Nutragentex Review – Free Trial Scam?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-5-2018

Nutragentex Overview
If you’ve spent much time looking for bodybuilding supplements online, you’ve probably come across the word “scam” more than a few times.
Reviewers will often refer to a product as a scam, and sometimes individual products will refer to each other of scams.
More than either of those scenarios, you’ll see a review questioning whether or not a product is a scam, then declaring that it’s an amazing product you must buy and offering a link where you can do so.
So what gives? Why all this talk about scams?
You known the old saying “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well in this case, it’s true.
There are definitely supplement scams, and if you know what to look for, they start to be pretty easy to spot.
Today, we’re looking at Nutragentex.
Benefits of Nutragentex
If you search for it online, you’ll find several websites devoted to reviewing just this one product.
They mostly say how amazing this supplement will make you feel.
They make vague references to bodybuilders using it. They say doctors recommend it.
They say it will make your muscles strong and ripped, your body lean and ready for action.
The key thing to notice about most of these reviews is that they’re all very vague.
Not much specific information, then a link offers you the opportunity to try Nutragentex for free.
Nutragentex Ingredients
When you follow that link, you’re taken to the official Nutragentex website where you’ll find more high praise about the benefits of this supplement.
Here’s where you find out it’s actually a post workout supplement.
But that causes more confusion than it clears up.
The bottle states it’s a testosterone booster but the website says post workout recovery.
What should you believe?
Well, it turns out Nutragentex isn’t really concerned with making sure you know what it is or how it works.
They just want to impress you with images of buff guys lifting weights and musculo-skeletal renderings of the perfect human form.
Even the section devoted to “The Science Behind Nutragentex Muscle Booster” doesn’t tell you what’s in the formula.
They use more vague language like “various pharmanutrients” and “anabolic potential” but never get around to actually telling you what’s in the formula.
Nutragentex Free Trial Scam
Here’s where the real scam lies.
Nutragentex may or may not help you with your workout efforts.
Without knowing what’s in it, we don’t really know.
But the way they present their “free trial offer” is definitely a scam.
They have you pay a small upfront shipping fee, and they send you a full one-month supply bottle.
Buried deep in the fine print where they’re betting nobody will go, they explain that buy signing up for the free trial, you’re agreeing to their ridiculous terms.
Your free trial period ends 14 days after you place your order.
At that time, unless you have called to cancel, they’ll charge you $69.99 for the “free” bottle you already have.On top of that, they sign you up for monthly shipments of Nutragentexfor that same ridiculous price, plus shipping.
I get emails all the time from guys who’ve been taken in by these free trial scams, and they always comment on how difficult it is to cancel, even if you can find a contact phone number or email.
They try to convince you to stay on at a lower price, and you can pretty much forget about getting a refund.
Most guys end up canceling their credit cards to get away from scams like these.
When a company has to stoop to fine print and deception to get repeat customers, they probably don’t offer a very effective product.
If Nutragentex disclosed its formula, offered a traditional money back guarantee, and had some verifiable customer feedback, we’d give it a try and report back.
But as a free trial scam product, Nutragentex loses us right out of the gate.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?'s a scam
Tried the supplement, didn't see any difference - started a diet and work-out regimen and this made no difference. Called the number on the invoice to cancel, and waited over an hour to connect...finally hung up the phone, cancelled my credit card so they could not recharge anything, and then they started calling me regularly. Never was available for the call and everntually they stopped. Don't waste your time!!!
28 out of 29 people found this review helpful.
Jeremy's Review
I did the trial and its a complete scam for sure they said trial period for shipping fee I did then I tryed to cancel and they said it had to be done before the 14 days ummm hello I did it like five days before they won't give back fl refund only half of it and to keep the product saying I received two bottles awwww no only one and was charge 136.10 for mine what a scam and bs if I may say so if your interested in this do not I repeat do not try or buy it don't work and is a waste of time
22 out of 23 people found this review helpful.
Dave's Review
SCAM. SCAM. Please do not order from this company. The company is not trustworthy and there customer service is a complete joke. Raised voice and customer is wrong no matter how right. Your 14 day trial starts right after they have your credit card number. They haven't even shipped it yet. Charged my account 94.00 US TWICE and sent two different products and I only ordered one. Came to 264.00 Canadian. My 14 days wasn't up yet and would not reimburse my account. Beware
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Dan's Review
This is clearly a scam. Luckily I realized immediately after clicking to pay. I called and they would not cancel my order. So I got dinged for two orders one for $10.50 and one for $10.47. I would have to send the product back at my expense to get them to cancel more bottles.... they can F... themselves. I cancelled my credit card, so they can send and bill me all they want.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
no increased drive
Tried this product while on a 1 month ski trip. Made no difference in leg strength or to sex drive , useless stuff.
They also keep shipping till you get them to stop and wont refund money.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
I went through the same process of ordering the free trial sample, but I immediately called after reading some reviews and cancelled on phone. They told me to return the sample in order for them to cancel the order. Just sent it back, but i also realized that they have taken an additional 130 Dollars off my credit card.
I would like to get my money back and not get my money taken from my card. What is the best way out of this? -Makini
You'll need to call them again and tell them that you had already called and canceled. It will help if you have the date and who you spoke with. You'll need to convince them you did call in order to get a refund. You should also call your credit card company and ask them not to accept any more charges from the company. It won't get your money back, but it will prevent you from getting charged any more.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
How much is one bottle of Nutragentex -Yhel
After the trial period, you will be charged $69.99.- Rob
7 out of 7 people found this question helpful.
I returned the product to the address they gave me like they said to do. Will they cancell my contract or is that a scam too -Gary
I recommend you give them a call as well, just to make sure they cancel your subscription.- Rob
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
I need Nutragentex. And what is total price with delivery? I am in dubai UAE. -Kausar
It's only available using the free trial offer (which is really a scam), and I was only able to find it shipping to Canada.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
How do I cancel my free trial of Nutragentex? -John
Here's their customer service phone number: 1-888-682-1138
You can also email them at Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
My opinion is that a company that has the level of integrity to hide the terms of their “free trial offer” is not trustworthy to supply a quality product.