Vialipro Review

vialipro reviewThose interested in male performance products love to hear about “mimics”. For instance, whenever we read that something available as an OTC (over the counter) treatment is just as reliable as Viagra we rush to find out more. This is because it means that there may be an affordable and “embarrassment free” way to get your hands on an effective cure for a range of ED or male performance issues.

It was the name of Vialipro (from Good Health, Inc.) that grabbed our attention right away because it seemed to be making a direct reference to the popular “Vialis” medication available only by prescription. We decided to give this compound a thorough investigation to determine if it lived up to the claims it made. What were the claims? The manufacturer said that it would indeed boost the power and endurance of an erection, and that it only had to be used just prior to sexual activity rather than as a daily supplement.

How It Works And Ingredients

We decided to take a good look at the ingredients in Vialipro, and found few things different from many other male performance products. This formula used a lot of herbal ingredients, and listed them all, but it was when we saw Arginine that we knew this product was not so innovative or unusual. This is because this is a compound frequently included in male enhancement and in bodybuilding formulations.

To explain the function of this all natural material as quickly and clearly as possible, we have to ask you to envision a very serious bodybuilder’s muscles. You know the kind we’re talking about…the ones that have bulging veins and make the guy look like he’s going to burst. This is usually due to their weight lifting, but that swollen look is also the result of a reliance on vasodilators. These are natural compounds found in the body, with the most effective one being nitric oxide, or NO. When someone takes Arginine supplements their body dramatically boosts NO production, and this leads to the swelling of blood vessels and the delivery of loads of blood and oxygen into the tissue. Now, if you picture what this would do to the soft tissue and blood vessels in the penis, you can begin to understand why the makers of Vialipro included it in the mix.

User Reviews and Feedback

The use of such compounds, however, does not ensure that Vialipro delivers the goods. We looked for consumer feedback about it and were surprised by a lack of comments at all. We found professional reviews saying that the absence of clinical trials is a definitive “con” and that the ingredients are not as safe or reliable as they might be. This led us to the discovery that Vialipro actually has an FDA warning attached to it because of the inclusion of certain questionable herbs and ingredients. We were also a bit startled to see a total lack of guarantees or assurances of effectiveness.

Where To Buy

At the time this review went to press Vialipro was unavailable for sale. A voluntary recall had occurred in many countries and there were few businesses willing to advocate the use of the problematic ingredients.


We would not recommend this product simply because it has been removed from the general market. Though we are sure people can use the Internet to obtain some samples or packages of it, the fact that it has been deemed a risky or dangerous compound allows us to say that “steering clear” of Vialipro is a good idea. If you need something that is prescription strength, this is not the mimic product to use, and you should continue your search for one that is safe and effective.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

MRM Driven Reviews

mrm driven reviewsWhen people feel the famous “burn” from a serious workout it is usually due to the development of lactic acid. This is the substance that also leads to some of the soreness in the muscles in the hours or even days after the workout. For years, athletes and bodybuilders have sought ways to reduce this issue, and we were immediately intrigued by the claims made around the results of MRM Driven.

Not only does the manufacturer claim to offer an optimal pre-workout supplement that will give “explosive” energy and endurance, but that the product also reduces lactic acid and nurtures recovery too. We looked at the ingredients, explored some consumer feedback, and shopped around for the best prices before we made our decision about MRM Driven.

How It Works and Ingredients

As an all around supplement, MRM Driven is actually extremely good. It packs in the essentials and delivers a lot of the “feel good” vitamin B complexes. It places an emphasis on its trademark “LABEE Matrix,” which is where we noticed the difference from other products. Here we find the Citruline so essential to endurance. We then investigate the contents of the “FFBE” or fat burning matrix, and found that this too was full of the ingredients necessary to meet the claims. So far, so good – speedy fat loss and reduced lactic acid build up were supported by the ingredients.

We checked out the list of items in their patented “KCM” matrix and were a bit thrown by the fact that it is a bit on the “secret” side since it uses a trademarked “Peak ATP” mixture. What we did learn was that it contained the L-Asparagine and L-Potassium that would be necessary to manage energy levels. What we can see from the ingredients is that MRM Driven is a formula that could easily enhance energy, stamina, and endurance while encouraging lean muscle growth, fast fat loss, reduced lactic acid buildup, increased mental activity, and quick recovery. Naturally, we knew we needed consumer feedback on the product to discover if it did provide such benefits.

User Reviews and Feedback

What we learned about MRM Driven was not that surprising – it is a pre-workout supplement that is ideally suited for athletes of all kinds. From yoga practitioners to bodybuilders there were a lot of positive comments. One of the best things we found was that it did reduce the burn while also providing a level of energy that was consistent and free of the dreaded “shakes”. It was also interesting to read about the results of heavier workouts. For instance, one reviewer explained the total absence of the classic aches and pains that usually accompanied her 90-minute exercise classes. This, she said, helped her to increase her level of fitness and take her training to a new level. We did not find any commentary about taste, and can assume that the Raspberry Lemon Tart flavor is palatable.

Where To Buy

The product is found in a single size – 1.1 pounds, and delivers around 40 servings per canister. Prices range substantially, with some online vendors asking around $34 for the tub and others ranging as high as $43. What we did see was that most of the vendors requiring a lower purchase price did not discount shipping, so there did seem to be a general price of roughly $40 for the canister (with shipping included).


On the most basic level, MRM Driven delivers what it claims. The ingredients support the manufacturer’s statements about the performance of the supplement, and consumer response backs it up too. There were very few comments about disappointment with the product, and this is definitely a good choice for almost anyone looking for some energy to improve their regular exercise routines and recovery.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Veromax Male Enhancement Reviews

veromax reviewA male enhancement product that claims to work for men of all ages is something that really grabs the attention. This is due to the simple fact that age and many medical conditions can often have a direct relationship to a man’s sexual performance. This is the reason that the Veromax caught our eye. The manufacturer claims that this is a formula that can enhance sexual performance, but which might also help someone to overcome the effects of ED (erectile dysfunction). We decided to explore exactly how this product could obtain such results. We looked at the ingredients and also the consumer feedback to decide if it really could deliver the goods.

How Veromax Works and Ingredients

What we initially discovered about the Veromax product is that its primary ingredients are quite likely to improve blood flow to the penis. This is because it contains a potent Arginine blend that functions as a nitric oxide booster. Nitric oxide works as a vasodilator, which is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body. It leaves cell walls smooth, but also widens arteries and transports tremendous amounts of blood and oxygen into the muscles and soft tissue.

This means that someone using the Veromax product is likely to get the same sort of engorgement in the penis as a bodybuilder would get in their arms, chest, and leg muscles when boosting NO levels. The story doesn’t end with NO, however, and this product is also full of Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Saw Palmetto and Glutamic Acid. These are compounds known to improve energy levels and to also encourage prolonged sexual stamina as well. What we found a bit annoying was the fact that there are claims of clinical trials and proven results, but we could not find any official information through the manufacturer.

User Reviews of Veromax and Feedback

So, what did the men using the Veromax product have to say about it? The primary word that kept appearing in the comments left by those who were using it, or who had tried it in the past was “enhancer”. We didn’t see many people saying that it enhanced their erections or improved the quality of them. We could not find any reviews from someone who had been unable to get an erection proclaim that this product worked for them. We also saw a few complaints about the fact that the product carried no FDA approval, and that this was a reason that some buyers were not surprised at the lack of results.

Where To Buy

The price of Veromax is around $34 for a 30 capsule supply. Because the daily dosage calls or one in the morning and one in the afternoon (with doubling of the dosage suggested for those noticing only mild results with a single capsule dose), we felt that the cost was a bit prohibitive. After all, it would require a $60 per month commitment for a product that has no clinical testing and not professional testimonials available. We were greatly disappointed to find that there is no money-back guarantee and that there are no easy ways of directly contacting the manufacturer as well.


Although we would say that the Veromax product contains only natural ingredients, and ones which have been proven repeatedly to stimulate and enhance blood flow to the penis, we would not feel confident in recommending it as a good solution. There is just not enough evidence to support a recommendation, and the price makes us hesitate to advocate using it on a regular or frequent basis too. If the manufacturer had some sort of guarantees available, or if it were easier to contact them directly, it might be a different conclusion, but we don’t feel the quality is there.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Morph Megadrive Reviews

morph megadrive reviewAnyone who reads about pre-workout drinks and supplements knows that some are designed to help you energize up and blast through a workout with good results. There are not a lot of products, however, that address recovery time or needs. There are also not a lot mixtures that promise to address all seven muscle and energy pathways.

