Alpha King Testosterone Booster Video Review

Thinking about trying Alpha King testosterone booster?  I’ve actually tested it.  Watch my video review here.

If you would like to read my written Alpha King review, click here.

Video Transcription

You guys. Rob here again with and in today’s review we’re gonna be talking about alpha King. This is a testosterone booster made by a company called force factor. I’ve reviewed several of their supplements in the past. have test X 180 and test X 180 ignite. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first before I dive into my personal results. But if you’d like to skip ahead, you could just click on the link below the in the description box, and it’ll take you to my website Where I go into my personal details. So anyway, Alpha King is a, like I said before, an all-natural testosterone booster made by force factor. They used a proprietary form of fenugreek, which is basically called alpha fen. Now, with the original versions of force factor test X 180 the vast majority of them actually contained a herbal remedy called testafen [Inaudible 00:54], which is a standardized version of fenugreek. The main advantage to taking alpha fen is actually that it’s more bioavailable than testafen [inaudible 01:04] so that basically means that it absorbs into the bloodstream more efficiently, and therefore you get better results. If you take a look at the ingredients label here, it’s kind of hard to see but you’ll see that it contains basically three major ingredients. So you have black Maca root, Tribulus Terrestris, and DIM. Black Maca root is very commonly found on a lot of these products. It’s actually a powerful herbal aphrodisiac. It’s been used for centuries and I believe it’s native to Peru. Some of the benefits that are in Maca include like boosted stamina, athletic performance, improved mood and focus, things of that nature. With Tribulus Terrestris, this is actually one of the most commonly used ingredients in testosterone boosters, at least that I come across. On the science behind Tribulus is still a little sketchy. It’s sort of inconclusive but it’s believed that it’s supposed to help boost total testosterone levels by essentially increasing the amount of testosterone your body produces in the first place. Now, there’s a lot of people that say otherwise. There are studies that have said otherwise like I said, it’s still kind of early on as far as research goes. In the last ingredient I’m gonna talk about here’s DIM. Basically DIM is a metabolite. It’s a really metabolite of a substance that’s naturally found in like vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower. And basically what it’s supposed to do is to balance male and female hormones in the body. The way it basically works is it inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. So in theory this is supposed to help increase testosterone levels. I’ve had a few guys ask me if there’s any side effects. I’m gonna talk about my results shortly here but I didn’t notice any. Obviously there’s always the possibility that you can develop some sort of side effects. I believe Tribulus Terrestris, you know, some of the most common ones you’ll see is like difficulty sleeping, restlessness and tachycardia, which is kind of like increased the blood. Excuse me, increase heart rate. As far as my personal results, is actually really good. I got this sample bottle here. It only contains 15 capsules, which is basically about a two-week supply. You’re supposed to take one capsule per day with breakfast. I took it on an empty stomach and yeah I could notice within a few days, I could definitely feel an increased sense of libido. I felt sexual desire, a little bit more than I would normally do. It’s um one of those things that’s kind of hard to quantify but I definitely seemed to feel like I had an overall improved mood, and [inaudible 03:43] to help out with libido. As far as where to buy off the king, I believe they sell it in GNC at this point. I’m not sure exactly what the price is but if it’s anything like some of the other supplements that they’ve sold in the past, probably anywhere between like sixty to seventy bucks. Of course you can buy it on their website. I believe the price is around sixty or seventy bucks on there as well. They also have this sample which is really a free trial and basically the way that works is when you visit the official force factor website, and you click on the free sample button, basically you have 18 days to use the product, and if you don’t call and cancel then they’re gonna bill you the full price of the product and send you another bottle. And they’ll repeatedly do this every month and charge you every month unless you call and cancel. It’s a great way to try a product. 18 days it’s definitely a decent amount of time to realize whether or not it’s actually going to work for you. But there’s a lot of guys that think that they’re just getting a sample and that’s simply not the case. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for alpha King. All in all, like I said, I think it’s a very decent supplement. If you’re looking to pick up the sample just be aware of that free trial. If you want to totally avoid that you can just go to GNC and buy it there or you could just buy it straight up on their website And if you have any questions you can just leave them in the comment section below or just shoot me an email to, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. And that’s all I got today. I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Himcolin Gel Video Review

Thinking about trying Himcolin Gel?  I’ve actually used it.  Watch my video review here, and learn more about the ingredients, how to use, potential side effects, and my personal results.

If you would like to read my written Himcolin Gel review, click here.

Video Transcript

Hey Guys Rob here again with Supplement Critique dot com and in todays review we’re going to be switching up gears a bit and talk about a product called Himcolin. Unlike the vast majority of the products we review here, this one is actually a gel that is used to help with decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and even premature ejaculation issues.

As always, I’m going to talk a bit about the product itself first, but if you’d like to skip ahead to my results you can just click the link in the description box below, it will take you to my website Supplement Critique dot com where you can read all about it.

You can also run a google search for something like “Himcolin Gel Supplement Critique” and you should be able to find my review somewhere in that search.

I’m also going to have this video translated into Hindi in the closed captions section because it seems to be very popular in India, so hopefully this can help some of our international friends follow along with my review here.

So anways, Himcolin is a topical gel thats made by a company called Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. They were actually founded and based in India, but now have offices located all over the world and sell to something like 92 different countries.

They make a wide variety of herbal products that include things like Liver care supplements, Stress care supplements, Heart health supplements that help everything from blood sugar control, cardiovascular health, and even kidney issues.

One of their flagship products, of course, is Himcolin. Now, Himcolin isn’t a lubricant or a sexual aid meant to be used just before sex.

It’s actually a topical gel that is applied to the penis and surrounding areas once or twice daily, and it’s supposed to start working within 30 days or so. It’s primary purpose is to help increase penile blood flow, which in turn leads to greater sexual arousal and harder erections.

The all natural ingredients in Himcolin are for the most part not those that we commonly find in the enhancement supplements we review.

They are listed on the website with links to further explanations regarding how they benefit your sexual and general health, and include ingredients like

Silll ass strus Panic u latus
Hibiscus Abel Moh Scuss
Prunus Amig Dalus
Vitex Negundo
and a bunch of others I won’t go into here.

As far as side effects are concerned, According to the official Himcolin website there aren’t any.

However, I can tell you from experience in using gels and oils like this, it’s always possible.

Typically with the creams, oils, and gels I’ve tested in the past you can experience things like skin irritation, redness at the application site, itching, burning, dryness, and stinging.

It should be noted that side effects like this are pretty rare, but they’re possible with any gel.

I actually reached out to the manufacturer to specifically ask them about any warnings or side effects, and they actually mentioned that you should avoid using Himcolin Gel on the glans of the penis.

They actually said it was not advised to do this because it could cause discomfort / burning when it comes in to contact with opening of the penis.

They didn’t really specify why this was the case, but I would definitely heed the warning.

How To Use

As far as how to use Himcolin gel, the directions on how to use Himcolin are pretty straightforward…

You should first consult your physician on the proper dose range.

One you have the dose he prescribes, apply liberally to your penis. They don’t really specify exactly how much you should use in each session, but a good rule of thumb for gels like this is about a dime sized amount.

Repeat as necessary to get the best results.

They also make it crystal clear that you should stop using Himcolin if you experience any local reactions, and report them to your doctor at once.

As for my personal results, I’ve been using Himcolin for the last couple of weeks, and to be honest I’m not seeing much if any results. Normally I don’t respond very well to creams and gels like this, so it’s really not much of a surprise.

They tend to be very messy, don’t really do much, and in some cases I’ll get a bad reaction from them.

I actually didn’t get any bad reaction from Himcolin, and I could defintely sense that it works really well as a vasodilator. I defintily felt more “hung” and had kind of like a meatier appearance, but the smell of this stuff is from another world in my opinoin.

There’s really no other way to describe it than just awful.

If I HAD to describe the smell, I would say it smells like a mixture of moth balls, old man, formaldahyde, and like hair gel or something.

This would be fine if the smell would go away after you take a shower or wash your hands, but it just seems to linger for days after you’ve even used it.

It’s not even a smell that you can get used to, at least in my opinoin.

As far as where to buy Himcolin, you can actually find it in a lot of places. I actually purchased this tube on Bonanza dot com for around $8 plus the cost of shipping. They also sell it on Amazon, Ebay, and their official website for about the same amount, and at such a low price I guess it may be worth a shot.

Anyways that’s pretty much all I have for Himcolin gel, if you have any questions you can leave them in the comments section below, or send me an email to and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

And I’ll be back soon with another review, take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Prevagen Video Review

Thinking about trying Prevagen?  Watch our video review and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

Alternatively, you can read our written Prevagen review here:

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Phalogenics Video Review

Thinking about trying Phalogenics?  I actually bought it and did the exercises for a few weeks, check out my video review of Phalogenics to learn more.

I will discuss what my own experience with Phalogenics was and how it turned out for me.

If you’d like to read my written review, go here:

Video Transcription

Hey Guys, Rob here again with and in todays review were going to be talking about a system called Phallogenics. Unlike the vast majority of things that we review on our site, this is not actually a supplement at all.

Rather it’s a program that’s designed to help your sex life by:

  • Increasing your size
  • Performance
  • Control over your erections.

I’ve actually had a chance to try this out personally, and will get to my own personal results a little later on in this video.

As always, if you’d like to skip ahead to my results, just click on this link here, it will take you to my website Supplement Critique where you can read all about it.

I want to preface this review with a couple of disclaimers.

1. I was provided free access to this program by one of the owners of Phalogenics, but I was not paid to do this review.

As a matter of fact, I had a preliminary written review posted about this when they originally contacted me, and they asked me if I would like access to the membership area so that I could provide a more thorough review, which I said yeah sure that would be a great idea.

2. Use caution with these exercises

I’ve personally done most (if not ALL) of these exercises in the past, I recommend them to my site visitors, but you should 100% USE CAUTION if you decide to move forward with this, or really any exercise program for that matter. Any time you’re starting a new exercise program, you should first get cleared by your doctor, and this isnt an exception.

So anyway, Phalogenics is a 12 week program available to paying members.

I actually originally stumbled upon it while browsing around an adult site, and came across an ad that said something like “Small Dick? Try This Weird Method”

When I clicked on the ad, it took me to a page that had a RIDICULOUSLY long video that unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to skip through or speed up.

Throughout this video, they talk about porn stars and why they are so big, the importance of penis size, and then they finally jump in to the meat and potatoes of the membership program.

phalogenics video

It’s basically a system of guides and exercises, provided in both PDF and Video formats, designed to provide you with length and girth increases, along with more control and better, more intense orgasms.

It’s broken down into a beginner, intermediate, and advanced program, each of which is 4 weeks long.

The beginners section is basically an intro to how to properly warm up and cool down, and also includes details on enlargement techniques like jelqing and wet milking, the side to side stretch, and kegels.

Exercises like Jelqing, Wet Milking, and Kegels, have been used for probably hundreds of years, and are very common when it comes to PE exercising.

I can tell you from personal experience that they can really help dramatically with helping to control your orgasms, improve your sexual function, and may even help relieve overactive bladded in men with prostate issues.

Some of these exercises, like the Kegel, are a little tough to visualize, so they actually provide videos that walk you through the process fairly easily.

The Intermediate section also lasts about 4 weeks, and follows most of the exercises in weeks 1 – 4, but they introduce a few other exercises into the mix.

Those exercises include the erect stretch, which is similar to the side to side stretch, except instead of going side to side you’ll actually be going up and down AND side to side.

Again, they provide a helpful video that explains the process in step by step detail.

They also explain how long you should be doing the exercises each day, which should take you no more than 23 minutes per day.

Lastly, you have the advanced section, which is where things start to get ramped up a bit.

You basically will be performing all of the same exercises you were doing in the Beginners and Intermediate section, and they also add in a few other more advanced techniques like the Jai stretch and the compressor exercise.

Once again, they provide step by step directions in both written form, as well as a video, and they’re actually a lot easier to do than one might think based solely on their names.

Of course the million dollar question that most guys will want to know is, does it work. And I can tell you from my own personal experience that it really does.

I’ve been personally doing exercises like this for probably close to 5 or 6 years at this point, and I’ve probably gained almost 3 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth from doing them and using a ton of other products like extenders and pumps.

As a matter of fact, I have a free 52 page ebook on my website Supplement Critique that outlines many of these exercises, as well as other techniques you can use to help gain size.

I’ll actually put a link to it in the description box below if you’re interested in signing up for it.

Alterntively, you can just run a search on Google for something like Supplement Critique Enlargement Exercises and you’ll see a link to a page that outlines many of these same exercises that they have included here in the Phalogenics system.

The best thing that Phalogenics has going for it are the videos.

Unlike a bunch of other guides and similar programs I’ve come across over the past several years, they have videos for virtually every exercise that you’ll be doing, and they make it crystal clear how you’re supposed to do them.

They also do a pretty good job of structuring your weekly workouts to keep you fully aware of what you should be doing next.

The only downside that I saw was the way that the weekly workouts are updated.

When I originally started using the Phalogenics system, I followed about 2 weeks of their program.

I then hadn’t logged in for about 2 months, and when I decided to freshen up my written review, I logged in and it said that I had completed every week when I know I didn’t.

This could make it kind of confusing for someone who forgot where they left off, assuming they took a couple of weeks (or months in my case) off.

Apart from that, their site is easy to use, mobile friendly, and very well laid out.

It’s also actually nice to see a company not pushing any supplements on the backend, something that is VERY common in the industry.

I remember signing up for a program called Abs After 40, which I’ll put a link to in the description box below, and they just bombarded my ass with advertisements for all sorts of supplement for what seemed like every day.

Luckily Phalogenics doesn’t do that, they just sell you the membership course and that’s it.

Anyways that’s all I got for Phalogenics, if you have any questions you can leave them in the comments section below, or just send me an email to contact at supplement critique dot com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I Can.

And I’ll be back soon with another review, take care.

Hardon Helper Video Review – Supplement Critique Videos

Here we have yet another video review of a male enhancement supplement that has made a splash and name for itself, so let’s dig in to see what it is all about.

Does Hardon Helper really work?  Watch my video review to learn more.  You can also check out my written review here:

Video Transcript

Hey guys, Rob here again with Supplement Critique dot com, and in todays review were going to be talking about a product called Hardon Helper.

hardon helper review

If you haven’t guessed it from the name of the product, it’s a supplement that’s designed to help improve sexual function and control, and basically get you hard and keep you hard.

As always I’m going to talk a little bit about who makes this stuff, the ingredients, and all that fun stuff before I jump into my personal results, but if you’d like to skip ahead to my review just click the link in the description box below,

It will take you to my website Supplement Critique dot com where I go into my personal results with this particular supplement.

So Hardon Helper is a product that was developed by a gentleman named Dr. Seltzer.

He developed a product WAY back in the day called Hangover Helper, which as you may have guessed, was supposed to help with Hagovers.

He sold a ton of this product back in the early 1980’s, and ended up selling it off to a company located in Boca Raton Florida for a bunch of money.

After this he ended up retiring to South America to pursue his main interest, women.

While he was there, he started noticing that he was having issues “down there”, and started experimenting with various types of herbal remedies, smoked all sorts of stuff, and even worked with some local herbalists to develope some sort of a remedy.

And this is apparently how Hardon Helper was born.

If you take a look at the ingredients label here, you’ll notice that it’s substantially different from most of the other fast acting pills out there.

hardon helper ingredients label

Normally you’ll see things like L-Arginine, Yohimbe, Gingko Biloba, and Catuaba bark extract, but in this case the only ingredients that are relatively familiar to me are Epimedium extract, Red Ginseng, American Ginseng, and Wild Yam.

Almost all of these other ingredients are completely new to me, and I’m not gonna go into any details about how exactly each one of them work, but I have all of this info on my site so check it out there if you’re interested.

The one thing that caught my eye about this product was that they actually show the exact amounts of each ingredient on their website.

This is actually VERY unusual….most companies hide behind what’s known as a “proprietary formula”, which is really just a fancy way of saying “we’re not going to tell you exactly what we’re putting in this stuff”.

