Bio X4 Video Review

Thinking about trying Bio X4?  We personally tested it!  Watch our video review and learn more about how it works, the ingredients, potential side effects, and more.

If you prefer to read our written BioX4 review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review we’re going to be talking about Bio x4. Bio x4 is a weight loss supplement. It’s distributed by a company called Pacific health supplements LLC, which is located in Tarzana California. The name of the company that actually makes bio x4 is called nucific, and they make a wide range of products including CL x3, deep cell activator, krill oil, and I believe they even have a probiotic supplement. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to go ahead and jump ahead to my results you can just click on the link in the description box below, and it’ll take you to my website, where I go into all the nitty-gritty details about this product, and my results. Anyway, Bio X4 takes a little bit of a different approach to a weight-loss than some of the more traditional weight loss supplements I’ve reviewed, and tested over the years. Instead of just loading up their pills with ingredients like caffeine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and usual ones, you typically see in fat burners. They actually use a four on one weight management system that is broken down into four different blends. This includes a probiotic component, digestive enzyme component, a weight management blend, and a craving control blend. I’m not actually going to get into those in this video because there’s a lot of information on it, and I don’t, I didn’t want to get into a big long video talking about that, but like I said, if you go the website below in the description box, you can read all about how these ingredients are supposed to work. Anyway, I was looking around when I was doing my research for bio x4 at some of the reviews, and to be honest the vast majority of them are actually really good. I was just reading a few on the website hyaaah, and there’s something like 294 reviews on that site, and the vast majority of them are really good. The ones that aren’t good, the ones that tend to be 2 stars or less, seem to be more focused on the deceptive nature or what people construe as the deceptive nature of their billing practices, which if you go to their website you can sign up to receive bio x4, and you can be put on what’s called an auto rebuild program. So basically every month they send you a new bottle, and they charge you for the price of the bottle plus shipping. And some people, I guess, when they go to checkout don’t realize that, and they end up getting billed over and over, you know, a month after month. And by the time they realized that they were, you know, involved in this auto rebuild scam, not a scam, but you know, they, tend to be a little bit too late for them. Anyway, the majority of bio x4 users, actually when I was reading through those reviews, report a reduction in gas and bloating. Some were saying that they just felt more energetic, and you know, some of you can notice that they noticed some weight loss as well. As for my personal results, it didn’t seem to work out as well for me. I bought a one month supply of bio X4 from their website, and it was somewhere around like $99, 100 bucks or something like that. And according to their site, you’re supposed to take about one capsule with each meal, three times per day. They say you can take as many as two pills per meal, but to not exceed six capsules a day. I started taking it, and probably within a few days there was something about it that didn’t seem to agree with me. I’ve never actually taken a probiotic supplement before, and something in this was giving me terrible gas and indigestion. I just felt like really overall stomach upset. I stopped taking it after a few days because of it. I’m not 100% certain that it was the, you know, the bio x4, but I wasn’t taking anything else, so obviously, you know, pretty much narrows it down. I might try it again. I might actually give it to my wife, for her to try because she’s taking probiotics before, and they seem to work for her. But I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna take this again. I’m gonna give to somebody else, and see and what kind of results they get. Anyway, that’s all I have for bio x4. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email to And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

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Reseña de Ab Coaster

Parece ser que hoy en día todo mundo desea obtener de una u otra forma tener abdominales definidos y tonificados, pero la realidad es que esa sección media de nuestro cuerpo puede en verdad ser el área más difícil de trabajar.

Debemos recordar que el término “abdomen” normalmente se usa para referirse a diversos grupos de músculos diferentes en el centro y lados de nuestro cuerpo, a la altura del estómago.

Estos incluyen los siguientes:

  • Abdomen transverso
  • Oblicuos internos y externos
  • Abdomen recto

Estos músculos son sumamente importantes no solamente para que uno pueda verse bien, sino también, en general, llegan a que proporcionan fuerza y estabilidad al cuerpo.

Existe un amplio rango de máquinas y dispositivos en el mercado que prometen ayudarle a enfrentarse a esta situación, para que pueda trabajar de forma directa sobre sus músculos del abdomen.

Encontramos, por ejemplo, maquinas inclinadas para realizar abdominales o incluso máquinas de giro que se enfocan directamente en trabajar sobre los oblicuos – los músculos del abdomen que en la mayoría de los casos son los más difíciles de tonificar.

Existe el Ab Glider en el que hay que sentarse para mover la sección media de lado a lado mientras se ejercita, girando mientras se trabaja con un peso.

También está el Ab Roller con el que hay que colocarse sobre el suelo para deslizarse mientras se sujeta una barra que sale de cada lado de una rueda.

Hay otros productos un tanto diferentes que no son en sí aparatos de ejercicio, como es el caso del Sauna Belt, producto cuyo fabricante afirma que puede ser colocado sobre su abdomen (o incluso sobre sus glúteos), para ayudarle a sudar más y eliminar algo de grasa mientras lo hace.

De las opciones antes mencionadas, tal vez los modelos con una rueda para abdominales son los más efectivos (y prácticos) para la mayoría de las personas. ¿A quién se le dificultaría colocarse en el suelo sobre sus rodillas y estirarse y regresar mientras la rueda se mueve hacia adelante y hacia atrás?

Si quiere trabajar sobre sus abdominales definitivamente hay muchas máquinas más por revisar, pero las que se mencionan arriba por lo menos le permiten darse una idea de lo qué hay disponible para cuando llegue el momento de ejercitarse.

Pero si usted busca trabajar sobre su abdomen de forma enfocada, rápida y práctica, entonces tal vez debería revisar un producto llamado Ab Coaster.

1. ¿Qué es exactamente el Ab Coaster?

El aparato de ejercicio Ab Coaster es un sólido dispositivo que le permite ejercitarse para trabajar de forma directa sobre sus músculos del abdomen de una forma distinta a lo que hacen otros dispositivos.

¿Por qué? Porque en lugar de trabajar sobre sus músculos abdominales de arriba hacia abajo, como es lo usual, el Ab Coaster le permite enfocarse en su abdomen de abajo hacia arriba.

Gracias a ello, usted podrá trabajar con un gran enfoque sobre sus músculos en el abdomen bajo los cuales, en la gran mayoría de los casos, son los más difíciles de tonificar pues, según pueden corroborar muchos hombres y mujeres, es donde se acumula gran parte de la grasa en el área.

Es un dispositivo para ejercicio fabricado en acero, con protecciones acolchonadas cubiertas en vinil, que le permitirá atacar el área de su abdomen de forma fácil y práctica.

2. Características del Ab Coaster:

  • Barras de Acero de 1.5″
  • Capacidad para usuarios de hasta 300 lb (alrededor de 136 kg)
  • Capacidad de placa de peso extra de hasta 20 lb (alrededor de 9 kg)
  • Acolchonado de espuma cubierto de vinil
  • Construcción completamente de acero
  • Asiento de movimiento Free-Style
  • Contador digital para su sesión de ejercicio

3. ¿Cómo funciona?

Ab Coaster funciona al permitir al usuario colocarse en una posición arrodillada sobre la almohadilla de ejercicio para realizar un movimiento cíclico constante hacia adelante y hacia atrás de una forma que es cómoda para quien lo usa.

Gracias a sus rieles de forma curva, el movimiento de ejercicio hacia adelante y atrás es muy natural y le permite enfocarse sobre el abdomen con contracciones constantes de principio a fin en cada repetición.


Además, gracias a su asiento free-style, es posible que usted en su rutina Ab Coaster gire de un lado a otro para que pueda enfocarse sobre sus músculos abdominales oblicuos desde cualquier ángulo que usted necesite para obtener un ejercicio abdominal completo.

De esta forma sus ejercicios con Ab Coaster le permitirán trabajar con movimientos que eliminan cualquier tensión o presión que de otra forma se ejercería sobre cada área superior e inferior de su cuerpo al usar otros dispositivos de ejercicio. Es por ello que, comenta el fabricante, su cuello, hombros y espalda superior e inferior no sufrirán por sus sesiones de ejercicios como pasaría con otros dispositivos de ejercicios.

El aparato Ab Coaster, menciona el fabricante, ha sido diseñado biométricamente con un camino curvo que le permite trabajar primero sobre sus abdominales bajos, después en la sección media y posteriormente en su sección superior, todo en un solo movimiento. Además, si gira de lado a lado mientras se desliza hacia adelante y atrás, usted también ejercitará sus abdominales laterales para una sesión de ejercicio completo.

Es por ello que, a diferencia de otros dispositivos que buscan brindar algo similar, usted logrará trabajar sobre todos los músculos en su abdomen sin necesitar usar más de un aparato. Su tamaño es ideal para su uso en casa, al proporcionarle de un producto de uso personal comparable al modelo que la compañía que le fabrica proporciona a los gimnasios.

El fabricante menciona que este dispositivo es ideal para las personas de todos los niveles de ejercitación gracias a su asiento ajustable multi-ángulo con el que se pueden enfocar en alguna área abdominal en específico que deseen reducir y tonificar – siendo las llamadas “llantitas” lateras las que normalmente la mayoría busca eliminar.

4. ¿Qué dicen los usuarios?

La mayoría de las reseñas de quienes han adquirido el producto son positivas. Aquellos que han adquirido el Ab Coaster han mencionado que el dispositivo es fácil de ensamblar y que sus ruedas hacen en que sea sencillo moverlo de lugar.

Otras reseñas comentan que si bien el ejercitar el abdomen es algo difícil, usar este dispositivo permite hacer varias repeticiones de forma sencilla en poco tiempo, maximizando cada sesión de ejercicio. Ejercitarse más con menos tiempo parece ser una constante en las reseñas revisadas.

Uno de los usuarios comentó que tras utilizar el Ab Coaster durante algunos cientos de repeticiones, el asiento no se movía tan fácilmente hacia adelante y hacia atrás cuando lo utilizaba, pero que tras aplicar un poco de teflón en espray (con unos dos o tres disparos), el asiento quedó como nuevo y no volvió a darle problemas durante un tiempo.

Alguien comentó que era de un peso un poco arriba del promedio general y que buscaba trabajar para terminar de tonificar su abdomen y que el dispositivo hizo lo que prometió hacer, pero que el precio le parecía un tanto elevado. Como es alguien que se ejercita de forma regular, el número de repeticiones que necesitaba por cada sesión de ejercicio para poder sentir que su abdomen estaba recibiendo el enfoque que necesitaba.

Hubo una reseña de una persona que dice pesaba 280 lb. (unos 127 kg.) y que, por una condición médica con su columna al ser demasiado recta, no podía realizar ejercicio de forma normal. Tras adquirir el Ab Coaster, se convirtió en parte de su rutina de ejercicios y, aunado a una dieta balanceada con Weight Watchers, logró bajar de peso para llegar a pesar 183 lb. (alrededor de 83 kg), lo cual denota un éxito considerable con el dispositivo.

Esto no quiere decir que no haya reseñas con calificaciones bajas para este aparato para ejercicio. Hay algunas reseñas que comentan que la caja que recibieron estaba dañada, pero que el dispositivo en su interior funcionó de forma adecuada, mientras que dentro de otras cajas faltaban algunos de los tornillos y tuercas necesarias para poder armar e instalar su Ab Coaster.

Encontramos una reseña que se quejaba de que el número telefónico de servicio al cliente para el producto le comunicaba con personas que estaban trabajando fuera del país, por lo que le fue muy difícil lograr que, incluso después de muchas llamadas, alguien pudiere solucionar el problema que tenía con su aparato de ejercicios. Su problema era que el sensor para el contador digital no funcionaba en su Ab Coaster desde el primer día en que lo comenzó a usar, situación que no pudo resolver.

Aunado a lo anterior, una queja que leímos es que el mecanismo que permite que la almohadilla sobre la que hay que arrodillarse, los rodamientos para ser precisos, parecen desgastarse demasiado rápido incluso tras un uso ligero, siguiendo las instrucciones proporcionadas.

5. ¿En dónde puede comprar el Ab Coaster?

Usted puede adquirir el aparato para abdominales Ab Coaster de diversas formas, ya sea en línea (Ab Coaster Mercadolibre) o bien en reconocidas tiendas departamentales como, por ejemplo, encontrar Ab Coaster en Coppel o en Walmart.

Una opción confiable es adquirirlo en Amazon, en donde la compañía fabricante tiene una página para la venta del dispositivo de ejercicios en su modelo Ab Coaster PS500, ofreciendo inclusive envío gratuito cuando se adquiere ahí.

Es posible también comprar Ab Coaster directamente del fabricante en su sitio web oficial, obteniendo además un DVD que incluye instrucciones y un manual para el dispositivo, un cuadernillo con un plan de alimentación para ayudarle a alcanzar sus metas.

En cuanto al precio del dispositivo, podrá encontrarlo en un rango de entre $270 a $300 dólares (alrededor de $5,300 a $5900 pesos), lo cual, a decir de los usuarios, es un precio razonable para un aparato de ejercicios para el hogar para trabajar sobre el área de abdomen.

6. Conclusión

El Ab Coaster parece ser un aparato de ejercicios cuyo enfoque en un ejercicio para su abdomen de forma inversa a lo usual, trabajando su zona abdominal de abajo hacia arriba, brinda una rutina de ejercicios diferente. Según comenta el fabricante, con un movimiento hacia adelanta y hacia atrás, trabajará todo su abdomen en cada repetición, y si gira de lado a lado mientras lo hace podrá hacer frente a los oblicuos que son tan difíciles de tonificar.

Las reseñas de los usuarios son en su mayoría positivas, aunque existen algunas reseñas que no hablan muy bien del dispositivo – lo cual es normal para todos los productos para consumidores en el hogar. Hay usuarios que dicen haber perdido una cantidad considerable de peso con el Ab Coaster y una dieta balanceada, aunque los resultados pueden variar.

El dispositivo está disponible en diversas tiendas departamentales, pero también puede encontrarse en línea en sitios web como Mercadolibre o Amazon.

También está la opción de comprarlo en la página oficial del fabricante, en donde además se puede revisar la garantía sobre el producto que menciona que solamente aplicará sobre el dispositivo, que es de 1 (un) año para el aparato y 90 (noventa) días para algunas de las partes en específico – siendo una excepción que el dispositivo solamente debe ser usado en el hogar pues de usarse en un espacio comercial o institucional la garantía quedará sin efecto.

¿Usted ya ha usado el Ab Coaster? ¡Entonces por favor deje su reseña abajo!

Prolong Ejaculation Device Review

I visit a lot of porn sites, but not for the reason most of you do.

Instead of going there for the videos (ok, sometimes I do), I actually will check through some of the major ones like PornHub, Xvideos, and RedTube to learn about new penis enlargement products being peddled to the masses.

Believe it or not, porn sites are some of the best places to get a good idea of the current and latest trends in the adult male sexual enhancement world.

Update! If You Want To Last Like A Porn Star, Use This…

If you’re looking for an all natural supplement to help give you porn-star quality erections and lasting power, look no further then Prosolution Plus.

