Optimind Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-6-2020

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Optimind website.
If you asked me in 2010 (when I started this site) what a “Nootropic” was, I probably would have said “no f#$kin clue”.
Fast forward today, and it’s one of the hottest supplements niches out there.

Since then, I’ve personally tested about 40 different nootropic supplements.
One of those 40 is a pill called Optimind.
You’ve probably already heard of it, given the literally 100’s of sites that have “reviewed” it (but likely NOT taken it).
A “nootropic” is defined as a smart drug or cognitive enhancer that help to improve:
- Cognitive function
- Memory
- Creativity
- Motivation
- and Focus
There’s a TON of these drugs that say their “the #1 nootropic supplement”, yet when I tested them they didn’t do shit.
So is Optimind different, and more importantly, does it REALLY work?
Well, I personally tested it, and you’re about to find out.
Optimind Contents
What is Optimind?My Results
Where To Buy
Watch Our Video Review Or Scroll Down To Read More
What is OptiMind?
Formulated by the same company who developed AllerAdd, Optimind is an all natural nootropics supplement that is designed to promote:
- Laser focus,
- Increased memory cognition and energy, and
- Help improve overall drive.
Since this product is so new to the market, there are very limited reviews and testimonials from OptiMind customers.
I would say that you should start seeing talk on nootropics forums and the like within a few months, maybe even sooner.
Ingredients In Optimind
It uses a complex blend of ingredients that include:
- Caffeine
- Huperzine A
- Phosphatidyl L-Serine
- Choline
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Sulbutamine
- Vinpocetine
- Bacoside A,
- Green Tea Leaf extract
- L-Tyrosine
- Taurine
- Vitamins B-6, B-12, and D-3
Here’s a snapshot of the Optimind ingredients label:
How Each Of These Optimind Ingredients Work
Choline – Choline is an essential nutrient that is actually a precursor to acetylcholine, which is the primary neurotransmitter that is responsible for memory, intelligence, and mood.
It’s also been shown to support decision making, as well as reducing excitability and inhibition. (1)
DMAE – Also known as Deanol, DMAE is a chemical compound that is also involved in the series of reactions that taking place to form acetylcholine.
Other than improving memory and mood, DMAE is also known to help increase thinking skills and intelligence. (2)
Vinpocetine – Vinpocetine is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to improve memory and cerebral metabolism.
It’s use has also been studied as a potential treatment to people suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
GABA – GABA has been shown to help as a calming agent, and works to perform a regulatory function on melatonin production in humans. (3)
My Optimind Review
I was sent a welcome package of OptiMind, and started taking it immediately.
When I first tried it out, I hadn’t taken too many of these “Nootropic supplements”.
However, since then I’ve tested DOZENS of these supplements, including Enhance Mind IQ, Brain Plus IQ, and plenty of others that label themselves as “adderall alternatives“.
But I will say this….it works!
1 – 2 1/2 hours
Within a half hour of taking 2 capsules of OptiMind, I could feel it kicking in.
This supplement contains about 150 mg of caffeine, but the effect wasn’t your typical “I’m wide awake but can’t focus on mental tasks” kind of effect.
It was more of a “wow, I can see myself getting alot done today” type of effect.
I could feel a surge in clarity about 1 hour after taking Optimind, and I was completing tasks at a record pace.
3 Hours Later
Answering emails was no longer a chore, typing up boring reports suddenly became interesting, and I even managed to get in a 1 1/2 hour workout in before the morning was out.
5 Hours Later
Later on in the day I did start to feel a bit of a crash, but NOTHING like coming down off a really strong stimulant.
It was more of a “ok, I feel like I accomplished everything needed to, I’ll just kick my feet up now and watch an episode of Breaking Bad”.
Day 2
The next day I decided to test out how OptiMind would affect my competitiveness on the playing field.As many of you who follow my blog probably already know, I’m a pretty avid beach volleyball player that competes at the Open (semi-pro) level.
Taking any sort of pharmaceutical drugs is a big No No in sports at this level, so I figured an alternative like this one may give me a much needed boost.
I popped a couple of pills about 1 hour before my first match, and KICKED….SOME….ASS!! I was making snap decisions in the blink of an eye, and my focus was through the roof.
It may have also helped that I didn’t drink 6 beers the night before hand, but in any case I could REALLY feel the difference.
Click Here to try out Optimind yourself and see the difference.
Optimind Pro’s
- Works great
- No side effects (for me at least)
- All natural ingredients
- Competitively Priced
- Used by business executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, and students
Optimind Con’s
- Not available in stores as of this review
- Shouldn’t take if your under 18
- Probably should not take in conjunction with other medications
The 3 Reasons I Think It’s The Best Nootropic
- Unlike most other Nootropics, they don’t pump their formula full of a ton of caffeine.
- There’s no hard “crash”at the end of the day.
- It helps improve focus and concentration DRAMATICALLY
Where To Buy OptiMind
As of this review, you can only purchase OptiMind on their official site.
A single bottle sells for about $43, and is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.They also have a trial version of their product, with a 10 pack selling for $3. You have 14 days to use it, and after that they send you a bottle and charge $43. This gives you a great chance to test out the supplement yourself, without making a hefty upfront financial commitment.OptiMind is not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens / CVS, Walmart, or online retailer sites like amazon or ebay.
What Countries Does Optimind Sell To?
As of 12/14/2016, Optimind is available in the following countries: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.
So now that you have a brief synopsis of the ingredients, how it works, and where to buy, let’s dive into my own personal experience.
Update 9/30/2015: We’ve seen multiple reports that counterfeit Optimind is being sold on Amazon.com. Make sure you buy it directly from the Optimind website.
Optimind Recommendation
In an increasingly competitive marketplace for Nootropic supplements, I personally think that OptiMind is one of the best formulas I’ve tested to date.
Their well optimized ingredient list, competitive price point, well designed packaging, and the supplements very effectiveness alludes to the fact that this is really a company that is looking to develop an award winning product. I would highly recommend OptiMind to anyone looking to gain an edge in the classroom, boardroom, or playing field.
I now understand what all of the hype is and I feel that among all of the other Nootropics that I have tried, this one stands up there alongside some of the best and it definitely warrants you trying it out.
Of course as always, double check to be fully sure that you are not allergic or intolerant to any of its ingredients and if you have any medications that you are currently taking that interact negatively with it, consult with your doctor first.
