Rhino 7 Video Review

Thinking about trying Rhino 7? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

See for yourself is Rhino 7 is a good male enhancement supplement.

If you prefer to read our written Rhino pills review, click here.

Update! 1-3-2022

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Alternatively, if you’re looking to go the all-natural route, check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus.

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It’s by FAR the best otc male enhancement supplement I’ve ever used, and I’ve used 1,000’s.

Click Here to read my full Vigrx Plus review.

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Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob Miller here again with supplementcritique.com, and today’s review we’re gonna be talking about Rhino 7. This is a fast acting male enhancement supplement that you can find in like gas stations, 7-elevens, sometimes convenience stores carry it.

Related Article:  Gas Station Male Enhancement Pills

And it’s something that you’re supposed to take like 30 to 45 minutes prior to sex and basically get you hard. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but then I’ll jump into my results. If you want to just skip ahead all that, you can just scroll down below this video and I have my results section that details exactly the kind of feelings that I got from it, so. Anyway, this, again, is a is a fast-acting male enhancement supplement, so it’s it’s supposed to work like Viagra or Cialis.

Related Article:  Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives

You take it empty stomach, full stomach, really doesn’t matter and, you know, 45 minutes or so, you should be getting a nice, you know, good erection. It’s a little on the expensive side on a per pill basis. I think it’s like seven or eight bucks, obviously, in different parts of the country you’re gonna find it at different prices, but I think that’s what I paid for. And the ingredients that are listed on the back are really a bunch of ingredients that aren’t very common in a lot of these male enhancement products. The one that is, is probably Panax ginseng, but you have like cinnamon bark, cornice, cuz schoola [INAUDIBLE 01:20]. I haven’t even heard of like, you know, probably eighty percent of these ingredients, I’ve never even heard of them. So they’re not traditional, meaning by that, you know, they’re not traditional like extracts that are supposed to help with like erectile dysfunction or anything. One thing that I definitely noticed, as you can see I already took the pill. One thing I noticed is that this seems to be exactly like viagra, and I personally think that they’re actually injecting the active ingredient that’s in viagra, which is called sildenafil, into this product. And the reason why is because I got essentially the same exact effects from this, as opposed to, you know, in conjunction with using something like viagra. Everything was the same, dizziness, headaches, I started seeing a kind of like spots, almost like stars or something like that just like randomly appear, and just sort of like nasal congestion. Just a lot of the side effects that you would get from viagra, I got exactly the same thing from this. And the reason I say that is because there’s a lot of companies that do this, they build, in an effort to make their product work, they’ll inject these ingredients like sildenafil and, you know, the active ingredient in like prescription drugs, like Cialis, and everybody’s like oh wow this is like the best thing ever, you know, gets me hard and it works really well. And the reason behind that is because that’s the, they’re putting illegal ingredients into it. The FDA a lot of times will take products like this and they’ll test them, they’ll bring them to a lab, they’ll take the, pop open the capsule, they’ll take out the ingredients, and they’ll run it through whatever machine that they do, and they’ll find that, you know, it contains it, and then they’ll issue some sort of mandatory recall. And, you know, the person that makes these products will just get shut down, and this happens all the time. I have it on probably like five or six other supplements that I’ve tested over the years, that’s exactly what’s happened. So, if you’re wondering why you’re getting all these side effects, then this is likely the reason. Anyway, if you have any other questions about this, you can just leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to info@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you soon as I can. All right, take care.



Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Spartagen XT Video Review

Thinking about trying Spartagen XT? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Spartagen XT review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob Miller here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about spartagen xt. This is an all-natural testosterone boosting supplement. It’s made by a company called edge bioactives, and essentially what it’s intended to do is help give you more energy, boosts your sex drive and libido, as well as help you push through your workouts more, and basically make you more, give you better performance in the weight room. Anyway, I’m going to talk a little bit about the product first, like the ingredient’s, potential for side effects, and things like that. But if you’re interested in my personal results, you can just scroll down below this video. If you’re on my website, you’ll be able to find a section called my personal results, and you can read about them there. If you’re off my website, then if you just go below the video, you’ll see the description box, and I’ve posted a link that’ll lead you to my website, where you’ll be able to find it. So anyway, spartagen xt. I came across, one of my visitors had brought up to me, and asked me if I could give it a shot. Actually had a few people come to me and recommended, so I said okay, let me give it a shot. It took me a few months to actually get around to it, but I finally ordered a bottle. The ingredients in this are very similar to a lot of other testosterone boosters, and it’s got a few vitamins, D, E, and B6. It also contains magnesium and zinc, but the chief ingredient seems to be Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali, and Asian ginseng extract. Again, those are found in a lot of other testosterone boosting supplements, so it’s not uncommon, and basically it’s a fairly expensive supplement, when you stack it up against a lot of the other testosterone boosters that are out there, especially in like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, it retails for like 69 bucks. Now, you can’t find this in stores like GNC, you can’t find it in any stores, as matter of fact you can’t even find it online. The only place that you can find it is on their official website, and they don’t have an official website like spartagen xt. I believe it’s tryspartagenxt.com or something like that, but it’s very hard to find. You might find somebody selling it on eBay, but I would never recommend anything like that. The reviews are pretty mixed on this one, there a lot of guys that have left for reviews on my website, and I’ve read them on other people’s websites. And a lot of them are saying that there, it’s not very good. It hasn’t really done much for them, the majority of reviews talked about the auto billing nightmare, which I’ll get into a little bit further in this review. But um overall I got a chance to try this. I took it, for I think, it was about four weeks. It was one month supply, so yeah, it was just under four weeks. And for the first two or three weeks or so, I definitely felt a little bit of a difference. I would say that my endurance went up a little bit. My libido went up a little bit, there was nothing earth-shattering about it, but I definitely, there was a noticeable yet subtle effect from it. But after that, towards the end of my trial with it, I felt practically nothing. It was almost like I was taking a sugar pill. I don’t know how else to describe it, but um I definitely did not see any results in the fourth week. I don’t know if you’re supposed to cycle this. It says on the label that you don’t have to, but um, if you’re looking for it to continue working, at least in my opinion, then I would say you should take it for like two, maybe three weeks, and then take a week off, and then try to get. I didn’t try that, so I don’t know if that’s actually gonna work, but um, yeah, that’s what I would recommend. So, going back to the auto shipment or billing thing, when I originally had purchased this, I went to their website and what it looked like, was basically that I was supposed to be buying a one-month supply. And that’s, like I said, 69 bucks, so I put in my, my information, my credit card information. I got it like three or four days later, and then I noticed, after like two weeks, I had another charge from that to bioactives, and I think it was around eighty bucks or so. So I’m like, you know, what the hell is this? I didn’t sign up for an auto shipment or a rebill, whatever you want to call it. So I gave them a call and sure enough, they said that when I had originally purchased this, that I had agreed to their terms and conditions, which basically stipulated that I would be put into an auto rebill, auto-shipment program. If you’re not familiar with what that is, it’s essentially a program that will put you, it’ll, they’ll keep sending you a bottle of this stuff every month, and keep charging your credit card monthly, until you cancel. And what most companies do, like this one, is they hide it in the fine print. They put it way below the fold so that you don’t even really see it, and I’m the kind of guy that actually looks for stuff like that, like I’m, that’s part of my job, is to warn people like yourself about those types of things. But I, I totally missed it, I didn’t even see that they were going to do that. So I was definitely caught a little bit off guard by that, and I mean, unless you’re really getting great benefits from it, I don’t see any reason to sign up for something like that. Anyway, if you have any other questions, there’s a lot of stuff that I cover in the review, my written review, so if you just scroll below the video here, you’ll be able to see it. But if you find something that hasn’t been answered, then you can just shoot me a comment or send me an e-mail to info@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Alright, and I’ll be back with another review soon. Take care.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Somnapure Video Review

Thinking about trying Somnapure? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Somnapure review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about somnapure. All natural sleep aid. We’re gonna talk about the product first before I dive into my personal results. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my review, you can just click on the link right here at the bottom of the video. It’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com where I go into a little bit more detail about my personal results, as well as the ingredients and all of that stuff. So, if you’re not already aware, somnapure is an all natural sleep aid. It’s made by a company called peak life. It’s essentially designed to help you fall asleep fast, improve your overall sleep quality and help you wake up feeling refreshed. The directions state that you should take two tablets, once daily, thirty minutes prior to bed. But I will suggest that you start off with half the dosage. In this case, it would be one tablet, and asses your tolerance. Because some guys will get quick results with one pill and some guys won’t get any results from one pill. It’s better to start off slow and see what kinds of results you get from it. If you take two capsules it might end up sleeping great, sleeping the entire night, and then end up waking up feeling [inaudible 01:18]. And if you took one capsule, you might end up with the same result, as far as sleeping great and wake up not feeling [inaudible 01:25]. Again, it all depends on the individual but I definitely recommend that you start off with the lowest possible dosage. So anyway, what’s in somnapure that makes it so effective. The ingredients list throws a number of all natural sleep aids such as [inaudible 01:40], L-Theanine, passion flower extract, and melatonin. I’m not gonna go into the details of each ingredient here but if you click on the link and go to my website you’ll be able to see all the details on there. As far as purchasing somnapure you have a couple of different options. You can find it in a lot of retail stores like CVS, Walgreens, and I think Walmart carries it. And the average retail price of these locations can range from as little as like 12 bucks to as high as 39 dollars. It really just depends on your location [inaudible 02:12]. So the main question on everyone’s mind is probably: Does it work? And in my opinion, I think it actually does work very well. I don’t typically suffer from insomnia, but like a lot of other people, I have my nights where I just have trouble falling asleep, and I need to get to bed, so it’s nice to have something to turn to in that, in that regard. For the very few times, I actually tried it, I think I tried it like maybe about four or five times, it worked great. I fell asleep very quickly, I stayed asleep. I woke up feeling pretty damn good. The only downside that I noticed was the smell, the smell of the capsules, literally smells like shit. It’s kind of a hard, other than smelling like shit, It’s not exactly like shit, it just smells like something that it’s not a very very pleasant smell. I did a little bit of research to find out what ingredient might have been causing that, and it looks like the [inaudible 03:08] is the [inaudible 03:10] on that one so. Anyway, if you’re looking for an effective sleep aid I would definitely recommend it. It’s not very expensive, it works great, and it can be found in your nearby store, so you don’t have to wait two or three days for it to be shipped to your door. That’s pretty much all I have on somnapure. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can shoot me an email at info@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Take care guys.

Top 3 Sleep AidsAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Alteril

#1 - Alteril

Alteril is a VERY effective, non-addictive sleep aid that will leave you waking up refreshed.

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#2 – Ambesleep

#2 - Ambesleep

Ambesleep is a fast acting formula that uses all natural ingredients and helps you sleep more deeply.

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#3 – Somnapure

#3 - Somnapure

If it wasn’t for the free trial billing nightmare, we probably would have ranked it higher.