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It’s by FAR the best premature ejac. supplement I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 of them.

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I’ve found several that way over the years, including Nitridex and Phalogenics.

I did a quick check today, and instead of the usual “Your wife will never find out!” or “Better Than Tinder” ads, I ran across one I’ve never seen before.

prolong device ad     prolong smiling dick ad

It was for a climax control device called Prolong.

This device is apparently FDA cleares, has zero side effects, and produces fast results.

All of this according to them, at least.

1. What is Prolong?

Prolong is a “climax control training program” that is designed to help you last longer, for longer.

prolong device review
Photo credit:

This isn’t your typical B.S. premature ejaculation pill.

It’s not even a premature ejaculation cream like Stud 100, Enlast, or Procomil.

This is a clinically tested, FDA cleared device that really can help with premature ejaculation issues.

It’s essentially a vibrator, but not the kind you’re thinking.

2. How does it work?

According to their website, it uses a recommended method called the “Start-Stop technique” in conjunction with the Prolong device.

On a video posted to their Youtube Page, they give you step-by-step instructions on how to use it.


It essentially works like this:

Step 1:  Apply a small amount of lube under the head of your penis.

Step 2:  Turn the device on.

Step 3:  Place it in your hand with the studded side facing up.

Step 4:  Hook your thumb around your penis, and position the Prolong device just below the head on the underside.

Step 5:  Masturbate like you normally would.

Step 6:  When you feel like you’re about to climax, remove the device. (This is what’s known as the Start-stop technique)

Step 7:  Repeat this process 3 times in total, then on the 3rd time you can bring yourself to a full orgasm.

They recommend that you do this 3 times per week, for 6 weeks.

3. How do I know if this really works?

While I can’t speak to the validity of the Prolong device itself, I can tell you from experience that the “Start-Stop technique” really does work.

With that said, will a $300 device really make a difference.

According to Smiling Dick, they have the science to back up their claims.

4. Prolong Device Clinical Studies

They cite several clinical studies, one of them noting a 3.5X increase in results with using their device.

Specifically this one:

Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (2013): Evaluation of a behavioral treatment intervention for premature ejaculation using a hand-held stimulating device, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy.

The theory is that by using a vibrating device along with the Start-Stop technique, your results will be amplified.

Here’s a summary of that study:

Premature ejaculation affects up to 30% of men, and hence their lives. Treatments can be done with or without medications. Medications didn’t always work, often have uncomfortable side-effects and many men choose not to continue with them. Behavioral training using a vibrator was first introduced in 1956 and there had been very little reliable research on its effectiveness, especially in the long run after the training. This study’s training used a vibrator for stimulation but stop just before ejaculation, repeated 2 more times before ejaculation, done 3 times per week for 6 weeks in total. The time it takes for ejaculation scored based on 2 different methods was longer following the training, and this improvement was still there when checked 6 months later, all without any side-effects.

5. Where Can I Buy It?

From what I can tell, the only place that sells the Prolong Device is their official website,

The retail price is $299, and includes the device itself and a water-based lubricant.

All sales are handled by Paypal, so you know it’s protected by a 6 month money back guarantee.

6. Recommendation

Is the start-stop technique effective at helping to alleviate premature ejaculation issues?


Will the Prolong Device programme give you better results?


Is it worth the $300 price tag?

That’s up to you to decide.

Based on everything I’m seeing, it’s hard to justify paying so much for a small little vibrator.

You could just as easily invest the same amount of money or much less in a product that produces more pronounced results.

But if it means a 3.5 X increase in your lasting ability, it might be worth it.

Have You Used The Prolong Device?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Prosolution Plus

#1 - Prosolution Plus

Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.

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#2 – Vigrx Delay Spray

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Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.

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#3 – VigRX Plus

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Red PCT Review

Red PCT Review Contents

What is Red PCT?
How it works
Red PCT Ingredients
Potential Side Effects
How To Use Red PCT
What To Stack It With
My Personal Results

With the recent media attention being given to the plummeting testosterone levels of men around the United States, there has been an explosion in sales for natural testosterone boosters. Naturally, the supplement industry has taken advantage of this interest, pumping out dozens of new brands of supposed effective t-boosters. Red PCT is one such recent addition to the bandwagon of test boosters.

Used as a post-cycle therapy supplement or as a standalone testosterone booster, Red PCT claims to be able to pump up those t-levels while kicking estrogen to the curb. Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s take a look at whether Red PCT is the real deal or not.

What is Red PCT?

Red PCT is a two-in-one supplement: First, it prides itself on being an ideal post-cycle therapy supplement. This means you can take it after a cycle of pro-hormones or select SARMs to allow your natural levels of testosterone to be restored without estrogen dominance.

red pct review

If you’re not planning on using any prohormones, Red PCT can also be used as a natural testosterone booster. The supplement claims that it can do the following:

  • Increases testosterone
  • Decreases estrogen
  • Decreases cortisol
  • Promotes lean mass gains
  • Increases metabolism
  • Protects the liver
  • Increases libido
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Improves sense of well-being

How it Works

Red PCT contains a proprietary blend of three ingredients that have long been associated with sexual health, testosterone, and weight lifting:

Androsta 3, 5-diene-7, 17-dione: More commonly branded as Arimistane, this aromatase inhibitor superstar ingredient is found in most respected over-the-counter testosterone support supplements.

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine: Coming from the amino acid L-cysteine, NAC is used for a variety of medical purposes including chronic bronchitis, but it has also found a home in the supplement industry as a test booster.

Chlorophytum Borivilianum: An Indian herbal remedy referred to as Safed Musli, CB is found in many libido boosters, but it also has a reputation for increasing natural levels of growth hormone.

What the Research Says about Red PCT

Since there are no actual studies on the Red PCT supplement, we’ll have to dive into the individual ingredients and see what science has revealed about each.

Arimistane (Androst 3, 5-diene-7, 17-dione)

Arimistane is categorized as an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase is a naturally-occurring compound in the human body responsible for estrogen production.

Let’s say that you just finished a pro-hormone cycle: Your natural testosterone production will be dramatically decreased or shut down due to the high levels of test from the supplement. Once you stop your cycle of the pro-hormone, your testosterone levels are going to remain low but your estrogen levels will be looking to compensate.

This is where a PCT (post-cycle therapy) supplement comes into play. Arimistane has been shown to allow your natural testosterone production to bounce back from the pro-hormone while keeping estrogen levels down.

If you have low testosterone levels, Arimistane can help as well. It’s been shown in several studies to promote testosterone production while keeping estrogen to a minimum.

Chlorophytum Borivilianum

This herbal extract has been used for men’s sexual health for many years. It’s been shown to dramatically improve semen quality and quantity.

Other studies have suggested that it can be used as a libido booster, helping to improve the sex drive of men who suffer from a lack of interest. It might also help with pre-mature ejaculation.

Sounds great for the bedroom but what about overall testosterone levels? In both of the studies mentioned above, all subjects supplementing with chlorophytum borivilianum saw an improvement in circulating testosterone levels.

As to the reports of increased growth hormone levels, these appear to be true. A study published in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights confirmed that exercise-trained men saw a boost in testosterone levels; however, this is one catch: the supplement was CB mixed with Velvet Bean.

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine

NAC is a fascinating ingredient. It’s based on a simple amino acid and yet, you can find it being commonly used for over a dozen medical issues including anxiety, liver toxicity, and the common cold. What about the benefits as they relate to fitness and testosterone?

One study had infertile men supplementing with NAC. The results? Better sperm quality, higher sperm numbers, and an increase in serum testosterone levels.

Another study published in Aging put NAC up against SkQ1 to see which would be better at improving testosterone levels, DHEA, and growth hormone. SkQ1 won by a landslide; however, NAC still showed promising results. The catch is that this was an animal-based study.

Potential Side Effects of Red PCT

The Red PCT website doesn’t explicitly state there are side effects; however, from the ingredients used, we can err on the side of caution and say there is a chance for the following:

  • Bloating
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea

Let’s talk about sleep for a moment: Despite claims that Red PCT will improve your sleep, it’s a well-known fact that increased testosterone levels are linked with sleeping issues. This is why many men who undergo testosterone replacement therapy complain about not being able to sleep. Sure, the chance might be low but it’s still there.

Best Way to Use Red PCT

According to the package, you’ll want to take Red PCT three times per day – not to exceed four capsules per day. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Morning: One capsule

Afternoon: One capsule

Evening: One capsule

Red PCT can be taken with or without food. If you have a sensitive stomach, I’d recommend taking it with a meal.

You can safely use Red PCT for up to eight weeks. Make sure that once you finish a cycle of Red PCT that you take four weeks off from it or any other testosterone booster.

Stacking Method

Red PCT is an excellent option to stack with two other types of supplements: other natural test boosters and pro-hormones.

Natural Testosterone Boosters

As a relatively side-effect free supplement, Red PCT can be combined with other natural test boosters. It works so well because it doesn’t just promote testosterone production, but it also keeps estrogen levels down allowing you to remain worry free about gyno-based side effects.

Some popular supplements that you can stack with Red PCT include the following:


A post-cycle therapy supplement is a natural part of any pro-hormone cycle. The idea behind the PCT, as mentioned above, is to allow your natural testosterone levels to stabilize without estrogen going crazy. What’s more, a PCT is also needed to help your liver detox after the chemicals from the pro-hormones; some of which can be really harsh on your organs.

Red PCT can be taken immediately following a pro-hormone cycle. Depending on the strength of the pro-hormone, you should take Red PCT between four to eight weeks. The stronger the pro-hormone, the longer you’ll need Red PCT.

My Personal Results

So I finally got a chance to test out Red PCT, and I gotta say I’m a bit torn.

For the first few days, I only took 2 capsules spread throughout the day.

My rationale behind this was, if I was going to get some sort of allergic / bad reaction from it, I wanted to minimize it as much as possible.

Morning Wood

Generally speaking, most guys in their 20’s and early 30’s wake up with a boner first thing in the AM.

The reason behind this has to do with a norepinephrine decrease and a testosterone relate surge.

morning wood from red pct

I read through countless Red PCT reviews on forums, and morning wood was one of the most common themes I kept coming across.

The first morning the day after I took my first dose, I woke up with a raging hardon.

Now, it’s not the first time in recent months that I’ve had morning wood.

But normally the morning wood is only flying at half staff.

This was a full on erection like I was 18 years old again.

What was strange though was that, throughout my entire month of taking Red PCT, I only woke up with a boner like 5 or 6 times.

Body Composition

Throughout my Red PCT experiment, I didn’t change anything as far as gym-time or intensity. content/uploads/2018/05/body

I wanted to see if I could keep up with my current weight lifting / cardio regiment and see if Red-PCT would make a noticeable difference.

First week, I didn’t notice anything.

Right around the end of the 2nd week, “I” still didn’t notice anything.

However, “I” look at myself in the mirror everyday.

So it can be tough to see any discernible difference.

On that note, I did have a few of my friends out on the volleyball court make some comments.

Things like “damn man, you been working out?” as if I didn’t work out before 🙂


This is where I felt the biggest difference.

Normally I’m a terrible sleeper.  I’ll fall asleep fast, but will usually only get about 5-6 hours straight until I wake up the first time.

Then I’ll get up, take a piss, and then kind of just lay there for 30 min.

Sometimes I’ll fall back asleep easily, sometimes I’ll just end up wide awake.

Not with Red PCT.

After a week of taking it, I was sleeping like 7 – 8 hours STRAIGHT.

Didn’t wake up once.

As a result, I was definitely noticing gains in energy and alertness.

Energy / Improved Mood

One thing I noticed from the improved sleep quality was my overall mood / energy levels throughout the day.

Normally I wake up feeling alert for most of the morning / early afternoon, but right after lunch I’ll get the usual “2:30” crash.

I still got the crash, but it wasn’t NEARLY as bad as it usually is.

Typically I would take a 20 min nap and be ready to go as soon as I got up.

Before, those 20 min. naps would normally turn in to 1 hour and 20 minute naps.


Red PCT is a straight-to-the-point testosterone booster that can also be used as an effective recovery agent after a round of aggressive pro-hormones. It’s clear that Arimistane is leading the way in terms of scientific backing, but NAC and CB have also shown positive results.

Together, these three ingredients might be a natural and affordable way to safely increase testosterone levels. For all of the positive effects on overall positive male health, Red PCT is not only worth giving a try, but I would say it is worth sticking with.

As far as my personal results, for the price I think Red PCT is worth it.

Is it a miracle testosterone boosting supplement? 

Not by a long shot.

However, if you’re looking for mild benefits without the side effects of traditional Testosterone Replacement Therapy or SARMS, this is definitely the way to go.

Have You Used Red PCT?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

8 Best Over the Counter Phentermine Weight Loss Alternatives

Losing weight through diet and exercise is the key to lasting results.  With that said, it never hurts to supplement your weight loss efforts with an effective diet pill.

Here are a few of the most popular options that we’ve personally tested, as well as our recommendations.

The 8 best over the counter phentermine alternatives are HourGlass Fit, Instant Knockout, PhenQ, PhenGold, Xenadrine Ultimate, Phentaslim, Slimfy, and Evlution Leanmode.  They blow every other option out of the water.  They are also safe, effective, and available without a prescription.

Read on for more details.

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine. . . Chances are you’ve heard of it.

For many people, it’s their go-to for weight loss. The stimulant is like amphetamine, which decreases the appetite so you can increase your skinny-ness.

In short, the affordable drug packs a pretty good punch for those looking to whip into shape.

Ah, but did you catch that? Yep, our good friend phentermine is a bona-fide drug. D.R.U.G.

Phentermine is a drug
Phentermine is a drug

And to a get a drug you need doctors and prescriptions and all that jazz — or at least have a cousin named Vinny who knows a guy that. . . yeah, it gets a little dicey.

Quite simply, you CANNOT buy phentermine over the counter, despite numerous other sites telling you otherwise.

And that’s not all. . .

Phentermine often causes side effects that include:

  • feeling restless or hyperactive
  • headaches, dizziness, tremors
  • sleep problems such as insomnia
  • dry mouth, or unpleasant taste in mouth
  • diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach
  • Increased or decreased interest in sex, impotence
Phentermine weight loss
Phentermine pills. Image from

And those are just the common side effects. The more serious ones that’ll really have you questioning your life decisions include things like “pounding heartbeats,” “dangerously high blood pressure,” “unusual thoughts or behavior,” and even “swelling in your ankles or feet.”

Cankles anyone? No gracias!

phentermine can cause ankle swelling
Having cankles is like having elephant feet.

Why does life have to be so damn complicated? All you want to do is lose a little (or a lotta) weight.

So naturally, people like you are on the hunt for over the counter diet pills similar to phentermine.

Something that will actually help them to lose weight and feel comfortable in their own skin again.

