MojoMagnum Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob Miller
MojoMagnum Overview
There are literally over 145 different male enhancement products on the market, and each one promises basically the same thing. Instead of taking some supposedly dangerous pharmaceutical product like the Big V, it is much safer to take an over the counter all natural supplement. Take MojoMagnum for instance, which was recently released by a company located in Alpine, California. The company claims that you will see results in 29 days or less, and is backed by a 30 day guarantee. But what’s the catch here? Read our review to learn more about the ingredients, side effects, reviews and results, and find out if MojoMagnum is a scam.
What is Mojo Magnum?
Like most other male enhancement supplements, Mojo Magnum promises to get you bigger, and help you last longer, all with the benefits of using all natural herbs and extracts. The apparent benefits of using this product are an increase in libido, stamina, and circulation, giving you an enhanced erection during sex. The obvious appeal to this is that you will have more confidence with women, and won’t feel embarrassed that you cannot perform during your next sexual encounter.
Ingredients in MojoMagnum (Update! 1/6/2012)
Previously, the makers of Mojo Magnum did not disclose their ingredient list, which posed a big problem for us. After looking over their main website, however, it appears that they have had a change of heart and decided to list what was actually in their product. Without further adieu, the ingredients in Mojomagnum are:
- Niacin
- Zinc
- Maca
- Catuaba Bark
- L-Arginine
- Ginseng
- Ginger Root
- Cayenne Pepper
- Boron Citrate
- Orchic Substance
- and Tribulus
It is important to note that many of these ingredients are very popular in a number of aphrodisiacs and male enhancement supplements, and some produce some minor side effects. Definitely make sure you check with your doctor or at the very least look into the ingredients yourself to see if you allergic to any of them.
Pros of Mojo Magnum
- All Natural Ingredients
- 30 Day Guarantee
- No Pumps, Weights, or Surgery
Con’s of Mojo Magnum
- No Doctor Testimonials
- No Clinical Trials
- No Positive Customer Reviews From Independent Sites
- Free Trial Not So Free – Read Below
- No Before and After Photos From Customers
Free Trial of Mojo Magnum
Right now, the company that manufactures Mojo Magnum is promoting their product by offering a free trial. The trial last for 18 days from the time you order, and involves a small shipping and handling charge, which is non refundable. One thing you should be keenly aware of is the fact that after you trial period is up, you will be automatically enrolled in an auto-shipment program, and they will send you the product every 30 days. On top of this they will bill the credit card on file $89.95 for this auto shipment, so if this is something you do not want, you need to be sure to cancel your order before the trial period is up.
We have seen dozens of male enhancement supplements similar to MojoMagnum being promoted on a wide variety of sites, and they tend to disappear after many consumers realize that it is not working. The truth is, many of these companies are setup almost specifically to bilk you out of your money for about 6 months, and then they repackage the same crap in a different bottle with a different name. Arm yourself with the knowledge that products like Mojo Magnum don’t give you the opportunity to try their product without getting billed in the future, don’t provide any good contact information, and don’t have any clinical data to support their claims, are probably lying to you.
Have You Used MojoMagnum? Leave Your Review Below!
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