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Rail Male Enhancement Video Review

Thinking about trying Rail Male Enhancement? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Rail Male Enhancement review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review we are going to be talking about a supplement called a rail. Rail is a male sexual enhancer, sometimes called male enhancement pill. It’s basically designed to help improve your overall sex drive and performance. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to go ahead and skip ahead to my personal results, you could just click on the link below in the description box. It’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com where I go into all the details about that. So anyways, I came across rail after one of my site visitors asked me if I ever heard about it. At that point, I actually didn’t. I ran a quick search on Google, and I noticed that it’s made by a company called edge bioactives. They’re actually located in Tampa Florida and I’ve used a couple of their products already, most notably the Peruvian brew system, and an all-natural testosterone booster called spartagen xt. In my personal experience, the Peruvian brew was actually a really good product. It’s actually male sexual enhancer as well and gave me probably one of the biggest boners I’ve actually had in recent memory from supplements that I’ve tested within the last year. So spartagen xt, on the other hand, didn’t really do that much. I felt a little bit of effect for the first week or so but then it seemed to sort of taper off as time went on, so. Anyways, rail is labeled as a male enhancement breakthrough, and it’s actually broken down into two proprietary blends. You have the chamber flow matrix which includes a combination of 570 milligrams of L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and Epimedium extract. Two of these ingredients, specifically L-Arginine and L-Citrulline cause a process called vasodilation, which is basically a fancy term for a widening of the blood vessels. So during this widening of the blood vessels. In practice, more blood flow starts to go into the penis, which basically allows for a larger more sustained erection. Epimedium contains Icaren, which has been shown in limited clinical studies as a weak pde5 inhibitor. pde5 inhibitors are actually the same process that prescription ed medications, like Viagra and Cialis cause, and Epimedium is basically nature’s version of that. The second proprietary blend includes 330-milligram combination of Butea superba, ginseng, and Gingko Biloba. All three of these have been shown in limited clinical studies to help with EB symptoms, and I’ll actually post a couple of those studies below in case you’re interested in checking them out. As far as reviews, there’s not a whole lot of talk on the internet about rail. As a matter of fact I couldn’t find any reviews at all. Not even on their official website, which from what I remember, I think is like youredcure.com or something like that. So as far as my personal results, I actually ordered a trial box off their site about two weeks ago. I’ve been taking up for about the last five days or so. One thing I actually want to note real quick upfront is that I’m not affiliated with this company in any way. I wasn’t paid to do this review or anything like that. So, the directions on the label actually state that you should take two capsules, one hour prior to sexual activity. This free trial box actually only contains ten servings, and it’s not really clear if it’s the kind of pill that takes a little bit of time to build up in your system, but so far I’ve actually definitely noticed a little bit of improved, I guess erection quality in the erection Department if you want to call it that. It’s kind of hard to explain but it’s almost like I feel a bit meteor and heavier down there, and I could kind of sense like an improvement in my ability to last longer. For me, it actually seemed to hit a little bit quicker than one hour. If I have to say without actually using like a stopwatch or anything, it seems like it starts kicking in around like maybe thirty minutes or so. They probably tell you one hour, so that it fully kicks in for most guys. A lot of times it depends on the individual, how much food you have in your stomach, whether or not you take it on a, you know, a full or an empty stomach, your metabolism and things of that nature. But anyways, that pretty much all I have for rail male enhancement. As far as my personal results, it definitely seemed to work for me. I wouldn’t characterize it as the best product I’ve ever used for ED issues. But I would definitely probably put in my top ten if I had to make such a list. You can find this on their official website for about $69 for a month’s supply. As far as I’m aware they actually offer discounts for larger orders, and they also back it up with a 90-day money back guarantee. So you really don’t have that much to lose. The other option is actually their free trial, which I would sort of caution against going down that route because ultimately if they’re gonna end up charging you for the supplement. It’s not a sample or anything, it’s actually a trial, which means that you have a trial period. I think in this case is fourteen days, and then they’re actually going to charge you the full price for the product. So anyway, that’s pretty much all I got. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. And thanks for watching. I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Prosolution Plus Video Review

Thinking about trying Prosolution Plus? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Prosolution Plus review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about pro solution plus. Pro solution plus is made by a company called leading-edge health, who are the same guys that actually brought you vigor x. Which is another supplement that I highly recommend. I’ve used it several times in the past and we’re gonna talk a little bit about the product first. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my results just click in the link in the description box below, and it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into my own personal test results with this particular supplement. So anyways, prosolution plus is marketed as a sexual performance enhancement supplement. And it’s basically designed actually specifically to target guys that are suffering from premature ejaculation issues. This is actually the second version of the original pro solution, which was basically intended to just help you get hard, but not necessarily help you last longer. Well, that’s apparently all different with prosolution plus. It’s basically designed to help guys with premature ejaculation issues, and actually is one of the only supplements I’ve ever come across that had a clinical study done conducted proving that it actually works. I put a link to the study in the description box below as well. But just as an overall recap, the study involved an analysis of the exact ingredients used in prosolution plus, and had something like 148 participants who were between the ages of, I think like 21 and 60. Literally, all the participants were said to have been suffering from mild to moderate forms of sexual dysfunction, and they were basically broken up into four different groups. One group that would basically receive two placebo capsules twice per day. One group that would receive two per solution plus pills in the morning, and then two placebo capsules at night. One group had two prosolution plus capsules twice a day, initially for one month, and then two pro solution plus capsules at night, and two placebo capsules at night for one month. So that was the complicated group. And then the last one basically just took two prosolution plus capsules twice a day for two months, they didn’t take any placebos. And the results are actually pretty good. In the end most participants saw a 64 percent improvement in premature ejaculation quality, a 67 percent improvement in erection quality, and a 78 percent improvement in sexual satisfaction. This may or not, may not sound like a lot to you, but virtually every participant that was in the experimental group, which is, you know, the group that got the prosolution plus every day for two months, it clearly worked for them. In order to really make sure that it actually works or does what it says it does at least, I actually sent out an email to my site visitors to see if anybody would be interested in testing it out. I don’t suffer particularly from premature ejaculation, so I wasn’t really the right candidate for this job, but sure enough, as soon as I sent out that email I got a ton of responses. Which is really not surprising because it seems like every time I offer to send out free samples everybody just kind of jumps all over it. Anyway, I narrowed it down to guys who fit the following criteria, and this is based on their own feedback. They, A, couldn’t be taking any medications that cause PE. B, they have had PE, for an issue, or at least issues for at least a year. C, they would use the product for at least three months before drowning in conclusions, and, D, the person would agree to leave a review at the end of testing. So that pretty much narrowed it down to a guide that we’ll call Russell. This is anonymous he told me that he had premature ejaculation for as long as he could remember and that he wasn’t taking any medications or anything that would possibly cause it. He wasn’t really sure where it came from, but he had been suffering from it for a long time. He said that he had tried a few other remedies before with it, not much of a result. So he sounded like the perfect candidate. I decided to give him a shot. I sent him three boxes of this stuff to try out and he basically said it worked great. You could read the full text of his email on the site, but the basic bullet points come down to this, he says: For the first few days I didn’t notice anything and then in about two weeks in I saw some really positive results. I felt like I was lasting longer, somewhere in the range of 5 to 10 minutes. After 2 months it was like flipping the switch, I was lasting like 20 minutes on average, and was getting horny first thing in the morning, and then again in the afternoon. At the end of the three months I would say that I pretty much felt the same as I did during the second month, maybe lasting a bit longer, and yeah that’s pretty much all he had to say. There were a little bit more graphic items and details that I decided to leave out for various reasons, but you probably got the gist of it by now. Anyway, as far as I can tell the only place you can buy prosolution plus is on their official website. They don’t sell it in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and others. I would definitely caution against ordering it online on like eBay or Amazon, it tends to be a lot of fakes that are sold on there. And if you don’t like the product you can actually send it back for a refund, but if you buy through Amazon or Ebay, you know, you won’t be able to get that. One thing I will say it’s definitely not cheap. One box purchase is gonna run you about 70 bucks, which is definitely, you know, it puts it in the more expensive category when it comes to these supplements. However, they do, they offer discounts for larger orders of like three months or more, so you could save a little bit of money that way. Anyways, that’s all I got for pro solution plus. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back with you as soon as I can. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care guys.

Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Prosolution Plus

#1 - Prosolution Plus

Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.

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#2 – Vigrx Delay Spray

#2 - Vigrx Delay Spray

Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.

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#3 – VigRX Plus

#3 - VigRX Plus

Vigrx Plus was designed to not only help with ED, but also premature ejac. problems.

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Phenibut XT Video Review

Thinking about trying Phenibut XT? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Phenibut XT review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review we’ll be talking about Phenibut XT. Phenibut XT is made by a company called serious nutrition solutions, and it’s basically designed to help support mood relaxation, and help induce restful sleep. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first before I get into my results. But if you can’t wait for that, then just go ahead and click on the link at the bottom of this video here, and it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into my full review and results with taking this. Anyway, the primary ingredient in Phenibut XT is Phenibut, which is used for anxiety fear, trouble sleeping, tension, stress, fatigue, all sorts of different problems. It’s also helped, helps to improve your memory, learning, and thinking, as well as people that are suffering from like depression or PTSD or even alcoholism. So anyway, one capsule of Phenibut XT contains 500 milligrams of the substance, and the directions on the label state to take one to two capsules, one to three times per day, but not to exceed four capsules. You can buy this on their official website for about 32 bucks, that’s a 90 capsule supply. And I believe there’s a few other retailers that actually sell it as well for a pretty similar price. My personal results with Phenibut XT were actually pretty good. I’ve never taken Phenibut before, so it’s kind of a new thing for me. I started off with the lowest possible dosage, because I wanted to assess my tolerance for it. So I took one capsule around like 7:30 at night, and I started to feel the effects pretty quick. For me personally, the effects were pretty similar to the claims that they had actually mentioned on their website. I kind of felt like an improved mood, relaxed, and just kind of like an overall, you know, sense of well-being. The problem is, with that one pill, it seems to kind of Teeter off at about 4 hours after I took it. The second night I decided to try it a little bit differently, actually ended up taking one pill around 5:30 in the afternoon, and got the same kind of effects. I would say probably about a half hour to an hour after I took it just, you know, overall sense of well-being, and then I took another pill at about 8:30 at night. Both times I took it on an empty stomach, I had a meal at like say 6 o’clock after the first pill. And then the second pill, I had a meal maybe like a half-hour, 45 minutes later. You’d probably get the best results if you take it on an empty stomach. But obviously, if you want to assess your own individual tolerance, might be better to take it on a full stomach, but yeah the second night was actually really good. It almost felt like it was better than the first night, probably because I took more, but I definitely noticed much much better sleep the second night. The first night I woke up once or twice, and the second night I slept through the entire night, probably a solid eight hours, and I woke up feeling great. As you can see, I, you know, pretty much already finished it. So there’s only six capsules in the sample that I was actually sent by serious nutrition solutions. But I definitely think this is something that’s worthwhile if you have anxiety or you’re awkward, you feel awkward in like social situations. You might want to consider taking something like this or even if you’re having problems falling asleep at night, this might help you out as well. So anyway, that’s all I pretty much have for Phenibut XD. I go into a little bit more detail on my review. At the bottom of the video here, there’s a link to my site, and I talk a lot about the product, and what exactly it’s supposed to do. If you have any questions just leave them below in the comment section, and if not, I will see you at the next review. Take care.

