto da embalagem de Prosolution Plus:

Ingredientes da embalagem de Prosolution Plus

Prosolution Plus versus o Prosolution Original

Os fabricantes de Prosolution Plus elaboraram essa fórmula para especificamente ajudar homens que sofrem de ejaculação precoce. Na sua pesquisa online, você poderá ver muitas informações sobre o produto Prosolution Original de pílulas. A maior diferença entre os dois é a formulação, e o que eles são destinados à fazer.

As pílulas Prosolution contém um número variado de diferentes ingredientes, incluindo Butea superba, Cordyceps, Drilizen e Solidilin.

Prosolution Plus versus o Prosolution Original

O Prosolution Original de pílulas é destinado à ajudar a:

  • Melhorar a motivação sexual
  • Ajudar homens com Disfunção Erétil
  • Aumentar a libido
  • Possivelmente auxiliar em restaurar a produção normal de testosterona

Enquanto o Prosolution Plus é feito para:

  • Reduzir os sintomas de Ejaculação Precoce
  • Ajudar você à relaxar
  • Manter a função erétil
  • Facilitar chegar ao clímax

Prosolution Plus versus Vigrx Plus

Muitos caras me perguntam quais são as principais diferenças entre o Prosolution e o VigRX Plus  (que é a minha 1ª escolha geral), então achei bom incluir uma menção sobre isso aqui.

Diferenças entre VigRX Plus e Prosolution Plus

1.) Ingredientes

A primeira, e mais óbvia diferença são os ingredientes.

Como você verá nas embalagens abaixo, o único ingrediente em comum que os dois compartilham é a Videira da punctura (Tribulus Terrestris).

Vigrx Plus contém 150 mg de Tribulus, enquanto Prosolution Plus contém 100 mg de Tribulus.

Uma diferença não tão grande, mas uma diferença de qualquer maneira.

2.) Preço

Prosolution Plus leva a vantagem aqui, se arredondando por volta de U$69,95 para um mês de suprimentos enquanto VigRX Plus irá te custar U$76,99 para 1 mês de suprimentos.

O preço por caixa abaixa quando feito pedidos maiores de 3, 6 e 12 meses de suprimentos, mas Prosolution Plus é mais barato não importa o quanto você tenha de desconto.

3.) Qual eu devo tomar?

A maior diferença é o que eles estão destinados à ajudar.

Em suma, VigRX Plus é projetado para ajudar primeiramente com problemas de Disfunção Erétil, mas porém TAMBÉM pode ajudar com algumas pequenas causas de Ejaculação Precoce.

E Prosolution Plus é projetado para ajudar com problemas de Ejaculação Precoce, embora também PODE ajudar com pequenas causas de Disfunção Erétil.

Então, se você está tendo problemas deixando duro E mantendo em pé, eu recomendaria você pegar o VigRX Plus (

Se você não tem problemas de deixar em pé, mas ejacula MUITO rápido, então vá com o Prosolution Plus (

Alguns caras tem me perguntado se eles podem usar os dois ao mesmo tempo, e eu não vejo razão de que você não possa.

Na realidade, eu fiz isso no passado e os efeitos pareceram ser amplificados IMENSAMENTE.

Nossos testes pessoais

Como eu falei antes na análise, eu não sofro com problemas de Ejaculação Precoce, então não sou o melhor candidato para a tarefa.

Porém, eu entrei em contato com um dos meus seguidores do site, e perguntei por aí se alguém estaria interessado em testar o produto. Eu recebi uma série de respostas, e escolhi um candidato baseado em 4 fatores:

  • Não estar tomando alguma medicação que causariam Ejaculação Precoce.
  • Teve problemas com Ejaculação Precoce por pelo menos um ano.
  • Iria usar o produto por pelo menos 3 meses antes de chegar à uma conclusão
  • A pessoa concordaria deixar uma análise no final dos testes.

Para fins de anonimidade, nós iremos chamar o candidato de Russel. Só para ser claro, nós não pagamos o Russel para escrever essa análise, nós simplemente fornecemos ele com 3 meses de suprimentos do produto para o teste.

Aqui estão os resultados específicos dele com o Prosolution Plus:

Prosolution Plus análises

“Eu estava sofrendo com sintomas de Ejaculação Precoce por tanto tempo. Não tem nada vergonhoso do que “se ejacular todo” muito rápido, e eu tentei vários outros suplementos que prometeram ajudar com a Ejaculação Precoce no passado, com muito poucos resultados. Geralmente me levaria por volta de 2 -3 minutos para ter um orgasmo, e eu achava que tinha à ver com meus ridículos hábitos pornográficos(na época).