Have You Used OptiMind?
Leave Your Review Below!
1. Choline: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, and Dosing – WebMD.com
2. DMAE – What Should I Know About It? – About.com
3. GABA’s calming effects – Wikipedia.org
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Optimind Review
This product is really great. If you are looking for a substitute for energy drinks and the like, this is a great product to try.
The product itself is awesome. However, the cancel subscription is incredibly shady.
I tried to cancel several times and was still charged. It's almost as though they use that method to force people to pay for a month after receiving the free trial.
The product is great. Will recommend to friends if they change this issue.
It's borderline theft. It's also not a great way to rack in customers, although I see the reasoning behind it. Another alternative may be selling Optimind as a powder supplement instead of simply a pill.
It may produce larger sales and eliminate capsule costs. Personally I pour my pill into a small cup of water for more immediate effects.
Love you guys. Quit charging people on the DL and make customer service a priority.
Ill come back, so will others.
74 out of 76 people found this review helpful.
Ava's Optimind Review
I was sort of disappointed with OptiMind. It works, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it is particularly strong.
It only lasts for about 1-2 hours. I've tried iQ2Labs and AlphaBrain, and they are much stronger.
I guess if you have never tried Nootropics and want to start with a light version, it does the job.
26 out of 29 people found this review helpful.
I've tested a lot of these so-called "brain supplements" and most of them so far have been bunk. It was very refreshing to find a supplement that actually does what it says it will.
Just like your review says, I could feel the clarity and focus kick in after about an hour, and it seems to last for about 4 hours on one dose. Thanks for recommending Optimind!
12 out of 13 people found this review helpful.
I've been trying many supplements. I have tried Nootropics, natural Vegansafe B-12 (methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin), Rite Start Transfer Factors and many many more.
However, OPTIMIND is the ONLY pill that has ever worked at all. Recommend to everybody.
Just don't mix with alcohol! It will be an expensive hangover.
15 out of 21 people found this review helpful.
Love it!
Optimind is like an energy drink, but it doesn't make you feel all jittery and gross. There is also no crash when using this product, as in the use of caffeinated beverages.
I really liked the free trial they give you, They make it easy to cancel online if you want to. I was able to work on my books and my homework.
Then go and do my physical job easily. I didn't crash afterward.
It really helped the concentration issues that I have. I could stay focused for hours with no problem.
162 out of 196 people found this review helpful.
Click Here To Visit The Official Optimind Site www.Optimind.com
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Whats the withdrawal like? If I use this product for a month what will I experience if i decide to stop? -Lisa
I used it for about 6 weeks total, and when I stopped I didn't experience any withdrawal. The only thing I would note is that my normal focus / cognition levels seemed to return to baseline after about a week of refraining from use.- Rob
66 out of 81 people found this question helpful.
How long did your energy last? I work 12 hour swing shifts, and I'm hoping this will help me focus at work. -Kacee
55 out of 70 people found this question helpful.
Can I buy this in stores like GNC, Walmart, or Walgreens / CVS? -Dave
No, it is only available on their official site.- Rob
46 out of 58 people found this question helpful.
What's the recommended number of pills to be taking daily? -Brendan
They recommend a dose of 2 capsules daily, but they encourage you to experiment by starting with one. They also note that you don't need to take it every day. You can save it for just those times you need more energy and focus.- Rob
31 out of 33 people found this question helpful.
Is this product available in Canada? -Al Morpurgo
No I believe it's only available in the US.- Rob
20 out of 29 people found this question helpful.
A quick reply is important. In your review of Nootropics on 5/13/2018 you had a link to the medication Abilify.
I didn’t open it, intending to go back to it. Now I can’t find it.
It seemed important because my wife takes it. It was a video link to Abilify and might have been a negative review.
Can you please provide me that link again? Do you have a current opinion on Abilify?
Thanks I’m a loyal follower of your reviews. You may not realize how much you help people!
Dominic Presutto
Glad I could help, and thanks for following! You might be confusing us with someone else. I don’t really comment on prescription drugs because of the liability issues. The only mention I have on Abilify is in my over the counter adderall alternatives post.
I basically mock the fact that the FDA will recall a dietary supplement from the market if two people have a major side effect, yet approve drugs that list increased risk of death or stroke as one of the primary side effects.
He has trouble with focus, interest and concentration with his studies and is looking for a healthy alternative to sport drinks and coffee for energy and an increased edge for his workouts. He doesn’t sleep well as his mind is active and he has obsessive tendencies. I would appreciate thoughts on how he can reach his potential Thank you.
Check out a supplement called Mind Lab Pro, it’s perfect for his situation. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/mind-lab-pro-review-and-results/
Thanks again for all your help!
How would your product compare? I also itch terribly from Adderall.
Sorry for the late reply. I would actually recommend you go with a completely different supplement stack called the Nootropics All Star Pack, from Absorb Your Health. It’s comprised of 4 separate supplements, including Adrafinil, which work GREAT to improve your energy levels, focus, and concentration.
Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/absorb-your-health-nootropics-all-star-pack-review/
There a a million stores selling supplements where you can buy a bottle and try it and continue or quit.
In most cases, I agree, but Optimind is the best nootropic I’ve used, and I’ve fully vetted the company in terms of responsiveness to customers. I’ve been impressed on all counts.
Why is there no mention of this in this review?
Unlike the VAST majority of other free trials out there, these guys actually will refund your purchase up to 60 DAYS after you’ve ordered.
So in theory you could get the free trial, be charged the full price, not realize it until 59 days later, and call them and they will cancel the trial for you AND refund your money.
Practically NOBODY else does this, which is why I recommend them.
I haven’t. Depression is a little out of scope of what we do here.
Yeah, that’s actually a really good schedule. You could actually probably do the Mood Enhancer Power Pack (http://www.AbsorbYourHealth.com/mood-enhancement) and Optimind (http://www.GetOptimind.com) everyday, but just limit the Phenibut (http://www.AbsorbYourHealth.com/Phenibut) to a couple times a week with breaks of 3 – 4 days in between.
Give them a call at 1-888-242-4061 or email at customerservice@neuro-lit.com,and let them know you want to cancel. By the way, you can check out our full Neuro Lit review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/neuro-lit-review-yay-or-nay/
I was wondering how will it be until the body starts retaining the compound. Thank you.