Well, you can skip having to sort through the hundreds or thousands of products out there, because I’ve brought the goods. A handful of over the counter weight loss pills and supplements like phentermine with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Because options are a beautiful thing. And because what’s phenter-mine is phenter-yours. (See what I did there? 😉

So many weight-loss pills to choose from
There are hundreds and even thousands of weight loss products out there.

In this Review I Will Tell You:

  • The specific pills and supplements I’ve tried on my quest to lose weight
  • How they work
  • What you can expect
  • My personal thoughts
  • And my final recommendations

So. . .

Without further ado, in no particular order, here are 8 over the counter phentermine alternatives that work as good (or better than!) Adipex to help you lose weight.

#1. (Females) Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: HourGlass Fit

hourglass fit review

Note: Click Here to visit the official HourGlass Fit website.

You weren’t born yesterday. So you know that the biology of men and women differs drastically. Mentally, physically, emotionally. . . it’s like apples and oranges.

Aware of this, the makers of HourGlass Fit set out to create a fat burner like phentermine specifically designed for women.

Yup. . . Ladies, this one’s for you.

Pretty neat, right? Well my wife thought so. And it didn’t hurt that HourGlass Fit’s design and branding game was on-point, which made for especially attractive packing.

Needless to say, my wife gave it a whirl for two solid weeks and had quite the experience. But before we dig into that, let’s find out what this HourGlass Fit is all about.

What’s in HourGlass Fit?

HourGlass Fit has a power-packed list of ingredients that includes everything from Vitamin B6 and Konjac root, to Chromium and Cayenne powder.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the ingredients label:

hourglass fit ingredients label

HourGlass Fit boosts metabolism and cuts fat with this weight-loss cocktail of ingredients. So if you or a lady friend wants to try it, you can rest easy knowing you wont be overdosing on caffeine.

What you’ll find instead is a great OTC alternative to phentermine, complete with rich antioxidants and essential minerals.

HourGlass Fit Success Stories

You can search the web and find lots of positive feedback and reviews for HourGlass Fit.

One particular success story that we really liked was Laura’s. Here she is before using HourGlass Fit. . .

sadie before pic

And four short weeks after using HourGlass Fit. . .

sadie after pic

At a starting weight of 146 lbs., she was able to knock it down to 138 lbs. after just 30 days.

8 lbs. of weight loss without sacrificing lean muscle mass in the process, not too shabby!

My Wife’s Results Taking HourGlass Fit

My wife tried other fat burners in the past. So when she took HourGlass Fit, she was admittedly a bit skeptical.

But she found that it immediately curbed her appetite and gave her the motivation to really start sculpting her body in the gym.

Another positive effect of HourGlass Fit was the ‘energy buzz’ it gave her in the short term. But even week over week, she found she had energy reserves that never before existed.

And to top it off, there was no “snack-rafice.” That is, she had virtually no cravings for snacks to battle.

When the dust settled, she stood on the scale and lost over 10 pounds. She not only lost fat, but preserved muscle where it mattered, and she loved her new ‘trim’ look.

All in all, HourGlass Fit was a sound investment for my wife, as it has been for others. She plans on taking it longer-term and writing a thorough review of the product.

Where can I buy HourGlass Fit?

You can find HourGlass Fit for sale on their official site here:

It’s nearly identical in price to IKO, and they offer free worldwide shipping.

#1. (Males) Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: Instant Knockout

instant knockout fat burner review

Note: Click Here to visit the official Instant Knockout website.

I’m excited to share my personal experience with the hard-hitting fat burner that is Instant Knockout (IKO). But first, let’s go over why it’s a solid alternative to weight loss drugs like much caffeine in coffee google search result

First off, much like the others on the list, IKO suppresses the appetite so you eat less food. But IKO has a little trick up its sleeve that really sets it apart from the others. That is, it’s designed to target those pesky pounds and fat deposits in hard to target areas.

instant knockout fat burner review

What’s in Instant Knockout?

The proprietary formula that delivers the Instant KO includes:

  • Vitamin B6
  • B2
  • Zinc
  • GTF Chromium
  • Green Tea extract
  • Green Coffee bean extract
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Glucomannan
  • Caffeine
  • and Bioperine (black pepper extract)

Yep, caffeine. A whole 300 mgs of the stuff. That’s like chugging three 8-ounce cups of coffee. . . you beast.

how much caffeine in coffee google search result

Oh, and those chili peppers. That’s the secret-weapon ingredient, as chili peppers are known for their weight-loss properties. Popping peppers delivers a one-two punch that first increases your body temps to activate calorie burn, and then leaves you feeling fuller, longer.

Here’s the full list of ingredients. . .

instant knockout caffeine content

My Personal Results with Instant Knockout

In most parts of the U.S., winter comes and we fatten up because it’s too damn cold to get outside and exercise. But I live in the parallel universe better known as Florida.

Here it’s the opposite. The brutal summer months roll in, and you can hardly think straight due to the oppressive heat, let alone get outside for this thing called exercise.

So. . . one recent summer I packed on 8 pounds of fat.

Thankfully, not much later I got my hands on 3 bottles of Instant Knockout. You can read the full story here, but in a nutshell this is how my day progressed. . .

Like a genius I took 2 capsules instead of just the one recommended capsule (not recommended).

I then started my 25 min. round of high intensity interval training (HIIT). Shortly after I experienced a tremendous surge of Richard-Simmons-like energy.

HIIT Training and weight loss
HIIT Training exercises for weight loss. Image credit: My Southern Health

Then I continued with a my explosive-movement course that I’ve developed over time. In fact, ’twas so nice I did it twice. That’s right. . . two rounds of everything.

I finished and felt like a boss the remainder of the day.

The most encouraging part was that I began to see a HUGE reduction in fat deposits. I traded the “fluffy” look for a midsection that resembled abs (if you squinted just right). And my smaller bathing suits were finally fitting me again.

Can you see my abs? Honey I Shrunk the Kids.
Can you see my abs? Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

My Overall Thoughts on Instant Knockout

Is IKO perfect?


But the common side effects are mostly caffeine-related, i.e.  insomnia, irritability, headaches, and drowsiness. I can deal with that.

Caffeine side effects
Caffeine side effects

And overall, I’d go out on a limb and say that Instant Knockout is a fine OTC alternative to phentermine.

If you are a regular or long time caffeine user, it seems like you would be near immune to the side effects that Instant Knockout may have.

It works for both men and women, and really shines in the one department we could all use a little help — the “light-a-fire-under-my-arse-so-I-workout” department.

Thanks for that, IKO.

Where To Buy Instant Knockout

You can find Instant Knockout on their official website,

It’s a little more expensive then PhenGold, with a one month supply retailing at $59.

Of course, discounts are provided for larger orders.

#2. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: PhenQ

phenq as a phentermine alternative

Note: Click Here to visit the official PhenQ website.

Does this fat burner make me look thin? Let’s find out.

Before we jump right into how PhenQ can make you slim, let me first introduce you to the brilliant company behind the weight loss supplement.

Wolfson Brands and its team of scientists are making waves with a powerhouse lineup of products.

While many vitamin and supplement companies exaggerate claims and often put questionable products on the market just to make a buck, Wolfson Brands is legitimate through and through.

You can read a detailed rundown of the company and their rigorous studies and testing practices here. But just know that the makers of PhenQ focus on developing quality products that contain only the best ingredients.

Yeah. . . but will it make me thin?! Good question.

To be honest, since the product is so new, we haven’t had a chance to put it to the test.

But will we? Sure thing! It’s a trusted brand with a proven track-record of making kick-ass products. So why not?

What’s in PhenQ?

phenq ingredients label

PhenQ is loaded with essential vitamins and a proprietary formula that includes:

  • Capsimax Powder (8 mg)
  • Caffeine (150 mg)
  • L-Carnitine (142.5 mg)
  • Piperine Extract (3 mg)

So if you’re looking to lose weight and want to go the cleanest, most scientific route, then perhaps PhenQ is your best bet for OTC phentermine.

Where to buy PhenQ

You can find PhenQ on their official website,

They offer a number of discount packages, including a buy 2 bottles get 1 free deal.

They also offer free worldwide shipping, a 60-day money back guarantee, and additional discounts.

#3. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: PhenGold

phengold as a natural alternative to phentermine

Note: Click Here to visit the official PhenGold website.

This guy is one of my favorites on the list. It’s your classic phentermine alternative, as it works double-duty to suppress the appetite, stimulate the ol’ metabolism, and burn some serious fat.

It’s also one of the best female thermogenics we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested a lot!

The best part about it? PhenGold keeps it clean with all-natural ingredients.

What’s in PhenGold?

PhenGold consists of a blend of L-Tyrosine, Caffeine, Capsaicin, and Green Coffee extract, a potent stimulant that helps to boost your metabolism and burn fat day after day.

Here is the full list of ingredients directly from the label:

ingredients in phengold

PhenGold Reviews

You can find lots of reviews on the official PhenGold website, but here’s one from a happy customer. . .

“After my first pregnancy, I felt so fat and disgusting that I never wanted to show my face in public.

I would spend hours in the gym, but it was practically useless because I would end up getting so hungry that I would just eat it all back.

phengold before and after

I knew I needed something that would curb my appetite, while helping me burn the fat off and up my metabolism.

My friend told me about PH.375, and after using it for 6 months, I had lost 43 pounds!

I wish I had knew about this before, I would have been taking it the day after I gave birth to my son!” -Laura, New York

My Thoughts on PhenGold

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: PhenGold (or any of these supplements) is not a miracle pill. And while I was happy with my results, I wouldn’t say it’s superior to other weight loss pills like Instant Knockout (don’t worry, it’s coming).

But if you’re eating healthy and incorporating exercise into your lifestyle, then PhenGold is a quality supplement to manage your calorie consumption and to help you experience moderate weight loss over time.

Where To Buy PhenGold

You can only buy PhenGold on their official website,

A one month supply will run you $59.99, with discounts for larger orders.

#4. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: Xenadrine

Xenadrine Ultimate is a popular fat-burner and a top phentermine substitute contender on the OTC phentermine alternatives list. You’ll find this weight loss pill in WalMart and other stores, but is it worth your time? Let’s have a look.

xenadrine ultimate review

What’s in Xenadrine Ultimate?

The ingredients are separated into two categories.

The “Weight Loss & Metabolic Intensity Complex” includes:

  • Robusta Coffee Bean Extract
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Yohimbe bark extract (Not to be mistaken with our late friend Harambe the gorilla… RIP Harambe. Yohimbe is a stimulant that acts as an aphrodisiac)

xenadrine ultimate ingredients label

The other category is the “Xenadrine Ultimate Complex,” which includes:

  • Garcinia fruit extract (helps prevent fat storage and controls appetite)
  • L-Theanine (enhances cognitive performance)
  • Spearmint leaf extract (helps with digestion)
  • Autumn olive fruit extract (contains loads of lycopene)
  • Ashwagandha root and leaf extract (relieves anxiety and stress)

Similar to Instant Knockout, Xenadrine Ultimate contains the equivalent of two cups of coffee. Couple that with the ingredient Yohimbe, you’ll be in for a wild ride if you’re sensitive to stimulants. So if you are, consider steering clear of this one.

Xenadrine 21-Day Starter Plan

xenadrine ultimate 21 day starter plan

How cool is this?! Sometimes you just need a little guidance and structure, especially if you are new to the weight-loss lifestyle.

In the starter plan, Xenadrine gives you a training schedule broken down into strength, cardio, and rest days. There’s also a handy nutrition plan that includes healthy meal planning that is detailed down to the ingredients.

xenadrine nutrition plan

Consider it the weight-loss bonus round. I’m pretty sure phentermine doesn’t offer something like this.

My Personal Results with Xenadrine

I started off slow with just one capsule and kicked my usual morning coffee.

And BOOM! within 20 minutes I was feeling it. Then, for two good hours I didn’t feel hungry at all. Instead I felt a bit nauseous, which eventually went away.

A few days later I upped the ante and started taking the full dose of 2 pills, and thus felt the full effects of Xenadrine Ultimate.

how to take xenadrine ultimate

I hit the gym and had an unforgettable workout session, which included 45 minutes on weights, and then a treadmill 5k to follow.

I began to crash when the 4-hour-mark hit, but it was nothing out of the ordinary.

In the end, without modifying my diet, I lost 6 pounds in two weeks using Xenadrine Ultimate.

xenadrine ultimate clinical study

So does Xenadrine work? Is it a good alternative to phentermine? I would say yes and yes.  And if you’re committed to eating right and exercising, Xenadrine Ultimate will likely meet you halfway.

Xenadrine seems to be an overall workout enhancer.

Where Can I Buy Xenadrine Ultimate?

Unlike with PhenGold and Instant Knockout, you can find this over the counter phentermine alternative in stores like Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS.

It’s WAY cheaper than PhenGold or IKO, but in my opinion just isn’t as effective.

#5. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: Phentaslim

Phentaslim Review

“Destroy your Hunger Pangs and Annihilate your Body Fat!” That’s the battle cry emblazoned across Phentaslim’s website. Not bad. If nothing else, at least their marketing game is on-point.

But does Phentaslim deserve a spot on the official unofficial OTC alternatives to phentermine weight loss list?

Well, let’s take a closer look. . .

Phentaslim claims by using their product you will. . .

Phentaslim weight loss supplement.
Phentaslim weight loss supplement. Photo cred:

Alright, if it’s true, sign me up!

But What’s in Phentaslim?

Phentaslim consists of over a dozen natural ingredients, including:

  • Green tea catechins, which increase fat burning without jacking up your heart rate)
  • Caffeine, which gives you energy, focus, and a decreased appetite
  • L-Theanine, which helps with mental clarity and reduces stress and anxiety
  • L-Carnitine, which boosts your metabolism and helps convert fat to energy
  • L-Tyrosine, which helps to increase fat burning at rest

While we haven’t personally tried the product, there are tons of positive reviews on the Phentaslim website, along with quite the convincing before-and-after shots.

It’s also worth mentioning that many of the great reviews really stress the benefits of appetite suppression and increased energy, both of which are characteristic of phentermine alternatives.

Phentaslim weight loss before and after photos
Phentaslim weight loss before and after photos. Photo cred:

Another reason why Phentaslim made the list is because they did what all-to-many supplement companies refuse to do. That is, they actually list all of the ingredients that go into the product. This is good business and shows they have nothing to hide.

So if you’re looking to drop some weight in the coming months, it might be worth looking into Phentaslim as a good alternative to fat burning pills like phentermine.

Where To buy Phentaslim

You can find Phentaslim on their official website, www.Phentaslim.

A single bottle will run you $69, making it one of the more expensive phentermine alternatives on this page.

Still a very effective one though!

#6. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: Slimfy

slimfy review

It’s all in the approach.

Don’t believe me? Just ask any airline pilot as they come in for a landing.

Or better yet. . .

Ask Happy Gilmore, the man who single-handedly redefined what it means to play golf and drive the ball from the tee.

Yeah. Approach matters.

That’s why this next fat-burner called Slimfy made the list.

