Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster Review: 1 BIG Reason To Pass
By: Rob Miller
What is Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster
What Are The Ingredients
Where to Buy It
What About the Free Trial
Ogen Labs Reviews
Pros and Cons
NOTE:Some of the content on this page may be considered NSFW, viewer discretion is advised!
The decision to use a natural testosterone boosting supplement once you’ve reached a certain age and want to remain at your best is almost a no brainer.
It’s a simple fact that as we age, our bodies produce less and less of this vital male hormone.
As a teenager, we had more than we knew what to do with.
In our twenties, strength, libido, energy, and drive were never an issue.
But once we’re well into our 30s and 40s, a noticeable shift occurs.
Our bodies start producing less and less testosterone in our 20s, and the effect is small but cumulative.
Barely detectable early on, there comes a point in our late 30s and 40s when the decline makes itself clearly known.
This is when energy declines, fat starts to show up like a spare tire, workouts become harder, and interest in sex just isn’t what it used to be.
That’s when we know it’s time.
It used to be we just had to deal with it, unless we wanted to deal with expensive and side effect causing hormone replacement therapy.
It was just a symptom of growing older.But these days, natural testosterone boosting supplements have changed all that.
Now we can take a natural ingredient pill that mimics the effects of hormone replacement therapy, all for a fraction of the cost and no side effects.
Now the only problem is choosing the right one.
There are so many choices it makes it challenging to find the right one.
The other day, I was browsing through an “adult film site” and came across this:
Who wouldn’t want that, right?!
When I clicked the ad, it took me to a page that looked like this:
The jist of the post, which looks surprisingly like the Mens Health website, goes like this:
- A pill was finally released to the general public, which reportedly can give you a 3 – 4 inch increase in penis size.
- This pill was secretly used by porn stars for years, and now it’s available to the general public.
- The name of the pill is none other than Ogen Labs Test Booster.
There’s plenty of graphic images of girls getting nailed in the rear, mouth, and all other sorts of orifices.
I’ll spare you any more details.
The thought of a 3 – 4 inch increase in penis size is pretty damn intriguing, right?
Well, I’m here to tell you that this WHOLE postis complete and utter B.S.
I’ll get back to that in a little bit.
First, let’s talk a little about the supplement first.
What is Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster?
As you probably guessed from the name, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is a natural testosterone boosting supplement from a company called Ogen Labs.
It’s designed for men who want to benefit from an increased amount of testosterone without having to deal with the cost and side effects of doctor visits and testosterone replacement therapy.
The kinds of benefits you can expect include:
- Increased fat burning.
- More lean muscle mass.
- Boosted sex drive.
- More energy.
- Improved mood.
You’ll essentially reap all the benefits of increased testosterone without any of the drawback of using actual hormone replacement.
Aside from the well-known side effects of TRT like acne and aggression comes the very real problem of the shutting down of your body’s natural hormone production process.
That’s what happens when you use steroids, which is why using a natural product like Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is a much better choice.
You get the benefits without the drawbacks.
It’s as simple as that… that is if it work, which is what we’ll take a look at next – whether or not Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster works.
What Are The Ingredients?
According to the label image I tracked down at a retailer’s website, The Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster formula consists of a 1484 mg proprietary blend of 8 ingredients, including:
- Horny Goat Weed Extract (aka Epimedium) which increases blood flow in a similar way to Viagra, helping you achieve better erections. You’ll find horny goat weed in literally TONS of other supplements, including vigrx plus and zyntix.
- Tongkat Ali Extract (aka Eurycoma Longfolia) which is believed to increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin which attaches itself to free testosterone molecules, rendering them ineffective and essentially useless. (Source)
- Saw Palmetto Extract which supports prostate health by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which also has the effect of increasing free and total testosterone. (Source)
- Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and is believed to help maintain health testicular function. (Source) Testosterone is made in the testicles, so clearly this is a good thing.
- Wild Yam Extract which balances male and female hormones in the body.
- Sarsaparilla which is believed to increase testosterone levels.
- Nettle Extract which also supports prostate health, which is a key factor in overall sexual health.
- Boron which has been shown in studies to increase testosterone levels.
The list includes several important ingredients for naturally boosting testosterone, but there are a few missing that I like to see.
These include D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek, and to a lesser extent Tribulus Terrestris.
But when I started to dig a little deeper, I found on that same website, the following description of how Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster works:
So this blurb indicates that Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster actually does contain Fenugreek and Tribulus Terrestris.The blurb and the label image listing the ingredients both come from the same retailer website.
I’m not really sure what the truth is.
