Dieters Cheating Caps Review – Our Conclusions

Dieters Cheating Caps Overview

Can you eat whatever you want and still lose weight?  The makers of Dieters Cheating Caps say you can cheat on your diet and lose weight anyway.  Their non-stimulant fat blocker/carb blocker/appetite suppressant allows you to eat freely without feeling guilty, and helps you lose the weight with no side effects.  Sounds good to us.  Let’s take a closer look.

dieters cheating caps reviewIngredients and How They Work

There are only 3 ingredients in Dieters Cheating Caps, 750 mg of each:

Glucomannan is a non-stimulant appetite suppressant.  It’s a fiber supplement that absorbs up to 200 times its weight in water.  This helps you feel full so you eat less.  You have to take it with lots of water to achieve the greatest effect.

Chitosan is a fat blocker.  Simply put, it’s a fiber that attaches itself to fat, so the fat doesn’t get metabolized and stored on your body.  Instead, the fat, attached to the chitosan, is eliminated as waste.  Chitosan has also been shown in tests to raise good cholesterol while lowering bad.

Phaseoulus Vulgaris is a carb blocker.  It’s extracted from the white kidney bean and has been shown to prevent the body from using starch and starch calories.  Instead starches are also eliminated as waste.

Dieters Cheating Caps Pros and Cons

Making a list of a products high and low points is a great way to help make a wise, well-informed purchasing decision.


  • Unlike the vast majority of weight loss supplements, Dieters Cheating Caps contain no stimulants.
  • The manufacturer claims that there are no side effects, and we found none cited in Dieters Cheating Caps reviews.
  • The website offers a money-back guarantee for one used and all unopened bottles.


  • Clinical studies have been done on the individual ingredients.  Even at much higher levels than what’s in this diet aid, they were found to be minimally effective at best.
  • Reviews are mostly lukewarm.  Most consumers say it did not meet their expectations.
  • Exaggerated claims like “eat whatever you want and lose weight” are misleading, and don’t speak well for the ethics of the manufacturer.

Where to Buy

Dieters Cheating Caps are only available online either at their official website or at Amazon.  Both charge $23.97 for a 90-count bottle (30-day supply).  The website also currently offers “buy 3 get 1” and “buy 4 get 2” specials.  The website offers a satisfaction guarantee.


No pill can allow you to eat whatever you want and still lose weight.  You have to wonder about a product that would make such a claim.  We would think that if a product really had something unique and valuable to offer, they wouldn’t need to make ridiculous promises.  The website has a link to clinical study references.  Trouble is, when you click on it, the page doesn’t exist.  Are they hiding something?  Maybe they think nobody will bother to look.

The ingredients are common in weight loss supplements, but none of them show any real effectiveness, especially at the levels found in this product.  No side effects is great, but in the end, if you don’t want to be disappointed or feel duped, we think you should skip Dieters Cheating Caps.

Have You Used Dieters Cheating Caps?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

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#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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Ephedrasil Hardcore Review – Hot or Hype?

Ephedrasil Hardcore Overview

Most weight loss and fat burning supplements contain stimulants.  They help suppress your appetite, they give you energy, and they even have some effectiveness when it comes to burning fat.  Ephedrasil Hardcore goes even further to include actual mood enhancing ingredients.  On it’s website, it claims to be “The Most Controversial Weight Loss Phenomenon.”  Despite its name, Ephedrasil Hardcore contains no ephedra or ephedrine alkaloids.  So just what is so controversial about this product?

ephedrasil hardcore reviewEphedrasil Hardcore Ingredients and How they Work

Ephedrasil Hardcore is advertised as having the best fat burning and mood enhancing ingredients on the market.  Let’s break it down.  For fat burning, there are green tea and caffeine to increase thermogenic activity, and chromium to help insulin metabolize glucose more effectively.  That’s about it.  The rest of the ingredients are stimulants and mood enhancers.  And the list is long:  Chocamine and Synephrine for energy, Vinpocetine for mental focus, St. John’s Wort, 5-HTP, Valerian Root, Magnolia Bark, Passion Flower, Phenylalanine, Glucuronolactone, all for mood elevation.  No wonder the number one reported effect of this supplement is the “natural high” it provides!

The recommended use is 1-3 capsules taken twice daily about 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.  That means a 120-count bottle should last anywhere between 20 days and 2 months depending on your dosage.

What People are Saying About Ephedrasil Hardcore

The website has plenty of glowing testimonials about the great weight loss results people have achieved with Ephedrasil Hardcore and how great it makes you feel.  Here’s one that pretty well sums up what they have to say:  “I have lost the 25 lbs I gained and walk around jacked high off life and everything around me, I’m never hungry and always in a great mood”.

But if you dig a little deeper and look at the weight loss forums, you’ll find a somewhat different story.  While there are a few positive reports, mainly centering on appetite suppression, most of the discussion is about Ephedrasil Hardcore side effects – dizziness, headaches, even fatigue.  By far the most common complaint is nausea, in some cases severe.

Ephedrasil Hardcore Pros and Cons


  • It contains green tea and chromium for fat burning.
  • It suppresses appetite.
  • It doesn’t contain ephedra or ephedrine alkaloids.


  • A significant number of Ephedrasil Hardcore reviews point out that side effects, especially nausea can be severe.
  • There are several different mood enhancing ingredients that may cause negative effects when combined.
  • It does not appear to be backed up by a company that manufactures anything else.
  • There is no company name or address on the website.  When you call the customer service number listed on the website, a recording says “Thank you for calling customer service”, but doesn’t mention a company name.
  • The 90-day guarantee applies to unopened bottles only, so you can’t return it after you’ve tried and decided you don’t like it.
  • It is expensive.

Where to Buy

Ephedrasil Hardcore is sold on its official website.  The price is listed as $137 per bottle, but it is actually sold at a “discount” for $79.  You can also find it on eBay and a few other online retailers for about the same price.


Ephedrasil Hardcore is iffy at best.  It is promoted as a weight loss supplement, but most of the buzz is about its mood enhancing claims.  Many users report negative side effects.  The website seems a little shady, and it doesn’t appear to be backed by an actual company with a name or address.  All of this before we even get to the ridiculous price.  There are so many other supplements with the same fat burning ingredients that sell for much less than this one.  Our recommendation – try one of those instead.

Have You You used Ephedrasil Hardcore?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate Review – Does It Work?


Lipo 6 Overview
Lipo 6 Ingredients
Lipo 6 Customer Reviews and Impressions
The Female Edition
Lipo 6 Pros and Cons
Lipo 6 Recommendation
User Reviews
Click Here
to jump to my personal results

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What is Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate?

Nutrex Research has been making and marketing fat burners for a long time, and they’ve got several different options.

The latest in the collection is called Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate.  Unlike slimming drops like Ecoslim, it is marketed as the “One-Pill-Only Fat Destroyer”. In fact, so strong that you should never take more than one pill at a time. 

This is an advantage over other supplements like Shred JYM where you have to take 2 or 3 pills at a time to see any results.  It’s so strong and concentrated that Nutrex specifically warns against taking more than 1 pill per serving or 2 servings in a day.

They say it helps you succeed in your weight loss efforts with advanced thermogenics, powerful appetite suppression, and intensely clean energy.  They call Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate the “intelligent fat destroyer” because its three-way system cleanses and reprograms receptor sites for better cell to cell communication.  By cleansing and reprogramming the receptors, the fat burning ingredients are better able to get to work burning the fat.

What Are The Lipo 6 Ingredients?

This product uses comparatively few ingredients in its formula, and they are primarily stimulants.

Caffeine – Of course, this is a stimulant but it also has a thermogenic effect. This means that caffeine results in both energy and fat burning.  The same can be said for the other active ingredients.

Theobromine – Closely related to caffeine and a major component in chocolate, this substance is a stimulant but achieves this differently than more other chemicals in that class. Instead of directly speeding up the central nervous system, like caffeine, theobromine relaxes muscle tissue and increases mental clarity. In fact, theobromine is largely responsible for the mood-enhancing effects of chocolate. This substance also has a slightly more complex chemical structure than caffeine, which means that it takes longer to clear your system and will exert it’s effects for a longer period. (1)

Synephrine – A fairly controversial supplement, this extract is take from the bitter orange and is sometimes called by that name. Synephrine is a powerful stimulant and is closely related to ephedrine, but it’s stimulatory effects are slightly less. (2)

Yohimbine – This extract from the yohimbe herb, which is generally used as a male aphrodisiac, is a fairly potent fat-burner. Unfortunately, it is often associated with anxiety and can have some severe interactions with prescription medication. It also seems like the metabolic benefits of yohimbine are undone by food so it is most effective when used during a fast.

Because it’s been frequently used as a aphrodisiac, you’ll find it in literally dozens of all natural male enhancement supplements such as Extenze, Zyrexin, and Libido Max.

Rauwolscine – Although it is very similar in structure and effect to yohimbine, very little is known about this molecule. It seems to produce the same benefits as yohimbine and may even be slightly more potent. Thanks to a lack of research, though, it’s hard to be sure about how much you should be taking or even its full impact on your body and metabolism.

