Muscle Revolution Pro Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob Miller
We come across all sorts of pre and post workout supplements here at, and the latest one was actually a request from one of our visitors called Muscle Revolution Pro. This supposed “celebrity muscle supplement” has been touted to be effective with a wide variety of other supplements, including anoradrol and a host of others. But is this supplement really some “secret” muscle building formula that will get you lean, ripped, and in shape quick? Likely not, and here is why…
What is Muscle Revolution Pro?
The official Muscle Revolution Pro website states that you will get “30% more muscle growth in up to 30 days” by taking their supplement, which sounds pretty intriguing. I mean, who doesn’t want a supplement that can build that kind of lean muscle mass that quickly? They go on to list some of the other benefits such as extreme pumps, mental focus, energy, and workout intensity, and even reduce post workout fatigue by as much as 30%.
There’s plenty of pictures of big, ripped dudes that are obviously paid models, but lack any real customer reviews or testimonials. My favorite claim is that Muscle Revolution pro “produces protein”. Yep, it says it right there in the comparison chart of their product, muscle milk, NO Xplode, and Gold Standard whey protein. I’m here to tell you that, categorically, there is NO chance that your body can produce protein. The body breaks down protein for the purposes of energy and muscle growth/repair, but it WILL NOT produce protein. So, unless Muscle Revolution Pro contains protein in it, it will not produce protein.
Any Ingredients/Side Effects With Muscle Revolution Pro?
Which leads us to another question, what are the ingredients in Muscle Revolution Pro? Surely if it is such a good product than they must have a list of the ingredients? Nope. The ingredients, like the original Coca Cola formula, are a coveted secret, and are undoubtedly protected in the national archives somewhere…You should also realize that, since we don’t know what the ingredients are, their is practically no way to tell if Muscle Revolution Pro has any side effects in it.
So How Can I Buy Muscle Revolution Pro?
That’s a great question, and I’m glad you asked it. From what we can tell, you can’t find Muscle Revolution Proin any supplement stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, CVS, etc. But wait, I do see that they have a free sample/trial?! Why would you want to pay for it when you can get it free? Just put in your credit card number to pay for the shipping, and you’ll be looking like Brad Pitt in fight club in like 2 weeks (btw, you won’t have to workout either).
So I put my credit card info in on the Muscle Revolution Pro order page, and just as I’m about to click the “order now” button, I see this: By placing an order today, you will be shipped a 30-day supply of Muscle Revolution Pro.
All you pay is $4.95 for shipping and handling.After 14 days, you will automatically be enrolled in the auto-shipment program and charged the full price of $89.95.
If you do not wish to enroll in our auto-shipment program, please call our Customer Care Department at 1-877-866-9675 within your 14-day trial period to cancel your account. If you wish to be enrolled in our auto-shipment program, do nothing.We will ship out your monthly supply every thirty days from the day you are enrolled in the auto-shipment program and thereafter for a price $89.95 and a shipping and handling charge of $4.95.
Whoa…that was close. Yes my friends, this is what is called an auto-rebill offer, and essentially what it means is you’ll only pay $4 or $5 for the shipping, but then they slam your credit card with the full retail price of the product 14 days later. Then, as if to add insult to injury, they keep charging your card every 30 days and ship you a new bottle until you cancel (which, by the way, can be extremely difficult to do).
Run. Run as fast as you can in the other direction if you come across Muscle Revolution Pro, or any other products that some blog thinks you should pair it with. Not only will you save the time and hassle of fighting to get your money back or cancel further shipments, but you will likely gain more lean muscle with grilled chicken and a baked sweet potato then you ever would with their supplement. And with far better options out there that won’t steal your hard earned money, it’s not worth the risk.
Have You Used Muscle Revolution Pro? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Questions and Answers
MRP MusscleRevolutionPro 877-2876992
visa entry 28/3/17
I have a visa deduction for $144.63 for your product
I dont know how this come about but I donnot want your product Could you please cancel this order and refund me my money
Thanks Jeff Jorgensen -Jeff is a review website. We don't sell and have no affiliation with Muscle Revolution Pro. You should be able to contact them at the number on the credit card transaction 1-877-287-6992 to discuss your billing.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Can u please cancell my proscription with u guys as it does not work cheers David peters -David is a review website. We don't sell and have no affiliation with Muscle Revolution Pro. You'll need to contact them directly. I believe their customer service number is 1-877-287-6992.- Rob is a review website. We have no affiliation with Muscle Revolution Pro.
In fact, we recommend against buying it. You’ll have to contact them directly.
Their customer service number is 1-877-866-9675.
We are a review site and don’t sell supplements, so I can assure you, you didn’t order anything from us. But I’ve found the contact information for the company you need to get in touch with. It’s:
Phone: 1-877-287-6992
Available: Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm MST
I will writhe on face book in Denmark that you are á scams company. Give him his money back or I will go to the police
We are a review site, we don’t sell supplements, and we don’t recommend that you sign up for free trial products. To cancel payments and shipments, you’ll have to talk to the company you made the purchase from. I took the liberty of looking up Muscle Revolution Pro’s contact information for you. It’s
Phone: 1-877-287-6992
Available: Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm MST
I called, and cancelled my subscription. The customer rep said that it was cancelled, and that I would not be billed anymore.
But they are continuing to charge me $90/month. This shit is a fucking scam.
Should I call them or what do you recommend?
Yeah if you want to cancel I recommend calling the number they gave you.
Please help me. I beg of you.
The only contact information I could find on the company’s website is a contact form for you to fill out and send in. I wasn’t able to find any phone numbers at all.
If you can’t find a way to contact them, talk to your credit card company and see how they can help you out.
I recievied a phone call from the company asking for my credit card info. I’m so happy I checked here first.