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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Nucific Bio X4 Video Review

Thinking about trying Nucific Bio X4? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Bio X4 review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review we’re going to be talking about Bio x4. Bio x4 is a weight loss supplement. It’s distributed by a company called Pacific health supplements LLC, which is located in Tarzana California. The name of the company that actually makes bio x4 is called nucific, and they make a wide range of products including CL x3, deep cell activator, krill oil, and I believe they even have a probiotic supplement. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to go ahead and jump ahead to my results you can just click on the link in the description box below, and it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into all the nitty-gritty details about this product, and my results. Anyway, Bio X4 takes a little bit of a different approach to a weight-loss than some of the more traditional weight loss supplements I’ve reviewed, and tested over the years. Instead of just loading up their pills with ingredients like caffeine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and usual ones, you typically see in fat burners. They actually use a four on one weight management system that is broken down into four different blends. This includes a probiotic component, digestive enzyme component, a weight management blend, and a craving control blend. I’m not actually going to get into those in this video because there’s a lot of information on it, and I don’t, I didn’t want to get into a big long video talking about that, but like I said, if you go the website below in the description box, you can read all about how these ingredients are supposed to work. Anyway, I was looking around when I was doing my research for this product at some of the reviews, and to be honest the vast majority of them are actually really good. I was just reading a few on the website hyaaah, and there’s something like 294 reviews on that site, and the vast majority of them are really good. The ones that aren’t good, the ones that tend to be 2 stars or less, seem to be more focused on the deceptive nature or what people construe as the deceptive nature of their billing practices, which if you go to their website nucific.com you can sign up to receive this product, and you can be put on what’s called an auto rebuild program. So basically every month they send you a new bottle, and they charge you for the price of the bottle plus shipping. And some people, I guess, when they go to checkout don’t realize that, and they end up getting billed over and over, you know, a month after month. And by the time they realized that they were, you know, involved in this auto rebuild scam, not a scam, but you know, they, tend to be a little bit too late for them. Anyway, the majority of the users, actually when I was reading through those reviews, report a reduction in gas and bloating. Some were saying that they just felt more energetic, and you know, some of you can notice that they noticed some weight loss as well. As for my personal results, it didn’t seem to work out as well for me. I bought a one month supply of bio X4 from their website, and it was somewhere around like $99, 100 bucks or something like that. And according to their site, you’re supposed to take about one capsule with each meal, three times per day. They say you can take as many as two pills per meal, but to not exceed six capsules a day. I started taking it, and probably within a few days there was something about it that didn’t seem to agree with me. I’ve never actually taken a probiotic supplement before, and something in this was giving me terrible gas and indigestion. I just felt like really overall stomach upset. I stopped taking it after a few days because of it. I’m not 100% certain that it was the, you know, the bio x4, but I wasn’t taking anything else, so obviously, you know, pretty much narrows it down. I might try it again. I might actually give it to my wife, for her to try because she’s taking probiotics before, and they seem to work for her. But I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna take this again. I’m gonna give to somebody else, and see and what kind of results they get. Anyway, that’s all I have for bio x4. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to info@supplementcritique.com. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Nitrovit Video Review

Thinking about trying Nitrovit? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Nitrovit review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review we’re going to be talking about Nitrovit. Nitrovit is a all, excuse me, an all-natural nootropic supplement, and it’s basically designed as an all natural alternative to ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall. It’s becoming really popular on college campuses nowadays. I’ve been getting tons of emails and comments on my site from all walks of life, asking me about this supplement, and that supplement, and it’s clear that this is a really big booming market in the supplement world. Anyway, I’m going to talk a little bit about the product first before I dive into my personal results. But if you click on the link below in the description box, it’ll take in my website supplementcritique.com, where you can scroll down on my video review, my regular review, and read all about it. So anyway, Nitrovit is a nootropic supplement. Nootropics are smart drugs, smart pills. They’re used to help enhance your focus, creativity, short and long-term memory, and basically help your brain, you know, perform at an optimal level. Archie Marks, who’s the creator of nature of it. Actually, I spoke with him via email, and he told me a little bit about it. He actually created this supplement for his own personal use to help him focus longer, and help with studying and business, and all that kind of stuff. So pretty much the claim to fame for this particular product is to help focus and concentration, and help to increase motivation. It’s made up, excuse me, of a variety of different ingredients. A lot of vitamins, so you have vitamin b6, which has about 20 milligrams of that, vitamin b12, which is uh, looks like 150 micrograms, as well as a bunch of other herbal supplements, those including Mucuna pruriens, l-carnitine, alpha GPC, alpha lipoic acid, bacopa leaf, upper zine, and phosphatidylserine. The primary ingredients and this seemed to be, to me seems to be mucuna pruriens and [INAUDIBLE 02:17] alpha, as well as noopept. If you’ve been involved in nootropics for any period of time, you know that noopept is a very popular ingredient that’s found in probably hundreds, if not thousands, of other entropic supplements that are out there. It is, the way that noopept works, is, it’s actually a powerful powerful substance that has similar effects to another nootropic called piracetam. And piracetam is part of the racetam, family that’s used by a lot of college students, and even businesspeople, and that’s supposed to help increase focus and concentration. The effective dose of noopept does anywhere between 10 and like 30 milligrams and nitrovit contains just 25 milligrams in one dose. So it hits the high end of the of the overall spectrum. I’ve looked around a lot of different reviews and testimonials it’s kind of hard to tell what’s true and what’s not. I see some people talking about it on YouTube, saying that it’s a really great product, gives them a lot of energy and focus, and some of them even claiming that it’s the best one that they’ve ever actually tested. I don’t know how much validity, excuse me, validity. There is to those statements, but that’s what they Say. I get a lot of random questions about this product, it’s strange, people ask me whether or not this will, you know, cause you to fail like a drug test. I can’t see any reason why it would do that, but if you’re that concerned about it, I would suggest that you just, if you’re getting a blood test somewhere, then you just bring the bottle with you and you can show them the ingredients. And they’ll be able to tell whether or not is gonna flag it. If I had the guests, I would say probably not. How long does it take to start working? This is kind of a case-by-case basis thing. Some guys you might start seeing effects in like 20 minutes, other guys it might take a couple hours. Really depends on the individual. A big thing about that is, taking on an empty stomach, I’ve noticed with pretty much any supplement that I’ve ever taken, it’s always best absorbed on an empty stomach. If you take it with food, it’s gonna take that much longer for it to actually kick in. I’m gonna just jump right into my personal results. I actually tried this out about a month ago, it’s been a little while since I tried it, but um I followed the directions. It said take two capsules, I only took one and I didn’t really notice that much, but um over time I probably after a couple of hours, I seemed to be more in tune with like what I was doing. I was actually in the middle of writing a review of, kind of a Boring review about a product, I can’t remember what it was, but um it was a topic that’s not very interesting to me, let’s put it that way. And I noticed that my interest in the topic, in the research that I was doing for it seemed to be better improved. I felt like I was more in tune with what I was doing. And so it was it was pretty good. I tried the next day, I tried it again, this time I took two capsules, empty stomach, and I noticed the effects probably within about an hour. And those effects seemed to be amplified fivefold with a cup of coffee, which is strange because it already contains caffeine. It only contains, I think fifty milligrams, yeah looks like fifty milligrams of caffeine, which is not a ton at all. Like a typical cup of coffee, a good strong cup will be anywhere between 100 to 150 milligrams. So 50 milligrams is like a drop in the bucket compared to that, but what I did notice was that when I had a cup of coffee after taking this, about an hour later or so, it was, the effects were enormous. I was definitely more in tune with what I was doing, and I just, I felt like I could concentrate solely on what I was working on, and any kind of like distractions, outside distractions, were almost completely tuned out. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for nitrovit. It’s definitely an overall good quality supplement. If you’d like to read more, you can go to my website supplement critique, it’s in description box below. And you can learn all about the product, the ingredients. I go through a pretty detailed breakdown of everything about this supplement. So if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below or send me an email to info@supplementcritique.com. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

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Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

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NeoSize XL Video Review

Thinking about trying NeoSize XL? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

Let’s see if it is worth trying out.

If you would prefer to read out written NeoSize XL review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about neo size XL. This is a male enhancement supplement that claims, basically, that you’re gonna gain size with it. I’m going to talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to skip ahead to my review. You can just go down to the description box, and there should be a link to my website. It’ll take you right to my site, and you can scroll down to the, my results section, and read all about it basically. So neo size XL, I’ve had a lot of guys come to me asking me to try it out. It’s been a while since I’ve had my initial review up, but I finally got a chance to test it. The ingredients are actually a little bit different than what you would normally find in a lot of the other competing male enhancement supplements. There’s a lot of them on here that I can’t even really pronounce. But the few of them that I actually do recall is definitely Tribulus Terrestris and Withania somnifera. That’s found on a lot of other male enhancement supplements. Tribulus being found more commonly in testosterone boosters. Anyway, you can find this online. I believe they sell it on Amazon for anywhere between like thirty to forty bucks. If you look at a lot of reviews on there, it’s kind of mixed. Some of the guys say they had great results with it, and then others say they had absolutely no results with it. So it’s really a mixed bag. What’s interesting to note, is that some of the positive reviews actually kind of look a little fake. And the reason that I say that is because if you go and look at the person that left the review. If you go and look at their profile, you’ll see that that’s literally, this is literally the only product that they’ve ever reviewed. That’s definitely kind of shady and very suspicious so, but to each his own. Anyway, I did get a chance to try this out for a couple of weeks. The dosage is one to two capsules twice daily, orally after meals. I start ed off with one pill. I didn’t notice anything for the first couple of weeks or throw the first week rather. And I got to be honest, at the end of my trial I didn’t really notice really anything. The only thing I noticed was maybe a little bit of a boost in stamina, I was lasting like a little bit longer, but nothing to the extent that they’re claiming. It was certainly no size gains, I wasn’t, I didn’t grow to three inches in, or 1 or 2 inches in girth. It’s just, it’s not happening. And to be quite honest most of these male enhancement supplement, I would say 99% of them that that make this claim, are really just out to get your money. It’s, um, if anything they’ll have is a sexual enhancer, maybe increase your libido a little bit, maybe energy, that kind of stuff. But as far as giving you any kind of sustainable size, especially permanent, almost non-existent so. There are options though, extenders are one, pumps are another. Taking a supplement like this can certainly help you get a little bit bigger along with those things, but on its own, it’s not going to do that so. Anyway, if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to info@supplementcritique.com. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Lipo 6 Black Video Review