You may also like to know that Lipo 6 Black was involved in a recent controversy and was forced it adopt a new formula when one of its ingredients, Methylhexaneamine, was banned by many sports organizations. The substance has also been linked to several deaths and severe reactions. Thankfully, it is no longer in Lipo 6 Black.

How Should I Take Lipo 6 Black?

The recommended dose is 1 pill before breakfast and another before lunch each day.  And you are strongly cautioned against exceeding this dosage.  At this rate, a 60-count bottle will last 30 days.  Nutrex also warns that you not take Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate for more than 2 months at a time, and that you should not consume other products containing caffeine while using it.

Because all of the above-noted ingredients are part of the “Ultra Concentrated Fat Destroying   Complex,” the label is silent regarding exactly how much of each ingredient is present in the product. While that is slightly worrying because I like to know exactly how much of what I am taking, it is a pretty common practice in the supplement industry.

Lipo 6 Black Reviews

A primary reason the “Ultra Concentrated Fat Destroying Complex” doesn’t completely turn me off of this product is because Nutrex is a very reputable company. This product, and all of it’s related supplements, has been in wide use for a very long time.

So, the secret blend can’t be anything dangerous.

User reviews are also generally positive on Lipo 6 Black. Of course, there are some customers who simply felt nothing but this is to be expected with any supplement.

There are also those that are actually fake, paid for by the company themselves or someone promoting the supplement.

For example, here’s a youtube review we found on Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate:

And then, here is the same woman promoting her services as a paid actor on a website called…

lipo 6 actress 2

Then, there are those who had severe negative side-effect, especially related to a pounding pulse and elevated blood pressure. As a general rule, if you are have a heart condition you should not be taking any supplement that contains stimulants without the input of your doctor.

Those – slightly predictable – complaints about Lipo 6 aside, it seems like a pretty solid product. Many users state that although their energy level and performance at the gym improved greatly, they experienced no jitters.

When considering these reports, it’s extremely important to pay close attention to the manufacturers own comments on the product. As mentioned at the outset, Nutrex emphasizes extreme caution when using Lipo 6 Black. When compared to the other supplements in this line, it’s even explained that Lipo 6 Black is intended for “Extremely Advanced” uses.

If you’re looking for a fat burner but not sure how you might reaction to this type of supplement, it’s better to start with the base Lipo 6 formula.

The Female Edition

Although Nutrex states that Lipo 6 Black is a “unisex” supplement, they also produce a “Hers” formula. Frankly, I’m a little confused by this. The only difference I see between the two formulas is that the Hers product contains vitamin B12 and folic acid.

I am also surprised that this version of Lipo 6 Black still contains yohimbine, which is not generally recommended for women. Of course, because it is part of the secret blend, it’s possible that there is less yohimbine in this blend than in the standard version.

Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate Pros and Cons

As with most purchases, taking a look at both the upsides and downsides of this product can help you make the best decision.


  • Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate reviews suggest that it works well as an appetite suppressant.
  • The 1-pill serving size makes this a convenient alternative to supplements that require you to take 2 to 3 pills at a time.
  • It’s widely available both online and in stores.
  • If you look around, you can buy it for a fairly reasonable price.
  • Most users report that it increases energy.


  • Several reviews point out unwanted side effects like jitters, headache and nausea.
  • The manufacturer does not advertise a money-back guarantee on their products.

My Personal Results

lipo 6 black reviewI packed on a few pounds this past winter, and have been juggling around using a fat burner to help me get rid of that spare tire.

At first I was a bit hesitant to use Lipo 6 Black.

It’s got a TON of stimulants in it, and I’m usually pretty sensitive to stimulants.

In any case, I needed to lose about 10 lbs. and was willing to take the risk.

Because I’m a chicken shit, I decided to just take 1 pill on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Based on the label, 1 pill contains about 70 mg of caffeine and 1.4 mg of yohimbe, which is a pretty powerful stimulant combo.

I could start to feel the effects kick in after about 30 minutes, and I would say that the peak was reached after about 2 hours.

One thing I did notice was that it seemed to last a REALLY long time.

Like 5 hours or so.

I’m not sure if this is typical, but that’s what happened with me.

Day 2 I decided to take a full dose and took 3 capsules, again first thing in the morning.

Bad idea.

It kicked in alright, but after about an hour I started sweating, felt a bit anxious, and just had an overall sense of uneasiness.

Instead of my usual mid-afternoon workout, I decided to see if I could “work out” the anxiety by hitting the gym earlier that day.

What followed was probably one of the most intense workouts I think I’ve ever had.

However, I had a pretty serious crash at the end of the day from Lipo 6 Black Ultra concentrate.

I decided to continue taking it for another couple of weeks, and for me it seems like the effects started to even themselves out.

I wasn’t getting that racing heartbeat, or jitters, from it, and was pleasantly surprised to see I had knocked off about 6 pounds over a 2 week period.

Where to Buy

If you decide to buy Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate, you have a lot of options.  You can buy it directly from the Nutrex website at $44.95 for a 60-count bottle.  They are currently running a special where you buy 2 bottles and get 1 free.  If you look around the internet, you can find it at several online stores like Amazon for a little more than half that price.  If you prefer to buy it off the shelf, you can do that too at stores like GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe.  You’ll pay around $40 a bottle if you choose this route.

The cheapest option I found was $20 for a month’s supply.

Related Article:  14 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart


It is promoted, of course, by its manufacturer and resellers as the latest and greatest scientific advancement in fat burning.  While these claims may be somewhat exaggerated, there are plenty of happy customers using Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate for weight loss and energy enhancement.

I happen to be one of them, although I wasn’t a big fan of the side effects.

With no guarantee, you might be hesitant to try it.  But on the other hand, if you buy it online and don’t like it, you’re only out $25 or so.  If you’re looking for appetite suppression, and you don’t suffer side effects with caffeine and other stimulants, then we think you might want to give it a try.

However, I would strongly recommend that you take the manufacturers warnings seriously – they are not just hype used to make the supplement seem “extreme.” Just glancing at this formula, even without knowing the exact dosages used, it’s obvious to me that Lipo 6 Black is a very powerful supplement. The ingredients found in this bottle are all very effect stimulants, some of which are not very well-understood. This product is best suited for users who have experience with stimulants and need help cutting those last stubborn pounds.

For beginners or people looking for long-term help, I would suggest testing your tolerance with Lipo 6 before graduating to the more potent formulas. And I cannot emphasize strongly enough to need to be sure that you do not have any cardiovascular conditions before taking Lipo 6 Black. This supplement will most definitely work, but it’s important for you to be prepared for the full impact of its use.

Have You Used Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Liporexall Review – Is It For You?

Liporexall Overview

There are so many fat burning and weight loss supplements on the market today.  If one is going to get noticed and rise above the rest, it has to be something pretty special.  It needs to contain proven, exciting ingredients at effective levels. Very few products attain this level of success, but many claim to.  Liporexall does indeed make some pretty impressive claims. In addition to reducing your appetite, boosting your metabolism, and increasing your energy levels, Liporexall claims that it blocks 28.3% of fat calories, builds 700% more lean muscle, and increases weight loss by a whopping 900%! Not only that, it also claims that your weight loss will be permanent.

Lots of fat burners make bold claims.  That doesn’t necessarily mean they will or won’t work, so does Liporexall work?  Let’s have a look.

Liporexall reviewLiporexall Ingredients and How They Work

Liporexall does indeed boast an impressive list of ingredients.  It’s got a total of 10 patented or patent pending ingredients to put weight loss efforts into overdrive.  Here are a few of the more exciting ones.

NeOpuntia is an all-natural fat blocking fiber.  It binds with the fat so it doesn’t get digested and stored.  Instead, it is eliminated as waste.  Clinical tests show that fat absorption decreased by an average of 27%.

ForsLean is a stimulant free fat burner that works by increasing thyroid hormone production and release.  In clinical trials, subjects taking ForsLean lost 9 times as much body fat as the placebo group.

7-Keto is a substance naturally found in the body that decreases with age. It supports healthy weight loss by activating thermogenic enzymes and increasing metabolism (even while dieting).  The most exciting thing discovered in the trials is that 80% of the weight lost was body fat.

There are other ingredients as well, including caffeine for energy and Phase2 for blocking carbs.  If you look at the ingredients list as a whole, you could get pretty excited about Liporexall.  The trouble is that these ingredients have to be present at effective levels in order to deliver what they promise.  Each serving of Liporexall contains a total of 460.5 milligrams of 10 different ingredients.  The study on NeOpuntia used a 1600 mg dose to achieve its results.  The ForsLean study participants were given 500 mg.  In other words, it’s impossible for the ingredients in Liporexall to be present at the levels that were studied because there are only 460.5 mgs in the entire pill.

Liporexall Pros and Cons


  • Liporexall contains clinically tested ingredients to improve weight loss results on many levels.
  • It is backed by a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with the results, you can return unopened bottles for a full refund.
  • It’s available through several online resellers.


  • The proven ingredients may not be present at levels required to be effective.
  • Some Liporexall reviews report negative side effects, especially headaches.  There have also been several reports of knee pain.
  • At $50 for a 30-day supply, it’s on the expensive side.