So, when we heard about iSatori’s Morph Megadrive pre-workout drink we knew we had to investigate a bit further. This product guarantees a full-workout level of support (no more of the dreaded “hanging halfway” feeling of some lesser products) and dramatically improved results over similar formulations. We read of increases in lean muscle mass, razor sharp mental focus, and the rebuilding of muscle at a faster rate than ever. So, we looked at the ingredients, read the customer feedback, and did a bit of comparison shopping to determine our results.

Ingredients and How It Works

The ingredients in the Morph Megadrive product do seem to support the claims. For instance, they have proprietary “ProMiniPlex” formula that uses tons of isolates. They have a patented “Muscle Power Activator” that contains the most powerful nitric oxide boosters around, a trademarked “Neuropsych” formula with tons of B12, and the impressive “Hydro-PUMP” formula that is packed with Arginine.

This is a material well-known for working as a vasodilator and NO booster which dramatically increases and supports muscle growth, recovery and mental focus. To ensure the best energy supplies, the Morph Megadrive product also uses the “Volumaxer” mixture that is a reliable insulin driver or energy supplier, and this is partnered with their patented “Oxy-Pump” blend designed to carry oxygen as effectively as possible. Finally, their “Prosyntha-RX” formula is a perfect finishing touch thanks to its abilities as a muscle regenerator. Our conclusions about the formulation are clear and simple – this stuff should work well when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

User Reviews and Feedback

So, does Morph Megadrive really deliver on its claims? We turned to customer reviews to discover if this was the case. What we found was that almost everyone who had used it found it to be a truly optimal pre-workout supplement. There was a lot of praise for the product’s abilities with delivering a good workout without the “jitters” that plague so many people. It was common to also see a lot of positive feedback about the taste of the beverage, and how it was very “easy on the stomach”.

This is often a problem for people new to pre-workout beverages, and the Morph Megadrive is clearly one of the formulas that can be used by beginners and advanced athletes alike. What we found was that many bodybuilders appreciated their increased energy and sharper focus, while really enjoying the taste and digestability of the drink – particularly those who used post-workout meals as a part of their daily routines.

Where To Buy

Morph Megadrive has only one flavor – the Spiked Fruit Punch. This is sold in the 625 gram sizes at a relatively higher price than other pre-workout drinks. The lowest pricing is going to be found through online vendors and we were shocked to see that is currently extending a substantially lower price than many other locations. Their 30-serving containers are selling for around $29, while other sites begin around $36. The competitors include and DAMuscle as well.


Morph Megadrive from iSatori is a reliable supplement for those looking to give themselves a solid, pre-workout prep. The drink does do all that it claims, including boosting energy and helping with the post-workout recovery process. Consumer reviews agree with the manufacturer’s claims of sustained energy, and also approve of its abilities to enhance performance without any jitters or side effects.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Secratatropin Reviews

secratatropin reviewThere have been a wide array of hgh releasers that have come to the market in recent years, and many of them claim they are the most potent and effective one. One such supplement released in the past few years is called secratatropin, which claims to be more powerful than hgh prescription injections. We decided to analyze the claims made by this company in this review, and searched for customer feedback, studied the ingredients, and discovered some side effects. If you are wondering whether or not this pill really does work, read our indepth investigation to learn more.

So What Exactly is Secratatropin?

Like most releasers, secratatropin attempts to encourage the production of hgh naturally by stimulating a part of our brain called the pituitary gland. For those of you who don’t know, the pituitary gland is responsible for our growth during our pubescent years, and it directly influences the amount of growth hormone that is released. Once we hit the age of about 25, this gland stops producing, and instead of growing we actually start to begin to age.

Secratatropin seeks to reverse this process by tricking the brain into continually producing more hgh as we get older, in effect reversing the effects of aging. This supplement is currently for sale on the products main website, and retails for about $110 per bottle as of 1/27/2011.

Benefits and Ingredients of Secratatropin

This product promises numerous benefits, including enhancing your physical performance, increase energy levels, and providing strength, vitality, and an enhanced sexual libido. The ingredients that make up secratatropin include: GABA, L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, Alpha GPC, L-Dopa, L-Tyrosine, L-Valine, L-Lysine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Ornithine.

These are all productive amino acids that can be commonly found in many foods we eat, and also supplementation found in stores.  Since these ingredients are all natural, and do not require oversight by the FDA, we don’t believe there are any detrimental side effects from using secratatropin.

Reviews of Secratatropin

Besides the official website, secratatropin reviews are hard to come by. While there are many testimonials listed on the product website, we tried to search forums and other related discussion groups to find unbiased and uncensored results, but came up short. Below are some of the few independent third party reviews of secratatropin:

“Secratatropin HGH is an improvement to say the least. It’s not what I expected at all. I thought I’d be paying for something small, but hoped for something small. I definitely got big!”

If you or someone you know has tried secratatropin and would like to share your results, please contact us. You can remain anonymous if you’d like, we always respect your privacy.

Overall Conclusion

We believe that since their is a firm lack of positive experiences of men and women using secratatropin on various third party sites, coupled with the price of the product, that secratatropin may indeed not work. While much more research needs to be done in the field of hgh releasers as a whole, there is a lack of evidence from many different forums and supplement review sites to indicate that it indeed does work.

Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery. Read more in our review.

Click Here To Learn More »

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite Series

HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

Growth Factor 9

Growth Factor 9

While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.

Click Here To Learn More »

Jetfuse NOX Review

jetfuse nox reviewDo you agree that a good workout would come from the use of the mind, muscles and the blood vessels? Of course, but it isn’t always that easy to “sync” everything up. Many bodybuilders and athletes have started to discover the benefits of nitric oxide enhancement since this is a safe and natural way to get tons of blood and oxygen into the muscles and the mind.

The three things mentioned – mind, muscles and blood vessels – also happen to be the three regions focused on by GAT when they created their Jetfuse NOX pre-workout drink. We were intrigued by its claims that bodybuilders and athletes begin to feel the formula working within minutes of drinking it, and also begin enjoying the benefits in their first set. We looked closely at the list of ingredients, consumer reports, and even pricing to determine if this was something we would recommend.

How It Works and Ingredients

The Jetfuse NOX is clearly one of the major NO enhancers. You can understand this the very moment you begin assessing the list of ingredients. Most of the proprietary formulations contain one or more of the nutrients or minerals needed to increase NO production in the body. The GAT JetFUSE for Size & Optimized Pump uses a range of Arginine mixtures along with Citruline too. The GAT JetFUSE for Focus & Intensity relies on the NO boosting properties of Beta Alanine and Tyrosine as well.

The JetFUSE for Muscle Repair, Growth, Stamina, Speed, & Endurance turns to Valine and a range of all natural extracts to create its results, and the GAT JetFUSE Electrolytes for Replenishment is phosphate rich. There are few fillers that we could find, and the mixture seems to be a good “clean” blend of complementary compounds. We also appreciated the availability of many antioxidants that will capture the free radicals that can appear whenever NO levels exceed their natural amounts.

User Reviews and Feedback

Once we had a thorough understanding of the quality of the ingredients in the Jetfuse NOX we turned our attention to the reviews posted by those who used or were using the drink. What we found was that most of the users enjoyed their experience and felt that it was appropriate for bodybuilders and those doing tons of cardio work. In fact, a lot of those posting their replies about Jetfuse NOX indicated that the increased energy was one of their favorite effects.

This was because it was consistent and did not come with the usual shakes or “jitters” that other heavily caffeinated supplements deliver. Some of the reviews indicated that they used the product in a “stack” and partnered it with a post workout protein shake. Many people also gave the taste a “thumbs up” or high approval level as well, which shouldn’t be overlooked since taste is often a serious deal breaker in the world of supplements.

Where To Buy

Jetfuse NOX can be found in blue raspberry, exotic fruit, and grape. Each tub weighs in at 2.35 pounds and contains roughly 52 servings. Recommended usage states that one to three scoops should be used 30 minutes before training. The directions also say that one to three scoops should be consumed on the “non-training days” too. This means that a single container is not a 52 day supply. This makes the $30 to $38 price tag a bit steep for some, but has flat shipping fees, and has a 5% discount code.


We would recommend the Jetfuse NOX product to those interested in developing an NO enhancement program for themselves. This is certainly an effective, safe, and reliable formulation that puts a huge emphasis on mental clarity in addition to energy and massive “pumps” during every training session.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Uroprin Review

uroprin reviewHave you ever seen a bodybuilder and thought “that guy looks like he’s about to pop!”? If you answered yes to that question then you’ll be able to visualize how some of the best male enhancement products work on the tissue of the penis. This is because bodybuilders with that “bursting” look are often relying on the same natural ingredients as a dependable male enhancement supplement too.

This is one of the reasons we decided to take a look at the compound called Uroprin. Made by the National Urological Group, the formula boasts of the ability to create harder erections, increasing stamina, and improving libido. We will take a look at the ingredients, some customer responses, and the price of the product to see if it is worth recommending.