Thinking about trying Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Lipo 6 Black review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about lipo 6 black. Lipo 6 black is a fat burner that popped up in my radar a few months ago, and I finally got a chance to test it out. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, including stuff like the ingredients, how it works, their claims, etcetera, all that kind of stuff. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my review, you could just click on the link in the description box below. It’ll take you to my website, where you can read all about it instead of watching this video here. Anyway, lipo 6 black is a fat burner made by a company called Nutrex research. Nutrex actually makes a bunch of other supplements, including a sexual performance enhancer called Vitrex, and a known booster called Nayak’s, and a lipo 6 black hers, which as you probably guessed, is geared mainly towards women. This particular fat burner uses a ton of stimulants, almost too many. In it, you’ll find caffeine, theobromine, synephrine, and an herbal extract called Yohimbine. Now, if you’ve ever watched any of my other video reviews, you may have heard me talk about Yohimbe before. I kind of have a sort of a love-hate relationship with Yohimbe. It can give you a great boost of energy, and it’s actually really effective as an all-natural aphrodisiac. On the other hand, it also has a tendency to produce a ton of side effects, and it includes upset stomach, increased anxiety, headaches, all sorts of other problems. So it definitely works but not without a price. Anyway, lipo 6 black is marketed as a powerful weight loss supplement formula, which is kind of a fancy way of saying it’ll help you lose the weight, but it’s not gonna do, you know, do the work for you. You can’t sit around your ass all day and eat Cheez-its. But Lipo 6 black could definitely help you get, you know, get you along with your goals at least. With that said, if you ever do decide to try it out, I can definitely guarantee you that you will not want to be sitting around on your ass all day, and you’re gonna find out why in a minute. Anyway, they also mention on their official website that lipo 6 black helps to ramp up your metabolic rate. And according to them, it does it through the addition of an ingredient called adventurer Z, which is basically a fancy word for bitter orange or synephrine, which I kind of mentioned earlier. Synephrine is actually a pretty powerful substance. I’ve actually used it personally and several other weight loss pills I’ve tested over the years. In fact, it’s so powerful that it’s actually on the NCAA’s list of banned supplements. So if you’re a collegiate athlete, I would definitely recommend against using Lipo 6 black, you know, at least while you’re in season. Synephrine has also been proven in a clinical study, which I’ll put in the link in the description box below, to help increase metabolism and energy expenditure. Especially when combined with other ingredients like caffeine, which of course lipo 6 black does. You could find lipo 6 black pretty much all over the place. I’ve seen it in GNC for like 40 bucks, Vitamin Shoppe sells it for roughly the same price. But after doing a little bit of research, I could definitely tell that the best, your best bet is to buy it on the official website nutrex.com, and on there they sell 120 capsule bottle for like 55 bucks. So you’re definitely getting it much much cheaper, it’s almost like half off. If you order on their website. As for my personal results, I’m not gonna lie, I was a bit hesitant when I first started off with Lipo 6 black. I’m pretty sensitive to products containing stimulants, typically I’ll start off with the lowest possible dose to avoid any kind of side effects, and assess my tolerance from that. According to the label here, one pill contains about 70 milligrams of caffeine, and 1.4 milligrams of Yohimbe, which as I already mentioned is in and of itself a pretty powerful stimulant. I could start, I could basically start to feel the effects from Lipo 6 black kick in after about like thirty minutes, and I would say that it probably peaks somewhere around the two-hour mark. I was actually pretty surprised, I didn’t get any of the usual jitters, that I get with stimulant and heavy supplements. You know, this could have been due to the fact that it only took one pill, probably was. So the next day I decided to take a full dose of three capsules, and that was definitely a bad idea. It started to kick in, same deal, it was probably like 15 maybe 30 minutes later, but right around the 100 mark I started sweating like a motherfucker, and got anxious for really like no apparent reason. Typically if I’m experiencing an economy anxiety, uneasiness, I’ll just do like a quick 15-minute workout, jump rope, push-ups, that kind of stuff. But instead I decided to hit the gym for like a full one-hour workout, and what followed was probably one of the most intense workouts I think I’ve ever had. I was physically crushing the weights, I ended up doing like a 5k in the treadmill in like 22 minutes, which is like a personal record of mine. What I do remember though, is after my workout I felt like complete dogshit. I got this huge crash, basically left me laying on the couch for the rest of the day. I figured I would keep taking Lipo 6 black for like another couple of weeks, and over time the effects seemed to kind of even themselves out, so it got easier as time went on. In the end, I ended up losing a little over six pounds, over about a two-week period. I would say that a couple of those pounds were probably water weight, but nevertheless, I was definitely looking more trim, and just felt slimmer overall. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I got for lipo 6 black. If you’d like to learn more about the supplement, check out my written review, which I’ve linked to in the description box below. And if you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section or send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Libido Max Video Review

Thinking about trying Libido Max? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

I get into specifics about how it works and whether or not it is an effective male enhancement supplement.

If you would prefer to read out written Libido Max review, click here.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

LeanFire XT Video Review

Thinking about trying Lean Fire XT? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written LeanFire XT review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about Leanfire XT. Leanfire XT is made by the company called force factor. They make a bunch of other different products, including the original force factor, test X180, Test X180 original, ignite alpha, force factor volcano. They make a whole different, a bunch of different products. Anyway, I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you like to go ahead and skip ahead to my results, you can just click on the link in the description box below. It’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into my written results. So with Leanfire XT, as opposed to a lot of the other thermogenic fat burners that are out there, that say, you know, they’re basically going to increase thermogenesis, boost metabolism, increase the body’s demand for energy, so that, you know, only fat is destroyed. Leanfire XT takes it a step further. What they actually do is they focus very very specifically on the cognitive component, which is essential, if you want to call it, the mind-body connection. That’s critical to helping you reach your goals. Basically what it does is it helps to produce kind of like a clean energy, while helping to reduce the nervous anxiety, that often accompanies even the best endurance boosts. So Leanfire XT is broken down into three different blends. The first one that you have is the fat incineration blend, and that contains green tea leaf extract, l-carnitine, cayenne pepper fruit extract, and bio parry. The second blend is a metabolic mind matrix, and the ingredients in that are [INAUDIBLE 01:42], 150 milligrams of caffeine, and a substance called Theacream. And finally it’s rounded out with pure energy complex, which basically contains DMAE, [INAUDIBLE 01:55] bitter orange extract, which is basically synephrine. And [INAUDIBLE 01:59]. As you can probably tell from the ingredients, it’s very stimulant heavy. One of the recommendations that they put on the label is that you start off with the smallest possible dosage, which I believe is just one capsule. As you can see, it’s pretty stimulant heavy, that’s one of the reasons why they actually tell you to start off the lowest possible dosage. Me personally, I started off with one capsule, but some guys that are very used to taking anything with stimulants in it, you may want to start a little bit higher. But I always recommend that you start with the lowest possible dosage, as well. One of the best things about Leanfire XT is it’s probably one of the only supplements that I’ve ever come across, that actually seems to give a crap about what they’re giving you. And the reason why I say that, is because they actually have this, they called the force factor cookbook and a 12-week workout journal. And basically, throughout this whole cookbook, there’s like something like sixty different recipes for everything, from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And then in the 12-week journal, it basically allows you to track your workouts, so you can, you know, keep track of your progress. Nobody else does this, I haven’t seen hardly any other supplement company at least, that actually does this. So it’s actually really nice. As for my personal results, I got a free trial bottle of Leanfire XT about a month ago, I finally had a chance to try it out. I really only have a few pounds to shave off, but it’s the type of weight that proves to be pretty stubborn of actually coming off, you know. It’s the kind that, where you really push hard in your workouts, you live on grilled chicken and rice, you know, abstain from alcohol, drink water all day, and you still can’t seem to get the weight off. there’s very stubborn belly fat and most guys deal with this, especially once they reach my age, which is in the mid-30s. I could definitely say for a fact, that Leanfire XT definitely works. I definitely felt more intense focus, more concentration at the gym, I was pushing out more reps. It definitely gave me that mental edge that they kind of talk about on their website, and on the GNC site. A lot of websites or a lot of fat burners, and pre-workout supplements, all they really do is just pump in a bunch of stimulants, and they get you physically energized and ramped up to go to your workouts. But they don’t really take care of the mental aspect of it, and to be honest, that’s like, in my opinion, eighty percent of it is mental. Getting into it, and getting into your workouts, and pushing through on those last reps that you don’t normally would, you know. Especially with a stimulant heavy, that just focuses on the caffeine and synephrine, stuff like that. They don’t really work as well, because they lack that mental component. So did it help me realize my goal? I guess I would say sort of. As I mentioned earlier, the directions on Leanfire XT label state that you should start off with one capsule to assess your tolerance, which is exactly what I did. I personally tend to be very sensitive to stimulants, so I want to proceed with caution. I took the recommended dose about an hour before hanging to the gym, on a totally empty stomach, first thing in the morning, I skipped my usual 2 cups of coffee. But after 20 minutes I could definitely feel the caffeine from the pills kicking in. I ended up doing a pretty heavy leg session, and I even finished it off with a 5k run. And yes, I am one of those guys that actually does running and cardio after I do legs. After about three hours, then I took the first dose, I felt a little bit of a crash. I decided to take a short 15-minute nap, and then I took another capsule about an hour after my post-workout meal. And once again I could feel the effects kicking in right after about 20 minutes or so. One thing I noticed was that it seemed like my appetite was completely disappeared. I was like literally having to force myself eat dinner that night. Since I didn’t really feel like I was overstimulated the first day, I decided to take 2 capsules on an empty stomach the following morning. This time I really seemed to feel the energy coursing through my veins, it was almost akin to if I had drunk like 3 or 4 cups of coffee, which I normally only have like 2. I kept using it for about 2 weeks and finally decided to weigh myself in. I had originally started off at about 187 pounds, and I ended up right around the 184-pound mark. Did I lose any of the fat around my belly? I may have lost a little bit, but one thing I definitely noticed was that I seem to have lost the stubborn fat that accrues in other places like I felt, I feel more defined, basically, from it. And when I say that I felt more defined, I actually feel like I may have lost a little bit of muscle. There are definitely ways that you can avoid this, if I would have started over again, I probably would have just like increased my protein intake, and may be supplemented with a few other things, but I didn’t do that and, you know, I ended up losing probably a pound or two muscle if I had to guess. I guess, undoubtedly, I’m probably going to have some guys leaving comments below, that are complaining about the free trial and that’s something that I wanted to talk about real quick. So when you sign up for the free trial of Leanfire XT you basically have, I think it’s like 14 days to try it out, and at the end of those 14 days you’re gonna end up getting charged. I don’t know exactly how much, but you will end up getting charged, and most guys that sign up for it they think that they’re getting a sample of it when in reality they’re actually just getting a trial for it. So if you’re, if this is a product that you really want to try out, but you’re not sure if you want to buy it, then you know I would be aware that the free trial actually will end up charging you down the road. If you’re somebody who feels like you could need a boost in your workouts or you need to lose weight, I think that this is definitely a good product. I would also recommend that maybe instead of getting the free trial, that you actually go to your local GNC and buy it there, or you can also find that on Amazon. So anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for Leanfire XT. It’s definitely a good supplement, I would definitely recommend it. I would probably put it in my top five fat burners if I had such a list. But if you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Kavinace Video Review