Where to Buy

Liporexall is available through its website and several other online retailers, like Amazon, for $49.95 per bottle.  The website has some bulk order deals as well, which will save you money if you choose to order multiple bottles at a time.  The cheapest place we found to order a single bottle is eBay, for $38.


Liporexall seems promising.  The claims are bold.  The reviews are mixed.  Some users have seen great results, while others have been disappointed.  Reports of side effects have been pretty minimal, so this is probably a relatively safe product.  The money-back guarantee on unopened bottles, means that if you want to give it a try, you will have to be prepared to risk your initial investment.  If you’re willing, and you look beyond the hype, we think it’s possible that you may find Liporexall to be a product that helps you reach your weight loss goals.

Have You Used Liporexall?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Lipovox Hardcore Detox Review – Gone for Good?

Lipovox Hardcore Detox Overview

Many dieters trying to lose weight are looking for something that will give them a little extra help.  So they look to fat burning and weight loss supplements.  With so many choices available on the market, we look for one that distinguishes itself from the pack.  Lipovox Hardcore Detox does that.  It claims not only to help melt away extra pounds, but also improve the condition of your skin by diminishing wrinkles and clearing up acne.

Apparently, these claims may have gone to far, as Lipovox and the company behind it are currently off the market pending a lawsuit for making false and unsubstantiated claims.  Their website has been taken down, and almost all distributors have stopped selling it.  Lipovox Hardcore Detox can still be purchased on eBay, so we’ll examine the product and let you decide.

lipovox hardcore detox reviewLipovox Hardcore Detox Ingredients and How they Work

Lipovox Hardcore Detox claims to be comprised of 10 patented ingredients for weight loss and 10 superfoods for detoxification.  Lipovox’s creators came up with the idea of using superfoods for weight loss while watching the Oprah Winfrey show, where she and a doctor discussed the weight loss benefits of eating a diet filled with lots of superfoods.  Since eating all the necessary nutrients in food form each day would be cumbersome, the makers of Lipovox Hardcore Detox decided to put them in the form of a weight loss supplement.

Some of the ingredients are cayenne pepper to increase metabolism, green tea for its antioxidant and thermogenic benefits, super citrimax for appetite suppression, and psyllium husk to help digestion.

Lipovox Hardcore Detox Pros and Cons


  • In addition to weight loss, it has some detoxifying ingredients.
  • Some Lipovox reviews report positive results from users looking to  clear up acne and/or lose weight.


  • Many customers have encountered difficulties when trying to return the product for a refund.
  • The company has an “F” rating from the Better Business Bureau for having to many complaints regarding poor product quality and customer service.
  • The company is currently not selling Lipovox Hardcore Detox, and their website has been taken down due to an ongoing class action lawsuit regarding making false claims about its product.
  • Many reviewers report no results and negative side effects such as stomach cramps, vomiting, and even weight gain.

Where to Buy Lipovox Hardcore Detox

Since their website has been taken down, the only place we could find to order Lipovox was eBay, where it sells for $48.45 plus $6.00 for shipping.  Every other retailer and distributor has taken the product off their site.


We have a lot of choices when it comes to fat burning supplements.  Given the legal and ethical uncertainty surrounding Lipovox Hardcore Detox, we recommend choosing something else.

Have You Used Lipovox Hardcore Detox?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

MHP Dren Review – Should Your Try It?

MHP Dren Overview

When we look into fat burning supplements, in most cases, we’re looking at stimulants.  This is because stimulants provide two things we’re looking for – energy and thermogenics.  While they all have different formulas, they pretty much work the same way.  There are some exceptions, however.  MHP Dren starts with the typical stimulant ingredients, but adds a totally new, patent pending compound called Drenbuterol to the mix.  It promises to deliver not only extremely powerful fat burning activity, but an equally powerful “feel good” sensation as well.

mhp dren reviewMHP Dren Ingredients and How They Work

Drenbuterol starts with caffeine, yohimbine, and 5-HTP, all common ingredients in fat burners.  Caffeine provides energy and some thermogenic enhancement.  Yohimbine does the same, although with less certainty and possible side effects.  5-HTP encourages serotonin production for appetite suppression.

The last ingredient in the formula is what makes MHP Dren stand out from the pack – Beta Methoxyphenylethylamine (aka Beta-Methoxy PEA).  Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found naturally in chocolate, and is a “feel good” chemical that also may have fat burning properties similar to ephedrine.  According to MHP, the reason PEA hasn’t been effective in other supplements is that it has a very short half-life, so it couldn’t stay in your system long enough to have any significant effect on mood or weight loss.

MHP Dren solves that problem with Beta-Methoxy PEA, which it claims resists being metabolized and therefore stays in your system where it can be effective.

This could be exciting new science, but to date, it hasn’t been clinically tested for effectiveness or safety.  So we’re left having to rely on anecdotal evidence from reviews.  While some people claim to have had a good deal of success with MHP Dren, others strongly caution us to stay away.

MHP recommendeds that you take 1 pill a day, before a workout, or in the morning on days you don’t work out.  The bottle lasts for a 30-day cycle.

MHP Dren Pros and Cons


  • You only need to take 1 pill a day.
  • It could be a cutting-edge, breakthrough formula.
  • All MHP supplements come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
  • It is reasonably priced and widely available.


  • The breakthrough ingredient (Beta-Methoxy PEA) hasn’t been clinically tested for safety or effectivess.
  • Very few users report experiencing the “extreme feel good” euphoria that MHP Dren claims to provide.
  • Many MHP Dren reviews cite severe side effects, in some cases requiring trips to the hospital.

Where to Buy

If you want to try MHP Dren, you have plenty of options.  The MHP website sells it at $39.99 for a month’s supply, but you can find it much cheaper at other online retailers like or Amazon where we’ve seen it for as low as $17.  If you prefer, you can also buy it off the shelf at GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe.


While the new special ingredient in MHP Dren may be cutting edge, it may also be ineffective or worse – unsafe.  No clinical testing has been done, and the formula hasn’t been used long enough, or  by enough people, to really know.  Some people have had success, but more than a few have had serious and severe side effects.  This product needs to be clinically tested.  Maybe the new technology will become the next greatest thing, but it seems like it still needs a little work.  We recommend that you wait on this one.

Have You Used MHP Dren?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Mitotropin Review – Gone But Not Forgotten

Mitotropin Overview

There are fat burning supplements designed for everyone, then there are serious fat burning supplements for bodybuilders looking to be at their peak performance and physique.  Mitotropin from Gaspari Nutrition is definitely a serious supplement.

Designed for bodybuilders preparing for a competition, Mitotropin comes with a 52 page manual laying out a strategy to “take your physique to the next level.”  It promises to deliver “total reconfiguration of your body’s composition in a single box.”

Unfortunately, Gaspari seems to be doing a little housecleaning.  They discontinued this and another of their fat burners (Cytolean V2) and replaced them with new formulas (Spirodex and Phenorex).  Since Mitotropin is still available from some online resellers, we’ll go ahead and take a look.

mitotropin reviewMitotropin Ingredients and How They Work

Most fat burners primarily use stimulants for energy and thermogenics.  They each add their own touches, but for the most part, they all work the same way.  Don’t get me wrong, there are stimulants in Mitotropin, but they also use 3 proprietary complexes to get the job done.

The Mitotropin Uncoupling Complex – a blend of ingredients (l-carnitine, fucoxanthin, capsicum extract) that get mitochondria moving and put them into overdrive so they can ignite energy for physical activity and performance.

The Thermophoric Lypolytic Acceleration Blend – This is where the stimulants (green tea , synephrine, caffeine) and the mood enhancers (phenylethylamine, huperzine-a, l-tyrosine) get to work.

The Free Radical Attenuation Matrix – a blend of antioxidants to further increase thermogenics.

Mitotropin also comes with Peak Condition Capsules that you take at the end of your cycle to put the finishing touches on your new physique.  It’s basically a diuretic that gets rid of water weight so you can be at your absolute peak on the day of your competition.

Pros and Cons


  • Mitotropin takes a broader approach to fat burning than is typically found on the market.
  • Reviewers have mainly positive things to say, and consistently state that they could really feel the thermogenic burn.
  • It’s made by Gaspari Nutrition, a long-time well-respected supplement maker.


  • It’s not currently being made.  The product information can still be found on the Gaspari website, but it states that this product is not currently available.
  • Some Mitotropin reviews discuss side effects like jitters, nausea, headaches, and frequent urination.

Where to Buy

As previously stated, it can’t be purchased at the Gaspari website anymore, but at this time, you can still buy Mitotropin on eBay and a few other online resellers, like Maxxnutrition, for around $45.00.

I would say that Maxxnutrition is probably the best bet because of the online retailers that are currently selling Mitotropin, they are the ones that I am most familiar with for having a good track record.


Gaspari Nutrition makes good supplements that fitness enthusiasts trust. Seems like Mitotropin was one of them, and by following the nutrition and training guide, we’re sure you’d see results.  So we have to wonder why it was discontinued.  Was there a problem, or did they just decide to revamp and repackage the formula?  We didn’t, however, find anything that would lead us to believe there is a problem.  If you have a competition or maybe even just a social event coming up, and you can still find it, we would recommend it.