So anyway, as far as my personal results, if you’ve been following my videos for any length of time, you know that I’ve tested out dozens of these so called male enhancement pills.

Some of them have worked fairly well, most of them didn’t do anything, and some of them worked REALLY well, but gave me some of the worst side effects you can possibly imagine.

For example, I tried out a pill called Rhino 8 not too long ago that actually worked REALLY well.

It gave me a great boner, I could definitely have sex for hours, and it even seemed like it lasted for a couple of days.

If you look on the label here they categorically state that there is “No Headache”.

rhino 8 headaches
Like this one…

However, do you want to know what the worst thing about Rhino 8 was?

It was the headaches….

When I was originally contacted by the guys over at Hardon Helper, they asked me if they could send over for samples for testing.

So I said sure, why not, send them on over and I’ll see if I can get around to testing it out.

Now mind you, if you look at the front of the their label, it says “No Headaches” pretty prominently in the upper right hand corner of the package.

As you can probably imagine I was a little bit, let’s say, “hesitant” to try out this product.

I ended up getting a box of 24 pills from them a few days later and kind of just threw it on top of my boxes of supplements that I get sent on a constant basis.

As you can probabaly imagine, I get a ton of supplements sent to me. I probably get anywhere between 2 – 3 requests per day, and in most cases we really don’t even get around to testing them.

I mentioned in a previous review about a month ago that I’d recently been having some erection issues.

I attribute this to the fact that my testosterone levels seemed to have taken a pretty massive hit this year.

When I had them checked back in 2014, my FREE testosterone levels clocked in at around 15.8 pico grams per milliliters.

I was about 32 and a half at that point, and this was actually on the higher end of the spectrum.

Fast forward to last October, and they had fallen to 12.7 pico grams per millilliter, which is almost a 20% drop.

I don’t think I have to explain that it’s had a pretty substantial impact on my overall sex drive, and frankly has become sort of a pain in the ass.

So anyways, the pills sat on my big boxes of supplements collecting dust for maybe 3 or 4 weeks when I said the hell with it and decided to pop one of them.

I actually didn’t think anything of it for the rest of the day, and decided to hit up the gym for a mid afternoon workout.

Then literally out of nowhere it hit me…

I was in the middle of doing squats and right as I was finishing up my 3rd or 4th set, I started getting this massive erection.

When I say massive I mean a MASSIVE boner.

It literally just came out of nowhere, and I kind of had to stealthly turn my back to the gym and do a sort of ninja-like tuck in into the top of my shorts.

I continued with my workout for another 30 minutes or so and thankfully it started to tone down a bit.

Then I was about 5 minutes into my drive home and I was thinking about this cute chick I saw at the gym, and in literally what felt like within seconds, BOOM I got another massive erection.

I got home like 10 minutes later, went straight ot my office, and rubbed one out as fast as I could.

I can say with like 120% certainty that this was one of the most massive boners and orgasm I’ve had it probably close to a year.

So then fast forward a couple of hours later, and my wife gets home from the gym she goes to and I like immediately see her in her yoga pants and tight tank top and she’s just lookin real good and then again it hits me.

Huge boner….

I’m not going to go into the details here but I can assure you it ended well.

So one of the things they mention on the directions label was that it lasts for days.

This wasn’t actually the case for me, I would say realistically it lasted for like a day and a half, tops.

I would probably attribute this to my metabolism, and also to the fact that I drink a ton of water everyday, so it probably got washed out of my system quicker than maybe it’s supposed to.

As far as where to buy, as of this review I think it’s available in some Adam and Eve shops in the Jacksonville Florida area, and of course can find it on their website, which I’ll put a link to in the description box below.

A 1 pill package costs around $10, but they do offer discounts for larger orders which is pretty typical.

All in all, I would say that this is literally one of the best fast acting pills I’ve ever used.

Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve tested dozens of these fast acting pills, and the only ones that really ended up working were the ones that contained some sort of illegal ingredient in them.

So they would work really well, but I would get like the worst headaches from them and all other sorts of side effects that more or less didn’t make it worth it.

This was not the case with this pill.

It gave me a great erection, there were no side effects at all, and it’s definitely worth giving it a try if you’ve been having any problems in this area.

That’s pretty much all I have for Hardon Helper, if you have any questions just leave them in the comments section below or send me an email to contact at Supplement Critique dot com and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

And I’ll be back soon with another video review, take care.

Ripped Muscle X Review – Is It a Scam?

Ripped Muscle X Overview

Ripped Muscle X, not to be confused with Muscle Rev X, is a dietary supplement that claims it can help you get ripped, gain strength fast, eliminate fat easily, boost energy naturally, and maximize sex drive.  Designed to give you quick results, Ripped Muscle X works to raise energy levels and decrease body fat by accelerating metabolism and digestion safely.  The website claims you’ll feel powerful and jacked up all day and your body will be constantly cut, hard, and ripped.  They also make other claims, like that Ripped Muscle X blocks fat from sticking to your body, and that you will literally shed pounds and pounds of weight quickly and easily.

What the website doesn’t say is what ingredients are in Ripped Muscle X, how they work, who’s behind the product, or even how it is recommended that you take Ripped Muscle X.

Normally, that can pose problems and can be enough to raise a red flag or two. We’ve pieced together what we could, and here’s what we’ve got.
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Ripped Muscle X Ingredients and How They Work

The main focus of the ingredients we could find is better blood and oxygen flow to the muscles.  This helps you push further while you’re working out, as well as speed recovery time when resting.

  • L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are amino acids that are both precursors to Nitric Oxide, which helps enable better blood flow throughout the body, including to the muscles during and after a workout.  This improved blood flow is also what helps sexual performance as an influx of blood is what causes firm erections.
  • Acai Berry increases energy, improves digestion, and adds to the health of your immune system.
  • Beta Alanine is an amino acid that increases energy and staves off muscular fatigue, allowing for more productive workouts.
  • Zinc promotes muscle growth and repair.
  • Creatine Citrate encourages greater muscle output during workouts, and promotes better muscle growth in general.
  • Green Tea works as a powerful antioxidant to prevent free radical damage, especially after a workout.

We assume there must be some form of stimulant to provide the energy and fat loss components, though we do not definitively know.  We also don’t know what the recommended dose is.

Ripped Muscle X Pros and Cons

Ripped Muscle X Review

Considering the pros and cons is a good way to decide if you should spend your time and money on a product.

Ripped Muscle X Advantages

  • The ingredients we know of are safe and could effectively help get results from a smart muscle building regimen.
  • There is a free trial.

Ripped Muscle X Disadvantages

  • The ingredients are not listed.
  • There are no Ripped Muscle X reviews from customers.
  • The free trial offer is tricky as we will explain below.

Where to Buy

The only way to purchase Ripped Muscle X is through their free trial offer.  You order through their website and pay only shipping for a 1 month supply.  After 14 days from your order date, if you do nothing, you will be charged $87.63 for your “free” bottle.  After that, they will send you a new bottle each month, and charge your credit card a monthly $87.63.  So, the free bottle isn’t really free after all.  Not only that, but they only give you 14 days to try it when the website indicates that it takes 3 months to see real results.


There are lots of supplements that encourage lean muscle growth and maintenance, help provide energy and stamina for workouts, and increase your body’s fat burning capacity.  Many of them are made by reputable manufacturers who’ve built reputations for delivering what they promise.  We don’t think Ripped Muscle X is in this category.  Ripped Muscle X is their only product and the “free trial” is the only way to order it.

If you are familiar with similar products, the “free trial” is quite a common thing in male enhancement supplements and more often than not it seems that they don’t quite work out as intended. They don’t list their ingredients, and their product is expensive.  Find something more proven, more trustworthy, and more widely known.

Have You Used Ripped Muscle X?  Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

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#2 – Nitrocut

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Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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Best Kratom For Anxiety

3 Best Kratom Strains For Anxiety

Like most people, I do tend to have bouts of anxiety.

They’re nothing serious, but occasionally I will get a panic attack that could be quite unpleasant.

If you’ve been following my site for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve been testing out a wide variety of kratom strains and vendors.

In my personal experience, the following strains are the best at helping with anxiety, both social anxiety and even panic attacks.

They’re listed in order of least effective to most effective, as well as the rationale for each and situations when you should use them.

#3 – Horned Kratom

Unlike most other kratom strains, Horned kratom is not actually named after a particular region.

Rather, Horned is named after the shape of the leaves, which if you haven’t already guessed, is in the shape of a horn.

horned kratom for anxiety

Horned Kratom has always been my personal favorite.  It provides feelings of calm, focus, and some fairly good pain relief.

One thing I’ve also noticed is that it seems to stop anxiety dead in its tracks, usually within 5 – 10 min. or dosing.

Why is this the case?

To be honest, I REALLY don’t know.

Traditionally, Horned Kratom has been used mostly for it’s pain relief properties.

I can see Horned being the most successful at helping with anxiety, if pain was actually the source.

But in my particular case, I don’t suffer from chronic pain.

The best guess I can make is that, because Horned kratom is one of the most euphoric strains, that euphoria overrides any sense of impending doom or dread.

Thereby it completely eliminates anxious feelings.

When should you use Horned Kratom?

Situationally, I have read that Horned kratom is best for pain relief and relaxation.

So if anxiety is your primary concern, then you may want to check out some of the other strains on this page.

I use a dose of 4 grams of Horned at night to help me wind down after a long day, but I would recommend you start with a lower dose to assess your tolerance first.

You can measure out a dose with either a teaspoon, or a scale.

measuring kratom on a microscale

I like this one from Amazon.

It’s only $22, and it measures your kratom dose VERY accurately.

#2 – White Borneo Kratom

I’ve read on countless forums that red and white strains are the best at promoting anti-anxiety behavior.

With that said, there’s a HUGE difference between white and red strains, for me at least.

Whites tend to be more stimulating for me, while reds seem to produce more of a calming feeling.

In comes White Vein Borneo.

This rare kratom strain is a good mix between both the white vein and red veins, and in my experience is VERY effective at helping with anxiety related symptoms.

I’ve even heard some isolated reports that it’s a great kratom strain for those with PTSD, however that can’t be substantiated.

Without exception, it is one of the best kratom strains for anxiety I have ever tested.

When used in the correct dose, that is.

When should you use White Vein Borneo?

Situationally, I have read reports that White Vein Borneo can be used for everything from social anxiety disorder to panic disorder.

I don’t suffer from either of these disorders, so it’s tough for me to come to a conclusion on that.

Personally, I use White Borneo when I am laying around on the couch trying to get my mind off things.

A low dose of White Vein Borneo (1-2 grams) tends to be more stimulating, so if you’re looking for anti-anxiety effects I would definitely suggest a higher dose.

I will typically dose about 3 – 4 grams (sometimes more) of White Borneo over the course of an hour, and I can feel it’s anxiolytic effects within 20 minutes most of the time.

With that said, some people will find that they can get away with a low dose to get it’s anxiety relief properties.

The key thing with Kratom to remember is you should ALWAYS start off with a lower dose.

You can always take more, but you can’t take less after downing 5 grams of the stuff.

#1 – Classic Red Bali

Bali Kratom comes in both red AND white varieties, both of which can have drastically different effects.

By FAR the best kratom for anxiety would be Red Vein Bali.

When I take Red Vein Bali, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to have anxiety.

The best part about Bali is that, unlike with strains like Horned or Green Vein Malay, it doesn’t cause excessive drowsiness / tiredness.

You won’t feel like you are about to fall asleep, but you won’t feel the stimulating effects that sometimes can bring on bouts of anxiety.

It’s simply a clean, calming, and anxiety-relieving high that’s impossible to miss.

When should you use Red Vein Bali?

For me, I typically will use it if I have a particularly stressful social event on the horizon.

Think like a wedding where you ultimately won’t no more than 3 people there.

It seems to make me more talkative and friendly with people who I would otherwise not be so social with.

Sometimes I’ll find myself flirting with the girl at the deli counter at Publix and not even realize it until I’ve walked away.

If I were single again, I would TOTALLY stock up on Red Vein Bali and start hitting the clubs.

I’ve also read on countless forums that Bali is a great kratom strain for OCD, Panic disorder, and even PTSD.

Where can I buy these?

There are several reputable vendors that sell kratom for anxiety, including:

For me personally, I enjoy the Top Extracts brand the most.

They have decent prices, and their product ALWAYS works.

I’ve had several instances of getting bunk kratom from some “less than reputable” vendors in the past.

This is simply not the case with Top Extracts Kratom, and I’ve been ordering from them for damn near close to 2 years at this point.

Check out their official website here:

You can pick up each one of the strains mentioned above, and their prices range from as little as $12.99 for a 25 gram packet, to as much as $39.99 for a 100 gram packet.

Here’s links to each individual strain:

Horned Kratom –

White Borneo –

Red Vein Bali –

Important Things To Note

  1.  Keep an eye on your dose size

This can’t be stressed enough.  Taking too little kratom will leave you feeling jaded, as if it doesn’t work at all.

kratom dosage guide

Taking too much can leave your bowing to the porcelain gods for a couple of hours.

It’s important that you start off with a low dose and work your way up.  Remember:  You can always take more, but you can never take less.

2.  Take it on an empty stomach

One thing I’ve noticed is that when taking Kratom on a full stomach, the effects are severely diminished.

In some cases, the effects are completely gone right after you eat a big meal.

If you want to get the most out of your kratom dose, than make sure you take it on an as empty a stomach as possible.

3.  Use caution if you’re taking any medications

Because kratom is so new, there are no known interactions between medications.

Note that I said “no known interactions”.

This doesn’t mean there are NOT any interactions, it just means it hasn’t been clinically tested or verified in a lab setting.

Will kratom interact with anti-anxiety medications like SSRI’s, Ativan, Xanax, Valium, or Klonopin.

That part is unknown.

What I will tell you from personal experience is that Kratom DOES seem to enhance the sedating effects of Lorazepam, which is something I actually have a prescription for.

My suggestion is that you DEFINITELY check with your doctor first to be sure.

4.  Beware of Kratom Addiction

Like most good things in life, there are downsides to taking kratom.

It has the potential to cause dependency, addiction, and withdrawal if you take it too often.

You can mitigate this by just taking it as-needed, such as during a panic attack.

If you or someone you know is suffering from Kratom addiction, contact SAMHSA for help:


For most people, nearly any strain of Kratom can help with relieving anxiety.

Since kratom is VERY user / situational dependent, your best bet is to buy a small amount of each strain and test them out independently.

Take out a sheet of paper or notepad and write down a log of how you were feeling at the beginning of the day, then chronicle each hour after you dose.

It works WONDERS when you’re trying to figure out which kratom strain is right for you, as well as how you’ll respond.


  1. What is Social Anxiety:
  2. PTSD –
  3.  Panic Attacks Symptoms and Causes –

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Top Extracts

#1 - Top Extracts

Top Extracts has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices. Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

Reliable Richard Review

I recently had one of my site visitors ask me if I’ve ever heard of Reliable Richard ed pills.

The gentleman that approached me actually went so far as to say that their supplements work better than prescription drugs like Viagra, Cialis, etc.

reliable richard email

I actually hadn’t heard about it yet, but that’s not unusual in the least.

Supplements like this come out every day, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with all of them.

But the part where he said that it seemed to work better than pharmaceuticals, now that sparked my attention.

When someone tells me that a particular pill works better than Viagra, it’s usually because they are pumping Viagra into their supposed all natural supplement.

This has happened dozens of times, and companies that have been caught doing this include Rhino pills, Ready Man, and a host of others.

So is Reliable Richard doing this?

Unless you have it clinically tested in a lab, there’s no way to tell for sure.

However, I decided to try out each and every one of the Reliable Richard product line.

I can tell you from personally taking prescription ed medications like Viagra and Cialis what the effects are like.

Related Article:  7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives

First off, let’s talk a bit about who they are and what products they sell.

What is Reliable Richard?

Located in Fort Worth, Texas, Reliable Richard is in one business and one business only.

Sexual enhancement supplementation.

They make several different brands of products, including (click on each to jump to my full review):

The company is located in Keller, Texas, and is owned by a company called Russ N Kell LLC.