Rather than touting that a single pill will burn all your heavy off, they’ve come with a unique approach that splits up weight loss into three separate stages.

How Does Slimfy Work?

In a more thorough review, I really highlight Slimfy’s focus on a little (BIG!) something called tolerance.

Yep, their unique 3-stage approach to weight loss is centered around the fact that our bodies’ build up a tolerance to supplements over time and will eventually stop reacting the way we want them to.

Slimfy has set out to completely eliminate this tolerance so that we can get optimal weight-loss results week after week and month after month.

Here’s what that looks like in a nutshell. . .

Slimfy Stage 1 – Detox and Weight Loss

slimfy stage 1

During this one-month stage you’ll apparently be expelling toxins from your body while you start to shed the pounds. Stage 1 ingredients include:

  • Organic ginger
  • Milk thystle
  • Hydrangea
  • Saffron
  • Green coffee bean extract

Stage 2 – Enhance Weight Loss

slimfy stage 2

During this stage the focus is on ramping up the weight loss. How so? Well, it’s all in the ingredients which include:

  • The ever-controversial Raspberry ketones
  • Green coffee bean
  • CoQ10
  • Reseveratrol
  • Saffron
  • Maqui berry

Stage 3 – Maintenance

slimfy stage 3

This is the stage where you get to defy the natural laws of biology and trick your body into NOT picking up a tolerance for Slimfy. Stage 3 ingredients include:

  • African mango extract
  • Green tea extract
  • Caralluma febriata
  • CoQ10
  • and Lychee extract

Slimfy Reviews

Like many weight loss “solutions,” the reviews for Slimfy are mixed.

Here is a video posted by one satisfied customer. . .

slimfy youtube review

Although I like the effort and the unique approach to weight loss, I still harbor some skepticism and unanswered questions about the product.

Nevertheless, is it deserving of your consideration if you’re looking for a weight loss pill similar to phentermine. So maybe give it a shot and let us know what you think.

Where can you buy Slimfy?

You can find Slimfy on their official website,

The price really depends on a few factors, including which one you buy and how much.

#7. Over The Counter Phentermine Alternative: Evlution Nutrition LeanMode

evlution nutrition lean mode reviews

This unique fat-burner’s competitive advantages are a.) they purposefully spell their name wrong, and b.) it’s stimulant-free!

So if you’re sensitive to proper grammar and/or stimulants, especially caffeine, then this might be the weight-loss supplement for you.

Similar to the others on the list, LeanMode promises to:

  • Increase your fat-burning mechanism
  • Curb your appetite
  • Boost metabolism
  • Detox your cells
  • Enhance your mood to keep you motivated

What’s in LeanMode?

The Evlution Nutrition LeanMode formula contains. . .

evlution nutrition leanmode ingredients

  • Garcinia Cambogia extract
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  • Green tea extract

LeanMode Reviews

Fortunately, there are boatloads of LeanMode reviews all over the internet – from Amazon to YouTube, and even

Here’s what people are saying. . .

evlution lean mode youtube review

“I used this product for 30 days, lost 15 LBS, Today ordering two bottles as you cant beat the price and what it does to your appetite and you get shred, but you got to workout like me sometimes twice a day, and I working 9 hrs standing at my work station, I am 6’6″, 230 lbs with 16% body fat.” -User review on

“With eating properly, regular workout, taking 3 before breakfast and 3 before dinner, lost a little over 20 lbs, I wouldn’t gotten to where I am without LeanMode has everything so far I feel it helping me out alot.” -User review on

In fact, check this out. . .

LeanMode weight loss supplement
LeanMode weight loss supplement

My Personal Experience Taking LeanMode

I was happy to try LeanMode as I can be sensitive to products packed with stimulants. At the same time my hopes weren’t sky-high, as my body doesn’t typically respond well to stimulant-free supplements.

Here’s what I noticed did change:

  • My appetite was decreased dramatically
  • I felt more alert and focused
  • I didn’t experience any noticeable boost in energy

Overall, I was pretty impressed with LeanMode. And there are millions of Americans out there who want to a) lose a little weight, and b) either don’t like taking stimulants or can’t have stimulants. For these people I think LeanMode is definitely worth a try.

I would definitely characterize it as one of the best diet pills similar to phentermine available over the counter today.

Where can you buy Lean Mode?

You can find Lean Mode on the official EVL Nutrition website,

A 50 serving bottle will run you $19.99.

My Overall Recommendations for Over the Counter Phentermine Alternatives

Even if you’re able to get a prescription for phentermine, because of the nasty side-effects it might be worth your time to explore one (or more) of these over the counter alternatives.

We’ve seen quite the variety on this list — everything from women-only fat burners, to multi-stage and stimulant-free weight loss supplements. So there’s bound to be one that suits your preferences.

Exercise and eat healthy while taking OTC phentermine alternatives
Exercise and eat healthy while taking OTC phentermine alternatives

I recommend taking it slow. Whichever supplement you choose, it’s smart to take half the dose to begin with, just to see how your body responds, and adjust accordingly.

Also, don’t expect a miracle to happen. Losing weight takes an all-around disciplined lifestyle. You’ll get the best results if you’re exercising and eating healthy while taking weight loss pills. It’s the truth (sorry not sorry).

So which do you plan on taking? Or which have you tried in the past? Let me know in the comments below.

Check out our other “Over The Counter” series articles below:

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

JXT5 Review

JXT5 Overview Contents

What is JXT5?
What are the ingredients?
JXT5 Reviews
Side Effects
Where to buy

Testosterone boosters come in all shapes, sizes, and prices.

You have supplements like Nugenix, which have been staple in the supplement world for 5 years.

You have pills like Andro400, which is only sold online.

And you have testosterone boosters that are sold at GNC.

One such product I recently saw on the shelves was JXT5.

jxt5 review

Unlike most testosterone boosters which promote things like increased muscle mass, improved sleep quality, and fat loss, this one was different.

They actually market this as a “Testosterone + Joint” supplement.

Not only will it help with libido, vision, and strength, but it also can help to improve joint mobility, prostate issues, and even your eyesight.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard that claim coming from a testosterone booster, and I’ve reviewed and tested DOZENS.

I got to talking to the GNC rep about it, and he told me that he’s been recommending it to a TON of guys the last few months.

gnc in jupiter fl

Of course, there’s no way to tell if his opinion is really “unbiased” as GNC has a tendency to pay their sales people well to push certain brands over others.

Still, it got me thinking.

Is JXT5 the next best thing in the testosterone boosting world?

1. What is JXT5?

Made by a company called Metis Nutrition, JXT5 is a 5-in-1 testosterone support product that can help with:

  • Joints
  • Libido
  • Prostate
  • Vision
  • Testosterone

The one pro that JXT5 has going for them is the fact that this supplement doesn’t just make all of the usual promises of increased libido, bigger muscles, and reduce fat.

Unlike practically EVERY testosterone booster I’ve reviewed, this one promises to ALSO help with joint relief.

It landed on the shelves at GNC just a few years ago, and contains a VERY extensive blend of ingredients.

2. Ingredients In JXT5

The standard ingredients in this supplement include Vitamins B6, B12, Calcium, Iron, and Chromium.

Big deal, right?

You can find those ingredients in your typical multi-vitamin.

But that’s not what makes JXT5 tick.

Instead, it’s broken down into many sub-units of a proprietary blend that is one of the biggest list of ingredients I’ve ever seen.

First off, here’s a snapshot of the label:

jxt5 ingredients label

Surge-T Testosterone + Libido Blend

This particular blend is made up of the following ingredients:

  • Fenugreek extract
  • Purified Shilajit
  • DHEA
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Eurycoma longifolia

You’ll find Fenugreek extract in dozens of other testosterone boosters, including Alpha King, Prime Male, and Alpha JYM.

I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty details about how Fenugreek works, but I have a very extensive article on that here in case you’re interested.

In short, Fenugreek has a number of reported benefits, including:

The jury is still out on whether or not it can REALLY make a solid impact on your testosterone levels.

With that said, there have been a few studies noting both an increase in Total testosterone, as well as bioavailable testosterone.

Trib-T Complex

The 2nd proprietary blend in JXT5 is called Trib-T complex.

Here we have a wider list of ingredients that includes:

  • Tribulus Terrestris fruit extract
  • Tribulus seed extract
  • Pygeum africanum bark extract
  • Nettle leaf extract
  • Tongkat Ali (otherwise known as Eurycoma Longifolia)

I have written about Tribulus Terrestris pretty extensively, and just like with Fenugreek it’s included in dozens of other testosterone boosters and sexual support supplements.

These include:

Tribulus is another one of those controversial ingredients that has it’s proponents AND opponents.

For example, the guys over at Legion Athletics examined 28 different studies on Tribulus’ effect on testosterone, and came to the following conclusions:

Many studies have been conducted on tribulus and it seems clear that it doesn’t increase testosterone.

However, they do correctly note that Tribulus DOES have the ability to help with sexual dysfunction issues.

I’ve actually been saying this for years.

While Tribulus Terrestris doesn’t actually have a firm impact on your testosterone numbers, it DOES mimic the effects of increased testosterone.

Isn’t that all that really matters?

Joint Support Blend

JXT5 also contains a number of potent joint relief extracts, including:

  • Calcium Fructoborate
  • Methylsulfonylmethane
  • Turmeric Root
  • Blood Orange fruit extract
  • Bromelain
  • Hydrolyzed Chicken collagen
  • Cetyl-Myristoleate

I’m not too well-versed on joint relief supplements, so forgive me on my lack of understanding on how these are supposed to work.

I googled “best joint relief herbs” and was a bit surprised at the results.

The only ingredient in JXT5 that I kept coming across as a joint reliever was Turmeric root.

On, they list herbs like S-adenosylmethionine, Boswellia Serate, and Capsaicin as being effective arthritis and joint pain relievers.

But none of these other ingredients made the cut.

Prostate and Liver Support Blend

Prostate problems tend to affect guys older than 60 years old, with about 1/2 having symptoms of BPH.

While BPH and ED are 2 different issues, they ARE somewhat interconnected.

For example, certain types of medications used to combat BPH list erectile dysfunction as a side effect.

My guess is JXT5 included this formula to help relieve prostate issues, and improve overall quality of life.

The complete prostate and liver support blend includes the following:

  • Milk thistle
  • Calcium D-Glucarate
  • Tomato fruit extract
  • Saw Palmetto

Unlike with the joint support blend above, most (if not ALL) of these ingredients have been shown to help with prostate and liver issues.

Estrogen-Suppress Complex

As men age, typically they start to see their testosterone levels fall while their estrogen levels rise.

This increase in estrogen CAN be stopped, however.

This proprietary blend includes only 2 ingredients:

  • Diindolymethane (DIM)
  • Chrysin

Diindolymethane is the primary ingredient here.

Not only has it been shown to block estrogen effects under certain conditions, but it’s also been shown effective at helping to prevent an enlarged prostate.

Occular Health Blend

Another thing to start going as we age is eyesight, which undoubtedly is why JXT5 decided to include this in their supplement.

Rounding out the formula, the Occular health blend contains the following ingredients:

  • Marigold
  • Wild Bilberry

When it comes to ocular health, Marigold has an absolute monopoly.

According to several sources, the 2 main ingredients found in eye health supplements are lutein and zeaxanthin.

Do you know where these two ingredients most commonly occur?

That’s right, in Marigold flowers.

3. What do the JXT5 reviews have to say?

There’s only a few places that are pumping out credible reviews of JXT5.

On the GNC website, it’s rated an average of 4 out of 5 stars, with a total of 28 reviews.jxt5 average rating on GNC

You’ll find a wide array of opinions on it, with statements like “Awesome results” to “It did nothing”.

One thing I did note on the GNC website was that the vast majority of reviews were positive.

Not only did many users report feeling increase energy levels and improved mood, but I saw numerous instances where there was significant joint pain and tendon relief.

jxt5 for knee pain

One guy even mentioned that JXT5 was quite literally the ONLY supplement that didn’t interfere with his prostate medication.

jxt5 for prostate health

One guy claimed that 1-star JXT5 reviews were being removed from the GNC website, but I couldn’t find any evidence of that.

1 star reviews of jxt5

4. Are There Any Side Effects?

As with literally ANY supplement, side effects are possible with JXT5.

They even explicitly mention some of them on the bottle, which include:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Hair growth in females
  • Aggressiveness
  • Irritability
  • Increased levels of estrogen

You should also discontinue use and consult a physician if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision

5. Where to buy JXT5

As of this review, JXT5 is available both on the GNC website and in stores for $89.99.  You can also find it on Amazon a bit cheaper, with the average price being $73 with free shipping.

You used to be able to find it on the Walmart website, but apparently it’ no longer available.

It’s also available on the official Metis Nutrition website ( for the same price.

The nice thing about ordering JXT5 directly from Metis Nutrition is that they back their product with a 30 day money back guarantee.

However, be sure to hang on to the bottle because they do require you to send it back to them to receive a refund.

6. Recommendation

I have to say, JXT5 looks pretty promising.

It’s not everyday that I see an all-in-one testosterone booster like this, and I do appreciate the unique angle they’re putting on it.

My biggest problem with JXT5 is the price.  At close to $90 for a one month supply, it’s downright outrageous.

There are enough alternatives that are much cheaper than that to steer you towards other options, but it does have good effects.

With that said, it DOES contain a number of ingredients that actually can help to improve libido and joint mobility.

Another thing I noticed was that the VAST majority of guys that seemed to have a positive experience with JXT5 were typically around 50 years of age and older.

Does this mean that it will only work in older gentleman?  Not by a long shot.

But I do see the trend.

If price is not an issue for you, and you also have joint / prostate problems, it may be worth giving it a shot.

If the $90 price tag is simply too much to pony up for a male enhancement supplement, I totally understand the sentiment.

Have You Used JXT5?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Cute Nutrition Review

1. Cute Nutrition Fat Burner Overview

In our modern world, more people are now overweight than ever before.

In the US alone, over 30% of men and close to 40% of women ages 20 – 72 are considered obese.

obesity statistics

There is a vast market for quick and easy weight loss solutions, and taking a pill to lose pounds is an attractive prospect for many.

The weight loss business can be big bucks, with more and more products are leaping onto the bandwagon promising everything under the sun.

Now there is an incredible amount of choice, it is understandably difficult to know which to choose.

Related Article:  11 BEST Female Fat Burners

One up and coming supplement that has got people talking is Cute Nutrition Fat Burner.

In our review, we are going to take a good look behind the label to work out whether this is one of the good ones, or a useless fad.

2. What is Cute Nutrition Fat Burner?

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner is a weight loss pill that is marketed towards women.

The packaging is very feminine, even including an image of a lipstick kiss stain on the bottle.

cute fat burner

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner contains a formula made up of 100% natural ingredients that it claims accomplishes the following:

  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Crushes Cravings
  • No Side Effects

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner is produced as part of a larger range of supplements and protein shakes under the Cute Nutrition brand.

It is a UK based company that ships worldwide.