Rob Miller do veio me perguntar se eu estaria interessado em tomar Prosolution Plus, e eu achei que valeria à pena. Ele me mandou 3 caixas do produto, e eu comecei tomando logo que chegaram. Pelos primeiros dias, eu tenho que ser honesto e falar que eu não percebi nada, depois de duas semanas foi quando eu vi resultados reais.

Eu senti que estava durando por mais tempo, sem ter que pensar em alguma outra coisa durante o sexo. E por durando eu digo algo por entre de 5 – 10 minutos. Uma grande melhoria, mas eu queria durar mais do que isso.

Em cerca de 2 meses, foi como um interruptor ligado. Não só eu estava durando muito mais(20 min. em média), mas eu estava ficando com tesão pra caramba muito fácil. Eu começava a me sentir super excitado de manhã, e de novo final de tarde. Eu nunca tive uma experiência assim antes, pelo menos não sem algum tipo de estimulação visual (como pornografia haha)

Visite a página oficial do Prosolution Plus aqui:

No final dos 3 meses, eu diria que senti basicamente do mesmo jeito do que eu sentia durante o segundo mês, talvez durando um pouco mais. Eu não percebi nenhum efeito colateral, e em tempo algum não pareceu que não estava funcionando mais.

Prosolution Plus funciona!”

Combine com o spray de atraso VigRX para uma experiência EXTRAORDINÁRIA

Spray de atraso Vigrx e Prosolution Plus

Eu recentemente tive a chance de testar um spray de ejaculação precoce chamado “VigRX Delay Spray” que por conta própria funciona muito bem.

No entanto, eu decidi tentar combinar ele com o Prosolution Plus e os efeitos foram ENORMEMENTE melhores.

A chave por trás do eficácia do spray de atraso VigRX é um ingrediente chamado Benzocaína. Benzocaína é na verdade um anestésico local que essensialmente adormece o penis para que ele fique desensibilizado um pouco.

Mas, é somente desensibilizado no ponto de te ajudar à durar mais, NÃO completamente eliminando as sensações, o que você terá com 99% dos outros sprays de atraso no mercado.

A razão é porque a maioria dos outros sprays de ejaculação precoce usam um ingrediente chamado Lidocaína, um anestésico local muito poderoso. O problema é que ele é MUITO poderoso quando lidando com a ejaculação precoce.

De fato, ele vai adormecer seu penis ao ponto de que você basicamente não vai sentir NADA.

Eu sei disso porque eu tentei vários outros produtos de ejaculação precoce que contém lidocaína, incluindo stud 100 e spray procomil.

Visite o site oficial do spray de atraso VigRX aqui:

Quanto ao Prosolution Gel? Devo usar ele também?

Os fabricantes do Prosolution Original e Plus vieram com um gel à uns 8 anos atrás, literalmente chamado Prosolution Gel.

prosolution gel

Eu pessoalmente usei ele no passado, mas nunca cheguei à publicar uma análise dele infelizmente.

Para mim os resultados pareceram ser mistos.

As vezes funcionava MUITO bem, as vezes funcionava SÓ UM POUCO, e as vezes parecia que não funcionava de jeito algum.

Na minha experiência pessoal, o Prosolution Gel parece ajudar MAIS dando ereções grossas/cheias, do que ajudando à durar mais tempo.

Se você ainda está considerando o uso de um gel ou óleo para te ajudar à durar mais tempo, eu AINDA recomendaria que você usasse o spray de atraso VigRX do que o Prosolution Gel.

Mas aqui está o site do Prosolution Gel no caso de você estar interessado:

Como eu tomo ele?

Para ter os melhores resultados, tipicamente você aplica dois sprays no pênis e gentilmente massageia ele por completo (você ainda pode ter sua parceira fazendo por você, se você quiser 😉

Leva literalmente alguns minutos para reagir, e uma vez que acontece ele vai te deixar durando por um tempo REALMENTE longo.

Veja a minha análise completa do spray de atraso Vigrx Delay aqui

Prosolution Plus Onde Comprar No Brasil

Prosolution Plus pode ser comprado no site oficial deles, que é o recomendado por causa de inúmeros produtos falsificados por aí.

Prosolution Plus preço

É um pouco mais caro, com um mês de suprimentos custando cerca de U$70. O preço é variado por caixa quando comprando em grandes quantidades, com um preço médio por caixa de U$36. Como geralmente levam 3 meses para ver os melhores resultados, nós recomendamos que você compre pelo menos 3 meses de suprimentos.

Também é suportado pela garantia de retorno de dinheiro em 67 dias, então se não funcionar você sempre pode devolver para um reembolso total.

Já o Prosolution Plus em venda em sites como eBay, Farmacia, Bula, e Amazon, mas você corre o risco de comprar uma versão falsificada nesses sites.

Por isso eu SEMPRE recomendo pedir diretamente do site oficial deles.