Ingredients and How Uroprin Works

The list of ingredients for Uroprin is long and unusual. While the expected Arginine and Ginkgo Biloba is on the list, so too is Queracho Extract and Tribulius Terrestris. Let’s look first at the reason we expected to find Arginine before we move on to the more exotic ingredients. One of the main reasons that a man cannot obtain or sustain a strong erection is because of inadequate blood flow. While there are many underlying reasons that this is happening, anything that a man can do to help improve the blood flow is likely to help their ED condition.

Arginine is used by bodybuilders to create a lot of nitric oxide (NO) in the blood. The NO works as a vasodilator and pumps the tissue and muscle full of blood, oxygen, and nutrients. It also helps to widen arteries and smooth cellular walls. This is what gives that bulging and bursting look to their bodies, and it will do the same thing to a penis. The Tribulus Terrestris, on the other hand, works to naturally increase and regulate the production of testosterone, while the Quebacho Extract increases libido and blood flow in the body too. Clearly, this means that Uroprin creates a lot of activity, but all of it is directed towards the penis and the sex drive.

User Reviews of Uroprin

When we looked at the consumer feedback about Uroprin we found that most users liked the natural formula and ingredients and appreciated the fact that they never experienced any sort of negative or unpleasant side effects. The downside, however, was that a lot of customers complained of weak results at best. The lack of any sort of money back guarantee or clinical trials also seems to indicate that a customer may not be able to expect a lot from this formulation.

Where To Buy

Obtaining Uroprin is also a source of complaint. Currently this product is not available through the manufacturer or any online distributors. Pricing is unavailable for the product at the time this review goes to press. This is unfortunate because professional or industry reviews tend to give the product a solid rating.


If Uroprin were readily available we would suggest that a man with ED give it a 30 day trial period. This is the sort of compound that would need a bit of time to accumulate in the blood stream in order to work most effectively. Though there are some claims that it is a good Viagra substitute, there is no proof that this formulation works within a few hours’ time. Instead, the compounds in the formula should be considered a safe, but long term answer for those who struggle with ED. It is also a good candidate for those who have low libidos thanks to the use of several herbal remedies and formulations designed to overcome low sex drive and problems with libido.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Hydravol Review

hydravol reviewMost of us know the importance of communication, but did you realize that the communication “pathways” in your body might be used to improve your muscle condition? This is the premise of the Hydravol product from QNT International. We read about the formula and its “hyper-hydration” properties and decided to explore it a bit more. We looked closely at the ingredients used, the results enjoyed by those using it, and even at the market price to determine if this was something we would recommend.

How It Works and Ingredients

We began our investigation of the Hydravol product with a sharp scrutiny of the ingredients. This was because the product was claiming to be the very “latest” in hyper-hydration and muscle volume amplification. We already knew that tons of manufacturers had started creating products geared towards NO boosting (nitric oxide). This would allow the vasodilation process to flood muscle tissue with oxygen and blood, but we hadn’t heard about hydration in other ways.

What we learned was that the ingredients had been selected and formulated to activate anabolic signaling pathways in order to improve neuromuscular function. They do this through the use of muscle enhancing Creatine, which is also known to force feed muscles the nutrients in the body, which creates some of the largest and hardest muscles imaginable. The formula also relies on a very essential antioxidant blend to harness the free radicals that NO production generates. This improves conditions in the anabolic pathways and allows all of the other ingredients to do their work.

The complexes and proprietary formulations include the Hydralex Cell Electrolyte Volumizer, the LeuNOx Leucine Signal & Nitric Oxide Synthesis Complex, the Hydravol Muscle Volume & Strength Amplifier, and the Hydravol Hyper Growth Proprietary Complex. These contain a mixed bag of essential nutrients, but we were really impressed by the general “cleanliness” of these ingredients and the absence of fillers. We also approved of the use of many herbs and natural plants such as marjoram, pine bark, and grape seed extract.

User Reviews and Feedback

Of course, we know that even the most scientifically innovative and specially crafted formulas may not produce results. We turned to customer reviews to find out a bit more. We learned that Hydravol was “awesome” for boosting energy, building muscle, and in terms of value. We also read that one reviewer used the product on an “off” day to see how they felt and were able to do their regular routine in addition to a nice run.

Another reviewer commented that they felt remarkably energized and took a swim after doing their regular lifting routine too. Clearly, this product creates a ton of energy and we were happy to see some good results where recovery, pumps, and mental alertness were the subject too. Interestingly enough, a lot of reviewers also said that the taste of the Hydravol powdered beverage was good – which is somewhat unique in the world of pre-workout drinks!

Where To Buy

Hydravol comes in a 1.8 pound container with 40 servings. It is found only in the fruit punch flavor, and is to be used fifteen minutes prior to the start of a workout. This means that a single container can be used for a full 40 days – or more. This makes the somewhat high price a bit more tolerable. Currently it is priced at $47.99 through the website, which is the best price around.


We would recommend Hydravol to any athletes or lifters looking to add a whole new element to their routines. The concept of hyper-hydration makes good sense and seems like the next step in using NO techniques to the fullest extents possible. We also approve of the way that it works with the body’s natural processes for good results.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

VigRx Plus Review – My Personal Results

Special Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus website.

I have personally tested over 50 different male enhancement pills, and more or less know what works:

male enhancement pills ive tested

Some of them are complete garbage, while others just give you a hardon and a headache.

rhino pills
Like this one

When I first heard of Vigrx Plus pills also known as VigRX, I was a little skeptical that it was going to work.

Consequently, this was a result of being burned so many times before.

I’ve seen practically EVERY claim you can imagine, from the 3 inches in 3 weeks wonder pill.

To extenders that promise an 8.7 inch penis in a matter of months:

size genetics claims
I’ve used Size Genetics. It works, but 8.7 inch penis my A$$…Check out my review here.

Or this penis enlargement cream that asks you the age-old question:

“Why not 12?”

why not 12

Yeah, I’ve pretty much seen all the claims in my many years of reviewing and testing Vigrx Plus supplements.

That’s why I was surprised after the first few doses of Vigrx Plus.

This time I knew there would be a difference.

My erections were:

  • Stronger than the ones I got with any other pills, and
  • My sexual desire was through the roof.I decided to write this review of VigRx Plus to help clue you in on it’s effectiveness, the results of others, and where to buy cheap.

Note:  If you are looking to grow some SERIOUS size, then I would recommend taking Vigrx Plus AND combine it with either a water based vacuum pump, like Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme (preferred for comfort and ease of use), or an extender device like the Phallosan Forte.

Jump To A Vigrx Plus Topic


What is VigRx Plus?

What Makes Vigrx Plus Different?

Vigrx Plus is Actually Clinically Studied To Work

My Results With Vigrx Plus After 6 Months
Month #1

Month #2

Month #3 - 6

My Recommendation

What is VigRx Plus?

vigrx plus reviewVigRx Plus is a 100% all natural product that is designed to promote your sexual stamina and vigor, as well as increase your sexual appetite.

I first learned about VigRx Plus from another guy that used it and apparently he got great results.

Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus website.

This doctor recommended product has actually been available since 2001, and from what I understand over 500,000 guys have ordered it to date…

Vigrx Plus is made up of a unique formula that contains nothing but all natural ingredients.

The full Vigrx Plus ingredient list includes:

    • Damiana Extract
    • Epimedium
    • Ginkgo Biloba
    • Asian Red Ginseng
    • Saw Palmetto Berry
    • Catuaba Bark Extract
    • Muira Puama
    • Hawthorn Berry
    • Bioperine

Click Here for a snapshot of the label.

Most of Vigrx Plus ingredients have been studied by scientists, and shown to help promote overall sexual health and vigor immensely.You can read more about what Vigrx Plus ingredients do here.Some of the ingredients in Vigrx Plus can interact with drugs and certain medical conditions.Click Here to see some frequently asked questions we get regarding medical conditions, as well as a full list of medications that may cause some concern.

What Makes Vigrx Plus Different?

Most male enhancement supplements contain different variations of the same ingredients, so there is not much of a difference at all.  However, based on the specific blend mentioned above, and the sheer amount of positive reviews, I truly believe Vigrx Plus trumps the rest.

During my research, some of the things that stood out to me included:

  • Doctor Recommendations -VigRx Plus is endorsed by leading physicians, including the critically acclaimed physician Dr. Steven Lamm, commonly featured on ABC’s “The View”.  Click here to see what the medical community has to say about Vigrx Plus.
  • Clinically Studied – Another key point to remember is that Vigrx Plus is one of the only products in its category to be clinically studied by a leading research lab.  You can learn more about the clinical study of Vigrx Plus below.
  • Raw Testimonials from Real Users – They literally have handwritten testimonials from users of Vigrx Plus that were voluntarily provided.  Check some of them out here.Here’s just a couple of them:vigrx plus review from JP on their official website
  • Ironclad Guarantee – I have been burned before by companies that claim to “guarantee” their product, but for Vigrx Plus I actually tested it out.  I had a friend order it online, and then call them up to cancel his order a month and a half later.  Much to my surprise, he cancelled his order and got his money back (minus the shipping charges).