3. Does Cute Nutrition Fat Burner Work?

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner does have some ok reviews online, but there are a few ingredients we are not too sure about.

Something we were pleased to see is that Cute Nutrition Fat Burner is transparent about how much of each ingredient is used in it’s formula.

This is at least better than many manufacturers that hide the ingredient concentrations behind a proprietary blend.

With this in mind, let’s investigate their ingredients further to see if they can stand up to scrutiny.

4. Ingredients In Cute Nutrition Fat Burner

  • Guarana
  • Green tea
  • L-tyrosine
  • Chromium
  • L-carnitine
  • Ginger root
  • Siberian ginseng
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

cute nutrition fat burner ingredients label


Guarana is commonly found in sports supplements due to its energy boosting effects.

It contains double the amount of caffeine that is found in coffee, which unsurprisingly make it a very strong stimulant.

Sure, high quantities of caffeine can serve to elevate the metabolism and increase calorie burn, but this also comes at a price.

It can make your heart race and make you feel anxious and jittery. As if that wasn’t unpleasant enough, caffeine can also interfere with sleeping patterns and cause headaches.

We don’t think this is a good choice of ingredient for a female specific fat burner.

Women are generally more sensitive to stimulants and there are other effective, less disruptive ingredients that could have been used instead.

Green Tea

This ingredient is more suitable for a womens supplement.

Green tea also contains caffeine, but in a much smaller amount, so you still get the metabolism boosting benefits, but without the nasty side effects of a high dose.

In fact, green tea contains less caffeine than a cup of the brown stuff.

But, green tea has more to offer than just a little caffeine. It is also crammed full of antioxidants that accelerate fat loss.

The superstar of these antioxidants is called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). It directs the body to break down and consume fat stores for fuel, helping your troublesome inches melt away.


Tyrosine is one of a pack of 20 different amino acids that are vital to health. They are most well known for the essential role they play in the manufacture of proteins.

While there are some studies that have found weight loss benefits of l-tyrosine, we are not convinced this is a particularly active ingredient.

It is true that it can support the release of hormones such as norepinephrine, which encourages fat burning, but most of us consume the required amount of tyrosine from our diets anyway.

In our opinion, there is no reason for us to get excited about something we already get with three good meals a day.


Chromium is a mineral which can encourage weight loss by raising the metabolism.

It also helps you to digest and make use of the nutrients in the food you eat, which is great for health and energy levels.

Chromium is also effective at regulating blood sugar levels and the way the body responds to insulin. This helps to prevent cravings and potentially defend against diabetes.

For these reasons, we think chromium is a very useful ingredient in Cute Nutrition Fat Burner


L-carnitine is another amino acid that is necessary for the conversion of fats to an energy source. We naturally manufacture it within our bodies, but also absorb some from our diets.

There is some evidence that l-carnitine can be a useful treatment for some illnesses relating to the heart and vascular system.

With that said, we are not sold on the claim that it is particularly beneficial for weight loss. There is some thin research that shows positive weight loss results from the use of l-carnitine, but many more studies are required to be certain.

There are certainly other ingredients with solid scientific backing that could have been a better choice for this formula.

Ginger Root Powder

Ginger is a common addition to Asian cusine, but we are not too impressed to see it used in Cute Nutrition Fat Burner.

Whilst there is evidence that shows ginger can slightly elevate metabolism, this was in relation to a much larger dose that that found in Cute Nutrition.

On this basis it is unlikely that ginger is going to have any tangible effects.

Siberian Ginseng

Ginseng isn’t used that often in weight loss supplements, so we were a little intrigued as to what benefits it could provide.

Apparently, ginseng is effective at suppressing the appetite and helping you to avoid cravings.

Furthermore, it is also supposed to increase calorie burn, encourage fat loss and manage blood sugar levels.

We are not sure how effective this ingredient will be overall, but it is unlikely to cause any problems.


Magnesium is a mineral which is present in most living things, as well as the ocean and soils.

Most of the magnesium in our bodies is in our muscles and skeleton, but some is also present in our bloodstream and tissues.

Magnesium is essential for the day to day function of our cells. Without it we couldn’t survive.

It supports the action of enzymes which carry out thousands of tasks that keep us alive and healthy.

There is some evidence that magnesium is useful for helping athletes improve their training intensity and helping older people improve energy levels.

Like other ingredients, magnesium can positively affect blood sugar levels, helping reduce sugar cravings.

If you have a healthy diet, which you should if you want to lose weight, you probably consume enough mangnesium anyway.

Therefore, we are not blown away by the use of this ingredient.


Zinc is another mineral that is crucial for the health of our immune system, metabolic function, blood sugar regulation, digestive health and mood.

It helps with weight loss by suppressing the appetite and reducing calorie intake.

It has this effect by inhibiting the release of hormones that stimulate hunger.

Ghrelin and leptin are hormones which control hunger. During clinical trials, zinc had hunger reducing effects by interacting with these hormones.

5. Cute Nutrition Fat Burner Dosage And Instructions

The directions for use are to take one or two capsules per day with water.

This didn’t impress us too much as we would have liked a greater degree of certainty from the makers on how much to take each day. Regardless of whether it’s one capsule or two we still don’t believe it would be sufficient to offer significant results.

The best fat burners for women require you to take them more frequently throughout the day.

6. Side Effects Of Cute Nutrition Fat Burner

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner is made up of entirely natural ingredients, but there are potential side effects.

They state on their website ‘No Side Effects’ which we believe is a little unlikely.

As we have seen, Cute Nutrition Fat Burner contains ingredients with very high quantities of stimulants, which is not only a less than perfect choice for women, it most certainly carries risk of side effects.

Caffeine is known to cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, insomnia, jitters, anxiety and headaches.

7. Where To Buy Cute Nutrition Fat Burner

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner can be purchased via their official website.

It is also available on Amazon and a variety of online and physical health stores.

We has a look online to see if it was stocked with Walmart or Walgreens but it doesn’t appear to be available.

Cute Nutrition Fat Burners are priced at around $20 for a bottle of 60 capsules. This looks like a great deal BUT REMEMBER you are only getting half the amount of capsules when compared with other fat burners on the market.

8. User Reviews Of Cute Nutrition Fat Burner

We had a read of the reviews on Cute Nutritions’ website, and it is no surprise to find that all of these are positively raving about this product.

This customer was apparently ‘obsessed’ with her results.

cute nutrition fat burner review on official site

Whilst this user raved that these pills really worked..

does cute nutrition work

9. Cute Nutrition Fat Burner Reviews on Amazon

Whilst many of the Amazon reviews positive we have to say that there wasn’t much to go off.

At the time of writing we could only find 13 reviews in total which isn’t really enough to get a good read on the supplement’s effectiveness.

Some people did say they enjoyed the energy boost they received from this product.

Like this reviewer for example…

cute nutrition review on amazon

However we don’t understand how a reviewer could leave a 5 star review after using the product for just four days. It’s worth noting that sometimes manufacturers give away free bottles in exchange for a 5 star review. content/uploads/2018/05/cute

We did also find one negative reviewer who was complaining about receiving a damaged product.

Of course, this isn’t a truly negative representation of the product, rather an unhappy review of Amazon services.

10. Cute Nutrition Fat Burner Recommendation

Overall, we think Cute Nutrition Fat Burner will likely provide a small weight loss benefit if used correctly and alongside diet and exercise.

However, there definitely several ingredients that are ineffective, it was also a disappointment for us to see strong stimulants used in this product.

We are aware that there are many fat burners that use caffeine, but this doesn’t change our opinion that guarana is just too intense for a women’s supplement.

There are other womens fat burners out there (such as Lean Bean) that have higher quality ingredients and are effective without being loaded with caffeine.

Cute Nutrition Fat Burner does appear to be reasonably priced for a month supply, but we think there are better diet pills out there however that provide more bang for your buck.

Have You Used Cute Nutrition?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

NooFlux Axon And Flow Review

Note:  This is just a review.  Click Here to visit the official Nooflux website.

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted a review of a Nootropic supplement.

Due to the sheer amount of supplement review requests and products I get sent, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.

Right now, there are TONS of Nootropic supplements on the market, many of which have similar formulas and essentially are intended to have similar effects as you may expect and as with anything, some are better than others.

I was approached by a representative of Nooflux about 3 months back, who sent over a 7 day stack of their flagship products.

They are none other than Axon and Flow, collectively known as The Infinity Stack.

nooflux axon and flow

They’ve been sitting on my desk for the last 2 and a half months or so, and I finally got a chance to try them out.

First, let’s talk briefly about each supplement.

1. What is Nooflux Axon?

Axon is a brain support supplement that’s designed to help improve memory, cognition, and overall brain health.

nooflux axon review

It’s made up of a proprietary blend of ingredients including:

  • Vitamin B12: 5 mcg
  • Vitamin B1: 3 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 5 mg
  • Huperzine Alpha: 10 mg
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract: 300 mg
  • Ashwaghanda Extract:  300 mg
  • Alpha GPC: 300 mg
  • Lions Mane extract: 500 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

nooflux axon ingredients label

Most of these ingredients are pretty common in the vast majority of nootropic supplements I’ve come across.

The exception to this is Lions Mane, which is an ingredient that REALLY stuck out to me for a few reasons:

  1.  Barely anyone uses it in their formula
  2.  It’s got a TON of non-nootropic benefits

Lion’s Mane is essentially a mushroom that looks like the scruff of a lion (hence the name).

In a number of clinical studies, it’s been shown to have a host of brain-boosting benefits, including:

  • It’s Neuroprotective: This means that it serves to protect nerve cells against damage, and helps to preserve brain neuron structure and function.
  • Improved cognitive function:  In mice with neurodegenerative diseases, it improves both memory and cognitive function.

2. What’s Nooflux Flow?

Designed to be used in conjunction with Nooflux Axon, Flow is designed to help give you that kick in motivation and focus that you would otherwise get from prescription ADHD medications like Adderall.

nooflux flow review

While Axon is used more as a long-term solution to improve cognition and brain function, Flow is the short-term solution.

It’s made up of quite an impressive list of ingredients which include:

  • Noopept: 15 mg
  • Vinpocetine: 15 mg
  • Natural Caffeine:  100 mg
  • L-Theanine:  140 mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea extract: 180 mg
  • Alpha-GPC: 250 mg

Here’s a snapshot of the label:

nooflux flow ingredients labelNow, I know what you’re thinking.

People see caffeine added to the ingredients label and immediately start to say, “oh, so what’s that difference between this and a cup of coffee or tea?”

It’s hard to understate the importance of these other ingredients.

For example, Noopept has been shown to help improve mood and act as an effective anti-anxiety supplement.

It’s best when combined with Caffeine, which is the case in the Nooflux Flow formula.

Further enhancing the anxiolytic properties, L-Theanine is an amino acid that also works great at combating anxiety.

The typical dose for L-Theanine is 200 mg, but Nooflux only contains 140 mg.  I believe the rationale behind this is that it already contains a anti-anxiety compound (Noopept).

3. My Personal Results

As I mentioned earlier in my review, I was sent a free 7 day supply of both Nooflux Axon and Flow.

I just started taking it last week, and finished up the 7 day test on Sunday.

I’ve take a good amount of these nootropics over the years, and can generally tell if they’re going to work well within the first couple of days.

This was DEFINITELY the case with Nooflux.

For the first day or two, I didn’t notice much of a difference from the Axon.

I DID, however, notice the cognitive-enhancing effects from the Flow within an hour or so of taking the first dose.

This was actually expected, mainly because I’ve taken similar formulas in the past.

Right around the 3-day mark is where I could sense the Axon starting to kick in.

It was subtle at first, but it seemed to REALLY have an effect on my short-term memory.

Normally my short term memory is decent.  I can remember faces better than I can remember names, but this stuff seemed to work the opposite.

For example, about 5 days after taking it I ran into a girl I know who plays volleyball with my wife on the weekends.

I’ve only met her once in the past (maybe 6 months back), but immediately remembered her name.

Again, this is VERY unusual for me.

Another subtle, yet noticeable, effect I got from the Axon was I felt more energetic.

Now, I’m not talking about the type of energy that you get from a cup of coffee.

I’m talking about the type of mental energy that keeps you going throughout the day.

Like most people, I tend to crash around mid-afternoon.

Normally I’ll end up on the couch (I work from home) right around 2:30, and will lay there napping for at least an hour.

This was NOT the case when I was taking Nooflux Axon.

I wouldn’t call it a “wired” type of stimulation.

Just a smooth, “I feel like I can get a lot of things done” type of motivation and energy that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

4. Where To Buy

As of this review, Nooflux is only available on their official website

A 30-day supply of Flow is $35 for a one shot deal, and $30 per month if you choose the “subscribe and save”option.

A 30 day-supply of Axon is $45 for a one shot deal, and $40 per month if you choose the “subscribe and save” option.

You can also choose the Infinite stack for a total price of $70.  This entitles you to a 30-day supply of each supplement.

You can also choose the subscribe and save option and save 15% off your order, effectively pricing it out at $60 per month.

All of this is backed with an iron-clad 30 day money back guarantee.

I read through all of the fine print, and there are no hidden fees or charges.


  • Improve memory and short-term retention
  • Flow kicks in quickly
  • Noticeable cognitive effects
  • Reasonably priced
  • Made in the USA


  • Not available in stores
  • Flow may not suitable for those highly-sensitive to caffeine

5. Recommendation

Nooflux has clearly hit a winner with this stack.  I personally think this is one of the most effective nootropic stacks I’ve ever come across, and that means a lot coming from me.

If you’re looking for the best results, I would definitely recommend you get the Infinity stack.

Not only will you save more in the long run, but you’ll also get the best results by combining the two.

The effects will come on stronger and be more noticeable to not only you, but those around you that are able to pick up on your improved overall mental performance.

If you have any questions about Nooflux, be sure to leave them in the comments section below!

Have You Used Nooflux?  Leave Your Review Below!

Fit Affinity Review

Fit Affinity For Her Overview

If you want to lose weight, the advice is to eat less calories than you use on a day to day basis.

This leaves you in a ‘negative energy balance’ or ‘calorie deficit’.

Most people will start a diet and exercise regime, hitting the gym and watching what they eat.

However, it is easy to lose focus if you are not seeing results as fast as you would like.

This is where ‘fat burners’ come in.

Related Article:  11 BEST Female Fat Burners

These supplements claim to give you a helping hand in losing inches, usually by boosting calorie burn so you reach fat burning zone quicker.

Sometimes it feels as if there are a million different fat burners out there, all telling you they can solve your weight loss problems. It can be almost impossible to know where to start.

One fat burner that caused some excitement when it was released is Fit Affinity For Her.

In this review, we are going to jump in and investigate Fit Affinity For Her in closer detail, to let you know if this is the right choice for you.

What is Fit Affinity For Her?

Fit Affinity For Her is a fat burner that is supposedly designed specifically for female biology and the female market.