I was just curious. Thanks
I’m not sure what you mean be when your body starts retaining the compound. Can you clarify?
I have had several tests done. Nobody can seem to figure out what’s causing it.
I have tried different anti-anxiety and depression medication, and those do not seem to help at all.
I tried to find some reviews of people who have taken Optimind to cure or lesson brain fog, but I couldn’t find any. Is Optimind a good solution for brain fog?
Thank you!
In your case I would actually recommend Mind Lab Pro. It seems to work better for those with brain fog and clouded thinking and takes a more long-term approach versus Optimind. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/mind-lab-pro-review-and-results/
That didn’t work for me in the past. I never got my money back on those offers.
Another complaint I have is that the ingredient labels are different on Amazon from the one on the link in this article. The ingredients are different.
That is a red flag.
I completely understand your skepticism. When I first tried Optimind, I loved the product, but I’m not a fan of the free trial setup they have.
They assured me that they would always be responsive to customer needs, and in the years I’ve had the review on our site, I haven’t gotten one complaint about service or billing. I trust these guys to take care of their customers.
As for the ingredients, that’s my bad. The ingredients shown on Amazon.com are correct.
They updated the formula, and I haven’t yet updated our review. I’ll do that shortly.
They both should be safe as long as you’re healthy. If you let me know what kinds of benefits you’re looking for, I’ll make a couple of great recommendations for you.
Anyone who came in contact with me afterward could not believe the change in me. Could this have been a placebo effect, even though I didn’t read any of the positive effects?
It could. There’s really no way to tell.
It could also be a combination of placebo and actual effect.
Also, how come there are five more pages to today’s version of the Complete Guide to Nootropics and three recommendations today compared to yesterday’s one recommendation of Mind Boost?
I’m not sure what happened, but I haven’t changed anything recently. The only potential explanation I have is that you were looking at a cached version of the page, and it was refreshed.
I work out intensely, 6 to 7 days a week as I continue to do anything possible to reverse the negative effects caused by prolonged use of these medications, cigarettes, and alcohol.
He wants stimulants and things that awaken his mania, but he cannot even handle caffeine. If he stays on his medications, certain supplements are safe for him.
He has Pyridoxine Deficiency Disorder, which is permanent damage from birth.
It is common in newborns whose mother is severely deficient in B6 because of The Pill, which depletes it. He’s 33 now.
Unfortunately, I had to take that because I was required by the US to take INH for exposure to TB, becoming a carrier after living in the south seas for 18 months.
Ironically, I found out too late on both medicines, that I was supposed to be prescribed prescription B6 with both meds, as INH ALSO depletes you of B6. This info only emerged after I showed up for a prenatal appointment in the state of nervous breakdown.
I am ok today (well, could do better cognitively), but my son now has relentless anxiety and other mental disorders.
Adding B6 now seems to do little. He has autism, so he struggles, yet one part of his brain is overstimulated.
When they suppress it with medicine, he is depressed, bored, and even grieving. He is in the hospital now, yet again.
If only a supplement for manic depression that’s safe could be formulated!
Thanks for sharing yours and your son’s stories. When you’re dealing with health issues and prescription medications as in your case, I always recommend consulting with your doctors before taking any supplements at all.
Normally I don’t recommend prescription drugs, but it sounds like you need a drug called Modafinil. I’m actually surprised that you’re prescribed Adderall with the ailments you listed.
Modafinil is supposed to be the “drug of choice” for that.
That being said, I liked it, and I liked that it did not include caffeine as one of the ingredients. After a month of taking it, I found myself more alert and focused during the day, and I slept better at night.
The problem is, I can’t find it anymore. What it looks like is that it might have been a renaming or relabeling to another brand.
The “new brand” is not the ingredients. So, if you’re able to track down Cognimax and do a review, I’d appreciate it.
I suppose it’s possible my results were all me faking myself out, but I definitely notice a difference now that I’ve not had any for 30 days. Thanks. – Mike
We have a review for Cognimaxx XL. I’m not sure if this is the one you used. There’s also a product called Cognimaxx available on Amazon. It’s certainly true that these products come and go and change names and reformulate and all the rest. But if you’re looking for something that works, I’d definitely recommend Optimind.
It seems fishy, but maybe they work?
Yeah, they’re basically a couple of scams. They’re not dangerous, but they’re not particularly helpful either. You can check out my full review for Synapsyl here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/synapsyl-review/
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
The Optimind bottle I have is made by AltemaScript 3815 Grarrott Houston Texas.
Yeah, Optimind (http://www.GetOptimind.com) did a reformulation awhile back, and I never got a chance to update the product photos. You have the legitimate stuff. There is no need to worry.
Because I have a really high metabolism. I’ve eaten 4 times a day every day and my weight is 92.5lbs, never pass 100lbs, I’m 29 this year, I’m a guy.
My question is do any of this product help? or I just barking up the wrong tree here?
This Optimind doesn’t slow your metabolism. In fact, the caffeine will actually speed it up a little, but not overly so.
I know they plan to expand internationally this year, but I’m not sure what their timetable is. You can give them a call directly at 1-888-784-9315.
Optimind does work for me. It’s the best ready-made nootropic supplement I’ve found.
There’s no evidence that you’ll develop a tolerance for Optimind, but I usually take about a week off every month with any of the supplements I take, just to clean the slate and get a fresh start.
Because you have a medical condition, you’ll need to consult with your doctor about whether or not any supplement will interfere.
I’m sorry to hear about that. Though I wonder if there’s something else causing his problems.
I would definitely recommend he see a doctor to rule out any other issues.
Nothing will get you the same effects as Adderall, not Optimind or anything else. Stacking Optimind with Phenibut is the closest thing I’ve found. Phenibut relaxes you and relieves anxiety, but without making you sleepy. You have to be very careful with it. Don’t take it more than twice a week and make sure you take a 3 or 4-day break in between. You’ll build up a tolerance really quickly. I hear you about the frustration. I’ve found that these kinds of supplements, more than any other, act very differently in different people, so you really need to try things for yourself to find what works for you.
I don’t know of any conflicts, but you should check with your doctor just in case.
I wish I could help you out, but our site specializes in workout, male enhancement, and nootropic supplements. We don’t have any significant knowledge of thyroid supplements.
There are several customer reviews at the end of this post. I’ve also used it myself and my results are posted in the review as well.