I’ve actually bought and tested each of these, here are my reviews of each below.

My Reliable Richard Review

Reliable Richard seems to be their “flagship product”, so it was only natural that I tested this one first.

reliable richard reviews

According to the product label, it contains the following ingredients:

  • Ginkgo Biloba:  60 mg
  • Eurycoma Longifolia:  150 mg
  • Flos Carharmi:  40 mg
  • Herba Cistanches:  50 mg
  • Horny Goat Weed:  50 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

original reliable richard ingredients label

How To Take It

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 or 2 capsules 3 hours prior to a sexual encounter.

This is unusual in the fact that normally fast-acting pills like this work, well, faster.

That is not necessarily the end of the world, but the fact of the matter is that most people are looking to take erectile dysfunction supplements for the sole purpose of having fast acting results so that you can waste no time hopping in bed.

3 hours seems like a bit of a stretch, but I decided to down just 1 pill and wait an hour to let the effects kick in.

My Personal Results

From what I can tell, you need to be sexually stimulated for this to star working.

It doesn’t produce a magic boner while you’re just walking around, although they do say on their website that there’s no stimulation required. content/uploads/2018/04/no stimulation

About 20 minutes after taking Reliable Richard I could tell it was already starting to work.

It’s always a bit difficult to describe the feeling, but I could tell that my erection quality was WAY better than it usually is.

It also seemed to produce good effects for several days, finally wearing off at the end of day 3 or so.

Side effects:  The only thing I noticed was a slight headache and a stuffy nose towards the end of day 1.

This could have been caused by any number of factors, and was not necessarily caused by the Reliable Richard pills themselves.

My Rating:  4.5 stars (would have given it a 5 if it weren’t for the minor side effects)

My Extreme Richard Review

According to the official marketing, Extreme Richard is geared towards guys that have been regular customers of the original formula.

reliable richard extreme reviews

It’s composed of an almost completely different ingredients list that includes the following:

  • Astragallus Membranaceus:  100 mg
  • Ku Gua:  75 mg
  • Herba Epimedii:  50 mg
  • Herba Cistanches:  50 mg
  • Horny Goat Weed:  75 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

reliable richard extreme ingredients label

As you can see, the only common ingredient that the original Reliable Richard and Extreme Richard share is Horny Goat Weed.

Horny goat is used in 100’s of male enhancement supplements, including Staminon, Steel Libido, and Wydenz.

My Personal Results

They recommend that you start with the original Reliable Richard formula first, which of course is what I did.

I waited about 3 days after the effects of the original wore off, and started off with the recommended 1 capsule 45 min. prior to sexual activity.

For me, it didn’t seem to product NEARLY the same effects as the original.

I could sense an increase in my overall libido, but it was much tamer from what I could tell.

If I had to put a percentage on it, I would say that it worked about 50% less than the original formula did.

Keep in mind that everyone responds differently to pills like this, and just because this happened to me doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen to you.

Side Effects:  I didn’t notice any side effects with Extreme Richard.

My overall rating:  2.5 out of 5 stars

My Hard Dawn Review

Remember those morning woods you used to get when you were in your teens and 20’s?

Yeah, I do too. 🙂

At 36, I don’t get them as nearly as I used to, but it is nice to wake up to one every once in awhile.

Hard Dawn promises to bring back those morning boners, and help you feel like you were in your 20’s again.

hard dawn pill reviews

It of course does this through the ingredients, which include:

  • Epimedium:  125 mg
  • Horny Goat Weed:  125 mg
  • Tongkat Ali:  100 mg
  • Korean Red Ginseng:  75 mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea extract:  75 mg

Unfortunately I don’t have a good image of the label because I scratched it off when I was trying to remove the stickers they put over every box.

Luckily, I figured out a way to remove the stickers without damaging the label.

hair dryer to remove stickers

What’s interesting to note here is that Epimedium and Horny Goat Weed are essentially the same thing.

The only difference is the name.

The standard dose of horny goat weed for erectile dysfunction can range from as low as 900 mg icariin to as much as 1,500 mg icariin, depending on body weight and other individual factors.

My Personal Results

The directions on the Hard Dawn label state that you should take 1 – 2 capsules 45 min. before an encounter and 2 hours after a meal.

As usual, I started with just 1 pill to assess my tolerance.  I waited about an hour, and after not really feeling much, decided to take the 2nd pill.

I actually didn’t really feel anything all day, albeit a slight tingle down there.

However, when I woke up the next morning I had one of the biggest morning woods in recent memory.

It wasn’t quite the same kind of morning wood that I had when I was in my 20’s, but I could tell there was a huge difference.

I nudged my wife with this newfound boner and, well, let’s just say we took  care of it 😉

Side Effects:  None to report

My Overall Rating:  4.0 out of 5 stars

My Incredi-bull Review

Reliable Richard says that you’ll “be a bull in the bedroom” with this pill, and that even the slightest sexual thought will trigger a massive boner.

incredi-bull pill reviews

But does it really live up to the claim?

The official ingredients list mentions the following in Incredi-Bull:

  • Epimedium:  125 mg
  • Muira Puama:  110 mg
  • Korean Ginseng:  50 mg
  • Boiled Rehamannia Root:  35 mg
  • Tongkat Ali:  30 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

incredi-bull pill ingredients label

My Personal Results With Incredi-Bull

The instructions on the label state that you should take 1 – 2 capsules of Incredi-Bull 45 min. prior to a sexual encounter, and 2 hours after a meal.

Just like with all of the other pills Reliable Richard sells, they explicitly mention that you may feel the effects for up to 4 days.

I can honestly say that it does exactly that, if maybe a bit shorter.

Instead of taking just 1 pill to start, I decided to go all in and took both capsules at the same time.

Mind you I did this first thing in the morning on a completely empty stomach, thinking it would help it kick in quicker.

Well, it sure did!

I actually started feeling it after about 30 minutes, and it seemed to peak after about 2 hours.

It produced pretty much all the things they mentioned on their site, including:

  • Larger / fuller erections
  • Increased libido
  • Reduced recovery time
  • Lasted WAY longer

That last benefit was especially apparent for Incredi-Bull.

Usually it takes me about 10 minutes or so to climax if I’m trying hard enough to do so.

With this stuff, I felt like I could have lasted HOURS.

My official orgasm time was probably somewhere in the realm of 25 min., but I could definitely tell I had full control over when that would happen.

Side Effects:  I’m not sure if it was the Incredi-Bull causing it or what, but I got the same sensation that I got with the original Reliable Richard.

It was like this weird headache and stuffy nose that sort of just came and went.

My Overall Rating:  4.5 out of 5 stars

My Sexpert Review

Next up on the list is Sexpert, which they call “cliffs notes for the bedroom”.

sexpert pill reviews

Essentially, it will make you a “sexpert” in the bedroom, which will have all of the ladies lining up.

The key difference Sexpert has from all of the other products in their line up is a focus on blood flow.

As I’ve talked about in several reviews in the past, blood flow is crucial for generating harder and stronger erections.

If you have poor blood flow, then there’s no way around it.

You will NOT have a good erection.

In fact, a lack of blood flow is the chief cause of erectile dysfunction issues.

So what causes this increase in blood flow?

The ingredients list in Sexpert includes the following:

  • Korean Red Ginseng:  125 mg
  • Tongkat Ali:  125 mg
  • Radix Astragalus Membranaceus:  100 mg
  • Fructus Momordica Charantia:  75 mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea: 75 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

sexpert pill ingredients label

My Personal Results

The directions on the label are the same as the others.

Feeling adventurous, I decided to do the same thing I did with Incredi-Bull and took 2 pills at the same time.

With the other pills, they mention that you don’t require any stimulation to get it up.

So unlike with the other pills, I decided to just sit around and wait it out to see if I would get any random boners.

So I waited, and waited, and waited.

I probably waited about 4 or 5 hours and noticed that nothing seemed to be happening.

Getting a little frustrated, I decided to stimulate myself a bit to see if anything would happen.

I did get a woody, but this one seemed different than the ones I had with Hard Dawn and original Reliable Richard.

It was sort of blah to be honest.

I didn’t really feel bigger or fuller erections, nor did I feel like I could last any longer.

The only sensation I got from it was maybe a little boost in libido, but nothing to write home about.

Side Effects:  I didn’t notice any side effects from taking Sexpert.

Overall Rating:  2 out of 5 stars

My Good Timez Review

Good Timez appears to be an improved formula of their original Reliable Richard formula.

good timez pill reviews

It contains many of the same ingredients that Reliable Richard does, with a few added ones.

They also adjusted the dose size of each individual ingredients slightly, here’s the full list:

  • Eurycoma Longifolia:  154 mg
  • Flos Cartharmi:  24.5 mg
  • Rhizoma Cucurmae Longae:  49 mg
  • Gingko Biloba:  49 mg
  • Herba Epimedii:  24.5 mg
  • Astragalus Membranaceus:  24.5 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

good timez pill ingredients label

My Results With Good Timez

For me, the results I got with Good Timez were virtually identical to that of the original Reliable Richard formula.

This didn’t come as much of a surprise, as the ingredients are basically the same.

The effects seemed to linger for a few days, and unlike with the others I did NOT need any stimulation.

The boners were just coming and going all day long without any “input” from me.

Side Effects:  None to report.

Overall Rating:  4.5 out of 5 stars

My Strong Review

I haven’t had a chance to test this one out yet, but I will update this review shortly when I have.

Where To Buy Reliable Richard

It appears that you can buy their entire product line on both their official website (, and on Amazon.

From what I can tell, the prices are a bit more expensive on an average of $4 or so.

Some guys may find it more convenient to buy it on Amazon, which backs all of their purchases.

On the flip side, Reliable Richard also offers a 30 day money back guarantee.

There’s a few caveats to this, including:

  • All product must be returned to them within 30 days
  • If you bought more than one product unit, then only one unit may be opened
  • Only applies to brand new customers

It should also be noted that all of their products are shipped discreetly in a plain unmarked envelope.

reliable richard is discreetly shipped

The only thing it will say on the package in the return address is “Russ N Kell LLC”, so your mailman won’t know you just bought a sexual enhancement pill.


After personally testing out the entire Reliable Richard brand, I can say with 100% certainty that their stuff WORKS.

I had a minor potential side effect, but again I cannot be sure that it was entirely caused by Reliable Richard itself and when weighed against the positive effects that I got out of it, it was well worth it.

What’s more, I didn’t get any sense that they’re pumping any illegal ingredients into their formula.

If they were, I would have no problem calling out Reliable Richard as not safe to consume.

Considering they’ve been around for a few years, I’m guessing that the FDA has at one point or another tested their products for any illegal ingredients.

If they had found ANYTHING that wasn’t supposed to be in their product, we would have heard about it by now.

In my personal experience, the best products were the original Reliable Richard, Hard Dawn, Incredi-Bull,

If you’ve been on the fence about trying ANY of the Reliable Richard pills, I would highly recommend you get off the fence and give it a go!

Have You Used Reliable Richard?  Leave Your Review Below!

All Weekend Pill Review: Where Did It Go?

I’ve had a few guys come to me the last few months and ask me if I’d ever heard of a pill called “All Weekend”.

When someone comes to me with a supplement request like this, the very first thing I do is hit Google.

Unfortunately, when I did that nothing showed up.

And when I say “nothing” I mean NOTHING.

That isn’t going to get you very far, but it is far from the end of the trail.

all weekend pill

There’s a link in Amazon that talks about a pill called Hapenis, but apparently it has nothing to do with this vitamin.

From the suggested searches, it appears that this product is being heavily promoted via the mail.

I get these mailers all the time, and sometimes they are a bit….graphic.

Like this one from Evoxa.

all weekend pill in mail

If anyone has any information on All Weekend capsules, PLEASE contact me here.

Specifically, I’m looking for a mailer or other physical item that I can use to do a full All Weekend long pill review.

I would like to get my hands on it and see exactly how it works out for myself.

If you have a website, that would be even better.

I try to do my best to respond to comments and emails within 24 hours, and I would really appreciate it!

If you’re looking for a All Weekend Pill Alternative

You might want to check out a supplement called Hardon Helper.  It’s the best fast acting, take-as-needed pill that I’ve ever personally tested, and I’ve tested a TON of these supplements over the years.

hardon helper review

Read my review here:



Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

4 BEST Bodybuilding Supplements That Work Like Steroids

In the quest to get big, a lot of men and some women turn toward illegal drugs that are unregulated, making them potentially dangerous. What’s more, these same drugs are going to raise red flags if you have your eyes on the bodybuilding stage.

Sure, steroids can give those that are looking for huge muscle mass gains some significant results in a short amount of time, but for the most part they are illegal and come along with side effects that make them not worth it.

Can you build big muscle without the risk posed by illegal steroids? I’d argue that there are legit over-the-counter steroid alternatives that are effective and don’t pose the same risks as anabolic steroids.

Let’s take a look at 4 types of OTC steroid alternatives that can help you achieve your muscle building goals.

OTC Steroid #1:  SARMs

Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, a SARM promotes anabolic benefits without the androgenic side effects. What’s the difference?

Anabolic benefits refer specifically to the size of the muscle tissue; hence, why the terms anabolism and anabolic environment are so popular for those trying to build big muscle. Androgenic, on the other hand, are the male characteristics associated with the natural onset and development of men. For example, when a teen’s voice starts to deepen, this is an androgenic characteristic.

The advantage to only promoting anabolic properties and not androgenic ones is that you’re getting what you want (muscle mass) without the side effects associated with too much androgenic properties. For example, hair loss, aggression, and gyno (man boobs) are all notorious androgen-based side effects. SARMs, in theory, allow you to have your cake and eat it too.

How Do SARMs Work?

SARMs are designed to target specific androgen receptor sites in the muscle tissue. Once locked and loaded at the receptor site, the SARM can promote the anabolic benefits of muscle growth with minimal to no androgenic complications.

Are SARMs Legal?

This is where we enter a gray area.

SARMs aren’t completely legal, but they aren’t altogether illegal.

SARMs in capsule form, suggesting consumption as a nutritional supplement for humans, are what is most likely to fall into the illegal status.

SARMs in liquid form, suggesting consumption for animal-based research, is usually given the green light, and it’s the reason why 9 times out of 10, you’ll find SARMs in tincture (eye dropper) form.

Best Types of SARMs

It’s the nature of the industry to see incredible products come and go, especially if they are teetering in a gray area of legality. Let’s define the most used, proven, and trusted types of SARMs that are also readily available online.


Let’s kick off the list with the most popular SARM, Ostarine.

chemyo brand ostarine
Chemyo brand Ostarine.

Related Article:  Ostarine Review – Dosage, Side Effects, and More

This compound made huge waves in the fitness industry when it was discovered that medical experts were using it to stop the breakdown and promote the growth of muscle tissue.

As a SARM, Ostarine seeks out and attaches itself to selective androgen receptors in the body. Once attached, Ostarine stimulates the production of anabolic, or muscle promoting, compounds.

What Is It Used For?

Since Ostarine helps to trigger the release of anabolic compounds, it’s best used for bulking. In fact, one famous study with Ostarine showed that subjects gained an average of 3 pounds of muscle without the inclusion of an exercise program. Now, imagine what you can do when you hit the gym several times per week. Since it protects lean muscle tissue from breakdown, Ostarine may also act as a great recovery SARM, but the focus is on muscle mass.

Potential Side Effects

Since Ostarine attaches itself to androgenic receptors, there is a chance you may experience side effects relative to androgenic development such as acne and hair loss. Users who abuse Ostarine or stay on a cycle too long might suffer from mild testosterone suppression. The way to avoid these side effects is to use an intra-cycle support and post-cycle therapy (PCT) supplement.

How to Take

There is an injectable version of Ostarine on the market, but I’d recommend sticking with the liquid form in an eye dropper to avoid cost and the risk of over-dosing.

sarms dropper
An example of a SARMS dropper / tincture

To avoid side effects and to see how your body responds, you can start a cycle at 3 mg. Gradually, increase the dosage to 12 to 15 mg.