Vigrx Plus is Actually Clinically Studied To Work

VigRx Plus is also one of the only male enhancement products that I have come across that is not only doctor approved, but also has been clinically tested to work.

vigrx plus clinical study page

Apparently, Vigrx Plus actually spent $500,000 to have this clinical study performed, which was conducted by a company called Vedic Life Sciences.

I had a chance to read through the actual study, but I will spare you the boring technical details and fill you in on the juicy parts.

For example, when questioned about their ability to get an erection during sexual activity both BEFORE taking Vigrx Plus and AFTER taking it, the results were enormous…

1. How often were you able to get an erection before Vigrx Plus and After Vigrx Plus?

vigrx plus clinical study questionnaire results

2. How much have you enjoyed sexual intercourse before and after Vigrx Plus?

how much have you enjoyed intercourse before and after taking vigrx plus

In summary, the study concluded that:

  • The Ability To Penetrate Their Partner Was DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED
  • The Ability to Maintain and Erection Was DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED
  • Frequency and Intensity of Orgasms were Enhanced Dramatically
  • Sexual Satisfaction was greatly improved  by Vigrx Plus
  • Increase in Desire was achieved with practically all men

Click Here to read the results of the clinical study of Vigrx Plus.

My Results With Vigrx Plus After 6 Months

My Second Order of Vigrx Plus

After much research, I decided to order a 6 month supply of Vigrx Plus to test out.  The company claims that the best results are achieved after using it for about 3 months, but you have to keep taking the product to keep the results.  I ordered it with the assumption that I would probably gain some size, but I knew that this size gain would not be permanent.

That’s another admirable thing about Vigrx Plus is that they don’t make outrageous guarantees that you will gain 4 inches in size in a month.  That is just not practical, and it’s a shame there are so many companies that do it.

Month #1

I ordered the 6 month supply and received the package of Vigrx Plus in about 3 days.  It arrived via UPS express shipping, which was actually covered by Vigrx Plus when I placed the order.  I received a number of bonuses along with my 6 packages of Vigrx Plus, including:

  • Semenax Volume Enhancement Pills
  • Nexus Pheromones Cologne
  • “For Men Only” Exercise CD
  • Erection Fitness Website Subscription

I knew all of these bonuses were coming, it was just nice to see them.  After taking Vigrx Plus for a few days, I was surprised that I wasn’t noticing any effects.

In the beginning, I took only 1 capsule per day versus the recommended 2.  I really wanted to see what kind of response I would get from starting off with a smaller dosage, mainly because I have received side effects from other products when I took the recommended dosage the first time.

After about a week is when I really started noticing big changes.  Prior to receiving my order of Vigrx Plus, I was having a hard time keeping it up during sex.  I would get hard in the beginning, but it would quickly fall off after a few minutes in.  Vigrx Plus was not only embarrassing, but EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING.  For lack of a better term, I felt like an ASS.

For the first time in a long time I was able to GET IT UP and KEEP IT UP for like 30 minutes.  Not only that, but I felt more engorged, as if there was just a ton of more blood flow to the penis than normal.

Month #2

The above continued on for about 3 weeks, and I saw a natural size gain of about 0.5 inch in length and close to 1/4 inch in girth.  Not bad for not doing much else than ingesting a pill.  However, I knew this would not be permanent, so I decided that I would start doing manual PE exercise routines, including Jelqing, Wet/Dry Milking, and Kegels.  These exercises, from all accounts, are great to use in conjunction with Vigrx Plus, and I actually created an ebook outlining the techniques and procedures to use.  Click here to sign up and receive this free guide immediately to your inbox.

Click Here now to visit the official Vigrx Plus website.

Through the month, I continued to take 2 capsules of Vigrx Plus a day, and the results just kept on getting better.  At the end of the 2 months, I was seeing a total length gain of about 1″, and just over 0.5″ in girth.  To top it all off, I also noticed that the time between erections was significantly reduced.  Before, I could only go once, MAYBE twice in a day, without feeling like my penis was going to fall off.  At the end of my second month, I was honestly going about 4 or 5 times a day, and felt like I was going to burst my pants open.

Quick Tip:  If doing these manual exercises above sounds like alot of work, then you might want to look into using either an extender device like Phallosan Forte, or a water based pump like the Bathmate Hercules.

Both will give you a “hands off” approach…literally.

Check out my reviews of each below:

Phallosan Forte:


Month #3 – 6

Unlike what Vigrx Plus mentioned, I did not see the best results in 3 months.  In fact, in the 3rd month I honestly did not see any major change in size or stamina.  That’s not to say it stopped working, I just didn’t see any major change in size.  I was still getting great orgasms, still lasting longer in bed, and still able to maintain an erection for what seemed like hours.

Right around the end of month 4 is where I saw the biggest improvement in size.  I think I can attribute that to the fact that I stepped up my exercise routine to about 6 days a week, instead of just 5, and I also started taking an extra pill of Vigrx Plus everyday.  At the end of this month, I saw a total increase in length of 1.5″, and a 1 ” girth increase.  My original size measurement was about 6″ length, and 4 ” in girth, so this was a pretty big step up.  Needless to say my girlfriend had absolutely no complaints. 😉

Apparently I’m not the only one.  I recently went through a few of the Vigrx Plus reviews left on my page here, and see that a couple other guys noticed the same thing.



Visit the Official Vigrx Plus Website Here:

CAUTION: Watch Out For FAKE Vigrx Plus Pills

I have had alot of guys come to me and tell me that they found Vigrx Plus on Ebay or Amazon for alot cheaper than the official Vigrx Plus website.  While this may be the case, you have to realize that these may be FAKE VERSIONS of Vigrx Plus, those of which may contain dangerous substances.  Some of these counterfeiters, which are mostly located in China, inject substances such as Sildenafil, which is the active ingredient in Viagra.

This is not only illegal, but is completely unethical, and can result in you experiencing bad side effects, or worse.  There’s a few ways you can check and see if you have the real thing.

#1 – Check The Authenticity Code of Vigrx Plus

A few years ago the makers of Vigrx Plus became aware that counterfeit versions of their pills were floating around.  As a result, they started adding an “Authenticity code” to the front of the label, which is basically a series of numbers that you can check on their website to be sure you have the authentic / original version.

vigrx plus authorization code

You can check the code at this link and enter the numbers to be sure it’s not a fake.

If the number checks out, you’ll get a message indicating that you have authentic Vigrx Plus.

real vigrx plus

If it doesn’t, you get a message stating “this code has been confirmed as counterfeit goods”.

verification check

#2 – Break Open The Capsule of VigRX Plus

Another way you can check to see if you have the real deal is to break open the capsule and check the inside color.

If it’s brown (sort of looks like pepper), it’s the real thing.

real vs fake vigrx plus pills

If it’s white, which seems to be the most common for the counterfeits, or any other color then you likely have a fake version.  Click Here to see a larger version of the above photo.

#3 – Check The Price of VigRX Plus

One of the easiest ways to check if you have the real thing is to check the price.  Other then their official website, Vigrx Plus does NOT offer any discounts.

If you look around on sites like Amazon and eBay, you can actually find it being advertised for as little as $30 a box.

cheap vigrx plus on ebay

$30 sounds great and all, but there’s one huge problem with this.  They DON’T Work!

You might as well be buying a sugar pill, because you will get practically no results at all buying these counterfeit knockoffs.

In short, a one month supply costs $76.99.

If you see it being advertised for anything less, it’s probably a fake.

Make sure you order from the official website,

Where They DON’T Ship Vigrx Plus To

On the negative side, here’s a list of countries where they do NOT ship to:  Afghanistan, Argentina, Cuba, Estonia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Korea, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela.

Nevertheless, if you’re located in one of these countries you may want to check out an alternative supplement called Male Extra.

For the most part, Male Extra DOES sell to all of the countries listed above (except Ireland).

Consequently, it’s a VERY effective alternative to Vigrx Plus.

Click Here to see my review of Male Extra.

Don’t Have A Credit Card?

Get step by step instructions on how to buy Vigrx Plus without a credit card in this article.

If Vigrx Plus Is So Good, Than Why Are The Amazon Reviews So Bad?!

I’ve received this question more times than I can count, so I figured I would finally address it here once and for all.

I actually reached out to the folks over at Vigrx Plus a few months back on that, and from what I gather the problem is two-fold:

1.)  Competitors have been “buying” it on Vigrx Plus and leaving these negative reviews.