That’s my only concern! I’ve got my first bottle already but did t think about this issues until after I already made the order
There’s nothing in it that should flag a drug test.
Unfortunately, at this time, it’s only available in the US and Canada.
To cancel your order, go to the Optimind website. If you click on the FAQ section, and there’s an entry for canceling your order. Follow the steps laid out there. It’s actually really simple once you get there. Let me know if you run into any trouble.
?? ???????
???????? ?????
I’m not sure what you’re asking. If you clarify, I’ll try to point you in the right direction for an answer.
I do receive a commission from Optimind, but I recommend it because I use it myself and I believe in it. I don’t know what you’re talking about with deleting negative comments.
I don’t delete negative comments.
Where did you hear this? Can you send me a link?
I am curious to know about the long-term effects of the nootropics in general.
Although at first glance, you try to be objective, the website is mainly promoting these products. Sure there are short-term sensible effects and people respond and report out of their emotions even before the effects are gone, but what about in the long run?
You better know that if you shift the boundary of the observed problem (any) it may seem like nothing is wrong or the opposite, but the name of that problem stays the same. That is the approach of laboratories or pharmaceuticals when they try to prove something.
Although I am sure that the producers do not have interest in conducting such trials, I am wondering about the holistic picture and the long-term one from more biological perspective.
What are the responses of the body and the brain to such substances in such concentrated doses?
Is there something like “exhaustion” of the receptors like for instance from a regular cocaine intake.
I will be very happy if you can reveal more information.
And please, don’t bring in shallow arguments like: “it´s natural and it´s in your food, but in higher doses” and such.
You know the Indian saying: ” the difference between the poison and the cure is in the dose”
I believe that you can be objective, critical and would not try to sell me anything.
This information would be useful.
Stay up!
That’s a great question. Unfortunately, I really don’t know the answer, since as far as I can tell there have been no long term safety studies.
If I had to guess, long term, you will likely develop a tolerance to them, basically to the point where you wouldn’t be getting much (if any) benefit from them. That’s why I think it’s important to cycle on and off substances like these.
That’s the only REAL way you can avoid / limit building a tolerance. Hope this helps a little.
Does the supplement really help in the long term or only when you consume it? When you stop taking it does the effect disappear?
Will you gain something in the long term if you start consuming this product?
For slower acting, long-term results, I like Mindboost. For more immediate, noticeable results with energy, I like Optimind. In both cases, the effects will wear off once you stop taking them.
I have ADHD but the only medication that ever helped was Cylert, which they took off the market. Adderal gave me energy but no focus.
Now I have Congestive Heart Failure so I can’t take Adderal any more, but I wondered if you knew or had heard from people with CHF, if it is safe to take this supplement with this condition? I would love some energy and some focus again.
I’m really not in a position to say whether or not it would be safe with your condition. One of the drawbacks with supplements is that they’re not required to be tested for safety or effectiveness.
With that being the case, I would definitely have to recommend you talk to your doctor about what may and may not be safe. With that said, I do think it could help as long as it’s okay for you to take.
There’s always a chance of having a sensitivity to a certain ingredient, but Optimind has a very low incidence of side effects.
You’re still a bit young, wait until you hit 18 and then you’ll be good to go.
The problem is, nobody knows. Supplement ingredients are not generally tested on kids, so there’s no telling what kind of effect they may have on you, especially your growth.
You don’t want to be the guinea pig.
I have not, but I just took a look at it and it seems to have a decent ingredients profile. I’ll try to get around to reviewing it soon.
At this time, Optimind is only available in the US and Canada. Try Mind Lab Pro. It’s my number 2 choice and they do ship to India.
How exactly are the 2 related? Other than the free trial, I see no comparison between my review of Optimind vs. that of Cogniflex. Cogniflex makes numerous false and deliberate claims, like:
1. It’s been featured on CNN as the first “approved brain super drug”, even though it hasn’t.
2. It was featured in Forbes, which it wasn’t.
3. It’s been approved by the FDA, which doesn’t even make sense because the FDA doesn’t “approve” supplements.
4. It was the inspiration behind the movie “Limitless”, which I proved was not the case.
Optimind does none of this…
So let’s step back for a min. and see if the free trial is the culprit in your eyes…Optimind sends you 10 capsules to try for free (FREE shipping as well), and then charges you $43 14 days later if you don’t cancel.
They make it CRYSTAL CLEAR when you go to order that this is the case…Not only that, but if you completely missed the terms and conditions, they STILL offer you a refund up to 30 days past the purchase price. Full refund that is…
Let’s compare / contrast this with Cogniflex…
Cogniflex buries their terms and conditions in a deliberate fashion, charges you for the shipping, and charges you $139.97 (that’s over 3X MORE than Optimind) 10 days after ordering.
If you decide to cancel they also offer a refund up to 30 days after ordering. The difference?? With Optimind, all you have to do is send back the unused portion and you get a full refund. They will even refund the shipping charge back to them.
How about with Cogniflex? Well, first off, they DON’T give refunds for trial bottles….sorry. For the orders that qualify for a refund, the bottle must be unopened. If you CRACKED the seal on the bottle you can’t get a refund.
So let’s assume you didn’t get a sample bottle and you haven’t opened it yet. If you send it back, they charge you a 35% “restocking fee”, plus the shipping comes directly out of your pocket.
So, where’s the correlation??? The next time you want to try and call me out, do your homework…
Go to the Optimind Website here. You can place an order there, and they’ll send it to you in Canada.
I totally understand your skepticism. When I first tried Optimind and wrote the review, I had just started looking into and experimenting with nootropic supplements.
Up until that point, I had only used a few others. Since then, I’ve done a lot of experimenting and tried a lot of different nootropics.
It was only more recently, when I chose Optimind as my top choice, that I added the blurb about having tried a lot of these supplements, because by then, that was the case. Hope that clears up the confusion for you.
I’ve taken a look at it and wrote up an informational review, but I haven’t tested it out. It looks decent, but unfortunately, there’s not a lot of customer feedback. One thing to note is that it doesn’t contain stimulants. Depending on your preferences, that can be a good thing or a bad thing. Let me know how it works out for you if you do try it.
I got my Optimind pills from amazon, and they were all white. You think theses are not the real ones?
I live in canada so I would not buy them from the website.