If your goal is to gain as much size as possible, you can increase the dosage to 25 mg, but no higher than this. Please note that intra-cycle support and PCT supplements are required at this dosage. Do not exceed a cycle of 6 weeks and follow up with 4 weeks off.

Where To Buy

You can pick up Ostarine on the Chemyo website, check it out here:


Technically, a PPAR modulator, Cardarine is grouped into the SARM category for the purpose of easy classification.

chemyo cardarine
Cardarine sold by Chemyo.

Related Article:  Cardarine Review – 13 Things You Need To Know

After all, it’s easier to search for the term SARM than PPAR modulator.

Cardarine stimulates what is known as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) in your body. Found in muscle and fatty tissue, the PPAR helps to regulate fat burning, cholesterol, muscle development, and recovery. Cardarine taps into the properties of the PPAR, which is how it can promote benefits such as muscle growth, enhanced recovery, and fat burning.

What Is It Used For?

While it might seem like an ideal all-around SARM, Cardarine really shines when it comes to cutting and recovery. Yes, it can promote muscle building, but if your goal is only size, Cardarine might not be what you’re looking for, and you’re better off with Ostarine.

Potential Side Effects

Cardarine has no reported side effects; however, it should be noted that at a time, it was accused of promoting colon cancer. Since these accusations, studies have been released proving otherwise.

How to Take

The average dose according to user reviews and brand recommendations is 10 mg every day for 4 to 6 weeks. You can gradually increase this dosage to 20 mg during a second or third cycle, but do not exceed this amount. Once your cycle has finished, give your body a break of 4 weeks before beginning another cycle. No intra-cycle support or post-cycle support is needed as Cardarine doesn’t promote androgenic side effects.

Where To Buy

You can pick up Cardarine on the Chemyo website, check it out here:


Also known as MK-677, Nutrobal, like Cardarine, isn’t technically a SARM; rather, it is a Growth Hormone Secretagogue, or HGH-S.

chemyo nutrobal
MK-677 sold by Chemyo.

Related Article:  Nutrobal (MK-677) Review – 12 Things You NEED To Know Before Buying

Growth Hormone Secretagogues like Nutrobal are an injection-free way to stimulate the production of growth hormone. When you take an HGH-S, you are consuming peptides that seek out growth hormone receptors, attach themselves to the receptors, and stimulate the production of growth hormone. In this way, it’s quite similar but not exactly a SARM. Still it’s close enough to be lumped into the SARM category.

Nutrobal is a unique HGH-S because it has the ability to bypass the somatostatin barrier. The results? More growth hormone production than your average HGH-S. One important thing to note here is that you are NOT ingesting synthetic growth hormone; rather, you are stimulating the natural production of growth hormone within your own body.

What Is It Used For?

Due to the direct production of growth hormone, Nutrobal is an ideal over-the-counter steroid alternative for building serious muscle mass. It’s also an excellent way to boost recovery and protect your current levels of muscle mass from catabolic breakdown due to over-training or high levels of cortisol.

Potential Side Effects

The average side effects are nothing to worry about. Most people report a bigger appetite, occasional numbness in the hands, and fatigue. Other side effects that are rare to hear about include heartburn, mood swings, and insulin resistance.

How to Take

You’ll want to start with 5 mg of Nutrobal, and you can gradually increase this amount to 25 mg. Do not take Nutrobal for more than 10 weeks, followed by a 4-week break.

It’s important to use as directed, but here’s an example of a general dosage chart for Nutrobal:

  • Week 1: 5 mg
  • Week 2: 5 mg
  • Week 3: 10 mg
  • Week 4: 10 mg
  • Week 5: 15 mg
  • Week 6: 15 mg
  • Week 7: 20 mg
  • Week 8: 20 mg
  • Week 9: 25 mg
  • Week 10: 25 mg

Where To Buy

You can pick up Nutrobal on the Chemyo website, check it out here:

OTC Steroid Alternative #2:  Prohormones

In your body, you have a variety of sex steroid hormones that are regulated by your body’s need for that particular hormone. Sex steroid hormones play a role in promoting lean muscle tissue and fat burning. Pro-hormones are precursors, or the chemical compound that is needed to create those sex steroid hormones; pro-hormones are NOT the hormone itself.

Once converted in the body via the liver, pro-hormones can promote a variety of benefits including muscle building, shredding, and performance enhancement.

How Do Prohormones Work?

Once you ingest a pro-hormone, your liver coverts it into a usable form, which is then hooked up to its sex steroid counterpart. This is much different from illegal steroids as anabolic steroids don’t need to be converted to be used. Once injected, they immediately influence hormone levels.

Are Prohormones Legal?

As of 2014, when President Obama signed the Designer Steroid Control Act (DSCA), prohormones became illegal to be sold with some exceptions such as Arimistane, which is not a true pro-hormone but is usually lumped into the category.

While illegal, you can still purchase prohormones through websites that took advantage and bought up entire stocks before the ban. I’d advise against this as you don’t know if the pro-hormones are legit or if they’ve been tampered with. Instead, I’d recommend one of the still legal pro-hormones below.

Best Types of Prohormones

Since pro-hormones are officially illegal, I’ll discuss three products that are either thrown into the category without being true prohormones, or compounds that are easy to acquire and safe to use.


More commonly known as Arimistane, this Armotase Inhibitor does not increase growth hormone production; rather, it combats estrogen dominance. Suppressing estrogen production is key if you want to increase levels of testosterone and avoid gyno-based side effects.

Related Article:  Arimistane Review:  Top 10 Things You Should Know Before Buying

Able to be used as a standalone product or as a post-cycle therapy supplement, Arimistane works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. It has also been shown to reduce cortisol levels, which helps you avoid muscle breakdown.

What Is It Used For?

You’re not going to look like Phil Heath by using Arimistane; however, if your goals are lean muscle gains, fat burning, and or enhanced recovery, it will do the trick.

Potential Side Effects

When used as directed, no side effects were reported with Arimistane; however, users who intentionally overdosed found that they had complications with their liver enzymes. Some were able to take a PCT and they were fine while others required medical treatment. The moral of the story with anabolic supplements: Don’t take more than the label tells you.

How to Take

Take Arimistane for no longer than a 6-week cycle. The dosage will vary by brand, but you’ll find that most range between 100 mg to 200 mg per day. There’s no need to gradually increase your dosage to account for tolerance issues with Arimistane.


More commonly referred to as Laxogenin, this is a plant-based supplement known as a steroidal sapinogen.

laxogenin as a steroid alternative

Related Article:  Laxogenin Review – 5 Things You Need To Know Before Buying

It’s a synthetically isolated compound from the rhizomes of the plant called, Smilax Sieboldii. Laxogenin falls into a supplement category known as brassinosteroids, or plant-based steroids. Remember that plant steroids are not the same as human steroids; however, they can provide similar and unique benefits.

Laxogenin, in particular, has been shown to increase protein synthesis, protect from catabolic breakdown, and support lean tissue growth.

What Is It Used For?

Laxogenin is ideal for muscle building but, again, you shouldn’t expect the same results as an illegal steroid. A cycle might help to produce several pounds of muscle gain when used in conjunction with a weight training program and muscle-focused nutrition plan. Users also reported better workout performance when taking Laxogenin an hour before going to the gym.

Potential Side Effects

Taken responsibly and as directed, Laxogenin has no reported side effects.

How to Take

The standard dosage for Laxogenin will range between 60 mg and 100 mg. You can use Laxogenin for no more than 8 weeks followed by a break of 4 weeks.


Commonly known as DHEA, this yam-based extract is thought to help increase production of the hormone of the same name.

The hormone in your body is a precursor to testosterone so in theory, the more DHEA you have, the higher your level of testosterone.

Studies suggest that the hormone DHEA in our bodies decreases with age, and this might promote side effects such as weight gain, gyno in men, mood swings, depression, and a higher risk of disease. DHEA might be a safe and effective way to avoid these age-based complications, and as a testosterone booster, it’s not too bad.

What Is It Used For?

Studies show that DHEA supplementation does not raise your total testosterone levels, but it can help to increase your free testosterone levels. DHEA is a decent muscle builder, but it really shines as a performance enhancer, especially if you’re new to weight lifting and high intensity exercise. Theoretically, if DHEA gives you a boost in performance during hypertrophy-focused workouts, you’re likely to see better gains.

Potential Side Effects

As always, DHEA is safe when you take it in a 4-week cycle followed by 4 weeks off. If you exceed this time frame or if you take more than the recommended dosage, you might experience pre-mature balding, breakouts and acne, and mood swings.

How to Take

The sweet spot for DHEA supplements is between 50 mg and 100 mg. If you’ve never used it before, I’d recommend starting with a 50 mg dosage as this is what studies used. Gradually build up to 100 mg for a second or third cycle. Do not exceed 100 mg dosages.

OTC Steroid Alternative #3: D-Anaoxn

D-Anaoxn is said to be a non-steroidal alternative, mimicking its steroidal counterpart, Methandrosteonolone, more commonly known as Dianabol.

How Does D-Anaoxn Work?

The reality is that D-Anaoxn is nothing more than DHEA, amino acids, and whey protein. Does this mean it’s not worth a second glance? Not exactly.

The combination of leucine, isoleucine, and valine has been shown to promote protein synthesis and muscle recovery while whey protein has been demonstrated time and time again to trigger muscle growth.

As mentioned above, DHEA can promote athletic performance while increasing levels of free testosterone. This unique combination can set the stage for muscle building as long as it’s used with a resistance training program and a muscle-focused diet plan.

Is D-Anaoxn Legal?

Yes, D-Anaoxn is completely legal and readily available online.

Best Type of D-Anaoxn

D-Anaoxn is a product of the brand, Crazy Mass. Based on its user reviews, it’s a popular and well-received product.

What Is It Used For?

D-Anaoxn is primary used as support for muscle building, but it will also promote muscle recovery post-workout.

Potential Side Effects

When used as directed, there are no reported side effects with D-Anaoxn. However, it’s important to note that one capsule contains 25 mg of DHEA, and it’s recommended to take one capsule three times per day. As mentioned above, you do not want to exceed this dosage with DHEA as it might result in acne, hair loss, and mood swings.

How to Take

Take one capsule three times daily.

OTC Steroid Alternative #4:  T-Bal 75

Just like D-Bal, T-Bal 75 is marketed as a non-steroidal alternative, resembling its steroidal counterpart, Trenbolone.

How Does T-Bal 75 Work?

More of a marketing ploy than anything else, T-Bal 75 contains an herbal-based formula with its two superstar ingredients, Beta Sitosterol and Samento Inner Bark.

Beta Sitosterol is known as a phytosterol, which contains a chemical structure very similar to that of cholesterol. It has been shown to hamper the conversion of testosterone into DHT. In theory, this will improve free testosterone levels while avoiding DHT-based side effects such as pre-mature balding and prostate issues.

Samento Inner Bark, better known as Cat’s Claw, is a great recovery compound, shown to boost immunity and improve DNA.

Is T-Bal 75 Legal?

Yes, Trenorol is completely legal and readily available online.

Best Type of T-Bal 75

T-Bal 75 is a product of the brand, Crazy Mass. Just like D-Bal, it is a very popular product, but is arguably more popular and recommended based on user reviews.

What Is It Used For?

Crazy Mass labels it as a cutting and bulking supplement. As a natural supplement, I think it’s safe to argue that T-Bal 75 would be best suited for someone looking to lean out while maintaining their current levels of muscle mass.

Potential Side Effects

Since it is a naturally-based supplement, there are no reported side effects when you use T-Bal 75 as directed.

How to Take

Take one capsule three times daily.


Unfortunately, none of these bodybuilding supplement steroid alternatives are available in stores.

This is actually sort of a good thing, because usually the stuff sold in GNC is just simply NOT effective.

If you are looking for a legal steroid at gnc, check out this article.

While I personally don’t think the supplements in that review are even CLOSE to the ones I mentioned here, they do give some good effects overall.

The good thing about the pills I listed on this page is that they are ALL legal, at least for now.

If you’re looking for a solid AND effective steroid alternative, the supplements above WILL do the job.

It’s not worth going with illegal steroids that can cause some serious negative effects and could wind up disqualifying you from any sort of competition.

Have You Used Any of These Supplements?  Leave Your Review Below!

Extreme Fit 180 Review

1.  What is Extreme Fit 180?

Ok, let’s say you’re someone who feels like you eat a pretty healthy diet and you work out regularly, but you feel like you’re not getting the results you want.

Maybe you’re fit, but not as fit as you feel like you ideally want to be. You might be someone who would try Extreme Fit 180. This product isn’t necessarily a magic weight loss pill, but it does claim to provide that extra boost some of us need when our diet and workouts have reached a plateau.

So What Makes It Different?

Extreme Fit 180 is marketed as being able to help people eliminate unwanted fat. It may also help suppress appetite and detox the digestive system, according to the makers. content/uploads/2018/04/extreme fit

What are the specific claims?

  • Helps people lose three times more weight than they would with diet and exercise alone
  • Helps maintain lean muscle mass
  • Increases serotonin levels to promote better sleep and mood as well as reducing appetite
  • Helps the body convert fat into glycogen, which helps prevent fat storage in the body

2.  Extreme Fit 180 Ingredients

The ingredients in these pills are described as being all natural and “pharmaceutical-grade.”

The primary ingredient is something called Garcinia Cambogia Extract 60% HCA.

If you haven’t heard of this specific ingredient yet, then you likely haven’t been searching for a fat burner for very long.

You’ll find this ingredient in literally 100’s of weight loss pills and fat burners, including Phenocal, Evlution Nutrition Lean Mode, and IT Works Fat Fighters.

What’s Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit, and it’s included in a lot of supplements marketed as ways to help people lose weight.

The claims related to Garcinia Cambogia as a weight loss supplement indicate it can help:

  • Block the body from making fat
  • Reduce appetite.

The theory is also that it can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, or at least help them stay under control.

How does it do this?

The active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia is something called hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA blocks something called citrate lyase, which is used to make fat by the body.

A possible added benefit of HCA is that it raises serotonin in the brain, which is a feel-good chemical. Higher serotonin levels can help reduce appetite.

So, while Garcinia Cambogia may be something that has a lot of hype surrounding it, does it live up to it?

Maybe not.

Studies Regarding Garcinia Cambogia

The Journal of Obesity found that people who took Garcinia Cambogia lost around two pounds more than people who didn’t take it during a study. Even with that minimal weight loss, the reviewers of the study weren’t sure if it could be attributed to the supplement or not.

Does that mean the HCA enzyme in Garcinia Cambogia can’t help you lose weight? No, but there needs to be more research on it.

Along with the Journal of Obesity study, other human studies have shown similar results. Garcinia cambogia can potentially help people lose small-to-modest amounts of weight. Across multiple human trials, the weight loss has been around two pounds more than a placebo, with study time ranging from 2 to 12 weeks.

There have been some studies, however, that have shown no effects on weight loss between people that took Garcinia Cambogia and those people that didn’t.

As far as blood sugar and cholesterol, Garcinia Cambogia and the HCA enzyme may actually be pretty helpful in these areas. Garcinia Cambogia may have some anti-diabetic effects, and may even help prevent stomach ulcers and damage to the digestive system.

Another ingredient in this product is potassium. According to the makers of Extreme Fit 180, potassium is included to help with the absorption of the Garcinia Cambogia. Potassium also has its own potential health benefits such as helping stabilize blood pressure and for removing fat from cells.

3.  How To Use It

If you opt to use Extreme Fat 180, you should take two capsules a day. The capsules should be taken together, on an empty stomach. Instructions indicate the supplement should be taken 30-60 minutes before your main meal of the day, with water.

The makers of Extreme Fit 180 recommend it be used along with some of their other products for best results like their colon cleanse.

People who use Extreme Fit 180 are also advised to combine it with a healthy diet and exercise if they want to see significant results.

4.  Extreme Fit 180 Side Effects

The main, active ingredient in Extreme Fit 180 can have potential side effects. First, users should be aware that this product hasn’t been tested by the FDA.