They’ve told me it’s nearly impossible to tell who’s “in on it” so to speak, but they have apparently been working with Amazon to try and fix the problem.  This is actually further supported by the fact that 2 independent 3rd parties have indicated that the reviews are likely fake.

For example, check out this report on content/uploads/2011/06/fakespot

And this one on review meta:

vigrx plus review meta rating explained

Both of these are completely independent sites, and have no affiliation with ANY products and / or supplements.  And they BOTH rate the reviews as suspicious, unnatural, and likely false.

2.)  There’s been a surge of counterfeit Vigrx Plus flooding the online market.

What’s happening is Chinese manufacturers are pumping out fake Vigrx Plus pills in an effort to capitalize on the brand name and popularity.  You’ll see these counterfeits on sites like eBay, Craigslist, and Bonanza, and they make it very appealing to order through them because the price is just RIDICULOUSLY low.

If you come across prices that are way too low compared to other similar pills you have seen in you search for the right one, chances are it is too good to be true and they are so low for a reason; they simply do not work well at all compared to the actual, reputable name brand real ones.

I’m talking like 50 – 70% less than what you would see on their official site (

The problem is, they’re basically a sugar pill.  You heard me right…They aren’t putting any of the actual ingredients you would find in the REAL Vigrx Plus, and as a result you have 1,000’s of customers who thought they were getting the real thing.’

How does this relate to Amazon?

Well, when people are pissed off, they write a review!  What better place than to “vent” your frustrations about the product than by doing it on their Amazon page!

I talk about this in great detail below.

My Recommendation of Using VigRX Plus

In conclusion, out of all of the supplements I have tried, Vigrx Plus was by far the most effective.

Consequently, I have tried a TON of different products.

If you’re looking for the best results, order a 3 months supply.

“Why?”, you ask?

Because it can LITERALLY take that long to see the best results.

However, it’s worth the wait!

P.S.  If you’re looking for something for your woman to take to help her with her sexual libido, check out a supplement called Her Solution.  It works GREAT for stimulating female libido and will make her want you more and more!

Click Here Now To Visit Vigrx Plus

Clique Aqui para ler essa análise em Português

Additional References

Hemoxy Review

hemoxy reviewsAs soon as we saw the secondary name of this product we wanted to explore it a bit further. That is because The Hemoxy product from Rivalus is also called “Athletes VasoOxygen” as well. Most bodybuilding and athletic enthusiasts are well aware of the supplements designed around nitric oxide enhancement. This is because NO is a powerful vasodilator that helps to flood muscles with blood and oxygen. So, if the claims were true, and Hemoxy did even more than boost nitric oxide production before during and after athletic events, it would be a first of its kind. We explored the ingredients and consumer feedback to get our results and also took the price into consideration as well.

How It Works and Ingredients

The ingredients list for the Hemoxy product is not extensive or packed with fillers. This is one of its initial appeals. Once we began to read the list, we were fairly certain that the product might just live up to the claims. It has a proprietary Vasoblast (Blood Volume Expansion Complex) and a Myovolix (Muscle Cell Swelling Complex). These contain what you would expect in terms of NO production – different kinds of high-quality Arginine, Creatine, and Glutamine. There is also the essential Taurine too. So, how does the product generate muscle cell Volumizing and greater endurance for weight lifters and athletes alike?

It is through the use of nanodiffusion hemodilators that really trigger the body to send anabolic signals to the muscles that it accomplishes it goals. We determined that this supplement is among the more scientifically and medically formulated available, even if it really is one of the simplest too. What we also loved about it was the simple fact that it does not contain any substance that would put a college sports player at risk for being accused of doping. In fact, the ingredients are not banned by national college sports associations,  will not produce an Adverse Analytical Finding as defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or the International Olympic Committee (IOC) either.

User Reviews and Side Effects

Next, we had to see if those using the Hemoxy formula experienced the serious “pumps” and dramatic benefits that the makers claimed. What we learned was that many of the reviewers honestly felt that it was the “best” NO product that they had used. Several commented on how easy the capsules were to use and to digest, though some did not like the number of pills required for workouts (you are required to take 2 capsules one hour before exercise and 2 capsules immediately after exercise. For best results the product is supposed to be used every day for 8 weeks and combined with resistance exercise 3-5 days per week).

All of the reviews stated plainly that there was a noticeable increase in energy, lifts, endurance, and even muscle volume with every single use of the product. One reviewer also commented that they felt that they could actually breathe longer and smoother since beginning to use the ingredients.

Where To Buy

The price of the Hemoxy formula was a touchy issue with some of the reviewers. This is because it retails for around $90 per container, with each container offering around 30 servings. This means that someone using it as recommended would consume two full bottles before the anticipated results could be expected. The manufacturer does offer the product at a deep discount, currently around $52 per bottle.


We would recommend Hemoxy to athletes and bodybuilders alike. Our research indicates that this all-new formulation is as innovative and unique as it claims, and that it does live up to its most basic guarantees. We do agree, however, that the price is a bit prohibitive, but this is not a reason to avoid using what seems to be an extremely reliable formula.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pills Review

bullet proof male enhancementWe heard about the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill and decided that it warranted our attention. This is because it took an entirely unique approach to improving sexual function by looking at complete sexual health. For instance, it says it will boost sexual desire, address instances of ED (erectile dysfunction), and even treat PE (premature ejaculation) too. We were not so sure that a single pill could provide such a comprehensive array of “cures” for issues as complex as this and determined that a closer scrutiny of the ingredients, the customer response, and the pricing for the pills was necessary.

How It Works and Ingredients

We learned straight away that the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill is an herbal formula that uses some of the ancient treatments for male sexual health.  The manufacturer’s logic is that a completely healthy system is going to encourage sexual health and well being. So, the use of Ginseng, Fennel Seed, Fo-ti, Ginger, Licorice, Magnesium, Saw Palmetto and Astralagus Root are all geared at creating optimal health to resolve any related sexual problems.

The big question then is “do these things really work AND will they work together?” We learned that only two of the ingredients listed were well known to provide cures for underlying conditions relating directly to sexual function. The Ginseng is something that is used in a lot of penis enlargement and sexual enhancement formulations because of its abilities in improving blood flow. This is something that has been proven to help support increased circulation directly in the erectile chambers.

The Saw Palmetto is the other proven ingredient and this is known for its use in creating a healthy prostate, though there are some claims that it is a natural aphrodisiac too. We believe that this second claim is due to the fact that a man with a healthier prostate is likely to have fewer issues with sexual dysfunction and that the results of using Saw Palmetto to treat a prostate condition just lead to a revitalized sex life. We were glad to see nothing that could produce bad side effects or long term problems, but we did instantly recognize that the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill would require long term and constant use to keep the results.

User Reviews and Feedback

What did consumers and industry professionals have to say about the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill? We found a few professional reviews that really appreciated the product, but most indicated that it was unrealistic to suggest that the product would work in an hour and last for almost two days afterward. This, however, was contradicted by consumer reviews.

One person stated that they believed their use of the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill was better than their use of Viagra and that the effects lingered for three days afterward – meaning that they could sustain a strong erection in the 72 hours following use of the pill. Clearly, this means that the compound is viewed as valid, but that the potency and general effectiveness of the product is what is questionable. Either way, both groups are saying that it works.

Where To Buy

The final factor we considered was the price of the Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill, and we found that the average “per dose” price varied substantially. Some vendors offered 24 pills for $44 while some eBay sellers made the same number available for $55 instead. There were no money back guarantees available.


We would recommend this product due to the fact that it has received such favorable feedback and consumer response. We understand that the ingredients are totally safe and yet proven to be effective by clinical, scientific and consumer studies. This is certainly a reasonable product to try.

Even so, it is always worth double checking to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients as well as that Bullet Proof Male Enhancement Pill does not have any potential for dangerous interactions with any medications that you may currently be taking.

Give it a try for yourself and hopefully it will give you the same positive effects that by most accounts it seems to produce.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Hemo Rage Black Review

hemo rage blackAnyone who exercises, works out, or lifts weights on a regular basis knows the feeling of a plateau. Often, this means that you have to do some sort of extreme increase in your level of activity or find some other way to “bump up” your metabolism. This only works for so long, however, because it is not sustainable. With the use of nitric oxide supplements you can increase the results of exercise for an indefinite or “long term” period.

One of the most recent introductions into the NO supplement market is Hemo Rage Black. This is a powdered supplement that caught our attention as it has been featured on many bodybuilding and exercise websites and forums. We’ll take a look at it, the general effects you can expect, and what others are saying about it.