I can’t be sure, but I have seen comments stating that the Optimind at Amazon is counterfeit.
Here is the link where I got my optimind:
Now I understand why I didnt feel anything, I contacted Optimind about it. I’m just letting people know about this. I hope to get my money back.
Thanks. I updated the review to reflect your experience.
Thanks for letting us know.
With so many different testing agencies and protocols, I don’t know all of their parameters. Here’s a list of ingredients in Optimind.
Take the list to the Marine Corp testing facility or administrators to be sure there’s nothing questionable: GABA, Phosphatidylserine, Vitamin D3, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Caffeine, Huperzine A, Tyrosine, Taurine, Vitamin B-12, Sulbutiamine, Vinpocetine, Bacopa Monnieri.
You just have to make sure you watch your caffeine intake. Optimind has 95 mg per serving.
Green Tea has about 50 mg per cup.
If you’re still taking the Phentermine, check with your doctor about the other three. He can tell you if there are any contradications. If you do go ahead with it, make sure you only take the Phenibut twice a week with several days in between.
I have an affiliate relationship with Optimind. When someone uses my link to order it, I get a commission.
I have that kind of relationship with a few products. There’s no additional cost to the buyer, and I only enter into a relationship if I’ve personally used and had a great deal of success with a supplement.
I am a junior in college. I have fairly high levels of anxiety and have found that Adderall makes me feel terrible.
It makes me feel clammy. I have sweaty palms, yet I feel cold.
I always get a headache about 2 hours after taking only a 15mg dose. However, between my work and the fact I have a literal Crack addict alcoholic mother in law that is more needy than my 5 year old step daughter.
I am exhausted. Would you recommend Optimind to someone like me, who needs focus and energy but can’t be crashing all the time, and has high levels of anxiety?
Also, I am fearful of developing dependency. So I guess my question is, knowing all of that, would you still recommend Optimind to me?
Actually, Optimind would be quite safe to try. There’s no addiction potential, aside from the caffeine.
But the caffeine won’t do you any favors with your anxiety. It’ll help with energy and focus though.
You may want to consider talking to your doctor about your anxiety.
Thanks for this. You’re right and this kind of thing happens all the time with supplements.
They’re not regulated at all for effectiveness, so companies will list all these great ingredients, but only a dusting, not nearly enough to have even the slightest effect. It’s the wild wild west for sure!
I am a Brand Partner with Nerium and was very excited about our newest product, EHT, until I researched the competition and realized how much I would love to hear your review on that.
I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I’m planning to at some point. In the meantime, we have a researched review here you can check out.
I would like to try for free the optimind caps.
I live in Greece.
My full adress is:
Agoudimou Nikolitsa
V. Amalias 6, Kifissia PC 14561, Greece
Thank you a lot
We don’t sell supplements. We just review them. You can go to the official Optimind website to sign up for their free trial. Just make sure you’re aware of the terms and conditions, so you don’t get charged unexpectedly.
Thanks, Steve
I have a diagnosis of heart failure and cannot take stimulants like Adderal or others that may be anxiolytics.
We’ve got a review of Alpha Brain posted on the website, but I haven’t seen anything about AlphaBrain 2. I’ll put Synaptol on the list and let you know when we get a review posted.
I completely understand your concern. In fact, as a rule, I don’t recommend products that use free trials for exactly the reasons you state.
When I tried Optimind, I got such great results I really wanted to promote this product. I called the owner of the company to express my concerns.
We had a very long discussion during which he repeatedly assured me that all refunds will be honored and that they will even accept late cancellations when the customer is confused about what they’re entering into. I have no interest in recommending bogus products.
If I recommend it, it’s because I personally vouch for its effectiveness, and this is definitely the case with Optimind. I hope that helps ease your mind a bit.
I would love to know an approximate price for both supplements so I know how many hours to work to purchase it. If it works as well as described, I want to do a youtube run on my job.
I would work a full day, 24 hours and see if my focus can withstand the ultimate trial.
A one month supply of Optimind costs $43.31.
If you buy Phenibut from AbsorbYourHealth.com, you'll get a scoop that measures 500 mg when level. I definitely recommend you try it with Optimind. Rob SupplementCritique.com
They’re both good products, but I’d have to say Optimind is better. MindBoost does the job, but it’s more mild. You’ll feel it more with Optimind.
I haven’t checked it out, but give me a few weeks, and I’ll let you know when I post a review.
I have an affiliate relationship with Optimind, which means that when someone buys Optimind through our website, I get a commission. I only choose to work with products I have personally used and believe in, and customers don’t pay any more for going though our site.
I fully support everybody doing their homework before spending money on anything. Our site is a just one resource of many.
Don’t care about stimulant factor. Thanks!
The FDA banned it’s use and they subsequently removed it so it doesn’t work as well as it used to.
Do you think these would be healthier and work as well?
Did they tell you when the sample would arrive? Let us know how it goes when you try it.
In the long term, using Optimind, does our body become dependent on this pill to perform well with our studies?
I actually have never heard of that one, I’ll have to check it out. That said, I took a quick look at the website and it doesn’t look like Activit is intended to be a nootropic supplement like Optimind.
The recommendation is that you try one pill at first to see if Optimind will work. If it doesn’t work after the first time, up the dose to 2, which is what works for most people.
The site says a month supply is 32 pills. So, what is the daily dosage supposed to be?
Do you take one in the morning? Do you take one in the morning and one in the afternoon?
Do you just take one pill all day long? If you need two pills a day and the bottle only contains 32, then you would have to get two bottles for a monthly supply.
Actually, the recommended dose according to the FAQs on the Optimind website is 2 pills in the morning, though they say you can start with one to see if you get a full enough effect. The 32-count bottle is a 16 day supply. Their rationale is that not everyone takes it every day. They sell a package of 2 bottles per month if you want to use it at a dose of 2 per day every day.
I personally believe from experience in fitness training, competition, and my healthcare education that stimulants no matter how they are paired with other items become the main trigger to how one experiences the product. If it is effective without caffeine, why have it in the product?
According to the website, it’s got about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, so that’s about 100 mg or so. My guess is they put it in because most people have a positive response to a bit of caffeine.
I’m 37 now. When I first took the medication, it was the first time I can recall feeling normal. I could finally be productive without feeling like I had to mentally force myself to do it.