Garcinia Cambogia may also have some serious side effects. The Primary Care Companion medical journal highlighted some research showing the use of Garcinia Cambogia has been linked to mania, which is a psychiatric condition. Symptoms of mania can include delusions, euphoria, and overexcitement.

The risk of serious psychiatric side effects is likely higher in users with a previous history of certain disorders, but there have been some people who have shown signs of mania after using Garcinia Cambogia even with no previous history of psychiatric illness. It should be noted that this is a very rare side effect, but a severe one.

There have also been reports of serious liver problems in people who take Garcinia, although more research needs to be done to determine if this supplement is the reason for these problems. People with existing liver disease are warned against using Garcinia.

5.  Where Can You Buy Extreme Fit 180?

You can buy Extreme Fit 180 online from major retailers like Walmart. It’s also available on Amazon. When buying it on Amazon, it’s eligible for Prime shipping from some retailers, and there are also promotions that can be used for a discount on the product. Some third-party retailers that may sell Extreme Fit 180.

The current price on Amazon from the Prime retailer is $32.97.

If someone purchases it on, the price is a little bit lower right now than on Amazon, but without the Prime Shipping.

6.  Does Extreme Fit 180 Work?

So what do the reviews say? We went straight to one of the best review resources, which is Amazon. The average star-rating from customers who purchased this product on Amazon was 3.5. Not horrible, but also not great.

Around 29% of customer reviews gave Extreme Fit 180 a 1-star review. At the same time, 52% gave it five stars, and 13% gave it a 4-star rating. It seems like one of those love it or hate it products.

Some people said that they lost weight and fat using Extreme Fit 180, and they also felt other desirable effects such as better sleep when using it.

extreme fit 180 review on amazon

Other positive reviews say that users notice an increase in their energy levels when they use Extreme Fit 180 and that they felt like they had a reduced appetite while on it.

does extreme fit 180 help with energy

The favorable reviewers also said they didn’t feel jittery or sick when using it for the most part, and some reviewers said they lost a couple of pounds while only using it for two weeks.

Some reviewers also pointed out that they felt it had good effects for them, but that they were using it in conjunction with diet and exercise to lose weight and not using the product on its own.

On the other hand, the negative reviews for Extreme Fit 180 mostly say that the supplement had absolutely no effect. Some people describe it as not only ineffective but something they want a refund for.

A few negative reviews even said the user gained weight while on the product.

Overall, the reviews are highly mixed not just on Amazon, but on other websites as well. Some people say it’s a great product that boosts energy and promotes weight loss, while others say it does absolutely nothing.

7.  Should You Try Extreme Fit 180?

Ok, so what does all the information about Extreme Fit 180 come down to? Should you try it or not?

First, what are the benefits?

Extreme Fit 180 might help people lose a few pounds, especially if they’re also dieting and exercising. The main active ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia, has been shown in some studies to promote modest weight loss.

Extreme Fit 180 may help reduce appetite and boost mood because of the effects on serotonin.

There’s also the potential this product can create positive improvements regarding blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Now, what are the downsides?

First, the research on garcinia seems to indicate that while modest weight loss of a few pounds is possible, there is also a chance this supplement doesn’t help people lose any weight at all.

There are studies showing garcinia as ineffective for weight loss. Along with general studies on Garcinia, a significant number of customer reviews indicate the product isn’t very effective.

There could also be potential severe side effects using Extreme Fit 180 because of the garcinia.

Garcinia Cambogia has the risk of rare but severe side effects including mania and liver damage.

There may be supplements on the market that are better for weight loss and reducing fat without the side effects possible with Garcinia Cambogia. If you are planning to use a supplement like Extreme Fit 180 with Garcinia Cambogia, it can be a good idea to speak with your doctor first, especially if you have a history of psychiatric illnesses or liver impairment.

Have You Used Extreme Fit 180?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Rejuva Brain Review

It’s been a long time since I wrote about a nootropic supplement.

I happened to be browsing through my yahoo news feed this morning when I came across this ad:

rejuva brain elon musk

I knew it was a sponsored article by the little thing that said “sponsored” just above the title, but decided to click anyway.

Not all sponsored articles are full of fluff and are misleading, so I try my best to go into them with a fresh set of eyes when I can.

According to this “Business Insider” article, the founder of Tesla, Elon Musk, has developed a pill that restores brain function by 57.3%.

elon musk smart pill

The name of that pill is none other than Rejuva Brain.

Problem is, this article is complete B.S.

There are so many reasons that it is B.S. that I should have smelled it from a mile away.

Let’s pick things apart and I’ll show you why you shouldn’t believe a word that is written.

Red Flag #1 – This Is NOT The Business Insider Site

I know it looks like it, but this is NOT the Business Insider website.

Case in point, take a look at the URL in the address bar.  What does it say?

rejuva brain business insider article

It should say ““.

Instead, it says “”.

What happens when you go to “”?  This is what you see: content/uploads/2018/04/not business

Red Flag #2:  Fake Elon Musk Quotes

About the 4th paragraph down, they quote Elon Musk as saying the following:

“Yes, caffeine was my go-to during my career because it does help to promote mental alertness and can, therefore, increase my overall productivity. But the effects of caffeine are minuscule on the scale of cognitive enhancement substances such as “smart drugs”. Our team has been able to increase overall brain output by 57.3%, that’s just something coffee cannot and will not do.”

If you run a google search for that quote, you’re presented with 3 different pages.

elon musk rejuva brain quote

If you start visiting these pages one by one, you’ll start to see something interesting occurring.

For example, if you go to the first link, you’ll a “CNN” article with the title “E. Musk lends a hand to neurobiologists and enhances brain function by 93.7%”

elon musk cnn rejuva brain

First off, this also is NOT the CNN official site.

Second, in the ad we just saw on yahoo, they said it enhanced brain function by 57.3%.

Now it’s 93.7%?

It hits you even hard when you scroll down to the first paragraph and notice that they’re not even talking about Rejuva Brain.

iq points brain

Instead, they’re talking about a pill called IQ Points Brain.

So which is it?  Rejuva Brain or IQ Points Brain?

Back to the original Google search, we click on the 3rd link: content/uploads/2018/04/business insider link

Again, we’re confronted with the fact that this is not the actual Business Insider website. content/uploads/2018/04/bi link

If you start scrolling through the page, you’ll notice a trend.

You’ll see that this article is literally the EXACT same article talking about Rejuva Brain.

HOWEVER, instead of talking about Rejuva Brain, they’re talking about a completely different product called Brain 360.

Case in point, they feature a Dr. Anders Sandberg talking about the benefits of Brain 360. content/uploads/2018/04/brain 360

and here’s the same Dr. Anders Sandberg talking about Rejuva Brain:

dr anders sandberg rejuvabrain

Suspiciously enough, if you search for Dr Anders Sanberg, he does actually exist.

dr anders sandberg

And he IS a researcher at Oxford.

But is he REALLY involved with Rejuva Brain?  Unlikely.

If you run a search for him and the pills, you’ll come up short.

dr anders sandberg rejuva brain

They also show a photo of someone getting their brain scanned, and talk about how celebrities and athletes alike have been taking Rejuva Brain.

athletes and celebrities taking rejuvabrain

What’s more, if you scroll down the page a bit you’ll see that they again not talking about Rejuva Brain.

athletes and celebrities taking brain 360

Further down the page, they mention that Rejuva Brain was tested by their in house senior editor “Daniel”.

His Rejuva brain results are summarized below:

daniels results with rejuva brain

Yet, in the other article, the explicitly mention that he tested brain 360.

brain 360 results

There’s a ton more examples of this, but I won’t bore you because at this point it should be obvious.

Red Flag #3:  Elon Musks Tweet

Towards the bottom of the page, there’s an embedded tweet from Elon Musk.

Mind you, this ENTIRE article has been talking about a pill called Rejuva Brain.

If you look at the tweet carefully, you’ll see several mistakes.

neuro xr and brain xr

  1. In the copy of the tweet, he “thanks” those who participated in Neuro Xr’s release.
  2. In the image just below the tweet, it shows a totally different product called Brain XR.

Also, while it looks like this is an embedded tweet, it’s actually not.

elon musk fake tweet

I did a little digging, and scrolled through all of his tweets on November 17, 2017.

From what I can tell, there are only 2 of them (both retweets):

elon musk tweet #1

elon musk tweet #2

Of course, neither one of these tweets makes any mention of Rejuva Brain, or any other pill for that matter.

Red Flag #4: The REAL Company Elon Musk Backed

So this article about Rejuva Brain is based on the premise that Elon Musk likes it so much that he decided to invest a bunch of money into it.

Everything I’ve described above would make you think twice about that, but it turns out there’s a small bit of truth to all of this.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk launched a company called Neuralink Corp back in 2017.

Neuralink is researching ways to implant chips into your brain, which would allow you to upload and download thoughts.

It has nothing to do with a pill called Rejuva Brain, Brain 360, or Neuro XR.

Now that it’s crystal clear that the marketing is a scam, let’s find out if Rejuva Brain actually does what it says it does.

What is Rejuva Brain?

According to the official website, Rejuva Brain was designed to promote:

  • Intense Focus
  • Mental Clarity
  • Cognitive precision
  • Boosted brain function

Something looked very familiar when I visited their site.

I feel like I’ve seem a similar looking site in the past, so I started digging around my old nootropics reviews to see if any of them matched up.

Sure enough, when I looked at the official website of a product called Enhanced Mind IQ, it hit me.

They have virtually the exact same website design.

When I say “virtually”, what I really mean is they’re identical.

Case in point, I present to you exhibit A:

rejuva brain website

enhance mind iq website

and Exhibit B:

And lastly , but most importantly, the return address for both Rejuva Brain and Enhance Mind IQ are exactly the same:

enhance mind iq return address

rejuva brain address

“Why is this relevant?”, you ask?

Well, it turns out that back when Enhance Mind IQ was for sale, there were about 50 people that came to our site complaining that they had been scammed.

You see, at the time Enhance Mind IQ was running what they call a “free trial”.

You paid $5 or $6 for the shipping, and they would send you a free bottle.

Then way down in the fine print, it said something like this:


That’s right, they would charge you almost $90 14 days after ordering your supposed “free trial”.

There were 1,000’s of guys and gals that got bilked by this scam, and it started to reflect online.

For example, on the Better business bureau page for Enhance Mind
IQ, there were about 10 reviews that all said the same thing.

enhance mind iq on bbb website

Well, guess who is doing the same thing?

That’s right, Rejuva Brain…

In fact, the Better business bureau already has some complaints rolling in as we speak.

rejuva brain bbb

What The Rejuva Brain free trial is all about

If you fill out your info on the Rejuva Brain website, you’re then redirected to the checkout page.

It says here that you’re getting a 30 day supply for only $6.95, which sounds like a good deal.

rejuva brain free trial

That is of course until you scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the fine print.

rejuva brain terms and conditions

This may be one of the reasons why when you start typing rejuva brain into a google search, the first suggested term that comes up is “rejuva brain phone number”.

rejuva brain money back guarantee

If you’re looking to get your money back, you’re in for a rough ride.

How To Cancel Rejuva Brain

Step 1: You have to call their customer support phone number at 877-577-8331 to cancel your subscription.

You NEED to do this within 14 days of ordering, otherwise they won’t cancel it.

Step 2:  You have to ship back the remainder of the product in the bottle postmarked no later than the 14th day of your trial.

If you don’t they won’t cancel it.

Step 3:  I would recommend getting shipping tracking and delivery confirmation.

This way they can’t “claim” they never received the trial bottle back from you.

They definitely make you jump through hoops to get your money back, but it IS possible.

Rejuva Brain Reviews

Surprisingly enough, finding reviews for these pills was actually easier than I thought it would be.

For one, it is available for sale on Amazon.

A pretty rosy picture is painted there, with almost 90% of the reviewers rating it at 4 stars or above.

rejuva brain reviews on amazon

You’ll see several statements stand out at you, like:

  • Recommend it highly
  • Seem to work well
  • Gladly order it again
  • Zero side effects

Of course, it can be difficult to discern whether or not these reviews are legit.

Related Article:  How To Spot A Fake Review On Amazon

Rejuva Brain Ingredients

When you look at the Rejuva Brain ingredients label, I can see that it contains many of the same compounds you’ll find in several other nootropics.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

rejuva brain ingredients label

To be honest, there’s nothing “revolutionary” about this formula.

Ingredients like DMAE, Bacopa Monnieri, and Gingko Biloba are found in countless other nootropics, including supplements like Optimind, AdderRX, and fat burners like Lean Fire XT.

Do they provide enhanced cognition and focus?  Yes.

Are they an effective replacement for drugs like Adderall or ModafinilNot really.


I’m actually planning on testing out Rejuva Brain in the near future.  Personally speaking, I don’t think it’s going to do much.

This is based on my experience with Enhance Mind IQ, which appears to be their original product.

What really gets to me is the free trial.

They trap unsuspecting customers into this free trial, with the complete knowledge that 99% of the people who buy Rejuva Brain won’t read the terms and conditions.

With that said, many of the reviews on Amazon are reporting good results.

Which begs the question, why ruin a good thing by deceiving potential customers with an unsuspecting free trial?

Have You Used Rejuva Brain?  Leave Your Review Below!

4 BEST Legal Adderall Alternatives

In this video, we are going to go over the best over the counter Adderall alternatives that money can buy right now!

Read our official written OTC adderall alternatives post here:

Video Transcript

Hey guys, Rob here again with supplement critique dot com, and in todays review we’re actually going to be talking about some over the counter alternatives that I’ve personally used in the past that work well as an alternative to prescription ADHD medications like Adderall, Ritalin, and so forth.

If you’re NOT interested in watching this video I would invite you to click on the link in the description box below or just run a search on google for something like “supplement critique adderall alternatives“, it will take you to my website supplement where i go into great detail about how all of these products work.

I want to start off this review with a couple of disclaimers:

1. I’m not a doctor, so don’t construe any of this as medical advice.

2. Some of the products on this page may not be legal in your area of the world, so double check before ordering.

3. I also want to mention that these products are NOT ranked in any particular order. They are all pretty much equally as effective, but they will provide slightly different benefits which I will get into throughough the review.

So anyway, for those who aren’t aware, Adderall is a prescription ADHD medication that’s used by millions of Americans. Adderall is basically a combination of Amphetamine and dextro amphetamine, both of which are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain as well as nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

It’s available in an extended release and instant release form, and of course as with any ADHD medication it requires a prescription from a licensed psychiatrist.

If you’ve already tried it or are currently using it, you know it’s VERY effective at helping increase focus, concentration, and motivation, however, it also has a wide variety of side effects that sometimes outweighs the benefits.

Those side effects include changes in mood, increased heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, dry mouth, and a whole host of other problems we’re not going to get into here.

I’ve personally used both the extended release and instant release versions, and I can tell you from experience that it works.

I can also tell you from experience that those side effects I mentioned are real, and can be kind of annoying.

So, anyway I’ve tried dozens of these so called Adderall alternatives over the years, some of them worked really well, some of them didn’t do shit, and some of them worked fairly well but caused a bunch of side effects that didn’t make it worth it.

#1 – Phenibut and Optimind

This particular combo that i have here is one of the best nootropics I’ve ever used called Optimind, and a substance called Phenibut from Absorb Your Health.

optimind and phenibut

I’m going to talk about each one of these briefly and explain how they work, and see if I can give you sort of an overall idea of what you can expect from taking these 2 supplements.

So I’ll start with Phenibut…If you’ve never heard of it before, Phenibut is actually a substance that was discovered by Russian scientists close to 30 years ago, and is a central nervous system depressant and derivative of y-aminobutyric-acid.

It has been shown in clinical studies to help produce feelings of calm, euphoria, and works GREAT as an anti-anxiety supplement.

It actually even acts as a very potent aphrodisiac and can help DRAMATICALLY with performance anxiety, which is why I recommend it in conjunction with a supplement called Extenze if you’re having problems in the bedroom.

So, I’ve had a few guys ask me in the past, how could something that works as a central nervous system depressant work like Adderall?