Have You Used Mitotropin?  Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Phentirimine Review – Waste of Money?

Phentirimine Overview

With so many people struggling with weight issues, there are bound to be companies that are willing to take advantage of people in their desperation.  With that said, let’s talk about Phentirimine.  Phentirimine is an appetite suppressant designed to be used in conjunction with an overall healthy diet plan to help you lose weight.

The name is very similar to the popular prescription appetite suppressant, Phentermine.   So similar, in fact, that a google search for information on Phentirimine will give you some sites that refer instead to Phentermine.   We don’t think this is an accident.  According to its website, with Phentirimine, you will lose weight without embarrassing doctor visits or the need for a prescription.

phentirimine reviewPhentirimine Ingredients and How They Work

This section of our review will be very short.  Phentirimine doesn’t list any ingredients on its website, so we have no information on this subject.  They don’t talk about how it works at all, so we really just don’t know.

The recommended dose is 1 pill in the morning before breakfast, and another in the mid-afternoon, each taken with a glass of water.

Pros and Cons

A great way to make an informed decision about a purchase is to list the pros and cons side by side.  In this case, we think this exercise will prove quite useful.


  • None that we could find.


  • Phentirime is available only on its own website.  This should always raise a red flag. A reputable manufacturer with a good product will want to and be able to expand to other resellers.
  • They don’t list, refer to, or explain any ingredients.
  • They don’t list possible side effects.  They simply state that if you experience any, you should contact your doctor.
  • They explicitly offer no refunds. “All sales are final, there are absolutely no refunds on purchases”.  Not a good sign.
  • The website has much more information about billing policies and all the ways they will charge you for cancellations and address changes than about the actual product and how it works.
  • The website boasts that they follow the FDA’s GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines.  The reality is that since 2010, all supplement manufacturers are required to do this.
  • There are no Phentirimine reviews from actual customers who have used it.

Where to Buy Phentirimine

If you’re still not convinced, and you want to buy Phentirimine, you can only purchase it through their website.  They have a few different price points, depending on how many bottles you buy at a time.  One 120-count bottle goes for $59.  Be careful buying multiple bottles.  There is no return policy, so you are stuck with what you order.  They also have an auto-ship program.  But beware of this as well.  If you cancel, they will charge you the difference between what you paid and the full price of a all bottles.


With no ingredients, no customer testimonials, and no guarantee, we simply see no reason to waste your money on Phentirimine.

Have You Used Phentirimine?  Leave Your Review Below!


Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Xylestril Review – Too Good To Be True?

Xylestril Overview

Xylestril is an all-natural fat burning supplement designed specifically for women.  And it makes some pretty bold claims. It will help you lose 8 to 12 pounds a week.  Your acne will disappear.  Your breasts will grow larger and firmer.  And finally, your sexual pleasure and desire will increase.  Wow!  Now that’s a list of claims!  Unfortunately, they may have exaggerated a bit too much, because Xylestril is no longer available anywhere.

xylestril reviewProduct Description

Xylestril contains a number of ingredients, some targeted at achieving their claims, and some not.

  • Green tea has a thermogenic effect to promote weight loss, and contains antioxidants for better skin.
  • Chocomine is an antioxidant found in chocolate.
  • Kelp helps burn fat with a thermogenic effect.
  • Soy isoflavones, wild yam, and don quai  mimic estrogen, and therefore balance a woman’s hormones to help ease menopausal and menstrual symptoms (another Zylestril claim).
  • Damiana and avena sativa are said to have a positive effect on libido.

These ingredients can be mildly effective, but they need to be in large enough doses to achieve even minimal results.  The amounts of each in the product are not known, and no clinical studies have been done on the actual Xylestril formula.  None of the ingredients listed have any known breast enhancement effect.

The recommended dose is 1 pill 3 times per day –  one before breakfast, one before lunch, and one before a workout.

Xylestril Side Effects

  • Some women have reported nausea and fatique while taking Xylestril.

Where to Buy Xylestril

At present, Xylestril seems to be off the market.  This may be temporary, or it may be permanent.  We conducted a thorough search for information on why the product has disappeared, but were unable to find anything.  Ebay and Amazon don’t carry it.  The website has been reduced to simple a homepage that says little more than “Xylestril is out of stock”.  They go on to recommend, and link to, another product.


A few weight loss supplements that make unrealistic claims have been sued and forced to stop selling their product.  This tends to happen with companies that are hard for the average consumer to track down when they are dissatisfied.  They are only available online at their official website and maybe eBay.  They only sell one product on their website.  They don’t back their promises up with guarantees, and when dissatisfied customers want to return the product, these companies become impossible to reach.

We found no indication of a pending lawsuit, but when a company all but shuts down and leaves no trace, we don’t think that’s a company you want to trust with your health or money.  Xylestril’s claims are outrageous.  If you’re looking to lose weight, choose a fat burner that helps you achieve that goal.

Have You Used Xylestril?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Yohimbe Bark Extract Benefits, Side Effects, and Uses in ED

Yohimbe has to be one of the most controversial substances that we have come across throughout our research.  It is revered by some as a miracle substance, hailed by others as the solution to their erectile dysfunction issues, and labeled by some as a very dangerous substance.  But what is it about this ingredient in so many products that makes it so controversial?  We will look into the various aspects concerning yohimbe bark extract, including potential benefits, side effects, and its use an an ed treatment.

yohimbe bark originWhat is Yohimbe Bark Extract?

Native to the indigenous forests of western Africa, Yohimbe has been used for centuries as an all natural aphrodisiac.  It is actually one of the only substances, other than prescription type medications, that has been proven in clinical studies to help treat male impotence.  Their are actually formulations of the extract available as a prescription, which you can obtain from you local physician.  It can also be found in numerous over the counter supplements as well, including mojo magnum.

How Much Yohimbe Should I Take?

Their are various dosages that you can take Yohimbe in, and this can be quite an issue for men trying it for the first time.  Take too much of the substance, and you can experience some very serious side effects, which we will discuss below.  However, if you take too little of it, it can essentially produce no result at all.  Generally speaking, the amount of Yohimbe you should consume depends on a lot of physiological factors, including age, weight, general health, and reaction to stimulants.

Can Women Use Yohimbe?

While it is more common for men to ingest yohimbe extract, it can also be used in women as well, since it acts on the human body much in the same way.  Essentially, it acts to increase blood flow to the penis, or vagina, and helps to stimulate the nerve endings to actively promote sensual feelings.  We have conducted a few trials on the effects of yohimbe on women, and noticed that it does create more intense orgasms, as well as increased sensitivity in the clitoral region.

Despite the fact that Yohimbe has practically the same effect  on women, most companies do not advertise that fact.

The Primary Benefits of Yohimbe

There are a wide variety of other benefits of using Yohimbe in addition to treating erectile dysfunction.  These benefits include:

  • Increased Weight Loss – Since Yohimbe is a stimulant, many users have reported significant weight loss over a period of time.
  • Increased Energy – Used in Various Fat Burning Supplements
  • Acts as an Antioxidant – There is some evidence to suggest this is true, but results are not conclusive.
Probably the most advertised and used benefit to Yohimbe , other than ED, is as a fat loss substance.  Their are numerous companies that sell products that contain yohimbe in them, including Hydroxystim, which contains a whopping 40 mg of the substance.  Just for comparison purposes, a normal capsule of yohimbe sold over the counter contains about 20 mg, so 40 mg can be quite high.

The Dangers of Yohimbe Bark Extract

Doesn’t it always seem that when you finally find something that works, it usually ends up being bad for you?  Well, this is generally the case with Yohimbe, which has been on the fence of being banned as a substance in the US.  Don’t let the above benefits fool you, there are numerous disadvantages to using Yohimbe, and they include:

  • Panic Attacks
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Rapid Heart Rate
  • Over Stimulation
  • Hallucinations
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Skin Flushing
  • Seizures
  • Renal Failure

yohimbe side effects infographic

As you can see, the list of side effects in Yohimbe is long and distinguished, and can happen in practically any individual.  As a matter of fact the use of Yohimbe is banned in several countries including Australia and Canada.  For some guys, it may feel as though it is totally fine to take the risk, but unless you have been exposed to the substance before, you could be taking a very big gamble.


If you have been considering using Yohimbe, or products that contain it, you should exercise extreme caution.  The side effects can easily outweigh the benefits of the substance, and can lead to some very unintended consequences.  If you do decide to try it, we recommend that you start with the smallest possible dosage, and see how your body responds to it.  We do recommend against the use of it, however, and believe you should stick with our top picks for male enhancement, for a safe, all natural experience.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Alpha T2 Review – Should You Try It?

Alpha T2 Overview

If you look into the fat burning supplement market, most of what you’ll find is stimulant based formulas.  This makes sense because caffeine and other stimulants have been shown to increase metabolism and help you burn fat.  But stimulants come with side effects like jitters and anxiety.

If you want to avoid those, there is an alternative.  PES (Physique Enhancing Science) has created Alpha T2, Targeted Fat Destroyer.  Amazingly, it is a fat burner that doesn’t contain caffeine.  PES set out to create a product with just a few ingredients in the proper doses to achieve great results without the side effects you get from most effective fat burners.