I didn’t get high, I just felt normal. I would wake up and be ready for the day, just after taking it for a few days. I have small children, so losing that motivation has been huge for me.
I’m a bit confused after reading all the comments on which I of these supplements would suit me best. I would appreciate your opinion on which you think I would benefit from most.
It actually kinda makes me sleepy. Would it be safe to take Optimind while taking all my other prescription medications?
I take a few psychiatric pills and a couple of heart pills. I would kill to have clarity focus and energy.
And how much do you know about Adderall? How does it compare to Optimind?
Optimind is good, but it can’t really touch that kind of dose of Adderall. It sounds like you may need to cycle off the Adderall for a while to cut down your tolerance some.
But with the fact that you take other prescription pills, you should really consult with your doctor about any changes you may want to make.
Hoping u can provide some clarification for me: I have literally only just learnt of these apparent ‘turbo-brain’ pills TODAY (I’m a pharmacologist so have always been much more «au fait» w real drugs!), but was sufficiently impressed – more like bowled over actually! – with what I came to learn about ‘Brain Storm’, that I decided ‘What the fuck, I’ll give it a go!’
The links led me to the order page for a product called ‘Neuroplex Plus’; now, the picture on Neuroplex Plus’s bottles was IDENTICAL to those on Brain Storm’s, so I deduced it must have to be the exact same product, what with product branding/naming & artwork TM’ing laws being as they are…
I ordered only after having ascertained with a comfortable certainty that the primary ‘magic’ active ingredient in ‘Brain Storm’ is a compound called E-huperzine (about which there is quite a considerable amount of info from various sources [particularly from Chinese scientific studies, interestingly] that confirm huperzine’s biochemical classification as a Noötropic [which, for those who don’t know, comes from the 2 Greek words «nóos» – mind – & «trópos» – turn -])…
What I need to know is: a) does the ‘Neuroplex Plus’ that I ordered 4 hrs ago contain this E-huperzine at the same dose as it is in ‘Brain Storm’, and b) does this compound actually fuckin’ WORK at anywhere even close to the extent claimed? Or am I gonna have to return the stuff for refund and just plough on with amphetamines, benzos, opioids, antidepressants, phenethylamines + the odd modafinil & scrapings of fucking Ginseng while waiting for the next 80 years for a REAL so-called ‘Limitless’ pill?
Many thanks!
I haven’t heard of Neuroplx Plus so I don’t have any inside info on it I can’t seem to find it in a google search either. Can you send me a link?
Generally speaking, some of the nootropic supplements I’ve tried to work, but not to the extent of the pill in Limitless. My top pick is Optimind.
I wanted to leave a short comment about Optimind. I just started my second month and so far I have not noticed any changes.
I started it to mainly help with brain fog issues, help my memory, focus and to help me get going and things like that. I have been taking the two pills a day, one in the morning and one early evening to try and maintain a consistent flow throughout the day.
The bottle does say that you could take up to eight pills a day, which seems like a lot, especially if you are not noticing the results, and can get expensive.
On their website, it seems as the two bottle count is the most you can purchase which is actually only a month supply, so if you are needing or wanting to take more throughout the day you may need to call or email them to find out about that option. I have also noticed that it doesn’t seem like there is much of the product inside of the capsules themselves.
I know that with other supplements I have tried, the capsules are usually packed with the product.
If I remember correctly, they actually say on their site that they take it daily, so I’m not sure that you need to cycle off of this and it may need the time to build up to work. Anyhow, I figure I will give it the rest of this second month, possibly a third to see if I do notice any results and if not then begin looking for another option.
Could you recommend another option as well?
I have a couple questions before making a recommendation for something else. Are you not even feeling the short term energy and focus increase that’s supposed to kick in after about an hour?
Are you taking it every day, or only a few days a week? Lastly, are you looking for something to take everyday or something to take just when you need that boost?
Let me know, and I’ll get back to you with how I think you should proceed.
That’s correct, I’m not even noticing the short-term kick in after an hour. I do take it daily, 2 capsules, one in the morning the second mid-day.
I’ve been thinking of trying “AddTabz”, to see if those will help at least the short-term boost, but I would like to have something to take daily to maintain it as well.
You found it. Optimind is just what you’re looking for. It’s great for focus, concentration, and for getting stuff done.
The only place you can buy Optimind is their official website. They offer a free trial of 10 pills. But make sure you understand the terms and conditions. If you don’t email them with your cancellation within your 14 day trial period, they’ll start sending you full priced bottles monthly. But if you follow the terms, it could be a great way to try it out for free.
Do you think the Optimind is worth a shot?
I like Optimind a lot, really great for staying on task and getting things done. Definitely give it a try.
Thanks for your comments, but I respectfully disagree with your statements. It’s generally not a good idea to take any nootropic every day without cycling off a few days a week.
It’s very easy to build a tolerance. We make it very clear that we are paid when visitors buy certain products.
In fact, it’s at the bottom of every page. And we don’t censor negative comments.
There are plenty of examples throughout the site.
This is an opioid blocker to aid in opiate addiction. I’m looking for a supplement to help with the withdrawal symptoms when I am done w my taper.
Withdrawal symptoms include lack of energy, or the ability to pull myself out of bed and face the day. Would you recommend Optimimd, or is there an alternative supplement that might aid me with my issue?
I recommend you discuss this issue with your doctor. There may be complications or contraindications that I’m not aware of or qualified to discuss.
I recently discovered this and it has saved my life. It definitely helps with symptoms of withdrawal, it also helps with energy, anxiety and etc. I have also seen some articles stating it having effects of nootropics.
I stand by Kratom 100% I wish I had discovered this years ago. I could have saved myself thousands of dollars from all the bs of detox, suboxone, and methadone that really didn’t accomplish anything for me except for keeping me trapped.
The best place to get Kratom is at Kratom Alliance. They have the lowest prices on small amounts and on bulk, great customer service and if you email them you could request samples they always respond right away and are kind enough to provide them.
I’m not posting this to advertise or spam.
I know what it’s like, I’ve lost a few friends to overdose and I’ve had my own struggle with Opiate addiction and just want to share what I’ve discovered in hope that I can save some lives.
Eighty percent of Kratom retailers, are selling his kratom that he imports, lab tests, and packages. Furthermore, he has a lobbying group that works non-stop at legalizing it in every state, one by one.