I would tend to trust the ingredient label on the bottle, but since I’ve only seen the label online (I don’t physically have a bottle) and there isn’t a product name in the image with the ingredient list, it’s possible that the image was taken from the bottle of a different product.
Normally, I would check in at the product or company’s official website to clarify, but there is no website for Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster.
The site that I’m on now that “looks” like it is the Ogen Labs official site says PowerBodyProducts.com.
When I run a search for Ogen Labs, the only thing remotely credible that pops up is a link to them selling their T booster on Amazon.
In fact, I searched but could find no information at all indicating that a company called Ogen Labs even exists.
With one exception.
Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is often promoted as half of a stack, the other half being a pre workout supplement called Ogen Labs Nitro Blast.
But when I conducted a search for a product or company website for Nitro Blast, I came up empty just like I did for Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster.
Back To The Ad In Question
So at the beginning of this post we talked about that supposed “Mens Health” post, telling you that you’ll gain 3 – 4 inches in size from using their product.
Well, like I mentioned then, it’s a complete scam.
First off, if it was the REAL Mens HEalth website, then why does it say xvideos-bloggers dot com?
Also, if you’re still on that page, try clicking around on the links that say news, dating advice, products, etc.
If you’ve already closed the page out, check this out:
[vimeo 239139229 w=640 h=480]
That’s right, none of the links go anywhere.
In fact, they’re not even CLICKABLE!
The same thing goes for those fairly graphic comments at the bottom of the page.
You can’t like or add a comment, nor can you even upload an image (those of which there are a TON of dick pics).
All of these comments are completely fake.
Where to Buy It?
If you happen to still be interested in purchasing this Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, you can do so through Amazon.com.
A single bottle will last a month and costs $39.97. If you buy it together with Nitro Blast, the total will come to $69.94 for a small savings.
What About the Free Trial?
Originally, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster was available through a free trial offer you could find through several review websites.If you’re not familiar with these free trials yet, check out my comprehensive exposé: Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth
The general idea is this – You sign up and pay a small shipping charge (usually around $4.95) and they send you a 30 day supply.If you do nothing, in 14 days they’ll charge you full price for the bottle you’ve already received, and they’ll enroll you in their monthly autoshipping program where you’ll receive a new full price bottle each month.
Most of us are familiar with monthly autoship programs.
They can be a good thing when we’ve decided that the product is something we want to continue using.
But in the case of Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, it’s not all what it seems.
They only mention the autoship program in the very fine print and in the terms and conditions document.
Their hope is that most customers don’t even see it, so they don’t realized they’ll be charged for anything until it already happens.
I get emails every day from readers who’ve been scammed by these companies.
The Only Good News
Like I said, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster used to be available only by signing up for a free trial like I described above, but at this time, it seems they are no longer using this method of sales or marketing.
You can find plenty of links that look like they’ll take you to where you can sign up for the free trial:
But when you click through, you’re always taken to a completely different product, in most cases, it’s TestX Core by Phenom Health
So if you are interested in Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster, the good news is you don’t have to get involved with a potential free trial scam.
You can simply place a one-time order with Amazon for $39.97, which is at the low end of the scale for natural testosterone boosters.
Ogen Labs Reviews
Being sold on Amazon usually means there are Amazon reviews, and this product is no exception.At the time of this writing, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster has received 51 reviews, the majority of which come in at 5 stars.
It appears most customers are pleased with its performance, leaving reviews like this:
They are positive, but not particularly specific about why.
Then of course there are some negative reviews as well.
Just like the positive ones, the negative reviews don’t get into much detail either, just simply stating that it does not work.
In the end though, the positive reviews outweigh the negative ones by quite a bit.
Pros and Cons
- The ingredients are all natural.
- The price is reasonable.
- It’s available through Amazon.com
- Reviews are mainly positive.
- There is confusion about what ingredients are actually used in the formula.
- It used to be sold with a deceptive free trial scam.
It appears that has ended, but you’d be smart to stay aware of potential scams.
Ultimately, this product is not much different than dozens of the others we’ve looked at, tested, and written about.
The formula is pretty typical of this kind of product – not better or worse than all the rest.
The most promising thing about Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster is that it a significant number of its reviews from customers are positve.
For that reason, and the fact that it’s one of the cheaper options you’ll find on Amazon, I would say that if it looks and sounds good to you, go ahead and try it.
I don’t think it will blow you away; there are better choices.
But if price is your most determinative factor, Ogen Labs Testosterone Booster may just fit the bill as an inexpensive alternative.
Just make sure to avoid any free trial scams they may put in front of you, and be prepared to use the 60 day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work out for you.
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
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