Alpha T2 ReviewAlpha T2 Ingredients and How They Work

There are three main fat burning ingredients in Alpha T2.

  1. Rauwolscine HCI is a clean stimulant that blocks fat storing mechanisms where they lurk. Anecdotal evidence has shown rauwolscine to be effective at shrinking love handles.
  2. Higenamine is a beta-agonist like ephedrine and clenbuterol, but without the side effects.  In fact, while other beta-agonists increase blood pressure, higenamine slightly lowers it.  It also works to preserve muscle while losing body fat.
  3. T2 is a non-stimulant that increases metabolism and thermogenesis

PES claims on its website and in its forum that people who take Alpha T2 report a clean energy feeling coupled with a strong thermogenic effect.  They feel the increased heat and energy, but without the jitters and crash associated with traditional stimulant based fat burners.  Additionally, because it doesn’t contain caffeine, Alpha T2 can be stacked with other stimulant-based supplements if you want to add the rush you get from those products.


Start with 1 capsule twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water.  Try not to eat for 30 minutes after taking to allow for full absorption.  If necessary, you can up your morning dose to 2 capsules and continue the second dose at 1 capsule 6 to 8 hours later.  Do not exceed 3 capsules per day.  Use for 8 weeks, then stop using for 4 to ensure continued effectiveness.

Pros and Cons

As with anything you put into your body, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this product.


  • Alpha T2 contains no caffeine so those with caffeine sensitivities can take it without worry.
  • It is versatile in that it can be stacked with other supplements to create the program that works best for you.  If you like the feeling you get with stimulants, you can add them to your program.  If you don’t, you can use Alpha T2 alone.
  • Positive reviews can be found all over the major bodybuilding forums.


  • Success with this product is anecdotal as it has not been studied in clinical trials.
  • Since most users seem to stack it with other ingredients, it’s hard to isolate the effectiveness of Alpha T2 on its own.
  • Alpha T2 does not come with a money back guarantee.  In fact, there is no way to contact PES other than email.

Where to Buy Alpha T2

PES sells a 90-count bottle (4 to 6 week supply) it on its website for $49.99.  But you can get it much cheaper if you look around.  Amazon has it listed as low as $19.99.  Other online store prices range anywhere from $22.99 to $62.99.  With this kind of range, it is definitely worth shopping around for your best price.

If you want a fat burner that doesn’t keep you awake all night, make you dizzy, or give you headaches, Alpha T2 has ingredients that fit the bill.  The reviews are mostly positive and there has been little to no report of side effects.  That’s the good news.  On the other hand, buying a product with no money-back guarantee from a company that doesn’t publish their phone number might not be a smart financial move.  But if you’ve got the money to spend, fat burning success could be what you get with Alpha T2.

Have You Used Alpha T2?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Top 3 Fat Burning Supplements

What Fat Burning / Weight Loss Supplements Are Most Effective?

We here at strive to give you the most informative and unbiased reviews possible on a wide range of topics.  Recently, we have started testing a number of different fat burning and weight loss supplements for their effectiveness, and decided to start rating them.  Below you will find our top 3 choices for fat burning supplements.  We have personally tested these for their results, and unlike many of our competitors, we provide proof that we actually buy these products and test them.

We also make recommendations on the size of the order you should get, as well as what other reviewers are saying about these products.  These products were chosen on the basis of reliability, effectiveness, results, lack of side effects, and price point.

Hopefully, this breakdown of choices will help you in understanding which fat burners are worth their salt and how best to take them.

Our #1 Choice For Fat Burning – Instant Knockout

instant knockout reviewClick Here To Visit The Official Instant Knockout site

Click Here To Read Our Official Review

Instant Knockout is actually a relatively new fat burner to come to the market, and we actually had a chance to test it out before it was released to the public.  If you haven’t heard of this supplement already, you probably will soon.  It’s been highly praised on numerous other blogs / reviews, and I can see why.

During my official testing, I actually lost about 12 lbs. of fat, all while retaining (and even building) lean muscle mass.

Instant Knockout is made up of a proprietary formula which includes numerous fat burning ingredients, most notably Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee bean extract, and cayenne pepper.

The formula is further enhanced by a blend of antioxidants and nutrients, which include Vitamins B6 and B12, Zinc, Glucomannan powder, Caffeine, Black pepper extract, and GTF chromium.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

instant knockout label

Unlike alot of other supplements in the weight loss category, it’s priced very reasonably, at about $59 per bottle.  You can actually save big if you order larger quantities, which I suggest you do anyway to take advantage of their 90 day money back guarantee, as well as a free t-shirt offer. 

So What’s So Great About Instant Knockout?

Well, over the summer I had gained about 7 or 8 lbs., and was looking for something to not only help boost my energy levels, but also burn off that excess fat.  When I first started taking it, I knew it was going to be a game changer.  The energy I got from just 2 capsules was through the roof, and as a result, my workouts were much more explosive and intense.

I started to see results in literally the first week, knocking off about 2 or 3 lbs without sacrificing muscle.  Not only that, but I wasn’t ridiculously tired after my workouts, and it seemed to provide lasting energy throughout the day.

I also felt like it acted a bit like a nootropic supplement as well, giving me mental as well as physical energy.  I was getting tasks done at a record pace, and can never remember feeling this good before.

As far as fat burning supplements go, this one is certainly well rounded and that is one of the reasons that it made this list.

Click Here To Learn More About Instant Knockout in my personal review.

Our #2 Choice For Fat Burners – LeanBean Female Fat Burner

leanbean fat burner reviewClick Here To Visit The Official LeanBean Website

Click Here To Read My Full Review

For a long time, I completed neglected the fact that I have a substantial portion of women that visit this site.

Most (if not ALL) of the fat burners that I’ve personally tested are geared mainly towards guys, but then it hit me…

There HAS to be something that’s specifically helpful for women and their weigh loss challenges.

So I started doing some research and finally stumbled upon Lean Bean female fat burner.

Lean Bean isn’t your typical fat burner.

Instead of just loading up a bunch of stimulants and slapping a fancy label on the front of the package, Lean Bean works both as a fat burner AND a potent appetite suppressant.

This is key, as diet is 80% or more responsible for your hitting your weight loss goals.

Their caffeine-free formula is vegan friendly, and consists of health all natural ingredients that include:  Chromium, Green Coffe bean extract, Acai berry, Greeen tea extract, Turmeric powder, Glucomannan, Garcinia Cambogia, Cayenne Pepper, Black pepper, and Rasberry Ketones.

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

leanbean fat burner ingredients label

We received a 3 months supply from the makers of this supplement, and went to work testing it out almost immediately.

The effects were ENORMOUS, to say the least.

Click Here to read our full review to learn more.

 Our #3 Choice for Fat Burning – Pruvit Keto OS

Keto OS reviewsClick Here To Visit The Official Keto OS website

Click Here to Read My Full Review

Coming in at #3, but by no means inferior, is Pruvit’s Keto-OS, which biohacks your body into ketosis within 30 minutes to become a fat burning machine for up to 24 hours.

If you’re not familiar with ketosis or the ketogenic diet, it’s when your body switches from burning carbs (glucose) to FAT!

Getting into nutritional ketosis is very difficult and often takes weeks to get there by following a strict diet with extremely low carbs. The beauty of Keto-OS is that by flooding the body with exogeneous ketones, you can quickly get into ketosis without changing your diet and start to shed body fat quickly and lean out.

Keto OS and Keto Max comes in a variety of flavors. The fan favorites are the Keto Max Raspberry Lemonade, Heart Tart, Orange Dream and Swiss Cacao. Keto OS is a powder you mix with water and drink up to twice daily for maximum benefits, and it actually tastes great! The Keto Max Maui Punch tastes like Hawaiian punch!

Over the past year both my wife and sister-in-law have used Keto OS and both have had impressive results. My wife lost 20 lbs on Keto Max over two years ago, feels amazing and has kept it off!  I was pretty blown away with her quick results!keto weight loss

She continues to drink it because she also loves the energy, the mental focus and the anti-inflammatory benefits. It also suppresses the appetite so it makes it easier to eat healthy as well as curbs carb cravings.

Keto OS comes in a “Charged” formula with caffeine (about as much as a cup of coffee) and a Caffeine free version. If you like the option of a drink vs. a pill, Keto OS may be just what you’re looking for to take your fat burning to the next level.

Be sure and check out our full review complete with before and after pictures with our personal trials.

Read our Full Review of Keto OS Here

Prelox Review – Is Prelox Effective?

Prelox Overview

Prelox is an all-natural supplement created to help men regain youthful sexual vitality.  The makers of this male enhancement pill claim it restores sexual confidence and improves performance by repairing damaged blood vessels in the pelvic region, allowing blood to circulate more freely.  It promises to ease sexual dysfunction and allow you to be more passionate and spontaneous.  The big question, though, is does Prelox really work?

How Prelox Works and its Ingredients

PreloxSwiss manufacturer Horphag Research provides a modern website to supply you with information you need before choosing a male enhancement supplement.  Here you’ll find customer testimonials, an FAQ page, press releases, and other helpful details.  There’s even a downloadable product brochure.  One of the most interesting points, though, is the results of the clinical studies.  These studies showed that 84% of Prelox users reported less trouble with erectile dysfunction, while 78% confirmed the product effective.

