Omega Daily Review – My Results And Why I Think It’s The Best Omega Supplement
By: Rob Miller
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Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Omega Daily website.
Research has shown that most Americans (read about 90%) don’t get enough Omega-3 Fatty acids in their diet. If you’re not already familiar, Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for numerous health benefits, including reducing joint inflammation and soreness, promote healthy brain functioning, and even help with weight loss by reducing food cravings. I have personally been using fish oils since my mid 20’s, and can attest to these benefits, especially when I hear all of the complaints I get from my friends about how sore they always feel, or their lack of energy. One product that I have been using for the last 6 months is called Omega Daily, which is the focus of this review.
What is Omega Daily?
Omega daily is a marine lipid extract that contains Green Lipped Muscle Powder, and if you couldn’t extract from the name of the product, is taken daily. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules 2 times daily, either on an empty or full The primary benefits of this particular Omega-3 fatty acid are reduced joint stiffness/soreness, increased cardiovascular health, and better emotional well being.
While you should start seeing results with Omega Daily within the first few days, best results with Omega-3 acids like this one are generally seen within about 2 or 3 months. That’s why it is very common to “load up” on fish oils (meaning take more of it) in the first month or so, and then keep a gradual, steady dosage over time.
My Results With Omega Daily?
There are so many sources of Omega-3 fatty acids out there that it can be hard to distinguish which ones are the best, and which barely even work. I used to take fish oil, but every time I would burp I would get the smell of Salmon or some other fish on my breath. And in some cases, I would even get that fishy taste that would last for hours. I wanted something that wouldn’t do that, but still have the benefits of an Omega-3 supplement. That’s when I heard of Omega daily.
After using Omega daily for the past 6 months, I have noticed a considerable decrease in joint pain and soreness, as well as improved cardiovascular fitness. Being an avid basketball and volleyball player, I get “jumpers knee” alot, often so bad that I couldn’t even play. Well, after a few months I noticed that my tendon, which was always very sore during and after playing, had pretty much disappeared.
The Good About Omega Daily
- Relieved my sore joints/tendons
- No fishy taste or “burps”
- Skin felt alot smoother, even saw a reduction in under eye bags
- Felt an overall increase in energy, which helped with gym workouts
- Scientifically researched and backed
The Bad About Omega Daily
- A bit more expensive than others
- Not available in stores
My Recommendation
Whether you’re an athlete who is looking to reduce inflammation from workouts, or an older individual who is looking for a healthy Omega-3 alternative, Omega Daily may be right for you. It contains all of the necessary Omega-3 fatty acid you need on a daily basis, and starts working very quickly. I recommend at least a 3 months supply of Omega Daily for best results.
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There does not appear to be any official website either from your links or when googled directly. -JD
It looks like they may have gone out of business for now. We'll update the information.- Rob
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