How It Works and Ingredients

Hemo Rage Black is one of the newest products from Nutrex, and it has already earned some rave reviews from those hoping to enhance their workouts. It functions by increasing blood flow and enhancing oxygen delivery. This means it brings more oxygen into the working muscles and helps to improve performance and endurance too. It uses a proprietary blend of energy “complexes” that include the Anabolic Energy, Cell Volume/Muscle Building Complex, the Fat Detonator, the POWERPLEX, Heat Shock Pro, Blood Boil, EPO Underground Matrix, and the Psycho Neuro Complex.

Each of these features a combination of natural ingredients meant to deliver the best results. One of the key ingredients in Hemo Rage Black is Phenylethylamine which has long been considered a primary player in enhancing brain function while also boosting the results of workouts.

User Reviews and Results

Obviously, it takes some feedback from those already using the product to tell if it is as good as it sounds. The majority of users are saying that they have gotten a huge “boost” during their workouts, and one of the major results of from the use of Hemo Rage Black seems to be that the bodybuilders are not experiencing fatigue. Some customers say that they feel no fatigue at all when taking the recommended dosages, and others say that their levels of fatigue have dropped dramatically. Some people, however, have complained that it reduces their post-workout appetites, and if your post meals are a major part of your routine you may want to test dosages to see if this is a problem for you as well.

Where To Buy

Hemo Rage Black comes in five fruit flavors including berry, grape, melon, orange, and punch. The standard container size is two pounds, and the initial dosage is one scoop. A single container holds roughly 45 scoops, and this means that advanced athletes will get around 22 servings from the single container.

New users of Hemo Rage Black will have to stay at the recommended serving to ensure that it is not too powerful for their metabolisms, and this means that the one scoop servings will allow them to get the full amount out of the container. Costs vary from around $29 to $33 with offering one of the lowest prices and a handy “flat” shipping fee. provides a 5% new customer discount, MassNutrition gives wholesale pricing, and has an excellent $3.99 same day shipping policy.


From the consumer feedback and general industry response it is clear that Hemo Rage Black and its blend of proprietary complexes and formulas is effective. Bodybuilders and those looking to bump themselves out of their plateaus all seem to agree that it lives up to its guarantees. If you are in search of a powder that delivers a boost to muscle building, optimizes energy levels and enhances strength, this may be the one for you.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Size Up XL Review

size up xlLet’s just open this review by admitting right away that we will NOT be recommending the Size Up XL product. This is due to the simple fact that the manufacturer makes a great many claims about the effectiveness of this “enlargement product”, but offers absolutely no information about the product itself. Our research provided us with a great deal of hyperbolic language about the “longer, thicker, and harder erections” a customer would acquire, and even that these would be permanent effects, but there was nothing to backup all of this hot air. We decided to do a solid investigation of the product anyway, looked for customer feedback, and even checked out the price per dose to before making this decision.

How It Works and Ingredients

Size Up XL claims to use “a blend pharmaceutical grade ingredients,” that work in two phases, but they fail to indicate exactly what these ingredients are. Upon reading the description of the processes described “drastically increasing the blood flow to the penis and stretching the walls of the Corpora Cavernosa” we can only guess at what the product contains. We feel confident in saying that there are probably one or more of the best nitric oxide, or NO enhancers at work. For instance, many bodybuilding formulas rely on NO to create vasodilators in the blood stream.

These dilate the blood vessels – allowing them to easily receive increased supplies of blood, nutrients, and oxygen. Body builders use this to get that engorged or bursting look in their veins and muscle tissue. This exact same process is what occurs in the penis when it is introduced to NO and vasodilators. The key compound used to create this effect is Arginine, and we assume that is what is at work in Size Up XL. Over time the amount of engorgement in the penis is going to stretch out the walls and cells, and this will allow erections to get bigger for quite a while.

We can assume that Size Up XL uses this sort of technology, but it is ONLY AN ASSUMPTION because the manufacturer fails to reveal even a single ingredient. The fact that the manufacturers also claim that this product handles problems with PE (premature ejaculation) left us scratching our heads because enlarging the penis has nothing, scientifically, to do with the underlying causes of PE.

Customer Reviews

There are a few reviews on Amazon that suggest that the product may work, but the validity of these reviews of size up xl are called into question.  There are no documented results in the form of picture proof or doctor testimonials, something that should be necessary when making claims such as these.   Furthermore, some reviews have actually questioned whether the feedback has actually been placed by company personnel.  Naturally, we were surprised to see a money back guarantee, but then the “contact seller for full details” made it clear that this guarantee had absolutely nothing to do with the manufacturer.

Where To Buy

Buying the Size Up XL product is more than a simple leap of faith because the literature available does not explain how many pills are contained in each bottle. Instead, the consumer is told only that it is going to take four to six bottles to get the best results.  The prices ranged between the standard retail value of $70 to the price of $40 for a single bottle.


We do not recommend the Size Up XL product. Its claims have no clinical evidence and there is no list of ingredients provided, no quality assurances, and no way to easily get your money back if the product is not satisfactory. We know that there are a lot of people looking for a quick fix for a small penis, and that a product that uses such bold and aggressive language in its official descriptions as Size Up XL does might be convincing, but customers would be far better off doing a bit more searching because this product is just too vague to be trustworthy.

If there was more information readily available, then maybe I would not be so apprehensive to give Size Up XL a glowing recommendation, but the fact is that I am not going to get in the corner of a product that doesn’t have a lot out there on it when there are store shelves and websites that are stocked to the brim with similar supplements that have a whole lot of information that you can easily access without having to dig around like you’re Indiana Jones.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

HemaNOvol Review

hemanovol reviewReading the phrase “experience a muscle-volumizing pump so intense that you will never forget it,” is like throwing down the proverbial gauntlet. After all, what could be so new, unique, or innovative in a workout supplement that it would make any lifting experience totally unforgettable? This was the claim proposed by AllMax about their HemaNOvol supplement, and it is what led us to conduct this investigation and to compose this review. We explored the ingredients used in the compound and also scouted around for consumer response to the product as well. We also considered the pricing and availability of the supplement before making our determination about it.

How It Works and Ingredients

One of the first claims made by the makers of HemaNOvol was that it contained not two or three but 15 different NO boosting ingredients. These were also designed to function in a three-stage delivery system that ensured the most powerful vascular blood volumizing possible. What would this actually provide? This would allow muscles to swell to their maximum levels during each rep – regardless of how many were done. This process would also “force feed” blood into muscles that were in the midst of a serious craving for vital nutrients.

The concept is that it increases vasodilation which aids in exercise performance big time, particularly in resistance training based workouts such as weight lifting.

What the formulation also provided, however, was performance of this kind over the long term and as needed. For example, a bodybuilder wouldn’t be “left hanging” in the middle of their workout because this formula was designed to continually supply their muscles with precisely what was needed. Looking at the list of ingredients contained in the different compounds, substrates, and enhancers made it obvious that there were indeed fifteen different NO boosters available. We saw that the proprietary ARGI-N.O.-Nine: Hyper-Critical N.O. Substrate packed a massive 3200mg of nutrients.

There is also the BioExtract N.O.: Phyto-Extract Compound which contains an all-natural blend of nitric oxide producers. The GAMMA-NOS: RNS Protective ENOS Enhancer, Vasotrinol: Hyper-Oxygenation Complex 3MPD, and the Sustained-Release Technology Matrix all round out the blend of compounds meant to give both short and long term absorption as well as the type of muscular and blood expansion desired. So, we did have to admit that it seemed as if the HemaNOvol formula really could deliver the goods.

User Reviews and Feedback

Naturally, the next thing to do was to find out if the bodybuilders and consumers using it agreed. The reviews available indicated that this is indeed one of the strongest NO machines available. Many actually called it the “best” that they had encountered to date. Most used it as a pre-workout supplement, and several recommended partnering the use of HemaNOvol with some sort of protein supplement or shake in the post-workout period.

This was because several bodybuilders felt that the supplement “broke them down” to a noticeable degree. We took this to mean that the soreness experienced after a heavy bout of lifting and pumping was a bit more pronounced after lifting with HemaNOvol supplements. Another user liked that the product was “clean” and missing all of the fillers so commonly found in many other pre-workout supplements. The only complaints had to do with the size and chalkiness of the capsules.

Where To Buy

You will find HemaNOvol in 240 count containers. This gives you 48 servings of five capsules each. This is a product meant to be used for a 64 day cycle, meaning five days “on” the supplement and two days “off”. The dosage is five capsules per day just before a session. The price is relatively fixed at $30 for the container, and most online vendors offer discounted prices or shipping. The best prices are found at and


We recommend this supplement to anyone looking to enjoy the benefits of NO boosts and reliable results. We cannot say if each pump will be memorable, but we can say that other bodybuilders are very happy with this product.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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P Boost Review

Any male performance compound that claims to work on its first dose immediately catches our attention. This is because we are always afraid that if something sounds too good to be true…well, it usually is. This is why we decided to take a very close look at the P Boost product. We had been told that it would “enhance the sex life” after the very first dose, and that it would also increase the size of the erection while boosting sexual stamina. We decided to scrutinize the ingredients to see if any could really support such claims, and we would also look for customer feedback or testimonials as well.