Well, from my personal experience, phenibut in LOW doses (so somewhere in the range of 500 mg or less) spread out over the course of the day AND combined with a stimulant (like Optimind), seems to have the OPPOSITE effect.

It’s not a hyper, jittery, “I feel like I’m on an amphetamine” effect, but rather a calm, cool, collected, and dialed in type of effect.

Now Optimind on the other hand, contains about 100 mg of caffeine, and a unique blend of ingredients that include Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bacopa leaf extract, Huperzine Alpha, and Taurine, amongst a few others.

From my personal experimentation, the combo of Optimind and Phenibut is defintily one of the best combos to give you a feeling close to that of Adderall.

It made me much more focused, helped to increase my concentration, and seemed to even have an effect on memory and my overall mood.

Now, there is a very particular way that you should take this combo to get the best results, and there’s also a few warnings about Phenibut that you should be aware of.

I’m not going to talk about it here because I have a ton of other alternatives to show you and it’s sort of complicated, but if you click the link in the description box below, or again just do a google search for something like Supplement Critique adderall alternatives, it will take you to my site which explains in great detail how you should take these two.

#2 – Absorb Your Health

Next up we have a product called the Brain boost power pack from Absorb Your Health Nutrition.

nootropics all star pack

This is a combination of Nootropic supplements, which are sometimes called “Smart Drugs” or “Cognitive Enhancers”, that help to improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, motivation, and focus.

I’m not going to get into a detailed discussion about what Nootropics are, I actually have a really comprehensive (and FREE) ebook on my site that goes into pretty good detail about what they are, what they do, how they work, and all that fun stuff.

I’ll put a link to sign up for it in the description box below if you’re interested.

So anyway, the Brain Boost Power Pack is a combo of 4 different supplements.

You have Adrafinil, Noopept, Alpha GPC, and Sulbutiamine.


Adrafinil is essentially a precursor to the drug Modafinil, which is scientifically known as a “wakefullness promoting agent”.

Adrafinil isn’t like your typical stimulant….it doesn’t make you hyperactive or jittery, it basically just wakes you up.

adrafinil review

When you take Adrafinil, as it passes through the liver it’s actually metabolized into Modafinil, which is a fancy way of saying it turns into it.

Related Article:  Afinil Express Review (UPDATED 2018): My Personal Results

The effect of this is that it helps to improve mental clarity, focus, and retention, but the main thing that I noticed was that it helps to lift the fog so to speak.

The next supplement in the stack here is Noopept.


Noopept is a substance that produces effects similar to that of Piracetam, but it’s not actually a racetam.

It’s been shown in numerous clinical studies to help improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration, but it’s actually most effective as a neuroprotective agent, which essentially means it protects your brain from stress.

In my personal experience, Noopept seems to help calm you down and increase attention.

Next up we have Alpha GPC.

Alpha GPC is a choline containing supplement that helps with new memory formation and learning, and from what I’ve read has been widely accepted as an effective nootropic.

alpha gpc

Choline is actually found in many of the foods we eat, however, most people don’t get enough of it in their daily diet.

So basically, Alpha GPC is supposed to help make up for that choline deficiency.

It’s main purpose is actually to reduce cognitive decline, which of course is inevitable as we get older.

There’s also been a few studies that have shown that it can help DRAMATICALLY with attention span and focus, and I’ll put a few links to those studies below.

From my personal experience, Alpha GPC seems to get you dialed in and focused, without give you a hypersensitive state of mind.

The last supplement in this stack is Sulbutiamine, which is basically a derivative of Vitamin B1, or thiamine.


I’ve noticed over the last few years of testing these Brain boosting supplements that practically all of them contain Vitamin B1, usually in really high doses.

That’s great and all, but there’s one major problem.

It doesn’t actually cross the blood brain barrier in effective doses.

Basically what that means is that you’re not getting it’s full effects.

With Sulbutiamine, the effects are WAY more pronounced, and the reason why is because it actually DOES cross the blood brain barrier.

It’s primary benefits is to enhance energy and mood, which obviously helps when you’re trying to get stuff done.

From my personal experience, I can defintely feel the effects of the improved mood and energy when I take this stuff.

Just like with the Optimind and Phenibut combo, there’s a pretty specific way you should be taking this stack, and I’m not going to go over it here because it will take too much time.

Again, just click the link in the description box below of search google for Supplement critique adderall alternatives and I go into really good detail about how you’re supposed to take this stuff.

#3 Kratom

This next substance I’m about to talk about is a bit controversial. I actually was debating with myself to include it in this video, but I figured it was worth it to those who are pretty desperate to find something that works.

kratom powder versus capsules - which is better

It’s called Kratom, sometimes pronounced Kray tom, and if you’ve never heard of it before it’s basically a plant that’s native to Southeast Asia and Indo China.

It’s been used for HUNDREDS of years by the people living in those regions to help produce feelings of euphoria, boost energy / endurance, and help with focus and motivation.

One of it’s primary functions is to actually help as a very effective pain reliever, but I’ve noticed that certain types of Kratom actually help with motivation and mood pretty substantially.

I wouldn’t characterize Kratom being essentially the same thing as a drug like Adderall, but it can definitely produce euphoric effects similar to it.

Now, there’s varying strains of Kratom that all produce different effects.

They’re basically divided up into slow, moderate, and fast strains.

The slow strains produce a more euphoric state, give you a sense of well being, and can help with both anxiety and pain relief.

The Fast strains are largely used for energy, physical labor, attention, and pro social behavior.

The moderate strains are basically a blend of the 2.

All of these strains will give you some sort of an effect, so it really depends on what kind of effect you’re looking for.

In my personal experience, the moderate strains seem to produce the best “adderall like” effect.

They will give you the kind of motivation your looking for to help get stuff done, but without the nasty side effects and over stimulation.

I’ve tested probably a dozen different vendors who sell Kratom, and in my personal experience the best one is from a company called Top Extracts.

They sell basically every strain, and for me the most effective ones are Red and White vein Maeng Da, Red Vein Borneo, and Red and White Vein Bali.

However, one thing I want to note about Kratom is that it can be kind of funky to find just the right strain.

Different people seem to respond varyingly to different strains, so a strain that works “fast” for me may be “slow” for you aand vice versa.

The guys over at Top Extracts actually have what they refer to as a “beginners pack”, which contains 3 different versions of Kratom, which I’ll put a link to in the description box below.

I would suggest you pick up one of those as a starting point so you can see for yourself which ones work the best.

Just like with the other substances I talked about earlier, there’s a few warnings regarding Kratom usage, and a very specific way you should be taking this, which I talk about it in great detail on my site Supplement Critique dot com so check it out there.

#4 1,3 Dimethylamylamine

The last supplement I’m going to talk about is actually an ingredient that you’ll find in a handful of different types of weight loss pills and fat burners.

Just like with Kratom, it is also somewhat controversial.

It’s called DMAA, and it was actually originally developed as a nasal decongestant back in the mid 40’s by a pharmaceutical company called Eli Lilly.

It ended up being voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1983, However, since 2006 or so it’s been sold as a dietary supplement when the substance Ephedrine was banned.

I can tell you from experience that this is defintly some powerful stuff.

I’ve taken dozens of supplements over the years that contain DMAA, and it will DEFINITELY increase your energy, mood, focus, and concentration.

However, unlike most of the other substances I talked about previously, it does have a tendency to cause some side effects.

Those side effects include increased heart rate, blood pressure, arrhythmia, and there was even a few cardiac related deaths that were attributed to DMAA use back in the day, so it’s definitely something you want to keep in mind if you’re deciding to try it out yourself.

DMAA is actually structurally similar to amphetamines, and can actually give a false positive in drug tested competitions for amphetamines, so if you’re a competing athlete I would highly recommend avoiding it at all costs.

There’s only a handful of supplements out there that contain DMAA at the moment, and those include EPH 100, Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Black Widow and Fastin, and Hydroxy Elite.

I’ll put links to all of them in the description box below.

That’s pretty much all I have for this review. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comments section below, or send me an email to and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

I’ll be back soon with another review, take care.

Peruvian Brew REAL Review – Supplement Critique Videos

Posted on: 4/17/2017  Share this video on: content/uploads/2018/04/fb content/uploads/2018/04/twitter share  Views

Read our official written Peruvian Brew review here:

Video Transcription

Hey Guys! Rob here again with In today’s view, we’re gonna be talking about a supplement called Peruvian brew. This is a product that I recently got a chance to test out and I wanted to give you my own personal feedback on it. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first but if you’d like to skip ahead to my personal results you can just click on the link just below the video here, and it’ll take you to my website Where I go into all the nitty-gritty details about this particular supplement. So anyway, Peruvian brew is a very heavily advertised supplement. You’ll see a lot of advertisements on adult-film sites of all things. And usually the ad will start with something like: “one weird trick destroys erectile dysfunction” or something along those lines, and when you click on those ads it’ll take you to this kind of like really long video pretty much up selling you for the supplement. It’s actually a pretty good supplement. Traditionally you’ll find that most of these products are in the male enhancement category, at least or usually just in capsule form, and they usually make a lot of claims, and that’s not the case with Peruvian brew. They’re very explicit when they say that it’s basically just going to help with erectile dysfunction. It’s not a cure of course. It’s not going to give you any kind of size gains. And I think a lot of guys that look at the marketing, that’s what they kind of construed as, they think that they’re gonna end up getting some kind of like 2 or 3-inch increase in size or something like that but yeah. Anyway, it was, I can’t remember the name of the guy who developed it but he basically calls himself the boner guy. And throughout this whole video, he talks about how he discovered this brew, and why he decided to put it together as a supplement and sell it online. So anyway, if you look at the ingredients list you’ll see here it contains a number of different herbal extracts. You’ll have Gingko Biloba, Epimedium extract, Korean Ginseng root, Maca root, L-Arginine, black pepper, and Yohimbe. Yohimbe is actually a really powerful supplement or extract rather. it’s used and probably I would say hundreds of other male enhancement supplements I’ve tested in the past. It definitely works but there’s, there tends to be a lot of side effects with it. It really depends on the the amount that of your Hindi that’s actually in the supplement. Some of them, like libido Max and [INAUDIBLE 02:34] Zai Wrexham, contain like a really really large amount of Yohimbe and some of them don’t. So from my own personal experience, any kind of supplements that contain a lot of Yohimbe, I tend to get a lot more side effects with it. But anyway, as far as my personal results, as I mentioned earlier, I finally got a chance to try this out and I gotta admit it definitely worked a lot better than I thought it would. The directions on the label state that you should add one level scoop to an 8-ounce glass of cold water and shake thoroughly. You’re supposed to do this about an hour prior to sexual activity. The taste is actually a little hard to describe, it’s kind of like a mix of peach and coffee, with kind of a sugary aftertaste to it. And I think the reason I did a little bit of research on this, and it looks like the reason why it tastes like coffee, is maca, which is one of the primary ingredients. Has kind of a mild nutty, sort of like hint of butterscotch taste to it. but one thing’s for sure, it will definitely hit you very quickly. For me, I had only taken probably about three sips over the course of 15 minutes or so, and I could feel the tingle in my groin area. I mean it was like, it was amazing how fast it was actually working. And I would say probably within about thirty minutes I had one of the biggest boners that I’ve had in recent memory. But yeah, it’s definitely a decent product. As far as I can tell, it works faster than your traditional male enhancement supplements. You can find it on their website, I believe it’s I think it’s about 69 dollars for a one month supply, and I believe they offer discounts for larger orders. So if you get a three month supply the per bottle cost breaks down, it gets lower. So and then they, I believe, they have a six month supply as well. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for Peruvian brew. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to, and I’ll get back to you soon as I can. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care

Libido Max Red REAL Review – Supplement Critique Videos

Read my official written Libido Max Red review here:

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with and in today’s review we’re going to be talking about libido max red. This is a follow-up formula to one of the most original products that I’ve actually ever tried, just called libido max, and it’s basically supposed to pick up where the original formula left off.

I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first but if you’d like to dive ahead to my results you can just click on the link below the video.

It’ll take you to my website, where I go into all the nitty-gritty details about my own personal experience.

So anyway libido max red is made by a company called applied nutrition.

The original libido max, as I mentioned earlier, was one of the first male enhancement products that I tried and it was basically, it’s basically formulated to give you an alleviation to erectile dysfunction symptoms, so you know, increased sexual stamina, endurance, and basically get you longer and stronger.

Most of these male performance enhancement supplements focus on a broad array of benefits here.

Of course they talked about libido, of course they talked about stamina, and libido max red basically let’s the original libido max formula take care of all that, while basically concentrating solely on better erections, and greater genital sensitivity.

Basically the way it’s supposed to work is it’s all about blood flow.

All these ingredients that you’ll see here on the label are basically chosen for the way that it helps to improve blood flow to give you basically the best erection possible.

Now, erections happen when the penile cavities become engorged with blood.

When you basically get aroused, blood rushes to your genitals filling up the corpus cavernosa, which is basically the two tubes that lead into the penis that create the erection.

So the idea is the more blood, the better erection quality you’re gonna have.

This doesn’t just apply to the onset of the actual erection but also to its longevity.

It’s basically responsible for how long you actually last, that’s why a lot of guys will notice that they can get hard at first but then sometimes after a few minutes that goes away, and a lot of frustrated, obviously because of that.

So the proprietary blend of libido max red is basically made up of l-arginine and l-citrulline, which are basically precursors to the production of nitric oxide.

Now nitric oxide production basically causes a process called vasodilation, and during vasodilation the smooth muscle tissue around the cell walls starts to, kind of relax, and when that happens the blood vessels and arteries get wider, and when they get wider you get more blood flow, and that’s kind of the whole premise behind using libido max red.

As far as my personal results, and the results of others I didn’t really see too much of a difference taking this to be honest.

They do mention on their website that it’s best to be stacked with the original libido max.

I did try that out, and I did notice, I guess a slight difference but as far as by itself it didn’t really seem to do much for me.

That said everybody else is different but, you know, really for me, I like to test products with you know, within a couple of days, if it’s not working for me then there’s usually a problem.

As far as where to buy libido max red, you can pretty much find this at any major local store you know, you’ll see them Walmart, Walgreens carriers, at GNC, you can find it on Amazon, and for the vast majority of those places you could find a seventy-five count package selling for anywhere between like maybe 25, 30 bucks.

And I believe in some stores they actually sell a 30 count package for like 15 bucks, so that basically gives you, you know, on if you’re supposed to take four pills per dose, so that’s only gonna give you about a week or so, and the seventy-five counts can give you about two and a half weeks, so it’s rather expensive and it’s kind of a lot of pills to take in one shot.

Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for libido max red, if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible, and I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Do Any Testosterone Boosters Really Work?

I’ve had a lot of guys come to me over the years wondering if testosterone boosters like Testofuel, Prime Male, and Nugenix really work.

There’s certainly no shortage of them being touted as “the next best thing to prescription testosterone replacement therapy”, but do they really do what they say they will?

Let’s answer some of the more frequently asked questions we get regarding these supposed “testosterone boosters”.

How Do Testosterone Boosters Differ From Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

We’ve all seen the ads for testosterone replacement therapies like Androgel and Testim.

There are 4 different variations of TRT that you need to be aware of:

  • Skin Patches:   These include transdermal patches like Androderm.  They work by literally delivery actual testosterone through the skin into the bloodstream.  Typically they take about 4 weeks to kick in , and can raise your testosterone by as much as 86%.
  • Gels:  Gels like Androgel and Testim work similarly to patches.
  • Injections / Implants:  This involves going to a clinic on a regular basis to receive actual injections of the hormone testosterone.
  • Mouth Patches:  Considered the least popular method, there is a patch called Striant that sticks to the upper gums above the incisor.  It’s applied twice a day and releases testosterone directly into the bloodstream.

Testosterone boosters, on the other hand, use all natural ingredients that include the following:

Unlike with testosterone replacement therapy, which involves pumping your body full of actual synthetic testosterone, testosterone boosters work by helping to increase your bodies own natural production of testosterone.

How Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Unlike with prescription TRT, testosterone boosters utilize the power of natural herbs and extracts.

Many of these ingredients have been clinically studied and proven to work in the lab.

I’ve also personally taken many of them, and can attest to their effectiveness.

Magnesium and Testosterone

Let’s use magnesium as our first example.  Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body.

If you have a magnesium deficiency in your body, you WILL have low testosterone levels.

By supplementing with magnesium, you’re assuring yourself that you’re getting the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.

This will help by allowing your body to produce more of its own testosterone.

D Aspartic Acid and Testosterone

Another ingredient, D-Aspartic Acid, has been shown in clinical studies to help play a key role in regulating testosterone synthesis.

Similarly to magnesium, if you have a deficiency in D-Aspartic Acid, testosterone levels tend to be lower than average.

By consuming D-AA, testosterone and other hormones naturally released in the pituitary gland.

Those other hormones include Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Growth Hormone (GH).

Fenugreek and Testosterone

Yet another ingredient found in countless over the counter testosterone boosters is Fenugreek.

While there hasn’t been any evidence that fenugreek has a noticeable impact on actual testosterone levels, it CAN provide the type of benefits you’re looking for.

It can help to:

  • Increase muscle strength
  • Improve body composition
  • Boost your libido dramatically

I can attest to it’s effectiveness.

Are Testosterone Boosters Safe?

Another common question I get regarding testosterone boosters is whether or not they’re safe to take.

One thing is for sure, they are DEFINITELY safer to take vs. testosterone replacement therapy.

For instance, common side effects with TRT include:

  • Acne / Oily skin
  • Fluid retention, which can lead to weight gain
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Decreased testicular size
  • Increased aggression and mood swings

These side effects can be evident in a large percentage of men who decide to go this route.

In many cases, the side effects are sometimes worse than having low testosterone itself.

How about testosterone boosting pills?

It’s not all rosy with natural testosterone boosters either.

For example, the ingredient Tribulus Terrestris can have a wide range of side effects, including:

  • Nausea / Vomiting
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Excitation
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability

HOWEVER, in my specific experience taking natural testosterone boosters that contain Tribulus Terrestris, I have NEVER experienced ant of these side effects.

The same goes with virtually every other testosterone booster I’ve tested.

Even the ones that didn’t work seemed to be absent of any side effects.

So in conclusion, do testosterone boosters work?

In my experience, yes.

This comes from personally testing close to 60 of them over the years.

Sure, some of them don’t do anything.

Some of them even seemed to have the opposite intended effect.

But in many cases, they do seem to mimic the effects of increased testosterone.

Personally speaking, I think they are WAY than many of the alternatives that are presented to you at your doctors office.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy can also be very expensive, and in many cases your health insurance provider won’t even cover it.

Testosterone boosters, on the other hand, can provide a relatively inexpensive way to experience the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

If you have any questions about which testosterone booster might be right for you, don’t hesitate to ask away in the comments section below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Quadralean Thermogenic Review

1.  What is Quadralean Thermogenic?

Thermogenics are a type of supplement used by athletes and bodybuilders primarily to help lose fat and increase their metabolism.

A thermogenic theoretically creates heat in the body, which is how it stimulates the metabolism.

One popular product we recently came across  that does this is called Quadralean Thermogenic.

quadralean thermogenic review

So what’s the truth?

Does it deliver results as promised, or is Quadralean Thermogenic not worth the money?

It doesn’t appear at first glance to be too much different than many of its competitors, but that is not uncommon among its counterparts as there are really only so many formulas that can be jammed into an over the counter supplement.

Quadralean Thermogenic claims to burn fat while providing energy and focus. According to the creators, it works to control the four primary factors of weight loss which are appetite, fat storage, energy, and metabolism.

2.  Quadralean Thermogenic Ingredients

The ingredients in Quadralean Thermogenic are promoted as being clean and simple.

They’re broken down into 4 categories, including:

  1.  Supports Weight Management: CLA and L-Carnitine
  2.  Improves Energy:  Caffeine and Bitter Orange
  3. Focus and Concentration: Choline Bitartrate and Alpha GPC 50%
  4. Thermogenesis: Yohimbe Extract and Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract (Capsimax)

Here’s a quick snapshot of the label:

quadralean thermogenic ingredients label

  • L-Carnitine (500 mg)

    L-Carnitine is a primary ingredient in Quadralean Thermogenic. It’s an amino acid naturally produced by the body and used as a supplement by people who want to improve their endurance and athletic performance.

    When someone uses L-Carnitine, it helps the body produce energy. It also plays an important role in maintaining optimal heart and brain function and muscle movement. There is some evidence showing L-carnitine might help improve mental and physical fatigue, while decreasing fat mass and improving muscle mass, especially as people age.

    Also part of the energy blend is CLA, which stands for Conjugated Linoleic Acid. CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid, also used as a supplement to reduce body fat.

  • Natural Caffeine (200 mg)

    Caffeine is included in this supplement. Caffeine from natural sources can be helpful to improve energy levels, increase the metabolism, and also to help people maintain more focus. Natural caffeine may also help release the stores of fat. The caffeine comes from green tea. Also included as an energy booster is bitter orange. Bitter orange is an herbal supplement commonly used in weight loss supplements.

  • Alpha GPC (50mg)

    Choline is a precursor to a neurotransmitter that according to the makers of Quadralean Thermogenic can help with mood, concentration, and choline has other benefits as well. It’s believed to support healthy overall brain and nerve function, it’s key for optimal liver function, and it helps with muscle movement. Choline is part of many of the body’s most important processes. Specifically, Quadralean Thermogenic contains Alpha GPC and Choline Bitartrate. Alpha GPC may have not only cognitive benefits but is used by athletes to improve endurance and support cellular health. Choline Bitartrate is sometimes described as a nootropic, promoting mental stimulation.

  • Capsimax (25mg)

    Capsimax is super-concentrated natural capsicum extract that comes from red chili peppers. There is some evidence indicating CapsiMax can also help in the mobilization of fat for energy production, and it can promote something called thermogenesis because it generates heat in the body. Capsimax is not a stimulant and is included in many nutritional and dietary supplements aside from Quadralean Thermogenic. Also part of the thermogenic blend of ingredients is Yohimbe extract. Yohimbe is used to boost athletic performance and endurance, and it has stimulant properties.

How To Take Quadrelen Thermogenic

To use Quadralean Thermogenic, people are instructed to take one serving right away when they wake up in the morning. They should then take another serving four to six hours later. For people who are sensitive to caffeine, they’re instructed not to take the product within six hours of bedtime.

Users are also instructed not to exceed two servings, which is six capsules in a 24-hour period. For the best results, you’re advised to take Quadralean Thermogenic with a healthy diet and exercise.

3.  Who Makes It?

Quadralean Thermogenic is made by a company called RSP Nutrition. RSP Nutrition creates nutritional supplements for general health, bodybuilding or competition in endurance sports and strengths. The company was founded by former student athletes.

They describe their mission as providing innovative nutritional supplements that inspire customers, and they say they strive to make RSP a lifestyle brand.

RSP offers customers a rewards program, aptly named RSP Rewards. To participate in the program, users create an RSP Rewards account, which already earns 200 points.

Then, users earn 10 points for every dollar they spend online at If someone likes RSP on Facebook they receive 100 points, a follow on Instagram earns 100 points, and referring a friend to the program earns a whopping 1000 points.

Then, members can redeem their points for various things like hats and t-shirts, free shipping on products, blender bottles, and coupons for $50 off products.

Other products from RSP Nutrition include:

  • Aminolean Energy Formula
  • Regen BCAA
  • O Preworkout
  • Quadralean
  • Truefit Lean Protein Shake
  • Whey Protein Blend
  • Amino Focus Energy Formula
  • Creatine Monohydrate

4.  Quadralean Thermogenic Side Effects

So we’ve gotten to the part of this review you’re probably pretty interested in—are there side effects of Quadralean Thermogenic?

Well, possibly. Are they going to be severe? Probably not as long as you take it as instructed.

In short, the potential side effects of Quadralean Thermogenic include:

  • Anxious or jittery
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Irritability
  • Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach
  • Sweating
  • Flushing

Of course, all of these potential negative effects are caused by the ingredients.

Side effects from Caffeine

The primary side effects of Quadralean Thermogenic are going to relate to the fact that it contains a relatively large amount of natural caffeine. Caffeine can affect people in different ways.

For example, this could make users feel anxious or jittery, or create problems sleeping. Too much caffeine can also cause headaches and gastrointestinal problems for users.

The caffeine in the product is something to be aware of, and can cause irritability and the occasional rapid heartbeat. (Source)

Side Effects from L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is considered a safe ingredient, when taken appropriately. Side effects tend to be minimal and can be similar to caffeine, like nausea, vomiting and upset stomach. (Source)

Some people could also experience heartburn or diarrhea, and theoretically, these side effects could be more significant when this supplement is used along with caffeine.

Side Effects from Choline

Choline taken at normal doses tends to be fairly safe as well. However, when people take high doses of it, it can cause side effects like a fishy body odor, sweating, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The recommended dosage of choline for adults is no more than 550 mg per day for men, and 425 mg a day for women, so users of this supplement should just keep those guidelines in mind.

Side effects from Capsicum

At normal supplemental doses, Capsicum is probably safe.

However, at high doses, it can cause side effects like stomach irritation, sweating, and flushing.

If people take very high doses for long periods of time, it can rarely cause severe side effects like kidney or liver damage.

Like most other nutritional and dietary supplements, while it’s possible to explore the individual ingredients in Quadralean Thermogenic, there’s not testing to look at how these ingredients interact with one another.
It’s not FDA approved, but it doesn’t need to be because supplements aren’t tested by the FDA.

5.  Where Can You Buy Quadralean Thermogenic?

With some of the products we review, the options for buying them is pretty limited—not the case with this one. There are plenty of places to buy Quadralean Thermogenic.

Buying Online

One place you might go is Amazon because of course there are all those great Amazon buying perks, like Prime shipping. You can also buy it directly through the RSP Nutrition company on Amazon, as well as find it from other retailers.

It’s also available on the official RSP website, . If you’re using their rewards program that’s probably what you’ll end up doing.

If you buy from RSP Nutrition, you get free U.S. shipping on orders of $75 and up. The Quadralean Thermogenic product is also less expensive directly on the RSP site as compared to Amazon, at least currently.

A supply of 90 capsules is just under $20 on the RSP site. You can order 180 capsules for $29.97, and if you want to try it out with 30 capsules, it’s only $9.99.

Buying In A Store

I’ve seen Quadralean Thermogenic on numerous websites like GNC and Walmart, but it’s unclear as to whether or not they sell it in their physical locations.

Your best bet is to just call or visit the store individually and ask.

From what I can tell, they don’t sell it in CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, or any other major drugstore.

Related Article:  13 BEST Diet Pills Sold In Stores

Compared to a lot of nutritional supplements and thermogenics, it’s a pretty good deal.

6.  Does Quadralean Thermogenic REALLY Work?

So along with side effects, this is probably the other part of this overview you’re most interested in. What are people saying about this product and its effectiveness?

We looked on first and found plenty of reviews on the product. The following are some highlights from those reviews:

  • First, the overall rating from is positive. Of 751 ratings, the product has a 9,4 out of 10, and a verified buyer rating of 8.8 out of 10. Not bad.
  • Verified buyers say that they feel like this thermogenic is one of the best there is. They don’t feel jittery or strange when taking it, and many users on do say they recommend it.
  • Other buyers say they were able to achieve their fat loss goals, even after they had plateaued before using it.
  • Buyers on also point out that they feel like this product gives them a good energy boost and long-lasting results without a crash.

Here’s a snapshot of one of those Quadralean Thermogenic reviews:

quadralene review on bodybuilding

Amazon reviews for this product, for the most part, are favorable as well.

Highlights of Amazon reviews for Quadralean Thermogenic include:

  • Many users say it’s a great product and even after using it for only a few days they see results like improved energy levels.
  • Along with most users saying it gives them increased energy, the reviewers who say they combine it with exercise seem to have the most weight loss results.
  • Users describe it as providing not only clean energy but long-lasting results.
  • Reasonably priced.

The fact that their are only a few negative reviews of this product on Amazon attests to it’s potency.

People who rated Quadralean Thermogenic favorably FAR outweighed the ones who rated it unfavorably. content/uploads/2018/04/canva photo editor

7.  Should You Try Quadralean Thermogenic?

Based on the price, the positive reviews and the ingredients, Quadralean Thermogenic may be worth trying.

In fact, we actually rated Quadralean Thermogenic as one of our best female fat burners.

Most customers across multiple retailers and outlets seem happy with it, especially if they follow instructions and make sure they’re exercising and watching their diet while they take it. Even for people who might not be bodybuilders or serious athletes, this product seems to boost energy without most of the negative side effects of similar products.

The best way to get maximized results out of any supplement of this kind is to pair it with the proper diet that is well balanced and loaded with protein, as well as sticking to a rigorous workout schedule that attacks all of the important muscle groups and puts an emphasis on resistance training while still giving yourself plenty of time for recovery so that your hard work has the chance to pay off.

Have You Used Quadralean Thermogenic?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

What Are SARMS?


What is a S.A.R.M.
Is a S.A.R.M. the Same as a Prohormone
Is a S.A.R.M. the Same as an Anabolic Steroid
S.A.R.M.s and the WADA Prohibited List

Lean muscle mass, low levels of body fat, incredible strength, and unstoppable power: These are the primary fitness goals that the majority of people have. A strict diet and well-planned training program is still the foundation of any fitness goal but when you want to go above and beyond and look like something out of a Greek myth, you need to consider all your options.

Dietary supplements are so incredibly popular because they all promise to be that extra boost you need to look like Gerard Butler from 300 or like Megan Fox in Transformers. The problem is that so many supplements fall short of their promises, costing you time and money.

When serious muscle is at the forefront of what you’re after, you have a few ways to go in terms of supplements. There’s always the illegal and discouraged route of anabolic steroids.

They work far better than you’d imagine but they also contribute to health problems and can get you in the trouble with the law. After that, you have prohormones. Prohormones talk a big game but rarely deliver the results you’re looking for but they will provide you with all the side effects found with anabolic steroids.

Lastly, you have a S.A.R.M.

S.A.R.M.s are exploding in popularity due to their effectiveness and minimal side effects. One of the most popular S.A.R.M.s that is readily available on the market is Ostarine.

Can Ostarine help you pack on serious muscle mass while boosting strength and reducing fat?

Let’s take a look at this game changer to see if it’s right for you.

1.  What is a S.A.R.M.?

ostarine (mk-2866) review

S.A.R.M. is short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. The name itself gives away the reason why it’s become such a hit in the bodybuilding, athletic, and fitness communities. Unlike anabolic steroids, a S.A.R.M. focuses on the anabolic benefits without the androgenic effects. So what does that mean?

There are two terms mistakenly used interchangeably when it comes to muscle building compounds: anabolic and androgenic.

Anabolic primarily refers to the increase in the size of the muscle tissue. Anabolic steroids are famous for giving you bigger what?


Androgenic refers to male characteristics that naturally occur during puberty. Deepening of the voice, change in hormone levels, increase in the size of organs: these are all examples of androgenic effects.

So why does it matter if a S.A.R.M. focuses more on anabolic properties and less androgenic properties?

Side effects, that’s why.

Think about all of the horror stories that you hear about with anabolic steroids: hair loss, radical swings in hormone levels that lead to gyno (man boobs) and destroyed testosterone levels, acne, and aggression. That’s not to say that androgenic effects don’t have their benefits but the cons heavily outweigh the pros here. THAT is why you want to maximize anabolic benefits while minimizing or eliminating androgenic side effects.

Back to what I was talking about above:

With a S.A.R.M. providing you with more ANABOLIC benefits and minimal ANDROGENIC side effects, you’re looking at a near perfect way to attain your goals and not suffer the same horror stories you read about in forums.

You may be wondering how it’s possible for a S.A.R.M. to be more anabolic when it has the word “androgen” right there in the name. The beauty of a S.A.R.M. is that it has the ability to promote certain characteristics while reducing others.