Visite o site oficial aqui:


  • Recomendado por Médicos e aprovado
  • Testes clínicos positivos
  • Resultados ótimos com o nosso testador
  • Ingredientes todos naturais
  • Convenientemente disponível online
  • Não requer lubrificação
  • Marca estabelecida


  • Não é uma cura… você precisa continuar tomando para ver resultados.
  • É caro
  • Não está à venda em lojas


Se vocẽ vem sofrendo de ejaculação precoce, então eu acho que o Prosolution Plus pode ser a resposta para os seus problemas. Sua fórmula única tem mostrado resultados não somente em teste clínicos, mas também em nossos testes pessoais, que efetivamente reduz os problemas de ejaculação precoce. Equanto um pouco cara, tenha em mente que é muito mais conveniente do que usar algum tipo de creme dessensibilizante para ajudar você a controlar os orgasmos.

Junte isso com o fato de que eles oferecem uma garantia de dinheiro de volta em até 67 dias, e eu não vejo razão de você não tentar por você mesmo. Visite para saber mais.

Você tem usado Prosolution Plus? Deixe sua análise abaixo!

Elevacity DOSE Review – Smart Coffee + Xanthomax for Weight Loss

Elevacity DOSE Review

This is a review, CLICK HERE for Elevacity DOSE

Are happiness and weight loss two things you struggle to achieve? Do you want to make it really simple and easy?! 

Enter Elevacity DOSE: Smart Coffee – or Happy Coffee – plus Xanthomax. What’s more simple than drinking a cup o’ Joe and popping an antioxidant?

Most people love coffee and can’t function without it, so why not make it “smart” by adding nootropics, fat burners and metabolism boosters for the added benefits?

It only makes sense to give an extra added little kick to something that already boosts most people’s productivity and functionality.

That’s exactly what Elevacity did when they created Elevate Brew Smart Coffee and Xanthomax aka “the DOSE.” Elevacity DOSE is  a nootropic stackand people are raving about quick weight loss and an elevated mood!

I’m going to keep this review short, simple and to the point. Because….coffee, right?

It’s simple:  drink the coffee, take the happy pill and watch the pounds drop off! 

Smart Coffee for Weight loss

Elevate Brew Smart Coffee “Happy Coffee”

Elevate Brew is a dark-roasted, Columbian instant coffee infused with nutritional supplements (tons of anti-oxidants), fat burners and nootropics focusing on weight loss and cognitive functions.

You simply mix the coffee with hot water, and fix it how you would normally make your coffee.

You can also blend it with the coffee you currently drink, or add it in a shake or a smoothie. Even non-coffee lovers are enjoying this blend.

Elevate Brew Smart Coffee contains an effective combination of  amino acids, choline and fat burners and includes L-Theanine, organic cocoa, chromium picolinate, and green tea to name a few of the stand out ingredients.

Elevate nootropics coffee

Benefits of Elevate Brew Smart Coffee

  • Increased energy
  • Anti-anxiety and anti-stress
  • Mental clarity
  • Better memory
  • Increased concentration, focus and alertness
  • Less brain fog
  • Increases metabolism
  • Reduces appetite and tiredness
  • Squashes sugar and carb cravings
  • Elevates your mood to happy and positive

Click Here for Elevate Brew

Elevacity Keto cream


Want to boost your FAT BURNING results? Add some Keto Cre to your Smart Coffee to make it a “fat coffee.”

Fat coffee is a staple of a ketogenic diet and aids in fat loss and intermittent fasting. Simply mix, stir and enjoy! Hunger is squashed.

Elevacity also makes Choclevate which is a delicious nootropic hot chocolate! While it does contain some caffeine, it’s much less than what’s in the Elevate Brew and offers similar benefits.

Visit the Elevacity website for more information and ingredients.

Xanthomax reviews

Elevacity DOSE – Elevate Brew Smart Coffee + Xanthomax

Xanthomax reviews

​​​​​​​Let me explain “Elevacity DOSE” and how these two new products work synergistically for quick weight loss and an elevated, happy mood. 

Nootropics stimulate opiates and dopagenic responses in your brain (the feel good chemicals released when you hug a loved one for example) and address weight management between your brain and your belly.

Elevacity D.O.S.E. helps to release those happiness hormones: Dopamine- Ocytocin – Serotonin – Endorphins.

Harmonize the brain and the gut (often thought of as your “second brain”) and things happen!

Your cravings will cease, you won’t feel deprived, and your mood will be elevated, HAPPY, energized and content. 

Then the thermogenic components and appetite suppressants work to start melting fat and inches off fast! 

It’s simply a daily “D.O.S.E.” – one-half to one cup of the Elevate Brew plus one Xanthomax (an herbal pill) which is your happiness elevator.