How It Works and Ingredients

The primary or most frequently mentioned ingredient in the P Boost product is the Epimedium Sagittatum, or the Horny Goat Weed. This is a plant long known for its power as an aphrodisiac for both genders, but it is the nitric oxide production of the plant that caused the manufacturer to use it as the main component. This is because a higher amount of NO (nitric oxide) automatically boosts the amount blood flow to the sexual organs. When this occurs, it makes it easier than ever to get an erection, and to also sustain this erection for a much longer period of time.

It is useful to know that any vasodilator, such as Horny Goat Weed, will widen the arteries and provide that same swelling of blood and oxygen that most bodybuilders get from the same substances. The P Boost product also uses ginseng and vitamins A, C, and E to great effect as well. The manufacturer insists that the formula – when taken on an empty stomach – will produce an erection in fifteen minutes, but we didn’t see any ingredients that could guarantee such a hasty result.

For the most part, I find it hard to trust a supplement when it makes promises of such quick results because even the best of the best as far as male enhancement supplements are typically going to come along with at least an hour long fuse, so to speak, until you reach full lift off.

That being said, that doesn’t mean that is isn’t the first of its kind to produce results in such a short time, I just highly doubt that it is the case.

p boost reviewUser Reviews and Feedback

Naturally, we needed to know what actual customers had to say about the P Boost product, and what we found was that many skeptics had changed their minds. We read comments about it being a quick and powerful formula and that it “turned around” the love lives of some of those using it. We also read that some people felt it was a good mimic of a prescription product – due to the speed at which it allowed a full erection to occur. Some customers actually expressed concerns due to the fact that it is an herbal formulation, but they too had changed their minds after using it. So, we now knew that customers were satisfied with the product, and the 100% money back guarantee only enhanced our opinion of the formulation too.

Where To Buy / Best Price

The price for P Boost is lowest when it is purchased directly through the manufacturer’s website. Currently a customer will pay $28 for a bottle of five capsules, $54 for ten capsules, $89 for twenty capsules and $139 for 40 capsules. Obviously, this is a somewhat costly product, but the manufacturer is also happy to make a free sample of four capsules available to first time buyers.


Though it has a high price, and unusual blend of ingredients, we would recommend the P Boost product. This is because the customer satisfaction really speaks for itself. Also it is actually a product that contains a lot of essential ingredients with benefits for the male sex organs. We feel fairly confident in saying that we believe it to be something that will deliver the results guaranteed. What the ingredients and feedback tell us is that it is a product that may produce good results, but we are concerned about a lack of consistency that does seem to clash or fail to serve as an appropriate match to the somewhat high cost for this supplement.

Read Reviews

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

SizeOn Maximum Performance Review

sizeon maximum performanceImagine super-charging your workout even as you are doing it. This is what the Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn beverage claims it can do. It is called an “intra workout” supplement, and we decided to investigate it further to find out more. We already knew about the nitric oxide “pre workout” supplements that enhanced muscle building and mental clarity by helping the body to produce an increased amount of NO (a natural vasodilator), so we were intrigued by this product’s claims of offering the same benefits through the use of an entirely different approach. This product claimed to promote synthesis, battle fatigue, and amplify the conduction of the ingredients, and so we set out to determine if it lived up to its claims.

How It Works and Ingredients

The manufacturer of Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn has created two different formulations – the Maximum Performance and the Pre-Contest. We looked strictly at the Maximum Performance blend because it offered the best “all around” solution. The Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn Maximum Performance product uses a range of different proprietary blends and matrixes to accomplish its goals. These include the “Outlast Insutropin Matrix”, “Protein Synthesis Acceleration Matrix”, “PhosphoDrive Endurance Complex”, and “OsmoDrive Advanced Hydration Complex” blends that rely on proprietary recipes for their success.

For instance, bodybuilders are encouraged to use it in order to build muscle mass, but others are also able to rely on this for its support in recovery from a workout, to increase performance in the gym, or even during any athletic competition. Drinking this prior to a game, practice or sports event is encouraged by the manufacturers, but the actual instructions are to rely on it while training. Using the product in this way ensures the best results, but we really were really surprised and impressed by the patented “LOLA” component of the Protein Synthesis Acceleration Matrix. This is because the nutrients actually work together to “capture” ammonia and reduce the experience of fatigue during any athletic activities.

User Reviews and Feedback

So, the next big question was “does it really work?”, and for that we turned to consumer reviews to find out more. What we quickly learned was that the Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn Maximum Performance blend gets a solid “thumbs up” for all of its claims. Bodybuilders and athletes using it generally agreed that it was a product that produced decent, reasonable and “not insane” amounts of muscle. Many also loved the consistent levels of energy when using it during workouts and training. Some called it the best Creatine-based product they had used, and all agreed that it was delicious to drink. This last issue is fairly significant because many of the other intra and pre workout beverages are not palatable and this makes it hard to get them down during the workout.

Where To Buy

Where a lot of the reviewers also agreed on the Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn product was the pricing. Most just couldn’t tolerate the retail shop prices that averaged at around $60 dollars for the tub. When they looked online, however, they found that the 3.49 pound containers could be acquired for much less. The tubs come in the Arctic Lemon Ice, Grape Cooler, Orange Cooler, and Wild Berry Punch flavors, and the prices range from $39 to $52 for the container. The MASSNutrition site had the best price, but the site had the lowest shipping rates. was also very reasonable where shipping and pricing were concerned.


What we discovered was that Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn did live up to expectations, but that the cost often forced buyers to make a different choice. When someone does use this product, however, they tend to stick with it because of its consistency and wide range of benefits.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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NO Ignite Review

no ignite reviewScientific knowledge and understanding are things that evolve and develop over time. This applies to such complex issues as surgery and medicine just as much as it does to simpler things like supplements. We read that the Finaflex NO Ignite product was claiming to be the “next generation” in pre-workout supplements and decided that it was a good idea to find out if this was true.

How NO Ignite Works

After all, bodybuilding experts have known about the benefits of a NO enhancement regimen for some time, and yet we were not so sure that the existing knowledge and/or technologies could be improved in any substantial way. We looked at the ingredients in the product, checked out the consumer reviews, and even took the pricing into consideration to see if this was indeed a formulation that was innovative and advanced.

The first thing that we noticed about the ingredients of the Finaflex NO Ignite product is that they did indeed provide a much higher amount of proprietary ingredients. Instead of the traditional 3000mg of essential nutrients found in competing products, the Finaflex NO Ignite formula offered up 5000mg of proprietary materials. We also saw right away that this formula would give all of the pumping benefits of the NO, but it would also deliver a tremendous boost of energy too.


First, let’s look at the NO enhancing ingredients to understand their value and quality. There is Arginine, Beta Alanine and Creatine in the “NO Amplification Blend”. This means that maximum NO boosting will occur, and that it will be supported by the presence of the Creatine that helps muscles to really take in the flood of nutrients, blood, and oxygen created by the NO.

The “Ignite Stimulant Matrix” uses green and black tea extracts along with natural caffeine to increase core temperature and really provide that boost of energy that will not leave a bodybuilder or athlete “hanging” in the middle of a workout. There are no fillers and no “junk” in this formulation as well, and this proved that the compound would probably work more efficiently than many others on the market, and that it would be likely to live up to its claims.

User Reviews and Feedback

We next looked for reviews of Finaflex NO Ignite and found that experienced bodybuilders were constantly using this one as a “preferred” product. Often this was due to the “basic” ingredients that kept the prices within reason and still allowed them to “stack” the pre-workout formula with additional supplements and a post-workout product too. Many loved the boost of energy and praised it for allowing them to feel charged up without also feeling shaky or dizzy in any way. Very experienced lifters also loved this product because it did not pack on “water weight” or give them “rumble guts”. Clearly, this means it is a highly digestible formulation with no ill effects.

Where To Buy

The Finaflex NO Ignite product comes in a 50 serving container, but some advanced users did not get the 50 workouts from the single jar because they were using two scoops per workout. This is not a serious issue, however, because the canisters average at $23 each – which is a reasonable amount in the NO market. Currently and Muscle&Strength are the best online vendors. They offer discounts or flat rate shipping, which keeps the formula within a very reasonable price range.

