Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1 Review – Yeah Right…
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 7-29-2014

I’m going to keep this review brief, mainly because I just got back from a bachelor party weekend and I’m tired as hell. The latest combo of supplements I’ve come across is promoting the use of Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1 as the latest and greatest supplement stack. As you will see in my review of Max Shred and Xtreme Antler, this stack is nothing more than a scam to separate you from your money. And your about to find out why…
What is Nitro Shred?
Nitro Shred appears to be a pre-workout supplement that is designed to help promote increased focus, sustained energy, and stronger lifts and pumps. They claim all of this happens through the use of a proprietary blend of ingredients including Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Niacin, and L-Arginine, as well as various others. Other then the niacin, I really don’t see any ingredients that will give you an increase in energy, or help to improve muscle growth or recovery.
Nitro Shred also claims to have the “fastest results”…but, it has the fastest results as compared to what? Other pre workout supplements? HGH releasers? And how are we REALLY supposed to know that, especially when they just have a one page website with very limited information about it? After digging around a bit, I noticed that it’s not available for sale in stores, and the only way you can buy it is via a free trial.
More on that later…Nitro Shred also claims to be side effect free, but that is nearly impossible. Anything you ingest in your body, even freakin’ water, can have a side effect. Of course, if you read through the so-called “reviews” of Nitro Shred, you’ll see dozens of websites popping up with names like,, and
You can’t make this S$^T up…
What is Prolexin IGF-1?
I actually have a complete review of Prolexin IGF-1 here, but to keep the story line going I will give you the quick and dirty details. Prolexin IGF-1 is an all natural hgh releaser that uses L-arginine and assorted vitamins and nutrients to supposedly help boost testosterone levels. While they don’t disclose the full ingredients list on their website, we know that IGF-1 is basically just deer antler velvet, which has been reportedly used by athletes and bodybuilders alike.(1)
They claim that their supplement will help you gain lean muscle, tone down your body fat, and cut recovery times in half. The biggest problem we have with their claim is, HGH releasers and Testosterone boosters are 2 mutually exclusive things. Meaning, an HGH releaser works one way, and a t-booster works another, and they don’t all do the same thing.
Just like with Nitro Shred, we are left hanging for information as to how it really works. There’s no FAQ page, no How It Works page, and certainly no doctors endorsing their supplement. It’s just a one page “used car salesman” page full of jacked guys lifting weights with their shirts off. They are not paid models….obviously.
So, Does Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1 REALLY Work?
If you haven’t read my post on Max Shred and Xtreme Antler, you need to do it now. And if you think Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1 really work, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya…at half price mind you (sorry for the corny joke, it’s late). These companies use false and misleading advertisements to lure unsuspecting customers into getting bilked out of their money. The promise is simple…you pay $4 or $5 for what you think is a free sample, when indeed you are getting signed up for what’s known collectively as a free trial, auto rebill program.
It works like this…you sign up to receive the supposed “sample”, input your credit card information to pay the modest shipping fee, and then 14 days after you ordered you are billed a whopping $87.53 for Prolexin IGF-1 and $79.97 for Nitro Shred. In addition, you are conveniently enrolled in their monthly auto-ship program, which continually sends you a fresh bottle of their supplements every month, and continually charge your credit card.
Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1 DOES NOT WORK. While I don’t know “The Rock” personally (it’d sure be cool if I did), I can say with 99.99999% certainty that he did not use these 2 supplements to get ready for his latest movie. No, my friends….this is a clever and crafty ploy to try to get you to hand over your credit card information, knowing that the vast majority of you will simply skip over the fine print and not even think twice.
If you want a body like a celebrity, you need to train like one. It takes a combined effort of diet, exercise, rest, and proper supplementation to REALLY get you to achieve the body you’ve been looking for.
Have You Used Nitro Shred and Prolexin IGF-1? Leave Your Review Below!
1. Deer Antler Velvet –
Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure
4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.
Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.
If you’re looking for a stim-free pre workout, add Transparent stim-free to your list!
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Shady company
I recently decided to give this product a try. 15 days later, I received the product but was charged the night prior for the next bill since I did not call in to cancel. I called to get the charges reversed and extend the trial but the customer service rep on the phone kept pushing the topic that she was sorry for the real late delivery and that no further charges would be billed next month. She kept avoiding the main reason for the call which was to reverse the charges and extend the trial period (FREE TRIAL). She stated that it was in the contract that i had to call to cancel BUT what is there to cancel if there is no product. So, basically I am stuck with a bottle of this Prolexin which now I don't even want to try....Don't do business with this company. Very shady. No integrity! Bad business.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
I see no reviwes of your "claim" if there were you might be credible.
Nitro shed. Prolexin
I ordered and took nitro shed/ prolix in fo 2 months. I was working out hard and felt fine. After 2 months my blood pressure shot up sending me to dr office and eventually the ER. I am a healthy, active man with low BP. I threw away my remains of my last bottles and my BP has dropped back to its normal levels. This product is dangerous. Do not try it if you are over 50.
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I want to cancel this but they don’t respond to the email or the contact numbers listed. I am very poor to be going through this please help.