They just fought hard to have it re-legalized in Florida and it’s a huge accomplishment considering for one, it’s Florida , the corruption of big pharma advocating harmful drugs for profit, and the FDA with it’s successful countless attempts at having a ban kept in place and keeping it off the market.
States, however, are starting to re-legalize it again, but not without a fight. So Florida is good news.
It is a much safer alternative to treating pain.
Now if someone is on Suboxone, my guess is that they had an opioid dependency. My suggestion to that person if they are trying to get off opioids all together, do not take Kratom.
Kratom is an opioid antagonist, just like Suboxone. It is used for opioid withdrawals, just like Suboxone.
It can become physically addictive, just like Suboxone.
Catch my drift? Yes, it is a wonderful alternative to prescription pain pills and works very effectively.
One glass containing a table spoon of ground tea into a powder substance, or 5 grams of the tea leaf itself is as effective, if not more, than taking two Norco’s at 10mg to kill pain, or for the recreational use to create a feeling of euphoria and relaxation. It’s all natural and much less toxic than prescription opiates, but it still produces the same effects.
It is still mentally and physically addictive. It still can cause constipation.
It still has psychoactive properties, and you will still experience withdrawals. You’ll be basically using one drug to taper off another drug, that you’re using to taper of opiates and you’re basically prolonging the inevitable.
I’ve seen people abuse Kratom just like pills and they end up strung out. Granted although it’s safer, you’re still feeding the opiate addiction.
For those who do not suffer addiction but have a painful injury, I’d take kratom over prescribed opiates any day!
When I broke my tailbone the doctors gave me Norco and I was still laid up in agony by day 6. Finally, my buddy showed up with his kratom and after a strong cup of the tea I was up and moving around.
It masked the pain more effectively. You can find Kratom online at varying prices, however, I’ve found that the companies who sell it really cheaply are not utilizing a high grade Kratom leaf, and some even cut it with other leafy substances.
That is the truth. My buddy no longer distributes to individual consumers, but instead he distributes it wholesale to other retailers unless, you come visit his businesses here in person.
Since he and his group of lobbyist have fought extremely hard at legalizing it, he doesn’t like selling it to people that might be irresponsible with.
He doesn’t recommend it to drug addicts, or people suffering severe mental illness, as they are more likely to give it a bad name. A death autopsy, especially due to suicide or an accident due to driving under the influence, revealing Kratom in the person’s system can have negative consequences at legalizing.
It may cause damage to all the hard hours and money invested for the states that have lifted the ban. It can be fuel for big pharma to destroy it’s reputation.
I’m personally very careful of who I recommend it to for those reasons.
Best of luck!
It would be great, but I have tons of worries using Optimind. I’m sure you have heard them, all my worries are the kinda the same.
I’m a gamer I play tournaments and stuff like that, would this help me out with that?
It’s not going to make you like the guy in Limitless. Unfortunately, that’s pure fiction.
But you shouldn’t experience any side effects, and it will help with concentration so yeah, it’ll probably improve your game. I had great luck with it.
Also having lived in the new age capital of Santa Fe added to my knowledge. All of the ingredients in Optimind are in my medicine cabinet already!
Especially Vinpocetine. I take triple strength by Swanson.
I also have the must-have Megamind by Source Naturals on my fridge. I Take that with my Omega 3’s every day.
I am very surprised Phosphatidylserine or pyroglutamic acid is not an ingredient in this product. Overall I don’t expect much out of Optimind.
Yeah, there are quite a lot of people using nootropic ingredients individually. They’ve done their experimenting, figured out what works, and use just that.
But there are some people that just don’t want to work that hard, and would rather have it all formulated for them. I really liked Optimind.
You’ll have to let me know how it works out for you.
Sounds great. Looking forward to hearing from you!
With Optimind having all the caffeine, I can get the same effect from say a triple shot of espresso, and the crash as well.
I’m looking for a long-term, daily usable, pop 1 pill, no caffeine, no load up product.
I ordered the Optimind trial and you said it was the number one, then I see now its mind boost can you clarify what changed your mind? and are you related to any of these products you recommend?
Best Regards
You’re right about Optimind. It’s good for a boost now an then, but it’s not the best option if you want a daily supplement to generally improve your cognitive ability. Since that’s what you’re looking for, you definitely want Mind Boost. They each have their advantages, but it seems like for you, Mind Boost is a better fit. To answer your last question, I am an affiliate for some of the products I recommend, including both Optimind and Mind Boost. That means when you order them through our site, I get a commission. But rest assured, I only recommend products that I’ve personally tried and found to really work.
It seems most of your picks are short-term or as needed. I’m looking for a long-term add it to your daily vitamins brain booster.
Do you have any suggestions?
Sounds like you’re looking for MindBoost. It’s gentle, made for long term use, and my number one pick.
On October 2, 2014, in response to Lachlan, you said: “Yep, Mind Boost is still my number one."
But on July 24, 2014, your response to Jennifer who asked “which nootropic gives the overall absolute best increases in energy, motivation and focus…” was “… I’ve actually been planning to update my top picks, and I think OptiMind and TruBrain will both make the list."
I have already ordered MindBoost, and now I am not sure which one I want to go for. Do you still plan to update your top picks to OptiMind, or is MindBoost still your number one?
Sorry for the confusion. MindBoost is still my number one for longer term benefits.
If you want something that puts you at a higher level in terms of energy, focus, and cognitive function, MindBoost is it. OptiMind is great for that quick, yet temporary boost.
The symptoms I experience are due to the copper coming out of the body. I have tried a few natural products for anxiety and energy.
While I’ve treated the anxiety, I’m having problems with energy and thinking straight. My job kind of requires me to be fast on my feet, and it’s so hard to find something that won’t interfere with my diet and regimen treatment.
My only concern is the caffeine. I’ve read it can be an issue for the adrenals.
I’ve gotten the trial pack which I’m going to start taking tomorrow but I’m worried it might have a long-term effect on my adrenals. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Since you’re being treated by a doctor, I’ll have to send you to him for advice. This kind of supplement is still relatively new to the mass market nad they’re really not well regulated.
Your doctor will know better how the ingredients might affect you in particular.
I recommend this product to everyone.
You should be fine, but I’d bring a bottle to the test with you just in case.