Our Recommendation

We would recommend the Finaflex NO Ignite to those looking for a good all-around pre-workout supplement. It is also fantastic for those hoping to enhance muscle growth through the use of NO. This formulation really supports healthy and safe vasodilation and NO production while also giving the bodybuilder or athlete a good amount of usable energy.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Libimax Plus Review

libimax plusThe manufacturer of the male performance product called Libimax Plus has made a lot of claims about this formula. They say it increases a man’s endurance, the size and firmness of his erection, and improves his stamina. Naturally, all of these claims made us eager to investigate the product. We took a close look at the ingredients and labeling, looked for any consumer feedback, considered prices and then made our call about this product.

How Libimax Works and Ingredients

The first thing that struck us was the fact that you are supposed to take the Libimax Plus supplement only once every five days. Was it that powerful, or was it risky? We looked at the list of “100% Herbal and Natural Ingredients” to determine if there was anything that could be dangerous. What we found were the standard herbs known for supporting sexual function and male enhancement. For instance, there was the Ginseng, Shizandra Fruit, and the Cordyceps Sinensis that appeared in almost all other male performance products.

We were pleased to find Arginine and the B vitamins in the mixture too because we know that these would work as vasodilators and mood enhancers. The use of Arginine, specifically, almost guarantees that even a man with severe ED will feel a difference in function. This is because it is a material that occurs naturally in the body, but also stimulates the production of NO (nitric oxide).

This causes the arteries to dilate and increased blood and oxygen to reach muscles and tissue. If you have ever seen a bodybuilder that showed ropes of veins and seemed like he was about to burst you would be looking at the after-effects of NO. So, just imagine how this functions in the tissue of the penis too.

User Results and Reviews

Of course, the “proof is in the pudding” and so we began looking for consumer reports or user feedback about the Libimax Plus product. We were immediately startled by the many negative and generally angry posts. From the calm “didn’t do a thing” to the “what a total ripoff” we realized that the amounts of Arginine and other vasodilators were not enough to warrant the use of the product.

When someone did mention that it had worked, they also rounded out the comments with some of the negative or bad side effects. One customer had a 24 hour sinus headache they felt was related to using the product and someone else said that it worked but only allowed them to maintain an erection for a matter of minutes.

Where To Buy

The cost of Libimax Plus is also another of its “cons” or downsides. For 30 pills the average cost is $145. This is prior to shipping. Additionally, the product is sold only through a very limited number of vendors, and this can make it difficult to obtain on a consistent basis. One redeeming feature is that the manufacturer offers a 60 day money-back guarantee, but the lack of a formal or official website makes it hard to know if this guarantee will be easy to access.

With a 30 day supply costing $145,  that means that sticking with it for a year is going to cost you just under $2,000 and that is quite hard to justify for just about anyone and I could not personally imagine spending that much yearly on an erectile dysfunction supplement.


Unfortunately, we cannot recommend Libimax Plus as a reliable answer to ED or other erectile issues. Though it does contain ingredients known to be beneficial to sexual functions, the poor feedback and generally unfavorable reviews indicate that the manufacturer may need to rework the formula that they use for the Libimax Plus product. We also find the limited number of vendors and extremely high price of the product discouraging too. Though the product has the appearances of being safe and valid, there are just too many negative issues to allow us to recommend that you use it for a problem associated with ED.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Evogen EVP Review

evogen evpReading about pre-workout beverages can become a bit confusing and overwhelming due to the language used by most of the manufacturers. Either they get a bit overly technical or they use unusual terms to describe the most appropriate audience. For instance, we’ve seen products described as being suitable for the “charged”, “maniac”, “ultra”, and “Alpha” athletes. So, we were very interested in the word “elite” appearing in a product description we recently found.

Naturally, any product that claims to be “elite” automatically catches our eye, and that is why the Evogen EVP product is the subject of this review. The manufacturer states that this is a product for elite athletes and those committed to hard training. Naturally, this means we wanted to take a look at the ingredients to see if they backed the claims made by the manufacturer, and we will also explored what other consumers are saying about it. We also had to consider pricing, because anything tagged with a label like “elite” tends to be outside of most consumer’s pockets.

What is Evogen EVP and Ingredients

When we began our research we were immediately surprised by the list of elite athletes identified as likely consumers of this product. For instance, the maker claims that all “disciplines” will appreciate the benefits of Evogen EVP. They identified bodybuilders, but also said that figure and fitness competitors, endurance athletes, and mixed martial artists could easily rely on the muscle building and performance enhancing properties of the Evogen EVP product.

So, what was the big secret that made this product so much more effective for a diversity of athletes? I quickly discovered that it is the patented FUSIL component that helps this product to meet the needs of elite athletes. This is a product that uses L-Leucine in a patented formulation, and this means that the product is really an anabolic trigger that encourages the body to perform protein synthesis and a range of anabolic processes that nurture muscle growth and repair. This product contains a great basic vitamin supplement, but also features an anabolic catalyst, a “recovery complex”, a “cognitive enhancing complex”, and a “volumizing complex” too.

User Reviews and Feedback

So, this meant we needed to see what the actual users of the Evogen EVP product had to say. Of the roughly 80 consumer reviews found, we saw very few negative remarks. We learned that it was the preferred pre-workout beverage for women and men alike, that it was used by a diversity of athletes and “everyday” trainers, and that it was a consistent and reliable product.

Lots of comments mentioned the absence of “shakes” and “jitters” and almost all appreciated the steady supply of energy that they enjoyed when using this supplement. The word “best” seemed to appear very often, and this left a distinct impression. One of the few “cons” associated with this product is the flavor or taste, and some people mentioned that it had a medicine-like flavor.

Where To Buy

The price of Evogen EVP is also something to consider, especially because it is found in a very limited number of places. The most direct way to get your hands on the product is through They require $60 for the 450 gram tub (though the standard retail price is around $85). The tub contains around 40 servings of the grape flavored powder, and it should be mentioned that there are zero calories per serving!


We believe that Evogen EVP really does live up to its description as a product suitable for elite and hard training athletes of many kinds. The formula is definitely designed to deliver optimal results, and its scientific backing ensures that it is safe and effective for a wide range of consumers.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Erectinol Review

erectinol reviewA man shopping around for a “cure” to his ED (erectile dysfunction) issue is going to quickly become familiar with some of the most common ingredients used in the over the counter treatments. Often they will see that a formula focuses in on one ingredient in order to obtain results. While this might provide a suitable solution to a specific problem, it often causes a man to seek out additional or entirely different solutions instead.

How It Works and Ingredients

When we saw the claims being made by the manufacturers of the male performance product Erectinol, we knew we had to take a closer look. Vital Max, the maker of the formula, states that the product is a fast acting formula that is made for “men who have experienced a decline in their sex lives”. This was so general we knew that the ingredients would be extensive, but we also wanted to see what the actual consumers of the product were saying too.

When we looked at the list of ingredients in erectinol and we were pleasantly surprised. The mandatory Arginine for enhanced vasodilation and blood flow, the Vitamin B12 for improved mood, the Yohimbe for increased circulation in penile chambers, and Dindolymethane for a reduction of estrogen were all represented in reasonable and safe amounts. There was also the well-known aphrodisiac Horny Goat Weed too. It is the appearance of the Arginine, however, that generally proves that Erectinol is likely to help someone with ED to obtain a high-quality erection.

This is due to the fact that Arginine causes the human body to release nitric oxide (NO) into the bloodstream. This dilates blood vessels and pumps a lot more blood and oxygen into the tissue. Just picture a bulked up weight lifter…they tend to use NO enhancers like Arginine to get that swollen and bulging appearance, and this is a primary component of the Erectinol formulation too. So, immediately we know that erections will be stronger and more consistent. The herbal ingredients and the vitamins also make it clear that the promises made by the manufacturer are likely to be easily met.

User Reviews and Feedback

So, what do consumers have to say about their experiences with Erectinol? We discovered that there was a range of comments that went from mediocre to enthusiastic. The point of these comments, however, was that the product did produce an erection in someone struggling with chronic or periodic ED. Like so many other over the counter substances, however, a consumer may need to use the formula for a short time before they have accumulated enough of the ingredients in their blood stream, though this product has been designed to be a time released formula too.

Where To Buy Erectinol

The current retail price for a sixty tablet bottle of Erectinol is going to average at roughly $55 each. There are some vendors making bulk supplies available, which is a good way to enjoy a steep discount on the pricing as well. The manufacturer does extend a 60 day money-back guarantee, which is reassuring, but the lack of an official website might mean that a return of the funds is a difficult thing to accomplish.


We do recommend the use or Erectinol for men dealing with periodic or chronic ED. The proprietary blend of ingredients is clear and concise, and makes it quite plain that the formula can and will provide support to those whose sex lives have declined due to age, illness, stress, or a range of other issues. If you are someone who wants a natural, safe, and effective way to enjoy stronger and more controllable erections, this is something we would recommend that you try.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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