The bottle is transparent with a very chic pink and black label, complete with the almost inevitable photo of some ripped abdominals.

fit affinity for her fat burner review

The pills are colored pink and black too. For some this might add to the feminine appeal.

Fit Affinity For Her is a blend of 11 natural ingredients which they say gives you the following effects, even without exercise:

  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Increases Fat Burning
  • Elevates Energy Levels
  • Lifts Mood
  • Helps Carbohydrate & Fat Breakdown

Does Fit Affinity For Her Work?

Fit Affinity For Her appears to have a large customer base, and a large number of reviews on their website where users submit their own photos of results.

Making a decision on this female fat burner however really comes down to the substances found in this product.

A quick scan of the label does show a whole host of the best ingredients are missing from this supplement.

Parking that disappointing fact for a moment let’s investigate whether or not this product actually has the potential to work.

Ingredients In Fit Affinity For Her

  • Biotin
  • Cayenne powder
  • Caffeine
  • Cocoa Seed Powder
  • Citrus Aurantium
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Green tea
  • Choline
  • Guggul powder
  • Acetyl l-carnitine
  • Pantothenic acid


Biotin is usually found in supplements that promise to give you beautiful skin, hair and nails.

It is also referred to as ‘vitamin H’ because of the beneficial effect it can have upon hair health.

In reality, biotin is one of the family of B vitamins that play many roles, but most notably help you to absorb nutrition from the food you consume.

There is some evidence that biotin may also be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, although this is not accepted by everyone and requires further research.

In all honesty, we are not bowled over by the inclusion of this ingredient.

Most people get enough biotin from their diets and it seems unlikely to us that this ingredient is going to provide any tangible benefits.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a spicy ingredient that adds a kick of heat to your favourite Indian dishes.

It has such a heat producing property due to the compound ‘capsaicin’.

This is found across the chilli and pepper family, and is what makes your lips tingle and forehead sweat when eating something spicy.

The scientific definition for this is ‘thermogenic’, essentially ‘heat producing’.

Thermogenics like cayenne pepper speed up your metabolic rate for a while after consumption and help you to burn through calories much quicker.

They also can help to reduce your appetite and defend against troublesome cravings.

We think cayenne is a great choice of ingredient for use in a women’s fat burner, and are pleased to see it included here.


Caffeine is probably one of the ingredients you will immediately recognise and be familiar with.

Consumed by many of a daily basis in tea and coffee, caffeine is the most widely used drug on the planet.

It is also found in fat burning supplements due to its metabolism boosting and fat burning effects.

But while it may be effective, it is a strong stimulant that can also make people feel unwell, anxious and have trouble sleeping, especially women.

There are other effective, non stimulating ingredients that we think could have been used in place of caffeine.

For this reason we are quite disappointed to see it used in Fit Affinity For Her.

Cocoa Seed Powder

Cocoa seed powder immediately makes us think of chocolate.

The cocoa seed is the raw ingredient from the theobroma cacao tree. This is the starting point in life of all the chocolate you have consumed.

It seems odd to be talking about chocolate and weight loss in the same breath, but cocoa seed powder contains a stimulating chemical called ‘theobromine’, which is responsible for the bitterness of dark chocolate.

It is allegedly similar in its effects to caffeine, having an elevating effect upon the metabolism, increasing alertness and focus.

There is a little evidence that cocoa seed powder can help you lose weight, but we still think it is quite strong for a women’s supplement.

We would have preferred to have seen a stimulant free metabolism booster such as turmeric. This is effective but without the potential for nasty side effects.

Citrus Aurantium

Citrus aurantium is a fancy name for bitter orange extract.

It contains an active chemical called ‘synephrine’, which has been shown to increase calorie burn and weight loss.

There are some studies that suggest it can improve energy and exercise performance.

We think this is an ok ingredient but are not especially excited about it.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a antioxidant that acts alongside mitochondria, the organelles in our cells that are responsible for the production of energy.

There is some evidence that taking ALA can help accelerate the metabolism and weight loss, although the results are not always consistent.

It is perhaps most well known for studies regarding its benefits for diabetes sufferers.

However,  the dosage in this supplement is too low for this to really be relevant.

Green Tea

Green tea is an ingredient that has become almost famous in the health and fitness world of recent years.

This popular tea contains caffeine, but in much smaller amounts than coffee or theobromine, so it is less likely to cause side effects.

Caffeine is known to boost metabolism and fat loss.

Green tea also contains antioxidants known as catechins, which have been proven to reduce excess body fat.


Choline is a less well known nutrient that is essential for our health.

We can synthesise small amounts in our bodies, but not enough, so we must consume adequate amounts via diet or supplementation.

There is clinical research that has found choline to be effective at promoting rapid fat loss when used in combination with exercise.

However, once again Fit Affinity For Her uses a much smaller amount than in the above study.

Guggul Powder

Guggul has been used as a traditional ayurvedic remedy for a wide range of health issues.

In modern times, guggul has shown promise as an effective supplement for weight loss.

This is because it appears to support the health of the thyroid gland, which is essential to efficient metabolism.

It has also shown some benefits at improving mood.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

This is a processed form of the amino acid l-carnitine which is more easily absorbed by the brain.

Acetyl l-carnitine is still capable of having the almost the same weight loss effects as l-carnitine, it is not as powerful or effective as the pure, unadulterated amino acid.

It is more likely this ingredient has been used to boost mood rather than contribute to weight loss.

Acetyl l-carnitine is known to have beneficial effects upon low moods and depressiveness.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid is also called vitamin B5. We need this for the manufacture of energy and to support the effectiveness of our immune system.

One of the weight loss benefits of pantothenic acid is the way it contributes to the breakdown of key nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

It is incredibly rare that anyone requires supplementation with pantothenic acid though. Many foods are already rich in this vitamin, so we are not sure why it is used in Fit Affinity For Her.

Fit Affinity For Her Dosage And Instructions

The directions for use are to take two capsules per day.

When you take these two capsules depends upon whether or not you are going to be working out that day.

Fit Affinity For Her recommends that you take 2 capsules after breakfast on a non exercise day, or 2 capsules before your workout with food on an exercise day.

In our opinion two capsules per day is unlikely to be strong enough to produce a tangible effect.

The best fat burners we have seen require a much more regular dosage, sometimes as much as 4 times per day. This keeps your body under constant influence of the active ingredients and usually brings better results.

Side Effects Of Fit Affinity For Her

Fit Affinity For Her is comprised of 100% natural ingredients. While this often means a lower risk of dangerous side effects, it does not rule them out entirely.

The ingredient most likely cause of side effects is going to be caffeine.

There is quite a high dosage across a number of stimulating ingredients in this product.

Side effects from consuming large amounts of caffeine are:

  • Shakes,
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach cramps

We are sure you’ll agree that doesn’t sound much fun. Women also tend to be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, so are more likely to experience symptoms.

If you decide to take this product and feel unwell, stop use and have a chat with your physician before continuing.

Remember, a healthier lifestyle is supposed to make you feel better, not worse.

Where To Buy Fit Affinity For Her

Fit Affinity For Her can be purchased on their official website or from Amazon.

We had a look and it seems you can also get it from Walmart and some other health stores.

However, Fit Affinity is NOT available in CVS, Wagreens, or Rite Aid as of this review.

The usual price for this supplement is rather expensive.

A 45 day supply is priced at $80.00, although it was on sale for $39.99 when we checked.

Fit Affinity For Her Reviews on Amazon

The Amazon reviews are rather mixed.

Some people said they really benefited from this product.

Like this lady below…

fit affinity review on amazon

Others said they loved the energy boost and would be happy to purchase again.

fit affinity for her gives energy boost

There were many negative reviews though. Lots of people said they didn’t experience any results at all..

negative reviews of fit affinity on Amazon

Overall, there are more positive than negative reviews on Amazon, but only marginally.

Fit Affinity For Her Recommendation

After looking at the facts and reviews, it is our opinion that Fit Affinity For Her will likely help you to lose weight, but shouldn’t be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise regime.

Many buyers are happy with their results, but there are those who say that they didn’t feel the difference.

But the biggest issue for us was the lack of appetite suppressants. The best ingredients for stopping cravings include Konjac fibre and Garcinia, which aren’t used in this supplement.

Also, Fit Affinity For Her is quite expensive for what you get. We expect lots of people will struggle to justify spending $80 every month for a fat burner.

If you want to try this product then it’s impossible to say whether it will help boost weight loss. Certainly don’t expect it to be a magic fat melting pill.

Have You Used Fit Affinity Fat Burner?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – LeanBean

#1 Rated - LeanBean

LeanBean Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Instant Knockout

#2 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Eroxin Review: Does It Really Work?

I don’t get my mail delivered to my house directly.  Because I live in Florida, where 90% of us live within sub-communities, I check my mail at a clubhouse.

It’s kind of annoying, but I’ve gotten used to it.

Leaving the gym a few days ago, I realized I hadn’t checked the mail in quite sometime.

So, I decided to make a quick stop and empty out the box.


If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

When I opened the box, it was completely stuffed with junk mail, which unfortunately is pretty common.

As I was pulling stuff out, one piece of mail came falling out.

It was this:

eroxin magazine ad cover

I get these sorts of ads all the time, and sometimes they’re a bit more vulgar then I expect.

vericil-md brochure
Like this one from Vericil-MD

A lot of times I just throw them away, but every once in awhile I’ll hang on to one just to see what product they’re pushing.

In this specific instance, they were pushing a product I’ve never heard of before.

It’s called Eroxin with Enostim, and as I poured through the booklet, I knew I had to look into it deeper.

1.  What is Eroxin?

From their brochure, Eroxin claims to be a viagra alternative.  They say it’s designed to produce harder, better erections, as well as help make you more rigid.

eroxin reviews

They spend a lot of time hyping up all of the benefits you’ll get from Eroxin, including:

  • Stimulating your sex-brain
  • Increased nitric oxide production
  • Vasodilation of the penis artery
  • Compresses veins to limit blood exit
  • Maximize erection potential

They even site a few clinical studies, showing how well their primary ingredient works.

eroxin clinical study 1

eroxin clinical study 2

So how does it do all of this?

Well, according to the pamphlet I’m reading, it’s through an ingredient called Enostim.

2.  What is Enostim?

Enostim is an ingredient that is supposed to cause a process called Nitric Oxide synthase.

Nitric oxide production is what happens when you take a pill like Viagra.

It causes the blood vessels to dilate, which allows for increased blood flow.

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilators work   Source:

Since blood flow is crucial during an erection, this increased blood flow means only one thing:  Improved, longer lasting erections.

3. So what’s in Enostim that makes it so effective?

Made by a company called Nexira, Enostim is made up of a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes apple and grape polyphenols, and is further enriched with Saffron.

Polyphenols are micronutrients that we get from foods like Apples, broccoli, spinach, and even red wine.

I’ve never actually heard of Enostim before, which is a bit odd because I’ve been studying these types of products for years.

The manufacturer has a Youtube video which briefly outlines how it works at around the 0:28 mark:

how enostim works

4. What about the Enostim clinical studies?

As we mentioned above, both the Nexira website and the Eroxin brochure contain numerous mentions to clinical studies of Enostim that were conducted.

It took a bit of digging, but we did come across the Saffron study they mentioned in the pamphlet.

In the study, which was conducted on 20 male patients with ED, a statistically significant improvement in overall ED symptoms was noted.

Another study that involved 36 male patients suffering from major depressive disorder also showed a significant decrease in erectile dysfunction issues.

In my opinion, these studies are severely limited in scope, and will take a lot more than the results of 56 men to determine whether or not it’s truly effective.

5.  Eroxin Reviews

When we originally wrote this review, there was virtually no information about Eroxin available online.

Since then, things have changed.

For example, they now have a product listing on Amazon with a total of 6 reviews.

Not exactly an ideal amount of reviews, but at least it’s something.

The problem is, none of these “reviews” are very revealing or detailed.

For example, many of them say stuff like “doesn’t work so far” and “didn’t seem to help”.

eroxin reviews on amazon

That’s great and all, but would you mind giving us a bit of a background / more detail?

If I were sitting across a table from the men who wrote these reviews, I would ask things like:

“Have you used anything similar to Eroxin before?”

“Did it not work ‘at all’, or did it work for a little while and then stop working?”

“Do you have a severe case of erectile dysfunction?”

The only remotely helpful review of Eroxin was this one:

positive review of eroxin on amazon

Since we originally wrote this, we’ve actually had a couple of detailed reviews posted on our site.

Click Here to read them.

There is virtually NO information about it online anywhere else, and I checked all of the usual places:  Reddit, Youtube, Amazon, etc.

As new information comes about, I’ll be sure to update this review.

6. Are there any side effects?

As with any supplement, side effects are always possible.

One of the most concerning we came across was from one of the reviews posted below.

eroxin side effects

My guess is that this is the exception more so than the rule, but it should be considered if you’re thinking about buying this supplement.

7. Who Makes Eroxin?

After diving down several rabbit holes, I was finally able to locate the manufacturer for Eroxin.

Located in Ft Lauderdale FL, Biocentric Health is a “direct to consumer health marketing and publishing company that provides a complete line of vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrient-rich nutritional supplements that are scientifically formulated by our four research doctors.” (Source)

According to their website, they are responsible for several brands of supplements including:

  • Cavanex:  A rejuvenation supplement, whatever that means.
  • Prostedio:  A prostate health supplement.
  • Androx:  A “sexual health and vitality” supplement
  • Flexazyme:  A joint relieving supplement.
  • Hydraflexin:  Another joint reliever.
  • Neuroplex:  A nootropic.

Based on my research, Eroxin appears to be their flagship supplement.

While some of their supplements (like Hydraflexin, for example) are rated highly on Amazon, it wasn’t all good news.

The Better Business Bureau gives Biocentric Health an F rating, noting 9 complaints in the last 9 years.

Unfortunately, the BBB does not list any of the details for these complaints.

8.  Will Eroxin Really Give Me A Bigger Penis?

Despite the marketing stating otherwise, it’s highly unlikely that Eroxin will have any sort of effect on size.

In fact, no pill will despite the claims.

Click Here to find out why there’s no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

9.  Where To Buy Eroxin

You won’t find Eroxin in any stores like Walgreens, Walmart, GNC, or CVS.  Additionally, they do not appear to sell it via online retailers like Amazon or eBay.

It appears that it’s only available by calling their toll-free phone number 800-596-2899, or visiting their website

In the booklet I have, it looks like they used to offer it in different price ranges depending on how much you buy.

However, in this particular ad they are offering a fixed price of $19.99 per box.

This includes a limit of 8 boxes.

Their website paints a different picture, with an average retail price of $49.95 for a one-time purchase.

Alternatively, the do offer a $5 discount if you sign up for their “subscribe and save” option.

With this option, you can opt to receive a box of Eroxin continually sent to you on a monthly, or even quarterly basis.

What about their return policy?

Throughout their product offerings, I’ve seen numerous instances of them touting their 90 day satisfaction guarantee.