Thinking about trying Kavinace? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Kavinace review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com, and in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about Kavinace. Kavinace is basically an all-natural supplement that’s designed to help promote relief from anxiety and irritability, as well as help anybody suffering from insomnia or other types of sleep issues. It’s made by a company called neuroscience, and it’s pretty much exclusively sold online. You can find that in a couple stores, I’m going to talk about that in a little bit. I’m gonna talk about my results as well, a little bit further in this review, but if you want to just jump ahead to that, you can go ahead and click on the link in the description box below, and it’ll take you to my website. Scroll down there, and you’ll be able to find out all the information that I’ve put together as far as my personal results. So anyway, Kavinace is basically made up, it’s made up of two ingredients but the main one is called phenibut. And phenibut is the shortened name for gamma-aminobutyric acid. And what it does is it acts to inhibit excitatory transmitters in the brain. So without getting into any kind of like a special scientific discussion about it, basically what it does is it allows GABA to cross the blood-brain barrier, by adding a phenyl ring to it. And typically gaba on its own, which you´ll find in a lot of these other anti-anxiety supplements. They can’t do that, they can’t do that on its own. So the addition of that phenyl ring is what makes it work that much more effectively. According to them, you’re supposed to take this one or two capsules two times per day, and that you shouldn’t exceed six capsules per day. I typically only take one or two when I try this, when I use this. I find that it provides just as well as a benefit. If you take any more than that you tend to see a little bit more of a debilitating or sedative effect. If you just take a small amount though, it gets rid of the anxiety without putting you out basically. It doesn’t make you sleepy. As far as the kind of effects, it’s it’s sort of hard to explain. It takes a couple of, first off all, it takes a couple of hours for it to actually start kicking in. It’s not something that starts working in like thirty or forty-five minutes. In some cases, you won’t even see the effect for like five or six hours, which I have no idea why that’s the case, but it’s just one of those things with phenibut, that it takes that much longer to kick in than your traditional supplement would. The feeling that you would get is definitely gonna make you extremely calm, it definitely completely will remove your anxiety, It’ll make you more sociable, make you want to talk to people more, and 100% will make you sleep better. It’s probably one of the best sleep aids that I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken dozens of these things over the years. And it, the effects tend to linger into the next day as well. To give you an example, last week I took two capsules, I took one in the morning on an empty stomach, which is sort of important, and I took a second capsule about four or five hours later, on an empty stomach and I slept great that week, that night. I felt great the next day. I didn’t still had some like sort of lingering effects, and then had another great night’s sleep, the following night. And this is only taking it that one day, and it just gave me this amazing like calm, chill type of effect, that is really hard to explain. It’s almost like drinking alcohol but without the cognitive debilitating, you know, impairment type effects from it. Which brings up a good point. This is a supplement that I would definitely recommend you don’t take with alcohol. Tt works, because it works on the same GABA receptors that alcohol does, anytime you drink it’s basically gonna be an amplified effect. So if you take this, six hours later you have one beer, it’s gonna make you feel like you drank three beers. If you have two beers, that’s gonna make you feel like you drank six beers, and so on and so forth. It basically doubles or triples the effect of alcohol, and it’s amazing that it does that, but one you’re probably okay, two beers I would probably cut it off at that. Anything more than that and you’re just asking for trouble. So this is another thing I want to bring up was the potential for addiction, dependency, and tolerance. So any GABA producing agent right, so alcohol again is a GABA producing agent. If you take it more, and more, and more, eventually you start to develop a tolerance to it. So you need more and more of it to get the same exact fact that you would with, you know, the effect that you got off the first or maybe a second dosage. So it’s definitely recommended that if you’re gonna take this, I would only recommend you take it once, maybe twice a week with like a three to four-day break in between. If you start taking it any more than that then you’re gonna start developing a tolerance, and you’re not gonna get that magic effect, that you got from the very first couple of times that you used it. And I’ve learned a lot of horror stories from guys that have taken supplements containing Phenibut, they’ve taken it for longer durations, you know, upwards of a couple of weeks, and in some cases even a couple of months. And when they try to get off of it they suffer rebound anxiety, basically feel worse than they did before they started taking the supplement. Their anxiety goes through the roof, they start having insomnia issues, can’t sleep for days. It’s not a pretty picture, so it’s definitely something that I would recommend, very very sparingly use. They say it on the bottle, you’re supposed to use it all the time. I think it said it here or maybe it was on the website, somewhere it said, yeah you can take a daily, and I definitely do not recommend it. I actually, the funny story, I came across this particular supplement because I had taken Phenibut for a period of like a couple of weeks, and I didn’t realize the addiction intolerance potential that it produces, and I just felt like dog shit for a couple of days. So I went to this local vitamin store, it was a small [INAUDIBLE 05:48] and I told the lady, I was like, look, I’ve been taken this Phenibut. She said she had never heard of it before, and I explained to her my symptoms, and she said yeah, try this. So she gives me this, and at the time I didn’t realize that the ingredient on the back was Phenibut, right. So I bought a bottle, I get home, I start doing some research, boom it’s Phenibut. I’m like, oh, great, and this woman that was working in a store, she actually owned the store, had told me that she doesn’t recommend Phenibut to anybody because she’s read a lot of horror stories about it. And she didn’t even realize that she takes this on a daily basis, not realizing that it contains Phenibut, so. Anyway, you can find it in stores, you can find it in smaller stores like that, mainly online. Typically the price ranges from as little as like 20 bucks to as much as like 55 or 60 bucks. It depends on the size bottle that you end up getting, so. But I definitely recommend it, with caution. I would say if you’re gonna use it, just use sparingly. And if you have any particular questions about it, you could just hop down to the comment section here or send me the email to info@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Other than that I will be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Stress ReliefAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Phenibut

#1 - Phenibut

Phenibut is by FAR the most effective stress relief product Ive ever come across.

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#2 – Kratom

#2 - Kratom

Kratom acts as an effective pain reliever AND can also help with anxiety dramatically.

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#3 – Kava Kava

#3 - Kava Kava

This particular brand of Kava is EXTREMELY effective at helping you calm down.

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Force Factor 2 Video Review

Thinking about trying Force Factor 2? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Force Factor 2 review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. In today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about the force factor 2. I got a chance to try this a few weeks ago, and I just want to give you a little review of my personal results. But if you click on the link in the video here it’ll take you right to my page on my website supplementcritique.com. It talks a little bit more about the details of the supplement and a little bit more about my personal results, so if you want to not sit here and wait for about 3-4 minutes to find out what my personal results are, you can click on the link and that will tell you all about it right away. Anyway, this is force factors follow-up supplement to their highly, well I guess, we’ll call it really popular force factor the original. the difference, the main difference with Force Factor 2 is they added it a couple of different ingredients to it. It’s supposed to make it work a little bit more effectively. If you’re not already aware, this is a pre-workout supplement. It’s designed to help you get the most out of your workouts, help amplify strength, power, and stamina, and give you kind of like explosive energy for the gym. So you would maximize the effectiveness of your workouts. Anyway, this bottle is free. I just want to start off, I’m not a paid actor for the company, I don’t work for force factor. This is just my personal review of it. So that being said, I started taking the product about a month and a half ago, and I finished taking about three weeks ago. So this is a little late on the review side, but I did notice a couple of different changes. I’ve tried a lot of different pre-workout supplements out before, and most of them have stimulants, and the stimulants are what give you the actual boost for the gym, and a little bit of motivation. Force Factor 2 doesn’t contain any. Usually, those things are caffeine, Yohimbe, in some cases they put DMAA, which is kind of a controversial ingredient, that you’ll find in a lot of other pre-workout supplements. But anyway, my results, specifically I would say that it gave me a little bit more of a boost, as far as like my workouts, maybe pushing out more reps, at the end of a heavy lift. But I didn’t feel like it worked as far as giving me any kind of like lasting energy, it was more of like a short burst, and in my opinion might be all mental. Force Factor 2 did help a little bit with my strength and power games. I was lifting a little bit heavier, I don’t know if I can attribute that directly to force factor 2, but it definitely helped in that regard. But I would say overall it’s a fairly decent supplement, at least I didn’t get any side effects from Force Factor 2, so that’s a good thing. Amazon, eBay, and there’s a lot of other places where you can find reviews from other guys, that have also taken it, and they’ve all pretty much said the same thing, that it works okay but it’s nothing spectacular. I believe you can find this in GNC, I’m not positive, but I know as far as how its compared to other pre-workout supplements, it’s very very expensive. So, you know, if you’re ready to pay seventy or eighty dollars for a bottle, for a one month supply, you know, feel free to go ahead and do that. But I think that there’s other alternatives that are out there that are a little bit more suitable. But anyway, that’s all I pretty much have. Like I said, if you click on the link in the video here, it’ll take you to my official review, my written review on supplementcritique.com, where I have personally tested over 60 different pre-workout supplements. And it’ll give you a little bit more information about this one, how this one works. I’ll see you guys again soon. Take care.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Extenze Drink Video Review

Male enhancement supplements can take on many forms whether it be a topical such as gel or cream, a pill capsule or tablet, a powder or even now, liquids.

It is no surprise that liquid based male enhancement supplements have become popular and now store shelves are slowly but surely becoming stocked with them alongside their capsule based counterparts.

Thinking about trying Extenze Drink? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Extenze Drink review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about Extenze liquid drink. You may have come across this shot a few times, they sell it all over the place in stores like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, others, even gas stations carry it. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the drink first, about what’s in it, how it works, how much it costs, all that kind of stuff. But if you’d like to skip ahead to my extenze liquid review, you can just click on the link in the description box, and it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into the nitty-gritty details of my little experiment with this particular supplement. Anyway, I just want to start off this video with a little disclaimer, and that is that I am not a doctor. You shouldn’t construe any of this as medical advice. I take the time to thoroughly research all the data that I present in my videos, and you can read the description box below. I put a bunch of resources studies and references, which pretty much back up all the claims I make. But again, this is all part of my own personal experiences with this particular product, so it’s not meant to be advice. Anyway, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any supplement. This is actually especially true with Extenze liquid shot, and I’ll get into that in a little bit. Extenze liquid shot is basically the liquid version of their ever-so-popular Extenze pills, which have been sold in stores for probably like 20 or 25 years now. It contains many of the same ingredients you’d find in the pill version, including extracts like Panax, ginseng, maca root, Rhodiola Rosea, as well as two key ingredients, that in my personal opinion make it work the best. Those two ingredients in particular or Yohimbe and l-arginine. I’ve talked about this combo of ingredients in the past but I’ll give you a quick rundown on their use erectile disfunction, so you get a better idea of how exactly that works. So l-arginine is an amino acid that we actually get from a lot of common foods that we eat, like red meat, fish, poultry, eggs and even dairy products. It’s not an essential amino acid, which basically, an essential amino acid is one that the body cannot make on its own, and therefore it has to get it from outside sources. But it’s actually considered somewhat essential because it’s highly important for many functions and it is usually present in low quantities. One of the biggest benefits is its ability to improve blood flow and circulation, and it does this through a process called vasodilation. So once l-arginine is in the body, it’s converted into nitric oxide, which in turn causes blood vessels to open wider, essentially. As they get wider, more blood flows and with more blood flow comes, you guessed it, increase erection quality. Now, Yohimbe, on the other hand, is actually a stimulant that’s kind of like caffeine. It basically stimulates your nervous system, and by stimulating the brain during sexual situations, it actually increases blood flow and signals to the penis. So you have the Yohimbe increasing blood flow to the penis through its mechanism of action, and the l-arginine allowing for more blood flow to the penis during an erection. This is what really makes this combo so effective, and I could definitely tell you from personal experience that it really does work. Now, that the chemistry lesson is over, we’re going to talk a little bit about my personal results with Extenze drink. I picked up a 2-pack of this stuff when I was at Walgreens for like 9 or 10 bucks. And it literally sat on top of my desk for about two months before I finally got a chance to try extenze liquid out. And the only reason I remember that is cuz somebody asked me that I had told a few months back that I’d be trying it out soon, he sent me an email. Anyway, the directions on the label state that you should drink one full bottle for an extreme boost. I like to be a little on the conservative side and start off with like a low dose to assess my tolerance, I just drank about half the bottle. The taste is not really that great, this particular bottle was big cherry. As far as I’m aware, it’s the only extenze drink flavor that they have at the moment. I would say that I started to feel the effects probably within about 15 or 20 minutes. It’s kind of tough to describe, but if I had to lay it out for you, I would say it probably gives you, it gives you like a big burst of physical energy as well as like a tingle in your pants, if that makes any sense. One thing is definitely for sure, if you are sexually aroused in any way, you’ll definitely you walking around with a boner for a couple of hours unless you take care of it, so to speak. Compared to the regular pills that I’ve been taking, the liquid shot seems to kick in a little bit quicker. With the pills, it always seems like it takes about 30 to 45 minutes for it to kick in, and with this shot, it was probably more like 10 to 15 minutes, before you start seeing any kind of real effects. I would definitely recommend that if you decide to try this out you start off with like a really low dose. Maybe like a quarter of a bottle or even a, you know, a half about a bottle. Yohimbe, the ingredient I was talking about before, has a tendency to kind of creep up on you if you take too much of it. You might get a nice boner off of it, but it could also make you feel really sick at the same time, and that’s happening with pretty much any product that I’ve used before that contains Yohimbe. It’s really just a matter of how much it contains, which unfortunately if you look at the label here, it doesn’t tell you. It’s part of a proprietary blend, so they don’t really tell you exactly how much Yohimbe is in it. I definitely still prefer the pills. If you’re short on cash and you just need something in the spur of the moment, you know, you have a date tonight or whatever it is. If you just want to spend like eight or nine bucks to try something, you know, one time, one shot off, it might be worth your while. You could pretty much find Extenze Liauid anywhere, I’ve seen it in Publix, I’ve seen it in gas stations, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, almost anywhere that you could pretty much find it. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for the Extenze drink. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email at contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. And thanks for watching, I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha Monster Advanced Video Review