What is Xanthomax?Xanthomax ingredients

Xanthomax is a pill made from xanthohumol (extracted from the hops flower) and is up to 200 times more powerful than resveratrol.

You know…the stuff in red wine they say is good for us since it’s an anti-oxidant?

You’d have to drink 40 liters of red wine to get the same benefits as you do from taking Xanthomax! Sounds fun, but no good for weight loss 😉

Evidence suggests that Xanthohumol functions not only as a remarkable anti-oxidant but also as a powerful metabolic agent.

They’ve combined Xanthohumol with tumeric in this blend for a good reason. Tumeric is believed to be one of the most powerful herbs known to man with many healing and disease fighting properties.

Tumeric has a rather strong flavor, and this is why they’ve made it into a  pill form and not blended into the coffee – that wouldn’t taste too good!

Benefits of Xanthomax

  • Super-nutrient antioxidant (flavonoid)
  • Flavonoids find and neutralize free-radicals and reduce oxidative stress
  • Antioxidants keep free radicals in check which is the underlying cause of aging
  • Anti-aging and promotes a healthy skin tone
  • Powerful metabolic and cell signaling agent
  • Provides protection against virus’, fungi and bacteria
  • Helps to maintain cholesterol levels and a healthy heart
  • Encourages restful sleep and wards off insomia
  • Weight loss is accelerated and helps keep the weight off
  • Promotes eye and cornea health

It is a super-nutrient flavonoid, which are healthy chemicals found in foods, which have antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Flavonoids find and neutralize free-radicals and reduce oxidative stress, this reduces the damage done on your body cells. For example, free radicals are the underlying process behind aging, and the damage done to your skin cells. Hence flavonoids can help reduce the skin’s aging effects. (Source)

xanthomax reviews

Elevacity DOSE Review – Real Testimonials

Elevacity reviews

In the first couple months I lost well over 20 lbs!

To date, I’ve lost 36 lbs.? Keep in mind I haven’t changed my diet, though I don’t do all the extra snacking I once craved.

I experience daily mental clarity and crystal clear focus as well an overall feeling of being well.

I have also not had hot flashes since drinking the Happy Coffee,? which if you have experienced this internal feeling that you could spontaneously combust at any moment, you will understand how much this alone has changed my life.

I am so Thankful for being introduced to these amazing products and would absolutely recommend them to anyone and everyone I know.☕?” – Ani

elevacity reviews

I cannot believe that was me on the left!?I gained unwanted wait, I didn’t feel like myself, and I was up and down emotionally because of it. I felt stuck!

I was introduced to something that would drastically changed my life not long after.

Flash forward to today, happier, healthier, more productive in my day, and down 20+ lbs and over 5% body fat! The funny thing is I didn’t even have to “try.” No crash dieting for me.

Weight loss is great of course, but it doesn’t compare to how happy I feel every day.. my productivity level has gone through the roof, I get a weeks work done in a day, I sleep better, and well I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been thanks to my happy coffee.

*Every morning I take my “DOSE” = Elevate coffee + xanthomax + Keto cre.

This has helped me manage my cravings, hunger, and I feel super satisfied until the afternoon. – Cassandra M.

Elevacity DOSE Recommendation + How to Buy

It’s been easy to find testimonials of people who are experiencing quick weight loss results from the Elevacity DOSE combo, and feeling energized and happy the entire day.

Most people report that their appetite is completely non existent, and losing a lot of pounds in a short amount of time seems to be the common.

For its low risk of side effects and high potential for desirable results, Elevacity DOSE seems like a safe bet and I would recommend trying it.

And with a price point won’t break the bank, it’s an easy decision if you want something brand new the market to try.

We recommend purchasing Elevacity DOSE together for $105. If you set up Smartship, the cost drops to $94.50.

To purchase items separately, the Smart Coffee Tub is $55, and Xanthomax $65, so Smartship provides a $35 savings!

Click Here to Order Elevacity DOSE

Shipping is sent priority mail and should be in your hands within about 5-7 days.  

Press Release! New Product releases and new Elevacity reviews

Click Here to Read our Elevacity PURE Review (Heavy Metal Detox Drops)

Promoting Elevacity –

Are you interested in promoting Elevacity’s health products to earn an additional income stream? It’s as easy as posting a picture of your cup of happy coffee and piquing interest on social media!

Visit and click “join” – Elevacity offers small promoter packs for only $249 which include 2 tubs of coffee, 2 bags of coffee w/individual servings, and 2 bottles of Xanthomax.

This is one the EASIEST and FASTEST growing business for the “average Joe” to get involved in! It’s literally as easy as sharing a cup ‘o Joe! Happy Coffee has been a game changer for many!

Top 3 Weight LossAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Instant Knockout

#1 - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 – Keto OS

#3 - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

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