The patented formula for Prelox includes two main ingredients, the amino acid Prosexual Nutrients, and Pycnogenol, an extract from the bark of French pine trees, paired with L-Arginine.  Together, the team works synergistically to pump up the production of Nitric Oxide, a substance that opens up blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate more freely.  This increased blood flow helps create firm, lasting erections, increased sexual confidence, and reduced performance anxiety. Men in the clinical trials also reported improved spontaneity of sexual arousal.

According to the manufacturer’s direction, begin using the product by taking two pills a day for two weeks.  After that, you can choose to take one or two pills daily.  Prelox does not promise to provide immediate results.  Most users begin seeing results in about three weeks.

The Pros and Cons of Prelox

Though Prelox does seem to be a superior product than many others of this type, there are still positive and negatives to consider.  The positive points are:

  • Modern, user-friendly website
  • All natural ingredients
  • Patented product
  • Clinical tests conducted
  • No reported side effects
  • Detailed information provided
  • Available at numerous websites

Here are some of the negative factors:

  • No money-back guarantee found
  • No instantaneous results
  • Must take continuously to maintain results

Where to Buy Prelox

Prelox is not available directly from the manufacturer, however, there are several links on their website which will connect you with retailers.  This product is also available on numerous other sites, so, like most popular items, the price can vary from place to place.  Amazon offers it for $28.95 for a bottle of 60 pills.


Amongst the many male enhancement products available, Prelox seems to stand a bit above many others.  The clinical reports and testimonials of satisfied customers add validity to the manufacturer’s claims and have convinced us that Prelox could be worth a try.  Keep in mind that you will have to be patient and not expect instant results. Just remember, good things are worth waiting for.

Have You Tried Prelox?  Leave Your Review Below

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Absolute Nutrition C Block Review

Absolute Nutrition C Block Overview

Whether you’re into hardcore bodybuilding or just looking to lose those extra pounds, you know you’ve got to cut those carbs.  But that can be easier said than done.  When you limit carbs too much, you start to crave them.  Then you binge.  And that doesn’t do anybody any good.  Absolute Nutrition C Block claims to be your solution.  By preventing the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, it allows you to eat moderate amounts of starchy foods without putting on weight.

Absolute Nutrition C Block Ingredients and Absolute Nutrition C Block ReviewHow They Work

The primary ingredient in C Block is Trim Plex, an extract of the white kidney bean.  This contains phaseolus vulgaris which has been clinically tested and shown to prevent carbohydrates from converting into sugar.  It works by inhibiting the activity of alpha amylase, the digestive enzyme responsible for the last phase of carbohydrate digestion. As a result, the carbs are eliminated as waste instead of being stored for energy.   Absolute Nutrition C Block also contains chromium and vanadium, which have been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels and possibly lower blood pressure.

While it is recommended that you eat carbs in moderation, taking 2 caplets 15 minutes before meals up to 3 times a day allows you to eat some amount of carbs without the guilt.  C Block works with all carbs, but complex carbohydrates like pasta and potatoes seem to get the best results.

Pros and Cons

When deciding on a dietary supplement, it is always helpful to weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.


  • Absolute Nutrition C Block contains no stimulants.
  • It has no known side effects.
  • It can be taken with other supplements and fat burners without complication.
  • Absolute Nutrition offers a 30-day no questions asked money-back guarantee on all their products.


  • It is recommended that you eat only moderate amounts of carbohydrates even while taking this product.
  • Vanadium, in very high doses, may cause liver or kidney damage.
  • Whether or not carb blockers work is a subject of much debate.  There have been studies that show they do and studies that show they don’t.

Where to Buy Absolute Nutrition C Block

If you decide to try C Block, you can buy through many online retailers.  The Absolute Nutrition website sells a 90-count bottle for $29,50, but a quick search reveals that you can get it for a lot less elsewhere.  The lowest we found was $18.16 at Amazon.


If you’ve been doing everything right but still can’t reach your weight loss or fitness goals, you might want to try adding a carb blocker to your daily supplement routine.  Since the medical and fitness community is somewhat split on whether or not you’ll get results, the only way you’ll know for sure is to give it a try.  Absolute Nutrition C Block is made with the most popular carb blocking ingredient, is inexpensive,  and doesn’t have negative side effects.  Add in the money-back guarantee, and  we think it’s a good one to try.

Have You Used Absolute Nutrition C Block?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

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#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Advocare Thermoplus Review – Does It Work?

Advocare Thermoplus Overview

If you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you will lose weight, right? Theoretically, this is true. But what often happens is we lose weight for a little while, then we plateau. We’re practicing the same good habits (for the most part), but the weight just stops coming off. This is because our metabolisms adjust to the new regimen. It’s called “going into starvation mode”. Our bodies know they are getting fewer calories, so they use less energy in order to conserve. And we hit a plateau. One way to jump start our fat burning mechanisms is to supplement with a fat burner like Advocare Thermoplus.

Advocare Thermoplus ReviewAdvocare Thermoplus Ingredients and How They Work

Unlike many hardcore stimulant fat burners that give you jitters and keep you up at night, Advocare Thermoplus contains natural herbal supplements meant to gently enhance your body’s fat burning processes. The primary ingredient in Thermoplus is sage extract. With its antioxidant properties, it helps boost energy levels and increase fat oxidation, the way our bodies convert fat cells into energy. It also works on brain cell receptors to reduce appetite so you eat less without feeling deprived. A second ingredient is oolong tea extract which releases catechins, the same antioxidants found in black and green teas. They stimulate metabolism to burn more calories. Thirdly, Thermoplus contains guarana extract for the proven stimulant and thermogenic effects of caffeine. It also contains B vitamins niacin and thiamine.

One capsule, taken twice daily 30 minutes before meals, Advocare Thermoplus is said to give you a sustained increase in energy while revving up your metabolism so you can eat less, work out more efficiently, and better burn the calories you take in.

Pros and Cons of Advocare Thermoplus

There’s a lot to consider when deciding on a fat burning supplement.


  • Advocare Thermoplus is a safe, botanical supplement that won’t cause negative side effects.
  • The niacin and thiamine in this product are essential B vitamins, though not particularly helpful for weight loss.
  • Advocare offers a money-back guarantee whether you buy it directly from the company or from an independent distributor.


  • Thermoplus doesn’t contain any groundbreaking ingredients at the levels needed to produce results.
  • The Advocare business model is basically MLM which doesn’t necessarily mean that the products are no good, but it does make it hard to trust the information you hear about it.
  • It’s difficult to find positive reviewers who have actually used Thermoplus that aren’t trying to sell other Advocare products as well.

Where to Buy Advocare Thermoplus

Advocare Thermoplus is available online and through independent distributors. You can find it on Amazon and Ebay as well as many other online retailers. Prices range from about $25 to $43 for 90 capsules, which should last about 6 weeks.


Overall, Advocare Thermoplus is a pretty lackluster product in the wide and varied fat burning supplement market. It’s ingredients may provide some benefit in terms of energy and appetite suppression, but there really isn’t anything groundbreaking to be found here. That said, the caffeine dose is low, so if you’re sensitive to caffeine, but still hoping to find something that works, you might want to give it a try. It’s pretty safe and pretty cheap. If you shop around, you should be able to get it for a small investment. We all know that different ingredients work for different people. Maybe Advocare Thermoplus will work for you.

Given the low risk, reasonable price and overall relatively trustworthy, if safe, formula that is full of bits you have probably at the very least familiar with I would say that trying Advocare Thermoplus is worth a shot and has a chance to work for you.

Have You Used Advocare Thermoplus? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Capsi Extreme Review – Does It Burn the Fat?

Capsi Extreme Overview

If you’re concerned about fitness and your physique, one of the problems with getting older is that your metabolism slows down.  Well, there is a thermogenic fat burner that specifically addresses that.  Capsi Extreme, made by UK company Healthspark, is one of the chili pepper based fat burners that claims to increase your metabolism. Capsi Extreme uses capsicum, a red pepper extract, to raise your resting metabolism.  The result is that you burn more calories, even while doing nothing.

Capsi Extreme ReviewCapsi Extreme Ingredients and How They Work

The main ingredient is a proprietary blend called Capsimax Plus.  It includes Capsicum and Bioperine (a black pepper extract) to increase metabolism and energy output, caffeine also to raise metabolism and provide an energy boost, niacin to help extract energy from the carbs you eat, and green tea extract for it’s antioxidant and appetite suppressant qualities.  While each of these ingredients may provide a benefit to your fat burning efforts, Healthspark doesn’t list the quantities, so it is difficult to tell how effective it will be.  One ingredient it does quantify is green tea.  40 mg is pretty low.  You typically need about 200 mg to be effective.

Use of the product couldn’t be more simple.  Just take one capsule daily, 30 minutes before your workout.  It will give your energy a boost right when you need it most.

Capsi Extreme Pros and Cons

Even when a product looks good at first, it’s important to look at both sides of the issue before you buy it.