I can’t cancel my credit card because I have so many charges from them and don’t have the money. Please for the love of god help.
The first thing you should do is call your credit card company and tell them you don’t want to accept any further charges from these companies. this won’t help with the charges already there, but it will prevent any more from showing up. Then, if you want refunds for the charges you’ve already have, you’ll have to get in touch with the companies somehow.
They may or may not help you, but it’s really the only chance you have of getting a refund. Their numbers should be on your credit card bill.
Make sure you call during regular business hours. You’ll have a better chance of catching them answering the phone.
Run away from this scam!
I cancelled and they still are taking money from my acct. and sending prolexin and now other stuff too. I already cancelled my card in case prolexin does it again.
Nah, that’s just the shipper. Unfortunately, I think filing a complaint against them with the BBB aint gonna happen. What happens is this…companies like Prolexin IGF-1 setup umbrella companies in non-extradition treaty countries like Panama, Venezuela, etc. Once they are done scamming people out of alot of money, they end up getting rid of the prolexin igf-1 brand, and then start a whole new product and call if “Projexin IGF-1” or some other name, slap a new label on it, and rinse and repeat the scam.
The best thing you can do is to completely avoid ordering it, and tell as many people as possible to read a review like mine to learn how to protect themselves.
I can relate I have a shoe box half full of Prolexin IGF-1 as well as Nitro Shred.
I researched and a link on the website brought me to a new website of Products (Anadroxin,D-bol etc) talk to some non-American in the UK. Till this day I haven’t taken any of the product after just a couple of capsules of the Nitro Shred.
The contact info I have is: Nitro Shred Phone: 800-601-3588, Email:, with Hours of Operation: 9am – 6pm EST. For Prolexin IGF-1, it’s Phone: 1 (877) 298-6856, Email:, with Hours of Operation: M-F, 9am-6pm EST. If you can’t get through with these, then I suggest you call your bank and tell them not to accept any further charges from these companies. Best of luck, man.
Then once you input your credit card number for the shipping, they keep you on auto-ship. When you call to cancel, they give you the run around and make it difficult for you to cancel their products.
Prolexin claims to always have phone/audio troubles. N-Shred has an auto-generated messaged saying call them after the Holdiays…WHEN IT ISN’T A HOLIDAY!!!
They are just avoiding the call, because most people are calling to cancel. I’ve now gone through my bank to stop the charges.
I wouldn’t give this product a half of star, but unfortunately I’m required to rate something. So my rating is – SCAM SCAM SCAM!!!
They didn’t ship me another bottle and charged me 14 days after the trial arrived at my door. What should I say to get my money back, because they didn’t even ship me my second order and I canceled with them.
After they said they would knock my price down to 37.97 every month, but then charge me 79.97 two days after that phone call what the heck should I do?
I would call your credit card to make sure they don’t accept anymore charges from these guys. As for how to get your back, I’m not sure what you can say.
It sounds like they charged you the $79.97 for the trial bottle and that’s why they’re not refunding your money. And if you agreed to a $37.97 monthly charge, then you haven’t canceled future payments, so you’ll want to make sure you tell them you don’t want any more shipments or payments.
I cant find the link back to their site and i am not happy.
thank you
Here’s what I found: The contact info for Nitro Shred is Phone: 800-601-3588, Email:, with Hours of Operation: 9am – 6pm EST. For Prolexin IGF-1, it’s Phone: 1 (877) 298-6856, Email:, with Hours of Operation: M-F, 9am-6pm EST. Best of luck!
So you are saying that to acquire the body of a celebrity or bodybuilder in short time you need the right diet, exercise and supplementation.
I am 164lbs right now and I would like to get more muscle and bigger but dont gain body fat. 175 or 180 would be my ideal weight.
Is it possible? And what techniques, diets and supplementation should I use to get to my goal.
That’s right, you’ll get your best results from a combination of the right diet, workouts, and supplementation. For your needs, I recommend you sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’ll help out a ton with the diet and workout components, and I’ve also included some bonuses to help keep you on track and headed the right direction. As for supplements, if you don’t want to use the CrazyMass Bulking and Cutting Stacks, go with Nitrocut, Muscle Advance Creatine, and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein.
I recently was suckered into ordering Nitro Shred and now after reading going to return. I eat right and workout, gaining muscle mass is not my problem its losing fat…what can I do or take to help in that area?
Check out Instant Knockout. It’s a powerful fat burner that should help you reach your goals more quickly. Nitrocut is a great non-stimulant pre workout that works great in combination with the Instant Knockout.
They may say you have to call them back after you get the product, get a return authorization number from them, and send it back. I’m really not sure.
Some companies let you cancel on the spot. Others make you return the product.
It all depends on what they tell you when you call.
Like do these products have any benefit at all?
You’ll most likely get some benefit from taking them, it just won’t be worth anywhere near what they’re asking you to pay.
If I like it then I’ll order some more.
Yep, that’s the best time to call and cancel. They may try to convince you to try for longer, but stand firm.