Thinking about trying Alpha Monster Advanced? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Alpha Monster Advanced review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And a today’s review we are going to be talking about alpha monster advanced. As with all of my video reviews, I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to skip ahead to my personal review, you can just click the link in the description box below. it’ll take you to my website supplementcritique.com, where I go into all the nitty-gritty details with my experiment with this. So anyway, alpha monster advanced is a supplement that’s made by a company located in White Plains in New York. I actually came across this while brought browsing through an adult-film site. I saw this ad that said one simple trick to make a bigger cock that lasts for hours, so I clicked on it and ended up leading me to a page that talked about how alpha monster advanced is basically the herbal equivalent of viagra, and essentially gives you the endurance of a pornstar. Literally, later on, that same day, my Facebook feed I saw an ad that apparently led to an article on CNN, stating that guys were combining apple cider vinegar with alpha monster, and losing a ton of weight. So it got me thinking, is this an erectile dysfunction remedy or weight loss pill. In either case, they’re making a lot of claims. So I decided to dig a little bit deeper to find out what’s really going on with this particular supplement. So according to the official website alpha monster advanced is supposed to increase natural testosterone production, which in turn, of course, increases muscle strength, stamina and your performance in the bedroom. It does this through a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes horny goat weed, Tongkat Ali, saw palmetto extract, orchic substance, which is actually made for cattle testicles. If you don’t, believe me, you can click on the WebMD link that I put in the description box below, wild yam extract, [INAUDIBLE 01:56] root, nettle extract, boron, and calcium. So I’m not gonna go into a detailed description of what each of these ingredients do. But if you’re interested just click on the written review below and I talked a lot about exactly how they’re all supposed to work. As far as where to buy, I checked with all the major retailers like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, all those guys, and none of them carry this. The same goes for most of the online vendors like Amazon. I did see a few guys selling alpha monster advanced on eBay, somewhere around the range of like 40 to 50 bucks for one bottle. So really the only way that you can actually buy this outright is via their website, which is like one of the hardest things in the world to find. You can search Google for probably, you know, 20, 30 minutes before you actually come across it. You’ll find a lot of websites that look like they’re the actual official alpha monster advanced website, but when you click on them it’s kind of like a review but not really a review. It’s just a bunch of jargon that’s trying to get you to click on the ad, that eventually lead you to the site. And in a lot of cases, it’ll actually redirect to a completely different offer. So it just takes forever to find it. But anyway, if you finally do make it to the official website, the only way you can actually order it is via a free trial. What that basically means is that you’ll pay I think like $5.99 for shipping, but if you don’t call it a cancel within 14 days of ordering, they’re actually gonna charge your credit card like almost $90. On top of that, they’ll actually send you a bottle of this every 30 days and continually charge you 90 bucks every month until you call to cancel alpha monster advanced. A lot of guys don’t realize this, and in some cases, several months will go by before they even bother checking the credit-card statement, and of course, once they do they’ll see all these charges. An a lot of cases it adds up, you know, to hundreds, and in some cases even a thousand dollars, so. This is called what’s called an auto rebill program. I wrote a really detailed article on this, which I’ll place in the description box below if you’re interested. As for my personal experience, I ordered a free trial bottle of alpha monster advanced about two weeks ago, and just finished up testing it for about the last week or so, the directions on the Alpha months are labeled state that you should take two caplets, one to two times per day, but they don’t really specify when you should take it. I figured I would start off with two caplets in the morning on an empty stomach, and then like one caplet in the afternoon before lunch. I gotta say I really didn’t seem to notice any effects from it whatsoever, um. I didn’t feel any massive increase in libido or stamina. There were no explosive muscle pumps, and I did not notice any weight loss whatsoever from it. Probably about the only thing that I did notice from alpha monster advanced was by about the end of the first week, I was actually having a really hard time falling asleep. I would literally toss and turn for like an hour before drifting off, and I also noticed that I was getting like kind of these weird panic anxiety attacks from it. I’m not quite sure if it was alpha monster advanced that caused this, but I wasn’t thinking anything else at the same time, and it seemed to finally go away once I am once I finally stopped taking it a few days ago. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for alpha monster advanced. For my personal experience it didn’t really seem to do anything, but as with any supplement everyone’s gonna have different results. What doesn’t work for me you may actually work for you, and vice versa. If you have any questions about this particular supplement, you can leave them in the comment section below or send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you within about 24 hours or so. Thanks for watching, and I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

4 Gauge Pre Workout Video Review

Thinking about trying 4 Gauge pre workout? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written 4 Gauge review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s review we’re gonna be talking about 4 gauge pre-workout. This is a pre-workout supplement I recently got a chance to test out, a couple of weeks ago and finally get around to leave in a video review of it. If you’d like to skip ahead to my review, you can just click on the link in the description box. It’ll take you to my website supplement critique where I go right into the nitty-gritty details of, you know, how this particular supplement worked for me. Anyway, 4 gauge pre-workout is exactly that, it’s a pre-workout supplement, it’s designed to basically get you going in the gym, fire up your workouts, give you have more energy to push through, and the end result being that you lose more weight, gain more muscle or whatever, you know, the goal is that you that you have in particular. I’ve tested a lot of different pre-workout supplements over the years, the vast majority of them contains stimulants, that’s what gets you going, but sometimes those things are a little bit too much. So you’ll get 3 workouts that have the DMAA, Yohimbe, and some of them used to have ephedra back in the day. And it would really give you a lot of energy to the gym, but ultimately will leave you feeling anxious and will give you like a really nasty crash. Luckily the only real stimulant in 4 gauge pre workout is caffeine, and it contains about 150 milligrams of it. 4 gauge pre workout also contains creatine, l-citrulline, l-carnitine, and l-theanine. l-theanine and caffeine is actually a really good combo on its own. I’ve used it in the past typically anywhere between 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine, and about 200 milligrams of l-theanine. And basically, l-theanine what it does is it calms you down. So you get that energy that boosts that you would normally get from caffeine without all the jitters and anxiety. Some of the benefits according to them on their website obviously is enhanced focus and concentration for your workouts, there’s no crash, increased stamina and endurance, and bigger pumps. And of course that all comes from, you know, just getting a better workout. The design of the product is probably the first time I’ve ever seen this. I’ve seen other pre-workout supplements, I’m trying to think of one off the top of my head, that I guess that’s c4, you know, one of them has a, it’s sort of similar to this. I can’t really think of the name of it but um, most of them just come in regular you know round tub, they come in powder form. And there’s nothing dramatically different about them, but obviously 4 gauge pre workout is different, it’s pretty cool-looking. So you have caffeine, you have l-theanine, l-citrulline, and then you have creatine monohydrate, which is not a very common ingredient in pre-workout supplements. One of the main reasons behind that is that it contains, it basically allows you to retain water. And a lot of guys that are taking pre-workout supplements don’t want that, they want they want that lean muscular look. And a lot of times creatine won’t do that to you, at least initially. What creatine does do is it enhances your calorie burn, because you’re pushing yourself harder in the gym. I actually have a really good guide on how to take creatine, which I’ll include in the description box below if you’d like to read it, but uh. There’s been several studies that have shown that creatine consumption can actually help to increase lean muscle mass as well as help to improve athletic performance. So that’s probably the one of the main reasons why it’s included in the 4 gauge pre workout formula. Anyway, my personal results were actually really good. I took it a few times actually, on separate occasions. The directions on the label state that you should take two level scoops in 10 to 12 fluid ounces of water, 20 to 30 minutes before training, like with any supplement that I usually take, I like to start off with the lowest possible dose. And in this case I actually just started with like a half of a scoop of 4 gauge pre workout on an empty stomach just to see what kind of real, you know, results I would get from that and to be honest it was actually much better than I anticipated. That was the first time that I took it. Nothing crazy but I definitely felt a boost of energy. On the second time that I took it, I took a full scoop, and it was really like it started hitting probably faster than twenty minutes. It says 20 or 30 minutes before, but I felt like it hit me in like five to ten minutes, I could start feeling it. And then the third time that I took it, I actually went for the full dose and it was two scoops, two full scoops, level scoops mixed before, and that was definitely by far, you can tell that that’s really the optimal dose. That’s the kind of dose you should be shooting for. But yeah, overall, 4 gauge pre workout is definitely a really good pre-workout supplement, I definitely recommend it. I didn’t notice any side effects, obviously you know, there’s gonna be guys that get side effects. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you have high blood pressure, even if you have diabetes, you know, you want to check with your doctor and make sure that it’s safe for you to take something like this. But in general, since it’s an all-natural, over-the-counter supplement, you should have no problems. Anyway, you can’t buy 4 gauge pre workout in stores as of right now, as if this review. I checked with all major retailers like GNC, Vitamin, Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, none of them carry this, and I don’t anticipate them doing it anytime soon because it’s such a new product. But you can definitely find it on, you know, the website 4gauge.com, I think it is. And you might be able to find that on Amazon or eBay down the road. A typical bottle of 4 gauge pre workout is, they call it one round, is forty-five bucks, and that contains about 20 servings. 20 servings being the two full scoop, so if you knock that down to like one scoop, then you’re looking at you know forty servings. So depending on how often you go to the gym, if you go three-four times a week like I do, you know, then you’re looking at this is like a like a two to three weeks supply, again, depending on how much you take. the taste is actually really good, that’s a big thing with a lot of these pre workouts as they tend to have a nasty aftertaste, which really by and large is not a huge deal. I mean you can just wash it down with water, and you know, but some guys really can’t stand the taste of some of the pre-workouts, the aftertaste that leaves so, but this is actually pretty good. It’s a fruit punch flavor, which was the only flavor they have right now. Anyway, that’s all I have for 4 gauge pre-workout. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below. You can also visit my website leave them in the comment section there or you can send me an email at info@supplementvritique.com, and I’ll try to answer as best as I can. That’s all I have then. I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

Click Here To Learn More »