Advantages of Capsi Extreme

  • Capsi Extreme is all-natural.
  • The addition of green tea may help control cholesterol.
  • Healthspark offers a no hassle, money back guarantee for all their products.
  • Capsi Extreme reports a low risk of side effects.


  • Capsi Extreme is made in the UK, so shipping charges are a bit steep.

Where to buy Capsi Extreme

Unfortunately for us Americans, Capsi Extreme is made and distributed in the United Kingdom.  While it is available in the United States, shipping costs will run you a little more than you’re probably used to.  Currently, you can get a 30-day supply from Healthspark’s website for about $19.50 plus about $15 for shipping.  You can also get it from other UK based online supplement stores. Prices vary.


As an all-natural fat burner, you get a few distinct advantages and disadvantages with Capsi Extreme.  With it’s all natural ingredients, it is much safer than some of the other products on the market.  The only ingredient that may cause side effects is caffeine.  If you’ve got a known sensitivity to caffeine, use with caution.  On the other hand, Capsi Extreme is kind of a low-functioning fat burner.  It works fairly well, but doesn’t really pack the punch that some of you are looking for.

When you’re choosing fat burning supplements, the field is very wide.  There are hard hitting, hardcore products that leave you in a sweaty puddle after a workout.  And then there are slow and steady metabolizers that keep you on a pretty even keel throughout most of the day.  Capsi Extreme, despite its name, belongs to the second category.  If you’re looking for super-high voltage energy, this is not your product.  If you want something that allows you to feel normal while burning more calories and eating less food, Capsi Extreme could be it.

When it comes it workout supplements, there always seems to be some sort of a trade-off where you have to accept some form of a side effect or something undesirable in exchange for the good results it can provide, and that be just be the case with Capsi Extreme is you don’t like stimulant based workout formulas.

Have You Used Capsi Extreme?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Force Factor Supplement Real Review

Pre workout supplements have been heavily advertised throughout the internet in recent months, and we had a chance to try out one of the more popular ones called Force Factor.  If you have made it to this review, you may have seen our official youtube video review of Force Factor, or come across one of the countless ads you will find on such sites as Yahoo,, and Bing.  The ads usually contain some massive bodybuilder who looks like some freak of nature, with biceps the size of most human heads.  But will this product really give you a massive “pump” in your workouts?

What is Force Factor?

Developed by two Harvard University Rowers (no, not the guys from the Facebook movie), this product has soared in the area of personal nutrition.  The main homepage of their site states that they were the best new brand of 2011, as voted by  The primary benefits of using Force Factor include:

  • Helps to build muscle
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Reduces recovery time
  • Improves health and appearance

Their are a number of well-known celebrities that endorse the product, including Derrick Rose (Chicago Bulls), Vernon Davis (49 er’s), and quite randomly, the Greenville Police department in Greenville, Mississippi.  The company that makes Force Factor also has a line of other supplements, including the Test X180 line (which includes Alpha, Tempest, Ignite, and Original), as well as a new top of the line testosterone booster called Alpha King.

How Does Force Factor Work – The Science Behind Ithow force factor works

Force Factor is a daily supplement that is supposed to release Nitric Oxide.  Nitric Oxide is the product of a reaction between a naturally occurring  amino acid, L-Arginine, which is present in many of the foods we eat, and the Enzyme catalyst NOS, that helps convert the Arginine to Nitric Oxide.

The nutrients and minerals that are found in Force Factor include calcium, potassium, citrulline, and NAD.  Force Factor claims a 2 step process, in which the first step involves a nutrient delivery system, which allows the NO to permeate through the bloodstream.  Step 2 involves the nitric oxide reaction itself, which allows a widening of the inner walls of the veins, allowing for increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles, which is supposed to increase strength and endurance.

This rather complex scientific explanation can really be “dumbed down” into a simple statement:  This stuff is supposed to make you ripped, to the point where your veins are popping out of your arms and you look like Ronnie Coleman.

Our Test Results With Force Factor

force factor reviewI have actually tried alot of different NO boosting supplements over the past year, and to be quite honest with you, Force Factor was really an exception to most of the others. Within the first few days of trying it out, I noticed a significant boost in my energy levels, which led to more effective workouts.  I could literally feel the blood pumping through my body, and was spending alot more time in the gym than originally thought possible. 

After taking it for about 2 weeks, I also noticed (to my suprise) that I was actually getting hornier in the morning.  This is in no doubt caused by the increased blood flow, and I there were certainly no complaints from my girlfriend. 🙂

What’s Up With The Free Trial?

Well, the good news is, it really is a free trial.  Well, it’s almost free, you have to pay like $4.99 for the shipping and handling, and then receive the product in a few days.  Now for the bad news.  18 Days after you place your order for the trial product, that very same credit card that you used to pay for the shipping and handling is charged. But wait a minute, what gives, I thought this was a free trial!?

force factor free trialHere is where companies like this get you…They promise you a “Free Trial”, not a “Free Sample”.  Most guys think when they hear “free trial” that they will get the product for free, like a sample.  But the word trial means “test out for a little bit and if you like it we will charge you.” 

So, think about it this way, if you have a 90 day trial of a mattress, if you don’t send the mattress back after 90 days your’e gonna get charged for it, right?

Well, this is the same way that Force Factor’s free trial system works, and many guys feel kind of pissed off, thinking they have been duped out of their money.  The reality of it is, that these companies get away with it because it is deemed as completely legit, mainly because it is hidden in their terms and conditions.


Force Factor could be a decent product, but the sheer amount of bad publicity being generated will not help them in the long run.  If you decide to try it out, keep yourself safe and be sure to mark down a cancellation date, save your receipts, and have a copy of their customer service number ready.  With any luck, you’ll receive your trial of Force Factor within a few days, and really get a chance to use it to see if it can really work for you.  Or you could just simply go down to your local GNC and buy a one month supply, and avoid the headache of a auto-rebill nightmare altogether.

Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – 4 Gauge

#1 - 4 Gauge

4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.

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#2 – Nitrocut

#2 - Nitrocut

Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.

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#3 – Stim Free

#3 - Stim Free

If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!

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Capsiplex Actual User Review

capsiplex reviewOur #3 Fat Burning Supplement – Capsiplex

Average Rating:  /wp

Click Here To Visit The Official Capsiplex Website

Capsiplex is one of the most popular fat burning thermogenic formulas on the market right now, and we had a chance to test out a bottle ourselves.  With such an abundance of products to choose from, it is a breath of fresh air to come across one that actually does what it says its supposed to do.  One of our research candidates, a man we will call Michael, used Capsiplex for a period of one month.  This review is based on his results from using the product.  First off, we will explain in a little bit more detail about what Capsiplex is supposed to do.

What is Capsiplex?

A once daily supplement, Capsiplex is an herbal product which is used to help stimulate your metabolism, and burn 12 TIMES as much fat as normal.  It is all natural, and has gained worldwide media attention, which is something many products in the thermogenic category can’t say.  Capsiplex is also one of the only products of it’s kind that has had a clinical study conducted, which you can read more about here.

I actually read that when Capsiplex was first introduced to the market, they had sold over 50,000 of their bottles within the first 3 days.  I think this was a result of some MAJOR media attention, but they seemed to have caught up with the demand.

Benefits of Using Capsiplex

There are numerous benefits why Capsiplex is one of our top choices for fat burning supplements.  The basic premise behind the product is that it will increase your metabolism dramatically, which essentially means you will burn more calories at rest.  As a matter of fact, this is when fat burning is at it’s peak, not during exercise like most people think.  Some of the other benefits of Capsiplex include:

  • A Reduction in Appetite
  • Burns Carbs and Fat, NOT MUSCLE
  • Increases Energy Through Thermogensis
  • Burn 278 More Calories Per Day

This last benefit is pretty intriguing, and when you really think about it, 278 calories a day really adds up.  For instance, a pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so if you divide this by 278, it takes 12.5 days to lose one pound of fat. This might not seem like alot, But this IS NOT accounting for normal metabolic rate, not accounting for exercise or healthy diet, and certainly does not account for the average human.  In addition, when you lose weight you not only lose fat, but obviously lose some water weight in the process.

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Ingredients in Capsiplex

Capsiplex is specially formulated with a number of ingredients which have been used in other thermogenic fat burners.  The primary ingredient is Capsicum, which is essentially chili pepper.  It also contains caffeine, which is the primary ingredient for curbing ingredients in capsiplexyour appetite.   The full ingredient list includes:

  • Niacin
  • Piperine
  • Brown Rice
  • Capsicum
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Caffeine

User Reviews of Capsiplex

There are tons of reviews and testimonials from Satisfied customers of Capsiplex both on their official site and throughout other avenues such as YouTube and Discussion Boards.  While finding HONEST and UNBIASED reviews was very difficult, we did find some legit reviews.  After reading through various forum post, we noted that most users of Capsiplex experience:

  • A Reduction in Food Cravings
  • An Average loss of about 8 pounds, WITHOUT EXERCISE
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Improved Mood and Motivation

Mike’s Results From Taking Capsiplex

From the start, Mike started taking the pills exactly as prescribed, which is once a day.  He reported that it not only helped decrease his hunger pangs, but also increased his energy.  We kind of expected that of a thermogenic fat burner, but did he really burn off 278 calories a day?  Let’s hear what he had to say:

capsiplex real results
Mike’s Review and Results

“First off, I want to thank you for letting me try these pills.  I have been searching for a good weight loss supplement, as I don’t really have that much time to get to the gym.  With the constant overeating at my work, coupled with the lack of exercise, I wanted something that could really reduce my cravings for certain “bad foods”.