The contact info for Nitro Shred is Phone: 800-601-3588, Email:, with Hours of Operation: 9am – 6pm EST. For Prolexin IGF-1, it’s Phone: 1 (877) 298-6856, Email:, with Hours of Operation: M-F, 9am-6pm EST. Make sure you call within 14 days from the day you placed your order, and you should be fine.
The contact info I have is the same as what you have. I tried to find them on the internet and came up empty.
They must have closed up shop and skipped town. Your next step would be to call your credit card company and make sure they don’t accept any more charges from these guys.
The Terms and Conditions doesn’t specify, so I would say it doesn’t matter. What it does say, though, is that you have to call and cancel within 14 days, and the return has to arrive at their fulfillment center within 30 days of placing your order.
So make sure you follow those guidelines.
Each company has different rules, and in my experience, the rules sometimes change even within companies depending on who you talk to when you call. When you cancel, ask whether or not they need you to return the products in order not to be charged for the free trial.
You probably don’t have to go through that hassle. I would the companies first, as soon as you get the two products.
Sometimes, things will go perfectly smoothly and they’ll cancel you straight away.
No problem, here’s the address I found on their website:
Nitro Shred Returns Department
PO Box 9381
Canoga Park, CA 91309
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Glad you found us in time!
Yes, the trial starts on the day you place your order, but it sounds like you canceled in time. If you return the bottle, I don’t think you’ll get any more charges.
I don’t know for sure. It wouldn’t surprise me if they changed their packaging, but I don’t have any knowledge of that.
Just make sure you call to cancel your trial before the 14 days are up.
How do I get a hold of them?
The contact I got from the website is: Email: and Customer Service phone: 1 (877) 298-6856. Hope that helps.
What supplements would you recommend to achieve similar results?
Great question. Go with a stack called the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It contains a testosterone booster as well as 3 other supplements designed to pack on lean muscle and shred fat. Alternatively, you can check out a stack of a Nitrocut as your pre workout, along with a good quality HGH releaser like HyperGH 14X. I’d also recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s full of great tips and advice about how to get in great shape.
Just to get a heads up.
You have 14 days from Thursday August 15th to cancel without incurring further charges. If you don’t want to keep getting monthly charges, call the companies within that time frame and tell them you’re not interested.
I feel great, I mean it’s pricey but owell. I do feel a boost when lifting g at max and while I don’t see major result right now I do see some and expect it only to get better.
Every product works different for people, even the most proven supplements DONT work for everyone. This product does work, at least for me and I’m satisfied.
Not going to say it’s the best out there, because I’m new to the supplement world, I will say, my body while it wasn’t horrible before, I’ve cut up pretty good. For me basically, I workout one hour and get about 2.5 hour results. I take the pills before and prolexin right after.
And then later that night prolexin again. Only down fall is you have to drink lots of water, it sweats off but when I don’t drink enough, I get dizzy as hell.
Anyway, not trying to win anyone iver, just saying it’s getting the jo. Done for me.
I’m not “the rock” lol but I look good being me and these supplements are helping.
After I am finished with the nitro shred product, how will my testosterone levels react? I don’t want to continue to have to take this product.
Maybe you could help me out?
You can go ahead and take it without worrying about your testosterone levels. If it has any effect at all, it will be subtle and it will increase your natural production, not decrease it.
So while I would not recommend it as your best, most affordable option, using it should be okay.
I looked at my online banking and I still had the same amount of money I’ve had before trying to buy the Prolexin. You think I’m in danger of losing any money at all?
I really can’t tell. It sounds like there’s a chance you’re order didn’t go through.
If it did, you’ll see the shipping charge come out of your account. You may want to call the company to be safe, though.
Like I said, I can’t know for certain.
I argued with them for 20 min telling them its not magic and then can stop an order that hasnt shipped yet people do it all the time. By the end the guy canceled my account and told me to keep the bottle for free and I would not be charged more than the $5 I paid for shipping.
Is this real. It sounds way to good to be true, plus he didnt give me a return order number.
I don’t know for sure, but I suppose it could be. I would call again before the 14 days are up just to make sure when you still have enough time to do something about it.
That’s what I expected would happen. Make sure you call them on the 23rd. Actually I would call on the 22nd just to be sure.
Go ahead and give the supplements a try. You’ll probably get some benefit from them, just not much.
Your best bet is to wait till the supplements arrive, then call the companies and tell them you want to cancel. But since it was only yesterday, you can try calling them right away and see if they can stop the shipment.
The number for Nitro Shred is 1-800-601-3588. For Prolexin IGF-1, it’s 1-800-298-6856.
I would be surprised if you can cancel it this soon, but it’s worth a try.
There is, but you have to call them before the 14 day trial period is over, and remember that the trial starts the day you order it. Sometimes, if you call within the time frame, they’ll let you extend your trial, but you will have to call and ask.
Some things just have to be worked for and I dont see a bottle giving anyone instant great health and and fitness.
Very true, I preach this very same thing throughout my blog. Diet and exercise is key, but supplements CAN and WILL give you faster results, of course using the right ones.