Cianix Review

Thinking about trying Cianix?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read out written Cianix review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with supplementcritique.com. And in today’s today’s review we’re going to be talking about a product called Cianix. This is a male enhancement supplement, I actually came across about six months ago and it’s been on my list of supplements to try pretty much ever since then. So I decided to finally give it a go. I wanna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to skip ahead to my review, just click on the link in the description box below. It’ll take it my website supplement critique calm where I go into all the nitty-gritty details about my personal experience with this particular supplement. So anyways, Cianix is an all natural dietary supplement that promises to help you gain more energy and stamina, increased size, boost performance, and amplified pleasure. It apparently does this through a proprietary blend of ingredients, that’s pretty straightforward, and actually really common in many of the products I’ve tested in the past. As you’ll see here on the label Cianix contains ingredients like vitamins E and B 3, horny goat weed, Hawthorn berry, damiana leaf extract, Muira puama, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris, Catuaba bark extract, saw palmetto, inosine, l-arginine, oat straw, cayenne fruit, and soy isolate protein. From what I can tell, and this comes from a lot of years of experience of testing supplements like this. The primary ingredients seem to be l-arginine, horny goat weed, and Tribulus Terrestris. I’ve used a lot of supplements that contain these particular ingredients, and really for me, it seems to be kind of hit or miss. Sometimes a supplement can work, and sometimes it doesn’t do shit. My guess is, this really has to do a lot with the quality of the ingredients that they’re pumping into the stuff, which when it comes to the supplement industry, you really never know what you’re gonna get. Doing research on this particular supplement, brought up a couple of interesting things. For one, if you search for reviews, you’re basically not going to find any. There’s a bunch of sites that have, you know, written reviews about the product, but from what I can tell, none of them actually tested it. We’ve actually had a few reviews come in here to supplement critique, and all four of them pretty much rated it as one-star. Basically all these guys said that it didn’t do anything for them, and they were just really pissed off that they were charged the full price. And I’m gonna talk a little bit, talk in a little bit about why that’s the case. The other thing I noticed was when I was doing a little bit of research. I came across this article, at first glance it kind of looks like the Fox News website. And throughout the supposed article they talk about how Angelina Jolie was talking to dr. oz about Brad Pitt’s ED, and that he specifically recommended that they try out Cianix. Also, apparently the editor of this article, who goes by the name of Kate Jones, picked up a box of this stuff and she slipped it, her husband one of these pills under the guise that it was just a multivitamin. This whole article really is just complete and utter bullshit. I’m not gonna go into detail about why here. But if you click on the link below, that’ll lead you to my review. I basically dissect the entire thing and show you how it’s basically a total scam. So Anyways, as far as my personal results, I got a trial box of Cianix about two weeks ago, and I finally got a chance to test it out. I’ve been using it for the last ten days or so, and I got to say I really haven’t felt much, if anything, in regards to effects. The directions on the label state that you should take one tablet daily, preferably with a meal. So I basically took it every morning with breakfast, and like I said, I didn’t really notice anything. I didn’t see any effect on libido or stamina, no increased energy, no effect on my workouts. At first, I thought maybe it would take a few days to kick in, but it says right on the label here, fast-acting in Formula. So to me fast acting means like one or two days not, you know, two weeks. Like I’ve said, I’ve been taking this for ten days so, you know, I really haven’t noticed anything. So anyway, earlier in this video, I mentioned that guys that we’re leaving reviews were really pissed off about getting billed a full price for the product and the reason why is because the only way that you can actually buy this stuff is through a free trial. When you go to order Cianix on their official website, which I think is just cianix or cianix.com, you’ll see right at the top something that says claim your 14-day trial. A lot of guys perceive this to be a sample, but this is really not the case. What it basically means is that you have 14 days to use the product, and if you feel like it’s not working, you need to actually call them to cancel. Because what happens is, if you don’t do that, they will end up charging you the full price for the product, which I think is somewhere around like 96 or 97 dollars. In addition to this, they’re gonna end up sending you a box of Cianix every 30 days and charge your credit card the $97 every 30 days, unless you call it canceled. And I think maybe in some cases you can email them. Most guys don’t realize this, what ends up happening is, they’ll log into their bank account, they’ll check their credit card statement, and they’ll just start seeing these charges, you know, coming in month after month. I actually did call to cancel my trial about 10 days in, and I got to give them a little bit of credit, they didn’t really give me a hard time. They didn’t give me, they didn’t get me to try to keep the supplement. They didn’t offer me any discounts, they just canceled it. And they issued me what’s called an RMA number or a return merchandise authorization number. Basically what that means is I have 30 days to send a product back to them, and if I don’t, they’ll end up charging me the full price for the product. So my plan is to send that back later on today. So that’s pretty much all I have for Cianix. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to contact@supplementcritique.com, and I’ll try to get back to you within 24 hours or so. So thanks for watching, and I’ll be back soon with another review.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Zyplex Review

Warning:  Some of this content is not suitable for work, viewer discretion is advised!

I’ve been testing and reviewing male enhancement supplements for close to 7 years now, and one thing never ceases to amaze me…

The sheer amount of pills that tell you that you’ll get a bigger penis from taking their product.

Never mind the fact that the only legit way to increase size is via surgery, there’s certainly no shortage of supplements claiming to increase your size.

It gets exhausting coming across supplements that claim do be able to “double your size” or make any noticeable gains because it is just not possible at all from taking a pill whether it’s prescription or over the counter.

So when I came across this ad for Zyplex on an adult film site, I almost chuckled a bit.

zyplex ad

What do you want to know about Zyplex?

What is it?
How does it work?
Are there any side effects?
Will Zyplex make me bigger?
Does it really work?
The truth about Zyplex

What is Zyplex?

That depends on who you ask and what site you’re getting your info from.

For example, the original ad I came across featuring Zyplex touted it as a penis enlargement pill.

does zyplex increase penis size

According to that same site, Zyplex comes highly recommended by a urologist who goes by the name of “Dr. Mason Moore”.

They don’t exactly quote him recommending the product, but they do post a picture of him.

dr mason moore zyplex

I ran a google image search of this guy, and it turns out his image is used on several sites.

This includes this site, which is in German but calls him by a completely different name, and lists a completely different product called “Giant in a Bottle”.

giant in a bottle

But then when you visit their official website, they make no mention of size gains.

Really the only things they do mention are:

  • Increased erection quality
  • Longer stamina
  • Stronger performance

So is Zyplex an enlargement pill or just a sex pill?

How Does Zyplex Work?

According to the official site, Zyplex is more or less a testosterone boosting supplement.

I mean, it says so right on the front of the packaging.

zyplex review

It helps to improve your sexual function and control by 2 mechanisms:

  1. An increase in free testosterone
  2. Nitric oxide production to the penis

How does it do all of this?

Through the all natural, proprietary blend of ingredients of course.

Those ingredients include:

  • Zinc
  • Korean Ginseng
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Nettle extract
  • Fenugreek
  • Bioperine
  • Eleuthero

I’ve written pretty extensively about these ingredients, so I’ll only touch on them briefly here.

How does Zinc increase testosterone?

Zinc is one of the most common elements in may of the foods we eat, and is directly responsible at helping to increase testosterone levels.

HOWEVER, taking a supplement that contains zinc is only beneficial if you have an existing zinc deficiency.

If you’re already getting enough Zinc in your diet, taking more won’t do much.

How does Tribulus Terrestris increase testosterone?

Another one of the primary ingredients in Zyplex includes Tribulus Terrestris.

I’ve probably taken dozens of supplements containing Tribulus Terrestris over the years, including Nugenix, Viril X, and Alpha King.

Some of them have worked well, while others haven’t done much.

There’s been a total of 28 studies done of Tribulus Terrestris and it’s effects on testosterone levels, and the jury is still mixed.

For example, some studies conducted in castrated rats showed increased sexual activity.

However, in countless human studies (like this one, this one, and this one), the use of Tribulus Terrestris showed literally NO impact on testosterone levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects with Zyplex?

If you look at their official website, they make it clear that you will not experience ANY side effects with taking Zyplex.

is zyplex safe

Of course, this is total B.S.

Literally any supplement like this has the potential to cause side effects.

This will of course depend on your own body chemistry and how you react to certain ingredients.

Some of the more common side effects you may experience with Zyplex include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Metallic taste
  • Stomach damage
  • Cramping
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation

It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before consuming any supplements.

Can I take Zyplex if I have high blood pressure?

  • Nettle extract, found in Zyplex, may lower blood pressure. Use caution if you are taking medications to lower your blood pressure. (Source)

Can I take Zyplex if I have LOW blood pressure?

  • Nettle extract, found in Zyplex, may lower blood pressure. Use caution if you have low blood pressure.

Can I take Zyplex if I have diabetes?

  • Some of the ingredients may alter blood sugar and alter the effects of insulin. When adding a new supplement that may alter blood sugar, it is best to monitor your blood sugar daily for the first week. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop the supplement and speak with your doctor about possibly altering your regimen.

Are allergic reactions possible with Zyplex?

  • You should avoid Zyplex if you have an allergy to plants in the Fabaceae family: soybeans, peanuts, and green peas.

Can I take Zyplex with alcohol?

  • Alcohol can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Siberian ginseng found in Zyplex might also cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Taking large amounts of Siberian ginseng along with alcohol might cause too much sleepiness.

Can I take Zyplex with Viagra / Cialis?

  • Some of the ingredients may lower blood pressure. Use caution as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.

Can I take if I am taking anti-depressants?                               

  • It is best to use caution taking supplements, especially those with stimulants (panax ginseng) with any mental disorder. Do not take this supplement if you are taking MAOI’s for depression. (See below). Source

Can I take if I have a bleeding disorder?

  • It is best to avoid this supplement if you have a bleeding disorder or taking blood thinners. A few of the ingredients in this product may alter your body’s clotting ability. If you do choose to use this supplement, monitor for signs and symptoms in increased bleeding including bruising and bleeding gums.

Can I take with caffeine or other stimulants?

  • Panax ginseng found in Zyplex might also speed up the nervous system. Taking Panax ginseng along with caffeine might cause serious problems including increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Avoid taking caffeine along with Zyplex.

Are there any others medical reasons why I shouldn’t take Zyplex?

Do not take Zyplex if you have:

  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Heart Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Problems
  • Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions
  • Insomnia
  • Organ transplant
  • High blood pressure
  • Mental conditions such as mania or schizophrenia

You should stop taking this supplement within two weeks of any surgery.

Possible Drug Interactions

Moderate Interactions:

  • Antibiotics
    • Quinolones
      • ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
      • enoxacin (Penetrex)
      • norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin)
      • sparfloxacin (Zagam)
      • trovafloxacin (Trovan)
      • grepafloxacin (Raxar)
    • Tetracyclines
      • demeclocycline (Declomycin)
      • minocycline (Minocin)
      • tetracycline (Achromycin)
    • Stimulants
      • diethylpropion (Tenuate)
      • epinephrine
      • phentermine (Ionamin)
      • pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
      • and many others.
    • Auto-Immune Medications (immunosuppressants for transplant, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.)
      • azathioprine (Imuran)
      • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
      • mycophenolate (CellCept)
      • tacrolimus (Prograf)
      • sirolimus (Rapamune)
      • prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone)
      • corticosteroids (prednisone, etc)
      • and others
    • MAOI’s
      • phenelzine (Nardil)
      • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
      • and others
    • Blood Thinners
      • Aspirin
      • clopidogrel (Plavix)
      • diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others)
      • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
      • naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others)
      • dalteparin (Fragmin)
      • enoxaparin (Lovenox)
      • heparin
      • warfarin (Coumadin)
      • and others.
    • Sedatives
      • clonazepam (Klonopin)
      • lorazepam (Ativan)
      • phenobarbital (Donnatal)
      • zolpidem (Ambien)
      • and others.
    • Antidiabetic medications
      • glimepiride (Amaryl)
      • glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase)
      • insulin
      • pioglitazone (Actos)
      • rosiglitazone (Avandia)
      • chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
      • glipizide (Glucotrol)
      • tolbutamide (Orinase)
      • and others
    • Medications metabolized by the liver:
      • Liver Enzyme 2C9
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • diazepam (Valium),
        • zileuton (Zyflo)
        • celecoxib (Celebrex)
        • diclofenac (Voltaren)
        • fluvastatin (Lescol)
        • glipizide (Glucotrol)
        • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
        • irbesartan (Avapro)
        • losartan (Cozaar)
        • phenytoin (Dilantin)
        • piroxicam (Feldene)
        • tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
        • tolbutamide (Tolinase)
        • torsemide (Demadex)
        • warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
      • Liver Enzyme 1A2
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • haloperidol (Haldol)
        • ondansetron (Zofran)
        • propranolol (Inderal)
        • theophylline (Theo-Dur, others)
        • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, others)
        • and others
      • Liver Enzyme 3A4
        • lovastatin (Mevacor)
        • clarithromycin (Biaxin)
        • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
        • diltiazem (Cardizem)
        • estrogens
        • indinavir (Crixivan)
        • triazolam (Halcion), and many others.
      • Liver Enzyme 2D6
        • amitriptyline (Elavil)
        • clozapine (Clozaril)
        • codeine
        • desipramine (Norpramin)
        • donepezil (Aricept),
        • fentanyl (Duragesic)
        • flecainide (Tambocor)
        • fluoxetine (Prozac)
        • meperidine (Demerol)
        • methadone (Dolophine)
        • metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL)
        • olanzapine (Zyprexa),
        • ondansetron (Zofran)
        • tramadol (Ultram)
        • trazodone (Desyrel), and others.
      • P-glycoprotein Substrates
        • diltiazem (Cardizem)
        • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
        • digoxin (Lanoxin)
        • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)
        • saquinavir (Invirase)
        • amprenavir (Agenerase)
        • nelfinavir (Viracept)
        • loperamide (Imodium)
        • quinidine,
        • paclitaxel (Taxol)
        • vincristine, etoposide (VP16, VePesid)
        • cimetidine (Tagamet)
        • ranitidine (Zantac)
        • fexofenadine (Allegra)
        • ketoconazole (Nizoral)
        • itraconazole (Sporanox)
      • Antihypertensives
        • Thiazides
          • chlorothiazide (Diuril)
          • hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, Esidrix)
          • indapamide (Lozol
          • metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
          • chlorthalidone (Hygroton)
        • Calcium Channel Blockers
          • nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
          • verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan)
          • diltiazem (Cardizem)
          • isradipine (DynaCirc)
          • felodipine (Plendil)
          • amlodipine (Norvasc)
          • and others.
        • Potassium Sparing Diuretics
          • amiloride (Midamor)
          • spironolactone (Aldactone)
          • and triamterene (Dyrenium)
        • Other
          • Digoxin
          • Lithium
          • Propranolol
          • Rifampin
          • Theophylline
          • Furosemide (Lasix)
          • Cisplatin (Platinol-AQ)
          • Penicillamine
          • Phenytoin (Dilantin)

Is Zyplex FDA approved?

According to the official website, Zyplex is a male enhancement supplement that is so powerful, you once needed a prescription to get it.

is zyplex a drug

So, from that you would infer that at some point it was a drug, right?

Well, I did some research on the FDA’s Drug establishments registration site, which is where you can find legally registered drugs.

zyplex fdaOf course, I found no mention of Zyplex whatsoever.

no records for zyplex

A search on the regular FDA site turned up nothing either.

fda search

I even searched Drugs.com to see if there was any info on it being a drug, and I see no evidence supporting that claim.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/05/drugs dot com

What do Zyplex Reviews have to say?

If you’re looking for credible testimonials, I’m afraid you won’t find any.

I just spent the last 30 minutes pouring over dozens of websites, and absolutely no one has talked about it.

By that I am referring to actual, solid, verifiable user reviews that you can bank on being legitimate.

Sure, there are several sites that “say” they have “reviewed” it.

zyplex reviews

However, if you visit these sites about the only thing you’ll find is general info about the Zyplex pills.

In fact, the only credible review we found was on the website Highya.

A visitor to that site left a comment that really laid in to the fact that they are scamming people with their free trial (more on this below).

Unfortunately, he didn’t make any mention as to where or not Zyplex actually works, so we’re left in the dark.

The REAL Truth About Zyplex

So when you go to pick up your “free trial” of Zyplex, you’re led to a page that asks you to put in your credit card info.

“Why do they need my credit card info?”, you may ask?

Well, it’s to pay for the shipping, right?


According to them, shipping is only $4.95, and you should receive your free 30 day supply in just a few days.

What you likely missed because it’s buried at the bottom of the page in extremely fine print is the following:

By submitting, you connect to having read and agreed to out Terms and Conditions and after your 14 day trial period has expired, being enrolled in our membership program for $89.95 plus shipping per month. You can cancel anytime by calling (877) 375-2615.

So basically what this means is, if you don’t call to cancel your trial within 14 days of ordering, they’re going to charge your credit card almost $90.

I’ve seen this countless times, and I’m actually seeing a lot of sites that are literally exact replicas of the Zyplex site.

For example, here’s a snapshot of the Zyplex website.

zyplex website snapshot

Now, take a look at the website for ERX Pro (another male enhancement pill):

erx pro website snapshot

And then there’s the Anamax website.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2018/05/anamax

You can also check out the Testo max website, here’s a snapshot below:

testomax website snapshot

I even wrote a review of a product that had an identical site like this, called VRDHIGGRA.

vrdhhigra website

Ok, so it’s not exactly the same, but are you beginning to see a pattern here??

Be straight with me Rob, what’s going on here?

The B.S works like this.

  1.  They (and by they I mean some company located overseas) develop a product called TRT Pro (or whatever you want to call it).
  2. They slap a fancy label on it, and create a website like the one you see above.
  3. They start buying up ads on major porn sites like Xvideos, Porn Hub, and XNXX.
  4. All of these ads have a common theme….they all tell you they will give you increased penis size.
  5. They sucker 1,000’s of guys into thinking they will get a bigger penis from taking this supplement.
  6. They promise a “free trial” which to many sounds like “free sample”.  As you can see, this is not the case.
  7. Once they’ve scammed enough guys, they go back to the drawing board and come up with a completely different sounding product and repeat the process.

I can’t tell you how many guys have been scammed by free trials like this.

In fact, it’s so prevalent that I actually wrote a really good blog post on it, detailing exactly how it goes down.


Don’t waste your time with Zyplex.  Despite hours of research on my part, there’s no credible info on:

  • How it works
  • Customer testimonials
  • If the ingredients are dosed at the right ratios

Couple that with the fact that the only way to buy it is through their free trial program, and it’s clear to me that these pills are a scam.

This is a fly-by-night company that will stop at nothing to run up a HUGE amount of charges on your credit card without you even knowing it.

If you’re looking for some products that will REALLY give you an increase in size, then check out this post.

It details tried and true methods at helping to gain some serious size, and I’ve personally used these products with GREAT results.

If you’re seriously looking to gain size, then I would seriously recommend you do NOT use Zyplex.

Have You Used Zyplex?  Leave Your Review Below!



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Black Diamond Force Review

Is your sexual performance poor or just average? Well, here is the opportunity to surprise your lady with a drastic improvement in sex drive, rigid and long lasting erections as well as increased stamina for a more thrilling sexual intercourse experience. Unlike many of the male enhancement products in the market today, the Black Diamond Force male enhancement supplement that is precisely designed to counter such sexual limitations as small-sized erections, premature ejaculation ad limited sexual stamina in men. With this product, you will have your woman screaming “that is enough dear” every night. This may be attributed to the many benefits that the supplement has to offer, including:

  • Increases the size of your penis by some inches
  • Prevents premature ejaculations, allowing your to last long enough to satisfy your lady
  • Gives you enhanced focus, memory and concentration during sexual intercourse, hence giving you an improved sexual experience.
  • Increases body energy and boosts your libido, making you go on and on for hours
  • This product will allow you regain your dignity as the man of the house because you will be satisfying your lady every time you go to bed
  • Balances various sexual hormones in the body
  • It is all natural, hence does not lead to side effects
  • Gives you long lasting erections

In addition to all these benefits, the manufacturer of this product has backed it with a free trial sample. As such, you can test the product for its effectiveness risk-free.

What is the Black Diamond Force Supplement?

According to the many users across the world who have tried the Black Diamond Force supplement in the past, the product is fast in action with results being seen in less than 3 weeks. As such, you just need to use this product for a couple of weeks in order to achieve increased stamina, higher energy levels as well as have larger, more rigid and longer lasting erections foe an improved sexual experience. With such capabilities, this is definitely the product you need to regain your sexual confidence and have your partner respecting you once again because you are satisfying her sexual desires.

Additionally, you do not need any professional help to use this product; basically, it should be taken at a dosage of two capsules a day. Each of the Black Diamond Force capsule is packed with vital and highly functional ingredients to help you regain your sexual prowess. Some of the key functional ingredients used in this product include:

· Boron Extracts

· Wild Yam Extract

· Tongkat Ali

· Saw Palmet

· Nettle Extracts

· Ginseng Sources

· Orchic Substance

· Horny Goat Weed

· Maca Root Extracts

· Tribulus Terrestris

· L Arginine

· Gingko Biloba

As you can see, all the ingredients contained in this product are all-natural, having been extracted from tropical plants. As such this male enhancement supplement is safe for use by human beings and is not associated with any side effects. This aspect has been confirmed by the large number of positive user reviews posted by the various Black Diamond users on various platforms. According to such users, the product is among the most effective male enhancement products today, is easy to use, fast in action and does not cause any side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Although the product has been used by thousands of users, all of who are satisfied with its results, there are still some potential users who are worried about the product. In this regard, here are some of the questions that such users often pose about the product.

1. How Do You Take The Product?

For the best results, with regards to getting well shaped muscles and improve sexual drive, while using this product, it is advisable to adhere to the recommended prescription. Basically, the supplement can be adjusted with any meal course and the commonest prescription is 2 capsules of the supplement every day. The effectiveness of the capsules may also be enhanced by combining the intake of the supplement with an appropriate diet as well as workout exercises.

One of the two capsules should be takes about an hour prior to your workouts, along with a large quantity of water to help your remain hydrated throughout your workout. Taking it before workouts will give you more energy and allow you to perform the various exercises for a longer period.

2. Can You Buy the Product in Stores and where can You Buy It?

Although some users would love to buy the black diamond force male enhancement product from their local stores, this option is not yet available. However, you can buy the product online. This is not only easy, but also very convenient, according to the numerous users who have purchased the product in the past. To purchase your bottle of the supplement, you should navigate to the manufacturer website, were you can also request for a risk-free trial sample of the product. The product will be shopped to your doorstep in 2 to 3 days after making the purchase.

3. How much will it Cost You?

On average, a bottle of this supplest will cost you about £70.00, inclusive of VAT.

4. Is The Product Approved By The FDA?

Not only is the Black Diamond Force supplement backed by clinically tested and proven ingredients, but is also approved for use by the FDA. This guarantees its safety and effectiveness when used as a male enhancement supplement.

5. Who Is The Manufacturer?

This male supplement is manufactured by the Black Diamond Force Company, a reputable company that has been in this business since February 13, 1990. Being one of the most experienced supplement manufacturers in the industry today makes their supplements even more credible.

The black diamond force is among the leading male enhancement supplements you can get today. The product has been rated high by its users, most of who are satisfied with its effectiveness in increasing libido, energy levels, allowing for more rigid and longer lasting erections as well as increasing sex drive for men. The product is also backed by a series of studies to prove its effectiveness at what it does as well as a 10-day risk free trial period.

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