Usually around late morning, I would start thinking about what I was going to have for lunch.  This typically consisted of either pizza, cheese steaks and fries, or a cheeseburger.  After the first couple of days on Capsiplex, I noticed that this craving virtually disappeared, and I had to “force” myself to eat something.  Since I wasn’t feeling as hungry, I opted to start eating salads with grilled chicken on them instead, and this helped me feel even better.

Another thing I noticed when I was on Capsiplex was the increase in energy I was feeling.  Before taking Capsiplex, after I would eat a large meal I would get very tired, and could not find myself to get anything done for the next couple of hours.  This was not the case after taking Capsiplex for a couple of days.  I noticed since I was eating less, or rather eating better, I did not have that “sluggish” feeling after lunch.  This lead me to actually start hitting the gym during my lunch break.  It made me feel great!

All in all, I lost about 15 pounds over the course of 4 weeks.  I think that the majority of the weight I lost was in the first couple of weeks, but I feel like if I took it for another couple of months, I would have lost even more weight.  Thanks again for letting me try it.”
Mike, Florida

Click Here To Visit The Official Capsiplex Website

capsiplex pros and consPro’s and Con’s of Capsiplex


  • Personally Tested and Approved
  • Clinical Studies Conducted
  • Free Shipping on Select Packages
  • Starts Working in The First Few Days
  • Contains All Natural Extracts


  • Some side effects have been reported
  • Expensive when compared to other products
  • Lack of Unbiased reviews online
  • Took about 10 days for shipping (longer than most!)
  • Appears To Be No Refund Policy!


Based on our analysis of the ingredients, their clinical studies, the companies reputation, and our own personal test results, we feel as though Capsiplex CAN provide you with what you need to successfully lose weight.  We recommend that you order at least a 2 month supply to really give it a try and see what kind of results you can receive from taking it.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

CLA Extreme Review – Is It Worth Trying?

CLA Exreme Overview

We all know that if you’re looking to lose body fat, a sensible diet and exercise program are essential. But if you, like many of us, are looking to kick start your weight and fat loss results, there are literally hundreds of fat burning supplements to choose from.  Deciding which one is right for you can be a challenge.  A good way to go about it is to do a little research on common ingredients.  Then go with something from a reputable company that contains those ingredients.  CLA Extreme, made by NOW Foods uses conjugated linoleic acid as its main ingredient to enhance fat burning and weight loss.

CLA Extreme ReviewCLA Extreme Ingredients and How It Works

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a non-essential fatty acid that can be found in meat and dairy products.  There have been studies showing that CLA, taken in the right amounts, can help reduce body fat in individuals who maintain a good diet and exercise program.  The doses that were studied were 4.5 grams and 3.2 grams daily.  Participants in the study lost 5.6% of their body fat over a 6 month period.  This was more than the control group, but the study doesn’t say how much more.

Each CLA Extreme softgel contains 750 mg, so the recommended dose of 1-3 softgels per day would give you 1.5 – 2.25 daily grams.  This is lower than the amounts in the studies, so it’s tough to say whether or not the CLA would be effective at this level.

Other active ingredients in CLA Extreme are guarana, green tea, l-carnitine, and chromium, all of which have also shown fat burning abilities.  Guarana and green tea have caffeine.  A staple in fat burning supplements, caffeine helps burn fat, raise your metabolism, and give you more energy for your workouts.  L-carnitine improves the way your body uses fatty acids to produce energy.  Chromium helps your body process carbs, protein, and fat more efficiently.

CLA Extreme Pros and Cons

With all the fat burning supplements out there, it helps to list out the pros and cons for any product you’re considering using.


  • CLA Extreme is made by NOW Foods which is a reputable nutritional supplement manufacturer that uses natural ingredients wherever possible.
  • It’s widely available online and in local health food stores.
  • It doesn’t lose its effectiveness, so you don’t have to cycle your use on and off.
  • At around $30 for a 60-day supply, CLA Extreme is relatively inexpensive to use.


  • Concentrations of CLA and l-carnitine in CLA Extreme are lower than the amounts studied, so it may not be as effective as the studies indicate.
  • The most common complaint in CLA Extreme reviews is that users don’t get the results they were looking for.
  • Chromium can affect blood glucose levels, so diabetics should consult their doctors before using products containing it.
  • It contains caffeine, so people with known sensitivities should use caution.

Where to Buy CLA Extreme

CLA Extreme is widely available and easy to find.  Many local health food and vitamin shops carry it.  The Now Foods website has a “find a retailer” page that can help you locate a local source.  You can also get it online through Amazon and other internet supplement stores.  A 60-day supply will run you about $30.00.


Despite its name, CLA Extreme is a relatively mild fat burning supplement.  This may be a positive or a negative for you depending on what you’re looking for.  Unlike some of the other choices out there, the amount of caffeine in this one is not likely to make you jittery.  And while it contains proven ingredients, they may be at levels too low to be effective.  On the other hand, since NOW CLA Extreme is inexpensive and made by a reputable company, it’s a relatively low risk choice in fat burning supplements.

Have You Used CLA Extreme?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Clenbutrx Review – Cutting Through the Hype

Clenbutrx Overview

“Tastes like A**!  Works like Crazy!”  That’s the claim VPX Sports makes about their fat burning formula, Clenbutrx.  The website goes on to call it “the world’s most legendary underground fat incinerator” on the market.  These are some pretty big claims for a fat burner.  Does Clenbutrx live up to the hype?

Clenbutrx ReviewClenbutrx Ingredients and How They Work

VPX’s website talks quite a bit about what the proprietary formula in Clenbutrx is supposed to do, but it uses a lot of crazy claims and scientific mumbo jumbo, and never really clearly explains how it works. We’ll attempt to break it down here.  First of all, Clenbutrx contains stimulants, and lots of them.  In fact, four of the top five ingredients are stimulants.  And there are more as you move down the list. VPX doesn’t list the amounts, but stimulants definitely make up the bulk of this formula. There are a few other fat burning agents as well.  Guggulsterones enhance thyroid function to keep fat burning levels high.  Hordenine HCL acts on the brain to keep all the other ingredients working.

Clenbutrx comes in liquid form.  Shake well, and take 3 ml in the morning when you wake up using the dispenser provided.  Take another 3 ml 6 hours later or before your workout.

What People Are Saying About Clenbutrx

If you’re looking for a mood and energy boost, this is it.  We looked at lots and lots of reviews.  Most of them were positive, but had very little to do with fat burning.  They were all about the buzz, the tweak, the high, and most of all the sweat.  I don’t think I read one review where the user didn’t mention how much Clenbutrx made them sweat.  The biggest caution mentioned was to make sure you have something to do when you take it.  You’ll be so wired that if you don’t go straight to your workout, you’ll end up cleaning the house because you can’t sit still.

At the same time, most users didn’t complain that they get jittery or that they crashed as is sometimes the complaint about other stimulant based fat burners.  We’re sure why that is, but it does seem to be the case.

Clenbutrx Pros and Cons


  • Clenbutrx provides lots of energy to get the most out of your workout.
  • Most users say it works.  Many say it’s the best product available today.


  • Clenbutrx liquid tastes horrible.  Almost every single reviewer agrees.
  • Clenbutrx has a warning statement on the VPX website that reads like a cautionary novel. Some side effects are dizziness and rapid heart rate like other stimulant based fat burners.  But VPX goes on to caution that you should not consume caffeine from any other sources while taking Clenbutrx.  Since they don’t reveal how much caffeine it contains, this makes you think it must be a pretty huge amount.  The warning also states not to use the product if you are more than 15 pounds overweight.  And the most interesting warning of all:  “Do not sue for weight reduction”.  Maybe I’m mistaken, but isn’t that why we’re here?
  • Several reviewers mention that the effectiveness drops off pretty quickly as your body builds a tolerance.

Where to buy Clenbutrx

The VPX Sports website sells 240 ml bottles for $69.95.  At 6 mls a day, that’s about a 6 week supply. But you can find it much cheaper at other online supplement stores.  Prices range from $35 all the way up to $69.99 plus shipping.


Clenbutrx bills itself as the best fat burner on the market.  But there doesn’t seem to be anything to back up this claim.  Energy, yes.  Fat burning, no. Many happy customers love Clenbutrx for the fast-acting, hard-hitting energy boost they get.  So if you’re looking for something to power you through your workout, this may be it.  Be careful though. The warnings are, for the most part, common to all supplements containing caffeine.  But you have to wonder about a disclaimer on a fat burning supplement that tells you not to use it for weight loss.

If common sense counts for anything, and believe me when I say it does, then I would say that it should at least tell you when you should steer clear of certain products that are not going to do much more than nothing.

Save your time, save your money and try out something that is more likely to get you some real results.

Have You Used Clenbutrx?  Leave Your Review Below.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

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Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

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