According to their returns page, if you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason whatsoever, you can contact them within 90 days of your order and get a full refund.

Unfortunately, this does involve calling their customer service department and obtaining an RMA number.

An RMA number is what’s known as a “return merchandise authorization” number, which is used to track your return.

In essence, you can’t just send the product back without getting one of these.

This is very common in the supplement industry, even for products I personally recommend.

10.  Conclusion

There’s way too little known about Eroxin to come to a conclusion.  I’ve never heard of it’s chief ingredient (Enostim) before, which puzzles me.

To me what that equates to is: there is too little known about Eroxin to trust it as I need to know as much as I can about something that I am going to put into my body.

If it is as effective as they say it is, you would usually see TONS of other supplements pumping this ingredient into their formula.

From what I can tell, the only supplement on the market that contains Enostim is Eroxin.

With all of that said, the fact that they had a clinical study conducted does lend it a bit of credibility.

Some say it is highly effective and some of the ingredients may point to that, but for my own comfort, there is a little bit too much left in the air for me to be fully confident in its potential.

If Eroxin does what it says it does, then you may be in for a sweet surprise.

Judging from the feedback we’ve received, I wouldn’t count on it!

Have You Used Eroxin?  Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Super Male Vitality Video Review

Thinking about trying Super Male Vitality?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video to learn more about my results, the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Super Male Vitality review, click here.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Troxyphen Video Review

Thinking about trying Troxyphen?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, my results, and more.

If you would like to read my written Troxyphen review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review gonna be talking about Troxyphen. This is an all-natural testosterone booster, which also reportedly acts as a fat burner. I’m gonna talk a little bit about what the product is, what it does, the ingredients, side effects, all that stuff. But if you want to skip ahead to my results, just click on the link at the bottom of this video here, and it’ll take you to my website supplement where I talk a little bit more about my particular results. So anyway, this is all-natural product. they got it at a GNC for about $52, based on the recommendations on one of their reps. It’s made by a company called true derma, who makes a bunch of other different types of supplements in the health and wellness niche. It contains a number of different ingredients, all of which are found on a lot of the other competing brands that are out there. The main one is Troxyphen, which is basically fenugreek extract, as well as saw palmetto, tribulus terrestris, and a large 9. That is basically the testosterone boosting part of it. There’s also the thermogenic shred blend, which is basically a fat-burning blend, and that contains caffeine, and Yohimbe. Now, obviously everybody knows what caffeine is, but yohimbe is an ingredient or substance that’s used in a lot of different fat-burning products. And it’s one ingredient that I’m not so keen on, it produces a lot of bad side effects like fever, like symptoms nausea, stomach discomfort, and headaches. So it’s definitely something that you want to test out on your own, and at the very very smallest dosage to make sure that you don’t have a bad reaction to it. There’s actually some guys out there that get huge results from it, but on the flip side they’ll also get really sick from it. And especially if you have high blood pressure, it’s definitely not recommended to take anything that contains yohimbe. As far as my personal results with it, I thought it were great. It definitely boosted my energy, definitely gave me more energy for my workout. I was lifting heavier lifting longer, my workouts increased from probably about 45 minutes to about an hour 15 minutes. And when I got done it experience any kind of crash right. But again like I said before, contains a Hindi, so I definitely felt some of the side effects from that, although they were pretty minimal because I think it only contains about three milligrams of the substance. Anyway, so that’s all I pretty much have for Troxyphen. I definitely think it’s a decent supplement, especially for the price. There’s a lot of alternatives out there, and if you’re looking for something that’s stimulant free, I definitely would not recommend it. But if that doesn’t matter to you at all, then you know, I say by all means give it a go. If you have any questions about this particular product or any of the products that review, you could always leave them in the comment section below here or shoot me an email to, and I’ll try to get back to you soon as I can. And I’ll be back with another review soon.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Vitapulse Video Review

Thinking about trying Vitapulse?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video to learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and my personal results.

If you prefer to read my written Vitapulse review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about a supplement called Vitapulse. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the supplement first. But if you’d like to go ahead and skip ahead to my results, you can just click on the link below, and it’ll take you my website supplement critique, I go into a lot of very in-depth information about this particular product, including my own personal results. Anyway, Vitapulse is a cardiovascular supplement that’s designed to help lower your cholesterol, protect cells, and prevent heart disease. And it does this through literally only three key ingredients including n acetylcysteine, which is sort of an antioxidant, CoQ 10, which is also an antioxidant, and something called pqq, which apparently boosts energy by supporting the production and regrowth of mitochondria, within your cells. I’m not gonna go into any kind of detail on the ingredients either because there’s just a lot of information on it. Again, go to my site, you’ll be able to read about that. As far as my personal results, I’m not really the best candidate for the job, as far as testing out Vitapulse. I decided to give it a shot anyway. I took it for about three or four days, and I gotta admit I did notice a little bit of a difference while I was taking it. I don’t have high blood, high blood pressure or anything like that, but I do check out every once in a while, you know, kind of make sure that it’s falling within the the right range. And typically it’s anywhere, you know, 120 over 80 or plus or minus a few points on the top and the bottom numbers. But after a few days I noticed that I was actually feeling a little bit more energetic than usual. I’m not sure if I can completely attribute this to Vitapulse, but I also noticed when I went to take my blood pressure reading, after those few days, it dropped a few points. It was down to like 117 over 78 or somewhere around there. As for some of the claims that it reduces joint pain, improved sleep, you know, reduces anxiety, and increases your metabolism. I didn’t really notice anything like that. I guess if I maybe took it for a full month, I’d be able to notice those kinds of benefits. From the research that I’ve done, it looks like it’s a mixed bag some guys get great results with it, and others don’t. It’s really a matter of your own personal testing. I will say this, Princeton nutrition or Princeton nutrients, I think it’s called. They do a really good job of marketing their supplement, and providing customer support for anybody that’s purchased their products. I got, when I originally bought this, it was probably like a month ago. I’m still getting emails today from them giving, you know, healthy tips on eating and diet, and how to lower your risk for heart disease, and heart attacks, and stuff like that. So they definitely spent a lot of time trying to help people out. that, you know, had purchased their product in the past. Anyway, that’s all I have to say about Vitapulse. If you go to my website there’s a lot more information. If you have any questions in particular about this product, you can send me an email to or just leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you soon as I can. And that’s pretty much it. I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Virmax T Video Review

Thinking about trying Virmax T?  I’ve personally tested it.  Watch my video to learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.

If you would prefer to read my written Virmax T review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re going to be talking about VirmaxT. Virmax T is an all natural testosterone boosting supplement that I recently got a chance to test out and I figured I’d post my results here. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, as always, but if you have a question or you want to just skip ahead to my personal results, you can just click on the link, right below the video there. It’ll take you to my website, where I go into my personal results. Anyway, VirmaxT is kind of a relatively new product. It’s made by a company called Natural Product Solutions. It’s the latest release in the Virmax line, which is basically dedicated to enhancing the sexual experience of both, men and women while helping to support overall sexual health. As you already pretty much know, most guys start to see a reduction in testosterone, right around the age of thirty. Typically that reduction happens at about 1% per year, but there are a lot of guys that experience a much more rapid deterioration. When that happens you start to feel all the symptoms of low testosterone, and one of those being low libido, which is a really big issue for guys that start to hit their mid to late thirties. Anyway, you can see the ingredients label here. VirmaxT contains a number of different ingredients that are supposed to help boost your body’s overall natural production of testosterone. One of the key ingredients here is magnesium, and it’s stacked with zinc, which is a very popular combination that’s been used for a really long time. It also contains a proprietary herbal blend, as you can see here, it’s Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek extract, Korean Ginseng, and epimedium extract. These are ingredients that you’ll find in a wide variety of testosterone boosting supplements. I’ve probably tested, anywhere between like fifty, fifty to sixty or so testosterone boosters over the years, and almost every single one of them will contain, probably like two or three of these ingredients. So, there is nothing to write necessarily about the ingredients label here. But I think what really comes down to is what kind of effects you get from it. If you look at some of the other websites, some of the other people that are talking about VirmaxT, you’ll see a lot of positive results. As far as my personal results, I would probably put VirmaxT in the average category. It seems to work for me but the effects were, they weren’t really pronounced. Not as much as I thought they would’ve been, at least. I could tell that it helped to increase my sex drive and libido a little bit. But as far as physical endurance, and any kind of like athletic performance, anything like that, you know, energy, stamina, I didn’t really see a huge difference in that regard, but needless to say, I only really took it for about, I think it was for about a week and a half, almost two weeks, something like that. So I would say that if you’re looking to get the most benefits from VirmaxT, you probably wanna take it for a much longer period of time. They don’t really notice, rather mention, on their website, as far as I can tell if you need to take it for any length of time before you start to see the best results. Usually the longer the better. You can find this in a wide variety of stores. I know CVS carries it, Walgreens, I’ve even seen it in Circle K, and of course, you can buy it online. I think sells it, and as well as Amazon. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or just send me an email to, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Vigrx Plus Vs. Vimax Pills Video Review

Thinking about trying Vigrx Plus or Vimax Pills but don’t know which one to get?  Watch my video comparison of these 2 male enhancement pills, and find out which one works best.

Check out my written reviews of each below:

Vigrx Plus –

Vimax Pills –

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about the differences between VigRX Plus and Vimax. These are male enhancement pills, and they’re both supposed to help improve your overall, erectile quality. Help guys, any guys that are having like ED issues, and they’re all-natural supplements. They’re designed to be taken on a daily basis, as opposed to something like Viagra, which you would just take and start feeling the effects right away. I’m gonna get into my personal results with these particular supplements towards the end of the video. But if you can’t wait to see that, you can just click on the link here, at the bottom of the video and it’ll take you to my website And I go into a little bit more detail about my specific results. Anyway, Vigrx plus, made by a company called leading edge health. and Vimax is made by a company called pills expert. There are some major differences and similarities between the ingredients of both of these formulas. Some of the similarities include Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris, and Epimedium. And they are pretty common in a lot of the different male performance supplements. It’s nothing award-winning or anything, but the main advantage that I see with Vigrx plus is the addition of saw palmetto, and the ingredient called Bioperine. If you’ve never heard of Bioperine, it’s basically a standardized extract of black pepper, that is supposed to reportedly help increase the bioavailability of a supplement, and basically what that means is, it’s supposed to allow your body to absorb the ingredients more efficiently, so that the majority of it doesn’t get turned into waste, which is very common when you’re taking a supplement. Thay say as much as 50 to 60 percent of any supplement actually gets converted into waste, and it’s not even utilized by the body, so that’s a good addition to that. As far as side effects, I didn’t see any side effects with either one of these, Vigrx plus or Vimax. With that being said, there is always a potential with any supplement to have side effects. So you definitely want to check with your doctor and see if there are any particular ingredients that may interact with a medication you’re taking or a condition that you have. As far as the price concern, Vigrx plus is definitely more expensive. It’s about $76.99 for a one month supply, and Vimax it’s only about $59.95. They’re both pretty expensive when compared against a lot of the long-term supplements that are out there, but even the larger orders are still more expensive than Vimax. Vimax definitely has an edge in that regard. As far as where to buy, there are a lot of guys that ask me if they can buy it in a pharmacy or in a store like CVS or Walgreens or something. As far as I know, you cannot do that, they only sell them online. And one thing that I want to note about both of these products is because they’re so popular, they’ve been around for so long, there is a lot of fake versions that are coming out. There are companies out in China. They’ll go and they’ll mimic the whole thing, not necessarily the ingredients, but the package with a new label. They’ll try and sell, you’ll find them on e-bay for like half the price. It looks really tempting to buy it, but what ends of happening is you end up getting a counterfeit product, which typically can have dangerous ingredients, and illegal ingredients in some cases. So, it’s definitely best to buy it on their official websites. You’re probably wondering which one is the best. In my personal opinion, I’ve used both of these on separate occasions. I used the Vgrx plus for six months, and I think I used Vimax for about the same amount of time. And the results that I got with Vigrx plus were definitely far better. I guess, among other things, my libido pretty much skyrocketed. I was lasting a lot longer than I think I pretty much ever have. There are a lot of guys that have asked me, “Hey. Did you gain any size from it?”. And the answer is yes, I did. Whether or not the size is permanent, more than likely it’s not. I think you have to keep taking either one of these supplements, but if you really want to see significant size gains, I think your best bet is to start taking Vigrx plus and combine it with something like an extender or a water-based vacuum pump, like the pedanet. If you go to my website below here, I have, in my reviews, I have a little bit of information on those two types of products that you can use with these to get some sort of size increase. But as far as from the pills, I don’t think they’re intended to do that. So that’s all I pretty much have for VigRX Plus and Vimax. If you have any questions just leave them in the comment section below her or you can shoot me an email at And I’ll be back with another review soon. Take care.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Vigrx Delay Spray Video Review