Having seen the top three you recommend hasn’t changed for a while, I was wondering if they are still your best picks or would you recommend some of the others you have tried since then?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Yep, Mind Boost is still my number one. It’s not the kind of thing that comes on strong. It works over time, but when it kicks in, you’re really firing on all cylinders.
Because I live in Australia and Optimind is one of the few that will ship out here, I am so excited to get it and start seeing the results.
Thanks for ateção!
My email is dnarj568@gmail.com
Unfortunately, Optimind does not currently ship outside the US. You may want to try AddieUP which ships worldwide.
It is widely accepted that nootropics are not addictive. The only exception I can cite is that some of them contain stimulants, like caffeine, and you might experience a bit of a fog or headache if you discontinue caffeine use completely once your body has gotten used to using it.
It should only last a day or two, and like I said, it’s a function of the caffeine, not the nootropic substances themselves. That’s one of the best things about these supplements.
There are definite benefits, but no addictive properties.
If not can you two write a review and compare the two?
I haven’t taken Provigil myself, but we do have a review up based on research we’ve performed. It’s difficult to compare Optimind to a prescription medication like Provigil. The effects are similar but not as strong and with no side effects. Sorry I can’t make a personal comparison for you, but hopefully the review will help with the information you’re looking for.
I’ve taken Provigil, Adderal, Vyvanse, Ritalin and other medicines, and still have over half of a bottle left from an old prescription. With that being said, everyone’s brain chemistry is different.
If you’ve abused stimulants in the past or you currently are, it is like you’ll not experience results to the fullest without taking a larger quantity. I’m not a doctor but this is a known factor in the supplement/body-building world for starters.
This includes abusing large amounts of caffeine.
One dose of Provigil left me feeling nothing. Taking two doses gave me slight results as far as mental clarity, but three gave me the effects I needed to have the energy to get motivated and have noticeable alertness or clarity.
Mind you, this probably isn’t safe, however, I was on Adderall for 7 months prior with a developed tolerance which I’m pretty sure was a factor. Overall, I still didn’t find Provigil to be all that special.
Good luck. 🙂
I tried Provigil AND Nuvagil when it first came out. I did not experience any gain in clarity or energy from either.
And I probably threw two half bottles out as well due to their ineffectiveness for me. Optimind, on the other hand, worked just as promised.
At first I wasn’t sure if it was a placebo effect but when my 5 day trial ended and I didn’t have any left, I noticed that I’d wished I had ordered a bottle. For me, it was clean energy without jitters.
And for the record, I have a high caffeine tolerance.
Has anyone reported any adverse effects to this product or similar products?
I completely understand your skepticism, but all the ingredients in this are over the counter. I haven’t heard of anyone experiencing negative side effects with Optimind, but if you’re still concerned, I would start with a half dose and/or take it only a few days a week or so.
I feel focused everyday. I only took one and I feel great.
I think the crash is sooner but its like no other crash. It doesn’t feel like anything but that my brain has been used.
The first time I tried it I felt like my entire brain was working if that makes sense. The cloudy feeling went away and I was focused.
I love this product so far! Hopefully long term it will be worth the same excitement!
I haven’t used it long term, but according to the website, you can continue taking it all year and still get the same effects. As for how often you need to take it, the effects lasted for me for most of the day, and the recommended usage is once per day, or whenever you feel like you need or want that cognitive boost.
Then you say: “In an increasingly competitive marketplace for Nootropic supplements, I personally think that OptiMind is one of the best formulas I’ve tested to date."
Have you tried other nootropics, or not? If so, what were they?
What are the differences?
Up to this point, I haven’t tried a lot, but of the few that I’ve tried, Optimind is one of the best in terms of cognitive enhancement and how it make you feel natural, yet alert.
I do not want to get addicted to a medication to enhance my performances in any regard and have trouble later if I decide to stop using it. If I decide to stop using it, do I go back to how I was before?
Optimind is for as-needed use. You take it when you need or want that boost in brain power, focus, or energy.
The effects won’t last after it’s out of your system.
I’m interested in the nootropics and was wondering whether Trubrain and Optimind are better than your currently listed top3 as their reviews seem a lot more positive than the Top3’s reviews about the effects? In your and your team’s experience, which nootropic gives the overall absolute best increases in energy, motivation, and focus while remaining healthy and low in side effects, regardless of time to kick in?
Thanks so much again for your help.
You have a good eye! I’ve actually been planning to update my top picks, and I think OptiMind and TruBrain will both make the list.
For your purposes, I’d go with OptiMind.
I bought Intellux before seeing your site. If you buy 3 bottles for $29.00 you get 2 free.
That is what the ad said. My credit card was charged $144.00.
How can this company keep scamming people? Now I see all their stuff is fake and fraud.
I saw that they did the exact same to others in some post with 13 reviews I saw too late!
Click here to see our complete Nitrovit Review.
If I am wrong please explain – and are you willing to disclose how much Optimind is paying you?
I do have an affiliate relationship with Optimind as well as several other supplements I’ve reviewed on the website. I only enter into relationships with products I use myself, and all my opinions, both positive and negative – are real.
The way it works is that when visitors to my site click the links and make a purchase, I receive a commission on the sale.
I had good results with the original. It took about 3 to 4 weeks, and I had almost complete relief from trying to grasp for words during a conversation.
A good effect I didn’t expect was better sleeping. I stayed asleep for 6 hours and better dreaming, not constant nightmares.
These people just want an effect like a Rockstar. I need something real.
Am I being unrealistic? Can you tell me if you have something like I described?
One of the things that stands out about nootropic supplements is that they involve a lot of trial and error to find the one that works for you. I think it’s because the different ingredients don’t work the same in everyone. That said, I find Optimind to be the best I’ve tried. You may also want to look into buying ingredients one by one and creating a stack that works for you. Sign up for my free “Nootropics Guide” ebook for some more information on the different components out there.
I haven’t checked it out yet, but I’ll put it on the list. Check back in a couple weeks for our review.
my phone is (xxx)xxxxxxx
when entered said need to use international number help.
also method of pay which card
I checked with Optimind. They said you can put any phone number in the form, so I’m not sure what went wrong.
Give it another try, and if it doesn’t take this time, contact Optimind at 888-784-9315, and they’ll help you through it.
Actually there is. Check out Mind Lab Pro. It takes a few days to really start feeling it, but when it kicks in, it’s one of my top picks. Here’s my full review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/mind-lab-pro-review-and-results/