In the case of muscle growth, certain S.A.R.M.s are able to amplify the muscle tissue growth while avoiding the growth of organs such as the male prostate or promoting the loss of hair due to increases in DHT. Understand why S.A.R.M.s are so popular now?

2.  What are the different types of SARMS?

For all intents and purposes, when we talk about SARMS we mean the following list (click on each to learn more):

  • Cardarine (GW-501516) – One of the most effective SARMS when it comes to cutting and endurance, Cardarine can also help to protect the brain and improve muscle mass and size.
  • Nutrobal (MK-677) – Originally used to protect against muscle catabolism, Nutrobal quickly gained the attention of bodybyuilding athletes worldwide.
  • Andarine (S4) – Andarine was also originally developed to help patients suffering from muscle wasting an osteoporosis.
  • Testolone (RAD 140) – This SARM works to increase a positive hormone response (in this case the hormone testosterone), while limiting androgenic side effects.
  • Ostarine (MK-2866) – Considered by many as the “ultimate SARM”, Ostarine helps promote both the growth of lean muscle tissue AND proper bone development.
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – Originally developed to help bulk up terminally ill patients, Ligandrol is considered the strongest SARM on the market today.

3.  Is a SARM the Same as a Prohormone?

sarms vs prohormones

No, although this is a common misconception. Prohormones and S.A.R.M.s are not illegal like anabolic steroids; however, the results they produce couldn’t be more different.

What do Prohormones do?

Prohormones are touted as helping to produce insane muscle gains but the truth is that even the most dedicated lifter isn’t going to be left with much after the cycle ends. What’s more, prohormones are notorious for promoting the same side effects as anabolic steroids.

Case in point: You’re getting half the muscle with all the side effects.

Not worth it.

When you do find a real prohormone that triggers muscle growth, you usually have to use an intra-cycle supplement to protect your liver.  What’s more, when you finish your cycle, you MUST use a post-cycle supplement to help balance your hormone levels and keep as much of the muscle mass as you can.

What ultimately happens with Prohormones is unsettling

Experienced prohormone users can attest that most of the gains you see, even with a PCT supplement, fade after your cycle. Worst of all, many prohormones promote the same side effects as an anabolic steroid such as severe acne and mood swings.

4.  Is a SARM the Same as an Anabolic Steroid?

Not even close. First, steroids are illegal. Secondly, as mentioned above, steroids are going to promote anabolic AND androgenic effects to the same degree.

Yes, you’ll walk away with an incredible amount of muscle mass but you’ll also watch as your hair disappears, your aggression spikes, and your bone structure alters.

Look, there’s no denying that hardcore gains and insane muscle size is going to come from the use of steroids. However, why would you opt for something that’s illegal AND going to cause medical issues in the long run. Do you think it’s a coincidence that all of the top performing bodybuilders have needed a kidney or liver transplant in their 40s or 50s?

A S.A.R.M. may not help you look like Coleman or Cutler but you’re still going to look pretty damn good.

5.  S.A.R.M.s and the WADA Prohibited List

Speaking of bodybuilding: Is a S.A.R.M. allowed to show up on a WADA drug test?

Unfortunately for bodybuilding hopefuls, a SARM is on the prohibited list, right alongside anabolic steroids and prohormones.

sarms are prohibited by WADA

The World Anti-Doping Agency placed S.A.R.M.s on the prohibited list back in 2008.

One of the most effective and popular S.A.R.M.s that finds a home on the top of that list is Ostarine.

6.  Where To Buy SARMS

You’ll find a ton of different vendors selling SARMs online, but you have to watch out for a few reasons:

  1.  Many of them are just cheap knock-offs and won’t do shit.
  2.  Some of them are potentially dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

One of the best vendors I’ve ever personally used is called Chemyo.

Chemyo is a industry leader when it comes to producing high quality, American made SARMS.

They actually have 3rd party purity testing done on their product, so you KNOW you’re getting the real deal.

This is EXTREMELY important when choosing a SARM, and a lot of guys brush it off as nonsense.

Check out their website here:

7.  Recommendation

If you’re tired of being bombarded with supplements that promise insane gains and end up with very limited results, you may want to consider checking our SARMS.

While they’re not the end-all be-all of supplementation, when taken appropriately you’ll find that the results can be enormous.

Have a question about SARMs?  Leave A Comment Below!

Top 3 SARMSAffiliate Disclosure



Is Ostarine the perfect SARM? You bet your ASS it is! Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »



Cardarine is one of the strongest SARMs on the market today. Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »



Nutrobal is one of the most popular muscle builders in the bodybuilding industry.

Click Here To Learn More »

Nitridex Review

Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Nitridex!

The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

Click Here to learn more!

Warning:  Some of this content is not suitable for work (NSFW), viewer discretion is advised.

It never ceases to amaze me how many supplements come out each and every day.

I would say, conservatively, that there’s a new supplement released to the market every 27 minutes.

That’s 53 new supplements every single day, 371 supplements per week, 1590 supplements per month, and 19,345 supplements per year.

I can only write about so many of them, and one recent one I came across was called Nitridex.

I first came across it when I saw this giant banner ad at the bottom of a porn site video, that looked like this:

nitridex ad

I’ve actually already reviewed Alpha Force Testo, but something told me to click on it anyway.

When I did, I came across a page that I’ve seen countless times before.

Throughout this supposed “Fox News” ad, they claim that Nitridex is so effective, large Pharmaceutical companies are actually trying to ban it.

nitridex fox news

They also claim that Hugh Hefner uses it, quoting him as saying “Anybody can last 2 hours in bed with this pill”.

And of course, nothing would be complete without a customary before and after picture showing what Nitridex can really do:

nitridex before and after

So do these pills REALLY work?

What is Nitridex?

nitridex reviewsJust like 90% of male enhancement supplements, Nitridex is all about 1 thing.

And that’s SIZE.

They have mentions all over their website about how, by taking Nitridex every day, you’ll see gains in penis size.

And when I say “everywhere”, I literally mean you can’t scroll more than a few inches down the page without them making that claim.

It is basically the most noticeable thing aside from some of the more, let’s say “eye popping” photos that they have, and clearly they want you be aware that it apparently increase penis size.

Whether or not that is even true, they certainly want you be aware that size gains are what you should expect here and they remind you every chance that they get.

At the top of the page:

nitridex size gains

Just under that:

Girls will practically be BEGGING you to date them.

bigger penis from nitridex

So does Nitridex REALLY make you bigger, or are they completely full of s$%t?

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

They’re likely full of it, but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt until we learn more.

Nitridex Ingredients

According to them, Nitridex works by using a uniqe and proprietary blend of ingredients that includes:

  • Tongkat Ali
  • Maca
  • L-Arginine
  • Ginseng

So how do these ingredients work?

They correctly point out that size and stamina is all about one thing:  blood flow.

Without sufficient enough blood flow, you won’t be able to sustain an erection.

Without a sustained erection, there’s no sex.  Period.

The only ingredient in Nitridex that I’m aware of that increases blood flow would be L-Arginine.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that causes a process called vasodilation.

During vasodilation, more blood is pumped into the penis.  As a result, you get larger and firmer erections.

It looks like this:

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works

There are literally 1,000’s of supplements that contain L-Arginine, and for good reason.

It works!

However, there are 2 caveats to this:

  1. You need to have the correct dose, and
  2. It typically needs to be taken with another compound to get it to work

That compound is called yohimbe, which Nitridex is notably absent of.

The combo of L-Arginine and yohimbe has been clinically studied and proven to work at helping with erectile dysfunction issues. (Source)

Notice I didn’t mention anything about size?

That’s because, despite Nitridex claiming otherwise, there is NO effect on permanent size.

It will help to give you the biggest erection possible, but it will not give you any sort of magical increase in size.

Nitridex Reviews

If you’re looking for credible reviews of Nitridex, you’ll be sorely disappointed.

Practically every site that has written a “review” of it is in one shape or another selling it.

Case in point, take a look at some of these sites which rank near the top of google for the term “nitridex reviews”.

nitridex review google search

If you go to the website “male enhancement direct” dot com, you’ll see a link to “rush my trial” right near the top.

buy nitridex online

The same goes towards the other sites listed near the top, like “Health offers review” dot info:

health offers review dot info

And “Wellness Supplement” dot com:

wellness supplement dot com

If you read some of their content, you’ll see that they’re not REALLY reviews.

In fact, most of the time the content doesn’t even make sense.

The simple fact of the matter is, the sole intention of these websites are to get you to buy the product.

If you visit their website, click on the “Rush my trial” button, and order the free trial of Nitridex, they get a commission.

Some may stop and say, “Wait a minute!  Don’t you do that too!”

My answer to that is “Why yes, of course I do!”

However, unlike these shitty blogs that hire writers in the Philippines to write a $5 article, I ACTUALLY do REAL research and testing of these products.

What about that Fox News report on Nitridex?

We started off this review talking about how Nitridex was featured in a Fox News special, but the simple truth is, it’s a completely bogus article.

Same goes for Anamax as well.


Nitridex is a scam, fellas.

There is NO way in hell that it will increase the size of your penis, especially not permanently.

Click Here to find out why there is no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

Their sole intention is to get you to sign up for their free trial.

So what’s such a big deal about that?

The free trial may sound like a good deal, but it’s not until you read the fine print that you’ll see what they’re REALLY up to.

From their terms and conditions:

nitridex free trial is a scam

That’s right.

If you don’t call to cancel, they will charge you a whopping $90.25 for that ONE bottle of Nitridex that you thought was a sample.

I’ve been writing about these free trial scams for YEARS at this point, and it never ceases to amaze me how many people get sucked in to them.

If I had to recommend one thing and one thing only, it would be to STAY AWAY from Nitridex at all costs!

Have You Used Nitridex?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Vertigrow XL Review

Male enhancement pills generally come in 2 different types:

  1.  The kinds that work
  2.  The kinds that don’t

Unfortunately, the vast majority that I’ve tested do NOT work.

At least not as good as they say they will.

I first came across Vertigrow XL when I was doing research of a completely different product.

Up until this point I hadn’t heard of it, but when I saw them claim that it will give you an erection within 60 seconds, I had to check it out.

vertigrow xl works in 60 seconds

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

1.  What is Vertigrow XL?

vertigrow xl reviewAccording to their website, Vertigrow XL is a “complete breakthrough in male potency”.

It’s designed to help not only with erectile funciton, but also with pleasure, performance, and control.

How does it do all of that?

Through the ingredients of course, which unfortunately, they don’t appear to mention what they are.

I sent out an email to the FOMDI customer service department, but have yet to hear back from them.

2.  Has Vertigrow XL won awards?

They cite several awards, including:

  • 2015 Scientific Achievement in Male Potency Award
  • National Society of Urologists 5 Star Award
  • And 3 International Scientific Achievement Awards

However, I think these awards are made up.

For example, when you run a search for “2015 Scientific Achievement in Male Potency Award”, this is what shows up:

2015 scientific achievement in male potency award

Noone else (apart from the FOMDI website) even talks about this “award”.

How about the “National Society of Urologists Award”.

Well, if you run a search for that and you include the term “Vertigrow XL”, here’s what you get:

national society of urologists award

Again, the only ones talking about this “award” was FOMDI, the manufacturer of Vertigrow XL.

3.  What About Vertigrow XL Reviews?

There’s not a ton of information online available for Vertigrow XL, but the few websites we scoured didn’t have very nice things to say about the pills.

vertigrow xl reviews
^ Don’t believe these guys

Both of these sites rate the product below 3 stars, but I wouldn’t believe a word either one of them say.

Why’s that?

Well, it turns out that they both sell a product called Virectin.

Essentially, they just wrote a review of Vertigrow XL to bait-and-switch you over to their product.

They do this with 1,000’s of products across several different categories of supplements, including pre workout supplements, weight loss pills, and testosterone boosters.

Other than these 2 sites, there’s virtually no one else talking anything credible about Vertigrow XL.

Sure, there’s the site “Health Supplement Facts” dot com, which asks the age old question:

Are those sex enhancement supplements really work? content/uploads/2018/04/health supplement

That’s a good question, glad you brought it up!

Vertigrow XL Ingredients

If you look on the FOMDI website, you’ll see that they don’t list the ingredients in this supplement.

I reached out to the manufacturer via email, and they got back to me within 24 hours.

Here’s the full list of ingredients:

• Zinc
• Epimedium
• L-Lysine
• Cranberry
• Cistanche Bark
• L-Arginine
• L-Carnitine
• Di-Calcium Phosphate,
• Microcrystalline Cellulose,
• Stearic Acid,
• Croscarmellose Sodium,
• Magnesium Stearate,
• Silicon Dioxide,
• FD&C Blue #2,
• Titanium Dioxide

This list is pretty typical of many male enhancement supplements we’ve personally tested.

For example, the ingredients L-Arginine and L-Carnitine cause a process called vasodilation.

Vasodilation is what happens when you take a prescription ED drug like Viagra or Cialis.

Related Article:  7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives

Vasodilation causes the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the cell walls to relax, resulting in increased blood flow to the penis.

The process generally looks like this.

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works

With this increased blood flow comes enhanced erection quality and control.

However, it’s not without some downsides.

4.  Vertigrow XL Side Effects

The manufacturer doesn’t mention anything about adverse effects.

However, I can tell you from experience that fast acting pills like this do tend to produce some unwanted effects.

Those include:

  • Nausea / Upset stomach
  • Hot flashes
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heart problems
  • Decreased blood pressure

That last one (decreased blood pressure), is a direct result of L-Arginine and L-Carnitine.

Since blood is flowing more freely, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood through the body.

As a result, blood pressure drops.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you already have normal blood pressure.

HOWEVER, if you are already being treated for blood pressure issues, this process can cause your blood pressure to drop to unsafe levels.

5.  How Do I Take It?

According to the product label, you’re supposed to take 1 Vertigrow XL capsule 5 – 10 minutes prior to sexual activity.

In my opinion, that seems a bit ludicrous.

5 – 10 minutes is not NEARLY enough time for a pill like Vertigrow XL to start working.

In fact, I would recommend you take it as much as 45 minutes to an hour before you plan on having sex.

In many cases, fast acting male enhancement pills like this could take several hours to fully kick in.

Related Article:  4 BEST Male Enhancement Pills That Work Fast

6.  Where Can I Buy Vertigrow XL?

According to my research, the only place you can find it is on a website called FOMDI.

FOMDI stands for “Finest Online Merchandise Distribution”, and it appears they sell a wide range of products we’ve reviewed in the past.

They include:

1 box of Vertigrow XL will cost you $39.95, plus the cost of shipping.

You can save a little bit of money by placing a larger order, but no matter what quantity you buy, you are still responsible for covering the shipping.

One nice thing about Vertigrow XL is their not scamming guys by entering them into a free trial.

A free trial sounds nice in theory, but usually turns out to be a nightmare down the road for most guys.

Find out why here:  Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

7.  Who is FOMDI?

According to my research, FOMDI is a company located in Royal Palm Beach, FL.

They’ve been in business for quite a long time, and as I mnentioned earlier, make a wide variety of products.

According to the Better Business Bureau, they have a C+ rating.

They received this rating because of a failure to respond to one complaint filed against the business.

You can read that complaint below:

fomdi complaints

8.  Recommendation

There’s way too little known about Vertigrow XL to come to any conclusions.

The fact that they make no mention of the ingredients is disconcerting, to say the least.

How are you supposed to trust taking it if you don’t even know what’s in it?

Maybe FOMDI is relying on you to believe that Vertigrow XL is an award winning product, and that you can just trust them.

Unfortunately for them, we’ve proven that those so-called “awards” are fake as hell.

Why even do that as a manufacturer when there are dozens upon dozens of similar products that have success without drumming up some fake awards and stories about themselves?

It is because there is very little behind their product to actually warrant repeat business and they are doing what they can to sell what they’ve already produced.

If I were you, I would take a pass on Vertigrow XL for now until we’ve had a chance to test it out.

I’ll update this review when I do that.

Have You Used Vertigrow XL?  Leave Your Review Below!

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