Thinking about trying Vigrx Delay Spray? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Vigrx Delay Spray review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about vigrx delay spray. If you haven’t already figured out, by the name of the product, you can tell that this particular product is a spray. It’s supposed to help with premature ejaculation issues, and it’s pretty much intended for guys that don’t really like taking supplements or pills. I wanna talk a little bit about the product first. But if you’d like to dive ahead to my personal results with it, you can just click on the link in the description box below, it’ll take you to my website where I go into a written review of my personal results with this. Anyway, vigrx delay spray is made by the same company that makes vigrx plus. Instead of a pill, the delay spray is literally a bottle of the size of the same bottle of mouthwash. It’s pretty self-explanatory but the end goal behind vigrx delay spray is to delay orgasms. You basically spray it on your penis for about five to ten minutes before sex. Rub it in with your hand and it essentially allows you to perform much longer than you normally would, and the secret behind this is the formula. And the key ingredient behind a local anesthetic commonly known as benzocaine. Benzocaine is commonly used as a topical pain reliever, and it’s also used in some brands of condoms to help delay ejaculation. The big advantage to using vigrx delay spray over that of a condom is, really two fold.  One is that condoms suck. And two, you can put on as much or as little as you need, depending on the severity of your problem. The directions on the label state that you should use one to three sprays ten minutes prior to sexual activity. And the end result is that you basically have a hard penis but you don’t come too quickly. So what makes vigrx delay spray different from the others? I’ve tried a lot of different other products Stud 100 comes to mind, Premjact, Promescent. They only use a completely different anesthetic called lidocaine, and it works very similar to benzocaine. However, there are some major problems with lidocaine. One of the major problems is that it works a little bit too well. It can actually numb you to the point where you really don’t even feel your penis. The effects of lidocaine can last for hours, which unless you’re looking to have sex for like four hours plus, might be kind of annoying. The last problem with lidocaine is that its effects can actually penetrate deeply into the skin causing toxicity. So long story short is, lidocaine is perfect for getting a cavity filled, but is not really suitable for a premature ejaculation spray. You can almost say the same thing about benzocaine. However, it would take a massive dose of benzocaine to have the same exact problem that you would have with lidocaine. Think about something like 20 sprays of vigrx delay spray versus one or two sprays of some of the other ones. Some of the most frequently asked questions that I get about vigrx delay spray is: Can it be used orally? I guess it’s possible but it is certainly not intended to be used that way. I would also think that you wouldn’t wanna numb your mouth up like that, so I would probably not do that if I were you. As far as any side effects, as with any supplement spray, there is always going to be the potential to get side effects. That’s, of course, the same with vigrx delay spray. The most common one would be itching and burning at the application site. I didn’t experience any of these at all during my experiment, but of course, it’s always possible. Really what happens is, if you’re allergic to any ingredients, that’s the only way you’re gonna get that kind of reaction to it, so if you’re not, then you shouldn’t have any issues. I got a few guys asking if it’s gonna make them bigger. It’s not intended to, they don’t say anything on the website or on the product itself, about it doing that. But there are other products that will do that. I’ll put a link in the description box below. You can click and check those out. As for my personal results. I’m 34 years old. I don’t typically suffer from premature ejaculation. Most guys that have this problem are in their early to mid-twenties, their hormones are pretty much raging. Testosterone levels are surging. However, I did wanna test this out to see if it would make me last longer. I followed the directions on the label and pumped out just one spray. Before you do this I recommend that you go to the bathroom or kitchen sink to get a few pumps out to prime it. Sometimes when you pump it at first, nothing actually comes out. All in all, I would say my results were actually really good. You can definitely feel the numbing sensation, almost like when you have a cavity, you’re getting a cavity filled. You feel that numbing sensation. It doesn’t hurt, there is no pain, there is nothing like that, but you can definitely tell that there is, that you’ve been numbed. It’s hard to explain, but yeah, I could totally see how this would definitely make you last longer. I’ve had a bunch of guys come to me. If you look in the reviews section, in the comment section on my site, you’ll see a bunch of guys that have used this, and they said that they’ve lasted as much as like 45 minutes to an hour or so. It’ll definitely get the job done if you’re looking for something to make you last longer, that’s for sure. As far as where to buy, you can find this on their official website I believe they offer a 67-day money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work for you, you can always send it back. Just be sure, if that’s the case, you actually hang on to the empty containers because they do make you send them back in order to exercise a full refund. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for vigrx delay spray. If you have any comments you can leave them in the comment section below or you can send me an email at, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. And I’ll be back soon with another review. Take care.

Top 3 Premature EjaculationAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Prosolution Plus

#1 - Prosolution Plus

Prosolution + is the ONLY supplement I’ve reviewed thats been clinically tested to help with premature ejaculation.

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#2 – Vigrx Delay Spray

#2 - Vigrx Delay Spray

Vigrx Delay spray is a VERY effective premature ejac product for many reasons.

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#3 – VigRX Plus

#3 - VigRX Plus

Vigrx Plus was designed to not only help with ED, but also premature ejac. problems.

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Viarexin Video Review

Thinking about trying Viarexin? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Viarexin review, click here.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Testro X Video Review

Thinking about trying Testro X? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Testro X review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review to be talking about testro X. The folks over at truth nutraceuticals actually reached out to me a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted to give it a shot. I haven’t taken a testosterone booster in quite a long time so I figured, you know, why the hell not. And they sent me over a bottle. I just want to let you know that I’m not a paid [INAUDIBLE 00:23] for this product. They didn’t pay me to do this video nor do I expect them to. All they did was send me the bottle for free, and that’s pretty much it. I didn’t have to pay for it. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first, but if you’d like to go ahead and skip ahead to my results, you can just click on the link in the description box below, it’ll take you to my website where I go into all the nitty-gritty details of my specific results. So anyway, as I already mentioned textro X is an all-natural supplement. According to them is designed to help support muscle growth and sex drive, high-quality sleep and recovery, increased energy during a day, and of course boosted testosterone levels. As I mentioned earlier, it’s made by a company called truth neutral, and they sell a wide variety of other supplements, ranging from probiotic pills, natural stress relievers, blood sugar lowering supplements, and just a ton of other stuff. If you’ve been in my channel before, you’ve probably seen many of the other testosterone boosters I’ve tested, like testo fuel prime male, Andro 400. I probably, I probably personally tried dozens of them. I have about a dozen reviews on. Most of these testosterone boosters contain ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris, maca root extract, fenugreek extract, saw palmetto, and d-aspartic acid. The problem with those ingredients is that they’re actually a bit controversial. There’s like one camp that says they work, and then there’s like a totally different camp that says they don’t do shit. So testro X actually takes a completely different approach in this regard. They actually don’t contain any of those ingredients, what it does contain is a blend of magnesium, which according to them has a 150 milligrams of this stuff, zinc, which according to the label has about 15 milligrams per dose, and both of these have been shown in like numerous studies to support higher testosterone levels a min. I’m going to put those studies in the description box below, as well. It also contains a few other effective ingredients such as ashwagandha root extract, glycine, l-theanine, and bio parryning, which you’ll find in a wide variety of other supplements. I’ve actually tested them in past as well. As far as reviews, apart from their official website, there doesn’t really seem to be a ton of them just yet. I’m pretty sure they just released a supplement not too long ago. So it’s pretty common to come up empty too so to speak. When you’re searching for reviews, for supplements like this, especially when they first came out. The really, the only real review that I saw was on the website, and the guy on there spoke about it. He really had nothing but great things to say about it. He definitely seemed to have a great response with it. I did read another review on the website, apparently, he recommends it. The only downside to that review is he doesn’t really mention whether or not he used that, he just kind of recommends it. So it’s unclear whether or not he actually had a chance to try it out himself. Anyways, far as my personal results, I gotta say it was actually really impressed with this one. I think I got this bottle about 12 days ago or so, and I pretty much been taking it really religiously ever since. The directions on the label state that you should take three capsules daily, but they don’t really specify when you should take them. However, if you look on their website it does say that you should take them before bed, after dinner at some point, and it doesn’t really contain any stimulants that would keep you awake. So the later in the day is probably fine and. I actually would almost recommend that you take it later in the day, just because a few of these ingredients actually produce a calming effect, but um usually with these testosterone boosters I don’t really seem to notice any effects in the first few days. And then around like the fourth or the fifth day, I’ll start to feel it, but that was not the case with this one. I actually started feeling the effects probably within a few hours of taking the first dose. It’s kind of hard to describe, hard feeling to describe, but it’s basically, I was feeling kind of like more content and relaxed than I normally do. I noticed that for like a few days, I would say about 2 or 3 days or so. I was definitely, I seem to be sleeping better and as a result was having like more productive days, and I just kind of felt more energetic overall. Another nice effect that is very common that you’ll find with other testosterone boosters is the morning boners, and I was getting some great ones with this stuff. I normally wake up with the morning wood and typically goes away after like maybe 10 or 15 minutes, but after a few days of taking this stuff it was lasting like a friggin half-hour. Not necessarily a bad thing but in some guys there might be. I’ve only been taking this for about ten days or so. I haven’t really noticed any difference in like muscle size, mass strength gains, or any of that kind of stuff. But the energy I’m getting from it is definitely allowing me to push through my workouts a lot easier than before, that’s for sure. But that’s pretty much all I got to say as far as my personal results with the testro x. I think I’m gonna continue taking it until the bottle runs out, and I’ll probably update my written review with those specific results. So if you want to follow along with that you can just click on the link in the description box below and it will take you to my site. As of this review, I believe the only place you can buy it is on their official website, it’s And right now retails for about fifty five dollars, and according to them it’s backed by a sixty day money back guarantee, so you really don’t have that much to lose. One thing I want to mention about that guarantee is, if you’re gonna exercise it, make sure that you hang on to the unused bottles, they do require you to send them back in order to get the full refund. So don’t just toss them, make sure you hang on to them. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have for Textro X. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section below or shoot me an email to and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP. And thanks for watching, I’ll see you soon. Take care.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Test X Core Video Review

Thinking about trying Test X Core? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Test X Core review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we are gonna be talking about a supplement called test X core. This particular supplement popped up on my radar not too long ago, and I decided to take a closer look at it, to see if it really does what it says it does. If you’d like to read the written version of this review you can just click on the link in the description box below. it’ll take you my website, where I talk about everything that I’m pretty much gonna talk about in this video. Anyway, I’d like to preface what I’m about to tell you with a little bit of a disclaimer, and that is that I’m not actually really sure if the guys who actually make test X Core don’t actually know that this is going on. I’ve tried reaching out to them numerous times via email, and have yet to receive a response. But anyway, I first learned about test X scored in a rather unique way, I just so happen to be scrolling through my Yahoo news feed, and I came across a post that said Tom Brady, the football player was under investigation by the NFL. So I clicked on it and it took me to a site that looked like the ESPN website. So throughout this article they basically talked about how the NFL is investigating whether or not Tom Brady used a supposed banned supplement that goes by the name of, you guessed it, test X core. According to this article, test X core is a supplement taken by many pro athletes, bodybuilders, and the NFL is actually considering banning it for two reasons, and the first reason is that it makes athletes 150 percent stronger on average, and gives you a three times increase in stamina. And the second one is that you don’t have to diet or exercise while you’re taking it, so you could pretty much sit around your fat ass all day, eat potato chips, and you’ll just magically gain muscle and get shredded. So if alarm bells aren’t going off in your head right now, they probably should be. The article goes on to explain that they received, the editor received a free bottle of test X core for experimentation, and the results were shocking. This guy is, the editor’s name was Ryan [INAUDIBLE 02:05], and basically his before picture looks like this, and his after picture looks like this. And that was all from taking a test x core for one month. All he had to do was take two pills per day to achieve the body of his dreams. Well, I’m pretty much here to tell you, if you haven’t already figured that out, that it’s complete bullshit. The first thing that you may or may not have noticed is, despite looking like it, this is not actually the real ESPN website. If you look carefully at the URL in the address bar, this is what you’re gonna see. As you can see it doesn’t say, but it says com slash entertain dot today. If you go to the website com/, this is what you’re gonna see. That’s right, absolutely nothing. Another thing I noticed was that rather suspiciously, that there is really no other websites that we’re talking about this. If you go to google and you type in something like, you know, Tom Brady under investigation for using supplements, you’re gonna see a few results and they basically look like this, and you’ll pretty much notice that you won’t see any reputable sport sites like Yahoo Sports, MSN, and USA Today. Nobody’s talking about this and I’m pretty sure that if one of the world’s most famous football players was under investigation, for pretty much anything, it would be plastered all over the web, and probably not in social media. Also, I’m not sure if you remember but the before-and-after pic of that guy Ryan, who works at ESPN and used the supplement, well I ended up doing a reverse image search for that before and after, and this is pretty much what I came up with. So, it turns out that this before-and-after pic was actually stolen from a website called, which is actually a medical office in the Bronx that conducts HCG weight loss program. So lastly on this very same ESPN [INAUDIBLE 04:14], you’re gonna see that there, there’s facebook comments at the bottom of it. All these dudes are going absolutely bonkers over the supplement, and same stuff like they’ve been using it for six weeks, and the results are amazing there’s just one problem with these comments, and that’s that they’re basically all fake. I know this because if you try to leave a comment yourself, you’ll quickly realize that you can’t. So the million-dollar question for test X Core is, does it actually work? In my personal opinion, I think it might. It definitely contains a decent blend of all-natural ingredients. It has magnesium, zinc, saw palmetto extract, fenugreek, and L-Arginine, and I’ve used pretty much all of these personally in other testosterone boosters with pretty good results. If you look at some of the reviews on Amazon, and some of the other sites, they don’t really exactly paint a very good picture. For instance on Amazon, the average rating is two point one out of five stars. And when you read through some of these reviews, you are gonna see phrases like total crap, no benefit whatsoever, not worth it, things of that nature. Of course on the flip side you’re gonna see some guys saying great things about it. Noting that they saw increased energy levels, decreased body fat, and that they were very happy with their purchase. I’m actually in the process of testing out a test x core as we speak, I plan on updating my written review with my personal results. Once I actually finished testing, I’m gonna pin a link to this review in the comment section below. So if you’d like to scroll down and click on it to learn more, and that’s pretty much all I have for test x core. As you could probably tell I’m not a big fan of this marketing, the fact that someone is telling dudes that celebrities and athletes are using these supplements is pure garbage, and certainly not fair to the average guy who’s looking to, you know, lose weight and build muscle. If you have any questions on it you could definitely leave a comment below or you can shoot me an email at and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP. And thanks for watching, I’ll see you soon.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

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Test Freak Video Review

Thinking about trying Test Freak? I’ve actually tested it. Watch my video, and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, how to stack with phenibut, and more.

If you prefer to read our written Test Freak review, click here.

Video Transcription

Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review, we’re gonna be talking about test freak. This is made by a company called the farmer freak, they make a ton of other different types of supplements, ranging from weight loss and diet pills, all the way to pre-workout supplements. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first. If you want to learn about my results right away, just click on the link here at the bottom of this video and it’ll take you to my website, where I go into a little bit more detail about my own personal results with it. Anyway, I got this at GNC from a rep who is recommending it. It was about 58 bucks, which pretty much places it in a normal price range for testosterone supplements like this. The primary ingredients are zinc, testofen, which is basically fenugreek extract, Tribulus Terrestris, and saw palmetto [INAUDIBLE 00:55]. The directions on the bottle state to take four capsules before bed. I actually changed it up a little bit. I took them about an hour before I worked out. Normally, when I’m testing supplements, I usually just take one, I won’t stack it with anything else, just to make sure that I’m, you know, the results that I’m getting, I’m getting from that product. But in this case actually coupled it with an HGH product called hyper GH 14x. And that’s in a totally different review. If you search for it on youtube, you’ll be able to find it. All in all I gotta say my results were actually pretty good, I saw muscle and strength gains. I definitely had more energy for my workouts, and as a result, I think my sleep potty was much much better. I was sleeping like seven, eight hours a night, not waking up once, and I just woke up feeling very rested and ready to kind of take on the day. It’s definitely not a miracle product, you need to lift heavy, you need to look hard if you want to see good results. But I think that the better quality of sleep that I got from it, and the increased energy definitely gave me the motivation, you know, to kind of help push through my workouts. I definitely saw an increase in my sex drive too, they talked about that on the bottle here, and that’s always a plus. One thing I definitely want to note, as well, is that it takes a few weeks to kick in. This is not an overlay supplement that you just take and it starts working in a couple of days, so you’ll want to definitely give it about three or four weeks before you come to your own conclusions. As far as side-effects, I actually didn’t personally have any, but as with any supplement out there, there’s always the potential for it. So you definitely want to check with your doctor and make sure there are no interactions with any medication you’re taking. And also if you’d like, you should probably start off with about half the dosage to assess your own individual tolerance. Anyway, that’s all I got. If you have any questions leave them in the comment section below, you can also click on the link right here below the video and then it’ll take you to my website, I go in a little bit more detail there about my own personal results. So, I’ll talk to you guys again soon with a new review. Take care.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

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#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

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#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

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